#today WILL be the day i read a book again. and properly write
papercorgiworld · 8 months
Revenge of a simp
Pick your guy: Mattheo Riddle or Theodore Nott
You have been in love with him since forever, slowly you make your way into his life. When he breaks your heart you and Cedric Diggory team up to get him jealous.
So happy to have finally finished this. I really hope it’s good. Not too sure about the title though… Definitely let me know if there are any mistakes.
Warning: save to read until the smut warning, or if you want you can just skip ahead to the smut…
I. You fell first
You liked him and it was obvious. Then again that was kind of the point. After a year of crushing on the guy, it was time to slowly wiggle your way in his life and so far so good.
You talked regularly, mostly before or after class, having small discussions about the material or brainstorm on a project. During the weekends you heard and saw less of him, because he was usually with his small circle of friends. However, most recently you had started to win over Pansy which meant that you tagged along sometimes when they visited Hogsmeade, but even then he spent most of his time talking with his friends. But the most important thing was that you were getting closer to him, you were going to conquer your crush. And today was a magical day.
A small paper butterfly landed on your desk and you frowned, opening it very carefully, wary of any possible pranks. You read it and immediately felt your cheeks heat up. You tried to calm and cool yourself down with a deep breath, before turning around to him and nodding.
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Meet me after quidditch training?
Maybe? Please?
You nervously waited for Mattheo to finish showering and stared around the quidditch stadium, quietly daydreaming. Suddenly you feel a hand on the small of your back and quickly turn around. “Ready to go?” You smile, but look a bit puzzled. “Go where?” He gestures at the books in his hands. “The library, I really need your help with my history assignment.” You stare at the books and nod. This sure wasn’t the romantic date you were hoping for, but you still get to spend some time with him.
Spending time with Mattheo in the library wasn’t disappointing at all. He settled close to you and gave you all his attention. “I’m so happy to have you here with me. It makes so much more sense now that I understand the assignment properly. I must’ve been distracted when Binns explained it.” You laugh as he eagerly writes some stuff down. “Always happy to help. I could give you my notes. I write down a lot, probably too much, but I like some background information on the events, makes it easier to remember.” He stares at you and smiles. You return his smile awkwardly, tilting your head a bit to ask: why are you staring?. He shakes his head and lets out a soft chuckle. “Sure, your notes will definitely be helpful.”
“Hey, Matt, you joining us up?” Pansy asks as she points her finger up, which refers to the astronomy tower. Mattheo nods and offers you a sweet smile. “Thank you so much for your help.” You try to hide your disappointment and force a smile. As he scrabbles his books and papers together Pansy looks at you. “Are you going to tomorrow's party?” You stay quiet for a moment, you hadn’t really thought about it. “You should. If you want, we can meet beforehand.” You look at her like you’ve fallen in love with her. “Yeah, that would be nice.” She nods.
“What was that about?” You hear Mattheo’s harsh whisper as they walk away. “I could ask you the same?” Pansy whispers back and you can’t help but stay put a moment to think it over.
Meet me after training?
You were eager and got there early, too early. He had only just landed when you arrived at the quidditch pitch. “You’re a bit early.” He chuckles as walks up to you all sweaty and panting. “I know, but I can just sit in the stands as you shower.” You feel yourself get flustered as he carefully watches you. “The weather is nice, so that’s why I’m early.” You try to sound as casual and convincing as possible, but his soft chuckle is proof of how nervous you sound. “I’ll be quick.” He just says and joins his friends in the direction of the baracs. You sigh, hating how much of a fool you can be when you’re around Theodore. Merlin have mercy, I’m so down for this guy.
Theo watches your hands fiddle as you stare at the clouds. “Hey dreamy, you ready to help me with my potions project?” You jump a little as his voice startles you. You nod. It wasn’t the first time you had studied together, but you were confused that he asked you for help since he was a star student despite his lack of effort. Even more absurd was that he apparently needed your help with potions. You get up and walk towards him. “Potions? Why would you need my help with potions?” You ask with your eyebrows knit together. “I mean you’re like a potions genius.” Theodore laughs at your dramatics, obviously not that good with compliments. “I want some extra credit with Sluggy so I’m writing an essay on Mandrake Restorative Draught. And then I remembered that you wrote an essay on Mandrakes so I thought you might be able to help.” Your eyes get all shiny, you’re happily surprised that he remembered.
While you search for the best books on Mandrakes Theo follows you around questioning you about all things Mandrake. When you try but fail to reach one of the books on the top shelf he is eager to help, but you are surprised by how close he comes, locking your figure between his body and the books. “This one?” He asks with his eyes on yours, referring to the book and you nod, hating the feeling of your face heating up. You feel saved when Pansy shows up. “Theo, you joining us up?” Pansy asks as she points her finger up, which refers to the astronomy tower. “Of course, be there in a minute.” Theodore answers, expecting Pansy to leave. However she stays and smirks. “(Y/n) wanna meet up before the party tomorrow? We can get changed together, it’ll be fun.” You frown for a moment. “I wasn’t planning on going, but I would love to.” Pansy smirks. “Good.” You don’t notice Theodore’s annoyed expression at Pansy and just watch him pass you. “See you later.” Is all he says and you hear Pansy snicker as Theodore growls something under his breath.
II. The kiss
Getting ready with Pansy was a blast. She made all your worries disappear and gave you a massive confidence boost. You stare yourself down in the mirror, checking your outfit and make up, when Pansy pops up next to you in the mirror and kisses you on the cheek. “You look fine, babe, stop stressing about. And lets! Get! Some! Guys!” You laugh wondering if she was really this hyped or she took a shot of something.
She holds your hand as she guides you through the dancing drunks to first get drinks, then dance with some of her friends and finally to the corner where the guys are drinking. When you arrive you notice they’re all focused around Theodore and George who are playing some sort of card game. “I know how to play cards Fred!” George complains as Fred keeps on muttering. You frown, but quickly notice a few galleons on the table. Oh now it makes sense. The next moment Fred and George are bickering and the Slytherins are celebrating. You laugh at their drunk enthusiasm, but suddenly all the laughter seems to go quiet as you lock eyes with him.
When your eyes meet a genuine smile spreads on his face, before he suppresses it and forces his lips into a line. The sparkle in his eyes remains and the corners of his mouth still tug at a smile as he takes a few steps towards you. You look up at him. “Hey, there. Lucky night?” You ask pointing to the table with scattered cards on. His arm snakes around you and he pulls you close. “You have no idea.” You can smell the alcohol, but aren’t bothered by it as you’re too busy enjoying being in his arms and pressed up against his chest. "Let's dance.” He doesn’t wait for an answer and moves you a little further from his friend group to somewhere where there’s enough space to spin you around. You laugh at how playful and drunk he is. Neither of you are bothered by the looks you’re getting.
It was like lightning hit you. He spins you around and immediately pulls you back into him, a little rougher than before. You stumble a bit, but he holds you tightly against him, safe, where you should be. You have no idea what goes through his mind as he looks at you with intense eyes, but it was all you in his head. With one arm around you, his free hand reaches for your face and holds you as he kisses you like no one was in the room. You hesitate for a moment before kissing back and you’re pretty sure you hear Theo and Enzo cheer.
When you break the kiss in need of air, Mattheo slings his arm around your neck and pulls you close to give you a kiss on the cheek. You’re convinced you’re blushing like crazy at this moment, but with Mattheo’s arm around you, you feel safe. All too soon Mattheo is pulled away by his friends to join in some ridiculous drinking game.
When it gets late, or rather early, you and Pansy say your goodbyes and you get one last sloppy kiss from Mattheo, but he’s quick to turn back to drinking. You can’t help but wonder if that kiss actually meant anything.
Theo walks over to you grinning and you meet his glinstering eyes. “Remind me to never play games with you.” I say, referring to his ice cold victory and he just smugly raises his eyebrows. His arms reach around you pulling you close to him and his lips move to your ear. “Let's join the crowd and dance.” He pulls away a little to see your expression and you can smell a combination of cigarettes and firewhiskey, but the most intoxicating thing about him are his eyes, which seem to drown in yours. You give a small nod in agreement and he walks you to the center of the room. He never lets go of you and now that you’re surrounded by dancing people he pulls you even closer. You can barely wrap your mind around what’s happening, so you decide to let yourself be guided by Theo’s warmth.
You don’t hide your gaze and just adore Theodore as he sings along with the music in a playful way while his intense eyes never leave yours. You should’ve seen it coming, but you didn't, it came out of nowhere. One moment he was resting his head against yours and the next his lips were roughly moving over yours and biting at your soft lips. It was a drunk kiss, but it felt so passionate that all doubt left your body and you kissed back with the same intensity and desire. When the kiss finally breaks Theodore pulls you close, squeezing you a little too hard, but you weren’t going to complain.
When he lets go of you, the first thing you notice is how you had forgotten about all the people around you, but they had seen it all. Eyes of jealousy and eyes of shock were all around you. With his arm still around you, he guides you back to Pansy and his friends. With a butsqueeze he says his goodbye to you and joins his friends in another game. You’re left baffled at what just happened and join Pansy on the couch. When you announce you’re leaving all you get is a cheeky wink which has you questioning if the kiss meant anything at all.
III. The heartbreak
The next morning you quickly figured out how this was gonna go. All of Hogwarts was talking about your kiss, except for him. As much as it meant to you, you were forced to downplay it. Luna spent her entire day checking on you, worried you would break at the smallest inconvenience. “Drunk people kiss at parties.” You told Ginny. “It probably meant nothing and that’s cool.” You tried to sound as nonchalant as possible but failed miserably.
However, as bad as it sounded when you were forced to say it, it was worse to hear him say it. You spotted him a little further down the hallway.
“I was drunk and she was just there.” I was… convenient?
”She’s been simping since forever, it was just an easy play.” Simping? Easy play?
You turn around, heartbroken. You had a crush on the biggest ass ever.
However, you miss a vital part of the conversation.
Pansy rolls her eyes. “Sure, Matt. You’re definitely not falling for her at all.” She turns on her heels annoyed with his pathetic tough act. Mattheo frowns and turns to Theodore and Enzo. “I don’t have a thing for (y/n).” Lorenzo can’t hide his smile and Theo is grinning at his pack of cigarettes. When Theodore meets Mattheo’s annoyed eyes his face turns a bit more serious. “If you want us to believe that you’re gonna have to stop the staring.” Enzo nods and adds: “And you’ll have to stop asking her for help with assignments we know you’ve already finished.” Mattheo clenches his jaw and snatches Theo’s cigarettes, before pushing them aside and walking away. “Whatever.” He mutters and Theo and Enzo can’t help but grin at their friend in denial.
“Yeah, she’s a simp, but you like it.” Mattheo sings the last bit with humor and Theodore rolls his eyes. “It’s pathetic.” Theo argues with annoyance in his voice, but Mattheo just grins. “Isn’t that how we like our girls?” This makes Theodore’s eyes go a little darker, whether the statement was true or not Theo didn’t like Mattheo’s outspokenness about it and reaches for his cigarettes. “Last night’s kiss clearly meant something.” Blaise’s serious voice makes Theo roll his eyes again. It was conversations like these that made him smoke as much as he did. “No. It didn’t.” Draco’s grinning gets even worse and his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek. “Then explain why you need her to help you with potions? Were you out of legitimate excuses to spend time with her?” Mattheo snickers. “Yeah, and what’s up with the staring?” Theodore pulls away his hand holding his pack of cigarettes so Mattheo fails to snatch it. “I don’t stare.” Theo’s voice warns them to stop teasing. When he walks away Blaise raises his eyebrows and Theodore growls when he hears his friends fall into a fit of laughter.
IV. The masterplan
Clearly upset you make your way to your common room intending on hiding in your dorm for the rest of the day. You try to keep yourself from crying as you speed walk through the hallways. You keep your head down to avoid making eye contact, but suddenly you’re forced to look up as some stumbles into you. Cedric Diggory. Walking backwards out of a classroom fully engaged in a conversation and laughing he had walked into you. “Oh by Helga, I’m so sorry.” He immediately apologizes and reaches for your arms to keep you steady as you take a few steps back. When he realizes it’s you, a happy smile tugs on his lips. Even though he was older, Cedric and you had been good friends since first year. You were constantly lost, but leave it to the handsome and sweet hufflepuff to help out first years. You try to force a smile in return, but it turns into something awful and Cedric cheerfulness ebbs away as worry makes his brows knit together.
“Dudes, I’ll meet up with you later.” He tells his friends and swings his arm around your shoulder. “Talk to me, (little puff/ dearest raven/ sweet slytherin/ brave lion).” You try to push him away. “Uhm nothing, I’m just on my way to my dorm. A headache, you know.” You make up the lie on the spot and point to your head, but Cedric isn’t having any of it and pulls you closer. “Sure, but who’s the cause of your headache? Snape? That annoying prefect we talked about last time?” You don’t know how, but he manages to make you laugh. You remember how you’ve always confided in him and not once had he broken your trust. So when you’re in an empty hallway you decide to fess up about your crush, the kiss and what you had heard him say.
Cedric stares at you and you can’t figure out what exactly he’s thinking until he finally speaks up. “I’m not one to throw punches, but excuse me for a moment.” He says and turns around, but you grab his arm and pull him back. “No. It won’t do any good. Plus you’ll get hurt, I don’t want that.” He huffs. “I could take him.” You try to hide your smile as he flexes his arms. “Okay, maybe not a fight, but he has to pay in some way. I mean does he not realize what an amazing person he’s missing out on.” Your eyes glinster as you watch him. Yeah, why couldn’t that idiot see me?! Suddenly something in you clicks and you look Cedric up and down, before pursing your lips with mischief in your eyes. The hufflepuff in front of you frowns as he sees trouble. “You want to help me make him realize he’s an idiot.” Cedric nods, slightly wary of what you’re planning. “Want to be my fake boyfriend?” A cheeky smile tugs on his lips. “I thought you would never ask.” He jokes, but he quickly turns serious. “He is so going to regret taking you for granted.”
V. He fell harder
The plan was simple: hold hands, snuggle, spend a ridiculous amount of time together and simply act like Cedric was the only guy at Hogwarts. Meanwhile Cedric was being a perfect fake boyfriend, he walked you to your classes and held your books. You spent every meal together, sitting uncomfortably close to each other. When no one was around you would spend your time laughing at your own behavior.
But as much fun as you were having pretending to be over your crush, he was far from having a good time. An intense feeling of jealousy settled in his stomach and made his heart ache in a way that turned his eyes lifeless.
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Theodore gave Mattheo a soft elbow so he would stop staring at the Hufflepuff table, but he didn’t budge. Mattheo was too busy hurting himself by watching Cedric’s arm hang over your shoulder. When Theodore again shoves his elbow in Mattheo’s direction he looks at Theo with a troubled look. “That’s toxic behavior right. It’s like he owns her or something.” Pansy immediately snickers at Mattheo’s words, making him turn towards her with a scowl on his face. “If you were truly a good friend you would do something about it.” Pansy raises eyebrows at Mattheo's argument. “I love it when karma’s a bitch.” Pansy says looking away from Mattheo with a content smile, not getting involved with his jealous act.
Mattheo ignores Pansy, not ready to admit that maybe he was in the wrong by assuming you would wait for him forever. He looks back over to you and instantly regrets it as he now has to watch Cedric whisper something in your ear that makes you laugh so beautifully that Mattheo feels his heart being ripped from his chest. “Stop looking.” Blaise says when he sees Mattheo’s face fill with pain. “I don’t get girls. Two days ago she was still simping over me like a lost puppy and now it’s Cedric.” No one really wants to respond to Mattheo’s statement, since how Mattheo had treated you wasn’t fair but at the same time they knew he just needed a little more time to come to terms with his feelings. Enzo turns around to look at you and Cedric. “Honestly, it’s not that surprising, they’ve been hanging out since first year. Guess he just finally made a move.” Theodore stares at Enzo for being this blunt about the situation. Mattheo looks at Lorenzo with an unreadable expression, before looking at his plate. “Good for him.” He eventually mutters. After two more bites he gets up and leaves the great hall, you watch him from your cozy spot next to Cedric and you can’t help but miss Mattheo despite how much he had hurt you.
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He entered the great hall and immediately his eyes rolled at the sight of you next to Cedric. He joins his friends at the slytherin table without taking his eyes off of you. “That’s just inappropriate. She’s basically on top of him.” Enzo turns like the obvious person he is and looks back at Theo, grinning like an idiot while Theo is far from pleased. “They look cute together.” Mattheo’s wide eyes shoot up at Enzo, before he looks at his heartbroken friend. “Yeah. Sure.” Theodore mumbles and finally looks away. “There’s other girls, mate.” Mattheo says before patting Theo on the back. This for some reason hurts even more, Theodore hates the idea of moving on from you. “I don’t get it. Why is she suddenly into him? It makes no sense. She was into me. I mean it was obvious, right?” Enzo raises his eyebrows at Theo’s agitated voice, but before anyone can say anything he continues. “Like, why would she go for that?” His eyes move back to Cedric whispering something, apparently hilarious, into your ear making you giggle.
Theodore grits his teeth. You were so pretty with that slight blush on your face. He used to get to see that every time he talked to you and he loved it. He loved you and now that he had finally realized that you were in some other guy's arms. Pansy’s snickering pulls Theodore away from you, but he avoids her and looks straight back at his plate. “Did you seriously expect her to wait for you forever? Gods, you men are so simple.” Blaise turns to Pansy. “Can you be any more insensitive?” Pansy shrugs. “Like he was when he let her run after him for almost a year.” Suddenly there’s a loud clattering noise as Theodore throws his fork onto his plate and gets up. All the guys judge Pansy, but she couldn’t care less.
With Cedric’s arm around your shoulder, you watch Theodore speed walk out of the great hall. You can’t help but chew your lip wondering if you’re on his mind at all.
VI. You played the game too well
The week went by and you hadn’t talked to him once. Only one or two stolen glances. However, you expected everything to change at tonight’s party.
“Definitely jealous.” Cedric says as you meet his eyes in the mirror. “Really?” You ask, unable to hide your childlike joy. “Yeah, trust me. The staring is so obvious. It’s almost embarrassing.” You chew your lip at the idea that your crush is actually interested in you. “Which is kinda why I think you should talk to him.” Your eyebrows knit together at the Hufflepuff’s words. “Why? He accused me of simping. He should apologize to me.” You turn around to face your fake boyfriend who sat on your bed smiling. “Yeah and I think he should, but I fear you might be expecting too much of a slytherin with issues.” You look at him a little confused and he sighs. “Look (y/n), you’re clearly still into the guy which I don’t think is your best move, but I won’t judge….” You frown. “That’s judging.” Cedric tilts his head in an apologetic way and continues his argument. “The thing is I don’t know if he’s going to start begging…” Your eyes are focussed on Cedric since you clearly haven’t caught on and Cedric tries to explain it as simply as possible. “I fear he might just act out like a toddler that just has his candy taken away. We’re playing this game really well and as confident as he pretends to be I think he won’t reach out if he thinks you’ve forgotten about him.”
Cedric left to get changed for tonight’s party and you continue to get ready as well. You mind dwelled on Cedric’s words. Part of you wanted to reach out and talk, but you also didn’t want to prove how much of a simp you really were for him. He might not be jealous at all and then I would just make a fool of myself. He should come to me… and he will… tonight. With determination you stared yourself down in the mirror. Tonight he would simp for you.
You jump to the music with Cedric and Luna by your side. You’re having a great time, but still your eyes darted around the room. It was past midnight and you hadn’t seen your idiot of a crush yet.
However, his eyes had been on you all night.
Leaning against a wall with a drink in his hand he watches you be pretty and have fun. It was gut wrenching to see you with someone else. He cursed himself and down his drink. When he moves to place his empty cup on a table a very flirty and drunk girl approaches him. With one dance move she wraps his arm around her own body. For a moment Mattheo’s eyes scan over the girl’s body moving against his, but then his mind goes back to you and he searches for your beautiful figure in the crowd.
To his surprise you’re looking at him. His heart starts pounding now that your eyes are on him. But then he notices you’ve stopped moving. He’s not sure, but it looks as if all joy had been drained from your figure. The girl in Mattheo’s arms whispers something in his ear, but he doesn’t even proces her words as he watches you look away from him.
When he sees Cedric look over to him and say something to you he gently pushes the girl in his arms away. The next moment you push Cedric away and move towards the exit, Mattheo desperately tries to follow you. You were clearly upset about something and he just knew he needed to be with you. His heart started racing even more, he hadn’t talked to you in a week and he was unsure what he would say or do if he caught up to you.
He had pushed everyone aside and was only seconds behind you, but when he finally got to the hallway you were nowhere to be seen. His worried eyes darted around until he heard soft sobs and knew by the aching of his heart it was you.
You were standing just behind a corner, in a dark hallway, trying to keep yourself quiet so as to not draw any attention. Your mind was still in the moment where Mattheo was looking at the girl in his arms. The kiss you two had shared was just out of convenience, he wasn’t jealous, quite to the contrary he was over you… if he was ever interested at all. You want to let your body slide down the wall since your sadness is making your legs tremble, but suddenly Mattheo’s hand reaches for your side keeping you steady. Your eyes scan him up and down, not willing to believe it’s actually him. “What happened? Did Cedric do something?” You immediately shake your head, but it takes a while for you to answer as your throat still feels dry. “No.” Your voice is shaky and Mattheo’s thumb caresses your cheek wiping a few tears away.
It’s this gesture that pisses you off. “Go back to that slutty thing.” You snap and push away his hand. He’s shocked by your reaction, but after a second of confusion his eyebrows knit together. “Is that what this is about?” There’s a hint of frustration in his voice. You grit your teeth annoyed with your own jealousy. Frustration boils up, this was not how it was supposed to play out. He was supposed to be jealous. “You said I was an easy play. You don’t just kiss people for the fun of it, Mattheo. I wasn’t simping over you. You hurt me.” Your rant doesn’t make a lot of sense to Mattheo, but those last words trigger something.
“I hurt you? You left me out of nowhere and just… just forgot about me… suddenly you’re all over Cedric. Watching you in his arms, hurt me, every god damn day, (y/n)!” He is so close to your face, it’s intimidating, but you don’t back down. “Good. Now you know to never take me for granted.” Your words are stern and calm him down in a way, so he can now finally connect the dots. His breath is still unsteady, but his eyes have calmed down. “You and Cedric aren't actually dating?” Your heart is still racing, but your anger has subsided. “No.” You whisper. “I really thought you were.” There’s a sadness in his voice that makes you feel a little guilty, but he doesn’t allow you to think about it because the next moment his lips crash onto yours.
The kiss is harsh, almost punishing, but you still desperately embrace it. Your hands make their way up to his neck and hair while he pushes himself into you, earning a soft whimper from you. You had been longing for this for so long, this was the real thing, this was Mattheo’s raw love. “Don’t ever play games like this with me again.” He warns, voice husky and dark, before kissing you with even more lust than before.
Seated with his drunk friends Theodore stared at you, like he had been doing for the entire night, only looking away to reach for his drink on the table in front of him. He had barely even gone out to smoke, it was confusing how he continued to torture himself by watching you be happy dancing with some other guy. Theo reached for his drink, when suddenly a very tipsy girl slipped her hand on his leg and settles next to him on the couch. “Theoooo.” She sang as her other hand snaked to the back of his head playing with a few strands of his hair. Theodore stares her down before rolling his eyes and returning his gaze back to you.
It felt like the air in the room was being sucked away as your eyes looked directly at him. He was happy to know you still knew he existed, but it only lasted for a moment. You look almost disgusted with him and immediately turn away from him, making Theodore frown. The next thing confuses Theo even more as he watches you shake your head at Cedric and head for the door. Something was wrong and he just needed to be with you, he felt drawn to you and quickly made his way through the crowd.
When you’re finally outside you can no longer hold back tears. Theodore wasn’t jealous and he wasn’t going to be begging for you tonight. Your plan failed and now you were even further away from him than ever. Sobbing you speed walk to get as far away as possible, but you don’t get very far. His large warm hand wraps around your wrist and pulls you into his tall body. “What happened?” A worried Theo meets your eyes and his free hand snakes up to your face, cupping your cheek.
”You!” You snap and take a step back. “You said I was a simp, I was easy.” Theodore is baffled at your angered voice and the tears that continue to stream down. “You should’ve never taken advantage of me and kissed me.” Theo frowns. “I-I didn’t mean to-” He can’t think of anything to say. He did say those things and maybe he did take advantage of you, but he never meant to because he truly cared about you. He loved you. His silence makes you sob even louder. “And then you just jump the first girl that approaches you. Do I mean nothing to you?” At your question Theodore grits his teeth. “You mean the world to me, but you were suddenly off with Cedric like I didn’t exist. What was I supposed to do?” His eyes are filled with anger and desperation, making you look down at your feet. It’s your sudden silence that makes Theo suspicious. “Don’t tell me you started dating him to get me jealous?” You wisely decide to keep staring at your feet, avoiding his piercing gaze.
He grabs your chin, demanding an answer. “We’re not actually dating. I just wanted you to see me.” Theodore looks away from you as a mix of emotions surges through him. No words can explain how angry and in love he is with you, so after a nasty curse in Italian he pushes you against the wall and slams his body against yours. His kiss is intense and leaves you without air. He rests his head against yours. “Let tonight be a reminder to never play games with me again.”
VII. Smut! bonus: exactly how I like you
You ignoring Mattheo for a week had gotten him more hot and bothered than you realized, but now that he finally had you alone in his room you were gonna find out. He knew you wanted him, so there was really no need for him to be polite about it. He shuts the door behind him and breaks the sloppy kiss to forcefully turn you around, pushing you against a wall. “I want you naked and underneath me.” He whispers in your ear as he unzips your dress. He kisses your shoulders as he lowers your dress until it slips down your perfect figure. His already hard dick pushes against your ass through the fabric of his pants, while he squeezes your breasts through your bra. A whiny moan escapes you as you feel your panties soak, earning you an animalistic growl from deep down his throat. “This is what you’ve wanted for so long, isn’t it? Me having my way with you?” You nod and a sloppy sound of agreement leaves your lips. You can feel Mattheo’s smirk against your skin, but he immediately goes back to focusing on your body, taking off your bra and turning you around so your perked nipples are faced towards him.
Slowly his hands caress your boobs, his mouth hangs open in admiration of your beauty. “You belong to me.” He squeezes your breast and presses his lips against yours. “I belong-” With one hand playing with your nipple he earns a moan from you and presses his smirking lips against your temple waiting for you to finish your sentence. “to you.” You breathe out so beautifully it makes his dick twitch in his pants. “Damn, you need to be fucked so desperately?” You nod and his hand slips to your drenched panties, making you whimper in embarrassment as a filthy smile appears on his face. “Fuck, princess, I love you so much, you’re so desperate for me.” You hear the hunger in his voice and softly buck your hips as he inserts a finger. You cling to his shoulders as the movement of his fingers makes your knees go weak. You cry his name as circles your clit, wanting more of your needy whiny moans.
“Please, Mattheo, fuck me.” You beg as your moans turn into whimpers. His smug smile stays in place as he watches you. “No. You’re going to cum for me.” He demands and curls his fingers in a way that has you instantly climax. While you’re still feeling all the sensations of your orgasm rush through your body, Mattheo picks you up and walks you to his bed. He slips off your panties and just watches your wet cunt as he uncaps his belt and reaches for his hard thobbing cock. You moan at the beautiful sight of Mattheo jerking between your legs. You’ve wanted this exact thing for so long and happily spread your legs a little wider, making him smirk. “I love a good girl.” He whispers darkly as he crawls onto the bed and lines himself up with your entrance. “You are going to take me so well.”
At a slow pace he works himself into your pussy, making sure to stretch you without hurting you. “You’re deep.” You whine at his size fully inside of you. He leans down and kisses you, before moving his lips to your ear. “Yeah, but I’m also fully inside, which means I’m yours.” His hoarse voice has you throw your head back, giving him the signal to start pounding into your desperate cunt. There isn’t much mercy in Mattheo as he grabs your thighs and slams his dick into you again and again and again… As you feel your second orgasm approach you arch your back and he selfishly chases his own high, knowing that you’ll come any moment. As he fills you up with his seed he can’t help but think about how much of a simp you are for him: exactly how I like you.
“Let tonight be a reminder to never play games with me again.” Well, you surely were never going to forget tonight and you already knew that when Theo dragged you to a nearby classroom. In between sloppy kisses he had reached for your hand and guided it to his pants, where you eagerly started to pump his dick. When your hand was soaked with his precum he unzipped his pants. “You want me?” You nod, feeling your pussy get wet at the idea. Pleased with your answer, his mouth is back onto yours. “Then get on your knees.” He demands pulling out his hard member. With your mouth already hanging open you lower to your knees. Theodore smirks at the view of your desperate mouth. “I love how compliant you are.”
You struggle to take him whole, but you want to so badly and Theo grips your hair. “Slowly love, give yourself some time.” You take his advice and let him guide his dick in your mouth, fucking in slowly but steadily. “Merlin, you're beautiful on your knees for me.” He moans as you keep your eyes on him. Your eyes get teary as he gets slightly rougher, but his strokes your hair reassuring you. “If you continue to take me this well, I’ll eat that needy pussy of yours.” You almost roll your eyes at his words making a mess of your panties. Only moments later his seed fills your mouth, you struggle to swallow but do so non the less and that view alone almost gets him hard again.
Still panting himself he pulls you up and works down your panties. Your hands grip the desk behind you and for a moment you worry which classroom you’re actually in, making you yelp in pleasure as his mouth digs in on your soaking cunt. You cry his name over and over again as his tongue fucks your pussy, making your legs give in a little but luckily Theodore takes a firm hold of your thighs and keeps you in place. Feeling supported by his strong arms one hand lets go of the desk behind you and settles in Theo’s hair. “I want you, Theo. Please, it’s okay, just fuck me already.” You beg, but it only makes him force his face deeper in between your legs, making your stomach twist just before coming on his tongue. “Now I’ll fuck you.” You hear his husky voice from between your legs and your eyes roll back.
His cock was hard again and he was harsher than before as he turned you around and bent you over the desk you had just held onto. With one brute tugg he pulls your bra and dress down so your breasts are exposed to the cold air. With one hand playing with a boob his other is free to guide his dick inside of you. You cry out his name as he picks up the pace rather quickly. “Isn’t this what you wanted?” He asks and you can imagine the smug smile on his lips. When you don’t immediately answer he starts pounding into you even harder. “Yes. Yes this is what I wanted.” You whimper as your face gets teary. Finally having what you wanted from him felt better than you had ever imagined. Your desperation and Theo’s powerful thrusts had your clit thobbing in seconds and your walls clenched around his cock as you came for a second time that night. Tightly holding onto your breasts Theodore watched his dick slide in and out of you, overstimulating your pussy, until he came for a second time as well. Gods, this was exactly how he liked you: simping for him and filled up with his seed.
Picture source: https://pin.it/6AnYUtD1c
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desideriumwriter · 25 days
Metamorphosis | F.W. x Reader
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Summary: Fred has been acting differently since he got hurt during the War. You're not sure how many more of his outbursts you can handle.
CW: established relationship, mentions of a head injury, TBIs, migraines, blood, being cut from broken glass, yelling, arguing, crying, not proofread
WC: 4.3k
A/N: now this one is a rollercoaster
based off this request! | f.w. masterlist | navi
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Things had been difficult since May.
Voldemort was dead and the war was over. But everyone was dealing with the aftermath.
Things were quiet for a while, people were quiet. Distant but united at the same time. It took a few months for everyone to try and go back to normal.
Now it was November, and Fred was still dealing with the aftermath.
Of course, a head injury from being hit with a spell and a literal stone wall falling on him would have its long-term effects. You’d already read the list over who knows how many times.
Memory loss, light sensitivity, aggression, problems with multitasking, communication issues, irritability, mood swings, forgetfulness, etc. The list went on and on, you hated how long it was. 
You did research on it, listening to his doctors and picking up as many books you could find on head injuries or TBIs.
You even got your hands on some textbooks that muggle medical students used.
George and you took care of Fred after he came back to your shared space above the shop. He spent his first week after being discharged from the hospital at his mums, due to Mollys demands.
Things slowly went back to normal after a few months. Most things.
Shops reopened all along Diagon Alley, including the twins, people felt safe to go out and chat with each other again. 
Life went back to how it was before the war began.
The cold weather was getting harsher and so was Fred. 
You knew that the irritability and mood swings would come along with the injury. You just weren’t expecting it to be so constant.
Fred had his bad days and he had his better days. Today was one of those bad days.
You could tell he was really struggling remembering what was in stock and what needed to be made more of. You sat with him at the counter as he wrote down on a notepad what was needed. Taking notes was one of the things that helped him nowadays.
You saw him look up, the cogs attempting to turn in his head.
“Peruvian Darkness Powder.” You said softly, it was the next thing that needed to be restocked.
“Right. That. Thanks.” He muttered out, crouching over to write it down, his hand shaky and handwriting a bit wobbled.
Frustrated with his shaky hands, he threw the pen down, putting his head in his hands, rubbing his face.
“I just don’t get why it’s so hard. I feel like I can’t properly do anything.” He groaned, the annoyance clear in his voice.
“Fred, it's what the symptoms of a-”
“I know it’s a fucking brain injury. I’ve heard it enough goddamn times. You don’t need to spell it out for me.” Fred spat out, ripping his hand from yours and walking past you. That was the fourth time he snapped at you today.
After closing that night, you sat on the bench right outside the shop. Elbows resting on your knees with your head in your hands.
You were really trying here. Trying your best not to get mad at him, to yell and spit at him as he did you.
He was still your Fred that you loved. He was just a bit different now, and that was okay, he was still your Fred.
The door to the shop opened, the silly tune of the charmed bell playing as a tall figure stepped out. Fred stood to the side of you now, his frame blocked out the light shining on you from the street lamps. The only light now being from the inside of the shop, illuminating his and your face once you looked up.
You breathed in deep, closing your eyes for a second, trying to keep any tears from falling. The cold wind wasn’t helping.
“Hi.” He gave you a shamefaced smile.
George had definitely scolded him and told him to apologize once you went outside. It’s not the first time he’s made him do it in recent times.
“Hi.” You sighed.
“I’m- I didn’t mean to snap at you when you were trying to help me with what needed to be restocked, or when you offered to sort the mail.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, suddenly feeling small. The feeling had become constant for him now.
“And before both of those, when you snapped at me in your office. Then in front of one of the cashiers.”
“I did?” He said softly, genuinely shocked. You nodded, brows knit together.
“Oh, I didn’t even realize. I don’t even remember that. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be so harsh.” Fred looked down, having the same expression as a kicked puppy.
“It’s okay, Fred. I know you don’t mean to.” You slowly nodded.
“I’m trying to not be so rude. I’m trying to be better, I promise.”
“I know, Fred. I know.” You sniffled.
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The doctors said practicing patterns would help with cognitive ability. Patterning. So stocking the purple and orange mystery boxes in a pattern would be Fred’s practice.
He began to practice different patterns:
Purple. Orange. Purple. Orange. Repeat.
Then moved onto a bit more strange ones:
Purple. Purple. Orange. Orange. Purple. Orange. Repeat. 
He was struggling a bit more than usual today, you watched as he did, and it broke your heart.
You sighed as you put your notepad away, pausing writing down the grocery list for now and making your way over to Fred.
You reached out, putting the next correctly colored box on the shelf for him. He grumbled out a ‘thanks’.
“I can do the rest for you. Go give your brain a break.” You breathed out a laugh, trying to be lighthearted as you picked up the large box filled with the remaining mystery boxes to be put away.
“No, it’s fine. I’ve got it.”  Fred mumbled out, paying you barely any mind.
“Fred, I can tell your stressed enough just let me-“
“Will you piss off? I said I've got it!” Fred didn’t mean to yell, especially in the middle of a busy store, he was just frustrated. 
Your cheeks heated up in embarrassment and anger due to all the staring eyes of confused customers looking at the both of you.
“Fine, fucking do it yourself then.” You shoved the box into his hands. Walking off, pissed off as you threw off your hat onto the counter.
George murmured your name as you walked by, trying to put a hand on your shoulder, you shoved out his grasp.
You hid away in the back stockroom. George followed, entering a tiny bit after you.
You sat on a wooden box, leaned over with your head in your hands. 
“You know he doesn’t mean it. He got blasted pretty hard, it’s just one of the side effects.” George sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets.
You were so tired of those two words. Side effects. Yes, of course you knew what the side effects and symptoms were, that they wouldn’t be pretty or easy. But you were just so sick of hearing it.
You shrugged, lifting your head up.
“He's frustrated. With himself.” George sat down next to you, intertwining his hands into a ball. “He always feels bad after he gets angry.”
“I know, and I’m trying my best to help him out but it’s like he never fucking wants it. He refuses.”
“He’s never liked help, always wanting to be so damn independent and stubborn.” George let out a weak chuckle and shook his head. “It took him five minutes to accept the money Harry gave us. Even after that he tried to tell Harry he’d give it back if he changed his mind.”
“I remember, I was there.” You smiled a bit to yourself at the memory, Fred was so adamant about Harry keeping the money, or at least most of it.
“Chocolate?” He pulled a small bar off one of the shelves, you shook your head. “It’ll make you feel better.” You persuaded, you let out an amused sigh and took it.
“You stole that line from Lupin.” Unwrapping it and biting off a small chunk.
“Yeah, but it works doesn’t it?” You let out a defeated nod and smile in response, taking another bite.
“He’s not gonna be like this forever. You know that. He’s gotten a lot better since May. Just, his moodiness will stick around for a little bit.”
“I know. I’m just so worried about him. I can’t help it.”
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George was at Angelinas for the night. It took him ten minutes to stop worrying and finally go, constantly reminding you if you needed his help with Fred, if Fred starts getting mean, to send him an owl and he’d come back immediately. You shooed him off and assured him Fred and you would be fine, that he should go have a worry-free night with Angelina.
It was going well, you watched a short movie and shared some snacks and cuddles on the couch. It was all going so nicely until you both decided to get changed and go to bed.
You slipped on a night shirt talking to Fred about the movie as he opened the top drawer on the wooden dresser. The one that creaked and occasionally jammed from time to time. 
Tonight was one of those times.
He pulled out a pair of pajama pants from the drawer, his eyebrows knitting together when he pushed the drawer and it barely moved. You looked over and frowned disappointedly.
“It’s stuck again.” You sighed, thinking out loud. 
“I know.” Fred muttered out under his breath, you didn’t catch it.
You watched as he repeatedly tried to push it, it wouldn’t budge.
“It’s just old, maybe tomorrow we could go window shopping for a new one?” You suggested sweetly as he didn’t respond, he just clenched his jaw as he continued trying to close it.
He used a terrifying amount of force as he slammed the drawer shut with one last push, causing the whole thing to ratter. The sudden movement and sound made you jump. You took a step back, Fred noticed. His expression faltered for a moment as his eyes scanned your body language.
“What, are you scared of me or something now?” He muttered, an attitude in his voice.
“No, I never said I was scared of you. You just…”
 “What? I’ve just what?” 
You were so sick of his attitude. You took in a deep breath before speaking.
“You’ve been acting up, you’ve been slamming doors, throwing things down when you’re frustrated, you yell more. At George and I especially. You’re unpredictable.” You let out quickly.
“Unpredictable? I have not been that bad. You’re dramatic.” Fred shot back, he was a bit hurt by your words, yet deep down he knew you were right. His actions had become surprising. But he was too damn stubborn and he was in the middle of a beginning argument, so he wouldn’t admit to it now.
“I’m not, you’re proving your point with how you’re being now. You’re being stubborn and defensive. You get angry and you yell at me. When I’m just trying to help! The doctors said-”
“I don’t give a shit what the fucking doctors told you! Or those stupid books you’ve been wasting your time on!” All this yelling hurt his head. But the words were spilling out his mouth like a waterfall of poison. 
“Have you considered your not being any help? If you really wanted to help you’d let me do shit myself instead of acting like I’m fucking stupid! You wouldn’t be walking on eggshells around me! You’d let me be instead of being a pounding in my head!” His chest heaved, his face slowly being filled with regret as he saw you. Taking a step back with the most painful stare at him, astonishment and hurt written all over your face.
He watched as you brought your arms up around you, holding yourself as if it was a way of shielding yourself from his words.
“Is that really what you think of me?” Your voice went soft. A small crack in your delivery of words as you rubbed your upper arm.
“No! Absolutely not! I just- I’m-” Here comes the sputtered out apologies, the regret filling him up immediately, you just shook your head.
“Forget it, I’m done with this conversation.” You barged out the room. That look never leaving your face, it will haunt him forever.
“Where are you going? I thought you were going to bed?” He called out as you went down the hallway.
“I’m sleeping on the couch tonight.” You shouted back, more of a loud mutter really. Fred said your name disappointedly, leaning against the bedroom door frame. You didn’t respond, you didn’t turn around, you made your way to the couch.
He didn’t run after and stop you. Knowing you’d give him the silent treatment and refuse to get in the same bed as him. For tonight only. Hopefully.
Though you tried to muffle and hide your sobs behind your hands, Fred could still hear it all the way from the bedroom. Those pained sharp breaths in that turned into wheezes, the little hiccups and whimpers of sadness you made when you breathed out were far too loud to be hidden.
You cried for two hours until you finally got a grip of yourself. Getting up and going down the hallway, not to get back in bed, but to see if Fred was.
You peeked your head in just enough to see his side of the bed, he was laying on his back peacefully, his eyes puffy. Had he been crying also?
He was relaxed now though, resting. At least he was getting some sleep. You quietly sneaked back to the living room. Lying back down on the couch and using a throw pillow for your head. 
You couldn’t get comfortable, couldn’t keep your eyes shut, couldn’t stop thinking, you couldn’t sleep. You missed him, you really just wanted to be next to him.
By the time the clock ticked to 2AM, you got up, tiptoeing back into the bedroom. Sneaking to your side of the bed, so carefully pulling back the sheets. You moved so carefully, so lightly, so gently as if everything was made of fine china. 
You debated if you should snuggle up to Fred, not wanting to wake him. What if he got annoyed again? You really didn’t want to deal with another conflict.
You carefully scooted over to him anyways, testing your luck. You slowly wrapped your arm around his torso, ever so lightly laying your head on his chest. He began to move and your body immediately tensed up.
His arm hooked around you, circling your waist, the other arm reaching over, his hand softly placed on the side of your head. Your body went limp in happiness. You could start crying again from all the joy you felt in this moment.
This is how you knew Fred hadn’t become a whole other person than the one you knew before the accident. His hands on you, holding onto you so sweetly, just like he used to. There were still those little remnants of his true self hanging around. He was still Fred. He was still your Fred.
You woke up to an empty bed. The sunlight shining down on Freds side of the mattress.
You changed into more presentable clothes, hearing the chatter from downstairs and knowing the shop was open. 
Going downstairs, Fred was nowhere to be seen while George was moving around helping customers and constantly casting spells to organize things.
Owning a joke shop was absolutely not a one man job.
“Where’s Fred?” You asked, looking around as you approached the counter. George was stacking cards. 
“In his office. Another migraine.” He tucked in his lips, seemingly annoyed.
“Oh. Well, I’m gonna go out, probably window shop. Do you need anything?”
“Could you get some cabbage? And a few more quills and ink? We’re running low.” He said, swiveling his way out from behind the counter.
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You may have stayed out longer than you meant to.
Thinking you’d be back before five, you got home at nearly eight instead.
You did some looking around in local furniture shops, and you picked up what George asked for. You mostly just walked around the quieter streets, needing to get away from all the noise.
By the time you got back it was a bit dark outside and there was a closed sign on the shop door. You unlocked and locked it quickly, moving upstairs tiredly.
The living room light was turned off, the moonlight from outside being the only thing that made the room somewhat visible. Fred was sitting on the couch.
“Hey.” You spoke softly. 
“Where’d George go?”
“He stopped by Angelina’s for dinner.” He said blankly. Everything felt so awkward.
“Oh. Have you eaten?” You asked as you set down the bags of supplies.
“Yeah, I had some leftovers.”
“Okay, well, what’re you doing in the dark? Get some light in here.” You giggled as you flipped up the light switch, overhead light brightening up the room.
Fred quickly scrunched his eyes closed with a pained expression, he put a hand up to shadow his face.
Fuck. Light sensitivity. He was already dealing with a migraine, that’s why he was in the dark, and you turning on the light made it much more intense.
“Shit. Sorry, sorry, sorry.” You blurted out as you hit the switch down, the room going darker again.
“Here, I’ll- I’ll get you a glass of water.” You sputtered out, running over to the kitchen sink and grabbing a glass, filling it up with cold water from the tap.
“No, you don’t have to.” Fred muttered out.
“Please, it’ll help. Just let me help.” You pleaded as you ran back over to the couch, sitting down and holding the glass towards him. He denied it again.
“Fred, just drink-“
“I told you! No!” He shouted, pushing your hand away.
The glass slipped out of your grasp. Hitting the floor and cracked into pieces, somewhere in the impact a small shard hit your lower leg. Nothing serious, it could be quickly closed up with a spell, but it was bleeding heavily already.
Fred realized what had happened once you felt the stung and winced, holding a hand over your small injury, crimson staining your hand and dripping onto your sock.
“Oh Merlin, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.” He panicked as he straightened up, patting his sides for his wand, he had left it in his office. He saw yours on the coffee table.
“Here, let me fix-” He reached one hand towards your wand, the other laying on your shoulder.
“Don’t. It’s fine, I’ve got it.” You said as you reached across, grabbing your wand and leaned your shoulder away from his touch.
His stomach twisted, the guilt was eating him up. He fidgeted with his fingers, not knowing what to do with his hands now that you refused his touch and his help.
You said a quick spell, the cut swiftly closing, skin looking unharmed and the only evidence of what happened being the remnants of drying blood on your leg and hand.
“I’m gonna go wash off my hands.” You said so quietly, almost a whisper. Fred stayed silent as he watched you get up and walk away, he wanted to cry.
You returned to the living room with a packed suitcase, quickly walking past Fred on the couch and to the chimney. His eyes stayed glued on you the entire time. You didn’t look at him.
“You’re leaving?” Freds brows knit together in a sad way, he sat up straight from his spot on the couch.
“Yeah. Not for long. I’ll be back.” You spoke, back facing him as you put down your small suitcase.
“A friends place. For a few days.” You didn’t tell him who, he would most likely send letters apologizing.
George was the one who suggested it surprisingly. Once he came home as you were washing off the blood, he told you to go take a few days to yourself.
“No offense to you, you’ve been doing great. But I’ve lived with him for nearly twenty-six years. I know how to deal with him when he’s mad.” He held your shoulders.
“I know how to deal with him too, you know.” 
“Of course I do. But I know you’re worn out as well. You need to take some care of yourself. Focus on you for a few days.” You really didn’t want to agree with George on that, it felt rude to do it. There was really no good way of saying he was wearing you down.
“I’m sorry.” Fred spoke out.
“I know, Fred.” You let out a heavy breath. “I’m not mad at you. I think we should take a break from each other.” You tried not to let your voice wobble.
“You don’t mean a break up, right?” He stood up from the couch.
“No. Of course not.” You finally turned around, looking at his gloomy face. “We just need to spend some time apart, just for a day or so. Okay?” You kept your voice soft and nurturing, hoping it would hide the way your own words were breaking your heart.
"Can I just get a hug before you leave? Please?" Fred took a few steps closer, his steps cautious. You closed your eyes and nodded.
You didn’t want to look at him for too long, both of your faces were threatening to deteriorate into tears, and you couldn’t stand to see it.
He pulled you into him nicely, hands slowly and carefully wrapping around you like you would crack if he moved the wrong way.
“I’m sorry I’m like this. I love you.” He said softly, sounding like it was a plea for you to stay.
“I know.” You mumbled into his chest.
Fred’s injury didn’t bother you. The forgetfulness of struggles with certain things didn’t bother you, you didn’t care if he struggled to keep track with things. 
It was just his anger. His outbursts. His shouting. That’s what bothered you, it was nothing like him. Sure, he’s definitely gotten moody or stubborn or annoyed before like during Quidditch matches back at Hogwarts or when a much needed shipment arrived late at the shop.
But you’ve rarely seen him truly mad, yell like he does now, the only time you can remember him like that is when he had to be held back from helping George and Harry beat up Malfoy after a match in his seventh year.
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“I still love him, of fucking course I do. But he’s changed so much. it’s like,” You stopped, clenching your jaw and trying your best trying to keep tears from returning. “It’s like sometimes I look at him, and he’s a ghost, he’s a completely different man I fell in love with all those years ago.”
“You’ve changed too.” Alicia commented, “You’re not as much of a hermit as you used to be.” She joked, poking you.
“Oh piss off.” You let out a breathy chuckle, face falling soon after. “I’m scared. What if he stays like this forever?” You whispered out, a small crack in your voice.
“He won’t. You told me already, there’s still that cheeky little Fred that you’ve always know still in him. He’s getting better day by day.” She tilted her head. “And fuck it. Even if he doesn’t, even if it takes a while, you gotta grow with him.” You looked at her, puzzled expression on your face.
“If you don’t grow with him, if you aren’t willing to go through that, then what in the hell are you doing?” She shrugged, laying back in her chair. “You’ve gone through these shitty times with him before, right? And you both made it through. What makes you worried you won’t be able to do it again?” 
Alicia was right. You’ve gone through rough patches with him and made it out just fine. Casual disagreements, arguments and fights, yet you always made up. Leaving those arguments in the past and loving each other in the present.
“You staying another night?” Alicia asked you, taking a sip from her glass.
“No, I think I’ll go back. I’ll send an owl and tell them before I go.”
Once the green flames subsided and you stepped out of the chimney, dusting off your clothes. Fred came running into the room, a bouquet of all the flowers in his hand.
“Feeling alright today?”
“Yeah. Yeah. Are you?”
God, you hated the awkward tension in the air. It felt like this every time you had a conversation.
“That’s good. Uh, these are for you.” He stuck out the bouquet nervously, hand trembling. You put down your suitcase and stepped closer. A small noise of adoration left as you looked at the flowers, it was all your favorites.
“I may not be able to remember much. But I remembered these were always your favorite.” He let out an awkward laugh.
The last time you told him what flowers you liked was in year five. You took the bouquet from him with hesitant hands, surprised by the gift. Fred swallowed his anxiety before he began to speak again.
“I didn’t mean to be so rude. I just get so frustrated with myself, I don’t want to act like that anymore. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t take it out on you, you didn’t deserve it.” He moved to cup his hands around your face, bringing your teary eyes to meet his.
“I promise you I’m going to be better. I swear on everything. I will be better.” He gave you a sweet kiss on your forehead, then pulled you into a hug. 
You held on tightly to his torso, turning the flowers away to keep them from being crushed.
“I love you.” You said into his sweater, tears beginning to fall.
“I love you too. So much.”
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tell me what you thought! <3
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sluttywonwoo · 2 years
Imagine Felix just guiding and talking you through your first time with him
Stuck in my head all week man, i'm begging you to write about it
okay this was supposed to be more dommy i swear but it turned out really soft ;-; sorry lol
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word count: 1.3k
warnings: smut (18+), protected sex, crying
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“that’s it, baby, just like that,” felix mumbles into your neck, pushing his hips forward bit by bit until his body is flush with yours. he stills once he’s bottomed out inside of you and presses a kiss to your temple.
he hopes you can’t feel how he’s trembling as he holds himself above you, hopes that if you can, you won’t attribute it to him being weak—because it’s not that.
he already embarrassed himself when he tried rolling the condom on and the elastic snapped him in the thigh, leaving a noticeable red mark behind. the last thing he needs is for you to think that he can’t even keep himself in position long enough to fuck you.
it’s just… he didn’t expect you to feel this good with the condom on and he’s losing all semblance of control. it’s your first time, so he’s trying to take it slow, but you’re just so goddamn warm and tight and perfect that he can’t seem to think straight.
“you okay?” he manages to ask, needing to make sure you’re not in any pain.
“great,” you hum and smile fondly up at him.
“it doesn’t hurt?”
“no, you made me cum earlier, remember?”
as if he could forget. the sounds you made as you fell apart underneath him were now forever imprinted in his brain. it would have been enough to make him cum untouched if he wasn’t focusing on not doing exactly that.
“yeah, but a couple of fingers isn’t as big as… you know.” he cuts himself off. he doesn’t want to imply that he’s big, doesn’t want you to think that he’s complimenting himself when all he’s trying to say is that there’s a distinct difference between the two.
“you’re sweet,” you say, squeezing his bicep with one of your hands. “and you can move now, by the way.”
felix gathers up his strength and draws his hips back just slightly, wanting to start with shallow thrusts before jumping right in to deep strokes. you whine, eyebrows pinching together, but urge him to keep going.
“how’s that feel?”
“s-sooo good,” you sigh, hiking your knees up to your chest so that he can drive his cock even deeper.
felix can’t help but chuckle, stroking your cheek fondly.
“look so pretty, angel,” he compliments. “‘m gonna get such a big ego if you keep moaning like that, though.”
“you… deserve… it.”
felix seriously doubts that, but you don’t know any different, any better, so he doesn’t let himself get too carried away.
“cross your ankles behind my back if you’re able to,” he instructs, “that way you won’t strain yourself holding your legs up on your own.”
“like this?”
felix groans as you do what he suggested, feeling your walls squeeze even tighter around him. your thighs are hugging him like this too, soft yet strong. he feels completely surrounded by you, by your body, your scent. it’s all too much and not enough at the same time. he wants to fuck you properly— slam into you over and over until you can’t even remember what day it is. he wants to show you what he’s actually capable of, prove to you that he can show you a good time. ruin you for everyone else but him… but he’s almost already cum like. three times now. so that’s off the table, at least for today.
instead, felix focuses on what he’s doing now, which is thrusting into you at a moderate pace, and talking you through it.
“yep, perfect,” he chokes out.
he fucks you in that position for a while, basking in the pleasant sounds of you panting beneath him. you seem to like it, if your whimpers of his name are anything to go by.
he can tell when you start to feel sore, though. your frown of pleasure begins to turn into one of discomfort but you’re trying not to let it show. but felix has been dating you long enough to read you like an open book so he stops what he’s doing and checks in again.
“does it hurt, baby?”
you start to shake your head. “na- a little.”
“let’s stop here for today then.”
he goes to pull out but you stop him, keeping your ankles locked behind his frame.
“i want you to cum though!” you protest.
“tonight’s not about me, silly, remember?”
“but i got to cum it’s not fair!”
“again, it doesn’t really work like that. sex isn’t a transaction. you don’t have to ‘pay me back’ for making you finish.”
you pout silently and begin to blink rapidly. it takes felix a second to realize you’re trying not to cry.
oh, he’s really done it now.
frantically, your boyfriend cups your face with his free hand and pleads for you to look at him.
“baby? what is it? what’s wrong— what did i do?”
you sniffle. “nothing, it’s… it’s stupid.”
“no, it’s not, i promise. nothing you could be thinking right now is stupid. it’s okay to feel overwhelmed or upset or whatever it is you’re feeling… it’s your first time after all, and i’m sorry i couldn’t make it perfect—”
“that’s exactly it, lix!” you lament, wiping your tears with your free hand. “it’s my first time and, and i couldn’t even make you cum. everyone says it’s supposed to be a lot easier for boys to cum but we’ve been going at it for so long now and you’re not even close.”
felix genuinely has to keep his jaw from dropping in shock because that is not the reaction you need right now. he wants to tell you how wrong you are but you’re still talking and he doesn’t want to interrupt and risk making you even more upset so he keeps his mouth shut.
you pause, hiccuping and desperately trying to catch your breath. “i guess, i don’t know i feel like my vagina must be broken or something. is it not good? is there something i could be doing better? you can be honest.”
“baby, no! it’s not you at all! your v- you’re perfect! to be honest, i’ve been fighting an orgasm this entire time. i didn’t want to cum too soon and ruin it for you, that’s the only reason i haven’t. i promise.”
“pinky promise?” you hold your pinky out for felix to loop his own around, which he does, sealing the promise with a kiss to your knuckle.
“pinky promise.”
“so do you want to?” you ask.
“do i want to what?”
“cum, do you want to cum?”
“no, babe, you’re sore already i don’t want to hurt you.”
“but i want you to!”
felix sighs. “baby…”
“what if you cum in my mouth?”
you prop yourself up on your elbows and raise an eyebrow.
“let me suck you off?”
“are you sure?”
“yeah, i’ve been practicing!”
you’ve been what now? this is news to felix, and the very idea of you on your knees, training yourself to take him down your throat is enough to make him feel like he’s cumming.
he is, he realizes, when he feels his cock twitching inside of you, feels his cum fill the condom.
“fu-uck, i’m s-sorry, baby…” he gasps out, doubling over back on top of you, feeling like he’s just been punched in the stomach. “i didn’t… should’ve warned you.”
when felix opens his eyes again, you’re beaming.
“this is the best possible outcome,” you tell him as he rolls off of you.
“huh?” he asks, blinking hazily at you.
“you came and i didn’t even do anything!”
“oh, yeah… see, i told you! you drive me crazy.”
you pat him on the shoulder like you’d just played a friendly game of kickball and grin.
“feeling’s mutual.”
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captain-mj · 7 months
The Journal
I don't know. Cw: Ghost's backstory
Soap found the unassuming book on his desk. The edges of the paper had turned slightly yellow and they were clearly flipped through quite often. He frowned at it, wondering who went into his room and set this there. It felt... almost threatening.
Soap gently opened the book to look at the first page.
I'm writing this journal as a "therapy" exercise. Frankly I think it's fucking bollocks. I'm fine. I dream about nothing.
Well. That wasn't very helpful. The handwriting was odd. Almost scrawling, like the person who was writing had shaky hands but also couldn't be bothered to hold the pen properly.
Soap frowned. This seemed a rather personal thing to give to a person. But it was in his room.
Just one more page.
Apparently I'm supposed to introduce myself. Fine. My name is Simon Riley. I belong to the SAS. I was a POW for a couple of months. I keep hearing numbers but none of them feel right. I think parts of me are still down there.
I hurt. Everywhere. Especially when people touch me. I can't sleep. Can barely eat. My mum is worried. So does Tommy. I want to tell them to fuck off. I have. But they keep worrying. I wonder if this is how Beth felt.
On the page was a polaroid. A baby faced Simon with nasty scars on his face, still fresh and angry. He looked half dead. Dark circles under his eyes and an expression nothing like his usual. Someone had their hand on his shoulder, but he could only see their arm.
Soap sucked in a breath. There was no way Ghost gave this to him. No fucking way.
He got up and grabbed the book, going straight for Ghost's quarters, planning on returning it immediately and pretending he had found it and couldn't find Price to turn it in.
Ghost's quarters were empty. His knives were missing, but his clothes were still there, meaning he was on a mission.
Soap paused and tapped his foot. He wasn't sure if Price was around. How did someone get this? If he left it in his room, he was worried someone would find it. He'd have to keep it. Just to be sure.
Soap set it back on his desk. When he saw Price, he'd talk to him.
After a minute of staring at it, Soap shoved the book into a drawer and closed it tight. He left to talk to Gaz to distract himself for a few hours.
Gaz was nice enough to tell him that Ghost and Price were on a mission together and that they wouldn't be back for a few days.
No big deal.
A few days with a book that potentially had a lot of answers to some questions he had about Ghost.
Soap didn't make it the night before he was reading more pages. He never claimed to have great self control.
Good morning. I feel like a teen, writing in a diary. I've been put on new medication today. Supposed to help. It makes me dizzy for some reason.
My mum keeps making me tea. She wants to make sure I'm real. I see her hands hovering around me. If I wasn't such a shit son, I'd tell her she can hug me. The thought makes my skin crawl. I see her dead body in my dreams. I see the skull they said was hers. I want to tell her I'm okay, but I don't want to lie.
Soap felt sick. There was a drawing. It was crude, clearly done out of boredom and with no real care behind it. Soap was pretty sure it was a skull that was dripping something. Maybe blood. The ink was all black so there was no way to tell. "Mum" was written several times around it.
I dreamed about her again.
That caught Soap's attention. Her? Was Ghost into women? That seemed unlikely.
She used to speak so soothingly in spanish to me. I wonder if she was like me. Did Roba rape her too?
Soap shut the book and shoved it under his pillow. Enough of that. Nope. He didn't want to think of those words and what they meant.
Fucking too.
The idea of something like that happening to his Lieutenant was... It just... didn't happen.
Soap pulled the book out and kept reading. Just... to prove it wasn't real.
I don't know. It's not a nice thought. Maybe I want someone else to hurt too. I tried to jack off the other day and ended up scrubbing myself raw afterward from how it made me feel. How pathetic right?
Not sure what this is doing. What benefit this has. I'm writing my thoughts. Trying to feel better. Tommy joked about me buying a hooker. I had a panic attack. it was like i was back in high school again. fucking baby.
There was a picture of someone, presumably Tommy, and Simon hanging out. They were both smoking and Tommy was making a sign with his hands. He had a giant grin on his face. Simon had a carved out Glasgow smile that looked like it hurt. Raw. it looked to be after the earlier polaroid. The dark circles hadn't gotten better, but there was more color and flesh in his face.
My mum wants me to talk to my dad. I don't know why. I don't know want to see him. Can't let him see me right now. Maybe when I'm recovered. Last time I saw him, I beat his ass. Doubt he's going to forgive me.
Bastard is pure evil. He gets off on hurting people. Got off on hurting me. I think he's trying to use the cancer as an excuse to get close to my mum again. I'll beat his ass again. I'm putting on more weight. I'll fucking do it.
There was a little stick man drawing labeled 'Simon' and 'Bitch' with Simon beating him to death. Soap thought the blood was rather well drawn, even if the stick figures wasn't.
As the week went on, he kept reading a few pages at a time. He learned... things.
Ghost liked Vanilla tea.
Ghost had been assaulted by more than one person.
Ghost's father had beaten him. A lot.
Ghost was scared of snakes.
Ghost loved his Mum.
Ghost hated most mystery movies.
Tommy was Ghost's brother and was the second most important in his life.
And that they were all dead. All of them.
He wrote an explanation of everything there. In a clinical, harsh detail.
I wish I had died down there in Mexico. I wish I had laid down in that grave and died. It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault.
It kept repeating and then he had just started over and wrote over the first layer.
Soap was crying. He couldn't help it. Tommy was so... young. Not to mention the descriptions Ghost gave of his family in general. The pages after that were mostly drawings or scribbles, all made with heavy hands.
Simon knocked. He could tell by the sound he made when he knocked. "Johnny?"
"When did you get back?"
"...Just now. Can I come in?"
"Yeah." Soap wiped his face so he'd look... normal. "Yeah come in."
Ghost stepped inside and saw the book. "Enjoy it?"
"I left it for you."
Ghost hummed. "Thought it would be the easiest way to let you in."
Soap swallowed. "You don't do anything half assed do you?"
Ghost's eyes stared at him. Answer enough right there.
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gentaro-kinniecom · 11 months
“Oh you haven’t kissed anyone yet? Neither have I, maybe we could..?”
Characters: Adonis Otogari, Tatsumi Kazehaya, Yuzuru Fushimi, Tsumugi Aoba, Kanata Shinkai, Leo Tsukinaga, Mika Kagehira, Hinata Aoi, Mao Isara and Niki Shina
Cw: fluff! Silly kisses and flustered (?) characters, Keito being mom coded in Mao’s part HELPP, idk what else to say except that..I really enjoyed writing this
A/n: Hi guys! I went missing for like 2 months (school has been absolutely brutal) but anyways, I hope y’all enjoy this silly post, also the reader is the one who tells them that, not the character towards the reader (i hope it made sense 😓)
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Adonis Otogari
“Huh?” what the first thing Adonis replied to when he heard your question. He seriously thought he’d heard wrong and blushed a bit as he ran the words over and over again in his head, he really wanted to kiss you. Especially since he’s had a crush on you for a while, so Adonis gently brings you closer and kisses you. He apologizes later on even, if you didn’t mind the kiss and he’ll try to properly court you afterwards.
-“Can we go on a date? I insist, you’re a wonderful person to be around with”
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Tatsumi Kazehaya
Tatsumi gets embarrassed at the suggestion, he didn’t expect such a bold statement coming from you. He’ll decline the offer, saying that it would be ‘unpleasant’ to kiss if you’re not in a relationship…Tatsumi changes his mind when you suggest trying things out as a couple. Going on dates and listening to his rants about..anything really. He doesn’t want to admit how badly he wants to kiss you, so he does, with no hesitation.
-“Now that we’re together..I suppose you don’t mind me showing you my affection, hm?”
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Yuzuru Fushimi
Nearly drops his tray of tea when you said that. You noticed the change in his attitude, a bit flustered and shy as he offered you some tea. Tori was out to visit Eichi and Wataru was practicing for another show, meaning it was the given moment to spend time with Yuzuru. As much as he wanted to leave, he couldn’t help but want to kiss you. Yuzuru was now grabbing your chin softly and leaning in, parting away as he smiled.
-“It seems a date is in order? I would be delighted to show you some of the best sights in the city”
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Tsumugi Aoba
Similar to Yuzuru except, he dropped the books he was holding and quickly got down to get them back. Yet, you were helping him, and he got more nervous and shy. However, Tsumugi grabbed your hand, whisking you away to a more secluded area to kiss you. He confessed that he liked you since the day you’ve met and it all felt like a dream when you asked him that.
-“I would’ve never guessed that a day like today..we would kiss in the library, but, I’m definitely not complaining..”
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Kanata Shinkai
His face remained puzzled as he asked you to repeat the question again. Kanata smiled as he heard it once more, pulling you towards the waves of the ocean as he wrapped his arms around you. It was usual for him to be so affectionate with you..but as his lips neared yours, you felt your breath hitch. Your clothes were wet by the time you both left the fountain; Kanata was now holding your hand softly while kissing you
-“Hehe~ I like ‘spending’ time with you..do you want to go on a ‘date’ with me~?”
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Leo Tsukinaga
He straight up just laughs and begins writing on the notebook you gifted him a while back for his birthday. Soon holding it up for you as you read the lyrics of a song Leo had thought of the moment you told him that. Suddenly, you felt him kiss your hand before moving to kiss you softly. He moved his hands to your face, still kissing you while smiling and parting away for air, wishing that moment lasted forever.
-“I was hoping you’d say that sometime, you give me so much inspiration~! I’ll make sure to dedicate you even more songs from now on!”
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Mika Kagehira
Mika was sewing quietly when he heard your suggestion. Hands shaky as he stopped what he was crafting. He was lucky Shu had gone to deliver some important outfits, meaning he wasn’t returning until a long time. Mika then looked your way, admiring your features as he then got up. Grabbing your face with both hands as he leaned in, kissing you dearly.
-“I..sorry, I really like you Y/n, and..well..I want to spend time with you..anywhere”
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Hinata Aoi
It all started like a joke to him, he couldn’t believe you were serious about it afterwards, his brother found out and listened in to what he thought about it. Hinata had a crush on you since ever, everything about you was so perfect in his eyes. He felt at comfort for the way you knew who he was and not confuse him with his brother often. After thinking about it he accepted the offer, taking you to the roof and kissing you softly. Smiling as he admired your features
- “I’m glad I met you, you’re so wonderful I…I get speechless whenever I’m around you”
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Mao Isara
Keito coughed a bit, making his presence noticeable in the student council’s room as Mao blushed, he heard it even if you whispered it? Keito just sighed and left the room, warning Isara not to do anything..out of the ordinary while he was gone. But, he just allowed that to happen.. Mao saw as you sat down beside him, grabbing his hand as he smiled; he nodded while leaning forward, you kissed him quickly before Mao then pulled you back for another one.
-“I know we shouldn’t kiss here but..what’s one small kiss going to change? I have the perfect place for our lunch, if you want to join me afterwards”
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Niki Shiina
His brain kinda just..stopped (?) working the moment you spoke, the food that he was making nearly burned as he quickly turned the stove off since it was already done. Niki couldn’t help but wonder if he heard right. He noticed how you looked around the kitchen, smiling and helping him prep the food for his unit-mates. After being alone, he thought about it for sometime, grabbing your hand softly and bringing you back to the kitchen to kiss you softly against the counter
-“You’re so cute when you help me around, we should bake together sometime..”
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sweetspidergirl · 3 months
A Tangled Web (Spider HRT Story)
Chapter 1
“This is stupid. Why am I doing this?”
This question echoed in my head as I sat in the sterile waiting room of the doctor's office, accompanied by the sound of the clock ticking away in the background. Besides me and the receptionist behind the counter, there was no one else in the room. That made sense. With it being a few days before Christmas, who would willingly want to spend any amount of that time in such a depressing location?
A twenty-five year old woman dissatisfied with her life and seeking a new one, apparently.
As I sat there waiting for permission to see the doctor, my mind drifted back to how I got here. It was half a year ago where I first vented frustration over my life to my best friend Elisa, and she mentioned how I might be going through species dysphoria. She then sent me some articles and links and suggested I look into humanity removal therapy, or HRT.
I had been vaguely aware of humanity removal therapy, often referred to as therian HRT, for a few months by that point. It functioned mostly like hormone replacement therapy, only it would gradually change the patient into a human/animal hybrid, or therian. It was a recent development, only having been available to the public for a little over five years, and still had quite a bit of controversy associated with it from various political groups. Despite that, based on the testimonials I read and the various pictures I saw, the people who have gone through therian HRT seemed to be happier now than they ever had as humans. Maybe it would be worth it if I gave the whole thing a shot. Maybe being in another body might help me be happy again.
I glanced down at the blank screen of my phone, looking over myself in annoyance. I noted the long, messy brown hair that I barely made look presentable. I noted the pale skin caused by a lack of social interaction and preferring the light of a screen over the sun. I noted the oval-shaped glasses and casual hoodie and sweatpants that hid as much of me as possible. I was another drop of water in the ocean that was humanity. Even my blue eyes, once bright and full of hope, had started to appear dim and non-descript as of late.
“Taylor Thompson?”
I snapped out of my thoughts as the doctor called my name. Turning my head in his direction, I got a good look at the man who would be deciding my future. He was an older gentleman, probably in his 50s or 60s, with a grey receding hairline and mustache. His thick, round glasses made it hard for me to see his eyes. Grabbing my belongings, I quietly followed the doctor as he guided me to his office. The office was what I expected to see: a small, plain white room with a desk, degrees on the wall, and bookshelves full of books that I would be too dumb to properly understand. On the desk was a small nameplate that read “Dr. T. H. Erian, Species Dysphoria Specialist” in large, clean letters. I set my bag beside me and took my seat, my heart beating like a drum in my chest. I swallowed the lump of anxiety that was forming in my throat. There was no turning back now.
“So, Miss Thompson, what brings you here today?” Dr. Erian asked in a stern voice. One sentence in and I was already having flashbacks to my high school principal. The main difference here, however, was that my answers actually mattered for more than avoiding detention.
“I, um, was hoping to be prescribed therian HRT. Specifically spider HRT.” I answered, trying to remain calm and collected.
“I see… and why a spider, if I may ask?” The doctor questioned as he began writing something on a piece of paper in front of him.
“Well, I think spiders are a lot like me. Most people are scared of them, but in reality they’re mostly just nervous, adorable little beans.” I explained with a bit of blush on my face.
“Any preferred species of spiders?”
“I was hoping to be a tarantula. They're cute and fluffy, and I think I'd look just as good as one.”
“May I ask why you wish to undergo humanity removal therapy?”
I took a deep breath and exhaled. “I've been unhappy with myself lately. My diet's been awful, I rarely go outside and interact, and in general I just hate everything about myself. My best friend, Elisa Andrews, thinks I might be going through species dysphoria. She works with therians and otherkin daily, so I assume she's right.” I explained to Dr. Erian. I then handed him a folder that contained the paperwork Elisa told me I'd need before being prescribed therian HRT: a medical examination, two psychological evaluations, written support from her and my father. I even spiced the folder up with doodles of webs and cartoon spiders in hopes that it would help my case.
Dr. Erian looked through the paperwork I gave him. I was unable to get a good idea of what he was thinking. His flat, emotionless voice was hard to read, and thanks to those glasses I couldn't tell whether he was impressed by work or annoyed at me wasting his time. I was hoping it was the former.
“Miss Thompson, before we continue, I'd like to ask an important question.” Dr. Erian spoke as he set the folder down in front of him on the desk. “How much do you know about therians?”
“How much do I know?” I asked curiously. “I mean, my best friend’s a physical therapist that works with therians, and I'm kinda aware of some of the legislature that's been passed recently-”
“That's not what I am referring to.” Dr. Erian interrupted. “I want to know if you understand what therians go through, what the process of going through humanity removal therapy is like and how you'll have to adapt. You are aware that I recommend patients spend some time living as their desired species before I prescribe them HRT, correct?”
“I-I mean… if it helps I have a few spider plushies.” I said sheepishly. I could already feel my luck running out.
Dr. Erian sighed and gently rubbed at his forehead before speaking again. “Miss Thompson, this is a serious life-changing procedure. Once you start therian HRT, your DNA will be rewritten to match your chosen species. You'll never be human again, even if you stop early into your therapy. I cannot prescribe it to just anyone who steps foot into my office.”
I sunk into my seat slightly, bringing my knees just under my chin as I almost curled up to feel safe and protected. “B-but… I was told you can help people with this kind of stuff.”
“I can, and I do. However, not everyone needs HRT. What you may think is species dysphoria could very well just be depression, and what you may need is something far simpler than a complete genetic rewrite.” The doctor explained.
I sat there in silence, barely listening to the doctor's words. He was saying so much when it all boiled down to one word: “no.” No, I couldn't get humanity removal treatment. No, I couldn't have happiness. No, I was doomed to hate myself for the rest of my miserable life. Tears started to creep their way out of my eyes, stinging slightly as they worked their way down my cheeks.
Just as I was about ready to give up and head home, I glanced up and noticed Dr. Erian looking through my papers once more. I was expecting him to scold me again. I hid my face against my knees and closed my eyes, bracing myself for his harsh words to wound my heart further.
“...are you sure becoming a tarantula will make you happy?”
I slowly brought my eyes up to look at Dr. Erian, not fully emerging from my self-made cocoon as I processed his question. What was making him change his mind? Did he believe that I'm suffering from species dysphoria after all, or was he simply taking pity on me? Regardless of the answer, I couldn't let this opportunity slip by my fingers.
“Y-yes… yes it will, doctor.” I responded, almost forcing myself to do so. A tense silence hung in the air for what felt like hours as Dr. Erian stared at me, almost examining me. I gripped the sides of my legs, waiting anxiously for either him to continue lecturing me or for me to have the courage to speak again.
“Well, if that is your answer, then I will approve you for tarantula HRT.” Dr. Erian said, writing on the piece of paper some more. “Considering it's the holiday season, it's likely your pharmacy won't receive your first dosage until after the new year, though.”
My heart almost skipped a beat at the news. I was… actually going to be a tarantula?! “Wait, really? You're… approving me for the HRT?” I asked, nearly jumping out of my seat. “Oh thank you Doc! Thank you very, very much!”
Dr. Erian sighed, writing some more information down on the paper. “As I explained, transitioning to a different species won't be easy. There will be some side effects to expect as your body changes.” He explained, making sure I had calmed down a bit before he continued. “Not all therians will experience the same side effects. Not all side effects will be present at once. Some will show up at different stages of your transition. At the earliest stages of spider HRT, I would primarily expect to see itchy skin as your hair grows in, as well as weight gain to provide material for your additional body parts to develop. Beyond that, you may experience headaches, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and possible body pain.”
After making sure I understood the side effects I might encounter during my transition, Dr. Erian started digging through a drawer in his desk, and from there pulled out two items. The first was a pamphlet that had “Welcome to your Humanity Removal Therapy” written on the cover, alongside “Species: Spider” and a minimalist illustration of him. “This pamphlet will help guide you through your transition, Miss Thompson. It provides details on a recommended meal plan, the type of environment you should live in, a rough timeline of what changes you should expect and when you should expect them, a full list of potential side effects, and more.” The doctor explained. “I would make sure to give this a thorough read if I were you. I'll also be sending you a digital copy after our meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me and I will provide an answer at the earliest convenience.”
I took the pamphlet in my hands, almost crushing it in excitement. “Of course Doc. I'll definitely give it a read once I get home.”
Just as I was about to get up and leave, Dr. Erian cleared his throat. “There is one other thing I must discuss with you before we conclude here, Miss Thompson.” He said, causing me to sit back down in my seat. “I still disapprove of you not doing any research on therian culture prior to our meeting. So… I'd like for you to interact with other therians while you're taking HRT. It's not mandatory, but I do feel it will not only help you learn about your new lifestyle but also potentially help with your mood.”
As Dr. Erian said that, he handed another item. I took it in my hands and looked it over. Instead of another pamphlet, it was a flyer detailing a therian support group that was close to where I lived. It detailed that it was bi-weekly, and that it was open to those on HRT, regardless of stage, as well as those questioning.
“I'll keep that all in mind. Thank you so much for all of this, Doc.” I said, stuffing the papers in my bag. After discussing insurance and other important information to get my prescription set in stone, I left the office and gave a heavy exhale as soon as I was outside. That was probably the most stressful talk I've ever had, but it was done and over with. While I stood outside and caught my breath, my phone started buzzing. Pulling it out, I saw that I was getting a call from Elisa.
“So, how'd it go?” Elisa asked, sounding exceedingly curious. Looking at the time on my phone, I hadn't realized she had just finished with work by the time I finished my meeting.
“Well, I managed to get the prescription, so that's good. You didn't tell me he was gonna be so scary though.” I answered back with a tiny bit of irritation in my voice.
“Hey I never met the guy personally. Besides, you still got the HRT in the end, so it all worked out.” Elisa answered back. “So how long before you start spinning webs and crawling up walls?”
“Well, my first dosage won't arrive until after the new year. Beyond that, well…” I trailed off a bit, glancing back at my bag and the papers inside of it. “I have some homework to do.”
Welcome everyone! This is the start of a (hopefully) long-term project I intend to work on. This is the story of Taylor Thompson, a 25-year-old woman seeking a change in life through humanity removal therapy. In the process of transitioning from human to spider, she'll learn more about the world of therians, as well as learn more about herself and what she wants out of life.
I want to thank @ayviedoesthings, @welldrawnfish, @entroart, @bubbleverseart, @nyxisart, @prettiestplatypus, @deadeyedfae, @kaylasartwork, and anyone else I may have forgotten (there's a lot of people I'm so sorry ><) for creating the world of therian HRT and creating such a community, as well as my fiancé for showing them to me and for inspiring me to give my own version a try. I can't say when the second chapter will be done, so just keep your eyes open, and I hope you all will join me on this long, wild ride.
Thank you so much in advance.
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 months
i'd love to learn just how victorian rational dress reformists would react at contemporary feminine hairstyles!
...in a similar line of thought do we have any records about their opinions on the Practicality of little girls hair or even the 20's bob (if some lived to see it)?
I'm not sure!
One of their biggest beefs with hair in their own time was often with hairpieces: false buns, curls, bangs/fringes, etc. used to augment one's natural hair. I'm not sure if they felt it weighed the head down or the extra pins were uncomfortable or what, but they didn't like it. false hair still exists, but its popularity has vastly waned. so maybe they'd think we had solved some issues- though long hair worn loose all the time would probably be seen as Hampering to women's daily activity
You do see some advocacy for short hair as an easier and sometimes healthier (??) option, but more often I've seen artistic and/or Dress Reform-oriented women with short hair who said nothing about it. You also have men who are...clearly just into ladies with short hair writing long Ye Olde Thinkpieces about how great it is. I mean, no shame there, I guess- everyone has their Thing. And while short hair on women was unusual, the Victwardians didn't seem to regard it with the same massive distrust and hand-wringing as conservative commentators of the 1920s did. Perhaps because it was less widespread?
The idea that little girls not only could have short hair but should was fairly common throughout the 19th century, obviously with variations. Similar reasoning was in play to that you might expect nowadays: that it was easier to care for, and that an active child wouldn't be hindered by it. there was also an idea, similar to that which led some women's hair to be cut off during serious illness, that short hair kept the head cooler and prevented or lowered fevers. I've actually read an admonition to keep children's hair short for just that reason in a book from the 1830s- The Ladies' Medical Oracle, by Elizabeth Mott. obviously this wasn't universal- see also: the original Alice in Wonderland illustrations, although it's worth noting that the real Alice Liddell had a bob as a child
(yes, little girls were expected to be active to a degree- even more if you're reading a book by someone who has experience with Actual Human Children. some doctors fretted that the uterus would be damaged by too much physical activity, but it seems like in practice, parents' were...again, aware of how real children behave. Longfellow's 1860 poem The Children's Hour describes his daughters storming his office to shower him with affection, quite energetically, and it was a smash hit)
as for how they reacted to 1920s bobs...well, most of the adult adopters thereof had at least lived through part of the Long Hair As Default For Women Edwardian era, and their thoughts ranged greatly on the subject. In fact, essays by Irene Castle (believed to be the originator of the trend in her late 20s c. 1913 or 1914, long before it caught on properly) and Mary Pickford (a late adopter at age 36 c. 1928) on why they had vs. hadn't cut their hair are often paired together as a commentary on how the trend was seen, along with others. sometimes these essays are rather strange- one wonders why these women, who must have lived when adult women all wore their hair up every day, describe the alleged oppression of "long, trailing locks." I guess when what you like has some social unacceptability, you might be inclined to phrase things in black and white thus
Dress reformers of the 1920s were more concerned with the deleterious effects of high-heeled shoes and the general idea that young women were encouraged to be too frivolous- and too loose in their sexual morals, as represented by the "short skirts"- actually about calf-length -and low-backed evening gowns of the era. that sounds kind of weird today, in the era of sex positivity, but earlier dress reform had, with a few exceptions, disavowed ideas of sexual freedom as thoroughly as mainstream society did. and I kind of get it- the notion that they advocated "free love" was often used to discredit genuine women's rights groups. still they weren't totally immune to sexual mores of their time, and some likely genuinely believed what they were saying
and that's not even getting into the Coiffure a la Titus trend of the late 18th-early 19th century, which had advocates claiming it was the best thing ever and detractors insisting it would result in women catching colds all the time. it was ever thus
anyway that's a bit of a long-winded answer, but I hope it helps!
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Summary: Confined to a room to catch up on paperwork, Anakin's ADHD brain won't let him function. He ends up just trying to distract you.
Warnings: None. Slightly suggestive? Mostly fluff.
Word count: 1,485
Anakin’s heart fell when he walked into the room. He had been sent to the offices over his holo, summoned by his Master. He had hoped it would be training, or a new mission, or maybe even a social call! 
The offices were not his favourite place in the temple, so he didn’t go there often. Today they were occupied by a few different Jedi, all working away. It was a mind-numbingly boring place. 
And alas, there Obi Wan was, leaning against his desk with an incredibly exasperated, disappointed look on his face. His legs were crossed in front of him and he stood with his usual air of authority and piety. The space was littered in papers. 
Anakin swallowed and filled with dread as his Master raised an eyebrow at him. None of those folders had been so much as opened. None of the books read, or forms filled out. The pile was almost comically big.
In Anakin’s defence, he had been busy. But he also remembered his promise to Obi Wan upon taking the role of General in this war. That he would do it properly. 
“So your holo is working then?” Obi Wan said, unamused. Obi-Wan crossed his arms and fixed Anakin with a stern gaze. "Anakin, do you have any idea how important these reports are? The Council relies on timely and accurate information to make strategic decisions."
Anakin scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, Master, you see... I've been a bit busy with the whole 'saving the galaxy' thing. You know how it is."
Obi-Wan sighed, his exasperation deepening. "Saving the galaxy is indeed important, Anakin, but that doesn't mean you can neglect your responsibilities as a General. This paperwork is part of your duty."
He’s heard it so many times before “I know, Obi Wan.” 
"As much as I appreciate your combat skills, you can't solve everything with a lightsaber. The Republic also needs proper administration."
“I know, Obi Wan.”
“You understand?”
“Yes Master.” Replied Anakin, head tilted down slightly, feeling reprimanded and surly. 
“Good. Then you won’t mind that I’ve taken you off the Bandomeer run.”
“Wha-what?! You can’t do that!”
“Oh yes I can. You need to maintain all aspects of your responsibilities, otherwise there’s no point to any of it.”
Anakin gaped, feeling utterly betrayed. He had no words as he looked at his Master’s resolute face.
“I’ll be back in a few days, by then I hope you will have caught up.” Obi Wan did not enjoy the dismayed look on his Padawan’s face - ok maybe a little. But really Anakin had to learn this lesson. Lives can be saved by having these sorts of communications and records completed. It was of the utmost importance he got on top of things. 
He went over to his still seething Padawan and gestured for him to move behind the desk, to get to work. 
Anakin hadn’t noticed before but on the table next to his, you were filling out your own paperwork. You had been uncharacteristically quiet during his exchange with his Master, strangely focused, almost interested, in your papers. 
He turned back to Obi Wan, “Do I have to start now?”
“Yes Anakin, sit down next to Y/N and maybe she can show you how a proper Jedi attends his duties.” His Master looked almost smug and Anakin noticed Y/N bite her lip to hide a smile. 
Anakin felt thoroughly put out as Obi Wan left. Suddenly overwhelmed in the face of his work, and desperately annoyed he wasn’t to be going on his mission. He hated sitting still, he hated writing, he hated the uncomfortable chairs, the smell of old papers and stale caf. 
He leaned back in his seat and let out a groan which made you bristle. He noticed. He ran his hand through his hair. And sighed again loudly to see if you’d say something. You didn’t. 
He supposed he should get a move on. He stretched out his long arms,  not an easy thing in such a cramped space, he noted. He was about to grab the top piece of paper when he realised he didn’t have a pen. So naturally he started to look for one - and he did so in the most annoying way possible. He opened every single draw in his desk unit, finding nothing. He moved all the stacks of paper from one side of the desk to the other, and then reversed the entire thing. 
First, he was stuck doing paperwork instead of going on a mission, and now he couldn't even find a pen to start the tedious task.
He looked helplessly around the room and finally to his right where you were sitting. Your hand was out, eyes still glued to your papers, holding a black pen. 
“Thanks” He said, putting on his most charming smile. But you don’t reply, your hand just fall deftly back down to your work. 
Anakin couldn't help but feel a little put-out by your lack of response. He was used to getting attention and he didn’t want to do his work. And there was something different about you right now. You were really focused, and he found that strangely attractive.
He cleared his throat and leaned over towards you, trying to peek at your work. "What are you working on?"
You looked up at him, surprised by the sudden intrusion. "Just some mission reports," you replied curtly.
“Same.” He said, gesturing to his pile. The look you send him is utterly unimpressed. 
He leaned back in his chair and tried to focus on his work. He couldn’t though. He started tapping the end of his new pen on his work. Trying to get his brain to think, to process the information. His leg was bounding up and down. All in all he was an image of energy and impatience and it make your skin crawl with annoyance. 
“Can you stop that?”
Anakin looked at you innocently, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief. "Stop what?" he asked, even though he knew exactly what you were referring to.
Your irritation was growing by the second, and you shot him a pointed glare. "The tapping and the bouncing, Anakin. It's distracting."
He chuckled, clearly unfazed by your annoyance. "Oh, come on, Y/N, it’s part of the process. Besides, I thought Jedi were supposed to be masters of concentration. It shouldn’t stop you from completing your work, surely?”
He was goading you, definitely trying to draw you in and cure his boredom.
You rolled your eyes, determined to stay focused on your task. “You better get started Anakin, you don’t want your master to have to extend your break from active service.”
“Hey! Woah! That’s a bit uncalled for, don’t you think?”
“Do you think he wouldn’t?”
Anakin stilled. He really wouldn’t put it past his Master to do that. After several minutes of futile attempts at focusing, he let out a deep sigh. "I can't do this," he muttered under his breath. He couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness, like he was trapped in this small room with no escape.
You looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. "Can't do what?"
"This," he gestured to the pile of paperwork. "I can't focus. I just keep getting distracted."
You let out a small chuckle, but it was void of amusement. "Maybe you should try meditating on it.”
Anakin sighed dramatically, his frustration evident. "Meditating won't help, Y/N. I've tried. I need something... more stimulating."
Your eyes met his, and for a moment, there was a charged silence between you. Anakin's gaze held a hint of mischief, and you couldn't help but feel a tiny bit sorry for him. Despite your annoyance with his antics, he did seem to be suffering somewhat, even if it was his fault.
You tried to maintain your composure, but your heart was racing, and you found it increasingly difficult to focus on your work. "Anakin, we have to finish this paperwork."
Anakin's lips curled into a smirk as he continued to inch closer. "Who says we can't multitask, Y/N?"
Before you could respond, he gently brushed his lips against yours, a soft, lingering kiss that left you breathless. It was a brief moment of stolen passion in the midst of the tedious paperwork, a secret indulgence that neither of you could resist.
When you finally pulled away, your cheeks were flushed, and you couldn't help but smile. "Anakin, we can't do this here."
He grinned, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. “Why not?”
“Because you haven’t earnt it yet.”
He looks at you appalled. “No, no, no, no. We are not playing that game. Don’t do that!”
“I’m not doing anything!… Until… you do… your work…” You drag out the words and grin at him wickedly. 
He collapses into his chair with a overly dramatic sigh, he makes you laugh. 
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formulakatya · 11 months
“ooh, i care, i care, i care, like ribbons in your hair, my stomach’s all in knots, you got the one thing that i want”
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summary: where jealousy gets the best of you, you can’t help but put yourself down and trent can’t stand to watch you do that to yourself
pairing: trent alexander-arnold x f1 driver!reader
notes: ferrari are back to their winning ways in this story and based off lacy by olivia rodrigo :) sorry i just love writing to songs. also wrote this because it’s 5am and i can’t go back to sleep so excuse the terrible writing.
warnings: none i can think off, unedited work
“OH MY GOD! oh my god! my first win in formula one!” you screamed over the radio, excited over the impressive feat after having seen the chequered flag first. “WE DID IT!”
“congratulations, (yn)!” your engineer laughed over the radio. “i’ll see you at the number one board!”
“you bet you will,” you smiled underneath your helmet as you pulled into the pit lane, the roars of your team being able to be heard as you stopped your car, climbing out to celebrate properly.
seeing them cheer and celebrate for you was a core memory you’d have forever, you were sure of that. seeing the ferrari crew clapping for you and cheering your name, you felt tears of joy form as you jumped off your car, running to them as they engulfed you in hugs.
taking off your helmet, you smiled as you received a pat on your back from your engineer. “couldn’t have done it without you, marco,” you smiled, “thank you.”
“it was all you, (yn),” he responded, “what a race.”
nodding, you looked in the background to see the rest of the ferrari crew cheering in their garage as they ran out to give each other hugs. confused, you looked at marco as you tilted your head, trying to figure out why the crew on charles’ end of the garage was celebrating in such a fashion when he had only finished in p6. “what’s going on?”
“oh charles just took the championship lead,” he replied, looking at your smile which slowly faded seeing how everyone had forgotten about your first win all of a sudden. “hey, don’t let that overshadow your first win. you did incredibly well and nothing can take that away from you.”
nodding, you laughed at how well your engineer knew you, reading your expression like an open book. “thank you, marco.”
walking away with your helmet and hans device in your hand, you took your weight on the scale, smiling at the fia official who congratulated you before waiting for your turn to get interviewed.
“and now, our winner here today, (yn) (ln)!”
chuckling as you heard loud roars and cheers coming from your pit crew and engineer, you smiled at oscar who handed the microphone to you.
“incredible job today, (yn), congratulations on your win! how does it feel getting your first win and how special does it feel being able to achieve that here in monza?”
“thank you,” you smiled, pausing for a while to come up with a good response. “obviously it always feels special coming to monza as it’s ferrari’s home race but being able to also achieve my first win here feels extra special. i’ve always dreamed of this day since i was young— taking my first win in formula one and it just feels incredible. and to take it in monza in front of all the tifosi makes this moment feels extra sweet.”
“and your teammate, charles, also just took the championship lead, how special does that feel for you knowing that ferrari are now leading the constructors’ championship?”
of course he had to bring charles up.
pausing for a while, you hesitated before speaking again. “yeah, it feels incredible knowing that we’re now leading, i mean the team has done an amazing job and they all deserve it. charles also deserves it especially after the season he has had so far so big congratulations to him as well.”
“right, thank you (yn)!”
sighing, you made your way to your hotel room tiredly, the sun now setting after having taken a long time with media and the team debrief, trophy in hand.
staring at the silverware, you couldn’t help but let out a deep breath.
you had made such an incredible achievement that day— taking your first victory in front of the home crowd in monza as a rookie in the sport, and yet all the chatter in the paddock was about charles.
to you, it felt unfair.
why was it always charles? why was it always him?
every single thing you did so far in this season had always been overshadowed by his accomplishments; when you had scored your first points in australia, when you had scored your first podium in silverstone. all of it had been upstaged by charles— be it him scoring a win or him simply scoring points.
you were frustrated, and rightly so.
the moment you had always dreamed of had been ruined and now it didn’t even feel remotely special. and you hated how you were jealous of the one person that had done nothing but treat you like family ever since you entered the team.
opening the door, you smiled upon seeing trent sitting on the edge of the bed scrolling on his phone. “hey,” you smiled.
“there you are!” he smiled, bringing you into a hug the minute you were within distance, “my formula one race winner.”
“yeah,” you forced a chuckle. at least there was one person who cared.
“hey,” he spoke, looking at you. “what’s wrong?”
“what do you mean?”
letting out a sigh, he shook his head as he watched you put your trophy next to your luggage. “i know you well, (yn), and i know for a fact something is wrong.”
“i just—“ you spoke, only to be cut off by your shaky breath. “why is everything i do never good enough to feel special?”
“hey, come here,” he motioned, bringing you into a comforting embrace. “what do you mean?”
“i mean, everything i do, no matter how big it feels is never special enough. at least i doesn’t feel special enough. it’s always overshadowed by something else and it’s just…” you choked on your tears that were threatening to spill out. “it’s just frustrating because no matter how hard i try it’s never enough. it’s just upsetting because no matter what it feels like i’m always second.”
silence filled the room apart from your shaky breaths as you rested your chin on trent’s shoulder as he took a while to think of something to say.
“i’m sorry,” he spoke, “i mean, i won’t say i know how it feels but i can imagine how bad it must feel but no one can ever take your achievements away from you.”
“maybe it’s just meant to be that way for me,” you sighed.
“love, don’t say that.” trent couldn’t help but feel for you as you sobbed silently in his arms, finally giving way to your emotions. “i get that it feels like your second always and everything you do is overshadowed but the truth is that there’s so many people that recognise your achievements and just how significant they are. maybe not ferrari, but i know for a fact the other drivers and teams do. and you’re good enough, more than enough, and if they don’t realise it, they’re a bunch of idiots. it’s frustrating to have your most special moments to be overshadowed by your teammate out of everyone, for sure, but that doesn’t mean what you’ve done isn’t any less significant.”
he paused, “no one can ever take it away from you— how special and talented you are and your achievements.”
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thenewausten · 6 months
quackity randomly getting cuddling while you to are laying down and he just attacks you with kisses and clings onto you>>
Thanks for the request!
Kisses, a Quackity short story. <3
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You were just reading a Jane Austen book on your bed, so distracted by the plot that you barely noticed your boyfriend lying down next to you."Hey, amor." He whispers to you and you smile."Hey." You close your book so you can look at him, noticing he's more touchy today as his fingers grabs the skin of your waist."What are you reading?!" You show him the book."Northanger Abbey. Another Jane Austen book?" You shrug."She's the best we have." You answer him."What about Ali Hazekwood?" He asks."Uhh, she's also the best we have. Literally, because she's still alive." You answer and he nods, laughing a little."Alright, then. Can we cuddle?"
"Sure, baby." Alex pulls you into a hug."You can keep reading your book." He whispers and you nod, grabbing your book and opening it again. You start reading it as Alex starts to play Plants x Zombies on his phone.
After a few minutes, the boy stops and just admire you, you don't even realise, you're too focused on the book, giggling sometimes as you read something funny. Alex thinks you're so cute. I mean, how can you be so pretty, cute and sexy at the same time?! He'll never know. And also, how can you be funny, smart and creative??? He feels a wave of love for you, warming up on his chest, so strong that he feels the need to show you his love. He leans in to kiss your face, closing your book at the same time, Alex gives you a lot of kisses on your face as you smile to him. "What's that so suddenly?!" You ask him, the boy smiles to you and kisses your face again, over and over again. "I just love you so, so, so much, mi vida." He whispers to you. "You're so beautiful."
"Aw, 'Lex!!! I love you too, so, so, so much!" You say to him, melting on his arms as he smiles to you. You kiss his face, your gloss marking his cheeks, chin, lips and forehead. "My love." You whisper to him and he kisses you again, letting on your neck some pink marks. "Can we just get married?!" He asks and you laugh, surprised by his words. "Of course I'll ask properly, but will you accept me?!"
"Of course I'll, Alex!" You kiss him and he smiles, holding your face so gently and facing you. "I'm going to love to pass all the days of my life with your kisses." He whispers and you smile, the boy connects his lips with yours in a very gently, passionate and calm kiss, wanting it to last forever as his tongue dances in sync with yours.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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Between the books is love
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Prince/Archmaster Vaegon Targaryen x fem!reader
warning : mentioned children death, alcohol (drinking wine), fluff, comfort, holding hands, no use of Y/n
Summary : Jahaerys and Alysanne had many children princes and princesses but the seventh would go down as Archmaster Vaegon and early prince. A young man who favours books over others, but is that true? Is it true that he cannot love or is the young prince hiding something like everyone else at court?
Info : I wanted to write for Vaemond for a long time and I thought he needs some fluffy in his life have fun reading ;)
cover by me (again I really like it)
King Jahaerys the first of his name, the old king, the wise a man, a king and a father of thirteen children princes and princesses born to his beloved sister queen Alysanne Targaryen.
A royal couple who were probably among the most loved in history, rightly and wrongly, as duty, marriage and honour were something that would haunt the royal family, causing the deaths of many princes and princesses and rumoured to be a companion to the Dance of the Dragons.
But above all, the family was meant for the many different personalities of the children from the sweet little princesses who loved to have dolls and cats, the older sister who was a better fighter than some knights, the kind and respectful princes who could make it to king and the little runaways who caused trouble to the gentle simple ones.
Or the seventh son Vaegon Targaryen the only one of his family and one of the few with the blood of the dragon who neither had one nor was and would become king or prince for life.
The middle-born prince who never seemed to smile, who spent his silver-gold head behind books day in and day out seemed inquisitive, polite when it mattered and yet never did his duty again.
You never saw him fighting with his brothers, playing the harp or even in the dragon pit he was almost an oddity as if he was a shadow of his parents whose grief and emotions had turned away from him due to the many losses of his siblings. ,,An eccentric through and through who can't even fight properly...pathetic for a prince," she heard Alyssa say, sitting with her ladies in waiting in the garden under the white boy with the blood-like red leaves.
The princess and her high-born friends were surrounded by sweet food and bitter wine on a sunny day that had not started well. Taking a sip of the wine to stifle her words, she looked around.
She loved days like this when the sun was warm and she could just sit here with her friends and the princess, but thinking about tomorrow made her sad.
A kind of royal breakfast had been arranged in the great hall and the court had been invited to celebrate the alliance with a house, but there was an argument between Vaemond and her friend Alyssa.
The two-eyed woman had still not forgiven her younger brother for insulting his former fiancée and sister Daella as stupid. He shouldn't have said something like that back then, it was rude…but Alyssa is so mean, she thought, not realising how one of her friends was now trying to speak to her for the third time.
,,By the fire breath of Meyleys, where are your thoughts?" she finally heard the question and winced as the wine in her silver cup almost dripped onto the book on her lap and she quickly put the cup down.
,,Nowhere-nowhere, I'm just enjoying the day," she assured, but saw that her friends had seen through her and smiled. They all knew who each other fancied, some fancied a knight, others a lord, a merchant's son or Alyssa her brother, but they also knew that one of them fancied someone in particular.
,,Just enjoying the day? Or the thought of Vaegon giving you a look at breakfast today?" Lady Velaryon asked, her seahorse necklace moving slightly as she came closer, her eyes twinkling to depict the scene. While Alyssa put on an offended expression and mumbled about buffalo while making a grumpy expression.
Shaking her head slightly but not finding it funny, she rolled her eyes, ,,He doesn't like to smile and he's not always nice when he needs to be but he's a prince with a sense of duty and…well, pretty eyes," she defended herself and moments later was enveloped in a group hug by Alyssa and the others who all laughed together.
She appreciated her friends for that, they all supported each other and had even managed to have several meetings in the gardens and the courtyard, it was only a matter of time before they would all find a husband, the laughing flowers as they are sometimes called because of their different colour dresses and their hearty laughter.
The meeting that took place in the garden slowly came to an end in the afternoon as the princess had to go to Valyrian lessons and the others went about their own business. She, on the other hand, almost ran into the library where she had volunteered to dust books and refill candles.
A task she was quickly assigned by the servants who were happy not to do this as it was considered boring but not for her she liked reading love stories and dragons in addition to the ancient knowledge of the Archmasters. It was simply soothing and, above all, she could always see Vaegon sitting at a table with a pile of books next to him.
Opening the wooden door and going inside, it didn't take her long to grab the bucket of new white kezrne and a feather duster next to it and start crawling up the stairs into the upper, narrower and not insignificantly high compartment.
,,You always look like a spider," Alyssa had once said, removing spider threads from her hair as they only cleaned softly up there, but she didn't mind. It was a place where she could see everything and enjoyed reading alone or watching the prince in an almost forbidden way.
Time passed as she removed some of the cobwebs that almost enveloped the books, dusted them off and left them in there for a while before sorting them and replacing the candles in the shelves.
Some time passed and she heard the door open again, but a glance told her that it was neither one of the servants nor the castle's own master, it was her favourite Vaegon.
Just as she thought, he went to the shelves to get his books but she felt nervous when she saw him suddenly take the stairs up here.
looking down and smiling at him, ,,Good day my Prince Vaegon a pleasure to see you" she greeted him and felt the warmth on her cheeks as she looked into the violet eyes. Saw that he looked a little surprised when he saw her and looked at the books as he seemed to have found one. ,,My lady, could you give me the book on the ancient ores of Valyria, second shelf, third row?" he asked, pointing to the row in question.
Nodding hastily, she turned round and looked for it, feeling her heart beat faster as he called her My Lady and heard his quieter, ,,Thank you for making the effort" as he slowly descended the stairs again and waited for her.
She took the book he had meant to find and decided to fetch the ores and the dust mop later. Descending the stairs with the book in her hand, she had her eyes on Vaegon rather than her feet, which caused her to let out a startled cry as she stepped next to a ladder rung and lost her footing.
She clutched the book as if it would give her support, closing her eyes in fear of the pain as if that would make it any better. But instead of hitting the ground with a thud, she felt someone pulling her close.
Someone was holding her just too tightly, their fingers closed around her body and a smell of leather, wax and wine was coming towards her. ,,Are you all right?" was the first thing she heard as she looked into the completely worried face of Vaegon, who had slowly sat down on the floor while her body lay in his arms. His violet eyes showed life, emotion and concern for someone who was not himself for the first time.
He could feel some care that came from something deeper, otherwise she was sure he would have just let everyone else go down. His fingers holding her arms still didn't let her go and she just nodded slowly, ,,Yes-yes I'm fine thank you Vaegon" she replied, almost whispering, the shock and fear making her slightly fuzzy, her hands still closed tightly around the book and she held it out to him appathetically as if it was her life's work.
But then she heard something she had never heard before his laughter he laughed and laughed he thought it was hilarious that she was holding the book out to him and hugged her even closer. ,,Oh my lady you're ready for anything sweet and amusing" he said and she saw the surprised sparkle in his violet eyes as he slowly rose and pulled her to her feet.
His hand still gripped hers as he gave her another thank you and led her to his table, ,,Please take care lady and join me," he said, pointing to the chair next to him where he helped her up and slid one of his books over to her which contained Royal Houses of the First Men.
,,Light reading to ease your mind and distract you I wouldn't want anything to happen to you" he said and squeezed her hand lightly before opening his book and staying with her talking to her about books, wine and the citadel, his house, her house but above all he didn't let go of her hand and kept stroking and squeezing it to signal to her that he was there.
A prince would protect her whether with a smile or without one Vaegon was there for her he could very well feel something and it was a love hidden between two bookworms who saw each other more than once in the library and not just to read.
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angstywaifu · 8 months
The Lost Sister - Part 4
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time. Garrick Tavis x OC A/N: We all know I couldn't not throw some Imogen tension in there. I do apologise if the fighting stuff isn’t good, I found it hard to convey what I wanted but I think I got there in the end. I also went on a binge write yesterday and have a few parts written up. Let me know if you want to be on the tag list at all. The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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I squint into the early morning sun with the rest of the quadrant, listening to the names of the seventy one people who did not make it across the parapet yesterday. Violet and Rhiannon who are next to me as they read out the name ‘Dylan’. He must have been someone they had met before crossing the parapet.
Today we are all dressed in riders black, with a single silver star and fourth wing patch signalling my year and wing. As I look around, us first years did not waste any time in altering our uniforms to suit us. I don’t think I see a single stock uniform in the crowd.
As the sun shifts in the sky I am able to see properly. I feel a familiar feeling and look up to see Garrick staring at me from his place atop the stairs of the rotunda next to Xaden. Despite what they said last night, I had not seen either of them again that night. Clearly whatever they spoke about took longer than they thought. When our eyes meet he smiles at me but it quickly disappears as I feel a different feeling wash over me. I turn my head to see Imogen glaring at me. A second year in my squad. I had met her a few times during the rebellion, but I never knew her well.
“Why does it look like she wants to kill you already?” Violet whispers to me as she looks between Imogen and I.
Imgoen glances over at Violet before turning her head back to the front of the Rotunda as they finish reading out the death roll for the day.
”I wish I knew.” I whisper back as Dain starts telling us to head to our class and something about remembering our schedule.
She nods her head before leading the way to our first class of the day which is somewhere on the fourth floor of the academic wing. I really should have taken better note of my schedule.
By the time we get to the gym after lunch, I feel like my brain is about to explode with the amount of information I’ve taken in today. But I am thankful for the training Melgren had given me over the years. Most of it was in the books I had already read. I just had to apply it in a different scenario. His training really had prepared me for the riders quadrant. Almost as if he was setting me up for success. As we walk into the gym, most of the second and third years are already here and waiting for us. I immediately meet Garrick and Xadens eyes across the room, as if they were waiting for me to walk in. I follow my squad and stand around one of the mats as Professor Emetterio walks onto the mat. As he turns to face the crowd his eyes meet me and widen, almost as if he was shocked to see me here despite having been a part of some of my training with Melgren. Obviously Melgren had not mentioned his intentions with my training or who I really was. His eyes wander to the mark on my neck and now exposed arm with a questioning look. This doesnt go unnoticed by Garrick or Xaden either who look concerned at the brief interaction between us.
As each match ends, Emetterio calls up the next pair. Randomly selecting people from different years and wings. The only ones we are truly safe from are our own squad mates. Squad mates are not allowed to kill each other. A sickening crack rings around the room as Jack Barlowe snaps the next of a first year whose name I have not yet learnt. The only reason I know Jack’s is due to Violet and Battle Brief earlier today. A class where I had felt Garrick’s eyes constantly on me, but had refused to meet. Emetterio points a finger at Imogen, and my heart drops thinking I will be picked next. Her eyes had also been on me all day, and not in a good way. This girl had it out for me. Lucky for me but unlucky for Violet, I am not picked. But Violet is no match for her. Not even a minute later Imogen has broken her arm. Dain is at her side and taking her to the Healers Quadrant before I can even move.
I look up to see Emetterio pointing to me and his other finger at Xaden. “Lets see what you Riorson siblings can do.”
The gym goes quiet at his words. For the second time since I’ve arrived here Garrick goes to start forward and is stopped by Xaden’s arm. He immediately whips his head towards Xaden with a glare. A glare Xaden returns without skipping a beat. I can tell the words he gives to Garrick are stern. Garrick just nods his head and steps back. Xaden and I take our spots on opposite sides of the mat, the whole gym going quiet in anticipation.
I don’t need to look around to know all eyes are on us. The Riorson siblings. The commanding wing leader, and the one thought to be dead. Behind Xaden, Garrick’s eyes are on me but I don’t raise my gaze from Xaden’s. I do notice Imogen make her way around the edge to stand next to him.
Xaden and I start to circle each other. I know Xaden’s fighting style. I watched him train with our father, as well as Garrick and Bodhi. But he has no idea how I fight. To his knowledge I had no combat training other than run and hide. All he knows is I’m quick with some daggers after last night. Xaden makes the first move, rushing forward to make a grab for me, but I duck and roll to side while landing a kick to the back of his knee causing him to stumble before he turns back to me. This time I’m the first to move. He goes to block my attack but I duck to side again and land a punch to his ribs. I use the small window I have to place another stronger kick to his knee knocking him to the ground in a kneeling stance. As he goes to the ground I bring up my other foot and place a kick to the side of his head. I should probably go easier on my brother, but he’s underestimated me and I want, no need to prove what I have learnt. I can’t let him, Bodhi and Garrick treat me like the little girl they once knew.
Xaden is now kneeling with his hands on the mat trying to right himself. I raise my leg again to push him down by his back but he swings an arm out knocking my legs out from me. Sending me down down to the mat, my back hitting it with a loud smack. He goes to make a move I’ve seen him do many times in the past. As he leans down to put me into a hold I hook my legs around his neck and flip him so he’s face down on the mat. I twist and put pressure on his neck. He might be stronger than me, but the way I have twisted makes it hard for him to breathe if he moves too much. But he still his best to get out of the hold. I shift my stance as best I can to make an arch in his back, making him look towards to roof. 30 seconds later he taps the mat. He yields.
As soon as I release him from the hold the gym comes back to life with chatter and fights starting up. It appears the whole gym stopped to watch our match. As Xaden stands he holds his hand out to help me up which I happily take.
”You’re definitely not the little sister I use to know.” He says with a smile as he looks down at me. “I might even need to thank Melgren for the training he gave you.”
”That guy does not need his ego inflated more than it is. Please don’t.” Causing Xaden to laugh.
Foot steps to my left pull me from the moment with Xaden and we both look to see Emetterio looking at us.
”Definitely not how I expected that to go. I expect good things out of you Ophelia.” He says before walking off to observe the other matches.
As the next pairing for our mat makes their way over Xaden and I make our way off the mat towards Garrick and Imogen, and Bodhi who must have made his way over during our match. Bodhi and Garrick are beaming at me. Obviously happy I had just kicked Xaden’s butt on the mat. Imgoen on the other hand looks even more pissed than she has all day at me. As we get to them she huffs and storms off back to our squad.
”What’s her problem?” I ask the boys as I watch her pink hair disappear into the crowd.
The boys all share a knowing look which has me raising an eyebrow at them. Clearly all in on something I’m not.
”Probably just feels threatened by you. You’ve clearly shown you’re a fighter to contend with. She’s always boasted about being one of the better female fighters here.” Bodhi states.
”Right.” I am not even remotely convinced by his words. The glares she’s been sending me all day suggest other wise.
I turn to face the mats and watch the other matches, Garrick moving to stand next to me. Almost as if pulled to my by gravity. He’s presence is comforting and I look up and see him smiling down at me.
”Not gonna lie, was kinda hot watching you take you’re brother down like that.” He says to me as he winks at me making my heart skip a beat as he stares intently into my eyes.
”You did not just call my sister hot!” Xaden nearly shouts from the other side of me at Garrick, causing Garrick and Bodhi to burst into fits of laughter as I turn bright red.
I feel the all too familiar set of eyes on me and look over to see Imogen glaring at me. As Garrick places his hand on my shoulder as he responds to Xaden, it almost looks as if she starts shaking with anger. Something tells me in the next few weeks her and I are going to end up on that mat together. And it won’t be pretty.
Part 5 @riorgail @going-through-shit
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kitorin · 10 months
to you, my lover.
in which, shinonome akito surprises his favourite writer.
contents. shinonome akito x gn!reader, just fluff really, <- might've ruined it with an attempt of crack, unproofread and messy bc i can't think properly anymore a/n. this was supposed to be my birthday fic, i didn't finish it in time and was considering deleting but nah not today
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You're tired. Really tired.
It's not a complaint, being permitted to stay out late to celebrate your birthday, now returning on a long yet peaceful and empty train ride. With the occasional rattling, it was silent, with the exception of your tired breathing and the rustle of your clothes every time you shuffled around a bit.
And your boyfriend.
Arms crossed and back leaned against his seat, his eyes remain shut, resting a bit after such a long day. Fatigue pays a visit to you as well, a yawn claws out of your throat, earning an immediate reaction from Akito.
Arm snaking behind your head, he pulls you in by the shoulder, making sure you rest comfortably against his. You snuggle against him, the scent of his cologne makes you crave more of him and his touch. The jacket that was once resting on his lap is thrown over you, and carefully he adjusts it, without moving his shoulder.
You nod, resting your eyes a bit.
"If you're able to stay awake, I want to give you my gift."
"Excuse me?" As if you weren't ever exhausted in the first place you sit up, staring at him with confusion. "Akito, you bought me pretty much every book on my 'to be read'. Not to mention the promise rings too." Your glance at the silver wrapping around your finger, amber and saffron imbedded into it. "I told you so many times I didn't need anything, let alone something that would've costed so much."
Akito shrugs casually. "There's no such thing as 'too much' when it comes to you."
"And there's a thing called being financially irresponsible..."
"I'm managing my money carefully, I swear." He pledges with breathless laughter. "I assure you it wasn't expensive, I promise. I'm going to give you the world when I go professional, anyways." He fishes for something out of his bag, something small and wrapped with colourful paper.
"This feels like a book." You comment instantly, it's easy to identify when you've received so many for your birthday.
Akito shrugs again in response. "Check it, then."
You oblige to his words, unwrapping the package in a manner that didn't make a mess on the train. Your guess was correct, it is a book. Only this time with an unrecognisable title and author— it didn't have either. It was white, with nothing else.
"Who's the author?"
Another shrug, and you decide not to bother asking anymore questions. You turn to the first page.
Table of contents. This time you recognise the titles.
Because they belong to none other than you.
"You printed it out all of this?" You've re-read your writing constantly, whether it be proof-reading or trying to figure out how to elevate your prose. But when it's in your hands in the form of a book instead of the words you type up on your laptop, it feels surreal, maybe even a bit wrong. It's everything you've sent and shown him, whether it be fan fiction, attempts at poetry, extracts of screenplays, or snippets from future novels you plan on publishing.
"'Course I did. You love books, I love you and your writing." Akito says it all the time, always being the first person to read your works, sending a plethora of text messages about his thoughts on them.
You inspect the contents of the book, and as he said it's all your work. But, pale highlighter adorns the pages, black ink decorating in between lines, hearts and even more words committed to paper.
The imagery here is gorgeous here. I love these words especially ->
Although I can't and don't, I feel like I can relate to this character, the way you express their internal thoughts and actions makes me feel like I've become them
Why is he so adorable?? The dialogue is so sweetly comforting.
I think this one's my favourite. It was super cute. Short and simple but enough to make me smile all day.
You turn to another story, this one with a darker premise.
This hurts so much ╥﹏╥ Internal monologue is a 11/10 (as always)
Uh oh...
This one's my new favourite. Thanks for making me cry
(my tear stains) Small arrows point towards (formerly) wet patches on the page, the evidence left there shocks you.
"You actually cried? And annotated your tears?" Not once, but multiple times, on each work that connoted anything sad.
"Love, your writing, just like you, makes me feel a lot. It's not often I cry, you know." He leans in to kiss you on the cheek. "Hope my annotations did it some justice."
Each comment makes you smile irresistibly, whether it was a serious paragraph breaking down and analysing specific moments or 'someone cooked here.' being scrawled. No details were missed by him, ones that you assumed were too subtle and therefore unnecessary because no one in your comments noticed them.
"You noticed all of this? None of my friends or readers did."
"Of course I did. I've read everything over and over again and love you too much to miss any of those details."
"And every note at the end is synonymous for 'new favourite'." It's not a complaint, it's quite adorable really, watching him struggle to make up his mind. "You even compiled your favourite quotes at the end? You think my stuff is quoteworthy?"
"How could I not? Heck, I don't think an anthology is enough. I need it tattooed somewhere on me." A gasp severs his words. "I know exactly what I'm going to do on my eighteenth birthday."
"Don't. Think about it." But the prospect of him loving your prose enough to permanently etch it into your skin makes you smile. "But seriously. This is beautiful, thank you." You're not sure why it feels so different, despite Akito always texting you these sorts of comments. Perhaps it was it's physical manifestation that had evoked so much emotion.
"I remember, when I first opened up to you."
And so do you. It was certainly awkward, with a plentiful amount of tears and uncertainty. But in the end you found yourself comprehending Akito and his character more, which was worth any sort of unpleasantries.
"You ended up analysing every song I covered or wrote. And you still do. I kept those notebooks with me, and read them whenever I felt worried. It's you. You're the reason why I can listen to recordings of myself without wanting to hide. Took me a while, but without you I wouldn't've achieved it."
You peer up at him, as he gazes at the train's roof, reminiscing those memories. You had contemplated for so long, wondering whether that act would've truly done anything, whilst worrying about embarrassing yourself. Now, being able to admire the peaceful expression he wore, you can easily say you have no regrets.
"I wanted to do the same for you. I didn't like how you weren't able to see the perfection your writing held." Akito's hand reaches for yours. "I know what it's like. To hate your own art because of what other people say and growing fearful of another's opinion, or how subjectivity doesn't seem to be in your favor. It's suffocating, that's why you mean the whole world to me for freeing me of that insecurity." He bites his lip, a method he relies on to quell any strong emotion.
He's spot on. The words of others are equally as capable of hurting as they are uplifting. It's common advice to not heed any mind to others, but when it comes to writing it always felt necessary to you. No matter how well you wrote to satisfy yourself, it didn't mean anything if no one else liked it; it meant no sales, meaning no money, which only meant that writing was an invalid career for the future unless it pleased others.
Even if it weren't a professional pursuit, it doesn't feel like something one can establish its value, at least, not without the validation of others.
"You were the lens I needed to see the beauty in myself. And I want to be the one you need."
You smile, planting a kiss on his lips. "Think you already are."
Akito sighs with a grin, "Then, I can die happy now."
A playful, gentle, slap hits his shoulder. "Quit being so overdramatic."
"What? Would've been a waste if the best author in the entirety of human history didn't get to see how amazing them and their writing were."
"Now you're just hyperbolising everything."
He pokes you in the cheek. "I see you smiling."
"Because of how ridiculous you are." You thank the train for being empty tonight, otherwise you wouldn't have the freedom of quarreling. "You're an idiot. Sometimes."
"And I still think having one of your quotes tattooed onto me would be a good idea."
Akito's persistent, even when it came to things that appeared to be mere jokes. "That's so random—? No you're not getting any of my writing tattooed onto you."
"Fine, but left pec or right pec?"
"Oh my god." Though you scold him, the rest dissolves into breathless laughter, as he pulls you in for a hug.
He scatters kisses all over your face, as you savour the warmth of his body. "Happy birthday, love."
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taglist (send ask to be added) : @yuzurins, @pokkomi, @chigirizzz
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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littlespacereader · 7 months
Hiii, if your requests open was wondering if you could write a Caregiver Moonknight fic. M not really sure on a plot idea just kinda seeking some comfort.
Hope you having good day/evening/night!!!
I loooooovvvvvveeee a comfort Moon Knight Fic!! Especially with some CG Steven love🥰 You’ve got it @aew-kun-age-regression ! I hope you enjoy this fic!!
And the Lights Will Flicker
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Caregiver!Steven Grant & GN!Little Reader (SFW)
Tags - crying, stuffie, hurt/comfort, cuddles, storytime
Nicknames - Darling, little one, sweets
London was known for its rainy and overcast weather, but nothing like this. This was a fullblown thunderstorm and a bad one at that.
What started as a simply rain storm soon developed into a tropical storm night. Rain whipped back and forth, thunder roared outside and lightning flashed. Just terrible terrible weather for London.
Steven looked outside with sigh. Today he had planned to try out a new park to read some of his favorite books at. But the weather wouldn’t allow anyone to do much of anything today.
So inside he stayed, reading on the couch, reading at the table, reading pretty much everywhere.
His reading was interrupted temporarily by the sound of knocking at his door…or so he thought.
He set his book down and unlocked the many locks on his front door to find it empty. But a look down the hall answered his questions.
His neighbor Y/N, was trying desperately to get their stuck key out from the keyhole. The banging was a result of this problem.
“Need a bit of help there Y/N?” Steven asked as he walked over.
“Steven, hey! Yeah, if you wouldn’t mind.” They said a bit shy.” Y/N is one of you only people Steven knowns that says his name properly…unlike the people at his job…
“These stupid old locks never work. I’ve already put in two work order and I haven’t heard anything back from anyone.” They said with a sigh. They were soaked head to toe, having got caught in the storm without realizing no doubt.
“I don’t blame you my keyhole does the same thing. But usually when I do this,” Steven wiggled the key just enough that the key unwedged itself from the door, “it does the trick.” Steven smiled.
Y/N smiled back as Steven handed them the key. “Thank you. It’s been a long day and this door isn’t helping.”
“I can see that. Got caught in the storm?”
“Yeah…I didn’t know it was going to be so nasty.”
“Neither did I. But it’s a good day to stay in and read a nice book.”
“I think I might take your advice. Thank you again Steven.”
“Of course. If you need anything feel free to pop over.” Steven offered. He knew they lived alone and were, for the most part, on their own. So he always offered a lending hand, being the good neighbor he always is.
“I will. Thanks again.” And with that Y/N entered their apartment.
They sighed, throwing their wet belongings to the side before dragging themselves to the bathroom for a nice long and warm shower to take the chill out of their system.
They were definitely regressing tonight. If there was ever a night they needed regression, it was tonight. With the stresses of school and family pressuring them, they needed the escape regression always brought them.
So after their shower they pickled out their favorite pjs, grabbed their stuffies and sippy cup and climbed into bed. The storm went on outside, but inside surrounded by fluffy blankets, Y/N laid peacefully reading one of their favorite children’s books.
It started to get later into the night so Steven called it for himself. He got dressed into his pajamas and was just starting to brush his teeth.
The storm outside was getting worse and worse by the minute. But maybe it would lull him to sleep?
Just as he spit out his tooth paste and wiped his mouth, the lights started to flicker.
“Marc is that you?” Steven asked as he looked around worried.
“No it must be the storm.” Marc replied internally.
Suddenly the lights and power went out. Steven jumped but quickly recovered. No power…guess he should grab some candles.
Usually the power would come back on soon after but it seemed to be staying off for longer this time. Steven crossed his apartment and grabbed the supplies.
He lit two candles and placed them on his table. He was about to light the third one when…
Knock, Knock, Knock.
There were three frantic knocks at his front door. Maybe it was the landlord explaining the situation? Or maybe…
Steven didn’t stand around pondering. He rushed to the door and quickly unlocked it to find Y/N, holding onto their stuffie, crying.
All at once Steven froze with worry and shock. Y/N looked so young and afraid. It broke his heart. “Y/N, are you okay darling?”
They shook their head as more tears escaped their eyes, “’m scared! No light!”
“Did the storm knock your power out too?” Steven asked getting a nod yes from them.
“Well there’s no need to be scared. I’m sure the power will come back on soon-.”
“Can…can I tay wit you? ‘ill its back?” They asked so timidly.
Steven smiled, “Of course you can! Please come in, make yourself at home.”
Y/N walked into Steven messy apartment, but not too far in. Steven could see they wanted to hang out around him instead.
“Would you like some water or juice?” He offered as he closed the front door.
“Juice please,” They replied.
Steven nodded, “Well how about we get comfortable for the night? Have a seat on my couch over there and I’ll go grab you a cup of apple juice.”
They nodded back and walk towards the couch. Steven came over and set two of the candles on the coffee table infront so rheum would have some light in the makeshift living room.
On his way into the kitchen, Marc started to speak up, “Steven…your friend…are they a-.”
“Regressor? I believe so.” Steven replied internally.
It wasn’t like Marc and Steven were new to the idea of regression. After all what they went through themselves, they were no stranger to coping mechanisms. Steven could recognize it right away, from the moment that door opened and he was met with Y/N’s eyes.
He felt a sense of protectiveness wash over him as he turned back to the living room, plastic cup of juice in hand. He always protected Marc, so what more would it be to protect Y/N too?
“Just makes sure they’re okay and comfortable. I’m worried about them.” Marc replied.
Marc wasn’t one for emotions so hearing and feeling his other self so worried for the Little made him feel a little better. Like he wasn’t the only one who was concerned. Almost like another person was there to help him along.
“Don’t worry, I plan on taking good care of them for as long as they need me.” Steven replied.
“Here we go. One cup of juice for you and a cup of water for myself,” Steven said taking a seat on the couch next to Y/N, “Now I must ask, did you friend want something to drink? It slipped my mind to ask them earlier.” He asked gesturing to their stuffie.
They lifted the stuffie to their ear as if they were whispering a secret to Y/N. Then they shook their head, “They aren’t thirsty.”
“Oh well that’s a relief. But if they need anything you be sure to let me know. That goes for you too.” Steven winked, getting a small smile from Y/N.
Another particularly loud thunder decided to strike at that moment. Y/N instinctively reached for Steven who gladly opened his arms to the scared Little.
He wrapped his arms around them, bringing the Little in close. Y/N grabbed his shirt and hid their face against his chest, tucked away under Steven’s chin shaking like a leaf.
Steve lightly rocked them and shushed their worries away. “It’s okay darling it’s okay. I’ve got you. I’ve got you, you’re safe now.”
They stayed like that for a moment together, just the two of them holding onto one another with all of the love and warmth there could ever be in this world. After a moment he could feel the little one start to relax and settle down in his arms.
They lifted their head and looked up at Steven with a small smile. “Tank you.” They said in a voice so small and innocent.
“Of course darling. It’s really scary outside but you don’t need to worry anymore. I’m right here.” He replied placing a small kiss to the top of their head.
“How about a book while we cuddle for a bit?” He asked getting another smile and nod from Y/N. They needed a distraction from the storm or they would be upset all night.
Steven picked Y/N up and into his arms, resting them on his hip as he went around his flat in search of a good book for them. The problem was…most of them weren’t for someone as young as Y/N.
“Most of these are on Egyptian mythology. Do you want to hear about that?” Steven asks.
Y/N looks at the book curious but shrugs. “What’s it ‘bout?”
Steven face lit up to see the little one’s curiosity. “It’s about the Egyptian gods. What the Egyptians believed was each of the god purpose.”
“Woooowwwww!” Y/N eyes lit up as they listened to Steven enthusiasm.
“How about we settle in for the night, cuddle up and start this book together? Sound good sweets?” Steven asked getting a sleepy nod and a small yawn.
So back to the couch they went. Steven sat them down and wrapped the two of them up in a big soft blanket from his bed.
“Okay, where should we begin?” The book opened and pages started to turn. Y/N cuddled into Steven’s side and listened as Steven started to read along.
“Taweret is the Egyptian goddess of childbirth and fertility. The name Taweret means "she who is great" or simply "great one".” Steven began to read.
It was last midnight when when power resumed itself in the apartment complex. The storm still raged outside but inside was nothing but blissful peace.
Y/N was fast asleep, one around wrapped around Steven and the other around their stuffie. Their head rested on Steven’s shoulder as they dreamed away.
Steven was in a similar position. He was fast asleep as well, one arm wrapped around Y/N’s shoulders holding them close to himself, the other held onto the open book. Steven’s sleeping head rested on top of Y/N’s.
While before they were just neighbors, after tonight they might’ve just become something a little more special.
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pureforestspirits · 1 year
featuring! tsireya, lo’ak, neteyam, kiri, ao’nung, rotxo!
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just for fun. i couldn’t decide if i wanted to make this a human au, or keep them na’vi… so it’s a mix of both!
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TSIREYA - @reefprincessreya 𓇼
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she has the most beautiful, aesthetically-pleasing layout you’ll ever see.
username: “reef” because she loves the sea (duh), and “princess” because it’s really pretty + feminine, and she literally is a reef princess after all. finally, her cute nickname “reya”, where the alliteration makes her url extra catchy !
her bio would totally have some beautiful quote.. like, “the way of water has no beginning and no end.” ;)
tsireya does it alllllll. she has her personal tags that she puts on every post to keep organized, and she’ll spend hours on her new themes.
╭ @reefprincessreya
┆sooo happy! our brothers and sisters have
┆returned today, and i finally saw my spirit sister
┆again! she is healthy and well <3
╰ #reya’s life ˚୨୧⋆。
unlike the rest, who prefer the more private feel of their blog, tsireya shared hers with all her friends who all consistently use tumblr together!
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LO'AK - @yooooitsloak
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username: he just typed in the first thing that came to mind. 
lo’ak literally made a tumblr account just because of tsireya. 
it’s almost a ghost blog, but he at least took the time to add a pfp (which is a photo of his fav pair of sneakers). 
lo’ak likes every single one of tsireya’s posts. even if there’s only 1 note; it’s lo’ak. 
(we love a supportive boyfriend)
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NETEYAM - @burntouteclipse ✰
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neteyam is the ultimate aesthetic, educated and sophisticated king for liking tumblr by himself ✊🏻 (no shade to lolo though). like ‘reya, he also has a clean, aesthetically-pleasing layout, but it’s more masculine.
username: just sounds cool, y’know? he also works his ass off and is “burnt out” after all (perfection and golden-childism ain’t easy), and eclipse is just a time of day neteyam really enjoys where he gets to relax and spend time for himself. 
neteyam doesn’t complain much in real life, or let out a lot of his feelings. tumblr is like his peaceful, personal, private corner where he can speak his mind, which he really appreciates. 
i can see him reblogging and following fashion accounts that he likes, as well as occasionally posting a little ramble. ‘teyam’s page is scattered with some little thoughts and feelings here and there between reblogs of cool streetwear clothing and artistic photos/photography (for human neteyam). 
you’ll see him and tsireya interact with each other on occasion! 
╭ @burntouteclipse
┆ accidentally hit my knee earlier today,
╰  and now i can barely run properly. shit
⠀ ╭ @reefprincessreya
⠀ ┆ oh no! i’m sorry to hear. hope you
⠀ ╰ ➤ will feel better soon, ma ‘eylan! ♥︎
⠀ ╭ @burntouteclipse ☆ Original Poster
⠀ ╰ ➤ thank you tsireya
if there’s a girl he likes, neteyam’ll try and see if she has a tumblr. he’ll eventually find it, and enjoys scrolling through her posts + loves reading her little rambles. but he does it from a distance, and doesn’t interact (you’d never know. he’s the epitome of secret admirer). . .
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KIRI - @atokirina333 ❀
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username: kiri’s a spiritual gal, what can i say? not to mention, she was named after the atokirina, so it’s perfect. there’s also angel numbers!! ofc!!! ps: this url was taken at first, but she tracked down the person and convinced them to give it to her. somehow. 
unlike neteyam who writes ‘n posts small things sometimes… kiri can rant here. don’t get me wrong, she’s not posting paragraphs, but she definitely lets loose when she wants to.
human kiri posts her plants, her crystals, her music vinyls, the desserts she likes baking, her books and posters, literally anything and everything you’d find in her room because it’s all pretty.
what else would you see on her page? poetry. reblogs of quotes and aesthetic photos, and especially pretty photos of nature (kiri and ‘reya’s tumblrs are similar in this sense)!
she and tsireya reblog each other very often! 
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"what's tumblr?"
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ROTXO - @justrotxo
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username: he’s just rotxo! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ though when he first joined, his @ was originally “reefboyrotxo”, but he (jokingly) got called out for copying tsireya, so he changed it.
hm, tbh, i don’t really see him as an avid tumblr user!
i have a headcanon that human rotxo'd be a surfer though, so i feel like he’d probably have 1-2 posts of a beautiful sunset + his surfboard, and like one post of a random thought he had. that’s it. his theme would also be blue/teal. 
i feel like he would’ve gotten tumblr because of his friends, and goes on just to see all of their posts. 
he interacts with/likes the posts of everyone in his circle! :) 
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. . .
AO'NUNG (continued)
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“what’s tumblr?”
it’s a social media app. your sister likes using it.
“oh, ok. whatever.”
neteyam sully uses it too. oh, and his brother lo’ak.
ao’nung is already intrigued at neteyam, but when he hears lo’ak is on there? oh boy.
he immediately signs up, and then gets all of his friends to as well.
soon, lo’ak is flabbergasted at the sudden flood of random anonymous troll asks he receives on his empty blog. 
ao’nung was going to anonymously send something to ‘teyam as well (obviously not to lo’ak’s extent), but after finding and looking through it… he actually secretly likes neteyam’s blog.
after everyone find out it’s him, he still eventually just keeps his tumblr to continue messing with the sullys, and his sister. popping in with a “DELETE THIS 🔥🔥🔥” to show he’s indeed still there, once every few eclipses. 
╭ @reefprincessreya
╰ ➤ ao’nung. rä’ä.
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the end!
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╭ @pureforestspirits
┆heyy! thanks so much for reading <3  
┆fun fact: i started writing this in my notes
┆app one day at like 4am. the sleep
┆deprivation was worth it, i think.
┆it was really fun to make LMAO
┆all interactions are muuuch appreciated,
┆since i’m still pretty new to posting. thank u!
╰#✺ ࿐ ۫ 
  6 notes  wink wink
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© 𝒑𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒔.
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Ella being fascinated with the idea that baby Narfi is in her mom’s tummy because she doesn’t quite understand but she loves it nonetheless & talks to the tummy all the time
Tummy Talkin'
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Ella feat. Loki x Y/N
Summary: Ella discovers how much fun it is, to talk to her little sibling in your tummy.
Warnings: fluuuff! pregnancy things, short talks of nightmares, Loki being the best dad ever
Word Count: 1,5k
a/n: @aagn360 thank you so much for requesting this! 🥰 It was so much fun to write! 🥰 Also, I loved bringing the lullaby back! 😁
Baby Fever Crew: Tagging y'all in the comments!
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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"So, uh... My little sibling is in there, mommy?" Ella asked you, pointing at the small bump which was yours and Loki's second baby. It was sleeping time for the little girl, and you had just tucked her in - well... Halfway. She was rather sitting in her bed than laying.
Today was your turn with reading a story to her, and Ella seemingly jumped at the chance, since you had just started to show properly now.
You nodded; ran a hand through her wild black curls. "Yes, princess. Your little sibling is inside there." She literally stared at your belly; utterly fascinated. "How did she get inside your tummy?" Ella asked then; convinced that her baby sibling was going to be a girl. You smiled at the question, shaking your head. "This is just how it is. Human nature, sweetie. Just like with animals. Remember, when Tara's cat became a mommy of super sweet kittens? They were in her tummy as well." That didn't answer your daughter's question. Well, at least not precisely, but... She was still a child, and probably a bit too young for the whole truth.
Ella nodded, but frowned. "But... Mommy... What about birds? Their babies are in eggs." Welp... Good point, you thought. "That's right, Ella. It's because they aren't mammals - but you are going to learn that in school someday." To your luck, the little girl was satisfied with that answer. "Okay... I can't wait to learn it!" You smiled and leaned down to press a lingering kiss on her forehead.
"Sweetheart, it's time for your bedtime story now. It's getting late... Go, get comfy." Ella just smiled and nodded, before she laid down and got comfortable. You smiled again, pulled the covers tightly over her body; tucking her properly in. You reached for the book on her nightstand - a fairytale book, and opened it. "Now... Where were we?" You flipped through the pages, until you found the bookmark on the page where Loki had stopped yesterday. "Ah! I see..." You cleared your throat and began to read.
Ella slept in quite quickly. Only about fifteen minutes later, you tiptoed out of her room and down the hallway, to join Loki on the sofa in the living room.
"She asleep?" You nodded and plopped down on the sofa - straight into your husband's arms. "Mhm. Out like a light." Loki smiled softly - as you could see from the corner of your eyes, and pressed a kiss against your temple. "Good."
He pulled you tighter against him; cuddling you closer. "What would you wish to do with the rest of this beautiful evening, my queen?" He whispered close to your ear, causing a pleasant shiver to run down your spine. "Not much, actually. Can... Can you just cuddle me, please?"
Loki's expression went soft - which you were unable to see. "Of course, my love. Come here." The god pulled you once again closer - if that was even possible. While one arm held you securely pinned against his chest, the other arm sneaked around your hips; palm landing on your tiny baby bump. His thumb traced soft circles into the clothed skin. "Everything alright in there?" Loki asked in a low voice, with his face buried in your hair and neck. He always asked. At least once a day. Even though he knew, that you actually couldn't quite tell. One thing was certain, though... Loki couldn't wait to be able to really feel the child, which was growing in the safety of your womb.
"I'd say yes, babe." He took a deep breath, "Good. That's reassuring to know." and inhaled your scent. "I'm going to fully trust your motherly instincts in this one." You turned your head, in order to smile at him. "Me too." Your lips found his then; kissing him softly. It was a bit of an awkward angle, but that didn't stop neither you, nor Loki.
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About two hours later - it was already close to midnight; the two of you were laying in bed. Loki was reading a book and you were on your phone, playing Candy Crush. It was a cosy, quiet atmosphere you and also Loki visibly enjoyed. Not for long, though... You didn't even make it to finish five levels, when you heard small footsteps outside the door of the bedroom, trying to be as quiet as possible. Ella? Why was she awake? You hadn't the time to think of it further, when a gentle knock sounded against the wooden door.
"Mommy? Daddy?" Her quiet, but audibly quivering voice caught both, you and Loki's attention. "Come in, sweetheart!" You immediately called, after sharing a slightly concerned gaze with your husband. The door opened slowly; only to reveal your shaking, little girl, clutching her blankie in her hands. Her eyes were a bit red and puffy and a tear was rolling down the apple of her cheek.
"What happened, princess?" Loki asked alarmed, putting aside his book. "Why are you crying?" Ella wiped the tear away. "Had a nightmare... Can I... Can I, uh, sleep with you?" Your expression softened. "Aw oh no, I'm sorry, sweetie. Of course, you can sleep with us." Loki nodded, "Absolutely." and already scooted over to create more space for your daughter. A small smile spread on the girl's face. She closed the door and quickly hurried over to join you and her father. But instead of laying in between the two of you, she immediately cuddled against Loki; letting herself engulfed by his strong arms. Daddy's girl, you thought with a smile. It is how it is.
Loki peppered her head with soft kisses, all the while just holding her; giving her the feeling of safety and protection. "Can you remember what it was about, princess?" Ella shook her head. "Nu.Uh." "That's good. It can't bother you further then."
A few more shed tears later, Ella had calmed down again and was way more relaxed - although couldn't sleep. Loki had an idea, though. "Shall I sing you the lullaby you always loved as a baby?" "Oh, I think that's a great idea, what do you think, sweetheart?" You agreed, smiling at your family. You had placed your phone aside by now as well. "Uh.Huh. You can try, daddy." Loki nodded. "Alright then. Let's see, if it is still able to lull you to sleep." The god cleared his throat and began to sing...
"Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser. Når hun synger, hun synger 'kom hjem'. Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser. Når hun synger, hun synger 'kom hjem'. I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene, over isbreer tar jeg meg frem." Ella pulled the blanket she shared with her dad closer, while Loki continued the lullaby he knew so well.
"I eplehagen står møyen den vene og synger, 'Når kommer du hjem?'. Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser. Når hun synger, hun synger 'kom hjem'. Men trærne de danser og fossene stanser. Når hun synger, hun synger 'kom hjem'." He ended the song with a soft hum. With a smile, he ascertained that he was indeed successful. His lullaby had lulled someone to sleep - but not his daughter. Ella was still wide awake; was way too fascinated by the song. You had fallen asleep.
"Daddy, that was-" Loki interrupted the little with a finger on his lips, signalling her to be quiet. Ella didn't understand first, but then Loki nodded towards you. The girl turned and saw. "Ohh, mommy's asleep," she whispered, then giggled. "Your lullaby helped!" A low, quiet chuckle rumbled through the god's chest. "Indeed, princess... But unfortunately, not you. You should've been the one to drift off to dreamland, but well... I'm not complaining. Mommy needs the rest." Ella shuffled closer to you. "Because of the baby?" Loki nodded. "Mhm, exactly."
The girl's eyes were settled on your sleeping frame. You were still laying on your side, facing your husband and daughter. Your breathing deep and even. The blanket ended around your hips; leaving your upper body to the pleasantly cool air of the bedroom. Your sleep t-shirt had somehow, someway slipped up on the way; exposing your stomach. Therefore, that you laid on your side, with your hands tucked underneath your head; the small baby bump was clearly visible.
"Do you think my sibling can hear us, daddy?" Loki smiled. "Oh, I am sure of it. Try it. Go say hi." Ella squeaked up quietly, but excitedly and scooted even closer to you. She then turned, laid on her tummy. Her face now mere inches away from your stomach. Loki couldn't help but giggle, before he turned as well; joining his daughter; feet dangling over the edge of the bed.
"Hi baby," Ella whispered to your bump, "I'm your big sister. Can you hear me?" and pressed her ear against the swell of your stomach. "And?" Asked Loki curiously. The little girl's eyes widened. "Mhm! The baby says hello!" Loki smiled as well, playing of course along. "Really? Hello, baby!" Ella giggled. "Baby says hi daddy!"
Ella and Loki kept on talking to the baby, until the little girl fell asleep. Loki then maneuvered her in between you and him, and went to sleep as well.
From that day on, Ella talked to your baby bump almost on a daily basis. She loved to do it - and you thought it was just the sweetest thing ever.
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