#threat matrix
lecameleontv · 7 months
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Captures 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 / 5 de l'Ep. 1.07 - Le Choix de Frankie / Alpha 126 (2003) de la série Agence Matrix avec l'acteur James Denton.
Production déléguée : Kimberly Costello, qui a participé à la supervision de la production de la série Le Caméléon.
Distribution : Walter Addison, vu dans l'Ep. 1.05 de la série Le Caméléon ...
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Captures de l’Ep. 1.02 - Ep. 1.03 - Ep. 1.04 - Ep. 1.05 - Ep. 1.06 - Ep. 1.08
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source : imdb
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Alias Mr Lyle dans Le Caméléon. Alias Mike dans Desperate Housewives. Alias Peter Hudson dans Devious Maids. Alias le Dr Sam dans Un Soupçon de Magie.
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verysoulstice · 1 year
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everafterwhy · 1 year
hope u guys know that when i talk about the matrix i am not meaning it in an alt-right, conspiracy theorist, andrew t*te enjoyer way. i am meaning it in an i-genuinely-have-a-hyperfixation-on-this-movie, trans allegory, capitalism-is-destroying-the-world-and-we’re-being-forced-to-participate way
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taardisblue · 2 years
ok no i lied, one more thoschei thought. the way, even as she dismantles his plan, even after everything he’s done, after how much it broke them. the way she still can’t help but mention how smart he is, i mean, come on, “what a mind”????? meanwhile. he’s doing all of this. because he believes she doesn’t see him as an equal anymore. because he believes she sees him as nothing. im. unwell.
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Worried about how little I've been getting done lately?
Don't worry, things are on track -- I've recently been receiving "secret commands" from an "unknown mind" controlling my actions, who appears to be sending me vague but positive messages through the use of mystical symbols.
I'm reporting to my superiors at the NSA, so you know this can be trusted
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moodboardsbysarah · 10 months
Feminists have also been memed by the patriarchy they descended from into believing Femininity is a worthless slave role and Masculinity is superior.
Literally, the only difference between feminism and patriarchy is that feminism says, "women must reject femininity because femininity is an inferior servant role, and become masculine and compete with men to gain self worth" whilst patriarchy says "women must accept the fact that they are feminine and find a man to serve to gain self worth, because femininity is an inferior servant role".
BOTH ideologies are built on the degradation, devaluation and erasure of the Feminine! And guess what, both ideologies' greatest enemy is spiritual "woowoo" women who dare to embrace the power of Femininity and believe that Femininity can be something other than a humiliated slave role. Patriarchy calls such women "demonic" and "subversive" and burns us at the stake whilst feminism calls us "delusional pickmes" (essentially slut shaming us for not hating ourselves) and shames us for not defining our worth by the masculine slave system where its all about money and job opportunities and competing with toxic masculine values.
Any woman who calls herself a "feminist witch" is a fucking LARPer lmao. You can't be a witch whilst hating the essential principle of being a witch (femininity and feminine power). Calling yourself a feminist witch is like calling yourself a masculinity-rejecting warrior.
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whysopasta · 1 year
i am still thinking about nina the 11-year-old being so quick she can dodge bullets fired at point blank range with ease. she's not even genetically enhanced like jane richardson is, she's just really fast
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subconsciousmysteries · 10 months
men will build societies on masculine ego values like greed and cutthroat competition and scarcity mentality and materialism. They will make religions and philosophies which gas them up to believe they're superior to women, femininity is frivolous at best and demonic at worst, women are all evil satanic whores who aren't allowed any spiritual authority, simultaneously women are silly little children who need their "leadership" and "guidance", and women are rewards for their good performance in the male hierarchy.
Then these same men will cry and rage for women's sympathy when that competitive, hierarchical society built on the erasure of feminine values turns on them for not being the top 0.1%. They will cry when patriarchy puts puts their lives last in emergencies, makes them die in wars for the winners at the top of the male hierarchy, and makes them toil and slave away for the elite males so that they can keep their woman "prizes".
Absolutely no sympathy for all these whiny ass "women have it so easy under patriarchy they're so ungrateful" wimpy moids. Your own gender's narcissism dug this grave for you now get buried alive in it.
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waterfall-ambience · 1 year
answering #3 by myself to ramble a bit about damien's germaphobe tendencies
- they're acutely aware of other people's coughing and sniffling. for most people the sound apparently fades into background noise but they Know. they pick up on all of it and it drives them crazy. they get irritated by other sounds like bells, digital echoes, babies crying, or god forbid: 2 different-pitched bells ringing at once. but the respiratory sounds fall into their own horrible category of being both irritating AND gross.
- the irony here is that with damien's respiratory issues, he's likely to be the one coughing and sniffling. he is aware of this and chooses not to voice his discomfort because 'oh, the hypocrisy'. he just sits there and feels his skin crawl.
- they're quite particular about touching things and keeping their hands clean. you'd think they've just have gotten used to the dirt and rot of marcianus, but they wear gloves to avoid touching things directly and try to wash their hands often.
- they're also the type of person who takes forever to cook anything because they wash their hands between every single mini-step (and also use at least 7 knives). part of it is Ew, Germs and part of it is that handling food (especially raw meat (cold, slimy)) just feels really Bad sometimes. you know how it is lmao
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triplethreattheater · 4 months
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Triple Threat Theater Episode 95:
Films discussed on this episode:
Robot Carnival (1987)
Memories (1995)
The Animatrix (2003)
Runtime: 1 hour, 55 minutes
Hosted By: Joe Daxberger & Rian Miller
Subscribe to Triple Threat Theater on iTunes or check us out on SoundCloud.
Follow Triple Threat Theater on Twitter and Instagram.
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2-eeillustration · 3 months
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Finished some concept art doodles of Optimus for that #Return_0 x TF AU I've been cooking as an art challenge for tonight's stream-- TL;DR the matrix brought him back from the dead after Cybertron war ended to save Megatron from the bigger bad in my OC universe!
(Optimus turns into a train/stellar engine in this AU 🚄☄️)
I also got down even more lore down during stream too (Thank u badgersnaps for bouncing ideas and helping me write the Prime related stuff; summary below!
-Optimus was executed by Megatron at the end of the war- but in this AU the Prime Matrix is reviving him; powered by the main seal engraved in its core.
-As the strongest of the Seals, the Seal is of the planet Cybertron itself, is "Cybertron is Threatened by an Outside Force ''. And with Megatron being controlled by PROVIDENCE, this seal is activated. It's by far the strongest seal, but only just strong enough to force Optimus alive again. So, he needs to fulfill the other seals to be able to act and move properly. (effectively keeping him in perma-overclock)
-The reason why the Cybertron Seal wasn't active during the Decepticon war was because the Decepticons were born of Cybertron. They aren't an Outside threat. PROVIDENCE however , is.
-OP's main objective is to prevent PV from using its its control over Megatron to unlock the coordinates to their home planet for assimilation...
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lecameleontv · 7 months
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Captures 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 / 5 de l'Ep. 1.07 - Le Choix de Frankie / Alpha 126 (2003) de la série Agence Matrix avec l'acteur James Denton.
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Alias Mr Lyle dans Le Caméléon.
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yowlthinks · 1 year
The Final 15: Aziraphale's decision matrix in a no-choice situation
I have been thinking and reading about what happened since season 2 came out, and I think I have finally been able to put it all down into a logical sequence. This meta is the result of both countless posts I have read on tumblr and my own thoughts.
But let us start from the beginning, which is essentially Metatron's offer:
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Notice how Aziraphale consistently declines the honour, as Metatron keeps pressing. When he says that Aziraphale is the perfect choice he also mentions that Aziraphale "is a leader, is honest and doesn't just tell people what they want to hear", which is of course a lie and they both know it. Initially, Aziraphale can't deny it because he can't just go "well, actually, I have been doing exactly that, stretching the truth in my reports and on a few notable occasions outright lying to my superiors and even God Herself". So he deflects to "where will I get my coffee?", preferring to highlight his attachment to Earth. In response to that Metatron makes his final move: he knows about Aziraphale's partnership with Crowley, and that means he knows about the lies.
This threat to Crowley gets Aziraphale to the following decision matrix:
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Telling Crowley about the threat is useless. Aziraphale knows he will suggest running away together, and that puts them both in danger. Similarly, running away alone / hiding Aziraphale will not be a good move either because Metatron will not hesitate to harm Crowley and use him as a bait for Aziraphale.
So this means that Aziraphale's best option is not telling Crowley about the threat and persuading him to come with Aziraphale, his second best being going alone. Both of these offer best safety guarantees for Crowley, and this is something Aziraphale would not compromise on.
So our angel launches into this entire speech about making a difference. These are the only arguments he can come up with on the fly regarding why he took the position (the position he does not want! At a place he does not want to go back to!). And he is terrified that Metatron will come back and he won't be able to finish this conversation, won't be able to persuade Crowley. Add to this the fact that Crowley is clearly trying to have an important conversation with him too. A conversation they would like to have in private, but which Aziraphale knows can be interrupted at any moment. That's why he tries to stop Crowley, that's why he is constantly glancing out of the window.
Aziraphale is angry and frustrated, but this is mostly anger at Metatron who put him into this position, at the unfairness of it all, at himself for not being able to get Crowley to agree. It is the despair that just when Crowley confesses his love, instead of being able to say "I love you" back, he has to swallow it down again. Aziraphale's "I forgive you" is "I forgive you for not trusting me to make the best choice for us both", "I forgive you for not agreeing to go with me, I understand why you declined". And this aligns neatly with the theory about the Nightingale song in the car being a message from Aziraphale: it is his way of saying "I love you, I chose you, I chose our side, and that’s why I had to go".
And you know what? Crowley is a clever noodle and he knows Aziraphale well, so he will figure it out, he will spot this out of character, under-duress-only style of decision-making and start untangling that mystery.
We all know how it ends, and I can't wait to see it!
UPD: to put the above in perspective, see this meta with graphs!
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rk-striker-jk-5 · 7 months
You know, I like Hot Rod in the 1986 movie. I don't like the 1986 movie, but I like Hot Rod. He's a good kid overall. And it's kinda interesting/sad that he's one of the best damned deconstructions of the Chosen One archetype I've ever seen.
He beats Unicron! He's got the Matrix! He's the Chosen One even more than Optimus Prime! Great... except Hot Rod 1. has no training in government 1. has no willingness to really learn and 3. really, really chafes and dislikes being in charge.
And we see it in season three. I know some folks might point to individual episodes where he starts learning... but it never sticks. He never wanted the job, and he hates it. The Decepticons should be a nuisance at best after the movie and being led by someone certifiably insane, but they still remain a big threat to the Autobots. Relations with Earth got more than a bit tense in some episodes like Burden Hardest to Bear. He's gotta be overall miserable.
It's actually one of the things I hate about the Matrix. Optimus Prime didn't need some divinely-anointed disco ball to lead. He was the leader by being awesome at it.
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reality-detective · 3 months
Someone once said to me, “Do you always have to be so brutally honest?” to which I replied, “Would you rather I lied?” Which that kind of ended the conversation.
So I’ll be brutally honest with you now, I’m sick of it all!
I’m sick of Biden, Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Ursula, Trudeau, Macron, Hillary, Harari and all the psycho puppets that are being dangled on the world stage as some morbid entertainment, or rather psychological torture!
I’m sick of the LGBTQ narrative being shoved down our throats, of the transgender insanity, the ilegal immigrant invasion, the ongoing fearmongering with new pandemics, the constant threat of global war, the antisemitism narrative, the censorship, the ‘hate speech’ tyranny, the mRNA bioweapons and of the climate crisis bull shit!
I’m sick of humanity being stuck in this endless, nightmare of a loop without a resolution! Without justice! Without sense! I’m done with this shit show!
Always the same playbook, the same script, the same useful idiots, the same evil hands pulling the strings, the same narratives, the same psychological manipulation, the same false flags, the same lies from the media, the same ongoing madness! On and on and on and on…! Until when?!
When will people see? When will people realize that we are caught up in a matrix that exploits our ignorance and gullibility by capturing our perception as a means of control and enslavement? When will people recognise the patterns? The MO and the brainwashing techniques that they’ve been using for decades? When?
How many times must we endure the same narratives and events? The same divide and conquer strategies? The same color revolutions? The same infiltration techniques? The same provocations? The same ‘terrorist’ attacks?!
How many times before humanity finally realizes that we are psychological slaves with an almost fatal case of Stockholm syndrome? When will we acknowledge the problem? When will we start going to rehabilitation?
And no, you can’t say no! That response is not an option, unless we want to end up like that! So it’s about time we ALL try our best to wake up everyone! Speak up, share info, voice your real opinion, don’t be intimidated by the labels, be prepared to lose friends, stop caring what others may think and wage the flag of truth, of common sense, of righteousness and of kindness wherever you go.
Perhaps then we’ll get out of this sickening loop! It’s been going on long enough!
I'm just saying... 🤔
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woozisguitar · 3 months
GLITCH - lee jihoon x reader (f)
“I think there’s been a glitch”
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Being in love with your favourite K-pop idol and pretending to be his girlfriend on stan twitter is all fun and games until you accidentally get yourself involved in a dating scandal with him. Let’s hope this glitch in the matrix ends well for both of you…
Pairing: idol!Lee Jihoon x afab fangirl!reader 
Genre: smau, fluff, humour, maybe angst?, idol!au
Warnings: swearing, some mature themes like bullying, death threats, etc. so 18+ (MDNI), will be adding chapter related warnings!
Status: ongoing
divider by @cafekitsune (which btw I loved! she has so many amazing dividers I think I spent almost an hour going through her blog to pick one 😭)
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0.1 - gang bang pew pew
0.2 - say the fuckin' name
1.0 - guess who's going to south korea!
2.0 - HOW COULD YOU????????
3.0 - a good plan
5.0 - ...please use Pinterest!
6.0 - petnames
7.0 - the lore runs deep
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A/N: hi hi this is my first smau and i'm super excited to put this out. hope you all like it! you can be added to the taglist by filling this form. incase, you cannot access it, feel free to send me an ask!
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