#tibby rambling
worldhardtibbysoft · 1 year
my brain is fighting for its life for which rotisserie chicken (interest/topic) to rotate (hyperfixate) in my brain
Fr Wally Darling, Paimon, and March 7th are brawling it out in my brain
I should draw that..........
but i have
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an1muuarts · 2 months
i find it so funny that the way some ppl draw chimera laios (the falin version, not the other one), they add the brooding patch when in fact that only female birds have it
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kittencalypso · 2 years
god i love boobs so much
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siennaditbot · 1 year
New OC alert! (Kind of)
I turned my dogs into Sonic characters :>
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This is Nova, a 14yo model who's been in the business all her life. She's as close to an alcoholic and salty ex-actress as a 14yo kid with her whole life ahead of her can get. Cute and perfect on camera, but short tempered and a slob off camera.
She might be a model, but somehow her diet includes anything and everything that's considered somewhat edible. She loves clothing and photography, which made her start her career, but the business is slowly killing her passion for them.
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This is Cosmo, Nova's 17yo sister, who acts as her guard/manager. She resents the modeling business mostly due to it's inhumane nature, but also because she didn't get in because of her heterochromia (dumb, ik, but that's how dog shows work lol). Still, since Nova wanted to do it, she tries to make things somewhat enjoyable for her and keeps an eye on her.
If it wasn't for Nova's career, Cosmo would be traveling the world, having fun and meeting tons of new people! She loves swimming and exploring!
These two do love each other, but both get jealous over the other. Cosmo because Nova got what she once really wanted, and Nova because Cosmo is prettier.
Most likely gonna tune things later but I really like these concepts already! My cute lil babies <3
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scuddle-bubble101 · 2 years
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Give it up for eight am and no sleep gamers.
help hvnjdnjf-
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albobeati7 · 2 years
I can't believe I never showes this OC here: my buff soul warden who owns a club where the souls he's collected work for them 😳😳😳
Here for your entertainment 😏✨️
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(Pay no mind to the Instagram, i changed it to AlboBeati7 fdhdhsjsj)
All pronouns are good!
Old art which just means gotta draw 'im again
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Sexy bots get out the Hollow Knight and Bubbline tags
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ohitslen · 1 year
I didn’t notice the sudden swarm of people in my followers so UM— I doubt many will read this but anyways.
First of all- thank you so much for your support! I’m glad we are all into this brain rot together, I’m forever grateful for it :,) I do read all your tags and wish I could reply to all of them, be aware that I have so much fun reading them when I have the chance🥹💖
Secondly, I’m inconsistent as hell and I’m a struggling student who can’t balance out shit so, don’t really get used to the regular posting OQJSJW I do this for fun so, yeah just keep that in mind I guess PFFT
Again thanks for coming by and I hope that y’all are enjoying your time as much as I am enjoying mine! Peace ✌️ ✨
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megamix's medley remixes are amazing because they have a consistent amount of games from each game. left-hand and right-hand have sixteen rhythm games total with four for each game and final has thirty-two rhythm games total with eight for each game (with four of those ofc being the sequels and endless games/introduction). :3
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call-me-beans-mcgee · 2 years
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@abd-illustrates Hopefully you don’t mind that I made an oc for Heartless 👉👈
Click for higher quality!
Reblogs are appreciated!
Don’t repost :) 🔪
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doomednarrative · 2 years
Peter's test fic, which is named "It Still Leaves A Mark," has just...gotten So much bigger than I expected it to be tbh. What was going to a be a simple fic about the aftermath of Peter's test has become this deeper character study into his and Mark's relationship and a look at Peter as a whole in Jigsquad, it's just. Good fuckin god
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nighty-night-nh · 3 months
Happy women's day yall. I love my gender being Woman (?) 🤍
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hikikomuridesuuu · 7 months
Genuinely sorry for the Darius Brainrot I swear I'm better than this. It will happen again
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luckystarman · 2 years
i did see a sheena cosplay go up for sale which is very.  tempting.
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siennaditbot · 1 year
Look at my dog with her one braincell
Also the other one (Cosmo) barking in the bg because Nova started barking at the screen lol
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ftm-megamind · 1 year
imagine, if you will, jack kelly birthday:
he wakes up and the first thing he hears is the shouts of other boys, already singing happy birthday to him and calling him an old chap. it's always a big deal, birthdays for the newsboys, and the guys don't let it go for the entire day - maybe they even treat jack to a drink at tibby's (or jacobi's, whichever you prefer to think of) or race gives him a cigar.
jack takes it all with a smile, enjoying that everyone treats him nicely and loving all the dicking around.
what he doesn't expect is that david seemingly forgot? or he's ignoring the fact that it's Cowboy's Birthday today, because when the guys loudly remind him, david just nods, not bothering to say anything to jack, going with his usual routine of selling papers.
jack is kinda sorta really sad because of this because, hey, his best friend just forgot? but he doesn't push it.
the second thing jack doesn't expect is what happens over at david's. he gets an invitation for dinner, and he agrees. david's parents, sarah and les also don't mention the specialty of the day, but hey, at least the meal is warm, so jack isn't complaining.
then it gets weird. when everyone's done, there's some leftovers left - logically, jack gives them to les, knowing him well enough to know his appetite. everyone else though, including les, ushers him to eat instead. then, when jack gets up to gather the dishes and carry them over to the kitchen, he gets practically yelled at. confused, he finally agrees to stay in the kitchen and eat the leftover kasha while the entire jacobs family carries a few plates to the kitchen.
and then they come back, with a cake and singing for jack, and jack is left there, surprised, his fork halfway to his mouth, and he can't help but laugh a little, just because he's delighted. he feels a warm fuzziness in his chest, he feels dizzy with the idea that the jacobses (who lately barely make ends meet because of mayer's injury) went out of their way for *him*.
they eat the cake, jack gets personalized birthday wishes from everyone, and even a hug from mayer- then, when he's about to leave, david nags him to follow him up to the rooftop.
when they're up there, david fumbles with something hidden behind the planter while jack looks down at the streets of new york and rambles about something. and then, david pulls out a little package, and walks over to where jack is standing.
"happy birthday, jack," he says, and the fond look on his face is more than enough to knock all air out of jack's lungs.
jack unwraps the gift, and inside there's a little book, it has a cowboy on the front. jack is already jittery with the joy he's feeling, but when he looks inside and sees for My Cowboy written so neatly in davey's handwriting, with a little heart next to it, he's pretty much over the moon.
"i thought you didn't want me leaving for the west," he says eventually, stupidly, unable to think of anything proper.
"i don't," davey admits, "that's why i bought you this. you get your cowboy fantasies right here, in new york, in this book, and i get to keep you. it's a win-win," he jokes, but not really, and it's very clear from the glint in his eye just with how much adoration he looks at jack.
jack is smitten, but he tries to keep his cool, a sly smile on his face. "bold of you to think i'd ever leave you."
all in all, the best gift jack got that day was probably the kiss from davey which he got on the roof, under the moon, right where he wants to be forever.
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