#thor critical
charalysis · 2 years
In God of War, Thor is less of a consistent threat, and more of a minor antagonist. He's huge in stature, imposing and comes off cold. He's got the power to back up his appearance too. But throughout the story, Thor is shown to be depressed, reserved, and honestly broken.
Where, though, does this brokenness originate? The obvious answer is Odin, his father, but let's delve into the how, why, and theories I have on the why.
Thor was born to Odin and his Jotnar mother, Fjörgyn. Odin, despite his hatred of the Jotnar, adored Fjörgyn, marrying her. His love was so great that, according to Mimir, he was not the same after her death. It is implied by a lore marker that their own son was somehow responsible for Fjörgyn's unspecified demise.
It mentions that her body shall be borne to "where nevermore the Thunder may find her". In addition, the same Marker says that "for her gift of life, her life was claimed", further supporting this suggestion.
Its not clear when she died in Thor's life, but I have two ideas. One, Thor had a temper since childhood and in a fit, killed Fjörgyn. Two, Fjörgyn passed away giving birth to Thor and Odin, in his grief, blamed the newborn Thor. Either way, this sets the stage for the dynamic between father and son.
In game, we routinely see Odin insulting Thor, belittling him, and generally emotionally abusing him. Based on how used to it Thor seems, it's likely Odin has done that since he was a child. Odin claims Thor can't be gotten along with because he won't accept kindness, and has always been rude. Odin fails to acknowledge that's he is responsible for Thor's lack of empathy and inability to accept love.
Thor was raised as a tool, not a son. Thor's humanity isn't recognized by the person who was meant to love him. Instead, that person was the first to hurt him deeply.
Thor also references the idea of not thinking, saying Atreus's thinks too much, and saying "no thinking" often. This ties into Odin's abuse of Thor. Thor can't question him if he can't have an individual thought, thus Thor was taught to never think for himself.
This is why Sif is so important in his life.
Sif brings him back a bit, helps him remember he is actually allowed independent thought. He's allowed to make choices for himself and his family without Odin butting in. Unfortunately, there's little she, or their daughter, can do. Thrúd is convinced Odin isn't a monster so she doesn't stand up to him. Even when Sif reaches Thor, he struggles to act on her words and suggestions because Odin has the power, and mindset, to kill him if he stood being Odin's pawn. Which, he inevitably does.
Odin kills Thor at the end game of Ragnarok. Kratos finally reaches Thor, convinces him change is possible and in reach. Thor tells Odin no.
Odin runs in through in anger.
This all isn't to say Thor was a pure victim in life, absolutely not. He murdered hundreds of giants, abused his sons, and was generally regarded poorly by all. However, these actions were initially planted into him by Odin. Thor is an example of an abuse victim growing to perpetuate the cycle unfortunately.
With his sons, particularly Modi I think, Thor beat discipline into them from what Mimir had said. Something that Odin allegedly had done to him. Hence why when Modi returned home without Magni and the mission overall failed, he beat Modi near to death.
Thor is so convinced he's a destroyer, a problem, that he continues to perpetuate abuse until his sons are gone. Then he turns further into self hatred and self harm with his alcoholism, which, once more, only serves to further cause his family harm.
Tl;Dr: Thor is a deeply broken man who suffered abuse from very early in life at the hands of his father. He continues the cycle for many years, and when he finally tries to break it, it costs him his life.
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spearxwind · 2 years
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Dad on dad violence
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gloriousburden · 13 days
Omg so many people love to mock Avengers Loki’s hair for being “greasy”/“unwashed” (which I can’t stand because it’s so obviously hair gel…) but love and even praise his hair in Ragnarok/the all black suit outfit when his hair with that outfit GENUINELY looks greasy and not even just slicked back/styled with gel.
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It’s so obviously styled. Greasy/unwashed hair doesn’t do that. Even when I was more tolerant of Ragnarok… I knew this was a mess. Does Loki’s hair in Avengers look crunchy? Yes. Does it look greasy/unwashed? NO!
Btw I really never cared for the all black suit outfit 😭😭😭😭 it’s nothing special to me, and I prefer Stuttgart/Thor 1 when he was wearing a suit. Feel like I’m definitely in the minority though.
On a more positive note, though…
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Shitty pictures, but I actually kind of like what they did with his hair in IW. Is it perfect? No, but I like how you could see a bit of his natural waves more (which is adorable), the amount of volume, the fact it’s ever so slightly side parted/moved to the side, the way it’s more in his face and not entirely tucked/styled behind his ears, and how disheveled it is. It’s more natural looking, and not so crunchy/overly defined to the point it lacks volume/separation.
It’s so cute to me that he has naturally more wavy hair rather than straight, so I’m glad that they sort of let that show. Like in TDW too, since his hair had a more natural wave even though it was seemingly still styled. As well as obviously after his breakdown.
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worstloki · 11 months
AU where Loki doesn’t interfere with Thor’s banishment at all and it takes Thor years to prove himself worthy and when he returns to Asgard everything is just. The same. Nothing seems to have changed at all and everyone greets him like his absence was a minor obstacle that didn’t fundamentally change Thor and the worst part is Loki stepped down from the place as regent without any delay and Thor can’t help but feel there’s something underlaying the way his brother looks at him now and won’t let him touch him and Thor doesn’t know what he could have missed because he doesn’t think he would have found anything wrong with the things around him and how everyone behaves if he hadn’t spent time on Earth reflecting.
#the warriors 4 not being interested in anything Thor ‘learnt’ at all#and making it clear that Thor was punished unfairly and the AllFather’s decision had been harsh#Loki saying he’s happy for Thor and Thor sees the way the smiles are forced and he sees the way Loki avoids any touch#Thor hating the way Frigga talks about Loki’s short regency and Thor’s absence like it wasn’t two whole decades or something#like she’s so grateful to have her other son back without ever addressing why he was gone#Thor just. growing during his time on earth and being much more aware of the behaviour around him#he learns to be critical and assess why people around him may act a certain way#once he realises that it’s possible for him or anyone else to be fallible and make mistakes it’s over for Asgard for him I think#Thor returns and Loki gives him the throne and everyone expects him to obviously have the throne#and Odin is sleeping and Thor isn’t comfortable with the way everyone accepts him as king regent after the banishment#Loki who either never lashed out against Jotunheim or did and it was brushed away and no one thinks about it as anything#but Loki is still deeply affected and acts the way he always would have but Thor can feel it’s not the same#he knows something is wrong and Loki won’t say anything about it and Thor doesn’t know how to bring it up#Thor sees Loki metaphorically receding into the shadows to become a nonpresence so loud Thor hears it even after returning from decades away#Thor goes to Earth and gets his priorities in order gets a new worldview learns not to take what he has for granted#and finds out he actually despised Asgard#he’s been back a week and he can’t stand it
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wenellyb · 10 months
I get why some people didn't like the Marvels since it didn't center around male characters, but that could never be me I absolutely loved it.
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thorarms · 4 days
Genuinely in hindsight it's so funny that the mcu added the lore of thor receiving prophetic visions and dreams on the regular just to awkwardly tease the next avengers movie and then literally never mentioned it again. Truly unparalleled lack of planning on marvel studios part there
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xxwillowpotatox · 1 month
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Credit to @arrow-jsy for making this!
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dkmbookworm · 2 years
Something that really pisses me off is this assumption that because you dislike the current direction with Loki and Thor’s characters, it must mean that you “hate comedy” and “want everything to be serious and gloomy”. As if the only form of comedy that exists is weird, random antics. What is this attitude that thor and loki were never funny in the previous films? The only difference is that the comedy was formed based on their personalities and conflicts with other people or situations, rather than just them being stupid or quirky.
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therese-lokidottir · 3 months
Rewatching Agents of Shield "Who You Really Are" Because I hadn't seen it in so long and there was a lot I forgot.
The basic plot is Lady Sif is on earth looking for someone, but she also has amnesia and doesn't remember who she is or what she was looking for just the work Kavas
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First off, hey remember when Asgardians were super strong?
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Sif doesn't remember anything except for "Only basic lessons a child would learn."
This is interesting because it shows a lot about Sif. She is very excited about the idea of being a warrior. Also, Thor's name instantly makes her smile, which is adorable. Loki fans may have a harsh opinion of Sif, but I think this episode shows that she has many inherent noble aspects. She is respectful and thankful to the SHIELD agents, and she trusts and credits them for their bravery.
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So few things about this first of remember, in this scene, Odin is actually Loki in disguise. At the very least, Loki was being pragmatic and watching out for Earth. He could have easily said that The Avengers or Thor could take care of it themselves, but he took the initiative to ensure that Asgard fulfilled its duty as protectors
Second, I really did forget so much about this episode. They know about the Kree, their reputation, and their history. So, there is no reason they shouldn't know about Thanos. Loki has a reason to want to stay away, but what's the reason for Odin's inaction? He's not a secret.
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Even If the Asgardians are more Aliens than Gods in the MCU it's so disappointing to see how they are so lessened over time. They were super advanced; they knew how the technology worked. They saw the universe in a different way.
I wish the Thor lore could have built more on what AOS set up.
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confusedhummingbird · 8 months
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futilefangirl · 6 months
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has anyone done this yet
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gloriousburden · 7 months
people getting mad and offended at the fact that some of us don’t like loki’s characterization post tdw (aka we dislike ragnarok/iw) like ok you literally approve of loki constantly being made fun of, not being taken seriously, and not having anything he’s been through the past however many years being elaborated on… as well as him making jokes (during a play he supposedly wrote) about his jotun heritage when he was literally deeply ashamed of it, and when asgard is very discriminatory to frost giants… none of us really care to hear of your thoughts on loki in the first place if you approve of that bullshit and think any of it makes any fucking sense
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loveloki555 · 1 year
Why Thor: Ragnarok is remake and doesn't fit to other movies of Thor
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I will talking only about chronology in this post. Hela shows ''true history'' of Asgard. Well, but we have one problem. We watched Thor and Thor: Dark World. This both movies are the denial of Hela's words.
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The frescoes show the winning couple. Odin and his daughter conquering the world. Look at Odin. A white, senile beard… interesting… because we saw what Odin looked like over a thousand years earlier at the time of Loki's birth.
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Here later with both sons.
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And here as King of Asgard when Thor and Loki are grown men.
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The war with Jotunheim was in 965 AD.
And Odin looked completely different at that time than he did in 2011-2013.
Next thing… is the case of Borr and the war with Malekith.
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5,000 thousand years ago, Borr was still the king of Asgard and fought against the Dark Elves. Interesting thing, his heir is not with him. Odin is not present during this key battle. He seems to truly believe that his father defeated Malekith.
Why isn't Odin present during this battle? We have two options… and they are related to age. Either Odin was too young to fight battles (Asgardians do not have children during battle, Mr. Taika Waititi! If Loki saw that scene with his mother, he would tear your head off!) or he was a very young man who was just old enough to be regent during his father's absence… which would make him roughly the age of Thor and Loki in Thor (2011).
However, both situations quite exclude the possibility of Odin being an old man with an unstoppable desire for power and an adult daughter.
Even assuming that Borr died quickly after this battle and Odin already had a teenage/adolescent daughter… that still doesn't fill the gaps. Because Odin was not the old man shown in the frescoes. And if he had access to the fountain of youth, he would use it again rather than allow Hela to be released?
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Failure to solve the problem of Hela also puts the events in Thor 1 in a strange twist. Odin actually believes that it's time for Thor to be king. Why? He put off Odinsleep, Frigga really thought he might not wake up from this. He probably also realized that his strength was weakening. And… he didn't tell any of his sons… when I die, your bloodthirsty half-sister will suddenly appear and want to kill you? What kind of ruler does this?
My conclusion : Thor Ragnarok is remake.
We see the actual history of Asgard… up to 2015… where Age of Ultron still honors this timeline.
Overall timeline of Thor 1, Avengers, Thor Dark World, (in the meantime movies related to Avengers like Winter Soldier or Iron Man 3) and Avengers: Age of Ultron. After that, we never see any further events. I would also like to point out that Thanos in Guardians of Galaxy and Thanos from Infinity War are two different characters. The last time we see Thanos from Guardians of Galaxy is in the scene with the gauntlet at the end of Age of Ultron. Thanos in Infinity War is nothing like the previous Thanos.
Well, Thor is probably still looking for those stones, and Loki is preparing a surprise for Thanos in their universe.
The further timeline, starting with Ragnarok, has completely different events and one could even say a different universe.
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worstloki · 4 months
thor keeps making up asgardian days of celebration to get time off from avengers work and they're starting to suspect the guy just likes living in the tower rent-free and drinking barrels of ale but they can't prove anything because they know nothing about asgard
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Best Green Character Round 1-F
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