#tighes hill
abs0luteb4stard · 1 year
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milliondollarbaby87 · 6 months
Road House (1989) Review
James Dalton is a bouncer who was hired to clean up one of the worst bars in a small Missouri town, what he didn’t realise was that trying to do this would see the villianious local entrepreneur Brad Wesley to rebel against it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Road House (1989) Review
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m1carremoval · 1 year
Is It Important to Drain Engine Fluids Before Selling Your Old Car?
If you are planning to sell your old car and get a good price in exchange then you must not make any decision in a hurry. You need to find a genuine car buyer who can offer you good cash for car in Waratah without asking for any money for the removal service. Apart from this, there are a few other important things you need to do such as not removing any components from your car such as the seat, tyre, engine, etc. cleaning it before showing it to the wreckers, etc.
Out of that, it is also vital for you to drain the engine fluids before selling your old car. If you want to know the reasons for this then you need to check out the points that are explained below in detail.
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Importance To Drain Engine Fluids
1. Different kinds of engine fluids are used by a vehicle such as an engine coolant, gasoline and motor oil. All these help a vehicle to operate and it is better to drain it from the old car that you are not using because the fluids can lead to a big problem and pose safety risks.
2. Old fluids can damage the engine and due to this you won’t be able to get a good amount of cash for car in Carrington.
3. Draining the engine fluids is also vital as it can damage the internal parts of the engine and if there is a leakage then it can destroy the other components of the car.
So if you don’t want to lose the opportunity to earn good cash for car in Tighes Hill then it is better to drain the engine fluids.
You can also increase your chance of earning more money for your old or used car by collecting some price quotes from professional car buyers. By checking and comparing them you will get a good idea about who is ready to offer you a good price in exchange for your used automobile.
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Being part of the royal family in Hell, most others thought the Morningstar family would be doing the most prestigious things imaginable. In reality, they were just like any other family in Hell. They had regular lives, their child went to school with other children, and they were just as loving and supportive of each other as any other family.
Once Lilith announced she and Lucifer were having a baby, their lives changed for the better. When their little girl, Charlotte Morningstar, was born, their lives filled with more joy than they could have ever imagined. They gave life to the sweetest, most generous, and most selfless little girl that Hell has ever seen.
Charlie was Lilith and Lucifer’s pride and joy, but especially Lucifer’s. He never thought in his life that he would find more joy in his life after falling in love with Lilith, but all that changed when Charlie was born. Once he laid eyes on her for the first time, it was like he fell in love all over again. Seeing Charlie open her eyes and smile at her father for the first time was enough for Lucifer’s heart to melt. He had a special bond with his daughter that nobody could take away from them.
Watching Charlie grow was the most rewarding part for Lilith and Lucifer. Seeing her reach so many milestones in several years, like her first steps and her first words, was enough for them to be filled with enough joy to fill the three of them. However, a lot of that changed after Charlie turned two.
Lucifer was the first one to notice the changes in his daughter when she was getting bigger. She still loved playing with him and would still sob her eyes out if he had to leave for any reason, like she has since she was a baby, but he has noticed how much more quiet and reserved she has gotten since her second birthday.
It started when the family was at the park one day. He noticed her playing alone, spinning by herself and singing something he could barely understand instead of playing with other children. It started to remind him of what he was like when he was a child. His mother would often tell stories about how he would play alone with his rubber duckies instead of playing with other children, and how he would spin and sing around the house and in public all the time. He remembered being picked on and bullied for those quirks. That alone was enough for Lucifer to be scared that Charlie was going to go through the same thing.
He never brought this up to his wife until one day when Charlie was playing with the ducks that he gave her in the living room. They were having their father/daughter time together, playing and singing their favorite song together.
"Five little ducks went out one day Over the hills and far away”
Lilith walked into the living room to see her husband and daughter playing and singing together. She sat down to admire the bond they had as they continued singing.
“Mother duck said, ‘Quack, quack, quack, quack!’ But only four little ducks came back.”
Lucifer sat next to Lilith, with Charlie in his arms. They kissed each other on the lips and Charlie wriggled out of her father’s arms to play some more.
“You seem a little… sad. What’s wrong, Luci?” Lilith asked as she hugged her husband and he put his head on her shoulder.
“I was thinking a lot, Lily, and you know I’ve been noticing a lot of… quirks in Charlie recently, and it was making me think about when I was her age. My mother used to tell me that I would do the same things at her age, and I would be picked on to no end because of it. I’m scared Charlie’s going to end up like me when she gets older.”
Lilith held Lucifer’s hand as he sat up. “Now, why would you think that would be a bad thing?”
“Because I don’t want Charlie to go through the same thing I did. I don’t want her getting picked on and being scared to go to school everyday like I did. I still think about how much I was picked on everyday and I know it will follow her for the rest of her life.”
Lilith put her arm around Lucifer and held him as tightly as she could. “If she ever does get picked on, she will have the best support system on this side of the Pentagram. If we hear about her getting picked on, we will come right to her defense.”
“You’re right, Lilith. If anything, those kids should be scared of us.”
The couple giggled as Charlie toddled her way to Lucifer and climbed on his lap. She sat down and began rubbing her hands on his lap with Lucifer holding her hands. He and Lilith could not help but smile at their daughter’s fascination with the texture of her father’s pants as Charlie laid on Lucifer’s chest and giggled.
“Besides, if she does end up like you, that wouldn’t be a bad thing. In fact, that would be one of the best things for her,” Lilith added.
“You really think so?” Lucifer asked.
“I know I do. The first thing I noticed about her is how she has your face and your smile. She has the ability to brighten anyone’s day just by smiling at them, and you do the same thing. I know my days are always brighter whenever I see your smiles.”
Lucifer smiled and hugged Charlie and kissed her. She giggled when her father held her closer to him. Her smile does bring him as much joy as she does with Lilith, and him to his daughter as well. Charlie felt the same way whenever she saw her father smile at her.
“She also makes that same face that you make whenever you’re angry. It’s like I gave birth to my husband,” Lilith pointed out.
Charlie giggled and made the angry face Lilith was talking about. Lucifer held her up to his face and made the same face. Lilith hid her face in her hands, trying to hold in her laughter after seeing her husband and daughter being adorable.
“And that’s another positive thing you both have in common. You never fail to make anyone laugh, even when you’re not trying,” Lilith added, still chuckling.
Lucifer laid back on his wife’s chest, bringing Charlie with him and both laughing. He could never get enough of his wife’s contagious laughter, which was also enough to get Charlie to laugh too.
“But do you want to know the most positive thing about her that she inherited from you?” Lilith asked.
“What’s that?”
“Her big heart and her love for life. I see the way she treats others whenever we’re out. I know she may not be the best at making friends, but whenever someone walks up to her and says hi, she is so quick to give them a hug and whatever toy she was playing with at that moment. That might also make her a lot different from other hellborn children, but I know I wouldn’t have her any other way.”
Charlie climbed onto her father to reach his shoulders and put her arms around him in an embrace. Lucifer hugged his daughter back and Lilith joined in the family hug.
“Daddy?” Charlie said.
“What is it, Duckling?”
“I love you so much! More than anything in the world!”
Charlie hugged Lucifer tighter and he hugged her tighter too. “I love you so much too, Charlie. You are my pride and joy.”
“I love you too, Mommy.” Charlie crawled over to Lilith to give her a hug too. Lucifer moved next to his wife to give her and Charlie another hug.
“Charlie, you’ll always be my little princess. I know you will grow up to be the kindest and most successful girl in Hell. And I know that you’ll grow up to be just like your father; which I can assure both of you that’s the best thing for you,” Lilith explained.
“I want to be just like Daddy when I grow up!” Charlie said as she climbed up her father’s shoulders and grabbed his hat.
Lucifer and Lilith laughed as they grabbed Charlie from his shoulders and Lucifer took his hat off and put it on her. Charlie giggled as Lucifer’s hat slid on her head. Lilith and Lucifer laughed again and he took his hat off of Charlie’s head and put it back on.
“And I’m sure you will be just like your father when you grow up,” Lilith assured as she gave Charlie a kiss on the forehead. Charlie slid down from the couch to continue playing with Lucifer’s rubber duckies.
“Do you feel better, my love?” Lilith asked.
“I do; thank you, honey. You know, Charlie turning out like me might not be so bad after all,” Lucifer replied.
Lilith grabbed Lucifer’s chin and shared a long kiss. Once they were finished, they looked at Charlie, who was lining up the ducks she was playing with. Lucifer smiled and leaned on his wife, seeing himself at Charlie’s age doing the same thing. While he was heavily judged and discouraged from doing so at that age, he made a promise to not do the same thing with Charlie.
“You will always be my pride and joy, Char; you will be the greatest young woman when you grow up.”
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blairstales · 19 days
The Cailleach | Scottish Folklore
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The story of the Cailleach can change drastically depending on what area of Scotland you are in, making her a hard figure to pin down as one thing or another.
In some stories, she transforms each year at Tobar na Cailleach(well of the Cailleach) from an old woman into youth, and the change of seasons depict her cycle from youth into elderly age.
In other stories, the Cailleach is more of a villainous figure, that either stubbornly fights back the forces of spring(and is ultimately overcome by the united forces of the sun, dew, and rain), or the Cailleach holds spring prisoner in the form of a beautiful young woman named Bride. Bride is eventually rescued by a young man named Aengus, and their union brings forth spring.
To again bring on winter, she washes her great plaid in the whirlpool of Corryvreckan, a spectacle that heralds the onset of winter storms.
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The Corryvreckan Whirlpool
Thanks to her winter and storm association, it is perhaps no surprise mountains named after her, such as Beinn na Cailleach, often become engulfed in storm-clouds during the winter months.
However, there are also stories that reflect a side of the Cailleach that goes beyond her association with winter.
“-… it is undoubted that the Cailleach is the guardian spirit of a number of animals. ‘The deer have the first claim on her. They are her cattle; she herds and milks them and often gives them protection against the hunter. Swine, wild goats, wild cattle and wolves were also her creatures. In another aspect she was a fishing goddess. “ A Encyclopedia of Fairies by Katharine Briggs (1976)
Sometimes, she is a guardian of sacred wells, demonstrated in Alasdair Alpin MacGregor’s “The Peat-Fire Flame” which recounts a tale where the Cailleach’s failure to cover a spring with a stone results in a catastrophic flood and the forming of Loch Awe.
“But one day, weary with hunting the corries of Cruachan, she fell asleep on the sunny hillside. Not until the third morning did she awaken; and by that time her heritage lay beneath the waters of the loch that since then has been known as Loch Awe.” The Peat-Fire Flame: Folk-Tales and Traditions of the Highlands and Islands by Alasdair Alpin MacGregor (1937)
Othertimes, she is a source of healing, such as at the ancient shrine of Tigh nam Bodach(sometimes also called Tigh na Cailleach), which is associated with the Cailleach, the Bodach (Old Man), and their daughter Nighean(who is not always mentioned).
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“The Tigh na Cailleach near Glen Lyon in Perthshire, Scotland”
At the shrine, there are stones known as healing stones, and they are carefully taken care of. Historically, someone had to put them inside on the first day of November, and take them out on the first day of May. As well as that, they were to be give a fresh bed of straw on winter festival days.
“In what is believed to be the oldest uninterrupted pre-Christian ritual in Britain, the water-worn figures from the River Lyon are taken out of their house every May and faced down the glen, and returned every November. The ritual marked the two great Celtic fire festivals of Beltane(Summer) and Samhain (Winter)and the annual migration of Highland cattle on and off the hills.” Highland Perthshire
So who is the Cailleach? She is the changing of seasons, sometimes a protector of sacred wells and animals, and can even be a source of healing. Basically, she is likely the most complicated subject to study from Scottish Folklore.
Further Reading:
The Folk-lore Journal, Volume 6; Volume 21: The Folk-Lore Of Sutherlandshire  by Miss Dempster
The Celtic Review, Vol 5 (1905): Highland Mythology by E. C. Watson
The Peat-Fire Flame: Folk-Tales and Traditions of the Highlands and Islands by Alasdair Alpin MacGregor (1937)
A Encyclopedia of Fairies by Katharine Briggs (1976)
The Folk-Lore of the Isle of Man by A. W. Moore[1891]
Carmina Gadelica, Volume 2, by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900]
Highland Perthshire (website with a blog post)
Historic Audio Recordings
Healing stones at Taigh na Caillich (Track: ID SA1964.72.A24, Date: 1559) “There were healing stones in a house in Gleann na Caillich; the shepherds looked after them. Talk about shepherds in the glen.”
Anecdote regarding Beinn na Caillich and Gleann na Caillich. (Track ID: SA1964.017.B6, Date: 1964) “An old woman and an old man lived in a house in Gleann na Caillich. The shepherd had to put them inside on the first day of November, and take them out on the first day of May. He also had to thatch their house each year.”
Information about St Fillan’s healing stones at Killin. (Track ID: SA1964.71.A5, Date: 1964) There were stones, known as the bodach and cailleach, in a house in Gleann na Caillich in Glen Lyon. Discussion about St Fillan’s stones at Killin. Different stones healed different diseases. The miller was in charge of them. They had to be freshly bedded with straw thrown up by the river on Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve. This is still done [in 1964]. The person in charge of St Fillan’s relics was known as An Deòrach and he had a croft in a place called Croit an Deòir.
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jselorekeeper · 3 months
HC for the egos...Lemme see what I usually do about my version of them. I'll give you short bios. Hope you'll find them a bit entertaining, at least.. :D : Marvin: He's a famous entertainer. He started as illusionist. Like a sort of David Copperfield (the difference, is that Marv used his actual magic and passed it like incredible illusionist-tricks) and then branched out to other things like TV -being pretty-looking helps a lot, in the showbiz- and became rich and famous. At night, he entertain himself by stealing jewels, gems and ancient magic relics from museums that he either sells, or keep for himself. (magic relics and artifacts are not supposed to go into non-magical hands after all...). He uses a disguise when he's in front to an audience. Of course he cannot just go out with a cat mask, symbols on his face and long green hair with the risk of being recognized. He's also v gay. I'll die on his hill. Jackie: Works as cameraman and as odd-jobs-doer in the same studios where Marvin works too. He technically works for him. He has a thing for special effects too, but they won't let him experiment with them. Of course, he hasn't realized thief-Marvin is the same magician guy he sees all day long at his work place. (If you ask: Yes. Marv knows exactly who Jackie is.) Jackie is also good friend with Doc and Chase. Infact, he often uses Doc's secret clinic when he needs to be patched up after a big fight. He won't snitch about the illegal clinic in exchange. Schneep: This man is on the run. He's already wanted in several parts of Europe and he's not planning to stop now. He went to jail several times...He ended so many people and not only in the science/medical field, but with the glock he legally owns. Never challenge an eccentric man who's kept together by adrenaline and caffeine... To earn money and fund his weird experiments, he run an illegal-hidden-to-the-sight small clinic, where he patch up pretty much whoever can pay for his and Robbie's services... Jackie and Chase are both friends of him. Robbie: He's real in my heart and he deserves more love. Strong, tall, with an incredilby high IQ and the same sense of humor of a pissed dobermann. Always hungry for knowledge, he got his very own lab in the basement of Schneep's secret clinic where he practice horrible and non-ethical experiments especially on humans he lures and snatches at night from the streets. (Or troublemaker clinic-customers when they get problematic for some reason. Nobody will miss them after all.) He sees humans as spare parts and cattle, pretty much. The only spark of what he can define as "feeling of sympathy" is for Henrik. Robbie respects the Doc as a scientist and he's interested in his experiments. That's -and the fact he can access to labs if he sticks around him- the only reason why he hangs around. He accepted his role as Schneep's assistant -and bodyguard- as long he can experiment on his own. JJ: He's buff and stronger than what he looks. Can break your spine by hugging you tight enough. Trained in the usage of several vintage weapons. Included explosives. He can make an AWESOME tea. Anti: Has a thing for sharp objects. Knives in the specific. He doesn't need to use them anymore (he got silly tendrils arms after all), but he loves to keep one in a holster tied on his tigh. Just in case. It reminds him his childhood, if he ever had one. When he's not causing mayhem, he rests in his very own pocket dimension he can temporarily open. Chase: He's also here. He's Henrik's best friend at this point and he's one of the few that knows about his secret clinic and the stuff that happens in there. He's living in there with Schneep after he was rescued from the IRIS facility and he discovered chaos. He's a good shooter (can practice with Doc's gun). Chase has no idea Robbie is a monster. He just think he's a tall, creepy, goth guy that Henrik hired as assistant.
D your stuff always fascinates me! I love seeing your style and story of them all the time lol
Marvin: a fabulously gay performer during the day and a thief at night, what a fabulous man he is 😌
Jackie: let Jackie experiment with special effects 😭
I absolutely love the idea of him not knowing Marvin as the thief but Marvin knows exactly who Jackie is, that could be great for angst!
Henrik: Henrik needs to be stopped, never trust this man and his assistant to be your doctors cause I certainly wouldn’t 😅
Robbie: You have absolutely no idea how much I love your version of Robbie! Everytime I see him I just wanna know more 👀
He does give off the vibe of like “you really don’t want to fuck around and end up at his place” style and I love it
JJ: yes I love buff Jameson! I need to see more of it honestly 🤩
He gives the vibe that he would serve absolutely perfect beverages, no matter what it is he just knows how to make it perfect!
Anti: him 🤝 Wilford, wearing knives holstered to their thighs
Man Anti is lucky to have his own pocket dimension! I wanna chill with him that sounds like a nice time 😌
Chase: ahhh yes! Those two as besties is the best idea ever, they just love hanging out!
Pfft, Robbie is that one person you see in the streets who suddenly disappears when a bus drives by, never know whether to trust him or to fear him
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gainesha · 6 months
BSG rewatch notes, cont'd:
and here it is, the New Caprica arc. which is, and this might be one of the least heretic things to say about BSG, the pinnacle. there are individual episodes, and even small arcs, that I might adore more (we will see how I'll react to them during this rewatch, but Maelstrom, Sometimes a Great Notion, the Mutiny two-parter would all be in my top 10 episodes), but this 7 episodes, from Lay Down Your Burdens up until Collaborators, are unrivaled as a storytelling high point for the show. the surprise element is gone now, obviously, but I still remember the goosebumps I got during the initial airing when the time jump happened, and how I could barely breath for the remainder of that season finale because I was just so exhilarated and electrified by what is happening on screen. that, yes, they *did* settle down, things *did* change permanently - up until they didn't, of course. but these kinds of twists are so much richer than just killing a main character.
and this is just one thing... there are so many more. like the montage at the beginning of Lay Down Your Burdens Part 1., with Bear's Something Dark is Coming music cue, and Athena saying it out loud should be the most cliched thing, but it's instead truly harrowing and haunting even if you don't know what's going to happen to all these people soon. meanwhile, Laura giggling uncontrollably on the way to the debate - the way the writers and the actors are comfortable inside these characters are paying dividends. then the murk of the occupation, the suicide bombings, the show being dark without grimdark (even if I would have wanted to spend more time in this setting, 4 episodes were a great choice, and even if some little developments here and there would have benefited maybe from more screen time, New Caprica never feels as rushed as the Pegasus arc), poor Gatea, the Galactica dropping down, Hot Dog saying "well, this should be different" before flying out... and, of course, Saul saying "not all of them", and then slowly walking away, the heartbreak, my gods.
and yet, Unfinished Business was always my "I would die on this hill" fave episode. it's the one episode I've rewatched most - both versions. I love the flashbacks to a sweeter, more hopeful time on New Caprica, even if some characters have never believed it would truly last. I watched the Extended version now, and I have somewhat conflicted thoughts, because I was thinking which version would I show someone who has not seen the show before, and the Extended version has several brilliant new scenes or crucial longer segments playing out on New Caprica. we need all of Adama and Roslin getting high, Laura's monologue about living in the moment; we need the morning after with Kara and Tigh; we definitely need Dee and Lee in the Raptor; and also, Lee confessing how much she needs Kara. but also, the flow of the originally aired episode are lightyears better, the editing rhythm of the intercutting scenes is magic, and it is gone in the Extended - moreover, the rhythm is all off. and this episode has to be a Dance in itself. (so I would probably show the aired one, and afterwards these 4-5 scenes separately)
the reveal of the reason behind the animosity between Kara and Lee, and why Lee behaves so antagonistically towards here after the time jump, why their dynamics feel so strange, plays out fantastically. the writers manage it so well, especially in contrast with the reveals in Hero, which...
okay, so Hero is bullshit, and I continue to just ignore the retcon of it all. I would be fine with the Admirality being compromised (that checks out), but Adama being the one who "started it all" (even if Roslin dismisses the thought), even just the fact that it was him on that covert mission, because, you know, he is the lead of the show, is a teeny tiny bit Forrest Gump... too much, too neat, and I get that they tried to take the Adama idol and dirty it up, but he has already been humanized and shaded quite a bit during the first 2 seasons, and I don't really know what this adds to the character or the whole main Human-Cylon conflict either that haven't been already said and explored in different, more fruitful ways. it's a shame, because all the regular actors bring their A-game here, Hogan, Olmos, McDonnell all shine.
I adore Tigh and Starbuck getting close
Jamie Bamber is so good conveying how utterly in love Lee is
Richard Hatch is so good
you could paint a mural with all the reaction shots from the boxing matches, inside and around the ring, I love everybody just grinning or glaring or just being cocky as shit
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onlyweknowleeknow · 2 years
Colors of You
Changbin x reader
Genre: fluff, strangers to lovers, soulmate au maybe..?
Synopsis: Changbin never knew his favorite color, he could never quite decide. But then he saw you, and your color was imprinted on his heart—forever.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: mentions of smut, kissing, drinking, drunk people, bar setting, depression.
“What’s your favorite color?” 
The question seemed so simple, so basic and unimportant; a standard conversation starter.
It was asked whenever people met, when friends weren’t sure what to talk about, when two people were on a date, when family dinner got a little too complicated.
“What’s your favorite color?” The words brought a sense of comfort, of peace. The words, much like a mother’s acceptance or a father’s praise, had been spoken to most people since they were young.
But then again, most people weren’t fond of the question. It was too plain, too easy. There was no complexity about it, not unless you thought long and hard.
But to him, the question held a deep importance. He could never place a color he preferred over another, but that didn’t stop him from trying.
Some days, he would decide it was blue; endless blue with cold, sharp edges and the strength of oceans.
Other days, he would decide it was red; dangerous red with deep, entrancing bends and the heat of fires.
Sometimes he would decide his favorite color was purple; vibrant purple with smooth, round creases and the beauty of sunrises.
Some days, he would even decide his chosen color was green; churning green with broad, safe arms.
Blue that fish lurked in, swimming through ocean coves and streams. Red that threatened forests with big, magnificent flames; flames that made some people go mad. Purple that coated the sky, might it be when the sun set or rose. Green that offered animals home and safety in it’s rolling hills and hidden caves.
But more then not, Changbin couldn’t choose.
His opinions on colors and their various shades seemed ever changing; never ending, even.
He would often walk through the streets of his town, or lift weights in the gym, or even go out to dinner, all to find his favorite color.
Changbin would look far and wide, searching for a shade of something that made his eyes widen and his heart happy.
But he couldn’t, and when he thought he did, the feeling wouldn’t be there the second time he gazed upon his chosen color.
The mission was pointless, it was. However, Changbin needed something to ground himself during busy days, and again during slow days that seemed to drag on forever.
He didn’t like the question—quite the contrary actually—he loathed it. He didn’t hate it because of the question itself, but rather the fact that he couldn’t offer an answer to the query.
It set his veins ablaze—red—and his heart into an endless winter—blue.
His emotions often went hand in hand with color. Just as he assumed everyone’s did, but he would never ask anyone that.
He felt calm and serene, he felt like purple at times like this.
He felt energetic and happy, he felt yellow at times like this.
He felt sick and tired, he felt gray at times like this.
He felt sad and on the verge of tears, he felt blue at times like this.
He felt hot with rage, he felt red at times like this.
To him, colors brought pain and happiness, you couldn’t have one without the other.
But still, he might just give it all up to find his favorite color. The very best color of them all.
23 years. 23 years he’d waited to find a favorite color. His favorite color.
But he couldn’t.
It all changed for him one day, in the blink of an eye.
He was feeling blue and red, a cold, fiery mix all at once. He also felt green; sick and uneasy.
Maybe it was work, or perhaps it was the fact that he was on bad terms with his girlfriend, ex girlfriend now.
She reminded him of red and green; mad, disgusted, and spiteful. Unbearable, that matched her too.
He was walking the streets, head hung low as he wandered aimlessly, his muscles tense and his hand tightly clutched around his phone.
Red, blue, red, blue, red, blue.
Mad, sad, mad, sad, mad, sad.
In a fit of rage, he decide to go to a bar, get drunk, and sleep with whoever he could find. No, his girlfriend—ex girlfriend—wouldn’t know, but he would feel better. Hopefully.
And so he did, he walked to a bar with his eyes narrow and his jaw clenched.
And so he did, he ordered drinks and he got drunk.
And so he did, well, he tried.
He went through the checklist in his head; go to a bar, get drunk, sleep with a girl.
Check, check… almost check.
He convinced himself it was the spinning of his head, or the ache in his chest, but when he saw you, his heart nearly exploded.
So suddenly, almost like he had never looked at all, he had found his favorite color.
Oh yes, you were his favorite color. He knew it form the first moment he set his eyes on you.
It wasn’t your skin, it wasn’t you clothes, nor your makeup, it was you. Just you.
Why was he being like this? People didn’t really have a color, they just didn’t. But you did, and he loved it.
The feeling was striking, so sudden and intense that he almost fell backwards.
You, you, you, you, you.
You were his favorite color.
Suddenly, he was staring at the world in every shade of you.
He was walking through a park, hand in hand with you. He was at work, waiting until he could see you again. He was hugging you against his chest, laughing tears because you were being adorably dramatic.
He was thinking of you. He was touching you, breathing you, living you.
He was seeing you and he was addicted.
Suddenly the question, ‘what’s your favorite color?’, had so much more meaning.
It meant you. Beautiful, amazing you.
And suddenly, he didn’t hate the question anymore. No, no, he loved it.
He wanted that to be the first thing people asked him every day; ‘what’s your favorite color?’.
Maybe if they did, he could try to explain the exhilarating, endless color of you.
It was soft and welcoming, but also brash and intimidating. It was hopelessly romantic, but also aimlessly insecure. It was happy and full of laughter, but it was also miserable and dripping with tears.
It was you.
That night, as Changbin approached you. And as he kissed your neck, as he walked you to his apartment, as he carried you to his bed, as he lived in your color, he decided that he would take things slow.
He kissed you again, taking the time to kiss your lips for the first time. Oh, he was so nervous, but it was so good.
He kissed you again, and again, and again. But now, he was completely sober, and so were you.
He couldn’t go further with you, not yet. Not until he was sure this feeling in his chest, this glow of you, he couldn’t do anything until he knew it was real.
You didn’t argue, but you did cuddle against him. You did tease him, you did kiss him. But you didn’t argue.
You fell asleep in his arms; safe and content.
Changbin fell asleep wrapped around you; hopeful and unsure. Changbin fell asleep with your color wrapped around him. I’m him, with him, beside him, against him.
He prayed and begged for this feeling to be there when he woke up, for this color to be real and not just an imaginary piece of his desperate mind.
And when Changbin awoke the next day, when he gazed down at you—asleep in his arms—his heart soared.
You were still the color you had been the night before, glowing and vibrant.
When you awoke, when you realized Changbin was looking down at you so fondly, so tenderly, you almost melted.
“What’s your favorite color?”, you had asked him, something in your chest, in your mind, in your very soul, was telling you to ask that question. That silly, awkward question.
He didn’t even think for a moment. Before he could even try to comprehend how to respond, his mouth was moving and a voice was leaving his lips.
“You’re my favorite color.”
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boltedfruit · 8 months
I have totally stolen this tag from @ladyvaderpixetc, for fifteen fave shows!
1. The OA: I will never forgive its cancellation. Contains my number one problematic ship of all time. A true declaration of love in all its forms in a neat two seasons that should have been allowed to grow and continue. I adore it.
2. Altered Carbon (season 1): still love season 2 but it lacked some kind of pizazz I still can't pinpoint. Wonderful exploration of grief and life. Better than the book. Women led!!
3. True Blood: Eric being uninvited from Sookie's house and levitating backwards, offended, out the door will never not be peak comedy. I will never read the books because I don't want to read a world where Lafayette does not live.
4. Daredevil season 2/The Punisher season 1: season 2 of The Punisher was bad. I miss him.
5. Midnight Mass: beautiful, gorgeous, perfection in all its forms. The priest is hot and misguided.
6. Haunting of Bly Manor: queer grief, Big Sads, falling in love with a ghost, blows Hill House out of the water.
7.Battlestar Galactica: the only good thing my worst ex ever introduced me to. Suffering always for my crush on angry old man Saul Tigh. Bisexual disasters everywhere. Starbuck would beat me up and I'd let her.
8. Succession: only time I care about billionaires. Cycle of abuse in all its forms. Would Get Down Mr. President for Kieran Culkin any day of the week.
9. Sharp Objects: gorgeous, heartbreaking, equally as wonderful as the book.
10. Lucifer: goofy as hell award. Would simply declare my love for Amenadiel always. Also Mazikeen.
11. Raised by Wolves: when I tell you I had dreams of flying around like Mother for MONTHS. Incensed by the cancellation. Let beautiful things exist and continue!! Sadly suffers from annoying main character syndrome.
12. Evil: only religious themed show to not give me the ick. Actually frightening antagonist in the form of a pathetic little incel wet man who is constantly being foiled by a gaggle of prepubescent girls. Old nun who is fighting her own war with a broom and a mop.
13. The Americans: loved it more than Breaking Bad 🤷‍♂️, very bittersweet ending.
14. Shameless: never over Mandy's everything, Lip, Carl going from chaos incarnate to Good Man and the scene of Frank thinking that little sick girl in the hospital who passed was Fiona. They did Debbie dirty.
15. Walking Dead season 4: hot cowboy cop rips man's throat out with teeth, reaffirms familial bonds, more at eleven.
Honorary mentions: Mindhunter, House MD, Yellowjackets, The Office (US), Halo, True Detective, Boardwalk Empire, Mare of Easttown, The Outsider, American Horror Story, The Last Kingdom, Black Mirror, Sons if Anarchy, Westworld, Spartacus.
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speakeysie · 1 month
Co-star of Broadway’s The Music Man to Direct the Song-and-Dance Comedy Classic for Atlanta’s City Springs Theatre Company
Speakeysie News Desk Sandy Springs, GA – Broadway’s beloved musical, The Music Man, kicks off The 2024 – 2025 PNC Bank Season for City Springs Theatre Company, and will star Atlanta’s-own Billy Harrigan Tighe as the iconic flim-flam man Harold Hill. The production will run September 6-22 at the Byers Theatre in the Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center in Sandy Springs, Georgia and is generously…
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who-is-muses · 6 months
Originally, Jonathan had an odd and confusing accent, a mix of Great Granny’s Dublin Irish and the Arlen area’s northcentral (Fannin county) Georgian. Despite it having faded considerably from years of being suppressed and replaced by a less obvious and more “neutral” one, Jonathan ’s childhood accent still crops up every now and again. Sometimes under certain circumstances, such as thickening when angry or experiencing other strong emotions- being startled badly, overjoyed, nearing his finish in bed- sometimes just as an inexplicable slip. However, a few words are still accented despite his best efforts, but he can say them “normally” if he tries hard enough. He’s also able to put on his original accent, and to separate the Georgian and Dublin accents and imitate one or the other individually, but there’s liable to be a few slips of the whole mixture here and there. 
His common slips are;
Th- sounds become hard/soft t’s or soft d’s (three - tree, lithe - lite, this - dis, etc.)
Sometimes drops t’s all together (twenty - twenny, first - firss, tight - tigh, etc.), or other letters (didn’t - din’t, etc.)
I sounds become ah (lie - lahy, time - tahme, ice/eyes - ahs, etc.)
Sometimes says aye, ain’t, or y’all (and y’all’d’ve type contractions)
You and such words become ya or yeh
Says “Jar-jah” or “Joh-jah” instead of Georgia
Ac- words (accent, accident, actual, etc.) become Ayk (ayk-cent, ayk-cident, ayc-tual, etc.)
Some ow sounds becoming ah or aiw (down - daiwn, crayon - crahn, etc.)
Says “arn” instead of iron
-All words become ahl (call - cahl, etc.)
-on and -en words become -in (Walton - Waltin, golden - goldin, etc.)
Says “agayn” instead of again
Says “Jehsus” instead of Jesus
-y sounds becoming -ay (pity - pitay, surely - surelay, etc.)
Says “fer” instead of for/four
His normally accented words are;
“Hart” instead of heart
“Fock” instead of fuck (and, sometimes, “fock’ff” instead of fuck off)
“Kendell” instead of candle
“Care-a-mol” and “peh-cahn”
“Serrup” instead of syrup
“Hehl” instead of hill
“Caihr” instead of car (and words that have “car” in them, i.e carton)
“Rehmowte” instead of remote
“Pehtir” instead of Peter
“Sekshuul” instead of sexual
“Ayngil” instead of angel
“Eht” instead of eight
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once-was-muses · 2 years
Originally, Jonathan had an odd and confusing accent, a mix of Great Granny’s Dublin Irish and the Arlen area’s northcentral (Fannin county) Georgian. Despite it having faded considerably from years of being suppressed and replaced by a less obvious and more “neutral” one, Jonathan ’s childhood accent still crops up every now and again. Sometimes under certain circumstances, such as thickening when angry or experiencing other strong emotions- being startled badly, overjoyed, nearing his finish in bed- sometimes just as an inexplicable slip. However, a few words are still accented despite his best efforts, but he can say them “normally” if he tries hard enough. He’s also able to put on his original accent, and to separate the Georgian and Dublin accents and imitate one or the other individually, but there’s liable to be a few slips of the whole mixture here and there. 
His common slips are;
Th- sounds become hard/soft t’s or soft d’s (three - tree, lithe - lite, this - dis, etc.)
Sometimes drops t’s all together (twenty - twenny, first - firss, tight - tigh, etc.), or other letters (didn’t - din’t, etc.)
I sounds become ah (lie - lahy, time - tahme, ice/eyes - ahs, etc.)
Sometimes says aye, ain’t, or y’all (and y’all’d’ve type contractions)
You and such words become ya or yeh
Says “Jar-jah” or “Joh-jah” instead of Georgia
Ac- words (accent, accident, actual, etc.) become Ayk (ayk-cent, ayk-cident, ayc-tual, etc.)
Some ow sounds becoming ah or aiw (down - daiwn, crayon - crahn, etc.)
Says “arn” instead of iron
-All words become ahl (call - cahl, etc.)
-on and -en words become -in (Walton - Waltin, golden - goldin, etc.)
Says “agayn” instead of again
Says “Jehsus” instead of Jesus
-y sounds becoming -ay (pity - pitay, surely - surelay, etc.)
Says “fer” instead of for/four
His normally accented words are;
“Hart” instead of heart
“Fock” instead of fuck (and, sometimes, “fock’ff” instead of fuck off)
“Kendell” instead of candle
“Care-a-mol” and “peh-cahn”
“Serrup” instead of syrup
“Hehl” instead of hill
“Caihr” instead of car (and words that have “car” in them, i.e carton)
“Rehmowte” instead of remote
“Pehtir” instead of Peter
“Sekshuul” instead of sexual
“Ayngil” instead of angel
“Eht” instead of eight
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ifikeahadanairline · 4 years
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Shingle House aesthetic
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showbag · 7 years
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moigs · 7 years
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Vote yes bby
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lesamis · 4 years
Hiya lili, Do you have any recs for works by more minor Romantics or Non western European ones? (or anything by/with a focus on women/poc, even if neoromantic?)
hi anon! thank you for asking me, although i’m afraid i’m not a very good person to ask. my degree had a pretty narrow focus on romantic responses to the french revolution & didn’t cast a very wide net, but i can recommend this (very new!) book that addresses some of the pitfalls of romantic canonisation & makes a start at rehabilitating a few works & writers. there are quite a few women writers i can give pointers to; for romantic writers of colour, like you said, neo-romantic movements are probably your best bet (although it’s pretty widely accepted that leigh hunt, for instance, wasn’t white), but i’m far too unfamiliar with neo-romanticism to be of much help there. 
speaking personally, the writer of the romantic era i most wish still had a wider audience is joanna baillie. she was a more prolific and popular dramatist at her time than any of the big name romantics, and i think her plays are innovative and chilling and cinematic, but you’ll rarely find her on a curriculum. i highly recommend orra and, if you can get your hands on it, constantine paleologus. also, this delightful long poem on a cat. 
psyche by mary tighe is absolutely stunning. few writers of the period received such recognition for a work on a classical theme (you didn’t hear this from me but keats, who admired tighe, could never), and her verse translations of the aeneid are a wonderful read as well. 
some lesser known works by felicia hemans might be interesting to you:
the last song of sappho
indian woman’s death song
woman on a field of battle
the better land
abolitionist poetry was also quite frequently written by female writers of and adjacent to the romantic era; see hannah more, ann yearsley, or anna laetitia barbauld. 
the final word on canonisation is absolutely never spoken & we can probably expect to add quite a bit to this list within the next 20 years, but maybe this can help get you started, anon :’)
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