#to the point where you brush off his more concerning tendencies
nicksbestie · 6 months
hi!! if you’re still doing requests, can i have a chris sturniolo x autistic reader in which reader has a habit of misplacing or losing things, but on a particular she keeps consistently misplacing losing a lot of things that she loves or that she needs and it all results in her having a very bad meltdown in which chris helps calm her down and eventually comforts her in the process?
Meltdown - C. Sturniolo
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Summary : You're so lucky to have such a caring boyfriend who knows exactly how to help you in moments of distress <3
Warnings : Meltdown, emotional overwhelm
Word Count : 805
Pairing : Chris Sturniolo/Reader (romantic)
A/N : i loved this req!! neurodivergent reqs are amazing, please keep sending them <3 reminder that ableism is not welcome here!
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There were a lot of tendencies that you loved about being neurodivergent, and a lot of the time, you didn’t view yourself as any less than the average person, but there were always a couple traits that really frustrated you when it came to living as an autistic person.
You hated losing things. Not knowing where things were made you very anxious, but unfortunately, you couldn’t seem to stop doing it. No matter where you placed things, or how many times you reminded yourself that they were there, you always managed to end up losing them. 
It was like your brain just blocked out the part where you moved them to a different location, or when someone else told you that they’d put them somewhere else, and you couldn’t find them for hours after that. It often caused you incredible frustration, especially if you’d lost more than one thing at once, and sometimes fueled you to the point of tears. You hated how much this happened to you, but you had no idea how to go about fixing it in any way. Luckily, you were very supported by your boyfriend, who was always good at finding things. 
A lot of the time, he had been the one that moved the lost items, or the one that had seen you move them, and kept a mental note of where they were because he knew you would more likely than not, forget where they had been placed. He had quickly become an expert in keeping those situations from escalating into meltdowns, but sometimes you were just so upset about not being able to find important things that there was nothing he could do except help you find them and just comfort you the best that he could. 
Unfortunately, one of those times was today. You had gone out to run errands, and Chris had come with you, even though it was just a grocery store trip. He often came with you, picking out a bunch of random food for both him and his brothers, some for videos, some just for fun. Because of this, he often wandered into different aisles than the one that you were in, thus going out of your sight. However, you had always remembered what aisle he was in, and he had always texted it to you just in case you forgot. But this time was different. 
Chris had walked away to go to the bathroom, leaving you standing by yourself while picking out the things you needed from that aisle. You weren’t concerned, he had done this before, and always came right back, so you kept moving, grabbing things off of the shelves and putting them into your cart before turning into the next aisle over. Time continued to pass and you tried to brush off the anxiety that was beginning to roll in, but after fifteen minutes and no return of your boyfriend, you couldn’t help the freaking out that was going through your mind. You began taking longer breaths, trying to relax, and moving through the aisles around you to find Chris, but when you had gone through four of them and couldn’t see him anywhere, you couldn’t deny the tears filling your waterline. 
Chris was arguably the most important thing in your life, and the feeling that you had lost him was too much for you to handle at any point in life. He wasn’t responding to your text asking where he was, and this only fueled the anxiety even more. The tears in your eyes had started falling by this point, still moving between aisles and hoping to see his familiar figure. 
Chris had no idea that you were panicking. His phone had died while he was in the bathroom, and he had gotten distracted looking at some of the weird flavors of donuts and Oreos he’d seen on a small stand. It wasn’t until he heard soft crying near him that he realized what had happened, and immediately ripped himself away from the display, turning around to see you wandering between aisles, wasting no time in getting to you and pulling you into a hug. 
Feeling the way that your shoulders shook against his body broke his heart, realizing the effects of what he’d done, despite it being unintentional. He whispered comfort to you, not caring about the people that had slowed down their walking to stare at the couple having a moment in the middle of the bread aisle, only focused on you. Apologies flew through the air along with promises to never leave you, and he refused to let go of you. He led the rest of the grocery trip, getting everything you needed for you, pausing every so often to wipe tears off of your face or to kiss the top of your head.
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shini--chan · 4 months
Hi, hello!! If possible, would it be ok for me to request the first yandere character sheet for america?? I absolutely love the way you characterize him!!
Yandere Character Sheet I
1p America: Alfred F. Jones
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Trigger warnings: neglect, starvation, white torture, abandonment, forced assimilation, murder, physical and verbal abuse, mind games
Attributes - What sort of Yandere is he/she?
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The problem with Alfred as a yandere would be how his base personality affects his yandere tendencies. Fundamentally, he wants to be a hero, he wants to help people and be selfless, but it is ruined by his self-centred worldview and his egoist ideology. At the end of the day, he is far more concerned about how you can benefit him, rather than how he can ensure and protect your happiness and health. America would only really be willing to change his actions if he faces negative consequences or it ruins his glorious self-image. Though, by putting you in a position where you are powerless in relation to him, he’ll be able to brush off/mitigate many of the negative consequences that could arise. Even if there is something that he wouldn’t be able to simply flick away, he would likely frame somebody else than engage in any soul-searching. To synthesise a few concrete characteristics out of all of this, he would be arrogant, self-righteous and in denial about any wrong doings on his part. 
That being said, Alfred would be perfectly capable of being a gentleman. Should he put some effort in it, then he’ll be the roguish and handsome boy-next-door to you. It would even feel very off or false since it would be partially true and not just an act. America is absolutely capable of being decent. All in all, it would just make everything more difficult, though. Since you wouldn’t be dealing with a pure sociopath, but a complex, layered person, he would be unpredictable in the worst way possible. No pure evil, but no pure good either - if anything, he would nourish any conflicting feelings you have about him. So, he would really take the phrase from Machiavelli, that it is best to be feared as well as loved, very much to heart. America would take you on dates, shower you with gifts, compliment you and take you home with him. He is so desirable, isn’t he? Above everything, he would want you to be smitten with him, since it would stroke his ego. 
He is also delusional, so he wouldn’t take much offence should he have to drag you to his side kicking and screaming. At the end of the day, what Alfred believes in most is his own hype. If he was a religion, then he is his own god, or at very least, the Chosen One. Any criticism would simply be water off a duck’s back and he’ll laugh at you. Here, he would also bring one of the worst of Christian traits to the fore and claim that you know the truth, know that he is good and moral and heroic, and that you’re just trying to lead him astray. So, rather than him having to repent, you should. Alfed would prove to be hard headed in everything, though on minor issues and things he would be more inclined to listen and admit that he’s wrong than on major ones. In total, he wouldn’t be extremely communicative on things he doesn’t like, excluding it is something that is tied to his idiosyncrasies, since he would think that rules of the game are clear to you. So, from a certain point onwards, you’ll find yourself walking on egg-shells around him, unless you figure him out and fast. 
Additionally, he is a very busy man. This is a person that can’t sit still for even an hour and has a mind that would constantly race from one train of thoughts to the next set of ideas. Life with him would never be boring (unless you are bad and don’t obey him), so you yourself might end up being too busy to notice all the red flags in the beginning. The start would also be the get-to-know-you phase, where you would have considerably more freedom, so life with him in it would feel exhilarating. While luring you in his fold, he would also be very indulgent towards you and take you where-ever you wish to go. A holiday to Tuscany? Booked and the luggage packed. Need help with your bills? They are already paid. Advise on some future life choice? His lecture/prep talk is going to be over two hours. 
Though, he is also calculating. Not only in the scheming, villain manner, but also in the most literal sense of the word. His actions regarding you, and even just the choice to engage with you is weighed against a set of internal scales. Like any savvy businessman, he wants the costs to him to be as minimal as possible while making maximum profit. To him, this is how the world works and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. So, you would have to bring something to the table as well. Should he help you, then we’re supposed to help him in return. Get a loan from him, then pay it back full and with interest - should you have troubles with that, then he’ll have no problems in … tweaking you or also parts of your life to achieve the desired end result. 
Alfred is also manipulative, and to a horrifying extent. He’d not shy away from restricting your access to information, and sculpting your views to his liking. Even the information that you would be able to get your hands on would be framed to influence you and play on your emotions. He would know a whole array of psychological tricks and shortcuts that he wouldn’t hesitate to use on you. However, if you would do the same to him, he would scream foul. Rules for thee, but not for me indeed. That is a further problem with him - his own perceived exceptionalism dictates that he is above everybody else, and the other’s are just chess pieces on his game board. 
Cornering - How would they get you?
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With the carrot and the stick. Ideally, you should never be aware of the stick, though if you put a toe out of line, the stick will become very noticable. In the case that you cooperate, then it would be a Hollywood romance (and like those protagonists in movies, he’ll be similarly incapable of accepting rejection). The future with you should be white and fluffy, akin to a picture-book perfect fantasy. He would also use promises and allusions to such a fate to get you where he wants you. If you have doubts, or if you are a not-so-willing bride, then some pressure would be applied - he would convince your relatives and friends that he’s the best option for you, and have them press-gang you into marrying him. 
Else, he’ll appeal to your naked self-interest, if you have such inclinations. He’ll present himself as the ideal protector, or a way to grant you financial security, or find some other way to awaken your interest. Perhaps you’ll even be convinced that you want the union more than him, that you’re the one using him to your advantage. 
Of course, if push comes to shove, then he would simply abduct you, break you down and rebuild you to his liking. To make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs - that would be his line of thinking if the. Asides, it would all be your fault for not having the right values. 
Expectations - What do they expect of you?
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This is the tricky and controversial part. You see, part of Alfred’s expectations, ones that he isn’t even conscious of since he takes them as given, would be that you fit in his world view. What that would entail would be that you hold capitalism and liberalism to be the most progressive forms of politics, that the world must strive towards more freedom and more democracy to reach the end of history, that people are selfish and vainglorious and every interaction between people is nothing more than a transaction. That your lines of thought run on the exact same structures as his do - a liberal, faustian worldview. The matter here is, if you have a different outlook in that regard, then he wouldn’t accept it as valid. You would be declared evil or stupid, or both, by him and he would strive to “save you” and bring you to the light. 
One trait that he would consciously want of you, would be that you’re entertaining. If there is one thing that he wouldn’t tolerate well, then it would be boredom. Don’t induce that in him, don’t let him become bored with you - if you are already in his grasp and he grows disinterested in you, then you’d have a cruel fate ahead of you. Be unpredictable (but not too much, he wants to keep you under lock and key) and challenging to him. In the show that is his life, be either the villian that he must defeat or the love interest that he must save and conquer. . Hence, you'll always have to find ways to be novel and exciting to him - not an easy feat with such a capricious individual. Challenge him, change the rules of the game, make him suffer to have his pleasure. Not too much though - harm could befall you if you make matters too difficult while not having the upper hand. 
Whatsmore, he would expect you to heed him and look up to him. Let him up your knight in shining armour, your shining city on the hill. The trick would be finding the right balance of relenting and resisting; the tricky part would be that this balance would change over time and not in a very predictable fashion. Still, laud and lionise him, make him feel special and wanted. Should he have the feeling that you understand him like no other, then he would be less inclined to throw you away. This could be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on how your overall standing to each other is. 
Further, he expects you to be of a cheerful disposition. You don't have to be sweet as sugar and everything nice, you are allowed to have a temper and swear and rage from time to time. Blazes, your niceness and optimism is allowed to be very selective. Though, it would have to be in the range of what he would deem as normal. That being said, if you don't entirely fulfil his expectations there, then he wouldn't see it as a dealbreaker. He can "fix" you after all. The end result should then be a person who is committed to him, who greets him at the door and reciprocates his affection. Him and you against the world. Shake your fist at everybody else; it is alright if he is the only one you give your smiles and heart to. 
Beauty is another characteristic that he would seek in a partner. You wouldn't even have to be conventionally beautiful to fulfil his expectations, or even healthy. That being said, he would want you to be pretty in a sense that sickness wouldn't tarnish your looks, like the Victorian ladies that suffered from tuberculosis. In a way, you should be the sort of person that could be cast in a movie. 
Faded - Would they let go of you in any way?
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In the case that he would find somebody more enticing, then you would just be casted aside like a ruined doll. Not that he would necessarily throw you out onto the street; it would be more likely that you would be “stored” somewhere, withering away since that you wouldn’t be the centre of his attention anymore. Chances are that he would forget about you, forget to give you sustenance or maintain your hygiene - most likely he’ll only remember you when the stench of your decomposing body reaches his nostrils. That, or he would just drop you off in the middle of nowhere and leave you to fend for yourself. What happens to you beyond that, won’t be his business, or so he would insist.  
On a less macabre front, you could also just slip away in such a scenario and he wouldn’t really care, unless you divulge state secrets and/or sic the police on him. Aside from that, if something else would take up all his attention and commitment, you could actually have a fair chance of making a break for it and staying free forever. By the time he could spend time and attention on you, the trial would have gone cold. Maybe he would even give up on you then. 
Another possibility would be if he would be forced to let you go. Say, if his actions actually lead to negative consequences for him and his power wanes, third parties could intervene and rip you away from him. It could be that he would even become so powerless that he would be forced to live with the outcome. Other than that, there are some lines that even he (or especially he, depending on how you look at it) wouldn’t be able to cross. Should one his rivals take you under their wing, or a weaker person/nation even just successfully hide you, then there would be little he could do about it. 
Punishment - How would they proceed if you do something they disapprove of?
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Oh, he can be very harsh. The tricky part with Alfred would be, that he takes a set of ground rules to be self-evident. So, should you break said rules then it wouldn't be because of a misunderstanding, a lack of knowledge or even just an accident. Instead, he would view it as you being purposefully disobedient. That's why you might find yourself spontaneously hulled away and locked in a closet, or tied to the bed. America wouldn't be above giving you a "time-out" in the corner either. 
Else, he would be a fan of white torture. Repeated violation of the ground rules would land you in the white room. You'd stay there for some time, living a very colourless life. Your meals would be white, just like your clothing and bed and overall surrounding. There wouldn't be anything in the room with which you could entertain yourself, just a bolted down bed and a waterless toilet. Other methods that would fall in the same category would be depriving you of sleep, waking you up at random times, or also exposing you to noises that are of very low frequencies. 
Or he would make you live the same day on repeat. The same food, the same books/movies, the same clothes, the same music - those parameters would be fixed, and none of your actions can change anything about it. It would only stop when he decides you've been punished enough. 
Alfred wouldn't resort to physical or sexual abuse to teach you a lesson. Not because he is such a decent person, or because he respects you so deeply, but to keep up appearances. He wouldn't be able to show you in public if you're black and blue, and you should spread your legs for him without him having to pry them apart. Though, if you ask him to lay you over his knee and spank you, then he'll gladly indulge you. And he'll make you ask him or trick you into signing a "permission slip". It would let him punish you as he would deem fit, without ruining the picture of a picture perfect relationship. That being said, if you gain the upper hand, then it would be a different picture. 
Aside from the aforementioned ground rules, there would be variable rules that he would introduce, implement, or discard at will. America would inform you of some of them. However, he is a busy man, and would forget to tell you about changes at times. You'll still be punished, no matter how much you'd protest, though he would be a bit more lenient here from time to time. So it could be some yelling and insults, or it could be him putting you on random medication so that you can suffer from the side effects, and from the intended effects as well. 
Reaction - How would they react to you escaping?
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For a short answer - look at all those Hollywood movies. 
For a long answer - shouldering a rifle with a tranquiliser dart and hunting you down like a deer. He'll be tracking your phone and constantly looking into your bank transactions. A missing person report would be put out with a finder's fee or he would have you declared a wanted criminal on some trumped up charges. 
Various surveillance cameras will be monitored and followed, and he'll have agents stationed at airports and the like to intercept you should you appear there. If that wouldn't work, then he'll call in some favours to have somebody stab you in the back and return you to him. 
Should all that fail, then he'll issue an ultimatum to you in a way he would sure that you'll notice. 
Turnabout - Scenario: You have the upper hand? What would be different from their usual MO?
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There is a way you could turn the tables without him realising it, or protesting against it too much. The interests of individuals as well as collectives don't always oppose each other, sometimes they align. So, you could manipulate him into doing your bidding by pulling his heart strings or playing on his fears. Since power isn't a zero sum game, and since he has a very skewed view of reality, chances are that he wouldn't even notice. Furthermore, he might be so engrossed with his own "supremacy", that he'll willingly turn a blind eye. 
Though, should he feel threatened or that you're gaining more power over him, then all hell would break loose. Defamation would ensue, and he would do anything to drag your reputation through the mud, with tactics and assertions that would seem straight up ludicrous the longer this situation would play out. Should matters escalate, then he would resort to even graver tactics right up to killing you. With his status under threat, he would pull guns out on you, break your bones, or even strangle you. 
Vengeance - What would they do in the face of competition?
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If the person can be bought, they will be bought. Alfred would just through some meaningless things their way to get them to pipe down, make some empty promises, make them sell their soul to him. He would love the opportunity to pull the rug from under them, and he would surely find a way. The despair that they would display is something that he would live for. 
Naturally, there are other methods he would apply. Such as threats and physical intimidation. In those cases, he might end up acting too much like a Disney villain. Funny how the heroes become the villains, eh? As such, he wouldn't have any guilt in swinging his fists and granting his unfortunate opponent a trip to the hospital. The whole affair would be depicted as him defending your honour. 
And if the person goes missing to never be seen again, then what can he do about it? Any and all clues that would point to him being involved would be purely coincidental. 
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killuagirly · 7 months
Yandere!Noah's Ark Circus[Separate] x Reader
Summary: Noah's Ark Circus members[Separate] seem to have a thing for you, but it only gets worse as you don't notice their obvious attempts to court you. What might they do in return?
Notes: I LITERALLY WAS SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS FOR NO REASON AT ALL. The idea for this was taken from this post, but slightly changed up to fit more general circumstances. [Also because this is Yandere yk] I tried to make sure they all had a lil' sum but writing for this many characters in one post obviously means less content per character. Hopefully I'll get around to the main characters too, like Ciel, Sebastian, and so on.
CW: Yandere, Obsessive tendencies, Possessiveness, Slight mentions of violence[nothing really bad], etc. Read at your own risk!!
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The 'ringleader' has special tricks up his sleeve just for you. It really couldn't get more obvious to everyone around you when he's leaving gifts outside your tent that range from flowers to clothing and so much more. He'll make sure you acknowledge his tricks and jests during the announcing and performances by making silly inside jokes between the two of you during the show.
Eventually he may start to notice patterns in your behavior when you take his romantic gestures lightly, as nothing more than two close friends. Experimenting to see if his assumptions were correct, he even went as far as kissing you on the cheek before wishing you goodnight after one of his shows.
As he suspected, you only laughed it off and told him goodnight in return. He starts to wonder if the way you keep looking the other way is because you may already have eyes for someone. If even it may seem so, Joker keeps his cool and focuses on improving your view of him. No action will need to be taken if he can simply draw your attention away from other.
If means necessary, he's not hesitant and will slowly push everyone away from you to worm his way into your heart. If it gets to the point where your unmindful habits could be taken as rejection, he may be the type to just outright tell you about his feelings for you. If you still brush it off as some kind of joke, I pray for you because this man will take it to no means end to make you understand his love for you.
One of the most gorgeous women you'll ever meet, falling for you. Honestly, I'm jealous. Beast is the one who'll communicate her love for you through silent actions, no doubt about it. She'll be your shoulder to cry on, help you with any questions or concerns you have regarding the circus, and you can always come to her with outside troubles as well.
Beast honestly would most likely get upset rather than offended once it hits her that you aren't receiving any of her hints in a romantic context. Maybe she was going about it the wrong way? No, you're just unaware of her feelings towards you. No worries, she can just lay it on a bit thicker so it's within your grasp. After that, how could her love for you still go unnoticed??
If you still manage to get past her flirting however unbothered, she'll probably start looking for outside causes. Could it be that you've got your mind elsewhere? Beast might actually begin to grow self-conscious because of the situation, wondering if you could be judging her for 'flaunting' or 'showing off' her body feature due to her costume. She might even start thinking about changing her main performance outfit.
She may also outright ask you about what you think of her choice of outfit or general body shape saying something along the lines of, "I'm only curious t' know what y' think." In the context that she believes you're thinking of another in a romantic sense however, Beast might get a little pushy with you making sure that you're out of the path of anyone who could be considered a threat.
Dagger is literally a whole other story once he's fallen for you. He's very outgoing and honest, not to mention he'll literally serve you compliments on a silver platter for completing even the simplest of tasks. You wore something new today, did your hair differently, got new pair of shoes? He's dying to tell you how great you look, showering you with love and affection.
Is it even possible to stay oblivious to this boy's feelings? He's all over you all the time, craving your praise, attention, literally anything and everything he can get out of you. So how and why on earth would you not acknowledge his efforts to present his feelings for you? It definitely runs through his mind that you could genuinely not feel the same for him.
Honestly, try getting him off of you once he's realized you aren't giving him the attention he wants anymore. Dagger isn't the type to act desperate, but it can surely come off that way at times. He'll even outright bring up this form of, "neglect," you've been giving him. I hope that he doesn't suspect anything between you and another member of the circus, because he'll do anything in his power to keep them away from you.
Dagger often proposes that you both train together, help him out with his act, or even silly little things like eating at the same table together in order to draw you out of any situation involving someone he sees as undeserving of your attention, insisting that you come with. As persistent as he is, he does know his boundaries and won't take it too far, most of the time anyways.
Doll is an awfully touchy person, and she isn't afraid of showing it. When she's not all dressed up with the main cast, she'll be out and about following you around left and right. This girl could talk for hours without getting bored and proves it when she's with you by literally talking your ear off. Not that you really mind, especially when she's coming up with some new ways to compliment you. Calling you, "alluring," and "incredibly skillful."
She's also very expressive with you, not caring to hide much from you. You'll probably know about how she's a first-tier member long before the sharing secrets phase in a friendship. She also enjoys helping you in every way she can, teaching you tips, tricks, and everything she can about the circus since she's, "more experienced than y'!"
Eventually she comes around to flirting with you shamelessly so, trying to catch your interest. "Lookin' great t'day love," and trust me, it doesn't stop there. Coming around to your disregardful mindset started annoying her though. She'll probably go to Snake or one of the other members in hopes of figuring out what she's doing wrong. "How can't they not see 'm 'n love with 'em?"
If it ever comes to a point where she believes that you may be in love with someone else, she will literally drive herself crazy about it. "Why don't they love m' like that, 'm I doin' somethin' wrong?" She'll pull you along, adamant that you spend more time with her instead of someone who's unimportant. Doll's jealousy is laid out on display for you, and she isn't shy about it either.
Spending time with you has become the highlight of her days, and she could go on and on about whatever is on her mind just relaxing and being with you. Wendy fawns over things like your choice in style, your makeup on that given day, honestly anything and everything that is noticeable about you. She's such a sweetheart, caring for you and making sure you've got everything you could ever need.
Wendy is the yandere who might not even realize that her feelings towards you are considered romantic at first, taking her heart's increased pace as simply enjoying time spent with you as her friend. Once she does come to this realization, she's lovestruck and infatuated with you like no other. Honestly her change in behavior would probably be considered a bit concerning by the other members.
If she actually starts flirting or making moves on you and you manage to overlook her signals, she'll automatically go into overthinking mode. It would go something along the lines of, "What 'f they don't find me attractive? D' they think 'f someone else 'ere 's prettier than me??" Peter would probably be the one to notice and calm her down.
In the ensuing days, she'd probably get after anyone who got a little too close to you for her liking. Her main focus would be regaining your full attention, which much to her appeal, would probably be easy given her outgoing nature as your close friend. You can take my word for it when I say this girl isn't letting you go so easily, practically dragging you along with her just for some attention.
Peter is a little ignorant when it comes to showing his love for you Trying to court you for him is like trying to survive falling into a volcano, it's seemingly impossible. Don't underestimate him though, he does try his hardest for you. If you ever need help with your act, he's there for you. Couldn't grab a bite to eat from the mess tent in time? He'll share with you, just keep your mouth shut about it or he might get embarrassed.
For a while, Peter might be in denial about this little crush of his. After that stage passes however, he goes right into, 'If anyone at all ever hurt them I would take them out with my own two hands.' Not to mention he just might follow you around like a lost puppy, seeking out your attention. Though he'll never say it aloud, he does enjoy your when your attention is completely focused on him and him alone.
Once he realizes that you aren't understanding his hints, - bypassing his love for you - he just gets straight up pissed. What is he doing wrong? Is it because of his condition that you might find him unattractive compared to other circus members?? Bless your soul, if you thought he was clingy before he's not letting go of you now, and anyone who tries to start up a conversation with you is rudely interrupted by a short blonde who isn't having it.
Peter will go off at anyone who tries to speak with you even if it's simply an everyday conversation, no romantic ideals involved. He won't make it seem like the reasoning behind the way he's treating the lower-tier members is his jealousy and possessiveness over you, but some like Wendy might notice him having more sudden outbursts. He'll go as far as physically hurting someone over a harmless compliment about you. In his eyes, he should be the only one telling you such things.
Jumbo's ways of attempting to court you seem the usual, showing off his strengths and starting small talk with you. He enjoys the simple things, like complimenting your skills whenever you do well during practice, or listening to how your day went. Whether you're feeling down in the dumps, or having a wonderful day, he's always there to listen and chat with you.
The silence or calming atmosphere will put him at ease while he simply basks in your presence, even being near or just seeing you after a long day at the circus is enough to put a smile of his face. He cares a lot for you and your well-being, and simply can't imagine a world without you anymore. He may become aware of his feeling much later than he should, and once he does he begins noticing the other things too.
Like how you simply turn your back when he's performing, of course you watch every now and then but you only pay attention to him as much as a good friend should. Jumbo probably starts realizing that you may not feel the same way for him as he does for you, which he simply takes notice of to try harder. Playing the harmonica for you, complimenting your tastes as often as he can, and so on.
Eventually he understands that his efforts are going completely unnoticed in any kind of romantic sense. Could it be someone else has you wrapped around their finger or are you simply oblivious to his methods of courting you? Jumbo definitely seems like a gentle giant, so he probably won't hurt anyone even if they are testing their limits with you. Just a menacing glare from him and they'll know to back off, and he'll only even go that far if they're getting awfully touchy.
Snake trying to court you is.. practically bound to go south. Well, from his view anyways. He just wants your love and attention, but he's much more closed off than most of the other members which makes it harder to get his feelings through to you. He may absent mindedly gravitate closer to you in public settings, but he still doesn't say very much to you in his own voice.
He prefers to let his snakes talk for him, not often speaking to anyone himself. However, for you, he'll start slowly trying to start small conversations even if they only last moments. Sometimes he even watches you from afar while you're busy training with your act. When you notice him, maybe even flash him that pretty smile of yours, his cheeks will get all flushed and he'll scurry away.
Snake is rather insecure about himself, so he automatically assumes the way you brush off his subtle attempts of flirting with you is because you couldn't be interested in him with his out of the ordinary looks. In addition to that, he's probably not all that offended or upset if you tend to shrug him off just taking it as if he's not good enough.
Although, the other members[especially Doll] may end up offended on his behalf when noticing he the efforts he's putting in for you. He's trying his hardest, isn't he? Snake may be hesitant to step in if the cause of your disinterest in him is the fault of another who's caught your eye. Given his timid nature, I highly doubt he'd go to the extent of acting upon your disinterest in any way besides simply trying even harder for you.
────────── ʚ♡ɞ ──────────
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asterdisaster06 · 10 months
It Will Come Back
Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader
summary > hand to hand combat with an overly touchy simon
word count > 1.3k
cw > suggestive, but not explicit. romanticizing of yandere tendencies
a/n > Open ended one-shot, may come back to it if inspiration strikes
There’s something off about him. Simon Riley. Or Ghost as he’s known to his teammates - including you. Not off on the field or in training. Not off in the way that he shoots or reloads or checks over his weapons before the mission. Not off in his work ethic or the way he kills. Off in the way that he’s oh-so-domestic towards you. Indirectly, of course. In a way that you can’t prove when you tell someone that his behaviour irks you. What could you tell them? That you swear you can see him lurking in the shadows, stalking you, or that your personal things always seem to disappear? You’d seem aloof and distracted if not downright insane. 
And forget mentioning how kind he seems to you. Offering to lace up your boots or god-forbid, help you train. The small touches across your back or hands still make you shiver. There’s also the small gifts that appear on your bed, the very same one in the locked room, mind you. You’ve changed the locks at least a dozen times before Price told you to stop wasting time and resources. It made you want to scream before you began to question if the captain was in on it. You had brought up concerns before and they were conveniently brushed off. 
Of course, that was a completely absurd thought given the fact that you never named the perpetrator that was making you uncomfortable on your very own base. Even still, you would’ve thought that Price would have done more than simply question you. Every time you’ve brought it up he says that he’s ‘handling it’ so you stopped asking after a while. It elicits a sense of unease at the fact that you seemed to be on your own regarding this issue. 
The way he looked at you scared you almost as much as facing down the barrel of a loaded gun - something that you’ve done more times than you’d like to admit. It’s not as if you had a grudge against the man - far from it. You used to admire him as a Lieutenant and wanted to be close to him, worked to become close to him. That’s how you ended up on the 141 task force. A part of you still does, admire him that is. You’re unsure of exactly when this Stockholm-esque syndrome began, but there’s something in you that wants Simon in the same carnal way he wants you. The same way a rabbit begins to accept its fate belongs in the claws of the wolf. Thinking back on it all, you were beginning to regret your moxy. 
“Did you forget we had training today, love?”
This is exactly the shit you were talking about. Not that anyone believes you, nor did you have the confidence to tell them. Not after the last incident. You had met your wits end and basically begged Laswell to transfer you. Obviously, some grounds for your repositioning was required - which was where it went wrong. You had no solid evidence, a very good track record on the team, and Simon had knocked on the door as soon as you were about to explain yourself. If you had thought he wouldn’t have been able to weasel his way out of you screaming fraternisation at Laswell you would have shouted it all around base. That’s the lowest point your pride had ever been at. Turning tail and running wasn’t your proudest moment, but there was a certain threshold before fight turns into flight. 
God, you hated that name. You couldn’t even hold it against him as it was your unfortunate callsign. You had never despised it this much before coming to this godforsaken place. You huff and shove yourself up from the couch - grumbling about missing the Uno game going on between Soap and Gaz.
“One more word out of your mouth besides ‘yes sir’ and it’s ten laps,” Simon glares at you.
You’re convinced he only makes you do laps because it allows him to stand and watch. Not like you can prove it, and sometimes he does run with you, but it feels almost impossible for that not to be the case. A little rabbit and the big wolf. 
“Yes sir,” You sigh.
“Atta girl.” His words send a shiver down your spine.
It’s always hand to hand combat with him. Always. You suppose it’s better than him micromanaging your shooting stance. A shiver passes through your body at the thought of him gripping your body and manipulating you however he pleases. Becoming pliable for him to mould into the perfect soldier. No, the perfect pet. At least this way you have a chance to fight back. A small voice in the back of your mind reminds you that Ghost probably likes the struggle. The power imbalance. Another one insists that you like it just as much if not more. You choose to ignore that last one. 
“Considering your performance on the last mission, I find it imperative that we work on your skills regarding escape,” Simon says sourly.
This was complete bullshit and you knew it. Biting your tongue like you’ve always done is becoming harder by the day. He’s referring to how you - under his orders - infiltrated a side hallway and got apprehended by two guards. Two guards that you had not been made aware of - you should have been considering Ghost himself had travelled that hallway not long ago. Of course, Simon rushed in to save you, ever the shining knight in armour. 
“Your only goal is to overpower me, by any means necessary,” Simon speaks, and you can almost hear the mirth through the baclava. It makes your hackles raise in fear of what this entails. 
Despite your on guard position, you somehow end up with your back on the floor. Your hands are roughly pinned above your head - an almost delightful strain running down your spine causing you to shiver under his grasp. His thighs entrap yours with his hips harshly pressed into yours. A shaky breath of air escapes your lungs at the suddenness of it all - nevermind how close your Lieutenants face is to yours. This wasn’t exactly how you expected to end up on your back for him, but you’d take what you can get. 
A moment of hesitation costs you your comfort as one of Simon’s gloved hands moves down from your wrists to your neck - gripping it tight enough to restrict some blood flow, but not air. It makes a soft whimper escape from you, your body keen to betray you. 
“Seems like someone’s enjoying this a little too much,” Simon chuckles, his eyes dark. 
“Fuck you,” You seeth, an escaped hand digging it’s claws into his collarbone. 
“Sorry, Princess. That’s off the table,” Simon grunts, almost amused.
You quickly turn on him, shoving him off of you and pressing a knee into his abdomen with the other one entrapping him in a similar fashion that he had done to you. Your hands keep his shoulders pinned to the ground, not taking any chances. 
“You know damn well that’s not what I was-” You’re cut off by Simon lifting one of his thighs to meet you, making your brain short circuit. 
“What was that?” You could hear the smugness in his words. 
“I’d say I won that, so there’s no need for this to continue,” You spit out, quickly retracting yourself from him. 
“If you say so,” Simon says, giving up weirdly easily. 
“That’s it?”
“That’s it,” Simon starts, standing up to tower over you. “Unless you had something else on your mind?”
“One thing.”
“Anything,” Simon whispers, and you’re unsure whether his tone elicits more excitement than fear.
“Admit to Price and yourself that you’re being a creep,” You hiss.
“Whatever do you mean, love,” Simon mocks.
“It was worth a try,” You huff, turning your back on him and walking off.
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m3l0diisbl00d · 11 months
A/n: i really just had to get this one out of my system guys, its 1:30am but i had to :’) I know its kinda short. also this may or may not connect to the yandere!darling story bc i feel like they’d be the one responsible for this
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Eidon had a large tendency to be really clingy, he’d wrap his arms around your waist and press kisses on wherever your skin was exposed, but today something about him was off. He traced his fingers over your waist and breathed heavily in your ear, and something about how he looked at you with puppy dog eyes was throwing you for a loop. You sat in his lap while watching tv at his place, his head in the crook of your neck and his hand roaming over your torso. His fingers felt so gentle, just brushing against your skin but also as if they wanted to hold you tightly. Out of curiosity you glance over at him, just to realize he hadn’t been watching the TV at all, he was just staring at you. His eyes half lidded with the most possessive expression you’d seen from him in a while. He doesn’t say anything for a moment, just smirks at you. “Pay me no mind, my dear..”
After a while you just decide to brush it off, and head out to the store a little while later. Meanwhile, Eidon was trying to hold on for dear life. He hadn’t exactly felt this way before, his whole being felt hot, and his thoughts shifted to you, getting rather intense.. he could only imagine.. pressing hot sloppy kisses up and down your body, sucking and biting over the spots that made you feel really good. He wanted to rip your clothes off you and rut you with his cock until you turned into a whining babbling mess under him. Precum begins to stain Eidon’s boxers. When you got a bunch of messages from him asking to come home soon because he needs a favor, you rush home quickly.
“Eidon?? I got your messages, are you ok? Where are you..”
“Ah.. hello there, sweetheart..”
He stumbles into the living room to see you, scooping you up and holding you by your thighs. Eidon squeezes them once, then again. His head nuzzles into you, brushing his lips against yours and giving a lustful gaze. “I was so worried when you called, is everything ok?” You ask in a concerned tone. “Mmh.. no— honey I need your help, upstairs..” He carries you up to his room, tossing you onto his bed before yanking his shirt off. “What are you doing?.. Eidon?” “Shhh.. let me love you, my baby.” He puts himself on top of you on the bed, his body felt so warm and his breathing was very uneasy. You were almost worried he had a fever until you felt something hard pressed up against your thigh. Oh. Ohhh. “Y/n.. please.. I feel like I’m on fire..” He spreads your legs open and places himself between them, kissing wherever he can while he dry humps you like a rabbit during mating season. You give in, kissing Eidon deeply and allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. His kiss is hot and desperate, while his hands snake up and down your body as he undresses you. He aligns himself with your entrance, groaning with a large sigh once he’s inside. “So fucking tight for me..” His hips begin to rock, causing moans to fall from both of your lips. Eidon smirks at you as he begins to fuck you harder, making sure each thrust is more pleasurable and delicious than the last. He puts one hand on your thigh and uses the other to grip your waist, muttering curses in Italian which showed that he was clearly getting close to reaching his high. You feel yourself loosing control under him, his cock was buried deep inside you, making you squeal and squirm. You beg him for release, which only makes him plow you faster. “Eidon.. f-fuuuuck pleassseee.. needa.. needa cum..” “You’re taking me so well, darling. Just a little more..” When he finally lets you cum your whole body spasm, hugging against his cock tightly. Eidon reaches his breaking point shortly after, holding you tightly as he spills his thick, creamy load of his baby batter inside of you. He holds you for a moment before pulling out, whispering in your ear that you did such a good job for him. “Fuck.. I love you so much, baby..”
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namiusedbubble · 1 year
When you fight
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☠️ SEBASTIAN SALLOW   ☠️ Arguments between the two of you aren’t exactly rare. Sebastian is stubborn but extremely loyal, and he expects that same loyalty from you. He'll kick off when you don't support something he’d spent a lot of time thinking about, or he thinks you’re siding with someone other than himself.  
Although he never raises his voice to you, he often puts his foot in it by saying something particularly cruel. He doesn’t mean it, he really doesn’t, but in the heat of the moment, he isn't thinking straight.  
Since he never wants to argue with you, his anger fades as quickly as it appeared, and he will apologise profusely for the things he said. A big positive in your relationship is that Sebastian doesn’t have the sort of pride where he can’t own up to his wrongdoings, and he’ll go out of his way to make it up to you. He is extremely cuddly and touchy after an argument, so sorry to those of you who need space to calm down. You’ll usually spend the rest of the day in bed together, soft touches and softer words being exchanged as he tells you how much you mean to him.  
🐍  OMINIS GAUNT  🐍 During a regular argument, of which there are few, Ominis remains calm and collected, but not cold. He will work with you to find a compromise or to ease any of your anxiety/insecurities that might have caused the argument.  
However, if you two fight, Ominis takes it to a whole other level. It’s almost like he becomes a totally different person when he’s angry. He’s yelling at you, pacing around the room, accusing you of betrayal, etc. He would never do anything to harm you, but you have to admit that this side of him is quite intimidating.
Ominis is slow to anger, but he’s equally slow to apologize. You can try to talk him down or walk away, but regardless he will need some space away from you to clear his head. He’ll sit next to you when he calms down and just hold your hand. He won’t say anything, but you’ll know by how he rubs his thumbs over your knuckles that he’s sorry. 
🧪  GARRETH WEASLEY  🧪 You two never have explosive fights, but you do have the odd argument every now and again. Maybe you think he’s too caught up in his latest potion idea, or he thinks you’re spending too much time with others and neglecting him. 
Either way, Garreth does his best to end the argument as soon as he possibly can. He’s the type to make jokes just to get you to smile, or he’ll brush off his own feelings to keep the peace. You’ll only know that something is bothering him because he doesn’t ask you to sneak into his dorm room that night or he avoids eating lunch with you in the Great Hall.
You might think this would lead to resentment, but he is listening to your concerns. You’ll notice him hanging around you a lot more the few days after the argument. He only hopes that you offer the same to him because arguing with you breaks his heart. 
⭐  AMIT THAKKAR ⭐ Fights? With Amit? Not happening. You’d have to do something really bad to make him lose his temper or get angry. He will avoid arguing with you at all costs, but if it’s inevitable, he will try to de-escalate the situation and come to a peaceful resolution.  Amit would remain mostly silent if you were to argue with him, but he is listening. He would be understanding and open-minded and would try to see things from your point of view. He has an unfortunate tendency to put your needs above his own and will sacrifice and compromise on things he really shouldn’t do just to make you happy again. 
If there is something in the relationship he’s unhappy about, he’ll try to figure out a way to remedy it himself. If he can’t, he’ll broach the subject gently and without judgment. 
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kicksnscribs · 2 years
Meh I’m bored and I have nothing else better to do so why not post old TF writings that are uncompleted lol
Notes on this for the printout i found:
Prowl is claustrophobic and has a shit memory for long term details. Doesn’t like to be caged or cornered as a result.
Prowl isn’t pleased with Pax’s involvement (this is set before the events of Patternisms but after Pax confronts the Senate. He (prowl) is sure to let’s his displeasure known through body language rather than words since the order did come from a superior officer.
There is wildlife and it wants to kill them so bad. Pax find this to be more of a threat than whatever “cursed object” they have been given by their connection. (All boys are OCs unless otherwise stated)
The object in question may or may not be cursed. No one will ever know. They do always seem to end up with a bad spot of luck each time they open it and pull it out of its case. Original concept was to base it off of the Dybbuk Box.
Syringe hounds (now GryndHounds) are a threat but are then confronted by a Crystal Drake. Thoughts on the supernatural powers of the object are once again called into question since Crystal Drakes are extremely rare due to their main source of food, the Ruststriders, are on the brink of extinction.
The two always feel as though there is a “poor connection of an EM field” constantly brushing up against them, causing 5em to feel incredibly uneasy and incredibly jumpy by the end of it all.
Prowl swears to Primus that something keeps whispering in his audial. Pax keeps getting false readings on his HUD.
What the FUCK is going ON???
Prowl practically tosses the damned thing away from him at the end of the mission, feeling soiled and possibly unable to recharge properly for the next few cycles.
Still doesn’t believe in the paranormal nonsense.
Prowl and Pax go on an Adventure~*
“Cursed? Your telling me that we are traveling hundreds of miles across Cybertron to pick up and item that is supposedly…cursed?” Prowl couldn’t believe he was saying this. He had narrowed his optics to the point where Orion Pax’s bulky figure was starting to blur. His processor was unwilling to believe that this mission, given to them by Dai Atlas himself, would turn into nothing more than a silly little fetch-and-carry quest. And through one of Polyhex’s more structurally disastrous regions no less!
Being reduced to a simple errand mech wasn’t enough of a demotion to an officer of his rank, apparently. Now Orion Pax had to go and insult his intelligence by adding supernatural causes to the mix.
“That was the word of choice Trailfire used, yes.” Rumbled Orion Pax plainly, clearly not as bothered by this tidbit of information as he should be. As far as he was concerned, he was just interested in making small talk. Eager to cover up the horrid sounds coming from their dilapidated car as it sped towards Polyhex. More specifically to the drop off location that was described (in Orion Pax’s own words, mind you) as being “wonderful, accommodating, and lovely” Balefire Hill.
He was being horribly sarcastic Prowl noticed, his dermal plating squeezing tighter around his frame in a desperate attempt to avoid any possible physical contact with his temporary partner. He wasn’t sure he appreciated the poor attempt at humor or despised it. It was hard for him to properly gather his thoughts when his temporary partner had managed to scrunch him into the smallest corner of their pitifully small car due to Pax’s absolutely massive frame taking up damn near seventy five percent of it.
He didn’t like it. He didn’t like feeling…cornered.
And his anxiety wasn’t exactly eased at the thought of being dropped off so close to the southern borders of Polyhex, an area known for rolling blackouts and tendency for wildlife to run rampant in the streets in their attempts to seek shelter from the newer constant rust storms.
An unfortunate side effect living next to the Vents, he figured.
He had to face facts: this was officially The Worst Day Ever™️. Worse than the days when he was but a young cadet slugging along the sewers of Kaon in search of whatever flotsam had been mistakenly thrown out by some highpolish up in the High-Rises.
Worse than when he had to trek it out into the Wastelands after some syphonist who somehow managed to get lucky and make off with a veritable fortune in off world currency only to frag it all up and tumble down into the reaches of the Sonic Canyons, never to be seen again.
Worse than whatever the hell kind of music was playing through the car’s crackling speakers at the current moment…
He cast a dirty look upwards to the grimy ceiling where the offending sounds were emanating from. Surely, the only reason why it sounded so horrid was due to the fact that there was not one properly working speaker in the car to begin with. Once he had taken in all that he needed he dropped his gaze slowly downwards to examine the rest of the car properly and with disdain:
Outside of their car was the telltale calling card of the Sea of Rust: a swirling, coppery red was of dust that beat across the windows with no signs of giving up anytime soon, giving one the feeling of being submerged in what could only be the filthiest liquid possible. The seats were in a state of disrepair, and the many advertising bars that hung low above them were either busted and broken or were so faded that there was no possible way anyone could figure out what was being sold.
I lost the rest of this sadly, but I liked the way it came out bc I was working on some personal canon stuff and this showcases some terminology.
The rest of the story involved them getting their hands on the object before a rolling blackout hits and they scramble to find a safe spot to ride out the rush of wildlife seeking shelter from the storms. Alongside a bunch of other supernatural nonsense that seems to be following them along the way.
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atzjieun · 3 days
hanging by a thread
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summary | jieun’s emotions reach their boiling point when wooyoung refuses to talk
circa | august 4, 2024
contains | 3.3k words, angst, swearing, wooyoung is kinda an asshole, supportive bestie jongho
notes | the jiwoo fight that everyone’s been waiting for is finally here !!
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Jieun had always been an observant person. 
It was both a blessing and a curse. While it allowed her to pick up on things that others sometimes didn’t, as well as made her really good at finding birthday presents, there were times when she found herself looking into things too much. Her mind had a tendency to look for problems that weren’t there, something she’d been working on for years but still occasionally struggled with. 
Hence why she didn’t originally question it when Wooyoung began avoiding her. It was subtle at first, with him declining when she’d offered to go out together or being disengaged in their conversations. Although she’d immediately noticed the slight shift in his demeanor, it was dismissed as simple fatigue from the tour. Given a couple days, they’d be back to talking as usual and the whole thing would be something she’d laugh about later on, knowing she’d just overanalyzed the situation. 
However, days turned into weeks and Jieun saw no change in his behaviour. If anything, it had only grown worse as their tour continued. They saw each other nearly 24 hours a day, 23 of which Wooyoung spent ignoring her. She’d notice how he’d walk over to the opposite side from where she was standing on multiple occasions, and whether it be through sheer coincidence or him purposefully avoiding her, they always ended up on opposite sides of the stage. 
She tried talking to him on multiple occasions, subtly at first, with simple questions about how he’d slept or how he was feeling that day. She asked if anything was bothering him, trying her best to let him know that she was there for him through whatever he was clearly dealing with. Though every time, her concerns were met with quick, dismissive replies that did nothing to relieve the growing fear in her stomach. 
Still, despite his treatment of her, she couldn’t help but worry, which was how Jieun found herself standing outside his hotel room at 11 at night. The hallway was eerily quiet as she waited in front of the door, dressed in only her pajamas that ironically included one of Wooyoung’s sweaters. 
Taking in a deep breath, Jieun raised her arm and knocked against the door. She just hoped he wouldn’t recognize her specific knock pattern and ignore her. 
After a few seconds of waiting, she heard the click of the lock followed by the door slowly cracking open. Wooyoung’s figure appeared in the small gap, dressed in his own pyjamas, his hair still wet. 
“What?” he asked with an impatience that made her heart lurch. 
Jieun took in a deep breath as she gripped the sleeve of her hoodie. “We need to talk.” 
“We’re talking right now, aren’t we?” 
“Not like this.” After staring at her for a moment, Wooyoung suddenly closed the door. She waited anxiously, though to her relief he reopened the door a second later after unhooking the latch, holding it open wide enough for her to walk in. 
Jieun walked past him as he closed the door behind her, taking a few steps into his room before turning back to the boy. He watched her with a tired and disinterested expression, letting out a sigh as she crossed her arms. Jieun’s gaze lowered slightly, too afraid to meet his gaze.  
“Wooyoung-oppa, what’s going on?” 
He raised his eyebrows in silent questioning, only adding to her frustration. 
“For weeks, you’ve been brushing me off and ignoring me, and I don’t know why.” Her tone of voice grew harsher as she spoke, causing Jieun to close her eyes and take a deep breath to calm herself down. After collecting herself, she spoke again. “I noticed you’ve been more distant lately and I’m worried about you, but it’s like I’m the only one you’re purposefully avoiding. Please, just tell me what’s wrong.” 
When she was met by silence, Jieun opened her eyes and stared directly at the boy, their gazes meeting. It was the first time they’d looked at each other eye-to-eye in days, yet she’d never felt so invisible as she stood in front of him. 
Wooyoung simply stood there with the same tired look he’d given her every other time he spared her a glance. She hated how she had become so accustomed to it. 
“If I did something to hurt you, I’m sorry.” Jieun knew how pathetic she must have sounded, but she had no options left. “But please, I can’t make things right if I don’t know what I did wrong.” 
Jieun waited, hoping he’d say something, anything, to ease her racing heart. If he had to tear her apart and explain every way she’d messed up, then so be it. She just needed something to pull her out of the complete darkness she’d been left in. 
However, minutes passed with the two remaining silent, Jieun’s pleading gaze resting on the older boy as his own eyes moved away, staring off into the distance like he was tired of the conversation. 
Eventually, she took in a deep breath, unclenching her hands. Her thumb ran over the shallow crescent-shaped marks that were left as her head lowered.
“I should probably go,” she mumbled, breaking the silence. “I’m going out with Hongjoong-oppa in the morning.” 
Wooyoung immediately stepped to the side, not meeting her gaze even as Jieun made her way towards the door. She hesitated for a moment as she reached for the doorknob, hoping he’d do something to stop her from leaving, though no more words were exchanged.
Defeated, Jieun opened the door and walked out of his room, stuffing her hands into her pockets as she made her way back to her own. 
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Jongho was laying on his bed, absentmindedly watching a YouTube video that had popped up on his recommended feed, when Jieun walked into the room. He gave a quick greeting without looking up, though was met with silence as the younger girl didn’t respond. Instead, she walked right past him and immediately flopped onto her bed face-first, laying there unmoving. 
“You good?” he asked amusingly, sparing the girl a quick glance. 
Jieun let out a mix of a groan and a hum, remaining in her place. This caused Jongho to pause his video, fully turning his head in her direction. 
“Jieun? Everything alright?” 
When she didn’t respond, Jongho quickly pulled himself out of bed, placing his phone on the side table before making his way over to hers. He took a seat beside her, poking the girl in the shoulder. 
“Are you dead?” 
Jieun let out a sigh as she rolled over, looking up at him in defeat. 
“What should I do if I think I pissed someone off and now they won’t talk to me, but I don’t know what I even did in the first place and they won’t tell me why they’ve been ignoring me for weeks?” 
“Hold on, slow down a bit,” Jongho said, eyes widening. “First of all, who is it, and second, what’s going on?” 
Jieun closed her eyes as her hands dragged down her face. “Wooyoung,” she said, shaking her head. “He’s been avoiding me for weeks and when I try confronting him, he just shuts me out.” 
A small sigh escaped Jongho’s lips as he began to gently massage the girl’s shoulder in hopes of providing some comfort. He’d noticed the slight tension between the two a while ago, but chose to not get involved in hopes they’d be able to resolve things on their own. Upon seeing her deflated state, however, a part of him felt guilty for not stepping in sooner. 
“Did you just try talking to him?” he asked carefully, despite knowing the likely answer. 
“I did. I tried talking to him multiple times, and this time he wouldn’t even say anything.” Jieun suddenly sat up in bed and turned to the boy, the broken expression on her face tearing a piece of his heart out. “I feel like I’m going crazy. I don’t think I did anything wrong, but he won’t even tell me if I did or not. I just want things to be normal again but how am I supposed to do that when he won’t talk to me about anything?” 
Jongho’s hands slowly reached out to take hers, rubbing calm, smooth circles as he met her gaze.  
“Breathe, Jieun,” he said, not letting go of her hands. “Breathe with me. 1, 2, 3, 4-” Jongho took in a deep breath, which he held for four counts before slowly exhaling, nodding encouragingly as she copied his breathing pattern. “Good. Good job.” 
Jieun continued to copy his breath pattern, her racing heart soon calming down while he continued rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. Only after she had calmed down did Jongho speak up again. 
“Jieun, you’re not crazy,” he said firmly. “If I’m being honest, I don’t think you did anything wrong, but even if you did, it’s not fair of Wooyoung to just cut you off without giving a reason, especially when you’re still making efforts to talk to him.” 
Jieun exhaled shakily. “I’m sorry,” she said, almost in shame, her head lowering. “I’m just…This is stressful. Everything.”
“And you’re completely valid for that.” One of his hands reached up to rest on her shoulder. “Anyone in your position would feel the same way, but it’s not your fault. This is on Wooyoung for not communicating like an adult.” 
She nodded as she picked the skin around her nails, pausing for a couple moments before looking up at him. 
“What should I do?” 
Jongho’s mouth tightened into a straight line, carefully thinking of what to say.
“Honestly, I think you just have to leave him on his own at this point,” he eventually answered, a sigh escaping his lips. “As much as it sucks, it’s clear that he’s not going to open up any time soon. You know how stubborn Wooyoung can be.” 
This caused a faint smile to spread across her face, though it quickly disappeared as worry clouded her expression.
“I want to be there for him though,” she whispered. “If he’s going through something, then-” 
“Eun-ah,” Jongho cut her off, taking both her hands in his once more. He looked her in the eye. “Wooyoung’s emotions are not your sole responsibility. He’s old enough to communicate his emotions like an adult.” 
Another silence fell upon the two as Jieun considered his words. Logically, she knew he was right, but that didn’t stop the ache in her heart and the feeling of helplessness she couldn’t shake off. 
Jongho placed a hand on her knee and squeezed. “You should get to sleep soon. Aren’t you going out with Hongjoong-hyung in the morning?” he asked. Jieun gave a small, hesitant nod, her conflicted gaze not going unnoticed by the older boy. He tilted his head. “Want me to sing you to sleep?” 
She hesitated for a moment, about to decline when Jongho patted the pillow behind her. Jieun cracked a small smile as she laid down, pulling the covers over her body as Jongho moved to sit slightly closer. 
Gently, he reached over and began combing his fingers through her hair, his soft voice filling the room. He sat there for a while, going through the countless songs he had engraved in his heart as Jieun’s breath slowly stabilized. 
After ensuring that she was fully asleep, Jongho, as carefully as he could, rose from the bed, keeping an eye on her the whole time to make sure she didn’t wake up. Without taking his eyes off her, he began backing up from the bed and slowly made his way towards the door. He grabbed his keycard before opening the door as quietly as possible, making sure to turn the light off before slipping out of the room. 
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Wooyoung felt like shit. 
He hadn’t felt particularly great the last few days, but the interaction he’d just had with the group’s youngest member didn’t help. It was a conversation, if one could even call it that, he’d been dreading for a while, but found himself unable to say anything in front of her. After she left, he decided to take another shower despite having already washed up, hoping the hot water would help ease his mind, though it made no difference. 
Wooyoung laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling blankly, his body numb. Time slipped by unbeknownst to him, unable to focus on anything but the events that had just transpired. 
It was only when a knock sounded at his door that Wooyoung was broken out of his thoughts. He raised his head and stared at the door, wondering if it was worth it to go and open it. Another knock sounded, though Wooyoung continued to just stare at the door blankly. 
“Wooyoung, I know you’re awake.” To his surprise, Jongho’s muffled voice sounded from outside the room.
Begrudgingly, Wooyoung pushed himself off the bed and slowly made his way over to his door. A sigh escaped his lips as he unlocked it and pulled the door open, Jongho standing in front of him with a furious expression. 
“What are you-?” Wooyoung asked, unable to finish his sentence as Jongho stormed into his room, pushing past the older without asking. He was barely able to process all that was happening before Jongho began his tirade. 
“What is going on, Jung Wooyoung? And don’t try to bullshit your way out of this or whatever else you’ve been telling Jieun. Are you really that selfish? We’re on tour and you’re causing issues for the group.” Wooyoung stared at him with wide eyes, mouth left agape, but Jongho just scoffed as he shook his head. “I could tell something was off but I thought it wasn’t my place to say, but this is just ridiculous.” 
If looks could kill, Jongho’s gaze would have put Wooyoung six feet under the moment he stepped into the room. He didn’t care if he was being disrespectful to his elder, any respect he had for the older was lost the moment Jieun told him the truth. Even now, Wooyoung’s lack of response and his eyes being glued to the floor only further pissed him off. 
“Well? Aren’t you going to say something?” Jongho questioned. “Jieun’s distraught right now because you won’t talk to her, and you don’t even have the decency to tell her why.” 
A silence fell over the two, Jongho’s eyes burning into Wooyoung’s head as the latter continued to stare at the ground. Eventually, he shook his head. 
“I can’t.”
Jongho scoffed in disbelief. “You can’t what?”
“I can’t tell her,” Wooyoung said, his voice reduced to a whisper. 
“And why not? You know how Jieun thinks sometimes and making her suffer like this is just cruel-” 
“Because I like her!” 
Jongho paused, blinking at the older with a startled expression. 
“You…you what?”
Shaking his head, Wooyoung closed his eyes and took a deep breath, refusing to meet his gaze. 
“Since when?” Jongho asked, his anger starting to subside as shock filled him. 
“Since Oakland, maybe? I don’t know, it just…happened,” Wooyoung answered, shrugging. His head hung low, almost in shame. “I thought I could ignore it and it would go away, but it hasn’t. I can’t even look at her without thinking about how much I want to hold her and kiss her and-“
“Ok, I get it. That’s literally my sister, I don’t need details. Ew.” Jongho scrunched his nose, a disgusted look on his face. 
“I’m so fucked!” Wooyoung covered his hands with his face, letting out a groan as he walked back over to his bed and plopped down face-first. “This is the worst thing I could’ve done. Especially now, when we’re in the middle of a tour.”
Jongho was left standing in shock as he tried to process all the new information he’d just received. He watched from afar for about a minute before slowly making his way over, and like deja vu, Jongho took a seat beside the distressed member.
Meanwhile, Wooyoung continued to lay there in a puddle of his own emotions, clearly overwhelmed. On one hand, it felt nice to finally get the secret he’d been keeping for weeks off his chest- he hadn’t even told San- but the weight of the secret sat heavy on his shoulders. The more he tried acting like things were fine, the heavier the weight became, and with the added guilt of how he’d been treating Jieun recently, Wooyoung felt as though he was being crushed. 
After a while, Jongho placed a hand on the older’s shoulder, a sigh escaping his lips. 
“Hyung, you don’t have to tell her how you feel if you’re not ready,” he said, voice calm and collected. “But you do have to go and apologize.” When a conflicted expression crossed Wooyoung’s face, Jongho frowned. “You caught feelings, it’s not the end of the world. But like you said, we’re in the middle of a tour, and this won’t be fun for anyone if you don’t at least try to fix some of the mess you’ve created.” 
“I don’t know if I can,” Wooyoung whispered, shaking his head. “If she doesn’t hate me now, she probably will when she finds out.”  
“Is it really that bad if you like her?” Jongho asked. “Like sure, she’s a little sister to me, but I can understand why. She’s smart, hardworking, talented, pretty- I can see why you would.” 
Heat rushed to Wooyoung’s face as he peeked at the younger boy through his fingers, though glanced away a second later. 
Jongho sighed. “Jieun wouldn’t hate you over something like this, and I doubt she’ll ever hate you, but… she’s worried. She wants to be there for you and for things to go back to how they used to be.”
Wooyoung dropped his hands from his face, staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression. 
“They won’t. I can’t go back to how things were before.”
“Can you at least try?” Jongho nearly pleaded. “For Jieun’s sake?” 
Another silence fell over the two as Wooyoung continued to stare ahead, expressionless. As much as he hated admitting it, Jongho was right, and so was Jieun. This wasn’t how he wanted to look back on the tour. 
A sigh eventually left Wooyoung’s lips as he nodded. 
“Ok, I’ll do it.” 
Jongho gave a small, tight-lipped smile as he patted the boy’s leg. He stood up, waiting for Wooyoung to bring himself to his feet before allowing himself to be escorted out of the room. 
“I’ll talk to her tomorrow,” Wooyoung promised as he opened the door. 
Jongho nodded. “She’s going out with Hongjoong-hyung in the morning, but she should be back by the afternoon.” He looked back over his shoulder, giving Wooyoung one final pat on the shoulder. “Good luck, soldier.” 
Wooyoung rolled his eyes, shooing Jongho out of his room before closing the door behind him and locking it. Sighing, he turned around and made his way back to his own bed, allowing himself to be engulfed by the cold sheets. He reached over to the bedside table where his phone laid, quickly grabbing and unlocking it before scrolling through his messages. He opened his text conversation with Jieun, the last message sent being something she’d asked him about, though he’d never responded. 
Wooyoung’s fingers hovered over the keyboard, slowly typing out a message. 
Me: hey, what time will you be back tomorrow?
He shook his head, spamming the backspace button to delete the message. After a few more attempts at writing something he was satisfied with, Wooyoung accepted defeat and turned his phone off. He placed it back on the bedside table before pulling his covers up over his shoulders. 
He decided he’d text her the next day. Only now, it would be him waiting for her response, and even though he didn’t deserve it, he really hoped she would. 
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taglist: @teezingsiyeon @moonkyeom [send an ask to be added to or removed from the the taglist]
a/n: this is part one to the jiwoo incident 🫠 i'll try to get part 2 out as soon as i can
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ifshereturns · 4 months
RANDOM TRIVIA: Credel La'Belle
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How does this character sleep at night?
He sleeps with the lights off unless he falls asleep before getting the chance to. He prefers his room to be as cool as comfortably possible. White noise is not preferable unless there is something he is looking to drown out, such as the sound of late night chatter, footsteps going back and forth in the hall, etc
What kind of view would they prefer to have outside their window?
Credel would prefer a more calm, peaceful view outside of his window. A place where people don’t pass by, somewhere he feels like he can easily open the blinds without being interrupted by anything eccentric. He isn’t very fond of bright city lights or anything too out of the ordinary. Ideally, an ongoing field of grass is probably what he’d appreciate looking out at most.
What is the best food to build something out of?
Rather childish. But his first thought would probably be, what foods are people already best known to use to build things when it comes to food?
Genuinely considering it, graham crackers and cream cheese, probably. Or if we’re considering things people don’t usually eat but can, carving a watermelon and creating a home out of it is probably best for structure….what size does this home have to be? Is he housing fairies or humans? Bugs? Cats? Dogs? 
If they were banned from a library, what would be the reason?
He’d most likely be banned from a library for starting an argument, or having an increasingly heated passive aggressive debate that starts to garner several stares from concerned people. 
What does the word okay mean to your character?
What’s the word okay SUPPOSED to mean to him? It means okay, to Credel. Obviously. Why? Does it mean something different to others? 
When was the last time they cried while watching a film?
Has he? He doesn’t remember the last time he sat down to watch a film, let alone cried over one. 
When was the last time they paused just to sniff the flowers?
He stops to smell the flowers quite often, actually. The White Queen is nowhere near as much of a stickler as the Red Queen is about her flowers. Still, he’d hate for them to be subpar in looks, taste, or smell. 
The weirdest thing they remember witnessing?
Plenty of odd things happen at the White Queen's castle, and you expect him to remember them all? Well, the little woman licking the garden cookies desperately was a tad out of the ordinary, but it was far from the strangest.
What is their go-to excuse for getting out of plans?
If he wants to get out of plans, he’ll usually say he’s busy with an assignment for his majesty or doesn’t have time to spare for the Queens sake.
What color do they find the most annoying?
The most annoying color? Why, obviously red. 
If they HAD to eat a crayon, what color would they choose?
White, obviously. He’s not eating crayons to begin with. But if he HAS to…white seems to be the least worrisome.
What Mario Kart character(s) do/would they play?
He would play toad, koopa troopa, or rosalina in mario kart. Shy Guy on a rare occasion.
What house would your character be a part of?
I firmly believe Credel would be a slytherin.
If they could cut off or get rid of any body part, which one would they choose?
He thinks belly buttons are useless past a certain point. It wouldn’t matter to anyone if they slowly closed up. But if he had to choose a body part to remove…nipples? Anything that doesn’t serve a real purpose to him.
What is something they hate the sound of?
He hates the sound of trumpets.
Singing is something he can hardly stand.
More than one person chatting at a time in a close proximity.
Are they a forgetful person?
Credel is not a forgetful person when it comes to tasks given to him by the queen.
He had the tendency to brush certain things or people off quickly, though, and unless he's extraordinarily suspicious of someone, he may not remember important details about them.
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imrtale · 2 years
# what is love ,
"mother would always run off to the edge of the realm , she claimed it was always the most quietest of places . the breeze stilled itself and all you could ever hear was the sound of your heart beating wildly against your breast," selene explained , walking towards her younger sister with hands folded behind her back . she keeps a good distance between them though , watching as kassandra doesn't bother to move an inch . "and father , he would . . . always stare to the moon , whispering to himself like a madman and it seems you've managed to acquire both of their habits." she pointed out as kassandra finds it a bit touching to know she had something of her late mother who she couldn't remember.
"is that the only thing that i have that reminds you of her?" kassandra asked , turning to face the fellow silver blonde goddess as selene's shoulders relaxed . "no , not at all . it's one of the most amusing though," selene continued , stepping forward to take her sister's hands in her own . as eris had shown and done to her so many times over ⸺ small acts of affection as this , were all new to selene and she did try her best . especially when it came to kassandra . "there are moments where i see nothing but our mother in your expressions , you have her eyes and her temperament . that fire that burns within ⸺ the way your ready to jump at the defense of the ones you love , that is what makes you our mother's daughter. and her tendency to run from her emotions to the edge of the world while i chased after her ⸺ . . . something troubles you sister , what is it?" selene asked , brows knitting together as kassandra had digested the words with a somber expression , tongue brushes against pearly whites as her hands find home in her older sister's .
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"it . . . started in the courtyards and the way father reacted to the rumors the guardsmen spoke . it didn't matter to him that you drew a sword or that , i had nearly cut one of his men . all that mattered to him was that they spoke poorly of eden," kassandra begin to explain , swallowing the sudden bubbling of emotions . "and then , i begun to feel the same . . . anger , it was as if , i wanted to kill them for speaking of her in such ⸺ manner and i wondered , where had this malice come from? and why did father care as much as i did? is it because he cares for her in the way i do?" she asked as selene found merely let's out a huff of laughter . "sister , father did care but he is well aware that we are more than capable of taking care of ourselves . eden is considered to be one of the only goddess that could ever be considered a primordial god , did you know? she is much more than just saint lunar , she is a component that keeps the realms in balance . and any mockery to her name , isn't meant to be treated lightly . he cares for her as you do because our father is the champion of saint lunar . he has known her far longer than you and i have." selene explained , pads of her thumb rubbing soothingly across her sister's knuckles. "do you believe father loves her? as the guards claim he does? is that why he seeks comfort in it's light?" kassandra countered , completely disregarding her sister's words. "does that mean he has never loved our mother? if he loves eden? i have no quarrels with eden but it would be a cruel act on our mother's memory for these rumors to hold weight."
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"our father's feelings for the saint lunar is none of our concern but our father ⸺ loved our mother very much , you and i are proof of their love my sweet sister." fingers come to push strands behind her sister's ear , a sweet smile offered as kassandra leans into her sister's touch . "but love cannot be confined in words sister , it's an emotion that runs through our veins as it does for mortals . it is their downfall as much as it is ours. there are many definitions and interpretations of love but i can tell you kassandra ⸺ love can be acts of sacrifice like our parents have shown us or it could be you defending the reputation of saint lunar in the courtyards . you didn't act out of malice kassandra , you acted out of the love you have for eden . it is okay to love her in the way you love father. she was your mother as karisa was mine . and mother , would have told you the same . eden has loved you , protected you , fed you and kept you warm , your entire life as one's parent does . you loving her does not make you any less the daughter of karisa , we were kissed by the moon the day we were born kassandra . eden has always been there for us , it is okay to say it aloud . love is nothing to be afraid of , it makes us stronger."
"if we are meant to not fear love , why is it that you run from it? you rarely come to see me when i am with eden and you , don't tell me that you love me . you speak so fondly of an emotion you have problems showing yourself sister. i have never heard you tell father you love him . or the woman you find have taken as your companion." kassandra means no harm , truly but it causes selene to step back and bow her head with a sigh .
"eris is not my companion . she is a woman i have known for far longer than you have been alive and i hold her dear to my heart . i do not fear love kassandra , it has only come to my attention recently that i could be allowed something so," she pauses for a moment , lips pursed as kassandra raises a brow . "delicate? we are all deserving of something , whether we be gods or not . we live long lives , it would be cruel to us if we weren't granted the happiness others have." kassandra continued as selene offered a half smile. "you sound just like eden you know , though you lack her sense of empathy." a mumble as she folds her hands beneath her breast , fidgeting with her rings . "i may not , have been raised the same as you have sister and i have only read stories about the war . . . but eden has taught me that we are deserving of everything the sun , moon and stars have to offer no matter what it is we think of ourselves . just because we are descendants of mad titans does not mean we must suffer the same fate they do . if i'm allowed to love eden as a child loves her mother than you are allowed to grant yourself a sliver of peace."
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a few moments pass before selene answers , partially in shock on how much kassandra had truly grown in the last time they've came face to face . how wise beyond her years she was and how , much she truly became the daughter of saint lunar as their father was her champion . she was grateful , a mental note taken to thank the moon goddess for shaping kassandra to the woman that stood before her . and instead of kassandra growing up angry as selene had - she was kind , patient eyes and was truly the best of them . kassandra could resemble their parents all she wanted , she could runaway like karisa had always done when she was lost in her thoughts or fear her emotions as their father had or take after anders' will to defend the honor of the ones he loved most . but selene knew , no matter how hard her sweet , little sister had tried ⸺ kassandra was the daughter of saint lunar . kissed by the moon and guided by her light , she was every bit of eden as selene was every bit of karisa . and maybe , in another life , selene could be granted the same .
"i'm sorry if i upset you sister ⸺ if i overstepped or spoke on matters i have no grounds on , please." she quickly began to apologize , quick to close the distance between them and for a moment selene watches the rays of the moonlight illuminate the softer features of her younger sister's expressions , somber smile worn as she shook her head . words caught between tongue and throat because she can't bring herself to say the words yet . it would be her downfall one day , but for now , she simply places a hand on the apple of her sister's cheek . "i am proud of the woman you have become , kas . and there are parts of you that i am envious of , but you carry the best parts of our parents , that includes eden . do not ever change , do not ever let fear consume you as it has me . eden has shown you the truest forms of love i know , it would be selfish of you to not show the realm it too."
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transcredwaters · 2 years
I'm half awake and feel like elaborating on what was originally gonna be the end of Suilosaux's story - he was supposed to die right around the start of 5.1 (i think you can about guess what the catalyst was)
It was always frustrating to me but ultimately at the time my story was twined with someone else's and Suil's death was being used as fuel for their character's villain arc whereupon they blamed Miz for everything they've been through - when several things he was blamed for he wasn't even aware of - and demonized him (while Miz understood himself he was nowhere near perfect and hates being heralded as such it's just. Shrugs. It's a long exhausting story)
And like. It cut off Suils arc. His new arc starts around this time. He has two big arcs - one when he flees to Limsa, building up slowly from when he lost his mother to asteadily quickening pace up until he kills Uldaut leading to him becoming a bitter and angry man, almost hungering for vengeance if once crosses him. Kanifoix and Silas both grew especially concerned for him around this time.
Come shadowbringers, he reaches that point where the happiness is so close he can touch it. his fingers brush against it when he's with Emet and he finally feels he's reaching a point where he can be free of his pain, now if only the two could get back to his siblings ,everything would be perfect !
but Then. well. The Dying Gasp happens.
To have Suilosaux die then just so another character whom saw him as a brother (and is also no longer part of the story now) say "you took my brother from me" when confronting Miz was just. aUGh. It's awkward writing and his death was incredibly out of character.
I'm just glad I scrubbed that from canon. because it feels so much more fluid and correct to have him find that solace. To finally grasp that happiness in his hands, for his smile to finally reach his weary eyes. Though there's still bumps along the way - afterall it's now him who confronts Miz, though less of a villain arc. It's a very long story ,but to try and sum it down, the circumstances of his upbringing and a misunderstanding combined with his tendency to act upon his anger with violence (read; Uldaut) leads to some nasty conflict between him and our little meow meow.
It's around late 6.0 that it truly hits and that arc comes to a proper close. he's still got a ways to go on working with his anger but as I said he finally has that happiness in his hands.
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dathen · 3 years
Between the growing fandom realization that season 1 Martin wasn’t a doting doormat, and my post about how season 2 Martin was ALSO not a doormat, I have the daring conclusion....that Martin was never a doormat in the first place, and that his character arc wasn’t about “learning to stand up for himself.”  
(I’m going full death of the author on this one, because it’s going to depart a LOT from how Alex talks about Martin in the Q&A’s.  This is based off of how I see his actions and relationships in the first two seasons, along with my own personal views on masculinity and emotional maturity.)
On my fourth relisten I keep finding more and more examples of how Martin stood up for himself in the first two seasons.  The thing is, aside from the dreaded Spider Lectures or the time Martin threw worms on Jon’s desk, his methods are fairly peaceful and nonconfrontational.  He goes through official avenues to report Jon, he encourages Tim to talk to Jon directly instead of ranting behind his back, he encourages Jon to get therapy, he tells Jon that he feels Tim is right and they need to work it out together.  He isn’t quiet about his opinions, but because he doesn’t shout in people’s faces he gets brushed aside as “just wanting a tea party.”  This is where views on masculinity come in: this sort of group glue, mediating, emotionally intelligent role is usually seen as feminine, while more blunt, confrontational conflict is seen as more masculine.
The way I receive Martin’s arc, it isn’t about him “learning to stand up for himself,” and definitely not “learning to stop setting himself on fire to keep others warm” (more on that later), but more about how others around him treat him.
It goes without saying that Martin wasn’t treated well in seasons 1 or 2.  In season 1 you have Jon taking out his stress on him, and in season 2 you have Tim dismissing him and Jon treating him with suspicion.  A huge part of Jon’s character growth is how his treatment of Martin changes, and season 3 becomes one of extremes for Martin: on one hand you have Jon’s increasing gentleness and concern, and on the other you have his constant absences, Tim’s hostility, Basira’s “speaking of not cool, where’s Martin?”, Melanie making him cry at some point, his worry over Jon after he had been kidnapped for a month being mocked behind his back, his attempts to share his worries and fears with the others thrown back in his face...  I have a whole separate meta in process for how season 3 is the crux of Martin’s journey to the Lonely, but in short all of his hopes for meaningful connection was being narrowed to a single person, only to have that person ripped away.
Season 4 and and 5 is often seen as the “new and improved” Martin, mostly because of Alex’s comment that at that point he “stopped setting himself on fire to keep others warm.”  I personally see it as the exact reverse.  Early season Martin was not treated well, but he was not self-effacing or self-sacrificial.  Compare that to season 4 Martin who flat-out admitted that he was “looking for a good way to die,” while excusing it to himself that maybe in the process he might be protecting the others in some way.  Season 5 Martin planned to have Jon execute him for no reason or benefit, but just because he didn’t want to have a domain.  Martin was going to also let himself die for no reason just to stay with Jon, rather than getting himself to safety.  He’s gone beyond “setting himself on fire to keep others warm” to “setting himself on fire for the principle of the thing, even if it helps no one.”
This doesn’t reduce the meaning of his Lonely arc, just changes it.  It wasn’t “he needs to be less Lonely, so he needs to change himself,” but shifts the responsibility onto the people around him who were treating him poorly in the first place.  Season 1 Jon wasn’t taking his stress out on Martin because Martin was a doormat, it was because Jon was immature and needed to change!  Season 2 Tim seeing Martin’s attempts at mediation as cowardly wasn’t because Martin was a coward; it was because Tim refused to see the value in what Martin did!  Martin wasn’t the one who needed to mature or change his behavior. 
Over time, Martin did find a single person who grew to see value in what he did, show him respect, take an interest in his life, listen to his opinions, and worry about his safety and happiness.  Unfortunately, we can watch Martin’s well-being narrow to revolving just around Jon, because he isn’t getting that level of validation or support from any other angle.  Martin also went through a great deal of trauma over the course of the show.  He didn’t emerge on the other side as a refined, more mature, more emotionally balanced individual who cast aside his old simpering tendencies.  He was given a single lifeline to his suffocating loneliness and isolation, but drowns without it.
I feel this is controversial to say, because Martin’s most self-destructive lines are often romanticized and celebrated.  “Finally, I had a reason” from TMA 158, saying that at last he had a cause to throw his life away rather than throwing it away for no reason.  “Where you go, I go” as he refuses to run to safety and chooses to stay behind and die.  They’re beautiful lines, but speak of tragedy rather than emotional health.  And tragedy is how his story ends: we never got to see him grow past his self-destructiveness, or find worth in his own life aside from what he can do for others.  We never got to see him find a community that would be there for him as much as he tries to be there for other people, that would help him not hinge his the entirety of his well-being on a single person.
And to end with the spiciest of hot takes.........the main reason why I feel s4-5 Martin is seen as the “improved, more mature” version compared to s1-3.....is because being kind and sensitive towards Jon is seen as a character flaw, and we see a lot more impatience and bluntness towards him in later seasons that we wouldn’t have from early-season Martin.
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witchie-writings · 2 years
Hiii i was wondering if you would do some general dating hcs for jun A266!! I love your writing sm!! Thanks! -owomonsterwrites
Had a hard time thinking about this one, since Jun still kind of confuses me, but I think I sort of got down what I imagine dating him is like, hopefully these will suffice!  I kind of imagine when dating him, it would take a while for him to truly open up; he’s seen the worst of wars and has seen many great men die on the fields, so he’s more closed off and has a tendency to brush off his trauma with jokes and the such.
He can be seemingly detached from reality at times, due to his trauma. He’s seen some really fucked events happen to the brightest of souls, look at Noble Team, so he’s learned to sort of… drown them out in a sense. Jun acknowledges his former team no doubt, as he had a tightly-knitted bond with Noble 5, Jorge, it’s just that there’s no point in lingering on the past, so he would rather focus on the future. Especially if it concerns his S/O. His lover he prizes above nearly everything, so he’d rather start making sure he’s able to carve out a future while he’s still around. 
Quite the chatterbox, so his S/O better prepare themselves for that. He usually isn’t always that way, especially concerning operations, but it’s enough to be considered not the norm for most spartans, and he definitely has stories to tell. They can be quite enjoyable, remember that one story he told where a soldier thought of his gun like a time machine? 
I imagine him as sort of a practical thinker, but sometimes goes with the flow. For example, he isn’t the type to drink normally, he sees no value in something like alcohol, but on occasion he’ll do it just because (don’t expect him to do it all the time though, he still has limits, he does it more often than say Carter, though).
He’s somewhat of a softy, but not as much as Jorge is. He’s more of a casual softy (is that even a thing?); leaning against his S/O, casually brushing his hand against theirs while walking, subtle praises, and even saying ‘I love you’ in public, though he isn’t always audible. 
Jun isn’t always the gloomy type, with his chatterbox persona, he does enjoy an enlightening saying or two. Say him and his S/O are having a friendly game to see who’s able to ensure more kills on the Grunts, he’d casually throw in something like, “If you win, do I have to sleep on the couch with the pup?” (imagine Jun and his S/O have a doggo)
There are times where he can be strictly serious, examples being when his S/O is put in danger that he isn’t confident he’s able to save them from (a rare occurrence, but it’s one of the only times that dread will start to seep in). If it’s an especially dire situation, he’d break off from his chain of command and go lone-wolf for the rest of the mission; he believes there’s little time left, and there is not absolute certainty his leader will be able to get to you in time, so he’ll take matters into his own hands, everything else be damned.
Not usually the protective type, if you’re curious. Jun can get jealous, though it usually isn’t major, more of he’ll let it be known that his S/O is taken, but he won’t resort to violence or any show of intimidation (unless the guy was asking for a beat-down; Jun may be a sniper, but he still knows how to deal a good punch). 
Doesn’t have too many hobbies, since his job as a spartan doesn’t allow it a majority of the time. Though I do imagine that if archery is still around, he’d be interested in taking that up. It’d be different from his normal sniper rifle, and it would give him a neat little challenge to his marksmanship; probably would want his S/O to take it up along with him, just so there's an extra layer of fun stacked on.
I imagine that Jun somewhat has a fascination with tattoos. He can admire the work it takes to safely draw one on the human skin (is draw the correct term? I have no idea) and cause as little pain possibly, while making the tattoo be as detailed as the commissioner wants it to be. It’s a delicate balance, and he can appreciate the craftsmanship. Honestly,he would probably want to get a matching tattoo with his S/O, possibly somewhere on the wrist or shoulder of a bird (what type of bird is up to you).
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sevendeadlymorons · 3 years
The brothers + undateables react to the MC bringing her small child to RAD because no one in the human world is available to babysit, and they can’t leave a three-year-old alone. Bonus points if at some point, the kid runs up to them with something in their mouth, and when questioned, the kid spits out a rock or something.
Brothers + Dateables Reaction to MC Bringing Their Kid to RAD
He had no idea you had a child honestly but considers it none of his concern
Well, not until you asked him to help out in babysitting that is, suddenly all his stress comes back
At first, the child was hyper, running around, stealing things, climbing on his lap and distracting him from work, he can’t count the amount of times he’s had to save this child from throwing themselves out the nearest window or getting flattened by all his records and books
One time, he caught the child running around with something in their mouth only to spit out a whole rock. Easy to say he was traumatised
But he couldn’t get over how much this small child looked and acted like you and he would never tell anyone, but he completely fell in love with your kid
He’s honestly the best babysitter, checking up on them constantly and keeping them company. The headaches he got from them though were a minor set back for him
Offers to be a regular babysitter as he enjoyed time with them so much and he loves all the little quirks that they share with you
Since when did you have a kid?! With who?!
Couldn’t believe it at first but he couldn’t deny this small human looked quite a lot like you and he honestly started to quickly fall in love
Wasn’t so keen on the idea of babysitting but he soon came around as your kid became his new sneaky thief. Lucifer would never dream about harming your child, would he?
Turns out the kid was a huge nightmare, just like his human, and he had to stop the kid from killing themself several times a day. He even had to claw a whole damn rock out of this kids mouth
He was actually pretty cool with the kid when they weren’t causing trouble, though, playing games and talking to them, making them laugh and yeah, he cried when they gave him a little hug
He got flustered at the fact this was your child he was currently looking after and he may or may not have imagined you two having your own children and looking after this one together
He may babysit the kid again… for 500 Grimm, of course, he’s not a charity
He’s not good with children! Don’t leave him with your child!
At first he was shocked you even had a kid. Since when?! But then you dropped this tiny human in his arms and went about your day
Not too sure what babies like at first and he tried multiple things just to entertain them for long enough that he could play his game in peace
To no avail though, the kid was a nightmare, shoving shit in their mouth and causing him to go into panic mode, knocking over his figurines and distracting him from his game
They honestly settled down eventually though as your kid crawled into his lap and snatched the phone from his hands, beginning to laugh at the game on the screen
He’s the cool babysitter. He taught them how to beat the levels in his game, talked to them about his favourite anime’s and even let them play with Henry for a while, this kid quickly had his entire heart
He doesn’t know what came over him but he weirdly wouldn’t mind looking after your kid again if you needed him to… maybe it’s just because they reminded him so much of you though
Like Lucifer, he didn’t want to be involved with your kid in all honesty
But surprise, he now has your kid wrapped up in his arms for the whole day
He tried his best to keep them company at first even if they were a nightmare. He can’t even begin to count the amount of times this kid ran off and hid and shoved stuff in their mouths only to spit out a pebble or two…
He did enjoyed reading to them though, watching them smile and clap their hands when they heard a part they found particularly amusing and then attempt to read it back in their jumbled baby language
He actually started to really like your child and the two of them went cat searching later on in the day, petting all the cats they saw and sneakily feeding them leftovers from the kitchen
He definitely liked the child more when they were worn out and more calm and they just hopped up to sat on his lap and started poorly reading the book out loud to him in gibberish, but either way, he liked watching the child learn and enjoy reading
He offers to look after the kid more often, he didn’t mind. It was your child after all
Oh well aren’t you cutest little thing~?
Yeah easy to say he was immediately drawn to this tiny, adorable 3 year old of yours and happily took them in with open arms
The two of them spent the day painting eachothers nails and Asmo brushing your child’s hair, putting in little clips and bows and telling them how pretty they look
For some reason, the child was pretty behaved in Asmo’s care, not including the time they came way too close to eating nail polish and he almost had a heart attack
Gave eachother lots of hugs and he couldn’t stop complimenting them and loving every single time the kid laughed or smiled, it reminded him of you in a way, you two really were similar
He enjoyed being around the kid when they were calm and sleepy as it gave him a good opportunity to just relax without the stress of thinking the kid will eat something they’re not supposed to
He definitely will take care of them more often if you ever need a babysitter, he’d be happy to!
… is it edible?
After going through the rules of ‘no eating the 3 year old’ with him, he’s actually a pretty good babysitter and took good care of them while you were busy
He always knows when they’re hungry and will feed them whatever they ask, maybe sometimes a little bit too much food though but hey, at least they look happy
He caught them with something in their mouth the one time and he immediately thought they snagged his food, but all of a sudden, they spat out a whole rock and honestly, he gets it. Sometimes he gets hungry enough to eat rocks too…
The two get along well honestly, sharing meals and watching TV and Beel even invites Belphie to help look after your kid so it was just the two of them playing with this tiny human child for hours in the attic
Beel loves the child’s smile, it reminds him of you, and their laugh and the way they give him little leg hugs. Truthfully, he loved your kid so much
Kinda sad when they have to leave; offering to babysit whenever you want him to because he just loves them so much
You really expect him to be able to look after a child? He’ll pass…
But before he knew it, a kid was sat on his bed and you were gone and already he was fed up
Weirdly though, looking at your kid brought him this odd inner peace kind of feeling where he just wants to hold them and never let go. Maybe it was because the kid was yours and it reminded him so much of you…?
He kind of just naps with them more than he should for the entire day. He knows 3 year olds like to sleep and that’s his specialty so he thought why not
When the two of them are awake, he spends it in the planetarium looking up at the stars and teaching the child all the names and alignments or eating way too much downstairs with Beel
There was a time where he had to forcefully snatch this stone out of the child’s mouth after running after them for hours, and then lecture them on how they can’t do that and then he had to take another nap due to being absolutely exhausted but besides from that, the child was pretty sleepy, all day
Yeah ok maybe he fell for your child and maybe he’ll babysit them again, but expect him to complain about it first
He’s actually really happy you came to him first to look after your child :)
Honestly, he’s such a sweetheart towards the small child, but he definitely gave in several times to those irresistible puppy eyes and ended up spoiling them
He was also sort of busy with work so the kid tended to just sit on his lap and play with his free hand and would sometimes run off without him noticing only to come back hand in hand with Barbatos who found them digging through the trash
He wasn’t any good at discipline so whenever they came back covered in trash he kinda just laughed it off and sat them back down, he’s too sweet to yell at such a small and helpless human
He can’t remember the last time he had such fun though. The child was sweet to him and he very much enjoyed watching the antics of a normal 3 year old human with hyper tendencies
They took walks around the garden together, helping them pick little flowers and putting them in their hair, watching them laugh and smile afterwards
The child reminded him of you and that just made them even more lovable to him and it was easy to say he’d without a doubt babysit your kid any time
Never expected you to want him to take care of your child but he’ll do his best
He was sort of busy the entire day and couldn’t take care of the child as much as he planned to but he made sure the child was happy either way
The two of them cleaned up together, Barbatos handing the kid a little feather duster and showing them how to properly clean, watching them enjoying themselves and laughing in the corner of his eye
He did have to scold them a few times for misbehaving and eating things they shouldn’t though, especially random pebbles from outside
When he wasn’t cleaning or tending to paperwork, he took the child on little walks around the garden, enjoying the way the small kid laughed and smiled at all the flowers and butterflies, their arm swinging from side to side cheerfully, causing him to smile too
Easy to say he fell in love hard pretty quickly, noticing the way they took after you and how polite and sweet they were towards him
He wouldn’t mind looking after them again, just perhaps when he’s less busy…
He already has Luke but he supposes one more couldn’t hurt
He’s a great babysitter really, no complaints and rarely any misbehaving on the child’s end except for a few times throughout the day where he had to desperately stop them from swallowing rocks
But other than that, the child was pretty calm, following him around and laughing at his awfully made jokes; their hand normally attached to his trouser leg so they didn’t get lost
He loved how the child reminded him of you, their mannerisms and the way they acted were so similar and he couldn’t help but laugh and fall deeper in love with this tiny, peculiar human
He spent a lot of the day having a small tea party with them, sharing biscuits and hot chocolate for the child and tea for him, watching them pour him tea then laugh as he takes a sip
When he needed to do something quickly, he left the child with Luke and then came back to legitimately the most heartwarming game of monopoly between two small children he’s ever seen
He would without a doubt babysit again if you ever need him to, it’s no trouble honestly
You’d really trust your kid with him? Really?
He’s honestly really happy you’d entrust them with him though and he’ll make sure to not get them killed
He’s actually really good at babysitting though: making sure they’re always laughing until they’re falling over, showing them cool spells to entertain them, playing games and seeing how badly he can scare the shit out of them without making them cry
Solomon’s that one cool babysitter you always have that’s cool in a bad way, like he’ll make you dinner but he’ll also burn the entire house down, but hey, at least he’s funny
He’ll randomly sneak up behind the kid and yell ‘boo’ just for the fun of it and if they cry, it’s Simeon’s problem now
He absolutely adores it when the kid follows him around and laughs at every little thing he does, it’s like he has his own personal fan
Kinda disappointed when the kid has to leave but make sure to call him to babysit again
Finally, someone that’s shorter than him!
He kinda just hangs around the kid all day, keeping them company with games and jokes and cheering them up if they start to miss you
He even attempts to teach them how to play monopoly with him but eventually finds out that 3 year olds cannot play monopoly…
Though he isn’t the one actually babysitting, he sure is a good playmate towards the child and they seem to enjoy his company at least
The days full of laughter and just two children having fun, which is a sight to see for everyone at Purgatory Hall
They’ll take walks around together, Luke immediately regretting his decisions and panicking when they put a rock in their mouth and he has to negotiate with them to spit it out
Yeah alright maybe he’s a little sad that they’re leaving so soon, so make sure they come visit again!
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sinisterlyhan · 4 years
06. hwang hyunjin /  9259 words
badboy!hyunjin (kind of), virgin female reader, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, size kink, corruption kink, overstimulation, fingering, a little fluff
tw: overstimulation, faint yandere themes 
a/n: hello, josie! i might have dragged this out a little but i hope you like it, nonetheless 🙇🏻‍♀️💞
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a bolt of lightning cracked through the night, rainy sky. the sound that erupted along with it was heinously loud, echoing through every corner of the city, and thus, startling you.
hyunjin furrowed his brows when you winced, your hands going up to your head so you could cover your ears upon nature's piercing attack against them.
"here, you can wear this."
clutched between hyunjin's fingers was an oversized hoodie, one you humbly asked for when the weather was beginning to get chilly further into the night, and you were unfortunately stuck with a simple t-shirt and a pair of denim shorts because you had not anticipated a thunderstorm tonight.
even with the heavy rain outside, you never planned on staying the night at your best friend's apartment. it wasn't unbearable in any way, you could still get on the bus and walk home by yourself. or, if push comes to shove, you would simply grab a cab and have it drive directly to your apartment building.
it genuinely wasn't anything to feel overwhelming concern about.
but hyunjin was not having any of your excuses when you told him you could still make your way home. the rain was pouring too heavily outside, he'd be damned if he ever let you go outside alone, even if it was to head back home.
it took him a whole lot of persuasion to get you to stay behind. it had started with short, playful threats, something along the lines of "hey, if you leave this house i'll chain you to the bed so you can't leave!" words that you didn't take too strongly to heart because he had been laughing when he said it.
however, when you began to insist against his wish, hyunjin suddenly opted for a much softer approach. he reasoned with you about it, telling you how dangerous it could be to head outside at this time of day and under such horrible weather.
you were already caving in half-way down his argument. his voice was toned down to a hush when he spoke to you, and you could never resist it when hyunjin puts down his stoic and aggressive facade in exchange for softness, all just so he could talk to you more calmly and carefully.
plus, he was looking out for your safety. it was indeed unsafe to head outside with the sky crying waterfalls down your head. the roads were slippery, the night was dark and cold, and the empty streets could be haunting.
hyunjin has a point when he wanted you to stay at his apartment for the night. but, despite all that, despite the logic and the consideration, what really got your heart tugging its strings was when he cooed at you to listen to him.
"come on, (name), be a good girl and listen to me, hmm?"
"thank you so much," you said meekly after putting your phone down on the table, trying to shake off the recollection of his low voice addressing you in such a seductive way.
he probably didn't intend for it to come off that way. hyunjin has always been a handful with his teases and laid-back affection. calling you names like that—this wasn't the first time, and unfortunately, he gets you every single time he shoots you a little "good girl," or a small "baby."
it was just what hyunjin does, he probably didn't mean anything by it. it was your mind that went south, being wishful and delusional that he might have said those words out of genuine affection.
"what did your parents say?" he asked after you received his hoodie. he slumped down on the couch next to you, his knee brushing against your bare one when he got into a more comfortable position.
"my dad offered to come and fetch me, but i told him it's fine since i don't want him to drive under this weather," you said, laughing a little as you spread open the hoodie and reached down to the hem. "they can be a little too worried sometimes, but i understand. especially since it's my first time staying over at a boy's home."
"what's so scary about that?" he commented nonchalantly, "it's not like i haven't stayed over at your home before."
you frowned at him, slightly annoyed by his tendency to refute everything your parents has to say about him or your friendship with him. even though you were two legs down on the same boat as him whenever your parents mentioned how much they didn't want you being friends with somebody like hyunjin.
they knew nothing about him, surely. but the piercings-decorated ears, the dyed long hair, the tattooed arms, and the bruises all over his skin were such dead giveaways of his character. not to mention they caught him sleeping in your room multiple times after he snuck in through the balcony window.
"they just don't want me to do anything stupid," you muttered.
"and what stupid thing can you do when you are trapped here alone with me?" he pressed on, eyeing you sharply. his voice was almost caught in a mocking tone as if he was making fun of you for not straightforwardly saying the word 'sex.'
but to be truthful, hyunjin was mostly disappointed that you would refer to that as something stupid. it was as if you could never see yourself laying in bed with him, at least not in intimate quarters.
"hmm, (name)? is it the same kind of stupid thing we could have done when i was hiding under your blanket the other night when your parents came to check your room?"
"hey, hey, what are you talking about," you nervously laughed as you stood up. lightly kicking his leg, you gave him a short frown. "don't make fun of me."
he didn't reply. he only watched as you busied yourself with wearing his hoodie. you pulled the hem to the side, giving yourself space as you raised your arms to lift the clothing above your head. his eyes traveled from the hoodie to your body, and for a split second, he could see the outline of your breasts through the tight shirt you wore.
shit, you took off your bra after showering and just never put it back on.
the sight was gone as quickly as it came. you pulled his hoodie over your head and down your torso, the end of it falling gracefully past your shorts to expose only the soft skin of your thighs.
"oh, okay, there we go," you hummed in satisfaction, pulling at the hoodie and fixing the cuffs. then you looked at hyunjin, smiling. "this feels really comfortable!"
he hummed with amusement, leaning his head to the side where his elbow was propped up on the armrest to focus on the television. and when you heard his laugh, you could only roll your eyes and gently kick him in the shin, assuming that he was making fun of your appearance.
but the laughter he had hung on his mouth was truly nothing more than an innocent facade used to hide the deep, seething lust masked beneath his bright brown eyes.
starting from something as trivial as the fresh rosy scent you smelt of after taking a shower, and the way his socks engulfed your small ankles, to something as knees-tightening as the sight of your nipples poking through your thin shirt and the shower water that once trickled past your delicate skin.
and now his hoodie, covering your small figure. your small, throwaway, fuckable body.
he has never had to control himself this much before. surely, he has had his fair share of dirty fantasies before, but he would only allow those vile thoughts when he was alone and able to take care of it by himself.
all those filthy things he wanted to do to you; the way he could make you scream, the way you would taste on his tongue, the way you would feel around his much bigger self—he threw them all away, unlike the way he would usually deal with them, which was to simply get his way.
"ah!" you flinched again, a yelp leaving your lips when another bolt of lightning zapped through the air.
hyunjin looked over at you, his brow raising at your curled up body. you had pulled your legs up to your chest in an attempt to appear smaller and tighter, to hug yourself to your body as if that would stop the sky from exploding.
it was adorable, the way your eyes squinted and your hands curled into tiny fists to hide under his sleeve. but what he cared about the most was how you had chosen to fall to his side, your head hitting his arm and your body snuggling up next to his unpredictably.
"they're just lightning, dumbass," he commented, yet still reaching an arm over your body to pull you close. “nothing scary about it. it’s not like they can reach indoors.”
"yeah, but they're really loud," you retorted, looking up at him with wide eyes and casually brushing your legs against his. "i got surprised!"
hyunjin sighed after he glanced down at you. your sparkly eyes looking at him in an almost taunting manner, telling him you have no idea what you were doing to him, with the exposed collarbones and the bare legs and the fresh smell coming from your body.
you were clueless. it was your blatant innocence that pushed all his dirty desires to the back of his head. and he has willed himself not to make any move on you because he wanted to preserve that purity within your heart and your core. at least until it was prime time for him to break you down, that was.
(and oh, how he would completely ruin you from inside out when he gets the permission to do so.)
"how can you get surprised even after it happened twice in a row," he rolled his eyes, then he laughed, pulling you into a playful headlock, "admit it, you just wanna get close to me, don't you?”
with that said, you immediately pulled yourself away. albeit, it did take you a hesitant moment to be able to slip out of hyunjin’s chokehold (hilariously, he was the one unwilling to let you go), but you managed by ducking your head and quickly pulling yourself away. when you were finally free of his grasp, he could see that your face had started to heat up from his words, a faint blush adorning your cheeks.
hyunjin widened his eyes. there was only amusement on his face, not one inch of his mind was taking you seriously when you looked so uptight yet tiny in the process of trying to pull yourself together.
“woah–what, i can’t be surprised by thunder anymore?” you defended, pulling your face at him to try to get the attention off your flusteredness. “you–you try going about one a normal day and being interrupted by that loud, freaking thing in the sky–yah!”
as if the sky could hear your intolerant insult, it countered back with a round of humongous thunderclaps, the flashing of the lighting so bright that it was as if someone took a picture of the living room with flash on.
you let out a high-pitched squeal at the sight, your eyes widening, and immediately your first instinct was to fall forward onto hyunjin to hide away from the intruding weather.
hyunjin was ready to catch you. for a second, he was still able to breathe out a laugh at your reaction. but when you have finally dropped on top of him, your body leaning against his chest and your small hand gripping his inner thighs, the space close to where his hardened cock was, he found his heart stuttering.
to make the matter worse, when your clumsy-self decided to sit up upon hearing the gasp that he has let out, your eyes afraid as you thought you had injured him, you only fell forward with an airy trip, your hand scooting over to palm his cock directly.
"shit–" he moaned when your bodyweight forced the pressure down on him, his eyes glowing a shade of lust as he glared at your red cheeks and widened eyes.
"oh–oh, no! i'm sorry, i didn't mean–woah!"
you opened your shut-tight eyes only after you felt your back hit the surface of the couch. you couldn't move your legs nor your body, having been trapped under hyunjin's weight after he tackled you down with your hands pinned to the side of your head.
his mind blanked out there, he wasn't sure where he got this sudden courage from.
it wasn't the courage to pin you on a surface. oh no. he has been doing that in his head many times now, he would have no problem enacting it in real life. not to mention the way you were always rendered speechless with dazed eyes and drool dripping down your chin in his head. he would be stupid to pass up an opportunity to make you all messy like that.
it was the courage to break through his self-control, to finally let your endearing innocence go and finally give himself the chance to see if you were capable of being fucked until you couldn't think about anything else, of being ruined beyond repair.
it was all he could think about when he caught your eyes.
"are you sure you didn't mean to do that?" he asked in a hiss, his breathing heavy and loud. "you know, you've been teasing me the whole night, (name). i'm starting to think you might actually be a fucking whore."
the soft fringes of his hair tickled your skin, but nothing could have diverted your attention from the proximity between the both of you. his face was so close, so heart-flutteringly close yet so painstakingly far that you still weren't kissing him yet.
"why are you not saying anything, hmm?" he muttered near your ear. "don't tell me you're actually this clueless about sex, are you?"
the tip of his nose ghosting down the side of your neck until he found a spot he could leave a mark on.
it was a hesitant kiss. he waited for you to try and push him away, and he had planned to resist your protest to see if you would have a change of heart and allow him the privilege to finally feel you up. but you didn't, you simply laid there, heavy breaths leaving your mouth and knees pressing together as he sucked a harsh bruise on your skin.
hyunjin smirked upon your lack of protest, his heart simmering with joy as he relentlessly attacked your neck with kisses and sucks until he left you with a short pool of hickeys.
you whimpered at the feeling; slightly painful, but also very new and intriguing at the same time. besides, you knew that hyunjin was sucking marks onto your neck, and oh—how alluring was that? being claimed as his, having the presence of his teeth on your body.
you loved it and so did he.
"you still haven't answered my question, baby doll," he said after pulling away, his eyes briefly admiring the purples on one side of your neck before returning to you.
he raised a brow at your flushed cheeks, his grip around your wrist tightening unconsciously as he imagined the way you would look with this hazy expression and your naked body—sweating, blissful, and completely fucked out of your head.
"wh–what question...?" you asked, your voice small and timid before his enticingly lustful eyes.
hyunjin chuckled. he had a feeling that he might be frightening you with this new side of him, and the ego boost it gave him was immaculate. god, you're so small, so timid, so easy to control—it was exactly the way he wanted it.
"are you this clueless about sex?” he mumbled, letting go of your wrist slowly by sliding his hand down along your arm, going further and further down until his fingers were dancing around your exposed thighs. "or are you just faking it?"
"i–" you cut off with a gasp, your knees immediately pinching together as your body flinched at the sudden brush of his fingers against your clothed core.
hyunjin raised a brow. he moved his index finger, adding more pressure to the middle of your pussy while his thumb blindly found your clit. you sucked in loudly, your eyes casting away from his face as your back arched off the couch at the new feeling.
"huh... you really aren't faking it," he purred under his breath, rubbing circles against your clothed clit to bring out a hefty response from you. "well, it's not like i doubted you or anything. you couldn't even curse properly, let alone being fucked raw."
his hand left your core then, eager and impatient. moving up to the waist of your shirt, he fumbled around with the button and the zipper, his eyes focusing on the way your face scrunched up without a word of denial. you simply laid there, letting him do whatever he wanted, dots of doubt clouding your eyes.
his hand slipped under your denim shorts, his hand rubbing across the surface soothingly first before his finger tugged at the hem of your panties. and he attempted to pull them off your hips finally, wanting nothing more than to leave your lower-half naked for him.
you let out a short yelp of surprise when you sensed that you would have nothing but the hoodie to cover yourself up after he gets rid of them. the thought of that made you shudder. you couldn't even muster up the courage to look at yourself in the mirror, let alone letting hyunjin (of all people) see you, touch you, play you.
noticing your agitation, he furrowed his brows and, for a moment, seemingly wanted to stop what he was doing. perhaps he was taking it too far, perhaps you only didn't protest against it because you wanted to please him, to take care of his feelings because that's what you always do.
you were always so damn nice to him. sometimes he feels like all he does is take you for granted.
"i–actually–sorry, shit," he cursed, his hand leaving your opened shorts as he released your wrist. "i'm sorry, god–fuck, what am i doing?"
"hyunjin," you whispered out, surprised at the sudden change of mood.
sitting up, your eyes chased after his aggressive expression and you frowned. he was blaming himself for something, perhaps for what he had apologized for. "hyunjin, are you okay?"
"yeah, i am. just..." he huffed out in annoyance, not looking at you. "i'm sorry, i should have asked first before i did all that. i don't even know if you are comfortable with something like that, shit."
"oh! no, no, i'm actually–well, yes, it would have definitely been nice if you had asked first, hyunjin. that i do agree with." you nodded to yourself with all seriousness, then you burst out of it and turned to him, your eyes bright. "but it's okay! i–uh, i..."
your hands fumbled about in the air, your face scrunched up with shy embarrassment. you weren't sure how you should go about saying you wanted to try it out, whatever hyunjin was just doing to you, you had wanted him to continue.
"i'm just shy, and i have never tried this before, that's why i might look like i don't like it but i–i promise i do!" you said, waving your hands and laughing awkwardly. "besides, if i am to do this with anybody, i think i'll be the most comfortable doing it with you, hyunjin."
his eyes widened. that was not the kind of response he was expecting to get. it was great to know that you felt comfortable enough with him to go this far with the intimacy, but he hadn't expected you to confess to him this way. and right now, looking at you, all he could think about was kissing you, hard on the mouth.
you squealed when he reached out for your face, his fingers gripping your cheeks tightly as he pulled you toward him. his lips brushed firmly against yours, finally, molding perfectly with the shape of your mouth as he kissed you with an infinite amount of desperation.
he was pushing you down again, his body pressing close to yours this time while he concentrated on the feeling of your lips. he was moving quickly, at a pace you couldn't catch up on, therefore making the kiss sloppy and ugly. but neither of you cared. you two have had your affections for each other concealed for too long to break out of this kiss.
opening his mouth, hyunjin harshly bit on your bottom lip, pulling at it to gain a small moan out of you. his hand roamed down from your face to your legs, his hand raking up your thighs to your shorts, and he finally finished with getting it off of you and throwing it to the ground.
"tell me when you want me to stop, okay?" he pulled away from a moment to speak, his eyes staring into yours quietly while his fingers moved near your naked core. "because i don't plan to stop from here on, i won't be able to."
you looked up at him, your heart beating loudly. the air brushed against the lips of your pussy, a cold sensation awaiting for several digits of warmth that would be welcomed between your tight walls as soon as you give the cue. and you felt weirdly excited; scared and excited, with a perfectly weird mixture of arousal dripping along your heart.
"okay, i will," you told him, and he smiled.
"good girl," he praised, rubbing the side of your head. "this is going to feel great, i promise.”
and he was right. it did feel great. it felt new, weird; you have never had anything shoved into your pussy before, not even your own fingers. your first reaction was to clench your legs shut, your knees wanting to desperately close together upon the feeling of hyunjin’s index finger slipping between your lips. but he had stopped you just in time, a hand holding onto your knee and pushing your legs apart for more access.
your walls were clenching down on him hard as well. the unfamiliar feeling has got your entire body going on defense mode, and hyunjin wasn’t sure if he found it hilarious or arousing. he has not met anyone like you in a long while, most people he encountered before were experienced and polished. this was probably his first time having to hold someone’s hand and walk the process through with.
not that he was against the idea of that, though. you might think being inexperienced would be one of your shortcomings, but the superiority your shyness was giving hyunjin was everything he could ask for from the gods above. and for once, he felt like he could take care of you instead of having it be the other way around.
“it’s okay, doll, just concentrate on my hand,” he whispered against your ear, his finger sliding in and out slowly to give you time to adjust to the sensation, to wait for the feeling to consume you when your walls could finally register the friction. “i got you, doll. i’ll make you feel real nice, okay?”
your voice became more and more confident as they turned from letting out short, whimsical breathes to giving him cute, lovely whimpers. the quicker his fingers pumped, the more you could feel your abdomen tightening with a hurried sensation, something akin to the feeling of needing to release.
“jin–hyunjin–“ you moaned out, your face flushed pink and your small hands tightening around his shoulders. “i–ahh!“
you huffed out a breath, your toes curling when he didn’t slow down. instead, he added his fourth finger, slipping it into your cunt quickly and seamlessly before he started to fuck both fingers into your heat, going in and out at a satisfactory pace that made your inexperienced mind see stars. he smirked at your reaction, the lack of words an indirect approval to what he was doing.
“there we go, baby doll,” he said, your slickness rubbing along his skin and lubing his fingers up perfectly. the squelching sound became louder and louder as he stretched you out by moving his fingers in a scissoring motion, occasionally curling them to hit the top for more pressure. “it feels good, doesn’t it? hmm? don’t be shy, tell me how it feels.”
“ye–yes, hyunjin!” you nodded, your eyes darting everywhere on the ceiling. the weird sensation in your tummy was magnifying with each thrust, you could feel the explosion approaching and you didn’t know how to prepare for it. you could only focus on his hands; in, out, in, out. quicker, stronger, thrusting into your hole as if it was the most entertaining thing to do.
“it feels good, it feels–hyunjin i–my tummy–“
you kept trying to hold it in. whatever it was that would spill out of you, you had no idea if he would like that, and you’d be embarrassed if it wasn’t something normal. hyunjin, upon hearing your incoherent words, furrowed his brows slightly and slowed down his pace, unsure if you were trying to get him to stop.
“what is it, baby?” he asked carefully, kissing your cheek and not letting his lips leave your face.
“oh, it’s gone, it’s–there was this weird feeling,” you mumbled to him. “i felt like… like i wanted to pee, or something.”
ah. the light flooded into his eyes, understanding what you meant and immediately feeling the itch of his cock and the twitch of his fingers. that was what got you all messed up—an orgasm. god, how fucking despicable! you couldn’t even properly understand the concept of it, you naive little doll. how would you be like when he let you have one, hmm?
your first orgasm, given by none other than himself. fuck, just thinking about it made him so excited!
he finally let out a chuckle after moments of self-contemplation. he kissed your cheek, your cute chubby cheek. then his hand got to moving, really moving; his fingers were pounding into you, hitting your insides in a hurried pace because he wanted so desperately to get you back to where you were.
it did not take you long. the surprise overwhelmed you quickly and he has you moaning in no time. the tension in your tummy built itself right back up upon the incredible pace, your eyes flashing brightly as the whiteness consumed your mind. hyunjin focused on your face, his eyes sharp as a hawk as he observed all parts of your precious face.
your eyes shut, your lips quirked down, your brows arched up as bliss took over your body—you looked so pretty, it was unreal. the fact that he was causing it felt even more unbelievable.
a final moan brought your release then, your walls clenching down on his fingers as your essence spilled along your walls, coving his fingers up. you have never felt this wet before. how peculiar, you could feel the essence in your pussy, feeling it coat hyunjin’s finger with bubbles of whiteness.
hyunjin smiled to himself, contentment sprouting within his chest when you slumped onto the surface of the couch after your first orgasm, already looking dizzy and tired.
how adorable. he was barely done with you.
wait until he put his cock in you and you’d be done for.
“good job, baby doll,” he praised, kissing your eyes and your mouth before sitting up.
his fingers slipped out of your pussy, letting your cool down for a moment before he held it up to his face. he smirked at the glistening arousal, all sticky and bubbled up like white glue. he couldn’t stop looking at his fingers and the cum adorning the digits; how pretty, it all came from you, it all came from your insides!
you almost thought he planned to lick his fingers and suck off the juices in front of you. but instead, hyunjin reached down to his sweats and carefully pushed it off his hips. your chest rose at the sight of his member, stuffed beneath his tight boxers and aching to be let out to breathe. and you immediately looked away when he noticed you staring with wide eyes, your face once again getting hot.
“aww, is my baby shy?” he asked out loud, a hint of giggle covering his voice as he pushed his boxers down with one hand, preserving his other one simply because he had other plans with it. “look at me, (name).”
you did as he was told, your head turning slowly until the sight of his red cock came into view. you sucked in a silent breath, feeling shy beyond imagination. that was… that was big, it looked big. that was the only word you knew to describe it—big, and probably unfitting for your small hole.
“nothing to be shy about,” hyunjin hummed as he caught your eyes. he raised a brow suggestively, his cum-filled fingers finally moving down to wrap themselves around his shaft. he spread the arousal all over himself, lubing it up as much as he could while groaning to himself. “it’s going to be in you anyway because i’m fucking you with it.”
fuck, just the smallest bit of your cum on his cock as enough to make him feel so euphoric. he could not imagine actually feeling your walls around him.
pumping himself a few more times to get himself wet, hyunjin finally moved down to get closer to your body. he eyed you carefully at first, his eyes trailing over your covered torso and wondering if he wanted to rip the clothes off your body.
agh! what a dilemma! being able to see you completely naked would be a blessing, truly. but oh, to fuck you when you were dressed in his hoodie, looking so small and so helpless, was a dream in of itself.
pouting slightly, he moved his hand over to the hem of the hoodie. however, instead of clutching it, he only slipped his hands underneath the fabric so he could roam his hands up your warm body. the end of the hoodie bucked up to your stomach, exposing your lower body and a part of your tummy before his hands finally met your bare breasts.
you exhaled when he cupped the rounds in his hand, massaging it eagerly and feeling the softness of your boobs. there was a lost look in his eyes, his head drowning in nothing but bubblegum lust upon being able to feel your body up physically. how long has he dreamt of this? many, many times. and just as his dreams were, your body was soft and small, completely catered towards his liking.
you were made for him; for him to squeeze, for him to fuck, for him to love. you were made for him, you were his.
hyunjin slowly leaned down to your face, his body coving yours entirely as one of his hand left your breast to his cock. he guided himself to your entrance, his tip rubbing along your slit for teasing purposes. the gasp you let out was amusing, because he could feel you subconsciously buck your hip up for more.
so shy yet so damn enthusiastic. ah, hell, he loves it so much, it’s unreal!
“feel that, baby doll?” he asked, pushing himself in slightly just for a taste.
“ye–yeah,” you nodded meekly.
“mmhm? do you want more? tell me you want more,” he urged then, lathering himself over your slit and poking through your hole once in a while. “say it out loud. tell me you want me to fuck you.”
the soreness in your neck burned with hesitation. hyunjin was approaching you with such sudden demands, demands that you were still too shy to fulfill. but you also really wanted to feel him inside of you despite the fear of the unknown.
he was literally at the entrance already. it would only take you a few beg to feel the heavenly bliss like the one he has given you before; the friction against your walls, the stretchy feeling of your hole, the impactful thrusts of his cock—mmm!
“please… plea–please fu…” you pursed your lips, cheeks red and hands covering your mouth until your voice was muffled. “please fuck me, hyunjin.”
“i can’t hear you with the sleeves covering your mouth,” he cooed demandingly, caressing your cheek until he impulsively gave it a light smack. he smiled at you, impatient about having to hold himself back when he was so close to tasting heaven.
“you’re going to have to speak the fuck up, baby doll.”
you trembled at the way his eyes growled. they have darkened with exasperation, desperate and yearning for more so he could satiate the lust-filled in his chest. you wouldn't dare to disobey him, but having to say such filthy words were also so demeaning, you weren't sure if you could proudly do it.
your silence burned his anger. hyunjin cracked under his desire quickly when he pushed himself slightly into you again. your walls engulfed his tip, and the warmth made him realize he has made a grave mistake. now all he could think about doing was to slam himself inside your cunt, fucking you raw and messy.
"fine," he growled under his breath, discarding your disobedience to the side as he slipped his hand out of your shirt and reached out to grab your arms.
he pinned your hands on top of your head, pinning one wrist over the other before his much larger hand tightly bounded them together with a death grip, pushing your wrists down on the couch surface.
"don't say anything then," he muttered, breathing down your neck. "i'll get you begging for more soon anyway."
the second his voice dropped, he spared no time to push himself inside you, stretching you out painfully.
your eyes snapped open, wide with tears as the burning sensation riddled your core. your arms moved, struggling against hyunjin's stronger grip miserably while your legs bent at the impact of his thick girth.
"ah–no! no, no! it hurts!"
you inhaled a choked gasp when he slowed down, seemingly snapping out of his trance from enjoying the way you felt far too much. the tears that once brimmed behind your eyes rolled down your cheeks, the pain subsiding very slowly as he had stopped pushing himself entirely.
hyunjin looked at you, his brows furrowed with concern. oh no, he was not hoping for this. he knew it would hurt you, considering this was your first time having sex, but he hadn't actually thought about what to do, neither did he expect you to cry from the stretch.
god, why did he have to be so sloppy and unprepared all the time? and he wanted to take care of you? what a damn joke.
"i'm sorry, i know it hurts but–i can stop if you want me to, baby," he whispered, running a hand through the side of your face and caressing your cheek to wipe away the tear stains.
you were quick to shake your head, glancing down at him with a soft smile. "no, it's okay, i can–you can keep going."
he stared at you as if giving you time to opt-out if you were to have any second thoughts. but you didn't. you were ready for this, and that was because it was hyunjin hovering above you and not somebody else.
if you were going to have sex, if you were going to lose your virginity, it has got to be him and nobody else.
your determined eyes were the cue he needed to keep going, not before he double-checked and made sure you knew you had ultimate control over whether this session would keep going or not.
hyunjin, very carefully this time, pushed himself further into your heat when you were ready. your walls clenched down on him, adding pressure to his cock and giving him a very tempting sensation. but he reminded himself to hold back for a while, to wait until it was easier to move before he would begin to devour you whole.
it was getting extra hard, though. your walls were pulling him to a stop with how tight you were.
"shh, shh, hey, i know, i know," he whispered in between the peppering of kisses on your face, his free hand rubbing your sides to calm your pained whimpers down as he pushed himself to the hilt.
"you are doing so great, baby doll. you feel so good around me, you're heavenly–mm, fuck!" he cursed, dipping his head to your neck when you suddenly clenched around him. he wasn't sure if that was a voluntary action or not. either way, you were driving damn crazy. "ugh–you make me want to fuck you so bad!"
you forced yourself to take in heavy breathes, letting the calmness flow through your body while you acknowledged the thick shaft stuffed between your private walls. you felt full, you could feel yourself wrapped up around him and you felt stuffed, in the best way possible.
"hyunjin, you can move," you said quietly, eyeing him. "just... not too quickly."
he laughed, fondly. he raked his hand through your hair, rubbing your scalp gently as he brushed the hair out of your face. his eyes were softer now, for a brief moment at least. you could see the lust vanishing to be replaced with warm affection.
"okay, baby," he said, watching you carefully as he pulled out before shoving himself back in, slow and sensual so you could adjust to him. "is this good for you, mm?"
you nodded, finding yourself enjoying the way his cock moved along your walls more and more. it was an unexplainable feeling. there was this punch to your gut every time his tip hit you deep inside, an electric feeling that rained over you each time.
it felt good, really good. and you wanted more, rapidly and hardly.
hyunjin repeated the slow movement, again and again, his sight blurring when he noticed the shift in your voice. your uncomfortable purrs were turning into moans, louder and more dragged out moans, so breathy and hot that he could feel the temptation in his dick burn.
he discreetly picked up his pace, unable to fully hold himself back from intensely ramming into your small body. he didn't want to hurt you again, but goddamn it, he needed to feel more of you, and to hear more, to see more.
much to his delight, the only response you gave him after he started to thrust at a more satisfying speed was to moan louder. his cock brushed against your walls, even if you were more comfortable now, your small hole was still sticking to his skin perfectly and building up the tension in his abdomen.
there was bliss attached to his name when it spilled from your mouth, making him feel over the moon to know that he's made you feel this way, making him snap his hips harder into your pussy to earn more noises out of you.
"ahh–hyunjin, hyunjin i'm–" you moved your arms, your fingers moving against each other above your head, unable to get out of his hold. pursing your lips then, feeling the releasing feeling in your abdomen again, you dipped your head to look at him and you whined, "it's that, again, the feeling–ahh."
and he could tell, he could just tell that you were nearing your second orgasm again when his name started to come in broken sounds. it made him want to coo; you inexperienced little thing, how quickly have you reached your maximum threshold for pleasure already?
he hasn't even let his desires free yet.
"you wanna cum, hmm?" he asked, knowing well that you do. "you gotta tell me baby, or else i can't help you with it."
you blushed, your hands wanting to move to your mouth out of instinct, but they were trapped under hyunjin's tough grip for the time being. the only thing you could do was as he asked of you to—tell him you wanted him to fuck you until you cum.
"i... i want–mm," you looked away for a brief moment, feeling embarrassed. "i want to cum... ple–please, hyunjin."
"see? that's wasn't so hard, was it, dolly?" he grinned, leaning down to your face to bit the side of your jaw out of impulse. when his lips dragged up to your ear, he whispered, "feel free to let go when you want to."
the next second overwhelmed you. he had pulled himself out until his tip almost left your sticky hole, leaving you with an empty feeling. but when he slammed himself in the next second, wordlessly and without any warning, he simply did not stop his advances. he continued with the same quick pace and the same strength, thrusting into you in hopes to chase your high and give you what you wanted.
you squealed at the newfound feeling of his tip reaching deeper and deeper within your cunt. your back arched into his chest, your limbs trembling at the force of his hips ramming into yours and your eyes rolling up upon the tension building up in your cunt.
"ah–fuck, fuck–oh my god!" you huffed out, feeling your release approaching until your toes curled and your voice gave out at the actual climax.
"there we go, dolly, good job," he muttered, planting kisses along your neck.
you breathed heavily, letting the stars fade away from your eyes and calming down for a moment. and when your consciousness finally returned to you, as did the soreness in your joints and your heat, your brows furrowed at the feeling of your hole still being stuffed full of his cock.
hyunjin was still going.
he buried his face at the crook of your neck, moans and grunts letting out of his lips as he rutted in and out of your heat like a dog, feeling the warmth of your essence and your walls all over him. you were still tight around him because of the previous orgasm, and he was taking his chance to feel as much friction as he could.
you laid on your back, your eyes facing up the ceiling as you felt the pleasurable feeling slowly build itself back up in your abdomen. you huffed, unsure if it was supposed to happen that way and slightly overwhelmed with the soreness in your cunt.
"what?" he growled under his breath, continued to snap his hips against yours.
"i feel a little–huh, fuck!"
your body pulsated at the hit against your g-spot. it wasn't like any other thrusts, this one made you want to scream out loud, this one was like butterflies flapping in your stomach but magnify the feeling, this one made you want more even though you felt like you could barely take more thrusts in your used hole.
"ahh–fuck, hyunjin, what is–"
he kept hitting the spot, hard and quick, giving you one zap of pleasure after another. the euphoric sensation rushed over your head, your legs automatically moving up to his back so your walls clench down on him, narrowing his path for a better aim.
it felt good, it felt so good, you couldn’t think about anything else but to anticipate having the spot be repeatedly pounded into.
wanting to look up at you solely to catch the lewd look on your face when he hit your sweet spot, hyunjin found it impossible to remove himself from your rosy neck as he focused on the build-up of his own orgasm. it was approaching quicker and quicker, your walls knowing how to clench around him just fine.
his hand roamed your side, squeezing your breast and finally resting on your tummy. he sniffed your scent, his hand desperately pressing down on your stomach until he could feel his tip poke out from the inside. the bulge made his heart jump with a passionate burn, it made him groan in approval.
god, how was this possible. you were truly made for him—so small and so innocent. he was gonna tear you apart, he swore.
"jin–more, more, please–" you yearned, arching your back off as your eyes widened with lust. his had increased his speed even more, the hip-stuttering kind, making you see spots in whiteness as your mouth spilled the words you once deemed too embarrassing to say.
your legs pushed against his back, trying to bring him closer. you begged, desperately, for more and more. "please, fuck me, fuck me–ahh–"
you words were nothing short of arousing for him. who would have thought he would ever hear you say those things? 
the moans you let out has got hyunjin cuming in no time, his cock twitching in your warm hole before his exasperated release, his cum spilling into your hole and filling you up.
"ahh, fuck!" he grunted loudly, his eyes shutting at the relieving feeling.
you felt the warmth coating your walls, your eyes widening in the realization that hyunjin came inside of you. the thought made you feel hot and dirty, so shy and bothered.
he kissed your collarbones, his lips dragging up to yours before he kissed you. you moaned into his mouth, feeling his hand move down from your tummy to your pussy. his finger pressed against your clit, rubbing it in circles to get you to your climax again.
he pushed into you, riding out his orgasm and helping you chase your third one tonight. you tried to move away from his mouth, wanting to moan freely, but hyunjin remained on top of your lips, finding it extremely alluring to eat away at your desperate noises.
your muffled noises got louder and louder as he became more aggressive, forcing himself inside you and pinching your sweet spot again and again. soon enough, you let out a silent scream upon feeling the knot in your abdomen burst, your essence rushing along your walls again to add more in your already full hole.
your entire body shut down then; your legs slipped down from hyunjin's back and your back falling on the couch. he watched you quietly, a manic gleam present in his eyes as his hand unconsciously gripped your nails-marked wrists tighter.
"dolly...? how are you doing, hmm?" he asked softly, not pulling out of you as he leaned his face down to hover over yours. your eyes found his slowly, and he couldn't find a trace of recognition in them. "aww, no way. have i messed you up?"
he could hear giggles in his head, a crazily satisfied giggle. this was the look, this was it! this was the face he has been dying to see on you! the dazed, lost, exhausted, completely fucked out look; mouth agape, lids trembling, chest heaving, and voice grumbling.
pretty, pretty, pretty! how pretty! you're absolutely broken and you look gorgeous! he wanted to do it again, he wanted to tear you apart again!
pulling out of you, he moved away from you and scooted down your torso. his hands clutched your ankles, bringing your legs up and causing the hoodie to slide down your thighs. spreading your feet apart, his eyes widened in anticipation upon seeing your dripping heat, the gooey whiteness slowly oozing out of your pretty, quivering hole.
looking up at you, he tentatively moved his fingers over your slit. you flinched immediately at his touch, a soft cry leaving your lips.
he raised a brow—very sensitive.
without further warning, he moved closer to you and pushed the hoodie further up your stomach. laid between your legs, hyunjin carefully inserted two fingers into your holes, gathering your cum in his hands and pumping in and out slowly.
your walls clenched at the sensation of being played with again. too sore, your cunt was too sore and your mind was too hazy to register the incoming pleasure that all you could think about was to stop it.
your legs quickly forcing themselves shut. but hyunjin has got one hand curled around your ankle, pushing you open to keep you accessible.
"it's okay, baby doll," he said gently, humming close to your heat. "you can take another one, you will take another one."
"huh!" you gasped out in pleasant surprise, your head perking up when you felt his lips smooch your heat. "jin–hyunjin–what are you doi–ahh!"
he hummed against your cunt, his tongue running a slow line up your slit before he kissed it, taking the cum into his mouth and spitting out the saliva mixed with it. his hand continued to rub your clit, stimulating you and causing tremors along your spine.
fuck, how delicious you taste. this was better than anything he could ever imagine—all the other people he's slept with, all the dreams he's consumed at night. they could never compare to this, having your cunt in front of him and his tongue catching every last drop of you.
not a single drip to waste. he has to have all of you in his system because everything about you belongs to him. your essence, your body, your mind, your heart—everything. you are his.
your moans were starting to get thick and airy, your senses blurring together into one. all you could think about was his tongue, fucking you rapidly with flicks and thrusts; his plump lips kissing your pussy, his teeth occasionally grazing your skin; hist thumb circling your clit, pressing and pinching you.
pleasure, there was only pleasure. so overwhelming that you could feel tiny, soft little pains present in your chest. too much but not nearly enough—you wanted more, the sweet poison, you wanted all of it.
"fuck! hyunjin, please, i wanna cum," you begged, tongue swiping across your dry lips and saliva gathering at the tip to drip down your chin. "hyunjin more, more, please! i wan–wanna cum!"
he smirked. such filthy things to say! you even cursed, and it was all for him! how endearing. he almost couldn't remember how you were like before he completely turned you into his sex-crazed doll.
ah, that innocent little girl you once were. how adorable, how foreign. if he could revert you to that, he would, just so he could corrupt you all over again.
"just cum, baby," he mumbled against your heat. "let me swallow all of you."
your body clenched at the pleasure, the overstimulation pushing you to the edge and shoving you down. your senses fell, rapidly, and you spilled yourself all over his face.
hyunjin kissed your hole up, flicking his tongue and gathering up all your juices into his mouth, cleaning you up with his mouth. your warm juices stained his tongue like fine wine, he gulped down down his throat with ease.
you were trembling during the process. even the smallest feeling of his lips near your core was enough to make you shiver. a moment of relief spread through your chest when you finally saw him stand up, leaving your half-naked body on the couch as he walked to the bathroom.
hyunjin headed out with a towel, wet with warm water. he sat by the edge of your head and gently held your body up, his eyes frowning when you winced at the movement.
he pulled you to his chest, letting you lean on him to rest. one hand going around your waist, his other hand reluctantly brushed at your leg. when you shrunk away, he flinched as well, but he was quick to bounce back to his senses to comfort you.
"hey, it's okay, i'm just going to clean you up, okay?" he informed softly, kissing your temple to distract you while he gripped the back of your thigh to pull your leg up.
his hand went down to your exposed cunt, the warm cloth in his hand turning before he slowly wiped you down, cleaning you up carefully. you laid there in his arm, breathing out quick pants and keeping down your sensitive flinches so he could take care of you easier.
"you did such a good job, baby," he whispered, continuing to pat you down. "you have no idea how well you took me. you did so well, and you made me feel so happy."
sweet, sweet words flooded your ears. you blushed at them, acting as if they were just your daily compliments and not about how great you have been, laying there and taking his cock like a stupid toy. either way, you were beyond delighted to know that you have made him feel good, as he did you.
"thank you for making me feel so good as well," you mumbled, bringing his hand up to kiss the back of his palm. "it wasn't as scary as everyone says it'd be. and i like it, it feels..." you hummed, "good. it feels good."
"i'm glad you liked it." hyunjin giggled. "may–maybe we can... do it again... some time."
that was a blind shot. even though he just had sex with you, he wanted to be sure where you two were.
"oh, sure, i'd... i'd like that...?" you laughed, feeling shy as you played with his fingers. "hmm, how are we gonna tell my parents about this..."
"about us having sex?” he asked incredulously, although not much opposing the idea. to have your parents know how he has ruined their little daughter’s mind and filled you up? god, he wondered how they would react knowing that their little girl loves him enough to let him do that.
"no! about you being my boyfriend, please!" you waved your hands at him, amused. "i mean... unless that didn't actually mean anything–"
"it did! it definitely did–oh god, yes!” he exclaimed, his hands fumbling suddenly as he dropped the cloth in his hand. his mind went into a frenzy, not quite sure what he could do except kissing you all over your face. “thank god!"
the smile on his face was dazzling to look at. you felt your heart pump excitedly upon his enthusiasm. seeing him so happy about being in an official relationship with you was surprisingly fulfilling and reliving, perhaps it was because you have spent so long thinking you didn't deserve him only to realize you have been wrong the whole time.
"oh, i love you so much," he muttered, hugging you close to his chest as he kissed your cheek, rocking you two from side to side.
you laughed. it was amusing to see him act all mushy like this. nobody outside would believe it if they see him now, all loving and clingy.
turning your head away from his incoming kiss attacks, your eyes caught sight of the window and the scenery outside.
oh, how peculiar. the thunder has stopped.
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beifongsss · 4 years
blush [zuko]
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Pairing: Zuko x reader
Summary: Requested by anon “ Zuko x reader where she meets uncle iroh for the first time!!! Zuko has only talked to reader about him but she finally meets him”. Takes place when they find Iroh and the Order of the White Lotus right before Sozin’s Comet.
It had been a few weeks since Zuko had joined your group. And in those weeks, you had found yourself becoming a stuttering, blushing mess whenever he wandered anywhere near you. 
You had always thought that the prince was attractive but you kept those thoughts bottled away deep, deep inside your mind. He was the enemy. You shouldn’t have been fawning over his looks. However, now that he had had a change of heart and wanted to teach Aang firebending, a part of you couldn’t help but think that technically, your feelings weren’t forbidden anymore. 
Zuko and Aang spent most of their time training in the courtyard, which was a good thing seeing as how you spent most of your time there with either Sokka or Katara. It was quite a sight to see, the avatar being trained by the very person that used to be his sworn enemy. Their movements were strong and fierce, almost hypnotizing. It also didn’t hurt that Zuko had the tendency to lose his shirt halfway through their training sessions. 
Surprisingly, it was Sokka who had eventually caught on to your feelings instead of Katara. It hadn’t been hard considering that you were always bright red whenever Zuko was within twenty feet of you. Instead of confronting you and teasing you about it, he went to Zuko instead. 
Aang had scrambled off immediately after training, wanting to go for a ride on Appa. Shaking his head as Aang ran off, Zuko bent down to pick up his shirt, pulling it on before turning and coming face-to-face with Sokka.
“Agh!” Zuko exclaimed stumbling backwards at the water tribe boy’s sudden appearance before scowling. “What do you want?”
Sokka smiled widely, leaning on the pillar next to him. “Nothing. Just thought you should know that our very own (Y/N/N) has a crush on you. Although to tell you the truth, I don’t know what she sees in you buddy.”
Zuko’s scowl disappeared as he turned to glance at you. Sokka followed his line of sight, his smile becoming impossibly wider as he noticed Zuko’s puzzled expression. “N-No, there’s no way she likes me.”
“Believe me or don’t,” Sokka said, once again earning a scowl from the scarred prince. “But a girl like that? You’re one lucky guy.”
Sokka and Zuko stood in silence as they watched you talk to Katara, You had said something to her, causing her to bend a stream of water out of the fountain and splash you with it. You threw your head back as you laughed, unaware of the two boys watching you from a distance. 
Zuko’s chest tightened uncomfortably as he looked at you, a large smile still on your face as you splashed Katara with your foot. He had always thought that you were pretty, but his main concern had always been capturing the Avatar. Now that Aang’s capture wasn’t his concern, he could start to live his life as normally as he possibly could while in the midst of a giant war. And so, it was in that moment that he figured out that he had feelings for you as well. 
And of course, Sokka noticed and decided to take matters into his own hands.
It started off small. Sokka would make sure to call you and Zuko last for dinner so you’d end up sitting next to each other, he’d clean the sleeping hall and put your sleeping bags back next to one another, he would ask you to go hunt or get water together. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, just Sokka being Sokka. 
Eventually, Aang and Toph caught on and things became more obvious. Their manner of approaching things was more direct, and it usually ended up with you stumbling into Zuko. One time, Aang had sent a gust of wind into a door you had just stepped through, causing it to slam into you and throw you into Zuko, who had been walking past at that particular moment. 
Another incident was when Zuko was making his way over to an empty seat and Toph had suddenly caused the ground to become uneven. Zuko had tripped, falling against you and bringing you down to the ground with him. Everyone had gone silent at the scene before them. Zuko was hovering above you, his arms on either side of your head as he tried not to crush you under him. You were staring at him, wide-eyed. Your chests brushed softly with every breath you took and in that moment, as you looked into each other’s eyes, it felt as though it was only the two of you in the Western Air Temple. 
Katara was the one to break the silence, clearing her throat and asking if the two of you were alright. Zuko had scrambled up, stumbling over his words as he assured everyone he was fine before extending a hand to you. He had underestimated his strength however, and pulled you up harder than he meant to, sending you crashing against him. Your free hand was pressed against his chest as you regained your balance, cheeks blazing bright red as you made eye contact with him. After a bunch of stuttered assurances that you were both fine, the two of you departed from the courtyard with Zuko heading into the nearby forest to release some of his pent-up emotions and you heading to the sleeping hall to think about what had just happened. 
By the end of the night, everyone knew how the two of you felt about each other. Even if the two of you were still unaware. 
After the incident Toph had caused, Zuko had begun to approach you more often. Everyone had been surprised, assuming that the incident would’ve just embarrassed Zuko to the point of no return and that he would simply avoid you. 
And so, a friendship blossomed between you and the prince. 
After seeing the way the two of you interacted, everyone had decided to stop trying to push you together. It was much more interesting to see you blush profusely and Zuko stutter for a ridiculously long time whenever your hands brushed against each other. Not to mention the way Zuko would be rendered speechless whenever your eyes sparkled as you talked about something important to you.
Teasing the two of you became the new normal and you often found yourselves going for walks in the woods to avoid everyone and converse without interruptions. The two of you opened up to each other fairly quickly, talking about everything and nothing. When you learned about how he had gotten his scar, you had hugged him tightly, making sure that he knew it wasn’t his fault and that he didn’t deserve what Ozai had put him through.
It was after this that he began to talk to you about his uncle Iroh and how he had been the only person who had ever truly loved him, other than his mother. He spoke about Iroh with great love and respect and you could feel your heart break at the pain Zuko felt after betraying Iroh.
“He hates me now,” Zuko said roughly, bowing his head as his eyes filled with tears. You approached him slowly, placing your fingers under his chin to lift his gaze towards yours. Your heart ached at the pain that was visible in his striking gold irises. 
“He doesn’t hate you,” you whispered, not breaking eye contact. “The way you talk about him, he’s like a father to you.”
“More of a father than Ozai ever was,” Zuko muttered softly, avoiding your gaze.
“He loves you,” you insisted. “He will forgive you. I know it.”
You engulfed Zuko in a hug to which he responded by pulling you close and finally allowing himself to cry. After that, your relationship was only strengthened and when you walked back into the Air Temple, everyone could tell. 
A while later, you all found yourselves back in the Earth Kingdom, looking for the woman (June, Zuko had called her) that Zuko had once employed to hunt you all down. After proclaiming that Aang was just gone from the physical world, Zuko had gotten desperate and attempted one last thing to try and gain an advantage over the Fire Lord. 
And that is how you found yourself sitting next to a visibly anxious Zuko as Appa followed the shirshu, who was tracking Iroh’s scent. You eventually found yourselves back in Ba Sing Se, June telling you that this was where Iroh was. You all traveled a little further before Zuko came to a stop.
“It’s been a long day,” he stated, pausing slightly. “Let's camp and start our search again at dawn.”
You helped Sokka set up camp, shooting worried glances at Zuko every once in a while. 
“So,” Sokka drawled as he nudged your shoulder, a wicked smirk appearing on his face. “How long is it gonna be before you and Prince Pouty over there are smooching?”
You straightened up, blushing at his words. “Sokka! Shut up. There is nothing going on between me and Zuko.”
Sokka scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Sure there isn’t.”
The conversation ended as you walked off to your sleeping bag, curling up in it as you avoided Sokka’s teasing glances. You were beginning to drift off to sleep when you heard a familiar voice.
“Well look who’s here!”
You all shot up out of bed, with Toph shouting in the process. “What’s going on? We’re surrounded by old people!”
You felt Zuko holding onto your wrist, bringing you slightly behind him as you looked around. You felt a smile grow on your face as you recognized the people around you. “Bumi!”
Zuko’s expression changed into one of confusion as you ran forwards, stopping in front of each man to bow to them. 
“They aren’t just any old people,” Katara said, talking to Toph. “These are great masters and friends of ours.”
Zuko approached slowly, bowing to Jeong Jeong when Katara introduced him as Aang’s first firebending teacher. Sokka bowed to Piandao before Suki broke the silence. “So wait, how do you all know each other?”
“All old people know each other,” Bumi snorted. “Don’t you know that?”
“We're all part of the same ancient secret society,” Piandao explained, looking at everyone. “A group that transcends the divisions of the four nations.”
“The Order of the White Lotus,” Zuko breathed, realizing that Iroh was much closer than he thought. 
“That’s the one,” Bumi confirmed, still chuckling. 
“The White Lotus has always been about philosophy and beauty and truth,” Jeong Jeong said. “But about a month ago, a call went out that we were needed for something important.”
“It came from a Grand Lotus,” Pakku continued, turning to face Zuko. “Your uncle, Iroh of the Fire Nation.”
Zuko smiled softly, Toph coming up behind him to speak. “Well that’s who we’re looking for!”
“Then we’ll take you to him,” Piandao stated, a nervous look overtaking Zuko’s face.
“Are you okay?” you asked softly, sitting next to Zuko as the masters led you to their camp.
“Yes,” Zuko spoke sharply before glancing at you, his tone softening. “No. I don’t know. What will I say when I see him?”
“You’ll figure it out Zuko,” you replied. “And he’ll forgive you, because that’s what people who love you do.”
Zuko didn’t reply, instead choosing to reach down and intertwine your hands. You were both glad that it was dark out so that no one would notice the blush dusting your cheeks. 
You reached the camp far more quickly than expected. Zuko felt his heart race as you came to a stop in the middle of the camp, facing Piandao when he addressed him. 
“Your uncle is in there Prince Zuko,” he said, pointing to a white tent standing across from the spot you were standing in before walking away. 
You made a move to walk over to Katara and Sokka when Zuko’s hand tightened around yours, “Please stay with me.”
You hesitated slightly before nodding, following him to the entrance of the tent.
“Are you ready?” you asked softly, squeezing his hand. Zuko nodded before moving forward, his hand squeezing yours desperately.  
“Uncle?” Zuko asked quietly, entering the tent. He stopped in his tracks, a soft smile appearing when he saw his uncle snoring softly on a cot. Silently, he sat down, pulling you with him as he curled up on the mat. You took a seat beside him, his head landing on your lap as he laid down. You leaned against a crate that sat next to you, your hands running through Zuko’s hair until his breathing evened out and he fell asleep. It was only then that you closed your eyes as well.
Zuko awoke when he heard a slight chuckle, and sat up to face his uncle. Immediately, Zuko threw himself forward onto his knees, his eyes not meeting Iroh’s as he remembered what you had told him about apologizing. “Uncle, I know you must have mixed feelings about seeing me. But I want you to know, I am so, so, sorry, Uncle. I am so sorry and ashamed of what I did. I don't know how I can ever make it up to you. But I'll- “
Zuko’s rambling was cut off as Iroh knelt down in front of him and embraced him. His eyes began watering, tears spilling as he hugged his Uncle. “How can you forgive me so easily? I thought you would be furious with me.”
“I was never angry with you,” Iroh said. “I was sad because I was afraid you lost your way.”
“I did lose my way,” Zuko mumbled. 
“But you found it again,” Iroh said, pulling back from the embrace and motioning towards you. “And something tells me she had something to do with it.”
Zuko didn’t reply, his face going bright red as Iroh chuckled. He had nothing to say, knowing that his uncle was right.
“Tell her how you feel soon, Prince Zuko,” Iroh said, smiling softly. “Do not let her get away.”
You emerged from the empty tent a while later to find everyone sitting around a fire. Quickly noticing the man sitting next to Zuko, you proceeded to bow down to him. 
“General Iroh!” you said. “It is an honor to be in your presence. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Iroh chuckled before waving you over to the empty seat next to him. “No need for the formalities Miss (Y/N). And it is I who am honored to be here with you. I have heard much about you from my nephew and I must thank you for taking care of him while I was gone.”
You missed the blush on Zuko’s face that appeared at Iroh’s words, too distracted by the cup of tea that the once-general had handed you. You took a sip, your eyes widening in wonder as you looked at Iroh once more.
“This tea is amazing! Ginseng tea is my favorite,” you exclaimed, taking another sip. Iroh smiled at you before sending a teasing glance at Zuko.
“It is my favorite as well,” Iroh chuckled. “I am glad to see that my nephew has such great taste in women.”
A silence followed, only made awkward by Zuko’s stuttering. 
“Uncle!” Zuko hissed, glaring at the jolly old man who simply took another sip of tea. 
Neither one of you had a chance to reply as the conversation soon turned serious. With Aang gone, you all needed to think of a plan just in case he didn’t return in time. It was then decided that Zuko and Katara would head to the palace to fight Azula while you, Sokka, Suki, and Toph would stop the airship fleet. It wasn’t until you were gathering your tools and weapons that Zuko managed to pull you aside. 
“Look (Y/N),” he began, fidgeting nervously. “Just in case something happens-”
“Nothing’s going to happen,” you cut him off, placing your hand over his to stop it from shaking. “We’re all going to be fine.”
“Just in case,” Zuko stressed. “I need you to know...”
“What Zuko?” you questioned, ducking your head to catch his gaze. He stared at you for a few seconds, causing you to shift under his gaze. “What is i-”
You were cut off as Zuko leaned forwards, connecting his lips to yours. You gasped softly before returning the kiss eagerly. You stayed like that for a few seconds before being broken apart by Sokka’s voice.
“Hey!” Sokka cried. “As glad as I am that you and Prince Pouty are finally smooching, we really do have to save the world right now.”
Chuckling softly, Zuko pressed another kiss to your lips before pulling away. 
“Stay safe,” you breathed, embracing him one last time. 
“Trust me, I will,” Zuko whispered into your ear. “Now I have someone worth fighting for.”
You watched him walk away, only looking away when you felt something hit your head. Turning, you found yourself facing an impatient Sokka, motioning for you to climb onto the eel hound. “Are you done? let’s go.”
Grinning, you grabbed his hand, sliding onto the eel hound behind him. You were ready to fight, knowing that Zuko would be waiting for you when this was all over. 
so the sokka fic will be out soon but for now here is this zuko fic. i hope its alright its my first time writing for him. hope you all enjoy :)
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