#thought about emma again and got real sad
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unbotheredalwyn · 5 months
So obviously after the Joe breakup shit changed we had that ratty twatty and then suddenly travis. Like ratty twatty first of all made it seem like you know this person is like horrible yet you choose to be with him? Everyone called her (rightfully) out I feel like cause he is really a twat of a person and the whole ice spice collab to basically "save" Matty twattys image. I also felt like it was unfair of her fans to force her to break up with him I mean it's her life. And Joe during this time went through so much shit after the break up I remember he was papped and everyone made fun of how skinny he is and how horrible he looks (he had bags under his eyes on the photo) which is actually sad cause he lost his grandmother I think during that time and people were genuinely saying disgusting things and saying mother is looking so much better etc etc while Joe was having a downwards spiral. Again I understand no one knew his depression was that bad but fuck swifties can be more kind.
Exit ratty twatty enter travesty lord this man gives me the ick.
Swifties are blinded by their relationship but he is really not a good dude. I mean that video live of him pushing his coach and yelling? Videos online of him being openly racist, being a trump supporter (and also swifties are dumb they think bc he got vaccinated and bent the knee for black lives matter he is somehow Democrat?) honey trump is vaccinated as well. And just because he supported blm does not make him a good person. He was PAID to do all that performative shit.
I mean she has millions of fans, thousands of young girls thinking the blatant red flags of travesty is hot and shit. Tells me he can push her around too. (not to mention he supported his abusive friend that literally hit his wife.)
And it feels like she's forcing travesty tbh? Like girlie you wanted the art to be about you yet you let some man overshadow it. Because truly that's what's happening like swifties are more into him at this point and the relationship they made up in their head as Taylor.
This is where I got annoyed and took a step back. Each time they were seen Joe got thousands and thousands of hate just for what being introverted?
Then they attacked Emma (Joe's Co worker) for a cheating rumor THEY MADE UP and the shit they said were so genuinely disgusting she had to switch off her comments.
Then Ai audio dropped about Joe abusing Taylor and Ai videos circled making it seem like Joe is a cheater when he is NOT. fuck they even trended a sex scene with that Alison chick he worked with saying he said Alison (her real name) and not her character's name when he DID NOT. It was in the fucking series! This woman got slut shamed so bad she turned off comments too for literally WORKING with Joe. Swifties literally spread shit around that he cheated on Taylor with Emma and Alison when he didn't! And the fucking best of all Taylor was on the set while filming conversations with friends. She most likely saw it IN PERSON and they chose to say all this genuinely disgusting shit about Alison who I've learned is actually a pretty good person.
Here I got genuinely disgusted.
So okay again I understand that Taylor can't control all her fans but her silence while her cult mass harrases people?
Whats insane to me is Joe. Like the guy got so much hate because SHE CHOSE to lead fans on. When she announced ttpd everyone thought the title relates to Joe and Paul mescal
Joe got mass hate
Then the secret songs at eras being about cheating
Joe got death threats
she literally took ALL the hate against Joe *knowing* she's releasing an album dissing her 6 weeks situationship is genuinely disgusting. I cannot fathom it.
And AND the only thing she could say about Joe is dude did not want to marry her bc he was severely depressed WHICH IS NOT HER PLACE TO TALK ABOUT HIS STRUGGLES?
like I am SORRY this man wants to d word next to her and she just didn't care and wanted to fuck Matty?
Her partner, that got her through her darkest times BTW, did not deserve this.
She let all this mass harrasment just happen to market ttpd. Like genuinely what the actual fuck. 2 innocent women Emma and Alison were attacked and called sluts for genuinely existing and breathing the same air as Joe. And the proof he did not cheat is in her OWN lyrics. (which swifties cannot seem to fucking read bc they'd rather attack Joe than admit this album is about a sewer nazi rat)
The hate Joe got made me cry. The disgusting things they said about him. Swifties literally threatening to bash his head in with a hammer or that he needs to hang himself and they'd enjoy seeing his body swinging from the roof.
Genuinely why would any person say this to anyone at any time?
And they made fun of depression like. What. The. Fuck. Just because Joe might not see it does not mean other people with crippling depression won't.
Oh and a side note she's still bringing up Kim on albums? Not just Kim Kim's CHILD?! leave the kid alone.
Genuinely feel like the most honest Taylor we got was during lover (a time which Joe helped her voice her political opinions and shit) and idk I just feel cheated on?
My whole life I've defended Taylor against everyone and I genuinely feel like she's showing her true colors now being with travesty and ratty and I cannot fathom how this is the same Taylor I'm seeing now as she was like a few years ago.
And it's not just Joe that got death threats BTW. When midnights came out and everyone gave honest reviews cause that evil Jack antonof little gay man ruined the production there were journalists literally getting so much death threats its insane.
Taylor gets (rightfully) called out and fans can't handle it.
She needs to address them ASAP. All these parasocial freaks. The people harrasing Joe. The people literally only seeing Taylor as a breeder for travestys children.
I can't genuinely I can't this is not how I want to feel about Taylor I mean I gave her my youth I looked up to her so much I feel so disappointed in the way she's acting yk?
Yes maybe she can't do jack shit about swifties but she can try.
And her staying quiet over Palestine? Her voice her one post about a ceasefire could change EVERYTHING.
idk at this point I can't stand to be around Taylor.
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ralibo14 · 1 month
TPN Brainrots part 1:
Another TPN manga panel redraw, but this time everyone goes down with me (because it's sad).
Also part one of my 'wonderful' tpn theories and head canons. It'll be long😅. There will be manga spoilers so please, read at your own risk😊.
First character I go through is... Ray.
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He is one of the most complicated characters I ever saw (all tpn characters are, tbh). I always thought that people who have photographic memory are so lucky. Ray showed me that it's both a blessing and the curse.
Like in the picture above. You can clearly see that the first 2 kid waving at his direction. It's strange to know that there was a time when the Trio were one of the young kids and not the older ones. My first head canon is that Ray tried to save more kids, not just Emma and Norman when he was younger. When the blond haired boy leaves (first panel) he looks like he is about to cry (also the Trio is around 4 or 6) but when the other kids get 'adopted' Ray keeps his head low most of the frames (I'm convinced that when the second kid left he was already working as Isabella's spy.)
Ray coloration explained:
Purple eyes are self explanatory to me. I started draw him with purple eyes as soon as I found out he is Isabella's son. Purple in the hair and freckles? Well... I'm still very, very convinced that Leslie didn't die (at least not when he left the House). I always think about his situation, like what Norman got into with Lambda. The Ratri-clan is big but they need outsiders, to be soldiers, scientists, etc. And since girls from the Houses can only become Sisters and Moms... maybe some boys can become scientists and soldiers. (I can't believe I'm writing this but think about Andrew🤢... he was 100% not Ratri yet he could become an adult). So by this logic I believe Leslie could grow up too and (because I'm a sucker for happiness) he met Isabella again at some point.
Ray turning away:
On the second frame he is not looking at the girl who is leaving, but to the opposite direction. Why? Notice something else? Yes, Norman is missing too. Gilda has her winter jumper on so I figure Norman got sick again. Ray priorities his friends safety over everything else.
Also notice how Emma and Norman slowly get into the middle of the frame while Mom/Isabella get out of it? Pretty strong metaphor. It's the perfect example of 'Blood related family ≠ real family'. And while I'm a RayEmma shipper (obviously aged up version) I would never forget about Norman. He is as important to Ray as Emma. This Trio sticks together no matter what.
(older manga colouring ⬇️)
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Now onto the hearth breaking stuff:
Ray's relationship with Isabella:
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This deleted scene with Ray and Ayshe lives rent free in my head. Like there are two people with similar family situations and the one who lived int the middle of nowhere with a demon parent thinks positively about their parent, while the other, who grew up in a comfortable home like space with a human parent, thinks the opposite.
"But to me, she was always a monster"– Ray.
Like ufff... This sentence hits real hard. And it's low-key true from Ray perspective. He studied and read all the books in the House, not because he was interested, but because he had to. Norman is a genius, Emma learns real fast, Ray does everything he can to always get max points on his tests. But he also secretly planning his friends excape. Collects scraps of technology to build the device which makes them able to excape, plans his own 💀 carefully, so no one else will get hurt and on a top of that he is 'spying' for Isabella. Sacrifices people he wanted to protect. I can't imagine that inside panic when he didn't get max scores to that one test. I'm sure he was happy because Norman and Emma got their regular scores, but deep down he felt like he failed.
My head canon here is that Ray always gets nightmares if he is alone or in an unsafe place. And 'thanks' to his perfect memory his nightmares build up from actual memories (like we see that in the Seven Wall Arc). Also he doesn't get sick often but when he does... it's like a memory fuelled fever dream, with hallucinations and etc.
Ray's healing journey starts after the Jailbreak Arc. As soon as Mom is not around anymore, he ever so slowly starts to let down his guard and starts to show more and more emotions. His relationship with Yuugo/Mister is like a greatest archivment in his case. The playful, sarcastic 'arguments' and the way he openly said his opinion on things in front of Yuugo and Lucas. Shows how much he changed and opened up.
Isabella on the other hand... her change of heart and feelings were a mistery almost to the very end. To be honest I hated her most of the time, until the Back to Grace Field Arc. (Older manga colouring again⬇️😅)
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Two things in this page which are very important.
1: Ray's guard is up again in no time, when he sees Isabella, while her emotionless mask is cracking. This is the first time we get a little inside of how she really feels about Ray.
2: Flashback of the two most important things that connects them. The song and the way they were forced to sacrifice others to stay alive.
The lullaby is very important, because it's calming and feels very intimate (like a normal parent-child relationship should be).
You also can't convince me otherwise that Ray didn't hummed this lullaby at least once in the B06-32 shelter to help the youngest kids fall asleep.
And now... onto the last picture. Their goodbye.
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Saddest part ever! Never forgiving for this decision.
Ray and Isabella were never allowed to talk even two short sentences with each other without any consequences. In the House they had to play their assigned roles. Then they didn't see each other for almost 2 years. Finally they had to save half of the team from getting unalived... And they moment they would have time the last twist happens... leaving us with a sad ending.
Epilogue and Human World Arc...does little to compensate. Although I can't get over the fact that Yuugo's, Conny's and Isabella's 'ghosts' helped Ray found Emma in the Human World.
Speaking of finding Emma. My last head canon for Ray is the following;
When they found out that Emma lost all of her memories from the Demon World. Ray couldn't help himself but whisper a "I wish this happened to me". And everyone looks at him with an understanding smile thinking he blames himself for this... But in reality he really just selfishly thought (only for seconds) that he could forget everything happened on the other side.
Okay. That's all. Sorry for the supper long post and I'm forever thankful if you read through my brainrots 🥰😘. Also let me know if I should cover more characters like this. I'll obviously do Emma and Norman but if there any other characters you want to see please let me know🥰🤩💖.
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tr-mha-fan · 1 month
Hii! I'm not sure if your requests are open or not, forgive me if they're not😓, I just wanted to request angst if it's alright!
So let's say Kazutora and Fem!Reader live together as soon-to-be-married couple. Whereas the reader is very excited and happy to be married, Kazutora is kinda scared? Yes he's happy too but he genuinely doesn't believe that he'd be good husband and is afraid to turn out the way his dad is because yk "abused becomes abuser". And when reader went in his room and hugged him, he just pushed her back because he was having panic attack. I'm so sorry if it's a bit too specific!! Take your time tho!
This request made my day, thank you!!😭 😭Angst is my favorite genre 😈 and Kazutora my fav character, you literally asked for the perfect request!
I love the idea, too! Him pushing her away out of fear breaks my heart 🥲
🥀Abused Becomes Abuser, Right?🥀
Pairing: Kazutora Hanemiya x female Reader
Warnings: mentions of past domestic abuse, trauma, panic attack, crying. This will have a sad ending (hurt/no comfort) but I MIGHT write an alternate happy ending later.
Authors note: as I was writing this, Senju got autocorrected to Sanji 😭
Authors note 2: I didn't know if you wanted them to have separate rooms or a shared bedroom, so I chose shared, I hope that's alright!!
Laughs filled the living room as everybody was having a "meeting" in Draken and Emma's home. Everybody was smiling, excited to be planning another wedding, not even three months after Takemichi and Hinata got married.
As Mikey was happily chattering with Draken about something, Keisuke was grumbling about how all his friends were married, or close to it, while he's still single as hell.
Kazutora's eyes drifted from the two ravenettes, making their way to where you were sitting with Hinata, Emma, Yuzuha, and Senju, planning what colors their dresses should be, as they were your bridesmaids. Your eyes shined with joy, just imaging the day you would be getting married to your fiancee. Usually, Kazutora would have smiled at your eagerness, but he couldn't help but feel.... Scared.
He loved Y/N with all his heart, but the intrusive thoughts always found a way into his thinking process.
What if you hurt her? They do say 'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree'.
You're that man's son, you're just like him.
You'll hurt her just like your father did to your mother.
Later that night, as you were making yourself a midnight snack in the kitchen, you noticed that Kazutora had taken a while too long in the bath.
"Maybe he already went to sleep? But...he'd usually come say 'goodnight'. I should go check up on him." Silently, you made your way to the bedroom, but before you could reach for the door handle, you heard sniffles coming from the other side.
'Is he...crying?'
You hesitated at first, not knowing whether you should go in, or leave him alone for the time-being. After a few seconds of silent conflict, you lightly knocked on the door.
No answer.
Reaching for the doorknob and twisting it, you pushed the door open and peeked into the room.
Kazutora was sitting on the edge of your shared bed, and although you couldn't exactly see his face from where you stood, you could tell he was crying.
"Tora...?" Your voice seemed to have no impact on the man, as he was in his own world.
'Is he having a panic attack?' You hadn't seen one in real life before, and you definitely didn't know how to deal with one. You could call a friend, 'but then again, that might make Tora feel worse.'
Taking a few steps forward, you lightly put your hand on Kazutora's shoulder, making him flinch. He looked up at you, tears in his eyes, breathing heavy. Not knowing what to do, you tried to pull the long haired male into a hug, an effort to calm him down.
But, no. That backfired.
Feeling your arms around him only made him feel trapped. He felt helpless. He didn't know why, but it did. And so, he did the only thing that came to mind. He pushed you away.
It was too hard, you only stumbled back a little....but it sure did break your heart.
I know this is a bad place to end it, but I don't know how to continue 😓
Anyways, I'm super sorry for being so late!! I was planning on finishing and posting this on Monday, but things happened! Again, super sorry!
Honestly, this feels all over the place, it's a total mess. I could have done better......(I'm not even going to hope you like it since it's honestly awful)
Kazutora out! 🐯
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sofasoap · 1 year
In your arms
Pairing: Simon “Ghost ” Riley x F!Reader ( OC aka Mini MacTavish )
Summary: Comforting your husband after a nightmare.
Connecting to event of “Death, Comes easily” 
Warning: Mature theme. Nightmare discussion ( related to PTSD ), discussion of death. Angst.
A/N : This was an extension of ANOTHER drabble/comment I wrote a while ago thanks to my midnight muse @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world ( seriously please let me sleep LOL )
Character of Mini MacTavish is from @saltofmercury fic  “The Favorite MacTavish”” which she graciously let me borrow and write bit more expanded universe. Please go read her wonderful story to get bit of background
 “masterlist” for more prequel to this Mini MacTavish expanded universe
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You stare up at the ceiling. Eyes wide open. Fidgeting away. 
It’s three in the morning. But you are not sleepy at all. Even after a solid twelve hour afternoon shift. 
Oh, you should add more carrots into the twin’s lunch box….
You started making a mental listing of what you need to get from the grocery store tomorrow. Maybe that will tire your brain out and finally get some sleep. 
That wallpaper is peeling off slightly beside the window… need to get Simon to fix that.. 
Is Johnny and Emma coming over for lunch this Sunday?
Crap the electricity bill is due soon….
Ok, this isn’t working. Your mind is even more stimulated with all these questions and a list of chores in your head. 
Tucking yourself into the armchair beside the fireplace you just rekindled, armed with a generous mug of hot chocolate ( and maybe with a sneaky dash of whisky in it ) you set yourself about getting back into the historical romance novel you started a year ago but never had the time to finish. 
Turn to the left, fluffing up the pillow. Nope. Not helping either. You knew that extra cup of coffee after lunch wasn’t such a good idea.
Letting out a sigh, you finally accepted that you weren’t going to get any sleep that night.
Swinging your leg over the side of the bed, you shuffle towards the lounge chair beside the window, grabbing the hand knit throw over blanket Gaz made for you last winter. Draping it over your shoulder, and quietly slipping out of the room, without waking Simon up, down towards the kitchen. 
The heavy footsteps become more frantic, and you hear room doors opening and closing, and the person in question is running down the staircase. 
Barely three pages in, you heard stomping noise coming from the bedroom upstairs.
You set the book down,looking up, frowning. Is one of the twins awake? But the noise sounds like it’s coming from your shared bedroom with your husband. 
The next second, you saw Simon, shoulders uptight, breathing erratically, with tears streaming down his face. As soon as he spotted you curling up in the armchair, his beautiful brown eyes widened. Mixture of panic and relief evident in his eyes. Your heart aches at the sight. 
Simon calls out to you. Voice quivering, like a scared little child. 
Extending your hands, silently asking him what he needs.
He stares at you for the moment, before slowly moving towards you, kneeling down on both knees, enveloping his large, warm hand around yours.
“… Just want to feel you. Knowing you are here.” He whispered in a deep rumbling voice, tinged with sadness. “That you are real.” his voice broke into a sob. “ That you are alive.”
“ Oh love…” You immediately knew he had one of his nightmares again.  Flash back to the bombing incident. Death of his mother and brother’s family.
“I woke up, I couldn’t find you, you weren’t there in bed, I thought the worst…” grabbing onto your hands tighter as he poured out his fear, “I thought I failed you… Just like I failed my family… I got you killed.. And the twins.. The team…” He buried his face into your lap, trying hard to control his emotion.
It pains you to see him in such a vulnerable state. A side he never shows. Not even to his most trusted team mate.
But here, in front of you, he’s not the ruthless, fearsome Ghost.
Here, he is just Simon Riley, your companion, beloved husband. The men you trust with all your life.
And he loves and trusts you enough to pour his heart and fear out to you. Laying it bare. 
Pulling him up to a stand, giving him a kiss on the lip. “Come on, you should get some rest.”
Leaning forward you place a kiss on the back of his head, whispering into his ears, trying to reassure him, “I am here love. I am not going anywhere…” pulling one of your hands out from his grasp, you stroke his hair lightly, “You haven’t failed us. You saved my life that day. Both of us came home safe and sound to the children and the team at the end, right?”
Cupping his face and lifting his head up, you smiled gently, “It’s all behind us now Simon.” 
“You're not coming to bed with me?”  He asked in a small voice. 
Looking at the fireplace, “I can’t leave it burning overnight. Besides, I couldn’t sleep anyway, that’s why I am down here, reading a book.” pointing to the book and drink, abandoned on the side table. 
“Can I stay with you?”
That is how the twins found the two of you the next morning, sleeping on the lounge, wrapped up in thick blankets, with you cocooned in Simon’s embrace, with a contented smile on both of your faces. 
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The sweet twins woke both you and Simon up, with simple breakfast and tea all ready on the table for both of you.
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crime-wives · 7 months
ouat 1x01 thoughts
god regina, you dramatic bitch. “I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do” ok darling, you can destroy me if you’d like
henry is so small, his tiny cheeks awww
not to be gay but… emma swan in the pink dress. fuck. i forgot how attracted to her i was. and the HAIR, the fucking princess curls. jesus christ her ARMS.
“bail bonds-person” i love her
yesss bitch, strut across the street like you own it. absolute icon behavior, slamming that asshole’s face into the steering wheel.
babe you’re so sad and pathetic with your vanilla cupcake. i bet she wished for family.
not her apartment door saying ‘cast a spell’
“My name’s Henry, and i’m your son” agevgsvegw STOP
her having a panic attack in the bathroom, so real.
once again, her ARMS, i want her so bad
henry’s cute little freckles, i can’t do this.
idgaf abt snow and charming “She poisoned an apple because she thought I was prettier than her” shut up bitch, you know that’s not why
“Oh kid, you’ve got problems” emma swan, insulting children since 1983
ok but the fact that they chose the name ‘emma’ in a fairytale world, lmao
evil queen theme song playing as they enter storybrooke
emma swan wearing the most dyke outfit possible. getting ready to impress milfs
not that there’s any significance, but emma’s license plate is: 836•M4X
snow and charming are so annoying istg
ewww the blue fairy, i hate that bitch (derogatory)
regina running towards henry and wrapping him up in a hug. her eyes are wet. good lord, her first reaction is concern and worry, not anger.
“I found my real mom” my HEART. her face after he said that, so stricken and hurt, baby…
emma’s little flustered, ‘hi’ when talking to a gorgeous milf. ok babe, we get it, you’re gay.
graham leaving bc of emma and regina’s immediate sexual tension. and regina’s eyes roving over emma.
first ‘Miss Swan’ of the show at exactly 21:00 minutes.
emma swan is so desperate to impress regina. it’d be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic (affectionate)
“Sneaky bastard” once again, emma swan insulting children since 1983
crashing into the storybrooke sign like the absolute icon she is
the cgi 💀💀
yay!! curse time :)
emma waking up in a jail cell. she just does not give a fuck about this shit.
her lips parting when she she’s regina, ok babe, she’s hot we get it
god mary-margaret pisses me off
go regina, knock over mary-margaret’s shit, absolute queen
“She’s kinda a hardass” yes but that turns you on, doesn’t it?
gina’s so hot when she’s evil
putting a newborn through the wardrobe to save themselves, a+ parenting
henry mills, once again, the most mature one in a situation “You don’t have to be hostile. You like me, I can tell. You’re just pushing me away because I make you feel guilty.”
“I wanted you to have your best chance. But it’s not with me. C’mon, let’s go.” go emma! be the mature adult i know you can be
petition to get emma swan a therapist so she can deal with all her issues (trust me, she’s got a lot of them)
“Look, your mom is trying her best. I know it’s hard, and I know sometimes you think she doesn’t love you, but at least she wants you.” emma swan, standing up for regina mills since the moment they met
mmm regina’s voice is so hot.
her unhinged laughter, i love her so much
“Where are we going?” “Somewhere horrible, absolutely horrible” takes them to maine
emma swan is so fucking desperate for regina’s approval. she wished to not be alone on her birthday, baby…
second ‘Miss Swan’ of the show at 38:43 (i will be keeping count of all of them :D)
regina fidgeting with her blazer pockets, she’s so anxious
first “He’s my son” at 39:01 minutes
“I will destroy you if it is the last thing I do” babe, it’s kinda gay to have a nemesis, just saying
third ‘Miss Swan’ of the show at 39:32
baby… gina is coming apart at the seems
god, not to be gay, but regina’s HANDS at 40:27 agevvegse
emma’s only staying because of regina’s provocations. she wouldn’t have stayed for henry.
gold is so icky.
she’s staying a *only* a week, sure babe, sure.
also side note, i forgot how good the coloring was in ouat. like its very faded, maybe indicative of storybrooke being stuck in the past???
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oluka · 1 year
Thoughts on Invincible Iron Man #8 and #9
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When I read Invincible Iron Man #8, I couldn’t believe my eyes. A reference to Iron Man #182, in my Iron Man comics? More likely than I thought. The fact that the reference was tasteful and also showcased Duggan’s understanding of Tony’s character was the icing on the cake. To sum up the scene: Tony just got hurt very badly by two Stark Sentinels and is half conscious. He reaches out and asks Emma for help. She gets into his mindscape, which we discover is a snowy alley full with empty bottles and sad tags on the walls.
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“No way out, safe, hope”. This is the melodrama I want to see in my Iron Man comics. I also loved that Emma didn’t dismiss Tony’s trauma: “It’s real, but it’s not what’s happening right now.” She helps him get out of this flashback/mindspace, and the fight goes on.
There’s this beautiful panel where Tony surrenders his suit to save Emma:
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Look at it!! Look at the colours! Look at the lines! The motion!
Anyways. Tony manages to get Emma away from the fight, taunts Feilong to kill him. Then in issue #9, he refuses Steve’s help when he arrives (because he needs to be alone and he wants to protect his friends) and then he meets up with Emma in the sewers, runs back to his workshop to make her a ring to conceal her from Orchis, and comes back to her. He also bandages his own injuries.
He gets down to the sewers again, and gets into an argument with Emma about his and her actions (or lack thereof) against Orchis/Feilong. And then…
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Tony has a panic attack. Which I think is the first time, ever, we see this happening explicitly in an Iron Man comic (I’m happy to be proved wrong). He has a panic attack because everything is going to hell and Rhodey is getting hurt in prison and Feilong is trying to kill Rhodey and Tony. Tony is hurting, physically and mentally, and Duggan does not shy away from showing that. I think that Frigeri made an excellent job in drawing Tony so angry and literally foaming at the mouth: he’s not doing well, his emotions are all over the place. He cries (!!) and asks for help, again. I’m really surprised that Tony asks for help twice in as many issues. Is it because he trusts Emma to calm his mind? Is it easier for him to ask her instead of his friends because it’s less personal? Or is he so desperate that there is no other way? I don’t know. Regardless, it’s interesting.
This time, Emma brings him to his happy place:
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His happy place, his “idealistic self-image”, is him surrounded by the Iron Man armours. Emma’s comment about there being less unsavoury people and “tramps” than she’d expected pleased my vindicative heart. But more importantly: last issue, we got to see Tony’s worst mindscape, where he falls into when everything is going to hell and he’s dying. And it was him, alone, in the snow, surrounded by his biggest weakness and fear: alcoholism. In this issue, we see his happy place, which is essentially: Iron Man. What Tony loves most about himself is Iron Man, what he hates most is his alcoholism. AAAAAAAA. This is such quintessential Tony. It’s him. I think I haven’t seen such a good characterization in Iron Man comics in a decade. I still barely believe it.
The following panels set up Tony and Emma’s alliance for the upcoming comics. Judging from the solicits for IIM 12 and 13, they’re going to be a team for at least until those issues, and maybe further.
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Emma’s ruthlessness and Tony’s genius can make for a deadly combo. They’re not playing around. I hope we will see them shine together. I can’t wait for them to give Feilong and Orchis what they deserve. Also, note the way they phrase their alliance: “To their deaths.” Add to that the way they are framed, both dressed sharply and facing each other like that, and my mind immediately made the connection to wedding vows: “Until death do us part”. Am I reading too much into it, or was this intentional from Duggan and Frigeri? Maybe future wil tell.
To end this long post, here are unrelated thoughts:
1. I love the current trend of Avengers actively helping Mutants fight against Orchis. We have Tony, of course, but also Steve who reformed the Uncanny Avengers to fight against Orchis; Thor just saved a mutant in Immortal Thor #1, we’ve had mentions of Vision, Reed and T’Challa helping on the information side… It’s great. Between AXE Judgment Day and Fall of X, it seems that Marvel writers/editorial have decided to stop pitting the X-men and Avengers against each other. Let’s hope it stays that way. Avengers help everyone, and it’s nice to finally see it even in x-men books. Also, it gives us awesome panels:
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2. Tony is his own nemesis confirmed. Thank you, Duggan.
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And that’s it! If you’ve read this far, consider telling me in comments or tags what you thought. I might start doing posts like this for every Iron Man comic week.
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yuseirra · 17 days
mhm, I've been looking at my older drawings and I really have a thing for dynamics where the girl is cheerful, energetic & loves all and there's a quiet/sweet and slightly more reserved boy who really admires her and loves her being that way - and could risk anything for them, even if that makes them go a bit extreme and cross lines that they usually won't.
(It can go the other way around too with the guy and the girl's roles reversed, it's the girl who's the more cheerful one usually tho)
saiaka, noremma, shuyuka.. There are probably tons more too- All fall into this category pretty well hshfj and I read my older fanworks of them earlier, they're actually really well written in character. If only I were to be a more skilled artist, it could have reached more people out there... the dialogues, narrations, the monologues and the expressions are pretty on the spot in my opinion, I guess that's what I want to do well in the first place, I'll keep getting better bit by bit as I try.
Tpn spoilers below**
I honestly feel like hikaai will end up falling in this category too. I'm getting strong noremma vibes with this one especially, bc norman does something pretty extreme near the end of tpn and emma strives to save him, while he thinks he's beyond hope and is going to die. He pretends he's okay and lies to put up a strong front but eventually, emma is able to see through his lies, call him out on it and says he's a liar, stops him last minute and we find out he was actually very scared all along and was pushing himself so much for what he thought was for everyone's sake(especially emma and ray's)
while..I'm not entirely satisfied with the ending of the series(it made me really sad back then), they do still survive and live together. Emma wanted to save him and have him live with her and it happens.
Pfft I read that comic real-time too and I sort of stood my ground all the way abt them.. It did pay off! And I ACTUALLY even got some of the dialogues in the final eps RIGHT. I drew something in advance and it came TRUE.
I was suddenly reminded of them this morning and how much I loved them!! Oh and they BOTH lied to each other as well. I feel like you may like one ship if you like the other.
What was I trying to say again? Right... I don't know if hikaru can actually be saved(it's why I've been continuously inquiring what is it that he's actually done because you can't save someone who's gone too far) but the moment the idea of it had been brought up by none other than Ai, I just feel like that's how the story will go. He's suffering and probably carrying a lot and he thinks he's doomed, he doesn't care about what happens to him. But Ai does. And I feel like the most important thing in this comic is what Ai wants and her say in things. So.. I'm actually not so worried now that I think of it. If I'm the writer, I'd let Ai have her way and get what she desires in the end, whether Hikaru thinks he's beyond saving actually matters less than that in terms of the plot. His argument matters less than Ai on this matter lol, Ai's the stronger figure here both within the story and in a meta sense too!
I've read stories like this a lot in fact. The work could break that pattern ofc, but there's a buildup that should certainly be addressed. If Ai loves this guy and wants Aqua and Ruby to save him, it's going to happen one way or the other. It's not something too much to worry about!
I think that's how I started drawing a lot of the ship after that was proposed in fact...the hunch I had must have stemmed from this. I've already been there and I'm here now, let's see how it's gonna go and I really hope Fatal and Mephisto's context will be addressed, come on, it can't be anyone but Hikaru in those songs and that has to be addressed, it's about time. I think that's why Aqua's calling him out rn too. Can't really picture any other things about it in fact!
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godsiero · 8 months
hello. i have just finished all of nightmare time. buckle up, i have thoughts and spoilers ahead.
just a general statement before opinions are shared: obviously some situations take place in different timelines (like the ape-man vs time bastard), but what do you think happens in the *same* timelines? obviously forever and always and time bastard are the same timeline, but do you think each episode is a different time line? do you think it depends? as i’m typing this, i think each episode of nightmare time is a different reality, let me know your thoughts!
okay, starting from the very beginning with ape-man:
i thought ape-man was a good intro to what should be expected of nightmare time. i thought the “ape-man” being a set-up between ted and hidges was funny. i loved that lucy ended up actually meeting the real ape-man in the end. i didn’t really care for the ape-man *song*, and after finishing the rest of the episodes, it was a forgettable episode as a whole, but again, great intro to the idea of what nightmare time is.
i love alice and bill, so i enjoyed this. watching nightmare time *after* nerdy prudes must die helped me be more excited about the introduction of the rest of the lords in black (because i somehow avoided spoilers for THAT long). that father-daughter relationship was so well put together. i love the blinky song, didn’t care for snoozle town (however, it did sound like black friday, the song, which might not have been intentional, but i’m gonna pretend it was to appreciate jeff blim lmao), as i’m typing this i don’t really remember one thousand eyes, so…i guess it wasn’t memorable? overall, i liked the generally positive ending and bill and alice establishing they will change their ways to help their relationship. love love love.
forever & always:
loved this episode. paulkins till i die fr. i was damn near fucking crying during the opening scene, i shit you not. (side note: i have recently developed the biggest soft spot for paulkins after reading the most incredible fan fiction, probably ever, forelsket by gooddaysunshine on ao3, which i qualify as canon now.) the song forever & always is definitely in my top five nightmare time songs, i just love it. i was totally shocked when paul killed the real emma, up until he revealed he was also a clone/not the real paul, so respect ig. top tier nightmare time episode.
time bastard:
the song time bastard is also in my top five nightmare time songs. kim whalen plz sing me to sleep. the song really set my expectations high because of how good forever & always was, but i was really let down. the revelation of tinky wasn’t as direct or nuanced as blinky and i thought the plot was really slow UNTIL the last ten minutes when everything looped (i love a fuckin loop). making ted the homeless man was truly an incredible plot twist, which makes me sad that wasn’t reflected during the rest of the episode. also peanuts is hilarious.
jane’s a car:
i love tim and sue me for being a barneston shipper. did NOT like jane, did NOT like the plot of tom fucking a car, that got a little too unhinged for even me. the song jane’s a car has been stuck in my head since before i even saw the fucking episode, i could not tell you how many times i have just yelled “GOT MY FOOT ON THE GAS” in the middle of conversations. that being said, the rest of the song was forgettable which upset me! i didn’t enjoy this episode, aside from the mention of the black book on the radio and the twist at the end where it’s revealed jane did take over becky.
the witch in the web:
first of fucking all, kendall nicole is a gift to this earth. that child is incredible beyond compare. protect her forever. second of all, i can’t really remember the plot of this episode, but i do know that i liked the story? not enough to remember it though? this is definitely a middle ground episode for me. i didn’t particularly enjoy either song, but i didn’t hate them. i liked the plot of miss holloway taking hannah into the black and white and travelling through time (kinda), and i liked the overall theme of webs to introduce webby.
honey queen:
the song honey queen didn’t do much for me, neither did latte hatte, or nibbly ditty. if this was any other circumstance i would’ve also added queen b to the list, but i saw it in the jangle ball before this and that made me enjoy it, but if i hadn’t seen jangle ball, just know, i would not have liked queen b. that being said, i did like this episode. i am not a linda monroe stan (sorry), but i do think she’s funny. i thought the kids were funny, i wanted to punch zoey in the face, sam gave me the ick, gerald is a fucking freak, i have never wanted to throttle jon matteson until i watched this (i forgot his character’s name), so all in all, none of these characters are likable at all except for river, but that’s the monroe’s for you. the episode was slow, but in the way a slow burn in slow. once again, liked the introduction of nibbly, and i think having the first episode *be* the honey queen festival was super important to the rest of the season because they never shut the fuck up about it after this (this is another reason why i think each episode is it’s own universe but i disgress). if that confused you, i *did* enjoy the episode, but it was another middle-grounder for me.
perky’s buds:
liked that emma got to start her pot farm. overall have nothing of value to say about this one. joey as the bird was really fucking funny. i like jae. love emma forever, that freak. this episode was really slow and not at all in a good way. i did not like the song perky’s buds. just wanted the episode to end. sad face.
abstinence camp:
this is probably my favorite nightmare time story. the song axe-man is definitely number one on my list (we’ll talk more later). the plot of this one was SO good and funny and creepy and everything hatchetfield is about. my main love for this episode stems from the introduction of our three lead nerdy prudes must die characters. i love those three freaks. steph and peter almost getting in the same shower went fuckin crazy and i was kinda glad they got caught lmao. the plot of girl jeri and boy jerry was too fuckin good, and i will say, i was a little confused why the axe-man never showed up to kill them when they were very obviously horny, BUT IT’S ALMOST LIKE THAT WAS THE PLOT HAHAHAHAH. also, love the return of plot and lore about the woods, seriously, needed that. also also, jon matteson and kim whalen should be paired up more because they’re both so fucking funny and have the capability of being charming yet ever so slightly off-putting and i fucking love it. virginity rocks is a fuckin banger (heh), but the real star of the show is axe-man. let me tell you why axe-man is the best nightmare time song: not only does it introduce the axe-man (who we have been seeing and hearing THE ENTIRE SEASON, mind you), but bryce charles is singing?? i literally don’t know what else you need to hear from me?? corey dorris in a flannel will forever change my brain chemistry and they both sound so good together, truly, and corey dorris is a baritone legend (i’m looking at *you*, corey singing the hidden baseline in high school is killing me). “his blade is made of hate” sounds damn near EXACT to “you better hope you’re outta sight” (literal monster). “oh the pain” sounds damn near EXACT to “it ain’t great” (hatchet town). MOTHERFUCKERS. WHEN THE BRIDGE STARTS “these woods belong to him…” THE FUCKING HATCHET TOWN MOTIF IS LITERALLY FUCKING PLAYING LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? also, just the fucking end that proves ur dead?? please. jeff blim. here, have some flowers. i will do anything for you. anyway. great episode. love it. 10/10.
i liked that we gave frank some backstory and gave him a little more humanity because i really did not like that motherfucker (heh) in black friday. the plot with sherman was VERY funny and him turning into a child is kinda cute tbh. sheila u bitch, u let barry swift out of there!! i will forever be a man in a hurry fan, even after death 😭. yes take this psycho’s money and make your family’s toy store better and pay your one employee a living wage!! we love to see it. i don’t even remember the song young at heart, so that should tell you enough about how much i didn’t like it lmao. i had been waiting to see those care bears because i fucking knew they were going to be the lords in black plushies after i saw what colors they were. nick lang, you sneaky bastard.
killer track:
finally learned the tea about miss holloway and yes it was worth it. yes, i do realize why everybody loves duke and miss holloway now, hell, i love em now. miss holloway’s plot is crazy and if there’s another nightmare time season i hope she gets another episode, honestly. i like run away with me as a song in general, but for the genre of artist miss holloway is painted to be, the song is lackluster. I DO LIKE IT THOUGH BUT I WAS EXPECTING IT TO BE MORE ROCK AND ROLL. i do realize it is a ballad, but even rock and roll ballads go harder than that did. killer track is a fucking rager???? jeff blim what are you doing writing musical theatre songs???? go write some fucking grunge shit???? killer track goes so fucking hard i really can’t explain it, jesus christ, also the video was sick as shit, do more!! (this really just proves jeff can write anything lmao) i thought the nightmare time remix was really funny and fun and just a good time, no notes, joey slayed the house down boots honey mama.
yellow jacket:
i liked the vibe of the song yellow jacket, very avril lavigne. loved the plot. loved the reprise of lex opening the wiggly box x opening the pokey box. i love the idea that there are multiple kids like hannah in hatchetfield and that would be a GREAT plot to expand upon more, however, i like that hannah and lex got out of there, but i felt so bad for ethan :( i wonder if he had proposed to lex that morning if she had said yes and not left or if she had taken them with him ugh i hate not knowing. my favorite thing about the hatchetfield universe is that they just keep pumping out these stories and plot lines that confirm these things are canon in at least one universe. i love knowing as much as possible and that’s what nightmare time has given me, ily girl. sorry went on a tagent and didn’t finish: didn’t like use it or lose it, i didn’t like next time, but i thought it was sweet 🥺 they’re all such cuties. ALSO!! the general john mcnamara cameo in this episodes them song KILLED ME i SCREAMED!! he’s literally my favorite. if they continue with a season 3 i hope to fucking god they give my man his episode god dammit. bonus, hey melissa: that shit was fucking weird and i hated that paul sided with her in the end that creep. anyway, thank you for coming on this journey with me, i hope you liked my notes, i love a discussion if you would like to comment. <3
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misscrawfords · 7 months
I've been listening to Pride and Prejudice again this week in the car - I've got as far as Mrs. Gardiner's letter - and oh, my heart! So many thoughts and feelings. (Pls ask me about P&P, please.) Anyway, one thing I've been reflecting on is how the plot is almost too neat. It's fairytale-like in that there's really no way it could have happened IRL - what are the odds that Elizabeth's best friend marries Darcy's aunt's clergyman and they all happen to be in Kent together? What are the odds that Elizabeth goes to Derbyshire and visits his estate at exactly the time he arrives back? etc. etc. In real life, none of this could have happened. P&P is as tightly plotted and sparse in its extraneous details in the same way that Emma is and Emma is possibly the tightest plotted novel ever written.
But it got me thinking about P&P "variations" as the published fanfic is called and how unlikely so much of it is. People really want to make Austen's characters do things they absolutely never would. There is zero chance that Elizabeth would accept Mr. Collins. There is less than zero chance that Mr. Darcy would compromise her and force her to marry him. (Mr Darcy? The guy who thinks staring uncomfortably at a woman across the room is flirting? As if!) These so-called variations might end up with interesting plots but are fundamentally flawed because the characters who would act in these ways are absolutely not the characters Austen wrote.
So I was wondering where you could successfully have a variation. It would have to be a scenario in which circumstances change but not characters. So here are a few I think could work (and almost certainly have been written):
Bingley meets Jane in London. Despite Darcy and Caroline's best efforts, it's not inconceivable that they might bump into each other. London's big but not that big. It's as plausible as the meeting at Pemberley. I can't imagine Bingley could be persuaded against Jane when she's actually in front of him, looking sad and ill because she missed him so much. But what of his relationship with Darcy? Surely strained at this point. And what of Darcy's relationship with Elizabeth now that they'd be thrown together much more much earlier on and in a way that ensures continuous acquaintance. What happens with Lydia? Unlikely she'd ever go to Brighton. Jane's marriage changes the Bennets' circumstances entirely. Everything is changed here but it's an intriguing AU and not implausible.
Elizabeth and the Gardiners go to the Lakes. I mean... it's only authorial dabbling that means they don't in the first place. The Pemberley sequence never happens. Big repercussions for the development of Darcy's character, Elizabeth's feelings and Lydia's reputation. How do you get them all back together? Uncertain. Another more minor but potentially interesting change in this area would be the Gardiners always intending to go to Derbyshire. The journey is brought up at Rosings. Darcy pre-proposal invites Elizabeth and her relations to Pemberley. It gives him an opportunity to be nicer earlier but how does Elizabeth receive it? What happens at the proposal consequently? What happens to the offered invitation post-refusal? Becomes even more awkward in Derbyshire.
Georgiana accompanies Darcy and the Bingleys to Netherfield. Not the AU I'd be most interested in because I think Wickham would nope out of there the second he knows Georgiana is in town because there's no way Darcy wouldn't act if his sister's wellbeing was on the line, so that whole plot would be knocked on the head. However, the possibility of a friendship being struck up between Elizabeth and Georgiana at Netherfield while Jane is ill is a cute one. (Though I think without an interest in Darcy himself, Elizabeth would take time to warm up to Georgiana - lbr the Bennet who would instantly become her big sister is Jane.)
Lydia never lets slip about Darcy being at her wedding. Not a very interesting AU because Elizabeth would find out somehow and Bingley and Darcy would return to Netherfield anyway and she's in love with him even without knowing about Lydia so....
Can you think of any more AU possibilities like this that don't involve the characters acting OOC to set up the premise?
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scummy-writes · 5 months
Thinking further on Gilbert's route, making some thoughts/notes on his uhhh timeline i guess. spoilers, spoilers everywhere
-> had ideals similar to emma when they were kids. pure of heart, wanting to help others and be friends with them.
-> up until going to rhodolite, sounds like his main contact was spending time with Albert and his mother, who both doted on him to a degree. They distracted him from the normal horrors of obsidian (fight for the throne, the normal bloodshed, etc). they comment that he should try to make friends in rhodolite. He's been sickly in bed otherwise.
-> walter comes with him to rodolite, is a bit older than him but doesnt seem to be by much. Walter isn't described as a friend here, and may be because child gilbert associated him with his sickness for a while.
-> confirmed heart problem (makes sense witht he cold issues and such), and he's known ever since he was a kid that he was likely to die easily due to the conditon
-> meets chev because they go to pick out the same book from mr akatsuki's stall. Wasn't a store at that point, and gilbert had been visiting often while he stayed in rhodolite.
-> stayed there for a year, got letters from his mother and albert like clockwork, until he suddenly didnt. He had became 'friends' with chev at this point, but chev never told him his name, and neither did gilbert. at some point, gilbert hears about the leon replacement (not by name) and decides he wants to do the same, because he doesn't want albert and his mother to be lonely when he dies.
-> i dont think he wears an eyepatch at this point at all.
-> it's not mentioned in the flashback, but sometime in chap 21 in Mc's flashback, that Akatsuki was telling her about a boy he knew that was just a bit older than her, who would do sleight of hand tricks to cheer kids up, help fix things when bullying was happening, would help older people, try to find ways to make sad folks smile again.... so Akatsuki ended up seeing this happen in rhodolite, apparently. (Emma ended up looking up to this kid Akatsuki mentioned, not knowing his name probably due to akatsuki knowing who Gilbert was and not wanting to risk issues regarding that. Both Gilbert and Emma ended up looking up to each other as kids and didn't realize it.
-> he visits akatsuki and tells him that he has to leave soon to go back home, and slips him the travel permit into obsidian. akatsuki sin't surprised by this at all and tells gilbert something along the lines of keeping true to his heart or whatever, saying he has a real chance of being a wise ruler.
-> he goes to say goodbye to chev next, and chev tries to act all 'hmph' about it. tries to act like he doesn't care, but gives gilbert an envelope with a rose tea in it, saying his brother gets fevers and stuff and the tea helps him. (so this means chev knows gilbert was at least a little sickly, which would give future chev valid and sustainable reasons to be worried that gilbert is hiding poor health) (chev also refers to clavis, not by name, when talking about the tea. calls him stupid or something)
-> the envelope has chev's name on it. Previously (same day?), Gilbert introduced himself as GIlbert Kloss, which means his mother was a kloss. (hates yves for reasons stated in the game.)
-> comes back home to his mother and alberts heads on spikes at the gate(?) of the castle. Grandfather (kloss side) is there and acts very casual about it, says its diappointing but only because they were like. an embarrassment for trying to stop the fight for the throne.
-> gilbert tries to talk to his father about it, and his father is also very casual. disappointed because apparently they didn't react much at all towards the killing, and he was hoping for more.
-> gilbert tries to talk to his older brother (had four brothers), and his brother confirms that he had suggested albert to try and talk 'sense' into his father, which is what got them killed. the older brother laughs and says he didn't think they'd fall for that (or something similar). Gilbert ends up stabbing him in the chest(?) and killing him, and that is his first official kill.
-> things from here get fuzzy for me, as it seems to jump from that point onward to bloodstained rose day, so things may be wrong. Gilbert paticipates in the fight for the throne, and manages to successfully kill everyone but his father to a point. he's getting used to shutting off his emotions and not caring too much about it, or so he says - because he still calls himself a monster and still forces his soldiers to refrain from attacking civilians. All his kills are targeted at corrupt nobility or people who are hurting innocent people.
-> either during his stay in rhodolite, or when he's back in obsidian and still a kid/growing up, akaatsuki visits with books in tow for gilbert, and tells him stories about emma. I am pretty sure this is after Gilbert leaves rhodolite.
-> gilbert begins to look at emma as some sort of reprieve. i dont wanna say as a fictional story, but begins to love hearing about her and has idle thoughts that shes almost like a version of him from a different timeline, able to keep onto hope and the love in her heart. meanwhile, his is withering. literally and figuratively!
-> however, he's the stratigist for the obsidian army at this point. they still fight other countries, so 'innocent lives' are still being taken, so. my previous point has valid competition, depending if you want to get to the nuances of soldiers and innocence, but this is a game so.
-> bloodstained rose day happens - gilbert's father started the war(?) without telling gilbert, and gilbert is pissed for a multitude of reasons. all of this is messy, civilains have been killed, and he's at the village of hope stomping down on soldiers he caught hurting/killing(?) children. he ends up locking them away for....ever? its not explained in depth aside from him hurting them, then commanding someone else to never let them see the sun again.
-> this is where he saves luke. I think its implied or said that the soldiers he was stomping were the ones that led to luke and his sister getting hurt. they're only able to save luke.
-> roderic exists at this point, still in hood. Gilbert ends up finally deciding to talk to his father, and tells roderic that if he doesn't show up at a meeting place for them...welll....
-> Gilbert manages to get his father alone, at the edge of a cliff. it's revealed that gilbert never picked a fight until nwo because he was physically weak, and knew he could not do a swordfight with his father and win. So he spent ages developing his cane-gun for protection, but also to kill his father. Today is the day he finished it, and he immediately goes to use it.
-> his father. is proud of him. and says so, says he is truly 'his son'. this makes gilbert mad, I don't even think he does the sterotypical big speech, he just fucking stops and shoots him. the blast knocks his father off of the cliff, and gilbert...I think laughs. laughs at the fact that this is when his father was proud of him, and confirms himself to truly be a monster at that point.
-> things get blurry for me here too. I think he begins weeding out more corrupt nobles on a larger scale, pretending his father is still alive to a majority of the world. he works on research, making things better for obsidian (working on ways to grow crops in their soil, works on health advancements for himself and everyone, works on simple things like making the military rations taste better. everyone in the castle now wears the same uniform, men and women work there, he wants equality the best he can without status getting in the way (hence the uniforms). He starts working further on his plan to destory monarchy as a whole, works on making the anti-monarchy faction a thing (luke works on this), works on making a Lot of guns, basically wants to incite a civil war
-> at some point has to have spies on emma, because roderic does report on her in his chap 0 story (i forgot to take notes on that....), and events reference that too? but also, he begins to write a story featuring his idolized version of emma- a woman who can resolve things through talking, through keeping headstrong and brave, and keeping true to her ideals.
-> his obsession with emma isn't touched on in an *insane* insane way. it's unhealthy, but not overblown to an extreme. He actually seems to get more posessive After he's actually able to have her in a relationship.
-> anyway. i don't have much info for the inbetween bloodstained rose day and him coming to rhodolite to meet emma.
-> events of route are pretty. normal. slow build up between how he knows so much about her, and being weird with her, but a lot of it boils down to he's been told he has a month left to live, and he wants to be selfish and see the woman he loves (has not admitted this to himself until at the very fucking end of his route). So he is clingy, he is weird, he knows barely any boundries.
-> but he's also testing her to see if her resolve will break. he wants to know if shes actually pure of heart, or if she will turn into a beast as well. is conflicted between giving her genuine advice with this (dont hide emotions, let yourself process them, etc etc), or egging her on to give up.
-> still protects her and unhealthily says he's the only one allowed to make her cry/hurt/etc.
-> when she 'protects him' from being stabbed, he loses it for a bit. this is tied to how his mother and albert sacrificed themselves when he never asked for that.
-> i covered a lot of this stuff in my chapter by chapter notes so these may be missing details
-> a lot of the final judgement with emma seems to be a multitude of things - showing gilbert if talking things out between nations is actually possible, showing him how much of a monster he truly is, if he has any love left in him, if there is a point to keep on living, etc etc. it's not a simple thing, its tied into a lot between them.
-> the choking scene is. hard, but for a multitude of reasons too. not a good thing, however it speaks a lot to him not fully being a beast yet. i doubt that he seriously repeats something like this ever again, unless she actually does something worth killing over (ultimate betrayal) but even THEN, he legit wants her to be the one to ultimately kill him, so. it's a lot.
-> that scene to me shows that he's unable to do such a thing because he still cares, still loves, and cannot continue this role of being 'a beast' anymore. motherfucker cries and has inner lines that imply that he regrets it. he cries! dude fucked up but since it's fiction.................................... i am not caring too hard about it, it's a dramatic storyplot showcasing he really can't kill everyone he wishes, especially those who are truly innocent.
-> they get together the end <3
okay jk but the rest of it is emma showing him that talking can be achieved. this is something he honestly tried to do, but he was dealing with awful corrupt people in obsidian who preferred bloodshed, and some other places. due to Trauma, he gave up early because he ran out of people to keep his sanity in check
-> roderic and walter love him but are so frustrated with him. he calls them 'gross' a lot when they seem to give any praise
-> actually really hates that the new system he's implemented in obsidian, trying to give democracy-ish and what not, has led to people blindly accepting what he proposes. its not because they're scared, it's because they genuinely respect him for turning things around in the capital of obsidian (outskirts are still corrupt and have poverty issues, he's working on it). same thing with people he's put in charge of budgets and etc etc (stuff im not good at), they want his confirmation and he complains that he trusts their judgement already and they can go without his, but they want to make sure and he indulges them.
-> also, he keeps playing up this villain thing, but he's also still consistently working on improvements for obsidian as a whole, by working out calculations for...something...and working on plants for soil issues and etc even though, at this point, he was likely a week to live? if that?
-> has hammock in his...lab? because he likes not sleeping in his room all the time when he feels bad. has it set up there so he can rest when things ramp up for him again. the cg of the room has huuuuge windows and a lot of natural sunlight, so he likely feels like he's outside more.
-> sometimes, to me, gilbert seems to wear a warped cosplay of a beast, either to help deal with his trauma or something, but primarily to try and fix what others cannot, even at the extremes it takes. he's disgusted with this, I believe, and so he does call himself a monster due tot he objective truth that taking another human life is fucking awful and playing god/judgement with people like he does, even if they're only corrupt nobles or similar, is not sane or entirely just.
-> i feel like this is backed up by. the game. but also by how , at any point, he could have signed off on the anti-monarchy faction to go ahead and start the war. but he kept waiting, and waiting, and waiting, trying to get emma to 'change' his mind, to prove that things COULD be talked out, by giving her all the tools needed, to let her slip away. A lot of this can be accounted for the fact that he secretly wants to live and etc etc, but also i think it's important to touch on the fact that he really, really, really doesn't want a bunch of innocent lives lost. this was a last resort type of deal for when he died, and probably specifically because he would not be able to handle the guilt of finally being responsible for innocent lives being taken (since, at this point, its all been corrupt people, yeah??? i dont remember if events or himself has said otherwise...)
-> poor comparison but emma basically becomes his clavis, if we think of the chev/clavis ruler dynamic that happens in a route or two. she starts working through forcing different punishments outside of death, and working on repenting and changing unless its entirely unforgivable (has not hit that yet? i think gilbert takes care of the Actual irredeemable ones and emma does not witness that. I am assuming it has to do with CSA nobles and human trafficking and etc etc.)
-> still absolutely wants emma to be the one to kill him, in the end. she still has the gun (that she swears to never use), but was some warped promise between the two of them for gilbert to keep living. plus he loves her, there is that. who doesn't want to die by their lovers hand and seeing them as the last thing they- [forcibly removed from the stage]
-> found out Gilbert calls her 'little rabbit' because, when he was a kid and Akatsuki was describing Emma to him, Akatsuki called her as charming as a little rabbit.
I'll likely come back and add things, but my notes about his route bit by bit is on my ikepri masterlist, and likely has things that my anxiety riddled brain forgot (wahoo, i typed all this out as a distraction for myself HAHAHA)
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unculturedmamoswine · 7 months
Forduary 2024 Week 2, College and Researcher Years
Woo, my second Forduary fill for this year! Ford gets some bad news and feels some type of way about it. This fic is Ford/Fiddleford/Emma-May. Also, warning for offscreen minor character death.
The first person Ford told was his boss. He felt pretty alright about it. Almost normal. It wasn’t that real to him yet, he explained, so it was probably fine if he worked his shift. (He shouldn’t be telling Pat first, he thought. It was a big deal, right? So he should have told someone else first, someone who mattered more to him.)
He stood in the shabby but quite clean lobby of the old movie theater and explained his older brother to Pat.
“I don’t know why I brought it up,” Ford added, gesticulating more vigorously than usual. “I’m sorry, I probably shouldn’t have. I just found out, but I had to work so I came here. You know that.” He snatched his hands back, clenching his fists. 
He felt oddly ashamed, as if he was overreacting, but he wasn’t. He was barely reacting at all. He was fine.
Pat’s mouth sagged open oddly. His flat brows crinkled up. “Oh, that’s god-awful, Stanford I’m so sorry. How old was he?” “Why does that matter?” Ford asked, confused.
Pat, as people loved to do, interpreted his direct and simple question to instead mean something Ford hadn’t actually said. “You’re right, I’m sorry. It doesn’t matter at all, right? He was too young either way.” 
Either what way? Either was a word you only used when presenting two options. What two options was Pat imagining? That Shermie either had or had not been a specific age?
For some reason Pat touched Ford, gently putting a hand on his shoulder. Ford had worked at this movie theater for his entire college career so far, and Pat had never touched him before. Maybe he was making a pass. Maybe he knew that Ford was a queer now, that he was some kind of weirdo with a girlfriend and a boyfriend. (Shermie would never know, now, never find out. Ford would never have to wonder if he’d be renounced by his cool, distant older brother.)
“You shouldn’t work right now, kid.” Pat always called him kid. Him, and anyone who was either under the age of forty or who worked for him. Ford was ‘kid’. Emma-May was ‘kid’. Even Eustace, who was around Pat’s age, was ‘kid’.
“Sherman always called us kid,” Ford reported, as if the part of his brain that worked his mouth was determined to make Pat think that he was entirely unfit to work. “Me and my brother. I mean, my other brother, the one who’s not dead. As far as I know.” As his humiliation mounted, a nervous grin broke out across Ford’s face. Pat took his other shoulder. He looked kind of creeped out, and also quite sad.
“Stanford, go sit in the office. I’ll call Emma-May for you, okay?”
Ford did as he was told and sat in Pat’s shitty little windowless office for a good thirty seconds, then sprang up and paced as well as he could around the small space. The only thing he’d ever liked about the office was the row of velvet chairs that lined one short wall. Three chairs, all bolted together. They had come out of the theater during a renovation. Ford crouched by them and ran his finger over the worn velvet of a seat cushion, dragging a track into the surface and smoothing it away again and again.
By the time Emma-May got there, Ford was sitting in the chair. He didn’t want to be, but it had occurred to him that finding him crouched on the floor stroking a chair would alarm Emmy and make her think he was more upset than he was.
“Hey, Ford.” She was standing in the doorway, holding her bag. Fiddleford was just behind her. He should have been in class. Ford couldn’t think how he’d come to be there. 
Fiddleford’s eyes were huge and concerned. Emmy’s hands were tight on the strap of her bag.
They looked at him, and he stood up for lack of anything better to do. “Hi,” he said. It was less a response to Em, and more a place to start from. He had to say something. Ford wondered if they even knew what had happened. “My brother…” he didn’t know how to say it, which was stupid. He was in Vietnam. Now he’s nowhere. Just say that.
Emmy and Fidds stayed back as if afraid to touch him, but gentle Southern words of condolence came tumbling out of both their mouths. Ford bobbed his head agreeably and followed them out of Pat’s office. Pat was standing there with his hands on his hips. 
“Go back to school, Ford.” Pat said. “You can’t work like this.” Ford looked at Emmy. She wasn’t dressed for work. “Who’s taking my shift?” After he said the words, he realized that he should have instead argued that he could work. He didn’t want to go back to his dorm and do nothing, just sit there on his bed.
“It’s slow. All the movies coming out these days are piping hot buckets of piss anyway,” Pat said. (This was a joke. Pat loved to say that he, like everyone who loved movies, hated movies.) “I can do it all tonight. Heck, take the rest of the week, too; Eustace wants more hours, so don’t worry about it, kid.” Ford couldn’t afford not to work for the whole week, but the way that knowledge connected to the words needed to express it seemed fuzzy. He couldn’t quite imagine getting the words out from wherever they were hiding and putting them out into the air for Pat to hear. It was like he was a long way away from the conversation he was ostensibly a part of.
While Ford tried to sort out his mind, Emma-May and Fiddleford and Pat muttered around him, their words dark and fleeting, fluttering around Ford’s head without seeming to make it into his ears.
“Hey, buddy.” Fiddleford put his hands in his overall pockets and kicked gently at Ford’s shoe. “Let’s get outta here, okay? Emmy and me’ll take you back to our room. Or we could go for a walk, or invent some kinda doohickey or…” he trailed off helplessly. Hunched his shoulders and tapped his foot. Trying to figure out how to act in this situation, with Ford completely useless before him, was obviously a significant stressor for Fiddleford. Ford could sympathize.
“Come on, boys. Let’s get out of here. Thanks a bunch, Pat,” Emma-May gave Pat a closemouthed smile.
“Take care, you three.” Ford heard Pat heave an immense sigh as they left.
Fiddleford and Emma-May clustered around him on the sidewalk immediately outside the theater. The sky was gray. Brittle maple leaves fluttered past and wet ones clogged the gutter. Ford stared down at them.
“When did you eat last, Ford?” Emma-May asked. He wondered if she and Fiddleford would think he was avoiding looking at them. He wasn’t. It just felt nice to stare at the pile of leaves. It seemed like it would be hard to look up.
“I had lunch.” It felt good to give a good answer that he knew they would approve of.
“So then let’s go back to ours, huh? Someplace outta this wind.” Fiddleford’s voice was gratingly gentle. He made little flapping gestures with his hands as if trying to startle birds into flight.
Ford had thought to work his entire shift. He had thought that it would be 1) doable and 2) possibly a relief, that it would be nice to have something to do, a set of tasks to complete and limited, set interactions with strangers and coworkers. He felt he ought to be annoyed by Fiddleford and Emma-May’s presence and their making his decisions for him, but the opposite was true. It was an unexpected relief to have them there to decide where to go and what to do. 
On the walk back to campus Emmy took his hand, squeezing gently. It would have elated him under other circumstances, to hold her hand in public. Now he was just grateful to have a point of contact with anyone or anything.
At an intersection, when Ford nearly walked distractedly into traffic, Fiddleford rested a hand on his shoulder, only letting go when the signal changed, pushing gently to get Ford to take a step.
He thought about Shermie’s wedding. He’d been ten. Stan had been talking about his own future wife, who would be a babe, a real knockout. Shermie had rolled his eyes and told them both that what you really should look for in a wife was a woman you could stand to be around all the time.
“Someone you can trust, and who doesn’t drive you fucking crazy,” Shermie had said. “That’s what makes a keeper.” He’d flicked his match away and taken a drag on his cigarette. He’d seemed so grown-up, an unachievable exemplar of adulthood. Ford and Stanley had hung on his every word.
They hadn’t seen a lot of him after that, some years only at Passover. He had the good sense to move a long drive away from their parents’ house, and he was busy with work and fathering his kids, and then he was gone. And now, Ford was bumping along between two people who thought he was an only child up until an hour ago, and who must have been sure he truly was one now.
“– can finagle us a rudimentary sorta phase modulator if I put my mind to it,” Fiddleford was saying. Ford realized that they had almost made it, well, home for lack of a better word. “Don’t think I ain’t seen the look you get in your eye when you talk about all those physics classes you can’t fit in your schedule,” Fiddleford went on. Ford looked at him. Fiddleford smiled back, a strained and unpleasant expression that Ford didn’t want to see. He looked back at his feet.
“Anyhow,” Fiddleford went on haltingly. “I bet even if you can’t work those classes in, we can get a little independent study done, don’t even worry about that, okay?” Fiddleford shifted closer to Ford as a few other students passed down the narrow concrete strip that kept them all out of the thick campus mud.
At the entrance to their dorm hall, Ford summoned up the wherewithal to hand over his keys to Fiddleford. He glanced up at the feeling of rain beginning to spatter against his cheek. Then he looked around himself, frowning. “Where’s Emma-May?” he asked.
Fiddleford glanced at him sharply, then quickly smoothed over his expression. “Liquor store,” he said shortly.
“I didn’t hear,” mumbled Ford unnecessarily.
“Yeah,” Fiddleford said. “Don’t sweat it, Stanford.” He put his hand lightly between Ford’s shoulder blades to usher him into the building. He was being quite a bit more physical than usual. Ford wondered if it was subconscious or an intentional choice made in an attempt to make Ford feel better. It sort of worked, but also highlighted just how bizarre and completely unreal this entire day felt.
Back in their room, Ford and Fiddleford stood between their beds silently. Ford stared at his desk, while Fiddleford stared at him. He wished they still had somewhere to walk, or do, really any small task to accomplish.
“Emmy only went to Marv’s,” Fiddleford said finally. “She won’t be too long.” “Maybe you two should– or I should– I could go somewhere else tonight.” This was the wrong thing to say, but he was saying it anyway, apparently. “I’m not going to be…” Ford coughed out a laugh, hands moving restlessly through the air. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing,” he said, trying for a self-effacing smile. He felt like he was doing a bad impersonation of himself. It was all wrong, he couldn’t say anything that he meant to, not really.
“You really shouldn’t be alone right now, I reckon,” Fiddleford said, scratching vigorously at the back of his neck. “And I’m. Jeez. I’m just really sorry about your brother, Ford.” His face flushed and he screwed up one eye in a half wince that was so quintessentially Fiddleford, even as Ford felt so unlike Stanford. At least one of them could still play their part.
“I haven’t seen him in a long time,” Ford reported numbly, as if that could possibly be an adequate response.
Fiddleford bit his lip. What Fiddleford must be thinking hit Ford all of a sudden, hard and fast like a sucker punch: now I never will. I’ll never see him again. Ford’s breath caught, and for a second he wondered if he was going to completely fall apart.
“I–” Ford clenched his fists. He wanted to turn away from Fiddleford but it would be too obvious what he was doing. He could handle this. He could master himself, he could.
“Honey,” Fiddleford said, stepping closer to him. Fidds had never called him that before. Everything between him and Fidds and Emma-May was still too new. It was all too much. Why had Sherman had to be killed right when he was embarking on some completely crazy attempt at dating two people at once? Ford barked out a laugh, incredulous and completely inappropriate.
Fiddleford’s face crumpled. He reached out a hand, resting it on Ford’s shoulder in a way that was somehow completely incompatible with heterosexuality. (And Ford could be sure of that. He’d made an informal study of which actions, gestures, and mannerisms could be plausibly passed off as normal for all of his life.) He leaned marginally into Fiddleford’s hand. It was the way it cupped his shoulder, Ford thought. A couple of months ago, if Fiddleford were to put his hand on Ford’s shoulder like this, it would be a harder grip, not this half-caress. Yes. Yes, that was it.
“Hey.” Fiddleford put his free hand on Ford’s neck. His sweetly concerned expression was now just inches from Ford’s face. He kissed Ford then, a fleeting thing that probably shouldn’t have surprised him. “You in there? You’re freakin’ me out a little, I don’t mind telling you.”
Fiddleford’s hand started to lift from Ford’s neck. Ford grasped it, knowing Fiddleford wouldn’t judge him for wanting to maintain that point of contact. “I’m going to be fine,” he told Fiddleford, who nodded with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.
“Yeah. Of course you will. Why dont’cha sit down, though?”
Ford didn’t want to, but he thought that arguing over this would make him seem irrational, even if he was perfectly comfortable standing. So he sat on his bed and kicked his shoes off. He even leaned back against the wall casually, the picture of a person reacting normally to a stressful situation, he thought.
He didn’t have to think of anything to say: there was the sound of heavy footsteps in the hall, then Emmy walked through the door, kicking it shut behind her. She wasn’t supposed to be in here, of course, but she had Fiddleford’s key. Also, almost nobody at Backupsmore gave much of a shit about anything that went on here, Ford had found.
Fiddleford turned to Emmy to take her bags and they exchanged a look before Emma-May’s gaze turned to Ford.
“Hey,” she said.
“Hi,” Ford said back.
“Got us some supplies,” she said, rummaging through one of her bags. It clinked. “Beer, chips. Apples in case we get a wild hair to be healthy. Don’t really know why Marv sells apples but there we are.” Emma-May pulled three beers out of the bag and popped the caps off one at a time on Ford’s iron bed frame.
Fiddleford and Emma-May settled on either side of him, legs sticking out across Ford’s bed just as his did. Emmy handed him a beer. Ford held it with both hands. He’d never drunk with Shermie. He couldn’t imagine Sherman would have had a problem with his underage drinking, but there was never a time when Sherman, winking conspiratorially, snuck him and Stanley a couple of beers after dinner.
Ford took a swig from his beer, and then another. The sooner he was in an altered state the better. Emma-May leaned her head against his. Fiddleford rested a hand on Ford’s thigh. It should all feel like too much, but it was just enough. He should talk to them, repay their kindness with some kind of reassurance or at least an acknowledgement that he wasn’t completely out to lunch.
“Tell us something about him,” said Emma-May. “Just one thing.”
“It won’t help,” Ford dismissed her. He peeled back the label on his beer, tugging it so that the lines of glue on the brown bottle were exposed.
“No. But g’head and tell us anyway, Fiddy and me are dying of boredom over here.” Ford and Fiddleford both snorted.
“You got a real way with words, Em.” Fiddleford took a swig to drown his snickering.
“He was a lot older,” Ford said, cutting through Emmy’s and Fiddleford’s raised spirits. “He would’ve been thirty in the spring.” Ford took a breath. It was hard, like a hand had gripped him by the throat. “I knew, intellectually, that he might not come back, but I didn’t…” He took another wheezing breath. “I didn’t believe it.” He pulled his knees up and pressed his forehead against them. He wanted to hide from Fiddleford and Emma-May, who kept shifting even closer, as if they thought they could possibly protect him from the fact that his family was (once again) never going to be the same.
Ford tilted his head back, eyes screwed shut so that he didn’t have to see Fiddleford’s sorrowful expression, or Emmy’s worry. He held his bottle to his mouth and gulped down his beer. “I need another one,” he said. The bottle in his hand disappeared and was replaced by Fiddleford’s already half-finished beer.
“I don’t know what else you want me to say,” Ford said thickly. Fiddleford sighed and clambered off the bed.
“Nothin’, if you don’t want. There’s time for that later, I reckon. Drink your beer.” There was a crack as Fidds opened another one.
“He’s right.” Emma-May wrapped her arms around Stanford and squeezed. “Let’s get drunk and maybe we’ll have us a little cry. Boys only like to cry when they drink.” She kissed Ford’s cheek, nudging his glasses off-center. Ford laughed unsteadily.
“Oh, yeah,” he choked out. “We love it.” He opened his bleary eyes and glanced between his… well, between Fidds and Emmy. “Just don’t let me embarrass myself or do anything too stupid.” He swigged Fiddleford’s beer.
Their responses overlapped: “When’ve I ever stopped you doin’ something stupid?” and “Whatever you do, we won’t tell.”
Ford didn’t have another smile in him, but he said, honestly, “Good to know you’re both there for me.”
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ladystrallan · 1 year
Once Upon a Time season 6B thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- Ooh Ruth pulling the knife
- I was wondering for a second where snow was
- I forgot she was cursed
- Dad???
- “If I wanted advice I doubt I’d take it from a pirate” low blow
- Omg the coin
- “That demon box” not the alarm clock
- Robin coming back is so stupid I can’t believe it
- Hook is going to propose!!!
- The ring is not that fabulous though
- Daddy issues David
- His lucky coin :(
- Yikes Robin
- Aw he did the deal pro bono :(
- Rumple… what a softie
- “The hearts of my enemies” why do you still have those???
- I don’t even care that they’re kissing this is just stupid
- Not them spinning around
- Pleasure Island!!!
- Omg Pinocchio
- “I’m also your father” ok strange man I’ve never met
- Knife fight
- Sad moment for David
- Great acting though
- Awww this is cute
- Omg hook killed david’s dad!!!
- Noooo this is not good
- ‘The first ogres war’ so there’s multiple???
- They need to trip them or something
- Not the wilhelm scream lol
- Slayyyyyy Rumple
- Ogre war redemption arc
- No bae :(
- #bullying
- Rumple :(
- Bae I thought you wanted him to be good
- Giving mixed signals here
- Omg he memory erased him so he wouldn’t turn dark
- Awwww this is so cute
- They’re engaged!
- I am so sick of the EQ just go away
- “I sleep in hay! … which is on dirt” lol
- Oh no
- Emma is really good at finding out things before hook can tell her
- Not the ring coming off…
- I bet the arrow is gonna point at her
- They’re going to sword fight???
- I knew it
- Are they just twins now or what?
- This is stupid
- I thought Regina couldn’t use that wand
- Plot hole alert
- I completely forgot about this
- Oh no
- Gideon no
- Can they not stop the submarine once it goes?
- Kraken hunting time!
- Aladdin and jasmine are back!
- Did he just make him into a sceptre???
- No one remembers achmed I guess
- CGI is looking a little rough
- What is this outfit Regina???
- Ariel! Love her
- That magic carpet cgi… bad
- Drunk snow lol
- Omg it was Jafar!
- “I can see my hovel from here” why does everyone have a hovel in this show???
- Awwwww captainswan
- Of course it was Gideon
- Ok kill the black fairy is not a bad thing to do
- Not the minor miners
- Ooh spooky intro
- Slay
- Nothing beats a good left hook
- “I’m your real mother” okay grandma (literally)
- Is rumbelle back together???
- Yasssss
- Omg Henry is possessed
- “Let’s get my pirate back” awwwww
- Omg I hate this ugly cgi spider
- Nooooo it was Roderick
- Omg not Isaac
- He’s so creepy
- Gideon what the fuck
- Ooh the lost boys are back
- Lots of returning people this season
- I wish hades would return :(
- Rumple slayyyyy
- Why do her guards look like they’re from Star Wars?
- Nooooo she killed Roderick
- “This is on you, Gideon. And my boot.” Good line
- Omg she has his heart
- “Dark one junior” lol
- PTA meeting is getting intense
- Omg she got through!!!
- She has such Coraline other mother vibes
- Lol peace out loser
- Omg tiger lily
- Omg underworld reference??? The flower growing in the crack
- Nice to see long hair rumple again
- Emma’s name was his curse break thingy!!!
- They’re going to burn him at the stake???
- Awwwww this is so cute
- Slay Leroy
- Get a room
- Omg they’re all asleep
- Oh good not for long
- Ooh zelena in the recap
- “Why don’t you practice on my axe” omg
- This is the tin man I know it
- Ooh you’re looking for trouble touching zelena’s baby
- Yikes captainswan keep it PG
- “Am I interrupting something?” Omg
- Omg is that the bassinet that Zelena was abandoned in?
- We love a girlboss that takes things into her own hands
- “I sacrificed hades for you” that was a mistake
- But seriously Regina is not one bit grateful for what Zelena did for her, give up her true love to save her life
- At a time when Regina had Henry and was friends with the Charmings and Zelena had no one
- And Regina even BLAMES her for Robin’s death
- Robin had it coming but that’s another thing
- Snow’s date with Whale…
- Slay zelena
- Like a lion could take her… let’s be real
- “Go back to Oz” LOW BLOW
- That was so unwarranted
- Maybe if you guys weren’t so awful to Zelena then she wouldn’t fall into those traps
- That is so selfless to give up her magic to help everyone
- She is amazing
- That apology is long overdue
- Omg not Malcom
- That pathetic little man
- Baby rumple!
- The perfect name? How did you end up with Rumplestiltskin?
- Omg Rumple was supposed to be the saviour! (I remembered that)
- Rumple smash!
- At least there was no glass involved
- Where did Regina get a green car?
- Zelena 1, black fairy 0
- Twist!!!
- She is the evil omg
- “I need my power” Rumple really had no chance
- Nooo he named him that because he hated him
- Something is suspicious
- Awwww he asked Henry to be his best man
- I knew rumple was up to something
- Why is he doing this???
- I love this episode!
- I know a lot of people don’t like it but I think it makes so much sense for this show to have a musical episode
- Like the Disney movies are musicals
- And the songs slap
- Ooh slay intro
- Omg it’s just so good!!!
- Everyone is amazing but josh dallas has a great voice
- Ooh that neck brake choreo
- I’m not a Regina fan but I have to admit she slayed
- Lana did a great job
- “You’ve come to say goodbye” nooooo
- This is so sad
- Killian’s song might be my second favourite
- It just fits him so well and Colin slayed
- Poison dart!!!
- They should have brought Hades back for this episode
- Greg was in the obc of Assassins
- Rumple should have gotten a song tbh
- Zelena slays so hard!!!
- Wicked always wins is the best song
- Although they should have made a wicked reference
- Rebecca Mader is so awesome
- Rumple why are you being evil???
- It is a little silly that their plan is just sing at her
- Not Henry tossing the book
- That was kinda funny
- Slayyyy
- I love how her song is the OUAT theme
- Captainswan is so cute
- Their vows!!!
- I love happy beginning such a good closing number
- This is so beautiful
- “The black fairy’s curse, it’s here!” Slay Leroy we love an iconic line
- Awwww season 1 recap
- You know what I miss?
- Omg this is older Henry
- Oooh curse again
- Archie: Henry, I think you’re crazy
- Not Emma in the mental hospital
- Not Fiona being the new mayor!!!
- How many sons is she going to try and kidnap???
- Gold & Sons that’s kinda cute
- Lost their mother??? What happened to belle???
- Pull ups in the mental hospital lol
- I love a good hook and david team up
- “We fought for our love and we won” awwwww
- “She said she was going to the store and she never came back” noooo
- Deadbeat belle…
- Omg not the EQ
- Awwww he called Killian his son
- “Hmmm. Merlot” LOL
- A dragon… is that maleficent?
- Rumple please tell me you don’t believe this
- Not the falling video
- Omg no don’t burn the book
- I can’t believe she did that
- “Hello there, mummy” KILLIAN
- Omg that is so funny
- She came back!!!
- Slayyy rumple
- Noooo tempting him with Bae
- “All magic comes with a price” slayyyyy
- Omg dead
- Lol slay Henry
- “Some honeymoon, huh?” Lol I love them
- Omg charming swearing now you know it’s serious
- Not his dark one self convincing him
- Yasssss Rumple character development
- Noooo he resisted but it didn’t work
- Wtf
- Omg gideon is a baby again
- A little weird but ok
- Awwwww rumbelle
- Of course Robin proposed gotta do that fan service
- And in the tackiest way too
- Awww this is so cute
- Everyone got their happy ending
- Honestly a perfect finale
- Idk if I’m gonna watch season 7 because I remember hating it and this is such a perfect ending
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: Zelena, Emma, Hook
Like: Rumple, Belle, David, Jasmine, Ariel
Neutral: Henry, Snow, Gideon, Fiona (she’s camp idk), Aladdin, Regina
I honestly can’t hate anyone this season
Season rating: 9/10
Not my favourite season but actually a really solid ending to an amazing show. Some of it was dumb but a lot of it was awesome. I loved the musical episode and the finale! Tbh it should have ended here.
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alarrylarrie · 2 years
Saw My Policeman yesterday and then I got taught how to do a read more so we’re going to try it:
My Policeman Spoilers underneath:
Okay so I haven’t read the book. So I went in only knowing only what I’ve gotten from the trailers and stills I’ve seen. I try to avoid spoilers here and you all do a great job tagging them- so I went in very fresh.
Emma is incredible. Their reactions, their facial expression, everything. Loved them so much. And David, he’s REALLY something. He just has this gentle, beautiful presence.
Rupert was wonderful. With so little to work with, he did such a great job. And Gina did such an amazing job carrying Emma into the future. When she made her choice at the end I CRIED so hard. I think Marion is a really complex character and I loved her journey. I thought Linus also did a phenomenal job as future Tom, I thought he was suuuuper convincing as an older Harry. That was a really spot on casting choice, and a role well acted.
And Harry, my Harry. I kept trying to pull him and the character apart, but I failed… frequently. I think Harry and Tom obviously have so many things in common, and I just saw Harry’s easy charm oozing out all over the place. Not at all saying that he did a poor job acting- far from it- but. How do I explain this? I think this is more what Harry is like in real life. Not Harry Styles™, but Harry. I think he is pensive, and intense, and charming, and loves everyone, and noble, and afraid to let anyone down or hurt anyone. That’s Tom, but I think that’s Harry too. I think we see performer Harry, and camera ready Harry, and sometimes goofy Harry- but he’s always working when we see him. He’s always “on.” This is kind of what I think he’s like in private, if that makes sense?
The story is sad, and of course I cried. It’s beautiful, in a quiet way. I can see why Harry was drawn to it, for sure. It’s simple but in a really striking way. I adored the choice Marion made at the end. It takes an extremely strong woman to do what she did, and I was really drawn to her. The end scene, cutting from her in the taxi to them at the house just gutted me in a couple of different ways.
It’s definitely one I would see again, and one I will tell people to go see. It was just… I don’t know. I keep wanting to say quiet. Simple. But truly beautiful. It’s about all consuming love, but it doesn’t put on a grand show or make a big fuss about it? It’s about two people who loved each other but had to hide, and the consequences of concealing something as intense and powerful as the love of a lifetime.
Anyway it was truly lovely to watch. And I’m over the moon for Harry, and the rest of the cast and crew- it’s a job well done.
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clarichoupie · 2 years
Random things I noticed, or liked, in “The Quarry” after playing it over and over again. (part 2) (part 1 is here)
I didn't know you could see “Laura's boat” with Jacob by going to the far left of the docks.
Ok, so, I'm not going to talk about Emma's phone even though I should. However! Why, just why, did you put that damn rotor arm in your underwear Jacob?! Who does that?!
Watching Ryan call Dylan an idiot seems so right sometimes. I mean amputating a leg without “equipment” is not a good idea. Even with the werewolf thing. A hand, why not, but a whole leg? Meh, I'm not sure. Sorry Dylan.
When you have to say out loud and confirmed that you're not a b*tch, you often are, Emma.
Choosing the aggressive responses is so satisfying. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing Ryan and Dylan being cute together, but seeing them freak out and insult each other can be just as interesting.
Plus, Ryan's little laugh because he's not convinced that Dylan can shoot with a gun is just adorable.
Why, no matter what you do, Kaitlyn always loses the gun?! I didn't hesitate to give it to you so that you don't even use it!
Watching Dylan freak out is probably one of the most de-stressing things I've ever seen, for some reason. The “F*ck no”, “F*ck dude” and small gestures of fear; yep, it helps me calm down to see him being so scared.
The dialogues between Emma and Jacob just don't make sense. Like, they're really nice and then the next second they're real assholes, without you deciding! Very boring.
Does Jedediah play golf? Or baseball or something? Because he's got a really good swing.
Am I the only one who thinks that the characters' reaction to Kaylee's death is not normal? I mean, they don't need to break down in tears or be as shocked as Ryan who was close to her but damn it! There's a dead body in the pool! Of a girl you know by name and who looks innocent! Murdered in front of your eyes! Be a little sad instead of making jokes about it! (Even you Dylan...especially you)
Besides, when I killed Abi the first time, Ryan, Dylan and Kaitlyn didn't even care about their friend's head on the floor separated from her body. They were just sitting there talking to Laura, calmly. Seriously, these guys are either insensitive or totally insane.
“I'll tell mom." Seriously Chris? Are you like five years old to betray your brother like that to your mom? What is Constance gonna do besides insult Travis anyway, tell him he wasn’t wanted? He probably already knows that.
Where did Laura's eye patch come from? I mean, didn't anyone wonder where that accessory came from? Other than Travis owning pirate costumes or Laura knowing how to sew, I can't think of any other explanation.
When did Abi start acting like a warrior, defending everyone, when just before she was so freaked out that she couldn't do anything?
WHY, just, WHY, when I choose the aggressive option, does Laura think Ryan is flirting with her?!?! These kids really have a dumb view of flirting. Poor Ryan... no wonder why he doesn't understand social interaction or want to spend time alone if everyone is so weird around him.
Speaking of Ryan, I love his lines with Laura when he's upset : “A tour guide?”, “An eye for an eye.”, “All for a boy?”. This guy definitely makes me laugh.
“Jesus, Mary and jazzhands”? ...Sorry what? Do people who speak English really say that?
I thought so much in my first game that Ryan was a traitor (like in the game I won't mention...) but in the end the poor guy was just worried about his friends, it's just too sad.
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vicky82gargoylesfan · 5 months
My Thoughts on X-Men 97 Episode 5 Remember It
Wow this was a fucking awesome episode, It was so Intense, shocking and emotional and I still haven't gotten over it, even watching it a few times hasn't helped but I do love it. I'm certainly going to remember this episode for a very, very long time.
I was actually planning to watch it on my break at work, but I forgot my iPad and as I didn't want to look at spoilers, I just watch tv and didn't even look on my phone. It was good thing I did watch it when I got home, otherwise I wouldn't been able to concentrate.
I didn't realise how dark this show was going to become, it took me by surprise. I thought the matureness would be a bit less than Young Justice season 3 and 4, I was totally wrong.
I knew that there were multiple massacre and genocide events in the comics. Watching it on TV, especially an animated show, hits you differently than reading it in comics and it mirrors real life tragic events, it was very shocking.
It was such a brilliant well written episode, it delivered some powerful dialogue. The shift in tone worked brilliantly.
Loved the animation, some of it was breath-taking.
The voice acting was brilliant, A.J. LoCascio, Lenor Zann and Matthew Waterson were amazing. Lenor Zann deserves an award.
The score was breath-taking. I loved the Ace of Base song, Happy Nation, it's now stuck in my head. I never even heard this song before, the only 2 songs I know from Ace of Base is, I Saw the Sign and All That She Wants. I've now downloaded this song.
When I rewatch this episode, it makes me sad seeing all these mutants being so happy and free, not knowing about to turn tragic later.
It was great seeing Nightcrawler again, I also liked seeing cameo's of other mutants. Dazzler, Bomb Bomb, Arc Angel, Marrow, Multiple Man ect, (sorry I'm not clear on other mutant names).
So on the council, is Emma Frost, Shaw, Moria, Banshee, Calisto and Madelyne. I just love Emma's bitchy remarks throughout the episode.
Jean kissing Wolverine didn't feel awkward to me, as it does happen in the comics, so I'm not going to make a big deal about it.
I do hope that Jean and Cyclops do sort there issues out, they are my favourite couple. Scott and Maddy's psychic rapport moment was definitely a reference to Scott and Emma's psychic affair in the comics.
I love Beast's reaction, when Scott and Jean were arguing.
I do love that Scott was concerned for Jean when she had that psychic attack.
I like the flashback, how Rogue met Magneto. Luckily it was confirmed, she met him when she was in her 20s.
I do feel for Rogue and can understand what's she's going through, she wants skin to skin contact but can't do that with Gambit.
I do feel sorry for Gambit but he was mature and respected Rogue's decision to be with Magneto.
I didn't notice The Watcher, on the first watch.
I know a lot of people think that Val Cooper is Mystique but unless Wolverine lost his sense of smell in the 1st two episodes, it can't be her.
Very powerful lines:-
Valerie Cooper "Most other nations don't allow a terrorist become their leader" Magneto "Yet so many allow their leaders to be terrorists"
I thought Rogue was really pretty in that dress.
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Magneto and Rogue steamy dance and kiss did feel awkward at first but I got used to it when I watched the episode multiple times.
Rogue realises she loves Gambit and rejects Magneto and she understands what Gambit said to her that 'Some things are deeper than skin'
Ok this is the moment that I knew something bad was going to happen (I didn't notice the Watcher). Madelyne had her psychic attack causing her nose to bleed (and we see Jean's nose was bleeding too). Maddy's vision in the 1st episode was actually foreshadowing this horrific event.
I thought the music being slowed down was a nice touch and felt very haunting.
Great to see Cable again and voiced by Chris Potter, Gambit's voice actor from the original show.
When he said 'not again' does this mean this wasn't the 1st time he's tried to warn everyone about the upcoming attack.
When Madelyne realised Cable is her son and Cable disappears back to the future, saying he was sorry, that was pretty heart-breaking.
Wow that 1st attack, that blast, poor Maddy, she didn't stand a chance.
That blast caused Rogue and Magneto to be thrown quite far out
I just love the animation and sounds when Rogue was regaining consciousness.
I was bit surprised by the amount of blood and cuts on Rogue. Magneto didn't have any injuries at all, until later.
Rogue's and Magneto's reactions was perfect, they were shocked and confused at what was going on, they just stood there watching, you can even here the fear in Rogue's voice when she sees Banshee being vapourised. Kurt had to risk his life to save them.
OMG!! I actually thought Kurt had died, I was relieved that when Gambit checked his pulse, he was still alive.
Rogue, Gambit and Magneto, were absolutely brilliant, Gambit and Magnet were both badass.
When Rogue and Gambit went to save the Morlocks, the score gave me goosebumps. Seeing them side by side was great.
Magneto starts having these flashbacks of death and destruction, including a flashback of the concentration camp, he then goes on a rampage and attacks the Wild Sentinel using a train as a whip.
Gambit saving the Morlocks, was obviously a reference to the Morlock Massacre when he betrayed them but this time he saved them. The music made me think, everything was going to be ok but it was all false hope.
When the wild sentinel detected a omega threat mutant, was that at Leech?
I just love that Magneto protected Gambit and Rogue, used metal debris to cover them.
I just love the way Rogue and Magneto were looking at each other.
Magneto telling Leech 'don't be afraid' in German, was gut wrenching.
I was in shock when Magneto and the Morlocks were vapourised. But I do have a sliver of hope that they might have survived.
Then I see Rogue that I've never seen before, there is no score, just hear a heartbeat.
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She's in tears, full of rage and fury and she wants revenge but she not thinking straight and goes she to attack the Wild Sentinel.
Gambit knows she won't make it and has to save her, he throws his charged up bike into her, to get her out of the way of the Wild Sentinel blast.
The Wild sentinel then targets mutants at the Gardens and Gambit has to save them, so he goes after the wild sentinel but then he's impaled and I almost scream, I was in shock.
What I love about Gambit that he still has his sence of humour and he uses his power to blow up the Wild Sentinel, saving the suvivivors.
Then we cut back to the Mansion with the others watching the events on the news, all in shock.
Then back in Genosha, Rogue is crying and cradling Gambit in her arms, then it fades to black and we hear Rogue say 'I, I can't feel you'. I was in tears.
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Even the end credit score was very sombre
What was even more sadder, is that Rogue never got to tell Gambit, she chose him over Magneto.
I love Rogue, she's one of my favourite female characters (next to Jean) so seeing her like this was heart braking. I hope she will be ok, I'm going to be really worried about her.
I know that a lot Marvel characters don't stay dead, so I do have some hope that Gambit and Magneto ect will be alive by the end of the season, keeping my fingers crossed.
So the death list is Maddy, Banshee, Marrow, Shaw, Moira, Dazzler, Callisto, Gambit and possible Magneto and the other Morlocks. I assume Emma survives using her diamond form.
I do have a feeling that Bastion is responsible for the genocide on Genosha.
This was only the 5th episode!!! and apparently just warm up, something even worse is going to happen in the last 3 episodes. What could be worse than a genocide on Genosh and major character deaths??????
The next episode, Lifedeath part 2 won't be much of breather episode either, apparently it's going to be scary and creepy.
I have to say this episode has dethroned The Red Wedding.
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