#to be very clear I adore Sakura to pieces and I love her for her character flaws
evenmorebeetles · 8 months
One of the things that always really fascinated me about Sakura's character is how manipulative she is.
I was rewatching the anime with my partner because it was their first time, and when Sakura finds Sasuke to beg him not to go to Orochimaru, my partner said that they were a little disappointed that romance was emphasized in that scene over friendship, and I said, "You know, I think Sakura would have told Sasuke she loved him whether she did or didn't. She knows that he cares about her. I think Sakura would say anything she had to to get him to stay."
And the most obvious example of this is when she does that exact thing to Naruto before the Five Kage Summit, lying about having feelings for him in order to save him, and that scene is what I was referencing when I made the comment, but throughout the course of the anime, there are several other moments where Sakura either outright lies and cons or uses her feelings as a weapon to get her way.
She does it right when Team 7 is formed, when Naruto plays the eraser prank on Kakashi. Her inner monologue shows that she thinks it's hilarious, but instead she puts up this facade. She berates Naruto because she thinks it'll make her appear cooler to Sasuke, and she tells Kakashi that she told Naruto not to do it and that she would never do something like that because she wants to portray herself as not only superior to Naruto but as the good one, the innocent one, the one who can do no wrong.
She does it to Sai, Kiba, and Lee when she knocks them unconscious so that she can go kill Sasuke by herself. She does it when tells Sasuke that she wants to join him so that she can get close to him. She does it again when, at the end of the war, she begs Sasuke one last time. She even does it in Sasuke Retsuden when she cons Penjira at cards and reveals that she's been doing the same to Tsunade for years. And these are just off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more.
Basically I'm saying that everyone should consider themselves lucky that Sakura's on Konoha's side because if she was the one with the villain arc? She'd be ruthless.
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completeoveranalysis · 6 months
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Chapitre 201 - The Truth from within the Ruins
Oh this is just beyond gorgeous. Who can stand against the pure concentrated adorable that is Tsubasa Babies Family Photo? Now with all four of them!
I’m in love with all the tiny details that they clearly spent so long on - all the lovely folds of Sakura’s dress, the intricate detailing on Fai’s robe and staff. Lava Lamp is in his ceremonial garb, and tiny Kurogane IN HIS FANCY LITTLE OUTFIT. (AND HIS POSTURE? GET OUT. Incredible)
 Kurogane doesn’t have Ginryuu yet (since this is Happy Childhood AU, so his father will still have it. Still has the moon though!) but Lava Lamp has the Syaoran Family Sword all ready to go. His outfit would be incomplete without it - they’re all wearing clothing from their home worlds, or maybe their families? I’m technically not sure which world Lava Lamp comes from, but his outfit is Family Legacy all the way down. I’m dying to know if Fai’s outfit is in the style of Seresu or Valeria - I don’t think they’re all that different, but I think I would put my money on Valeria based on the position of the fur and the curl motif. In which case it’s fun for me that his Happy Family AU is in Valeria instead of with Ashura. (sorry not sorry Ashura get fucked)
I suppose in this version he never had reason to leave Valeria in the first place, so it’s a very nice touch that the outfit doesn’t immediately resemble the clothing he wore in his backstory, since that’s all so closely linked to the death of his twin, who would be alive here. Very nice visual choices all around, especially with each of them in their own unique colour pallette. Oh, and even with the colour differences they all have bits of yellow somewhere on them, showing their connection.
The left/right split between them is really fun too - sword wielders on one side, phenomenally powerful magic users on the other, cats vs dogs, unique child/parent pairings, etc. It’s very funny to me that they found a super fancy chair for Sakura and a cushion for Kurogane, but nothing for the other two. But Fai draping himself over the chair is such an incredible piece of character flair, which I am in love with, but also, the TOUCH? The little touch of tiny hands? Sakura reaching back to put her hand on the back of Fai’s? Tiny Lava Lamp’s little grip on Kurogane’s arm? OH it’s so touching. 
And behind them all? THAT WINDOW. Such a clear symbol positioned directly in the centre frame. At first I thought it might be an eye, but this is Happy Family AU so there should be no Evil Wolverine to spy on them. What I’m voting on instead is CLAMP playing with Tarot symbols again and this being the Wheel of Fortune, or a similar idea of a wheel of destiny. They use the latter idea a lot in their earlier works (RG Veda and X/1999 say hi), but I think the tarot symbol in particular really shines through with the ideas they’re playing with in Tsubasa/xxxHolic, and has a very strong parallel to the idea of hitsuzen. 
After some much safer googling it looks like the “Wheel of Fortune” in Tarot can mean change or cycles or inevitable fate, but on the flipside could also be lacking control. I think the reversed meaning of the card really speaks to me the most about their situation in general, as it describes bad luck and misfortunes thrust upon you from external forces, that you are fighting to take control back from an unwinnable situation. That fighting it is impossible, that continuing to fight it can only bring more suffering, and that the only option is to let it go. To stop blaming yourself for the thing you did wrong, or the thing that you think was your fault. To forgive yourself, to accept it all, to let yourself move on, to accept that change is inevitable, and to finally be able to move forward and just let everything happen. 
Because if that’s not exactly the whole situation we are in I don’t know what is. It’s a mirror for the things that Fai and Kurogane have already been through, and for what Lava Lamp Guy is still currently fighting, and CLAMP love to do drop these symbols all the time. 
And this is a bit of a tangent but who’s gonna stop me? Clamp LOVE their tragic destiny pairs, especially in their early works - the couples deeply love but also cursed by fate, like Kendappa and Souma, Ashura and Yasha (flavoured differently in RG Veda, but still fitting this cycle again in Tsubasa), Subaru and Seishirou, Sorata and Arashi (unfinished), Kamui and Fuuma, etc. The characters who are so different from each other, so diametrically opposed, but in love still, and it burns so strong that they either have to kill each other or let the world burn around them - or both! They’re always fighting destiny, just like the reversed wheel of fortune, and they fight it to the point of obliteration. 
AND THEN we have Tsubasa, and I think it’s so endlessly interesting that they took the same pattern and turned it around. Syaoran and Sakura definitely fit the theme (and wild that they took the Cardcaptor Sakura happy couple deliberately to make the most universe shattering tragedy out of it, but I still haven’t seen how their story ends, whether one will have to tragically die to save everything or whether they’ll get out somehow). But what I mostly want to talk about (surprise surprise) Kurogane and Fai, who fit the pattern exactly. Complete opposites, diametrically opposed, set up as antagonists and destined to kill each other but fall in love instead. That they both fight against the tragic pasts that defined them and eventually change their mind. Eventually, slowly, they accept love again and realise that they can actually live with themselves and each other if they let it all go. 
And I think what really gets me is that if this was an earlier Clamp work they absolutely would have tragically died - they would have killed each other in the climax of Seresu and it would have been beautiful and terrible and no-one ever would have ever emotionally recovered from the complete and utter devastation. 
CLAMP spend all of Tsubasa revisiting all their old works, taking us through a parade of the various tragedies they’ve sung across the years, all leading up to them ultimately breaking their own pattern and letting Fai and Kurogane save each other from the same Clamp fate that claimed every tragic pair before them. They choose each other and get out alive. They stop blaming themselves for the unchangeable parts of destiny and finally forgive themselves. And it’s just very emotional to me that it’s these two that make it, these two that get to recover and choose each other and live their lives inseparable from this point on. The two that had arguably the most tragic backstories also get to face their trauma, survive, and live. 
And it’s just so beautiful to see how the CLAMP storytelling method has changed over the years, and to find out that after all these years, the big destiny story they really wanted to tell in their longest and most detailed work was about the two men who fell in love, against all odds and saved each other. Despite absolutely everything saying that it should be impossible, it’s Kurogane and Fai that finally flip the tarot card back around and live. 
And I’m extremely interested in what this means for Lava Lamp and Not!Sakura.
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azurelyy · 2 years
Can you write about what a beach day with Naruto would be like? Make him get really flustered over y/n and then maybe they get steamy in the shower together? Cute summertime smut
*Takes a deep breath*
It is done! I am so, so sorry this took me so long, hun. I really hope you like the end result!
This is my first lemon - please be kind to me! If you enjoy this, be sure to scream at me in the comments, as always. 🖤 Constructive criticism is welcome, just be kind!
Title: Dirty Little Secrets 🍋
Pairing: Naruto x f!reader (Mentions SasuSaku & ShikaIno)
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: NSFW, oral (female receiving), shower sex, unprotected sex, smut, teasing, really sexy Naruto
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You examined your body in the dirty, floor-length mirror. The bathing suit was cute, the neutral black color emphasizing your curves without drawing attention away from your skin, but the fluorescent lights of the public bathroom were starting to make you nervous, emphasizing each insecurity of your body with extreme vigor.
“I-I don’t know about this, Ino,” You said, “I look…”
“Sexy better be the only thing that comes out of your mouth!” Ino exclaimed, exiting the stall in her tiny, amethyst bikini. It had lovely silver hoops that gripped on either side of her hips, the bikini top leaving nothing to the imagination as her perfectly endowed breasts swayed slightly as she walked over to you. It didn’t help your nerves.
“Silly. Can I please have my cover-up back?” You pouted, shielding yourself with your arms.
“Absolutely not!” Ino scoffed. “You look hot! The boys will be falling to their knees for you.” She gave a quick chirp of a laugh and hooked her arm around yours.
“Maybe with you next to me,” You huffed. She laughed again and pulled you alongside her, opening the bathroom door. The sun shone brightly into your eyes, whiting out your vision momentarily. You squinted and brought your hand up to cover your eyes as you heard a very familiar voice shouting your name. Oh god. You immediately tried to hide behind Ino, but she pushed you forward and you fell face first into his bare chest.
“Whoa, hey!” He gripped your shoulders, keeping you steady on him. “Wow, that’s really-”
“Naruto, please,” You begged.
He embraced you, his hot breath tickling your neck as he whispered his scandalous secret. “You look so sexy, baby, but I just wanna rip this off you.” 
He kissed your neck tenderly and you felt like your heart had just been slammed into with a battering ram. His lips were burning along your neck, trailing his way towards your mouth, where he kissed you passionately. 
“Okay, guys. Public beach. Family beach.” Ino chastised and you pulled away quickly, feeling your cheeks burn from shame. Naruto just laughed and kissed the top of your head before grabbing your hand.
“We set up a sweet spot over here!” He said as he guided you and Ino across the beach. The sand was warm against your toes, squeezing its way over your flip-flops as you followed him. The sky was as blue as your boyfriends’ eyes; cloudless and as endless as the sparkling ocean ahead of you. 
Naruto brought you to a spot near the end of the beach with two, large umbrellas poking out of the sand. Sasuke and Sakura were a few feet away, building a lopsided sand-castle, and Shikamaru was sun-bathing beneath one of the umbrellas, his arms crossed behind his head lazily. 
Sakura took notice of the three of you first, waving enthusiastically. Her pink hair was pulled back into two, short pigtails and her red one-piece bathing suit was adorably modest while still emphasizing the curves of her small frame. Sasuke pulled his eyes away from her for a moment to nod at you before quickly turning back to his sand project, his black swim trunks swaying lightly in the breeze. Shikamaru didn’t seem to notice the three of you returning. 
Ino cleared her throat as she stood over the lazy man, but he stayed still as a rock. She gently nudged him with her foot; still nothing. Finally, she rolled him over to his side and he groaned lightly, rubbing the back of his head.
“Hey, what gives?” His voice sounded far away.
“Shi!” Ino yelled, “You were asleep? Seriously, I’m gone for ten minutes and-”
“Wow,” He cut her off, “You look good. Is that new?” That shut her up.
Ino blushed and flipped her ponytail over her shoulder seductively. “I’m surprised you noticed,” Her voice was dripping with a taunting tone, making Shikamaru’s chocolate gaze widen at her. 
He smirked and pulled her onto him, her face plopping onto his chiseled chest as he closed his eyes again. You thought Ino would smack him, but she smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying the sunshine on her skin. 
Naruto dragged you down onto the towel next to the couple and kissed your cheek. You examined his golden-tanned chest glistening from salt water and the way his eyes twinkled in the afternoon light; it made you want to rip off his blue swim trunks right then and there. You leaned closer into him and allowed him to embrace you from behind, his skin warm from the sun’s kisses, and he started nipping your neck. You let your face fall into his honey hair, a pleasant scent of salt and ginger overwhelming you and transporting you to another world. You felt your body slowly float away like driftwood, and suddenly you were surrounded only by Naruto and the sound of waves crashing against the shore.
He trailed hot kisses along your neck before connecting to your mouth, his tongue forcing its way in and playing with your own. His rough hands moved their way over your body, landing on your hips and pushing you closer to him, your back hot against his strong chest. You reached your hand up and twisted your fingers into his wet hair, forcing a moan to escape him, allowing you to dominate his mouth with your tongue. You could feel his hard cock through the silky fabric of his trunks poking into your thigh as you reached down with your free hand to brush against it lightly.
“Earth to Naruto,” Shikamaru’s voice pierced through your seaside fantasy and you pushed away from Naruto, cold air seeping in where his body laid on yours and making you shiver. “Seriously, get a room.” 
You felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment and Naruto cleared his throat thickly, a puff of warm air hitting the wet spot on your neck, causing fireworks to pop and sizzle their way throughout your core. 
“Okay, okay,” Naruto’s voice was almost indistinguishable, a full octave lower than normal. “Here, baby, I’ll put your sunscreen on for you.” 
He leaned back to grab the sunscreen and squeezed it into his palm. You felt like your body was going to be sucked into a desire tornado as lewd thoughts of his white-hot cum exploding into your core invaded your mind as he rubbed the cream in his hands. You saw him hesitate as you gulped, and you wished a hole in the Earth would open up and suck both of you somewhere far, far away so that he could vandalize your body right then and there.
He started on your upper-back, the cool cream granting you sweet release from your torturous burning. He worked his way across your back slowly, teasing you with his calloused hands and applying pressure underneath your shoulder blades, stalling at your waist while he hummed lowly into your ear, before moving his way to your thighs. The tension was building inside of you, so deep that you thought you were about to pounce on him like a lioness on a gazelle; his hands began roaming over your chest, lazily coating you in sunscreen and seduction. 
“Done.” He bit your earlobe playfully, causing you to jerk forward. His laugh erupted you out of your erotic frenzy and you turned your nose upwards in annoyance. 
“Alright,” You drawled out the ‘l’ seductively. “My turn.” 
You whipped around and pushed your hands onto his toned thighs, gaining leverage to have your breasts be level with his face. Naruto let out a thick whine, something laced with both pain and need, as the sunscreen squirted into your palm. You raised your eyebrow at him, a look that you knew said what do you plan to do about it? and placed your hands on his shoulders. His muscles tightened underneath your tender touch as you traced over his body like you were creating a map, slowly working your way from his shoulders to his toned abs. Naruto’s body was rippling beneath your touch, each curve of your finger causing him to twitch, each gentle stroke making him bite his lip harder. You hummed into his ear as your thumb gently grazed over his light blonde happy trail until you stopped just above the top of his swimming trunks. 
“Done,” You whispered. Naruto’s mouth was formed into a tight line as he grabbed your hand by the wrist, sparks flying around you, and he let his thumb trail gently over yours. He brought your hand to his mouth and kissed it lovingly, making your heart murmur in delight.
“Thanks,” His voice was heavy. He cleared his throat lightly as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “Wanna swim?”
You spent the next few hours enjoying the time at the beach with your friends. Ino eventually left Shikamaru’s embrace to join you and Naruto in the ocean, the three of you tossing a huge beach ball back and forth in the water. Sasuke and Sakura sun-bathed after their sandcastle was complete, the little structure standing surprisingly straight in the end.
Now, as the sun began its slow descent behind the endless sea, all of you were sprawled out on your various beach towels, the exhaustion of the day overwhelming your senses and turning your bodies into jelly. Naruto had you snuggled into his embrace, his legs intertwined between yours like a chain. His head was resting in your hair as he slowly drew small circles over your waist with his index finger, each swipe leaving a warm and tingly feeling across your skin. 
“We’re going to head out,” The sound of Sasuke’s velvet voice jostled you back into consciousness as you leaned up and gave the couple a lazy wave.
“Bye, guys!” Ino shouted, only putting a hand up in response. She seemed more tired than you, and she and Shikamaru had napped most of the day! “Drive safe, alright?”
“We will!” Sakura replied sweetly. “Bye, everyone!”
A windchime of goodbyes were exchanged (and one “hn” courtesy of Shikamaru) as they trampled down the beach. And then there were four. Calm silence overwhelmed the air as Naruto began kissing your temple and you held back your moan. His touch was rough and filled with want, his body hot with desire. 
“I think I want to take a quick shower and then we should go too, Naru,” Your voice was quivering with lust, snapping the sexual tension in the air. “I need to get this saltwater out of my hair.”
“We should go too,” Ino lightly tapped Shikamaru’s thigh and he rolled onto his back in response. 
“Yeah,” Shikamaru sighed. “If you shower then I’ll be ready. I’ll drive.” He kept his eyes closed and Ino rolled her eyes, a small blush creeping over her face. 
You and Ino walked over to the bathroom, the two of you lightly conversing about the events of the day. The sky was a vibrant blood orange hue, the sea a lovely shade of navy; the breeze had a sweet numbing coolness to it as it kissed your suntanned skin. It was the perfect beach day.
“Alright, well, if you finish first no need to say bye,” Ino said. “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
You smiled and gave a wave as you each got into your separate shower stalls. You closed the door behind you and turned on the water, reaching your hand in first to test the temperature before fully submerging yourself. The warm water hit your skin, causing an instant feeling of relief to crash over you. You felt the salt and sea wash away as you stood under the rushing water of the showerhead, too tired to move. 
The sound of the stall door quickly opening and shutting startled you out of your ethereal state. You went to scream, but a strong hand covered your mouth quickly. Your eyes widened in horror as a familiar voice whispered into your ear.
“It’s me, baby,” Naruto said huskily. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want Ino to hear.”
He kept his hand firmly planted on your mouth as he chuckled lowly into your ear. His bare chest was pushed up against your back, the scent of sandalwood and spice overwhelming your senses as he slowly dropped his hand from your mouth and moved his way down your body, caressing over your neck and your collarbones before cupping your breast. You bit your lip at the sensation, catching a moan. 
  He nibbled at your neck and you felt your legs wobble slightly from pleasure as he moved his free hand to snag around your waist and rested it on your stomach, steadying you. As he continued to blow lightly against the bruising and tender skin of your neck between nips, his fingers lazily stroked over your hard nipple through the top of your swimsuit and you tightly shut your eyes, white stars floating around in your vision, his free hand now sliding down your stomach before reaching its destination and rested upon your dripping pussy.
“Can you keep a secret, baby?” Naruto whispered into your neck. You tried to respond but all you could muster was a strangled breath as he began stroking your entrance through your swimsuit. “Well?”
“Y-Yes,” You breathed. You felt your body slowly begin to lift from the floor as Naruto swiped the bottom of your bathing suit to the side, fully revealing yourself to him. He moved his finger over your entrance and you heard him make a low moan.
“Good girl,” He pulled you around to face him and pushed you into the cool tiled wall, the warmth from the shower vanishing, a cold shiver rippling through you in its place. His mouth caught onto yours and you were in a vortex of pleasure, your body fully pulled away from the shower stall as you were now surrounded by rushing waterfalls and dense forest - just you and Naruto - his warm tongue explored your mouth like it was the first time and your brain was sending shock waves straight to your heat. You pulled your swimsuit top down, your breast lightly flopping out and fully exposed to Naruto as you moved his hand from your waist to your perky nipple. 
He pinched it between his fingers and you moaned into his mouth as the sting seared you down to your core. He pulled away, trailing burning kisses down your neck, across your shoulders, over your chest, before he began sucking your nipple, gently biting and swiping his tongue over it, as he moved his other hand to slowly push his fingers into you.
“P-please,” You managed to whisper. He smiled against your chest as he exposed your other breast, his warm mouth working its way to wrap around it and teasing your nipple with the tip of his tongue, hungrily.
“Hm?” The vibration of his moan against your tit sent an electric wave through you, adrenaline fully consuming your brain as you pushed his thick fingers deeper into your core. You let out a low moan as Naruto cupped his free hand over your mouth. 
“Shh,” His breath tickled your nipple as he worked his finger expertly over your clit. Your vision went black from ecstasy as he toyed with your sensitive nub, little lightning bolts shooting their way across your body and electricity coursing through your veins.
Naruto pulled out of you and licked the juices off his fingers, a low grumble escaping from you. He removed his hand from your mouth and gave you a knowing smirk as he slid down onto his knees. Oh fuck, oh fuck.
“W-wait,” You tried, but his tongue had already swiped across your clit as he guided your thigh to rest on his shoulder. You shot your hand up into your mouth and bit hard, desperate to scream out, your back bending like a willow as your head pressed aggressively against the wall. Ino being in the stall across from you made you feel extra dirty as Naruto worked his mouth against your sopping cunt. Your breathing was ragged and heavy. You gripped his hair with your free hand, pulling him deeper inside you. You wanted to evaporate into the Earth with him; wanted to engulf him into your heart. 
Naruto quickened the pace of his tongue over your clit as he felt your pussy begin to quiver, his hand that wasn’t gripping your thigh free to plunge his fingers deep inside your walls. The world spun around you like a top as wave upon wave of pleasure crashed against you and you soaked Naruto’s tongue with your sweet juices. He groaned into you, lapping up every drop of your essence, his calloused hand kneading into your ass as he gripped you.
He looked up at you, his mouth dripping with you as a devilish grin erupted over his face, and he freed his thick cock out of its polyester prison. It was glistening with pre-cum, salt water, and need. Fuck, he’s big. He stood up and spread your legs with ease, gripping you from your thighs and pulling you up to allow your legs to wrap around his waist, before plunging into you. He embedded himself deep within your walls as the colors of the room started to blur together, your back pressed tightly against the wall.
“S-So wet,” He groaned. “Fuck.” He whispered your name into the air between thrusts, his dick forcing small mewls of pleasure to escape from your lips. Your nose crinkled, your toes curled; he took control over every inch of your brain as your bodies merged together like the seven seas. 
As his movements became stronger, you matched his pace, moving like you two were made to be fitted together, each stroke hitting you with an increasing pleasurable pressure that made the world around you disintegrate to nothing but his mouth on yours, his arms entangled around your body, his moans in your throat.
You climbed together, higher and higher, until you finally shattered the sound barrier and were blazing through the stars. A cacophony of low curses and praises escaped your mouths as you felt your body ripple and you reached another climax. His cock twitched inside you as his sticky seed filled you to the brim, warmth spreading throughout your body as you both returned back to the shower stall, hearts thumping in your chests. 
“I love you,” Naruto whispered between light kisses. “Love you so fucking much.”
You smiled against his delicious mouth. “I love you, Naru.” 
He gave you a last peck and you two showered off your salty secret together, briny water mixing with fresh, as the evidence of your lust filled rendezvous slinked down the drain. You exited the stall, freezing in horror as you came face to face with Shikamaru; his lips puffy and red, his dark hair freed from his usual ponytail and dripping down his shoulders.
“What?!” Naruto’s face was dumbfounded. “Did you-”
“Don’t give me that look, Naruto,” Shikamaru sounded annoyed. “I caught you too, you know.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his swim trunks right as Ino opened the stall door from behind him, her face turning red as a tomato.
“Don’t bother,” He grabbed her hand, leading the way as they slid past you and Naruto. Ino gave you a pleading look that said can we please never talk about this again? And you smiled and nodded in agreement. Today really was the perfect day at the beach, providing everyone with their own dirty little secrets.
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Please consider reblogging to support my work & scream at me in the comments if you enjoyed!
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ticklish-n-stuff · 9 months
How the Phantom Thieves react to you telling them you like being tickled
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And no Morgana cause... no???
Personally I loved it in the anime when Ryuji would call him RenRen so I call him Ren uwu
A silent but deathly ler. My boy doesn't even have to tease verbally, his fingers do all the talking
Definitely loves to sneak up and tickle you, being so smug he probably goes "all-out attack!" while tickling you to pieces
Threatens to tell the others about this new info (they were all eavesdroping and already know LMAO)
Very confident in his tickling skills, he just KNOWS how to get you all JAJDKAJFKSJFKJS
Ryuji Sakamoto:
Gurl you better run, cause he wasn't in the track team for nothing
Absolutely LOVES to chase you around. Making you feel like you're in the clear before WHAM! pouncing on you!
Type of ler to laugh along with you
Can sometimes take it a bit overboard but dw, he'll take you out for snacks afterwards :3
An Takamaki:
"Ohh really? That's interesting... So I can just tickle you whenever?~"
I mean you technically cant say no
She loves keeping you on your toes, getting you when you least expect it
She and Ryuji make an AWFULLY POWERFUL tickle monster duo
Yusuke Kitagawa:
He'd probably be like ???? Why are you telling me this???
And not like in a judgemental way. Like my boy's childhood was ROUGH so he literally doesn't understand or get the appeal until you eventually show him the wonders of tickling and it becomes a regular occurence for you two
Doesn't understand why you get so flustered at the mention of tickles
But like with time he starts to reassure you over it if that makes sense
Makoto Niijima:
She may appear all tough and kewl but no no no if anything she becomes more flustered than you
Very awkward ler its painful
Please help her, she can't tickle someone to save her life/j
Naww but fr with being so uptight all the time she def doesnt have much experience with tickling
But once you let her tickle you, she finds it calming and relaxing.
Very soft and gentle tickles to get you all giggly~
Futaba Sakura:
Cue evil lil gremlin look
Gonna hold that against you for the rest of eternity
First one to blab about it to the other members (knowing that youre fine with it ofc)
She's that dirtbag that will randomly say the word tickle or poke you just to get under your skin
Haru Okumura:
Bro ever since I started playing pjsk I keep calling her Haruka like IM SO SORRY-
Anyways literally the sweetest ler you'll ever meet
Always asks if she can tickle you
If she sees you're upset, she'll ask if she can cheer you up with tickles
Always asks how you're holding up to make sure you're comfortable, which makes it more flustering how caring she is??
Goro Akechi:
Now the whole reason I wanted to write this huahahaha
Listen in my heart, Akechi will ALWAYS be a Phantom Thieve. I'll defend his ass 'till my last breath
He's kinda like Yusuke cause, y'know...
Doesn't quite understand it but still finds it kind of adorable
Although this bitch is not afraid to test out that new knowledge, claiming that its for research as you squeal and wriggle under his tickly fingers
He is either the sweetest ler or the most sadistic mf, there's no in-between
And he's so teasy to a fault its criminal! Its his most lethal weapon
Learns the hard way what a ler mood is so you better watch your back whenever he gets one
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gabbylyons · 1 year
As i promised before, here are my thoughts on the new CCS Clear Card chapter. MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD, so If you haven't read it yet, i highly recommend you to do so.
First, let's start with the highlight of this chapter: Akiho 🥰
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I love her so fucking much. The first thing about her that people usually notice is how sweet she is, and she truly is - she's a baby! But what i like the most it's that she's so much more than that - Akiho is clever, sensitive and has an ability to turn her loneliness in strenght - not the kind that destroys herself and what's around her, but the kind that builds up. That's something that many characters take lifetimes to get - and some die without getting it.
So, my biggest distress in the latest chapters was her suffering and her destiny - you had this little child who was neglected and abused by her "family" and later adopted by her mother's best friend who sacrificed himself to take her "curse" (that he brought on her himself on a moment of desperation)
One of the things that has always caught my eye on Clear Card was a new relationship where you could feel the deep love between them: Sakura and Akiho. There was an evident bonding and a very strong affection between the two of them.
So when I found out about Kaito rewriting their history to turn them into twin sisters, i was so relieved and happy. I want to point out something: Sakura would never ever need a blood bond to love akiho like a sister. She already did. But Kaito, being as lonely and desperate as he was for his whole life, wanted to make sure that she would belong somewhere in the least painful way to her.
So now, we have Akiho, Sakura's twin who was born with a very frail health and lived with her great-grandfather to receive treatment. That makes sense with what happened to her and fits every piece of the puzzle very well.
That doesn't mean i'm very fond of the idea.
I like them being sisters. But the kinomotos sending their daughter to someone who was no-contact with them? I dont really like it.
I also disliked the idea of Sakura wanting to tell her all the truth about herself to her sister. But then i was instantly rewarded by syaosaku being the cutest, actually the only couple ever and reaffirming to each other that they're their most beloved person. Top 5 manga moments.
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Seriously, LOOK! AT! THEM!
I screamed, I rolled on the floor, I cried
And then, when all seems to be fixed, Sakura goes again to the dreaming world where she doesn't know what's real and what's a dream and sees Lillie, Akiho's mother and Nadeshiko's dear friend.
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At first she thinks that this was her but realizes it is actually someone who looks like her, and Lillie revelas that she crossed time and space to meet Sakura. This is probably How she knew that she and her friend would have two "adorable Alices" but i admit i dont know what to expect from now on. I'm really hanging on the hope to have more syaosaku moments.
All in all, I really loved this chapter, but there were frustrating moments on it.
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astratolia · 3 years
Promt: Fluff — Soft! Sasuke, Possessive! Sasuke
Requested by: @ishipsakurawitheveryone !
Trigger Warnings: N/A.
Summary: Sasuke was tired and shattered, but Sakura was always there to pick up the pieces and put him back together — or in which SasuSaku try to pick up a name for their daughter.
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Through the unmistakable emotions of grief and uncertainty, a passing grey cloud that brought not only rain but a whole tsunami, Sasuke had finally found containment. It wasn't enough to erase all the irritating pain from the wound in his heart; but some days were much easier than others.
Especially when he spent it with her.
Ironically, before the war he thought he had lost everything but, little did he know, that the people who remained loyal to a fault regarding him as a person, will be the ones who would save him from the miserable path of darkness.
Maybe it was because he finally realized wasn't alone in this journey. And now, looking at the cherry blossom trees, he couldn't help but think that something else of the same colour looked much more beautiful in his eyes.
“Sasuke-kun, is everything alright?” A gentle voice brought him out of his thoughts, and onyx eyes glanced at the place besides him almost nonchalantly.
The woman he loved — with hair as rosey as her name sake, and green eyes that reminded him of spring fields. Soft looking pink lips tilted up into a warm smile full of adoration even after everything that happened.
Sakura glanced away from him and at the bundle of blankets on her lap, her smile turning so bright, so full of love and just so motherly — that Sasuke had to look away, refusing to see the flashes of his past childhood where the same smile was in someone else's face.
“How is she?” He asked instead, leaning down to caught a glimpse of the small human that shared his own blood.
His family. He's with his family—
Sakura chuckled. “Quiet, as pair usual. I wonder from who she took that from.” She looked at him with a glimmer of mirth in her tongue, amusement coating her voice.
Slowly, a small smile took over his own face. It was a rare sight, something that seemed to make his wife extremely happy as her smile grew larger and she eagerly took in his expression; her eyes lingering on his lips a few moments longer than what is normally accepted.
“I wasn't quiet back then,” He simply said, sounding almost defensive. He watched as she raised an eyebrow at him in doubt. “I'm not quiet when I'm with you either.”
At that inquisition, Sakura's face bloomed into a deep shade of red; her blush traveling from her neck up to her ears. Sasuke couldn't help himself when his eyes softened, watching her with a quiet fondness that most would miss if not looked closer.
But Sakura was always aware of him. She could read him like an open book, it made him uncomfortable sometimes to have a person know him so well to a personal level; and it took him even more time to get used to it l, and actually relish the feeling of trusting and loving someone with every fiber of his being.
She cleared her throat. “Moving on—”
Sasuke's chuckle was lost in the wind as the rosette proceeded to lay her head on his shoulder, and shift their daughter closer to his own and her own chest in the middle. The Uchiha looked down at them as they laid on the grass with the backs on the tree, and his heart almost bursted when a tiny, very tiny little hand grasped his index finger.
“You know,” Sakura said softly. “We haven't decided on a name yet,” She stroked her thumb over her daughter's soft cheek, the touch so gentle it felt like feathers. “I have a couple in mind...”
He hummed, his eyes never straying away from the pink hair that formed a curtain over the form of her precious little life. “...Sarada.”
Sakura paused.
“You want to name our daughter salad?” She asked in bewilderment, turning to look at him like he grew ten tails behinds his back.
He furrowed his eyebrows. “Naruto means fishcake. What's so wrong about salad?”
The rosette pursed her lips, shaking her head at him like he couldn't understand the social norms. Which, he admits, he's rather behind in that particular criteria.
“...Mito?” Sakura suggested, looking thoughtful. “After Uzumaki Mito. She was a great and powerful Kunoichi.”
Sasuke thought about it, but his gut clenched in a way that had his insides churn by the thought of having a great, respectable name. Look at him; he's named after the powerful Sarutobi Sasuke and he came out to be like that.
“No,” He said immediately.
She scowled up at him, huffing before looking at the horizon and over the edge of the cliff, seeing the sunset setting slowly into dusk; the orange rays of sunlight lighting up the beautiful clearing in front of them.
“Ah!” She got an idea. “I think Morio mentioned a good name before,” She said, unknowingly that her husband stilled besides her at the mere mention of the person.
Morio... the one who gave Sakura a love letter during the Fourth Great Shinobi War, if Sasuke remembers correctly from her description during that time.
“Akahana,” She said, and the way the name rolled off her tongue sent Sasuke to a small frenzy.
“Definetely not!” He replied back with a little more heat that usual, which caused the rosette look taken aback.
“It's a good name,” She protested. “Red flower, I think it would suit her. After all, the Uchiha symbol carries red inside the fan, and red is also my favourite colour. It's also the colour of the Uchiha's Sharingan.”
“No,” His voice held no room for arguments. However, his arm drew around her shoulder, causing the woman to jump slightly from the unexpected contact; clearly not expecting him to initiate such monoeuvre. The Uchiha drew her closer with his remaining arm and buried his face into her neck, his dark hair covering and shadowing the expression in his eyes.
“Sasuke-kun?” The surprise was heard clearly in her voice, but he didn't say anything other than grunting out a hn.
“She's my daughter, not his.” He said almost bitterly.
Sakura grew even more confused. “What-”
“You're my wife.”
“I thought we established that when I agreed to marry you,” She looked down at the chakra-made ring on her ring-finger, the small red ruby glinting softly at the light.
“We did.” He agreed, making her even more confused.
Little did he know that the reason why Sakura was so confused was because she never looked at anyone else but him. It was always him who carried her heart, it was always him who she spent countless of hours thinking about. The mere thought of looking at someone else just seemed bizarre to her.
“So...” She trailed off after a beat if silence. “Sarada, ne?”
Sasuke grunted in agreement, tilting a little his head from her shoulder to look down at his daughter. “Uchiha Sarada.” He confirmed.
She giggled. “All of our family's names begin with Sa (サ) now.”
He didn't realised that, to be honest to himself. However, at this new found fact, a pleasant feeling traveled down his spine.
The sound that came from the back of his throat sounded a lot like an approval. It has Sakura shake her head fondly and bring little Sarada closer to them.
The small smile on Sasuke's lips didn't went undetected under Sakura's watchful eyes, and the two of them basked the peaceful atmosphere and the rare occurrence of being in each others arms.
Author's Note:
Hello! I hope you like this one shot of SasuSaku! I wasn't sure how I would approach this, especially with Sasuke's closed-off character, which is why it took me so long to form the idea and the general picture! Either ways, I hope you like it ♥️ I really put my heart to this while thinking of you, my reader! ✨
— Ann.
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sup-hoes-its-me · 3 years
Happy (Naruto x Reader)
Request: "I was thinking of something that Naruto and Reader have been best friends for a long time, and one day she gets hurt on a mission, and he cries, but in the end everything ends well."
A/N: request for @writing-x-reader sorry it took so long, end of the semester has been very difficult. Also my first naruto fic. We will see how it goes. Hope I did your request justice! Not proof read at all, sorry about that.
Word count: 3000
Jeez, how was it that someone like her managed to meet someone as perfect as him? It felt surreal.
She wanted to kiss him. She felt herself leaning forward just slightly, feeling her heart rate beat swiftly in her chest at the sight of his tired eyes laying beside her. He blew out steady breaths through his lips, and she thought they looked more kissable than ever before. He was such a sweet guy, so handsome and kind and brave, and everything in between. She wanted  him to be completely hers, but that wasn’t happening.
So she laid back down beside him on the plush grass and sighed. 
Could they ever be anything more than friends?  It seemed impossible. He had that long time crush on Sakura, for one. But he was also so dumb when it came to love and all those things. He couldn’t get her hints, and she was too shy to just tell him outright. It just seemed like a hopeless dream to think they would ever date. 
“You got a piece of something stuck in your hair.” Her hands ran to touch the strands that hung around her head, and he just laughed with a shake of his head. “Let me get it,” he told her softly, reaching out to take a piece of leaf from her hair. She felt her cheeks begin to heat up at his touch, and his kindness, and the way he was looking at her like she was the only thing in the world that mattered.
"You know, you should wear your hair down more often. It looks really nice on you. I like it," the blond commented, his head propped up in his hand, hair falling into his face and shading over his eyes. He had that kind smile across his face, whiskers and all just adding to the look she adored.
Her cheeks grew warmer at his words and she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Her nerves had silenced her. Instead, she simply shook her head and lowered her eyes, too bashful to maintain the eye contact.
"You- You're beautiful, you know? You really shouldn't be so shy."
Her heart raced at his words, and Y/N felt herself falling into a state of confusion and frustration. How could he say those things so casually, when to her it felt like he was playing with her entire heart in his hands? He was just so nice, and he always knew the right thing to say to make her like him even more, even deeper than she realized.
He laughed, leaning back against the grass and kicking one leg over the other. "What? Just being honest. Thought girls liked compliments?"
"No, no, I do. Thank you. I really should build confidence but it's not as easy as you think."
It was quiet for a moment, and she took that as her chance to get away, to clear her head and sort through all these conflicting thoughts.
Quickly, she gathered herself up and stood from the grass. She couldn’t be here anymore. She felt too many conflicting emotions running through her mind. She just wanted to be with him, but that was impossible. It made her stomach turn at the thought, and she just needed to get away, run as far as she could so she could be alone with her embarrassing crush on the hero of the leaf.
“I’ve got to go, Naruto.”
“Aw, really? It was so much fun just chilling here with you.”
He was having a good time? Of course he was, they were best friends. They wouldn't be friends if he didn't have a fun time when she was around. She shook her head softly to drown out her loud thoughts. “I’ll see you on our mission tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yep. See you.”
She walked off with heat in her cheeks and heart resting upon her sleeve. She was just so stupid. Crushing on someone so unattainable. The next opportunity she got to confess to him, she would. Just get it done instead of obsessively thinking about it all the time. It was driving her insane, and she needed to fix the situation. Whatever happened, she just hoped they remained friends afterwards. 
He was a sweet guy, he would most likely stay her friend and just forget about everything, right? 
Just stop thinking about it all, she scolded herself. It wqould only make her more nervous, or even avoid confessing at all. What had to be done, would be done. Whether they stayed the same afterwards or not would be a different story, and she could only hope for the best.
The blade came down upon Y/N with enough strength to pierce her skin and run all the way down her chest, tearing through the skin and some muscle as it did so. She cried out, so  surprised by the attack that her eyes widened and she had to do a double take. That man was behind her just a second ago, how did he get so close so fast? She didn’t know. All she knew was that blood was soaking deep into her tunic. 
If she had the strength left in her lungs, she would call out for her teammate, for Ino, to come and help her. She was a medical nin, right? But her chest ached, and the most she could get from her lips was a mere whisper. 
Everything hurt. Her body burned like fire had touched it, and her skin was hot and sticky to the touch.
She laid back on the ground, without any hope. Someone would get to her when they finished whatever they were doing, she just had to wait. It couldn’t be long.
And it wasn’t.
Naruto stood above her in an instant, and he was quick to fall to his knees at her side. His hands anxiously hovered over the long cut from the knife, and if she were seeing correct, they were shaking fiercely. The strong and brave Naruto brought to a quivering state? She couldn’t believe it. Maybe if he had found Sakura lying here instead, she could understand, but not her. She wasn’t anything special. 
“Y/N? Y/N? Are you alright?” he asked, leaning in closer to her face. 
“I'll be okay,” she whispered, reaching her hand out to latch onto one of his. He grabbed up her hand the second he saw her struggle, and cradled it within his own, squeezing maybe a little too hard for comfort, but she could definitely manage. She could feel the heart radiating from his warm hands into her dripping cold ones. A small smile crossed her lips at the feeling, holding his hands. It was nice.
“Y/N, please. Ino- I don’t know where Ino went. Just keep trying for a little longer,” he pleaded,and at this point, she noticed the tears that were brimming his eyes, sliding down his cheeks so silently, she probably wouldn’t notice them any other time if she weren’t so entranced by his features through the hazy lens. “Please, don’t die.”
“I-I don’t know, Naruto.”
“Yes, you do know! Don’t just give up , please! Don’t give up for me, okay?” he exclaimed, and she winced at the height of his voice. Quickly, the boy hushed down, collapsing down at her side from all the sadness seeping into his body. “You just can’t die. I need you,” he whimpered, wiping away at his tears with his shoulder.
“I know you’re my best friend, and I know you don’t see me this way, but I love you, Y/N. I’ve felt that way for the longest time,” he confessed, and she felt her heart pick up in her chest, skipping a beat at the sudden confession. He loved her. Naruto Uzumaki, the boy of her dreams, was in love with her. She was high on the endorphins running through her body, and  a soft smile lifted on her face. He only clutched at her hands harder, tears continuing to drip heavily down his cheeks. “You are just so perfect. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
She knew she didn’t have much time left. She was slipping across the line of consciousness, and she just wanted to get in one more thought before drifting to sleep for a while. 
“I-I love you, too, Naruto.”
“Okay, so live! You have to now. We have to go on dates and everything! Come on, Y/N, please!” he cried, more hysterical now than ever. She sighed, knowing that there was nothing she could do to mend away those painful tears. She was dying right here in front of him and there was nothing anyone could do. They just had to wait until Ino found them and hopefully heal her enough that she could live. It was worth a shot.
And if she died? So be it. She was content. In her last moments, she felt Naruto’s love completely fill her heart and mind. That was the most she could hope for in a situation like this, being surrounded by someone who cares about you so immensely it hurts. She squeezed his hands gently, as she felt her eyes closing. He pleaded with her once again, but to no avail, she was out like a light. 
He kept on crying, harder now that she was gone and he couldn’t even see her eyes anymore, or hear another word leave her mouth. He felt like everything was coming crashing down on him at once. His poor friend was lying in front of his dying, and he couldn’t do anything to help her besides leaving the body alone to look for Ino, or just wait. He wasn’t too found of the thought of abandoning her body out here in the woods like that.
He clutched at her cold hand in his shaky ones, trying to feel some comfort in the skin to skin touch. Anything to bring her back to him and make him feel like things were okay again.
Ino rushed out of the forest as fast as she could after hearing Naruto call her name a couple times out in the open. Her eyes widened at the sight in front of her. Y/N looked dead. Her body was so covered in blood she couldn’t make out an inch of her shirt that wasn’t soaked in it.
“What happened to Y/N?”
“I don’t even know. One second she was fine and the next she looked like this!” Naruto cried as Ino crouched one the other side of her body. Immediately, she set to work healing, and thankfully, there was enough chakra flowing through the girl’s body to signal a swift recovery. Ino wasn’t sure if she’d ever seen Naruto a blubbering mess the way he was right now. He was crying and sobbing, and shaking like a poor little leaf. The blond rightfully felt terrible for not being there sooner.
“Naruto, what’s wrong? Y/N is going to be fine, I promise.”
“I couldn’t even protect her. I love her so much, and I let this happen to her. What sort of friend does that make me?” he cried, trying desperately to wipe the tears from his eyes so Ino couldn’t see anymore. Guess it doesn’t matter though,  does it?
“You love her?”
“Well, she definitely loves you, too,” Ino sighed, continuing her work. She could feel Y/N getting better with every second that passed by, and she hoped there wouldn’t be any permanent damage. There was no way to tell right now, so she would just wait.
Naruto’s brows perked, and he asked, “What? How do you know?”
“She’s told me. Like, a bunch of times.”
Naruto sat back, falling flat on his butt in surprise. Y/N loved him? For a while? She liked him enough to divulge in her crush to friends? How did he never notice? They were best friends, he was around her almost all the time. How could she keep something like that a secret? He thought he’d made it more than obvious that he had a crush on her, but he guessed she never noticed that either. 
He was confused, rightfully so. Finding out your friend has a crush on is weird enough, but it being requited is a completely different thing. What would happen after this? Would they date? Was that even an option? Would she even want to? Maybe when she said I love you, she meant it as a friend. That could be it. 
He really just couldn’t make up his mind.
He would just have to wait until they got home, when she was awake and sound of mind, before they could figure out what was going on between them. The waiting would kill him, he was sure of it. But it had to be done.
When they arrived back at the village, Y/N was taken to the infirmary immediately. She was hooked up to machines and laid down in a white, sterile room away from Naruto’s prying eyes. Rightfully so, he was anxious to see her. They had just confessed their love to each other, what else could be more pressing than that?
The boy walked around in spiraling circles through the waiting room awaiting the doctor to peek her head in and inform him of her condition. And she did, after a couple hours. She walked into the room and told him it was time to go and visit her, she would be waking up any time now.
She lay still in the bed, only soft breaths bringing her chest to rise and fall. He collapsed into the seat beside her bed and reached out, taking a hold of her hand and squeezing it. Maybe if he continued to squeeze her hand, she would wake up sooner, he thought. He needed to see her, to hear her voice, anything. Just seeing her laying in this bed was driving him insane. There was too much to talk about.
And when her eyes started to open, he found himself practically jumping up from his chair to be closer to her. She groaned, lifting her other hand to rub at her tired eyes. 
“Naruto?” she asked in her sleepy state, confused as to why he would be there of all people. She turned her head to see the ball of sunshine sitting beside her, holding her hand even, and staring her right in the eyes. She felt heat begin to fill her cheeks. Was he that excited to make sure she was okay?
“I’m so glad you’re okay. I was so worried about you.”
“I-I’m sorry for making you worry so much,” she found herself mumbling the first thought that came to her mind, no matter how silly it may have been.
 He clutched at her hand, shaking his head furiously at what she had just said. “Stop! Don’t say sorry! It’s my fault for not protecting a teammate out there.” It wasn’t his responsibility to make sure she was okay the entire time, he had other priorities of course. She sighed, shaking her head, but not arguing with him.
"You're right. But you did help me out when I was down and I appreciate that."
"Of course! It's what a good guy does," he chirped, but his mind was obviously on something else that they had avoided so far in their conversation. His eyes trailed to the table beside her, not wanting to look her in the eyes as he brought it up. "About what we said back there."
"Yeah, the confessions…"
He asked, doubt just now creeping up in the back of his mind, "You meant it, right?" She was in distress. It could have been a love confession out of desperation. He was definitely over thinking things, something he rarely did. He was so straightforward. Just calm down, he told himself.
"I meant what I said. I hope you meant everything you said too," she told him, still feeling that heat creeping up her neck and ears now. So embarrassing. 
"You bet I did! I'm so happy you like me back! I've liked you for so long, Y/N."
"So that means we can go on dates like you said? Ramen dates, maybe?"
"Ooohh, Ichiraku dates. Sounds so good."
He was happier than he ever felt before, high off life and love and just so much emotion it was bubbling out. He smiled at his new found girlfriend, just watching as she went on about cute date ideas they could go on, her eyes lighting up and her lips curled up in a sweet smile he loved.
Times were good. So freaking good.
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lockefanfic · 3 years
Business Trip: Pt 43 - Crazy
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You’d been with your share of women who liked rough sex - Seulgi, Chaeyoung, occasionally Momo and Seolhyun. But those girls had always been interested in kinks that were at least somewhat consistent with their personalities. It wasn’t much of a surprise that Seulgi was into rough, occasionally painful sex; likewise, Chaeyoung’s preference for zip ties and name calling didn’t strike you as being out of character with the type of person she was outside of the bedroom.
Miyawaki Sakura was either lazy and airheaded or intense and intimidating, depending on what she was doing. Before you were made aware of this new facet of Sakura’s personality you’d only seen such duality before in Sana; but Sana’s personality swings didn’t surprise you like Sakura’s did, nor was the difference between her two poles nearly as extreme as that of the Japanese police officer.
Sakura was altogether different from those girls. She was two sides of the same constantly flipping coin, it seemed. At the moment you were finding out that this duality extended to her sexual pursuits, where she flipped between being an overly friendly, sugary sweet girl to a woman with very specific, very unique kinks on a minute-by-minute basis.
“I’m so sorry about earlier,” she states, the tone in her voice sounding much more pleasant than earlier in the day, especially as it echoed against the cold shower tiles. “I was in the middle of re-reading the Fate series. Did you know the third movie is coming out this summer? I’m sooo looking forward to it. Are you familiar with the Fate series?”
Speaking proved exceedingly difficult given the ball gag in your mouth, and so you settled for nodding.
“She’s going away for awhile, don’t you worry.”
“She better be,” you answer. “I just hope she leads us to the other three members of Blackpink before they lock her up - or that Canadian officer takes her overseas. Did you have a chat with Officer Miyawaki about this?”
“I’ve told her we want time with Rose before she’s extradited and Officer Miyawaki has promised to raise the issue with her superiors, but she hasn’t quite gotten around to it yet,” Nayeon answers.
You both peer into the interrogation room through the one-way glass. On one side of the table sits Rose, her head in her hands. In her prisoner’s jumpsuit and messy hair, she looked outright miserable - a far cry from the dolled up look she sported at the event two days prior. Gone is the haughty, arrogant air that she wore about her like perfume - now she looked small, afraid, almost as if the cold reality of what was about to happen to her had just recently set in.
She hadn’t said a word since she stepped into the room. The young, nervous looking YG-appointed lawyer seated next to her rebuffed all of the questions directed to her client by telling her that she didn’t have to answer anything, as was her right. Rose’s body language, though, told you all you needed to know about her state of mind.
On the other side of the table are Jihyo and Somi Douma, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer who had arrested Rose at the event. Both of them are placing piece after piece of evidence onto the table in an attempt to get something out of the Blackpink member - to no avail so far, thanks to her lawyer. The looks of frustration on the two young officers has been steadily building, but it is tempered somewhat by the fact that much of the evidence was simply indisputable. Rose’s silence today would do nothing to keep her from spending a lot of time behind bars when the time came.
The other two occupants of the room, sitting in a smaller table by the exit, are Mina and Officer Miyawaki. The former is diligently jotting down notes from the meeting into an iPad, the latter seemingly engaged in something important on her phone - but given her known predisposition for playing video games on the job and the fact that her phone was horizontal, you decided she was likely playing a game.
“Sakura was super intense at the event,” Nayeon says, as if reading your thoughts regarding the young Japanese police officer. “When she showed up with Jihyo and Somi to arrest Rose, she had her game face on. It was almost scary. She wanted to see layouts of the building, possible exits and escape routes, dossiers on who might be there and who they might be with. She looked ready to take down every bad guy in the entire restaurant, all on her own.”
“I saw,” you agree. “She walked in there like she owned the place. Rose’s bodyguard tried to stop her, but whatever she said to him made him look like a whipped dog afterward. She destroyed that guy.”
“And now here she is at a major interrogation involving multiple international parties and she’s on her phone playing Among Us,” Nayeon scoffs. “It’s like she has an on and off switch when it comes to her job. I don’t get it. To be honest, I find it a little odd that the precinct would bury someone with her on-site skills in the record keeping department and not out in the field walking a beat.”
You take a moment to consider Nayeon’s point. She was right; surely the Tokyo PD could make better use of Sakura by constantly keeping her in the field, where she clearly excelled, instead of the records department where she was buried under paperwork she had little interest in. There had to be a reason behind it all, but you currently had more pressing issues on your mind than the Japanese liaison officer’s career prospects.
“We need to make sure she gets us that time with Rose. Preferably without her lawyer present.”
“That would be against the rules,” Nayeon says, hesitantly. She knew what you were implying and while she knew you weren’t going to hurt Rose or do anything stupid, she felt she had to tell you anyway out of obligation.
“There’s nothing illegal about me having a chat with a lovely young Australian woman I met at an event a few nights ago,” you reply with a sly smile.
Nayeon smirks, but understands your implication. “I’ll remind Officer Miyawaki,” she says.
In the room, Sakura lets out a sigh, rolling her eyes back into her head - her spaceman was likely just bitten in half by an impostor. Next to her, Mina frowns and shakes her head, a look of plain disapproval on her face.
“No, don’t worry about it,” you say. “I’ll remind her myself.”
It didn’t take long to find Sakura later that day. She was absent from her desk, but a nearby colleague told you she was on her lunch hour - even though at that point it was nearly three in the afternoon. While your time with Nayeon and Jihyo had informed you that law enforcement officers saw lunch breaks as a rare luxury, you also knew that Sakura didn’t conform to the usual expectations of this particular line of work. With your limited Japanese and a healthy amount of hand gestures, you were able to ascertain from her colleague that she usually took her lunch breaks on the roof of the building.
The precinct proved to be a little bit of a maze, but you eventually found your way to the roof, which, like many buildings in Asia, was open to access and was often used as a kind of recreational space for the building’s inhabitants. After your time inside the cramped interior of the building you were happy to be outside again, enjoying the fresh air and the sunny, crisp winter afternoon.
Sitting on a bench in one of the corners of the space was Sakura, legs crossed, her nose buried in what looked like a manga. The small pile of convenience store sandwich containers and empty candy wrappers that occupied the rest of the bench confirmed that she was indeed on her lunch break. The volume of the trash, however, implied she’d been there awhile, leading you to wonder just how long her lunch “hours” usually lasted.
“Officer Miyawaki,” you say as you approach her, “I’m sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if-”
You are stopped mid-sentence by a raised finger. Without taking her attention from the manga, Sakura reaches for a half-full bottle of Pocari Sweat next to her on the bench, which she brings to her mouth to take a sip. Eyes working quickly, she finishes the page she was reading before turning the page and devouring that one as well. With brows furrowed and eyes narrowed with concentration, there is a clear look of complete and utter intensity on her face that you’d seen only once before - when she was confronting Rose’s bodyguard and putting him in his place. 
When you’d first been introduced to Miyawaki Sakura you’d wondered just how she had managed to keep her job given her obvious laziness and what seemed to be an utter lack of interest in her duties - or even in maintaining the false appearance of an interest. But her role in the events of two nights prior, and the seriousness with which she carried herself while on-site, answered that question for you. It became clear that her superiors kept her around because when the chips were down and the game was on, she could put on a game face that almost scared you with its intensity. When that happened, she was almost a different person entirely.
The question then became why her superiors had assigned her to the record keeping department. Was it a demotion? Did they think she was too unstable or unreliable for field work? There had to be a reason. 
She goes on for three more pages, consuming the art and text within the manga like they were some sort of life-giving energy source that she could not go a moment more without. You are left to stand there, awkwardly, a little taken aback by the speed and ease at which she had silenced you - but unconsciously, a little afraid of what might happen if you’d insisted on interrupting her reading.
Finally, after reaching what seemed to be a chapter’s conclusion or some other boundary within the manga, she retrieves a bookmark from her bench and marks her place before finally acknowledging your presence.
“Yes?” she says, a look of undisguised annoyance on her otherwise soft, adorable features.
“I, well, I was… um, hoping we could have a quick moment of your time, Officer Miyawaki,” you answer, suddenly unsure of your words, your tongue having turned into stone in your mouth. You’d expected a fast and easy chat - you usually had no problems charming your share of pretty young women - but your resolve had faltered unexpectedly under the piercing gaze of the young officer.
“About?” she asks, plainly, even though you knew what you wanted to talk about must have been obvious to her. What else could it have been, if not Rose? Did she just want to hear you ask for something? Did she want to hear you beg and grovel?
“About the girl, uh, the woman that Officer Dou- I mean, you, you placed in your custody a couple of nights ago,” you answer. 
“Yes, and, what about her?”
“I was hoping I could have a chat- er, maybe, some time, with her. Alone, before she, they, she’s, well... taken away.”
“And what would you want to speak to her about?”
“Well, you see, um…. we’re kind of after her colleagues - three of them. They’re in this team, er, corporate espionage group - they’re called Blackpink. I, well, me, my team and I, we were hoping she could lead us to the other three.”
Sakura takes a moment to weigh your request, her large, deep eyes boring into yours. You were a little ashamed to admit you were faltering a little bit under the intensity of her gaze. While you were sure her current demeanor was borne from you so rudely interrupting her reading and not from any malicious intent, it did little to keep you from withering under her look.
Eventually Sakura’s eyes leave you, and you find yourself releasing an inward sigh of relief to be free of her gaze. 
“I can arrange something,” she says as she opens her manga again. “But it will cost you. Helping you and that foreign officer during that arrest resulted in a lot of extra paperwork for me.”
You are about to say something about her job and the amount of work she actually had to do, especially given the fact that she was in the middle of what seemed to be a three hour lunch break, but an unconscious fear of being put under her gaze once more meant that your response died in your throat.
“What exactly… can I do f-for you, Officer Miyawaki?”
“Sakura is fine,” she says under her breath as she finds her place in her manga. “Meet me in the precinct showers in two hours. Cancel any appointments you may have this afternoon.”
You are left a little stunned by her demand, and what it might have meant. The possibilities run through your mind at a million miles an hour; what did she mean-
“You can leave,” Sakura states, and not wanting to risk her ire by lingering any longer, you quickly turn and leave.
You’d been with your share of women who liked rough sex - Seulgi, Chaeyoung, occasionally Momo and Seolhyun. But those girls had always been interested in kinks that were at least somewhat consistent with their personalities. It wasn’t much of a surprise that Seulgi was into rough, occasionally painful sex; likewise, Chaeyoung’s preference for zip ties and name calling didn’t strike you as being out of character with the type of person she was outside of the bedroom.
Miyawaki Sakura was either lazy and airheaded or intense and intimidating, depending on what she was doing. Before you were made aware of this new facet of Sakura’s personality you’d only seen such duality before in Sana; but Sana’s personality swings didn’t surprise you like Sakura’s did, nor was the difference between her two poles nearly as extreme as that of the Japanese police officer.
Sakura was altogether different from those girls. She was two sides of the same constantly flipping coin, it seemed. At the moment you were finding out that this duality extended to her sexual pursuits, where she flipped between being an overly friendly, sugary sweet girl to a woman with very specific, very unique kinks on a minute-by-minute basis.
“I’m so sorry about earlier,” she states, the tone in her voice sounding much more pleasant than earlier in the day, especially as it echoed against the cold shower tiles. “I was in the middle of re-reading the Fate series. Did you know the third movie is coming out this summer? I’m sooo looking forward to it. Are you familiar with the Fate series?”
Speaking proved exceedingly difficult given the ball gag in your mouth, and so you settled for nodding.
“Ah, that’s good!” Sakura exclaims, “I’m such a big fan. I totally ship Shirou and Saber, although I’m also a fan of Shirou and Sakura - I bet you can guess why! I like both couples, though; it really depends on what mood I’m in! Sometimes I- whoops, is that too tight for you?”
It was. The girl knew how to tie a neat, tight knot (which itself raised several questions) and the thick nylon rope dug painfully into your wrists as she tied them behind your back, but you gave your head a shake nonetheless. The black cloth blindfold she’d tied around your head was similarly a little too tight for comfort and was beginning to give you a headache - not that you were willing, or even able, to tell Sakura as such.
Even if you could speak, you weren’t sure you would stop her from proceeding. You were equal parts terrified and aroused by the sharp, unexpected turn of events this afternoon had taken, but the thought of stopping the young woman hadn’t yet occurred to you.
“Good, I don’t want to hurt you. Anyway, yeah, I’m sorry if I came off rude this afternoon. I just don’t like to be interrupted during my lunch hour. That’s when I get all my reading done! Because the rest of the day I’m so busy with work, you see. Anyway… you’re all set!”
You obviously couldn’t see her through the blindfold, but the loud click-clack of Sakura’s high-heeled shoes against the shower tiles tell you she has stepped in front of you. The next few moments of silence provide no audible clue to tell you what she is doing, but you knew she was likely giving you a good long look from head to toe, as if enjoying the sight of you sitting on a stool, gagged, bound, and blindfolded.
“It’s time to begin, I think. Are you ready?” 
Her tone reminded you a little bit of any of a hundred anime voice actors, particularly those that voiced the sugary sweet and cute characters. And Sakura was nothing if not cute, although she also seemed to have a bit of a crazy side to her - a side it seemed you were about to get to know intimately, whether you were ready for it or not.
You nod, because there wasn’t much else you could do.
“Good! Let’s start!” she says, sounding a bit like an announcer for a game that involved Italian plumbers and dragon/turtle hybrids racing go-karts - and not like she was about to engage in a sexual act with very particular, very specific kinks.
So when she straddles you on the stool, her long, thin legs suddenly on either side of your waist and her small frame atop your lap, you were a little unsure about how to react to the juxtaposition between her tone and her actions. With other women you would have enjoyed the weight of her body on top of yours and the promise of impending pleasure. But with Sakura you were a little hesitant - and as much as you hated to admit it, almost a little afraid.
“So as I mentioned earlier, I’d be happy to set up a meeting with you and that Australian chick,” she says, her voice dripping with sugar even as you feel her trace random patterns with her fingertip on your jawline and chin. “But I’ll need to get something out of it.”
You are unable to manage anything more than a muffled groan, and so you settle for nodding your head once more.
Sakura’s hand drifts lower, her fingertip never breaking contact with you as it drifts down your neck and chest, eventually reaching the buckle of the jeans you wore. Her fingers work quickly, and before you know it she has your button undone and the zipper lowered, your quickly hardening shaft aching for its impending release from its cotton prison.
“Oh! You are quite eager for us to begin, I see.”
You nod.
“Well then, let’s see what you’re hiding under here.”
Sakura’s tone continues to be that of a cute, sweet girl. Her actions, as she frees your nearly fully hardened shaft from your boxers, are altogether the opposite.
You feel the breath leave your lungs in a rush as she grasps your cock in her small, dainty little hands for the first time and gives it a few small, exploratory pumps. It would have been utterly arousing at any other time. But now, wrists bound behind you and with your eyes and mouth rendered useless, it almost felt like your sense of touch was heightened - and it felt utterly sublime. It wasn’t long before you the Japanese police officer had brought you to full, aching stiffness.
“I see now why your team is full of those women,” she observes, a slight hint of edge appearing in her tone. “I bet they love taking turns being filled with this.”
“Mmmghmm,” you answer.
“What’s that? You fuck them on a daily basis? I bet you pump their thirsty mouths and wet little pussies just full of your cum on the regular, don’t you? Maybe those tight little asses too?”
“I bet they love it, too, don’t they? I bet you have them all bent to your will like the obedient, needy little fucktoys that they are. Is that right?”
“I knew it. I knew all of those girls were filthy little sluts the second I saw them.”
To hear such filth come out of Sakura’s mouth - out of a girl whom you’d pegged as being adorable and cute if a little airheaded and lazy - was more than a little bewildering. Each of her words dripped with sweet sugar tone even if the actual content of her words was dirty and nasty. Two sides of the same coin. Two faces of the same girl.
“Well, I think it’s time for us to play a game. Do you want to play a game?”
For a second you are frozen as a shiver of fear crawls up your spine - you’d seen enough horror movies to know that nothing good ever followed that question. But you had to admit that it both frightened and aroused you. Part of you wanted to submit to her every whim, and part of you suddenly wanted to run away as quickly as you could. 
You nod.
“Good! I’m happy. Let’s lay down the rules. Hmmm… well, there’s actually only two! Are you ready for them? Are you paying attention?”
It was a little difficult to do so, truth be told. She hadn’t stopped pumping your cock, at an almost lazy pace, with her slender, soft hands. She had begun to squeeze on the downstroke and loosen on the upstroke, causing a delicious little jolt of pleasure to shoot right to your brain every few seconds.
You nod.
“Okay! Rule number one - every time you make me cum, I remove one item of your choice: your blindfold, your gag, or the ties at your wrists. How much time I give you with the Australian girl depends on how good you fuck, I guess! I’ll make the judgement at the end. Rule number two - you don’t get to say anything aside from a ‘yes’ or a ‘no.’ Pretty simple, huh? You understand the rules, right?”
Despite laying down the ground rules for what would likely be a filthy sexual act, Sakura sounds a bit like a voice actor reading the script to the tutorial level of a Mario Party game. The prospect of regaining your ability to see, touch and taste her was appealing, and with the ball gag filling your mouth you couldn’t exactly voice any objections to her rules even if you had any.
You nod.
“Good! Then let’s begin!”
Without giving you much time to ready yourself, Sakura presses her body forward on your lap - and almost immediately you feel the wet heat of her pussy pressed against the base of your shaft.
Before she put the blindfold on you, the police officer had been wearing a short blue skirt and black heels along with the blue blouse that formed her uniform. Had she removed her panties somewhere along the way? Was she ever wearing panties at all?
Your brain had little time or bandwidth to answer those questions - not as Miyawaki Sakura began to grind herself against the underside of your cock, her hips swirling up and down, finding and trapping your shaft between the splayed lips of her pussy and moving, slowly at first, up and down its length. She is absolutely dripping. Her flesh is hot and warm against your cock. Were your mouth not gagged, you would have let out a long, wordless moan - but it escapes your throat as a wet, guttural sound instead.
Sakura, her own mouth unbound, lets the first outward sign of her arousal escape her lips in a long, drawn-out gasp. The entire process - binding you, teasing you, explaining her rules to you - must have turned her on immensely. The slick, warm juices that coated your cock in a thick, glistening layer with each grind of her hips were clear indication of how turned on she was. You found yourself impressed that she was able to hide her need for so long behind her sickly sweet tone.
“Mmmm, that feels so good!” she gasps. “Mmm, you’re so big, and you’re not even inside me yet!”
You nod.
And so for a few delicious minutes you are content to let the small Japanese girl grind herself harder and harder against your cock, her slick, hot pussy pressed against the underside of your shaft, sliding up and down, up and down, up and down. The small shower room reverberates with the soft squeaking of your stool on the tiles, and the soft, pleasant moans of pleasure that leave Sakura’s throat.
“Mmm, fuck, I’m gonna cum already, fuck, you’re gonna make me cum so quickly, mmmmm, your cock is so hard! Do you like the feel of my pussy? The feel of my clit on your cock? Hmmm? Do you want to be inside me?”
You nod. 
You are surprised by how quickly she was coming to her first orgasm, even if the heat emanating from her splayed pussy lips as she grinds them against you, combined with the sheer amount of the juices that were now running down your balls, clearly indicated how needy and wanton she was even before she first touched you.
“D-Do you want me… oh, fuck… do you want me to-to cum all over your hard cock?”
You nod.
Sakura’s response is to orgasm. 
You’d been with plenty of women before, witnessed the many forms of the female orgasm and the differences in the bodies of each woman when she finally reaches her peak. Each was unique. But even given that fact, you knew that no other woman on Earth orgasmed like Miyawaki Sakura did.
She felt a little bit like she was being jolted with electricity - every fibre of her being quivered and shook like she had a thousand volts coursing through her veins. It was almost unnerving, in a way, and from the way her small body trembled atop yours you were worried that she had hurt herself somehow. 
Even the way she orgasmed was far from the norm. The more you knew about Miyawaki Sakura, the more and more you were frightened of her. 
But the same things that frightened you also aroused you.
It seems to last forever, her orgasm. When her body finally winds down, the loud breaths that leave her throat and the fact that she has slumped forward onto your chest imply that she is somewhat drained by the experience.
“That was pretty good!” Sakura exclaims once she has regained her energy, sounding once more like she were some sort of video game announcer. “As per the rules of our game, you get to remove one item. What would you like it to be?”
Your options run though your head, each with their own merits. You would’ve loved to finally lay your hands on the young woman, and the thought of watching her cum obviously appealed to you, but the opportunity to taste her won out.
“Mowwffth,” you manage to mumble. 
“Your mouth? You want to get rid of the gag? Are you sure?” Sakura asks, sounding the way a video game does when you decide to overwrite a game save and it wants you to be sure of your decision.
You nod.
“Okay! Away it goes!”
Sakura reaches behind your head and you feel the ball gag loosen before she rips it none-too-gently from your mouth. A drip of saliva spills from your mouth - one that Sakura is quick to lick off your chin with her tongue.
Her tongue, feeling long and particularly flexible, traces a path up your chin until it finds your lips. She crushes your lips with hers in a torrid, passionate kiss that had little affection but plenty of need, her hands quickly reaching behind your blindfolded head and pressing your head against hers as she sticks her tongue as far into your mouth as she could. Your tongue wrestles with hers, but she quickly gains the upper hand, and it is all you can do to sit there and submit to letting the young woman explore your mouth at her whim.
When she finally tears her lips from yours she lets out a satisfied sigh.
“Mmmm, that was a good choice. You’re a good kisser! And it will definitely help you when it comes to the next way you’re going to make me cum. Are you ready?”
“Yes,” you say, finally happy to be able to speak.
“Good. Get ready!”
Sakura climbs off your lap, and you lament the loss of her warm body for a split second - until you hear the snap of her foot meeting the stool you were sitting on, followed by a sharp thud of your butt hitting the floor as she kicks the stool out from under you.
You are about to groan in pain at your hard, unexpected landing, about to protest at the way she was treating you - when you hear Sakura step over your body, her crotch just inches from your face. She must have been lifting her skirt to get it out of the way, because when she presses herself against you, you find yourself face to face with her pussy.
There was no doubt in your mind now. Miyawaki Sakura was crazy.
But you weren’t in a position to complain, not with the girl’s juicy, slick, hot pussy suddenly and fiercely pressed against your face, her splayed lips immediately smearing your nose, lips and chin with her juices. By instinct your tongue darts out, almost like a defensive measure. You begin to lick her slowly, hesitantly, still caught a little wrong footed by her ridiculous aggressiveness - but Sakura was having none of that, and she quickly grasps the back of your scalp with one hand and presses it against her warm, wet folds.
“You can do better than that,” she says, her tone still that of the video game announcer, as though she were encouraging a kart racer who had fallen behind. “Eat my pussy like the hungry little fucktoy you are.”
You follow her orders, as much out of fear of upsetting her as the need to finally have your fill of the needy young woman’s body. You start by giving her long, slow licks from the bottom of her pussy to the top, ensuring to add a little swirl of the tip of your tongue around her engorged clit as  you reach it. Sakura moans in pleasure as you drink of her, enjoying the pleasant, sweet bitterness of the girl’s plentiful juices on your tongue.
When you decide that the steadily rising volume of her moans and gasps, enhanced by the echoing off the shower room’s tiled walls, has reached a high point, you quickly switch up your technique, latching your lips as best you could around her clit before swiping at it in broad, strong strokes with your tongue. You begin with strokes that begin and the bottom and end at the top. When she begins to quiver and shake, you begin to trace random patterns around her taut little bud.
“You’re doing so great!” Sakura moans, “I’ve never felt anything like that!”
You are almost annoyed now with her tone of voice - not that you were in a position to complain, not while her wet, slick lips were sweet upon your tongue and lips. You continue to swipe at her clit with your tongue, using the flat of it now to ensure maximum contact with the taut bud. Sakura begins to grind her hips against you, almost crushing her pussy against your face in an effort to draw every ounce of pleasure from your tongue as she could.
What a sight it would have been for anyone walking into the precinct showers at that moment. A man sitting on the floor, blindfolded and with hands bound behind his back, while Miyawaki Sakura stood over him, one hand pulling her skirt up and another gripping the back of his skull, pressing his helpless face against the wet, slick lips of her pussy.
Sakura grinds her face against you. You almost struggle to breathe - every time you come up for air, she presses you against the hot, slick flesh of her pussy with the hand grasping the back of your scalp. It was frightening. It was almost too much to handle. But it was also intensely, perversely arousing.
“Ah, stop, I need you inside me right now,” she snaps - the first time she’d broken her tone and shown the slightest hint of losing her composure. “Are you ready?”
“Fuck yes, Sakura. I want-”
Sakura silences you with a raised finger to your lips, just as she did earlier that afternoon on the rooftop.
“Just a yes or no, remember?”
“Y...yes,” you answer, suitably chastised.
“Good. Now sit there and be a good little cock for me to fuck.”
Sakura drops to her knees, straddling you once more. With your hands still bound behind your back you are unable to lie back fully, and so you settle into a sitting position as she sits on your lap. You would’ve given anything to get your hands on her hips, particularly as she adjusted herself for penetration - but you had to admit, not being able to see her or touch her beyond what she allowed your mouth and hips to do only heightened the intensity of your other senses.
She wastes no time. You felt her slim fingers on your cock for a moment, aligning your tip with her entrance, before she drops her hips and takes you inside her for the first time.
You both sigh out loud - loud, breathy sounds that echo off the tile surrounding you. Sakura gasps as you fill her completely, your crotches finally meeting as she fills herself with your stiff shaft for the first time. For a second you regret your choice to free your mouth and wish you’d freed your arms instead, as it would have allowed you to lie on your back and thus let Sakura penetrate herself more deeply - not that you were actually upset at being finally inside the needy, mewling young police officer.
“Oh my,” Sakura sighs, “you’re so fucking big inside me! Now I see, ohh! I see why those other girls keep you around! But now it’s my turn. My turn to use you as a fucktoy. Do you like being a fucktoy for me? Do you like being nothing more than a toy cock for me to fuck myself with?”
You want to argue with her, put her in her place, spit the same vulgarities and names right back at her. But there is a sharp, edgy undertone to Miyawaki Sakura, a kind of fierceness that made you fear what would happen if you did.
You decide to let her have her way - for now at least.
“Good! Then get ready!”
Any misgivings you may have had about Sakura, about her double-sided personality, about her lack of professionalism when off-site and intimidating intensity when actually in the field, even about the way she spoke so casually and vulgarly about your relationship with your team - they all flew right out the window as she began to ride you. Every muscle in her small, lean body seemed devoted to driving your stiff shaft in and out of her body, each of her movements propelling her up and down as fast and hard as she was able. 
For all her faults and almost frightening instability, Miyawaki Sakura knew how to ride a cock.
You supposed you shouldn’t be surprised by the lack of build up to the way Sakura rode you. It was all you could do to grit your teeth and attempt to stay upright as her tight, lithe body rocked up and down, threatening to tip you over and onto your back, which, given your bound hands, would have been quite uncomfortable. Thankfully Sakura quickly grips onto your shoulders, helping keep you upright as she used them for more leverage, driving you in and out of the hot, wet flesh between her legs again and again.
“Oh, oh fuck, you’re so fucking big!” Sakura moans, seemingly barely able to turn her thoughts into words before she abandons the thought of speaking altogether, relying instead on a wordless string of gasps and sighs to articulate the pleasure coursing through her veins.
You grit your teeth, relishing the feel of her tight heat wrapped around your cock as she continued to ride you with fierce abandon on the shower floor. Eager to do something more than merely hold on, you lean forward, searching for and then finding her upper chest, pressing your lips against the small patch of exposed skin at the top of her blouse. 
Sakura catches on to what you were doing, and the next thing you hear is the sound of buttons ripping from fabric as she quite literally tears the blouse open.
Were any other girl to rip open a button up shirt to give you access to her chest, you would have been surprised with her recklessness - but with Sakura it was simply par for the course.
Your hungry lips press themselves against the newly revealed skin of her upper chest, greedly pressing against her pale, vanilla skin, licking and kissing and tasting. Soon you find her neck, latching onto the warmth you find there, sucking hard enough to bruise her and leave marks on her otherwise perfect skin. Sakura hugs you tightly against her body, not lowering her pace at all, still riding you fiercely, her hips not ceasing for a moment in their desire to fill herself over and over again with stiff, hard cock. 
The minutes pass as the tiny little police officer fucks herself on your stiff cock, the small shower space filled with your wordless moans and the wet slap of flesh hitting flesh.
The entire experience was torrid, fierce, intense. Sakura was so unpredictable, so unreadable - and that was even not counting the fact that you were blindfolded or had your hands bound. Her personality seemed to flip from moment to moment, and while a part of you missed the stability and predictability of your other partners, you would have been lying if you had said Sakura’s sheer craziness didn’t also turn you on in its own unique, special way.
When Sakura cums, her body turning into the same shaking, quivering mess she was when she came the first time, you are thankful - because you were close behind. Her flesh tightens and pulsates around you even more than you’d thought possible.
“I’m gonna cum, Sakura,” you hiss, forsaking for a moment her rule to limit your speaking to simple yesses or nos, and being thankful she was so far lost in the pleasure overtaking her senses that she was unable to pick up on that particular rule violation.
“Fucking fill my tight little pussy with your hot cum, you little fucktoy!”
Helpless to do much else, you allow yourself to finally fall over the edge, letting a deep, low groan escape your throat as your cock spasms and begins to spurt thick, hot cum inside the still-quivering Japanese girl’s wet, slick pussy. Even as your cock fills her with semen Sakura doesn’t stop, still riding you fiercely, still impaling herself with what was left of her energy, pushing your cum even deeper inside of herself with each thrust of your spasming cock. 
It’s almost painful the way she slams her entire weight onto your crotch and the cold, unforgiving floor beneath it. You would’ve given anything to just hold her down by her hips and savor the feeling of your orgasm, the feeling of filling a young woman’s pussy with your cum for the first time. But what you wanted didn’t matter. You were in no position to tell her what you wanted, and she probably wouldn’t have cared even if you were.
When she finally stops it is almost a mercy. You are drained of energy like you’d never been before - utterly physically and mentally spent. Your cock still embedded hilt deep inside her, she reaches up and finally slips the blindfold from your eyes. You spend a few seconds blinking rapidly, your eyes unused to the sudden brightness.
“That was a great job! You have one hour with Rose,” she says, her face bright and cheerful, as though she were congratulating the first place kart racer and wasn’t currently impaled with a recently orgasmed cock, filled to the brim with its fresh, hot semen. She grabs you fiercely by the skull and gives you a final, fierce kiss. 
“Will an hour be enough?” she asks when she finally tears her lips from yours. Able to see now, you lock eyes with her, and while her eyes are large and bright, you notice now that they are laced with more than a little crazy, brimming just below the surface.
It occurred to you at that moment just why Miyawaki Sakura had been buried in the records department of her precinct by her superiors.
She was a little crazy.
Too spent to come up with anything resembling a verbal response, you resort to following her rules once more.
You nod.
“I’m sure Officers Park and Douma have informed you of the charges that will be brought against you, and that your lawyer has conveyed the gravity of the situation you’re in,” Momo states, matter-of-factly. “The evidence is indisputable. Your future doesn’t look bright, Rose.”
“I’m aware that I’m fucked, yes,” Rose replies, making a dismissive gesture with her hands from the interrogation room’s table, where they are handcuffed to the thick metal bar in the middle of it. She had appeared to become even more of a mess since you saw her last at yesterday’s interrogation, with darker bags under her eyes and frazzled, messy hair. “So if I’m as screwed as you say I am, then why are you still here? Come to gloat, have you?”
“You’re here because we want to offer you something,” Momo answers.
“You? Offer me something? Hah! Unless it’s a ticket that lets me walk out that door a free woman then I’m not interested. What could you possibly have to offer me?”
Momo leans back in her chair. She had predicted that Rose would react the way she did during your preparation for this meeting. It was almost as if she had written a script for it - and it was your turn to speak your lines.
“Revenge,” you state, leaning forward on the table.
“Revenge? The fuck do you mean by that?”
“Let me ask you, Rose: how do you think we knew you’d be at that event a few days ago?”
“I dunno. Fucking cops have probably been tailing me from the second I touched down,” she spits with a dirty look towards the one-way glass, even if you knew there was no one on the other side. Sakura had made sure this conversation was strictly off the record.
“Nope. It’s because we received a tip - from one of your friends in Blackpink.”
Rose is unable to hide her reaction, her eyes going wide with surprise.
“You’re fucking lying. Why the hell would they give me up like that?”
“I don’t know, and I don’t care,” you answer. “Maybe you pissed one of them off. Maybe they decided they didn’t need you anymore, getting caught doing shit overseas while they did the real hard work here in Japan and Korea. I don’t care. But if you help us find them, then maybe we can make sure they’re just as fucked as you are. If you’re especially helpful, maybe we recommend a lighter sentence for you.”
“You want me to rat on them? Give up my team?”
“Yes,” Momo answers. “Remember - it’s because of them that you’re going to be behind bars for a very long time, while they’re out there free as can be, living the life. This is your chance to take them down with you.”
“You must have had a safehouse or a base of operations here in Japan,” you add. “Give us the location of that base and we’ll make sure we take them down, without them being any the wiser that it was you who gave up their location.”
Rose bites her lip, staring intently at her own hands as she weighs her admittedly small range of options.
“If I give them up, you get me a lighter sentence? That’s it?”
“That’s part of it,” you answer, as Momo retrieves mugshots of the two Red Velvet members and from her briefcase and places them on the table. “We’re also tracking two fugitives from Korea that you might have heard of - Kang Seulgi and Kim Yerim. Do you or anyone in Blackpink know anything about them?”
Rose takes a quick glance at both photos, but there is no hint of recognition in her eyes.
“No, I don’t know either of those two. If it’s Koreans you’re looking for you’d best speak to the others. All my work was done overseas, as illustrated by your giant pile of indisputable evidence.”
Momo gathers the mugshots before taking a pad of paper and a pen from her briefcase and places them in front of Rose.
“We need you to write down the location of Blackpink’s safehouse,” she states. 
Rose takes a last moment of thought before she reaches for the pen.
“I want your word that I’ll get a lighter sentence for this. And that they’ll never know it was me that gave them up.”
“You have it. We can’t guarantee that the judge will honor our request, but I promise you they’ll be aware of your cooperation,” Momo replies.
Rose scribbles an address down on the pad of paper before sliding it across the table to Momo. Momo takes out her phone and opens her map app to confirm its validity. Satisfied, she gives you a nod.
“You’ve made the right decision,” you tell Rose as you stand up and get ready to leave. Momo packs up her things and follows closely behind.
“Throw those bitches into a hole and let them rot,” Rose hisses as you leave the room.
In the outside hallway, Sakura, wearing a garishly pink hoodie now given that she’d torn the buttons off her uniform blouse earlier that afternoon, raises her head from her phone as she notices you and Momo have left the room. Giving Momo a polite, cheerful smile and shooting you a suggestive wink, she enters the interrogation room, presumably to return Rose to her cell.
Also waiting in the hallway, sitting on a bench, are Nayeon and a third woman, who begins to speak as soon as Sakura has closed the door to the interrogation room.
“Did she believe it? That it was Blackpink that gave her up?”
“Yes, you answer.”
“You got the location of their safehouse?”
“What about Seulgi and Yeri? Did she know where they are?”
“No. I’m sorry, Irene.”
There is a flash of something resembling sadness and disappointment in Irene’s features. It is short and fleeting, but unmistakable. Soon it is replaced with the look of quiet determination that she had worn since the moment she’d joined you in Japan.
She rises from her seat. The short leggings she was wearing did little to hide the bulky tracking device around her ankle, but at least now her hands were free of the handcuffs she had on the last time you saw her.
“Understood. Let’s go - we have work to do.”
Author’s Note: Not my best work, I know, but I just wanted to get across how wild (in a good way) Sakura was during sex and I found it kind of difficult to get across that she was good crazy but not insane lol. Not sure how well I did or how clear everything came across as I’d never written anyone quite like her with those kinks. I always want to try writing new things and improving my writing, though. Let me know what you think. :)
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
(non-Miraculous asks)
Anonymous asked:
Lmao I don’t like winter either, except for me it’s because in the winter I don’t get to wear cute clothes and I don’t even have a cute jacket to make up for it, much less a jacket/hat/headcuffs/gloves matching set. Even on the rare occasion I do wear a skirt in the winter I have to wear super thick leggings/thermals, although at least there’s legwarmers. I don’t actually dislike winter itself, actually, just that it’s damn near hard to dress stylishly while also warmly during that season.
...You know what, fair.
I don’t like wearing “cute” clothes, but I’ve played character customization games before and tend to adjust my outfit based on the weather and snow leaves like no options--
Cardcaptor Sakura
Anonymous asked:
I've just figured out why you love Cardcaptor Sakura so much! Because it's...SOFT! Honestly, can relate.
Anonymous asked:
May I ask why you didn't like the Clear Card arc(I faintly remember you possibly answering this question before so I'm sorry if you did!). I've only watched the regular Cardcaptor Sakura and pretty much the only scene in the Clear Card arc that I can remember is Syaoran confessing to Sakura, which I adored(and would make me tear up if I had a soul.). The opening is sweet, but I remember hearing that it coasts by on everyone's nostalgia. Is that true? Please don't be Sailor Moon Crystal Part II!
Syaoran confesses in the original as well, and then Sakura confesses back in the “Sealed Card” movie.
First things first, they do this weird thing where they take from both the manga and the show, which causes quite a few continuity errors. I haven’t seen the series in a while but I remember a particular issue with the two bears.
Furthermore, the series recycles a ton of past things from the original seasons.
Sakura being kept in the dark? Check.
“Mystery” villain? Check.
Dreams that Sakura barely remembers anyway until it’s convenient for the plot? Check.
Sakura being “at fault” in someway (the first+second season was her being inexperienced, the third being her not being powerful enough)? Check.
Characters know things and then intentionally keep Sakura out of the loop no matter how much it might hurt her. Also, without spoiling aspects of the series, it’s really annoying that the problem Sakura has this time is the exact opposite of the problem she has before, so it’s like oh, so she can’t win then. Fantastic.
Sakura is extremely powerful and yet is kept in the dark while everyone who knows just sort of coddles her. The series ruined a lot of characters for me (they’re still fine in the original) like Touya, Syaoran, and Kero/Yue, all because they keep being vague to keep the already uninteresting mystery stuff a secret.
It’s too the point where I just stop caring about the plot because characters will keep dancing around it, and the big mystery of these “clear cards” doesn’t actually make sense in certain episodes. Again, without spoiling it, the reason doesn’t line up when you go back to past episodes based on the knowledge that Sakura has.
It’s just a very exhausting series and it left me angry and dissatisfied. I put it on the same level as Yashahime in terms of “continuation of a past series but that I become frustrated watching.”
Anonymous asked:
I just found out on Wikipedia that in the Cardcaptors dub of Cardcaptor Sakura, Tomoyo was not only changed to Madison Taylor, but her elegant, polite, and refined speech was changed to VALLEY GIRL lingo! The reason for this was apparently that viewers wouldn’t know what to make of her ladylike-ness and deference to Sakura, which is also why they removed her crush on Sakura in the dub. So the producers think American kids are idiots?! Wow, I mean...I knew the dub was dumb but not THAT dumb.
lol, I saw a few seconds of the dub and was like, “n o p e.”
(I also got another set of asks from this person that I couldn’t really recover because I’m missing multiple pieces from it, but I’ll say that I 100% agree that Syaoran is bi erasure to some degree and people listing him as a “bi antagonist” is just--ugh, and also that people calling him a “simp” simply because he respects Sakura is incredibly annoying. Reminds me of how people treat Luka, because men who respect and adore their love interest are "weak.” Also agree that the show does the gay male relationships way better since Tomoyo’s and Tomoyo’s mother’s feelings are unrequited.)
(I did get this though:)
Anonymous asked:
Hi, yes, I am the same person who wrote about bi erasure in Cardcaptor Sakura! And, yes, I am right, thank you! I was at first worried that you’d disagree or that I’d come off a little too harsh or so but I’m pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t the case and I’m glad you liked the ask! I’m also the same person who talked about Syaoran being called a simp by fans, because how dare you respect girls and not think they have cooties! He’s ten years old, can we not please? The bar for men is in hell!
Nah, you’re absolutely right. I feel like people are so used to the generic male love interest who treats the girl like garbage “bUt haS a hEaRt oF gOlD sEcReTlY” that wholly-respectful love interests get criticized for being “simps.”
other media
Anonymous asked:
I saw that yandere ask and your response and I can't believe you were able to find a way to make yandere simulator wholesome in some way. I would unironically read that fanfic idea
Aww, thank you! I appreciate it!
I’m a huge sucker for happy endings even in the face of very dark concepts.
Anonymous asked:
finally watching svtfoe and i might have only just finished season 1 but i just can not see the appeal of $t@r¢0 like i get that they're the mcs but the whole relationship seems like the type that wouldn't last long term living together
even the l0v3 squ@r3 somehow makes more sense
and that's a low bar to cross
I don’t remember enough of Star VS the Forces of Evil to list specific moments, but I do remember not being invested in Star and Marco as a ship. I was disappointed knowing that they’d inevitably be endgame.
Anonymous asked:
On the TV Tropes Heartwarming page for "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls--Magical Movie Night" it says under General "Twilight Sparkle has been through so much during the Friendship Games and at Camp Everfree, that it's extremely heartwarming to see Human Twilight finally being allowed to be a normal and happy teenage girl playing with her new best friends and not have life constantly finding new ways to torture her." And I was like, "Gosh, do i wish I could say the same thing about Marinette."
True. I’m not crazy about SciTwi but I do want Marinette to get her happy ending.
Anonymous asked:
I watched a video that went over what went wrong with Star vs. that not only showed that shipping was a major factor in the shows demise, but it also showed that the show had a Continuity Coordinator until the episode "Coronation". Guessing Miraculous never even had one to begin with?
Continuity?? In Miraculous?
Anonymous asked:
This is coming late but I remember you mentioning Candace before. Did you not like P&F because of how she was treated? Though at least she got her laid-back, supportive, understanding guitar boy. ): Luka and Jeremy would likely get along well. Do you think Candace and Marinette would? Maybe they can help each other out with their stresses. Maybe Marinette can meet Stacy and see what a real best friend is like. ._.
She was part of the reason, yeah. “Doomed to fail” characters just make me feel so bad for them, and then there was that one episode that had the scenario of “what if she managed it” and everything went to hell. It wasn’t “Chat Blanc” bad, but I just didn’t like the implications.
And yeah, I think Candace and Marinette might get along.
Anonymous asked:
How did Princess Tutu end? Because I’ve been meaning to see it for a long while now, as I love Magical Girl and it seems like a “darker” take on the genre done RIGHT, since it’s not about tearing apart this genre made for girls to force the girls to suffer without any empowerment, or punishing girls for having power fantasies with some stereotypical trait applied to all girls tacked on, and it’s also shonen which PROVES that a Magical Girl show aimed at a male audience doesn’t HAVE to be about destroying the feminist basis of the genre in order to stroke their egos(I feel like I’m always repeating this, but it’s the only way I can say it that makes sense to me.). But I think you said somewhere that it has an unhappy ending. As far as I’m concerned, Ahiru went back to being a duck and Fakir swore to always stay by her side anyway, which I think was meant to be happy, although I hate the trend of “Magical Girl has to get rid of her power for love”. But was that the actual ending?
I don’t want to look it up because I’m scared, and I understand if you don’t want to answer this ask because it brings up bad memories and your followers who are currently watching Princess Tutu might not like it, but I really am curious. I still plan on watching it, but I wanna prepare myself for disappointment in case it’s not the brilliant “Dark Magical Girl done right” show that I was hoping for and that everybody else says it is. Then again, everybody says Madoka is good so there’s that.
It’s a sad ending from what I know, so just be warned; what you said I think is how it actually ends.
Anonymous asked:
Out of topic but you're reading "My gently raised beast"? I love that webtoon :D!
Yeah, I’m really liking it so far! I adore how Belinda/Blondina can be such a savage and a little morally gray at times.
Sex/Race Issues
Anonymous asked:
Isn’t it weird how attraction to men is considered feminine regardless of gender?
...I’ve never thought about that. Huh.
Is that related why bi women are usually seen as something “sexy” by men? Because I don’t know a lot about women’s stereotypical reaction to bi men but I imagine it’s not the same.
Anonymous asked:
What are your thoughts on Magical Boy anime(Cute High, Is This a Zombie, Mahou Shoujo Ore!, etc.). I personally do not like it, since the genre has always been about female empowerment and using femininity to fight evil(although there is a good number of gender fluidity in these shows as well, so one could easily say it’s weaponizing girlhood and womanhood, as well as femininity), and telling the not often told story of a female coming-of-age. It was always meant to be something female-dominated to contrast every male-dominated action genre out there ever, which is part of what made it special even if it shouldn’t be. So to see Magical Boys at all is a huge downer, because it shows yet another example of men hijacking a genre or safe space meant for women. Speaking of which, while most Magical Girl shows nowadays are of the grimdark “girls must PERISH for having power and ambitions ‘cuz PATRIARCHY”, most Magical Boy shows are not the type, and are usually lighthearted and fun like Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Precure, and Tokyo Mew Mew, which sends the message that girls can’t have wants and dreams or try to be powerful while guys can, because anything girls have for themselves that makes them special and empowered will eventually be taken from them and given to guys, who really need it. Somehow. My last problem with it is that these shows are almost always parodies, which creates an unsettling picture of things that empower girls being laughingstocks. Your thoughts?
I’ve never seen any, though it does feel a little weird like - sort of like you said - we’re not allowed to have our own things, y’know?
Like if the boys at the park didn’t allow the girls to play the sports they were playing, so the girls invented their own sport/game, and then the boys steal the idea and start doing it themselves.
Like--they can do it, doesn’t make it feel any less sad.
Anonymous asked:
Hey, remember how you all said that someday people will look back on shows like Miraculous Ladybug and characters like Adrien and Chat Noir with disgust? Well, maybe people will feel that same way about dumb faux deconstructions like Yuki Yuna or Madoka Magica. I think we're on our way to that too as I see more people questioning and despising their fucked-up shit. For example, in 2018 Madoka Magica won the Sisterhood Award in Japan's Sense of Gender, because it supposedly shows relationships between girls in new and original ways that have never been seen before.
Fortunately, the comments were full of people who were upset at this, saying "I have no idea why Madoka Magica is so popular" or "male otaku-aimed anime featuring girls tends to be shitty with developing their bonds with each other and just delve into a cesspool of les-yay baiting" and how other Magical Girl shows aimed at women deserve that award more. Someone else blogged this and stated that if anything, Madoka Magica teaches the lesson that friendships between girls will always end in suffering, one or both parties dying, or catfighting over a man(and dying because if a boy doesn't love you then why keep living?).
And the comments were full of not people dissing her for her views or for "not understanding", but agreement, with one person pointing out how Heartcatch Precure, which just finished airing before Madoka, had more intricate relationships between the Magical Girls, and how every single one of them had a working mother, arcs dealing with their sisters aunts and grandmothers, and had Magical Girlhood be matrilineal(which other shows like Saint Tail, Devil Hunter Yohko, and Sailor Moon also do), which is more than the bog standard token working mom in Madoka when everyone else has dead female family members, if they're not outright living alone.
Or how Hugtto! Precure had the message "you can pursue any career you like; screw gender roles", with the blue girl sticking it to her brother by playing the guitar although he said it wasn't "ladylike" and showing a boy who unashamedly wears dresses. Or how Cardcaptor Sakura has a canon lesbian character(with unrequited feelings, but at least she isn't outright TORTURED by the narrative for having them, and her bond with the female lead is one of the cornerstones of the plot) who also had a working mom and all-female bodyguards, and a canon gay male couple(with none of the uke/seme bullshit). Or how Sailor Moon develops the friendships between girls in a genuine and stabilized way, doesn't punish them for having power, and doesn't have subliminal sexist stereotypical messages about them.
A user on Quora said it best(mildly paraphrased): "This show doesn't treat teenage girls like useless idiots, even if it allows them, occasionally, to behave like useless idiots." And Naoko Takeuchi explicitly said that she wrote Sailor Moon with the intention of showing strong heroines who bond with each other and that "a girl's best friend is another girl".
Meanwhile you have Gen Urobuchi saying that Magical Girls(read: girls with power) are destined to become detached from the world and that they need to be punished for their hubris like they're Al Qaeda(and yes, he used them as an example.), saying he was inspired by porn games as opposed to Faust, and sending messages to girls that they're all over emotional, weak-willed, naive, and destined to be victims of the world just for having dreams and sexualities and power fantasies (aka "hubris"), and how this is the natural order of things(not a critique like other people love to claim).
UranusxNeptune is proclaimed canon by Word of God, HomuMado and Kyosaya are left ambiguous at best. And yet Madoka gets the award over all these shows because it being male-written and male-aimed alone makes it superior to the female-written and female-aimed shows that have been doing this for longer and better(even though it reinforces lots of the misogynistic concepts prevalent in the real world.). It's insane. Even people who LIKE the show were saying that Madoka Magica does not deserve this award, or any credit for being "feminist" or "revolutionary". And I agree with them, even if I don't like the show. It's infuriating. I hate it, and I'm glad that other people hate it, too.
Ah, so we’re making progress at least!
Just... very, extremely slowly.
Anonymous asked:
Hi, I sent that “white man triggered about representation” ask and the missing part was him saying that the reason women and/or minority groups don’t deserve representation is that they haven’t contributed enough to society at large and made no accomplishments in society because they were too busy being an oppressed grain percentage of the population(for minorities at least).
Yeah...he also said some shit about how if media was “realistic”, then there’d only be five minority members in the secondary cast(not even in the main cast; SECONDARY!) and they’d all have five lines between them. Yes, really. And that “blackwashing”(still laughing at that word) is bad because it both makes white people feel “marginalized” and that black people get a bigger idea of their role in society than they actually have, much less deserve, citing that “Everybody looses(sic).” Kinda like how white people have felt for an eternity?
And when I told him that white people only choose to feel marginalized, and that nobody wants to see white male leads and predominantly white/male casts anymore(he kept coming up with excuses for his stories to be about White men, saying that execs kept telling him to make his characters diverse even though everything he makes is apparently sex Ed for teenage boys or park safety that’s somehow aimed at white men because they can’t relate to a black woman) he claimed I was being offensive and tone-deaf just for using brutal honesty, and only responded to the things
(another missing ask?)
Medieval times, because history doesn’t give a damn about teaching us anything about women and/or people of color if it’s not about oppression, slavery, and subjugation. Which he explicitly stated he agrees with, that we learn about Civil rights all the time in school because/but that there isn’t anything else to the culture of those who aren’t white men. He even had the nerve to ask me how represented I thought he was as a white man in this country(how about “TOO DAMN MUCH!”)?
And asked if the representation in media should be proportionate to the percentage and contribution of certain groups of a given population, which is obviously trying to trick me into agreeing with his shitty logic that white men are the only ones who deserve to be represented in media because they’re the only ones who did anything influential and life-changing in the real world.
But by his logic, we should all be represented equally because men AND women from ALL ethnic groups have made contributions to this society. And if he’s shitting about population, then there are actually more people of color in the world than whites, seeing as the term literally means “anyone who isn’t white” and white is one of only so many groups out there, and there are slightly more women in the world than men? So shouldn’t that mean that women of color should be the most represented(I don’t really think that, of course, I’m just showing his hypocrisy.).
I don’t know why he even likes My Little Pony, a female- dominated show, if he thinks shit like this. Why doesn’t he just go watch those male-dominated shows about White people? After all, there are a lot of those to choose from. Ugh. You’re right, I should have blocked him. I can’t stand people who think like this and don’t know why they do so! It’s like those straight white males from the 50s who are all like “those Mexicans/women/gays are taking away everything from us!” This is basically every straw man argument in the book and I fucking hate it.
I have to do a double-take whenever I see the word “blackwashing.”
I don’t know, I just don’t understand this whole thing about white people getting more representation, and the whole thing about secondary casts is dumb. Like, why does “the majority of the world is white” (for example) equal “well I guess we have to make our main cast white” then???
So I guess shows that feature Mexican characters should be white then if it’s made by an American studio? And if the answer they’d give is “no” because “well in THAT case, it makes sense because white people aren’t as prominent there,” then what about fantasy stories where it’s a world not based on any real life locations? Maybe black people are the majority in that world? Is there a problem then (no but for real; fantasy series that inverses everything and the least represented people are represented the most, and straight people barely exist)?
Not only that, but what about personalities? I guess that means that you can’t make a personality for a character anymore; it has to be based on what the majority of people’s personalities are.
Even if they wanted to run on the logic that “we have to follow the percentages the world has,” wouldn’t that mean that black people technically deserve more rep based on all the past films/shows from like--decades ago where black people were basically nonexistent? Sounds like we’re just evening the scale now.
Anonymous asked:
The other terrible thing about guys saying “we included girls in our shows so now it’s your turn; when are you gonna include us?!” is that it’s so sexist and hypocritical not just because the playing field is already non-equal as I said before and you did as well, but because even the demands are not equal. I just noticed it today, and it infuriates me. Women ask for the bare minimum when it comes to being included in(already ubiquitous) male-dominated shows, like they might ask for a girl to be included here and there, but they almost never ask for the main character or even most of the characters to be female.
Like in the Death Note fandom for instance, I hear loads of people complaining(and rightfully so) about the show’s sexism, and one of the most common complaints I hear is that Near or Mello should’ve been a girl; I’ve never heard even one person say that L or even Light should’ve been a girl as well, or even both(or all four); it has to be one or the other. Granted, this might be because they understand the genre is aimed at boys, but it’s more likely that women are expected to not ask for too much for themselves.
Meanwhile with guys it’s the opposite, when they ask to be included in female-dominated shows(which we already don’t have enough of), it’s always a demand to put them front and center, to make them the main characters, sometimes even to remove all the women and replace them with men.
Take the Precure fandom for example, a lot of male fans say they want a male Cure, but they don’t stop there, they say they want a male Cure to be the lead character. There’s even a petition online to get Toei to produce a Precure installment with a male lead Cure. Some go so far as to say they want an all-male team of Cures. Their reason? To show guys that it’s okay for them to be feminine heroes too.
So you see now why I have a problem with men intruding upon a show meant for girls and demanding they be put front and center? And it’s not just Precure either; men in the Sailor Moon fandom think it’s sexist that they make only women able to be Sailor Senshi, and that they treat masculinity as weak just because they herald femininity as strong(ignoring the existence of Makoto and Haruka), that Project MC^2 should have had a male character in the main cast who was just as competent as the girls, that SIX: The Musical should have a version with all kings(even though it’s about the REAL LIFE wives of Henry VIII reclaiming their stories once and for all, like I’m fine with genderbent covers on YouTube, but these men are literally ignoring the cultural impact of misogyny and how it influences these women’s stories, tearing apart a feminist narrative, to make it center around men.), and, most aggravatingly, that MLPFIM is sexist and needs to have a male pony in the mane cast, if not as the de facto mane character.
It’s infuriating how men can’t handle it when things are simply NOT ABOUT THEM. It’s like someone said in response to the male Precure petition I mentioned above: “Let the women have this one.” When will men get over their whataboutery and realize that some things are just NOT ABOUT THEM?! It’s infuriating. I love when men get into “girly” shows, but I’m also worried now because they’re always stomping all over girl-power, female-centered, and feminist works and demanding that they be made male-dominated and put men front-and-center like everything else.
It’s like if you’re a mother and you only let your son have cupcakes after dinner and never your daughter, so she asks for one of her brothers’ cupcakes, not even the biggest, cutest, tastiest cupcake, just any cupcake, even if it’s the smallest one. And then when the daughter finally gets cupcakes after all this time, the brother basically tries to take them all away from her as if he hasn’t been having all the cupcakes this whole time. It’s not FAIR.
Women ask for the bare minimum of female representation in male-driven works; men ask to be given all the spotlight in female-driven ones as if they don’t have enough already, when women actually DON’T have enough already. Yeah, it might be because women realize those stories are still meant for boys, but then guys should realize that these shows are made for girls, or maybe guys should suck it up and allow a show aimed at them to star a girl(plus shows shouldn’t be gender-segregated in the first place.). It feels like women are used to not asking for too much, while guys think they can get whatever they want.
I feel exhausted just reading that, omg. The entitlement on display.
Watching this anon and the above anon at the same time is just a big showcase of over-represented people feeling under-represented because other people asked for a smidge of attention.
Didn’t basically the same thing happen with BLM and feminist movements in general? Entitled white guys were just like, “tHEY JUST WANT SO MUCH ATTENTION. SO SELFISH. U_U”
I s2g, if these same people were flung into an alternate dimension where they got under-represented and discriminated, they’d just break down crying over hOw iGnoReD tHEy aRe.
Anonymous asked:
So, as you know, I’m working on a Magical Girl story and the main character’s best friend who is part of her team basically has a Knight complex where she thinks she has to be a perfect flawless hero who saves everyone and if she can’t then she’s not a good Magical Girl. And she’s developed severe depression  because of it, thinking she’s worthless if she doesn’t live up to her self-imposed standards of a hero, until her friends help her to realize that her worth doesn’t come from being a hero and that she puts herself under too much pressure to fit that perfect, unrealistic, unattainable mold.
And over time, she heals and realizes that not being perfect and always on the lookout for help is okay and that she can find a balance and make mistakes and do things for herself. It doesn’t make her any less of a hero because of it and she still gets to be brave and awesome and kickass alongside the other girls! Showing that it’s okay to be heroic but not to revolve your whole life around it.
Now, if Puella Magi Madoka Magica had done the same thing with Sayaka Miki, showing that it’s okay to be a hero and want to protect your loved ones(or that boy you like) but to not push yourself too far, then I would be totally down for that! It would’ve been MUCH better than the crap we got. But instead we got a girl putting her life on the line and fighting to protect those she cared about and being brutally tormented for it by the narrative, because girls shouldn’t want to protect anyone. ;(
(Congrats on your story though! That sounds really interesting!)
Anonymous asked:
I’m watching a video about the sexualization of Kim Possible and how Sadie Stanley got hate for being a teenage girl playing a teenage girl because she looked her age and then people couldn’t project their mastubatory fantasies on a live-action child character while pretending they’re not ephebophiles...ick. And in the comments someone said that teenage girls have various body types and shouldn’t be sexualized for it.
Then someone asked them how you would design a busty teenage character without fan service or problematic elements(just because of the tail episode or the fact that the cast is nearly entirely female), but also deny any elements of sexism that are actually there by pulling Death of the Author all the time?! Anytime something problematic comes up in the show they just ignore it or say they’ll pretend it doesn’t exist so that they can keep hyping it up as feminist. And it sucks.
Madoka is aimed at adult men. It is a show that tears apart a female-driven power fantasy and makes the girls suffer for their hopes dreams and ambitions for grown men. It explicitly says that the reason this happens to them is BECAUSE they’re ALL overly-emotional, and that if Kyubey didn’t crush their dreams and make them the emotional expendable power sources of the universe, humanity wouldn’t be able to progress. The writers compared them to terrorists and said they didn’t watch a single Magical Girl show and instead based the anime off of porn games.
And while the original anime admittedly wasn’t very obviously fan service heavy, there’s still plenty questionable shots if you notice carefully, such as the camera zooming in on Sayaka’s crotch at the tail end of her transformation, episode 9 having Kyoko’s crotch take up the entire screen as she slomps down to eat, and focusing on Mami’s breasts as they jiggle. And the ongoing focus on other girls’ tits and ass as they transform, not to mention the swimsuit transformations which even have figurines.
The wiki has an entire ARTICLE on Mami’s “mammaries” and describes them as their own character in replacement to Mami, even having a lineup of all five girls in order from least to most busty. And obviously the flatter girls(I think Homura was the flattest) looked ashamed because you have to want to cater to that fetishizing male gaze. There are even eyeroll-worthy pictures of Sayaka and Madoka groping Mami’s breasts while she makes a blushing and wide-mouthed expression, and one of Mami riding a motorcycle in a bikini while smiling at the viewer, showing off her ass. And there’s one where Mami looks pissed because she’s no longer “stacked up top”.
I don’t give a shit what people say about “the show has no male gaze!”. A bunch of grown ass men made torture porn about teenage girls suffering and crying, it’s male gaze in its definition. And if it weren’t, the fandom wouldn’t pick up on it. The Sailor Moon fandom has a joke about Sailor Jupiter’s “talents” but the difference is that the joke is about making fun of the dub’s decision to censor any mention of breasts(aka censoring the female body/sexuality), while keeping in the “boing” sound(they were talking about playing the lead role in Snow White, hence the word “talents”.), so “talents” became a code word for “busts” similar to how “cousins” became a code word for “girlfriends” Oh, and the Sailor Moon wiki doesn’t have a whole page about her breasts themselves that reads like grown men were fapping while writing it.
Plus, the original scene was made for comedy and was about her OWNING her sexuality, rather than it being taken from her and molding her into a sexual commodity like Puella Magi and it’s fandom does to Mami(and let’s face it, the fandom wouldn’t be able to do so if the show didn’t endorce it first.). And let’s not forget that these are not only teenage girls, but LICHES, the show goes on and on about how being a Magical Girl makes them undead zombies and how horrible that is(what an excellent way to tear down a female power fantasy; women gaining power or fulfilling their dreams will make them monsters who ultimately lose their humanity; what hubris!), and yet does crap like this and everybody seems to forget. So it’s either that or they’re necrophiliacs ON TOP OF being ephebophiles. I dunno...I’m just pissed, I see this shit, and I’m pissed. I wasn’t even gonna send any Madoka salt today but then I saw this and I had to get it out to whoever would listen. So thank you for giving me the chance to vent.
Hey, no problem! Glad you could vent to me! Going through all of these sexism-centric asks is so sad, omg.
Anonymous asked:
You know when you really think about it, TV Tropes actually has a lot of nerve making an “Improbably Female Cast” trope when so many films have casts that are improbably male-dominated even when they have absolutely no reason to be and actually shouldn’t be. So many movies have an unrealistically large amount of male characters in a setting where there should be just as many if not more female characters. Crowd scenes tend to be over 60-80% male for virtually no reason, and unless a character is there for romance, to be ogled by the male gaze, to be a STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER LIKE OMG, to be motherly(if not an actual mother, unless it’s the type of story where she gets killed because you can’t have too many women walking around, that would be IMPROBABLE!!!), or any other stereotypical female role, they’re male by default, even when they could’ve been female.
Even non-human or fantasy creatures will have no female creatures in the species for no good reason. What’s the reason for the fucking Minions to all be male? And I mean the in-universe reason, not the “women are too smart to be funny haha I’m so respectful of women” bullshit that Pierre Coffin keeps spoon feeding MRAs that they think women should take as a goddamn compliment. Why are all the rats in Ratatouille male?! Why are all the dogs in Up male? Why are all the giants in the BFG male(there was even an entire scene dedicated to mocking the idea of giant women ever existing; giants are always male, you see.)?
And the worst part about this shit is that even when a species should be predominantly female, the writers will make them all male anyway, or make an animal male when they should be female! Like seriously, it’s like the male writers in charge of this shit don’t care about “realism” in their stories, unless it serves to include women(more on that later). The hyenas in The Lion King are all stupidly male even though hyenas in the real world are matriarchal and the males among them are pathetic weaklings who don’t do—and can’t do—shit. In The Bee Movie the major bees are all male despite bees being a female-dominated species where the males are literally just drones. In Finding Nemo either Marvin or Nemo should’ve changed to female to mate, but ah, then we’d have to write a female character. And she’s a fish who can’t be sexualized so what are we and the straight men watching this going to do? In Frozen Sven should’ve been female because female reindeer grow their antlers in the winter rather than the summer. In Barnyard the cow should’ve been female for obvious reasons. Where’s the Improbably Male Animal trope?
Where’s the Improvably Male Species trope? There is none because TV Tropes sees men as able to encompass a wide variety of roles, while women are seen as in the wrong the second they step out of line or take center stage. And when they do have women it’s often to have them spout some crap about sexism as a testament to equality, which is ultimately just an excuse to let your films stay male-dominated while pretending to pay homage to feminism.
And also because women must be endlessly hopelessly oppressed of course, and their gender must be their all-consuming identity. Why did Scarlett Overkill from the Minions have to be the first female supervillain in a fictional universe where yellow mad scientist aliens exist? Why did Colette from Ratatouille have to be the only female chef in her kitchen when a rat can cook and nobody questions it? Easy, because it’s a cheap way to keep your female characters in the minority. These male writers are using sexism as a gimmick to keep female characters contained.
These stories are never centered AROUND the female character and her push to be taken seriously in such a male-dominated field, nor do they push for more women to be encouraged to pursue such fields; they’re merely the Cool Girl who can hang with the boys, and the ONLY girl at that, meanwhile the justification for this is that “that’s just how it is” even though it’s a fantasy world where gender norms and sexism could simply not exist and it could just be taken for granted that girls can do things, instead of little girls who watch these movies always have to see that they’re automatically lesser than the boys around them just for being girls.
But when animals that should be female are male? Nobody questions it because “it’s just a movie, don’t take it too seriously!” It’s not about realism; it’s about excluding women and having as little of them as possible, then revolving their character around their gender and oppression so you can get applauded for being feminist(while still being allowed to make male-dominated movies) when you really just did the bare minimum. What if a movie came out with a female-dominated cast, had animals be female when they’re male in real life, and crowd scenes were pretty much 76% women? What if, in said movie, a male character showed up and instantly went on a rant on how whatever female-dominated job he’s in that the story focuses on goes out of its way to exclude men, or how he was discouraged from pursuing the job because he’s a man?
However, the main character is still female, and he’s just her hot, sexy accessory—oops, I mean boyfriend! A man in a sea of women. People would talk. What if most movies were like this? That would be insane, wouldn’t it? Then why isn’t this seen as equally implausible. I mean, just look at the tropes made on the rare occasion that they DO do something right. The discussion section will be full of men saying it’s wrong. Just look at the discussion section for Most Writers Are Male, which claims it’s sexist to recognize that media frequently underrepresents women because “sometimes the guy making the show doesn’t have any female friends to star in it!”, or the one for Missing White Woman Syndrome, which is full of white supremacists saying that nobody sees black girls as less worthy to be searched for than white girls, and that this trope is racist for saying that white girls who go missing don’t deserve to be looked for or found. So of course they’re gonna play it safe and criticize and invalidate women for daring to want to make themselves seen, because it’s too much of a risk to upset the status quo. Or else you’ll be attacked by people’s whataboutery. Damn, I hate it here.
All of this!!
May I also throw in stuff like Pokemon, where Pokemon like the Machop line can be female and don’t even look different?? Also that reveal where they showed that there were plans to make female forms for Pokemon like Psyduck and Charizard and Ariados and then were like ehhhhhhhh--
Anonymous asked:
Hi, so remember when you said in response to that Improbably Female Cast ask that people would be absolutely crucified for saying that a show has “too many pocs”, well, it turns out that TV Tropes does have a trope for that as well: Black Vikings. Like, that’s literally what it’s called, Black. Vikings. You don’t need to be black or a Viking to qualify for the trope, all you need to be is a person of color where you don’t “belong”. Somebody even pointed out that this trope is racist.
Anonymous asked:
I was just watching a video called “The Curse of Minky Momo: Anime’s Unluckiest Magical Girl”(for those who are curious, she basically gets run over by a truck at the end of the story, don’t you just love the 80s?! 🤦🏾‍♀️), and I was liking it until the part where the guy in the video(because of course it was a guy.) was talking about the plot and said “it’s a Magical Girl show, they’re not exactly known for their story.” and I just stopped watching the video after that. A guy condemns female-driven and centered power fantasies and wish-fulfillment, that show traits seen as “for girls” as a GOOD THING, and allows men to take inspiration from them by handling Theo problems in a “feminine” way, hence getting over their toxic masculinity and showing boys that it’s okay for them to support girls and have female role models, that show girls heroes who are girls, fighting together, befriending and empowering each other even if they like the same guy, saving/carrying dudes, and having power-centered things are looked down upon while female ones are praised.
I will fight them because no, it’s the fucking other way around. No one says “it’s a superhero story, it’s supposed to be bad” or “it’s an action flick, it’s not known for its quality content” or “it’s a buddy flick so you can’t exactly expect it to be good if you know what I mean!” People only say this shit about Magical Girl, about Princess movies, about chick flicks, about Barbie, about shojo, about anything female-oriented.
Granted, much of the stuff I said about why Magical Girl is awesome and inspiring to girls is taken from Precure, Cardcaptor Sakura, and of course Sailor Moon, and I haven’t actually watched Minky Momo and am not very familiar with pre-90s shows. So for all I know, perhaps Minky Momo did NOT have a good, structured story. Maybe Magical Girl shows at the time really were badly-written. But that’s different than lumping an ENTIRE freaking genre under the “badly-written shit” umbrella just for the vile sin of being...GASP! By, for, and about girls!
However bad Minky Momo was, it canNOT be bad simply because it’s a Magical Girl show, and suggesting otherwise is sexist. The only Magical Girl show I can think of that I dissed on first sight was LoliRock, and that was mainly because I was already well-versed enough in Magical Girl to see every trend and cliche repeated beat-by-beat. I thought it was bland and added nothing to the genre, that the stick-thin figures and lack of body diversity made them look like Barbie dolls(though I’m kinda right on that one.), that the lead Girl was still white, fair-skinned and blonde with long hair and blue eyes, that the songs were too auto tuned(which they are but they’re still pretty lit.), how cliche it was that they were princesses from a magical land, and that it took too much from Sailor Moon, Precure, and WITCH.
But NEVER because “yuck it’s Magical Girl it’s too girly and not enough men ew”. And I was still able to recognize its merits. My point is, a girl who is well-versed in Magical Girl and aware of its trends and generally loving the genre and taking empowerment from it(especially when she is MEANT to take empowerment from it) pointing at one show in the genre and saying “I don’t like this one, I’ve seen it all before” is ENTIRELY different from an outsider guy who the genre isn’t even meant for saying the entire genre is bad and incapable of good storytelling unless it’s willing to amp up the suffering and angst for him.
And the worst part is? None of the commenters said anything about that blatantly sexist line. No one condemned the guy in the video for basically insinuating that girls’ shows can’t ever be good “because, you know, Girl”. Although I will admit that I was sickened and didn’t read far much, and even if someone did say it, the response was probably “well I mean he’s not right except for Madoka”. So glad I didn’t watch that motherfucker. And for the record, I actually ended up loving LoliRock!
In a perfect world, you would’ve seen the top comment of, “dude, not cool, don’t stereotype all Magical Girl anime as not having good stories”
Heck, even from beyond the sexism thing, I just don’t like generalizing like that?? It feels so... wrong? Not only that, but being like, “meh, it’s a Magical Girl anime so my standards for the story was already low”??? It feels like that, anyway.
Anonymous asked:
Yeah the whole “white femininity overshadows Black femininity” thing is a really common racist notion in society and sadly bleeds into our media as well, even children’s media. Think of how Tiana from The Princess and the Frog is forced to be a “hardworking oppressed black woman” whose story takes place in New Orleans during segregation, while none of the other Disney Princess movies’ stories demand that their character be oppressed for their race(gender, yes, sometimes, but never race) and get Disney literally couldn’t expand their horizons enough to even think of making a Black-led Disney Princess movie that wasn’t shrouded in racism and hardships, as if Black people are defined by their race.
Now that I think about it, as a little girl, I remember liking Tiana but also thinking that she wasn’t a “real” Princess because we never saw her with a pretty castle and she barely got to wear her dress for long. Instead they put her to work. And on top of that is the fact that they purposely discussion. The point here is that Rapunzel’s white femininity is designed to overshadow Tiana’s Black femininity. The fact that the first and only Black Disney Princess is a frog for most of her movie and constantly has her hair tied back(unlike literally any of the others) is succeeded immediately by a blonde white girl who dances, bakes, paints, and twirls around in a purple dress with flowers in her hair, long luminous blonde hair that is rubbed in our faces, is not a coincidence.
An article I read stated that Rapunzel came on the heels of Tiana to reset the status quo, so that Disney could redirect back to what femininity and Princesshood REALLY means. And I agree with them! It’s like Disney created Tiana and went “good, now we finally got creating a Black Disney Princess out of the way, now let’s go back to designing a REAL Princess, by which we mean white, blonde, green-eyed, and our ideal representation of femininity. Phew, that’s better.”. And this isn’t an attack on Rapunzel! I actually really like her and her movie. She, Tiana, and Merida are actually tied for my favorite Disney Princesses. But that doesn’t mean she’s perfect. And while it’s obviously not her fault nor is it something she consciously does, her character design and concept is designed around white femininity, and when she comes directly on the heels of Tiana, it’s also designed around eradicating Black femininity. Could you even imagine how revolutionary it would be if Rapunzel were Black? It would
(missing ask?)
little White girls already get to see and be every single day in this society. But no, you can only have one Black girl represented one way, while white girls can be whatever they like. I know that Merida was tomboyish but it just reinforces this notion further as there are already so many white Disney Princesses. It just feels as if white girls don’t risk losing their white femininity even when portrayed as masculine. As if even the most masculine white girl is more feminine than the most
(missing ask?)
Honestly, reading this clears up so much I’ve always wondered about... idk what you’d call it. Black-targeted media? Black characters in media in general maybe?
I did notice the way they were often written but I didn’t know if that was just that black people had such different experiences that they had a “culture” of sorts that writing falls into automatically, or if they preferred to be written that way (I know I say it like it’s a hivemind and I swear that’s not my intent jfkdgjfg; basically what I’m saying is that I was always confused because it felt like white people could be written in any role even if they didn’t fit it whereas black people fell into a category).
I guess the way I can compare it is how LGB people often fall into the trope in media of “WE HAVE TO TACKLE THE STRUGGLES THEY FACE DATING SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX” instead of just telling a normal story.
So hearing the whole thing about black princesses makes so much more sense.
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creepercraftguy · 3 years
My thoughts and feelings on the Danganronpa S Swimsuit Designs.
Recently the designs for everyone’s swimsuit sprites in Danganronpa S were leaked on a preorder website here: https://ebten.jp/spchun/p/7015021110403
There’s a lot I have to say about each of these designs, so I figured I’d make a decently long post ranking each of them.
These are all my opinions and my thoughts and feelings may be a little biased, but please hear me out and respect my opinions. Also, sorry for low quality images, since that was the most clear cut I could make them by zooming in on the sheets.
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It’s a fairly plain design, but honestly, I think that’s quite befitting of the first games plucky protagonist. One of Makoto’s main traits is that he’s nothing remotely that special, so his swimsuit shouldn’t really be anything major. I do like however, that it’s colours replicate the brighter aspects of his original design.
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Of all the characters in the game who could have been stuck with the speedo look, I’m glad it was Taka. Unfortunately, this also means that his design, other than the very befitting whistle around his neck, isn’t anything major.
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This is a really good look for Byakuya. It’s really fitting with his personality and status and he wears it well.
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Unfortunately, Mondo’s outfit is exactly what I expected it to be. It’s unfortunate because I was hoping the game would do more, given how extra his 10th anniversary do was, but I was left a little disappointed with this one. It’s not bad though and it does work with him.
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It’s a pretty plain and simple design with no real outstanding aspects, but it really fits Leon’s character and he does well with it.
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This is honestly hilarious, because this wasn’t what I expected from Hifumi. I was expecting him to have a shirt or something, but I’m glad he doesn’t because that can be considered fat-shaming in my eyes. The Pretty Pudgy Princess image on his shorts was, for whatever reason, NOT what I was expecting though, and I think it looks great.
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I’ve had my differences with Hiro, but I have to admit that this design really does suit him and his character. I really love the little alien pattern on his shorts.
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This has got to be my favourite design in the entire selection of these characters! The main reason is because it really suits Chihiro’s character. He’s sporting both some very boy-like shorts but also a very girl-like crop top. The design doesn’t prioritize masculinity or femininity, but instead creates a well done balance of the two. This was probably the best that they could have done for Chihiro and I’m so glad he got his justice in this game.
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I feel like Sayaka is so underappreciated and so berated that we fail to recognize just how beautiful she is. I mean LOOK at this! She’s so fucking gorgeous!
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Kyoko is among, if not the top of, the characters in this that can sport a really plain and slightly bare bones design, but look absolutely beautiful while doing it. The dark swimsuit clashing with her bright hair, and also not sporting anything too outstanding, just like her original design, makes her look absolutely ravishing.
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I know it seems like I’m just dishing out 10’s at this point, but the DR1 girls are just THAT amazing looking with their designs, and Hina in particular is really good. One of the things that I love about some of these swimsuit designs is the subversion of the colors that I’m used to the characters sporting. Hina for instance is usually associated with red or blue, but here she is wearing a deep yellow bikini and my god does she look amazing in it. Also, it’s hard to see, but she does have some slight abs, which is something I wish to see on most of these girls.
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We have to talk about these two at once because they kind of have the same swimsuit with just one difference, in that Toko wears the skirt, while Genocide Jill does not. This makes sense and it’s pretty clever in design, since Toko has usually always worn long dresses/skirts in her previous designs, to cover up the tally marks Jill engraved in her legs from her kills. Jill obviously wouldn’t care about that, so she feels no need to wear the skirt, and given that Jill is slightly more outgoing and sociable than Toko, she wouldn’t have as much of a problem showing off more skin. It really does make a lot of sense and the design itself is overall very solid.
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I wouldn’t go so far as to say this is bad, but this style and colour is not what I expected or would have liked to see on Sakura. She’s still pretty, but I just think there’s more potential here.
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In a sense, this is a very clever design of swimsuit, since it’s almost as if Celeste’s original dress was turned into a bikini, and it’s incredibly fitting as a result. Still, it’s not out of any expectation.
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This is probably the most ingenious design out of every swimsuit in this game, so hear me out. One of the things Junko is the most well known for in Danganronpa’s world is she always defies expectations, most of the time in ways that leave people dissatisfied or unhappy. What could be more dissatisfying to a regular hormonal teenager (which most of the DR cast are) on a summer trip than a busty beauty arriving to the beach wearing a cheap, one-piece school swimsuit with nothing remarkable about it. It’s so clever and such a smart move on the designers part that perfectly encapsulates Junko’s character.
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I love this swimsuit design, and I think Mukuro looks wonderful in it, but I still stand by my complaint that she deserves to be her own person in this game and not disguised as Junko.
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Monokuma looks less like a lifeguard in this design and more like a McDonald’s drive thru employee. Still, I didn’t expect Monokuma to get a swimsuit at all, and this does fit his character, so whatever.
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Like Makoto, this outfit is fairly simple. Unlike Makoto however, it doesn’t really replicate the coloration of the original design and instead provides Hajime with something more vibrant and original, and I think it looks pretty good on him.
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I just in general think this is a really solid look for Nagito. It’s a nice diversion from his original style, while also keeping some of the things that made his original design unique, namely the pattern on his hoodie is transitioned over, but in a new, quite dashing colour. I also like how he and Hajime have a contrasting blue/red dynamic with their designs.
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I mean, it obviously has to be the same as Byakuya’s design, but the colours of the hoodie are inverted. It makes sense, but I do believe the original Togami does it better in this case.
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Is this REALLY the best you could give Gundham? This is such a simple design for someone with Gundham’s personality, he deserves something far more impressive. Yeah, I get that Makoto has the same thing, shorts of a single colour with his symbol on it, but that makes sense for Makoto given that he’s naturally quite bare bones, whereas Gundham is much the opposite. Honestly, this is kind of a letdown.
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Can Kazuichi just naturally pull off any vibrant colour? First, in DR2, his outfit was a vibrant yellow, and then in DR3, he had a deep blue outfit. Now he’s sporting this Neon Green and it looks so good on him. Please tell me I’m not the only one who thinks that this is a really good way of transitioning his original design while also adding some originality?
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I don’t think it’s anything great, but I like the rose patterns and the clash of the dark shirt with the bright shorts. Honestly, this is a pretty good outfit sporting Teruteru’s moniker.
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Again, I kind of expected Nekomaru to wear the speedo, and I like the fact that he kept the chain on, but overall, the outfit doesn’t have an awful lot of uniqueness.
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There’s really not an awful lot to this design, but I think white shorts and a gold chain are a real good look for Fuyuhiko. He doesn’t really need anything more than this to look super good on the beach.
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We did see this outfit in DR2, but it was a CG and not a sprite, and at least she’s not covered in blood this time. The colours and patterns are a little plain for Akane, but she still looks pretty good in this outfit.
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This swimsuit already has a CG and sprites in the original DR2, but now we get to see more of them. And just as well because this plain white swimming outfit looks wonderful on Chiaki. She’s just super adorable like this and I can’t ask for anything more.
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I have to give Sonia the score she deserves here. While I am surprised she isn’t showing off nearly as much leg skin as I thought she would, I have no complaints to this. The colour is a good colour alongside her hair and the swimsuit itself looks splendid on her.
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I never thought in a million years that Hiyoko would look good in green, but I’ve never been more happy to be wrong. I’m also glad, and I can’t speak for everyone here, that she’s wearing a two-piece and not a school swimsuit like Junko, because she deserves more than that.
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I’m so tempted to sing the Bryan Highland song but change the yellow in the lyrics to blue. Words cannot describe just how much I love this simple patterns design on my all time best girl. Mahiru looks absolutely angelic with this outfit, and I’ve basically fallen for her all over again.
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All things considered, I’m really satisfied with this outfit. We all know what Spike Chunsoft and DR’s writers like to do to Mikan, so I was very concerned that whatever swimsuit she got, it was going to turn out to be really skimpy and barely cover anything. I am glad that this is a lot more modest than I thought it would be, and I thank the creators for giving her something more normal. However, it is still a string piece that has a likely chance of coming undone, so I am expecting a few wardrobe malfunctions in the game. Other than that, my only other real complaint is that I kind of want more than just a plain white design. I think a deep purple or even a deep red would work very well on her as opposed to this.
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This is the design I expected for Ibuki, and it works really well for her, so while my expectations weren’t defied, this is still among the better designs out of the selection we have.
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We all need to take a minute to appreciate just how gorgeous Peko looks in a plain black two-piece, because this lady looks absolutely exquisite. Even the most simple designs can bring out the best in characters, and while we did see this in DR2, we never got the sprite we needed. She just looks great like this, that’s all I can say.
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Izuru has a different swimsuit to Hajime for some reason, but I guess it does make sense since a bright, vibrant swimsuit like the one Hajime has wouldn’t work with him. Hajime’s is still better in my book though.
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Usami and Monomi have always had the adult/child dynamic in their designs. For example, in the regular designs, Usami has a skirt while Monomi wears a diaper, and that dynamic carries over in these designs too, which I really appreciate. Still, the outfits themselves aren’t anything outstanding.
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Is it just me, or is Komaru ever so slightly chubby in this? It’s the first time Komaru’s midriff has ever been shown in a sprite, so it’s the first time we’ve ever seen her bare belly like this. It’s not a complaint, if anything, I’ve been wanting to see some chub on the girls. Regardless, this is another example of a plain design pulled off extraordinarily well, since the plain yellow outfit makes Komaru look delightful.
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About what I expected from Masaru. Like Nagito, I like how he carries patterns from his og design into this one, but he doesn’t really do it as well. His design is kind of basic.
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I like this transition. The outfit and hoodie has originality, but it still bases itself off Jataro’s original design and I like how they do it.
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She’s just way too cute! This design is just super adorable and Kotoko pulls it off wonderfully. She was honestly one who I expected to wear a one-piece, so showing off this much skin is surprising given her backstory. It really does fit her though, and I wouldn’t think of changing it.
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Honestly, there’s not much to this. The colour and pattern fits Nagisa, totally, but I do wish there was a little bit more than just whatever this is. Nagisa’s a much deeper character than this outfit gives him credit for.
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It’s a really simple design with nothing outstanding besides the skirt, but Monaca looks really cute wearing this, and I think that that alone is enough. Besides, Junko had a fairly basic design too, so Monaca having one isn’t out of the question.
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I’ve always believed, as much as I really don’t like him and wish he wasn’t in this game, that Kurokuma has always had one of the best designs out of all the Monokuma’s. But as much as I believe that, and as much as I love the addition of the water gun in this design, this is honestly kind of lazy. The gun and the glasses don’t count as part of the swimsuit, they’re just accessories. In summary, literally all they did was give him orange trunks.
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THIS however is somehow even worse, because this straight up is NOT a swimsuit! Shirokuma is literally just wearing a hat and a floatie. This is probably my least favourite of all the designs in this.
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I have to add here that I’m rather disappointed that based on the scans, it seems unlikely that Yuta and Taichi from UDG are getting in the game, since I believe they both deserve some spotlight that they’re now giving Hiroko. I also don’t consider myself to be attracting to older women, but I am forced to admit that like with Mikan, I did expect something worse with Hiroko’s swimsuit, and this was a pleasant subversion of my expectations because I think she looks great.
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Maybe I’m being a but biased with my scoring here, but had Shuichi not been wearing the hoodie, I would have been a bit disappointed. Also, am I the only one who thinks that this is a surprisingly good look for Shuichi given that the colours aren’t his typical dark, emo style? I never thought Shuichi could rock a white hoodie and dark blue shorts, but here I am being proved wrong.
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Honestly, I did expect this of Kaito’s outfit, and I am a little let down that this is it really. Sure, it does look good, as he has the space pattern that he usually has on the inside of his coat, but speaking of his coat, one thing that I was expecting was that he, like Shuichi or Nagito, would have a hoodie in his design that he hung loosely around his shoulders like he does in his original design. C’est la vie…
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He literally looks like a tiny sailor! Like they straight up ripped him out of a Popeye cartoon or something! It looks really funny for some reason.
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Call me crazy, but I actually seriously love the colour of Rantaro’s shorts. The pink/red rose colour is a wonderful clash with his avocado green hair, and while the design is kind of simple, Rantaro has never been known to have the most over the top appearance. He’s kind of just a casual guy, so he deserves a casual attire.
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Oh Gonta, there’s nothing wrong with your swimsuit, but is this really the most justice they could do you? It looks so…I dunno…plain?
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Where’s his white coat go? Like, I love the shorts pattern, but is this really it? This is all we get out our clown prince of lies? It’s not totally disappointing like Gundham’s was, and thank god he doesn’t have abs anymore, but even still, is this the best they could do for Kokichi?
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Fuck yes! Why put Kiyo in shorts like the rest of them when we could give him this extremely fitting wetsuit! Like, seriously, how come I didn’t think this was a good idea? This is quite literally the perfect direction you could have gone in for Kiyo especially.
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Fucking…Keebo oh my god…Why did I expect any differently?
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Kirumi, Kyoko and Peko have exactly the same reason for getting their scores, and Peko and Kyoko only slightly pull it off better. My only complaint I have with Kirumi sporting this is that she doesn’t appear to have the spider pattern that she had on her dress before, which was one of her most notable features in her original design. Maybe it is there and I just can’t see it due to low res, but I’m fairly sure that this is all you need to make Kirumi look damn sexy during summertime.
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I know for a fact that Himiko doesn’t like the ocean, so maybe there’s a reason her swimwear looks like this. I don’t hate it, but I think Himiko might look better in a one piece, and maybe I’d like a bit more context as to why it looks like this of all things.
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Maki is so attractive in this outfit. It’s the perfect shade of red, and it’s everything she deserves. Honestly, while a lot of these girls look stunning in colours that I’m not used to seeing them in, had Maki had anything else than this red, I think I would have been a little disappointed.
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Pink was not what I expected on Tenko. I was honestly expecting something similar to Ibuki, but with light blue and green instea of blue and pink, and I’m honestly a little upset we didn’t get that. On top of that, she’s showing an awful lot of skin, maybe even more than Mikan, since that swimsuit looks like it doesn’t fit her, which I didn’t expect from her.  Still, you won’t be hearing any major issues on my behalf, since I still like this design somewhat.
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Yes, yes, and more YES! I ADORE the yellow swimsuit with Tsumugi’s dark blue hair. I was expecting something plain and white like what Mikan got with Tsumugi, and I’m so glad we didn’t. Not even Team DR are willing to take their jokes that far. She looks so god damn sublime.
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I’m fairly sure that all they did for Angie’s appearance was take off her coat. I mean, she does kind of wear swimwear all the time, so I think that even though there’s no real uniqueness or originality to this one, it was the obvious direction to go in, so I have no real comment on it.
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Ok, this was a good one. I was really hoping that Miu in particular would fit her character to a tee, and if it didn’t I think I would have been rather let down. This is definitely satisfactory though, since leopard print absolutely works for her. Overall I think she looks superb.
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KAEDE PLEASE MARRY ME! She looks so fucking pulchritudinous! That’s not a word anyone knows, but that’s the extent of how enticing, foxy and sublime she looks! The sky blue is SO good on her, words can barely describe it! Kaede was one in particular who I set high expectations for, and I can gladly say that they were exceeded above and beyond!
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snickiebear · 3 years
Hello, snickiebear! Congratulations on your 200 followers! If you have the time, would you mind writing Shisui x Sakura in a nonmass au? I’m actually curious about your take on a time travel scenario with this pairing, but I also understand that a lot of works have been written on time travel already, so it’s still awesome if you don’t do the time travel part!
Congratulations again and thanks for taking the time to read this ask! Your works are really enjoyable to read. Thank you so much for writing and for doing this 200-follower event!
hello lovely anon!!! thank YOU for reading and requesting!!!! this one was so much fun to write! you ask for time travel + nonmass + shisaku? i am helpless to deliver!! this is a bit more angsty than i wanted but are we surprised? (nope, not at all lmao) this is also now on AO3 bc i really liked it!
also, apologies that this took a bit!! lifes been a real fuckin bitch and the wall of writer's block hit me like a train AHAHAHA but i hope you like this one!!! :)))
The sky is sunny and the spring beautiful when the sky splits itself in half with a brillant, blinding flash of light.
Shisui, masked and riding the after mission high, can only stare as a body plummets from that crack, limp and silent.
It is as if the heavens have spit out what they have deemed unworthy.
Or perhaps, the heavens are dropping a gift on their doorstep.
Either way, Shisui is moving before he knows what is happening, catching that body— a woman with shaven pink hair— and holding her close, head tucked under his chin.
She’s breathing, chest rising and lowering feebly.
Shisui catches his breath as the fracture within the sky closes and only then does he notice the mask.
Porcelain and painted. A combination of a snake and fox, a wolf and slug.
His ANBU team materializes next to him, Dog-taicho’s chakra going from lazy to alert at the sight of the woman. “That’s…”
“Yeah.” Shisui says hoarsely. “She- she needs medical attention. I think.” There is a lot of blood, she’s dripping in it. But he can’t see where she’s bleeding from… or if all that blood is even hers.
“Let’s go.” Dog-taicho cuts through his thoughts, voice hard and a bit panicked. Afterall, Kakashi owes his life to this woman, they all did.
Team Ro blurred out of existence in their race to Kohona, their Savior clutched within his arms.
It's funny, really. When she looks back, as she so often does now, it's laughable. The fact that Haruno Sakura, the civilian born, the nobody, the weak one of Team 7 is the only one left.
Sakura was the only one left in the war against Kaguya and she had done what she has always done; what was needed.
So, Sakura was the only one left and she figured out what was left of Naruto’s seals and shot herself through time to fix everything, to save everyone. To take down Danzo, Hanzo, Madara, to save Sai, the Uchihas, Kakashi.
She was the one to heal Obito, to save Rin, to make sure that Itachi’s hands would never be stained with his family’s blood.
And now, now she sits in a T&I room and she laughs, laughs herself hoarse because she succeeded, she won. And now she is in the future, her intended destination, but it is not the same.
In this future, Haruno Sakura does not exist. She is nothing and no one.
Naruto and Sasuke are alive and well and happy. They get to live the lives they could have only dreamed about.
And Sakura. She doesn’t exist.
She laughs herself hoarse, the laughs turning into broken sobs and she drops her forehead to the table, hiccuping and clenching her hands into blood inducing fists.
Alone. As she always has been.
The door creaks open and Ibiki steps in, a folder in hand.
Sakura’s head snaps up, wiping her face as she almost sighs in relief. She loved (loves?) Ibiki, he once was one of her closest friends near the end. She knows Ibiki, trusts him. Or, at least, she had.
Sakura straightens in her chair, careful of the chakra suppressing handcuffs that really do nothing for her, just acting as a hindrance. But, she does not remove them because she is not a threat to Konoha, she never has been, never intends to be.
Ibiki sits down in front of her, eyeing her carefully and it almost feels like coming home. “You say your name is Haruno Sakura.”
“Yes.” She rasps, licking her cracked and bleeding lips. “That’s right.”
Her eyes flit to the glass window, ignoring her own reflection as she narrows her eyes at whoever is behind the wall. An unknown chakra signature, wild and worried. And— and—
His cool and lazy chakra, almost like a current of electricity. She would know that chakra any where, as if it is engrained deep in her bones. And right now he’s interested, almost antsy.
Swallowing, Sakura looks back to Ibiki, who had been watching her keenly. “You already had Inoichi-san do a mind walk. You know everything I do.” Shoulders back, chin tilted, spine steeled.
The dead man that sits in front of her hums and opens a folder, “We believe you—”
“It is not a matter of believing.” Sakura snaps, eyes flashing. “You know it is a fact. He saw, he showed you, you saw. How could I ever make something like that up?”
“What we know,” Ibiki says too calmly, too pleasantly, “Is that you are severely traumatized.”
And Sakura well, she laughs again. Because. Because what else is she supposed to do? She gives and gives and gives and is given nothing back.
There are no fruits for her labor, no reward for her sacrifice.
Shoulders shaking as she cries and laughs, scrubbing at her face. “We were friends, you know.” She manages. “I made you laugh twice, once after I lost my middle finger,” Sakura holds up her hand to show him, unsure of why she is even talking. “The second when you were dying in my arms.”
Silence rings out as Sakura gathers herself, swallowing harshly. Ibiki is still looking at her, but the way is no longer cynical, no longer studying.
“Just Sakura,” She says wearily.
“Sakura-san,” He continues, “When you were brought in you had a mask on. A mask that has been seen countless times saving Konoha shinobi.”
Sakura does not dare mention the fact that she has also interfered with Suna, giving Gaara the childhood he deserves. And with Mist, cutting the head off the snake quickly enough that the caste system would never truly solidify.
So, she nods. “I am aware.”
“And you claim you are the person behind the mask on every occasion.”
Sighing, she runs a hand over what is left of her hair and makes direct eye contact with her once friend, giving a curt nod, “I am the person behind the mask.”
“One last question, Sakura-san.” Ibiki murmurs, jotting something down in his folder. Sakura forces herself not to read the familiar writing. Though, she is well equipped to read upside down. “How did you come to possess the rinnegan?”
The air drops from mildly uncomfortable to freezing and Sakura does not balk at the question. “You saw it for yourself, Ibiki. It was a gift.”
“Yes, but from who?”
Her heart aches, squeezes at the thought of Naruto, of Sasuke, phantom pains. It is as if she has lost a limb, a piece of her heart when they had turned to ash between her fingers. But Sakura does not waver as she says, “It was a parting gift from Uchiha Sasuke before he died.”
The unknown chakra behind the wall erupts into a mess of emotions while Kakashi’s is mildly surprised if not wary. There is tension between the both of them though.
Which is incredibly amusing considering it wasn’t until much, much later did Kakashi ever see anything to be wary about in her.
(It took her flicking the ground and allowing it to split open and swallow any of their pursuers to convince him that she could very well tear him in half without a second thought.
She wouldn’t though. Team 7 and its members will always be a soft and deeply bruised spot for her. A wound she could never quite heal. Sakura cannot remember a time when she has ever been bruiseless. She has come to terms with being wounded.)
Ibiki closes the folder and taps it on the steel table between them, he motions over his shoulder and the door opens swiftly, revealing Kakashi and another Uchiha with curly hair.
He’s just as she remembers him, except not. Her Kakashi had slouched, had a certain energy about him.
This one, he looks the same, has the scar, the slight slouch. But it is clear that ghosts no longer beat on his back, the world's weight no longer bends him to its will.
Pain races through her heart, echoing physically throughout her body. It hurts. It shouldn’t, seeing her old sensei, her once friend, happy. But it does.
Because while she cannot live without Team 7, it is clear Team 7 can live without her.
She straightens, eyes sharp and body tense as Ibiki stands, chair scraping harshly against the floor and then takes her hands into his, calluses and scars scraping against each other.
Sakura could only imagine what Tsunade-shishou would say if she were to see her, riddled with scars and missing fingers. She could have healed them without a second thought, but chakra had been precious then. Every single ounce had been poured into keeping her precious people safe and herself alive enough to keep fighting.
Her once friend produces a key and unlocks the handcuffs, letting them drop heavily into his awaiting hands before standing up, “Sakura-san, this is Hatake Kakashi,” Her former teacher gives her a hard once over. “And Uchiha Shisui.”
Her skin itches and crawls at Kakashi’s look, cold and unfond, nothing like how she remembers him. And of course, of course he wouldn’t be the man who she had come to adore. He is someone else in this carefully constructed future of her own doing.
The blame, as always, rests upon her weakening shoulders. Sakura is crumbling, her sanity chipping away ever so slowly. It is laughable, really. She wants to throw her head back and howl, she wants to bow and allow herself to scream.
But, if she were to begin to scream, she is not sure she would be able to stop.
So, she gives a curt nod, “Hatake-san. Uchiha-san.”
“Shisui, and therefore the Uchiha, have volunteered to bring you into their custody.” Ibiki goes on, taking a step back. Sakura stays where she is, rooted.
A chill runs up her spine and she looks to Ibiki almost pleadingly. “And you can’t simply dump me into ANBU instead?”
“Mah, Sakura-san.” Kakashi drawls and Sakura’s will cracks. (That bruise will never quite heal.) “I can promise that the Uchiha aren’t as bad as they seem.”
Shisui smiles and it is unlike any smile she has seen before.
She cannot remember the last time she had seen a smile.
“Don’t listen to the old man, Sakura-san.” Shisui says and she’s caught off guard at how friendly he sounds, deep and welcoming. Sakura swallows harshly. “We’re a bunch of assholes but no harm will come to you, we can promise that.”
Uchiha men, she thinks with distaste, will always hold a knife to her heart. And they will always know how to twist the wretched blade to get her to bend for them.
But. But perhaps Sakura could bend, bend and lay and rest. Just once. And this time she'll bend for herself. Perhaps.
She finds herself nodding, hands shaking despite the steel in her spine, her shoulders still straight. “You’re going to just let me go.”
Ibiki gives her a hard look and Sakura’s lips twitch. Ah, of course not. The Uchiha compound is just a glorified prison. Then again, it is much better than anything she thought would happen.
Then again, Saura never thought this would happen.
Too desperate, too blind with the possibility of a chance to see them again, to be whole again. She, for all her brains, all her genius, had not even stopped to think of the possibility that her future would no longer exist.
It is laughable, really.
So she laughs, she clutches her stomach and laughs because what else can she do?
Sakura has done what she has always done; what was needed. And once again, like every other time, there is nothing but black at the end of the tunnel. No light exists for her.
She is to blame for her own destruction, her own crumbling.
“You can come out,” Sakura’s voice calls out and Shisui grins.
He steps from the shadows, two mugs in hand as he comes to sit next to her, offering her the drink. She takes it without hesitation but swirls it before sipping from it, Shisui watches as her eyes light up just a little bit.
Hot cocoa with peanut butter. He had noticed, the last time the clan had it, that she’d snuck four mugs worth.
If Sakura was surprised he noticed, she didn’t show it. She was like that, a one way mirror, giving nothing away even as she saw everything.
“Did you want something, Shisui-san?” She twitches as he scoots a little closer, the fireflies floating around the backyard. “Or did you just want some company?”
Shisui smiles boyishly, tilting his head back to look at her, “Heard that Minato-sama called you into the Hokage’s office again.”
“You mean you heard from Genma, who told Itachi while on their date, who then told you that the Hokage summoned me for the fourth time this week.” Sakura snorts, taking a long drink from her mug. There's a little foam on her upper lip that he fights to not wipe away. “He and his wife keep trying to convince me to let them look at the seals I used.”
Shisui pauses, eyes trained on Sakura as she looks to the sky, head leaning back. Her hair has grown out a little, more fuzz on her head than anything, she looks more alive, well fed. Deep bags under her one visible eye, three nasty scars dissect her face and the rest of her body isn’t any better.
She is the most beautiful, most terrifying, most devastating thing he has ever seen.
“The seals you used…”
“To go back and hop through time like a jack rabbit to save the entire world?” She asks, a wry smile on her face. “Yes, Shisui, those seals.”
He hums, leaning back on the heels on her hands, “Why don’t you just let them look?”
“They aren’t my seals to share.” Sakura half snaps, shoulders curling in, her body strung tight. “Naru— my friend was the one to draw them out, I just figured out the last bit of it. Plus, there is no reason why they need to see those seals.” Her tone sharp, unyielding almost pleading.
Shisui stays quiet until Sakura begins to slowly relax. She gets like this sometimes, tense and defensive. As if trying to convince herself rather than him of her deeds. He knew better than to push, he knew that she had gone through more than anyone would ever go through.
The way Ibiki and Inoichi look at her with the utmost respect can verify that. The way Kakashi and Rin and Obito have gone out of their way to greet her, to help her speaks volumes.
He takes a drink from his mug, studying the stars winking above them. “Hey Sakura,”
“Yes?” She sounds oh so weary. His very soul aches.
“Thank you, for everything.” He doesn’t dare look at her, barely hearing himself over the pounding of his heart. “You don’t talk much about what happened but I know, I can tell that it was horrible. And thank you for saving us, the world.”
She had lost everything, everyone. In that future that she had protected them from Sasuke died, Itachi died, he was dead. He could only imagine what the ruins of that world looked like. He could only imagine what Sakura had to do to survive.
Sakura’s fingers are cold, freezing as they brushes the back of his hand. Shisui fights a shiver, the trail of goosebumps, the thrill. “Oh, oh Shisui.” Her voice is heartbreaking and full of nothing but steel. “I would never allow anyone to endure that. You will never have to endure that, I made sure of it. Never. No one will. I promise.”
Her hand draws back as she brings her knees to her chest, eyes far away and breathes quick. And Shisui, he doesn’t know what comes over him as he scoots even closer and carefully wraps his arm around her strong shoulders, drawing her closer.
And. And Sakura, she allows it. She moves to his side, not quite leaning but touching.
“Are you happy here?” Shisui finds himself asking after long minutes of silence. Sakura’s breath evened out and she sits with her chin on her knees.
Her eye flits to him, weighing and heavy. She looks at him and Shisui cannot help but see the age, the ancientness that has taken root. He wants to pull out the misery within her, wants to hold her tight enough that she will never fall apart without somewhere there to catch the pieces.
He wants to love her, he wants her to let him love her.
“No.” Sakura whispers, as if her unhappiness in a world that does not know her, that has done nothing for her is such an awful, wretched thing. “I miss everyone.”
Shisui cannot say anything so he does what he does best; what he wants.
He stays with her, arm resting on her shoulders and slowly, Sakura allows herself to lean into his side.
Around them, the night settles and the crickets chirp. The heavens had nothing to do with Haruno Sakura, with their Savior, coming to them. No, Sakura is the catalyst of this, of this paradise they now all reside in.
If anything, she is the heavens themselves. And it is about time someone tells her that, shows her that.
Sakura sees them for the first time in the five months she has landed in this new future. Itachi invited her to meet his genin team. Itachi, the man who had once been a mass murderer, is now a mednin and a jounin sensei.
Shisui joins her because of course he does, he has been the one constant throughout this entire ordeal. The Uchihas are nothing like she thought they would be. The Uchihas are everything she hoped they would.
They are loving, friendly, welcoming, and thankful. Mikoto is nothing but heaven sent sunshine and cloud soft embraces, Fukago is nothing but a deep rumbling laugh and fond looks.
No one is the same, nothing is the same.
Shisui is there though, at her side, at her back. She trusts him, gods, she trusts him. Despite her better judgement, despite everything. Sakura trusts Shisui.
So, Shisui joins her as she takes to the roofs and to training field 7. She’s finally been cleared for the mission roster and given her jounin blues. Though, Sakura has yet to decide if she even would enjoy going on missions.
Maybe with Shisui.
But she does not think she has a taste for violence anymore, for killing. Maybe she'll spend her days with Kakashi's dogs and holed up in the libraries. Maybe she'll visit Gaara or Chojuro.
She had yet to meet Tsunade, who had been hunting for her since Minato (the bastard) had let it slip that Sakura was in possession of the rinnegan and the byakugan seal. Shisui is exceptionally good at playing discractor as Sakura flees to rock in a corner until he finds her. He's good at that, holding her, letting her breathe, allowing her to find solace within his arms and his space.
They step onto the training fields and Sakura freezes mid step to watch as Sasuke, Naruto, and Sai (oh, oh Sai. Sweet Sai, oh.) attack in perfect sync.
They’re fourteen if her math is correct.
They move smooth and swift, nonverbal communication as if they had been working like this for years. It's beautiful, really.
Something ugly claws at her heart, catching on an already scabbing part to rip open a new wound. Simply another reminder that Sakura is not needed. She never was.
It's laughable, really.
Shisui’s fingers massages the sides of her neck with his fingers, the spot where her skull and neck meet. “You’re tense.”
“They have beautiful teamwork.” She chokes out.
He looks at her, long and open, “We can go home, if you want.”
Shisui’s good at that t00, the open ended question, the way of making her not feel trapped. He's too perceptive for his own good, she has yet to tell him anything except what is on record. But, but. He knows. He knows of Kakashi, of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sai. It is both a relief and a terror. “No.” She manages, curling her hands. She is Haruno Sakura. She has faced the impossible her entire life. Ghosts are nothing compared to gods.
At least, that is what she tells herself.
“I’ll be fine.” Sakura glances up at him, licking her lips. He watches the movement before his eyes flit back up hers and he offers one of her favorite smiles. The one where his dimples are visible, where she can see the small chip of his front tooth and the way his top canin is a little crooked.
Itachi calls the spar minutes later, the boys slumping onto the ground and breathing heavily. Sakura offers a small smile as Itachi nears them, waving a hand in greeting.
“Ah, Sakura-chan.” He grins, then looks to Shisui, dry amusement clear in his tone, “Shisui.”
“You’ve trained them well,” Sakura praises, watching as Naruto (oh gods, Naruto with his big blue eyes and blonde, blonde hair) pulls a limp Sasuke (a Sasuke who laughs freely, who smiles, and is loved) onto his feet, Sai huffing a chuckle from the ground.
Itachi practically beams at the praise, “They are very talented. And you would like to meet them, yes?”
Shisui’s thumb traces the bumps of her spine and Sakura is reminded that she has forged herself from the ashes of her friends, that she is borne from war and steel. She can do this. Shisui is here and she can do this. “Yes, I would love to, Itachi.”
Shisui’s hand burns through her clothes as they follow Itachi, the boys immediately catching sight and freezing at the sight of them. Sakura will never admit it out loud that she has been avoiding any and all people from her past (present? future?).
One look at Ino, whole and happy and sassy, and Sakura had almost gone insane. And then Shikamaru and Chouji, all together, all smiling. Gods, Sakura had fallen to her knees at the sight. Such grief, such loneliness—
She’s better now. She is.
“Team 7.” Itachi says, “This Haruno Sakura, and you already know Shisui.”
Sakura shifts under the wide eyed gazes of the boys, the men she loved (loves?) with her entire being. “It is a pleasure to meet you,”
Naruto recovers first because of course he does. And he smiles at her, he smiles at her and Sakura wants to claw at her skin and cry. Shisui intertwines their hands, as if sensing that urge.
“I’m Uzumaki Naruto!” He’s fourteen and he's alive and he’s happy. He isn’t out of the village, he’s here because he has a clan, he has a family. “Is it true that you’re the Savior?”
Sasuke smacks him in the back of the head with a scowl, “Be polite, dobe.” To Sakura he offers a bow, “It is pleasure to meet you, Haruno-san. I am Uchiha Sasuke.”
Sakura’s lips twitch despite herself. Never, not once, did Sasuke ever bow to anyone. He had always been arrogant, but here? Now? It's laughable, really.
She glances to Sai and he isn’t as pale as he once was, his cheeks are full of color, his eyes brimming with life. “I am Senju Sai, Haruno-san.”
And. Sakura pauses at that. Senju Sai, huh. Perhaps she'll have to face Tsunade sooner than later. The thought added to the dread filled pool in her stomach. But. But, she could do it. Maybe.
“It is very nice to meet you all,” She croaks and then offers a very brittle smile. “And Naruto-kun,” She fights a shiver at the honorific. “That information is S class, but find me when you make jounin, hm?” And for a moment she could pretend that everything was okay and she was teasing her Naruto. Just for a moment.
Much to her amusement, all three boys pout, looking to Itachi who shrugs, “You heard Sakura, now, let’s see formation Alpha but reverse.”
The boys groan and Sakura can’t help the smile, a smile with teeth.
She can feel Shisui’s eyes on her before she even turns to look at him. Her body is shaking, Sakura realizes blankly but Shisui still holds her sweating hands, squeezing ever so slightly. “Ready to go?”
Sakura swallows, staring up at him, studying him. And oh, she is so tempted to uncover her eye, to memorize his face. “Yes. Let’s… let's go home.”
He wakes to warmth pressed against his chest, warm breaths against his neck. Their legs are tangled, her arm thrown over his side and brushes against the bare skin of his back. Both of them are missing their clothes, Sakura preferred being able to feel the skin on him, the brush of flesh between them.
What they have, it is something deeper than any type of physical act. No, what they have… well, Shisui can not put it to words. There are no words. There will never be words.
It is rare for Sakura to sleep soundlessly and through the entire night. Shisui kisses her forehead, above her seal, on one of the many scars of her face. She doesn’t stir except to shift ever so slightly, hugging him closer.
And if Shisui’s heart melts, no one else is there to see the absolute brilliant smile on his lips.
“Sakura,” He murmurs because if she doesn’t get up soon, she’ll miss her lunch with Ibiki (who gets very grumpy when his time with Sakura is cut short), “Sakura.”
She grumbles, limbs tensing for a moment, a single breath before melting once more. “Shisui,” Her voice is rough with sleep, the sound swirls and dances around his bones. “G’mornin’.”
Shisui laughs, a soft push of air, as Sakura leans back to peer at him, both eyes uncovered as she studies him, the look like a physical caress. “Good morning.” He whispers, kissing her forehead once again.
“What time is it?” She murmurs, eyes drooping closed.
“You’ve got about an hour before Ibiki comes knocking.” Shisui chuckles.
Sakura snorts, pulling away to stretch her arms above her head, arching her back in the way that Shisui can admire every muscle, every scar, every part of her. “Then I better get up,”
“Or, you could always stay,” Shisui cajools, to which Sakura only laughs. The sound is beautiful and full and makes his heart beat a little faster.
“The last time I canceled on Ibiki was when I had to help Itachi with his and Genma’s wedding plans, and he sent little Terror Ino after me for a week.”
Shisui cracks an even wider grin, “Well, at least you got some nice clothes out of it.”
Laughing again, Sakura leans down to kiss him, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“Go on,” Shisui shoos, making a little gesture with his hand. “Have fun, I’ll be here when you get back.”
She cups his face, thumbing the sharp of his cheek bone before leaning forward to kiss him again, "I love you." Then. "I am glad that my suffering brought me to you, that I landed here."
"I love you." He returns, barely a whisper as he brushes hair behind her ears. His heart beats for her, cracks and aches and swells. All for her. "There will never be a time that I will not love you. There will never be a time where I do not see you and see everything you are, everything you have done."
The sky is sunny and the spring beautiful as Sakura, the very heavens themselves, mouth splits into a brilliant, blinding smile.
(Sakura has crumbled and broken, she has fallen apart over and over. She has always known how to put herself together, until she couldn’t.
But Shisui, oh Shisui, he has always been readily available with glue and tape. He will always be there to hold her together with his bare hands, ready to bleed for her, with her.
She has given and given and given. He is willing to give everything back to her tenfold.
It is the very least she deserves, the very least the world can gift her. Shisui will always be willing to give more.)
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
Summary: Makoto’s a bit haunted by the lack of normalcy in Hope’s Peak--at least, whatever shreds of normalcy could survive in a place like that. Hina, Sakura, and Kyoko bring him some measure of peace. 
@naegiristan Here’s your TOC fic! I apologize for it being so late, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless :) Thanks to the lovely @peachytickles for hosting this with me. I had a blast. @ticklesofcolor 
There’s a lengthy conversation about food/healthy eating in the beginning, so TW/CW for food. 
Living at Hope’s Peak had forced Makoto to severely recategorize the way he viewed himself. Being ordinary was just...who he was. There was no word for it before. Makoto was himself, and that’s all that he ever needed to be. School life, if he could even call it that, had wrenched that comfort away from him. 
How was he supposed to be ordinary amongst the world’s foremost geniuses? What was the point of being ‘just Makoto’ when everyone else was so much more? 
“Heads up!” The call snapped Makoto out of his thoughts. He turned and caught a facefull of frosting and sprinkles. He narrowed his eyes at Hina, not exactly annoyed but not exactly happy either. 
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Hina wheezed, not even bothering to hide her giggles.
“I’m fine.” Makoto wiped a bit of frosting from his nose and popped it in his mouth. Hm. Strawberry.
“You looked like you could use a donut. I take my friends’ donut deficiencies very seriously.” Hina took a seat by his left, sliding the dozen box to sit between them. Sakura sat on his other side, graceful as always, and took a glazed donut from the box. 
“Hmm?” She looked up, donut in mouth, and Makoto stifled a chuckle. 
“You’re...having a donut?” Hina stared in open-mouthed wonder. 
“I can have cheat meals sometimes.” Sakura averted her eyes, uncharacteristically bashful. 
“I thought you hated donuts! I feel betrayed!”
“It’s reverse psychology, Hina. It makes cravings easier.” 
“Next you’re gonna tell me you actually love cake.” Hina huffed, and when Sakura stayed quiet, she threw her hands up in exasperation.
“We’re soulmates! I’m supposed to know these things about you! My whole life is a lie!” Hina whined, dropping her head in her hands. Sakura leaned around Makoto to pat her back, chuckling at her dramatics. 
Kyoko drifted over with perfect timing, taking a graceful seat before Hina could declare a divorce. 
“Hey, Kyoko.” Makoto smiled. Her eyes lingered on his face for a while, longer than usual, and it occurred to him that he still had frosting on his face. He pulled napkins from the dispenser on the table and dipped them in his water glass, choosing speed over discretion as he scrubbed at his face. 
“Hina. Sakura. Makoto.” Her lips quirked up on his name. 
“Do you have plans, Kyoko?” Hina slid the box to Kyoko, but she didn’t take a donut.
“Why do you ask?”
“Sakura and I were gonna go up to the art room. Wanna come?” 
“I suppose.” Kyoko smiled.
“Guys, look!” Hina gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. 
“Is that...Celeste?” Sakura wrinkled her nose, slipping past Hina to get a better look. Nearly every surface in the room was covered in images of Celeste, from paintings to sketches--even a sculpture or two sat at the back of the room.
“Hifumi must have drawn these,” Kyoko sighed, thumbing through a discarded sketchbook--unfortunately, also filled with drawings of Celeste. 
“What makes you say that?” Makoto looked over Kyoko’s shoulder. The drawings were good--no, great, actually, if one could get past the creepiness of it all. Did Celeste know about all of this?
“He’s obsessed with her.” Kyoko held up a more tame drawing of Celeste looking out a window. Something at the back of Makoto’s mind stirred upon seeing it, but the feeling fled as quickly as it came. 
“I think he’s a little more than obsessed.” Sakura gestured at an easel with an Elizabethan-style portrait of Celeste on a throne, revelling in excessive jewels and finery. Celeste had to know, then. This was the kind of thing she’d force Hifumi to make, anyhow. 
“I want a creepy portrait now! Let’s make them for each other!” Hina giggled, appraising the portrait of Celeste with open amusement. 
“I’m not an artist, Hina.” 
“Who cares? It’ll be fun! You and I can do each other. I won’t judge you. Makoto and Kyoko, why don’t you guys swap as well?” Hina shoved brushes and palettes into everyone’s hands, leaving no room for argument. Though Makoto really wanted to argue. There was no way Kyoko would--
“Y-Yeah. Sounds good.” He coughed, dumping his supplies at the nearest station. Sakura came around with canvases for them, delicately setting them on the easels. 
Painting was rather relaxing, once Makoto got into it. Some of his anxieties melted away as he meticulously blended the paint, trying to capture the lavender undertones of Kyoko’s hair. He cut the line of her easel across the canvas with a thick brush, and in one fell swoop, outlined the curve of her head peeking out behind it. The creepy piece of the activity was lost on Makoto from the moment he started--he had to do Kyoko justice. 
He leaned in close for the most important part: Kyoko’s eyes. They both weren’t visible, but her right eye peeked out just enough for him to capture the gentle violet. He dabbed tiny reflections into the iris, giving her eyes the shining life that he’d always admired. He wondered if his eyes looked like that. Probably not, anymore. 
The sensation of something light and fluffy sweeping across his nape rudely interrupted his musings and nearly sent him onto the floor. The feeling zipped along the side of his neck and hopped up to his ears--he tilted out of his chair at that point, and Sakura’s sharp reflexes were the only thing saving him from an untimely demise. She righted his chair with him still in it and smiled.
“Hina!” Makoto slapped a hand to the back of his neck, cheeks blazing red. Hina’s grin told him all he needed to know, but the paintbrush dangling between her fingers told him more. 
“Sorry! Had to snap you out of it. We’re going to go get dinner, if you want to join us.” Hina squeezed his shoulder and it only tickled worse. He tried to discreetly pry her hand off of his shoulder but there was no room left for playing natural. 
“You guys go ahead. I’m not hungry.” He cursed himself for the way his voice cracked. He saw Kyoko glance at him from the corner of his eye and he cleared his throat. Real smooth, Makoto. 
“I’ll pass as well.”
“Oh, okay. Bye!” Hina looped her arm through Sakura’s and dragged her out of the art room, leaving Makoto and Kyoko silent and alone. 
“I finished your painting.” Kyoko turned her easel to face him. What’d she painted certainly looked like him, if he squinted. The colors were all there, and she’d perfectly captured the one tuft of hair on his head that would never lie down. His face was a little lopsided, looking more like an emoticon than anything else. He adored it more than words could describe.
He needed words, though, because Kyoko was staring expectantly. 
“I….it’s…” Would cute sound patronizing? Maybe endearing was alright. No, that would be worse. 
“You can say it’s horrible.”
“It’s perfect, Kyoko.” He ran his thumb over her signature in the bottom corner. 
“Can I see yours?”
“Oh, uh. Sure.” He turned his easel towards her, eyes fixed on a point in the middle distance so he wouldn’t have to look at her.
“Makoto.” He looked up, expression neutral. 
“This is wonderful,” She whispered. Tears glistened in her eyes, threatening to fall, and Makoto frantically passed her tissues from his pocket. 
“Kyoko, hey--”
“I’m just grateful, that’s all. Thank you.” She dabbed at her eyes. 
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing to me. Thank you.” She took the painting from the easel and held it protectively. 
“You’re welcome.” He smiled.
“I want what they have. Sakura and Hina, I mean.” Makoto unlocked his door and held it open for her. 
“A lesbian relationship?”
“Wh--no, of course not. Wait. They’re together?” Makoto’s jaw dropped. 
“Makoto, your lack of perception worries me sometimes,” Kyoko huffed, slipping past him with the paintings. She rested them against the wall near the door as Makoto worked his jaw, trying to remember how to speak. It made sense,  but how could he not notice?
“Listen, my point is that I want normalcy. I want to laugh with someone who means something to me. As messed up as it is that we’re trapped here--” He gestured to his room-- “I’d like to at least have friends like everyone else.” He flopped on his bed. She sat more gracefully beside him. 
“I’m not very funny.” Kyoko shrugged. He squinted confusedly at her for a moment. 
“That’s okay, Kyoko. You don’t have to be. I’m just complaining about something stupid.” He sighed deeply and fiddled with his jacket sleeves.
“I may have a different way of making you laugh, though.”
“Oh?” He looked up. 
“You might hate it. Just...tell me to stop if you do.” She made eye contact with him, and if he didn’t know any better, he’d say she was...nervous? He’d never seen her like this. It was equally endearing and unsettling.
The skittering of nails around his collarbones stopped his train of thought dead in its tracks. 
“K-Kyoko! Wait!” He squealed, giggles bursting from him before he could even think to hold them back. She withdrew her hands as if she’d been burned, watching him intently. 
“You didn’t have to...I mean...I-It’s okay if you…” Makoto waved his hands around, well-aware that the stammering was losing him any cool points he may have had with her. 
“You like this.” A statement, not a question. 
“I think so? Y-Yeah, I do. It’s fun, and you’re fun, and--”
“Makoto.” Kyoko silenced him with the tenderness of his name. “It’s alright.”
“Yes.” She smiled--smiled!--at him, and his heart flipped in his chest. They gazed at each other for a moment, warm and inviting, and it would’ve been great if Kyoko didn’t ruin it by tickling his ribs. Makoto squawked and fell backwards on the bed, giggling at machine-gun speed. He grabbed at her arms to have something to hold and she chuckled at him, sliding her hands down to his sides. She moved languidly, calculating every move before Makoto could react to her last one. 
“Just so you know, Makoto, you mean something to me, too. So in a way, we’re both getting normalcy.” She hummed and scribbled curiously at his stomach, laughing softly at his attempts to curl up. He wondered if she knew how awful her nails were, even through his shirt. His survival instincts advised against telling her, though--she’d likely never leave him alone. 
If Makoto could see through his mirth-squinted eyes, he might’ve seen Kyoko staring down at him fondly, smiling wider than she had since they’d arrived at Hope’s Peak. Instead, he cycled between swatting at her hands and hiding his face, absolutely overwhelmed on all fronts. 
“Yeah,” she whispered softly, applying enough pressure to make Makoto shriek, “Ordinary is just what I needed.”
If he wasn’t giggling so hard, he’d’ve told her that she was what he needed, too. 
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belit0 · 4 years
Heyy! I love your blog so much, can't believe you don't have more followers!:o I wanted to ask a request, I didn't even see it on tumblr anywhere ever so i hope you'll like it:)). Could you do Madasaku and Izusaku headcanons?👀 both sfw and n*-fw. (I saw you also write about Sakura besides the Uchiha - i love these pairings💟) Thankks!
Thank you, beautiful! My blog is relatively new, so I’m growing by baby steps :) thanks for your support!!🧙🏻‍♀️🖤✨
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MadaSaku [SFW]
These two had trouble getting along at first, just like two thick skulls! We know Madara for his awful temper, but nobody talks about Sakura’s as much as they should.
Being such a strong and independent woman, this kunoichi could never comply with the stereotype that this Uchiha is used to frequent. Having such a dominant character, he enjoys subduing others.
But when his path impacts her, everything takes a turn. She is not someone who will easily carry out his orders like anyone else, and this presents a challenge, something that intrigues him.
How did they end up together? Let’s say that, after the war, Madara survived, but his chakra paths were destroyed with the rise of Kaguya, so it is decided that he is no longer a threat, that he can be valuable to the village. Thus begins his rehabilitation, which Sakura has to take care of.
Before they realize it, they are dancing before a fire that grows between them, and there is no way to avoid it.
The relationship is quite balanced. Sakura compensates for all the mental health that Madara does not have lmao. No, but seriously.
Before his intensity, she is calm. In the face of his anger, she is the peace. In front of his tyranny, she is patient. They say that the opposites attract each other, don’t they? The best example is this couple.
Madara is a broken man, but Sakura helps him to recompose his soul piece by piece, to learn to love again, to see life with hope one more time.
He doesn’t trust anyone but her, so it’s not uncommon that their activities as a couple are all indoors.
Reading together in front of the fireplace with some tea, team cooking, cleaning the house together, training in the garden.
Because he was always very cultured, it is not strange to see him write down his knowledge on scrolls, which she then reviews and expresses her opinion on the subject in a lively debate.
Very occasionally, Madara accompanies Sakura to her work. Feeling rejected by the eyes of others about his person, he locks himself in her office until she ends the day, like a frightened cat in the presence of humans.
IzuSaku [SFW]
I have a very crazy idea of how this couple could have been formed, pay attention. After the final fight with Madara, Hashirama is aware that he is alive. At the same time, Tobirama finishes creating Edo Tensei. Both brothers decide that the only one who can make Madara see reason is Izuna, therefore, they revive him, and without manipulating him, they allow him a complete resurrection (breaking the Jutsu, as well as Madara in the war). They ask him to bring his brother to his senses and Izuna seeks him out to show him that he has come back to life. When he finds him (let us suppose that Madara developed the Rinnegan ahead of time and not just before he died) he believes that he is being deceived, and without being able to handle his new power yet, he sends his younger brother into the future = IzuSaku.
The Uchiha is upset, really upset. The one who killed him has just brought him to life, his brother is suffering and now he is in who knows where. But his bad predisposition changes when a pink-haired young woman appears in his sight.
What a curious, adorable, beautiful, and well-intentioned person. Sakura, her name suits him. Such beautiful eyes.
She is frightened by the symbol on his back, and it helps him to determine his situation. Time travel, change of periods. What a lovely woman, definitely her clan did not exist in the original time of Izuna, otherwise, he would remember such gorgeous features.
She decides to help him, and hiding him in her house is when their bond becomes closer.
Sakura had only interacted with one Uchiha in her life, and suddenly she cannot believe how affective the one that is now with her is. Love 24/7, the intensity of this clan is real.
Surprise hugs from behind, tender kisses on the neck at any moment, caresses on the face, arms, thighs.
Something that Sakura enjoys a lot is to comb Izuna’s hair after he gets out of the shower, usually, he falls asleep lying on her after a long time.
After a difficult day, he welcomes her at home with a good massage session, having become an expert in reading her body expressions to detect her mood.
Izuna lends himself as a test subject in Sakura’s work, he finds it very amusing. He loves to receive as much of her attention as possible.
When the kunoichi is working on a new poison, the Uchiha loves to sit near her workplace and observe her movements, her concentration, the effectiveness of her creation.
If Sakura has a very tough time today, Izuna refrains to make some tea for her and to support her with his company.
She loves the face he makes when she brings him sweets, after leaving work. His appetite for sugar… he’s like a child.
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MadaSaku [NS-FW]
Fire in the room.
The fact that Madara no longer has a chakra does not mean that he has lost his unequaled strength.
Oh, but wait… Sakura has hers too.
The constant struggle for who dominates who, which brings a very funny dynamic when it comes to intimacy.
Sakura enjoys deeply when Madara holds her strongly against any surface, demonstrating his desire and need to be the one who leads.
The situation eventually turns around when she is too hot to his touch, and subdues him to her strength, forcing him to stay under her control.
This arouses Madara even more, who appreciates having a woman by his side who knows what she wants and fights for it.
Their sexual dynamics are overwhelming and devastates everything. Several tables had to be replaced after Sakura’s back hit them.
Madara had to fix different holes that he made in various walls with his fists while he held Sakura’s hips on his shoulders and devoured her pussy without mercy. The tugs in his hair that she supplies him with on each occasion make him lose his mind, and holding her in the air at his mercy pushes him to the limit.
Purple and greenish bruises decorate his thighs when she pays special attention to his limb with her mouth. Every time the Uchiha rushes his hips towards her face trying to get deeper into her throat, the kunoichi squeezes his legs, making he slows down and groans in pain.
Of course her aftercare includes healing the rudeness imparted upon her lover.
IzuSaku [NS-FW]
Thanks to being the object of research for Sakura, she is highly aware of all the visual abilities that Izuna possesses. That Sasuke was her partner does not mean that she knew the true extent of the Sharingan, the same applying to Kakashi.
The room of both soon fills with highly exciting and kinky games, where she is subjected to numerous Genjutsus from him, destined to make her reach her maximum pleasure peak constantly.
Izuna loves to capture Sakura’s glance during different moments of the day, trapping her surprisingly in his world of passion, making her scream until her body trembles in an uncontrollable way.
When he brings her back to reality, he laughs maliciously at the exhausted expression of the kunoichi, and carries her to the bed in his arms, where they both rest.
If Sakura wants to take revenge, she avoids looking him in the eyes and takes advantage of any moment of distraction to use the clear benefit that her strength gives her.
Sitting on his lap on the sofa, getting into the shower with him and pinning him against a wall, straddling him when they are in bed.
Izuna cannot fight her Taijutsu, and because the kunoichi learned to avoid his glance, he has no way of escaping the torture.
All that remains is to submit to the fiery touches with which Sakura enjoys teasing him, feeling his cock squirm at every touch.
Anyway, both also love soft, delicate, and romantic sex. They alternate their encounters between uncontrolled, passionate situations, adding sweetness and delicacy.
Feeling Izuna’s light kisses travel all over her body is something that drives her crazy, and while he pays special attention to her nipples, leaving slight marks, she massages her clit at a slow pace.
Before the sassy image of Sakura touching herself under him, the Uchiha cannot avoid imitating her, and moves his hand slowly over his member while he continues paying special attention to his lover.
When their bodies finally unite, the heat is too much, and it does not take them long to finish both at the same time. Their nights are eternal when they take their time praising each other in this peaceful way.
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princeasimdiya12 · 4 years
Talentswap-DR1 Kids with V3 Talents
So I came across a post made by @mythgirlimagines who gave some headcanons that featured the kids from the first game with talents from the V3 game. I really enjoyed the idea and I began to think of my own headcanons for each kid and how their lives would be different with their new talents. So with their permission, I was able to come up with this. I hope you like it!
Sayaka Maizono as the SHSL Adventurer
As a kid, she spent all her time at home since her dad was always working and her mom passed away.
She found comfort in watching TV programs that showcased different countries and cities and loved seeing the people having fun together.
Wanting to find happiness like those people, Sayaka began to secretly wander around her home city and partook in sight seeing and trying new foods.
She also practiced interacting with the people and asking them different questions.
After getting enough practice, she began traveling around different parts of Japan before making her way through the Asian countries followed by the rest of the globe.
She vlogs her travels by uploading pictures and videos of the food, fashion and festivals in each place she visits.
The popularity of her vlogs has resulted in her gaining contracts with multiple tourist companies who want her to visit their cities to boost tourism.
Mukuro Ikusaba as the SHSL Pianist
Mukuro doesn’t really care about playing the piano. She only took it up because her sister insisted that she do something useful with her life
She spent most of her freetime practicing the piano and would perform for hours on end to see how far she could go before exhausting herself.
She’s won multiple awards and critical acclaim for her performances but they mean nothing to her if they didn’t come from her sister.
When Junko decided to become SHSL Despair, Mukuro began to channel her talent to her sister’s instruction.
Her music can manipulate the emotional states of anyone listening to her and increase it based on the melodies she performs.
Ex. A somber tune can make people into sobbing messes while an aggressive song can make listeners become hostile and violent towards each other.
Junko would use her sister’s talent to either influence new followers or to dispose of unlucky victims.
She mainly wears a slim black dress when she performs on stage.
Leon Kuwata as the SHSL Tennis Player
Just like in canon, Leon doesn’t like his talent. Particularly the heavy training that’s involved.
He mainly uses his tennis player image to become a celebrity.
This involves staging photo sessions with him posing in his tennis uniform or performing cool moves for the camera.
He mainly performs solo and the few times that he partakes in a doubles match is if his partner can boost his image.
This has resulted in him getting into arguments with them because of his lazy nature.
He ended up in multiple flings with various fangirls which tarnished his image as a celebrity.
His wardrobe consists of a white polo shirt with orange stripes, shorts and a red sweatband. 
Chihiro Fujisaki as the SHSL Maid/Butler
(As to avoid potential discourse, I’m going to gloss over their backstory and headcanon them as genderfluid)
They find cleaning and organizing rooms to be mentally relaxing.
They take pleasure knowing that a clean house or room will become much refreshing and comforting to their client(s).
Most people are surprised that someone as small and fragile like them is capable of doing multiple chores and duties in a single day.
They prefer to work behind the scenes or with as few people watching over them.
Chihiro often has difficulties when it comes to making public announcements to large groups.
Some days they dress up in maid uniforms while other days they dress up as a butler.
Their specialty when it comes to cooking is making perfect creme brulee. 
Mondo Oowada as the SHSL Artist
As a professional artist, Mondo can make a variety of artworks.
His area of specialties include sculptures and murals.
Despite making tons of money with his artworks, he secretly dislikes the rich people who buy his pieces due to their snooty personalities.
He initially hated his talent because he was hoping to be good at something that was more manly or cooler.
His big brother was the reason for why he became an artist to begin with.
Having been Mondo’s main parental figure their whole lives, Daiya wanted to ensure that his brother would have a secure career that he could be proud of and that he wouldn’t have to risk his life for. Just like he does as a gang leader.
After his inevitable death, Mondo took his art career more seriously to honor his big brother.
He wears cargo pants with a white tank top and has a paint splattered bandanna around his neck.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru as the SHSL Aikido Master
He took up aikido believing it to be an ideal practice of mastering self control
He devotes most of his freetime to studying the different forms of aikido aswell as the religious aspects tied to the skill.
At his old school(s) he became popular for taking down various delinquents who would terrorize his defenseless classmates. But what really moved everyone was how Kiyotaka invited each delinquent to join him so that they can master self control and change their lives for the better.
He ended up becoming the president of a large club dedicated to aikido.
Despite his popularity, Kiyotaka is still very awkward at friend making as all he can discuss is his general studies and aikido. 
All of his relations with his peers are purely professional.
Hifumi Yamada as the SHSL Anthropologist
He started out by watching foreign cartoons and dramas and wondered how different they were compared to the ones shown in Japan.
This led to him binge watching multiple foreign shows while taking notes and analyzing the cultural norms displayed in each show.
His hard work paid off when he landed a spot on a TV show where he showcased his research and the popularity for each show in their respective country.
He does most of his research in his hometown but sometimes he’ll travel to specific cities either to showcase new research or to analyze a TV show/movie production.
He dreams of being remembered as a hero who was able to connect every culture and bring world harmony.
He often reaches out to Sayaka in the hopes that they could do a travel collab together but she politely denies his requests using various reasons.
Celestia Ludenberg as the SHSL Inventor
She uses a steampunk lolita ensemble whenever she makes public appearances and speaks with a Victorian accent.
She’s able to maintain her composure when she’s in an environment with an exceptionally hot temperature.
Celestia takes pride in being able to take apart the most mundane of household appliances and rebuild them into something better and praiseworthy. 
Several companies have already commissioned her to make service drones.
She’s willing to make any invention that’s requested provided that the client can afford her extravagant prices.
There’s rumors that she’s been secretly making inventions that can brainwash people and turn them into her obedient servants.
She’s openly expressed interest in studying Kyoko’s existence but the robot makes it clear that she doesn’t want to be involved.
Sakura Oogami as the SHSL Entomologist
While she underwent extreme training thanks to her family’s profession, she has caused conflict among them for refusing to continue the fighting legacy in favor of her true passion.
She’s earned the nickname “The Mountain Woman” on account of how she’s always spotted hanging out in the mountain range studying bug life.
Sakura earned publicity by researching every individual insect found in Japan and how they interact with one another in their ecosystem.
Sometimes she allows the more dangerous insects and arachnids to bite/sting her so she can develop an endurance towards their toxins.  
She also does environmental activism by stopping companies from illegally destroying the forests.
In her spare time, she enjoys meditating in the middle of the woods or by waterfalls.
Aoi sometimes asks if Sakura could lend her some of her butterflies for her magic shows.
Junko Enoshima as the SHSL Supreme Leader
She’s a cult leader. Plain and simple.
Using her analytical talent, Junko can analyze any person who’s unfortunate enough to talk to her.
By lending her ears, she gives them the impression of a person who genuinely cares about them and their problems no matter how pathetic they may be.
Most of the people who are drawn to her are often poor unfortunate souls who have been hurt by society or loved ones.
Wanting to fight boredom, she used her initial members for manipulation games and mental torture to see how powerful her charismatic personality can be.
She uses her findings to establish herself as a prominent figure of the 21st century.
A figure that can guarantee dramatic change if her subjects are willing to follow her commands.
When she decides to become the SHSL Despair, she uses an alternate persona via Monokuma to broadcast messages of despair and hard truths to the listening audiences.
And to keep Hope’s Peak and the police from catching on about her plans, she makes it so that she runs an exclusive club for intellectual and high class individuals. 
Makoto Naegi as the SHSL Astronaut
Despite being average, he wanted to show everyone that it’s possible to accomplish the extraordinary even if you’re ordinary.
He loved the idea of going to space and seeing the beauty of the stars and the Earth down below.
Ever since middle school, he’s been training his body so he can be prepared for space travel.
He’s studied different star systems but he has difficulties when it comes to mechanical engineering and repair.
The closest he’s been to space was traveling in ships that reach high enough for him to experience zero gravity.
Despite being the youngest member of the space program, all the staff members adore him for his bright personality and his eagerness when it comes to completing missions.
In his free time, he tries to learn English and Russian should he be assigned to work with astronauts of the US or Russia.
Kyoko Kirigiri as the SHSL Robot
Her creator was her grandfather Fuhito who wanted an heir for his engineering business.
Her design was modeled after his young granddaughter who had died alongside her mother.
Having familiarized herself with the ongoing grudge between Fuhito and Jin, Kyoko can’t help but wonder if her creation was born out of spite.
She’s willing to follow along with her grandfather’s wishes but she does question if her actions are because she was programmed to follow them or because she herself wants to do it.
She’s built with a titanium body armor that can endure any extreme forms of damage along with providing her with super strength. 
Given the right resources, she can also hack any computer system and gain access to any information found in said system.
Jin had conflicting feelings about allowing Kyoko to enter Hope’s Peak due to her bringing up feelings of anguish for his lost daughter and needed to be pushed by his dad to accept her.
She prefers to stay in the background analyzing the actions and behaviors of her classmates but she will show no hesitation in using force to resolve potential conflicts. 
Byakuya Togami as the SHSL Cosplayer
In this reality, he lost his chance of becoming the Togami Heir and was banished from the family.
He still wanted to make a name for himself and decided to pursue a career that no one in his family would cross paths with him in: cosplaying.
Initially, he was depressed for a month after losing his big chance and immersed himself in anime shows to drown out his depression.
In a way, he found inspiration by watching the protagonists who continued onward and decided to make new paths for themselves despite failing to achieve their initial dreams.
If he wanted to be like them, then he could try dressing like them.
He only watches anime that has an enriching fantasy setting or has historical themes
Using what was left of his money, he funded a public fashion show that displayed the elaborate costumes of famous anime characters.
He became a big hit and was given sponsorships to produce more cosplays. 
He has a love/hate relationship with his talent. On one hand, he prides himself in being the best at cosplaying. But on the other, he hates it because it’s a reminder that he lost his right to be a Togami.
Touko Fukawa as the SHSL Detective
Having grown up reading mystery novels, Touko became familiar with the cliches and expected tropes found in each given mystery.
Before going freelance, she served as a secretary for a private detective.
When looking over his cases, she pointed out the familiar patterns for each case while explaining her reasonings behind her deductions. She ended up being right 9 times out of 10.
The PI decided to give her simple cases that involved family drama and cheating spouses to test and expand her knowledge.
Eventually she would be hired for more extreme cases involving drug rings and murder.
Because of her abusive childhood and upbringing, Touko still has Dissociative Identity Disorder and created Genocider Syo as a coping mechanism to protect her.
But rather than killing people like a cliche yandere, Syo shows up whenever Touko ends up cornered or captured by dangerous criminals.
While she has no idea what gloomy got herself into, Syo has no issue with thrashing the low lives who would threaten her existence.
This has often led to the criminals becoming seriously injured or even being killed as a result. When it comes to the latter, Syo takes special care to ensure that it looked like an accident or that the criminal died by someone else’s hand.
This unfortunately resulted in Touko having a bad reputation as a loose cannon detective.
The detective decided to cut ties with Touko to maintain his business but ensured to tell her that she has what it takes to be a true detective.
She still thinks badly of others and is quick to point out the negative qualities associated with that person.
Yasuhiro Hagakure as the SHSL Assassin
The reason he got into assassination was to own up for his mistakes.
When he was 13, his gambling habit led to him and his mother losing their house and having to live on the streets.
Wanting her son to learn responsibility, Hiroko called in an old friend who had ties with the local yakuza and requested that he give her son a job.
Unbeknownst to the two, the only job that the friend could offer was being an assassin. And wanting to make his mom proud of her boy, Yasuhiro accepted the job without telling Hiroko.
After years of brutal and life threatening training, Yasuhiro became the clan’s go-to hitman and was handsomely rewarded every time he successfully got rid of a clan enemy or someone who couldn’t pay their debts.
His preferences for killing involve drugging the victims with slow but lethal poisons or attacking them when they’re alone. His appearance requires him to be extra cunning as to avoid being detected.
Eventually he was caught by the authorities but was contacted by Hope’s Peak who learned about his unusual career. 
He was given two choices: he could go to jail for his murder or he could attend HP so that his talent could be studied while also receiving the school’s protection. Even a moron like Yasuhiro knew what choice to take.
When he went to tell his mom the good news, he found that she disappeared without a trace. Some say that Hiroko left out of shame when she found out about her son’s crimes, others believe that she was kidnapped and killed by revenge driven enemies. Regardless of the rumors, Yasuhiro has a gut feeling that she’s still out there and he intends to find her to make things right.
He uses the SHSL Fortune Teller title to keep his assassin career a secret.
He still maintains his carefree and ditzy personality both because no one would ever expect him of being a professional killer and so that he can keep pushing forward in life without falling into complete despair.
His baggy clothing and dreadlocks make it easy for him to hide knives or bottles of poison.
Aoi Asahina as the SHSL Magician
Ever since she was a little girl, Aoi loved everything about magic.
She read different types of fairy tales and myths so she can learn more about it and use them for her shows.
When she first started, she would perform tricks for her brother Yuta and would ask for his input regarding each performance and how she could improve herself.
Her costume is based on the classic witches mixed with a magical girl theme. (Think along the lines of Little Witch Academia).
Her magic shows put alot of emphasis on spectacle and enchantment so the people watching could fall in love with the concept of magic.
When she has the time, she bakes her own special donuts and offers them to a certain number of lucky participants.
Despite her friends and family encouraging her to participate in competitions, Aoi doesn’t feel that it would be right to use her magic tricks to compete for publicity.
She wants her magic shows to be an inspirational thing that brings happiness and wonder to the people watching.
She enjoys performing for children and often performs at schools, hospitals and orphanages.
The trick she’s best at performing is the underwater escape challenge.
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Give us the list of gifts!! I’m curious to know what they would give,,
You got it chief!
(Sorry this is a tad late, life has been kicking my butt lately-)
• Chiaki- probably a game or something like that. Most likely a multiplayer, and a promise for the two of them to play it together sometime. She might bring his switch or smth if she knows he'll be there a long time and get bored.
• Hajime- his underwear unlike everyone else, a relatively normal gift, like chocolates or something. they're orange flavoured He'd probably also be the one bringing him general stuff, like a change of clothes and all that.
• Nagito- also his underwear honestly, Nagito is one rich hoe so you know whatever he brings is going to be extremely high quality (especially for his beloved symbol of hope!). It's mentioned in UDG that Makoto likes trendy things, so maybe something he knows Makoto's had his eye on for a while now, but couldn't quite afford.
• Peko- honestly, Peko has zero experience in gift-giving, and probably turns to Fuyuhiko for help. Little does she know, he also has no fucking clue-
• Fuyuhiko- the guy has no idea how to give casual gifts. Makoto just wakes up one day and there's a newly crafted authentic sword embellished with the Kuzuryu clan name lying in the corner wrapped in silk, and he's just like... 'thanks... ig-'
• Jokes aside, he'd probably give him a nice watch or suit- guy's gotta look good when he confronts his rivals attends school.
• Nekomaru- hmm. He's a pretty sporty person, so maybe a tracksuit or gym clothes? Or no- maybe a nice planner/to do list to scribble in. (To Makoto's surprise, it's actually very pretty, and even handmade!)
• Akane- we all know the way to Akane's heart, and it's food- she'd probably bring him a lot of snacks and stuff, especially whatever's his favourite (maybe a bit too much... well, it's not like he minds sharing. Although, maybe that was her plan all along...)
• Ibuki- she'd bring along some CDs and music he likes/she thinks he'd like. It's the perfect opportunity to get him to listen to some of her reccomendations! Also, here's a cute idea- she brings her guitar and sings to/with him in his room.
• Mikan- Mikan is most likely the one actually looking after Makoto, but I guess if she'd had to gift something, it might be some cute stationary? (*looks at Mr stapler-*). I feel like she'd want to give something handmade, like cookies, but she's a bit clumsy and wouldn't be able to make it.
• Teruteru- ok teruteru would DEFINITELY give homemade snacks and stuff. He'd for sure insist on making Makoto's meals (in exchange for helping him with uh... changing his bandages-)
• Sonia- she might realise that Makoto is likely to get bored, and leave him some of her favourite reading material (unfortunately for him, said material is occult magazines, the current issue of which is centred upon a haunting at a hospital... he doesn't sleep well that night-)
• Gundham- isn't it sweet to imagine Gundham might actually leave one of his animal friends to keep Makoto company (even moreso if it's one of the Dark Devas- ahhh that level of trust)- or as he'd say, to "keep watch over him".
• Hiyoko- knowing Hiyoko, she'd probably leave a LOT of sweets. Most likely the traditional japanese kind too, though, there's a fair share of gummies and chewy sweets too.
• Mahiru- she has quite an eye for pretty things, so I think she'd leave some rather nice flowers, maybe in resin, like a bookmark or table decoration. Or, maybe she'd leave some polaroids to remind him of how much they all appreciate him.
• Kazuichi- a television. But not the hospital kind, oh no, this one he built specially for his bud. And maybe some other little gadgets here and there. (Also some coconut water, cause, he just likes it man-)
• Twogami- he'd.. probably copy Byakuya tbh *wheeze*
• Ryouta- a copy of a particular anime that he knows Makoto will like/cheer him up (I'm looking at you, *insert your favourite comfort anime series/movie here*)
Class 78
• Byakuya- knowing this guy, he'll buy whatever's expensive- he might even leave some of that pricey coffee because he "cant stand to see Makoto drinking that commoner crap anymore-" (insert that scene from ouran high school host club here-). Although... i cant remember but i think it was mentioned that he likes flowers? He might leave those.
• Kyoko- she actually likes some pretty feminine things, like perfume and cherry blossoms. I can see her leaving one of those really nice pens/journals. Or a set of some nice lotions/stuff like that.
• Aoi- donuts, duh. (She really likes cute stuff too, so maybe some adorable erasers!)
• Sakura- don't let her appearance as a wannabe jojo character fool you! she likes some delicate things. She might leave a rather beautiful charm, as a token of her friendship. Due to her practicality, I can also see her leaving vitamins and health supplements to make sure Makoto recovers quick!
• Yasuhiro- he's pretty superstitious, so alongside some nice scented candles (pine tree and summer berries, to be specific, to match Makoto's 'vibes') to clear the air, he'd leave some good luck charms to keep away any um- 'ill-intentioned spirits'.
• Toko- she definitely likes receiving very girly gifts, but I don't know if she'd feel very secure about giving them? Maybe she'd give him a signed copy of one of her books- maybe even a personal one she wasn't really planning on publishing...
• Genocide Jill (or however you call her idk)- JILL PUT DOWN THE SCISSORS- JILL- N O-
• she gave him a coupon for a haircut. That's... considerate (he'll let his hair grow to his feet before he lets her scissors anywhere near his neck-)
• Hifumi- 'please,,, please let this be a normal, completely safe for work piece of storytelling', Makoto thinks, as he opens the doujinshi, already perturbed by the... *ahem* somewhat suggestive cover.
(It is not safe for work)
• Celeste- a rather aesthetic pair of red and black glittery dice, and playing cards. (He finds that the dice are loaded and the cards are slightly uneven). I also like to think she might leave him some high quality tea and a set- (as a tea lover myself I'd definitely appreciate that as a gift hehe)
• Chihiro- they also like cute things! They'd definitely leave a totally adorable set of charms or something (I'm thinking of those ones that you'd hang from your phone), or pretty flower stickers for a laptop. Maybe a handmade gift too!
• Kiyotaka- he's that guy who brings the homework most likely something practical, like a scarf or coasters, y'know, that kind of stuff?
• Mondo- an entire motorcycle maybe- maybe just a leather jacket for now...
• Sayaka- he likes pop music, and I'd imagine he likes hers too (maybe not as much as his sister tho adjajsaisb-). She'd give him an album of covers she'd made, since she knows he likes her voice- all his favourite songs.
• Leon- a signed baseball. Makoto's the only one he's confided in about wanting to go back to baseball about, so he gives him a signed one as a token of appreciation.
• Mukuro- a confession letter. Mukuro has no idea what to give. Her love language is bullets and weapons and oh wait a minute.
• "Is... is this an actual gun-?"
• Junko- chocolates. Yup. That's it. They're just chocolates. Promise. 100% dairy-filled, ethically produced, got-em-on-sale chocolates.
• (And they may or may not be lined with Carolina reaper pepper extract-)
• Izuru- literally all of these but handmade and 200 times better because he's an actual god-
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charlthotte · 3 years
Breaking Through the Iron Wall - Aone Takanobu x Reader
Chapter 9
Before I entered my house, I tried to curtail my emotions - expecting to see my mother's condescending expression at soon as I stepped past the threshold. And even though her shift at work had finished for the day, of course she wasn't home. The house was empty, just like always. That sight morphed my mood into one of a much lower level, I wasn't always on the best terms with her; but her being there just hinted that she cared in the littlest sense of the word. But obviously, she never was.
Since I was alone, I decided to make something simple for tea, seeing as though it was a meal for one. With a swift click, I set a pan of water to boil and began chopping some vegetables. After they were all diced to the measurement of my liking, piece by piece they were plopped into the pan. Whilst waiting for them to boil, I seemingly zoned out for the rest of the meal preparation. Everything was cooked perfectly but my mind wasn't present during the process. I fixed myself a glass of water and then sat down to indulge in the comestibles I had prepared. It tasted just fine, nothing more - after all, meals enjoyed in the company of yourself were always just the bit bland.
As I was washing up my plate and silverware, a loud ring echoed from the doorbell letting me know that someone was waiting behind the door. I half expected it to be some kind of delivery, yet it wasn't that at all. While unlocking the door, a hound of some sort howled from behind it. However, there wasn't just the hound standing there. Beside it stood the snowy mountain himself, holding a lead connected to the same beagle I had seen the day before. The reason as to why they stood there wasn't blatantly obvious. Perhaps there was no meaning to him standing there.
In a rare occurrence of events - Aone was the one to start a conversation, "Do you want to come with me?" He asked me, with his eyes dead-bolted onto the floor - almost as if he felt embarrassed.
"Yeah I'd love to, but I'll have to leave my parents a note." It sure was an unexpected situation, but it was rather uplifting to see someone at my house. I quickly shuffled over to a notepad and jotted my explanation down.
'I'm out on a walk, I'll be back soon. -(Y/N)'
After slipping a jacket over my shoulders, I laced my shoes up - and I was then ready to leave the house. "Do you have any idea of where we're going?" I inquired. Aone nodded, so I trusted him and followed his lead. His dog was a lively little creature - who was also very... talkative. From looking at its collar, I realised that his name was Shiro. He seemed to have no problem with me, but every other moving object that contained life - he would howl endlessly at. At least until Aone tugged on the lead, and after that he'd immediately quiet down.
Minutes passed as I followed Aone down a route I had never set foot upon before, that path was much more endowed with nature than any other street I had seen - with buildings few and far between. Compared to the rest of the town, it seemed like a different place entirely, even though the sun was shining radiantly through the gaps in the clouds, I saw but one person on the same path as us. We walked for a little longer, only for Aone to turn down a much narrower and dingy path that was hardly noticeable to the unassuming eye. It didn't take long to walk down, but after we exited that pathway - it was like a whole new world had been thrust into our grasp.
An abundance of fully-bloomed sakura trees outlined the clearing, completely blocking out this haven from the rest of the world. Several stone pathways swirled around in the grass, each one of them leading to eclectic little 'attractions' of some sort. From my point of view, there was an elegant marble fountain near the left of the clearing. Right in the centre was a pavilion surrounded by a pristine moat and stream, it trickled around the whole vicinity; its waters clearer than air. It almost seemed to glisten under the sunlight, making the most comforting trickling sound I had ever heard. Even though the clearing was moderately sized, there wasn't another human there besides Aone and myself. However, there were countless birds and small animals roaming and soaring around. People had obviously been there before, but somehow it felt as if we were the first people to discover it.
Aone unclipped Shiro's lead, letting him run around freely - and he did just that, he zoomed in and around the trees taking not even a second to let anything distract him. Truly relishing the freedom that place brought him. Aone seemed that way too, his eyes wandered around, taking in the scenery - his expression seeming somehow blissful. We then made our way over to the pavilion, strolling next to the stream the entire way. Inside of it there was just a single wooden bench, overlooking the rest of the clearing - the paragon of serenity.
"How do you know about this place?" I asked. 
"I don't know." He replied, his resonant tones weaving through the atmosphere. He must have been there before, recently or an age ago, both time frames were plausible. Either way, a place like this must have some importance to him.
"Thanks for bringing me here, Aone. It's just gorgeous." I divulged. Out of the corner of my eye, I observed him nodding his head. There wasn't much need for conversation in a place like this.
Abruptly, four scampering paws hurtled into the pavilion, Shiro was slightly panting from his sprinting, so he jumped up onto the bench to join us - leaning his head on my lap. As I ran my fingers across his sumptuously silky fur, his eyes gradually closed - letting him fall into a state of slumber. It almost looked like he was carrying a smile upon his face. He appeared so peaceful and nonchalant.
I soon clocked Aone gazing at Shiro too, his eyes shining with adoration for the small creature. From what I had seen, Aone always seemed the happiest in the presence of his dog. Friendships with animals were always enthralling to me, two living things from different species and walks of life forming a great connection with each other, but without understanding anything the other one spoke. Perhaps that was why Aone loved Shiro to the extent that he did, they couldn't literally understand each other, but somehow - deep down somewhere - they could.
I'm sure we sat there for nearly an hour - enjoying each other's company to the fullest, side by side in silence. The hue of the sky darkened as many sakura petals gently cascaded all around us. I was positive we would have stayed there forever if we could, had it not been for the rather urgent text I received from my mother.
'(Y/N), why aren't you home? Come back here right now.'
"Sorry, Mum. I'll be right back.'
As always, she was right there to ruin the perfect scenario. Quickly informing Aone of my mother's command, I made sure to walk at an elevated pace for the entire journey home. Aone stayed beside me the whole time; Shiro happily trotting beside us, seemingly more exhausted than the first half of our journey.
After arriving at my house, I apologised to Aone about the inconvenience I had caused him once again. I spoke a solemn farewell to him and Shiro before hesitantly unlocking the door, only to be greeted by my mother's unimpressed face.
"Why weren't you at home, (Y/N)?" Her arms folded tightly over her chest as she leered over the brim of her spectacles.
"I've just been out on a walk, I did leave you a note."
"And that note simply didn't suffice," She spat, "There was no apology about your absence nor where you were going on your walk. You didn't even ask my permission to leave."
"I'm sorry, I won't do it again." I hopelessly sighed.
"I'm sorry isn't enough, (Y/N). You should know that - now go upstairs, you've disappointed me too much."
Tired of all the condescension spouting from her mouth, I dragged my feet up the staircase and towards my bed, just to flop straight onto it. Hardly half a hour ago, my word felt serendipitous and ethereal, now it had all come crashing down into a brick wall. At that point, I didn't feel like moving from my current position. The orc that was my mother had sucked all the passion and drive straight from my system. Who knew how long I laid there, but the sky morphed into its nightly pallor. A faint knock tapped against my door.
"Come in." I sighed monotonously.
My father crept into my room, careful not to let his footsteps make a single murmur, he whispered - his voice nearly inaudible, "You feeling any better, (Y/N)?" I shook my head, hardly having the energy to make a sound. He continued to converse, "Was your walk okay at least?" I nodded, my memory of the clearing spindling itself into my head. I must have smiled a little, as my father did seem to pick up on something, "Let me guess, you were with that Aone guy?" I don't know how he correlated what he saw as my faint happiness to him, but he was very correct. I didn't react to his question that time, however he still must have clocked onto something I did, "I'll take that as a yes, goodnight (Y/N)."
For the next ten days, I continued to go out on walks to the clearing with Aone and Shiro, somehow growing even closer without the need for frivolous amounts of conversation. One aspect of those then days that could be described a frivolous was the amount of teasing I had to endure from Futakuchi - in lessons and during practice no less. It was surprising that I hadn't snapped at him yet.
During practice, I helped out a lot more - the team did seem to need it, due to their upcoming match against a powerhouse school. Somehow, their blocks improved in my eyes - adding a few extra inches onto that iron wall of theirs. Their overall power level somehow grew within those few days.
Hiroko and Rea hung around with me a lot during lunch, and Hiroko never curtailed her craziness for a nano-second. I thought  I might had grown slightly accustomed to her antics. Rea, however, I could talk to in a 'normal' way, we seemed to get along by chatting about the dreary aspects of life. After all, all Rea ever did was complain about the things she didn't like.
Day by day, the excitement about our upcoming match in Tokyo riled up inside of me even further, and at that point... It was only four days away...
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