#matchups CLOSED
shytastemakerthing · 4 days
Ooooo I think I’ve noticed this being being a thing across some other fics & HCs and stuff, but would you be willing to do headcanons for Vil with a yuu (where he somehow found out about their feelings) who wouldn’t confess to him about their feelings & tried to get over him because they were worried he’d brush them off as typical paparazzi/fan behavior because he’s so used to it?
Hello and thank you so much for your request! I am sorry that this took so long to get out, school and work have been rather crazy right now XD, I hope you enjoy!
Tw: None
A/N: Reader is stated to be Yuu
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It was safe to say that you were not the first person to ever have a crush on the Vil Schoenheit, but you were certainly one who was in his presence more than some of the others
It was only a matter of time before such feelings would develop, especially with how often you two crossed paths, and how often you found yourself in his dorm
But there was absolutely no way that you could tell him such a fact
After all.... who were you compared to him?
He was a world famous celebrity, top-class model, a highly skilled actor
You were just.....nobody
A magic-less nobody from another world who didn't even belong to this world, especially the one that he lived in
If you told him, the chances were high that he would simply see this as some joke, or the typical fan behavior that he is quite used too, and there was no way that you would ruin the friendship that the both of you had just because of how you felt
Perhaps that is why you started to put a distance between the both of you
Last minute cancellations of study plans, doing your skincare at Ramshackle, stops at his club becoming less and less frequent, the works. Anything that would work a gradual decline in your time around him
In hopes that these feelings would soon diminish, no matter how it hurt
Oh, but a follow you were to not think that Vil would certainly take notice
At first, he didn't think much of it. He knew that Crowley, the worthless and lazy headmaster that he was, kept you rather busy. Not to mention that gremlin cat of yours followed by your first-year friends
But then more suspicions arose... as if you were actually actively avoiding him
Now he really didn't know how to feel about that
It wasn't until several key points were stated by Rook (stalker), when Vil began to piece it all together
Especially noticing how empty his heart had been feeling, how lonely, he felt when you weren't at his side
Why wouldn't you have just come to him about such feelings? How could he turn you down? Did you think so little of yourself? Perhaps you did, and he would certainly need to correct that
Which is probably what led him to the steps of Ramshackle, actually compiling each and every ounce of strength that he had to actually dome to the rundown dorm to see you, standing straight and knocking on the door.... honestly hoping that he didn't sound as desperate as he felt
"You should never hide your feelings from me, Leibling. Especially if you do not know if they are reciprocated or not. Hm? Well, it would seem that this is my confession to you. Will you accept?"
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Have a wonderful day/night!
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diorgirl444 · 4 months
hiiii, i just stumbled upon your blog and i would LOVE a matchup (i tried doing them once on my page and i realised i suck at it lmao, so i admire that u can write them so nicely )
as for who - id love to be paired with someone from hp universe, any era<3
anywayyyy, im really bad at talking about myself but ill try my best
im an intj, my sun sign is aquarius, 5’6”, im a girl and i go by she/her, im bisexual but id rather be paired with a guy (if you choose a girl its fine as well)
i have blue eyes, short wavy/curly hair, currently dyed red, im pale as fuck (im literally allergic to the sun), curvy and i have lots of tattoos. my style is very inconsistent, i dress comfy but at the same time kinda goth-ish, alternative? i wear black 99% of the time, lots of silver jewellery, i have my nose pierced too:p i also wear glasses
i am very creative, i paint and draw most of the time. occasionally i write fanfics but then i have long breaks because i get burned out really easily. im lazy, which is not so good, but at the same time i mostly get things done. i am a huge animal lover, i have 2 cats and 3 dogs. im an introvert but when im with my closest friends my extravert side comes out. im a huge people pleaser, sometimes its not good for me but i cant help it. my love language is physical touch and acts of service.
i love art, art galleries, old cemeteries, greek mythology, the sky and sunflowers. i also adore the forest and just nature in general. im obsessed with pretty little shiny rocks.
i hate people who have a problem with minorities and are just nasty beings towards others and animals. i also hate spiders and insects of any kind, thats why i will never set my foot in australia.
oh and i also dont like kids. i dont have this “gift” or whatever. i dont know how to talk to them, how to act around them and how to play with them.
as for my aesthetic? i have no idea, but id go for dark academia/gothic vibes.
if you need to know anything else just dm me! xx and thank you in advance, have a lovely night/day! <33
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your perfect matchup is 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 💌
𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 <3
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𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝟐 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 <3
the first time james sees you he’s completely speechless. you’re chatting with marlene about something in class, absentmindedly playing with your hair and he’s just gulping like a fish. because where have you been all his life? truly the universe has been so cruel in keeping you from him!
but he’s suddenly shy. james has had plenty of luck with girls. he’s a flirt by nature. he knows all the right things to say, the ways to sweep them off their feet. that is before he saw you… he’s now well and truly tongue tied. he’s literally like lying in bed at night planning what he wants to say to you next time he sees you. spoiler alert he just gets scared and watches you from across the great hall like this 🧍
but finally he pulls himself together and approaches you the next time he sees you. you’re sat in the back of the library on a window seat reading through a book you found which explains how the greek gods were actually early forms of wizards and witches, very interesting stuff you know? you don’t even notice him lingering over you till he sort of awkwardly coughs and asks “would you recommend it? the - the book i mean would you recommend it?” he asks and he can feel heat creeping up his neck as you nod and smile up at him. “tell me about it!” he practically spits out in the next second. he’s so embarrassing i love him
you agree because he’s cute and everyone’s always talking about what a nice boy james potter is to you. of course you don’t know that they only do that you because they see the way james looks at you but hey what you don’t know can’t hurt you? so you move along on your seat and james shuffles in beside you. the first thing you notice is how he smells like cinnamon, oranges and something slightly earthy that is just so james. the next thing you notice is the way his knee and his shoulder press against yours on the small window seat. it’s warm and intimate and you feel flustered as you start to explain the greek myths to him. he watches you as you speak, watches the way your lashes brush your cheek, watches the way your lips move as you talk.
it’s nice to just be listened to for a change so this becomes your pattern. you see a side to james in these afternoon reading sessions that very few people are privy too. the normally loud and cocky potter is gentle and polite. happy to just sit and watch you devotedly. he makes it so natural too so you forget that you’re introverted, you tell him what your favourite things, things that make you angry, your hopes, your dreams everything. and in that time you start to fall for him. you can’t help it he’s so easy to love. you try to hide this new discovery but its hard to go from telling james everything to keeping such a huge secret from him and so he notices the absence. he doesn’t know what it is but he knows you’re keeping something and so he’s hurt if he’s honest.
so you avoid him. you can’t face the sad puppy look on his face it cuts you up and so you pretend you don’t see him waiting for you in the library, pretend you don’t hear the tapping on your door, or the notes stuffed in your pocket. because hopefully he’ll get bored move on and you’ll get over him. but james potter is determined and so enamoured by you that he’ll try one last time. and so he hides a book in your room. the book is his diary with the pages from all his time with you bookmarked. in it are lists of your favourite things, tiny sketches of you, details on how he feels about you and he ends it with “vicky darling i don’t know what i did but please know i’m eternally sorry. you’ve made a mess of me, i’d do anything to just see you again. don’t you know i love you? if you feel the same meet me at our window seat. if i don’t see you there i will accept that you truly don’t feel the same and i will leave you be. yours forever, james” you find yourself wiping tears as you read it realising how silly you’ve been.
and so with haste you race to the window seat in the library and when you see him there all anxious and shy your heart aches. “ you’ve made a mess of me too james” you say softly as you sit beside him and his face lights up. “can i make it better?” he asks huskily and you nod. his hands cup your face as he leans in and kisses you. he tastes like maple syrup, he smells like spices and he feels like home. it’s perfect and as he walks you back to your dorm with a promise of a date in hogsmede and a soft kiss to your forehead you feel giddy as you lay down under the covers that night because james potter loves you and you love him.
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 <3
golden retriever bf! + black cat gf! golden retriever bf! + black cat gf! golden retriever bf! + black cat gf! okay but seriously you two are the epitome of this trope. not because you’re mean but because james is so extroverted and you’re not so much i think it matches the two do you perfectly.
he makes you go watch his quidditch games. 😭 im sorry they’re probably so boring so like you sit with marlene and dorcas to try and make it more palatable but it is probably still so dull. if it makes it any better he does loads of fancy tricks on his broom so that you think he’s cool though it does come off a bit pathetic. don’t worry though because at the end he’ll ride his broom over to you and kiss you while standing on it.
your reading thing doesn’t stop it’s just that now when you read to him he’ll have his arm around your waist and his free hand will trace hearts on the small sliver of skin that peaks out there between your uniform skirt and shirt. he doesn’t actually disturb you though because he finds it so relaxing to hear your voice. if you want to stop him and kiss him though he’s not gonna complain.
he loves visiting cemeteries with you. you offhandedly mentioned once how you were gonna visit one, you didn’t invite him though because you were worried he’d think it was weird. but then he sort of shyly asks “can i come too?” and you laugh and nod. the two of you pack a picnic and spend the whole day exploring the graveyard with each other in quite intimacy. your hands constantly intertwined as you walk, pausing to pay your respect and the long-forgotten names of the people who laid there and occasionally saying hello to the few ghosts that lingered there. you came across one pair which were an old couple who said you reminded them of theirselves when they were your age which makes the tips of james’s ear turn red.
he brings you any nice rocks he finds. sirius gives him the weirdest look when the marauders are sneaking around at night and james bends down to pick a stone up that he thinks you’d like but james just grins and shrugs his shoulders saying “my girl likes them. what can you do?” the marauders smile at that. they’ve never seen james look so lovesick - it’s very sweet.
you two have matching necklaces. i don’t know why but i just feel this in my core. you found them at an antique shop and yours is a silver moon james is gold sun. because of it when the two of you are together everyone calls the pair of you “solar eclipse” 😭 even did it once when she was telling your friend group off. she was like “where’s solar eclipse?” sirius absolutely pissed himself laughing about that.
james gets rid of spiders for you but not before teasing you a bit. that’s just the kinda of guy he is i’m sorry. he’ll get them gone though for you don’t you worry but only if you promise to kiss him as a thank you after.
he writes you love letters weekly. you smile on mondays when his owl flies and drops a cream coloured envelope down on your desk written in james’s scrawling hand. in the letter he incloses what his favourite memories of you he has of the past week be that an outfit he thought was really pretty, a song he heard that made him think of you, or a leaf that he pressed from a forest walk that the two of you went on. he adores you so much it’s unbelievable.
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 <3
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hope you like it! xoxo, flo <3
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showstopper35 · 6 months
Hii! I noticed you were doing Hazbin Hotel matchups!
My preferred name is Jay, I'm 18 and I don't really mind what pronouns people use but I do prefer to mainly go by she/they pronouns. I'm omnisexual with a preference for women.
I absolutely love horror movies and listening to music, reading, playing video games, writing story ideas (that will never be continued), dark humour jokes, murder mystery films and true crime related media. On the other hand though I hate most birds, people who lie to me, when Christmas music gets played months before Christmas actually happens, being ignored and when people try to invade my personal - try to hug me etc - without asking to make sure it's okay with me.
My personality type if I remember is Intj, I see myself as an ambivert as I'm normally quite quiet around people I don't really know that well but I do become much more extrovert around people who I'm close friends with. I would say I say I have anger issues as well but it comes across as passive aggressive (idk if that makes sense). I love listening to gossip and talking about gossip. If I hear anyone mention a fandom that I hyperfixate on, I will rant about it! I also have broken humour and will laugh at the slightest thing despite it not actually being funny.
I'm about 5'6 with shoulder length blonde hair with layers and blue/grey eyes. I also wear glasses. I'm currently at college studying acting and Performance.
Some of my hobbies include dancing (ballet, street and modern), writing if I ever get a chance, singing, playing games such as pokemon, the sims, and animal crossing. Binge watching shows and reading murder mystery and horror books.
thank you so much for submitting!! I have decided to match you with…
Cherri Bomb!
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-You absolutely can bet you two have the most interesting gossip sessions. Angel joins in a lot and the amount of shit you guys talk is impressive. It’s really fun.
-Movie nights where you stay up super late so that you can watch an action movie for her and she watches a horror one with you. -Constantly steals your glasses even though she’s only got one eye.
-The amount of times she’s asked you to dance as a distraction so she can blow something up…
-Reads everything you write, and hypes you up if you don’t like what you made.
-She almost will never touch you, she’s not fond of physical touch herself. But on late nights you style each other’s hair and rest after a busy day.
-Constantly is offering to blow up anyone who might piss you off.
-Has equally broken humor and will watch the truly dumbest of memes with you
-Gladly listens to you rant about your interests, especially after a long day of fighting other demons. She think’s it’s cute and likes that you trust her enough to speak so enthusiastically. -Will attempt to play video games and make jokes that she’s your “gamer gf”, but she rage quits all the time.
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leorawright · 1 year
Mkay I'm gonna close matchups cause I'm gonna be super busy tomorrow and won't have enough time to answer any but thank you to everyone who sent one in! 🫶
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Matchups Are Now Closed!
Thank you to all who have requested matchups! I had a great time making them for you and I hope they brought a smile to your face. <3
To those who have requested, I am currently working on your matchups and they will be posted sometime between today or tomorrow!
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junosartsthetic · 2 years
Hello @shxftxng and thank you for choosing the JunoMatchupCalculator™!
Please hold while the JunoMatchupCalculator™ processes your perfect match.
Process Complete!
Your Perfect Match: Caesar Zeppeli
Honorary Mention(s) Include: Lisa Lisa; Foo Fighters
Fast Facts:
Everyone knows he’s a romantic. But when he finds the love of his life? It’s like Cupid himself played target practice. Caesar is showering you with flirtatious compliments, extravagant dates, beautiful arrangements of flowers—anything he can think of to show just how much you mean to him. 
Please talk to him about things you’re interested in. Even if he doesn’t find it interesting, he could listen to you talk for hours about your favorite things. Because all he wants is to see you with a smile on your face, eyes wandering around as you talk avidly about your passions. 
He’s not a great cook, but he’ll try his best to impress you in the kitchen. Sometimes it works. Sometimes you order take out because he used all the noodles to create a heart out of hamon. Like I said, he’s so in love and wants you to know it all the time. 
He thinks you’re adorable when you’re dozing off, and will snuggle up by your side and drape a blanket around the both of you to make sure you’re comfortable before falling asleep beside you.
Every morning he makes sure to grab you coffee from your favorite place and always asks the barista to make little hearts out of the cream. It’s usually gone by the time he gets home, leaving a faint white smudge of what the design once was, but you appreciate it anyway.
A Date Night Includes: cute around-the-town things, museums of all kinds, including art museums, sitting at the park and simply enjoying each others company, visiting the coast and watching the waves, staying in and making it a movie night.
You’re Known As ___ In Their Phone: The Best Girlfriend in the World. He’s a cheesy romantic. 
Let’s Hear a Word From Your Match: “Hey, beautiful. Hope you’re not too terribly lonely without me. Miss me already? I hope to see you soon!” 
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stinkylittleanon · 2 years
Hello! Here’s my matchup info
My requested fandom is Creepypasta
I’m a straight male so I prefer to be matched up with a female CP
Physical Appearance
I’m a 5’10’ Filipino adult. I have long hair that I usually tie in a ponytail along with some clear-framed glasses. Lots of people tend to notice that I have pretty long hair for a guy. My hair can look a little crazy and unkept sometimes, but that’s okay.
I’m not a very fancy dresser. Half of the time I’m just wearing a simple shirt and some shorts when it’s summer. Although when it’s winter, I usually wear a long-sleeved shirt, some socks to cover my feet, and soft pants to sleep in.
Personality Traits
When you first meet me, I tend to come off as reserved yet friendly. I am pretty sociable (depending on my mood) and know how to make someone feel comfortable around me by just talking to them. Although sometimes I can still be a bit awkward.
Going past my introverted shell, I can be a bit of a trickster when I’m comfortable. I usually like to make weird or dark jokes to elicit reactions out of others, mostly because I find it amusing on how shocked they get. People tend to find me a bit odd sometimes. I like to compare myself to a mad scientist sometimes.
How I’d want them to be in a relationship
To be honest, they don’t have to act specifically in any way. I’d just prefer if the partner be their authentic selves.
Am I an adult or a minor?
I am fresh into adult hood. Currently 18 years old.
Things I like
1: Creative Writing. (I have a whole collection of my projects on my Wattpad.)
2: Criminal Psychology. (Sometimes I watch interviews of Serial Killers on my computer and analyze their body language. I have decent amounts of knowledge on how to read a serial killer’s body language.)
Things I dislike
1: Bugs. (Pretty self-explanatory)
2: People who make judgements too quickly. (Also self-explanatory)
Things I find attractive
I find women with power attractive. Women who could easily kick my ass and not give two shits about what other people think. I believe it’s called Dark Feminine energy which is just so incredibly attractive to me.
Hello! Here’s my matchup info
My requested fandom is Creepypasta
I’m a straight male so I prefer to be matched up with a female CP
Physical Appearance
I’m a 5’10’ Filipino adult. I have long hair that I usually tie in a ponytail along with some clear-framed glasses. Lots of people tend to notice that I have pretty long hair for a guy. My hair can look a little crazy and unkept sometimes, but that’s okay.
I’m not a very fancy dresser. Half of the time I’m just wearing a simple shirt and some shorts when it’s summer. Although when it’s winter, I usually wear a long-sleeved shirt, some socks to cover my feet, and soft pants to sleep in.
Personality Traits
When you first meet me, I tend to come off as reserved yet friendly. I am pretty sociable (depending on my mood) and know how to make someone feel comfortable around me by just talking to them. Although sometimes I can still be a bit awkward.
Going past my introverted shell, I can be a bit of a trickster when I’m comfortable. I usually like to make weird or dark jokes to elicit reactions out of others, mostly because I find it amusing on how shocked they get. People tend to find me a bit odd sometimes. I like to compare myself to a mad scientist sometimes.
How I’d want them to be in a relationship
To be honest, they don’t have to act specifically in any way. I’d just prefer if the partner be their authentic selves.
Am I an adult or a minor?
I am fresh into adult hood. Currently 18 years old.
Things I like
1: Creative Writing. (I have a whole collection of my projects on my Wattpad.)
2: Criminal Psychology. (Sometimes I watch interviews of Serial Killers on my computer and analyze their body language. I have decent amounts of knowledge on how to read a serial killer’s body language.)
Things I dislike
1: Bugs. (Pretty self-explanatory)
2: People who make judgements too quickly. (Also self-explanatory)
Things I find attractive
I find women with power attractive. Women who could easily kick my ass and not give two shits about what other people think. I believe it’s called Dark Feminine energy which is just so incredibly attractive to me.
Women who seem to be constantly glaring with an RBF are alluring to me. Very mysterious. Long hair is also very attractive to me too. I like women who stay fit and will also encourage me to exercise with them as well.
Other stuff about me
1: I am currently teaching myself Astrobiology, Chemistry, and Criminal Psychology.
2: I can easily figure out the psychological depths of inside someone’s mind if given enough time. It’s not a natural talent but I’d say I’m pretty good at reading people.
Sorry if this is a little messy or too much.
It's not too long or messy at all!! I've got the perfect character for you omg!!
Everything written here is how I imagine this character to be! I match you with none other than...
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Our very own NURSE ANN!!
She doesn't really have an origin story, so it's never said what kind of nurse she was. I'd imagine wherever she was, it was obviously screwed. We do know that she used to be shy and more on the timid side when she was alive tho!
I imagine her to be more of a reserved person, if that makes sense? She's quiet and to herself, but aggressive and dark-minded. She'd kick your ass in a heartbeat even with the heels! But she's also incredibly smart, she went through medical school after all! Despite her selfish and angry nature, she'd be so caring towards you and would she doesn't hide her true self.
She's not much of a jokester herself, but she'd be damned if she let you get in trouble or harms way when you pull a prank. Maybe she'd even cackle quietly at the dark things you have to say!
Also I'd say "A mad scientist always needs a nurse," but... A nurse always needs a mad scientist with her!
Onto the headcanons!
I feel like you would enjoy reading her body language when you first meet. She would intimidate others but you'd just be like "interesting!"
It would be a first for her. Yeah, she'd find you odd... But that would eventually turn into more of a positive thing! She'd be curious about your behavior while you're curious about hers!
Chemistry, psychology? Got it in the bag! We've got a smart-ass gal over here! Straight A's in college, baby! She didn't let her degrees go to waste when she was alive either!
She would love to read your writing, she did quite a bit of it back when she was a human so that's still something she enjoys!
OMG Please, go on a date where you watch the stars together! She fucking hates people so it'd be perfect, but something so cheesy and romantic... It'd make her remember what she wanted once. She'd fall for you even more.
If it's a picnic maybe she would take off her mask to eat. I doubt she takes it off much, she might even have wounds under it but that's ok!! You find her beautiful no matter what!!
TELL HER ABOUT THE STARS!!!! She wouldn't look interested by her RBF, but she's listening closely. She's a fast learner too! Even if she already knows something, she could listen to you tell her about it again and again.
Exercise? She knows so much about it! Nurse Ann would make sure you stay fit and healthy! Though no matter what, she's always the stronger one... She's a strong-ass woman! Muscles and everything!
She would take care of you when you're sick, but in a professional way. She probably wouldn't be too affectionate when you're not feeling well, that's just how she is. She'd be in her "job mode" !!
Also long hair? You both have it! She wouldn't really let you touch her hair that much, but it's a treasure when she does! She'd respect your boundaries with touching hair too! She knows how to braid as shown in some art of when she was human!
Glasses? She knows how to take proper care of them. She used to need them too! Being undead it kinda doesn't affect her much, but she'd always make sure you have the right stuff to clean glasses and all that!
Her more fancy-ish way of dressing would contrast you being more casual, I think that would be so cute!!
She would find bugs fascinating, but she doesn't care for them much anymore. If you don't like them though, she'd make sure to take care of any that might be crawling around for ya!
Also she's in no place to judge for things. People used to do that to her when she was human... She doesn't care about it now, but she understands how it can influence people!
I also imagine she's quiet herself (unless she's having a moment), so you two would understand each other well!!
OK so, I've written more than I usually would! I normally don't write headcanons like this but this trade is a special occasion!! I hope ya like it!! :D
The runner-ups were Clockwork and maybe Zero, but Nurse Ann was the first I thought of! Enjoy your evil gf!
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dearestones · 1 year
Matchups Closed!
Hey, Devin here!
Thank you to all those who submitted! It was fun doing them! For those who just submitted a few hours ago, don't worry, I'll get to your requests in due time!
Reminder that regular requests are still open to those who are interested!
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST ANOTHER ONE IF YOU DONT MIND WITH VIL,ROOK,JADE WITH ETHEREAL SIREN! READER (just imagine since it had been killing me to think of it.. And sorry as well.. Also the reason the reader is ethereal is that they are quite majestic being that is stylish with pearls and etc, not to mention they are pretty pale white on their siren form with their scales as well that shines when reflected. Also imagine what type of scenario you can imagine or put in effort since id be happy because I don’t see these types of requests to others☹️🥀 Also you can ignore this if this is too much💔)
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A/N: Hello, lovely anon! I am so glad that you like our Pomefiore trio with our albino!reader! I was rather excited when I received this particular request due to rather loving the idea of such a beautiful siren and their style. I do hope that you enjoy this request!
Tw: Brief mentions of drowning and death in Jade's section
Request: Vil, Rook, and Jade with an ethereal Siren!reader
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You quite literally took his breath away the first ever moment that he laid eyes upon your absolutely stunning form
You were in your natural, siren form when he first saw you, opting to take advantage of the weekend by slipping into the saltwaters of your natural environment, or rather, the closest you could be which would be in Octavinelle
He had been delivering something to Azul in regards to the last housewarden meeting when he was passing through and saw you resting on one of the rocks, tail flowing in the water, pearls adorning your hair, decorating your collarbone
Your scales shimmering in the water, making them look as if they were the purest of diamonds
Oh, but what had him, what lured him the most, was your voice
It was unlike any other he had heard before
Sure, he had heard some rather stunning singing voices, but yours?
It was as if he was in a trance and couldn't turn his gaze away from you
Feeling a pull that he had to go to you
And he almost did, had Azul not found him first, as he somehow lost track of the time watching you, and was rather quick to tell the Pomefiore housewarden just what you were
A siren? He had heard of them, but never actually encountered one before
The next time he saw you, was when you signed up for the Film Studies club
You looked just as ethereal as a human as you did in your natural form
Your clothing flowing in the soft breeze, light and airy, those same pearls still woven into your hair, only in a new pattern, he could even see the slight sheen that your skin now held, which reflected beautifully in the right lighting
He was lured in by your voice, just as beautiful as when you were singing, and you were lured in at the beauty he held, a rather perfect match if you ask anyone else
It was safe to say that anyone who saw the both of you, the spotlight would be where you both were
Which Vil certainly did not mind
Now, perhaps you would like to join him in the next VDC competition? With you on the team, they would be sure to win
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Ah, the self proclaimed hunter of love himself
When he first heard the sounds of a beautiful maiden singing much closer to the docks, who was he to resist?
Not when your voice carried so beautifully through the air, as if carried by the wind itself to grace his ears
But oh, when he first gazed upon you?
By the shores of the ocean, at the ports that resided Sage's Island, there you were
Perched along the rocks, much of your tail still hidden beneath the crashing waves, it was as if he had been struck by a cupid's arrow....... several times
Your beauty was unmatched, and he must admit to it, not even Niege or Vil could compare
The way your scales shimmered like diamonds, pearls adorning your features, the way your skin seemed to glow under the light of the sun, it was all too much for him to contain
Which is what led him calling out to you, and you leaping into the water not a moment later
He had tried to search for you beneath the waves as soon as he made it down the rocks but to no avail
After that, throughout the duration of the Port Fest, he would often make his way to those rocks once more in hopes of being able to see you again
Closer to the end of the day, he found himself sitting at the docks, legs resting in the water before taking notice of someone coming to sit next to him
Was left in awe at seeing you sitting there next to him, legs replacing the tail he had seen you with, but still just as breathtaking
Even now, your skin still shimmered as if it were pure diamonds
As it turns out, you also came to see the festival, coming closer to land to see how the humans celebrated and seeing his curiosity in regards to you, you grew more curious of him
It was safe to assume that you would both be seeing much more of each other
Perhaps you would like to give him a tour of your underwater home?
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He certainly had his fair knowledge of sirens, being a mer himself, though it was rather rare that he actually encountered one
Sirens weren't often seen around where he grew up within the Coral Sea and as sirens were known and seen to be far more aggressive, as they opted to lure their prey with their beautiful voices before either drowning or taking them out another way, he was one to keep his guard up
Though, when he first encountered you, he certainly could tell that you were no human
Your skin held a similar sheen that most mer students had when they appeared as human, only yours, more so
Like the brightest pearl, reflective of any light that grazes upon it
Speaking of pearls, there were a number of them that were woven into your hair in a beautiful pattern, your neck and ears graced with them
He couldn't quite tell what type of mer species you were
But that was until he had heard you speaking to another student, said student almost appearing in a trance
You were a siren
The first he had ever seen up close
The first one he had ever heard
As his parents would warn him and his brother: if you can hear the siren, it's already too late
And then, you were looking at him
Your eyes seeming to strike his very soul, he's never felt this exposed and you were only looking at him
The next encounter happened when he was actually out on one of his hikes, being the one and only member of the Mountain Lovers Club
As it turns out, you share his affinity for the nature that was on land
You had been kneeling down in the dirt, a pair of gloves on your hands, singing while you seemed to be foraging
Oh, by the sevens your voice, the way that you sang, he could already feel the natural pull that a siren held when they were ensnaring their victims, and here he was, falling into that same snare
He only managed to snap out of it when you called to him, having taken notice of his presence, a gentle smile on your face, looking far more ethereal up close
Jade didn't even realize just how quickly his heart was beating as he managed to display that practiced, kind smile
What was that? You would like to join his club?
Well, perhaps mother and father wouldn't mind this siren.......
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I can't begin to tell you how much I loved writing this one, anon! As someone who lives close to the ocean and has always loved the lore that surrounds these creatures, this was possibly one of my more favorite writings, I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do!
Have a wonderful day/night!
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diorgirl444 · 4 months
excluding any outstanding requests i will not be writing or making matchups for marauders or anything to do with the wizarding world anymore. i’m sorry i’ve just really fallen out of love with that fandom and don’t even read for it anymore so would rather write about something that i actually still enjoy
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lokh · 2 years
beginning to notice a certain trend with recent favorite characters...
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for reference this is what anji is talking about
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leorawright · 2 years
I'm closing down matchups
I'm super tired and feeling a bit overwhelmed so matchups are gonna be closed but I might reopen them on Thursday depending on how I feel. Thank you for your understanding!
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noemilivv · 7 months
Okay, so, I don’t really know how this works, but I saw you were doing HH character mashups and I was like “huh, that sounds interesting, let’s give it a shot.” Fair warning, no god damn clue how to do this so sorry if it’s terrible. Platonic and romantic if you would be so kind (if not uh… sucks to be me I guess).
Okay, so, I’m about 5’2, cisgender female, pronouns are she/her. I grew up in a small town, and I have a very close group of friends that I don’t typically venture outside of. I’ve definitely got some form of anxiety kicking around in my brain, phone-calls, ordering at restaurants, and socializing in general are HORRID, and I’d much rather stay at home reading, writing, drawing, and of course consuming Hazbin Hotel content like my last will to live!
I’ve been described by others as a very intelligent individual, with a high work ethic, sarcastic humor, and a witty attitude. While I don’t like most people, most people tend to like (or at least tolerate) me. 90% of the time I’m wrapped up in some sort of hyperfixation. They take over my life and you WILL be hearing about them (I try to control myself, I swear). Uhh… not 100% sure what else to put here? I’m a sucker for emotional angst and hurt/comfort, and you BET that if I’m writing a fanfic, that’s what I’m writing.
Hope this is enough? If I did this whole thing completely wrong, feel free to delete this and cast me into the void to be forgotten as the cringe person in your askbox who didn’t have a clue what she was doing 😅. Anyway, uh… get to this when you have time. Idk how to end this. Hydrate? Yeah that works, cool. Ok bye,
okay so i didn’t get a gender preference for you (romantically), so i only did platonic cuz i didn’t wanna give you someone who doesn’t fit into what you’re attracted to, also cuz i have no clue who i’d give you for a romantic matchup anyway so i hope it’s okay haha, anywho i paired you with…
Alastor !! (Platonic)
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Alastor has an appreciation for your intellect, let’s be real, he has a tendency to get irritated with people who aren’t as a efficient as him, so that fact that you are, makes him a lot less irritated XD
Also, he has an appreciation for your sarcasm and overall witty remarks as well, he doesn’t always understand them, per say, especially if their more modern, but he takes a moment to appreciate them nonetheless
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junosartsthetic · 2 years
Hello @amidalashandmaidens and thank you for choosing the JunoMatchupCalculator™!
Please hold while the JunoMatchupCalculator™ processes your perfect match.
Process Complete!
Your Perfect Match: Rohan Kishibe
Honorary Mention(s) Include: Caesar Zeppeli; Jolyne Cujoh
Fast Facts:
Rohan likes to pretend he’s a loner, but when you appeared in his life it took all he had not to break his rigid exterior. Though he’s still subdued about any feelings he has, he will still make them known in little ways. Like buying your favorite drink, or favorite sweet for no particular reason. Or saying how much better you are than his other Morioh companions. He’s too stubborn to say it outright, but boy does he love you.
Please take him to an escape room. He will be annoyed and unwilling to play for the first ten minutes but by the end of it he’s on his hands and knees trying to figure out what code you’re missing to escape. 
He enjoys just being able to spend time in the same room as you, even if you two aren’t talking. He just likes the feeling of someone nearby to remind him he’s not alone. Occasionally he’ll take a break from drawing his manga to doodle a few sketches of you. He’ll insist it’s simply anatomy practice.
He has never and will never use Heaven’s Door on you. He respects and loves you too much to look into your memories like that. And he would never forgive himself if he altered you somehow. 
He tries his best to play video games with you but will complain loudly and irritably if he isn’t perfect at it immediately. 
A Date Night Includes: escape rooms, book stores, libraries, coffee shops, art studios, walks around town, just sitting and enjoying each other’s company.
You’re Known As ___ In Their Phone: You Know Who. He greatly values his privacy and hates the idea of someone finding out the oh-so-stubborn and lonely Rohan cracked and has found love whenever he gets a message from you. But everybody knows. And they’re happy for him. 
Let’s Hear a Word From Your Match: “Meet me in my studio later. I’ve got a few pages to finish and I can’t get any work done with you off who-knows-where.” “Say “I love you,” or something, at least.” “Hmph. Also I love you, okay, goodbye.”
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taxonomytournament · 8 months
Taxonomy Tournament: Mammals
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Scandentia. This order is made up of treeshrews, small mammals native to South and Southeast Asia. They are sometimes used as model organisms due to being closely related to primates.
Monotremata. The only order of mammals to lay eggs. It is made up of the duck-billed platypus and echidnas.
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heynhay · 1 year
using my credentials as a top .1% mitski listener for two years in a row i have brought you mitski KL classifications
recommendations/strong matches are bolded
Laurel Hell // Be The Cowboy // Puberty 2 // Bury Me At Makeout Creek // Retired from a Sad, New, Career in Business // Lush
Valentine, Texas
Stay Soft
Love Me More
A Pearl
A Horse Named Cold Air
Blue Light
Washing Machine Heart
I Bet on Losing Dogs
Thursday Girl
I Will
I Don't Smoke
First Love/Late Spring
I Want You
Strawberry Blond
The Only Heartbreaker
There's Nothing Left For You
Working For The Knife
Me and My Husband
Lonesome Love
Remember My Name
A Burning Hill
Texas Reznikoff
Francis Forever
Carry Me Out
Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart
Brand New City
Heat Lightning
Come Into The Water
Pink in the Night
Two Slow Dancers
Once More to See You
anything not listed has been given careful consideration but would be too much of a reach to apply to them and/or is too personally about experiences of the human condition mitski herself has lived
Im open to healthy debate on any of these but just know i come armed with explanations for all
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