#those aren't the dangers they face on the internet
redheadedbrunette · 2 years
The political messaging in SSPX is so tone deaf in universe that's it's so hard to take at face value because it's like
CIA: *lies to everyone about the true nature of events and hides a whole lot of secrets*
Some people: hey, it seems like the CIA is lying to us about the true nature of events and is hiding a whole lot of secrets
Stuart Gibbs: those people are idiots, fyi
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into-the-grey · 1 month
~I Can't Carry This Anymore~ ALT Version
Noah x F!Reader Fic
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, depression,mental illness, burnout, blood, and death. This one is SAD, you have been warned.
WC: 1.7k
Taglist: @wh0th3h3llisbucky @blend-in-with-the-madness
I came across an old story I wrote for an assignment in a writing course, and it gave me this idea. I apologise in advance, this one is VERY trigger warning heavy, please, if you're not able to handle this one, don't force yourself through it. While I may not shy away from these topics, please do NOT try to handle it if you aren't able to.
I have also posted the original edition, which is also possibly triggering, but doesn't contain suicide material, but does contain talk of school shootings. You can read that one here if you feel safe to do so.
I acknowledge the sensitive nature of some of the topics discussed in this duo of stories, and please don't think I'm glorifying them or encouraging them. If anything, I beg of you, if you don't think you can handle these triggers, or your mental state is fragile in any way, PLEASE give these ones a miss and go read something fluffy. (yes I'm putting this on both.)
I know I'm probably being dramatic, it's probably nowhere near as graphic as I think, but the internet is a different place than it was when I was 14 and I just don't want anyone to suffer because I'm an idiot that enjoys writing about heavy shit.
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The room was quiet, the lights off and the world outside was dim. Rain pattered softly on the window, the gauzy grey curtains masking the little light that peered through, casting shadows over your desk. 
You sat at your desk, staring at the floor. It had been a while since your mind worked the way you wanted it to. Everything seemed to blur together, and you could hardly focus on the things you wanted to. It didn't matter how hard you tried, it was like words swam on the page when you tried to read, and everything outside your home felt dangerous. You felt unwelcome, so you stayed in your room.
The only interruption to your unending solitude was him. Noah. He would come and visit you sometimes, and he would talk to you for hours.
Today was one of those days. You knew it would be, but you weren't sure why. You just felt it in the air.
You heard his slow footsteps trudging up the stairs in the late afternoon. He had probably come from the studio, or maybe he'd been writing at home. You were never sure, but he came. That's what mattered. 
He entered your room silently, closing the door and sitting on your bed. He sat silently for a moment, looking around the space. You gave him his time, letting him find what he wanted to say. You could see in his tense shoulders that it had been a hard day for him too.
'Fuck today has been rough,' he said quietly, confirming your suspicions as he picked at his fingernails. 
'Do you want to talk about it?' You asked him gently, watching him as he swallowed hard. He chewed his lip for a moment, thinking through all the messy thoughts in his mind.
If there was anything you loved about Noah, it was that you could confide in him, and he confided in you. You would bear each other's misery when you needed to, helping each other get back to the good days.
'It's just been a lot to deal with, y'know? There's a lot of pressure from the label, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for the next steps yet. I don't feel like I've had enough time. I feel lost, like everything is so muddled, and I don't know how to straighten it all out.'
You nodded, understanding him perfectly. You had felt the same, drowning in the sea of obligations and the weight of your life pulling you under. 
'If you need more time, tell them. They can't push you to do anything yet, can they?' You said, turning on your chair to face him properly.
He took a shaky breath, glancing in your direction.
'I want to say something to them, to tell them, but how do I know they'll understand?' he huffed softly, his eyes lowering to his hands again, picking at a loose thread on the hem of his black hoodie. 'The guys get it, they're supportive, but the label... Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but this... it's a lot to process...'
'I know baby, I'm sorry,' you sighed. 'At least you have the guys. You're not alone in this, they can help you advocate for yourself.'
'They try to advocate for me, but they're still reeling too.' He sniffed hard, tears coming to his eyes. 'Everything just stopped, and it was out of nowhere. Sure, I guess we should have seen it coming, I'm sure it was building up for a long time, but we just... we didn't. I hate that we didn't see it, we could have done something, and we wouldn't have to do this. I feel like it's my fault.'
'Noah, baby, this is not your fault-'
'I know it's not, but I can't shake the feeling. I feel like I should have tried harder. It's been months of this, and I can't stop feeling this way.'
His shoulders shook as he breathed, leaning over and resting his elbows on his knees. He couldn't seem to meet your eye. You could feel the heaviness of his shame radiating off of him, and it broke your heart.
'Noah, it'll be alright, I promise,' you told him, standing from your seat and standing awkwardly by him. 
'One day it'll be better, I just wish I knew when,' he whispered.
You knelt down in front of him, searching his eyes in the low light. They glistened with heavy tears that started to trickle down his cheeks. He squeezed his eyes shut tight, unable to look at you. The guilt made his lip tremble, locking his fingers together tightly.
'So do I,' you told him, reaching for his hands. He stood, leaving your fingers hanging in mid-air as he crossed the room to look out the window.
'I haven't been able to sleep. The things people say, it's all I can hear...' He thumbed over a figurine on the windowsill, the porcelain cat cold beneath his fingers. 
'Don't listen to them. You don't owe them anything, not your time, not your energy. You need to focus on you, baby.' 
You stood, taking his place on the bed and watching him as he traced raindrops that ran down the window. You could see a hint of his reflection on the glass, catching the sad smile on his lips as stared out the foggy glass. 
'Do you remember when we were kids? How we used to be outside in weather like this, jumping in puddles and slinging mud at each other until your mom had to hose us off?' he asked with a melancholy chuckle.
'I do,' you nodded. 'I remember when we tried to build a sand-castle out of mud, and it just kept collapsing. You were so determined to make it work.'
'Things were so much easier back then. So much simpler, no deadlines, no commitments, no gossip or rumours. I miss those days.' He huffed a laugh to himself, tears still dribbling down his cheeks.
'I know. I wish things could still be like that.'
He nodded, turning around and looking over the room. You watched as his eyes took in every picture, every painting, every memory that gilded the walls. You followed his gaze, feeling tears pricking your eyes as you saw his smiling face in so many of the photo frames.
He seemed to focus on the same one you did. Your favourite picture, the two of you bundled up in thick jackets and huge gloves, you with a beaming smile and him with all the love in the world in his eyes as he looked at you. His long hair blew around his face as he grinned at you, the camera in his hand as he took the selfie. You had never seen snow like that before, but he wanted to show you.
You were so young, so stupid, and so in love.
'I wish I'd told you that day that I loved you,' he breathed. 'I wish I hadn't waited.'
'I knew, love,' you told him, glancing back at him. He stood with his arms crossed, trying to look casual, but you knew he was desperately trying to hold himself together while he longed for better times.
'I know you knew, but I still wish I'd said it. We could have had so much more time together...'
'We were still together, Noah, we were still as close as ever.'
'It wasn't enough.'
You watched the memories dance across his mind, seeing him process every single one. The good days, the bad days, the worst days.
Noah let himself slide down the wall in front of the window, looking at the floor. If he looked hard enough, he was sure he could still see it. The remnants of the worst memory.
'I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Noah,' you said quietly, knowing exactly where his mind was. 'I don't know what I was thinking.'
'I know exactly what you were thinking,' he sighed. 'You felt as alone as I do right now, and that was my fault. I should have been here for you. Everything went so wrong, so fast, and I wasn't there for you.'
'You were busy, love. Your career was taking off, you had so much to do, I couldn't put all of my shit on you. It wasn't fair to expect you to carry my load when you already had the world on your shoulders.'
'I don't care, I should have been there,' he coughed, clearing his throat. 
'I wish you weren't...' 
Your admission hung in the air, falling on his deaf ears. He sat silently for a little while, just listening to the sound of the rain on the glass. You knew he was picturing it, seeing how you struggled to breathe, how you had detroyed the rug with your blood, how you were so pale...
The rug was long gone, but the memories would always remain.
He finally stood, and you mirrored his movements, following him to the door.
'I have to go, we have another dinner meeting tonight, but I'll be back,' he promised, his hand on the doorknob.
'I'll be here,' you told him, resting your hand on his shoulder. He looked back at you, his lips pulling into a tight smile as the tears fell faster. His hand raised, touching his fingers to yours on his skin. The sob he choked back broke his heart, seeing his lip curl back over his teeth as he squeezed his eyes shut.
'I love you,' he told you, his voice wavering. 'I love you so fucking much, and I miss you every single day.'
You wished he could feel you as you wrapped your arms around him, your cheek resting between his shoulders and holding him together as best you could.
'I love you,' you told him, praying that he could hear you, 'and I'm always with you. I'm so fucking sorry, Noah.'
He pulled himself together as best he could, but your family was used to seeing him leave in tears. He opened the door, and he stepped from your grip, turning and looking back into the empty room you were trapped in.
For just a moment, his eyes met yours. You could have sworn that he could finally see you, just for a second. His trembling hand raised, reaching towards your face as he blinked through his tears.
'I love you,' he whispered again.
'I love you,' you whispered back.
His hand dropped back to his side, and he stepped away, closing the door behind him.
You sat back on your bed, staring hard at the floor as you listened to his footsteps trudge away, your heart breaking in your empty chest. Regret had never been so heavy.
Death didn't solve a thing. So why did you do it?
Why did you kill yourself?
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littledata · 8 months
I know you’re probably working on those prompts, but I, too, just ended up on North Sea tiktok, and if you have time, I’m curious what Ava’s reaction to that particular algorithmic destination would be. Because like, Bea’s the most capable person ever, but those waves are Very Big, and why isn’t everyone tethered to the boat at all times??
(From the on that dizzy edge universe. An example video if anyone would like context.)
For a long time, Ava's TikTok experience was predictable. It mostly went: hot girl biting her lip, hot girl playing guitar, hot dude baking a cake, weirdly mesmerising crafting video, drama about people she'd never met, hot person kissing another hot person.
The number of straight-up thirst traps has been on the decline recently though - mostly because Ava just has to turn her head and Bea will be changing her shirt or using a hammer or standing perfectly still, all of which is a lot hotter than any video she's ever seen. In its infinite wisdom though, The Algorithm has seen her scrolling past those videos and decided it needs to fill the void with something else.
That thing, apparently, is North Sea TikTok.
They're lying in bed when it happens for the first time. Beatrice had spent the first few weeks after she came home insisting they should try to maintain separate bedrooms, move their relationship along at an orderly and appropriate pace, but she pretty quickly gave in to the allure of spooning and her bedroom defaulted to being both of theirs.
Now, before they go to sleep, they often end up lying side by side while Beatrice reads one of her insane books about lesbian necromancers or whatever and Ava scrolls TikTok or reads fanfiction about hot people falling in love in coffee shops and stuff. It makes her feel mature and settled and safe in a way that's sometimes so exciting she has to take Bea's book out of her hands and make out with her about it.
Anyway, so they're doing that (lying in bed, not making out) when it shows up on her for you page. It starts with the weird, slow sea shanty, then there's the huge waves, and then someone is getting slammed in the face with the fucking ocean.
Ava lets it loop. Then she lets it loop again. Then she taps on the suggested search north sea tiktok and she's presented with a thousand more videos exactly like the first. People falling overboard and huge waves crashing over ships and and and -
"Bea." Ava taps her arm insistently.
Bea looks up from her book without much concern - she doesn't use TikTok but she does submit to being shown Ava's curated favourites. Also, she's wearing glasses and she looks super cute.
No, Ava, don't get distracted.
"Bea," she repeats and holds her phone up to her face.
Beatrice watches with a scrutinising gaze. When the video finishes, she says, "They really shouldn't be filming in those situations, it's distracting them from proper safety precautions."
Ava stares at her. "That's all you have to say? They could have died."
"Possibly," Beatrice agrees. "Once someone falls overboard it's very difficult to recover them, although certainly not impossible. And it depends a lot on the kind of ship. I assume someone wouldn't post a video where someone died though."
Although Beatrice's naivety about what people are willing to post on the internet is adorable, Ava's mind is stuck somewhere in between the words overboard and impossible. Even Beatrice, careful and capable as she is, couldn't keep herself from being swept off her feet by some of those waves. Ava can picture her so vividly, disappearing under the surface.
"You're not making me feel better about this."
"Oh." Beatrice blinks in surprise as if she has only just realised that they aren't having a purely practical discussion. She puts her book carefully down on the nightstand. "I'm not sure what to say. I can't lie to you and pretend it isn't dangerous. Those are cherry-picked clips showing the worst though, it isn't always like that."
Which, yeah, okay, Ava already knew it was dangerous. For all the months that Beatrice is away she lives with the low-level, prickling anxiety that the next call she gets will be telling her Bea is hurt, or worse. It's different seeing it though, seeing how quick it is, how powerful -
"How often are you in the north sea?" she asks, as if that's the only problem with it.
Beatrice winces, "Well, it depends. The contracts I work - " She explains something complicated and lengthy about shipping and demand and the company she works for and Ava thinks she's the most interesting person in the world but this stuff is, also, a little bit boring and she's still pretty busy picturing her girlfriend's imminent death.
She needs to send these videos to Camila. If there's anyone she can rely on to overreact with her, it's Camila.
"Ava," Beatrice says, seeing that she's lost her. She tugs Ava's phone gently from her hands and puts it down next to her book. Then she wraps one arm around Ava's shoulders and the other around her waist and pulls her in close.
Ava has always loved being hugged by Bea, even before they got together - she's strong and solid and lets Ava hold on for as long as she needs to. (Also, she smells fucking amazing, like, all the time).
It wasn't until they started dating that she realised Beatrice had been holding something of herself back though, not letting herself relax entirely whenever they touched. Now, it's as if her whole body sinks into it, like some tension evaporates the moment Ava's arms are around her.
Ava pushes her face into Beatrice's chest and inhales, lets herself hide there in the fabric of her shirt for a moment. It's dark and warm and hard to worry about anything.
"I promise I do everything I possibly can to come home safe to you," Beatrice says into her ear, "I'm sorry I can't give you any more reassurance than that."
"Okay," Ava says, voice muffled against Beatrice's chest. It's not enough but it has to be enough. This is Bea's job, the thing she loves more than anything else, and Ava won't ever touch the sanctity of that. "I'm still going to worry about you."
"I know." Beatrice presses a kiss into her hair and pulls back, "I worry about you too though, when I'm gone."
Ava rolls her eyes, "The most dangerous thing that could happen to me is Lilith finally snapping and turning on everyone she loves."
"So fairly likely then?" Beatrice asks.
Ava snorts, "Like a 90% chance."
They settle themselves to go to sleep, lying down fully and adjusting the pillows and blankets. That's another thing Ava learned recently: Beatrice - her big, tough sailor - likes being the little spoon. She won't admit to that, obviously, but she sighs contentedly whenever Ava wraps her arms around her from behind.
So when Beatrice reaches up to switch the lamp off, Ava does just that, presses herself against Bea's back. She listens to Beatrice's breathing become slow and even, and she clings on.
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venbetta · 2 months
Okay, regarding the last post/ask, there's a part of me that worries for internet safety in recent times, because it's very easy to become a victim of hacking, doxxing, or in more extreme cases, actual harm (grooming, stalking, etc.).
Not to age myself (and others) but there was a time in school where teachers would show us videos and presentations of the dangers of lacking online literacy/safety. Net safety videos were a stable of my childhood and many others, and most of those videos discussed the following:
Do not post personal information about yourself online
Do not interact with people you don't know
Do not meet people you met online in real life
The effects of cyberbullying
Those were the basic stuff. There was a lot more to take away from them
And those videos were scary. That was the point of them. I think about them less now, but it stuck. Because it can happen. And it has happened.
That's why I'm worried and a little taken aback about the lack of understanding of safety and knowledge of the current internet user base. I know that kids and teenagers use the internet, it's nothing new at all. But they're not being taught how to be safe or use common sense!
At least not in a way that I'm aware of.
If they are being taught, it's either not taught well or it's not being retained. Either way, it's clear that it's not being implemented.
And yeah most of those rules above are broken almost immediately, because we as people have gotten too comfortable with posting and sharing our intimate lives publicly. Our ages, our genders, our dating status, our home state. I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't acknowledge that, yeah, I also have some of that info in my bios!
However, some make the mistake of including very sensitive information such as their state, town, school, and worst of all their face!
Even if you don't do it intentionally, whether your posting on tiktok or whatever, if you have your state flag in the background of a video with your school logo just barely showing, someone with enough time and effort will figure out where you are. It's been shown in not only those tiktoks doxxing people but in those old net safety videos, too!
If this is scaring you, that's the point. That's what those net safety videos did. And sure, you'll forget about the rules and get comfortable with providing that info... I know most of us have, but it's up to you to keep yourself safe as much as possible.
With the state of the internet now, it's imperative to have an understanding of what the dangers are. Especially with ai in the mix. That's why I'm hesitant to even post my selfies anymore (Fuck Instagram for their ai scraping feature). It's because of what people might do. It's anxiety inducing. And that's why I'm making it a point to just be mindful as to what you do when you're online.
Don't join spaces that might have people that may take advantage of your naivety (I'm talking to kids and teenagers). If you find yourself in a space with someone or a group that makes you uncomfortable, leave. If they threaten or coax you to stay, follow your gut instinct and leave. Do not communicate with anyone who makes you uncomfortable. If it feels to be too much, tell a trusted friend or adult who can help you get out of the situation.
Don't post your current location. Don't post your school or work. Don't post your face if you can help it. Don't click on random links from people you don't know, even if they're offering free robux or nitro. It's a scam!
And before anyone makes a comment demeaning those for not knowing these scams or basic net safety, get over yourself. People who don't know either were never taught to look out for those things or never encountered such things.
People of all ages fall for scams regardless of what it is, kids to old people who aren't tech savvy. It's in our interest to teach people these things so that they can protect themselves. It doesn't make us better for knowing something and then shaming others for not.
Just be safe out there.
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delopsia · 2 months
strawberry delly (get it) 🍓🫙 not to be inspired by your current storm situation—between the tornado warning and your hand, i hope you’re okay—but what about the hawthorn trio being stuck in wabang due to a big storm rolling through? 👀💕
they all knew it was coming; had almost canceled on cecilia because of it, but then felt bad because they’d just canceled on her easter invitation a few months earlier—and then rhett’s mother’s day present got lost in the mail because trying to send large packages through to wabang, wyoming was an absolute lost cause…
she was thrilled to see you all, promising that you’d be long gone before the sky could open, but nature had other plans.
the treacherous wind and rain left amy at a happily stranded at a friend’s house, perry out who knows where, and the hawthorn trio in the perfect conditions to give their beloved cowboy a sleepover experience he never knew he’d missed out on—and one he’d never forget!
telling scary stories, a movie marathon, sneaking downstairs for snacks, staying up late—how do you think the night went?
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strawberry delly 😭🍓 I've got a funny-looking scar from the spider bite, but I'm okay 💐 That storm didn't even do anything scary in the end; the wind just howled the whole time and displaced our decorative pillow 😒
The way that there are three of them, but not one person thinks to check Wabang's weather forecast beforehand. Between the chaos of hunting down an identical gift, arranging their plans, and the general mayhem that comes with traveling, it just entirely slips their mind.
Bob thinks he's being funny when he jokes that a storm is going to strand them in Wabang and then flounders when Rhett later says that one is coming 😭 He's convinced that it's just Rhett joking, but Rhett just shrugs and says that his knee is hurting, and that only happens when a big storm is coming.
Cecelia's so enthused with her new dinnerware sets (whaddaya know, the mailman delivered the missing box an hour after everyone arrived 🙄) that she hardly pays much attention to the oncoming clouds. Perry is so unbothered that he's off to spend the weekend with a few buddies from college.
Royal and Rhett? They know exactly what's coming. Wabang's already infamous for its weird weather. Violent, unexpected thunderstorms, random snow in July, a hailstorm without a single cloud in the sky, just to name a few.
But that doesn't stop them from heading out onto the porch with Bobby in tow, sitting in the rocking chairs and watching the storm roll in. At first, you'd thought they left to go to the store without telling you, but then Cecelia chimed that, "Those damn men are on the porch again."
Some things are both hereditary and contagious. Watching dangerous weather roll in is apparently one of those things. You didn't think it was going to be all that much, but at some point, the rain is coming down so quickly that you can't see the barn anymore. And it just. Doesn't. Stop.
You can't even find the car in the driveway, nevermind navigate the rapidly flooding roads without winding up in a ditch. Nobody needs to ask what you three are going to do. Mother Nature already decided. You're spending the night.
The fun doesn't start until the clock rolls over to nine-thirty. Royal and Cecelia have a sleeping schedule, and they do not deviate from it.
The moment their bedroom door shuts, the air in the living room changes. Maybe that's because it's the first time you've been left alone since you arrived, or maybe...maybe it's because Rhett's eyes are sparkling like that of a kid in a candy store.
"Y'know what this feels like?" Speaking through that dumb grin that's sprawling across his face.
Bob hums. "What?"
Cecelia's new couch is just big enough for you three to squeeze into; the internet in Wabang is so bad that things like Netflix aren't an option, but Perry has a concerning collection of horror DVDs that suffice. Bobby thinks he's not going to be bothered by it, but he's fighting you for space on Rhett's chest before the first movie is even over.
The only reason Rhett's not bugged is because Perry used to try to scare him with these movies when he was little. He's practically immune to the genre. And maybe some of the scenes would at least spook him if he weren't more focused on you and Bobby using this as an opportunity to snuggle him.
Rhett thinks he's hilarious when he blames an obscure noise on "one of those house ghosts." Now, Bob is hesitant to head into the dimly lit bathroom by himself.
Cecelia thinks she's even funnier when she walks up behind the couch and scares the hell out of all three of you, laughs so hard that she nearly drops her glass of water.
Rhett loses his shirt when he heads out to the car to get the snacks out of the backseat, winds up so focused on his white cheddar popcorn that he fails to notice you and Bobby staring at the water running down his big chest. Even when you grab him by the hand and haul him up to his bedroom, he's clueless. He doesn't figure it out until Bob grabs a greedy handful of his chest. Then, it clicks.
You guys wind up having to stay another day because not one of you gets a bit of sleep before the sun rises. But that just means you get to have one more night in Wabang 👀🌧
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theinfernalsanctuary · 6 months
Let's talk about religious psychosis for a minute.
For those of you who don't know, religious psychosis is a mental condition that causes somebody to believe that their hallucinations (both audio and visual) and their ideas that are coming out of this manic state are actually the word of a God or some sort of Deity. This can be really dangerous in any religion, and it's incredibly common in both christianity and satanism because it's so hard to tell the difference between somebody who is experiencing religious psychosis and somebody who is actually had a religious experience.
This is why it's so important that people pay attention to what they are looking at online and who they are talking to online, you never know if the person behind the screen that is telling you all of this information is experiencing some form of religious psychosis. Many people who are experiencing some sort of religious psychosis also have delusions of grandeur. These people tend to place themselves into a higher seat of power, calling themselves a high priestess or a high priest, calling themselves a profit calling themselves the messiah, ect. They aren't doing it on purpose, it just so happens that this is what their hallucinations are telling them, it's not outright malicious. That's not to say that it cannot cause people to do some horrendous things. I mean, we've all heard the cliche of "God told me to" or the "devil told me to." This is where that comes from.
Unfortunately, someone who is actually suffering from religious psychosis will not be willing to seek help, nor will they respond well to being pushed into seeking help because they don't believe that what's happening is bad, they think that this is their god trying to reach out to them. It's really important not to push these people too far but also to not feed into these delusions.
I say it's hard to tell the difference between somebody who is experiencing religious psychosis and somebody who isn't, but there is one tell all, they tend to be much more grandiose about literally everything. Think the crazy mega churches in the southern United States, but then change it so that they DON'T know that everything that they're telling their congregation is bogus, imagine if they actually wanted to help and believe everything they say but still churned out more extremists the way they already do. This is one of the many ways that cults can start because not everything that they say is something super out there and obvious, and if the wrong person sees the right post and thinks that this person knows what they're talking about, there's a high potential that they'll start to overlook red flags. This won't necessarily cause others to experience religious psychosis, though it can happen, more often the people who are following the original person with religious psychosis are not experiencing any hallucinations themselves, but are brainwashed into the hope that if they follow what they're told that they will either be given special treatment in the afterlife or that they may start to experience what we know to be hallucinations themselves.
Please be very careful if you believe that you are dealing with someone who is experiencing religious psychosis, they are not trying to cause problems or harm, they are sick. I bring this up now because the solar eclipse is coming up and there are a bunch of people online right now talking about how it's going to be the rapture or how you'll be able to see the faces of angels/demons if you look up at the eclipse while you're in the path of totality (the strip of land that the sun passes over where the eclipse is the most complete.) None of that is true, please be safe when viewing the eclipse and when interacting with others on the internet.
Ave Satanas!
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not-goldy · 5 months
What do you think about this? Almost 1000 Armys did not know the most touching and important moment that Jimin shared with us. If they were Jimin Solos, would the voting result be like this? I don't sympathize with them, but I think their presence is very important in Jimin's career, especially at this stage . and all the members should have their strong solo Fandom To carry their solo career .
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Not gonna lie at this phase in my life I hate PJMs. all of them won't leave a single one of them out.
I'd shoot to kill if heard them wrestling in the dark.
And I think at this stage in Jimin's life he doesn't need the toxicity and the constant in house fighting and if that's all they can bring to the table then Jimin is better off without them.
Also, Jimin's actual fans show up when the need arise. They are not either Army or Solos. No. A lot of the support he gets comes from those silent stans with dormant social media accounts who barely say anything on the internet or partake in these polls- but let Jimin put out any content or show up anywhere. I call them the deep pocket Jims DPJ. deep Park Jimins if you will. They show up with the big guns to his knife fights sell him out spend so much on him like damn go off.
Those fans I like. Hell I will kiss their ass and polish their shoe part their ass while they fart 🤣
I don't know whether he needs those toxics.
He does have plans and goals however and I don't care if I sound crazy for saying this, but Jungkook is at the heart of those plans.
Everything he's done from day one to this day is to try to merge his fans and his. And if they not catching his drift they never will. Off with their heads.
So yea, if he has independent plans that is not intertwined with his band or Jungkook then sure he needs to cultivate a solo fanbase. A purely solo fanbase. Which is not possible. Those solos would always have other celebs they stan besides Jimin even if those idols aren't necessarily or remotely connected to Jimin.
But I hate solos for now. A. They are not really solos they just assholes 🙄
Pjms and JKks are like two toxic annoying intolerable distant cousins you want to shove to the ground each time you see them.
Just for no reason, stuff their face with dirt and feed them to the coyotes.
On that particular Jimin moment- it traumatized me and affected my mental health so bad I had to work through it with my therapists.
People have no idea how mentally impactful his words are.
I bought into this narrative that he struggled the most and was at his worst ever when he was running around bench pressing and carrying weights to look hypermasculine.
Everyone knows this, I had a mental breakdown on the internet when a few years ago he started working out again. To me it felt as if he was experiencing all that he'd experienced in the past all over again. When I tell you it wasn't a fun moment for me.
It's the only moment in my life I thought of unstanning Jimin. It felt like a betrayal to others but I needed to detach from his trauma so bad.
It took therapy for me to understand how enmeshed i was and how much I had overly empathized with him to the point I was taking on his pain and struggles and trauma without knowing.
It's also the period I learned how dangerous parasocial relationships are.
I get that sharing this vulnerable moments with us helps them bond with us and that's what they think when they share these things but some of us are more susceptible than others and it's reckless of them to dump such heavy stuff on us traumatize us with it and then turn around and indulge in those triggering activities for the sports of it without warning ⚠️
So yea, that moment is burned in my memory.
How can I forget.
And I don't know if you've been following the discussions on my page lately.
But these reckless parasocial attachments some of these idols inadvertently foster is to me as problematic and perhaps even more so than an Idol broadcasting a live naked or calling his stans his girlfriends.
Like I said, there are certain uncomfortable conversations these solos aren't prepared to have about their faves. It's easier to point a hand at someone you don't like and say this shit you do is questionable. What's most challenging is looking inside and putting yourself or someone you love on the same scale.
And of course some of us are more comfortable with doing that because we like to turn everything into an intellectual discourse but for the annoying immature stans you can't reason with them beyond their feelings.
I hear you Anon. But today is not the day I defend any solo.
I can stan Jimin all on my own with Jungkook behind me🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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leebrontide · 9 months
This is not gonna win me a lot of friends on here but seriously a lot of y'all are irritating me lately with your gleeful piracy posts.
"Poor people deserve stories, to!" You're right. 100% Go on gumroad. There are a ton of authors, myself included, who are giving away free books there. Many of them are from the very marginalized backgrounds y'all claim to want to champion. Look for newsletter giveaways. there are literally so damn many ways to get books that come from creators who have consented to give them away. Oh, but you think anyone should be entitled to the exact book they want without paying for it? the popular book from the big publisher? That's a different thing. That's a different thing that continues to uphold ideas that the mega-corporations are the only source for good stories, that only stories vetted by the companies you claim to be rallying against have value.
"Piracy is archiving!" Archiving is archiving. I can't speak to how it works with indie videogames or what have you, but with books, this is absurd. Ok, say you illegally download a book. If it's from a huge publisher, this is nonsense cause a ton of those were printed. It is not in danger if vanishing. Say it's from a small publisher- you have now decreased that publishers chances of of continuing to print and distribute the book. You are making the book harder to locate in the future. You want to make sure a book doesn't vanish? Pay for it. If it vanishes utterly off the internet when the author dies or whatever, then yay, you have a copy and can maybe help get it back in circulation. Not paying for the book didn't help with that. You can help save an out of circulation book later just as well if you paid for it.
"Piracy is counter corporations!" See point 1. Also, a lot of the sites where you all are pirating fiction do just as much scraping of indie, self-pub, and small press books. Robin Hood wasn't stealing from the poor to give to the poor. I personally know an author whose publisher dropped them mid series because the book wasn't selling, who later found a piracy site with WAY more downloads of her book than there were legal sales. She gave up publishing after that.
This isn't sour grapes, folks. To my knowledge, my own books have never been pirated, and to be honest, over the years I've sold as many copies as a regular mid-list author with a pig publisher.
But I have watched so many authors- not wealthy people- have their work stolen from them. Many of them are disabled and really struggle with other kinds of jobs. They can do this work, but they can't make money, and this is honest to god a big part of why. I feel like people don't believe this. If you don't hang around authors maybe it's tempting to buy in to the hollywood idea of an author.
If you don't think you're entitled to demand free labor from a plumber, then why do you think you're entitled to demand free labor from an author or artist? Is it because you don't have to look them in the eye? Is it because you feel like you can get away with it? Is it because you've fallen for the fantasy that authors are wealthy people living glamorous lives, and their labor doesn't count because they're so lucky to be making a living with their art?
I don't know. And please don't defend this to me.
Just go read free books, if you can't afford to buy them and don't have library access. Or at least stop rubbing what you're doing in the faces of all the creators on this website who put a lot of hard work into the things they make.
Reblogs are nice, but reblogs accompanied by cheerful endorsements of stealing things which aren't freely given do not make for an ideal community.
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trainerbede · 10 months
okay, I'm still trying to maintain optimism in the face of despair but the way some of you people talk about actual, real Palestinians on this site (on any site where Palestinian voices have any reach whatsoever, really) is so vile.
the fact that I have seen multiple "block-lists" telling people to straight up ignore and/or report accounts that all happen to be predominantly talking about the situation in Palestine, and most of those accounts just so HAPPEN to be actual, real Palestinians living abroad is so eye-opening. like, okay, wow. so you really don't care about Palestinian voices at all and are in fact looking for any excuse to twist our words and make us look like terrible people. you WANT to ignore Palestinian voices the moment those voices say anything you disagree with.
some people will pretend to care about what's going on in Gaza, as long as the Palestinians in question are perfect, tragic, faceless victims whose only pleas come from thousands of miles away. but the moment a Palestinian is angry, is fed up, has things to say that aren't just tragic resignation to being genocided, those same people want us to shut up immediately. the hypocrisy fucking reeks and I'm tired of it.
Palestinians cannot even talk about the genocide that is literally happening to us in real time right fucking now without our own opinions on the matter being talked over and dismissed, without being written off as "dangerous" and "violent" and "people who shouldn't be listened to." our every expression of anger is criticized and demonized, and yet I have to see people accusing an actual, living, breathing Palestinian of only caring about the genocide in Gaza "because it's like an internet fandom for them," as if the only reason Palestinians living abroad are this outspoken is for some kind of """fandom clout,""" as if speaking up in support of Palestine isn't currently costing people their jobs, their scholarships, their opportunities, let alone getting them doxxed on certain sites.
the people saying this shit to Palestinians are fucking abhorrent, how do you not even think twice before you say this shit. or is it that you did think twice and you just really don't see us as living, breathing, mourning people after all?
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mielwriting · 3 months
Confession: With the Pyro Archon leaks, is bad that actually want to pull for her Conquiestor looks? I'm not blind to history, I KNOW the Spanish did many terrible things in Meso-America. But it's part of the history of the area. And that what makes it interesting.
I am flattered you asked my opinion on this! I have so much to say! Thank you!
Warning: the following post features minor details about the pyro archon's leaked appearance. If you don't want those, come back to this post once it's been officially revealed.
Ok so I saw this and came up with thoughts about it before I saw what you reposted about all the cultural inspirations for a fair-skinned pyro archon, but generally I agree with those.
1st of all, especially with Neuvillette and Apep, Genshin has really been focusing on the idea of the Archons as colonizers. So it makes sense to me to design one of them actually based on a real-world colonizer.
Also, I don't know how many leaks each of us has seen, but her design is not (to my knowledge) specific to the Conquistador soldiers of the 1500s and 1600s. Her (leaked) design also resembles bullfighters in general, a sport that's still popular in Spain and Mexico (and I think other Latin American countries too, but I'm not certain off the top of my head). So her design could be more of a reference to the whole "fighting as a beloved national pastime" thing that might be central to Natlan's culture.
As for her (and the rest of Natlan) being light-skinned, I blame the CCP. If you may not know, China, where Genshin's owners are located, is currently living under an authoritarian government. Speaking out against the leader can be dangerous, and the government is actively committing a genocide against their primarily Muslim, Turkic ethnic minority (the Uyghurs).
All this to say, it's not so easy to defy them. So if the CCP insists that Genshin Impact, its largest cultural export, only show pale skinny characters that match certain beauty standards, then I won't blame Hoyoverse for following that rule. They are doing what they can to provide representation under a dictatorship, and that's commendable. I think it's more important that a lot of Genshin's stories have themes of overthrowing tyrants. Genuinely impressive they were able to add those parts (Venti, Mondstadt, gods willingly giving up power, Sumeru's coup, Neuvillette saying the Usurpers must face judgement, etc).
Finally, it is just a video game. I don't know how old we are in relation to each other, but I had my first history class while also having unmonitored internet access. It was a time, and trying to form my morals while watching cancel culture was weird. Yes, stories are important. Yes, representation or lack thereof does matter. But ultimately, it's not the biggest thing. There are big, important differences between a story who explicitly advocates for oppression and erasure of history, a story whose deeper themes may end up selling the wrong message, a story who tries but misses the mark, and a story that simply... has character designs that may or may not share clothes with historical colonizers.
Sure, the character designs aren't IDEAL representation, but the overarching story consistently sends a message of "rebel against oppressors, seek justice for the oppressed" and I think Hoyo deserves a lot of credit for that, especially since it's being sold to citizens living under an autocrat.
Thank you again for asking me! I'm glad you think I give good enough advice on minor moral dilemmas. Have a great day!
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Shaw and Risk - some thoughts
Rewatching Picard S3 and to turns out I have more thoughts about Shaw. Who out there is surprised?
So, much of what follows is actually derived from the many, many Todd Stashwick interviews about Shaw that are all over the internet right now. With some additional insightful commentary from the Shaw Nation Discord server (thanks all y'all).
Here's the thing. In response to all the people who hate Shaw, who think he isn't a "real" Starfleet captain; who think he's a coward (thanks dudebros on the ST Facebook pages); who think he's boring. He's actually none of those things. He's what actual military (and quasi military) leaders look like. Our first introduction to him is him talking about structure and tempo and meter; structure exists so that when you are doing something inherently risky (exploring the final frontier) you have guidelines so that you aren't always relying entirely on your own judgement. Rules and guidelines and procedures exist to keep people safe in an inherently risky environment.
To make a real life comparison, in search operations, coastguard, marine and mountain rescue there are specific conditions under which a rescue will NOT be initiated because the weather or other conditions are too dangerous, exceed the tolerances of the equipment etc. Think back to the beginning of the year when Julian Sands went missing in the San Bernardino Mountains, there were entire days when not only were the helicopter search and rescue teams grounded because of weather, but even the ground team didn't deploy because it was too dangerous (and there were multiple people lost on Mt Baldy at the time). Are they cowards? Of course not, they have procedures and criteria that are laid down by risk management experts that advise whether there is too great a risk to the rescuers. If the risk is too great, they don't go out.
But we're used to fictional universes where those are exactly the kinds of high-stakes situations that make for good drama, and that always end well because our deontological heroes always have to be vindicated.
Presumably Starfleet has exactly those kinds of structures and procedures that govern their operations; so taking a crew of 500 out beyond the edge of Federation space to rescue Bev Crusher from some unknown peril is exactly the kind of thing that Starfleet would have policies for, and those policies would say NO. As they should. We're just used to our Starfleet heroes blithely ignoring those structures, taking the 1% of success chance and of course, succeeding because the writers make it so.
Although it has often struck me that, if we actually were able to count the 'redshirt' (they aren't all redshirts, that's just shorthand for unnamed characters) deaths in Star Trek, the attrition rates for our favorite captains might be surprisingly high, even with writers giving us deus ex machina saves every second week. It's just that they aren't main characters so their deaths are meaningless.
Back to Picard: there is a moment in Episode 2 that struck me at the time, where Seven is really disingenuous. She asks Shaw if he wants to be known as the captain that let two legends die; or the hero who saved them. As his XO she should also have pointed out option 3; that he be known as the captain who led his crew of 500 into a face off against a much more powerful opponent and they all died. Now, why didn't the writers put those words in her mouth?
Added to which, Shaw is an engineer, I think there's a reason the writers made him an engineer. A huge part of his professional life is risk-management, that's much of what engineers do. They are consequentialists. They look at the equipment tolerances, margins of safety, human capacity for error, and then they make rules to allow certain actions to take place (exploring the final frontier) and also keep as many people as possible safe (bringing most of your crew home alive).
And finally, there's all that accumulated trauma from Wolf 359. Shaw lived, undeservedly as far as he is concerned, his job as captain is to make sure everyone else lives. And using Starfleet protocols is one way to make sure that happens, to the best of his ability.
I mean, Shaw is clearly not a coward, he has commendations for bravery in his ready room, he's all in once he makes a decision to commit to a course of action, and he puts himself in the frontline every time he has a (realistic) chance of shielding his crew from harm. The man was willing to die to stop the Changelings from taking the bridge.
And that's the only niggle I have about his last appearance, and his speech about Seven; Shaw is not boring and rules don't necessarily need to be broken because again, the rules exist for a reason, they are generally not arbitrary and, in reality, breaking the rules gets people killed. The only reason rule breakers are celebrated in Star Trek is because it is FICTION. It's how we would like to see the world, not how it is, but it's actually a pretty dangerous way to think.
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blamemma · 4 months
I think the Daniel fans reactions towards others It was because they often saw people talking nonsense about Daniel. You may be able to overlook it. But other people aren't. Some people just want to defend him for something he didn't do or provide accurate information. I'm glad you were able to ignore all this noise. But you have to understand that some people can't do it like you or anyone else. It's not a bad thing to be stuck with past successes. Because at this point, he may have failed or be rebuilding himself. Those successes still haven't disappeared. And everyone has a right to talk about it. The fact that he has a seat now doesn't make people forget about their feelings in 2022, so some are expecting him to be even better.So that we will see him compete for a long time. The pain we will face in 2022 when he is fired. The loss of that seat is still evident. I think it's hard for some people to ignore what people say about Daniel. Because most of the time, it's not true. And they couldn't bear to ignore them.
I think it depends on the experience you want. I’m happier when I think positively about daniel and so that’s the experience I seek online. I personally don’t feel the need to fight his battles online because I think you will never change people’s minds towards drivers by providing them with facts and figures because internet mentality isn’t derivative of that at all. BUT I get why people do and if that’s what people want to do, they are more than welcome to and I’m not hindering anyone from doing that by sharing my opinion on that. I personally would find that exhausting and negative for my own mentality, I’m much happier looking at my pretty photos and my fun gifs and writing deranged tags about him 😌😌😌😌
and I’m allllll for celebrating Daniel’s past wins, that’s a part of what makes him, him, and I love them and adore them. I’m enthralled by the videos red bull are sharing of his Monaco win. No one’s saying you can’t look back on the past. The danger comes from wishing for the past to repeat itself and be once more. even if daniel is to make it back to red bull one day (🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼) it will not be the same as the last time, and I think that’s FUN. I think it’s great to be in an era where daniel is rebuilding and growing once more, and for me, that is how I frame this current Daniel period. You are free and welcome to perceive and enjoy and support Daniel however you want, as am I. and at this point, I really don’t think he’s failed.
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necromancy-enthusiast · 3 months
Everyone who's beaten Earthbound and their dog has commented on why they think Giygas is so scary and unsettling but the thing that gets me the most is that he's both utterly terrifying and deeply pitiful.
Terror instills something similar to respect, not respect as in something you admire, but as in recognizing the power or magnanimity of something. And pity goes in the opposite direction, there's a certain degree of condescension when pity is involved that sets it apart from just sympathy or feeling bad for someone. Giygas is after all the one who set the whole story into motion, the one that's been corrupting the whole world with his evil influence and trying to destroy it, so it's kind of hard to totally forego pity and hard-cancel into sympathy.
Giygas is the stuff cosmic horror is made out of. He's so powerful and evil that it's destroyed his mind, he can't really even think anymore, he can't control himself, and it hurts him. Even if he didn't very literally say as much, it would be easy to guess from his... 'Appearance', or at least if you interpret his appearance as a face, since it looks like it's twisted in total agony to the point where it's become distorted.
But of course he's also still incredibly powerful and dangerous, he'll destroy the world if left unchecked. The intersection of those two stirs up a certain visceral discomfort where he's like both a god and a rabid dog all at once. I know a few years back we all made rabies into a funny internet meme disease, but it really is uniquely horrible, and it still kills tens of thousands of people every year. Nowadays we have pre and post-exposure vaccines, if you act fast upon likely exposure and get treatment, you'll probably be fine. But if you aren't lucky enough to be able to access such treatment or if you put it off, you're fucked once you start showing symptoms. It would practically take a miracle to survive.
A rabid animal is a danger to everything around it, including itself. Its mind has been destroyed by rabies, it can't really control itself anymore, it's in pain. It can't be saved. Before we had modern euthanasia, the best thing you could do for a rabid dog was drag it out back and shoot it dead.
It's one of those uncomfortable scenarios where an act of violence and brutality is the most merciful path you can take. Giygas manages to occupy two opposite ends of a rather extreme spectrum in being both godlike and pitiful, and bringing them together like that is deeply uncanny. The last fight with Giygas is both a battle to save the universe AND a mercy killing, the destruction of a god and the shooting of a rabid animal.
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cascadianights · 7 months
I think we need to be honest and admit there's no real line between physical and mental disability for a huge majority of people
Nevermind the high rate of comoborbidities with neurodivergences & mental illness. Nevermind the fact that Autism, a big one constantly pointed to as "NOT A PHYSICAL DISABILITY!!!" is a developmental disorder. Nevermind the way the intersection of mental illness, poverty, and capitalism tends to leave many sicker and sicker by the year. Nevermind the fact that many people take decades to receive simple diagnosis just for the physical SYMPTOMS they face, nevermind being lucky/privileged/resourced enough to get actual diagnoses - sometimes the literal only difference between someone with anxiety/depression and someone with severe gastroporesis POTS and nervous system disorder is that they haven't GOTTEN DIAGNOSES OR WORDS FOR THE OTHER SHIT THEYRE GOING THROUGH YET! I've been just as physically AND mentally disabled my entire life, with no words to describe the former until the last two years.
If your anxiety is stopping you from doing things, that is a real physical effect. If you're too nauseous to eat, too scared to leave the house, too overstimulated to try a single activity you used to enjoy - those are real, physical barriers in your life. Those are the effects of neurotransmitters and hormones altering your body's nervous system, changing your heart rate and slowing digestion and ability to reason. The effects of severe mental illness are not "in your head" they are literal and real physical changes in your body and life. Not being able to brush your teeth because of executive dysfunction or muscles in your arm not working still leaves you with rotting bones in your mouth. Not being able to escape a dangerous situation because of intense anxiety freezing you to the spot, or pushing you to a wild and unsafe response, is as dangerous and real as staying because you aren't sure if your leg muscles can take the strain.
"It's all in your head and you could just DECIDE different so it's different-" if you could just decide your way out of severe mental illness then you could yoga your way out of severe chronic fatigue and pain. People don't stay in dangerous situations, people aren't unable to care for themselves or leave the house or do things that bring them joy, because they're simply choosing not to brute force will their way out of it. It's because the effects of mental illness on your entire body and life are REAL, PHYSICAL, LITERAL BARRIERS. To pretend otherwise, especially in the interest of purity gatekeeping, shows your hand at either never dealing with mental illness or putting as much self hate and blame on yourself as you are strangers on the internet.
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ebony-underscore · 3 months
I got exactly 1 note on that other post and I feel like thats enough to enable me to curse the internet with some character concepts for a star wars sequel au. Still vaguely follows the canon plot though, haven't thought that far ahead
Ray is part of a big scavenger found family. Her force powers manifested at a very young age, and while she appears to be a charming and naturally talented jack of all trades, the force does the heavy lifting. Good with tech/engineering. Loves her family. Who are her parents? Doesnt matter
Her first real struggle is when she starts training as a jedi under Luke at some point. Also the fact that Poe and Finn aren't as easily persuaded by her. This annoys her quite a lot because she's meant to be good at everything. She can come off as arrogant and self-assured but she has a big heart
Finn deserves better. We all know this. A medic who witnessed a massacre of a village and refuses to kill, his story mainly revolves around spurring an insurrection of stormtroopers against the empires brutality. He will not compromise on his beliefs. Ordered to be executed but his squad refused to kill him, giving him a chance to escape. Probably a scenario at some point where in order to pull off a disguise he'd have to kill someone but refuses to do it. Maybe force sensitive
Poe is at odds with his family after abandoning his spicerunner roots to join the rebellion. They don't care about the outcome of the war as long as they keep making profit. Poe unfortunately has a moral backbone. Great flyer, terrible shot. Not force sensitive just very stubborn. He and Ray butt heads over plans fairly often. He knows a few maneuvers. Also skilled in the art of negotiation and avoiding getting killed for a late delivery
Phasma lost everything to the rebellion. Her home, her wife, her family. All lost after a rebel supply raid of her home planet. She's driven almost exclusively by rage and desire for vengeance. She views Finn as naive and foolish for believing in peaceful resolutions. Maybe he reminds her of who she used to be. Or her kids. Or her wife. And she can't handle any more reminders of that. She has to crush his spirit to teach him that the universe is cruel and unkind. Finn does not break.
Han & Leia are still together and help lead the rebellion. Well, Leia is in charge, but Han still holds a fair amount of sway, especially amongst pilots
Ben is believed dead after the Knights of Ren raid the jedi temple and kill Luke's padawans. He isn't, but it's better his family think he is. Ben wasn't good enough to live up to the Skywalker legacy anyway. Joins the Knights of Ren instead forge his own path (this is not a good way to go about it).
Luke is still grieving the loss of those kids, guilt weighs heavily upon him and he can't face Leia and Han after failing their son. He retreats to an island and hopes to find peace and the strength to carry on. He also communes with the force. The force tells him Ben isn't dead. That scares him. Absolutely senses Han in danger at starkiller base and tries to save his ass. Jumps at opportunity to train Ray and 'redeem himself'. He's still old though, and he's not as nimble as Yoda was
Hux is still a petty little bitch and rebel spy deep undercover. Friends with Kylo. Or at least the only person able to talk him down who he wouldn't immediately slaughter. Gives good advice. He thinks Kylo should probably go see a therapist for his anger issues but he knows that ain't happening
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queer-otherkin · 7 months
Hey!! Just a reminder:
You and me can actually be putting ourselves in danger by having Tumblr accounts.
(a post about internet safety) <pls reblog!!/nf>
Idk about y'all but I'm actually FUCKED if my classmates find this account. The only reason that they don't bully me in an obvious/reportable way is because I fucking tell the teachers.
But guess what, if they find out I'm non human,an age regressor, bi, trans, have bpd, am self diagnosed with autism, etc;
I'm absolutely damned.
I won't be able to tell anyone, bc guess what? The adults in my life are in general prejudiced, even about things that are more normalized. Like being trans. If I can't tell them about being trans (for example) who will I call for help about being non human? No one. I will lose my remaining friends and all the little respect I have left. I can lose everything and my life will become hell.
These kinds of things spread and even if I can convince my parents to change schools (without revealing the problem), people might know!!
I'm not saying this to scare people, I'm just saying:
Be careful!
Tumblr media
... Because you never know, some people are just evil, and will go through these communities/tags just to be a bully about it. Y'know, those people who make cringe compilations, raid discord servers, or just hate on our communities in general. This is the internet, and no matter how safe you think you are, you really aren't.
So don't post your face uncensored, location/address, real name, etc.
You can absolutely ignore this, I myself have not respected these "rules" in the past.
And just so you know:
I'm not asking you to delete your account, I'd be a hypocrite.
I'm just asking you to be careful. To be safe.
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