winsoongi · 2 years
Also I forgot about them until now but one of my OTHER favorite characters is one that Éinín and I lovingly refer to as hamilkin (whose actual tag is like TJefferson or something Idr). They’re a player who gets kicked out of the league because they wrote fanfiction about other players and also they joined the Washington state team thinking it was a Washington DC team and are permanently spiteful about it. They’re maybe the one character that’s retained their initial concept as a joke oc and they make me crack up every time I remember them
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Daveed being a cutie at SPF30
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sipsmillk · 7 years
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You make me happy when skies are grey
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lu-uciel · 6 years
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Some jamilton pride because I needed it (click for better quality)
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jeffmads-is-life · 6 years
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Fanart by albxnxx (me on Instagram) on amazing fanfiction called “Raison d'être” by nackledamia on AO3
Check it out !!
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May I have a matchup, please? Either Hamilton or Marvel? I'm female, about 5'6", and have a more thin, athletic build. Science is a passion of mine, but I am more successful in ELA. I spend my free time drawing, crocheting, knitting, sewing, writing, and rehearsing. I'm a dancer and I'm involved in a sport known as color guard (DCI/WGI). Next year, I plan on attending university for a degree in astrobiology. Thank you so much!
How about both?
Also sorry  if this was kind of a weird read; I wrote this pretty late at night.
I ship you with Bruce Banner (Marvel) and Thomas Jefferson (Hamilton)! 
Bruce Banner
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Not going to lie, as soon as you walked into his life and started spewing knowledge he started falling. He loves your interest in sciences and admires your skill in ELA as well as your ambition to get an astrobiology degree. He appreciates the fact that most of your hobbies are calm and often asks to keep you company while you work, especially when he’s getting particularly overwhelmed or overworked; it’s soothing for him to get lost in random conversation (probably about sciences) and watch your hands work as you draw or knit. He may or may not even try to participate once or twice (spoilers: he’s not that good
Thomas Jefferson 
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Thomas loves your thirst for knowledge and offers you full access to his library to feed your ambition; he also enjoys trading his knowledge of politics for yours of the sciences, and likes to bounce ideas around with you when he’s having trouble with work. He finds it mildly amusing that an seemingly active person like yourself (especially regarding your interest in color guard) prefers hobbies such as knitting and crocheting but he respects it nonetheless and if you were to, say, make him something it may or may not become of his favorite items. He greatly admires your artistic ability of drawing, writing and dancing; he tries to make it to every performance (it’s difficult with work sometimes but he makes it happen one way or another) and at home when relaxing with you often finds himself gazing at your work as you create it. 
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taxicabcd · 7 years
my sexuality: gay except for daveed diggs
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thederpycartoonist · 7 years
So, I told my parents about T.Jeffs bringing Mac n' Cheese to the US AND inventing the swivel chair...
Me: Yeah, while he was in France he became obsessed with Mac n' Cheese so the guy brought it to America.
Dad: Huh, interesting
Mom: So, when did the swivel chair come along? Did he invent it so he could easy turn around to eat his Macaroni and Cheese?
Me: *wheezes*
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hamartini · 7 years
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Has this been done before? Probably.
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sov25-blog · 7 years
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artgrunt · 7 years
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A High School Jamilton AU? Maybe. 
Also, how can one’s art style change so much?? 
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freespooks · 7 years
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Based on this post https://freedomtofrance.tumblr.com/post/163455996745/hamilton-youre-pretty-dumb-jefferson-thank
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lu-uciel · 6 years
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Thomas as the Black Panther
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jeffmads-is-life · 6 years
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Fanart by @albxnxx on the amazing superhero AU fanfiction "Long as I can Remember" by @nackledamia on AO3. Check it out her works are breathtaking !! Link to the fanfiction: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13342140/chapters/30544683
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I might be a little bit obsessed with a certain musical
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jumpingjackets · 7 years
My Wife Is A Mermaid, Of All Things (Thomas Jefferson x Mermaid!Reader)
trueblue80s said: Hi can I have an imagine where Thomas Jefferson and the reader are married and he finds out shes a mermaid! 
Word Count: 1740
A/N: this prompt is… so cute, i am in love. hope you like it! 
“I do.” You said, tears shamelessly falling down your cheeks with a bright smile.
“And do you, Thomas Jefferson,” the minister started, but was interrupted by an excited Jefferson almost bouncing in his place.
“Hell yeah, I do.”
The whole crowd laughed, including yourself and the poor minister. You wiped your tears with the back of your hand, waiting patiently for the next words.
“To commemorate this union, you may now exchange rings. The circle formed by each ring symbolizes your eternal love and commitment to one another. Let these rings remind you always of that love, and of the promises you have made here on this day.” The minister motioned a young and nervous Phillip Hamilton to come next to him. He was holding a small cushion where your rings were placed.
“Will each of you please repeat after me as you place the ring on your loved one’s hand?”
Both of you nodded enthusiastically, shooting a bright smile at a now happy Phillip who bounced back to his parents.
“I, Y/N, give you Thomas this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. With this ring, I thee wed.” You repeated, trying as hard as you can to keep your tears at bay as you slid the ring on Thomas’ finger.
“I, Thomas, give you Y/N this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment. With this ring, I thee wed.” He said smoothly, but his eyes definitely showed that he was nervous.
You both took a in a breath.
“By the power vested in me, by the Church and by the state of Virginia, I pronounce you, Y/N and Thomas as wife and husband, lawfully wedded before God. Thomas, you may now kiss the bride, forever sealing your union.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Thomas said. He pulled you close and crashed your lips together. Everyone in the crowd was practically roaring, but all you could focus on was Thomas’ smile against your lips. You had kissed many times before, but this one was different. This one had so much more meaning.
You pulled back, fixing the flower crown on top of your head with a loving smile. Thomas looked back at you, and you could see all the love this man held in just his eyes. It made every single sacrifice you made for him worth it.
A year later, you were high on life. Culture here, with Thomas, was much more different than underwater back home. Food was always so flavorful and people were always so hospitable. It took you no time to get accustomed to their society.
You didn’t even think much of who you were. You tried your best to repress that part of you, for Thomas’ sake, but it got harder by the second.
He didn’t ask much about your family, seeing as you never talk about them and they weren’t even in the wedding. He didn’t ask about how you don’t like swimming pools or beaches. He was always so patient with you, and it hurt to have to lie to him over and over again. You started missing the water, your other half.
And that’s why on one particularly cold night, you were standing near the beach in front of your beach house. Jefferson was fast asleep in the living room, which you could see from where you were standing. The waves were gentle and calm, crashing with the shore with a relaxing sound.
You stood there for what felt like hours. You knew it would be easy to switch back to your legs, but would you get too attached to it? Will you have to leave Thomas?
You didn’t want to think of that, of him, right now. All you wanted was to dive deep into the water and stay there, but he held you back. More specifically, your love for him did.
Before you could convince yourself against it, you started walking to the water. Your feet started sinking into the surprisingly warm ocean, and you sighed in content. You took off the shirt you were wearing, a white, sheer, lace top that Thomas had given to you as a gift, and now were left with a simple white bralette. You placed them in a rock close to the shore, and made sure to take off the necklace you were wearing. The beach was completely empty, considering it was 2 in the morning on a weekday, which gave you a lot more confidence in doing this.
You kept walking until you were waist deep, the soft waves rocking your body ever so slightly. You couldn’t hold in your smile as you dived head first into the water, swimming forwards as fast as you could.
The change was always painless and quick. By the time you swam up, you could see your orange and red scales shining underwater, reflecting the moonlight.
You let out a hearty laugh, overcome with excitement and emotion as you splashed around with your tail. You swam and swam until your heart was filled with happiness and your body was about to give out form exhaustion.
You decided to take a break in the rock where you had placed your shirt and necklace. You pulled yourself up with your hands and laid down, the end of your tail still in the water. You wore a soft smile as you looked up at the night’s sky, littered with stars.
You were starting to doze off into sleep when a loud gasp woke you up. You sat up straight and looked back at a wide eyed, open mouthed Thomas Jefferson. You looked down at your tail, still present and glowing under the moonlight. Damn you for being so reckless, you went and ruined everything.
You closed your eyes, took in a shaky breath, and looked back at Jefferson anxiously. You didn’t know what to say, how to explain yourself or pretty much speak, at this point. You wanted him to react, but he just stood there, motionless, staring from your tail back to you.
After what felt like a century, he walked closer to you. His hand ghosted over the beginning of your tail, almost scared to touch it.
“Go ahead, I don’t mind.” You assured him quietly, not completely sure if that was what he wanted to do.
He touched the end of your hips, where a few stray scales lay. He slid his hand lower, feeling every scale rise and fall with his touch. He still hasn’t said anything, but it must be a good sign that he hasn’t run away screaming.
“So, you’re…” He trailed off, his hand still feeling your tail.
“Yes.” You responded simply.
You thought you were imagining it at first, but Thomas’ lips curled up at the ends.
“This is… wow.” He said in total astonishment.
You hopped slightly to the side to make room for him, and patted the spot next to you. He hesitated at first, but sat down next to you.
“Are you mad?” You felt yourself asking, still terrified of what he might do.
“Are you kidding? This is so cool. My wife is a mermaid, of all things.” He said, smiling brightly. You didn’t even realize your entire body was tense until every muscle started to relax.
“Thank God.” You let out a breathy laugh.
“Though, could I ask you a few things? I’m still tryna wrap my head around it.” His southern accent peeked into his words.
“Anything, really.” You said, taking his hand in yours.
“Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“Well, it wasn’t exactly something easy to say. ‘Hey, Thomas. I made you breakfast. Also, I’m a mermaid’,” you said, which made him laugh.
“Okay, point taken.” He said, rubbing his chin. “Like, how does the tail thing work? Is it like in Little Mermaid where you had to sacrifice something to an evil villain?” He asked, rubbing his hands over your scales again.
You laughed, shaking your head. “I once saved an elderly lady from drowning. She asked me if there was anything I wanted in the world, and I told her that all I’ve ever wanted was to be able to walk among humans. She gave me this stone.” you reached next to you where the necklace laid. You opened the locket to reveal a small stone, similar to opal, and placed it on Thomas’ hand. “She said it would help me with what I wanted, as a gratitude for saving her life, just as long as I was wearing it and wasn’t getting wet.” You said, scanning Thomas’ face for any indication of how he was taking in the story.
He studied the stone curiously, then looked back at you with a soft smile.
“I’m literally speechless.” Thomas whispered.
“Finally, we should call Hamilton. He’ll be exceptionally pleased.” You said with a smirk. Thomas just laughed in response.
“I’m guessing Y/N isn’t your real name, huh?” he said after a moment of silence. You sighed.
“Um, no. My real name is Thalassa, after the primordial goddess of the sea. I go by Y/N because I wanted to leave my past behind me, not to mention that it’s a pretty uncommon name around these parts.” You said, resting your head on his shoulders with a light laugh. He kissed the top of your head, resting his own head over yours.
“Do you ever think about going back?” His voice got quieter, like he was afraid of the answer. You squeezed his hand reassuringly.
“I won’t deny that it has crossed my mind, but one look from you and any trace of thought on the matter seems to disappear.” You said, kissing the back of his hand and holding it to your chest. “I love you, and I love being Y/N Jefferson.”
He tried to hide the growing smile and red tint in his cheeks, but you saw it as clear as day. You laughed softly and kissed his cheek.
“I can assure you that I’m not leaving anytime soon.” You said, cupping his cheek, subtly making him look at you.
He smiled, and you both sat there for a while in comfortable silence.
“Weirdly enough, I love you even more now.” Thomas said suddenly, which made you bend over in laughter.
“I love you so much, Thomas. Thank you for not sending the Catholic Church to hunt me down.” You said, kissing his cheek once more.
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