#tighnari x traveler
pixyys · 2 years
— nilotpala lotuses
context. tighnari x traveler! reader
you keep sneaking out to the forest at night and tighnari can't have that.
warnings/ notes. tighnari fic as promised!
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the avidya forest watcher is a fussy person. one, about people wanting to touch his ears; two, about the forest. always be alert and never go into the forest at night time. it's dangerous.
but tighnari still finds you missing every night. alright, not necessarily every night; just once every two nights or so. but you do always come back before he finishes preparing to enter the forest and look for you, shrugging with a relaxed, 'i'm just looking for some air. it wasn't far.'
one time, you got an earful for your little excursion. you tried to reason that you're practically the legendary traveler with your majestic dull blade! and even bargained about having some quick class to be a forest ranger. but clearly, being a forest ranger requires months or even years of consistent hard work. unfortunately as a traveler, staying in one place doesn't orbit in your trajectory.
"fine then," you put a hand on your hips, "why don't you just go with me? you're the best of the forest rangers, aren't you?"
"a good suggestion. i might as well will."
tighnari's stubborness was effective to render you into bafflement. that wasn't supposed to be a genuine suggestion, nor was it supposed to be received with a genuine answer. the whole point of you sneaking around is to not let tighnari know whatever you're doing.
"..fine," you sigh, "not now though. don't bother coming along, i'm not going anywhere.. tonight."
"just tonight?"
you groan. "and the night after, too."
the next morning, you were out as soon as the sun peeked at the horizon, along with paimon, to explore the vast expanse of sumeru forests. "i won't be camping," you said beforehand. "i'll come home to yo- to-night! i'll come back here, tonight."
tighnari isn't a dense fool, and the way your floating companion giggled before you almost smacked her 'gently' in the face didn't conceal anything. it wasn't his business, really. but your sneaky outings made him a bit worried.
but it wasn't for long. because you both cross paths just before dusk at the entrance of gandarva ville, with him already finished with his daily patrols and you with your daily treasure raids.
paimon was a tad grumpy and hungry as it was quite late. the smell of the villagers' local cookings enticed her keen nose and she floated ahead, leaving you with the fennec-eared forest ranger.
"you really came back today," he softly remarks, glancing at your direction as he trek his way through the wooden steps.
"huh?" you walk alongside his strides. "of course i did. i said i'll come back."
'-to you'
"to me?"
your steps are halted, and following your pace, tighnari's do too. your eyes are now locked at each other's, the momentary silence almost distracting you to the inquisitive twitch of his ridiculously adorable silky ears.
"did-" you cough out, "did i say that?"
you stare at him again, focused on his verdant eyes before you let out a petulant huff.
"no. no, i didn't."
tighnari bursts to a laugh. the sound tinkles to your ears like a pleasant, refreshing gust of wind. he just has that kind of effect. challenging the akademiya despite them potentially locking him up, calling you some silly big lummox. it's a bit offending it doesn't matter, really. so long as you can see that smile, and hear that laugh.
"-veler? traveler?"
"y-yes?" you manage a chortle.
"you've been spacing out. i was just joking," he huffs, peering at you. then slightly with a worried gaze, he steps closer. "you didn't eat any toxic shrooms, didn't you?"
"of course i didn't!" you almost stumble in your step. inching away from the sudden proximity. "i really didn't, i think."
tighnari holds a slightly skeptical look, but you brush it off as you inquire about his patrols along the way to your camp.
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tighnari wakes slightly earlier than he usually does. twilight is still a few hours from it's cue. but surprisingly (or unsurprisingly), the thought that roused him awake is your strange behaviors.
it's not often collei, or certain forest rangers act weird or unusual whenever they encounter some kind of a problem, and is trying to not let anyone else worried. hence, misplaced occurrences are details tighnari is keen on spotting.
he figured to might as well wake up, check some logistics, patrol logs, or check on you while being at it.
the worst case scenario will be you passing out or dying from some nature poisoning you refused to tell him yesterday -if you even encountered one. but what he finds instead is your slightly open tent, without you in it. if he peers closer, he can spot a snug paimon sleeping soundly at the corner of your bed.
you might be close, simply 'looking for air' as always. but it's really too cold for this time of the day. he can simply alert the other rangers. but it's not like there are signs of struggle in your tent, and your traveling companion is safe and sound.
so he goes by himself. you shouldn't be that far, right?
tighnari can't find you, and he's starting to think you were eaten by gator raja or some rishboland tiger. the sky is dark, and it isn't like him to not adhere to his own rules of not going into the forest during night time -twilight time, in this case.
from outside the reaches of lush foliages and bushes, the sound of coursing river invades his sensitive ears. then the dim glow of lunar lotuses reflecting the pale moon beckons him to tread closer. and there you are, crouching with your back against him, attention preoccupied by something the forest watcher couldn't discern.
-and so unguarded that when he approaches, you aren't even aware. that, and the fact your clothes are a bit damp don't ease his worries.
"what are you doing?"
"SCATTER!⁽¹⁾- oh."
"oh?" tighnari puts a palm on his face, the dendro energy cut short and dwindle down from your dull blade. "what are you doing at the crack of dawn? gathering-" he peeks at something on your back. "nilotpala lotuses? you might catch a cold!"
"youre the avidya forest watcher!" you shuffle to your feet and muster your best bargaining smile. "everything should be fine now, since you're here and- oh, look!" you point at the direction of the east. "sunrise."
true to your words, the glittering golden sun emerges from the horizon. tighnari, despite knowing the sunrise itself like a close friend by the amount of time he's witnessed it, sighs for the umpteenth time and chooses to humor your attempts for that moment. you both watch the sunrise for a while, until you finally sigh in defeat.
"fine, i'm sorry," you said sheepishly. "i was just- trying to give you this. before i continue my travels."
tighnari is faced by a bundle of golden flowers. lotuses, to be precise. it's ironic how they resemble the golden rays of rising sun despite them being called the lunar lotuses.
"i really appreciate the thought," tighnari starts, albeit a bit taken aback, "but why this particular flower? whatever the reason, does it really require you to roam the forests when the sun isn't out? moreover, " he gestures to the frigid fabric of your clothings. "to plunge yourself into cold rivers?"
"well..." you trail off, eyes flitting to everywhere but the admonishing eyes of the forest ranger. "these lotuses bloom only at night, and they're easier to spot when they bloom. i have no idea where exactly they grow."
"you could've just asked me."
"and ruin the surprise?" you rest your hands on your waist. "-which is for.. no hidden agenda, obviously! they're just pretty. they reminded me of you. so i thought, well- just, give it to you?"
"pretty?" tighnari raises a brow. and the way the morning sunlight shines majestically behind his back slows the neurotransmitters in your brain.
"yeah, you're pretty- i mean your ea- your eye- your personality! i admire how you care so much about the forest and everyone else. that, and- that's right!" you beam as you remember one of rana's wisdom, "they say having this lotus in bloom means good luck!"
it's watching the lotuses bloom that means good luck. but tighnari can only shake his head exasperatedly, accepting the bouquet either way.
"please don't pull this kind of feat again," he heaves a defeated sigh, "let's just go look for other pretty flowers that doesn't require nighttime or bodies of water. say, how about other pretty flowers that suit you, next time?"
noticing your lack of response, tighnari doesnt miss how your gaze flits back and forth from his eyes to an area slightly above his head.
"...i'm starting to think this bouquet is your way of bribing to pet my ears."
"o-of course not," you laugh nervously, blinking out from your stupor.
of course it is, partly. but it's not like you're someone not close to him. unbeknown to you, tighnari doesn't actually mind if someone he deems close to him touches his ears, even if they dont go out from day to dusk and twilight to look for some lotus that reminded them of him.
in short, congratulations, you got to pet the ears (and got an earful, too). but the euphoria (or was it the morning air?) was too much you caught a cold that afternoon. you regret nothing.
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notes. sumeru desert dropping soon, so might as well leave something as we leave tighnari, his cute ears, and his forest (rip to fennec fox boy who can't withstand desert heat lmao)
scatter!⁽¹⁾ : one of dendro traveler's voicelines for their elemental skill.
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raechenblut · 2 years
Take care of yourself until I find you again
Disclaimer: This occurs during the Archon quest after Lumine and company encounter Il Dottore.
Tags: light angst, fluff, established relationship
Relationship: Tighlumi, Luminari (TighnariXLumine)
Her heart seemed to stop suddenly when Collei told her that the ranger had left.
They were hot on her heels. She was being watched in some way she couldn't control and it only upset her. Not for her, actually, there was no mortal who really made her feel in real danger. Her problem was that, if they had her in their sights like that, they would think of touching her loved ones in order to subdue her.
Just imagining that Tighnari had been touched because of her was tearing at his insides and squeezing her lungs. She did not hesitate for a second to run to the Dhyai garden praying to any god who might hear her and take pity on her.
Finding Haypasia in better shape made her very happy, really, but she felt that nibbling her cheek wasn't enough to try to calm her horrible uncertainty. She felt that time was running out for her, she wanted to scream, run, fight, whatever so that this situation would not get out of her hands.
Then everything happened so fast. A bitter meeting, a vision of a horrible omen, and suddenly, in front of her, he was.
“Lumine? Are you?"
Her head was spinning and her chest began to pierce her. They had apparently been running and the shock of her consciousness shift had taken her by surprise.
“Tighnari…? What happened… I-?” She had a hard time processing the fox's strong grip on her, but she didn't hesitate to reciprocate as she felt the warmth of his body coming through like vital medicine.
“Archons Lumine. You almost scared me to death." He stroked her head and her back as if to reassure himself that she was unharmed.
"What are you talking about? It is you who worries me.” She pulled him closer to her, not wanting to let go. "They didn't do anything to you, did they?"
"Tighnari arrived just in time and helped us stop the ambush while you were not in your body." Paimon spoke up so she could give Lumine an update on what had happened, the problem was that she wasn't really understanding what the hell she was talking about.
All Lumine knew was that Tighnari was in her arms, they were together and safe, so she didn't try to probe further as she enjoyed the feel of him there with her.
He kissed her forehead, breathing in her scent like a balm to his nerves before pulling away from him a little so he could cup her face and gaze at her.
“Don't be so reckless again. If you're in trouble you can call me, you know?"
She laughed, irony at its best. "It was I who was looking for you, but the General Watchleader was too busy with his duty." She itched, already more relaxed. She was giving herself the opportunity to tease him for the sheer happiness of seeing him safe.
"Part of it is a relief that we were looking for you, otherwise we might not have had the fortune to have you around to save our skins." Paimon floating next to them, although not so close to hinder the moment the couple was having, she even found the scene adorable, as if she were reading a chapter of some light novel.
The fox sighed in defeat. Lumine was right, sometimes it was hard to track him down when he went to work.
"Agghh... I'm an idiot, right?" He smiled with her, infected by the light in her golden orbs. "Just... promise me you'll be fine."
"I will if you promise the same." She likewise cupped his face, taking a moment to caress his cheeks in appreciation of his pretty face, as if wanting to map every inch. “Please, Tighnari. They are looking for me, and if they harm you because of me, I will never-”
Whatever she had to say about her stopped on her lips the moment he silenced her. A soft kiss, it didn't last long, just long enough to give her blonde the necessary comfort. He wanted her to feel that he would never allow anything or anyone to tear them apart.
"I'll be fine, calm down." He smiled at him, firm in his words.
And she nodded. She knew him, he was too smart and sometimes arrogant, it would be hard for anyone to even keep track of his tail. She could trust him.
They should part for now, but she promised herself that once this was all over, no one was going to be able to keep from sinking into him and that beautiful tail of his.
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arisewanekosuki · 10 months
Traveler's little helper -Extra-: Curiosity - Nahida (feat Sumeru Boys x Fem!Reader)
This is something I wanted to post before... I went to the small hiatus, now I finished this short thing but sorry for mistakes, it's 1 Am now and I'm tired... [ Teyvat , Mondstadt , Liyue ] ------
Nahida found it interesting, how can you still not be able to  see those boys holding affections towards you. At first she wondered “Are you really blind for their courting? Or maybe you don’t want to see it?” You’re very friendly, no matter if it’s a guy or girl, if you want to take someone somewhere you won’t hesitate to hold their hand, if someone is sad you always offering a hug. But she did notice that when it comes to guys, there are sometimes a moments when you do realize that you got ‘too close’ and start to feel a bit shy, apologizing to them. But then how could you not notice how they pout for not feeling warmth of your hand anymore?  The easiest way is to ask you and she did. -“Those boys really like spending time with you…but I can’t help and wonder…which one do you like the most?” you looked at her with confusion -“Which one? Hmm.. I like them all, after all they are my good friends!” You smiled so brightly to her. “Ah so you’re just that oblivious.” She thought back then. Nahida always liked to observe people and because of this she noticed the difference in behavior for some of the guys. Wanderer was the first one she noticed the changes in him. That’s not a secret that Wanderer enjoys watching people expressions, especially the negative ones. Making others angry is his little fun in everyday live. And at first it was the same with you, being rude or ignoring you to just see your angry face but this changed. To Nahida’s surprise she noticed how lately he have been only teasing you just to see your embarrassed face and not only that. It seems Wanderer started to like seeing your smile. When at first he would complain when you asked him to help with commissions, now he ‘offers’ help himself to do them. The next one was Kaveh. Always stressed and troubled by many things. But after you invited him to the Teapot he seems more relaxed and happy, of course you couldn’t take away his debt but you helped him a bit whenever you could. She noticed that Kaveh is more calm when discussing things with the clients about his projects. Before he would get angry quickly because of the stress and not wanting to be scammed again but now it  looks like he’s more clearheaded to find common ground on both sides. There is less arguments between him and Alhaitham those days as well, but in exchange now most of the time they clash with each other when it comes to you. The General Mahamatra have two modes, the work on and the work off, but at some point Nahida noticed that there one more “(Y/n) is here mode on”. You don’t mind his jokes, you would smile or even let a small laugh when he tell ones and when you do that, Nahida can see Cyno smiling too. Everyone knows how serious Cyno is when it comes to TCG, he won’t even show mercy when playing against you. But if someone paying close attention to Cyno they would notice how sometimes he gets deconcentrated by watching you choosing next cards. You’re good player but sometimes he lose because he got lost in his thoughts about you. Tighnari was better at hiding his affections towards you, at least when there were more people around. Nahida was watching you two as a little bird, you would listen to Tighnari talking about flowers but sometimes he would decorate your hair with some or giving you bouquets but you never knew the meaning behind them, this is only fact that Tighnari hid from you. You’re the only person who have permission to brush his tail or touch his ears, Nahida can’t count of her fingers now how many times Tighnari was so close to kiss you in moments like this. The little Dendro Archon can always see how Tighnari is protective over you, especially if you get hurt. No matter if the wound is small, Tighnari will always take care of it and softly scold you.
The hardest one to see their affections towards you is Alhaitham. Nahida is sure many other people didn’t even realized that he too takes part in the race of winning your heart. Alhaitham is very subtle with his affections, many may even mistook them for just him being kind to you. But if they know him better they can notice how he would enjoy to have conversations with you, after work he would invite you from time to time for some coffee or tea whichever you prefer. To Nahida, and even your surprise he do offer to read some books for you, when he sees that Paimon is busy and you are curious of the new book you found in your adventures with Aether.
The little Dendro Archon can’t help but be curious how this will go. Will one of them manage to win your heart? Or maybe someone else from another Nation will charm you? But there is something that has been bothering Nahida for a while now, whenever you spend time with the boys and they leave for moment or don’t look at you, she can see your eyes fill with sadness. The Dendro Archon started to wonder “Maybe you’re not that oblivious like everyone thinks?”
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genshin-scenarios · 11 months
android au - detective droids
Summary: In a modern-futuristic world, it is possible to create androids that are so advanced, they’re more or less human. There will be 5 android au posts total, each focusing on a different group! 
The Sumeru collection was created specially for detective and investigation workplaces.
Characters: Tighnari, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Cyno
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Tighnari specializes in evidence collection on sites and processes them in the lab. You have no idea why they made him so pretty (don’t the designers know that it might distract you from work?), but paired with his underlying snark and the little smiles he only sends to you, you’re quite sure you have a favorite droid to visit during your breaks.
As a field agent, you’re no stranger to minor injuries and a few scrapes here and there, but Tighnari always chides you about being more careful. He often ends up treating you and patching up the androids when nurses weren’t around, tail swishing absentmindedly as he focuses on applying salves to your skin. 
Tighnari is rather careful when it comes to you - or perhaps more gentle might be the better word, considering how he just pushes the others around, giving them a ‘told you so’ while rolling his eyes. You don’t realize this, but his gaze always drifts to you at these times, ears picking up on the little giggle that escapes your lips.
His ears and tail increase his sensitivity to his surroundings, meaning Tighnari notices details about a crime scene that regular people wouldn’t. The same goes for changes in his co-workers, be it burnt-out employees or ones that seem to have their loyalties switched… he never admits it, but Tighnari sends this information to Cyno or Alhaitham if he suspects it might bring harm to the agency, in terms of catching double-agents.
Once, the final straw was when he saw said double-agent trying to approach you. You were on a rather sensitive case and had tight lips, which led to them trying to attach a bugging device on your attire. Thankfully, Tighnari was quick to remove it, telling you that there was dust on your coat.
…Level headed as he is, Tighnari is quite protective of those he considers his close friends. He’s quite popular around the workplace anyways, so he does use this to keep tabs on people. No one said his work ended with just forensics, right?
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A data collection droid, Alhaitham is often known as a ‘witness’ of sorts that records everything he deems useful to a case. Due to his personality however, sometimes he just stands there and judges people, silently making comprehensive notes about their speech, body language, and any suspicions he may have.
These transcripts then go to you. Alhaitham highlights what is most relevant and enjoys seeing what you think before sharing his own theories. Some people say that the both of you sound like masterminds cooking up a concerning plan in the office, catching snippets of your conversation that sound like: 
‘you did say he bought copious amounts of gasoline…’ ‘so it’s legal to blow up the factory?’ ‘i’ll check through my database, but i’m sure we can find a loophole’
People that aren’t close to Alhaitham might think he’s stoic and a stickler for the rules, but you’re more than aware of the chaotic-neutral methods he has a penchant for. In a sense, data collection really suited Alhaitham, who enjoyed seeing people squirm at the idea that he could psychoanalyze their deepest darkest thoughts. 
As much of a dramatic he is, Alhaitham doesn’t tolerate uncooperative people or those that lash out against your team. Once, you were interviewing people for a case when an aggressive bystander attempted to attack you, only for Alhaitham to surprise everyone by knocking him out with one blow.
He says he controlled his strength, so there wouldn’t be any lasting injuries… but suffice to say the rest of your interviewees were very obedient after that.
Alhaitham also enjoys annoying (pissing off) certain people as a way to get ‘extra data’. You let it slide only because you’re aware he always has a reason for his actions. 
At one point you asked Alhaitham why he manages to get along well with you, despite usually keeping to himself at the office. He merely shrugs, saying that it’s only natural to have good relations with someone he’s often partnered with.
That, and… if he was with you, he wouldn’t be accused of slacking off.
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Kaveh often works as an informant or undercover agent. His job relies more on his ability to pass off as a human, and his empathetic nature helps with that whenever he’s on the field. You’re his partner on these missions, either watching from the hidden cameras in his system or working by his side. 
Kaveh does get a little annoyed however if people attempt to flirt with you during these, even if you were letting them because it was a way to gain information. He reasons that because he’s an android, he should do those tasks instead - Kaveh doesn’t want to burden you with that kind of work if possible. You’re the same; you may not be a saint, but it’s easy to want to treat Kaveh well.
Kaveh also has a legendary reputation as an escape artist. He claims it was just a stroke of luck, but he undoubtedly is good at navigating through even the most fortified buildings and picking the best spots to place explosives to knock it down.
He often gets embarrassed when people praise his skill, but only you’re aware of the work that Kaveh puts in, memorizing blueprints and guessing where hidden floors may be. Seeing him get the recognition he deserves always fills you with pride.
Once, you were on a mission alone and trapped within the workings of an underground fortress. To say that Kaveh appearing out of nowhere felt like an angel came to save you wouldn’t be too far off. With worry plastered on his face as he checked if you were alright, he quickly led you through the building with the distractions he had in place. Kaveh explains that once he heard backup was needed at your location, he’d quickly volunteered himself for the task.
‘Ah… not that I’m expecting your thanks for anything like that! …Um, I’m about to deactivate the lights, so could you hold onto my hand? I’ll lead us to the exit.’
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Cyno is an android designed for combat. Oftentimes he’s dispatched as a hitman or to guard important places and people. This time around, he’s been assigned to protect you.
Seeing as you’re being targeted by an unknown mastermind, the agency appointed Cyno to stay with you 24/7. He tries his best to simply be a ‘shadow’ at first so that you wouldn’t have to adjust your lifestyle for him, but after a while you told Cyno that you didn’t mind.
‘After all, I can just treat it as having a bodyguard or friend!’
Cyno can come off as intimidating to people, so he’s surprised by how friendly you are to him; asking him if he’d like to join in the activities you were doing, or what he likes to do in his free time.
Nowadays it’s hard to imagine going around without seeing him nearby, and once he even pretended to be your boyfriend when your acquaintances asked why you were always together.
‘Are you sure you’re alright with that? Your friends will think I really am dating you.’ ‘Well… I can’t really complain about having such a reliable “boyfriend”, can I?’ 
It becomes easier once you settle on this as a cover story, though Cyno doesn’t really do anything extra with the role besides holding the door more often and giving you fleeting smiles, unsure if he really looked the part with how serious his expression is otherwise. People think it’s cute. You find it more endearing when you pass by a collectives shop, and notice he’s glancing at the TCG cards on display.
One day, perhaps you’d order a custom card based on Cyno? From your chats with his friends, you think he might find it amusing at the very least.
Because of how he is with you, you forget that Cyno is normally feared amongst the enemies of their agency. He rarely misses his mark, nor does his targets escape his judgment without a price.
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lunarsigh · 2 years
hugging the sumeru boys
Characters: GN Traveler with Tighnari, Alhaitham, Cyno, and the artist formerly known as Scaramouche.
Word count: ~2.3k
When he's presented with an unhappy, touch-starved Traveler, what does he do?
People tell Tighnari a lot of things. He has that kind of face, he supposes. Sometimes, they tell him things he would really rather not know. But it's rare that someone stays silent when he's clearly trying to radiate "I am trustworthy, please talk to me" - like you are right now. You've been staring into the fire for the better part of an hour, answering with monosyllables when he's asked about dinner or night watch shifts.
If you had proper ears, they'd be drooping. Which is the thought that finally gets him to sit next to you and say, "Okay, what is it?"
You blink, as if to dispel whatever you were seeing in the fire. "Oh. Sorry. I'm just … I don't know, in a mood. Thinking about the wrong things."
Tighnari doesn't know what things you're referring to, but given his experiences with you, you probably have a lot of "wrong" things to dwell on. You don't deserve them, but it's the nature of what you do. "Wanna talk about it?"
"Not particularly." Your mouth curls upward in a half smile, which is almost sadder than your previous expression.
The offer is out before he has a chance to consider it. "Do you want a hug?" He's done this with others; with Collei mostly these days. He has never been super touchy-feely himself, but sometimes touch is what people need to ground themselves, and so it's part of his arsenal to make sure whoever comes to his part of the forest will leave intact, one way or another. It's just never been something he considered offering to you, until now. And he's considering taking it back, apologizing, when you suddenly nod and scoot closer to him.
He wraps his arms around your shoulders, and you lean in, wrapping your arms around his waist. Your head rests on his shoulder, and he leans his cheek against your hair. You have a very particular scent, he noticed it the first time he met you, something he can't quite place, something that reminds him of both the earth and the stars at the same time. It's not a scent found in his forest, but it belongs here nonetheless. Because it's your scent. And you belong here. With him.
And that is a thought Tighnari wasn't expecting to emerge. At least he didn't say it aloud. And at least you're not looking up at him to see how his cheeks heat up. But you're soft and warm in his arms, and when he looks down he can see a more content smile begin to form on your face. "Thanks," you murmur.
"Don't mention it."
He lets you sit there like that for a long time. He won't talk about it the next day, but when you catch him looking at you with a slight blush as you make your way through the forest, he simply shakes his head and moves forward, smiling.
At first, Alhaitham thought you were one of those annoying people who moped around hoping someone would notice and pay attention. But after some observation, he realized that you actually weren't paying him any mind at all, you were so caught up in whatever was making you unhappy. He's not sure what bothers him more - that you're this unhappy, or that you seem to have forgotten he exists.
(Alhaitham is smart enough to know his own strengths and weaknesses. Being self-centered can count as either, depending on the day and the situation.)
You've been moving around the room for a while now, picking up a book, reading it for a minute, then putting it back down and going to look for another. Normally, that kind of restlessness irritates him, but with you, he rather likes having the opportunity to watch you over the edge of his own book, to appreciate the grace with which you move, the lines of your body, the way your expression twitches each time you realize you cannot concentrate on this book, either.
He wants to know what makes you tick. But if you're not going to tell him, then he'll have to take matters into his own hands.
This time, when you pass him, he sets down his book and reaches out to grab you by the waist. The surprised noise you make is quite pleasing, and he makes a note of it - perhaps one day soon, he'll perform a thorough investigation of what else might get you to sound that high-pitched and breathy. But for now, best not to follow that train of thought, or else the results will be evident to you, as he drags you into his lap. "What the hell -"
"Shhh," he says, wrapping one arm around your waist to lock you into place, while picking up his book with the other. "You're moving too much, it bothers me."
He expects an indignant reply, not the immediate loss of all energy. "Sorry. I'll stop."
You try to stand up, but he holds you firm. "Yes, you will." It's a plush, oversized chair, more than big enough for two. And he'd rather see you annoyed than … whatever this is.
And, well, he finds he enjoys having you pressed against him, warm and solid. He'll have to do this more often, if you don't try to kill him for it.
You're probably considering it, judging by how stiff you are. But Althaitham decides to go all in, keeping an arm firmly locked around your waist, while opening his book and beginning to read again. He's good at multitasking. A few long moments later, you relent, slumping down and squirming to find a more comfortable sitting position. The squirming is kind of a problem, one you'd start to notice if you moved back any farther … but no, you find your position and prop your feet up on the arm of the chair, reaching for a book on the table next to you. When Alhaitham looks up at your face again, you're giving him a familiar look, one of disbelief and mock weariness, but it's mostly free of the sadness you wore a few minutes ago. That's all that matters, really.
The two of you will do this again, Alhaitham decides. This, and more. You'll just have to get used to the idea.
Normally, you and the wanderer once known as Scaramouche travel in a fairly companionable silence, which he's come to appreciate, not that he'll actually tell you that. But he relies on it enough that its absence is notable. Not that either of you are talking while you walk down this quiet stretch of road. No, it's just that your silence is heavier, your mind clearly somewhere else. Somewhere dark.
He doesn't like being reminded of that silent, dark place - he spends too much time there as it is.
"What's your problem?" It comes out more hostile than he intends, but he's still learning how to rephrase his thoughts into more palatable words.
"What?" You look over at him, blink away whatever was living behind your eyes. "Nothing. Nothing to do with you, anyway."
"Then what is it?" He can admit to his curiosity. You've encouraged it, after all. You can't blame him for exercising it now.
"Nothing!" you repeat sharply. It's been a while since he's seen you be irritable with him. You usually go out of your way to stay level, to be the grounding force for his still volatile personality. In a way, it's almost comforting; it's almost like you're treating him like a real person.
"Bullshit," he responds, almost cheerfully. "You hid it from that flying menace of yours, and she's too dumb to get it. But I know a shitty mood when I see one."
The look you give him almost reminds him of your first few meetings. That's both comforting and disturbing, in all the weirdest ways. "Why do you care?" you ask.
He shrugs. "I dunno," he says. "I just … want to know, I guess." He doesn't precisely know why. Or, at least, he's not ready to put it into words just yet, even inside his own head.
You stare at him for a long moment, before your whole posture seems to collapse in on itself. "It's stupid," you say, turning your head to look away. "It's just … something reminded me of my twin, and it's just staying with me. It happens sometimes. Nothing to be done about it."
In that moment, he knows that he'd kill your sibling, just for causing that note of despair in your voice.
He remains silent, though, and you continue after a moment, in a quiet voice. "I really just want a …" You laugh, in a way that sounds like you're mocking yourself. "A hug. How dumb is that?"
Oh no. You're not allowed to have any of that self-hatred. He's still hoarding it all for himself. It just seems wrong on you.
"Okay, what?" You look back at him, confused.
"You want a hug? Fine. I'm not the one you want, sure, but I'm physically capable of it."
You stop in your tracks. By the time he realizes it and stops, he has to turn around to see you again. "Are you serious?" you ask.
That note of disbelief feels a bit like a needle stabbing into him. "Well, if you don't want it, then -"
"- I do."
"If you're serious, then yeah." You're mumbling a bit; sunset has fallen, so the shadows may be playing tricks on him, but are you blushing?
Well, at least he's not the only one. "Yeah, if you want."
He honestly can't remember the last time he hugged anyone, aside from the weird manner-laden greetings people sometimes forced upon him in the Harbingers. But after some awkward shuffling, you close the last bit of distance and wrap your arms gingerly around his waist. He carefully mimics your stance, encircling your body and gingerly pulling you closer. He can hear you sigh softly, a note of release, of just the smallest bit of relaxation. And when he feels an answering tightening inside his chest, he realizes exactly how big of a mistake he's made. How much he's going to remember about the feeling of your body this close to his. On purpose. Because you want to be here. Because you trust him.
Oh, fuck.
It's been a long week, and if he's being honest with himself, Cyno is incredibly grateful that you decided to join him for the last day or so. There's a lot of Canned Knowledge activity in the desert right now. He's not even close to having run everyone down yet, but he's got a couple more dealers than he otherwise would with your help. But, at the same time, he's worried about you.
He asked a couple of times, but you cut him off pretty firmly. Cyno knows all about the urge to keep your problems to yourself, he could teach a whole Akademiya course about bottling up your feelings, if they ever decided to add "unhealthy coping mechanisms" as an area of study. He hates being pressured to talk, himself, so he's not asking anymore. But he's still concerned.
You've been physically friendly with him before, slinging an arm around his shoulders, poking him in the arm, leaning against him occasionally when you stop to rest. He likes that. He misses it, actually. And that informs his next course of action. If it's a misstep, he'll apologize, but hopefully that won't be necessary.
As you stop to take a brief rest, Cyno comes up behind you and rests his chin on your shoulder. He can feel your body stiffen briefly in surprise, but continues. "Hey. What do scholars eat when they're hungry?"
You relax as you realize what he's doing, though he feels a strange shiver run through you. Maybe he's talking too close to your ear, that can do it. But you don't move him, or tell him to do so, so he stays where he is as he watches you close your eyes. "I don't know," you say with mock weariness. "What do they eat?"
"Akademiya nuts."
He's got a whole explanation ready to go, about how he heard about them from a traveling salesman from Fontaine, but apparently it's not necessary - after a half second of silence, you suddenly start snorting with soft laughter. It's more than he'd dared hope for. Your body relaxes, and you slump forward a bit, taking your shoulder away from him. His reaction is automatic, unthinking; he wraps his arms around your waist to keep you close. Later, he won't be able to tell himself why he did it, not without admitting things he's not yet ready to acknowledge. It's just … something he needs.
Your response seems to be just as automatic, and even more surprising to him in retrospect. Almost immediately, you turn in his arms and wrap yours around him. Your weight is resting almost entirely against him, and he holds on tight, keenly aware of the trust you're placing in him.The value of that trust cannot be measured, not for him. Whatever he's done to earn it, he thinks, he will figure it out and make sure to do it a hundred times over again.
"Thanks," you murmur, close to his ear, and he wonders if this is why you shivered before - this unexpectedly strong sensation that runs down his spine, more than pleasant, awakening something deep within him that for a brief second, he wants to pursue more than anything else in the world.
Sense returns quickly. He's almost disappointed by it. But you're still here with him, and that's more than enough. More than he ever expected, honestly. And he'll hold onto you as long as you do the same.
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cynosfunnyjokes · 1 year
morning sunlight
characters: tighnari and reader (collei mentioned)
relationship: tighnari x reader
genre: fluff. just fluff.
summary: soft mornings with tighnari were always the best
notes: wowwww sunny actually wrote fluff?? lost the 50/50 for blade so i wrote this to cheer myself up <3 no pronouns used for reader
word count: 664
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soft mornings with tighnari were rare, but very much so welcomed.
due to his schedule with being a forest ranger, he was usually always busy- begrudgingly leaving early in the morning before you woke up and arriving home late in the night.
he couldn’t count how many times he had arrived home late to be greeted with the sight of you sleeping soundly on the couch; assumably having falling asleep while waiting for him.
he never failed to pick you up without complaint and carry you off to bed, keeping you close in his embrace before nodding off himself.
but there were days when collei insisted he took it off- convincing him with promises that she and the other rangers could handle it for the day.
and who was he to deny spending time with you?
the sun was rising, light peeking in through the windows and illuminating the room with soft warmth.
with a small yawn, your eyes peeked open, mind still hazy from sleep only to be greeted with the sight of your still-sleeping boyfriend.
tighnari was always so cute when he was asleep. and no matter how much he tried to protest, your opinion never changed. the way his ears twitched every so often and how his face always looked so calm- peaceful.
it was nice to see him so relaxed.
one of his hands held yours, fingers laced together loosely as his head rested on the soft pillow. he was curled on his side, facing your way.
staring at him in awe, you couldn’t stop yourself from bringing your hand up to his face, gently caressing his cheek. his skin was always so soft- it amazed you.
tighnari’s face twitched, his eyes slowly opening upon feeling your gentle touch on his face. a soft yawn left his lips as his ears twitched.
an adorable sight to behold.
seeing tighnari so sleepy in the morning was such a rare feat- but it was easily welcomed with open arms- to have such precious time with him?
you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
his own hand reached up to hold yours that was cupped his cheek, his thumb rubbing along your knuckles softly. “morning, dewdrop..”
archons, his morning voice was amazing.
with a soft smile, you rubbed your thumb gently against his cheek, “morning, nari.” you placed a soft kiss on his nose, drawing a small sigh from him.
suddenly, his arms curled around you, yanking you towards him as he buried his face into your hair. his body was warm- and he wasted no time as he tangled his legs with yours, tail curling around your waist with a small sigh.
you let out a surprised yelp, eyes growing wide as you were suddenly face to face with his chest- but you cuddled up to him regardless.
“you smell nice..” he murmured, nuzzling his nose into your hair, causing you to blush.
“nari..” you sighed, hands moving to gently grasp at his shirt, “shouldn’t we get up? it’s morning..”
“no.” tighnari gave a small noise of displeasure, arms tightening ever so slightly. “let’s stay like this a little longer.. i’ve missed you... please, flower?”
how could you deny him?
“of course.” you sighed, moving to press a soft kiss to his cheek before nuzzling back into his chest comfortably.
it didn’t take long before the room fell into a comfortable silence, both of you wrapped around each other- content and warm.
“i love you, nari..” you whispered, eyes growing heavy as sleep started to take over your mind once again.
“love you too, dewdrop..” his voice was laced with sleep, his eyes already closed as he rubbed his cheek against the top of your head.
his heartbeat was soft, filling your ears like music as you let out a soft sigh- it was so comfortable. his embraces were always ethereal.
the room was silent except for the sound of soft breathing as you fell asleep, comfortably nestled into each other’s arms.
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strxnged · 1 year
TIGHNARI: # poison tree.
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word count. 0.7k. genre. hurt/comfort for traveller!reader's existential crisis.
song request by @howdyfriend: poison tree — grouper.
warnings. major spoilers for sumeru archon quest & interlude act III.
✧ join my event, tuned to the world's sounds. send me a character and a song and i'll write for you. requests wide open until june 30. ✧
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“Thanks to your kind efforts, traveller,” Tighnari was saying, “the forest rangers are no longer overwhelmed by withering zones. We can focus on revitalizing the affected areas and reintroducing indigenous species where they belong. Don’t you dare deprecate your efforts. You’re saving the forest, you know.”
You only sighed. You were standing at the south end of Tighnari’s hut, absently studying his organized butterfly pins on the wall.
Tighnari’s adamance about your value to Sumeru’s forest was thoughtful, but it did not help in the way he thought it might. You had already been in Teyvat for years, somehow; you had been accumulating power and journeying the land long enough that you ought to feel at home. Many worlds before had been unwelcoming and you and your twin had still achieved comfort. Many worlds had taken you two in as one of their own.
Teyvat was different. 
Although you knew part of your dissociative feelings around it were because you missed your sibling, there was more that was unsettling you recently, and you knew it had to do with Greater Lord Rukkhadevata and the Baladeer’s historical disappearance. In this world, knowledge existed as memories of Irminsul. But you did not. You did not exist, and you knew more than the world tree wanted you to. You knew things you never wanted to forget, but wished you did not have to carry the memories alone.
You could tell Tighnari none of this.
In a way, it felt that your tongue could spark withering zones to spread like wildfire. A single word about the former archon, a single word about the Wanderer’s past, and you could cause chaos. You were not allowed to be honest with someone you cared about as much as the General Watchleader of the Forest Rangers.
“Hmm… Something else is bothering you, isn’t it, friend?” he said, standing from the chair at his desk. He was always too attentive for his own good. 
He approached you. You felt his hand lightly rest on your shoulder and you closed your eyes, brows furrowed. “There isn’t anything you can do.”
“I may not be able to do anything, but won’t you give me the opportunity to try?”
You turned your face to him. And oh, he knew nothing. Tighnari’s hazel eyes were searching yours, earnestly hoping and insisting to offer his assistance. He was the sort of friend you would do anything for if he asked it of you, because his heart was so good and his work was so ardent. He concerned himself with those in need; namely, Collei, the forest, and you.
You opened your mouth but you didn’t know what to say, still.
“I know that there are things you cannot speak of,” he said, filling the silence. “I understand it. I see it in your eyes.” His ears pressed back as his tone became more resolute. “But do not think that that alienates you from me. I believe—I believe quite strongly that whether or not you think you belong, you were still meant to arrive here, and are fated to meet those that you do. It is foolish to believe in mistakes.”
You turned your head away, feeling tears sting at your eyes. You knew what to say now, though you were quite aware its acceptance would be in vain should fate ever turn sour. “I have one request, Tighnari.”
“Don’t forget me, no matter what.”
He didn’t say anything, and you turned nervously to see him ungloving his right hand. He offered it to you. “Let’s shake on it.”
Relieved, you smiled and took his bare hand in a steady handshake.
“Though I see no risk for it,” he said, “I will do my duty as your friend to never forget you for as long as I live.”
If the world was destined to never truly remember you, then he was destined to break his promise. And yet you could not help but pray to Irminsul that that day would never come.
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please reblog if you enjoyed!
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
Yey!! but anyway Tighnari x reader that hangs out with the Rishboland Tigers and Spinocrocodile but they’re super chill and friendly with the reader. And don’t worry about running out of requests from me. I’m super hyperfixed on Genshin right now and especially with Fontaine coming next patch :) I’m getting Lyney.
OoOoOoooooooOooOoo!!!! :0 (Also thanks for helping me stay alive on tumblr lol)
Pocahontas that you? /j
Also I got shining Glitter in my first 10 pull on her banner. On the day she came out. Luck is backkk. Forgot to post it lol
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Take a bad drawing :) (I need to draw better smh)
One with the Forest!
(Totally not his burst or skill hehhehhehehehhehehhehehhehhehhhhhhee)
Fluff bc yes. this feels short but I didn’t know what to add pfft.
Tighnari x Reader
Multiple animals gathered around you. Dusk birds landing on nearby branches and peacefully co-existing with the rishboland tigers. They all stayed calm near you due to your calming and peaceful presence. Always happening an animal in need.
Butterflies landed on your shoulders,foxes sat on rocks with spinocrocodiles resting with the bird buddies. As you hummed a gently and mesmeric melody. Keeping the peace between the animals. Knowing the animals near you with your eyes closed.
Some Rishboland tigers rubbed their faces near your legs. Foxes pawing at your feet as you opened your eyes. Seeing Tighnari who appeared in front of you. Some scurried away seemingly to make an opening for him. Seemingly calm around him as you barely moved a muscle.
He sat down near a few foxes. Using his hand to support his head as he watched you lovingly. Wagging his tail slowly and relaxing himself.
After you finished your humming the animals moved away. Satisfied and Tighnari came up to you as you got up. “I never knew you could sing or hum so wonderfully.” He’d state as he hugged you. “It’s music to anyone’s ears.” Tighnari said to you when you embraced the hug.
“Thank you Tighnari.” You would reply to him as you both sat in the comfortable silence. Wrapping his tail around you effortlessly and bringing you closer. Hugging you as you leaned into his chest. Both of your views focused on the sky and the water. Watching the lotus’s sway slowly with each wave.
He seemed to be more clingy than usual. But he’s busy with work so it’s rare to see him off. He most likely found you on a patrol or during research. Watching as Rishboland tigers letter you pet them. Amazed at how close you were to the animals in the forest and how much trust they placed into you. Slightly jealous that you didn’t pet his ears or tail.
“How are you so close with them?” “They hear me sing often and I always help them so they know I’m not a threat.” You’d tell him. Intrigued by your answer. Humming softly again.
“Just like you say, One with the Forest Tighnari~” you’d say to him as he and you both laughed. Watching a finch land on his head between his ears. Flicking them as you used a finger to put the finch on your finger. Showing it to Tighnari for a few moments. Trying to not trigger his more animalistic side, it flew off to a nearby branch.
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tomiyeee · 2 years
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star-by · 1 year
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a new haircut for tighnari?
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worriedvision · 2 years
Are you open? Got a request.
Okay so, Irminsul is a big stuff to Teyvat. So what if reader who had a relationship with some character... The reader came back from work and the character was just shock and alerted to the point they would fight the reader because to them, reader was a stranger. Reader on the other hand, confused that why they're agitated or getting mad when they got home, they didn't missed any dates or missing something that would upset.
Then they started to push reader away and Reader called them, then they asked "Who are you? Who are you to step in?" That's where reader realized something was wrong with this world. And also, reader left without their things.
So basically like, no one remembered Reader, even their family or their friends, coworkers and neighbors, even their God who they lived under the designated nation no one... Reader was homeless and loveless.
So then reader was just wandering and lost that they had to lived with everyone never remembered their existence even though reader was important to them.
I was thinking if I added if the character's memory of the reader got altered that they thought that they're dating with someone else and it's not reader. So reader actually saw that, heartbroken that they saw it (because reader had the real memories).
Gender neutral reader, doing this with Cyno as the character in question. At the end they meet a certain someone, quest spoilers obviously. Wanderer is here, I'm using the name Loki because that's what I named him in game.
You were looking for your boyfriend that morning, plans to hang out with him in your mind as you skip out the door. Getting to the planned meeting spot, you see him there waiting for you. Unlike his usual actions with you, however, he doesn't seem excited to see you at all. As you get closer, he still doesn't respond. Unable to recall the idea of making someone mad, you stretch your arms out to hug him...
Only for him to pull out his polearm, pinning you to the ground by the neck of your shirt. The look of disgust in his eyes, the way you could tell he was thinking of how to deal with you trying to hug him, only to soften when someone else comes along.
"Honey, they must have mistaken you for someone else." His partner coos, Cyno putting his polearm away before holding the person's hand, you looking on in utter confusion.
After a minute of sitting there, you decide you wanted to catch up with Tighnari. It had been a while since you talked to him, and you figured it would give you an idea as to what happened. Tighnari doesn't talk to you as a friend at all, giving you a second copy of the book he gave to everyone who he thought could get lost in the forest. When you ask him if he wanted to hang out, he brushes you off and calls you a stranger. When you show visible confusion, Tighnari merely stares through you before walking away.
Walking back to your home, you can't figure out what exactly had happened. Rushing to check your calendar, you don't see any missed dates to explain why everyone seemed to be mad at you.
The next day, you turn up to work only to be escorted out by security for going to someone's desk and preparing as if it was yours. As you were being escorted out, the same person who had been with Cyno flashes you a look, accompanied by a set of eyes that momentarily changes colours. You look back to see what happened with them, only for everyone around you to force you out.
Unemployed, of course leading to losing your house as you could nno longer afford rent. Of course, you found out the hard way that you were being accused of staying in a house the tenant had not given you permission to stay in.
Homeless. And now you had absolutely nobody to confide in, suddenly realising that you had nobody in your life. Your family became someone elses, your friends became their friends, and you were stripped of everything.
Applying for jobs, you always failed to get the work. The occasions when you got an interview, the topic of your previous employment came up and you couldn't explain your situation. Not a single place wanted you, and you knew how everyone looked at you when they found out about how much of a stranger you were to everyone.
But then, one night, the traveler came along by themselves. You look at them, wondering why they were bothering. Now that you thought of it, why wasn't Paimon with the traveler?
"_, is it?" They ask. Your eyes widen, surprised that they seemed to know who you were. People never mentioned your name when they talked about you, referring to you by your features without using your name. "I understand something drastic has changed in your life."
"I...I don't know." You scratch your head. "Everything I thought was real, isn't."
"I have someone I want you to meet. He's in a somewhat similar situation to yours." The traveler explains, holding out a hand to help you up.
"How do you know about this? Usually people just call me crazy when I bring up my past." You ask, to no response. Deciding you had nothing going on in your life, you follow them.
"So you're the infamous _..." You hear someone raise a brow, walking towards you.
"Don't try to intimidate them, Loki." The traveler tuts, starting the conversation. "In your memories, work or personal, is there anyone that striked you as a 'threat' in any way?"
"Not really...Well there was one person that had an unhealthy crush on my then boyfriend." You trail off. "They weren't happy to find out I started dating them. Not that it matters. I went to see Cyno one morning and he just...didn't know me."
"Who was this person?" The traveler asks, receiving a response from you and nodding as if they connected the dots. Truth be told, Nahida had asked Loki to keep a close eye on you (from a distance), and when she got enough evidence to confirm a suspicion on your strange actions she asked for the traveler's help.
"I don't understand what's so important about it. It's not like I can explain I have incorrect memories." You sigh.
"You can trust the traveler, they can't lie to save themselves." Loki teases. "You're probably going to by my new roommate based on how they're looking at me, as long as you don't annoy me you'll be fine."
When you were getting to know your roommate better, the traveler took it upon themselves to look into this person you named. It didn't take long for them to realise that, actually, this person had their own life that was now completely blank. The family they were connected to, the friends they had, the job they worked - all of it was wrong compared to what they knew before. The new job they were in, they were also underperforming in comparison to how you did when he knew of your position.
The traveler concludes that this person, out of jealousy, must have attempted to put themselves into your shoes to fulfil their desire of dating Cyno. Unfortunately, they couldn't risk telling anyone about these findings without telling them what they know about Irmunsul.
All they could do was support you into a new life, where they could.
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theextratreefairy · 2 years
The favorites p.1
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Yandere! Teyvat x gn god!reader
Warnings: yandere themes, reader is a bit oblivious, reader is designs as a hobby but graduated with a law degree at earth, swearing, slight violence if you squint, Aether loves feeding reader food (blame paimon), jealousy, paimon loves annoying reader, mentions off Cyno, Tignari in that TCG trailer thingy in which they play TGC with Kaveh and Alhaithem but aether is added, Cyno and tignari feel a little jealous, reader has some in-game items on her.
God!Reader who's favorite characters are Kaveh, Traveler!Aether and Alhaithem. And when they meet them they immediately bless them without realizing. Causing quite the uproar within the whole of teyvat. After all, they didn't reveal themselves to the archons at all.
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Reader loved the game 'Genshin impact' since their friends introduced it to them. So when they fell into Teyvat while awakening under the tree at windrise, they were glad to find out it wasn't an imposter au, and the fact that they had some in-game items?! Phew, they won't die.
But before they reveal the fact that they have gold blood, they want to visit SUMERU! And luckily the waypoints still work :D!
Reader decided to walk into the city, teleporting not too far away, but they had to check how far it was into the archon quest! So better be safe then sorry.
"It's so pretty." Reader clapped their hands as they squealed. "Nahida has such a pretty region, well, hoyo does own Nahida some apologies for their traumatic background for her." They thought with a sinister smile, Nahida is Reader's child, she deserved better.
"i have a small bit of mora..." Reader mumbled and then smiled. 'Puspa Café, here I come!'
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"Aether! Come join us in a game of TCG!" Cyno invited him as he walked into the café. "Sure! Is it alright if Paimon plays with me as a team?"
"yeah! Paimon wants to play too! But i dont have a deck!"
Aether and Paimon joined the table with Kaveh, Alhaithem, Cyno and tighnari, aether suddenly felt a wave of power washing over them.
"Did you feel that?" Aether whispered. "I did." Cyno confirmed. "Hi!" someone greeted them with a bright smile. "Your the traveler, Aether, correct?"
"Yes, I am..." The group was on guard. "May you find your sister and the answers to the questions that lie within your hearth." Reader told Aether while grabbing his hand and gave him a bright smile. Then they turned Kaveh and grabbed his hands, causing him to turn red. "May your buildings make an imprint on the world." Then they turned to Alhaithem. Grabbing his hands as well causing him to tense up. "And may you live a peaceful life while seeking the knowledge you wish to have."
A light started to glow above the three's heads, it was visible everywhere in teyvat. Causing a large uproar.
"I did not expect it to glow like that." Reader mumbled, causing Tighnari's eyes to widen. "Beloved creator, I thank you for gracing us with your-"
Reader started to get swarmed and Aether instictively pulled them closer. "Are you alright?" Paimon asked Reader. "Paimon thinks creator doesn't like crowds."
"Paimon, is correct. But call me reader, my dear."
"Let's eat together, Reader! Paimon wants to share food with my new friend!" Which caused Reader to chuckle. "Let's do so, if that alright with your travelling buddy." This caused Aether to smile, he loved seeing Paimon smile. And the creator gave them a blessing, a blessing that can help him find out the truth.
Alhaithem and Kaveh were trying to keep the crowd calm, Cyno and tighnari standning in front of Aether, trying to make sense of what happened.
"Alhaithem, got blessed by the creator?" Cyno mumbled, causing reader to look at him. "Alhaithem is one of my favorites!" Reader shouted with a smile. Which caused the crowd to murmer. The café's owner however didn't care, the creator was in his café, they are on a cloud nine.
"Just like Kaveh, Aehther, and now Paimon!"
Yeah this caused an even larger uproar.
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arisewanekosuki · 3 months
hello I have an ask for traveler’s little helper what if LH has a food allergy and forgot to mention it and some of the boys (Subaru bois + Ather & Paimon )were witness to a severe allergic reaction.
Hello! Sorry that it took so long T_T I hope you'll still enjoy this! >.< Tbh I don't have allergy to anything so sorry if something is not correct m(_ _)m ---- You didn’t know how this happened. It started as a normal day, doing commissions in Sumeru with Aether and this time Cyno was the one who had time to help you both. When you finished and Aether approached Katheryne to get payment, Cyno invited you for dinner. Of course you didn’t get it that Cyno wanted to eat dinner with ONLY YOU, you thought he wanted to spend more time with your whole group. And surprise, surprise. The rest of Sumeru boys invited themselves to this dinner. Cyno is not even sure how they knew about it, he was paying attention to his surroundings, making sure nobody else will hear about his plans and yet, here they are. You didn’t complain, as you said “the more the merrier!” Meanwhile Tighnari gave his friend the look that said ‘Nice try’, Kaveh was the one who was asking how your day went, Alhaitham sat in silence, waiting for food and listening to your conversation with Kaveh. Wanderer sat in silence too, from time to time bickering with Paimon, Aether looked tired, for sure he just wanted to relax with you in Teapot. You couldn’t see it from Cyno’s face but he was disappointed that again, he couldn’t spend some alone time with you.
After a while many dishes were brought to your group table. Paimon and you were excited to try some of them that you didn’t eat before. But after taking some bites you started to feel unwell. Not only you didn’t realize the dish had something you have an allergy to, you never mentioned it to even Aether and Paimon. The reason is that you thought that in this world your allergies won’t act up at all and not only that, to this day it seems you luckily avoided anything that you’re allergic to.
You started to have trouble with breathing and feel dizzy. Tighnari was the one who reacted first. For a moment he wondered if there was poison in food but looking more at you he understood it was a severe allergic reaction. He laid you down on the floor and searched in his little bag if he had anything right now that can help you. Paimon was panicking, asking “What happened to her?! Will she be alright?!” Aether was panicking too, crouching by your side and looked scared, not understanding what’s going on. Alhaitham and Cyno asked Tighnari what’s going on. While Kaveh asked what they should do to help you.  Tighnari asked them to make space for you and explained that you have an allergic reaction. He tsked when realizing he doesn’t have anything to help you. -“ We need to inject her with adrenaline! We shouldn’t move her in this state, so someone has to go to hospital-“ before he could finish sentence, Wanderer already left the restaurant and went to hospital. Tighnari was monitoring your condition while Kaveh was trying to calm down both Paimon and Aether (and himself), Alhaitham and Cyno keep people from coming to see what’s going on while the whole group waited for Wanderer.
They didn’t wait too long for Wanderer to come back. Tighnari applicated the adrenaline to you while others waited, some more nervous than others. When you could breathe normally and felt better, the boys would give you only one minute before they started scolding you for not saying something important like this earlier. -”How could you forget to tell us about your allergy?!” said Tighnari flicking your forehead. -”Yeah! We traveled for so long together and you didn’t say a thing about it?!” shouted Paimon. -”What if Tighnari wasn’t here?! We wouldn’t be able to help you!” said Aether, very angry at you. -”(Y/n), you shouldn’t hide things like this from us.” said Cyno, even if he sounded calm you could see disappointment in his eyes. -”But-” you were interrupted. -”They are right!! Do you think we want to see you suffer like this?!” Kaveh raised his voice a bit. -”But I-”  you were interrupted again. -”Hmpf, it seems you can’t take care of yourself, so tell us what you're allergic to, now.” said Wanderer with crossed arms. -”Even if nothing happens to you in the end, I assume it’s still not a pleasant experience for you. It’s better to know in the future what to avoid to order, than making fuss in restaurants.” said Alhaitham. Food got cold, but Paimon didn’t mind. After you told them what you are allergic to, they ordered new dishes. You hoped that you could just enjoy food now but not really. From time to time you could hear complaints about how careless you are. You got a bit annoyed but you nodded to them and promised that you will be more careful in future. After all, you know they just worried about your well-being. From this day the boys started to pay even more attention to you and your health.
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genshin-scenarios · 1 year
Mermay: Sumeru Edition!
Summary: Mermaid-themed content! Each character has their own different narratives/scenarios separate from each other - hope you’ll like these!
Characters: Alhaitham, Kaveh, Tighnari, Cyno, Wanderer/Scaramouche
Wordcount: ~700 each
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My coworker is a mermaid?!
You’re one of the few merpeople who’s moved to the human city—so long as you avoided being submerged in water, you had enough control over yourself to prevent your legs from shifting back into a tail.
It’s an interesting life, working at a detective agency with Alhaitham as one of your co-workers. But one day when you’re feeling sick from the hot weather and skip a meeting, Alhaitham visits your apartment himself to deliver investigation files; it's the first time you guys have been assigned to a case together despite how long you’ve both been in the company, so he thought it’d be quicker to visit you himself and inform you as such, being the efficient man he is. (You also weren’t answering your texts so he was a little worried—you’ve always been a prompt replyer otherwise.)
…What Alhaitham doesn’t expect however is for you to ghost him at the door despite the lights indicating that you were definitely home. Did something happen? Were you safe? Within this line of work it was definitely possible to get mixed up with enemies of some sort, so with that in mind Alhaitham managed to find the extra key you kept outside (organized as ever, and also something Kaveh mentioned to him while the blonde was drunk) and entered your home.
He calls out your name a few times, at first hearing nothing in response—before the sound of something dropping against the ground echoes from another end of the apartment. Alhaitham follows the clue, bracing himself for a surprise attack if this was really the worst case scenario, and kicks open the bathroom door where he hears scrambling and water splashing—
The first thing he sees is your tail. Glistening against the light, more beautiful than he’d care to admit in the chaos of the moment. Then his gaze falls to your face, your eyes widened in surprise before shifting into panic, and it takes Alhaitham a moment to register that when you struggle to sit up and leave the tub, the tail that lashes water everywhere and flops against the cold tiles is yours. 
Suffice to say, he had a lot of explaining to wring out of you once you calmed down. Alhaitham hasn’t heard about merpeople being real since he was a child, and maybe a random conspiracy theory from an unreliable source—but the moment he realizes you’re running a fever, Alhaitham settles his doubts to tend to the matter at hand; picking you up and settling you back into the tub, he avoids your gaze and asks what temperature of water you needed to cool down.
It’s the first of many times that night Alhaitham calms you with his objectiveness. You don’t have to know that his heart was pounding the entire time, unsure if he’d finally gone insane from years of working in the field.
He leaves, promising to inform you about work the next day after you’ve gathered yourself together, and when you arrive at the meeting point Alhaitham almost forgets you weren’t human—dressed in your usual way, smiling like you always would, though with a nervous edge to your tone.
Everyone had their secrets. He wouldn’t benefit much from exposing yours right now—Alhaitham helps you with avoiding water, covering for you by volunteering himself at times. He insists it’s not from a sense of heroism but rather convenience for himself (having drama over your secret being exposed would only interrupt the case)—but how far can he stretch this excuse in terms of keeping an eye on your health, asking if you’re feeling well when the summer’s heat is blazing, and running to your rescue when the investigation’s been turned on its head?
Alhaitham was a resourceful man, but some things (or people) couldn’t simply be replaced by another so easily. He’d protect your identity and wishes and help you reach a happy end, so that you both might coexist like you've grown to desire.
…What a curious predicament he’s landed himself with indeed.
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A familiar story...
Kaveh’s a merman that’s well-liked and recognized within his home in the sea. His feats in architecture are renowned, but it comes from a sort of fascination and appreciation for beauty—after all, why else would he seek to build better structures and strive for wonderful things?
And for a creative and genius mind like his, it’s not a stretch to say that Kaveh’s interest extended to the machines of the human world. During shipwrecks and other storms, items would wash into the sea and be scavenged by certain… opportunists, who would supply to merchants that would then mark up the prices for customers like Kaveh, who saw the good in too many things and had enough empathy to pay for more.
—Nevermind his sometimes empty pockets, but Kaveh also liked venturing out to find items by himself on occasion (times where he needed a break from the bustle of the underwater city, just to soak in the sunlight and sky for himself, and being brought to wonder what else was out there in the world above).
Kaveh would be lying if he said he never considered going to the surface, but the temptation only reaches its tipping point when he sees you for the first time at the beach—he’s seen many humans, but not so many that would ramble to their dog while pacing around the beach, throwing sticks for it and then settling down to sketch the scenery. It’s so… picturesque, of a situation, that Kaveh couldn’t help but stick around longer and enjoy the quietness with you. 
And after you'd left, the sound of jewelry tinkling still lingers in his mind—you were wearing accessories with the most charming gems and color. It’s a shame they don’t have that material on-hand in the ocean—though wearing jewelry in the water itself wasn’t that practical to begin with.
So of course one day, after a particularly tiring series of events, Kaveh travels onto land for the first time and explores; there are foods he hasn’t seen before in the marketplace and Kaveh buys a cloak to help blend in (yes, he borrowed surface-currency from Alhaitham, though he anguishes at the idea that he has to rely on that guy for this), and when Kaveh gets distracted while looking at a jewelry stall’s offerings, he startles at the sound of a voice he’s only heard from afar.
You offer Kaveh a smile as you ask if he’s looking for something—and within his confusion Kaveh blurts out that he quite likes the earrings you’re wearing, so you smile and invite him to the store where you got them. He’s surprised to learn it’s a pawn shop, but the mere idea that you frequent there makes him feel a little more comfortable; perhaps the both of you were scavengers in your own right, looking for something you haven’t quite found yet.
He doesn’t buy anything, but ends up being gifted with a hair accessory by you—because his hair seems like it could use with pinning up, from how he’s been fidgeting with the ends (hair floats in the water, it does not do the same on land)—and Kaveh flusters even more when you mention it’s on the house (you own this place?!) and that it matches the color of his eyes anyways, so he should keep it. 
Suffice to say, Kaveh becomes a regular visitor to the human world after that, forging a type of second-home in the visits to the markets and bringing trinkets he’s found at sea to you. You’re not the main owner of the pawn shop, but your senior is very knowledgeable about the items he’s brought in, even paying a high price for them. It’s all going well until a storm hits your seaside town during an event out at sea—and Kaveh, who had made an excuse to not attend the ship party—rushes to your rescue when you’re the one that falls off the deck—returning you to shore the next morning.
It’s a journey of worries, anxieties and doubts from there on; if you recalled your mysterious savior, Kaveh laments at the idea of you falling for a version of him he has to keep a secret. If you knew it was him, could he still visit the shore so casually again?
Despite everything, Kaveh still has the sense to prioritize the safety of himself and his people. Thus begs the question; did he have the courage to place his trust in you?
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Fish in a pool, and a curious fox
It’s not common to find merpeople living in smaller bodies of water, far from the rest of the ocean, but there are exceptions in the town where you and Tighnari lived—where certain species different from humankind created a little haven of their own to coexist and thrive, adorned in nature and springs that one wouldn’t find elsewhere.
What would your friends from university say; you were living ‘cottagecore’ lives?
The first time you met Tighnari, it’d been as kids who wandered away from home. Not to say the town was that big, but there was a little intersecting river between the merfolk and land-habitants, where you swam toward out of curiosity one day, following a stray butterfly. It almost seemed to land on the surface of the water, fluttering before perching still - thus when you carefully tried to resurface from right below it, you hadn’t expected to touch noses with a stranger who sported fox ears and a tail.
Being children, the both of you lacked the initial embarrassment that most people might have in response—instead you simply backed away in surprise, asking for the stranger's name.
There was a short reprieve in which you both spotted the butterfly again—which was flying away in a direction further onto land—but before Tighnari could tell you where it was heading toward, you were both interrupted by the calls of your families to return home.
The next time you met, Tighnari is quick to mention the thought that’d been hanging on his mind—he tried to invite you to the meadow to find butterflies (for you seemed fond of them), before belatedly realizing you couldn’t tread on land. His ears drooping slightly, you quickly told him that maybe one day you could, once you’d mastered how to shift your tails into legs when you were older.
Growing up in your town was a picturesque childhood indeed. The day you first tried walking on legs, you’d been clumsy and needed a hand from your family, who were watching over you that day. Eventually you’re able to run and jump and explore on your own, to which you find yourself attracted to a field of flowers. You haven’t seen so many up close before, and was surprised when a pair of ears peeked out from within them; Tighnari, who was watching ladybugs climbing their stems. 
That’s when your friendship properly blossomed, you supposed. As you were both interested in exploring, you and Tighnari would often go on trips together in your free time. You even brought him to the reefs once, teaching him to hold his breath just long enough to witness the beauty that lay underwater.
When you grew older, you learned that reading as many books as you had—absorbing knowledge—would come in handier than you thought. Tighnari is the first to leave the town to study in the city, a similar path his other family members took—and after a year of your own preparation, it was your turn to venture out to the Akademiya, where you heard Tighnari was.
You were independent in your own right, but becoming close friends with him (and maybe harboring a tiny crush) meant you wanted to at least be in the same city if possible. As luck permitted, you succeeded, and met Cyno during your first day when you’d become lost searching for your classes.
You’re surprised to learn later on that Tighnari has spoken of you before—enough for Cyno to ask if you knew of Tighnari based on your description of your home.
“He’d always talk about how beautiful the scenery was there, and exploring it with a childhood friend.” 
Figures that when you find Tighnari in person, you wouldn’t be any the wiser about his fondness for you in how he acts—or perhaps you’d become so used to his gestures that it’s now hard to tell. But to those that have met him since he’s been at the Akademiya, there is a clear smile in Tighnari’s eyes when he’s talking to you, and a sense of comfort that they haven’t seen from him anywhere else.
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Involved in an underwater crime mystery… Mermaids are real?!
CW: missing persons mystery, reader gets kidnapped by a sea creature/villain (they’re fine though!)
Despite Cyno’s suspicions the first time he met you, you truly were just a wandering journalist that got into a lot of trouble; there’s been cases of people going missing near the seaside lately, thus when you ventured to the scene of the crime in hopes of getting some interviews, you end up getting caught by a mysterious sea creature and brought to the bottom of the ocean—at least, that’s how your story might’ve ended, if Cyno hadn’t spotted your kidnapping and intercepted it before it was too late.
The mysterious creature that took you was shrouded in shadow—some type of cloaking magic to hide its real form, but it had left a marked symbol on you from where it was gripping your leg to pull you under; unsure of what side-effects you may experience, Cyno had brought you to Tighnari first to get rid of any traces of magic before returning you to shore, only to realize that you were somehow breathing underwater, without the use of a spell on his part.
When you wake up, you’re understandably confused and perplexed. Unless you were hallucinating this entire thing, you’re now in an underwater city after being found by Cyno, a high-ranking merman guard, who had rescued you from the same creature that was probably behind the other missing persons cases.
Cyno places a hand on your shoulder in a gesture of comfort when he noticed your hands trembling, but your mind was reeling from the information (and sensory) overload.
One thing was clear: You weren’t going back to the surface until this mark was taken off you (which according to Tighnari, could only fade over time or be removed by the caster of the spell).
You had two options: stay here as a patient and wait things out, or join Cyno on his investigations. You weren’t particularly weak to pretty faces so as to risk your life for them, but the resolve that burned in Cyno’s gaze when he spoke of tracking them down helped steel your mind; you weren’t sure if you could hold on to this hope for long while stranded here alone, but perhaps you could be of some use to him with your intel from the surface, and maybe this decision would end with you having less regrets, for at least being moved to action within this crisis and confusion.
Your job was to document the truth, after all. You want to bear witness to this—to help put an end to the crime and mystery that has engulfed both your community and his.
You’re introduced to Cyno’s world and witness his dedication to protecting the underwater city of Sumeru. You hear stories from Tighnari, during your breaks, about how Cyno used to act back in their Akademiya days. It’s hard to imagine that Cyno could be invested in card games and stories of ancient magic when he was off-duty, but you honestly found the idea of it cute.
Perhaps when this whole ordeal was over, you could ask him to teach you about TCG. You get a glimpse of this other side of Cyno during one night when you’re camping out during an investigation outside the city, and he shows you a bit of elemental magic when you ask if he’s capable of such things too.
Admittedly, Cyno is more combat-oriented these days, but he tells you that he’s always liked the sound of adventures and playing a role different from what he’s used to. You think to yourself that out here, with this demonstration of magic that’s like stealing the stars from the night sky to a mortal like yourself, that he could be anything he wanted to be and you’d still follow him to the ends of the ocean.
But when all was said and done, where would your friendship go? It’s a little selfish, but a part of you is starting to wish that this adventure would never end.
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Befriending a bad-mannered mermaid… Have we met before?
CW: Reader has trouble sleeping/insomnia. Mentions of drowning but it’s just a quip from Wanderer, not described or actually happening to anyone here. Uh… just him being mean but it's not from a malicious place. Reader technically presumed dead (?) — it’s a little complicated but I swear it makes sense once you read, it’s not angsty don't worry!
To start things off anticlimactically, you met Wanderer one day when you were walking by the shore at dawn, having had another restless night. With your eyelids finally growing heavy as you leaned against a boulder on the sand, you found yourself drifting to sleep…
…Only to be rudely interrupted by a pebble thrown your way, just narrowly missing your leg.
While Wanderer would simply say it’s because you were interrupting his alone time (who does he think he is, talking as if he owned the beach anyways?!) It was really just a matter of safety. He continues to quip at you, making comments about how you clearly lacked self-preservation if you thought sleeping there was fine, and to not complain that he was a quiet bystander when you get dragged out by the current and drown.
You’re obviously confused and indignant at the same time—not to mention he’d just left immediately after that. But hours later you realize he was talking to you really casually. The next time you encounter him and ask as such, Wanderer simply says that all humans were the same, though some were obviously not a threat to him—like you. 
You had half a mind to throw something back at him, only to be interrupted when Wanderer suddenly asked for your name. He’s uncharacteristically silent after hearing it, before telling you his own and disappearing again.
When you couldn’t sleep, you’d go to the beach these days in order to let the sunlight lull you to sleepiness, or—if that didn’t work—you’d draw Wanderer’s name into the sand to be washed away by the waves again and again. You’re not sure who told you this, but there was a saying that whatever message was washed away by the sea would be delivered to recipients in the water. When Wanderer finds you that afternoon, he’s quick to call the belief idiotic—only for you to argue that he did show up anyways.
Perhaps it’s because of how unabashedly proud he acts, but you find yourself responding to Wanderer in a familiar manner as well. You’re not afraid to retort against his remarks, and over time you become friends, though he would hate to admit it so plainly.
…To start things off from a different point of view, your friendship had actually started long before you started having issues with sleep, and perhaps even before you started to live your life on land.
Long ago, Wanderer had a friend who painstakingly wore down his barriers and adopted him as a companion. That is, in the same way a cat and owner relationship might work—though he had no clue what exactly a cat was, for his friend was the only one between them to have ventured far enough into the human world to meet one.
Wanderer didn’t care much about humans, but his friend (who was a merperson), quite liked their creations and stories. They’d always found it amusing to see humans board their cruise ships and pollute the air with their noise, while Wanderer would constantly remind them to not get too caught up in human-watching. What was so great about those land-dwellers anyways?
After a series of events, said friend had gone missing and was presumed dead. So how many thoughts flurried through Wanderer’s mind on the day he saw you at the beach as if to taunt him? How betrayed and confused and annoyed had he felt after rationalizing things in his mind; that if you were a reincarnation of his friend, that you wouldn’t remember anything. That if you were his friend yourself, who’d turned out to have lived, you’d have your reasons for never attempting contact. And if it was neither of those, you were just a look-alike and fate had a really crappy sense of humor for making him stumble upon you like so.
He’d started venturing closer to the surface ever since his friend’s disappearance—partially as a way to get away from the city and the well-meaning but overbearing attempts to comfort him, and also as a little way to feel connected to them again.
Wanderer doubts he’d ever love humans the same way they did, but he’s at least able to appreciate the softness of the morning when the sun filters through the surface just right.
To summarize, yes - you are that friend, though whether you’d been reincarnated after an incident or simply had your memories erased eludes the both of you. The story starts here, and has much to explore henceforth; as much as Wanderer liked to complain, he was quite relieved to be able to adventure with you again. The more time he spends with you, the more he’s convinced that maybe second chances do come true.
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eyesforahead · 1 year
Your actions matter, think carefully!
Scenario: A battle has happened and your friend's are fatally injured you can only save one ! The rest will die.
So, dear viewer, who shall live and who shall die?
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nariko-senpai · 3 months
Fuck it let's go 😃
Traveler x Xiao
I don't care if it's aether or lumine, I love both travelers and xiao (not all three of them together)
I think xiao has a lot of chemistry with whichever twin you're playing as, especially in the events like lantern rite.
I tend to lean more towards lumine, but I'm biased cause I'm playing as her lmao.
But xiao always has a special connection with the traveler and I feel a lot of the characters in the game notice as well.
Kujou Sara x Arataki Itto
It's not a very common ship, but I love the dynamics the two have.
They balance eachother out and the Genshin lore hints that the two of them might've known eachother since childhood (recommend searching it up)
Boss bitch and her manwife couple.
We all know the rivalry between the two so they got some chemistry going.
I just love them and wished the ship was more well known.
Tighnari x Cyno
They give just such a warm and happy vibe that makes me melt.
Even if it's not canon, they are just so into eachother.
They already act like a married couple, MAKE THEM ONE.
I love how they are a team and both care for collei.
I just love them.
Zhongli x Childe
I see them as 'in another life' couple.
Ik they're kinda crack ship, but I genuinely do love their dynamics.
Don't really have an explanation except I want to see more of the two of them together in-game so I can build more.
Beidou x Ningguang
They're the lesbian version of tighnari and Cyno for me.
They chemistry, the looks, the compliments.
Even if Beidou isn't shipped with Ningguang, I can't think of her as straight.
They are a power four star duo that needs more love.
They're baddies, boss bitches and women in industry.
They just are so good for eachother idk.
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