#tmnt Michelangelo x male reader
yanteetle · 1 year
I dont know why... But
I might want to see more Mikey art!
If you want to!
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"I love it when you're with me... it's exactly where you belong... <3"
you asked, and I deliver! :D I loved drawing this, and this pretty much concludes my 'fluffy-yandere-sketch' drawing series! I've drawn one for each of the 4 brothers, in their own versions and I'm glad it's finally done! I want to squeal and gush about the details I added in here but I'll probably just sound annoying, so I'll leave it here! Have a nice day, and thank you for requesting!
Taglist: @dynaspamm @faetaiity @fried-milkfish @milks-thoughts @hearteyedracoon @crystallinecryogenics @m0nster-fluffer @syrinxmeadow @zxphy @mellytumbles @nekonekoastume
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turtlefanboy · 7 months
Hiii!! Local trans guy here,could I request the 2012 turtles with a really strong trans partner? I know one thing that makes me feel really masculine is being strong:D!!
A/N: Happily!! And I can understand being strong does make you feel really masc! I am so sorry this came out a lot later than I wanted like I think 2 years ahead of deadline, life has been crazy like I'm a junior now and I'm 17. Hope you like what I wrote though!
2012! Turtles with Trans Masc S/O who’s really strong!
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Leo loves the fact that you're strong.
honestly all the turtles do.
he will still want to protect you and make sure you don't get hurt.
but it reassures him to know that you can handle your own in a fight if you need to.
He loves to be carried by you.
makes him feel like you're his knight in shining armor.
he also picks you up to make you feel the same dw.
he does spar with you and is genuinely surprised when he loses to you!
he likes to spar with you as to challenge himself and to get better at fighting.
and so you get better at fighting as well!
will ask you to cosplay the like captain from space hero's
totally not because he's in love with him and you and it would be super cool if you did that combining the two things he loves-
totally not-
likes to watch you fight
not as much as Raph
but he will sometimes look over at you with a loving gaze as you knock out an enemy.
does not care that you're trans
none of the turtles do
mutant turtle that is rejected by society he can't Judge!
also he helps you whenever you are feeling dysphoric
will tell you that you are the most handsome and strongest guy he knows
and loves
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he definitely works out with you and gives pointers as to how to be stronger.
please carry this man like a princess.
he adores it
he adores you
as mentioned before he loves sparring with you
since you're strong like him it doesn't mean he has to hold back!
and he loves that!
and he genuinely is a good sport when he loses to you
and that's totally not because he likes being thrown around by you
absolutely not.
he also likes it when he wins against you
inflates his ego.
he also loves fighting in battles with you and loves watching you fight
like he will just be starring at you so lovingly as you smash a Kraangs metal skull
he's just smitten
has to have someone yell at him to stop starring at you
he adores you and absolutely loves the fact you're strong.
Also makes sure you don't feel dysphoric
genuinely angry whenever he hears someone was transphobic to you
or was just mean to you...
they get a little visit from Raph and get beaten the shit out of-
like how dare they say that to his handsome and strong boyfriend
he don't care if your strong and can beat people up yourself
he will still beat them up himself.
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again all the turtles love that you're strong
same with nerd over here (I say that affectionately)
he helps you with becoming stronger
likes diets
and workouts that help
and he gives you workouts that will help with your gender dysphoria
like he will give you workouts that make your body more masculine
if you want that of course
he asks for your help a lot to pick up big heavy things he can't
genuinely your biggest fanboy
loves to have you there helping him by being his brawns
has definitely written fanfics of you two
and it's the jock x nerd trope
he doesn't tell you about them
much like Raph he just stares at you adoringly while you fight an enemy
takes a lot to snap him out of it though
literally have to bonk him out of his trance
he just is absolutely smitten with you
definitely has a folder dedicated to pictures of you working out
for research purposes
doesn't spar with you unlike his brothers
mainly because he is more into computers and tech rather than fighting.
but he definitely roots for you as you fight his brothers
fucking loves it when you beat Raphs ass
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Loves your strength
Loves to be picked up like a pretty princess by you
Calls you his knight in shining armor
Showers you in kisses whenever he can
Goofball over here will flirt with you a lot though
Constantly flirting and complimenting you
Like calling you handsome, or hot
Compliment him as well he loves it
Definitely made you dress up as a knight while he dressed up as a prince
He just loves it
Has made you play DND with him
He loves sparring with you
and also watching you beat his brothers sometimes
Mikey adores you
and will watch you with heart eyes as you fight much like his older brothers
but he can multitask, he's fighting while admiring you
its impressive.
throws himself in your arms after a fight
he loves you and adores you.
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oleander-nin · 11 months
Horrortober Day 19- Curiosity(Yandere Rise Mikey x Reader)
A/N, not important: You know, if life screws me over today and I can't finish tomorrows, I think I'm okay with 19 consecutive posts. I'm not happy, but I don't think I'd do anything drastic over this one. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Kidnapping, hinted disturbing imagery w/out detail, obsession, mention of gorey drawing, snooping, yandere themes, dark themes
Words: 1776
Summary: You finally get access to Mikey’s locked notebook and aren't sure the bubbly turtle is as innocent as he seems anymore.
The concrete floor of the lair’s living room was cold, the freezing stone seeping into your shirt and numbing your stomach. You shiver at the feeling, unsure how pleasant you truly thought it felt. Despite insisting for the past thirty minutes it was fine, you were starting to regret your call as the cold latched onto your limbs and was starting to take your arms down too. You never realized how difficult it was to draw with numb fingers. You take a small breath, grumbling quietly as you shift on the floor in an attempt to get warm.
“Hey Mikey?” You catch his attention, frowning slightly because you knew you were giving in to winter's touch. You didn’t think you’d bail so soon. Mikey looks at you, his warm eyes also seeming to know exactly what you wanted, as if he was more surprised you lasted this long.
“I have a big blanket in my bed.” He says simply, turning back to his work. You nod gratefully, pushing your palms against the floor to pick yourself up. You shiver as you walk towards the orange turtles room, your teeth chattering from the brisk air. You didn’t understand why Donnie was so insistent on waiting until one of his projects was complete before cranking up the heat since his lab had its own separate thermal system, but no one dared to complain. Donnie wasn’t against ‘accidentally’ shutting off the system entirely while his room is unaffected. You were all certain it was just to keep Leo away from Donnie’s inventions anyway.
Pushing the door aside, you walk into Mikey’s room. It was the same temperature as the hallway, but the more colorful walls made it feel warmer. If you tried hard enough, you were fairly certain you could have a conversation with the paintings on the walls.
You spend little time admiring the graffiti Mikey covered everything in. You had been here millions of times before, and it had been a few weeks since Mikey added another masterpiece to his room. You drift over to the hammock and shuffle the pillows and blankets around to find your favorite, the large fluffy one Mikey always lets you use. You wrap the plush blanket around yourself, convinced you had just stolen a piece of heaven to sink into. The little warmth your body was generating is trapped within the blanket's fabric, quickly returning the color to your face.
Your eyes drift around the room one last time as you walk to the exit, merely scanning for oddities than truly taking in the details. Your eyes land on a bright red sketchbook sitting inconspicuously on Mikey’s desk, the usual diary lock that kept it closed sitting open and to the side. The sketchbook was open, showing off a drawing of someone familiar. You move closer, ignoring the nagging voice that was scolding you for snooping.
The drawing was of you, sitting next to Mikey on the couch. You were both leaning on each other, hands and legs entangled in the silly pose. Your face was happy, the graphite drawing somehow capturing the light and care in your eyes. You smile softly, kneeling down to take the sketchbook in your hand and admire the drawing more. It was a surprise to see, but a very welcome one.
You thumb the pages over to the beginning, looking through the drawings more. You seemed to be the main focus of most of the drawings, which helped you feel justified in looking through the sketchbook. There were so many sketches of you, the first couple innocent and sweet like the one you first saw. You frown as you glance over the fourth and fifth pages, the detailed drawing of you chained and gagged making you feel uneasy.
The next few pages were similar, all depicting you in ways that made you uncomfortable or sick. You stop looking through at the eleventh drawing, the dead bodies being too similar in looks to your friends and families. You shakily set the book down, unsure how to feel about what you just saw. On one hand, they could very well just be practice, and he found you easy to draw. On the other… 
You shudder, not wanting to dwell on the implications of that. You quickly thumb through the drawings, trying to not look at them as you try to return to the original page that was open when you came in. You’re so engrossed in your mission, you don’t even notice Mikey entering the room and shutting the train car's door behind him. He walks forward, startling you as he grabs the notebook from your hand and carefully closes it, making sure to not bed any of the pages.
You gape at him, eyes wide and barely breathing. You struggle to speak while he locks the notebook, his face blank except for the smile on his lips. It was like he was glad you saw his drawings.
“I-I’m so sorry Mikey, I saw it open and then when I went to grab it, I dropped it and I was trying to fix it, but I couldn’t find the page and-” Mikey kneels in front of you and covers your mouth with his hand, stopping your desperate lies from falling. His eyes were still the same, warm and kind and oh so innocent, something you were starting to not believe. He looks down at the sketchbook in his hand, then sets it back down on the desk.
“It’s fine,” He lies, the words coming easy. He keeps his hand firmly over your mouth, not trusting you to not interrupt. “I was going to give it to you anyways! I’m just a little disappointed you peaked so early. It kind of ruins the gift.”
He pouts at you, his hand finally dropping from your mouth. Before you can speak, his arms wrap around your lower back and pull you forward, sending you crashing into his chest. You grunt in discomfort, your head knocking comfortably against the dull points of his plastron and the blanket being the only thing that kept you from the rough texture. 
“So, how much did you see?”
His soft voice sends chills down your spine. You weren’t used to so much forced happiness in his voice, and no longer being able to see his face from your position made it so much worse. You gently try to push him back, your heart thudding against your ribcage. Your fists slowly close, his arms holding you tight against him so you have no chance of moving. You try to swallow the lump in your throat, desperately chasing down the fear that was starting to consume you. You try to think of what to say, unsure of how to step to calm down the young mutant.
“Not much,” Your throat is dry when you speak, causing your words to be quieter and harder than you wanted. Mikey shifts you closer to him, his face pressed into your hair. You don’t try to struggle in his arms, wanting nothing more than for him to calm down and let you go. “I just saw the first couple pages.”
Mikey hums in acknowledgement, his chest lifting higher as he breathes deeply for a moment. His voice is tight, almost nervous. You weren’t sure how to take it. “What did you think?”
“They were… Nice.” You say, your stomach churning once more as you remember the drawings and what they contained. The blood and gore of your family members from the final page would haunt you for years to come. Mikey nods despite your unease, seeming to brighten at the answer. 
“Good. I’m glad you like them. I really really like you, you know. I wanted to give that to you before I asked you out but…” Mikey takes a deep breath, his voice darkening and his arms growing tighter around you. “Well, you ruined it. You ruined the surprise, and I’m really mad at you right now.”
Your blood runs cold at his words, unease biting at your heart and soaking into your veins. Mikey doesn’t speak for a moment, his body tense. You weren’t sure what he was thinking, but you got the feeling you had to leave. Now.
“Hey Mikey?” You mumble, trying to tread lightly. You didn't want to make him more upset. He squeezes you, letting you know he was listening without making a sound. “I’m sorry, I really am, but I need to go home. I- I have homework, remember?”
Mikey doesn’t answer, his grip tightening more and you were sure you could feel your bones stress under the pressure. You open your mouth to continue, but he cuts you off, the usually bubbly turtle's words turning cold.
“You’re not leaving.” He says shortly, an almost whine in his voice despite the cold words. You tense, unsure how to respond. The growing fear in your heart wasn’t helping you think clearly, and you couldn’t see a good way to get out of this.
Mikey breathes through his nose, trying to calm himself so he doesn’t do anything brash. You both sit there for a few moments, your face forcefully pressed up against Mikey’s plastron. Your breathing is starting to get more laborious as panic continues to set in, Mikey’s compressive hold not helping in the slightest. The turtle himself also seemed unsure what to do next, his arms shaking as he held you. Neither of you move nor speak, not wanting to break the heavy silence that fell upon the room.
“I’m sorry,” MIkey says suddenly, his voice making you both jump. He licks his lips before continuing, your silence encouraging him to finish. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you leave. I need you. This, this wasn’t supposed to happen like this.”
Before you can ask what he meant, Mikey stands up with you in his arms, his spots and eyes glowing as he lets his powers flow. Your panic escapes you now, screams and cries erupting from your float as chains wrap around you and lock you in place. Now fully bound, Mikey sets you down in his hammock bed, his eyes shaky while he backs away. He looks over you, seemingly looking for injuries while you continue to scream and curse his name. Mikey seems upset at the outburst, quickly walking out of sight before reappearing with a small cloth he shoves into your mouth. The dusty rag burns on your tongue, making you choke and cough.
“I’ll be back.” Mikey mumbles, his eyes disappearing as he turns around and marches off, leaving you to steam alone in his cold, treacherous room.
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faetaiity · 2 years
my brain somehow decided that I need to use the rest of my active braincells to do this, Hyperfixations are wild when you write, man. I also feel like I need to explain this because I overthink
Basically, what's about to go down in this post: Adult! Platonic/Familial Yandere! 1987, 2003, 2012, Bayverse and Last ronin! TMNT x Male! ROTTMNT! Reader (With slight Familial Yandere! from them for the Rise! Turtles)
the ages are mostly bullshit/made up in this ig except for Ronin! Michelangelo because he's canonically 31 or older
Reader is the same age as ROTTMNT! Michelangelo (Birthyear: 2005)
This is set during 2020, a few months after the Kraang Invasion. (The ROTTMNT ages are color-coded: 17, 16, 16, 15 and 15. every other iteration of the TMNT are implied to be 20-26, with an exception for Ronin! Michelangelo)
Why did I explain the premise? Because I want to make sure you guys understand. THIS. IS. NOT. ROMANTIC. and If I see anyone who adds more to this story or makes jokes about the OLDER turtles being attracted to the reader (Illegal due to Reader being a Minor.) or the ROTTMNT turtles (Illegal due to the Rise! Turtles being minors and being related to them.), you're getting blocked. no questions.
Minor Notes: While this is platonic, I understand if someone misinterprets some of the HC's due to the fact that each family is different with affection, some (like mine) make me feel guilty if I don't cuddle/hug them, some of this is inspired by my own family, Familial yandere writers (or at least me lol) tend to make stories relate to their own experiences with their family, If you read this and complain that it has 'romantic' aspects (which, affection isn't even exclusively romantic what??), I'm going to get a little mad since this is my experience with family, lol.
TW/CW: minor(?) Spoilers for The Last Ronin, Kidnapping, Abuse (Physically and mentally from 'Punishments'), manipulation, guilt tripping, possible gaslighting(?), Implied Murder, Infantilization, Stalking, Mentions of Panic attacks, stress tics (scratching/clawing at the skin), Yandere Behavior, Obsessive/Possessive Behavior, Extreme Overprotective behavior, OOC Older TMNT Iterations (Specifically 1987! and Bayverse!), Forced Affection, Surprise Adoption from the older versions of your best friends, mentions of Scars, missing limbs and Trauma from Rise! Shredder and Rise! Kraang (reader is mentioned to have scars and a missing eye) (Yeah that's long as shit because this post is probably gonna be long as shit)
On a scale from 1 to 10 my friends, you're FUCKED /ref
Now I'm gonna start off with you meeting them a specific way and branch out to more options down the line.
Donnie ended up making a machine that COULD send someone or an object across to a separate universe if he was correct.
Unfortunately, you ended up getting sucked up into the Machine-Made portal due to being close to it
To make this easier on my brain, let's say the other iterations of the turtles are already together, through a similar device that was used by the Kraang/Utroms
And your dumbass landed right in the middle of a huge argument between Ronin! Michelangelo and 2003! Raphael
Everyone freezes, including you, they LOOK like your best friends but are clearly not, there's differences between them and your friends, height is a big noticeable difference that tips you off.
Weapons are drawn almost instantaneously, multiple different sets of Katanas, Nun chucks, and Sai's are pointed at you
And oddly, just as quickly as they raised their weapons, they put them back down
In their minds, they quickly draw together than you're unarmed and a lot younger than they are
You get up on your legs, unsure of how to respond to them, you remember the photos of you and your turtles on your phone
You slowly pull out your phone, knowing they could mistake it for a weapon, you scroll through your phone until you find the photo of you, Donnie and Leo in Run of the Mill Pizza, they calm down at the sight of it
They sheathed their weapons, studying your body warily, you feel weirded out at the fact that they haven't said anything; you could understand that behavior from Donnie or Raph, but not the other two
You swallow your nervousness and shakily say "I'm [Y/N]"
You notice one of the Michelangelo's runs right up to you, clearly excited at the Idea of someone from another universe that isn't in theirs
He noticed your eyepatch as soon as he gets up to your face and winces "Jeez, what happened to your eye?" he blurts out, Surprisingly, Leo smacks upside the head, Mikey mutters out a small apology, you laugh softly, not taking offense to it
They all introduce themselves with the year they're from and their age, you immediately notice all of them are adults
They're already wincing at your scars from life-threatening injuries and clearly injured or missing eye, but they just kind of.... freeze when you say "Wow! You guys are a lot older than My versions of y'all!"
They stay quiet for a second before you embarrassedly mumble out: "Oh... I'm sorry, that was rude of me" you avert your eyes
2012! Leo is the first one to speak "No... Offense taken; we were just caught off guard.... how old are you and your versions of us?" "Oh! Well Raph's 17, Leo and Donnie are 16, Me and Mikey are 15"
Silence, before Bayverse! Raphael bursts out laughing "I'M THE OLDEST?!" clearly, he's happy at that, and so are the other Raphs, apparently, since you can see their smirks at their respective Leos, who frown
You nod nervously, his volume scaring you slightly, He noticed you flinching and quiets down
Your age kind of takes a minute for them to process, considering your scars made them assume you're a little older, they end up asking you when you got the scars
"Oh! The giant scar is from the Shredder, the missing eye and the other smaller scars are from the kraang!" you breathed out for a few seconds, calming yourself down from remembering those unhappy situations "I got the big one when I was 13, everything else happened a few months ago."
They all.... look at you in a weird manner, it was a mix of pure anger, pity, and.... self-loathing, oddly enough? "Ah, I'm sorry if I reminded you guys of any..... unhappy situations..." you shyly said, they stayed quiet, feeling uncomfortable with the stares, you changed the subject "I need to be able to get back home! Donnie's probably freaking the absolute fuck out by now"
Ronin! Michelangelo takes initiative to tell you that you are welcome here as long as it takes, the others nod, you thank them all profusely
It scares all of them over the next few weeks when you'd tell them stories about your adventures, they've come to understand that, well, in a blunt way, you and their younger counterparts clearly aren't able to take care of yourselves
And they've actually come to loathe Rise! Splinter, they've come to understand that their dad wasn't the best, but it makes their blood boil at how badly it can be for you and the Rise! Turtles.
Even they didn't fight the Shredder at that age!
However, they do feel a little better knowing you five defeated him, but not by much considering how close you all were to dying
especially you.
I'm gonna be honest, there is three ways it can go when your friends come to bring you back to your Universe
1: The other iterations come back with you guys, being delusional in the fact that you guys can't take care of yourselves
2: They don't let you go back with them, and they tell the Rise! Turtles to leave (This would be most likely if you share unfavorable stories of the Turtles, while forgetting to add where you guys talk it out or the reason why it happened, they become very attached to you specifically in the few weeks they've known you!)
3: (This is the one we will be explaining in this Post) They keep all of you in the Universe that you fell into. (This is the one most likely to occur due to ROTTMNT! Reader and Turtles are injured severely from the Kraang Invasion)
It is not a good time for the first few weeks, You and your best friends fight tooth and nail at every point through them keeping you guys
They're beyond delusional, chalking it up to teenage rebellion and the nature of the Rise! Turtles
You five end up being locked up in a room, a few hidden cameras being placed in there
y'all aren't allowed out usually (and NEVER out of the lair) since to the Older! Turtles, you five are ungrateful brats who can't think for themselves
You and Mikey are babied, you two are the youngest and have been through so much!
It's suffocating
They always want to be near you, because in their words "You're the one who needs protection the most"
Donnie is allowed keep his battle shell due to the nature of his species (Also because they don't know about all the weaponry in it)
There isn't much room for escape, almost none, actually
17 Adult Mutant Ninja Turtles guarding the lair, at least 2 home at all times?
yeah, good luck, even Rise! Donnie is stumped.
In order of Importance (Most to Least) It's You and Mikey, Leo, Donnie and then Raph
Donnie and Raph are mostly ignored because they suffered the least number of injuries, and they're the oldest.
Previous Leos don't approve of yours, saying he's not Mature or Serious enough, often taking him for training/sparring
Don't let that fool you, your Leo has come back in worse shape than he was to begin with, often coming back trying to hide his tears, you guys stopped letting him go with them once it was found that his shell was starting to crack more. I wonder why
Donnie comes up with a plan to escape with Raph to regroup and find out how to get back home
and, to their credit, they manage to leave the lair, about 15 minutes later, Ronin! Mikey comes in, once he sees they're gone, he starts breaking objects in the room and yells at You, Mikey and Leo.
The others quickly come in and try to pull Ronin! Mikey away, which he resists until he sees you having a panic attack, Rise! Mikey trying to console you and Rise! Leo in a defensive position, around you
He leaves the room and announces that he's going to find them, some of the other turtles try to get near you to comfort you but Leo isn't letting it happen, he actually tries to attack one of them, making them back off
Oh, Raph and Donnie are fucked, by the way.
Now, Lemme tell you WHY you never want a Yandere! Ronin! Mikey hunting you down
He's the oldest, the most skilled and canonically in the books, the mutagen that is still in his system makes him stronger, bigger and more durable, plus the trauma of losing his brothers has made this situation strike a nerve with him.
he could probably break Rise! Raph's leg
Which he does.
About an hour or two later, he comes back with them, they're both knocked out, Raph's leg is bent unnaturally, and Donnie's Battle shell is ripped to shreds and he has bruises all over him.
Ronin! Mikey comes in and throws them back into the room, Donnie's battle shell in his hands "Found out the main reason why he wanted that damn thing to stay on his back." he stated bluntly, pointing at the drone wings and the spider-like claws, giving it to 2003! Donnie, who marvels at it
You're picked up by one of them, Rise! Leo starts freaking out and trying to get you away from them, until someone else enters the room and keeps him away until you're out
You're placed in a separate room, fearing that they're going to hurt you, you try to cover your head, curling into a fetal position, separation anxiety already kicking in due to the circumstances.
You feel someone rub your back reassuringly, making you cry and hyperventilate more.
"Hey, hey, you're okay, nobody's going to do anything to you" you whimper as you hear 1987! Raph attempt to calm you down
he tells you that you being taken away is the Rise! Turtles' punishment, and that nothing is going to happen to you
"What about My friends?" you sob out, he doesn't respond, he just pulls you close to him and hugs you; you try to pull away only to hear him say "I'm trying to make you feel BETTER, stop resisting! don't you know how much effort we're putting in to help you five out?! To take care of you guys?!" his yelling makes you stiffen, allowing him to pull you back closer to him.
I'm gonna be honest, you get the least severe punishments compared to your turtle friends, you're weak, regardless of if you're human or mutated (Mostly because the mutagen hasn't improved your strength as much as it did theirs yet.), you're WEAK.
They could, especially Ronin! Mikey, end up KILLING you if they gave you the same punishments.
Very few mutations would even get the harsher punishments anyways, all of them being Reptilian or large Mammalians.
Humans, Insect mutants, Bird Mutants and other mutants that could get hurt easier due to their physiology get special treatment.
At worst your punishments leave you with shallow claw marks, maybe a fractured bone or two (This one was unintentional, though, just a testament to how much stronger they are compared to you.), bruises and panic attacks from separation.
Awfully enough, they try to separate you from your friends on a regular basis
Saying your Raph might get a rage fit and hurt you, or your Mikey accidentally getting too excited and hurting you
Any excuse they can pull out of their ass to keep you away from them
They don't tell them where they keep you, of course
It's mostly in Donnie's lab though, where you spend time with them
Rise! Donnie isn't allowed in there because that's where they keep the Rise! Turtles' mystic weapons (Mainly studying them)
The only reason why you're never permanently kept from the Rise! Turtles is because you have panic attacks from being away from them, the Turtles also get hyper confrontational, even more so than usual when you're gone.
You always get returned by the end of the day.
Now, let's go onto say that you guys ACTUALLY managed to escape back to your universe through a sheer stroke of luck.
Staying that way is gonna be hard.
Donnie immediately destroys the portal, but that doesn't mean the others can't build their own
Depending on if you move to another part of the sewer again, is how likely you are to stay uncaptured
If you guys stay at the same spot, they'll find y'all in another few months
if y'all move maybe they won't find you guys.
Staying? They're going to find you guys in as little as a few weeks, but they won't immediately grab you guys
They stalk you five, they're delusional and try to rationalize why you five left.
Staying might be the initial response, you five come back down, hoping to see Splinter, but you just see those 17 figures, some covered in blood
"What did you do, WHAT DID YOU DO?!" your Leo would sob out, assuming the worst
All you five get back are cold stares
Instead of taking you back to the other universe, they stay here and keep you locked in your own home.
But they make sure that y'all can't leave for a while.
The turtles get broken bones, and you get a shock collar
If you think they were bad before, you haven't seen shit
They're always around you five now, never letting any of you out of their sight.
It's hell.
It's pure torture.
and they're never letting you guys go.
I didn't go into as much detail as I would've liked, maybe this will be like a series idk??
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Rise boys reacting to the reader acting as the villan for the first time
[a/n:sorry this took so long 😭. Thank you for requesting]
Summary: The boys see you on the screen as the villain.
Type:Hcs: Donatello X GN!Reader: Raphael X GN!Reader: Michelangelo X GN!Reader: Leonardo X GN!Reader
He would look at you then at the screen then back at you about 5 times
Then ask if that's you
When you say yes he mentions how he could probably do it better, he's not joking
But he secretly loves seeing you play the villain he thinks it's super cool
He'd he alittle concerned about how well you play the villain
But after awhile he becomes amazed by your acting skills so much he'll ask you to participate in small plays with him
He would start watching all your movies and shows with you
Movie night!
He would brag for days to his brothers but mainly Donnie
He would be so proud of your acting that he became the boyfriend that shows you off, which until that point you two weren't out as a couple yet
So yeah big surprise
He'd watch your movies before going to bed(secretly reads fanfic of you)
He would gasp so loud and just look at you with a huge smile
He knew it was you instantly and was so proud
He would have you show him how well you can act through plays and having you read emotional storys
He's such a big fan, probably your biggest fan actually
[A/n:I hope you enjoyed]
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greenunoreversecard · 7 months
How would the rise Fandom feel if I wrote a fic where your from an alt universe and some magic happened that transported u from ur universe to rise universe because a soulmate spell was put on the boys and it basically brought their soulmates to them and there was no you in that universe so you got brought over there and the catch is it's:
Mikey X reader but he's dating Miles Morales from across the spider verse and so like drama and Chaos ensues.
Hobie is soulmates with Donnie and usagi soulmates with Leo.
basically reader begs Donnie not to tell Mikey because Donnie knows that Mikey's reader soulmate and so Mikey isn't told anything.
And him and Miles have been getting an arguments because you're the extra man and miles is assuming but there's also like a whole thing going on between miles and Gwen that Mikey isn't too fond of and so basically it's a not so love triangle where there's lots of drama and the reader almost dies because they got kidnapped
also miles isn't fond of u bc u and Mikey instantly click and are besties
Also would prolly be ftm reader
Uhm yeah so that's a au I've been working on in my head. Would prolly also he cross posted on my ao3.
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turtledude · 2 years
Rise tmnt with a flamboyant !male! reader
(Ex:flashy personality and feminine clothing)
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He’s your biggest supporter no matter what so when it comes to the way you dress and act he’s your biggest hype man
Personality wise he finds it fun how dramatic you are
Even though he doesn’t need clothes he finds them cool
He actually wants to try dresses cause he thinks they look cool but none of Aprils stuff fits him. So you may or may not have gotten a few things so you guys could dress up together
Speaking of dresses, if you dress more feminine he honestly doesn’t see why anyone would be against it
He doesn’t see anything wrong with it but finds it commendable that you wear stuff that others would look down on you for
He gets really bushy if you wear anything red
If your an extroverted type he’ll get really embarrassed if you try to show him off, but please do, he likes it
Also if anyone in his reach try’s to mess with you because of it he’s gonna pound em
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He honestly just screams hype man tbh
He’s also very verbal about how much he likes your fits so be careful
He kinda wants you to dress him up tbh
Scratch that you WILL dress him up, you have no choice.
Def the type to try and buy matching fits for you guys but they probably look really bad 💀(if you wear them anyway it’ll make him really happy)
Would def show you off like “lookhowcoolandamzazingmyboyfriendishahahesmineandnotyoursloser”
Casually roasts people who insult you
Honestly genuinely finds it a really endearing part of you and feels butterflies whenever he’s sees how good you look
Wont shut up if you wear blue.
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Honestly no one expected that you two would be together but in a way it was also very expected
Like Donnie does act stand offish at times but he’s a loud theatre kid at heart and we know he’s flashy
Tries to not notice it but he thinks you look amazing
Will choke if you wear purple
He’s not the best at compliments but if he gets into his theatrical mood he’ll say something stupid and poetic about you. Away from his brothers of course
He does show you off to people but most likely not infront of you
His brothers are tired cause he won’t stop talking about you
If you have a cool like cyber punk style or something with a lot of accessories he will probably steal them and modify them with tech. No you don’t have a choice but it’s okay cause it always turns out super cool
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Omg he loves you sm
He finds your style really fun and likes to do like random fashion shows in his room with you
If you wear orange he probably will just treat it like any other outfit (meaning telling you how absolutely awesome you look) but if you tell him you wore it cause it reminds you of him, he will cry and hug you
He’s not a big show off but he’ll talk about you a lot
He also really likes your personality and it goes pretty well with him
He’s quite bubbly and you suit eachother
Doctor delicate touch mode is on immediately when someone is rude too you
The whole concept of “boys can’t wear feminine clothing” never made sense too him. I think him and Donnie have def tried on some of aprils clothing for fun
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broken-glass-puppet · 2 years
2012! Leo: okay, while I'm out, Mikey, you are in charge
2012! Mikey: yay :D
2012! Leo whispering to male! Reader: y/n you are the one actually in charge
Male! Reader, whispering back: well no shit
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rainnyydaysworld · 10 months
I have a question.
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trashlama · 1 year
Wazzzup my fellow heathens! I'm back with some rough draft/color sketches for the A Team Vs. B Team group drawing I got goin' on. These are just some sketches I drew so I could practice the color palette. The lighting in my room did not allow me to really show off the dimensions of color. Especially in Raph. Damn Camera. Sooo I just took the pictures again with a flash. Hopefully that helps. Anyways—
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Thank you for lookin'!
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screaming-cicada · 2 years
Rise of the TMNT with a transmasc friend
Platonic \ male (gendered pronouns not used) \ headcanons \ multi \ second person
Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
a/n: a little thing to get me into the tmnt writing world hehe. planning on making a nb version in the future
-He's super supportive -If someone misgenders you or deadnames you he corrects them -But if they keep doing it? Raph won't be happy. no way is he letting someone be a jerk to his friend! -If you're dysphoric he gives the best hugs -He tries to get you to train with him so you get strong to beat up transphobes
-Ah yes, the fruity brother -Also supportive but in the most extravagant way possible -Makes you do fashion shows with Mikey to try on different outfits and styles if you don't already have one -Passive aggressive when someone misgenders you -When you're feeling dysphoric he makes the worst and corniest jokes ever to cheer you up (it always works somehow)
-Literally offers to do some high tech mod but you say no, as cool as it sounds. -Instead helps with your research in transitioning socially and medically (if you want to) -Donnie is a lil bit trans too. he/him agender fr -Also passive aggressive when someone misgenders you but is more aggressive than passive... -If you had a bad day lets you chill in his lab and explains his recent project to you for hours so you have no choice but to not be sad -You two also listen to Hatsune Miku bc shes a trans AND autistic icon
-HES NON-BINARY BC YES. -You talk for hours about your experiences being trans (also donnie listens) -Brings out Doctor Feelings when you're sad or dysphoric -He's just fun to hang around -If someone is being transphobic in Mikey's vicinity they better pray.
April O'Neil:
-Coolest ever. Shes really supportive -This one can ACTUALLY go to pride with you (sorry turt bros) -Bought you a binder/packer/pride flag -Like Mikey she will go feral if someone is being transphobic and bothering you -When you're bummed or dysphoric she demands you to come over to her house so you can have her mom's soup. works every time
ending a/n: yeaaahhh first of my own writing posts wooo
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yanteetle · 9 months
So I’m like hella new to tumblr so idk if I’m doing this right but I saw your art and instantly fell in love. God you’re talented. If I may so humbly request, I am dying for a vampire Mikey. 🙏🏻 only if you want to of course. Remember to take breaks and tend for your health and happiness above all else.
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"Sorry about that... you'll forgive me, riiight?"
I've been hesitant to keep posting my yandere art, but it felt wrong to not finish the vampire turtle art I've been making recently! I mostly postponed it because I didn't have inspiration, and I didn't know what pose I wanted to use for him. But I'm happy I managed to get it done. Thanks for sending in this ask, and please have a nice day!
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shadowblaze001 · 1 year
Lately I've been bored and didn't know whether to finish up my Rottmnt comic or read something, so instead I chose to re-read something on Wattpad and I happen to come across a Rottmnt x Spiderman-reader, and that's when I recognized the author for it was none other than @kyothedinonerd himself, who also does art as well.😁🎉
For those who are males and that are curious to read his book on Wattpad, the link is in the description. Btw, this is a X Male reader story.
Huge shout out to @kyothedinonerd for making this.👏👏👏👏👏👏
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oleander-nin · 11 months
Horrotober Day 18 - Flame(Yandere Rise Mikey x Reader)
A/N, not important: I am trying so hard to make my work have like, emotion in it. Idk how I'm doing. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Fire, parental death, death, loss, grief written badly, gasoline, arson, burns, kidnapping, dark themes, yandere themes.
Words: 1278
Summary: Mikey burns down your old home as a testament to you new life with him.
The stark smell of gasoline stirs you awake, your eyes fluttering open to your dim room. Your night light was shining warmly in the corner, still protecting you after all these years. You lift off your blankets, sniffing the air with confusion. Have your parents knocked something over? Did they need help cleaning it? You pass by the night light in your old room as you make your way to your door, turning the slick handle with a grimace. It was wet, slippery with a liquid that was quickly soaking into your hand. You hesitantly bring it to your nose, taking a small whiff.
You yank your hand away from your face, gagging slightly. There was gasoline on your door, and from the puddle you had stepped through that was now soaking into your socks, it was also covering your floors. You quickly open the door, heading through the hallway while your old night light flickers behind you, sealed in a room of memories about to be destroyed. You desperately rack your brain for reasons the house was soaked in the volatile liquid, your heart pounding into your chest. Every step you took soaked your socks and the bottoms of your pajama pants more, the shiny fluid greedily latching onto you as you ran.
For the first time in your adult life, you throw manners to the window and open your parents door without knocking. Seeing them both lie there in their bed brought a small amount of relief to you, and you quickly cross their room to wake them. Shaking them both in turn makes you start to panic more as neither awakes. You turn on the lamp that sits on the bedside table, casting the room into a dim glow. You lean over and try to move their faces, hoping it would stir them. Taking a small breath for courage, you gently lift one's eyelids like you did when you were younger. All that it did was reveal their rolled back eyes, the white of the sclera being the only thing showing.
Only now you realize how stiff they both are, how the blood in their faces seemed to be traveling to their backs. You finally look at their faces fully, seeing the shut eyed screams they were frozen in. Their necks were badly bruised, the imprints of what looked like chains burned into their skin. Your heart sinks and you step back with a sob, crashing to your knees in your parents room. You don’t mind the cold gasoline soaking into, no longer worrying about the fire that could erupt from a single spark and swallow you whole. Loud sobs and screams leave you, wracking your body as your hands pull at your hair in despair. You were aware of what you needed to do, how you needed to grab the phone on their bedside and call the cops.
Your mind urged you to stand, to take control of the situation and mourn once you were safe, but your body refused. Your hands shook, desperately wanting the comforting touch of your parents and wishing for their hold, but you were stuck in the void of grief. Your world was crashing down around you. With the tears burning your face and the dull ache of your knees, you force yourself to get up and move to the phone, fumbling the power button. It flashes weakly at you, the familiar curse of an empty power bank mocking your troubles. You have every urge to shatter the phone in your hand, to throw it to the floor and watch the glass break to the tune of a hungry spider weaving their web.
You slip it into the pocket of your pajamas instead, knowing the priceless memories this phone had stored in its memory. You may have lost your parents tonight, but you would rather set the house aflame yourself than lose what little memories of them you could salvage. You cross the room once more and go to the other side of the bed, trying to keep your eyes off the still bodies of your parents. You couldn’t help but feel their faces were mocking you, the silent screams morphing into laughter that burned your ears and caused more tears to roll down your cheeks.
You curse loudly when you pick up the other phone to find similar results, quickly covering your mouth with your hand. Even now, you felt bad for cursing in front of your parents, and even worse for cursing in front of the dead. With two phones in your pockets and a heavy heart, you trudge back to your room in hopes to pick up your phone and what little money you had under your bed. Now that there was no one to save, you wanted to get out of the house quickly and keep yourself alive. There would be no murder reported if you died with them, and you refuse to let your parents die in vain.
The door to your room looks more like a portal to hell as you near it, your stomach churning with unease. You push the brightly colored wood in more, flicking on the light as you step in. You jump back when you see Mikey, confusion and worry flashing across your face. He was sitting on your bed, with one foot crossed over the knee and your phone in his hands. The light of the screen lit up his face, and whether he didn’t notice you or he was ignoring you, you couldn’t tell.
“Mikey?” You breathe out, stepping further into your room. His face seemed akin to an angel in the moment, your heart bleeding and desperately calling for the comfort his arms would bring. You rush forward, quickly falling against him as you sob, telling him of your parents while he quietly comforts you.
“I’m sorry, sunshine.” He murmurs, his lips pressing themselves to your forehead. You look up at him, more confusion in your eyes before you start to connect the dots. Mikey was here, and his wrappings smelled so strongly of gasoline it could make you hurl. You try to pull back, but he holds you firm, quiet apologies and reassurances falling from his lips as you scream. He lifts you into his arms, dropping your phone on the ground and cracking it under his feet. You thrash against him as he carries you through the door of your home, lighting it ablaze with his mystic powers that once amazed you.
A crackling blue portal sits at the end of your driveway, and Mikey carries you through, the lair on the other side. You continue to scream and fight in his arms, but Mikey never budges nor falters. His small stature was a ruse, his arms and capabilities stronger than you could ever hope to be.
“It was necessary,” He mumbles, his tone apologetic while he leads you towards the bathroom to clean the gasoline from your skin. He takes no notice of your punches or bites, only hissing when you land a hit to his cheek. “I needed you to stay. If you had something to return to, you’d never settle down.”
You don’t bother to ask what he means, or why he did what he did, only caring to get as far away from him as you could. Mikey continues to hold you down, pressing kisses to your face and whispering soft words in your ears like it would fix the damage he had done. Mikey wasn’t too worried about your fighting, knowing you would come around soon. A burned bridge could always be rebuilt, and Mikey wasn’t afraid of splinters.
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shellshockedgay · 2 years
Hey guys! Long time to no post!
I'm very sorry I haven't posted anything in a very long time. My life got very chaotic. My grandmother passed away, my dad got super sick in the hospital (he's doing better now) and I started a new job.
But I kinda felt a pull back to this blog so I might start writing some stuff again soon. Again, I'm very sorry for the long wait. Love you guys!
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Hi I love you story!
I hope you don't mind doing a rottmnt scenario with this like very sweet s/o but their s/o gets into this large gang fight and they have this very violent side to them and like totally kicked butt so when the tmnt get there like some of the guys head's where spilt some guys head's skulls where bashed and they stood there s/o just so happy to see them
[A/n:Thank you for requesting.]
Summary:You are very sweet but one day you get into a big gang fight, and end up beating the shit out of them and the turtles see it happen
Type:scenario:Turtles & gn reader
You, the turtles best friend, the super nice one, the one who one day made all the turtles outfits and flower crowns cause you were bored, Y/n. You have known the turtles for awhile now, and you've never shown ant signs the you'd condone to violence. But when they see you standing their being surrounded by gang members, they were gonna jump down and help but Donnie stopped them.
"Hold up something is off"
They all looked down, and seen how you rolled up your sleeves(and put up your hair if you have long hair) and roll your shoulders relaxing yourself.
"So we gonna do this or no?"
You said, the turtles were now curious.
"You going down little kid"
They heard you chuckle as the gang members charged at you, and swiftly you attacked them. Quickly, silently, and didn't hold back. It started with one going out, then five, then 7, then all of them besides the 'leader'. The 'leader' stepped back in fear. Seeing how brutally you beat his men, not only did it look as though you were heartless but also that you gave no mercy what so ever. The turtles were silent. Donnie whating to clap and cheer for you, Leo standing their so shocked that his mouth hung open, Raph looking away because of all the blood, and Mikey smiling and silently cheering. They watched as you charged at the 'leader' and watched as he ran away clearly scared. They heard you tsk before walking away from the allyway leaving the bloodied and passed out. When the turtles seen you again they definitely said something.
"So y/n, where'd you learn to fight like that?"
Leo slid over to you and put his arm across your shoulders.
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't act dumb, we seen what you did to though gang members"
You went quiet.
"So heartless, how you did it"
Mikey said with a little bit of amusement.
"That's a story for another time guys"
You then pushed leos around off of your shoulders. As you walked away you could hear the turtles calling after you, almost begging to know were you learned how to fight. Splinter just chuckled as he overheard his children call out for you.
[A/n:btw funny thing but i bodyslammed someone today.I hope you enjoyed]
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