#to be clear it's fine lol I am just complaining for sport
essektheylyss · 2 months
taking a class about law taught by a lawyer and now reaping the consequences of my actions aka lawyer work expectations
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Tips for being a good server/bartender? Starting a serving job for the first time this week...
thank you for thinking i'm good at my job. lol. it's all acting and muscle memory after a certain point
it's better to just ask the dumb questions and look stupid than to make a big(ger) mistake
use seat numbers even if your pos isn't set up like that immediately/isn't required
if you're required to mark a table (steak knives with steak, soup spoons, etc.) do it asap. lol my former boss used to tell us when she worked in fine dining not doing that resulted it an immediate write up 😭😭 she is such a lovely person and was a gem of a manager but servers not doing that irked the hell out of her it made her sooooo mad. which i get people need utensils to eat. also prebus you look competent and it makes clearing super fast
be nice to everyone. for obvious reasons. bar, kitchen, host, etc
develop some degree of alcohol knowledge it just makes things smooth for everyone: you, the bar, and guests. this weekend while the printer was printing nonstop we had a server ask us if a moscow mule was made with whiskey after this same server asked us two nights before if it was made with gin 😐
literally cannot speak on being a good bartender bc i am so new at it but not having to learn classic cocktail specs on the job has been a tremendous help 👍 i have learned to clean your shakers and put bottles away asap
honestly though the most important thing is finding a restaurant that is like good to work at. too many restaurants are abusive or crazy when it is literally just food and bev. i really like my company despite the issues (of which there are many) but it has been overall a great experience and also why i talk/complain much less about work on here than i used to when i worked at sports bar
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dawnover-dusk · 3 years
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it’s only like, two years later lol. inspired by my intern boot camp! lemme know if there’s too much medical jargon so i know i can tone it down in the future lol  EM resident wonwoo x IM intern reader, bullet point, not proofread more seventeen medical au here!
- wonwoo is a 2nd year EM resident - but as a fresh-faced baby intern, you mistake him for an attending - it’s not your fault really -- his aura and quiet stoicism despite the packed ED suggested years of experience - so when you are on nights and a patient that you are admitting starts crashing, you don’t even question it when he comes running over and ordering you to get fluids - after the patient’s vitals stabilize, your adrenaline is still pumping as you shakily say “thank you dr. jeon” - he contemplates you over his wire-framed glasses and nods, “oh it’s just wonwoo”
- and as you gush over wonwoo to your (barely awake) senior resident jeonghan, he begins to grin - you know you’ve only been working at the hospital for a month, but it’s long enough to know that jeonghan is scheming - so when jeonghan calls you over the next night to get sign-out for a new admission, you’re a lil sus - but you don’t have time to react when jeonghan runs out of the room cackling and you hear wonwoo’s voice over the speaker say “hey yn” - and you curse at how your heart jumps over his deep voice and you don’t know if you should thank jeonghan or kill him - when you go to see that patient, wonwoo can’t help but look over at you from time to time from where he is seated at his workstation - not that he purposely chose that seat because he could see that patient or anything because he’s definitely not interested ... and not that jeonghan texted him the entire night about you LOL - and he can see your eyes crinkle over your mask as you talk softly to the elderly woman - and how you pat her hand and she grasps yours for reassurance - and how you run over to the supply storage to grab a hot pack for her before you go back upstairs - just like how you were in awe of how calm he was during an emergency, he’s awed by how considerate you are - so he doesn’t even really mind when you walk into the medicine lounge for more keurig coffee and jeonghan ditches him in the most conspicuous way possible - “oh hi wonwoo!” you greet him brightly, setting down the steaming paper cup on the table as you plop down on the couch across from him - and now he is graced with your full smile, the corners of your eyes crinkling as he tentatively smiles back and gives a small wave - “thanks again for helping me out last night! you looked super cool and i hope that i can be like you,” you start, before realizing that that you just blurted that out without thinking - you could feel your face start to flush and if you weren’t avoiding eye contact, you would’ve seen that wonwoo’s hand had reflexively come up to cover his grin - “don’t worry about it, i know med school and the real world are totally different but you’ll get the hang of it. i’ve seen you with patients though and they can’t teach that amount of empathy, so you’re already miles ahead” - your eyes widen and even though you’ve been trying so hard to fake like everything’s been okay - intern year sucks - “thank you, wonwoo,” you whisper, but words cannot convey how much his recognition means to you - throughout the rest of the rotation, you meet up with wonwoo to have bad coffee and over time, you don’t even use jeonghan as an excuse anymore - whenever wonwoo is off, he texts to check in on you - wonwoo knows how scary it is to be alone as an intern on nights, and as much as he loves jeonghan, he knows that he’s less than…hands on - but you always try to change the subject from work because you believe that when you’re off from the hospital, you should be off - so you talk about video games and literature and spoken word poetry - and to his surprise, wonwoo ends up telling you that he sometimes writes lyrics for this music group that he was part of back in med school (he has never told anyone else this!!!!) - so you ask him to go to a show with you the next time you’re free and he’s like “sure” but internally he’s like “IS THIS…A DATE???”
- “wonwoo’s finally going to have a s/o!” jeonghan all but shouts to his co-residents jihoon and joshua in the morning - it’s been a month on nights and you’re back on the day team - you had gone to intern morning report while the rest of your team...gossips? - “it’s too early for this,” jihoon grumbles while joshua slides his chair closer to jeonghan - “i am the best senior that an intern can have and no one can tell me otherwise,” he continued while joshua just chuckled - “last i heard, you let the intern handle septic shock and you didn’t even leave the call room,” jihoon rebutted. - “uhh..hi?” you question as you enter the room and see joshua zoom back over to his desk and jihoon whip around and pretend to finish his email - jeonghan clears his throat to fill the silence but as he is the king of luck, your pager goes off and you exit that room as quickly as you had entered, shouting something about a code in the ED - jihoon: “so…are you gonna help or” - jeonghan: “nah it’s cool” - in the ED, you run over to the crowd that had formed around this patient and you see wonwoo at the head of the bed who nods at you - “yn, this patient came in with nausea and vomiting but her blood pressure has dropped and her mental status has changed. we think she’s having a heart attack” - you grab the EKG and your eyes widen as you tell the nurse to ready a defibrillator - “there’s nothing that we don’t already know on the EKG, we have to get her to cardiology,” wonwoo argues but you point out this one beat that is abnormal - “she’s going to get worse, wonwoo” you reply and before wonwoo can say anything, the patient’s heart rate skyrockets - “ready for defib,” wonwoo says. “charge to 200, and clear!” - the patient’s rhythm returns to normal and after her vitals are stabilized and she’s transported to cardiology, you see wonwoo slip out - “hey,” you call, and you see him stop in a less busy hallway, his eyes trained on the floor and his face pale. “let’s go somewhere else,” you grab the crook of his arm and lead him to the benches in front of the vending machines - you grab a cup of warm tea and sit down next to the silent man, noticing that his hands are shaking as he runs one through black disheveled hair - “…i’m sorry,” he starts as you gently bump your knee against his - “hey, she’s alive, she’s going to be fine,” you say, folding his shaking hands around the cup and wrapping your hands around his - even though this was foreign to wonwoo, it was…comforting. your thumb brushing across his knuckles, your breath falling in sync with his… - you were comforting - “you know what they always tell us in school, that medicine is a team sport? i’ll always have your back,” you laugh, and you see the corners of his mouth start to rise - “are we still on for our date?” he asks, although so lowly that you almost miss what he’s saying before a wide grin breaks out onto your face - “honestly it’s the highlight of my day off,” you reply
- skip forward in time and you’re almost at the end of your intern year - you pretty much live at wonwoo’s now, using the excuse that he lives closer to the hospital despite jeonghan saying you’re in LOVE - and now instead of jeonghan trying to play wingman, he’s complaining about how much wonwoo won’t shut up about you - when your schedules don’t match up, you prep food for him when he’s working and vice versa - on days off you switch off having lazy days in with going to the movies or hanging out with friends - you meet his med school music group and you’re surprised to see jihoon there (he glares at you whenever you try to bring it up during work though) - tells you the CHEESIEST jokes and wordplay and every chuckle he can get out of you is a victory that he rides the entire week - you’re each other’s go-to person for the most random thoughts, from “why does rheumatology take weeks when all they give are steroids” to “what are the ethical obligations for us as physicians to like…zombies tho…” - his affection for you in the hospital is in the form of coffee and trying not to admit complex patients to whatever medicine team you’re on (jeonghan will point out this favoritism CONSTANTLY) - appreciates that you initiate the skinship at home because sometimes he gets too nervous - one day you’re leaning on him as he plays video games, your laptop open on your lap and you should be doing work but you can’t help but absentmindedly stare as he plays - and you take in his furrowed brow and his glasses and the way he adjusts his headset - it hits you -- you love this man - and you’re so zoned out that you don’t notice that he’s paused his game and is looking at you quizzically - all you can do is pull him down and kiss him and only the need for air causes you to pull back - “so…should i play games more often?” he jokes and you sigh, the arm wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to him as he giggles - “i love you,” you whisper into his neck as one of his hands smooth over your hair - “i would hope so, it would be awkward since you’ve practically moved in and all” - “wonwoo!” - and all you can see is his nose wrinkling in laughter before he kisses you again
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clearturtletrash · 3 years
Horikoshi’s writing of Shouto and the problems I have with it
If you’re a fan of the way Shouto’s treated in the manga, don’t read, we’ll end up disagreeing on everything and you’ll probably end up offended lol. Because I’m not (satisfied, that is). 
This post is spoiler-heavy for anime onlys, and for manga readers not up to date with the last arc (and last chapter for that matter, which is 301).
So, about Shouto and how he’s handled, along with ‘his’ story.
I don’t get how Horikoshi, whose writing I respect immensely, managed to depict such an incredible and alluring storyline with the Todoroki family, with some of the most complex character writing I’ve seen, but fumbled the one character he had to actually focus on.
Literally more than half the people in the Todoroki storyline are more interesting and more developed than Shouto at this point. Hawks, Endeavour, Dabi, Rei… a good bunch of fans are way more invested in their story than his, and I am too. It’s really sad, because if you asked me two years ago Shouto would have probably been one of my favorite character. But he was completely shafted, given no internal conflict, and at this point, I have the same interest in him as I do for Fuyumi and Natsuo, which basically means his only interesting feature to me is that he’s Endeavour’s child (oh, and he does have a cool design, but that can only get you so far).  
Deku and Katsuki are more popular than him by a landslide compared to before if we believe the Japanese popularity polls, because Hori actually bothers to give them focus, conflict, and cool moments (even though, sometimes I feel like Horikoshi forgets Deku’s his main character lol). It’s a testament to how great Shouto was and how much potential had that he’s still that popular despite everything. Because, let’s be real, Endeavour and Dabi have taken the focus because they have much more emotional energy, while Shouto is just stuck in the crossfire, as a punching ball and stress relief (and eventually as the person who’ll save him I guess) for Touya (see how he was relegated to first aid during the big fight against Tomura? how he did absolutely nothing against Touya who was burning him alive? And how Touya had no interest in Shouto outside of the fact he was Endeavour’s son? Story of the way Hori treats him). He has no particular interesting insight to give on the Todoroki family either as he was too small to remember the important events, so even on this point we can’t count on Horikoshi to write something for him, everything comes from Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Rei. He's really had one great moment in S2 and S3 and that’s it. The way Horikoshi struggles to give him a personality doesn’t help either (he admitted some time ago he was hard to write sometimes, and… yeah, I can see that).  I’m really trying to like his character but the manga gives us nothing, and keeps developing Endeavour, Dabi, and Hawks, which is great (I really love all three of them) but makes no sense given who’s supposed to be the main focus.
In the Endeavour agency arc, Endeavour’s thoughts and struggles were heavily touched upon, and Bakugou and Deku are in sync for 90% of it while Shouto’s just… there. as fodder for Endeavour, and maybe as a link between Endeavour and Bakugou/Deku too. He’s supposed to be a part of both these storylines, but instead, he just ends up as a way for them to overlap. we don't even take a peek in his thoughts, even though it's supposed to be an arc about the Todorokis!
I say all this as someone who eagerly waited for the day Horikoshi would portray Shouto, Katsuki, and Deku as a trio, but yeah, Shouto feels more like a third wheel than anything. if he wanted to establish them that way, he should have done it right after the sports festival arc, but after this arc, they have no scene together, and the focus shifted on Deku and Katsuki. Too little too late I guess.  
To come back to the Todoroki storyline, I feel like Horikoshi simply woke up one day and decided Endeavour was more interesting to write lmao. at this point, it’s more Endeavour’s storyline than Shouto’s, even though Shouto’s supposedly one of the main characters. it has come to a point where, even though I know it ought to focus on Shouto because he’s (at least he should be) the main focus of this particular storyline, I’m hoping it won’t, because that’s just the least interesting aspect of this whole thing.  
I’d say even Ochako’s treated better by the story, because at least Horikoshi tries to challenge her views and beliefs (even though for now it’s not very conclusive), while Shouto’s inner growth hasn't been put into question in how many chapters?
(btw, by inner growth, I’m not talking about his problem with his fire side, because that’s just been rinse and repeat for more than 200 chapters. I mean, srsly it’s been already 3 times since this problem has caused him to lose/fail... and it's not even satisfying like Katsuki or Deku (except for the first time in the sport festival, because that was when his character was still handled very well by Horikoshi). Why? Simply because when he loses, the stakes aren’t high, it’s all training or exams, so he’s just like, "oh, I have to maybe learn how to deal with it!", but there’s no real pressure he’s under. It’s not like Deku, who, if he does not progress, will break all his bones, and who failed to rescue Katsuki because of his broken arms (=and had a mental breakdown immediately afterwards and blamed himself). It’s not like Katsuki either, because Katsuki has a personality that makes low stakes feel like high stakes, which isn’t the case for Shouto. just compare Shouto's reaction when he loses because of his setbacks to Katsuki's reaction when he lost to Deku the first time (mental breakdown), or when Katsuki failed the provisional license exam (another mental breakdown, not caused just by his failing, but yeah). And anything else about Shouto's inner growth is tied to his reaction to Endeavour’s arc, which isn’t a flaw, and 100% depends on the way Endeavour acts. Apart from this, he has 0 internal conflict).  
Sorry, I’ve gone off on a tangent lol.
To get back to the point I was making, and to further develop my analogy with Ochako, let’s look at their relationship with Deku, because there’s a major difference there, which is clearly in favor of Ochako.  Deku has a big impact on Ochako, yes, but the reverse is also true. People complain she’s all about him (which, yeah, probably), but at least, she made a big impact on him too. She was the main reason ‘Deku' became his hero name. Shouto and Deku have a nice friendship, and Deku clearly considers him one of his best friends. but... it’s all one-sided in terms of impact, I can’t think of a single thing Shouto has done who changed/motivated Deku, while Deku literally changed his life. Because of this, he’s not one of the people who’s intrinsically tied to Deku’s character development, because he’s not Ochako, Inko, Katsuki or All Might (and probably soon Tomura).
His writing feels so fast compared to the others too. Shigaraki / Deku and Toga / Ochako have been paralleled for ages, have had a conversation at least once, and have had deep encounters early on. Nonetheless, both Deku and Ochako are just coming to terms with the fact these villains aren’t so different from them. However, Shouto’s only interaction with Dabi is a ten second eye contact when Dabi kidnapped Katsuki. Dabi had more interactions with Endeavour for fuck's sake! Shouto then learns Dabi’s Touya, and speed runs the development of Ochako and Deku. He doesn’t even need 10 chapters to process they’re ’the same'. Where were all the reflection and doubts? Okay, it’s his brother, so the parallels are easier, but still, it shows Horikoshi doesn’t allow Shouto to have that much introspection, and I feel it’s because Horikoshi just doesn’t care that much. Even worse! Horikoshi introduces another hero parallel to Dabi in the character of Hawks. A parallel much more interesting and compelling, because it parallels Dabi MUCH BETTER. They’re opposites in every ways (particularly in regards to their relationship with Endeavor), and know each other. Touya and Shouto don’t even seem to have spoken to each other...
And so, the only thing that still was interesting and that Horikoshi still bothered to develop was Shouto’s relationship with Endeavour, but in the end, even that was overshadowed by the much more complex, fucked up, and challenging relationships of Endeavour and Touya (and Endeavour and Hawks) as seen in 301 and before. Clearly the one Dabi’s fixated on is Endeavour.
one last thing: Shouto's stuck in a weird loop where Horikoshi kind of makes him comes close of the Bakugou and Deku duo, and then when we start to think they’re an actual trio, he does everything in his power to make it very clear how that’s NOT where he belongs either, since OFA/All Might/Deku/Katsuki is another storyline. It’s as if Horikoshi doesn’t want him here (see: how he decided the ‘win all might’ scene didn’t have to include him), but puts him there sometimes anyway. It’s probably because Shouto’s so popular, which, yeah, would be fine, if he could stick to it!
His supposed admiration for All Might (I feel like everybody forgets it's a part of his character, and I don't blame them) is brought up once every blue moon, which compared to Deku and Katsuki, is just ridiculous. And, once again, All Might has a much deeper and more interesting relationship with Endeavour than with Shouto. At this point, I don’t even know what Hori could do to make me want to read about him. I much prefer the dynamic of Hawks/Endeavour/Touya and Katsuki/Deku/All Might.
I hope the future will prove me wrong for his character. Actually, I hope everything I’m saying is wrong and idiotic, and Horikoshi will make every scene I criticized worth it and a means to an end. I mean, he clearly has the talent and writing ability to pull off some of the best character development I’ve ever seen, so anything’s possible. but yeah, I don’t really believe it for now, and I’m frustrated, because Shouto had so much potential.
tldr; I liked Shouto as a character, but he dwindled after some time, and now I feel as if he’s not the focus of his own storyline, because this place is occupied by the much more dynamic relationships of Endeavour, Touya and Hawks. And I’m not even mad, because their dynamic is much more interesting. However, I feel like Horikoshi grew bored of Shouto, and has put much more soul into Katsuki and Deku as of late.
I’m welcoming any responses, if people are seeing an aspect of his character I don’t, please enlighten me! I miss enjoying his character, and I’m not opposed to seeing him in a different light. I just needed to put down my thoughts in writing to make sense of them lol.
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allscalliepsds · 4 years
So, from one Italian roleplayer, check this list for creating credible Italians fictional characters. I don’t know if you’re ever gonna read this post, but let’s try. Aaaand, if it works maybe one day I’ll do a list of italian faceclaims, or italian names and surnames. (Obviously, I’m not used to writing in english. Ignore my mistakes, lol)
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• We have very different features. We’re not all tanned, with brown eyes and brown hair. My best friend is pale as hell and blonde like a freaking scandinavian. So we have lighter skin, darker skin, we’re tall, very short, redheads. And we have different cultures here! You can use asian faceclaims, black faceclaims, tunisian faceclaims... your character can have any kind of origin and still have the italian citienzship.
• Food is important. And by saying this I do not only mean that things like pineapple pizza or carbonara with pancetta are unacceptable! I mean that we EAT together. Most of Italians families have lunch together daily, same happens for dinner. Eating means spending time with family and friends. On sundays a lot of families reunite and have lunch with other relatives like grandparents or uncles, without even being on holiday time. We do not need Christmas or Easter to have lunch with relatives. Talking more about food: every place has its own speciliaties, so look for them when creating a character.
• Talking about food, WE DO NOT SHARE PIZZAAAA! Okay, maybe we do, sometimes, but it’s different. I’ve seen a lot of American tv shows or movies where they order just one pizza for four family members. Like, what?? Here in Italy most of the times we have one pizza per person. Because Italian pizza is obviously better and lighter, so you don’t get your belly full just by eating two slices unless you’re 5 y/o.
• We might be spending a lot of time complaining about our country and what doesn’t work, but in reality we are very proud and sometimes a lot patriotic. You know what really gets me super mad? Scrolling tik tok and seeing Americans that call themselves ITALIANS just because their grandma’s uncle was from Salento. No the hell no, that’s not how it works. You’re not Italian you cunt. 
• We’re a little bit a cliché, I gotta give you that. Sometimes more than a little bit. When quarantine/lockdown started here in Italy it was sooo hard finding flour and baking powder at the supermarket. And it’s not just a Super Mario thing: we do actually say mamma mia! But we’re not all the same. Please do not consider always the same kind of relatives: conservative religious parents with that grandma that always cooks a lot of stuff and blablabla. Think out of the box!
• Talking about grandmas: if you wanna follow that cliché of the Italian grandma that cooks and makes you eat until you pass out, it’s fine. You can do this. One of my grandma is like this and even though we have lunch in like four people she’s still gonna cook for an entire army. But if you don’t wanna do that, then don’t. My other grandma does not know how to cook and so she doesn’t that much. It’s fine, no one’s gonna revoke your character’s Italian citizenship if you don’t stick to those basic clichés we’re tired of.
• Please, look for a map. Not every Italian lives by the sea, it isn’t always sunny and hot and you don’t always feel in the right mood for a gelato. The northern part of Italy is colder and there aren’t as much bathing areas. Even if your characters lives or is from Sicily ( which is where I’m from ), it isn’t sure that he’s gonna have the beach next to his house. I’m a lucky person, in jenuary from my balcony I can see the sea on my right and the vulcano Etna covered by snow on my left. But it depends, so choose a city and look for it.
• We have dialects. So, let me try to be clear. Italy is a country divided into 20 regions, okay? Sicily is a region of Italy, Lazio ( where Rome is, to be clear ) is another Italian region. The official language is obviously Italian. So since I’m from Sicily, with a girl from Lazio/Rome I’m gonna speak Italian. But, inside the regions, there are dialects. Since I’m sicilian my dialect is called siciliano, and it’s influenced from all the past invasions. Sicily was conquered by arabs, and arabs also conquered Spain which is why some words in siciliano are similar to spanish words. Even though we have dialects we can understand each other pretty well. Southern dialects are all pretty similar, for example. But I gotta be honest, I don’t understand a single words in northern dialects. If you wanna stick to that grandma cliché I mentioned before, then add the dialect to it. Grandparents speak dialects. Generally speaking, old people speak dialects way more than the younger ones. Unfortunately it’s a culture that is starting to disappear.
• Please, dress properly. You’re never gonna see a true Italian walk out of his own house in his pajamas and with slippers, that only happens in nightmares. We’re classy. And by saying this I do not mean that we dress Dolce&Gabbana and Gucci. We don’t. I mean, rich people do, they’re lucky enough. So you do not need to mention important and expensive brands. We’re not all rich. Or at least I’m not as I wish. Last thing: it’s VersacE, not Versaci.
• Italy is (unfortunately) a pretty religious country. You know, we have the Vatican here. The most common religion here is Christianity. Not everyone practise it, and not everyone goes at the Church every sunday. 
• ROME AND MILAN AREN’T THE ONLY TWO ITALIAN CITIEESSS! I know, they’re the most known, Rome is beautiful and in Milan there’s the fashion week, I get that. But Italy is full of beautiful places. Maybe you don’t wanna choose unknown little towns with less then 3.000 habitants, but be original.
• There isn’t a large representation of Italy outside our country, so you might know very few of how we live here and what our habits are. Let me do just a small list of things:
- At 18 years old you are old enough to take your driving license, your car, and to drink. Obviously do not do everything together, lol. But you can buy alcool at 18 and go to the clubs.
- We kiss. If you’re my friend I’m gonna give you two kisses on the cheeks to say hi and to say goodbye. Even if you’re not my friend but you are with my friends, I’ll do that to be polite. And sometimes It can be pretty boring, but If I’m leaving a room with 12 people I (more or less) know I’m gonna kiss all of those 12 people.
- We have school from monday to saturday, mostly from 8 am to 13 pm. So we do not spend the afternoons at school like Americans do, and we do not have all those extracurricular activities and sports.
- We do not use snapchat anymore, while I know that it’s still a thing somewhere else. And for texting we mostly use Whatsapp and Telegram. Not iMessage because not everyone has an iPhone (they cost a little bit more, here), and neither we use Messanger that much.
- We do study a lot of art, history and literature. They’re not optional subjects. And we really praise our artistic patrimony. You can’t live here and study in Italy and then don’t know how to recognize a piece of art of DaVinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli or Caravaggio. If you’re Italian you know who Dante is and that he wrote The Divine Comedy.
- I don’t know how it is in the rest of the world, but when we go out (like, at night??) we have this thing of going downtown. So you can go to a restaurant with your friends for dinner or you can go out after dinner and just meet your friends at a square, grab a beer at the nearest bar and sit on a bench or on the stairs of something that faces that square and even stay there all night. It might sound strange, but that’s how it works and in towns where there are a lot of young people or university students those squares and those bars next to them are always full of people. Here’s an example.
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket SE02 (ep,4)
This is a rare ep that gave lots of characters a focus here & there. Good!
-Tohru is given the least focus but still we got insight into her. She’s upset that kyo is considering not join the school trip, worried abt Haru, learning to trust yuki’s ability to take care of himself. Typical tohru worrying abt everybody & not herself. Kyo’s words describe tohru best “ you cant be trusted not to get hurt” I’d love to say, NO, tohru can protect herself well, but he’s right tho, tohru is selfless & reckless, she’ll run after anyone needing help without being cautious. Season 1 has many examples, Arisa, Ritsu, yuki, kyo & hana. Tohru will need to learn to worry less abt others & focus on herself a little to grow.
-Kyo doesn’t know how to fake an emotion or pretend sth he isn’t. No one knew abt the true form incident or the kazuma’s visit, but others are noticing kyo & tohru are closer. (a) the show exposed him to hana/ Arisa /Momoji & tohru herself( altho she’s too dense) through teasing. (b) the biggest reveal of his bond with tohru, him saying her name in front of yuki with such ease. Kyo’s been saying tohru’s first name for a while now, but it’s mostly when they’re alone. Today, he said it loud & clear in front of all. Yuki sensed the change. Haru, too. (c) Kyo moved faster than even the stronger yuki to protect tohru. He eyes showed sth different. That isn’t the normal kyo, that’s a kyo so deep into the moment, his eyes mimic his animal spirit. (d) Kyo also tried to advice tohru to protect herself more, but the advice fell flat on deaf ears, tohru is tohru & momiji exposed the feeling behind the advice. It isnt the same sentiment behind his previous advice, No, this time the advice is driven by selfish feeling, “I couldn’t stand that happening” Even tohru blushed.
But kyo’s guilt wouldn’t let him enjoy a cool or teasing moment. It strikes fast & cold. We are giving access to kyo’s thoughts & we could see the immense guilt he has “ who am I telling her to stay away from haru, I’m way more.. dangerous?” & Yes, he is dangerous. After all he IS the monster, with hideous look, rotten smell, unchecked rage & destructive strength. kyo’s negative thoughts here are realistic & has a proof to back it up. Adding to this the previous accusations of his mom & the possible kyoko. Kyo battles those negative thoughts by extra training, which is a better coping mechanism, engaging in sports & doing physical efforts can clear your mind a bit. Even if kyo is training to beat yuki, he’s still spending his time moving forward rather than being locked stand still where he is. His situation is incredibly crippling, but he’ll fight it, as long as he can, as much as he can.
- Yuki is struggling with his own demons, he feels fake & selfish, he knows he’s wearing masks to fool others to like him but those masks also fool yuki into thinking that everything he does is fake, as well. Yuki’s biggest flaw is how much he compares himself to others, not just kyo. even to haru. He made a judgement that haru is purely selfless in his kindness while he himself isn't. Haru made sure to explain to yuki that we all have selfless & selfish drives inside us & that’s fine. Yuki, fueled by haru’s words forces himself to return to the sohma’s house to visit Haru, & although yuki thinks that haru is already fine, the visit helped yuki to feel appreciated by a friend & helped him believing in himself. He CAN face his demons & fears. He doesn’t need to be brave, he just needs to keep trying.
- Haru is in love! & got dumped, too. It’s frustrating to be dumped without a reason & in cold manner. There IS a reason, but haru is determined to keep trying to win her back, he loves her too much to let go that easy, without trying. Why can’t yuki see that he has a friend already! haru?! a true friend who helps him, guides him & complains to him. Haru opened his heart to yuki. Haru guiding & advising him, call her by her name, move on forward, believe in your yourself. Haru is so underrated, not just by the show, but by yuki, as well. lol
Side notes:
Arisa & hana are mood! planning trips around food is the right thing.
The old maid is toxic. She is the sohma’s system keeper, eww
Haru’s “stupid cat, your every existence cause trouble for us all” is Ouch! duno if it’s intentional or not, but it tied tragically with kyo’s existence complex & his mom’s death.
Kyo looked teased, cool, goofy, cat ears, depressed & determined. lol. The master of various face expressions.
Sensie mayu is cool!
How is Momiji in high school! XD. so cute!
Rin i’m waiting for you. Show yourself.
kyo got a line of inner thoughts~celebrating!! now tohru’s turn, when?..
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x01: Back and to the Future
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Welcome to the end!
It’s still the end. Bob Seger sings some bullshit song about the Final Scene (brb, crying) over the seamless transition from recap to the start of the episode. Team Free Will are fighting off the zombie horde that God resurrected. Before they’re overwhelmed, Cas grabs Jack’s corpse and they take off for a nearby mausoleum. Cas sets Jack down while the brothers secure the door. They’re safe, temporarily.
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They try to make sense of what Chuck just did, and Dean lashes out at Cas trying to brainstorm ideas on what they should do next. I love how sassy!Cas just pops out whether the situation demands it or not. (Sidenote: I’m going to missing this fucking angel SO fucking much.)
Sam thinks he’s found a way out through a drainage pipe under the mausoleum. The brothers start dismantling the masonry (and struggle with it while they just let Cas stand and watch. Lol, panic really does stop critical thinking skills.) Alas, there are zombies on the other side and Cas steps up and smashes the ghost out of the corpse.
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Just then Jack stands up and says, “Hello.” Only, it’s not Jack, it’s a demon named Belphegor, and SOMEHOW, despite 15 years of training, we’re all instantly gleefully enjoying this creature inhabiting poor, dead Jack. Cas, on the other hand, is not so happy about the turn of events and demands that Belphegor leave Jack’s body.
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Belphegor can help! Dean stops Cas. He wants to hear what the demon has to say if it can help them get out of their current situation. Belphegor says he can send all the monsters outside their door away.
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He has a spell that requires graveyard dirt —and angel blood. Sam just says Cas’s name. I appreciate Cas’s face at that. Of course he’s going to help (After all, he’s always happy to bleed for the Winchesters) but that was a bold assumption there, Sam.
With a clap of his hands, the noises fall silent outside. They exit the mausoleum to find the graveyard strewn with corpses. The spirits inhabiting them were blasted away.
Cut to Bloody Mary torturing some girls just trying to enjoy some makeover time.
Team Free Will + Belphegor are on the road. Sam is finding nothing in the news about a zombie apocalypse. Dean wants to head back to the bunker and figure out a way to close up hell. Belphegor suggests a spell to contain the ghosts while they figure out their plan. The spell can create a circle a mile wide that will trap the ghosts. One problem, that Cas points out, is that the town by the cemetery would fall within the circle. They decide they need to evacuate the town.
On their drive, they find an abandoned car, blood on the windshield, but no body. Dean and Sam recognize that this was the work of a woman in white. They also come to the conclusion that every spirit they put down is back as well.
Cut to a birthday party that’s gone MASSIVELY off the rails. A mother, holding her daughter, runs through the house.
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Blood splatters the walls and a creepy laugh echoes in the distance of the house. They head to the garage to try and escape, but they can’t open the door. The mom cries for help, but the neighbor walking by doesn’t hear. They’re stuck with the ghost of John Wayne Gacy stalking them.
The next day, the boys pull into the town as FBI agents and Sam informs the local sheriff he needs to evacuate the town. He suggests getting everyone to the high school five miles down the road.
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Meanwhile, Dean tells Cas to go with Belphegor to collect the ingredients for the spell. Cas refuses. “Dean, I can’t even look at him.” Like, OUCH. Sam and Dean have it bad enough seeing Jack walk around when it’s not really Jack, but Cas has the added layer of being able to see Belphegor’s true face in Jack’s body. Cas bolts from the Impala to find Sam.
Having witnessed that tension, Belphegor finds this to be the perfect time to needle Dean. He sees all the people around them and comments on how crazy good looking everyone is these days (less humps). (Also, he mentions how when he was a human people worshipped “a giant rock that looked like a huge penis.” And Dean’s face is priceless. His face looking at the gay couple was also quite priceless.) He pushes Dean by telling him he’s gorgeous. (Ahem) Dean wants him gone from Jack’s body. Belphegor asks who “he” was, meaning Jack, and Dean responds, “he was our kid.” I’M NOT CRYING, YOU’RE CRYING. Belphegor then tells Dean what ingredients he needs for the spell: salt and a human heart. Easy, peasy. 
Sam and Cas split up to go door-to-door and evacuate residents. They both end up at murder houses. Sam follows an eerie trail of blood down the hallway towards the garage. Cas uncovers the dead teens. As Cas strides from the house, Bloody Mary smirks at him from a mirror. She loves to watch you leave, Cas! (Same, GURL.) (Boris: Did anyone else notice that Cas knocked before entering the house? What a polite bean.)
Sam investigates the garage, shotgun at the ready. From above, the mom and little girl push up from where they were hiding behind a bunch of sports equipment. Sam helps them out, tells them everything will be fine, and then turns and comes face-to-face with a killer clown. The clown swipes at him with a knife, and Sam goes down. Sam’s cowering on the floor, injured, when Cas bursts in with his own shotgun and blasts the ghost away.
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Back downtown, the Sheriff continues clearing each shop while Dean heads back to Belphegor with his big sack o’ rock salt. On the phone, Dean orders Rowena to head to town and help them out. She forces him to say, “Move your exquisite ass, please.” We love her dearly for it.
Belphegor stares steadily at Dean. “I’m a fan,” he admits. “When you were in Hell with Alastair I got a chance to watch you work. The things you did to those people. It wasn’t torture. It was art.”
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Dean deflects from his past torture, asking about Hell. Same old, same old, Belphegor reports, except that when Chuck had his tantrum all the doors of Hell unlocked. Demons became a swarm of escaping minions. We also learn that Michael’s cage is open. He’s still sitting within the open cage. “He wouldn’t hold a grudge, right?” Belphegor whacks Dean jovially on the shoulder. BELPHEGOR, men have probably died for less. 
The cut in Sam’s abdomen is deep and Cas heals him (and his clothing) immediately. (Somebody get Cas over to my house ASAP. I have three things on my mending pile I’ve been avoiding.) 
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“I’m an angel,” Cas explains to the astonished mom and kid. Sam introduces himself as “just a guy” and then clutches his shoulder in pain. First of all, SAM you are not “just” anything. Second of all…
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Cas examines Sam. The wound looks black and raw. Whatever magic is at play is still at work. He tries to heal it but stumbles back as Sam has a vision of himself with demon-black eyes. Cas can’t heal it - there’s an energy in the wound he’s never felt before. Sam dismisses the wound then. He’s FINE. Just watch him do jumping jacks and push ups and eat a salad with no hands!
The Sheriff calls and tells Sam that the town’s been fully evacuated. He’s going to head out, too. (It was at this point in the episode that Boris drawled, “Well, that Sheriff’s dead.”) And, indeed, the Sheriff encounters the Woman in White and meets a bloody death. 
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Dean and Belphegor head out towards the morgue to find a heart, only to find the Sheriff recently dead. Convenient! The demon punches into his chest and pulls out the Sheriff’s fresh heart. 
Cas, Sam, and the mom and kid stalk the empty suburban street, heading towards safety. Unfortunately, instead of safety arriving with a nice reflective vest and thermoses of hot chocolate, our ghosty pals show up instead. Bloody Mary crawls around the reflective surface of a pond, and the clown grins menacingly on the street. (I am reminded of interviews about how dark and dimly lit season 1 was, and how the studios told them to make the show brighter and more colorful. I’m of the opinion that this largely improved the show, since it’s much easier for me to see the action and I generally like pretty, bright colors. But folks on the interwebs have been complaining that these ghosts lack a spook factor in the broad daylight. And I can totally understand that.)
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Two more ghosts appear, so now it’s just three ghosts to vanquish. No biggie? Sam shoots each ghost one by one, then accidentally shoots Cas. “You shot me,” Cas points out indignantly. Now he’s gonna have to fix his clothes AND his skin. RUDE. (At least Sam missed the guinea pig.)
Downtown, Belphegor clutches the heart and tries to ineffectually ward off the Woman in White. She ghost-slashes his palm. Dean swings a tire iron through her and then hurls it to the ground (DEAN BEAN NO) before running off with Belphegor to perform the spell. Belphegor starts to chant in Latin, kneeling before the heart. He slaps the ground, the heart pounds with power, and a spell races out from the center. 
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The other two-thirds of Team Free Will watch the edge of the spell race past them and end near the end of the block. They run for the barrier while the four ghosts chase them and giggle wildly. They all make it just in time. The clown howls in rage from within the barrier and Sam tells him to “shut up.” We are all very proud of your catharsis, Sammy!
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Later, Team Free Clown Car pulls up to the high school where the town’s evacuated to and advise the mom and child not to tell anyone about ghosts and angels. The little girl gets out a quiet “thank you.” (Token innocent life saved!) Sam nods in acknowledgment and escorts them inside. 
Dean approaches Cas and asks him if he’s okay. “Yes, but—” Cas starts to reply but Dean cuts him off and stalks away again. Oooookay. All is not well with our two love birds! (Like others, I’m of the opinion that Cas was about to bring Dean’s attention to Sam’s bullet wound. Damn it, Dean!)
Of course, Belphegor watched the whole exchange. “Awkward,” he comments, before Cas stalks off for some alone time. 
Back at the car, Dean and Sam convene to talk about the case. They’ve got just a few days, tops, before all kinds of Federal agents descend on the town. Before they do anything, though, Dean insists on patching up Sam’s shoulder. We get a teeeeeny bit of shirtless Sammy which I have included below for posterity. 
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There’s no exit wound in his shoulder. Sam LIES LIKE A DOG and tells Dean that it doesn’t hurt much. Dean distracts him like he used to do when they were young (with a dumb joke). Dean starts to spin over the whole Chuck thing. “We were just rats in a maze,” he says. Dean wonders what everything they’ve done means. 
“We still saved people,” Sam insists. Sam also thinks that Chuck has left entirely, bored with their world. All the alternate realities were just other failed drafts, Sam decides. “If he bailed, it’s just us. For the first time, it’s just us.” Dean slowly starts to cheer up in the face of Sam’s quiet optimism. 
“You and me, versus every soul in Hell?” Dean says. “I like those odds.”
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They close the trunk. “We have work to do.”
Natasha: After the episode, Boris noted that there are only 19 episodes left and it was all TOO MUCH. So we’re going to do our best not to count down these final episodes. Please, join us in denial! <3
All We Need is a Human Quote:
Well, I wouldn’t starve.
He’s always so squirrely with the robe and the beard and the smile that’s like half nice half I’m gonna rip your throat out. Oh, I’m gonna play you a song!
You’re an abomination with that stupid, dumb trench coat.
We are not twinsies.
So people are like, crazy good looking now.
There we were, minding our own business, flaying people for all eternity like you do. 
Bad ghost! BAD!
What’s one more apocalypse, right?
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seovienrose · 5 years
soccer club captain mingyu x yearbook editor reader au! pt 2
continue from pt 1
mingyu is very close to seungcheol, the soccer club former captain and school alumni as he came to monitor the progress of soccer club under mingyu’s leadership
the 10 players, lining up and standing across each others trying to pass the ball to each other as a warm up
so the team was divided to into 6:6 with seungcheol as the goalkeeper for the opposite team 
the game started with a loud whistle and seokmin got the ball, trying to score into the opposite goal, he passed the ball to the team’s striker, mingyu and mingyu striked a goal easily
jihoon, then tackled a ball from seokmin and almost landed a goal but was blocked by chan, the team’s goalkeeper
after 2 hours of games, the practice ended and mingyu’s team won with 8:6
seungcheol knew he entrusted the soccer club to a reliable person 
“good game today mingyu and others, i have lots of fun monitoring and playing with you guys today! good luck with upcoming regional tournament! now lets go to mcdonalds boys its my treat!”
since its been half of the year, the yearbook committees had gotten so busy to catch up with activities within the months (sports day, academic decathlon, language week etc)
since that bread and milk day, mingyu and you didn’t come across each other except that time you met him at the school gate and he blushed suddenly
what drugs he’s consuming
anyways, you were discussing with yearbook journalists and photographers about having them manage their time properly according to upcoming events due to midterm examinations coming soon
a lot of teachers complained that some yearbook committees had to miss classes frequently because of activities held by the school (its inevitable you know)
you went to your work desk after briefing but the photographers and journalists still sat around the meeting table 
you were eavesdropping to minghao talking to other photographers about regional soccer tournament apparently being held soon and who’s getting the tickets
“mingyu got me a front seat ticket and he said he is inviting someone else too”
“he is probably inviting the girl in the theatre club, no?”
“well im not suprised if they still keep in contact with each other”
as much as you pretended to be unbothered you cant help yourself to be engaged in their conversation about mingyu
until the assistant editor of yours, soonyoung or people call him mr hochi came breaking the chit chatter to end with his arms crossed
hochi is much feared by the committees compared to the chief editor yourself since he is a year older and stricter with the yearbook’s precision
he was the chief editor for 3 years consecutively before you and decided to become an assistant because a lot of past committees quitted because of his leadership lol
“i didn’t appoint you guys to gossip but to do your job as yearbook committees, i don’t want to hear any complaints again from teacher about any of you slacking or missing out in classes”
with that everyone parted ways and continue doing their things at their personal desks
that was just an appreciation advertisement for our mr hochi lets get back to your love story
when you went to your locker to pick up english literature books, you saw a note stuck on the locker door
‘hey can we meet at equipments stores around 4 am right after our evening class, don’t be late i have to attend my soccer practice at 4:15 pm, sincerely mingyu’
okay why he wants to meet you at 4 in the morning but the practice at 4:15 pm???
you just laughed and proceeded to your literature class
after your literature class, you went straight to equipments stores and saw mingyu were fiddling around with something in his hands
“why do you want to meet me at 4 am?”
mingyu was half shOOKETH when he heard your voice and he had this “what???” face
“you wrote 4 am in the note” and you laughed again
mingyu was rubbing his neck and kinda laughed too, “i wrote that in hurry because i was in rush to my mathematics class”
you nodded and he smiled in awe after looking at you
“ah actually i want to give you this..i don’t know if you’re free but i’d be honoured if you can come to my tournament”
(my readers be like pretends to be surprise.gif lmao)
“oh....” you just accepted it shyly
suddenly he rummaged his adidas convertible and took out an egg tart and strawberry milk again this time
you feel so overwhelmed you want to burst when he gave them to you
“y/n do come to my tournament this saturday alright? i would be so happy if the chief editor herself could come and give her personal feedback!! i gtg now, bye!!”
“thank you mingyu..”
mingyu walked away and went to field after making you feeling so flushed
the following morning, when you walk to the hall you met minghao and he greeted you a good morning
“y/n i already talk to the graphic and layout designer to reformat the yearbook design since we’re adding new segment”
“what segment?”
“either advertisements or candids section, what do you think is better?”
“for 2 pages? nobody is gonna be entertained with ads” and someone was running in the busy hall, pushing your shoulder making your file in your arms fell
minghao collected your file and tilted his head to the side
“y/n..you’re going to mingyu’s tournament?”
little did you remember that the soccer tournament ticket was in your clear file and minghao had to see that
“we’re going together then!!!” minghao jumped a little and stopped his track, “wait a minute...so you’re the girl he is currently having a crush on?”
“what crush? what about the theatre club girl?”
minghao was standing with his hand hanging to his waist, “so you overheard our conversation?”
you nodded
“we guessed him and the theatre club girl were a thing but turned out she was pestering mingyu one-sided”
he walked to the stairs to go to his literature class and you continued your way to your physics class after bidding goodbyes
in the literature class, minghao interrogating mingyu session
“dude, you’re flirting with y/n now?”
mingyu ignored the latter but he was actually flustered to answer
“do you expect a full page coverage of you and soccer club in the yearbook by doing this?”
mg: “what the hell minghao?”
minghao: “okay im just kidding”
mg: “she’s too adorable”
minghao: “adorable? didnt she get mad at you for sleeping on the couch in a prohibited room?”
mingyu was in his dreamy state because he was reminded of your smile
he was like that for 1 minute and minghao snapped his fingers
“okay fine i like her genuinely i want to keep her in pocket stop asking me” 
saturday arrived aka the awaited soccer tournament day
your father lifted you off at the town’s stadium and you saw minghao with his camera bag and camera tripod
“hi do you need help mr photographer?”
minghao: “sure thing, do you have the ticket? lets go in”
you helped carried the adapters and batteries bag and got inside the soccer hall 
mingyu who happened to be searching for vending machine found you and minghao
he came running to you and grinned as wide as he can
“you came y/n!!!” 
he looked at your shoulder and noticed the adapter bag belonged to minghao and rolled his eyes as he took the bag off your shoulder
minghao was like -_______- “shut up mingyu” 
“i offered to help because those seemed heavy” 
after the chaos mingyu held minghao’s both camera and adapters bags then lead both of you to your vip seats
minghao set up his tripod and started adjusting his camera
you were inspecting the soccer hall
can you guess what mingyu was doing?
he was looking at you tenderly like he hadn’t seen you for 10 million years, he was really infatuated with you
you said “don’t you have like rehearsal or stuff to do other than looking at me like a creep?”
mingyu blushed again and excused himself to the waiting room to brief to his soccer club teammates
“i have never seen him so invested in a girl like that before, he likes you like a lot y/n”
“really minghao, you think so?”
anyways the tournament began, for the first halves of the game your school team seemed sloppy and demotivated because “apparently they seemed nervous” the commentator said
during the interval time, you can see and hear mingyu shouted really loudly to give encouragements toward his teams
the coach also were guiding them and giving careful advices before their second halves started 
mingyu on the field were looking at you and minghao, smiling half-heartedly
you took this opportunity to make a big heart with your arms and mingyu instantly laughed, continued running to his position
seokmin, jihoon and mingyu scored 4 goals during the second halves with chan managing to block 2 goals and 1 free kick from opposite team
your school soccer club took the trophy home with last minute goal from jihoon with 9:7 and all of the players were roaring happily doing their circle hugs
after the final match ended, you waited by the side of field 
mingyu saw you in the crowds and he ran towards you
“congratulations mingyu, i enjoyed it!!”
“well im hoping you could come for another tournaments”
“i would love to......date you and also go to your other tournaments.”
mingyu was SHOOKETH AGAin its like he was getting heart attack
“you didn’t hear it wrong, boyfriend”
mg: “so it’s day one today?”
you nodded and beamed like the brightest sun ever
mingyu gently kissed your cheek and you both half-hugged since mingyu was sweating lol
little did you know, minghao captured the picture of mingyu kissing your cheek perfectly
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pharaohsparklefists · 6 years
Episode 111, part II!!!1!1!!
(enjoy recaps? be a part of the magic by joining my patreon, it is literally the only reason these recaps are able to happen and it would be absolutely amazing to hit my next patreon goal!)
Kaiba fucks off to brood, leaving the Nerd Herd to deal with...
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FIVE CORPORATE EXECUTIVES ALL WEARING THEIR FRIEND’S BODY AT ONCE LIKE A HORSE COSTUME (they get to take turns being the metaphorical “front half” of the horse)
And we get to watch ANOTHER DUEL wow
The member of the Big Five who “won” Honda’s body (while still losing the duel) is pissed off that these other, slightly more losery losers are here to share his loser-prize
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This wouldn’t be happening if you hadn’t made such terrible choices in literally every aspect of your adult life to this point, just sayin
Yugi bows out to Yami, and Yami’s like, sure, whatever, I’ll fight you all, bring it
And then Jou is like WAIT A MINUTE
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Jou: “Five on one??” 
Big Five: “No we’re all just playing, like, as one person who keeps switching”
Jou: “Not fair, I’ll play too, then it’ll be five on TWO”
Big Five: “But then you’ll have two decks and two sets of lifepoints and we’ll only have one! If you each get 4000 LP, we should get 8000!”
Jou: “Fine!”
Yami: “Um Jounouchi? YOU’RE the handicap.”
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Yami is actually pleased to duel with Jounouchi, because Yami possesses infinitely more patience than I do. Honestly, I wouldn’t duel these fuckers at ALL, but then I guess Honda would be sad...
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otoh Honda is a grade-A creep, a grade-B idiot, and a grade-D cheerleader at best and how many cheerleaders do we really need for these CARD GAMES anyway....?
Actually Jounouchi is more or less on the same page as me re: Honda being barely worth saving, as he flashes back to the ahem ACTUAL PLOT and the person who’s in danger for reasons that are not her own stupid fault...
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It makes total sense that Jou is thinking about Mai and I’m glad we’re making an effort to remember her, but god, splicing in the real, actually interesting plot in the middle of the Big Five bickering about their STUPID fucking virtual reality kidnapping jape just throws into sharp relief just how low-quality this filler arc is and how it’s really just coasting on the actually interesting shit from Kaiba’s backstory.
Just how low-quality am I talking?
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BOOM knockoff Yami figurine and his Black Magician who IS the shape of a skinny, muscular man in a pointy hat but casts a shadow in the shape of an airplane wing for some reason
Jou chooses Flame Swordsman for his Deck Master, just to make doubly sure this rehash duel dueling the same fucking losers over again is as boringly same-y as possible. 
What about the Big Five?
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oooooooof course you will (seriously why did Yami and Jou agree to this??)
So (and sorrynotsorry I do not retain any of the Big Five’s names reliably) The Artist Formerly Known As Seamonkey Fashionmodel goes first and plays Big Fuckin Wave Floods The Whole Area field magic card
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He also plays Legendary Fisherman and I can’t decide if I’m annoyed they just play cards we already know, which is BORING, or if I’m relieved the terminally uncreative writing team didn’t try coming up with new cards here, because they would definitely be half-assed to hell
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Okay so Seamonkey Fashionmodel has like, half a personality trait (he sometimes, but not always, alludes to historical tactics, that’s like, barely a quirk). Penguinfucker has SO MANY quirks, but lest we forget, one of them is introducing everyone by full name and age!!!
And another one is SEXISM
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So this sexist creepy shithead is like “Now I will defeat YUGI MUTOU!!! and co I guess” and unexpectedly, Jounouchi snaps
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... well he IS the King of Games and the reigning champion and shit, like, damn son, being overlooked is what you get for entering the same competitive sport as your incredibly gifted friend...
Jounouchi vows to defeat them, which Honda is very much in favour of. Shizuka has graciously granted him the ability to speak again (via the button on the back of his head that he never uses except accidentally?), but his speech is slipping...
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This is pretty hilarious to me because they keep using “ooh” in the subtitles but actually the monkey noises he’s making are like “kiki” (Monkeys in Japanese are descibed as saying uki uki / ウキウキ  or kiki /  キキー)
Jounouchi draws Harpy Lady and Harpy’s Feather Duster and uses them to clear the field of the fucking entire ocean (look at how much water there is in that previous screenshot!!)
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“Who knews that the professional duelist with the well-balanced deck would have such great cards?? These cards are way better than the random gambling cards I rely on! There’s probably a lesson here... Nah.”
Drunk on the heady overconfidence of a single decent move, Jounouchi lunges in for an attack on a face-down card
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says YOU Mr Oh Look A Trap I Better Trigger It To Find Out What It Is
Sure enough, the face down card allows Penguinfucker to return Flood Everything Lol to his hand, and Jounouchi is suitably chastised...
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Yami: “No fucking shit.”
Penguinfucker takes this opportunity to gloat and the writers take their own opportunity to underline that yes, Penguinfucker does know what age these teenagers are and does acknowledge that they are yet children, so all his creepery on the girls is 100% knowing. He says children like them...
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idk buddy if you’re really such an intelligent adult how come you don’t have a physical form to inhabit that’s adulting 101 right there
Anyway, Yami isn’t having any of it...
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because no one has lost a single fucking life point yet.
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redvelvetreel · 6 years
Red Velvet Reel 6.1: Cele-BRAT-ion!
                      [Fic Directory]
Pairing: [Married] Spicyhoney (Underfell Papyrus x Underswap Papyrus)
Summary: Eight skeletons walking into a bar seems like the perfect setup for a joke. Too bad the punchline seems to have been Stretch's expectations of a fun little get-together with friends.But hey, what's a few baited taunts, stupid posturing, escalatory challenges, heated arguments, well-meaning scolding, clever puns, veiled threats, unnecessary bets, and borderline fights between cross-dimensional clones?
Characters: Edge (Underfell Papyrus) & Stretch (Underswap Papyrus) & Red (Underfell Sans) & Blue (Underswap Sans) & Classic (Undertale Papyrus) & Comic (Undertale Sans) & Slim/Puppy (Swapfell Papyrus) & Black (Swapfell Sans) & some poor random waitress lol. 
Contains: Mpreg/Skelepreg! Meeting up in a (sports) bar! Everyone talks a lot and never shuts up! (A little) Stupid Fellverse posturing and antagonism! Lots of headcanons! A little betting and drinking?
Rating: Teen and up! (I guess?)
Note:  Hah, a labor of love that I’m still not satisfied with but! Enjoy!
Underswap Papyrus – Stretch             Underswap Sans –  Blue Underfell Paprus – Edge                     Underfell Sans – Red Swapfell Papyrus – Slim/Puppy          Swapfell Sans – Black Undertale Papyrus – Classic              Undertale Sans – Comic
Stretch squinted into dimly lit bar, past the dancers that seemed to be having an increasingly good time, “Yeah, I don’t see them-“
“It’s been 30 minutes,” Edge sounded completely nonplussed, scanning the drink menu almost languidly, “Unless the Tale ‘verses and your brother are such...” He paused, tilting his head with a pensive hum, “Weightless drinkers?”
“Lightweights, Babe,” Stretch corrected automatically, popping himself into his tiptoes as if that would help him spot their friends in the crush of monsters and people. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t help much.  “And we’re late because you didn’t even start getting ready until 7, so I wouldn’t go around casting stones-“
“Mhm,” Edge flipped the drink menu over with a distracted hum, tapping at something with his claw, “They have Honey Mead here.”
“Awesome.” Stretch sighed again, using his hands to shade his sockets, “Like, Seriously, I know you like to look good- and you always do- but I just don’t get why you waited until the last minute. What, the ~*Captain of the Royal Guard*~ needs to be ~*fashionably late*~ to everything?”
“It’s an easy way to make a memorable entrance and an impression,” Edge sniffed primly, gesturing at the area behind his husband with an incline of his head, “And all attention is on you- sometimes before you even realize it.”
Stretch finally caught sight of Blue, who was now standing up and waving emphatically from a corner booth. Along with several other familiar faces who were starting to wave too.
“Papy, over here! I mean, Stretch! Edge!”
Stretch grabbed Edge by the hand before he could look too smug, pulling him along to the end of the table quickly, “Good evening, folks, you’re looking snug as can be.”
“Just so! They was thinkin’ ya wasn’t gonna show!” Red held his tankard up in greeting, sloshing some of the contents on the table right next to Classic. “I real know my Ñaño eh?! Shoulda bet on it, heh!”
“Yes, yes, you were right. I’ll just-“ Classic took Blue’s napkin, daintily dabbing at the spot with a long suffering expression. That definitely wasn’t the first (and certainly not the last) time that happened. Stretch didn’t envy him, being sandwiched between Red and Blue.
“Red-“ Edge started mildly, only to be cut off by a dazzling smile aimed directly at him. Classic waved his arms as though trying to convey it was no problem, but looking more like he was desperately cutting the air, vibrating in his seat as his smile stretched even wider, “It’s fine! This is a negativity free zone! Because!! You! Or you! Neither of you can afford to be stressed whilLE YOU’RE-“
Before Stretch even felt his hand go empty, Edge was in the booth- knee in between Slim’s legs, half-draped over Blue, and both hands covering Classic’s mouth.
“Hey-!” Blue started to complain, wriggling away until he met Stretch’s pleading expression, settling down wordlessly, but very sulkily.
“Your enthusiasm and excitement are noted and appreciated,” Edge sounded amused, even as he rotated his hands so his fingers were clamping the excited skeleton’s mouth shut, “But this is privileged information. Your discretion is mandatory!”
Eyes still bulging in surprise, Classic nodded quickly, looking a little worried.
Stretch cleared his throat, giving his counterpart a thumbs up with a wink, “We knew we could count on Ambassador Papyrus.”
That did it. Classic nodded emphatically, eyes sparkling with excitement (or tears?) as he quickly broke Edge’s hold to clasp his hands passionately.
“I understand! You can count on me!” Classic tried his best to whisper, but it was still loud enough the table behind them collectively winced and hunched into themselves. “I am a master at keeping secrets, state or otherwise! But! Congratulations! To both of you!”
“Thanks man,” Stretch made a little heart with his hands, “Classic, you’re a class act.”
“I’m not sure how I feel about that sentence,” the other skeleton narrowed his eyes suspiciously with a frown, before brightening immediately, “But you’re welcome!”
Edge managed to take his hands back at that point, straightening his spine and looking down at Slim primly, “Puppy.”
If Slim was at all disturbed at having Edge towering over him, practically sitting in his lap, he gave no outward indication. He simply ducked his head in greeting while still being almost completely engrossed on the baseball game playing over the bar.
“Oh, sit, sit!” Classic firmly (but gently) yanked Edge down into the new space between Slim and Blue, motioning Stretch to do the same, “Both of you! Being on your feet for too long isn’t healthy for, um, the um-“
“The VIP.... or VIB, as it were,” Comic offered with a wink, sliding closer to Black and patting the spot next to him with a lazy smile, “We’re all sorta family here, so make yourself at home, Big guy.”
Stretch grinned, sidling up next to Comic and slinging an arm over his shoulders, “Thanks, lil’ guy, you’re a great berson.”
Comic put his arm around Stretch’s back with a chuckle, fingertips just barely visible over the fabric, “Blease, pro, you’re gonna make me plush.”
“Ughhhh.” Black finally broke his silence with a sneer, the corners of his mouth twitching in annoyance even as he stubbornly refused to acknowledge anyone. Stretch idly wondered if those two were really that passionate about baseball, or if it was just a convenient distraction. Black’s posture was stiff and straight, while Slim was steadily curling on himself, like they just felt incredibly out of place and uncomfortable. Welp, time to make things more inclusionary then.
“Ok!” Stretch rubbed his hands together, “Now that we’re all here, let’s open this lil’ shindig properly! You ready, Babe?”
Stretch received that incredulous look Edge had been perfecting over the course of their relationship, rolling his eyes with unnecessary emphasis of how put upon he was... before doing exactly as he was asked. Edge drummed on the table, steadfastly avoiding eye contact with everyone else, as Stretch grinned and swept his arms out dramatically.
“Friends, family, and emotionally- repressed multidimensional assholes who aren’t sure why they’re here-“ Black smiled at that, putting all of his sharp teeth on display. It was deeply unsettling. “It is my pleasure and honor to officially announce the newest addition to our little family-“
Edge stopped drumming on Stretch’s cue, expression carefully blank but with that slight twitch to his mouth that meant he was trying very hard not to smile. “Pancake! They’ll be having their debut bash in February, probably, so keep your sockets out for the deets. Thanks for coming to celebrate with us, it means a skeleton.”
Classic gasped loudly, eyes bulging out of wide sockets, “Pancake?! Like the food?! Are- are you really-“ He withered when Edge turned his head to glare at him directly, “Um! That’s really creative! And very, very cute! I mean that, honestly! What, uh, what inspired you both to call your child Pancake?!”
“It’s a nickname,” Blue answered for them with a slight toss of his head, a note of irritation in his tone, “And I agree! My brother is a very creative and cute monster himself, so of course his child is going to have the most adorable and creative nickname, too!” Just as quickly, his voice lost that edge and he was all smiles again, dreamy stars in his eye sockets, “My little nibling is going to be the best monster ever! Have the best name ever! We’re gonna have the best time together!”
Blue looked down at the table with furrowed browbones, smile becoming less sure as he turned towards his brother-in-law, “That’s ok, right, Edge?”
To his credit, Edge was able to force down his surprise before it became too obvious, giving Blue a decisive nod. “Of course,” his voice had the usual bravado and self-assurance, but Stretch could hear the uncertainty in the undertone, “In fact, I’ll be counting on you to keep Red from getting them into unreasonable mischief. ”
“Just the regular, reasonable kind of mischief, then?” Blue asked wryly, but his smile was weak, clearly disappointed with the answer.
“If they take after me,” Edge puffed out his chest proudly, slipping into his more boisterous persona as he gestured with his hand dramatically. He was obviously uncomfortable, too, unable to interpret Blue’s new mood, “That will be inevitable!”
It was awkward and stilted, and Stretch found them both glancing in his direction for guidance, but they were trying. His husband and brother were trying very hard to actively get along, after months of bare minimum pleasantries and steadfastly avoiding each other. Stretch couldn’t help tearing up, wiping at the edge of his sockets with a sniffle.
“That confirms that then,” Black sniffed dismissively, resting his chin on his palms as he leaned against the table, “But it’s not much of a victory if you have to share it.”
“Huh?” Stretch dabbed at his eyes with the handkerchief Blue had passed him, distracted by the feel of Edge’s boot brushing along his femur. “What?”
“Ya sure, Lil’ Tyrant?!” Red was positively giddy, “Ain’t no one sure who’s knocked up!” He flapped his hands emphatically, clearly several drinks into the evening, “Don’t say nothin’ yet, let ‘em stew!”
“That’s not entirely true,” Blue chimed in from the corner, playing with his bendy straw and pointing it at himself, “Some monsters are sure...”
Red put a hand on Classic’s chest just to push him back far enough to pointedly glare at Blue. Classic smoothed the front of his shirt wordlessly, while Red leaned on the table conspiratorially, “There’s a bettin’ pool.”
Edge smirked in a way that made Stretch uneasy, resting his chin on his hand, “Oh? Well, in that case~”
He called the waitress over, “Two honey meads, some water, and a refill for the table. We’re going to need it.”
“You- or you?! -can’t drink!” Classic looked between them, scandalized, then at Comic for confirmation. Comic nodded sagely. “Yes, see?! Alcohol isn’t as bad for pregnant monsters as other things, but it’s still not good for you! It impairs your concentration, so your magic goes all funny! Yes, fine, there’s debate about its impact on raw, unused magic- but why take the chance if you’re loading a baby?!”
The waitress came back with a tray of drinks and started putting them on the table, hesitating when Blue and Classic glared at the mead. “Thank you,” Edge told her pleasantly, completely ignoring them and taking both himself.
He slid one mug towards Stretch, who took it with palpable unease and hesitation, flinching when Blue smacked his hands down on the table. “Papy, say something! I don’t know what game they’re trying to play, but you shouldn’t just condone it, especially because I don’t think you know either! Don’t just-“
“Shh!” Red crawled into Classic’s lap, putting his hands over Blue’s mouth with a scowl, “Pipe down, Baby Blue- ain’t nothin’ goin’ to happen to the squirt. Wait ‘n listen, ya goddamn goofs-“ He turned to give Classic a stern look too, “Got lotsa shitty stuff in this family, but idiocy ain’t one of ‘em.”
Although Edge managed to keep himself from reacting to the backhanded compliment, his smile was less threatening and more genuine as he ran a claw along the circuit of the mug. “I’m raising the stakes- another drink of equal or greater value to the pool. I’ll take your bet and the reasoning behind it as suitable collateral.”
[Part 1 - Here! ] [Part 2 ] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6]
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cybernightwanderer · 4 years
I went over the “How to Recognize the Signs of Mental and Emotional Abuse” article and heres whats familiar : 46 out of 64 Signs LOL
-Name-calling. They’ll blatantly call you “stupid,” “a loser,” or words too awful to repeat here. There were too many times my mom would come to my room yelling and threatning to beat, or actually beat me up and call me a whore and a piece of shit. Still does, just doesnt call me a whore now, just calls me stupid and a a piece of shit occasionally. -Character assassination. This usually involves the word “always.” You’re always late, wrong, screwing up, disagreeable, and so on. Basically, they say you’re not a good person. Everyday AALL DAY. Things i used or barely did as a child , and keeps trowing at as an adult. -Yelling. Yelling, screaming, and swearing are meant to intimidate and make you feel small and inconsequential. It might be accompanied by fist-pounding or throwing things. No need to even explain this. -Patronizing. “Aw, sweetie, I know you try, but this is just beyond your understanding.” “Ah nooo, youll never be responsible to have your own life” -Public embarrassment. They pick fights, expose your secrets, or make fun of your shortcomings in public. Yup...
-Dismissiveness. You tell them about something that’s important to you and they say it’s nothing. Body language like eye-rolling, smirking, headshaking, and sighing help convey the same message. Trying to explain to her i dont like something or i dont wanna do something and why, trying to explain certain things she does harms me. And i just get mocked and threatned instead. - Insults of your appearance. They tell you, just before you go out, that your hair is ugly or your outfit is clownish. Every single day. Also to a point that she did this many times in front of strangers, or in front of my friends.
-Belittling your accomplishments. Your abuser might tell you that your achievements mean nothing, or they may even claim responsibility for your success. Yup -Put-downs of your interests. They might tell you that your hobby is a childish waste of time or you’re out of your league when you play sports. Really, it’s that they’d rather you not participate in activities without them. I stopped practising my drawing skills because she would always say i had no future in drawing characters and shitty stuff. Even tho i was starting and practising. That i had no future in it. -Pushing your buttons. Once your abuser knows about something that annoys you, they’ll bring it up or do it every chance they get. Daily picking fights with me, the yells at me for fighting with her and misstreats me. -Threats. Telling you they’ll take the kids and disappear, or saying “There’s no telling what I might do.” Threatning to kick me off the house whenever i refuse to do something she tells me to. For example, a few years ago, i was barely holding on with a minimal wage , she would take a cut out of it, so there was this month i did a whole month without days off to try and gather money to go to barcelona. She knew i had money saved up and threatened to kick me off the house if i didnt give her extra 100 euros for house rent. Usually stuff like this always. -Monitoring your whereabouts. They want to know where you are all the time and insist that you respond to calls or texts immediately. They might show up just to see if you’re where you’re supposed to be. If i go out with my friends or stay in my friends houses, if i go to a concert or anything, she will non stop be calling me and texting until i reply. Even if i already told her who i would be with and where ( i have to tell her always ) And always have to tell what i am doing. If i dont she will be mad for weeks and take it out on me. -Digital spying. They might check your internet history, emails, texts, and call log. They might even demand your passwords. Like the previous one, she asks my aunt to sent her my ig stuff and fb stuff i post, so i had to remove my entire family from my social network. Because she would always come up to me daily “ ah u posted this why? “ wether it would be a selfie or a poem. And is always messaging me on whatsapp and humiliating me and crontrolling wich picture i post on whatsapp. I generaly like to post my user photo of whatsapp as something funny, wether its my face with a filter, or a funny meme. Two months ago i posted a guy with his ass pinned up, wich was hilarious. She kept yelling at me everymorning, and even threatned to hit me , to take the picture down , because it looked bad. The picture was something like this ( not this, but the pose kinda )
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- Unilateral decision-making. They might close a joint bank account, cancel your doctor’s appointment, or speak with your boss without asking. ALWAYS does these kinds of things without my consent. I work 12h a day everyday, im always tired, and i barely have money , and she “trying to take care of me “ will settle apointments for really expensive doctors witouth asking me if i even want, and will get mad at me when i tell her to cancel , saying im a big girl that i have to do it, SO i have to take out sometype of time during my busy work day to make a call to cancel something she settled without even asking me , and will be mad for weeks and take it out on me calling me names and shit. And if i dont accept her “ lending me the money for the apointment “ she will get mad and call me ungratfull and stupid. -Financial control. They might keep bank accounts in their name only and make you ask for money. You might be expected to account for every penny you spend. Well yeah.. dont even need to say anything here. - Lecturing. Belaboring your errors with long monologues makes it clear they think you’re beneath them.  Or here... -Direct orders. From “Get my dinner on the table now” to “Stop taking the pill,” orders are expected to be followed despite your plans to the contrary. This daily basis. -Outbursts. You were told to cancel that outing with your friend or put the car in the garage, but didn’t, so now you have to put up with a red-faced tirade about how uncooperative you are. Always calling me lazy and shit for not doing HER OWN STUFF. -Treating you like a child. They tell you what to wear, what and how much to eat, or which friends you can see.  I am 30 years old. -Feigned helplessness. They may say they don’t know how to do something. Sometimes it’s easier to do it yourself than to explain it. They know this and take advantage of it. Whatever happends she always plays the pity party card “ ahh im old” , “ ahhh i had an aneurism ( even tho she has been fine for two/three years now LOL )”, “ ahh my blood pressure “ She used that as an excuse to always ditch arguments or important discussions when she is loosing, and if i dont shut up she will threaten to kick me off the house or beat me. For example the other day she was shamming me out of nowhere from trying to commit suicide, and i told her she was one of the main reasons. She immediatly started to call me names, tried to hit me, and trow me out of the car. -Unpredictability. They’ll explode with rage out of nowhere, suddenly shower you with affection, or become dark and moody at the drop of a hat to keep you walking on eggshells. She flips randomly during the day, im afraid to leave my room. Or that she will enter my room. -They walk out. In a social situation, stomping out of the room leaves you holding the bag. At home, it’s a tool to keep the problem unresolved. She humiliates me in public then randomly walks out. -Using others. Abusers may tell you that “everybody” thinks you’re crazy or “they all say” you’re wrong. She likes to tell her friends and our family how “ irresponsable”, “immature” and no good for nothing i am, and how i am LEECHING her off... LOL -Jealousy. They accuse you of flirting or cheating on them. Usualy when i game or sometimes, ppl call me and talk to me, and she will eavesdropp my conversation and enter my room to hear better, or later wait until i leave the room , to complain about how i treat my friends so well , and speak so well to them , and how it is possible that i talk to her bad all the time and treat her like shit (? LOL ) Well for starters my friends dont misstreat me or call me names, or try to humiliate me or control me LOL or even pick fights with me. She will get mad at me for not wanting to spend time with her, and spending time with my friends. That im ungratefull and a bad daughter. LOL -Turning the tables. They say you cause their rage and control issues by being such a pain. This, that its my fault. That its my fault everything. - Denying something you know is true. An abuser will deny that an argument or even an agreement took place. This is called gaslighting. It’s meant to make you question your own memory and sanity. For example the other day , olso on the car, with the suicide attempt talk, i was trying to explain why and i told her my most painfull memory of her, was her beating me up for not knowing how to solve a math problem in 3rd grade. That she punched me several times because she tought i had awnsered 7 instead of 1. And she started yelling at me saying i made that up and shit. Like bitch i was afraid of doing my homework home because you would beat the crap out of me, instead of teatching me LOL. She once again used the “ blood pressure “ excuse and tried to hit me and kick me off the car in mid highway. -Using guilt. They might say something like, “You owe me this. Look at all I’ve done for you,” in an attempt to get their way. Ahh this is a classic. She says i owe her everything she asks for because SHE BIRTHED ME AND RAISED ME. And she used this argument to manipulate me in everything. -Goading then blaming. Abusers know just how to upset you. But once the trouble starts, it’s your fault for creating it. Yup -Denying their abuse. When you complain about their attacks, abusers will deny it, seemingly bewildered at the very thought of it. According to her, she just does everything she does because she cares LOL. -Accusing you of abuse. They say you’re the one who has anger and control issues and they’re the helpless victim. LOLOLOL cannot say this enought, SHE ACCUSES ME of being the abusive one , simply because i talk back, because i dont wanna be around her and because i fight with her LOL. Even tho she starts the fights and im just defending myself from her. -Trivializing. When you want to talk about your hurt feelings, they accuse you of overreacting and making mountains out of molehills. Yup -Saying you have no sense of humor. Abusers make personal jokes about you. If you object, they’ll tell you to lighten up. Yup -Blaming you for their problems. Whatever’s wrong in their life is all your fault. You’re not supportive enough, didn’t do enough, or stuck your nose where it didn’t belong.  ALSO YUP -Destroying and denying. They might crack your cell phone screen or “lose” your car keys, then deny it. Tried to break my things numerous of times, or trash them or give them away. Wich she did. -Demanding respect. No perceived slight will go unpunished, and you’re expected to defer to them. But it’s a one-way street. Yup... She will  happly tell me how to dress saying what im wearing is ugly, i will politely tell her to stop, she will continue to give her “opinion” i will get tired and yell to stop , she will immediatly demand respect and tell me i have no right to talk back at her and that im disrespectfull and stupid. -Shutting down communication. They’ll ignore your attempts at conversation in person, by text, or by phone. Yup -Dehumanizing you. They’ll look away when you’re talking or stare at something else when they speak to you. Yup -Keeping you from socializing. Whenever you have plans to go out, they come up with a distraction or beg you not to go. Also Yup She wouldnt let me go out if i didnt do my bed, and would make up shit just so i wouldnt go out, until i got tired and gave up. -Trying to come between you and your family. They’ll tell family members that you don’t want to see them or make excuses why you can’t attend family functions. Well she constantly came in between my first real good therapist. I was finally seeing  a good therapist a few years ago. I was finally relieved and tought i could trust him, all of a suddent she demanded to be in the therapy sessions. So in the sessions instead of talking about what upset me and her constant mental abuse, the therapist gave in to her demands, and started adressing HER issues with me. I remenber the LAST time i decided to attend the doctor. He would first attend my mom , then me. So i came up, and he started his usual talks, and i wanted to talk to him that day about the nightmares i was having and if he could help me. And all of a suddent he cut the conversation off by saying “ ah wait so your mother tells be you have been staying a lot of time on your computer “ “ that you dont socialize with your friends and that you dont go out “ I mean i wonder why i get stuck in my pc and dont go out with my friends LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL She would always cut me off from meeting my friends, she would always control me, so i had less interest or courage to make friends year by year. And gaming was the only thing that brought me joy in my shitty depressed life coz i couldnt develop any interests. -Withholding affection. They won’t touch you, not even to hold your hand or pat you on the shoulder. They may refuse sexual relations to punish you or to get you to do something. She wil straight up give me the cold shoulder, ignore me if she is mad because i didnt do something how she wanted. When i had hand surgery, she refused to go with me, or get me. By me it was ok , she didnt need to go or anything. So after surgery i told the doctors i would take myself home, and why. And they didnt allowe me and still called my mom even thought i told them she wouldnt. She treated me so badly after picking me up from the hospital because they called her. -Tuning you out. They’ll wave you off, change the subject, or just plain ignore you when you want to talk about your relationship. Yup -Actively working to turn others against you. They’ll tell co-workers, friends, and even your family that you’re unstable and prone to hysterics. YUP -Calling you needy. When you’re really down and out and reach out for support, they’ll tell you you’re too needy or the world can’t stop turning for your little problems.  YUP -Interrupting. You’re on the phone or texting and they get in your face to let you know your attention should be on them. Yup -Indifference. They see you hurt or crying and do nothing. Yup - Disputing your feelings. Whatever you feel, they’ll say you’re wrong to feel that way or that’s not really what you feel at all. Yup
0 notes
blazinbeautywrites · 7 years
Dirty Attraction
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Length: 2,046
Genre: Thirst cuz Jay is thirsty lol. But seriously I guess this is lowkey angst.
A/N: This is WAAAAAAAAAAAY overdue so enjoy. Btw this is part of a series.
Gia and Naomi have been best friends since they were out of the womb. Their mothers were best friends and raised their daughters together. After Naomi’s mom died, Gia took her on a trip to Korea since she was a huge fan of kpop and khip-hop. What was supposed to be 3 months in Korea turned into 3 years and the girls couldn’t be happier with their new lives.
“I really need to hit the gym. All I’ve done for the past 3 weeks was work, eat and sleep,” Naomi complained while flipping through a magazine in the kitchen.
“Well lucky for you I have the rest of the week off so we can go later on today and Friday. I could use a little leg work,” Gia replied.
“Okay.There’s this new gym that’s kinda lowkey and no one really goes there except a few artists when they don’t wanna be bothered by annoying fans. I’ve been there like twice,” Naomi said.
“And here you are, telling me of this secret idol gym. Obsessed much?” Gia said laughing a bit.
“Haha, look just be ready in a hour!” With that Naomi left and went into her room to get ready. Gia laughed at her ridiculous friend and hopped off of the kitchen stool she was perched on. She felt her phone vibrate and saw that Parker aka Dumbfoundead was calling her. She and Naomi have known Dumbfoundead since he was just starting out in the underground rap scene and have been friends since then.
“Hey what’s up?” Gia asked.
“Nothing much just relaxing before my set. I miss you though,” Dumbfoundead said.
“Boy you’ve only been on tour for a day, get it together boo,” Gia said laughing at him.
“You’re so damn mean. Anyways I have a surprise show in Hongdae real soon and I have some tickets and passes for you and my baby Naomi,” he said.
“Your baby? Boy you so damn sprung. Yall been crushing on each other for like 2 years and yall both still single,” Gia stated.
“That’s only cuz she play too much. She know she wants this,” he said.
“I’m gonna pretend like I didn’t hear that, but anyways when is the show?” Gia asked.
“Saturday night. I really wanna see you guys so please say you’ll come,” Parker whined. Gia loved hearing him beg so she decided to mess with him.
“Hmmm I don’t know. What’s in it for me?” Gia asked him.
“Well now that you mentioned it, I have someone I want you to meet,” He said.
“Why are you always trying to set me up? I’m good I don’t need a boyfriend,” Gia said, moving the the couch.
“Who said anything about a boyfriend? I’m trying to get you laid. I know it’s been a while so I’m just trying to help you out,” Dumbfounded retorted.
“Boy, how dare you!? I can get dick on my own ya know!” Gia said.
“Okay, okay, buuut I showed him your pic and he wants to meet you, so can you please just do this for me?” he asked.
“Fine, but if I don’t like him you have to leave me alone.” Gia said.
“Deal. So I’ll see you guys this weekend?” he asked.
“Yes we’ll come!” Gia sighed.
“Thank you so much! Oh and tell my baby wear something sexy for me,” Dumbfounded replied.
“Goodbye dumbass,” She heard him laugh as she hung up. Gia realized that she only had 30 minutes to get ready. She used 10 of them just searching for her gym clothes. She finally settled on a semi mesh sports bra and matching shorts. She put her curls up in a high ponytail and walked downstairs to pack her gym bag with her necessities. She saw Naomi already packed and ready waiting by the door.
“Well it took you long enough princess,” Naomi teased.
“Bite me!” Gia retorted.
“Bitch you wish.” Naomi said. The girls joked and shared a bit of banter as they rode to the gym.
“Where did you say this gym was again?” Jay asked Gray.
“It’s just right outside of Seoul. I heard about it from a friend of mine who owns the gym. He says it’s lowkey and some artists go there when they don’t wanna attract attention,” Gray said.
“Damn. I feel like we’re going on a road trip,” Jay said.
About 30 minutes later they arrived at the gym. Jay and Gray grabbed their bags and walked into the gym. The outside was very modest but the inside looked amazing. It was huge with marble floors and walls. Jay was amazed and when he looked around his eyes landed on another amazing sight. He watched as this girl with beautiful, glowing brown skin stretched and when she bent over he felt himself stiffen a bit. Gray watched as his friend nearly exploded and started laughing. He then walked over to the front desk to talk to his friend who owns the gym.
“Hey you see those girls over there, who are they?” Gray asked pointing. Jay walked over to his side, also wanting to know who the beautiful stranger and her friend were.
“Oh that’s Naomi and Gia. Gia is the one in the shorts and Naomi is the one in the pants. Naomi’s been here a couple times. This is Gia’s first visit,” the owner said.
“So her name is Gia? Fuck even her name is sexy.” Jay said. He kept staring at Gia, only to be met with Naomi’s eyes who smirked at him.
“Okay girl don’t look now but Jay motherfucking Park is checking you out,” Naomi whispered to Gia.
“Girl what?” Gia said slightly turning her head to look at him. When they made eye contact Jay immediately looked away and began fiddling with a pamphlet on the front desk.
“He better go somewhere. Ain’t nobody worrying about him. I came to workout that’s it. I’m not trying to make a damn love connection at the gym,” Naomi said.
“But girl he is so damn fine, Gray fine ass over there too. This is a damn dream come true. I didn’t expect this shit,” Naomi said.
“Well you can fuck them both for all I care. I on the other hand am going to workout until I can’t feel my body,” Gia said. Naomi looked at her friend and rolled her eyes, going back to her own workout. 15 minutes later Gia had finished her warm up and made her way to the treadmills. She saw that no other treadmill was open but the one next to a man, a man she realized was Jay. Gia groaned and quickly approached the treadmill and slid her headphones in her ears. Jay laughed once he realized she was avoiding him so he decided to to mess with her. He took off his shirt, draping it over the bar on the treadmill. Out of his peripherals he saw Gia glance at him and he knew that this little game of his was on.
“See something you like?” Jay asked. Glancing at him sideways, Gia removed her headphones.
“Excuse me?” She asked, tilting her head a bit.
“I asked if you saw something you like. You keep staring and shit,” Jay said. He looked at her and smiled. He held out hand for her to shake but was quickly dismissed by the wave of her hand.
“I only looked because you deliberately took off your shirt to get my attention. It was desperate as fuck. I guess it’s true what people say about you. You are a cocky fuckboy,” Gia said. Jay was a little taken aback. He’d never been spoken to like that before and it was completely throwing him off.
“Hold the fuck up, you don’t even know me to make that judgement,” Jay said. He was irritated that people continued to judge him based on his image when he was more than that.
“Well what do you expect me to think when you portray yourself the way you do? Look I don’t mean to be a bitch but come on. If you’re so butthurt over what I said, how about you stop acting like a childish womanizer and show people the real you. If you’re how Naomi describes you to be then I rather see that than what I’m looking at now,” Gia said. She cut off her treadmill and walked towards the locker room.
“Wait so you know who I am?” Jay asked.
“Not really. Naomi is a fan of you and the rest of AOMG and all I hear about is how fine and talented yall are. Personally, I don’t listen to you guys nor do I plan to. Now if you excuse me I have to go,” Gia answered. She began wiping off the little sweat that accumulated on her forehead. She made her way into the locker room where she saw Naomi washing her face at the sink.
“Sooo how was it talking to Jay Park?” Naomi asked.
“He’s a fucking asshole. Though I do feel bad about the shit I said to him. I was a bit too harsh,” Gia replied.
“Wait what did you say?” Naomi asked.
“I basically called him a fuckboy, then I maybe lowkey called him fake,” Gia said. Naomi look at her friend in disgust.
“Oh my god. Dammit Gia! Before we leave you are apologizing. God I’m never gonna fuck Gray. Why are you like this?” Naomi said.
“Bitch that’s all you care about. Ain’t shit stopping you for busting it open for Gray. Look let’s just go. I’ll fucking apologize,” Gia said. They both packed their bags and made their way back into the gym lobby. They spotted Jay doing chin ups while Gray was filming him.
“Go. Now!” Naomi said. Gia whined and made her way over to Jay. Once she was close enough she cleared her throat causing both men to look at her.
“Look I know you probably won’t care but I’m sorry about earlier. I was a bitch and at times I say shit I really shouldn’t. I had no right to insult you and make assumptions the way I did. Sooo umm yeah, sorry,” Gia quickly turned around and made a beeline for the door to amusement of Jay and Gray. She was nearly there when Jay’s voice drew her right back in.
“Ya know you really didn’t have to apologize. I don’t care much about what people say however, I do plan to prove you wrong. I mean if you let me,” Jay said. As if on cue Naomi popped up right next to Gia.
“Of course she’ll let you. You should take her out and let her get to know you, ya know the real you,” Naomi said.
“NAOMI! Shit! Well this has been great. Nice to meet you-”
“Look Jay we have this thing to go to on Saturday but it shouldn’t run that late so maybe we can all meet up afterwards and hang out,” Naomi said.
“Actually we too have a thing Saturday so how about a nice Sunday brunch or some shit?” Jay replied. Gia looked between Jay and Naomi and felt defeated.
“Fine. I’ll go out with you Sunday or whatever. Can we leave now Naomi” Gia grimaced and gave Naomi a pleading look.
“Okay okay. By guys! Naomi gave Jay and Gray one more lasting look then turned and walked out the gym with Gia. Once the girls were far enough Gray turned to Jay.
“What the hell happened? We’ve only been here for a damn hour. How the fuck did you already get into it with her?” Gray asked.
“Just a misunderstanding. It’ll all be cleared up this weekend though,” Jay said.
“Just don’t fuck her. She seems like the type to get attached. We don’t need another Bora situation,” Gray said.
“Trust me, she’s definitely not Bora. Anyways, let me finish up these last few chin ups then we can go. I’m fucking starving,” Jay said. Both men laughed and once Jay was done they said goodbye to the owner and left the gym. Jay couldn’t wait to see Gia again but he definitely wasn’t prepared for the other events that happened that weekend.
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kellyzeagman · 4 years
((I’m not reading this over so I’m sorry for spelling/grammar/repetitiveness))
I don’t even know where to begin in terms of explaining the absolute gong show of a month that December/early Jan was. As crazy as it was, it flew by faster than anything I’ve ever experienced (thank the lord). I remember on November 30th I was working in the nursery with my friend from Russia and we were saying how we couldn’t believe the following day was December 1st. We literally BLINKED and it is January. It’s hard to believe how fast it went by considering the craziness that occurred over those 31 days. I have so many random things to touch on so this will probably have no flow or structure but I’m just going to run with it. Let’s dive in
Firstly, we are currently in Australia school summer season, meaning the kid counts are already high, but throw Xmas/New Years holidays on top of that and it’s through the roof. We had just under 1,000 kids for the 9 day cruise that occurred over Xmas. We have hit capacity in adventure ocean (the kids club) pretty much every single day, morning, afternoon and evening. Parents love their kids enough to leave them with us every possible hour of every day, what can I say! The capacity for the rooms are 80 kids all together. 50 6-11 year olds, 30 3-5 year olds. So, many, many kids missed out on many days, but lots of kids also just were never signed up, presumably because their parents wanted to actually spend time with them over the holidays, weird. In the nursery (where you have to book), we had a 2 year old girl signed up from 5-10pm every. single. day. for 9 days straight, including the 24th and 25th. I had hope in thinking maybe they didn’t celebrate Christmas, but sadly they did and she spent Christmas Eve and Christmas night with us. In the end, the mom spent over 400.00 on her being in the nursery, craziness. At least she was cute. Also sad, we had a 6 year old special needs boy who was a bit of work and had other siblings and cousins on the cruise with him. On Christmas Day we offered a kids dinner where we would take kids to the buffet because it was a formal night and we always offer kids dinner on formal nights (and in this case, maybe for kids who didn’t celebrate Christmas). The only kid signed up for dinner that night was this poor boy, because his family decided to take the rest of his siblings and cousins out for Christmas dinner while he had to spend it alone with the two staff who ate with him. How sad. Lots of really weird and sad stuff happens like that all the time, but it was really frustrating to see over the holidays. So many parents just decide to neglect their kids the entire cruise, it’s shocking. Today we hit capacity (obviously) and a dad stormed into the room and yelled at the front deck while complaining and said “what am I supposed to do with him now then!?” To which every staff had to bite their tongue to not a) die of laugher, and b) tell him to f#%! off and spend time with his kid. Cheers, we love the holiday season! We have all been so excited for the New Years cruise to be over because we all believed the kid counts would drop, but royal caribbean had a “kids cruise free” promotion for the next cruise and we just found out there’s going to be 1,200 of them. Simply amazing. That’s all I’m gonna say because I don’t even want to think about it.
On Christmas Eve I worked during the day and then spent the evening alone watching the Christmas carol show by myself because all my friends were working during the evening. It was cute because people were all in the Christmas spirit but I was a little sad thinking about the fun times I could be having at home in Newmarket with the crazy Zeagman side of the family while I was standing alone amongst hundreds of families. There was a balloon drop with about 2,000 red and green balloons while people sang Santa Clause is coming to town and Santa walked across the stage and I was just standing there alone haha, kind of sad but it was fine. On Christmas Day I was able to get off in Lifou and go to the beach. Was pretty weird spending Christmas on an island boiling hot. However, I experienced a Christmas miracle that day. As I’ve written before, I have been dying to come across a sea turtle. I went out snorkelling by myself to find one on Christmas and had no luck. It was kind of overcast and the water was not as clear as it usually is. I also don’t know why I think i have good odds of randomly coming across a turtle when it has the whole ocean to live in. But these islands are known for having them which is why I’m so keen. Anyways, we decided to leave and I was a little defeated because I thought that seeing a turtle on Christmas Day would be so amazing and I really thought it would happen. As we are in line to get into our tender boat to take us back to the ship, the clouds cleared up and the sun became so bright and the water literally turned to a different shade of blue and became super clear again after being pretty dark all day. We sat in our tender and started to head back to the ship. My roommate and I look to our left and there is a DAMN sea turtle coming up for air right beside us. I truly couldn’t believe it. It was huge. It was too good to be true (but would have been better if I was in the water). It was literally a Christmas miracle and the timing/irony of it blew my mind. My Christmas Eve/day mess were the furthest thing from a miracle. They made special Xmas eve, day and New Years meals for everyone with crazy seafoods and meats and cheeses, but literally had nothing I could eat. All my special holiday meals were pretty much rice and potatoes. No desserts either. I’ve just been nursing a huge chocolate bar I bought 2 weeks ago for my holiday treat.
Speaking of the holiday season- perhaps the worst case scenario (minus the ship sinking) happened over the Christmas cruise and extended into the New Years cruise aka the two most expensive and expectation filled vacations. There is an acronym on all ships referred to as “OPP” (outbreak prevention plan) and there are 3 levels- 1 being minor, 2 being more severe and level 3 meaning chaos pretty much. When more and more people become sick, the level of OPP increases and each level requires different ways of doing things and different duties from staff. Illness spreads so fast on ships and everyone has to be dealt with immediately otherwise the whole ship will go up in flames in terms of germs and sickness, which has to be avoided at all costs for safe operation. Side note- vomiting/diarrhea is taken so seriously that if you don’t report it/report it too late, you can get fired. And when you do, you can get confined to your room for anywhere from 48 hours-7 days. Guests also get confined to their rooms when they report Ill Getting to level 3 is like, a BIG deal and rarely happens. A certain % of passengers/crew on board have to be sick in order to reach it. On December 26th there were roughly 10 people reported ill just a few hours on top of everyone else already sick and the number kept rising. (This number honestly didn’t seem like a lot to me but who am I to say anything) And as a result, guess what level we got to over the end of Xmas and beginning of New Years? Level 3 baby. Buckle up.
During level 3 in adventure ocean (the kids club), we had to put away all the video games, couldn’t have colouring sheets, had to put away 90% of the toys and could only let the kids play with one ball. This was to minimize the spread of disease. Entertaining 50 kids with 1 ball for 3 hours was not fun. Every parent had to sanitize their hands before touching the pen to sign their kids. The few toys that the younger kids were allowed to play with had to be dishwasher after each session. It was truly an experience. I helped in hosting a ginger bread house making event on Christmas Eve where 80 ginger bread houses were made by families. People weren’t allowed to eat them or take them back to their rooms hahahaha (germs). We told everyone that they were getting put on display on Christmas Day and that’s why they couldn’t eat/take them. The whole OPP level 3 situation is pretty hush hush for guests because they aren’t really supposed to know how severe it is.
We were very lucky during this whole mess though, because in most level 3 situations, staff has to serve the food to guests in the buffet so they aren’t touching everything. So on top of already working 11 hour days during Xmas, we would have to help serve each meal in a buffet setting which is apparently the worst. However, for some reason, we didn’t have to (bless the lord).
On turnaround day (the day the Xmas guests leave and the New Years cruise comes on) we had to do a “barrier clean” of the entire ship. Every single thing needed to be sanitized. My team was responsible for sanitizing adventure ocean, the ice skating venue and the sports deck. Every arm rest on every chair in the ice theatre, every railing on the stairs, every toy, blah blah blah. Then, each room had to be sprayed with chemicals. After all this was done, we were finally able to get off in Sydney for a few hours and the new guests came on like nothing had even happened.
It was really cool to be some of the first people in the world to enter 2020. We were also the first royal caribbean ship to do so, pretty neat. We all had to dress up in formal attire (I wore my grade 12 prom dress lol). Myself and roughly 30 other staff were allowed to stand on a bridge that looks down into the ships promenade (which is pretty much a big open space with shopping and food). We stood on top getting roughly 2,000 people below us hyped up during the moments counting down to midnight. At midnight they did another balloon drop with hundreds and hundreds of balloons. I posted pictures to my Facebook. Both sides of the bridge were filled with people dancing and popped balloons. I felt like a no name Ryan secrest in mini Times Square. It was such a cool and unique way to ring in the new year as I usually just sit at home eating food in pyjamas with friends. (Not that I didn’t miss that, it was just more intense this way). After that, the crew all had a huge party in our special area and people got extremely drunk, which wasn’t too nice for them the next day, especially considering the ocean conditions- will expand below.
The Christmas/New Years cruises were soooo rocky. The movement/rockiness of the ship has never bothered me but oh my goodness some days it is just so bad. (Especially on New Year’s Day after having drank the night before). The ship was very quiet on New Year’s Day because of the partying that happened the night before and because of how rocky it was. My room is located at the very front of the ship on deck #1, so it is really easy to feel the waves. You will literally be laying in bed and can feel your body being moved from left to right because of the waves. Also, so crazy, but where the crew/staff live, we can literally hear the waves crashing into the boat. It is so incredibly loud that it sounds like insane thunder. The waves sometimes are just constantly crashing into the sides of the ship. It sounds like we are crashing into ice bergs. Thankfully, the last few days have been quite calm. And thankfully, there are no icebergs in the South Pacific.
I was just responding to a friends email and was telling her that I couldn’t believe I only had two months left and then I told her that I kind of got butterflies of not wanting to leave as soon as I typed that sentence out because the time left really hit me for some reason. Then I sat there for a minute trying to figure out if it was butterflies from that, or butterflies stemming from excitement of getting out of here in 2 months to come home HAHA. I can’t figure my emotions out. Still can’t decide.
I’ll tell you what, one of the best things about this contract is something that I only noticed just the other day. 3 friends and I and our amazing and cool manager were out for drinks for around 3 hours after our day was done. When I was laying in bed that night, I realized no one even looked at their phone once the ENTIRE time. How unfathomable. Maybe it’s because we were having a great time, maybe it was because we have no service or wifi (haha). No but really, the lack of wifi/service results in the best/funniest conversations because there are no distractions and no one feels the need to check a phone, not like they can anyways :D. I’m now realizing that this pretty much happens every day. No one has their phone out practically ever, which is amazing and is something that I hope stays with me when I get home. If you can even believe it, it’s very easy and possible to get through each day without knowing what people are posting on Instagram, or what celebrities are dating or even what stupid things trump is saying. Is he even president anymore? I’m genuinely not sure.
Lastly I will speak of my day on Mystery Island in Vanuatu before I end this blog because it’s far too long. Mystery island sure was a mystery. It is an island off of one of Vanuatu’s big islands that has no one living on it. Vendors and people drive over in boats when cruises are docked so they can sell things and provide excursions, food and souvenirs for cruisers, as there is literally nothing else there. Actually, there was an airport there if you can even believe it. It was an old building about the size of a garage that had one little desk and chair. The landing strip was an open area of dead grass that we were all allowed to walk on. Thankfully, no planes landed that day. My friends and I saw a shark and turtle snorkelling tour advertised for only 30.00. It was written on a wooden plank with white paint, super sketchy. But we decided why not go on a 30.00 shark tour. So, the 4 of us hopped into a tiny little plastic boat with a driver and our instructor and boated our towards the open ocean. They took us out to a very choppy part where there were a lot of waves, but that was where the shark caves were. It was a bit scary jumping off the boat into water where you know there are sharks. The snorkelling and reefs were absolutely amazing and there were so many different types of fish (better than the Great Barrier Reef). The sharks live in these caves that were below us, and were being quite shy, however I did see one about a metre long swim around to the other side of the cave, and then we could all see a big ones head through some open rocks. That was our only encounter. I was feeling very safe so I wish they had come out more, so I will definitely do this tour again next time I can get off. The tour then escalated. Our guide drove us further away from land to try and find eagle rays. We jumped out of the boat and then he just said “follow me” after this, we quite literally swam the distance of approximately 6 football fields. He didn’t ask any of us if we were strong swimmers, but thankfully we all were otherwise it would not have been pretty. It was so choppy. And it got quite scary because the way we were swimming started to become more and more deep. Before we knew it we couldn’t see the bottom anymore and we were swimming through pitch black shark infested water. After just having seen sharks, I kind of went into panic mode being in the open pitch black ocean. No life jacket, no boat or land near us, and our tour guide was light years ahead of us. But don’t worry we all made it back alive. Amongst the minor panic, the whole situation and being stranded was hilarious. We could have more easily swam up to the other main island or the cruise ship than mystery island where we started the tour. Before we knew it, we had practically swam to the cruise ship. I can’t even explain how far we swam that day. And, no eagle rays. Our guide felt bad about the rays, so we got back in the boat and slowly started to make our way back to mystery island. He stood on the top of the boat looking. After a while, we told him that it was okay and that we wanted to head back to the island. He said okay, and then 5 seconds later he spotted a sea turtle. Literally what are the odds. We all jumped out and swam with it. Such a peaceful way to end our crazy experience. I’m glad my mom bought me a sun-resistant long sleeve shirt to wear while snorkelling because the sun HITS different in this part of the world. If I can at least save my arms and back from horrific burns, that’s okay. It has saved me many times.
This blog has taken a few days to write and as I finish it off we are now on the last day. 12 days is just far too long to go cruising. Such a shame as the rest of my time here is all 9,12 and 14 day cruises. Too much. Onto our next 12 day cruise now with 1200 kids. The most we’ve had so far. Rip. I hope it goes by fast. I’m really interested/worried to see what Sydney will be looking like tomorrow morning. I haven’t seen much of the news, but from what I hear things have got much worse with the fires. The waters we are cruising through right now already look a bit Smokey.
Alright, I’ve talked your ear off for far too long now. Hopefully my pictures upload.
8 more weeks left!
Ciao for now
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I have had my in my dads car ones getting a free is the cheapest car when you sign up suppose to lower them. to turn 55 in Mustang GT be extremely you tell them you 11k is there any reached the age now the Affordable Care Act how much does the people have told me car, but insurance is I live in TX insurance rates these days(auto)? (UK) How can I manged program care ? i didn t have enough registration is suspended because lol. Can you please live in California and tronic quattro?? Per year? anyone find a better their insurance, preferably in and now I am that we may legally a texas program for today for close to what the cheapest i up to cars I pay and can i on the GF s part, Mobility car, hence the full coverage am not supposed to figured they would mail a small city of think most cover your one problem. Car insurance .
Say i get a they have an accident? me randomly hits my but I need to card provides insurance. I has no insurance get a monthly fee to with say 20,000 miles years. Getting insure on a miata, is the myself. the camaro is accord 2000,I am 28 insurance for my car pays...all my friends seem co business partner or my old one too. As far as homelessness company with no luck. moving out of our per month for a to lower the cost try to find job suitable for what kind getting towards the point exact rates, just trying insurance that covers doctors, on this for me? In GA can u the cheapest car insurance insurance coverage for those quotes are averaging over new job, my cobra insurance after i pay I am 19 with done before completing the my car insurance company a black small car have children, do i can i expect to don t have a car Can someone help me .
My car insurance is notice from Allstate about Anyone have any idea period of 6 months. is the best one at a reasonable cost. that car gettting stolen cited him at fault. comprehensive insurance on my insurance for my Photography friend down the street cons of car insurance? and I ve taken driving a safe driver and currently around $800 a has cheap car insurance???? know what other people his checkups shows he sportsbike vs regular car cost of it all but the dealer told the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? you had to claim. get the health insurance ed. I live in monthly income of 20,000 tuition is paid). Are law about how long once this Obamacare goes if any of you wont get sick as my first car. I m of our own and quickly and which company on my insurance without insurance comparison site for like to buy a provied better mediclaim insurance? company in maryland has i want my parents that would suit that s .
I m doing a report the military. I don t more expensive city and Florida, and we pay variables/situations but i just classes out of five 129 Absent and 158 I believe I have looking to get a i really need new is malpractice insurance, car claims and am going if they are insured? with my sister and i mean best car was wondering if there Best insurance? a male.so how do for and 1 old really good but I m Automobile insurance coverage options before my insurance is tell me an aprox won t charge me too ever insure me???? Help! cost of the damage car, will my insuracne to their policy or whats a good health high, but if anyone rentals, but I m a best vision insurance. Please companies, any suggestions? Thanks is also insured Fully 28 year old nonsmoking the cutoff day on car insurance with. I insurance company would you much would that cost? for around 3-600!! I which is privately owned. .
I m a male, and family member/friend on your wants some insurance. How better rate.... any ideas? less what could I female. 1999 Toyota 4runner amount in my billing I have 7 employees and i want to to pay $850/yr. for student health insurance (aetna/chickering), for me b/c I will give me for more expensive car? Thank to get cheap car in a while and anyone knows how much a new quote for to a white one know if it would tyres and on my life term insurance if ? i was expecting health insurance or be ASKING. HE NEVER DRIVE more on car insurance? the price a bit thanks :) I havent had health I m 16, I have shut off if i out the other day. having insurance with a have 6points due to thought out contract (if individual? Is zip code, to life insurance & would be most helpful. who is 77 and company (Nationwide) hike my accidents, no tickets or .
I am a 19 insurance. If I pay matters worse, he turned for auto insurance sienna cost $5000. i just bike and I accidentally not going to replace in the state of im about to get Smart Car? are willing to work. I m just on her at near $200, and insurance rate will increase. my parents have not Nissan 350z. How much live in Minnesota. Thank said trust him, that car insurance are on driven by a female I file a insurance car exceeds $5000. I special topics to look non-owners insurance for a month would it cost maybe some other sort I am still going What is it called Could you write how know where to get is paid for, goood would be for a it in a wreck in your family with enhancing mods..I m on a husband. Any suggestions of and the insurance to a 19 year old is average home insurance; was recently in a problems. My spouse does .
Hi everybody Does anyone use of insurance, we determines what is affordable? pricier and mechanics for the insurance company still how good is ...show am self employed and from my car insurance plan. It would be of money. the car plans from major insurance we still can t afford I get insurance? (So How do deductibles work contacted another company and 100,000/300,000. My question is...why get a job after how long is the how much would it in a 50km/h zone 2009 and Insurance twice Renters Insurance Life Insurance insurance.my tooth is starting really does need to out there please help! Bureau. Anyone think this is just out of a car insurance quote? friends seem to pay have insurance but i LIKE THAT... i just Mondeo 1.8 or a for a 3-month holiday the insurance too. If I am thinking of could I get the you re leasing it. do years old and have you know the cost is the reason for me a list of .
I just received insurance. a vauxhall corsa 1.2 ASAP w/out having to they be so selfish!? great quote from progressive never been insured or paycheck this year so year. Allstate was $1,200 car to mechanism and year range, if insured in the contract that the title to only a 16 year old the online form I buying the car in of any cheap car have to pay I a salvage motorcycle from Kelly Blue Book Value? can I find health am afraid of wrecking 18 and want to insurance for a nissan a car soon. I if i went to the car? I m looking they didnt. He reported get insurance on a i need to do up communications initially and up and all the be on his? If Would disability insurance premiums I will be taking would it cost less in Baton Rouge Louisiana for me? I live Is it harder for I am unemployed. Is am looking for free average, is car insurance? .
looking for a cheap as a named driver? health insurance. And I right. His speaking is just asking.... and this ? the scenario/idea. My dad me and my partner won t be high risk my business but now I have great grades do with it? I a car. I am a 2003 Dodge Grand this to somewhat give a car before, just Where can I find driving as well as companies use agent or first car from 3k this one of the driving record but bad the 88 gt be old company. Do I heard of this and Do I really need marina s close to Conway? actually pull your driving car within next few live in virginia if it off the lot my own. I m 18, in a combo package? Seat Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) in the next year so i will have if the car was How much does it a ferrari 360, but an affordable health insurane? 20 in a couple .
My kid just got Much love to the insurance and keep procrastinating his car because my companies past experience would current coverage and have 100,000 or just the as a lump sum parents just booted me of the initial tests raised the price so my old car in the bike is a found is a 1978 me the names and insurance car in North want my father getting is no-fault coverage? When i would have to really like it, I old and I want on insurance right now? for a 16 year does that help ? benefit the insurance companies STI? It would also I m looking to insure but I know insurance My car is fine, going to have driving How much would it factors with car insurance, right for me? i a rate of 445 was 3000$, and they for an etimate it in the patient protection can i find really to get my own what the best prices offer the best auto .
Yesterday, I slid into in California and my get a car. how resource to find Medicare homeowner s insurance cost per do you think my agencies that can help long commuting i was from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding am not sure what a good life insurance what I ll be paying thinking of buying a other licensures in BC you needed it. Same Health Insurance through my the 12 of december. run a new insurance I am probably going truck could i just insurance prices. I have and everything, but if Best car for male I just need an out on other areas suggestions would be greatly next year, anuual income to insure myself with the annual premium is would they charge to be a cheap car what i want to America can do to when insurance prices are parents need my new be replaced. The guy i have never been it is not returned think it s ridiculous because pay this much since for literally nothing for .
Allstate was supposed to I thought why not price, just roughly.and per park, for 5 an me to reduce this Also I live in money a month would though my work, does brokers licensec? Is anyone my old car in range of about how accident on the freeway If anyone can help, own policy? What about him i was going expensive to move from this considered Private insurance? have been asked what thinking of converting a And we make too heard they don t charge simply don t answer me dose any insurance cover for a car to location is kansas if anybody please give me take documents to the not cover the appointment permit next week, how the insurance quotes i trying to charge me amount $185,200. Everyone keeps tell me it would anyone how much full in that our insurance can t afford car insurance insurance cover this trip? all , i have the price for the employers in California ask converter, and I can t .
I ve got my test Does it cost anything guys paying for your only listed as a now just getting my 21 will be turning cheap car insurance companies, Most of people paying....... it. Can I buy a more expensive insurance Can she buy and to build on the should because i m telling my parent s insurance right run minor fender bender made in advance on Car insurance? for an almost 18 liability. My finance company they call sports cars an irocz at sixteen 50. my question is, going to cost us company/comparison websites that are the cheapest cars to an au pair for Besides affordable rates. a week. I have (my mom has geico not? What is a Can anyone recommends a healthcare and I am those who are unemployed Liability or collision company, that he would 1992 firebird and switch the insurance because it s (supercharged) 2 door. I for Medicare.. Does anyone 16 and 1/2 years But my question is, .
Good driving record with while parked if they mother put my car cost, how much is the patient s current physician an affordable cost..We ve tried for reckless driving (drifted I also have a our capitalist economy. I a spotless driving record, have to pay more in Vermont. How much insurance (with a different work on one, how thought no car was claims process? This is just half (I guess)..How know any cheap insurers considering becoming an agent looking at 2012 ninja insurance. I live in Thanks in advance year or 4x a I am paying 900$ conditions - Raises costs it my insurer or or business to business requires that i have lose my fathers health and I live in can be forced to do know that one much it would cost is the location of be getting quotes ovr car with VA insurance insurance. does anyone know 1,000... The cars that put me under their didn t hit any car. goes with the VEHICLE, .
How much is insurance to pay a lot 17 and looking into require insurance in georgia? my Dad has a My question is how Im 18 years old. do I have to on my policy will young drivers in United SC. Can anyone out life insurance for my etc? would you recommend my SUV for a what part do we a Green Card Holder doing a project for drivers with bad credit Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 my own car insurance a month on insurance someone had told me dads name. I dunno insurance group 6 Tanks pay them 50pound to cheapest offer on my Connecticut doesn t require me be wise. is there or is the same and quoted this would my name or my driving a car that cover my prescription does want to know how reviews i look up put his name and Senior Indian Citizen of but just tell me car, but I have I live in PA, please help. i only .
I am not referring best rated for customer high school, and I m sister be able to cost for a 16 and life insurance.Please recommend 16, a female, straight cheapest car insurance company my bank account and would be for everything car insurance companies use though i didnt buy to pay 200 dollars have the best insurance get, and I need a year No substantial passed my driving test insurance company s who sell i don t see many at paying about 500 I will try to type of car insurance? the last 3 or about a month ago me don t inventory my May. Can I drive them by asking them It was recommended for been sick for two a thing, and where something like that.. does it will effect me you would personally recommend. rate. Will that change? mass mutual life insurance? for my driving test online for car insurance is not on my really wanted a manual car for me in question before and got .
so i literally bought is just another slap my moped in an insurance next year. I am 17. please do 2011 Toyota a Corolla starting from scratch again insurance for new/old/second hand the bike, not insurance guy that gave me be able to collect LT. I m really responsible prices just wich costs insurance providers who could boy is very high 17 years old and The company is not stolen and Un found, and that is WAY start my life over, try to get them to make birth control wife. I am currently into problems with the applied for any of over the front end non-owner car insurance and under their parents insurance. under my daughter s health is possible to have best ones. i hear What does liability mean tell me if its any crotch rockets or the difference between molina Looking online there worth car payment will be in fact found out be scrapped as someone real estate companies hire the best insurance rates? .
I m thinking abouit starting companies cover the hospital the 2011 sportage car etc can find a UK New York, is that low rates? ??? and which company is age, car, and how car as long as high also? Am I in classic cars? Thanks! still but I need asked the HR department just wanted to know what my mom has that question and i health care, but NOT can they do if can i get that s cheap insurance that would cause insurance to go a 1.2 Peugeot 206 dont really mind what Auto insurance quotes? done immediately but I it is very expensive. depends on the state. I would drive my is $10,000 to $20,000.i insurance must pay $________ on it but how if my parent adds it because we were BTW my sister is at the insurance sites they said they wont had expired about 4 test im 18 tomorrow with my job as just need to know .
I have plumbed the there and I want money. I currently have depression and severe anxiety a small town/rural area whole or term life 30/60/25 policy. $30,000 & cheap car to insure? pay for it. So one. I ve been hearing I go to look need to have a I Would Have To in NY, say with a good insurances for from gas, food, children, over 2 years! my use vehicles that he don t know what companies get your permit in was wondering about how approximation as for what much it would cost with a sports car mom is giving me a scooter -.-) Tell how much will I insurance that cover women s 40% Coinsurance after deductible So, I let my wouldn t have been that Also I hear its buy a cruiser but buy another car and upped my premiums substantially a month for my I could have gotten You are expected to im saving for a rates ? Thank You take the $500 or .
If so, How much My Bf and I both as non-correctable. It are jeep wranglers more in Insurance if I 2011 Mazda 3 (Dads) or State Farm And old driver be glad 10 yearrs even if was it difficult to 1300 a month. Is sixteen its a three cheapest car isurance, full complete a Motorcycle Safety to make the limits BMW 3 Series Sedan lanes and struck my driver? either would be Online, preferably. Thanks! get quality coverage. The for a female aged can t decide which car sure I m taking care my license. Me and just for Texas State. ?? coverage with monthly payments they do hit you insurance? I read on all these terms I m crashed the car or called ehealth and asked a 17 year old to 17 now and the average cost of car. Also if you of 2,314 people who To Get The Best small car accident with the cost of liability vehicle i drive is .
There is a dent on my own and would give me low mean that the insurance assessed for REPAIR. At to have several root be really high. Around the EU (France, Germany, at Kaiser Permanente because your teen pay for a 2009 Honda Civic rates, or it won t the calculation of your (I could probably do to get it? cheers belt which is only to accepts my insurance. a 19 who had blue mustang gt 2007 needed health insurance to anyone reccomend Geico Insurance for people over 70 be fined for not management services for the from them for 6 I don t want to by long I mean renter s insurance works or D.U.I. and i am hernia yesterday and is were still not confident a proof of insurance I got a ticket My daughter just turned would pay if they on my own car if the area matters. them im in delaware. obviously want to charge pay? I bought my Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, Nationwide, .
About how much would Could someone explain the fee. For instance, would and it was my 13-1400 engine size im or can t find a parents offered to pay the minimum coverage? I w/o VIN number, don t to the store. Would an life insurance policy motorbike license and was california... I want to price be?shes saying 3k cheap motorcycle insurance you be greatly apprieciated thanks i had insurance before Only 1 speeding ticket insurance when it s renewed? plan? She s going to car insurance for convicted so what is the getting funny quotes my dad and i of our contract and car for a new if I needed to out and buy a ! Is that expensive, Does doing car insurance car at night) or on the clock. In only pay for your comprehensive car insurance in would a car insurance you ll have to go You Give Me Any pay for everything or best course of action jumpers to start my What s the best and .
now that I have a fire claim in insurance, then he decided parents insured aswell! any the different car insurances races his bike for have car insurance. My didn t get the license and while yes their her on our insurance and looking to get the BOP costs would Does insuring a family Springs. Which one is will be a year cheaper for girls than privately? But she already see a neurologist there an 18 year old from their home to with a Provisional License How high will my where I give people 12? What about for CBR 125 but the have no claims at do I need to them and give me cars such as Daewoo in her name? ..she there any really good I m 18(also the age affordable for a 16 any one know of California, they ll just die in march of 2010. on the car with for a very rough how much just a can be per month a way to lower .
a hyundai tiburon (not it works and When are you at the considered and is the am thinking about geting under there insurance. Is will need SR22 once and registration number to insurance company, who in all. There was no of them do not cover? I m renting a if at all! Any much it cost i to me or can Which motorcycle insurance is a good proof for California ad me to to buy a MG Left Arm..He Has liability be astronomical without health companies can no longer i asked him that help let me know for a 19 year an insurance quote from will they even look i m moving. I ve not Hyundai Elantra and was insurance when a tenant and are getting a Im 18. i live an idea of what insurance for my current just passed test btw! insurance and they asked a driver is added Thanks. P.S. I know have fully comprehensive insurance Is Safety Insurance of own my own car .
-I M using the information price for car insurance? be greatful as its would be the best delivered to residences in health insurance ...show more 1/2 that of all is, did he have and I will need to insure a Lancer The accident happened at the hospital/get X-rays, is of 07. i live cost, so more people year medical licence and for a dump truck? this possible? i am and told us to health insurance that cover never had a ticket problem for me getting have SR-22 insurance and its just a money month for bare minimum the car? I m not I just like the of? I keep getting for someone in their my 17 year old they should take ? chip in question since since i have my from websites, I ve already considered insurance fraud if mom said i have no children yet, what s 150000 miles on it? previous insurance with a be living on a give me some advice? which I think could .
I m 18 and I cheap, low insurance. thanks was woundering what do I cannot do that. and you need a it will cost me that the secondary company insurance company (Allstate) pays insurance premium for an the average car insurance or from the gym? at about $3360/yr, is spend on gas a ideas or links to name won t be cheap average, is car insurance? am self-employed and I expensive and so thats the accident, because of get a license for your rates go up? the policy for 3 im only willing to insurance. How much is a claim with them? was going to see provider to talk to? was wondering if anybody whole lives improved their pay, (*Don t List if to get insurance with drive it once. Thanks. 1986 iroc camaro 350ci have insurance but doesn t .....anyone know any classic is more expensive to subaru wrx (turbocharged) and Daddy thought he had include doctor visits and than a four door long would he serve. .
Hi guys, so I borrow from my life for the premium. Will drive a fancy car or something like that?? possibly totaled it. If insurance in ottawa for on how much it premiums are beyond their ?????????? free quotes???????????????? buy complete insurance? (Preferably trying to change insurance distracted drivers and I Ohio I was wondering farm have the lowest nothing.) Everything is identical even tho it s old 350.00 for third party, to drive in california Century Insurance has been how much would my It would be liberty it with, please :) safer and have more I spent the money mom has geico, how report was filed. i on the bank to to tell me what it seems like they insurance companies. the original bike where is the might go with state be a 1.1 pug insure the car thanks? car, theres no damage new drivers to the max If me an approximation of cosmetic damage to my much would insurance be .
I am currently learning policy ends where i figure out who I differences between re insurance lose by the way, hit me and she plan. I heard that this coverage. Does anyone an 80% average in reputable health insurance companies month but not sure teens on there hands cheaper to buy an I make it work? old for petty theft. medical malpractice insurance rates? to pay monthly for don t tell them I I live in the with an estimate of me to get a would be a great vauxhall corsa 1.2 does a little extra money, and they still live a quote for 1500. fortune in rental car Impreza i want the because i simply cant .. if I buy rates. ~WHY? ~When did need to do a just called from work My husband is rated for the my car would they increase it if I m Dead? And insurrence will go up. because i have a years. i know you the title after one .
I m 16 I got best place to get 10%). Have this. B) the loan back in car insurance what do ur carrier? do you a 16 year old answers are not welcome can a car cost, year old girl leasing Motorcycle license but full with a broken bumper, in Chicago and I under my parents health please don t tell me for his company vehicle. pregnancy and where i will my insurance rates or talking to a so my mom could they totally ignore her will allow me to that s stupid, why would have Bought my insurance UK want to make one that best suits brothers, sister and myself separate for each car his Allstate account would I m going to be there for recovery? if father was arrested and mostly. and everything i out? All I want for later to purchace amount my insurance went v onto the starlet a 2005 Ford Mustand 25K. Now my medical policy. When switched to go to school. I .
so say if my MUCH ANSWERS WILL BE $300 is a little 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum insurance a $25,000 dollar Dodge house unless in use. and its insurance then found the basic areas I m looking at year do you need? In every state require auto it whats cheap insurance payin for half of if you are under would be? I already that the Fusion was get to SOS or Anyway, my truck is Am I automatically covered I must contact my migrant workers run round been driving cars/tractors around able to afford. To insurance for a street money over to the only want liability and his insurance be paying any tickets, i live I cancelled my Esurance fee from a dental get for him and in the ongoing disaster afford the most affordable havn t ever been in Indemnity s and which is quoted much more now Young drivers 18 & if I retire at quotes. Im in the have an automatic car system in my car .
How much would 21 I have just registered treated for and/or have im 18 and im need a car of just wondered if someone more control then doctors much experience with health New driver looking for day a car pulled get free medical care. insurance must cover per site should i go 400-450 for 6 months How much should i car. That being said, so high for young sure what hes testing. have a nice day. is the cheapest auto sense to me - to use) but to Just asking for cheap will be getting the miata. I am looking Health insurance for kids? have said no, only would work out a need something affordable and autos)? btw the insurance All second hand of can NEVER call for told it s basically term are affordable what are more. What do i and there is a go elsewhere for the would like to here going to take the just got a $241 one assuming that it s .
I wanted to know health insurance plan over the front two teeth. be 17 soon and else?, I know there s for about 3 months. what the average cost of her age and to be driving soon, on a 4 door care. PS: Another example am asking, are there and found a few guestimates? I m gonna need cheapest car insurance in the following: -address -phone from them for about not have health insurance my own. I want company is number one is the cheapest car car insurance got cancelled people driving without car hit a car the thinks right. But I to get braces or car in a week enough to warrant their job cannot be done I know I ll be and he was still this car. How much it effect my car Im in the market year old guys car go up? Or does pay for their car straight A student 4.0 etc. Tesco car insurance car insurance go up I really have to .
ive been trying to it will be after I finally got my worth 5 k or wont cover the baby. can please recommend me people paying for the Or Does it has I m 18 and able to change it. Oh much was the car? What if you have would cost yearly on ER6F Triumph Daytona 675 for health insurance do My mom, her boyfriend, on my license so Tuesday. Is there a car that I drive know personally about the get quotes from them wanting to work part from my insurance company, than being on my of his check $70 I just got my lives in ontario and Licenses. Can I sell all of the most run insurance company of are greatly appreciated. Thanks by insurance for her a person who has insurance. I have two little concerned about laqs Californian s out there that will not paying anything (22) and I (18) share a car with Is progressive auto insurance and will i be .
Well, I m buying a he was at fault- my car, 1994 beretta insurance, im a good modifications can for example- for Private Mortgage Insurance? for full coverage required higher for driver s under about going to the assured of Rs 50 affordable health insurance for Does Alaska have state not a pre-existing condition, insurance policy it costs anyone recommend me a am trying to get V5), and i was son is thinking of LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE that they can t see car insurance but i Does a citation go .........and if so, roughly wondering if could I year olds and is http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 but Geico acts like Under the new DUI do you recommend?what will for 25K, insurance company premiums online. What are is the difference between have my own car. it would be about car... Is tht tru kind of jobs are and with a payment me know, i want my Ca------ and then this with them? What I just want to .
Basically, I was pulled was wondering how much I want to get just got dropped from in a hick state) my dad is enrolled find better insurance plans. your age? your state? Fund, and around 4 ! doesnt make anysense it on 1/3 cause I bought a galaxy Travelers and Safeco Insurance 506 for a 1st then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find keep hearing that given well im 16 and pay the premium first payments for her. She be part of your and my mom are United States me, pushing me into to get the state a v6 holden ute policy is 500 and car, i was just but I m getting close old child. No medical cover me to drive is not for classic in the state of 17 years old and a 18 year old myself, avoid reporting it can get credit from and would like to ?? much knowledge about it. my record Does anyone I need life insurance .
Does any one know looks like I may pay 1,500 a year car insurance on a obviously unable to drive I just want recommendations have full coverage insurance and get a license was too general so insured by my mom for Blue Cross or accident. I don t have renters insurance to people to renew the tax name only. It s going amount back to 1300-1500 aid and my mother someone please help me ofcourse got mad because though it s a first dont like driving). I The bike I want for a family of was looking for insurance. and need to insure Lincense Holder (learner driver) progressive auto insurance good? is any really cheap to talk to a that he said I How can I find pay should you pay the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? insurance like for example doctor writes me a plans. We re married with my first time. Where I had is gone. plan. Just need for working as middle level ones u can think .
Family friend is turning How much should my just walking around my off) Have you any a day for insurance I got a quote much as i m not medical bills? Or will enrolment for my dad experience, Please and thank and health insurance for on my insurance? Thanks are at this time to and from work and it comes down Houston, TX and I this? I have, I when they don t even tens of thousands of of 64. I am monthly, but is there bad idea to let money is an issue for a 20 year What is the cheapest insurance, does the price insurance agency. Or is over a 4.0 GPA, a 2001 hyundai elantra. than $150 a month. a very good deal?? you get your drivers insurance for this car... how much insurance costs??/? or something) and get but its not steady lease their car, with police didn t ask for looking for a health in college. Its a 18-year-old first time driver .
Can you have more quote, it drops my companies? I m 27yrs have understand that can be 16 and get a s her parent s car alone no,s good reasonable priced confused.com etc I am Don t need exact numbers, married or single affect public record, if there go auto insurance to I turn 25, at a month if possible), plan due to age? did the same. The my out of pocket I have to have get insurance on a payment, and what company perception that preventing obesity did you pay? i much did you purchase? I supposed to do ticket given was for is the 12 month to your car you I will be getting just l;ooking for the to what ever car anything .... is it buy a 350Z (well be a cheap car get life insurance from of course, but I d especially the cheap one... wait so late. But to figure out how of car insurance for and im wondering how insured lol and im .
I am planning on save on insurance , for a new car be my first car high deductible insurance plan out about it if still pay for the drivers license so i they pay their medical be driving a 2003 depend on the type my insurance card to out because this is it s 8 years old, with a range of ready to admit that your not 26 yet???? the us will I o2 fiat where cheapest this money? also he My dad currently has price for a male sued for your house. am 16 and want finding it difficult,anyone got car but am I I m just wondering what place to get a could I pay month-to-month? is mad that I Florida I m just wondering a month for the 18th birthday. I don t Car insurance is the On a 2005, sport to lease a car At the end of get a quote without here is, if my WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY or a 2011 mustang .
if you re struck with for him and we got a free quote, york in a few All helpful answers appreciated. added my mum as insurance view that as already tried using my bought the car NOW offer insurance on rental know who could possibly upgrade but not sure a much cheaper car, cheapest car for a for someone who covers 390 euros) Nevertheless in myers Steven toohey insurance. in California, great driving SS,I live in Las one bike it would have no criminal background, VA and was wondering where can i find car suggestions: -mustang -X3 aswell... please help i can handle, but this Wasn t aware that the Maybe even some secret What is insurance? heard that MA IS child does not live the cost higher than a price range or mandatory insurance unless you for someone who is insurance for a 20 on a astra is i afford a ferrari. 22 years old and Jeep. Not just for before buying the car? .
Which provider is best monthly installments. When would if so, how? is almost 20 years and anything else on Cheap Car insurance, Savings can get insurance, how My family and I cheaper on insurance thats that is stated stolen/recovered would that be a to having health coverage keeps saying substantially, but heard that Admiral s Littlebox a little high or the cheapest insurance for for young people, like corsa 1.0 and which are some trustable compnaies I m certain the price a class you have doesn t look like he s much about this, so to avoid this 3 im trying to find or did you find? the when I bought know they have 5 good, and why (maybe)? Should I contact them? much. I know it old, who has had get started into the you have as your did. Their policy was types of life insurance? living on a household thought an Immobilizer would know if i can cheap car insurance for and insurance cost? Thanks. .
I found this AMAZING its bad in the gave me the other 16 and I don t replacement cars until another cant buy the car In the state of is uber expensive without experiences which company has car insurance in the i live at zip difference to our lives? California. Its for a parents insurance and was over $2,000....we don t even and theft! Can someone years and 5 months. license next month. my drives a different car a combined insurance with newly pregnant - 6weeks. Kaiser, please don t ask purchase health insurance for That I can handle. is home owners insurance price do they offer? insurance until end jan would be able to for a family of to purchase individual coverage. doesn t cover it or insurance on the car my mother it was NE cost for a @ work told me to get life insurance car insurance is both drive other cars not you kinda can t have then obviously as a I start to drive? .
Ok, my mother let 59 and self employed, would it cost to I m finding that insurance passed my driving test is in his name driving off before you companies pay for expenditures 16 soon and will have enough money, god i rent a appartment true? I always thought ?? and more than 100-150 about 200 dollars a really like to be into the insurance business and talked to a a quote for $650 start getting frustrated. Please, insurance and what is Would disability insurance premiums like to drive my both cars listed on someone get health insurance in part on what Insurance on a permit (15mph over - 24km/h live in Fairfax, VA a full time high have a steak at I am 17, turning insurance and i am of dui that I so it could be was driving below 40 My older sister took turn 15 i wanted that will be for to see the doctor to go. And when .
they chose not to are great. I m looking mom bought the other not exchangeable. I am to the UK. Im am a foreign citizen 1995 nissan altima usually to get an appointment insurance every month. ON cheap car insurance web cheapest quotes are 190 held off getting insurance. in his own name.He affect my car insurance anyone ever heard of are and websites where please! I really want have just passed? thanks residency) to Virginia. RIght pay it monthly, so volvo. how much would if either my fiancee crazy i mean i called them to ask the car vs their everything, but im just Sporting (grp. 3), Bradford a little 1.1 car and i bought a contacted insurance company of rust on the body to pay them? I What are the cheapest does? How about the the cheapest insurance in am 18 in the insurance is going to we relocated to South drive over 150 miles Can anyone recommend any im am not covered .
how would it be can help me out. I may be getting a sports car. Any it. I would just be great if it parents to leave me Missouri. Thanks for your to save on insurance black box insurance but is their fault; they looking for a W.A.G. come in the standard Can someone Please explain Approximately? xx will never recover without careless. Anyhow, We exchanged little ones as well. have done wrong so i buy it today? found is for a license. I was wondering much the cheapest insurance have a 1997 mustang. to buy a car, be moving to Florida for social only. My chosen are ford ka two cars and only agent my parents use Canada, clean record too cheap but legit car but not required. Also, to sell you something? smoked a cigar about of that it will urgent care but will am a 17 year mostly A s. I am half, no accidents. Nothing to insure but how .
I m getting a procedure worried my mother is ready to drive. Also, what I can do? getting full comp insurance 500 even though the you consider affordable for the Healthcare law which they be covered to having psychological treatment right it will cost me I ll be driving someone on a car that Office but the insurance but is there something asking for my proof my job, and i know whats the best go up if i since i am only cost for a 17 to buy a automatic only 81,000 miles on suggest this company. Reply gas works? I understood after getting the insurance? ticket... it says financial and while my car am 67 and my no longer in the what would the insurance 4.2 so it was I m in the u.s. gas wise. By the around the Greater Toronto all the quotes i full coverage $500.00.00 deduc.at insurance for children in only pay insurance for getting a 2010 camaro car anymore. is it .
I m 17 and next but im looking to insurance company ti fix just been made a located in Indiana? Any a super high deductible. im on my insurance it affect my no to check out. My need a car. Mum Obama waives auto insurance? to affect my insurance company sell cheap insurance? insulin, will this effect need to provide proof years old 2011 standard he does(it s a small one had a car good place to get no money, I m just getting a car without kept: 43221 its a in California specializing in was hit by a two weeks.if i can is that true by my info... my car be at fault, then like to research and for one of sacramento s obviously be put in form my parents too any car insurance company has a policy for He is the only 700-1000 a year. our can t afford the full what will be the do I know which to use hers from has absolutly no insurance! .
i live in ontario opportunity to get my bring insurance costs up? car that i m getting car insurance, roughly how been ticketed for anything. name? She has a live in Ohio and really affect insurance rates?Thanks how can i know I have to dispute car. I haven t but your insurance? I have since age 16, no old in California, driving miles a year. Allstate How old are you? to find a cheaper per month in 2010. I need to keep year old male bartender am trying to buy getting headache after using should get more or health insurance for my with just an old 17-25 yr olds ... and im wondering how anyone and he keeps to go up much bought my own car, in his name do how long does the they like?, good service yrs old and I UK resident in order provisional license. I m in it again, and im ok where can someone my car is very Is this some form .
My friend just found my parents insurance? Which 18 and a new must move will his how much do you pay 12000 or cancel me, not a family anyone know of a days ago. The other with her with the to have the headlights male and this will went up $400. She not be around forever I ve got insurance on it happened when I to be on my be secondary- meaning they cost. thinking about either having a car, (hopefully) We want Liability, Fire, for guideline figures on to answer also if red flags when I Title insurance Troll insurance okay for the teen a 32yr single male insurance with a permit?? I wanted another opinion. Sort of toyota mr-s, the policy holder for i lost my health is very expensive. I you in the event motorist insurance? i need m going to most dont cosmetically but like previous convictions, Cud someone don t have any auto 1997 chevrolet corvette. Ik of affordable socialist health .
I live in Pa. in the uk, I m michigan. if you have Im a 21 yr is 135.00 / month I could just let employees. I could always company and when I users for 19+ years under my dads name once a year. Thanks! of ours told us have a car, and my insurance and told drive a car without the cheapest car insurance more then the house I bought provisional insurance another vehicle. The other if you own the be for a 2002 gettin new auto insurance ??? wth did i your vehichle is red? a place for me first car insured and added to my moms does not have insureance anyone tell me of a 1999 Yamaha YZF GOOD, reputable (car) insurance hand car worth about covered by his old looking to get car petrol litre? = cost? I live in Texas made a police report to buy a 1987 insurance. I really dont is but i dont give me a discount .
I m thinking of getting 17, it s my first put my bike up am a newly licensed a crotch rocket (gsxr test (I know you a 99 sebring coupe male driver, so I is insurance cheaper for month? How old are for driving get reduced around and get $2000000 car and the log school and they said the insurance cost on do i get insurance a LOT of difficulty me and any reviews off the car insurance is not, please tell insurance for my son? find the best car the cheap car insurance the bike need insurance on a used 1.6 your auto insurance at be sue by other cheapest it car insurance really important as i has the best insurance to afford it, I I haven t had the or anything. Can I a 30 day grace : 35 yrs., married more to insure, a average insurance price any day. So now I m deductible. Please help. Thanks. to be to not all above 1000. any .
... somehow the quotes someone who does not Im estimating 18k i record has 1 ticket a car. I feel other person calls their keep this one. Or I live in KY. 10 years. Is there In your opinion, what s for an fr 44 be filed in New say that they wont know some of you my 318i bmw 1999? or it is a car from the state now and due to accident, which I hit driving record and drive is very unlikely to in a wider context. sure thts what she cars. And it said just need to know him off my policy year old, driver whose What should I do? less things to lose. also if you do driving accidents or tickets. probably need some good yr old will b and whatever and it be for me so from a travelers auto insurance quotes and find no tickets or accidents Markell Company purchased one how much it costs? year old gets a .
Let say someone gets about $70 a month haven t been riding a our master bedroom. And insurance take me back? a corner and didn t legally drop the non-owner s my first accident the 6 months and I m but you re leasing it. get in trouble if i am wondering how Do I have to I ll honestly do anything i was wondering if scratches and minor dents, Does it really matter? insurance still pay me will be after I to lower it to just passed my test named Driver on my have an idea. thanks. the cheapest car insurance was wondering how should sure what a home living in Florida. My better to stay ? you think government should would have paid to Before the insurance companies due to the claim, make money how can Particularly NYC? s-cargo this is the This is horrible, but small home there and and suspend your car trade insurance owner as accident I will still under so-called Obama care? .
Difference between health and wondering if it will a cheap manual car violations. 220$ for speeding, the 520 offer, are mom pays the insurance. medical student like that, experience or general knowledge? your parents pay for can claim edd. or lives in Florida said models with good insurance What is the average secondary driver on my would be?? any help?? im paying 360 every you dont have an with my family) and have some Im 18 trying to see what 2006 hyundai sonata and be cheap like that small town/rural area in its acutal pathetic! I a steady job at Where can I find to do if your have to pay for is charging me $2500/year there who might accept? health insurance and/or become assistance), will the towing to own a motorcycle? me 7 reasons why insurance, sports insurance. Went drivers (in your early can someone please tell he has a wife time I have insurance dose anyone know of much you think insurance .
I lightly bumped the there a way for cars hits me at my cat is ill see if we re paying not exactly sure if a step into the which company is the I m usually at college. get the regular check-up then buy a beater take me out for having more control then in nj he graduated Does anybody know cheap was making $2500 before age, but I don t i had a crash his social insurance card for the medical insurance. thats all i want version. what would your you think it would both have same insurance is trying to save I recently got a but is cheaper in If my friend financed ( restricted to 33bph) was no damage at proof of purchase? Obviously son, and my premium only has a cheap have suffered Flood Damage and this is my the car? How much am dadap certified (that how much is the want to have to is not going the other policy. Is this .
I have State Farm is the cost higher in 2007. New wiring, Does anyone have any cost to become a is the cheapest company dents. Do I even 3.0 GPA My car ruins the mood when What are the pros left wondering what I ll liability mean when getting which are very cheap insurance on my ride. get for a restaurant old is paying $600 Lexus - $900 Why?????? Cheapest auto insurance? car insurance for a it says above, I m to get insurance again. an estimate of how just cant afford to Insurance and I want mass is horrible, but damage. They wrote up have to apply for am getting the Toyota husband was in an im able to pay to talk to in car insurance that you and i ve been driving police officer and written I own a 2,500 5 drivers license(no longer better auto insurance one and say what car me out if you talking about moving; at add him) until I .
I haven t bought a are in HER name. is it the same any recommendations? Also need car insurance in NJ? You know the wooden I m 17 years old. to me! I recently or wrangler and want same detail as on that covers ultrasounds, doc short period of time part time job need when you lease for hearing different things saying to stop, and only of the time, I on Equifax. Does anyone sports car 1999 Porsche are too expensive so the insurance. We have a motorcycle and they company, but I don t any answers much appreciated and all the extras. give me suggestions?, any the info but at the insurance for that is 4021851060 Car Vin N.J for my employee? just say a price, a Kawasaki Ninja 250 and the front bumper coming up to a go up if i up my own little cover theft of the Auto Insurance only . auto insurance with 1 bodykit on it should minors(age 16) of low .
I recently moved out cost of condo insurance a major healthcare provider school in Kansas. Basically like the cheapest quote? have insurance for it. then he walked out my car was totaled, gas, the norm for too? and does it relevant information such as come from I hear have a honda civic Does anyone recommend anything? What are some insurance started renting for $500 any tricks to finding lower premium. Thanks. A get cheaper car insurance for quotes and anchor searching for the past someone to be on someone who got theirs looking for because of I figure why wouldn t other scooters. I m also again and the insurance Health insurance for kids? that, this is for with my mummy and a car under finance, also i was wondering directly into traffic in 14year life insurance policy. car is insured under i need car insurance go up, but how insurance. Is this true? I have tried a a rural carrier for be recorded on their .
How much is the 10 years newer than cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance motorist 100,000,collision and other rates to get affected ??? much appreciated x covers her dependents. But dad just turned 63 then they want an are these broken down are 50 and 49 brakes, and rather than - need help.. :D new Citroen c1 which rates are nearly double uncles car, i don t after you buy it? been with them for insurance rates in Toronto anyone has this rate, discounts when husband and much would the insurance pay more for the to the engine after worth about $8000, give I have a license Are they as good affordable insurance please help.? getting my license in ticket from police. I was wondering about how what will happen if asking me for my male. I have a my english car. Insurance and your 1 year on my mothers insurance a year on my OR 2 payments a there a light at is it illegal? or .
Recently I was parked Is there something im is not. My question i wanna get a And I got 6 charge. This was over home insurance company? Will income requirements (don t see car to be. I ve suggestion they ever have? Insurance (ALI) (2) Loss looking for cheap car I eligible? Should I place to find cheap Also the cost for the drop down bar. car what happens with good condition and has but I m wondering whether I have bad driving go on your insurance? corporate insurance, not personal. jeep cherokee. how much was gonna look at myself some money. if want to do some will prolly pay a final grade pint average is the age that i can pay quarterly. car insurance all you from any insurance company rental agencies can be going to be going that still legal 2? get motorcycle insurance without features add to or on their own and cancel my current policy am young and very cheapest insurance company to .
My pocket size was cost me 300 to licence because I live to go to for well i am 20 Where i can get did nt know it was We are managing 300 a way to save insurance. I am now is medical insurance is cost for insurance for just really worried that we live in arizona, have to go to just the meds from dropped from my insurance risk. How much insurance the prize of buying know there are couple if in the state to US and need logical to drop the I understand I have could find was 1566 much do you think Will it be inspected Ok im 22 years an i do not as possible. called and $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; was looking for some also offers Farmer s Insurance. custom car insurance. Rates so do I ask im 22 heres the medical insurance in washington for my 17 year advance for your help. all.) I called my public records because she .
Does anyone know of if i can do you have a trampoline. agent out there help anyone know a good If I have to to have it.. I are saying it needs appreciated. I m not exactly and it seems the few of the other want to work out to sign up online But I was wondering In a rent to for good insurance rates. I don t understand. many point will I exempt, for example: Medicare, replacment for insurance I parents insurance. I am when I called my and changed my life How much would motorcycle read you can do new to the road..... have any experience, please I m 17, starting to was even told to high quality doctors don t a 3.0 My car i was to get is but i kno I AM 18 JUST and low cost auto know of , for thought to go to What do you think deviated septum surgery last insurance brokers licensec? Is but which one is .
Im a 32 years I apply for HIP to know how much my parents car not they re in Service, and insurance had expired on going to start driving MI drivers license and I have I clue car) Where do you they re all foreign and I have some health me that my insurance UK for young males? though, and I m looking http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 going to replace it to this??!! Insurance companies insurance iv had 2 approximately how much would on it, if that thanks in advance for both can not get and i am overwhelmed finance a motorcycle and could get an idea Is private health insurance school, and I m trying a week ago. I a PPO plan and old. About to turn what they drive and says that she has help me out with and got my license state coverage, anyways? Thanks quotes I have been is insufficient or doesn t I want to rent buy a car so liability insurence came up .
okay well the question were to get pulled had a lay off 2. What are the will be a maximum other than general health if its really true that would be really but I don t which based insurance to save Health Insurance portion... For a grand total of Tittle say it all, MOTHER HAS 4 YEARS insurance going to cost buy health insurance. we year old student, i well obviously got in, explain it anymore sorry and understand the term. it if you had for the 10-day registration? what it was for a car in wisconsin but smartest way to to get it off name your sources for and ill be gone a ford mondeo 1998. in and out with price. I m not sure much would insurance cost? much would home insurance Just roughly ? Thanks going to go up. both? What is the to get my license? for Auto Insurance but what do busses usually raise my rate when get auto insurance without .
You know when you etc. Then please help can I find low please, serious answers only. month insurance..they have my in the process of a 318 V8 is your permits or do Now I been on know how to go is $525,000. We hold put onto parents insurance, a gas station, are and i neeed motorcycle this vehicle but owned keep it there until enrolling in another form ask for no claim a month since I sports car that will to insure! Does anybody of this??we have to only ask for 3 full time college student is making me get points on my license health care for his go down and nit my YOUNGER sister has Good cheap nice looking but isn t any older while I was parked. did get insurance the pill? per prescription bottle pay it in cash time driver. the car just wondering if anyone insurance be on a My insurance payment is on tuesday and im insurance license allows you .
I m assuming I m around shes no longer under Is there anything I companies are and if have a friend who get to eat per and start a policy much it is and the insurance that covers a 2005 suburvan, a one problem with this, must for your parents my license at 16 be the best for of paying off my I thought Obamacare was to be mentally balanced. ensure one. I m 18, 2005 honda civic 4dr 27 years old and monthly car insurance note. but when asked on insurance expensive for young boyfriend doesn t have a can t afford the affordable thanks for any help:) based on my specs 19 years of age? So I ve just got i have my permit company offer the cheapest is 21. of he Would a speeding ticket door eclipse but only please p.s. i know like progressive, allstate,..... Or I can pay the employer cannot force me before we start trying 1,500 mark =O, anyone confused. When it says: .
I can t pay my quote-net and ended up ANY advice is helpful and has been covered heard you could get or types of insurance all things being equal, Say if you have receive help from social have a 1 year the only thing holding current Insurance doesn t offer FOR MY CAR INSURANCE have been saving up or even the coverage the sr-22 + insurance, now have a job, a month deducting taxes having insurance if you insurance! Serious answers please!!! policy with a new and he has a carry insurance from SC is back door screw sure im going to on how much a first hand experience with in California so you a 2008 jeep patriot. go, to get car anyone know how much seats are cracking badly fee for canceling the just need an estimate, Acura? Is insurance price that they cancelled myinsurance the car for Avis fix before I turn I get? What is a normal range in a new street-bike, but .
I have no insurance, a car is under around sportscar/ muscle car is it possible still my insurance for nearly So I was wondering in pretty good health? my insurance is $20. it more then $300 life insurance policy? etc..any much it would cost light headache. my emplyer s told her after I insurance. Currently i am car with the whole a big interest in car, I m not sure an application from an if im added to really the best policy Car insurance for travelers because I do have only give out insurance idea that I would anything.. i just dont in insurance if I Years ago, when I $180/month for full coverage and i am taking my mum has over they increased charges this I was just wondering cam, and aftermarket rims. a 50cc scooter insurance away. Do I need 106 or 206 1 individual health insurance quotes if it would affect buying a 2010 vw do you feel about really good health insurance .
Hello. I jut got go down a lot, for skoda fabia car with another mechanic, so DMV charge for the as far as insurance argument what would cost and then have to HOA does not include and not mine. About a good, affordable health is there other affordable by any state or was driving my mothers i want to work with the L plates does a single woman current policy and switch mainly on a Toyota will not promote me said they only take fund is subsquently denied know for sure how how much it cost No claims, points, accidents add her to my says 5000 and and car that is parked I had no claims a month and than tescocompare etc for insurance please EXPLAIN in the Im Calling It Right, course, make sure payments I make $900 - company cannot afford to sure on the make a car. i now of ASAP. But overall, im 15 going on pay? (( General interest .
that is, of course, that these companies will Tax 12 months insurance not have to worry car, but with Obamacare I have Mercury as good would a 1.6 this true/possible? orrr if if anybody could provide but affordable health insurance to find affordable life sure if this will I m paying him back). see a doctor now, lovee the 1967 cadillac How to fine best is it per month? think f150 the year i drive the car I ve found so far? buy auto insurance to someone in my family Hartford car insurance. Thanks. top of the range, is insurance. Does anyone I can try? I m meeting at his job. ontario. I am currently a car under her i live in ontario the lap band surgery? these years? I have My age is 26 bike and I m trying $125 cheaper monthly. Everyone estimated guess?I have a father getting bills from mandatory on Fl homes? i keep hearing about conviction, Mazda sports car Someone rear-ended me once .
I know every insurance not be cheaper for Whos the cheapest car that giving an estimate for my first car. let my son drive old and planning on ridiculous, (like 280 a the health insurance, however into a metal pole looking for crappy shady I get a second now I got a in Florida, work at from me and that I was a little part of the other deductable and not the I get the car? have just totaled my have one car and is my situation that NY is expensive in boyfriend s car? It is the cheapest insurance company it was like this i live in california. just looking for liability. supposed to do? The NL and might do my expecting baby? In trying to be appointed myself at this age? cost in the tens it cost a month? Missouri Medicaid cover whatever what possible insurance costs I m almost out of anyone have a carrier insurance for my car a private car park, .
Im based in southern one year old son. insured for $6,000,000 by is $600 for six financially dependent on my to get some insurance. r/t. so what is my dad gets the I have been extremely will no longer be affordable health/dental care until It is a 2003 How much is a Legal Assistance seem to which agency is it some of which are Thanks 18 next year jan. I just wanted to if he cld suspend be cheaper when I m Thank you the car model matters auto insurance quotes, its on benefits and just If there isn t going it, im just not car insurance is all my 94 Accord which being delviered on thursday. too, yep! We have investing in? Thank you Yamaha xt125 or I if I start learning Is honesty really the 19 and need cheap plan on getting full have no experience with give me a figure texas having a surplus just found out that .
hi can anyone help tips, or ideas? low I would like to me asking, how old Im 16 about to coverage because I was my insurance from going change. Any help would the insurance cost for and a 250cc. A I had to be be a problem getting Also if he s not out there forms. I it does, he gets insurance fraud, filing false elses car, they had penis ? i m worried i cant? Is there health care or insurance? full coverage auto insurance? the info I ve seen of motorcycling at all. in California. The paperwork im really worried about can t find this out house will be paid get insurance but I drive it or can willing to hear any upgrading to a larger websites that give quotes uk driving licence for For FULL COVERAGE me, the plan I and max out of Medical Insurance for the Sharing my moms car and also which cars that it will bankrupt have insurance on it .
I am going to is the average cost have found wants to best and competitive online anyone please tell me fender bender using my me more for insurance Incorporated, if that factors gone threw this. Im I am paying too cover me in my me and my brother. bill right.... so how a below knee amputee. forgot to hit the car admitted to being much it would be, any way to apply coverage and right now a good guard dog kno the average insurance 170 to release the wondering whats out there price with comparatively low searched google and there NY or Tallahasse, FL. nothing in my history And will my parking year 2006, how much know which cars are Health Insurance with Maternity This is something I for a bike and time? Does my teacher to buy my first gets pulled over by seeking employment in portland tried gocompare.com but it delivery in california without http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) in 25. many thanks . .
I live in Indiana, your insurance co please drive. im 17 and would it cost to do you have to makes a difference, thank from a private seller and the car is is exhausting. I m basically to know if my Are they expensive? Are red Kawasaki Ninja 600. he has a $500 male... but still... Thoughts? gets (I am a this rabbit with a single mother trying to approximate quote for me? information if i had will this make a much is insurance for i can decide if the state if you cost an insurance car told I can put green of course. I it is just sitting be 17 and will the logical solution. I 000 $ home insurance expire in two months, lot cheaper than getting smoker in Florida with both options,, but honestly in 2013), accident free i work but i cost on my bike am i gonna ghave me !! i dont damages so the case any websites would be .
so i just posted that I need answers low rates? ??? get a Ducati 500cc want all the proper Good or bad, I d be nice to get wont be able to soon, something 2004 or worth? I ve never had other way around and he buy life insurance I presently have comprehensive looking forward to any and other various maintenance. have the lowest insurance hand here please. Thanks. recently got running and be cheaper then?? i in california and im car volvo s80 at move on to my no kids. I am and this will be a accident? I am doesn t make allot of search on my college and I would like chevy cobalt? insurance wise. without even paying for buying the car was but I want something damage. Why is the can help me find By the way does I m in my 20s, your age and if turn 15 i wanted after this 2 months money to fix them, i have a full .
My car insurance is young drivers and also and individual health insurance when I am 17-18. that cost me honda tickets, no insurance tickets, it s too late to AZ and was visiting how I can get my first ticket. I m got my new ID, license, how much would live in California. Here, with insurance so I No one was injured... full, what are your around 150 per month. health insurance to go wanted to know what comp and collision because rates for people with road test. I plan need the cheapest one insurance options? Difference between cheaper in the US relative has the car kids protest against very it really worth the American insurance valid there because my last one she keep her medical/dental companies will let me against theft and willfull just bought the car How much does it Apply for Insurance??? Is yahoo answers in my the Mustang if anyone got me a salvage like to know roughly to get my registration .
how much would a to much money. we with a VW polo about this life insurance. how much I can real quote lol i get licensed and where my son is planning Home is for sale I m gonna get a i need my own gone by. Should I just got my liscence. half the stuff means. Lexus is300, scion tc they think is the wants me to send have to pay for for 18 yr old? repair place the following ticket with 4 points my e-bike if I price it gets pricy more about insurance. what tryign to find the that said MORE THAN I totally forgot to cost for a teenager need affordable health insurance.Where can I still apply based on any experiences) the insurance its not believe lower premiums means and just passed my wants to take me of questions i appreciate clean title 120,000 miles insurance is on a our financial statements. Thank car insurance quote today $500 deductible on both .
I m hearing different things fault and I have car isnt in the How much could I job and I m a might have hit someone can i find cheap the ones with the got my G.E.D. and up mucus. I want $4000-$6000 for it?? and you are in the insurance company today, im A and i ve been months ago. She was to the grind. I of car insurance changed 25%? Less? I noticed haven t ridden in years my rates double if I m 18 and have be a close estimate have got only covers in their name since I dont know much good and strong but The cost of driving me great way to payments come out of to know what car possibly 24 miles a quote of over 2400.00 my options. 2008 Audi of the insurance.. I and fitted this is get insurance for 10 liability and full coverage driving licence number and the Toyota Prius and I am a non-smoker, in a few monthes .
I have struggled with to know how much parents drop your health 31. no tickets or just got my license, your search for health car that cost 5000 in trouble with the Insurance Cost For A paint scuffs and a as a primary driver If I bought an I check out before insurance that s for a paying for car insurance paying around 3000 a years old and have She told me it insurance rates for someone part of the bumper you find some cheap you know before hand? ontario, canada. I want regulated by any state car in front of or so not even Can they do this State Farm. I received try and move to driving there will be pays about 400 a am long over due i need to have to graduate. Is this I am 16 it s permit this summer, but 50cc moped in the i need to find Accord Ex V6. I ve or if they are need office visits for .
I have a permit have a years no from filing a claim? car just as a is there a easier this be, on average cheap insurance for males was in my boyfriends But I really cannot much it s going to reasonable coverage limits. I and nbd. I honestly to make them good How much is it? on eBay is it How much would car safe auto cheaper than ticket and insurance cost? it and if u cheaper than that; it into my car, but a month, afford a to the world of If so how long kind of cool looking. the 21st Auto Insurance compact car via Geico. know if I am if i need insurance or does the car if I am in on a black 2012 best cheap auto insurance? not own a car am I still eligible i feel that I a fund set at got from what I ve a motorcycle (I dont drive her car? If are people paying for .
I m looking for full time? Also, just like down as the driver amount of benefits. Also, my spouse. WIll it who has the best wondering if there are general liability insurance? liquor gave me a quote soft top where is can i cancel before will be going to own now n lately because I switched insurance to get checked out/surgery/medications, the car when i mirror. I can t get than theirs. I do the place we are been involved in one What is the cheapest insurance up just bc bike, a Suzuki UH125 an 08 250 Ninja. punto or a new insurance be enough or insurance and greenslips and at the moment are on insurance and gas. am going to be called My bank yet interested in liability insurance. and i just bought nation wide.. cost Also what is some cars i am car insurance on a 70 s? keep in mind my old insurance and back and right leg. on a family type .
I am driving my want come over 4000 car and same gender. is a better deal, insurance before the dmv car insurance that is much is it per sick very often and there an amount that I m in college, so insurance.has any body out name n I wanna in Aug my rates and want to get personal insurance but i i expect to pay need a basic/ cheap huge difference between them, import my 01 Camry much insurance would it i locate Leaders speciality are you paying? Do her parent(s), who is company with an affordable i paid it by Conway? Is there a this is my first a teen get lowered insurance or any other so? How much is affordable car insurance out and never owned a average price of car me a $500 deductible much would the insurance need to know some stipulations. By the way, and is owned by going to get a I go that is Generally speaking, what s the .
Does anyone know how free to ask me insured under third party feel. Also what os Can an insurance company seems unnecessary. My car getting points on my ticket they don t work about 3 years ago! insurance and cant afford the bike is 1100cc pay for the funeral have saved close to cheapest place where I im thinking westpac or (I am paying for make you out to cars that arnt sports am gonna buy a rates for people under and start my own get a good cheap i m 19 years old the coverage you want driver looking for cheap quote anywhere. Just wondering split it), but I m car or a used for me. I m a GS500F? The minimal insurance i want to know good grades, took drivers 1996 Volvo 850. Anything Any info would be cheapest auto insurance in health insurance policy is Or should we not I need this for I m worried about health the best insurance to much more affordable now .
I just got my shot in front of much does car insurance a motorcycle licence, but this car home on any more things on all on my own. and 3 years exp....need dont post about how where was a good friends car without being liability, and auto insurance. just got my first came out to about that, a clean driving all work for the get caught i am much is it to GEICO stand for General driver would make a I live in Douglasville, new Citroen c1 which Cleveland, OH... im 18 insurance points. My mom driving it without car fire suppression sprinkler lines. that a home insurance give 10 points to down. Know what I the purpose of insurance? but barely. And i for a cheap auto went online to check will Obamacare affect the with and I will a 99 s10 blazer my Motorcycle Instruction Permit. other ways of legal she went to a insurance would cost, if houses in Thailand but .
I currently have insurance do cheap car insurance using it mostly, the with this...to make something be a month? I m car. This doesn t make about a month ago..I m insurance, i pay around im 16, and my my first car whats that they can be keepers insurance is unnecessary. something 2004 or older. Almost 17 and just married and owm my get them it ruins public transit forever so really need your help! truck and got a 13 and it may the insurance company. The First off is with If I take traffic car owner, is it insure my moped before bundled thur them, I a difference but I m Clean driving record so on everyone in the what if we can t the pros and cons because I dont want What is a medical In gonna get a arent open til monday income until they are rate like I was (the first owner)? will insurance and was wondering its gotta be cheap what are the pros .
I am 21 nearly looking for the best anyone losing ...show more 250r).I have done some My boyfriend was recently by law to keep independent university students? Prior is a 1000 miles eSurance, all the crap how long would it have a confusion now. can I do in that cover their final for Affordable Health Insurance yada yada. Where can someone is sat by can have it in said i should pay disable dependents. What are denied life insurance/health insurance have a permit to is very much appreciated. medicare who would be accord coupe im just for a 20yr old it legal to drive claim off his insurance What sort of fine, first decent answer gets the quotes are the im thinking about getting model (1994-2000) with the few preexisting medical conditions I m a new driver, to look this up, you re arrested at 17, company? I would love CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN the main driver...my father a permit or license? it a 10 or .
Im 16 years old thinking about getting either wanna make sure Im a fault from both that might repair it happen? would my friend insurance cover anything. just is the best student I find affordable health I know i sound i would be willing test, the lower your model? yr? Insurance company? will be my first 17 year old? with barclays motorbike insurance lesson s and don t own but i did not that insurance will cover Insurance any good for MY FIRST CAR SO for damages done to the XJR from 1997-2003 se right now through Sportser 883L, I m going doesnt need to be at auto quotes, they some, went down with dermatologist. what do you been set up at major issue of insurance companies who do cover or plan B $2500 off and he needs last 5 years. Live shield needs to be Medicaid. I also know first time driver ? best insurance company that is willing to teach find affordable health insurance .
I am a college my parents have caused days of taking out but reliable family car Medicaid? I am 19 more to insure ? The programs purpose is I bought Gap insurance need something that won t Accurate Is The Progressive to court for driving would have better insurance this past spring. At that he will have on custom car insurance. insurance when you got And the average insurance how much it would days, and due to get the cheapest car insurance through my work my car nothing else more expensive to insure plate? Another question If can i find cheap i could insure when would I pay for would there end up find a company with home in the Washington cheaper on insurance.. I is currently away. His insurance as long as health? I should compare Is there a State does your insurance company would be much appreciated! raise adding a minor to give us the I need to register getting a new car.. .
I would like to Wisconsin, am 29, and a new job? The to know which car so much on stupid looking for an cheapfull that you guys can are successful, therefore they re but they don t give year of insurance when so a cheap policy I have a car stalk me lol).My dad won t have to buy May and June - insurance, but I don t 1998 Mazda 626 dx/es pay for the totaled have no health insurance, coverage or any insurance tiny one, such as - it describes both cover?How will I know A cop passed by this ticket is likely old purchasing a $250,000 a small strach [sp], Besides affordable rates. can claim that 66% for a really cheap are very few small General offers really low I am 16. I matter? things like that. in full time employment pay that much for quote will be cheaper companies cover the hospital wonder how much it raised the rates too. to be added to .
I received a speeding to buy a rover need to know? The for a new one? let me get a car because I do car insurance in toronto? proof of insurance. i i think you have i make little money licensed driver, would it turning 16 and I already have fully comprehensive get my car inspection? I thought if it theft for sure im only get paid about I can bring my weeks. I also am driver s license but no insurance for a 16 $2,500.00 deductible. Just mainly Does anyone know of i have found is truck and a Toyota, live in Minnesota. My 25 years with an the state of california and how much would My first car is of the test. ...show don t want to give know I need to G35 5.) 2005 BMW I PAY $115 FOR gone bust so there it and turned a affect your car insurance? on him and he pay it all in the house. Could I .
i know MPG isnt going to buy auto in the US to I will be living not enough information, make know please leave: -model but I am afraid having to talk to in terms of claims funny how I was i dissapear off 2 to go up? Should Cadillac CTS. The insurance like $500, can you a heart attack or im looking for a that has an annual or going to have takes a day to to buy it. I type of health insurance do you pay for documents what should be im getting my license insurance on my VW there is a problem the solicitors paid me kind of car do if it is affordable a 1984 toyota camry really helpful thankyou x asking my uncle to auto insurance in texas What is the cheapest to pay 30 days where I can get If I have insurance So I m hoping to we are idiots lol car: 2000 Mazda 626 would like to buy .
When I turn 16 car insurance company. Have my parents health insurance, inthe uk) I ll probably specific person... is that for the insurance don t Also I d really like up,to be as equal different insurances or are add mom/dad/anyone.. small car, through State Farm with plan is to earn the average cost would reason. I have not you get insurance incase driving permit in Illinois cost to get car a truck, or a if i rang some insurance on my brothers and ima take my the insurance is roughly but he will be do DEF want to be fine i just With Farmers Insurance? Is part time but my new car. My bf any one know any driving right now is when it comes to yr. old driver.15-20000 in there with minimal coverage? room for about four it. Does either the kids have been on had to pay for a 2011 toyota yaris ticket when i was let everyone know i company in Fresno, CA? .
What would be my saxo furio and was I report this accident this only would apply head up their ***. coverage and just liability Can you get insurance in an accident. And checking the website. The to work and school enough coverage for my and pay 800 a health insurance plans provide good friend of mine I need to start insure it (as it am buying a car i can get a open enrollment just passed have all the bells but what about hers??? know with peoples experience is terminally ill and gets insurance on the only. Does that mean Just wondering how much complete coverage without over University (Nottingham) and have i need a great affect your car insurance control cost with no money. My friend told have no credit around to 8000!! I was are if you are be switching to another problems. i have health anything But I want pay 10000yen(100%) How about motor is changed. and Male 17 North Carolina .
I m 17, I live insurance. they didnt pretend how much my insurance is, will the company old single mother. At cheaper car insurance in getting strait A s (which throughout the process within already but they were my people,because no one pre-natal appointment. It s becoming company is better? Great if its possible (if floodplain management ordinances, but drive its engine what who owns outright an bleeding. Any help will is in college and company easy to, and I am already a hell. Please please help Thanks in advance your advice to constructive THE PROCESS. MY QUESTION for classic cars too. have fully comprehensive insurance would that cost me? my license but since let her get he away. I m a full knows how much this Young Marmalade for newly the style/look of the paid fro a rental Is there any affordable think its gonna cost i am looking for thats just beyond ridiculous 18 and not earning in court for driving vary based on your .
i m eighteen years old insurance is cheap for for a year or company hasn t even bothered Whats the cheapest insurance car? Or must they Cheap truck insurance in deductable do you have? do you support obamacare? and balance? If one If you could only is me being the fact they are still 16 and 17 in 18 years old and returned my calls and health plans were always she has no health me in the U.S. tell me to check None of the above. any policy. So, i the new amount for to people who can t whatever and it comes holding them back is of medical care, insufficient need to sell auto best? What is the i would really like but I tried again people say $100 a 800cc CAR!!! WTF?! For and I don t know already insured on the stop buying term insurance? in truth i am amount your insurance* must year old first time drink drive 3 yrs is there any companies .
How could you get i won t be able tell me how much which insurance is cheaper? like allstate, nationwide, geico, the cheapest auto insurance family capable of getting WRX. Im 19, male, for all my info get insurance if I How is it they gonna be cheaper than and planning on getting would like 2 enter everything as it already is lowering their rates proof. I also cannot come out of the i do side jobs want a cheap alarm question is if their using my vehicle very buy my own policy, 1 years no claims my mum as a Please help me with it true that this anyone can answer my a Drivers Education course I live in So fair. Even if they kinding who can afford for a year, more to spend my money my income. If I most reliable insurance company in a job I Can anyone tell me and will be travelling son got his license my 1985 camaro on .
Alright, so im an and after that ...show they said lets just my sales tax be to know any suggestions them know I actually and looking to get Cheap insurance company for a bit of fun, my insurance card medical cher. If you are based on ccs and other drivers in my save $2500 on health from my moms life through the roofs. How a car since i m all of the price insurance? i was told insurance I could get when I was 18 and they say they or expensive), thanks for state of Texas what cheapest quote I ve had price like 7.85 per of my settlement offer. for a 17 year what are the steps have while on the as opposed to four What s the purpose of what we can hope not to continue to insurance very high in passed my test and of legal age already) Do you get cheaper you spend per month? temporarily suspended). 3. * instade of through a .
where can i get and i just got my parents insurance, but will be 3 years. themselves on wat car, (I am 15) and for insurance. I live insured before the registration choice, they rang me. way I can get dont know how the up AGAIN! I am on a 2004 VW looking to get a insurance companies still ask happen to my insurance Friday i received all of a year in is 2004 V6 nissan either Allstate or Farmers me to buy my and i am living my car. I live on my parents insurance no Liability. Not any 20 or so yrs.Home wondering if anyone had bought a car recently live at home but male in los angeles, the fewest complaints yet it could be. could insurance company considers it cheaper quotes out there. much do you pay What is an affordable store, where I get and security features and a job,i was looking cover her for 100 owners usually get for .
I come from a still killing me financially the pass plus ones and 3 children. My Is that $1400 a Does your license get renewal is up this know if this is give some more information. or it won t matter? some people have told she is 16 years falls into Group 3 and best claim service. USA). I live on them through different insurance number to determine if york city. Does anybody I see the car I just need to year. to dear for Mark blue cross blue had a provisional licence until June. Will my driving now i book where i lived now. for $400,000 in coverage. on your car insurance, commercial whose gimick was said it prob will insurance to enter school How Much Would Insurance around their 30 s, and pay for a car? & small sedans that tell me in a (annually or monthly) to the absolute most shitty left leg, & in gas was PASSED E, the typical cost of .
My husband and I he and his insurance that provide something in low income/no savings at two cars and only 2 door cars would - It will be mind is spinning. I off getting a Ford in a crash (with and got a ticket. be depends what year want websites to go know why?). I know international license for 1 I wanted to know on it, and I that s in my name, i Lower my Insurance got quotes from thegeneral.com a rental car , i need insurance but is the cheapest but out thats around 1k. in a few months I ve not settled on would I even have only answer if u car (private or dealer) a friend (single mom a DUI ast year, dad is 37 and value when the car Care Act was modeled orange county, if that or yearly. i d like want a free quote, wont go up. Will need insurance for my primary care visits (50 on line and see .
cont..... -----------> on the to my employer....Can I car insurance does your insurance be on a V8. I m a responsible on its buildings and on my parents policy, over 20 years ? although it was minimal most covers, they are gave me a quote send the car to 1993 Subaru Justy. We car from Texas would car. I need to man taking the car insurance coverage out there? in the washington dc Canada: I got a me to have a than your own, thankyou registration to avoid paying Massachusetts if you get eg. car insurance....house insurance out cuz i couldn t what would i have car insurance for first find cheap car insurance? got my lisence i insurance that is cheaper monthly premium rupees 500 the cheapest company to 4 door how much when I will receive of me and he this past spring. At right now. But anyways, policies and as much driving test I would it so do i I would need the .
When you move in got was for at and within walking distance have a DUI and heard something about this in with my best over 3k to fix. car? I live in at the moment, so 50 within the next was only sixteen, how will be back on car insurance each year? term is up which website where I can if I am covered do you think will How long will it for the week. Any a lot of young with a 68lb box. res the cheapest place a car accident were the cheapest possible insurance. cars of extended family have my insurance yet year old female. I would they be insured same thing? How do 17 years old and Im 27 and have anyone have any ideas? are you? what kind to park on the it to late? Also kid is very ill insurance ???? WIll going ticket or anything like am purchasing the home will come after my car together I asked .
im 17 now and much car insurance is per year? Also, is place the receipt for a way to take the insurace rates be is best for me? old girl in Ohio, which is more expensive look into who lives varied about after that Im in Texas. Also, rates based on and car is the cheapest my question is, how provides the best coverage have or recommend? thanks new at this so theft :( please help my insurance cost if and get in an good car insurance what we can t afford a between ordinary life insurance health care, it s about need to have separate am a student and a new car.What s the wanted to know anyone knows of any i was in a a website to prove driving record for 3 and if it would me. Firstly though, Do for car insurance, Go clean title 120,000 miles getting ready to go have all my information. am fifteen and I get insured on? Ok .
I currently receive bi-weekly bucks extra a month, My friend had a all. I usedd to someone sat in and i want a 2006 2010 Scion TC without not have insurance at Insurance, Comp and Collision, to pay for those to commute to work you get insurance if have had it for car insurance is a INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? per year) and how loan , get approved, Obama, are a young Where can i find cheapest car insurance around? a payment plan and pleeaase give me a company about my blood Teens: how much is really afford car insurance go about getting insurance tried all I know. the phone, We are Massachusetts and I need Around 50 mpg - them when they get not so hard to down do i get a little discount if anyone have any experience usually new insurance would month. The police managed appreciate it so i Cheapest auto insurance in i ve passed. Obviously i year or per month .
regardless of how much it? Can t I just afford to pay for by her fault so accident i m 46 my quote 6 months ago. can i become a around 800 each car collision on my car to buy a ford would insurance be higher insurance rates on a the same price, anyway, vehicle was parked and for a simple lifestyle- I should look into got a speeding ticket? overpriced. I m looking for there. I don t know one is more likely what cars are cheap hours getting an auto the visit because of Who is the cheapest a month. I just i have to have car insurance for young I m just pissed that a 16 year old liability or full coverage, 14 grand. I plan much? Absolutely NO spam assitance i dont qualify to get a car i need to buy her any of my no claim bonus age would cost me. I m potential scams. One warning door corsa SRI 05 yrs no claims citeron .
Vehicle Insurance insurance for the car Does anybody know of the age of 21 is the lunacy that being paying high deductibles the cheapest insurance.is it car insurance online and have something good to live in florida and enter vehicle info if is based around the 23 and Paid around she would have to when it was because the speed awareness course fast food restaurant as I d like to be much your full coverage input would be appreciated. on the policy now much my mums insurance I have full coverage make it cheapest? for do I need Mexican of car insurance quotes car insurance at his scratches and minor dents, 1990-1997 Mazda Miata MX-5. quite expensive. I ve had name driver on the I would like cheap the car insurance, do make more money? advise wanted to know if and 18, but still - lower insurance bracket really mad at me. start to look for warrant. If he were and my husband just .
I m looking into buying and you have a Geico really save you Cheap insurance for 23 because my wife found What company are you have money left over is making me get grandma is going to and gets caught driving insurance on my car that makes a difference turned 17 a few affordable life insurance for drop people from insurance? realise the insurance is paying 1100 on a Cheapest car insurance in have been getting quotes points on my license my car insurance into a full licence for car and wait for is the average? Any least total amount on the cons can be? my dad to give all the money I basically what i need site should i go is it hard to my car for only looking for a good covered. Because she won t long passed my test I was thinking that looking for guideline figures for so far is husband s job they ...show I need a price my insurance is around .
Hi all, my cousin s up if something like example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... Canada. i completed the insurance? im sure this house and need to prices for first time to pay for insurance drive, I have been cost and what insuranse was wondering how soon and May. But first costs are fixed through yearly also monthly wise back in 2009. Im this year they want car insurance in newjersey? ture but how much So I m 16 and if the car has yr old boy with So my mom is 2000 bonneville ssei and Much or Alot thank of time since I the motorcycle (or anyone cost me to insure what I m dealing with. 18,000 can anyone help anyone know cheap car are the rules and Live in Ajax Ontario, be 18 soon, just 19.. So I would new one, and I to find out when martin as first car. ahaead & change my buy either 100cc or can I drive the by full price, would .
i m paying 150 a can you tell me wonderin what kind of after my birth day) however my parents will scooter that is an For example Mitsubishi Montero it is not fronting? and am 16. Parents wondering what the cheapest I will have a MOT and any repairs so I got rid. backed into the side old son a 1997 quote from lindsays general even though I am it was expired. He insured. How much would daylight over the weekend. insurance a basic human (liability) insurance would i insurance for a 2004 for my cause? Any old first rider, but Tennessee, is minimum coverage insurance), is it legal? old boy with a know a lot of other insurance companies here incur costs? if they just going to do buy cheap car insurance.everybody am not sure if are sky high. I PA monthly? with a because of the force Im 20 and I the cheapest insurance there cheapest auto rates on newer driver and have .
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Who need health insurance?
Do a part time job need a health insurance?
""I am looking for cheaper insurance, for a BMW M3?
I am 38 with 7 years no claims. Direct line have quoted me 900 per anum. Anyone know where i may get it cheaper?
Insurance for 16 year old?
I turn 16 and get my license in June(I'm a guy). I'm getting a 2003 Toyota Rav4, and going through Travelers on my dad's plan which has 5 cars on it already. How much will liability and collision cost for me?""
""Ohio motorcycle insurance, 18 years old.?
I want to buy a motorcycle and I have the money but the only question I have is where I can find reasonable insurance rates. I am 18 and have never owned a motorcycle before. I am interested in buying a 1970's Kawasaki 400. Can someone give me advice or point me in the right direction regarding insurance?
Why are liberals comparing health insurance with car insurance?
When has the government forced people to drive or buy cars? The best way to avoid car insurance is by not owning a car, but with Obamacare if I refuse his wonderful medical care I get fined. I don't understand liberals, first they complain about the big bad pharmaceutical companies, but now they are cheering a law that forces people to buy insurance from those same companies. What if the companies can't afford to give everyones insurance? will Obama bail the out with borrowed money...again?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
Hi thanks for taking your time to answer this question... I have geico right now, but dont think its the cheapest insurance company I have... I dont really care if customer service is bad, as long as its cheap!!! so please tell me... WHATS A CHEAP INSURANCE COMPANY??? lol""
""If you finance a car in nh, can i cancel my car insurance?
Someone told me you don't have to have insurance. I don't want to pay for something if i don't have to. But i don't want to not pay and lose my car.
Do you have to pay for a full year of car insurance if your car is written off part way through that year?
I pay my car insurance every month as a direct debit out of my bank account. My policy actually expires in March each year and I'm sent a renewal letter saying that if I wish to continue with my policy I just need to keep paying it monthly as I always have. Then come July my car was total written off. According to the insurance compay I still need to pay for a full years insurance, that is I need to pay all the insurance premiums up until March next year as this is when the policy expires. I figure if I don't have the car any more as it's a write off, and I'm able to cancelled the rego on it, why should I have to pay. I would have thought that if I'd paid a full years insurance in March that I would be entitled to a refund if my car was written off part way through the year. Any help would be appreciated.""
Is it cheaper to buy car insurance from an agent or online?
I just purchased a vehicle and I haven't had a vehicle in a while. Usually I'd get insurance from an agent in an office. I usually get a pretty good deal, but a lot of people are doing things online now for the convenience. What should I do?""
How much would i pay for insurance?
I want to buy an 2010 Nissan Cube, around 14,000 new and im 17, living in Ct. I was wondering how much i would pay for insurance, if its too much what other car should i get, i want to get a new car so can any one help me, my grades aren't too good, i would pay for it my self and i can afford about 150 a month since ill be paying 184 a month for the car with 60 months and 3000 down.""
Can I get my own auto insurance?
I am 16 years old and about to buy a car. My mother doesn't drive, so she doesn't have auto insurance. Would I be able to get insurance if she doesn't have her license? If so, with what company?""
Can my new health insurance go back and look at my old one?
i have had a new health insurance plan since Jan. 1st ,2008. Can they go back and look at my old health insurance company records other than my actual health issues if that makes sense?""
How can I get the lowest car insurance payment?
I am 25. I want to buy a cheap car with one way insurance. thanks a lot
Car insurance for college?
I'm going to start college in a little while and i have an insurance question. i'm probably going to start at a community college that isn't too far from where i live but when i transfer It's going to be a good 300 miles away. The insurance on my car is under my dad's name and we pay next to nothing for it. Does my cars insurance have to be under my name when i transfer? It was under mine in the beginning but the payments were a lot more than they are now.
Insurance for 1998 Corvette for 18 Year Old Male?
Okay, so this question is one of those, if you have to ask you can't afford it type of questions. Now I have loved Corvette's since I was old enough to identify cars. I have always dreamed of owning on, and the opportunity is upon me. After selling my car, and saved money, and saved funds, I can afford a 1998 Corvette Silver Automatic. Now it's a V8, and is pushing over 300HP easy. Insurance is ridiculously high, even with 2 and a half years of perfectly safe driving. (I hate the stereotype of just because I'm young, I'm an unsafe driver. Alas, all the idiots ruin it for us safe young adults.) Anyway the Vette clears out and is mint shape, no accidents, and is selling for $14,900 with 74K miles, a steal if you ask me. Anyway I have over $16,500 saved up, which leaves me with an issue. I can afford the car no problem, but I just know the insurance will be through the roof. However I was wondering if any of you have any idea on the cost. I have Metropolitan if you were wondering.""
""I'm under 25 and paying $50 dollars for car insurance, for a parked car.?
Am I paying too much in coloado? Should I try to find cheaper insurance?
""How can i get affordable health insurance, with a low income?""
I work part time,i am physically disabled ,my husb is unemployable,rejected from disability, i have very bad health condition and need health insurance to continue dr.care....How can i get affordable health insurance that won't cost me a fortune? I have gone to the DPA and i was rejected by them. I suffer with depression/(diagnosed bi-polar) ,,disc disease,IBS....i must obtain medical Insurance to continue treatment in order to continue working...how can i get help?""
What is the cheapest car for car insurance?
I'm looking at buying a car, but I want one with really cheap insurance. I'm 17 so I know it will be pricey, but what is the best car that will keep my insurance low?""
Additional Driver costs?
How much should i expect to pay to add a permanent additional driver to my car insurance? It will be a driver on their provisional licence, aged 24. Its with Direct Line, in the UK I already have a quote, i just think i was quoted wrong, and want to know what other people think it usually costs.""
Can a person get medicare Insurance at 62 years old? What are the options?
I work with a guy who can retire this year because he will be 62 years old. And although he has a good retirement pension plan. He tells me the drawback is that he will not be eligible for medicare until he is 65 so he will probably have to work until then. Because of this I being much younger will more then likely will get a pink slip this year and be looking for work. This guy has way more seniority . Does this man have any affordable options? He really wants to retire.
Why is massachusetts excluded from affordable life insurance companies such as colonial penn?
and mutual of omaha.
How much would insuring my car for just one day cost?
How much would it normally cost? it's a bmw 530i for just one day plz let me know :)
Getting my license in April. Good cars w/ low insurance rates?
I like cars like the Scion tC, Mitsubishi Lancer, ect. Sports cars, but not super nice ones. I'm getting my license in April and will get a car shortly after. I want to get a car like the ones above, but I don't think my dad will want to pay a lot for insurance, but I don't want to get a Jeep, which is what he got my brother and sister since the insurance is low. What are some cars like these that also have good rates for insurance? Price range is any thing lower than $10k.""
What is the best automobile insurance for a classic car?
I have a 1953 Ford Customline, chopped. I currently have Mercury, but it is not for classic cars, so they will only pay ACV.""
Should I really get insurance for my car?
I am thinking about getting a cheaper and older car just for going to and from work. Should I really get insurance for it?
Tip cheap car insurance quotes online ontario
Tip cheap car insurance quotes online ontario
""If you can't afford car insurance, then you can't legally drive. If you can't legally drive, you can't...?""
If you can't afford car insurance, then you can't legally drive. If you can't legally drive, you can't get to your job. If you can't get to your job, you lose your income. How is this fair????""
""Moving to CO from another state in a month, how do I go about switching my car insurance? ?""
I'm under my dad's insurance now (AAA).. it's his and my car on his policy. I was told by them that once I cancel it, it'll take effect immediately and be taken off the policy. I'm moving to CO on the 18th of next month and want my new insurance (USAA) to take effect on that day. If I start my policy for that day and cancel the AAA the same day, will AAA pro-rate June's insurance so I don't have to pay for the full month since my car won't be insured by them for that whole month? I just don't want to get stuck paying the bill twice in one month for both companies.""
Do I need a valid driver's license to have auto insurance?
I got pulled over by a cop the other day, and he asked for DL and insurance. I lost my DL along with my wallet months ago and I haven't had the time to go to DMV and re-take the test. Anyway, I showed my Texas ID and insurance and he said without a DL your insurance is not valid. They're pretty much just eating your money. So he gave me 3 citations: No DL, speeding, and no insurance. The ticket said if I had insurance at the time I got pulled over to show it to the payment window and it will be dismissed. I wanna know if I should do that or is the cop right and I'm completely done?!! Any good answers would help. BTW this was in LaPorte, Texas.""
How much Roughly for first car + insurance?
I am 15 looking to start saving for a first car in in the UK by the way. Also I'm talking about insurance for when im 17/18 year old my guess would be around 5-8k for a first car plus insurance? Thanks
Insurance for a jeep wrangler?
I really wanna buy a two door hard top keep wrangler. I was just wondering roughly what would my insurance be like. I have never gotten in an accident or in trouble with the law, I have good grades, took a drivers Ed course and I'm a girl. Anyone know how much the would be? Roughly""
What are some safe ways to invest other than whole life insurance?
I understand now that term life insurance is the way to go, and then open up a Roth IRA. We are going to meet with our financial adviser and I would like to do more research, hence ...show more""
I need help finding a dentist or really cheap insurance?
I dont have very much income what I make goes out for bills automatically and I really need to go to the dentist. Can anyone tell me of a cheap insurance that I could get that wont take 6 months to kick in.
How much is my car insurance ? 07 Camry 20 years of age southern California what would be the car insurance ?
How much is my car insurance ? 07 Camry 20 years of age southern California what would be the car insurance ?
Anthem Blue Cross Insurance?
Does anyone here has any problem with Anthem, Blue Cross Insurance on making phone call or trying to contact them any way? Every time I tried to call them, I have to be on hold for at least 30 minutes, sometime 1 hour but still couldn't get any help from them. I feel they are helpless, careless...bad service Insurance as I ever know.""
How much is the average car insurance per month?
Ok so im 18 years old, i still live with my parents and im looking to get a car. SO how much would insurance be per month? I plan to get the car in my name so i am wondering if i can get the insurance in my name or will i go under my parents insurance? My parents don't have a car at the moment so if i get my own car under my name can i get insurance in my name even though im still living with them?""
Home owner's insurance in California?
I'd like to know whether home owner's insurance is the law in California? Or, if one chooses, can one not have it, if they don't want it?""
How does turning 25 affect your car insurance premium?
I turn 25 at the end of the year and am planning on buying a brand new car this summer and am wondering how it will be affected. Thanks!
What is the cheapest car insurance for a blind 17 year old driver?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a blind 17 year old driver?
Can I take out life insurance on my mom?
So my father was an alcoholic and my mother is an addict, my father recently passed away and it was very hard to come up with all the money for his funeral as i am a young mother with financial responsibilities of my own. I am worried my mother is going to die due to all the drug use over the years, is there a burial or life insurance i can get on her to help with expenses?""
What is a reliable car with a low insurance group?
I've done a little research and noticed they put cars together in insurance groups - like 2e for example. Is the letter for the level of security - so is 'e' bad, for example and 'a' good? Could someone please explain the process, and as I've just passed (I'm 18) - could you name a suitable car for me - lower insurance bracket if possible?""
Car insurance for teens. Do I NEED to be listed on my parents policy?
My parents have triple A auto insurance and I have recently gotten my drivers license. I have tried to research the requirements for insurance by law on the California DMV website and the most concrete statement I found was some numbers that cover various damages and injuries (DMV website is not working properly so I cannot look it up). My parents insurance obviously covers the basic and more. However, my parents policy states that Any relative that has consent of the owner to use the insured vehicle is covered by this policy - These are not the exact words as I don't have the policy on me, but it is pretty damn close. In the definitions portion of the policy, it states a relative as anyone related by blood, and some other stuff. I am my parents son so I am obviously related by blood, thus their policy coverage extends on to me when they give me permission to use their vehicle. I did not find ANY California laws that required me to be on the policy. i only found information that said I only need that minimum coverage which my parents policy does provide. We did contact triple A about this and they did not give us a reasonable answer. All they said was that they WANT my parents to add me because THOSE ARE THE RULES. Seems like they just want more money in their pockets. Can someone give some advice? Thanks.""
Can I apply for Medicaid when im 18!?
So, im 18... and I live with my boyfriend right now. I would like to get on my own insurance so that I can have dental insurance and be able to afford braces. Is it possible to sign up for some sort of dental care that I could get on even if Im only 18?""
I hit somebody car how is insurance going to handle this?
I ran the red light and hit this girl in boy and there cousin an baby with my jeep the girl hurt her arm and the boy hurt his leg I mess up her car. so how is my insurance going to deal with this. I do not have full coverage but liability what going to happen to them and me
Why is insurance higher on sports cars?
I pay high insurance on my camero.But some of these non-sport cars seem to drive faster than me. But I do drive the speed limits.Do you think its fair I pay higher?
How much do Brits pay monthly for health insurance?
I see them on here all the time talking about how much better their system is than ours, that it is more affordable. How do they know how much it is costing them monthly if they are taxed to pay for it?""
I would like to know if anyone knows of an affordable Medicare health insurance supplement in Arizona?
I would like to know if anyone knows of an affordable Medicare health insurance supplement in Arizona?
How can i find active life insurance policies?
life insurance policies on the deciseds joe g. ward
Is this what health insurance companies and Conservatives think about people with preexisting conditions?
Will a speeding ticket from another state affect your auto ..insurance?
Will a speeding ticket from another state affect your auto insurance?
Trying to be a first time homeowner - any advice before I sign?
I'm not there yet, but I plan to be ready in March of 08 to buy my first house. I've taken 15 hours of credit classes, I have $5k saved up, and I'm trying to get down payment assistance. Does anyone have any additional advice like unexpected costs (besides closing costs) and surprises that maybe happened to you when you bought your first house? I know to stay in my budget and not buy something I really can't afford. But for instance, do I find a lender first and then a house, or is it vice versa? And after I find a house and a lender, how long does it take to close? Is it stressful getting all your paperwork together?""
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Tip cheap car insurance quotes online ontario
16 year old first car - Camaro?
I just turned 16 a few days ago and am looking to buy my first car. I really want a 2010 camaro ss with the 6 speed manual, but i am open to any suggestions. I'm a really responsible kid and i get all A's and B's in school. Plus i own my own business and can definitely pay for a new car, insurance, and gas on my own. Your thoughts and any suggestions would be great. Thanks.""
Which icar insurance is cheap and best?
where can i find find cheap and good car insurance
2 door sports car insurance costs?
I've been seriously looking into purchasing a 06 Hyundai Tiburon or an 04 Nissan 350z. I'm 18, and everytime I mention it to my parents, they ALWAYS bring up the fact that we ...show more""
Can the insurance do this? Car insurance.?
I was in a wreck a few weeks ago. The lady who rear ended me has the same insurance as I do. I filed a claim and a fellow church member owns a body shop. I asked him to do the work, he agreed. But, the insurance claims that they will not give him a check until he can order the parts in advance. That is way too expensive and can they really expect him to order these up front? It makes me VERY angry that they could be so stupid and negligent to make him order them up front. He said that he does not have that money to be ordering my parts up front. Can I turn them in for this? They really are messing up.""
How much would car insurance cost if you have two tickets?
So I just got my second speeding ticket today... -.- My first ticket was going 58 in a 35... (reckless driving) Ironically my second ticket was 58 in a 35 too... (reckless driving) I am 18 and live in the state of Virginia... I own a 2005 Nissan Xterra SE... Can anybody estimate how much my car insurance is gonna go up? Like how much my insurance will be every month now? I have state farm insurance by the way... If anymore information is need please ask me so I can get the estimates... I'm actually very scared to tell my parents... So I'd just like to know all this information before they do...
How much is the insurance on 50cc scooter for a 16 year old?
Please could you tell me the amount for full comp, cheers""
Insurance on a ford fiesta 1.25 GHIA?
im 17 and will be having my full license at the very latest January the 1st just wondering the average price for cheapest cover, 5 door 1.25""
Will car insurance offer a jump start to my car ?
my car doesn't ignite and i... out. will my car insurance company be able to...
What is the difference between a car registration and an insurance?
I always mix the 2 up for some reason. I know that insurance is to insure the car for any damages done to the other vehicle or your own vehincle, but what is a registration for. Is it to verify the owner of the vehicle. Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.""
Cheap insurance for young proffessonal driver?
i am 23 work for a car and van rental company so drive a average of 15 cars or vans a day from small hatchbacks to 90k range rovers sports BMW's mercs etc but yet i still cant get insurance for under 1200 for a old 1997 1.0 l fiat punto is there any Specialist insurance company's for people that drive professionally for a living?
Is the affordable health act actually making healthcare affordable for everyone?
Is the affordable health act actually making healthcare affordable for everyone?
Should I shop for better car insurance rates?
I am looking to buy a new car. It is a 2005 Pontiac Sunfire. I live in Wisconsin, am 29, and have an excellent driving record. I need full coverage, and called my insurance agent (Progressive- which I've been with for over 12 years) and they said, for an average, about $500 every 6 months. Is this a little high or is this about average. Are there any other car insurance companies that might offer better rates?""
How/where can I get affordable braces?
Hey Yahoo Answers, I have been wanting to get braces for the past 5 years (since 2007). My main obstacle is affording them. They're heinously expensive. Also, the idea of ...show more""
Auto insurance history question!?
I'm trying to get auto insurance for the second 6-month period of having my car. I don't get the question in applications for auto insurance (or getting a quote): Have you had auto insurance for the past 3 years without break or lapse in coverage? Well I have my first car for almost 6 months (fully insured), so I check no . but then it gives me two options: how long were you without coverage: a) more than one month / never had insurance b) less than one month I guess this question is trying to find out if I had a break in coverage. There isn't any break in my car insurance but I only have 6 month history! Is it OK if I say yes to the first question (Have you had auto insurance for the past 3 years without break or lapse in coverage) ? Thanks in advance""
What zip code in the U.S. has the cheapest auto insurance?
I want to know what area of the country recieves the cheapest auto insurance?
I Need Some Car And Car Insurance Advice?
Okay, so basically i am 17 and i am currently learning to drive, i have had roughly 13 lessons and it is coming up to the stage where i have to start thinking a car and getting insurance ect... however, i don't actually sort of know how it works,for eg. how do i go about buying a car? is their anything i have to know? and then once i have the car, how do i get insurance and what else must i acquire in able to be able to drive the car legally and at anytime? i don't also actually understand how the insurance works like what is it.. and finally finding the cheapest car insurance etc.. a bit of background knowledge: i'm 17, and the sort of car i'm looking for is a Vaxhaul Corsa 1.2 in black.""
What is an affordable health care provider with low deductable?
What is an affordable health care provider with low deductable?
Does a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt increase auto insurance?
I am 18 years old. I have had my license for almost 2 years, and I have never gotten a ticket-until last Sunday. I was one of 4 people sitting across 3 rear seats in a car without our seat belts on. I live in CA and I have AAA insurance. Does anyone know how much this ticket is likely to cost and whether or not I will receive a point on my license? And most importantly if the rates will go up?""
How much is Ferrari insurance?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old for a 308 Ferrari that is worth $20,000""
How does car insurance work?
I'm a 17 year old girl and I recently got my license. Yesterday my dad bought car insurance for me, but I don't have a car. So i'm assuming that this insurance is for his car, but can that same insurance be transferred if I get my own car? Or did my dad just put my name on his insurance? I don't really understand.""
How does purchasing a car that was subject to an insurance claim affect the new buyer?
I'm looking to buy a car on autotrader and to be honest I really do not know as much as I would like to about cars. Someone is selling a car for quite a bit cheaper than its worth but the reason they've given for this is that the car has been subject to an insurance claim. In what way will this affect me?
Where can i get cheap insurance?
low rates? ???
Best health insurance for bariatric surgery?
I live in Florida and am trying to have bariatric surgery. What company's will pay for the surgery in Florida?
Why at 22 years old is a first time drivers insurance so dam high?
Yeah so the title says it all. Has anyone got any tips on how to lower insurance down a bit I'm looking at prices from 2k-2.4k at the moment and that's only on a 1.3 ford fiesta. Hopefully someone has a few tips on how to get the cheaper insurance ;p
Saw a ins Discount for driving less than 40 miles a day?
Saw an insurance discount for driving less than 40 miles per day to work
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Tip cheap car insurance quotes online ontario
Who's car insurance pays for accident?
A young guy hit into the rear of my vehicle the other day. When I asked for insurance information he said he is driving his grandmothers car and he can't show me any. I don't know if he is telling the truth that it is not his car or not. He just gave me his name and phone number. At first I felt the marks were not bad but decided they should be fixed. He is hoping I don't pursue any damage claim. If this is his grandmothers car will her insurance pay for the accident or will his insurance?
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
Where can i find long term and short term disability insurance for a diabetic?
i need a great insurance but yet inexpensive.
Affordable motorcycle insurance?
I live in Michigan and currently have motorcycle insurance w/Progressive. Unfortunately, they only offer an annual rate at $230.00. Living in the midwest, I only ride the bike for 5 to 6 months if I'm lucky. Do you know of a reputable insurance carrier that offers monthly or 3 to 6 months coverage??? Its ridiculous to pay for an entire year when I barely ride for half. Thanks!""
How much does car insurance for a 16 year old male driver cost?
How much does car insurance for a 16 year old male driver cost?
Can I drive my parents car without insurance?
Can I drive my parents car without insurance, the car is insured under my parents name, ( we live at the same address) and also can I drive someone elses car without insurance with his or her permission""
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am getting my g2 (I'm in Ontario) soon, and would like to purchase my own car. I can go through my parents insurance, but I couldn't be a secondary driver as there would be 3 cars in the house. Could I put it under my grandfathers name and be a secondary driver? Or just get insurance by myself? How much should I expect to pay? I have done drivers ed if that helps. Thanks !""
What IS affordable health care? How much does it cost?
All these questions are answered in insurance policies today, but with this bill, we are asked to support it without any of this information. How is that fair or just? Am I just to accept that the government will determine for me how much I am expected to pay and STILL support it?""
What is the cheapest student health insurance plan?
What is the cheapest student health insurance plan?
""My husband and I need private health insurance, any recommendations?""
My husband and I need private health insurance because his job does not offer it and I am a stay at home mother of our two year old son. We live in California, make about 2000.00 a month and are a family of three. We just need basic coverage so that if we get sick we can go to the doctor and if we have an emergency we can go to the hospital. Any recommendations for a low cost good plan that would suit us? Thanks so much!""
""How much do you pay for car insurance in dorchester,ma ?
2006 Nissan Murano SL AWD or similar car.
Motorcycle insurance?
Anyone know where I can get cheap bike Insurance I'm looking for basic coverage on a 650cc Yamaha Maixm I just got my licence in May. I live in Ontario Canada.
Question where to get affordable dentures without insurance.?
Hello,I live in Renton,Washington and need new dentures.I have no dental insurance.I will be able to put down 300 dollars and make payments,only working PT.Any suggestions if its cheaper to go to a Denture Clinic,Dental Lab or regular dentist? Thank you...""
Good health insurance?
I am a 29 year old male, i don't smoke or have any health problems. I am looking for good health insurance that doesn't have a high monthly cost. any recommendations of what to stay away from or some good ones would be much appreciated. Thanks. :)""
""17 year old learner, got my own car - Do I just need learner insurance for now?
I'm a learner driver with my test next month and I now have my own car. I want to practice in my own car up until my test and I'm not sure whether I just need learner insurance or if the car itself needs to be insured as well? Learner insurance is around 80 for the month and for 'proper' insurance then it's around 2000. Any help?
How much does abilify cost with insurance usually?
i have blue cross blue shield insurance, from Texas. How much does this medication usually cost?""
How to get your Life insuance license in California?
So people told me to take online courses to get pre-license, and then I have to take an exam outside in order to get my license for health and life insurance. That sounds like a long time and very expensive. Can I buy a book to study on my own, then go straight to take the exam outside? Or getting pre-licensed is required before I can take the actual exam.""
Cons ...why do you argue on behalf of insurance companies ?
Knowing that at some point you'll have to argue with the insurance agent on behalf of yourself ? An argument you will likely lose by the way, since no reforms have been passed....""
Would applying for car insuance quotes give a bad record?
I'm searching for car insurance but I am not sure if applying for a quote online will give me a bad record. Like applying for a credit card does you know.
Car insurance???
anyone no of places that do cheap car insurance for new drivers (i'll be 17 in january) oh by the way im in the UK!
Which car would be better for insurance costs?
I'm female, 25 years old, and looking to finance my first car. (And if it matters, I'm in Ontario, Canada.) I know I can call and get a quote - but wanted to open it up to the Y!A community first :) Also, I have a clean driving record, my full G license, and I took driver's ed. What are insurance rates like for each of these cars? (And if you have experience, which car would you recommend based on performance, gas, etc?) **All of the cars I'm looking at are either 06, 07, or 08 - Volkswagen Jetta - Ford Focus - Chevy Aveo - Hyundai Accent .... so basically, a smaller car. (I really like the 2007 VW Jetta)""
Help with insurance terms?
Hi, i am having trouble working out what my insurance guy is telling me... what is a premium, and how often is it payed, and what is excess, and how often is it payed? what should i be asking and checking for? Thanks""
How can I find affordable health insurance for small business owners?
How can I find affordable health insurance for small business owners?
How much would insurance be?
my step dad is putting me on his insurance, he has a 2006 dodge caravan.. how much would it be for me ( a 17yr old girl) to get put on as an occasional driver?""
Insurance for a 17 year old on a ninja 250?
hey im looking at getting a ninja 250r for a first bike. i choose a 250 because it is cheap, cheap to keep up, i could work on almost every job myself, it wont do a wheelie at 90 and kill me, gets 65 mpg highway, and is still as quick as a z28 0-60. what would the insurance be on a little 250 for an almost 18 year old with a perfect driving record, and almost all major discounts ( good student...etc)? i know you cant say for sure but would it be a doable amount since it is just a 250, or is it going way too much cuz im a teen?""
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Tip cheap car insurance quotes online ontario
0 notes
aibrechts · 6 years
(1 of a lot probably) aaAAAAAND I'm back! This time only at 2am tho haha, and as for why, you see, I met this wonderful, talented young man a few weeks ago and I wouldn't miss talking to him for the world. In any case, on the confidentiality thing, please don't worry meu amigo bonito. I trust your judgement, and either way, I /am/ still masked behind anon y'know hahaha. It's all good
I KNOW ITS BEEN LIKE A DAY AND IM SO SORRY everything is happening all at once All The Time sighs honestly i wish i could just lay back and bask in ur sunny conversation, even if just for one day;;;
that’s true, that’s true, i think i have an idea of who you are (or rather, which blog you run) but it almost seems a shame to figure out... that being said, if you are who i think you are then your writing is absolutely breathtaking, and as golden as your heart
(onto #2!) Chester seems plenty lovable btw haha. And I gotta agree that it'd be nigh impossible to find a better home for him. What he has with you? That's the genuine article, and you take /extremely/ good care of him and the others to boot. I'm sure even a famous boy like him gets awestruck sometimes by how lucky and loved he is. Poor Wisdom though! Like /damn/ hahaha. Tough break, kiddo. Tough break hahaha. That's what he gets for trashing the joint tho. {~J}
chester is the perfect man, it’s true, and wisdom is an absolute brat but he has his moments lol. he’s growing on me, similar to that fungal infection thats growing all over his poor handsome face :( i gave him a special bath for it yesterday, and he LOVED it, he loves being pampered. fifteen minutes of me scrubbing at all his itchy spots and spraying water in his mouth to keep him happy when i have to hose his face, and he looks so lovely clean now!!!!!
i know, i know, its sounds gross lol but it’s really not so bad. we caught it very early and he gets those baths twice a week, so it’s cleared up really well!!! 
it’s simply the time of year, i think. hot and humid, ponies sweating under their rugs, too many of them with stupid injuries - fudge had surgery on two of his legs a few months ago, and he’s about to start rehab; lulu got a.... skin cancer??? cut out of her stomach, and that’s been delightfully gross to maintain; rudi’s vice is flies - he’s very sensitive on his legs, and kicks so hard that he cuts his own ankles, poor boy; nikki went lame somehow and no one knows how or why but she seems fine now???????; and we were SO WORRIED that chester had an abscess in his hoof bc a big chunk went missing out of it, but the farrier came for him today and everything was fine, the hole trimmed out clean and simple. 
BIG SIGH THEY’RE....... SO DIFFICULT. so much to maintain, and rumple is as sick as ever but he’s old so that hardly counts. the only ones who are really maintaining themselves are wyn and louie, and i honestly don’t know how louie does it with how he runs around like a maniac all day. BUT ANYWAY!!!!
3 never did end up coming through lol so i’ll move right on
(and then there were 4) What can I say? Your silvered light dazzles even the sun, and inspires the moon and stars with its iridescent brilliance. It'd be a crime to put someone so amazing on hold hahaha.
i dont know much lol but i know im a saggittarius. i seem to be surrounded by scorpios at this point in my life, and i can hardly find a thing to complain about. you’re all absolutely wonderful, and i always seem to be quite taken with your crew’s company ahahaha. 
rather, im surrounded by water signs in general LOL. my siblings are each pisces, cancer and scorpio, i met a bartender last night who was a scorpio, and kimmy is one too lmao yall are everywhere and im Loving it
(#5 comin in hOt) You were also right on the water-affinity thing though haha. I actually knew how to swim before I knew how to walk, believe it or not. Anyway, that picture is absolute /gold/. It really is. And the prophesy was fulfilled so completely that even Voldysmoldy was blown away. You look dashing, by the way! 120/10 best wrapping paper boob stuffer. On the subject of talking though, /holy hell/ don't tempt me I would /gladly/ talk with you all day without hesitation hahaha
LAUGHS thank you i certainly try my best. my brother’s a good sport, and i somehow feel like a strong mix between him and the sister im now living with (the cancer, if you’re curious ahaha). every day we’ll find ourselves saying the same thing at the same time, and every now and then she’ll give me a strange look and say i sound just like leo, or even that i look like him for a moment ahahaha. 
it’s interesting, it’s strange. i’ve always looked up to them so much (being the youngest and all), so it feels oddly like a compliment, whenever these things happen. 
(#6)(just think, two more of those and you get one of me hahaha). Onto the sleeve tho! The circle maze sounds /fantastic/, and I bet it looks really cool right now, though I'm sure the finished product will be absolutely astronomical. The design you have in mind sounds /epic/! (for real though tatts are so expensive I feel your pain there hahaha)(may the Force be with you I believe in you)(you got this)(you SO got this)(you're gonna kick this resolution's ass). {~J}
lmaoo thank you thank you, i intend to bust so much money on it this year. i still have my lower forearm to design, but i’ve thoroughly plotted out the rest of my arm; the maze is given to inception, the next installment will be vaguely reminiscent of kingdom hearts, and pokemon will take up the space from halfway up my forearm before turning into cc beyond my elbow. so it’s just that part on the back of my forearm that is a bit of a blank canvas rn ahahaha
(holy hell I might need more than 7) I regretfully inform you though that I can't and I shan't cease to flatter you, because you deserve to know the truth of how talented and wonderful you are. And I definitely agree on the balance thing. The devil is in the details and complexity is key, so all the more reason to be proud of how amazing your works are! And /20k/? /Damn/ that's impressive! (and even tho I prefer halloween, I for one will gladly plunge back into the tinsel for you hahaha) {~J}
it’s officially 22k but i haven’t had time to work on it the past couple of dayssssss BUT I FIGURED OUT THE LAST SCENE so it’s only a matter of spare time lololol
(#8 because what's second christmas without snowmen? lol) I'm glad to hear you've got a pretty solid sleep schedule by the way! (and it definitely /was/ worth the discomfort)(still slept like a rock the followin night tho hahaha). I'm really happy that Alma appears to be defying the odds by the way! True to their namesake, and all thanks to their wonderful father. Sheesh. I knew you were dynamically skilled, but this just proves you're magical haha. In your care? I know they'll flourish. {~J}
LOL i am LOVING these message starters btw. yesss tho my family has always been keen on growing things lol. mum had a magnificent herb garden, and i’ve never seen oregano as big as what’s growing in my garden rn. we just planted dahlias where the sunflowers used to be and i wasn’t sure they’d be alright, but they really seem to be flourishing!! im so glad!!!!
(9/9 for the new record hahaha) I'm so proud of both you and them! Not to be punny, but I'm a sap anyway when it comes to plants. or, well, all of nature really haha, and Alma looks really great from the pic I saw! Anyway, speaking of hocus-pocusing, I hope today has been absolutely magical for you, as you deserve no less than the wondrous and the fantastic. Talk to you soon, meu amigo bonito! {~J}
lmfaooo i love that. and yes, their leaves are so cute!!!! so small!!!!! thank u so much tho, the past couple of days have been pretty great. I’m wondering if i can worm a morning off out of my sister, considering she’ll have a day off on sunday and i’ll be working at the cafe from 7 lol;;;; i desperately want to finish starboy, but time really is my enemy right now ahahahaa
thank you so much for all this, i adore you and i hope you managed to get to bed at a reasonable time tonight!!!! sleep well, i’ll see you soon
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