poppysinpebbles · 8 months
Sewer Crypt
Chapter One
What would happen if Raph, Donnie, Casey, and April were never cured?
My idea from Here.
The night air was chilly, especially up on the rooftops. Perhaps too chilly for mid june, but it didn’t bother him, not anymore anyway. In fact, he loved it, reveled in it actually. The bite of the cool breeze in his throat tasted like power. It tasted safe. Safe as this side of the city. The stars were bright here and he was glad for it. The telltale light pollution of civilization disgusted him, it reminded him far too much of the burn of sunrise. But this part of the city had been taken by his kind long ago.
Never had he actually found the darkness of night all that dark. Whether or not that was the result of his dimly glowing eyes or just the abilities that came with the transformation was beyond him. At the moment, It didn’t matter either way because it allowed him to watch his newest batch of ghouls run around the street like roughhousing children. He enjoyed watching them, it took his mind off things.
He’d always been a natural at controlling ghouls. Even back when he was a little fledgling surviving off spiders and rats. He still had his baby fangs back then. That thought brought a smile to his face, one that quickly faded when his mind provided another memory from back then. The time he’d invited his brothers to join him. He was quite naive at the time and he wished he could go back to give his younger self the cold, hard truth and maybe a slap to the face. His hand reached up to his bicep to fiddle with a long, red piece of fabric tied around his sleeve. A habit his master encouraged. It probably made him easier to manipulate, whatever, he didn’t really care all that much.
Pulling his hand away quickly, he reminded himself he still had one of his brothers and two of his friends. Sighing loudly he pulled out his phone and a not so quiet cuss rang out. Taking a deep breath of air, he let out a bone chilling screech that echoed across multiple blocks. His ghouls took action immediately. Scrambling through open doors and windows and into sewer grates and manholes. There were even some clambering into ventilation shafts at the top of buildings. It looked like chaos, and it was, but they all had one goal in mind; to get out of the open. The time was 4:30, far too close to dawn for his comfort.
He himself hastily made his way to a manhole, jumping off the building he had stood on. He hated taking the sewers, they were filled with painful memories from… less complicated times. His hand wandered to the strip of red, tattered fabric just as his mind wandered to old memories. Memories of laughter, memories of fighting, of crying and hugging, of joy, of playing and injury, training and youth, memories of brotherhood.
"Raphael!" A voice yelled way too close behind him. Startled, he whipped around to see a pair of familiar glowing eyes.
"Donnie?" His voice sounded shakier than he anticipated. He blinked away tears he hadn’t realized were there and cleared his throat. His brother's annoyed expression morphed into pity. He hated that. "What the hell, man? You scared the shit outta me!" His voice had a lot less bite than he wanted.
"Look where you are." Donnie’s voice came out unimpressed and somehow it was worse than pity. "I’ve called your name like twenty times!"
Raph glanced around the environment and quickly realized where his brother's worry had come from. He was in his old room in the old lair, muscle memory must have taken him here when he wasn’t paying attention. Weird. He’d think after thirty three years his body would know not to go here anymore. It was the exact same as it was all those years ago, minus the thick layer of dust that seemed to coat everything, he also noticed that his extra mask was nowhere in sight but he decided not to think about the implications of that.
"Oh, whoops! Muscle memory am I right?" He forced a smile onto his face which Donnie immediately gave a look to.
"That’s probably the single worst fake smile I have ever seen." Raph decided Donnie’s deadpan was definitely worse than pity.
He chewed the inside of his cheek and kept from meeting his gaze. Had he always found it this difficult to lie to his purple clad twin?
"Sorry." He eventually managed to sigh out.
"Don’t, just… don’t. Let’s just go home." Raph couldn’t help but wince internally. He hated making Donnie worry, he was his only brother who didn’t see him as some death obsessed, bloodthirsty monster. Probably because he was one too.
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Similarities the Hamato Siblings Share with Splinter and Tang Shen
Tang Shen - 
Hamato Miwa - Resilient, compassionate, reliable, free-spirited, feisty, strong, independent, determined, bright, adventurous, true, outspoken, bold, and fierce. 
Hamato Leonardo - Pilot, selfless, caring, perfectionist, honest, heroic, responsible, hardworking, and adventurous. 
Hamato Raphael - Compassionate, brave, relentless, and true. 
Hamato Donatello - Romantic, caring, loving, curious and hardworking.
Hamato Michelangelo - Kind-hearted, free-spirited, resilient, feisty, strong, compassionate, social, energetic, forgiving, brave, naive, determined, nurturing, adventurous, and fun-loving. 
Hamato Yoshi - 
Hamato Miwa - Stubborn, prideful, free-spirited, hotheaded, compassionate, willful, rebellious, feisty, snarky, fearless, leadership, loyal, reckless, mischievous, fiery, and protective. 
Hamato Leonardo - Leadership, fearless, strong-willed, loyal, stubborn, and prideful. 
Hamato Raphael - Fiery, protective, snarky, feisty, fiercely loyal, compassionate, determined, stubborn, prideful, true, rebellious, strong, free-spirited, hotheaded, and bold. 
Hamato Donatello - Compassionate, prideful, snarky, sarcastic, stubborn, not very social, and can be hotheaded. 
Hamato Michelangelo - Mischievous, sometimes wise, playful, stubborn, feisty, loyal, and creative. 
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flamingfantrash · 1 year
Reading a F!Leo/ PeePaw fic be like "gotta remember how F!Leo's individual family members died and resulting trauma to F!Leo for this particular fic" "Was this the fic where F!Raph was blown up, squished or had his heart carved out?"
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kappaturtlegirl · 3 months
New Chapter out
A new chapter is out now.
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monalisamartian · 1 year
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Mona in the outfits she has in the fanfic so far (plus an extra from Donnie that she's gonna wear soon)
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ayfaa2 · 7 months
Change:Chapter 5 is underway
Time for a little Donnie interaction I think. Is it time for Leo to have a break...? a little one?
uhmm.... y-yes...! (no)
Bro has been through a lot... heheh
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chickyqueen · 1 year
Need some RotTMNT content where the future turtles parent Casey? This is the chapter for you! 
Seriously tho, I’m loving writing this fanfic. Getting all my headcanon out in one place.
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The curse
"And then Raph gave one last swing and through the hole Donnie and the girl slid! We thought she was dead, Pops! DEAD!" Splinter held onto his chair, it was always a roller coaster listening to Mikey talk about an adventure, ” and Donnie was a complete mess – he was totally spaced out! And so we just stood there shocked! It was bad! I thought he was going to cry! REALLY CRY! But fortunately, she wasn't dead after all – and now she will hopefully be well cared for by April's friends in the hospital…"
“And who do you have to thank for that? MOI!” Leo exclaimed as he entered the room where they always watched their series. 
Raph, Splinter and Mikey turned their heads towards him and the red one rolled his eyes.
"Where's Donnie? And April? Is everything ok?" Mikey asked, still worried about Donnie. His condition had frightened him greatly.
"Yes, yes. Everything okay. La chica misteriosa is fine. Donnie puts her somewhere where she can sleep. April's doctor guy said she will make it – we should keep her warm and feed her pain pills. Whoa. THAT was a night, I tell you! I'm hungry! Let me know when Donnie shows up, and he clears up all this mess! I don't want to miss ANYTHING of this story!" and he threw his swords aside and started looking for some food.
Mikey and Raph looked at each other and got up to look for Donnie and give him his Bo. Splinter picked up the remote and started his series – the story was wild, but hadn't the boys seen wilder ones…? — Donnie went into his room, followed by April. He briefly wished back his old room, where his bed was a giant heat pod. She wouldn't freeze in that one. Unfortunately, it was completely destroyed by Shredder at the time. But all in all, he liked his subway train room better.
He went straight to his bed and carefully laid her down. She moved slightly, but didn't wake up. After briefly reassuring himself that she was still asleep, he raised his left arm and activated his gauntlet. He tapped, and a hologram appeared, which formed into a flat, round capsule and manifested in the air. The turtle grabbed it without hesitation. It was cool and smooth and the size of his palm. April stood half behind him and watched with interest. The boys have gotten older, and their skills have continued to develop.
Donnie now took the capsule between his fingers and held it over the young woman's chest. Now the little thing came back to life, shining transparently again and changing its shape, which lay like a second, glowing skin around the woman's chest, and disappeared under the hoodie. After that, several semi-transparent displays appeared in the air at the level of Donnie's head. They showed pulse, body temperature, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and a few other parameters that April didn't know. Satisfied, Donnie studied the medical values. They were stable. Then he swiped the big displays into his gauntlet, where they now hovered over his wrist, much smaller, before disappearing inside. He felt the flame and secretly knows, that perhaps there was no need to monitor her. The flame seemed to be a reliable indicator as well, if he was able to pay attention to it.
But for now, so does his mystic tech and better safe than sorry.
April was impressed and knew: Gathering data was one of Donnie's ways of calming down.
"Neat" she said. He smiled. He was always pleased to receive compliments about his work.
"Thanks. Now I can keep an eye on her vitals and be alerted immediately if anything unusual occurs. It's a really ingenious system that works with electrical impulses through the skin. The skin is really a fascinating organ, which presumably tells us everything about our bodily functions. I will…"
He stopped his oversharing outburst and looked down at her. Then he grabbed the blanket at the foot end and covered her over. She stirred and pulled her right hand out from under the blanket and let it rest next to her head. Her very wavy hair had dried and was now lying wildly on the pillow and framing her face. She breathed calmly and evenly.
April and Donnie stood there looking down at her.
"She is beautiful." April said through an impulse without thinking.
"Yes." Donnie replied quietly and swallowed, "she is."
It was only now that he fully realized that she was saved. That he hadn't lost her and that she was safe here. With him. He felt the emotions of the past few hours surging, and his legs suddenly gave out. He slowly slumped to the floor next to the bed and grabbed the edge of the mattress. Head bowed, Donatello fought back tears.
"Oh, Donnie!" whispered April, surprised by the unexpected outburst of emotion. She squatted down next to him and put her hand gently on his arm.
"She saved my life, April." he whispered as he stared at the floor, "and she was willing to sacrifice her own life for mine and almost… almost…" his voice broke.
April looked again at the sleeping young woman, who was nearly face leveled now, and remembered the scars on her body. The two different tattoos. Who was she? “What's her Name?” she asked carefully.
“I… I don't know.” the turtle answered with a sudden pain in his voice. “She could have died today for me, and I didn’t even know her name.” The memory of her lying lifeless in his arms and he was unable to call her name ripped him apart, and he began to tremble.
“Donnie…” April looked at the door where Mikey and Raph were standing. Their faces full of compassion. How long have they been there?
They came in, and let the Bo stayed in the doorway. Mikeys knelt beside his brother and Raph behind him, and they hugged him tightly. Donnie crumpled up the covers, and his tense body only allowed him to breathe shakily. He didn't say anything, but after a few moments, he calmed down and grabbed his brother's arms to squeezed them in return. "I think we should start collecting data." said April and looked over at the plastic bag she had placed on the floor by the door. Raph and Mikey let go of Donnie, who sent a faint smile to April.
Find the full book on Wattpad and AO3
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adilay-ackatery · 1 month
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🎙Voice Headcanons for my OCs 👀
❄️Feren Tamung: Erin Fitzgerald (Raven Queen, Ever After High)
👹Yami Iwakura: Lara Jill Miller (Haru, Beastars)
☠️Gwen Éternelle: Lauren Babic (Singer)
☀️Alaki Tamung: Ke$ha (Singer)
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2003), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leonardo & Raphael (TMNT) Characters: Splinter (TMNT), Leonardo (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT), Donatello (TMNT) Additional Tags: Turtle Tots (TMNT), Family, Family Drama, Fluff, Growing Up, Sibling Bonding, Sibling Love Series: Part 3 of School Dayz Summary:
Splinter notices a rift beginning to form between two of his children.
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mizmomo · 4 years
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Planning a comeback for The Other Ninja and I just had to have a new cover art. Shoutout to my insanely talented friend Trey Baldwin for making this awesome piece! I love it so much!
More examples of Trey's work can be seen on Twitter and DA:
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kappaturtlegirl · 4 months
Good news! Tales of tmnt is coming this summer! So I made this fanfic contuing from the first movie of Mutant Mayhem.
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monalisamartian · 1 year
New chapters for the AU is out now! (Not beta read yet but should be by the end of the week when I can get my friend to help me)
We get to see more of Monas alien land form in the newest chapter
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nari-writes · 5 years
"Hey, next time you get shot, tell someone, okay?"
@ramskulls you asked to be tagged in leo/casey stuff: I hope this Suffices !! ✌️
In order, it goes like this: 
Donnie’s the best at tying bandages, then Splinter, Casey (loathe though he is to be patient), and Leo. 
But Donnie’s checking Mikey for a concussion, Splinter’s trying to coax Raph out of a funk, and Casey’s the one clutching his shoulder, blood creeping through his fingers, so the job’s on Leo.
“I think,” Leo says, methodologically clearing blood off Casey’s bicep so he can see where the wound starts, “that next time you get shot, I want a head’s up. You know, before you limp into the lair bleeding everywhere.”
Casey grins at him. “Next time? You have such little faith.”
Leo presses hard with the antiseptic and Casey yelps, aiming a kick at Leo’s shin that Leo easily side-steps. He narrows his eyes at the graze on Casey’s shoulder like that’d stop him bleeding, and tries to figure out if it needs stitches. Tries to figure out if he’ll be able to get Casey to consent to stitches. 
“Out of the six of us, you are the one who gets shot the most.”
“I can’t redirect bullets with my mind!” Casey protests, and Leo sets his jaw and keeps his eyes on the gauze. The mix of white and green always looks odd, but he’s still thankful April has kept their first-aid kit stocked. It’s better for the humans in their life that the bandages are clean, and they’re strong but he knows Donnie’s thankful for it too. Fewer germs, fewer threats they can’t fight, fewer weaknesses.
Fewer weaknesses, but they live with humans now. 
“You’re reckless,” Leo says, and ties off the bandage a little tighter than necessary. Casey’s muscle jumps under his hands, warm and strong, but Casey doesn’t even hiss through his teeth. 
Donnie’s best at doing bandages, then Splinter, then Casey, then Leo. 
But Casey always asks for him. (Because Leo knows he likes it tight, knows that Casey wants to flex and feel the pinch of injury, the shift of the bandage; they’re the same, like that. The only difference is in how they scar.)
Leo takes his time checking the edges, letting his fingers run over Casey’s skin - tight is fine, constricting blood flow is not - and he can tell that Casey’s getting bored when he starts to shift on Donnie’s workbench. 
“Thanks,” Casey says, when Leo can’t find another excuse for the length of time he’s spent with his hands on Casey’s arm, and Leo awkwardly pats the bandage once, like he needs to check it’s in place. Then he steps out of the way, so Casey can swing himself off the bench and windmill his arm to check Leo’s work. 
Casey tilts his head and tracks him, hands braced against the edge of the desk. “All done?” he asks, and Leo frowns slowly, knowing that Casey’s fishing for something. He nods, and watches Casey grin. “I think you missed a step, is all.”
Casey leans forward, easy and open - an invitation if ever there was one, and Leo scowls. “No,” he says sternly. “I’m not going to reward you for getting shot.”
“What about a reward for sitting still?” Casey asks, pouting dramatically with his eyes wide. “Please? You should at least kiss me for saying please.”
“Not in my lab!” Donnie says from the corner sectioned off for the med-bay, and Casey’s pout turns into a grin as he tries not to laugh. He waggles his eyebrows, stupid and silly and happy and alive. 
A weakness. 
Leo steps in and picks Casey’s hands from the bench, tugging him along, and lets himself smile at Casey’s dopey look at their conjoined hands. 
“Not in Donnie’s lab,” he says, and Casey’s cheer makes Mikey whine, ow, my head and Donnie yell, get out!
Donnie’s best at doing bandages, then Splinter, then Casey, then Leo.
But Casey likes Leo best.
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chickyqueen · 1 year
This is not a chapter for the soft. It’s a hurt no comfort kinda story. 
Kinda the backstory on how Future Donnie dies. 
Those of you who can handle it. Enjoy.
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