#to trigger warn for mentions of what anons ex did - not sure how else to tw it
sorry if this is a weird question, but um, a girl i know asked me out. Shes aplatonic but alloromantic and allosexual. I do like her back, but im a bit worried.. ive dated a guy before who didnt have friends and what ended up happening is that i had to support him 100% of the time when something bad happened and i had to be with him after school every day because i was the only person he talked to and he would get lonely otherwise. He even threatened to do bad things to himself if i went to a friend's sleepover because it made him feel bad. Im really worried that something like this would repeat... it lowkey traumatized me i think. Is this a valid concern or are aplatonic people different and they dont really need much emotional support compared to non-aplatonic people? Or was my ex just uniquely an asshole? Thank u so so much if u respond
I am prefacing this with a disclaimer that this blog was never for giving people advice, especially when they view aplatonics with such suspicion and are not actually asking any advice related to plato repulsion which is what this blog is about. I can also only go off of your statements here to draw conclusions, and I am assuming you are stating the truth here (especially as this is online, I know there is a possibility people can lie, but may also be telling the truth.). Also, we are not responsible for anything that happens to you emotionally or otherwise if you make decisions based off of this advice, because thats not within our control.
From what you said, your ex sounds like he was being rather toxic and manipulative towards you. That kind of behaviour is harmful (threatening self harm as a form of control, trying to control who someone spends time with, and not respecting peoples boundaries regarding interaction or emotional support, are all harmful actions.) and nobody should be acting that way towards others, we're sorry that happened to you. You also don't need to be concerned that someone will act this way towards you just bc theyre aplatonic. Your concern is valid, but it is in no way something that will inherently apply to aplatonics.
If you are concerned about whether this person has unmet social needs then you should just ask her about her social needs and emotional needs and what she expects in a relationship, and communicate about your needs and emotions regarding these things too. If its possible to, maybe mention that you have past issues or trauma in relationships which is why you want to be careful about dating, while not making it seem like aplatonicism is inherently a reason you think someone might hurt you(because it's not).
Set boundaries about what amount of time you want to spend with someone you're dating, and state your limits regarding how much you are okay with emotionally supporting someone / what topics you are ok with talking about / etc. . Don't assume that someone will be toxic or abusive towards you just because they're aplatonic. Its not really like your ex was inherently aplatonic just because he didn't have friends, and it may even be more likely he was alloplatonic.
Some aplatonics have and/or want friends but some dont, and moreover, if someone doesnt have friends by choice, that's very different from someone who is lonely because they don't have friends and mistreats a partner because of it. I will also add here that I don't intend to malign mental health issues just because it sounds like your ex may have had them (as you mentioned loneliness - which is different from just being alone or even liking solitude) ; mental health issues do not innately make someone abusive or toxic, and one can have mental health issues and still be respectful to people.
Someone without any mental health issues can also still very much be abusive or toxic towards others. And honestly, if you associate the concept of aplatonicism itself with this trauma then maybe its not in the best interest of you or the other person to date? And if it applies maybe it could be possible that you are simply not ready to date someone again after what happened, which is also okay, but I don't intend to assume that or be harsh in stating it as a possibility. I will also add that not having friends is not a 'red flag'. If someone has a preference to date/ be involved with people who have friends, that's okay, but not having friends is not inherently a 'red flag'.
Some aplatonics may not get lonely if they don't talk to people (but this can also be true of alloplatonics), and just because someone is aplatonic doesnt mean they will expect their partner to support them all the time to an unhealthy level or to an extent that crosses their boundaries. I will also add that there is no surefire way to tell whether someone will be abusive or toxic, although if they cross your boundaries or are disrespectful to you from the start, its worth staying away from them. Even ppl who are very kind to you initially may at some point abuse you or mistreat you, and theres no way to tell for sure whether or not this will happen because thats kind of how social relationships of any kind are.
But don't profile aplatonics as inherently more likely to be abusive or toxic (I don't know if this is intentional on your part, but hearing the word 'aplatonic' and making all these assumptions about how one may be in a relationship wounds like either this and/or like a trauma trigger extending to the concept of aplatonicism). Not all aplatonics even approach social relationships the same way, and even those who don't have friends are still capable of respecting boundaries in relationships they engage in. I wouldn't say that aplatonic people don't have emotional needs, but people in general have varying social needs and emotional needs. Some people who don't want friends may specifically not have a social drive towards having friends, but this may also apply to people who want friends.
If someone is happy without having friends then they probably don't seek emotional or social fulfillment from friendship. They may have other relationship types even if they are aplatonic (such as familial , romantic, sexual, alterous, etc.) (I don't know if you and this girl are monogamous are not but if you are intending to be monogamous that obviously is excluding sexual and/or romantic then) , and I will add that people don't always need social relationships/ bonds for emotional support. Some people may process emotions through journalling, or may go to a therapist, or such.
Some people may have people they talk to sometimes but don't call them their friends. Having friends does not ever guarantee anyone emotional support, and neither does any other relationship. It just so happens that a lot of people end up mutually (i.e. more or less both ppl give the other emotional support, it doesnt have to be equal so much as it is respecting the boundaries of both people. It is also possible that people may be incompatible in this regard) giving emotional support due to just being around people they are close to and also due to having some kind of emotional connection.
Anyways, long answer short, aplatonicism doesn't say anything about someone's social needs or emotional needs, and neither does alloplatonicism, and its often better to communicate with people you are close to or are looking to be close to, about important aspects regarding relationships.
(Also stating here that this is not an advice blog, we will be deleting any asks seeking advice from now on. If you want you can send in asks as reply to this response, as long as you aren't asking for more advice)
Anyways I hope it works out for you, whatever you decide to do.
(Additional disclaimer - to anyone who sees this post - do NOT suggest that 'narc abuse' 'borderline abuse' or whatever is real, do not imply mental health issues cause ppl to inherently be abusive, and do not treat having no friends as a 'red flag', regardless of platonic orientation or favorability)
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Reader cheating on her husband for her ex-girlfriend, Emily because reader still loves her. So, for a little context— Emily broke up with reader about 2 years ago, reader gets married to this man in hopes that she would forget all about Emily but she never does. Reader drives like, 5 hours to see Emily even though they haven’t seen each other in years because girly still loves her(and so does Emily). - 🐦
Reconnecting 18+
*Authors note~ gahhh this has been sat in my inbox for such a long time! I'm so sorry. But I must say it's lovely to see you again anon*
Trigger warnings~ cheating homophobic parents? Arranged marriage (mentions of forced sex) broken heart long distance, meeting online daddy em subby r strap on finegring praise kink degrading kink bite kink
Prompt~ see ask^^**
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That was the sound that started this all. Truly it was just another boring day playing house wife to a husband who you felt nothing but hate for. You never wanted to fall into a loveless arranged marriage, but what else could you do when your true love left you in tears at the airport to follow her dreams? If only you'd had enough courage to come out to your family and move with her. She couldn't hide anymore and that's why you both separated. You often thought of her, when the news showed a crime or when you would seen birth and marriage announcements on your socials. Had she finally found someone worthy? Someone who wasn't afraid to be openly hers? Part of you wished she had, but the more carnal selfish part wished she hadn't. But every day you lived with the fact you lost her.
Coming home from the airport broken hearted, left you vulnerable and your parents saw that. The took you in and nursed your broken heart before their intentions came to light. That's when you were introduced to Robin. There wasn't much about him really, successful, rich, arrogant and well typical alpha male attitude. You remained polite until her pulled out the ring. Immediately, you went to reply with a no, and your mother must have knew that because she quickly mimicked your voice to answer an affirmative. And that's how you really got stuck here.
You'd tried to wriggle out of the situation but your family had a power over you, one you weren't quite ready to admit. The day of your marriage they blabbered on about how proud they were of you, how you were making the right choice for the family. You'd be happy as long as you did everything Robin demanded. Your mother made sure you knew your job was to serve your husband, his every need. No wasn't allowed to be a word in your vocabulary. The moment you whined and tried to protest was the moment her right hand walked your cheek. You soon learned that was only the taster of what was to come, starting with your wedding night.
Blinking away the tears from those awful memories where he forcibly took what he wanted, over and over again until he finally got tired, not caring that he was so rough he'd caused you to bleed. After all you were nothing but a dumb possession of his now. That happened every night for years. Which reminds you, the message. Only one person had you number, Robin, to ensure you never planned to leave. So you naturally assumed it was him. But it wasn't. No it was your beautiful past calling.
It started with a simple Facebook message, something you hid from Robin. Every day at 18:59 you would mute her chat and delete it, preventing him from taking your one bit of happiness in this godforsaken world. She found you through Garcia, after a few months of looking, and just wanted to say she missed you. Until she saw him. The pictures where you looked so uncomfortable stood with his hand around your waist. You'd never been overly comfortable with men, so to see you'd married one was a shock. Naturally, Garcia had found more on you, and that was how she knew, this wasn't your choice. That's why she messaged you that day.
After months of talking back and forth between Emily's cases she knew more of your life now. In fact she'd asked you to phone her discreetly after your husband took whatever he wanted from you. He wouldn't care for you but she would do her best from a distance. If you knew she was on a case, you'd text and two seconds later Garcia would be phoning on her behalf. Those calls always made you crave a life with your first and only love. The stories Penelope shared with you sounded so wholesome. It helped a little to know they were there. Being raped by your husband was never easier but they just seemed to help the tiniest bit. And for that you were so glad Garcia managed to find you for Emily.
You still knew in your heart you loved Emily Prentiss, of course you did, but what you didn't know was how you'd ever be together when Robin was still alive. On some of the darker days you'd ponder on staging his suicide just to make sure he could never put his grubby hands on you ever again. But you wouldn't be with Emily in a prison cell. So you held out. Emily didn't find it easier, knowing the abuse you were still experiencing from family and now some kind of husband, really did he even deserve to have that title? You would be much safer in her arms, in her bed as her wife. So that's why she suggested meeting up.
With some extensive planning and a lot of help from the BAU you managed to sort a plan, you'd be seeing Emily this upcoming week. After all these years, you just hoped she would forgive you for your mistake. As soon as Robin left, you set out to travel the five hour journey while you knew the BAU were working on causing havoc in his business. The closer you got the more anxious you became, what if she hated you? Well that was so unrealistic you actually laughed. How could she hate you when she's made all this happen to see you? But you weren't deluded either, this wouldn't be a run away into the sunset together, you'd have to return tonight to surrender to his needs.
The moment you made it into her arms you felt safe, for the first time in years. She held you like you were a delicate flower. Someone crafted by the gods above us. Hand in hand she took you to her hotel room, she really owed her team for the personal day, and she would be straight back out to help catch the unsub tonight. But for now you were here. You'd changed a lot though, your eyes were more dull and your were slimmer than before, you're smile didn't quite reach your eyes and you held yourself like a scared child. All these things broke her heart, they'd really done a number on you, but here and now she'd promise herself to help you escape. If that was what you wanted.
You knew Emily was being cautious of you, she knew what you'd been through over the years so maybe that's why you took the lead, slamming your lips to hers and stunning the other woman. She immediately reciprocated, it's been fair to long since she's had your lips on hers. Buy reality sets in and she needs to be sure you want this. She'll never hurt you like your husband does. "We don't have to" she murmurs resting her forehead against yours as you both tried to catch a breath. "Emily, I need you to touch me. Make me feel your hands. Make me yours Emily, I've always been yours but please. I just want to feel you on me like we use to. That's all I want. Show me what it's meant to be like" you trailed off at the end scared, truly you weren't expecting to be this okay with the thought of sex, it's been something you hate for years but here and now you need her and that was all you knew.
"Okay" caused you to breathe a sigh of relief and immediately start tugging at her clothes only to be stopped by her firm hand, "we take this slow y/n I love you too much to rush this Angel."  That caused you to do a double take. Angel? Love? Such a foreign concept for you. But when she kissed your lips again it was filled with love and care. Immediately, you submitted to her, her lips kissing every inch of skin in sight. But not taking anything off. "Emily please" you whimpered trying to communicate your want. "Shhh sweetheart, I wanna take me time my love, let's get on the bed okay? Remember we can stop anytime no matter what just say the word."
But saying the word would never come. Not with Emily. But still it felt reassuring to have a choice. But as always the raven haired woman was diligent and carful with you, just how she was before. A stark contrast to what you'd been through for years. She wasn't even using her kinks for the first orgasm. Just wanting you to get use to the feel of gentle touch. You had to practically beg her to degrade you. The praise was always wonderful but you really wanted to hear her spew that perfect mix that only she could do.
"Oh sweetheart, you wanna be daddy's good little slut? A precious whore for me hmm" she purred watching your body for signs she'd gone to far, only to be met with your hips bucking against her hand and a desperate plea for more, "daddy" you whined, "make me yours please I need you." By now you were too drunk on the love to care, with Emily everything feels right and safe, and all that does is fuel your need for more. With a particular curl of her fingers that brushed just right against your G-spot you sunk your teeth into the junction between her neck and shoulder. "Oh fuck sweetheart! Good girl, such a good girl for me" she cooed working back down as your body withered beneath her.
"Em, do yo-uh -I" you panted, the confidence you use to have faltering. "You can ask Sweetheart, do I have?"  You blushed a bright red and mumbled, "your strap?" With a nod Emily when to her bedside table and low and behold, the strap laid there just ready to be used. You were surprised she still kept it, perhaps not the same one but a replica. Inserting the smaller end into her own needy cunt she strapped up watching as you liked your lips. "Do you want to wet it darling?" Panic flashed through your eyes, that would hurt. "Shhh you don't have to, I remember you use to like that, that's why I asked Angel."
Just like that the fear is soothed, Emily won't hurt you. But you stand by your answer and she secured a small bottle of lube to run along the shaft before teasing your slit the the tip of the faux cock. Her hand came to join yours, intertwining your fingers gently. "Ready?" She murmured looking into your beautiful eyes, your pupils blown so wide she could hardly see the colour anymore. "Ready " you mumbled before she pushed into your fluttering hole.
Unlike with Robin, this didn't hurt, no. You felt a serge of pleasure course down your body as you adjusted to her size. "Oh god I've missed you" you whimpered  learning up to tug her closer. The feeling of warm spots on her shoulder concerned Emily, "sweetheart? Do you want to stop?" You couldn't help but whimper a no. You truly didn't but this was just so perfect, you didn't want to leave.
Emily was always so precise in her thrusts, a slow and gentle rhythm that hit all the right spots, you  two made for each other as you tumbled over the edge together. This was everything and more but the best part was when she cleaned everything away and just held you close, threading her nimble fingers through your hair. "You're perfect" you mumble still I'm your haze of sub space, "I should've left with you all those years ago. I'm so sorry Emi" you sobbed as your shoulders shook with the pure weight of the emotion.  "Hey hey hey, I get why you couldn't. And I know what that bastard is doing to you love, with your safe so I have the team waiting for your word to take you away from him. He won't ever have to touch you again. "
That was news to you, clearly stunned you looked at her. "Garcia found out his company has links to our Unsub, that's how he's finding the girls. Robin has multiple clubs trafficking girls as young as sixteen" she explained delicately, making sure not to hold you  as she didn't want you feeling restricted. "He would go away?" Was all you had. "Of course, for a long time sweetheart. You'd be safe."  The two words weren't said but were implied, "with me." You'd always be safe with Emily, so you have the nod. Emily hurrying to make her phone call, "Garcia? Tell  the team we are a go" she rushed into the receiver. Clearly Garcia had said something but Emily was quick to shut her down and end the call. "Don't you have to go and help them Em?" You pondered, you knew what your husband was capable of and so did she. "The only place I need to be is with you. I'm never gonna lose you again." A few hours later Emily got a text saying everything went well and they even saved a few girls. You were safe now and ready to finally be with her.
Word count~2359
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
could you please write comfort for a reader with a abusive ex? mine has been texting and calling me all day and i could really use some comfort w/ bo sinclair, thomas hewitt, jason voorhees, and brahms heelshire? thank you ziggy -🐾
Oh boy I understand this completely. All of my exes have been abusive and I’m taking it out in my writing. I’m not gonna go into detail about what they do in some parts but I would happily write that in if you want me to anon.
Warnings: Mentions of violence, abuse and murder, strong language,
Bo Sinclair
When you first open up to Bo about the abuse you survived he's livid. He loves you and sees you as such an amazing person and is so upset you had to go through that.
He knows how bad abuse is because of how much he endured as a child. He doesn't know how to communicate how he feels so it's gonna come off in weird ways.
If you start crying about your ex he'll hold and sooth you physically but he'll have a hard time verbally soothing you. But no matter what he's mostly pissed this happened to you.
Oh boy but if your ex ever dares to set foot in Ambrose he's gonna be brutal. Like your ex will not be turned into wax they will be brutally killed and the left over parts will be thrown in the road kill pit.
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas like most slashers have endured abuse in their lives. He's crushed when he finds out his lovely s/o had to deal with this too. He feels to horrible and will want to pull you into a tight hug.
If you start crying about it he'll feel so bad. He's scared to touch you in case the abuse was physical. But if you tell him it's ok he'll hold your hand and rub your back.
He'll try to keep you away from Hoyt and his abuse for several reasons including your past abuse. He will get aggressive with Hoyt if he has to and isn't scared to pick you up and carry you out of a situation if it's gonna trigger something.
Just like Bo if he ever comes across yout ex he's not gonna show any mercy. Like I don't know how to state what he'd do without getting like really graphic. But be sure they won't look like a human within minutes of being in the basement and will not be fed to the family. They are going to the pigs and nothing else.
Jason Voorhees
He's never been abused persay but has been treated poorly. He feels so bad that he couldn't help you during this time and that you even had to endure that abuse.
He's going to hold you while you cry and probably cry with you. He's here for you and will let you cry, scream, whatever you need to do he will let you do that.
If it's one of those days where everything is super hard and you keep having intrusive thoughts about them he's here to help you do whatever you need to get done. He'll check in on you and make sure you eat and drink something.
Oh and if he ever comes across your ex they're fucking done. He may or may not put them in a bear trap and leave them there for hours to deal with them later.
Brahms Heelshire
Oh he understands abuse. I feel like his parents never got physical but very verbally and emotionally abusive to him. He understands abuse but has never had the chance to like process it or like even kinda realize it so he's going to help heal with you.
He's here to cuddle with you on bad days and hold you when you cry. Another guy who will cry with you. He's all ears if you need to vent and will hold you close. He's going to promise to never hurt you like they did.
Again if your ex somehow finds their way to you Brahms is going to attack them on sight. He'll probably do it in the walls or outside, well anywhere you can't see, unless you want to.
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elonmusksdickcheese · 4 years
You need to leave Helios alone and stop being such an aphobic little brat
Wasn't gonna reply to this but since this isn't the only anon I have gotten about boxlizard since they've posted my url
But let's see uuhh shut the fuck up and fuck you,I'm 16 year old Boxlizard/Helios is 26 years old,I am not in charge of their mental fucking health and if they are still going around saying I'm part of the reason they are gonna kill themsleves just because I expressed discomfort with their headcanons about dead fictional kids I'm going to piss myself.
Like no offense to you or any1 else who like helios but uhhh they arent that good of a fucking person,first thing I learned about their William in their au was that he was a fuckin pedophilla who harrassed the missing kids and also gaslighted and tormented them after death and whenever I mentioned some parts of my au they decided to make a joke about how our William's is in ""love"" with our Michael's,they also in a server have told me how William sexual harrassed the missing kids and well they didn't go in2 graphic details they still talked about it and fuck me but they only talked to me about it and that was the only fucking part of their shitty au they talked about to me and they acted like they were against shitty William's headcanons despite headcanoning him as a fucking pedophilla along with that they started and played into the rumor of them being a pedo,after an ex-freind expressed discomfort with them giving the missing kids sexualities(ace or allo) they stopped being freinds with them,made their little conflict public and started telling people they were abusive whenever said ex-freind just expressed discomfort in their headcanons, they also did this with another user,said they were also aphobic and supported their "abusive" ex-freind. They also dmed me anytime I reblogged from someone they didnt fucking liked and was obsessive over these two individuals and played them out to be terrible post (I have reached and talked to both people). I'm also 100% sure they have sent me anon hate cause right before I got a bunch of hate anons they followed me and right after all those anons where sent they dmed me asking about my stance on ace disscoruse(they also tend to bring people into unnecessary drama lmao)Their was a post about them where they sent hate mail to ex-freind which boxlizard/helios dmed about because I just happened to fucking like the post. In which they dmed me being like "I'm not a pedo blah blah blah" which you know they ain't a pedo,I told them this and I explained to them why some people might be uncomfortable with their headcanons fuck I even explained why I was uncomfortable with their headcanons in turn they called me aphobic and kept on sending me random posts some of them containing triggering stuff abt rape and sex without any kind of fucking warning! Also when asked,they are ok with kids like fucking 7 being headcanon as long as you dont give them kinks as if that makes it any better!
So after they blocked me the first time I vented a little and someone wa slike fuck yeah I know you talking about it and shit so many other people have expressed their discomfort in boxlizard/helios hc and au in which they just call people criticizing them aphobic and abusive despite just expressing their concerns. After they blocked me ,I found out they were saying they were going to fucking k*ll themsleves because of me so I decided to reach out to them and even took down the post I made about them and I told them no one wants them dead and urged to contact a hotline in which they told me no hotline could helped them and then they blocked me again!
And in general they are an extremely manipulative and insensitive person,fuckig hell the only person's trigger they fucking care about is their own!And the only person they care about is themselves and anyone who worships the ground they walk on! To be a good person you must agree with them on everything and you cant fucking step out of long for a second before being bashed and treated like a jack ass plus they never tell the full truth and cant handle being critizie,you criticize them and ask them to maybe reflect on what their doing and they throw a pity party and piss themself ! Theyve also mentioned/brought in other minors who aren't ok with drama or doesnt have anything to do with this drama besides like being in the same server as me and them!
And I guess their still fucking at it ,ain't they cause a 16 yr old being uncomfy with a grown ass adults headcanon is the most vile thing ever and its 100% ok for them to blame any harm they bring upon themsleves on said 16 yr old
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*Not my Gif*
Summary: Everyone hides behind a mask. Some more literal than others. What happens when Peter learns you wear one?
Requested by Anon
Post Date: 6-26-19
Paring: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 2.2K
~Prompt List~
~Master List~
~Open Requests~
WARNINGS: mentions of attempted rape (don’t read if that’s a trigger)
Your eyes scanned the city at night as your music drowned out the honking of car horns and yells below you. You absentmindedly wiped a tear from your cheek as a red and blue figure landed a few feet behind you, unknown to you.
“Hey, are you ok?” He asked as you continued to stare out into dull lights of the city around you. He took a step closer, saying a little more before he catches the string of your headphones leading to your ear and your glossy cheek. Carefully, he tapped your shoulder, causing you to turn around forcefully and brace yourself from falling over the edge you stupidly sat on. When you saw Spider-Man, your eyes widen, quickly pulling out your headphones as you wiped your cheeks.
“Hi.” You breathed unsure if you were dreaming or not. Peter heard your heartbeat faster and faster so he put his hands up slowly, showing you he didn’t want to hurt you. He didn’t recognize you before when he was swinging around, but now that he was staring at you it only took a second. Y/N Y/L/N. You went to his school and was even in his year. Seeing you like this though, on the edge of a building with tears streaming down your face, was very different than how you acted at school, typically chatting away and cracking jokes with your friends. You always seemed like a beacon of light, but not right now.
“Are you... ok?” His voice was gentle as you met his gaze, giving him a forced smile he quickly saw through.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m fine. Just- I’m fine.” You claimed as he jumps on the ledge next to you.
“Ok. Well I’m glad you’re fine. If you don’t mind then I’m just gonna take a break here for a few minutes. But if you don’t want me too then I’ll just go.” He said as he pointed behind him, you hesitated but ultimately shook your head but didn’t say anything as you moved back to glance out at the city and the night sky. Peter watched you before doing the same, falling in a comfortable silence for a little while before he spoke up again.
He swung his feet like a kid as you locked your sights onto the building in front of you “You have a great view you know. It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah...” You whispered not looking at him. You could feel your tears dry from the cool breeze as you close your eyes. “Why are you here? I mean, shouldn’t you be out there, you know being a hero?”
You turn to glance at him as he tilts his head. “If I was out there being a hero, then who would be yours?” He says as if it was obvious, you chuckle a little before getting quiet. “Why were you crying?” His voice was soft against the ruckus below you, you would’ve barely been able to hear it if he wasn’t sitting so close to you. Shrugging your shoulders, you bit your lip, hoping this conversation would end quickly and you could just go back to watching the city. “I’ll stop pressing if you want, but I’m not going to leave if I can make things better.”
“You can’t make this better, Spidey.” You sigh as your head falls in your hands, silent tears falling once more. “I’m out here every night. For the last few months I’ve come out here and watched and cried. It’s not something you can fix.” Your voice cracks as you take a deep breath.
“You know, you seem a lot different than you do at school.” Peter says without thinking, instantly regretting it as you furrowed your brows.
“You go to Midtown?”
“I-I uh, no I- Uhh.” He stammers out, you give him a slight laugh as he scratches the back of his neck through his mask.
“It’s ok. I won’t tell anyone.” You promised as you smiled into those big white things you hope were eyes. Peter tilted his head as he leaned back then forward toward you. You shook your head and smile before dropping it, playing with your fingers as you turned to face him. “and I hope you won’t tell anyone about, well all this.”
“I won’t.”He was amazed at how easy it was to talk to you. He had gotten in the habit of watching you from afar because seeing you happy all the time some how made him happy. But now he could see that you weren’t always happy, sometimes you were dying inside like everyone else. You eyes traveled across Spider-Man’s suit, envying the way it hid his identity.
“ Can I tell you something?” He quickly nodded his head, your lips curled up into a small smile before you looked down at your fumbling fingers. You ran the pads of your fingers over your jacket as you met his gaze again. “We all wear masks Spidey. You’re just lucky at the end of the night you can take yours off.”
He stared at you dumbfounded, “I don’t know anything about you, do I?” Your hand came up to subtly wipe the stray tears on your cheek before blending into your hair as you ran it through. No one would have noticed the action unless they were looking right at you.
“No one ever does...” you mumbled as Peter’s heart dropped.
“Well, I want to.” He quipped as he held out his hand. “Hi, I’m Spider-Man.” You glanced between him and his hand before sigh, grabbing ahold of it.
“I’m Y/N. And I have a question for you. How do you know this isn’t a mask?” Peter laughed at your challenge before quieting down, causing your stomach to churn at his answer.
“I trust you.” As soon as the words left his mouth your face fell, alerting Peter that he’d done something wrong. You threw your legs over to the side of the ledge that had a roof attached as you stumbled around to avoid eye contact.
“Yeah, well look, this has been fun, but I’ve got to get back now.” You quickly headed to the door that led down the stairs to your crappy apartment.
Peter watched as you scurried away, saying your name only to fall short on making you turn around. He had no clue what he did and he felt even worse finding out that you’ve been crying about this unknown thing for a few months now and he’s only figuring it out now. He slumped his shoulders before retiring for the night, heading back to his place around 1 in the morning.
The next day at school Peter found you immediately. He watched as you threw your arms around your friends neck and pretended you were ok. He continued to watch you until you both sat in your last class of the day, history. You had a frown as the teacher droned on with a lecture half the class stopped listening too. Peter was taking some notes when all of a sudden he could feel you getting anxious, he could hear your heart start to beat faster and you began to fidget with your fingers. When Peter glanced up he caught you staring at someone in the hall. At first Peter didn’t know what to think, but once he moved and you still remained a little on edge he began to worry. You asked the teacher if you could go to the bathroom and rushed out of the room. Peter listened for your heartbeat and it was quite easy with how fast it was racing. When the teacher wasn’t looking, Peter snuck out of the class, following you as he went straight by the restrooms and into an empty classroom.
“Y/N?” He asked when he pulled the door open. You quickly wiped away the tears starting to form before spinning around to him. You couldn’t help but cringe at the fact you’d let two boys now see you cry in less than 24 hours. You felt like you were falling apart but like hell you would show it.
“Hey Peter! What- uh what are you doing here?” You pressed as he tried not to make it obvious he was following you.
“Oh- I uh I was going to the restroom and saw you run in here and I wanted to make sure you were ok.” You couldn’t help but think how cute he was as he stammered out his words, reminding you vaguely of a certain red and blue hero before you shook that idea off.
“Oh! Well I’m fine. Yeah I just needed to take a quick phone call.” You lied as you quickly pulled your phone out to show him. Peter nodded his head, giving you smile at your obvious lie, but refused to say anything.
“Ok, cool well then sorry for interrupting you. Just making sure you were all good. Right?” He asked again, hoping you’d let him in a little but knew that it was no point. Your breathing had calmed down tremendously since you entered the room and Peter decided that it was a win so far. But there was no doubt in his mind that you weren’t totally fine. You gave him a small nod before both of you turning back to class. As soon as you walked in Peter got in trouble for leaving without permission. You turned to him with a shocked look before heading back to your respective desks. You couldn’t help but steal small glances at him every once in a while. He didn’t leave to go to the bathroom, he snuck out after you left in a frantic state and you knew it. As soon as class was over you rushed out of the building, practically sprinting as you blew off anyone who tried to talk to you and ran straight to your place. You didn’t even bother going into your apartment, instead opting for the roof with a city view. You were only up there for a few minutes before Spider-Man came swooping in. You weren’t crying this time, only staring ahead as he joined you in the ledge again. He was going to say something before you beat him to to it.
“He tried to raped me.” Peters eyes widened as turned to face him.
“What? W-who? When?”
You put a hand in his arm to calm him down. “A few months ago. An ex boyfriend. We, uh, we went to this party. It was one where several different school ended up going to one persons house. Overkill if you ask me.” You stalled. You closed your eyes as your breathing became shaky, Peter grabbed your hand and gave you a squeeze, “we were dating at the time and when we got there, there was alcohol everywhere. I don’t even know how kids got that much. He told me he was going to get me something to drink and I told him I didn’t want anything but he insisted. He said ‘don’t you trust me?’ And of course me being the dumb fool I was I said ‘I trust you.’ to him.” Peter could feel his stomach twist as he listened but once you mentioned those words, the same words he said to you last night he felt his stomach drop.
“Y/N…” he tried to say but you just shook your head, biting your lip as the tears fell again, but this time you didn’t care, you just continued on.
“He came back a few minutes later with a drink and what I didn’t know at the time was that he put something in it. I drank it and then a half hour later I find myself trying to push him off me in a room I’d never been before. I knew we were still at the party because I heard the music upstairs and so I tried to scream. I kept screaming and pushing him off until finally someone heard and came down to save me. I didn’t see who it was, only knowing he didn’t go to midtown before getting the hell out of there. I refused to see him, taking longer ways to class just to avoid him and then today I saw him at school for the first time since, and I broke. No one knew what happened, I didn’t say anything, he didn’t say anything, and I guess the guy who stopped him didn’t say anything either. It was like the whole thing was swept under a rug and I had to put on the mask at school. I just I hate it so much.” Your throats was dry as you cried on. Peter quickly pulled you in for the tightest hug you’ve ever gotten as you squeezed him back, basking in his warmth as you whispered, “ you’re the first person I told this too.”
Peter could hear the rawness in your voice as you spoke. He pulled away to cup your cheek as he ran a finger under your eye. “You don’t have to use a mask with me. I want to know the real you.”
A smile finally graced your lips as you looked at him, nodding your head, “Okay.”
Permanent taglist: @literal-fand0m-trash @just4muggles @saturn-aka-six @nathaliabakes
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makknays · 7 years
never again.
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requested by anon
Hello! Is it okay if I request a Jungkook angst? A very angsty one that boh JK and Y/n are screaming at each other and Y/N almost commited a very painful suicide because JK keeps on putting Y/N aside because of his Ex that came back to korea something like that. And a good ending please. Thank you :)
 genre: angst
word count: 2312
warning(s): mentions of attempted suicide and mental health disorders (i dont take this topic lightly and neither should you, but should this trigger you, please do not read this)
You felt as though every time Jungkook and you argued you went on autopilot and automatically screamed to back him; you knew you were giving in, giving into everything you were against. Everything you feared. The very reason for these frequent fights was because his ex was coming back, back to Korea. The very place you had been calling home since she left, since she left him. He had been acting as though she were the priority, even though you were the one that had been there for him throughout all of this. What did she do? She left him heartbroken, unable to do anything, you were there for him throughout all of that and slowly your support became something more.
“For fuck’s sake, ___, not everything is about you!” Jungkook shouted. “I never said it had to be.” you calmly replied to him. “You’re implying it though; just because she was a bad person doesn’t mean she still is. I just wanna be friends with her anyway, what’s your problem?” “My problem is that she left broken and I had to come sweeping in and comfort you.” “I never asked you to do that!” “Well, sorry for being a good person!” “I can’t deal with you right now, I’m leaving!” “You’re seriously just gonna go in the middle of an argument?” “I’m leaving before I do something I regret!” he replied and slammed the front door.
Days had passed and Jungkook hadn’t bothered to reappear in your apartment, he was probably spending time with his ex. It wasn’t that you were jealous, that was just a minor fraction but you were scared that he would end up as hurt as he was before or that he would leave you in the state he used to be in. You were already struggling very much before the notice of his ex coming back arose; your struggle was the reason you were prescribed this and that. You never wanted to depend on these drugs so badly but it was inevitable for you, eventually you would have had to take them in order to ‘get better’. 
You had missed your prescription for many days and you thought you were doing fine, that was until he showed up with her, in your home. “Hey, babe, are you home? I wanna introduce you to someone!” Jungkook called as he opened your front door and made his way into your apartment. You emerged from the kitchen, you had grabbed your tub of ice cream and appeared in front of your boyfriend and, to your dismay, his ex. “___, this is Subin.” he smiled as he wrapped his left arm around her shoulders and squeezed gently. “Nice to meet you, I’m ___.” “Jungkook has told me so much about you! I hope we can be good friends!” she squealed. “That reminds me, ___? We’re going out tonight so feel free to join us!” Jungkook chuckled as he sat down on the sofa. “Don’t worry, I’m staying in for the night.” “Aw, babe, haven’t you been doing that every night?” he pouted. “Yeah, and I’m perfectly comfortable here.” you smiled as you made your way into your bedroom, which led to your balcony.
You sat down with your ice cream tub in one hand and your phone in the other; without even thinking you dialed the number of someone you could trust, Min Yoongi. “___? Is everything okay?” he worriedly asked you. “Right now? Yeah, but Jungkook decided to show up to my house with his ex girlfriend.” “He’s with that sicko? After all she did to him? He was on hiatus for a year! A whole fucking year because of her! But now they’re friends?” “Apparently so.” you answered while taking a spoonful of ice cream.
“How are you dealing with that?” Yoongi asked you after he had calmed down from his mini rant. “I’m not too bad right now.” “Right now, huh?” “You never really know how you’ll feel in the future.” you told him as you continued to feast on the ice cream. “We’re going now, babe! Have fun!” Jungkook called before the door shut with a bang. “Did he just leave?” Yoongi asked you. “Yup.” “Do you want me to come over?” “Yes, please, before I do something stupid.”
“___, wake up! Fuck, what did you do? ___, please, fucking wake up! Yes, hello? 119? My friend just overdosed on her medication, please send immediate help!” “___, please, don’t do this to yourself, why would you do this? Is it because of him and her? ___, please fucking wake up! You can’t leave me behind, I was supposed to protect you! Wake the fuck up!” Yoongi cried in distress, he had found you on the ground with the bottle of pills spilt on the ground and immediately attempted to wake you up but failed. He was supposed to be protecting you like an older brother but he was too late.
“We’re currently stabilising her conditions, do you know what she took?” “They were some kind of anti-depressants, here’s the bottle. Will she be alright?” “It’s hard to say right now, she’s not waking up as of right now and her oxygen to carbon dioxide ratio is deadly but we’ll try our best.” the doctor said as he entered your room once again. “You can’t be doing this to me. Did you seriously do this? You have so much to live for.” Yoongi muttered.
Jungkook had been notified of the situation but didn’t seem to making an appearance any time soon. “We came as soon as we heard.” the other five members said as they each appeared in the hospital. “Where’s Jungkook?” Seokjin asked. “In some club with that Subin.” Yoongi spitefully replied. “Are you kidding me? Subin? Is he crazy?” Namjoon groaned. “Apparently they’re on good terms.” Yoongi muttered. “Seriously? After she left him in such a state? ___ was the one who was there, not her ass.” Taehyung ranted. “Is he coming any time soon?” Yoongi asked. “Doesn’t seem like it, I’ve sent him 30 something messages and he hasn’t read a single one of them.” Jimin muttered. “I didn’t know this boy was stupid enough to do this, to be in a club with his ex and leave his girlfriend to overdose.” Hoseok muttered as he placed his head in his hands.“Does he even care about her?” Jimin muttered.
Hours had passed and you seemed to be taking your time with recovering, “How is she?” “There’s minimal signs of recovery but her breathing’s somewhat better, we’re still trying.” Jungkook also failed to show up to the hospital, it was nearing 4am and everyone was knocking out but not Yoongi, Yoongi couldn’t sleep until he knew you were conscious. “Where is that stupid maknae?” Yoongi muttered, the anger rising in him as he messed with his phone.
“He’s on his way.” “Are you serious? Is there even any point, it’s been over 16 hours since I got here and now he decides to appear?” Yoongi responded. “Hyung, we all know he’s an idiot, so let’s just deal with him when he appears.” Jimin told him as he stood up to find some food. When Jungkook appeared, he was with Subin, and strolled in like it was nothing. He looked immaculate while everyone else had been sitting in their sweats for hours on end. “What time do you call this?” Yoongi growled. “3pm?” “Not the time, idiot! Your girlfriend has been in there for 16 hours and still hasn’t gained conscious from her overdose and you stroll in with this monster you call a woman as if it’s a mundane thing to do!” Yoongi shouted, the anger and stress of the situation had gotten to him and he could no longer keep it inside.
“One. I didn’t know which hospital she was in. Two. I was hungover. Three. My phone was off until this morning.” Jungkook replied as he took a seat next to Hoseok, who then moved away from him. “Okay, listen kid, your girlfriend who didn’t leave your side once overdosed herself which means she attempted suicide, why? Because of your ass. And for the record, we told you the hospital, you shouldn’t have been out clubbing with this woman and your phone should have been on for emergencies like this.” Yoongi told him from the seat closest to your room.
“Why are you all here anyway, she’s my girlfriend?” he muttered. “Without me, you could kiss your girlfriend goodbye. If she hadn’t told me to come over to stop her from doing this, she would have been dead!” “Then why didn’t you stop here?” Jungkook said, raising his voice. “I was too late but not as late as you.” Yoongi muttered as he walked out of the department and eventually the building. 
“Is that really how you guys see me? Am I just a monster to you?” a small voice asked. “Subin, know your place. This isn’t about you.” Taehyung snapped while fiddling with his phone. “Don’t worry, I’m sure they don’t mean it.” “Snap out of it Jungkook! We do not like her, we never did! You should be concerned about your girlfriend who is in there, closer to death than ever, not this girl you used to fuck!” Seokjin shouted out of frustration. “I think I should leave.” “No, stay.” Jungkook told her. “Let her fucking go, Jungkook. She has no place here.” Namjoon warned him. “Okay, I’ll see you later.”
“You’re an idiot, you know? You’re tearing us all apart and your girlfriend is in a battle with Death himself right now but all you seem to care about is her, open your eyes, kid.” Namjoon told him as he left to go for a walk. Eventually everyone had left Jungkook alone, he would finally have time to think over his actions. The reality of the situation hadn’t hit him until he was alone, he could lose you, his life partner, his saviour, how had he been so blind? Why was he so distracted by an ex who had done him nothing but harm.
“Min Yoongi-ssi?” the doctor called out. “Yes? Is she okay?” “She’s finally regained consciousness.” “Thank God, can we see her?” “Be my guest.” After a long 37 hours you were finally awake, a huge weight lifted of Yoongi’s shoulders and he felt as though he could breathe again. “Hey, kiddo, you alright?” he asked as he entered your room. “Could be better.” you muttered as you attempted to eat something. “Why did you do it, if you can’t answer, don’t?” Yoongi questioned. “I had missed a couple days of medication and thought I could make up for it this way, I also wanted to leave this place, so badly. Everything I have been doing led up to the moment he walked out of the door with her.” “Don’t blame yourself, it’s far from your fault.” “You look tired.” you pouted. “I haven’t slept in a ridiculous amount of time.” “Is it because of me? If so, I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. I’m okay.” “Liar.” “Whatever, do you wanna see the others?” 
You nodded in response and the rest of BTS flooded into the room, “How you doing?” Jimin asked you. “Alright, I’m sorry I made you all worry, I was being stupid.” “No, you weren’t stupid, you just wanted out, you wanted an exit. You weren’t stupid though.” Namjoon told you, causing you to smile, he understood you. “You know who was stupid though? Jungkook.” Seokjin told you. “Why?” “He was nowhere to be seen for almost half the time you were in here and he appeared with Subin.” he nagged. The name felt as though you had been shot in the chest with a machine gun that had no end. “Idiot.” Taehyung remarked from the side. 
“Where is he anyway?” Yoongi asked. “I’m here. And I’ve had a lot of time to think about what I’ve done this past week or however long it’s been.” “Spill it, kid.” Namjoon told him. “With you all here?” “I want them here.” you told him as he walked towards you and took your left hand in his. “___, I’m sorry for being so blind to the situation you were in, I’m sorry I was oblivious to your struggle, when I was thinking about it, I didn’t understand why I was so absorbed in Subin, I guess it was because the memories I shared with her were overpowering but I should have known better that I should have made more memories with you. The thought of almost losing you broke me, I didn’t realise the reality of it all until I was left completely alone, it felt bad, I felt helpless but I only felt that for a couple hours, I don’t even understand how you must’ve felt. I was such a bad boyfriend for these past few weeks, picking a fight on you whenever and not truly caring for you, I hate that I did this and that I can’t reverse time but please forgive me so I can make this all up to you.”
“How do you plan on doing that?” you asked him after his meaningful monologue. “I will never let you out of my sight and I will do whatever you want, go on the dates you want and spend all the time that I have with you, in order to make new memories with you. I can’t risk losing you, not when I know what it’s like when you were so close to death.” “Okay.” “Okay?” Jungkook replied. “Yeah, okay.” “___, he just confessed so much to you and spilt his heart and emotions and you replied with okay?” Hoseok asked, clearly holding in his laughter. “What else is there to say to that?” you chuckled. “Glad to know, you’re still you, my love.”
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chibinekochan · 7 years
Hi!! How would the RFA+Saeran react to MC having an ex-best friend who now stalks her, mimics her, and flirts with them? Your choice if MC is freaking out or just totally calm about it
Interestingone I will do my best Anon and if you get ever stalked please tellthe police there are laws against that. Stay safe everybody !
I’msure no one is calm when anyone is stalking them .
Ifthis is not what you wanted just tell me.
Trigger warnings forstalking
Afteryou told him how you had that one friend who was ever doing what youdo he found it very unsettling to say the least.
Youstopped being friends with them a while before you even met zen andto him it sounds like that was the best decision.
Itwas more then once that you met them somewhere really unexpected theyever acted like it was nothing but Zen saw that their was somethingof in the way they acted.
Youalso disliked how they acted before so you told them that they needto stop that.
Theyever made excuses up for being where ever you and Zen where.
Youthought they started to stalk you at least till they followed Zenwhen you where not with him.
Onceyou saw them hitting on Zen it was really hard to see.
Zentold them to leave him alone since he is very happy with you your exfriend is not satisfied with that and keeps telling Zen how muchbetter they are for him.
Hereally wants to hear nothing of that.
Youcome in at that point to tell your ex friend to go away if yourfriendship had ever meant anything to them.
Theygo but they still are around you see how they copy your style andmovements as to show Zen how much better then you they are.
Itsvery a bad think to see you never thought they would act like this.
Zensoon has more then enough of that behavior he confronts your exfriend he makes it as clear as possible to them that he has nointerest what so ever in them.
Heloves you and if he ever sees them again anywhere near him or you hewill not wait and call the cops on them.
WhenZen later tells you this you think he made a really good job and yourex friend understood the message too.
Yourex friend ever wanted what you had that was the main reason you notwanted to be friends anymore.
Oneday you meet them again while you are with Yoosung you introduce themand Yoosung knows right away who they are.
Youtold him everything about them at first he thinks they actual not toobad and you too think they might changed.
Soonyou see them getting back on their old habits again with dressingsimilar to you it annoys you.
Oneevening you see them flirting with Yoosung they really not hold backat all you are about to get between them.
SinceYoosung is really uncomfortable and you know how inexperienced he is.
Beforeyou can say anything though Yoosung tells them to leave him alone heis very happy with you.
Hetells your ex friend how much it would hurt you to see them like thatafter all they where your friends at some point.
Youcoming up from behind Yoosung and you are agreeing that I hurts butthat they clearly have no room in your life.
Yoosungagrees he tells you if they come to him again he will tell them offagain you tell him its better to just go away from them and if theykeep following him you will make sure to call the police on yourex-friend.
Youmet your ex friend at a party unexpectedly it was really awkward toyou.
Theyhad kissed your ex crush and ever since then your friendship wasover.
Yourex friend told you how sorry they are but you really don´t want tohear any of it.
Jaeheekeeps polite but is distant towards them.
Yousoon see them again and you notice they are really friendly withJaehee
Youknow you can trust Jaehees but your old wounds are still hurting soyou get angry at them for doing something like that to you.
Theymake it look like you are in the wrong at least till they stat toflirt with Jaehee and tell her how much better they are.
Jaeheereally can´t understand your ex friend at all she is glad youstopped being friends with them.
Jaeheetells your friend to get away from her since it makes her reallyuncomfortable.
Theykeep stalking you and Jaehee till she has enough and confront themone last time.
Shetries her best to settle it peacefully but she makes it very clearthat if she ever seen them again she will call the police or takemeasures in her own hands since she knows how to defend herself.
Youhad told him about that old friend of yours but little did you knowthey where now working for him.
Soyou where more then surprised to see them again on a business party.
Youhad not seen them in quite a while and they where not mad they keptprofessional and so did you.
WhenJumin saw you talking to them he got curious about them as well afterall you where friends before.
Hewas polite to them and it looked like they where behaving peoplechange you think at least till later at that evening.
Yousee that they had too much to drink and getting really way tofriendly with Jumin.
Youkeep your calm since Jumin can handle himself perfectly.
Youwatched the scene but later Jumin assured it was nothing and youagree.
Thenext days you notice that they keep appearing around Jumin he did noteven notice them till you mention it and once he pays attention to ithe sees it too.
Hejust keeps ignoring them even when they start to dress like you hedoes not see it till you mention it.
Juminjust says that it looks really terrible on them and he also makes notreally clear he has zero interest in them.
Youknow that but it´s good to hear it.
Juminsees it bothers you so he just lets your ex friend transfer into acompany far away from you.
Theyjust quit and Jumin is okay with that too he remarks how theyperformance was really bad anyway.
Spoilersfor these two
Yousee your ex friend on the street one day and they greet you reallynicely but you not trust them since they where often flirting aroundwith your crush.
Yourfriendship ended after you moved away but you where not sad that theywhere not around anymore.
Saeyoungsees you with them and he introduces himself he is friendly but youare not too happy about the situation since your ex friend gets backinto old habits and flirts with him.
Saeyoungreally does not care that they flirt with him he is more confusedsince you are clearly with him.
Youboth decide to say goodbye to them and go home.
Sometime later he notices how your ex friend started to follow you andalso him.
Hereally does not like where that could go so before anything elsehappens he records their actions and sends them a Video that showsyour ex friend following both of you around.
Hesends them a text telling them  he will submit this to the police ifhe ever sees them anywhere you or himself.
Aftereverything is settled he tells you everything abut it and you arequiet surprised that your ex friend was going so far.
Youare truly glad its settled now thanks to Saeyoung.
Youhad told him the story about how you left your old town to get awayfrom your ex friend they had become really creepy towards you.
Saeranis glad that you not have contact with this one anymore.
Oneday you see them again you want to stay away but you see that Saeranis speaking with them.
Yourex friend seems really friendly with him but you want to make surethat Saeran does keep away from them for his own good.
Whenyou come in your ex friend recognizes  you right away and you tellSaeran that you know him and he knows right away who they are so hetells them right away to go away from you.
Theytell Saeran to not listen to you and that you are a great liar theysay Saeran should be careful around you and how much better he wouldbe with them.
Thatmakes Saeran really angry how dare they say that about you you aresuch a great person.
Henot wants to see your friend ever again.
Sadlythey keep stalking Saeran and you so you have no choice but to getSaeyoungs help to get rid of them since you really worry that it willaffect Saeran in a bad way.
SoSaeyoung does what he has to do and you never hear from them again.
Foronce Saeran is glad that Saeyoung is his brother but he really wasjust worried about you.
Takea look at my Masterlistmy requests are open so drop by !
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