#tiger rice cooker
topteneverworld · 11 months
Best Instant Pot Duo | Top 4 Chosen for You!
The Instant Pot Duo has become a sensation in kitchens worldwide, transforming the way people cook and bringing unparalleled convenience to home cooking. This innovative multi-functional electric pressure cooker has revolutionized meal preparation, saving time and effort for busy individuals and families. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of the Instant Pot Duo and understand why it has gained such popularity.
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What is the Instant Pot Duo?
The Instant Pot Duo is a smart and versatile kitchen appliance that combines the functions of a pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, sauté pan, steamer, yogurt maker, and warmer all in one compact unit. Developed by Canadian company Instant Brands, the Instant Pot Duo has gained a massive following due to its ability to simplify cooking processes and enhance culinary creativity.
Features and VeOne of the standout
One of the standout features of the Instant Pot Duo is its versatility. With a range of cooking functions, users can prepare a wide variety of dishes with minimal effort. Whether you’re looking to cook a hearty stew, tenderize meat, prepare fluffy rice, or even make homemade yogurt, the Instant Pot Duo has you covered.
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The device comes equipped with pre-set programs for popular dishes, making it easy for even novice cooks to achieve consistent and delicious results. Additionally, the manual mode allows experienced cooks to take control and experiment with their own recipes, providing a customizable cooking experience to suit individual preferences.
Time and Energy Efficiency
Time is a valuable commodity, especially for those leading busy lives. The Instant Pot Duo’s pressure cooking functionality stands out for its ability to significantly reduce cooking time compared to traditional stovetop methods. By creating a sealed environment, the pressure cooker raises the boiling point of liquids, cooking food faster while retaining essential nutrients and flavors.
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Furthermore, the Instant Pot Duo is remarkably energy-efficient. Its well-insulated design and precise temperature control consume less power than conventional ovens and stovetops, contributing to lower energy bills and a smaller carbon footprint.
Ease of Use and Safety
The Instant Pot Duo has gained a reputation for its user-friendly interface. The digital control panel with clear buttons and a bright display makes navigation intuitive and hassle-free. Additionally, the safety features incorporated into the device provide peace of mind during cooking.
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Features like the lid lock ensure that the cooker remains sealed while under pressure, preventing accidental spills or burns. The pressure release valve allows controlled venting of steam, eliminating the risk of sudden eruptions. These safety measures, coupled with the automatic temperature and pressure controls, make the Instant Pot Duo a reliable and safe cooking companion.
Health Benefits
Cooking with the Instant Pot Duo offers health benefits beyond convenience. The pressure cooking method preserves more vitamins and minerals in food compared to conventional cooking methods that require longer exposure to high heat. Additionally, it allows for reduced use of oil and fats without compromising on taste or texture, promoting healthier eating habits for individuals and families alike.
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Community and Recipe Sharing
The Instant Pot Duo has fostered a strong online community, where enthusiasts share recipes, cooking tips, and hacks. Websites, social media groups, and forums are dedicated to the Instant Pot Duo, allowing users to learn from each other and discover new and exciting dishes to try. This sense of community has played a significant role in the appliance’s widespread popularity and its continued evolution as a versatile kitchen tool.
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maryburrow · 1 year
Tiger vs Zojirushi Rice Cooker: Which One Should You Buy?
If you’re in the market for a new rice cooker, you’ve probably come across the brands Tiger and Zojirushi. Both of these brands are well-known for producing high-quality rice cookers that make it easy to cook perfect rice every time. But which brand should you choose? In this article, we’ll compare Tiger and Zojirushi rice cookers to help you make an informed decision.
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Design and Build Quality
When it comes to design and build quality, both Tiger and Zojirushi rice cookers are top-notch. Zojirushi rice cookers have a sleek and modern design, with a stainless steel exterior and an LCD display. Tiger rice cookers, on the other hand, have a more traditional look, with a simple button interface and a white or black exterior. Both brands offer rice cookers in various sizes to accommodate different households.
Zojirushi rice cookers are generally more expensive than Tiger rice cookers. For example, a basic 5.5-cup rice cooker from Zojirushi can cost around $120, while a similar model from Tiger might cost around $80. However, both brands offer rice cookers at different price points, so you can find options that fit your budget.
Cooking Performance
Both Tiger and Zojirushi rice cookers are known for producing high-quality rice. Zojirushi rice cookers use advanced fuzzy logic technology to adjust the temperature and cooking time based on the type of rice being cooked. This can help produce consistently great rice, even if you’re not an experienced cook. Tiger rice cookers also have advanced cooking technology that can produce great rice, but they may not be as precise as Zojirushi rice cookers.
Zojirushi rice cookers tend to come with more advanced features than Tiger rice cookers. For example, Zojirushi offers rice cookers with settings for white rice, brown rice, sushi rice, and more. Many Zojirushi rice cookers also have a programmable timer, which allows you to set them to start cooking at a specific time. Tiger rice cookers typically have fewer features, but they still offer basic cooking functions and are easy to use.
Ease of Use
Both Tiger and Zojirushi rice cookers are generally easy to use, with simple button interfaces and clear instructions. However, Zojirushi rice cookers may have a steeper learning curve due to their advanced features.
Both Tiger and Zojirushi rice cookers are easy to clean and maintain. You should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and care.
Customer Support
Both Tiger and Zojirushi have good customer support, with responsive customer service and helpful resources on their websites.
Both Tiger and Zojirushi rice cookers come with a one-year limited warranty. However, Zojirushi also offers an extended warranty for an additional fee.
Pros and Cons of Tiger and Zojirushi Rice Cookers
Pros of Tiger Rice Cookers
Simple interface
Easy to use
Cons of Tiger Rice Cookers
Fewer features than Zojirushi rice cookers
May not produce as precise results as Zojirushi rice cookers
Pros of Zojirushi Rice Cookers
Advanced features
Precise temperature control
Consistently great results
Cons of Zojirushi Rice Cookers
May have a steeper learning curve than Tiger rice cookers
Are Tiger rice cookers as good as Zojirushi rice cookers?
While Tiger rice cookers are generally less expensive than Zojirushi rice cookers, they may not have as many advanced features or produce as precise results. However, both brands are known for producing high-quality rice cookers.
How long do Tiger and Zojirushi rice cookers last?
With proper care and maintenance, both Tiger and Zojirushi rice cookers can last for many years.
Can I cook other grains besides rice in a Tiger or Zojirushi rice cooker?
Yes, many rice cookers can also be used to cook other grains such as quinoa, barley, and more.
Do I need to rinse the rice before cooking it in a rice cooker?
It is recommended to rinse the rice before cooking it in a rice cooker to remove excess starch and improve the texture of the cooked rice.
Can I use a rice cooker to reheat leftover rice?
Yes, you can use a rice cooker to reheat leftover rice by adding a small amount of water and cooking it on the “warm” setting.
Both Tiger and Zojirushi rice cookers are excellent options for cooking rice, and the right choice for you will depend on your budget and specific needs. If you’re looking for a basic, affordable rice cooker, Tiger is a great choice. If you want more advanced features and precise temperature control, Zojirushi may be the better option. Regardless of which brand you choose, you can be sure that you’ll be cooking perfect rice every time.
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historioddity · 2 months
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The glee i felt opening this guy up. The absolute glee, I tell you!
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southernsmokebbq · 1 year
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bu-ikikaesu · 2 years
not just any rice cooker though, the tiger brand with the flowers on it
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rocketonthemoon · 1 month
pssssssst (slides across table)
(searching takikomi-gohan will get you all sorts of combinations, including official recipes from a pile of rice cooker makers like tiger and zojirushi, but ultimately the takeaway is ‘throw whatever you want in your rice cooker and let it do all the work’)
Sides you're saving my life with this I swear. Cooking is always one of those things that I hate doing but HAVE TO so being able to just throw things in the rice cooker is gunna be game changing YOU'RE A SAINT
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saiakv · 23 days
closed starter ( I'm just weak ) : for @parieha
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6:30am , Itadori family house.
The blade taps rhythmically on wood, orchestrating the carrot's dicing. It is chopped finally, then swept into a bowl with the dull edge, only for the next ingredient to come in view. The sizzling onions are overshadowed by the kitchen hood's hiss just as a portion of fluffy white rice is harvested from the cooker. All of the components come together in finely tuned motions, dainty fingers carefully wrapping seaweed in aluminum foil, never getting anything on the glimmering ring on their fourth finger.
The commotion concludes minutes later as the Husband enters the scene; Jin's tie is still loose after his wife hands him his bento and sends him off with a deep kiss. The sort that stops time in those romantic comedies he pretends not to like.
Sometimes, Kenjaku shocks themself with how many miniscule nuances of this man they have grown familiar with.
Once he is out the door, the real preparation begins. Aside from a teacher bringing it up once over a concerned phone call, Kaori is assured that most of the people in Yuji's life are not aware of his average caloric intake. The numbers keep adding in her personal diary — really, the archive for his growth measurements, which are taken on the daily, before breakfast.
( Even if the child inadvertedly spoke of those odd little rituals, it couldn't rouse concern. His mom was just quirky — a little eccentric after her near-fatal head injury. No one spoke about it at his school, as it would be improper to insult a woman like that. )
After the miso soup and the omelet and the salmon fillet and the rice with natto and the pickled plum had all been placed on the table ( the arrangement of sweets was for after ) Kaori moved to the inner staircase and leaned against a wooden poll to call out towards her son's bedroom.
❝ Yuji! Come down, dear, breakfast is ready! ❞ The plaster-smile lingered on her lips for a moment; and then no one came running down the stairs. ❝ — Yuji! You are going to be late for school! ❞ She waits a moment longer, unmoving features fixing on the last step up. Her hair dangles under her chin as it clenches. And just as she begins to climb up the stairs, every semblance of good-nature in her expression melts off into a statuesque deadpan. She ascends with the same grace to be found in a feline's prowl, her footfalls light down the hall and voice a little softer when she calls out again.
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❝ ... Yuji? Are you up yet, little tiger? ❞
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candypopangel · 2 years
eddie munson with an asian s/o headcanons
(based off of my experiences as a SEAsian american girl + what i hear from a lot of other AAPI) also made this kinda vague so it could be more inclusive :') and sorry if this is underwhelming LMFAOOAODKSDJJWJD
content warnings: includes parental pressure and swearing, lots of fluff, tiny angst but lots of comfort, eddie my bare minimum king🙏
-first time you came over to his trailer you began taking your shoes off and he looked at you like you grew an extra arm or something
-"uhhh, you can keep your shoes on, cutie"
-"eds, i can't dirty the floor with my shoes!"
-"'s already dirty, sweetheart. don't worry about it"
-picture you internally panicking
-'true... who knows what kind of shit is on this floor... do i wear shoes or not?!???'
-vice versa, when he first came over to your place he just followed suit, neatly putting his shoes aside as you gave him house slippers to wear
-never not giving him something when you visit
-"my parents tell me to never show up empty handed so... here's these lemons from our backyard...um...maybe wayne could use them?" you mumble all flustered and avoiding eye contact because you think it's a little silly
-him being totally confused in the beginning but appreciates the sentiment
-and it's kind of awkward for you when you explain the things you do cuz, well, it's describing your norms in detail
-but he's genuinely curious and eager to learn!!!
-you being shy to share cultural food with him, since you'd get teased for bringing it to school
-as long as it tastes good to him he does not care
-and even if it's not his taste he's never a dick about it
-teaching him to WASH HIS RICE and using the finger method to measure the water when using a rice cooker😭😭
-"wait, eds do you...do you wash your rice?"
-"are you supposed to...?" he furrows his brows
-que internal crying
-you share childhood snacks with him and he absolutely loves it
-(he DEVOURS those little fruit jellies) (he chokes on them)
-will ask if you have the strawberry flavored hard candies on you sometimes
-will kiss you (with permission) to get a taste of whatever candy you're eating and he'll make a little game where he tries to guess the flavor
-if you use chopsticks to eat i feel like it wouldn't take long for him to get it down since he's a guitarist and (cough) good with his hands
-either that or he cannot pick the food up whatsoever
-he's very tempted to stab the food when he's struggling.
-if you use your hand to eat i'm gonna be honest he may think it feels a little odd to do at first
-and you're like "you do know that you always wash your hands before and after right?" "oh, right"
-(i doubt these characters wash their hands often and most def touch anything/everything without second thought)
-he thinks it's convenient tho! and it makes the food taste better ;)
-and when he catches a cold–immediately tiger balm/vicks vapor rub and other home remedies
-you bring it to him and he's like "what are u putting on me." then u shush him, rub it on, and his mind is blown
-you make him comfort food and various soups 😢🫶 (he always eats it up)
-the weight....it calms his constantly racing mind :'(....
-perfect blanket to sleep under when you two make a pillow fort
-he has such a big smile on his face as he tells you to do a little spin for him >:'d
-"you look perfect, sweetheart", he says, awestruck - WAHHHHGHHHH
-cutting up fruits/bringing it to him when he's deep in concentration as a silent reminder to take a break, whether it's studying for mrs o'donnell's class or learning a judas priest song on the guitar
-(idek if he eats fruits, i feel like he eats like shit but you try to give him nutrients😭)
-telling him not to sleep with wet hair or he'll wake up with a migraine + other various superstitions
-idk if this happens to you guys, but i'll cuss in my native language when i'm mad
-"where the fuck is the can opener? i swear i just saw it! insert native expletive"
-"oh, it means fuck your mom"
-"ah, good to know"
-and that's how you teach him little tidbits of your language — having it slip out in daily conversation
-he'll remember all of it :( like you could respond to him in your mother tongue out of nowhere and SOMEHOW he'll understand it (or at least pick out a few words and get the gist of it)
-"something about going to the...store? later? did i get that right?" [he's doing his little tongue quirk and smiling in classic eddie munson fashion]
-"how the fuck" 😭
-i'm not sure he'd be too good with pronunciation though...LOOL he'll stick to understanding a few things
-in a modern au, he'd love bubble tea and likes adding green apple popping boba like a heathen
-his regular is brown sugar milk tea w/ boba but proceeds to bounce off the walls in the following hours
-is always there to catch you when your parents' pressure and expectations pile up a little too much
-while he knows he can't stand up to them, it frustrates him to no end because he knows damn well you're giving more than your best to please them
-rather than be like "fuck your parents" cuz that is extremely disrespectful to say to your face (and he now knows to respect his elders) he'll prioritize you and your feelings
-doesn't hesitate to reassure you and remind you that you're more than what your parents see
-(bare minimum gentleman🥺)
-you're like lowkey afraid of your parents seeing him too though
-not that you're embarrassed, dear god no, it's just that your parents have certain standards
-and eddie's repeat years, numerous absences, and "unruly" appearance would totally result in them forcing you to stop seeing him
-but whatever because what they don't know won't hurt them
-results in carefully sneaking him into your room and only bringing him over when no one else is home #rebellious
-but he makes you feel like the happiest person alive so doesn't matter
-bottom line sweetest man ever, does not judge and is open to trying new things :') will always love you for you. best white boy of the year
wahhhh thank you for reading, i'm so SHYYY LMFAOOO i hope this was okay😭 if i'm super serious i'm so motivated to write a fic with the song your best american girl by mitski + this man cuz pain hahaaa!!!!!
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allsadnshit · 2 years
work was so crushed today it was a literal spanking but i made it through
came home and made big rice bowls with smoked kippers and my home pickled daikon radishes
sent out lots of work emails for my little business and started a pressure cooker stewed yellow curry chicken thigh with fennel, sugar rush peach peppers, carrots, potatoes, ginger, and lemongrass turmeric paste in coconut milk over rice
my husband gave my a shoulder massage with tiger balm
and then I made us little night time drinks with simmered raw milk, raw honey, cinnamon, grass fed beef collagen, turkey tail mushroom, and a spoonful of my homemade pumpkin butter with blackstrap molasses
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
I've completely disavowed the instant pot I think it sucks so now I want to look up a mini rice cooker to buy and bring into the office so I can just make rice and unfortunately I'm myself so I've completely fallen in love with the tiger one that's over a hundred bucks. I'm not getting it but I Know That Brand And I Trust That Brand. and it has a floral design 😔
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reciperolodex · 1 year
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Salmon Rice by Tiger Corporation
2 cups Japanese short grain rice 
1 ½ teaspoons dashi powder 
1 ½ tablespoon soy sauce 
1 tablespoon sake 
2 6-8 ounce boneless salmon fillets 
1 thumb size ginger, peeled and sliced into thin strips 
2 scallions, finely chopped
Rinse the rice well until the water runs clear and add it to the rice cooker inner pot. 
Add enough water to reach the 2 cups line and add the dashi, soy sauce, and sake. Stir to combine. 
Place the salmon fillets and ginger on top of the rice and close the lid. 
Select the [Plain] function and press start. 
When the cooking is done, use the rice paddle to break the salmon and mix it into the rice. You can remove the skin at this point. 
Transfer the rice to a serving bowl and top with scallions. Serve.
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annwynisland · 1 year
Furniture Catalogue
Item names spelled in US English. Ctrl+F (find keyword) recommended. I can customize with Cyrus if specific color variant(s) desired.
ACNH Nintendo Switch
Alto saxophone
Analog kitchen scale
Anthurium plant
Antique bureau
Antique chair
Antique clock
Antique console table
Antique mini table
Antique wardrobe
Arcade seat
Artsy table
Baby panda
Basic teacher's desk
Beach ball
Beach chairs with parasol
Beach towel
Board game
Book stands
Bottled beverage
Box corner sofa
Box sofa
Broom and dustpan
Bunk bed
Campfire cookware
Camping cot
Candle chandelier
Cardboard box
Casablanca lilies
Cassette player
Cat grass
Champion's pennant
Changing room
Checkout counter
Clothes closet
Clothesline pole
Coffee beans
Coffee cup
Coffee grinder
Coffee plant
Colorful juice
Cooking tools
Cool sofa
Corner clothing rack
Counter table
Covered wagon
Crane game
Creepy skeleton
Cruiser bike
Cuckoo clock
Cup with saucer
Cute chair
Cute DIY table
Cute sofa
Cute wall-mounted clock
Cute wardrobe
Cypress bathtub
Cypress plant
Decorative bottles
Deep fryer
Desk mirror
Dessert carrier
Diner counter chair
Diner counter table
Diner dining table
Diner neon clock
Dinosaur toy
Director's chair
Dish-drying rack
Display stand
Document stack
Double-door refrigerator
Double-edged sword
Double Gloucester cheese
Double sofa
Dreamy bed
Dreamy rabbit toy
Dreamy wall rack
Dual hanging monitors
Elephant slide
Enamel lamp
Evergreen ash
Exam table
Exercise bike
Exit sign
Fancy violin
Fax machine
Festival zongzi
Floating-biotope planter
Floor light
Floor seat
Fluorescent light
Folding floor lamp
Fortune-telling set
Froggy chair
Garden faucet
Garden gnome
Garden lantern
Gas range
Glass jar
Hanging cube light
Hearty ramen
High-end stereo
Homework set
Iced coffee
Imperial bed
Imperial chest
Imperial decorative shelves
Imperial dining chair
Imperial dining lantern
Imperial low table
Imperial partition
Ironing board
Ironing set
Judge's bell
Karaoke machine
Kids' tent
Kimono stand
Kitchen counter
Knife block
Lab-experiments set
Large covered round table
Large magazine rack
Lily-pad table
Long bathtub
Magnetic knife rack
Metal can
Metal pot
Meter and pipes
Mini circuit
Mining car
Modern cash register
Modern office chair
Moroccan lights
Moss ball
Mounted blue marlin
Mr. Flamingo
Mrs. Flamingo
Oil barrel
Oil lamp
Outdoor air conditioner
Outdoor bench
Outdoor folding chair
Owl clock
Painting set
Papa panda
Paper-chain ceiling garland
Paper lantern
Paper tiger
Patchwork bed
Patchwork sofa chair
Pendulum clock
Pet food bowl
Pinball machine
Pine tree
Plasma ball
Plastic canister
Pop-up book
Pop-up toaster
Popcorn machine
Porcelain vase
Portable radio
Pot rack
Potted starter plants
Premium nigirizushi
Pro coffee grinder
Puppy plushie
Rattan armchair
Rattan end table
Rattan low table
Rattan stool
Rattan table lamp
Rattan vanity
Rattan wardrobe
Retro fan
Retro stereo
Rice cooker
Rock guitar
Rocket lamp
Rotary phone
Round light fixture
Round pillow
Round space heater
Salad bar
Sandwich plate meal
School chair
School desk
Serving cart
Set of stockings
Sewing machine
Sewing project
Shaded floor lamp
Shaded pendant lamp
Ship-wheel door decoration
Shopping bag
Short file cabinet
Shoyu ramen
Silver confetti blower
Silver mic
Simple kettle
Simple panel
Simple shaded lamp
Simple table
Simple wall shelf
SLR camera
Small mannequin
Small vase
Soft-serve lamp
Spaceship control panel
Spinning wheel
Square bathtub
Standing toilet
Strapped books
Studio spotlight
Study carrel
Study chair
Study desk
Study sewing box
Super-premium nigirizushi
Surichwi tteok
Table lamp
Table with cloth
Tabletop record player
Tangled cords
Tape deck
Tea set
Thank-you Mom mug
Throwback container
Throwback dino screen
Throwback gothic mirror
Throwback hat table
Throwback rocket
Throwback skull radio
Tin bucket
Tin robot
Tissue box
Titan arum
Tool shelf
Toy box
Traditional tea set
Train set
Transit seat
Upright speaker
Utility sink
Vacuum cleaner
Velvet stool
Vertical banner
Wall-mounted candle
Wall-mounted LED display
Wall-mounted phone
Wall-mounted TV (50 in.)
Water cooler
Weight bench
Winnowing machine
Wood-burning stove
Wooden pendant light
World map
Yule log
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mejomonster · 1 year
Chapter 103. My heart ;-;
Luo Wenzhou gained a deeper understanding of his position in the household—it turned out that what Master Luo welcomed every day was a walking meal ticket. As for the useless two-legged litter box attendant himself, it didn’t have any interest in him at all. As long as it had something to eat, it didn’t care where he went or whether he lived or died.
Other living beings would be all right missing a meal; Luo Wenzhou was only worried about the patient going hungry.
When they’d just brought Xia Xiaonan down, he’d wanted to tell the patient to leave, but Fei Du had been unwilling.
Seeing that it was already so late, Luo Wenzhou had wanted to stop somewhere to buy takeout on the way. Fei Du hadn’t said what he wanted to eat, only make nitpicking comments about every restaurant along the way, the implication being that he was equally unwilling.
“You just had to come home to eat. What is there to eat at home? Will congee and salted vegetables suit your tastes? You’re a bigger problem than even Luo Yiguo.” As he complained, Luo Wenzhou hastily put a bowl of washed rice into the freezer to chill, then started to chop meat and preserved egg, setting up the pressure cooker in a flurry. He irritably scolded Fei Du, who was standing by idly, “And you’re as much in the way as Luo Yiguo!”
Fei Du, holding his game machine in his hands and walking around aimlessly, and Luo Yiguo, who at some point had come over to observe human cooking, one standing and one crouching, turned their gazes on him at the same time.
Luo Wenzhou looked back at the two of them. Within half a minute he was utterly routed. Having been defeated, he ungrudgingly went to work.
Fei Du could race motorbikes in a rainstorm with a crowd of aimless rich kids, could party with his drinking buddies until the middle of the night, could spend money like water, could spout a mouthful of glib talk; clearly he ought to have been flamboyant to his heart’s content, but at the same time he was excessively controlled and reserved. Whether he was laughing or angry, the majority of it was brought out for show. Any real emotion was like a trace element that you needed a special instrument to get an inkling of.
Luo Wenzhou turned his naked eyes into microscopes, faintly discerning something that might have been his own mistake; Luo Wenzhou felt that Fei Du was “sticking” to him a little—just a little, about the viscosity of rice boiled soft.
Perhaps, having crossed paths with Xia Xiaonan, who’d kept saying, “She hated me,” internally he wasn’t nearly as untouched and unassailable as he seemed
At Luo Wenzhou’s direction, Fei Du took up a small cutting board and set about “mixing the salted vegetables.” The salted vegetables were leaf mustard bought from the store, which needed to be chopped up thin, then mixed up with cilantro and chili pepper, then have sesame oil and other such condiments added, a personal version of the northeastern dish “Tiger Vegetable Salad.”
No matter what you had him do, Fei Du would learn it very quickly, remembering when you’d said it only once and soon getting it right…only his knife work was a little lacking. He kept having to pause to look around for the right angle for the knife. The vegetable knife came down against the cutting board time after time, the sound almost carrying an echo, unusually hypnotic. When Luo Wenzhou had used the pressure cooker to cook a pot of his own version of preserved egg and lean meat congee and steamed some frozen buns, Fei Du had just finished chopping a small amount of leaf mustard.
Luo Yiguo, looking out from on top of the oven, stared curiously at Fei Du, observing what he was doing but not daring to rashly make trouble in front of him.
With his arms crossed over his chest, Luo Wenzhou watched his Master Fei and Master Cat. His heart, left behind on the icy rooftop of the administration building, finally seemed to return to his body, slowly sinking into his chest, producing a flower, the scientific name of which was “calm.”
While Fei Du was going back and forth over a chili pepper with the vegetable knife, Luo Wenzhou suddenly spoke, seeming casual. “Hey, do you want to…stay here with me after this?”
Fei Du’s hand slipped, and the knife fell, cutting the chili pepper in half on the cutting board.
The chili pepper, which had died unfulfilled, sprayed a pungent grievance up to the heavens, like a biological weapon, simultaneously drawing a round of sneezes from Fei Du and Luo Yiguo, their eyes watering from the spice.
Luo Wenzhou had been prepared, dodging a meter away, laughing like a dog—then he seized the opportunity to cover up his question just now, laughing merrily as he passed Fei Du a box of tissues.
Fei Du turned his head and fixed his reddened, streaming eyes on Luo Wenzhou’s somewhat flustered figure, having an impulse to answer, “All right!” But as soon as he opened his mouth, he couldn’t help turning his face away to sneeze again. The momentary impulse, like a weak flame in a storm lantern, died invisibly after having risen silently.
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dnstore · 4 months
এতো বড় রাইস কুকার আস্ত গরু রান্না করাযাবে | Best Big Size Rice Cooker in Bangladesh
Best big-size rice cooker price in Bangladesh. Check out Rice Cookers for the perfect rice online every time in Bangladesh from DN Store. Here you will get all the rice cookers at the cheapest price.
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A rice cooker is a kitchen appliance designed to automatically cook rice. It usually consists of a cooking bowl, a heating element and a thermostat. Rice cookers come in different sizes, from small ones suitable for individuals or small families to large ones for large families or commercial use.
Key features of the rice cooker include:
1. Automatic cooking: Once you add rice and water to the cooker and turn it on, it automatically controls the cooking process, ensuring perfectly cooked rice without the need for constant monitoring.
2. Keep Warm Function: Many rice cookers have a "keep warm" setting that keeps cooked rice warm for an extended period of time after cooking, so you can enjoy it hot whenever you're ready.
3. Different cooking modes: Some advanced models offer different cooking modes for different types of rice, such as white rice, brown rice, sushi rice, etc.
4. Non-stick inner pot: The cooking bowl inside the rice cooker is often non-stick, making it easy to clean and preventing rice from sticking to the bottom.
5. Steamer basket: Some rice cookers come with a steamer basket accessory, which allows you to steam vegetables, fish, or other foods at the same time as cooking rice.
When choosing a rice cooker, consider factors such as capacity, cooking options, ease of cleaning, and additional features based on your preferences and cooking needs. Popular brands include Jojirushi, Panasonic, Tiger, Aroma, and Instant Pot. Prices can vary depending on brand, size, and features, from budget-friendly options to more high-end models with advanced functionality.
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what-marsha-eats · 8 months
The Great American Kitchen Myth
By Ruth Reichl
At the moment I’m standing in the gorgeous kitchen of the airb&b I’ve rented for a few weeks in Los Angeles. It has every imaginable bell and whistle: dark marble counters, computer-equipped stove, European dishwasher, a cool sculptural vent.  There’s a huge refrigerator with freezer drawers that is so tastefully camouflaged by smooth wooden panels you’d never know it was there. Every nook and cranny of this kitchen has been carefully designed so that even the usually inaccessible corner spaces have pivoting shelves to hold the many machines -food processors, spice grinders, mixers – hidden beneath the counters. On top of that, it has a view of an immaculately groomed garden much loved by a neighboring cat who resembles a tiny tiger.
There is not one thing wrong with this kitchen…except for the fact that I hate it.
Despite its glamorous efficiency, this kitchen and I have yet to produce a delicious meal. I am not surprised: all the money that’s been poured into this room have made it cold, clinical and unwelcoming. “Go away!” it seems to shout each time I walk in the door.
It is living proof that the Great American Kitchen Myth is utter nonsense. You know, that one that says it’s impossible to produce a decent meal unless you have a battery of arcane appliances.New and supposedly necessary gadgets are constantly entering our lives. Last year it was a sous-vide machine, a rice cooker or an induction cooktop.  This year it’s the Instapot. Next year it will probably be the anti-griddle (such an object really does exist; it is to cold what ordinary griddles are to heat). The people who produce these things want you to covet computerized refrigerators that warn you when you’re about to run out of milk, intelligent ovens that tell you when the roast is done, and countertop cookers eager to produce an entire meal at the flick of a button.
I’ve been breathlessly introduced to each of these items. But I don’t want them. I know that in real life I need none of these things. The truth is that, given a few excellent ingredients, a reliable source of heat, a sharp knife and a couple of pots anyone can produce a great meal. What she  can’t do is cook that great meal in a kitchen that makes her (or him) miserable.
The first kitchen I could truly call my own occupied the corner of a bare bones loft on New York’s then ungentrified and fairly scary lower east side.  We built our counters by scavenging wooden pallets that had been discarded by our industrial neighbors (back then downtown New York was still filled with factories).  Our stove was a cranky old creature someone had discarded and left on the street. There was, of course, no dishwasher, which has left me with a lifelong appreciation for washing dishes. (I find creating order out of chaos extremely fulfilling.) And back then we were so poor that when I needed a rolling pin it made more sense to buy a bottle of cheap wine and use that to roll out my pastry. (The wine was terrible, but it went into a terrific stew.) And I’m convinced that I invented the microplane: when I needed to grate Parmesan I rifled through my husband’s tool box and borrowed his rasp.
That kitchen may have been shabby and small, but it was always filled with music and I danced joyfully around as I taught myself to make good meals out of cheap cuts, bake bread (in discarded ceramic flower pots), and feed the hungry friends who showed up whenever mealtime rolled around. I was so happy in that kitchen that I ended up writing a cookbook.  (If you can find a copy of MMMMM: A Feastiary you will discover that it contains not a single recipe requiring anything as arcane as a food processor or stand mixer.)
I moved on to a communal house in Berkeley California where we rarely sat down to dinner with fewer than a dozen people. We still had no dishwasher and not a single fancy food machine, but that kitchen was always filled with people talking, chopping, drinking wine, rolling out pasta on an old-fashioned chittara, and stretching a single chicken to feed a crowd. I don’t think I’ve ever served better meals than during the ten years I lived in that house.
My next kitchen was in Los Angeles, in an old house with a scarred linoleum floor and a single electrical outlet.  Once again, no dishwasher. But it was an airy space with a view of distant snow-capped hills and bougainvillea that came twining through the window.  Despite the antique stove and scarce electricity I managed to cook Thanksgiving dinner for thirty people every year, and no one ever complained about the food.
For most of human history, feeding your family was backbreaking work. You had to raise the animals, tend the garden, butcher the meat. You had to fetch water, light fires and preserve enough of summer’s bounty to see your family through the winter. 
But modern life has changed all that. Indoor plumbing, refrigeration and supermarkets (not to mention on-line shopping) have turned cooking into something that is no longer a chore.  Today cooking can be – should be - pure pleasure. So here’s my advice: forget about all the appliances you think you need. Just turn your kitchen into a space you love; everything else will follow.
I can’t tell you what your dream kitchen should be: we all cook so differently that one kitchen couldn’t possibly please everyone. But I can tell you what makes me happy.
I prefer small kitchens. Standing in the middle of mine I can stretch out my arms and touch the sink on one side and the stove on the other. About that stove….. I invested in a very fancy one and I’m sorry I did.  My previous stove was the cheapest 6-burner model on the market and I loved it. Unlike the behemoth I now possess, it shot up to temperature in a few minutes, while my top-of-the-line splurge takes almost half an hour to reach 450 degrees.
 I like to bake pies (yes, I now own a rolling pin), so I covered my counters with a stone called serpentine which allows me to roll out dough anywhere I want.  This material is not only beautiful, but so sturdy I can plop the hottest pots on top without giving it a thought.
I do have a dishwasher, but I kind of wish I didn’t; it takes up too much room, and if I had it to do over I’d put a central trash bin where the dishwasher now lives. It would be a major improvement.
I’m lucky: at five feet six inches I’m the average height for an American woman, and most standard kitchens are designed for me. But if you’re not, fix it; chopping at the wrong height is exhausting. If you’re short, put in layers of rubber mats; if you’re tall, add chopping blocks so you don’t have to bend over each time you pick up a knife. This is a small thing: it is also everything.
 Visuals are equally important. Some people like their kitchens spare. I don’t. I prefer color and chaos, and I’ve covered my counters with bowls of fruits and jars of spices. I have a few antique appliances too; my favorite is an old juicer that reminds me of a friendly elephant. It cost $2 in a junk shop, but it makes me laugh every time I walk into the room.
My kitchen is so cheerful that I never want to leave. I have air and light and music.  And although it’s small there’s plenty of room for any friend who wants to lend a hand. And that happens fairly often, because this room is an invitation to cook. The cats like it too, and they come in purring loudly as they twine around our ankles. But even when the room is empty, I am never lonely in the kitchen.  When I stand at the stove the ghosts of all the women who taught me to cook are there too, cheering me on.
Most of all, each time I caramelize an onion in butter, or the kitchen fills with the fine yeasty scent of bread rising in the oven, I’m reminded of all the little things that make life worth living. Because that’s the real secret of a great kitchen: one you love is genuinely life changing. It not only makes you a better cook, it also makes you a happier person.
(Curious about my current kitchen? You can see it here.)
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naaskick · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Tiger Japan Made Synchro-Cooking 5.5-Cup Micom Rice Cooker and Warmer.
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