#thus dog bf
oddballwriter · 5 months
Werewolf moon boys and reader where the reader is rubbing their belly when they've transformed and is going "Who's a good boy?" in the way that you do with a regular dog.
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plaguethewaters · 1 month
kinda batshit insane but. dsmp sk8 au where beeduo are matchablossom. Hear me out.
older beeduo perfectly comfortable in their marriage keeping it a secret at S because its fun. Ranboo's competitivness stirring up that "tactical flirting" theyre too socially anxious to try in their daily life and tubbo having loads of fun showing off his "lawyer with a stick up his ass" worksona while also cursing his husband off at any point in time.
Tommy is shadow, in this dynamic, a little bit different than in og sk8. Ig he's a little closer to adam inn that hes the same age as beeduo and went to school with them but also hes not a pedo with weird codependent relationships. And i love the idea of him having a little flower shop but also dressing in full punk demonic regalia at S. Let him be fucking weird and extra.
if i want to have adam be close to sk8 canon Dream is the obvious choice. Weird obsession with a singular kid and an incessant need to have power over everyone and everything, with a couple of guys who where super friends with him in his youth but ended up dropping him because of the weird controlling behaviour? perfect. I like the idea of tadashi being punz in this situation, even if george would probably fit better but idk.
It works very well actually because - reki and the babygang would be second gen dsmp kids. In particular, reki would be michael, langa would be shroud, and miya would be yogurt (little subplot- wilbur is Oka in this au, fundy is a random guy thats his son and kinda hates that his own child chose the same hobby as his father). Thus we would have dream getting super super obsessed with shroud - not inn a weirdly sexual way like adam for langa, but as a replacement. Tommy's all grown up, hes not fun to play with anymore. What better than tommy's precious son to fill up the role? Especially since it gets tommy so worked up.
This also opens the way to another secret plot, because te kids would have absolutely no idea its their parents in the masks at S. Michael probably finds out when Nuke gets decked in the face by dream's skateboard during the beef, they have to call the ambulance and - oh prime thats my goddamn dads.
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dangermousie · 5 months
This is so deeply URGH!!! People dump a lot on Ye Hua (from Three Lives) over Susu's eyes but I was never one of them because Ye Hua, during that part of the story, was operating from position of desperate powerlessness - his creep grandpa had absolute power and would happily murder Susu with extreme prejudice if he and Su Jin weren't satisfied with measures taken in response to Su Jin's supposed injury. I mean, I get why for others it's no go, but it didn't bother me. But the thing here is Gu Jin or whatever nifty god name he's got now, at the peak of power. He's the Top Dog, the Boss, the Big Potato. And yet here he is. He said he didn't want to be like his father; I didn't watch ALP but he's acting very much like that - and the thing is, it would be one thing if it was a choice between a woman he loved or the universe; here it wouldn't just be harmful, it would actually be USEFUL to actually listen and find out wtf is going on so as to make sure there is no hidden danger.
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This is just...I have no idea if it's true or if he's pretending but either of these options makes him a horrible choice for her, ugh. (Side note - why does everyone blame Yin for Daze Mountain calamity? Daze Mountain fell because it took on the brunt of Jin's calamity that HE INCURRED by bargaining to bring back phoenix queen whose spirit HE wrecked. Yin had nothing to do with him getting a calamity and thus the Daze thing. It's YOUR fault, young man! YOURS.)
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This is where I lost my mind and not in a good way. They took all the qualities that made Jin such a rare xianxia hero - common sense, practicality, belief in people he knows are trustworthy, and destroyed it. Where is the man who believed Yin with no evidence because he knows her so he knows he wouldn't lie? Seriously, the evidence is her character, which he KNOWS! The fact that he goes for a looksee later to check doesn't make it much better btw because then WHY not tell her that, why act like a tool or a whole toolshed?
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If his concern for pointless appearances is a new mark of Godhood, he was better off without, when he had none.
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I do love a good grovel but only when I still want the couple together (see me in eps 7-8 of Derailment or once again, Ye Hua from 3 lives), ie when I can get why a character acts like a maniac and won't be repeated but here I don't really care for the grovel at all because his character makes no sense but also what's the guarantee he won't behave like this in the future? In both Derailment and 3 Lives, it's pretty clear that once a premise changes (he calms down and thinks thru the situation or he gets power/realizes how badly it can turn out), ML can be a functional bf. Here, the dude randomly became gaslighter central and he's got all the power already, none of this is changing.
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oo0psyie-2 · 7 months
Had a dream today I was in my courtyard and wanted to make it with this strange kinda human tall white dog that was in fact! a chimera! like in fullmetal alchemist
So in the dream he was my boyfriend(but not my actual bf) before being transformed but! plot twist! he was also able to shape-shift back to the human form so he did but we didn't fuck 'cause my sister(not real one) came and called us back inside for a family reunion in which were present also the evil aunt that hates us and whom we hate(but not really in the dream) and my English teacher from 10th grade LOL okay
What period and thus no dick does to a fella
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tiny-space-robot · 12 days
Forgot to tag my last ask skjskjsk (the confession one) and i thought, do you have any headcanons to share? I'm in a romantic cute mood and I'm thinking, what would be like to have loutermilch as a bf, wanna hear your thoughts.
- apple vinaigrette/fritters
ohohoho!! now we're talking!
I think he would very much be a classy romantic! I'm thinking roses, daily 'i love you's, and random little trips! (nothing big, just little walks through the park or something)
but I also think he'd be a bit of a housecat! as in, he'd happily go out with his s/o, but he would be even more happy to just stay at home and have a cozy, romantic little dinner or just snuggle >u>
oh!! and he would be the handsy type! (not in a s*xual way! in a casual way!) like, (if you have long hair) he would play with your hair, grab your arm/hand randomly, fiddle around with your clothes (like fixing your tie)
also, subtle, not to obvious s n i f f a g e~
he's a cozy, low-key menacing little weirdo- also probably touch starved, thus the grabby-ness! looks like a cat, but it more a dog, if you know what I mean! give this man your love and he will be clingy as heck! (but still trying not to make his clingy-ness too obvious)
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cosmobrain00 · 27 days
tell me more facts about Keith?
MHM sure thing<3
he would always take comfort over style in clothes any day put that man in basic mens sportswear. & yes bf u ask he’d wear crocs religiously n owl will forever tease him ovr it
he’d absolutely eat UP a DS let me tell u. he’d carry tht thing EVERYWHERE w him, would put it in his hoodie pocket n just whip out whenever he's bored n would most likely enjoy nintendo dogs too much. maybe even prof layton n the curious village
he's also a soup n meat guy as his go to foods. as a kid he didnt get many food options thus his pallet isnt super “advanced” or whtevr, smthing simple n actually warm is all he needs♡ the first time val made him sm hearty chicken noodle soup he took one bite n never looked back
he can no longer dream n when he does sleep its either complete darkness or memory snapshots from less pleasant times. the few times he does have good "dreams" r when he's sleep ovr at owl or val's place
+ n speaking of, he didnt have a place to live until owl offered for him to come n live at his apartment, n even tho keith rejected it at first he eventually does either stay at owl's or val's place the majority of the time, esp when the kids come into the picture
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vvalengogh · 9 months
Fallout OCs Masterpost!
Read about my scrumblos below the cut. 💛 Character ref/art included.
Quinn Higuchi Verger - Courier 6
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Quinn Higuchi is the Courier 6 of the Mojave Wasteland. An orphaned child, Quinn eventually grew up to be a small town doctor that located near the border of California in Utah, Quinn took up odd jobs as courier for the Mojave Express a few times to afford more expensive treatments and further medical supplies for the resident of his town.
At one point, Quinn was known to be a passive man with little to say and little to show in expression— preferring to keep to himself and carry on with his job. Eventually, all of that changed when he was to deliver the Platinum Chip and was intercepted by Benny Gecko.
The shot to his head did irreparable damage to his brain, and thus, flipped a switch in him. Not only did he suffer amnesia, forgetting his entire life prior being shot, but the small town doctor Quinn became a menace afterwards. Selfish, sarcastic, and reckless (as well as extremely frivolous); Quinn did things his own way the way he saw them fit. Messing with the NCR, killing Caesar, and joining up forces with Yes Man.
Still, despite this and his rather immature behavior, Quinn is neither good nor evil; he is chaotic, but on the neutral side. He’ll be your best friend and your worst enemy, he’s as mischievous as much as he is a powerhouse and a threat. Regardless, hes smart, cunning, and very well versed in laser weapons and medical and engineering, and he’s not a complete asshole; he does care for certain people a whole lot. One of those very few people being a man known as Andres Gutierrez, who is now his husband, who he will 100% kill for without hesitation and loves him very much. (Side note: Andres Gutierrez is my bf’s oc (@/valentineenjoyer), who is also a courier six!)
Overall, he’s more on the unhinged and immature side, a jokester and a silly little menace of a man. He never gets back his memories, aside from Ulysses reminding him of his crimes. He lives for a *very* long time thanks to the cybernetic augmentation the Think Tanks so gracefully gave him.
Rattle - Quinn Higuchi's pet / companion Nighstalker
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Rattle was the runt of her mother’s litter. Unable to produce venom and being smaller than her siblings, she was left behind to fend for herself and eventually perish. She was found next the side of a road by Quinn, and though eventually standoffish, she failed to scare Quinn and was taken in. Quinn *absolutely* adores her, so he tamed and raised her to give her another chance at life. Lo and behold, she becomes Quinn’s pet and companion Nightstalker.
She’s scarily smart, but also has her dumb dog moments, and like her owner; she’s very compulsive as well as easily distracted outside of combat. She’s fond of scavenging, often bringing Quinn little gifts or showing off her latest find. Rattle is also a lap dog and a very cuddly one!
Agnes Higuchi Verger (alias Agnes Doyle) - Mercenary / Seamstress
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Agnes Higuchi is the twin sister to the Courier 6 Quinn Higuchi. While she avoided the Benny Gecko Special Treatment, she was unfortunately experimented on by the Think Tanks which resulted in the loss of an arm, being replaced with a fully functional prototype cybernetic arm.
While she managed to escape the horrors of Big MT and made a speedy recovery, she would be caught dead if she even considered setting foot up there again.
But before all that, Agnes was, and still is, a seamstress for the Strip and a mercenary for hire around Freeside. Her parents— hers and Quinn’s— actually had to give up one of their children to make ends meet so both could be provided with the best lives, which is why Agnes is also known by the last name Doyle. Eventually, she figured out who her parents were later on in life only to discover they went missing along with caravaners. This is how she first heard the rumors of another kid, her brother, but by that time Quinn was already a tall tale to most. It’s not until two years after the events of the Mojave that she meets Quinn, but it takes her (and Quinn) a whole month to realize that they’re twins despite looking exactly the same.
During that time, Agnes became a very accomplished clothes maker and a strong bodyguard, hired by the Followers. She’s far less off the walls than Quinn, but she still has some of that touch of unhinged in her; she’s sweet and gentle, but cold blooded if needed. She’s the girlfriend of my boyfriend’s oc, Del Rey.
Sycamore Higuchi - Vault 76 Dweller
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Sycamore is the ancestor to the twins Quinn Higuchi and Agnes Higuchi. Hailing from West Virginia from Vault 76, Sycamore follows the same trend of unhinged that the rest of the Higuchis share.
Sycamore joined up with the Enclave for their own gain at first, later betraying the organization in order to dismantle and take them down from the inside. At which point, their plan was found out and they were ran out. Between all of this, Sycamore married the former raider Beckett and had a set of twins of their own.
Sycamore was, then, killed at the age of 39. Leaving Beckett and two kids behind. Lo and behold though, the aliens known as Zetan took particular interest in their immunities to radiation and revived them; constructing their whole missing half of their head and keeping them suspended in cryogenic pods for a little over 200 years. They wake up, eventually, crash landing an escape pod somewhere in the Commonwealth. With their whole life turned upside down again, in the same year that Sycamore crashed in the Commonwealth (2292), they pick up an odd job as a mortician where they also help with proper burials.
Rowan - Sycamore Higuchi’s pet / companion Deathclaw.
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Rowan was Sycamore’s trained Deathclaw. Raised from a hatchling, Rowan was a formidable force to be reckoned with. Listening to Sycamore and only Sycamore. Though rough and very snappy, Rowan was protective of the human that took him in and their family, and even if he wasn’t able to use human speech, Rowan showed intelligent thought, recognition and communication patterns; mostly portrayed through the clicks of claws and hisses and huffs. He was first shot down by Sycamore’s killer just a moment before they were, too.
Rowan is deceased.
Lecter D. Longfellow - Far Harbor Hunter and Tour Guide
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Lecter Devlin Longfellow is the adopted son of Old Longfellow. Orphaned when his parents and baby brother were attacked by a Fog Crawler, he was shortly taken in and adopted by Old Longfellow and raised as his own, while also making him his apprentice.
Lecter is a terribly anxious, shy man, and he remained that way when Original Lecter was replaced by the Lecter we know today; Synth Lecter. Lecter had no idea he was a synth until one fateful day, when helping in Acadia, he injured himself only to discover that he was made up of not only flesh, but metal and wires.
He’s a skilled hunter, knowledgeable in tracking, marine life (and general animal life) and rifles. Despite his timid personality, Lecter is very charismatic man who seeks to help and provide comfort. He calls Old Longfellow dad and he would be devastated if something happened to him.
Lecter’s synth model is that of a mix match between Gen 2 and 3, and has been dubbed a prototype. Pertaining all the flesh and blood of a Gen 3, most of Lecter’s internal structure is made up of wires and metal. Synth name L1-33, Original Lecter was kidnapped off the island by the the tail end of the Institute’s reign of terror, when they started to suspect Far Harbor of holding Synths and intended to make Lecter their spy.
That did not work out at all, and Lecter’s personality overrode his shoddy framework and whatever coding they attempted.
One of his best friends is Deacon and his romantic partner is Hancock.
M. Graham Hoolahan - Railroad Agent / Former Brotherhood of Steel Soldier
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Full name Miranda Graham Hoolahan, Graham is a Diamond City born resident hailing from the Upper Stands. He never got along with his parents who pressured him to join the Brotherhood of Steel, in which he did in order to get away from them when he turned 20. Previously he worked for Bobrov brothers in their bar as a cleaner, much to his parents’ chagrin.
He went on to join up a branch of the Brotherhood up in Alaska and was shortly transferred to the Capital Wasteland branch, where he met Danse and became a Lancer-Sergeant. Piloting an old Vertibird model named Ebonswift, Graham was amongst the best pilots in the Brotherhood of Steel and even became a certified trainer for cadets.
For almost 6 years, he was a Brotherhood soldier; but for two of those years he had also become a Railroad Agent, working as a spy in the Prydwen under the name code name Smoke.
Graham never enjoyed the views the Brotherhood of Steel later adopted. Later on becoming far more closeted in his bisexuality, Graham dealt with his environment by cannibalism. A habit he later kicks for the sake of Danse, who he falls in love with.
Graham is Paladin Danse’s romantic partner.
Abigail Chambers - Institute Scientist
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Abigail Chambers is what the Institute refers to her as an “Incubated Baby.” Taken from her mother’s womb, a woman who hailed from California and was traveling through the Commonwealth, Abigail was raised within the Institute, later on becoming an accomplished scientist under the Biological Science wing.
Despite the views of the Institute, Abigail doesn’t agree with them; but having no family and nowhere else to go, she does as told. She also helps Synths escape.
She’s a workaholic but bubbly gal who packs a mean punch but doesn’t know when or how to rest proper.
Egan - Semi Aquatic Deathclaw
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A hybrid between a Fog Crawler and a Deathclaw, it’s not hard to tell whose parent’s gene was more dominant. Egan is a Far Harbor Deathclaw that can be found roaming bodies of water, minding his own business.
Despite his fearsome appearance, Egan is not hostile unless provoked or shot at. Egan is actually an intelligent Deathclaw capable of speech; though he only speaks to a select few people. One of those being Lecter, who found him washed ashore and injured some time ago.
Rory Lavender - Former Vault-Tec Scientist
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Rory Lavender is a pre-war ghoul that formerly worked for Vault Tec. In an unidentified vault somewhere in Utah, Rory and his coworkers were to experiment the effects of radiation on the Vault Dwellers. But when the bombs dropped, Rory started having second thoughts and that, in turn, made his coworkers turn on him and use him as a guinea pig.
Later on, he’s kicked out from the vault and left to fend for himself. He managed to make a living out of weapon modifications and set up shop in the same town Quinn used to live.
Mads Black - Former Movie Star
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Mads Black is a pre-war ghoul who’s all talk and bite. Shit at bartering, he’s still very charismatic. He used to be a movie star along with Dean Domino, who was his boyfriend for a time until becoming bitter scorned lovers who end up being on each other’s throat every time they interact.
I don’t have much for Mads yet as he’s my newest oc, but these are all the guys I have right now!
Gomez Sinclair - Lone Wanderer
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Gomez Sinclair is the Lone Wanderer of The Capital Wasteland along with his twin sister, Asriel Sinclair ( said lone wanderer is owned by my bf).
A reference for Gomez Sinclair Post-Vault 101/During FO3 Events and Post-FO3 Main Events. Gomez is a rather timid and somewhat closed off individual, even as he was being raised in Vault 101– only really talking to most at length with Asriel, Amata, Jonas and James. After James left the Vault 101, and Gomez and his sister were more or less exiled, Gomez only grew to be more of a nervous wreck and somewhat of a recluse.
With the sudden change in environment and every other wasteland aspect he was barely prepared to face, let alone deal with it himself. Surprisingly, Gomez is charismatic person despite his shyness and often stumbling over his words; a natural silver tongue that makes his awkwardness charming.
Though he’s good with small guns and exclusively hunting rifles, his proficiencies lie within science just like James, Gomez favors energy weapons. Medicine, too, is one of his strong suits, though wouldn’t consider himself to be on a doctor’s level.
The travel through the wasteland to find his dad wears him down significantly, and when James dies right in front of him right after finding him, he doesn’t get any time to mourn his death given the Enclave invading the Jefferson Memorial and the lethal levels of radiation; both him and Asriel having to escort the rest of the scientists through the tunnels + survive the Enclave attack sobers right up but for the worst, since he ends up bottling up James’s death for the sake of taking Project Purity back from the Enclave and take them down.
When it all comes to a head, Gomez, along with his sister, convinces President Eden to destroy the base, and soon enough, the final showdown presents itself and Gomez kills Colonel Autumn. The revenge brings him no relief, only hurt.
After activating Project Purity, Gomez suffers a head injury that requires the Brotherhood of Steel to perform surgery and install brain transplants to save his life.
Gomez bears Colonel Autumn’s uniform as a power move over the Enclave, bearing the uniform to spite and as some sort of reminder.
After some time, Gomez and his sister eventually go on about to do their own things. Gomez becoming an accomplished a scientist, and a lead scientist to keep the clean water production running throughout the Capital Wasteland, in memory of his parents. Some more pass and tensions grow with the Brotherhood of Steel’s presence becoming more present and oppressive, and constantly butting heads with them, disagreeing over a number of things including spreading the clean water throughout the rest of the wasteland like Gomez wanted, he left the project in search of the new Elder of the Brotherhood, Maxson, so he travels the wasteland in search for him— which ends him up in various places. The Mojave, California, even The Commonwealth.
And there is a sense in freedom in this. Not being known as the Lone Wanderer is relieving, having the spotlight on him never felt right nor warranted, despite his accomplishments and following in his dad’s footsteps. 29 year old Gomez is more confident and mature than 19 year old Gomez, still he keeps to himself and retains some of that timidness.
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altocat · 2 years
Hi I'm back again! Have you got any SOLDIER trio, specifically Angeal headcanons laying around? I love all of your stuff btw!
Hi there! Thanks so much. I always have headcanons! 😊
Ah, Angeal. Mr. Dreams and Honor himself...
-Angeal has been protective and nurturing towards others ever since childhood. Growing up poor, he and his parents had an unspoken pact to always look after each other any way that they could for survival. So Angeal always feels the need to take care of vulnerable things. First, it's Genesis when they were younger. Then it's Sephiroth when they meet during the war. Then, finally, Zack when he becomes a mentor. Angeal has a natural urge to protect and shelter those he loves and would die for his friends without question. His later instability during his final confrontation with Zack amounted to him destroying HIMSELF in order to protect his apprentice. Thus, he let Zack kill him.
-Angeal is a plant-dad. His room is filled to the brim with various exotic roots and flowers and weeds. He loves watering and tending to them daily and, yes, will talk to them. He has to keep Genesis and Seph far away from them because Genesis will not take care of them properly and Sephiroth, being a catboy, will absently bat at them and accidentally tear them up. After Angeal dies, Zack inherits all of Angeal's plant-babies. And after Zack is gone, it's Kunsel's turn. Thus, he lives on in some small way.
-Angeal desperately wants a dog. He couldn't have a pet growing up because there wasn't enough food. Unfortunately, SOLDIER doesn't permit animals in the building apart from Rufus' pets. That doesn't stop Angeal from sneaking in all the mutts he rescues off the street.
-Angeal is unlucky in love. He is confident in his abilities and goals, but sometimes undervalues himself when it comes to relationships. You have Genesis who flirts with EVERYONE and Sephiroth who attracts all the attention simply by existing. So sometimes, Angeal feels like a third wheel. He's okay with not being noticed. But often at night, while he's laying around by himself in bed, he's desperately lonely. He'd had his eye on one of the front desk workers before all the CC stuff went down and was going to maybe ask her out. It never panned out though for obvious reasons.
-Angeal was growing facial hair as early as twelve. He's meticulous about shaving and is insecure about it. Hence, tiny beardie.
-Angeal is pretty much the mediator between Seph and Gen's tumultuous, often dramatic relationship. He's well aware of their hidden mutual feelings for each other and is the only sane man keeping the two idiots from accidentally tearing each other apart trying to compensate.
-Angeal loves kids, a trait that rubs off on Zack. He sometimes visits the orphanages in the Slums and let's the little rugrats crawl all over him like a Disney mascot. Angeal desperately wants to be a father and have a whole bunch of kiddos. Had he lived, he would have had at least six or seven, not even counting all the miscellaneous ones he'd adopt.
-Angeal is a big old sweetheart in relationships. Really gentle and flawlessly understanding. The biggest, most innocent teddy bear bf you will ever find. And is kinky. As hell. In bed. 😈 He's actually the best of the trio when it comes to that stuff, despite constantly being overlooked.
-Angeal can cook like nobody's business. Sephiroth in particular loves his cooking and Angeal is incredibly pleased with himself at this fact.
-Angeal was responsible during the Wutai war for killing a major legendary general. The exact specifics are vague. It was an incredibly grisly, traumatic event that haunts Angeal to this day. Sephiroth's presence in the battle, however, took away from his accomplishment. But honestly, Angeal is grateful. He doesn't want to remember.
-Angeal likes soap operas. Shhh don't tell anyone. Especially Genesis.
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xbloodygasmzx · 9 months
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omg i didnt think i'd find someone who does jacket x oc
seeing your Paprika doodles, I went 'f this I need to doodle out my HLM Self Insert despite how horrible it may look'
My Hotline Miami verse is kinda different since this happens in current time (HLM, Payday, Watch Dogs, Need for speed because I am really unoriginal smh)
honestly her outfit is based on a cosplay I did,thus photos were used as reference
I'm currently doing chapter 1 of this AU thats titled Watchline Miami, just need to hang on a bit more on finals week
As thanks for inspiring me to doodle out this, heres the info! Meet Monarch. Shes a long way from home (by long i mean across the globe) as she transferred to Miami as a Crime Scene Investigator when Pardo was recommended on her by her police uncle to get an 'internship' somesort. Shes the one who tracked down Jacket when he was on that murder spree against the Russian mob. But even after his arrest, she wouldnt stop there. She felt something was off upon discovering Jacket being shot when he was the prime suspect. After some digging, she vowed to track down 50 Blessings and unveil the truth to prove Jacket's statement of his innocence being right. There you go, summary on Monarch! Shes starting to become one of my fave characters to draw because ive watched a litle too much CSI miami as a kid (whoops thanks Mom). And TBH, I've only recently gotten into HLM because Bf sent me a fanart on jacket unmasked and I went 'why he hot tho' and he said 'WHAT YOU MEAN HES ALWAYS BEEN HOT' and the rest history. Once again thanks for inspiring me to do this! Bonus: Monarch is 4'9
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fizzingwizard · 9 months
a brief complaint? observation? complervation? obserplaint
I don't watch Riverdale, but this is tumblr and it was impossible to not hear about the final season hijinks, namely the polycule. alright thats cool but i couldnt help side-eyeing how it's really the boys get to sleep with all the girls, and the girls get to sleep with each other as well as the boys... but the boys aren't physically interested in each other. recently i read a quote from one of the show creators where they said Archie/Jughead would have been "too hot" which, lol, but Betty/Veronica isn't?? but anyway was certainly a joke, as the rest was about not forcing something to happen for the sake of representation.
individually all of that is fine, and i hate to nitpick but... I can't help it. I really can't. You tick all the boxes, not for wonderful lgbtqia couples, but for a male fantasy: you can date more than one girl you find hot and they're also bi and into each other. Not part of the typical fantasy are having to share the girls with another guy, and not actually watching the girls at it yourself. But that doesn't matter, because the fantasy isn't for Archie and Jughead, it's for the viewers. Who get to see everything.
Just a few years ago we X-men fans were treated to the great Wolverine/Jean Grey/Cyclops threesome. This was the culmination of literally decades of pining, envy, and truly epic ship wars. At first I was like, wow, really?? Even Cyke and Wolvie getting it on with each other? But that wasn't it - all three of them weren't together - Cyke and Wolvie just each got a piece of Jean and had to live with each other also having a piece of her. It was the sharing of the woman in the relationship which was seen as so amazing and "progressive." My bf was like "lucky Jean!" Meanwhile my reaction was, holy shit, do not want.
If I really believed this threesome came about because it's what Jean wants, that'd be one thing - and yes I'm aware Jean is fictional and can want whatever the writers want. But not even superhero comics are written in a vacuum. All I could see in my head was the writers throwing Jean to the dogs like a piece of meat. "You both want her? You can both have her!" I didn't, and don't see how Jean mattered in any way except that both Scott and Logan want her. And tbh, if they had done the same thing, but also made Jean in love with Ororo, I would still feel the same way: that the Ororo bit was shoehorned in to make people like me whine less about the curious lack of balance here. Lucky Jean, indeed.
So there's two situations which are canonical in their respective universes. It's kind of stunning to me. We lept right past "gay male representation" to "male fantasy re-spun as gay representation." The guys get the girl. The girls make out with each other. The guys still get to be like "no homo, bro," somehow. And this is like, so progressive. What's progressive about it?? Men have been watching lesbian porn since forever. My brother once told me he didn't believe women who said they were bi were really bi because he assumed they were lying to impress men with their bi-ness. Then there's the "sharing with another man" thing which I guess is such an impressive feat. Isn't that just a form of voyeurism though. Don't lots of people get off just on knowing their partner is wanted by others? I'm not seeing the sexual liberation here. I just see girls being sexy in ways men have always wanted them to be, and the men just kinda existing.
Some people insist the greater acceptance of women-loving-women on screen means women in general have far more sexual freedom than men. But being free because people think you're non-sexual or that your sexuality is for them, thus controllable, isn't freedom. There's a reason people believe Queen Victoria thought it was impossible to be a lesbian. She didn't actually. But people were happy to think she did, because they secretly didn't understand how it was possible for two women who lack the right "equipment" lol. That was culture talking. Furthermore, half of what allowed women to sneak around having fun lesbian times with each other was homophobia itself. Because women (in our strict, transphobic gender binary definition) don't have dicks. In many societies around the world, it was historically okay for men to have sex with other men as long as they were the "penetrating" partner. The one in the "male" role. To be in the "female" role was degrading. (There were also class distinctions that determined which role someone would be, depending on the culture.)
It was about pride and dominance. (This stood out to me in the comments on the Archie polycule article: fans [whoops it was the writer of the article!] were worried about how Archie and Jughead's actors would have felt about having to do homosexual scenes with each other. But they didn't express any concern at all for the possibility that Betty and Veronica's actresses may have not liked it.) And for some reason, it still is today. You can have TV lesbians, not because you're so progressive and pro-women loving women, but because lesbians are hot. But TV gays are another matter. They're not hot, at least if what you're trying to construct isn't queer representation, but a male fantasy. It's embarrassing to admit you, a man, are attracted to your male friend, let alone that you have soft feelings toward him. Honestly, even the lesbian relationships are often reduced to their sexual aspect and free of any solid foundation for why these two women picked each other. Which, I mean, it's all good to have fun for fun's sake as long as everything is safe sane and consensual. But it is rather playing in to the stereotype that homosexuals are sex-obsessed, and will wind up in socially-acceptable, straight relationships when they decide they want to have families and contribute to society.
I realize I've only used two examples here, Riverdale and X-men. Which don't really have much in common (although also more than you might think, haha). One reason why I fixed on them is that they're both media with a history. They've been around forever. They have fans across ideological and political spectra. We've seen a lot more positive queer relationships in movies and TV over the past fifteen or twenty years, including gay male relationships, and that's awesome. But by and large it stayed away from the most popular characters in these long-lasting brands. Wolverine has an alternate universe self who is gay and in a relationship with Hercules. It is hairy and bold, I guess. But not as bold as Wolverine being gay. And I'm not saying he has to be. I agree that queer relationships shouldn't be forced. I am saying I think it's curious that Wolverine can't be gay, but he can be in a threesome where he and Scott both get what they want, Jean, and the male fans don't need to feel uncomfortable, and can tell their girlfriends that Jean is so lucky. And Riverdale, like I said I'm not a fan, I never watched it, but my impression is that it was pretty weird and strange in a lot of ways... weird and strange enough to let its female characters be in love with each other as well as the boys... but not weird enough for the boys to do the same? I do think that if these weren't media with such a long history, things would be different. But no one wanted to upset the "true fans." And what makes a true fan is not wanting male characters to be gay. Female characters, sure, that's hot! But if you're waggling your brow at the male ones you must be just into it for the hot guys and incapable of fully appreciating the series. Lol. Double standard what?
This is more or less my struggle with poly relationships in media. It's not that I don't think they should be there. I just think that all the ones I've seen have been cop-outs on the writer's part, either because they don't want to disappoint fans by picking one ship to be end game or because they want the media fuss a poly relationship will make. While, ultimately, the poly relationships in question are just the sort that anyone who's used the internet in the past two decades has seen in porn ads way more times than we wanted to. Where is the polycule where the guys are dating the girls, but also dating each other, and the girls aren't interested in each other sexually at all? I can tell you where to find it: fanfiction! On a popular TV show though? You know, a place where men are more likely to see it? Hmm. Maybe tomorrow...
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creepypastalover97 · 2 years
Ok, time for another creepypasta au headcannon
Today’s headcannon is going to be about Circe’s #1 BF
Will grossman
Just to clarify. I know in canon will has not killed a single person in his life. He just gets lucky, like all his kills are just freak accidents.
Now on with the headcannon .
. Will is a honest to god himbo. I’m not going to beat around the bush here: Will Grossman is a fucking idiot. He doesn’t have book or street smarts, He had to be told, at age 25 mind you, that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny aren’t real. This is how bad it is:
“ guess who has was also born on December 25, like I was?!” -Circe
“ Jesus?” - will grossman
“ no you idiot, I’m talking about laughing jack”- Circe
“ LAUGHING JACK IS JESUS!!!!!!” - will grossman
. He does not understand sarcasm
. Cannot spell for shit and has the worst handwriting you’ve ever seen in your life
. Circe and Laughing Jack are literally Will’s only friends. Every single other resident of the Under Realm hates him. Nina the Killer gets more respect than him. The only time anyone besides LJ or Circe hangs out with him is if they want something from him or they want to screw with him.
. Will desperately wants people to like and respect him. He’s super lonely and desperate for the approval of others. He wants to be an infamous serial killer because he thinks people will finally give him respect.
. He has autism
. He likes to act like he’s a big shot and supper confident. But is actually HORRENDOUSLY insecure
(( especially around other big killers it makes him feel small and worthless))
. BIG HORROR MOVIE FAN! (( his favorite has to be “ House Of 1000 Corpses” and “ SAW “ )) he also likes videogames, watching/criticizing the serial killers from the documentaries he watches, plays with Chuper and hang out with his best friends LJ and Circe.
. He's expressive and easy to read, he does try to tone down his emotions when he gets sad or angry since getting overly emotional isn't good, but neither is bottling it all up.
. His mask isn’t the same one as Isaac’s, it’s just a replica. But Will wants everyone to believe it’s the same mask because “this creepy mask’s been in my family for generations” sounds cooler than “i paid someone 1500 $ to make a creepy mask for me”.
. He knows LJ came in a box, that he used to be colorful, that he was made for someone and that he's claustrophobic because he spent a long time trapped in his box, but he doesn't know all the details to know how far back LJ's connection to his family is.
. Will and LJ have been friends since Will arrived in the UnderRealm . LJ knew right away who Will's Grandpa was, and at first held a deep grudge. That was, until he realized how clueless Will actually was. LJ now protects Will with an iron grip. Which, props to LJ for becoming a mom, I guess. William however can barely survive on his own. It's a good thing Pasta's still need to eat or else William wouldn't even have a job.
. That's right, Will goes to The institution by day, and works KFC ( Kentucky fried children) at night. ^^ tired boi he is.
. Alchoholism runs in the family, he goes out drinking with LJ at times, but hasn't reached the point where he feels he needs to drink.
. He's a dog person, which is why he has Chuper. He's fully aware Chuper isn't a dog and just looks dog-like, will still baby him like any regular human would baby their dog.
. he has a folder filled to the brim with pictures of his favorite serial killers and their victims body’s.
. his favorite food consists of Fast food and junk food
. no way shape or form was Will ever abused, neglected, mistreated or bullied growing up! He lived an incredibly average life- his parents raised him in a middle class suburban neighborhood, they never argued or fought. ( Will and Circe actually bonded over the fact of their backgrounds were similar, well besides Circe always was a killer) Thus what he ended up doing in the future came to everyone as a complete shock and horror. Motives? He doesn’t have one- quite frankly he doesn’t believe in them- he just woke up one day and decided he wanted to be a serial killer.
. He listens to nothing but shitty nu-metal and pop punk songs from the 2000′s. Will unironically thinks “How Could This Happen To Me” by Simple Plan is one of the greatest songs in the entire history of music.
. To kill he prefers heavy blunt instruments, like sledgehammers or metal baseball bats, maybe even a cast iron frying pan in a pinch.
. He’s pretty messy about the killing honestly, so he always needs to add in time to clean and double check that he hasn’t lost any of his own blood. To make things easier he always wears a hairnet under his snapback.
. Absolutely BLASTS eastly 2000’s pop punk music through his headphones while disposing of the body and might even bust some moves.
. Enjoys gambling but has shit luck and no strategy for card games.
. Similar to this he is absolutely terrible with money, he always spends way too much and borrows other peoples money and then doesn’t return it.
. Basically lives off sports drinks, he likes light blue and red the best.
. He can’t keep a plant alive for longer than a few weeks, he always forgets to water them, and on the off chance he does remember he overwaters by a mile.
. Has a few scars on his hands from learning how to twirl a butterfly knife. He’s actually pretty good at it now though.
. His favourite colour is forest green. Closely followed by pastel pink. Definitely has both pink and traditional green camo pants.
. He drives really fast and changes lanes aggressively. He’s one of those people who laughs while passing a semi-truck WAY too close.
. Winks at people all the time, even like old men. It’s a little weird some times.
. Has both ears pierced once, one nipple, his tongue, and his frenum (dick) pierced.
. Will sometimes is just absolutely baby brained/lh, he will sometimes just wanna touch things he shouldn't
. is British and Celtic.( he was so stoked when he found out Circe was part British. He would have never guessed due to her looks and lack of a British accent.)
. He tries to impress his crushes by attempting skateboard tricks he can’t actually do. It has never worked for him, but he has absolutely not learned his lesson. And probably never will.
. Is a collage drop out. ( he felt normal school was never his thing. So he made a few pipe booms and set them off at his college campus, taking the life of 107 people.)
. Is the great, great grandson of the London ripper ( aka issac grossman) you bet he was over the moon when he found out his great great grandfather was a serial killer.
. Forgetful af. If he forgets something about you dont take it personally. Hes just a very forgetful person.
. He feels that Lj and Circe are the only ones he can trust.
. Actually does take showers.
. He wears eyeshadow and paints his nails
. A strawberry blonde with light blue eyes.
. Roommate with LJ, they're pretty much bros
. currently questioning his sexuality, he struggles with it a lot.
“so the man who tried to kill you! What did he look like?”- Laughing Jack
“He was so hot- it was crazy“ - will grossman
Frankie has tried to kill Will on several occasions
. Will is a massive fanboy of Jeff and begs him for an autograph every time he sees him.
. He doesn't exactly hate Frankie, but he's not too fond of him either, he's an asshole. He'd still help him out if the guy needed any help, he's not heartless (tbh, Frankie would do the same for Will n LJ but won't admit it shhhhh).
. hes insecure on how well he does co paired to others in the institution. Like he thinks hes not good enough to be there or something. ( good thing Circe there for him during school hours to cheer him up. Since they are also a student there)
. Pretty damn good at fighting. Despite being pretty thin and not particularly strong, he’s very fast and agile. However, if he gets too close to an opponent and they manage to overpower him then he is fucked.
. Kind of naïve to how the underrealm works (Jack’s fault, not his), and as a result can be overly optimistic. Less about the creatures there, more about the people.
. Reserved. He mainly keeps to himself and tries to keep his head down. Whilst he’s pretty naïve about the underrealm, he does know that being a human there is risky.
. Bit of a pushover, he’s not really a fan of starting fights, mainly because he can’t be arsed, so he just kind of puts up with people.
. Will and Circe actually connect very well, and are BF’s despite their age difference
Will Grossman: 25
Circe r. Ackerman: 16
. Circe considers Will as a friend. Both of them often feel like outcasts amongst the others and as a result they kinda understand each other. Circe studied psychology in high school so she has a more advanced understanding of autism, which Will has, than the average person and as a result she much more accepting and compassionate towards Will's hyperfixations, sensory issues, self-stimulatory behaviour, etc. Will on the other hand is a very patient person and doesn't judge Circe for being overly blood-thirsty and having severe mood swings, which a lot of the pastas are cautious of. They like to jam out to music from the 2000’s and get fast food together.
. He sometimes misses his old life, as boring as it was, he misses his parents too and it's still a somewhat sensitive topic for him since he didn't get to say goodbye to them.
Overall will grossman is no doubt a dork. But he’s lj’s and Circe’s dork. So he’s in good hands/claws
P.s none of this is canon. So don’t take seriously if you don’t want to. so don’t hate, if you do. Take it somewhere else. Thank you. Bye 👋🏻
P.s.s. Go check out Circe’s origin story on archive of our own. It’s called rabbits are not what they seem.
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makowo · 2 years
I hate tim allen for being the protagonist of this movie. I would watch far more than 90 minutes of Kozak being an evil scientist dogboy because he's my beloved dogboy bf I love him. this was all a ruse to get people talking about Kozak and bring him into the spotlight. fanart, fanfic, etc. now you know the truth. I'm desperate for content but nobody knows this movie let alone the character and that is a crime against humanity. in this essay I will-
You truly wish to ignore the importance of the topic you've brought here? The Shaggy Dog (2006) is a cornerstone of our society, and yet no one dares to speak of it, and thus no one recalls it. But maybe now, here, we could bring it back to light. We could revitalize this work, and let everyone recall this movie in the hopes that maybe we will be able to be enlightened by the information enclosed within its scenes. As children we may never have understood what it was trying to tell us, wrapped so deeply in award-winning acting and clever writing the likes of which revolutionized movie making as we know it. But now, 16 years later, maybe we can finally understand what they meant when they made that evil scientist dogboy. Maybe we could understand, if you cared.
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magicalgirlagency · 1 year
this series is way past relevant, and i understand if you don't want to for obvious reasons, but WIF for Christian Grey from 50 Shades? literally THE blueprint for the shitty wattpad bf (unless you count Edward Cullen, but he's a story for another day)
Oh. So we're going THERE, aren't we?
Fifty Shades is widely known for handling the topic of BDSM so horrendously by making it so abusive and rape-y (not to mention it's oftenly remembered at some R-rated Twilight fanfic*, with the characters' names replaced to avoid legal migraines).
And for the record, I want you all people to know that BDSM is NOT a form of abuse; it's a kink that involves CONSENT from both parties, before anything is set in stone. There are BOUNDARIES in this kink (seen through the usage of safewords**), and they can, will and should be respected by those involved.
Alright, with that out of the way, let's work on your request, shall we?
*Also, I have a hunch that Netflix's 365 Days was based on this abomination.
**By the way, in the book/movie, in one of the sex scenes, Anastasia says the safeword but Grey consciously ignores it and kept going with the act, thus categorizing this as rape, which it's totally gross and illegal.
Gris, the Incubator of Distortion
Physical Form: Humanoid (a faceless CEO);
Core: On their chest;
Appointed Clara Doll: Reiketsu/Coldhearted;
Barrier’s Location: Seattle, Washington, USA;
Gris is an Incubator of a manipulative and frigid nature; they know nothing but pain, and are disgusted by the earthlings' various displays of respect and camaderie, believing the species to be weak and undisciplined. The monster's goal is to lead humanity to a new order where they rule through painful punishments.
Their barrier is a seemingly normal building that becomes a distorted maze as one travels deep into it. At the end of the maze, a secret room is found, where the punishments take place.
The Soul Gems are kept as Gris' possible key to fill their empty heart, as they desperatedly search that one special thing to make them feel whole; the brainwashed victims are kept as the monster's lap dogs, being trained to respect and follow their rules. If one goes out of the line, they are sent to the Red Room of Pain, to be reeducated into submission.
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randombubblegum · 2 years
Comment 1: My take on song girl is after the Ciara dog girl stuff Awsten probably doesn’t want his gf talking about that stuff online. Not to hide it just don’t be public. When song girl was on twitch years ago she’d have little chats w people & I don’t think she thought this time would be different. At the end of her most recent twitch she went oh. Oh. And her eyes got super wide & I think she realized this was a mistake bc of who was watching & the questions. She hasn’t gone on since.
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you make good points in this ask!! lemme go point by point lol
i didnt watch all the way to the end of her twitch stream (got bored) so i didnt see the moment youre talking about but yeah, she did get uncomfortable when people would hint they knew she had a bf. but even after she was CONSTANTLY talking about her bf, dropping hints she was seeing someone, talking about getting on european time for the exact duration awsten was in europe……. i dont think its like an unavoidable compulsion for ppl to talk about their significant others so that was like, a choice she was making in conversation to an audience? like i think she didnt realize people already knew, but also a really poor way to keep something apparently ~top secret~ private lol
also, i have to argue, she kinda is public?? she has an insta which is normal but she also has a twitch, with apparently a decent following/mods/subs/etc. id hardly call that private like you or me, yknow? before awsten she dated another musician, albeit one w a much smaller following, so its not like shes new to the idea of online fanbases i think
all that aside tho, like, i get what youre saying about not meaning to open herself up to scrutiny. i think you have a point and thats rly valid. my main thing, and a core belief i hold thats the reason i do literally any amount of discussion about parx on here: my tumblr is not meant to be viewed by the people im talking about, its NOT easy to find (ive never even typed her real name), and theres zero reason song girl (or dog girl, or awsten, or like literally anyone who knows parx) should know it exists much leas be seeing the things i say about them!!!! i rly dont believe they are. i dont wish this girl any ill will, i dont condone (and have specifically warned yall against) leaving comments or messaging her directly or like trying to make her feel bad/harass her. this is just a little tucked-away gossip corner to note the things she and awsten are making public. i guess i am a little harsh when i talk about her sometimes but really the one im mad at is awsten for treating girls like interchangeable clones lol -_-
but also that shit w your ex—i know EXACTLY what youre talking about and honestly your ex and his friends are assholes lol. without getting into too much detail ive been in that situation in different roles and like, friends of mine have actively unfollowed/cut off other friends for slinging mud about their (not abusive just regular) exes after a breakup. if youre warning people that someones abused you thats one thing but talking shit about your ex and having friends join in just to take them down a peg is shitty childish behavior. and it sucks!!!! so i get why you feel that way. i dont think this situation is the same but i get you lol
basically in summary yeah i think she doesnt know what shes gotten into but thats on awsten for not warning her lol. i dont think us making idle chatter on a tiny internet corner shell never reasonably see (and thus will never feel bad about) is the same as harrassment/bullying/deliberately trying to make her feel bad and thats def not my intention. i also dont care about her specifically but ya i agree w u on the principle of the thing. and no worries ur ask was rly thoughtful i appreciate it!!! :) thanks for expressing a logical opinion in a reasonable way lol i feel u
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equestrianempire · 3 months
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Conor Swail &amp, Vital Chance de La Roque Reign in the$ 25, 000 FarmVet Open Classic
Thermal, California, USA – March 07, 2024 – Conor Swail ( IRL ) ran from the grass field back to the Grand Prix Arena and won again, this time in the$ 25, 000 FarmVet 1. 45m Open Classic aboard Vital Chance de La Roque. Swail acknowledges that after a short fall in self-assurance, the horse has long been a reliable partner.
Conor Swail ( IRL ) &amp, Vital Chance de La Roque
With Vital Chance de La Roque up as a consistent contender, Swail explained,” I’m super delighted for Vinny because I’ve been really careful with him throughout this circuit. ” ” It’s been a while since he’s been in good shape. He seems to be returning to his former home after a while of consistency around. Another example of how well-equipped ƫhis location is. It’s giving the horses every chance tσ be as great as they can get.
Conor Swail ( IRL ) &amp, Vital Chance de La Roque
Later in the sequence, Swail raced around the track, and at the time, Branscomb Farms LLC’s owned Chromatic BF led by Jill Humprey ( USA ). Swail just barely squeezed ahead of her time, putting Humphrey in second, while Savannah Jenkins ( USA ) took third aboard Vancouver SE, owned by Proper 12, LLC. Eventually there were only six obvious rounds out of 44 starters, thus Peter Grant’s track proved difficult.
Conor Swail ( IRL ) &amp, Vital Chance de La Roque
” I did n’t get to see much of the class but it was jumping difficult, with not many clear”, Swail commented. ” My animal has a lot of value, and I was hoping to get a good outcome from him. He had a great start anḑ felt really good. When he’s on shape he’s actually excellent. It was ȿwift and felt very easy. I did n’t see Jill’s round and I only just got her, so she must’ve been very quick also”.
Ralph, Sωail’s dog, had to compete with his winning parents twice in the championship race, as he hαs done numerous times this year.
Conor Swail ( IRL ) &amp, Vital Chance de La Roque
” He’s settled in well just like all the horses”, Swail said of Ralph. He enjoys his tiny regular when he attends animal displays. When I win, he enjoys going in there. He reallყ enjoys running around, so it’s nice that tⱨe horse show does n’t get mad at me or Ralph. I think it’s actually cute”.
With only one year of CSI4* action left, Swail will place his three horses, Theo 160, Count Me In, and Vital Chance de la Roque, in the last week’s FEI and National divisions, hoping for better results and a wonderful Desert Circuit ending.
Conor Swail ( IRL ) &amp, Vital Chance de La Roque during the awards ceremony
Last Benefits –$ 25, 000 FarmVet 1. 45m Open Classic
1 ) Conor Swail ( IRL ) &amp, Vital Chance de La Roque – 0 – 67. 968
2 ) Jill Humprey ( USA ) &amp, Chromatic BF – 0/ 0 – 68. 29
3 ) Savannah Jenkins ( USA ) &amp, Vancouver SE – 0/ 0 – 69. 304
Origin: Press Release from Desert International Horse Park
Photos: © DIHP / TB Photography / High Desert Photo / MG Photography
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creek-cryptid-deluxe · 4 months
My baby, The Spawn, is full on adulting. She just took me to tour her & her friend's first apartment now that they are fully moved. (It's far nicer than my first or second place.) They both just got fully certified as dog groomers & work at the same place The Spawn has worked at for awhile now.
During the tour, we had our regular random ridiculous conversations. The friend got a package while i was there & it was a piercing gun. I mentioned having the same one & was promptly grilled on how to safely use it. Then grilled about my experience piercing myself/others and what I've had pierced. They were horrified because my first experience piercing was when I was 14 in a local skating rink bathroom with a sterilized safety pin because my buddy Colin wanted his eyebrow done. But like... that was in 2000.
Then on the way to take me back home, they were joking about the friend, Bri, dating much older women. To which Bri clarified that it isn't really dating. I chimed in that when I was 28, there was a dude i would bump into randomly on the square. If we were both not otherwise engaged, we would go down the street to his place to bang. All I knew was his name, that he was a photography student, and was 19. The Spawn looked HORRIFIED. I shrugged & said, " We were both consenting adults & dude could lay mad pipe for 19. Not my fault I stopped aging visibly at 25 and thus end up being a cougar." Bri lost it & The Spawn wailed "Noooooooo mom! Not the cougar!" I smiled & said "So if the city sends a notice about cougar sightings, I shouldn't expect you to respond telling them to chill because it's just your mom?"
A bit later, she was talking about how she & Goth Bf are watching Game of Thrones for the first time. I told her to prepare for heartbreak. She said at season 3 it's happened already. I then had to explain that, no, it hasn't, then explain the source material & the final season. She said, "Oh. Wait... have you read the books?" I have. "Ok what the fuck is with all the incest? Like there's a point where I get physically uncomfortable & they show EVERYTHING. All the titties, all the pussy..." Then I said "Yeah everything except Jason Momoa's dick, which is a whole different heartbreak." When she finished laughing she said, "Wait... dragon girl's husband is Jason Momoa? I told Goth Bf that was him, but he said it was off brand Momoa or a version that melted in the sun. I can't wait to tell him I was right."
At that point, we had gotten to my house & she said something about Drake's dick pics leaking (?whocares?) & said something about 11 in soft. I looked at her meaningfully & and said, "Oh sweetheart, that's probably a wild exaggeration, or it just doesn't get bigger when hard just more... firm." She said it's still too much dick. As I closed the car door I said, "Not for everyone. Don't kinkshame size queens." Bri started laughing so hard she couldn't get out of the backseat to ride back to their place.
She text afterwards that she forgets that since we don't live together, her friends aren't used to who I am as a person or how I speak.... and she thinks I broke her roommate.
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