#tlok best episode 2
bestepisode · 7 months
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A New Spiritual Age
In the spirit world with Jinora, Korra must contend with the difficult relationships between spirits. When the two are separated, Korra is transformed into a childlike version of herself. She is rescued by Iroh, who has "retired" into the spirit world and who teaches her that she must exert strong control over her emotions in the spirit world, among other lessons, allowing Korra to travel to the Tree of Time, where the portals meet in the spirit world. Meanwhile, Jinora finds Wan Shi Tong's library and convinces the Spirit of Knowledge to allow her to learn about the spirit portals. While learning that Vaatu's seal can indeed be broken if both portals are opened during Harmonic Convergence, Jinora learns that Wan Shi Tong is in league with Unalaq. Attempting to rescue Jinora, Korra is forced by Unalaq to open the northern portal. After a short battle, Korra is rescued by a friendly spirit and forced out of the spirit world without Jinora, whose inanimate physical body remains in a coma-like state.
Venom of the Red Lotus
The Red Lotus tortures a chained Korra by poisoning her with mercury, in order to force her to the point of death, triggering the Avatar State before they kill her, which would end the cycle of the Avatar's rebirth. However, a wrathful Korra overpowers her captors and fights Zaheer in the skies. Meanwhile, her friends find and rescue the airbenders. After Mako electrocutes Ming-Hua, he and Bolin narrowly escape Ghazan's collapsing the Red Lotus's lair on top of himself. As Korra is about to succumb to the poison, Jinora leads the airbenders to pull Zaheer out of the sky with a massive air vortex formed from their combined bending. Zaheer is captured, and Suyin metalbends the poison out of Korra. Two weeks later, in Republic City, a weakened, wheelchair-bound Korra watches as Tenzin anoints Jinora as an airbending master and rededicates the Air Nomads to a nomadic life of service to the world, following Korra's example.
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rifari2037 · 1 month
What’s . , your Opinion On Katara. And Aang relationship, with each other.?
Short answer :
In my opinion, Katara and Aang's relationship would more beautiful and healthy as very good friends, because they support each other way better in friendship-relationship.
Long answer :
Kat/ang as couple wasn't build up with a good storyline even from the start. Their relationship felt and looked like siblings, Katara even acted motherly to him - many proof for that and the writers said so.
So, there's no reason for me to see them as lovers in the future but just supportive good friends with a crush. But a crush - even in real life - isn't a deep feeling and it's very easy to fade away. A strong feeling needs bond, chemistry, sometimes needs twist and turns to understand each other better and strengthen the foundation of their relationship.
Katara and Aang didn't have much chemistry, just physical contact (kisses on the cheek and hugs) and blushing. But for me, chemistry is not just about physical contact, chemistry and bond is about relationship development - it's Maiko problem as well.
Actually, the writers had so many opportunities to make Katara and Aang's relationship well-written - especially since the writers worship this ship - but instead they built up the conflicts between Aang and Katara in the last few episodes.
Well, at least, Aang and Katara's conflicts was resolved in season 1, but I can say that they were forced to end up together, even though their conflict wasn't resolved in season 3.
Conflict 1 : Aang kissed Katara without consent, then Katara acted like nothing happened in the next episode.
Conflict 2 : Aang yelled at Katara, even though she wasn't mocking him like the others, and she just wanted to help him, then they separated and there wasn't even a single conversation at all until they kissed in the end of the story.
Yes, the kiss was canon, but only because the writers forced it, not because Aang and Katara - both of them - deserved it.
The writers tried hard to keep Kat/ang as the winners in post ATLA. But, the more the writers fix Kat/ang the more the writers failed to make them better in their relationship, in fact the writers even ruined some of the characters - especially my lovely Katara, whose role was increasingly decreasing.
That would happen if two characters are forced to become lovers without being built with a good storyline and the writers don't care about female characters.
I don't read the comic and I don't want to read it. But I read quite a lot of criticism about it, especially how Katara's role was nothing more than just the Avatar's girlfriend.
Also, writing them calling each other 'sweetie' all the time is so cringe. I mean, look at Suki and Sokka, most people said they were the best canon pairing, I said the same. They never called each other 'sweetie', they called each other by name and they were still romantic.
Do you know what I felt when I saw this?
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Katara sat alone in the corner, looked sad watching her boyfriend having fun with his fans. I could almost feel what Katara was feeling. Katara was angry, of course, but Aang couldn't understand her feelings. In the end, Katara was the one who understood Aang and let it go. Why is it always Katara who understands Aang? She deserved an apology!
Once again, the writers tried hard to keep Kat/ang as the winners in TLOK by writing them as a married couple with three children. Avatar's girlfriend changed to avatar's wife, but the writers still failed to convince people that Kat/ang was a healthy and happy couple.
Instead, Aang was written as a bad father who only favours his air bending child, while Katara had no role, no statue to honour her, and even her grandchildren didn't recognise her.
Actually, even though I am Zutara shipper, but sometimes I'm glad that they weren't canon. I mean, the writers worship Kat/ang but they failed to convince a lot of fans how good this pair - except the shipper only.
I can't imagine Zutara was canon while the writers hated it, the would ruin Zutara badly!
And since the writers are on board in The Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie next year, I'm guessing they'll try to win Kat/ang over (again) and I wouldn't be surprised if it fails (again).
That's why I'm not waiting for the movie.
Katara and Aang don't need to be lovers to be great characters, they can have a sweet relationship as friends and family. All the crush scenes between them could be removed and it wouldn't change the storyline one bit - maybe just annoy the shippers.
NATLA proved that. Aang and Katara had a family-relationship and it was very very sweet. NATLA removed all the scenes of Aang having a crush on Katara, even the Cave of the Two Lovers scene was replaced with Sokka and Katara. Did the main storyline changed? Not at all.
I once read an opinion from a Zutara shipper. The point is, when Aang and Katara are together, Katara has to stay away from Zuko (because their chemistry is stronger). It happened in TLOK, when Katara didn't show up to her granddaughter's coronation because Zuko was there.
Meanwhile, if Zuko and Katara are together, while Aang mature enough to accept his destiny, they will be forever great friends. He also will be a very very very sweet uncle and steam babies' favourite person. It happened in Zutara fanfics and fanart.
I agree 1000000%!!
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low-budget-korra · 11 months
Let's Talk about TLOK book 3 finale
An analysis on its writing and narrative choices.
We all know that is the best season but what make the final episodes so epic? As I like to say, is when words became art.
1. The script.
The Narrative of the season is the best alongside with season 1. The choices they make, the pacing, the development but most importantly: The Stakes. They were all there.
Sure, we saw Tarrlok murder/suicide in season 1 and Korra being sad in front of a cliff (as I interpreted as she being suicidal but nothing about that is canon so) but we didn't saw the air being sucked outta someone's body.
And the death of the earth Queen is the exact point where everything changed. Everything could happen at that point. Right after, Tenzin was almost beaten to death and I remember the fandom panicking about it. He didn't but P'Li blew her own head and Korra's torture was really hard to watch.
We got happy when Korra fought back and almost was able to kill Zaheer but then we remembered that she was highly poisoned. And after all we saw the last 3 episodes... everything could happen
Also, at that time, a lot of people didn't know we would have a next season. Honestly I don't remember if Korra was renewed before, during of after season 3 but I remember a lot of fans freaking out thinking that was the end. And if the fans simply forgot we would have a next season so Korra, obviously wouldn't die, it shows how good was the writing of the season since we were all so sunken on what was about to happen that we couldn't think on the future.
2. The masterpiece on animation and soundtrack.
It's been almost 10 years and the show didn't age a day. The choreography of the battles also helped to raise the takes and also tell us a story: How the Krew learn how to fight against the Red Lotus. From the most obvious of Bolin lavabending ex machina, Mako aiming in Ming Hua water arms before she could be able to use them against him and Jinora showing Zaheer the power in number, what exactly means being united as one.
And the soundtrack omg I listen and still get emotional to this day. When Korra is suffocating and the music goes from dark to soft, the airbenders theme (a version more emocional and sweet of the Avatar Aang's theme) . This is cinema! This is art!
The Legend of Korra is such a underrated masterpiece
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hayleysayshay · 1 month
Okay so I am loathe to suggest adding more characters to the Legend of Korra, a show that has too many characters -- but I think politics wise, what Book 1 really needs is a sympathetic Equalist leader character, and it shouldn't be Asami. So, for a hypothetical rewrite:
My suggestion is 'gruff Equalist leader' who is a working class, middle-aged man with a scar on his face. He has led a small group of Equalists who were doing community aid for nonbenders such as teaching self defence.
First he meets with Korra and he's dismissive of her as the Avatar, she's dismissive of him as a bending hater. Then, maybe after Hiroshi is unmasked, and around the same time the gang see the police cut the power of the nonbenders, they meet him again, and they realise he has far more nuanced views of bending-probenders, and he despises Amon, for taking a movement started by the common people to an extreme. He is all about empowering nonbenders, not inflicting violence on benders, and hates Amon.
Also, maybe one of the krew (mako/asami) can say 'hey, is his scar even real? Did he copy it from you?'. And maybe this gruff nonbender can say 'yeah, think I recognise him from equalists meetings years before (under fake name), where he didn't have the scar. but the police don't listen to me.' Because Amon is a FRAUD.
And then we see this guy rally some nonbenders to fight for Republic City against Amon in the last episodes, and then we get Tarrlok and Noatak's backstory still, it all comes together how Amon is a fraud. We then get a story about how Amon hijacked a political movement for his own personal trauma.
And then this guy pops up a few times. Book 2 -- he runs for President, loses due to Raiko's sheer money skills but maybe he can be in government to try and increase equity.
and then in book 4 he's helping out with the Republic City Evacuation. Comics, instead of Zhu-Li, he runs for President, and wins! Everyone, including benders, thinks he's the best for the job as he's going to advocate for the downdtroden. Idealistic, simple politics, but hopeful and also promoting change.
I think TLOK fans want to make Asami the sympathetic equalist, and whilst I'm all for having Asami express some equalist sympathies to develop equalism a bit more, I think tying her as the face of the movement a) ties her to deeply to a book 1 conflict, which makes it harder to use her in the other books and b) the rich lady doesn't need to be the face of the movement. I think there's enough there for Asami -- the single daughter of the rich industralist who betrayed his daughter to get revenger on all benders, ruining his company's reputation and her struggle to fix all that -- is enough conflict for Asami, they just need to focus in on it.
And to fit more 'normal nonbenders being oppressed' plot in, I would just cut some of the probending stuff.
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aangarchy · 1 year
Do you know of any metas that disprove the argument of aang being a bad father? :/
I haven't seen any metas but i personally found the argument for Aang being a bad father weak at best
Aang wasn't a perfect father, that much is clear. But imo no Avatar can ever be a perfect parent (no one can be a perfect parent but i digress). The Avatar has a responsibility to the world. There are times where the Avatar isn't allowed to be selfish. For example, think of when Aang had to let go of Katara in order to access the Avatar State. How would Katara feel if he ever told her that this is necessary for him to activate it every time? I'm sure she wouldn't be fond of the idea.
The only thing we have to go on when it comes to Aang and Katara's parenting, is episodes 3 and 4 of Tlok book 2 (at least that i know of). Tenzin tries to recall his childhood memories that he thinks Kya and Bumi were a part of but turns out, they weren't. We don't know the reason for this, and we don't find out. I'm assuming these trips were perhaps intended as "airnomad lessons" or something like that, and that would be a reason for the other siblings to not be present. We do have to remember that Aang has a nation to rebuild. He's the only one in the world that was physically present during the time of the airnomads, and he only has so much time between his Avatar duties. He's the only one that can authentically pass on the customs. That's probably why these trips felt so frequent to Bumi and Kya, the few times Aang was present he was off with Tenzin for airnomad teachings. (Again this is my assumption. The writers never gave us a reason for the other siblings being absent or for the trips to even have occurred.)
(Personally i do feel like this is affected by bad writing. Why on earth would Kya and Bumi not also be considered part of the airnomads, as well as the watertribe? Why would they not learn everything there is to know about their heritage, even though they don't master the element? Instead bryke made Kya a mini Katara, Tenzin a mini Aang and Bumi just kind of floats lost in the middle, and is clearly supposed to be a mini Sokka. It's a very poor example of a mixed family.)
Kya and Bumi's version of the events are obviously going to be biased. They felt like their father was never there, and they're very angry with him for being absent (who wouldn't be). Tenzin's view is also biased, he was the youngest and spent the most time with Aang. It surprises me that throughout this episode, they never once mention what Katara was like as a mother. All of their anger is aimed at Aang (easy target, the mf is dead already) but Katara is also responsible here as the other parent. What were discussions like? Did the kids ever tell Katara how they felt? She was still married to Aang it's not like they had separated and started co parenting. They were a team. Did Katara spend a lot more time with Kya to teach her about the watertribe? Did she take Kya on girltrips? What was Bumi doing during all of this?
At the end of these episodes, when the siblings reconcile, Kya shows them a family photo. They all look back on it fondly. If Aang was truly such a horrible father (or even abusive like some people have claimed bc why not throw every term around) they would not look at this picture like that. They like their family, as flawed as it is. They clearly have good memories too, but because these particular episodes are about how parents aren't perfect (the conflict between Ikki and her siblings mimics that of the one Tenzin has with his) those memories aren't talked about.
Anyway to summarize this into a point: i don't think Aang was a bad or abusive father. I think he was unfortunately an pretty absent father as a byproduct of being the Avatar, and that he committed the ultimate parent sin: picking a favorite. I wonder what type of parent Roku was, or any past Avatars that had children.
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waterfire1848 · 1 year
For the AU ask : a classic ATLA AU, Yue survives and joins the Gaang.
Thank you so much for all these asks!!
I really like this AU. Yue deserved better. At the very least she deserved to be mentioned in TLOK.
Zhao doesn't kill the moon spirit. They manage to stop him before he gets the oasis. Since the moon spirit never dies Yue never gives up her life. When the Fire Nation retreats, Sokka asks Yue to come with them but she’s torn between staying and helping her people rebuild and interacting with the outside world. Her father is the one who ultimately convinced her to go. He tells her that she should go see the world and let them know the Northern water tribe is still fighting.
Yue is not used to the temperature difference. She’s spent her whole like in the North Pole and has no idea about warm weather so the Earth Kingdom is a bit of a shock. She also realizes that she needs new practical clothes after the incident with General Fong. In the first few episodes she would try to keep up the soft spoken princess attitude but by the time Toph comes she realizes there is no use in acting proper especially because no one expects it of her. She’s allowed to just be a sixteen year old.
For most of the earlier episodes in season 2, Yue sticks close to Sokka and Katara, mainly Sokka because she knows them best. It took a bit for her to get used to Toph but the two did become pretty close friends after a while. They bonded over other making them think they have to be perfect (Mai and Azula will join them later). Since Sokka never lost Yue he’s not as protective with Suki during the Serpents Pass. Instead, the three get to know one another and it’s a mix of emotions.
In Ba Sing Se, Yue meets Azula for the first time and the two do get to talk. It’s not a great talk because Yue ends up captured along with Katara but it’s a talk. In the city Yue also picks up the crossbow (yes I’m going off of fanart) and starts using it more and more in season three. She meets Hakoda at the end of season two/beginning of season three and talks to him about the northern water tribe.
Yue goes with Sokka to free Suki from the Boiling Rock. That’s where the three admit their feelings and where Hakoda tells them about his own marriage with Kya and Bato (let me have this ship). The three start dating after the Boiling Rock and work together with Toph during Sozin’s comet. After Sozin’s comet, Katara becomes chief of the Southern Water Tribe so the group spends the majority of their time up north with many visits to Kyoshi Island.
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aninounettear · 4 months
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After rewatching both ATLA and TLOK recently, here's my tierlist! Completely subjective!!
I may be harsh on tlok, but it is how I felt. 10 years have passed since its completion, and I'm still disappointed in many things. At least it has a great and complex main protagonist who can face bad writing and still be great, phew... When it comes to the seasons, book 3 is the best one imo, its constancy and dynamism were great and the finale was insanely amazing! BUT I appreciate the good side of book 1 waaaaaayyyy more because it's so refreshing and captivating, but since its finale and a few other things bother me so much, it's below book 3 unfortunately. Also I liked the probending stuff and always will!!!! Book 4 was overall bad imo BUT I appreciated a few things in the beginning (the second half of the season was awful though, that's why it's that low in the ranking). And book 2 is a failure in everything... like, it's scandalous. I can't name any good thing coming from it, even the origins of the Avatar that I can't see as something connected to atla. Overall, tlok had a lot of timing and writing issues, and even with great qualities, its flaws are too big not to notice, even a decade later, and it is what it is. It brought many things to the Avatarverse, but at what cost... At least there's Korra ig.
On the other hand, atla was built beforehand and it shows. Even though there's a bunch of filler episodes in the series, they always (except great divide lmaooooo) have a connection to the main plot at some point, and that's what made them enjoyable, even though sometimes they could've just showed us an empty wall, I would've had a similar feeling of enjoyment looooool, but that's a part of the whole package I would say, and realizing most of the time that it had a bigger purpose, it's satisfying in the end. This show started almost 20 years ago and it's still so good and relevant to this day. Book 2, from Toph's appearance to the finale, is a flawless ride. Book 1 has the 3rd place because it was more childish and has lots of filler eps, but it helped build the Avatar World and it was cute too so it's still pretty good (and the finale in the North Pole is amazing). Book 3 and its finale have a special place in my heart but there were a bunch of forgettable episodes and subplots, especially for a more serious season that marks the end of the series, so that's why it's below book 2, but it's a stunning season anyway and watching it again made me emotional a bit.
In conclusion, I know tlok had a lot of issues cause it wasn't meant to be a 4-season show in the first place (that's why book 1's animation quality is out of this world btw) and that Nickelodeon tried to sabotage it by giving a high budget for the other seasons because ppl were hyped and then taking it back cause they couldn't promote it properly and gave little to no time to the staff and other stuff, but this is what has been given to us, and it's still there, so I gotta be honest with my feelings. Also, even though a lot of people worked on both shows, the episodes' writers are quite different from one to another, and the same creators being on both shows don't guarantee the same way to create and write the episodes (besides, even their own mentality can change, AND BY THE WAY IT ACTUALLY CHANGED FROM TLOK BOOK 1 TO BOOK 4). In my case, I like atla's writing team better tbh and I do think they had a huge impact on the way the story has been told.
And finally, I think that if tlok wasn't atla's sequel and had its own universe, it could've been a better show. Here I said it. Atla feels like a brake on tlok at some point.
I won't go deep into shipping, animation studios, plots, villains, etc in this review cause it can be too long and pointless. I suppose everything I said above is more than enough.
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cell151 · 1 year
Can you believe that there are STILL active makorra shippers? Of course, for them, just shipping is never enough.
They STILL have those sick, disgusting needs to demonize and trash Asami, and they even go so far that they imagine how they would beat her up and rip her hair... just... disgusting...
And of course that they STILL like to make that one (1) scene where Asami was angry at Korra supposedly problematic, and that Mako is somehow the one who actually cares about Korra... ugh...
The only somehow new argument now is that it is somehow bad how TLOK comics supposedly ignore the relationship between Korra and Mako.
As we know, Korra shouldn't be focused on her relationship with her actual girlfriend and instead be more in contact with her ex-boyfriend, because as we know, all people should stay in close contact with their exes, and ignore their actual partners, for reasons...
Yeah I don't get it either.
It seems like in 2014 there was sort of an even split between Korrasami and m*k*rra but I think the latter has fallen off. Like I'll come across z*t*r* randomly (again not as much as before) but m*k*rra is rare, at least in the case that you don't actively seek it out.
I like to think tastes have matured over time. Because back when LOK was running the only ships there dominating the fics, Deviantart, Tumblr, etc. were the aforementioned Z, M and T*kka (all of which, if it isn't clear, I don't like). All the best artwork was dedicated to these, the volume of fics outnumbered those for the canon couples, and poor Mai and Suki got pushed to the side, with poor Mai getting the worst of it.
I'm pleased that Maiko, Sukka and Kataang are finally getting their moment to shine these days. Again either tastes matured or the next generation of viewers didn't align themselves with those who wept when the moody firebender didn't hook up with the waterbender.
Speaking of moody firebender and waterbender, let's talk Korra.
2013: Korrasami is considered the "crackship". Book 2 puts the kabash on m*k*rra because let's face it: M*ko is a boring character. Cardboard has more personality. He is there to fulfill the stereotype of moody firebender and have cool firebending skills that animators can have with. Want something on fire? He's your guy.
Other than its the trope of tragic backstory that have no bearing on the plot whatsoever. In fact, M*ko doesn't have any bearing on the plot.
M*ko & Bolin find their family: no impact.
M*ko & Bolin have a dynamic with Kai because of similar backgrounds: lasts an episode or two. Kai interacts with Jinora for the rest of the series.
M*ko is Wu's bodyguard: aside from the kidnapping episode, which is a great episode, this subplot goes nowhere apart from some "comedy"
It's a shame that the roles weren't reversed. Firebender is the comic relief and the Earthbender is the serious one.
But alas we're stuck with off-brand Diet Zuko.
2014: The season that changed everything: Book 3.
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Book 4: This is where the fractures started to form. With Book 3, those that had been routing for Korrasami (for clarification I jumped on that train in Book 2 because M*ko was such a prick in that season) found validation and with the finish line in sight, there were those that somehow believed that a relationship that soured years prior was somehow going to mend itself. As you mentioned, lack of communication between the two and a lack of trust. M*ko doesn't seem to trust Korra a lot until toward the end of Book 4.
Then the finale aired and something happened that really didn't occur when ATLA ended: Mike and Bryan wrote a post that stated definitely that Korra and Asami were together. Not just "good friends". No "up to interpretation." Korra and Asami are a couple.
Of course after LOK, there was more LGBTQ stories and characters in TV going forward, with varying degrees of success as is all media.
There are some idiotic posts that criticize Korrasami while viewing it from the perspective of having shows like She-Ra, Owl House, etc. for the past couple years. But rightly those criticisms are pushed back by those who know how much of a risk it was to even get on the air.
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mskoreodyssey · 3 months
[TLOK] Book Three: Change (Minor-Fix)
Minor-Fix Book 3 [1] [2]
Previously on Legend of Korra After Amon took almost all of her bending away, Korra was left searching for a way to restore her powers. A Water Tribe civil war forced Korra to look into the past for help and answers, which she saw how people first learned bending from the original benders. Tenzin and his family find a hidden island of non-benders living alongside sky-bison. And in the final moment of the season, a young child there begins to air-bend.
[Change #1: Zaheer keeps the beard]
The most important change, all right. Zaheer keeps the beard.
(He doesn't shave his head, I get why they did it, all right. Yeah, I know, enormous culture, blah, blah, blah. But come on, which would you pick, for reasons?)
Korra’s Villains: Zaheer and Koh are easily some of the best villains we've ever had in Avatar. They bantered, they're funny, they're really human. And it's so cool to see someone with an amputation in a role like this with Ming-Hua, who is voiced by the same actress as Azula, by the way. Zaheer being in love with P'li is another great touch. You genuinely feel kind of awful when she dies in Episode Twelve.
(It is, for me, Avatar's one true ship P'Leer or Zap'li? I don't know. What should it be?)
There's this real look of horror on Zaheer's face, one that only would have looked even better if he had a beard. What I love about these guys is that they have all of the traits we associate with that of a hero team, right? They work together, they complement each other's strengths, they negate each other's weaknesses. And if you really get down to it, the Red Lotus has some good points to make. Not like the murder points, but the other points. They don't feel like robots, but living, breathing humans. Unlike Unalaq from Season Two or Vaatu, who were just evil for the sake of being evil. Amon was also a really human and compelling and threatening villain, nut the writing around Zaheer in Season Three is a lot better, on average than in Season One. So it gives Zaheer a more potent role overall. One problem with writing villains is, of course, that you can't have them lose too much, or they don't feel like a threat anymore. So I went through the series, and I counted. There are roughly ten fight scenes with Zaheer of which he outright wins six, even against people like Zuko, the Fire Lord and all that, and he only loses four. And the times that he does lose, he was nearly always in control of the scene anyway, like he tactically retreats. The exception to this is him versus Tenzin, a fully trained air-bender, and him versus Korra in the Avatar state. Which to be fair, I think if I went up against Korra in the Avatar state, I wouldn't do much better. Narratively, the Red Lotus repeatedly demonstrates how capable they are by besting all of our main characters at least once. And they're not just beating up, say, faceless goons. That's kind of a cheap way to demonstrate how dangerous your villain is.
(This is one reason why Azula always felt more like a threat than Zuko. She repeatedly demonstrated herself against the heroes tobe their equal or even more competent. Now, do I need to mention how Season Three has easily several of the best fight scenes, not just in Korra, but in Avatar as a whole? Tenzin versus Zaheer is only surpassed, in my opinion, by the Agni Kai, because there's so much more between Zuko and Azula, you know, in this emotional, relational way.)
The fight between Korra and Zaheer in the finale is, and here's what's really cool. Designed to be a mirror of the Aang versus Ozai fight in the Last Air-bender, it's got these huge pillars of stone with an air-bender fleeing the very embodiment of rage. The parallels contrast their characters, Aang and Korra, and it better than any other moment in the series, exemplifies how determined and unshakable Korra is. She, at this point, is dying. There is mercury flowing through her veins, with some of the most powerful benders ever seen fighting her, and she still manages to best all of them. She will give up her life, but she will never give up letting the bad guy win. Across the series, we see how she learns to direct her anger, her self-righteousness, her power, which have been occasionally flaws in the past, into real strengths that come out in these moments.
(I think that it and she and the series is a complicated mess, and I love it.)
One thing that people seem to complain about is that Korra doesn't grow, she doesn't change or learn. And that's just not true, not at all. Across Season Three, we see her learning self control and learning the difference between anger and righteous anger. We see her recognize her flaws and learn to rely more on others. Not do everything on her own, by herself. We also see her refine her strengths, raw power rarely gets her anywhere at the season. She has to learn to trust and stop thinking in ways that, once upon a time meant people like Amon outsmarted her. She recklessly, if you'll remember, challenged Amon to a fight one on one, the moment she could basically, in Season One. That's the sort of person she was at the beginning. But here, here we see she waits and plans before stepping up to face Zaheer. And all of this change, I think, is really facilitated by these fantastic antagonists who prompt her to think and consider herself.
[Change #2: Korrasami]
Nickelodeon were naturally terrified of letting Korra and Asami get together on screen, because it would immediately turn every single child who watched the show into a lesbian. We're going to change that, Season Three is going to be a lot more Korra and Asami centric. Now in our rewrite, she was originally an Equalist before turning to help keep the peace in Republic City. Ao at this point, she and Korra respect each other, but it's more of an alliance than a friendship. So this season we want that to be Korra and Asami becoming real friends. Korra is allowed back into Republic city, just like she is in Episode One, to fix the spirit vines. And we're going to see Asami and Maya Korra as she helps the spirits resettle in a new location outside the city. With the promise that they will plant a spirit tree in a grove in the middle of the city park. They'll take care of it, a pact similar to the one that she saw with the Southern Water Tribe last season. And as they look out over the spirit's new home, Korra will say something like, "Everyone keeps telling me that the Avatar needs to be this or can't be that, but I think this is what I was meant to be". Asami says, "It's beautiful and most of the world just sees it as inconvenient. I heard some spirits have taken up living in the catacombs under Ba Sing Se but I suppose this is us, we we both have places to be". Korra says, "Yeah, I do, but we can take a moment longer". When she's frustrated, she's going to turn more and more to Asami. This other person who has so much anger and rage at trying to find their place in the world and trying to help, but not necessarily knowing how to, right? And so she's going to find that empathy in this person she didn't necessarily expect. And we actually see her turning more to Asami in the season anyway. You know, there's this episode where they're trapped in the desert and it's going to be a bonding moment where they learn to really rely and trust and rely on each other. And it's going to go beyond admiration and into mutual respect and that into friendship. B efore Korra realizes that, "You know what, she's kind of hot too". Just a little moment here or there, with a dash of flirting. At the end of the series, when Zaheer demands Korra turn herself over to the air-nomads, everyone is going to be like, "No, Korra, you can't do that", except Asami. And with Tenzin captured, and with Mako and Bolin not really listening to her, she's going to confide in Asami again. "I don't really know what Zaheer wants to do to me, but I can't keep running away just because other people are scared, I won't." Asami says, "I know you have to do this for yourself, and I know how strong you are too, I fought you. Do it, you'll find a way out". So that's really the crux of this arc. 
We got to show:
Mutual respect when they're dealing with spirit stuff in Republic City.
Show they can trust and rely on each other in the desert. 
Show Korra can be vulnerable with her fears and hopes at the end of the series, plus a dash of flirting.
As I said, "They're not fully in love yet, but they are going to come out of this trusting each other as friends. It's that story of people with very different backgrounds, both seeing issues in the world, wanting to help, but having to learn how to help. That's a very different thing, where Asami is emotionally insecure, Korra is very sure of herself. And where Korra is very often impulsive, Asami is a lot more cautious, tending to plan ahead. We're going to see them complement each other's strengths and negate each other's flaws, which is what we see in the villains as well. And these are going to naturally come out in the story beats that are already in the series.
📖Hello👇Future👇Me✏️’s Legend of Korra
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bestepisode · 7 months
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Bolin, Asami, and Iroh are captured by Hiroshi Sato and the Equalists, but rescued by Naga. While Asami and Bolin fight Hiroshi and his mecha-tanks, Iroh destroys the Equalist bombers. Korra and Mako confront Amon at an Equalist rally, and expose him as a bender. Amon denies it and reveals that he has captured Tenzin and his young family. Korra and Mako free them, but Amon overpowers Mako and Korra, and removes Korra's bending abilities except for her airbending, which she later unlocks and uses against him. Expelled by her, Amon falls into the sea, and his escape unmasks him publicly as a waterbender. He flees Republic City, along with Tarrlok, who later explodes their boat and themselves. At the South Pole, Katara is unable to heal Korra's severance from water, earth, and fire. As Korra sits weeping at a cliff's edge, Aang's spirit fully restores her spiritual connection and bending abilities and Korra enters the Avatar State to restore Beifong's bending abilities. Everyone watches in awe and amazement with Tenzin addressing her as Avatar Korra.
Light in the Dark
Tenzin and his siblings find Korra and her friends wounded and unconscious. Once healed by Kya, Korra states that with Raava gone the cycle is over and she is now likely the last Avatar. Unavaatu attacks Republic City. During the attack, Varrick escapes prison. In the Spirit World, Tenzin leads Korra to the Tree of Time and tells her to meditate within it. As she meditates, Korra unlocks previously untapped spiritual potential and teleports to Republic City to discover a fragment of Raava within Vaatu; the spirits of light and dark cannot exist without each other and one will always regrow from within the other. Jinora's spirit illuminates the fragment, and Korra withdraws Raava and purifies Unavaatu, killing Unalaq and defeating Vaatu. Tenzin, Kya, Bumi, Mako, Bolin, Desna and Eska defend Korra's body from attacking dark spirits. Korra and Raava return and use Harmonic Convergence to re-merge; the Avatar Spirit is reformed, but Korra's link with the previous Avatars appears to remain lost. After deep contemplation, Korra decides to leave the spirit portals open, believing that spirits and humans can find a way to coexist and should be allowed the chance. She also declares the Southern Water Tribe to now be independent from the North as its own state. Korra and Mako end their romantic relationship, but pledge to remain friends. Korra declares that the world has entered into a new age.
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polyglottishthings · 2 years
Why TF do people act like Korra's trauma arc comes out of nowhere???? Like, season one is entirely about her learning how to cope with and even process fear. She is not used to being afraid and doesn't know how to handle it. She has recurring memories and nightmares about Amon within the first few episodes of the show and people wanna act like her post traumatic stress was bad writing or random??? Like umm. To ignore that part of her character would actually make less sense.
In fact I think the main reason trauma wasn't heavily addressed with Aang after he woke up in the iceberg is because 1. He was always characteristically in touch with his emotions for the most part, as much as a 12 y/o can be (and his friends mention his unusual maturity/wisdom more than once); 2. He had seen the world and experienced much more than Korra ever had bc she was essentially locked up in the South Pole, giving him a wider emotional bandwidth than Korra (imo) and 3. It was clearly directed toward an audience of younger children whereas TLOK seems to be directed toward older children/teens, meaning it's more appropriate to address some darker themes in greater depth than they could in ATLA
ALSO... The obstacles that Aang faces are mostly the same through the show too, where he has to find someone to teach him, he's being chased by the royal family, and ultimately he has to fight the Fire Lord. This isn't to say he's not afraid, but the villains in TLOK, particularly in season 3, were much more intense than the ones in ATLA. Aang never had someone even threaten to take his bending away, let alone display to him that they could do it whenever they wanted, when it would suit them best. He wasn't betrayed by a trusted family member like in season 2 of TLOK (of course due to the nature of his situation this wasn't even really possible but the point stands). He wasn't chased by literal supervillains who had been locked away for years. It's the elements of fear and manipulation that makes Korra's story more intense to me. These were grown ass adults trying to terrorize, kidnap, and/or kill a 17 y/o. To me, in ATLA it was children beating each other up in a rather straightforward way, until the very end of the show.
All of this is to say that Korra faced a barrage of terrifying opponents and situations, back to back, after of lifetime of being sheltered that understandably left her traumatized. I think people just get so used to seeing shows/movies/video games where the main character doesn't even blink about traumatizing stuff that they think it's cheap writing when the writers actually decide to address that the protagonist has in fact not suffered happily lol.
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purplenoiseinmyhead · 2 years
Questions to all Korrasami fans:
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Question 1:
➡️ Do you think Asami was the person that stayed all the time taking care of Korra when they came back to Republic City after Zaheer's battle?
Question 2:
➡️ Does this make sense to you? I mean, Asami taking care of her since the beginning. What about her mother or her father? Why would be Asami the one that took such a relevant role?
Question 3:
➡️ How many days do you think Asami took care of Korra?
I’ll explain my theories down below. But I want to read your opinion 😉 please, if you answer, reblog and tag me! ❤️ Thanks for the help.
➡️ My answer to question 1:
Absolutely yes 🙌🏼 I think Asami was the person that took that role practically from the beginning. Just a couple days after they came back to Republic City.
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Looking at that picture, I thought it would be strange that Asami arrived that day just to do her hair right? So, for sure Asami was the person that helped Korra that day to take a bath and also to get dressed.
I think as well it would be strange that Asami did it just that day. For the confidence they showed us, that they had on each other, it was clear that Asami was taking care of her at least for a few days before.
Plus, I believe Asami came back to live in the temple to be by Korra's side.
➡️ My answer to question 2:
I’ve analyzed the behavior of Senna and Tonraq towards Korra. They love her so much that they always respect her decisions. I can imagine a super worried Tonraq, not sleeping very well because he personally took her daughter to her bed on the Temple. I also think that Senna travelled fast to be by her side to help her with everything she needed.
However, I think they didn’t stay for long in the city because Korra asked them to go. This is because they were behaving too intense and she started to need some space. They were worried at some unbearable level that Korra couldn't handle and recover at the same time.
Asami was around the Temple (she didn’t want to leave Korra’s side since they all arrived to the city). Then, when Korra asked her parents to leave her, in that precise moment, Asami was there to help Korra to convince her parents telling them that she personally would take care of Korra because she was her best friend. And she assured them that they didn’t had to worry about anything.
To reinforce this argument I have this proof:
When they finally took Korra back to the South, in the episode “Korra alone” we can see that Senna tells Korra: “Honey, your father and I have tried to give you as much space as you've needed but we're worried.” This reveals that in fact that they at some time became too much for her. Also Korra at first didn't know how much time she would be like this so she accepted Asami's help and didn't want her parents to be over her all the time.
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➡️ My answer to question 3:
This answer is soooo long that I've been writing a whole post about this and it isn't finished yet because to arrive at that conclusion I've been working on a whole timeline of TLOK...
However, my current bet is that Asami took care of Korra for one month.
There are basically two proofs to reinforce this argument:
(1) At that time Jinora still hasn't grown any hair. And I don't think she would be the type of airbender that wanted to keep it shaved to justify that she would shave it again a few days after the ceremony.
- Picture of Jinora the day Korra left:
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(2) Kya was very hurt when they came back to the city. I don't think her recovery took just fifteen days, because, in fact, at Jinora's ceremony she still was using crutches. Nevertheless, she's a healer. She could accelerate her recovery and make herself be good in a month. That's why when we see Korra travelling with her parents and Kya, she's already fine.
- Picture of Kya days before:
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- Picture of Kya days after:
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So, this is it! What do you think? I'd love to read you opinion! 💕💕
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yiangchen · 2 years
TLOK Book 1 Rewatch Thoughts...
1. While only having seen the show as a whole once, I’ve seen Book 1 about four times now I think. I just love it. It’s honestly really really solid and I enjoy it a lot.
2. Amon is a very compelling villain. I used to think that him being a bloodbender was kinda stupid because it undermined the revolution, but I’m not sure I agree with that anymore. Due to his upbringing, he had a very valid reason for thinking all bending is evil.
3. The murder/suicide scene with Noatak and Tarrlok is so sad but so good.
4. Korra being able to airbend feels way more earned to me this time around. I had never realized that her fear of Amon was part of her mental block, and once he took away her ability to bend the other three elements, she realized she had nothing left to lose. It’s a very earned moment the more I think about it.
5. Which reminds me...Aang giving her back her bending at the end is actually earned as well. Letting go of her fear of Amon was also pivotal in her connecting to her spiritual self. 
6. I absolutely love the scene in episode 2 where Korra moves like an airbender to win the pro bending match. I get major chills every time. 
7. While parts of the love triangle are cringy, the way that Korra acts honestly makes sense considering she’s never interacted with kids her own age all that much before, if at all. 
8. When Bolin and Korra are on their date, they do seem lowkey perfect for each other, and honestly, I can see it. 
9. Also, I do still really enjoy a lot of the Makorra moments in Book 1. They’re cute, okay. Ngl. (They were my original ship back when I first watched the show. I don’t love them nearly as much as I had then, but I still like them a fair amount.)
10. One of my favorite parts about this rewatch was noticing all the little Korrasami moments. I know that they didn’t originally intend for Korrasami to end up together at all, considering that the Book 1 finale was originally the finale of the whole series and Makorra got together, but there are quite a few Korrasami moments.
11. Lin and Tenzin are still my two faves. I LOVE THEM. Also, Jinora!
12. However, my only complaint with Tenzin’s character is that I really wish that he and some of his children had some SWT elements in their Air Nomad robes.
13. Iroh II making an appearance is one of the highlights of the season imo.
14. Lin’s sacrifice is one of the saddest moments, but I kinda love it. 
15. You know what? I love probending. It’s so fun. 
16. Mako wearing his father’s scarf as a parallel to Katara wearing her mother’s necklace. I’M CRYING.
17. I still refuse to believe that Katara banned bloodbending entirely. It makes sense that she would ban the use of it to control/hurt people, however, I absolutely love the hc that she developed medicinal uses for it. I like to think that she trained a select few how to save lives with bloodbending and that most of the waterbending staff in hospitals have a license to do so. Technically, there is nothing in canon that disproves this. Bloodbending is illegal, but there could be exceptions if it means saving a life. Just saying.
18. The music is just incredible. The animation too.
19. Naga is the best. 
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xaibaugrove · 4 years
Addressing the Casual (and Direct) Biphobia in the Korrasami Community
So this will either get a lot of flak or fade into obscurity. I am a member of the Korrasami community who has not been here for nearly as long as the more notable members and I am not very active to say the least. But this platform gives me the ability to speak my mind and after letting this topic fester within me for as long as I’ve been in this community, I am going to speak my damn mind because this shit needs to be said.
The Backstory
I won’t bore anyone with my whole confused bisexual life story, because this isn’t about me. But just for some background here, I was a confused bisexual for my entire life until Korra and Asami basking in the light of the Spirit Portal made me see the actual light and recognize my sexuality. Which was a little crazy for me to realize that, yeah, there is a way to be attracted to men and still be attracted to women.
I saw so much of myself in Korra. She was super awkward around guys she thought were cute, she was buff, she was tough and sometimes she just blurted out all her deep seated feelings towards guys she just met and you know, I felt that. She also fell in love with her female best friend and I felt that, too. Naturally after rewatching the series as an adult, I wanted to see if there were others out there who appreciated this couple as much as I did.
The Issue
While I found a vast online community that had as much love for Korrasami as I did, I quickly found that there were a large majority of lesbian/WLW fans who didn’t have as much love for Korra and Asami’s very real attraction to Mako. 
Take a look at the Korrasami AO3 tag. I’ve actually had someone tell me that no one who reads Korrasami fanfic wants to read anything featuring Korra or Asami with Mako. I’ve seen fics that have a timeline that starts with both women being toddlers growing up into adults without one single mention of them being attracted to boys or men at all, nonetheless attracted to Mako. And in the rare scenario that a relationship with Mako or any male is mentioned, then comes the frustrating storybeat that they either dated men because they were too shy/scared to approach each other (thus rendering the men as just things to do in the meantime) or worse yet, because they were CONFUSED OR CONFORMING TO SOCIAL/GENDER NORMS.
In the 3 or 4 years I’ve been part of the fandom, I’ve had actual conversations with lesbian friends who have found every way possible to wave away Korra and Asami’s attraction to Mako. Or even reacting in disgust to Makorra or Masami at every mention of it. Which is fair, if you’re a KA fan of course that’s an expected reaction to another ship involving your OTP but, to completely dismiss the importance of it...? There are those who would call those parts of the series “pointless” or “ridiculous”. It’s really disheartening to know that a lot of lesbian KA fans consider the queer rep in the series soured by the 2 seasons where they had to watch Korra and Asami, two bi women, be attracted to a man.
It was jarring to say the least, to have conversations with friends where I couldn’t bring up Korra or Asami’s relationships with Mako during discussions about their development without being shot down and having the relationships be dismissed. The reaction to Korra and Asami’s attraction to men was so strong that I even started to feel ashamed about how “frivolous” or “trivial” my own attraction to men was perceived. 
Not too long ago, I saw a meme on Reddit that sent me over the edge and inspired me to write this post. The user has since deleted the post, but I remember it very vividly, only because I’ve seen some version of it many times before. The meme basically referred to how frustrated the viewer had been after being told that TLOK had great queer rep, but feeling as though they were cheated having to watch them “fuck around with guys for 2 seasons” (their words), only to be saved at the end, when Korra and Asami finally get together.
When I saw it, I was immediately fuming. Because at that point, I had seen this shit so much, it hurt more than anything else. And the pain mixed with the rage but...I think the pain still comes through in my reply to the post. 
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I’ve seen sooo much content and sooo many posts or comments where a user asks whether TLOK has good LGBTQ+ rep, only to have someone reply that it’s a letdown because the queer rep doesn’t happen until the finale. Another all too common discussion I’ve seen is where fans call Korra and Asam’s bisexuality into question. One example 
I understand that it sucks that we didn’t get more romantic interactions between the two women during the show for external reasons outside the creators’ control. I wish there had been a kiss here, more blushes there. But the crushes on Mako were real. And their interest in each other, albeit all too short in its depiction, is also real. And that means something to me, a bisexual woman. To say the rep is a letdown is...sad. Because Korra is featured in every episode starting from the first and Asami is featured in every ep from the 4th or 5th episode. And they’re both wonderfully, beautifully bisexual. Seeing that mattered to me. 
So, to anyone who is a lesbian or WLW and a Korrasami fan and you’re reading this post and feel attacked, just stop instead to examine your language within the fandom. I understand you want “pure” WLW content or whatever... but just stop making me feel ashamed for being a wlw who is also attracted to men... and please stop erasing that attraction from two of the few bisexual characters I have that are like me... I’m tired, so tired of having to defend my attraction to both sexes with people outside the LGBTQ+ community and those within it. 
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low-budget-korra · 3 years
"a dark-skinned character(korra) is punished for her attitude/personality and is tortured to change her personality to a more submissive one, but when a light-skinned character(kuvira) has the same attitude/personality, the narrative does not punish her and forgive her because she had a difficult childhood :(. that character(kuvira) goes to prison for the crime she did but when she gets out of prison, she still has the same bad Attitude she had before(she is still the same arrogant bi*ch who thinks she knows better than anyone else).
The light-skinned character(kuvira) is 'punished" for being a criminal, not for her personality as they did with the dark-skinned character(korra). The lightskinned character's mistake is to be a criminal, the darkskinned character's mistake is to be the way she is, have a strong and confident personality."
" a dark skinned character (Korra)is punished for her personality and is tortured to change her personality to a more submissive one" Did you even watched the show? First of all, the ONLY time Korra was punished for her personality (not actually quite that because fear ain't one but there's a lil of arrogance there so) was in The Voice in The Night, book 1 episode 4.
Second of, Korra isn't submissive at all. Book 1 she wasn't, and at the very end of book 4, she also wasn't. I think you are confusing the terms. Book 1 Korra was impulsive, childish, naive and immature and this not the same thing as being dominant. Book 4 Korra was more thoughtful, more patient, more mature, more calm and if you think this makes someone submissive, you know nothing about this dominant and submissive shit. I'm sorry but you don't. Thinking about your actions before making them, doesn't make a person submissive wtf dude
And the "funny" is that if B4 Korra was the same as B1 Korra, y'all would complain that they denied her a proper character development and chooses to treat her as stupid and violent or wherever just because she is dark skinned. I bet a ear on that
Kuvira NEVER had he same attitude/ personality was Korra. Korra never put civilians life's in danger like that, Korra cares about people, Korra wanted to serve people and not only her personal goals, Korra never used people like Kuvira did with Baatar Jr., Saying that just because the writers spend the whole B4 trying to shove that in your throat doesn't make it true. I saw the show so many fucking times, i know those character better than I know some people in my own family so yes, i think i can say for sure that Kuvira was never like Korra. If you and the writers said that just because they were both stubborn and had strong will, you can also say Toph Beifong was just like Kuvira, Zuko was just like Kuvira. Let's just say it takes more than just 2 personality traits to make a actual good parallel. Just look at Zuko and Aang, Katara and Azula, Amon and Korra, now that was some fucking great well thought mirrors/parallels
Kuvira only had that terrible and unnecessary "redemption" because of the fandom, the fandom wanted that so the give it. And also, a little of immaturity of the writers to do so, especially in the way they did. That's why sometimes creators can't give the fans what they want. And Kuvira still is praised af for lots in the fandom. So no, i don't think this have something to do with her skin tone, they just wanted to make a "Zuko" of her, giving her redemption and all but is was the biggest mistake on tlok and that pisses me off like hell.
Zuko (light skinned character) also was punished like hell even before the story of the show start, physically and emotionally. Tenzin got beat up and almost died because of it, Azula was manipulated and emotionally abused by her father since ever but NOBODY talks about that because in those cases is good character development, character arc, history arc, important to the plot
But when it is with Korra some people wished her to had a stupid plot armor and ruined everything for her just because she is dark skinned.
And, like i said, i watch those show a lot of times, i now know more about them than what I do with my life and i know more those characters that some people in my life. I've been studying the show and it's character for 7years now so i know all the flaws as well. But saying that Korra only suffer because of her color is stupid, I'm sorry but it is. If the creators who - for sure aren't perfect - was those racists some of y'all call them, the protagonist wouldn't even be a dark skinned character. Katara and Sokka also wouldn't have some of the best developments in tla(Katara even had a better development than the protagonist) and the importance they had on the story.
I'm sorry is just that I'm sick of reading this. It ain't true.
I don't know you, and I'm having a shitty day so i may being throwing that on you ~ sorry for that~ but wanting a dark skinned character, a woman or lgbt characters to have plot armor just because of their color, sexuality or gender, ain't being woke. Especially when you love when thosees type of "suffering that led to awesome good character development" is destined to white, male and straight characters. I'm not saying is you specifically but I've seen a lot, a lot of people with your same argument being like that. And I'm just tired
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dxbzpp · 3 years
If we think a little about it, Asami already had gone thru the 5 grieving stages
1. Denial - She keep by her fathers side until the very end, trusting on her father. What i love about this episode is that there is a scene where she looks at Korra for a small second, what lead me to think that she is not actually trusting but want to trust in what her father is saying.
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2. Anger - this is their 2° interaction after Asami sided with team avatar and left her father, the first he insulted her, this one, he tried to Kill her, and would have Killed If Bolin didnt show up. For the expressions on Asamis face, we can see that she was going to kill him to, but she doesn't and accept the he wasnt the person she tought he was.
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3. Bargain - this might be controversial but after her father goes to prision, she dont have nothing about about her family besides a dirty last name. So she try to save Future industries since is the last thing about her family that she has. Saving the Company = trying to find comfort in other things instead of facing her problems.
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4. Depression - other controversial Idea that i have and think about it a lot. On the sting episode we find out that her company was not under anymore, was a literal Titanic because Varrick stole everything from her. Now there is Asami with no mother, no father and no company and in front of her, her ex boyfriend saying things that she needed to hear at the moment, that he didnt give up on her. This was literaly the deepest point of her life since her mother died, so what she does? Yes, kiss him. An impulsive decision that Asami on a normal place of mind wouldnt have done.
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5. Acceptance - now, nearly 4 years after everything that happened to her relantionship with her father (because even in book 3 she still had mixed feelings about this topic). She have the best closure, yes, he died, but she have been going trhu grieve for 4 years, and she found a community for her. Asami was able to confront him and tells how she Felt and he made she feel heard. I cant think of a better end to them
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I know that this was probably not planned since TLOK had no time in book 4 and would be weird to Korrasami start after a funeral, but i just cant get this off of my mind. And going on a vacation in some way could be a good thing to her you know
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