#thread; breaking free
oceansrevenge · 1 year
Breaking Free || Solo ft. Siobhan
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @oceansrevenge ft @banisheed SUMMARY: An angry octopus nymph finally breaks free from her tank and has a bit of a murder spree. Thankfully, the murder spree attracted a banshee as an audience. We love girls supporting girls
For so many years, the rage that lived inside Marina felt like it was crushing her. It had to live imprisoned inside her the way she lived imprisoned inside the glass tank, a spectacle for the human world to see. The rage of a nymph was never meant to be stagnant. It was supposed to flow and crash like the waves of the sea she so longed to swim free in once again. The betrayal, the loss– it all had to stew and culminate within the confines of a box. There was no tide pulling her foes under, no pressure from the depths squeezing the last breath of life out from her victims as she brought them down to their watery graves. There was only the stillness.
Today that would finally change. The fact Moxfield had died of old age of all things only furthered the disgust Marina possessed for the warden. No warden worth their salt died of old age, but above all else, he was a coward– never truly bothered living his purpose unless he stood to make some sort of financial gain from it. While she held no love for wardens, they were meant to be part of a delicate balance and she could respect that. Andrew Moxfield, however, was a disgrace to his purpose and above all else, a liar. His death was a day she reveled in and she awaited the window of time where she’d be able to leave the wretched tank she all but rotted away in for the last fifty odd years.
The transporting of her tank had always been something Marina hated the most. The sloshing of the water as the bus, train, or plane moved about mirrored the movement of waves in a way that stung. But this time, she knew it was only a matter of days before she got to experience the real thing again. Her strength had dwindled over the years, but unsuspecting humans still stood no chance. The other cephalopods in their contaminants alongside her boosted her state, if only slightly. It’d take weeks back in the proper waters, nurturing it and the creatures she was drawn to protect before she was back at her full strength, but her size alone was enough to toss aside a few worthless humans like the rubbish they were. 
She’d watched them all for years as they passed her by or stared in awe. Over the decades, they had changed, grew more attached to their trinkets and inventions than the natural world around them. These humans that were preparing to move her from her travel tank to something larger were no different. The excitement buzzing in her felt foreign after so long and her tentacles itched to squeeze the life out of them. The annoying young man tapping on her glass would be first. He would look much better when his face turned the same shade of blue as his eyes. 
The moment the lid was removed, Marina moved swiftly. There was no way she’d allow herself to be imprisoned yet again and finally, all the rage that had been brewing for years had an outlet. The blue eyed one was the first her tentacles found purchase on. He writhed in her grasp and sputtered trying to draw in a breath. The struggle was something she missed. How many times before had she felt the same thrashing in her own waters as she drowned anyone who dared to enter uninvited? More than she could count, but it felt just as good each time. 
In one tentacle, the man’s life was fading away and in another, she grabbed another one of the staff members approaching her with a useless, large net. The way the dark brown of her ponytail waved around as she fought against the giant tentacle that held on tightly. The dark flash of her hair looked like a flag waving on a shit out at sea. It was almost as satisfying, too. 
Each new staff member that dared to approach and tried to take control of the situation met the same fate. Several knicks from assorted equipment scratched her skin and left small drops of blue blood on the floor amongst the fallen humans. It had been a flurry, like waves in a storm, whipping and swaying as fast as the wind. One, two, three, half a dozen– fallen at her tentacles. Foolish of them to believe they could contain a creature as stunning as she was against her will. Cruel to think they had the right to trap and display any creature from the beautiful blue sea for their own monetary gain. Humans and their filthy money. The disdain and anger was as strong as the satisfaction she felt. 
Marina was free. It was a relief she hadn’t allowed herself to truly dream of. She’d get to float away with the waves yet again, but she would not forget this place. It was disgraceful, abominable. There weren’t words that could adequately portray her disgust with the establishment, but she heard pleased sounds not far from her. The octopus looked up, prepared to attack when she realized the woman seemed to be… cheering her on? Curious. Then she felt it. A symphony of little bells, ringing under her skin in a way that felt as comforting as the waters on a warm summer day. Another fae. After so many years of misfortune, this was lucky indeed. 
Quickly, Marina willed her humanistic glamour into place. The tank had never known her true form, and even so, her voice outside of the water would still be distorted. Wet braids hung from her head and water with specks of blood, both blue and red, dripped down her nude form. It was amusing to think the dead humans at her feet would be taken aback by nudity. Fae held no such inhibitions. 
She approached the woman with a sly grin on her face. “How lucky am I? Freedom and the presence of a beautiful fae in the same day?” 
The cheap folding chair Siobhan had purchased at the last minute creaked as she swung one leg over the other, leaning back into the nylon fabric. Her bag of popcorn would remain unopened, but she didn’t mind. “Yes,” she smirked, “you’re very lucky.” 
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raayllum · 11 months
Was thinking it over that Callum giving up info/doing dark magic to save Rayla in 5x08 is indeed the equivalent of her leaving in Through the Moon (“As long as we love each other, as long as we protect each other” “I was trying to protect him” / “I knew I had to be strong alone” + Callum not telling her about what he did / “All that talk about how love makes you stronger, but the second that elf girl in pain, you completely lost yourself” “I have to be strong, no matter what, and if you said even one word to me, I wouldn’t - couldn’t be”). 
And Rayla is still set up to be the one to save Callum from brainwashing/his imposed ‘destiny’ in S6, probably tying together her arc regarding sacrifice and her well, refusing to sacrifice Callum even for the good of the world. Which means also having to save her - from death, from Aaravos, and subsequently risking the world for her as well - is still on the goddamn fucking table I am Losing my mind
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delusional-mishaps · 6 months
day three: sharp
more writing mwahahah :3
"what're you doing?" horror asks. jet hums, glancing up before looking back down at their fingers.
"cuttin' my nails." they answer, followed by a sharp 'snip!' sound.
"why?" he asks. jet shrugs, holding out their left hand to show off their nails.
"look. gettin' sharp. then they get caught on stuff."
horror makes a soft sound of understanding, taking a seat beside jet. he watches them snip off the ends of their claws, head tilting curiously.
"'sides," jet continues after a moment. "now i don't gotta worry about scratchin' you when i grab your cute face."
they look up smugly at horror, earning a soft chuckle. he pats their head, causing their tail to sway.
"it wouldn't hurt," he snorts. "your claws are so small."
"oh yeah?" they taunt, brandishing the not-yet cut claws on the other hand. "wanna test that theory?"
horror chuckles again, grabbing jet's hand in his. he traces one of his phalanxes over the tip of their claw, where it's sharpest. their fingers looks so small compared to his.
"see? too small." he boasts. jet rolls their eyes, taking their hand back to cut those claws.
"psh, whatever. you're just lucky i like you and don't wanna scratch you." they grumble with a smile.
"whatever you say, tiny."
"wha—i'm not tiny!"
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pastafossa · 1 year
Would you consider having TRT published for people to have a physical copy? I know you said you were thinking about publishing a version of it
I've looked into it! So far as I can tell, I cannot legally publish TRT as is to sell to you because of The Great And All-Seeing Mouse's copyright. I even looked into selling at cost - basically you paying me only the amount required to actually make it (aka: no profit for me), but that seems to be a very risky grey area. I know other fics have done it like Fallout Equestria but those companies are a little more friendly than The Noble And Standing Over My Shoulder Mouse who is aggressively protective of his copyright even when you're not making money.
What I can do:
I can publish what amounts to an AU of TRT in which all canon references have either been removed (Daredevil plotlines) or altered (Matt's appearance, name, and profession, though I'd keep his personality), and only my original elements (TRT-unique plotline) and characters (Jane, Ciro, Eli, Maya, Daniel, etc) remain. This is the generally accepted way to publish your fanfic, and if I self-publish (tentative plan), I can leave TRT up if I understand the legality correctly. My plan's also going to be to change enough of the original plotline that there are surprises for any TRT readers (as well as giving me additional distance between the fic and the AU so no one can argue I'm 'using' the fic to make money on my book). This is going to take a while, though, since there's a lot to change between pronouns, the plot, the characters, and themes.
I can allow you to create your own physical copy. There are book printers who create individual books for people, and since you would be paying and I wouldn't be making any money, this would be legal! This is likely the easiest way to get a hard copy of the original TRT!
You can also bookbind it yourself without having to go to a book printer at all! There are some excellent guides to bookbinding online, and I've had multiple requests from readers who wanted to bookbind a copy for their own shelf, which I'm totally ok with! Again, as long as it's not being sold you have my permission to do this!
Sadly as far as I know, those are the only three ways you can get a TRT-Original or TRT-AU as a hard copy. Honestly if I had the money, I'd just order a bunch of hard copies and give them away to readers for free. When TRT is eventually done, I do plan to have a hard copy printed for myself (or maybe bookbound, not sure) and have tentative plans to buy a few extra to give away as a raffle thing. But unfortunately, I can't afford to do that on a wider scale.
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universestreasures · 4 months
Extension / Spinoff Of This Thread With @shacchou
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The vibration from his pager in his pocket was sudden and out of nowhere, but he reacts to it as effortlessly as he did anything. Tasuku, along with Jack who was back in his card form, both move away from the other members of the Buddy Police that had gathered to arrest the criminal they both apprehended. His face shifts to one of concern as he presses the button in the center, immediately connecting the human to the youngest of the two Kaiba Brothers.
"Mokuba, are you okay?! Are you hurt at all?! What's your status?!"
"Tasuku...I'm...I'm okay. I'm not in danger or anything. I just...didn't want to contact you through...normal means."
"Oh..." He can feel his heart rate slow with that confirmation, but he still remains on edge. "Well, I'm glad you're not hurt. Didn't expect you to use the pager for a non-emergency, but that's no matter. It's clear you called me for a reason through these means. So, please. Say what you want to say. You...don't sound like yourself."
"Y-Yeah...I...I kinda have a big favor to ask of you."
"I see... Well, all you need to do is ask me, Mokuba. I'll do my best to help you in anyway I can. I promised you that the day we met, and that offer still stands now."
"Thanks, Tasuku."
The officer can hear Mokuba taking in a deep breath next. It was clear as day something was up. The way he was speaking now reminded him of how he was during the period his older brother was in a coma, when he was in agony over his brother's condition despite what Seto Kaiba had done to him. He was a caring and loving soul, Tasuku knew that much to be true.
"I...I wanted to ask if I could...stay with you for a while? I...I need some time away from my house, away from...away from..."
"You don't need to say it. I already can understand what probably happened. In any case, you're more than welcome to stay at my place for as long as you need. It's no trouble at all."
"A-Are you sure? I wouldn't...be burdening you at all? I know how busy you are with your work."
"Of course not. Friends and family are never burdens." He makes sure to emphasize that for him before continuing. "And while I'm an important part of the Buddy Police, I'm not the only officer on duty. Besides, Mr.Takihara was going to have me go on forced vacation for a few weeks now that the Rare Hunter situation is handled anyway. So, it really is no trouble at all."
Ruby hues widen once the sounds of sobbing reach his ears. The sounds of crying where among his least favorite noises, but not because he found it irritating. Crying often was a signal someone was in pain. Pain was a form of suffering, and as someone who wanted to rid the world, especially children, of suffering, hearing it made his heart ache and his ranger towards his assumed source of it grow.
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"How...How dare he..."
The thoughts echo in his mind as he clenches his free hand, it shaking in his righteous anger. Seto Kaiba was already someone he didn't exactly like for several reasons, but to think he'd do something again to hurt his brother after the stunt he pulled at Death-T? Did he really learn nothing after almost losing everything?
Whenever he runs into that bastard again, he's going to give him a personal taste of Tasuku's own brand of justice. No one, no matter who you are or what the circumstances, should treat the only family they cherish in such a horrible way. He didn't even need to know the full details to know just how bad the situation was. Mokuba's tears he can hear through the speaker spoke volumes.
"It's going to be alright, Mokuba. I'm going to help you get through whatever it is that's troubling you. Just stay strong until I see you, okay? Know you're not alone."
"...T-Thank...T-Thank you...C-Can we meet at...the park?"
"Sure, no problem. Jack and I will meet you there. He can carry you back to my place. You did say you always wanted to fly on a dragon, right?" Jack normally wouldn't be too comfortable carrying someone on his back, but considering the circumstances, even Tasuku knows his Buddy wouldn't turn this down. The dragon cared for the young boy just as he did, after all.
"Mhmm. S-See you soon."
"See you soon. Be careful."
The transmission ends and his hand falls to his side. His teeth gritt in frustration, his breaths almost sounding like a dragon's growl. Despite his politeness and warm smile he tried to maintain as a part of his professionalism, he was still a rather emotional person. He felt thing so intensely, so deeply, that they threatened to consume his actions. And his emotions right now were screaming at him to go down to the Kaiba Mansion and personally give Seto Kaiba a piece of his mind.
It's at that moment when he feels a warmth and sees a glow coming from his chest. Tasuku knows right away it was his Buddy calling out to him, no doubt sensing his emotions. He puts his hand over the pocket where Jack's card was stored, closing his eyes as he moves to communicate with him telepathically.
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"Tasuku... I understand your feelings toward the situation. You are not wrong to feel how you do. Your righteous heart of justice always cries out at the suffering of others, especially those you are close to. However, if you wish to truly help your friend with the emotional troubles he is facing, then you must calm yourself first. If you are consumed by your anger, then you won't be able to help anyone. Your friend is counting on you right now. Do you understand what I am saying?"
In situations like this, Jack really acted like his own consciousness. Everything he was saying was absolutely correct. Getting upset now would not help the situation. It would probably make it worse than anything. Mokuba was his priority right now, not his brother. All his focus should be put into making sure the younger Kaiba was safe and taken care of. In a way, he's to assume the role of an older brother for the time being, the role at this very moment Tasuku thought Seto Kaiba didn't deserve at this moment. And it's a role he will not fail at for the sake of his friend who reached out to him desperately, a friend who needed him and wanted his aid.
He would not fail.
"I...I understand, Jack. I know what must be done." He takes a deep breath then, trying to steel himself before he makes his next move. Tasuku reaches into his pocket to remove his Buddy's cards, holding it up into the air as he prepares for their departure. "Let's go to work."
With that, Jack's card glows, the dragon manifesting in his mini-form before the human. Tasuku grabs his deckcase, the Star Pulsar, from his pocket and shows it to the other. The red gem in the yellow case's center resonates with a golden glow of Jack's eyes, the deckcase eventually transforming into its true form, that of a yellow drone with four points sticking out of it.
The technological voice from his device is soon followed by a light burst of wind as Jack's Buddy Skill makes itself known. Two green rings appear at the boy's heels, their power causing him to start floating in the air. Once airborne, he wastes no time flying straight into the clouds towards his destination, with Jack soaring at his side.
It is during this flight that he informs his legal guardian of the situation. Mr.Takihara, being the kind of person he was, had a soft spot for children. So, of course he was okay with the idea. Tasuku had his own apartment joined with his, anyway. It was up to him how he managed the one-bedroom space. He gave the boy that kind of trust as if he were an adult.
Within minutes, the pair made it to the park. They sit on a nearby bench as they wait for the younger Kaiba to appear, Tasuku getting anxious as the minutes pass. Would he get there safely? Should he have just gotten him? What if he got mugged on the way here? All these thoughts rushed through his mind, and he was debating about going, until he hears footsteps approach and Mokuba comes into view at long last.
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"Hey, Mokuba. Glad you got here safe."
He offers the young boy a warm smile he hopes will offer him some comfort and relief. Ruby hues observe the other's response, Mokuba providing only a small nod. The bag he was carrying with him was quickly noticed as well. Seems he brought things with him. Good. It be difficult to be away from home without some of your personal items, after all.
"Got everything you-"
Mokuba then approaches the Buddy Police Boy Wonder, Tasuku remaining still as he watches on. It is then that Mokuba slowly moves up his hands until they find themselves wrapped around the older boy's waist, the other's head resting on his shoulder pad. Before he can make a response, he freezes in place at the all too painful sound of crying reaching his ears for the second time tonight.
Tasuku responds soon enough, wrapping his own arms around the boy and providing gentle pats on his back. This is not his first go around comforting a crying child. It was something he, unfortunately, had plenty of experience with, considering his line of work. Children were often targets of game-related crimes, but that was part of why he did what he did, to protect those who could not protect themselves. It was his life's mission and one he continues to get stronger for.
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"Mokuba...Don't worry. It's all going to be alright. Have faith in me, Jack, and your friends to help you. We'll be right there by your side to help you through this. I promise."
His grip on the boy tightens slightly then, a physical confirmation of his promise. He was going to care for Mokuba as if he were his brother, just as he would do for Gao or any of his friends should they need it. The selfless boy who was too desperate to become an adult would always shoulder the burden of those around him, being their rock when they needed it most...even at the cost of himself.
"Now, let's get going. You must be exhausted after everything." The Buddy Police officer speaks up once he hears the sound of the sobbing decrease, gently letting go of Mokuba and directing him towards Jack who was now in his true form. He lowers his body to the ground, allowing Mokuba to climb on his back safely. Tasuku will be sure to thank Jack for allowing this to happen, considering he was not a fan of being ridden.
Once secured, the three then soar into the air and into the clouds, leaving the town of Domino behind for the neighboring city of Cho-Tokyo, a place where Seto Kaiba had no power in. Hopefully, this change of scenery would help his friend recover from the emotional wounds inflicted on him, wounds that he should have never been inflicted on one so young, so innocent...like Mokuba Kaiba.
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aeterna---amantes · 10 months
|| The feeling of being able to post 💙Connor💙 and not feeling guilty about it oh my fucking gods I'll only look at the bright side of this situation like thank fuck i am allowed to feel happy
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celaka · 10 months
family death cw //
update. i lost the most important person in my life earlier this week and i spent the last few days with my family, grieving and mourning the loss with them. it's all still very new and hard and real, but i think, i'm actually ready to face things fully and try to move forward ?? do things that give me joy and make me feel full without feeling so terribly guilty about it. i feel like that's what my mom would want anyway <3
this is to say i'm planning on easing my way back into writing here again and would love some new stuff! i will still be attempting to make a dent in everything i owe, but i think i need some new stuff to gain some momentum ?? nothing too distracting that takes my mind completely off off the things that have been going on irl, but i'm down for some light plotting, hc or just winging stuff!
so please send in memes, reply to my opens or like my permanent starter call if you'd like especially if we currently don't have anything going bc i'm thinking of doing another cleaning spree soon! ( also please softblock if you don't intend to interact. i promise there'll be no hard feelings, but staying mutuals w people who've never shown interest to interact ic or ooc makes me feel super anxious and makes me not wanna be here )
that is all! i'll work on the memes sitting in my inbox after i shower
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sorry why is i'd rather be me meangirls like the worst mt song ever
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furysburn · 6 months
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❛ what is worse than death? ❜ | ( LUKE & TANNER ) @ximerose
"Many things actually." Luke rested his chin on the hilt of his sword staring at nothing in the distance. Today was another day of eternity acting as guard for the Camp he betrayed until he was cut loose from damnation. Not the worst gig in the world but sometimes death did sound better.
" You could be forgotten. You could be hated and reviled to the point of infamy...but who wants that? Or a tale of hubris to pass down to others with the same ideas. " He gestured at himself with a shrug. " If you want advice from me, it is better to die and miss out the epilogue or live eternity hearing it. Or maybe just live a good life and hope when they tell your story it'll be in prayer and not bitterness they say it. "
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ultimatec0ntrol · 10 months
(Starter for Neko- :] @neko-anon )
Neko was wandering around Green Hills aimlessly, doing what he could to avoid any possible obstacles but also trying to find something he can do. If there are badniks there or any villain? They are pretty sure they’d be able to beat them! And if he does win- that’d mean less danger to his brother and help! If they can deal with things themselves and know more things in general..they are sure all would be good!
After a few more minutes of all the wandering, small, sharp metal parts of broken badniks were on the ground. One step onto the sharp metal, and a foot could be cut open. Which would..probably happen to Neko right now. Well, if someone didn't pull him back, that is.
A hand quickly grabbed onto Neko's arm, pulling them back a bit. They were then let go, as a hedgehog–Black quills, with red markings–Walked past him, kicking the broken metal pieces aside, just so nobody else could step on them. The hedgehog looked behind himself, staring at Neko. He didn't say anything, just stared. He stood silent for a moment, before fully turning to them, crossing his arms. He let out a low hum, analyzing him.
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" ..You're Sonic's brother. Neko, was it? "
Okay, so this guy knew Neko. Wasn't clear if that was good or bad.
The hedgehog stared at Neko, before sighing, and holding out a gloved hand, offering a handshake.
" Shadow. "
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hella1975 · 2 years
okay so im staying the night at my friend's in my Uni City on sunday bc my maths exam is monday morning and i dont have any accommodation there anymore (which is really stupid on the uni i feel? like they expect kids to be paying the train and accommodation fares AND navigate the current rail strikes AND revise during heatwaves when they could just very easily in this post-covid world put the exams online? baffling) and this is my one coursemate that's super super good for me in that she's VERY disciplined and WILL yell at me if im not working like i should be. she's also the econ student who asked me in the corruption lecture if tax evasion is legal but that's neither here nor there. anyway my point is she lives locally hence why im staying with her and i cannot stress enough how much she singlehandedly holds my academic life together. like i am going to show up on her doorstep with all my notes and just burst into tears im sure of it
#guarantee she'll teach me more for my resit the night before than i managed to do in 4 weeks alone#the only thing is her parents are SUPER fucking nice and keep offering me shit#and im so so miserable during exam season like i need to just stay in a room all day revising and not talking to people#otherwise the stress will just eat me alive#so even though it's a pain im then gonna come HOME on monday after the exam just to stay at hers again#on the 3rd for my macro exam next thursday#nightmare#BUT her parents keep insisting i stay the entire time like keep in mind they've met me ONCE#and tbf parents always love me like it's just one of my charms <3 but inviting someone for FOUR DAYS when i wont even be leaving#the house the entire time is mad#like mad in a good way bc they genuinely are just being stupidly generous#BUT STILL#and they always offer me a shit ton of food and im a nightmare for refusing free food#like one time the uni converted part of the SU into a langar and i went with this exact friend actually#when i tell you it was the worst combination in the best way my god i have never eaten so much in my life#she was like 'just say no when they offer' i was like bestie i CANT you dont understand#and it's like that with her parents too im in heaven and hell simultaneously every time#so im just gonna be teary and stressed out my mind on the floor surrounded by notes as far as the eye can see#and my poor friend and her parents are gonna be TOO NICE and it's going to break me like i have been holding on by a thread all month#watch me on the verge of a breakdown and the thing that tips me being the absolute angel that is my friend mum#once again asking if i want anything#her: are you okay in here can i get you anyth-#me: *immediately starts sobbing*#AND IM ON MY PERIOD ARE YOU INSANEEE#hella goes to uni#anyway im feeling normal about this resit how are you
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mugglebrn · 6 months
it'll never not crack me up that our fav lil rule-lover here has not only broken so many rules but also committed crimes
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abyssembraced · 11 months
I'm hesitant to outright promise anything, but I'm hoping to get to my owed replies sometime soon? At least the ones I owe for Ghost, anyway.
I'm also open to plot new threads for either Ghost or Rouxls! Admittedly, I'm not sure how much time I'll have to sit down and Discuss things this week, mind you, but I'm willing to give it a shot! Finishing my currently owed replies will have to take priority over writing any new starters or replies for new threads, though, since I've owed them for a frankly ridiculous amount of time and I feel really bad for putting them off for so long, but plotting and planning stuff is good!
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literalite · 2 years
the way this song is holding my brain together like glue rn
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dent-de-leon · 2 years
Is. is king going to ever mention in that oneshot that he has vivid dreams of reliving his self-sacrifice and death over and over, seeing black chains shatter while an otherworldly, monstrously alien voice screams all the way from the astral sea--
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madeimpact · 1 year
Mmmm madokami threads........
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