#thor soulmate series
talesofesther · 3 months
what once was mine | ch 8
Loki x Reader
Series Summary: When watching what once was supposed to be the rest of his life, in an empty room in the TVA, Loki sees someone he can't recognize; a girl who's all tenderness and loose smiles, and most importantly, she was smiling at him.
A/N: Yes, this is long overdue and I'm sorry for the long wait; but now it's finally here and I hope you can enjoy it, we're nearing the end :'). If it's been too long since you've read the other chapters, I'd maybe recommend checking them out again because we're picking it up right where we left off. The next chapters will be posted soon <3. Also, Mobius plays cupid here and we love him for it lol.
Masterlist | Read ch 7 here
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You kept your head down as you walked, not particularly looking at where you were going. Rogue tears were falling onto TVA's hallways with each step you took, a hand covered your mouth to stifle the sobs. The sight of your rapidly moving shoes became more unfocused by the second.
You needed an out, you needed to breathe. And you didn't care that the bathroom you rushed into was a communal one, you slammed the door shut behind you and turned the lock, praying that the stalls were empty.
Silence hung in the air, the only sound being your heavy breathing. Gulping back a massive lump in your throat, you leaned back against the closed door. The smooth wood was cold, feeling going past the fabric of your shirt and raising goosebumps on your skin. With the back of your hand, you tried drying your tears.
Would this be it? Were you truly broken beyond repair?
You wanted to shout apologies in the air; for the Loki you'd just found, he deserved it, he did nothing wrong; for yourself, for the bruised heart beating in your chest that you'd promised to mend.
Part of you also wanted to berate yourself for being overly sentimental and utterly incapable of processing your feelings. For being stuck in this limbo.
You pressed your palms to your eyes, feeling them dampening, fingers shaking.
His touch had been like a bonfire on a cold night—a strange metaphor, given the fact his skin was usually colder than yours; yet it held truth—it enveloped your heart in a warm and familiar embrace, the most blissful kind of pain. It hurt, you couldn't quite place why, but it did.
Maybe it was the fear of knowing you wouldn't be able to live through another loss.
There were telltales of a steady rhythm thudding beneath your skin and through your veins; the ghosts of it tickled your fingertips and called out your name. His heartbeat, as real as you'd pleaded for in countless sleepless nights.
And when you finally held it in your hands again…
'But you're not him.'
You regretted it, probably as soon as the words left your mouth. Because… they were a lie. A lie you told yourself for fear of losing him, again.
Yet now, you couldn't help but feel like you just did.
─── ·❆· ───
Thor had once told Loki about the red string of fate—when the god of thunder had been strangely obsessed with Midgardian folklore in his teenage years. A red string that connected soulmates, it could stretch and bend as the two souls drifted apart and then met again, however, it would never break.
Now, as Loki heard your steps getting further and further away from him, he couldn't help but hear a snap.
Maybe he was the one who fucked it up, maybe it was his fault. You weren't his to have or to lose anyway. As much as he wished you were.
Loki stood awkwardly by your desk; he felt almost as if he was invading just because this was your space and, as you'd just made abundantly clear, you wanted nothing to do with him anymore.
He took advantage of your secluded nook to brush off the tear tracks on his cheeks—he didn't need anyone asking questions he barely knew the answers to—before running a hand through his hair, straightening the collar of his jacket, and taking a deep, hopefully steadying, breath.
For the first time, he felt utterly lost, without a north to guide him. He stalled by neatly organizing the mess that was your desk, thinking maybe you'd have a change of heart and come back to him. He stacked documents, organized pencils, and even folded a cardigan of yours that was hanging on the back of your chair.
Loki stalled the longest he could, until there was nothing more to tidy and no hope left. When you didn't come back, he walked up to the elevator, and now stared at the many buttons without knowing which to press. Truth be told, his mind was miles away; focused on the feeling of your soft skin against his and the sweet perfume of your shampoo. Would he ever get to feel you so close again?
"Hold it, please," Mobius called from a few steps away, hurriedly walking towards Loki. The god extended a hand to hold the doors open for him.
Mobius skipped into the elevator with a big sigh, clutching a rather large stack of documents to his chest. "Thanks," he breathed, shooting a glance at Loki. A beat passed and he did a double take, with a frown as he looked Loki over, who still glared at the buttons in front of him, all puffy eyes and pouty lips. "… What happened?" Mobius' voice held the tone of someone who probably already knew the answer he'd get. He reached past Loki and pressed the button that led to the cafeteria—a coffee break couldn't hurt.
For long seconds, Loki kept silent, contemplating whether to lie or be honest. He felt too drained to come up with a lie. "I… believe I messed it up."
Mobius didn't need names. He raised a hand to pat Loki's shoulder. "She'll come around, buddy."
Loki's eyebrows softened, he had a faint, bittersweet smile on his lips as his eyes welled up with tears again. It stung, bitterly. Perhaps he was never destined for happy endings. It was okay, he decided, he'd be okay with loving you from afar; so long as he got to love you at all. He already counted his lucky stars that the slim odds were in his favor and he got to meet you. "I don't think she will."
The weight of his words didn't go unnoticed by Mobius, who turned to Loki with a rather bewildered expression. "You really do like her… Don't you?"
Loki lowered his head, lips parting in a futile attempt to try and word his feelings. All he managed was a defeated sigh as he brought a hand up to rub one of his eyes. That was answer enough.
─── ·❆· ───
It's been a week. Or at least what would be the equivalent of a week in the TVA. You didn't know if you were the one avoiding Loki or if he was the one avoiding you. But you haven't seen each other ever since you said those hurtful words to him.
Your spoon clicked against the ceramic of your mug, stirring a coffee that had probably already gone cold. You stared off into space, watching from a secluded corner table as a few of your colleagues walked by with their own coffees, yet not actually seeing it. Your mind was elsewhere, drifting between what-ifs.
It's been like this, for this past week. Your mind mostly numb, stuck on auto-pilot. You couldn't stop thinking about him, couldn't stop missing him; his presence had become such a constant in your life these past couple of months that now that you didn't have it, a part of you felt hollow and empty. There was always a vacant chair beside you that left you feeling perpetually cold and alone.
The last few nights had been more sleepless than not, guilt ate away at your insides and kept you from diving into deep slumber. You wondered if the few grimaced smiles you received from your colleagues today were because you'd forgotten to hide the faint dark circles under your eyes.
"Good morning sunshine," Mobius slid into the chair next to you, placing his steaming mug on the table along with a single donut on a small plate. He took a momentary glance at you and his smile dropped a tad, "or maybe not so good."
You tried giving your friend a decent smile but you could tell by the look on his face that it didn't reach your eyes.
"I'll probably regret asking," Mobius pulled his chair closer, taking a sip of his coffee before continuing, "but what's wrong?"
You've never liked it when people asked you that question, it made you wish that your problems really were simple enough to be put into words. You avoided his eyes, something akin to shame and timidness twisting your stomach. "I'm- I'm not sure," a frown came to your brows, as if you were finally seeing past the fog. You shook your head softly, "I think I messed up."
"So I keep hearing," Mobius sighed. It wasn't condescending, no; it just looked like he was in on a secret you didn't know.
"I'm just… I'm so scared, Mobius." There was a sway to your voice that wasn't there before, with your heart on your mouth beating as raw as the wound you'd carried for so long. "I'm-" You hesitated, words heavy as you closed your eyes briefly. "I'm scared, and I'm still so confused."
You could feel the familiar sting of tears building behind your eyes. "I've wanted him back for so long, and seeing him again like this, it just-" Your lips hovered, trembling. You felt a warm touch landing on one of your hands, reassuring. You squeezed Mobius' fingers in gratitude. "… Now I have memories with him that only I've lived, and part of me still doesn't know what to think, what to do. And if I ever were to lose him again, I- I don't think I could…"
With a gentle nod, Mobius took hold of both your hands, he spoke slowly, "I understand… Well, maybe I don't," he chuckled, and when a small and genuine smile crept onto your lips, a proud glint came to his eyes. "But don't you think that, sometimes, we complicate things too much?" He asked, voice tender and drowning out the increasing hustle and bustle of TVA's cafeteria.
"You got him back." Mobius gave your hands a gentle shake to accentuate his words, voice low yet dripping with hope and excitement; "Yeah, maybe he comes from a little before you two met, but it's still the same Loki." He tilted his head with a tight smile, urging you to take his words to heart. "The one thing you wanted ever since you got here, don't you see how lucky you are? Maybe you should just let yourself be happy about that for a change."
For long seconds that felt like hours, you stayed silent, only feeling the bruising beating of your heart against your ribs. The air left your lungs and you had trouble pulling it back in.
He was right, wasn't he?
Maybe you could allow yourself to be happy after all this time. Maybe you could finally go to where your heart had been trying to lead you to. Maybe you really did get a second chance.
Yet, like freefalling into a frozen lake, the last words you'd said to him came rushing back. "I hurt him, Mobius." You winced at the memory, at the desolate look that had painted Loki's eyes as soon as you uttered the words.
'But you're not him.'
Oh, you couldn't have been more wrong then. Because when he looks at you with that same shine to his gentle eyes that had captivated you since the first time you'd met him on the grounds of New Asgard, when his voice takes on that special tone that's kept for you only, when he touches you with the same delicacy you'd always known, when he has the same bashful smile, laughs at the same jokes, drinks the same tea. How could he not be your Loki?
"It was the last thing I wanted, and it happened, and now I- I don't know if there's a way back from-"
"Listen to me," Mobius cut you off before you could go downhill into a pity party, "he's miserable, okay?" He spoke matter-of-factly, to which you only raised your eyebrows. "I'm serious, you should've seen him this morning, looked like a kicked puppy. Trust me when I tell you you're hurting him more by staying away." He added with a smirk; "and you two are killing me with all this 'will they, won't they'."
A small laugh escaped you as you raised a hand to dry your eyes and squeezed Mobius' ones with the other in a gesture that you hoped conveyed the immense gratitude you felt for him.
You missed Loki. You missed him so much it felt like a part of your soul had been torn out.
"Do you have any idea of where he is right now?"
─── ·❆· ───
You stepped into the smoked glass doorway as if you were walking a tightrope that might snap at any second. You held your breath as you went through, eyes closed, and hands clammy.
A familiarity lay heavy in the cold and fresh air, it has brought you peace many times before. The frozen grass crunched beneath your feet and the rustling of leaves did little to drown out the loud beating of your heart. You didn't need to open your eyes to know where you were, but you did anyway.
The clearing was the same as it's always been, with a few trees on both of the far sides, a clean and starry night sky that adorned the beginnings of the spectacle that was the northern lights, and finally, the lonely wooden bench in the middle.
Loki sat on the far right side of the bench you once shared. The night was cold and he only wore a simple dress shirt, for a second you wondered if he was not cold, before remembering his origins.
The moment feelt intimate, precious. You wondered if he knew you were there and chose to stay silent, or if he was too lost in his own what-ifs. You wondered if he's missed you as much as you missed him.
Your feet were glued to the ground, you noticed. Hands closed tightly into fists and mouth dry. A part of you remained so afraid still, as if, now that you're here, it might be too late.
From afar, you admired how Loki's hair flowed effortlessly with the breeze, coming loose from behind his ears and making you wish to run your fingers through it. He had his left hand lying beside him, fingertips touching the wood of the bench; as if reaching for something, someone, who's not there.
You caught it then, how, with the corner of his eye, he finally noticed your presence. You caught it by how his shoulders immediately tensed up and he looked straight ahead as if bracing for something.
No turning back now. You took the first step towards him.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Ch 9 coming soon.
I no longer make taglists. You can follow @talesofesther-library and turn notifications on to know when I've posted a new story/chapter.
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
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capnsoyboy · 1 year
Fics So Good I Have to Share
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Fear the Walking Dead
Say You Need Me - Troy Otto x Reader (AO3 series)
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Heart to Love - Bucky Barnes x Reader (AO3) My Little Love - Bucky Barnes x Reader (series)
Sharing is Caring - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Sorry, I Love You — Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
The Day After Yesterday - Bucky Barnes x TimeTraveler!Reader (series)
Warrior/Worrier - Bucky Barnes x Reader
When We Were Young - Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers (AO3)
Home- Kate Bishop x Reader
The Ghost of You - Pietro Maximoff x Reader (series part 1)
The Ghost of Us - Pietro Maximoff x Reader (series part 2)
Built From Memories - Natasha Romanoff x Reader, Yelena Belova x Platonic!Reader
Hand(s) Off Part 2, Part 3 - Steve Rogers x Reader (series)
Rockefeller - Steve Rogers x Reader
Timeless Lovin’ - Steve Rogers x Reader
Daisies - Thor x Reader
Three Times - Thor x Reader
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Outer Banks
Broken - Rafe Cameron x Reader
I'd Choose You Over Anyone - Rafe Cameron x Reader
I Need Help - Rafe Cameron x Reader
Sweet Silence - Rafe Cameron x Reader
If We Go Down - JJ Maybank x Reader
Lie to Me - JJ Maybank x Reader
Not Like I’m in Love With You - JJ Maybank x Reader
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Ghost of You - Dean Winchester x Castiel (AO3)
I'll Be Waiting for You - Dean Winchester x Castiel (AO3)
Sugar, Bee Mine? - Dean Winchester x Castiel (AO3)
Domestic - Dean Winchester x Reader
Never Say Goodbye - Dean Winchester x Soulmate!Reader (series)
Touch Starved - Dean Winchester x Reader
The Impala - Sam Winchester x Reader
Pythia - Sam Winchester x Reader (series)
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Teen Wolf
Derek Hale Imagines - Derek Hale x Reader
Drawing the Life (1),(2) - Theo Raeken x Reader
Inked Wrists - Theo Raeken x Reader (series)
Teen Wolf One Shots - Multi-character x Reader
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marvel soulmate series ✨
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (slow buuuuuurn)
Summary: Life threw you a curve ball when you walked in on  your long term  boyfriend making out with someone who definitely wasn’t  you. Since  living with him was no longer an option, you’ve ventured out  at the  advice of a work friend and found the absolute perfect loft to  reside  in. The only issue?
You suddenly have four very odd roommates. 
[00]: Welcome Home
[01]: Rebound Sex
[02]: Mismatched
[03]: Back Up Plan
[04]: Be Nice
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Sharing is Caring [Bucky Barnes x Reader] [1,262 words]
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Fate is Definitely Drunk
[Steve Rogers x Reader]
Summary: Everyone has the words their soulmate will first say to them written on their skin somewhere. You have the most average words in the known universe so you assume you’ll have a soulmate that matches that. Fate ain’t happy you underestimated her.
[one] [two] [three]
The Asgardian Way
[Thor Odinson x Reader]
Summary: When a human hits puberty they get the name of their soulmate written on their wrist. You got the name of a mythological figure and assumed it meant his parents were real big fans of Norse legend. Then aliens fell out of the sky and everything changed.
Interwoven, but Tangled
[Sam Wilson x Reader]
Summary: The red string of fate connects the pinky of one soulmate to the pinky of the other. Not everyone can see them, but since you had this rare gift you figured it was your duty to make sure as many soulmates found each other. At the very least, you could make sure your friends found their special person. What happens when your best friend’s boyfriend isn’t her soulmate though?
[one] [two]
The Color of Blood
[Bucky Barnes x Reader]
Summary: In this world, a person didn’t discover color until they locked eyes with their soulmate. As an agent of SHIELD, finding your soulmate was hardly a priority. Especially since you were currently dealing with the shocking discovery that HYDRA had been pulling the strings behind SHIELD actions this entire time. Life was all about timing, and you were about to find out that your timing was absolute shit.
[one] [two] [three] [four]
[Tony Stark x Reader]
Summary: You were an imposter. You were desperate. You were trapped with no other way out. The fact of the matter was, you hadn’t been born with words on your skin, but now you were wearing the words of a dead girl. How far would you go to save someone you loved?
[one] [two] [three]
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irelandking · 1 year
steve rogers fic recs
steve rogers x reader
❤️ = fluff 😔 = angst 🔥 = smut
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modern cap steve x regular reader
mr. steve - @pies-writes-and-more
part 2 Soulmate AU In a universe where your soulmate’s name is written on your wrist after you meet them, receiving a wedding invitation from her friend is just another reminder that (Y/N) has yet to find her soulmate. But maybe this wedding will be a little bit more exciting, with the help of a tiny child without a filter. ❤️
one shots:
the waitress - @pies-writes-and-more
 Done for a writing challenge // song prompt: “If things get worse, will you still be here?” 405 by This Wild Life. Steve Rogers has finally worked up the guts to ask out the super cute waitress at the diner he frequents… except it’s hard to ask out of a girl when you’re a) already super nervous, b) unsure if it’s rude to ask her out, and c) when you have Dumb and Dumber insisting they tag along. ❤️
vigilante - @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Steve reacts to his girlfriend getting violently mugged. ❤️😔
under pressure - @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Steve still doesn’t know how to talk to women…let alone how to get a first date with one ❤️
boardroom fantasies - @pies-writes-and-more
prompt: “You wanna have sex….here? Now?” Steve can’t help how tight his pants get when (Y/N) is working nearby. While everyone else goes out for drinks, he pulls her aside to show her that the Accounting Guy who keeps asking her out isn’t who she should be with. 🔥
morning wood - @angrythingstarlight
Your new neighbor Steve gives you more than one surprise in the morning. 🔥
perfect - @tempestuous-lush
reader breaks up with steve over insecurities regarding lack of experience. he insists she is perfect, and proves to her just how perfect she is. 🔥
blind date - @invisibleanonymousmonsters
It had to be fate when Steve runs into his work crush on a stroll through his old stomping grounds.  ❤️
guard dog - @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Sometimes Steve has to protect his girl from the least expected attacks. ❤️
agent/avenger reader
start again - @wkemeup
part 2 A chemical spill, uncontrollable desires rushed to the surface, an unbridled need, and the consequences in the aftermath ❤️😔🔥
embarrassment - @a-confused-turtle
part 2 and part 3 A drunken game of truth or dare reveals what Y/N didn’t want anyone to know. She’d been perfectly and contentedly miserable before her slip up, but the confrontation over her little secret, which she avoids at all costs, quickly catches up ❤️
one shots:
blue - @pies-writes-and-more
Steve in blue is too much to handle whilst sober, (Y/N) decides. So while attending Tony Stark’s birthday party, (Y/N) doesn’t stop to drink her anxiety away making for entertaining company for Steve ❤️
hickeys - @a-confused-turtle
 Y/N wakes up in her boyfriend’s arms and the day begins as it always does, sneaking out of his room, until Tony notices lovebites on shy, quiet Y/N’s neck. ❤️
wallets, keys and bobby-pins - @marvelouscaptainrogers
 Soulmate AU where anything you lose suddenly appears in your soulmates possession, and anything they lose will appear in yours. It usually works swimmingly for everyone else, but what happens when your soulmate is technically around 75 years older than you? ❤️
insubordination - @marvelouscaptainrogers
Y/N likes to be a little asshole and not follow orders, and Steve decides she needs to learn her lesson 🔥
jealous (strong) steve - @pies-writes-and-more
Steve Rogers, the man behind the shield, knows that his strength only came from an injection. He isn’t a Norse god, how could he compete against Thor who seems to have all of (Y/N)’s affections? Steve Rogers is a jealous man. A strong jealous man who just keeps breaking things.❤️
whisper - @redgillan
Natasha and Sam have a plan to make Steve confess his feelings. ❤️
major crush - @redgillan
 Laser Tag brings out Steve Rogers’ competitive side and Reader loves it. 🔥
it's your captain's birthday - @witchywithwhiskey
you're avoiding steve rogers' birthday beach party by relaxing in the ocean, but when he finds you alone in the waves, your captain is sure to let you know how much he appreciates that you wore a bikini in his colors to his party—and things escalate from there. 🔥
the best birthday gift - @witchywithwhiskey
you attend a party at avengers tower celebrating the fourth of july and steve rogers' birthday and make a fool of yourself when introduced to captain america, the man you've crushed on for most of your life. but when you run into him while avoiding the fireworks show, he's more than happy to spend his birthday distracting you from the party.🔥
steve - @assembletheimagines
Steve’s never had a blowjob and could you really consider yourself a friend if you didn’t suck his dick? 🔥
you'll always be the sexiest man alive to me, captain - @witchywithwhiskey
steve rogers is named people's sexiest man alive and his fellow avengers—along with their SHIELD support team—won't let him live it down, but when you make a smartass joke in front of your new colleagues, you catch the eye of captain america himself. turns out he *really* likes it when you call him captain. 🔥
one shots:
kissing booth - @viollettes
After Nat volunteers your services at the kissing booth, you find yourself sitting across from you is none other than your best friend. ❤️
the end of the war - @redgillan
Everyone knows you and Steve can’t stand each other, but after he runs into you after one of his fights, he starts to see you in a different light.❤️😔
she calls me daddy - @hertzwritings
Frat-Boy!Steve Rogers x female reader 🔥
oopsy daisy - @whateveriwant
 In order to keep the animal shelter from closing, your sorority holds a car wash as a fundraiser. Besides cleaning cars all day, you have another goal in mind involving a certain football-playing frat member. 🔥
modern au
slow like honey - @heli0s-writes
The gossip that buzzes around in the teacher’s lounge is that sweet, sensitive, divorcé Steve Rogers is hot-for-teacher. His daughter’s first-grade teacher, to be exact. ❤️😔🔥
at your service - @writing-for-marvel
part 2 As your bodyguard it’s Steve’s job to look out for you, when you find him in a compromising position, it becomes your turn to look after him. 🔥
one shots:
a french kiss - @pies-writes-and-more
Y/N came to Paris with a plan: take a photo with a cute man next to the Eiffel Tower, just like how her and cheating ex-boyfriend had always planned on doing, and make that son of a bitch jealous. Thankfully, there’s a super cute blond guy who just so happens to be nearby. ❤️
take a hint - @pies-writes-and-more
(Y/N) literally just wants to go out and have a good time with her girls. So why do guys seem to never take ‘no’ for an answer? To try to prevent more annoying encounters with men who can’t take a hint, (Y/N) slips on two rings onto her left hand and assumes the married life. It’s all well and good… until someone sees the rings as a challenge. Enter from stage right, our hero. ❤️
ask - @angelkurenai
Imagine Steve wanting to introduce you, his fiance, to his friends for a long time  but hesitating because he hasn’t told them something about your past and how you met. You were once his student. ❤️
nature's beauty - @biteofcherry
Your teasing comment about staying home barefoot and pregnant makes something in Steve snap. He’s now eager to turn it into reality. 🔥
lilacs & ink - @witchywithwhiskey
you go in to get your first tattoo and the very attractive tattoo artist steve rogers takes good care of you.❤️
ask - @invisibleanonymousmonsters
part 2 two prompts combined ❤️ 1.  here’s people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow you’re close 37. We’re dating and I didn’t know you were a mobster
one shots:
where he belongs/don't f*ck with the queen - @angrythingstarlight
It’s not often someone challenges your place as Steve’s queen but they only make that mistake once. And Steve knows better than to let anyone think they can take your place. 🔥
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 23 here //Series Masterlist
Chapter 24
Summary : Are these dreams just coincidences or there's some truth to it? You were about to get all the answers.
Warning: 18+, gratuitous smut, soft Dom Loki, dirty talking, sub space if you squint, mention of stalking, mention of psychological torture, angst, insecurities, ptsd, self deprecating behaviour, panic attack, praise kink, soft precious bean loki,
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You stared at him for a moment as you tried to make sense of his words, how did he know? How did he know what had happened in your dream?
You remembered that day clear as today, you had approached Shawn and you told him why you were talking to him and he immediately went off as he called you a pervert and what not, once in a while the memory did prick your heart so you had just assumed that maybe seeing Loki instead of Shawn and having him treat you so nicely was the way for your brain to heal the hurt you still felt from that embarrassing ordeal.
Your mother proposed that you should spend the night there instead of going back to the hotel so you agreed and as you both reached the guest room you immediately locked the door and turned around to look at him
"How did you know? How do you know what happened in my dream?" He sighed as you said that and sat down on the bed.
"Come here" he tapped the side of the bed so you walked towards him but instead of sitting on the bed you climbed on his lap instead, your arms wrapped around his neck as you pecked him softly.
"This is going to sound very strange darling but I think we both had the same dream" you chuckled nervously as he said that.
"Are you messing with me?"
"I know it does seem like something i would do but i am not messing with you I promise"
"How is it possible?"
"I honestly have no clue but I think these weird dreams we have been having from past few days are not just coincidences. I fear there might be some truth to it, maybe it's something that was supposed to happen but a slight change in our paths diverted us from our destination"
"So that dream I had about Stephen.."
"It is possible that It may have been your reality elsewhere" you got off his lap as he said that.
"I don't understand..I'd never marry Stephen, this is all just a huge coincidence lo" he noticed how terrified you looked at the moment so he grabbed your arm and pulled you onto his lap again.
"It could be darling, it really could all just be a coincidence but it's still a substantial one don't you think? We would have met years before if I had come here the way me and Thor had planned" you looked at him shocked as he said that.
"What do you mean?"
"I was supposed to visit Midgard Along with Thor and the warriors three the same day you were at the fair with your sisters, you were supposed to meet me there" your eyes widened as he said that.
"Really you all had that awful bet with each other?" He cleared his throat as you questioned him.
"I am for certain not at all proud of my deeds in the past"
You smiled as he said that so he cupped your cheeks and pulled you closer to kiss you.
"But you really think you would have ..I mean…there were so many people at the fair, did you really notice me?"
"I told you I'd find you anywhere anytime" your eyes teared up as he said that.
"Are you saying that we were meant to be together? Soulmate type of stuff?" He let out a laugh as you said that.
"Not really, i do not believe in that –"
"Then what does it mean? What is all this about?"
"What I'm saying is that our paths were meant to collide, perhaps you were born to become mine someday precious y/n"
Okay that was a very sexy way to put in words.
"We could have met five years ago? Oh godddd" you got off his lap again as you realized that.
"Princess calm down"
"Noooo this is weird don't you see it? It's kind of creepy to be honest"
"It certainly is and I have no clue what I'm saying darling, maybe all these dreams are just a way to look into how our life had turned out if we made different decisions"
"Yeah that is possible, maybe it's just a coincidence"
He sighed as you said that.
"Remember when I told you that I had a feeling there was another Stark the day I had escaped with the tesseract?" You nodded as he said that "and there were two Captains as well"
"Yesss what about it"
"What if they were from the future, from an alternate timeline "
"Ohhh God noo loki no"
"That would make sense, may be I was never to be in the possession of the tesseract, maybe I was supposed to go to Asgard and be prisoned for life"
"We wouldn't have met" he nodded as you said that.
"And we possibly didn't until–"
"Until what?"
"That party, your ex husband's birthday celebration where he had invited me"
"Why would I ever marry Stephen, he was rude and arrogant..it doesn't make any sense" you placed your hand on your forehead as you tried to make sense of these words.
"That is true"
"I don't want to think about it anymore it's scaring me" you sat down on his lap again and kissed him softly but it soon heated as he kissed you back with deeper intensity.
"Though I have to say it would have been amazing to meet you there, getting to spend my late twenties with you would have been blissful " your voice choked up as you mumbled against his mouth.
"I know sweetheart, it hurts to think of it now, perhaps if I had a companion such as you I never would have lost myself so tragically, perhaps instead of running away from who I was i would have run to you instead and i know deep down in my heart that you would have brought me back from the brink of the madness the way you have done in the past few months"
You hugged him tightly as he finished his words, he wasn't wrong. Maybe you two would have helped each other, several heartbreaks, several betrayals, all of those moments where you felt like giving up on everything, where living with yourself only got harder and harder, maybe you wouldn't have suffered so much if you had a friend like him in your life.
Yeah having him back then would have been a blessing but you were blessed to find him when you did, you were just glad that you did because if those dreams from the past are real then those dreams from the future must be what may have happened if Loki hadn't picked up the tesseract that day, you wouldn't have gotten the chance to see him or have him by your side for few more years, no you'd rather have this then whatever mess you had made out of your life. Marrying Stephen strange? What made you do that?.
Next morning Thor picked you both up and he dropped you both to New York at the Avengers towers since Loki had to be at a meeting. You wondered if you were going to travel via an airplane ever again. You did save time, money as well as the environment so it's not that you were complaining, just a thought you had.
"Just stay here and relax, I will return to you in an hour" he made you sit down on his bed as he said that.
"That's a long time what I'm going to do until then" you made a pout so he smiled, the mischievous smile on your face made him believe that you were teasing him.
"Hmm that is a huge problem" you smiled as he cupped your cheeks and leaned down to kiss you.
"It is, I'll just touch myself while you're gone" he gasped as you said that.
"Don't you dare do that"
"Are you telling me what to do?"
"Yes, and you're going to follow my commands like the good princess you are"
"We will see"
He shook his head before he made his way to the door, he turned around to look at you one more time and smiled before he left and then he was gone. His heart felt full, for once in his life he felt completely at peace.
You sighed and laid down on the bed but just to tease him further you pulled the straps of your dress lower and squeezed your arms to enhance your cleavage, clicking a naughty selfie you send it to him.
"You look lost, everything alright with lady y/n?" Thor asked him so Loki sighed. He knew he was going to come across as insane if he was to share the whole dream reality possibilities with anyone else.
"You adore her do you not?" Thor chuckled as Loki said that.
"You remember how we used to pretend that Lady Sif was our sister when we were childrens?" Loki smiled as he reminisced about his childhood.
"I do remember fairly well brother"
"I think I have found a real sister this time, so don't do anything that would make me lose her" Loki smiled and nodded in agreement, every woman he had ever been with in Asgard always salivated after his brother, there were plenty of times when they both slept with the same woman because she wanted Thor, you were the only woman he had ever known that picked a fight with his brother the first time they met, you always had your eyes on him only.
He knew he shouldn't have checked his phone in the middle of the meeting but he made the mistake and had an instant hard on, he could only see the curve of your bosom and even your full face wasn't visible but he saw your luscious plump lips and all he wanted to do was run to you and kiss you but he was stuck in a meeting instead.
When he went back to the room, he found you sleeping on the bed on your front, you made him wide awake and then went to sleep peacefully.
As you heard the door shutting you opened your eyes and looked at him, he waved his fingers and you noticed the bulge in his pants so you sat up.
"You know it's good for my ego that you find me so desirable" you crawled towards the edge of the bed and he closed the distance between you two.
"It's easier to hide the evidence of my arousal but it still pains me, I sat there for an hour just wanting to rub myself against you" you bit on your lips as he said that .
"Mmm can't you just magic away the pain or numb it?" You asked as you sat down on your knees and hooked your fingers around the loop of his pants to pull him closer, after unbuttoning him you pulled the zipper down, his eyes remained transfixed on your face.
"I certainly can, darling but what is the fun in that?"
"I have been dying to do this" his cock twitched at your words, your voice remained low and whispery. You wrapped your palms around his ass and pulled him closer to your face, his cock hit you right on the mouth.
He conjured a hair tie and you gasped at the beauty of it, it was thin and black but had studded beads decorating it, it wasn't ordinary, nothing about him was ordinary except you. He pulled your hair up in a ponytail and tied them with a band then he clutched them with his fist and pulled your hair slightly to make you look at him, leaning down he kissed you softly
"I love you, you will tell me even if you are feeling a smidgen of discomfort alright?" he murmured against your mouth and you squirmed on your spot. How did you get so lucky? How did you end up finding a man that loved you this way?
"Yess god"
"Is that how you're going to address me"
"Mmmhm do you like that?"
"Absolutely, i am your God darling"
His fingers scratched your scalp in a soothing manner as he kissed you, you unbuttoned his shirt so you could touch his bare skin, you planned to make this worth his time even though you had no experience in this department
"I have never done this before lo" you mumbled softly so he pulled away and looked at you,
"Noo i ..I never wanted to, never felt the need to do it" he smiled as you said that. A part of him was utterly revealed, he felt special that you had never pleased a man this way before.
"You will learn"
"Goddd you're sexy"
"Mmmm, do whatever you want to do darling" his voice was strict and commanding and you could feel yourself dripping, he was such a sweet baby sometimes that it always took you off guard whenever he shifted into this dominating mood.
You fisted his cock and gave him a stroke, his mouth opened and head rolled back as he let out a moan, your other hand caressed through his chest and then you moved them towards his ripped torso,
You laid his cock flat against his abs and kissed down from his shaft to the end of his balls, he mumbled a curse as you licked a stripe from bottom to the tip of his cock. Your hands grabbed his cheeks again and you pressed your face into his pelvis, the coarse hair rubbed against your face and tickled everywhere but you didn't care, you were too lost in his masculine intoxicating scent, the musk made you want to hump against him like an animal. The sight of you being so lost almost made him want to cum instantly. This was your fantasy and it was much more arousing than he had envisioned in his imagination.
The precum dripped from the tip of his cock so you licked it off before you sucked him in slowly, you knew you won't be able to swallow him completely, it was impossible. He was too big for your mouth and your gag reflex was sharp as hell
"You may have never done this before sweetheart but you sure know how to make me crumble so easily don't you?"
You smiled and kept your eyes on him as you sucked him in and out of your mouth slowly, your hands played with his balls and he seemed to be in heaven. As pulled him out, he looked down at you again, the naughty smirk on your face was damning, he pulled on your hair making you moan and wince all at once, pressing his thumb on your jaw he pulled your mouth open and pressed his cock inside your warmth.
He wasn't being harsh though, he was being very gentle as he fed you his cock, his hips jerked back and forth as he fucked your mouth slowly.
You squeezed on his thigh so he pulled out of you but instead of shoving his cock back in he immediately pulled you up slightly and kissed you as passionately as he could, he could taste himself on you.
"On your front sweet love" he mumbled softly so you laid down on your front, you felt his lips on your neck and then he unzipped your dress to lower the straps down but he didn't take it off, you felt him waving his fingers and a few seconds later you had his cock sliding in and out of your wetness.
"Mmmm i thought you'd come in my mouth dear God"
"Fuckkk darling i wasn't sure you wanted that" you whined as he said that. How could you not want to drink from him? You were utterly, intensely obsessed with him. Did he still doubt that?
"I am so thirsty for you, don't you see it? I'm so obsessed with you lo, you're my god and I'll let you do anything to me" You turned your head to look at him, your eyes were glassy as if you were high on drugs, he knew the look because he had been high with you before, you were getting drunk on him, he had never felt so turned on before.
He kissed you deeply before he pulled out of you.
"I love you so much princess.. I love you" he whispered softly before he turned you around and laid you on your back, he sat right above your face with his thighs wrapped around your shoulders.
"You wanted me to suffocate you hmm?" You moaned as he said that, you had never felt so horny in your life before, he made the condom disappear and then he shoved his cock into your mouth slowly, still being gentle as ever. You angled your head upwards as you flattened your tongue and felt him sliding in, placing his hands on the headboard he used them as an leverage to keep his weight proportioned so he wasn't crushing you, his hips bucked back and forth slowly as he made love to your mouth.
"Fuck yess darling, you're such a good subject for your god aren't you"
You would have answered him if your mouth wasn't so full of him, all your senses were closed off as he was the only thing you could smell, taste, see, hear and feel around you. This is exactly what you wanted and now that you had it you felt transcended into some other dimension.
Your hands wrapped around his ass and you gave him a squeeze, he pulled out of your mouth and you watched his fist wrap around his own cock, it always felt extremely erotic whenever he was touching himself and pleasing himself for you.
You took a deep breath as the sight saturated you, you couldn't even look at him at the moment, you felt so dirty but not in a bad way. Millions of thoughts were running in your head, he was your best friend, he was the guy that had cuddled you like a baby that first night, he was the love of your life and you just felt overwhelmed that this was even happening to you, that you had actually gotten so lucky just because he picked up that cube.
"Open up princess, drink every little drop" he grunted loudly as he came hard aiming it right into your wanting mouth and the moment you had a taste of his cum you just knew you were ruined forever, there would be no returning from this, you'd be his slave forever if he'd ask you to be.
You swallowed every last drop that he had blessed you with. He took a few seconds before you felt him step away from your face and he immediately had your legs wrapped around him, you gasped as you felt him sliding in again and he picked up a fast rhythm because he knew you were feeling overwhelmed.
"Lokiii lokiii…oh lokii" he looked at you as you chanted his name like a prayer, you seemed so out of your mind and he would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying the sight of you being so mindless. You moaned his name over and over again as you came around him soon after, not much stimulation was required after his gratuitous display of domination.
"Mmmm lokii god please don't leave me" you whimpered so he cupped your cheeks and kissed you softly.
"Shhhh darling I'm right here..right here"
"You would leave" your eyes teared up so he shook his head,
"Never, you are mine for eternity and I am yours" your arms wrapped around his neck as you pulled him into an embrace, your mind felt hazy, you didn't even when he had picked you up but you got back to your senses you found yourself sitting between his legs in a bathtub few moments later.
You quickly turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"What happened?" He smiled as you said that.
"You must have gotten overwhelmed my darling"
"I lose all the filters with you in bed"
"Ohhhh" he kissed you softly as you mumbled
"We need a safeword, you are kinkier than i anticipated" you chuckled as he said that.
"Mmhm and i enjoy that thoroughly, but I just want to keep you safe my sweet little princess, I'd never forgive myself if I was to hurt you "
"You could never hurt me lo i promise but I understand..I'd like a safeword too so I'm not hurting you…how about tesseract?"
He smiled as you said that.
You felt ravenous after that intense workout so he took you to the kitchen area, that's where you both bumped into Darcy and you felt extremely awkward around her.
"Haven't seen you in a week Darcy, everything alright?" He asked her so she smiled.
"Yeah buddy..it's all good, I am just busy with my thesis" he nodded as she said that.
"Need help?" He smiled as he questioned and she sighed.
"No I'm almost done..see you later" she walked out after that and you noticed the worried look on his face so you caressed his arm in a comforting manner.
"She likes you" he looked at you surprised as if he could never believe that he was being thirsted after by so many people.
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean lo" he seemed worried as you said that.
"No, I never gave her a reason to do so, have I led her on?" You wrapped your arms around his waist as he said that.
"Nooo ..lo you don't lead people on, they just fall in love with you like I did, it's not that hard really"
"Well to be completely truthful I was trying to make you fall for me" you chuckled as he said that.
"Just…talk to her later okay? I know you like her ..as a friend " he nodded as you said that.
"You are still my best friend, you know that right?"
Later that night Thor dropped you back at your apartment as loki had to be at a mission but just half an hour later you heard the knock on the door so you looked via the peephole and it was Loki.
"What are you doing here lo?" You smiled widely as you opened the door "Is this a new attire? Never seen it before" you asked him as you noticed the blue Asgardian leather attire he had on, it even had a large cape around the back, you had come to recognise the look of the Asgardian leather at least. But his attire wasn't the only thing different about him, his hair looked different as well.
"Is something wrong?" You asked him as you noticed the pale look on his face, his eyes were teary and he seemed as if he had seen a ghost.
You took a step back as something felt off about him, you could just feel it in your gut.
"You're not my loki are you?"
"No..but you're not my y/n either"
You took several steps behind you and your eyes welled up, you felt terrified. That's when Stephen appeared next to him. He had a costume on as well, you didn't understand what was happening but you knew none of this could be good. Stephen stepped towards you as he smiled.
"Good to see you again Y/n Y/l/n, I am Doctor Stephen strange, the sorcerer supreme, the protector of the Sanctum Santorum, we need to have a little chat"
Note : You guys are going to get alot of the answers in the next chapter
Taglist (if you want to be tagged or removed let me know.. also I’m not able to tag some of you, please check your settings)
@annoyingsweetsstranger @mcufan72 @nixymarvelkins @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @eleniblue @violethaze @anukulee @ladymischief11 @12-pm-510 @wolfsmom1 @whylokiissocute @pics-and-fanfics @daddylokisqueen @olivertwistrabbit @blog-the-lilly @prettylittlepluviophile @vanilla-daydreaming @somewiseguy @yaaamadaa-blog @dragonmurray @elthreetimes @gruftiela @thenotoriouserg @greep215 @yallgotkik @obscureenigmatic @janineb86 @sflame15-blog @nyxlaufeyson @lokidokieokie @purplekitten30 @sunnixart @nikkig496-blog @frozenhuntress67 @qardasngan @rosecentury @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @hrefna-the-raven @jennyggggrrr
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gyarucoded · 1 year
quick loki preview bc i have fallen down the rabbit hole since i have nothing else new to watch
the way loki used his magic was such a serve omg
i'm still in love with b-15 ♡
i appreciate the subtle humor, the jokes in other new mcu contents (minus the guardians of the galaxy) annoy me but here it's well balanced yet funny👍
when brad said "playing dress up" to loki idk what he fully meant but my mind wandered to teen loki switching fem presenting & borrowing [stealing] frigga's clothing to try them on for funsies n shit (i used to do that w my mom's wedding clothes as a child 2 lol)
when brad was messing w/ loki he had the opportunity to do the most suicidal thing ever and add sth like "who isn't even your real mother" after bringing up frigga (bro would have gotten ANNIHILATED Ijbol)
the slap was so funny & satisfying at the same time. i didn't saw it coming but i love this side of mobius
this ep's genuinely the most TERRIFYING loki has been in the mcu. in the chase scene and both of the interrogation. i absolutely support it idgaf !! he was more intimidating then he was in the first avengers movie which says a loooot
when loki mentioned the new york incident that was either lazy writing or babe got brain damage cuz i am pretty sure when he was mad at thor & odin that was in new mexico?? when he sent that metallic shit down or wtvt💀 to prevent thor from returning. but i forgive only because he mentioned tony lmfao
i love seeing sylvie finally being content. even if it was thru fuckass mcdonalds. i hope she won't be reduced to the "weird love interest" cuz her chara has potential and you can tell she's tired of this bs as well...
another episode of sylki being forced, toxic, keep disagreeing with & avoiding each other with rather tense chemistry instead of a romantic one they supposedly meant to have & being one sided as hell. their "romance" makes zero sense in this series' context & i could go off for longer regarding this topic but i'll save it for a seeperate post, later!
o.b & casey are so wholesome
bro i'm starting to ship lokius i think? (not in a fetishzing way i just like their dynamics and they just both happen to be dudes/male presenting) cuz i am sensing romantic & soulmate-ish undertones. sad that disney is a coward to make it canon...
overall i loved the 70s-90s vibes they seem to be going for. this show deffo has the best aesthetics we've seen in marvel phase 5 so far and i can't wait to see what's coming next.
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firedrakegirl · 5 months
I have gotten a request to put links to all my writings here, that way they're easily accessible. If there are any issues, please let me know!
Ora/Loki fic (To be named) (one week post avengers) Chapter one here.
Ora/Loki fic AU (Already Engaged) (placeholder name) Chapter one here.
Mythology Loki/self insert story Chapter one here.
Steve/Loki/Self-insert fic
Prank war from later in the fic here.
Sibling Fire & Loki fic. (Warning: this was one of my first ever MCU fics. I have a ton written, but it’s not in any particular order or even full chapters. It’s been an idle story for years. I will post the snippets and drabbles and such, but do not expect consistency.) Chapter one here Vent snippet here Meeting Odin snippet here Frigga snippet here Getting noticed snippet here
Soul Drop soulmates fic (series of interconnected oneshots) First Meeting here. Loki's backstory here.
Char/Loki soulmates fic (Thor 1 era) Chapter one here.
Soulmask self insert/loki fic (soulmate au) Chapter one here.
Falling Star (overpowered self insert/Loki fic, set about a century before Thor 1) Chapter one here.
One shot with Loki thinking he can fit in with humans with minimal understanding here.
One shot of Loki arguing with the Tesseract here.
One shot of a soulmate discovery here.
One shot of a contest for Loki's hand in marriage here.
Silly snippet of an overpowered self insert being torn apart and Loki sassing her for it here.
Snake mage (Original Story) Chapter one here.
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themculibrary · 3 months
Peter Quill/Thor Masterlist 2
part one
A Little Respect (ao3) - Misterkingdom E, 8k
Summary: It’s been three months since Thor had invited himself on to Peter’s ship—three patronizing, undermining, superficial months. The God of Thunder talked down to him like he was a child and seemed like he pretended to let Peter be in charge. He was always watching him, with his bright eyes and masquerade smile. He observed Peter like he was amused, like he found Peter adorable.
- Peter makes a beautiful mistake with Thor.
Can't Fight This Feeling (ao3) - bloodfest E, 9k
Summary: If Peter Quill knew one thing for certain, it was that he fucking hated Thor.
Dare a Dance (ao3) - maya_lev T, 5k
Summary: There is nothing Peter hates more than trashy music.
Down, Boy (ao3) - taititi E, 3k
Summary: Quill doesn't remember what the bet between he and Thor had been on. He just remembers that he won it.
God and 1/2 (ao3) - clearwaterbottle N/R, 4k
Summary: Peter finds the last standing statue of Thor and goes to destroys it. Turns out he doesn't have the heart to do it, or the muscles.
hold on (to me) (ao3) - castielfalls (orphan_account) peter/thor, tony/stephen G, 50k
Summary: “you can fool yourself and everyone else, but you can’t fool me.”
peter quill doesn’t believe what ego says about celestials and soulmate marks. but when he meets thor, peter doesn’t think it’s all that crazy.
How I Met Your Father (ao3) - manofbeskar peter/thor, tony/stephen, sam/bucky, valkyrie/carol G, 21k
Summary: Thor Odinson recounts to his kids, through a series of flashbacks, the journey he and his friends took leading up to him meeting their other father, Peter Quill.
I Could Get Used to This (ao3) - orphan_account E, 5k
Summary: “You stole that.”
He didn’t turn around - he could see Thor standing just behind him in the glass, arms crossed.
“I’m just saving you from yourself,” Quill shot back, twirling the neck of the bottle between his fingertips.
In which Quill and Thor establish a tentative friendship that becomes just a little bit more than they bargained for.
I'll Be So Blue Just Thinking About You (ao3) - bloodfest T, 15k
Summary: All the lights and the music and the presents from Mantis' Christmas party had been nothing short of amazing, but Peter still found himself feeling like something was missing.
Or, more accurately, someone.
i love this view (ao3) - nonbinaryluther T, 6k
Summary: "Man, I love you," Quill whispers to himself, his heart aching in his chest. He opens the door and leaves the main section of the ship, believing that his secret is safe with himself, and that Thor had been deep asleep.
Thor opens his eyes, a small smirk on his face.
When Quill covers up Thor in the middle of the night and lets loose his love confession out loud, thinking that Thor is asleep, he never thought it would lead to this. That it would lead to kissing and love.
But he's not complaining.
In the Midnight Hour I Can Feel Your Power (ao3) - tinkertoysdamn E, 5k
Summary: After finally getting Peter Quill into bed, Thor develops a theory why some of Peter's previous lovers had reacted with violence.
Makin' Love Till Cherry's Gone (ao3) - tinkertoysdamn E, 6k
Summary: Peter set down the tablet for a moment. Oh god, he had to get railed to help the universe. His life was a joke.
Peter and Thor have to do the do to help kickstart a new galaxy. Sex and silliness ensue.
Nice Day for a White Wedding (ao3) - tinkertoysdamn loki/peter, peter/thor M, 5k
Summary: As war rages between Asgard and Spartax, Loki kidnaps Peter Quill to present him with a "proposal" for peace. Peter tries to find a legal loophole and it backfires. Spectacularly.
Put Your Kingdom Up For Sale (ao3) - manofbeskar G, 4k
Summary: Peter brings to Thor something, not unlike solace and a playful hint of rebellion. He is freedom in the form of a man.
In which Asgard is like the Sovereign, arrogant and snobbish. Odin wants Thor and Loki to marry Asgardians, but Thor falls in love with the roguish Ravager dressed in burgundy.
This Can Be My Testimony (ao3) - tinkertoysdamn E, 24k
Summary: “This time next week, either you will be wed or you will have to put your intended to the sword.”
Odin grants his eldest son one night of debauchery before submitting himself to an arranged marriage with Peter Quill, son of the Celestial Ego. Thor finds himself on a strange little truck stop of an asteroid and entangles himself with a mysterious stranger.
Smut and hi-jinks ensue. Mostly smut though, let's be honest.
Why Do Stars Fall From the Sky (ao3) - Sobari peter/thor, past peter/gamora T, 3k
Summary: “We don’t have to do anything,” Thor suggests, smiling down at him. “We can simply sleep. I’m feeling pretty tired myself.”
“I…” He thinks he should refuse and return to his room, but he doesn’t. He wipes his eyes instead and rubs his nose. Peter catches the scent of Thor’s shampoo and the faint scent of ozone as gold hair tickles his nose. But he’s too exhausted to care.
you even taste like the stars (ao3) - TRIPTRIP peter/thor G, 492
Summary: "you even taste like the stars."
12 notes · View notes
thatsolacegirl · 5 days
Tumblr media
Chapters: 1/8 Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Darcy Lewis/Loki Characters: Darcy Lewis, Loki (Marvel), Mobius M. Mobius, Jane Foster (Marvel), Thor (Marvel) Additional Tags: Cop Darcy, Druglord Loki?, Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Mob, Mob-Cop Dynamics, Romance Series: Part 1 of daisies in her hair Summary:
"Laufeyson's a master manipulator Darcy, be careful how you tread."
Darcy Lewis is an overworked cop who's given the case of Loki Laufeyson, a suspected drug lord. With a (probable) promise of a vacation, she accepts albeit hesitatingly. Too bad that fate is a bitch and her case is her soulmate.
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aurorawest · 3 months
Twenty Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @lowkeyed1 - thank you and sorry it took me so long to do it!
Tagging @bereft-of-frogs, @rosieposiepuddingnpie, and @nostalgia-tblr
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
An even 150!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At this point my fanfiction output is pretty sparse, but in the last two years, I've written primarily MCU. I've also written for Captive Prince, Six of Crows, The Daevabad Trilogy, The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, Some Desperate Glory, and The Watchmaker of Filigree Street. Over the years I've written in tons of fandoms.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Real Asgardians of the Galaxy (MCU, Loki & Thor)
The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling (MCU, Loki/Stephen Strange)
Sleight of Hand (MCU, Loki & Stephen Strange)
You Come to Me Wild and Wired (MCU, unrelated ficlets, Loki/Stephen Strange)
They Change Their Sky, Not Their Soul, Who Rush Across the Sea (MCU, Loki & Thor)
The first three are all part of my 10 fic Loki series, it's not going to matter if we fall down twice.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Goddddd I've become so bad at it. I used to respond to every single one. One of my projects/goals is to go back and respond to people, but of course, my AO3 inbox is totally overwhelming at this point, and every time I see the number of comments I haven't responded to, I become paralyzed. I need to man up and just start chipping away.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Do No Harm (MCU, Loki/Stephen Strange) and Anamnesis (Weyoun, Star Trek: Deep Space 9) are probably tied on this one.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
I primarily write happy endings so...most of them, haha. But I guess The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling, since it's the HEA at the end of 10 fics. It's a seriously hard-won HEA haha.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have! I've been called a pedo on some Wreck-It Ralph fic (that was my introduction to purity culture, btw). Idk if I'd call this hate, but I once had a reader get pretty upset that an OFC in A Full and Factual Account of Asgard didn't turn out to be a love interest for Loki.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sure do! Honestly writing smut might be my favorite thing to write, haha. Whenever I get to a Big Sex Scene in my original stuff, I sigh in relief that I'm finally going to have an easy writing night. I've written m/f and m/m, but I have way more m/m, and an occasional m/m/m. It's mostly sappy, vanilla, OTP stuff, but I love me some dub and noncon, so there are a few of those amidst the gooey soulmate smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really, though I did in my youth. Honestly they're...all kind of crazy. When I was in my early teens I wrote a 4 fic series that was a crossover between The Enchanted Forest Chronicles (the books by Patricia C Wrede), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (the Disney movie), and Newsies (the movie). It had time travel. And dragons, obviously. I also at one point was writing a crossover between Newsies (yes, I had a Newsies phase) and Doctor Mordrid, an obscure fantasy B-movie from the 90s starring Jeffrey Combs. Fun fact! It was actually supposed to be Dr. Strange, but they lost the rights before they made the movie.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep. It was a Harry Potter fic. I threatened legal action (lol) and they took it down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
People have definitely asked me if they can translate my fics, so I think so!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, I had a friend I wrote a Loki & Thor fic with. I also used to collab on fics with my sister when we were kids.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I guess it's gotta be Loki/Stephen Strange.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a DS9 fic about Eris, a Vorta who was only in one episode, where she's an agent who's infiltrated a rebel Vorta/Jem'Hadar cell. I LOVE that fic, but I just...don't see myself ever finishing it. Maybe someday I'll file the serial numbers off and turn it into an original work. It probably wouldn't be that hard because it's set hundreds of years before DS9 takes place, and I did a lot of original worldbuilding.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, character, romance, sexual tension, pretty polished first drafts. I don't know if I'd consider it a strength yet, but I feel like I've really improved my pacing over the past year.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably visual scene setting, haha. I'm pretty thin on describing what the physical location LOOKS like. I'm better at describing sounds and smells, because honestly that's what sticks with me personally from a place, not how it looks.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've definitely done it. I took many years of Spanish so I'm pretty confident that when I write in Spanish, it makes sense. I can tell when google translate is wrong, haha. One of my novels (coming out next year!) has some Afrikaans, and a South African sensitivity reader didn't say any of it was wrong. Though that reminds me, I really should message my friend/former safari guide to see if she has any complaints about the Afrikaans in it, haha.
IMO when you write dialogue in another language in a fic, you have to assume the reader doesn't speak that language, so you need to let them know what that dialogue says through context. I read a book recently where there was quite a bit of Quebecois French, and there were end notes with the translation, and...eh, it was a pain to flip back and forth to the end of the book.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The first time I sat down with the intention of writing a story with a beginning, middle, and end (I didn't finish it), it was an Enchanted Forest Chronicles fic. This was before I'd ever heard of the internet, so I didn't even know that what I was doing was called fanfiction.
Though, my mom made me a scrapbook of a bunch of childhood stuff for my 40th birthday, and it included what I can only call a Lion King AU where the characters from The Lion King go to Camp Snoopy in the Mall of America. So idk, maybe that.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
I think in some ways Anamnesis is the most ambitious single fic I've ever written, in that it's a difficult story. But I probably have to give the nod to it's not going to matter if we fall down twice. I'm totally cheating because it's a series, but I'm going to be really proud of it for my whole life so I'm going to take every opportunity to plug it, haha.
Thank you again for the tag!
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electronicbanditwolve · 11 months
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Even in the episode trailer it was Mobius‘ face next to Lokis … I wish they had at least hugged each other again but we all know that it wasn't possible in this situation, because they weren’t real soulmates at that point. So the handshake was situationally considered the most intimate gesture Loki could offer Mobius.
And Mobius took it without hesitation!
To me they truly love each other. Not necessarily in an romantic way (maybe not yet) but in an soulmate-caring kind of way, they’re not happy without each other, they can’t really live without each other … but Loki was and will always be a god with a purpose and a burden and that makes everything so damn difficult between them.
And personally I think that wasn’t the last time we saw them together. I really don't want a season 3 'cause the ending was perfect to me. But maybe a film? Maybe a Thor film in which Mobius tells Thor everything about Loki and they try to contact him together? Hmm…
I just want them to be truly happy.
(I have so much more thoughts about this and more on the series, so there will probably be more posts about it in the next few days, but first I have to process all of this :,) I mean it’s my Loki, and I’m a fan since day one, after 12 years I sometimes still can’t believe that we got this absolutely stunning series…❤️)
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thewritergremlin-rae · 5 months
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Category banners by cafekitsune Character banners by firefly-graphics
Bucky Barnes Masterlist Loki Masterlist Steve Rogers Masterlist Tony Stark Masterlist
Fics listed by series and one-shots below:
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Mirror, Mirror On the Wall - Masterlist Soulmate AU | Canon Divergent
Who's the Most Alien of Them All? - Loki/Reader Who's the Blankest of Them All? - Bucky/Winter Soldier!Reader
Finding Your Forever Home Omegaverse AU | Canon Divergent Bucky/Reader. Steve/Reader, Tony/Reader, Sam/Reader, Clint/Reader, Natasha/Reader, Bruce/Reader, Thor/Reader, Loki/Reader
Not Your Place TVA | Canon Divergent Loki/Reader
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Rescue - 1.1k, E, soft!dark!Tony/Reader, Smut Home - 0.6k, T, Steve/Reader, Fluff A Drunken Goodnight - 0.6k, M, Brock/Reader Devour - 0.5k, E, Tony/Reader, Smut
Want to be tagged in future parts or future character fic? Go here
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See nostalgicatsea’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Tumblr: nostalgicatsea Twitter: nostalgicatsea Discord: nostalgicatsea
Preferred organizations: - Médecins San Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) - Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) - Transgender Law Center - Waterkeeper Alliance - World Central Kitchen (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: Tropes/elements: character studies, angst, soulmates, slow burn, mutual or one-sided pining, self-sacrifice, amnesia, time travel, reincarnation, fake relationship, relationship of convenience, hurt/comfort, de-aging, dream world, presumed dead, temporary or permanent death, post-breakup, getting together, getting back together, post-Infinity War to post-Endgame, substance abuse and recovery, grief/mourning, parental/child and mentor/mentee relationships, friendship over the years, Tony’s family issues, dark Steve, pre-serum Steve, Hanahaki, hauntings, betrayal, forgiveness AUs: canon-divergent, mafia/gangster, magic, sports, non-powered, high school or college, supernatural, horror, sci-fi, etc. I love AUs! For writing, I tend to focus on one specific moment or a series of small moments, feelings, and relationships more than action-packed plots.
Will not create works that contain: I’m up for most things except some extreme kinks, incest, adult/minor romantic relationships, and infidelity or partner abuse in a ship (unless you're referencing a canon plot point). I'm fine with infidelity and abuse involving a villain as long as it's not OOC. I don’t have any triggers. If you want me to elaborate on my do-not-wants or have a trope, kink, or plot point that you’re not sure I’ll be okay with, please contact me beforehand. Betaing: A/B/O, D/S, OOC, PWPs, OCs, self-inserts, pure fluff without plot, Darcy-centric fics, Hydra character-centric fics, unbalanced CW plots. I’m not that fond of coffeeshop AUs, but I can help with them Writing: A/B/O, D/S, poly, comedy, complicated plots, crack, 100% pure fluff/domestic plots, kidfic (unless it’s canon), AUs that require a lot of specific knowledge (e.g., historical AUs or military AUs), reality TV AU, zombie AU, animal transformation, unbalanced CW plots, Hydra Steve
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1145
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - AvAc, MCU, Noir Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark & Thor - MCU Miles Morales & Miles Morales - Earth-42, Spider-Verse (animated films)
Work Description: This fic will probably be 1.5–3k. It’s possible that it may end up longer as has been the case before, but I can’t make any promises. It might take me a while to finish it as I’m slow at writing and RL keeps me busy, so please keep that in mind when bidding. I’m very interested in writing canon-compliant fics or fics set in canon, especially ones that act like snapshots of the characters at a specific time in their lives or a character/relationship study. I do love AUs as well, but I’ll only write AUs for Steve/Tony for this auction. I would appreciate it if you gave me several prompts, both general and specific, to choose from as that will increase the likelihood of the story being finished faster and lessen the likelihood of me getting writer’s block. If you have any questions about what I will and won’t write, don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I’d also like it if you reached out to me before bidding if you’re thinking of forming a pod bid.
Ratings: Gen, Teen
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Beta Service --
Auction ID: 2072
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson - MCU Iron Man fandom any gen - 616, AvAc, MCU Captain America fandom any gen - 616, AvAc, MCU Avengers fandom any gen - 616, AvAc, EMH, MCU Shang-Chi fandom any gen - MCU Black Panther fandom any gen - MCU Black Widow fandom any gen - MCU Ms. Marvel fandom any gen - 616, MCU Spider-Man fandom any gen - Earth-42, Spider-Verse (animated films)
Work Description: I can help with SPaG/copyediting, flow/structure, continuity, and America-picking, and I particularly love discussing characterization, world building, plot, and character development. I love character and relationship studies and contemplative pieces that dive deeply into who the characters are and how they feel, but I also like plots that tackle serious issues or big canon points, complex plots, and plots with multiple layers/levels. I'm also up for cheer reading if you're looking for that instead! Turnaround depends on fic length and my schedule. I’m relatively fast, but if something comes up, I’ll let you know immediately. If you need references from people I betaed for, let me know. Notes on relationships: I’m willing to beta some ships along with gen/platonic relationships for the fandoms listed above. Notes on characters: There are some characters whom I’m not that fond of or interested in. I’m open to betaing almost anything, provided it follows my wants/DNWs, even with characters I’m less keen about/don’t care for, but feel free to contact me if you have questions about this. Notes on universes: For 616 and Ults, I’ll only do an AU or a story that doesn’t require specific knowledge of canon events for me to beta properly. I’ve only watched a handful of AA episodes. I’m open to Noir, AvAc, 3490, EMH, AA, 1872, Bullet Points, and Earth-TRN634 (Civil Warrior) for Steve/Tony as well.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? No - I'd rather not be bid on by pods
-- Digital Work --
Auction ID: 3026
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson - MCU Iron Man fandom any gen - 616, AvAc, MCU Captain America fandom any gen - 616, AvAc, MCU Avengers fandom any gen - 616, 1872, AvAc, EMH, MCU Shang-Chi fandom any gen - MCU Black Widow fandom any gen - MCU Black Panther fandom any gen - MCU Spider-Man fandom any gen - Earth-42, Spider-Verse (animated films) Ms. Marvel fandom any gen - 616, MCU
Work Description: I’m offering a mood board for a character(s) or a fic of your choice (no NSFW shots) according to the theme or tone you want. Examples here. I’m up for all gen and most ships for the fandoms listed above with a few exceptions. If you have any questions, please contact me! You’ll get your mood board in 1–3 weeks, depending on whether I need to read a fic or not and how packed my schedule is. If the winning bid reaches $20, I’ll make two mood boards. For every $10 after that, I’ll throw in an extra mood board.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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3mcwriting · 2 years
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I'm Going To See Her Again (bucky barnes x reader angst)
She Said Yes! (peter parker x reader fluff)
Sorry Boys (natasha romanoff x reader)
Secret Arrangement (natasha romanoff x reader)
Check You Out (steve rogers x reader)
Fading , Fading Part 2(steve rogers x reader, soulmate!au)
Already Gone (natasha romanoff x reader angst)
Heartache Himbo (thor x gender neutral!reader)
An Asgardian Date (loki x reader fluff, sorta connected to AFD but u don't need to read that in order to readd this)
Mini Series (3-10 parts)
Regret Masterlist (cheater!steve rogers x reader, pietro maximoff x reader)
Full-Length Series (10+ parts)
Any Fan's Dream Masterlist(various x reader) [on hiatus]
Ted Lasso
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Mini Series
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My GOAT fanfic rec list
I was going through my bookmarks the other day and decided to make a greatest of all time fanfic rec list (at least in my opinion). These are IN ORDER - or at least I tried. They're all great so it's hard to choose. I want to bookbind all of these one day
Starburst by dracoangelic and GingerD - Stardew Valley, Shane/Farmer - Literally the best fanfic I've ever read!!! The author's OC is one of the main characters and is so well done! The world is expanded in the best way. The ending is perfect. I can't say enough!!!
Dresden by hedera_helix - attack on Titan, Eruri - Historical/WW2 AU - The 2nd best fanfic I've ever read and the best historical au. The setting fits so well with the characters. The grief of the war and of being queer during that time period. There's so much here
Victor Effing Nikiforov by shysweetthing - Yuri on Ice, Victuuri - My favorite YOI fic and the best oneshot! It's cute, funny and has a great plot twist!! Love
This is Not a Courtship by midnightsnapdragon - MDZS, Xicheng, unfinished - WOW this is a recent fic but there's so much sexual/emotional tension that builds up so gradually and is SO well done
Les Mignardises by idiopathology - Detroit Become Human, Reed900 - best chef au, I LOVE this fic, I love food and I love reading about characters who love food. The best chef/restaurant AU that I've ever read
Eighteen Wheels on an Uphill Climb by blackeyedblonde - Detroit Become Human, Hankcon, Trucker AU - once again an au that fits perfectly with the characters! as someone from the us south, this fic is nostalgic and fun. A calming read with a sweet ending
Beneath Your Bones by cloudsmachinations - Thor Series, Thorki - I'm surprised it's taken a thorki fic this long to show up on my list but like I said many tough decisions were made. This fic is SO GOOD. I won't call it a soulmate au, because it's not, it's a host? au I guess but so well done. LOVE and my favorite thorki fic
Beside the Dancing Sea by lily_winterwood - Yuri on Ice, Victuuri, selkie au - wow my favorite mermaid/selkie fic of all time and a yoi classic, unfortunately it seems it got deleted from ao3 and is in the process of being uploaded again
On My Love by RikoJasmine - Yuri on Ice, Victuuri, unfinished - there's not many unfinished fics that made the list but - this one deserves to be here. A "back in time" AU that's famous in the YOI fandom. It's SO SWEET and definitely worth the read.
Unwritten by kaizuka - Yuri on Ice, Victuuri, Soulmate AU - my favorite soulmate AU of all time and a YOI classic. I'm pretty sure it was the first yoi fic I ever read. It's so good, sweet and fits perfectly with the series
Stormbreaker by ladylapislazuli - Thor Series, Thorki, unfinished - another "back in time" AU, Wow where do I begin, this fic is so well written and famous in the thorki fandom, the last and most recent chapter is my favorite, it hits so many emotions, shows so much character growth, Thor faces a lot of feelings about his family, unfinished but the feelings it expresses are worth the read
Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya - Yuri on Ice, Victuuri, Enemies to Lovers AU - I think this is the single most well known yoi fic and for good reason, a slow burn enemies to lovers Victuuri AU, it's just so good
Not in Peace and Not in War by justrae2010 - Yuri on Ice, Victuuri, Historical/War AU - my 2nd favorite historical AU ever. The first chapter was originally written as a stand alone for a big bang and the writing in that alone is amazing!!
Animals by stereobone - Attack on Titan, Eruri, Prison AU - my favorite prison AU of all time, it fits so well with eruri and the burn is slow
The act of just being here by Euphorion - SVSSS, Bingqiu - a post canon fic, WOW I LOVE this fic, Shen Yuan having more character growth and letting himself love more, it's perfect, the writing is amazing!
What Gangsters Do by tristinai - Detroit Become Human, Reed900, gangster AU - this is a oneshot that's part of a larger series, however this particular fic is SO WELL Done, Nines goes from hating Gavin to loving him within a few paragraphs and just wow, that's writing goals right there
Just in it for the game by grim_lupine - Thor Series, Thorki, fake relationship AU - I LOVE this fic, it's hilarious, a post Ragnarok fic that's funny and sweet
A Matter of Cats by cato_universe - Detroit Become Human, Reed900 - this is a Nines centric fic and I LOVE it, such a comfort read, libraries, cats, and love
How long we were fooled by Ark - Thor Series, Thorki - famous thorki fic that looks at their relationship throughout the series and at thor's lightening powers, LOVE
Retrograde by bughnrahk - Detroit Become Human, Hankcon, failed revolution end - wow I LOVE this fic, it's so fast paced and thrilling
The Rules for Lovers by ADreamingSongbird - Yuri on Ice, Victuuri, royalty AU - another classic yoi fic and one of my favorite royalty fics
Resplendent - Yuri on Ice, Victuuri, Hades and Persephone AU - this fic has been taken down but I still had to rec it, it's beautiful
No Ordinary Love by TheFlashFic - Marvel Captain America, Sambucky, Hanahaki AU - this is the best Hanahaki AU I've ever read, so well done
and this fire in my veins by citruspromenade - TGCF, fengqing - a fuck or die AU except not really and it's hilarious!! I LOVE this fic so much
a glide in your step by Yuu_chi - Yuri on Ice, Victuuri - another yoi classic, one of the sweetest fics ever
The Word Freedom by HopeaLumi - Attack on Titan, Eruri, teacher AU - the best teacher AU ever, based on the janitor!Levi teacher!erwin shorts
The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch by aubreyli - MDZS, Wangxian - wow it's taken me this long to rec a wangxian fic! This story is adorable, featuring the juniors and wangxian from the webseries picking up their romance
Soft Shocks by stereobone - Thor Series, Thorki, fake relationship AU - my favorite fake marriage au ever, thor and loki are so in character and the ending is so sweet
Take the Long Way Home by cavaleira - Thor Series, Thorki - a traveling? au, a comfort read and another thorki classic
And that's all of them!  Do you have any GOAT fanfic recs?
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ao3feed-moonknight · 20 days
Love At First Punch
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/sv2L0UH by KingElend2022 MarctheMerc: Guys OutofBuck: What MarctheMerc: I think I punched my soulmate RichBitch: Jus woke up RichBitch: YOU FUCKING WHAT In a world where there are soulmates, Marc Spector meets his in the worst way possible. A punch to the face. Words: 380, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of LAFP AU Fandoms: Moon Knight (TV 2022), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Jake Lockley, Marc Spector, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Thor (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Bruce Banner, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Loki (Marvel), Mobius M. Mobius, Hela (Marvel), Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wade Wilson, Peter Parker, Eddie Brock, Venom Symbiote (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Scott Lang Relationships: Jake Lockley/Marc Spector, past khonshu/jake lockley, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Thor, James "Bucky" Barnes & Sam Wilson, Clint Barton/Sam Wilson, Loki/Mobius M. Mobius, Jake Lockley & Wade Wilson, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Additional Tags: Marc Spector-centric, Side plots my love, Polyamory, everyone's queer, Trans Bucky Barnes, Nonbinary Thor (Marvel), Author is reconsidering his views on Stuckony, Jake Lockley is a dumbass, Jake Lockley Speaks Spanish, Steven Grant and Jake Lockley and Marc Spector Have Separate Bodies, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Soulmates, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Platonic Soulmates, Romantic Soulmates, Attempt at Humor, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/sv2L0UH
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