#though annoyed he decide basement he was gonna do this
thestupidhelmet · 7 months
AU T7S Where Kelso Doesn't Exist on the Show
This turned into an outline/first-draft hybrid of a fanfic I would call One Difference: Michael Kelso Doesn't Exist.
Quite a few twists. Lots of Zen. Plenty for the other characters, too.
Season 1
Jackie joins the basement gang because of Fez. Jackie enjoys his flattery and attention, but she hasn't promised him anything romantic or sexual. She also keeps her time in Eric's basement secret, acting like she doesn't know Fez, Donna, Eric, or Hyde while in school.
Hyde influences Eric to be more delinquent than he otherwise would be. Without Kelso as his partner in crime, Eric fills that role.
Eric gets into more trouble with both his parents because of his shenanigans with Hyde. Donna also finds Eric slightly hotter for his rebelliousness. In canon season seven, she tells Eric she thinks it's hot when he does naughty stuff.
Unfortunately for Eric, his parents don't agree. He doesn't get the Vista Cruiser, as he does in "That '70s Pilot" (1x01). They tell him that unless and until he acts responsible enough to have a car, he's not getting one from them.
Red's opinion about Hyde is also different. Instead of seeing Hyde as a good kid who's rough around the edges, he thinks Hyde's a danger to his son and tells Eric Hyde's no longer allowed in the house. He also tells Eric to let Hyde find another dumbass to get into trouble with.
Jackie wants to go to the junior prom so badly that she accepts Fez's invitation. Problem is that she's finding herself attracted to Hyde in spite of herself. Before Red banned him from the basement, regardless of how annoyed he is by Jackie, she's drawn to him.
Hyde is the only one who fights the guy (and his friends) who punched Eric unconscious in "Grandma's Dead" (1x23). Without Kelso there, Fez tries to help but is tossed aside and passes out.
Hyde gets more than a fat lip from that bar fight. He's bruised all over. He's allowed to go to Grandma Forman's funeral to support Eric (because of Kitty).
When Red sees Hyde, he assumes the worst about why Hyde's bruised and swollen. Eric tells Red what Hyde did for him, and that significantly changes Red's mind about Hyde.
Fez is confused as to why Jackie runs hot and cold with him. Hyde and Eric both answer that she's a nutbag and he should look for a girlfriend elsewhere. Donna, though, defends Jackie. They're friends now, and Jackie's helped Donna transition her friendship with Eric into a romance.
Fez decides to fight even harder for Jackie's love, and Hyde and Eric groan.
After Edna abandons Hyde, Red (without knowing yet what happened) lets Hyde join his for dinner three nights in one week. During these dinners, Red starts to understand that Hyde is a good boy who's rough around the edges. Kitty, who always liked Hyde, is grateful for how he stood up for her son.
Once Red and Kitty learn that Hyde's mom abandoned him, he allows Hyde to live with them on probationary status. Hyde has to cut out the nonsense and stop cutting classes.
Hyde excels at following Red's conditions, so much so that Eric becomes jealous. With Hyde no longer doing senseless stupid stunts, Eric decides to do a stunt of his own. He's got way more experience in it since Hyde essentially trained him in the art for eleven years.
Eric, who's earned the Vista Cruiser a third through the season, decides to take his mom's keys to the Toyota and find out how fast and far it can go on one tank of gas. Donna, Hyde, and Fez try to convince him not to.
Jackie is present for this moment, and she encourages Eric to go with his plan. This pisses off Donna and Hyde, but Fez finds it hot (despite not wanting Eric to do it).
Hyde tells Eric if he's gonna do something so stupid, Hyde better go with him.
Eric ends up swerving to avoid another car, but the Toyota's bumper falls off and the left taillight is busted. A good measure of paint has been scraped off.
When Red discovers what happened to his car, Hyde takes responsibility for it. Eric objects and says it's his fault. They fight over it, and Red fights internally with himself whether to blame Hyde and kick him out.
But, unlike Donna and Fez who have run off, Jackie steps in and says it was Eric's idea and that Hyde tried to stop him. She's a witness. She knows Hyde will be homeless if Hyde doesn't let Eric take responsibility, and then she'll lose access to him.
Red is relieved and disappointed. He makes Eric and Hyde work to pay off the car repairs. Rather than being upset by this punishment, Hyde feels more like part of the family.
Season 2
Fez tricks Jackie into a kiss during the movies. Once she realizes what he's doing, she stops him. With no Kelso to slug Fez, Jackie runs out of the theater.
Jackie tells Donna what happened and admits she liked the kiss. She's considering dating Fez in secret.Donna has two problems with this idea: one, Fez tricked her into a kiss, which doesn't set a good precedent for the start of a relationship; and two, Jackie shouldn't date Fez in secret. If Jackie has romantic feelings for him, she should be proud to date him and not let xenophobia -- or fear of others' xenophobia -- dictate how she lives her life.
Jackie says in this conversation that she's never had a boyfriend before and she's getting long in the tooth. It's time for her to start dating already. Fez is a terrible choice. "He worships me. He's great dancer, but ..."
Donna says, "He's foreign."
Jackie says, "No. I mean yes, but you're right that I shouldn't treat him like a dirty little secret. The problem is ... I love kissing, and Fez is good at it, but I'm not sure Fez is the one I want to kiss."
Donna, shocked and intrigued, says, "Is there someone else you want to kiss?"
Jackie becomes cagey, an obvious tell, and Donna calls her out on it: "There is someone you want to kiss! Who is it? Do I know him?"
Jackie, very uncomfortable, escapes the question by escaping the conversation (and Donna).
In the circle with Eric, Hyde, and Fez, Donna does her best to keep her mouth shut about Jackie. But Fez brings up how he kissed Jackie at the movies and that Jackie ran away afterward.
Eric and Hyde rag on Fez (and Jackie): "Why Jackie? I mean ... why Jackie?" "You found the Holy Grail, man -- the secret to gettin' Jackie to disappear."
Donna, unhappy about their burns, says, "Jackie liked the kiss, you jackasses -- " which makes Fez brighten -- "but she wants someone else to kiss her that way."
Fez, Hyde, and Eric: "Who?"
Donna: "I don't know. She wouldn't tell me."
Eric: "Oh, God -- that must mean it's one of us!"
Hyde: "Donna's hot. Wouldn't blame her."
Eric: "Not Donna. Us! You and me!"
Hyde: "No way, Forman. You make her sick, and she makes me sick. She wouldn't go after her best friend's boyfriend anyway."
Donna, Eric, and Fez: "How do you know that?"
Hyde: "Uh ... "
Donna (teasing, singing): "Hyde and Jackie sitting in ... in ... have you two ever sat in anything together?"
Fez (sad): "Only the remains of my heart."
Hyde: "Look, last winter at her ski cabin, she whined to me about wanting this guy Jake Bradley -- "
Eric: "The Jake Bradley? The Vikings quarterback?"
Hyde: "Yeah. But he's dating Kat Peterson, so that's never gonna happen."
Donna (remembering): "Right! And you tried to 'comfort' her by saying Jake wouldn't cheat on Kat with Pam Macy either, so Jackie's in good company.
Hyde (chuckling to himself): "That was a pretty good burn."
Donna: "You were a total jerk that weekend -- and not just to her."
Hyde: "Yup. I was. [Sincerely to Donna] Sorry, man. For all of it. No excuses. Just a reason: head was screwed up from my ma. Wouldn't want anyone to do to me what I did to you, and I'm glad we're still cool though I don't deserve it."
Donna's about to accept his apology, but Eric says, "What did you do to her?"
Fez (morose): "What I did to Jackie."
Eric (pissed and confused, to Hyde): "You kissed her in a movie theater in Alpine Valley?"
Donna and Hyde: "The ski cabin."
Hyde: "And she slapped me good. Too bad it didn't knock sense into my skull."
After this circle, Eric is uneasy about Hyde.
Laurie, bored, finds a sad Fez moping around the Forman driveway. She gets him to open up about Jackie's latest but as-yet unspoken romantic rejection of him. Laurie sees an opportunity to amuse herself.
Laurie: "You're a virgin, right?"
Fez: "Yes -- no! I have done it with many women. Like a stallion."
Laurie: "Mm-hmm. Care to prove it?"
Fez glances around. "Where?"
Laurie holds up the keys to her parents' Toyota and nods her head toward the car.
"B-b-but we could get caught!" Fez says.
"It'll be more fun that way," Laurie says and pulls Fez to the car.
A little later, Hyde goes to the driveway. The garage door is open. The Toyota is rocking. At first Hyde thinks the Formans are having sex, and he back away. Then Laurie screams, "Fez!" in passion (and in an attempt to get caught).
Hyde is more repulsed by the idea of Fez and Laurie screwing than the Formans and flees to The Hub.
At The Hub, Jackie is eating at a table alone. Hyde brings his tray of fries, a hot dog, and a soda to her table.
Jackie (suspicious and intrigued): "What do you want?"
Hyde: "You don't have to worry about Fez anymore."
Jackie: "Huh?"
Hyde: "Look, we all know he's been after you for months, but someone caught him in her web today. He's probably gonna stay there willingly, even if the spider sucks out his insides ... leavin' him a dried husk."
Jackie (annoyed): What are you talking about, Hyde?"
Hyde: "Spotted Laurie and Fez doing the backseat bossa nova."
Jackie: "Is that some kind of dance?"
Hyde (smirking): "Some kind. Doesn't require clothes. [To himself] Hope he's wearin' a condom."
Jackie (understanding): "HE'S HAVING SEX WITH LAURIE?"
Hyde winces at her shout. "You should be happy, man. Now that she's got Fez on his back, he'll get off yours."
Jackie: "I -- well -- who's gonna ... "
Hyde: "What?"
Jackie: "You'll just burn me if I tell you."
Hyde: "Likely. [Gently] You can still tell me."
Jackie: "It's just that ... I don't get a lot of attention at home, okay? And I have no boyfriend to lavish me with the adoration I totally deserve, so now that Fez'll be all over Laurie, I'm gonna be alone."
Hyde: "Not alone. Lonely."
Jackie: "What's the difference?"
Hyde: "Trust me; there's a difference."
Jackie stares at Hyde a moment. Then she says, "I do. I do trust you."
Hyde, realizing he made a big mistake, says, "I'm gonna take the rest of my lunch to-go." He stands up with his tray of food and leaves The Hub while Frank (the manager and cashier) yells at him about it. Hyde says, "I'll bring it back!" and hurries away outside.
Fez, exhilarated and a little scared by what happened between himself and Laurie, looks for someone to confide in. He wants someone who will react helpfully, so Eric's out. Hyde's at The Hub with Jackie, so Fez can't find him. Next door, however, is Donna.
Nervously, Fez relates to Donna that he just lost his virginity to Laurie. Donna's first reaction is disgust and shock, but she recovers and asks if he's okay. "And please tell me you used a condom."
Fez: "I don't know if I'm okay -- but yes, Pépé wore a coat. Laurie said I was all right, which is a synonym for *okay,* but did she really mean it? And the first-first time lasted five seconds. The second first time was eight minutes and -- "
Donna: "Spare me the second-by-second breakdown. Please. I want to know how you feel -- emotionally. Because, y'know, it's Laurie! And how did this even happen?"
Fez (laughing): "Oh, you silly virgins and you're silly questions. Sex-education in this country is very lacking. You see, women have -- "
Donna: "I know how sex works! I mean how did you and Laurie ... *why* did you and Laurie?"
Fez: "Oh. She was bored. I was heartbroken over Jackie, and now Fez is no longer a virgin. But what if Laurie just used me to burn Eric? Or if she'll never have sex with me again? Or if that will be my *only* time having sex? Because I liked it ... about four minutes into the second first time."
Donna wishes Hyde were the one Fez was talking to. She's very uncomfortable. She's also worried about how this situation will affect Fez and Eric. She says, "Laurie is always up to something. Whatever you do, even if it's having sex with her again, don't trust her. And don't mistake sex for love. They're totally not the same thing. And I think you should tell Eric right away. Like now."
Fez: "Wow. This is a lot to think about."
Donna: "I just don't want you or Eric to get hurt."
Donna supports Fez by being present in the basement when Fez tells Eric about Laurie. Eric has a negative reaction, and Donna tries to calm him down. Hyde enters the basement amid this bit of chaos.
Hyde: "So Forman knows Fez and Laurie did it, huh?"
Fez, Donna and Eric: "How do you know about that?"
Hyde: "I was there, man. In the driveway. Saw the Formans' Toyota rattling around. Once I spotted the cause, I was outta there."
Eric, hoping to find an ally, says to Hyde, "So what now? Laurie's not hanging out with us just 'cause she and Fez committed that abominable act."
Hyde (to Fez): "Whatever you do, whoever you do, is your business, man. Just don't make it ours, all right?"
Donna: "I already warned him not to fall in love with her."
Fez grows annoyed at his friends' controlling, unsupportive attitudes. He decides that if Laurie's interested in him, he'll have fun with her as long as it lasts.
Throughout the rest of the season, Fez and Laurie's strange relationship continues. Jackie's disgusted and thankful she'd realized she doesn't have romantic feelings for him early. Red is oblivious, but eagle-eyed Kitty recognizes that Laurie is "playing" with Fez (please excuse the unavoidable double entendre).
Kitty sits Laurie down and has a serious talk with her. Kitty knows Laurie is in no way faithful to Fez and doesn't want her to break Fez's heart. Laurie tries to reassure Kitty, albeit dismissively, that the heart isn't the organ Fez is concerned about.
Dissatisfied, Kitty goes to Red. Big mistake. Red puts the onus on Fez and tries to scare him off Laurie. Fez tells Laurie about this development, which makes her want Fez more.
Jackie tries to befriend Hyde, much to his annoyance. She likes how real he is, especially compared to the guys who are part of her social circle at school. She finds in his personality and demeanor aspects she feels she lacks within herself and is attracted (platonically) by that.
Hyde shows no interest in reciprocating any friendship until he witnesses at school a nasty encounter Jackie has with a very competitive cheer squad teammate, Julie. Julie is gunning for cheer captain for the varsity team next year. She sees Jackie as a threat and uses Jackie's lack of boyfriend as a way to spread rumors about her.
Hyde teaches Jackie his version of Zen so she can protect herself. He also introduces her to the circle in between lessons. Unfortunately, being Zen goes only so far when Jackie Burkhart is a lesbian (remember, 1970s) and other untrue statements about her are written on blackboards and whispered by students whenever Jackie walks into a classroom or a school hallway.
To mitigate these rumors, Jackie starts dating Chip. Hyde is wary of this development and keeps an eye on it.
Before Jackie and Chip's third date, at school Hyde questions Chip -- whom Hyde knows is a year older than Jackie and has bragged about previous sexual "conquests". Chip says what he and Jackie have is quid quo pro. Chip goes on a few dates with her, tolerates the yapping, and on the last date he gets to nail her.
Hyde: "Is tonight gonna be the last date?"
Chip: "Hell yeah. She's a bitch."
Hyde lays out Chip with one punch. It's witnessed by a lot of students, including Jackie. Jackie wants to know what happened. Hyde manages to get out, "He said bitch. Last date. Nail you -- "
Unlike the Jackie of T7S Prime, this one is a virgin at this time on the show. She's sexually inexperienced, and she pieces together what Chip intended and why Hyde punched him.
Unfortunately, the school principal arrives. As he hauls Hyde to his office, Jackie shouts that she loves Hyde. Many students witness this moment, too.
The principal suspends Hyde from school for the rest of the year, which only has two weeks left, but it means he can't take his finals. He'll have to attend summer school and anger management classes.
Eric and Donna's stories in season 2 are relatively unaffected by Kelso's absence except as described above.
Season 3
Jackie happy-brags to Donna about what went down and why Hyde has to go to summer school. Donna thinks what Hyde did is noble but that Jackie needs to tell her dad about it since the principal doesn't know.
Jackie thinks Donna's idea is great. She does tell her father, who uses his influence to get Hyde out of anger management and a commendation on his transcript for community spirit-- despite the principal condemning the use of violence to solve issues. Chip is expelled because of Jack's influence (and fury that someone thought to hurt his daughter in such a way).
Hyde remains suspended for one week but is allowed to return to school to take his finals.
Jackie is flustered that Hyde doesn't thank her for her intervention on his behalf. He protected her, and she protected him, so -- to her mind -- they should be really close now.
When Jackie confronts Hyde about his lack of gratitude, he tells her he never would've had to punch the guy (Chip) if Jackie didn't give into social pressure. Although this statement is victim-blaming, Jackie does think hard about how toxic her social circle is and tells Hyde he's right. She'll choose her friends better. In fact, he'll be seeing a lot more of her from now on.
Hyde complains to Eric and Donna about this latest situation. Donna's pissed at Hyde for blaming Jackie for Chip nearly taking advantage of her.
Eric, meanwhile, is still focused on Fez and Laurie's relationship and says he bets Laurie took advantage of Laurie, but no one was around to punch her before she could get to him -- not that a man should punch a lady. But if Donna had been there ...
Donna slaps Eric's shoulder and tells him to pay attention to the matter at hand.
Hyde takes to heart Donna's point about victim-blaming Jackie and wants to make it right. He apologizes to Jackie, in his own way. He says, "I get feelin' pressured, and sometimes it puts us in situations we don't know are dangerous. Chip is a sneaky bastard, and you're not used to sneaky bastards. I am, but you couldn't have seen what he had planned for ya. Even if you could -- "
Jackie: "You're rambling, Steven."
Hyde: "I don't ... yeah, okay, I do. I am. Anyway, I'm sorry for acting like a dillhole after I punched Chip. I kinda punched you, too, with my words."
Jackie: "Yeah, you did. It really hurt ... and not only because I really like you."
Hyde: "You shouldn't -- like me, I mean. I'm no good. But under your abrasive, bossy exterior is someone I can stand to be around."
Jackie (touched): "Aw! Does this mean we're friends?"
Hyde: "I knocked a guy's teeth in 'cause he called you a bitch and planned to do a lot worse, and you had your dad bail me out of goin' to summer school and more. People who hate each other generally don't do things like that, so ... "
Jackie (excitedly, hugging Hyde): "We're friends! Hey, why don't we go to the Sizzler for dinner and celebrate?"
Hyde (uncomfortable): "I'm not sure we -- "
Jackie: "I'll pay."
Hyde (now agreeable): "You've had a rough couple of weeks. Let's go, kid."
Jackie and Hyde's arc in season three is their growing friendship that they manage to conceal from everyone but Mrs. Forman. She keeps it mostly to herself but talks to Red about it. Red approves because of his experience with her in "Career Day" (1x18).
Fez and Laurie's relationship ends when Fez discovers that Laurie's cheating on him. His friends say they all warned him but still display various levels of sympathy.
Donna says, "Why did you like her so much anyway? She was mean to you most of the time."
Fez: *She had sex with me, Donna. Regularly! How could I not love a woman like that?"
Hyde: "Dude, you didn't love her."
Fez: "I loved that she had sex with me. Regularly! And sometimes strangely, which I also enjoyed very much."
To help Fez get over Laurie, Hyde takes Fez "cruising for chicks". It cheers Fez up a little, but he's relatively down the rest of the season.
Eric never gets the idea of getting Donna a promise ring because Kelso doesn't exist to give it to him. Still, Ric and Donna's relationship goes downhill because of h increasing independence and his increasing insecurity.
At the end of the season, Eric has an important conversation with Donna. He says, "When do you think we'll get married? Before college or after college?"
Donna (laughing, thinking he's joking): "Why not tomorrow? We could drive to Vegas, and an Elvis impersonator can officiate."
Eric: "I'm serious. Donna, I can't imagine my life without you."
Donna (stunned): "Are you, like, proposing?"
Eric: "Hypothetically if I were, what would you say?"
Donna: "I'd say, 'We're seventeen and have no idea where our lives will take us.'"
Eric: "But wherever they take us, you see us together ... don't you?"
This question leads to the rest of their breakup scene in "Promise Ring" -- minus the actual ring.
Season 4
Eric's depression proceeds as it does on the show. For the first half of the season, he dates random girls. Donna doesn't date.
The heartbroken Eric and Fez set up the get-Hyde-a-girlfriend party. Jackie invites Rhonda -- not because Jackie's insecure about not being the prettiest girl at the party but doesn't want to find Hyde a potential girlfriend. Fez and Rhonda hit it off.
With no Kelso and no vanity-driven insecurity, Jackie stays at the party and watches Hyde closely but sneakily. She's relieved when he doesn't seem seriously interested in any of the girls.
After a short absence, Hyde returns to the party with Melissa. Jackie recognizes how disrespectful and manipulatively Melissa treats Hyde. Once Melissa leaves, Jackie pulls Hyde aside.
Jackie: "Melissa's really pretty."
Hyde (still dazed by his attraction to Melissa): "Uh-huh ... "
Jackie: "She's also everything you hate about me."
Hyde: "What?"
Jackie: "You clearly didn't pay attention to how she acted. She was bossy, mean, and -- and -- what's that word you taught me, when you described how your mom used to give you the silent treatment whenever you pissed her off by blinking too loud?"
Hyde: "Withholding."
Jackie: "That's it! She's emotionally withholding, and she's gonna use that as a weapon against you if you date her. I can see it already."
Hyde (annoyed): "Jackie, I spent an hour with her. You can't tell all that."
Jackie: "You had one conversation with Chip, and you knew exactly what he had planned for me."
Hyde: "Because he told me!"
Jackie: "And Melissa told me. I might not have your sexual experience or whatever, but I'm an expert in manipulation. ... Just think about what happened between you two tonight before you call her, okay?"
Hyde (mostly because he wants to end the conversation): "... Okay."
But Hyde does as Jackie asks. He flashes back to how his mom treated his dad (Bud) and eventually himself. Melissa did seem to resent him already, and he'd end up resenting her. She might be a great girl -- but not for him. She clearly doesn't think he's enough for her as he is now. Not a great way to start a relationship.
At The Hub a few days later, Donna tells Hyde that Melissa told her he never called. Donna asks why.
Hyde: "You called me whipped after she left the party. That was enough."
Donna: "Oh, come on, Hyde. I was teasing. Melissa's really cool. You're cool. I don't think you should miss out on each other."
Hyde: "And I don't think you and Forman should've broken up. You obviously miss each other, but what can I do about it?"
Hyde hit the target he was aiming for. Donna, emotional and pissed, leaves The Hub.
Jackie arrives at The Hub and passes Donna, who says, "Hyde's being a jackass today. I wouldn't sit with him."
Jackie does sit with Hyde, however, and she gets him to spill about not calling Melissa and his interaction with Donna.
"Thanks, by the way, for lookin' out for me," he says.
Jackie: "That's what friends do even when it might piss their friend off like you did Donna."
Hyde: "She'll get over it. Don't know how she and Forman'll get over each other, though."
"Tornado Prom" (4x15) happens a few episodes earlier in this AU. Jackie really wants to win Snow Queen, but she laments to Hyde that she has no date. Hyde shrugs. Jackie says, "You could take me."
Hyde: "I could, but I won't. Plan on partying in the principal's office."
Jackie: "You can still do that. But if you're my date, the teacher-chaperones won't be as watchful of you."
Hyde: "Huh. ... All right. I owe you for Melissa -- and I hate owing anyone -- but no dancing."
Jackie: "Five dances, and you wear a tuxedo."
Hyde: "No dances, and I wear a shirt and pants."
Jackie: "Steven!"
Hyde: "Whatever. One dance."
Jackie: "Four and a tux. I'll rent it."
Hyde: "Two dances, and I wear the suit Bud left me after he -- well, left me the first time."
Jackie: "That mustard thing? Ew! ... Three dances, a nice suit jacket, pants, dress shirt, and tie I'll buy you, and I distract any teachers who might be eyeing you."
Hyde: "Deal."
During his dances with Jackie at Snow Prom, Hyde begins to realize his romantic, aesthetic, and sexual attraction to Jackie. It scares him. After their third dance, he definitely wants to have his circle in the principal's office. Jackie joins him with Fez and Rhonda.
Jackie falls asleep. Hyde draws a unibrow on her forehead. She wins Snow Queen, and Jake Bradley wins Snow King. Jackie is elated but can't understand why everyone in the gym is laughing at her. Then she sees her face in a mirror and knows Hyde is the culprit.
Jackie is furious, but instead of letting humiliation get the best of her, she goes Zen. Everyone is impressed, including Hyde -- and he knows now he's in big trouble.
After "Tornado Prom," Eric realizes he'll never get over Donna if he doesn't actually try. Without Jackie setting Donna up with Casey Kelso, Eric's able to focus on his own date life. He asks out Shelly ("Eric's Panties" [3x06], who is happy to go out with him.
Donna's emotional spiraling begins again. She doesn't want to date anyone, but she's afraid Eric and Shelly might actually have a chance at a relationship (unlike his previous dates).
Jackie (to Donna): "Oh, my God, you still love him!"
Donna: "Of course I do, but that doesn't mean I can be with him. He tried to control my life."
Jackie: "No, he confessed his undying commitment to you, and you rejected it."
Donna: "Because the second I carved out a little piece of my life just for myself, he freaked!"
Jackie: "Someone who loves you as much as Eric does would be willing to work through that."
Donna: "How do you know? You've never even had a boyfriend."
Jackie: "No, but I understand love and that it takes compromises and work ... and trust."
Donna: "Then I guess I don't trust Eric to work on compromising with me."
Jackie: "He compromised with you all the time!"
Donna: "I compromised with him. Until I was sick of him refusing to respect me enough to do the same."
Jackie: "Have you ever told him that?"
Donna: "I told him to trust me."
Jackie: "That's not the same thing."
Donna: "It should've been enough."
Jackie: "Obviously, it wasn't."
Donna: "Well, that's not my problem."
Jackie (mockingly): "'That's not my problem.'" [She pinches Donna's arm, and Donna cries out in pain and anger.] "Who's problem is it, then? Eric's, someone who Shelly or another girl might give a chance to let him learn from his mistakes and be happy? Or the person so stubborn she'll end up alone and miserable because she's in love with someone who needs more time to understand what he's doing wrong?"
Donna can't absorb Jackie's insight all at once, but the seed is planted.
Jackie's parents find out that Hyde took Jackie to Snow Prom. They think she's dating him, despite her protestations to the contrary: "We're just friends! He'll tell you the same thing!"
Jackie's parents want her to stop hanging out in the Formans' basement. She can go to Donna's house, but if she keeps going to the Formans', her father will cut her off financially.
Jackie has more than Hyde to lose. Despite that Donna doesn't go to the basement as often, especially now that Eric's dating Shelly, Jackie will miss all her friends there.
In the basement, Jackie announces her conundrum without saying that Hyde's the reason for it. She says her dad wants her to spend more of her spare time with her "real" friends from the cheer squad and in her own grade. She's decided, though, to get a job because she knows everyone here will miss her too much.
Eric, Donna, Fez, Rhonda, and Hyde's reactions are unenthusiastic. But in private, Hyde asks Jackie what the actual deal is.
Jackie, to her surprise, admits the truth. Hyde laughs and says, "That's ridiculous. Your folks are ... "
Jackie: "Ridiculous! I know! You'd never like me that way."
Hyde: "Right. Never. And you wouldn't date a poor, lowerclass burnout dirtbag."
Jackie: "Exactly! Not that you're a dirtbag ... or poor in the non-money sense. You're richer in every other way that counts compared to the sons of my parents' upperclass friends."
Hyde (sensing the awkwardness between them): "So you're getting a job, huh?"
Jackie: "I'm going to the mall. Maybe Halverson's is look for someone pretty to model its clothes."
Jackie ends up at the Cheese Palace, hired to hand out cheese samples to potential patrons. She has to take the bus to the mall and back because her dad took away her keys to the Lincoln.
Hyde feels partially responsible for Jackie's situation, so he drives her home from work when his own work schedule allows.
Eric catches Todd "the Cheese Guy" kissing Jackie (Todd had tricked her when she was down about her parents' lack of trust in her and low opinion of Hyde).
Jackie doesn't want Eric telling anyone because she's humiliated that her second real kiss was due to being tricked by another boy. Moved by compassion, Eric keeps her secret.
Except that Jackie feels like she cheated on Hyde in some way.
By the end of the season, Fez doesn't get terrible advice from Casey Kelso, and his relationship with Rhonda is intact.
Donna has grown completely depressed. She refuses to try to break up Eric and Shelly by telling Eric she loves him. She had her chance to work through the toughest part of her relationship with Eric, and they both blew it. She needs to get away for the summer, and she heads to the bus station -- and California -- to stay with her mom.
What Donna doesn't know is that Eric has broken up with Shelly. He's still in love with Donna, and he can accept living in the now with her and leave the future unwritten.
Jackie tells Hyde about what happened with Todd. Hyde says she doesn't need to confess to him. He's no priest.
Jackie: "I do. I feel terrible about it, Steven. He tricked me!"
Hyde (growing protective): "What do you mean by tricked?"
Jackie: "He offered to give !e a sympathetic hug because of my parents, you know? But he turned his face, and his lips pushed against mine, and we were kissing. I was so confused, but I kissed him back! Just like I was confused when Fez tricked me at the movies and kissed me -- and I kissed him back."
Jackie (tearing up): "My teammates are right about me: I'm a naive loser. God, I've never been kissed by a boy I've chosen to kiss. Who I've wanted to kiss. And -- and if you hadn't looked out for me another boy, Chip, might've done a lot worse."
Hyde (consoling): "Hey ... hey, that sucks. But it's not your fault, all right? I didn't get to choose most things about my life, either, but I got to choose my friends. Like you."
Jackie feels a little better, but her first tear falls.
Hyde: "Listen, any guy you choose to kiss someday will be lucky."
Jackie: "Any guy?"
Hyde: "Well, someone who wants to kiss you back."
Jackie: "Would you want to?"
Hyde (flushing a little): "If you kissed me ... it would be cool."
Jackie: "That can mean anything!"
Hyde: "I wouldn't hate it. ... Hell, I'd probably like it."
Jackie places her hand on Hyde's cheek. She kisses him gently. He responds gently -- at first -- then they're making out with each other heavily. Fade to black.
Eric goes to the Pinciottis' house to tell Donna about his breakup and what he's learned about trusting the moment. Unfortunately, Donna's not there. Bob and Joanne don't know where she is. They let Eric wait for her in her room. He waits a long time.
Season 5
Jackie and Hyde's romantic relationship develops over the summer. They keep it a secret because Eric is sad and mopey about Donna. They also want the relationship to be just theirs while in its beginning stages, without their friends' opinions.
Hyde gets Eric the plane ticket (using Eric's Candy Land stash) to go to Donna in California. Hyde and Fez cover for his absence.
Eric and Donna reconcile in California. Without Casey being an issue, and Eric explaining that he dumped Shelly and never had sex with her because he never stopped loving Donna, they actually deal with what broke them up.
When Fez and Rhonda catch Hyde and Jackie in the basement post-kissing -- unlike Fez -- Rhonda recognizes what they walked in on. Hyde decides to act Zen about it. Jackie follows his lead.
Rhonda: "That doesn't work on me. I know love when I see it."
Hyde (laughing nervously): "Love? I don't love, man. I tolerate."
Jackie: "No, no, no. I tolerate. You're so overwhelmed by my beauty that I tolerate making out with you."
Fez (to Rhonda): What are they doing?
Rhonda: "Acting like two in love dorks. Want to see if Mrs. Forman has any peach cobbler left over?"
Fez: "I suppose I could tolerate that."
With Rhonda and Fez gone, Jackie says, "Steven, are we dorks?"
Hyde: "Nope."
Jackie: "Are we ... in love?"
Hyde: "How's about we quit talking and get back to what we were doin'?"
Jackie and Hyde continue to make out but wonder about Jackie's question.
Donna and Eric return from California.
Without Kelso, Jackie and Hyde's arc consists of figuring out just how they feel about each other, supporting each other through life issues (e.g., Jackie's dad going to prison) and not always getting it right the first or second time.
Eric and Donna don't get engaged this season. They're too busy finding the balance between their fears, individual desires, and how all that affects their relationship.
During the senior prank, Eric, Fez, and Hyde are present. Eric tried to get artistic and paint a tribute to Donna. He miscalculated his reach and fell off the water tower. Hyde leaves Fez to check on Eric. Fez is arrested.
Jackie is afraid to admit to Hyde she loves him. Hyde is afraid he's unlovable, but Kitty reassures him and says, "Maybe Jackie has to hear it first."
Hyde: "And if she laughs in my face?"
Kitty: "Steven, you've loved that girl for years. You can deny it all you like, but a mother knows. And if you've chosen someone worthy of your love, which I believe you have, you'll hear the right thing."
Jackie, meanwhile, has gone to Red -- who doesn't want to get involved but does. Jackie says, "When did you first tell Mrs. Forman you love her?"
Red: "Between when I fought in World War II and the Korean War."
Jackie, despite knowing Hyde would never join the military and dislikes conflict of any kind, decides she'll have to take drastic action.
Jackie finds Hyde in the Formans' basement. She says she's declaring war on him.
Hyde, confused since he and Jackie haven't had any serious fights in a while, says, "Before you do that -- whatever that means -- I've got somethin' to tell you."
Jackie wants to speak first, but she's learned that she has a tiny window when Hyde is open and vulnerable enough to say important things to her. She doesn't want him to shut down, so she gestures her assent.
Hyde: "I love you. ... Okay, go declare war."
Jackie, taken a back says, "I -- I ... I admit defeat. I love you, too!"
Hyde (unsure): "You what?"
Jackie: "Mr. Forman went through one war and was about to fight in another when he told Mrs. Forman he loves her. So I thought if I declared war by telling you I love you that either we'd both win or both lose. I just needed a definitive answer."
Hyde (laughing): "You are one freaky, freaky chick. Glad we both won. Medical care for vets in this country, 'specially mental care, sucks. Have you seen that guy on Sherman? He -- "
Jackie quiets him with a kiss. "Another time, Steven. This war is over."
Hyde kisses her back.
Rhonda marries Fez so he can stay in the country. Red doesn't have a heart attack.
Eric, inspired by Fez and Rhonda, proposes to Donna at the end of the season. We don't get her answer.
Season 6
Kitty is devastated that Eric and Hyde are leaving for college. Eric says, "It's in Kenosha. We'll be less than forty-five minutes away."
As in The Middle, we get the characters' college experiences, but they're in Point Place for the majority of episodes.
We learn that Donna said yes to Eric's proposal by seeing the engagement ring on her finger. Their arcs revolve around keeping their engagement secret, accidentally revealing it, and their parents' reactions on top of dealing with college life and sharing a house with Hyde, Fez, and Rhonda off-campus.
With Donna out of the house, Bob spends his fatherly attention on Jackie. It's helpful and annoying, and then her mom returns to town. The conflict this arrival creates is handled more seriously than it is on the show with Kelso.
Hyde struggles in college. He's smart but not academically inclined. His temperament is much better suited to an apprenticeship, learning a craft by doing the craft. He's scared.
During one weekend, Hyde learns Hyde bought Wilson & Son's Muffler Shop. He asks Red if he can work there on the weekends. Red hears the uncertainty in Hyde's voice and gets the truth out of him.
Hyde says he doesn't want to disappoint him or Mrs. Forman after all they've done for him.
Red says part of being an adult is making one's own path. Red will hire Hyde full-time if that's what Hyde wants. Hyde agrees.
Hyde then has to go through the process of telling everyone else. Mrs. Forman is worried but trusts Red to teach Hyde well -- and is happy he'll be moving back into the house.
Jackie is shocked, but she ultimately supports Hyde in his decision. She's also happy he'll be next door instead of forty minutes away.
Eric, Donna, and Fez are not happy, especially Eric. He's afraid Hyde will end up like one of his cousins. But Donna says Red owns a muffler and car repair business, not a gas station. If Hyde's happier, then he needs to make this change for himself.
Once Red and Kitty learn of Donna's engagement, they try to stop it. Shenanigans enue for a few episodes until Eric and Donna finally get the chance to tell them that the marriage won't take place until after college, which they're in.
Rhonda learns she's pregnant at the end of the season.
Hyde receives a letter in the mail from someone who claims to be his sister.
Season 7
Part of Hyde's arc is learning about his biological father and that side of the family. He's been working for Red for eight months, but W.B. works in music, and that's Hyde's true calling. Red lets Hyde go from the muffler shop.
Fez and Rhonda deal with Rhonda's pregnancy while going to college.
Donna gets the opportunity to study abroad in Paris for her junior year. Eric wants to go with her, and he applies for the same opportunity. Odds are against him, but he studies hard, inadvertently distancing himself from Donna she doesn't know why.
Near the end of the season, Eric learns he's accepted. Donna finally understands and wishes he'd told her. He didn't because he didn't want to get either of their hopes up.
Jackie is accepted togoing to NYU in New York City. She's torn because Hyde manages Grooves in Point Place. W.B., though, just happens to be expanding his business into the Northeast. Hyde will run the giant, new flagship store with Angie's help.
Rhonda has the baby. It's a girl, ten pounds, eight ounces. Fez is a proud papa.
Red and Kitty face the fact they'll truly be empty nesters. "Until Eric's senior year," Red says, "when he and Donna will be back in Wisconsin."
The show ends with the Vista Cruiser driving away. We see the license plate, and Hyde shouts (unseen): "Goodbye, Wisconsin!"
Jukebox Ask Game
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xinmin-exe · 10 months
(Hey there. Your work is so amazing that I need MORE! :3)
How would Shigaraki and LOV react on his s/o, who is rich and caring and she bought them a house in the woods, so they can hide when the heroes are near? Would they like to go there for a vacation with her? To just chill in the nature?
(Thank you so much for your amazing work 🤍)
Hiiiiiiii I’m so honored you like my work! ☺️☺️ I hope you like this too!!
Shigaraki with Rich!Reader
Shigaraki and the League would be incredible suspicious at first
They expected you to be some rich kid who’s “rebelling from their daddy” (which dabi understood) and trying to make their family mad
Who could blame them? You came in and told them you wanted to help the cause, but you didn’t know the first thing about fighting or stealth. “My father always paid bodyguards to protect me” Frankly, Shigaraki was ready to kick you out from day 1.
But when you came back with information about the Hero Commission’s next move (unprompted I add) they were intrigued
Shigaraki realized you could get in close like they never could. You were smart, friendly, and most importantly, the daughter/son of a wealthy, influential family
He knew that he could use that to his advantage. Eventually, he began accompanying you out, wanting to make sure you weren’t double crossing them. He would stalk behind you about 10-15 feet, keeping out of your way and letting you do your work
When the two of you would return and after telling the league what you found you, you and toga and Magne would gush on and on about how attractive your date was
Spinner and dabi would gag and leave the room, Mr. Compress would chuckle and make a comment on “the good old school girl crush” behind making his exit, but not Tomura
He lurked around the bar afterwards, drinking some cocktail Kurogiri make and listening in. (Yes I headcanon Tomura as a cocktail man, don’t come at me)
It irritated him endlessly how much you talked about your date, going on for hours about how you enjoyed it
His hands would twitch and he could feel the need to dust someone increase exponentially. He decided to not stay around afterwards anymore, but the feeling never went away
He thought it was just his annoyance of gossip, but even when he wasn’t there, the feeling lingered.
Long story short, one night Tomura dusted your date immediately after you ended the night and confessed (stuttering and scratching his neck while doing so)
But after confessing to you, the young leader became.. less of as asshole and more.. mature
By that point, you had settled into being a part of the LoV and everyone had taken quite a liking to you (even dabi if you can believe it)
Things only got better for the league when you were able to steal money from your father and buy them a much better, bigger hideout.
“My father had millions upon millions of yen, he’s not gonna notice if a few million go missing”
It was an old, a banded building on the outskirts of town. With a kitchen, multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, and even a basement that the LoV converted into a training area.
While they kept using the bar as their main HQ, most of the time if someone wasn’t on a mission, they could be found in the building you bought
They even named the building “Y/N’s Mansion” (spinner came up with the name)
The Relationship
Tomura’s relationship with you was, frankly, the best thing to happen to the league
Even though sometimes he still got annoyed with how privileged you seemed, he never really could bring himself to hate you
You were always kind and generous, never really thinking about yourself
You always made sure to be ready with the first aid kit when anyone came back from missions and you always made an effort to learn about each one of them
The first time Tomura let you touch his skin, you were so delicate and soft. Treating him like a glass figure, careful not to break him
Before you, he had never been shown such tenderness, it was a new sensation for him that he swears he will never get used to it
He wanted to show you the same thing, so he forced Dabi to go out and steal some artist. gloves for him
Your skin felt so.. delicate underneath his rough palm that he almost convinced himself that you were a real angel
You were still naive to the way of the world, but Tomura wanted to keep it that way
He was like your scary dog privileges and "barked" at anyone who even looked at you wrong
A guy stared too long at the connivence story? Dusted later that night
Someone made an unwanted advance at a bar or club? They suddenly go missing a few minutes later
Dabi makes some snide comment about you? Tomura is up in his face, glaring and threatening him (Kurogiri has had to break up too many confrontations)
Overall, Tomura may have been suspicious of you but in reality you have become the single, most important thing in his life
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no1frogfan · 1 year
Impending, part 2
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Matsukawa Issei x afab reader
Word count: ~2.6k
Tags & warnings: SMUT-MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT, drugs (smokin a joint), semi-public sex (barely), fingering, p in v
Note: Vegeta fuckers rise up. (But for real everyone knows Android 18 is where it’s at.) I think this piece makes clear how big the Mattsun-shaped hole in my heart is. Thank you @prettyiwa for your keen editing eye :* And idk if you wanted to keep getting tagged in this series mica but in case you do @princesskazuya
part 1 | part 3
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The first time he met you, Makki had invited him over to play games after school. It was only the second week of 4th grade, but they’d hit it off immediately. He was aware Makki had two siblings, and even though he was younger than Makki, Issei was still the oldest in his own family and the oldest among his cousins, so he was pretty sure his mature energy would garner your respect.
What he hadn’t anticipated was that…it didn’t.
Actually, you were the one who impressed him. You seemed to know all the things that middle schoolers knew and elementary schoolers didn’t, and right away he found himself on the back foot, wanting you to recognize him as an equal.
The second time he went to Makki’s house, he went prepared. This time, he was going to get more than a quick glance from you, so he picked out the coolest shirt he owned — dark gray, oversized, with Vegeta going Super Saiyan plastered across the front. When you opened the door and feigned a cough to hide your laugh, he realized he’d misfired again.
When he thinks back on his childhood memories of you, they were invariably like this — you out of reach and him just behind, you ahead and him in pursuit.
You were always polite to him, never mean, but never overly friendly either. And why would you be? He was the annoying friend of your annoying little brother. The two of them were constantly following you around trying to get you to take them to high school parties where they were sure they’d get their first sip of beer and their first kiss.
It’s just that somewhere along the way, he started hoping you would be his first kiss.
But the four-year age gap meant he didn’t get much of a chance. By the time he got to high school, you were away at college, and by the time he graduated college, well, you’d already started making headway with your career in Sendai, or so Makki said.
In that time, he’d graduated high school, college too, and now he’s pretty established in the family business. He still hangs out with Makki all the time, and he’s a fixture in the Hanamaki household, always making sure to visit your parents along with his own. It’s just that whenever he came over, you’d either just left, or were yet to arrive. The timing was never right.
The desire to impress you faded to near-nonexistence over the years. Near non-existence, because a tiny little part of him still keeps track of how long it’s been since he last saw you (until today: 11 years). So when Makki invited him over for a family barbecue and mentioned offhandedly that you were home visiting, well, that tiny little part of him may have decided to trade the usual basketball shorts and faded t-shirt for the shorts that hug his thighs and the shirt that shows off the physique he’s kept up even after volleyball.
He knew he’d have to endure some teasing, but he’s used to it at this point.
(Makki took one look at him in the doorway and doubled over laughing, “It’s never gonna happen, bro.”
Mattsun just shrugged. “Can’t blame me for wanting to shoot my shot.”
Makki did not like that turn of phrase.)
Anyway, he’s probably over you at this point. He’d almost convinced himself of that until the moment you appeared at the top of the basement steps.
Maybe there’s something about the basement. Back then, he was always playing games down here with Makki. The tv screen was much smaller at the time, and the basement wasn’t fully finished. The walls hadn’t been painted, the floor was just concrete, and the only furniture was a paint-stained coffee table, a lumpy old sofa, and a dirty bean bag chair. Your parents gave them their privacy though, and kept the old fridge downstairs stocked with soda, so to him, it was basically heaven.
You usually left him and Makki alone, but sometimes if you were really bored, or if it was too hot upstairs, or you were supposed to watch them while your parents were out, you’d hang out down here and play a round or two. Sometimes you’d complain about your friends or whoever you were dating at the time, and Makki would always take their side and he would always take yours, and afterward you’d jokingly berate your brother, Why can’t you be nice to me like Issei?
The way you called his name today with that pleased little lilt made his insides twist into familiar knots. When he chanced a peek…you looked stunning, even better than he remembered. Especially with a radiant glow from the afternoon sun, beads of sweat disappearing into your cleavage, and thighs spilling out of tiny denim shorts.
He felt nervous, hyperaware of you sitting behind them on the couch. So when Makki reached over to bat at his controller, he channeled that anxious energy into shoving back.
In retrospect, it was more than a little childish to think he could impress you by wrestling your brother. Wrestling? Really? What are they, ten years old? He regretted it as soon as Makki left and the adrenaline wore off. He’s a grown man now, with plenty of experience under his belt, so how come you’re still able to make him feel like this?
Mattsun tried to play it off while he figured out another tactic, but then… When you leaned in to take the controller out of his hands, he thought you hesitated, just for a second, like you were caught off guard.
And when he sat back against the couch, he thought you seemed fidgety, like maybe the couch was uncomfortable.
And then when he — let’s be honest — completely fucking panicked and just laid himself across your lap because he couldn’t keep his hands off you, and your voice got all throaty, like…he’s even not sure what.
When you shoved him off and retreated into the couch, when he saw the agitated rise and fall of your chest and the way your nipples poked through the thin fabric of your crop top, when you looked everywhere but at him—
That’s when it clicked. Maybe, just maybe, he finally had a chance.
He barely remembers the race, so dizzying was this revelation.
He ignored Makki’s curious look when he didn’t lie back down on the floor. He hoped you didn’t mind how sweaty his palm was when he pushed himself up next to you instead. You’d stiffened, keeping your gaze resolutely focused on your phone, even though you’d stopped scrolling.
Now that you’re within reach, he doesn’t want to let go of this chance. To ghost his lips on the skin of your neck. To make his desire plain to you. To know if you want him too.
When you look up, a reply on your lips…
Makki yawns. Your face drops.
Of course.
He’s an idiot.
He was so high on the barest glimmer of a chance with you that he forgot all about Makki. Of course you’d be worried about how your brother might feel. You have no idea that Makki is well aware of his crush on you.
So when you run off, leaving him behind yet again, he fights the urge to chase. That little inkling of interest had made him impatient. Can you blame him, though? He’s been chasing after you for as long as he can remember. He’s sure of what he wants. But, he reminds himself, this is all new for you.
So for the first time, he doesn’t pursue you.
Don’t rush.
Slow down.
He plays a few more rounds with Makki and waits.
He goes upstairs and helps with the cooking and waits.
He grabs another beer and talks to your parents and waits.
But his patience has limits. Eventually, he can’t quell the antsiness crawling up his body and sneaks off while Makki is waylaid by one of your uncles.
When he doesn’t see you inside, he slips out to the backyard. It’s cool outside now that the sun is just a sliver on the horizon, and quiet since everyone has retreated indoors. He walks around to the side of the house.
A lighter clicks in his periphery, and for a blink, it illuminates you, hidden in a corner between the plum tree and the stone fence.
Your head snaps up at the crunch of gravel under his shoes.
“Oh, it’s just you.”
He ducks under the branches, stopping a few feet away.
“Yup, just me.”
You bring a skinny joint up to your lips and take a deep drag, turning to blow the smoke away from him.
“Needed some air?” He keeps his tone light.
“Something like that.”
He’s slept around, he’s dated, might have even fallen in love once, but there’s something unshakeable about a first crush. Maybe it’s just you that’s unshakeable. He’d dismissed it as a teenage obsession, but the ember he believed had turned to ash has roared to life.
The uncertainty is clear in your posture, yet your gaze flits over him when you think he’s not looking — eyes, lips, shoulders, chest, eyes again — or maybe you just think the haze of dusk gives you some cover.
You hold the joint out with one hand. “Want some?”
He steps into the narrow gap between you and the fence and, bending down, lifts your (surprisingly pliant) hand to his mouth. He tries not to tower over you, but in this confined space it’s hard not to.
He purses his lips gingerly around the tips of your fingers and inhales.
Breathing out slowly, his eyes stay locked on yours.
Your face remains neutral, but he feels the quickening of your pulse under his fingers when he lets go.
You step back to lean against the trunk. Before you can take another puff, he plucks the joint from you.
“Hey, give it back!”
He holds it up out of your reach. “Didn’t think you of all people would smoke.”
You roll your eyes. “I could say the same for you.”
“I guess some things change. And some things don’t.”
“Suppose so,” you admit.
You stare at the joint slowly burning down in his hand.
“Makki knows, you know,” he assures, gauging your reaction.
You frown in confusion. “That I smoke?”
He laughs. “No. He knows that I’m interested.”
Your frown deepens, and he adds, “I didn’t ask for his blessing or anything, but he’s never had a problem, so I’m pretty sure he’s ok with it.”
At that, you meet his eyes — yeah, he might finally have a chance.
He takes a deep drag, and before you can react, he presses his lips to yours, blowing the smoke softly into your mouth. He follows it with his tongue, delicate and testing. You open for him, soft like velvet and just a bit bitter from the beer.
When you don’t reciprocate, he reluctantly pulls away.
You evaluate him thoughtfully before snatching the nub from him. Taking one last puff, you snuff it against the fence, pull him down by the front of his shirt, and smash your lips against his. He eagerly welcomes your tongue, groaning when your sharp incisors pinch his bottom lip.
Your hands run up the back of his neck, roam over his broad shoulders, slide down his toned arms. You lift his hands and settle them on your hips, and before he realizes, he’s picking you up off the ground, wrapping your legs around him, and pinning you against the fence.
You pant as he nestles his face in the curve of your neck, licking and nipping restlessly, careful not to leave any marks for Makki or the rest of your family to find.
His fingers glide up your stomach, sneak under your top, to trace the curve of your breast.
“Do you know how hard you made me earlier when I saw you weren’t wearing a bra?” He growls into your shoulder.
You shiver at his admission, nipples hardening in his palms.
“And then Makki came back and I had to sit there and pretend like I wasn’t just fantasizing about fucking you into the couch?”
He grinds his hips, making you squirm, chuckling when he pulls back and you chase after the friction. “Mmm— yeah? You want me to?”
“Yeah, I want you to,” you gasp, “want you to fuck me, Issei.”
As soon as he sets you down, you start tugging at your shorts and underwear, but before you can even get them to your knees, he’s twisted you around and bent you over against the stone.
He curses as he slips one finger into your soaking cunt, followed quickly by a second. You writhe against his hand, biting back moans as he works them against your slick walls.
“Fuck you’re so wet already. Want this cock that bad, huh?”
“Fuck off Issei,” you whine, “you’re the one who popped a boner w— fuuuck…”
He plunges a third finger inside.
“What was that?”
“Just fucking…shut up and fuck me.”
He tsks, “Was gonna prep you more, but…” But honestly, he’s this close to cumming in his pants. He frees his cock and lines himself up, swooning when it prods against your entrance.
He sinks in. Not in one thrust, because he doesn’t want to hurt you, and because he wants to savor this. But not slowly either, because his patience is worn down to nothing.
“Oh sh— Issei…you’re huge,” you grit out, all the while shoving your ass back to take him in faster.
As soon as you’ve sucked all of him in and his hips rest flush against your pussy, the last thread of his self-control snaps and he’s mindlessly rutting into you. He can’t bear to pull out more than a inch or two before slamming back in, hips snapping with loud claps that almost muffle the sloppy squelch of your cunt.
He pulls you up, needing to feel as much of you against him as possible. One arm circles your waist and the other hand wraps around to clutch at your chest.
Your lewd moans and the way your pussy clenches around his cock makes him lightheaded. He’s lost in your slick walls, soft heat, unable to slow down.
It’s too late to wonder if his fingers are digging into you a little too hard because he’s already about to—
He shoves a hand between your legs to fumble at your clit, it’s clumsy, but you’re just so— he’s praying you cum before he loses it.
The last thing he sees is you clapping a hand over your mouth.
He feels you start to spasm right as he pulls out, blindly reaching down to pump himself once, twice before his vision goes dark.
His chest is still heaving when he regains his senses. You’re panting beside him, clinging to the cold stone, gobs of cum splattering your back and the curve of your ass.
He reaches over to brush away the hair stuck to your forehead.
“I’ll go get some tissues,” he murmurs, tucking himself back into his shorts.
He jogs toward the house, straightening his clothes before slipping inside. Luckily, everyone seems to have migrated into the living room because he doesn’t pass a soul as he grabs some toilet paper from the nearest bathroom before returning.
He’s tender when he tidies you up, gently wiping off your back, swallowing your whimpers with a kiss as he cleans up your oversensitive cunt.
Dimly, something primal wells up in him. Is that weird? To feel elated to be wiping his cum off you?
To feel like, after all this time, he’s finally caught up.
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One of my first Steddie fics was Steve going punk. I have a lot of feelings about Punk!Steve, so I am really pleased to see the fandom getting excited about it.
I was thinking about an Au in which Max discovers The Runaways & has a sweeping personal epiphany, gets into punk & starts playing the drums. She loves how cathartic it is, also that it's to loud for anyone to talk to her.
She starts teaching Eleven too as she learns. It turns out that once she's been exposed to the idea of making music, El has a gift. She picks it up with with an almost supernatural ease. Eventually they want to start a band, its the summer after 8th grade. Eleven switches to bass, bc she can, they recruit Erica who was absolutely scandalized to hear that no one knew she played piano & guitar. But they had a small problem when they wanted to do gigs. There was only one place, the hide out & they were extremely minors. In order to play, they had to have "a responsible adult".
There was no way any of their parents were gonna work for that duty.
Steve was the obvious answer to their problems. When he said he wasn't gonna spend every weekend sitting in a run down little bar, they offered him a spot in the band... which was a little unconventional but it was punk so whatever and actually Steve was perfect for a front man. He could talk to the crowd right? (Steve does not love the idea but sure fine he could do that maybe)
The thing is, these kids have worked so hard to make this happen, Steve can't actually say no... & If he was being totally honest with himself, he kinda loved being included. So he says yes to being a vocalist, co-vocalist.
He encourage them to also yell if they wanted... Erica has immediate ideas. The band progresses surprisingly well. When they decide they're ready Steve easily books a gig. Max & Erica are both massively annoyed it was so easy for him when it was their band and idea. But whatever they have their first gig planned
They argue about the name of the band for so long they have to emergency name it the weekend before the show so they can put up flyers. Max & El wanted to call it Mommy Issues, Erica had gotten really into X-Ray Spex & wanted to call them The Wrex. It got a little intense.
Steve in desperation suggested Cherry Rex... because it referenced The Runaways song Chery Bomb, and had the aesthetic energy of The Wrex & X-Ray Spex
To his shock they actually agreed on that.
Their first gig was on a Monday, to nobody but one very belligerently drunk guy who might have passed out in his booth. Of course they expected that more or less. It was more ok then they thought though, the girls had a blast... and actually so did Steve.
A month or three later and they'd slowly worked up the live band tenure and were getting their first Friday night slot. There would be four bands, two punk, two metal; Boondock Boyfriend, Death Vision, & Corroded Coffin. Cherry Rex were playing the opening spot being the newbies. Steve thought Corroded Coffin sounded vaguely familiar, but couldn't figure out where from. He wasn't to worried about it though, he was here for Cherry Rex.
Getting the parents permission to take the whole party to a borderline dive bar (he left that part out) had been one of the most trying experiences of Steve's young life, but in the end he got it done, and everyone was super excited.
Eddie always came early on the nights Corroded Coffin played, he liked supporting his fellow musicians, many of whom had only played parties and basements before they could get in here. It was a point of pride for him to not be a snob about it. He supported anyone and everyone who wasn't a bully or a bigot.
This weekend they had a whole new band, playing. He'd heard that it was a group of preteen punk rock girls, so of course the rock bros were grousing. He would have none of that though. He remembered when he first got into music as a preteen, the way it let him process feelings he was to scared to otherwise. He would definitely be there for their first weekend gig
So imagine his surprise when he finds Steve Harrington on stage. He introduced everyone Max on drums whom Eddie recognized from around, as well as her maybe? girlfriend?, who's name was apparently the number Eleven, on Bass. And Erica, who actually exhuded rock and roll energy, on guitar. Steve called himself their token adult. He spent half the time singing, but also dancing, sometimes being hype man for whomever was singing that particular song.
He was wearing a Hawkins High Tshirt that he'd scrawled The King is Dead across in Sharpie. Also light wash jeans, which Eddie had laughed about at first, but when he cut them off at the knee while they were still on his body, during Erica's song about self reliance, identity, and D&d... and he had fishnets on under them? He was completely won over. They were pretty good...and Steve Harrington, a punk? He was genuinely so fucked. So so fucked
(does Vecna & the upside down exist here? I don't know)
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teecupangel · 2 years
Au where Desmond is a dragon, looking like an apple of eden, and going around through the times 'saving' things, aka changing Canon history so no good people die, like kadar/malik/sef/auditore family/Connor's tribe. He can speak telepathically, has some sort of breath attack (doesn't have to be fire, could be anything) and of course flies. And while he saves anyone, he is loyal to the 'protagonist' Assassin most (altair, ezio, Connor, etc)
It would be symbolic for Desmond to have a sunlight-type breath attack. It doesn’t spew actual fire but a beam of white light as bright as the sun and has the same temperature as the solar flare that he died to save the world from.
Desmond has no idea what the hell it is or how it works so he just calls it his ‘laser beam’ because it looks like a laser to him.
Also… you say dragon and the first two things I thought of are “oh god, Desmond’s hoard is gonna be all the important stuff in AC lore” and…
You know what would be funny?
If Desmond has this urge, this itch, this need so ingrained into his dragon self to…
Kidnap the AC protagonists.
Because dragons are well known to kidnap princesses and a brave knight going on an adventure to save these damsel in distresses are simply part of human culture by now.
Just imagine…
Malik, after having lost a rock-paper-scissor contest, having to be the one to ‘save’ Altaïr from the fierce dragon that destroyed Solomon’s Temple just to burrow deep into the strange place where the Ark had been, incinerating Robert and his lackies before they could kill Kadar then taking off with both the Ark and an angry Altaïr shouting to put him down or he’ll skin his lizard skin. When he get to the supposed dragon lair, Altaïr is just in the middle of the hoard, reading an old book, with a large dragon curled around him, purring like a cat… a large cat with a purr that makes the entire cave shake slightly. Malik just staring at Altaïr with a ‘why aren’t you trying to escape???’ and Altaïr just going “Malik, good, you’re here. I’ve found letters and journals that says Al Mualim has betrayed us. Here.” Altaïr throws a bag at him, making Desmond grumble in displeasure which he just rolls his eyes as he said “We’ll get you something shiny. I’m sure the Templars have something in Arsuf.” and Malik is just “WHAT???”.
And that is how the legend of a dragon underneath Masyaf is born. It is said it guards the most prized treasures and knowledge in the entire world.
… It should. The Levantine Brotherhood had to be careful in transferring all of Desmond’s hoard or they’d get an ear-piercing howl equivalent of “FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE!”
And the most annoying part is that they all know Desmond can talk to them telepathically. He just prefers to howl whenever he wants to be annoying.
The next one to be ‘kidnapped’ is Ezio and Ezio doesn’t need any dashing knight to save him. No, no. He got Desmond to just stay in the Sanctuary (which was made to be just as big as his home in Masyaf before because the Brotherhood had decided all secret lairs must have a basement as big as that… just in case the legendary dragon decides to visit or stay a while…) by promising to bring him as many shinies as he can.
Claudia is his favorite Auditore though because she figured a dragon would be a better guard for their money than a bank. Also, Desmond is okay with getting funds for any reconstructions or buildings Ezio wants to do because Ezio gives him more shinies which meant that they also have extra emergency money if they needed it.
And he managed to destroy the Papal Army in a matter of minutes. Sure, that meant Rome was left defenseless and the Borgias became known as the family that got Rome destroyed and sacked but… weeellll… at least Monteriggioni later became an independent state which is nice?
Edward found him… sorta by accident. He heard the tales of the legendary golden white dragon, of course. Of how it hoards the greatest most priceless riches in the entire world. But, by his time, everyone believed it to be a legend. Only those coming from Italy and Levant truly believed the legend. But Edward did ‘find’ a certain journal that talks about it from the headquarters of the Assassins that Mary took him to. So he went out to find this supposed dragon hoard and… well… he got captured on the way to the hoard.
In his damn ship no less.
The dragon just swooped right in and taken Edward from the helm, much to the surprise of his crew.
Adéwalé was the only one of his crew that had the heart to try and find him. He found Edward pinned to a very large hoard by one huge dragon hand and Adéwalé realized what Edward had been doing when he heard, “Alright, alright! I’m sorry! I won’t try to pocket anything anymore! Promise! Yes, I know this is my third promise today but I’m serious this time!”
Shay had heard the legends of the dragon but never saw it. Until Lisbon… When he got to the location where the POE was… the dragon was there, curled around it.
It told him that this POE was unstable and touching it would cause an earthquake that would destroy whatever was above them and Shay just went…
Alrighty then. He isn’t going to argue with the dragon of legends that can talk directly to his mind.
If Achilles still wants to take the POE, he can take it himself.
Achilles heard and believed the stories of the dragon, of course, so if the dragon says that then yeah… better order Shay to find all the other POEs in the manuscript and make sure they remain untouched for as long as possible then.
Desmond chills in the Grand Temple during Ratonhnhaké:ton’s time. His laser beam incinerates everything but does not have to give out any kind of flame at all so he can use it without worrying about accidentally causing forest fires which is nice. Desmond ‘kidnapped’ Ratonhnhaké:ton when he was a child but he let him go anyway so Ratonhnhaké:ton just started visiting him before he could kidnap him. The villagers believe that this means Ratonhnhaké:ton has been chosen by the dragon and it’s a chill dragon that’s only main problem is it likes to hoard feathers for some reason and that agitates all the other birds in the area.
Charles Lee… Charles Lee didn’t live too long in this one.
Also, Ratonhnhaké:ton doesn’t need a ship. He has a dragon!
Arno got captured by the dragon early on. The most embarrassing part was that the ‘knight’ who came to rescue him?
The pretty redhaired de la Serre girl he didn’t even know the name of.
And. It. Kept. Happening.
It’s gotten to the point that his father would check the dragon’s liar first if he can’t find his son and Uncle Pierre has started calling him ‘dragon bait’. He honestly preferred being called pisspot.
“Maybe this time you can finally ask her what her name is.”
“Shut up, Desmond.”
Jayadeep had to be the one to ‘save’ Jacob and Evie from the dragon that ‘kidnapped’ them. He knew the dragon had a liar underneath London and Henry had actually talked to the dragon twice now. He liked to be called Desmond and he was the same dragon as the one in the legends so he thought it wouldn’t take a long time for him to ask Desmond to give the twins back.
“Please, Evie, we need to go-”
“Just a few more minutes!” (gasp) “This is the first edition of the-”
“I found the rum! Lots of it! Hey, Desmond, can you get drunk?!”
“And this is the actual journal of Leonardo da Vinci, best known as an ally of our Brotherhood and- oh. Oh. Oooohhh… there’s a lot of nude sketches of a man in this one.”
“Where?! Trade you for a casket of rum?!”
“I thought you wanted to get Desmond drunk?”
“Right! Come on, Desmond. Let’s try and see if you can get drunk!”
Jayadeep sighed and left the hoard.
He’ll try again tomorrow.
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soft-mafia · 8 months
Something for my Hisoka simps
This is a small part from the oc fic I’m working on but I decided to cut this part out since I feel like it adds nothing to the plot. But I don’t want it to go to waste, I thought someone might enjoy it lol(no actual names are mentioned so this could count as an x reader fic before anyone yells at me) this was originally going to be at the very end of chapter one.
I was going up to the bridge I would always climb before the sun sets. It’s the large bridge that connects the north side to the south, the black metal arches were a pretty pattern. One day I want to take my little brother out here once we reunite and teach him how to scale these buildings and climb up the bridge. A lot of street kids climb up there too sometimes, usually to make out or something.
I do it because it’s peaceful, though I can see Kukuroo Mountain when I’m all the way up at the top of the left arch. It’s the closest I can be to my little brother, but it makes me sick whenever I look at it so I always sit up at the right. There’s a boy that sits with me sometimes and we talk. We don’t know each other’s names though, he never asks me and I never ask him. Maybe we both want to keep it that way. He looks like he’s the same age as Moza but less annoying and more mature.
I don’t see him at the lodge though, he says he spends most of his time in the north side. He says he wants to fight at Heaven’s Arena which is laughable. As if that place would ever take a street kid like him seriously. Despite how mature he is, everybody up north sees anyone from the south side as trash. Heaven’s Arena was the huge skyscraper that went past the clouds up in the north side. It's really hard to miss unless it’s extremely foggy. It’s basically the Serpent’s Den, but legal. Plus the arena’s fighters were more “presentable”, I watch the fights on the television sometimes. The fighters all wore pristine, elaborate costumes, leotards digging into their asses. Me and Hades would always make fun of them when we watched the fights that were broadcasted. Their stage looked nicer as well, cleaner, much larger and grander than the small pit in the basement of the tiny cramped bar that was the Serpent’s Den.
The winners in Heaven’s Arena, the floor masters, could also live in penthouses provided by the arena itself, rent free. Something like that would sound like heaven to anybody, maybe that’s why they call it “Heaven’s Arena.” It’s not like I hope the kid doesn’t make it, it just seems so unrealistic. But he’s confident in himself, and I can tell he’s not like any of these other kids out here. He’s skinny but not malnourished, he’s pale but that’s probably due to the fact he’s a ginger. Maybe he’ll have a shot, but nobody is gonna take him seriously. I don’t see him at the lodge, I don’t really see him at all other than when we meet up at the bridge. He probably has a place he’s staying in the north side.
I scale the buildings and make my way up to the top of the one closest to the bridge. As I go to jump, I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see who it was, a feeling of panic shoots through my body until I see who it was. It was the redhead. He looms over me, he’s insanely tall.
“Hey.” He says to me. I blink a couple of times and step away from him.
“Hey.” I say back to him. He starts laughing under his breath, I can’t help but feel slightly embarrassed. He scared me and it was such a stupid thing to be scared of, it was because I was about to jump from a building when he snuck up on me, that’s why.
“I didn’t know you were such a scaredy cat.” He chuckles, he’s a jerk sometimes, but not in the way Moza is. He doesn’t purposely try to piss me off. He reaches into his back pocket, “Want some gum?” He loved gum for some reason, he always had it on him. It was probably a hunger suppressant since he was too broke to afford an actual meal. He says you could chew gum for hours and you could always feel full, it doesn’t matter if you haven’t eaten. Even when the flavor would dissolve and you were left chewing some gross, firm gunk. I shake my head, I’m not a big fan of gum, it always leaves my teeth feeling sore.
“No thanks. I got some chips if you wanna share them once we get to the top.” I offer, pulling out the bag of chips I had forgotten were stuffed under my shirt. He shakes his head as he pops the piece of gum into his mouth, his soft red bangs blew through the breeze against his forehead. He has a little bit of acne but for some odd reason it looks attractive on him, maybe it’s his facial structure that makes it seem that way. He’s a handsome dude. If we met under different circumstances, where I wasn’t having to hide my identity, I would want to be friends with him.
He looks at me through his bangs as they would fall over his eyes sometimes, “No, I’m not climbing the bridge today. I’m sorry.” He says in his charming, suave voice, “I came here to tell you I won’t be coming to the south side anymore.”
For some reason his words put a pain in my chest, why was I hurt by this? We rarely ever spoke, we don’t even know each other’s names.
I stammer for a moment, “Um..” I try to find my words, looking away for a moment then looking back at him, “Why?”
“I’m gonna do it. I’m going to sign up at Heaven’s Arena. It won’t take me long to reach the top floors.” He says, putting his hands in his pockets, “I predict I’ll be at the 100th floor in no less than a week.”
That makes me let out a soft chuckle, “You’re dreaming, kid.” I tell him, “Have you ever watched an Arena fight? I mean yeah, it’s fun to talk shit, but just because they dress like pansies doesn’t mean they’re weak.” That was true, even if they were a bunch of prissies, they were violent.
“Oh I watch them every night, even in person whenever I can. Sometimes, instead of choosing to buy dinner for myself, I buy a ticket just to watch a fight.” He says, I blink a few times, then cross my arms and look off to the side again. There’s a long silence, neither of us are looking at each other. I look back at him finally, “I guess this is goodbye.”
I watch as he walks to the edge of the building, putting one foot up on the ledge. There’s another silence before he looks back at me, “I never asked you what your name was.” He says to me, I swallow, my eyes dart to the ground but then I look back up to him again. “Rinata.” I say, it doesn’t matter if I give him a fake name, I’ll never see him again anyway. He laughs at me again and shakes his head, his smile is sharp, like a predator’s, he looks up at the sky before looking back at me. He knew I was lying, but how? Did he know me by any of my other names?
“You don’t have to lie to me like you lie to the others. You don’t have to tell me. It doesn’t matter to me any less. I’m sure we’ll forget each other as soon as the sun sets.” He says, and that hits me like a bullet. Before I know it he’s gone and I’m alone. My mouth falls agape, my hands hang at my sides as I think about what just happened. He truly wasn’t like any of these kids out here, he was smart, we could’ve been friends. Why was this hurting me so much? I feel that sick feeling in my stomach, the same feeling I get when thinking of Milluki, or looking at Kukuroo Mountain from a distance. That feeling of loneliness, that feeling of what could’ve been.
I don’t feel like climbing the bridge tonight, I don’t think I’ll ever go up there again. It’ll just be another reminder of something I lost. Another place completely ruined for me, another moment that I don’t want to think about ever again, and another emotion I don’t want to feel. I jump off of the building, and some part of me hopes I’ll find the boy somewhere once I land but he’s completely vanished, probably back up to the north side. I inhale shakily, the cold is finally getting to me without my leather coat, I hope Violet is feeling extra warm right now.
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ataraxixx · 1 year
How did roleswap citrus meet each other? 0: also how are some of their conflicts reversed? if this is stuff you can share lol :)
HI ok so im still working out a lot of this au in my brain bc i am kind of bad at aus so sorry if some of this seems kind of bad or makes no sense….. This is also gonna be a long one and answer a lot more than just ur question so sorry. But i need to infodump it somewhere </3 ill put it under a break bc this is a LONG One sorry
So for morro ive talked abt how i think hes a robot who was built to fulfill the green ninja prophecy and his is his sole purpose/directive. To defeat the dark lord. Kind of how zane/echo are ‘built to protect’ and live by that (or try to lol). So morro is created a long time before the ninja come together and he seeks out wu in order to figure out how to get to Garmadon. Because his purpose is to defeat garmadon. And wu is like.(who the fuck is this guy) and basically takes him in under the impression that. Maybe he could actually be the green ninja? And even though wu realizes its  definitely not morro he does keep trying to train him bc he doesnt want morro to go off on his own to try and find garmadon. But eventually he has to come clean and morro is annoyed bc he thinks wu has put everyone in danger by stalling the prophecy (he obviously doesnt believe it when wu tells him hes not the green ninja because he *is*!) and he tries to leave as wu predicted, but wu doesnt let him and instead shuts him off for his own protection. Morro gets to live in the monastery basement for awhile and wu always thinks abt powering him back on but doesnt bc hes like. This guy is going to try and do stupid shit (hes right). So he just stays in the basement until obv the ninja arrive and the shows events happen as normal but the monastery gets burned down and in the rush to get out and the move to the bounty, wu forgets abt morro being there… and when he does remember hes there, he ultimately decides its probably for the best if he isnt powered on again bc there IS a green ninja now and he doesnt know what morro would do if he met lloyd. And doesnt want lloyd to get hurt. So cue skybound when nya and jay are on the run from nadakhan, instead of going to the lighthouse they instead go to the ruins of the monastery because jay remembers wu had this cryptic ass basement he would never let the ninja go into, and jay thinks maybe theres some kind of crazy secret weapon in there or something that can stop nadakhan. Instead they find morro, and they power him on. And hes like. Oh! Youre the other ninja from the prophecy. and agrees to help them although hes a little confused on whats going on bc hes like shouldnt we be fighting garmadon… but he joins the substitute ninja in the fight against nadakhan. 
Echo was Dr. Julien’s original son who was alive and like. A #real boy. I think maybe dr. julien wife(??) died in childbirth and echo was born very sickly so dr. julien sought out a magical way to heal him. I think this is probably how he got involved with the skeletons in the first place bc them seeking him out always felt random to me i feel like they should have some history mb. So maybe like samukai or another skeleton was like oh i totally know a spell that will make your son healthy and normal. And dr julien was like . Hm. but kind of desperate so he went with it and of course it  did make his son healthy and normal. Except the price of the spell is that it curses the soul of the person its used on. So echo lived normally with his father for many years until he was outside late collecting firewood one evening and was attacked by treehorns (this was before dr. julien built the guard robot) and A) discovered he had the ability to control the wind which was cool. Except he didnt know how to use it and just kind of fucked up badly and got lost in the woods while trying to run from the treehorns. And B) was still injured in the fight and now Also Lost and basically died trying to get home from both injuries + hypothermia. Rip bozo!. And of course dr. julien was devastated and like pinocchio-core i guess decided to build a new son and that is the  Current Zane. he is a copy but he was never told about that of course bc dr julien didnt want to think abt the son he lost. But yea echos soul was cursed and he went to the cursed realm which  um. Hardened him so to speak. He learned he was cursed because of his father and it pissed him off a little bit but only mildly. But i think the cursed realm is like hell or whatevr so the ghosts go through bullshit all the time bc like. Theyre the souls of the damned or whatever right. So by time echo manages to get out hes become apart of the pre eminents ranks and her plans and what not and hes like sure  whatever. I want revenge on my dad for cursing me (<-- guy who has gone through the ringer) but he gets out at the end of s4 and discovers. Oh. my dad didnt just curse me. When i died he replaced me with a stupid machine! Ok! And he possesses zane and also does pre eminent plan and etc….average s5 stuff i think. Idk im not the best at rewriting seasons if anyone has any ideas for this let me know.
I think at the end of s5 echo doesnt get his shit rocked because i like him. And i think it would be nice if he could get along with zane a little. So maybe he stays as a ghost and maybe nya or borg or whoever builds him a robot body he can possess and use instead of being a ghost all the time:) and he doesnt necessarily join the team bc hes not . a ninja nor does he want to be but hes still the master of wind so hes a useful ally to the ninja and helps them out with bigger threats. LIKE. the sons of garmadon. Transition…. (PS. i also think that echo and morro would meet in skybound bc echo would also be on the substitute ninja team but this would be undone by jay. Of course)
So. the SoG go to the ruined monastery at some point or other to try and find some dirt on the ninja and also just to find old wu scrolls or whatever they can scrounge up. And What they DO scrounge up is this fuckass robot whos been here for however long bc. Obviously skybound didnt happen! And jay and nya never went back for morro bc they were like. Umm he was weird and also would probably try to kill lloyd if he met him maybe. And also like lets be real they just wanted to ignore this shit ever happened why else would they leave echo in canon lol. So the SoG find Morro and power him on and hes like ummm. Hey. its me. The green ninja. Who are you. And harumis like…??? Are you sane or what. But she sees an opportunity here. Bc this robot solely wants to fight garmadon. And shes like. Ok. well we’re gonna get garmadon here. If you help us you can fight him. This is your destiny. And hes like damn ok sure sounds good to me! (nobody is gonna tell him that the destiny already happened and theres Another Guy who is the green ninja btw). So morro joins the SoG idk what his name should be. Mr. M is fucking stupid sorry. If anyone has any ideas for morro biker name lmk. But hes there or whatever and then when lloyd goes undercover in the SoG and snake jaguar fight a la mutt malamute style. Morro and lloyd fight and morro reveals his identity to lloyd as the green ninja (he thinks hes very cool) and lloyd is like. What. lmfao. And is like. Youre  not the green ninja …? I am…? And they get into a fight abt it and morro beats up lloyd bc hes annoyed at all the lies this guy is saying to him about how his destinys already been fulfilled and wu lied and etc etc. lloyd loses the fight rip bozo. 
I am a wojira duo fan and i think that persists here except  its echo and nya instead so im gonna talk abt that. I think theyre friends. So i think nya would confide in echo about the events of skybound and so i think echo remembers what happened (in my mind skybound is like. Everyone can remember it but they have to be reminded what happened for it to be recalled? Bc splinter implies lloyd and clancee have vague impressions of it in their minds. Idk its interesting). So he remembers morro and when lloyd is like yea some fuckass robot is saying hes the green ninja  jay nya and echo all collectively just kind of look at each other about it. Like thats OUR fuckass robot saying hes the green ninja. And because i am not limited by pacing i can do whatever i want and have jaya tell the team abt skybound finally (things that shouldve happened in s8 originally lol) and theyre all like. Oh. what girl. And jay insists that if they can get to morro and tell him what happened in the lost timeline he will remember it and join them bc hes a good person at heart. (probably). So the next time they encounter him would actually be when pixal finds the SoG in ‘the quiet one’ so i think. Echo and her went together to go stall them since echo can also just fly over w the mech using powers lol. So they find killow morro uv and  echo and morro fight 1v1 . yuri btw. And echo reminds him of what happened and morros like. Hm. I do remember this. But i need to help the SoG so i can defeat garmadon and prove im the green ninja. So fuck off? But i think obv when the  SoG DO revive garmadon morro immediately tries to fight him and gets his ass kicked……I dont think he gets destroyed but i do think he gets fucked up enough (the ninja probably fix him) that he realizes lloyd wasnt lying and that he isnt supposed to be the one to fight garmadon. Like theyve all been saying. Which kind of fucks him up a bit bc like. Thats literally his sole purpose and wtf is he existing for if he cant even do that. Youve given the perfectly good robot anxiety oh no. but also i could probably talk abt this for another like 4 paragraphs i need to put an end here bc this is already like 3 pages on google docs…….Sorry you did not ask for all this. But i needed to explain the context
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wildsupernova · 2 years
oh, brother.
summary: after a trip to indianapolis, steve starts a long distance relationship with the lead singer of a band performing at a popular grunge bar. little does he know he’s actually dating his best friend’s sister.
word count: 2.4k
warnings: vulgar language, insinuations of sex
authors note
i’m gonna be honest with you guys, this is kind of a shitpost chapter just so i can put something out while i work on more serious stuff lol. i don’t really know how i feel about it but hey, i think it’s pretty funny, so enjoy.
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Steve had no idea Eddie had a sister until he started dating her.
Looking back on it, it should have been obvious. Despite minute physical differences in appearance, they were practically the same person; same attitude, same likes and dislikes, same sarcastic looks and semi-annoying attitude. Eddie had talked about her once or twice, never really knowing enough about her to share any useful information. All he’d ever said was that his uncle told him he had a sister he’d never met. 
Steve had only met her on a roadtrip to Indianapolis with Robin. It was an impromptu trip to mark Robin’s last summer before college (even though she was only enrolled in community college a half hour away), with Robin claiming she wanted to enjoy her ‘last few days of freedom.’ They’d already spent the first half of the week with the rest of the group, so when Robin suggested she and Steve pack a few things and spend the weekend in Indianapolis, Steve was quick to fill his bags and grab his keys. 
They’d been itching for something to do since driving into town, dropping their bags off in their cheap motel rooms and aimlessly driving around town to find something to do. They’d seen a few small paper signs taped to light posts about a concert going on in the basement of some grunge bar, deciding it was about the only thing they could find that wasn’t closed at 10 pm on a Thursday. After a 15 minute drive through downtown Indianapolis in an effort to find a place, they finally pulled into the dark parking lot behind the building and made their way down the ramp to the basement. 
The basement was probably no wider than the basement of Steve’s house, packed from wall to wall with teens and young adults that were drunk, high, or both. A small stage sat against the wall across from the bar, a few stage lights hanging from the ceiling and a black curtain cutting off the stage from whatever laid behind it. The band’s equipment sat on the stage; a drumset, an electric bass, a guitar. The bright purple guitar sitting next to the microphone stand reminded Steve a lot of Eddie’s, making a mental note to tell Eddie about this place next time he tagged along.
Steve and Robin didn’t know how long they had been standing there before the stage lights kicked on, the second hand high and alcohol all mixing together thanks to a bar that didn’t card and a smoke circle going on in one of the far corners. Anyone else from Hawkins might have had a heart attack seeing it, but Steve was just glad nobody had started popping pills or snorting lines; he’d been to far too many parties with those kinds of people. 
Steve, deciding to spend the night sober considering he was the one that had to drive the two of them back to the motel, was on Robin babysitting duty, despite the fact that he was doing a really shitty job of it; she’d already found her home with one of the other girls in the venue, drink in hand and distant look in her eyes. When he went over to make sure she was alright, the other girl assured him she was sober and Robin was in good hands, so he decided to let her have her fun for the night and mingle amongst the crowd.
As soon as the curtain on the back of the stage opened, the crowd started to go wild, sending out whistles and cheers at the performers that began to fill the stage. He hadn’t seen the name of the band on the sign, nor was it anywhere in the venue, so he didn’t know what to expect. This wasn’t exactly his usual hangout, only coming to places like this whenever Eddie landed a gig or wanted to get loose for the night. He decided to just stand to the back of the crowd and watch as the band set up, eyes never leaving the stage as the last band member came through the curtains. 
You were probably one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen, basked in the red and blue stage lights shimmering a few feet above you. The black leather skirt you wore covered very little, so short it was a wonder it covered anything at all. A white t-shirt covered in colorful paint splatters was tucked into it, covered by a leather jacket littered with patches, doodles, and pins. The fishnet tights that adorned your legs were ripped in various places and disappeared under the tops of thick black combat boots, with a belt loosely hanging around your waist that tied everything together. Your maroon painted lips curled up in a confident smile, and you winked at Steve as the two of you locked eyes. 
He was hardly able to focus on anything except you, taking note of the way your eyes closed when you got particularly into your performance, or the way your black painted nails shimmered in the light as your delicate hands wrapped around the neck of the guitar. He drowned in your cover of Pat Benatar’s Heartbreaker, and let every note flow through him and cover him like the smoke floating around his head. 45 minutes later and the set was over, much to his dismay, and he sighed as he watched you walk back through the black curtains behind you.
Fully prepared to leave and never see you again, he went on his search to find Robin, finding her engaged in a heated game of drunk Rock-Paper-Scissors with the group of girls she’d found a home with at the beginning of the night. Steve, deciding to let her be, decided to take a seat at the bar, nursing a Coke to pass the time.
“Quite the show out there tonight. The usual?” The bartender, a thin blonde woman wearing the most extravagant goth makeup Steve had ever seen, spoke to someone behind Steve’s back as she dried out one of the glasses. The woman she was speaking to sat down in the barstool next to Steve’s, leaning her top half on the bartop.
“You know me better than anyone.” The bartender nodded and smiled in response, setting off on getting you your drink. Steve glanced at you out of the corner of his eyes but didn’t say anything, much to your disappointment. “I’ve been waiting for you to say something to me all night. Figured you’d at least come a little closer to the stage.”
“Didn’t want to bother you.” He saw you swivel the barstool towards him, legs crossed and leaning one arm against the bar. 
“Pretty face like yours could never be a bother.” Steve felt the redness rush to his cheeks. “First time here?”
“Is it that obvious?” You laughed.
“Let's just say you don’t exactly look like one of the regulars here.” You thanked the bartender as she put your drink down in front of you, a red concoction of alcohol he didn’t know. You took a sip, barely flinching at what had to be heavy liquor based on the vodka bottle he’d seen the bartender pick up earlier. “Where are you from?”
“Hawkins. A couple hours away from here.”
“I’ve got family there, an uncle and a brother. Never been to a place like that, not really my thing. What brings you to Indianapolis?”  
You and Steve shared small talk for what had to have been an hour, based on how far the hands of Steve’s watch had moved, but neither of you were in a rush for the conversation to end. The conversation had quickly become flirty, a tone initiated by you, and the next thing Steve knew he was driving you back to his motel room. 
He spent the rest of the weekend traveling around Indianapolis with you, spending time at parks, restaurants, practically anywhere that provided any sort of entertainment. When he left to drive back from Hawkins, you exchanged numbers and vowed to stay in touch, and before either you knew it, you were embroiled in a 3 month long long-distance relationship. Robin often made fun of Steve for driving to Indianapolis a few times a month just to see you, but he simply ignored it and kept his usual routine. 
He was ecstatic when you called him and said you were coming down to Hawkins for a few weeks to see family, planning out everywhere he could take you in town (which really limited his options, but he was being optimistic). He really should have connected the dots when Eddie had mentioned his sister from Indianapolis was coming down to Hawkins to meet him and his uncle, but he was too clouded by hormones and his own stupidity to see the signs. 
Now here he was, sitting on top of one of the picnic tables in Eddie’s trailer park, patiently waiting for Eddie’s sister to show up. Eddie had been begging Steve and the rest of the group to meet her ever since he heard she was coming down, barely giving them a choice. Steve had been engaged in a conversation with Robin when the car pulled up, Eddie rushing forward to greet the driver. Steve froze when the door opened and she stepped out. 
“So, naturally, I said- hey, dingus, you still with me?” Robin slapped his arm to try and get his attention, and when she followed his line of sight, she practically cackled like an evil witch. 
Because you were standing there a few feet away, hugging the long lost brother you had met only a few days ago. Your brother. One of Steve’s best friends. Steve was dating his best friend’s sister. 
Oh god. 
He slapped Robin upside the head to get her to shut up, shooting down the barrage of questions now being fired at him from Nancy and Jonathan. He tried to stay casual when the two of you walked over, but the moment the two of you locked eyes, both of you went red as a tomato. 
“Hey, Y/n.” Eddie’s head ping ponged back and forth between the two of you, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
“Wait, you two know each other?” Robin got up from her seat and hid the ear to ear grin on her face, tossing her empty beer can in the trash.
“I am going to go get another beer before this shit storm hits. Good luck, you two.” She held up a salute as she walked back towards the trailer. You cleared your throat, putting on the most innocent smile you could muster.
“You know that guy I was telling you about over the phone? The one I met at the bar?” Eddie still didn’t connect the dots, only looking at you with a confused expression. “Eddie, that guy was, no is, Steve.”
The words hung in the air for a second, the silence far more deafening than anything Eddie was going to say. Nancy covered her mouth in an effort to hide the laugh threatening to slip from between her lips. Jonathan’s lips were pursed to stop from smiling, and Steve could see Robin peering out from around the corner of the trailer to watch from a safe distance. When Eddie finally registered it, he clenched his fists and took a breath. 
“WHAT?” The next five minutes were a shit show. Nancy finally let out the laugh she’d been holding in, Jonathan let himself snicker and smile. Steve only sat there and flushed red as Eddie threw a variety of particularly vulgar words at him, yourself trying to hold him back and prevent anything from turning into a physical confrontation. Eventually, you dragged him back to the trailer, shutting the door behind you to shut him off from the group and calm him down. Robin came back laughing, fresh beer in hand. 
“Oh god, what are the odds?”
“I cannot believe that she’s the girl you kept talking about! You call her everyday, how did you not know?” Nancy wiped the tears from her eyes, shaking her head.
“He hasn’t just been calling her everyday, he drives there every other weekend to fuck her, too.”
“Robin! Come on, you’re just making it worse.” He held his head in his hands, trying to hide the red flush on his face. “How was I supposed to know? When she talked about her brother that lived in Hawkins I never thought she was talking about Eddie!”
“Yes, because it’s so difficult to figure out when Eddie also kept talking about his sister from Indianapolis.” Robin rolled her eyes. Steve sat there for a second and sighed.
“Wow, I am an idiot.”
“I wasn’t gonna say it.”
A few moments later, he heard the door of Eddie’s trailer open and then slam shut, looking up to see Eddie stalking towards him, red in the face. He braced himself for something along the lines of a punch, but Eddie only pressed a finger to his chest.
“You do anything to her and I swear to god, I’ll kill you.” Steve only offered a nervous nod in response, watching as Eddie sighed and shook his head. You appeared behind him, biting your bottom lip. “God, I need a drink.” 
When Eddie left, you approached Steve, letting out a relieved sigh and a smile.
“Hi.” He smiled at you. 
“Hi.” You shoved your hands in your pants pockets, rocking back and forth nervously. “If I’d known, I would have told you. I told Eddie he couldn’t blame you, since he never even told you my name. And I guess since I never told you his.”
“Well, let’s just hope the awkwardness has faded.” The two of you shared a laugh, and then fell into introductions and re-introductions with the rest of the group sitting at the table. Despite a few sideways glances from Eddie, the rest of the afternoon went smoothly, and by the time the sun dipped below the horizon, you were relishing in the feeling of family.
And hey, at least you wouldn’t have to go through the awkwardness of introducing Steve to your family, considering he already knew them.
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davenportia · 1 year
let’s rant about everyone’s least favorite fictional billionaire, donald davenport
i know some of y’all are going to eat this up
donald davenport abused his kids. i posted a tiktok about this and actually got so much hate for it wtf. people were asking what he did and saying he’s a good dad. you can protect your kids without depriving them of things like food and FUCKING GOING UPSTAIRS. they have NEVER left the basement. to them, that’s completely normal. and disney adds laugh tracks to these things like it’s funny? not everything on disney is comical and should be taken seriously. when leo asked “so you’ve never left this room?” chase answered with the fact that all they do is eat, sleep, and train, and then mentioned the shows title. when leo mentions school, bree chimes in and says she wants to go to school. at one point during the premiere, they say (c)”i want to go to the pyramids,” (b)”i want to go to paris” and (a)”i want to go upstairs.” what. the. fuck.
he wanted to send them off over one little mistake. when they went to school for the first time, they caused a bit of trouble. i understand getting mad, but he said they were to have no contact with the outside world after that. leo threw his party, and he decided to send them to the remote facility they almost went to in the first episode. dude, they have NEVER been outside. they’re going to make mistakes. instead of sending them off to fucking antarctica, why don’t you discipline and try to compromise. leo already loved them by then, and he was totally right to be upset. give your kids a chance. they’re like babies. would you send a baby to an offshore facility to be taken care of? exactly.
he is so fucking selfish. i mean chase went alaska (i believe) RISKING HIS LIFE to get davenport something he needed for his thermoblaster or whatever it was idek. when chase came back, he had a small reaction, don’t even remember what he said. when chase showed him whatever he got, donald got excited and went “MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY” and then went “sorry, thank you” and disney once again laughed it off. like tf? you gonna tell your son you’re glad he’s ok?
the entirety of ‘the rats strike back’ episode. think about it.
when douglas blew up the lab, leo mentioned the fact he’s completely broke, and he started crying. he said “i’m crying about the kids” which he obviously wasn’t. disney again put that as a joke. like your kids are missing, basically their room just blew up, and you’re worried about your money? then when the lab rats were receiving an award, he was working on an indestructible car so he could get some job from the president and therefore, money. “i might even share some with you” davenport teased. bree asked if he was serious, to which he answered no as if that were obvious. “so even though it’s OUR awards show, suddenly it’s all about YOU?” chase asked. “you know, for the smartest man in the world, it really took you a while to realize that” he responded. DISNEY LAUGHED IT OFF. this man. he’s a damn billionaire, why does he need more money?
every person he has ever met besides maybe tasha doesn’t like him: salespeople, krane, perry, people he has tried to sell his inventions to, and i understand why. he’s annoying, a narcissist, selfish, and not a good father nor a good person. you can say “he protected his kids” all you want, but he could have taken a different approach to it.
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darbuckle21 · 2 years
hello again! :)
My ghosty boys (and anyone else!) x reader who was wearing ripped fishnets, shorts, studded belt, eyeliner, baggy black shirt and they were walking with their boyfriend (or boyfriends ;) ) and they get CATCALLED (being whistled at) and the boys are very very jelly bc their partner is NOT to be sexualized by other stinky men <3
Looking forward to more asks and ofc!:D
Slashers with a Alt S/O being catcalled 
Vincent Sinclair
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Vincent loves your style, It’s what made you catch his eye. He’s never seen someone dress like you before, and he doesn’t care if Bo doesn’t like your style. At least that’s what Bo says but he secretly doesn’t mind. You walk into the basement and he notes your fishnets and shorts which I’m his opinion makes your butt look really good. He doesn’t think of it in a pervy way though, he thinks of it from a artistic perspective. You huff plopping down in a small chair next to him “ughhhh I hate men” you huff. He looks at yo has if to say me? “Oh no not you, just some guy Lester brought in wouldn’t stop staring and making comments about my butt in Bo’s garage” you explain. “What does he look like?” He scribbles down. You shrug “about your hight with short brown curly hair and greenish eyes why?” He shrugs before writing “just wondering”. You smile kissing his cheek “don’t worry he doesn’t even compare to you Vince” you smile wrapping your arms around him in a hug. He gladly reciprocates and makes a note in his head to make this man suffer.
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You are unpacking the groceries as Brahms watches from the walls. Malcom was helping you while blatantly looking at your butt. “I must say to you look lavishing in those fishnets” he smiles eyes never leaving you. You turn clearly uncomfortable “you can leave now, I got this handled” you don’t smile like usual clearly annoyed. Malcom notices and decides to listen. Brahms smiles from behind the mask knowing he’s not gonna return here after he’s done with him. No one stares at you like that, No one, but Brahms.
Poly! GhostFace
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Your boyfriends smile as you make your way towards the group. “Hey hot stuff wanna do a spin for me” Stu smiles standing waving his arms around you while you give a slow spin to show off your outfit. You sit of Billy’s lap resting your head back against his shoulder. “What’s wrong?” He asks kissing your shoulder while Stu nods in agreement puppy eyes on full display. “Just Steve Orth being a dick head again” Stu rests his head on your thighs “what’d he do this time?” He asks with furrowed brows mouth turning to a frown. “He whistled at me while openly making gestures towards me” Billy and Stu look at each other as if having a silent conversation in their heads. “Doesn’t he have a girlfriend?” Billy questions hand resting on your studded belt. “Yeah, Casey Becker” weeks later you forgot about it till you saw them on the news. “Shit!” Billy and Stu pop their heads out from the Kitchen. “You okay?” Billy asks. “Look, Steve and Casey where brutally murdered last night!” You point at the TV. “I feel bad for the families” Billy said but it didn’t sound like he meant it. “Asshole deserved it” Stu shrugs.
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littlewildcat10 · 29 days
Hehe I got a little laugh out of this small one, so when strade normally gose out to get shopping or a victim. Lee tends to annoy and rough house around with ren in the living room, they both push the table out of the way so nothing is damaged, also it's so strade doesn't punish them both and sends the down into the basement.. Yea Lee and ren I can both see hating it... but with how many times they'd play fight, end up biting, clawing, Lee scratching and ren biting then pulling on her tail/ear's.
Let's just say they are a few more scars and damage done to them than strade recalls, even if they put the coffee table back. Ehh strade can still sense the tense between them both, though I'd see him not questioning it much. Poor ren would still pick on her even if she's taller, she's still a littler weaker though ren tends to give her the upper hand at most times..
Also if Lee has those weird late night zoomies, she's gonna be biting and playing around with ren while he's trying to sleep, her just playfully pulling on his ear then ren just deciding to do the same back..
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Yea never put a cat and a fox under the same roof xD
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alyssaswrld999 · 1 year
Why Me? Chapter 2: Ready Spencer?
Part 1
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I finally make it to the front porch of mine and Daryls home. I sighed and finally made my way up the porch. Before all of the stuff that happened with Negan and the Saviors I always asked Daryl if he could help me repaint the porch. We would always joke around and plan on it but we never got the chance.
Even though I am in love with Daryl I never got to tell him how I feel. I hope that he is safe and ok. I go to open the door and then the doorknob falls off. "Great just great" I said upset. I pick up the doorknob and enter the house. I then walk my way over to the basement stairs. "I gotta get dressed and make my way to find over to the gate" I thought.
I make my way down stairs to Daryls bedroom. "Alrighty Dixon what are you gonna let me wear today" I said. I put the broken door knob on Daryls dresser and I make my way over to his closet.
Finally after five minutes of looking I decided to wear one of his black tshirts and then a red and blue flannel. "This will have to do" I said. The one thing I loved about Daryl was he let me wear his clothes and he was one of my bestfriends. I think Daryl liked me back but I don't know for sure.
Even though we did kiss at the CDC doesn't mean that he likes me. For one I was drunk and he was as well. The good thing is that we are good friends and we care about eachother. I just don't wanna mess anything up because I did just lose my brother and one of my bestfriends. I just really don't wanna lose anyone else.
I make my way back upstairs and go up to my bedroom. "Never knew I was this messy" I said. Where I've been sleeping in Daryls room I forgot to clean mine up. I sighed and start picking up a little bit of my room. I then walk over to my bathroom and I fix my hair into a ponytail.
As i finally get done making sure I look presentable I make my way to go meet up with Spencer. As I get closer to the gate I seen that Spencer was already waiting. "Finally you make it was about to send out a search party" Spencer said. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. "Ready Spencer? Or are you gonna spend five minutes telling me how I'm wasting your time" I said annoyed.
I open the car door and then I heard someone hollering my name. I turn to see Rosita coming towards me. "Hey Rosita" I greeted. "Hey Sky uhm I came to tell you that Rick decided you be on watch and I go with Spencer" Rosita said. "Alright that's cool" I said. Rosita nodded and patted my shoulder.
I make my way over to the ladder to the watch post beside the front gate. I then make my way up there and I make myself comfortable and start taking watch. "This is just great" I thought.
Part 3
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parkitaco · 2 years
isn't it so pretty to think there was some invisible string tying you to me for either elmax or byler
oooh omg ok i'm gonna cheat and do BOTH bc i've never written elmax before but this song also just has byler written all over it sooo
byler version
"Why did you ask, anyway?"
Mike blinks, rolling over and rubbing his eyes. "Huh?"
Will is lying on his back in the dark, staring up at the ceiling with a contemplative expression. His eyes flick to Mike's, just briefly, and he smiles a little. "Sorry, were you asleep?"
"I- yeah, it's the middle of the night, of course I was asleep."
"It's not even eleven-thirty."
"You know what I mean." Mike shoves his face into Will's side, flinging an arm across his torso and tugging him closer. "I'm tired. I biked all the way here in the dark."
"Yeah, to see me," Will says, sounding all too pleased with himself. "So here I am. Answer my question."
"Will, it's so late," Mike complains, voice muffled where it's pressed against Will's t-shirt.
"Eleven-thirty, Michael," Will repeats, unimpressed.
Mike groans, removing his face from Will's side in favor of glaring at him. "Okay, William. Why did I ask what?"
"If I wanted to be your friend."
Mike blinks down at him, propping himself up on one arm and watching Will's eyes trace over his face. "You want to know the reason why I asked a question when I was five years old?"
"Hey, you said it was the best thing you'd ever done! Don't act like you don't remember."
Through his groggy haze, Mike can't help but be a little endeared by the annoyed quirk of Will's eyebrows, the smirk resting faintly over his lips and the pillow creases on his skin. He dips down to kiss Will's forehead quickly, brushing a thumb over Will's jaw. "I told you," he murmurs, face hovering right over Will's. "I was all alone. You were alone too, so I just... asked."
"I couldn't have been the only one who was alone, though," Will presses. "Why me?"
Mike remembers that day so clearly. He'd spent the better part of the morning pouting and trying not to cry, secluded to a quiet corner of the classroom and wishing he didn't have to do this, that he could keep playing Uno in his basement with Nancy forever even if she was turning into a bit of a brat, lately, that he could be exempt from the ridiculous notion of hanging out with people his age, or whatever. He also remembers that all of those feelings were, ultimately, bullshit, because in reality, before Will Byers became a part of his life, Mike was terribly lonely.
So recess had come, and he'd decided he might as well take action. He'd scanned the playground, looking for people like him, people that were alone or that were wearing the same color as him or who just looked nice, even. He wasn't trying to be terribly picky. He'd seen at least five other lonely kids, sitting in the dirt or holed up on the slide or playing with their own toys in the corner. None of them seemed right. They were all too loud or too quiet or too annoying or too weird, even if Mike was and still is, in fact, weird.
Then he'd spotted the swings, and the boy on them, and when he'd tried to ration away why he couldn't go up at talk to him, tried to give in to his fear and stay quiet and lonely forever, he'd drawn a blank. He couldn't think of a reason why this boy - this boy in an old yellow t-shirt with a bowl cut like Mike's who was gazing at the clouds like they genuinely interested him - wouldn't be a good person to talk to.
So he'd gone up, and he'd been terrified, but he'd asked. And Will had said yes, and that had been that. Friends forever, or something along those lines, and somewhere in the ten years since Mike had fallen in love with him, and that too had been scary but when he tried to rationalize it, he once again drew a blank because - at the end of the day, it just made sense. Of course he would fall in love with Will. He had no reason not to.
"I... I guess it just made sense," Mike whispers now, meeting Will's eyes in the dark and quiet of his room. "I couldn't think of a reason not to."
Will smiles, brilliant in the night, and traces a finger over Mike's collarbone. "So it wasn't love at first sight, then?" he teases.
"Love at first sight isn't real," Mike says with conviction - his breakup with El had been proof of that. "But there was- a connection, I think. Like there was this- string, a bond or something, that drew me to you, and I chose to follow it. To tie the knot."
He expects Will to, like, laugh or mock his word choice or something, but Will is dead serious when he replies, "I'm glad you did."
"Yeah. I don't believe in love at first sight either, but I think that- it's just. Pretty, I guess. To think that there was something there, like you chose to take the first step and then from there on out we were just wrapped up in each other."
Mike grins, dipping down to kiss Will gently, warm and solid against him in the dark. "I'd happily stay wrapped up in you forever," he says softly, resting his forehead against Will's. "Even if you're an asshole who wakes me up in the middle of the night to ask about destiny."
"That is not what I asked I-"
"Will, I'm just teasing you."
Will huffs, breath warm against Mike's face, and Mike can't resist kissing him again, quickly. Will melts into it despite himself, arms around Mike's waist. "String, huh?" he murmurs.
"Sure. Or whatever else you want to call it."
"I like that just fine," Will decides, shoving his face into Mike's neck and relaxing into him, and they drift off to sleep, all wrapped up in each other.
elmax version
El doesn't know a lot about fate, or God or any premise of inevitability. She understands the concept well enough - Mike won't shut up about it, actually - he and Will tease each other about it when they think no one is listening, about swingsets and choices and unbreakable bonds, and El never really knows what exactly they're referring to but she knows it means that they love each other, and that they feel that this was inevitable.
She's not sure how she feels about that concept - it's fine for them, maybe, because they have this grand love story or whatever (at least according to Will, who rambles to her about Mike an awful lot, even if she kind of enjoys listening just because of the way his face lights up) but after having so many choices stripped away from her as a child, El isn't so sure she loves the idea of some cosmic deity deciding things for her. She'd rather take control of her own narrative.
That being said, she does get the part about being in love, and not wanting to ever conceive of a reality in which she isn't, and in that regard she supposes it's fine.
"Why do you think we became friends?" El asks now, rolling over on her bed and letting her head hang off the end, looking at Max upside-down.
Max glances up from the magazine she's been idly flipping through, a small smirk on her face. "We're not just friends, you know," she says, like she always does, and El scrunches her nose at her.
"You know what I mean," she retorts, which is true - unlike most people, Max always knows what El is trying to get across without having to hear all the words, always smiling and nodding along and supplying a word when El can't think of it, not trying to play dumb like Mike used to or interrupt like Will has a nasty habit of doing, or blink at her hesitantly and vaguely concerned like Joyce, well-meaning as she is, usually does.
Max flips the magazine shut, rising up on her elbows to kiss El's nose from her upside down vantage point, and El giggles. "We became friends because you're an incredible person and I liked you."
El widens her eyes. "We did not used to like each other, though."
"That's because you thought I was trying to steal Mike from you, which is laughable because I think I'd rather die than steal Mike from anyone, and had I been around before all that I would have told you to stop watching so many shitty soap operas."
El frowns. "I like soaps. They are romantic."
"They are, but they also instilled a weird jealousy complex in you that was totally unnecessary, so." Max smiles, tapping El's nose lightly with a finger. "Also, I never had a problem with you. I thought you were, like, ridiculously cool."
"Cool," El echoes, smiling. She likes that word - it feels strange in her mouth, but Max says it like a compliment and Max, as sarcastic and derisive as she can be, never says anything she doesn't mean. "I think you are cool, too."
"Thanks, babe."
Max goes back to her magazine, and El stares at the opposite wall as the blood rushes to her head, contemplating.
"Do you believe in fate?"
Max actively considers it for a moment - something she doesn't do for many people - before answering, "I don't know. I believe in connection, I think. Like a- spark, that you can have with someone, that, like, draws you to them, but I think we still have control over what we do with it. Does that make sense?"
El turns it over in her brain, lifting a hand and making the pencils spread across her desk float up into the air and bounce around the room. Max watches with the same vaguely awed look she always does, grinning. El grins back.
"'Spark'?" She asks, tapping one of the pencils against the ceiling. "Like a fire?"
Max laughs, sitting up properly and holding out a hand. El drops a pen into her hand, and she reaches out and begins tracing a pattern over El's exposed shoulder with it. "No, not literally," she says, hair tickling El's neck as she leans closer. "It's just, like. A pull. Like there's a string connecting you, and you can choose to pull them closer with it or just leave it how it is. Or cut it, I guess, but that's kind of bleak." She sits back, admiring her artwork on El's skin, and El cranes her neck to look. She can just barely make out a set of flowers and a small heart doodled there, and she smiles. Max would never claim to be an artist, but she certainly isn't a bad one.
"And you felt that? With me?" she asks, refocusing her gaze on her girlfriend.
"Sure I did," Max says, like it's obvious. "The first time I saw you you were wearing that black getup with the eyeshadow and everything and you looked so cool, and I don't believe in love at first sight or anything but I felt something, you know? And then you totally wrote me off which- hey, don't look at me like that, I didn't say I was mad!- you brushed me off and I was like wow, okay, she can take care of herself, great. And then I decided that I would win you over."
El smirks, flipping around and resting her arms on the edge of the mattress to gaze down at Max properly. "Win me over," she repeats.
"Convince you to love me," Max teases, and El reaches out a hand to brush a strand of hair out of her face.
"You are very easy to love," El murmurs as Max tilts her face to rest against her hand. "You do not think you are, but you say nice things without even trying."
"Yeah, well, 'course I'm nice to you," Max grumbles, kissing the side of El's palm. "I love you."
El grins teasingly. "I love you too. I am glad you did not choose to cut the string."
"Okay, it was a flawed metaphor, I get it-"
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Demolition Lovers Part 6 Sebastian x Farmer Stardew Valley Fanfic
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(Chapter 6 is here finally. Chapter 7 will be here soon. Credit to Heir of atticus for the photo used. Like and follow for updates on the story. More to come. Please enjoy.)
"(farmers name) Wait Please!" Sebastian yelled.
"Good bye Sebastian. I'll see you around..." You left and walked home.
Once home you went directly into your farm house. You locked your door and went into your bedroom. You flopped down on your bed and threw off your bunny ears. You let out loud sigh and just closed your eyes. Tomorrow would be new day right. Right??
You woke up bright early. Like clock work went to work on the farm. You spent the last couple of days just doing the same routine. Fishing and mining. You had really only one thing planned. Just make that money. You decided you'd head into town square to go see Clint for a little bit. Not that you liked Clint. You kinda found him annoying with all the self depreciating jokes he makes constantly. He was rude to you too. You honestly couldnt decide who annoyed you more Clint or Lewis or Abby. You sighed as you started walking through town square.
"Hey (farmers name)!" Alex was calling for you.
You turned around and walked over to him.
"Hey Alex..." You waved at him.
"Whats up? How you been?" He smiled staring at you.
"I've been fine. Just been working making money." You said.
"Yeah I bet busy with the farm. Do you have plans today?" He asked.
"I need to see Clint today... But I should be free after." You replied.
"Oh great. Want to hang out today after your done?" He grinned.
"Sure.. Let me go see Clint. Bye Alex I'll see you soon." You waved bye and walked to Clints shop.
You went inside and Clint was waiting there at the counter.
"Oh hi (farmers name)." He said quietly.
"Hi Clint.." You sighed.
"Don't you have work to do?" He glared at you.
"Just crack these geodes." You huffed handing them to him.
He started cracking them and you waited patiently for him to finish. He handed you all the crystals inside them. You waved bye and left. You went back over to Alex's house. He was outside standing next to dog house fenced in.
"Hey Alex... Im back.." You waved approaching him.
"Welcome back beautiful." He smiled waving.
"Why are you by this dog house? Is this your dog?" You asked walking over beside him.
"No he's the towns dog. I like to take care of him though. His name is Dusty. He's really sweet." Alex smiled wrapping an arm around you.
"Oh... thats nice of you..." You said slowly taking his arm off of you.
"Yeah.. he reminds me of myself.. You want to go eat?" He asked winking at you.
You were unsure about him. Mixed feelings to say the least. You followed Alex to the Saloon. He sat down in the booth and you sat down across from him. Gus walked over to you both.
"Good afternoon Alex and (farmers name). What can I get for you?" Gus asked smiling eyeing you both.
Before you could even say something Alex responded.
"Yes I'll have the Salmon Dinner and (farmers name) will have the vegetable salad." Alex grinned.
"Wonderful I'll get that in for Alex. You two enjoy." Gus smiled walking away.
"Uhh... why did you just order for me?" You asked blankly looking at him.
"Yeah a gentleman should order for you. Sebastian wouldn't know anything about that. Hes a freak." Alex said blankly staring back at you.
"Uhh.. no he's not. I can order for myself. What if I don't like salads. You're just gonna assume I like that. Just like how you assume Sebastian is a freak. Have you ever just tried to talk to him?" You asked glaring at him.
"Of course not. Why would I talk to him? He's boring and weird. He lives in the basement like vampire." Alex huffed.
"God.. You're just like every other man. I can-" You were cut off by Gus coming over.
"Here we are the Salmon Dinner for you Alex. And a vegetable garden salad for you (farmers name). Enjoy please." Gus smiled.
"Uh thank you Gus but-" Alex interrupted you.
"She wanted to know if she could get more salad dressing." Alex said.
"Of course. I'll be back." Gus smiled walking away.
"Alex stop inter-" He cut you off again.
"Relax. Just enjoy your food baby." He smiled eating.
"Okay... Wow... I'm done." You hissed.
"Shut the fuck up and eat." He hissed.
"Fuck you. It's already annoying as fuck Sebastian cuts me off. I can't deal with someone else doing to me." You hissed standing up.
"You will sit down and enjoy your salad." He demanded.
"Here you want it so bad. Fuck you Alex. Bye." You said throwing the salad on him and walking out of Saloon.
You were upset and walking not paying attention. You started to make your way down to the beach.
"(Farmers name)! Wait!" Someone called out after you.
"I said I was fucking done Alex." You yelled back till they grabbed you.
"I'm not Alex.." Sam was looking at you smiling faintly.
"Oh my God. Sam I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you." You said apologizing to him.
"Hey its all good (farmers name). What were you doing with Alex? How come you weren't with Seb? What's going on with you and Seb anyway? Not to be nosey... well I'm being nosey. You don't have to tell me anything haha." Sam stuttered.
"Sam... It's okay. I don't know what I was doing with Alex... I'm mad with Sebastian... I don't know what to do Sam.... I like him... but he makes me so mad sometimes... he's difficult to deal with... but I really like him.... like really really like... And Abby... guh she won't leave me alone... Sebastian does things with her and won't tell me... I don't know if I can trust him.... I shouldn't be telling you this... sorry Sam..." You were rambling and stuttering.
"Hey hey hey calm down (farmers name). Everything is going to be okay. I said it before but Abby has had a crush on Sebastian for like ever. She really likes him. I don't know why she's obsessed but she is. She's told me. I don't know how to help you with her. She gets mad very easily. And as for Sebastian. He's tough character to love. He's stubborn and loyal. But his stubbornness gets the best of him. Sometimes space from him helps. I know you like him. But I'm sure you're mad because he said something stupid. He says a lot of stupid things. But if you show him he was wrong and how it made you feel he'll understand. Anyway it's getting late. Let me walk you home." Sam explained smiling.
"Yeah. Thank you Sam." You smiled following after him.
You both walked back home to farm house in silence. Once you got there he stopped and looked at you.
"Hey... He likes you too... you know. He talks about you alot. I think he really really likes you too." Sam smiled and waved bye to you.
You waved back to him and walked inside the farm house. You sighed and got into bed. You closed your eyes and went to sleep. It was now 2 days till the flower dance. You woke up at 6:00 am and went outside to water your crops and feed the chickens. After you were done watering your crops you went into town. You checked the bulletin board and saw Sebastian had put a request in. He wanted 10 rocks for something. You rolled your eyes and started making your way up the mountain.
Demetrius was outside again watering the plants when you got there.
"Oh hello (farmers name). You're not here for Sebastian right?" He asked glaring at you.
"Uhh... actually I am..." You said blankly.
"You could do better you know." He said just staring at you.
"We're just friends.." You said.
"You could still do so much better." He huffed.
"Why do you hate him so much? Yeah he's annoying but why?" You huffed.
"He's useless. And-" You cut him off.
"Enough. I don't want to hear your sad excuses. You should be respecting him." You glared at him.
"Do not talk to me about re-" Demetrius was cut off again but by Sebastian.
"Why the fuck are you here (farmers name)?" Sebastian hissed coming out the door behind Demetrius.
"I'm here... to drop off your bulletin board order." Your eyes met his rage filled eyes.
"I'm just gonna... go." Demetrius said walking away quickly.
"Well.. do you want it or not?" You crossed your arms glaring at him.
"Yeah fine... thanks I guess.." He huffed standing in front of you.
"Whatever. You're a fucking asshole." You were talking with your hands.
"Yeah whatever... I don't have time for this..." He said huffing and turning away.
"Fuck.... You... Sebastian... I don't fucking have time for you either!" You hissed flipping him off and started walking away.
"Yeah whatever... fucking walk away bitch.." He hissed strolling up the mountain.
You felt your eye twitch when he said bitch. You whipped back around picked up a rock and threw it at him. It hit him in the head. He whipped around and glared at you.
"Really?" He asked glaring at you.
You marched up to him and pushed him.
"Fuck you." You huffed feeling your eyes tear up a bit.
""Stop... (farmers name).." He grabbed you and pulled you close to him.
"No... Sebastian... I'm upset with you..." Your eyes met his. He put his hands on your face gently.
"I know... I'm mad at you too..." He huffed. His face was close to yours. Your heart and mind were racing.
"No you don't get to be mad at me... You embarrassed me... You don't want to dance with me... You hang out with Abby and then lie about it to me... How can I trust you.. You're a hard man to love... You never tell me what exactly you want... I can't believe I was dumb enough to hang out with Alex today because I am mad at you... I.." You were rambling.
"Wait.... what the fuck you mean you hung out with Alex?" Sebastian eyes flickered with anger.
"I... uhh.." You tried looking away from him but he pulled your face to look back at him.
"Answer me." His eyes were fixated on you.
"Don't do that to me." You hissed.
"I said answer me." His voice was stern.
"You left me.. what the fuck was I supposed to think. I didn't think we'd talk anymore." You tried pleading with him.
"So you go out with that scum bag. Smooth.." He hissed.
"Yeah I did.. But I left asshole. Believe or not but when he started calling you a freak I lost it and left." You huffed.
"Right... sure you did. Why would you do that if I'm just an asshole to you." He looked away from you.
"I never said that... Sebastian... I like you a lot please..." You grabbed his face making him look at you.
"Then why call me it all the time?" His eyes met yours.
"I'm sorry... I'll stop... But you need to stop the arguing and yelling at me. I'm trying Sebastian I really am. I would like to go with you to the flower dance." You said eyeing him.
"Okay.. I'll try to be more calm. You will NEVER see Alex again. We will be going to the flower dance together. I've missed you (farmers name)." He moved his lips closer to yours.
"Great... so it's a date now. I've missed you more." You said wrapping your arms around him playing with his hair.
"Perfect... I'll pick you up at 8:00 am. Look beautiful." He smirked.
"Oh do I not look beautiful everyday?" You asked raising an eye brow. You felt his arms wrap around your waist.
"You look perfect and beautiful everyday. But you don't need me to tell you that." He grinned.
Your heart was racing. He smelled so good. All you could smell was him. It was so intoxicating. His eyes looked perfect. You were so close to him. Your lips were so close to his.
"(farmers name).." Sebastian said taking a deep breath brushing your cheek with his thumb.
"Sebastian..." You whispered slowly.
"Will..." To be continued...
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okchijt · 2 years
If you’re up for another alphabet, could it be a yandere one with Yuya Kanazaki from A.I.C.O. Incarnation? Thank you!
Author's Note: Thank you so much Anon for the request! Now the show and the character are severely underrated so I was very surprised to even get a request for it! This is also the first time I write anything yandere related so I'm very sorry if this is gonna suck. But I hope you and the people without any idea about the character or the show will still enjoy this. But I honestly don't think this isn't going to get any traction at all, but I'm fine with that cause I'm just happy to get a request from one of my favorite shows ever lmao And lastly, go ahead and check out my masterlist if you like what you just read and if you want to request anything yourself, thank you, and enjoy!❤
Yuya Kanzaki -> Yandere Alphabet
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Yuya is a pretty reserved guy, but he's not shy about showing physical affection either. He'll mainly pet your head if you've done something that pleased him or he has to touch you in one way or another. It could get extremely intense sometimes because he needs to hold/touch you in one way or another because of how paranoid and protective he is over you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Yuya is willing to do just about anything and everything for you, but he won't get messy if he doesn't need to. He'll only kill someone if he absolutely has to, he'd rather manipulate/trick them into leaving you alone or set up an accident for them to either get extremely hurt in or even die. But if he absolutely has, he will get his hands bloody, just for you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Nope. Yuya will act the same as always, but once you're with him he will be a lot more demanding and controlling of you. He'll expect you to listen to him "no questions asked" and do what he says. If he tells you to go to bed even though you're not tired and will say to him, he will force you to lie down anyway and make sure you stay there. There is honestly no arguing with that guy.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Depends. Would he force himself on you? Absolutely not. Yuya may want you to return his affections, but he's not so far gone to do that to you, he wants you to be willing and decide for yourself at least in that department. Though like I said earlier if he wants you to go to bed or wants you to eat, he will make you do it with or without consent.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Barely ever. Yuya will only ever get vulnerable with you if you got a strong reaction out of him for whatever reason to which he'll begin to lose his cool a little and maybe overshare some of his thoughts and feelings with you. He'll begin to frantically tell you how much you mean to him and to always listen to him so you wouldn't get hurt in whatever way.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
With how in control Yuya wants to be regarding you in every situation, he wouldn't be happy about it. He'd expect and even tolerate it if you decided to act out during the beginning of you're relationship. But if you still continue despite how long the relationship is, Yuya will only get more annoyed each time and his punishments will get harsher. He'll begin to address you in a more strict and threatening tone while squeezing your wrists or shoulders tighter as if daring you to do the thing he's against again. If you don't back down and repeat what you did, he'll lock you in the basement with nothing but a bed and he'll make you stay there until his anger dies down.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Nope, not at all. This isn't a game to him, not in the slightest. Yuya loves you and needs to keep you safe, you escaping is the opposite of that. He absolutely hates when you do that and once he catches you, you won't be able to leave his side once for weeks. He'll follow you everywhere or make you follow him everywhere for the next few weeks until he can begin to trust you again.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
If you push his buttons hard enough, he'll lock you inside your room or the basement with no entertainment or human interaction at all for God knows how long until you learn your lesson. The punishment doesn't sound so bad but you could be locked in that room for weeks on end if he so pleases.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
A normal domestic day-to-day life. Yuya doesn't really care for marriage or having children, but if you'd want that then he's more than happy to deliver. He just needs to wait until you learn to love him.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yuya barely ever gets jealous, but when he does, it's hard to tell. He normally just keeps it to himself and just be more touchy-feely with you if he can in order to make the person he's jealous of back off.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Yuya would still be his reserved self around you, but he'd be more relaxed and affectionate too. He'd always have to be touching you in some way, standing so close to you that your shoulders/hands touch, or just being around you whenever he can.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
The same as with Aiko. Yuya will just randomly appear in your life by either becoming an exchange student or starting work in the same job as you. He just wants to be in your life as soon as possible to get close to you before you realize what's going on.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not really. Yuya acts mostly the same more or less, he's just visually more relaxed around you compared to everyone else. He's just generally softer with you than with the others and more caring.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Yuya doesn't like punishing you, but he will if you act out and continue so even if the tells you to stop. Yuya's punishments would consist of him locking you inside a room and not letting you out until you learn your lesson or invading your personal space, making you extremely uncomfortable the whole time cause he won't stop being near you until you apologize for upsetting him.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Depends, Yuya is a really protective guy over you, and depending on what you want to do he might step in and put his foot down. For example, you're free to wander around the house all you want, but if you want to go outside then only under Yuya's watch. The same can be said about other activities like going out or cooking, depending on how dangerous something seems to him, he won't let you do it unless he's around. But if we ignore that then that's pretty much the only right he'll take away from you.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Extremely so, Yuya is a very patient person, but he's had moments of that patience cracking with others, but almost never with you. You'd really have to push him over the edge to lose his patience with you, and we already know what will happen if you do, so it's not worth it.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. Yuya is a person that cares a lot about people he's close to, and you're one of those people times a 100. I think Yuya would just completely shut down, blaming himself for your absence in his life, not seeing a point in living anymore if it means you're gone.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Not in the slightest. Yuya does what he does to keep you safe, it's his duty and responsibility to do so. He doesn't view it as wrong as long as you're safe with him. And no, Yuya would never let you go. Keeping you by his side is his entire identity and goal, that's all that matters to him.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
When he had to change bodies and once The Matter broke out. Something snapped in Yuya when all of that happened, fearing you'll meet the same fate one day he vowed to take care of and protect you. And it only got worse for you down the road.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Yuya doesn't like seeing you like that one bit. Can you tell though? No. His expression is always the same, his features are just a tad bit softer when he sees you like this. He'll leave you alone for a bit to come down and to let it all out, only once you're ready Yuya will approach you with a cup of tea and tissues for you. And if you'd let him, he'd hug you or even cuddle you until you fall asleep on top of him. It's the only time you'd ever see him this vulnerable with you, so appreciate it while it lasts, because once you feel better Yuya's yandere tendencies will kick right in again.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Yes, Yuya doesn't kill people, he sees no need in doing so. There's already so little of the human race thanks to The Matter that he doesn't see the point, he'd rather use people than kill them. But like I said, if he absolutely must, he will kill, but that's rare.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Barely any, if you met Yuya after he transferred bodies then tough luck cause he ain't showing any weakness to you. If you knew him before he changed bodies then the guilt of being one of the reasons that The Matter exists would be the way to go. You might even break his mind if you push him too far, and that won't be pretty.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Absolutely not! Yuya would never hurt you, he doesn't even allow the thought to enter his mind. You're just far too precious and important to him to hurt you.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Yuya sees you as a slightly above him equal, you're just far too perfect for him. Yuya would do just about anything for you, he'd study you and stalk you before approaching, using the things he's learned about you to his advantage. You wouldn't suspect a thing of his true feeling and intentions until you get kidnapped, only then will learn his true colors.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Depends, if it was before the outbreak, a very long time or never. Yuya wants you to live as a normal person in a normal relationship for as long as it's possible, never letting you suspect him of who he really is. But with The Matter around, at most a month so he can prepare everything you need before taking you to keep you safe.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Depends on what kind of person you are. If you're satisfied with Yuya being the only human interaction that follows you and controls you all with the excuse of "keeping you safe", then yes. But I doubt that. You'll grow desperate to get away from him and spend time with your loved ones again, making you either go crazy or shut down emotionally. Yuya doesn't want that to happen though so he'll try anything to keep that from happening while sticking to the rules he set up for you. Though ultimately, the breakdown would be unintentional on Yuya's part, doesn't mean he's not to blame.
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kazumahashimoto · 2 years
one thing i've been thinking about vis a vis zack's kazu esque status is like. and i feel like i'd have to give all the crisis core cutscenes another rewatch to fully confirm this. but i think, generally speaking, a lot of people blow zack's facade out of proportion. and it's funny because it was that "zack fair is TIRED of this BULLSHIT" video that got me thinking about it but i watch that video and i'm like yknow. kazu would never do any of this. and sure, "kazu esque" is a completely arbitrary classification i made up for characters i enjoy, but the whole "zack is secretly really sad" thing is a concept i see people dig into a lot. a lot more than i think zack actually does it himself. zack is a spunky happy go lucky guy yes, but he also gets annoyed easily and he never shys away from expressing that. when sephiroth tells him the higher ups don't want him going on a mission because they're worried his personal feelings will get in the way of obeying orders, he says, "well of course!". he's not masking anything for anyone by this point. i don't think he's masking for aerith either, not with his bravado and not to hide his discontent. a HUGE difference in this to me is to look at some of their lowest points. for kazu, when he gets found out, and for zack, when angeal dies. kazu did not seek out his friends. not once. not even slightly. the only reason anything even happened was because saku noticed he was slipping up in his performance. kazu never intended any of them to find out about anything, not after he decided he needed to keep this up in order to hold himself together. but he fell apart, and they noticed, and they helped. kazu does not hug haru back in this moment, and he never asked him to come. zack on the other hand, GOES to aerith. we don't see zack explain to her what happened, he sits in the middle of the church with his back faced to her, crying. he does not hug aerith back, but he still reached out. aerith didn't find HIM, he found HER. kazu would not have done that.
zack's facade isn't something that comes into effect until after nibelheim, and it's only ever to cloud. emphasis on AFTER NIBELHEIM. zack is a friendly guy, i don't think any of their interactions before this were built on trying to. idk keep up the rose tinted idea cloud had in his head of what soldiers were like. and in nibelheim, when cloud prods, zack tells him outright how he feels. zack is angry, he's upset, he's confused, oh but he's a soldier so who cares, he's just paid to hit stuff, not ask questions. he TELLS cloud this. it's only after all they went through in the mansion's basement that zack starts putting up a front, and again, just for cloud. when he sees genesis, lazard, cissnei, he's still just as angry and upset as he was before. he just keeps the smile on for cloud, and maybe himself too in a way. to hold onto normalcy. and so because of this, perhaps because it's how his character goes out, smiling, despite it all, this is were people decide he would continue being if he lived. idk that that's true though!!! like honestly i don't think The Facade was actually that big of A Thing for zack. he smiles and pats his head and makes sure to tell cloud how things are going great whenever he's around, because jesus christ!!! cloud is dying!!!!! cloud is POISONED!!!!!!! he didn't lie to cloud about how fucked shit was when cloud was FINE, but cloud is barely conscious, you think zack is gonna be venting his frustrations to his sick friend?? no!!! he's gonna sit there and smile and tell him everything is gonna be okay!!!! and i don't think that would carry over for long, if zack lived. i mean especially not to cloud, who would absolutely call him on his bullshit. so anyway. my point. i feel like, above all the other arbitrary traits on my kazu esque list, masking all emotions and having a facade is, to me, the most defining of what makes a character kazu esque. and so while YES, i think there are other traits i would classify zack being kazu esque for, i feel like THIS trait in particular regarding zack is one blown WAYYYY out of proportion. zack doesn't actually hide how he feels all that much, he's just a nice guy who also has the capacity to get upset about things. he's multidimensional and he shows that. so. a zack/kazu parallels dissertation may or may not happen, we'll see!
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