#this went in a completely different direction than intended
rollercoasterwords · 2 years
12. you were drinking sangria and i was throwing oranges at you.
this one sounds amazingly chaotic :)
that does sound chaotic! i have made it. r/s lie-low-at-lupin's era canon-compliant <3
this prompt list
you were drinking sangria and i was throwing oranges at you
"it was sangria," remus says, making tea the muggle way, "definitely sangria."
"are you sure?" sirius wrinkles his nose, "i thought--wine..."
"no, sangria. you made fun of marlene for bringing it, remember?"
"oh." sirius sits, lets his smile calcify. no. he reaches for the memory, whatever scraps he can get, a dog under the dinner table. it's like wading through quicksand these days, spending any time at all inside his own head.
he really thought it was wine.
remus putters around the kitchen, opening drawers and cabinets, never once reaching for his wand. sirius wonders how long he's been living like this, shut away in his childhood home with all his mum's muggle kitchen appliances. hope lupin died four years ago. sirius can remember that, because he learned it after azkaban. because his mind still works, and his memory's still there, and it's just that there's twelve years of quicksand to wade through if he wants anything before 1993. and it's not 1993 anymore, because now it's 1995. sirius knows. remus told him. the newspapers all confirm that it's true. and if he could work out how to ask about his birthday, he'd even know how old he is. thirty-five, he thinks. maybe thirty-six.
he wants to ask if remus has been alone in this house all that time (four years and it's 1995 so hope lupin died in 1991 so has he been here? alone? all that time? since 1991?) but he's afraid to know the answer. doesn't know which would hurt more--a no or a yes.
there were two toothbrushes on the sink, when sirius arrived. remus threw one of them in the bin. like a muggle. why not vanish it? maybe it was his mum's. (who died in 1991).
right. so it was sangria.
"we should contact her," sirius says. his hair is getting greasy. he needs a shower.
the sound of the shower is a rush. a hiss. not a crash. not waves on stone. and it's--well, it's water. it would be water. on his skin. no getting around that. maybe he can turn into padfoot. if his fur is clean, does that count? would his hair still be the same when he changed back?
"marlene," he says. and then, "mckinnon." he remembers these things. these people. their names. so she brought sangria, not wine--okay. who cares? sirius still remembers her name.
remus hesitates, two mugs in his hands, and gets that horrible crumpled-paper look on his face. like someone is crunching all his features in their fist. pitying. that's the word for it. fucking pity. if remus ever looked at him this way before, sirius doesn't remember it.
"sirius, she..."
he's frantic, diving into quicksand. marlene mckinnon, marlene mckinnon. she's dead, obviously. no other reason remus would have that look on his face. fuck. people aren't supposed to just forget things like that.
but what else was he meant to do? what else? sirius would love it if someone could fucking tell him. head so full of death and grief that the only way to keep the dementors at bay is to become a moth inside your own brain, eating holes through your own fucking hippocampus. be a dog, be a dog, be a dog. twelve years of forgetting. and now remus looks at him like that. and now he's under the table, begging for scraps.
two toothbrushes, and his mum died in 1991. fuck.
"right," sirius mutters, before remus can say anything else, "sorry. just...forgot for a minute."
he picks at a hangnail. he's going to make it bleed, and he's not going to flinch. that's his new party trick--not flinching. remus is still hovering, like a ghost with mugs for hands. merlin, it's like he forgets that magic exists. just levitate them. just set them down. just point your fucking wand at the kettle to heat it. just stop being such a muggle. he's such a fucking muggle now. why? whose toothbrush was that, on the sink?
"right," remus says. he licks his lips. they are the exact same shape that they have always been. sirius remembers their shape. it's one of the things he couldn't forget.
remus goes back to making tea, the muggle way, and the way he's not-looking is just as bad as the looking. the stiffness of his shoulders, the jerky movements of his hands. like they are two strangers in a kitchen. twelve years of dementors, and still, sirius never imagined anything that could hurt like this.
"oranges," he says, suddenly, canines sinking into another scrap of memory. remus glances at him, nose wrinkled--but there's a spark now, in his eyes. the promise of a smile in the curl of his lips.
sirius's heart is a firework. yes, he thinks, like a man striking gold, yes. that's it. he remembers. there's still some of him left in himself. they can still be those people they were.
"oranges," he says, again, "i was throwing them at you."
remus laughs.
remus laughs.
fuck the toothbrush on the sink. fuck the bin and the muggle teakettle and the shower and the hangnail. sirius is going to die right here, right now, at this kitchen table. he's smiling so hard that it hurts.
"at your head!" he says.
"you were."
"because i wanted your attention!"
"you did."
the laughter has faded, now, and remus is leaning against the countertop, mugs abandoned, lovely hands fidgeting with the hem of his jumper. lovely, lovely hands.
sirius narrows his eyes. "and you were being a prat," he says.
that smirk. fuck's sake, that smirk. it could make a man swallow the ocean. remus's eyes light up with new colours.
"i was," he says.
sirius reminds himself how to breathe. remus's voice is different, now. rougher around the edges--chain-smoking bastard. and his sandy hair is shot through with gray, like the moonlight on the beach. and those wrinkles, around his eyes--those are new. sirius would have remembered those, certainly. they're turning his stomach into confetti.
okay, so they're not the people they were. so it was sangria, not wine. so there's a toothbrush in the bin--so what.
so fucking what.
it's 1995, and they're in a kitchen, and they're not strangers. how could they ever be strangers?
"i wanted to kiss you," sirius said, and he doesn't have to try, for that one. doesn't have to wade through quicksand to remember. just has to look across the kitchen, at this man with the moon in his hair and the stars in his eyes.
it all comes back, so easily.
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worldsewage · 7 months
Hehe may I ask about evil Callie?
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(The evil/brainwashed) Callie here functions a bit differently… as I also use her to explore what exactly mud mouths are… and the octarian’s relationship with their ally, Salmonids…
Explanation under the cut. 🚧
Due to constrained relations between them and the other main dominating species— (salmonid/octarian vs inklings)— most Inklings, namely younger generations, are more desperate to fix and mend the relationship.
(There is plenty more to this! But I don’t want to make this come across as far more convoluted than it needs to be, so here have this for now:📒)
Octavio contacted Callie directly, albeit in secret, telling her that he has plans that would be a step forward in ending the tension between the Inklings and Octarian-Salmonid groups. What he had introduced was a new type of “ink” that would make their species “salmonid friendly”, and he wanted Callie to be the one to be the first public appearance with this new Ink in hopes to reach a wider audience…
Most of that isn’t true— but to Callie— who is a direct descendant of a war leader, was raised as an agent, and lives in a fairly dangerous city zone that floods, that sounded like a better step towards a better life, and she went for it.
This ink is known as MUD— and this “ink” isn’t technically ink at all, as mentioned in a previous post, most inks are a synthetic toxic poison, designed for warfare, but this ink on the contrary, wasn't designed by Inkfish, it was designed by Salmonids.
MUD is a slimy corrosive ink designed to rival Inkfish’s ink, namely in salmon runs and Ink Wasted territories, one that blends into the grounds and spreads out quickly and efficiently much like Inkfish ink, but one that corrodes Inklings by absorbing into them, and leaves salmonids completely safe from any burning effects.
The Octarian were the ones tasked with creating this new bio-weapon, as an added benefit being it would not affect their species, (they would be safe from it regardless, considering Salmon-Runs are an Inkling exclusive event, and Octolings were surprised when they learned about them.)
They tried different methods of testing it, and ultimately, the project failed— Mud uses both Salmonid and Inkling DNA in its creation, and when Mud was being developed, it melted Salmonids like Ink typically does due to its hyper-corrosive nature, but because it carried Inkling + Salmonid DNA, the salmonid’s skin would attempt to mimic the properties of inklings and constantly try to reconstruct itself into the “swim” form, which made Salmonids a walking (or rather, squirming) sludge, these monsters became known as MUDMOUTHS, and are not truly considered alive, since they run exclusively on the Running Instinct that exists in Salmonid DNA.
And in turn, when the ink was absorbed into Inklings— the previously noted “running instinct” would have an almost Kraken-Esque affect on inklings before corroding and splatting them.
The running instinct would work as intended, everything they eat immediately converts to growth in preparation for an arduous journey, they’re extremely aggressive, and they have a desire to return to the salmonid birthplace.
Mud would splat inklings upon prolonged contact, but Inklings who were test subjects for mud were slowly injected with Mud over a course of time. These subjects were disoriented and had a sort of “positive” aggressive attitude that didn’t falter even in the face of family or friends.
They are easy to persuade and it’s unclear if this is due to the pain of getting the ink-content in their bodies replaced by this synthetic fake-ink, or if the running instinct muddles their thoughts. It’s probably a healthy mix of both.
Dj Octavio, kept Callie by his side, since in her current state her mind would be too fogged up to dispute or make sense of what he’s making her do.
He planned on using Callie to stir up trouble in Inkopolis solely for the sake of rising tension. Octavio is constantly searching for reasons to make Inkling’s an enemy in the eyes of everyone who sees them, and painting Callie— a well known public figure; a known descendant of Captain Cuttlefish— as vicious would do wonders for allowing most people to view the Octarian as a force that would more desirably be backed up, it would reinforce their armies. And make them overall stronger if people felt they had reason to target Inklings.
He didn’t get this far due to Agent Four’s interference.
But, he got to accomplish many theft missions using Callie— which included robbing Inkopolis of some of the Zapfish Generators, which are giant machines that are powered thanks to the Zapfish, and thanks to the Zap-Ink— ⤵️
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(Above image is from here) — Octavio was able to use said generators to restore power to many of the war-affected bio-domes that have been obsolete for decades, WITHOUT the need for a Zapfish.
But his reasoning can still be dumbed down to a petty move on Octavio’s part— who despite having a safer ground in the domes due to a good trade relationship with Salmonids and a vast space away from water— he still feels bitter about losing the remaining lands. And because of this the Octarian are plenty more war driven, and they are more likely to easily fall to the fervor of these schemes and battles.
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kaeraesketches · 9 months
✨Well. This one went in a completely different direction than intended and I’m not sad about it! Have a posh, proper, stylish Azi! Yet another example of “a quick sketch” gone haywire. Shocker. 😆
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
An Unwanted Promotion
Two Yandere Male Alphas X Male Reader Beta (CW: Noncon, over stimulation, face fucking, choking on cock, tongue fucking, ass eaten like it’s groceries, stalking, kidnapping, musk, scent marking, a/b/o dynamics, big alpha cocks with big alpha knots, threesome, male reader, aftercare, general yandere behavior, reader adopts a child) Word Count: 6k (This was a request from back when those were still open and I have been steadily working on it all week, this is my longest fic and I used it to practice longer/different smut scenes and also my dialogue so it turned out much longer than intended. I REALLY hope you all enjoy this.)
   Eli and Ian had known each other since high school, not only were they natural competitors since they were both alphas but their family businesses were also in direct competition with one another, both selling supplies for alphas and omegas, which only served to fuel their bitter drive to best one another.
 Everything was a competition to them. They competed in class, they competed in sports, they even competed in making the omegas, and the occasional beta or even alpha, fall for them.
 When they finally graduated high school and later college they became the heads of their families' companies and the business competition became much fiercer. These were two young alphas in their prime who had been vying for dominance for most of their lives, so of course their tactics in the corporate realm would be cutthroat.
 But at some point there was a retailer with a large custom order requiring both businesses to come together to fill it. They butted heads but all the tension, and begrudgingly held respect they had for one another, led to them slowly falling in love.
 Eventually they married and merged their two companies into one to dominate the market.
 You worked at this company, as a general assistant to all the employees in a division of sales that the two alphas directly oversaw. You mostly moved paperwork between other employees, fetched food and drink orders, tidied up here and there, and even occasionally took care of phone calls when Barb, the secretary, was unavailable.
 It was more than a bit tiring, especially for someone of your short stature, flitting from one person to the next, completing any odd task that didn't suit anyone else, but you did it without complaint. You really needed this job since you were single and in the middle of the process of adopting a young child.
 After only a few weeks of working there Eli and Ian started taking note of you. They first notice your willingness to serve in you execution of your tasks, so detail oriented and happy to please. And, of course being alphas, the other thing they noticed about you was your sweet delicious scent, like peaches and cream.
 Since you were a beta your scent was not as pronounced as an alpha's or an omega's would be, but you still had a natural smell and it was one that just so happened to entice both Ian and Eli quite a lot, and they had been looking for a third and final partner, one that would be a good buffer and much more submissive.
 Whenever you were in their presence to do tasks, which seemed more and more often as time went on, they always did little dominance displays to try and make you swoon.
 The way they talked changed, they would stare at you intensely, almost hungrily, they might flex subtly, the scent of their musk would get stronger, even strong enough to be perceived by a beta, and they would try to carry stuff for you if you were carrying food trays or stacks of paper.
 All of this would be obvious flirting had you been an omega or alpha who knew this kinda stuff instinctively, but alas, you were a beta. The intense stares of their red alpha eyes, the flexing of their tall muscular bodies, and their amplified scent only served to intimidate you. And when they took heavier things from your grasp and did your tasks for you it made you feel like they thought you were incapable of doing your job.
 It all made you more servile and submissive in your job in an attempt to do better and escape the perceived ire of your bosses, but that only made the alpha husbands want you all the more. They stepped up their flirting to be much more clear.
 They began putting musky, quite thoroughly scented, articles of clothing and other items in your work locker. First plushies, then worn shirts, and then they began resorting to underwear.
 Had you been an omega you would have taken those items as prime nesting material and a clear sign that someone was interested in making you their little cumdump and knot warmer.
 As it was, your nose was not perceptive enough to determine who was doing this and you assumed it to be some sort of weird prank or even a gross hazing ritual of some sort.
 It never occurred to Ian or Eli that you were unaware of their intentions, they were romancing you like any alpha would romance a tiny cute mate. Like an omega. Neither of them had never really consciously attempted to get the attention of a beta before. So they kept courting you in the only way they knew how and assumed that you were just playing hard to get.
 As they became more desperate to have you in every possible way they became jealous of the way you brought others in the department food, drinks, and did other tasks for them relevant to the nature of your job. They wanted you to just have all your attention on them.
 As far as they were concerned you were far too tiny and sweet to just be ran ragged all day as your co-workers worked you to death, you were even smaller than most omegas, you should be stuck in their office with them all day to dote on you, sitting on their laps, livening up the place with your scent, and just keeping them company.
 Of course that would be too distracting for a productive place of business, so they did the next best thing to at least get your attention off of doing tasks for the other employees, they promoted you to being their personal assistant.
 It made you pretty anxious at first, but slowly you became acclimated to their seemingly bizarre behavior around you, though the intense stares were something you never really got used to. Mostly you were just confused, you had never gotten the sense that they were particularly fond of you. They must have been though, right? Why else would they have promoted you to a position that forced you to be near them for the vast majority of the day and came with a significant pay raise.
 But you had more important things on your mind than the peculiar behavior of alphas. With your new pay raise you could finally make enough to scale back your hours and still have enough for the adoption to go through.
 You had decided that you would be able to afford daycare during the first half of the day and then pick up your child and spend more time from home, maybe you could pick up a stay at home job too if you really needed to.
 Ian and Eli were not happy with you cutting your hours, but they didn't show it. They did not want to have less time with you but they also did not want you quitting and being away from them completely. They considered you their perfect little mate, even if you hadn't realized it yet.
 They were pretty terrified though, no adult scent clung to you like a mate's would, but what if you did have a mate and just cleaned really well before work. If you somehow were concealing a mate they would just have to prove how much better they were for you than whoever this mystery mate was.
 And if you didn't have a mate then adopting a child just proved you had the parenting instincts of an omega and needed an alpha, or two, immediately. A sweet thing like you already worked too hard and you had no business working yourself sick to support a child all by yourself!!
 It was absolutely unacceptable. No matter what the situation was YOU should be with THEM, preferably stowed away in their large home making a nice nest out of their clothing to keep you happy and comfy.
 They began carefully having you followed, as well as carefully stalking you themselves when they could manage it. The alpha husbands learned the daycare you took your new son to, they learned he was 4 years old and named Desmond, they learned every little detail about him and you that they had not known previously.
 Most importantly, they learned your schedule. and once they were absolutely sure of it they started planning.
 You had never been aware of them or any of their agents following you. They were too professional and you were too occupied with all the new stresses that came with juggling work and being a single parent.
 It wasn't easy, it was exhausting, but you had no regrets at all. You did not want to wait for some mythical man to sweep you off your feet to start being a parent. And if things went badly you didn't want to deal with a custody battle. Besides, Desmond was absolutely precious and giving him a better life than an orphanage ever could gave new purpose to your existence.
 One night, after getting Desmond washed up and put into bed, you nestled into your own bed and quickly drifted off to sleep, unaware of the two sets of eyes watching you.  When you woke up you had a massive migraine, you were dizzy, and you started to just nuzzle yourself right back into the luxuriously soft covers… until through the brain fog and headache you remembered that you did not own any covers this nice. This… wasn’t even your own bed… or your own HOUSE for that matter!!! Oh god, where was Desmond!?  Despite your head pain and dizziness you bolted upright in panic but someone you had not even noticed before grabbed you by the arm and pulled you close to them. You recognized the voice instantly when they spoke.  “Whoa there, (Y/N) you need to be a bit more careful. We used something special to sedate you, you don’t need to get up so fast darling~” The voice behind you came from Ian, he kissed your neck as he held you close.  “What have you done with Desmond??” You squirmed as much as you could possibly manage in your still weakened state, but you were so small in comparison to the large alpha that your struggles did little to help you. “DESMOND!!?”  Hearing the panic in the voice of one of the two people he considered to be a mate made his body instinctively release calming pheromones, of course even if you had been an omega those pheromones would have been all but useless when you were concerned with the well being of your child.  “(Y/N), calm down sweet pea Desmond is fi-” You cut him off when you grunted in anger and threw your head back as hard as you could, making contact with Ian’s nose and causing him to recoil in pain and loosen his grip on you, you pressed your advantage and slipped away from him but you fell face first on the floor the second you took a step off the bed.  You cried out in pain. God, your body just wouldn’t cooperate, your face and knees hurt from the impact and your ankle had twisted in the fall. Certainly sprained.  But damn it, Desmond was in trouble, who knows what these psychopaths had done to him, so you pulled yourself towards the door, slowly inching your way towards escape. You probably would have realized it was hopeless, but in your panicked desperation you had to try!  Suddenly two feet blocked your exit.  “Really Ian? You cannot handle our little omega? Look, he already injured himself!” He bent down and scooped you up easily, despite your flailing arms.  “I am not an omega, and if I was I certainly wouldn’t be yours! Where is my kid!? What have you done with Desmond you fucking assholes!?”  “Well,” Ian started in an obviously perturbed voice, “As I was explaining before you headbutted me, Desmond is safe and sleeping in his room.”  Eli seemed amused that you had given his husband so much trouble but scolded you nonetheless. “You shouldn’t be violent (Y/N), we are just taking care of you. A tiny little omega such as yourself should certainly not be taking on the trials of parenthood alone.”  “I’m not an-, ugh, whatever, just let me see Desmond!”  Eli laid you gently on the bed and Ian examined your leg and gently wiped your face and knees where you had scuffed them. “Okay, I will go get him, but you have to lay down, you can’t possibly walk on this leg.” You glared at him wordlessly. “Hey, it’s your own fault! You’re lucky I don’t punish you, but I know you’re super protective of our child like any good omega would be.  Ian left and you just stared at him, dumbfounded, as he walked out of the room. What the hell did he mean “our” child!? Why did they keep calling you an omega?  “Don’t worry (Y/N), once you get settled in and make a nice cozy little nest I am sure it will help your nerves calm down.” Eli sat beside you and pulled you into his lap, ignoring your squeak of protest.  “I am not an omega, I don't even know why you have me here. Please just let me go now, I won’t even tell the cops if you let me go, I promise!” You started sobbing as your pleading grew more desperate.  Eli pulled you close to him and nuzzled against your neck to get his scent on you before slowly licking and kissing up from your neck to your cheek in what were meant to be comforting gestures to soothe any sweet omega mate. But you WEREN’T an omega.  “You’re just confused baby doll. Your scent may be a bit weaker and maybe you don’t have heats, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be our omega! Besides you are far too small and fragile to be anything else~” He gently wrapped his arms around you and practically purred with joy with how perfectly your small body fit so perfectly snug against his.  You blushed from the humiliation of being helpless and insulted.  A moment later Ian came back holding a sleeping bundle that was your son, thank god he was safe. You actually allowed yourself to relax a bit in Eli’s strong arms as Ian handed Desmond to you and you hugged him tightly but carefully so as not to wake him.  “Oh, my sweet baby boy.” Desmond was unharmed and snoozing peacefully.  Ian and Eli just watched you with content smiles on their faces. Even on the off chance that you really were not an omega this proved you might as well be treated like one, you clearly had a tender heart and great parenting instincts, you were small and fragile, you smelled so sweet, you were just too perfect.  And their instincts were telling them to keep their omega mate and their pup safe and happy. The only problem was you were not yet scent marked properly, but they could fix that later when Desmond was back in his room. For now they were content with watching you hold Desmond and putting a blanket around you that smelled like them. Surely that would make any omega, or omega adjacent, feel safe and loved, right?  Desmond woke up and looked at you sleepily before clinging tightly and snuggling close. He was back to sleep immediately, blissfully unaware the two of you had been kidnapped by a pair of alphas and added to their family. You kissed him on the forehead and just tried to push your anxiety away as you held him, if you could not escape (yet) then you had to be strong for him.  During the two weeks that it took for your ankle to recover you fought them every step of the way, as long as Desmond was not in the room, you did not want him to pick up on your distress and desperation. He was young and being in another new house did not phase him.  But when he was not in the room you tossed apart the nest they had made in the bed around you, you insisted you were not an omega, you begged for them to release you and you wiped off to the best of your ability the scent marks they kept reapplying all over you. It was so frustrating and you felt so helpless, they never even left you alone, when one absolutely had to be in at the office the other would always stay behind to dote on you while you healed.  At the very least they were good with Desmond and they kept the both of you well fed. Though they did have a habit of literally sitting you in one of their laps and hand feeding you. They also had a habit of getting you sweets “because omegas love them.”  Out of all of their behaviors the insistence that you were a fragile omega and that you had to be scent marked constantly where the two that most aggravated you, it made you want to scream, they made you wear their worn clothing and forced your face in their musky underarms.  Sometimes they even competed between one another for who’s scent was on you more. Late one night when you were all bundled together in bed Ian made you reek of him so Eli added his scent on top of it, which prompted Ian to force some of his overly large clothing on you, which caused Eli to put his smelly blanket around you and after that they just growled softly and glared at each for a solid minute, not even blinking.  Before you knew it they were wrestling for dominance right in front of you on the bed as you awkwardly scooted as far away from them as you could.  They wrestled and scent marked one another to establish dominance before Eli narrowly came out on top as the winner. Sometime during their little altercation they had lost all their clothing but their underwear and sweat covered both of them, the musk was almost tangible.  Eli held Ian down and moved his underwear out of the way to expose his hole before sliding his down to free his large cock. He did not hesitate as he leaned over his husband and plunged his dick in him in one swift motion and started well and truly pounding him right in front of you. Eli’s massive full nuts slapped ceaseless into Ian as if an auditory declaration of Eli’s dominance over the other alpha.  You could not pull your eyes away as the spectacle continued to unfold with the blond knotting Ian as he growled softly and bit his earlobe before filling him with a hot load of cum.  Well… you had at times wondered how alpha couples let out sexual frustrations and urges and how they resolved dominance conflicts. Apparently the answer was fighting for dominance and the winner passionately pumping the loser full of hot seed.  The more you know.  The one good thing about having two alphas seeing to you was that your ankle healed fairly easily with all of your needs so thoroughly attended to. You just had to bind your time and make your escape. It would not be the type of thing you could just do haphazardly.  Ian and Eli had moved all of your and Desmond’s things into their large house and they had told your old landlord you were moving out so you had nowhere to go, except maybe to the police. It was the only thing you could think of.  You decided that you would slowly pack a couple of bags up of clothes and your and Desmond’s most important possessions while gradually acting more cooperative with your captives to lull them into a false sense of security then once you had them fooled and your bags were packed you would disappear with Desmond in the dead quiet of night.  You would not have too much time to bait them into complacency though, the longer you were here the harder it would be on Desmond, they already had him calling them his other daddies.  The next day you began to slowly pack two bags of essentials that you couldn’t leave behind, you added to them daily and kept them hidden securely under Desmond’s bed. All the while you acted increasingly sweet to your captors.  When one of them sat by you in bed, all musky and smelly after work, instead of shying away you would lean on them or put your hand on theirs. No matter how nauseating it was for you. When they kissed you you forced yourself to kiss them back, even if only on their cheeks. On a couple occasions you cooked a meal for them, you were not particularly gifted in the culinary arts, but you were not particularly terrible either. And eventually you even remade the nest on the bed with a lot of their freshly dirty laundry and all of the plushies and blankets they had scented for you.  Every time you leaned on them their hearts melted all over again for you, whenever you graced their cheeks with a soft kiss they were totally reassured that you loved them, even if you were too shy to say it out loud, and when you made them a meal they savored every bite as they were sure it was made with love and they were so proud of their kind “omega” house husband.  Oh, and when their little mate willingly made off with their dirty clothes and made a nest with their smell? That sent them over the moon. The pride and joy they had knowing their new boyfriend was getting comforted enough by their pheromones to sneakily steal their laundry was indescribable.  Your plan was working perfectly. And when the day came where they had both planned on going to work later you knew you had finally received their trust and would have your chance to escape.  When they had left you quickly grabbed your supplies and bundled up your son, you were finally going to escape from this hell.  Desmond looked up at you cutely as you held him, “Where are we going?”  “We are going on a little trip, okay?” You told him gently as you kissed his head gently.  “I wanna go back to sleeeep” He whined, it was about time for his nap, Ian and Eli had left in the afternoon today.  “You can in a bit ok-” You dropped your sentence, the word forgotten as you opened the door and saw Ian and Eli standing there, Eli’s hand outreached as he had been about to open the door. They had actually forgotten it was a holiday and there was no work today or tomorrow. Unfortunately, you had forgotten too.  “Uh, (Y/N), sweetie... where are you going with Desmond and all that stuff?” Eli looked and sounded genuinely heartbroken, his red eyes even threatening to cry.  Desmond’s little voice piped up, “Don’t cry daddy! We are going on a trip!”  “Come here little man, it’s your nap time”, Ian took Desmond from you and put him back in his bed for his nap time before returning to the living room.  You just looked down, guiltily avoiding their eyes, unable to summon any words in your defense.  It was Eli who broke the silence.  “Well, aren’t you going to say something (Y/N)!? Why were you trying to leave? We thought you loved us.” He crossed his arms and looked at you sternly.  Something in his words made you snap.  “You kidnapped me and my son, you keep me locked in here and miserable, I hate you, I hate both of you so much!”  Eli took a step closer to you before responding in utter denial, incapable of believing such claims after you had clearly started to warm up to them. “No! You love us! You were so nice all week..”  Eli’s eyes could not hold back anymore and a tear made its way down his cheek.  “Because I was trying to get your trust to escape, asshole!!”  “Hey, don’t talk to Eli like that! You’re really being grouchy today (Y/N)… do we need to take better care of you?” Ian got close and rubbed your arm. “OH! I know what it is, you need breeding!! You’re acting up because we neglected you and didn’t slide in our knots, of course that is it, you’re just a cute bratty omega too shy to ask for what you needed so you lashed out for attention~~”  At this obvious explanation for your actions Eli perked up immediately.  “Yeah, that must be it, (Y/N) just really needs to mate and was too shy to say anything when his alphas should have been able to anticipate his needs! Well don’t worry sweet pea, turns out today is a holiday, so we can relax and take care of you as much as you need us too~”  “W-wait no! It’s not like that! I really h-” Your words were cut off by an excited Ian.  “Babe, in the future if you need one of our knots just hop on okay, you don’t need to be all shy about it~” And with that Eli took you by the arm and practically dragged you into the bedroom.  You probably would have struggled, but you were too stunned and flustered by the way things had unfolded to do anything. Eli placed you a bit roughly on the bed, a bit too excited to feel you around his knot to treat you as gently as he typically preferred.  Eli took up position on his knees behind your head, his crotch hovering above your face ominously as he began to peel away your shirt.  Ian got in a similar position behind your ass and easily removed your pants and underwear despite your squirming. Your protests only elicited smirks and chuckles. Even now, as you kicked, writhed, and pleaded, they were sure you were just too shy to admit that you desperately needed a forceful deep breeding.  Eli disrobed and his cock bounced free above your face, smearing a bit of precum on your forehead. He pinned your arms down as he began smothering your face with his musky nuts. Scenting you in this lewd manner made him hard faster than anything else ever had.  Meanwhile Ian was between your legs, licking and nuzzling against your own nuts, moaning softly as he inhaled your heavenly scent before moving his attention to your tight asshole. He began kissing and licking it tenderly, a string of drool connecting the two of you as he pulled back before diving back between your cheeks for more.  You redoubled your struggles as you felt him give attention to your hole, but you were no match for an alpha, let alone two of them.  Eli began prodding your lips with his cock, desperately wanting to feel the hot wet insides of your mouth on his dick, but you held your mouth closed and moved your head as much as you could to deny him entry, at the same time you were also clenching your ass closed as tightly as humanly possible to avoid letting in Ian’s overly eager tongue get a taste of you.  Ian slid his long tongue into you anyway, gradually wiggling against you and slipping in, this caused you to gasp in surprise and Eli wasted no time in shoving his massive cock right past your lips and slowly grinding it into your face. “Shit, your mouth is so amazing, (Y/N), definitely made for this weren’t you?”  It was by no means small and you gagged horribly as his constantly dripping precum was forced down your throat, tears began to fill your eyes as a rod invaded you from one end and Ian continued passionately making out with your ass from the other end.  “Don’t feel bad about not making any slick baby doll, I lubed you up with my spit~” Ian knew you still were not quite ready for him though so he slowly inserted a finger into your well kissed entrance, lovingly feeling around your warm folds before finding your special spot.  He knew he hit it when you let out a gagged and muffled moan and bucked your hips involuntarily as he continued rubbing you there, adding another finger to his delicate ministrations.  As you began to see the first hint of stars from Ian fingering you you were gagging and crying more as Eli’s cock began knotting your face as he began grinding himself deeper into your face, his dick imprint now visible in your throat.  And while you were busy worrying about whether or not you would die choking on a knotted cock Ian decided that it was almost time to slide his length into the warm waiting embrace of your insides. He aligned the tip with your hole, adding more natural lube by smearing his precum all over it, just to make absolutely sure that it would enter easily before he eased himself into you. He was being abundantly careful with you, something that Eli was not. |  Eli was roughly fucking your face, stopping only briefly when it seemed necessary to make sure that you did not lose consciousness, though at this point that may have almost been the more merciful of the two options.  At this point two twin rivers of tears were streaming down your face. The violation, the helplessness, the gagging, the unwilling pleasure building inside you with each thrust made by Ian.  Now that you had acclimated nicely to being slowly explored by his cock Ian had picked up the pace considerably and was now focused a bit more on seeking his release than on your comfort. They set up a rhythm for fucking themselves into you, as one thrust forward the other pulled back, using you as a double sided cum dump while you cried uselessly for it to end.  With each powerful stroke came the lewd smack of their balls, one set slapping your ass the other slamming into your face, the sound was so loud and clear throughout your ordeal it was as if it was mocking you further about your situation.  As Ian continued battering your prostate you could not help cumming harder than you ever had in your life, and after you had Ian continued working towards his own orgasm and started fondling your sore nuts and sensitive cock as he did so. “Fuck, babe, you fit so well over my cock (Y/N), so tight and warm for me~”  You were forced to cum twice more, painfully, before the two alphas finally had a synchronous climax, warm heady cum filling you from both ends, forcefully filling you up. You wanted to throw up but you had no choice but to allow it down your throat.    Eli finally removed himself from your mouth with a wet plop as his knot exited your soft, sore lips. You were crying and shaking from the overstimulation and sheer domination that you had been victim of. Eli sat with your head moved into his lap and wiped away your tears and stroked your hair tenderly but you flinched and squealed as he kissed from your cheek to your collarbone and bit down hard, leaving his mark on you. He licked and kissed it tenderly like it was the most beautiful testament to love that he had ever seen, like he was worshipping it.  But Ian was not done yet, his knot was thoroughly buried deep within your hot ass and he intended to fuck you full of at least one more load before stopping. The taste of cum was still on your lips as Eli leaned down and kissed you gently, probing every inch of your mouth with his tongue, tasting himself on your lips, savoring the mingled flavors of your spit and his cum, an addictive concoction created by the shared intimacy between you two.  You were still crying a bit from the continued attention Ian’s cock was so dedicated to providing your ass, but Eli was kissing you and playing with your hair, and trying to comfort you as much as possible. You whimpered into Eli’s comforting lips and clung to his arm as Ian’s efforts made you cum yet again.  Ian increased his pace again, going faster and harder as his pleasure mounted once more. He knew he was about ready to unload in your beautiful body again.  The sight of you being kissed by Eli as you were blissed out with half lidded eyes, your mind temporarily broken as you were swept up in the tumultuous world that existed between the blurred border of pleasure and pain, twitching, whimpering, and moaning oh so deliciously sent him over the edge and his cock throbbed hard inside you, stuffing you to the brim with even more of his love as he shouted, “Oh god, (Y/N), I love you so much!”, Before biting you hard and leaving a big mark opposite of Eli’s, causing you to wince.  Ian’s knot kept him firmly inside you so he pulled you into his lap and held you close to his chest. It was finally over and you clung to him, hiding your face in his neck as you cried. Eli was behind you rubbing your back and kissing your neck comfortingly. “You did so good for us baby doll.”  “Yeah, our good little omega took our knots so well~” Ian cooed softly into your ear.  Both of them were on cloud nine, they had successfully gotten you to live with them and they had actually bred you full of their seed, and now they had you all vulnerable and needy in their arms.  You clung to Ian until you were released from his knot, you had stopped crying but you still felt like any vulnerable needy omega would after such intense breeding, despite being a beta. Your alpha “boyfriends” were going to make sure to give you the best treatment for being a good little mate and taking them both despite your much smaller stature.  They made you a bubble bath and cleaned you off tenderly before bundling you in the softest pajamas that money could buy, they took turns cuddling you in their laps, and they kept kissing and licking your sore neck.  When Desmond woke up later in the day you were in no state to be able to take care of him so Ian did while Eli snuggled and pampered and doted on you non-stop. You just lay by him in bed nuzzled into his hairy underarm, your subconscious had slowly begun to associate the scent of the two alphas with comfort and it was a good place to hide your face in for as long as you wanted to.  He was more than happy to let you get as much of his smell as you needed.  Later that night, when you had recovered more, they fed you all of your favorite sweets and hot chocolate. They wanted to make sure you were filled with all the things that made an omega a happy little mate, not just their thick seed.  You were too tired to refuse, so when one of them pulled you into his lap you willingly nibbled at everything he gave you as you leaned back against his warm chest, they were thrilled with how placated mating had seemed to make you, though they agreed among themselves they had overdone it and that they would be gentler in the future.  You were such a good little mate now, they knew all you had needed was a nice knotting to make you happy. In a twisted way they were not wrong, as they held and babied you you realized you had started to bond with them, it was good that you were, because you certainly would never be living apart from them.
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guiltysungho · 4 months
— let the light in
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genre : tags. domestic, angst, fluff, comfort, reader is in a slump
pairing. bsf!kim donghyun x gn!reader
wordcount. 726
a/n. this went a completely different direction than I intended but i still wanna put it out there, im not used to writing like this so it might not be perfect but i hope you enjoy reading it. its not too sad dw.
Once again you were stuck in your room completely shut off from everything and everyone, you hated when this happened but it seemed to have become a part of your life. You rolled over on the bed where your phone was charging right at the edge of your mattress, letting the bright led light flash in your eyes as you adjusted to the feeling of being awake after what felt like an endless slumber.
I’ll be there in 10 - Donghyun 5 mins ago
Your knight in shining armor, he had been spamming you throughout the week hoping you’d reply him more than 3 letters. He knew your moods too well to not know what was going on, after 5 years of being close you’d hope 2 letters was enough for him to read the signs.
You rolled back belly flat against the mattress, drowning in the darkness of your cave waiting for the jingle of his keys to help you out of your slump. Maybe your patience was wearing out, your eyes grew heavier as you waited, almost ready to shut, and then you heard it, the jingle.
“I brought you take out, I’m gonna come in so like don’t be naked” He called out from the other side of your room door, you somehow managed to crawl out of bed and swing the door wide open for him before falling right back on it, you loved your bed.
“Feed me.” You groaned in pain, jokingly, somehow you were able to joke.
He smiled at you, and your face muscles mirrored like a reflex. You sat up on your bed watching him walk around your room, first to the desk placing all the treats far from your reach and then the curtains, it was inevitable, your begging was in vain as he let the light in.
“It’s a really nice day out, if I feed you we should take a walk, deal?” as usual bargain, nothing came easily in this life, you shook his hand reluctantly.
When you think about it, it felt almost comical the way you’d regain life whenever he showed up, before Donghyun you hated being bothered whenever you felt this wave of utter lack of willingness. You would figure it out yourself and that could take months, but now you didn’t even have to say anything for someone to just be there.
It wasn’t like you couldn’t do these things on your own but some times were harder than others and knowing someone cared enough to help you made it easy again. You didn’t know what it made you, if it meant anything outside of your friendship, but you felt loved and that was more than enough.
“You’re doing such a good job, don’t worry too much I’m here for you,” sweet words of comfort that helped, like he could read your mind and sense your doubts just so he could reassure you later.
“I’m sorry I’m such a mess” He shook his head, dismissing your comment,
“You’re not a mess baby, I’m doing this because I love you,” Your eyes glistened with heavy tears just waiting to drop, the feeling of his soft hands on your cheeks made you close your eyes, finally letting them loose as you took in a deep breath, a soft pout on your lips as you looked back up at him.
“I love your pout, and I love your smile. I’m working hard to see that beautiful smile again,” his thumbs brushing away the droplets staining your cheeks, he made you feel like you didn’t constantly have to put up a front.
That you could actually be human and he wouldn’t decide one day that he wanted a doll, his words made you wonder the depth of his love, was this just another moment that friends shared. Did he mean them the same way they sounded to you?
The weight of your worries had shifted from one thing to another, walking down the river by his side you wonder how many meanings could “i love you” have, could you be loved even more than this?
Thinking about it, made your cheeks burn up, placing your fingers on your lips trying to not get carried away, while he was right there but the smile was too strong to hide, turning your face away from him as you succumbed to the feeling.
“There it is.”
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agi-ppangx · 1 year
💭lose yourself in my love
hwang hyunjin x gn!reader
warnings: intended (non-sexual) nudity, meltdown/depressive episode
an: based off of this request🫶🏽 if anyone of you is struggling, please dont be scared to reach out to someone you trust, you dont have to go through this alone. there are people who love and care about you<3
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hyunjin called you around 9 in the evening, crying, and you barely understood his words other than “please come and help me.” you dropped everything you were doing at that moment and took a taxi to get to your boyfriend's apartment. to say you were scared would be an understatement - you were absolutely terrified, trembling the whole way there, praying that hyunjin was okay.
you took your spare key and opened the door, bursting into the apartment in a desperate need of seeing your boyfriend. you found him curled up on the floor of his bedroom, in complete darkness and you fell to your knees, reaching your arms in his direction. “hyune, my love, what’s going on?” you whispered, your eyes already filling with tears, but you knew you had to suck it up and be there for your boyfriend. he threw himself into your arms, clutching his fists on your shirt, as if he needed to ground himself. you started running your hand up and down his back, soothing his nerves. “can you tell me what’s wrong? i wanna help you, hyune,” you asked again, your voice soft and so, so quiet. you simply didn’t want to startle him. you saw your boyfriend’s meltdowns before, but this time something felt different. you were scared - what could possibly trigger that episode in him? “not now,” he whispered. “i don’t wanna talk about it right now, just need you,” he added, his broken tone tearing your heart apart. “it’s okay, we don’t have to talk about it, but can you do something for me?” you said and he looked at you with his teary eyes. “can you get up and go to the kitchen with me?” he nodded at that question and you helped him. you led the way, seating him on the chair, and you went to see what you could find in his fridge. you took out some leftovers, heated them and placed them on the table in front of hyunjin. he looked at the plate and sighed loudly, not moving a bit. you noticed that and decided to help him. you took a fork in your hand and scooped some food on it. “here, take a bite,” you encouraged him and he didn’t even protest, opening his mouth and eating everything you gave him. “you’re doing amazing, my love. just a few bites left,” you encouraged him in a soft tone. when he finished, you placed a featherlike kiss on his forehead. then you proceeded to bring some fresh clothes from his closet. you led him to the bathroom, helping him to take a quick, relaxing bath. you washed his hair and massaged his shoulders and back, helping him release the tension. then you helped him to put on the clothes and led him to his bed. you brushed his hair, humming softly one of his favourite songs. he closed his eyes, visibly relaxed and you felt relieved you managed to get him through the meltdown. when you finished and put the bush down, hyunjin opened his eyes and took your hand in his. you squeezed it, examining his look. “how are you feeling?” you asked shyly, unsure whether it was a good moment to ask that question. “better,” was all he said, a faint smile dancing on his lips. then he called your name and you hummed in acknowledgement. “can you kiss me?” he then asked. you smiled and nodded, leaning down and kissing him softly on his lips. he placed his hand on your hip and manouvered you into his lap. you broke the kiss, hesitant. “hyune, we don’t have to do this now,” you said, but he just shook his head. “but i want to. is it okay if we continue?” you looked him in the eyes and after a short moment you kissed him again, wrapping your arms around his neck. hyunjin whispered soft ‘i love you’s’ in between the kisses and you hoped he really felt a bit better than before. he promised to talk to you about his episode in the morning, but for now you decided to let him lose himself in the kisses.
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taglist: @lynlyndoll @iyenbread @flooo71 @skz-streamer @inniescandy-01 @hannahhbahng
let me know if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist🤎
feedback and reblogs highly appreciated🫶🏽
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brujaluas · 9 months
how to speed up the connection with your future spouse
Hi, this would be a sample of what my paid readings are like and how I intend to do the readings on Patreon as well. I gave a lot of myself to this special edition, I hope you enjoy it.
pile 1 has slightly delicate subjects, so be careful when reading, I'm not very good with words and I end up being too direct. I'm sorry for anything.
everything about my paid readings and personal spells
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pile 1
Right at the beginning I feel a bad energy, it even gave me back pain, you are hurting yourself a lot, it could even be physically, I'm sorry for saying this but I believe it is necessary to remove all the veils so that I can do a good drawing for you, continuing… you are hurting yourself and punishing yourself and this has been happening for a while now, it is painful and very painful, it is as if you think you deserve to go through this, you cultivate many bad habits with yourself, someone may have put this in your head or has harmed you too, I advise you to take a herbal bath, cleanse your energy spiritually, you are stuck in a painful situation, and you need to free yourself from it, I also see that you need to create greater responsibility, love It's something really beautiful, but keep your feet on the ground, evaluate people well, create greater maturity to manage your feelings and emotions, that's what you're asked to do, you have the key to your solutions, like that at the beginning, I'll be back to say again: you need to end a cycle. I know this is very difficult, it is something that requires a lot of patience and dedication and sometimes we are so exhausted that we feel like we won't make it, but you will. we will. You need to end this toxic cycle that you created with yourself, you need to do this so that true love finds you. Soon after you manage to complete this cycle, in less than two years, or even a year, you will find who you deserve. you can communicate over the internet first, some online contact, there is a vintage vibe between you, you can also like to communicate by letters, for many, I feel like it is a man, or someone with strong masculine energy, possibly, it is a foreigner, it can being from a different city or even a different country, with different habits, you may meet on a trip, or your future spouse may end up passing through the place where you live, it is a love that will teach you a lot, especially to mature your ideas and maybe even teach you some things about life, I won't deny it, there may be barriers in sight, it's not clear what it will be, but there will be some obstacles, it's as if the universe wanted to put you and your love to test so that they can be together, it could be a difference of ideas, geographically, someone in the family is opposed… things like that, but you love each other, and you have both gone through a healing process, this person went through it before, you more recently, but they are both fine, I see a bright future, very beautiful and full of joy, you waking up with a smile on your face seeing your love by your side, something like that.
Pile 2
I see you in a very happy moment, maybe you are even in a relationship with someone, I'm a little confused, unlike the other pile, this one presents excellent images at the beginning, it can also be a confirmation that your manifestation and prayers to find your true love are flowing, you can even meet in dreams and not know it, something that tells me that this connection is already activated in some way. It's beautiful, for some of you, I feel like you're older, or you have an old soul, you've been through a lot in your lives, true warriors, I'm impressed with the commitment you have to life and to you. A very beautiful and revolutionary healing happened here, or will happen very soon, I see you achieving emotional, spiritual peace, in other words, it is as if you became your best friend who is always in the stands cheering for you. I see many prosperous fruits, you can achieve a great career, some dream of being a mother or father here, I see you achieving this, you can have 2 to 4 children, I see you building a beautiful house and living with your love, what can I say? You look great, you can live in the countryside, because you want silence. you can make a lot of plans, you can move somewhere, or I see that some are living far away from their parents and after marriage they will move closer to them, your passion will make you feel a huge impulse, like seeing old friendships again, Going to places where you went as a child, with this euphoria you may end up doing things that are a little questionable, be careful with that, but even so I see the purest success here, you are learning very well to defend yourself and that is good, in the beginning The print run made it seem like you already know your future spouse, and I see that this feeling is because for some, it's an ex. you are undergoing immense progress and evolution, your future spouse is too, you are on the same level in everything, it's like it's something mirrored, there's nothing I can say, I think, just that you keep doing whatever you're doing, it's just a matter of time.
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riverlikethelake · 2 years
A Long Way Home pt.2
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Ao'nung x Omatikayan!Fem!Reader 
Summary – You meet Ao'nung at the cluster of rocks, unexpectedly you find yourself wanting to be around him more, but that proves difficult when your family seems to disagree with your growing connection.
Contains: Mentions of death, mature language, complex parental relationships, heavy development on platonic/family relationships, fluff, OOC Neteyam, reader wants to make everyone happy :(
Word count: 4k
I was up absurdly late to finish this, so please forgive any grammar or spelling mistakes :)
Part 1 …. Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
You made sure to stay out of the middle of the cuddle pile, wanting to avoid getting caught sneaking out. It was dark out but the luminescence of coral under you was enough to help you navigate, you kept your head low as a few villagers were still out and about.   
As you approached the rock, you looked around but didn’t see him. He must have a harder time sneaking out at the Olo’eyktan’s son you reasoned. You sat on the edge of the rock and noticed a flower a few feet away, lying where you were sitting earlier. You reached over to grab it, twirling it between your fingers, admiring the layers of petals and the stamen that swirled and glowed.    
You were too focused on the flower to notice the eyes watching you from only so far. He was almost fully submerged save for his eyes up, intending to stay hidden. He watched as you examined the flower, holding it at different angles, lips parted and slowly forming a smile. It was purple with a pink undertone, a much lighter shade spotted across the petals.   
If you were this intrigued by a mere flower like that, he wondered what you’d look like with a bouquet or one from farther into the island, his mind already noting a few he thinks you’d like.   
After a few minutes you laid on your back, holding the flower above your face, still admiring it but now less interested. You lowered the flower to your lips, now in favor of looking at the stars. You started to wonder where he was when you heard a noise that reminded you of Neytiri’s calls, you immediately sat up and started to look around.   
You heard the noise again and a smirk appeared on your face, so he was playing this game huh? You stood up and made your own call as you walked into the water mounting your ilu, you waited for a moment and heard it again with your ears perked, it was fainter, but you could pinpoint the direction it was coming from.    
Quietly your ilu swam in the direction, keeping you above water. It became a rhythm, two short calls from him then one longer call from you. Even with the bioluminescence, you had to completely rely on the sound of his voice to navigate, never being able to see more than a few feet ahead of you.   
 You must have swum through the entire reef, almost to the other side of the island before he had turned around, you arrived back to the rock you started from, except he was standing in the middle this time.    
He walked closer and helped you unmount, he kept hold of your hand and stood closely, looking at you with his signature sly grin.    
“That was amusing but not enough to make it up to me” you said playfully. He only leaned in closer, “Oh is that so?” he humored you.   
You hadn’t realized his hand was behind his back until he moved it, revealing a flower like the one before, except it was a deep blue. “It's beautiful” you murmured; he smiled nodding in agreement.   
You went to take the flower, “It reminded me of you” he whispered, you paused, fingers touching his right at the stem.   
You looked up at him trying to decipher what he meant by that, your fears washed away when you saw the softness in his gaze, completely absorbed in your eyes and face. You held eye contact with each other, the only sound being the movement of waves and each other's breathing.    
You were about to speak when a voice interrupted you, “Y/n?” You jumped to see Neteyam on his Ilu a few feet away, he narrowed his eyes at the two of you. “Where have you been?”   
Panicking, you hid the flower behind you, but you're unsure if you did it in time. “I couldn’t sleep” you offered, he stared at you unconvinced. “Ao’nung found me wandering around and said that this was the spot he goes to” you explained awkwardly. “... the waves crashing against the terraces is relaxing”  
He looked to Ao’nung who nodded stiffly. He took a deep breath. “Come on, if mom and dad wake up, they’ll be worried”    
You nodded and turned to Ao’nung wishing him a goodnight, you stood for a moment and as you turned to leave, he whispered. “I’ll finish making it up to you tomorrow”   
You try to hide your smile as you mount your Ilu and start making your way back to the village.    
“I don’t want you around him anymore” Neteyam said, breaking the silence.   
“That’s going to be hard considering he’s teaching us how to live here”    
“I'm serious Y/n... I don’t want to have to babysit you.” He warned   
You rolled your eyes. “That seems unnecessary, I thought we were twins?”   
“I’m still older than you” He moved forward and pulled in front of you stopping, “I’m just worried about you Y/n.” he explained earnestly.   
Of course he was. Being protective was always in his nature, and with everything that’s happened with Kiri and Lo’ak it’s no surprise it's come to a head.   
After a moment, you nodded and moved forward so you were side by side again. He smiled and placed his hand on your arm, nudging you in a comforting manner.  He led you back into the Marui quietly so as not wake mom or dad, as you both carefully laid back down with the family, he placed himself so that you were on the inside.   
You internally rolled your eyes, but when Tuk rolled over, throwing her arm over your ribcage you turned on your side to cuddle her, Neteyam placing his hand on your shoulder and forehead between your shoulder blades. Even though you were still upset at Neteyam for ruining your moment with Ao’nung, you couldn’t help but smile as you drifted to sleep.  
Despite agreeing to stay away from Ao’nung, Neteyam still practically stuck to your side the entire day, always finding a reason to drag you away when Ao’nung lingered near you for too long, you always shot him an apologetic look as you moved away.  
You had expected this type of behavior from Lo’ak, but you thought Neteyam would atleast try to be more lenient about it. Though, the more you thought about it, it made sense, Lo’ak had always protected you more on a physical level, while Neteyam did so in an emotional and mental way.   
It pained you to have to basically ignore Ao’nung, but you hadn’t even known him all that long, and if ignoring him for a little while brought your brother’s worries to a rest, you reasoned it wouldn’t be that bad.  
You spent most of your day tending to your siblings.  
You teased Lo’ak after he lost control of his Ilu while passing by Tsireya, who was dancing on the walkways with a bunch of younger children. You raced each other around the reef, seeing who could do the more impressive moves.  
You snuck up behind Tuk, picked her up and mimicked body slamming her into the water, throwing her into a fit of giggles before she started splashing and throwing wet sand at you. You’d bring her onto the docks, carrying her in your arms, then throw her into the water.  
You spent most of your day like that, riding around with Tuk, diving deep into the reef to watch Kiri do her in-sync thing she always does with the nature around her.  
That’s how you ended up in a cavern with her, as she told you about how she felt different, how she could hear Eywa’s heartbeat. Her connection to the great mother had always been strong, and while you couldn’t understand, you could listen, and you knew what it was like to feel different.  
She leaned her head on your shoulder as you talked about different things, missing the forest and spider, life here at the cove, your siblings, she even teased you about Ao’nung when you brought up Lo’ak and Tsireya. You denied that anything was going on, but it was hard to fool Kiri.  
You don’t know how the conversation started but you told her a bit about how you never really felt like a sully, that Jake and Neytiri didn’t see you as their child, sometimes you felt like you were just someone tagging along.  
“Mom loves you a lot, even if you don’t see it.” Kiri began, “When they decided to leave and you went for a fly, she was so worried about whether you’d come or not” now it was your turn to be resting your head on her shoulder.  
“After telling grandma about the plan, she waited by the opening until she saw you coming back” She continued. “And dad was a mess whenever you were sick” She chuckled. “Always asking for updates on you, asking grandma and I if there were any remedies we could think of.”  
You two talked for a while longer, you hadn’t really had a moment with her since you arrived at the cove, so it was nice. After a while you started yawning and she insisted you go back, you hadn’t realized how dark it was until you resurfaced.  
Soon after, Ao’nung and Lo’ak approached you both. “Where were you two?” Lo’ak demanded.  
“We couldn’t find you and started to worry.” Ao’nung added.  
“We’re ok, we were just talking and lost track of time” Kiri pacified Lo’ak, but Ao’nung moved closer.  
“Where were you two?” he questioned, you pointed out the cavern under water and he frowned.   
“What's wrong?”  
He rubbed the back of his neck, “I was going to take you there ...” he said mumbling the last part, you couldn’t understand but didn’t have the chance to ask him to repeat himself.  
“Y/n! Kiri!” Tsireya called out, swimming towards you. “Where were you? Neteyam has been worried sick”   
You assured her everything was fine, and you all headed back to the beach, meeting up with Neteyam on the way who was relieved that you both were fine. 
“Y/n you act stupid in the forest as is, you shouldn't be acting stupid here.” You heard Kiri laugh and you glared at her before sticking your tounge out to Neteyam. 
The next few days were more or less the same, swimming lessons and spending time with your siblings, but it became increasingly obvious that Ao’nung was starting to realize that it wasn’t just a coincidence that one of your brothers was always by your side or close by, preventing him from having a moment to talk to you.  
Thankfully he didn’t press it, but he was always stealing glances at you and leaving flowers in places he knew you’d find them. You wanted to talk to him so badly, but you had to bide your time, Jake’s pressure on Neteyam hadn’t let up much and until it did you weren’t about to stress him even more.  
Turns out patience was the key. Neteyam was caught up in arguing with Lo’ak about something, you weren’t trying to sneak away, you just didn’t want to listen to their fighting anymore and there was a particular part of the reef that was especially calming.   
You found yourself swimming close to the surface, gliding through the water and simply enjoying being there. You were watching everything this time, the view from above just as enchanting as up close.  
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Ao’nung swimming close to the floor, he turned to face once he was directly in your line of sight. He smiled at you; you could make that out even from so far. You dove down closer, he didn’t move until you were several feet away, swimming forward and up. You were now at the same level but a good distance still between you.  
You don’t know why you were able to follow him so in sync, but you started swimming around each other, your movements in the water much more graceful than before. It felt like a dance, a connection you didn’t realize you missed, only taking your eyes off each other for only a few seconds each time.   
He watched as you twirled, hair wrapping around you, arms moving in a way that seamlessly carried you through the water. Slowly you inched closer, he resisted reaching out to you when you were in range, letting the nature of the dance bring you together.   
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you were now face to face with him, unconsciously you raised your hand, he followed and intertwined your fingers. A soft smile on his lips, he pulled you upwards to the surface.  
“Forest girl has been ignoring me huh?” He teased.  
You scrunched your nose, “No, you’ve seen how Neteyam has been trailing me” you defended. “This is the once chance I've been able to have with you” you lowered yourself so only your eyes up were above the water.  
He chuckled and pulled you up with the hand he was still holding. “Is there a reason forest boy has been so protective?”  
Sheepishly, you nodded. “He got onto me after he found us that night...” you averted your eyes. “He’s worried and doesn’t want me to be around you.”  
He frowned. “Why? Does he think I'll hurt you?”  
“Well, you haven’t exactly done anything to make him not think that...” you said, cocking your head forward.  
His gaze softened. “Is there anything I can do to make it right?”   
You saw out of the corner of your eye your siblings and Tsireya approaching. “This will pass over, for now just ...respect his wishes” you didn’t like saying it but there wasn’t much of a choice.  
He got closer “And what if I don’t want to?” His voice was at a whisper, but it was firm, sending a shiver down your spine.  
You stared for a moment, you glanced back to the group before him again, a smirk forming on your lips. “Then I guess we’ll have to get them off our backs” You called for your ilu, nodding for him to do the same. “Rocks. Tonight.”  
You mounted and glared at him, he furrowed his brows, “Why are you so insistent on being an ass?” you yelled loud enough for them to hear.  
You watched as he caught on. “Yeah well, you’re a piece of work yourself forest girl”  
You turned your back on him and started for the group. “Yeah yeah I'm the problem here.” You could see the confused expressions on your siblings' faces, Tsireya looking especially concerned as you got closer to them.  
“You think you’re so smart, but you're just a forest girl thrashing around in the water” He didn’t play mad, he had to be a jerk.  
“Skxawng!” you bit back  
“I think I was wrong before, I guess there is a freak in the family.” He spits  
“Muntxa hu pa'li nang!” You pretend to be offended, seething through your teeth. By now you were right in front of the group, they all had different expressions, Kiri and Lo’ak were in disbelief and Neteyam looked as if he was about to rip Ao’nung’s head off. “No wonder Tsireya was chosen to lead the clan instead of you!”  
He hissed at you, you hissed back harsher and promptly swam away, him going in the opposite direction. You had to dive underwater to keep yourself from laughing.  
Ao’nung didn’t quite know what to do next, so he just hung out with Rotxo until his sister came storming up to him.  
“Ao’nung you Skxawng!” She flicked his forehead. “Why would you do that?”  
He rubbed the patch she flicked and ignored her question. “I’m surprised the brothers didn’t come after me.”  
“They almost did, it took forever for Kiri and I to convince them that being by Y/n’s side would be more comforting that beating you up.” she explained exasperated.  
He couldn’t tell her the truth, it would make their entire charade pointless, so he just shrugged.  
“What do you think you are doing brother? I thought you liked her but here you are insulting her!” She continued to ream him, he would have walked away by now, but he figured it wouldn’t be worth the risk of running into one of your brothers, or even your father if he has caught word...   
So, he stood there, getting berated by his sister. He knew she meant well, and it warmed his heart to know she cared so much about you.  
On the other side of the village, you sat in the Marui pretending to sulk as Neteyam and Lo’ak tried to comfort you, how Kiri and Tsireya talked them into this you don’t know. Their attempts were endearing, but it was hard to stay in character and not laugh.   
Neteyam and Lo’ak weren’t good at consoling in general, but it was still nice to have their comforting and loving words.   
You didn’t say much, just that it was you who caused the fight (technically not a lie) and you didn’t want to talk to him for a while. It took you a minute, but you convinced your siblings to not hold a grudge against him, that this was between you two and you also said a lot of shitty things.  
You also convinced them to not tell Jake and Neytiri, you didn’t need another pair of eyes on you and Ao-nung, especially not with how strict they were.  
It was now pretty late, Neteyam had gone to sleep a while ago which gave you the opportunity to continue his necklace, mostly everyone was settled down except for Jake. Ideally you wanted everyone to be asleep, but you didn’t want to keep Ao’nung waiting long, so you placed the necklace down, muttering something about not going to be able to sleep and left.  
As you got in the water it dawned on you that you hadn’t exactly given Ao’nung any real directions, you bit your lip, mentally chastising yourself, which led to you wondering if he would even come, if maybe you went too far with your comments earlier... you had to stop overthinking.  
Taking a deep breath, you continued on to the intended meeting place, a breath of relief coming out when you saw him sitting on the edge. Like he could sense your arrival, he turned his head to look at you, standing up to meet you in the middle.  
“Took you long enough” he said, taking your hand and leading you back over to where he was sitting.   
“I’m sorry, my dad was awake, and I was trying to wait for him to go to sleep” You whined, he chuckled at your pouting.  
“It’s ok, just actually give me a time next time” he teased, you could feel your cheeks burn. Changing the subject, you asked if there was another cave, he was willing to show you since Kiri stole his thunder.  
He chuckled but shook his head. “Tell me about the forest.” That caught you off guard. “I want to know more about you” he took your hand, your fingertips resting in his palm as he observed them. “You’ve been here for weeks, and all we’ve done is swim around the reef and argue, tell me about you.” He looked up, locking eyes with you.  
Butterflies in your stomach was an understatement.   
“The forest was...” You thought, looking out at the reef trying to grasp the right words. “Mighty and serene” a smile grew on your lips. “Everything was one, one pulsing life you could feel beneath your feet. We slept in hammocks high above ground, running across branches larger than the roots your homes are built into.” You nudge him with your elbow, he only rolled his eyes.  
“When I tamed my ikran, we fell from the cliff before I could make the connection, and all I remember thinking is how beautiful the world below me was.” You recalled the memory fondly, but Ao’nung had a deeply troubled look on his face, causing you to burst out laughing.  
“You almost die and all you do is enjoy the view??” he asked in disbelief. “You really are your brothers’ sister...”  
“How could I not? I mean of course I was panicking but I got it under control” you defended with a grin “Of course Norm and Max absolutely threw a fit when they found out” you snickered. 
Ao’nung frowned a bit, and you realized that aside from stories (and technically Jake) the Meykayina didn’t know much about humans, and the scientists didn’t have Na’vi passing names. “They’re the humans who helped raise me” You explained, but internally faced palmed because that wouldn’t make it any better, humans are demons to Na’vi. 
He only looked more confused, “Why? Were your parents too busy with three other kids?” he smirked. 
You chuckled before you found yourself growing anxious, it wasn’t kept a secret that you weren’t a sully, but you also weren’t keen on announcing it. 
“I actually never met my parents” you say casually, not wanting to ruin the mood, but you saw Ao’nung’s face fall. “They were close to the scientists, and yeah Jake and Neytiri did have a lot on their plate,” You joked. “They were gone by the time I was a few months old, so Norm and Max took me in.”  
It wasn’t hard to talk about, it was sad, but you didn’t know your parents at all. Unlike Kiri, you had no way to remember your mother, you didn’t even really know about her until a few years ago when Jake mentioned her difficult pregnancy being the cause of your human body being frail. 
“So, why’d you come with the Sullys?” he asked, you thought for a moment, you couldn’t tell him about you being human before, so you decided to change the story a bit. 
“I got into an accident and almost died when I was young, it freaked them out and they got worried that they were putting me at a disadvantage, Jake and Neytiri agreed to raise me from then on since I was older.” You sat back staring into the night sky. “Plus, I was always inseparable from them, coming was a decision they left up to me.” 
He wrapped his hand around the one he was holding, “I’m glad you decided to come” he smiled. 
You grinned, a blush rising on your cheeks. “Yeah, I bet you are.” 
That earned you a rough shove into the water. 
You tried not to stay out too long but when you saw Jake standing outside the Marui when you returned, you cringed hard. You avoided eye contact as you got back on the walkway, before you could say anything he placed a hand on your shoulder and gestured for you to sit on the edge with him. 
“I heard about what happened today” he said, you held your breath. Tuk... “And I know it must be hard, but I think it’s for the best.” 
You pursed your lips, not sure how to respond. 
“Right now, we need to stick together as a family” You resisted the urge to ask if that included spider.... “Sullys stick together, I need you to show them that.” You knew what he was trying to say, if you didn’t know better you would have thought Neteyam told him. 
Jake meant well; you knew that. He had always been just as protective as your brothers. You nodded and he pulled you in for a hug, you felt guilty about not telling your family the truth, but it was the only way to take their worry off you without sacrificing your friendship with Ao’nung. You let yourself relax in his arms; he smiled as he picked you up to bring you to bed like you were a child again. 
You were the last to wake up in the morning, your family wanting to give you some extra peace and time for yourself. You took your time getting up, thinking about last night, everything about it. 
It made you feel sluggish, swearing to stop staying out so late as it seemed to cause all the stressful conversations. 
As you were about to walk out of the Marui, you saw a flower lying right in the entrance. A shy grin spread across your face, heat rushing to your cheeks. 
Maybe staying out late was worth it... 
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dotthings · 4 months
Some tea from Richard Speight, Jr. about filming Cas’s testament scene has surfaced from DLC6. [x]
nothing cut from script to screen but they added things, such as Cas having to paint the sigil on the door and leaving the bloody hand print on Dean’s shoulder [my note: wbk about the additions during filming. There's still the matter of the spanish dub because the latam dubbing team felt a verbal I love you from Dean, made sense. And a few other lingering questions that have not actually been resolved and we may never know, but I'll go along. If Rich is happy with what was filmed and got to screen in the US, I'm glad. I love 15.18 either way. Rich's comments also goes to show how collaborative making tv is and how fluid the process can be.]
Rich said the scene wasn’t intended to be about Dean’s reciprocation, it was to give Cas his moment to speak his truth, to speak his love for Dean, and Cas didn’t expect an answer back, he just wanted to be heard, wanting Dean to know. [my note: makes sense to me, and it’s what I’ve thought about Cas pov. Cas pov not being the same as audience pov and what the story might need next and what Dean’s needs are. But for that scene, Cas feels complete. It also very much means the emotional story from Dean's side is not resolved. Dean wasn't given his chance yet, by creative design, perhaps because the only way they could get this greenlit at all is if it was only Cas who got to speak. We'll see what happens next.]
Rich saying because they did many takes of the scene with Dean’s emotional reactions, there are shots where Dean is crying more, or crying less. Editing put together different angles from different takes. [my note: the irony that naysayers are already trying to weaponize this to shut down the idea that anything got cut when per Rich himself, the facts on the ground are that the full range of Jensen’s acting for Dean’s response got reduced. No shade on Rich. But let's not erase or deny what was going on with Jensen's acting and how Jensen gave 110% and what wound up on screen was about 80% of whatever work Jensen did. Dean wept more than we saw, even before Dean was on the dungeon floor sobbing. Jensen’s performance as it stands is beautiful and powerful and full of emotion. It has taken an inordinate amount of hate and erasure, which is 100% cynical concern trolling to deny Dean’s feelings for Cas. More shots of Dean crying openly wouldn’t stop it, there’s no excuse for those responses. What’s there is loud enough. Only the most willfully cynical gaze could deny the love and anguish Dean showed.]
Rich said the parallel for John and Mary’s confession in TW 1x07 to 15x18 is a “coincidence” yet went on to talk about the trope of confessing love in a life or death situation and cited Leia and Han Solo among others [my note: it was also used again by an ep Rich recently directed in another piece of media I won’t say so I don’t spoil it. Also I’m laughing about how it seems he answered this. Total coincidence!! And spn 15.18 is like TW 1x07 is like Han and Leia and love confessions in dire situations is a common (romantic) trope. Pls, if anybody is taking away from this some kind of shutdown on creative recognition of the Destiel implications of it all, I don’t even want to know, I’ve had my fill of poor comprehension skills, poor critical thinking, and poor media literacy, oh my god]
Rich saying he was glad Cas’s words meant a lot to queer fans and that he feels it was important and a “bold” move that Bobo and Misha fought for. <3
So that's confirmation from director now, to add to writer intention, both actors, and an EP who greenlight Bobo's pitch for Cas’s testament as romantic. That is canon. That is a lock.
Cas's testament started out carefully padded into an “open to interpretation” zone. We have watched it be eased out of it and into the open.
I’m pleased it's openly acknowledged for what it is...and what I knew it was when the ep aired. I did expect it would be eventually, and would take some time. I’m glad it's here now.
As always, my appreciation for the work Rich, Bobo, Jensen, Misha did on 15.18 <333
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l00rem · 3 months
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Oh naaaaw they really went and gave him double daddy issues 💀💀
But Gibeon looks quite different to Amethio despite only being his grandad… when you compare liko and diana to amethio and gibeon it’s strange considering liko and diana resemble eachother so closely. Gibeon is more pink than purple and his hair is stylised completely differently, the outer pupil bit is shaped more triangular whilst amethio’s is just round. Also, looking even closer at gibeons eyes he has a white shine to it whilst amethio’s don’t, so has amethio actually had those depressed empty anime eyes the entire time but due to his white pupils we couldn’t tell until now? Maybe i’m just overthinking things 
It’s really interesting to me how differently amethio addresses his respective familial connections. He seems to really respect Gibeon, calling him ojji-sama, meanwhile he calls his dad chichi which is generally more neutral. He seems to be trying to distance himself from who is father was too which reeks of sooo much indoctrination someone please save his poor soul. I can see quite of few explanations for his lack of connection with his father; his father potentially learned of some dark truth and left but couldn’t take amethio for some reason, his father is dead but gibeon covered it up, or amethio never actually knew his father but was told about how he abandoned explorers once he joined. I wonder if Amethio tells himself that his feelings of bitterness towards his father are because he betrayed explorers, when in reality it’s because he’s the one who feels betrayed. 
Clearly there’s some reason amethio seems to have such strong loyalty towards Gibeon. They obviously don’t have a traditional bond, with Gibeon even remarking that it’s been awhile since they met like this which perhaps implies it’s been over a year since they met face to face, and yet amethio regards him so highly. And surprise surprise, the only time he cares to see his grandson face to face is when he’s asking him to continue serving his wishes, really selling himself as grandad of the year here.
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This line particularly intrigues me and supports a hc i’ve been holding for awhile which is that amethio and gibeons blood line are descended from royalty of sorts. Perhaps then he intended to make rakua his kingdom, but that would mean destroying it in order to control it which lead to his subsequent falling out with Lucius. 
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The way he phrases this is also really interesting to me- because it subverts the usual expected ‘heir to the throne’ and instead Gibeon just says heir of his blood. Which makes sense given that Gibeon seems to be intending to live forever, so he wants to keep playing as king for all eternity. So amethio is just a means to an end, someone to do all the hard work for achieving gibeons dreams and yet reviving little from it himself. 
I doubt this’ll happen but i’m gonna say it just to put it on the record- I wonder if we could potentially see this gibeon/amethio ancestor on the throne in the upcoming legends Z game? Considering Gibeon’s partner being a Zygarde and Kalos’s themes of royalty, potentially we could see the ruler that Gibeon is trying to emulate. Apart from new pokemon forms i don’t think the games have ever taken something from the anime before, but i think it’d make an interesting twist if they went that direction!
It’s pretty upsetting to see how heavily manipulated and indoctrinated Amethio is into explorers. I don’t have any doubts for his eventual redemption arc despite his yearning for power, but seeing how strong of a chokehold gibeon has on him it does make me wonder what’ll actually trigger it.  A lot of people compare amethio to zuko, but for zuko he could see physical evidence of how horrible the fire nation was through going around the world and having uncle iroh to guide him whereas amethio doesn’t really have either of those (zir and conia support him, but they’re not really angels on his shoulder). Either he’ll discover a darker secret somehow and turn against them (potentially the same as his father) or maybe through his development with the rvts he’ll grow to realise how horrible explorers has treated him? (something about chosen family vs biological family). Regardless of how it happens, I just hope Amethio can be happy by the end of all of this. Maybe if we’re lucky we’ll actually see him smile in a year or so. 
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eco-lite · 11 months
Finally making more progress on the pile of ST books I own but have yet to read. Here’s some good stuff from The Vulcan Academy Murders by Jean Lorrah.
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[Image ID: The cover of the book The Vulcan Academy Murders. The background has lots of dark purple tones. In the foreground, Spock stands with a phaser pointed at a Vulcan creature with green skin, a cat-like face, a fin down its back, sharp claws, and a long tail. The creature is hissing down at Spock from a rock. End ID]
First of all, what is going on with this cover? Nothing like this happens in the book.
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[Text ID: “Kirk recalled that all male Vulcans were married—had to be—and glanced at Spock. His First Officer, however, was very busy inspecting the almost un-touched wine in his glass.” End ID]
Interesting interesting. 👀
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[Text ID: “Kirk had been given Spock’s room (underlined red by me) and McCoy the guest room in Sarek’s house—a house far from anything Kirk would ever have imagined as the home Spock had grown up in. He had envisioned either a sterile, unadorned ‘environment,’ or a castlelike ancestral residence. Instead, the house on the outskirts of ShiKahr was a simple single-family dwelling.” End ID]
This book is way too casual about Kirk sleeping in Spock’s childhood bedroom. Also, there’s no mention of where Spock is sleeping while they’re there???
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[Text ID: “He remembered forcing Spock to control his emotions when he was five, and his schoolfellows taunted him for being ‘different.’ Under his father’s tutelage, Spock had refused to cry when the others shut him out of their games, calling him ‘Earther’ and ‘half-breed.’ Amanda had hidden her tears from their son, and Sarek had hidden his anger. Or had he? Perhaps I directed it at my son instead, he realized. He had intended to prepare Spock for whatever lack of acceptance he would face in life. And the message Spock received was that his own father did not accept him as he was, had to mold him into something he deemed acceptable.” End ID]
We love reflecting on our past mistakes. 👏🏼 We love character growth. 👏🏼
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[Text ID: “’A computer cannot lie,’ said Spock. ‘Nevertheless, this one is giving false information.’ ‘Why don’t you try playing chess with it?’ came a voice from the doorway. Sarek turned to find Leonard McCoy, bouncing on his toes and grinning.” End ID]
I love them. I can picture this so perfectly.
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[Text ID: “’What dost thou know of Surak?’ she asked finally—but her voice spoke more of perplexity than challenge. ‘What everyone knows: he was the founder of Vulcan philosophy. I know he is a personal hero to my friend Spock, the way Abraham Lincoln, from human history, is to me.’” End ID]
Kirk will bring up Abe Lincoln whenever he has a chance. That’s canon now.
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[Text ID: “’You are not only anything, Spock. You are more, not less, because of your dual heritage. It is fruitless to wish now that I had made that clearer to you when you were a child.’ ‘You wanted me to be Vulcan.’ ‘That is true,’ Sarek agreed. ‘And you are Vulcan, representative of IDIC in its fullest sense.’ Spock studied his father. ‘You never put it to me that way. The last time you and I spoke as father and son, before I went to Starfleet Academy, you reminded me of how important it was that I think of myself as Vulcan. Do you remember your words, father?’ Sarek remembered. ‘I am Vulcan by birth. Your mother is Vulcan by choice. You are Vulcan by both birth and choice.’ ‘And then I disappointed you by making a different choice.’ Sarek searched his memory, trying to recover the logical reason for what now seemed completely irrational. Finally, he said simply, ‘I was wrong.’” End ID]
Yes! Let’s talk about our feelings! Let’s resolve those daddy issues!
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[Text ID: “He went back to his room—Spock’s room, really. Kirk had brought with him a sturdy suit and boots, for Spock had suggested they might go camping in the mountains after the summer heat abated. (Last sentence underlined in red by me.) He put on the boots and the trousers to the suit, but decided the heavy shirt would be far too hot—" End ID]
Spock wanted to take them camping. 🥹
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[Text ID: “‘He will recover, though?’ asked Spock. ‘Yeah—you can see him later, Spock,’ said the doctor. ‘He’s gonna be in considerable pain—you’re probably the only person he’ll be able to stand. Your son would’ve made a good doctor,’ he added to Sarek. ‘I don’t know how he does it, but he’s really good with people in pain.’ Spock’s eyebrows shot up at the unexpected compliment from the man Sarek usually saw him trade barbs with. Then Leonard left them to go back to his patient, and Spock turned to Sarek. ‘May I ask you something, Father?’ ‘What is it, Spock?’ ‘When Mother became conscious, you called her…?’ ‘Beloved.’” End ID]
Spock being very concerned about Kirk’s injuries. Bones saying Spock is the only person Kirk would tolerate while in pain. Spock asking his father about expressing love for an outworlder. It’s a lot.
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silentcryracha · 1 year
Cooking (or is it) with Minho (SKZ) ‗ ❍
Pairing : Minho x reader
Warnings/ genre: smut, just horny (fingering). Some fluff and teasing here and there. Reader is called a good girl. Kinda dom Minho but not heavy on it.
Summary: Minho worked all day on a new complicated recipe that he wanted to try out. But will he be able to finish it without distractions?
Word count: 1.232 k
A/n: The summary sucks I know it's okay, there's really not much to say except horny thoughts so. Silly little scenario influenced by my own cooking night, missing long hair minho hours and just enough wine to get a lil creative 🤫
ps: possible errors. DO NOT REPOST on other socials. Leave a feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy 😉
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"Taste it please" Minho called out to you. You walked closer, taking a good look at his whole figure; he was wearing black yoga pants and a plain gray shirt with short sleeves that became just a bit too tight on his biceps when he flexed them. His brown hair the longest that they've ever been, and he looked heavenly to you.
You smiled a little before leaning in and closing your mouth over the spoon. He watched intently, his gaze going from your mouth to your eyes again. You retreated, tasting it a little before nodding in approval.
"Mhh." you didn't intend to make it sound like anything more than an approving hum, but apparently his mind must've gone in a different direction, because his face shifted imperceptibly at the noise. You did notice, and hid a suggestive smirk.
"Yes, it's very good. Good job, honey" you pecked his cheek, gaining a small hum as a response from him, whom quickly went back to his dishes.
He randomly saw this recipe done from a professional chef on tv and decided that he just had to try to replicate it. Cooking and baking was a hobby for him that he always liked to work on when he had the time.
And this time, he was really giving it his all, making sauces, vegetables and meat all at once. Two full pans on the stove and the meat in oven cooking steadily.
"Why go out and spend a fortune when I can do it better, at home?" of course he had to be extremely smug and confident about it, very much his style. But it was hot seeing him so concentrated while working on something, so you couldn't complain.
He has truly been working on it since that morning, including the grocery shopping and preparation. You, on the other hand, were feeling in an extremely good and relaxed mood, probably also thanks to the couple of glasses of wine that you had while waiting.
He decided not to join you, wanting to be completely concentrated on his task. You teased him, saying that he's no fun and he just huffed out a laugh before shaking his head at you.
The thing is, you wanted to have a little fun, with or without him. So you decided to go to the living room, turn off the tv that was quietly playing in the background and instead turn on some music, the volume just loud enough for it to reach the kitchen nearby.
At that point you swayed and danced on your way back, looking either pretty ridiculous or pretty hot, you truly didn't care. Either way, Minho turned his head around to look and started to laugh with a loving look on his face. You mirrored the smile and got behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your chin on his shoulder.
"You having fun?" he asked while mixing the sauce with a wooden spoon. With a smile still on your face, you decided to risk it. Your hand gently going up to move his long hair from his face, then slowly started to trail down from his cheek, neck, chest with your fingertips.
You felt his breath hitch a bit, still pressed to his back. He stopped what he was doing and rested his hand on the counter nearby, still gripping the spoon tightly.
"Yes...but I could have even more fun" you responded lowly. Your hand slipped under his shirt, caressing his stomach and lower belly. He automatically bucked his hips slightly, a low moan leaving his mouth.
"Yeah?" a faint chuckle escaped your mouth at his raspy voice, then pressing your lips to his neck and leaving a wet kiss. The soft air on the newly humid skin made him shiver, leaning his head to the side to allow you more space.
"Yeah" You sensed him moving but didn't pay it too much mind, your attention being on your own hand slipping inside his pants. You started to palm him through his boxers, feeling him getting hard.
Soon enough he suddenly turned around, making you automatically retreat your hand. His own hands were now cupping your face and his mouth was on yours. The kiss was messy, all tongue and bites, and you felt lightheaded.
You were completely out of it, only realizing where he was leading you when your lower back touched the edge of the still clear table. Minho parted from your lips just enough to order you to sit up, which you did.
Immediately after, his hand slipped into your own pants and underwear, and started to rub your clit with just the right amount of pressure while also spreading your wetness around. He knew how to play with your body so well, too well for your own good.
"You really just couldn't wait ten fucking minutes, uh?" he said harshly, licking and the grazing your neck with his teeth and making you moan. He started to kiss you again vigorously while touching you.
You apparently decided to choose violence that day because you somehow managed to find enough strengh to break the kiss, giggle lazily and respond "No..." you kissed him again "Got tired of waiting" you finished. He groaned and slipped two fingers inside you, making you gasp in pleasure and throw your head back.
"Spoiled brat" he responded, with a mixture of amusement and incredibility. You tried to touch him again but he swatted your hand away with his free one, then immediately placing it behind your head as if to keep you in place. You looked at him with confusion for a second but he suddenly quickened his movements on your pussy, adding a thumb to your clit and circling it skillfully. At that point you didn't understand anything anymore.
"Fuck Minho, don't stop" you moaned breathless. He kissed you again before pausing just enough to whisper "I need you to come for me", his dark eyes, sharp and intense, looking into your dazed ones.
It didn't take you much more time to come undone, your hips bucking onto his hand, a whine escaping your lips while your mouth was still on his. He allowed you to come off your high slowly, removing his hand from behind your head and the other from your pants, making you shiver.
You were still breathing heavily, arms stretched behind you on the table to keep yourself up, legs lightly spread. Your fucked out mind didn't even realized that he instantly came back to check on the food and you let out a breathy laugh, incredolous.
"You were still thinking about the damn meat this whole time?" he stood up and closed the oven, ditching the cooking glove somewhere on the counter and then looking over at you.
"You're lucky I had enough sense to turn off the stove before your little show. Now be a good girl and set the table while I go change these boxers, meat's almost ready." he pointed at you as he talked.
Then he just stuck his pointer finger in his mouth sucking on it, the one he had just used on you. Smirking at your dumbfounded expression, he walked out yelling "Expect payback later, you greedy girl".
You sighed and stood up straight again, going to wash your hands with an uncomfortable wet feeling in your underwear, but a smug smile on your face.
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norinenglish · 2 months
We are back after 3 months! This chapter was way more difficult to write than I intended, and gosh, it also went it a completely different direction than what I had in my notes (well, not the event, but the dialogue and the overall tone of things). Can you guys tell my characters to stop acting up? It would help me. Anyways, enjoy!!! :D
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honeyhotteok · 1 year
hii may i ask for a gun x reader fic, where we just utterly despite our delinquent gun as a normal student, yet he loves us? like, he never makes it obvious but we just hate him, his attitude, his behavior etc, since he always interfere in bloody stuff which we r scared of.. love ya<3
hi anon! thank u for sending in this ask!! tbh writing for gun is a struggle for me but i tried lol also hope u don't mind i went in a slightly different direction with your idea🥹🫶
strawberry milk & cigarettes (gun park x reader)
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summary: gun meets gian high school's #1 student.
"Yamazaki Yuzuru, to the principal's office. Now."
The class erupts into hushed whispers about the summoned new kid - a delinquent rumored to be making his way throughout Japan in order to study different martial arts, a fighting prodigy of sorts.
Gun stands up and makes his way to the classroom door. A turn of his head paired with a cold glare shuts everyone up, leaving a few of your classmates shifting uncomfortably in their seats.
Meanwhile, you're sat there tuning all of this out, head buried in your notebook. Devoting 100% of your concentration to rewriting your notes from the previous class.
Gun is on his way to walking past your desk, but stops in front of it when something catches his attention.
He looks down at your notebook, the pages inscribed with perfectly straight lines of neat handwriting coupled with color-coordinated evenly highlighted blocks. The layers of organization, the penmanship - it's impressive, really.
You feel a pair of eyes on you and notice an inked forearm in front of you peeking through the rolled up black sleeve of his gakuran jacket. Ugh. Great. Another disruptive thug attending this institution, another potential obstacle to your simple goal of pursuing an education.
You finally slowly raise your head to look up at him, unsure why this weirdo is staring at you.
"Can I help y-"
Gun smirks and turns around before your eyes even meet his, walking off before you can finish your sentence.
Leaving you appalled at his complete lack of manners, but with nothing to do but return to your meticulous notes task.
"Okay, everyone, pass your homework up to the front."
You turn to the seat behind you to take Gun's paper and you catch a glimpse of the bottom of his sleeve, still bloodied from the fight he just had before class. Your face scrunches up in disgust.
You glance down at his paper and the absolutely illegible chicken scratch scrawled onto it. You can't help but grimace. "What's wrong with your handwriting?"
"Why is it any of your business?"
You scoff at his reply. "Rude bastard," you mutter under your breath.
He leans forward in his seat, a strand of his slicked back black hair falling in front of his face. "What did you just say?"
You're not sure what it is - maybe it's the irritability from lack of sleep, or the academic stress you've been experiencing tenfold this week, or the fact that this new punk's mere existence in your space is starting to get on your nerves. Maybe it's all of the above.
You whip your head back around to face him. "I called you a rude bastard."
He gives you an unreadable stare. The class suddenly falls silent. Shit, maybe you said that a little bit louder than you had intended.
You turn back around in your seat and pass the stack of papers up, both annoyance and embarrassment coursing through you.
Gun's lips curl into an amused smile at the first words anyone at this school has dared utter to his face while looking him in the eye.
You walk over to the vending machine down the hall during break time, already fishing for your wallet in anticipation.
Your friend catches up to you and nudges you with her elbow.
"What was that?! You just insulted an actual member of the Yamazaki family!" She says in a hushed voice.
You stare blankly at your friend. "The who?"
"Yamazaki family, of the Yakuza."
You pause. "Wait, he's an actual kid of a Yakuza family? I thought he was just a random pathetic teenage thug nobody..." you mumble. Huh. Maybe it would've served you to not have insulted someone with the ties to actually kill you and get away with it.
You glance at your watch with a wave of your hand. "You know what, I don't have time for this. I'm gonna get my strawberry milk and go study."
You frown as your eyes settle on the empty spiral behind the vending machine window before you. "Aw, they're all out."
Your friend suggests you just buy one of the other drinks instead, but you sigh and tell her to forget it.
Gun, who totally hasn't been trailing a few steps behind you or anything, turns on his heel and beckons one of his new lackeys over.
He opens his mouth, then pauses. "Nevermind, I'll do it myself."
Gun's eyes flit between the similar looking white and pink cans of Sangaria Strawberry Milk and Suntory Strawberry Milk sitting on the convenience store refrigerator shelf.
"Dammit, why are there so many strawberry milk brands," he mutters to himself.
He quickly snatches both of them and walks over to the register to pay.
He jogs across the street back to school. He tries to discreetly leave both cans on your desk before the rest of the class trickles back in as break time comes to an end.
You cautiously pick up one of the cans of strawberry milk sitting on your desk, glancing around the room. Uh, what the... Did someone leave these for you?
You lift and inspect the can. "Do you think this could be poisoned?"
Your friend rolls her eyes. "It's a sealed can. Maybe you just have a secret admirer," she says with a grin and nudge.
It's your turn to roll your eyes at her. You shrug and pop open the can. Your spirits instantly lift after your first sip of the creamy fruity beverage.
Gun watches from his desk with his cheek resting in his palm. A faint, extremely weird unfamiliar feeling beginning to stir in his chest.
Gun rests his arms on the railing of the upper section of the roof. He takes a long drag of his cigarette.
The door to the lower level of the roof swings open, and to his surprise, it's you walking in. You don't notice him since he remains out of your line of sight unless you look up.
It's been a long, long school day. After pulling another all-nighter studying last night, you're stressed out and sleep-deprived.
You know you should kick this bad habit, maybe after this exam season ends. Which is also what you told yourself last exam season, but whatever. You fumble your cardigan pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes and begin to light one.
Gun raises his eyebrows then chuckles at the sight of Gian High School's perfect and pristine #1 student of all people smoking, and smoking on school grounds to top it off.
You whip your head around at the noise.
Gun immediately ducks his head under the wall thanks to his lightning-quick reflexes.
Nothing but a blank wall behind you. Huh. Maybe the sleep deprivation has you hearing shit now, too.
After enough moments pass, he slowly lifts his head and peeks over the ledge at the back of your silhouette.
He smiles and puts out his own cig, beginning to make his way back in through the stairway door. Your little secret safe with him.
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heeliopheelia · 1 year
"you're so easy to love" (sunoo x reader)
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genre: fluff word count: 1.1k requested by @i-am-confused-about-life ♡
warnings: alcohol, reader has a ponytail
a/n: finally a sunno prompt!! sorry for whatever this is though... this went into a completely different direction than i first intended it to go in, but hope you still like it!! 💜💜
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It's only been fourteen minutes since Sunoo heard your borderline hysterical laughter on the other side of his phone, asking him through giggles and hiccups to pick you up from the club you went to with your friends. He quickly understood that you're absolutely shitfaced, so with a small sigh, he grabs the keys to his car and drives to come and get you before you try to do anything unreasonably stupid.
But Sunoo is not mad. It's your best friend's birthday after all. It's quite the opposite, really – seeing you like this, the stupidly wide smile plastered on your face as he closes the door and approaches you sitting on the curb, it makes him happy because he knows you probably had the best time with people you nearly considered your family.
You're chattering with your friend loudly, giggling every five seconds before the girl notices his presence and stands up to go back to the club. She waves at Sunoo, leaving you completely at his grace now that she's sure you'll get home safely.
The first thing you notice through your blurry eyes are the tips of blue sneakers before you feel a tap on your shoulder.
"Ready to go, love?"
You dart your head up, mind too dizzy to recognize the man standing right in front of you. You squint your eyes slightly, miserably failing at trying to regain your focus. You swat his hand away and wrap your arms around yourself protectively.
"Sorry, my boyfriend's coming to pick me up in a moment. You can leave me alone now. Go find yourself some other groupie," you stumble out, waving your hand at him dismissively before turning your face to the side to look the other way.
A scoff is all you hear before the man crouches down in front of you and grabs you by your chin to catch your misty eyes again.
"You know, one would think you would've been recognizing me after three years of dating."
The voice comes up from much closer than before and you gasp slightly, blinking your eyes quickly, finally getting a better look at your boyfriend. Sunoo watches as realization lightens up your face and a large smile comes up on your lips.
"Sunoo!" You chirp happily, arms quickly shooting up to wrap around his neck and making him lose his balance. He nearly stumbles backwards with you on top of him. "You're here!"
He tucks his own arms around your waist safely. "Yeah, I'm here. Let's go home now, hm?"
At the nod of your head, he raises to his legs, pulling up your half-limp body along with him. You stumble forward, crashing into his chest and not even once letting go of his neck. You bury your face in his shoulder and cling to him as if you haven't seen him in two years. Sunoo forgot how touchy you always get when you get drunk – he always ends up nearly crushed by the overwhelming love for him that intensifies whenever you have few shots too much.
"I missed you," you mumble into his clothes, eyes closing as you let yourself relax and completely put all of your weight on him.
"You saw me five hours ago," he chuckles, pressing a kiss to your temple. With having you this close to his, he can feel the goosebumps covering your cold skin. "Should've taken the jacket like I told you to. Now you're shivering like a fool."
"I know."
He shrugs off his hoodie, carefully detaching you from his body, keeping a steady arm around your waist as you trip backwards. "Hands up," he nods his head at you and you comply wordlessly, lifting your arms up immediately.
You sigh when his warm clothing makes its way over your body. Sunoo lets out a quiet giggle as he notices you struggling with tugging the hood over your ponytail, so he helps you with gentle hands until you're properly snuggled up in his hoodie.
When this million dollar smile appears on your face again, Sunoo can't resist and leans down to press his lips to yours, even if only for a short while. You taste like nothing but alcohol but he doesn't mind it all that much, wrapping his arms around you again and shielding you from the cool night air. You follow his lips a little sloppily, stumbling into his chest once more this night, chasing his lips desperately as he pulls away from you.
"C'mon, let's go now," he says, raising his eyebrows slightly as he kisses your nose one last time.
Somehow, he somehow manages to drag you to his car, strapping you up with the seat belt before getting inside himself. He starts the engine and sets the AC on warm before taking off from the club and into the direction of your home. The road goes by quickly, filled with your giggles and stories of what's happened throughout the entire party. Sunoo notices that you're getting sleepy as you start cutting your sentences in half, head resting on the window as you tiredly trace patterns on his hand placed on the gear shift.
You barely even realize you're home when he parks the car, completely submitting yourself to his mercy as he pulls you out of the passenger seat. The two of you make it to the front door and you rest your head on his shoulder as he fumbles with the keys for couple seconds, struggling with using only one of his hands.
"I'm sorry," you mumble into the silence, eyes feeling way too heavy for a person in such state as the one you're in. "I know I can be a lot sometimes. Thank you for always taking care of me."
Sunoo turns his head to look at you briefly, finally finding the key and turning the lock. He presses a quick kiss to the top of your head. "That's not true at all, angel. It's actually quite the opposite. You're so easy to love, honestly. Probably the easiest thing I've ever had to do in my entire life."
His words warm up your heart and you find yourself on the verge of tears. Damn you for being an emotional type of drunk.
"I love you so much," you mumble out, clutching onto his arm with both of your hands. "Everything about you is just so... sweet. My sweetest boy."
Sunoo snorts at your words as he finally decides on picking you up in his arms and carrying you through the threshold, kicking the door closed behind you.
"Geez, we need to get you to bed ASAP," he teases, walking the two of you up the stairs into the bedroom. "I love you too, you sap."
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permanent taglist: @bambisgirl @arizejkt19 @luvmura @milisabunny @cathy-1997 @satoruskitchenrag @ramenoil @jenjnk @jaylaxies @yoongspi
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hunnidmilly · 1 year
crushin’ on you. |s.s|
(a/n) omg. im kinda nervous here. i wanted to try my luck at writing for solo sikoa. aye it’s wild asl when the whole damn family fine asl. im also cooking up something for jey usoooo :))). this is also inspired by @msbigredmachine ‘I still heart you’ oneshot featuring solo and nadine. complete credit to you <3. enjoy.
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“it’s cool, not tryin’ to put the rush on you. i had to let you know that i got a crush on you…”
warnings: none.
parings: fluff!solo sikoa x black!reader
tagged: @cyberdejos2
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“Shit!” You let out a painful groan as you almost twisted your ankle while wearing your 6 inch heels.
“You’re so damn childish.” Your best friend, Leilani, mumbled with a roll of her eyes trailing behind you as you rushed towards catering, “You a little too old for this shit, no?”
“Instead of running your motormouth, you need to be making sure he’s not near me.” You pant, nearly out of breath from your speed walking.
“Bitch, we just speedwalked all the way to the other side of the damn building away from him! He can’t fucking teleport, dammit.” Leilani responds pulling out a chair to sit down lowering her head to the table, “Why won’t you jus—“
“You think he saw me? What if he thinks I’m crazy? All he did was wave. Fuck man. Fuck!” You whine as you throw your head into your hands in embarrassment
“I hope the motherfucker does, then you can stop running away like a 6 year old child.”
“Your mother.” You mumbled out
Currently, you found yourself in a sticky situation. You were always told before you got into this business, “Don’t fall in love with your coworkers.” And here you were. Head over heels for a certain younger Samoan. Solo was practically your husband in your head at this point. You've had a crush on him since meeting him in developmental. With a handful of conversations, hanging out with your friend group, and even going out to eat, how could you not develop even the slightest of feelings for him?
While many saw him as the silent enforcer to his older cousin, Roman, he often showed you a different side when you were alone with him. When you allowed yourself to be. You could barely contain yourself around him. If it’s from falling over the damn air, to stuttering over your words, or saying the most random shit ever…you were crushin’ on him. and you had it bad.
Safe to say, you spent your nights in your hotel room with only a box of your favorite 10 piece hot wing combo, lurking on his socials, and his friends and family’s socials from a separate account than your company one.
You found it easier to just avoid him all together, to keep your little schoolgirl feelings safe. You’ve had way too many experiences of admitting your feelings for others and it went completely left. Rejection is a part of life, but that doesn’t mean it doesn't hurt. And a man like him? coming from one of the biggest wrestling families? You were nowhere near comparable. Deciding to save yourself from the embarrassment, you’d admire the Samoan from a distance…all while creating it.
Leilani and you were walking down a hall when you spotted him talking to his brother. He through a wave in your direction with a dazzling smile, expecting you to return it. Yeah, you didn’t. Quite the opposite, in fact.
You pretend as if you didn’t see him. And spun on your heel and speed walked down the opposite direction you were intending.
Even though Solo clearly saw you, see him, see you, see him.
“Stupid, you do know you’re 31 years old, right? Not 13. Just tell him you like him. What’s the worst he can do?” Leilani explains with a agitated expression coating her face
“He could say, ‘Hey, I’m not interested.’ and there goes my fuckin
dignity. Right down the drain.” You answer
“Then onto the next, girl! He’s not the only guy you’re ever going to like. He’s not the only guy who’ll rejec—“
“Reject me. I know. Save the speech, Joel Olsten. I don’t need the embarrassment that comes from that. We work together, Lei. Do you understand how awkward that would be?” You screech out slamming your hands in the table
“You knew it was going to be awkward when you started liking him. You and him have gone out before. You’re literally friends.”
“We’re friends through friends, Lei. It’s different. We’ve never gone out alone. It’s always been with other people. But he’s not the ‘enforcer’ around me. He’s just Joseph.” You sighed, beginning to feel sorry for yourself.
Leilani was right. You were a grown woman. He’s not the only guy in the world. But somehow, in front of other people, he always had a way of doing so.
One time you went out bowling with your friends a few months back, and he opened the door for you, placing his hand on your lower back, letting you enter the building before him. That entire night, he paid more than enough attention to you. Asking you about your life outside of wrestling, laughing at your jokes, and poking fun at your lack of ability to bowl. He even ordered your food for you. He ended that night by giving you a small hug.
You could still smell his cologne if you closed your eyes tightly enough.
But what if you were reading into this all wrong? He could’ve done that as a way to show he was sincerely interested in being your friend.
Late at night you always dreamed, he was crushin’ just as hard on you as you were to him. But he’s a grown man too. He would’ve said something by now if he was genuinely interested. Right?
“You need to put on your granny panties and go up to him and ask him to hang out. Bitch, you’re old. Get your ass up. Oop, just in time.” Lei suddenly smirks, her eyes moving past your head
You furrowed your eyebrows and turned in your chair to see Solo entering the catering area, his face in his phone. You admittedly felt yourself begin to shake and start to sweat. Your chest getting heavy.
“Girl, get the fuck up. You know what, actually. Solo!” Lei suddenly shouts getting his attention
“What the fuck are you doing?” You snap into her direction
“I’m deflowering your pussy ass. Either take the chance, or shut up! Hey, Solo!”
You turned around to see him making his way to your table with a smile on his face. ‘I’m going to bitch slap her so hard’ you thought in your head, glaring at Leilani.
“Wassup y’all?” Solo says as he sits in a metal chair next to you
“Hey! We’re just talking about this one’s match tonight. I was just saying we need new gear. Here, let me sho—Dammit. My phone died. I’m gonna go get my iPad; I'll be back in a jiffy.”
Your eyes nearly popped from your skull at Leilani’s words, “I’ll be back, you two. Don’t go anywhere, yeah?” She snickers at the inside joke before standing up and walking off
You bit down on your tongue as you watched her saunter off, down the hallway of the arena. opposite of her locker room, where her iPad would be.
little lying ass bitch.
“So y’all thinking about new gear? Whatchall’ thinking about?” Solo asks, moving his arm to lay against the back of your chair.
Fuck me now, “Um…y-yeah. We are. Y’know? We needa stay up to par as tag team champions.” You stutter, silently curing yourself in your head.
“Hell yea! Yall have been killing it lately out there. I remember in developmental, you’d always say how one day you were going to dominate the women's tag team division. If only little you could see yourself right now. Right?” He grins showing his teeth
He remembered that? That was a while ago.
“Yeah. She’d probably be shitting herself.” Fuck.
He chuckles to himself before facing you again, “You guys ready for backlash? I see Natalya is gearing up. Ion know. You might got some serious competition there, baby girl.”
Was that a pet name? Why’d he call you that? Where did he get that? How many other girls does he call that?
“W-w-well she better bring her ass then to be geared the fuck down!” You respond, slightly cursing yourself.
Solo laughs at your bashfulness and you grab a mini water bottle from the center of the table. You quickly opened it and attempted to drown it in its entirety before you began coughing.
Who swallows water the wrong way? Seriously?
“Yo! Yo! You good?” Solo perches upwards with a concern look on his face actively patting your back
Does it look like i’m fucking good? What do you think?
“Y-yeah!” You cough out still hacking your lungs
“Lemme getchu som—Hey, wait a minute.“ Solo's words were cut off as you waved your hand off and stood up to leave. Still coughing, you walked toward the exit with a frown on your face.
Once again, you fucked it up and embarrassed yourself. This time by choking on your water.
“Hey, wait. It’s oka—“ Solo's words were cut off once again as you leaned too close to the door, yanking it open resulting in hitting your head with it.
Before anyone else could see your multiple fuckups, you quickly exited the catering area. You walked as fast as you could to your locker room, clutching your head. You felt the tears in your eyes begin to form at your embarrassment. You felt sorry for yourself. A 31 year old grown ass woman, couldn’t admit to a dude that you were feeling him. The shit was pitiful to say the least.
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You clutched your jacket closer to your body as you waited for your Uber Eats delivery to arrive. After a long night, you made the ‘expected’ decision to just head back to the hotel for the night. Avoiding Solo for the duration of the show. Wherever you spotted him, you made sure you weren’t. or at least well hidden. You lowered your gaze down to your phone, eyeing the unread message from Leilani.
Lei: Soooooo. You 2 lovebirds bond?
You didn’t have it in your heart to tell her the truth. Once again, you messed up. If he didn’t think you were weird before, he certainly does now.
Shaming yourself for wearing shorts, while it was chilly outside, you saw the car of your Uber Eats driver pull up. You stayed near the hotel entrance and prepared to greet him to receive your order. As the man gets out with a bag, from the corner of your eye, you couldn’t help but notice Solo beginning to walk towards you, his suitcase in tow. You quickly retrieved your bag, and headed back inside.
Not again. No, never again.
Just as you pressed the elevator button, you heard the creaking of wheels.
“Wassup?” He greets with a smile
“Hey.” You smile back up at the man
Solo's face gains a confused look. You were being short with him. while he knew you were shy. You at least attempted more of a conversation with him.
As the elevator opened, you both entered. You kept your head hung low, as you both waited to reach the floor. When the doors opened, you stepped out and quickly walked towards your room door, accepting your defeat.
“Hey, wait a second.” Solo starts, following behind you.
You were prepared to keep the conversation short and simple. Do not allow yourself to be swept away into another series of painful and embarrassing events.
“Why are you always so…different? Around me. I see you with everyone else. Leilani. The other ladies and guys. You’re yourself. But when it comes to me? You’re different. Wassup? Did I do something?”
You let out a breath as you stared up at the man. You had one shot. And here it was, right here. He was right. You weren’t normally the shy type. But dammit, you could barely form a sentence near him. Leilani was right. There were more fish in the sea. Even if this was the fish you wanted.
“Solo listen. I…I have feelings for you. Bad. I try to save my own feelings by pushing them to the side, but instead I end up looking like a fucking dumbass, every-single-time. I know what you’re going to say. And it’s cool. I’m not tryna put the rush on you. So just sav—“
You were ready to continue your ramble. Ready to explain and accept your rejection. You felt yourself being pressed against the door of your hotel room as Solo's lips combined with yours.
You dropped your bag of food onto the ground, and your arms slid around his neck. You felt yourself moan into his mouth as his tongue snaked into yours, welcoming. His arms slid around your waist, pressing your body against his. As you both tasted each other and fought for dominance, you thought back to what Leilani said. Ole ass was right.
You pulled away from Solo, keeping your arms locked around his neck. “And what if I said I was feeling you too? Then what?” He responded
“I’d be speechless.”
“Good. Save yourself from saying something crazy again.” He chuckles before diving in again for another taste of your lips against his.
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