#to the point where he actually hit me when we were on our trip so that's nice and i have a bruise to remind me every day
grimandghoulish · 1 year
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tibby-art · 3 months
i am straight up on my hands and knees BEGGING for more hitman au
crazy that you mention that actually because i did write another snippet a little while ago.. here’s a doodle i did to accompany it + the writing under the cut
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Grian gazed out the window of the bus, soaking in the quiet evening of the city. It had been some time since he was out in public like this, since he had felt like a normal citizen going about her daily buisness. It was nice to be outside the NHO headquarters for once, free to do what she pleased. Well, sort of.
Grian wasn’t exactly free. He was allowed some free time out when there was no training, lab visits, or missions. However, she was only allowed outside the NHO with a bodyguard. Someone who could both protect him from the overstimulation of the outside world, as well as protect others from her… if he were to ever lose control of his powers, or something.
Yes, riding the bus with a former-criminal-turned-professional-hitman certainly made the whole experience feel less normal for Grian.
“It’s nice to take public transportation once in a while,” Scar mused, stretching his arms over his head. “Us vexes don’t get to do that much anymore, when we can just fly around wherever we need to go.”
“That must be so much better, though,” Grian pointed out. “You can fly wherever you want, and you don’t even have to pay the bus fare.”
“Let me tell you, Grian, flying can be so tiring,” Scar huffed. “Sometimes I’m so tired by the time we show up to a hit, we need to take a breather on the roof for a few minutes. The NHO should just let us have a car for the long missions, for goodness’ sake!”
Grian did a quick check of his surroundings. The bus was pretty empty this time of day, but she got no sense that any of the passengers were paying attention to Scar so casually talking about being a hitman. A brief tap into watcher vision didn’t show any movement from the passengers behind her, either.
“Cub’s in much better shape than me,” Scar rambled on. “Did you know that man was a professional basketball player once? Or was it golf…? Actually, I think it was both.”
The NHO didn’t deem it too urgent to send both their prized hitmen on Grian-watching duty, so Cub had stayed behind at the headquarters. Last time Grian had seen Cub, he was showing off a ring of keys to Scar, saying how he was going to get a lot of ‘research’ done that night.
“What are those keys for?” Grian asked.
“Don’t know yet,” Cub shrugged. “That’s part of the fun”.
“So… those aren’t your keys?”
Cub and Scar just grinned at her.
“….This is our stop,” Grian said.
The pair exited the bus. The Hermit City library stood before them.
“Library, huh?” Scar asked. “Do you have some overdue books from before you became a watcher or something?”
“Not so loud,” Grian scolded, glancing around a mostly empty city street. “But, no. Speaking of… that, I wanted to see if there were any books I could find on the subject.”
Scar raised an eyebrow. “Do you think a public library would have better information than what we have at the NHO?”
Grian shrugged. “It’s worth a shot.”
The library was pretty empty at this time of day. In fact, they probably closed in an hour or so. Grian had deliberately chosen a time of day where less people would be around, so that the trip was less overwhelming on his new senses. Scar had complained that he wasn’t a morning person, so they settled on the evening instead. Grian secretly was also glad she could sleep in a little.
“Geez, when’s the last time I’ve been in one of these?” Scar muttered, glancing at the countless shelves of books as they walked past.
“What, are you allergic to reading?” Grian teased.
“Well, I am dyslexic, so… sort of?”
Grian realized that for a trip to the library to do some research, she probably should have gotten Cub to come. The man literally has two science degrees, after all.
The two made their way to the front desk, where the librarian on duty appeared to be preoccupied… knitting a hand puppet of some kind?
“Well howdy there!” The librarian looked up from his work cheerfully. He had long, brown hair that was dyed neon green at the tips, matching perfectly with her pointed green glasses. “What can I help y’all with?”
“Uh, yes, um.” Grian tapped his fingers on the desk. “We were wondering if you had any books on Watchers, and where they might be?”
“Watchers, huh…” The librarian furrowed their brow. “Now that’s an obscure topic.” He swiveled his chair towards his computer to investigate further. Grian began to grow anxious with how obvious he felt they were being.
“I know, right?” Scar sighed, leaning on the desk casually. “It’s for some lame group project that’s like, a fourth of our final grade in the class.”
“Yikes! That sounds rough,” The librarian remarked as she typed on the computer. Grian tapped into his sixth sense and didn’t pick up on any feelings of suspicion from the librarian. Maybe bringing Scar was a good idea.
“Okay, well, most of these books that are coming up seem to be more on the… fantasy side,” The librarian explained after a moment of scrolling. “I know those guys are mythological beings, but you said you’re doing a research project, so I’m guessing you want something more factual…”
“Yeah, anything with information about where they came from, what they do, stuff like that.” Grian nodded. “Y’know, like if they were real.”
“Oh! Here’s something promising.” The librarian turned the monitor so that Grian and Scar could see. “This book right here seems to be a study of the tales of Watchers throughout history. Although… it looks like our only copy is checked out at the moment.”
“Really?” Grian asked. “By who?”
The librarian blinked. “Hm… y’know, I’m actually not sure if I’m supposed to like, give that information to people? Like, legally?”
“There’s another person in our group project, so we just want to know if they beat us to checking out this book,” Scar lied. “Communication in group projects, am I right?”
“Pff, yeah, that makes sense,” The librarian turned the computer back to face him. “It looks like this book is currently being borrowed by a Martyn. With a y! How fancy.”
“Ah, Martyn with a y, of course!” Scar exclaimed. “Well, now we know that Martyn has the book, right Grian?”
“Yup,” Grian agreed, mind racing.
“Hey, actually…” The librarian scrolled down on the computer some more. “You guys sure got the right person for this project. It looks like this Martyn fella has been checking this book out for a few months now?”
Grian’s eyes widened.
“Ohh, that Martyn,” Scar laughed. “Always getting the head start on things! Uh, did we need anything else, Grian?”
“Um…” Grian needed to think fast. Whoever this Martyn person was, he’s been checking the same book on Watchers out for months. Surely he has to know something about them. Grian had to speak to him. But how on earth were they going to find this person?
Grian focused on the back of the librarian’s computer monitor. For a brief moment, in her mind’s eye, he could see the content of computer screen, from the librarian’s eyes. There on the screen was a full name: Martyn Littlewood.
“Nope, that’s all,” Grian replied, blinking rapidly as he returned to his own vision.
“Great. Well, you two have a good one!” The librarian said cheerfully, and returned to their knitting.
Grian and Scar briskly made their way outside.
“Wow. So who’s this Martyn guy? I didn’t think anyone else cared about Watchers that much,” Scar began, turning to Grian. “Oh uh, Grian, you’ve got something there…” Scar pointed to his own nose, looking worried all of a sudden.
“Huh?” Grian wiped his nose on his sleeve instinctively, expecting snot. However, when he glanced at his arm he saw red.
“Ah.” At least her sweater was already red.
“What did you do in there?” Scar asked, his green eyes intense with a mix of curiosity and concern.
“I was able to get a better look at that computer, and see the guy’s last name,” Grian explained. “Martyn Littlewood. Whoever he is, he might have a ton of information about Watchers. I’ve got to find him and have a word with him.”
“Grian, you’re amazing!” Scar exclaimed, impressed. “Well, finding someone in this city should be easy enough for a Watcher.”
“Shush,” Grian glanced around the empty bus stop. “Or we could try, y’know, looking the name up online first…” Grian quickly pulled out her phone. “Ah. Found him.”
“What? You’re kidding.”
“Oh my god, Scar.”
“Scar.” Grian held the phone out. “Martyn Littlewood is…”
“A youtuber?” Scar’s jaw dropped as he scrolled through the list of videos. “And he makes videos talking about-“
Scar stared at Grian, dumbfounded.
“Scar, I think we just found the world’s biggest, and perhaps only, Watcher fanatic,” Grian stated in disbelief. “And he lives right here in Hermit City.”
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earlycuntsets · 9 days
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11/23/2004 gerard's interview from coffee with cojo on artsucks.com
"It's really cool when people you know, and knew from obscurity become famous in a field you would have never guessed that they were even involved in.
Here is some back story. . .My freshman year of college (SVA) I became fast friends with this kid named Gerard Way. It was our "foundation year" where they lump students into "general blocks" of courses, reguardless of major. The people you are grouped with, you are stuck with, because they will be in about seventy percent of your classes your foundation year. Being that Gerard was a cartooning and illustration major with a line-art-cartoonish-comic-book style, and I had been working at Marvel Comics for the past two years; we had a lot in common. He was actually a really good cartoonist (One of the top in our class).
Well, Gerard was best friends with this guy Todd. Todd was a funny guy, but I didn't really hang around with him. I was a DJ for our school's radio station (WSVA) at the time and I was dating this girl Cheryl.
A few months later I broke it off with Cheryl. . .Time passed and somewhere along the line (I can't remember how long exactly) Todd started seeing Cheryl. Of course that's when Todd would want nothing to do with me (being that he was with Cheryl now), and it's also where I lost touch with Gerard (Naturally, he being Todd's best friend and all).
Well, I would run into Gerard in school over the years from time to time, and I remember seeing one of his cartoons printed in "THE BIG BOOK OF THE WEIRD WILD WEST" which was part of one of my favorite graphic novel series' (THE BIG BOOK OF).
Then in 2003 sometime I ran into Gerard walking down Third Avenue right off of St. Marks Place. I hadn't seen him in like seven years and his name slipped my mind, but I was sure it was him.
I followed him, he was going pretty fast "MARK!" I yelled to him, and he turned around. He looked at me with the expression of searching one's memory to place a face.
"Cojo?" He said, then corrected me "It's Gerard by the way, where did you get Mark from?"
"I don't know, maybe St. Marks? I was just drawing a blank on your name, I'm sorry, but I knew it was you and I had to stop you, how ya been man?" I asked.
I rarely run into old classmates so I offered to buy him a cup of coffee. We were right in Cooper's Square so we hit a Starbucks (If you've never been in Cooper's Square, you will be amused to learn that there are three Starbucks Coffee shops within sight of one another. . .it's really freakish).
I paid for his coffee and we shot the shit. He blew my mind telling me that he's the lead singer for a band called "MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE" and that they just got back from touring Europe. What the fuck? A far cry from cartooning.
I told him about all the weird work I've been doing. It's so rare that I actually run into someone from school who is successful and doing something they love. It was really refreshing. I took a few photos of him as we talked. I'm weird with documenting things- as if you haven't noticed.
We left Starbucks and kept shooting the shit. Having nothing to do he decided to join me for the rest of the afternoon. We walked over to the Virgin Megastore on 14th and he pointed out the magazines his band had been spotlighted in and what music he's into and what not.
It was funny cause he's like: "We're in Alternative Press all the time" and I was like, "Hey, I worked for A.P., I did stuff for the Warped Tour a few years back and actually visited their office in Cleveland!" (-author's note: you will read about this Cleveland trip in the past updates after the site hard launches in Feb-). It was cool cause we knew the same peeps.
I showed him the magazines I was in, and turned to the pages to show him the artwork. One neat thing about being in magazines is that you have a mini portfolio of your work at any magazine shop you walk into in the country.
Well, he invited me to see his band perform at THE KNITTING FACTORY the next week. I told him I would try to make it, but I was really slammed with work so I probably wouldn't be able to make this one, but I'd really like to do an interview with him or him and the band sometime where I could record our conversation.
Like just hang out and shoot the shit with them (cause he's just a down to earth Jersey born kid like myself) and pitch it to magazines afterwords, accompanied by a portrait I would do of their members. He was like: "Man, I wish you had a tape recorder on you now, the stuff I've been saying is good shit, totally printable shit!" And he was right, I really was digging at him about what happend that got him to make the transition from art into music and was getting the "real" answers, not the way a rockstar talks to a reporter, but the way an old bud you goofed off with in drawing class and you haven't seen in years talks to you.
I told him I'd look out for his band in the mags and if I saw something or could help em' out I'd spotlight it or give him a buzz. He thanked me for payin' for the Starbucks and then I caught a train uptown.
Well, September Maxim's Blender did a whole page on MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, showcasing them as the next big thing. Then last week I was out with my girl and we walked by a magazine rack, and on the cover of AP (Alternative Press) was Gerard and his band in some serious Rigamortis style dead make-up.
"No SHIT!" I exclaimed, and picked it up. I explained to Tracy (my girlfriend) the story of how I knew this guy. That night I was flipping through the channels and I came upon MTV and what the fuck, there was a MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE video! Same day as I saw the cover! The song was catchy as hell. I couldn't believe it. I was like: "No crap. . . they are gonna be huge!" Just after their song, a yellow card video started. I guess that's their genre. I asked Ink's brother (17 year old semi-pro skateboarder) Mikey if he knew of My Chemical Romance. He told me he's a fan, has their albums. I asked Jain, and she was like, "Um yeah, they are actually a really popular band! They've been out for a while."
So I guess this update is long overdue, and so is a congrats to Gerard. Keep kickin' ass man! Next time you are back in town, give me a buzz.
Just another day in the life of an Art Juggernaut.
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nichoswag · 1 year
Hey Rei! I've been thinking for a while if I should send a prompt request or not, but here we go. 😂 (Hope you'll like it lol)
So my idea is #15 "Please stop flirting with me, my parents are right there." with a fake dating trope. And the idol who first came to my mind was Heeseung, I feel like he would match this well! You're free to decide the atmosphere of the story, I, personally was just feeling funny haha. I hope you'll have fun with this request! <33
flirt . lee heeseung
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prompt: "please stop flirting with me, my parents are right there."
pairing: fake bf!heeseung x gn reader
warnings: fake dating au, lots of flirting, kissing, teasing, like one light innuendo
song rec: into it - chase atlantic (warning: song is extremely sexual)
a/n: hii marine! admittedly i did push this to the top of my list because i feel a bit more inclined to complete reqs from my moots ♡ sorry it took so long, but i did have a lot of fun with this request!! i hope you enjoy :))
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if someone were to ask you how you got in this situation, you honesly couldn't say you have a clue.
walking into your childhood friend's parents' house hand-in-hand with him, you're still questioning how you got here.
well, to put it simply, you and heeseung grew up together. you even went to college together, and now you're back home together. but, you're now actually together.
at least, that's what you've told both of your parents, after constant nagging and pleading from both ends for you both to date someone. so, your solution was to pretend you're both dating each other.
now, you're shaking due to the nerve of the roles you're both about to play.
heeseung squeezes your shaking hand that's placed in his, sending you a reassuring smile. "hey, it's fine. we're only doing this to get them off our backs."
your heart flutters at his smile and the kind action.
mrs lee opens the door for the both of you. "____! it's so nice to see you," she exclaims, pulling you into a hug.
"moooom," heeseung whines. "what about me?"
she chuckles. "oh, hush. i haven't seen ____ in years."
as she welcomes the two of you into her house, you realize how natural this feels after all. besides, you and mrs lee have always been close, as your moms are best friends, so she's like a second mom to you anyway.
heeseung leads you through the wide hall into the large dining room. sending you a wink, he pulls back your chair for you. you send him a weird look as you sit down, but he ignores it and pushes your chair in, taking a seat next to you.
diagonal from where you and heeseung sit, your fathers are arguing about who's lawnmower does the better job. you chuckle at their pettiness as your mother chastises your dad for picking a fight over such a stupid thing. things haven't changed at all.
you're immersed in a conversation with heeseung until someone takes a seat across from you. it's heedo, your fake boyfriend's older brother.
and your childhood crush.
there's a girl sitting next to him, and they're holding hands, just as you and heeseung were a few minutes ago.
heeseung seems to notice your curiosity, because he leans closer to speak into your ear. "that's yeri, heedo's girlfriend." he takes your hand again and squeezes it. "are you okay? we can leave if you're uncomfortable," he offers, knowing about your long-term crush on his brother.
you shake your head. "i'm alright. just surprised."
he nods, understanding. "are you over him? i mean, you've dated since you last saw him."
"i think so, actually." you smile, nostalgia hitting you suddenly. "he was my childhood crush, so i guess it's just weird for me. it's not like i haven't seen him with a girl before."
you remember the time you saw him making out with a girl at a party him and heeseung had thrown in high school while yours and their parents were on a trip. you'd then gotten drunk on wine to the point of throwing up, and heeseung had held your hair back half the night at your house while you threw up.
then, when he brought his first girlfriend for dinner with his parents. heeseung had invited you over, not knowing he was there with his girlfriend, and you'd spent the evening crying in his room while he held you.
heeseung grins at you, seemingly remembering those nights too. you feel eternally grateful to have someone like him in your life.
he presses a kiss to your temple, seemingly trying to keep up the act. "you hungry, cutie?"
you nod shyly, blushing as he ruffles your hair. "starved."
within a few moments, heedo and heeseung get up to help their mother bring plates of food from the kitchen and set them in the middle of the large dining table.
yeri stares at you across the table. you feel self-conscious as she eyes you up and down, as if she's analyzing how big of a threat you are to her.
heeseung catches a glance at her eyeing you as he sits down, sighing as he realizes what's going on. he glares back at her, and she just smiles innocently, fixing a napkin on her lap. she glares at you as she kisses heedo on the cheek.
"what's her problem?" heeseung whispers in your ear.
you shrug. "i have no clue. I've literally just been sitting here."
he rolls his eyes. "i hope she doesn't cause a scene."
dinner does end up going without a hitch. besides a few more glares from yeri when heedo asks about your experiences in university and settling into your new job, you feel at ease. even when yours and heeseung's parents ask how you two began dating, you're able to answer the questions just as the two of you practiced earlier.
you notice heeseung looking at you with an expression you don't recognize throughout dinner. almost like admiration, except his eyes are fiery. you just think he's playing the role of your loving boyfriend.
mrs lee brings out a tray of sweets. "anyone hungry for dessert?" she practically sings.
heeseung grins and leans close. "mine's already here." he places a hand on your knee.
you choke on your own spit, and he pats your back. "please stop flirting with me, my parents are right there," you whisper-yell into his ear as everyone stares at you both.
your hear giggles, and you realize everyone must have heard what you said.
your mother smiles sweetly at the both of you. "don't worry, we're not judging you. the two of you are adorable."
you blush furiously, and heeseung ruffles your hair again.
yeri huffs from across the table, and you realize she must be jealous of the attention you two are receiving as a couple, not insecure of her relationship. she busies herself with fixing heedo's collar aggressively.
he grabs her hands as the attention turns to them. "what is your problem? you've been like this all evening. can't you just act normal?"
heeseung stifles a laugh from beside you and you nudge him with your elbow. "what's funny?"
he leans over to whisper in your ear for the third time tonight. "just that they're seemingly an actual couple and they get along worse than us."
you giggle, and yeri turns to glare furiously at you. "what the fuck is funny, you callous bitch?"
there are gasps all along the table, and heeseung nearly stands up defensively before you grab his arm to pull him down.
"don't think i haven't noticed you flaunting you perfect boyfriend all night." she laughs mockingly. "you're like a three. how did you manage to pull that guy?"
"get out." heedo glares at his probably soon-to-be-ex girlfriend, motioning towards the hall that leads to the front door.
"what?" her tough front cracks as she wears a scared face. "heedo-"
"i said. get. out." he gets up, pulling her up with him and marching toward the hallway.
you can hear the yelling and screaming still. "i've told you before, she's like a fucking SISTER to me! who are you to talk to my family like that?" "SHE WAS TAUNTING ME WITH HER PERFECT GUY-"
eventually, the screaming is muffled as it seemingly continues outside.
mrs lee gains her composure and proceeds with setting out the dessert. "kids these days are so dramatic. minus my ____, of course. you're an angel."
you smile at her. "thanks, mrs lee."
her smile falters. "honey, why don't you just call me 'mom?' i'll be your mother-in-law eventually, anyway."
you nearly choke again, and heeseung stifles a laugh. "just go with it," he mouths.
you smile again. "sure, mom. thank you for the dessert."
dinner wraps up rather quickly after the dramatic scene. heedo returns at the very end, looking very disheveled as you and heeseung make your way up the long spirals stairs to his room, where you'll both be staying the night.
heeseung lets out a long laugh after he closes the door to his childhood bedroom, nearly slumping against it. "that was a train wreck. heedo has terrible taste in girls."
you giggle. "he should've just chosen me when he had the chance."
heeseung's smile fades. "no, i rather like having you to myself."
your feel a twinge of pain in your heart at the way his smile drops. "hee, i was just kidding. i told you, i'm over him. i think i like someone else now, anyway."
the smile that began to creep onto his face at the first part of your speech drops again as he hears the last part. "oh." his shoulders slump, face looking dejected.
you catch his face in your hands as he turns away from you. "hee, do you really not realize who i'm talking about?"
his eyes widen in realization. "you mean..."
"yes, i mean i like you, lee heeseung." you grin at him.
before you realize it, he's taking you into his arms and picking you off the ground and you're spinning through the air. you both giggle as you come back onto the ground.
now flustered, you look away from him "so..."
"i like you too, ____. i thought that was pretty obvious." he ruffles your hair yet again, pulling you close by your waist.
you giggle. "it kinda was."
he looks at you for a moment, gentle gaze flickering between your eyes and lips. "can i kiss you?"
you nod, and he leans down to connect your lips gently. you wrap your arms around his neck, one hand resting on the nape of his neck, and the other tangling in his hair.
he pulls away and you lean your head against his chest, breathless.
"fuck, i think i might be in love with you." the words leave your mouth before you can even think about what you're saying.
he smirks down at you as you meet his eyes, yours wide. "yeah? what makes you think that?"
you inhale sharply. "you've been there for me through everything since we were kids. my heart hurts when you're sad, i feel angry when you're angry, and i'm happy when you are. also, i always find myself missing you when you're not around. i think that's love."
he smiles, eyes shining brightly. "if that's the case, i love you too."
minutes later, you're settled in a pair of heeseung's clothes, waiting on his bed for him to come back from the bathroom.
as he enters the room, your heart races. you've spent nights together as friends, no biggie. but now, it's the real deal.
he sprawls out on the bed beside you and turns to look at you. "cuddle?" he asks, opening his arms. you practically dive into them as they wrap around your body tightly.
you realize you feel safe here. that to you, there's never been any place safer than in his arms.
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©nichoswag | do not copy my work or repost onto any other platform.
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bellarkeselection · 9 months
Halstead’s Favorite Duo
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Anonymous request - Can you do a Jay Halstead x reader, where they are married and she is part of the K-9 unit? Maybe they called her in or something to help chase down a suspect.
My boots hit the ground as fast as I could to keep up with my first best friend for I wish I could say my whole life. Yet I have only known this dog since I joined the K-9 unit that works with the Chicago Police Department. My German shepherd dog ran forward on the heels of the man that was running from us. The man we were after was a drug cartel that they had been hunting for months. “Ryder! Attack.” I commanded him before he launched himself through the glass store window.
The guy we were chasing tried to run to the back of the store but he tripped over a shopping cart giving Ryder the opportunity to tackle him to the ground. Stepping over the broken window glass I draw my gun from my belt pointing it at the guy. “Y/n, Ryder! Are you guys okay?”
“We’re fine, Jay. Ryder ain’t too bad at his job. Ryder, come here.” I smiled seeing my husband coming around the corner lowering his gun when he saw the situation.
Ryder snarled at the guy on the ground keeping his tail still when we were out in the field. Otherwise he would let it actually wag when he was happy. Jay bent down on a knee after putting his gun away, grabbing the guy off the floor and handcuffing him. “You’re under arrest for smuggling drugs across the border. Take him back to the station.” He handed him off to one of the other local officers.
“You did good, boy.” Dropping down on a knee in front of my dog he started moving his tail wagging it since it was just me and Jay alone with him. “So how much paperwork does this leave you with tonight. I can order take out if you want if you’ll be home later.”
He shakes his head walking back to one of the squad cars having me and Ryder following his heels like we did every morning when we all had to leave the apartment. “Hailey said she would take care of it. I actually had something else in mind.”
“Oh really. Care to share what you had in mind?” I smirked knowing that he wouldn’t give it up even if I asked the question but I did it anyway.
Jay sent me a glare. “It didn’t work on our first date and it still won’t work now.” I nudged him and he chuckled before Ryder barked signaling that he wanted into our conversation.
“That means he doesn’t want to be left out of whatever mystery thing you have planned. And you agreed to take me in every way that includes my doggy.” I responded to him.
Jay and I had gotten married a few years ago. I had just been promoted to chief of my unit. Vioet was the man to help me get it after he had seen my history with Ryder and the amount of cases we helped crack down compared to the other k-9 unit members. Jay opened the door letting my dog jump into the backseat shutting the door once he was in. We both got in the car and removed our bullet proof vests and he started the drive looking my way a few times. “Do you remember the day we met?”
“Of course I do. I got injured on an assignment and the doctors at the hospital your brother Will works at wouldn’t let Ryder inside my room. So he started losing it and breaking things. If it wasn’t for you I was sure Ryder would have bit Will’s leg.” I snorted running a hand down my face thinking back on that night.
Jay smiled, shaking his head. “Yeah but he and I have the same goal to protect you…and love you.”
“So where are we going exactly? I mean it’s kind of strange that you are asking about the day we met. We’re already married. What else could we possibly do?” I shifted in my seat bouncing up and down with the tension of waiting.
Jay didn’t stop the car for another few minutes, parking the car outside of a house that was painted a light blue on the outside and it had a gray roof. He let Ryder out of the backseat first before coming over to my side and helping me out. “The surprise is that this place is now ours.”
“Are you serious, Jay!” I gasped covering my mouth with my hands spinning around to face him since he was standing behind me.
He slipped the keys in my hands. “It’s our. I am not lying to you. I got it all set up a few weeks ago. That way we aren’t cramped in an apartment and this gives Ryder a space to run when he wants to.”
“I love you.” I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him slowly.
Ryder barks running towards the front door just as Jay wraps his arms around my waist tugging me closer to deepen the kiss until he breaks it not being able to hold in his chuckle. “I love you too…and Ryder seems to approve.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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genshin-scenarios · 8 months
A Leyline Incident (Wanderer x Reader)
Summary: A leyline mishap has transported you and Wanderer into his memories – aka back to when he was still Kabukimono.
This'll wear off in a few hours, but you don’t know how long you can last when Wanderer’s acting like this.
Established relationship/you’re already together. He’s just pushing your buttons as usual.
Content warnings: Rated teens and up!
Wordcount: 1100+
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“Move to the side. Am I just supposed to sit on one inch of this chair?”
“What are you talking about?! I’m about to fall off here!” Your indignant whisper quickly turns into a strangled sound when Wanderer slots himself to your side, pushing his body against you.
There are countless more places he could sit, but of course he chooses the most inconvenient one to stay close to your side. After you’d been found together at the edge of the village, Wanderer had quickly introduced you as a traveler he befriended from his foraging trips.
Considering how even his clothes were transformed into the white and purple garb he used to wear, you were the only oddity in the situation. With a defeated sigh, you played along, letting Wanderer adopt the demeanor of his past self as he loops your elbows together, leading you into Tatarasuna.
But even if he was friendly as Kabukimono, wouldn’t the villagers still find it weird if he’s so attached to you?! Granted, the swordsmiths and workers milling about are fragments from his memories, but they’re still fully capable of interacting like normal.
Katsuragi turns to the both of you, handing Wanderer a bowl of soup. “Just let us know if your friend needs anything else. It wouldn’t do for us to count them out of dinner, after all.”
“Thanks, Katsuragi!” Wanderer switches his tone effortlessly, wearing a smile so innocent that your stomach turns in disbelief. “They’re a little tired, so I’ll show them to the guestroom later.”
The idea of being stuck in a room when Wanderer’s dressed and acting like this is enough to make you stand up, trying to escape despite how dark the sky is. “Actually, I feel fine. So maybe I can help with serving—”
“—But didn’t you say you’ve been traveling all day?” Wanderer interrupts. His brow furrows in worry, raising a spoonful of soup to you. “You should eat and rest. I’m sure the villagers won’t mind!”
“Any friend of Kabukimono’s is a friend of ours.” Katsuragi confirms. “It’s only a night’s stay, after all. If you’d still like to help out, we can discuss it in the morning.”
Worst of all is the expectant look on both of their faces as you sit, frozen, staring at Wanderer’s hand still offering to feed you.
There’s amusement glimmering in his eyes even as he retains that sweet smile. “The grannies are really good at cooking, so you should try some!”
You grit your teeth, mustering all the patience and peace in the world as you lean forward and take a bite. It’s surprisingly good, though that might have to do with Wanderer’s memory of the soup rather than anything you’re actually consuming.
After that, you manage to save your dignity a little by taking the bowl from him and finishing the rest yourself, just so you could excuse yourself and retreat away from the villagers. Wanderer brings you to one of said guestrooms, where you immediately round to berate him.
“Just because this is one of your memories doesn’t mean you can go ahead and—”
“Mess around?” He takes the words right out of your mouth, lips quirked with mirth. Here stands the Wanderer you know. But what you don’t expect is for him to drive the point forward, taking a slow step towards you with every sentence. “But don’t you find it endearing to see me acting like that? Wide-eyed, well-meaning… Willing to do anything for you with a smile?”
“The leyline must’ve dropped you on the head before we woke up here.” You panic, realizing that your back has just hit the wall. He’s too close, and the glint in his eyes spell nothing good for your wellbeing. “Heck, you could even be lying about your old personality, and I wouldn’t have a clue.”
“Hm. Regardless, I’ve gotten you into quite a spot.” Wanderer leans over you, and you think he’s about to kiss you for a second before he simply lingers there, giving you a smirk.
“You know what? We’re done.” You slide down to sit on the ground, trying to avoid his gaze because there’s no way you started leaning in and he had the audacity to tease you. Your deadpan is a giveaway that you’re simply flustered, covering your face with your eyes shut and words muffled. “I don’t know you anymore. Goodbye.”
“Well that’s rather hurtful.” He crouches so you’re at the same height, propping his chin atop his palm. “I was going to let you choose how I’d kiss you.”
You allow yourself to peek at him, curiosity winning over. “…In what way?”
“As in,” Wanderer leans closer, moving his hand to tug at the end of your shirt. “Would you like Kabukimono, lovesick as he asks if he can kiss you?”
He mimics the pose, face tilted just enough so that he’s the one peering up at you. An image of something desperate and hopeful flashes through your mind — wide eyes and pleading for you to melt and say yes.
“Or, maybe you want me to promise I’d never leave your side.” In a cheerful, exhilarating realization that he loved you. Exclaiming it with a laugh bubbling on his lips, knowing this emotion for the first time.
His hands shift to cup your face on both sides. As Wanderer shuts his eyes, they flutter open again with a different weight to his gaze; half-lidded, he’s close enough that your lips are brushing, but doesn’t quite press them into a kiss.
“Fast forward things a little, and it’d be like this.” He traces the shape of your cheekbone. “Maybe I wouldn’t ever want to let you go, and ask for your heart to be mine.”
He’d steal it from your chest, if he really had to. You’d believe it, in the current state he’s emulating – remembering the stories he told you about his past after disaster struck Tatarasuna. When he was lost to a color of the world that struck him cruelly, believing he’d been betrayed once again.
Your hands reach up to take Wanderer’s wrists gently, pulling him out of his stupor with your touch. As his eyes clear, he leans into the kiss you tilt your lips up for, letting you take the lead as he melts into you. It’s soft and sweet — a little reassurance in the way you wrap your arms around his neck, keeping him close even after you part.
“I’ll take any version you give me, though I prefer the usual Wanderer a little more.” You smile, earning a bemused huff.
“Because I’m already yours?” He guesses.
“Because you seem happier.” You correct. “Or at least, that’s what I assume, with your own fanclub at the Akademiya and all.”
“They’re ridiculous.” Wanderer says, gaze softening. “As are you.”
For loving him, he means. But that’s been an affliction you’ve had for a long time now, and you had no intention to stop.
“Maybe another kiss will knock some sense into me?”
“Hah. As if that’s worked before.”
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eydi-andrius · 1 year
Ours, huh. (Malleus Draconia x Reader)
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a/n: just an exercise after my long break. also, malleus was so adorable at the current event. where he came three hours early so he will not miss his first vacation outside briar valley
cw/tw: unedited, pure brainrot for malleus
🐉 🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉🌸🐉
"I definitely heard that thunder loud and clear." Cater nervously laughed and looked outside the window of the mirror chamber.
It was true though. The once beautiful morning slowly turns dim as dark clouds with lightning crawl out and hide the sun.
"Wow! I've never seen Tsunotarou make that kind of expression before. Look! He's turning really scary." Grim grimaced and made sure to move closer to you as he watched Malleus' expression turn darker and scarier. The more you stare at his hulking stature, the louder the thunder outside.
Jamil was not at fault though for making Malleus angry. A royalty without an escort to a public event will surely be a problem. A national security level of problem. You're actually weirded out that Sebek wasn't here wreaking havoc because Malleus will go out alone. Lilia probably has him on a chokehold.
"Why was that? Draconia has been here for three hours. I think he was that excited to join you today." Crowley, just like how useless he was, emphasizes how much Malleus has been looking forward to this trip, more than doing his job as a professor and interfering with the problem at hand.
You watch Malleus' mood turning sour, as he hears the professor's words, and Jamil trying his best to make his point across when you hear Trey coughed behind you. You looked back at him and Trey nodded at where Malleus was standing. A frown was your only response, wondering what he meant. His only reply was an exasperated sigh when you did not understand him. He then opened his mouth to speak without sound, mouthing about Malleus again but you're far too slow to understand that too.
Done with the way you and Trey danced with each other, Cater held your shoulders, and forcefully made you look back again at Malleus. As you turn, a loud crack of thunder hits near the school that makes you flinch. It took you awhile to regain your composure but once you got yourself together, you almost choked in fear on how furious Malleus is looking right now.
If he was in his dragon form, he probably would have eaten and swallowed Jamil – whole.
Not giving you enough time, Cater pushed you towards Malleus and you tripped in front of him. Good thing his reflexes were fast and he was able to catch you on time. The air of anger and malice immediately vanished and his eyes softened as he looked at you.
Ah! They want me to take care of Malleus for them. These Heartslabyul friends of yours. You wonder if they were truly your friends or they were just using you when they needed your help. Tsk.
"Child of man, are you alright?" Tone soft and calm, he asked you. He even checked if you have any scratches from your accidental tripping.
"I am fine, Tsunotarou. Was it true that you waited for three hours here?" When Malleus blushed at your question, you also blushed in return.
"I did. I was afraid I would miss it so I woke up earlier than the agreed time."
Still a little excessive though. Was the thought inside your head but you know too well that Malleus' fear was valid. Somehow, even with his tall stature, people always miss him out or completely forget him. It always has been a mystery to you, especially when you never forget to invite him in everything you do. It wasn't that hard.
"You must be tired waking up that early. But I'm so glad you're coming with us today. Right, Jamil?" You looked at Jamil, who looked like any minute now he would pee in distress. So with your eyes, you silently begged him to just agree.
With no other choice, and with the incestent of Kalim, he agreed.
Glad that everything worked out, you intertwined your arms to Malleus' right arm.
"Let's enjoy our first vacation outside NRC, shall we?" You asked him with a broad smile and a tilt of your head.
He looks surprised at first with the gesture. His eyes wide and mouth agape. But when he got himself back, he gave you a sly grin.
"Ours, huh. Well, let's enjoy it together then." He gave you a smile and you did not fail to notice how the flowers seemed to bloom and the sun shone brighter outside before the mirror took you all to your destination.
Let me know your thoughts! And thank you in advance for your likes, comments and reblogs! <3
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whateverisbeautiful · 21 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#43: The Good Life (1.05)
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gif cred: @nerd4music
The vibes of this whole sequence are so good. The good life truly. 🤩And Say Yes has always been a comfort ep for me, so I love that this montage has such Say Yes energy and parallels. If ever I need a pick-me-up this tranquil series of clips from Richonne's road-trip home will lift my spirits every time. I love the way this montage depicts that in finding each other again, Richonne refound the best, most at peace parts of themselves 😌...
So after that teaser with Father Gabriel, we get our babies back on screen. And it hit me that Episode 5 is the first time there are even scenes that don't feature Rick and Michonne. In episodes 1-4 of TOWL, Rick, Michonne, or both are on screen in every single scene apart from that one episode 2 teaser. Which I was very much in support of this as a long-time card-carrying member of the Give-Richonne-More-Screentime ministry. 😊
After how excellent the plot, pacing, and dialogue were in episode 4, I will say that ep 5 & 6 are a bit clunkier in those areas to me. But one thing is for sure, the Richonne content in ep 5 & 6 is still solid gold.
While these last two eps are ranked lower than episodes 1-4 for me, the good moments in these last two episodes aren't just good, they're great and include some genuinely Top 10 worthy Richonne scenes. So we definitely have to break it all down.😇👌🏽
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
The montage starts with that yellow truck turning the corner and then they just get right into the good vibes and romance as we see Richonne calmly driving.
I love that they use 'The Good Life' by Tony Bennett to set the mood. Rick and Michonne both just look so relaxed and happy and it’s super refreshing to see. 🥰
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gif cred: @msanonships
After everything they’d gone through thus far it was so nice to arrive at a point where Rick and Michonne are back in sync and as connected as ever.
I love the way Rick seems so content and peaceful with his hand out the window. Michonne has that man feeling on top of the world again. 😋 And then it’s so sweet the way he looks over at Michonne and the way she smiles back at him while driving. All is well with their soul and mine. 😌
Then we get one of my favorite Richonne actions ever when Rick takes her hand and kisses it. 🥹 It’s perfect.
I love the lingering depth of this hand kiss and that it’s such an illustration of how much Rick loves and cherishes Michonne. It was another soul kiss. And you can just tell how much peace Michonne brings Rick. She’s like his medicine. The cure to his anxiety and to his life. 👌🏽
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gif cred: @msanonships
Something I so appreciate about Richonne is how every moment like this feels like such an organic outpouring of love in their hearts. And it feels like it’s the exact thing they both needed. Like Rick is offering Michonne so much love with this hand kiss but you can tell it’s also for him too, because she brings him so much peace and happiness and calms any anxiety he might have about really being able to break away from the CRM this time and go home.
This might be the furthest Rick has got in terms of actually breaking free from the CRM and heading home. I know he knows it has everything to do with Michonne that they’re making it this far and actually going to get home this time because they can do anything together.
I appreciate how this hand kiss is just one of the many ways Rick’s romantic heart so naturally wants to show his love and that Michonne is so receptive to it. Like the way she looks at him while he kisses her hand. They really know how to make the love they have for each other leap off the screen. And I know she knows that her Rick is fully back by him doing this.
The song lyrics that play say “don’t try to fake romance” and truly this is just giving authentic romance. Richonne's hand kisses in Say Yes were always so incredibly sweet to me so I love that we have another precious one to add to the list.
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I also love that now that Rick isn’t trying to shut Michonne out, he’s immediately back to loving on her every second. This is how Rick loves.
I appreciate that Rick and Michonne immediately started living out that sentiment to love on each other as hard as they can while they can. Loving on each other is what they're both so good at doing. And the way they love is beautiful. 🥹
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gif cred: @coalfires
So then they pull up and find all those ramen packs because the universe loves them some Richonnne. And y’all, I adore that they are matching again. 😊 It’s another signature Richonne thing. And it's great how they aren’t just matching in the same general color - no they're basically both wearing the exact Pantone shade, honey. The best. 😋
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
And Rick and Michonne are just at their all-time adorable when the noodles fall out of the trunk and they excitedly laugh and pick them up. Michonne looks like such a cutie when she holds up a pack and amusedly addresses their punny name “Tasteful Noods.”
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gif cred: @perryabbott
And Rick looks like such a cutie laughing and just seeming happy to be there. I love that they always bring out such a smiley playful side of each other. 😊
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
Another thing I love about TOWL whenever I think about it is how Rick and Michonne's journey of refinding each other was never rooted in questioning if they're still compatible as a couple. After nearly a decade spent apart, some characters who aren't soulmates could have easily changed too much and been unable to rekindle this type of comfortable passionate chemistry so quickly.
But while Richonne had to navigate the way their circumstances had impacted and altered them, they still always operated like they knew the other was their person and the love of their life. And now that they've risen from their ep 4 timeout stronger, they're so effortlessly back to being best friends & lovers.
That's part of why I love how passionately Richonne kisses in their episode 2 reunion scene because they didn't have to hesitate, wait, or wonder how the other felt about them after all these years. Without even needing to verbally confirm it, they immediately knew the love, chemistry, and connection they have was alive and as strong as ever.
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But back to this heavenly episode 5 montage - We get a sweet moment of the two having dinner together and I’m just smiling from ear to ear yet again. 😁
I love how this montage moment really highlights how far Rick and Michonne have come in their journey since that season 4 moment beside a fire.
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Also, in the TWD series finale when Rick and Michonne were both writing letters alone by a fire, I remember just feeling like I cannot wait for them to be side by side again and it was lovely to see that time finally come. 🙌🏽
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During this dinner in front of the mural, they’re both looking out at something but I can never tell what exactly. And then Rick puts his arm around Michonne and I love that he looks over at her first, watching her taking in whatever they’re seeing like maybe another mural/painting or something idk. Either way, Michonne is clearly the true view to Rick. 🥰
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
And then Michonne turns to him with the sweetest smile as they share a kiss and I just love how warm this whole moment is. It's great how they take a moment to just smile at each other before having yet another kiss infused with passion. And the way they get lost in this kiss - equally addicted to each other. 😊 They’re so blissfully in their Richonne bubble and it’s great to see. 
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gif cred: @lousolversons
As they drive along the scenic road they also come across a vending machine and I love how their movement is so synchronized as they look from the vending machine to a walker with a sword stuck in its neck. See how the universe always wants to provide the things Richonne needs? 😋
Also, what this episode really hammered home is that Richonne communicates with words pretty much for fun, because they’re entirely capable of having whole conversations by just looking at each other.
And in this moment they both immediately get the same idea at the same exact time to use the blade in that walker to hack through the vines covering the vending machine. And they’re so cute and determined as they go to take care of it.
Clearing out the vending machine was clearly a success as they cut to Richonne back in the car while Rick chugs a soda. And even the soda moment shows that he’s really released a lot of the stress he was carrying in the first four episodes and just seems so at home. And of course he seems at home because his home is right next to him looking beautiful while driving. 👌🏽
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
Also, you always know you’re truly comfortable with someone when even just sitting in silence together brings you peace and I felt that from them in these car clips.
Then this heavenly montage wants to make me teary by having Rick take out the phone with the image of Carl and just take a moment to appreciate it. Again, Rick loves his son so much. 🥲 I'll forever be moved by the love this father has for his boy.
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It's heartwarming that Rick gets so much comfort from these images of his family. And it really is one of the greatest things Michonne’s ever done for him by giving him this drawing that brought his son's face back to him.
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gif cred: @taiturner
I love that Michonne looks over at him and gets to again see how meaningful having this piece of Carl is for Rick. The way she looks from the phone to him, both those Grimes boys forever have her heart. 🥹
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(And she knows soon Rick will get to meet the third Grimes boy, RJ. 🥲)
I think about the OG Richonne episode Clear when Michonne was behind the wheel as Rick sat silently beside her with a hand out the window. Now, years later they do the same, no longer strangers but soulmates.
The biggest difference between the two moments is Carl is right there with them in the back of the car in Clear, and now in TOWL he's with them through a phone portrait. 🥺
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Carl would be so proud of Rick and Michonne for finding their way back to each other and finally going home together. 🥲
Also just looking at Rick and Michonne in this car heading home, y’all, we really made it. 😭 All those years without them and we really made it to a point where Rick and Michonne are back on a road trip home together and at peace. And so I just adore this whole opening sequence for perfectly painting the picture of their travels home and how in love they are at every turn.
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
Rick and Michonne looked so refreshed with vacation vibes as they finally got to just enjoy each other without the threat of the CRM nearby. Beyond here for it. 😇
Then, as they drive they come across a souvenir shop...and it’s there we get another one of my absolute favorite TOWL scenes. 👌🏽😌
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kamisama1kiss · 4 months
HIIIII THE MOVIE WAS SO GOOD AND I SAW YOU WERE TAKING REQUESTS AND OMG OMG COULD YOU DO A NEKOMA MANAGER x KENMA PRETTY PLEASE ITS OKAY IF NOT BUT ANYWAYS THE MOVIE HAS ME AUGH!! Ah! preferably the prompt i think would be fun is either Kenma and Y/N going to the conbini and/or arcade in the middle of the night after the loss (they sneak out of the hotel) or Arcade/GameStop Worker!Reader x Regular!Kenma. This is my first time making a request so HOPEFULLY I did this right!!
The movie is so good, like wow. I actually did some small researching for snacks for a konbini 😝🫶 You did great, BTW! Loved the cute idea!! ♡
Song of choice: Sweet by Cigarette After Sex
!⚠️Spoilers from The Dumster Battle will be mentioned shortly⚠️!
Kenma Kozume { Midnight Snacks }
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"Not of your brightest moments {Name}" Kenma spoke with the volleyball manager, walking next to him along the streets of Japan for a breather. "Perhaps not, but you didn't say no."
They smiled at him, finding his constant small frown from having to leave the comfort of sleeping to go out, alongside his switch being placed into their pocket for no purpose of being used.
"It has been a long enough day as is." not adding much of an answer while he was still tired from the match with Karasuno. Shrugging a shoulder at what he had side, "This just a short trip to clear our minds, besides its good for you to go outside some more."
They spoke gently, placing a light hand on his shoulder. The walking stops in a halt. "I know this was hard on you after how it ended, with the ball falling out of your hand at the end."
Almost as he held his breath when it was mentioned, his shoulder stiffened as well, feeling guilt from earlier. Nonetheless, he had experienced a new feeling. "You had fun playing volleyball today, I saw it. We all saw it." A soft patting motion with the hand resting on his shoulder, further making their way down the street lit path.
Rounding the corner in silence, the loudest sounds were easily picked up by the sounds of shoes hitting the concrete. It was maybe quiet but not uncomfortable. Simply, a warm aura wrapped the duo.
It could be seen as Kenma eyed them. Hesitation was shown in his movements, with enough curridge his hand finally latched on to their hand. It was pinkey linked, a small form of affection that he rearly initiated himself.
Hearts beating as one, with the stars dancing along the dark canvas up above. Comfort was broken at some point. "We could head to the konbini, up ahead." They suggested in a soft whisper, pointing briefly with their head. "A night snack could be nice."
The night felt as a warm breeze when they now had a destination to make. He was quiet, but not many words needed to be exchanged between the two. Lazily smiling as his eyes would softly admire how the moonshine hit their face, never having gotten the grasp of how they even ended up together.
With a blink of en eye now standing in front, one of the few ials of snacks, food, and simple groceries along such. "Hm, I feel for a strawberry sando. You?" They asked him while they reached for the strawberry snack.
His cat-like gaze roamed before reaching his wish. "A apple pie flavoured Umaibo." Reaching for one alongside it being not too far from where they stood.
"I'll pay." They said even before he could even utter another word. "Are you sure? I could pay for my own just fine." Raising a light brow but gives them the snack if choice anyhow.
"I insist, take it as a treat. You paid for the last one." They grinned at him as they now spinned on the heel to go upfront, lightly tugging him after with the pinkey still being held.
With yet another flash of a blink, they sat outside of the konbini, each munching on their respected snacks. "You know, this evening was pleasant, actually." He mumbled after a second bite, looking over at them only to already be greeted by a pleased and eased smile.
"I am glad to hear so." They lightly spoke, the moon shunned yet again on the two, giving them a soft glow. Going from linked pinkey to hands completely intertwined as time went on.
Hope you all enjoyed this little Kenma Kozume snippet!♡
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Whiskey Cake and Beignets
Alastor x Reader Chapter 4 Al's POV
TW: Death, Racism, Misogyny, Murder, Violence, Sexual Themes, Domestic Violence, Abuse, AFAB Reader Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
Edited by @willowaudreykeyes
Set in the 1920s, the reader is a young intern at the new hit broadcasting studio in New Orleans. She originally came from a small town in Texas, so she has a thick southern drawl and a personality that drips like honey. She left home due to her more liberal views compared to her family. Because of this, she seeks out the first job that would take a female: an assistant to the new hit voice in New Orleans.
Alastor is put off by the overly sweet southern girl, expecting that when she is alone with him, her distaste for his skin color will come out. However, it never does. As they have wacky mishaps, murder, and love, they intertwine their fates in life and especially in death.
Growing up under my father’s thumb was what I would personally call hell. He was a sick and demented man who knocked up a black woman in hopes of proving a point, only to come out of it with a son he never wanted and a broken marriage. My mother was a beautiful immigrant from Haiti. She was so warm and kind, her face that of dough and all the spices in the world. I was five when the first set of attacks happened that I could consciously remember; they may have happened more, and I was blissfully ignorant. You see, I was born relatively light-skinned, almost passing as my father had it not been the dark hair and eyes. I was deemed safe from punishment till my fifth birthday when my skin grew darker, almost caramel, and the light in my eyes vanished. 
One could say that at one point, I loved my father and that I listened to my mother when she said the bruises were from falling or bumping into things, but that fifth birthday changed it all. Once I began to look like my mother, I had no shot at not gaining anything but some of my father's wrath. I remember my mother’s screams and cries for him to stop being as loud as mine were. I remembered the cold, calculating words, “Men don’t cry, son; your skin must be why you’re so weak,” repeating over and over from that day forth: I was beaten for even breathing wrong. He had no remorse, no care that he could kill one of us with how bad the damage was. All he cared about was proving that we blacks were lesser than him. 
By the time I was thirteen, I was a skilled hunter; my father made sure I went on every trip with him, making sure I knew how he could kill me or my mother at any moment. What he hadn’t realized was that he was training me to kill him. Each trip put me closer to flawlessly executing the man who ruined my life. Where I excelled at hunting, my father’s friend Tony and his son Richard were inept. Growing up with these two around, I never had a clear chance to end my father’s life. Both were always right there like my father's idiotic bodyguards, too many eyes on us, yet none actually saw the damage being done.
I could remember one particularly bad day when my father came home drunk and had gambled some savings away. My mother worried about his poor mood, hiding me away as I had just been beaten near death the night before. Hidden deep in my mother's closet is where I found the journal she is away. Buried in its pages were years of knowledge on speaking to those outside our realm. My mother had been a Voodoo user. Curiosity ate away at me as I had already long since given up on calling for a false God to save us. Diving head first into her writings, I gained more knowledge than imaginable than even my mother knew. It took a few years of dedicated work, but I finally summoned Papa Legba to connect me with the spirit world. From there, it was only a matter of time. 
I would spend more and more time at Tony’s house, where I could listen to his news reports and learn how the police handled investigations. While I was learning the ins and outs of how to get away with crime, my father had an excuse to continue his affairs in the city and hurt my mother in private. By the time I was seventeen, I not only could kill any buck in a 40-mile radius, but I knew exactly how to get rid of a body long enough no one could tie it to me. I also had spirits playing in my favor. What started as a minor drinking and gambling problem turned worse quickly. Though I had to sustain harsh beatings from his drunken rages, I knew it would be worth it to save my mother. All I needed was time; my father had none of that. 
When bills began piling up in our house around my twentieth birthday, I knew it was time to enact my plan. The drunk gambler who lost all his good graces suddenly disappearing one snowy night, never to be seen again, was very convincing. However, Papa Legba warned that if I took this path, there would be no going back, and only darker forces would seek to assist me. That there would be no chance to save my soul unless one of equal strength could stop me from this life. I didn’t care about my soul, evil forces or not; I would make that man pay for his misdeeds. Plus, when I was done with my life, no one would be as strong as me. I wanted to see the life drain from his eyes while the light and joy returned to my mothers.
When my father got home from his drunken escapades, finding whatever woman would let him crawl himself into her bed, I was ready. I perched up on the front porch of our home, two rifles in hand, fully loaded, and a hidden hunting knife tucked away in the back of my pants. As he pulled in and saw me sitting there smiling, he grumbled sternly, “What the hell you looking at fucker? Want me to beat you again in front of your momma?” I found it funny how much of a big game he talked when he was wasted entirely like this. 
“No, Father, I just saw a 12-point buck walk across our land. I hoped you would indulge me in hunting it; nighttime is the best time to catch prey off guard. Isn’t that what you said?” His poor, inebriated mind couldn’t understand my words well; had he, maybe he would have lived that night. 
Once he had agreed, it was only a matter of time before my plan would be perfectly executed against him. Stalking out into the forest, I led him deeper and deeper to a place no one often visited due to weather conditions throughout the year. A place our crew of hunters chanced once a year when everything landed just right. Only when we were in the forest's heart did he realize something was wrong. Oh, how it was far too late for him. With a swift gunshot to the knee and a knife to the other, he was immobilized. I had been training and waiting for this moment for a long time. Each scream and cry of pain felt like a personal victory, even as I felt my soul slipping away. Who cared if I enacted this murder for the price of my soul? I was getting rid of one more shitty human.
The deed was done. He lay there lifeless, blood pooling out of his mouth; power coursed through me; I had done it. I killed him. Burying the body quickly and letting the snow cover my tracks, I was on my way. Entering the house quietly, I returned the guns to their rightful places, I changed clothes and burned those drenched in blood, and I went up to bed. When my father hadn’t come home for over a week, I played the diligent son searching for his dad. I went from place to place, begging for anyone to help, only to finally land at the police station days before a terrible snowstorm. He would not be found; I had won; though the shadows grew hungry and angry, seeking their offerings to help me through this, I still felt victorious. 
When they finally found my father, it took three beautiful years, his corpse dismantled and torn up, yet as they showed my mother and me the body, the 48 stab wounds perfectly executed around nonlethal points on the body showed that this was no missing person, no animal or wondering drunk, no my father had been murdered. No one could tell, however, who had done it. Yet I had a suspicion my mom knew, had a suspicion that when she cleaned out the closet, she found her journal was missing. She suspected that the shadows that followed me were no longer just my own. The suspicion only confirmed for her as more drunk, abusive bastards around New Orleans began to disappear right around my birthday every year from that day on.
A few months after my father's public funeral and the police couldn’t find the killer, Tony came up to me. He came to me like a father would a son and asked me to work for him. It was wild to me how Tony and my father could be in the same room or place. How could someone who cared about his family be friends with that monster? However, I realized quickly why, because Tony was like my father in disliking colored people. It was not nearly as bad as my father’s, but enough to where my joining his radio crew left him worried about profits. Yet he had a promise to uphold with my father, a promise that Tony only knew was made to keep up appearances. 
I joined, though, and within the year, I was the top voice of the show. Yet, in becoming the top voice, I grew to care for Tony and Richard. Even the young Valarie, who was in love with Richard, wormed her way into my heart. I had made my own family outside of my mother. I agreed to stay hidden and be the show’s voice. Soon, my mother and I were set financially, and never would she have to work or worry again. Never would the looming threat of my father hinder both of us, even as I began my descent into madness. 
Everything changed when I saw her, though. It was by chance that Richard and Valarie chose the damn restaurant Rika always went to; what I didn’t expect to see, though, was a white woman sitting with her, a giant smile on her face, and watching her oh and awe at my radio show. She touched Rika’s hand with no fear or hesitation; she had no care if everyone looked at her having a good time with someone of color. Her accent, though, gave her away, gave the ideals and beliefs she should have had. I heard businessmen use the thick southern drawl with Tony regarding the radio station. Why was she different?
It didn’t take long for my shadows to find her once she left the restaurant; it was almost too easy, and she left herself wide open. She lived close to the radio station and left her lights on long after dark. Watching from the street, I could see her unpacking. So she was new here; what would bring her to Louisiana? I also found she was under the protection of a known name around here. Momma D. I had often seen that name in my mother’s gentle cursive in the bound journal hidden in my desk. Smirking, I returned home; what would an old name like that be doing with a young white woman? As I entered my home, I said hello to my momma, ate food, and sat back, listening to her day. Once she was done, I brought up the familiar name I heard, an old lifelong friend of my mother's.
Momma D was a Voodoo master when she lived here in New Orleans; as her roots and family took purchase throughout the city, she soon up and left. She prided herself on being the safe house for those wondering alone. Did this mean that the girl was a wandering soul? Why would she seek help from a Haitian woman? What was the motive? Mother explained how Momma D traveled with her to America and that the two had close ties and bonds, even if it had been years since speaking to one another. Momma D had a gift of guiding souls right where they needed to be.
It's interesting how life weaves and conjures itself. Like a butterfly wing, a new and seemingly endless amount of possibilities unfolds each beat. Once my mother went to bed, I rose to the shed. Pulling out my mother’s notebook, I had slowly been turning into my own. I called upon my shadows to follow that woman and to know what she was hiding. Momma D doesn’t just help anyone. Something was different about this girl. Something I was not a fan of. 
It was fate that I ran into her at the employment office the next day; Tony was adamant that I had to take these papers to submit the applications despite my protests. Having a secretary or assistant would mean I had more eyes on me. The fewer ties I had, the more work I could get done; I understood he was hoping for a bustling romance like Richard and Valarie had. Except he wanted it directed just for me. However, I had no interest in relationships. My only interest was ridding the world of disgusting pigs and specks in the world. 
Listening to the poor girl get humbled was entertaining; maybe she was one step closer to being sent back home. When she stumbled out of the office, red-faced and stammering, however, I couldn’t deny red suited her. What was even more undeniable was the electric shock that coursed through my veins when she touched me. Something I had never felt. Was it hatred? Disgust? Paranoia? Whatever it was, I didn’t care for it and how my brain grew distracted by her looks and sent. 
Curious about why someone under Momma D’s protection would be at an unemployment office, I sent out more scouts on the woman; I wanted to see what she knew and what game she had to have been playing. Yet all I found was more trouble. She was kind to colored men and women, young and old. Nothing stopped her from being the picture-perfect model citizen, but I knew better. I learned from my father that those who act perfectly are the worst. 
Walking in to work after the employment office and my break, seeing her standing with Valarie made my blood run cold. She kept popping up even without my interference. Something felt off, almost unnatural, at this point. Everywhere I turned, this woman was there. Was she stalking me? A crazed fan? Maybe someone from the big wigs down south or up north was trying to figure out who the leading voice was. What caught me most by surprise, though, if any of those were her motives, she sure wasn’t showing eager acceptance of Tony’s job offer. She refused, bluntly and disrespectfully also. Yet when I spoke, defiance and stubbornness were all I received; she almost impressed me, made me smile and feel something again. 
Fear coursed through my veins at that knowledge, and so I chose to ignore her, adding more shadows into hers to quickly find out how this woman was always around so perfectly timed. Only for mid-day to hit, and I lost all contact. My shadows came back to me whimpering and injured, scared and broken-spirited. Did she know about Voodoo? There was no way her God would be more powerful, could he? How did she manage this? Waiting around the studio after hours, I watched her walk home. Trying once more to see what was causing my shadow's distress, I learned she was protected by someone of my kind, not her God. Confusion and anger overtook me, even as she walked away, unshaken by my threats. The way she made me reel and spin was uncomfortable and foreign. 
With little sleep that night, I devised a plan to find out how she was deflecting me, how she was connected to everything in my life so suddenly. Yet, at work, I could find no talismans or wards. She looked as she had all the other times I saw her. Had it not been for the shadow’s distress just hours prior, I would have thought I was going crazy assuming the things I was. After watching her look at me in awe for the whole broadcast, a new idea formed; maybe I didn’t have to use scare tactics to learn more about this woman. Perhaps I could get her to fall in love with me, only for me to find her dark secrets and crush her soul.
With my plan set in motion, I took a smoke break with Richard, slowly convincing him that going out with the girls would be better than the gentlemen's club. Having the cards in play, I knew we would show up alongside her by evening. We showed up in matching colored clothes, which was not my idea; when I chose the suit, it was to contrast the dress she wore earlier in the day directly, yet here now, we matched perfectly. While others danced and sang, I found the opportunity to get closer. As I pulled her in to dance, I felt her protection even pushing against me, fighting it and pushing through. I showed her one hell of a good time. 
As I went to get us a drink, I noticed her and Rika disappear, only to catch up to them in the shadows and see the talisman, one only a high-ranking Master could give, or a spirit. One spirit, in particular, no longer worked with me. With a sly smile, I realized quickly what was happening. Papa Legba was in search of saving my soul once more; oh, if only it were that simple; instead, no, this chosen child of his would be corrupted. 
At that moment, I knew my resolve had hardened, and I would get to the bottom of this woman, from figuring out her motives to how she managed to gain Papa Legba's guidance unprovoked. I would hinder her from discovering more about me because as the pieces began to fall, one thing was for sure. She wasn’t just here to run away, but a placement in my life by the spirits to empower or break me.
* * *
Tag List: @pan-to-the-head @wendds @satansdaughter123 @mook14 @xalygatorx @psychesetra @dumbslvt101thebasics @n0tmentallystable @speedycoffeedelight @fokrilove @venusdandy @sirens-and-moonflowers
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zombielesbean · 1 month
the release of Grey Area was interesting because... well, lemme just lay it out for ya:
literally the morning the game released, my grandma died it wasn't unexpected at all, so it didn't hit me particularly hard, and I am not a person who feels much when anyone dies anyway, but, I was always really close with my grandma, and she always loved and was supportive of my gamedev stuff, so like. you can imagine, that's not the most stable mental platform to be releasing the biggest game project you've ever released on, heh
later the first day of release, our first review rolls in - negative
more reviews are coming in and most are positive, but each negative one - and there were a few - like a knife stabbing me. that's three years of my life out there now! I wasn't prepared for how incredibly vulnerable that would feel - each of my previous game projects had only taken a year or less
on top of this, the bug reports are coming in.. we'd tested this game to hell and back, both ourselves and with outside game testers.. but again. biggest project I've ever made. more stuff got through than I was prepared for
mental health is deteriorating, I'm staying up all night continuing to fix bugs and make small changes to the game
a fairly large streamer plays the game - doesn't like the bosses that much, especially the latter two, admits he was going to send gift copies to random viewers but has now decided he "doesn't want to inflict the game on other people" and doesn't believe the game had playtesters
internal screaming increasing
I'm still working every day and night on this thing, we're getting much more positive feedback than negative but like oh my god is it rough I don't know what to do with all this attention and then we have someone show up in the discord server to essentially debate me about all the choices I made making the game and it gets to where it's just like please leave me alone I'm sorry you didn't like it but other people do and I made it the way I personally wanted because its my project and aaaaaaaaa I'm dying out here
and with all this stress building the thing that did me in was our biggest fan, as in, the most prominent person who was interested in our game, and who had made several useful suggestions about the game I had happily implemented - well, let's just say I fucked up in communication with them and woosh - all that good will out the door
extremely negative review, they don't even talk about the game, they just talk about the miscommunication they had with me
I felt like I was a sitcom character working in a restaurant and I'd tried to please the food critic coming to town and tripped and spilled all the food over them
and that may sound funny but like. it broke me. like. that was it, my stress reached its boiling over point and like. as soon as I saw that review I just. left the house and walked around the neighborhood with my girlfriend. like speedwalking, she could barely keep up with me, and then like. I did not speak or eat or drink for like two entire days. it was. not good
and like at that point I thought the whole thing was ruined and I'd just wasted those three years and I felt like the biggest idiot of all time for fumbling that situation like that
but like. that was the last negative review we ever got, the game has a 9/10 rating as of now and like. that's really really good actually, I have every right to be proud of this project, and I have absolutely loved watching so many people play it and stream it and enjoy it and hearing everyone's thoughts about it
but damn those first few weeks were rough as hell, and I hope it never goes like that again when I release a game, or at least, I will be better prepared, heh
when you put your everything into a project, especially when it's for a long time, the more vulnerable it makes you when you finally release it to the public, I think that's the biggest lesson to learn here for me
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gimyeongbestboy · 1 year
Now Playing: Interview with Jujutsu Kaisen Cast
A/n: this is written in a script-like format. Basically kind of like watching an interview video in youtube or smn. This one is basically branching off from this fic.
Characters include: Sukuna, Toji, Geto and Gojo
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[Today's Guests: Jujutsu Kaisen's "Big Boys"]
Gojo: Hi, I’m your good looking sensei, Gojo Satoru. (Gojo playfully winked at the camera)
Geto: I’m your resident curse manipulator, Geto Suguru. (Geto introduced himself with a soft and gentle smile)
Sukuna: I’m the King of Curses, Sukuna Ryomen.
Toji: And I’m the sorcerer killer, Toji Fushiguro.
[Today, these four men will be answering five BTS FAQ’s fans have regarding the hit show, “Jujutsu Kaisen”]
[First question: Is Sukuna Ryomen related to Yuji Itadori?]
Gojo: Oh! A lot of people really want to know the answer to that. (Glances at Sukuna)
Sukuna: He and I have got quite the spitting image of each other, huh? Am I related to Yuji or not? In what sense? In real life or in the show? You know, not long ago, he and I actually went on a trip together. We went to Maldives, and we came across Todo.
Gojo: How was it?
Sukuna: Honestly, it was so fun. We went scuba diving, snorkeling, watched some dolphins and whatnot. Oh you know, Yuji is actually a really good swimmer believe it or not. (Laughs) The seafood was really fresh too, and then at some point Yuji started craving wagyu.
Geto: We should go there together.
Toji: A guy’s trip? (Looks around at Sukuna, Geto and Gojo as they all nod to each other).
Sukuna: Anyways, we’re twins, or it’s what people like to say. I can’t give you a proper answer if you don’t specify. (Smirks at the camera as he shrugs).
Gojo: All that information about their trip, and he still wouldn’t say. (Amused)
Toji: A true menace. (Nods)
Producer: Your castmates, surely know, right?
Geto: (Teases) Do we though? Do we?
[Second Question: Was Toji’s reaction to Gojo losing it real?]
Toji: I’m guessing they’re talking about the fight. We were flying, huh? (Looks at Gojo).
Gojo: It was so fun filming that! We had harnesses attached to us pretty much the entire time—flinging us everywhere. I bet none of you guys ever felt like what it’s like to fly, huh? (Playfully smiles at the camera)
Sukuna: Other actors that filmed something similar?
Geto: People on amusement rides?
Gojo: You know what I mean!
Toji: Anyways, when we were all doing the script reading, we kind of get into our characters and deliver our lines with voice acting to prepare for the scene we’d film. During that time, Gojo delivered his lines really well, but when we were filming? Gojo… really seemed like he was losing it. (Laughs)
Gojo: What can I say? I slay✨
Sukuna: He was quite drunk when filming that scene was he not? (Smirks knowingly)
Gojo: (Whispers to Sukuna aggressively) Bro, shut up.
Toji: He was drunk? (Surprised)
Geto: After you guys filmed all the action scenes, we gave him a shot of alcohol before you guys filmed the scene where he was “lucid”. He’s very lightweight (smiles as he points to Gojo).
Sukuna: It was a shot for a shot (lightly giggles)
[Third Question: What did Gojo say to Suguru?]
Gojo: This is like that one question asking if Sukuna is related to Itadori. (Laughs).
Geto: Even on the script itself, his line was literally just a line.
Gojo: I had to think of something to say during filming, because they needed that scene of me saying something to Suguru. I didn’t know what to say because in the script it was just a line— a dash. So, during filming I just simply said, “I want kikufuku.” (Laughs with amusement)
Geto: I almost pulled some kind of face, but I had to hold it in (Laughs).
[Fourth Question: Are the twins Geto’s actual daughter?]
Geto: The twins are not my actual daughter, but the little girl that played Rika is.
Sukuna: Isn’t Megumi also Toji’s actual son? The set is filled with real life parents and children. (Laughs with amusement).
Toji: How did she get casted?
Geto: Basically, the director wanted to film the fight scene between me and Yuta first, and the little girls that were casted before her got scared of me during the fight scene. They had to re-cast like 3 times. They all ended up crying, and then eventually my daughter said, “Oh! Let me try!” The director liked how it turned out, so they just did all the scenes with her.
Sukuna: Wow, you out there making children cry, huh? (Says teasingly)
[Last Question: What’s the best part about filming?]
Sukuna: For me, it was definitely working with Yuji. That kid, I’m not even going to lie, is fun to be around. Although sometimes, he has too much energy. He’s very goofy and definitely brings a fun and light mood to the set.
Toji: I tend to have a very busy schedule, and so does my son— especially with both him and I being in the same industry. Though it was only for a short while, I’m glad filming Jujutsu Kaisen together gave us more time to hang out.
Gojo: For me, it would be the amount of team work that we’re all putting in to make this show a success. Everyone is honestly so easy to work with. I know Sukuna seems very menacing in the show, and maybe in real life too because of his tattoos, but he’s actually nice. (Laughs) Honestly, I’ve made quite a few new friends working on this project.
Geto: Honestly, it’s nice to be able to work on a project with Satoru again. Last time we ever worked together on the same project was when we both walked the runway for one of my wife’s collections— maybe 7 years ago? Yeah, and my wife being involved with the outfit production and my daughter being on set, it kind of made the set more comfortable to be in.
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pandorasword · 4 months
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
Check CHAERI'S LOVE LIFE'S TIMELINE to discover when this event takes place
October 2022
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Chaeri: The sea and sky here look so peaceful
Hongjoong: They truly do
[Enchanted by the view]
Chaeri: It's nice to take a moment to relax every now and then
[A well-deserved rest for our favorite couple]
*Chaeri turns towards the camera*
Chaeri: Do you think we can...?
*The camera playfully shakes from side to side, indicating a "no”*
Chaeri Ow..cmon. *pouts* it was worth a shot, right?
[Nice try Chaeri, no diving down the canal]
*Camera captures Hongjoong's amused expression as he jokingly makes a little bow with his head*
Hongjoong: You see, these are her intrusive thoughts. You'll get used to it.
Chaeri: Hi, everyone *points the camera at her still half-asleep, makeup-free face* It's officially our first day here. Joong is getting breakfast *the focus turns and points to the buffet, where Hongjoong is busy stuffing a plate* We got here just in time for sunset yesterday but didn't do much else - we had dinner and went back to the hotel. We were too tired
[A quick dinner without cameras]
Hongjoong: Hey, good morning everyone *Takes a seat next to Chaeri, placing a tray with breakfast on the table* Everything here smells delicious
*Chaeri gives him a peck*
[She can't help it-- who can blame her?]
Chaeri: I was starving *wastes no time in grabbing a piece of sweet bread and taking a bite*
Hongjoong: *chuckles* You're always starving, babe
[Babe !!!]
*Chaeri playfully hits his arm with her free hand*
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Chaeri: Alright, alright, let's have a bite together
*She breaks off a piece of the bread she's eating and feeds it to Hongjoong, who leans in to take the bite*
[Breakfast bonding time]
Chaeri: Before we start our tour today, we headed back to the room to get our jackets. It’s colder than yesterday
Hongjoong: You know, we should show them the view from our room. It’s not every day you get to wake up to such beauty. *Hongjoong takes the camera from the cameraman's hands, approaching the room window, revealing a panoramic view of Stockholm just as the city awakens*
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Chaeri: Isn’t it breathtaking? It’s like a painting
[Stockholm’s morning glory]
Chaeri: *takes the camera from staff's hands and points it at Hongjoong, walking around him* Isn't he looking handsome today? *giggles*
Hongjoong: *He arches an eyebrow playfully* Are you flirting with me? *He puts a hand to his chest, pretending to be shocked* I have a girlfriend
Chaeri: No problem, I'm not the jealous type
[hehe love to flirt with her handsome boyfriend]
Chaeri: *speaking in a low voice* We entered this antique store. It's small and filled with fascinating items. Only Hongjoong and I went in because there wasn't enough room for everyone.
[The staff members took a little stroll afterward, hehehe.]
Chaeri: So I'm gonna be the cameraman *points the camera to Hongjoong* What are you looking at, Joong?
Hongjoong: *admiring the craftsmanship of a smiling little troll* Look at this, Chaeri. Isn’t it unique? It's like it has stories to tell
Store lady, from afar: Trolls are part of Scandinavian folklore. It’s said that are protectors of treasures and secrets
Chaeri: *leaning closer to see* Oh! Thanks Ma’am, it has the naughty face actually. Just the kind of guy I'd see trading secrets for a few bucks *chuckles* We should buy it, take it on our adventures, and add to its story.
Hongjoong: A travel buddy. Should we name him?
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Chaeri: *turning toward the camera* In the end we agreed to name him Loki
[New member of the team: Loki]
*The staff has taken over the camera again and is filming Chaeri and Hongjoong from behind, hand in hand*
Hongjoong: The store lady suggested us to name him that way, it is the referred to the Norse god of mischief
Chaeri: So, Loki is ready for its first task! We’re heading to Gamla Stan, the old town. It's supposed to be beautiful this time of year with all the autumn colors
Hongjoong: *nods* And after that, maybe a boat tour? I hear it’s the best way to see the city
[Plan for the day set!]
Chaeri: Oh, look! That cafe is adorable. Let’s grab a coffee
Hongjoong: Perfect, I need something warm. It’s chilly today. *he wraps an arm around Chaeri as they walk into the cafe*
[Cozy times in cozy places]
*Inside the cafe, Hongjoong sets Loki on the table facing them*
Hongjoong: Loki’s first coffee break
Chaeri: Well, Loki, welcome to the world of caffeine
[Loki’s coffee debut]
*They head for the tour boat that Hongjoong had mentioned earlier. The sun was setting, casting a golden light over the city of Stockholm*
Chaeri: I know it is very different, but the smells and sounds of the port always remind me of Jeju
[Daughter of the island]
Hongjoong: It's amazing how different places can still invoke that sense of familiarity, isn't it?
Chaeri: It really is. It's like finding pieces of home in unexpected places
Hongjoong: *Pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and takes a picture of the view, making sure Chaeri is in the middle of it* Yeah, a piece of home in the most unexpected places
taglist: @alixnsuperstxr | @bts-dream | @enchantingbrowneyedgirl | @ycuvi | @cosmicwintr
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girlwiththeobsessions · 9 months
love sick c.f.
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this book has also been published on wattpad. same username as the one on here. i update faster on there.
you and conrad had a secret relationship two summers ago, when you were 15 and he was 16. you broke up with him because your younger sister, belly had liked him, and you were afraid of hurting her. now, flash forward, you were 17, and you thought you had gotten over him, but maybe you haven’t
iv. deb shopping
part 1 part 2 part 3
i had no clue what was going on with conrad, why he was acting so different this summer, making me wonder what happened to the same conrad who would go on and on about infinity.
i slept in that morning, because of the fact that i stayed up way too late at that bonfire, but i eventually got up since i had work today.
when i went downstairs, dressed in a white lifeguard tank top, and red shorts, laurel, steven, and jeremiah were downstairs.
conrad was on the couch, and jere was making a 'hangover smoothie' for him, while steven was standing behind him, looking over his shoulder.
"do we really have to physically sit for our portraits?" jeremiah complained to laurel. "can't she just- look at a picture on her phone or something?"
"right?" i agreed with him.
jeremiah backed up a little from steven, having enough of him hovering over him. "okay, get out." jeremiah pointed at the door.
steven laughed. "what. why?"
"she needs to see you in the flash to capture you essence." laurel said, fixated on her laptop. "while you're still young, and full of hope."
"so poetic, mom." i joked, while steven and jeremiah laughed.
"her words." laurel rolled her eyes at us with a smile.
"well, conrad does not have hope, actually. he's hopeless." jeremiah insulted, causing me to laugh a little. "but! my hangover smoothie, it cures all."
"can you please just hurry up." conrad rushed him from the couch.
"just go back to bed. alright?" jeremiah shot back to him, and steven started looking over his shoulder again.
jeremiah put a hand on steven's chest. "alright, seriously, steven. get out. this is a delicate science."
"she hasn't painted you since you were little. i think it would be nice to have these portraits for when you're older." laurel added in.
"oh, no." steven joked. "when i'm older, they'd have like, holograms i can watch of myself, you know."
"or, this is why we have technology." i say. "where we have pictures? on our phones?"
jeremiah started the blender, causing conrad to jolt awake.
"just sit for your portraits." laurel told me and steven. "you don't see conrad complaining.
"he'll complain when he's actually conscious." i shot back at laurel.
jeremiah went to the couch and tapped conrad. "hey. here."
"come on, man. hurry your ass up, i can't be late to my first day of work." steven rushed jeremiah. "those little country club boomers are gonna tip me so hard they won't know what hit 'em!"
i made a disgusted look at steven. "ew. steven, i swear."
"come on, y/n." jeremiah laughed. "my boys gotta get that bread."
"stop." i shook my head at him.
i look over to see belly walking in the kitchen, and i give her a small smile.
"good morning." jeremiah says to her in an enthusiastic tone.
"belly, where have you been?" laurel asks her in a serious tone. "is that a bruise."
belly stands next to me and i run my fingers over the bruise. "mom, relax, she tripped when we were at the bonfire and landed on her face." i lied, i knew belly wouldn't wanna tell the actual story
"doesn't look that bad." conrad said from the couch, i look over at him, and made eye contact with him for a few seconds before returning my focus back to belly.
"uh, cereal?" jeremiah asked belly.
"yeah, hit me." belly softly responded.
"oh, my god!" susannah ran into the kitchen. "belly and y/n are going to be debutantes!" she hugged both of us.
belly laughed. "it's really not that big of a deal."
i'd forgotten all about the whole deb thing. it'd be hard trying to balance a summer job and being a deb, on top of that, i'd have to find a date.
"i'm sorry, like those two? my sisters, right there?" steven teased us.
"shut up, cretin!" i shot back.
"okay, this is going to be so much fun!" susannah fantasized. "just you wait. there's the tea, the auction, the- ball, of course.. i gotta write this down. we need to go shopping!"
"this sounds expensive." laurel said.
"oh, don't worry, laur, it's on me." susannah smiled. "it was my idea after all."
"y/n, are you sure you wanna do this?" laurel asked me. "it doesn't seem very you."
in truth, not really. but if it made susannah happy, it made me happy. i had to do it for her.
"it's not." conrad, once again, added his two cents from the couch.
i don't know how he went from how he used to act towards me to.. this.
"conrad, could you please be a little more supportive?" susannah told him. "now, which one of you are gonna be belly or y/n's escort to the ball."
"not me." conrad immediately responded.
"shocker." i say, in a sarcastic tone.
"i went last year." conrad finished his sentence.
"me neither. i swore off balls." jeremiah told us, causing steven to laugh. "the dances dude!" jeremiah said, laughing.
"wow, guys!" i say, sarcastically. "stop fighting over us."
"i'm not going with either of you." belly finally spoke up. "i am going to find my own date.
"it says debutantes require instruction, morals, and social etiquette." laurel read off her laptop.
"i'm going for a swim." conrad leaves through the back door, as i watched him go.
"yeah, y/n could use some etiquette." steven laughed.
"and you wonder why you don't have a girlfriend." i rolled my eyes.
all the sound drowned out as i watched conrad from the window, in his shorts, and no shirt on. i missed how things used to be.
i felt a hand on my shoulder. "you alright, y/n?" jeremiah asked me.
"yeah." i tried push aside anything feelings. "we should probably go soon."
"wait." susannah spoke up. "before you go, we have shopping to do!"
"seriously?" i asked. "i have work. i'm not going shopping."
but that wasn't true. susannah is a really convincing person, so before i knew it, i was shopping around stores with susannah, laurel, and belly, for the debutante thing.
i tried on different dresses, all colors, and different accessory's, hats, sunglasses, and bow, bags over my hands and arms.
then, i had to try on a debutante dress, i found a beautiful white long dress, i loved it, but maybe conrad and laurel were right. this whole thing was not my scene.
what have i done?
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justdsmp1 · 2 years
Can you do something where the reader goes and helps steal Mr Beast's tesla with Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, Punz, Foolish and Nolan, please!?
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Tesla Stealing?
Pairing(s): Sapnap x Reader
Pronouns: She/her
About: Sapnap drags his girlfriend with him to steal Jimmy's tesla
Word count: 1.2k
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"Sapnap, you told me you were taking me on a date, not going with our friends joyriding in a billionaires car" Y/n speaks up after they get in the car.
"That's the best sort of date!" Sapnap exclaims, Y/n huffs out leaning back in her seat.
"Sapnap you're in Jimmy's car!" Karl exclaims.
"I so can't believe it, we actually stole Mr Beasts' car and we're driving it all the way to Florida right now," Sapnap says, half focusing on the road and half on the camera.
"Sapnap he doesn't even know yet" Karl points out
"As far as you know" Y/n spoke.
"He's going to be so mad at us dude" Karl continues.
"So we stopped at the gas station to get some snacks and stuff and we just found these idiots right outside" Sapnap points, Punz, Foolish, Nolan and Quackity stood out in the front
"Why did you invite Quackity, he's a bitch" Y/n complains, when she looks out the window Quackity is flipping her off.
"Time to beat a bitch" Y/n says, opening the door and running out towards Quackity and tackling him into the bush.
"GET IN THE CAR" Karl yells
"Can we redo that?" Foolish asks, the camera right up in his face
"Road Trip!"They exclaim, the extra seat was folded out so everyone had a spot.
"Did you have to sit me next to Quackity?" Y/n asks, Quackity gives her an offended look. Sapnap pats her leg which makes Quackity even more offended.
"Y/n stealing my fiance" Quackity comments
"Hell yeah I am, I call the aux!" Y/n shouts, reaching quickly for the cord.
They all drive for a while and then need to charge the car up.
"Before we really take off we need to charge the car first," Sapnap tells the camera
"Doesn't Jimmy pay for that?" Karl asks
"Yeah he's paying for it right now as we speak" Sapnap points
"He what-"
We stand there awhile waiting for it to finish charging, she leans on Sapnap for most of it wanting to be in his company, it took him a little to realise that and finally put his arm around her hugging her closer to his body
"Jimmy next time you get a car can you make it much bigger," Karl tells the camera, just as Nolan gets out hitting his head on the door
"Ow" Y/n turns away to stop herself from laughing aloud, Sapnap noticed starting to laugh a little at her poor effort of hiding it.
"Eww, the couple is being weirdly cute right now" Quackity ruins the sweet moment.
Soon enough we're back on the road again "Karl what happens if we crash the car?" Sapnap questions
"Just get him a new one, right?" Karl answers, and then Sapnap turns to the back
"Punz when's the next among us video coming out?" He asks the blonde in the back.
Y/n the entire time Quackity was showing his snacks, stared him down because he wasn't sharing with her.
"And he's not sharing" Y/n pouts, Quackity laughs
"Sharing is caring, Quackity" Y/n continues
"Stop being Aussie Y/n" Quackity replies, Y/n lets out an offended gasp
"Yeah, nah mate" Y/n responds, overexaggerating her accent, and the entirety of the car laugh.
Soon enough, later on, Mr Beast called Sapnap. Y/n and Quackity were trying to hold in their laughter at Sapnap trying to look scared and fearful, hoping the camera doesn't pan on them.
"How's it going" Jimmy starts.
"It's going good, what're you up to?" Sapnap says, trying to act natural.
"I can see a camera pointed at the phone," Jimmy tells him
"What? Oh, that's weird" Sapnap tries and fails to stay natural.
"I assume that means your pranking me" Jimmy guesses
"I mean... kind of I don't know if you call it a prank. I think it's more of like thievery" Sapnap tells him, Jimmy sighs
"Is that my Tesla?" Jimmy breathes out
"It- it's you, Tesla, Jimmy" Sapnap reveals, everyone in the car laughs
"Wait, FOOLISH" Jimmy exclaims through the phone
"WHAT" He exclaims back
"Bro.. we were bonding together"
"You're trying to steal my car?" Jimmy continues
"But.. like this is friendship, letting each other like steal cars" Foolish tries to explain
" I would expect this from Karl and Y/n but Foolish" Jimmy says
"I'm glad you expected it, Jimmy, cause I am here," Y/n tells him
"I'm not exactly surprised, your my sister," Jimmy says, Y/n smiles.
"LOVE YOU JIMMY" Y/n shouts, which causes Jimmy to sigh even louder.
"How about this uh sapnap I'll give you 4 days to return or I'm calling the cops bye," Jimmy says, then hangs up. They all laugh.
"This is a great first impression on your future brother-in-law Sapnap" Punz points out.
"He's joking right?" Sapnap questions
"Sure he is Sapnap" Y/n says unconvincingly. We've been on the road for about 5 hours now.
We stop again to charge the car "So we're charging the car and we're walking around the mall and found the coolest arcade like I've ever seen" Sapnap tells the camera, Y/n is jumping for joy at the cool-looking arcade.
Y/n kept her distance from the boys as they were being absolute idiots, she didn't feel like getting kicked out of the arcade. Later she saw her boyfriend and friends getting kicked out.
"God damn it, I can't take these boys anywhere" Y/n mumbled to herself.
7 hours on the road now, and it's really pouring down
"I'm gonna crash," Karl says
"Please don't" cue lots of screaming, along the way Nolan fell asleep and Foolish but poor Foolish was disturbed. Then we stop on the side of the road, Karl needing to pee. Quackity seeing him gone, climbs into the drivers seat
"Quackity get your ass out of my face" Y/n says, pushing it forwards out of her way, then he starts driving off without Karl.
"Quackity you left Karl" Sapnap exclaims
"SAPNAP, I'm right here and why are you calling Y/n Quackity?" Karl asks him, Sapnap turns the camera to the driver's seat seeing Y/n there instead and Quackity in the seat Y/n was in. Y/n drove for a little bit, Sapnap laying his hand on her thigh.
They made it to Charlestown, stopping to eat. "We made it to Charlestown which is basically the halfway point between North Carolina and Orlando. And basically, Karl grew up here and he is taking us to his favourite restaurant in the area. I'm excited Karl says it's really good" Sapnap pauses then Karl drops the key
"Oop that's the key"
After eating, at the really nice restaurant, the food was 10/10. Turns out we won't reach Orlando until 6:27am tomorrow and Quackity is pissed.
10 hours on the road now, Quackity bought pastries Y/n felt like she was about to fall asleep. The boys are slowly going insane
12 hours on the road, the Florida sign appear
"Crank it Karl" Roadtrip plays loudly, Y/n regrets all choices that led to this moment
After 14 hours on the road, Y/n and Quackity fell asleep. Quackity on Y/n's shoulder and Y/n resting her head on his.
"They look so peaceful in there" Foolish comments
"Blackmail for later, the ongoing feud with them will be ruined" Sapnap laughs, he finds the entire thing funny. The feud his girlfriend and best friend have is insanely funny than their falling asleep on each other makes it even more funny.
15 hours and Quackity and Y/n are still asleep on each other
"The city that never sleeps," Karl says
"The person that does sleep is Quackity and Y/n" Sapnap replies
They finally made it, they were out of the car now standing around it, well except Y/n who was piggybacking on Sapnap, glaring at Quackity.
"After 15 hours me and the boys finally made it to Orlando and we completed our mission of stealing Jimmy's car," Sapnap says to the camera
"Karl, he's not going to actually call the cops is he or anything?" The video ends there.
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your-mums-nuts · 1 year
I am a hardcore stolitz shipper, let me preface by saying this.
Stolitz possibly giving up on Blitzo? Fucking great, actually.
Think about it, Blitzo does not show his hand when it’s about his feelings (especially his ones for Stolas) and that’s a big part of his character, but there comes to a point where it hurts the people around him. He sort of resolved it with Moxxie when they were going through their trauma trip and it’s clear that he’s a good dad and cares a lot about his friends and even without all that, I like him a lot, he’s funny, he cares to a certain extent and he’s had a fucking hard life.
But this is what we know, cause we’re the audience. Stolas has no reason to continue trying to have any kind of relationship with Blitzo, best example being the texts we saw at the very end of our most recent episode. Did that hit different for some people? Just me? The things they do in hell are very cartoonish and silly and random, it keeps the show interesting, this also means that their more personal problems are shown in more outlandish ways. Have you ever had your wife try and murder you by hiring you a cowboy only to tell him not to kill you just yet so you can fork over your money? No, but have you ever been the only one to start a conversation? The only person putting effort into a relationship? The one leaving paragraphs only to feel your heart drop when the response is three words or less?
The answer, statistically, is yes.
I hope he gives Blitzo the asmodeus crystals (I think that’s what they’re called) and fucks off. He cares about Blitzo, this care is reciprocated! But there’s a point where it’s appropriate to just back away, because you aren’t getting any of the same attention or care back. I’m not saying this as a fuck you to Blitzo either! Blitzo would flourish with some space and time, he needs to sort out his feelings and he really can’t do that when he’s sleeping with the guy transactionally in a deal that makes him feel like shit.
They do not understand eachother, at all. That’s to be expected as they are of different classes and backgrounds. In the latest episode you can tell they were actually starting to, with Stolas getting a big speech from Striker (who in my opinion, is Blitzo’s foil) and Blitzo’s classic ‘he can get hurt?’.
With space to sort out his feelings, Blitzo could be the one to reach out, be the one to be open about his feelings.
With space and time, Stolas could put his love life on pause and deal with his numerous home life problems.
In conclusion, I loved this episode and these idiots and this was my biggest takeaway.
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