#tired of me constantly needing reassurance
eclipsiolos · 3 days
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summary: what’s it like to be chris’s girlfriend, who is a really bad overthinker :)
warnings: contains smut!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 SFW
bf!chris who..
always makes sure to give you his undivided attention, hanging onto every word you say like it’s his first time having a conversation.
“mhm.. and what happened next, baby?”
“i’m listening, keep going.”
bf!chris who..
is always so patient with you, always making sure to be gentle and soothe you. reminding you that he’ll always be by your side.
“i’ve got you, ma. m’right here.”
“y-you promise you won’t leave?”
“never, baby. i love you.”
bf!chris who..
drops everything and runs over to you when you cry, not taking his eyes or arms off of you for a second.
“oh, my baby girl. c’mere..”
bf!chris who..
always texts you in the mornings, letting you know where he is at all times. and always keeps his location on.
chris ❤️:
hey beautiful
heading to some burger spot with matt & nick
call me when you can, i’ll be at yours at 3
bf!chris who..
is always so quick to reassure you when you’re having negative thoughts about absolutely anything.
“no, don’t ever say that fucking shit again, y’hear me?”
“you’re fucking beautiful and i’m yours, always.”
bf!chris who..
has any girl who isn’t a really-close friend blocked. who makes sure to delete any girl in his phone at your request, and doesn’t follow any unnecessary girls.
“who else, baby? this one? matter a fact—i’m blocking all of them.”
bf!chris who..
always shuts down any mentions about you not ‘deserving’ him, or breaking up.
“no, nope—we are not doing this.”
“we can work—we work, baby. you are mine, no matter what. end of the story. now c’mere.”
bf!chris who..
is constantly affectionate with you in public, making sure everyone knows that you’re his, and his only. he either has you in his lap, or has his arm around you while he makes out with you at parties & events.
bf!chris who..
kisses you in every place you feel insecure about, holding you in his arms as he reminds you constantly how beautiful you are.
“where else, baby? here?” he murmured as he placed open mouthed kisses on your face. “mine.” he added.
bf!chris who..
always cuddles with you when you guys go to sleep, holding you in either his arms, or he’s in yours. and never lets go, insisting he needs to have you close.
“mm.. no.. not moving..”
ᯓᡣ𐭩 NSFW
bf!chris who..
always makes sure to be constantly intimate with you, so he can remind you that he’s yours.
“c’mon, pretty. do y’feel it?”
“just for you…”
bf!chris who..
constantly praises you during sex. wanting you to know how good you’re doing for him
“doin’ so good f’me, ma. so.. perfect.”
bf!chris who..
absolutely loves missionary, or any type of sex that involves you face to face with him. oh—and he loves when you ride him.
“y-yeah.. baby. ride me just like that. oh my god..”
“am—am i making you feel good?”
“so good, my love. g’na fill you up, yeah?”
bf!chris who..
hates it when you cover your face or muffle your moans with your hands. and is quick to remove them, wanting to see & hear you.
“no, ma. lemme see you. need to see how good m’making you feel..”
bf!chris who..
is perfect at aftercare, only for you. always taking his time with you, cuddling you & smothering you with kisses as he rubs your back.
“my beautiful baby.. you doin’ alright?”
“m-mhm.. just—tired..”
“get some rest, pretty. m’right here.”
💌 definitely making this a series, and my next blurb will be matt i promise 😭. if this is too short, lmk
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endyark · 5 months
im tempted to make a massive vent post but idk if that's a good idea
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soupbabe · 1 year
Everytime I see a fat character/reader fic and it's just the character/reader hating their body I get one step closer to setting this website on fire.
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peskypixel · 2 years
constant need for gratification stemming from artistic creation and seeking validation off numbers VS the everlasting tiredness that consumes me every waking moment like the fucking plague.
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misswynters · 2 months
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Father of the realm
Cregan Stark x Wife!reader
[synopsis: You are pregnant with a babygirl, or that’s what your husband keeps saying. He truly wishes it’s a girl.
[a/n: yet another cregan fic since i can’t get enough of him.
[note | pls don’t just like, but also reblog & give me feedback. i don’t want to get shadowbanned
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Winterfell's ancient halls echoed with the sound of crackling fires and the gentle hum of activity. Outside, the snow fell softly, blanketing the courtyard in a serene layer of white. Inside, however, a different warmth filled the air. It was a warmth born of love, care, and anticipation.
You sat in your chambers, a soft, knitted blanket draped over your legs, the flickering fire casting a golden glow across the room. Your hands rested on your swollen belly, feeling the gentle movements of the life growing within you. Each flutter and kick was a reminder of the miracle you carried, and with each one, your heart swelled with love.
Cregan entered the room quietly, his footsteps almost silent on the stone floor. His eyes softened as he saw you, a tender smile playing on his lips. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice a soothing balm.
You smiled back at him, the sight of his concern warming your heart. "I'm well, Cregan. Just a bit tired."
He knelt beside you, his large hands gently cupping your belly. "Is she moving much today?" he asked, his eyes lighting up with excitement.
You laughed softly, placing your hand over his. "Yes, she's been quite active. She seems to love it when I'm near the fire."
Cregan's smile widened, and he pressed a gentle kiss to your belly. "She's already got a mind of her own," he said, his voice filled with affection. "Just like her mother."
You reached out, running your fingers through his dark hair. "You really think it's a girl, don't you?"
He looked up at you, his eyes filled with certainty. "I know it is. I can feel it in my bones. Our little girl."
The joy in his voice was infectious, and you couldn't help but feel your heart flutter with happiness. "I hope you're right," you said softly. "But boy or girl, as long as they're healthy, that's all that matters."
Cregan nodded, his expression growing serious for a moment. "You're right, of course. But I can't help but dream of holding our daughter, of teaching her about the North, of watching her grow into a strong, brave woman like her mother."
Tears welled up in your eyes at his words, the depth of his love and dreams for your child touching you deeply. "She'll be so lucky to have you as her father," you whispered.
"And she'll be even luckier to have you as her mother," he replied, his voice filled with conviction. He stood up, gently helping you to your feet. "Come, let's sit by the fire. It's warmer there."
As you settled into the comfortable chair by the hearth, Cregan wrapped a thick, warm blanket around your shoulders. He sat beside you, his hand never leaving yours. "You must tell me if you're uncomfortable, or if you need anything," he said, his brow furrowed with concern.
You squeezed his hand, reassuring him. "I will, Cregan. You've been so wonderful, so attentive. I don't know what I would do without you."
He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "You'll never have to find out. I'm here, always."
The weeks passed, each day bringing you closer to the moment you would meet your child. Cregan's excitement grew with each passing day, his dreams of a daughter filling your conversations. He was constantly by your side, ensuring your comfort, worrying over every little thing.
One evening, as you lay in bed, the baby kicked particularly hard, making you wince. Cregan was immediately at your side, his face filled with worry. "Are you alright? Is the baby okay?"
You smiled, placing his hand where you felt the movement. "She's just making her presence known," you said with a laugh. "She must take after her father."
Cregan's eyes softened as he felt the strong kick. "She's a fighter," he said proudly. He gently rubbed your belly, his touch soothing. "Rest, my love. I'll stay here with you."
As you drifted off to sleep, you felt the warmth of his hand on your belly, his protective presence a constant comfort.
The day finally came when the midwife announced that it was time. Cregan was a bundle of nerves, his concern and excitement palpable. He stayed by your side through every contraction, his hand holding yours, his words of encouragement soothing your fears.
When the cries of your newborn filled the room, Cregan's eyes filled with tears. The midwife placed the baby in his arms, and he looked down at the tiny face, his expression one of pure love and awe. "It's a girl," he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion. "Our little girl."
You reached out, touching the soft cheek of your daughter, tears streaming down your face. "She's perfect," you said, your heart overflowing with love.
Cregan placed the baby in your arms, his eyes never leaving yours. "You did it," he said, his voice filled with pride. "You brought her into this world. Our beautiful daughter."
As you held your baby girl, feeling the warmth and weight of her in your arms, you knew that your life had changed forever. The love you and Cregan shared had brought her into the world, and together, you would give her all the love and care she deserved.
Cregan sat beside you, his arm around your shoulders, his eyes shining with tears of joy. "Welcome to the world, little one," he whispered. "We're going to take care of you, and love you, forever."
In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of the fire and the love of your husband, you felt a peace and happiness unlike any other. Your family was complete, and you knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, united by the unbreakable bond of love.
As winter melted into spring, the walls of Winterfell became a lively home filled with the sounds of new life. Your daughter, Lyanna, now a few months old, had quickly become the heart of the castle. Her bright blue eyes and soft giggles enchanted everyone who met her, but no one was more captivated than her father.
Cregan, the once gruff and imposing Lord of Winterfell, had transformed into a doting and protective father. He took Lyanna with him everywhere, carrying her in a specially crafted sling so she could stay close to his heart. The sight of the formidable Stark lord cradling his tiny daughter became a common one, and the people of Winterfell couldn't help but smile at the tender displays of affection.
One morning, as the sun cast its first light over the ancient walls, Cregan gently lifted Lyanna from her crib. She yawned and stretched, her tiny fists rubbing her eyes. "Good morning, my little princess," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "Ready to greet the day?"
Lyanna cooed in response, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. Cregan chuckled and secured her in the sling, making sure she was comfortable before heading out to start his day. You watched them from the bed, your heart swelling with love at the sight of your husband and daughter.
Cregan was true to his promise of taking her everywhere. Whether it was inspecting the walls, overseeing the training in the courtyard, or attending to matters in the great hall, Lyanna was always by his side. The castle's inhabitants quickly learned that the quickest way to their lord's favor was through a kind word or gentle gesture towards his beloved daughter.
The following day, as Cregan walked through the bustling courtyard with Lyanna nestled against his chest, he overheard a servant muttering something unkind about your family. His eyes darkened, and he turned to face the man, his voice a low growl. "If I hear another word of disrespect, I will see to it that you regret it. Do I make myself clear?"
The servant paled and stammered an apology, quickly scurrying away. Cregan's protective nature was legendary, and no one dared to cross him, especially where his wife and daughter were concerned.
As his beloved daughter grew, Cregan's bond with Lyanna followed suit. He spoiled her with gifts—beautifully crafted toys, soft blankets, and tiny dresses that made her look like a princess. But more than the material things, it was his unwavering presence and love that made Lyanna's world so full of joy.
The following afternoon, as you sat in the gardens with Lyanna on your lap, Cregan joined you, carrying a small, intricately carved wooden wolf. "Look what I have for you, little one," he said, his voice filled with excitement. He handed the toy to Lyanna, who grasped it with chubby fingers and examined it with wide-eyed wonder.
You smiled at the sight, your heart full. "You spoil her, Cregan. She'll grow up thinking the world revolves around her."
He knelt beside you, his eyes softening. "She deserves to know how much she is loved. Both of you do."
As the seasons changed, Cregan's protectiveness extended to ensuring your well-being as well. He insisted on walking with you whenever you went outside, his arm always ready to support you. He worried if you spent too much time on your feet and made sure you had everything you needed to stay comfortable and happy.
As you sat together in your chambers, Lyanna asleep in her crib, Cregan pulled you into his arms. "You and Lyanna are my everything," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I would do anything to keep you both safe and happy."
You rested your head against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. "We are so lucky to have you, Cregan. I couldn't imagine a better father and husband."
He pressed a kiss to your hair, holding you close. "And I couldn't imagine a life without you both. You are my heart, my reason for everything."
As the months turned into years, the bond between you, Cregan, and Lyanna only grew stronger. Winterfell thrived under Cregan's leadership, and the people respected and admired the love and dedication he showed to his family. Lyanna grew up surrounded by the warmth and strength of her parents' love, knowing she was cherished beyond measure.
On a hot summer day when the sun was blazing hot, all you saw was joy as you watched Cregan and your daughter playing in the courtyard, your heart swelling with happiness. The sight of your husband chasing your giggling daughter, his laughter echoing through the air, was a testament to the life you had built together.
The sight of your husband chasing your giggling daughter, his laughter echoing through the air, was a testament to the life you had built together.
Cregan caught Lyanna and lifted her into the air, her delighted squeals filling the courtyard. "Got you, my little wolf," he said, spinning her around. He brought her close, kissing her cheek as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
You joined them, the three of you basking in the warmth of the summer sun and the love that bound you together. "Our family," you said softly, looking at Cregan and Lyanna with pride. "Our beautiful family."
Cregan smiled, his eyes filled with the same love and devotion that had carried you through the challenges and joys of life. In the heart of Winterfell, amidst the ancient walls and the timeless snow, your love story continued to unfold. It was a story of strength, honor, and unbreakable bonds—a story that would be told for generations to come.
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taglist: @benjicotblckwood @travelingmypassion @shoxji @thornsandtulips @spn-obession
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aplaceofnonsense · 2 years
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cyberjam · 1 year
ATSV HEADCANON: they get jealous . . . ☆
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warnings - mainly just fluff, maybe a hint of yandere if you squint, insecurities, gender neutral reader, no use of y/n or reader, and jealousy from our fave spiders.
word count - 2.4k
main masterlist <33 | proof read?: yes.
based off of this request: jealous hc !!
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. . . ☆ miles morals!e-1610
He'll try and ignore the nasty feeling of jealousy but it's tough when all he can think about is how joyous you look spending time with another guy that isn't him.
It slowly eats away at him the more time you two spend away from each other, and sooner or later you'd notice the change in his demeanor. He was quieter, his greetings weren't the same, and his energy constantly seemed low. Every time you said something he'd reply with a simple hum of acknowledgment and if you were trying to cheer him up with a corny joke the only thing you'd receive was a faulty breath from his lips and a lopsided grin.
His hugs weren't bone-crushing anymore, his texts were in one-words, and even when you two shared a class he acted different. Instead of the usual passing notes and quiet laughter at inside jokes, he simply turned his body towards the window and stayed quiet. He didn't spare a single glance in your direction until the bell rang. Even then he didn't look at you, blankly staring at the floor while gathering his things and blearily walking out with slouched shoulders.
So many confusing thoughts and hurt feelings from made-up scenarios circled around his brain. He wanted to talk to you so badly and just make sure everything was okay. He just didn't know how to approach it, so it continued to eat at him until you confronted him about it.
You saw him walking his usual route towards his place and couldn't help but chase him down. You constantly pestered him and asked him questions to get to the root of the problem but all he did was respond with simple phrases like "I'm fine.", "M' just tired.", and "Nah, I'm good."
Your dedication and unwillingness to let him go home angry finally paid off when he snapped. His words jumbling and his hands flailing in the air as he unleashed every thought and feeling that led to that moment.
Once he finished his rant, you two stood across from each other in complete silence. His chest lifted up and down as if he was exhausted. No words could come to your mouth, but your legs moved without hesitation and before you knew it your arms engulfed him in a tight hug. You felt bad for not being able to express how you felt in words but all miles needed was reassurance and your arms being wrapped around him was more than enough.
. . . ☆ miles morales! e-42
Miles is very straight-forward and blunt. He speaks his mind, which can be a blessing and a curse. With his over-protective nature and blank-like expressions he's more intimidating than most, especially when confronting people he thinks are getting too chummy with you. If a guy is checking you out, miles will speak up before you even notice. "ay, you got a starin' problem or sum?" in situations like these he tends to get touchier with you. Either resting a hand on your hip or hanging his arm over your shoulders and pulling you into his side.
Miles has a certain phrase that he says whenever you scold him for being so confrontational. "They gon have to get through me to get to you." and he tends to stand on that word.
Miles isn't shy of confronting people, or even using violence when it comes down to it. He prefers to handle situations like these with as least violence as possible. He doesn't want to subject you to that kind of thing, if anything he wants to keep you away from it. It's why he's so protective of you and also why you don't know he's the prowler.
You were walking home late at night all by yourself, and as much as you wanted miles to be there with you, he couldn't. You texted him letting him know you'd be staying late after school because of a project. He mentioned how he wouldn't want you walking home by yourself, especially so late at night. So, he decided he'd drive you back home on his motorcycle.
But when the time came for him to pick you up, you were left stranded. He never returned your countless calls or text messages which led into you walking back home all by yourself. Uncomfortable would be an understatement to describe the way you felt as you whisked your way passed sketchy groups of people with your head down. You took shortcuts and turned into ally's to get away from any potential threats not knowing you'd walk right into the hands of one.
A tall lanky man with sunken eyes somehow cornered you in-between the brick wall of a random apartment complex. You were terrified. Your legs grew weak, and your nose started to sting in warning of the incoming tears. All you could do was push your body as far as you possibly could into the wall behind you. Desperately hoping it would engulf you and take you as far away as possible from the situation.
You shut your eyes, bracing for whatever torturous impact to come. Fortunately, it never did. Instead you felt a swift gust of wind past you and the sound of a hard thud paired with a low groan. You cracked your eyes open only to see the mask of the most-feared vigilante in New York. He walked closer and closer until he was finally hovering over you, his mask nearly touching your nose.
As you stood frozen in shock, a clawed hand rested next to your face. "What I say? They gotta get through me to get to you."
. . . ☆ gwen stacy
Gwen is a liar. You can ask her if she's jealous and she'd respond with a scoff and wobbly smirk, scratching the side of her head before replying with something along the lines of "Jealous? No, way." when in reality she's seething. She wants to be completely secure and unbothered like Hobie, but there's always this nagging voice in the back of her head that fills her with annoyance and bitterness.
When someone shows any type of romantic interest in you she'll get tense and her cool facade will be replaced by her visible discomfort. She knows you love her and is continuously reminded when you shut down any confessions, but that painful uneasiness still comes no matter what.
Depending on what mood she's in that day she'll either tense up and shy away from the situation or desperately try to avert your attention back to her.
When one of your classmates walks up to you complimenting you and eyeing you up and down, Gwen's hand that was loosely holding yours fell to her side before returning to her jacket pocket. Her shoulders squared to her ears as she quietly sighed and rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet. She avoided eye-contact with you and the person, choosing to look around the hallway as if she wasn't eaves-dropping into the conversation. (she was)
Once the person leaves she'll grab your hand and start pulling you towards the exit "that was weird, right?" she'd murmured half-jokingly while nudging her shoulder with yours.
The next time you and that person interact is when Gwen is over your place. Once you excuse yourself from the conversation and take the call from your classmate, Gwen once again gets antsy. But she's much more combative this time around. She'll snatch her drumsticks up and start tapping on any and all surfaces she can reach. Calling out your name to get your attention so you can focus on her instead of your classmate.
All in all it really depends on what mood you catch her in. She can either be awkward and tense or combative and loud. At the end of the day all she wants is your attention.
. . . ☆ pavitr prabhakar
Pavitr is quite secure in himself and in the relationship, but he does get jealous on occasion. Never from a situation of you simply getting hit on or someone complimenting you, more so from his own insecurities and made-up scenarios that he plays in his head.
He enjoys the time you two have together fully enveloped in each others presence. So, when that time gets interrupted by someone he gets sulky. Time is already very limited for pavitr. With school and his spider duties on top of it he doesn't have as much time to spend with you as he wants. So once he gets you alone he doesn't want a single distraction to interrupt your private time.
A part of him feels guilty that he isn't able to spend much time with you. He has a small insecurity that pops up every now and then, telling himself that you deserve someone who's more attentive and available to your needs. He wants to be that man for you but his responsibilities prevent him from doing so.
You've already mentioned to Pav that you understand he's a busy man with a hefty schedule, so any time you two spend together is valued and cherished. It makes him happy that you're so forgiving and transparent but that doesn't stop the self-shaming thoughts of how bad of a boyfriend he sometimes thinks he is.
Pavitr has a habit of getting you gifts. When his guilty conscience is eating at him for missing out on a romantic date or simple hangout, he tends to buy you more gifts than usual. A single rose will turn into a bouquet, A cute hand-beaded bracelet will turn into a full jewelry set, a bedazzled headband will turn into multiple hair scrunchies and a full pack of hair care.
Once you've noticed this habit you were quick to shut it down, you didn't want him spending money every time he felt bad for having to bail and do his spider duties.
All he needs is to be pampered and reminded that what you want is him, and only him. Tell him how much you adore him and smuggle him in affection. Whether it be words of affirmation, quality time, or physical touch, Pavitr will immediately be putty in your hands. Just being engulfed by you and having you dote on him will immediately wash away any and all bad thoughts.
. . . ☆ hobie brown
Hobie doesn't really get jealous. He's extremely secure in himself and the relationship. If you're the type of person who likes to flirt for fun or is just naturally flirty, he wouldn't even bat an eye at you coyly chatting with another person.
Hobie knows you only have eyes for him so he never gets defensive or jealous by your coquettish attitude with others. You know where home is and at the end of the day you always return. But that's only with flirting. If you tend to get touchy or make-out with other people then he would get annoyed and slightly agitated. Especially if you'd established there was something between you two.
He wouldn't particularly mind other people flirting with you unless someone was genuinely being creepy and overbearing. He wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable for any reason in any situation. So, seeing you nervously fiddle with your hands or curl into yourself when certain advances were made would enrage him to an extent. These are the times Hobie will take on a more defensive/protective role.
He doesn't get into many brawls (mainly because he doesn't have to) He's quite intimidating so when he tells someone to back down they're gonna back down, quickly and efficiently. If anyone had the balls to step to Hobie in a threatening way they'd def be met with more than they could handle.
But in most situations Hobie usually just plays along with the flirting. He knows you're a good piece of eye-candy so it's not surprising to him whenever you get hit on. His chest also can't help but swell in pride when you mention that you have a partner, who just so happens to be Hobie.
Imagine you're both at the pub. Sitting at the bar, and leaning into each other with lovesick smiles. The sweet exchange of teasing words was interrupted by the gruff voice of the bartender setting down an alcoholic drink you weren't really familiar with. "Compliments from the gentleman over there." he murmured, tilting his head towards a man who sat across the bar. Before you could even fully react Hobie grabbed the glass and downed it within seconds. "Cheers, mate." he responded with a smile while lifting the glass in the air.
You just grow to love and laugh at his antics.
. . . ☆ miguel o'hara
You'll know he's jealous. Miguel is very obvious when he's bothered by something, even when he tries to hide it.
His movements are more stiff than usual and if you're close enough you can hear him lowly spitting profanities in his native tongue. Not to mention when he gets jealous to the point he's genuinely angry his claws will shoot out. There are multiple claw marks on couches and different desks at the headquarters that have yet to be fixed.
He angry pouts but he doesn't really know it. Whenever you're having a conversation with someone and it's prolonged for a little too long or the person you're speaking to is showing some type of interest in you, Miguel will just tower over you from behind with crossed arms and an annoyed look. as he stares the person down.
You're the most important thing in Miguel's life. He's already lost so much in different lifetimes and a part of him feels like he should live his life alone, suffering without a family or a lover simply because he feels like he doesn't deserve it, he doesn't deserve you.
There will be times where he tries to push you away, a part of him feels like if he pushes you away enough and tries to emotionally disconnect from the relationship you leaving him won't hurt as much. You have to be patient and reassure him that you're not going anywhere. The only reason he does stuff like that is because a small part of him genuinely believes you'll leave him at some point.
He tends to be overbearing when he gets jealous. Pushing you behind him when someone starts to be a bit suggestive, staring down anyone who he thinks is getting too comfortable with you, and butting in convos to speak for you when he's close to going over the edge.
Miguel can be overprotective and extremely overbearing at times, but it's always because he has your best interest in mind. He needs you in his life and to keep you he will deflect any and all threats that try and take you away.
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A/N🪷: whenever i think of e-42 miles the killmonger music starts playing in my head lol
this was also a little rushed because i've been busy with work and im a little sleep-deprived, BUT i will come back with another fic soon <3 ty lovelies :)
likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated <33
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unheavenlyvision · 4 months
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pairing: gojo satoru/reader
wc: 5.2k
summary: your close friend gojo is kind enough to let you stay with him for a while, it's just a shame that he's overly curious about what you read when he's not home
a/n; gojo is nosy and i stand by that, also, i can't seem to help myself when it comes to him... this was only meant to be 2k but i think i like him a little too much. that or he just yaps a lot
warnings: 18+ only, smut, pwp, dirty talk, fingering, tease!gojo, hickeys, p in v sex, clit slapping (once), creampie, afab!reader, no use of pronouns or y/n, big dick gojo, gojo likes embarrassing reader
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Somehow, you’ve ended up in Gojo’s fancy apartment… the ‘somehow’ is, he is one of your closest friends and the only person you could ask for help. It had already been a long day when you came home to a hole in your ceiling and a bath – that isn’t yours but the floors above – in your apartment, you wanted to give up on life. Your apartment was wet and some of your stuff had water damage.
Maybe if you weren’t so distraught and just wanting somewhere to stay, you would’ve asked someone else but you decided to call Gojo and while he was more than happy to accommodate you, temporary living with him has been… troublesome.
It’s not so much as what he’s been doing but how you’re feeling, you feel self-conscious and too aware of yourself. Constantly wondering if it’s okay that you’re here, that you’re sitting on his couch or using his kitchen. He goes away for days at a time and yet you still worry about whether or not it’s okay you’re here.
You don’t bug him too much with it, you know that can get annoying, asking for constant reassurance but you’re worried that you’re overstaying your welcome. Especially when your building manager keeps calling and telling you fixes will take longer than expected. At this rate, you might just have to live elsewhere.
Another call like that had just come in and when you walk back into the living room and plonk down on the couch next to Gojo, he can immediately tell you’re feeling disheartened, “Not ready yet?”
“I don’t even know if they’ve started yet,” you sigh, kicking your feet a little in your frustration, “I’m really sorry, Gojo,” you lean back into the couch more, head resting on the back of it.
“I’m not worried about it,” he hums, crossed leg bouncing slightly, “Stay as long as you like, it’s nice having someone here when I come home,” he leans his head back on the couch too but turns to look at you.
Turning your head, you meet his gaze, “Are you sure? I don’t want to overstay my welcome,” your brows pull together, “I can always find another place to stay, honestly, I won’t be offended if you’re sick of me… I don’t want to inconvenience you.”
He scoffs, “What inconvenience? You barely make a mess and move around the place like it’s made of glass,” he’s making fun of you a little, trying to get you to relax more, “You should chill out and get a bit more comfortable, it seems like you might be here for a while yet,” he shrugs easily, not at all worried about you staying.
You intake a breath, “Yeah but I–”
“–Plus, where else would you stay? I’m like… your only friend,” he snickers.
Frowning at him, you defend, “That’s not true and you know it!”
“Yeah? Then why was I your first call?” He’s smug.
Looking away, you mumble, “You have no way of knowing that.”
“Ah, but I think your reaction gave it away,” he chuckles, poking your cheek with his finger.
“I wonder if it’s too late to ask Shoko for her couch,” you grumble, ignoring him.
“Nooo~” he pouts, “Don’t leave, you’re such a good guest, I’m sorry for saying you have no friends.”
You roll your eyes at him, “Do you ever get tired of yourself,” you ask, side-eyeing him.
He smiles big, “Never.”
If Gojo were being honest with you, he’d admit he likes your company, he likes coming home and hearing you patter around his apartment, and he likes that you trusted him enough to call him when you needed help. He likes that he was the first person you called because he wants you to rely on him, he wants to feel wanted and needed by you. It’s just a shame a bathtub had to fall through your ceiling for it to happen.
He's not even mad that your building manager is downright atrocious at his job because that just means he gets to have more time with you.
You’re in his home… alone, just for tonight. Gojo said he had ‘super important and super-secret’ things to attend to, so you’re choosing to be scandalous and instead of reading your current novel in your room, you’re reading it on the couch.
Under a blanket and snuggled into Gojo’s nice couch is about as close to comfortable as you get these days. His living room is nice and you like it out here, though you tend to shy away from main areas when he’s home, afraid of disturbing his peace.
The book is in depth, the scenes heating up quickly, you quietly read, flicking the pages slowly, savouring the tension. It’s not often that you read stuff like this but you’re getting invested, finding a good book with plot and porn is hard to come by and you’re finding yourself getting more and more invested.
Gojo’s voice from behind you is a scare you weren’t ready for, “Wouldn’t it feel better to actually get fucked instead of just reading about it?”
“Fuck! Geez, Gojo, way to scare someone to death,” you huff, not at all ready for his comparably loud voice in the quiet room.
He’s leaning over the back of the couch, apparently reading over your shoulder, “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Yeah, that’s why you were lurking behind me for so long… because you didn’t mean to scare me,” you crane your neck to look up at him, your eyes showing your clear scepticism.
“Let’s change the topic back to how you’re reading porn out in the open,” he smiles.
You squint at him, “It’s a sex scene, not a porn book.”
He leans in a little closer, “Could’ve fooled me.”
“You’re nosy,” you accuse.
He clarifies, “I am curious.” He adds, “You were so involved in your book that you didn’t even notice my presence… now I know why,” his eyebrows wiggle at you.
You shoot your head back up so you don’t have to look at him, “Why are you back anyways? I thought you weren’t gonna be home until tomorrow?”
“I’m just simply too good,” he boasts. You grumble at him but pick up your blanket and stomp off to the spare room with your book, he calls out to you, “Don’t be like that, come hang out with me.”
“No,” you cement, feeling overly embarrassed. You know he was just kidding but you can’t help the way your skin feels all hot and the bit of shame that creeps into your bones.
When you’re in bed, you don’t continue reading, the moment ruined and now you just want to crawl into a ball and die. It’s too early to sleep though, so you end up just lying there lifelessly. Some time passes before Gojo knocks on your door, waiting for you to answer to see if you’re still awake.
“Go away,” you pout out. He opens the door at the sound of your voice, “That’s like… the exact opposite of going away.”
“I know,” he shuffles over to the bed and flops down next to you, making himself comfortable, “But I wanna talk about earlier.”
You groan, “Ugh, that’s like the last thing I wanna talk about with you right now.”
“You sure? Because there are plenty of other things I could think to talk about instead,” he smiles evilly, he sits up slightly, resting his weight on his forearm to watch over you.
Flat on your back, you scowl up at him, “Maybe we should talk about how lovely the weather has been lately.”
“It’s been raining for a week straight,” he reminds.
You cross your arms over your chest, “…Maybe I like the rain.”
“I am sorry,” he changes the topic.
“It doesn’t matter,” you try brushing it off.
“I made you uncomfortable and I didn’t mean to,” he looks away in thought, “I wasn’t trying to pry, I just wanted to know what you were so interested in and when I saw–”
“–Okay! It’s fine, I’m not mad.”
“It would be understandable if you were,” he flops onto his back again.
You turn to look at him, “If you’re still feeling bad, make me breakfast in the morning.”
“Look at that! I think all the guilt I had just left my body,” he smiles cheekily, also turning to look at you.
You can’t help the way your eyes drop to his lips, just for a second, you didn’t mean anything by it… you think. Gojo sees it because of course he does, he doesn’t miss a single thing and he decides to push the limits of your friendship, just a little bit.
He speaks again, “You know… I am curious about something though.”
Unamused, you raise a brow, “Oh yeah? And what’s that?”
“Does it do anything? I mean… reading porn like that? Does it actually effect you?” He knows what he’s doing and he knows the answer to his question, he’s not as dense as he pretends he is.
“Invasive question,” you squint at him before letting your face relax, “I can always read it to you and you can see for yourself,” you joke.
His smile grows, “Fantastic idea!”
Your eyes widen, “No! No it’s not! I was kidding, I’m not reading porn to you Gojo.”
“Boo,” he jeers.
“You’re so weird,” you sigh.
He offers you an alternative, “I’ll settle for an answer to my question if you don’t want to read me porn.”
This man is getting on your nerves, “Who would want to do that in the first place?”
“Me, I will read porn to you right now if you like,” he offers.
“Okay let me rephrase, what kind of sane person would want that?” You’re hoping to guide him away from this topic.
“Ouch, words hurt,” you can see his face light up with his joke, “And arouse, apparently.”
“What do you mean apparently?” You ask, “I haven’t even answered your question, very presumptuous of you.”
“Yeah but if the answer was a simple ‘no’ you would’ve just said that and moved on,” he looks proud of himself right now, “Sometimes… not giving an answer is almost as telling as giving one.”
“Yeah, whatever,” you move your head to face the ceiling again, “Get a load of Socrates over here.” You sigh, “What do you want to hear? That it does arouse me, that I get sooo wet reading porn on your couch while you’re gone?”
He’s quiet, at a loss for words really, which is shocking to you. His prolonged silence has you looking back to him. His eyes look a little darker than before, his gaze far away. You’re starting to feel bad, like maybe you’re the one who took it too far now, “Gojo, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you–”
“–No… go on,” he encourages, “Tell me all about what you do when I’m not home,” his eyes glimmer.
“I– nothing really– I’m not…” you’re starting to heat up, his gaze on you not helping, “I’m not being creepy while you’re gone…”
“I didn’t say you were being creepy,” he moves so he’s being supported by his forearm again, your eyes follow him as he ends up almost hovering over you, “I said I wanted to know what else you do when I’m not home.”
You hesitate, “This might not be–”
“You don’t have to tell me, if I’m being pushy, if you’re uncomfortable… tell me, I’ll leave you alone,” he wants this bad but he’s not going to force you, he wants you to want it too.
“It’s not… I am uncomfortable but only because,” your thighs press together slightly, seeking pressure, you’re uncomfortable because he’s turning you on and he’s not done a damn thing.
“Ugh, Gojo,” your hands cover your face, trying to hide yourself from his eyes, “Because you’re…” you mumble, trailing off.
He leans in a little closer, smug smile loud in his voice, “I’m sorry, what?”
You peak through your fingers, “…You’re…turning me on…”
“I still didn’t get that,” he feigns ignorance, he heard you just fine, “Maybe move your hands properly?”
“You’re being mean,” you mutter from behind your hands, “I know you heard me.”
His gaze lowers, scanning your body, taking in how your breathing has sped up, how your thighs clench together, fighting the urge to rub against each other. “No idea what you’re on about, I can’t hear a thing from behind your hands.”
You drop your arms with a huff, “You’re really quite unkind, you know?”
“I think I’m perfectly kind,” his tone is jovial, happy with your acquiescence, “Now repeat what you said, I wanna hear it loud and clear.”
You’re gonna hit him, you wanna hit him. Taking a breath, your hands reach out for his face and move him so he’s looking you dead in the eyes, “Gojo… you’re making me really wet and needy,” your tone is coquettish, “I need your help, please.”
His eyes brighten, deliciously satisfied with your words and confession, “Tell me what you do when I’m not here then.”
You stare at him, you thought you had one up him but he readjusts alarmingly well, you’ll just have to double down, “I lay on your nice, big couch and I fingerfuck myself, hoping I get to cum before you get home.”
“I already like coming home to you,” he leans into you, his lips brushing the shell of your ear, “I think I’d like coming home to the sounds of you playing with your wet cunt even more.”
Oh god, he might kill you, he’s clearly much better at this than you are, his words have your eyes glazing over slightly. Just his presence is suffocating, “Gojo, please… touch me?”
He pulls back, “Hmm, giving up already? Where’s your fighting spirit?”
“You’re an unbearable tease…”
“Tease… yes. Unbearable? I don’t agree, you’ve put up with me for this long,” he all but singsongs, he’s so smug – you want to get up and walk away from him but you don’t have the strength.
“Either kiss me or I’m changing my mind and pretending that tonight didn’t happen,” you glare at him.
His smile doesn’t falter, “Now who’s unkind?” You make a show of trying to get up but he pushes you back down into the mattress, his lips finding yours. You moan into his kiss and he huffs against you, “Open your mouth more,” he speaks against you.
You do as he says and his tongue slips into your mouth, he licks at you and you tentatively meet him half-way. If kissing someone felt this good surely you’d have remembered it, so why can’t you remember a single kiss that feels as good as this one.
He crawls onto you more, your hands move to find his shoulders before wrapping around his neck, tugging him closer. He groans into the kiss and you swallow it down, your head is swimming, he sounds hot, he feels hot, he’s making you feel hot.
He pulls back, “Fuck, I gotta touch you, let me touch you.”
“Mhm, yeah, please,” you’re all too eager to agree, not missing the thinly veiled desperation in his words.
His hand is quick to snake down your body and into your pants, slipping past the waist band of your underwear. A shiver runs down your spine as his fingers carefully part your folds and slide through you’re very wet cunt. Gojo groans, he wasn’t expecting you to be this aroused, his head swimming with just how slick it must feel to fuck balls deep inside your pussy.
His dick twitches in his pants, he’s been horny since he started this stupid conversation, not that you noticed, too self-conscious to take note of the semi he’d been sporting while teasing you. Fuck, he needs more, his finger moves to your entrance, his eyes watching your expression carefully as he slips it inside you.
Your brows turn up and a soft sigh leaves your lungs at his finger entering you, he doesn’t move straight away, his thumb instead rubbing into your clit. He can feel the way your walls twitch around his single digit; he might go crazy before this is over.
“Gojo~ more,” you want more, you wanna feel full.
“Anything for you,” he teases but pulls his single finger back, easing in another with it.
They curl when reaching their hilt, caressing inside you, the pleasure makes you whine and your stomach jump. He pumps his fingers languidly, enjoying the view, delighting in how you squirm and whimper underneath him from just a couple fingers.
He looks down to his hand underneath your pants, your thighs shake slightly, “That’s cute,” he murmurs.
He pulls his hand away from you, “Wait– Gojo what are–”
Laughing at how frantic you are, he reassures, “–Shh, it’s fine, I just wanna see how your pretty pussy sucks my fingers back in is all.”
You feel like you could faint, he’s so crude and for what reason? Just to embarrass you? Or to turn you on? Or is it just a bonus that he manages to do both at the same time?
Your pants and underwear are tugged off at once, he kneels between your legs and very lewdly pulls them wide apart, his eyes greedily watching the way your cunt opens up for him. He salivates at the way your pussy glimmers for him, cunt drooling from your tight hole, down your ass cheeks and onto the bed.
He wastes no more time and fills you back up with his long fingers, his mind registering that you got wetter, fuck you can get even wetter. The realisation hits him like a ton of bricks and he has a feeling he knows exactly what did it.  
A grin on his face, he asks, “You know you could get this wet? Or are you shocked?” It’s not rhetorical, and to demonstrate what he means, his fingers speed up and you can hear the loud and obscene noises of your wet cunt sucking them back in.
You clench around his fingers at his words and his smile grows, now fully understanding the effect he has on you. The delight he takes in it could almost be diabolical, the enjoyment he’s getting out of knowing he can be a little mean or lewd with his words and it will only turn you is immense.
“Come on, I want an answer when I ask a question,” he reminds you.
You gasp as his fingers crook up, purposefully making it harder for you to answer, “I –hah– I didn’t knooww–”
And you didn’t, not to this extent, it’s mortifying, how much your cunt gushes for him. You’re ashamed and also… so ridiculously turned on. His voice doesn’t help, not only the content of his words but just the sound of him, it’s setting you on edge.
“I find that quite shocking, only realising just how turned on you can get and it’s for your good friend? How scandalous,” he tsks at you, his words holding no malice, he truly is amused by how things have unfolded.
“Stop t–teasing me, Gojo,” you frown at him but it’s not nearly as effective as it normally would be. To him you look like a cute mess who’s making a mess on his fingers and spare bed sheets.
His thumb presses into your clit again, steady pressure rounding it, “I like teasing you though~”
Your head tilts back, your eyes unable to focus on anything, you’re going to cum, you’re so fucking close, you just need him to not stop, “Gojo, please, d–don’t stop –ngh– please, please, please please pleaseppleaseplease,” you’re begging him to show mercy – pity, you don’t care what you just want him to make you cum.
“You think I’d be so mean as to not let you cum?” he asks like it’s not definitely within his character to do something so cruel, “I’d never deprive myself of the sight.”
Your toes curl and your head presses back into the pillows hard, your eyes rolling into the back of your head. It feels like your stomach does flips as you moan out for Gojo, your hands clutching the sheets as you shake pitifully with the force of your orgasm.
He massages your walls through it, fucking his fingers in and out of you steadily, letting you ride out your high. He keeps going even as you reach overstimulation, he likes seeing you twitch and shake with your sensitivity, makes his cock leak into his pants at how you clench pathetically around his fingers as he strokes in and out of you as he pleases.
“Gojo… is too much,” you mumble weakly.
He hums at you but pulls his fingers from your sopping cunt, he holds his two fingers up and pulls them apart, watching the way your cum coats them and connects them by sticky strings. Fuck it’s a sight to behold to him, he shoves those two fingers right into his mouth, sucking them clean and savouring the taste.
Pulling his digits out of his mouth, he comments, “I think… if I didn’t wanna stick my dick into you as badly as I do… I’d shove my tongue inside your little pussy and eat you until you came again and again and–”
You’re gonna burst into flames, “–Do you get off on your own words or something?”
“I’m not the one getting off on my words,” he grins knowingly.
The words you were going to retort with die on your tongue as he suddenly tugs his shirt off, exposing his bare skin to you. How are you meant to reply with anything smart when he’s constantly able to throw you off kilter, you can’t win against him.
He undoes his belt and nods towards you, “Take your shirt off.”
“…Bossy,” you pout out.
He stands up to undress completely, “You into that?”
“Could’ve fooled me, you take directions so well,” he smirks, clearly poking fun at how you took off your shirt as soon as he asked you to. He gets back on the bed and taps your thigh, “Hands and knees,” you look at him with an unamused expression and he tacks on, “Pleeeasseeee?”
You get up and spin round onto your hands and knees, feeling vulnerable like this, extra so because you can’t see what he’s doing. One of his hands slides from your lower back up your spine, gentle pressure behind his touch, encouraging you to push your upper half into the bed, cheek pressed against the mattress by the time he reaches your neck.
“Yeahhh, you take directions so well,” he means it as a compliment but it feels degrading.
Soft clicking noises of him fisting his cock fill the room, he’s spreading his precum all along the shaft, collecting it at the tip. He needs to be slick if you’re gonna take him, though he figures you’ve done most of the work on that end already.
You wiggle your hips back at him, feeling impatient and dazed from your previous orgasm. He chuckles at your eagerness but doesn’t keep you waiting, you’re far too enticing for him to tease any longer. He swipes his dick through your folds a few times first, letting you feel him and also let your cunt drool onto him a bit.
He wants to slam into you quickly, he’s so sick of waiting, he’s harder than he’s been in his life and he’s itching to have your pussy swallow him whole but he doesn’t want to hurt you. If he fucks this up he’ll never forgive himself, he needs to give you the best dicking of your life so that you keep coming back to him for more.
His initial thrust is shallow and barely gets the head of his cock inside you, this is going to be a slow process. He’ll have to take his time, not that he particularly minds, the longer he takes, the longer he gets to spend fucking you. This is a responsible decision on Gojo’s behalf, unfortunately for him, you’re not quite so patient. You’re horny beyond belief and have the sudden urge for him to be as deep as he can possibly get, you want to feel him in your guts, you fucking need it.
Bracing yourself, you spread your legs apart further and push back, his cock slipping deeper suddenly, the stretch has a delicious feeling crawling up your spine, or maybe that’s Gojo’s hand. His hand reaches around your neck and pulls your back to his front, a whimper tumbling from you as you slide down his cock further.
He breathes against you, “Desperate thing aren’t you?” He nips your ear and then trails his lips down to your neck, leaving marks in his wake.  
His hips thrust up, forcing you to take more of him, “Ah~ sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry~ I think it’s very endearing,” his voice is dreamy, “Very flattering, willing to hurt yourself just to take me?”
Ah, of course he’d find a way to boost his own ego through all this, “–ngh– You really do love yourself, huh?”
You can feel his big smile against your skin, “Not as much as I love this pussy,” he thrusts inside you deeper, punctuating his words with his hips.
You can’t do much else but moan and take it like this, though, you’re pretty happy to take it like this. Your slick gushes from your cunt and leaks down his shaft. The mess you’re making on the bed is beyond lewd and you have no idea if you should be more embarrassed of the state you’re in. You’re not here though, you’re elsewhere, head in the clouds as your eyes glaze over.
“Aww~ you’ve gone stupid and I’m not even fully in yet,” he coos at you.
He drops you back down onto the bed in your previous position, face buried into the blankets with your ass in the air, back arched deeply. Gojo thinks he has enough room to slip in completely now so he does, when he does, he knocks something so deep inside you that your cunt quivers and you make the smallest, fucked out sound.
It makes him moan deeply, your pussy gripping him for dear life as you sound out gasped whimpers, you’re a fucking mess in more than one way and he’s gonna paint your walls white before too long if he doesn’t get it together. Your cunt is sinfully tight, snug and warm around him, spilling out around where he’s stuffed you full. Your eyes are glassy and fucked out and you look like you might cry, drool dribbles from the corner of your mouth from how deep you can feel him.
Tentatively, he pulls back, his thrusts initially shallow, wanting to get you used to the motion, you really are not capable of any coherent thought, everything coming from you right now is downright pornographic, you don’t even think you could string together enough words to beg him to let you cum.
He’s ruining any future sex you may have and he’s barely started fucking you, his rhythm, is slow but constant. The pressure you feel slowly building in your abdomen makes your pussy cry on his cock.
“You literally have–” he cuts himself off with his own gasped whine, “–the most perfect cunt, holy fuck.” What he did in life to deserve sticking his dick inside you, he has no clue but he’ll keep doing it if it means fucking your tight hole.
You chant his name at him, it’s all you’re really able to do, in your brain fog you spill out, “S’toru sobig, you’re –hng– so deep~” You can’t think.
His hands grab your hips tight, the pressure bruising, his thrusts are speeding up, growing frantic, desperate. He’s fucking you like it’ll be the last time he ever gets to be inside you. One hand reaches around and lands on your clit, furiously rubbing at it, the stimulation has you biting back a cry as tears slip from the corner of your eyes.
Your pussy spasms and twitches on him violently, you’re so sensitive, in general and to him. His hand pulls you back against him with every thrust in, the resounding smacking of skin on skin and your sloppy cunt are like music to his ears. You’re so messy, such a beautiful and delightful mess, he wonders just how fucking messy he could make you; he’ll need to remember this thought if he ever gets another chance to have you… though he’s probably never going to be able to think of anything else after this.
The muscles in your legs are quivering, you’re not going to be able to hold yourself up for much longer, not with how he’s fucking you. You’re going to cum and then promptly pass out, your vision is dotted and you’re barely able to comprehend your surroundings, the only thing you hear is Gojo’s moans.
“Need you to cum for me, now,” he urges, his words hissed through his teeth, fighting off his own orgasm.
His fingers on your clit speed up, he slaps your clit once and harshly, the sudden contact makes you shake. Your orgasm comes out of nowhere, your legs would’ve given out if he weren’t holding you up, you’re actually just crying now, the force of your orgasm shaking you to your core, it’s so overwhelming that it’s all you can feel.
Gojo moves both his hands to your ass cheeks and spreads them, looking at how he’s plowing into you over and over, watching how you grip him tight, trying to milk his cock. The sight of this, of your pussy clenching around him, has him cumming, he bites out your name before stuffing his dick all the way inside you. His cum dumping itself deep inside, his cock twitching as he spills. The amount he cums is immense, leaking out around the base of him and down onto the sheets, the mess you’ve both made only growing.
He stays seated inside you for a while, letting you both come down before even attempting to move. When he does slip out of you, it’s with a hiss, he holds you up for a bit longer, watching the way his cum seeps out of you, his eyes transfixed on how much he came inside of you, how much of him you took. He’s addicted.
Laying your lower half back onto the bed gently, he flops down next to you, evening out his breathing more. He turns his head to the side to look at you, your eyes closed and a stupid smile on your face, tear stains on your cheeks and a little bit of drool still present in the corner of your mouth.
He reaches out and wipes it way with his thumb, “Fucked dumb taken to a new level, huh?”
“You’ve ruined me,” you mutter back, not really paying attention.
A cocky grin takes its place on his face, “In what way?”
“S’many,” your words slur together.
He jokes, “Better than your book though right?”
You can only hum your confirmation, all your limbs are heavy, you might die, you’re fighting it though, the unconsciousness that’s threatening to take over.
Gojo moves closer to you, kissing your arm, “Hey, sleep, I’ll take care of you,” he murmurs into your skin.
That’s the last thing you hear before you’re dead asleep.
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bpmiranda · 15 days
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Comfort |l. howlett| nsfw
A/N: age gap, car sex, old!logan, 18+ f!reader, mutant!reader(can identify diseases in person), smut, oral m! receiving, unprotected intercourse, cheating(?), creampie
You are not exactly sure how it began between you and Logan, how it is that you became so close. Looking at it from the beginning, it was a simple arrangement, a favor for Charles Xavier who had once upon a time helped you out in a time of need. With your position at the hospital, you were able to supply Logan with the medicine Charles needed for his seizures. It was quite often that Logan appeared tired and worn out from the long trips he drove as a chauffeur. The sight of him so broken down weighed on you and there was nothing you wanted more than to help him, ease the aches and pains he was no doubt constantly feeling.
“You okay, Logan?” You ask as he meets you outside of the emergency area. It’s drizzling softly and he’s struggling to get up the slight, slick incline of the sidewalk towards you.
“Fine,” He forces a smile. “Just fine, sweetheart.” But he’s lying and you know it and he knows you’re aware, but he can’t burden you with himself too.
However, it is built into you to help those in need. “Have dinner with me.” You offer, holding onto his hand as you give him the medicine. Logan shakes his head. “Please, I need a ride home anyway. My boyfriend’s got my car, but he’s not answering my calls.” Logan looks at you for a moment with concern and you roll your eyes playfully. “He’s kind of absentminded. It’s no big deal. Come on, give me a lift home and I’ll make you something to eat?”
It’s hard for Logan to pass up the invitation, especially when there’s a damsel in distress and he’s grown soft for you. Not only because you’re helping him out or because you’re incredibly pretty and you give him the type of looks he hasn’t received from a young girl in ages. He’s particularly soft for you because of all you do for others, nursing the sick, giving your deadbeat boyfriend every benefit of the doubt, indulging Logan even when he knows he’s being a complete pain in the ass.
You sit in the passenger seat with him as you rant about the patients, the doctors at the hospital, and your boyfriend. “I just can’t ever seem to do enough, you know?” You say as you look over at him and he’s listening with a pained look, struggling not to interrupt you with his coughing, the features of his face illuminated by the red stoplight you are currently sitting below. You feel your cheeks warm up in embarrassment as you realize you’ve been complaining this whole time. “I’m so sorry, Logan. I don’t mean to bitch about my problems when you’ve got all this shit worry about with Charles and yourself.” You say, pressing you palm into your forehead as you shake your head in disbelief. “Ugh, I’m sorry, I just get to jabbering and I don’t know when to-”
Logan’s hand is suddenly on your thigh and you look back at him, your face warm for a different reason now. “You’re allowed to bitch about that asshole.” He reassures you and you chuckle, biting your lip as he gives you a comforting squeeze on your leg. “Your boyfriend sure doesn’t sound like a prize.” He chuckles, leaving his hand where it is as he drives past the now green light and you let him. “How is it that you met again?”
You chuckle, shaking your head at the meet-cute you and your boyfriend had at the very hospital where you work. “He was bringing in a friend of his who had sprained an ankle. I could feel the cancer in him when our hands touched and I advised him to get a check up. When his results came back and they were able to treat it early, he invited me out to eat as a way of thanking me.”
“I should’ve done the same, huh? Maybe you and I would’ve ended up together.” Logan says, looking over at you with a small smirk while you frown because he knows you don’t like when he talks about what could’ve been. “Don’t be like that. I’ve lived a long life. It was only a matter of time before something killed me.”
You had sensed the adamantium poisoning him when you first shook hands at the beginning of your arrangement. You were hesitant to tell him, but you only confirmed what he already knew. It didn’t make it any easier to see such a great man slowly dying, weakening with every passing day. It made your heart ache and you just wanted to care for him. Logan knew of your feelings, but he was living on borrowed time, you needed someone that was going to stick around and he wasn’t going to let you take him on as another problem, another patient.
“You’re kidding me.” You say angrily as Logan is pulling up in front of your town home and you see your car parked outside. “That fucking asshole.”
Without another word, you leave your belongings in the car as you storm into your home and chew your boyfriend out for not picking up the phone or coming get you. Logan isn’t quite sure what to do, but he waits. After a few minutes, he watches you hurry back out with a backpack which you angrily toss into the back of the limousine and you sit back there with your face in your hands as you cry softly. “You okay?” He asks, driving away from your home, unsure of where he’s going, but assuming you don’t want to be there anymore.
“No.” You mumble, wiping your eyes and leaning back into your seat as you stare out of the tinted windows. Your phone, which is still in the passenger seat, is going off with texts and calls and you hear it. “Just turn it off.” Logan turns it off and he looks at you through the rear view mirror where you give him a sad smile. “Am I an idiot for giving him all those chances?” You ask suddenly and he shakes his head which makes you chuckle dryly. “Please, I have got to be the dumbest bi-”
“Don’t.” Logan’s voice is stern and you stop talking, crying quietly into your hands again as he finds a safe place to pull over so he can get into the back with you. His strong arms wrap around you and you cry into his chest, holding tightly onto him as he comforts you. You can hear his heartbeat, you can feel his breathing is forced and shaky, you look up at him through your eyelashes, tears clinging to them like raindrops. Logan softly brushes the droplets from your cheekbone, his thumb moves slowly down to your jaw, and you lean up to kiss him. His initial thought is that you’re sad, you need comfort, you need to be shown appreciation, and as much as he would love to do that for you, be that person, he can’t. He won’t live long enough to build something real with you, he couldn’t possibly do that to you.
“Please,” You beg as he begins to pull away. Your hands grab fistfuls of his dress jacket as you bring yourself up to kiss him again. “Please.” You whisper against his lips while you climb onto his lap.
Logan, in an attempt to be a good man, gently grabs your arms and pulls away from you. “Sweetheart, you’re not thinking clearly. You’re hurt, you don’t really want to do this.” He says, looking at you in his lap, pouting and broken hearted.
“Logan, I know you’re hurting too,” You say, gently pushing his jacket of his shoulders, rubbing his tense back softly and a low moan emits from his throat. “You want this as much as I do.” You whisper, unbuttoning his white dress shirt as you lean in and kiss his forehead. “Let me take care of you, and you can take care of me.” Your lips trail down to his jaw and you feel him force down a lump in his throat.
Hesitantly, for only a moment, he considers telling you to stop, to just talk about your feelings. You’re not some schoolgirl though, and you’re not someone he’s going to screw and forget about in a week. This isn’t going to be a one time thing with you. Genuinely, he wants to make you feel better and you’ve obviously got it set in your mind how that will happen. Logan gives you a small nod, grunting as you have him remove his button down till he’s left in his white undershirt. You move off his lap and undo his belt buckle, your eyes on him as his jaw tightens at the sight of you between his knees. “You don’t got-”
“Let me.” You say as you pull his hard cock out of his pants and kiss the head tenderly. Logan wants to take your mouth and shove himself deep down your throat in that moment, but he resists the urge. He lets you kiss him, he lets you slowly run your tongue around his length, he groans when your lips close around his tip. One of his hands is tangled in the back of your hair while his head hangs back slightly as you’re sinking your mouth around him. Your tongue cushions his heavy cock as you blow him, your hands pressed into his thighs while he’s guiding you gently. His other hand holds onto your arm as he shudders and jolts from the things your mouth is doing to him. “Mm,” You hum contently, your saliva spills down the sides of him as you gag and suck him off, stroking the underside of his veiny cock with your tongue until his precum begins to coat your tastebuds.
“Fuck, c’mere.” He says as he lifts you up, a pop sounds in the empty limousine as your mouth comes off his shaft. He pulls your scrub top off your body and he moistens his lips at the sight of your dark green lace bra, quickly pulling your bottoms off as well, confirming his suspicion that you’re wearing a matching set. You giggle softly as he pulls you back into his lap, his lips kiss sloppily at your breasts and the valley between them, his thick salt-and-pepper beard tickling you. Your fingers tangle in his hair and you whine as your clothed pussy rubs against his hard length. “You deserve better than that asshole.” He says, pulling your panties to the side so he can feel for your wet entrance with the tip of his cock.
“Oh, Logan.” You moan as you sink down on him and your eyes water from the stretch, surprised that for someone his age he is still so well hung and fit. You find yourself wrapping your arms tightly around his shoulders as he bounces you on his lap while you whine for him. “Uh, fuck!” You cry out as he continues kissing the tops of your breasts and your neck. “Logan, I want you so bad.” You gasp as his large hands grab fistfuls of your ass, spanking you hard and you tremble in his hold.
“It’s yours, sweetheart.” He grunts, sinking down slightly in the seat so he can watching you bounce on his cock. “Goddamnit, look at you.” He groans, his member throbbing and you whimper like a bitch in heat. You’ve thought about him like this before, you’ve gotten yourself off to the thought of him. It’s much better than your imagination could’ve made up. One of his hands comes up to fondle your tit, his thumb stroking your hard nipple through your bra as you’re rocking your hips into him. The drag of his cock against your walls makes you shudder and you feel the tension building up in the pit of your lower belly. “You’re so damn pretty.” He groans, bucking up into you and your mouth falls open from the added force.
“‘M gonna cum, Logan.” You warn, your hands now balancing yourself on his chest as you’re bouncing rhythmically, your ass slapping against his thighs which are wet from your leaking arousal. Logan growls, the smell of you so intoxicating he can’t see anything, but the end goal which is to fill you with his seed. “Yes, fuck!” You scream out weakly, your head dropping forward as you’re shaking violently with the force of your orgasm.
Logan keeps you steady, holding you up by your waist as he fucks up into you with an animal-like pace. You feel him deep in your core, hitting your cervix repeatedly until he suddenly pins you down, his large hands hold onto your shoulders as he pumps his load inside you, the hot spurts of semen coat your walls and you feel it, so deep, so much of him filling you up all at once. “Fucking-” He groans, burying his face between your tits as he pants breathlessly, his muscles shuddering as you gently rub his back and shoulders. “Didn’t think I still had it in me.” Logan comments making you laugh. His eyes wrinkle at the corners as he smiles at the sound, your genuine laughter that he doesn’t get to hear often because of all the bullshit weighing on you. He’s honored you share it with him, humbled that you share yourself with him.
“That was the best I’ve had in a while.” You say with a warmth on your cheeks from the smirk he gives you as he shakes his head incredulously. “Thank you.” You whisper, kissing him softly, still sitting on his cock as you make out in the quiet lull that follows orgasms as intense as the ones you just experienced. His hands roam your body slowly as if committing every curve and shape to memory.
“No, sweetheart, thank you.” He says.
That night is committed to comfort. The next to experimenting. The following to pleasure, and so forth, until you find yourselves in a habit of simply seeking each other out for the sake of the love growing between you. Even if it doesn’t last long, even if it’ll only be a few months or a few years before he’s too weak to continue, you’ll still have the comfort of knowing what you had was real.
Oh, you know, just breaking my own heart one writing session at a time:’)
🏷️: @dontfeedthebigbadwolf @peterparkernotfound @httpsells @evasmlp @ayatotiddies @thatlittlered @seasonofthenerd @littlemisscantloveyouback @scorpiosaintt @simpingfor-wakasa @spencerswh0r3 @thatweirdtheaternerd12
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mirohlayo · 5 months
🍓❝ you know i love and care about you, right? ❞ with lando <3
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( maybe you're insecure, but that will never bother Lando, since it's a way to remind you how much he loves you. )
warning : insecurities, fluff
word count : 1.1k
You're not the type to be jealous or insecure. Especially not about your boyfriend. You trust him with all your heart, you can never blame him for anything because he is simply perfect. Adorable and perfect.
And yet, here you are in this situation. It had become usual for everyone now, to see Lando alongside beautiful models. Pretty women, with perfect and angelic faces, elegant posture and careful gestures. Even more so when he was partying.
You didn't see any problem with it. Since after all, Lando always made you feel like the most beautiful woman, Lando always reassured you that he only had eyes for you. And you know, you can't deny a fact that is true.
But seeing him constantly surrounded by these models was perhaps something that saddened you today. So, you locked yourself in your hotel room, while Lando continued to test the car on the track. He asked you about your health, if you were okay, but you just said you were tired.
Sometimes you would glance at Instagram, instantly regretting opening the app the second different posts of Lando alongside these girls popped up. You couldn't stand this.
It's probably toxic and unhealthy, but you can't help but feel insecure. After all, who wouldn't want a rich and handsome Formula 1 driver? Especially when that meme man is a lovable personality.
The day passed slowly. You heard the distant sound of the Formula 1 engines, thinking of Lando who was driving one of them. You regretted the moment he returned to the hotel. You didn't want to appear so weak and insecure in front of him, knowing that this isn't the first time you've talked about it.
But yet, despite your complexes, despite the fact that you felt apart, Lando was always there to comfort you about your relationship.
“Hello, sweetheart.” The day is over, since you yourself are surprised to see Lando standing in front of you. You try as best you can to come back to reality, giving your lover a weak smile. “Ooh my baby, I missed you so much”. His body collapses onto yours, as he nestles his head in the crook of your neck.
You delicately stroke his curly hair, while he snuggles a little closer to you. “I missed you too, Lan.” “Of course you missed me, you stayed at the hotel all day.” A silence settles in, you didn't really know what to answer. You didn't want to tell him about your insecurities.
"Sorry. I don't like leaving you alone on the track." He lifts his head slightly, just enough for his eyes to meet yours. "Don't apologize, baby. You needed some rest." His lips press against yours, gently, delicately.
You already feel better, just from this simple kiss. It's unfair the way he manages to console you, to comfort you just by his simple presence. "I've been thinking about you all day. Even when I was in the car." His voice is muffled since his face is still hidden in the crook of your neck.
Still, it makes you smile. “You can’t do without me Lando.” You giggle slowly, while you feel a smile appear on his face. "Absolutely, I'm obsessed with you. Maybe a little too much... Fuck, I love you so much princess." A soft laugh escapes his throat as his arms wrap a little tighter around you.
But these words are enough to make you cry. Of joy, of sadness? You don't really know, but on the other hand you know that Lando's sincerity is the source of your tears. Because even without being aware of your insecurities, he manages to make them go away. To chase them away.
He always knew how to make you feel special and unique, make you feel his. Through his words and actions, he always showed only love and tenderness towards you. And even without talking about your problems, he manages to solve them with a snap of his fingers, thanks to his way of showing his affection.
Your wet tears fall on his hair, running down his neck. He senses that something is wrong, and suddenly raises his head to look at you. His face falls as he searches your face and your gaze for an answer.
"Oh my baby. Why are you crying?" He sweeps the tears from your cheeks with his thumb, cupping your face in the process. You take a deep breath, trying to calm your sobs. His lips place soft, long kisses on your face, while he gives you time to find your words.
“Take your time, princess. I’m here with you, I won’t leave.” You smile weakly at him as your tears fall once again. "I know it's childish, Lan but-" "Hey, don't ever say that again. Your problems aren't childish, you have the right to feel how you feel." He cuts you off, an expression of displeasure displayed on his face.
You nod slowly, sniffling otherwise. "I'm just... it annoys me a little to see you surrounded by pretty girls and models. I know we've talked about this before and it's something I need to work on with myself... “He encourages you to continue, gently caressing your cheeks.
"But I still feel a little insecure about it. I know you love me and I trust you, but sometimes it makes me insecure. I'm just afraid you'll find someone better than me." Lando's lips seem to curl down, to the point where his face resembles that of a puppy.
“Oh my baby girl.” He doesn't wait a second before kissing you languorously, his hands anchored on your cheeks, caressing them ever so gently. He pulls back, a soothing smile plastered on his lips. "How could I find anyone better than you? You are the very definition of the girl of my dreams."
You can't help but roll your eyes as a smile takes over. Which makes Lando smile more. “I only have you in my thoughts, my dreams and my heart. Only you my girl”. He kisses you lightly again, not being able to stop himself from smiling.
His eyes admire you as if you were the most beautiful thing on earth. Which is totally the case for him. “You know I love and care about you, right?” He leans down again to kiss the tip of your nose, as you nod eagerly. “I love you so much, Lan. I’m so in love with you.” You can only say these words in a low whisper.
His eyes crinkle into another smile, a most affectionate smile. “Then let me show you how much I am in love with you too, pretty girl”. And without further ado, he doesn't hesitate to cover your entire face with thousands and thousands of kisses.
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yenqa · 2 months
OH! MY MISTAKE | where you can’t for the life of you, remember to call kozume by his first name.
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♫ — currently playing... april
warnings – an ankle injury (briefly went over), lmk if theres more!
pairing – kenma x gn!reader
wordcount – 1094
a/n – hi guys !! hope u enjoyy lmk if u do! also this is mot proofread so sorry if its wordy or theres any typos!
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kenma isn’t the kind to make many mistakes.
there are times where he’s bound to make mistakes, like when he’s out of breath and messes up his sets a little, or when he’s been playing a game for too long and too many people are talking and the pixels are moving too fast for his brain.
those are the times where he can make the excuse if that he’s too tired. but even then, he still realizes his mistake.
when you first meet him he can tell you’re the shy type. he’s not stupid after all.
he can see you fidget with anything you can latch you hands on as you're introducing yourself to the team individually.
coach nekomata has that same happy smile that he always displays. he can see you constantly look back at him for reassurance.
when you finally approach him he skips to the most important part. he doesn’t care for the formalities, and he is sure you don't care about the wellbeing of every single person on the team.
“you can just call me by my first name, kenma.”
you were taken aback by his abruptness, you hadn’t even had the opportunity to bow before he introduced himself. his face remained a monotone look, it didn’t seem like he cared for you at all.
“oh—okay! what’s your last name, if you don’t mind me asking?”
he is simply oblivious to you, so he says, “it’s kozume, but i don’t like when people call me it. so kenma is fine with me.”
“it’s nice to meet you, kenma-san. it’s an honor to be the manager this year!” you salute to him, he can sense that every bone of your body is tense, and you’re too nervous for your own good.
“it’s nice meeting you,” he pauses, then adds,”don’t take this position too seriously, you’re new, it’s okay to make mistakes and not know things.”
he figures you’re the type to need reassurance on matters like that, he almost adds that you can come to him for help, but it might’ve come off in a different way. which was the opposite of what he wanted.
a warm smile blesses your face as you nod vigorously, barely getting out a “thank you!” before he walks away.
a small smile adorns his face when he turns around while he’s so blissfully unaware of his fatal mistake.
it’s at the next practice when he first notices it.
he’s out of the locker room first as usual. sliding down the wall, he sits down a foot away from you. you’re focused on something that he isn’t sure what.
you shift in your position, quickly casting a look at him before whipping your head back.
he sees you scribbling hard on the paper, then erasing it even harder. it’s when you let out a sigh when he decides to step in.
“are you okay, y/n? do you need help with anything?”
he usually wouldn’t help anyone else, but you’re next to him already, he tells himself.
“oh! hi kozume-san! no i’m okay—just finishing this sudoku puzzle my friend gave me!”
“i told you to call me kenma, i don’t like formalities like that.”
you can feel your cheeks heating up, as you awkwared cover them with your hand you exclaim, “i’m so sorry kozu-kenma! i’ll call you that from now on!”
“it’s okay y/n. just don’t forget next time, okay?”
you agree immediately, and it works for the next couple of hours. until he makes another mistake.
he’s on the floor before he knows it, he can hear the ball slam on the floor, but he can’t ignore the throbbing pain shooting through his body.
his ankle seems to look fine, but he knows he landed wrong after jumping for the ball. he takes his ankle and massages it, it doesn’t do much but he continues to do it anyways.
he can hear a group of footsteps run to him, but his vision seems to be tunneled.
throughout the many voices he can hear yours, loud and clear. “kozume! are you okay?”
he looks up at you, “kenma.”
the team all looks at him in confusion, a few mutters of people calling him delirious.
but you, you immediately get it, your cheeks turn a slight pink shade as you offer him a helping hand.
“sorry kenma! i’ll take you to the nurse now.” he gladly takes your hand. wanting to feel the softness of it forever, but you let go once he’s up.
everyone watches as he wraps his arm around your shoulder and limps to the door, once you’re at it you look back and yell. “me and kozume-san will be back soon! so keep practicing everyone!”
it’s been four months, but still you can’t seem to get over your habit.
many things have changed over the past few months, one being that you and kenma have been dating for two of those months.
though that habit seemed to stick with you even as time went on.
“kozume!” you exclaim, wrapping your arms around him.
a small chuckle escapes his lips, he wraps his arms around you. “you’re still forgetting to call me kenma, y/n.”
“old habits die hard,” you giggle, “oh! also—you’re late for practice! tetsurou was spamming your phone with calls, did you forget?”
over time, you’ve grown much more comfortable with him, as he had with you. even though at the time his ankle seemed to be the worse thing that ever happened to him, it also happened to be the catalyst of your relationship.
he’s grateful for landing wrong fore without that small flap of a butterflies wing, he wouldn’t have memorized the shape of your lips, or the sound of your laugh, or the small moles adorning your face.
you let out a breathy laugh, “yeah he told me to call him by his first name! you don’t mind, do you?”
“you remembered to say his first name but not mine?”
“kodzu-ken i mean. i think kozume is cute! it rolls off the tongue better. i’m sorry!” you raise your hands in defeat, but he’s already walking ahead of you to practice.
you chase after him, “kodzu—kenma wait!”
planting a kiss on his cheek, you take his hand, skipping happily to practice dragging him behind.
“kozume skip with me!”
“i’m not doing that.”
kenma hates the formality of when someone calls him kozume instead of kenma, but with the way his name sounds when you say it, he can’t find it in himself to mind.
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yenqa © do not copy, steal or translate.
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starvity · 10 months
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— ☆ zb1 reacting to you crying after an argument
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: angst turning into fluff // warnings: arguments and crying obviously, shouting
author’s note: thank you for requesting anonie <3 (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
ੈ✩‧₊˚ jiwoong
after an argument, you two would need your time by yourselves before approaching the problem. jiwoong withdraws in the kitchen, calming himself down and gathering his thoughts before heading to your shared room. before opening the door he hears a faint sound of your sobs and he sighs to himself. he enters the bedroom and notices you sitting on the edge of the bed, back turned to him. jiwoong approches you quietly, wraps his arms around your torso and strokes your shoulders. with reassuring words and apologies, he calms you down in order to have a serious talk together.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ zhang hao
zhang hao is petty and would always want to have the last word. you guys would speak relatively loud (because hao is originally loud) but not to the point of yelling at you. every time you would try to finish the argument because the bickering was getting long and tiring, he would always bring something up and add fuel to the fire. you were trying to avoid arguing some more and declares that you were heading to the room to rest. hao apparently didn’t want to finish this later and he grabs your arm to make you turn around, while shouting your name rather loudly. you can’t help the tears rolling down your cheeks as you look at him. his eyes soften as he takes you in his arms, constantly cursing himself for making you cry. will pamper you for the rest of the night as an apology.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hanbin
100% the type to cry with you. hanbin is an empath and the argument most definitely occured just because you were mad or sad at something so he became sad too and since you were both sensitive now, the smallest disagreement caused conflict. would want to treat the problem immediately. when he realises that you will start yelling and rambling very soon, he suggests for you two to calm down and settle on the couch to talk. the open heart conversation made you cry and hanbin followed soon after, both overly apologising for hurting each other. throughout the conversation you notice how softly he looks at you and how attentive he is to your body language. "tell me the truth" he says when he notices your eyes avoiding his and "it’s okay, i’m here" when he feels your fingers anxiously play with his. you definitely take a power nap together after, exhausted from all the tears.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ matthew
you hear the door opening followed by a loud thud as a bag drops to the floor; matthew is back from the gym. he had stayed there for a relatively long time today, probably to relieve stress after you two had an argument this morning. you had assured him through texts that you were fine but your puffy nose and red cheeks can't hide the fact that you had been crying the entire afternoon. after you hid your tissues under your pillow, you watch him as he slightly opens the door. matthew immediately notices your sad face and whines, rushing to your side. he laughs nervously, engulfing you in a hug and leaving pecks all over your face. "you shouldn't lie to me", he apologizes over and over again as he tickles you to try to set a happier mood.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ taerae
it was never taerae's intention to raise his voice at you but he sometimes can't control how loud it is. you had been listening to him as he sits in front of the bedroom door that you had closed. apologizing, blaming himself, he had tried everything to get you to open the door for him and despite how much you want to hug him, you don't want him to see you in this state. he hears your sobs and he once again gets mad at himself. suddenly, taerae rests his back against the door and starts singing. you take a moment to calm down with his soft voice and finally open the door. he immediately wraps his arms around your waist, his face diving into the crook of your neck. the night is filled with sorry’s and i love you’s as he lulls you to sleep.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ricky
ricky spots you quietly crying on the couch after you had a small argument in his room an hour ago and he is unsure of how to treat the problem and how to comfort you. he grabs a glass of water from the kitchen and, without a word, hands it to you. while you quietly take a sip, he grabs a tissue from the coffee table, wiping your tears with a soft smile on his face. you pucker your lips, both as a sign of "i acknowledge this as an apology" and as a "i’m not mad at you anymore" and he giddily places a peck on your lips, then your nose and eventually all over your face. "i’m sorry" you two mutter at the exact same time and the coincidence makes you burst out loud, already forgetting about what you were mad about in the first place.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gyuvin
it was hard to hide your tears from gyuvin who has been stuck to your side as soon as the argument toned down a bit. you had probably never seen him this quiet and it makes you think about how hurt he must’ve been. it was your first big fight with gyuvin and you’re still scared about how you’re supposed to solve it. you’re sitting on his lap, hugging, as you both stroke each other’s back. you pull back to look at him and notice his big round and sparkly eyes. he swipes his finger under your eye before the tear can roll down your cheek and you cradle his face in return, placing a small kiss on his forehead.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gunwook
soft touches!! gunwook tries his best to understand and listen to you and he always makes an effort to be a good boyfriend overall. you couldn't help your sobs, feeling a bit embarrassed about how you were soaking his hoodie while crying on his shoulder. when you're done crying and ready to apologise for crying too hard because you were just being too emotional, he stops you. "it's okay to cry, you're all good" gunwook says softly, placing your head back on his shoulder as he glides his fingers through your hair. you end up talking all night about each other's concerns and feelings which definitely reinforced your relationship.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yujin
honestly speaking, he might avoid you at first. teasing and bickering would be a common thing in you and yujin's relationship because you're still young and a bit childish sometimes. however, it was the first time such an intense fight happened. you could both hear each other's sobs as you awkwardly sit on the couch but you were purposely ignoring each other. out of spite? maybe. but out of fear? surely. when the room gets quieter, yujin finally speaks "why are you mad?" he asks bluntly. you glare at him, tears already building up again before he blurts out a "sorry." you pat his head, realising that he is just trying his best to apologise. give him some time and do not take his sometimes clumsy and honest comments to heart, he is still learning :)
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lichenes · 4 months
on my hands and knees begging for domestic fluff w joost. cooking together, doing livestreams, playing video games, ANYTHING plz <3
My friend read the ask and suggested the whole plot so it came out like a crack fic near the end but oh well, the sillies :D Hope you like it anon and thank you for the ask!!
CW: cursing, broken washing machines??? wc: 689
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He walked through the door inhaling the familiar scent of your shared home. “You’re home!” You said with excitement, thrilled to see Joost. He talked to you about the latest concert, his eyes sparkling with joy when he described a huge group of people shouting the lyrics to his song alongside him. 
You were happy to finally have him back home as this was the last concert of the tour. He expressed how grateful he was for your support and couldn’t quite stop apologising for - as he called it - abandoning you for so long. You reassured him constantly hoping he would one day realise what made him happy, made you happy.
You both were too tired to do anything more than discuss things on the surface level. “You know I wouldn’t give you up for anything in the world.” He said as you both were laying in your shared bed. You nodded, constantly surprised by the level of affection he sported while extremely tired. 
You woke up well rested, finally not worrying if he was okay, he was next to you after all. “I’m doing laundry, do you need anything washed?” You said no and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for you two. When he was done with the load he got into the kitchen and hugged you from behind inhaling your scent. 
“Missed you.” He mumbled into your neck tickling you with his breath. “Missed you too.” You were standing over the stove with a wooden spoon stirring the scrambled eggs. Joost thought proved to be a severe distraction. “I need to focus on the task at hand, Joost.” He let his gorgeous laugh out. “I knoww~ but I didn’t have much time to spend with you and I need you now.” Your face got warmer at those words. “You’ve got me all to yourself lovely.” You said this time making his fair skin turn a shade of red. 
He stopped hugging you and opted instead to set the table. It was quite small but enough for both of you to dine. He made sure to give you your favourite glass. You served the food up. He commented on how tasty it was despite it being only eggs and salt. “It’s hard to fuck up scrambled eggs.” You said with a slight jest in your voice. He laughed and continued. “But it’s not impossible!” 
You went into the living room of your apartment after he was done with washing the dishes and you were done drying them. Your day was spent laying in bed and watching some stupid series full of cheesy jokes which were just cringey enough to make both your stomachs hurt from the laughter. At some point you stood up and went into the bathroom.
Your socks were met with a wet floor which you didn’t expect. Suddenly you realised what was going on. “Joost!” You shouted, calling him over. “What’s up?” He walked right into the puddle. “The washing machine malfunctioned… grab some cloths.” He nodded and walked up to the closet and pulled out some, handing it to you with a smile on his face to cheer you up before the work you both were going to do soon. 
Unfortunately you didn’t catch the malfunction in time which meant the floor panels lifted due to the moisture they absorbed. Renovations were long overdue and you were planning on changing up the floors anyway you told yourself when you saw the panels literally de-gluing themselves from the floor. 
You decided on a herringbone style of floors this time opting to lay them yourselves, after all how hard could it be? You bought raw planks and let Joost lay his heart out. You loved seeing him work all stuck in his own world. He weatherproofed the planks after cutting them up into size appropriate pieces and made your home look brand new with the shining new floors. 
“You did a great job baby.” You said when he came over excited to show you his work. “We should monitor our washing machine better next time though, we wouldn’t want to ruin these gorgeous floors.” 
•───────•°•❀•°•───────••────────•°•❀•°•────────• masterlist
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mykmi · 2 months
txt as your boyfriends (sfw)
pairing: txt x gn!reader genre: fluff, headcanons warnings: none ig? tell me if there's anything btw!! a/n: i hope it was worth the waiting :(( i have writer's block constantly so i try very hard to not make y'all wait for too long, sooo enjoy!!!
| choi yeonjun |
likes to show up together at every event or party
he just likes the idea that you both belong with each other, he's so proud he has someone like you so why not show you off a little bit? and if course he likes it vice versa ;))
loves to take care of you, especially when you're tired or sick
tries cooking for you but the kitchen is a total mess... he's not necessarily neat so cleaning is mostly on you.... he's just too clumsy for it
very affectionate and communicative about his feelings
he's very emotionally available and every time there's a problem he's ready to talk it out and solve it together, so you almost never argue
probably confessed first
no but like i really do believe he's someone who would make the first move, who would take you out on fancy restaurants dates and shopping dates, who would confess his feelings first and just would do most of the work lol
needs a lot of reassurance about his work and appearance
he's sometimes insecure and too harsh on himself, as he's a very hardworking perfectionist, so he needs support and some nice words from time to time just to feel better
| choi soobin |
professional yapper
yaps to you all the fucking time. when members are tired of his yapping, they just send him off to you. “take it, it's yours” they say, pushing him into the room to you and closing the door. and what else can you do besides just listen to all of that?
dates by him are usually calm
every time he plans a date, it's usually something that wouldn't take a lot of energy, so you'd spend more time talking
very genuine with you
he just lets his guard down whenever he's around you, and it means he's relaxed the most with you. he's childish, giggly, and honest
lets you take the lead
y'all i believe he'd rarely make the first move, and it keeps on going. he can take the lead, but he'd rather not, especially in something like going out or talking to the waiters
nerdy af
spends 90% of his free time playing video games, showing off his skills to you and teaching you how to play (it's a bonus if you're a gamer like him); he likes a gf who is interested in learning ab his hobbies ^^
| choi beomgyu |
encourages you to step out of your comfort zone
he is the kind of person who will help you and try something new with you, even if it's stressful or scary for both of y'all. he will encourage the hell out of you so there's nothing left to do than to try
words are his weapon
no matter if it's about the volume of his words or the value, but both ways, they're very significant ;)
very attentive
buys you the best gifts, prepares the best dates, and remembers everything about you; he thinks it's important to show how much you matter to him
needs some private time
he's an introvert and no matter how loud he is, he's sometimes tired of being in a company. gyu needs to be alone pretty often, but he will make this up to you when he recharges
the best listener
he loves listening to you and doesn't really care what specifically you're talking ab.. sometimes he spaces out, but most of the time he listens :)))
| kang taehyun |
acts of service is his love language
he doesn't really say 'i love you', but he shows his love through small and not-so-small actions. he plans dates for anniversaries, gifts you flowers every now and then, and is a gentleman ^^
shares his knowledge with you
it's not a secret that he's very smart, and he loves sharing his knowledge with you; he only does this, when you ask ab something tho
impresses you all the time
no matter if it's his magic tricks, his physical appeareance or his knowledge and if he does this on purpose or not, but he does constantly impress you
plans his future with you
he shows how serious relationships are to him and includes you in his future, your future house, your future pet, and possible future family :)))
is never boring
he loves adventures and excitement, and he bring those into your relationship too. you'll go on spontaneous trips, some exotic places or concerts just to have fun
| huening kai |
sharing is caring
shares his things with you, whether it be hoodies, plushies, or food, he shares and sometimes doesn't even notice this
quiet and embarrassed 90% of the time
he doesn't like talking ab himself, so he listens to you. he's not so self-confident, so he gets embarrassed a lot. he'd be thankful for lots of reassurance, or else he might doubt himself :((
loves physical affection
it's easy for him to show how much he loves someone by touching them. he loves hugging, holding hands, kissing you, caressing your tummy, and anything related to physical affection
babies you a lot
loves treating you with special care and treatment, doing everything for you (including chores), and taking care of you all the time
the most supportive
is interested in everything you do, attends any events that are important to you and always praises you for your good work ^^
✉ thank you for reading ✉
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querenciasturniolo · 10 months
headcannons ⮕ m.s
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a/n: 75% boyfriend headcannons, 25% plus sized reader headcannons, but i definitely did my best !! @rainsoakedphoenix , i hope you enjoy, love 🫶🏻💓
❥ matt in the talking stage is very quick to reply, and always has something to add to the conversation. he’s flirty, but subtle about it, not wanting you to think he’s moving too fast, or give you the wrong impression.
❥ this dude is an absolute open BOOK. any question you ask him, he answers openly and honestly.
❥ he hates small talk, absolutely despises it. would rather talk about incredibly deep, philosophical things instead of a simple “how are you ?”
❥ would ask you “what are we ?” instead of just asking you out, idk man, dude’s complicated.
❥ he would not give a fuck about you being plus sized, not a single one. he likes you bc you’re a good person, and nothing else matters to him in the slightest than that.
❥ “get out of here, you’re perfect just how you are.”
❥ hands on your hips and waist when you’re out in public. i wouldn’t say he’s a fan of pda, but he isn’t one to not have a hold of you somewhere.
❥ in a more private setting ? dude is cuddly and needy as HELL. constantly holding you, whether it’s just your hand, his arm around your shoulder, standing behind you with his hands on your hips, shoulders, waist, you name it.
❥ on days where you’re insecure, he’s quick to snap you out of it. he can tell whether you need reassurance or a distraction without you even having to explain.
❥ HUGE on reading body language and tone of voice, can tell immediately if something is wrong just by the way you’re breathing.
❥ pet names for days. “baby”, “babe”, “love”, “beautiful”, “bunny” (fight me, i dare you), dude will throw in “toots” in an awful boston accent, just to make you laugh and see you roll your eyes
❥ whiny, whiny, W H I N Y. constantly asking for cuddles, kisses, hugs, scratches, everything.
❥ huge words of affirmation guy, never gets tired of hearing that you love him or your thanks for him doing something for you. essentially, he’s a giant puppy dog.
❥ always has his hand on your thigh when he’s driving oh my GOD
❥ instead of physical gifts for anniversaries, he’d give you love letters (i’m sobbing)
❥ dude is not afraid to post you anywhere, absolutely ADORES showing you off, even if it’s just of you sleeping in his lap, or an underview of you watching the tv and playing with his hair
❥ “what ? i can’t show off what’s mine ?” (kill me)
❥ supportive of you in every single aspect, not once has he ever looked at you and made you feel like you couldn’t do what you wanted
❥ lowkey possessive, but not in a toxic way ! just wants you all to himself, and gets whiny when you have to go or you have other plans and can’t come over. it’s mostly a joke, and he’d never ever do it if it actually upset you, he just truly does want you around all of the time.
❥ HUGE on setting boundaries early in the relationship, wants to know your ‘hell yes’s and ‘hell no’s IMMEDIATELY
❥ says “i love you” first, no ifs, ands or buts.
❥ “i love you, ya know ?”
❥ is blushing the entire time he’s trying to get it out, but relaxes when he sees your grin
❥ refuses to “argue”, dude only has constructive conversations where the two of you find a solution
❥ “it’s us against the problem, babe. not us against each other. what’s going on ?”
❥ three quick pecks every time one of you asks for a kiss, sometimes more, but never less, and he will absolutely pout if you ever short him.
❥ “what was that ? give me a real kiss.”
❥ some nights when his energy is low, and his social battery is almost completely gone, he’ll just lay with you with his head on your chest and listen to your heartbeat.
❥ he’s a little snippy on bad days, but he always catches himself.
❥ “i’m sorry, love. i shouldn’t have reacted like that.”
❥ B A N T E R, he’s a shit, for sure
❥ “oh yeah ? wanna say that to my face ?” (think lori and noah from tiktok)
❥ on days where your body image is bad, he stops what he’s doing and takes the time to just hold you, and reassure you that your body is beautiful.
❥ “look at me, hey. i love you, every single part of you.”
❥ star gazing dates, midnight drives to nowhere, movie nights in the living room, nights where the two of you just stare at the ceiling and enjoy each other’s company.
❥ “penny for your thoughts ?” “what are you thinkin’ about over there ?” “what’s on your mind, beautiful ?”
❥ never shies away from mentioning you on the podcast/in videos.
❥ “oh my god, my girlfriend loves that.” “holy shit, me and y/n were just talking about this !”
tags: @strniolo , @ssturniolo , @thetriplets3 , @stvrni0lo , @gabbylovesreading , @dwntwn-strnlo , @tylerscreat0r , @toyourloves , @lvrsparadise , @angelcake-222 , @20nugs , @obsessivencrazy , @lollibumblebee , @stargirlv0id , @jellybeanbby , @idontexistman , @emssturniolo
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faeriichaii · 9 months
hiii. if it’s not a problem, could I request a Legolas x human reader where the reader catches the flu but Legolas thinks she is about to die or something like that because of how fragile human life is? everything very flufff 🙏 have a good dayy💗💗
Immunity ~ Legolas x fem!human!reader
A/N: Heyyy!! Of course it's no problem :) I love the plot I can picture it so well omg!! I hope you have a nice day as well and enjoy the story <33
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: Fluff ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 1.1k ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (Thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Meleth Nin ~ My Love ࿐ྂ
Summary: Being sick is not fun, especially when you see Legolas' panicked gaze at your condition, which seems to get worse as the days pass by.
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As you woke up on the cold hard floor in the morning, you could already tell that you were getting a little sick. The weather on your journey seemed to be not playing in your favour, cold wind was constantly blowing, which was sometimes accompanied by rain or snow. You knew it was bound to happen at some point. Letting out a little cough you wrap up your small sleeping bag, next to Legolas’ and get on your way with the rest of the company. Walking beside the elven prince, you gave him a soft smile. “Good morning Meleth Nin. Did you sleep well?” His hand grasped yours gently, as he looked down at you, reciprocating your smile with one of his own.
“Yeah, I did, it just was a bit cold during the night.” One of his eyebrows raised up as he listened to your slightly deeper voice. “Are you alright?” You just gave him a nod, squeezing his hand to reassure him. “I’m alright love, don’t worry your pretty little head.” A chuckle left his lips, as he leaned towards you and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. Giggling softly, you leaned your head on his shoulder. “Next time you are cold you can join me in my sleeping bag.” Legolas whispered sultry into your ear, while giving you a wink. A gasp escaped your lips, followed by a cough as you gently shoved him away by his shoulder.
He laughed at your reaction, throwing his arm around your waist to pull you closer once more. “I don’t know what you had in mind, but I just thought about a little bit of cuddling, that’s all.” Your eyes stared back into his. How can anybody look so breathtaking? He tried to lean in to give you a kiss on the lips and you really really wanted that as well, however knowing that you’re sick, you turned your face back to the path, resulting him giving you another peck on the cheek. Scrunching his eyebrows at you, the elven prince gave you a confused look, before you let out another cough.
“Meleth Nin, are you sure you are alright? Did I do something?” “No, of course not but I just remembered that Gimli gave us a stink eye yesterday. He wouldn’t even stop staring and at some point, started grumbling.” You partly lied, trying to hide the cough that was stuck in your throat. Gimli did in fact complain about your ‘constant smooching around’, however you knew that this wasn’t the real reason why you couldn’t kiss him. You just didn’t want him to catch a cold. A few coughs escaped your lips as you grabbed your water bottle to calm your aching throat down a bit. The cold liquid trickled down your throat, helping just a tiny bit. A hot beverage would definitely be the better choice, but that also calls for luxury that you currently can’t come by.
After the long walk of the day, you all set up camp. The fire was brightly lit, as you sat between Aragorn and Legolas. You held your half-eaten bread towards your lover. “Are you already full? You only ate half of the bread. You need to eat more.” You just smiled at him softly and brushed it off with a ‘Don’t worry, I ate a lot during the day.’, knowing you just can’t stomach more because of the flu that really started to catch up now. His gaze glimmered with worry. “Now if you will excuse me, I will go to bed early. I’m so tired because of the long walk today.” You gave Legolas a quick peck before you stood up from your place on the log and made yourself comfortable on your sleeping bag. The elven princes gaze never leaving your figure, even after you fell asleep.
“Aragorn, do you think (Y/N) is alright?” The man beside him turned his gaze from the fire towards your sleeping figure. “What do you mean? She seems normal to me.” Legolas’ gaze drops towards the fire. “Maybe you worry a little too much.” Aragorn says, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, before excusing himself to prepare his weapons for the upcoming day.
The next day you wake up you can already feel the goosebumps on your skin. You felt incredibly cold and hot at the same time. A groan left your lips as you tried to stand up. The world seemed to be spinning around itself as you fell back down with a huff. Legolas eyes widen as he stopped packing his things and approached your side quickly. Worry gleamed in his eyes, as he held you in his arms. He put a hand on your cheek, feeling your very hot face. “(Y/N) what is going on! Where are you hurt?” His gaze roamed your body for any kind of wound that could have been infected that led you to an almost dying stage. “Legolas I’m fine I just-“ A few coughs interrupted you as you grasped his forearm for stability to properly sit up once again. “Aragorn, (Y/N) is dying!” He shouted from the ground where the both of you sat.
Aragorn quickly approached the two of you as he inspected you for any kind of injury as well. “No, I’m not dying I just got sick, that’s all.” Another cough escaped your lips as you grabbed your water bottle beside you. A dumbfounded look spread across Legolas’ face, as he watched you drink. Chuckling a bit, Aragorn stood back up from the ground. “All she needs are some herbs from the woods and drink some tea. Do you think you can travel for a bit (Y/N)?” He asked you, concern slightly visible on his face. “Yes, I just shouldn’t have gotten up that quickly.” You smiled at him before standing up with Legolas, who still didn’t let go of you.
Turning in his arms you wrap your own around his neck. “See I’m alright Meleth Nin. I just need some tea.” He suddenly hugged you tightly. His hand stroked over your hair as he breathed in your smell, his face in your neck. A gentle kiss was placed on the exposed skin. After a little while he slowly let go of you. “I thought you were dying.” He confessed. His eyes burned with an intense fire, as he leaned down and pulled your face towards his, resulting in a kiss on the lips. Gasping softly, you tilted your head to the side. His thumbs stroking your cheeks lovingly, while you let your fingers flow through his hair. Heat spread to your cheeks as the both of you separated to catch some air. “Legolas don’t kiss me! You will catch a-“ He silences you with another kiss. “Meleth Nin don’t ever reject my kisses again while you’re sick.” “But-“ Another peck was placed on your lips. “I thought you knew I was immune to all kind of diseases.”
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