#thranduil orophorion
growingingreenwood · 3 months
Oropher: What are you doing today?
Thranduil: Not very much, nothing for you to worry about :)
*Orpher looks down at Thranduils """Schedule""" and its just this*
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edensrose · 2 years
‘Scuse. What’s a girl gotta do to get a Thranduil/reader/Legolas one shot? Like I need some angsty, jealous Thranduil Orophorion feeling inferior and incomparable to his own son, who is so much more joyous and youthful than him.
Despite his best efforts, reader has managed to counter every one of his defenses, slipping through the cracks and firmly embedding herself in the recesses of his heart he thought long abandoned.
She is the light of his entire universe, the reason for his continued existence, and deserves nothing but the brightest and strongest love in return, not a damaged ellon like himself.
So he banishes his own thoughts, pushes his emotions to the outskirts, and watches from the shadows as his young son begins to court her, unaware that it isn’t Legolas she years for.
Bonus points for human!reader who feels equally undeserving of love from the great elven king. After all, who is she, a merely mortal, to ever possess the love of one so great and mighty?
ANGST! and just maybe hurt/comfort if our beloved Thranduil and reader ever come to their senses.
I’m dying over here just thinking about it.
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( ❀ ) ˙ ˖ thranduil ⠀〳 reader⠀ ❜࿔
· ⊰ synopsis. there were a lot of eleths that would have considered you the luckiest elf in all of mirkwood, for you were engaged to the prince. but were you really? when your heart longs for someone else?
· ⊰ note. so I had a lot of ideas for this which is why I decided to do headcanons + a little oneshot at the end. I honestly ended up creating a very heartwrenching story without any sort of comfort I'm so sorry but you put the ball in my court so now EVERYONE IS GOING TO SUFFER 😭
( masterlist ) ( taglist form )
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ʚ You were betrothed to the prince of the Woodland Realm for who knows how long. An arrangement that you knew for quite some time. At the very least, you were grateful that you were not being married off to some annoying old buzzard or some snot-nosed boaster - Legolas was kind, charming. You had known him for years in advance and could see nothing but the good in him. . . but he was not the one whom your heart yearned.
ʚ In all of your years in Mirkwood there was someone else who had caught your eye, who had stolen this heart of yours. With a head of silvery tresses and azure eyes that shimmered like that of starlight. Who many upheld with great regard, albeit scorned. The very one who sat upon the throne - the elvenking: Thranduil Oropherion 
ʚ Now you knew good and well that this was beyond wrong. Your betrothed’s father? What were you thinking!? 
ʚ And yet. . . you couldn’t help but find yourself falling deeper in love with him. Every interaction made your nerves tingle, every look made your heart flutter. It didn’t help that the recent role you took up in the palace brought you closer to him - as the new admiral, you were tasked with ensuring the overall well-being of the palace and co-ordinate night hunts. Meaning you worked very closely with the aforementioned king 
ʚ There were countless hours in which the two of you would spend the night, creating plans and strategies on how to combat the creatures of the dark. It was these instances that you held close to your heart, for it was the only time you truly had alone with him. You couldn’t help but admire his beauty, his diligence. And so, you found yourself falling deeper 
ʚ However, you had long ago come to the conclusion that whatever it is you may yearn for would never truly come to pass. Why would it? You were a taken woman, he was the king of the Woodland Realm. Even if you were not bound to another - you doubted that he would ever see you as anything more than his admiral
ʚ As fate would have it, you couldn’t be more wrong. For centuries, even before you came to such a position - Thranduil had found favour in you. Many would have thought that after the loss of his first beloved, the elvenking would not find interest in anyone else 
ʚ And yet. . . here you were. Stealing his heart and making him feel as though he was some helpless little efling in love again. But he knew better - he should be ashamed. Were you not courting his own son? What kind of moral compass did he have if he were to even think of letting anything develop between the two of you?
ʚ Everytime he looked upon you he felt himself falling deeper. He knew that there would be nothing to ease the wounds once he brought himself back to reality - but he couldn’t bring himself to stop the high that you made him feel. You had slowly become a light in his life - especially as the two of you grew closer, much to everyone’s surprise 
ʚ It had become increasingly obvious to those around that the two of you shared a great bond. And soon, the king found himself pulling his head out of the clouds and analysing this situation for what it was. You were to wed the prince, his son. Even if that weren’t the case, did you truly deserve a shattered ellon such as himself? And better yet - would he really put himself through heartache again when you eventually became Legolas’ bride?
ʚ He knew it was foolish and he knew he had to cut these feelings immediately. But with every day that passed, he found himself loving you more and more
ʚ It didn’t help that the two of you had a few. . . incidents. You blamed it on the wine, the heat of the moment. It was only a lingering touch, a stumble in which you fell into his arms. Only a dance beneath the moon. It was the wine - yes! It had to be
ʚ Thranduil finally came to the conclusion that this needed to stop - and so he found himself distancing himself from you. Something which you hadn’t taken too well. After everything he made you feel - after taking you so high. . . now he barely even spoke to you, barely even spared you a glance 
ʚ Perhaps this was a good thing. What, with your wedding fastly approaching. . . perhaps this was for the best. You needed to get over him. You were to marry Legolas, you were to love Legolas. Not Thranduil - no matter how desperately you wanted to be his bride instead. 
“I will return shortly, M’lady. I must retrieve your brooch.’’ 
You nod at the handmaiden, feigning a smile as she hastily leaves the room in search of the aforementioned accessory. As the door shut, the curl of your lips drooped along with your brows as you turn to face the mirror. 
Donning an elegant robe embedded with silver which matched some of your jewellery, you stood there in your wedding attire. With hair styled most favourably and make-up done just the way you preferred. You were stunning, as every bride should be on her wedding day. A day full of cheer, an auspicious occasion that almost every little girl dreams off. 
Yet here you were with a forlorn look scorning your features, unable to bring a smile to your face. You swore that your lips almost hurt from the difficulty of putting on an excitable mask as if you were brimming with joy. 
How could you?
How could you feel as if this were the happiest day of your life? When your lungs burned, when your chest tightened and strangled your heart which cried out for mercy, for its want - the one whom it truly desired. 
Stop - you shouldn’t be doing this. In the moments to come, you would find yourself before your groom, your soon-to-be husband. These thoughts should have been banished long ago and yet. . .
You still find them centring back to one being. The very man your heart wailed out for. 
Fighting back the sting in your eye you are quick to straighten your slumped shoulders and avert your gaze elsewhere, knowing that the sight of your bridal appearance would surely break the floodgates were you to focus on it any longer. “Have you found the brooch?’’ You attempt to call out and mentally curse at the hints of hoarseness in your voice. It takes everything within you to even try and shove down the growing lump in your throat, but nevertheless, you hold yourself upright. 
The silence consumes you whole and a part of you falls into panic. Had she heard it in your voice? The remnants of a sob? Of course she did! You were never a good actor, why would you even speak? It would have been better to - 
“Yes, I have.’’ 
A small twinge on your scalp as a new weight nestles within your hair. There’s a newfound chill in the room followed by an equally as ice touch on either jaw which brings your head up to gaze upon the mirror once more. “And it suits you perfectly. . .’’
Every muscle within you tenses, your body growing rigid and akin to a statue as you stare upon those shimmering sapphires once more — the face which peers at you through the reflection of the glass. The gentle caress of your jaw with both his hands leaves your knees weak, your throat trembling as it attempts to swallow back tears. 
“I. . . M-My king.’’
You behold as a ghost of a smile finds his lips, gentle hues meeting yours within the mirror for but a moment before he is faced with the real thing after you opt for turning to him. “What are - Wh-What are you doing h -’’ 
“Ssh. . .’’ 
A lone tear finally spills, rolling down your cheek yet caught by the crux of his finger. The cool sensation against your cheek made you inhale in a desperate attempt to keep your make-up from ruin. “Why do you cry?” His voice is soft, tender as though he were dealing with a frightened woodland creature of his realm. “Is it not your wedding day? The beautiful bride-to-be should smile. . .’’ 
“If you are here, then you know why I shed these tears.’’ Unable to hold back any longer you, at last, allow for the break in your voice, the choked-out sob to fall from your lips as he takes your face into his hands. “I-If you stand here before me with such a look in your eye then you know who these tears are for.’’
What point was there in putting up a facade? No truth was hidden in his gaze, everything was clear as day and written all across his face. The very reason he had come to see you — why he held you like this. The elvenking’s heart echoed your own, joining in the anguished symphony which practically blared through your ears; making it feel as though cotton filled them to the brim. Your throat dry, your body quivering. There was no point in lying to yourself, to him. For soon you would stand before another and all of this would amount to nothing. 
“I know,’’ he hushes, bringing you near whilst you weep and pressing a kiss atop your head. “I know.’’ He repeats, voice barely breaking a whisper as he allows your hands to reach out and curl fingers into his robe. “Why?’’ You croak, altogether limping against him. There was no care for your robes, the look which your handmaiden had meticulously put together as you sobbed into his chest. “Why has fate dealt me these cards? Why did you pave its way?”
“For there is no other way.’’ 
You knew this, and yet hearing it from him altogether shattered you. There was no regard for who could have walked through that door; your handmaiden, a guard, Legolas. You couldn’t give a damn as you found refuge in the king’s arms and wept along with your aching heart. He seemed to forget the outside world as well as he embraced you as though you were his — oh, how you wished to be his.
How you wished to see him before you in that ceremony, to say those vows to him, leave as his wife. You wished and you dreamt and you even begged to the creator and all the valar that they would turn back the hands of time and give you this one want. This one need. You needed him. 
Soon, his hands found your face once more and drew you away from his chest in favour of turning your eyes to his. Tears still shimmering, you clear your throat and observe his every move. Although you may have been the only one crying, that did not mean he stood here strong. Not in the slightest. For you saw a thousand emotions behind those gorgeous sapphires, a look which mirrored yours in every which-way possible. Clear cut, inconceivable, raw. . . emotion.
“I would want nothing more than for you to be my bride,’’ a thumb gently glides across your damp cheek, further smearing your already ruined make-up. “I would have needed nothing more than you as my queen.’’ You find yourself barely holding back a sob as he draws near and brings his forehead to yours. “To be able to call you mine.’’ 
“Th-Thranduil. . .’’
“For a moment,’’ you swear his voice almost broke. “For a moment. . . may I pretend as though you are mine?’’ 
The feel of his lips against your own had been something you dreamt of for nights on end, something you had experienced only in your wildest fantasies. It was everything you could have wanted and more, sending sparks to your spine and erupting your chest into a flurry of butterflies — yet it did little in soothing the sting in your heart. The gaping hole which now would grow and surely overflow with nothing but sorrow by the time this moment was over.
You push your head back, kissing him with an overwhelming passion that you could contain no longer as your fingers curl further into his robes, desperate to cling to him as if he would disappear were you to let go for even a second. 
He poured everything that he had into this exchange, as did you. For you both knew that this would be the first as well as the last. A memory that you would cherish yet would haunt you for as long as you both shall live. 
And for a moment,
just a moment,
taglist ━ @kiatheinsomniac @augustwithquills @blueberryrock @m-shade @nerdydcfan @flowerchildishere @camilomyshiningsun @bugnug @algae-rave @spoopy-fish-writes @yellowbadgermole @perwaineintsomi
You were his. 
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 2 years
You know...I don’t even know your name
Prince Thranduil Orophorion Greenleaf of Mirkwood the Seveth Kingdom of Atlantis, but you can call me Thranduil
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@wrasslin-kpop-and-bullshit @ylove-bandaesthetics @axelwolf8109 @epickiya722 @the-iridescent-phoenix
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lillianofliterature · 4 years
lillianofliterature’s main masterlist
Visit my imagines masterlist! All imagines range from short paragraphs to drabbles under 1K.
updates regularly. last update: July 8th, 2022.
Welcome to my masterlist! Everything listed here is typically over 1K. If you would like to see shorter drabbles, visit my imagines/preferences masterlist! 
Listed below are the various one-shots and series that I have published here on Tumblr. Each listing has a title, the parts listed [if it’s a one-shot, no additional parts are listed], a summary, status [in progress, coming soon, ongoing, complete], warnings, and word count.
STATUSES: "in progress” means the fic is in the planning stages but will be definitely be published (low priority). “coming soon” means the fic is currently being written and will be published upon completion (high priority). “ongoing” means the fic has one or more parts that are not yet published. “complete” means all available parts to the fic are published. “revised” means this fic was originally posted quite some time ago and it’s since been revised and possibly expanded (details in post).
TAGGING: send in an ask if you would like to be tagged and please specify which fandom or character so I know what you want to be tagged in specifically, please!
REQUESTS: see my request guidelines if you would like to request something, check the characters I write for that are upcoming, and check the fandoms I’m involved in!
DIVIDERS: the varying dividers that I use in my masterlists and fics were made by @writeyourmindaway, @firefly-graphics, @maysdigitalarts​, and @silkholland​. 
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“good ole fashioned familial revenge” [keatlejuice] [one-shot]
status: coming soon!
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cobra kai
terry silver
“silver fox” [age-gap] [mini series]
status: coming soon!
“a different kind of sugar” [age-gap] [one-shot]
status: in progress
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harry potter 
severus snape
“the guilt of seven graves” [one-shot] [dark content]
status: coming soon!
“the prick of a thorn” [one-shot]
status: coming soon!
“reflections of the heart” [mini series]
status: coming soon!
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the hobbit
multiple characters
“first impressions”
status: complete summary: as the battle for the mountain draws near, you act as mediator between two very stubborn kings. warnings: anger, arguing, betrayal word count: 3.9K
thranduil orophorion
“embracing grief”
status: complete summary: while following the trail of death after a battle, you stumble upon the lifeless face of a loved one. warnings: grandparent death, grief, angst word count: 2.7K
“the toll of sickness”
status: complete summary: after a long day of tiresome treatments and the heaviness of your thoughts, you retreat to your chambers to seek the comfort of your husband’s arms. warnings: mentions of cancer, treatments and symptoms, medical exhaustion, nonsexual nudity and nonsexual bathing, open discussions of symptoms, fear of death word count: 6.1K
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spencer shay
"adult feelings”
status: complete prompt: “I need you.” warnings: topics of depression, anxiety, mentions of suicidal(ish) thoughts word count: 3.9K
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jurassic park
alan grant
"who says we’ll have an ending?”
status: complete prompt: “that didn’t stop you before.” warnings: rejection, angst to fluff word count: 2.5K
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the karate kid
daniel larusso
“midnight plans” [one-shot]
status: in progress
johnny lawrence
“just a game” [mini series]
status: in progress
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the lord of the rings
  aragorn, son of arathorn
“tell me your story”
status: complete summary: you divulge your heavy past to your closest friend and fellow ranger and find unexpected solace in his response. warnings: child abuse, parent death, illness, angst, fluff word count: 8.8K
“tortured heart”
part one, part two
status: complete summary: after Merry and Pippin are lost to the Uruk-hai, Aragorn is left with the task of healing your broken body and facing the reality of his deepest fear. warnings: wound-related gore, angst to fluff word count: 2.2K, 7.7K
legolas greenleaf
“a secret kept by the stars”
status: complete summary: as a lowly daughter of Legolas’ former governess, your developed relationship with the Woodland King’s only son and heir is a path forged of risk and painstaking secrecy. warnings: Thranduil being an overbearing father, angst mingled with the fluff word count: 6.4K
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steve rogers
part one, part two, part three, part four
status: complete summary: Steve helps you find your way out of an unhealthy relationship, all the while helping you open the doors to a new beginning. warnings: abusive relationship, manipulation, self-doubt, anxiety word count: 912, 5.2K, 6.1K, 7.6K
“anxious confession”
status: complete prompt: "just say it.” warnings: anxious steeb :( word count: 1.8K  
loki odinson
“wild promises”
status: complete prompt: "no, come back!” warnings: rejection, insecurities, a smooch word count: 3.3K  
“a well-deserved surprise”
status: complete prompt: "you did this?” warnings: being taken for granted, angst to fluff word count: 1.6K  
“target practice”
status: complete prompt: "that was impressive.” warnings: knives, weapons training word count: 1.1K    
status: complete prompt: "yes, I did, what about it?” warnings: jealousy, arguing, language word count: 2.3K  
peter parker
“bandits and mercenaries”
status: complete prompt: "that’s the easy part.” warnings: video game violence, fluff word count: 1.1K
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pirates of the caribbean
jack sparrow
“a decent scrub” [one-shot] [nsfw] [18+]
status: coming soon!
“to the very end” [series]
status: in progress!
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star trek
data soong
“protective measures”
status: complete prompt: "are you kidding me?” warnings:  reader has a chronic illness, playful arguing, light language word count: 2.9K
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star wars
obi-wan kenobi
“among the blossoms”
status: complete summary: after a lifetime spent disguising your feelings, you and Obi-Wan find yourselves unable to carry on in secret any longer. warnings: angst, fluff  word count: 6.1K
“extending hospitality”
part one, part two
status: ongoing summary: after a solo mission goes awry, you flee to Obi-Wan’s quarters in search of refuge. warnings: wound-related gore, angst, fluff, infirmaries, long-term injuries word count: 6.1K, 5.9K
“handling it” 
status: complete summary: as the council discusses a looming threat over Naboo, you and Obi-Wan are ushered out of their hair and hired to be tour guides for a day. warnings: obi sucks at piloting sometimes  word count: 2.4K
part one, part two, part three 
status: complete summary: after the execution of Order 66, you are left with the frayed ends of a severed future. with the greatest loss a Jedi Master can experience and the overwhelming misbalance of the Force, you come across an unlikely path of hope in a galaxy filled with destitution. warnings: grief, mild PTSD, mentions of trauma/battles, gore word count: 7.9K, 5.7K, 6.1K
“perfect form”
status: complete prompt: "unacceptable, try again.” warnings: pure fluff word count: 1.3K  
“quick thinking”
status: complete prompt: "I am not doing that again.” warnings: clumsy obi is the cutest obi word count: 2.5K  
anakin skywalker 
“you’re breaking my heart” 
part one, part two, part three, part four (alternate ending)
status: complete summary: after discovering who Anakin truly loves, you fight the forces of the Dark Side as it attempts to seduce you. warnings: anger issues, outbursts word count: 3.6K, 4.1K, 6K, 7.8K
status: complete summary: while planning your wedding, both your groom and best friend often disappear together. Is it more than mere coincidence?  warnings: themes of mistrust and disloyalty word count: 8.5K
luke skywalker
“the return” 
part one, part two, part three
status: complete summary: after the Empire has been vanquished from the galaxy, Luke discovers some unfinished business left back home in the form of a beautiful Tatooine native he once loved. warnings: anxiety, themes of PTSD, mentions violence, fluff word count: 3.8K, 6K, 3.2K
part one, part two
status: complete summary: when on a rescue mission to recover the princess, you run into two moon-jockeys who prove the mission to be far more than you bargained for. warnings: wound-related gore, anxiety, fluff word count: 5K, 5.4K
“open fire”
status: complete summary: while being taken prisoner on Cloud City alongside Leia, Chewie, and Han, you get the bright idea to stage an escape. warnings: fighting, blaster violence word count: 1.6K
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stargate sg-1
daniel jackson
“a lesson in language”
status: complete prompt: "will you look at this?” warnings: fluff word count: 1.5K  
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various actors
jake gyllenhaal 
“accidental love”
status: complete  summary: while waiting to pick up your best friend’s son from school, love accidentally crashes into you - literally.  warnings: fluff word count: 1.5K
status: complete summary: during an interview, Jake talks about his wife and his upcoming movie. warnings: brief language word count: 1.2K
tom hiddleston
“a stranger’s gift”
status: complete summary: you begin to prepare yourself to spend your birthday alone in the big city, but a handsome stranger's gift changes that course of action. warnings: social anxiety, loneliness word count: 6.3K
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growingingreenwood · 2 months
Did Legolas and his friends disappear from home and sneak out into the forest to cause mischief for lengths of time as much as Thranduil did when he was younger and growing up? Your stories about Oropher trying to wrangle his escape artists son always make me laugh btw thanks for writing!
No they didn’t, nowhere even close. For several reasons. 
First and perhaps most importantly, the world that Legolas grew up in is very, very different from the world that Thranduil grew up in. Greenwood is much more dangerous than Doraith ever was, and Legolas and his friends all have the    T r a u m a    to prove it. 
“Sneaking out” the way that Thraduil did was unthinkable. That’s how people die. Quickly. Or even worse, very slowly. 
Thranduil used to vanish into a puff of smoke for all intents and purposes, Legolas (if he’s up to no good away from home) doesn't hide WHERE he is, he hides what he’s DOING there. People need to know where you are in case something goes wrong, nobody can help you if they don’t know where you are. 
Second, Thranduil learned from his fathers mistakes and whenever Legoals did want to go out into the forest, Thranduil made sure that it happened in a timely manner. With extremely armed escorts, of course. He worked very hard to not make the forest away from their mountain home a Tantalizing Forbidden Wonderland begging to be explored. There was no need for Legoals to sneak out, generally speaking, because his travel wasn’t hindered. And the escorts kept any mischief from happening. 
Third, Legolas and his friends….. Really are traumatized as all hell. The only reason they all met each other is because (with the exception of Farlen) everybody they knew and their entire families were violently killed on the same day. Several of them heard and saw parts or all of what happened to everybody else. When they were younger they didn't feel safe being too far away from their Designated Adults. 
Fourth and lastly,, they were all significantly more scared of the consequences Ferdan could come up with than Thranduil had EVER been about Orophers punishments. Some things are simply not worth it, and vanishing without a word is definitely one of them. 
Unfortunately, for the residents of Greenwoods mountain home, all that simply added up to meaning all of their chaotic mischievous energy was trapped within the safe borders of the mountain home and its immediate surroundings. For over a century. 
Thanks for reading and reaching out! Im glad you enjoy them, they're also pretty fun to write I wont lie.
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growingingreenwood · 27 days
In the chap3 of No Other Choice, it begins with Thranduil and Ferdan arguing. Is there a specific reason why they are arguing, and so constantly as a matter of fact? Thank youu :))
There is a specific reason they were fighting ALL OF THE TIME! They were fighting about at what age they should let the Legolas, Farlen, Avaleina, and to a certain extent Eloissa and Tern join Greenwoods Military. They had so many arguments since the elfling's coming of Age Ceremonies were all fast approaching and everybody knew the second they were considered an 'adult' by elvish standards that they'd all want to join the fight for their people and their home.
Thranduil would let them join younger than Ferdan wanted because Thranduil thinks that if they DONT let them join (close) to when they want to, they will channel their energy, skills, and determination to do something to help into less constructive channels. He thinks that if they let them join the military, they'll be able to keep them in the lower ranks and close to home until they're older.
Ferdan's almost positive that if they let the elflings join when they want to, it wont matter WHAT Thranduil and Ferdan want, they wont give them a choice to do anything but move them higher up in the ranks. Maybe at first they could stop it, but not for long. They're too good. They could have already graduated from their training years ago but weren't simply due to their ages. He wants them to join later, when they're older, so that they can be 'kids' longer. He thinks the second they join the miliary they'll be gone. That they'll do everything and anything possible so be anything and everything that the world needs them to be, with little (if any) thought about what they need from themselves.
In hindsight, Ferdan was right.
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growingingreenwood · 2 months
How would you describe Thranduil's individual relationships with Galion and Ferdan?? Whatever it is, im obsessed with it.
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growingingreenwood · 3 years
"Just because I'm the last Elven King east of the Sea, doesn't mean I won't slap the absolute Orc-shit out of you. So you might want to consult your ancestors one more time before you cross me again, because I operate heavily on the "fuck around and find out" wavelength of existence and by the time you DO find out, I might just be opening the door for Mandos to escort you off this wavelength and into the 'deceased' one."
-- Thranduil Oropherion (to Gandalf probably)
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growingingreenwood · 4 years
You know how in the hobbit movies there's several lines talking about how those in the white council cant 'see' into Greenwood && its never really explained why but it is insinuated that is because of the darkness in the woods. I don't think that's correct. 
I think Thranduil is the one that keeps everybody outside the forest from peering in. His magic blocks them, like plopping a giant wall of cement in front of somebody running down a hill would be stopped. Suddenly, violently, and with absolutely no wavering in its strength. 
The intention had been to keep the minds of evil from connecting with their forest, and I don't think Thranduil really noticed or even thought about the fact it would probably block everybody else too. That was just an added side bonus, since he didn't really want the Noldor and the other wizards snooping around either anyways. 
Gandalf but especially Saruman have tried to convince Radagast to use himself as a way around this problem, to find a way where they can see in the forest as well as anywhere else. Radagast lied and said he kept trying to do as they asked but that he couldn't figure a way around the enchantment. Truthfully though, he didn't even try it once. The first time they asked him to do that, he went straight to Thranduil to tell him about the other wizards curiosity's and that he had absolutely no intentions of ever actually trying it. 
Thranduil was understandably ticked that the other wizards were trying to go behind his back to force themselves into his realm, but he believed Radagast that he would not work against his Silvan allies for the sake of the other wizards. And then Thranduil had a good long laugh about the situation, and still randomly chuckles about it when he remembers that he collectively blocked the sight of all of the other most powerful beings in Arda BY ACCIDENT 
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growingingreenwood · 5 years
Celeborn: Well, when life gives you lemons you make lemonade. Just try making the best of it.
Thranduil: Life has never once given me Lemons.
Thranduil: Its given me anger issues, a love of alcohol, and a serious dislike for stupid people.
Thranduil: But no Lemons
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lillianofliterature · 4 years
lillianofliterature’s imagine masterlist
Listed below are various imagines I’ve written over the last several months. this is where all the small ideas i have go when i decide i don’t want to spend my energy into writing a long fic for.   they can range from a sentence or quote, a few paragraphs, or somewhere under 1K words.
click here for the main masterlist
some imagines may have been turned into longer fics (located on the main masterlist)
 if you want to write about one of my imagines, just ask me and please give credit by linking the imagine in your post - and tag me so I can read it! 
fandoms include: star wars, star trek, stargate, the lord of the rings, the hobbit, marvel, avatar: the last airbender, the karate kid, jurassic park, the x-files, various actors
more characters + imagines coming.
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avatar: the last airbender
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the hobbit
bilbo baggins
#1, #2
thranduil orophorion
#1, #2
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the lord of the rings
what made them fall in love with you
their first ‘i love you’ (confession)
how they would react to developing feelings for someone from the modern world
#1, #2
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what made them fall in love with you
steve rogers
#1, #2, #3
bucky barnes
loki laufeyson
#1, #2
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star wars
luke skywalker
#1, #2
din djarin
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star trek
data soong
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the x-files
fox mulder
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various actors 
jake gyllenhaal
64 notes · View notes
growingingreenwood · 4 years
“I’m literally begging you to learn the meanings of words instead of just saying shit."
Thranduil Orophorion
153 notes · View notes