#though i will say i cannot for the life of me see chuuya working with kunikida they have very similar skillsets
videogamelover99 · 2 years
Reverse SKK AUs are so funny because we have this scary, edgy Mafia Executive who seems to be one step ahead of anyone who tries to get in his way and then one time you see your "mysterious" co-worker yelling at him and calling him a "bastard" without blinking and you just want to live and have your agency survive and not get nuked by the PM and suddenly the big scary Mafia guy devolves into a five-year-old child and starts yelling playground insults back at him.
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confusedemiposts · 10 months
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Chuuya sfw alphabet
Notes: Requested by Anon but i accidentally deleted the ask.
Tags: Floof, tiny angst for E,D and W. Not proofread, might be oc, GN! reader
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'A' is for Affection (How affectionate are they?)
He's very affectionate, he'll spend any time he can with you and buy you a bunch of gifts, he loves seeing your face light up when he suprised you with a gift, a grin on his own face from your reaction. But his favourite is physical touch. He loves it but he keeps it to a minimum in public, he always has a hand on you no matter what and keep his arm around your waist but nothing too much, only one or two short brief kisses if deemed appropriate, this is even less within the Port Mafia because he wants to keep serious and not seem like some lovesick puppy by his subordinates.
But once in private space? He'll smoother your face In kisses and keep you in his arms for as long as he can
'B' is for Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend?)
He's litterly such a nice and calm person canonically but only acts like an annoyed hot headed chihuahua to Dazai cause he annoys the shit out of him but also trusts him, so unless you annoy him like Dazai then he's the most loyal and trustworthy friend you can find and he loves hanging out with you. I feel like he's the type of friend to beat the shit out of someone who wronged you and offer to buy all your things and even if you say no several times he will buy it anyways, no repayments back.
'C' is for Cuddles (How would they cuddle?)
He likes to cuddle you like a teddy bear, just letting out all his stess out from the day and let exhaustion consume him while he's in your arms,he holds onto you tightly. I think he prefers to cuddle on top of you so he can embrace all of you and just keep his face in your chest or shoulders, embracing your scent that he cannot get enough of.
'D' is for Domestic (Everyday life with them, do they want to settle down?)
Unless you work in the Port Mafia you won't really be able to see him for hours on end, only before and after work or his day's off. He wakes up really early in the morning and cooks breakfast if you aren't awake, and let me tell you he's a fantastic cook. The evenings are more quiet and gentle, probably cuddling on the couch as you either watch tv or read a book as he drinks a nice glass of wine
I think he wants to settle down and spend his every day with you but realistically he can't unless he somehow retired from the mafia, which I don't think Mori will let happen :(
'E' is for Ending (If they had to break up with their partner)
If he had to break up with you it would be for your safety, dating a mafiaso is dangerous in general, dating a mafia executive is asking for a death wish. Your safety would be in absolute danger if any organisation or even Mori were to know you were close to Chuuya, who knows what they'd do to you if they had ill intentions. He'd talk to face to face about it, calm and collected even though his chest is aching at the thought of even doing this
'F' is for Fiance (How do they feel about commitment?)
If this a long term serious relationship the thought of marriage would come across his mind maybe a year or two in, when he realises he genuinely loves you and wants to spend all his waking hours with you. He would propose to you if your thoughts of marriage are positive and when he feels like the moment is right- unless you propose to him first, leaving him extremely flustered but he will instantly say yes
'H' is for Hugs (What are their hugs like?)
He likes hugs. He loves to wrap his arms around you and feel you close, doesn't matter if you're taller or shorter than him, he loves to bury his face into your neck and feel your warmth and he just loves it when you hug him back with your arms around him.
'G' is for Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is very gentle with you physically, touching you as if you were a delicate flower, but there are times where he loses his patience. He tries his best to keep calm and collected but with the amount of stress he goes through and if tension arises he snaps. But he'll try to fix it if he genuinely upset you, he cares too much about you
'I' is for "I love you" (How fast do they say the L-word?)
This isn't a word he throws around carelessly, it's going to take him awhile till he says it and when he says it he means it.
'J' is for Jealous (How jealous do they get?)
He knows there's no need to be jealous since your his and he is yours but he can't help it if he sees someone get physically close to you with a flirtatious intentions, he will put his hand around your waist and pull you close to him, head on your shoulder as he asks "who's this darling?" Giving a quick peck on your neck and cheek, staring at the person with a menacing glare without your notice.
'K' is for Kisses (what are their kisses like?)
Every kiss he means it, often passionate and deep yet gentle. He loves feeling your lips on his and it's something he will never get tired. Wine and your lips are his favourite things.He likes to place soft kisses on your cheeks, neck, shoulders and the back of your hands. He loves every kiss you give him but he loves the one's where you unconsciously kiss his cheek, forehead or even his mouth with no thoughts in your head, just kissing him makes him feel all tingly inside
'L' is for Little one's (How are they around children?)
He is litterly the BEST with children! He knows how to deal with them and let them have fun, he'd be the best dad ever! The thought of having his own children comes into his head if he sees how you interact with children or just seeing your baby photos. He might bring it up in a late night conversation just to see how you feel about children and ask if you'd ever want children. I think he'd love to have children if he's in a good position but he also cares about your comfort and if this is something you want, since this a serious two person descion.
'M' is for Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Chuuya are calm but structured, if you aren't awake yet he'll cook you breakfast. I feel like he has a morning routine so he wakes up at the same time every day, though sleeping in for only an hour on days off. He has a skincare routine that he definitely does with you, how else is his skin so smooth?? Definitely works out too in the morning, he may look slim but he's definitely built.
'N' is for Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights after work are also calm (he's just a calm person to be around). He often comes home late or early even depending on how the mafia is doing, he'll call you if he's coming home late so you know he'd okay. When he's home your both eating dinner and filling each other in the on the day. I think he'd take a shower as fast as possible after dinner, he likes to keep himself clean, he prides in his skincare and haircare, genuinely dragging you into it too. After that he likes to relax with a glass of wine and do whatever before bed, he does go to bed at a certain time to get his eight hours
'O' is for Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
He is simultaneously close to others yet at the same time he isn't. He will never reveal everything about himself, but what he does reveal will come when he is ready and feels secure enough to do so. He won't bring this up either if you never bring up a particular topic. He says a lot of things just because you ask.
'P' is for Patient (How easily angered are they?)
He tries his best to be patient with you, always taking into consideration of your feelings but the rare times if you're being unreasonable about something harmless and he's stressed he will snap but nothing that should lead into an extreme argument. He likes to solve things before they escalate
'Q' is for Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?)
He'll memorise every single thing about you, your likes,your dislikes, your behaviours, he remembers every single detail he seems nessecary which is all.
'R' is for Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favourite moment with you is the first time he kissed you, just seeing your face from his kiss made him grin. He was addicted to your lips from then on.
'S' is for Security (How protective are they?)
Chuuya is protective but will give you space if you need some, but if you feel bad or threatened, he will definately do something about it. Even unconsciously he's protective, as I said even in public he always has a hand on you and keeping you close.
'T' is for Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He may be severely busy but he is always trying, using his head to keep a balanced work life and personal life. Always planning free time with you and dates, constantly buying you gifts as if to compensate for the time he wasn't with you, he does it unconsciously I think. If you plan or gift something for him he will absolutely adore it
'U' is for Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
'V' is for Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I think his worst habit is blowing up? To be honest I'm not really sure about this letter, I think he'd only snap at you specifically if he's stressed or really upset which isn't often, he likes to sort things out
If you don't like smoking that could be a problem, he only smokes to cool off when he's extremely under pressure but he'll try to quit if you really don't like it
This man is not leaving the house without looking perfect, as I said he has a strict skincare and haircare routine- and have you seen his outfit? He could litterly be a model
'W' is for Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Chuuya has experienced lost before and you certainly won't be the last, Though it leaves him devastated every time,Chuuya has learnt self-control to understand his loss and how he personally experiences grief, since he knows all too well how simple it is to lose people. He bears the weight of loss, yet it is loss that gives him motivation to move forward
'X' is for Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Let me just ramble about his ability real quick. If he wants to hide something from you, he'd use his gravity to hide it on high place that neither of you can reach, he'll use it to tease you if you don't have a nullification ability. If you ask he'd put you on the ceiling or just float in general, making sure to comfort you if you get scared or dizzy from blood rush.
'Y' is for Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Not being trusted back, he is loyal and trusts you so he would hope you would trust him back. Or someone who only sees him for his money as he's quiet loaded
'Z' is for Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He is a sound sleeper, just flat out exhausted one he lands on the mattress, he must get his eight hours worth of sleep. He weirdly sleeps like a mess yet somehow looks ethereal at the same time? He likes holding you close to feel you close and his body is extremely warm like a fire so that sucks during summer
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Why is he literally the most perfect boyfriend ever???
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okay can someone explain why neurodivergent SKK, esp. ADHD SKK, are such a popular thing /gen
like, are all of us projecting? or is there some solid ground beneath it all? did someone post about it and all of us just went with it? how does it work for y'all? /gen
I can see Chuuya, but Dazai is just questions upon questions. IMO he's too highly functioning to have ADHD. maybe me not getting it is me projecting bc I cannot imagine myself being able to put up with so much stuff like he does. he's plans are always too complicated for me
I mostly just terrorize bsd kids with mental illnesses but some of this is. to say, curious
I thought of ADHD Atsushi (Kyoka is neurotypical and really tries to put up with him) and autistic Akutagawa and Rampo and maybe Poe (so Rampoes are in their little corner in ADA office rambling about stuff being totally on the same wave) but not these two dumb rocks
adhd chuuya does sound nice though. I'll think about it. prepare to be terrified. I might not make his life worse with gender issues but neurodivergence is going to be a murder.
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Hii<33 How are you? I just saw one of your posts about wanting to write more from stormbringer. So i got an idea,
How would the flags, Rimbaud and Verlaine (Separately) react to the reader being (on the outside) tuff, strong, fierce and short-tempered. But on the inside being a softie, and with little to no social skills (just like me :D)
Anyways hope you have a good day/night. :)
Hiii Cat! Reader lowkey kinda sounds like me ahaha, minus the fierce part. Also this will be shorter since there are more characters.
The images do not belong to me. They belong to their original owners.
TW: None
The Flags, Rimbaud and Verlaine with a reader who is soft on the inside
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-Definitely at first teased you sometimes. You reminded him of Chuuya so much, and he loved seeing you get ticked off by his teasing
-He admires how strong and tough you were. Life in the Mafia was hard, and only the strong and the cunning could survive. Pianoman would still want to protect you, however he's glad knowing that you could defend yourself
-However, deeper into the relationship, you revealed yourself to be quite the opposite than what you acted like on the outside. At first Pianoman was kind of shocked at how soft you were towards him
-But he quickly grows to love your soft side. He even teases you sometimes, saying 'Do I have a special spot in your heart?' but he still loves you all the same
-Pianoman is happy to do all the talking for you, because what kind of a leader is he if he isn't good at talking? His social skills are quite good, so you don't have to worry about messing any interaction up
-He loves how your soft side is reserved to him and him only
-You thought that Pianoman's teasing was bad? Well, Albatross is the king of teasing
-Literally a day cannot go by without you two having a banter of some sort. Albatross loves how similar you were to Chuuya, and he pretty much has a lot of experience teasing Chuuya to know what would set you off
-He works well with you in missions, whether it be fighting or negotiating. Albatross admires how great you are at fighting on the field. Brags about how strong his S/O is to the Flags
-But when you showed your soft side? Ohoho, be prepared for more teasing. Albatross would tone it down though, because he loves your soft side a lot
-Social skills? He’s quite the energetic one, and is perfectly happy to do all the talking
-Calls you a lot of affectionate nicknames like ‘Cutie’ and ‘Softie’. You get back at him by calling him ‘Bird’
-In the rare moments when Albatross is finally tired, he would show his softer side to you too. And it’s these moments when the soft couple vibes are 💖💖💖
-Loves your fierce and strong personality. Because he isn’t as physically strong as the other members of the Flags, he’s a bit relieved that you could defend yourself
-I feel like he would tease you slightly at first, just to rile you up a little, but afterwards he would be chill. Teaches you all about the human body to aid you in your missions
-But your soft side??? Totally was not expecting that. He literally thought that someone hit you in the head lol. But Doc’s not complaining, because he loves loves LOVES how soft you are around him in private
-Look after him, because his health isn’t that great. He secretly likes being looked after by you, even when he acts like he’s fine and could take care of himself Doc just say that you want them to take care of you lmao
-I feel like Doc’s social skills are alright? Disregarding his... morbid fascinations, he’s pretty good at getting the point straight across. He secretly doesn’t like talking a lot because social interaction is just ew, but he would gladly talk for you
-Hug him and cuddle him! He’s touch-starved, and there’s nothing more that he loves than your soft side
-A cold-blooded person who also is soft and kind on the inside
-Iceman didn’t really mind your tough and strong personality, because he’s met a lot of mafiosos who were like that and he has to deal with Chuuya everyday. He still thinks that you’re cool, and would not hesitate to protect you even though you could defend yourself
-Didn’t really show much of a reaction when you revealed your soft side to him, but he secretly melts a little on the inside. Iceman is glad that you trusted him enough to be vulnerable around him
-Definitely shows you his soft side too. It’s canon that he’s a kind person, and he will definitely perform acts of service for you. Brews you coffee, makes you food, comforts you when you’re upset, just basically a lot of heart-warming affection
-Iceman isn’t one to talk, but he’s perfectly fine talking for you. But he prefers staying in silence more because silence speaks louder than words to him
-In his soft moments, he’ll cuddle and hug you on the coach, you leaning against his chest while listening to his slow and steady heartbeat. Sometimes he might even incorporate a kiss on your forehead or two
-I think he treated you the same as Chuuya at first; polite and friendly
-When he gets more comfortable around you, you bet he’ll tease you quite a bit. It’s more of a gentle teasing though, because Lippmann doesn’t like going overboard and making you mad/upset
-Really admires your strength. I feel like Lippmann respects people who could defend themselves and put up a good fight for their opponent, and the fact that you’re his S/O just makes him admire you more
-Was kind of shocked when you revealed your soft side. Lippmann doesn’t seem like the type of person to expect a lot of change at once, so he first thought that you were putting up an act to impress him with your acting skills. He was relieved when you told him it was genuine
-Now that he has seen your soft side, he is going to be 100x more softer around you. Like giving you gentle and delicate kisses, complimenting you everywhere, just affection in general. Might even flirt with you sometimes, but his flirting makes you flustered because of the elegance in his words
-Speaking of words, Lippmann is very good at talking and negotiating. So any type of social interaction goes by smoothly because of his way with words. All your social anxiety go 👋
-Soft Lippmann is a treat, and only you get to see it <3
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-Not gonna lie he was kind of scared of your personality at the start
-But once he got closer to you and became your S/O, he actually sees that your fierce and tough personality wasn’t all there was to you. Your relationship literally was like ‘Sunshine-sunshine protector’ and it’s pretty cute
-He would still teach you self-defence and combat skills though, because being a spy is a very dangerous job. Even when you could hold your own in battle, you could never be too careful
-But when you revealed your soft side to him? Rimbaud immediately transforms from ‘protected’ into ‘must-protect’. He can’t bear the thought of losing you, because he’s lost too many people already :(
-Soft couple! Soft couple! Need I say any less? The vibes have gotten even more cuter 💗
-If Rimbaud would walk through any hell for Verlaine, then he would go through much worse for you. Your soft side is a treasure, one that he cherishes and reciprocates, and he would do anything to keep you safe and happy
-Free time is normally spent cuddling each other on the couch in comfortable silence 💜
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-He didn’t really mind your tough personality at first; what can I say, he just doesn’t judge too much on personalities
-However Verlaine also likes how you strong you were. Even though you could be easily ticked off and sometimes rushed into things without thinking it through, he doesn’t have to worry about you not being able to fight for yourself
-Despite the difference in personalities, you actually respect and tolerate him. Probably because Verlaine himself is really strong, and he doesn’t tease you as much as other people (*cough* Dazai)
-But when you showed your soft side to him... Verlaine was not really expecting it. He teases you a little while smiling, but he is secretly glad that he gets to experience this side of you. Is more affectionate and softer towards you now
-He does have good social skills due to his job of being a spy and an assassin (Loid and Yor’s lovechild- jk) so Verlaine is able to negotiate and lead a conversation smoothly. His elegant voice just makes everything better
-Expect some light-hearted teasing once in a while, but Verlaine still loves you, regardless of which personality you have
@pixyys @pianotross @nekokinax @lakeside-paradise @yuugen-benni @angolicious  @catzlivedforbsd
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nacaharachuya · 2 years
I’m done being anon now so anyways WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON CSM DAZAI?????? I literally cannot think of anything when it comes to him so i would love to hear about what you have in mind.
Alright so now i know gravity is actually more common of a fear than i thought but.. if we were to incorporate dazai’s No Longer Human abilty into csm… that i can confidently say might not be as powerful as gravity or chainsaws because being able to nullify a devils power would be EXCLUSIVELY terrifying to devils/people who are contracted to devils. But then again would a power like that really need to be powerful in the first place? Because it’s just nullifying a devils power. Maybe there could be drawbacks like he can only nullify a power for a certain amount of time or something else…
And also what would be his backstory? I know you said he could be a devil which i agree but what’s more to it.. i need to know..
(Also feels kinda harsh making him a whole ass devil when he was called the demon prodigy when he was in the mafia LMAO)
OMG HEHYYYY 🥸🥸🥸♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 🫶 WELCOME
DAZAI IS A WILD CARD FOR ME. I can see him as a devil or a very crooked devil hunter or something in between or just a total outlier.
Like if it were the devil route, then I could see him as something along the lines of control like makima… he is a very controlling person because he’s supposed to be, he needs things to go his way and if not he has a plan to work it in his favor because it’s strategy. However, I think other devil powers could suit him too like for instance; emptiness. Making your target feel completely devoid of emotions—happiness, sadness, fear, of their powers and anything alike. He would be what every person fears at some point in their life and that is having nothing or feeling like there is nothing out for you. It would be equivalent to being stuck into solitary confinement because you would feel so out of touch. So the target WOUOD become powerless after that. :3That reminds me of no longer human a LOT. Either that, or he can have a contract with that devil. I think devil Dazai would be sooo funny in contrast to Chuuya who hates devils. But idk…
Backstory wise I feel like tragedy is necessary. If he were a devil hunter I had this weird thought that he would captured by devils or something and raised by them in this strange fucked up way where now he’s trying to blend into human society or smth happened and he wants to kill devils now. If he were a devil though i think he would do something that would get him expelled from hell like something that fucks with the hierarchy and sends hell spiraling so he’s been shot back onto earth like nayuta which is where he would end up meeting Chuuya as a child. IDK I COULD TOTALLY FLESH THIS OUT IF I HAD A STANDARD TO GO WITH IT
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Hiya can I request Akutagawa with a young female reader that looks up to him like how Kenji looks up to Chuuya? Probs how he and some Port Mafia members would react pls. Thanks!
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OMG Akutagawa Ryuunosuke!
Fandom:Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings:Akutagawa x Fem!Reader
Warnings:Some NSFW! content,I guess?
A/n:god i love this! XD i mean im such a simp for him.really wanted to make this a small OneShot,but English isnt my main language and im afraid i might fuck it up
●ok first of all,doesnt hurt to mention that he already has one! (Higuchi :>)
●but your relationship wouldnt be the same y'know ;)
●you were one of the rookie assassin in the mafia,and the only reason you joined was because of him!you used to follow all the news about him (you know,like blowing up buildings and stuff) and admired how awesome and handsome (ofc) he was.so you were walking in the hallway thinking how to meet him till suddenly you ran into somebody
●black coat,white cravat,black hair with white tips,pale skin
●(BTW Higuchi,Gin and Chuuya were walking beside him,and they were amused by your reaction,specially Chuuya)
●poor boy is shocked.he doesnt really know what to do or say.hes kinda like this:
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●like wtf?who the hell is this girl?and why is she acting like this?
●you suddenly held his hand and looked at him with tears in your eyes (tears of joy,hehe)
●"im suchhhh a huge fan of yours!i admire your work and your outfit so much!its so unique!i-i have all of your "WANTED" posters!youre soooo talented and amazing!your ability is....omg!omg! i have small request for you though,
●can you kill me with Rashoumon?pretty pleasssse"
●Akutagawa,after staring at you with a shocked look on his face:
"um...what?...what an odd request!"
●Chuuya and Gin would be dead-laughin,which makes Akutagawa even more confused. (well,they tried to hold back their laugh of course,but couldnt really) Higuchi is kinda shocked,like Akutagawa
●after a few moment,you try to calm down a bit,and ask him to sign your bra
●well you didnt have anything else with yourself at that moment,so yeah
●he gives you a weird look and walk away from you while ignoring you,which makes you confused too
●"um..so your busy...?OK! see you later then,Senpai!"
●Akutagawa cannot understand you.I mean the boy thincks so low of himself that he cant believe someone like you would be a fan of him.at first he was wondering if something is wrong with you,but after a while he begin to like having you around him.(though he wouldnt show it,and you try not to make him too uncomfortable)
●when you started dating (i really dont know how it happend,but it happend) you were running around telling everyone that you were Akutagawa Ryuunosukes GF (he asked you to keep it a secret though,but its you,his number 1 fan,so...)
●you admiring him makes him feel better about himself,and gives him more confidence (i mean Dazai literally broke the boy...)
●he tries to get better for you and Dazai,because he knows that you look up to him and doesnt wanna let you down
●the mafia members would be really happy that Akutagawa has someone who wants him for him (except for Higuchi,girl is jealous)
●Higuchi is jealous,but after a while she begins to appreciate what youre doing for her senpai,and she tries to get over him and his feelings for him (idk some people say that higuchi doesnt have a huge crush on Akutagawa.i mean c'mon!!!)
●after sleeping in the same bed with him,he woke up in the morning hearing you scream: "Shittttt i slept with Akutagawa Ryuunosuke!"
●and life goes on
●omg i had sex with Akutagawa Ryuunosuke!
●omg im pregnant with Akutagawa Ryuunosukes baby!
●omg Akutagawa Ryuunosuke proposed to me!
●ok ok hear me out.on one night you were staying in a hotel room,and dazai was in the room below yours.that night you were both so turned on that you stopped caring about your neighbors and done some really dirty stuff (hehehe).Akutagawa was so good that you were literally screaming out his name,and ofc that made him feel really good.in the morning, Dazai came to him.placed his hands on his shoulder and looked directly into his eyes with a serious look on his face. "Akutagawa,i am very proud of you"
●Akutagawa: Dies* (and would be like:so all i had to do to gain his aknowledgment was to fuck?)
●and of course Dazai asked him how he did it and noted everything Akutagawa said as he was embarassed
Ok but seriously...
is this ok?
i feel like its more comedy than fluff,but you didnt say if you wanted fluff so...yeah
tysm for requesting baby T^T sorry if this is not what you wanted,and take care :> 💕
-Ash send me some requests im bored :')
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nkhrchuwuya · 3 years
bungou stray dogs | G | 794 words nakahara chuuya x reader / oc
you’ve been having troubles at work for so long it’s started to take a toll on you. when chuuya asks you to quit, it’s a conversation that’s both easy and hard to have.
“i feel like i’m going to be sick,” you say, while holding your head in your hands. sat at the edge of the bed in the early hours of the morning, you already look the image of exhausted.
eyeing you through the mirror, chuuya twirls the longer end of his hair in its place. “you should take a leave today,” he advises, while he tugs his collar into neatness. he watches you shake your head, although with a sense of helplessness.
“i can’t. work’s too busy for me to just not show up.”
“you just said you’re going to be sick.”
“i feel like i’m going to be sick. i’m not sick yet. ugh…” you groan, not wanting to argue with him. “i just. i don’t know, chuuya. i don’t want to come in to work today.”
or any day, you whisper, not knowing chuuya’s heard you.
he hasn’t said a word about it, but he’s noticed it. the way you sink into the bed after coming home to work the past few weeks—differently, like there’s more weight in it. the way you toy with your food over dinner, like gathering the willpower to eat. the way weekends seem to lift something off your shoulders, where you can walk a little lighter.
“you should quit if ya hate it so much,” chuuya says, nonchalantly, as he gets off the dresser table. you shake your head but don’t lift it to look up at him. next to you, the bed sinks as he sits down. “it’s making you so miserable.”
“just a tough week.”
“how many weeks has it been?”
“…months,” is what you settle with, and chuuya takes a deep breath. if there’s one thing he hates to see, it’s you in pain. and the fact that he’d let this go on…
“give me one straight reason why you cannot absolutely quit,” he says. “if you can do that for me, i won’t ring up your boss and tell him you’re quitting.”
that gives you the adrenaline to look up. “no way you’re calling my boss.”
“yes way.”
“chuuya…” you drawl out, frowning.
he’s right, though. there is no true reason for you not to quit. you have enough savings in the bank to cushion you in case chuuya ever drops you like cold meat on the side of street—not that he ever will, but you at least have that safety blanket. and besides, chuuya enjoys providing for you. the job is a struggle that isn’t helping you grow, both personally and in your career, and you will find it much easier to live if you quit entirely. if anything, it opens the doors for you to get another, more satisfying job.
you’re truly just afraid of the freefall—of the quitting itself.
“what if… something wrong happens?” you ask, the bulk of your fears only managing to snowball into that question. vague, and unspecific, and yet everything all at once.
chuuya knocks his head gently against yours. “then i’ll be there for ya. i’ll beat your boss to a pulp.”
“please don’t.”
“i really dunno what ‘something wrong’ you’re so afraid of that ya think i can’t handle,” he says, with a little laugh at the end. “you make me invincible.”
a smile tugs at your lips. “i suppose you’re right.”
“and if ya get worried about what to do after,” chuuya adds, “i wouldn’t mind having you warming the house all the time. ya don’t need to lift a finger, babe.”
“i wouldn’t want to be so unproductive.”
chuuya squeezes your cheeks. “you think making my life better is ‘unproductive’? pretty high standards you’ve got.”
you nudge him. “i’m sure i’ll find something to do. maybe get on with old hobbies. maybe fill your place with houseplants.”
“i’ll take that as an answer,” chuuya says. you reach out and hold his hand. he scooches over to you, presses a kiss on your shoulder… before he floats you into the center of the bed, the pillows arranging themselves behind you, the blanket fluttering over.when he parts from you, you refuse to let go of him. chuuya lifts your hand to kiss the back of your hand.
“i’ll make the call. just stay here in bed today and… focus on yourself, yeah?” chuuya asks of you. “i can’t stay, wish i could, babe—but i’ll be home as soon as possible.”
gratefulness, pain, a twinge of guilt, and an air of fear still settles in your heart despite everything. but something about chuuya promising to be with you tonight—that he’ll be with you every night, every day that you might need him—settles you enough to nod at him.
“i love you, chuuya.”
he grins, good-naturedly. “love ya too, silly.”
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whorefordazai · 3 years
you said there’s so much to say about dazai and his relationship with women...care to share? I’d love to hear your thoughts 👀
dazai and his relationship with women
warnings: mentions of sexual assault and sexualization
// note: a few of you wanted to hear my thoughts on it, which is surprising 😅 but sure! I’d love to talk about it, especially since it’s been on my mind for a while <3
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// scenes in the anime/manga
// port mafia backstory
// sexualization/hyper sexuality
// yozo in no longer human
// conclusion
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ps. I’m sorry if this seems messy and all over the place. I have a lot of thoughts on this topic and it’s really interesting to me. If you have anything to say, I’d love to hear it !!
scenes in the anime/manga
In the manga and anime, Dazai is portrayed as a womanizer and big flirt who uses his good looks and charms to manipulate women into getting what he wants. This can be seen in multiple different occasions—such as with Higuchi, the cafe barista (although it doesn’t really work 😅) and most importantly, the nurse.
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It wasn’t shown in the anime, but in the manga it’s pretty clear that the author was hinting of some sort of sexual contact between Dazai and the nurse. My guess is that he seduced the nurse into giving him his phone.
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“Perhaps if I’m in the mood”—I don’t think he was in the mood again lol.
Now, this is a pretty popular trait of his—using things to his advantage. Especially when it comes to flirting and sexualizing himself. He never attempts to get close with any of these women, or commits to relationships with them. Maybe he feels it wouldn’t be meaningful enough. Dazai doesn’t really do things if he finds no value in them.
port mafia backstory
As we know, Mori used Dazai’s intelligence and talents to get want he wanted and help the mafia in numerous ways. This involved killing, torturing, and other things. Dazai was taught to be strategic, efficient, and use opportunities to his advantage (just like Mori). But I feel like, along the way, there was also some sort of sexualization hidden there.
For example, when Atsushi and Kyouka started her first task at the agency to deliver this envelope, it gets delayed due to security stopping them. Kyouka’s first thought is to use her “womanly charms” and seduce the security guard to distract him and get past. She says that she learned these tactics from the Mafia.
She’s fourteen? Womanly charms?
I’m not saying it’s the most popular tactic in the Mafia besides torture/killing, but the Mafia does use its opportunities. There’s nothing morally right about the place, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Kyouka was taught about such things.
Since Dazai was Mori’s prodigy, I wouldn’t be surprised either if he learned a few tricks from him. However, Dazai does observe his surroundings so maybe he decided to utilize his good looks as advantage all on his own.
Chuuya describes Dazai as an “enemy to all women” and when they first partner up after years of not seeing each other, Chuuya threatens to give Dazai’s address to all the women’s hearts he’s left broken.
This can hint that he’s had multiple relations with women back in his Mafia days—meaning he’s been using these tactics since he was a young teen.
sexualization/hyper sexuality
Sexualization: a person’s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behavior, to the exclusion of other characteristics;
Sexualization is linked to sexual objectification. Obviously there are countless other ways to put this and definitions—but I think using the word “object” really fits Dazai. Early sexualization can lead to dehumanizing thoughts, which can be seen in Dazai.
Dehumanizing thoughts can lead to not caring about your well being or using your body however you’d like with barely any concern (either drugs, sex, etc). At one point in being in the Mafia, he lacked so much empathy for others and that definitely tied into having empathy for himself. To be kind to himself.
Him being manipulated into using these advantages is possible. Even though moments like these are played off as jokes, Dazai and Kyouka could’ve been exploited in such ways.
I do wanna mention hyper sexuality (that I saw in the irl Osamu Dazai when I read the book) but I’ll bring that up later.
yozo in no longer human
As I was reading the book, I noticed a lot about Yozo’s character. It is heavily implied that at a young age, he was sexually assaulted by the maids (men and women) in his house (I was unsure about that, but found out it was canon in the manga adaption by Junji Ito)
“Already by that time I had been taught a lamentable thing by the maids and menservants; I was being corrupted. I now think that to perpetrate such a thing on a small child is the ugliest, vilest, cruelest crime a human being can commit.”
“But I endured it. I even felt as if it enabled me to see one more particular aspect of human beings. I smiled in my weakness.”
— page 35
The first time I read it and processed it, I got chills. Now I’m not saying this has anything to do with bsd Dazai, but it does explain a lot of things.
“Women found me in a man who could keep a love secret.”
Due to the sexual abuse in his childhood, Yozo grew up to be a huge “lady’s man.” This caused him to be hyper sexual, practically using his charms to get whatever he wanted from women. He formed many different relationships with them (that he found no value in) just for all of them to never work out. He made the same mistakes with women over and over again (it was pretty painful watching him get hurt and hurt others so much).
It was an endless cycle of seducing women, using them for either drugs or sex, forming some kind of meaningless relationship, getting hurt, and then doing it all over again. He was stuck.
He was afraid of women.
But maybe breaking their hearts has something to do with his past trauma. In some way, it’s taking back the control and innocence he was stripped of from his childhood.
In the manga adaptation, I was able to clearly see how he treated women. Sometimes even throwing himself onto them, randomly initiating sexual contact, etc.
Yozo’s relationship with women is so incredibly sad and heartbreaking.
It was said in this post that Dazai would never be faithful or form a real relationship with a woman unless it was someone like Oda. And I agree. Women, to Dazai, aren’t necessarily objects but they really aren’t something he needs or wants in life.
He can be nice to them, make them feel good, form relationships, but at the end of the day it’s like there’s this huge avoid of empty space between him and the “female species.” So much uncertainty and words that will never be spoken because he cannot form a bond with another human being.
All I can say, fictional or not—he was just a child who was stuck in a terrible situation.
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tag list: @uwu-monster101 @14th-century-homosexual-spirit @dai-tsukki-desu @i4gumi @cross-crye @starglow-xx @ranposlover @bsdwhore @arimakii @shadyteacup @smadhuman @knjksj0301 @asthepetalsdance @rirk-ke @mushroomplantasia @pickleisrandom @3-am-depression @its-chuuya-bitch @mars-bakery-shop @dazais-belladona @ijustwantfreenetflix @fashionablyfailing12 @dazailiones @atsushisgf @coveringthebiconissue @the-wholesome-ranpo @missshrek @todorokichills
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popopretty · 4 years
Storm Bringer Spoilers (6)
One of my favorite scenes where Port Mafia went all out on Verlaine in CODE;4. I like this part because it introduced a lot of Port Mafia’s skill users that have never appeared in both the manga and the other novels. It was so fun to read. 
Dazai made some interesting statements and theories here too. I like the dialogue at the end, where he kinda slipped and let out some of his real emotions. 
PS: I can’t believe I actually typed out 5000 words! I was drafting this on my phone so I didn’t notice the actual amount of words. I know it’s not gonna be perfect and I am gonna make mistakes and I will want to punch myself so much but gosh, I am so proud of myself now!
The train driver put one hand on the handle, his eyes staring at the darkness in front of him.
Twenty-seven years of service. He is a veteran. He has held this handle through rains and winds, through the Great War where the bombs poured down like rain, messing up the landform.
Even for him, today’s job is unusual.
The train company he works for was bought out overnight. Together with the trains and the service schedules. Then he was ordered to operate a temporary ride. Yet there is only one passenger on this train. Even when he protested to his boss, what he got was only “stop questioning and just drive.” And then one more thing, “If you run away, it will be even worse.”
The driver took another look at the scenery in front of him. The trees have sunk into the darkness. All he could see were the silver railroad tracks and the yellow headlight. Those are the only guidelines to tell where the train is heading.
What his boss said might actually be true. Putting other cities aside, this is the unorthodox Yokohama. Anything can happen. Even if there is only one passenger, he has no intention to talk to them. If he does so, he might end up having to catch his cut off head with his chest.  _
At that moment, from the eternal darkness of the night that looks no different from the bottom of the ocean, he felt something moving.
His well-trained eyes managed to capture it from the distance. Is that an animal? No. Is it just the trees rustling? No.
That’s a person.
A person is standing on the track.
He pulled the break even before his brain went ”Oh no”.
The compressed air was released, and the train’s speed reducer made a violent metallic noise. But it was too late. The train bumped straight into that human figure.
However, that figure took the train’s hit. A tremendous force was applied on the train. The first car jumped forward. It was like they were being pulled, the rear cars also jumped off, derailed, rolling over into the woods. Like a rampaging huge iron snake, the train hollowed out a big area around it, knocked down a bunch of trees, before finally stopping.
The person who witnessed the whole event, Verlaine, smiled with satisfaction. He took the train head-on but suffered no scratches. He started walking. Towards the car with Mori Ougai. Jumping over the cars half-buried underground, getting through the cars whose electric system were starting to catch fire, he reached his target.
Mori Ougai was lying face-down. The train was fully flipped sideway, the walls become the floors and the ceilings became the walls. He was facing away from Verlaine, not moving an inch. From beneath his body, a pool of blood is slowly spreading.
He did investigate the target’s skill in advanced. It’s not the kind of secret that a formal spy like him cannot find out. Mori Ougai does not possess a skill that can withstand such an impact.
“Too easy.”
Verlaine muttered and approached his target. He is not as stupid to walk away without confirming if his target is really dead or not. He is going to check and if by some rare chances the target is still alive, he will finish them off for real.
Verlaine flipped Mori Ougai’s body over. Then his eyes opened wide.
That was not Mori Ougai.
That was a man he had never seen. He was wearing a wig and clothes to disguise as Mori Ougai. But Verlaine’s assassination preparation was thorough. He had set up a hidden surveillance device in the last station. And the images taken from there were definitely Mori Ougai’s.
When he grabbed the man trying to confirm his identity, suddenly a hand was put on his chest.
“Too easy.”
A powerful repulsive force coming from a skill blew Verlaine away. He flew through the glass windows and landed on the humus soil outside. He rolled further while scattering the soil, and hit his back against a tree before finally stopping.
”... Not bad.”
Verlaine push his hand on the tree to stand up.
He brushed off the dirt from his clothes and started thinking. The face he saw at that moment moment, the repulsive force coming from his palm. That was probably one of Port Mafia’s constituent members, the one who with the repulsion skill, Hirotsu Ryurou.
A double!
They knew about the hidden device and let Mori Ougai’s image captured on purpose, then quickly switched the double in. In other words, Verlaine’s assassination plan was seen through. Ever since he came to this country, he only knew one person who has the ability to outsmart him with such finesse. 
“Hello, Verlaine-san.” A small was sitting on the edge of a car, on top of the overturned train.
“Dazai-kun”, Verlaine said as he picked up the hat that had fallen to his feet. “I have heard the saying that age doesn’t matter when it comes to talent, but you are really frightening.”
“You are just bad.” Dazai said with a dry voice as though he was lecturing Verlaine. “This time you acted on your personal feelings too much. When you are like that, I can read all your moves. Why are you so obsessed with Chuuya?”
“Is it that strange for someone to be concerned about his brother?”, Verlaine said as he dusted the mud off his clothes.
“It is, a lot.” Dazai affirmed. “First of all, what made you believe so firmly that Chuuya was your brother?”
“What?” Verlaine narrowed his eyes.
“You saw that too, right? Chuuya’s original experimental body. Turned into bones and died.” Dazai spoke while swinging his legs that were dangling out of the train top. “That looks almost the same as Chuuya in terms of appearance. In terms of abilities, too. And a lot of other things in common. What if that thing was actually a skill-containing artificial life form, and the Chuuya who is living outside, whose only redeeming trait is being energetic, was the original one? Can someone like you who is not an expert, someone who has only browsed through limited materials from the past, see through that?”
“That is impossible.” Verlaine shook his head. “I’m not as stupid as to mistake the target in my infiltration mission. What I stole away from the lab nine years ago was undoubtedly the same as me, an artificial life-form.”
“If I look it up I will understand right away.” Dazai said casually. “Fortunately this time, the guys from the labs has demonstrated the method to rewrite the code formula inside Chuuya. If I capture some of those researchers using Mafia’s power, they will be more than happy to tell me how to read those codes. And then I will know which one Chuuya is actually. We have all the time in the world.”
“You seem pretty confident that Chuuya is human, don’t you?”
“I am”, Dazai laughed with a sigh. “There is no way a man-made string of code could create such a personality that I detest that much.”
Verlaine signed then started walking towards Dazai. His footsteps were heavy, as if he had to clean up a lot of tedious work.
“I can gently whole-heartedly explain to you the reason that was a misunderstanding... but now I have another job for you.“ he said, walking up the gentle slope that he fell from. “That is to spit out where Mori himself, not his double, is. It’s a painstaking job. Literally”
“So you have no intention to back off?”
“Of course not.”
Dazai didn’t look at anything, he gazed aimlessly into the air, “Is that so?”. Then he spoke with a disappointed face, “Then it is your loss.” A sniper bullet went straight for Verlaine’s head. Verlaine bent his upper body, and felt down the slope of humus. He rolled three times then looked up, looking at Dazai with stern eyes.
Before he could finish his sentence, yet another bullet struck Verlaine’s forehead. He almost fell to his side, pushing his hands against the ground to support.
“Your ability only works on things that you can touch.” Dazai said, swinging his legs as he looked down on his opponent. “That’s why the bullets that hit you will hit you. They just stop immediately. However, if we aim a larger sniper bullet, which has several times the velocity of a normal bullet, then it will still give you a blow the moment you use your gravity to stop it. Also...”
Dazai casually raised his hand.
From the top of the hill, through the gaps of the trees, from inside the humus, on top of big trees, more than fifty sniper bullets were fired at Verlaine at the same time. All the bullets pierced him, Verlaine growled.
Verlaine tried to hide under the shades of the trees while protecting himself by gravity. But even in the places he ran to, he got attacked from behind. Even if he tried to lower his posture to hide, the attack would come from above the trees. He had nowhere to run.
“To be able to set up this many snipers... in such a short time...”
A bullet pierced through Verlaine’s clothes and slid through his skin. It’s not a wound that could make him bleed, but there are so many of them. Ten shots in one second, then twenty, and more kept coming. It’s like the air that surrounds his whole body has become his enemies and attacked him.
Verlaine had no choice but to protect his head with his two arms and rolled himself up.
“You picked the wrong opponent, Verlaine-san.” Dazai chuckled. “I am an expert when it comes to dealing with gravity. Because no matter if I wake or sleep, the only thing I think about is how to annoy Chuuya.”
“Don’t underestimate me!”
While enduring the rain of bullets that were striking him, Verlaine grabbed a tree close by and pulled it out of the ground.
“You think you can kill me with this kind of rock throwing play? Verlaine swung the tree, trying to throw it. He planned to use the tree as a spear to crush the snipers who were hiding faraway in the dark.
However, that hand of his stopped halfway.
It was because the tree had been cut into pieces.
“Hoho, if I look closely, you look terribly like my subordinate.”
There was a flowing female voice as graceful as the sound of harp.
The burning bright red hair, eyes of the same color. Her crimson red
ombré looked like the color of ripen maple leaves. The most eye-catching thing was what floated beside her, a masked demon in a kimono. The demon was tall with long hair. She carried a sword of almost the same height as a child, as if it had no weights at all. The golden kimono melt into the air from her knees downwards, showing that it was not a real body.
“However, it was Mr. Brother who selfishly tried to poach our boy from us. I guess I can let that go after cutting off one of your limbs or two. So you’d better get lost quickly.”
Ozaki Kouyou. The Port Mafia’s young sword-woman. A powerful skill user who took Chuuya as her subordinate, accompanied by the golden demon, an embodiment of her skill, a beautiful beast.
Kouyou rolled a bright peony-colored umbrella on her shoulder. And then she twisted its handle and pulled it out. A silver blade appeared. A hidden sword.
“Mafia’s skill user?” Verlaine smiled like a beast. “But what can a mere ability user with two swords can do against gravity?”
Verlaine lowered his posture, ready to jump at Kouyou.
“Who said that I was alone?”
Verlaine’s body sank in.
Startled, Verlaine looked at his feet. The ground undulated like a snake, swallowing his two legs and even crawling up. 
Verlaine was caught by surprise. He got rid of the gravity of his own body and jumped up. He landed on a trunk of a tree nearby. But even the trunk that definitely looked tough started to liquify the moment his shoes touched. It reached for Verlaine, trying to eat him up.
“This is...” Verlaine leaped again. However, the spot he planned to land on already turned into a mud with a will of its own, opening its mouth to wait for him.
“Hahaha. Keep running, young man. Youngsters like you exist to entertain this old man. Please die quickly and offer your head to me.”
Coming from the darkness of the woods was a big, strong man who looked just like a big tree. A military uniform that has faded in places. His bristle looked like a sewing needle. He wore a judo belt around his waist, and wooden clogs on his feet The arms folding in front of his chest were as thick as a tree that has lived for hundred years.
Port Mafia’s elite, a veteran who survived the Great War. His nickname in the organization is “Colonel.”
He swung his arms like an ancient tree and squeezed his fist tightly in front of his eyes. At the same time, the ground started to muffle. The liquified soil, trees, even the overturned train, all rushed to attack Verlaine in the air. An skill user who can manipulate objects and turn them into liquids?
Verlaine kicked the first wave of liquified soil that came towards him and retreated backward. But the soil was also coming from that direction. Even if he tried to change his orbit to run, liquified soil was still coming from beneath his feet and above his head. If they touched him they would still be blown away by the gravity, but the liquid will start to cover up from the top again, giving no time for Verlaine to prepare a counter attack.
On top of that, as if to stitch up the gaps, there were sniper shots coming from all directions.
Verlaine densified a small amount of dust in the air, and stepped on that to leap his body up. He wanted to take some distance. Abilities that manipulate things like Colonel’s, in most of the cases won’t work for things that are out of their sights. That’s why he planned to hide deep in the wood then throw a huge rock enforced by gravity to finish them off.
An odd thing entered Verlaine’s field of vision at that moment.
A watch.
A watch was floating in the air.
From the outside, it looked just like a normal pocket watch. A dial with numbers, a long hand and a short hand, a crown, and the internal mechanism peeking out from the edge of the dial.
The strange thing about it was that it had a size of a man’s upper body. Also, it kept turning around as if it was staring at Verlaine.
Verlaine, who possesses a wide range of knowledge on skill users, sensed the danger from that watch almost immediately.
He tore off one button from the sleeve of his suit and amplified its gravity until it weighted dozens of kilograms. Then he threw it towards the watch.
That button comet holding enough power to knock down a building, however, couldn't interfere with the watch. It smoothly slipped through the watch, knocked off trees and disappeared into darkness.
“You can’t destroy that thing.”
A gloomy voice came from the ground.
Verlaine diverted his gaze and without his notice, a boy was already sitting on the ground. He was hugging his knees with his two arms, looking miserable. He looked up at Verlaine.
“It’s no use. That thing looks at everyone. Including me, and you. We have no choices but to die. One day it will find us. One day it will catch up with us. It’s “time”. It’s the enemy of us all.”
He looked and sounded miserably. His clothes were so long it became awkward. The hems were all frayed. The boy who was so skinny you could see his bones through his clothes glared at Verlaine and waved his finger as if he was telling him “Come here, come here.”
The two hands of the watch clicked and pointed to the number 12 at the same time. Immediately afterwards, the watch in the air was sucked into Verlaine.
That was not a metaphor, it was literally sucked into him, into his chest.
Being wary of the disappeared watch, Verlaine stiffened his body. But nothing happened. There is nothing within his sig...
The liquified soil twisted around his legs.
Startled, Verlaine shook the liquid off by gravity. Then he looked around. He had got pretty far away for sure. It was so strange that the liquified soil could chase him this close. Right after that was a shock. A sniper bullet hit his head. Verlaine span halfway in the air. He landed on the ground, scraping the humus to stop.
It was weird. The speed of the sniper attack went up. The speed of the bullet by the moment it reached him was so fast that even if he used gravity to bounce it back, he was also blown away by a corresponding force.
“Did they replace their guns or bullets with more powerful ones? No, this is...”
The ground liquified again. Verlaine jumped out to dodge, before being eaten by the soil. But the speed of the liquid tentacles that extended and followed him also increased. Verlaine took a quick look around. From the treetops that were hit by the sniper attack just now, leaves were falling down. They were not fluttering, they were dropping as if they were stabbing the ground. This means, the attack speed didn’t get faster...
“Was my time... slowed down?”
“Everyone will die before me.” the gloomy boy stared at Verlaine with dubious eyes filled with hatred. “Brothers, parents, everyone will be killed by time. But I will get away with it. With this special power of mine”
A skill user who meddles with time. For the first time, Verlaine got a cold sweat on his forehead.
Time manipulation is not just a powerful skill, it is a extraordinary skill out of this world. As far as Verlaine knew, there were only a few cases reported in the world. The fist on the list of those time manipulation skill users who are separated from the world’s reasons, was a former skilled mechanic, H.G. Wells. After creating the skilled weapons called the “Shell”, she disappeared and became the world’s worst terrorist.
The time manipulation type of skills tinker the basic principles of this world, and rewrite them at will. Because if you look from the universe’s perspective, time and space are equivalent. The time manipulation skill users hold the same power that can alter the world, just like Verlaine’s gravity. Verlaine whose movements have become dulled because of the time delay was flooded with Mafia’s attacks. All the bullets, the swords and liquified soil.
Even if he tried to retreat, because his time has been delayed, he could only move sluggishly as if he was under water.
Verlaine’s expressions became stiff.
Dazai gracefully looked at the wooded area echoing with gun shots and roaring sounds. He looked down at the battlefield that had turned into a hell, with such a carefree expression that cooled down in the night breeze._
“This is the rule of this world.” Dazai spoke like he was singing. “It applied in all times and ages, all creatures, the absolute truth. In this world, a group is stronger than an individual. A skill user is stronger than a group. And then...”
Feeling the pleasant cold breeze coming from the blasts of the battle on his cheeks, Dazai smiled.
“... a group of skill users are stronger than one skill user.”
Verlaine pushed his body’s gravity to the max. With a powerful driving force that surpassed the effect of the time manipulation skill, he quickly escaped from the battlefield. Verlaine’s bones cracked at the sudden speed acceleration that exceeded his limit.
Even when the danger struck in front of him, Verlaine’s judgement did not falter. It was not yet a hopeless situation. He would retreat as much as he could, taking as much distance he could from the waves of skill attacks. Then he would fix his posture, manipulate the gravity of the bullets that managed to reach him, repel them and knock down the skill users, one by one. That would be his win then.
Only three skill users. Not too much of a difference in strength.
Suddenly, blood came out from his skin.
Verlaine looked at his cuffs. The skin under his clothes was peeled off, exposing the flesh inside. But only a little blood came out. He felt almost no pains.
He landed down on the ground as a reflex. Upon touching the ground, the skin inside his shoes also came off. He could tell by the slippery feel from it. But again, there was no pain.
That was a new skill attack. But the true nature of it immediately became clear.
His breath was white.
His skin is frozen, there was frost on his eyelashes.
“Let us be held. By the frozen love. Let us be held. By the frozen flower that breaks in its full bloom.” the new skill user appeared, singing with a thin and screechy voice.
Long, white hair, white fur around her shoulders, white breath. And a crimson red rose on her chest. Every time the woman takes one breath, the trees around her froze, cracked up and snapped due to the water inside it freezing and expanding.
Verlaine understood it right away.
A skill user who can cool off the temperate. The reason why his skin was peeled off earlier was because the skin was exposed to the low temperature and got stuck to the inside of his clothes and shoes. His body really became that cold in just an instant. He was frozen from flesh to born, but not much time has even passed.
A super dangerous skill user. Freezing attack does not involve physical clashes. That’s why he can’t dodge them using gravity. It is his natural enemy
Another sniper bullet hit Verlaine’s shoulder. He groaned in pain.
The bullet was cold. It froze by the time it touched his skin, forming a frost pillar. The low temperature invaded into him through the wound, eating up his flesh.
The enemies attacks were too synchronized. Time delay, freezing, sniping. Apparently, it was a tactic that had been put together to block all of Verlaine’s strengths and exploit his weaknesses. There is still something strange about this. He has been retreating at a considerable speed since a while ago, yet the gunshots never stopped. His escape route was totally seen through. Normally if he ran at this speed in the woods in the middle of the night, he would immediately disappear from the telescopic sight. Losing the targets, sniping attack would definitely become impossible. So why?
“Hihihihi, what a sweet face. Hey, just between us, but if you cry and slobber and apologize here, maybe I will let you go this time?”
The voice was close. Really close.
Verlaine turned to that direction.  No one was there... No.
In the middle of no where, a hole the size of a coin was opened. It was like the space was burnt and hollowed out, and on the other side of the hole was another different space. From that side, a black eye was staring at this side through the hole.
“Yes, it’s me. You are being watched. From now on, you can be assured even if you lock your toilet door hihihihi”
The hole was so small to see the entire thing. But that eye alone is enough. The eye was filled with malice. It had been watching Verlaine, chasing him and reporting about his positions all the time.
Verlaine fired a rotary kick by reflex at the hole.
Right before being hit, the hole closed up and disappeared.
“I’m here.”
The voice came from behind. When he turned around, the same hole had been opened in a different place, looking straight at Verlaine.
That was the type of skill that connects space and monitor the targets. The skill user was probably sitting in another safe place, and monitoring the whole battle using their space connection skill. He couldn’t attack the actual skill user. If he tried to touch it, it would close immediately so he wouldn’t be able to destroy it using gravity.
Just how many skill users they have thrown in this battle?
“Hihihi, I have a present for you. From Port Mafia with love.”
From the coin-sized hole, flower petals flew out. Countless petals surrounded Verlaine then started to shine white. Yet another new skill.
The moment Verlaine tried to take a quick avoidance action, all the flower petals exploded at once.
From the train where he sat, Dazai could see the light from that explosion very clearly. The white light split open the woods at night, the afterglow burnt into the night sky.
Dazai looked at that scene, he was grinning.
“How is it going, Dazai-dono?”
From inside the train, a middle-aged man appear. He was wearing the boss’ outfit. He was the one who played the boss’ double, Hirotsu.
“As you can see, it is going well. So well that it is boring.”
In the direction he was pointing, the explosion sound was echoing, trees were falling, sniper flashes and low frequency noises were ringing non-stop.
Hirotsu took off the wig, put on the monocle he always has on, and narrowed his eyes.
“As one would expect.”
“Of course, I had to earn a lot of time to prepare all this. “ said Dazai, who was crossing his legs elegantly like a royal. “Chuuya and I had a terrible hard time fighting Randou-san. So this time I came prepared. Just to kill Mr. Assasin King from Europe, I had to gather a total of 422 people from the combat troops and 28 skill users. That is the full strength that Mafia can put in now.” At the scene where they were looking, the cold air and gun flashes kept shining. Verlaine tried to escape by threading his way in between the trees but a yellow-white ray burnt off the whole night sky, blocking that escape route. That was yet another skill user.
The plan was extremely simple. Setting up a trap and waiting. Chuuya and Adam drafted the same tactic before to defeat the Assasin King. The plan that Dazai carried out was basically the same. Identify the next target, set up traps around that target, and ambush Verlaine from behind when he appears.
The only difference between this and Chuuya’s plan is the scale of those traps. What have been set up as traps this time, was the entire Mafia’s overwhelming combat unit. The result was a one-sided destruction.
“We can keep this battle going for the whole night.” Dazai said as if he was whispering to Verlaine from far away. “Verlaine-san, you are a flawless assassin. With that vivid skill of yours, you have never once been traced down and surrounded like that, haven’t you? That’s why you have no experiences when being cornered by such a skill users organization. Even Randou-san was afraid of that dangerous flawlessness of yours.”
Dazai took out the leather notebook.
Rimbaud’s memoir. The journal Rimbaud had kept about the birth as well as full accounts of skill user Verlaine.
“I mourn for you, Verlaine-san.” Dazai put his hand on the notebook and said as if he was praying. “I mourn not for your death, but for your birth. No one mourns for you for being born. The only one who does is you yourself. That is the reason you fights... I think you are amazing. You despise the fact that you were born, you despise your own power, you despise the world. And by doing that, you came to accept your meaningless life. How wonderful that is. I don’t have that kind of courage. That’s why I wanted to talk with you more. But this is already goodbye.”
Dazai stood up, turning his back on the battlefield in front of him. He walked away.
“Report to me when it is done.”
Dazai’s voice powerlessly fell to his feet. He walked away.
The next moment. A black way swelled over the battlefield.
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linkspooky · 4 years
Kunikida + Oda: Death of a Good Man
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While Kunikida and Oda have never met in canon they are characters with a lot in common. They both essentially play the same role, as the moral center of their respective groups (particularly acting as a conscience for Dazai). They both share the same strengths and weaknesses. However, one lives and one dies. MORE UNDER THE CUT. 
1. Relationship with Dazai
Dazai is a character who has trouble seeing himself as a person. That is, he doesn’t see himself as the same as everyone else. (His ability is titled No Longer Human, surprise, surprise). Oda says as much to Dazai, that traditional values like good or evil don’t really mean that much to him. 
“Whether you’re on the side that takes lives, or the side that saves them nothing beyond your own expectations will happen. Nothing in this world can fill the hole that is your loneliness. You will wander for eternity.” 
“Be on the side that saves people. If both sides are the same, then choose to be a good person.” - Osamu Dazai and the Dark Era
It’s not that Dazai is a sociopath, or even unfeeling, it’s just that he is so distanced from his own humanity, and from other people. He genuinely believes he can’t feel the same way as they do. Dazai even described the way he saw himself to Fyodor. 
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Dazai tells Fyodor that he feels like he’s sperate from everyone else. It’s like he’s the player, and everybody else is pieces on the game board. But, even though he might come up with strategies and move the pieces, he’s not really the one changing things, or affecting other people’s lives because he’s not right there in the middle of things he’s far away. 
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Dazai even flashes back to Oda and Gide’s final showdown when trying to explain this feeling to Fyodor. Oda his closest and only friend at the time, who he could not reach out to and save. Dazai believes he can’t touch other people, he can’t reach out and save them, because he sees himself as lacking in feelings or a heart. Which is why, Dazai relies on the people around him. Dazai attached himself to Oda when he was in the Mafia, and then again to Kunikida when he was detective agency to essentially act as his heart, his external conscience for him. That’s the relationship he shares with both of them. It’s why the first two light novels are essentially about Dazai, but narrated from the point of view of his partner at the time. Light novel one is about his partnership with Kunikida, and Light Novel 2 is about his friendship with Oda back in the dark age. The connection between them is that both Oda, and Kunikida are good, just men who have tried to understand Dazai in one way or another. 
The events of both light novels even mirror each other to an extent. Entrance exam is about Dazai joining the agency, Dark Era is about Dazai leaving the mafia. Entrance exam is about Kunikida failing to understand Dazai, but learning to trust him anyway. Dark Era is about Oda being the only one who fully understands Dazai, but then not listening to him at the end of the story. They both end with a symbolic death, Oda commits double suicide with Gide, whereas Kunikida pretends to shoot Dazai in order to follow his plan. 
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Dazai’s a master strategist, but he’s not a leader of men, nor does he have any particular ideals he stands for. Dazai was given a position of leadership within the port mafia, and not only did he spend the entire time tormenting his closest subordinate but he didn’t care about the lives of his subordinates the way Chuuya does. 
Dazai sees Kunikida as someone having the ideals he does not have, therefore doing what he cannot, and being what he cannot be to others. This is a role Oda used to serve as his one and only friend. However, while they occupy the same spot as Dazai’s most trusted person their relationships with him are very different.
Kunikida is very combative with Dazai and always fighting against him. He personally expects Dazai to be better in all aspects. He scolds him for being lazy and neglecting his work. When Dazai messes with other people or manipulates them, it’s Kunikida who is the first to get frustrated with him. Kunikida also, tends to lack a fundamental understanding of Dazai. It’s a running joke that he’s always a step behind him (he’s the last person to find out Dazai was a mafia member when everyone else already knew). The literal first thing established about their relationship in the first chapter, is that they are constantly fighting with each other. They barely make it through a dinner with Atsushi. 
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However, Kunikida also listens to Dazai when it’s important. It’s the other way around with Oda, Oda is someone who does fundamentally understand who Dazai really is deep down. However, at the same time Oda doesn’t really try to exert any influence over Dazai until the very end of his life. Their relationship was defined by being distant to one another, and not asking questions.
The reason why Ango and I were able to be by his side was that we understood the solitude that surrounded him, and we never stepped inside it no matter how close we stood. 
But in that moment, I kind of regretted not stepping in and invading that solitude.
Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era. 
 Him, Ango and Dazai could only keep meeting as the Buraiha at the Lupin bar if they pretended to not know anything about what each other did outside of the bar. They’re different in one main aspect, Kunikida fights Dazai, and Oda doesn’t start fighting until it’s almost far too late. 
2. Living and Dying for One’s Ideals
One more direct parallel between the two is that Kunikida and Oda are both characters who strive to live up to the ideal they find in a book. Literally. Kunikida obsessively writes out his ideals in his notebook where he has his whole future planned out.
What are ideals? There are innumerable answers to that question. One could say it’s merely a term, or an idea, or perhaps even the soruce of all meaning. But if you ask me, the answer is obvious. It’s the word written on the cover of my notebook.  My notebook has all the answers. It is my creed, my master, and a prophet that guides me. At times, it can either be a weapon ro a solution. Ideals. Everything I am is written in this notebook which I always carry with me. My entire future lies within it - Osamu Dazai’s Entrance Exam
Oda picked up a book and loved it so much he wanted to write the ending for himself.
After worrying about it for so long, I came to one conclusion.  “Then you write what happens next.” I decided to write about it myself. I would become a novelist, and write a story about why the man stopped killing. But to become a novelist, I needed to sincerely know what it meant to live. So, I stopped killing. -   Osamu Dazai and the Dark Era. 
Kunikida and Oda are both characters who find their will to live for the future within the pages of a book. Which makes sense as both characters struggle with lofty ideals and a harsh reality. Oda and Kunikida are characters written about the struggle to be a good man, in a world that is not good. To hold ideals, in a world that is not ideal. This once again ties back to what Dazai said to Fyodor, God isn’t perfect harmony, he’s illogical and absurd.
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The world isn’t ideal and orderly. It’s extremely, extremely messy. Kunikida and Oda are both characters who strive to be better, and want the world to be better and because of that they fall into conflict. However, Oda lost his fight, and Kunikida is still fighting. Part of why Dazai got so attached to Kunikida is also because he saw Oda’s ideals within Kunikida, and knew that carrying those ideals could crush him so easily. 
“Justice is a weapon. It can be used to harm, but it cannot protect and save others.”  -Osamu Dazai’s Entrance Exams
The meanings of Dazai’s words are clear when you look at them in the context of what he learned after losing Oda. Oda decided to throw his life away to avenge the children after Gide. He achieved justice then. However, nobody was saved. The children were already dead. Oda himself wasn’t saved. Dazai lost his only friend. 
“Something?” I looked at Dazai. “There isn’t anything, Dazai. It’s all over. Everything. Whatever else happens now is meaningless - just like I’m about to do. AM I wrong?”  “Odasaku...” Dazai said softly. “Forgive me for the absurd wording but - don’t go. Find something to rely on. Expect good things to happen from here on out. There’s gotta be soemthing...”
Oda’s march against Gide isn’t just tragic, it’s a deliberate choice. It was a suiide. He’s given several oppurtunities to just walk away, or wait for something else to give him a reason to live and he doesn’t. His final actions hurt more than they helped. Yes, he did save Dazai in a way by throwing his life away, but Dazai also lost the person who could understand him. Oda could have lived. He could have done more if he had lived. Dazai even says so in dead apple, saving people is the more beautiful path, but you have to be alive to see that beauty. 
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This is also why Kunikida and Oda have such a connection to Dazai. Underneath their struggles to be a good man they are both constantly dealing with suicidal feelings. 
Kunikida is far more fragile than he lets on. Part of the reason he attaches himself to ideals rather than people, is because caring about people hurts, and he is so afraid of failing the people in his life (the same way Oda eventually failed to protect the children) that he can’t admit the depth to which he cares about them.
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Kunikida struggles to save everyone in front of him, but that’s also because Kunikida is internally someone who is very fragile. He can’t handle the loss, especially losing those he is close to. When Atsushi is hospitalized after his first fight with Akutagawa, he pretends to be unconcerned. When Atsushi wants to save Kyoka, Kunikida tries to persuade him to not save her. Oda and Kunikida are both avoidant characters, Oda avoided ever stepping inside of Dazai’s loneliness, and Kunikida avoids getting close to others because they fear the people they cannot save. Kunikida cares so much and so deeply, that he’s completely shattered when he fails someone. 
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Every strategy by the detective agency’s enemies relies on crushing Kunikida because he’s the easiest target. When he fails like this he wants to give up. Kunikida and Oda have this dark underside to their actions where they’re fighting continually to be better, but when they fail, they long to throw their lives away and give up the struggle. 
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Part of the reason they’re attracted to Dazai is deep down Kunikida and Oda both have the same suicidal feelings. Kunikida knows that his ideals will never live up to the reality. 
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However, secretly he longs to fail so he won’t have to struggle against it anymore. 
“I let go of Dazai. I understand what he’s aying. Perhaps righteousness isn’t something you seek in others, but something you search for inside of yourself. Even then... Miss Sasaki is dead, and so is Rokuzo.  All I’ve found in my search for righteousness within myself is a sense of hopelessness.”
Osamu Dazai’s Entrance Exam
The question is can you continue to live? Even if you fail over and over again to do better. Even if the things you try to protect all die. Kunikida’s arc so far mirrors Oda’s. The things he told himself he would protect, he failed to. The promises he made, he breaks. He said he was never going to watch a child die in front of him, and then it happens. 
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He said he was never going to fail to protect the agency again, but then the agency became the victims of the hunting dogs, and Kunikida had to go completely on the run. He said he was going to throw himself away in a big bang against the hunting dogs to show his ideals would never fail, and instead.
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He even loses his ideals and his ability to write in the notebook. So, what is the difference between Kunikida and Oda that allows Kunikida to keep struggling where Oda did not. I think it’s not really a difference between them, so much as it’s a difference between Dazai. Dazai’s grown since then and realized his mistakes with Oda, and because of that doesn’t stay at a comfortable distance from Kunikida.
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Dazai has grown enough between then and now he’s able to reach people who feel similiarly to him. He understood the suicidal feelings of both Kunikida, and Oda, but he didn’t reach out to Oda until it was too late. However, Dazai has grown to the point where he not only understands Kunikida’s struggle and sympathizes with him, but he’s also able to say the words he couldn’t say to Oda until it was too late. 
There’s no such thing as a point of no return. There is no point where everything is already over. Even if you fail to protect someone, even if you fail to protect everyone. 
"Anything I would never want to lose will be lost. It is given that everything that is worth wanting will be lost the moment I obtain it. There's nothing worth pursuing at the cost of prolonging life of suffering."
Dazai is still the same person that said this. Deep down that’s what Kunikida and Oda both fear, that after Oda failed the orphans, that after Kunikida could not save an innocent child in front of them, that no matter how hard they fought all of their attempts to protect someone would fail that way. At which point their fighting seemed to become meaningless.
Dazai knowing those feelings has moved past that lament. He still believes that the struggle may be meaningless, but he reassures them that they can keep fighting anyway. 
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If there’s no great glorious ideal to live for, if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do. The world isn’t good, the world will never be as good as we want it to be, yet Kunikida can still strive to be good in the face of that.
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theodora3022 · 4 years
Claim (Yandere Chuuya Nakahara)
Pairing: Yandere! Chuuya Nakahara X Fem reader
Summary: You have the courage to mock Dazai when he flirts with you casually, different from almost every other woman Dazai throws himself on. Seeing his nemesis being stepped on brings Chuuya great joy, which escalates to him taking a special interest in you.
Notes: So...If you read my BNHA fics you should know I have a thing for wind superpowers, so reader is going to have a wind ability in here as well. Be gone if you have problems with that. My first take on BSD, on Chuuya nevertheless... Hopefully this does not flop. I thought about writing Kunikida for this one, but I just could not get Chuuya’s smirk off my mind (Along with Fyodor’s but that is for another day) Also this is self indulgent as hell, so be warned. I’m not satifised with the final result, as some parts feels a bit forced...But there you have it. 
Word count: 2.8k 
Warnings: Drugging, coercion, mention of knife and blood, implied non con  at the end
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You were sitting beside a floor window of a café when Chuuya first saw you, when he was on his way to get some beer. At first, it was not you that drawn his attention, it was that guy on the opposite end of the coffee table.
Osamu Dazai. Also known as the bane of Chuuya Nakahara’s existence and his greatest adversary. Out womanizing again, he never changes. He was about to ignore those shady behaviours and just carry on, until he hears how you are attacking Dazai with your words.
“Dazai, please. I bet you said that to every woman you met.” Slowly stirring your hot beverage, you smirk as you took a little sip. “It is a miracle how you got this far unscathed.” You seem to see right through Dazai, how clever. Now Chuuya have to hear how this can go down. His own drink can wait, this little comedy show is more worthwhile.
“But beautiful! Your eyes shine like the brightest stars, I just cannot let that go unappreciated.” “If you are so found of shining things, I can get you a pack of glitter to stare at. I would actually appreciate it if you stop staring right into my eyes, thank you.” This is a mistake, you thought. You thought Dazai was just being a good Senpai when he invites you to join him for a quick coffee at lunch. And of course being the naïve new recruit, you said yes without hesitation.
A pack of glitter? Oh dear. Out of all those years Chuuya has known Dazai, he had never seen the brunette getting such a good roast. Placing a hand over his mouth to muffle his chuckles, Chuuya is beyond amused. Most women would be too busy swooning over that pretty face, but you did not even flinch and insulted him just like that. You got some sass!  That is the first time the mafia executive had taken a formal notice of you. You are indeed a fair woman, no wonder Dazai would choose to hit on you.
He does vaguely recall recently hearing about the ADA obtaining a new recruit. A young woman with a wind ability. But you are far more interesting then that. “This has been pleasant, but I think it is time to head back to the office.” When Kunikida told you Dazai can be a handful yesterday, you did not expect this is how you would find out. You stopped him from taking out his wallet, shaking your head: “Dazai. I will pay for myself. Besides, you are in enough debt as you are now. See you back at the agency.”
Not even Chuuya can make Dazai appear this defeated, this discouraged. Just who are you exactly? Forget the beer, Chuuya needs to know all about you at once. 
Reading through your file back at the headquarters, your info is enough to make even Chuuya raise his eyebrows a couple of times.
You can command any gas to your will? That is a rare gift, even the Port Mafia had yet to secure that. Too bad you are on the wrong side, Chuuya can just think of so many ways of using your ability to its full potential. The file was put back to the storage, sure. But you had impressed him back at that café and peaked his interests. It would be hard to make him unsee Dazai being humiliated. But you did not linger on his mind much after. 
However, that would not be lasting too long. Chuuya was shocked to hear some of the members has died in dark alleys of yokohoma, apparently from lack of oxygen, but without any traces of choking or even a cut. Mori even called him to the office to discuss about this.
Pictures of you, in causal and business attire lay across the expensive office desk. You were smiling in all of them, although that smile does not look like an amused one to Chuuya now.
“Do you recognize this woman?”
How can Chuuya forget about you? The woman who gave him the best comedy show, who stomped on Dazai’s philanderer ways so mercilessly. “A new recruit of ADA. Her air control abilities must have enabled her to suck the oxygen particles out of human bodies. It also gives her the ability to levitate and an incredible speed, which is such a headache. Even Akutagawa cannot seem to finish her.”
What a little troublemaker you are. Consider Chuuya motivated. He knows you are strong, but not anyone can escape from Akutagawa. Where is the fun without a little challenge?
“I will go. My abilities would allow me to get the job done.” Heck, this once he would get something Dazai cannot have! In this mini game, at least, Chuuya would be the winner. 
“Chuuya, you seem awfully enthusiastic about this. May I ask why that is?” Stroking Elise’s hair, Mori carefully observe the young man’s expressions. “She has the guts to insult Dazai, should be a fun one. I do not plan to kill her, however. That would be such a waste.”
“Yes, that would be most ideal. Her ability would be a valueble asset, here’s some drugs if she is being too difficult.”
Oh but you are so much more then the wielder of a powerful ability to Chuuya.
Work has been a pain in the ass lately, so on your afternoon off, you choose to take a walk along the water in the park. Everything looks so peaceful, children running amok, couples holding hands, the sound of the birds chirping, all sounds so natural and calming. You let out a sigh of relief as you settled on a bench beside a tree and closed your eyes, breathing in the forest scent, still sleep deprived from the nightmares.
Although you only killed those gangsters to defend a civilian, you regret it somewhat afterwards. You expected revenge, but not from someone like Akutagawa? You can only remove the target’s oxygen from their bodies when you are standing still and concentrated, never while fleeing for your life. If it is not for your unparalleled speed, you were sure one of those dark spikes is going to be your ultimate demise. It was too close for your liking. Before you were always able to leave safely with your ability, but this time you barely made it.
Dozing off in a park while the Port Mafia is on your trail? Chuuya would advise against that. 
However, he would say he much prefer this compliant, soft look on your face compare your sarcastic, confident grin towards Dazai. Dark circles under your eyes? Have you been having sleeping problems? Looks like the little hero is not as brave as she lets on.
Now, he needs to be careful. Even though you look as harmless as a little bunny now, Chuuya can still recall the last expressions his deceased subordinates made. Dying from oxygen loss surely does not look pleasant. While the file said you can only use that special method once per week, Chuuya cannot leave any room for errors. 
Ah, it seems you had carelessly dropped your handkerchief on the ground. You did not seem to notice. As if you want him to come near. Who is he to decline a lady’s invitations?
Sensing his approach, you jumped out the bench and distanced yourself from Chuuya. Always on your guard, this should be interesting. Instead of kept closing in the distance, Chuuya bend down and picked up your handkerchief. “Did you drop this?”
See, you were overreacting! He is only trying to tell you that you dropped something. Feeling the guilt of mistaking him for an assassin churns in your stomach, you put up an apologetic smile: “My apologies, sir.  And thank you very much.” Yet you cannot shake off the feeling of you saw him before. Is he a government official? Or perhaps a store clerk? It would be rude if you actually do know him. Yes, you definitely seen his handsome face somewhere. Reaching out to his outstretched hand, you tried to retrieve your handkerchief. But as you take the little square cloth into your hand, his slim but firm fingers snapped around your wrist like handcuffs, seizing you with a smug smirk on his face. “Let go of me, Sir. You wouldn’t want me to use my ability on you.” 
Your gaze turned cold as the winter snow, as if you are willing to punch him in the face then and there. 
A good chance to observe your ability in action. How can Chuuya miss this opportunity? You tried to wiggle out of his grasp while activating your winds, but to your horror, it does not seem to have any effect on Chuuya. Sure, his hat and hair are flowing because of the strong wind, but he has not moved a single inch, still clenching your left wrist in his hand, lips still curling upwards. Turning to your second solution: bringing rocks to hit him until unconsciousness. Why wouldn’t the rocks move? Just who is this man? “Are you with the Port Mafia?”
That took you long enough. Chuuya let out a sinister chuckle, pulls you into his embrace with ease. Locking his right arm around your waist, he whispers beside your ear: “Of course, cutie. And you just walked straight into my trap. Now, it is best if you do not move, I would hate for this knife to leave a scar on your fragile little neck.” Feeling a thin, cold blade pressed against your throat, threatening to cut into your skin, you nervously gulped. Who is he exactly? You should have memorized the faces of the big names of the mafia-
Your ability is impressive. Even Chuuya has to admit that much. If it were not for the reinforced gravity he applied on himself, he would be on the other side of the park by now. Such a shame you are working for that little agency. Crap. You finally remember. Cursing sleep depravation under your breath, you recall where you had seen his face: the files back in the agency. One of the executives, Chuuya Nakahara, with the powers of manipulating gravity. That is why your winds cannot push him away. Just how did you end up with an executive’s knife pressing against your throat? 
Under ideal circumstances, you would order the oxygen particles to stay away from this man, but that ability could only be used once per week. You have not recharged enough, and the fact that you are not in best condition does not help either. 
“Now, you got two options, sweet. First, you can try to get away, and it would not end pretty.” Chuuya laughs he feels you shiver, clearly frightened by the idea of your blood spilling out like a fountain once he slices open your throat. Your resistance has pathetic impacts on him, but you have to at least try. You have been neglecting your physical training because you often rely on that extraordinary speed your ability grants you. However, that also means you are helpless in close up situations such as present. Not so confident now, aren’t you? “Second, pay a visit to our headquarters. The boss would like an audience with you.” You certainly do not want to fall into the hands of the port mafia. However, there are civilians in the park. They did not seem to notice how Chuuya is holding you at knifepoint.  Letting yourself, an ADA agent die here would mean the agency’s reputation is done for. Getting yourself killed in broad daylight, in a public place no less! How incompetent. Looks like the only option is to go with him, for now. “Fine. I will go with you.” “Smart choice. But I would expect no less from an intelligent woman like you.” He carefully removed the knife, and just when you were about to relax and think of a retaliate method, you felt a sharp pain on your left arm. A syringe. Just what did he injected you? Watching you fall onto the ground by your knees, barely able to lift a finger due to the sedation drugs, brings him a strange sense of contentment. Chuuya does not consider himself as a sadist by any means, but after seeing how you treated Dazai, shining with confidence and smugness, only made this submissive version of you so much more satisfactory. “Do not look at me like that, dear (y/n). Just a little insurance that you would not leave without permission. I hope you understand.” You do not, but that does not concern him. Swooping you up effortlessly, Chuuya carries your weak body out of the park, straight to a van that awaits there for a long time.
You never imagined, not even in your wildest dreams, that you would be in the Port Mafia’s headquarters like this. Being carried through corridor after corridor ,by one of their executives like a doll, although not by your own free will. Guards everywhere, almost at every turn point. Maybe you can break one of the windows and fly out? Alas, that would not possible if all you can generate is little breezes due to your present condition. 
“Do not worry, (y/n).” Feeling your body tense up, Chuuya choose to reassure you, or at least try to. “If simple murder was my objective, you would be dead in that park.” 
There are worse things then death. You really did mess up this time. You do not even want to imagine what they could do to you. 
Placing you gently on the carpted floor, like a fragile china artifact, Chuuya bowed to the man behind the desk. “I brought (y/n) here, as you requested.” A cloved finger lifts your chin up, forcing you too look up into his eyes. You did not flinch, instead you stared back with unveil anger burning in your (e/c) eyes. 
“Quite a feisty one. Would you like to join us? Your wind ability completely outclasses my other assassins. That speed and that special method! Truly impressive. You should not waste your talents in that agency. The Port Mafia could offer you more.”
Using the little strength you had left, you got away from the mafia’s boss’s reach and shook your head: “I would rather die a gruesome death then working for you. If you want to kill me, you can do it now.” 
“Then, I suppose we need to change our method of negotiation-” Great, you can already feel those cold torture instruments.
“I can handle it.” To your surprise, Chuuya stopped the man from saying any more. 
The older man looks to his subordinate with curious eyes. “Chuuya? Are you sure? Wouldn’t it be better to leave this to our experts?” 
“Leave it to me, boss. She would be compliant within a week, I can guarantee.” Why would he want to trouble himself with this? Well, he merely wants to claim what Dazai cannot, as simple as that. 
“As you wish, then. As long as you do not break her beyond repair, she is all yours.”
You want to shout, to scream that you are not some object to be hand over, but you just do not have the energy to do so. There is not much you can do beside being a silent observer on the ground. 
Instead of a torture chamber, Chuuya took you to his personal quarters in the Mafia base. Perhaps he wants to do this the tender way? Sway you with high salary or numerous other perks of working in this mafia? 
It is when he thrown you on the bed, straddling over your helpless form, tearing your clothes off mercilessly, you realize how wrong you were.
“You look so good under me, where you belong.” He did not even bother to unbutton your blouse, just ripped the fine fabric off swiftly, grinning at your horrified expressions. “Come on, do not look so scared. This is not like you. Where is your fierce spirts when you insult Dazai?” Has he been stalking you? How could he-
“Ah, no matter. That jerk tried to win you over, but it is me who would get you.You would forget all about him when you are busy screaming my name later. Do you think you can handle my torture methods, dear (y/n)? Gods, you are beautiful. No wonder why Dazai would be head over heels for you.” 
How you bit your lip to supress your tears, trying to cover your chest for some modesty, only made his lust increase drastically. This time, Chuuya can finally be proud of his accomplishment: claiming a prize Dazai can never possibly won.
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idiots-in-black · 4 years
Hot Take: Dazai and Chuuya are friends in canon (1)
I love all the Enemies to Lovers content when it comes to soukoku, I really do. But I will admit, I’m one of the few people in this fandom who actually believes that Dazai and Chuuya do not hate each other.
Now, before I start to explain myself - I don’t want to argue they are romantically involved in canon or that there is a chance they could be (though I wish I could). Also, I’m only talking about events in the canon timeline, so no talking about Wan, Mayoi or anything out of the loads of promotional content. That sadly means I don’t have too much to work with but we’ll see how this goes.
1. Chuuya can see through Dazai
I vaguely remember this being stated in an interview. But that’s not the basis I want to argue on. 
Dazai is ... crafty. And manipulative. Was and is in canon. And on first glance, Chuuya seems to be fooled by that, too. Stuff like the comment on his shoes, for example. But this is small, innocent stuff, why would Chuuya even bother to think about it in more detail. 
But we do see him more perceptive when it comes to the deeper stuff. The first thing Chuuya says to Dazai after his introduction (and a bit of bickering) in the dungeon is “This smells fishy. You may be able to fool the inexperienced Akutagawa but not me. I am your old friend, after all.” (Yes, that last sentence is also canon). The situation in Dead Apple is similar - he knew, Dazai was up to something and he was absolutely sure, Dazai wasn’t dead but had precautions in motion. Even though it is pretty clear they did not talk to each other about this beforehand.
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Chuuya is not able to figure out all the details to Dazai’s plans. Of course he isn’t, he may not be as stupid as people like to pretend but Dazai’s brain is on another level. But that’s not the point - he may not be as smart as Dazai but he knows Dazai and knows when he is up to something.
I imagine, for someone this intelligent but also so guarded like Dazai, it must be terrifying to realize there is a person who gets you. And this is a topic for another day but I do believe, this can also be a relief. It can lift a burden.
2. BuT THey HAtE EaCH oTHeR
Do I believe they annoy each other to no end? Absolutely. Does this mean they actually truly hate each other? Absolutely not.
I’ve seen people arguing that Dazai and Chuuya feel genuine hate for each other and nothing else. This really baffles me because while this may be something they say, their actions contradict this statement pretty much with everything they do. 
Chuuya had tons of opportunities to kill Dazai. He wouldn’t even have to do it himself, he could just ... not save him when his life is in danger. We have seen two instances in canon so far where Chuuya could have just left Dazai to die (Dragon’s Head Rush and the Dead Apple incident) but he didn’t. On the contrary, he literally risked his own life in Dead Apple to save Dazai even when Ango told him he was probably dead. You do not do that for someone you genuinely hate.
And I know,  Chuuya says in the dungeon “if you were that incompetent, I would’ve killed you a long time ago”. But I don’t think he said this because he actively tried but because he would not have accepted Dazai as his partner if he was.
Same with Dazai. He literally has Chuuya’s life in his hands whenever he uses corruption. It would be child’s play to just leave him but he doesn’t, instead he comes for him time and time again.
3. Chuuya isn’t Odasaku
I feel like people tend to compare Chuuya and Odasaku too much. It’s easy to make that mistake since Odasaku is to this day the one person who is actually in text confirmed to be very dear to Dazai. But the thing is - you can have multiple types of friendships and this doesn’t mean one is better or deeper than the other. They’re just different.
And I think, this is the case here. We know, Oda was a good friend and very important to Dazai, this is fact. Chuuya is very different from Oda and his relationship with Dazai is also very different than Oda’s relationship with him. However, that does not automatically mean, that Chuuya and Dazai can’t be friends.
Plus, do not forget - Dazai actively sought Chuuya out when he got captured, he did admit as much. Sure, his main objective was finding information about Atsushi’s bounty but it is also canon he foresaw Chuuya coming there and anticipated it.
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4. Together they can be the children they were never allowed to be
They met at the age of 15, both of them at a point in their lifes where they had to mature way earlier than they should have. We’re not privy to a lot of details to Dazai’s life prior to meeting Mori. But it can’t have been fun when you look at him and how at 15 he is already obviously twisted in an unhealthy way. We know a little more about Chuuya but while he may not be as broken as Dazai was at 15, he was pretty much alone with the heavy burden of carrying Arahabaki inside himself and protecting the sheep kids.
At that time in Fifteen and I’d bet even for a long time after that, they’re the only people in each others lifes close in age and of similar status. They’re completely equal to each other, even when they get promoted to executives (btw, it seems to me and there are still too many people out there who don’t know that Chuuya was promoted at the same time as Dazai (or maybe even a little earlier?) and Dazai only got the title of youngest executive in Port Mafia history because he is younger than Chuuya by two months).
And you can see them just being children together. When they’re playing in the arcade and nearly every interaction they have as adults just screams childish antics to me. Which leads directly into:
5. The Fucking Bickering
They are just so incredibly ridiculous. I just cannot believe, people acutally think they hate each other. They talk to each other like old friends. Well, with a little more violent touch but I don’t think this is surprising considering the environment they grew up in. When they meet in the dungeon, the first thing they do is bicker for 20 pages before Chuuya proposes a duel (who even does that).
Then they fight for literally 3 pages, before Chuuya starts taunting Dazai again with words instead of beating him up like he said he would.
Now we got through the general stuff, but I will get into more detailed scene analysis in the second part of this post (yes, there will be a part 2). Because even looking directly at their scenes, they don’t read like scenes about enemies. So stay pumped!
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soukokuwu · 4 years
hello rachel! if you don't mind, can i make a request? okay then headcanons in which chuuya, dazai and atsushi are back children because of a ability and their s / o has to take care of them, thanks in advance and have a nice day ! :D
➢ hi there, of course i don’t mind! and this request was so cute! also i came up with a lot more of their kiddy shenanigans of theirs but if i put everything here it’d be an endless list heh i hope you like these 🥺🌻 & hope you’re having a good day too! ✨
also not sure if you guys prefer shorter HCs? let me know, arigato
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Nakahara Chuuya
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➭ you try to bring him outdoors because he just looks super bored. plus, he keeps trying to raid the wine cabinet and you are just too tired to keep an eye on him all day. he is physically a child after all, who knows what’d happen if he downed a whole bottle of wine?
➭ makes you bring him to the arcade and forces you to play with him, laughing at you all the way as you try to hit the right dance notes. most of the time is spent poking fun at you instead of actually playing. gets moody when he loses so you let him have the victory for all the games. you give him pats and he actually accepts them.
➭ drags you into a restaurant and orders himself pasta and wine. curses under his breath when the waitress does a double take and says kids don’t get to drink alcohol. you order him some orange juice instead and he sighs in resignation.
➭ “man, being a kid sucks.” - his signature phrase that day. can’t get into R-rated movies, can’t drink alcohol, plus he shrunk and got even shorter. nobody else from the port mafia better see him like this. it’s enough that he knows you’re trying not to call him ‘chibi’. he didn’t need anyone else teasing him about this.
➭ his temper is magnified. super short, hates it when random adults come up to him and talk to him like a baby. he’s at least ten— what’s with all the “he’s such a cutie”? also glares at any guy who tries to pick you up thinking you’re a single mother. “she’s not interested, dummy, so scram!” he shouts, face all scrunched up in anger.
➭ sleeps on top of you since he’s so freakishly small now compared to you. he loves how soft you are so hey, at least something good came out of shrinking into a kid.
➭ “i hope i can turn back to normal soon so i can love you right,” he mumbles as he’s half-asleep. such a gentleman even when he’s a kid.
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Osamu Dazai
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➭ cheeky. very, very cheeky. suicidal bastard loves to mess with you, especially outside. the two of you could be riding the subway sitting side by side and he’d randomly touch your chest. your blush and nagging just inspires him to mess with you more.
➭ doesn’t just stop at messing with you though. young dazai loves to mess with others too. you bring him to the ada office to ask for help but then you see dazai at the other side of the room unplugging kunikida’s laptop charger and you know all hell’s gonna break loose when you spot his computer screen going blank.
➭ fully takes advantage of the situation 100%. kids eat free somewhere? he’s getting fed there. free carnival rides? yes yes yes. also, even more of a charmer as a kid. always haggles for free food/items at every store. always wins.
➭ anyone tries to flirt with his belladonna while he’s a kid? no way is he having it. he’s just gonna stomp on their feet and drag you away. he may be in a child’s body now but he can still do some damage in the form of a tantrum.
➭ pesters you to let him play with your hair to get him sleepy. basically the normal things he does daily when he sleeps except since he’s a child now you can actually carry him like a baby and lull him to sleep which he absolutely will ask of you.
➭ “maybe i should stay like this and have my belladonna coddle me more,” he says as he happily remains in your arms like the giant baby he is.
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Atsushi Nakajima
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➭ absolute fluffball. so sweet you cannot believe it. wants to help you out with almost anything. cooking, groceries, you name it, he’ll insist on helping with it. he got scared while you were cooking though, you had a frying pan in your hand and when you lifted up that hand he just yelped and hid behind the counter. you had to assure him you weren’t going to hit him, all the while cursing that orphanage in your head. look how scared they made him—
➭ so much more easily intimidated by anyone and anything. he’s too precious as a kid you almost don’t wanna bring him out to the world. but he rarely ever gets a day off given how hectic things seem to be at the agency so you bring him out anyway. he’s so relaxed and playful when you bring him to the park, asks you to fly kites with him.
➭ easily socialises with the other kids even though he’s never really had friends outside of work, laughing and having one of the most carefree days of his life. you’re just happy watching him, childhood innocence being something he’s been so deprived of. maybe this could make up for it, as minor as it may seem.
➭ now what does he do if he sees some other guy flirting with you? no outrage from him, he just feels the insecurity creeping in somehow and runs back into your lap, hugging you and burying his head in your chest. cue his sigh of relief when you wave the guy off. atsushi is just a ball of sunshine.
➭ he would be the one telling you to sleep, saying how he knows adults need a lot of rest. convinces you to lean your head on his shoulders and he manages to stroke you to sleep. “i wish i met you when i was a kid,” he murmurs as he thinks of your heart of gold.
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pompompurin1028 · 3 years
Oh my God!! I had never thought of it that way, that’s awesome! Good catch, Kat :o
That is so true, we read Yozo’s life and deeds completely through his own eyes therefore we can’t treat it as an objective narrative. When this is combined with all the analyses you made yesterday, it’s all coming together and this is the best feeling ever, when I first read your response I went crazy with euphoria😭
And exactly! We can definitely distinguish these two narratives -Yozo’s and the woman’s- in the last scene under the sunset. Dazai, for some reason, always denies his good intentions and is “blinded to his better side” as you said and I totally adore this way of putting it. I really hope Atsushi will be able to bring him back to reality😔
I mean, of course he’s not the most snow white person out there, he still has really gray morals, but isn’t this already an incredible step considering that he was born in pitch black? He needs to see how much he’s achieved since then, but he still feels guilty and this totally blocks the good parts of his journey in his mind, which is probably why he always has that façade to keep him from breaking down. Just like how Yozo had this façade of “clowning” even though he was feeling empty inside all while entertaining people and seeming so cheerful. This clowning thing was a really beautiful parallelism between BSD Dazai and Yozo.
Exactly😭 For someone as traumatised as Atsushi, that poor cinnamon roll is really so precious with his amount of trust and kindness🥺 And yeah… There’s no way I would be able to 100% restore my trust for him -if I had it in the first place, of course, you never know with Dazai😂-, I would question constantly if he’s planning new things with several villains “for the sake of the city”, and this is just what Atsushi says, he denies this as well like what- then why😭 He owes a really good explanation to the ADA, tbh. I hope they treat this subject in S3 or I’ll get really mad if he just gets away with it as if people didn’t die because of his shenanigans😤
And oh my God! I never knew that! This is really intriguing, I’m totally on Dazai-sensei’s side on this matter, Run, Melos! will be so interesting to read :o And as always, I’d love to read your analysis on it😌
And that’s so true😞 His plans are always so complex and detailed that if the littlest thing goes wrong, it would all be over, I mean, trusting that Chuuya punches him in the face or he’ll die?? He’s really walking on thin ice there haha. Which, of course, comes with great stress. And omg I LOVED THAT ANALYSIS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING💕 I reblogged it privately to come back to it whenever I start having doubts or feeling bad about Dazai which happened way too often even before Dead Apple, I just couldn’t keep a healthy relationship with him like I do with Kunikida I have no idea why this will really be a useful thing to come back to 💫 It pains me to see that how much he suffers in reality yet he’s not even able to acknowledge that it’s not his fault😞 (you can gimme all your analyses don’t be shy👀)
I’m planning on reading this one, it has several chapters and they all seem really explanatory. (I hope linking system works in asks🤔)
Exactly, I honestly used to miss all these about Akutagawa and just overlook him, consider him as a mere invincible rabid dog with an unhealthy obsession, whose ability is just to murder. But that’s not true at all, he’s more than his ability. To be honest, I think this movie made this sentence valid for everyone, especially if the ability is too strong, one always tends to consider them as their ability and nothing else, but that’s not true, their abilities are a part of them but they don’t assure their existence. Each one of them is more than their ability and I loved seeing that, I even felt sad when Aku regained his Rashōmon😭
Haha, always!!❤️ Never hesitate to share anything about any theory/headcanon you have, I love discussing them🥰
These asks and responses are getting longer and longer but I’m not complaining😂
Thank you so much!🥺 That makes me really happy that you said that!
And yes exactly! We have to make note that the novel is written in an I-novel narrative, and like all first person perspectives, they are unreliable. And "crazy with euphoria", that makes me so happy to hear😭💕
But yes, we can clearly see the distinct difference between how Yozo sees himself, vs how the woman sees him. (Side note: And one of the reasons why I love this book despite its dark themes and narratives, is that it talks about the goodness of humanity that still exists in even the worst people. Dazai-sensei's narration of Yozo is written in a way that almost makes us hate him. But we have to always be reminded that despite this, there are goodness, even in people like Yozo, which I felt is an amazing reminder) And his own blindness to his better side is obviously self-destructive, as seen in the novel, and I believe that if Dazai continues to see this way, he will not be able to heal despite following what Oda wants him to do. No, he first has to face his past, and as you said he has to recognize how far he has come, even though he is still learning, he is still changing. Like all other characters in Dead Apple, Dazai is also facing his past, or more so an introduction to having to face his past, as I believe that Atsushi had also said that he hopes that Dazai can put his past behind him or something similar to that. And I personally feel that Dazai would have a happy ending because unlike in the novel, he has someone (Atsushi) to remind him of his goodness, the fact that he can go beyond what he is in the past. I just love Dead Apple so much😭
And the clowning part breaks my heart too... In addition to being a facade to stop others from seeing how empty he is inside, which would deviate himself from being "human". It gives me a saddening understanding that Dazai is keeping everyone at a distance. Although he wants others to understand him, and his whole existence is basically a cry for help, he fears being hurt, or at least that's what I believe how Yozo thinks. And it should be noted that the act of clowning, can also be seen in The Setting Sun as well, which he once again uses a mask to attempt to blend into society, yet knowing that he'll still be different from the rest of them
Also one thing I also realized as I am writing this is how Dazai-sensei intentionally in a sense villanizes himself (as it is semi-biographical) as well as Yozo in No Longer Human, and I can't help but wonder if this is another parallel to Dead Apple?🤔
But unfortunately, the consequences of him making that meticulous plan which endangered everyone will not be resolved, as it should be noted that this is a sort of spinoff from the main storyline. But in a sense I like the ending it gave us, as it allows open interpretation. And I feel that it also might symbolize the fact that all the main characters in the movie are still growing, are still learning and are continuing on their paths to face their pasts... And what I think is also quite important to note that is there's also a sense of trust Dazai gives to the people involved in his plans, he trusts them to make that exact move to make his plan whole. And also, what also makes me sad is that Dazai seems to be asking for forgiveness for what he did during dead apple, at least that's what it sounds like to me as he said: "Atsushi what I did earlier-"
And I totally agree that it is impossible to restore full trust back to Dazai. That itself is impossible, for it is a disillusionment, it is a stage you cannot go back to. But and I agree with Dazai-sensei, I believe that this could help Dazai see the better parts of humanity like when he said to Oda, that the good side is really more beautiful.
And I'm so glad to know that you want to save it🥺 It can definitely be hard to see Dazai's good side at times, he is quite confusing and is easily misunderstood ngl. But sometimes I think he intentionally does that so no one can see through his true intentions, to keep himself at a distance, while at the same time wanting others to see through him, to help him😔
And oo thank you for the analysis! I'll definitely have to read it soon☺ Also if you have any analysis that you'd like to discuss or want me to know, feel free to drop them in my ask box as well!
And yes exactly! That about Aku is so beautifully said.
And honestly I'm not complaining either haha. These have been quite fun🥰
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
A misunderstood scenario of Dazai, Atsushi, Tanizaki, Chuuya and Fyodor when s/o gives them chocolate on Valentine's Day as a token of gratitude instead of a love confession they had high hopes for. Please?
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♡ Dazai Osamu ♡
Ah, Valentines! The perfect day for a double suicide, no? Well, that's what Dazai would joke around with at least! He never gave much thought to such a trivial holiday but then again, he didn't despise it either. It was just a holiday meant for lovers and he couldn't help but to daydream about his own love. For awhile now he imagined them being all blushy and cute, giving him a confession letter under the cherry blossom as he happily accepts it... And they start their life together.
Still, daydreams were just daydreams, and Dazai knew that. If he wanted s/o to be his, he needed to make a move and he needed to do it fast. Luckily for him he was a natural flirt and good with his words. He had prepared everything from the location, to the flowers that were going to be given, his confession, everything.
But, what he did not expect was bumping in to his s/o, them holding a heart shaped box and giving it to him. Dazai was beyond confused but boy was he delighted. s/o had made things so much easier for him and to top it off, they had feelings for him!
"Dazai, I just wanted to thank you for always sticking by my side through thick and thin. God knows I would have died long ago if it wasn't for you watching out for me..."
Awwww, how cute was this! Dazai couldn't help but to smile but he didn't dare speak up. He didn't want to interrupt them in their touching confession~.
"...you really are my best friend in the whole wide world, you know that right?"
Hold up a second.
s/o adressed him as a friend. Not as a lover or a crush...but as a friend. The shock on Dazai's face was evident but it disappeared as quickly as it came. He put on a fake smile, took s/o's hands in to his own and thanked them for the gift. His grip was a bit tighter then he meant it to be though which would have betrayed his true intentions had he not been such a master manipulator. So that's how things are, hm? He's just a friend and nothing more? Apologies sweetheart but things are going to change fast, real fast... And darling dearest won't even see it coming~!
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♡ Nakajima Atsushi ♡
Atsushi never really gave much thought to holidays such as Valentine's day. The only major ones in his life were holidays like Christmas or New Years but even then, it wasn't like Atsushi had anyone to celebrate them with. He was lonely in the orphanage he grew up in and his caretakers didn't exactly get with the program when it came to holidays. Even so, Atushi can't help but to find Valentine's day a bit sad because it's day meant for lovers and yet the only thing the dreaded holiday does is remind him of his bitter and constant loneliness. A/N Same Atsushi, SAME.
It didn't help that the one he loved for Valentine's most likely already had plans with someone... Someone who wasn't him... He was just depressed the entire damn day and he tried his best to just burry himself in his work. At the end of the day though, s/o approached his desk with their hands behind their back as a cheerful smile made its way on to their face. Poor Atsushi couldn't help but to stare as he started to blush. The blush only deepened the moment s/o revealed what was in their hand.
It was a box of chocolates.
And they were meant for him! Was this real?! Was this actually happening?!? It was literally everything Atsushi dreamt for... The sun was setting and by the end of the day he can be with s/o forever and ever... However, his dream was shattered the moment they opened their mouth though.
"Atsushi, thank you so much for being my friend! I know it's a bit of an odd day to give you this kind of present but I just couldn't help myself! I hope you like the flavours inside though, there were many to chose from..."
Soon enough, s/o melodic voice faded in to the background as Atsushi processed their words. s/o thanked him, for being their friend.
A friend.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Of course this was going to happen, how could have he been so stupid to get his hopes up and imagine othervise...? Of course a weakling like him could never have a darling angel by his side like s/o... But it still hurt.. It hurt so badly, as if someone had stabbed him right in the chest and ripped his heart out. He couldn't help but to be hurt, he couldn't help but to let his eyes water up slightly as s/o continued talking.
He really was a god damn failure.
But he'll be damned if he lets anyone defile s/o's innocence and happiness. Himself included.
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♡ Tanizaki Junichiro ♡
Tanizaki knew that he was never really special at anything but that didn't stop him from dreaming. He was never brave enough to actually confess to his s/o but if they approuch him first he will be flustered but happy none the less. He listens and listens, taking in every word like a sponge until his darling says that one cursed word.
"Thank you for being my friend!"
Just... ouch. A part of Tanizaki knew that this would happen but the deeper, darker side of him wasn't willing to accept the fact that his feelings were one sided. He now knows that his hands must get dirtied, for his own sake and sanity. God help whoever crosses his path because he may not look like it but Tanizaki is a force to be reckoned with. And he will gladly bare his teeth in order to win s/o over.
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♡ Nakahara Chuuya ♡
Chuuya is smooth and boy does he know it. He's used his wit and charm countless times to help him with women and never once has he been taken by surprise. So just pitcure his beet red face as s/o gives him chocolates on Valentine's day.
His throat is dry and he is at a loss for words. He is trying so hard to play it off and it almost works, almost.
That is if s/o hadn't friendzoned him right there and then.
His facade will drop and anger will overcome him, his blood is boiling as he just walks away, leaving s/o all alone. He didn't even bother with taking the chocolates, those are the least of his worries. Don't get him wrong, he appreciates the gesture but damn it he can't take it anymore. All he asks for is s/o's love, not their admiration. He's not willing to settle on that, he just cannot. He is just too far gone in his dark obsession to let his darling go because if he does it might end up killing him.
Please just... please... let him love you.
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♡ Fyodor Dostoyevsky ♡
Fyodor was never the one to ponder on such trivial matters such as love but with the lovers holiday just around the corner the Russian man couldn't help but to be at least interested in it. He had his little mouse to think about and distract him from his very important work after all. So, who could blame him for having his head up in the clouds?
He wasn't planing to make his dreams a reality though, not yet at least.
So imagine his surprise and delight when he sees his darling mouse enter his office with a cutely wrapped box. It was almost impossible for him to keep his signature smirk hidden but yet he was able to do so successfully. He will patiently wait for them to start, all the while his violet gaze never quite leaves their form. He's taken by surprise which is a rarity for him. If it were anyone else he would be displeased, downright angry even.
But to him, s/o isn't just anyone.
He listens closley to their little speech and he's over the moon. His plan was working, s/o was his at last. But there was just a single obstacle though. s/o told him that she admired him not loved him, that he was a treasured friend.
...well this is going downhill.
He won't outright admit it to himself but Fyodor is bitter, very much so. He needs more of them, not just their friendship. No matter, Fyodor always gets what he wants in the end. And s/o is not going to be an acception.
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xxxsoukokuxxx · 4 years
Hi again! hehe i see you want requests from the angst list so how about "why are you saying all these things? Where did they come from?" With chuuya bc i adore how you write him🧡 and for the relationship, lovers pls! thank you so much! I hope you have a lovely day/night!✨💕
Character: Chuya x reader
Warnings: cursing (obviously it’s Chuya)
Notes: Hi Clio! Thanks for requesting and so sorry about making you wait so long. This seems pretty bad to me but I hope this is okay! Thank you for the compliments! ❤
The heart aches for what it cannot have but loves
“Good morning Princess.” he greets you with a sweet kiss on the forehead, making you sigh with content. You turn around in your shared bed to face him, looking up, you smile, “Good morning Chu.” you giggle.
He smiles lovingly at you, how did he end up so fortunate? It’s a question he frequently asks himself. He loved waking up like this, it was rather wholesome, very different from the world of the Port Mafia, but of course, you never knew about that other world.
That world in which blood shed and murderous intents reign, in a world which had no place for love. 
You both were in the kitchen, making breakfast together. The redhead hugged you from behind, burying his nose into the crook of your neck, “I love you so much.” he whispered. You had a fond smile plastered on your face, “I love you too.”
Waffles were laid onto the table in two saucers, one for each of you, sitting down, Chuya placed his hand on yours, you smiled. He loved it when you smiled, it was both his strength and his weakness.
The way you laughed, moved, loved, he couldn’t get enough of it. But he wouldn’t be able to enjoy such a luxury anymore.
Recently he’d been dealing with more and more dangerous missions. He had enemies of the Port Mafia to deal with, enemies of his own to deal with. It was frustrating to say the least.
He’d still make time for you though, saying he had to work over time, his real occupation was ambiguous to you. It was getting harder each day for him to keep it a secret, and to keep you a secret, the only reason he’d keep you a secret, is that he doesn’t want any sort of danger coming your way.
Chuya wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if any such thing had to happen to you. And it’d be all because of him.
Even though he had the fear of losing you when you both first started going out, it was more apparent in him now, he had realized. He’d sit in his office, sometimes pacing up and down or trying to get paperwork done. Fear would grip him, like a lion’s grip on it’s prey’s neck. 
He would wonder if you were safe at home or wherever you were. Even if the penthouse he lived in was the safest place on the earth, you couldn’t be too safe. Chuya would send you a message hourly, checking on you if you were safe and if you needed anything. You just thought he was being a protective boyfriend, of course, you were oblivious.
So when Mori gives him a mission one night, to deal with a rival gang of non-ability users, he figures it’d be no big deal. Once he arrived at said gang’s hideout, he uses his ability to knock down the door. “Hey motherfuckers, ready to die?” he asks with a smirk on his face.
Each gang member turned around, Chuya would expect them to quiver in fear, but they only returned the smirk. “Chuya Nakahara, Port Mafia executive.” one of them says chuckling. “Who knew such a violent being could have such a beautiful flower to call his own?”
Chuya raises his brow at this, he was rather confused for a second, but his eyes widened once he figured what they were hinting at. “Bastards, how do you kn-” he clenched his fists but got cut off, “Oh we know a lot about the Port Mafia, even the littlest of secrets, perhaps you’d like it if we ...did something, to that precious treasure you’ve got?” 
“...” Chuya didn’t say anything in reply, but his clenched fists and glowing figure spoke for him. The ground beneath him cracked, his ginger hair covering his eyes as he tilted his head down, “You’re gonna regret ever saying that.” his voice strained.
That night he ended up covered in blood, not his own of course. He had made sure that he killed every one of them. He opened the front door of your shared home and closed it behind him with the heel of his shoe. He took of his coat and hung it on the coat hanger, his eyes drifted to your sleeping figure on the couch. 
You had fallen asleep waiting up for him. His eyes seemed heavy, he didn’t seem to know what to do. He kissed you on the forehead and picked you up gently not wanting to wake you up, he made his way to the bedroom and placed you on the bed. Covering you he planted another kiss on your head and went to change.
Once he was done, he sat on the edge of his side of the bed, he frowned, his head hurt from thinking so much. He placed his forefinger and thumb on his forehead and closed his eyes, “Who knew such a violent being could have such a beautiful flower to call his own?”  “Oh we know a lot about the Port Mafia, even the littlest of secrets, perhaps you’d like it if we ...did something, to that precious treasure you’ve got?”
He remembered those words, how did they come to know of your relationship? He didn’t sleep at all that night. Neither did he for a few nights after that, perhaps he was afraid something would happen to you if he did, maybe something would take you away. He had spent many days in his office thinking, many nights tossing and turning, but he’d come to a decision. It was a hard one...but it was one he had to make. It would keep you safe.
"Why are you saying all these things? Where did they come from?" you asked with desperation in your voice, tears threatening to escape. 
Chuya had his back to you, his fist clenched, teeth gritted, his eyes...teary. “I just can’t! I don’t feel the same way as I used to for you! You’re nothing to me now.” he yelled. Tears streamed down your face, “...you don’t? Why so suddenly!?” you asked, you didn’t know what to say.
“...don’t you understand anything I’m telling you! I don’t want to be with you anymore, I’d only be pretending to love you if we do stay together...I don’t love you...not anymore.” he said the latter weakly. ‘But I do love you’ he thought.
“...” you couldn’t say anything more, you went into your shared bedroom and packed your things. That left him alone, tears streamed down his face, ‘But I do love you!’ he yelled in his head, ‘But I do want to stay with you!’
Once you had some essentials packed, you walked past him, “You know...” you stopped beside to a hault, “...I actually thought you were different from the rest...but you’re just like everybody else.” and with that you left, closing the door behind you.
He turned to look at you but found you were already gone. His eyes widened, tears decorated his face, his head felt as if it would burst. He fell back onto the couch, he held his head in his hands. “But you are everything to me!” he screamed into the emptiness.
“Good morning Princess.” “Good morning Chu.” you giggled. He remembered, he so painfully remembered. What a fool he was for thinking he could live a normal life with you. What a fool he was for thinking he could love you without hurting you.
“I love you so much.” he whispered. “I love you too.” you said with that smile he loved so much. He let out a wheeze, he was trembling, unable to keep in his cries for you. What a fool he was for thinking he could find love peacefully in a world full of blood shed.
The way you’d giggle when he’d tickle you, laughing with you. The way you’d play with his hair which always made him hum in pleasure and relaxation. The way you would move with him, dancing to each other’s love. But all that is gone now. The only good that came out of this, was that you’d be safe now, he’d have to cut off all relations with you, no matter how much it made his heat hurt.
Chuya would see you now and then, but never interacting with you, he’d see you in the Yokohama’s streets with some other people, other times when you were by yourself, all he’d do is tilt his hat down to cover his eyes, shove his hands into his pockets, and move on.
He had to cover his eyes, or else that beautiful smile and eyes that would always entrance him would make him break down right then and there, it was now only his weakness.
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