ticklygiggles · 8 months
Beach Competitions | Oikawa Tooru & Kuroo Tetsurou
Commissioned by @wertzunge
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A/N: final commission for Maaaaax! Max, thank you so much for your always kind support and for being so so kind and patient to me! You are an angel ❤️ I hope you enjoy this one! Thank you again!
Summary: Ah, the beach. The perfect place to relax and have a good time in peace and quiet... right?
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Oikawa watched the Nekoma team coming out from a van he thought was way too small and cramped for all of them to fit together. He heard his own teammates giggling and whispering to each other as they saw some of the tallest boys almost tripping on their way out, including Kuroo who yelled and even hit someone on the head out of pure embarrassment. Oikawa had to laugh too and he made sure to tease Kuroo about it through the whole day. 
The sun was warm right above their heads. The sea breeze felt good on the skin sticky with sweat. The smell of watermelon mixed with the smell of salt, warm sand and sunblock. Both teams were opening umbrellas and tents, chatting happily, kicking sand between them to blind the other, and mingling together as a little improvised family. All the stress of the third years about graduation and the future was kept locked in a little box that would be opened later, when the daily routine began again. 
Meanwhile, Oikawa made sure to enjoy his break to the fullest. He competed in a swimming race against Iwaizumi and Haiba Lev and both Seijoh players lost miserably against Lev’s long legs and arms. Oikawa also joined a funny conversation with Mattsun, Takahiro and Kai Nabuyaki. He was very surprised to see the Nekoma vice-president laughing so much at Mattsun’s jokes, he even apologized for how loud he was being. 
Oikawa even timidly approached that little setter, wanting to share some advice and stuff, not before laughing his head off when he saw Kenma’s face and limbs completely white, covered in sunscreen. Kenma, although shy and quiet, did answer Oikawa questions and thanked him for his advice. 
Oikawa did many things, but above them all… he challenged Kuroo in every single thing he could think of. Watermelon seed spitting, volleyball, a race, another swimming competition, even sandcastle building. Both captains did their best even when throwing a frisbee, and for everyone else it was a little fun to see them yelling at each other– or at least that was what Oikawa thought as he heard the other's laughter when he and Kuroo almost pulled their hair to prevent the other from reaching the finish line in their third consecutive race.
Unfortunately for Oikawa, each of these competitions ended in an embarrassing tie. No matter how much he sweated and how much his muscles ached, Kuroo always caught up with him. Oikawa hated that, but it also fired him up even more to have such a formidable rival. However, frustrated by the conclusions of his competitions with Kuroo, Oikawa jumped on him and thus began a wrestling match; wet, flushed bodies getting covered in sand with every pirouette they took on themselves, trying to pin the other down. 
One moment Oikawa had the lead, but in the blink of an eye, Kuroo was yanking on his arm in a certain way, successfully throwing him to the ground, but then Oikawa would catch Kuroo's leg and turn him over to his original position with his back pressed against the sand. 
“Stay still you damned cat!” He screamed, trying to put Kuroo in a necklock. 
“You move away and just give up!” Kuroo would yell back and then a bunch of random screams and grunts would fill the air. 
“Oi, you two!” 
Just when Oikawa was going to set the perfect necklock to finally pin Kuroo down, Iwaizumi’s voice unfocused him and he quickly moved away from Kuroo to prevent a terrible and unfair loss to him. 
“Iwa-chan!” Oikawa wined, dragging his tired and hot body towards the rest of the team. “I was about to win!” 
“Ha!” Kuroo laughed sarcastically, also breathing heavily as he followed Oikawa. “You wish! I was clearly the one about to win!” 
Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and Matsun, Makki, Kai Nabuyaki and Yaku Morisuke tried to keep from laughing as they gave them both a bottle of sport beverage. 
“Yes, yes. Hey, we were thinking,” Iwaizumi said, pointing at the rest behind him. “We got an amazing challenge for you both. This will be the definitive one! Someone has to win, no matter what."
That made Oikawa and Kuroo's eyes shine with excitement. 
“What is it?!” Oikawa asked, shaking Iwaizumi's shoulders. 
“First, you both will be buried in the sand,” Yaku Morisuke purred and he pointed at two big holes in the sand, perfect for them to fit in. Oikawa frowned. They really had everything prepared, huh? 
“Yaku, what are y'all planning?” 
Yaku rolled his eyes and Oikawa thought him and Iwaizumi were so alike. “Shut up, Kuroo, and just get in. Or what? Are you a coward?” 
Before he could even finish his sentence, Kuroo was already sitting comfortably inside the hole, Oikawa following suit.
When they started to bury them in the sand, Oikawa was thankful they chose a place with a nice shadow, at least it wouldn't be hot while doing whatever game they had in mind. The sand was refreshing against his warm skin, Oikawa thought he could fall asleep at any second. It was strangely comfortable and the sound of the waves lazily crashing against the shore surely lulled him into a peaceful state. 
“Sleepy?” Makki asked him playfully and Oikawa grinned groggily. “You can step out, you know? And rest a bit.”
“That would mean that I admit that Kuroo Tetsurou beat me at something and I'm not going to allow it,” he said, loud enough for Kuroo to listen. “It's my honor at stake, Makki."
“Haha, just you wait, Oikawa. No matter what, I'll definitely win this one.”
“Don't be so sure,” both Yaku and Kai said and Oikawa couldn't help but feel a little nervous, seeing the playful look in their eyes. 
Oikawa blinked, noticing that they were all buried now, only their head and feet sticking out. He tried to move, but he could barely do so under the weight of the sand. He got a bit more nervous, but still tried to act tough, although he could clearly see Kuroo was also sharing his feelings. Oikawa cleared his throat, but before he could say something, Mattsun spoke up. 
“Okay, so this game will be easy… for us at least,” they chuckled and Oikawa felt his ears heating up, for some reason. “This is an endurance test. We'll be tickling you as best as we can. The first one to give up, will be the loser. The one that holds up the most, will be the winner. Easy right?”
“What?!” Both Kuroo and Oikawa yelled and their faces flushed. Any trace of sleep vanished at once. 
They both knew that if they complained, it would mean that they were not brave enough to face this challenge, so they both decided to stay silent, or at least, without complaining about this silly and childish idea.
“It's fine,” Oilawa said, trying to look calm. “But why am I having three people to tickle me and Kuroo only two?” 
“Hehe, are you jealous? You think you won't take it. You should give up now.” 
Suddenly, a little blond head poked from behind Yaku and Kuroo gasped. “Kenma?!” 
Kenma looked at him with disgust. Oikawa was wrong, he definitely was more like Iwaizumi. “I don't want to do this either, but I was forced to,” he said, crossing his arms above his chest. 
“We hid his phone,” both Yaku and Kai grinned. And with that, they started to position themselves. 
At his feet, Oikawa found Makki, Mattsun by his legs and Iwaizumi by his torso. Beside him, Kuroo was also being surrounded: Yaku at his feet, Kai at his legs and Kenma by his torso. Oikawa felt nervous flutters inside his tummy and his body started to tingle in anticipation. How would Mattsun and Iwaizumi tickle him if he was buried like this? He really didn't want to know. 
“W-Wait, wait wait!” Kuroo begged, a trace of laughter already lacing to his words. “C-Can I at least laugh?” 
“You both can laugh,” Iwaizumi explained calmly. “But if you tap out,  Oikawa will be the winner.”
“Keke,” Oikawa cackled mockingly. “Are you admitting you are more ticklish than me, Kuroo? You can give up already if you're so scared!” 
“Now.” Oikawa gasped when something dragged up his left sole. His eyes widened when he saw Makki smirking at him with an eyebrow raised. Oikawa gulped. “You should keep your mouth shut for now, Oikawa.” 
“Okay, are you guys ready?” Kai asked, grinning at both captains. “Your safe word is ‘watermelon’”
“So original… ouch!” Yaku whined. 
“Okay. In three- now!”
“Hah?! What about two and– fuck!”
Kuroo laughed right away, Oikawa could hear his teammates making fun of him, teasing him about how ticklish he was and that he was definitely going to lose. Kuroo didn't even try to stop laughing, once the dam was broken, there was no coming back; Oikawa knew this very well, that was why he tried to hold back as best as he could, but the tickling to his feet was relentless.
Fingers brushed all along his soles, the sand sticking to his skin only making the sensation worsen, especially when the tickling moved under his toes. A reluctant, wobbly smile stretched his lips as Oikawa tilted his head back, tightly shutting his eyes.
“Hmm? Perhaps Oikawa will be able to win?” Makki said, wiggling his fingers between Oikawa’s toes, making him snort but still no laughter came from his mouth. 
“Kuroo over there really is having a hard time, huh?” Mattsun giggled, and Oikawa imagined him looking at Kuroo with that teasy grin of his. 
“Kuroo is the most ticklish person I know,” Yaku said, his fingers glued to the exact spot in Kuroo's feet that had him laughing nearly in hysterics. “I'm surprised he even agreed to this.” 
“Well,” Iwaizumi said, making Oikawa jump when he poked his cheek. “It's not like we asked them, right?” The rest laughed, but Oikawa could barely hear them over his internal screaming. 
“Oikawa is the most ticklish person we know,” Makki said, insistently wiggling his fingers under Oikawa's toes. “But he's holding himself very well.”
Could it really be said that he was ‘holding himself very well’? No matter how hard he tried to move his feet away from Makki's toes, Oikawa could barely move under the weight of the sand. His face was red and hot and it wasn't because of the sun, he was short of breath and if he dared to open his mouth, he knew that his loud and embarrassing laugh would escape.
Thankfully for him, (and Kuroo), the tickling suddenly stopped. They both went limp, breathing heavily and twitching slightly. A well deserved break-
“Just kidding!” 
Those bastards! Oikawa's laughter came out embarrassingly loud, even louder than Kuroo's. He didn't think Makki would start tickling him all over again– and he knew Yaku was also wrecking Kuroo all over again. Oikawa shook his head, feeling tears of laughter clinging to his lashes as he twisted his feet as best as he could, but it was all useless and his damn laughter wouldn't stop for even a second. 
“Okay, time for stage two!” 
“Whahahahat nohohow- ahahack! Nohohoho!” 
Oikawa didn't notice when or how, but Mattsun on his side and Kai over Kuroo's had dug two holes in the sand around their thighs. The sudden warm touch of hands squeezing his muscles startled him and he squealed before falling into a louder laughing fit, if that was possible. Kuroo was not doing any better, but Oikawa couldn't tell anymore who was laughing the most and the hardest.
“It's a little higher,” Kenma mumbled, instructing how to properly tickle Kuroo's thighs. “It's the upper muscle- ah, right there.” 
Oikawa was nearly seeing stars. The safe word almost slipped out between his laughter, but no! He had to stay strong, there was no way Kuroo Tetsurou could win against h- 
“AHAHAHAHA! Plehehehease not thehehere!” 
“Hehe, time for stage three,” Iwaizumi said, giggling as he buried both hands into the sand. Another two holes directly above Oikawa's tummy. The clawing around his belly button was enough to have him in hysterics. 
“KEHEHENMAHAHA! I hahahate yohohou!” 
“And I hate your stupid laugh, give up already so I can have my phone back,” Kenma said as he found Kuroo's underarms under the sand. The poor Nekoma boy was losing it as Kai and Yaku giggled maliciously. 
Oikawa suddenly thought that he and Kuroo were actually receiving some kind of punishment? It was true that they had been too loud and had accidentally pushed someone several times… He had been exceptionally annoying towards Iwaizumi, complaining about Kuroo all the time and dragging him into his silly games. 
Yaku, Kai, Kenma, Makki, Mattsun and Iwaizumi all groaned loudly when both boys screamed the safe word at the same time. The tickling stopped and Oikawa and Kuroo were left breathless and laughing themselves silly. 
“It seems our plan didn't work out. They'll keep being annoying.” 
Oikawa heard them and when he could finally breathe almost normally, he looked over at Kuroo. 
Kuroo looked at him and nodded. “Tr-uce.” 
“Hey, you both. It's time you guys stop– oh.” 
Exhausted after all their competitions and the tickling on their most sensitive spots, Oikawa and Kuroo finally succumbed to sleep. The other boys laughed and sighed in relief. At the very least, everyone would have a break for at least an hour! 
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lovelynim · 4 months
Hello Fabi my sweetheart, I'm here to congratulate you on the 1000 milestone AND ALSO be very greedy and use this opportunity to request Lee!Oikawa and Ler!Reader with navel as the spot
é isso ai, um grande beijo e meus parabéns 😱🥳💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Vou escrever em PTBR mesmo e que se exploda. Muito obrigada pelo apoio!! A gente se conheceu (começou a interagir na vdd) faz pouco tempo, mas te considero pacas.
De qualquer forma, espero que goste desse meu gesto de gratidão por tudo que você fez por mim recentemente. Hah.
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“T-tira a mahahão daí!! AHahAHah, eu tô fahahalando séheherio!” Oikawa riu, agarrando seus pulsos com toda a força que restava nos braços - que já não era muita, para o azar dele e sorte sua. 
Você sorriu contra a pele da nuca dele, fazendo um arrepio se espalhar pelo corpo dele. “Tá mesmo? Rindo assim, nem parece… será que você não consegue ser um pouquinho mais convincente?” Você sussurrou, uma de suas mãos segurando a camiseta dele fora do seu caminho enquanto a outra atacava a barriga dele com cócegas, seus dedos gentilmente circulando o umbigo dele, arranhando de leve os poucos músculos que ele tinha no abdómen e cutucando pontos onde a carne era mais macia.
“P-pohohohor fahahavor!! AHahahAh, i-isso fahahaz cócegahahas!!” Oikawa choramingou entre risos, se debatendo no seu abraço, tentando encontrar uma saída, uma maneira de fazer com que o seu toque fosse menos efetivo - mas todas as tentativas sem sucesso. Você sabia que tinham só mais alguns minutos antes do intervalo acabar, então era melhor ter certeza que cada um deles seria muito bem aproveitado.
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Oikawa x injured reader
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Background: you are Seijoh’s manager (you’re a second year) and you were running with the boys and you trip and twist your knee and in the process and tear your meniscus
Y/N= First name
L/N= last name
F/C=favorite color
F/F=favorite food
I/C/N= Incel name
I had gone to school this morning in a rush so as not to be late. But alas luck was not on my side today
Because I ended up being over 20 minutes late to class and with the rain I hadn’t seen a light pole and ran right into it thus cracking one of my glasses lenses in a spiderweb fashion now rendering my left eye useless and my vision doubled
I sprinted through the halls to my class and was fortunately able to slip in undetected before attendance was even called only to be grossly hit on by the classroom’s resident greasy sleaze ball nice guy upon my immediate entrance.
“Well well m’lady will you finally go out with me or be a fool and go out with some jerk?”
“I-I’m sorry I/C/N I’m just… not interested in you.”
“Wow you’re so rude L/N and I’ve been sooo nice to you”
I just avoided eye contact and just went to a nice darker corner of the room to get away from him and pray for the day to end without another absolute travesty happening again 
But alas
This was not the case
Of course Tooru fucking Oikawa had to come bursting in to the one class I had with the greasy incel 
“What do you need Oikawa-San?”
“Y/N-chan we are having an extra practice next class and I thought I would come to tell you!”
“I/C/N it’s not-“
“Anyway Y/N-chan you’re free to join us at anytime but maybe you’ll wanna come early? We’re thinking of also planning a team bonding activity”
I realized I had a choice to go and join them when the teacher looked at me and nodded her head
“Of course I’ll help!”
And of course riiiiiiiiiiight when I got up and got to where Oikawa that nasty incel started screaming out a bunch of incoherent curses  and… interesting expletives 
Thankfully Oikawa had speedily put his hand to my lower back and escorted me out 
“You deal with that everyday?”
“Yeah but it’s fine. As long as I ignore him there’s no worry”
“That doesn’t change that he’s being creepy and you shouldn’t have to deal with that”
“Just drop it Oikawa-san I can’t have you worrying about something that might cloud your mind”
“Alright boys I want all of you to go run to the track, run 2 laps and run back to build your endurance” the coach said while very specifically looking at Kyotani and as if to say ‘if you so much as get a scrape competing against each other I’ll skin you alive’
“Pardon my interruption coach but may I also run with the team? I’m trying to build my lung capacity for band again”
“Sure just make sure to keep an eye on Oikawa and Kyotani and not get lost”
And with that we were off
I put one headphone in and started jogging. At first I was at the middle of the pack but I steadily made my way to the front and when I finally made my way to the front I started running faster up the slope that would take us to the track.
By the time we finished the first lap out of my right ear I heard fast and thundering footsteps only to see Kyotani trying to sprint past me in order to assert his dominance but I sped up to double the pace of my music before starting my breathing technique for running thus officially leaving everyone in the dust.
I did not however account for Oikawa wanting to assert his dominance over Kyotani and Oikawa started SPRINTING not to catch up with me but to beat Kyotani. There was uh…one problem though.
Oikawa was EXTREMELY fast and had long legs (longer than mine like sheesh) I was worried he was gonna get hurt by trying to outrun everyone and right as he was finally catching up to me and about to pass me I started screaming “SLOW DOWN OIKAWA YOU’RE GONNA HURT YOURSELF AGAIN”
He IMMEDIATELY stopped running and only decided to run next to me and keep my pace since I already had out run the whole ass team and had lapped half the team
There was just one problem
The song changed to be faster
Like 30 BPM faster
So as the tempo changed in the music the tempo in my feet changed
“Sorry Oikawa but I gotta keep pace with my music for my training!”
He never caught all the way up to me but he stayed close behind
Which was a curse and a blessing for what I didn’t know what was coming  
Because right after we got off the track I got my foot stuck in a hole and twisted my knee as I fell
“I’m okay Oikawa i just fell is all” which was true but I had to down play my injury in order to get better all around and to keep helping the team
“I’m okay! Really! I can walk see?”
I then stand up only for my knee to betray me and give out
He then runs to my side as I’m on the ground trying to quickly re-adjust my knee so it at least looks normal to make sure Oikawa doesn’t worry which could lead to me not being able to participate
“I-I’m ok I just need a few seconds to get up and walk it off is all-“
And of fucking course fucking Kindaichi catches up with us and that piece of shit of course calls out:
So now there’s all this yelling because of Kindaichi’s panic call out and this of course brings on a new wave of panicked screaming from Oikawa and a now frantic Iwaizumi charging towards me
“It’s ok I-I’ll be fine I can walk it off. I always do I’m fine”. 
“OI WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?” Oh of course Iwaizumi jumps into this mess
of course Oikawa jumps back into this and it becomes apparent that he’s not giving up on this and I realize there might not be an out for this.
and finally after what seemed like ages Oikawa comes back to me but with Iwaizumi this time 
“Y/N I’m going to pick you up by your armpits and Oikawa is gonna help me get you back to the gym ok?”
“I’ll be fine Iwaizumi-san I can make it back fine”
“Nope we’re carrying you. Actually I’m going to relocate your knee so you’ll be in less pain”
“Nonononononononono I’ll be ok really I just need to not be a baby and walk it off.”
“Oi Shittykawa hold her still so I can do this ok”
Oikawa crouched down near me and wrapped his arms around my upper body and as Iwaizumi was putting my knee back in place, Oikawa decided that I needed a stronger distraction than just a surprise hug from behind 
And so he decides to dig his fingers into my ribs and starts plucking at them like an electric guitar and nuzzling my cheek with his nose
“Waiahaihahahahahahait nohohohohohohohho oikahahahahahahahahawa thahahat tihihickles pleahehehehehehehse”
“Sorry Y/N-chan but you need this and you know what they say, laughter is the best medicine! Isn’t that right Iwa-chan?”
“I hate to say it but he’s right for once, it helps produce endorphins which lessens pain”
“I-hihihihihihihihihihihi neheheheheheehehehever sahahahahahahahaid ihihihit huhurt”
“Y/N-chan! What kind of captain would I be if I let our precious manager be hurt! And besides you’re always there for us so it’s only fair that we’re here for you!”
He of course moves his hands from my ribs to my tummy and that made it worse and made me squirm more than I had before and on top of that my laughter went from just barely held back giggles to full blown belly laughter
That gave Iwaizumi his chance to fix my knee and while I was distracted he got my leg and readjusted it at the knee, but as he was snapping my knee back to the correct position Oikawa went down to my hips and started scribbling there with his nails and I went WILD
“Awwww how cute! Your laugh is so pretty! I could just eat you up! Coochie coochie coo! Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle~!”
“Oi Shittykawa I’m done you can stop now”
“Come now Iwa-chan are you hearing her laughing? She never laughs! And she’s so cute!”
“We have to get her back to the club room so her knee can get checked out by the nurse”
“Awww ok.” And he pouts and lets me go as my giggles finally die down and I try to get up but quickly get pulled back to the ground only to immediately be picked up again princess style by Oikawa.
I had been taken back to the club room and the nurse had confirmed that on top of the dislocation of my knee I must have dislocated my meniscus and will need a brace as well as crutches for a week or 2.
“But will I be able to march?”
“I’m afraid not my dear for 2 weeks”
I was about to pipe in calling bullshit only to be cut off by Oikawa:
“It’s ok Y/N-Chan you have us to help you! Besides I’ve dealt with something similar before as you know so I can give you some tips and tricks too.” He says as he wraps his arms around me and nuzzles into my neck affectionately
I immediately get flustered by this and the nurse pipes in
“I-I’ll step out for a second so you 2 can have a moment to process”
Smooth. Real smooth
“Now that we’re alone I want to ask you something Y/N-chan. Just hear me out ok?”
“I know we’ve known each other since early-ish middle school and that’s a long time, but I want to ask you something, will y-you go on a date with me Y/N-chan? I know this seems sudden but it’s been sitting for a while and I couldn’t just let it wither away in my brain. but If it already wasn't obvious to you Y/N-chan I've really liked you for some time and there’s no way I can live without you by my side. Every waking moment I’m with you it feels like a dream that I never want to wake up from”
“A-are you s-saying y-you l-like me O-Oikawa-san?”
“Yes Y/N-chan I do. More than that actually.” He says as he gently takes my hands in his and looks directly at me in my E/C eyes and smiled warmly. “It’s actually quite interesting how you didn’t notice~”
“I had no idea you felt that way. Considering you could have any girl you want and-”
“Y/N I swear to God if you say that you’re not good enough I might actually scream.”
“Oikawa-san! You can’t cuss! Hypocrite!”
Then he stuck his tongue out at me and blew a raspberry as he crossed his arms too.
“I didn’t use dirty language though! But on a separate note you better not say you’re good enough for me~”
“Ok but when you have creeps like I/C/N hitting on you and no one else then it gives that impression.”
“Ewwwww how dare he. I’m still jealous because there are boys from the baseball team who hit on you. Like just cause you can hit a ball with a stick doesn’t mean you’re good enough for Y/N-chan”
“What do you mean ‘good enough for me’? I’m not good enough looking for that high of a standard.”
“Look I love you and everything but you are painfully oblivious. A LOT of boys look at you. And you should have better standards because your looks? Stunning. Your personality is amazing too”
He walked over to me again and looked at me. 
“But you ha-” 
And he kisses me
“Sorry Y/N-chan I couldn’t let you keep saying that stuff about yourself” 
He just shrugs after that whole bombshell drop and sits down next to me on the bed and puts me on his lap
“Hey careful of the brace!”
“I know I know. And weren’t you the one telling me to be careful about mine~”
“Sh-shut up” I said getting flustered
“You know you love me~”
“Alrighty boys you’ll be running up the hill to the track, 2 laps around the track and back down again. Except you L/N because you’re injured.”
“Awwwww come on coach I think I can do it! Pleeeeeease?
Then Oikawa piped in with the rich statement of: 
“L/N you remember the doctor telling you to stay off it for 3 weeks and be on crutches for that time” 
“Well I feel fine so screw it. A week is enough for me.”
“How about this coach, since I myself have been having problems with my knee I’ll stay back with her to make sure she doesn’t try anything sneaky.”
Iwaizumi had taken this as his chance to chime in:
“Wow shittykawa is doing something mature for once and taking care of himself at the same time”
And with that they were off 
I had tried to get up as they were leaving when Oikawa had looked away for just a second 
I did not succeed
“Hey where are you going you goofball?” Oikawa said as he grabbed onto my hips and pulled me into his lap this undoing my work to stand up again. 
“Y-you can’t keep me down for long Oikawa!”
“Yes I can darling~just watch” as he finished saying that he put me between his legs and put them over mine to prevent me from standing again
“Oh and just for good measure to make sure you can’t escape~” he had grabbed both my wrists with one hand and started tickling me in all my weak areas on my tummy, sides, ribs etc. 
“Oh look at that it seems my little Y/N-chan can’t move~ too bad she tried to fight me earlier forgetting I’m bigger in both weight and height.”
The end (part 2 maybe. Idk)
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
could i request tickletober #1: teasing
ler: iwaizumi | lee: oikawa
please and thank you!
TickleTober Day #1: Teasing
“You’re blushing.”
“I’m not blushing.”
“Yes, you are.”
“No, I’m not!” Oikawa insisted, turning his face away from his friend defiantly, crossing his arms. His cheeks were stained pink, but of course, he wasn’t owning up to that. “It’s just warm in here.”
Iwa grinned at him. “You’re a terrible liar.”
“I’m not—”
“All right, fine,” Iwa said, holding up his hands in surrender. “You’re not in a mood. I get it.”
Oikawa huffed but said nothing, still looking away from him.
“I won’t do it unless you ask me to. There’s no point in making you laugh until you don’t remember your name anymore unless you’re enjoying yourself.”
“Right.” The setter shifted, daring a peek at him. “Exactly.”
“So I won’t. Your ribs and sides and knees and feet and—”
“—especially your hips are safe from me today. No tickling you until you’re begging me for mercy. None at all.”
Oikawa was gradually turning even pinker, shifting anxiously in his seat. It was adorable, really, how obviously he wanted exactly that, but if he was going to be stubborn, then so was Iwaizumi.
“It’s fun to tickle you, but only when you want it,” the brunette continued easily, smirking, waiting for the inevitable cracking façade. “Your ticklish laugh is fun to hear.”
“Iwa.” This time it came out as more of a whine. “Stop teasing me.”
“Oh? I’m just enunciating my point. I won’t tickle you unless you want me to.”
Oikawa was silent for a long time. So was Iwa. The ball was in the setter’s court now. It was up to him to set it so Iwa could spike it.
After a long moment, Oikawa finally huffed again and turned to face him, eyes averted in a cute, sheepish kind of way. He mumbled something under his breath.
“What was that?” Iwa teased one more time. He couldn’t help himself. He cupped his hand around his ear. “I didn’t quite hear you.”
“I said I want it, okay? I want you to tickle me! Quit being such a tease and just do it already!” Oikawa snapped, flushing redder with every word. Almost as an afterthought, he tacked on a tiny, desperate, “Please.”
Iwa grabbed his sides, digging in viciously, all of that pent-up tickler energy coming out of him at once, making Oikawa screech in surprise and toss his head back with elated giggles. “Like this? You finally admit you want tickles, huh? Just like this? Does this tickle, Toru?”
Oikawa nodded, and Iwa plopped himself in his lap as his fingers traveled down to his hips, both of them laughing together at the silly playfulness of the situation.
Both of them got exactly what they wanted that day.
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wttcsms · 7 months
saying let's get married;
domestic and sweet moments during the first year of newly-wed life (f!reader) <3
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KUROO — "my wife" this and "my wife" that to the point where all his friends and coworkers are groaning and saying we get it, man! you're married now! his dorky nonfiction books taking up all the space on the nightstand. helping him tame his bed hair when he wakes up and is trying to get ready for work. created a powerpoint presentation where he told you he was going to give you the most epic promotion of a lifetime (the powerpoint was themed to mimic an HR presentation describing new employee benefits and perks, along with what the new position would consist of; the final slide asked "do you accept the position of being tetsurou kuroo's wife? limited time bonus offer includes a diamond ring!")
OSAMU — doesn't know how to fold your clothes properly (it's not weaponized incompetence, he just doesn't understand why your tops have these many strings and components to them). tries out all his new recipes with you as his taste-testing guinea pigs. during your wedding reception, atsumu asked you who was cuter: him or osamu. on your off days from your job, you go to onigiri miya and help him close down the shop. blowing bubbles at him from the soap that foams up when you're washing the dishes. him knowing where you're most ticklish and using it against you every time he asks you for a minor favor.
BOKUTO — asks you about kid names before he even pops the question. wants you to quiz him on your family tree because he so badly wants to impress them when he's meeting them (he then asks for a quiz on your extended family once the wedding date is scheduled). gets excited when he sees those corny tiktoks that claim "these initials are soulmates" and he sees yours and his initials paired together; he'll send you those tiktoks and go "babe, look!!! i told u we were meant to be!!" brings you up any time he can, whether it's in regular conversation with friends, small talk with a cashier, a meet n greet with a fan, or a post-game interview. loves to do push-ups with you on his back.
OIKAWA — makes a vision board at the beginning of the year, except the main image is a horribly photoshopped picture of your head pasted on some stock photo of a bride. he was showing you something on his phone, and the notification from his jeweler announcing that your engagement ring was ready for pick up popped up and he nearly dropped his phone while trying to hurriedly swipe away the notification whilst shielding his screen from you. gets all pouty and wants to be the little spoon; will also start asking you "baaaabe, would you still love me if i was a worm?" saw you in the stands booing his opposing team, and whistled, exclaiming "that's my girl!" panics when he sees strands of his hair on the bathroom floor; proceeds to ask you if you'll still be with him even if he becomes bald. then asks if you'll pay for his hair transplant (as a joke; you never use your card when you're with him).
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luvfy0dor · 4 months
Soft Touches 'Nd Stuff ♡⁠˖
Warnings; Suggestive, cursing in a/n, I still only write specifically for BSD, my friends suggested characters from other fandoms, so credit to them; @ilovechuuy4 and @yaeeko and others not on tumblr
Description; Sleepy morning affection ;3
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Imagine laying in your bed with the sunrise visible through your window, dying the sky a pretty wash of pink, oranges and yellows all blended together. Your boyfriends arms are wrapped around your waist with his head burrowed in the crook of your neck and his chest rising and falling against your back. You mindlessly kept your eyes fixated on the rising sun while you waited for him to wake up, taking deep and steady breaths and basking in the peace and silence. Five minutes passed before you could feel his hand rub from your waist to your thigh and his breath on your neck, making you nearly shiver. "Mm.. goodmorning." He whispered, his voice scratchy from sleep. He momentarily rolled onto his back to stretch, kicking you while he stretched his legs and took on a starfish position. Once he felt physically refreshed, he curled right back up to you and kissed your cheek. "Goodmorning." You reply, reaching back to entangle your hand in his hair. "I had the funniest dream about you, last night.." he whispers with an audible grin, and his hands slide down your tummy to your abdomen. You let out a sigh, feeling his ticklish fingers against your skin. "Yeah? Was it really funny?" You ask, a little skeptical. He laughs under his breath and shakes his head. "Maybe not funny, but definitely fun." He leans forward to kiss along the back of your neck, his fingers hooking around the waist band of your pajama bottoms. "Can I show you what we did?" His voice sent more shivers down your spine, squirming in place and nodding. "Mhm.." you let his hands into your pants, feeling them start to touch you where others never had, and never would so long as he gets a say. His excitement was evident as you grinded your ass against his hips needily. "Perfect. When I'm done with you, you'll be glad I decided to tell you about it, sweetheart."
→ Dazai, Chuuya, Nikolai, Tachihara, I wrote this w/ Fyodor in mind but idrk, Belphie, Mello, Heizou, Kaeya, Tartaglia, Wriothsley, Alhaithem, Oikawa, Gojo, Jean, Gallagher, Blade, Boothill, Sampo, Aventurine, Argenti nd your favs!!
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A/n; hey chat sorry for the disappearance!! I had to take the AP World History Exam today!! It wasn't terrible to be quite fair!!! (it wasn't a cold war leq like I desired) (what the fuck was that dbq) (I'm going to kill myself) (not seriously obviously)(update from August chat i got a 5 im so dramatic)
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otomiyaa · 4 months
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Kuroo x Ticklish Reader
Romantic + 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.” Requested by @italeean for my 1K Followers Event🌻
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Your keys were rattling as you opened the door to your shared apartment with Kuroo. Inside, you already saw four pairs of unfamiliar sportsy looking shoes, and you smiled. You were not surprised.
You knew your boyfriend was having some old friends from his high school days over, and that they were staying for some fun and drinks. No problem to offer the study room and couch for that.
"I'm home~ Guys?" you called out.
Why was it so quiet though? Had they gone out to play volleyball perhaps? No... At this hour? Besides, their shoes were right here.
You thought about it calmly as you took off your own shoes and shuffled around the corner.
"Guys, hello? .... Oh."
Inside, you found a mess. You immediately spotted your boyfriend Kuroo on the couch, sitting upright but looking like he was asleep.
Daichi was fast asleep on the floor. Why on the floor? His face had doodles on it too.
"How much did you guys drink?" you sighed, finding Oikawa in the kitchen. Looked like he had wanted to get something from the fridge but passed out in the middle of getting it. The fridge was still open. He was also missing his pants.
"Tetsu, watch our energy bill!" you called out to your sleeping boyfriend on the couch as you closed the fridge, and you found Oikawa's pants a little further. You threw it on top of him to cover his geeky underwear.
In the bathroom, you found Bokuto and Ushijima, piled up together. Also snoring, reeking of alcohol. Looked like the guys had made themselves comfortable anywhere but the futons you prepared for them in the study room.
"You guys are unbelievable," you said fondly, shaking your head like a mother.
You headed towards Kuroo who had the most comfortable spot of all, except his position looked anything but comfy. He was sitting very upright, which looked uncomfortable for his back, and his.. uh. Huh? His wrists were tied together in front of him, with... handcuffs? But why?
"Dear, what's going on here?" you chuckled, kissing his cheek and then picking up his tied hands to take a closer look. The handcuffs looked legit. Not some cheap toy.
Well, you knew Daichi was working to be a policeman after all... You shook Kuroo's bound hands around playfully and watched how he opened his eyes tiredly.
"Hello baby," he said, and he let out a cute burp. You waved the smell of beer away and patted his head, combing your fingers through his messy hair.
"What have you been up to? It's not even midnight yet."
"Hm.. Drinking game," he answered, leaning in to nuzzle your chest like a cat. Hehe, Kuroo was always a charmer, but somehow he managed to make you even more flustered whenever he was drunk.
"I see, I see. Well, let's untie your hands first and get everyone to bed. Where's the key of the handcuffs?" you asked.
"Hm... Let's make love," Kuroo said instead answering. "Right here."
"No no, baby. We can't. And we can't let your friends sleep like this. Let's go to bed."
"Hmm, to bed we go.... I'll make you feel so, sooo goooood," Kuroo said seductively.
You couldn't help but snicker in response. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position," you said. You picked up his hands again to demonstrate, not prepared for him to suddenly reach for your tummy and - wah! Tickle?
"Tehehetsu! Hehehey now!" you laughed, tumbling forward against him. His hands may be tied together, but he could still reach out and move his fingers, and damn did he know where to get you to make you collapse in an instant.
"Make love to meee," your drunk boyfriend said with a goofy grin.
"Nohoho! Whahahat! Tetsuraahaha! D-dohohon't!" You tried to move away, but somehow even with handcuffs, Kuroo was a beast.
He managed to capture you with his legs, keeping you in position firmly. He then tickled your sides and tummy until you were squealing so loudly it was a surprise not one of the others woke up. Alcohol comas were sooo bad!
"Prohohomise mehehe y-y'all nehehever drink so muhuhuch agahahain!" you laughed, squirming at your boyfriend's mercy.
"I promise~" Kuroo said sweetly. You were a little embarrassed how easy it was for you, with both hands free, to get overpowered like this while Kuroo was limited in his movements. You were simply stuck between Kuroo's legs and giggling like an idiot.
"Nohohow prohohomise to lehehet me gohoho!" you tried since he did seem a little reasonable.
"Can't promise that~"
"Ahahahalright! Lehehet me gohoho - wehehe'll cuddlehehe!" It was funny, Kuroo was immediately sold. His weakness for cuddling, even more than sex, was just adorable.
"Okay!" Kuroo chirped, and you were surprised it worked. He stopped tickling you, but instead he wrapped his arms around you. His tied hands now rested against your back, and you jumped when he scratched you there fondly. Not again!
"Y-you're stihihill tickling mehehe!" you whined. And now you were even more stuck.
"Tetsu! Lehehet gohoho!"
Okay so it didn't work. Well, sometimes people would make bad choices like you did. It couldn't be helped. In your new position, you were even more trapped than before, and even when Kuroo fell asleep in the middle of tickling your back, you could hardly get out of his grip.
After all, you didn't want to wake him again. "You're so silly," you said with a smile, and you had to make some effort to kiss him in this cramped position. You then rested comfortably against him, and you started to feel sleepy.
It was anything but comfortable, but then again, definitely more comfortable than those other guys. You could at least try to sleep a few hours, and then hopefully wake up with a sobered up boyfriend!
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thelaughtercafe · 9 months
Convenient Interventions
Tea Type: Sweet Tea (Fluff)
Potential Triggers: None for this one! ^^
Pairing: Oikawa & Tsukishima/ Kageyama
Length: 638
Summary: Tsukishima realizes Kageyama is having trouble focusing, and Oikawa, helpful friend that he is, decides to help him relax.
A/N: Gods Kageyama is such a cute Lee and I feel like these two would be lethal Lers, especially to him. Poor Tobio-
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“Man, you really suck today- can’t focus King?”
Kageyama whirled and barked a retort. 
“Shut it, Four Eyes no-one asked you!”
“So aggressive. Scary~ What, did you not sleep last night, stressing about Oikawa again?”
Kageyama flinched and Tsukishima smirked to himself. 
He marched over to where Tsukishima waited on the sidelines and started ranting. 
“Why would I even care that he’s here- I’m gonna wipe the floor with him!”
“I’m sure that’s why you’re trembling.”
Tsukishima grabbed his arm, holding it up so he’d see his own hand. 
“Wow, you’re that on edge cause of little old me? I’m flattered Kageyama~”
Kageyama tried to whirl to face Oikawa but Tsukishima still had a firm grip on his arm. 
“You- don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Oh, don’t I? You’d always get the pregame jitters- remember how we used to help you out with that~?”
There was a lilt evident now, and Tsukishima couldn’t deny he was curious, especially as Kageyama turned his attention back to him and tried to squirm out of his grip when Oikawa began to leisurely walk over. 
“Lemme go- this is stupid!”
“Aw, don’t be like that! I just wanna help.”
“No! I-”
“Don’t tell me your new teammates don’t know Tobio. That just won’t do! Tsukishima- you wouldn’t mind helping me dispel Kageyama’s fears, would you?”
Tsukishima probably should’ve been a good teammate and released Kageyama- but he could admit he was sadistically curious. 
“Whatever- if it’ll help him play at his best..”
He dismissed, raising his chin as he pulled Kageyama towards him, readjusting him a moment and putting his arms under his to hold the squirming setter against his body. 
Oikawa beamed at both of them, easily speaking over Kageyama’s cursing. 
“Kageyama here- is actually really ticklish. Here, I’ll show you! It’s the best way to make him shut that big mouth of his and make him squeal.”
He closed in before Kageyama could kick him away and dug into the boy’s sides but he held firm, glaring at him for all he was worth and biting his lip. 
Unfortunately for Kageyama, his smirk only widened at the challenge. 
“Ah, he’s playing hard to get. That’s fine by me- it’s more fun when I get to break him!”
Tsukishima couldn’t help snickering. 
“Well at least now your fear of him makes sense. Too ticklish to take it? The ones who talk a big game like you always have some sort of childish weakness like this. Wait till the others find out.”
Kageyama turned red, his blush raging and very evident and Oikawa encouraged it further with his own laughter, dancing his fingers up to scribble merrily at his ribs making Kageyama finally burst out laughing, unable to help himself. 
“Ahaha! Wow, you’re a mean one! Teasing is the perfect way to break that stoic facade of his. Isn’t that right Tobio?" 
"You guys are the whohohorst!! Cut it ohohohout!”
“We’re just trying to help Tobio- you don’t have to pretend you hate it.”
Oikawa cooed.
“I’m not pretending!! You guys shuhuhuhuck!”
“Your blush says otherwise. I didn’t even know it could go to your ears like that.”
Tsukishima quipped, blowing air into it and making Kageyama squeal. He could deny it all he wanted but the blonde blocker felt how relaxed he’d become. This really had helped him unwind. 
Still, he decided to be nice. Just this once. 
“Alright, I don’t want him too tired out before we beat you- thanks for the information though Captain.”
Tsukki finally released him and Oikawa jumped back with a laugh as Kageyama panted and glared at him.  He shook himself off and seemed dead set on taking the other down, storming off to practice with Hinata, and Tsukishima couldn’t help but snicker. 
This information would definitely have its uses down the line.
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writer-kermit · 2 years
tight dress, loose pajamas.
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❥ WORD COUNT: 1.0k
ঞ ~ SUMMARY: Oikawa spoils you after you got promotion. During that, he discovers a new kink of yours. What shall he do with it?
ᰔ KERMIT'S NOTE: THIS IS THE FIRST FIC OF 2023!! If you want commissions, DM me or visit my Ko-Fi. If you want, I'm also drawing commissions too! Thanks for the support!
ʚ WARNING: NSFW, Sensual biting, Teasing, Tickling Kink, Erotic Tickling, Overstimulation, Oral Sex, Oikawa. MINORS!! PLEASE GO AWAY.
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“I’m home.” You said, your voice echoing across the hallway. “Welcome back, love.” Toru Oikawa replied while walking to the entrance. You both shared an embrace. He lifted your chin to kiss your cheeks and lips. “Did you have a good time?” “Yes! I’m sorry it took longer than usual.” Oikawa then had a reassuring laugh. “It’s okay [....]. You were celebrating your promotion after all.”
Oh, that’s right. Your colleagues wanted to host a party after you earned your promotion as an advisor. You had dinner, played party events, and even got the courage to do some karaoke. Although you enjoy your time with your co-workers, you preferred your husband over anyone else.
“Would you like anything to eat? I made some treats after practice.” He asked you. “No, thank you dear. Let’s just go to bed.” Oikawa was surprised by your answer but abided regardless. Who doesn’t want to relax after a long day at “work?”
Oikawa observed you silently as you removed your formal wear. He took note of your body features, such as your skin, stretchmarks, and especially your curves. You caught him staring at you twice, but he didn’t react differently. “Am I that appealing to you?” You asked him.
“Well, appealing is an understatement.” You laughed at his comment. Once you made yourself ready, you plopped down on the bed. Oikawa then pulled you closer to him. He then peppered lazy kisses on your ears, nose, cheeks, and lips.
“I missed you so much. Did you know that?” He purred, placing tiny kisses on your neck. “Mnn…” You sighed. Oikawa chuckled warmly as his hand slid under your shirt. His fingers gently traced around your skin. Well, too gently.
“Pffthehehe…” You giggled sheepishly. “Hm? Is something funny?” Oikawa asked, his fingers still rendering across your stomach. “N-no dear,” you replied. “It just… It kind of tickles when you touch me.” Oikawa then stopped abruptly and stared at you. “Does it now?” He said in disbelief. You nodded shyly and his cocky smirk appeared.
“Well then, you don’t mind if I continue, do you?” You held on to your breath. This feeling was unusual. However, it was enjoyable. You sighed and nodded hesitantly, and Oikawa kissed your lips sweetly.
“Thank you for trusting me. I promise I will be gentle.” You felt your heart race rapidly as he lifted your shirt, revealing your bare chest. You let out an anxious giggle as you felt Oikawa’s warm hands against your sides. Without warning, his fingers dug into your skin.
“Hyaah! Waitwaitwait!” You squealed. “I- I wahahasn’t-” “You didn’t need to be ready [....].” Oikawa whispered against your ear, causing you to giggle. He planted more ticklish kisses against your neck and collarbone as his fingers went under your underarms. “Ehahaha! T-Toru…!” You whined, slightly arching your back.
“What? You want me to touch you here?” Oikawa then squeezed your hardened nipples. He smiled to himself as he heard mixtures of your laughter and moans. “Just how ticklish are you?” He asked. “I’m getting kind of hungry. So excuse me if you will.” You almost shrieked as you felt teeth nibbling against your ribcage.
“Wahahaha! Nohoho!” You laughed once more. Oikawa giggled along with you as he nibbed on your skin. His hands rested on your hips as he continued down to your midriff. He nipped your navel teasingly right before stopping at your sex.
“Hehehe. Are you okay?” Oikawa asked you. From his point of view, you looked like melted jelly. Your face was red with embarrassment, and your hips and legs were trembling. But even after all of that, you were still giggling. “M-mhm..” You replied. “But you’re trembling love. Could it be that you’re turned on?” You bit your lip and squeezed your legs together. Looks like Oikawa has gotten his answer.
“C’mere you…” Oikawa purred. You immediately jolted as you felt his fingers attack your inner thighs. “WAAH! Nonono nohohot thehehere!” You whined again. “Why? Tickles too much?” Of course it did! His fingers went dangerously close to your aching spot. You twitched and squirmed every pinch, squeeze, and tickle you felt. You watched Oikawa carefully as he stripped off your pants and underwear. “Look at you. You’re all sensitive just from me tickling you.” He laughed.
“Mnnhehehe… Toru…” You moaned. “You’re so impatient baby,” He teased, “I’ll be dining on you now.” With that, Oikawa placed his mouth inside of you hungrily. You moaned happily as you felt his tongue lap around every tender bit. “Ahaahha.. T-Toru..” You whimpered. Oikawa let out reassuring hums as he rubbed your ass, stimulating you further.
“Oh god…” He grunted. “The more noises you make, the more it’s turning me on too…” He then rushed to remove his pants and boxers, revealing his erected cock. “Toru please, I… I want you…” You whined. “I want you too love, just hold on to me.” He slowly pushed himself inside of you. You threw your head back at the first thrust, but soon relaxed at the second one. Toru placed his hands on your hips, but then started to squeeze and claw on them.
“aaAAHAH?!” You cackled, desperately trying to keep your composure. “I never said I would stop~” Oikawa sang. You certainly didn’t expect this outcome. He kissed your lips as he continued to tickle you. Hearing your voice was like music to his ears.
“Ahaaahahaa! Toru! Toruuu…” You panted, still trying your best to hold on to your lover. You feel yourself tighten as every thrust strengthens. This feeling was unusual, but god–why did it feel so good? Hell, you even came before Toru did, that must have felt embarrassing. Toru then came on your stomach and collapsed beside you.
“You did…So amazing [....].” Oikawa said, wrapping his arms around you. “T-Thank you…” You hiccuped. “But I never knew I was able to feel like this during sex.” “Hmm., perhaps it’s a new kink.” Your heart jumped when you heard the word kink.
“A k-kink?!” You blushed. “Ahaha… I’m not sure about that dear.” Oikawa’s lips then curved into a sneer again. “Shall we find out again?” He asked you, wiggling his fingers impishly. “Uhh, maybe in–Waah! In the morning! In the morning!” You laughed as Oikawa tickled you once more. At this rate, the two of you won’t even have pajamas to wear anymore.
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
I call this a triple release! Time lines are different, of course, but during the day, I'm uploading three fics!
I wanna write for kageyama again! Squeee! I haven't done it in a while, so maybe the usual... kageyama hinata combo strikes back!
Hehe enjoy
Warning spoilers alert
The first year combo!
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Hinata was getting better at taking Kageyama's sets, in fact those two are an u stoppage duos.
Prodigy Kageyama and passionate Hinata. These were polar opposites, and no one can believe how connected they are during games...
"Kageyama you are being mean!"
"Enough jabbering, Boke (idiot)!"
That's until their off the field. They are a hopless crew. Daichi thought with a smile. The seniors all understood this usual scenario with the first year combo.
Hinata's orange hair is gripped in a vice grip by Kageyama, with a scary grumbled under his throat as he threatened the little guy. This is usual, and as always, Tsukishima had a snarky comment. "What are we grade schoolers?"
In fact, Hinata face was twisted into a hilarious contorted face of reluctance. He knew by strength he couldn't possibly be Kageyama's equal. Nobody seemed bothered to stop a fight they couldn't interfere with. Not even Daichi.
"Boke! You better understand that there's a difference between you and me -ah!"
He released the orange head eventually and stepped away with one hesitant step. Hinata hadn't expected it to work. He reflexively poked him in the ribs in order to make him shrink away from pain but it was a light squeak that was uncharacteristical of the King.
"Wait... wait... wait. " Hinata leaned forward on his knees, trying to get a better idea of what happened."Did you just squeak?"
"Did not" a childish side glance from a child who is lying to a parent visualised in Tsukishima's eyes. He was not merely called the smartest in the group so he could pass tests. He, in fact, deduced enough of the situation to focus on it rather than spiking for Nishinoya.
"Liar, I totally saw you go - like this!" He reached over to demonstrate, but it was unsuccessful as Kageyama grabbed his wrist with sudden panicked motion. He pushed the hand away before going back to the net, almost convincing. "If you have time to goof off, then I suggest you make ample time to practice with my sets instead"
Hinata being the naive idiot fell for this distraction and groaned "Weren't you the one who started this?"
Tsukishima sighed. He knew this won't be a good ending for a good climax, he called out tauntingly. "Nice way of avoiding a fierce tickle attack from your regal subjects, your majesty"
Everyone stared at Kageyama, now widened in eyes with pure intent of curiosity. But he let his guard down too swiftly when he felt someone tackle him from the side.
Shocked, the speed and reflexes couldn't have possibly been anyone but Hinata himself. The kid attacked him with his nimble fingers on his ribs first "Ahh ha! I knew you were hiding something, I'm not thar stupid to fall for your tricks"
Yameguchi gave a fond smile to him and said, "Yeah right, a minute ago he almost did if it weren't for Tsukki"
"Gaha! Oi, yohohou huhuhuman tahahangerine!!! Ahahahand you'll pay! FOUR EYES!"
"Wow, such recognitions, I'm honoured," he said stoically, not even the least bothered by the warning.
Meanwhile the least of Tobio Kageyama's worries is revenge, he needs to get out of this situation where a monkey is determined to straddle him and tickle him to pieces.
He couldn't help it, but being ticklish is something even Oikawa took advantage of. It was a well hidden secret. Well, until Tsukishima decided to expose him while his little friend almost triggered it. Scratch that ...he did trigger it thanks to four eyes.
"Alrihihihight! Cuhuhuhut ihihit ohohohout Hihihinataa!" Kageyama tried to squirm his way off, but surprisingly, he didn't expect the persistence being a strength that evolved to physical strength.
"Na ah! I didn't even know such a weakness existed on you of all people!"
Blushing harder, he tried to kick his way out and decided to turn the tables though he wasn't experienced in tickle counters.
Hinata was ticklish too and thankfully he burst into quick laughter, "ahahaha Kageheheheyamaaa! Nohoho fahahahair!"
"So fair punk! You started it"
"Ohohoho wehehell thehehen tahahahahake thihihis!!" He started to move his way to reach for his sides again and that allowed a brief time for Kageyama to get his armpits instead.
Stream of giggles left his mouth now painfully ticklish. He was in tears, not expecting the tables to flip.
Tanaka called out "Come on Hinata get the sucker while you can, he's more ticklish than you!"
"Kageyama, kick his ass!" Nishinoya seconded that.
These cheers were Hinata's motivation. He decided that Kageyama's awkward tickling wasn't that bad, but he broke through only to sneak a squeeze to his knee. Hoping it was sensitive, he did this, and much to his happiness, it was more effective.
"OHOHOHOI! Nohohoho Hihihinata!" He was thrown off balance by his own jerking ways. He didn't expect such a counter and giggled back uneasily now, distancing themselves instead of fighting.
"Kageeeyaaamaa~ Come here, and I'll treat you nice and easy" Hinata threw himself back only to grab his knees with firm vigour. It was strange how such an unusual spot could be this vulnerable. Kageyama definitely had similar thoughts as he couldn't attack back but rather shriek in surprise.
"Alright, game over for Kageyama." Asahi reached to grab Hinata's collar, and he dangled like a puppy. He looked thrilled to see a new side of Kageyama and had wicked schemes to exploit it. While Kageyama was given gentle assaults by Sugawara and Tanaka, who were hungry to join the final bit, but Daichi had ordered them to practice now.
Sure enough, Tsukishima remained in the shadows, smiling at his own play that he scripted with one mere call to Kageyama's weakness. He really became a mastermind, only Daichi suspected that.
Still, it was a good day, Kageyama would often be teased back for that defeat, which Hinata rarely witnesses during most challenges. Poking and prodding on their way back after practice, they were determined to hold another tickle fight, this time hoping who'd win foe real with equal strength.
"That's what makes them a team." Suagwara chuckled, locking the gymnasium.
"Yeah," Daichi grinned, now looking at the unfolding evening sky to night as time got much delayed.
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Tickletober Day 16: Ghost
Ft. IwaOiKage
A/N: this one got longer than I expected, hope the silliness doesn't make you cringe LOL
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Iwaizumi found an interesting scene when he returned home that afternoon. First of all, raucous laughter echoed throughout the house and he could even hear it down the hall to his apartment.
Second, once he had kicked off his shoes and walked into his own house, following the sound of laughter, he found... A ghost straddling Kageyama's thighs on the couch as it tickled Tobio's hips until he was red in the face.
Third, there was no sign of Oikawa anywhere.
Iwaizumi looked at the pair until Kageyama felt his presence; the poor cackling boy looked at him and he jumped a bit in surprise.
He gasped, "Iwahahaizumihihi-sahahahan! Plehehease!"
Iwaizumi took a step forward, but was a bit startled when the ghost tickling Kageyama turned to look at him. "Oh, hello ghost, are you trying to kill Tobio?" He could hear Oikawa's faint chuckle under the white sheet and Iwaizumi grinned.
"I'm heEEEreee to get ToooOOOooobio-chaaAAAN!" Oikawa- ahem, the ghost said in the spookiest voice he could muster and Iwaizumi chuckled.
"Really now? Poor Tobio," Iwaizumi said with no remorse in his voice and crossing his arms over his chest as he watched Oikawa, the scariest ghost, wrecking Kageyama.
"Plehehease, Oikahahahawa-sahahahan!" Kageyama shrieked with hysterical laughter, twisting and shimmying the best be could, trying to escape this unfair attack.
"I'm noooOOOOooot OikAAAAawaaa!" He said, vibrating his fingers against Kageyama's hips, making him throw his head back with hysterical laughter. "I'm a ghoooOOOooost and I'm going to geeEEEeet yoouUUU!"
Kageyama was no longer able to form words between his laughter and Iwazuimi took it as a sign to finally step in and rescue his poor boyfriend.
"I apologize, ghost," he said, wrapping an arm around Oikawa's waist without him noticing and easily lifting him off Kageyama.
Oikawa squeaked and he tried to fight the arm around him, but Iwaizumi could feel him struggling with the sheet covering him.
He chuckled. "I can't let you get Tobio, you know? Tooru and I would be very upset," he explained as if he was really trying to reason with this being. "Can you move, Tobio? I think I'll need to teach this ghost a lesson."
"Eek! No! No, Iwa-chan, you can't!"
Kageyama rolled off the couch and Oikawa was immediately taking his place, Iwaizumi pushing him down with a firm hand against his chest, the other sneaking under the sheet and Oikawa's shirt.
"GAHAHAHA! N-Nohohot thehere! Not there, plehehease!"
"Ah, how strange! Tobio, this ghost has a ticklish tummy just like Tooru!" Iwaizumi lift his eyes to see Kageyama kneeling by his side, his cheeks and ears were pink as he shyly watched Iwaizumi wrecking their silly ghost. "I didn't know ghost could be ticklish, did you, Tobio?"
Kageyama sheepishly shook his head and Iwaizumi chuckled, pressing a quick kiss to his flushed cheek before he turned to see at the shrieking ghost.
"Iwa-chahahan! Plehehease! I cahahahan't breheheath!"
"This ghost also calls me just like Oikawa does, why would he do that, Tobio?"
"I- I don't know."
"Stohohop plahahaying arohohound! It's meheHEHEHE! Ahahaha nohohoho!"
As Iwaizumi clawed at Oikawa's tummy now with both hands, he looked at Kageyama. "Tobio, do you mind taking off the sheet? Let's find out who's this silly ghost, hm?"
Kageyama grabbed the sheet and he threw it away, reveling a red-faced and slightly sweaty Oikawa laughing his head off.
Iwaizumi faked a loud, surprised gasp. "So it was Tooru all along! You were the one torturing poor Tobio!"
Oikawa's cheeks flushed and he scrunched up his nose when Iwaizumi tickled the sides of his tummy. "You ahahare the wohohorst! Lehehet go alreheheady! It tihihickles!"
"I bet it does, Tooru, but you need to be punished for making us think you were a ghost!" Oikawa's face turned redder every time Iwaizumi spoke. Hajime giggled, "right, Tobio?"
This time Kageyama smiled too and he shook his head softly, "maybe we should let Oikawa-san breath, Iwaizumi-san."
Tooru nodded, throwing his head back as Iwaizumi's fingers, instead of slowing down, sped up momentarily before coming to a complete stop.
"Fine, just because you said so," Iwaizumi said grinning, watching Oikawa trying to catch his breath between residual giggles. "Ready to confess your crime, Tooru?"
"I just wahanted to scare Tobio-chan! But of course you have to show up and ruin everythi- AHAHAHA!"
"Yeah, I really think he should be punished, Tobio."
Tobio chuckled and he nodded softly. "Okay, only for a bit more."
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jqnny · 2 years
| Haikyuu!! Sentence Starters #1 - 5 |
- ⚠️ tk ⚠️ -
1. ~ lee!Ushijima ler!Tendou
“Oho, does it tickle here too?” Tendou asked, brushing his finger around Ushijimas ear repeatedly, making the man flinch slightly at every touch. “N-no Tendou-san! Don’t!” Ushijima whimpered, trying to remove the red heads arm wrapped around him that was trapping him down on the bed.
“Hehehe stop trying to free yourself Ushi~ You’re gonna be here a while y’know.” Tendou teased, wiggling his nail softly behind Ushijimas ear. Ushi scrunched one of his shoulder, trying to move away from Tendou’s finger. No luck.
Tendou moved his finger to Ushijima’s neck, slowly tracing circles around the skin.
“T-Tendou-san please!” Ushi jolted at the feeling on his neck, now scrunching both of his shoulders.
“Hehe what Ushi?? What’s wrong?” He blew cold air against Ushijimas neck, making him shiver.
“Tendou-san! Dohon’t!” Ushi accidentally letter out a giggle but unfortunately for him, Tendou had good enough hearing to have heard it.
“Ooh? Was that a giggle I heard Ushi? Do that again~” Tendou used his other hand that was trapping Ushi and brushed it against his other ear.
“S-stohop! T-Tehehendou-sahan!” Ushijima suddenly realized that Tendou’s other hand wasn’t so secure on him anymore. Ushijima quickly wiggled out of Tendous trap and used this chance to escape. Ushi bolted out of the room.
‘I’ll get you next time Ushijima~’ Tendou thought as he watched his friend run out of the bedroom, making his escape.
2. ~ lee!Oikawa ler!Iwaizumi
“I’ll give you 5 seconds to run Oikawa.” Iwa warned Tooru, holding up his fingers for countdown.
“What!? Iwa-chan I didn’t even do anything!” Oikawa said, confused on what was happening.
“5..4..3..” Iwaizumi continued to count down, ignoring Oikawas question.
Oikawa ran since he didn’t want to know what would happen. Iwaizumi did say that he had to run so it had to be something bad.
“..2..1!” Iwa finished counting and chased after Oikawa that hadn’t made much progress from getting away.
Oikawa ran into the bedroom, closed the door, and tried to lock it. Oikawas hands were shaking since he knew that Iwa was near the door.
Iwaizumi swung open the door before Oikawa was able to lock it. Iwa then launched himself at Oikawa, making both of them fall on the bed.
“I-Iwa! Don’t do this please!” Oikawa tried but struggled to wrestle Iwa off him. Iwa pins down both of Oikawas wrists together with one hand.
“Heh it’s too late now Oikawa. I’ve already caught you~ I gave you time to run y’know and you didn’t run.” Iwaizumi begins to poke Oikawa on his sides. The man giggled at the ticklish feeling that spreaded across his body in an instant.
“Iwa-chahahan! Stohohop!” Oikawa laughed, trying to break free from Hajimes grip.
“Stop trying to free yourself Oikawa. You’re going to be here for a whiiile.” Iwa said, wiggling his fingers at Oikawas side. Oikawa knew that he really was going to be there for a while.
3. ~ lee!Daichi ler!Suga
“Daichi! Clean up your room!” Suga commanded, walking into Daichis room. Suga came over to Daichis house today to hangout and had just opened his bedroom door, revealing the messy room filled with clothes and trash on the floor.
“Don’t worry Suga, I’ll clean that up later.” Daichi said, turning the other direction knowing full well he won’t.
Suga also knew that Diachi actually wouldnt clean up his room after he leaves the house so he needs to see him clean up with his own eyes.
“No! Clean it up now Dai.” Sugawara demanded again, pulling Daichi back to his room. “Clean it now before it gets messier.”
Daichi stayed silent for a few seconds. He ran.
“Hey Daichi come back! You cant run away!” Suga said, running after Daichi.
“Nooo! I told you I’ll clean it up later!” Daichi kept running with Suga on his tail.
Daichi changed kept changing directions, running all over the house, almost tripping but was able to prevent that.
Dai eventually ran into a dead end with nowhere else to run.
“Daichi just clean up your room! Or I’ll have to make you.” Sugawara wiggled his fingers at Daichi, making the man get shivers. Suga took tiny steps towards Daichi.
“S-stay back Suga! I’ll clean my room!” Daichi tried to think of a way to get out of this situation but trying to run past Suag would fail since he could just easily catch him.
“Alright Dai, you have sealed your fate.” Suga launched forward towards Daichi and attached his wiggling hands in Daichis underarms.
“PFFT- STOHOHohop! I’ll clehehean my room! Plehehease Sugahaha!” Daichi laughed and laughed, gripping on Sugas wrists, trying to remove them from under his armpits.
“You should have cleaned your room when I told you the first time Dai~ now look what happened because you didn’t listen.” Sugawara said as he moved to Daichis sides.
“NOHOHOHohohohoho! Sugahahahahahah!” Daichi fell sideways, trying to crawl away but it just makes it tickle more since hes not easing the sensation with his arms.
Sugawara slowed down to gentle tickles so Daichi could atleast breathe a bit.
“Heheh Sugaha stohooop.” Daichi giggled, trying to pull off Sugas hands from his sides.
Then Suga finally stopped and helped Daichi off the floor.
“Now clean your room Dai. Or I’m going to tickle you again.” Suga said, walking with Daichi back to his room.
Suga turned and saw that Daichi wasn’t next to him.
He looked behind him and saw Daichi running again to not clean his room.
“Oh Daichi I’m going to get you worse this time!” Suga ran after Daichi again, trying to catch Daichi.
Daichi did end up with the same fate as the first time but worse. Just like Suga promised.
4. lee!Kuroo ler!Tsukki
“Tsukki, where are you~” Kuroo said, scanning the empty kitchen before moving on to the bathroom.
There was so response from Tsukki. The blonde was currently hiding somewhere in the house due to a punishment he had refused to receive.
Tsukki had insulted Kuroos bedhead and Kuroo took that personally, so of couse he wouldn’t get away with it.
Kuroo continued to walk towards the bathroom while Kei stayed quiet, trying not to give away his hiding spot.
“Hmm, you’re not in here, are you Tsukki?” Kuroo asked but there was still no response.
Kuroo left the bathroom and headed towards the bedroom with clothes on the floor. Not much different from Daichi.
“Where are you hiding Tsukki?”
Still no response from Kei.
Kuroo went towards the closet and swung opened the doors. Inside was a bunch of clothes and a curled up Tsukki.
“K-Kuroo!” Tsukishima said, looking up at Nekomas captain with wide eyes.
Tsukki pushed Kuroo aside and tried making a run for it, but Kuroo got up fast enough to grab his arm to pull him back while he was still stumbling out of the closet.
“You can’t run from your punishment Tsukki~ This is what happens when you insult my hair.” Kuroo pinned down both of Tsukishimas wrists, grabbed his hips, and kneading into one of his worst spots.
“AHAHAHAH S-STOHOHOHOP KUROHOHO” Kei laughed, squirming under Kuroo while trying to full his wrists free.
“This is your punishment Kei. Now stay still and accept it.” Bedhead Kuroo squeezed Tsukkis hips before squeezing his thighs. His other worst spot.
“AHHHH STOHOHOHOHOHOP K-KUROHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEASE” Tsukki screamed, shaking his legs and turning left to right repeatedly.
“I’m not stoping until you say “Kuroo I am so sorry for insulting your hair and your hair is amazing.” Kuroo went back to kneading Tsukkis hips, making him yelp and arch away from Kuroos hand.
“WHAHAHAT!? THAHAHAHAT’S SO STUHUHUPID” Tsukishima yelled through his laughter.
“Well then I guess I’ll continue tickling you then.” Kuroo said, still squeezing Tsukishimas hips.
“Say it Tsukki! Say it!” Kuroo said, switching to squeeze Tsukishimas thighs, making him go crazy.
“UGHHAHAH K-KUHUROHOHO IHIHI AM SOHORRY FOR GAHAH I-INSULTING YOUR HAHAIR AHAHAND AHAHAH” Kei choked through his words, almost going insane from all this tickling.
“C’mon Kei you’re almost there!” Kuroo said proudly, still kneading Tsukishimas thighs.
“GAHAHAH A-AHAHAND YOUR HAHAIR IHIHIS AMAHAHZIHIHING O-OKAHAY NOW STAHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEASE” Tsukki had finally spitted out the whole sentence and so Kuroo was satisfied.
“Ok ok ok I don’t want you passing out.” Kuroo finally stopped tickling Tsukki and letted go of his grip on his wrists, pleased at the whole apology thing he had made Kei say.
Tsukishima curled into a ball once again, just like how he was like in that closet, hugging his legs towards his chest, huffing and panting after all that tickling that almost made him go insane.
“Y-Yohour the wohohorst. I can’t believe you.” Surprisingly, Tsukki even managed to get those words out with the leftover giggles in him.
“Whateverrr. Anyways get up when you’re good. I’ll go make something for us to eat.” Kuroo said, standing up and heading to the kitchen, leaving Tsukki as a puddle of giggles to recover from his attack.
5. lee!Kageyama ler!Hinata
“Stop running Kageyama~!” Hinata said, sprinting after Kageyama.
“You stop chasing me!” Tobio answered back while running in all kinds of directions away from Hinata.
Kageyama ran up and down the hill, making a bigger space between him and Hinata.
Hinata of course, is faster than Kageyama so he was able to close up the gap pretty quickly. They ran and ran into the gym. Kageyama was pretty exhausted at this point so his legs were feeling a little weak.
Kageyama knew that Hinata would eventually catch up and of course, he did. Hinata pounced on Kageyama, making both of them fall on the hard gym floor.
“H-Hinata get off me!” Kageyama turned to his side and tried to push the orange head off of his back with his hand. Hinata rolled Kageyama back on his back and straddled him.
“Hinata you’re heavy! Get off me!” Kageyama wiggled under Shoyos straddle, trying to crawl away which was pointless.
“Hehehe now lets see how ticklish you are!” Hinata scribbled Tobios back, earning a squeal in return.
“H-Hinata! Stohop ihit!” Kageyama was giggling on the floor, trying to get Hinata off him but was unsuccessful.
“How does this feel Kageyama??” Hinata asked, continuing to scribbled all over Kageyamas back.
“Gehehet off mehe!” Kageyama waved his hand behind him to sway Hinata away.
Hinata and Kageyama hears someone coming in the gym and lifts their heads to see Asahi.
“Asahahahi-sahahan! Hehehelp mehehehe!” Tobio reaches his hand towards Asahi, signaling for help.
“Nope sorry Kageyama. I don’t want to be a part of this.” Asahi said as he walked out of the gym, leaving Kageyama and Hinata, once again alone.
“Nohohoahaha Hinata stahahap plehehease!” Kageyama pleaded, laying flat on the floor, weakened by the attack.
“Only if you promise me pork buns!” Shoya said, easing his tickles a bit.
“Okahahay fihine just stohohop!” Kageyama now had to spend his money on some pork buns for Hinata. He could get some for himself as well actually.
“Yay! You’re the best Kageyama.” Hinata finally got off from Tobios back, letting him breathe.
“Whahatever.” Kageyama slowly sat upwards after laying on the hard floor for so long.
Kageyama and Hinata left the gym to buy some pork buns as promised.
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HMBAU Chapter 3: Uncharted Territory and New Friends?!
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I had just kind of sat there dumbfounded
Because now there was an entire plate of assorted food on my plate 
Like holy shit this is a whole ass buffet
“Eat up so you have enough energy for the rest of the day!” Bokuto said kinda loudly and smiling 
I still sat there just shocked eyes wider than a tuba bell
“Alright Y/N-chan I guess we’re gonna do this the hard way” Oikawa said to me standing up from his place in the circle 
He didn’t say anything but he just walks over to me sits back down criss-cross and pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me, his fingers settling on my waist and hips
“O-Oikawa what are you doing?!”
“Juuuust loosening you up a bit” He said with his chin on my shoulder
“Hey Oikawa, is this really a good idea?” Yaku pipes in
“It’ll be fine Yaku-chan~she’ll be fine”
With no warning as to what he could be talking about, I felt his hands move and he did the unthinkable
He started tickling me with no mercy
“Wahaiaiaiaiait nohhohohohohohoho”
“Oh yes~I’m sure you know what you need to do for me to stop~just tell me you’ll eat and follow through with that”
“Ohohohohohokahahahahay I wihihhhihhill juhuhst pleahehehehehese sthohohohp”
“Okay good!” he stopped when suddenly an apple slice with peanut butter on it appeared super close to my face
How on earth?!
And then I saw the person who was holding it was Osamu
Figures, only he would be able to accomplish perfect apple slices that fast
“Ah! I-I c-can e-eat myself b-but thank you”
“Ok” and he put it down on the plate
I knew he was good with food but holy shit the layout looked spectacular
Damn him for knowing me too well
I slowly started eating while the others started up a conversation
“Hey Bokuto, did you finally get a pedal note?”
I felt Oikawa laugh and pick me up off his lap and chime in with “Wait Bokuto-chan can’t pedal hahaha”
“Actually Bokuto he can. I know he seems weaker than a twig but his strength will surprise you” now that got me and I choked a bit
“IWA-CHAN DON’T SAY THOSE THINGS! YOU ALREADY KNOW I CAN WALK WITH THAT THING FOR A MILE ” only for Akaashi to finally notice choking and he alleviated it using the heimlich
“Are you ok?!”Akaashi said while also coaxing me to drink some water whilst the others continued to bicker in the background
“Y-yeah I’m ok but thank you”
He just smiled nodded and went back to where he had been sitting 
I just kind of sat there slowly eating everything and getting full like never before 
But I guess at some point I got lost just watching them because I got snapped out by Osamu
“Hey Y/N our break is over it’s time to go to the band room”
“Ah ok”
“Hey uh-Y/N?”
“Wanna walk there together especially since we keep our instruments near each other?”
“Uh-sure why not”
“Cool. So how come you pack such small lunches?”
“Oh well, I’m kind of a picky eater and I’m also watching what I eat so I can be healthier and raise my endurance on things. I also don’t think about it really”
“Is it just me or is everyone acting kinda strange today?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like I usually don’t talk to anyone and suddenly people are swarming me, especially the brass leaders! Has that been happening to you too?”
“Nah I think it’s just a you thing as far as getting lots of new attention.”
“But like why me?! I’m not interesting at all and coulda sworn no one around me really paid attention to my existence!”
“Probably because your talent piqued a lot of people’s interests, especially the leaders because they saw it, I know I was”
“But like Oikawa is acting the weirdest towards me, and none of the other flutes are! Am I a threat?!”
“No I wouldn’t say you are a threat, more like a successor”
“But i have no leadership skills! How would I be a good successor?”
“Your potential and that you aren’t Kageyama”
“But like who else has an eye on me?”
“The tubas”
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
Hi! Hope you are doing great. I wonder if you could write for "unusual tool" lee iwaizumi ler oikawa! I love your fics! (sorry for my english)
TickleTober Day #9: Unusual Tool
“Um. Oikawa?”
Oikawa glanced at Iwa, who was holding up a makeup brush with confusion and curiosity written all over his face. His friend looked at him, smirked a little, and said, “Why do you have makeup brushes in your house?”
“Don’t get the wrong idea, idiot,” Oikawa snapped, grabbing the item from Iwa. “My sister was here with my nephew this weekend and she left some of her stuff on accident. They’re not mine.”
“She left makeup brushes in the living room?”
“Yes!” Oikawa threw his hands up in exasperation. “I don’t know why.”
Iwa chuckled. “Sure, sure. Whatever you say.”
Oikawa glared at him. “I know you’re not laughing at me.”
“Me? Noooo.”
The setter growled, then smirked and waved the makeup brush around teasingly. “Fine. If you really think they’re mine, I must be good at doing makeup, right? Let me show you how good I am, Iwa-chan~”
“No way,” Iwa laughed, taking a step back and then booking it entirely when he realized his friend was serious. “Back off! You suck at makeup!”
“How would you know?!”
“I know you were helping the drama club with their production last year because you liked one of the girls,” Iwa called over his shoulder as he scurried into the kitchen and toward the stairs.
“I wasn’t doing makeup! That’s an insult to the ladies who were!” Oikawa yelled, chasing him up the stairs and into his own bedroom, where Iwa tried to lock the door behind him before the setter could catch up.
No such luck. Oikawa burst into the room after him and tackled him onto the bed, dragging the brush all over his face. “Ha! See that? I can do makeup! You look beautiful, Iwa-chan~”
“T-Tohohoru!” Iwa giggled, squirming and tossing his head back and forth, trying to escape the tickly bristles of the brush. “Stohohohohop thahahahat!”
“Aww, too ticklish to get your makeup done? Too bad~” Oikawa teased mercilessly, dusting the tool over the shell of Iwa’s ear, enjoying the girlish squeal he got for his efforts. “I have to prove to you that I know what I’m doing, so lay still and take it like a good, ticklish little Hajime~”
Iwa cackled, his face blushing red, but he knew he was stuck here now no matter how much he laughed and pleaded. “Tohohohohohohohohoru…!”
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oddslimee1 · 2 years
Aobajousai Head canons (PART 2)
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-He hasn’t been tickled much, so he’s usually (somewhat) confused when someone tickles him
-Worst spots: Back, Thighs, Inner Knees, and his Hips
-But like his back! I swear I can see it, I swear on god bruh that his back is like a 8.5 out of 10
-Once, Oikawa patted his back and he practically jumped and gripped onto the roof on the fucking GYM! Like how the hell did he jump that high
-He has the CUTEST FUCKING LAUGH out of ALL the Aobajousai members
-Nah like LEGIT! He snorts and everything! 
-He also becomes a blush mess (which I LOVE)
-He never tickles anyone, only punches them to a bloody pulp 😃
-Alright he only tickled Yahaba ONCE because he was being an ass.
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-Watari isn’t that ticklish, only a little on his sides and ribs
-Though Hanamaki and Matsukawa have tickled him before
-He really only tickles Yahaba, but once he tickled Kyoutani cause they were at Yahaba’s and yes, Yahaba did help out
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-Alright so *cough cough*…
-He’s so ticklish oml 
-Worst spots: Everywhere (lol)
-Yeah he’s very ticklish and has a very cute laugh
-Like it’s only second place to Kyoutani’s (which we all know is the hottest and cutest one 😩🥺)
-Gets tickled by Kunimi the most
-He only tickles Kunimi
-Though he was dragged in on tickling a grumpy Hanamaki
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-So my second child (Kunimi) isn’t that ticklish, but is still ticklish
-Worst spots: Stomach and Elbows 
-His stomach sends him B A L L I S T I C
-He gets tickled by Oikawa the most (sadly)
-He only tickles Kindaichi and Oikawa
-His hands are really flexible so they can basically tickle their victim easily
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the-randooz · 2 years
who is more ticklish
You-- by far
man is not ticklish at all and it makes you angry
whenever you two play fight he ends up holding you down and tickling you until you beg him to stop
and if you aren't crying he won't 
that sounds wrong but we are moving on
loves seeing you laugh and smile
you always pout and get angry when he finally stops
and he always kisses your pout
then you lovingly fucking hurtfully hit him with the nearest pillow 💕💕💞💞
you two so cute
man is a fluff ball who loves your smile
but you love his more
he is super duper ticklish and gets all shy over his laugh
his spot is right under his ribs
touch it softly and wiggle your fingers and man will laugh so hard he cant breathe
he tries to tickle you back but you just tickle him again
you two end up a mess of smiles and giggles on the floor
ends up with you running around the house and all the furniture trying to dodge him
you trip and he gets his way with you anyway
I don't see osamu as the ticklish type imo
so you're the ticklish one along with atsumu
they like to hold you down while the other tickles you until you tap
you absolutely hate it 
suna is always recording it
kita always tells them to stop but he finds your laugh cute
kita always has to drag you away and play guard or they snatch you and do it all over again
you snorted one time on accident and atsumu will never let it go and always teases you about it
then osamu knocks him on the back of his head
I see him as secretly ticklish
he hates being tickled though
he will get all angry
and if you're anything like me you think he's hot when he's angry
so its late night in the kitchen, and you sneak behind him
as he is reaching for a cup in the cabinet you strike
shittykawa oikawa told you his tickle spot was his armpits
he lied
its his thighs
you he turns to you super confused before catching on
you book it
have you ever ran that fast before? probably not
will you ever run that fast again? only to go get oikawa for lying to you
oikawa watched the whole thing as you has set up your phone before
he laughed at the two of you then realized you were coming for him 
he stayed at makki's house for a week in fear of what you and iwa together would do lmao 
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