#to get myself to stop messing around with this i promised myself i'll do a redraw when i've improved
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Fen and Volta [ID: Image shows Sebastian Fen and Angelo Volta from Night Shift Podcast from their shoulders up. They are leaning towards each other but both are held back by multiple hands. Sebastian has his mouth slightly open and is being held back by four inhuman hands. They are green and finish in talon like points. Two of the fingers are piercing the skin on Sebastian's neck, and three are sunk into the knuckle in his skull. All the green hands fade to nothing after the wrist. Burn scars can be seen across Sebastian's far shoulder and the front of his neck. Angelo is held back by three hands, two seemingly from one person holding his hair and pulling it back. Angelo also has a third hand is on his shoulder holding him back. A couple of streaks of grey can be seen in Angelo's hair. End description]
Inspired by Sergio Cupido's Romeo and Juliet
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blackopals-world · 11 months
Mouthing Affection
Leona x Vet!FemYuu
As part of the smut raffle. This is the prize for the winners.
Sometimes big cats can be big kittens and can't help but show it. Yuu has to deal with a spoiled lion doing everything he can to distract her from her job.
Cat (big cats including) will nip to show affection.
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Yuu was busy. She was always busy. Today especially since Coach Vargas asked her to do a health check on all the athletic teams that had beastmen.
That meant mostly patching up cuts and bruises while making sure they took flea and lick medications. That also meant having Vil bring Epel in for a tick check after one was found in the stables.
Currently, Leona was sitting in Yuu's office getting his health screening. Yuu skimmed through her report checking for errors, she knew Leona was perfectly healthy almost ludicrously by human standards. He could benefit from daily multivitamins though.
"Okay, I'll give you a syringe of liquid multivitamins and a liquid IV." Yuu said putting down her clipboard.
"What do I get if I take it?" Leona asked raking a claw down the paper-covered exam table. His smirk taunted the doctor.
"I'll give you a treat. Something I reserve for the most ornery of patients." By which she meant all of them.
Yuu opened a jar with a cat symbol on it on her desk that contained an assortment of colorfully wrapped candies. She pulled out one and put it on the table before taking out the medicine vials.
"I'll take it after you give me the candy." He said leaning back.
"No, after." Yuu said simply without looking up.
"Before and another after." He said more stubbornly.
"No, you can't hav-wait. Where is it?" Yuu began looking through the cabinets for a missing bottle."Shit. The nurse must have taken it to her-stay put till I get back."
Yuu walked out while giving Leona a glare.
Leona just as quickly takes a handful of candies and ate a few just to spite her. He loved messing with the cute herbivore.
The candy was really good. It tasted like mint and melon. It felt warm as it melted in his mouth. His entire body began to feel warm.
Leona's vision began to get fuzzy at the edges as Yuu finally returned. She was focused on finishing her task as she grabbed another oral syringe and measured out another dose. Leona's focus zeroed in on Yuu as her hands moved.
His thoughts focused on how cute she was. His mind repeated it over and over everything he liked about her. Her hair, her eyes, her lips, her hips. All of it was cute-sexy. That sounded right.
"Leona? Hey are you okay?" Yuu asked holding out one of the oral syringes for him to take.
Leona was still aware enough to keep calm but couldn't speak. His tongue felt thick and heavy.
"Leona." Yuu glared "Are you seriously going to make me give it to you myself. Your just as bad as Ruggie."
Leona felt a twinge of irritation at the mention of the hyena. She was supposed to be taking care of him, no other men mattered. He grabbed Yuu's hand and pressed the end of the syringe to his lips.
Yuu sighed as she relented.
"It's not going to taste good but I promise I'll reward you," Yuu said slowly pressing down the plunger.
Leona's nose wrinkled as the medicine filled his mouth. He almost pulled away until Yuu placed a hand on his head. She weaved her hand through his hair and stroked his ears.
The fuzzy feeling returned as he felt a melting warmth in his chest.
"Good boy." She said scratching Leona's ear and pulling way. "Wow, your eyes look dilated. Let me get my ophthalmoscope."
Leona growled at the loss of warmth and pulled Yuu back as she turned around.
"Leona?!" Yuu yelped, her back pressed against the lion's chest.
Leona didn't respond as he pressed his face against Yuu's neck. Her skin was soft, warm and smelled so good. He nipped at her skin affectionately and she tasted so good. He wanted more.
Yuu gasped as Leona licked a long stripe up her neck. He got aggregated when his tongue touched fabric and growled as he began pulling the lab coat off.
"W-wait stop! What's gotten into you?" Yuu wrenched herself from the lion's grasp.
Finally, she noticed the candy wrappers littering the floor. She had bought these from Sam with the assurance that they were full of catnip and would make any ornery cat affectionate. It also had a warning about eating too many. From the wrappers, Yuu guessed that Leona took a bunch to spite her. Typical.
Yuu should have known.
Quickly the doctor examined Leona. His eyes were heavily dilated with more black showing than his usual emerald green. His tail swung back and forth. His claws looked bigger than usual too. They were digging into the padded table like earlier but now they seemed to get sharper.
What was worrying Yuu the most was the look in his eyes. A look that any cat owner knows very well that translated to "I'm being a huge dumbass"
Yuu needed to get Leona somewhere safe before anyone finds out he was drugged. She wasn't explaining to Vargas why his star player is high as a kite. That meant taking Leona back to Ramshackle.
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Yuu dropped the clingy lion on her bed and huffed in irritation. It took longer then necessary to get to the dorm.
Yuu had to bribe Ruggie with a jar of her handmade biscuits. He's either eaten all of them or is reselling them to the rest of Savanaclaw. Jokes on him those biscuits ate full of "calming" herbs that are completely legal. Unlike the ones she got from Sam which she has no idea if they are.
The joke might be on her. There might be an epidemic of catatonic beastmen.
Yuu chooses to blame Leona for this.
Leona on the other hand looked very pleased with himself as he lazily rolled on Yuu's bed and rubs his face on Yuu's pillows and getting his scent all over it.
Yuu grabs the pillow to stop him. Leona grabs her wrist and presses his cheek against her palm. The lion made a pleased rumble and encouraged Yuu to touch him more.
"You are lucky you're being cute. Cute doesn't even suit someone like you. I should be angry that you are making me do this." Yuu faked annoyance.
Leona must have known as he grinned wolfishly.
"Get over here." He pulled Yuu down with him.
Yuu yelped as Leona's arms wrapped around her. His face once again buried against her neck. His brown locks tickled her skin and his rough tongue lapped at her collar.
He let out brief heavy sighs that Yuu recognized as chuffing. Leona was very excited.
Leona's mind as fuzzy as everything felt could feel Yuu. Her scent surrounded him, forming a warm blanket around him. Her soft skin was like a pillow and all he wanted to do was sink into her. He wanted her, all of her. By his side.
Yuu knew she should protest. She should stop him. Leona was stronger than her but he'd listen if she demanded it. But he was happy and relaxed right now. She could just wait it out.
So she did or she tried to.
The pair cuddled as they napped. Yuu's hands mindlessly stroked Leona's head. She felt the rumbles that vibrated in his chest. Leona had moved to rest his head on Yuu's chest as his hand pushed under the hem of her shirt to touch more of the dewy skin he craved.
The haze in his made had cleared mostly before turning into something stronger and much worse. An insatiable need but at least he had his mind back.
The moment he realized he had begun to unconsciously attempt to remove Yuu's shirt he pulled out of her arms.
"Fuck!" He growled. It was one thing after another. It was like her body and mind were at war.
Yuu jolted awake before shifting to stare at Leona. She was glad he was back to normal at least. With all their past bickering she should expect he didn't want to remain with her but it still hurt. They weren't bitter enemies or anything, he didn't need to push her way like that.
"You didn't need to be so rough. It's your fault we're here anyways. You should listen when I told you not to eat more than one." Yuu scolded.
Leona pushed his palm against his forehead to ease his stress. His lips curled revealing his sharp canines.
"Stop talking." He growled again.
Yuu was getting agitated too but her instincts told her that Leona wasn't feeling well. Probably recovering from the drug.
"Leona, it's okay. Calm down and let me-" Yuu touched his shoulder intending to check his symptoms. Suddenly she was pinned down with her wrists held captive in Leona's hands.
Leona hovered over her his eyes narrowed into slits and his lips pulled back in a predatory snarl.
"I SAID SHUT UP!" He growled before just as quickly he pulled away like she was burning him "If you know what's good for you you'd stay away."
Yuu was incredulous. One second he's all over her now he can't stand her. Hot and cold.
"You don't get to tell me shit. I'm your doctor if I want to check on you that's my job and I will do it." Yuu glared but the heat of her stare disappeared as she was the pained furrow of Leona's brow.
Despite what anyone thinks she wasn't dense, at least not when it pertained to beasts. They were the only thing she really understood.
When they were in pain it was hard to tell because in the wild looking weak meant death as you'd be the first to be picked off. So animals hide their pain and only an experienced owner/vet could tell when something was off. Likewise, Yuu knew Leona was unwell and it was her job to fix it.
"Leona," She began.
"Stop talking...please." He said through gritted teeth.
"Why?" She asked quieter.
Leona huffed in agitation.
"You're voice. Is sounds so good right now. And whatever was in that fucking candy is going to make me lose it."
"Lose what?"
Just as she said this she caught a glimpse of what Leona was talking about. A firm outline was very visible.
"Yuu," He didn't call her herbivore "You need to leave immediately. For your own sake."
"What about yours?"
"The fuck is wrong with you. I just said you'd be put in danger."
"It's my fault, isn't it? I should help you."
"Can you help with this?" Leona gestured to the prominent shape in his pants.
Yuu didn't make eye contact.
The practical remedy for these things was to let them run their course and in the case of animals like ferrets find them a partner or else they will die of heat. The natural cure as it was. He'll she had to help tend to stallions and bucks during the breeding season when a request for quality DNA for a foal came in. It was just as gross as your imagining. So this was nothing.
I'd didn't make it any less embarrassing. Because Leona was notably a person, a good-looking one at that, and not a noisy smelly beast that is way too pleased with himself while a group of handlers gets him off.
"I don't mind. I can help. I do have some responsibility for this." Yuu mumbled the last part.
"How?" Leona demanded his tail flicked.
Yuu could have suggested her hands or maybe her mouth if she knew what she was doing but she had to say-
"You could use my thighs. They aren't really small." Yuu squeaked thinking about how weird that sounded. I mean who thinks of thighs first.
Leona did.
He really liked Yuu's thighs.
With all the consent he needed Leina wordlessly pulled at the vet's pants but was stopped at the underwear. Yuu hesitated before pulling off her undergarments she felt underprepared. He shirt and bra went as well. She felt exposed but she wasn't a coward.
"Let me get some oil," Yuu said blushing as she turned to grab the body oil she used on the nightstand. As she sat up and crawled to the other side she felt hands wrap around her hips and was dragged right back under Leona.
Leona grabbed the bottle roughly before pouring it on Yuu's lap.
Despite his condition, Leona was as gentle as he could manage as he rubbed the oil on her body. Yuu shuttered feeling his large firm hands around her thighs and hips.
Leona quickly removed his clothes and at least now they were in a similar state of undress. Now Yuu didn't feel as exposed as she got an eyeful of Leona.
Despite his sedentary lifestyle, she was unsurprisingly built. Yuu was just as much a fan of muscles as Leona was of thighs.
Now Yuu could see just how big this kitty was and oh boy. He was big. 7 glorious inches and thick. Actually it was a bit knobby? Oh God, it had barbs. Okay not barbs like his animal counterpart, his was softer. It was similar to one of those bad dragon toys. Not that Yuu knew anything about that, that would be weird.
Don't look under her bed.
Leona could smell her arousal and knew she liked what she saw. The desperate desire that flooded her brain eased up a bit at the recognition.
Yuu could feel the smug aura breaking through and spoke up.
"Don't expect to fuck me without a kiss first." She smirked.
Leona made a pleased growl as their lips met in what would be the first of many kisses. He was eager to turn those soft pink lips red and swollen. He imagined them wrapped around his cock plenty of times, mostly during their arguments.
But now those lips were his as he nipped and bruised them as he liked.
Yuu pulled away as she gasped for air before being pulled back as Leona hungrily demanded more.
He pushed his cock between her soft oiled thighs and began to fuck them. Yuu's words of shock were muffled as Leona's tongue distracted her.
She felted into him as every thrust teased her clit as Leona just barely grazed it.
"I wonder if it's tighter inside." He murmured as he moved to Yuu's already bruised neck from earlier. He was turned on by the obvious claim.
He slowly lapped at her chest, taking a nipple into his mouth and suckling roughly before letting go. Yuu let out a shaky gasp as Leona played with her breasts. All the while thrusting against her but not enough to satisfy.
Yuu's excitement waned. It wasn't enough. No more teasing. She wanted him. Now.
Like a demanding lioness, she shoved Leona back. Leona frowned a bit insulted.
"Fuck me. Properly. Now." Yuu demanded.
Now this was something Leona was familiar with. In his homeland, it was always women who demanded sex from their male partners and they were never shy about what they wanted. Something he found annoying when it came to non-beastwomen who played too many games or acted shy instead of saying what they wanted.
It was like an itch that was finally being scratched as he lined up between Yuu's legs. Her gaze was fierce and expecting and all the more exciting. Gods he loved this woman, who else gives as good as they get.
One thing Leona had not realized by this point was that the drug had worn off. It had only two effects the initial intoxication phase and the detoxification phase which he had gotten through with Yuu serving as a distraction to ease the pain. Like a hangover but horny.
Leona slowly pushed into Yuu's entrance and fuck it felt good. Tight, hot, and felt like velvet. If it wasn't for the copious amount of oil he doubted he'd fit this easily. Leona stroked Yuu thighs as they wrapped around his hips.
"Good girl." He praised turning her favorite phrase she used on her patients on her.
Yuu shifted and whimpered. White hot pleasure buzzed through her core. She wanted Leona to do it again.
Leona rocked his hips against her. Yuu didn't get time to catch her breath as Leona began to fuck her. She was right about the barbs. They felt amazing as they stimulated her insides.
"Fuck! Mmnn!" Yuu moaned "Yes! Harder!"
Leona eagerly speed-up making sure each thrust was deep. Watching Yuu fall apart.
"You love this don't you?" Leona asked pulling her against his chest.
Yuu wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Please don't stop." She begged.
Leona rubbed her clit and watched as she cried out. He buried his cock deep inside her as she came. Her back arched as she felt everything at once.
"Leona!" He cried out her voice trembled along with a chorus of whimpers and moans.
But Leona still was satisfied as he fucked her through her orgasm. He adored the expression she made while she was fucked dumb. Her moans sounded less like words and more like whines of a beast in heat. The only appropriate sound for a time like this.
"You love being claimed don't you? Do you want to be mine that badly?" He asked biting her shoulder.
"Yours? Im yours? " Yuu yelped in reply.
Leona's tail twitched in satisfaction as he fucked her with renewed vigor. That was all he needed to hear. Even after he finished he couldn't stop himself before he continued to pound her into the sheets. She was his. All his. Only his. Even when she was sore and crying out for him nothing could change that now.
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Yuu was sore and tired and annoyed. She was cuddling Leona again with e weird sense of Deja Vu. Leona was in a much better mood for once.
The sex was amazing of course but she was still annoyed. Yuu tugged on one of Leona's ears to get his attention.
"Just so you know I'm not yours. Your mine got it." Yuu said firmly.
"You said it first." He argued back not leaving her embrace.
The two still found the energy to argue again but this time ina more affectionate manor.
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Meanwhile, Ruggie had learned about the effects of canine CBD snacks.
"I can taste colors."
Ruggie was currently on the floor staring at the ceiling but in his mind, he was traveling across time and space.
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Ruggie: This edible ain't sh-
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hannieehaee · 1 month
idk if anyone has requested or mentioned this yet, but have u ever thought of sub hoshi??? also i love ur work, it’s absolutely incredible🤧 i love it sm😖💐
18+ / mdi
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content: sub!hoshi, softdom!reader, afab reader, smut, edging, handjob, oral (m receiving), penetrative sex, mentions of crying, etc.
wc: 1139
a/n: amazing concept, anon. not proofread btw sorry for any mistakes</3
"w-why are you being so mean to me?", cried the boy as he hissed in sensitivity.
his complaints did not prevent your fingers from slowly running up and down his chest, gracing the nipples you'd just spent twenty minutes sucking and biting into.
"just let me go, i'll be good, i promise!", he whined as he pulled at the restraints you'd used to tie each of his built arms to the bed frame.
"i can't do that, soonie. you asked for this, remember?", you pouted mockingly at the desperate boy.
you knew soonyoung to be quite experimental in bed. he was really down to do anything at least once, which was something that kept your sex life quite interesting throughout the duration of your relationship. for instance, a few weeks ago he had insisted on testing out bondage, choosing to try it on you as he tortured you for hours on end. after the fact, he had insisted on your own usage of it, begging you tie him up and have your way with him.
and so you did it. again and again, and he kept coming back for more, insisting you play with him time after time as he begged for your touch, trapped and unable to touch you back.
it quickly became a staple in your sex life, with the strong boy becoming a weak mess under you any time the mood struck for him to lay back and allow you to do with him as you wished. you'd still switch roles every so often, but soonyoung had grown addicted to you having your way with him as of late.
even now as he begged for you to let go, you knew that no part of him actually wanted the torture to stop. that furrow of his brows and the heavy puffs of air he was letting out were all you needed to know he was deep into the torturous pleasure you were giving him.
"want more ... want you to touch me ..." he pleaded despite one of your hands already being on his chest and the other wrapped around his cock.
but that was the crux of soonyoung's problem. the feather-like touches you kept giving him kept making him grow dizzier by the second. you'd get him there in the slowest way possible, only to take your hands off him and play with yourself as he watched.
he'd beg and plead at you to let him go, to stop being so mean to him, but deep down you knew his cries demanded for you to continue, to take him to a point where his sobs would become pathetic and uncontrollable, forcing you to finally let him have his finish.
you'd only edged him three times thus far, playing with his cock and rubbing at his sensitive nipples while you fed off his pretty whines. you'd also edged yourself along with him, not allowing yourself to cum even once as you forced him to watch you without a single lick of gratification.
"touch you? but i am touching you, baby. see?", you squeezed his cock a little harder, "is this not enough?"
"need more, just ... want you, please."
"want me? what do you want, soonie? want me to touch myself again?-"
"no! no, please. need to touch you. just ... it's been long enough, just take off th- fuck ...," he groaned when your mouth suddenly went down to lick at the tip of his cock, interrupting his pleas.
"but soonie ... want your cock so bad," you breathed as you kitten licked at his tip, occasionally slipping it into your mouth as your hands continued to jerk at it.
the slamming of the headboard could be heard from the way soonyoung pulled at his restraints in attempt to free himself. groans of desperation accompanied the sounds of the headboard, with soonyoung clearly growing more frustrated than usual.
"baby, just ... let me have you, i- i'll be good, i promise. i've been so good for you, just n-need to feel you," he cried.
you only tortured him for a few more moments before finally pulling away, granting him with a sweet kiss before beginning to undo his restraints. not wanting to run the risk of him accidentally injuring himself (knowing that the promise of some pussy would likely have him taking such risk), you decided to finally give into him.
the sight of the boy under you was absolutely pathetic. tears stained his cheeks and his eyebrows remained furrowed, a permanent pout attached to his lips. his hands were delicate as they dug into your hips, silently begging for you to please sit on his cock. his hiccuped pleas for your cunt made you coo at him, finally giving in to him and sinking down on his blushing cock.
"a-ah, fuck, thank you thank you thank you thank you," he chanted breathily, "feel so fucking good ... finally," he sighed, eyes rolling back.
"been so good, soonie. deserve to feel so so good," you whined back, immediately speeding up and bouncing up and down his cock, not caring about how sensitive the two of you were after over an hour of edging.
"i-it's so good, so fucking good ...", he cried as tears began pouring down his face. his hips attempted to weakly hump against your own despite the immense sensitivity he was feeling, "'m gonna cum, fuck. can i cum? please, i need- i need to cum."
"cum, soonie, just wanna make you feel good," you nodded frantically, "been so good for me ... cum with me, baby. i'll cum too, i- i'll cum," you moaned.
the tightrope inside you snapped, leading soonyoung to wail out your name surrounded by pathetic cries of 'sorry' and 'thank you' as his stomach caved in and brought him to his orgasm.
"so g-good. always make me feel so fucking good," he kept repeating while his hips lost control, filling you up without a care in the world.
once your orgasm subsided, you let yourself fall against his chest, kissing at his chest and neck as his own orgasm simmered down. his hands were still digging into your hips and ass, groaning endlessly at every bit of physical contact you gave him. his pretty gasps hiccuped between his groans, creating a choir of noises as his load filled you up in a seemingly endless manner.
when he finally made it to the other side, balls empty and out of energy, he caught his breath by breathing into your neck, holding you against him without minding your weight atop his own.
more thank you's were shared in whispers, kisses being exchanged as you took care of each other in the most intimate of ways, his cock still buried deep inside you. you fell asleep like this, entirely too relaxed and content as you held each other to sleep.
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stardustloserdoll · 6 months
okay so i have an idea,
if tom gets really really jealous of the f!readers relationship with her old friend she sees somewhere (you pick) and they like kiss eachothers cheeks and tom gets really jealous and like when they get home its like angry sex but VERYYYYY ANGRY and tom is dominant and the reader is like overstimulated and other stuff😭😭
HIII!! YESSSS, i'm sorry if i make my smuts too short guys i promise i'll improve 😩
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female reader
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“y/n?” i stopped talking with tom and saw my old friend alex coming up to us. "alex? hey! how are you!" i smiled, standing up from the table, embracing him. "it's been so long." i laughed as i pulled away, as we both placed a kiss on each others cheeks. "i know, how have you been!" as we both continued talking i felt an arm wrap around me pulling me closely. "hey babe who's this."
"oh tom! this is my friend alex, we go way back." tom stepped forward, his grip strong on my waist. "tom, i'm her boyfriend." he responded going to shake his hand. "hey nice to meet you." alex responded shaking toms hand.
"i think y/n and i should be going." tom smiled pulling me by my waist "oh.. okay sorry alex. it was nice seeing you, bye!" i yelled as tom pulled me away walking fast. "what was that about tom!" i whispered, trying to pull myself from his tight grip. "you think i didn't see you kissing his cheek y/n." tom said, his jaw clenched as he took out the keys. "it was nothing like that tom!" he held onto my arm and looked at me with a serious look on his face. "wait till we get home y/n."
"come on babe you can take it." tom smirked, grabbing my hips, as he pounded into me. tom looked down between our joined bodies, licking his lips at the sight of me making a mess on his cock.
“think alex can fuck you this good? hm?,” he snarles, snapping his hips into me, grabbing my face to look up at him. i shook my head "say it." i whimpered trying to force out words "n-no only you tom." "only i fuck you this good, fuck. you're mine." my mouth falls open as i feel my cunt squeeing around him. “fuckk.. gonna cum again schatz?” tom groaned out, i nodded desperately, “tom, please..fuck. i’m so close!”
tom scoffs and rolls his eyes, his hands squeezing my waist, as he snapped his hips harder into me, sending me over the edge. my body trembling as i came, "tom no more.." he laughed, “say you're mine y/n.” he growled halting his movement. "m' yours tom.." i cried out, throwing my head back. "good girl."
with a swift roll of his hips, quickened his pace, hitting me in all the right spots. a little smirk on his lips as his tongue stuck out slightly, playing with his piercing. my body feeling more limp as he pounded into me. “making such a mess." tom laughed as he leaned down to kiss my neck. "gonna cum tom.." i dug my nails into his back "come for me baby, you can do it." feeling my orgasm wash over me for another time, small whimpers coming out of his mouth.
tom releasing soon after, his cum shooting in me as he snapped his hips one final time, stopping his movements. his body falling on top of me as he kept his dick inside of me, our chests raising and falling rapidly. as tom pulled away he pulled out, running his fingers through my hair. "you did so good" tom whispered as placed a kiss on my forehead.
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her-devils-advocate · 2 months
I drag myself like a rug in the rain
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pairings: Levi Ackerman x reader
genre: sickfic / fluff
summary: You are sick with the flu, yet refuse to admit it before a certain stern captain. He easily makes you swallow your pride.
The title is taken from The Amazing Devil – Blossoms. It was also a quick drabble written from my own frustrations of being ill!
word count: 1,015
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55134844
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“You’re not going and that’s final. You look like you’re about to keel over.” Levi’s voice is stern, leaving very little room for argument, but despite his harsh words, his hands are gentle as he pushes you back down on the bed.
"I told you, I'm fine. I'm more than capable of joining the meeting!" Your voice is strained, the words coming out jumbled as you rush to finish the sentence before being overtaken by yet another coughing fit. You weakly glance up at Levi, the man standing before you with crossed arms and a highly unimpressed look on his face.
"Right," he drawls out, moving to the other end of your small bedroom to lean against the door as if you were capable of rushing past him to escape his scrutinising gaze. Part of you is tempted to try, just to cause some amount of annoyance. The more rational part stays still, knowing that in your current state, you would just prove his point faster than you’re willing to.
"If you can walk over to me with ease, then I'll believe you."
You scoff, ignoring the harsh tickle in your throat that the action causes, and slowly rise from the bed. Your body protests, the stiff muscles aching with each movement while your vision blurs. You push it down, refusing to let it show on your face as you slowly place a foot forward, doing everything within your willpower to take a firm step.
"When I make it to you, you promise to let me attend the meeting?"
"If you can make it over here, then sure. It’s not like I want to keep you locked up in here, lazing around all day when we have shit to do.”
“When.” You argue weakly, refusing to back down despite the nausea growing worse with each passing second.
“Besides, you know the meeting is important, especially since it's about the upcoming expedition. We can’t afford to miss a single one now that it's approaching us.”
He rolls his eyes, shifting his position to get comfortable against the cold stone, almost as if he's expecting to be stood there for a while. “Stop stalling. If you want to go to the shitty meeting so much, you know what you have to do.”
You give him your best glare, yet from the way his lips twitch with a concealed smirk, you know you must look like a mess. You have hardly slept, the night spent in a feverish daze, despite retiring to bed earlier than you usually would. The day prior was spent pushing your body beyond its usual limits, wanting to train as much as possible despite the chill air, the change of season growing more noticeable. You groan, regretting the past yet being unable to change a thing.
“You could simply order me to stay in bed, that way we could just avoid this whole song and dance. The fact that you aren’t giving the order proves that you think I’m fine.” You mirror his stance, crossing your arms against your chest with fake confidence and wishing that he doesn’t notice the slight trembling of your hands.
This time Levi lets out a small laugh. The sound is airy and unexpected, and your eyes widen momentarily, convinced that your sickness has finally caused you to hallucinate the rare, but welcomed sight. 
“Nice try. We both know you wouldn’t obey the order, regardless of how sick you are, I’m not going to waste my time giving it. So if you would like to get this ‘song and dance’ over with?” Levi says as his eyes fixate on the way your breathing grows more and more laboured the longer you stand. 
You deflate, knowing he has called your bluff. You give in and place your weight on the extended foot, shakily moving forward. Your bones feel like glass and your chest burns, but you manage to take the first step. You forget to keep up the appearance of health, more focused on actually getting your body to function under his piercing stare, yet you silently celebrate the hollow victory. 
The mental celebration is cut short when you feel your legs give way, you squeeze your eyes shut, preparing to feel your weak body collide with the solid ground. Instead of the unforgiving floor, you are met with strong, firm arms wrapped tightly around you. You slowly open your eyes to be met with his silver glare. Annoyance is painted clear on his face as his lips thin into a straight line.
“This is why you should have stayed in bed, instead of wasting time and arguing with me over it.” Despite the glare, his voice is soft as it reveals his worry. Your health has always been his top priority, even when it's just a common cold making its way through the scouts.
Levi slowly lifts you and brings you back to the warm comforts of your bed. You snuggle against your pillow, letting out a defeated sigh as he brings the blanket up to your chin. He tucks you in tight and you let out a small, slightly delirious giggle, you almost regret it when his hands pause and he stares at you expectantly.
“Are you trying to make it so I’m physically unable to leave this bed?”
His features soften and he continues to help you get comfortable, smoothing out the cover until each crease that dares to mar your blanket retreats, “That’s not the worst idea you’ve had.”
You’re not sure if you want to bask in the compliment or argue that you’ve had better ideas and that he knows it. Your mind is made up the moment he continues to speak.
“That way we can minimise the amount of surfaces you can infect with your germs. We don’t want you infecting the others at the meeting, do we? Now stay put while I bring you some food.”
And with that, he turns to leave the room, a soft smile on his face as your strained shouts of protest and offence follow his retreating form.
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redtsundere-writes · 3 months
Jinx | Sukuna Ryomen
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mma fighter!sukuna ryomen x femalecoach!reader
Part 7. Help Me To Help You
Beginning. ← Previous | Next →
Spynosis: Sukuna is a world champion with anger issues. It's believed by many that he is untrainable. Yeah, you can't train him, but you can dominate him. Contents: Fighting. Sukuna being Sukuna. female reader being dom. Jinx AU (the BL, not the character from lol) Reader is a baddie. Warnings: MDNI. +18. Cursed words. I only read it once, lmao. Smut. Raw sex. Vaginal. Oral. Humiliation. Reader is dom. Sukuna is sub. Word count: 4149 words. A/N: We are finally in the middle of this story. Thanks for all the support and the comments! Hope you like this chapter.
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Less than 48 hours left until fight night. This time, the championship night would take place in Tokyo, it was always good to fight at home so we didn’t have to worry about traveling and having jet lag. Sukuna and Naoya had gone through the judges and referees for the official weigh-in at the official UFC facility. Luckily, Naoya threw me some flirtatious glances and didn't say a word to me during the brief encounter. If Sukuna found out that I betted my position as a coach, he would kill me without hesitation. 
The band was moving under my feet. I couldn’t give up. The outcome of this fight rested on my attitude to the circumstances. My arms swayed with every step I took. I had to secure Sukuna's luck no matter what. I was losing my breath due to fatigue. Sukuna won the last fight against Toji Fushiguro thanks to me. My feet were moving on their own. Should I fuck him again? 
“Hey!” Sukuna shouted in my ear, waking me up from my thoughts. 
My feet stopped dead in their tracks on the treadmill, causing me to lose my balance and stumble. The band pushed me off the platform, sending me rolling to the ground. My head was spinning, so I lay down on the ground to recover. It's a lousy idea to get up suddenly after a serious fall, that's how you pass out. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you today? You're acting weird lately,” Sukuna asked me, annoyed. 
“Shut up,” I mumbled with a frown. 
“Are you worried about the fight tomorrow?” he asked, irritated.
“Of course I'm worried! If you don't win tomorrow, I'll have to go back to the Zenins!”, I thought, but I couldn't tell him that. I had gotten myself into this mess on my own, I was willing to get out of it alone and teach that jerk Naoya Zenin a lesson. 
“A little, but it will be all right. I trust your good luck ritual will work, by the way, do you have someone to fuck already?” I asked, trying not to sound too obvious. 
“Keep your fucking voice down!” Sukuna scolded me between whispers, kneeling down next to me to look me in the face. “Only Yuuji should know, but he opened his mouth and now you and Gojo know,” he whispered, after making sure no one around us was paying attention.
“Megumi knows about it too.” 
“That nosy little shit,” he grumbled.
I didn't think he was embarrassed by his lucky ritual. Yes, it was unconventional, but I didn't know it was a big open secret. Usually male athletes are not embarrassed about fucking multiple women, they even flex about it by bringing a different woman to their matches. I thought Sukuna would be like them, I was surprised he wasn’t. 
“Get up now, you look stupid,” He said as he offered his hand to help me.
“Good thing I caught you resting, Sukuna,” Nanami announced his presence as he approached us. “Hey, weren't you supposed to leave 10 minutes ago?” he asked me directly. I looked at my watch, it was 2:10 pm. I had to leave soon if I wanted to get to my appointment on time. 
“That's right! Thanks for reminding me,” I thanked Nanami before rushing to the lockers to change. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going? Tomorrow is the fight night!” Sukuna shouted angrily as he grabbed my arm to stop me from running away. 
“It’s going to help you win! I promise!” I exclaimed to get him to let me go. 
“Are you going to let her go just like that?” Sukuna asked Nanami as if he was my dad. 
“She asked to leave early a month ago, she told me it was important. It's in her rights,” Nanami explained calmly. 
I abruptly let go of Sukuna, and he grumbled in contempt. He knew Nanami was right. If he didn't let me leave, I could file a complaint against him with HR. I assured him he would thank me later, and he just death glared me. That was so him. 
At the lockers, I took off my stinky clothes from training sweat. I opened my gym bag and took out the denim skirt I had packed. The last time I wore a denim mini skirt was on my first date with Naoya, a special event. “I can't believe I'm going to wear this again,” I thought as I saw how short it was, it barely covered my butt. I had to wear it, this would be a special day too. 
2 hours on a train ride later, I arrived at my not so exciting destination, The Golden Pot, a Chinese restaurant on the outskirts of Kyoto, known for having the best wonton soup in town. I never thought I would return to this place. It brought back bittersweet memories of my relationship with Naoya, as I had the best dates of my life with him here. It was amazing how the person I once grew to love more than myself became my #1 enemy. 
Naoya has a less troublesome luck ritual than Sukuna. Before every fight, he must eat a bowl of wonton soup to secure his stomach and his victory. He always did this in the evenings after the official weigh-in. When he travels out of the country, he usually eats it before taking the plane. Since he was fighting in Tokyo, I knew he would be at the restaurant. I zipped up my Team Black jacket and walked confidently into the place. 
I spotted him at the table where he always used to sit. A table in a booth with red cushions and an intimate atmosphere. He was alone and undercover as if he were a spy, wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses despite being indoors. I really didn't want to approach him, but I had to be brave. I had traveled all the way from Tokyo to confront him and put him out of his comfort zone, I couldn't afford to chicken out now. 
“Is it good?” I greeted him reluctantly. Naoya looked up from his bowl and took off his glasses to make sure his mind wasn't playing tricks on him. Taking his time to run down my bare legs, getting used to the idea that I was standing before him. 
“Well, well… What brings you all the way to Kyoto?” He asked me with a smile. 
“Since you came to visit me at the gym and my house, I thought it would be nice to visit you at your favorite place,” I replied as I sat down across from him.
“You are so cute,” he commented before eating a wonton. 
A waitress came to our table quickly to take my order. She tried giving me a menu, but I already knew what I was going to order. 
“I'm not going to stay long, I'll just have a wonton soup to go and an iced tea for here,” I asked. 
“Are you in a hurry?” Naoya asked me disappointed, once the waitress left. 
“A little, I have to go back to Tokyo early to continue training Sukuna,” I answered. 
“Do you care about him?” He asked me seriously. 
“Of course I do, it's my job.”
“No, I mean, do you really care about him?” He corrected the question.  
I frowned in response. It was true that Sukuna was on my mind 80% of the day, but that's because he is my job. I have to make sure he eats right, does the exercises correctly and is in his best mental state before every fight. I have seen him progress in the last four months that I have been training him, and I was proud of my work, but where was I going with that kind of question? Naoya sighed when he didn't get an answer. 
“Do you like him?” he asked confident that he knew the answer already. 
“No,” I answered coldly, before he makes up weird ideas on his head. 
I couldn't imagine jumping from one idiot to another. Sukuna could be an amazing athlete, an extremely attractive man and a good protector, but he was still a traitor, a rude champion and someone who uses women to his advantage. We had grown up together these past few months, but I was not to be confused, he was still Sukuna Ryomen. 
“This brings back so many memories. This is where we had our first kiss. We were so young and immature,”. Naoya sighed as he imagined the scene.
“We are still young and immature, especially you. You still cling to the past and want to pull me with you,” I mumbled. 
“What's wrong with wanting to take back what's mine?” he wondered, annoyed that I had broken his illusion. 
“That I am not your property nor Zenin’s,” I answered. 
“We'll see about that tomorrow,” Naoya self-assured. 
The waitress arrived with my order carefully wrapped in a plastic bag and the tea in the typical yellowish plastic cup of this kind of restaurant. I smiled as I saw the full glass in front of me, “This is what I came for,” I thought as I took a sip. 
“You're right, let’s not to argue now,” I thought out loud as I got up from my seat, ready to leave. “We'll see about that tomorrow,” I said with a confident smile. 
I poured the iced tea over Naoya's half-eaten wonton soup. His eyes widened at the reckless act I was pulling. I was ruining his good luck ritual before his eyes. I slammed the glass down on the table in front of him to grab his attention back. 
“You'd better keep your part of the bet,” I threatened him in a low voice so that he was the only one listening to me. 
“I hope you too, cutie,” he glared at me, this time he had stopped smiling to restrain himself from hitting a woman in a public place. 
I left the place with my food and sighed relieved that the conversation had not escalated any further. I checked the time. It was almost 6pm, I had to get to the train station if I wanted to make it to the next part of my plan on time. 
A sharp pain invaded my neck as I moved my shoulder again. A grunt of pain escaped from my lips as I moved it in circles as Shoko recommended. The hot water from the shower helped dull the pain. I should be embarrassed. I couldn't let such a superficial injury stop me. I had to give my 110% in tomorrow's fight as always. My honor and my title were on the line again. I shouldn't be worried though, no one knows that my shoulder is injured, and I have y/n, who has been teaching me all of Naoya's moves. My chances of winning were still pretty high. 
I let the hot water run over my body some more. I didn't want to get out of the shower, but I had to get ready to greet the prostitute I had hired in advance for tonight's ritual. I wrapped myself in my shower robe and went on to dry my hair, so I would have it ready for tomorrow. I was in my best possible shape, but aesthetics are also important for sponsors. 
The doorbell echoed through the penthouse, letting me know that someone was waiting at the door. I frowned at the time. It was barely 8 o'clock, the hooker was arriving at 9. "Who the fuck is it this late?", I asked myself annoyed. I walked over to the door to see who it was. 
It was a rather pleasant surprise to see y/n through the peephole. She was waiting patiently outside the door with a plastic bag in her hands. I was going to open the door, but I saw her take off the black gym jacket. My cheeks flushed slightly at the sight of her in something other than workout clothes. She was wearing the shortest denim skirt I had ever seen in my life and a pink shirt that allowed me to see her cleavage thanks to the height difference. I had seen her wear things that revealed her stunning body, but this was the first time I had seen something that made her look like a girl and not like someone who can kick my ass. 
She started to lose her patience. She rang the doorbell again, bringing me back to reality. I was a weak man if just looking at her made me blush. “Fuck,” I thought, annoyed with myself, before opening the door. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” I scolded her. “Who the fuck gave you my address?” 
“What a nice way to greet your coach,” she joked, sarcastically. “Nanami gave me your address. I came all the way from Kyoto to bring you a good luck wonton soup,” she explained as she handed me the plastic bag.
As soon as she moved his jacket from one arm to the other, I noticed something about her outfit that I hadn't seen through the peephole before. It was a detail I shouldn't have minded in the least, but my eyes hyper-fixated on it anyway. The pink rim of her thong protruded above her skirt, gently draped over her hip. The fact that I even noticed it surprised me. I'd seen that on thousands of models at parties, why did it matter to me so much in y/n? Had she done it on purpose? It was hard to tell, since I only know her in working hours. This was the first time we had met outside the work environment. 
“Are you going to let me in?” she wondered. 
“Did you really go all the way to Kyoto to bring me a measly wonton soup?” I asked as I inspected the contents. Y/n slapped my arm at the rejection of her gift. 
“It's the best soup in the world!” she scolded me, offended. “Also, I went to ruin Naoya's lucky ritual,” she confessed, embarrassed. 
“Are you fucking stupid!? That's why you left training early?!” I yelled in annoyance. 
“Hey! You should be thankful that I'm taking every precaution to ensure my victory!” she finished off by raising her voice to reach my volume. She always has a stupid answer for everything. 
“Your victory…” I tasted the phrase in my mouth. “Are you only doing this just for yourself?”
“My victory is that you remain as the champion,” she clarified. 
“Well, you did what you had to do,” I told her, ready to close the door. 
“You didn't answer the question I asked you earlier,” she reminded me, it was as if she didn't want the conversation to end. 
“What are you talking about?” As soon as I blurted out the question, she blushed and avoided my gaze. 
“Do you already have someone for your lucky ritual?” She asked, still avoiding my gaze. 
“Yes, she's coming in an hour. You can go home now,” I said, tired of explaining myself to her. I tried to close the door, but she pulled her body into the penthouse to avoid it. 
“Are you sure she will satisfy you?” She asked me, almost desperate. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” I yelled, opening the door again. “You've been so weird since we made the strategy! Is there something you want to tell me?”
“I just want to make sure that your ritual goes well...” she whispered in embarrassment. That sounded like a damn lie. 
“Y/n!” I scolded her. She was startled by the scream and then sighed in surrender. 
She told me all about her history with Naoya in a low voice. From how they met to how he continues to stalk her to this day. She told me how she came to his house out of nowhere and betted on her freedom to get rid of him once and for all. “Are you such a dumb bitch! How could you even think of doing that!”, are things I wanted to scream at her until her ears bled from her stupidity, but I couldn't do it seeing her so emotionally drained. No wonder she was so desperate, this was the only way she has to be able to get rid of him. What a mess she was in. 
“Help me out, Sukuna,” Her eyes begged me for mercy, I couldn't say “no” to that. 
“Come in, it better be as good as in Dubai,” I threatened her as soon as I let her in. 
“I will do my best,” she promised. 
Despite being shorter than me by a head and looking so tender in that outfit that left almost nothing to the imagination, this little shit pushed me against the bed with all her might. In my own house! She had already seen me naked and knew how I behaved during sex. So it was easy for her to undo the knot of my shower gown and unwrap me as if I were her birthday gift to find my hard cock. She didn't hesitate to take it all the way into her mouth. Each suck and lick felt desperate. I knew I wanted to make her come, so she could secure tomorrow's victory, but sometimes the idea that she was really desperate to have my cock inside her for simple pleasure tickled my brain. 
“You really want to impress me, don't you?” I asked her as I took off my robe completely. 
I pushed her towards my crotch, hugging her by the shoulders with my leg to show her how flexible I had become since she had taught me floor techniques. The splashes coming from her wet lips, her eyes watering from having my monstrosity in her little mouth and her hands holding my thighs to keep my balance were a sublime image. I could come just seeing her in that state. 
I pulled her to me with one tug to do what I had wanted to do to her since I saw her through the peephole. I ripped off her thin pink shirt to reveal the pink lace bra that matched her thong. “She came prepared,” I thought with a satisfied smile. I usually like to remove the bra because it gets in the way, but I decided to leave this one on because it was cute. The little flowers looked so pretty over her beautiful breasts. I yanked down her skirt and reached into her slutty cave. She clung to my body as she moaned my name as praise. My fingertips rubbed her sensitive clit as they bathed in the natural lube. Y/n struggled against her own body to maintain her composure.
She took possession of my body as soon as she climbed into my lap. I thought the fun was finally going to begin, but she decided to keep playing with my senses. She took possession of my cock to rub the tip against her clit in slow circles. I bit my lower lip to keep from moaning like a bitch in heat. 
“Don't be shy, I want to hear you,” she asked before gently twisting my nipple. 
My eyes popped open as I felt his fingers against my sensitive spots. I think it's the first time I've ever been touched like that. She smiled as she realized the same thing I did. She approached me slowly to kiss my nipples gently. We had only slept together once, and she already knew my body better than I did. Oh Naoya, was this what he missed because of his stupid shit? Poor bastard. She flicked her tongue and gently sucked on my erect nipples from the cold of the night. I closed my eyes to enjoy the tickling that ran mercilessly through my body as I moaned for her.
“How cute. Your cheeks match your hair and my underwear,” she whispered in my ear as she saw the blush that covered my face. 
She shoved my cock in her all at once, bringing back memories of Dubai. This time, my back was no longer suffering from being pushed against a small wooden table. She rode my cock like a pro, making sure the tip had the biggest impact point. Her breasts bounced in my face, her moans were music to my ears and her hips were moving to the beat of a forbidden song. I wrapped my arms around her waist to hold her close to me and made sure my cock went all the way in to her cervix. 
She kissed me passionately without ceasing to impact her hips against me. It was wild, rushed, and powerful. She pressed my body against hers like a snake mercilessly choking its prey. I had no intention of fighting her, I could die in between her thighs and I would be so fucking happy.
I wasn't going to last any longer if we kept going like this. My mind kept repeating the national anthem to last longer in heaven, but it wasn't working. Y/n knew what she was doing, and she was doing a great fucking job. My cock was high and wet in her pussy, I wanted more, I needed more of her. My hips were moving on automatic to penetrate her fully. Her tits bouncing in my face was the best sight I have ever witnessed in my life. Y/n felt so tight and delicious, I was about to explode. Before I could help it, I came in her. My cock was slowly pumping her full. 
“Are you done?” She smirked. 
“Shut up,” I sighed tiredly. She pulled away from me to go to the bathroom to clean herself. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to the bed. “I'm not done with you yet.” 
”Huh?” She asked, confused. 
“I may be satisfied, but you're not,” I told her before spreading her legs apart.
I wasn't used to eating pussy from hookers, they just made me cum and left, but seeing my coach's face all flushed and surprised made my night. She really didn't expect me to go deep into her body to finish what I had started. I dipped my head into her crotch to part her lips with my tongue. She stifled a moan and closed her legs at the tickle that ran down her back. She pressed her thighs against my face, drowning me in her delicious pussy. Y/n arched her back to bring her clit closer to my nose and thrust my tongue deeper inside her. 
It was sour and sweet at the same time, I didn’t like the taste much, but I was a fan of the texture. I looked like a fucking junkie once I got used to the slimy sensation on my tongue. She pulled me by the hair to suck on her clit. I opened my mouth wide to eat the food God blessed me tonight. Y/n looked like a hot mess and I loved it. She moaned, writhed and called my name with lust. 
“Just like that!” she moaned as she pushed my face, a sign that I was doing a good job. 
I kept doing exactly what she asked until she squirted on my face. I jerked away confused as to what had happened. I wiped my face to see Y/n lying there like a happy starfish, arms, and legs spread across the bed tired. 
“Good job,” She moaned in satisfaction. 
I was going to answer her, but the doorbell grabbed my attention. It must be the prostitute. I wrapped my robe around me again and grabbed my wallet from the nightstand. I didn't want to waste time with her, I wanted to go to sleep soon so I could be well rested for the fight. I opened the door to find a blonde girl who reminded me of a bitch I know. 
“Hi, handsome. It's nice to meet you, I always see you on the sports channel and…” 
“Look, thanks for coming, but lets canceled. Someone already emptied my balls, take 100 dollars and leave,” I said, throwing the bill at her and slamming the door in his face. 
I went back to the room only to find y/n completely asleep under the covers. She looked exhausted, I shouldn't wake her up. I sat next to her on the bed and sighed tiredly. My horniness was decreasing, and I questioned whether I should let her sleep or ask her to go home. I looked at her again. She looked very comfortable and content tucked into me in the wet covers from our fluids. 
“Looks like I'll be sleeping in the guest room,” I thought out loud
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handmade-witch · 4 months
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I Think He Knows ~
[AN: hi there! this is my first time ever posting my writing so feedback is appreciated~ i'm not sure yet if I'll post more writing, but I was proud of how this idea turned out. Hope you enjoy!!]
Pairing: Lorenzo Berkshire x Reader
🎶 I think he knows when we get all alone I'll make myself at home and he'll want me to stay. 🎶
You and Lorenzo sat on the floor of your room, a box of half a pizza and a near empty bottle of wine next to you. Music played from the speaker on your phone. You threw your head back in laughter, clutching your sore sides. Lorenzo grinned at you. He couldn't help but melt at the sound of your laugh. It was like sunshine, warming him from the inside out. And he loved being the reason you were laughing.
"Stop it! You're gonna mess it up!" You gasped, trying to catch your breath. You took Lorenzo's outstretched hand in yours, picking back up the nail polish brush. You bent your head over his hand, trying to concentate on your task.
Lorenzo couldn't help but admire you as he watched you. He had stopped trying to deny to himself that he had fallen completetly in love with his best friend. How could he not? You were funny, kind, and beautiful. He loved spending time with you and missed you terribly whenever you weren't around. You just made everything feel a little brighter for him.
🎶 I think he knows he better lock it down, or I won't stick around 'cause good ones never wait 🎶
The sound of your voice snapped him out of his enamored trance: "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Enzo felt his face flush and he turned his head. His hand was still held in yours.
"Just thinking." He hummed. You returned your attention back to his hands.
"About?" You inquired. You put the finishing touches on his right hand, switching to his left. He shrugged in response.
"I guess I've just been thinking about you a lot lately."
Now it was your turn to blush, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks.
Silence hangs in the air between the two of you for a moment.
"If I say something can you promise me we'll still be friends?"
You dropped his hand. "Well now you're making me nervous Enzo."
🎶 He got that boyish look that I like in a man 🎶
"Do you every think we could be something more than friends?" He leaned forward, searching your face for a reaction. Trying to see if he had misread things, if he was pushing too far. Your eyes met his and you leaned forward too.
🎶 I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans 🎶
"More than friends, Enzo?" You smirked, a mischevious glint in your eye. "But I thought we were already best friends?"
"More than best friends." His voice was barely a whisper. He smirked back at you, leaning even closer. His eyes flicked down to your lips and then back at you.
"Lorenzo Berkshire are you asking me out?"
🎶 He's so obsessed with me and boy I understand. Boy I understand. 🎶
"That depends," he chuckles softly, "on if you're going to say yes."
"And if I say yes?"
"Then my next question is: Can I kiss you?"
🎶 He got my heartbeat skipping down 16th avenue, got that oh! I mean- 🎶
You leaned forward, closing the gap and capturing his lips with yours. His lips were soft against yours. Yours tasted like cherry chapstick, he thought to himself. When the two of you broke apart you rested your foreheads together.
"God I've been waiting so long to do that." He breathed.
"What took you so long?" You teased.
🎶 Wanna see what's under that attitude 🎶
Lorenzo sat back very suddenly, looking offended. "Well I'm sorry." He crossed his arms across his chest, "You could've pulled your weight a bit more."
You laughed again, that throw-your-head-back cackle that had Lorenzo grinning like a lovesick fool.
🎶 Like, I want you, bless my soul 🎶
"Now look what you did." You scolded, taking his hand in yours. "After all of my hard work and you messed them up!" His nail polish was smudged.
Lorenzo just shook his head at you but sat still while you repainted his nails.
"So Berkshire, where are you taking me for our first date?"
🎶 And I ain't gotta tell him I think he knows 🎶
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the-offside-rule · 11 months
Lando Norris (McLaren) - Morning Kisses
Requested: yes on wattpad
Prompt: Fluffy morning kisses with Lando
Warnings: no
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Race week, to be more specific, raceday. It was a great feeling to wake up and know there was a race going on. There was always this excitement in the air. The room was dark and gloomy as the rain poured outside making a beautiful sound to pour in from inside. Beside Y/n lay Lando, and at this moment in time, he was taking the fucking blankets. "Lando! My blankets!" Lando stirred awake and looked over at his beautiful girlfriend beside him. "Where's my good morning kiss? You can have your blankets when I get my kiss." Y/n rolled her eyes playfully and pecked his lips. "Mmh, now get into the blanket bub." He said opening up the blanket. She crawled in under and put her arms around his torso. "You're cuddly like a Teddy bear bubs." Lando grinned and pulled her in even closer. "I wouldn't mind being your Teddy bear. It means I don't have to leave bed."
"And you don't get to race so get up and get ready bubs." Lando groans. "Do I have to? Can't I just stay a few more minutes?" She rolled her eyes playfully and nodded. "Five minutes and then you have to go get ready." Lando lowered himself a bit more and nuzzled into he chest. The room filled with a honey glow as the rain stopped and the sun shone through the sky. "At least it won't be a wet race then." Lando muttered. Y/n hummed in response, playing with a few of his curls. "I love it when we cuddle. You give the best cuddles. Can we lease just stay here?" She furrowed her eyebrows confused. "Why do you want to stay here so badly?" She asked. Lando bit his lip not wanting to admit defeat but he had no choice. "I- what if I mess the race up? It's my home grand prix and the fans have come to watch but what if I mess it all up?"
"Aw Lando baby, you're always nervous before Silverstone." She said looking down at him. "Yeah but I'm ahead of Lewis and George. No one will not notice my mistakes because Lewis isn't there to take the spotlight." The poor thing. "Lando, I know for a fact you'll do amazing because you have worked too hard and you've worked for far too long to just chicken out last minute. You'll do great I promise and if all those people really are your fans, they'll stick with you." Lando smiled softly at her words. "And if anyone says you're shit I'll fight them myself." Lando laughed at her threat. "I love you a lot, you know that?" Y/n nodded. "And I love you too but we have to go now." Lando looked over at the alarm clock. "We still have five minutes." He said suggestively. "Nope, we have to get ready now. Five minutes is up." She smiled oh so innocently. "Aw but bubs-" he pouted. "No buts except yours out of bed and getting ready. I won't have another call from Zak because you're late again."
Lando pouted and reluctantly leaves bed to change into his McLaren clothes. She made the bed and opened the curtains before she went and got changed. Lando sat at the front door awaiting his beautiful princess to come out looking like her usual beautiful self. "Right Lando, I'm ready." He said walking down the stairs. Lando's eyes went wide as Y/n walked down. The jeans and jumper fit her perfectly with a nice contrast to the McLaren jacket and her hair fell perfectly onto her face. Just pure perfection. "Are you ready bubs?" Lando nodded. "Now I am. M'lady?" he said. Y/n chuckled and hooked her arm with his. "Just remember, you'll do great." She said climbing into the car. "I know, thank you bubs." He said pecking your cheek. "Anytime babe." and off the pair drove to the Silverstone circuit.
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ddeonuswhre · 3 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ [END].
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Juyeon x M!reader.
Author's Note: uuuh I don't think I'm okaaaaaaaay, I don't think I'm okay. I honestly didn't know whether to upload it, I feel like it's garbage.
Previously: You're tired of being his last option (being hidden) and you decide to end "things" with him, maybe he'll fix it, maybe he won't.
Genre: Discussions, Against, Fluff (kinda), Drama.
Wrng: internalized homophobia.
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"I should have dressed as a clown to make a fool of myself in a better way." You thought.
It was around noon and you had been waiting for more than three hours for what is supposedly your boyfriend. You both had agreed that today you would see each other after a very hard week, exams and projects were driving you crazy. There is nothing better than a whole day resting with the person you love the most so far. At least, that's what you thought when you first arrived at the coffee shop. Where is he? It was your only question for a while now. He didn't even answer your calls. That would have been the last straw, the whole jug. It wasn't the first time he had put you through something like this, but after many conversations, he promised that he would change and you really tried to believe him.
You wanted to continue waiting for him, you wanted to continue hoping for the idea that he would arrive, but the time was approaching for you to be in your first class of the day and since you were also part of the committee, you decided to pay for your coffee and leave without further ado. You felt so embarrassed after paying the girl, you spent more than two hours boasting to her that this would be 'the day' and that after a long time, she would finally meet the boy you've been talking so much about for more than 4 months now, unfortunately things didn't happen—again.
"M/N!" You heard from afar that distinctive loud voice that could only tell you who it was, you were so angry that you decided to speed up your pace to avoid talking to him, however your ways of escaping would have been worthless after feeling his fingers gently sink into your shoulder. When you turned around you began to listen to his great sermon of reasons why he took 'longer than he thought', but as always, everything he said ended with 'sorry, bro' and its characteristic way of messing up your hair.
Ouch, to a certain point you understood that he was afraid to say that he is gay, I mean, he told you before they started dating and you were fine with that, I say you were because you always saw him surrounded by several of his 'girl-friends' and even you saw him hugged by the neck with one in particular. Does he have to do all that just out of fear? I think he also forgot that you also had feelings, maybe he forgot that you were dating and that constantly made you overthink. The only thing you wanted was to be able to hold his hand without him constantly looking around.
ㅡSomething happens?ㅡThe brunette exclaimed after seeing you all the way with your head down and muttering a couple of things that didn't make much sense.
"I was just thinking about the exams. . . and us." You didn't want to get into your feelings any further. It wasn't even the place, and surprisingly, not the person you would want to talk to about this. On the other hand, you only heard a heavy sigh and saw out of the corner of your eye how he only nodded sadly.
"Did I do something wrong? Tell me what I did wrong now, and I'll fix it" You felt a big hole in your chest, you wanted to scream at him right then and there about everything that should change so that you could stop feeling like a shitty boyfriend and he could lose that fear of being left alone just because he had someone of the same sex as his partner, but you only deigned to stare at him and caress his cheek.
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In the entire class you couldn't concentrate better because of the laughing session that Juyeon was having with one of his friends at the back of the room, you had finally decided that the best option—for you—would be to end what was still going on between the two of you. You didn't hesitate to send him a random message but you didn't get a response from the boy, you had no choice but to wait until class could finish and talk to him before he went to play basketball.
"Juyeon, I have to tell you something, and I think it will be quick." You told him when he was going down a couple of steps after the teacher was ready to put his things away and leave, when the individual left and there was no one else in the room—so you two started talking about how you felt being there, after several months together; what liked to do most, what didn't, etc. Everything was going so well until some basketball teammates rushed to the classroom door and asked for the tallest one.
Your heart stopped after hearing him say, "Just give me a minute, I'm talking to a friend." Is that what you were to him? It seems that yes, Eric was right. You should not continue being in a place where you were only the couple when he got the chip on. You didn't know that "friends" always spent their time kissing or watching a series while doing nothing but caressing each other or even ending up naked on a bed with only a sheet covering both bodies. It didn't take long for your eyes to be glassy with the amount of tears you didn't want to shed, at least not in front of him, in front of the same boy who broke your heart in the worst way you've ever experienced so far.
You tried to raise your gaze so you could see his eyes and give him a weak smile, you did nothing more than leave a couple of pats on his shoulder before leaving the room. You knew that things didn't go any further after he denied you, who knows how many times he must have done the same thing, that was the real reason why you no longer fought or thought with hate.
"W-wait, what does this mean?" The raven man asked after rushing out of the same place and thus taking you by the forearm.
ㅡWe're done, I don't like going out with friends.ㅡ You said as you let go of his grip and continued walking to the cafeteria, where your best friend was.
The boy, for his part, just stood there stunned in that cold hallway where you left him without even turning to look at him, he was stunned, he couldn't process anything that just happened, he knew he screwed up.
Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic.
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allllium · 6 months
I Promise I'll Try
~ This started off as fluff. I'm not exactly sure how it turned to angst but once I started writing it I couldn't stop 😭
~ Angst, WC: 1,417
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~ Reader stays up for Matt ~
Making brownies at three in the morning is rarely a good idea. Not when you have to work early in the morning and especially not when you have a super-hearing, super-smelling, vigilante boyfriend who specifically told you not to wait up for him because you have work in the morning. 
But it’s two years into your relationship, and honestly, he should know you'll never listen by now. So now you are making chocolate chunk brownies at three in the morning because Matt has infected your soul and made you unable to sleep without him. Being a cuddler and having Daredevil as a boyfriend doesn't always work out. 
You’re humming in the kitchen as you take the brownies out of the oven. The smell of chocolate drifts over the apartment, decorated in lights for the holidays. You turn around to set the freshly baked treats on the counter. “Holy fuck! Why do you do this to me?” You put the brownies on the counter before leaning over to place a hand on your heart, trying to calm down from the mini heart attack your boyfriend just gave you.
“I've been here for at least a minute.” Matt shrugs.
“And what? You were just watching me?” You look at the man in his red suit, eyes wide in confusion and slight embarrassment, while your heart continues to beat rapidly.
“It was cute.” He pulls off the helmet of his suit. “You're supposed to be sleeping.”
You begin to clean up your mess in the kitchen. “I was waiting for you.” 
“I told you not to wait for me. You have to work in the morning.”  He steps closer and pulls you out of the kitchen. 
“Hey, I was trying to clean that.” You point back towards the kitchen with your one free hand. 
“I can do that in the morning.” He drags you into the bedroom and pushes you to sit on the bed. When he makes you sit on the bed, you notice the soft grunt he lets out, clearly trying to hide it from you. 
“Matt, what's wrong? Did you get hurt?” The smile immediately leaves your face. Worry floods your body at his expression. 
“No, I’m fine, just tired.” He grabs clean clothes out of the dresser and heads to the bathroom. 
“Mhm. Why can’t you just tell me what’s wrong.” Two years, and he still refuses to talk to you about the ‘Daredevil’ side of him. It's getting tiring. 
“There's nothing wrong. I already told you I'm fine.” A thin layer of frustration covers his voice. 
As he changes into his new clothes, you can see him wiping blood off the side of his neck. “Great, so that blood I see just magically appeared?” 
“Can’t you just leave it alone? Let’s just go to bed.”
“I’m not just going to leave it alone until you tell me why you’re bleeding.”
“I can deal with it myself. You’re supposed to be going to bed.” You stand up and go into the bathroom with him. 
“Oh yeah, 'cause God forbid I care about you, right? Sit down.” You point him toward the toilet. He’s still standing when you grab the med kit from the cabinet. “Matthew, sit down.” 
“You know what I do. You know I get hurt. You said you've accepted that.” He sits down, and you can’t help but roll your eyes at him.
“No, I have accepted what you do. I have accepted that sometimes you’ll get injured, but I will never be okay with you lying to me.” You start doing your best to fix his injuries as you talk.
“If I say I'm fine, then I’m fine.” To say the feeling in the apartment has shifted from earlier in the night would be a massive understatement. It doesn't feel like the warm apartment you were baking in just a few minutes ago. Now, it’s cold and full of unnerving tension.
“No, you’re not. You can tell me you’re fine as much as you want, and I’ll never believe you. I get to spend every night knowing you're probably going to get hurt, and if you do, you are going to go to Claire first, and you're never going to tell me. I get to find out you’re hurt when I see the bruises or the stitches or whatever else shows up. You want to know why I stay up for you every night? I can't sleep until I know you're coming home. I need to see you to know you’re okay instead of hoping you’ll wake me up if you need help. Which we both know you won’t do.” You finish dressing his last wound. “I’m going to bed.” 
You put the medkit back in the cabinet far more aggressively than you meant to, but you're too annoyed to care. Just as you turn to leave the bathroom, Matt grabs your wrist and pulls you back to him. “Stop. Sweetheart, we need to talk about this.” 
“Can't. I have work in the morning.” You know you need to talk to him, but you'd rather not discuss this while you're this angry.
“Baby, c'mon.” He still has a hold on your wrist.
You pull out of his grip and head back for the bedroom. “I already said what I needed to say. We can talk tomorrow.”
You turn off the light and sink into the plush bed. Unable to fall asleep, you lay in bed staring at the wall. Matt’s in the other room, clearly trying to give you space. 
After what feels like hours, your boyfriend slips into bed behind you, his arm wrapping around your waist under the blankets. “I'm sorry.” He whispers.
“I know, but unfortunately, that's not enough to change anything.” You can't help but lean back into his touch, even with your anger.
“I don't mean to hurt you, sweetheart. I just don't want to make you worry.” You know that. Matt tends to downplay his problems because he feels he doesn't deserve the care you want to give him. 
You turn in his arms to face him. Your heartstrings pull when you see the expression on his face. Fear and sadness are deep in his eyes. “You think not telling me is going to worry less? I am always worried that you're hiding some serious injury. I would worry a lot less if I knew exactly how you are hurt and if you let me help you get better.”
“You don't need to look after me all the time. You don't deserve that.” 
“That's not for you to decide, baby. I like taking care of you. And I don't deserve to be lied to.” 
“Lying keeps you safe. The last thing I want is someone coming after you because I can't keep you safe.” With every word spoken, your anger slowly dissolves. You know why he does what he does, but sometimes the frustration builds up, and it seems the logic leaves your mind. 
“If no one knows who you are, they won't know who I am either.” You swipe a strand of loose hair off his face, his lips twitching up into a small smile at your touch.
“If anything happens to you, I don't think I'd be able to live.” His eyes show you nothing but honesty.
“Don't say things like that.” You scold him.
“It’s true. I just want to keep you away from the side of me that could put you in danger.”
“Letting me help you or telling me when you get hurt won't put me in danger.” Matt shifts his position, lying on his back and moving you to set your head on his chest. He lets out a long sigh.
“I know. But it still terrifies me.” You hook your leg over his waist and tilt your head to get a better look at him. His voice is quiet like he's having a hard time admitting it. 
“Well, we need to do something. I love you too much to let this hurt our relationship.” 
“We will. I'll fix it, I promise.” 
“Don’t make promises you can't guarantee. That'll be worse than lying.”
“I promise I'll try to fix it.”
“Thank you.” You fall into a comfortable silence before being cut off by your yawn.
“Go to sleep, baby. We can talk more tomorrow.”
“Yeah, okay, I love you.” You give him a soft kiss and lean back against his chest.
“I love you too.” And you hope that'll be enough.
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xmissrogersx · 1 month
Brown Curls | Din Djarin
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tags: a lot of Fluff. Grogu’s being adorable like always. Domesticy and family.
my writing is entirely my own. Any adaptation and/or copy is forbidden.
i hope you are enjoying my stories! U help me a lot if you give me a ♡! All the love.
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-Hi baby, are you hungry? -I leaned down to take the kid in my arms, to which he responded by raising his little hands to my face, making me laugh.
-Well, let's see what we can have for breakfast.
I began to improvise a breakfast with the few things that were in the ship's kitchen. I was to tell Din that we had to make a stop in Nevarro to buy more provisions.
-And by the way, where is your father? -I asked my little boy, who only had his attention on the blue cookies he was devouring with fervor.
I went down to the Crest in search of the brown-haired man, to find him in the bathroom in front of the mirror with a pair of scissors in hand.
-Din, what are you doing? -I frowned.
-Hi mesh'la —he turned around, to which I had to cover my mouth from my gasp of surprise.
My poor Mandalorian had made a bit of a mess of his beautiful hair, leaving it very short in the front and uneven on the sides.
-I know, I thought I could do it myself. I always trimmed it myself, but I guess I couldn't handle the amount I was going to have to cut…
I crossed my arms and bowed my head, then approached him.
-Let me help you. I know you always did it yourself, but you don't have to do it anymore, you can ask me.
Din smiled, I took the scissors and started to cut the strands of his hair. I snorted under my breath, faking a moan as I removed the long curls I loved so much.
-Mesh'la, it will grow back —he comforted me, as he tightened his arms around my waist, giving me a little bit of a kiss.
-I know... It’s just… I love your hair, Din. Your curls are beautiful. But I know you must get hot looking like that when you put on the that bucket —I finished my lament, eliciting a chuckle from him and earning a pinch on my thigh.
I continued doing the job for 15 minutes. When I finished I took a step back admiring my work of art.
-Ready, ¿what do you think?
He stared at himself in front of the mirror amazed at the result. I bit my lower lip nervous that he wouldn't like it. However, all fear vanished when I saw him smile slightly.
-What do you think? —he asked, sitting me on his lap, to which I frowned in amusement.
-I don't know, I'll have to get used to seeing you with this new look —he pulled me closer to him, our foreheads pressed together.
-How about now? —Our closeness let me contemplate his brown eyes that drove me so crazy since the day he had revealed himself to me.
-Din Djarin, you look stunning, whatever cut you have. You are beautiful. But please, ¿could you grow it a little longer when you're my riduur?
He laughed at my desperate request. In 4 weeks we would go to Sorgan to get married in that beautiful place where a year ago he broke his Creed for me.
I already loved him before I saw his face, but I must say he exceeded all my imagined expectations of what he looked like.
-It's okay, Mesh'la, I promise.
I took his face in my hands and brought our breaths together, melting into one. By the creator, I was addicted to his lips.
I sat hanging from him, to which Din descended his hands, caressing my thighs.
I began to trace a path of small kisses from his jaw down his neck.
-Mesh...Priya...if you keep doing that I'm not going to be able to contain myself, and well you know a certain womp rat is up in the cabin awake.
-You're right...¿how long until we get to Nevarro? -I asked him, resting my hands on his chest.
-About 10 hours —he answered confused by my question.
-Make it 7, and I'll use the handcuffs you use in the bounties —I whispered in his ear, causing him to shiver slightly under me.
-I'll make it 4 —he said seriously, to which I kissed his cheek.
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wito-chan-bla-bla · 6 days
You always knew that your husband would fulfill your every wish. He just loved you so, so much! He always listened to you and tried to make you happy. Sometimes you joked that he was obsessed with you, like a fanatic is obsessed with his god, but Satoru just smiled innocently at you and winked, playfully asking what you would do if it turned out to be true.
So when you asked him to participate in the "long role-playing game", he couldn't refuse you.
You had a vacation, but you didn't want to just go somewhere and relax. You wanted to have fun with your husband and maybe remember why you fell in love with him. Pretending to be strangers was too boring, so you remembered all the internet stories you read and suggested that Satoru pretend to be yandere.
"You can 'kidnap' me and keep me in one of your family's estates. You will play the role of someone who is obsessed with me and deeply in love, and I will try to escape and save myself, but in the end I will fall in love with you."
Satoru looked at you for a long time, then smiled and nodded. "That's a great idea, my dear!" You giggled at the way his heavenly eyes shone and said that he could kidnap you at any moment. Also more interesting!
When you woke up on a random day of your vacation not in your own bed, but in a completely unknown place, at first you were afraid. But then you quickly remembered that you suggested it yourself. In addition, Satoru appeared on the threshold of a chic bedroom, who crossed his arms over his chest, smiled sweetly at you and wished you a good morning.
"How did you sleep, my dear? Everything okay? I tried to move you as carefully as possible. Oh, please don't worry. This place... is now your eternal paradise. And you will be with me forever."
You could only giggle inwardly and try to pretend that you were scared. You were waiting for walks (that is, attempts to escape) in the fresh air, delicious food, lack of people and only your beautiful husband!
As you ran away from him through the forest, you could feel your heart beating harder and louder. Satoru played yandere so perfectly! As usual, he was perfect in everything.
He looked at you as if you were a goddess, the most precious thing in his life that he would kill anyone for. He treated you like a porcelain statue, as if he was afraid of breaking you. He was angry and crazy when you tried to escape, always catching you and whispering in your ear that you would never, ever leave him. He tried to get your love and promised that he would kill anyone who dared to approach you, steal you from him.
You almost believed it was real.
On the last day of your vacation, you were sitting at a table opposite Satoru, drinking tea and smiling contentedly. Your little "game" has come to a logical end: you have surrendered to your "maniac" and agreed to be his and only his. Satoru sat across from you and smiled broadly as he watched you eat the sweets he bought for you.
–It's been a good two weeks, – you put down your cup and stretched. – I'm kind of sorry that I'll have to go back to work soon…
–M? What are you talking about? I told you, you'll stay with me forever. And you agreed. What kind of work can we talk about?
–Satoru, stop messing around, – you tapped him on the forehead. – I told you, 'game over.' And we have discussed this many times. I'll go crazy with boredom if I don't work. Plus, I love what I do, so…
–What game, my dear? – Satoru smiled innocently at you. – Initially, there was no game.
You looked at your husband... and shuddered. He's been playing the maniac you're obsessed with so perfectly all this time... why does he keep doing it now, when you've already told him it's over?
–Satoru, this isn't funny, – you rolled your eyes. – By the way, where are we? I don't remember your family having an estate in the middle of the forest…
–This is my personal purchase. I did it as soon as I saw you.
–Uh, cute... probably? Did you want to give me a present or something?
You watched as Satoru slowly got up and walked around the table. He put his hands on the back of your chair, and you shivered all over. You knew, knew that your husband was just joking… B-but why were you suddenly afraid?
–I must admit, you should reward me for waiting so long, – Satoru leaned in close to your ear, and you could almost feel his smirk. – I've been waiting so, so long for this moment. I've watched these pathetic humans interact with you, how they waste your precious time... how they take you away from me.
–S-Satoru… I told you... "game over"…
–O-o-oh, my precious, – Gojo took a lock of your hair and pressed it to his nose, inhaling the scent. – You're completely wrong. It's just getting started…
You jumped up abruptly and spun around. Satoru looked at you with... hungry eyes. There was a creepy smile on his face that sent goosebumps all over your body, but now you didn't feel as excited as you did a week ago. Now your husband looked like a maniac... instead of trying to play the role of a maniac.
You took a couple of steps away from him and slammed into the table. Gojo chuckled and held out his hand in your direction. The ring glinted on his ring finger.
–What's the matter, dear? Didn't you like it when I acted like an obsessive, jealous animal? That's what we came here for. Oh, I'm so, so glad that you accept me for who I am…
He started moving towards you, but for some reason you couldn't stop your body. You couldn't think, you rushed to the door leading to the veranda and burst out. Your feet started to lead you towards the forest. You grabbed your phone and started tapping your finger on the screen, not knowing who you were going to call.
Satoru followed you out and looked at your retreating back. Over the rustle of branches, you heard his hysterical laughter, which made your insides freeze. You almost stopped and froze in place…
–My dear wife, do you think I won't find you the same way I did all the other times? Back then, I didn't even try, didn't even use my Six Eyes… And now... now that you're running away for real, the hunt should be real too, right?
You ran, you ran, you ran... you hoped to escape, somehow. Fortunately, so far you've been able to make a call, and you've taken the opportunity.
–N-Nanami-san! I-I need help right now! S-Satoru is chasing me! I think there's something wrong with him! I need someone to know my location on the signal!..
You yelled when Gojo suddenly appeared in front of you. You turned around and started to run, but his big, strong arm wrapped around your waist and held you close, holding you firmly in place. He put his other hand over your mouth. Somehow, your phone is trapped between his ear and shoulder.
–Oh, I didn't think you'd address me so respectfully, Nanamin! It's so cute!..
–In general, I turned to your wife, do not even hope. Gojo, what's up? What was that?
–Oh, remember what I said about the little themed vacation that (Y/N) came up with? – Satoru said that like he wasn't holding you in his arms at the moment. You tried to resist, tried to scream, but the sorcerer was just too strong. – She got so used to being the 'victim' that she accidentally called you! I'm sorry if she distracted you from your important bread things. She wanted everything to be as close to reality as possible.
–Yes, I would also call someone if I was kidnapped… In any case, I don't want to know what the two of you are doing there. Say to her "hi" to for me. And also ask her not to call me with such "practical jokes". Realism is realism, but I might think that she was actually abducted by someone.
–Of course, of course! Bye-bye, Nanamin! I kiss you!..
–I didn't want to hear it.
As soon as Satoru took one hand away from you, you screamed. However, Kento didn't hear this because it was the first to disconnect from the call. Gojo silently put your phone back in his pocket.
You shivered all overas Satoru pulled you closer to him and leaned in close to your ear, his hot breath burning your temple.
–I couldn't stand having you around other people. I've waited so long to trap you… – Satoru kissed you on the cheek, then lifted your hand and kissed the ring on your finger. – Now only I can see your beautiful face, hear your angelic voice, and smell your divine fragrance… You'll be mine now. And that's what you've been dreaming about, isn't it? A normal person could not have imagined that they were being abducted by yandere.
You tried to resist, but you knew it was useless. Satoru easily hoisted you over his shoulder and carried you back towards the manor. Your own game... took you to the grave.
As you sat on the bed and tried to get as far away from Gojo lying on his side and smiling, you were horrified to remember every expression on his face, every movement, every word he said…
It was all true. Every threat to your family and friends, every promise to put you on a chain or put a collar on you, every word that Satoru is ready to destroy the whole world, if only you were near him… It was all true.
You always knew that your husband would fulfill your every wish. He just loved you so, so much! He always listened to you and tried to make you happy. But now you understood why this was happening. He was just luring you into a trap. He just wanted you to rely on him and him alone. He just wanted... to have you all to himself.
He will indeed grant you every wish... but not the one that concerned your desire to escape. This is now your new home. The home... right next to him and only to him.
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eddysocs · 4 months
Smut Dialogue Prompts
You may mix and match these prompts with ones on the same or different prompt lists you find on my blog when making requests. Context for the prompt(s) is always welcomed and encouraged, but not required.
"Your voice does things to me. I just thought you should know that."
"I know you're technically my instructor..."
"I dreamed of your legs wrapped around my waist."
"Don't act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago."
"We should probably leave, before we start a scandal."
"My tongue still remembers the way you taste."
"I want to count every one of your freckles with my lips."
"I know I should ask why you're naked in my bed, but I just want to enjoy it for a moment."
"Maybe you could use that mouth for more than just talking nonsense."
"Your eyes are already saying yes, now I just need your mouth to tell me the same."
"You look so cute when you're all disheveled."
"Well, how do you like my outfit?" "You're hardly wearing anything."
"I’ve never seen you look at me like that before."
"Don’t deny me what’s mine."
"Let me take care of you, yeah? I'll do the work."
"My God, you're so fucking gorgeous like this."
"Can I- can I please touch myself?"
"Wanna see how you look when you come undone under me."
"I'll make you feel good, I promise. Just trust me."
"I wanna taste you on my lips again."
"Wanna feel you against me."
"Clothes on or clothes off?"
"Mmm, always so impatient for me, aren't you?"
"Do I turn you on that much?"
"I don't think I'm gonna last long if you keep doing that."
"Need I remind you on what happened last night?"
"Lift your hips up for me."
"You’re so hot when you're bossy."
"Tell me if it becomes too much, okay?" "Okay."
"Are we— are we really going to do this here?"
"Eyes on me at all times, sweetheart."
"I want you in the most sinful ways possible."
"You like messing with my head, don't you?" "Only because it clearly turns you on."
"You'd sound so good begging for it."
"Getting you naked was just the first part of my plan for the night."
"You're wearing way too many clothes for what I have in mind."
"There's just something so extremely irresistible about a uniform..."
"You should keep the boots on."
"Maybe I should wake you up like this more often."
"We still have a few minutes left. You think you can manage?"
"Tell me if the collar is too tight."
"You’re such a good girl."
"We’re in the middle of a restaurant, what are you doing?"
"I’m trying to drive here."
"I love the way you touch me."
"Are you saying this doesn’t turn you on?"
"You know you want it."
"I’m not sure you could handle me."
"Please, I need you. Now."
"I like it when you say my name like that."
"I’m going to be late because you can’t keep it in your pants."
"Shut up and take your pants off."
"Don’t stop. Whatever you do, please don’t stop."
"I’m not hurting you, am I?"
"This can be our little secret."
"On your knees."
"I’ve thought about it before. You know, being with you like this."
"You look so good with your head between my legs."
"What would people say if they knew you were such a slut for me?"
"Let me worship you the way you deserve."
"It’s been such a long time."
"Turn around. I want to try something."
"Try not to ruin your manicure when you dig those nails into my back."
"Are you sure there’s enough room to do this in a hospital bed?"
"You don’t have anything on under that, do you?"
"Take me to bed or lose me forever."
"Keep this up and I’ll become a sex addict."
"You’ve been playing hard to get all night."
"I love it when you dress up for me."
"I love that the sexiest woman I’ve ever met is also my best friend."
"You don’t just belong in my bed, you belong on magazine covers."
"You make sex a religious experience."
"I thought we agreed to share her."
"I’m afraid I can no longer remain professional."
"I think I’ve made my intentions clear."
"I shouldn’t allow myself to get so close to you."
"I thought maybe we could do a little more than kissing this time."
"Oh my god, you’re naked." "Look all you like. I don’t mind."
"Mmm, good morning to you too."
"I want you." "Then have me."
"You’re not taking me to bed. Ever." "Who said it had to be a bed?"
"Would you reconsider if I were sober?"
"I'm not wearing any panties."
"Can’t I at least take my shoes off before you pounce on me?"
"I’m the one in charge here, silly girl."
"Be a good girl for mommy."
"And here I was, thinking that you were so innocent."
"Are you going to keep staring at my ass or…?"
"I want my first time to be with you."
"I can’t believe I did this again."
"Come sit on my lap, baby."
"Oh I'm sorry, did I pull too hard on the leash? What a shame."
"You enjoy being praised, don’t you?"
"Why don’t you bare that pretty neck for me?"
"I want to hike up your skirt and take you right here."
"Do you think they can hear us through the tent?" "Yes we can."
"I was wondering how long you two were going to make out like that before you realize you weren’t alone."
"You could be wearing a trash bag and I’d still want you."
"Oh my god. Did we just break the bed?"
"Throw your morals out the window, just for tonight."
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themultifandomgal · 11 months
Shelby Sister- I Didn’t Know
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Last night I started to get these funny aches and pains in my stomach. Putting it down to my monthly arriving I ignored them after getting myself a hot water bottle and went to sleep. However I woke up about 3am in the worst pain I've ever experienced. These period pains are truly something else. Groaning I get out of bed and make my way done to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea hoping to ease the pain.
7am rolls around and I'm in agony. Aunt Polly and Tommy are now up and wondering what to do. Polly has tried everything she can think of to help with the pains, but nothing is working and the pains are just getting worse
"That's it's I'm ringing a doctor. This isn't normal"
"Yeah ok" Polly breathes out giving in, also so confused to why my pains are so bad this month. Tears are falling down my face
"Aunt Poll an I dying?" I ask
"No. Tommys going to ring the best doctor he can to come over and give you a check up"
"Poll I'm scared"
"I know, but you don't need to be, everything's going to be ok"
Within 30 minutes a doctor has arrived and had been checking me over
"Ok there's one last thing I want to check" he says taking our stethoscope
"You've already listed to her heartbeat" Tommy frowns in confusion, but the doctor proceeds to place his stethoscope on my stomach
"Aunt Poll what's he.."
"Shh" the doctor says as he listens "unbelievable. This is so rare. I've never seen this happen before"
"What? Am I dying?"
"No, your in active labour"
"I'm what?"
"She's what?" Aunt Polly, Tommy and I say all at the same time
"You had no idea you were pregnant?" The doctor asked
"I.. no. I had my monthly every month on time"
"Have you wet yourself yet?"
"He's asking if your waters have broken, but you will have wet yourself since you wouldn't have had any warning of it happening"
"Well then I think we should get you up on your feet and walking about. That should help"
"Who did this?" Tommy asks
"Who got you pregnant. I'll fucking kill em"
"No you will not. Unless that is you were forced"
"No he was sweet, promise"
"Tommy let's do this later yeah? Go and ring the others let them know whats going on"
After walking around the house and my waters breaking, I was checked over and now it's time to push. Polly holds my hand while the doctor is at the other end. My brothers are all at the pup trying to figure out who the father is
"Ok next wave I need you to push"
"I can't"
"Yes you can. You can do this YN"
"I'm not ready to be a mum"
"Nobody ever is, but you heard the doctor when you feel that wave of pain you push as hard as you can" the wave of pain hits me and I push like Polly said
"Ok good. I need another big one like that ok?" the doctor says earning a nod from me. This goes on for a while until Im finally holding my baby I'm my arms. A little boy
"It's Isaiah's isn't it?" Polly sighs. I nod my head. We had been secretly courting each other for the last year now
"Toms gonna kill 'im Poll" I say worriedly
"No he's not”
Everyone's going to hate me now. Im an unmarried woman with a baby. People are racist Poll they're going to hate us all"
"Who cares what people think. I'm going to find Isaiah and bring him here to meet his son and I'm going to stop your brothers from drinking themselves silly"
Isaiah came over to meet his son, while Polly does damage control with my brothers. When they come over they are a lot calmer that I expect them to be. I guess Aunt Polly can me very scary when she wants to be
"So what's little lads name?" Arthur asks through gritted teeth
"Walter Shelby Jesus" I smile looking down at the newborn
"I'll ask Esme where the kids old clothes are"
"Thanks John" I give him a little smile
"So when's the wedding?" Tommy asks
"Tommy not now" Polly scolds shaking her head "let them be for now. Right come on let's leave them alone"
"That's how they go into this mess" Arthur mumbles
"Out now. Come on" Polly usurers everyone out of the room leaving Isaiah and I to fall in love with our baby.
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un-love · 2 years
drunk voicemails – 1
tw: implications of death in joshua's
reblogs are appreciated :D
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seungcheol: honey, i'm on my way back from work and i saw this new flower shop around the corner. something good will happen to you today. that's what the sign in the window said. naturally, i thought of you. you'rw the good in my life. SO i stopped to get you something and that's when i realized i don't know what your pick is. is it lilies? did you know there's something called blue orchids? they also had that. how do i not know your favourite flowers? if i had to pick flowers that remind me of you, i would pick sunflowers. they're yellow and warm and welcoming. everything that you are. i think that's what prompted me to buy y— shit. the bus is here. i'll see you tomorrow. tell me what your favourite flowers are
jeonghan: i wasn't expecting this to go to voicemail, what should i do? i'm a little drunk, baby. but i would've wanted to call even if i weren't. i want to ask you to come over, i want to run my hands through your hair, kiss the dimple beneath your eyes. are you sleeping okay? i'd give anything to see you fall asleep in my shirt again. haven't touched it since you threw it on my bedroom floor. your skin peeking out from in between the hem of my shirt and the blanket you refused to sleep without. do you still sleep with the air conditioner on? are you still listening? i'm sorry there's so much i didn't say.
joshua: do you remember promising to take me to your hometown? i couldn't sleep and ended up thinking about that. the bucketlist i made for us is still tucked away in my bottom drawer. i wanted to tuck us away too. t-u-c-k. protect you from everything, you see. now i catch myself thinking, 'was that too ambitious of me? would something have changed if i hadn't insisted on leaving game night early that friday?' all the moments of you i would've held. infinitely mine. i dream about it, sometimes. how you would've laughed showing me the love letters you received back in high school. if you would've taken me to your favourite waffle shop back home. i heard they're taking it down soon, i can't decide if i should go alone. maybe i will. i have to go now. this is my last message to you before they discontinue your cell service...yeah. i had to call. i love you.
jun: i knew you wouldn't pick up but hearing the beep hurt more than i thought. what do i do? i thought we were okay. that we finally made it through the mess. i almost saw a faint white light at the end of our tunnel. guess i was wrong, huh? i don't know if we'll ever forgive each other for what we've caused. never knew disasters could feel mind numbing and still look beautiful from afar. are you happy? i will never forgive myself for bending over backwards to let you walk over me again, and again, and again, and again, while you bled me dry. i keep replaying the night in my head, the final minutes before my whole world collapsed in on itself. i swear i felt time move backwards. but it's all the same to you, isn't it? i don't know why i called–
soonyoung: hey, it's .. uh, it's me. i saw that you called. i'm painfully aware of the probability of it being an accident, but here i am, hoping that it wasn't. want to be more than an accidental call to you. what does that make me? no, it's pathetic, i know. i just wanted to hear your voice anyway. maybe you'd have been surprised to see my caller id and said my name out loud, you know? did you delete my number? that would be a bummer. i was hoping to catch you brfore passing out, always liked how my name sounded on your tongue. anyway, this went straight to voicemail. it's alright. i'm alright—[beep]
wonwoo: are you okay? i never really knew with you. brought you flowers and left them at your doorstep when i know you needed me, but i couldn't give them to you myself. i should have come in. i should've held your heart in my hands and counted stars with you till we both fell asleep on the fading blue mattress in your balcony. did it rain that night? i remember wondering about the flowers, if you left them there or if they sat safely upon the table top, in that glass vase you bought at the local market. i think i left my heart at the doorstep next to those flowers–[beep]
woozi: hey, you. um, so..i finally got it down. 영원한 사랑이 있다면, 그건 당신이겠죠*. the post chorus was seeming too empty and now i've got it. took a bottle, or two, but hey, we're here. i don't know how i'll feel about this in the morning but i think i'm done with the songs now. i couldn't wait to show you ... hear what you think of them, that's why i'm calling. it's funny, thinking of the time when i hesitated to display even my finished works. haven't i come a long way? i know i always had help along the way but something's changed recently. they haven't listened to this one yet, and..i still have a feeling they will like it. i think it's you who did this to me. no wait, that sounds menacing. i've yet to come up with a title. i promise i will let you listen to this one before it comes out.
i wrote it to you.
*(if there's an eternal love, then you're that person)
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A Steel That Went Through Hottest Fire: Chapter II - As Fragile as Glass
Chapter Summary: You and Kirigan slowly get closer. You show him your vulnerable side and he opens up to you. When a threat comes at you two, you realise that he's no longer just your supervisor anymore.
Pairing: Aleksander Kirigan/Reader, Ivan/Fedyor Kaminsky
Characters: Aleksander Kirigan, Reader, Fedyor Kaminsky, Ivan
Word Count: 4092
A/N: oprichniki – the Darkling's personal guards, elite soldiers Inspired by prompts: https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089952351/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089798541/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089924746/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089949564/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089797843/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089798504/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089786928/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089797583/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089786915/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089798533/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089798502/
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The letter from General was not a way of messing around with you. The day after that you show up outside his chambers and knock hesitantly. When you enter after getting permission, you're met with a tea ready and Kirigan waiting for you by his table. He can tell you are surprised that it wasn't a joke, but does not comment on it. So, you sit down and have a bizarre tea with your supervisor.
Your teas continue. Like he promised, you have it every day. Soon, you stop becoming uncomfortable during them and find yourself relaxing. You blame it on General's charming personality. You're sure if he wanted to, he could have a rock swooning for him. It makes you anxious a bit. But you don't want your teas and conversations to stop.
One day, you don't come. Not because you don't want to, but because you don't notice what time it is, so engrossed in your work. You notice that something is amiss, when the Grisha that have just returned from their work become awfully quiet. Slowly, you raise your head and look around. You stiffen when your eyes fall on the door.
There stands General Kirigan. His arms are crossed and there's a scowl on his face. You shiver. Uh-oh…
'Tell me, Miss [L/N], did I not make myself clear?' he asks, slowly walking toward you. You gulp.
'I didn't do it on purpose,' you say, realising you're late to your tea. 'I just… lost track of time. It happens to me all the time.'
General stops in front of you and sighs heavily. You're really nervous but you immediately relax seeing an amused glint in his eyes, which is now familiar to you. Strange, how you can tell his real moods now…
'Does it now?' he asks. 'I guess that means I'll just have to come and collect you by myself at such times.'
You can't help but smile slightly. Kirigan gives you a pointed look and you quickly clear your station, then leave with him for you every day tea. Needless to say, now everyone is aware of those events and treat you with a bit more respect, knowing you somehow got General's favour.
And every day you feel you two are getting closer. You think you can call him your… friend. Kirigan feels it as well. But he also can tell you're holding yourself back. Every time he gets closer to you, you take a few steps back, closing yourself from him. It frustrates him. He's already stopped fighting the pull he feels toward you. So, why can't you stop doing the same?
One day changes everything. One day he returns from the Grand Palace, frustrated once again because of the fool of the king. He walks quickly, angrily. Everyone who are in his way quickly get out of it, cowering with fear. But at some point, he turns a corner and bumps into someone.
'Off!' this person says. 'Sorry!'
Kirigan is about to snap at them, but then he realises it's you. Immediately, his anger seems to vaporise. That is, until he sees the state you are in.
'General,' you say, looking down. 'I'm sorry. I should have been more attentive to my surroundings.'
Kirigan tilts your chin up to get a better look at your face and the evidence of a fight. He delicately thumbs away the streak of blood by your mouth, saying nothing as he examines it. After a brief pause, your heart skips a nervous beat as he looks you dead in the eyes.
'Who did this to you?' he asks, his voice quiet and tense, his anger barely restrained.
'That… It's nothing,' you say and attempt to walk past him. But he grabs your arm. Tightly.
'Who. Did. This. To. You?' he repeats, every word emphasised. You shiver.
'Don't worry about it,' you say, forcing a smile for him. 'I'm fine. I always am.'
'You're strong,' he says after a moment, only slightly loosening his grip on you. You sigh with relief.
'Yes,' you confirm, nodding. 'So…'
Once again you try to walk away. But General doesn't let you go. You look at him with confusion. He stares at you with such intensity that you're at a loss of words for a moment.
'That's the problem with being the strong one,' he says and you can swear there's a hint of sadness in his voice. 'No one offers you a hand.'
You stiffen at those words. Because they're true. Damn it, they're true. No one has ever offered you a hand. Not even your mother. She's always repeated you that you're strong and you can endure it.
Your mouth tremble from stopping the sob that threatens to come out of your throat. Kirigan's eyes soften. Same as his grip on you.
'Come with me,' he says gently and takes you with him to his chambers. He dismisses people waiting for him there and sits you on his chair. You're confused at first, but then you're surprised, when he starts to treat your beaten and cut face by his own. He could have easily called a Healer.
'It was my fault really, I should have just kept quiet,' you say after a moment of silence. Kirigan looks at you curiously. He sits down next to you.
'I usually do, but…' you say and sigh, '… I was just so tired.'
'Of what?' General asks quietly. You don't answer.
'Remember how I told you about my father?' you ask after a moment instead and he nods. 'I told you how his anger and my mother's joy fight inside me. My father had the kind of anger all fathers do. Loud and terrible. It lingers for your whole life. So, sometimes I can't win with it and I snap.'
'What caused you to snap today?' Kirigan asks, taking your hands to clean them from blood he's just noticed on them.
'One of the Alkemi told me that the only reason you're interested in me is because I'm making your skiffs,' you answer, causing General to stiffen. 'That you think charming me will make me more productive and they're going to be finished sooner.'
'And what did you tell them?' Kirigan asks, forcing his shadows not to reveal themselves to you because of his anger. You shrug.
'That he's probably right,' you answer and General looks at you with wide eyes, baffled. 'But while you may be using me, you're still a nicer company than most of them.'
'And he hit you,' Kirigan guesses.
'No, he hit me after I hit him,' you correct him. General raises his eyebrows.
'And why did you hit him?' he asks. You don't answer. Kirigan looks at you and is surprised to see your cheeks slightly pink.
'That you must be using me, because if you're spending time with me just because of my company, then you must be really dumb,' you answer after getting a stern look from General. He pauses.
'You hit him…' he says slowly, '… because he called me dumb?'
'Yes,' you sigh. 'And then he hit me. And he had a ring on his finger, hence the cuts. Because it turned into a fight. David and another Durast had to separate us. David sent me to cool my head and have my face looked after.'
General hums. He gently caresses your face. You shiver.
'I'm not using you, you know,' he says. 'You must believe that.'
You frown at him. He looks at you with such sincerity you haven't seen in his eyes yet.
'It really bothers you that much?' you ask. 'That I may think you're using me?'
'Yes,' Kirigan answers. 'I consider you my friend. Even if you close yourself off from me.'
He gives you a pointed look. You look down. You start playing with your hands.
'I'm sorry that I have trust issues, but you give someone everything and they treat it like nothing, something inside of you really breaks,' you say quietly. General's eyes soften.
'Your father,' he guesses. You nod. You blink away the tears.
'I can't tell you how many times I did something to get his approval, a kind word from him,' you whisper. 'I tried to act like a boy, did all the things boys did. In vain. I failed.'
Tears fall down your cheeks. Kirigan cups your face and makes you look at him. Your sad eyes meet his soft ones.
'No, you did not,' he says strongly. 'A daughter should not have to beg her daughter for a relationship. He should have loved you for who you are, not hate you for who you are not.'
You whimper. You close your eyes and lean to his touch. His heart breaks for you.
'I saw how glad he was when he was giving me away to the Little Palace,' you say and your voice becomes bitter. 'He disposed of me like I was just a thing for him. A thing that was just taking place in the house and his money.'
Kirigan does not hesitate. He takes you in his arms and presses you to his chest.
'He didn't deserve you,' he murmurs. 'He didn't. And you deserve someone who isn't okay with losing you.'
You can't help it. You cry in his kefta, grasping it. He puts a hand on the back of your head and murmurs words of comfort. Eventually, the tears stop. You pull away and sniffle.
'I'm sorry,' you say softly, looking at his wet clothes. Kirigan shakes his head and hands you his handkerchief.
'Don't worry about it,' he says. You blow your nose and hide the handkerchief to your pocket, intending to wash and return it. You look at the map table next to you wistfully.
'I hated it at first in the Little Palace,' you say. 'I hated being a Grisha. Do you know when that changed?'
'When?' General asks, drying the tears from your face. You look at him. He freezes seeing a certain light in your eyes.
'When I realised what I can do with my powers,' you explain. 'What kind of good I can bring do this world. I decided then that I will give my future children a world where they will never need to question if they are loved. Where they are safe.'
Kirigan looks at you, stunned. Something stirs in his heart. He squashes it, but the damage is done.
'You truly are an amazing person,' he says. 'Not just a Grisha. I hope you know that. And that I value you as both. I'm not using you. I swear.'
'Even if you were, I wouldn't stop coming to our teas,' you say with a smile and hum wistfully. 'Strange. I never craved anyone's attention, until I tasted yours.'
Kirigan gulps. He wants to say something but you stand up. He follows you suit.
'Thank you, General,' you say and bow your head to him. You turn to leave. Kirigan hesitates. But you bore your soul so much to him today. He feels he owes you the same.
'Call me Aleksander,' he says. You stop and turn to him, surprised.
'We're friends, aren't we?' he asks. 'So, call me by my name.'
'Only if you're going to call me [Y/N],' you say, smiling slightly. Aleksander smiles back.
'It's a deal, then,' he says and clears his throat. 'I'll see you at seventeen o'clock, [Y/N].'
'Until then… Aleksander,' you say and leave. When you're gone, Kirigan exhales slowly. He's not sure whether he did right by telling you his real name. But strangely… he doesn't care.
It feels strange. Calling Kirigan your friend. And calling him by his name. That especially. You keep addressing him as 'sir' or 'general'. He corrects you every time, either with a stern look or an amused smile.
You both realise both things have finally sink in for you, when one day you storm over to him while he's on the courtyard. He raises eyebrows at the scowl on your face. He stops Ivan's report with a raised hand.
'Kirigan, why, for Saints' sake, did you send away my best Alkemi to the front?' you demand and throw your hands in the air. 'Why did you send him there at all? Materialki don't go to war!'
You stop in front of him and put hands on your hips. You glare at him. Aleksander can't help it. He thinks you look adorable. It costs him everything not to smile.
'Because I noticed one thing about him,' he says instead calmly.
'And that would be?' you ask, irritated. He leans down to your ear.
'He's the only Alkemi that wears a ring,' he whispers. You stiffen. Oh. You did let that detail that day, didn't you?
'Really?' you ask quietly, turning your head to meet Aleksander's eyes. 'You punished him because he hit me after I started the fight?'
'I punished him, because he disrespected you, his supervisor,' Kirigan corrects you. 'Because he doubted my friendship with you and hurt you, my friend. If I can't protect the ones I care about, how can I do that for the whole country?'
Your look softens. General looks at you with that softness reserved only for you.
'Thank you, Aleksander,' you whisper so only he could hear and take a step back. You stiffen suddenly. Kirigan looks around, curious about the sudden change in your posture. The reason turns out to be all Grisha around you staring at you two with wide eyes. Because not only did you call General by his surname, with no title, but you also told him off. In public.
'That is so humiliating,' you say, horrified, your cheeks becoming red. 'David is never going to let me live it down.'
You touch your burning cheeks and shake your head. Aleksander laughs and pats your shoulder.
'If anyone can treat me like that, it would be my best friend, don't you think?' he asks, with a teasing glint in his eyes. You grin. You try to ignore how your heart skipped a bit when he called you his best friend. But you know that it's in that moment that you've finally accepted that you two indeed are friends.
Around a month later you realise that Aleksander is indeed your best friend. It happens during another of your teas. You come a bit later, because you had to finish something. Kirigan's already sitting by the table, his tea in his cup.
'I am so sorry,' you apologise, sitting down with an exhale, because you were rushing here. 'I really couldn't get away from that.'
'It's alright,' Aleksander assures you, pouring you your tea. 'I'm glad that this time I didn't have to drag you out, at least.'
You huff a laugh and shake your head. Kirigan winks at you and takes a sip of his tea. You don't drink yours, because while Aleksander prefers his really hot, you prefer yours to cool down a bit. Later, you think this may be what saved you both.
You're actually about to raise your cup with tea, when suddenly General starts coughing. He can't seem to stop. You look at him with worry, your hand frozen next to your cup.
'Aleksander?' you ask, frowning. 'Is everything alright?'
'Sorry… I just…' he says and coughs violently. 'I feel odd…'
He stands up. He wobbles suddenly. He barely manages to grab the edge of the table, but he hits it with his leg and sends your cup flying. You have to stand up, to avoid being burnt.
'Aleksander!' you cry out, startled. He leans on the table, panting heavily. You see he's sweating and is incredibly pale. You're deeply worried now.
You sense it more than seeing it. You jump to the side, your head barely missing a dagger aimed at it. You fall on your butt and you stare at the blade with wide eyes.
'Skerden Fjerda!' a man cries out, jumping from behind a curtain. How did you two didn't notice him, you have no idea. Besides, you don't exactly have time to wonder about it, since he throws himself at Aleksander. Who tries to fight the Fjerdan off, but whatever is happening to him, has made him weaker and has blunted his reflexes.
You panic. You should call for help. But Aleksander has called his oprichniki off, as he always does during your tea time. So, there's no one around. Your eyes fall on the dagger lodged in the wall next to you. Later, you think you were stupid not to even think about using your powers and stop him thanks to iron in his blood. Or simply throw the dagger at the man with your powers.
Instead, you force the blade out of the wall with your hands and throw yourself at the Fjerdan with a battle cry. You jump on his back and start stabbing him. Eventually, the man gurgles, blood falling from his mouth. You have to slide off him, so not to stumble down with him. He ends up on the floor, not moving.
Silence fills the room. Aleksander, who's kneeling because of the Fjerdan, stares at you with wide eyes. Slowly, he presses his hand to the man's neck.
'He's… he's dead,' he says, shocked, and pulls his hand away.
'He was trying to hurt you,' you defend yourself.
'I… I know,' Aleksander says, slowly standing up.
'I had to do it,' you say, panicking again. 'I can't- I can't let anything happen to you. You're my best friend. I had to-'
You're about to hyperventilate. Kirigan understands that and quickly throws himself to you.
'Hey, hey!' he interrupts you, cupping your face. 'Look at me. I know, okay? That scum was going to kill me. You saved me. I'm just… I'm just shocked, I guess?'
'But not scared?' you ask, looking at him with fear in your eyes.
'Of you?' Aleksander asks and kisses your forehead. 'Never.'
You lose strength in your legs and you both fall on your knees. Kirigan takes you in his arms and presses you to himself tightly. You start crying, or maybe rather sobbing. It takes General a second to understand your reaction.
You told him that weeks ago. You've never killed. You didn't want to kill. And yet you just did it. Without hesitation. For him. To save him.
'I've got you,' he murmurs in your ear. 'I've got you, [Y/N].'
'I was so scared,' you whisper. 'I thought you're going to die. And I didn't want that. At all. It scared me so much. Why? Why am I so afraid to lose you, when you are not even mine?'
'I am,' Aleksander says quietly. 'I am your best friend. And you're mine.'
He hugs you tighter. You sob again, hiding your face more in his kefta. Eventually, you pull away, drying your face. You laugh nervously.
'I'm sorry,' you apologise. 'I seem to cry a lot in your presence. You must think I'm so weak.'
'Never apologise for crying,' Aleksander says, surprising you with his seriousness, and caresses your cheek. 'Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive.'
You stare at him in awe. He looks back at you with that intense stare of his. You open your mouth to say something, when you hear rapid footsteps. Apparently, someone has heard your battle cry.
It's Ivan who bursts into the room. He stops quickly dead in his tracks, however. The usually stoic Heartrender looks at the sight in front of him with wide eyes.
'Why is there blood everywhere?!' he asks, shocked.
'I may have… aggressively poked someone with a dagger,' you explain sheepishly. Aleksander snorts. Ivan, however, looks at you with even greater shocked.
'You stabbed someone?!' he asks.
'No, no,' you deny, the tone of your voice serious. 'Aggressively poked him with a dagger.'
Aleksander can't help it and bursts out laughing. While Ivan finally sees the dead body next to you. You're pretty sure he's about to have a heart attack.
'A Fjerdan?' he asks, baffled. Kirigan calms down and pulls slightly away from you.
'Yes, Ivan, be so good and find out how he found himself not only in the Little Palace, but also in my chambers,' he says. 'And how he managed to spike my tea.'
'Spike?' you ask, curious. Aleksander nods.
'I'm sure that's the reason why I was feeling so odd,' he explains. 'Good thing you haven't drunk it yet. Ah, Ivan, call someone to clean this mess, as well.'
You look at the bloody floor. Ivan quickly regains his composure and bows to the General.
'It shall be done, sir,' he says. He gives you a respectful nod and hurries out of the room.
'We should get that drug out of your system,' you say, turning to Kirigan. He shakes his head.
'It's not poison, it will pass by itself,' he says. You frown.
'It may have other dangerous properties,' you say and bring your hands together. 'Let me.'
The Darkling hesitates. You straighten up.
'I'll be fine,' you say. 'I'm one of your most skilled Durast.'
'I know that,' Aleksander says quietly. 'But you're also my dearest friend. But very well.'
You nod and press your hands to his chest. He winces, feeling you manipulating the drug in his body. He wants to pull away when he sees your hands shaking and sweat forming on your forehead. But before he can act on it, you let your hands drop and smile at him.
'All done,' you say. 'How are you feeling?'
Aleksander takes a deep breath in. He smiles at you.
'Much better, thank you,' he answers and helps you up. Weakened by what you did, you have to lean on him.
'Oh,' you say, noticing blood on your clothes. 'I have to clean myself up as well.'
'So do I,' Aleksander sighs and looks at you apologetically. 'I'm sorry our tea time was so rudely interrupted.'
'Oh, don't be sorry, it was worth it,' you say. He looks at you, baffled.
'I'm sorry?' he asks, confused. You nod seriously.
'It got me Ivan's respect,' you explain. 'And that's my greatest accomplishment in life. I'm not going to do anything greater. Ever.'
Aleksander stares at you for a moment. Then, he bursts out laughing. You grin.
'I'm glad you can see some positives in this situation,' he says. Just then you hear rushed footsteps again. A second later Fedyor rushes in.
'General, are you alright?!' he asks. He stops and his mouth form in an 'o', when he sees lots of blood and the dead body.
'Well, he's definitely not,' he says after a moment. 'What happened?'
'He tried to kill Kirigan', you explain. 'So, I poked him with a dagger.'
'You… poked him,' Fedyor repeats slowly. Aleksander's shoulders shake from stifling laughter. He's saved from another burst of it by Ivan showing up. He puts his hands behinds his back and reports:
'Everything is already taken care of, General. I've also requested for a bath for you, [Y/N].'
'Hot bath?' you ask, your eyes lighting up. Ivan nods seriously.
'With bubbles,' he adds. You look at him, touched. Then, you turn to Aleksander.
'I think he's my new best friend,' you inform him. He looks offended at that.
'I beg your pardon?' he asks with disbelief.
'Shh,' you hush him, placing a finger on his lips. 'At least today. Thank you, Ivan.'
'Of course,' the Heartrender says and offers you his arm. 'Here, let me help you.'
'Oh, you're too good for me,' you say and glance back at Aleksander. 'I'll see you later?'
'Yes, later,' Kirigan sighs and watches as you leave with Ivan. Silence feels the room.
'Did… Ivan just called [Y/N] by her name?' Fedyor asks slowly. 'Although he refused to acknowledge her existence for weeks?'
'Yes,' Aleksander confirms grimly.
'And he ordered a hot bath for her?' the Heartrender makes sure.
'Yes,' Kirigan yet again confirms. Fedyor looks at him, puzzled.
'How did that happen?' he asks, at a loss. General shrugs.
'[Y/N] poked someone aggressively with a dagger,' he explains. Fedyor gives him a look. Aleksander just smiles.
'Well, I'm just glad you two are okay,' the Heartrender sighs.
'Alive, but not really okay,' Aleksander corrects him. '[Y/N] killed someone for the first time.'
'That changes people,' Fedyor sighs.
'Indeed,' Kirigan confirms thoughtfully, already wondering who you are going to become.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts! Reblog, like and comment if you could.
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52696933/chapters/133437991
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