#though i enjoy drawing melancholic stuff like this sometimes
mspaint-flower · 1 year
I wanna see an injured Flower please.
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anisecandy · 1 year
4, 11, and 55 for the fic writer meme!
Hi! The last two days were really busy, family came over etc, so I couldn't answer right away... sorry!
4 - Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
It depends on the project I'm working on! The most obvious answer is other people's writing of course. I'm often inspired by other people's interpretations of the character. For example, I love reading fanfics which deepen the characters in ways I would never consider myself, or even explore small, but interesting elements of their life. However, sometimes when I'm working on a WIP focusing specifically on exploration of emotions and building the mood, I get just tons of inspiration from... observing weather and seeking for perfect ways to describe the sky. Yeah. It sounds silly, I know. But sometimes finding the most atmospheric ways of describing nature is what really puts me in the writing mood!
11 - Link your three favorite fics right now
Ahh- Okay, I'll keep it varied, so let's go with different fandom each.
So, currently I'm following a really cute batdr fic focusing on Ink Demon's and Audrey's relationship (platonic), called "Born from the same ink".
Then, there's also an interesting silly-premise-treated-seriously fic for toh, about Belos becoming friends with Luz (yes, really), by the name of "Resoning with crazy".
And finaly! There's no way I would pass on the opportunity of preaching about "Familiarity, Not To Be Confused For Affection". Top Spidervenom read of all times. Kinda comedic, kinda melancholic. Bitter and sincere. Lovely work, absolutely lovely.
55 - Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
So, here's a little secret about me: I don't really... like writing. I like reading the stuff I've written, yeah, but I don't enjoy writing as much as I enjoy, let's say, drawing. Which is to say, that when choosing the perspective from which I'm writing is usually affected by how difficult it would be to pull off. So usually, I prefer writing from the perspective of characters I can find myself emulating with the most ease. However, out of the fics I've written (only like... half? 2/5? of which are posted on ao3), I think I might have enjoyed writing Venom Symbiote's perspective the most. Which is interesting to me, because it's pretty challenging and requires me to focus on different kinds of stuff than I normally do! But when I'm in the right mood, it's really interesting to try my hands at doing it. I've never really gotten any reaction from my readers to it though, hah!
(also, Ink Bendy. Those who know, know. Was pretty certain that this one wouldn't be received well, but to my delight, it resonated. Although I'm not sure how much of the nuance I wanted to include really came through...)
Thank you for the ask! ✨
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zodismegalame · 1 year
15 questions 15 mutuals
got tagged by @pensiveabstraction so ya
were you named after anyone? nope. originally my dad wanted to name me Bruno after his grandfather but my mom found a name that she liked and my dad agreed to it!
when was the last time you cried? fuck, good question. tw // suicide: might've been talking about a friend who committed suicide with the therapy group we shared which happened i'd say around a month or so ago.
do you have kids? nah
do you use sarcasm a lot? kinda. more irony than sarcasm if anything.
what's the first thing you notice about people? i can tell if i'm gonna enjoy a person's presence pretty quickly.
what's your eye color? green, although it can be more grey (or brighter) depending on the weather and lighting, apparently.
scary movies or happy endings? i like both. i enjoy bittersweet endings a shitton also, those that are more open or perhaps melancholic while not being outright "bad". sometimes a really good bad ending can be great though (Little Shop of Horrors, for example).
any special talents? i like to think im good at making music, and i do play 4 instruments (at one point i played the trumpet also but i've since forgotten). i'm also pretty flexible and can put both my feet behind my head like a pretzel. also i'm a pretty fast learning.
where were you born? the capital city of buenos aires. i dont remember the hospital's name.
what are your hobbies? listening to and making music, writing and reading, informing myself about other cultures, political stuff, learning about history, drawing (not very well, but still), graphic design, photography, film and occasionally web development.
have any pets? i have a cat who is a demonic goblin and i had a dog who is an absolute angel sent down from the heavens. the dog's still alive but she lives with my grandma now.
what sports do you play/have you played? i played football (or soccer for you filthy americans), went to swimming classes, dipped my toes into volley and i've always wanted to play tennis.
how tall are you? i think around 171 or 172cm. you do the math for imperial units.
favorite subject in school? history, political science, compsci and math occasionally. history because i like informing myself of past events cus it interests me, political science because i like politics and my political science teacher was a marxist so we vibed hard, compsci cause it was easy and we learned some programming by the end and math sometimes cus i like puzzle solving (certain parts were annoying tho).
dream job? making a living out of music, not through some big label tho. just having my own label (or being signed to an independent one), making a modest amount of money, saving up some cash to build a small studio with analog equipment and maybe owning a record shop to promote stuff i like and having a 2nd hand records system that is pretty rare where i live. helping artists i like get promoted here and conversing with labels overseas to help spread the word of music i enjoy outside of my home turf and being able to import artists i like to help them build an audience here as well.
anyways tagging @lukewarmorangejulius cus i don't have any other moots LOL
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undead-merman · 3 years
Heyo! I loved your headcanons for the brothers and Simeon as sirens, they were a truly *chef kiss*. Can we also have siren Barbatos and Diavolo? Yandere too and sfw, please!
Thanks in advance!
I'm always down to write Aquatic monsters.
🧜‍♂️Siren Diavolo and Barbatos🧜‍♂️ as a yanderes GN- reader SFW
Diavolo is much, much larger than other sirens. While sirens grow to be about a foot or two bigger than humans, Diavolo is massive, fifteen feet long and with tons of bulk and muscle to match his massive size. He looks more similar in size to a giant than a siren.
Despite his size he is dazzling in the sun. When his crimson hair catches beams of light he looks divine, almost like a holy glow surrounds him as he rests on the rocks. His tail is the same stunning red as the blood red sunset and has a bright pearlescent. His scales are just as reflective and polished as a bright red sports car. His skin is deeply kissed by the sun, making his skin look smooth and shiny. His nightshade red fins are long and butterfly shaped; they trail slightly behind him like silk.
He wears all kinds of jewels and golds, all of them perfectly fit around his skull and fins. They drift perfectly around his large frame and glimmer even in the smallest amount of light.
Diavolo is the only siren able to keep his glamor up even if he’s excited, in the water, or even angry. He has full control over it and only shifts to it when he’s actively trying to strike fear into something or someone. His true form is like that of sea monsters in folktales, monstrous in size and able to take a ship down into the dark depths of the open ocean, to swallow whole crews, and create winds and storms as he lets out a devilish scream which can be heard for hundreds of miles around.
Royalty amongst Loners and Sunken Hideaway
Despite their lone lifestyles, only really enjoying the company of their mates, most Sirens look to Diavolo as more of a god than any type of king or prince despite having the title of prince. They worship his power and bow down to his whims and needs. They bring him tributes in the form of small treasures and Diavolo returns these gifts with blessings of more intoxicating songs, stronger wills, his watchful eye and protection, or just overall greater strength. Diavolo seems to freely give these boons no matter how small the gift.
Since he’s a well known and well visited siren, he’s built his home in the sunken ruins of a castle in a city whose culture and history has died long ago. It’s well taken care of by servants who have pledged their lives to Prince Diavolo and are surprisingly pleasant and tolerable with one another. They equate this to Diavolo’s power and grace but only those who are truly loyal to Diavolo stay here.
His voice can bring either madness or blessings and can be the most beautiful thing your ears could ever hope to hear or one so evil, devious, and grotesque you’re driven into a hypnotic bloodlust to those with even the strongest wills. His lullabies sound so melancholic.
He hides away in a large garden which has its own open air biosphere bathed in light by a glass ceiling which has yet to crack yet bathes the whole garden in a beautiful light. A single golden curly willow grows in the center with dozens of flowers growing around it. Here the air is surprisingly fresh and floats on the surface never touching the water around it like it’s a time capsule. He’ll lounge here to clear his head watching the butterflies that have grown here, alone and have never seen the outside.
Spending time with you
You and only you heard his song and wept. The feelings of his loneliness tugged at your heart instead of your head being filled with euphoric thoughts of power and blessings or instantly pounding through your skull until you screamed. You truly heard his song, understood the lyrics behind them and felt the way he did when he sang them. When he saw your face littered with tears and face hot with sympathy for him he felt his whole body go numb. You were something special, someone truly remarkable. He needed to know more about you.
And so started a passion in his heart to learn everything about you, your traditions, your light quirks, your hobbies and everything he could possibly learn. It sent him down a rabbit hole of studying humans that he refused to climb out of and gladly let swallow him if it just allowed him to get closer to you and understand you better.
He doesn’t mind what form you see him in, as long as he can see you he’s thrilled and happy. He’ll approach you like a dog, his tail swishing excitedly as he asks you questions he formed in his head from the day. He has to be careful in his true form otherwise he can cause a lot of damage to the nearby area and draw too much attention to you two.
He loves to pick you up and hold you, be in his true form or not and travel with you on his back, or when his true form shows in his hands or on his head as he intentionally kicks up some water to playfully mist you. Moments like these make him forget he was ever even alone to begin with.
If you ever wanted to see some kind of sea creature or visit some island he’s happy to oblige bringing the creature over with his divine rule over the ocean or happily just takes you there one day while making you cover your eyes to surprise you. The look on your face makes his heart swell so much he almost feels like it will jump out of his mouth if he’s not careful.
Dark Tendencies
Diavolo isn’t against using others to get what he wants, he'll ruin everything for anyone or anything to get what he wants. He’ll destroy small islands and wipe out ports so nothing can distract you from dates he takes you on.
If he feels like you aren’t close enough to him or are drifting away from him, for some reason or another, he’s simply going to just pluck you away from your old life so you don’t have any excuse to be away from him anymore. You're his now, you don’t have to worry about that silly stuff anymore, both of you can be together now. Why not just get married now? It would be much easier. Siren’s don’t marry, they just pick a mate but he’s willing to put the frills on it for you and your human ways. He finds it cute!
He doesn’t ever connect the dots if you struggle against him or plead for him to let you go, he’s wrapped up in his own delusions of you being a happy little couple that he’ll blame some outside force. If you go along with him he’ll remain peaceful and sweet.
He absolutely hates it when other sirens see you and while he’s not outwardly violent to them he is quite hostile. Grinding his teeth and asking them to look away from you while his tail twitches with the intent to lash out.
He gave you your own little haven to decorate, he gave you the garden all for your own. He even made sure to promise to give you your own space and privacy here, just as long as you come to his call. Don’t worry though, only you, him, and Barbatos know of this place, and you can’t run from him here!
Misc stuff
His scales shed infrequently since he doesn’t get into fights with other sirens since all of them know better. His scales are radiating with his power and are well known to bring massive good luck to all those Diavolo gives them to. He’s always giving you things made from his scales and he’s so thrilled to see you in them. He likes adding them to a circlet crown he had made custom just for you so you can match him. He plans on matching you to him with every little piece of jewelry, even down to matching rings.
He requires you to sleep with him. He can sleep out of the water perfectly fine and just pulls you into a lavish den he made for the two of you. It’s somehow unbelievably cozy sleeping with him. His body is warm and everything he set up is the best out there. He just holds you in his warm arms and nods off with you.
He’s quite a picky eater. He refuses to eat anything he doesn’t like and will only eat it if you so happen to beg him to, but only if you're insistent, otherwise he’s already slowly drifting away from it.
For a siren he’s smaller than most. He’s quite slender and not much muscle to him, but despite his size, his appearance is perfect in every way, not a hair out of position, not a scale that isn’t out of polished or asymmetric, and his skin without a blemish or scar to be found. He takes a huge amount of time to groom himself perfectly.
His scales more resemble sea snakes, even having black stripes like them, though his tail is a solid dark seafoam green. He’s not especially radiant compared to others, but he doesn’t mind at all, he prefers to melt into the background more.
His tailfin is wide though, having a lyretail shape with black stripes going across it. It’s the same dark color as his scales and he has only two side fins but they look like long ribbons stretching from his hips to about halfway down his tail.
His glamor when melted away leaves behind an even darker looking creature. He looks like a stormy sea and is covered in nasty sharp thorns that don’t just stop at his elbows but lead down to his hips and thin yet long and sharp claws and stark black webbing in between without a tear or hole.
Serving Another
Serving the Royal Family was an honor his family was born with for generations and one he realizes the importance to. Diavolo is powerful enough to sink ships and cities and he provided some of that power and grace onto him rewarding him and his ancestors before him for loyalty, slowly turning Barbatos’s family into nearly just as powerful creatures as him.
He enjoys watching the whims of a child like god try to make sense of a kingdom, it's good fun to see him enjoying his life he is able to live vicariously through his high energy.
He puts his all into everything he does, he hates wasted efforts so he does everything he can into what he does but it gets tiring. Sometimes when trying to sleep, he finds himself unable. He’s always had poor sleep but he’s dealt with it for so long now that it's normal for him now. He starts his morning eating a small slice of kelp known for reducing head pain, all while preparing for the morning.
Spending time with you
If Diavolo took an interest in a human then you certainly had to be interesting. Well when he met you and saw you drinking tea with a huge Diavolo stretched around the floating garden. He just knew you were a human with a soul like no other.
He often brings you your favorite beverages and chats with you, simply at first to get to know you but he found you captivating, each word you spoke he held onto like it was the last he would ever hear and it was gospel. He smiles as you recall old memories, describing how you ended up here. The way you phrased things was unlike anything he had ever heard.
He’s taken the time to find old waterlogged books that were left abandoned in the old library and help restore them for you to read. Inside you find wondrous and fantastical stories of this old kingdom all of them enthralling, and as you read he’s happy to bring you a beverage once more and enjoy your company even if it’s in silence.
Once he’s grown closer with you he often finds himself giving you lingering touches as he pats your shoulder for your attention or grazes his hand on yours when delivering food to you. He even says the most romantic and poetic things to you without even noticing. He falls in love slowly but deeply and almost innocently. He just treasures your time and you as a person, never judging or doubting you.
There was a day when he had pulled you into a parting hug, wishing you a goodnight as Diavolo would return you to the surface but he had simply fallen asleep in your arms. Even Diavolo was shocked as he had never done anything close to something like this. It turns out Barbatos is at the most ease when he’s with you. All of his sleepless nights had just suddenly caught up with him.
Dark Tendencies
His love quickly shifts one day when he see your finger pricked by a stray thorn from a wild flower and as he wiped up the blood with a handkerchief and sees those butterflies fluttering around the wound to drink the blood he realised just how fragile you really were and how nature and life take advantage of that as soon as it could. He couldn’t take losing you. So one day he calls you and just takes you. You think it's just another visit with Baratos fetching you but he takes you to a deep and dark underground cave. Soft phosphorus moss grows all over in cushioned patches and with every step it glows brighter under your feet.
He explains it all to you, openly and honestly but no matter how you plead or try to reason with you, he believes you need to be down here forever. Away from the outside world that would care so little for the death of you and move on like nothing were to happen. He wanted you safe, around and immortalized; he'll never forget you.
He provides you with an array of pleasantries that would have no chance of harming you. He’s damn near baby proofed the small cave but he ensures it's as comfortable as it can be, bringing you three meals a day, all of your favorite drinks and snacks even if you fight him or give him the silent treatment he’s never neglectful of your needs. He believes one day you’ll come to see how much he did for you and understand he just wants you safe.
Misc stuff
He’s a clean freak and refuses to let you sleep on dirt or muck, he’ll thoroughly wash the moss through and treat it so it feels like you're walking on clouds without feeling any slime, having bugs, or being dirty. It's so well taken care of that they look fake.
He hates crabs. He hates those distasteful bottom feeders, their disgusting pinchers and empty eyes. He’s sure to keep them as far away as he can, if startled by one he slams it with his tail with enough force to turn it into little pieces and he’s still frightened by them despite the power difference.
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professorlonic · 2 years
sorry (not sorry) long ass astral guard post again, have it on my mind constantly :P
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going through the folders for table talk and found these axis sprites >:)
think i remember seeing these in the famous rpgmaker 2k3 sale video but also thinking about how this might’ve been a big influence on how i draw Axis’s hair now. Always liked how it goes up to one side (cowlick?) but actually used his updated face sprites when working on that weezer parody
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think i peaked on his hair with this one
idk if the cowlick is technically a canon design anymore though?
still dig his hair even if not but noticed its not as prominent in the table talk title screen/promo and some more recent axis art
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think for the longest time i’ve always been drawing his hearing aids with the antenna thingy at an angle which might’ve been based on older teasers though i think its straight now
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I think i also tend to draw Axis a bit chubbier now too?, and i think that might’ve been party inspired by his proportions in the 2021 teaser? Think Axis is more twinkish in actuality but idk i think a little chub suits him 😆
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I really love referencing old art particularly when drawing astral guard stuff sometimes, like in the piece with Sear and Coda, Axis in the background has a headset inspired by an old rpgmakercola piece with axis in it (unfortunately cant find it right now)
and on a non axis related note, referenced sears old poncho design when doing that steel ball run parody
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(the steel ball run volume cover parody is still probably my favorite astral guard fanart i’ve done so far)
Also I haven’t the faintest idea where i got it from??? I dont remember ever seeing earrings on Voleric but in that second ever astral guard fanart I did i gave him earrings for some reason??? Not a bad look i must admit but I cant remember if that was a creative choice on my part or not.
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Always been obsessed with concept art and seeing the old designs for these characters and how they’ve changed over the course of its development is just so fascinating to me. 
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also look at this old piece (they’re so cute oml 🥺 )
And also seeing how much punkitts artstyle has changed over the course of its development??? Its so inspirational seeing how much it has, i’ve loved their artstyle since i first saw astral guard but like just LOOK at this early piece of Axis compared to something more recent
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like you can TELL that they’re pouring their heart and soul and so much love into this project and its just so inspirational and awesome and i dont know if  i can ever fully express just how much I love seeing how this project has been developing and how much I will love the end result.
Like I would consider myself a relatively melancholic person, and have had a bit of trouble paying attention to the things I like about stuff?? but Astral Guard really has made me start like genuinely trying to just find and enjoy those things?? Don’t really know how to explain it 😆
hope these posts dont get like too annoying, and there will probably be many more long ass blog posts like this but like I do get so much joy seeing punkitts art and im so excited to see what they have in store for not only astral guard but just anything else in the future.
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hoofae · 4 years
Since we’re all in a port mood today could we get some miscellaneous headcanons? 👉👈 I love your interp of him, he’s my ideal portugal
First of all, thank you so much!
And secondly... man I had no idea where to start at first. I draw this character so much and I think it’s the first time someone asks for my headcanons on him. Most headcanons I have are already more or less in line with the fandom. I will try to be brief? 
-There are very few things that bother him nowadays. He’s the epitome of chill and hedonism most of the time. Just wants a good glass of wine, good food and good company. He’s old and just wants to enjoy life. Gets along well with literally anyone on this planet. Has friendly rivalries with just a few but his enemies are all in the past.
-Melancholy is very characteristic of the portuguese soul. And he can be very melancholic indeed. As well as insecure regarding his presence in today’s world. But I’d say he’s far from being depressed. These things don’t bother him as much as they used to. That’s one thing I enjoy about canon Portugal. He’s seen as someone who tends to overthink a lot but at the same time he’s always got a very easy going (and snarky) smile going on. I think that says a lot.
-He has... a very peculiar sense of humour indeed. Definitely likes troll people once in a while. But that is because he adores them so much.
-When he does get upset however it’s hard to break him out of it and he really needs some time alone. He will do his staring at the ocean with his pipe/a cigarette in his mouth for hours and the only way to break him out of that trance is to tell him the chicken coop caught on fire or something. You’re likely going to make the situation worse when he sees it’s all a lie, though. So my advice is just give him time. ;n; Get him a bottle of wine he’ll be fine.
-I’d say going to a fado house is probably a cathartic experience for him when he’s in that state? I don’t know how it works but sometimes you need to fight the sad with more sad. So a nice fado song about some awful tragedy that happened at sea will help?? How does your brain work Port.
-The tobacco is another one. He just smokes a lot in general but especially when something’s bothering him. He started very young and you can hear it in his voice.
-Loves his chickens very much. They have little jackets. Little capes. (Arthur knit those.) Really, he’s the only person in the planet capable of taming that demonic rooster. Fighting savagery with kisses.
-Loves Brazil. He loves Brazil so much. The nation and their people. Consumes brazillian novelas and brazillian music to the point of nausea. His brazillian accent is impeccable because of it. Even Luciano is surprised. Congrats old man you don’t sound like you have a dick in your mouth for once.
-Loves to travel! Centuries have passed but you can’t get the travelling bug out of him. Likes to visit old friends.
-Always had kind of a questionable fashion sense. Even when he was rich enough to buy the most luxurious clothing available. He will insist on wearing the simplest stuff in his wardrobe. Making some weird combinations at times. He’s COMPLETELY unaware of himself. Francis despairs. Unless the shirt comes off. Has excellent footwear taste, though. You should see his boot collection.
-You wanna eat the best seafood cataplana of your life you come to him.
- There’s a reason the fandom likes to call him a slut so much and that is because it’s hard to keep track of the number of people he’s gone to bed with. And for that reason I think it’s nice for him to have someone he can call family. And for me that is Spain. I do like to think they’re related somehow. It’s just my opinion, though. I know a lot of people like to ship them and that’s okay as well. 
-Years of hard labor on ships made the palms of his hands irreparably calloused to this day. He doesn’t like them very much. ;;; His body also shows the signs of that labor but his hands suffered the most.
-Has awful, and I mean AWFUL drawing skills. Especially fauna. In his defense he was seeing some of these animals for the first time in his life and was drawing them from memory. ‘What do you mean that creature I saw jumping out of the ocean for just 3 seconds didn’t have a human face? It definitely had a human face. A human face and a large horn in the middle of the forehead. No it’s not the Poncha speaking.’ THE THING IS, this idiot can draw perfect freehand circles for some reason? It’s all the navigational charts he had to study probably.
...And I’ll stop here because THIS GOT LONG and I could go on but I will end this post by saying that yes it’s true that he is a renowned worldwide slut. 
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ocular-intercourse · 4 years
okay @mangosandchili 14 OC questions instead of 16 cause ned picked the other two 🙏
actually.. let me split this character-wise so I won’t take 100 years
finn gets first draw always
🌲 What is the kindest thing your OC has ever done for someone? What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for them? On the flip side, what is the worst thing your OC has done to another person?
Hmm hm kindness seems like a weird concept to think about for Finn. Cause yeah, he is excessively, self-sacrificingly kind, but he can also turn that off pretty easily when the other end does not deserve it in his eyes. The kindest thing he has ever done, continues to do sometimes, absolutely misplaced, is caring for his father, not giving up on him. Back when they were still living together, when his dad was too drunk to function, he’d clean him up, clean up around him, sober him up, even after the beatings started, forgiving him over and over. The kindest thing someone did to him was probably his mom getting him out of that situation.
The worst thing he has done to somebody else.. what an absolute nightmare question for Finn hasdghj. Take your pick between not magically being able to keep Kitty alive, continuously cheating on Emily like the single greatest asshole in the world or leaving Shawn straight after he tried to kill himself… he’d probably be able to come up with some other things that seem to be true in his eyes but might not be quite as bad as he sees them.
🌳 What does your OC do when they see others upset or in pain? An upset friend? A stranger?
He helps. Stops what he is doing and runs to help the more he loves the person. He could be standing on the court of some major tournament and drop the bat to go and help one of his loved ones, you can call him in the middle of the night and be sure to count on his help. Nothing in his own personal life can be more important than helping a friend in distress, so he’ll almost always put himself second. And if he does not, for whatever reason, no matter how justified, he’ll feel guilty about it. The same goes for strangers, in a way, of course not quite as extreme. But if he’d see someone in need of help, he won’t walk past it. He’s the type of person, when you’re in public and something happens that makes everyone uncomfortable, makes them pointedly stare someplace else or walk off hurriedly, he’d be the one to step in with no regard to his personal safety. He’d be the guy trying to safe someone from getting hit with a car, or step in between fights, argue with the police, make sure a person gets home safe.. But he also thinks ahead about what he could do for people. I made a post a while back about him being the kind of person to bring homeless people warm drinks and shoes in winter. I’m not quite sure what drives him, I think it’s one part his personal experience, knowing how it feels when nobody helps, but also him feeling guilty, feeling like he is a burden and a bad person and he needs to counterweight somehow.
🌿 What is something true about your OC that they refuse to admit about themselves? Is there any reason to this besides embarrassment?
He will NOT. EVER. let people tell him he is/would be a good father. He is though, he’s been practically raising his little half-brother since he was three (he’s seven now) since his mother is.. uh.. not exactly full-time mom material. And the kid is so good, he’s great actually, smart as hell, already running circles around him, skipped some classes (actually I’m thinking about it more and more but what used to be a he when i came up with him might actually be a trans girl but we’ll see so I’m sticking with describing Bryant as him atm, that’d be something that develops in the story in the future). But if somebody tells him what a good job he did/does with Bryant Finn would shut that down immediately. And then go and cry about it. He gets really panicky about the thought of being a father, since fathers in his family have traditionally not been especially great at it. There are arguments between him and Shawn, who says that Finn worrying so much about being a good father would already make him a hell of a better father than he ever had.
🍃 Describe a regular day for your OC. What is their schedule (if they have one).
He’s developed a pretty good routine since he went pro, which helps a lot with his moods and all. He will get up early, 7-ish, go for a run, come home, make breakfast, a lot, cause he has to eat constantly to keep mass. Then it’s time for some “paperwork”, organizing stuff, calls with sponsors and partners and whoever wants something of him, photoshoots, interviews, collabs. Cooking, eating. Meeting with his trainer, training or training solo. Depending on the day picking up Bryant from school and hanging out with him/meeting his sister/mother/other friends. Cooking, eating. On every other day streaming, mostly some games, sometimes cooking, sometimes just hanging out with fans. Mania/depression will of course throw some wrenches in there but he’s been pretty good at keeping things together lately. If he’d be back with Shawn he’d also trim all the job stuff down a bunch, a lot of his excessive training atm is very much just to keep himself occupied.
🍁 What is your OC’s most traumatic experience? (If they don’t have just one traumatic experience either pick one or describe them all!)
Ha, laughing at the describe them all.. let’s not. The biggest is definitely losing Kitty. It has completely, both positively and negatively, marked his life. It made him develop his strict anti-drug stance and the focus on sticking things through to avoid hurting his family. Sometimes he thinks back to it, if Kitty would not have died, who he would have become. He’s mostly sure he’d be the one who had killed himself instead, without the trauma of losing her he would not have thought about what that would do to others as much. He’d most definitely be an addict in one way or another. He would not like himself very much. He also ABSOLUTELY hates that thought cause he can’t bare seeing anything positive in her death, he refuses to think about it that way. He’d bring her back in a heartbeat, regardless of what that would do to him. So instead he is much more focused on the fear of losing his loved ones, of somehow being responsible for it either directly or indirectly by not seeing it and not helping.
🍄 How would your OC react to the death of a friend/family member/loved one? Is there anyone they can confide in?
Oh boy how fitting. It was already the absolute worst thing to happen to him, knocked him out for quite a while, people had to babysit him constantly, he dropped out of school, it took him a lot of time and energy to resemble a human being again. If it would happen again I think he would just stop functioning. He wants to follow but promised himself not to, so he can’t, but that does not make him feel better. I think he would have to be hospitalized in some way or another, stay in a clinic for a while. Other than that Shawn and Raphael would be the ones he would confide in the most. His sister too, in a way, but with her he would be much more worried about putting all this negative shit on her.
🌾 What would your OC be like if they were evil. Or if they’re already evil what would they be like as the good guy?
Oh I’m excited about this question for some of the others lol. It’s really hard to picture Finn as an evil person. He sure likes to believe he’s an unlovable asshole but he’s really not, that’s at the core of his character. Evil Finn would have married Emily and been an asshole about it, cheating and not being safe about it. He’d be a drug dealer probably, that’s the worst thing regular Finn could imagine himself to be. He’d just be bitter and aggressive and living it out, enjoying dragging others into the muck with him.
💐 How would your OC react to somebody telling them that they love them? (+ bonus give another characters/OC name!)
Definitely depends on whether the intention is platonic or romantic. Emily and Raphael showing romantic interest would just make him sad? Melancholic? Guilty. Cause he wants to make them happy, but he can’t give them what they want, even if he loves them, he does not love them that way. Shawn telling him he loves him would just.. break a dam, he’d definitely cry and be absolutely overwhelmed and relieved. Also a little scared. Anybody else saying it would just prompt him to, uh, probably stop seeing them. Flight instinct. He is so not over what happened between him and Shawn he will run for the hills at any sign of a potential relationship.
🌷 What does your OC hate about themself? What lies about themself do they believe? On the flip side, What does your OC love about themself?
I love these questions, they were very much made for the way I write characters lol. Especially Finn, cause a lot of him is just being tortured by his brain and him knowing that, but still believing in it. He focuses on the bad things he has done, and there’s been a bunch, a lot of it definitely fueled by being bipolar, but he can’t accept that as a reason, he does not want to make excuses for his actions. So he just sees how he has hurt people in the past and deduces that he has to be an asshole. It is really hard to convince him otherwise. Even if he logically can understand that it is unlikely that people think this way about him, it’s still an underlying fear beneath everything and always some part of his motivation. So he’s weak, and a coward and selfish and a burden, unlovable. He definitely hates being impulsive and aggressive sometimes, there’s been a hundred times when he was in a fight, an unnecessary fight he couldn’t keep himself from starting, and saying things/doing things he did not mean to. He hates this fact, that he can lose control like that, it scares him.
On the flipside, he is somewhat narcissistic. If he does not hate himself for a second he considers himself to be pretty damn great. He prides himself on the way he takes care of other people. On how far he’s come, both mentally and professionally. He knows he’s a good musician, a good cook. He’s the kind of person that would refuse to work with others in a group project cause he knows he’s insufferable and would not be happy with other people’s work affecting his evaluation. He can’t watch other people do things he would do a different way without wanting to step in and correct them. But all of that ego is just a balloon that pops pretty quickly and he’s back to believing he’s the worst at everything.
🥀 What is something your OC blames themselves for and is it really their fault? Does it keep them up at night and is there any lingering trauma?
I like how these questions are all just building up on one another. He blames himself for not seeing how miserable Kitty had been, for having her persuade him to travel without her when he kinda knew he should probably worry about her, for not somehow having been able to, I don’t know, just know what was going to happen and act differently, or just generally for not being enough of a good force in her life for her to cling on to. That’s all just doubling down when Shawn tries to kill himself and he once again feels like it was his personal failure. Not being good enough or attentive enough, probably even being part of the reason why. There’s a whole lot of trauma there. Of course none of it is true. Kitty knew exactly how attentive Finn had been to her, it’s the reason she made sure he was away when she went through with it. The same goes for Shawn, where the reason was exactly the opposite of killing themselves because Finn was not enough, but rather because Finn was too much, too good, and they would just be bad for him if they would stay alive. Finn can’t see that angle, at all, if he did he would not accept it. It keeps him up in his worst nights. If/when he gets back together with Shawn it would be a major fear for him, Shawn having a relapse, Shawn dying of an overdose, intentional or not, Shawn getting to such a low point again without him realizing or being able to do anything about it. I imagine he would sometimes get a bit hysteric about stuff, if he does not know what Shawn is currently doing or something seems off, he is really good at working himself up into a frenzy about small stuff that feeds into his worst fears.
🌺 In what situation would your OC be pushed to commit an act of violence? Would they go as far to kill someone if they had to? How would this affect them and their relationships with others?
Well he’s certainly been in a bunch of fights, cause he’s provocative, he’s great at making people lose it, sometimes intentional sometimes not. He’s also not good at not reacting to provocation himself. Racism certainly feeds into that a lot. He’s had some manic phases where he was very much looking for fights. I think he would be able to kill someone, but only in the moment and only if it’s to protect himself or somebody else. He would not deal with it all too well, it would haunt him. He would think about that person having a life, a family, loved ones of their own. He would think about putting an end to somebody’s consciousness, that last fading moment, it’s all over, because of him, and he can’t take that back. I feel like the people around him would never be able to punish him for it as much as he would do himself. If he would have killed for Shawn’s sake, he, Shawn, would probably struggle a bit with accepting what has happened, because of him, what Finn had to do, because of him. He would be angry for a while, directed at Finn and himself. Finn would not be able to handle that very well, he can’t bare the thought of being hated be Shawn, he is so scared of being seen as bad, even though part of him has himself convinced that people see him this way anyways. He’s just scared of confirming what he already suspects.
🌸 What would your OC do if they were given god-like powers or the ability to change anything about the world for a whole day?
I think Finn would have a lot of problems with that timeframe. Cause there is not a lot of things god-like powers are worth of that would make sense for such a short amount of time. He would think about ending hunger and homelessness, discrimination, racism, the entire system, he would bring Kitty back, he would want to make everything okay.. but only for a day?? And then go back to square one? We would rather not change anything than have something great for a second only for it to be taken away again. So it would all be about creating a nice experience with the people he loves, allowing them all to do something they have wanted to do their whole lives.
🌼 Describe one of your OC’s worst nightmares.
Oh I think I mentioned them all already. Family members and close friends dying, or other terrible things happening to them. Alternatively finding out that everybody hates him and he’s hurt all the people he loves without realizing it, that they all think he and his moods are a burden and they’d all be happier without him.
🌻 What advice would your OC give to their younger self? What advice does your OC need now?
Don’t try to stick to how you think things are supposed to be as much versus doing what you actually want to do. Don’t bend and break yourself to fit some sort of premade mold that society created for you. He has done a lot of hurtful things to himself and others only cause he tried to play by the rules. He dated Emily for much longer, trying to present himself as straight, than he should have, experimenting on the side and hurting her that way. He excused his father’s behavior way too much, being the filial son he’s supposed to be, cause it’s family and family sticks together and forgives. He’s hated himself so much for his illness, trying to force it away instead of accepting that it’s there and acting accordingly to get a better grip on it. He still hasn’t outed himself to his father or the world, since he became somewhat famous, because he’s really insecure about it changing the way people will look at him.  That’s probably what he could use good advice on these days. He knows, somewhere, that he should out himself, that it is a fantastic thing to do, in his position, to work towards change. He’s just not quite ready to pay the price and he feels awfully guilty about it. Someone should tell him about all the people he could be representing, but also about how much living his life without hiding anything will free him.
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tres-fidelis · 4 years
Disclosure - Part 1
Part 2
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8 months. 
No other contact since. Just one small note and a cursed token. Both items resided in her office, stowed inside one of her desk drawers and buried underneath office supplies. There’s perks to keeping something so dangerous and troubling hidden away. She could forget it’s ever there. Anyone could if you busy yourself enough with other work. 
Even so, Jayden knew it. She knew for a damn fact keeping it out of sight, attempting to keep it out of mind, wouldn’t relieve anything. It’s still a problem. A problem put aside until someone procrastinated enough for it to evolve into something more dangerous. 
No one must know...no one can know about this…
Almost a year later Jayden kept this secret out of the public and private eye. Shaska, her mom, Axl, she sealed her lips even to them. Their own worries and troubles mattered more than her own state of mind. Why burden them more with this trouble when she’s experienced plenty of it already? Why should anyone know when it’s “family matters?”
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The heavy coin reflected a bright shine from the afternoon sun. A precious item to anyone whose curious eyes caught a glimpse of its sheen, but an emblem of destruction for those who knew its origin. 
The Emerald Spears. 
A long since “dead” terrorist organization born from the wrath and hatred of all things robotic. Jayden first heard about their existence in some old texts recovered by the museum’s archeology team. Apparently before the Cataclysm, many humans loathed the existence of AI robots and their rapid progression in society. They saw them as a threat and began preaching humanity’s downfall at the hands of this AI intelligence. Robots grew, they evolved in their own way, they’d outsmart their human creators, and bring about a genocide. A beaten, burned document recounted an attack from the Spears at a robotics expo long ago, however there were no recorded names on such. The Cataclysm seemed effective in wiping out most of their information including other reported terrorist attacks, several listed names and company contributors, and other criminal records. 
Yet here in 21XX…
Not much is known of their resurgence. Locals say they spotted hooded figures breaking into reploid repair shops, criminals under guise holding reploid centers hostage in exchange for police information, and of course influencing protesters in public areas. In most cases the suspect never admitted or even spoke of the Spears’ guidance in their plan. There’s some who don’t even believe the Spears are working from behind the curtains. Some are just flat out saying they all died off with the Cataclysm.
‘It’s just the nature of humans to fear something greater and more powerful than themselves. Something that can easily control their free will or restrict their freedom? Of course humans had a reason to be afraid, to be terrified of mechanical beings built to outlast them.’ 
Jayden knew…
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No matter what others believed. If they thought the Spears couldn’t exist in this day and age, Jayden knew it all. 
She saw it. 
She saw from first-hand experience. The absolute terror of what these people could undertake. Not just from the encounters as a news reporter, civilian meetings with a potential member in her presence, or even during her own participation in pro-reploid civilian protests. It traced back to her own beginning. The start of her own life.
Jayden remembered the fights, verbal abuse, and control of her own ‘father figure’ since she was a little girl. Restrictions on anything reploid related suffocated her and her own mother. Neither could speak a word about their work or school life if it involved ‘those hunks of junk.’ Home wasn’t home for them. Her mom found quiet solace in the museum or, in Jayden’s case, a small cafe not too far from her home. Most of her memories from middle school centered around the friendly encounters inside the cafe. A young girl’s face glued to the TV watching the news and the staff treating her to some pastries after her tests. Jayden cherished the safe space, and of course the food. 
The ‘real home’ for Jayden was the Abel City Museum. Staff treated her like she was their own daughter. At that point, they could’ve used her as a mascot for the museum just to draw in more business. Everyone loved seeing the girl with the two different eyes greet them with an award winning smile. Jayden equally loved welcoming the guests, giving them their tickets, and wishing them well through their adventure in the museum. Sometimes she managed everything all on her own! Some staff members were baffled seeing a nine-year-old kid handle money so accurately. Then again, they too saw the delight in something so innocent. Jayden grew to be one of the main attractions in the museum aside from the “real” ones. 
The end of the day brought on the dreaded reality she and her mom embraced. No talk of mom’s work and of course no talk of any kind of news. Especially if stories centered around the Hunters. Dinner always led to extreme outbursts about ‘father’s’ own work day, snide comments about her mother’s workplace, and Jayden having to ‘man up’ against the bullies at her school.
‘No one else will fight for you! You never know when one of those walking scrap metal corpses will get the jump on you. Then you’re dead! You’re gone! It’s about self defense! You have to be stronger than them!’ 
It wasn’t self-defense. It was pure torture.
Punch after punch, kick after kick. Jayden couldn't keep track of how many new bruises appeared after each ‘training’ session with her father. Her mother had to purchase new bandages almost every week just for her own daughter. Of course mom brought up this horrible treatment with her father but it was met with a slap across the face and an derogatory, loud opinion. The only solace her mom could give was tending the new wounds and giving warm comfort. 
All for what? Getting her stronger for an eventual, yet highly unlikely reploid takeover? Just so she could fight against them?
........What good did that do her?.
.............................What good did it do to her now...
“..............................................miss lady?” 
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A young girl around the age of 12 stood in front of Jayden. Short straight brown hair, brilliant blue eyes, and freckled skin. A small flower hair clip swayed by a few strands of hair holding on for its dear life. The child perked up soon as Jayden caught her attention. “Oh! Sorry...uh...were you asking for me?” 
“Mmhm! You’re the one who’s on the TV right? The lady with the colored eyes, reporting on the Hunters yeah?” 
Oh, right…
Just...put that eyes comment off to the side…
“That’s right. I’m the one you see on the holocasts. I’m...guessing you’ve seen my broadcasts before?”
“Yeah! Mom and Dad always put the news on when they come home from work. Say they enjoy the stories and other stuff they hear from you. Never really watched news much until you came on. They say they like your writing and how you...present yourself? I don’t know, I just like hearing you talk and seeing you talk with the Hunters!” 
“Oh…” An admirer. She’d gotten used to some fan mail coming to the office and the brief encounters with other citizens in her work travels. It’s not uncommon to be recognized out in the public here and there, but this kid had some guts coming straight up to her. Did she want an autograph? 
“Well it’s very nice of you to come up and tell me this. It affirms I’m doing my job right.” Jayden smiled pleasantly making the girl share the same sentiment. 
“I wanted to ask. Actually...if...if you get scared out there. When there’s bad things going on, you’re there with the hunters. Isn’t it scary when you’re so close to those bad Mavericks?” 
What a brave question. Melancholic too. She had to be in middle school yet she’s already recognized the threats. Of course everyone, at least hopefully everyone at this point, knew the difference between those kinds of threats and the ones who fought them. 
A deep breath and a warm hand sat on the girl’s shoulder. 
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“It is. It’s very scary when I have to report in those areas. However, I don’t do it just because it’s my job, or because I’m told to do it. I do it so I can keep the people informed, so people are safe and so no one else gets hurt. In a way, I’m...almost like a human version of a Hunter. I don’t necessarily keep the people physically safe, but...I do my best for Abel City to know what’s going on. So no one’s hidden in the dark, so no one is lied to about current events, and...hopefully to make people smile too. Just like you!”
“Heehee~” The small girl bounced in place. “Thank you miss reporter!” Someone called across the street catching both of their attention. A taller boy, broad shoulders, and much older than the little girl. 
“Hailey! I’ve been looking for you! Come on, we have to get going!” 
“Okay bro!” One last turn, one last big smile and thank you, then off she ran straight into her brother’s leg. A little wave from her and soon they melded into the evening word crowd. Such a pleasant exchange...
Beep beep beep! Beep beep beep!
A small alarm beeped on Jayden’s watch. Right, she promised her mom she’d be home for dinner tonight. A home cooked meal waiting for her, as soon as she stepped into the door. Anyone working the kinds of shifts she undertook would take this as a special treat, yet Jayden couldn’t feel any warmth or longing excitement. Tonight would be the night. She’d come clean about the note and the…
Right...the Spears.
....was this really the right time? Her mother already had too much on her plate considering her work at the museum. It’d been months since she received the threat so...maybe they just wanted to scare her. That’s all. But...in another way she had a right to know. After everything she did for Jayden though...all that heartache, pain, suffering...after all the troubles of her own life…
...does she really deserve more heartbreak?
The crunched note slipped out of her inside jacket pocket. 
‘...little canary…’
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“I’m going to be late…” 
A deep breath in then pushed out. This exhaled some of the weighted stress out of her system. The reporter rose off the bench fixing the folds in her jacket. No bike ride tonight. She’d take it easy and walk back to the apartment complex. A calm, steady pace at that. There wasn’t any need to rush home when her mother already expected a late start.
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kitsune-kirei · 5 years
Neverending Survey: Kirei Meztli
RULES: Repost, do not reblog. Tag 10 blogs! (Or as many as you’d like)
Tagged by: @lightofthecrystal, @elegie-de-sang, @ataki-yuuto, and @lillies-n-lilacs, thank you for tagging me​, It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these!
Tagging: @gaillaffxiv, @infiniteleftdoesffxiv, @sparrow-ffxiv, @fensa-valehart, @mai-takeda, @seina-kurokiba, @gaggle-of-dorks-ffxiv, @jorandalkitor, @thesinsofgreed
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FULL NAME: Kirei Meztli ( @kitsune-kirei )
NICKNAME:  Kitsune, Kitsu, Rei, The Firefox.
AGE:  Unknown, looks in her 20′s or 30′s. 
BIRTHDAY: Unknown.
ETHNIC GROUP: Half Hyur, Half Doman .
NATIONALITY: Ul’dahian, Doman.
LANGUAGE/S: Hingan, Eorzean.
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Quoiromantic (thank you for this term Spurrow)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Complicated as fuck.
HOME TOWN / AREA:  Yanxia, deep within the bamboo forests. 
CURRENT HOME:  A hidden cave in the Mists. The location is unknown, except to those Kirei has become dedicated to.
PROFESSION: Flower arranger/seller, deliverer, information broker, exorcist, spy. 
HAIR: Curly, wavy, and messy, fire orange in color, recently cut to cheek length. 
EYES: Peculiar lavender eyes.  
FACE: Almost doll-like and delicate in appearance, sometimes covered in dirt. 
LIPS: A bit pouty, rarely wears lip-paint.   
COMPLEXION: Olive, dewy.
BLEMISHES: A mole on the left side of her chin. 
SCARS: Small, barely noticeable scars mar her entire body. 
TATTOOS: None, sometimes Kirei will mess with Henna. 
HEIGHT: 5′6, pretty tall for a Miqo’te.
BUILD: Skinny, lanky, tall. 
FEATURES: Foxlike ears and a foxlike tail. 
USUAL FACE LOOK: Neutral, melancholic, bright, friendly, ever present smile. 
USUAL CLOTHING: Practical clothing on the skin-showing side. 
FEAR/S:  Losing sense of taste, hands and feet being cut off, feeling trapped.
ASPIRATION/S: To liberate every single slave under the Echion slave branch, to understand what it means to be human.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Empathetic, helpful, friendly, dedicated worker, passionate, self sacrificing, able to look at the bigger picture, peacekeeper.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Self sacrificing, self pitying, generous to the point of poverty, feral, half truths, holds too many secrets.
TEMPERAMENT: Phlegmatic- individuals tend to be relaxed, peaceful, quiet, and easy-going. They are sympathetic and care about others, yet they try to hide their emotions. Melancholic-  individuals tend to be analytical and detail-oriented, and they are deep thinkers and feelers. 
SOUL TYPE/S:  The Shaman- This type of soul is wise and old. They can give great advice as well as truly connect with people around them. Others often feel better in their presence.
ANIMALS: Fox, Deer, Otter.
VICE HABIT/S: Smoking, drugs every so often, having strong urges to dig holes in the ground out of nowhere, toxic relationships, succumbs to feral instincts every now and then. 
FAITH: Loose faith in Kami/ Shinto.
GHOSTS?: Yes, Kirei can communicate to spirits and sense ones nearby.
REINCARNATION?: Yes. Kirei has brief episodes where she gets feelings from her last lifetime, and rarely, will share a familiar feeling among people she had been acquainted with in her past life. 
EDUCATION LEVEL: Taught to read and write, self studying.
FATHER: R’ihan Meztli - Estranged, Keeper of the Moon. Kirei traveled with her father in Thanalan for a while before he ultimately sold her to a slaver. Spent his life work searching for a powerful Kami in the east. 
MOTHER: Leiote Sekai - Deceased, Doman Hyur. Leiote was a Geiko in Hingashi, and was well known for her ethereal presence, beauty, and kindness. She was ultimately charmed by the outsider R’ihan Meztli, and they both moved back to her home village in Yanxia to start a family. 
SIBLINGS: Kaeyu Meztli - Half sibling, half Keeper half Seeker.  Kaeyu and Kirei don’t know the other exists. Kaeyu has a reputation for being rather rambunctious and a trouble maker. 
EXTENDED FAMILY: Kirei has family on her mother’s and father’s side, but she doesn’t know anything about them, or there whereabouts. 
NAME MEANING/S: Kirei (きれい)- The Hingan word for ‘pretty’, or ‘beautiful’. It has been heavily implied to Kirei by others, that she was named after her mother’s beauty and kindness in hopes that she would inherit these traits. 
BOOK: A Hingan child’s book called ‘The Tale of Mohatsu-Otome’, otherwise known as the Eastern version of Rapunzel. 
DEITY: None.
HOLIDAY: Moonfire Faire.
MONTH: Fall seasons.
SEASON: Autumn.
PLACE: The astral plane, various hidden nooks and crannies throughout Eorzea, Doman bath houses, hot springs. 
WEATHER: Sunny with a chill in the air, warm desert days, rainy.
SOUND / S: Ethereal singing, the singing of lesser nature spirits within the woods, wind chimes, ocean waves, water, the rustle of leaves in the wind. 
SCENT / S: Incense, tobacco, fresh unpicked flowers, old tomes, herbs, fresh baked bread, tea. 
TASTE / S: Peaches, apples, fresh sweet cream.
FEEL / S: Soft and bristly fur, warmth, fresh snow, crunchy leaves, fine sand, hot rocks, pebbles.
ANIMAL / S: Goobbue, Tortoises, smaller creatures.
NUMBER: 3, 6, 9, 33.
COLORS: Rich purple, pink, light/bright blue, green. 
TALENTS: Dancing, healing, cooking, making shitty looking but durable furniture, sewing, manipulation, twin daggers, aether control.
BAD AT: Lying, drawing, staying clean, writing.
TURN ONS: Charming cockiness, depth, intensity, shoulders, meaningful words, white eyes, dark eyes, smirks, someone who can figure her out, making her laugh, a nice voice.
TURN OFFS: Simple minds, tunnel vision, someone who doesn’t listen to her words, racism, un-needed/careless violence and aggression, calling her a ‘cat’, unflattering colors, self absorbed.
HOBBIES: Flower frolicking, cooking, traveling, swimming, making junk, people watching.
TROPES: Girl next door, Hippie, Undere/Yandere
“I want to understand... The weight of a human life.” 
“We need to keep moving forward. We have our eyes in the front for a reason after all, there is no point in looking back to the past.” 
“I take a hold of my fate with my own two hands. I will not leave things to chance.”
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?
A1 : I’m not sure about the title, but it would definitely have to be an animated film. And It would probably be about Kirei’s backstory and about her parents. There’s a lot of details about her past that I don’t get to touch on too much in RP. 
Q2 : What would their soundtrack/score sound like?
A2 : Something that would invoke a lot of emotion if possible. Ghibli/Disney-esque would be awesomeeee.
Q3 : Why did you start writing this character?
A3 : Long story short, something happened to me while visiting Japan that gave me inspiration to write Kirei. Close friends know the entire story, but its a bit long and wild. I’ll just say it involves a Fox shrine I ran into!
Q4 : What first attracted you to this character?
A4 : Besides the thing that happened in Japan, I wanted a character where I was able to express my interest in things like shamanism and the spirit world. I also was really attracted to the idea of writing a character that was still kind to others even though she has no reason to be, due to the rough life she lived. 
Q5 : Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 : I’m a really open person who likes to approach people to start conversations, but Kirei is the opposite of that. It makes it a bit harder to approach in RP since I wrote her to be a wallflower. She’s also much more reserved than I am, so if there’s a wild scene happening in RP that I would like to get in on, I really can’t on Kirei since she’s not one to participate in things unless asked. 
Q6 : What do you have in common with your muse?
A6 : Probably too much in hindsight rofl. Kirei is the first RP character I ever wrote, so I gave her a lot of commonalities from myself so it would be easier to write her and learn how to RP. 
Q7 :  How does your muse feel about you?
A7 : She would probably tell me that I’m trying my best, but she thinks that with most! 
Q8 : What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?
A8 : A whole other side of Kirei comes out if she interacts with manipulative/cunning characters, and I really enjoy writing that darker side of her that appears. 
Q9 : What gives you inspiration to write your muse ?
A9: A big inspiration for the core of Kirei is Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket (if you couldn’t tell but all the fruits basket stuff I reblog). I just loved how she was written, and how she stayed kind despite her hard life, and I loved her layers and how she viewed others. Tohru gave me a lot if inspiration to be kind to others growing up, Kirei is really just a homage to her. 
Q10: How long did this take you to complete ?
A10: TOO LONG, I worked on it on and off throughout the week. 
Thanks for reading if you stuck around this long! 
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petalsbloomed-a · 5 years
VERY LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY !! RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  ! TAGGED.  stolen !!! TAGGING. anyone who wants to do this tbh cuz this is long as shit and i dont want anyone to do this who might not be able to aljdhfskjdhkj
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BASICS. FULL  NAME : galo thymos NICKNAME : himbo, idiot, rookie, newbie, #1 firefighting idiot AGE : 21 BIRTHDAY : june 30 ETHNIC  GROUP : japanese (+ korean / western european) NATIONALITY : american LANGUAGE / S : english / japanese / studied french and spanish SEXUAL  ORIENTATION : demisexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION : biromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS : single HOME  TOWN / AREA : promeopolis (i envision this being around nyc / tri-state area) CURRENT  HOME : lives with older sister and niece PROFESSION : firefighter, undergraduate student
PHYSICAL. SKIN : pretty fair tan, but he sometimes appears a little darker than usual. his skin does a strange thing where it changes shade in different lighting. his skin is usually smooth, but right after getting finished with work, he sometimes is covered in dust and appears somewhat dried out. EYES : slightly upturned, deep-set, wide and somewhat of an almond shape. irises are usually very round, and are a bluish-cyan color. pupils often alight with mischief. in intense lighting, you can see a little red dot reflecting off his eyes. LIPS : pretty thin and nude, hard to notice. matches his skin tone very well. usually quite smooth. tends to get chapped after working. COMPLEXION : pretty fair, but in different lighting, he can look a lot tanner than what he really is. BLEMISHES : he has a few moles here and there, but overall his skin is fairly clear and clean. he doesn’t suffer from acne nearly as much as he did when he was in grade school. SCARS : he has some tiny, barely noticeable acne scars on his face, chin, and neck. the most noticeable ones are on his left arm from when he was practically set alight by a burnish flame. these are thick and quote coarse, and can cause some discomfort when touched. he also has a very small nick in his left ear, which was how his sister identified him when he found her after being separated from their family after the burnish incident when he was a kid. TATTOOS : an arrow that goes right below the nape of his neck to the middle of his back. the point is at about the small of his back, and there are a few decorations along the arrow. HEIGHT : 6′0, 183 cm WEIGHT : 165 lbs, ~75 kg BUILD : very muscular, quite athletic. very beefy arms, strong chest, well-built abdominals. however, his thighs and waist are pretty thin and trim. FEATURES : his most distinct features are his dramatic haircut and scars on his left arm, as well as the small white line on the outer helix of his left ear. his chest and shoulders are also quite broad in comparison to his rather thin waist. ALLERGIES : slight peanut allergy, dust, pollen. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : undercut with a dramatic, spiky blue mohawk. USUAL  FACE  LOOK : mischievous smile or smirk; sometimes looks a bit wistful, like he’s thinking about something. USUAL  CLOTHING : is normally shirtless, wearing thick red firefighter pants with a yellow “3.” most often wears black rubber boots, black gloves, ear lobe piercings, and an industrial piercing. sometimes wears a black tee-shirt.
PSYCHOLOGY. FEAR / S : spiders, bugs, needles, being in love (kind of), losing his sister or niece, finding out his parents are dead. ASPIRATION / S : to continue his firefighting career, to receive a masters in emergency medical technology / fire prevention & safety technology. POSITIVE  TRAITS : brave, caring, friendly, modest. NEGATIVE  TRAITS : daring, reckless, sensitive, over-attachment. MBTI : entertainer (ESFP-A) ZODIAC : cancer TEMPEREMENT : choleric / sanguine SOUL  TYPE / S : performer ANIMALS : zebra VICE  HABIT / S : twiddling thumbs, jiggling leg (usually the right), twirling & playing with hair, biting nails, chewing lips, swearing, sighing, pen clicking. FAITH : none; would consider himself agnostic. GHOSTS ? : yes. AFTERLIFE ? : not sure. REINCARNATION ? : not sure, but leaning towards no. ALIENS ? : yes. POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT : independent, opinions slightly more left-leaning EDUCATION  LEVEL : graduate student
FAMILY. FATHER : nikanor thymos MOTHER : agape thymos SIBLINGS : danai thymos (older sister) EXTENDED  FAMILY : james (ex-brother-in-law), aria (niece) NAME  MEANING / S : his first name is of an unknown meaning, but it could mean “from gaul” in greek. his last name comes from the greek word “thumos”, which means “spiritedness” or “the need of recognition.” HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? : not that we know of, i think ???
FAVORITES. BOOK : harry potter / hunger games MOVIE : the lion king 5  SONGS : rick astley - never gonna give you up, lady gaga - born this way, beyonce - countdown, ariana grande - god is a woman, pitbull - timber (feat. kesha) DEITY : zeus HOLIDAY : christmas MONTH : july SEASON : summer PLACE : his bedroom / the lounge at work WEATHER : partly cloudy SOUND : meditation sounds SCENT / S : coffee, flowers, fresh baked desserts, fresh pizza, light cologne TASTE / S : coffee, vanilla cake, milk chocolate, parmesan cheese, green tea anything tbh FEEL / S : soft blankets, comfy pillows, loose-fitting clothes ANIMAL / S : dogs NUMBER : 13 COLORS : teal blue / flame red
EXTRA. TALENTS : piano, singing, writing, linguistics, thinking quickly, firefighting BAD  AT : drawing (sort of), getting himself organized, following orders (sometimes) TURN  ONS : kindness, sensitivity, acceptance, openness, agreeableness TURN  OFFS : irresponsibility, lack of free time, ignorance HOBBIES : piano, singing, writing (stories, poems, etc), karate TROPES : ambiguously gay, antiquated linguistics, broken tears, calling your attacks, the chosen one, firemen are hot, going commando, hunk, idiot hero, innocently insensitive, large ham, mr. fanservice, oblivious to love, the protagonist, rookie red ranger, scars are forever, shonen hair, you gotta have blue hair (found here, there’s a lot more actually) QUOTES : “medals are made to be awarded to and from people who deserve them.” / “you can’t just kill for no reason!” / “[i’m] the universe’s #1 firefighting idiot!”
MUN QUESTIONS. Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ? A1 : honestly??? i think i would keep it the way it is, BUT i would like to have seen some more canonical information about galo’s family. as of right now, we know that kray saved him after his family was attacked by the burnish. if i were to direct a new movie about galo, i would focus it mainly on his family. Q2 : what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ? A2 : i think it would be a mix of melancholic music as well as more upbeat stuff. on my blog’s main page there are links in the sidebar to both a soundtrack playlist as well as a pop music playlist; i definitely think it’s fair that a variety of genres would suit him and his experiences. Q3 : why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ? A3 : when i first watched promare, i was instantly drawn to this buffoon himbo. i’ve always had a thing for upbeat, energetic characters who are also quite caring and a bit dumb (which yes galo is very smart but he has his moments). while their personalities differ greatly (despite having the same personality type), he reminds me a lot of lance from vld, who i absolutely adore as well (and i also rp him too oops) Q4 : what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ? A4 : again, probably his personality. while i’m not as energetic and upbeat as galo and i have a very, very different personality type than him, i feel like i definitely do understand him. i understand why he feels he needs to be overly confident, and i also have my moments where i just need to storm off and be alone. god i could write paragraphs and paragraphs about why i like galo but i wanna keep it short and sweet and just stick with those two points, which i consider to be the biggest points. Q5 : describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse. A5 : look, i know i said i liked confidence, but something about galo that annoys me is the fact that he can often seem too confident. like yeah he seemed pretty humble in that pizza scene at the beginning of the movie, but i can’t help but feel a twinge of annoyance towards people who put themselves right into the center of attention and be all like “yeah i know i’m great.” like my boy i love you but do u have to announce urself every time u appear on the scene??? and pls stop being so reckless u honestly might die too soon one of these days we want u to be around for us to enjoy u Q6 : what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ? A6 : i definitely feel like we both have our moments where we just need some peace and quiet. of course, everyone needs this, but when galo talked about running off when he was pissed reminded me of me; i tend to go and cool off and vent to myself if i’m annoyed about something. we’re both naturally people-oriented and love to be around others, even though galo likes being the center of attention a little bit more than myself. Q7 : how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ? A7 : in the sense that if galo were real, i honestly think we would get along fairly well. we have different ways of dealing with things, but we have similar habits and personality traits. however when it comes to rp blogs, while i do like to headcanon things about my muses that mirror my own opinions and beliefs, i do consider the mun/muse relationship fairly symbiotic. we as real people can learn so much from fictional characters and in how we play them, and of course, the mun will determine some things about the muse that will deter from canon. Q8 : what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ? A8 : i just started this blog and have had very minimal interactions, so it’s hard to say ! i’d say that an interaction with a kray muse would be the most interesting. part of me wants galo to forgive kray and to have a better relationship with him post-movie canon, but there’s still so much about galo and kray’s relationship pre-movie as well; what was their relationship like? was kray like a father to galo? how can i describe the psychological mindset that galo had after finding out that kray betrayed him? there’s so much about these two that i really want to discover and look at, while of course providing my own insight (cuz that’s what muns do, right?). Q9 : what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ? A9 : i like to study galo’s actions in the movie, and try to find the underlying cause of the actions he takes. however, when it comes to headcanons, i will often think of a scene or an idea in my head and then internally apply it to galo and see if it works. this is usually what kindles my writing fire: the thoughts that often rush through my head. Q10 : how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ? A10 : like two whole days lmao im so slow
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Anyway, here’s the fic for the start of the Mobster AU and how the kingpin of an Irish mob and a daughter of a famous politician have an 80’s movie style meet-cute. I don’t think I could have summed it up better than that.
(Let's stop the world) I'll stop the world and melt with you/(Let's stop the world) You've seen the difference and it's getting better all the time/(Let's stop the world) There's nothing you and I won't do/(Let's stop the world) I'll stop the world and melt with you/The future's open wide.
If there was one thing that the political heiress to Kizami knew about political marriages, it was that the spouse who didn’t receive much gain was forced to leave a suffocating life. It still hurt that the man her parents had wed her to for these gains had rejected every notion of them ever trying to be anything like how a child dreamed of a married couple. It stung worse that he desired her adopted sister, those cruel eyes cutting through her to her core as his words provided the verbal equivalent of lemon juice in a paper cut. He was known for taking many women and men into his bed to claim their virginities, but her husband had deemed her as “Not worthy to share a house with me, let alone a night.” Perhaps the only thing that kept her from wanting to splatter her truth and brains from atop a skyscraper was the small group of people who worked at or went to the college she attended. Ah, and there also was her interest in theater.
Her junior squeezed her hand as they came to a dress and suit store in the mall, and rubbed her hand softly. “Senpai, would you like me to pick something nice for you here for the ball in a few weeks?” She asked, and the older girl hugged her junior tightly. “Senpai...”
She smiled at the bespectacled girl. “Thank you, Mash-chan. I’m glad I have you and Leo-chan and Mister Roman to trust. I just... can’t really trust my family anymore, my sister’s probably become a yanki, and pretty much only Merlin keeps me safe at my house. You have good taste, so I know you’ll pick something good!” She twirled a piece of her red hair on her finger as she followed her junior. Mash skimmed a few racks, and handed her senior a few dresses.
“I’ll be by the cash registers so you can show me, Jerilyn-Senpai,” Mash murmured reassuringly. She headed off to the cash registers while Jerilyn changed into one of the dresses in a dressing room.
Jerilyn later stepped out in a lilac dress, and tripped over her own high heeled shoes she was still trying to learn to walk in, stumbling forward into a stranger who caught her. “I-I’m really... sorry...?” She apologized, her voice trailing off as she caught the man’s face. “... Ah...”
The dark-haired man looked her over for a brief moment. “... You break any bones or twist your ankle?” He asked, a deep voice just barely above a murmur. She shook her head, and in spite of the red facial tattoos probably meant to be intimidating, concern colored his face. “... That’s good.” He helped her steady herself. “You... shouldn’t be careless. You might stumble into a worse person.”
She bowed her head apologetically. “I-I’m sorry, sir!” She looked up at him, and smiled sheepishly. “Thank... thank you... I’m usually less... scatter-brained... a-anyway, thank you, sir, I’m sorry for stumbling into you!”
He gave her a curt nod and observed her as she headed towards another girl. “... She was pretty cute,” he mused to himself as he made his way to the suit section. “Ah, right, can’t believe Cas is having me go to that dumbass party in his place. Dunno how he expects me to pretend to be him, thought my face was plastered on a buncha different shit.” He reached out and grabbed a hat and a tie. “I would rather wear what I am now, but that idiot likes to dress in outrageous shit, so...” A White-haired man waiting by the front of the store watched the exchange with amusement.
Later, Jerilyn returned to the mansion she, her bodyguard, and her adoptive sister lived in. “She’s not home yet, huh... what do you think, Merlin? The girl who can do as she likes but gets ignored, or the girl who receives attention at the cost of freedom... who suffers more?” She asked her bodyguard.
The white-haired man closed up a case for the gun he had on his side all day. “Depends, you know? My thinking is more colored by me knowing you since you were a baby, though, and having actually interacted with that asshole husband of yours, but you to me seem to suffer the most. You’ve always been good at hiding your pain, though, my dear niece.” He flicked her forehead, and she huffed at him. “I also personally hate being restricted, so that seems more painful. Anyway, that guy you bumped into at the dress store was pretty handsome!”
The heiress stared dumbfoundedly at Merlin. “... The guy with face tattoos? He... certainly was... do you know about him, Merlin?”
Merlin grabbed a white cat scurrying by and then picked up a little white dog, placing the dog in his charge’s lap. “Seems kinda familiar. Seems you’d have to run into him again for me to try to get a better glance. I have a feeling you two would hit it off.” He pinched her cheek and wiggled it as she glared at him. “I can set you up with a cute girl, too. Why should you be the only one miserable in your marriage when that bastard makes no secret of fucking everyone but you, that’s what I’m getting at, my dear. After all, a man who would rather have sex with the adoptive sister of the girl he married doesn’t deserve sympathy.”
She smiled wryly. “I almost half expected you to suggest relations between us, Uncle.”
“Oh, no, no, I’ve known you all your life, Jerilyn. Raising someone and then having sex with them, even a scoundrel like me draws the line somewhere! Plus, I know you don’t like my type.” His cat started attacking him. “Little bastard, I accidentally throw you out a window one time and you continue to murder me!! Piece of shit Cath Palug!!” She laughed as she hugged her dog to her chest. “This cat’s probably gonna be immortal so it can ruin my life. I hope I can find that guy again, or a cute girl if I can’t get him for you, dear.”
A few days later, Jerilyn was walking her dog with Merlin watching her back while under the guise of hitting on someone, and went to a dog park that he’d suggested as “kinda near a good mall, so you can take your little fluff ball there later.” She would have enjoyed seeing all the various dogs and marveled over their cuteness, had not her own dog started getting jealous every time she let out an “Awww.”
She rubbed her dog’s ears with a sigh. “Max, why are you like this,” she mumbled to him as he let out a huge sigh, and he jumped off her lap, dragging her along with him despite not even reaching her knee in height. “Maaaaaax...!” Her little dog barreled over to a peachy-colored poodle, and she took care to not slam into the poodle’s hoodie-wearing owner, and instead chose to fall on her behind. “Ow... I’m so sorry that my dog is... like that...”
The owner knelt down to check if she was hurt, and she gasped. “... You’re... that clumsy girl from the other day...” he remarked, and aided her to her feet. While she had opted for a bubblegum pink puffy dress-one of the few benefits of a rich husband who didn’t care about her meant that she could wear the cute Lolita dresses she’d longed for-he was wearing a hoodie, a shirt with an odd pattern on it, some basketball shorts, boots, and had on glasses, giving him a rather youthful appearance compared to the other day. “You seem to get into situations where you fall a lot.”
Jerilyn pouted. “I’m not trying to fall! This time, it was my Maltipoo, and last time, it was my tall heels!” He held back a snort and put his non-leashed hand on his face pensively. “Wh... what is it, Mister?” She asked, quickly realizing that this man was indeed her type, at least visually.
He grinned at her. “You’re amusing. I haven’t felt a sort of enjoyment like that in a while. It also doesn’t help me that whatever you called your dog sounds funny. My dog and yours seem to like each other, so... maybe they can enjoy each other’s company...”
Jerilyn looked down to see the two dogs looking like they wanted to chase each other. “S-sure... um... I’m Jerilyn Kizami.” The two unleashed their dogs, who proceeded to chase each other around their humans. She walked by the significantly taller man, who continued to gaze at her curiously.
After a few moments of walking, he leaned against a bench she sat on. “So you’re the daughter of that famous politician... you don’t seem like a liar type, though, that’s funny. Well, I’m Cu Chulainn. I do some bodyguard type stuff and sometimes do stuff for a casino. And I guess I got a dog, she followed me home once and I couldn’t ignore her despite her annoying me.”
Jerilyn twirled a piece of her red hair on her finger. “It was more a power move on my family’s part, I don’t even care much about that stuff. Your doggy is super cute, Mister Cu... My underclassman got me my little Max for me.... he likes to protect me and he thinks he’s big. He’s not as funny as my uncle’s cat, though. His cat hates him and attacks him whenever he’s in the room.”
“You don’t need to be formal and add a ‘Mister’. Cats aren’t my thing. Aren’t all little dogs like that, thinking they’re big?” Cu mused, and he slid a hand in his pocket after pushing his glasses up. “... You really seem to avoid talking about yourself.”
“... Well, yes... there isn’t much to discuss... I do some acting on small stages... I like cute things, mysteries, and... strange anime... I try to stay away from notice to avoid trouble...” She gazed down at her hands.
Cu took a seat on the bench with her. “Ain’t nothing wrong with wanting to live a quiet life. There’s something about not being self-absorbed and only discussing yourself that’s pleasant, a lot better than what I usually hear.” He caught her looking at him. “... What is it?”
Jerilyn smiled a smile at him that felt brilliant and melancholic in unison. “Thank you, Mister Cu...” He leaned in to brush a stray piece of her hair back, and she flinched. “S... sorry... I’m... not used to...”
Cu looked over her quietly. “... You’re too gentle to be like that... I’ll give you my number. If you ever need help and whoever regularly guards you can’t arrive in time, call me.” They briefly exchanged numbers, and his dog jumped into his lap. “You sure know how to kill a mood, don’t you, dog?”
She picked her own dog up and held him tightly. “Thank you, Mister Cu. I think, apart from my underclassman, you’re my first friend since I was put into that marriage...”
“F-friend?” He repeated. “I-I guess we are... that’s a first for me, someone who isn’t involved in the business... well, now it feels a little weird. Whatever you need, you can call or text me, my phone’s always on me.”
A few days later, Cu got a message while finishing a job up. “Hm, amusing,” he chuckled, and he dropped the bat in his hand to open the message up. The girl’s fun messages to him had become highlights of his day, and her sheltered viewpoint made for some fascinating tales she would send him. Earlier, she had sent a picture of her dog lying on his back while he was asleep with his legs in the air. This time, she had sent him a message about improv practice and asking what he was doing. He quickly replied, “Got some time off, so I went to do some batting practice. I hit it well each time.”
She sent a picture of herself smiling-most likely taken by that weird bodyguard of hers-and sent a message that said, “Sounds fun! Do you want to hang out?”
“After I get cleaned up. I have to get some stuff from my work. Want to meet up there?” He looked down at the broken computer on the floor. “That certainly ain’t gonna be salvageable,” he remarked. “... Same for you, too, bastard. You really musta pissed the lady off for her to call me in and silence you. Good thing I wore a suit from high school... I’ll get Billy to clean this up.”
The small time actress stepped out of the car in front of a casino, feeling self-conscious in the sweet lolita outfit she’d opted to wear. “I should’ve worn something more grown up,” she whined to herself, and asked a security guard where she would find Cu. The guard led her to what appeared to be the manager’s office, and her growing unease continued to gnaw at her. “... He’s the manager...? I thought he just worked at the casino,” she whispered to herself, and sat in the chair in front of the desk. She twirled her hair on her finger, nearly jumping out of the chair as the other door in the room opened.
Cu stepped out in a suit with his shirt undone, and a towel on his head. “Good grief, they couldn’t be any less discreet about sending them in...” he grumbled to himself, and then noticed the nervous actress in the room. “... I hope that we’re meeting to hang out and that you aren’t a surprise escort someone sent... not that I’d mind if you are...”
Jerilyn blushed, and flailed her arms to the point she fell out of the chair. “N-n.... not at all!! I-I’ve never even been intimate with anyone before!!” She protested, and her face grew more red as she realized his grin was focused on her. “I... I didn’t know you were the manager of the casino, Mister Cu!”
He helped her up, and she noted the pleasant rose scent from his hair. “‘Course I am. My teacher showed me how to run it, and I took over. It was a joke. What kind of uptown girl is a prostitute? Anyway, I got the stuff done, so do you want to come with me to a meeting I gotta attend?”
Later that night, he came up to the gallery where this party-rather, a ball-was being held, glaring at the woman with a fur shawl trying to cling to him. “Aww, I knew you liked me, Cu, I’m so happy I could be your date!”
Cu grimaced at the woman and slapped her hand away. “I didn’t even invite you, Medb. And I still don’t like you, you just tagged along, and I don’t give a fuck anymore.” He looked around the place, and sighed. “What the hell do people do here, anyway? There ain’t even any art stuff in here.”
Medb snickered, and went to sit at a table. “Ah, yeah, you guys didn’t come from money. It’s just silent auctions of luxury stuff, pats on the backs, and that kind of stuff.”
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sammyoliviawatson · 6 years
30 songs
I am on a long train ride home rn so I actually have time for the tag game! Thanks so much for tagging me Sev @slightlyintimidating, I really enjoy doing them! =))) 1. A song you like with a colour in the title. “Blue Eyes” by Mika Also “Für mich soll's rote Rosen regnen” by Hildegard Knef (For me it shall rain red roses, but that sounds more graceful in German) 2. A Song you like with a number in the title. Haha - “Eins und eins, das macht zwei” by Hildegard Knef a terribly cheesy and cliché love song, but by Hildegard Knef which makes it all the better. Go check it out, this song (and Hildegard) is amazing. (The title translates to “One plus one equals two” but refers to people, as in like one plus one equals a couple/ lovers. 3. A song that reminds you of Summertime. “Escape (the Pinã Colada song)” by Rupert Holmes (maaan, that song) 4. A song that reminds you of someone you'd rather forget. “No sleep for the dreamer” by BOY No no no no tearing up god no why 5. A song that needs to played out loud. “Dancing Queen” by ABBA 6. A song that makes you want to dance. “Sway” by Pussy Cat Dolls My god that song the innuendo my god I need to dance a Tango to that at some point. 7. A song to drive to. Elvis. Everything by the Kind of Rock and Roll. But for the sake of this list I choose “Guitar Man". 8. A song about drugs or alcohol. What do you expect of me? I'm boring. Okay okay “Strawberry Fields" by the Beatles. 9. A song that makes you happy. Sooooooo depends on my mood. But I’ll just go with the generic “Happy" by William Pharell because it’s true too NO “Lass die Sonne scheinen" by the Wise Guys (translates to let the sun shine, and the song is about how you MAKE the sun shine in your head when there’s every weather (also emotionally) besides sunshine. This song is amazing.) 10. A song that makes you sad. “Fairytale” by Sunrise Avenue also “Ich will zu dir" by the Wise Guys (the title translated to “I want to (go) to you” aw god no that sounds awful and doesn't have half as much melancholic meaning as the German title does. It also implies “I miss you" but like in a stronger way because “I" can’t bear to be in a place you’re not in, everything draws me to you. It’s about a break-up I suppose and how one feels soon after.) 11. A song you never get tired of. Phantom of the Opera. Everything in it. 12. A song from your preteen years. “YELLOW SUBMARINE” by the Beatles. I have no idea what was on the radio when I was in my preteen years, but that was what my dad was listening to. 13. A song from the year you were born. “No Diggity” is the only song I know 14. A song you'd love to be played at your wedding. “All I ask of you” from Phantom of the Opera. Although no, actually I will probably propose with that song. Even though I don't have anyone to propose to, and I am aware that I am a cliché lesbian with that. I already know how to sing that song in its entirety…Also at my wedding I will need to hear the song “This" by Ed Sheeran. And if someone performs “Read all about it" by Emeli Sandé I will bawl my eyes out but in the best possible way.
15. A song you like that's a cover by another artist. “Crazy little thing called love” by Maroon 5. Also everything by Postmodern Jukebox. 16. A song that's a classic favourite. RETURN TO SENDER! ADDRESS UNKNOWN! THERE’S NO SUCH NUMBER! NO SUCH ZONE! by Elvis 17. A song you'd sing a duet with someone on Karaoke. PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and also RISE LIKE A PHOENIX (a good friend of mine wrote a beautiful beautiful second voice to that and we actually sang it and we also sang Phantom of the opera together although we still have to sing a duet together in front of people but I would love to do that one day!!! Our voices mesh very well together, both very classical in sound. So phantom of the opera is really perfect for us. Anyways....) 18. A song you like from the 70s. I don’t know? You expect me to know what time the songs I like are from? Well, you expect too much from me. 19. A song that makes you think about life. “What do I know" by Ed Sheeran 20. A song that has many meanings to you. Sev, I hope I may steal your song because that is also very true to me. So “I will survive” by Gloria Gaynor 21. A song you like with a person's name in the title. GRACE KELLY  by Mika HELL I LOVE THAT SONG 22. A song that moves you forward. In which way though? I shall choose “Three little things” by Jason Mraz 23. A song you think everybody should listen to. MY OWN SONGS no, joke, I didn't publish anything anywhere at all. Hm. Let me think. Okay what the hell “Das Wasser" by Wise Guys (the title just means “the water" and the song is about reaching an oasis in the desert after a long, long journey, who knows how long, maybe days, weeks, months, years even and about just jumping into that water and how that feels. I mean it’s obviously a metaphor but yeah. That song is amazing and means so much to me.) 24. A song by a band you wish were still together. You think I know that much about bands? Well, you thought wrong. Oooooorrr I could just say Beethoven to mess with you. 25. A song you like by an artist no longer living. Ummmmmm yeah I'll go with Beethoven's fifth. Or Carmina Burana? There is too much good stuff out there. No, no, I choose Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata because that piece is fucking magnificent (and I have started learning how to play it!!!) 26. A song that makes you want to fall in love. All songs. No. Sorry. I am currently in a state where I want a relationship. Sadly. I wish I could be a 100% happy single and I am 100% happy, but when I'm in a relationship I am 150% happy so - yeah. I am not a good single. Annnnyways. “Ein Kompliment” by Sportfreunde Stiller 27. A song that breaks your heart. Everything by Adele pretty much. But probably “Love in the Dark”. That might be tmi but WHO CARES the content of the song is half the reason me and my ex broke up (but like I was Adele and she was the person she’s singing about). What a self-conscious bitch with shit-ass commitment issues. Sorry. It was mostly a good relationship until the end, I just gotta bitch sometimes. 28. A song by an artist whose voice you love. Adele. And Kristin Chenoweth. And Hildegard Knef. And Marlene Dietrich. But probably most of all Ella Fitzgerald. I choose her song "Mr Paganini", it is so beautifully funny and masterfully sung. 29. A song you remember from your childhood. “Singing in the rain” by Gene Kelly. I remember dancing on the carpet in our living room to that song and them spinning so long until I would fall over from losing my balance. I was a happy child. 30. A song that reminds you of yourself. Ahahahahahaha "Glitter and be gay" from Candide, I still love Kristin Chenoweth's (and my) version most. This was soooooooo much fun I love music so much my god. And there was suprisingly much German music in there =) I’ve been listening a lot to Hildegard and Marlene lately =)
@whos-to-know, @piscesbuffy, @pixiesstolemysocks, @randomreindeer, @cassiopeiasara, @monsterintheballroom, @pandorabox82
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11 questions
i was tagged by @fruitninjamees :) thank you bae for making me do this weird stuff
1. favorite book series/book
Uhhh I don’t really read that much “real” books, but if I had to choose I would say Faust. I never expected to like it, but I really enjoyed it, even though I didn’t get all the references and subtle jokes. It was just a weird and fun ride and I was really impressed by it. Should read it again sometime soon.
2. favorite movie
Spirited Away! I’ve seen it so many times but I can never get enough of it. It is visually stunning, the soundtracks are wonderful, I love the story and characters. But most of all I love the emotion. It creates a deep warm tranquility in me, slightly melancholic and nostalgic, and yet a good feeling all the same. It’s the same feeling I get when I’m wrapped in a blanket, drinking a nice tea, with the power gone out and I’m home alone, watching a thunderstorm with heavy rain going on outside my window. It’s the very same feeling of warmth while feeling very very small before the unswayable might of nature, yet being a part of it all the same.
3. what is your philosophy
We’re all going to die and there is no meaning to life. My choices really do not matter. The wind will not stop blowing nor the Earth turning if I don’t do my homework or I gain weight or decide to move to Nicaragua. So do whatever the hell you want with these meaningless 70 years, as long as you do not rob other people of their right to do the same and cause them misfortune in any way.
4. who is your bias and why
The first few people on my list keep changing places but right now I would say BTS’ Suga. He is the only tsundere I really love. He seems tough and manly on the outside, making him a really badass and cool rapper, yet he is such a sweetheart in reality. He just wants to hold hands with everyone. Also, he is such a beautiful human being I love him.
5. are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? if so, why
Yeah, I think so. I really love affection so if I had myself as a friend, all my cuddling needs would be fulfilled :D
6. when you’re in a bad mood, do you prefer to be alone or with people
Alone. I tend to be cranky with people who don’t deserve to be treated like that and I can lash out. I find it better to calm down on my own.
7. if you could start over, what would you do differently
I think caring less about what other people think. Also living more the hakuna matata way and making more emotion-based decisions.
8. favorite thing about your favorite band
The dorks behind the instruments. I can’t say I have one favorite band, although thanks to One Ok Rock’s recent concert in Helsinki I feel like I now might. But even without specifying the band, it is always the people themselves that I find myself most attracted to. Yeah, good music and nice videos are great, but I really love seeing them fooling around either on stage or off. It makes me feel like I am best friends with all of them, even though they might be thousands of kilometers away and not know that I exist.
9. what’s your favorite thing about yourself? why?
My stubbornness. It is both a curse and a gift, yet I don’t think I would have gotten to where I am without it. I might have quit art a long time ago without it, I would have never made it this far in sports, I would have been a pushover and most likely unhappy with my life. 
10. what do you think is at the edge of the universe
A frog. Just a normal frog. But you can never fly past it, it will always stay a bit ahead of you. If you keep trying to get past it, it will get annoyed and start screaming. Since there is no sound in space, it will be the weirdest silent scream you will have witnessed. Stop making the frog feel embarrassed and go home.
11. when you don’t like yourself, how do you make yourself feel better
I write everything down, often times as poetry. It will usually help me clear my mind and remind me to love myself. If words seems too hard, I can draw or paint. If even that seems too difficult, I will just watch simple, easy to digest movies to get my mind off stuff.
I don’t have friends on the internet so I’m not tagging anyone, sorry 
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Could I get a matchup for Danganronpa V3?Straight, female. Hobbies include drawing, singing, watching documentaries, surfing the web and sometimes reading lol. Daydreamer 27/7. Shy and awkward but random, humorous and laughs easily. Absent-minded. Gets tongue-tied. Has depressive/anxious swings but tries to be optimistic. Bad self-esteem. Child-like but insightful and reflexive. Chill but always confused/sometimes hyper. Melancholic. Empathetic. Described to be wacky/loony/abstrac/mysterious.TY❤
Matchups aren’t my forte, and I’m sorry for making you wait so long but here it is! I hope you enjoy it even though it’s long overdue
Tumblr media
Romantic Matchup: Gonta Gokuhara
A soft soul for a wonderful person like yourself, I felt like Gonta would compliment your personality very well
You two are both easily excitable and have a childlike wonder to everything around you; I can imagine you two just lying on the grass and being amazed at the clouds while you two try and make out shapes out of every single one
Gonta’s not that good with technology so he’d like to lean over your shoulder and see you surfing the web; when you’re watching documentaries, he’d like to watch them with you–especially documentaries about insects; he loves those
When you get depressive or anxious swings, Gonta wouldn’t know what to do at first and he’d freak out because he thought that you were sick and needed to go to the hospital
But when you explain that it’s something that just happens, he’ll do his best to comfort you and give you the love and attention you deserve
He wouldn’t mind if you’re shy or awkward, and he wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but he’d want you to break out shell every once in awhile so people can see how talented you are at drawing and singing; he loves seeing you doing both because of how passionate and happy you look–he wants other people to see this too
Platonic Matchup: Kiibo
I feel like you and Kiibo would be really good friends!
He cares about his friends a lot, and the fact that you have interesting hobbies makes him want to learn more from you
Since you laugh easily, he’d come to you to test out his jokes and stand-up comedy–he’d think he was actually funny but you’re just easily amused by him; please don’t tell him this, though, his confidence skyrockets when you laugh at his jokes
He wouldn’t really understand why you’re so shy, but there’s a lot of stuff he doesn’t understand so he’ll try to get you to flaunt off your skills every now and then
Surfing the web is one of the things he enjoys doing too because he gets to learn about common slang and the newest trends–and you bet he’s going to go for you to learn more things
He’ll ask you what certain words meant and why people use them–some words may be too uncomfortable to talk about but hey, he doesn’t know any better
When you get into your swings at first, he’d freak out and immediately search his database in order to look for solutions and help he can provide; by the time you experience a swing again, he’d be on top of his game and give you all the support you need–I repeat, this boy cares about his friend a lot
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alternativesaga · 8 years
Oh dang. Okay I’ll have them answered underneath the cut! 
1: How tall or short do you wish you were?
-I’d at least like to be 5′5
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)
-Real I would like a husky cause they’re adorable, but for a mythological one I’d love a dragon cause why not, right? 
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style?
-Gosh, well that’s a bit hard. I don’t really know the names for clothing styles, but I guess an example could be some jeans and a t-shirt, nothing too fancy with a beanie.That’s just the casual look. Or I could say an actual style like steampunk which I adore since it’s so different! 4: What was your favorite video game growing up?
-Sonic the hedgehog is something for sure. 5: What three things/people do you think of most each day:
-1. My family 2. How things are in other parts of the world and what could happen if something changed 3. Friends 
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
-”Warning: I could seem intimidating or just seem like a total weirdo, but do not mistake me just for another person. There’s a lot more about me than you’d expect” 7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?
-I don’t really know how to answer this so how about mainstream stuff?
One thing that bugs me is when people talk about others in a rude way for being “strange”,”weird”,”ugly” (nothing I’ve heard personally for myself, I’m just talking on a neutral standard level here), etc. and the people saying these things wear some sort of shirt saying “I’m just a type of crazy” sorta shirt. Like, you’re saying all these rude things, but you wear those shirts yet don’t even know what it’s reflecting on just being “weird is the new cool” in a sense. I don’t know, it’s just a thought.8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]
-Just did a test and it says I’m Phlegmatic. Surprisingly, it fits really well. 9: Are you ticklish?
-Maybe.10: Are you allergic to anything?
-Nope.11: What’s your sexuality?
-Straight/Heterosexual12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?
-I prefer tea, but I don’t mind cocoa. And for coffee, I prefer it iced.13: Are you a cat or dog person?
-Both. But I prefer dogs since I’m used to them more.14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?
-Elf. Vampire sounds interesting, but I want to be out in the sun too. And merperson isn’t my type. Elf would be something interesting and a variety.15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?
-Hm, I don’t watch a lot of youtubers to be a big fan, but I do like to watch Markiplier’s videos when I can!16: How tall are you?
-5′3 17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
-Wouldn’t know. I don’t really think my name now doesn’t fit me well either. Lol I’m one of those oddballs in a group. At least I think so. I like unique names that you don’t hear often, so my name doesn’t help me with that at all. 18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]
-We’re just gonna leave this blank.19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
-Yes I do.20: Do you like space or the ocean more?
-Space even though the ocean has yet to have more discoveries.21: Are you religious?
-In a sense that I have a  religion, yes.22: Pet peeves?
-Gosh I know I have some, but nothing that’s coming to mind.23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?
-Diurnal.24: Favorite constellation?
-Little dipper.25: Favorite star?
-Not really. Unless you count the northern star.26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?
-I don’t like dolls in total.27: Any phobias or fears?
-Dolls, being betrayed, dying, losing everything and everyone I cared for, feeling nothing, etc.28: Do you think global warming is real?
-It is. It’s sad people are ignoring or denying it, but it’s there. Just because you(I’m saying those who oppose it’s not true) don’t feel the affects, it doesn’t mean others aren’t either.29: Do you believe in reincarnation?
-I do. 30: Favorite movie?
-District 9 or The Little Prince31: Do you get scared easily?
-Not really, but it’s possible.32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?
-About 11? I used to have chihuahuas because of my grandma and her dogs and I used to have a bunch of birds, but they flew away somehow when the cage was open. 
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.]
-Can’t answer this since there’s no blog.34: What is a color that calms you?
-Blue. It’s a calming color indeed and just looking up at the sky and the clouds when in time of stress just relieves time itself and feels as if it just slowed down just for you to look at the clouds.35: Where would you like to travel and/or live?
-I’d like to stay in California, but would like to go upstate. Knowing my personal business right now, I wouldn’t see that much happening anytime soon. Though I’d like to travel to Australia, Japan, and Chicago.36: Where were you born?
-Somewhere in SoCal.37: What is your eye color?
-A really dark brown. They used to be completely black but that changed overtime. 38: Introvert or extrovert?
-Ambivert. So meaning sorta both. Maybe more of an Introvert now.39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?
-I like them for fun. Do I always believe them? To a certain point, no. Sometimes it’s for comfort or my own use.40: Hugs or kisses?
-Hugs. 41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?
-Not at the moment, no.42: Who is someone you love deeply?
-I’ll rephrase it as someone I care for as my little sis.43: Any piercings you want?
-Nah, though if I had to, just like another on an ear.44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?
-I was never allowed to usually even wear the fake ones as a kid lol Well sometimes I did, but still. However, although I like the designs at times, no, not for myself at least.45: Do you smoke or have you ever done so?
-Nope. The scent is horrible.46: Talk about your crush, if you have one!
-Tall person, mostly a silent type at first.47: What is a sound you really hate?
-Garbage trucks in the morning.48: A sound you really love?
-The sound of rain.49: Can you do a backflip?
-Lol heck no.50: Can you do the splits?
-I don’t feel like breaking anything so no.51: Favorite actor and/or actress?
-Don’t have one.52: Favorite movie?
-There’s two questions just as the same..? I’ll just put it again. District 9 and Little Prince53: How are you feeling right now?
-Tired, but alright.54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?
-I like my hair color but it would be cool to have it completely black and some blue highlights on the tips.55: When did you feel happiest?
-I’m not sure.56: Something that calms you down?
-Drawing, reading, listening to music, writing57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]
-Never checked so I don’t think so.
58: What does your URL mean?
-I put it as my own definition so that it’s: different and that there’s always options and pathways to everything59: What three words describe you the most?
-Weird, creative,strange60: Do you believe in evolution?
-Yes.61: What makes you unfollow a blog?
-Less activity over a long period of time or sometimes now inappropriate things on there62: What makes you follow a blog?
-If it’s something that interests me like art, memes, and tutorials63: Favorite kind of person:
-Someone kind, interesting, different from how others I see usually are64: Favorite animal(s):
-Panda, raccoon, red panda, wolf65: Name three of your favorite blogs.
- @silvur-trash @krystalia-productions @mangofritter66: Favorite emoticon:
-Don’t have one.67: Favorite meme:
-I’ve been loving these videos lately: https://alternativesaga.tumblr.com/post/15751787827868: What is your MBTI personality type?
-Last time I checked I was INFP69: What is your star sign?
-Libra70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?
-Sometimes when he’s not being a butt.71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?
-Some black jeans and a random t-shirt with my black Route 66 sweater.72: Post a selfie or two?
-HAHAHA no not today 73: Do you have platform shoes?
-What are those??74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?
-I’m a lefty75: Can you do a front flip?
-Heck no lol76: Do you like birds?
-Yep.77: Do you like to swim?
-Heck yeah, when it’s summer of course.78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?
-Swimming is fun. Ice skating I’m REALLY a beginner, so I guess swimming.79: Something you wish didn’t exist:
-Segregation based on looks or class.80: Something you wish did exist:
-Don’t know.81: Piercings you have?
-None.82: Something you really enjoy doing:
-Drawing.83: Favorite person to talk to:
-I don’t just have one haha84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?
-A complicated, but sophisticated website. Whoops.85: How many followers do you have?
-220.86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?
-Last time I checked, it was 11 minutes.87: Do your socks always match?
-Yeah when I find all the pairs.88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?
-Yep.89: What are your birthstones?
-Opal and Tourmaline.90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?
-Panda or raccoon91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?
-Wouldn’t know.92: A store you hate?
-Don’t know.93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?
-Never tried to figure it out so I don’t know.94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?
-Read minds.95: Do you like to wear camo?
-Eh, not really my type, but I wouldn’t mind it.96: Winter or summer?
-WINTER97: How long can you hold your breath for?
-45 sec-1 minute.98: Least favorite person?
-Don’t have one.99: Someone you look up to:
-My parents.100: A store you love?
-Hot Topic 101: Favorite type of shoes
- I just wear what I have.102: Where do you live?
-California103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?
-I’m none of those. 104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?
-Is it bad if I say I forgot the name? haha105: Do you drink milk?
-Yep.106: Do you like bugs?
-I don’t really mind them, but what I really despise is maggots107: Do you like spiders?
-Mostly, no I don’t.108: Something you get paranoid about?
-Sudden sounds that appear out of silence.109: Can you draw:
-Doesn’t have an option as to what, but I do draw.110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?
-Oh gosh, well I’m not going to mention that here.111: A question you hate being asked?
-I don’t really mind questions, so I don’t really have an input. It really depends to me on who’s asking.112: Ever been bitten by a spider?
-Yes114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?
-Cloudy115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now:
-lol no one116: Favorite cloud type:
-I just like them regular clouds117: What color do you wish the sky was?
-Nothing than blue. It’s just so calming. Though I also love its sunset colors.118: Do you have freckles?
-Nope119: Favorite thing about a person:
-All goes down to their personality.120: Fruits or vegetables?
-Fruits121: Something you want to do right now:
-Get some Chinese food. Like, I don’t know that just what I want right now.122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?
-Sky123: Sweet or sour foods?
-Hmm that’s hard. I’m neutral on both actually.124: Bright or dim lights?
-Dim lights. 125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?
-Nothing that’s coming to mind right now.
126: Something you hate about Tumblr:
-Nothing much that’s so drastic to say I hate it. 
127: Something you love about Tumblr:
-It’s randomness.
128: What do you think about the least?
- Don’t know exactly.
129: What would you want written on your tombstone?
-”Remember me for who I was, not as to how I am now. And don’t cry or else I’ll come out of my grave to slap you.”
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?
-No one for the moment being.
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?
-My behavior that can change drastically at times. It’s not me exactly, I can be really positive at times, but throughout the day I just slink back to some bad mood for no reason at times which can cause me anxiety. I only find this good because when I’m positive, I have a good set view on life. And when I’m down, I can think more to myself and situations much more efficiently despite it all. What’s bad about this can be implications or situations when I’m in a down mood.
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?
-Not much. Rarely I do. I get nervous or just forget how to?? If that makes any sense haha
133: Computer or TV?
-Computer. I don’t watch much TV
134: Do you like roller coasters?
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?
-Never been out in the sea like that and motion sickness no. I’m not really sensitive to movement
136: Are your ears lobed or attached?
137: Do you believe in karma?
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?
-4? I guess? I don’t know. I’m not very good at rating things especially when it comes to looks. 
139: What nicknames do you have/have had?
-Saga(username/online), Jess, Jessie, Jess-Jess, Jeff, Idaho, etc
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?
-Nah. Though sometimes I picture my characters in situations or when I have anxiety and wonder what they’d do or say.
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?
-Good. I’ve seen and had....bad influences, but have never given in to them. Overall I seem to be a good influence, but have my ever so rare moments of doing something really stupid.
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?
-Giving, but I’m really bad at it haha
144: What makes you angry
-Bullying, constant lying, others messing with others stuff, denial(I’m a hypocrite. I know. But I mean when it’s something so severe and affecting so many things irl like the economy, but still don’t do anything to fix it), etc.
145: How many languages do you speak fluently?
-English, really. I speak Spanish too, but little of it. For some reason I can understand, somehow write and read it, but I can’t talk back very much? I have a hard time forming complex sentences or even simple ones sometimes 
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries?
-As someone I would like romantically? Boys. However as friends I don’t mind any.
147: Are you androgynous?
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:
-Don’t really have much favorites on anything physical for anything usually, but I guess my eyes? I just like dark colors when defined. 
149: Favorite thing about your personality:
-Can create the randomest of things in an instant even if I stutter or mess up my words when I say them lol 
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.
-The Silvur child, Jazz child, and I guess my little sis. 
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?
-I’ve thought about this for the skeletons cause history class sometimes gets to me. Though for myself, I’d say the early 19th century even if it were 1890. The last part of the Industrial Revolution is still going on so that means I could see what inspired the style of steampunk and hey, women have gained rights before this time already and just in time!
152: Do you like BuzzFeed?
-Eh, my sis does. I don’t mind it, but the videos can sometimes be unnecessary to a certain degree and their rules that whoever work there that if they make an individual, it immediately belongs to BuzzFeed which I don’t really see as fair.  
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]
-My skeleson wanted to reenact Shakespeare. 
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?
-I’m not really one for much affection in a sense. I sometimes feel awkward or uncomfortable when coming to affections. However, I’m getting used to that so personally, no, although I have some friends hold hands platonically sometimes, but I prefer hugs.
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?
-Sometimes when I’m bored lol
156: What embarrasses you?
-Very personal intimate talks in public places with another, stuttering in the easiest of words, etc
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:
-Past memories, sudden noises or lights, the future, if I’m doing anything wrong in the present, etc
158: Biggest lie you have ever told:
-Haha wouldn’t you like to know? 
159: How many people are you following?
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?
-Not sure on how to check that. 
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?
-Just this one I’m currently working on.
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?
-Not sure.
163: Last time you cried and why:
-Don’t remember. 
164: Do you have long or short hair?
-Short hair/medium hair
165: Longest your hair has ever been:
-When I was like 7. 
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religion?
-I believe in a number of things from the Bible, but some things I don’t which I feel don’t make sense in accordance to events and false claims. This isn’t I don’t really want to get into online. 
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?
-I do, but I don’t want it to make me subject my life to just that one topic.
168: Do you like to wear makeup?
-No, not really. Whenever I do, it’s the simpler things like lipstick/lipgloss, and maybe mascara.
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds?
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? 
-For the most part, I think so.
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theseventhhex · 7 years
Stevie Parker Interview
Stevie Parker
Photo by Bison
Music about lost love, longing and the melancholic beauty of simple existence - Stevie Parker manages to impressively capture a range of emotions with her songs. With her sometimes smoky, scratchy, sometimes crystal-clear and sweet voice, she creates moody and poetic images in the minds of her listeners and creates an appealing, almost intoxicating atmosphere. Combining her reserved style with her extroverted tracks, Stevie’s pulsating, shimmering synths and reverberant sounds work enchantingly alongside atmospheric turns and her profound lyrics… We talk to the delightful Stevie Parker about self-discovery, performing live and finding peace…
TSH: With the piano being your one true love with instrumentation, does it serve you well when you often start from a blank canvas?
Stevie: Yeah, certainly. I always start with piano, it’s my favourite musical texture and I'm most fluent with it, so I can sort of just play around fairly easily and come up with a good starting point.
TSH: With regards to your excellent record, ‘The Cure’, how key was the aspect of self-discovery for this album?
Stevie: Firstly, thank you! Yeah, it was definitely key - I wrote the album over a very long period of time, as one naturally does with their first outing, and so it does cover a lot of emotional ground. With that inevitably comes a long and twisting story of growing up and self-discovery.
TSH: Also, knowing you went from being a carefree person to becoming quite a serious person in a short space of time, how did this impact your songwriting?
Stevie: I think I just became a little more obsessed about coming up with the goods. I became a bit more fixated with a ‘finished product’ and general efficiency. I’ve sort of come back around to wanting to do it for fun, which is absolutely what it should be!
TSH: Furthermore, how liberating is to have a collection of songs with ‘The Cure’ that document feelings from a variety of perspectives?
Stevie: It’s very liberating. As you mentioned earlier it is kind of an example of self-discovery, it just happens to be one I can look at and touch and listen to, which is so tangible and satisfying.
TSH: What sort of motivations do you draw on to pen a track like ‘Fall’?
Stevie: ‘Fall’ was actually quite an empowering song to write. It was the last song I wrote about a pretty grim breakup and a very pivotal relationship, and sort of acted as a goodbye letter to mourning that whole situation/person. I also wrote it in the autumn, which is partly the reason for the name. Everything changes in autumn, kind of like you shed a skin and start seeing things differently, at least that’s how I always feel, summer is never that good a time for me.
TSH: Moreover, as you fleshed out ‘Blue’, were you looking to imply a certain type of energy, or was the process more freeform and organic?
Stevie: ‘Blue’ kind of came out of nowhere actually. It was the song that made me consider writing more electronic stuff as before I wasn’t really thinking in that realm. It was energetic from the start, really exciting to write and very organic.
TSH: Was ‘This Time’ the natural choice as album closer?
Stevie: Yeah. It was the last song I wrote for the record and it felt like a bit of a jam - I quite liked the idea of ending the record on that note, it almost feels like a ‘to be continued’…Thematically, it’s also empowering. Most of the songs are written from a scorned or unrequited perspective and it was fun writing with the boot on the other foot. I like ending the predominantly gloomy tone on that slightly sweeter note.
TSH: Do the sounds being formulated commonly dictate the way you choose to decide on your vocal delivery?
Stevie: Yeah, completely. I like to use my voice quite instrumentally, especially live. So the parts of the music that are spacious or conversely quite thick and complex, I like for them to be a bit more vocally freeform.
TSH: Why do you feel you generally write better if you’re coming from a place of sadness or emptiness?
Stevie: I think it really depends on what kind of song you want to write! There’s a time and a place for everything I reckon. I think I enjoy writing most when I have lots of energy and am feeling very inspired, naturally. But I think some of my better lyrics have come from intense sadness.
TSH: What sort of aura and energy do you hope manifests when people are watching you live?
Stevie: I just hope the audience can see that I’m very into it. I get very involved and find it hard to concentrate on the fact that it’s supposed to be a performance. And I'm very shit at the between song chat, haha. I hope the music is intense and that it’s just a very involving and all-encompassing and dramatic spectacle.
TSH: Does getting away from the city noise and unplugging from technology help you to have more of a singular focus?
Stevie: Yeah, I’m really not into city life. Bristol is OK though! And I live on the outskirts anyway. I grew up in the West Country so I still haven’t really acclimatised. It definitely helps me to focus being somewhere quiet and peaceful.
TSH: What were your favourite parts in the movie ‘Boyhood’?
Stevie: I liked the whole film a lot. I thought the earliest scenes when he was really young were the best. There was something naive and blissful about the earlier scenes even though there was quite a lot of discord going on. It’s sort of how children see the world really.
TSH: Talk us through what led to the following tweet ‘I want to meet all the dogs’…
Stevie: I just love dogs and simply can’t get enough!
TSH: How impressed were you with your trip to the Oxford University Museum of Natural History recently?
Stevie: It was wonderful. I love that sort of thing. I just wish a lot of the taxidermy was still living and breathing.
TSH: Amidst all the bedlam in the world, what gives you most peace?
Stevie: I think stillness and quiet time. I find I need a lot of time to just chill out; I get quite antsy and restless and have to force myself to sit down sometimes. Love and people are also completely vital - isolation has always been something I naturally gravitate towards but has been responsible for so much of my psychological bedlam at times in my life.
TSH: What kind of intent do you have for future music?
Stevie: I’m not sure yet. I'm sort of discovering that at the moment and trying a lot of new things - I guess watch this space!
Stevie Parker - “Without You”
Stevie Parker - “Pillowtalk (Official Audio)”
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