#tiny Haruhi
ghostlygiant · 8 months
A short first meeting (really first seeing) for borrower!Haruhi and Hikaru.
1,410 words
Maybe considered accidental fear-play? Haruhi is definitely scared. Trigger warning just in case.
There are Three universal rules known by all borrowers. First, never borrow more than you need-not only is it a quick way to get noticed, it also slows you down when making an escape. Second, never let a human bean see you-the ones that speak that rule with the most passion in their voices have seen some truly horrible sights. Sights most borrowers hope to never see. Last, if you have broken rule Two never, ever, freeze up. First and foremost you must escape the situation-through any means necessary-then you can worry about moving into a new home and starting over.
It was a Thursday morning when Haruhi simultaneously broke all three rules.
She felt stupid-mostly because she wasn’t stupid. She knew better than to try and take a whole half of a dinner roll. But it was so fluffy, fresh baked that morning by one of the beans that wore the black and white outfits, and she was starving.
For the past three days the beans had been hosting some kind of gathering. What seemed like Hundreds of unfamiliar beans flooded the home that her home was inside. It was impossible for her to leave the cover of her home.
Even in the night hours it seemed that a bean was around every corner. Because of rule One Haruhi didn’t have any real backup supply of food. She’d always gone out during the hours she knew the beans would be busy, or sleeping, and only took enough food to last for the day.
Only a few hours after all the visiting beans left she ran out of her home and waited for the kitchen to empty of the black and white clad beans that were in charge of the food. She should’ve waited until night-another day of hunger was better than being caught-but at the time her body was controlled by her stomach instead of her brain. All she could think of was filling herself with food, and the roll smelled so delicious.
Now she stood frozen in place, eyes locked with the bean named Hikaru. No matter how hard she willed her feet they would not move. For the moment, neither did Hikaru.
Haruhi could hear the faint ticking of the clock, somewhere above her. Counting down to her doom. She wondered what was going through the bean’s mind. Was he thinking of different ways to torment her?
When she was small she had heard stories, terrible stories about borrowers who were caught in closed fists and never seen again, from one of her papa’s friends. A traveler who passed by from time to time. She was tough then-safe in her childhood home from the monsters of stories-but now she couldn’t stop picturing everything that might’ve happened to those stolen borrowers. Everything that might be happening to her soon.
Hikaru took a step towards her, mouth dropping open, and she finally found herself able to move. She had to move, before he closed the distance between them. She refused to be the next horror story told to young borrowers.
She threw the roll to the floor and dashed towards the spices lined up on the counter. She could use them as a barrier between her and the bean-however flimsy they may be compared to his massive size-until she could force her brain to remember the escape route she’d practiced so many times.
Behind the spices she couldn’t see the bean anymore, which was almost more terrifying than locking eyes with him. At least then she knew where he was and what he was doing. Now she only had the sounds coming from his direction, which were nearly drowned out by the thumping of her heart in her ears. Faint shuffling of feet and panicked mumbling.
Please she begged silently to any entity that might’ve been listening just let me make it out of this alive
She reached the edge of the counter just as the bean started shuffling the spices behind her. Her blood ran cold when the thought of him seeing her. It seemed to freeze up her heart and she was worried she might get stuck in place again, luckily her feet didn’t stop moving.
Unluckily, she was past the edge now. She felt her frozen heart drop to the pit of her stomach. Too terrified to even scream, her body went into auto pilot. She didn’t know when, but at some point she had pulled out her hook and stabbed it into the wall. Her hands burned when she grabbed onto the thread, skin peeling away from her palms and she slid too quickly, but she successfully slowed her descent.
As quickly as she could, she propelled to the ground, taking bigger leaps than she normally would’ve. Desperate times called for a few more risks-and her hands were already torn up anyway. They burned with every drop but she couldn’t let them slow her down.
She didn’t glance up-didn’t look for the bean. She could still hear the rattling of spice bottles on the counter. With any luck he wouldn't notice she was no longer behind them until she made it back to her home.
She reached the ground and pulled on the thread. The hook didn’t budge. Haruhi didn’t have a moment to waste on trying again, or even to mourn the loss of the hook her father gave her, she had already been seen. She left it without a second thought. He would forgive her for leaving it, given the circumstances.
“Hey” she heard the bean’s voice behind her as she ran towards the slit in the baseboards that served as the entrance to her home “stop running”
She vaguely heard the order, but of course paid it no mind. She was so close. Even with his giant legs the bean wouldn’t be able to catch her before she slipped inside. Once there she was sure she would be safe-at least for a moment. Long enough to get her emergency pack and start her escape. On to a new home.
“Come back” the bean called again and she heard the thumping of his feet. They rattled the ground slightly as he moved towards her.
A pause in the thumping almost made her stop, something strange was happening behind her. But she didn’t allow herself to look back.
Just as she slipped into the hole the floor shook beneath her, she felt wind push against her back, and felt the very tips of the beans fingers rustle her short hair. A squeak of surprise escaped her throat and she jumped forward. Safe.
Haruhi glanced back with widened eyes and saw the bean’s giant eyes staring back at her through the hole. He was on his stomach, laying on the ground. She knew instantly that if she had stopped to look at him he would’ve caught her. Probably crushed her. The bean has leapt from his previous place, towards her goal in an attempt to catch her.
She walked backwards, further into safety, but kept her eyes locked on his. Her whole body trembled.
“Come back” the bean sounded almost pleading when he spoke “where are you going?”
She slipped into the darkness. And once she had to turn a corner she stopped looking back. Her heart still thumped in her ears and throat, it felt like her eyes were throbbing in tune with it. Her brain raced as she recalled the events and mentally kicked herself for being stupid. Just because she wanted to gorge herself on bread.
I won’t make that mistake again she thought to herself as she gathered little scraps of things she might need.
She had no idea how far she would have to travel to find a new home. The only food she had was a small piece of stale cracker that was her absolute emergency last resort food. It had already been three days since she last ate.
No use pouting about it. It was too late to do anything else. She would have to brave the outside with what she had and nothing more. But at least she could wait until night. The bean can’t get her here-not quickly anyway. She might as well double check her materials and try to make some semblance of a plan.
I should’ve taken a bite at least she mourned the loss of the roll-the cursed thing had ruined her life, nearly ended it, and she didn’t even get a bite.
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friendlyfoxpal · 10 days
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His Little Girl
Inspired to draw some Ouran G/t after reading @tinythiefalex's story. Always got room in my heart for some smol Haruhi and giant Tamaki! And the gang too! X3
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tinythiefalex · 20 days
Ouran Host Club but it's g/t
Chapter 2
Me: did everyone enjoy the cringey anime fic?
Y'all: No Alex, only you did.
Me: Oh. Well, that was basically my target audience anyway.
It's here babes! I was finally able to write the first part of the Ouran fic I've been wanting to make! Basically, it's the same as the show, except everyone but Haruhi is a giant!
HEAVILY inspired by @friendlyfoxpal ‘s Ouran artwork. It’s so cute and I love it so much!
Here's the first part, it's basically just an intro to the premise, next part will be posted on Wednesday!
Ouran Academy. The most prestigious school in the area, full of filthy rich, young people with way too much time on their hands. Haruhi, as a lower-middle-class citizen, had enough audacity to even think she could attend this elite school. But this school wasn’t just a rich kid's playground, it had the best education programs in the country, so Haruhi was determined to go. On top of being a “commoner” though, Haruhi was also a human, and Ouran Academy was a giant’s school. 
Honestly, Haruhi was surprised that the school’s headmaster even let her take the scholarship exam, but after acing that, here she was, in the headmaster's office, one week before the school year started. 
“I have to say, I’m impressed, Ms. Fujioka.” The headmaster said with a smile. “Your test scores are some of the bests I’ve ever seen.” 
“Thank you, sir.” Haruhi was polite, but inside she wondered what this meeting was for. She had already gotten her acceptance letter in the mail and completed all of the paperwork. Did the headmaster just want to greet her?
As if reading her mind, the headmaster spoke up again, “I bet you’re wondering why I called you here. Well, even though your test scores are remarkable, there is still the problem of a human attending this academy. Forgive me if this is rude, but you’re a little outsized here, Ms. Fujioka.”
Haruhi knew all of that. “Yes, sir. I am aware.” She knew this was a giant’s school before she even applied, but it’s the best one for her future, so what’s the problem? 
“Well, Miss, tell me, just how do you expect to get around the campus? You cannot walk that far, and vehicles are strictly forbidden on school grounds.”
Haruhi…honestly hadn’t thought about that. “W-well I…” He wasn’t going to revoke her acceptance for this, was he?
Surprisingly, the headmaster smiled. “Do not worry, Ms. Fujioka, I had an idea that I wanted to discuss with you. You see, the son of one of my colleagues also attends this academy, his name is Tamaki Suoh. If it is alright with you, I can arrange for him to help you around school. To be a sort of escort for you, per se.”
Haruhi wasn’t thrilled at the idea of being carried around by a giant, but if the headmaster thought it was necessary, “Alright. Thank you, sir.” 
“Of course,” The headmaster stood from his desk. “If that is all, then we’re done here. I look forward to seeing you during this year, Ms. Fujioka.”
The next morning, Haruhi stood outside of the school’s gate. Its needlessly fancy gates, she thought. Looking at the building again, with its bright pink architecture and massive rose bushes, the gates matched. This entire school is so pretentious. She had been instructed to arrive very early and wait on the giant upperclassman who had been assigned to her, so no other students had arrived yet.
Just then, she heard a voice from above. “Hey there! You must be the honor student I’ve heard so much about!” Haruhi looked up, way, way up, at the giant that approached her. She felt her face turn white. With the headmaster, the size difference wasn’t so bad, since she was standing on his desk, about chest height to the man. This was the first time she had ever seen a giant from ground level. She lived in a strictly human neighborhood and had only gone to human schools. This guy's height was almost unfathomable. 
Thankfully, the giant knelt down to be closer to her level. “I’m Tamaki Suoh,” he said, holding his hand palm-up in front of her in a clear invitation, “and you are?” 
Trying to not stare at the massive hand, Haruhi looked up at Tamaki, “I’m Haruhi Fujioka,” she replied, stepping onto his hand as calmly as she could. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Tamaki was fascinated by the feeling of tiny shoes walking onto his hand. He rarely spoke to humans, much less came in physical contact with one. So cute! He thought, unable to keep the awe off of his face as he stood up. Remembering his manners, he replied, “It’s very nice to meet you too, young man.” 
Haruhi stumbled when the hand lifted, but it was surprisingly steady enough to not knock her over. She barely registered the ‘young man’ comment, not particularly caring. Although it was strange to think that she was so small to Tamaki, he couldn’t see what gender she was. That’s probably not the only reason, she thought. She had very short hair, glasses covering her eyes, and she wasn’t wearing a school uniform, instead opting for a comfy shirt and pants. Haruhi couldn’t blame him for not being able to tell.
As soon as he was back up on his feet, Tamaki cupped a second hand around the one holding Haruhi. He’s so tiny, Tamaki thought. And yes, with both of the giant’s hands around the human, Haruhi looked very tiny indeed. A fall would be disastrous. Pushing that worry out of his mind, Tamaki headed towards Haruhi’s classroom, giving her a little tour on the way and explaining all he could about the school. By the time they got to Haruhi’s class, other students had started to arrive, filing in and taking their seats. 
Setting Haruhi down on an empty desk, Tamaki smiled down at her. “Welp, this is your class, Haruhi. I’ll be back later to take you to the next one. Have fun, little guy!” And with that, Tamaki was gone. 
The rest of the day went by smoothly. Class after class of Haruhi mostly being ignored, to her surprise. She didn’t know if that was out of lack of caring, or if the other students just didn’t notice her there. Either way, she didn’t care, she was just focused on her studies. Tamaki, despite coming off as a bit obnoxious, was also surprisingly reliable. Every class he was there right on time to help Haruhi to wherever she needed to go. She didn’t speak to him much, but she wasn’t sure he even noticed her silence. He easily filled each walk with stories and tangents of his own.
At the end of the day, Haruhi expected Tamaki to drop her off at the school's gates, so she could make her way home, but it seemed Tamaki had other plans. “Oh my, I don’t know how I didn’t think of this before! Since classes are over for the day, how would you like to see my host club, Haruhi?” 
“Your…host club?” In all honesty, Haruhi hadn’t really been listening to most of the things Tamaki said in between classes, so she was not sure if he ever mentioned a club, much less a host club. What kind of high school even had a host club?
“Of course! I’m sure you’ve noticed my jaw-dropping good looks, and you know, beauty must be shared with the world! So, I created a host club full of handsome young men with too much time on their hands to entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands,” He struck a short pose, before smiling back down at Haruhi. “Who knows, maybe one day, you could become a host too!”
Haruhi laughed awkwardly at that. “Yeah, no, I don’t think that’d be for me, senpai.”
Tamaki shrugged. “Well, either way, you must meet the others, I’m sure they will just adore you, little one!” Haruhi grimaced a bit at those words, but as of right now, her life was in Tamaki’s hands, literally. While he was holding her, wherever he went, she had no choice but to go. 
A music room? Haruhi stared up at the sign above the door Tamaki was opening. Why would a club like this be in a music room? 
Inside the room were five more giants. One of the giants, with dark hair and glasses, typing on a computer, immediately looked up when Tamaki entered. “Tamaki. There you are.” he said flatly. Two redheaded twins spoke up next, “Hey boss! We were wondering where you were!” 
Tamaki just smiled at them. “Sorry, I had to make a small detour” He looked down at Haruhi with a grin. She rolled her eyes at the pun. 
The first one to notice her was a blonde boy, who seemed much too young to be in highschool. “Who’s that, Tama-chan?” 
“I am very glad you asked, Honey-Senpai!” Tamaki exclaimed, holding his hand out in a princely pose so that everyone could see the little human. “Everyone, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Haruhi Fujioka, the honor student!” 
Haruhi felt her shoulders stiffen under the scrutiny of so many giants. She tried to stand as straight as she could. “Um, hello, everyone.” she said with a small wave. 
The young boy’s eyes lit up, “Oh he’s so cute! Isn’t he adorable, Takashi?” Haruhi looked up at the tall man by the young boy’s side. He was easily the tallest giant she had seen that day. The man didn’t respond past a small nod. 
Tamaki walked closer to the pair and held Haruhi to the young boy’s eye level so he could see her better. “Haruhi, this is Honey-Senpai and Mori-Senpai.” Haruhi barely got out a small “Hello,” before Tamaki moved on to the twins. Haruhi noticed he sounded considerably less enthusiastic when he said, “These two trouble-makers are Hikaru and Kaoru.” The two stare down at her with mischievous grins. “Aww, look at the little guy.” “What a cute little plaything.” they each say. The way they were talking about her made Haruhi a bit nervous.
“And last but not least,” Tamaki said as he moved to the final member, setting Haruhi down on the tall table he was seated at, “this is my second-in-command, Kyoya!” The dark-haired man turned away from his computer to look Haruhi up and down with a flat look. She pushed her nerves down and waved, “Hello, it’s nice to- 
“So, I assume you are the reason for Tamaki’s tardiness today?” Kyoya interrupted.
Haruhi, startled out of her greeting, stutters, “O-oh, I uh…”
Tamaki jumped in, “Kyoya, that was very rude. This man is our honored guest! I have been assigned to help him around the school grounds, it is not his fault that his class is further from the club room than mine.”
Kyoya just hummed and stared at Haruhi once more. Haruhi felt her hands fidget at her sides for a moment from the tension. Kyoya looked back up at Tamaki. 
“And how much is Haruhi paying you for this?” he asked, despite knowing fully well that a little commoner like Haruhi couldn’t afford to pay Tamaki anything substantial. Haruhi was taken aback for a moment.  
“P-paying? I- I can’t… the headmaster assigned him to me, I wasn’t aware that I had to-” 
“I see,” Kyoya interrupts. “Well, be that as it may, Tamaki is our most popular host. His involvement in this club is crucial to its success. Taking you to your classes eats into his day and takes away time he could be focusing on the host club and our guests. Just today, bringing you here took away 15 minutes he could have been devoting to the club. Are you prepared to refund any losses his absence may cause?” 
“I-uh-I-” Haruhi stuttered.
 “I didn’t think so. In that case, maybe we can come to an agreement on another way for you to repay Tamaki for his time.” 
“Now wait a minute!” Haruhi pointed a tiny finger at Kyoya. “I never asked for an escort! I don’t need him to-” 
“You’re here on a scholarship, are you not?” Kyoya interrupted again, Haruhi really wished he’d stop doing that. “And that scholarship requires you to stay at the top of your class. Tell me, how do you plan on doing that if you are unable to get to your classes on time in the first place? This school is far too big for you to traverse on your own.” Kyoya had her there. Hell, she was barely taller than Tamaki’s finger, it would take Haruhi the entire class time just to get to the right room. 
Tamaki’s eyes lit up as he connected the dots that Kyoya was laying out. “Oh, that’s right! You need a way to pay me for my services, and I would love a new little member for our guests to fawn over. So, it seems there’s only one thing to do.” 
“Yes,” Kyoya joined in. “Under normal circumstances we would have you work off this debt by doing chores and running errands for us, but since your small stature prevents that, becoming a new source of entertainment for our guests should suffice.” 
Haruhi did not like the sound of that. Then the twins jumped in.
“Oh, they would love that!” “And we would love to have a new little plaything too! What do you say, doll?” 
Haruhi hated the sound of that even more.
“I mean,” said Kyoya, “it’s not like you really have a choice here, right?” The smile on his face was far too cheerful for what he was implying.
Haruhi was trapped.
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re-reclass · 11 months
Based on @brawltogethernow’s amazing (and accurate) post.
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aparticularbandit · 2 months
Just A Jump To The Left (I)
Summary: When Haruhi grabs the collar of her shirt and tugs her backward, Junko expects it. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t still hurt when the back of her head bangs against the edge of Haruhi’s desk, doesn’t mean she doesn’t still wince with the pain of it. She glances up, blinking, and meets Haruhi’s golden honey eyes with a grin. “We’re gonna start a club,” she whispers, mouth moving a fragment of a second before Haruhi’s, so it sounds almost like an echo but not quite.
“We’re gonna start a—” For a moment, Haruhi’s enthusiasm, her excitement, falters. Her brow furrows again. “What did you say?”
OR: Kyon's role is sabotaged by none other than one (1) Junko Enoshima. This...probably won't end well.
Brought to you by a discussion @tobiasdrake and I had about what it would look like if Junko and Haruhi ever met.
Chapter Rating: T. Fic Rating: T.
next chapter
Ryoko hasn’t done anything with her hair yet.
Chunks of it still hold its natural blood red sheen, but streaks of it from her scalp all the way through to their tips have transformed to a pearlescent white.  She can’t say exactly when it happened; somewhere between the moment she fled her sister’s massacre of assassins (at her sister’s insistence) and the moment she found Yasuke in the little apartment where he’d been holed up since transferring to his new middle school (to intern at the nearby hospital, despite his age) – somewhere in that space of time, it had happened.  Yasuke didn’t comment on it the first moment he saw her, but he did shortly after, and she’d run her fingers through it, all grease-spattered and dirty, and wondered how he’d seen the white underneath all of its grime in the first place.
Eventually, she’ll have to decide what to do with it; whether she’ll return it to its blood red or bleach it all white or play around with something that is neither at all, she’ll need to do something.
(Not the red.  If not for the white streaks, it would look just like the blood she’d seen around the—)
((When she remembers all of that, she heaves, vomits.  She told Yasuke once – just once – and they’ve never discussed it since. Even then, she didn’t give him any specifics, just enough for him to understand why she is here.  Why she can’t go back.))
She hasn’t started attending middle school yet, not while she’s still recovering from everything, not when she doesn’t even have hair with one consistent color yet; she’d be bullied ceaselessly for that, and she’s in no condition to be bullied (she’ll snap, she’ll hurt someone the way that Mukie—), and Yasuke is so busy during the day with middle school and his hospital internship that the only time they can spend together is after dark.  He bikes to school, bikes to the hospital, because that means he loses less time to sleep (because that means he loses less time with her), but every now and again, as she slowly but surely gets better, she walks to the hospital to see him – to walk back with him, if she doesn’t sit on the back of the bike as he takes them back.  Sometimes they walk the streets, silent, and it’s clear that bothers him.  She’s always been the talkative one.  She just doesn’t have the words anymore.
Ryoko walks through the streets in a white gown, barefoot, with her hair streaked red and white, and people avoid her.
They probably think she’s a ghost.  That’s fine.
Yasuke bikes them back, and people avoid both of them.  That’s fine, too.
Ryoko holds onto both sides of the rack Yasuke’s tied to the back of his bike and leans her head back and looks at the stars.  They seem to stay in place as he bikes them back, and she reaches one hand up and out, as though she could almost—
The bike hits a pebble, something so infinitesimally small Yasuke couldn’t have known to avoid it, and the bike jumps, and Yasuke stays on, and Ryoko, with only one hand loose on the rack, tumbles off.  Her knee stings, as does the palm of the hand she’d pushed out to break her fall.  The skin of both has been scraped clean off.  She’s bleeding.  The same color as her hair.  The same color as—
To the left of her, something metallic jangles.
Ryoko breathes (had she not been breathing before?  maybe not) and looks up to see a girl of roughly her age with long brown hair and a ribbon holding it back trying to climb over some sort of metal entry gate.  She blinks twice – makes sure she isn’t seeing anything, and she isn’t because the girl is still there – and shouts out, “H-hey!”
The girl glares at her.  “Hey what.”
It’s not a question.  It should be a question, probably, but it’s not.
“What are you….”  Ryoko struggles with words.  She’s never struggled with words before.  “What are you doing?”
“What are you doing?” the girl calls back, still glaring at her, pert nose upturned.
Ryoko glances at the sidewalk around her, then slowly pushes herself up as Yasuke’s bike skids to a stop behind her.  “I fell,” she says.  She brushes the dirt and rocks from her skin, sees the blood bubbling and ebbing up through her broken skin, and her eyes begin to glaze over.
“Well, I’m going to break into the school!” the girl halfway over the gate says.  “And you’re going to help me!”
This has nothing to do with me.
The breeze lifts the edge of Ryoko’s white gown and sends it pushing back and forth against her ankles.  Yasuke’s saying something – barking it out at the girl whose name she still doesn’t know – and Ryoko’s just seeing the spot at her knee where the white gown is growing stained with her blood.
This has nothing to do with me.
Ryoko shivers as the breeze brushes cold against her bare arms, and she starts towards the gate, to the girl halfway over it.  Yasuke grabs her wrist, but she shakes his hand off.  “What are we doing?”
The other girl beams.
“You’ll see when we get to the other side!”
Ryoko doesn’t exactly collapse on the other side of the gate, but she hits her bloody knee when she lands and then can only hobble where the girl wants her to run.
The girl gives her a sour expression, lips a downturned V, and then glares up at Yasuke as he jumps over the gate with them.  “Fine,” the girl says, “you’ll do it then.”
“Do what?”
Which is how Ryoko ends up sitting on the bleachers with her arms resting on her knees, her hand wrapped in a fresh bandage, her right knee wrapped in another one, while the girl shouts out directions to a Yasuke who keeps glaring at her and then looking over at Ryoko, who is too tired to tell him to stop.
That’s a funny word, honestly.
Tired.  Exhausted.  Weary.  Consumed.
If she’s honest, Ryoko hasn’t felt like herself since Mukie abandoned her, since Mukie told her to run.  She feels like something else – like someone else – like she’s in the middle of some great and terrible becoming.  Eventually, the girl sits down next to her, still barking directions at Yasuke occasionally, and without a second thought, Ryoko leans her head against the girl’s shoulder.
The girl flinches.  “What are you doing?”
“What are you doing?” Ryoko quips back, voice soft with excessive weariness, as she glances up with big red eyes to meet the girl’s golden brown ones.
The girl gestures with one hand to Yasuke and whatever he’s writing with the chalk along the ground.  “Can’t you tell?”
Ryoko sighs.  She doesn’t have the dataset for this.  She doesn’t want to look for this.  But the girl asks, and so she does.  “You’re writing a message,” she says, voice growing monotone, “to anyone who can see it and understand what it says.  You’re saying, I’m here.  To aliens, to time-travelers, to espers, to sliders, to Santa Claus himself, if he’s out and about on a holiday that isn’t his.”  She doesn’t blink.  “As if that sort of thing would draw any of them to you.”
“You can read that?”  The girl’s eyes narrow, and her face gets super close to Ryoko’s.  She smells a bit.  Sweat, mostly.  Probably hasn’t brushed her teeth.  “Are you an alien?”
“No,” Ryoko says calmly.  “I’m a ghost.”
The girl presses the flat of her hand against Ryoko’s bandaged knee and scowls when Ryoko winces.  “Ghosts don’t bleed.”  Then she crosses her arms and slumps back down, glaring out at Yasuke.  She shouts another direction at him – Ryoko doesn’t care, so no matter how loud the girl gets, she doesn’t pay her any attention – and then gives Ryoko another suspicious look.  “How do you know that won’t work?”
Ryoko rolls her eyes.
(This isn’t like her.  She cares, usually.  She listens.  Even when Mukie used to go off on all of her soldier mercenary military assassin research and interests.  Even when Mukie spent hours correcting her posture because she was holding her stick sword wrong.  But this….
This has nothing to do with her.  Even if she’s sitting right here.  Even if she decided to break into the school with this stranger.  It still has nothing to do with her.
So why is she here?)
“If all those creatures are here and in hiding, a message like that isn’t going to get them out.”
“But it’s in their own language and everything!”
“Are you sure?” Ryoko asks, glancing out over the incomplete message, its chalk inscription trying to gleam in the moonlight and failing.  “Or did you just decide it was their language without any real proof?”  She leans against the other girl again.  It’s overly familiar, sure, but it’s comfortable.  And she’s so tired.  “If I were an alien, I wouldn’t tell you anyway.”
The girl frowns.  “Even if I guessed?”
“Even if you guessed.”
The girl barks out another instruction at Yasuke, but it’s not as enthusiastic as it was before.  Half-hearted.  “You really don’t think this will work?”
Ryoko shrugs.  “It might.  There are probably stupid aliens just like there are stupid people.”  (She is not like this.  She doesn’t call people stupid!)  She leans a little more heavily against her.  She’s warm, which really just means that Ryoko is cold.  “But do you really want a stupid alien?  Or do you want a smart one?”
“Any alien!” the girl proclaims, loud, enthusiastic, all that energy coming back all at once.  It’s endless, maybe, her enthusiasm for this.
It makes Ryoko feel even more tired.
(She was like this once.)
“People are all just boring and normal,” the girl continues without hesitation, "and aliens, time travelers, espers, sliders – all of them are infinitely better than people!”  She flashes Ryoko a grin.  “That means you, too, Ghost Girl.”
Ryoko blinks twice and then looks away.  (She’s too bright, this girl.  She’ll blind her with that warmth.)  “At least you’re looking for them,” she murmurs.  “You can’t find one if you aren’t looking.”  She runs her forefinger along the inseam of her thumb.  “Maybe I should write a message for them.”
The girl shoves her.  “Don’t steal my idea!”
“I won’t.”  Ryoko chuckles – small, broken – as she holds up her bandaged hand, used again to catch herself, twinging with pain.  “I’d have to break into another school first, and that….”  She sighs and stares out over the now quite marked up field in front of them.  “I’m too tired.  But you’ll let me know if yours succeeds, right?  Make all the papers?”
The girl just grins at her.
It’s as they’re leaving the school, as Ryoko carefully situates herself on the back of Yasuke’s bike, that the other girl pauses in her brisk walk in the opposite direction.  Then she turns, hands propped on her hips, and yells, “What’s your name?”
Yasuke doesn’t even turn back, answering before Ryoko has a chance to do so, “What do you need that for?”
“So I can tell you if they contact me!  Obviously.”
Ryoko hops off the back of Yasuke’s bike.  The action causes her knee to twinge again, but she doesn’t wince as she hobbles over to the other girl.  “Mitsuki,” she says, voice gentle.  Standing next to her, she realizes that she’s nearly the same height as the other girl.  How odd.  Someone so bright seemed like she would be huge.  Huh.  Still, she meets the girl’s honey brown eyes as she repeats, “Matsuda Mitsuki.”
The girl looks her over, and then instead of offering her own name, she asks, “What middle school are you at?”
This time, Ryoko doesn’t have a lie ready.  Even if she did, something tells her it would be far better to keep that information to herself.  There are people she doesn’t want to find her right now, after all, and while it isn’t likely this girl has contacts with any of them, it isn’t an impossibility.  So instead, she takes one of the girl’s hands in her bandaged one and holds it up until they’re flat against each other.  “Have you heard of the red string of fate?”
“Ew,” the girl says, lips pursing, but she doesn’t take her hand away.  “Why’re you bringing that up?”
“Well, think of it like this.  If I don’t tell you and we see each other again, then it’s fate, right?”  This time, when she meets the girl’s eyes, Ryoko almost feels taller than her, but not by much.  She’s growing, finally.  Maybe she’ll be as tall as Mukie the next time she sees her.  If she ever sees her again.  “Like the cosmos says we’re supposed to be friends, or something like that.  And if not—”  She winks.  “Well, we’ll find those time travelers, and we’ll fix it, won’t we?”
The girl holds her hand still, flat against Ryoko’s.  “If I find a time traveler, I’m not going to waste my time finding you.”
“Fate, then.”  Ryoko tucks her thumb around the other girl’s hand.  “Like a good story with a clandestine meeting.”
But despite the noncommittal sound, the girl tucks her thumb around Ryoko’s hand just the same.
There are no red strings when they leave.
That’s probably for the best. Ryoko hates red, anyway.
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j0hnnymouse · 1 year
Ouran High School Host Club - Borrower AU
I’ve had this idea in the back of my brain since July 2020, and I have periodically typed down some stuff to actually develop it. Hope you guys enjoy, and feel free to send me asks if you want to know more or have your own fun ideas for this concept! (Disclaimer: This is primarily self-indulgent. I want to speculate [and maybe write fanfic about] G/T with the characters, not construct an entire complex narrative. Not to say all logic goes in the trash, but this is mostly about having fun.)
Haruhi is a Borrower whose tumultuous existence has led her to live in the walls of Ouran Academy. She’s drawn to Music Room 3 because the Host Club orders food in abundance and there is always some left out for her to scavenge. She is eventually discovered by the club’s members, but is quickly assured that they bear her no ill intentions. In fact, quite the opposite - they are quite taken with their little discovery. One factor from canon remains intact: when Haruhi is first found, she’s mistaken as a boy. The truth is quickly clarified, but her ability to pass as a boy sparks an idea... Kyoya, the vice-president of the club, offers Haruhi a deal: Haruhi will join the club as a host in exchange for food, comfortable living accommodations, and basic assurances of safety. Put simply: she will not have to “borrow” because they’ll make sure her needs are met.
“How the heck is Haruhi gonna stay a secret from the world at large?” Well, for the sake of self-indulgence, this AU operates on the logic of “what happens in Host Club stays in Host Club” where Haruhi is concerned. All of the guests understand this and treat it with the highest regard (OR ELSE)
Haruhi: Self-sufficient, physically sturdy, and extremely practical. To that end, she has very little regard for gender norms, cutting her hair short so she doesn’t have to manage it and wearing whatever is most functional for borrowing.
As a host, she can often set hearts aflutter without even trying due to her size. Though she doesn’t easily welcome physical contact at first, she does eventually build enough rapport that she will step into the hands of certain people. Tamaki: He is high-strung on matters concerning Haruhi to the point of annoyance; she often accuses him of treating her like a porcelain doll. Kyoya: He recognizes how the novelty of her being small could appeal to girls and is the one to suggest she work for the host club. Kyoya is very stern about keeping Haruhi safe and comfortable, both for her value to the club and a strong sense of obligation to uphold their agreement. Hani-Senpai: Honey’s childlike innocence helps to put Haruhi at ease shortly after they get acquainted; it also helps that he frequently shares his sweets with her, since Haruhi’s first and truest love is food. He is general very sweet and polite, though he can get a little overexcited. Mori: His quiet, imposing demeanor intimidates Haruhi at first. But seeing the way he interacts with Honey-senpai, she quickly realizes that Mori is a gentle giant. If Haruhi needs to be carried or given a lift, Mori is the one she prefers to rely on. He is gentle without being overly fussy (unlike Tamaki). Hikaru and Kaoru: These two love toy with Haruhi a lot in canon. How do you think that goes in an AU where she’s toy-sized? Haruhi’s safety may be a top priority for the Host Club, but the twins still like to have their fun. Though they are mindful of Haruhi’s boundaries, they often make a point of testing what those boundaries are. Ryouji “Ranka” Fujioka Though I haven’t thought all of them out fully, there are differences between this AU and the canonical version of this character. -Not related to Haruhi -Still a cross-dresser or potentially identifying as transgender. (The weirded-out attitudes from the canon characters would be dialed back or removed entirely in any potential stories). -Comes into contact with the Host Club through different circumstances. (Perhaps connected to Haruhi’s lack of gendered thinking.) Renge Houshakuji Once again rising to a management role within the Host Club, cue the appropriate amount of gushing when she learns about Haruhi. Once it comes to light that Haruhi is a girl (despite Haruhi’s gender-neutral sentiments and practical outlook), Renge pushes for her to be given a more varied wardrobe. Sho and Ari A young couple contracted to build a functional dollhouse for Haruhi to live in. Their names are a nod to Sho and Arrietty from the film Arrietty. Gojo and Kitagawa (from My Dress-Up Darling) They are hired to make clothes for Haruhi. Kitigawa measures Haruhi and serves as a style guide, Gojo handles all of the actual crafting.
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ziracona · 2 years
Still can’t get over that the play Koizumi is in during the season finale for The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. That’s fucking brilliant. I have no idea if that’s in the book, or if it was a creative choice, but that’s one of the single most brilliant background choices I’ve ever seen made in anything. Of course it is. What else could it be. Nothing fits more than somehow, Itsuki Koizumi being cast in a Japanese high school production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. They don’t even say it. You only know that’s the play if you’ve seen it, and recognize the shot. But it has unbelievable layers of meaning in 2 seconds of a wordless background shot.
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reallyromealone · 6 months
Title: beach!
Fandom: ouran high host club
Characters: host club and child reader
Warnings: fluff, cute, big brother Tamaki, male reader, child male reader
(Name) Was excited as the maids helped him get ready, today his brother was taking him to the beach! The maids packed his swim trunks and clothes and beach supplies, his grandma giving him money to buy some things as they didn't want him having unlimited money as he was four after all.
It also helped him learn the value of money.
"Less go!" (Name) Squealed as he climbed down the stairs, his little Kuma shirt and summer shorts and sneakers, the family learning fast that the little one was an outdoor kid and dressed him accordingly. "Tama! Come on!" He called as Tamaki came out in his summer clothes and sunglasses "you look amazing!" Tamaki always hyped his brother up, (name) doing a little dance before letting his brother lift him up and carry him to the limo.
(Name) Chatted away with his brother, all the beach things he wanted to do as the blond listened to his ramblings happily, excited to have this with his brother.
"YOYA!" (name) Squealed as he ran to his brothers best friend and hugged his leg "my, aren't you excited for the beach" Kyoya patted his head and (name) beamed as the rest of the host club got ready, Haruhi taking his little hand "lets find some shells" she offered the child and (name) grabbed his plastic bucket and ran off with her as Tamaki watched fondly, the boy doing a little dance as he found a shell.
"Tama! Look!" (Name) Returned half hour later with a shell "for you!" He beamed and handed the teen a tiny conch "aww! You're so sweet! Come, let's go build a sand castle!"
When evening rolled around, Tamaki held (name) on his hip and held his bucket of shells in the other "(name)... It's time for dinner" he said sweetly to the boy who was falling asleep on his shoulder "crab?"
"Yup, fresh crab"
"Yes there's bread as well"
"(Name) There's all the foods you like" Tamaki joked at the boy who stretched slightly before being placed in his seat, a booster chair ready for him.
"Night night Tama" (name) said as he was tucked into bed, wearing his ocean themed pajamas as Tamaki tucked him in, a ritual between them "night, (nickname)" tamaki said sweetly, wanting to give his brother what he was robbed of.
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blue-cobalt · 1 month
The Host Club as Cats
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Hitachiin Twins
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Of course Mori is a majestic Maine Coon. Hani is a sand cat, which is technically not a domestic cat. I chose this type cat for Hani because they are tiny but fierce cats.
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morinuu · 7 months
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☢|tamaki x reader. 2,4k words. sorry this is so late i literally forgot to post it last week anw the next n final part is coming in 2 weeks while i work n post some other stuff hehehe
“yes, love?”
“how did you not lose it when you realised dad was going away for good?”
that was the first thing you’d asked your mum on a saturday morning after waving her good morning. needless to say, the woman was taken aback to hear this question from you. she knew her daughter never asked about her parents’ divorce, not wanting to dissect those wounds.
it took her some time to come up with a response.
“i had you to look after.” she lied, not looking at you and instead focusing on her cake. “you kept me going.”
“but how was i helping in that situation? wouldn’t i make it worse?” you pressed on. if there was one thing your mum knew about you, it was that you were weirdly emotionally intelligent for a teenage girl.
she frowned, putting down the fruit she was decorating her cake with, and sighed deeply. she didn’t like lying to you.
“well.” she inhaled, “your question is phrased wrong.” she finally looked you in the eye. “because i did lose it. but before i was too far gone, i got back up. i couldn’t have you suffer like i did.”
the conversation replayed over and over in your head for the following week back to school. you wondered if heartbreak ran in the family. while not knowing much about your parents’ separation, you knew your grandparents also had a bad history. maybe love was just something the gods didn’t want to bestow upon your bloodline.
tamaki’s visit had, surprisingly, not been very pleasant. partly because your sickness made you… well, sick, and partly because tamaki was distracted the whole time. he’d brought you commoners’ food (haruhi’s recommendation), along with some more commoner candy ‘to sweeten your mood’ (what haruhi’s dad would take to work, according to haruhi). oh, and of course, you can’t forget how he would glance at his phone every so often. you ignored it at first, figuring out it’s the host club group chat, but your patience had its limits.
he’d come to your house, to check up on your health - his friend. supposedly. had you already been demoted to client status? well, you had the entire week to think about it as you rested.
during that time, tamaki seemed to reach out a bit more than usual, and once more, you believed he cared. you believed he realised you were important to him, even if your feelings weren’t exactly reciprocated.
and once again you’d been wrong.
because as time passed and you started making weekly appointments again, you began to feel that something was off. what exactly it was you couldn’t tell, but your gut was telling you to be suspicious. ‘suspicious of what, or who? tamaki?’ you didn’t like that feeling one bit.
no matter how many times he screwed up and misunderstood or failed to satisfy you in a host-client setting, you couldn’t give up on him. your mum’s words echoed in your ears, reminding you that men are a waste of time, that they just suck the soul out of you, that they’re not worth the heartbreak — but you were weak. and especially weaker than your mother. she disagreed, of course, but what did she know?
time seemed to start flowing normally again, tamaki wasn’t distant, haruhi and you never spoke to exchange more than greeting words, and your obsession was flourishing once more. you’d shower the halfer with gifts, spending a stupid amount of money — which the host club’s “mum” greatly appreciated — and you didn’t regret it one bit. everything was going smoothly, except for that tiny voice in your head.
it wasn’t until one of the host club’s organised excursions at the beach when your gut proved to be right. you wore your favourite swimwear for tamaki, and his compliments became straight up electricity up your spine. and just as you went to flirt with him like always,
“yo milord don’t forget about y/n’s gift today!” a familiar voice echoed by the palm trees. you could immediately tell it was hikaru, but you didn’t really understand what he meant. ah! perhaps they were expecting you to bring tamaki a gift again? well, you did, but this one felt a bit more personal so maybe you should tell him not to talk about it with the hosts— “even if it’s something stupid again, you ought to thank her for—”
the twins emerged from the bushes only to see you standing by the corner, hidden by the wall from their previous view. tamaki stood there, next to you, frozen. his facial expression almost screaming at the ginger to shut up but he’d been too late.
you furrowed your eyebrows at the two boys before turning your head to that stupid boy you were head over heels for.
“what?” you asked, obviously confused. but it didn’t take long to understand the situation.
tamaki thought your gifts were stupid, and he discussed it with his friends. and none of them thought to tell you. at least that's what the situation told you.
for what reason? well it could be a) manners or b) they didn’t care enough to.
but jokes on you because it wasn’t any of the above, it was c) they had to keep you happy because your mother asked for a favour. the favour being to make sure tamaki didn’t abandon you.
well, that’s not exactly what tamaki said when he pulled you to the side to explain, but it’s what the twins confessed to when you started poking for the truth.
you were more than disappointed with the news, your gut feeling now transferring to your throat and making it so tight you couldn’t get any words out, so you returned to your beach bed, dragging it away from tamaki’s. but the universe seemed to really hate you that day.
“miss l/n, is everything okay?” haruhi’s ever-annoying voice reached your ears and all you wanted to do was turn around and strangle her small little neck until it snapped. it was her fault. it was because of her that the boy you swore would become your boyfriend before graduation would no longer be apart of that plan. her. her, that stupid bi—
“i’m fine haruhi.” you smiled at her and continued dragging your bed across the sand to get away from this madness. you didn’t bother with any formalities.
“do you need help? i could bring your things so you don’t—”
“for fuck’s sake will you shut up?!” you snapped, raising your voice at the host. she didn’t say anything, just nodding and bowing before leaving. thankfully nobody else had been around to witness the scene, or you would’ve been involved in ouran gossip. only gods know how tiresome that is.
tamaki didn’t come to talk to you after that, you wanted to believe he wanted to and the hosts told him to give you space, but at this point you gave up all hope. he wanted haruhi, some cross-dressing nobody, a commoner, and you could do nothing about it.
the bracelet you had in your bag stayed there, and there it would remain for the rest of your trip. you’re kind of glad you never got to give it to him, at least it saved you the embarrassment of possibly being ridiculed by a bunch of boys calling themselves “hosts” with no shame.
but you guessed you were the one who should be ashamed; for wanting a host — a man notorious for seeing women as bank accounts.
when you went back home, you didn’t talk to your mum about the twins’ confession. sure, you were angry, but you knew she just wanted you happy. as for tamaki, he’d texted you a couple times but you knew if you called him you’d just burst into tears, so you went straight to bed, not bothering to wash the sand and sea salt off your body.
the following month had been… weird. you didn’t bother dropping by the host club anymore. kyouya, expecting this, just sighed and deleted you from the list of clients. he didn’t think you’d come back again after the fiasco at the beach.
haruhi, however, felt bad for some reason. like, okay, yeah, you were a bit more than mean sometimes and yeah, you barely looked at her if not to glare at her to get lost, but you didn’t seem like a bad person. your affection toward tamaki seemed genuine, and your last interaction didn’t sit well with her. it wasn’t the usual glare, eye roll, scoff, avoidant gesture or whatever else you “greeted” her with. this time it seemed more hurt, more… defeated. and she was right. because you’d been defeated.
haruhi had won.
she didn’t know, but she didn’t have to. because at the end of the day, it was all one-sided. one-sided affection, and one-sided dispute.
the twins both had different reactions to this revelation. kaoru (being the emotionally intelligent one) felt guilty for not handling the situation better but hikaru (the… other one) told him not to bother, and that they did what they could. he’d miss having you around, but you were never super close to begin with.
as for tamaki, he didn’t really register what had happened at first. when his hosting routine started again but without you in it, his clients had some questions.
“is it true that you kicked l/n out of the host club?”
“i mean what did you expect, she had it coming after harassing haruhi like that.”
“yeah, i agree. i mean, i understand some jealousy, but wasn’t that a bit too much? it’s not like tamaki’s her boyfriend.”
“i don’t think she was too harsh, but i guess the hosts know better…”
tamaki didn’t know what to make of this. he’d never kicked you out of the club, he thought you’d come back. you always did. if you were jealous, all you had to do was say you wanted more attention and he’d give it it to you. after all, you were a client, you had every right.
wait, what was that?
“whatever do you mean, princess?” he questioned in that melodic voice of his. “haruhi and y/n are on perfectly good terms, we’re all friends here!” he smiled widely and sat his cup down, using his pinky to erase the klank! noise.
“come on tamaki, you don’t have to keep such appearances around us.” one of the clients giggled. “we could all see it. to be honest, i never really noticed her much until haruhi came around.”
another girl continued, “yeah, totally. i hope it wasn’t a repeat of anayokoji, at least.” she rolled her eyes. “she seemed nice… such a shame.”
“i… don’t understand, ladies. what are you saying?” tamaki looked puzzled. the four girls looked back at him and at each other. it was times like these that tamaki showed he was a little dumb.
“tamaki… l/n is totally into you. she’s, like, super jealous of haruhi.”
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tamaki didn’t know what to do with this information. he was pretty annoyed when kaoru made fun of him for not noticing until now. and really, he didn’t notice. he was told.
“why do you think our mums got involved? this is what the female sex calls ‘girl issues’, sir.”
tamaki resisted biting their heads off; he had no time for their bullshit. he had to meet with you and apologise, right?
y/n>.< : y/n? can we talk please?
you didn’t respond. neither to that, nor to the other 10 messages he spammed you with. calling you sent him straight to voicemail, and he swore if he heard that damn automatic message voice again he would explode.
why did it happen this way? why were you even jealous of haruhi? did he look gay to you? but then you wouldn’t want him, right? his head was filled with so many questions, until haruhi answered them all with a single sentence.
“don’t sulk too much senpai, it was inevitable that she’d find out about me and get suspicious.” she patted his shoulder, “i guess that’s what happens when you’re a popular boy surrounded by women.”
tamaki’s head rose from his knees, his eyes wide staring at haruhi’s. “wait, what do you mean ‘she’d find out about you’?”
haruhi sighed and sent him a look of pity. “oh yeah, you guys don’t know. y/n’s known about my sex for a while now.” she shrugged. “she saw me changing.”
a light bulb went off in most of the hosts’ heads (wait, i’ve seen this before) before they all glanced at each other in mutual understanding.
“i wish we would’ve gotten closer since we’re both girls and you’re so obsessed with me having female friends, but i would feel horrible if i made her feel sad whenever she’s around me.” haruhi continued.
oh, so he didn’t look gay, you just knew haruhi was also a girl.
but why would you get jealous of his little girl? he was just protecting her like a father would.
“oh will you stop with that crap, milord?” hikaru whined “we all know, there’s no point in denying it anymore.” he stopped when his brother slapped him on the head and they left the room.
“well, club activity’s over. we’ll see you guys tomorrow.” they all waved goodbyes and soon enough so did haruhi, but tamaki just sat on the club couch, thinking about his (very) recent discovery.
so he came to the conclusion:
you like(d?) him → he likes (???) haruhi → you realised and grew jealous → he prioritised her over you → he ended up looking like an asshole.
because he is an asshole.
“guess that’s what happens when you’re just too pretty.” he joked to himself, but he had a feeling you wouldn’t find it funny if you were here.
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“mum, why did you and dad divorce?” you finally found the courage to ask the woman when she was relaxing in her bedroom one night. she sighed and looked at you, putting her book to the side and patting the spot on the bed next to her. you got in, looking at her expectantly.
“i didn’t want to tell you this because you were so young. you looked up to him very much.” she gave you a sad smile and caressed your cheek. “your father fell in love with someone else, darling.”
you stayed quiet for a bit, and your mum grew worried. should she not have told you?
“is that why you asked tamaki not to leave me?” you asked and your voice cracked. your mother sighed and apologised, wrapping her arms around you.
“i want you to be happy, y/n. don’t be like me. please.”
maybe love really wasn’t something the gods wanted to bestow upon your bloodline.
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What’s in it for me?
Chapter 8
Chapter 1     Masterlist
Pairing: Kyouya Ootori x Reader Author: see-the-fandom-imagines   Warnings: Kyouya in a bad mood, other than that mostly cute fluff, filler Author’s Note: I hope you will like it! One tiny question: I have been thinking about uploading this same fic with a few changes that would be required, but using male pronouns. I feel like our male readers get too little attention every once in a while, so let me know in case anyone would actually be interested in reading this with male pronouns! Tag List: @radical-bunny, @redsakura101​, @ellouisa17​
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46325452/chapters/116633701
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The next morning you awoke early. You needed a moment to realise where you were, but Haruhi’s steady breathing soon reminded you of everything that happened the day before. You groaned and stretched, before carefully sitting up. Bright sun light shone through the curtains, so you decided you might as well should get up and make some breakfast. You owed everyone as much for scaring them like you did. Quietly you walked into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror you noticed that your eyes were still a little puffy from crying, but that was nothing that a little cold water couldn’t save. You brushed your teeth and quickly washed your face, before slipping into your everyday clothes and sneaking downstairs. No one was there yet, and you enjoyed the short moment of calmness, a rare occasion when being anywhere with the host club. You had to admit you probably were relaxed for the first time in weeks, although you knew you also had to thank the six boys for that who were still sleeping upstairs. Silently you checked the fridge and the pantry for food and you actually found almost all of the basics – eggs, rice, flour, sugar … You could work with that. You had just finished heating the pan, when you heard steps coming down the stairs into the kitchen. You turned around to see who it was, after you had poured the first load of dough into the pan. “Mori-Senpai”, you greeted. “Good morning!” You smiled at him and he smiled back. “Good morning.” He stepped closer to see what you were doing. “I am making breakfast, I thought it was the least thing I could do after … after yesterday.” You carefully flipped the pancake, before turning towards him, as you noticed something. “I never really thanked you properly, but… well, thank you. Really.” You looked him in the eyes. “For saving my life. And everything in general, too.” You bowed down as deeply as you could without falling to your knees. He was quiet for a while, but then you felt the weight of his hand on your head as he ruffled your hair. Surprised you looked up into his smiling face. You knew this was his way of saying that it was alright. You smiled up at him. “If you want to you can sit down, I’ll bring the breakfast out in a bit.” “Let me help you.” “But…”, you started but he shook his head. “Please.” You chuckled and gave in. If he said he wanted to help, that’s what he wanted to do. You always enjoyed Mori’s simplicity in this regard. “Alright! You can make some pancakes if you want to? They’re mostly for Honey-senpai and the twins whenever they wake up!” Mori nodded and took the spatula from you. The rest of the morning was spend in a comfortable silence, only interrupted by you giving Mori some cooking tips and asking which vegetables and leftovers he wanted in the soup.
Proudly, Mori showed you the big stack of pancakes he had just made, and you gave him a thumbs up. “Amazing! Now we just have to wait for …” “I smell pancakes!” You almost flinched as you heard the older hosts voice behind you. When did he get up? Had he been awake this whole time? Slowly you turned around, looking into his happy face. “We made some for breakfast, I had a feeling you’d like them”, you said, trying not to be freaked out by his weird sense of smell for sweets. “Yay!”, he proclaimed, “Let’s set the table, so we can eat!” You nodded and handed Honey a stack of plates, when suddenly Mori stepped in front of you, grabbing your chin with one hand and lifting your head to look at him. You felt the heat creep onto your cheeks at his touch. “M-Mori-senpai”, you stammered, but then he lifted his other hand and gently wiped something of your face with his thumb. His fingers felt warm on your face and his touch was soft. A lot softer than how Kyouya had touched you yesterday. With wide eyes you stared up at him. “Flour”, he explained and immediately you understood and relaxed your shoulders again. “Oh”, you said, but before you could react any further, two very well-known voices appeared next to you. “Hey hey, are we interrupting something?” Immediately, Mori let go of your face as if he had been burnt by it. Hikaru appeared next to his brother. “Is there a secret kitchen party and we haven’t been invited?” You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, huge kitchen party, too bad, you’re late.” “Hey”, Kaoru started poking your cheek. “That’s mean”, Hikaru said, poking the other one. “You know me”, you shrugged, “mean to the core.” “Have you made breakfast?”, they realized at the same time. “Yes.” “But why? “Yeah, there’s maids for that.” “Well, there are no maids here as you can see.” “Well, then there’s delivery”, Hikaru shrugged, and you waited for Kaoru’s response but instead he smiled down at you. “Thanks.” Hikaru sent him an irritated gaze, but you beamed up at him. “You’re welcome, now go, go, set the table if you want to eat!” “Do we have to?”, they groaned in unison, but a raised eyebrow from you was enough to get them to move. You shook your head, watching your friends set the table and a weird sense of security and happiness washed over you. It weirdly felt like home. Just… safe. Although a few people were still missing. Smiling at the view, you saw Tamaki and Haruhi walk down the stairs, bickering again, but stopping as they saw the almost fully set breakfast table. “(Y/n) have you done all this?”, Tamaki asked, but you shook your head. “I had some help." You smiled at Mori. “You could have woken me up, I would have helped”, Haruhi protested, but you shushed her quickly. “That’s exactly, why I didn’t wake you! You deserved some rest.” You looked around. “Well, Kyouya-senpai is still missing.” You checked your watch. “I better go wake him up.” Suddenly you felt the gaze of all the hosts on you. “Better don’t do that”, Hikaru said. “Not if you want to live”, Kaoru finished. “What do you mean?” “Kyouya has the blood type AB”, Tamaki explained, but you still were a little confused. “So?” “Kyouya really doesn’t like to be woken up”, Honey said, while already stuffing his face with his first pancake. “You are not the one to talk”, Mori solely commented on his cousin’s utterance, but since you also could not really place this, you just sighed. “Ah, come on, guys, it can’t be that bad … right?” “Try it at your own risk”, the twins said, shrugging, while already sitting down at the breakfast table and you gulped. “Well, I think he is going to be angrier, if we let him sleep and we miss our car back, so I guess I’ll… try my best.” But you had barely finished the sentence, when you were already beginning to doubt your idea.
Carefully, you made your way up the stairs and turned to the left where you knew Kyouya's room was located. You knocked carefully, but didn’t get a reply. You knocked again. Still nothing. You gulped heavily and decided to go in. Once you had stepped inside your eyes needed a moment to adjust to the darkness and suddenly you weren’t so sure anymore of what you were doing here. You had entered Kyouya’s room without his permission, to wake him up, also without his permission. Even morning people would have every right to be pissed at you and he apparently was the complete opposite of a morning person. Biting your lip you questioned why you were here again and thought about simply turning around, it was not too late to just leave again, but then you remembered the feeling of seeing everybody help out in the kitchen. And how happy that had made you. And how much you had noticed Kyouya’s absence in this moment. A part of you really wanted him to be part of this memory. Maybe it was foolish, but now that you were already inside his room you decided there was no going back. You took a deep breath, and carefully stepped closer to his bed. You looked at his sleeping face and couldn’t help but notice how relaxed he looked. You smiled a little to yourself. His hair was messy from sleep and he seemed unusually relaxed. He was always so composed, seeing him in this state was highly unusual, but you had to admit that you liked it. The messy hair was weirdly attractive. You swalled down the lump in your throat and knelt down beside him. “Kyouya-senpai”, you whispered, but he still didn’t move. “Kyouya-senpai”, you tried again, this time a bit louder. You sighed. This was not working. You stood back up again, and carefully moved his shoulder. “Kyouya-sen…” But this was as far as you got, for in the next second you felt Kyouya’s grip on your wrist that had just tried to shake him awake. The sudden pull of his touch made you fall over. Your upper body collided with his and your faces were just inches apart from each other as you now stared into his eyes. The usual brown-greyish colour had turned black and you felt a shiver run down your spine as he looked at you. “First you won’t let me sleep and now you wake me early in the morning?” His voice was ice cold. Wait, not let him sleep, what have you …Oh no, you must have woken him up last night with your crying. Immediately your face went bright red, thinking that he had heard your absolute breakdown. Your mouth went dry and your thoughts went blank. How much had he heard? Had he heard you cry? Had he heard anything at all? You felt your cheeks grow hot with embarrassment. You felt his chest moving with his chest against yours, his fingers burning into your wrist and you were way too aware of the warmth radiating from him. You tried to think of something to say, anything. You wanted to apologize for waking him both yesterday and today, but you realized you were close enough to smell the faint scent of cedar and lavender that always seemed to surround him and it clouded your thoughts. All you could perceive was the warmth of his skin against yours and how close his face was. This was getting really weird, you had to say something, anything to make this better. Just apologise, (y/n), apolo … “I made breakfast.” You slapped yourself internally, but nothing else would come over your lips. You swallowed hard and looked down at him. His eyes seemed to regain a bit of colour, although, he had still gripped your wrist tightly and seemed slightly murderous. “You… made breakfast?”, he asked back. “Yeah.” “…” “…” “You wake me up ... to tell me you made breakfast.” “Yeah.” He seemed to think for a second, before you could feel his chest begin to vibrate with a low chuckle. “You made breakfast”, he repeated again and finally let go of your wrist. Right away you scrambled back up to your feet, although you were immediately missing the warmth. Kyouya sat up and looked at you. It was impossible for you to guess what he was thinking. He still radiated a slight murderous spirit, but at least he didn’t seem like he wanted to decapitate you on the spot anymore. “I’ll be right down.”
Trying to steady your breath you made your way back down the stairs, your legs a little wobbly from the second close call with death in the last two days and only now noticed that all the other hosts, including Haruhi had gathered at the foot of the staircase, looking up at you expectantly. Before you could react, you found yourself in Tamaki’s embrace. “Oh, (y/n), you can’t imagine how glad we are that you are alive and well!” You blinked a few times. It had been scary, but now he was overdoing it. “I am fine”, you tried to get out between him squeezing you, and it took the help of both twins to peel him away from you. “You don’t look fine”, they observed and you realized, that you probably still were blushing quite heavily. They seemed to mistake it for fear. “No worries, (y/n)-chan! You’re safe now!”, Honey assured you with a serious gaze. “And now sit down and have breakfast with us! A few pancakes will help you get better!”
It didn’t take long for Kyouya to come downstairs, neatly dressed and styled as always. It was as if he was a completely different person. “Good morning”, he wished everyone at the table and they responded. “Good morning, (y/n)”, he said to you in particular, his voice cold, and you knew he was still mad at you for waking him up. “Good morning”, you mumbled back. You had just gotten up to get Honey a few more pancakes, and immediately made your way back into the kitchen to grab another bowl of rice, a miso soup and some of the fish from yesterday you had been frying up again. You placed them one by one in front of Kyouya who looked at you with an unreadable gaze. “I said I made breakfast”, you mumbled, and shrugged, avoiding eye contact. “And I remember you once said you don’t really like sweet stuff, so I made something savory, too.” Kyouya didn’t reply and you didn’t dare to look into his face so you made your way back to your seat to finish your own breakfast. You tried to ignore him, but somehow you caught your gaze wandering back towards him, eyeing the food in front of him suspiciously. You knew it tasted fine, you had had some yourself and Mori had also told you it’s delicious, so you weren’t sure why you were so worried about what Kyouya might think about it. You chewed on a bite of rice, and acted as if you were listening to something Haruhi was telling you, but actually you were watching the dark-haired host from the corner of your eyes, curious about how he'd react. You watched him separate a piece of fish and put it in his mouth. He halted for a second and looked at you, almost surprised. Your gaze met his for a second, but he immediately averted his gaze and focused it on the food again. You had to turn back to Haruhi, so that she wouldn’t realize that you hadn’t been listening to a word she said, but you could have sworn that you had seen a small smirk on Kyouya’s face, as he took a second bite and somehow this made you irrationally happy.
Kyouya for his share did not remember when he had last eaten a homecooked meal like that. Trying to show as little emotion as possible, he nonetheless gladly realized that she seemed to be feeling better. A small smile played on her lips now and he watched her talk and laugh with the other hosts. That sight might have even been worth getting woken up for. Might.
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their-little-writer · 5 months
“Let us adore you” Ouran High School Host club x little!reader headcannons
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- Caretakers: kyoya, Mori, Haruhi  
- Flip: Tamaki, Hikaru,  
- Regressor: Kaoru, honey, and you ofc <3 
- Kyoya has a bedtime for every little one there and he always makes sure (or try's his best) to get them in bed at a reasonable time 
- You get so spoiled while your there- like you saw a toy you want? Done. You want snackies? No need to ask sweetheart. You want a tiny space house? Don't worry sweetheart just tell them how you want it and you will get it done.  
- Mori is the best one when its time for bedtime. He will make you a bottle and make sure you have your blanky and stuffie as he rocks you carefully to sleep  
- Tamaki is so big brother coded- like one time you were playing tag outside and you got hurt. He instantly went and picked you up and carried you to a near by chair and put you down while he helped clean up the boo boo 
- The best storyteller there is Hikaru. He makes sure he uses fun books that he can make sounds and funny voices with. He also loves to make up his own stories, he loves adding things like dragons and superheroes (if you like them).  
- Haruhi is the one who always makes sure you get some veggies and fruit in you. They always try to include some with every meal you have. If your feelin fussy that day she makes sure to ask if something is wrong and ask why you dont wanna eat them, also usually ends up making a deal to where if you eat all your food you can get a little treat after. 
- Honey is always up to play! He loves playing tag, building blocks, and tea party's with his stuffies. He makes sure to have stuff you like such as cookies and the tea you like.  
- Kaoru and you together are troublemakers- he loves to pull pranks on the other ones around him so you and him are usually in time out if you do proceed with them.  
- Mori carries a tiny bag with him that has bottles/sipps, a change of clothes, dips (if you need them), pacis, teethers, a stuffie, coloring books, and snacks! 
- Tamaki loves to carry you- it makes him feel like a good big brother sibby. He also gives you a lot of piggy back rides! 
- If kyoya has to work on some papers that day he will hold you in his lap as he dose, he probably puts on some calming music and gets you a drawing pad or some coloring pages to work on beside him. 
- Haruhi is the one who helps you get ready in the morning. She helps you brush your teeth, help you with your hair, helps you get dressed, etc!  
- Kyoya  and mori call you little one 
- Haruhi calls you darling 
- Tamaki calls you bug and cubbie 
- Hikaru calls you his prince/princess, and kiddo  
- And honey/ Kaoru call you sibby  
- Honey loves to take you to the pool, he wears little floaties and pretend to save you from big bad dragons. He grabs a floatie to carry you to safety with. 
- Kaoru he holds you if you get scared (big brother coded-). Are you scared of the lighting and thunder outside? He will give you his headphones to cut out the sound (yes im stealing the idea but its so cute qwq) Are you scared to get a shot at the doctor? Dont worry big brother Kaoru is there to hold your hand! Is the movie your watching to scary? He turns to movie down and holds you telling you  that he isn't gonna let anything happen to you. 
- When you regress around them, they absolutely adore it. They love being there for you and taking care of you. So little one just remembers if you get lost or need to get extra love that day, just stop by music room 3 and i can assure you that you will be taken care of in the way you need <3
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friendlyfoxpal · 1 year
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Rose Petal Swarm
So....many roses!
Felt like doing some small G/t Ouran fanart because it's been a while. >w<
(c) Ouran Highschool Host Club
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tinythiefalex · 18 days
Ouran's Giant Host Club Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Next
Yeah, I can't think of a good title RIP.
I just got a reblog that mentioned the instant coffee bit. I have tragic news: I forgor. The instant coffee bit is not here :( I am so sorry, if I come across an opportunity to include it in the future I absolutely will. Anyway, enjoy, part 3 will be here on Friday.
 “Well, first things first,” the twins said with unnatural synchronization, “we need to get rid of this grubby outfit.” Hikaru nudged Haruhi with a finger that was nearly as tall as she was. 
“What? What’s wrong with my clothes?” Haruhi may not be able to afford the fancy uniforms the other students had, especially with the extra fees that came with getting it custom sized, but her button-up and sweater worked fine for her, at least it was comfortable. 
Tamaki shook his head. “The very first rule of being a host is that you must look presentable.” He pointed at Haruhi.  “We simply cannot let you walk around in those unflattering clothes.” 
“We don’t currently have any uniforms that would fit you.” Kyoya added, typing away on his computer. “We could put in a custom order but it would likely take a few days to arrive.”  
“Oh! Oh!” Honey raised his hand, waving it in excitement. “We could dress you up in doll clothes! That would be super cute! Right, Takashi?” 
Once again, Mori didn’t respond past a slight nod. 
Tamaki squealed, “That would be adorable!” 
“Yeah, then you really would be like our little doll!” The twins laughed. Without warning, they grabbed Haruhi, holding her right up to their faces. “Believe it or not, there are plenty of people here that collect dolls, I’m sure we can score something for you, little guy!” 
“Now, now, you two, hold on a minute.” Tamaki rushed towards them. “Our goal here is to teach this young man how to be a gentleman. We must lead by example!” He declared, holding out his hand. The twins reluctantly handed Haruhi over to Tamaki, who promptly held her cupped to his chest. Despite what Tamaki had said, she didn't find this any more respectful than how the twins were holding her. “Sorry about them, I'm sure we can find somewhere to get you some decent clothes as soon as our club hours end.” 
“On the contrary,” Kyoya turned his computer screen towards the others, though Haruhi couldn’t see it from where she was. “It seems the school was more prepared for an arrival like yours than I thought. It says here we can order him a uniform and pick it up as soon as tomorrow morning, so there’s no need to waste our money on other clothes.” 
Tamaki pouted a little on not being able to dress up this cute little guy, but quickly got over it. “Well, that settles that. Now, as the king of this host club I order you to go home and get some rest, we’ve got a big day of training tomorrow, so be ready.” 
Haruhi felt faint. Is this really happening? I don’t know if I can handle this.
The next morning, Haruhi arrived at the school, and once again, Tamaki met her at the gated entrance, this time holding a little box. 
“Haruhi! Your uniforms arrived!” he cheered, setting the box on the ground next to him, and although the box was small to him, it was huge to Haruhi. Easily a few times bigger than she was. She walked over to the box and tried to open it, but its sheer size made it very difficult for her to open. She found herself getting frustrated as she pushed with all her might, only for the lid to stubbornly stay in place. She was simply too outsized. 
Tamaki, on the other hand, hid a grin behind his hand at the adorable sight of Haruhi struggling to open the box. Taking pity, he reached down and opened it for her, making her stumble. 
Straightening herself back out and clearing her throat, Haruhi peers into the box, revealing a few tiny uniforms. 
After Tamaki took her to a changing room, Haruhi put on the academy’s blue uniform, surprised by how perfectly it fit her. How did that weird guy with the glasses get my measurements? She thought to herself, running a hand over her uniform to feel the fabric. Wait, isn’t this the male uniform? I guess they really do think I’m a boy. Oh well. She couldn’t care less honestly, she had much bigger problems to deal with. 
As soon as her classes ended, Tamaki once again brought Haruhi to the club room. Instead of staying with Haruhi, this time Tamaki dropped her off with Honey at his table. “Today, I’m thinking it would be good to pair you up with Honey-Senpai, and he can show you the ropes on how to entertain guests with your cuteness.” 
Haruhi looked up at Honey, who smiled wide back at her. “Tamaki-Senpai,” she looked back to the taller man, “I don’t think-”
Tamaki cut her off. “Of course, it won’t be the same playing field for you. While you are both appealing, Honey more so fits into the ‘boy-lolita’ category, and you are utterly adorable in a completely different way!” Haruhi groaned quietly, but Tamaki kept going, “Despite that, I still think Honey-Senpai has plenty to show you about how to captivate young ladies! Have fun!”
Tamaki’s appointments went by quickly. He was busy entertaining a few girls, spinning colorful compliments and poetry-like responses meant to woo any young lady. One in particular, Seika Ayanokoji, interrupted another girl’s swooning to start a conversation. 
“So, Tamaki, I heard that the host club is keeping a little kitten without a pedigree.” 
Tamaki laughs, “I don’t know that I’d call him that, but speaking of, our newest member is actually here right now with Honey-Senpai. I thought pairing them up together would be good for our guests looking for something to coo over. I can introduce you if you’d like.” 
Ayanokoji smiled. “That would be lovely.”
The two headed over to Honey and Mori’s table, where three girls were currently busy fawning over the tiny human. 
“This is Haru-chan, isn’t he cute, ladies?” Honey asks while squishing Haruhi right up against the side of his face. As a chorus of “awww”s came from the girls, Haruhi wanted nothing more than to get out of this kid's grip and back on solid ground. 
Mori, seeing her discomfort, gently took Haruhi from Honey and placed her back on the table. Honey was a bit surprised, but ended up just shrugging it off and going back to talking with the girls.
Thank goodness Haruhi thought. 
Just then, Tamaki arrived at the table, waving at Haruhi. “Hey there little piglet, I wanted to introduce you to someone.”
What? Piglet? Haruhi was getting a bit sick of these weird nicknames. 
Tamaki gestured to the woman standing beside him. “Haruhi, this is my regular guest, Princess Seika Ayanokoji.” 
“Charmed, I’m sure.” the woman said with a strange smile. Haruhi tried to hide her scowl from the lady’s odd tone. Is this girl really a princess? Haruhi kept a neutral look on her face as she greeted the giant, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”
“I’ve taken the little one under my wing,” Tamaki announced with a smile, “with my gracious guidance, I will make sure this young man becomes the finest gentleman he can be!” 
Ayano giggles to herself, “Oh, Tamaki, now you’re taking the joke too far.” Haruhi couldn’t help but feel like the laugh was condescending. “He might be cute, but someone of your importance doesn’t need to associate themselves with little commoners like this. It’s not a good look.” She then looked back down at Haruhi, her expression making it seem like she had forgotten the human was there, though Haruhi was smart enough to know it was fake. “Oh I’m sorry,” Ayanokoji continued, “I’m sure you understand.” 
Hardly, thought Haruhi, why do all these damn rich people insist on talking about me like that? 
Tamaki hardly takes note of the interaction, going right back to conversing with his guests. Haruhi can feel her eye twitch a little from annoyance. These damn rich people…
Suddenly, Haruhi is snatched from behind and carried across the room “Wha- hey! Put me down!” She is set down on an empty counter. “Hey! You can’t just grab people like that! It’s really-!” She turns around and jumps, it’s Kyoya.
The scary one.
 “Apologies, but I needed to speak with you in private.” He said. As intimidating as he was, Haruhi still felt like she had to say something. “Yeah well, next time you can just ask!”
His expression is unreadable. “Alright. I wanted to give you a word of advice. You are paying for Tamaki’s time by working for us but, as you’ve likely noticed, Tamaki is a very big draw for the club. His request rate is 70%.” Haruhi furrowed her eyebrows, not sure where this was going.
Kyoya suddenly leaned over Haruhi, his hands on either side of her. Seen from this angle, he became a huge, shadowy figure to Haruhi. She can’t stop a shiver of intimidation from running up her spine. 
“That means,” he continued, far too close for comfort, “you will have to work very hard to get your request rating high enough to be worth his time. And you may think that just because you’re small, we won’t be able to keep tabs on you. But know this-” he leaned even closer, his face mere inches away from Haruhi. This close, his eyes take up her entire vision. She clenched her fists tight to her side to slow her quaking. “-my family alone employs a private police force of 100 officers. There is nowhere you can go where we won’t find you. So you’d better make your involvement here worth it to us, and especially to me.” 
“W-what are you implying?” Haruhi shakingly asked, taking a few hesitant steps back. 
Kyoya whispered, “If I were you, I would put in a lot more effort than you are right now.” He then straightened back up, and walked away as if nothing had happened. Haruhi’s legs felt like jelly, but she managed to stay standing anyway. What is that guy’s problem? 
“There you are, my little nerd!” Tamaki greeted her, using a fingertip to ruffle up her short hair. 
Not noticing his approach, Haruhi jumped back with a gasp as his finger touched her head. Trying to steady her breathing, she ran her hand through her hair to straighten it back out. “Please don’t do that again.”
Tamaki took a moment to look her up and down. “Hmm…That uniform is a good start but we really need to get you a makeover, otherwise people will eventually get bored of your itty-bittyness, and then no girl is going to look twice at you.” 
Haruhi can’t stop herself from rolling her eyes, which, thanks to her glasses, Tamaki doesn’t notice. “Yeah, well, I’m not trying to get girls to look at me.” Honestly, the thought of being constantly stared at and prodded by a bunch of giants didn’t seem appealing to Haruhi at all, no matter what gender the giants were. 
“Are you kidding me?” Tamaki replied, shocked. “It’s the most important thing! You have to learn to be a gentleman and please the ladies, like me.” He said, striking a princely pose. “That is, of course,” He stared back down at Haruhi, “if you want a chance of paying us back for my services.” He winked at her. 
Haruhi almost rolled her eyes again, before she remembered Kyoya’s barely concealed threat. Clenching her fists behind her back, she sighed. “Fine. What do I need to do?” 
“Well,” Haruhi jumped at 2 voices coming from right behind her. How do these massive guys keep sneaking up on me like that? “We can start by getting rid of these awful glasses.” One of the twins (Hikaru) said, and attempted to pinch her glasses with 2 massive fingers. The glasses were far too tiny for him to grip, but he did manage to make them fall off of her face, nearly knocking Haruhi over as well. 
“Hey! Stop! You’ll break those!” She tried to pick the glasses back up, but the twin swept them off the table and into his hand before she could. “Give those back! I lost my contacts before school, I need those glasses!” 
Hikaru stared at the glasses in his palm nearly in awe. He poked at the pair with his finger, noting with fascination how much his fingertip alone outsized them. Pushing that out of his mind, he looks back at Tamaki, surprised to see a shocked expression on his boss's face. That look was matched by the other club members as well. Hikaru looked back to Haruhi, his eyes going wide. 
As tiny as Haruhi was, and as difficult as it was to see her eyes from more than a foot away, her eyes were beautiful. 
Tamaki suddenly snapped his fingers, taking everyone out of the trance. Their attention on him, he commanded, “Kyoya, look up the nearest human eye doctor, and get this man some contacts.” Kyoya immediately started typing on his computer. 
“Mori, find some human hair supplies.” Mori obediently rushes off. 
Tamaki pointed at the twins, “You two, take this man and do whatever you need to do to make him look the part.”  
The twins’ faces brightened, “You’ve got it, boss!” They grabbed Haruhi and ran over to the changing room for supplies.
Finally, Tamaki turned to the last remaining member. “Honey-Senpai,” Honey’s eyes lit up. “…go have some cake.” Honey’s face fell, and he defeatedly walked back to his table.
After a non-specific amount of time, Haruhi was back on the table, all done up. Tamaki’s eyes were sparkling as he looked at her. “Cute! You’re as pretty as a girl!” he squealed, hands on his face as he was nearly overcome with awe, “Adorable!” Haruhi looked down at herself. Oh right, they think I’m a boy….Whatever.
Honey-Senpai smiled wide, “Wow Haru-chan! You look great!” 
The twins held two thumbs up. “If we’d known that’s how you really look”-”we would have helped you sooner!”
“Who knows,” Kyoya added, adjusting his glasses, “looking like that he might actually draw in some customers.”
Tamaki jumped in. “Speaking of which, I’d say now is a good time to make our deal official,” he pointed at Haruhi, “if you can get 1,000 customers to request your service, we’ll consider ourselves even.” 
So this is really happening…
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athenasilver7 · 11 months
Hello, can you do a ohshc head cannon where y/n has superpower (preferably fire powers) and gets caught using them in private by them?❤️‍🔥❤️
Ohh! Of course! (^◡^ ) Note: Because I’m extra, I’m doing this from the perspective that Y/N’s parents are wealthy scientists or something and experimented on Y/N growing up, which inevitably lead to Y/N getting fire powers ❤️‍🔥
Note 2: I’m back after finishing this, and realized this fic got pretty off track from the original request. I’m so sorry, anon omg🥲
OHSHC (separately) x GN Reader [w/ fire powers]
💙 Hikaru 💙
When you eventually reveal your secret powers and your past to Hikaru… he doesn’t believe you.
Even as you’re literally producing a flame out of thin air in the palm of your hand, he still doesn’t believe you.
He honestly assumes you’re just pranking him, or that Kaoru put you up to it.
Hikaru scoffs. “Please. It’s obviously some up the sleeve trick, or one of those mechanisms they use on movie and TV.” He insist, crossing his arms and looking away from you.
“…Hikaru. I am literally opening up a out how my parents used me as a science experiment, and how it resulted in me having these abnormal powers. Please stop being a brat and LOOK.” You produce a larger flame in the palms of your hands.
It takes a lot of convincing, but he eventually believes you and feels bad for accusing you of lying to him.
He “makes it up to you” by calling you nicknames such as ‘hot stuff’ and whatnot.
🤍 Tamaki 🤍
You explain your situation to him. He listens intently, not completely understanding, but he’s trying to be supportive.
Then you show him by producing a small flame in your hand and he freezes… then he freaks out.
“Y/N! Watch out!” He launches at you and tackles you to the floor, covering you with his body to try and protect you from that sudden burst of fire.
“Wha?! N-No, Tamaki, look!” You dissipate the flame and then create a very, very tiny flame in your palm. “It’s coming from me. Don’t worry… I know how to control the intensity of it.” You whisper.
He gazes down at you in awe, the flicker of light illuminating both your facial features.
His breathing is slow and he hesitantly reaches towards your hand, his lanky fingers hovering over your extremely small fire. “…It doesn’t hurt you, does it?” He whispers back.
You find yourself smiling at his concern. “No, no. It doesn’t hurt, at all.”
“…You’re certain?” Tamaki cups your face in his hands as he gazes at you with a frown, heavily concerned. He leans in closer, his nose brushing against yours.
You flush, “T-Tamaki, I’m fine! Really!”
Yeah, definitely expect him to dote on you… more than usual, I mean.
❤️ Haruhi ❤️
You explain your past to her and… she doesn’t exactly understand.
It’s not that she doesn’t believe you. I mean, Honey-Senpai is legally considered a war weapon, so why wouldn’t she believe you about this?
It’s just… it’s abnormal for her, you know? Your situation sounds like something you would only hear of in movies or animes.
Then you go and present your powers to her.
Admittedly she startles at first. Once she’s able to wrap her head around everything though, she obviously doesn’t think any differently of you.
If anything, she just feels sad for you. Your parents experimented on you!
She gets the strong urge to tell your parents off, but she knows it’s not necessarily her place to say anything since she doesn’t know all the details. Although, she may lecture them about it when she gets the chance to meet them.
Haruhi assures you she’s always there for you whenever you need to talk about your situation.
💗 Honey 💗
He bawls, full on ugly cries, as you explain your situation to him.
You try to assure him it’s “not as bad as it sounds”, but he merely frowns at your words, definitely believing you’re underplaying what you’ve been through.
It’s… a complicated series of emotions. So, to change the subject, you show off your powers to Honey.
You mess around with a few different flames sizes, and present some small fire tricks to him.
Surprisingly, he doesn’t seem to react right away. It’s like he knows you’re just trying to distract him from the initial subject. Honey then smiles at you, “You’re amazing, Y/N.” His expression is so tender and genuine, it makes you flush.
In your flustered state you accidentally ignite a very large flame. You and Honey both jolt and you hastily put it out.
“…….Ehehe… sorry about that.” You chuckle awkwardly, your face flushed red.
“…..” Honey simply laughs and presses a kiss to your temple. “You’re too cute, Y/N-chan!”
🧡 Kaoru 🧡
He holds your hand as you open up about your past and how your parents would experiment on you.
Kaoru about damn near cries. You were literally born just to be a test subject.
“Y/N…” Kaoru whispers with a frown, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
Before you can fluster too much at Kaoru’s unfiltered concern for your well-being, you hastily show off a tiny flame to him with your free hand.
His breath hitches at the sight, a smile slowly stretching across his face. It’s a small smile, but it’s still a smile nonetheless.
“…Are you okay?” He gives your hand another gentle squeeze.
Blushing, you shyly avert your gaze and dissipate the flame. “I’m fine. The fire doesn’t hurt.”
Kaoru shakes his head. “No. I meant are you okay? Emotionally? You were experimented on from a young age and for so many years…” Kaoru trails off, averting his own gaze with a heavy frown.
…You… You break down, to be honest. Kaoru is quick to hold you, comforting you. This man speaks the sweetest words of reassurance, and reminds you that you can always confide in him.
💜 Kyoya 💜
Well, when you explain your past to him, he isn’t too surprised.
Kyoya obviously already knows about your parents’ occupations and a large sum of their history, but… he’ll admit he had no idea just how messed up they are.
Don’t get it mixed up, he obviously knows your parents are pretty messed in the head, however the way you explain what you’ve been through… it’s pretty damn twisted.
Cupping your hands together, you present a small flicker of flame to Kyoya, silently showing him your… ‘powers’. The effects of your parents experiments.
Kyoya appears genuinely interested. Well, who wouldn’t? He cups his chin beneath his finger and leans forward to observe the flame that you just… summoned from thin air.
“I see… I must say, Y/N, you’re a very strong individual. I can’t even begin to imagine what you felt like going through all of that alone.” Kyoya says in his usual ‘I’m calm and collected’ voice, though you can sense the genuineness in his tone.
Over the coming weeks, expect him to observe you and your abilities often, and occasionally discreetly asking you questions related to your abilities. Sue him, he has to take notes on this phenomenon.
🖤 Mori 🖤
He holds you in his lap and pets your head when you eventually open up about your past to him.
“I’m sorry, Takashi. This must be a lot for you to take in.” I murmur weakly against his chest, clutching at the front of his shirt line a lifeline as you sniffle and tear up.
Mori hums, carefully combing his lanky fingers through your hair. “Sounds like it was a lot for you to deal with.” His eyes briefly flutter shut and he presses a kiss to your temple.
You sniffle and nod. “Yeah… Yeah, it was.” You sigh heavily, “But at least I can do this..?” You show off a tiny flame in your hands, trying to look on the bright side of thing. Pun not intended.
Mori’s brows raise and he carefully grips both of your wrists, and brings them up close to his face to observe them.
You dissipate the flame and he blinks. Mori takes a moment longer to examine your hands, his thumb gently caressing your palm that held the flame.
He then presses his lips to your palm, planting a firm kiss there. “…It’s warm.” Mori states, gazing at you through his lashes. Your face then begins to feel warm as well, but not due to your fire abilities.
OHSHC Masterlist
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barblaz-arts · 8 months
Your answer to the person that asked about Regine being the wing(wo)man made me think.
Based on your character introduction, in my head, she can be one of this 2 things.
1. Completely oblivious to everything related to her and people crushing on her, but being really good when it comes to Vega since they are childhood friends.
2. She is completely oblivious in general when it comes to romantic relationships, but one day in one of her few participations in Vega and Sora shenanigans, Vega will "protect" Sora from something it wasn't dangerous at all and her fireflies will form a light bulb over he head when she notice (Ouran High School Club style when they each of them realize Haruhi is a girl). But it will be like really late in the game, like by that point Sora is already questioning her feelings for Vega.
Yup this is totally how I imagine it.
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@brenshor has a pretty good idea here. I didn't even think about her bugs being aware of pheromones lol
So how about we combine these ideas?
I'm leaning more towards the 2nd suggestion by @just-a-broken-fangirl. Both Vega and Regine were never the kind of kids that had a lot of interest or knowledge with romance, so Regine didn't have a lot of reason to assume Vega had a crush. She just thought it was weird that Vega was a lot more clingy with Sora than she ever was with her. It was easier for Regine to realize Sora must like Vega tho, so eventually she had her bugs confirm for her.
The whole point of Regine's powers is that she's only able to control super tiny creatures because they have very simple minds. She wouldn't have found out from the bugs first because they wouldn't be initiating gossiping with Regine for any kind of information. Regine always has to command her bugs to look for what she wants to find, whether it's to help with Vega's new case, or to confirm oh wow hey her friends are gay for each other.
Even after confirming this tho, I see Regine as a very passive, go with the flow person, unlike Vega who dives headfirst and proactively participates (as long as it interests her), or Sora who tries to avoid much trouble as she could, tho in the end just begrudgingly goes along. So when Regine finds out, she just goes "Oh, ok. Cool. Not my business tho" and watches things play out. She's rooting for the best outcome, whatever it may be.
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