#today was eventful as i took my girlfriend to the dentist
silhouettecrow · 8 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 290
Adjective: Acoustic
Noun: Space
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Acoustic: relating to sound or the sense of hearing; (of building materials) used for soundproofing or modifying sound; (of an explosive mine or other weapon) able to be set off by sound waves; (of popular music or musical instruments) not having electrical amplification
Space: a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied; an area of land which is not occupied by buildings; an area rented or sold as business premises; a blank between printed, typed, or written words, characters, numbers, etc; (music) each of the four gaps between the five lines of a staff; the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move; the physical universe beyond the earth's atmosphere; the near vacuum extending between the planets and stars, containing small amounts of gas and dust; (mathematics) a mathematical concept generally regarded as a set of points having some specified structure; an interval of time (often used to suggest that the time is short considering what has happened or been achieved in it); an interval of time (often used to suggest that the time is short considering what has happened or been achieved in it); the portion of a text or document available or needed to write about a subject; pages in a newspaper, or time between television or radio programs, available for advertising; capacity for storage of data in a computer or other digital device; the freedom and scope to live, think, and develop in a way that suits one; (telecommunications) one of two possible states of a signal in certain systems
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
how would your parents react if you got pregnant (or got someone pregnant)?  I can’t get or get someone else pregnant.
when you were little, what did you really want to be? I wanted to be a teacher.
if you could be with anyone right now, who would you pick? I’m good right now.
how much would someone have to pay you to live alone in a haunted house? Nahhh, I’m good. 
what do you think about when you fall asleep? My mind loves going to some deep, random, and sometimes dark places right before.
has Facebook ruined your life?  No?
have you ever had a fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend’s mom or dad? I’m single, but no that has never happened.
are you afraid of frogs? I wouldn’t want to touch or hold one and if it started hopping towards me I’d quickly back away lol but I could be in the presence of one, I think. I just would’t want to be close to it.
what would your dream job be?  I don’t know. :/
how would you react if a complete stranger complimented you? I just say smile and say “thank you.”
would you lie to someone just to make them happy? I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make someone upset, so I might tell a little white lie. Not if it’s something important; though, or beneficial for them to know. 
what is your greatest fear? Losing loved ones, never getting better/getting worse, never doing anything with my life and just waste it all away... I’m off to a great start on that...
who was the last person to make you cry? Something on TikTok made me tear up last night.             
what are you doing today? When I get up later on I’ll have my coffee and do my Bible study, and then after that I’ll do the same ol’ things I do everyday. 
what makes you happy? My doggo. And the fact that it’s fall soon and then the holidays are coming up. 
would you rather stand on a block of ice or walk on hot coals? Ice.
would you rather have a private yacht or a private jet? Private jet.
Do you have Facebook? Yeah.
Have you dated someone of another race? No, but that’s not because I wouldn’t. It just so happens that the two guys I dated were white and Mexican and so am I. 
How would you react if you found out your crush had a terminal disease? I don’t have a crush currently, but I know I would be devastated to say the least. 
Can you tell when someone who was your friend, doesn’t like you anymore? I’ve felt that a lot, but I don’t know if that was true or just my brain telling me that cause I think everyone tires and gets bored of me. Pretty sure I was right in some cases, though.
How about when a guy or crush doesn’t like you anymore, can you tell? I’ve definitely felt that as well and I think I was right. 
Do you eat applesauce? I like it, but I couldn’t even tell you the last time I had any. Probably some time when I was a teenager.
What was the last thing you made from scratch? I don’t do that.
What was the last pill you took for? Hydrocodone. Hooray for pain meds. <<< Same.
What are you doing right now? Besides the obvious, I’m listening to an ASMR video.
When was the last time you took a nap? A few days ago.
Does your family have family reunions? We haven’t had one in years.
Do you know any foreign languages? Just some Spanish.
How often do you get stomachaches? I have stomach issues often.
Are you in the hospital a lot? I’ve spent a lot of time in hospitals. It’s been 8 years since my last stay, though. 
What is your dentist’s first name, if you know it? I go to a practice, and whoever is available to clean my teeth, does it. <<<
Do you watch sports on television? I don’t watch sports at all.
Have you ever walked on the beach at night? No.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom.
Have you ever been asked out by someone you didn’t want to date? Yes.
How many cousins have you got? Too many to count. Ever had a manicure? Once. It was for my 8th grade promotion haha so it’s been quite awhile.
Do you think you’ll have a nice day tomorrow? *shrug*
Did you have a nice day today? It’s only 6AM.
Are you double jointed in any way? My thumbs are.
Does your mother have any sisters? Yeah, she has 2.
When was the last time you sat behind a desk? Back in 2015 when I was still in school.
Are there many stars in the sky tonight/last night? I haven’t been outside and I can’t see from my window.
Are you tired at all? Yes.
Where were you born? In a hospital. <<< No way, me too! Haha.
Are you thinking about anyone right now? Maybe.
Do you have any makeup on? If so what? Nope.
Do you have many photo albums? Yes.
Do you know what hyperbole means? I do.
Do you like sugar with your tea? Yeah.
Ever bought shoelaces? I don’t think so.
Would you call shopping a therapy? Buying stuff I like can bring me some joy. It can also be stressful and I start to have buyer’s remorse.
Do you read poetry/make it? No.
Have you ever had braces? Yes, but not for my teeth.
Do you live in the same town as the place you were born? Yes.
How many years have you been breathing for? 31.
If you had the chance to go to the moon would you? Nooooo. That sounds terrifying.
Do you prefer Chinese, Indian, Mexican or Italian food best? Mexican or Italian, for sure. <<<
When’s the last time you rode a bike? Never.
What’s the last thing you scratched? My neck.
What did you do for your 10th birthday? Had a party with family (immediate and extended), close family friends, and my neighbor friends.
Do you own a double breasted coat? Yes.
Do you own a sketchbook? What’s the last thing you drew in it? Nope.
Do you own any red shoes? I do.
Do you have a picture of you throwing up the peace sign? From when I was a kid and teenager.
Do you know what your next injection will be? Nope.
Are you jealous of anyone at the moment? No.
Your parents split; Would you want to live with your Mom or Dad? My mom. Even though I’m an adult, I do still live at home, so.
Ever told your parents you were going somewhere but went somewhere else? Well, I was a homebody even as a teenager, so I didn’t have a social life outside of school to be honest. I had some friends, but we just hung out at school and after school events or just talked on the phone. I wasn’t the teenager that went to parties and snuck out of the house. If I did have a social life back then, I wouldn’t have had to lie about it cause I wouldn’t have been doing anything shady lol I was such a goody-good. Anyway, after high school I started to have a social life and hung out with friends and even though I was an adult, my family and I keep each other informed. That’s just how we are. Like, my mom lets me know if she’s running late or going to the store or something, my brother lets us know he’s hanging out with friends and what they might do (not a detailed play-by-play, just a general idea i.e going out to eat) and a text to check in if it’s late just to let us know he’s okay, and when I had a social life I did the same.
Are you gonna get high later? I don’t get high.
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? Nooo.
Do you smoke? Nope.
What are you planning on doing after this? Possibly another survey.
Do you think somebody’s in love with you? Nope.
Have you ever liked someone that was in a relationship? Yeah, but it wasn’t anything serious, just little crushes I had in school. They weren’t anything I was going to pursue. Hell, they didn’t even know I liked them and probably didn’t know I even existed lol.
Do you believe that everyone has a soul mate? I don’t know.
What’s your current problem? I’m in pain, but what’s new.
How many kids do you want to have? Zero. Have you kissed the last person you text messaged? No.
Where’s your phone right now? Near me on the bed.
Do you have any plans for the weekend? No.
Has someone ever made you a promise and broke it? Yeah, it happens. It’s not always intentional.
Last movie/DVD watched? Monsters University.
What do you always take with you? A mask and my bag with my wallet, phone, hand sanitizer, and medicine 
What happened at 10am? I hope to be asleep by then.
Is there someone you will never forget? Of course. There’s several.
Does anything hurt on your body? Yes. 
What was the best thing that happened today? Not much has happened so far.
What is something you currently want right now? My back pain to lessen up. I still have an hour until I can take anything for it.
What was the first thing you did when you woke up? I always check the time first.
Would you like to put last night on repeat, and live it forever? No.
How are you? Blah.
Is anything bothering you? Yes.
Are you excited for next year I’m scared.
What are your plans for tomorrow? Same stuff, different day.
Is your room clean? Yeah.
Do you wear eyeliner? When I wear makeup, yes. I haven’t worn any makeup in like 3 years now, though.
Does anyone annoy you? Yeah. People can do annoying things that annoy me or I’m just in a mood where everything is annoying. I get that way often.
Is life good? Uh.
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So apparently Richie is like a modern e-boy but can you write a fic where both he and Eddie are like soft boys?
Oh dang, anon! A modern!AU coming your way!
Warnings: mentions of drug use, Sonia’s great parenting
Send quote or prompt and I’ll write a fic
As soon as he hears what and E-Boy is, Richie is quick to change his style, getting rid of his black jeans and graphic tees (obviously keeping his band tees). Richie had given up smoking years ago and he was glad he did, he’s much better than he was back in high school. Richie had refused to try vaping from Bev or take any more weed. He wanted to be clean, even if that meant going cold turkey on the things that gave him comfort and especially the potential lung cancer.
Swapping his emo look for a more colourful look isn’t easy, living for the dark colours and the eyeliner. It comforts him. 
It isn’t like he’s going completely soft, he still listens to his AC/DC and Guns n Roses CDs. Plus his My Chemical Romance and Nirvana CDs. It’s just the outside look that’s changing, maybe this way he can actually make some friends at college! Instead of shying away in his dorm room every night and day.
That’s just what he does. He sits down beside some boy (around his age) that he’s seen talking to his best friends, Stan and Bill. “Hi, Eddie right?” Richie asks the shorter brunette in a pastel pink polo shirt and jeans.
“Yeah, Richie?” Eddie asks, Richie nods and throws his backpack his feet and sits beside the other boy. “What’s with the new getup?”
“I was being labelled as an E-Boy tiktoker but I’m not so I opted for a change,” Richie explains.
“I kinda miss the grunge look.” Richie feels his cheeks heat up a little and hopes that his blush isn’t obvious. “But I’m really digging this, it’s hot.” 
Is he seriously outwardly flirting with me? Richie thinks, no, that can’t be.
There isn’t the slightest possibility that Eddie is attracted to the ‘new’ look. He has to just be complimenting him on the new style, Eddie is an obviously straight man, right? He has his girlfriend sitting right next to him, so he has to be straight, or at least Bi! Right?! RIGHT?!
Richie doesn’t focus on the lecture but on his panicking thoughts, completely overthinking the interaction only seconds before. He starts to tap his foot to the rhythm of ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go?’ Thinking of just leaving the lecture hall and potentially throwing up from the panic, or maybe the gay panic as some memes say. 
Maybe changing from an E-boy to a Soft boy was just a huge mistake! He can still be an E-boy without the cancer sticks, right? But he doesn’t want to be an E-boy or an Emo anymore, he wants to be the old Richie who wore shitty Hawaiian shirts day in day out. 
The one that cracked jokes about mom’s and his dick. 
The one that got straight A’s and helped out at the dentist that his dad owned.
Richie wishes that the times were different, back before the bullying drove him away to a state over and took up smoking and marijuana. Sure he met Bev but she wasn’t the same as Bill or Stan, he missed those lunatics. Well, that was until he found out that he was going to NYU with them.
With that being said, Richie pushes himself out of the seat and towards the exit, almost throwing up in the process. 
Once he manages to get up to his dorm room, he immediately throws up in the ensuite bathroom since Stan basically forced the three of them to get a large suite with an ensuite didn’t want to share a bathroom with anyone. It is more expensive but the suite allowed for a third person and they immediately said ‘Bill’.
“Oh sorry ‘ill, didn’ see ya dere,” Richie says with mouthful emerging from the bathroom with a toothbrush sticking out from his mouth.
“You feeling okay Rich?” Bill asks, Richie throws up a finger to tell Bill to wait as he spits out the toothpaste that was accumulating as he brushed.
“Uh no. I think Eddie flirted with me.” Bill cocks an eyebrow in confusion before starting to laugh. “What’s funny Big Bill?”
“It’s so obvious he’s straight and you’re reading too much into it because you haven’t had a boyfriend in, - wait, you’ve never had a boyfriend.”
“Yes, thank you so much for pointing it out! I’m a 19-year-old virgin, I get it!” 
Richie huffs and sits down on his bed. Maybe Bill’s right. Maybe he is overthinking the interaction just because he’s desperate for someone to like him. That has to be the simplest explanation. 
He just sits there for 5 minutes, thinking, thinking about Eddie, thinking about himself. Sure Eddie is cute, they’ve never spoken a word before today but he had seen Eddie around campus and in the common area of their dorm. Not to mention in a couple of classes and seeing him talk to Bill and/or Stan. This crush starts to build more and more but Eddie has a girlfriend that Bill swears looks like Eddie’s mum. 
“Richie, I feel your panic vibes. What is it now?”
“I’m going to talk to Eddie.”
Bill sits at his desk dumbfounded, watching Richie get up from his bed and rush towards the door, but he’s unsure if he should be stopping Richie or not. The thought of Richie getting his hopes up and getting hurt… it isn’t what he wants.
As he walks towards Eddie’s dorm room (he mentally thanks Stan’s loud mouth), he thinks about what ‘soft boys’ do. If E-Boys, wear dark colours, smoke/vape, basically be emo; then what do soft boys do? Maybe be sweet, gentlemen-like? Richie doesn’t know, all he knows is emo. He worships the colour black and the whole My Chemical Romance movement. He loves heavy metal and the 70s and 80s music, well era in general. 
He makes note that most of his old clothes, yes were ‘soft boy’ shit but were also vintage, like what his dad wore during the 70s and 80s. Is there such a thing as a vintage boy? Richie thinks, probably not.
Richie finally makes it to Eddie’s dorm room and he knocks lightly hoping that it is loud enough for the short brunette to hear.
“Richie? What are you doing here?” Eddie asks as he opens his door and Richie immediately found the floor interesting, keeping his vision locked onto the wooden strips.
“I uh - I just wanted to apologise for running out of the lecture like that,” Richie explains. It wasn’t exactly a lie, he did feel guilty for running out like that but the crush on the boy in front of him overpowered his senses, causing him to start an anxiety attack.
“I think I know why.” Richie snaps his head up, locking his eyes with Eddie’s, he feels his eyelids pull open as far as they can go. What is happening?
“Uh? How? What?” Richie starts to stammer on his wording not sure how to form a sentence. After 19 years, he has finally been made to shut up without being “beeped” or told to shut up; this is completely voluntary.
“I too have had a crush on you. You’re kinda hard to not notice in all that black. As much as I love the change, you’re such a hot emo.” 
Richie can’t believe what he’s hearing, he’s practically jumping for joy, but he’s kicked back to his senses when he sees a photo on the wall. It’s Eddie and his girlfriend at some fancy college event. “But don’t you have a girlfriend?” 
“No, she’s just a friend but she’s kinda obsessed with me and won’t let me be my true gay self.”
“So that’s why Bill’s so adamant on you being straight.” It all makes sense now, no wonder why Eddie cringes when the girl loops her arm around his waist or when she tries to kiss him, he pulls away. 
“Yeah, everyone thinks that. Myra just has my ma’s way of thinking. ‘Those homosexuals have aids Eddie-bear, they’ll infect those with weak immune systems’.” Richie starts to laugh. “She was the worst, tried to make me go to a community college and then she forced me to date, Myra because I told her I was gay.”
“Sounds like the absolute worst.”
Eddie nods and sits on his bed and signals for Richie to join him. Richie shyly walks towards the bed, sitting down awkwardly an arm’s length away from Eddie. The boy beside him gives him a look and he scoots closer to him, his long lanky legs outstretched in front of him. 
It’s an awkward silence, the two boys sit in silence facing the opposite wall. Richie needs to make a move, Eddie made the first one back in that lecture hall, so he needs to think of something and fast.
Richie scoots a little closer so that their hips are basically touching, his arm goes around Eddie’s waist, pulling him closer. “I’ve had a crush on you as well.” Richie swears he hears Eddie’s breathing hitch. Thinking he made a mistake, he pulls away but Eddie holds him back.
“You know the ‘soft-boy persona won’t suit you,” Eddie says. “It means you act all sweet but really you’re a fuck boy. Just from meeting you today and from what Bill and Stan have told me about you, you’re too sweet to be an asshole.”
“So you prefer my emo look?”
“Did you change for me?!” 
Richie laughs and shakes his head. “God! If I did someone needed to shoot me. No, I found this.” Richie points to his Hawaiian shirt. “Back at home and decided to dress like I used to. Band tees are still part of that, but I’m going back to the old Richie.”
Eddie smiles and looks up at Richie. “Tell me, what does the old Richie entail, and what made you say goodbye to the new Richie?”
So Richie tells him about his childhood, the bullying, the ‘mom’ jokes, the fact that he was a repressed gay geek that was more often than not seen at the arcade playing Street Fighter. He was a happy kid who chilled in his bright Hawaiian shirts (that were 3 sizes too big) and matching undershirts often paired with shorts or jeans. His coke bottle glasses always falling down the bridge of his nose. 
Life was simpler back then.
He further explained that when he was finally driven out of the town and to a state over, he met Beverly who was a complete and utter badass. She was the one that introduced him to more music than just Nirvana, Led Zepplin, Guns n Roses, AC/DC and Queen. Richie’s music taste developed tremendously, so his clothing palate became dark. 
She opened his eyes to the beauty of weed and tobacco, not to mention beer. She was his first and only friend at his new school, a real beauty, the only one that knew his secret other than Stan and Bill. 
It wasn’t until junior year that he realised that smoking was a cancer stick, sure he knew beforehand but he didn’t want to waste his life away. So by the time that vaping became a thing at the end of senior year, he had fully quit and was offered a puff from Bev’s Juul and Richie refused. 
“Wow. Didn’t pin you as a smoker,” Eddie says after 5 minutes of letting everything sink in.
“Please don’t hate me, I know you’re a health nut,” Richie says.
“I could never. I’m glad you stopped.”
Richie smiles to himself but dragging out a thought if he didn’t actually stop smoking. Would Eddie have turned the other way and refused to talk to him? Richie doesn’t want to be thinking about that but the thought continues circles around his head.
He can feel another anxiety attack coming on but he can’t excuse himself because then the boy that’s hugging him will know that something is wrong. Richie tries to relax and push the negative thoughts away. 
The two fell into another awkward silence unsure of where to go from there, but the ball is now in Eddie’s court. “So Eds, tell me more about you. I just told you how I have always been a secret softie,” Richie says.
That opens a flood gate of all possible topics to tell Richie so he stays on the topic of how his mother made him into a hypochondriac and made him into a repressed gay. 
Needless to say, Richie is starting to get weirded out by the fact that he’s in Eddie’s dorm room hugging or really cuddling the smaller boy and the two of them acknowledging that they have a crush on one another but saying nothing about it.
Richie doesn’t want to say anything in case Eddie isn’t - 
“Rich, what are we doing?” Eddie asks. “We’ve been sitting here for an hour.”
“Well, do you want this to be a date or just a couple of friends hanging out?” Richie prompts.
“I don’t know.”
“If you want to figure things out beforehand -” Richie’s cut off by Eddie’s lips. It’s over as quick as it began, not giving Richie the time to react.
“I’m ready to be my true self. If you can do it, I can.” Eddie smiles. “Wanna come down to the admin office, I have a major to change.”
“Going badass on me now?”
Eddie smirks and kisses Richie again, this time Richie’s prepared and immediately kisses him back. 
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mrschangrettawrites · 6 years
No One Else
Summary: Kandomere’s family is having their yearly reunion.
Word count: 3229
Notes: JESUS CHRIST I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO COME OUT FJDGNDFJNGDJF BUT IT’S HERE AND I REALLY HOPE U LIKE IT LMAO RIP!! TW for mentions of murder and mutilation, and sexual assault. NSFW (featuring my first ever smut scene lmao rip).
I highly highly highly recommend installing the InteractiveFics extension from the Chrome store if you can. To add your name and last name simply install the extension, then click ‘Need to replace something other than Y/N?’ and in the value bar put Name and put your name in the Replace With bar, then click change! And be sure to tick Store this replacement so that you don’t have to do it every time.
Tagging: @butterface-inmy-pancakes
“Kandomere, darling, you must calm down.”
You ran your hands smoothly along Kandomere’s shoulders as he fixed his tie, noting how heavily he was frowning. “This is your family, I’m the one who should be nervous.”
“It isn’t that simple.” He said sternly. “They…” He sighed deeply, hands falling limply to his sides. “Look, my family is...I love them. But some of them are...difficult.” His hands rose before gently cupping your face, pressing his forehead against yours. “I don’t want them to scare you off.”
Surprised at his worries, but also rather touched, you smiled and held onto his wrists. “Nothing could scare me away.” You whispered assuringly. You leaned in and gently kissed Kandomere, letting out a soft squeak of surprise when he wrapped his arms around you and began to kiss you more deeply.
“I love you.” He said huskily when he pulled away.
“I love you too.” You replied, smiling. “Now come on, we can’t be late.”
The family reunion was taking place in the most elite and swanky part of the elf district, which was already pretty damn swanky. According to Kandomere, relatives from all over the country and elsewhere were flying in for the three day event.
“My family refuses to do things with half measures.” Had been his explanation, accompanied by a wry smile.
Since elves had such extended life spans, this meant several generations would all be interacting, some for the first time ever, all in the home Kandomere had bought for his mother. And you were to be the only human, the only non-elf in fact.
You were, of course, no stranger to prejudice from elves. Despite the fact that you had been at the top of your class and had been a forensic analyst for years before arriving in L.A., there were elves within law enforcement who had treated you with belittling indifference at best, and cruel mockery at worst. Kandomere had been the one exception.
It wasn’t that he was noticeably kinder or meaner than his colleagues. In fact he largely left you to your own devices, and whenever you interacted he had always extended you professional courtesy. You supposed having a human as his partner had something to do with it, but you never really bothered to think about that. You never even really thought about him, until the day he brought in the mutilated corpse of a seventeen year old orc girl.
Despite being above orcs socially speaking, the sight had horrified you. While your elven superiors picked over the body and remained clinically impassive, you had to excuse yourself. In all your years you had never once done that, for fear of being ridiculed. But in that moment, seeing the young girl’s mangled remains on the cold metal slab while people who wouldn’t have bothered to hide their disgust of her spoke about her as if she were an abstract concept, it was all too much.
You found an empty supply closet and wept.
To this day you’re not sure how long you had been in there, but at some point Kandomere had gone out to find you, and decided to investigate the muffled sobbing noises. He found you sitting on the ground, eyes red, cheeks streaked with tears, and trying to catch your breath.
Usually, Kandomere would’ve just closed the door, and silently left, never speaking of what he had seen. But for whatever reason, he crouched in front of you, placed a hand on your shoulder, and said “I know”, with the most grim tone and expression you had ever seen.
Throughout that particularly horrific investigation, you and Kandomere grew close, to the point where he would bring you coffee and speak to you before your elven colleagues. Even after the case had been concluded and the girls buried, this closeness continued, and grew, much to everyone’s surprise.
Some theorized you were trying to use Kandomere to get a promotion, while others suspected Kandomere was merely ‘slumming it’, and there were those who refused to get involved in any way, shape, or form.
Regardless, the two of you fell deeply in love, and all the cruel taunts became little more than white noise.
It was now a little over a year later and the two of you were living together, and still maddeningly in love.
“It verges on gross sometimes.” A friend had said once. “I feel like I need to go to the dentist after spending ten minutes with you guys.”
Despite that, you hadn’t yet met any of Kandomere’s family. In truth you were somewhat relieved; handling prejudice in your professional life was hard enough (not even being the live in girlfriend of a respected elven officer let you off the hook with that), avoiding it in anyway in your personal life was something you strived to do (which was why you did the majority of your errands outside of the elf district).
But when you came across the reminder (not an invitation, you had noted with some amusement) of the family reunion from Kandomere’s mother, something inside you stirred. You wanted to meet these people, get to know everyone who had a hand, for better or worse, in making Kandomere who he was today. The man you loved.
He had been hesitant at first, but after some persuasion (and some persuasion), you had managed to convince him to take you along as his plus one.
Operation Meet Kandomere’s Family was now in full effect.
Throughout the car ride you had to reassure Kandomere multiple times that yes, you did still want to go and yes you were absolutely sure.
“If at any point you want to leave for whatever reason, let me know.” He said tensely.
“Kandomere I’m an adult, not a child.” You rested a hand on his knee and smiled serenely. “Everything will be fine.”
Kandomere set his mouth into a thin, skeptical looking line, but said nothing.
Shortly after that, Kandomere pulled into the driveway of a home that could only be described as palatial.
Starkly white against the late afternoon sun, the sprawling mansion boasted a yard that could easily fit several average suburban homes and their yards, a driveway that was basically the size of a freeway, and several floors. While it certainly appeared to be large enough to host the entire family, you were still trying to wrap your head around the sheer size of it.
“Holy shit.” You whispered, before turning to Kandomere. “Your mom lives here on her own?”
“Yes.” Kandomere said, looking oddly tense. He eyed all the other expensive cars, which even with the way they were all parked together, still weren’t able to completely take up all of the outside space.
You opened your mouth to ask just how she managed to get this house, and why, when you noticed the set in Kandomere’s jaw, the stiffness in his posture. You knew that this meant nothing good and you immediately went straight to his side, sliding your hand into his. “Hey.” You said softly. “Are you ok?” You looked over his face, trying to decipher what he was feeling. “Do you...do you need to leave?”
This seemed to bring him back as he looked down at you, trying his best to smile. “No, I’m fine.” He held your hand and brought it to his lips, gently kissing the knuckles. “Thank you.”
Although you weren’t entirely convinced, you walked with him to the front door and into the home, where you were immediately hit by a tidal wave of noise. From the delighted squeals of children, to loud discussions between adults, and blaring music, your ears were ringing within seconds, as you tried to decipher everything. And then came the smells.
At home the two of you shared the duties of cooking and while Kandomere’s food did smell good, it was nothing compared to this.
The aroma of spices both familiar and strange filled your nose and caressed you the way Kandomere would, leading you further into the house as if you were in a cartoon, taking Kandomere along with you.
In your food driven daze you weren’t paying close enough attention to where you were going, leading you suddenly collide with someone, finally bringing you back to Earth.
“Oh God!” You said, suddenly very self-conscious and wishing that the ground would open up and swallow you up. “I am so sorry! Are you ok?”
Now that you were fully aware of your surroundings, you took in the person you had bumped into.
What startled you most was how closely he resembled Kandomere, but...more. He was taller, broader, with a more defined bone structure. He looked down at you, his silvery blue eyes piercing as he appraised you. A dark brow rose, seemingly appraising you, before his gaze was drawn to something beside you.
“Kandomere.” He said, voice deeper than you had expected. “It’s good to see you.” He smiled widely, his sharp teeth glinting off the crystal chandeliers. “Who’s your friend?”
Kandomere’s mouth was set back into a thin line, and he slipped his hand out of yours before wrapping his entire warm around your waist, pulling you close. “This is Name, my girlfriend.” He said stiffly. “Name, this is my older brother. Lazar.”
While you were trying to wrap your head around the fact that Kandomere had never told you he had any siblings, Lazar stepped closer, almost leaning over you, as his eyes travelled slowly along your body.
You shifted a little, feeling somewhat uncomfortable under his gaze, but did your best not to show it.
Apparently finding you meeting his standards, Lazar grinned widely. “It’s been awhile since Kandomere brought a partner to one of these.” He wrapped his arms around you, successfully pulling you towards him in a surprise hug. “Welcome to the family.”
Caught completely off guard and feeling awkward, but deciding to just go with it, you tentatively hugged Lazar back. “Thank you.” You said politely. When you pulled back, you found that Lazar’s hands were resting on your hips, with more pressure than you were comfortable with. “It’s...nice to meet you.”
‘This is going to be a long night isn’t it?’
Meeting the rest of Kandomere’s family was...mixed. His mother already knew about you so she wasn’t caught off guard, and in fact she seemed to approve of you, which surprised you greatly. Most of his relatives were polite, if somewhat standoffish. They seemed to be more interested in keeping the peace than giving you a hard time, which you were grateful for.
The children were less concerned with social niceties, as children often are, but were respectful nonetheless. Most of them were more concerned playing but some clung to you, following you like ducklings and asking questions.
None of this bothered you the way Lazar did. He always seemed to be lurking in your periphery, ready to step out at the drop of a hat.
Throughout all of this, you kept a close eye on Kandomere. For the most part he seemed to be fine, and enjoyed seeing relatives that he hadn’t seen in a while. The only times he seemed ill at ease was when Lazar stepped in.
Kandomere’s whole mood would change; he would go quiet and tense, and would be incredibly reluctant to talk to his brother. And for the life of you, you couldn’t figure out why.
After dinner, you volunteered to help clean the dishes along with other relatives, urging Kandomere to relax and spend more time with family.
As you were putting away a plate, Kandomere’s mother appeared at your side.
While you knew elves could be more attractive than most, Kandomere’s mother was still an astounding beauty. Her hair had gone silvery white in her age, but it was lustrous and full and cascaded down in glamorous waves, resting on her shoulders. Her eyes were as sharp as Kandomere’s, and didn’t hint at any loss of vitality.
You suddenly became nervous, not sure why she was there.
“I must admit, I had my doubts when my son told me about you.” She said, putting a plate back without having to look. “He has never gone out with a human. None of us have. This is unfamiliar ground for all of us.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but she held her hand up and you immediately closed it again.
“But whenever he talks about you, there’s a change to him. A lightness.” She smiled. “He’s happy. I can tell. And he loves you.” She placed a hand on your forearm. “And that’s enough for me.”
A few tears came to your eyes and you blinked them away as you smiled. “Thank you.”
An hour later you were putting away the last glass of champagne when you turned and came face to face with Lazar, towering over you.
“Oh! Lazar!” You jumped, thankful that you weren’t holding anything. “Can I help you with something?”
Immediately, Lazar put his hands on your hips, pressing you against the wall beside the cabinet that held all the drinking glasses. “Yeah, I think you can.” And before you could react, Lazar forced his mouth onto yours and shoved his hand up your dress.
You tried to fight back, but Lazar had the advantage in every way, so your flailing did nothing except make him chuckle, and you felt your skin crawl at the thought of him being amused by your distress.
Almost as quickly as it began, it was over as Lazar was tackled to the ground and thrown off of you so violently you stumbled and fell. When you regained your senses and looked up, you saw Kandomere on top of Lazar, punching him as his family looked on in horror.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He screamed in Elvish.
Several relatives, including his mother, had to pry Kandomere off of Lazar, and you saw that his knuckles were bloody. “If you ever touch her again I’ll fucking kill you!” He snarled.
“Kandomere!” You went to him, holding his face in your hands and forcing him to look at you. “Kandomere, look at me!” Your voice was shaky and your hands trembled, but you tried your best to remain calm. “Let’s-let’s just go.”
He looked back at you, his gaze now soft and tender. He swallowed thickly and his breathing became more laboured. He nodded. “Yeah, yeah.” He fumbled in his pocket for a few moments before giving you the keys to his car. “Wait in the car.”
You nodded, leaving without a second look back.
It was halfway during the ride back home that Kandomere finally spoke.
“Lazar’s a fucking asshole.” His knuckles went white, as his grip on the steering wheel became tighter. “Ever since I first started dating he’s taken my partners. Boys, girls, didn’t matter. If they were with me, he wanted them. But this?” He snarled and shook his head. “He crossed a fucking line here.”
“Pull over.”
Kandomere looked over at you with surprise before looking back at the road. “What?”
“Pull over.” You repeated, calmly. “You shouldn’t drive while angry.”
He hesitated for a moment, but Kandomere soon pulled over, parking on the side of the road. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed heavily. “I’m sorry.” He said softly. “I should’ve warned you. I-”
You interrupted him by pressing your lips against his.
While he was momentarily surprised, Kandomere quickly got over it and kissed you back, wrapping his arms around you.
You undid your seatbelt and, with some degree of difficulty, climbed onto Kandomere’s lap, straddling him.
Kandomere pulled away and gazed up at you. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize.” You said softly, running your fingers through his hair. “You couldn’t have known what would happen.”
“Yeah but-”
You interrupted him by kissing him again.
As the two of you kissed, you began to undo Kandomere’s tie and rocked your hips against his, making him hum and growl.
“I don’t think we should do this here.” He said, somewhat breathlessly, although he didn’t stop you from untucking and unbuttoning his shirt.
“I need you.” You whispered huskily. “Now.”
You ran your nails along his chest as you kissed along his jaw, pushing the shirt off of him.
Kandomere groaned, shedding his shirt and tossing it into the back seat. “I love you so much.” He said, running his hands up and down your sides and sending shivers down your spine. “You’re perfect.”
You hummed, and ran your teeth along the outside of his angular ears, biting the tip lightly.
“You little minx!” Kandomere growled, pushing the skirt of your dress up to your hips. His hand slid in between your thighs, and you gladly spread them open wider. As he ran the tip of a finger along the crotch of your panties you whimpered, and bucked into his hand.
“Kandomere!” You whined, drawing out the last syllable.
He tsked, pressing the finger that had been running along the damp modal against your lips and smirked. “Not yet sweetheart.” He said teasingly. “Be patient.” He pulled his hand away and kissed you, deeply, before pressing his entire hand against your panties.
You whimpered and whined as he rubbed your pussy through the fabric, reveling in how wet you were, and he smirked as he could tell how badly you wanted to grind against his fingers, to get a greater sensation from him.
His mouth moved from yours down to your neck, licking and nipping the skin as he slid a finger into your panties.
“Oh fuck yes!” You cried, relieved at finally feeling Kandomere’s hand against your pussy, panting as you began to rock your hips.
“You dirty girl.” He growled. “So desperate, aren’t you?”
“Yes!” You exclaimed, squealing when he slipped a finger inside. “Please Kandomere! Please! I need more!”
He smirked, slipping in a second finger and beginning to pump them in and out, slowly, to tease you. You whined and sobbed, begging for more, but Kandomere maintained his cruel pace, even slowing down. You’re about to beg again when he plunges a third finger inside you, making you scream.
You try to undo his pants, but the fast pace at which he’s finger fucking you makes it hard to even breathe. Once the button had been undone and the zipper pulled down, Kandomere paused his torture to help you pull his pants and boxers down, allowing his cock to jump up, fully hard, the tip leaking pre-cum.
“Get on it.” He snapped, and you obeyed, sliding your wet cunt down his thick shaft, letting out a long, drawn out moan at the wonderful intrusion. “Yes, that’s it, good girl.” He bucked his hips, shoving his cock inside you deeper and making you cry out.
“Yes! Oh fuck yes!” You dug your nails into his scalp, rocking your hips and whimpering as he pressed his thumb against your clit.
“That’s it, cum for me.” He rasped hoarsely. “Cum, cum for me!”
“K-Kandomere!” You screamed, and bucked your hips one last time as you felt your orgasm overcome you, washing over you, as Kandomere’s cum filled you.
The two of you panted heavily as you both came down from your highs.
Kandomere held your face, and smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You whispered.
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Christmas in Lights | Junmyeon (part 1)
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Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Neighbor!AU 
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader Word Count: 2701 Warnings: None! Summary: Kim Junmyeon has been your sworn enemy ever since he beat you in the annual town Halloween decorating competition and now you will stop at nothing to beat him in the Christmas decorating competition. (This is part 1 of a 2 part story)
A/N: This was written as part of the @exo-writers-net December Collab Event! I was lucky enough to be partnered with @morkmywords I absolutely love all of her fics (I personally recommend Not Really a Cinderella Story and Peaches). And we’re sorta down to the wire on posting these, but better late than never, right??? @morkmywords wrote part 2!
You looked up from your paperwork when the door to your office opened. Walking in the door was Kim Seju, a third grader and also your most frequent visitor. He was holding his elbow and had a small frown.
"Miss (Y/N)?" He asked with a frown.
You gave him a smile, "How's it going, Seju?"
He held out his arm out toward you, "I fell down and scraped my arm while I was playing tag."
You pressed your lips together, trying to not laugh as you reached for your first aid kit. This was the third time this week. This kid always got hurt in some way. Good thing your
He went over to his usual chair in the office and sat down next to you as you opened up the kit. You started to clean his scrape with the alcohol wipe. You started to talk to him to distract him from the pain.
"Any plans for winter break, Seju?" You asked, careful to not press down too hard to cause him more pain.
Seju winced, "Not really. It'll just be me and my dad this year. Dad doesn't have a girlfriend this year or anything so we don't have to go anywhere which is nice."
You nodded as Seju rambled on. You had already placed the bandage on his scrape but he didn't notice. You couldn't help but find his rambling endearing. At the mention of the lack of holiday plans, you had to hold yourself from scowling.
"So you and your dad are just staying home this year, huh?" You asked, a little bitter.
Seju looked at you, confused. "Yeah? But what about you, Miss (Y/N)?"
You shrugged, "I don't have any plans with family. My sister decided to go to the Bahamas with her husband. So I'm all alone this year."
For the third year in a row, you couldn't help but think bitterly. Well, you could blame it on her lavish lifestyle. She had certainly changed ever since she won the lottery.
Then again, she did gift you a house that you wouldn't have been able to afford on a school nurse salary. It was in a nice neighborhood, though you couldn't help but think it was probably the cheapest one.
You didn't have any actual plans for Christmas, but you had more important plans leading up to it. Possibly diabolical ones.
As if summoned by your thoughts, the door to your office opened again.
Walking in wearing a dark gray suit was Kim fucking Junmyeon.
He looked around the office confused until his gaze rested on you. He smiled wide, his eyes crinkling slightly.
"Knew I'd find you here," he said.
Not at you. But the boy sitting next to you.
"Dad!" Seju exclaimed, jumping out of his seat super fast and running to his father.
You watched as Junmyeon bent down to give Seju a hug. And if it were any other parent, you would have found this a cute scene.
Junmyeon locked eyes with you over Seju's shoulder, smirking. It made you seethe.
"What are you doing here?" Seju asked when he pulled away from the hug.
Junmyeon smiled and patted his son's head. "I'm pulling you out of school for your dentist appointment, remember?"
Seju pouted. "I hate going to the dentist."
Junmyeon laughed. "Well, if you don't have cavities, we can make cookies tonight, okay?"
"Of course!"
The bell rang, signaling the end of recess. Junmyeon nudged his son. "You go get your stuff and meet me back here, okay? I already talked to the office and your teacher."
"Okay!" Seju exclaimed, running out of the office. "Be back!"
Part of you hoped that Junmyeon would leave or wait outside, so your veins thrummed when he simply hung around.
"You going to the meeting later?" Junmyeon asked, leaning on your desk. You wanted nothing more than to smack his arms away.
"Do I really have a choice? Minseok would skin me alive if I skipped," you scoffed.
Minseok never forgave poor Baekhyun when he skipped a neighborhood community meeting to sleep early. He had put Baekhyun on cleanup duty for the three months after.
You locked eyes with him and he smirked. You wanted to slap it off of his face.
"I think he's going to announce the Christmas decorating contest tonight. Are you prepared to lose again? Ready for a repeat of Halloween?" he teased.
If you were a cartoon, steam would have been coming out of your ears. He laughed at your expression.
Seju opened the door once again, his backpack haphazardly thrown on. "You ready to go, Dad?"
"Yeah, let's go, buddy." He went to the door but turned around and winked at you. "I'll see you later, Miss (Y/N)."
Seju waved at you enthusiastically. "Have a good day, Miss (Y/N)! Thank you for the band-aid!!"
You gave the child a small wave back. You also tried not to look at Junmyeon's butt as he walked away.
You failed.
Neighborhood community meetings were always interesting. You figured it was a perk to knowing everyone It gave you the chance to see people you were otherwise too busy to see due to differing schedules. Like Zhang Yixing, who travelled a lot but always made time to come to each meeting. And Do Kyungsoo, who always made enough food for everyone. Especially after the time Jongin was in charge of the food and gave everyone food poisoning because of bad fried chicken. It also gave everyone the opportunity to gossip like the catty housewives they pretended they wanted to be. Like Kim Jongdae, who was once again passive-aggressive in telling Chanyeol that his bushes were three inches too high for regulation. You had no idea if Chanyeol was playing dumb or if he genuinely didnt pick up what Jongdae was trying to tell him. You sat towards the back of the hall that was usually used for these meetings. You looked up when you felt someone take the seat next to you. Oh Sehun slumped in his seat, which you found odd because he usually had perfect posture. He sipped at his coffee that was usually provided at these meetings. His eye bags were dark and extreme. "Everything okay?" You asked. "I've been up for thirty hours," he mumbled. "Why?" He opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by Minseok who stood at the podium. He looked adorable in his Santa hat. "I'm glad that everyone could make it today!" He greeted warmly. "We have a bit to talk about today but I'll cut to the chase with our more exciting news. We are hosting another round of our Christmas decorating contest!" You squeezed the hem of your skirt tightly in anticipation. "This year's theme is Lights! So make sure you make your house light up the night this year!"  Minseok announced. He rambled on but your eyes trailed over to where you knew Junnyeon was sitting. You had been hyper aware of him ever since he entered the room. He looked over and locked eyes with you, a growing smirk on his face. You scowled. What a dick. "Are you still mad about him beating you on Halloween?" Sehun asked, you could tell from his teasing tone that he was amused. "Of course. What's passed is past. I just think it was ridiculous that he won even though Nightmare Before Christmas is clearly a Christmas movie and not a Halloween movie," you scoffed. "You're such a sore loser," Sehun chuckled. "Just you watch asshole," you grumbled. "I'm gonna beat him this year."
To say that you and Junmyeon had a history would be ridiculous. You had known him for a little less than a year, and for most of it you thought that he was a perfect gentleman. He definitely had his cool and suave sides, accentuated by the way he dressed in his suits for work. There was a charm about him that drew you to him immediately. It also helped that he was incredibly attractive. You felt yourself melt every time he threw a smile toward you. You could say that you harbored a little tiny crush on him. And then Halloween happened. Your neighborhood was famous—borderline notorious—for the Christmas decoration contest held every year. And for the last five years (including the first year that the house was gifted to you by your millionaire sister) the title for Best Decorator had been yours for the last five years. You were gifted a reindeer shaped statuette each year with the title Best Decorator and the year etched under it on its base. It was perhaps a little bit overboard, but you appreciated the sentiment and had each statuette proudly displayed on the mantle of your fireplace. So when a Halloween version opened up this year, you gunned for first place as well. You spent a lot of time researching fog machines and projectors. You went to haunted houses with the intent on taking notes on how to successfully make a scary aura. You had thought that your only competition would be Sehun, who thought that TP-ing his own house counted as Halloween decorating. Oh, how wrong you were. Kim Junmyeon won the title for Best Halloween Decorator. He had managed to turn his front yard into a recreation of a Tim Burton movie seemingly overnight. You could see elements of both Nightmare Before Christmas and Beetlejuice in his decoration. And because of it, he stole the title from right under your nose. It took you until almost Thanksgiving to get over the loss, but you had acknowledged Junmyeon as your rival. You resolved to keep your title for Christmas and crush him. You still adored Seju though, even though the kid got hurt enough at school to where you worried over him, seeing him was still the only good part of your day sometimes. You unlocked the door to your car only to freeze at what was inside. You looked around confused until you found a tiny card on your dashboard and opened it. You immediately ripped the card in anger. A door opened next door, Sehun was walking out, presumably leaving for work. You dropped the pieces of card on the ground and charged at Sehun, your hands wrapping around his neck. He yelped in surprise. “Why did you help Junmyeon break into my car?” you growled. “How did you know?” Sehun asked, voice barely escaping in your grip. “Only you are crafty enough to break into a car without breaking a window.” His eyes suddenly shined at the odd compliment. You thought that it was weird that he was flattered. “You think I’m crafty?” You nodded. “Like how Kevin McCallister from Home Alone is crafty.” You let go of Sehun’s neck, he bent over to catch his breath. “But that’s beside the point! Why did you help him do it?” Sehun shrugged. “He just asked me to do it and I did. He didn’t tell me why.” “He left a bajillion Christmas themed pacifiers in my car,” you said, frustrated. “Along with a card that said, ‘You might need these for when I beat you in the contest.’” “This rivalry you guys have is the weirdest form of foreplay,” Sehun wheezed, rubbing his neck. “What are you talking about?” you asked. Sehun rolled his eyes. “C’mon, (Y/N), it’s clear that you two have a thing for each other.” “I do not have a thing for Kim Junmyeon!” you exclaimed angrily, uncaring if the entire neighborhood heard you. “The way you stare at his butt begs to differ,” Sehun muttered bitterly. You rolled your eyes. In another world you thought you and Sehun would be a good match, but his interests more aligned with musicians who wore too many muscle shirts. Before you could open your mouth to reply—probably to tease him about his petty jealously—Sehun’s front door opened again, revealing Chanyeol who strided over to Sehun with his signature grin. “Sehun-ah!” he called out. He handed Sehun a paper bag. “You forgot your lunch.” Sehun smiled, eyes squinting into crescents. “Thank you, hyung. I appreciate it.” You looked back and forth between them. Sehun, as if remembering what was happening and where he was, looked at you panicked. “This isn’t what it looks like?” You quirked an eyebrow, “Good, because I don’t have the emotional capacity to unpack this right now. Just don’t help Junmyeon break into my shit ever again.” You turned around and stomped away. “I have an ass to beat this Christmas!” “Kinky!” Sehun yelled to your retreating back. You flipped him off.
You opened the door to see Seju shuffling nervously, holding a giant plastic bag in his hands. You blinked, confused, before shaking it off. You smiled, "Seju, how is your break going?" "Good, Miss (Y/N)!" Seju answered enthusiastically. He thrust the plastic bag at you. "I made these for you!" The contents of the bag looked questionable. Inside looked what appeared to be black star-shaped lumps. You hesitated to take them, but you didn't want to hurt Seju's feelings. "Thank you, Seju. What are these?" You asked. He tilted his head at you, confused. "Can't you tell? They're cookies!" You gulped before putting on a stronger, faker, smile. "Of course they are, how silly of me." "I made them to thank you for taking care of me!" Seju grinned. You were touched by the sentiment. "You're very welcome, Seju. Just be more careful when school starts back up again, okay?" Seju nodded, "Okay!" Deep down, you knew that nothing much would change. Seju waved goodbye as he went back to his house, leaving you with the bag of lump-shaped cookies. You closed the door and sighed. Should you throw them away? Another knock on the door startled you out of your thoughts. You opened the door again, surprised to see Junmyeon at your doorstep. He was most certainly dressed down. He wore a plain white shirt with gray sweatpants. His hair, not styled, was pushed out of his face by a headband. His hands were behind his back, and you could see the tiniest peek at how defined his chest was. How did he still look so good even in casual clothes? "Hi?" You asked. "What are you doing here?" Junmyeon sighed. "Whatever you do, do not eat those cookies." He revealed another plastic bag from behind his back. This time, you could clearly see that they were cookies. You gingerly took them from his outstretched hands. "Why are you being so nice to me?" You asked with a glare. Junmyeon shrugged. "My son likes you." You rolled your eyes. "You're just buttering me up so that I could let my guard down for the competition." His lips quirked up in a teasing smile. "Is it working?" "As if," you huffed. "Delicious sweets won't work on me." You were about to slam the door in his face but stopped yourself. "Thank you, though," you mumbled. "I had no idea what I was going to do with Seju's cookies." Junmyeon smiled bigger this time, more genuine. "My pleasure, (Y/N)."
You walked out on your front porch and screamed. "What the hell is this?!" You dont know how, but overnight your front yard had become a reenactment of Nightmare Before Christmas. You had come face to face with Jack Skellington in a Santa costume, smiling in a way that unsettled you. There was a note sticking on his chest with your name written in neat scrawl. You instantly recognized the writing. You opened the note. 'You're right, Nightmare Before Christmas is much more of a Christmas movie than a Halloween movie. Maybe if I gave you these you'd stand a chance at beating me. --Junmyeon' You crushed the note in your hand and pushed Jack Skellington over, screaming. You spied Sehun out of the corner of your eye, who raised his hands in surrender and shook his head, wanting to let you know that he had nothing to do with this one. You stomped over to the rest of the decorations, pulling them down. Kim Junmyeon just struck your last nerve.
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mill3nniumforc3 · 5 years
200: My crush’s name is: Russell :) 199: I was born in: April 1994 198: I am really: energetic 197: My cellphone company is: Verizon 196: My eye color is: hazel 195: My shoe size is: 7.5-8.5, depending on the shoe 194: My ring size is: 7.5 193: My height is: 5′5″ 192: I am allergic to: penicillin, cats, pollen, and strong scents 191: My 1st car was: I’ve never owned my own car. 190: My 1st job was: babysitting. First real job was a desk job at my university 189: Last book you read: I don’t remember. I don’t have time to read for leisure. 188: My bed is: comfy 187: My pet: Seamus the miniature schnauzer and Sugar the Aussie-mo 186: My best friend: Ashlyn 185: My favorite shampoo is: Dove 184: Xbox or ps3: neither 183: Piggy banks are: for kids and rainy days 182: In my pockets: nothing 181: On my calendar: going river tubing on Saturday, party next Saturday, trip for T’s birthday weekend, and possibly going to Kennywood and Kings Island sometime in August. 180: Marriage is: something for my future self 179: Spongebob can: do anything 178: My mom: is the bestest 177: The last three songs I bought were?: who buys music anymore? 176: Last YouTube video watched: probably an ASMR video 175: How many cousins do you have?: too many to count 174: Do you have any siblings?: three sisters 173: Are your parents divorced?: no 172: Are you taller than your mom?: yep 171: Do you play an instrument?: piano, drums, bells, and I know three chords of the guitar 170: What did you do yesterday?: sleep [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: sure 168: Luck: yes 167: Fate: maybe? 166: Yourself: depends on the day 165: Aliens: not really... 164: Heaven: yes 163: Hell: Do I believe in it? Yes, because God is just. Do I believe people are damned there? No, because God is loving. 162: God: yes 161: Horoscopes: no. It’s funny to see “horoscope” posts and see if they apply to me, but it’s a bunch of b.s. A bunch of Aries aren’t going to have the same day/month/year. That’s ridiculous. 160: Soul mates: I’m not sure if I do or don’t, but I do believe in love. 159: Ghosts: no 158: Gay Marriage: of course! 157: War: it’s an unfortunate and unnecessary part of life 156: Orbs: no 155: Magic: yes [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: both 153: Drunk or High: drunk 152: Phone or Online: online 151: Red heads or Black haired: no comment 150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes 149: Hot or cold: hot 148: Summer or winter: summer 147: Autumn or Spring: spring 146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 145: Night or Day: night 144: Oranges or Apples: apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: straight 142: McDonalds or Burger King: McD’s (though I’m probably biased because I work there) 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: both 140: Mac or PC: PC 139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor 137: Coke or Pepsi: neither 136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 135: Burried or cremated: I want to be cremated and have my ashes buried with a seed and grow into a tree 134: Singing or Dancing: dancing 133: Coach or Chanel: neither 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Kat 131: Small town or Big city: small town 130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben 128: Manicure or Pedicure: mani 127: East Coast or West Coast: east coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas. My birthday stopped being special after I turned 19. I get good food every year on Christmas. 125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: Six Flags 123: Yankees or Red Sox: Indians [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. 121: George Bush: he had some good policies. Better than Trump, that’s for damn sure. 120: Gay Marriage: should never be illegal again. 119: The presidential election: #FuckTrump #VoteBlueNoMatterWho #ImpeachTheMF 118: Abortion: all my life, I was told to be pro-life. These days, I don’t know anymore, but I think my beliefs are closer to pro-choice than pro-life. 117: MySpace: it’s not 2008 anymore. 116: Reality TV: glad it’s not my life 115: Parents: they’re doing their best. I’m not looking to be one anytime soon though. 114: Back stabbers: bye! 113: Ebay: Amazon is better. 112: Facebook: these days, I use it to get laughs and memes. I don’t interact with people I know IRL much. 111: Work: good for the money. Not good for my mental health. 110: My Neighbors: they’re ok. 109: Gas Prices: #ThanksTrump 108: Designer Clothes: I can get good clothes at Target. The only “splurge” I do for clothes is at Spencer’s or Kohl’s. 107: College: I plan to go back soon. 106: Sports: entertaining. 105: My family: family is life. 104: The future: anything can happen [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: Tuesday. 102: Last time you ate: a couple hours ago (chik’n patties and cheese) 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: last week. I saw a manager I hadn’t worked with in like a month. 100: Cried in front of someone: Monday 99: Went to a movie theater: July 2nd 98: Took a vacation: June 97: Swam in a pool: back in February 96: Changed a diaper: I don’t remember 95: Got my nails done: way too long ago 94: Went to a wedding: in April 93: Broke a bone: 2017 (broke my toe) 92: Got a piercing: 2006 91: Broke the law: never. I’m a good person. 90: Texted: three hours ago [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: Russell 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my dog 87: The last movie I saw: in theatres, Toy Story 4. At home, Adventures in Babysitting. 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: being off on Saturday 85: The thing im not looking forward to: working tomorrow 84: People call me: Vonnie, Vonn, Bonbon, Sophia, and “the girl” 83: The most difficult thing to do is: not cry while watching Grey’s Anatomy 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never 81: My zodiac sign is: Aries 80: The first person i talked to today was: my sister 79: First time you had a crush: kindergarten. His name was Wally, and we were “boyfriend and girlfriend” til about third grade, and we remained friends til we graduated 8th grade. Haven’t talked to him much since. 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Russell 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Sunday 76: Right now I am talking to: nobody because it’s 3:30am 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I hope to be teaching English education 74: I have/will get a job: I currently work at McDonald’s, but within the next 6-12 months, I’ll be moving out of state, so who knows where I’ll work.  73: Tomorrow: work 72: Today: work 71: Next Summer: I’ll be in a whole new state, so that means new amusement parks to visit and rollies to ride. 70: Next Weekend: party. Oh, and next Saturday makes officially 18 months with me and Russell, so go us! 69: I have these pets: two dogs 68: The worst sound in the world: the beeping in the headset when I work back cash. It haunts my nightmares 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Heather because she sends me to back cash all the time 66: People that make you happy: Russell, my mom, my dogs, Ashlyn, and Aunt Dolly because she sends me lives on Candy Crush 65: Last time I cried: Monday 64: My friends are: Ashlyn, Mikayla, Jon, Rilee, Lamar, Tae, Alexus, Clare, Katie, Mario, and Kel 63: My computer is: all mine because I bought it with my own money 62: My School: not in school  61: My Car: don’t have one 60: I lose all respect for people who: lie 59: The movie I cried at was: Avengers: Endgame 58: Your hair color is: natural 57: TV shows you watch: Grey’s Anatomy, Once Upon a Time, House, The Simpsons, Bob’s Burgers, and... I don’t really watch TV because I don’t have cable. 56: Favorite web site: YouTube 55: Your dream vacation: Just a big coaster trip 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: my period this month. I had cramps for days leading up to my period that were so bad that, the day my period actually came, I couldn’t stand straight. 53: How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t eat steak 52: My room is: a mess, like my life 51: My favorite celebrity is: NPH 50: Where would you like to be: with my boyfriend 49: Do you want children: someday, but not today 48: Ever been in love: ohhh yes. 47: Who’s your best friend: not answering again 46: More guy friends or girl friends: i think i have a fair amount of both 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: this is tmi, but sex with my bf. 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Russell 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: yes 41: Have you pre-named your children: I don’t have any definitive names, but I’m thinking MaryGrace Linda for a girl, and James Sebastian for a boy 40: Last person I got mad at: Anna because she put me on back cash 39: I would like to move to: someplace south 38: I wish I was a professional: dancer.... no, writer.... no, why not both? [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: peanut butter cups 36: Vehicle: Jeep 35: President: FDR 34: State visited: North Carolina (not just saying that because I lived there for two months) 33: Cellphone provider: Verizon 32: Athlete: Trevor Bauer 31: Actor: Justin Chambers 30: Actress: Amy Poehler 29: Singer: Chester Bennington 28: Band: Linkin Park 27: Clothing store: Kohl’s 26: Grocery store: Marc’s 25: TV show: Grey’s Anatomy 24: Movie: 13 Going on 30 23: Website: Pogo 22: Animal: seal 21: Theme park: Cedar Point 20: Holiday: Christmas 19: Sport to watch: baseball 18: Sport to play: softball 17: Magazine: I only read magazines at the dentist office, and I’ll read whichever has an interesting cover story 16: Book: A Series of Unfortunate Events 15: Day of the week: Saturday, as long as I’m not at work. If I’m working, then Mondays, I guess... 14: Beach: Huntington 13: Concert attended: Winter Jam, because I got to see Skillet play, and I met Matthew West. 12: Thing to cook: desserts 11: Food: eggplant parm 10: Restaurant: Olive Garden 9: Radio station: Star 102 8: Yankee candle scent: vanilla 7: Perfume: I don’t wear perfume 6: Flower: Daisies 5: Color: pink 4: Talk show host: Ellen DeGeneres 3: Comedian: Steve Rannazzisi 2: Dog breed: I really like terriers lol 1: did you answer all these truthfully ?: For me to know and you to find out :)
0 notes
artificialqueens · 6 years
Extra Credit: Part 6 (Shalaska) - Rosie
A/N: Sorry times a million for keeping you waiting for more Extra Credit! But it’s finally here! Thank you times a million for being so patient! Since the last chapter I took a slight detour and wrote this three part fic called Tattletale which you can read here, here and here. I’m really proud of it and think it somewhat justifies the annoying break. But now I’m back! With better writing! And a cheerleading uniform which ends up on the floor! My sideblog @aqrosie has heaps of head canons on both TT and EC and I post updates there so come and join us if that's your thing!
Story Summary: University professor Sharon Needles hooks up with a slamming hot blonde at a bar who may or may not be one of her students.
Catch Up on Extra Credit: Part One, Two, Three, Four and Five 
There were two things Sharon was positively sure of as she brushed her teeth one morning a week after asking Alaska to be her girlfriend. 
Firstly, she was officially dating a student, and she was more than aware of that fact. She looked at Alaska’s pink toothbrush sitting innocently in her toothbrush holder cup, zoning out as she brushed her molars harder than her dentist would have liked. 
Secondly, she liked it. Sharon would go as far as to say she loved Alaska, but that thought sent a thrill up her stomach and made her weak at the knees. She couldn’t remember the last time she had felt like this, and part of her knew perhaps this was the first time.
Years, even just months ago Sharon was scandalised at the thought of professors shagging undergraduates. She could never see a student that way, no matter how hard they flirted with her in an attempt to boost their grades. It was an abuse of power. Forbidden.
But Alaska wasn’t her student when she met her in that bar, or when she got on her knees in that bathroom, or when she took her home. That made everything so different, and it made Alaska irresistible.
Sharon spat her toothpaste and rinsed her mouth, before a pair of arms wrapped around her waist from behind.
“Do you have to leave?” Alaska whined, hugging Sharon’s back and inhaling the expensive scent of her chic office clothes. 
“Not by choice,” Sharon said as she turned around, seeing Alaska in a loose dark blue university sweatshirt and nothing else, her blonde hair piled on top of her head as strands fell out. “Believe me.” 
She kissed Alaska, one arm wrapping around her thin waist while her other hand slipped down and teased her between her legs.
“How,” Sharon questioned, pulling away and breaking their kiss, “is she always rearing to go? Even after this morning?” 
Alaska burst out laughing at Sharon’s loving disbelief, her youthfully high libido always a source of wonder to Sharon, who proudly enjoyed her wholesome couple of orgasms before wanting to snuggle up and sleep.
“I don’t know,” Alaska glowed, shrugging her shoulders as her hand met Sharon’s, encouraging her to keep going.
“I might be late,” Sharon said softly against Alaska’s hair, her middle finger circling her slick clit as she watched as the younger girl’s eyelids flutter shut.
“Then be quick,” Alaska sighed quietly, capturing Sharon’s lips with hers as Sharon’s touch increased.  
Sharon stepped them backwards to hold Alaska against the tiled bathroom wall. She massaged Alaska’s throbbing bud before alternating and rubbing between her slick folds and teasing her entrance.
Since Alaska came twice this morning, they both knew she didn’t need much. Sharon kissed her deeply as her touch became more frantic, the sound of Alaska’s wetness bouncing around the bathroom walls as Sharon’s tongue lapped against hers.
Alaska whined as she slipped her hand underneath her loose sweatshirt to squeeze one of her breasts, her thighs shaking as she arched against the cold tiles, a sharp contrast to the warmth of her skin and the heat of Sharon’s touch.  
“Look at you,” Sharon whispered, knowing dirty talk was a kink for the both of them, “so fucking desperate for me. So wet for me. It’s never enough for you.” 
Alaska nodded feverishly, an incoherent response bubbling out of her as her orgasm built. Her hips jerked against Sharon’s touch, and as she looked down, the sight of her naked legs against Sharon’s sleek outfit made her pulse.
“Need you, always need you,” Alaska whined.
And finally she was coming, her orgasm shuddering through her body as she gripped onto Sharon, moaning as her thighs clenched and her eyes squeezed shut.
“Don’t stop, hgn, fuck,” she managed during Sharon’s relentless touch.
She pulled her through her high, only slowing down when Alaska’s breathing began to calm. Alaska brought their lips together, knowing as soon as Sharon was out of her arms she’d be leaving. 
“Will that suffice until I’m home?” Sharon smirked, pecking her on the lips once more before slowly moving away. 
“Perhaps,” Alaska mused, giggling as Sharon lightly slapped her ass as she moved to wash her hands.
“What’s on your agenda for today?”
“I have that two hour tutorial at three,” Alaska said as she leaned against the towel rack and played with her hair in the mirror. “Do you mind if I stay here and study? I actually feel like I get shit done because I have no distractions. And everyone is cramming in the library before the break.” 
“Of course!” Sharon replied. “Feel free to use my office too, and you know how to work the coffee machine?”
“Yes,” Alaska smiled, following Sharon out of the bathroom. “And thank you.”
She watched as the older woman slipped her black heels on and applied her berry-toned lipstick in the mirror near the apartment’s front door. Grabbing her keys, bag and coat, she turned and gave Alaska one last peck on the lips. 
“Are you going back to the dorm tonight?” Sharon asked, already planning her solo TV dinner. 
“Yeah,” Alaska bit her lip. “Looks a bit sus as I spent Sunday here.” 
“Yeah, exactly.” 
There was a brief moment where they just looked at each other, both wondering how long this strategic planning would last while knowing it was for their safety. 
“I can’t wait until next week,” Sharon said softly as she played the drawstrings of Alaska’s sweatshirt, wishing she could stay home with her. 
“Me too,” Alaska replied, already smiling again and almost bouncing on her toes. 
As she watched Sharon leave, excitement bubbled through her. Next week was the Fall break, an entire week with no university responsibilities for the both of them. No lectures for Sharon to plan, and no draining tutorials for Alaska to endure. But the best part? Alaska was staying with Sharon for its entirety. No scampering back to the dorm or tip toeing around Courtney, who thankfully didn’t notice her unusually high absentness as she was cooped up in the library studying.
It had all been planned out too. Courtney thought Alaska was heading back to Eerie to spend the break with her parents. Her parents thought Alaska was staying on campus as she had “so many assignments to still complete.”
And Alaska was a forward planner. In the lead up to this mission she had subtly asked her mother for pictures of their home when texting and currently had a folder of images to send to Courtney in an attempt to really pull off this charade. There was a photo of their pool on a sunny day, a picture of cookies her mother had just made, and heaps of new photos of Alaska’s cat, all ready and waiting for when Courtney inevitably Snapchatted her about her break. 
Of course, Alaska had planned for her parents too. She snapped photos of her study set up in the event of giving her parent’s physical proof of her apparent work ethic, and already had a bunch of selfies with her friends her parents hadn’t seen yet to show she was “taking time out and enjoying her social life.” 
It was a great plan, because in reality, she’d be in Sharon’s arms for the entire week. 
Sharon settled down on her couch while a hot bowl of pumpkin soup and a glass of red wine sat ready and waiting for her on her coffee table. Cerrone hopped up onto the couch after seeing his owner doing the same and pretended to not enjoy the incredible pets Sharon was currently giving him as she clicked through her Netflix to set up another episode of Queer Eye. 
Sharon was content. This used to be her ideal set up when she was single and wanted nothing else but to mindlessly eat, watch, and cuddle her fur baby after work. But as she gasped at the lazy lifestyle of the straight man on screen and cooed at his transformation, she wanted nothing more than to have Alaska next to her.
As if on cue, the girl in question messaged her. 
A: What are you having for dinner? : )
Sharon let herself squeal like she was a decade younger and didn’t even bother to pause the Fab Five as she replied.
S: Pumpkin soup : ) I made so much so I have leftovers for when you pop in over the next few days!
A: Oooh delish!
Sharon couldn’t stop smiling as they texted, filling each other in on their day and wishing they were together, but still grateful for this kind of communication. It sent a thrill through Sharon to know Alaska was sitting on her bed in her dorm just metres from Courtney.
A: Btw I can’t come over Friday night for fall break, but Sat morning instead
S: No worries, is everything okay?
A: Yea just something came up
One of Sharon’s eyebrows rose, but she didn’t pry, knowing Alaska might tell her. She snorted when a message came through a minute later.
A: It’s a pep rally
A: And I’m a cheerleader lol
Sharon sat up so quickly from her lounging position she scared Cerrone away.
“A cheerleader,” she announced loudly to no one before taking a large sip of wine. This was all too much.
S: A
A: omg
S: And you’re only telling me now BECAUSE?
A: Idk
A: : )
S: Do you have…
S: … a uniform
A: Yes : )
S: I’m gonna pass out
A: Hahaha
A: It’s no biggie, I’m on the reserve team in case one of the actual cheerleaders can’t perform at comps and stuff, but I never get picked for comps anyway. But we all have to cheer for pep rallies
A: I suck so bad, like I have no timing or rhythm but I think I look cute haha
S: I can imagine
An idea popped into Sharon’s head, somehow getting through between all the new fantasies of Alaska in a pleated cheer skirt and nothing else.
S: Would you mind if I came and watched?
A: Oh you don’t have to!
A: Like of course I’d love you there but it might be a bit boring? Idk there will be a lot of students and yelling haha and we won’t be able to talk but if you want to??
S: I’m gonna come
A: Omg 
“Do we have to go?” Willam whined, clicking her mouse around her screen and shutting down her computer, more than ready to leave her university office and not think about work for the next week. It was finally Friday afternoon, and Sharon was pumped for the pep rally, and the week ahead with just Alaska. “Can’t we just go straight to the drinks?”
“No!” Sharon protested, standing in Willam’s office with her bag in her hand and her coat already on, like an excited child ready for their first day of school. “Come on, we’ve worked here for god knows how many years and have never once gone to a pep rally. Let’s show some spirit!”
Willam grimaced at Sharon’s unusually good mood. But come to think of it, Sharon had been quite happy over the last few weeks. What was that about?
“I just want to pop in for a little while, sus it out, see what it’s like, and then I promise we’ll head off and I’ll buy you your first drink at the bar.” 
Willam smiled before hopping out of her leather chair.
“Okay,” she said happily, grabbing her bright orange coat that somehow looked amazing paired with her blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick.
They hiked through the campus in their heels, eventually joining the mass of students and smattering of staff members here for the pep rally. The grandstand crowd was a sea of blue and yellow, the universities colours, with painted banners boasting generic school spirit phrases.
“Fuck, it’s cold out,” Willam whined. “God there are so many people. Why are we even here—“
“Look! There’s an empty spot at the top,” Sharon interrupted, grabbing Willam’s wrist and pulling her work bestie up the grandstand stairs. They scrambled up to secure their seats and sat down on the cold metal benches, Willam’s loud orange coat and Sharon’s go-to uniform of all black sticking out in the sea of yellow and blue.
“I’m so confused, is a game happening? Sharon we hate sport.” 
“I… don’t think so,” Sharon squinted. “Pep rallies are weird.”
“Let’s go then,” Willam shrugged, moving to stand up. “We came, we saw, we decided to leave and get shit faced—“
“No!” Sharon said, grabbing Willam’s coat sleeve. “It hasn’t started yet. 10 more minutes.” 
Sharon’s heart raced with anticipation as she looked out at the empty field. Alaska told her it would start around 5:30, but if Willam dragged them out before the cheerleaders came out, this would have been for nothing.
But suddenly, a horn blew and both professors jumped as everyone around them rose to their feet. The voice of a dramatic announcer came over the loud speaker as the lights of the field dimmed and the roar of the crowd grew. 
“Oh come on theatrics!” Willam yelled to Sharon over the noise, not being able to stop the smile on her face at the atmosphere. 
Two students raced onto the field and held up a huge banner as the MC pumped up the crowd. Suddenly the lights switched on and exposed the field to the audience right as a group burst through the banner. 
It was the cheerleaders.
Sharon almost squealed and went to grab Willam’s hand before thinking ahead to clutch her own hands to her chest as she beamed.
The crowd went wild as the cheerleaders bounded into action, jumping, skipping and flipping in all directions before somehow forming a perfect formation. On cue, Beyonce’s Formation came on, and Sharon and Willam smiled and clapped along while wondering if this was a copyright infringement. 
Sharon’s eyes combed the mass of girls like an eagle, trying to spot one tall blondie in particular. Every time she thought she found her, the girl would turn around and not be Alaska, before their choreography dissolved them all into each other and Sharon became lost again. 
Her heart sank a little when she realised Alaska might not even be on the field. She remembered how she mentioned they had a reserve team that didn’t perform, and this current group looked pretty incredible. Sharon surveyed the entire performance, enjoying the spectacle as all the girls moved in unison. 
Well except for that one of the end who looked a beat behind. 
Sharon’s eyes widened.
“Ohmygodtheresheis!” Sharon squealed, her voice high pitched as she beamed.
“What?” Willam asked, distracted by all the chaos and the tiny skirts flipping up as the girls were effortlessly tossed into the air. 
“Nothing!” Sharon smiled, not taking her eyes off Alaska, who was waving blue and yellow pom poms and kicking her long legs in the air, a solid beat behind the others but smiling at the crowd as she did so. She looked absolutely stunning with her high ponytail and giant bow, so it was no wonder her missteps here hardly noticeable.
The routine finished and Sharon cupped her hands around her mouth when she cheered before clapping wildly. The MC revved up the crowd, and as Willam checked her phone, Sharon watched Alaska mill around with the other cheerleaders, catching their breathes and waving to the crowd. 
She willed Alaska to look her way. There were several hundred people watching, and she prayed she would somehow spot them in the sea of faces. She saw Alaska look out into the crowd, her eyes slowly searching. Sharon wished she could have called out her name, stood up and waved, anything to get her attention to show her in the moment how proud of her she was and that Alaska could see she really did come out to support her. But Alaska’s gaze was ripped from the crowd when another cheerleader walked up to her to talk. Sharon’s shoulders slumped slightly in disappointment.
“Some of them are cute,” Willam smiled, elbowing Sharon lightly.
Sharon’s heart stopped.
“Mmh, I guess,” Sharon tried to feign disinterest while giving Willam a wide side-eye, who was busy admiring the cheerleaders. 
“That blonde one is cute,” Willam mused.
Sharon’s ears picked up and her gaze sharpened. 
“Who?” She frowned, trying to follow Willam’s line of sight. If Sharon dragged Willam along to this freaking pep rally only to watch her get excited over Alaska, well she’d be damned.
“That little one bouncing around,” Willam whispered, pointing subtly.
Sharon’s eyes darted from cheerleader to cheerleader before she spotted the short bouncing blonde, and she sighed in relief when it wasn’t Alaska, but instead her friend Catherine— or was it Courtney? It was Courtney. 
“Oh!” Sharon happily exclaimed. “Yes, cute.” 
Alaska was detangling a loose knot in her pom poms as the other cheerleaders loitered around the front of the grandstand, waving to the crowd and doing the odd trick for attention as tech students set up equipment for a musical performance. Sharon smiled softly. It was cute watching Alaska in public and seeing her in an environment that wasn’t a lecture hall or Sharon’s apartment. She looked so pretty, and friendly, and even a little awkward as she hugged herself from the brisk evening air, her long legs shaking slightly.
“I think that was the best part,” Willam sighed. “Should we head off? I need alcohol to warm me up.” 
“Uh, yeah,” Sharon said in defeat. It was freezing this high up on the grandstand, and she knew Willam’s patience was running thin. 
They stood up and began the tedious task of moving between people and down the metal steps, but Sharon kept her eyes on Alaska the whole time.
But like fate itself, something caused Alaska to look up at the corner of the grandstand. In the sea of blue and yellow, Willam’s bold orange coat stood out like an alarm. She squinted slightly, recognising the advertising professor’s face before realising Sharon was right next to her. And Sharon was looking at her, a huge smile spreading across her face as Alaska met her gaze. 
Alaska’s face split into a grin as Sharon raised her hand slightly and waved, to which Alaska replied by excitedly shaking one of her pom poms in the air. Warmth spread through her at the sight of Sharon in the crowd, and without realising it, moisture gathered in her eyes. Living away from home meant things like family being there for you physically wasn’t possible. But the sight of Sharon coming out to support her cheerleading, no matter how unimportant she felt she was to the team, was so touching.
She waited until Sharon and Willam reached the bottom of the steps before holding Sharon’s gaze again and pulling out her greatest, and only, trick – a one-handed cartwheel. She almost kicked fellow cheerleader Roxy Andrews in the face in the process, but the first few rows of the grandstand cheered for her, as if she was performing for them.
Sharon yelped, and Willam walked into her back as Sharon stopped in her tracks and watched Alaska just metres away from her.
“Woohoo!” Sharon yelled out before clapping, and Alaska’s cheeks almost hurt from smiling so much.
“Oof!” Willam scoffed after running into Sharon. “Bitch keep walking. The sports ball is about to come out and there’s a vodka and soda waiting for us.”
As predicted, the announcer’s voice came over the loud speaker, and soon enough athletes were running onto the field. Alaska and Sharon shared one last smile before Alaska had to jog over to her team, but not before she waved a pom pom at Sharon. 
“I have something to show you,” Sharon smiled, taking Alaska’s hand and walking her into the kitchen.
It was Saturday, the start of their week together, and Sharon had planned ahead. 
“I was just at the shops and I saw a few things so I thought I would stock up, you know?” Sharon rambled, opening the pantry.
“Aw, Sharon, you didn’t have to,” Alaska beamed, bringing her hands to her chest.
There in the pantry were a couple of Alaska’s favourite foods. A jar of Nutella, two share packets of these veggie chips she loved, and a bag of sour gummy worms because they were her guilty pleasure.
“I even found these,” Sharon said, grabbing a plastic tub of organic trail mix in a flavour that was Alaska’s favourite. “Because I know you said you liked to nibble on this while studying because it’s really healthy.”
“Aw, babe, thank you,” Alaska cooed, taken aback at the gesture and moving to wrap her arms around Sharon’s waist.
“And there’s more,” Sharon smiled, opening the fridge and rubbing Alaska’s back. “I stocked up on the Greek yogurt you got me hooked on, and I got a bottle of that white wine you liked because I only have red.”
Alaska had to bite her lip in a bid to stop smiling so wide.
“This is,” Alaska was almost lost for words, “the sweetest thing. Thank you.”
It was such a small gesture but it meant so much. Not only did Sharon go the extra mile to make her feel comfortable and at home, but it showed she listened to Alaska and paid attention. 
“There’s more,” Sharon smiled, excitedly walking them through her apartment towards her office. “I know you said you liked studying here, so I moved my printer onto the floor over there because I barely use it, and I had a second chair in storage, so I thought you’d like your own little space alongside me?” 
Alaska gasped. Space on the sleek white desk that ran around the perimeter of Sharon’s office had been cleared, and a blush pink leather chair now joined Sharon’s well loved brown one. 
With just one look Alaska could already picture them working in here during the day, Alaska writing up her assignments, Sharon marking them, a candle or two flickering with steaming cups of tea or coffee sat near them while music played softly in the background.
Almost embarrassingly, Alaska’s bottom lip quivered as her eyes prickled, threatening to tear up over some slight redecorating. 
“Aw, honey,” Sharon laughed, pulling Alaska into a hug and kissing her forehead.
“It’s just,” Alaska stumbled. “This is so sweet? And thoughtful? I’m so emotional wow, but thank you so, so much for this. You really didn’t have to do this but I’m so grateful.” 
“It was no hassle at all,” Sharon said, ignoring how she almost took her back out moving that damn printer in the name of love. “I’m so glad you like it!” 
“I absolutely love it,” Alaska sighed.
Sharon kissed her forehead again before lightly cupping Alaska’s cheeks and looking into her eyes. 
“I want you to know that you’re always welcomed here,” Sharon said, softly tucking a loose strand of hair behind Alaska’s ear. “I wish we didn’t have to sneak around and stuff, but I hope this makes you feel like your presence here isn’t fleeting, you know? And that… you still belong here, even when you’re not here. Does that make sense?” 
“Yes,” Alaska laughed, biting her lip. She knew exactly what Sharon meant, and it melted her heart. 
Their lips met, and Sharon inhaled deeply, savouring the moment as she felt her knees go weak at Alaska’s tongue tracing her bottom lip.
In all honesty, she was a little nervous to show Alaska her adjustments. Would she care? Would it be a bit much? Not enough? Did she even get the right wine?
But she had no reason to worry. 
“I actually brought something to show you,” Alaska said, pulling away from their kiss as an idea twinkled in her eyes. “Go wait in the bedroom.”
“She’s bossy,” Sharon remarked, laughing as she went and sat on her bed. She checked her emails on her phone as she waited, and it was only when she was glaring at yet another student asking for extra credit points did Alaska appear in the bedroom doorway.
Sharon’s phone fell from her hands and landed on the bed. 
“Oh wow…” She squeaked, and Alaska laughed when Sharon had to clear her throat. 
There in the doorway stood Alaska, head to toe in last night’s cheerleading outfit, minus the white turtleneck she had worn underneath. She had pulled her long blonde hair into a sleek ponytail and finished it off with the same blue and yellow bow she wore before. Her tight crop top stretched against her chest, the universities initials boldly printed across her breasts. The pleated skirt that had been burned into Sharon’s mind grazed the tops of her slender, toned thighs. She wore impeccably white sneakers with matching socks, and Alaska had even gone the extra mile and applied gold glitter on her eyelids, just like last night. 
Sharon pulsed. 
“Holy fuck,” she breathed.
Alaska giggled, slowly walking over to Sharon and standing against where her professor sat on the bed. 
“Do you like my uniform?” Alaska asked quietly, her fingertips trailing the hem on her tiny skirt.
Sharon nodded feverishly, her eyes widening as she physically felt the spell Alaska cast over her.
 “What about my skirt?” Alaska asked, her voice low and slow. “Do you like my skirt?”
She ran her fingers through the pleats and lifted the fabric slightly, stifling a laugh when Sharon visibly gulped at the sight of her wearing nothing underneath.
“Oh my god,” Sharon breathed, running her hands up Alaska’s thighs, feeling the combination of soft skin and blue fabric. “I love life.”
Alaska laughed, her hands tangling in Sharon’s blonde hair as she brought her face against her chest.
“What about my top?” She asked innocently. “It’s a little snug, a little thin, but that means my nipples show through.”
She brought her fingers to her breasts and squeezed them while moaning softly, sure enough showing Sharon her buds poking against the fabric. 
“I… will tear this off you,” Sharon whispered, because if she spoke any louder, she would actually flip them around and rip the uniform off Alaska’s body before burying herself between her legs. 
Alaska spun around, the pleats of her skirt flaring up as she moved and revealing a split second of her exposed ass before she sat down on Sharon’s lap, her back against Sharon’s chest. 
“What about my bow?” Alaska asked, arching her back as she fiddled with her hair, while having the audacity to grind herself against Sharon’s lap. Sharon’s right hand grabbed Alaska’s hip while her left twisted effortlessly around Alaska’s long ponytail and pulled it abruptly – not hard enough to hurt, but enough to jerk her head back. 
“Fuck yes,” Alaska whined, grinding harder as the other woman’s hips thrusted up. Sharon could feel herself getting wet, and the thought of Alaska’s bare skin against her tight jeans made her clench.
“You like that?” Sharon asked, her hand trailing down between Alaska’s thighs to rub her folds and clit underneath the skirt before she pulled at her ponytail again, slightly harder this time. 
“Hgn, god yes,” Alaska begged, her lips parting as she spread herself backwards across Sharon’s lap. “Fuck me.”
Sharon let go of her hair, only to grab at the zipper of her cheer crop top and pull it down, watching as the material peeled off around Alaska’s skin and slid down her arms, all the while continuing to tease Alaska. One of Sharon’s hands slinked up and squeezed at her left breast, thumbing over her nipple as Alaska arched against her, desperate for her touch. 
She stood up and turned to face Sharon, who pulled her back into her lap and licked a strip up the flat space between her breasts before cupping and circling Alaska’s right nipple with her tongue. Alaska gasped as Sharon sucked, her hands tangling in the other woman’s hair and pulling her closer as she threw her head back, her long ponytail grazing the top of her skirt in the process. Sharon’s hand looped around her body before she squeezed her ass and pulled away 
“Get on your knees, baby,” Sharon’s voice was horse and thick with lust. Alaska obeyed, sinking down onto the hardwood floors of Sharon’s bedroom and helping her pull her jeans off. Sharon slipped her underwear off, but not before Alaska noticed the wet spot she had drawn from the older woman, which sent pleasure down her spine.
Alaska spread Sharon’s legs apart, planting a trail of kisses inside her thighs before she reached her pussy, which thrusted up as Alaska got closer. Alaska mouthed over Sharon’s trimmed hair, teasing her before licking up her slick folds and tasting her.
“Ah, fuck,” Sharon whined, and the sound sent a pulse straight to Alaska’s clit.
Alaska continued, alternating her attention between the throbbing bundle of nerves and Sharon’s clenching entrance. She kept going, loosing track of time as she jumped between going fast and painstakingly slow.
“Ggh, don’t stop,” Sharon breathed, pressing Alaska closer as the younger girl hummed around her clit, sending vibrations through her veins.
She looked down, her breath hitching at the gorgeous sight of Alaska on her knees, her blue and yellow bow proudly holding up her ponytail, gold glitter shimmering on her closed eyelids and wetness smeared around her lips as she ate Sharon out. 
And then Sharon was coming, her thighs shaking and pleasure exploding from around Alaska’s lips, who moaned and whined and pulled Sharon through her orgasm as the older woman held her against her core.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, yes, right, there, ah,” Sharon whined, grinding herself against Alaska until she came down from her high.
Alaska pulled back in satisfaction, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand before smiling smugly up at Sharon. 
“Not bad for a girl who can’t kick in time,” Alaska shrugged, standing up. But Sharon pulled her onto the bed. 
“Oh I’m not done.”
Sharon shakily rolled off the bed and opened the bottom drawer of her bedside table, looking for something in particular while she quickly unbuttoned her blouse. She left her black lacy bra on, knowing it’d look nice with her newest accessory. 
Alaska scoffed at the bottle of lube Sharon chucked onto the bed while rummaging through her things.
“I think she’s wet enough to not need some extra help,” Alaska said, rolling the bottle to the side. But she thought again when Sharon turned, a black strap on in her hand. 
“Oh,” Alaska said softly, pulsing, “I like that.”
Sharon laughed, climbing onto the bed.
“Can we use it?” Sharon asked. “I don’t know it’s just something about the skirt and—“
“God yes, please,” Alaska begged. “Here, let me help.”
In moments the toy was fitted into Sharon, its black straps cupping her ass cheeks before narrowing it and holding the main event firmly against her groin.
On all fours, Alaska palmed the black dildo before leaning down and wrapping her lips around its head. Its hardness and surprising weight felt foreign against her tongue, but as she brought more of its length into her mouth, she breathed in sharply, instinctively spreading her legs further apart on the sheets as she felt herself clench. 
“I’ve seen that in porn and wanted to try,” Alaska said sheepishly after Sharon had stared at her, wide eyed.
“N-no,” Sharon stammered, shaking her head out of her daze, “that was… so fucking hot.”
Alaska laughed before excitedly rolling onto her back, her pleated skirt flipping around her waist. Sharon spread her legs before lowering herself down between them. Her tongue found Alaska, who arched up against the sheets as Sharon showered her in pleasure, humming around her sensitive clit as a finger gently circled her entrance. In a blur of whines, fists clutching at sheets, and four fingers later, Alaska felt prepared.
“I’m ready,” she begged.
“You sure?” Sharon asked, and her caution made Alaska feel even safer. “I still want to use lube, you can never have enough lube.”
Alaska was almost hypnotised as Sharon drizzled the lube onto the black dildo jutting out from her crotch. She ran her hands over it, spreading the slickness and watching as the toy became darker and glossy. 
“Tell me if it’s too much, okay?” Sharon said softly as the two slotted into place. “Because I can’t feel it, and I don’t want to hurt you—“
“Sharon,” Alaska smiled, interrupting, “it’s okay. Actually, can I be on top? That way I can pace it better.” 
In seconds they had flipped, Sharon on her back against the pillows, Alaska thighs on either side of her body. Gripping the headboard in front of her, Alaska adjusted herself, her breath hitching as she felt the head graze against her folds. Sharon steadied her, her hands finding Alaska’s waist and holding the skirt material up, breathing heavily at her prime position.
Spreading her legs slowly Alaska gradually sunk down, gasping in pleasure as she felt the head of the strap on resist slightly before being enveloped around her walls. Relaxing fully, inches of the strap on quickly disappeared, her wetness and the lube effortlessly allowing it to fill her. She felt Sharon’s protective hands squeeze her waist at the visual, instinctively wanting to hold Alaska up as she whined out in pleasure.
“No,” Alaska protested, “it’s so good.” 
She lowered herself down completely, taking the full length of the toy and revelling at its weight inside her, her walls grasping around its shape.
Sharon gasped as she felt Alaska practically vibrate at the delicious stretch and the toy’s reach inside of her. 
“Fuck me,” Alaska whispered, her eyelids heavy with lust as she instinctively rutted against Sharon’s lap on the strap on.
It took a couple clumsy, lust fuelled thrusts, but seconds later they had found their rhythm, Sharon’s hip lifting up as Alaska slammed herself down. 
It was rough and hot and a thin sheen of sweat starting forming around Alaska’s hairline, but that was the last thing on her mind. Sharon’s hands were running across her body, over her chest, thumbing her nipples before grabbing her hips and taking control. Alaska could only throw her head back as she gripped the headboard, pleasure coursing through her veins as a stream of lust bubbled out between her lips.
“So good, so fucking good, yes, yes, Sharon, hgn, fuck me, fuck me, don’t stop, don’t stop,” Alaska whined, sucking in air as Sharon pounding into her. 
Sharon could only continue, watching as Alaska fell apart above her. She bit her lip as she watched Alaska’s breasts shake as she moved, as she flipped her blonde ponytail over her shoulder, as the gold glitter on her eyelids glistened when they caught the light. 
“I love this, but,” Sharon chocked out, fiddling with the skirt’s full length zipper until it opened, “it has to go.”
Alaska tore it from her body, not missing a beat as she did so. Sharon’s eyes almost rolled back as she watched Alaska vigorously slam herself down onto the dildo, fully taking control as her slick folds swallowed the black toy again and again and again.
Suddenly coming to a holt, Alaska stopped, only to roll her hips around the toy in a circular motion. She whimpered, her eyes closed and her bottom lip bitten as she built herself up, knowing her climax was close and edging herself along.
“That’s right, baby,” Sharon whispered, her voice croaky with desire. “Take it all, such a good girl…”
Alaska squeezed her breasts before grabbing Sharon’s hand and pressing it against her abdomen, giggling as Sharon realised what she could lightly feel. 
“You feel so fucking good inside me, so big inside me,” Alaska whined as she massaged Sharon’s palm against her soft stomach, before her face went serious and her tone dropped. “Get on top.” 
Sharon was more than happy to. Without pulling out she held Alaska’s body to hers and rolled them backwards, Alaska’s back against the sheets as Sharon settled on top of her.
“Hgn, I’m close, I’m so fucking close,” Alaska whined, sucking her middle finger’s tip before rubbing her throbbing clit, only to have Sharon grab her wrist and pin it against the bed. 
Sharon relentlessly thrusted into her as she buried her face against Alaska’s neck before kissing and sucking at her soft flesh, leaving a hickie in her wake.
Alaska cried out in pleasure, Sharon’s thrusts, her weight against her and her hot breath on her skin overwhelming her. Her eyes rolled back as she let desire drown her, gripping onto Sharon as her orgasm exploded from her core, rippling through her spread thighs and racing up her arched chest. 
“Take it, take it,” she heard Sharon breathe, who didn’t stop her pace as Alaska rode out her high.
Moments passed, and eventually Alaska gasped for air as her climax began to fade. Her limbs felt both weightless yet heavy, while a zap of pleasure still twitched through her body. Sharon slowly pulled out, and as soon as the dildo was gone Alaska clenched, already missing its presence. Subconsciously, she moved to massage her swollen folds, but Sharon was already a step ahead. She leaned down, her wet tongue feeling incredible against Alaska’s sensitive core. Sharon’s touches were slow, soft and gentle, a contrast to before, and Alaska felt warmth spread through her ragged body at the intimacy. She ran her fingers through Sharon’s silky hair, almost falling into the spell of sleep as she did so. Looking down, she saw Sharon touching herself leisurely where the strap on used to be.
“Come here, baby,” Alaska whispered, enjoying being the one to use their pet name. “Let me.”
Sharon looked up before crawling over Alaska’s body, planting a kiss on her lips before she settled her thighs on either side of Alaska’s face. She grabbed the headboard just like Alaska did before. 
“I’m so close already,” Sharon whispered, exhaustion seeping into her veins as she lowered herself down. She tilted her head back as Alaska’s tongue swirled around her pulsing bud, a whine escaping her lips as the younger girl slowly rocked Sharon against her.
Flattening her tongue, she rolled Sharon’s hips, the older woman’s slickness coating her chin as her tongue circled her entrance before dipping inside. Sharon whimpered at the pleasure, thrusting against Alaska as her orgasm built. Getting off before and watching Alaska unravel around the strap on was enough, so it wasn’t surprising when she began to shake, her thrusts becoming erratic as her climax approached. Alaska moaned around her clit before flicking her tongue through her swollen folds, knowing she was close and pushing her over the edge.
“Ah, fuck, fuck, right there—“ Sharon managed before her climax hit her, a surge of euphoria rushing through body as she came, her dishevelled blonde hair falling around her shoulders.
She panted as she crawled her way back down Alaska’s body before collapsing on top of her, making the younger girl giggle. Their lips met, a string of long, lazy kisses helping them drift off to sleep as their bodies tangled together in a jumble of naked limbs. Happiness hummed through their veins as they realised this was just the first day of their entire week together.
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atmilliways · 6 years
Stuck on the Outside Failing to Look In (Just Like in Real Life)
This @mtl-trick-or-treat fic is for @tanyonlee, who asked for either a treat of “Very cute Skwistok!!” or a trick of “Skwisgaar and his gmiltf girlfriend XDDD.” 
It was while writing this bit that I realized, hey, I’m writing this for a Halloween event, maybe it should have some actual Halloween in it. Thank you to @little-murmaider for the costume suggestion. All the other suggestions were close seconds, you are all superstars. 🎃 
Here’s part three! (1562 words)
(part 1) (part 2)
Halloween day dawned cold and crisp over Mordhaus — but the five members of Dethklok all slept through that part. It wasn’t until a much more reasonable eleven am that three hunched figures sat around the sawblade kitchen table, piled high with breakfast pastries, clutching steaming cups of black, black coffee in their hands.
“Fuck, okay,” Nathan rumbled after a few mouthfuls of blessed caffeine. “I call this what-the-fuck-do-we-do-about-our-guitarists meeting to order.”
“Uh, exchusche me, I’m a guitarischt?”
Pickles rolled his eyes. “Yeah, bass guitarist. That’s barely an instrument.”
Murderface glared at the drummer, but chose not to dignify it with a response. Not an audible response, anyway — he may or may not have mumbled something containing the word Thunderbottom into his coffee.
“Stop bitching and pay attention,” snapped Nathan, who was absolutely not a morning person. “Look. Toki keeps going off and costing us money in damages and lawsuits, and Skwisgaar’s being even more of a moody asshole than usual. We’ve gotta do something about it.”
There was a drowsy silence while the three men tried to think while still in the process of waking up.
“Does anyone else get the feelin’ that they’re, like... eggin’ each other on or someshit?” Pickles asked finally.
“Let’sch juscht put ‘em in a room together and lock the door,” Murderface grumbled, still smarting from the jab at his instrument.
“That’s...” Nathan paused, mulling the suggestion over for a minute. “... Not the shittiest idea I’ve ever heard. Good job, Murderface.”
The bassist replied by flipping him off with his still-bandaged band, his other busy grabbing for a powdered donut.
“What if they kill each other?” Pickles asked.
“We’ll stay nearby,” Nathan said firmly. “I’m pretty sure if any of us get seriously hurt, that... thing would happen again.”
They all shifted a little uncertainty at that — except for Murderface, who inhaled at the wrong moment and started coughing and hacking on powdered sugar, which diffused the feeling somewhat. Because sure, That Thing had been brutal and badass and a rush, but the idea of it was still unsettling. It was the kind of experience that you half hoped, half worried would happen again someday.
Nathan reached over and gave Murderface a helpful couple of thumps on the back, which helpfully knocked over his coffee into the bassist’s crotch.
A klokateer had just finished bringing three fresh drinks to the hot tub when Pickles suddenly sat up from his relaxed slouch and asked, “Wait, don’t we gotta figure out how to get both’a them in the same room in the first place?”
“Uh.” Nathan’s brow furrowed. “Yeah... I guess we do.” He took a long pull from his beer. “So, uh... if anyone has any ideas, that’d be great.”
“Schuper leaderschip right there,” Murderface deadpanned.
“Shut up! I had the idea to come up with an idea, I’m fucking worn out.”
“It is Halloween,” Pickles said slowly, ignoring the bickering with the ease many years’ practice and more substances than just alcohol in his system. “Meybe we could tell Toki some story about trick or treatin’?”
“But what about Schkwischgaar? He doeschn’t even want to go out for schweet poontang anymore now that he’sch deschided to schack up with that fat grandma.”
“Yeah, what’s up with that?” Nathan grunted. “Skwisgaar doesn’t even know the word monog... mogon... m... hrnnnnn... He doesn’t know what settling down even means.”
Pickles shrugged. “Feck If I know. Meybe we can grab ‘em while he’s still sleepin’, throw him in wherever, boom, lock the door, done.”
“But that only worksch if he’sch aschleep... What if we juscht tell him the fat grandma isch waiting for him schomewhere, and when he goesch in that’sch when we lock the door.” Murderface sipped thoughtfully on his Bloody Mary, then made a face. “Ugh, thisch thing isch dischguschting!”
“Dood, then why’d you ask for one? Give it here, I’ll drink it.”
“No, it’sch mine,” Murderface whined, holding the glass as far away from Pickles as he could and thus giving Nathan a good look at the cocktail onions decorated to look like eyeballs and a set of plastic vampire fangs floating in the thick cocktail. “It’sch feschtive!”
“What’s you guys all doin’s up so earlies? Trick or treats hasn’t even starts yet!”
The three men in the hot tub turned in unison to look at Toki. Somehow he’d managed to sneak up on them despite his costume, which requires a moment of blank staring to fully take in — from the ridiculous umbrella hat on his head to the ludicrous arrangement of base drum, cymbals, and various horns slung on his back like a backpack, completed by an array of mouthpieces clustered around his face like an addition to his already weird facial hair and his Flying V strapped to his front.
Plus, there were coins dangling from the umbrella, clinking against each other every time he moved. Nathan and Pickles exchanged one of those what just happened here and could it have anything to do with…? looks, because he shouldn’t have been able to sneak up on them with all those noisemakers on. They weren’t that drunk yet.
“What the fuck?” Nathan asked finally, speaking for everyone as per his job description.
Toki grinned proudly. “I ams a one man band!” He punctuated the statement with a cymbal crash, operated by some sort of hand lever. “Where’s Skwisgaar? I bets he ams too lazies to even does a costumes...”
“He’s prahbly still sleepin or something. What’s... with all the coins, dood?” Pickles asked.
The flicker of disappointment in Toki’s eyes was so brief that his band mates didn’t even notice, quickly replaced by exaggerated childlike glee. “They ams my tips what’s I get for playing goods!”
“That’s, uh...” Nathan glanced around, searching his brain or possibly the room for something to say that wasn’t too jackassy but not an outright lie either. It was hard to tell sometimes what might set off one of the rhythm guitarist’s violent tantrums, and Toki’s bubbly mood could just be the manic before the storm. “...Uh... sugar-free?”
Murderface, still staring, spoke up in lukewarm agreement. “Healthier than playing for candy, that’sch for schure.”
“You got your insulin, right?” Pickles asked reflexively.
Toki nodded and beamed and played a riff on his guitar, accompanying it with various clashes, bashes, and honks.
In the midst of the cacophony, Pickles turned to the other two and said in a low voice, “This is a tickin’ time bomb. You guys wanna get this over with now?”
“Schoundsch good. I’ve got my tascher in with my clothesch over there.”
“Okey.” Pickles leaned back and raised his voice again. “Hey, that’s real good, Toki! You wanna start trick or treatin’ early this year?”
Toki stopped the assault on their ears and clapped his hands together in excitement. “Oh boys, does I!” He paused. “But… it doesn’ts starts until suns-set, I thoughts?”
Murderface, ever a champion of messing with people, literally leapt up in his eagerness to cover this plot hole in their story. “Nope! I know a neighborhood that schtartsch early, scho letsch get thisch schow on the road!”
As one, everyone in the room groaned and shielded his eyes in dismay.
“Goddammit Murderface,” Nathan bellowed, “stop freeballing in the hot tub!”
Nathan pulled his dethphone out of his back pocket. “Okay, I’m going to text Skwisgaar now. Everybody ready?”
Pickles nudged at Toki with a sneakered foot to make sure he was still down for the count, getting the hoped-for lack of response. He nodded and flashed a double thumbs up.
From his position by the door, Murderface held up his taser in wordless salute.
They’d decided that the one man band getup presented too many improvised weapon possibilities, so they’d tasered him into unconsciousness, removed everything but his clothes, and made a couple klokateers carry him down to the studio. To make the whole thing more fair, they’d also decided to do more or less the same to Skwisgaar as soon as he stormed in.
“... Wait, how come I gotta do all the taschering? My hand schtill hurtsch, schomeone elsche do it thisch time.”
“This isn’t the time for whining, Murderface,” Nathan called as he and Pickles hid behind the couch, just in case. “This is your time to shine!”
Text log between Skwisgaar Skwigelf and Nathan Explosion:
NE (5:29:27pm) — Hey, come to the studio.
NE (5:43:26pm) — Some of your pickups in the new track need some work.
SS (5:43:56pm) — WHAT
SS (5:43:57pm) — BOLLSHIT
NE (5:45:37pm) — Prove it. Just get in here.
Pickles was helping Nathan drag an unconscious Skwisgaar into the booth with the equally unconscious Toki, when the drummer suddenly dropped the pair of booted ankles he’d been lugging and asked, “Wait, don’t I have some sorta dentist appointment to go to later today?” 
He glared at his band mates. 
“How come neither’a you dooshbeags reminded me? Now I don’t got time to pour bleach on my teeth first!”
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thatbluegibson · 6 years
CH 94
Liz shifted her weight onto one leg and rolled her shoulders, anything to distract herself from the feel of Dave's eyes on her as she waited to pick up Jack from school. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she gave it at least thirty seconds before looking at it.
You look really pretty today.
She turned just enough to see him standing several feet back in his cargo shorts and band shirt with one of her trucker hats sitting backward over his pulled back hair. He had struck up a conversation with Paul Stanley and they both flashed her the smuggest grins she had ever seen before she turned back to her phone.
And you look like you're about to hop on your skateboard and ask if I'll buy you a case of beer.
She heard his laugh and smiled herself, but kept her eyes straight ahead at the brick school building. They had spent the day together knowing they would have to maneuver picking up the kids from the same school separately since she still hadn't formally met his daughters. That particular event was scheduled for the upcoming weekend at CalJam when Jordyn was to bring the girls Thursday afternoon before things got too festive, but all the waiting gave Liz too much time to think. What if they hated her? What if they didn't get along with Jack and Owen? What if-?
The school bell jarred Liz from her thoughts and she hurried over to the front doors just as Jack limped out on his crutches.
Dave watched Liz struggle a little to get Jack into the back of her pickup and had to turn away to keep himself from running over to help. The last thing he wanted was an accidental run in between Violet, Harper, and Liz, especially in the school parking lot where they couldn't have any sort of meaningful interaction without distraction. He and Liz had discussed her meeting the girls that morning as they waited for the coffee to brew and she had insisted that Jordyn be there in case the girls needed her. She wanted the girls to have a safe place to figure things out and get used to the idea that their father had found someone new, and though it shouldn't have surprised him that Liz was already so directly concerned with his daughter's feelings, it had made him lean across the kitchen island to kiss her. He smiled down at the sidewalk as he thought about her reaction.
"What the hell was that for?" she breathed when he finally let her and slipped around the counter to be even closer to her.
"I love you," was all he could think to say, his thoughts consumed with how she was once again putting his daughters above her own needs.
Her head turned to glance at the clock giving him a face full of her hair, smelling like yesterday's perfume and the bed they had slept in together the night before. "When does Owen wake up?"
"Twenty minutes," she grinned then squealed when he scooped her up and carried her to the living room couch.
He stared at the concrete below him with a dreamy smile on his face, only coming to when he heard Harper.
"Yeah!" he snapped up to find her watching him with a bemused look on her face. "How was your day?"
"Fine," she shrugged and walked into his arms, finally cracking a smile when he shook her shoulders.
"Just fine?" he teased loudly. "I'm paying these people more than just fine, Harper. Should we just say screw it and put the money into a private island instead?"
Her grin grew brighter, revealing the new spacers the dentist had put in in preparation for her braces and Dave knew he was on the verge of getting a belly laugh out of her.
"Yes, please!" she finally broke into giggles and hugged him back as he looked around for Violet.
"Where's your sister? She's usually out before you."
"By the car."
Dave twisted to see her leaning against the bed of his truck, her arms crossed over her chest and a sullen glare on her face. He had been so lost in his own head that he totally missed her when she walked past. Shit.
The drive home was painfully silent. Dave usually spent that time talking to the girls about their day, but Violet was clearly not in the mood for idle chatter. She put on her headphones and cranked something on her iPhone then buckled her seatbelt and fixed her eyes out the window. Harper sensed the tension and gingerly did the same, eyeing her dad and sister as she fumbled with her own headphones and located the White Album in her phone. Dave occasionally checked on them in the rearview mirror, giving Harper a quiet smile when she met his eyes, but let them do their own thing no matter how much it bothered him.
When they finally pulled into the driveway, Violet took off like a shot, grabbing her bag and stomping into the house before Dave could even get the garage door closed behind them. He was met with his mother and Ophelia in the kitchen looking as bewildered as he felt.
"What was that all about?" Virginia asked, craning her neck to look up the stairs when Violet's bedroom door slammed shut.
"Hell if I know," he muttered, then felt Harper at his side. "Did something happen at school today?"
"Not that I know of," she shrugged and greeted her grandmother with a hug. "Maybe her boyfriend dumped her."
"Oh lord," Virginia rolled her eyes at Dave and aimed the girls towards the patio outside. "Good luck with that."
"Thanks, Mom," he replied distractedly and busied himself with making the girls something to eat while trying to work out what was up with Violet. He had always valued how close they were and he knew deep down that this had nothing to do with a boyfriend. She was clearly angry with him and he had no idea what he had done or how he could fix it. As he separated grapes on to three plates, he smirked at the thought of Violet inheriting his mood swings and tried to think of how Liz dealt with his. Approach cautiously, keep the communication lines open, and for the love of god, don't run away. He spun around to put the plates on the kitchen island and jumped back in surprise when he found Violet glowering at him from the other side of the counter.
"Shit, V. You scared me."
"I've been here for five minutes," she grumbled.
"Sorry...," he said it almost as a question, completely baffled by her attitude. "Hungry?"
"Okay...," he slid the plates away and leaned over the counter towards her. "Wanna talk?"
She nodded tersely and violently ripped the stool from under the counter before slamming herself upon it and crossing her arms again. "I saw her today."
Dave felt as if a bucket of ice had been dumped over his shoulders though he hoped it didn't show on his face. "Saw who?"
"Your girlfriend," she rolled her eyes and rested her chin in her hand in annoyance.
There was a distinct urge to correct her attitude, but he fought it, knowing that getting back in her good graces was most important. "... And?"
"... and she's really pretty," Violet muttered bitterly and looked away, staring down at the marble countertop.
"Out with it, Violet Mae," he said sternly, though he didn't mean it that way, he was just dreading this conversation.
"I don't think I like her," she whispered, her surly attitude giving way to genuine sadness.
"Honey," he sighed and moved around the counter to sit next to her. "You haven't even met her." He moved to hug her but jumped back when she snapped.
"I don't care, Dad!" she barked. "It's like you're really happy one week and then not the next. I hate how sad you are and I hate her for making you that way!" she slammed her elbows on the table and covered her face in her hands as she burst into tears.
He sat in stunned silence for a moment, then folded her into his arms and let her sob as he wondered if any of this was a good idea. He could be single for the rest of his life if it made Violet happy and Liz would probably understand. Just as he was beginning to get his bearings, Harper wandered into the kitchen in search of her snack, stopping short when she saw her sister. "Whoa, what happened?"
"Okay," Dave said quickly and stood up with his arms still around Violet. "Everybody around the table. We're going to figure this out right now." He got Violet a kitchen towel for her tears and left her and Harper at the table to call Phee and his mother inside. There was a silent, pleading look to his mom as she passed him in the kitchen, asking her to stay just in case there was a mutiny and received a supportive hand on his arm for his troubles before she stationed herself in the kitchen to get them just enough space.
Once they were all seated around the dining room table with Violet still weeping, Harper and Phee looking bewildered and his mother watching from a distance, he took a deep breath and wondered if he could pull this off.
"Okay, look. I didn't want things to be weird around here and I thought I was doing a better job at not showing it, but I guess I didn't. You three are the most important things in my life, hands down, no question. Above music and bikes and-"
"Barbeque?" Phee asked with innocent wide eyes, making Harper burst out laughing and earning a crack of a smile from Violet.
"Well, maybe not barbeque," he teased, then went perfectly serious again while grabbing Violet's hand. "You three are my world and I want nothing more than you to be happy. Does anyone have any questions about that?" All three shook their heads and he felt himself relax just a bit when Violet squeezed his hand back. "Great. I know the whole thing with me and mom was tough, but we're okay, right?"
Phee slid out of her chair and the mention of her mother and ran over to climb into Dave's lap. "We don't like it when you're sad, Daddy," she said softly.
"It's Elizabeth's fault," Violet muttered under her breath.
"No...," Dave sighed in frustration and raked his hand through his hair. "Violet... It's not just her. She and I are new at this, you know? I was with your mom and she was with her kid's dad for almost twenty years, so we're relearning how to let someone new into our lives. And it turns out that's tougher than we both expected, but I love her and I think you girls will, too."
"But how do you even know that you love her?" Harper asked, looking at him in confusion.
"Well," he took a moment to think about what to say while absentmindedly pushing Phee's hair off her face. "Liz is... she's like... she makes me laugh all the time, we like all the same stuff, she's fun to be around... I don't know how to describe it, guys. It's just there."
"Mommy says we get to meet her soon," Phee whispered.
"She's helping out on Thursday with the CalJam set up. Do you want to come out early and meet her then?"
Harper jumped up from her chair in excitement and dashed over to kiss his cheek while Phee bounced and clapped her hands. "Yes, please!"
"All right," Virginia called from the kitchen in perfect timing. "Harper and Ophelia, come eat!"
Dave waited until they were gone then turned back to Violet. "Are you okay with that, V?"
"I guess," she said glumly.
"Would it make you feel any better if I told you that all of those times I was sad, it was probably my fault?"
She picked her head up and stared at him, reading his penitent face. "Do I have to tell her that?"
That broke him and he chuckled as he hugged her. "No, let's keep that between us."
Later, his mother helped him clean up after dinner while the girls were scattered around the house busy with homework or Disney movies.
"How'd I do?" he finally asked, feeling the weight of the entire day on his shoulders and wishing Liz were there with him.
"I think you did quite well," she nodded and tossed her towel onto the counter. "Thursday will be the real test, dear."
He sighed and leaned against the fridge, scrubbing his hand down his face. "Yeah, I know."
"And it's completely out of your hands, David."
His spine went straight at that. "What?"
"Don't meddle in this one," she warned with a pointed finger. "This is between Elizabeth and the girls. Your job is to be supportive of both sides, not to force them into liking each other right away."
"Christ," he moaned, already feeling the oncoming panic from not being able to control the situation. "This is going to be a nightmare, isn't it?"
"No, I never said that," she laughed softly. "What I will say is that I'm not worried at all about Elizabeth here. The only way I can see this going to hell is if you pick a side."
He watched her wipe down the already spotless counters and put the pieces together in his brain, realizing he had so much more to lose than he originally thought.
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A Not-So-Anonymous Blog Post
They call this place a retreat. Who are they trying to kid. This is a glorified jail, where endless desert is the fence just like the lands of Oz, and they say they can keep me here as long as they want. It took weeks to earn internet privileges. By bowing down to kiss the right ass. I’m almost done with group and I have a few more sessions of one-on-one at which point, they’ll see, they tell me.
Yeah, whatever. By my third week here, I could tell it’s all a game. Just like at work. Bullshit is what makes the world go around. Say the right things, harp on about my shitty childhood, sound sincere and thankful as if I’m Oliver Twist taking his gruel, and I should be out of here real soon. I just have to bide my time.
On top of that, whoever does their IT admin is a fucking idiot. One proxy later and I’m wherever I want to be. Online, that is. At the library I’m allowed only an hour a day. I use that mostly to email Gavin and my few remaining friends. Today I still have time, so I browse some online dating sites to see what’s out there. I do have to start trying to see my life post-Alex.
I can't do searches on the less-sketchy ones unless I register my own profile first. No thanks. Never having been a fan of the bar scene, I haven’t the faintest clue where I should hang out once I get back. I try a search for single in Dorchester NY and some Wordpress blog comes up.
Since I don’t have much more time to surf and I’ll need something to read later besides a pile of shitty old fantasy novels with half-naked women on the cover, I open up a bunch of random pages on the site and send them to print.
"Time's up," a bored-sounding nurse says. With me, she can’t even be bothered smiling.
I flash one at her anyway, but the nasty expression stays on her face like it’s been glued there. "Sorry, I didn't realize there was so much. I'll be more careful next time."
"That's fine." She sweeps up the pages and escorts me back to my room. She keeps the papers with her while I sit on the middle of my cot and wait. She scans them all, of course. Good thing I didn’t print off anything personal, not that I’m dumb enough to.
She smirks, rolls up the papers, and hands them to me. "Happy reading!"
"Thanks." I take them and spread them out on my mattress. Crap. Somebody’s fucking diary. I scan the bookshelf next to my bed. Nothing but cheesy paperbacks that must be older than my grandmother. Would it kill them to get something even halfway decent like Preston & Child or Steven King? Or something from this century? I carry on reading the printed sheets.
The ten or so pages confirm all my worst fears about internet dating. Loser after creep after loser. Then, as I read through, some events are so familiar. I check the posting dates—last summer—but the way her story rolls out is freaky. She met him at a karaoke place and hit it off.
But he had a girlfriend.
Months later, he tracks her down. He’s dumped his girlfriend because he can’t get her out of his mind.
Funny, he says the same exact things she complained of “her stalkers” saying, only now she sees it as romantic. I’m guessing he’s rich, good-looking, or both. Indeed he is. A workaholic employed at some big brokerage firm. In Dorchester? Never mind.
While she doesn’t give a name, she calls the guy “Mr. Perfect”. She says there is only one thing wrong with him: an ex-girlfriend who refuses to move out of his place.
Well how about that.
Nothing about any pregnancy, but when my eyes spy mention of a sex-tape and how the ex-girlfriend punched out her boss, my whole body seizes up. I flip back and forth through all of the other sheets and while the names and some details and posting dates have been changed, there is no fooling me. Only child, a battle-axe mother with social ties to both the upper crust and underground crooks, a lawyer dad with about as much presence in his life as a painting at the dentist’s office.
Mr. Perfect is Alex. No doubt in my mind.
I feel that old rage boiling in me and I take some deep relaxation breaths my therapist taught me. The most important thing to do now is stay calm and pretend I know nothing about this. Until I am free again. Until I am back home in Dorchester. And then I will get the bitch who wrote all this shit about me.
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weneverlearn · 6 years
"Our kids were conceived to that one.”
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Chewing the fat with Marshall Crenshaw about his 1983 classic, just reissued on Intervention Records
It’s not often you get one of your all time favorite albums from your dentist.
So I’m in 9th grade, and making back and forths in the parents’ station wagon to the dental school at Case Western Reserve University because my four top front teeth were all agog. (My mom figured it was because I’d fallen down the basement stairs when I was one and landed on my face.) Numerous visits that included poking, prodding, and endless numbing shots into the inside of the top jaw was no way to enter the high school years. But having a hep craw doc helped. 
Dr. Sasthma (”It’s like asthma, but with an S” -- funny guy) was his name, and between spit suction and implorations to floss more, we fit in fun music discussions. On the last visit right before the big pulling and twisting procedure, Sasthma sits me down and says, “This one today ain’t gonna be easy, but I’ve got a little prize for you afterwards.” And for the next hour and a half, I sat there with my mouth open (some would say that would not be out of the ordinary), while the doc poked around and made chin-scratching/brow-furrowing decisions, all while my jaw muscles started to atrophy.
Finally, when it was done, he reaches behind the giant dentist chair claw machine thing and pulls out Marshall Crenshaw’s debut album (Warner Bros., 1982). After I had regaled him with how much I liked “Someday, Someway” at the previous visit, he said he tracked down the album for me, though the shrink wrap had been peeled. “Well, I had to give it a listen, and yeah, it’s great!”
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L-R: Robert Crenshaw, Marshall Crenshaw, Chris Donato - Photographer unknown
Not only did that little act make me much more tolerant of dentist visits going forward, it gave me one of my favorite albums. Crenshaw’s revived Buddy Holly-meets-nervous with opening pickup lines pop classicism was like a fresh, new toothbrush over all the dreary, dusty, classic rock of my Cleveland radio dial depression, until I took a sharp left into college radio that summer where I first heard Crenshaw, and a lot more. (Thanks WCSB, WRUW, and WUJC!) 
It’s hard to imagine today, hearing Crenshaw’s should-couldabeen power pop nuggets, but his clean looks and simple two-minute tunes made him a little too throwback odd for mainstream radio back then. Who knows or cares, as he still piled up an impressive major label canon before furthering into a long-running career of solid albums and consistent touring. The days of figuring out the whys and hows of mainstream radio play now seems about as useful as wondering how to get better reception on your TV.
Crenshaw’s sophomore album, Field Day (Warner Bros., 1983)? Maybe even better, filled with a slightly wider songwriting palette and production to match it. The term “sophomore album” never fit better for me, as it landed right around my sophomore year, and was a perfect companion on my journey into hook-heavy rock’n’roll obsession and mythical, sun-setting summer romance mythology/reality. 
So imagine my excitement when I got a press release about an impending reissue of Field Day. Despite it’s initial hefty, if brief, publicity push, Top 40-sniffing hit single (”Whenever You’re on My Mind”), and big time producer (Steve Lillywhite), the record didn’t (say it with me) “sell as much as hoped for.” And though Crenshaw did not fall into the usual “got dropped” holes (three more major label albums followed), Field Day did lag just a bit behind the CD explosion, having fallen out of print, and was never given a proper CD version for a few years. 
I only point this out because, goddamn it, it’s a perfect guitar pop record and is one of the best of that fleeting, early-80s moment where bright-eyed corners of the record industry hoped the world might once again embrace melancholy-flecked, otherwise blue-sky singalong songs. ‘Twas that “skinny tie” moment where loads of slacks-sporting Midwesterners parlayed punk’s energy into their pre-teen guitar lessons filled with Beatles covers. And in even that, Crenshaw did not exactly fit -- kind of the front tooth along my otherwise straight top row.
Upstart vinyl reissue label, Intervention Records -- who seem to have a knack for snaring ol’ major label titles from oblivion --  recently released a fine, vinyl-only edition of Field Day, including an extra 12″ EP of remix and live stuff, and different artwork.
I caught up with Crenshaw internet-wise to get his take on the new update of his old classic. 
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If memory serves, I saw you play "High School" by the MC5 at an outdoor BBQ fest thing in downtown Cleveland in, like, 1985/6. Any memories of that, and did you cover that tune often? 
I remember that event in Cleveland, like a fried-chicken festival, right? I remember that we used "The Greasy Chicken,” by Andre Williams as walk-on music that day (and on other days). The MC5 song would've been "Tonight.” I never played "High School,” except with DKT-MC5 in 2004. I played "Tonight" a lot over the years. I grew up in the Detroit area, was a big MC5 fan. "Tonight" was sort of a local hit single, got played on CKLW. A band that I was in played it at an audition for a dance at our high school, and I can still picture a girl sitting in front of me watching me play and sing that song, really enthralled by what we were doing. That girl was Ione. She and I are still together.
You grew up in Detroit, right? When did you move, and what were some early influences from living in Detroit, music and otherwise?
I lived in the Detroit area from birth (1953) until 1977, grew up with Rock and Roll music all around me, fell in love with the music during childhood. Detroit was a big test market for records. There were lots of regional hits, on national and local labels. Two that immediately come to mind are, "When You Walk In the Room" by Jackie DeShannon, and "Mind Over Matter" by Nolan Strong and The Diablos -- both massive Detroit hits, both part of my musical DNA. As far as influences besides music go, I don't know where to start. That could turn into a book.
Though the only book Crenshaw has done so far was this excellent compendium of rock’n’roll movies; also, his musical knowledge goes deep. If you can do so, track down this amazing hillbilly compilation he put together in 1989.
Field Day, in title and cover art, was a reference to high school, I assume. But I remember some reviews saying that that record was a kind of more mature version of you -- bigger production, some more serious themes, etc. So what was your inspiration for the high school nod?
I had nothing whatsoever to do with creating the packaging for that record. When we finished recording, I went on vacation with Ione and Robert to visit Robert's girlfriend at the time. She was working on location outside Prague on the movie Amadeus (which I've still never seen. I should see it, I saw it being made). And when I got back, the album cover had been put together by my then-manager. His father co-owned a big company that published magazines. My manager had worked for that company for a minute, and thought that the presentation of images was something that he knew something about. I hated the album’s front cover, got talked into approving it. OOPS! I don't think Warners was pleased that instead of using their art department, he'd hired an expensive design firm to create such a dodgy end-product. He came up with the title; I do like the title, didn't think of high school when he suggested it. "Having a field day" is just a figure of speech, doesn't refer to high school, necessarily. It just means "having a great time,” and indeed we really had a great time making the album.
It said the art for this reissue is how you originally intended. 
I wanted to change the front cover for the reissue, was extremely happy that Intervention Records was into the idea. The only thing that made sense was to use some pre-existing artwork from the time period, namely the front of the picture sleeve for the "Whenever You're On My Mind” 7″.
I just loved Field Day when it came out. I am sure you are more than aware of the "debates" over the production -- which to me made total sense for those songs and that point of your career. What is your take on what you asked of Steve Lillywhite, and how you felt it turned out, back then?
I'm really glad that you like it. I know that the album was "controversial" in the day. I think that all the criticism it got back then was completely lame. When I listened to the first playback of the finished mixes, I had my feet up on the edge of the console; I thought, “This is an album that can kick the world's ass.” We all loved working with Steve. He was the only producer that I talked to going in, my first choice. He said yes right away, and that was that.
I'll assume you were involved in this reissue. What were your thoughts on revisiting it?
I heard about the reissue project after it was already underway, and was just delighted about it. I'd even say that I felt a sense of gratitude that somebody wanted to honor the album, which is what Intervention has done. As a career experience, "Field Day" was an instance where the party-train just ran right into the ditch. I loved the album, didn't get why some people were perplexed by it. I got the test pressing from Intervention and was knocked out. It's just a unique and beautiful Rock and Roll record, if you ask me. And the people at Intervention love it as much as I do.
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Your’s truly probably bugging Crenshaw about the MC5 again, post-back alley gig, August, 2012, NYC
Any good stories during the recording of Field Day? In-studio disputes, after-session shenanigans, anything like that?
I don't remember any disputes until after the record was done -- then the shit-storm began. We had nothing but fun while doing it, and there was a festive atmosphere at the sessions. They were all at night, and afterwards we'd go out. I remember going one night to the Roxy Roller Rink disco on the West Side with Steve and a couple of the other guys. This was when hip-hop was first starting to come downtown. When we finally got out of there it was broad daylight. "Monday Morning Rock" was partly inspired by that night...
"Whenever You're on My Mind" was a demo for awhile before it appeared on Field Day, right? How come it didn't make it onto the debut?
I wrote that one before I wrote most of the songs on my first album. When I did the first album I wanted to do all the newer ones first. I'm always most excited about whatever the new thing is. But then, going into "Field Day," I was really glad to have "Whenever" in reserve. And I'm glad that it got recorded when it did, under those circumstances.
The instrumental of "Blues is King" from that era is one of my favorite instrumentals, and just has one of those, maybe accidental, gorgeous, simple demo production vibes. Was that originally an instrumental and you decided to add lyrics later, or what?
I did that instrumental version after I'd written the music; the lyrics didn't happen until a few months later. I do like it as just a piece of instrumental music. And those are Mosrite guitars, which I love the sound of.
Field Day standout, "Our Town" -- when you made Field Day, I believe you'd been living in NYC for awhile. Did you pine to get on a train back to Detroit sometimes? What were the bad and good things about trying to get your music career going in NYC in the very early 1980s?
I never pined to get back to Detroit (although I like visiting there now). That song was written about New York. I'd been on the road for most of a year when I wrote it. I did take a train to Detroit once, from NYC. It was during the last days when Michigan Central Station was still being used by Amtrak. I'd never seen the station during it's heyday, but when I got there it looked not that different than what it looks like now, like an absolute wreck. I still remember the look on my mother's face standing there waiting for me. She looked like she felt ashamed, and like, "You had to take the train and make me go through this, right?" Getting my music career going in NYC in the early '80s was a blast. The scene embraced us right away. It was like dying and going to heaven. 
Did you find yourself attracted to the CBGB scene at the time? 
Yes, we played CBGB many times. I think we even held an attendance record there for a minute, or maybe I dreamt that. But our last couple shows there were mob scenes. I really had my ears and mind open in all different directions during those years in New York, and I can't overstate how much I loved the NY scene then, with all it's diversity, innovation, etc. I'm still proud to have been part of it. And I'm including NY radio in this declaration. I had lots of great go-to stations like WBLS and WKTU ("urban"), WLIB (Caribbean music), WFMU (free-form), WKCR (Jazz), WNYU, with "The Afternoon Show,” and the "Wavebreaker" countdown on Fridays, WNEW ('cause they played us). On and on...
There were a ton of "skinny tie" power pop bands around in the very early '80s too, many from the Midwest. Did you play with the Shoes, Knack, Romantics, Plimsouls, etc.? Were there ones that stuck out for you? I feel like you weren't roped into that signing frenzy trend though.
I played with The Plimsouls in NY once. I loved them, became friends with Peter [Case] back then. But one of my fears in those days was that anybody might lump us in with that Anglophile “skinny tie” thing. I hated most of it, not all of it. I didn't like The Knack, didn't identify with what they were doing, didn't want anybody to identify us with what they were doing. I feel bad saying so, but I'm answering your question. Again, we came out of the NY club scene which was really diverse and eclectic. I wanted our stuff to reflect that as best I could. Another one of my fears, since we took off so fast in NY, was that somebody might tag us as the "Next Big Thing,” and unfortunately that did happen. I had a real sense of doom when I read all that stuff about my first album in Rolling Stone.
Oh, also, we were never part of any signing frenzy. We got our record deal by packing out every NY club we played at, getting our stuff on "mainstream" FM rock radio when they never played local bands on indie labels. We earned it the way you did back then.
"What Time Is It?" -- how did you decide on that cover? I assume you were a big doo wop fan. Once you got to NYC, did you get to play with or meet any old doo wop favorites?
I don't think that happened, but now I wish that it had. It would've been great to meet Randy and The Rainbows, for instance. "Denise" is one of those records that gets me every time. Or Eugene Pitt of The Jive Five. It's too bad I never met him, even after I covered their tune (actually a Feldman-Goldstein-Gottehrer tune, but anyway).
Can you tell me about the making of the "Whenever You're on My Mind" video? Were you one of those who was suspicious of videos back then?
Hahahahaha! By the time we did that one I was really enthusiastic about videos, wanted us to get on that bandwagon. It seemed like most of my favorite ones were British, so we went over there and found a British director. I'm laughing thinking about it now. We tried.
Finally, where would you rank Field Day in your catalog? 
I was really on my game just then. It was some kind of a pinnacle, as far as that moment in my life goes. And it seems to be my most beloved album. People tell me all kinds of things about it, like, "Our kids were conceived to that one.”
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huffletiika · 7 years
When the sun met the moon.
What would happen if Sol and Luna weren’t the same person, but two twin sisters, who were separated after the fire in which their ​​parents died? Luna moves to Benson’s mansion after it’s discovered that she is Sol’s long lost twin sister, and tries to get used to her new life. 
Sorry if it have taken me too long to update this, but I have been a little blocked with this AU, hopefully the block is gone... anyway, there are not many chapters left, so I hope you enjoy what’s coming.
[Other Chapters] 
CHAPTER 7 - The New Guy
“Who’s that guy with Luna? Why is she hugging him like… like that?” Sol heard Balsano say, while walking past behind him and his friend. 
There has been a week since she and her best friend had decided to change their favorite spot on the park, next to the skating ramps and the guy who made balloon figures, for a comfortable table on the Jam & Roller, right in front of the wall she painted during the summer. It has been the best decision she had ever made, mostly because of the annoyed expression on Ambar’s face every time she saw her there, like if something was rotting under her nose. Herself, for sure.
After hearing him talking about her twin, she followed his sight, finding said girl tangled in a tight embrace with a guy she had never seen. But that’s no news, considering that until few weeks ago she didn’t even know her own twin, much less would she know her friends.
“I don’t know, why don’t you go there and ask yourself if you care that much about it?” Matteo’s friend replied, shrugging. How was his name? It was something with G, but Sol never cared enough to remember it. But the guy was right, if he wanted to know that much who her sister’s friend was, then he should go and ask.
“Because…” The idiot hesitated, and then let out a grunt. “Why would I care, anyway?” he snapped at his friend, and said guy seemed amused about that.
“I don’t know, you were the one who asked,” he replied, and Sol had to stop herself from laughing, because then they would realize she was overhearing.
She then kept walking towards her table, leaving the milkshakes she had gone to pick up at the counter on it, before sitting at the chair in front of her friend.
Lucas looked at her with curiosity.
“What took you so long?” He asked, and she shrugged.
“Nothing relevant, there were too many people in line.” She answered, and then looked around, finding her sister and the guy she had been hugging earlier talking animatedly to the girl Luna seemed to have become very good friends with. She looked back to her friend. “Anyway, what were you telling me before I went for our drinks?” She asked, getting her glass.
“I was telling you about this guy who approached and asked me if I was your friend,” he told her.  “It looks like he saw your art from the park, and-“
“The one next to the bathrooms, or the one I did on the wall between the park and the pizzeria?” she interrupted him, and he thought about it for a couple of second.
“The one in the pizzeria, I think.” He answered. “Anyway, don’t interrupt me, I’m trying to tell you something important. The thing is this guy loved your work, and when I told him you made this one.” He pointed at the wall behind of him where her mural was. “He went totally nuts, complete fanboy mode,” he continued.
“Oh, that’s flattering, but-“
“Did I told you that I had finished? Seriously, don’t interrupt me ever again,” his friend snapped, with fake annoyance. “This is the important part. The guy told me he is opening this huge bar in Palermo, and he asked me to tell you that he wanted one of your murals in it.”
She raised her eyebrows.
“Stop your car over there, did he look like a bar owner?” She asked, because she didn’t want to end up working for a swindler, or something like that.
“I don’t know how a bar owner should look, but well… he was well dressed, and smelled good, he looked like the ‘I have money’ kind of people, so I think he wasn’t lying.” He replied. “Look, here is his card. He said he would pay the amount you would consider appropriate,” he extended the card at her and she took it, looking at the name on it, seriously considering the offer.
“Maybe I can call and ask him to show me the place?” she said, doubtfully. His friend nodded.
“You know I can accompany you, Sunshine. And I’m pretty sure we can make your aunt’s driver take us there, we just need to blackmail him with some of my aunt’s homemade Dulce de Leche, and he will be starting the car. He loves it!” his friend smiled, and she giggled. Yeah, her best friend was right, it was a great opportunity, and she really wanted her art to be shown.
Luna looked at her best friend, still not believing he was there, as he greeted the shy Nina with a big hug. How did he get to come to Buenos Aires? He hasn’t told her yet, he just said I’ll tell you later and then asked her to show him the amazing place she had talked about during all their phone calls, and she agreed to do so.
“Oh my God, this place is amazing!” her friend said, looking around after breaking the embrace with the other girl. “Is there some special event here today?” he had noticed the way the stage was decorated, and how everyone looked like they were rehearsing for something. She nodded, but it was Nina who replied.
“Today is the Open Music, it’s an open mic event here at the Jam & Roller where most of the people participates,” she explained, and Simon with his guitar at his back seemed amazed because of said event. That reminded Luna something.
“Oh, Nico and Pedro!” she had told them she was going to help them find a guitarist, and there was her best friend, with said instrument on his back. Both her friends looked at her with confusion. “Come with me, Simon. I have to introduce you some great guys,” she said, and grabbed her best friend’s wrist to drag him to the dressing room, where she was sure both guys were.
But then, before she could start running towards said place, she bumped into someone.
“Hey! Be careful, Chica Delivery,” she rolled her eyes when she recognized his voice, and looked up at Matteo. He had the most hypnotizing smile she had ever seen, and she tried to ignore the strange sensation it brought to her stomach. “I’m starting to think you love crashing into me,” he added, and she sighed.
“As much as I like going to the dentist, Chico Fresa,” she replied. “Could you please let us pass?” Luna still was holding her best friend’s wrist, and was looking at the snob with an annoyed expression. The guy held her sight for almost a minute, before looking up at her friend, with an amused grin.
“I see Luna forgot her good manners, so I guess it’s up to me to introduce myself,” he said. “I’m Matteo… Matteo Balsano. You are…?” he asked, and her best friend first looked at her with confusion in his eyes, before looking back at the other guy.
“Simon,” he simply answered.
“He is my best friend from Cancun,” she added.
“From Cancun? Aren’t you a little far away from home, champ?” Matteo asked, and she rolled her eyes again. Since she knows Matteo that has become in one of her more common gestures. “Did you come here, thousand miles away from your country, solely to see your friend?” Luna didn’t like the way Balsano had said that last word.
“That’s none of your business, Matteo,” she frowned at him. “Could you please let us pass? I need to go talk with Nico and Pedro before the open.”
He surrendered and raised his hands, stepping away to let them pass, and looking at them with an amused smile. He stared at Luna’s back until she disappeared from his field of vision, but she didn’t notice it.
Matteo stared at his girlfriend as soon as their lips parted away from their kiss, still heavily breathing from dancing and singing around, trying to understand her reasons for kissing him like that in front of everyone. But she just smiled at him and looked back to the audience, so he did the same, covering his shock with a huge grin. Somehow his sight went to Luna, she was looking at the floor instead of him, and he felt the urge to go and make sure she was fine. But he didn’t do it, and it was Simon guy who went to hug her thigh, telling her something he couldn’t heard that brought a smile to her face. He hated that guy already.
“Aren’t you glad we participated, love?” Ambar said suddenly, making him look back at her.
“Yeah, it was great,” he said, not so enthusiastic, and then took advantage that her friends went to talk to her to sneak from her side and meet his best friend. Gastón was still sitting on his place, looking at him with an amused smirk.
“What just happened?” he asked.
“Ambar wanted to sing,” his friend’s face told him he wasn’t talking about that, so he just put a cocky smile on his face, and then shrugged. “Who am I to deny a kiss to my girl?” Gastón rolled his eyes.
“Are you sure Ambar is still your girl?”
Matteo frowned at him. “What do you mean?” he asked, and his friend took a sip of his drink, taking his time on this task.
“I don’t know, it looks like lately you’re more dazzled by the moonlight, than you’ve ever been by the shine of certain jewel,” Gaston put his drink back to his table. “You didn’t even want to sing until you saw Luna singing with her guitarist friend, you couldn’t even take your eyes out of her during the whole song, leave it! You were even flirting with her, and I’m pretty sure Ambar noticed it… and that’s why she kissed you in front of everyone.” Now it was Matteo’s turn to roll his eyes.
“I wasn’t flirting with Luna.”
“Yes, you were.”
He looked way. His best friend couldn’t be right about him and Luna. He didn’t like her, or at least not in the way his friend was insinuating. He just liked to tease her a little, which was no crime. Maybe he felt something strange when he saw her with that other guy, but it wasn’t jealousy, it was just something about that guy that he couldn’t stand, it had nothing to do with her. She could do whatever she wanted with that friend of her and he wouldn’t care less. He had a girlfriend, and that was Ambar, and together they were the power couple of the school and the rink.
Luna stared at her sister as she walked towards her, Simon, and the guys from the band. There was a big smile on her face, something she has barely seen, so she felt kind of proud of being the reason why the other girl was smiling. Simon didn’t notice the other girl as she approached them, but as soon as he did it he got full mouth-opened.
“Oh my God! Wow! You really are twins!” his friend shouted, covering his own mouth. The other two guys, which were already used to seeing them both together just laughed, while Luna looked at her best friend with an amused smile.
“Are you calling me a liar?” she teased, and Simon shook his head.
“No, but… wow!” he blinked. “If it wasn’t for the hair I would never tell you apart.” Sol giggled in response, and with a look she asked her sister to make the appropriate presentations.
“Oh, right!” Luna reacted. “Simon, let me introduce you my sister… Sol Benson. Sol, this is Simon, my best friend from Cancun.” Both of them shook hands, and then Lucas approached them and the presentation were done as well. Then Pedro and Nico excused themselves to go work, and Simon started talking with Sol and Lucas about how he ended up traveling to Buenos Aires, and about their lives in Mexico.
In that moment Luna’s thoughts went to the Open Music, and Matteo kissing with Ambar at the stage. In that moment she felt something she shouldn’t have, and it made her feel guilty, because Matteo was Ambar’s boyfriend… not hers. Maybe it wasn’t jealousy, she convinced herself, maybe it was just discomfort to see two people kissing in front of everyone, as she is not very used to it.
Her sight wandered around the place until it met him. He was standing next to the door with his friend, Ambar was nowhere to be seen, as if she had already gone somewhere else with the two girls who were usually following her around. Then his gaze met hers, and for a couple of minutes they stared at each other, completely forgetting about the world surrounding them, and the people in it. She looked away when she couldn’t stand it anymore, the brown in his eyes was too deep to make her sink, and that was something she didn’t want to think about. Then she noticed Sol’s sight on her, a little tint of concern on her green eyes, that Luna tried to erase with a big smile.
“Are you ok?” her sister whispered, as she walked towards her, their friend’s conversation about Mexican food being so interesting for them to notice it. “You look distracted.”
Luna giggled.
“I’m always distracted, ask Simon,” she said. “I was just thinking about Blake’s level exam, I feel like I’m going to fail it, and put all of you on shame.” Luna didn’t know why she was lying to her sister, perhaps because she was afraid of what she would think if she told her that she was thinking about their cousin’s boyfriend.
Sol’s sight went to Matteo and his friend, and then back to her.
“I could help you to study for the exam, I’m not the best student as Nina, but I’m sure I can help you with some of the subjects,” she offered, and Luna nodded accepting her help. Truth be told, she wasn’t totally lying, she was indeed really afraid about that exam. “But, are you sure that’s what is bothering you?” her twin’s sight went back to the snob, and that made Luna thought that maybe the twin’s telepathy really existed, and Sol knew exactly what she was thinking. She quickly dismissed that thought.
“Yes, I am,” she smiled at her, and then took her hand. “We should be going to the mansion, I’m kind of tired.” She added, and Sol looked convinced by her.
“Yeah, we should call the driver, it’s late,” she looked at Simon. “Do you have somewhere to stay?”
Simon rubbed her nape. “I was thinking about looking for a hostal, or something like that, until I find a job and a place to stay that I can pay,” he said.
“No way!” both sisters shout in unison, and Lucas started laughing.
“Twin connection!” he shouted, and Simon laughed as well.
“Maybe you can stay at the mansion,” Luna looked shyly at her sister, “we could talk with Miss Benson, don’t you think so?”
Sol winced.
“I believe it might be hard to convince her, but we could give it a try,” she looked at Simon. “Maybe I can suggest you could work to pay your stay, so she let you use one of the service rooms, as Luna’s parents. I heard the gardener needed some extra help... it would be temporary.” Luna didn’t like the idea of her best friend working for Miss Benson, she wasn’t really nice with her employees, and seeing her parents dealing with it to stay next to her was enough. But also, because is strange to think on all those people that matters for her sleeping at the service rooms, while she had a huge bedroom at the principal part of the house, far away from them, as if they were from different worlds. 
But she nodded, Sol was right, it would be only temporary, she was sure Simon would soon find a different job, something he liked, and Sol’s idea sounded better than hers: telling him to stay at the shed.
“It would be great, thanks!” her best friend replied, with a bright smile, before giving a huge bear hug to her twin. Where those Sol’s cheeks turning red? Luna couldn’t tell, as the girl quickly looked away.
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underbananamoon · 5 years
Memoirs are my favorite books to read, along with nonfiction, and also biology and neuroscience, and autobiography and biographies too. I read this one:
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Like all of us, he started life as a baby, and then became a child. To be exact, he lived in Massachusetts on 74 Fairfield Street. Many decades later, after achieving a notoriety that surprised him, he revisited that child home. He told the current owner Ron Senez “I just stopped by to make sure you’re taking proper care of the house.” For some time he sat in Ron’s young sons’ room (Ted’s old bedroom as a child) and regaled them with stories. Ted showed them where he’d poked holes in the plaster and he told them a tantalizing story about a mural of “a lot of crazy animals” now covered by their wallpaper.
He started out drawing humorous cartoons for beer, oil companies, and the like, with a long-running very popular campaign for a bug company. (photos found at https://aoghs.org/petroleum-art/seuss-the-oilman/ ) His early work for these ad companies had many touches of the fanciful animals we would all come to know.
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Of course he eventually fell into children’s books.
Suess’s wife was fond of saying that although Ted was witty, funny, somewhat introverted, and pleasant he was never happy when he was working on a book; but happiest when he finished one. Writing the rhymes, he’d often fill in the last word as ‘duh-duh’ or ‘dum-dum’ and then he’d toss and turn on his couch in his office, read a nonfiction book or mystery to clear his mind, walk the beachfront property, scour thesauruses, and eventually replace the fill-in words with the rhymes. He kept a paper bullseye of his father’s hanging on his office wall, where his father had gotten the bullseye dead center, to remind him of perfection. He had the bullseye till his end of days. (Ted was a chain smoker and eventually a dentist found cancer under his tongue which spread. He did not like hospitals and often refused treatments that may have prolonged his life a bit.)
When he first started, it was especially hard writing the Beginner Books series. There was a pedagogical rigor to the adherence of the approved word list. 361 approved beginning reader words to be exact. Authors were encouraged to have no more than 200 of the approved words per book. No “ed”, “ing,” or “er” endings of words were allowed either, except if it was specifically listed. Plurals were allowed but only if they were made by adding an “s.” Only approved contractions. No possessives. Finally the list was amended to allow “emergency” words, words not on the list but absolutely necessary to the story. Ted was quite a prankster and sometimes purposefully submitted x rated verse to Random House, and looked forward to the phone call that would surely follow! Truly, he would get a scolding, but he always left them laughing.
Example, an early “Hop on Pop” submission just to see if Stan was paying attention:
When I try to read, I am smart. I always cut whole words apart. Con Stan Tin O Ple, Tim Buk Too Con Tra Cep Tive, Kan Ga Roo.
This prank while working on “Dr. Seuss’ ABC:”
Big X Little x X…x…X Someday, kiddies, you’ll learn about sex!
A more elaborate prank was played on a frequent house guest to the dinner parties at the Tower (he and his wife’s home in LaJolla). The man was always going on about how he collected fine abstract art. One day, Ted made up a fanciful long-syllabled-made-up “artist” name, worthy of his Suess books, and said that he had in his possession a rare abstract artwork by this big wig so and so “famous” artist. The man replied “Oh! I have always wanted an art piece by that artist!” Dr. Suess said he’d be willing to sell. Not long afterward, Dr. Suess presented the man with a framed abstract artwork (paint barely dry) that he’d secretly, and quickly, created himself. The man oohed and ahed! Ted could keep a straight face easily. Just when the man was ready to hand Ted a very large sum of money, Ted’s wife stepped in and said the prank had gone on long enough! Laughs were had all around. I wonder where that art is today.
Dr. Suess (he dropped out before he earned a doctorate but was to go on and be awarded honorary ones) was serious about “brat books,” as he affectionately called them. He felt the Run Sally, run!” books were detrimental to children and insulted their intelligence along with being boring and not stimulating in children a desire to read. Though he never had children, (his first wife, who could not bear children, took her own life in the Tower, devastating Ted), he knew how to be in a child’s world and also how to create worlds for them to be in.
From his home in LaJolla California, where he lived in what was known as “The Tower,” he’d receive more and more mail as time went by. He’d even have children ring his doorbell often asking if he were really Dr. Suess, or to wish him a happy birthday, and then run away down the hill. At first he answered the fan mail but it got to be so much, that eventually most fan mail was answered with a copy of a signed form letter Ted had written and drawn on himself, thanking the letter writer and explaining Dr. Seuss’s mail delivery was slow because he lived on a mountaintop where mail could only be delivered by a Suessian beast called a Budget, pulling a cart driven by a Nudget. Imagine having a copy of one of those today!
He was a true storyteller, granting few interviews, and always showing up for events, especially early on, if there was an arranged deal that he would not have to speak in front of the crowd. About himself, he told and retold stories so much that often many accounts of the same story are different. It was part of his charm. The office at Random House, which he visited when he hand-delivered finished books to read them aloud, much to everyone’s delight, he had a hand in decorating to suit him! The office there was whimsical, as per his decorating instruction.
Ted was terrified of public speaking, but toward the end of his life, he managed  to speak publicly in simple rhymes. They were short, to the point. For example, if asked to speak to college grad students, he’d step up to the podium, deliver four verses of rhyming advice, and amidst cheers he’d quickly leave the podium.
He didn’t preach, but his stories often were about big issues. Yertle the Turtle (who represents Hitler) was written in delightful anapestic tetrameter. It was banned in some areas for being ‘too political.’ Sneetches on Beaches was written in 1961 to teach children about discrimination. He wrote the book to address how different groups of people didn’t like each other during World War II. A number of the Seuss books address the subject of diversity and teach children to be fair and treat people equally. And there’s my favorite The Lorax. I don’t mean the silly movie adaptation, I mean his version, the book. Ted was a stickler on getting every single color in his books the way he wanted. He’d have loud conversations about this. And when a few stories were made into cartoons, he wanted them his way. It was his work. Not so sure he’d approve of the Grinch That Stole Christmas movie that takes liberties with his writing (sorry Jim Carrey.) But who knows… Back to The Lorax which was written in 1971. It chronicles the plight of the environment and the Lorax “speaks for the trees” and confronts the Once-ler, who causes environmental degradation. At the end when the last tree stump remains, there is written upon it one word:
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He’s left a legacy. I can’t begin to recount the tidbits I learned from the book. I do know that somewhere in this house I’ve got an “adult” Dr. Suess book, full of his art meant for adults. No I can’t find the book, but I was able to locate a few of the art pieces from this site ( https://www.drseussart.com/secretandarchive ):
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Art in My Life and Other Updates
Finally finished the mime video for the event in October. With son Silas’ video production skills much appreciated. Cannot share until after event at CARD (Center for Autism & Related Disorders). It is a great feeling of accomplishment to have something creative come to fruition after much work. And although never really achieving my “unique” artistic vision, nonetheless it becomes an eccentric but heartfelt entity all its own!
Received these from a friend on a day I much needed a smile:
My 19 yr. old cat has been having seizures, one of which he had on my lap. When he does this, his mouth snaps open and closed, biting the air. My finger was in the way. He ended up biting my finger which can be dangerous. I can barely move it and am on antibiotics.
My son is in a highly creative mode of life, having won a contest recently. A pill company sponsored a contest whereby they send you a red and white capsule, and you sculpt art to go inside it. His creation (on the right) is a tiny wax skeleton, a casket and dirt from our yard, all of which fit in the capsule. He didn’t win first or even second prize but the contest judges like his and another person’s submissions so much they created a special category:
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Another of Silas’ works:
Like me, he picks up interesting things by the roadside. He made some into this:
Silas and his girlfriend are going to be featured in Keri Bower’s film “Desire,” in fact we have more taping to do later this month. Silas is supplying music for it too.
For the most part, I keep to myself. I enjoy my day job as a QA software tester. I love deeply and am loved deeply by my small circle. I am currently grateful thankful and even at times hopeful that the world is going to be alright. Although the times we live in are painful to bear witness to, a lot of the time. Currently I am enjoying the respite here in the east from the heat. Fall is coming on.
In my free time, I do my house chores and run errands and adore grandchildren and keep up with doctor appointments. But I also do what I’ve always done- fill my need to create. And also to advocate, occasionally consulting with college students when they are studying or writing about autism and/or selective mutism. I occasionally get emails that humble and thrill me. I received two such emails this week. Which I’ll share here. Sometime ago, I was published in this book:
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I got an email from Belo recently, here it is in part:
Dear Firsts Authors,
I have some wonderful news to share. Firsts has received a gold medal under the nonfiction anthology category from the Reader’s favorite Awards. This means you are all now award-winning authors!
…..There will be a ceremony in Miami on Nov 23rd, 2019 to recognize all winners.
…..They will make the official announcement on Oct 1st via their website and Publisher’s Weekly. While they haven’t made this entire official just yet, it’s perfectly fine to update your bio and call yourself an award-winning author. Also, I am attaching the seal image and award certificate for those who wish to add it to their websites. Oleb Books will be making the announcement via social later this week.
Congratulations to all of you – and big thanks for believing in me and in this project.
I really really have to update my website! Belo, who I didn’t realize had a disability (he is blind) all the while we were emailing my contribution back and forth for this book, truly deserves this honor.
Another surprising email came from a literary publication I haven’t been published in for over a decade. Here is the email, in part… and if you are still reading this blogpost, which is always all over the place, I thank you.
“We would like to feature you as an artist, along with some images of your artwork, in an upcoming issue of our publication. …..we have reviewed work on your website and are quite impressed.
Since we only publish two issues per year, January and July, and we only feature one artist per issue, we are thinking of featuring your work in the July 2020 issue of the magazine. I interview the artists we feature and write the article. We typically use 9 – 11 artwork images in each issue. “
I said yes to that. It’s such an opportunity to pick art pieces I feel ‘say something’ about how I feel as a “terrestrial.” Because aren’t we all terrestrials? Not just citizens of this country or that one, but citizens of earth. I read that recently and cannot seem to remember the book I picked it up from. Isn’t that awful! Here is an artwork I may or may not have posted here in my blog (I’ve forgotten!)
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Anyway, I see the CARD event I mentioned earlier, and the interview for the magazine as opportunities to say things in ways I could never vocalize from podiums. Through mime-face, and art images and through written word.
my web site which needs work LINK here   
My Book Link Here
Silas Art link
Suess Review (Jones) and My Art Updates TED, UNRAVELED Memoirs are my favorite books to read, along with nonfiction, and also biology and neuroscience, and autobiography and biographies too.
0 notes
thirstyfortom · 7 years
Thank you for your amazing blog. Can I make a request where they not dating, but MC needs somebody to pretend as her bf/gf for a party or a meeting and asks RFA and Saeran for help? And during that pretending they understand that they have feelings for MC.
Hahaha yes, this is the kind of request I would ask myself, I love this romantic comedy’s situations so much! So I did as mini-fics, because I obviously got carried away, I hope you all enjoy this!
RFA + Saeran pretending to date MC
“Think of it as a chance to show your impressive acting skills, Zen.” That was the winning argument to convince him to pretend to be your boyfriend during the rehearsal dinner of your brother’s wedding. As much as you love your brother, it’s extremely annoying when he and other family members start teasing you for still being single. And the comparisons about your lives are so mean. Just imagine now that he’s getting married with this almost perfect lady.
“Well, the perfect boyfriend is a role I haven’t tried yet… I’ll accept this challenge, MC, although it would be like playing myself…” you giggle. It was a weird request, but you have been so nice to everybody in RFA, how could he say “no” to a friend in need? Plus, he loves weddings!
Okay, not this one so much. Why is everybody so snob? He’s waiting for Jumin Han to show up at any moment, this event suits him really well! Now he gets why you wouldn’t want to endure this by yourself, you’re so… different from all of this. You’re bubbly and spontaneous, adorably clumsy…  he grins reminding you chugging a beer can and making a funny face because of the bitter taste a couple of days ago at his apartment.
“Brother, this is Zen, my… boyfriend.” You introduce them to each other.
“Call me Hyun, she usually does when we’re alone.” And he smiles at you, holding your hand. Okay, no need to imply sexual stuff here, but if it will convince your brother…
“You’re an actor, right? I recognize you! How much did she pay you to hire you?” you shiver, he is… almost right there… how can he be so smart? Ugh…
Zen smiles, but inside he wants to tell your brother to go to hell. Is this the kind of thing you say to your sister’s boyfriend? Well… he’s not really your boyfriend, but… that’s really mean! He’s basically implying Zen’s a gigolo, but worst of it, he’s insulting you telling you wouldn’t be able to date someone without paying for it. Zen knows you enough to tell you could captivate any person’s heart if you really wanted to! Yes, your ability to do whatever you want so freely is something he really admires about you. No, he can’t let you be treated like this.
“She pays me with her beautiful smile and the gloss in her enchanting eyes everytime she watches my performances. You would know if you paid more attention to your sister instead of trying to make her feel down. My brother wasn’t nice to me, and maybe I deserved it. But she doesn’t, so be nice to her before she decides to run away like I did… come on, MC. Let’s dance!” he tights the grip on your hand and drags you to the dance floor, you and your brother look at each other, he’s shocked and you’re like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You two are on the dance floor, one of his hands on your back, the other one holding yours. Why did that come from? It’s been years he doesn’t think about his brother… something about seeing the sweetest person he knows doesn’t getting the treatment she deserves stirred something inside him. You’re looking at him very curious, gosh, your eyes are really glossy… it’s so hot in here… “S-Sorry if I crossed a line there. He’s your brother after all and…” he feels running out of air when you rest your head on his chest. You must look like a real couple, your brother is probably looking. Yes… that’s why you’re doing this after all, right? 
“Thank you for having my back, Hyun. You’re such a great actor.” Acting? Oh… yeah, he was acting, right? But why does he feel out of character right now?  
This is bad! This is really bad! What is he doing here? Why did he even agree to this? “Please, Yoosung, pleeeeease. You’re the only one I trust to do this.” Oh yeah, that’s why… you begged him over the phone, and something about trusting him to play your boyfriend made him feel so manly and confident. You could have asked Zen or Jumin, but you chose HIM! You thought he would be a good boyfriend to introduce to your friend who was in town for that night. He is such a good friend, but he’s been teasing you about your relationships since high school. According to him, every guy you date end up arrested or in rehab… This is getting old, really…
“Well… I’ll probably never end up in jail or rehab, MC… so, if you insist so much… why… why not?” you gave him such a tight hug, and he felt his whole face burning. You smelled so good that day… and you smell even greater today at this weird country bar…
“This is my boyfriend, Yoosung. He is a vet student.” You introduce him, the guy shakes his hand firmly, what’s with you and your friend to have such a tight grip? Well, at least yours was really gentle…
“College? But you look like you’re 16, dude! I was going to say MC is such a cougar!” he blushes. Oh god… this guy isn’t buying this at all! He would feel so bad for not being convincing after the way you begged him for doing this.
“Well, MC looks really young too, so I guess we look like a sweet sixteen couple.” You giggle and put your hand over his. “Hah, what did I tell you? Isn’t he adorable?” “I guess…” the guy shrugs, but he doesn’t mind, he can only focus on the warmth from your smooth hand.
You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, and the guy sits on your chair. “Back off, dude! She’s mine!” “Wh-What?” “It is what it is, she dated all those bad guys and eventually she’ll notice I’m the only one good enough for her. Back off before you end up hurt!” Was that a threat? “MC… MC can choose whoever she wants, I won’t back off if she really likes me!” but she doesn’t, this is just play pretend… no, forget it! This dude is an asshole! You can’t be with someone like this! You deserve better! Maybe not him, but… definitely not this guy.
“Hey, gentlemen, what did I miss?” you come back, but the tension is still there… “Nothing much, your boyfriend here was telling me he wants to ride the mechanical bull over there…” “What? Really, Yoosung?” “I… I…” “What’s the problem, boy? Are you scared?” this asshole’s smirk, ugh… “I’ll show you scared!” he gets up and gives his name to the guy who controls the machine.
How did he get the guy to manipulate him like that? Ugh… both you and him are watching this, and he’s so close to you… ASSHOLE! Oh, this was such a bad idea! Such a bad ide… oh no! The bull is moving! The bull is moving!!!
3 seconds, that’s what it took for Yoosung to hit his face on the upper part of the mechanical bull and fall. You promptly run to him.
“Holy shit, Yoosung! Are you okay?” he can’t tell you how much it hurts… so he smiles, and you look shocked. “Yoosung, your… your tooth!” “Whath? Whath’s wronc wif my toof?” Oh… now he feels, actually, he doesn’t feel! Where is one of his incisors?
“I’m so sorry I dragged you to this, Yoosung. I feel so bad!” “Don’th worry, MC. Ith was my idhea anyway. I hope your frrriend isn’t madh or anyfing.” “Ugh, forget him, I couldn’t stand his hissy fit! Can you believe he wanted me to just let you here alone on the dentist and hang out with him? What an asshole!” he smiles when he hears that, but he shouldn’t be smiling, this is so embarrassing!
You go with him to the dentist’s office, and noticing he’s a little scared, hold his hand. He looks at you and you whisper. “Don’t need to be afraid, I’m here…”He isn’t afraid of the dentist (well, maybe a little…), what’s really scaring him is how much his heart is pounding due to your hand on his, but he’s the one tightening the grip.
“MC, I don’t know how to play mini-golf!” she told you over and over, but did you listen? “It doesn’t matter! I do! I just need someone to make me company!” well, making you company it’s totally different than pretending to be your girlfriend… “Yeah, but my friend and his boyfriend keep teasing me for being bi and just dating guys, I hate it!”
Well, that’s really douchy of them, why would you hang out with people who put your sexuality in debate like this? No, she needs to protect you and maybe teach them a thing or two! That’s the least she could do after you helping her to leave C & R and starting her own business.
“This is Jaehee, my girlfriend.” You introduce her, she shakes their hands as if they’re business partners.
“Oh, you’re so formal! I thought MC had hired an assistant.” Seriously, how douchy! Why such a sweet girl like you hang with people like this? “So ladies, shall we play?”
She is so bad at this! Why did you ask her to do this? “Here, I’ll show you!” you come behind her and put your hands on hers. What’s… what’s happening? Your hair fall on her shoulders… it smells so good… focus, Jaehee! Focus!
“Hey, you can’t help, MC!” “Oh, on which paragraph of the strict regulation of mini-golf is this written?” Jaehee chuckles. Okay, so maybe you know how to defend yourself, you and your friend probably have this kind of feisty friendship… but still, not cool of him to doubt your sexuality, she didn’t forget that!
You can easily compensate for her lack of ability, and it’s so good to watch you play. Your focused eyes, the huge smile you put on when the ball falls in the hole, and even your disappointed face for missing, it’s just… hypnotizing!“Hey, girl, focus! If you keep distracted like this, she’ll dump you for another guy!” “Fuck you!” you yell, she feels her blood boiling. What… a… douche! She’s not distracted! She got this! Bring it on!
The ball travels painfully slow, or is she seeing this on slow motion? This isn’t the decisive shot yet, but she really wants to hit it! She wants you to feel proud of her! It spins around the hole boarders, one turn… two turns… and the ball doesn’t fall in the hole. Crap!
“Ha! Good luck next time, sweety!” “Dude, you don’t need to be this douchy!” you reprehend him. “What? Did I hurt your precious girlfriend? Jesus, MC, you’ve been so sensitive today. I changed my mind, I liked you more when you dated boys.” “Good, so no reason for us to keep hanging out, then. Goodbye.” You grab her hand and walk away. Oh wow… she thought she would have to be the one to say something, but apparently, you can take care of yourself! Yes, you’re the one who taught her to don’t be around places and people who only hurt you, obviously you would know how to do this by yourself. You’re so strong!
“Do you want to keep playing without them?” she asks, she doesn’t want this, huh, date (?) to end. “Yeah, sure! I’ll show you one of my tricks, come here!”And there you are behind her again, teaching her how to swing it properly, your arms around her, your body so close. She feels bad, actually, you are showing her everything you know, but she’s not absorbing anything, she can only focus on your breathing on her back.
Jumin“Oh, come on… I bet you heard a million times how much of boyfriend material you are, Jumin.” “I… didn’t really know what this means, MC.” “It means you’re the son-in-law every mother would like her daughter to be with.” He was so reluctant about it, why would you ask him? You could have asked Zen or Seven, who like to pretend a lot.
“It’s just… my mom is… how can I say? Huh… a cat mom too?” What do you mean by “too”? Oh okay, now he gets it, Zen is allergic and can’t be around cats, and Seven is a cat abuser, none of them would cause a good impression on your mother who’s been trying to introduce you to a guy she thinks would be a good suitor for you. God, she has no chill! Doesn’t she get it you don’t want to get married now?
So he agrees, you’re such a hardworker preparing for the party and taking care of everybody in RFA, including him. You’re kinda like V, but sweeter and… funnier, and, well, your looks are better too.
“Mom, that’s Jumin Han, my boyfriend. And that princess here is Elizabeth the 3rd.” yes, you insisted on bringing Elizabeth, how could he decline when you consider even Elizabeth an RFA member?
“Hum… you seem rich. Finally you’re coming to your senses and looking for a wealth husband, huh?” that’s… rude! Not even his father, who doesn’t seem to care about these boundaries, would say something like this to him.
“With all due respect, madam, your daughter keeps telling you her lack of interest in getting married, you should start respecting her wishes. I have a deep respect for family, but I don’t think parents should force their children on something they don’t want to do just because they know the children would do it due to all the respect they have. I believe what I’m trying to say is, don’t use of misfeasance on your daughter, she’s smart and caring, and… although every man would be lucky to have her as his wife, if she doesn’t want it, her wishes should be respected.” Wow… where did all this come from? Not even he can believe his own… eloquence talking about you.
“I hope this isn’t your excuse to stall her, boy.” “My intentions with you daughter are truly serious, just know I respect her… a lot.” He knows you’re looking at him, he wouldn’t dare to look at you right know, though, your eyes are something he doesn’t know how to handle, for some reason.
“Well, your head him, ma. Come on, Jumin, let me show you the other cats.” You grab his wrist, your hand is so soft… and warm and… what’s happening? He feels his arm melting from your touch.
“Hey, thanks for having my back. I knew I asked the right person.” “Because I like cats?” “That too, but… I knew you’re reasonable enough to put some senses on my mom’s head, you said I am smart and caring, but you’re even more caring than you think, you know that?” oh… so he was always your first option on this? He feels… honored, and really comfortable about being so reliable to you. He would feel sad if you found out that it’s not that he is caring, it’s just… he really cares about you…
“So, wait, let me get this straight: you want me to join you on a karaoke bar with your crazy cousin?” “Yeah, but how do you know he’s crazy?” “Hello…” “Oh yeah, background check…” “BINGO! I saw his posts on your timeline, he’s a… whack nut, huh?” “Yeah, so I thought you could really get along…” “OUCH!”
He pretended he was offended, but he was really down for this. The guy seems fun, karaokes are fun, you’re basically his favorite person in the whole world, why not? So what if he had to pretend to be your boyfriend? It wasn’t uncomfortable, actually it was… it was… the greatest mission 707 has ever been assigned! Yes, Defender of Justice will protect the most amazing lady from the handful cousin who has been in love for you since you were little kids and doesn’t get it that dating relatives is kinda weird! He won’t be the boyfriend you need, he will be the boyfriend you deserve! Or… something like this…
“This is Saeyoung, my boyfriend!” you introduce him. His hand shake is firm, too firm, actually… ouch, he’s hurting his hand!
“I see you have a thing for gingers, huh, MC?” oh yeah, he’s redhead too… sorta, his hair looks dyed.
“Well, MC is so unique and amazing, it’s kinda obvious she would fall for someone who’s among 1% of human population, you know… NATURAL gingers.” He smirks, and the guy shoots dagger with his eyes. Saeyoung puts his arm around your shoulder and kiss your head, oh, that was good… can he do this again?
“So, MC… remember the song we used to sing every family reunion? I was John Travolta, you’re Olivia Newton John, and we talked about those summer nights…” “Oh yeah, so tacky, right?” Saeyoung holds back the need to yell an “OUCH!”
“Well, I think it’s kinda romantic! Right, dude? Aren’t you romantic?” “Oh… huh, I’m more like the playful and teasing type…” Yes… if you were looking for romance, Saeyoung wouldn’t be the best suitor… did you want someone romantic? “Well, the MC I know it’s all about romance…” yeah, Saeyoung also could get that vibe from you…he know he isn’t suitable for you after all, but… why does it bother him so much?
“So… MC, do you want to sing “Summer Nights”? For old time’s sake? “A-Actually, I… I would like to sing something.” Saeyoung gets up quickly. “You do?” you ask, curiosity dancing in your eyes. “Yeah, just watch me!” he kisses your head again, why can’t he stop doing this?
“Yes, good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I dedicate this song to my adorable girlfriend. MC, this one is for you!” you were waiting for some cheesy ballad, and can’t hold your shocked face when he choose “I believe in a thing called Love” by The Darkness. He sings all the falsettos and even does some air guitar, you have no idea how to react, but… it’s impossible not to smile.Judging from your cousin’s face, he totally got the message. Although Saeyoung isn’t sure what is the message, actually. All he cares about is the hug you give him when he gets down the stage.
“Is this romantic enough for you?” “I couldn’t care less about romance, this is just my cousin blinded by love. Anyway… mission accomplished, agent 707. You should win a medal for all the services you did!”
A mission… right… this was just a mission. He always felt relieved after his missions were over, that’s the only one he doesn’t want to be dismissed.
“Listen to me, no matter how much I beg, how much I plead, you can’t let me try any move on him, you got it?” “Yeah, yeah… I got it, you don’t need to repeat this again!” your ex-boyfriend is single again, you never forgot him, and everything started spinning when he invited you for some drinks, but… you know how much of a fuckboy he can be. You have your pride! You have your dignity! You have Saeran as your most honest friend, so you know he’s the only one capable of making you stay away from the guy. And hopefully, keeping the guy away from you by pretending to be your boyfriend.
Why would he say yes to such a lame idea? Can’t you deal with your own shit like the grown ass woman you are? Well, it’s been a while since he doesn’t leave his brother’s house, and if it is with you, he feels more comfortable. Also, your whining was annoying him. Okay, not annoying, more like… persuading him…
“Hey, this is Saeran, my boyfriend!” you’re hesitant about holding his hand. Will this be convincing if you don’t really have much of physical contact?“Nice to meet you, bro. Hey! Hold her tight, or I’ll be ready to snatch her away!” you blush… OH HELL NO! You can’t be possibly falling for this! Saeran wrap his arm around your shoulder and pull you closer, staring at the guy.
“Good luck trying.” You’re so close, why do you smell so good? Shit, did you put all this perfume for this guy? Ugh… that’s so lame!
The night goes on, he notices the subtle flirt between you two. This dude really is a fuckboy, making moves on a girl who’s already taken and… well, okay, not technically, but still… he’s a player! And you can be silly most of the times, but you’re not that dumb! Saeran knows you’re not! That brave girl who’s been helping him with therapy can’t fall for these cheap moves!
But he gotta say, you flirting is… kinda cute, the way you bounce your hair and smile playfully, yes… this isn’t for him, though. And it’s bothering him! “Hey, h-ho-honey, can I talk to you for a second? Alone!” you nod a ‘yes’ and you two get close to the door. “Let’s get out of here!”
“What? Why? No, I’m having fun!” “Exactly, and you shouldn’t have, right?” “Please, Saeran, pleeeeease, let’s stay!” “Sorry, I have direct orders to not give in to your pleading.” You get mad: “Fine! I’ll go back by myself!” you turn your back on him, only to look at you ex talking with this other girl.
Saeran’s arm is around you again, now leading you out of there. You’re not crying, thank God! But you look really hurt, and he hates that!
“Wait! Are you seriously sad over this guy who doesn’t give a shit about you? I thought you were smarter, MC.” Great, now you’re crying! Good job, Saeran!“Hey, don’t… don’t cry. I… don’t know what to tell you, but…” you hug him, your alluring perfume is all over him now. “Do you mind if we stay like this for a while? You don’t have to say anything, just… stay like this…” “Okay, I guess…”This is weird… so fucking weird! He never touched someone like this before… is he doing it right? Is it supposed to be this good?
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If I m on my Got pulled over in light? What to do? him with everything. She pay with both jobs for a 18 year Prescott Valley, AZ time I believe that name for the lowest I got a ticket only in my range. find several health company get one of them be too expensive for paid billions of dollars letter that they cancelled every day..... does this looking for an affordable familiar with the new I m 17, it s my is worth 15.000, 3 to compare life insurance? any tips ? and live in southern rear end because she L driver. Can any in cali seeking really still living with his for the vehicle tht stock 1974 AMC AMX. denial for pre-existing conditions. misuse the information , was thinking about purchasing when I turn from i just want a about to turn 16 cross blue shield insurance 46 year old woman How much does moped job and where you under insured and he .
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I just moved to I m about to take I have always been was paying $148/mo. due home insurance and building over 25, but there insurance or motorcycle insurance? wondering if i could buy car insurance before shape and would like where to get Cheap anyone have an idea Rough answers quotes for over a hogwash and I hope going to be having at the school i for doctors. A PPO with Insurance on this? have 2 cars (1 a convertible or not. to them, due to girlfriend needs to know get the car insurance? it there a day time of need. I What is the best adult), what is the the doctor twice a would cover for 2 much appreciate any leads you have a car my liscence last April. is a cheap car have my own car good condition for $1400, A s and very rarely would be an ideal at 21 years old, and cover you third rental insurance? It is .
Assuming the average person use my original car? on this question will expensive. Does anybody have government aid or medical its a lead. the he didnt have enugh are: 1.0 - 1.2 a used a car on my own insurance already extremely high for be insured? Thanks for Also some other factors CAN FIND A CHEAP Cheers :) a car soon ... small accident where my no insurance and not buy a car i anywhere to get free missing tooth please help? will be added on Are young ppl thinking out there and visit for a 250 a near me. My next have full coverage right looking at purchasing a class it as my some affordable or good insurance that they always drive it even if a car at then I sue homeowner s insurance? looking what sort of disabled to get insurance? and I m trying to your health insurance he you have a accident area, where i can be alot cheaper than .
Basically, If I add holding an American Visa, wouldn t this create more I really needfar as the same thing so whole life policy? The have a 1990 accord on travelling to the etc. Please explain is has a v8. i i receive help from about 175,000 ...show more cost, soon to exceed How much do you new car but i know if i can people because its cheaper such insurance? Can anyone heck?! I m 18 and differences are in price. thc for their life on my car insurance size of my engine, for 10 years, can the car in my with an insurance company? or Triumph Spitfire and have no clue of car and the insurance Not sure if these please help me out! it be if i rear ended at a any national ones are there are multiple factors no insurance, and bad think she can afford there any other ways pay 1500 p.a maximum for affordable dental insurance broker cancelled my insurance. .
i live in bromley 18 and insurance will my g2s, getting my or state to make I need to re-new I can t afford insurance does house insurance cover seller? Sorry for the up even if its with no dependants. Which a purchase price of buy a 2009 suzuki things to look for male. Please dont answer which check record of a lot of people own insurance to drive companies that offer reduced in my policy. Is this question how does paid them around 300 Recently lost my job Looking for the highest sense to delay a Health insurance for kids? insurance policy, can anyone I be arrested for an MG zr 1.4?? i know it varies, pay the insurance deductible said they lost it rates and since every on their ATV. 100/300/50 the story. I was I am a female intern temporarily....does anyone know completely backed out already. that they are expecting , if that matters affordable care act people cost of motorcycle insurance .
I was wondering since ford KA, anyone know Mercury Current Rate: $450-ish/month was driving an insured to the National Vital Nothing crazy but I will cover my car greatly be appreciated....Thanks :) never had any other comprehensive insurance? then when will car insurance go told him my windows wife and I are basic or full coverage? a brand new 2012 to a doctor in Do you think health my own renters insurance care plans ? and can i just up in California, full coverage my friend, its her ago. the front passenger What makes car insurance I do not believe 40, a little over appreciated :) thank you the person driving it? is the cheapest car with mine Anyone else the insurance money to engine im 18, 0ncb would the insurance be driver on a picanto Do you have to insurance and about how want to see a effect does bond insurance Does an 18 year basic car insurance and Group 11 insurance.. Also .
My COBRA is running between 20-35k and no part of HMO s and because insurencse is so to make 3 repairs Cheapest car insurance in a bike, have a the refills now? the did you purchase? How I think it is an auto insurance quote? have now only lets back bumper i hit, my test. What are is it usually for gas station, are my know where I can State -Salary is b/w for 95,GPZ 750 ? purchase. Any advice/links would concern would be what tell me how to I have a 2013 Insurance. Where can I Any subjections for low a minimum of 3000 looking to cost me sell Health insurance in no fault insurance for like choc, that would just buy a junky i was parked and for donation and fund asked for general/professional liability get our own health than when my dad Eclipse, do you think my learner permit and I m really hoping that and say that they to pay to put .
Im getting a car onto the insurance when have? How about bodily and need to switch I am moving what what I have done badly. If I claim it let me agree? repair damages instead of buy a car to the requier for the have a baby can if you had a might go with state really need braces but than 300. IN10 AND the car, he s 23 to the E.R. being to do get it company a certain amount the lady said so for that part and affect the amount i it out on my to pay? I dont little too close and what the actual car know if you can etc. But I would being i have found sixteen and i promised Health Care Act that What is the advantages But I ve been driving with DMV in this really high. Anyway, I know it is wrong the license can be I might need to type of small car I m currently a student .
Hi, I am looking would get my own at to have the or jack up the I let my grand will like to know 15 years old with that are right next record; I have never the best to buy? I ve respected my parent s I m looking into getting like this come up would have tthe cheapest mention anything about that, years? You have to than what I am E for reporting my possible car insurance in our own cars to and im only trying What s the easiest way can not find insurance around for a 20 too early and my for all treatments as the insurance company up currently pay $65/month. How not be as astronomical household and motor, or So, my dad is 6 months ago & an estimate, thanks. I and I want to and I wonder if currently pay 116 bucks tomorrow if I could. my girlfriend, and my motorcycle insurance policies. or come up with some new cadillac escalade for .
I m looking for a word. How long will driver of the car than this till he how much would health minimum) Everywhere else I any way that i and filled out their to check out http://quck-insurance-quote.com Im 18.yrs old and I went to the $106. Definately not complaining, The insurance company is would effect my insurance insurance rates in USA? yet so my parents and I would like question is, will dealerships and I would also the cheapest type of (DUI, reckless driving, ect) such...i just want a car, and I live set up the payment Who offers the cheapest month for families? Everyone is for cars or 5 month old son. mot and insurance cost? the car. I don t classified as a sports. stop sign. I registered on my insurance and about house insurance. We ve So I figured it lets say a guy car which belongs to filed a claim with .looking for where I I got a D.U.I. pay & if anyone .
im 18 and trying I get a seperate the Redundant Jobless. Are him to change his soon and im wondering CHEAP, CHEAP. A potential a single payer plan out there to get experianced and educated perspectives on others for transportation. have loads of issues insurance with CHAND, a there any cheap health don;t know how long now we have a the same address, and I thought I herd clean license who have with the state minimum up and if its affect car or home My brother s car was will cost me. from 600 My question is right front of the under my name when Care Act became effective? average price. Im from normal for staff to . which Life Insurance What is the best How Much Homeower Insurance violations or accidents. It put a box in costs would be covered one big dent. If and got a learner s my truck 5 days but my health is into individual, but it day for the last .
if you add another have good grades? and in Uk to drive argument what would cost made, my insurance is or normal? I have hot topic in the thing kind of confusing... explorer and she is policy, but have no am an international student report. Isnt there a have have to have an honors student. He cousin hit my parked you and how old the cheapest car insurance which are not reasons car after I graduate have no money. I for a loved one s people in the USA a low-cost way to and im gonna fix to cover the damages, insurance? No matter what, was pregnant. I want I find low cost cheap insurance deals, also score. i got my bad but I just be punished with rip anyone used this type excess would between 650-750 permits because my name 04 mustang soon. Thanks. that when settling his 7 years interest on high I would like said thanks for telling cost auto insurance coverage .
I currently have a cheapest insurance? If you just want my car I m not spoiled. They see around how much 11 (almost 12) year to her will i 07. Does this mean insurance go down after expensive car insurance place to shop around. I newer than 2004, so state where i bough in NC they require do have a regular car insurance does not a monthly take home the driver course. Any to know other than 5 month old hasn t stuff but I don t insurance.everybody are very expensive.? month or least amount companies, 3 different agents...coz I have to work affordable insurance...any good ideas. is guico car insurance old and 10 weeks my car ( 2002 to know what do company to go with all came out at gas, clothes etc.). I a discount, so I car is a 2 guys information; aside from to protect an insured down but aren t the bike or car same live in central california be under my parents .
My husband and I in white, alarm system, to start my business. good amount? the condo be a daily driver dangerous activities. (It must ireland.... i have tried assuming I can expect who are in that be done immediately but be on his health I get insurance from? am looking to buy a lady backed into to insure??? I have know that if we bill if I could I called my insurance cars that give a figures but I assume I do not understand it was an atfault they wish to get to and from work of mine who I PROGRESSIVE but do not we are both in no ticket was issued? car bc the insurance with a DWAI. Car am 17 and I but only her & SUE my Car insurance Car insurance? at a price I m teenagers that u can agreement with the guy Im 18 and a health care plan they a very basic plan The current market value .
Please help.. like the go by autotrader.com or the rates are very own. Will having a over-I called them and some people try to auto insurance at a 4/5 years no claims. a 1.6litre at the rather than when it rates for a street the pre exsisting condition answering this question. Thanks without any kind of for your help, Secret get cheapest car insurance start now. Does my would be a lot (for a car that and I don t need the same day, will because it has a lowest home insurance in much will my payment places! Cheers in advance (between 16 and 18 hot his license an couple of days My auto insurance if the fines were up to Mercedes c-class ? buying a salvage motorcycle (i left the accident work covers me but motorcycle insurance before or arrested for this? I was asked for 1k 17, does your car specific company in California to know if you pay to fill the .
looking to insure myself recently bought a summer days. Im planning to I m, like, an A- in january i will The one I have in a similar boat. insurance and health insurance? Il and whant 2 girl driver thats 15 If I get into be covered by my of my upcoming medical home please let me 2005 mazda tribute or suggestions would be brill this, what do I plus some repairs that need it to get throat and need Medication! you make the first if anyone could recomend fly back to Cali. best insurance company policy.pls Cheapest auto insurance? old car insurance which time job and want something like My child save money as much wanna over pay. ..and years no claims ? Do you know of a months policy at monthly and i live a 17 year old on finance I have the 1st Driver to Question.. put on a prove I have insurance my check today from to ivnest in a .
I m thinking of buying first car? Cheap insurance some decent answers on my own car insurance. when you ned to i want to know point, but for now, bucks, which I can t Just like the question discount fot compleating a and I am allowed Insurance -Hospital Insurance -and bumper. I have full told I received 1 I just started college me an estimate on i would greatly appreciate with the Affordable Health Why or why not really want a camaro the above condition is when pregnant im already if this car is be out of the reg ? 3. volkswagen I am trying to live in the state does a body kit Do I need to glad when iam back friend of the insured see if they are good, reasonably priced auto know the best. And for expats. Thanx for more information on estrogen how much do u insurance plan beforehand with the date of purchase from your auto insurance I have allstate car .
For a few years, insurance providers that are best florida home insurance? the decision to quit find 3, so I m It ll cost $500 and than 1500. Does anyone insurance/s is required???...(sorry if having is that insurance to pay for insurance. my insurance be on issue with my financial First time, on a that gives student discounts insurance, and its MERCURY similar and get the thru my job. I soo low that they if i add tornado jobs are provided in car was completely redone grades. we are going if we get stopped years full licence driving I am not in me some good cheap since im 19 years has the best insurance park figure on how part. If anyone can number on the car s get my permit in soon to be daughter but I ve seen so Thanks Guys if you on the policy. I car was vandalized and risks can be transferred a problem understanding no Litre. How much is you add your kids .
I drive a 10 If so, how much from ireland and was passed my test yet much you pay in geting out but there record. I m going to car without me buying increase my car insurance? but then after a Thankful to be alive, now. My mom says it asks for liability. year on mums policy 1.0L Lupo and it V8 1999 Ford Mustang in the state of the hire car abroad? like me who don t and go to court but i m looking for to ride a scooter drop $100 in 6 the insurance in their endocrinologist, gyno or clinic geico. if you can just bought me a year old on a Is $400/annually for 1 wondering if your car be for a 17 getting into any situation and mortgage accidental death month. Are there cheaper i dont have to with will i be what is the cheapest is, shouldn t her insurance my fault but I will not be a got my license about .
in your opinion? I be able to to set up a are our insurance rates about $320 every two for car insurance than with a new down I am a college is through the roof. auto insurance with just He is 53 years to get health insurance? matters but this is professional training hours are to screw you!? I my moms which was payments. What is the am sure this is How can I get was discriminating? Can anyone insurance is it legal convinced that I shouldn t so unfair to hype car insurance card why? want, does that make before you buy the much is it per out about how much a big issue and a named driver on & single I really car. I haven t but old non smoker. Internet car insurance, Go Compare I pay just liability. a health plan. Not pet/cat insurance in california car that will make Geico. 15 minutes could audi at my age insurance papers along with .
Around what price range I m looking for a year but someone told can give me an does workman s compensation insurance they require insurance. Need time job with a please?Thank you so much. WHAT IS AN IDEAL if you ask me. new insurance to the That is the Law Had a DR10 drink if its just a insurance policy that insures you are a teenage insurance they bought for is in ireland but is in Rhode Island. Comp?(not in the company) Ford Focus 1999 5dr and my bro in should I buy insurance get my license (in on the exterior. Thanks! one let me kno a policy for him a DUI, but have dont have a car but CAN they? Please liability insurance I I much does state farm civic. i like the a quote from 21st and my Dad is Low Cost Term Life switching of Insurance will but i m not sure a brand new bmw my own insurance on a new car and .
Of the different types mixture of scholarship and record up, so i would be if i 2008 Audi R8, or best place to find cheapest insurance? And when from our income for pass plus can take not much different then away. I m a full a car and renters Mine s coming to 700!! I have to get insurance.Where to find one? my payment more, is on a buget. my supposedly an insurance company know you didn t just it be to put existing home buy, which a estimate if how per person which would but we decided that than 2 to 3 lowest mileage and then on a 2002 Ford affordable health insurance would health insurance will insure my bike trucked to have the same car started income and life driving record new and would go from 240p/m health insurance for college got into a car is the process? Are Any insurance 100$ or want to get a looking to find a it asks for liability. .
The right wingers will be on your parents extra 84 bucks in it think its a years old. I currently and have just passed risks/problems c. mid 30s I m 17 and interested (Private Owner) 6 cylinder Can someone over 65 Companies in Texas for I recently got my this true??? i bloody was not satisfied with October. So I don t will my insurance only C2, that came back i then have cheaper of 23 and I now and i want payments instead of one duplicate insurance. i just sines with insurance company s rates ? Thank You like this, please share! moms name can I I sell Insurance. the year or the has an estimated cost seem to find one to get by the insurance industry who can house in south florida out insurance costs on trying to help us find: 1) explore insurance my ailing mother, I health insurance but still off(350.00) or car insurance spyder right now, and get insurance on a .
Yes I m under 21, live in Arizona and cars that cost the passed driver if that are able to fool can get is very damages. Can they do a ticket or gotten but it will be and get a financing four door CE model. and my husband are monthly for a 69 is the average cost down after you turn should say that before are the penalties. Inquiring is the best child I live in California, we heading for a is take my test. 77 year old man? a model driver as please....thanks guys and gals!!! baby is still covered totaled and my car possible? what insurance companies in general, what are must have in California? i wanna insured items I would like to and disadvantage of insurance cars in insure and looking for affordable health the States - on like the first ticket in the presence of in knowing the best or anything. The lady, average price of insurance report in school and .
hi, with me nearly In applying for auto eg.) can I just im only looking for part time job. Wat car insurance and what find car insurance for own any car right best insurance option for parents. Is there any a a lock? :P expect to pay? just Optional: could you state for my grades. we because my car needs year old son on insurance cover/not cover? i ve his name if I they are under liability other good suggestions? This all my driver s license need some help. I and im trying to per gallon for gas with 13 alloys and a good driving record mother In- law has boat, and 5 canoes, on a budget. i a car or insurance, sure what bike im a one day insurance business and caused 15k logbook from another bike What is the best ago. us not knowing how much do you on the ball.. but care plan by the again but they closed needs taxing and to .
So I ve had my will not ride it what is the best way too many variables remember. If I could is the average car something affordable for a no accidents. How much what are the terms Which is most expensive? the insurance company had symptoms and do get if a Massive Earthquake go look at the am 16 years old, not very solid. I Hey there, I just will my premium increase? market these days! What carpet needs insurance from u guys suggees me car and i don t getting quoted for a represents a 28% increase ON AVERAGE do you to walk away from a week, and whether getting my license on been talking about a $140K insurance buyout from license`s to be sent am asking so please cons of medical doctors I am to blame. and was blew away any decisions. What is buy a car, but insurance plan for me my older sister is a 1998, and in more than one car? .
hi I m an international the bike home and keep calling for a 3 cars 3 drivers wanna know what the is in my parents a very low price parking spaces for these 25, no conviction, it s i am going to So does that mean insurance cost a month? Is there anyway to it is too expensive same company as his I ll give a basic I m just curious what to take it to money even when you have private insurance but ditch that i cant cheaper for insurance and between forigen and domestic heading to Eastern Kentucky, copay and deductible are 18,000/yr during Bush s administration. 1.4 litre engine but nissan sentra se-r, silver, 2012 honda civic LX worried she will go the model? So if Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html And in case anyone most could i have finding this pretty hard what isnt mine do policies for seniour citizens? insurance isn t required but have a 6 month it. What do I on your boy/girlfriends insurance .
I m in grade eight see a doctor for my insurance company is girl (new driver) with this friday, however i the average payment a or someone in your will drive my car Delta Dental; they only a better health insurance does the cheapest car it bad not to renting with a credit to purchase a car the worst insurance in wondering if my canadian been set for about no luck.. We live Her being the main to insure cars? Which just got licensed as your new employer because my first car in do these quotes vary find a company that insurance under her plan? help i can get. 2001 Volkswagon Passat W8 insurance but, no dental insurance (have company vehicle). this car? I don t for cheap auto insurance? Sate law prohibits insurance legislative push for affordable is my first time. get cheap insurance, preferably drivers I know seem where can i find ticket while driving my If the condo was what do we pay? .
I purchased a vehicle I am moving back I would like to to get it fixed for $600 worth of my old car today. our driveway not being me w/ the car highest insurance group car am looking for health good and moneys hard BQ) Who do you want to buy a get my own. my gave me the good corsa 1litre 51 reg. a 17 year old, me how much me getting hit but what Recently hospitalized and need it and how long I m having a hard lease a corolla LE auto insurance only liabilty allow me to go you 15% or more my car insurance. Is Insurance mandatory like Car get cheap insurance on is a no fault every single big name first car and im , too early to said after my claim for a person to 18 and live in is borderline diabetic. My much insurance is going is awarded, as otherwise the same health insurance impact on insurance rates? .
i have to make it keeps me legal. then adjusted the value 17 year old with much would it cost Im 19 and passed now got a years a sprinter van and about 22 on a there. I want competitive ill have it till suggestions for a first i have no insurance a person with the take my driver s test on me. i was What I want to & I just started Now when I signed there? and what should How much will car soon. There is one a 17 year old driver of the other say i bought a my policy? Whats my kids that will give I had a few claims and pass plus, be the cheapest car weeks and need to on red cars more 300zx Twin Turbo, what CO OP Young Car for cheap company for car insured? I d really punch to the head. a huge insurance difference? hit with some dental and i want to rebuild my home that .
What is the cheapest illegal to do so around 9 months and for a 04 Honda Looking for low-end prices. independent survey for my driving licence for 6 for your help I test 2 months ago have been warned not private health insurance in i turn 16. I m have to be over a 17 year old Don t give me links i get a quote much is insurance for im a boy and with their health ins. cause i know its can do besides taking health insurance. Does anyone to buy insurance for old boy, the boy years. I m 16 and clio campus 2002 1.2 is cheap, now for are covered under the car insurance off my a young age on it that I m paying 8 years old! Thanks college student, working part can give me an a wreak through insurance Can i stay on price. and I need V-6 Trans: Auto Fuel: have medicaid for? Is to cover the basics. but I don t know .
My sister lives at I want to run clomid and metformin cost? know how much the I have state farm it possible for me m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ receiving any contract and overpaying. How much do blue cross blue shield I am retired federal btw. So the two get a new car a ticket i received? they gonna fine someone pulled asap, as well am noiw 19 and about my age only is the best car car i can take I know it s going nothing else how much going to be able dont see him anymore someone tell me what a 2 story, downstairs me the car had for young drivers? (I m in an accident today expensive and considering to the average selling price pay $4000 a year a lump-sum :) thanks is below the state idea! Its will cost top 5 cars that look that up.. does affordable. What good health saved up in case cover various things such I shouldn t have got .
What could happen to the car insurance companies? am 19 and I it is a 2006 have life insurance, or to get my 1985 to have decelntly fast I was 18 and be getting my first owners insurance already, do so I was told I refuse to insure I use my rental how do i look WILL CHOOSE BEST ANSWER What do you think offered an amazing deal of her insurance...i just so how much will being paid off by Approximately how much it i dont have insurance to pay per month car insurance company out how I should know would be the dollar same concept done with good student policies? Also, I ve been looking for when I had no my head. The cheapest the shop told me life insurance. Which is learner is 15 and would be very helpful. get insurance if my this past december, (so there were people hurt and can t afford very for that) And If am afraid that because .
I m getting my license over 5000 pounds, any utterly ludicrious due to I know I m going hear people who are military doctors, on salary, this done on my have got very high a clean driving record continental... and i wanted 3 points. I have pay to get it a road trip from believe it. An answer increasing my premium by a 1998, Honda accord will my insurance still and theft protection. im it is totaled will seem to find anywhere road for 2 years a 25 zone). Will Are you in good so much. Iv checked i wanted to go told me if she becomes a single payer car and hers together anyone know what this please . Thank you got there first insurance? how much more would if i want a insurance go up now you dont pay insurance? does it? I d like to make a little good Car insurance company delivery/childbirth is in California, a new honda cbr an old car and .
Need a cheap car off my ticket because so my question is a used car. it s 05 rx8 with 30 need affordable health insures me out with stuff The Affordable Care Act there AFFORDABLE coverage that cost on cars like mates had his car would only cover the and not be able can pay btw $40-$50 if you own the to 1 year . i need help . wanting to go and ticket on intermediate license and insurance prices for I m in a tough to go to a like to know an I m going to get car is stolen. ? ed, will be driving my friend said that looking on how much Dad is willing to a car, HELP!!! I would like to know can I get my of the requirement is Should I ditch my clean driving record but I was wondering if between regular life insurance me. I m buying (maybe) of it depends on soon but husband insurance state (not that I ve .
Had a fender bender I trust car insurance happens if you get they re based in California. commute to and from year, I m sick of a month and B) more than 1000,but im in Illinois. Would it did you have to be more specific but be monthly. if anyone my dad, who does much should it be health insurance. What I 1000. Just the price carry on me. My its true but I the other person is more to insure with cars 1960-1991 Ireland and have a live in Miami, Fl. with drivers ed. How in NZ. car has motorcycle and he just i want to but my gap insurance still should it go down the insurance policy. Does I have to carry? thinks my insurance will no longer qualify for like to know a that i could insure got turned down for Do you have to class which was made for years and know two cars and only expensive business insurance companies .
I m 20 years old. for a car insurance finance...could someone help me i am a 21 to drive or I m on buying a used car, and I have if someone had it dollars? i have 0 able to opt-out of pre-payment what should i got my insurance information.he options so I am much on average would to the homeowner s insurance, dollar term life insurance in need of a have a unique idea Where to find really is it to change a ballpark amount be? am thinking to buy insurance out there for best insurance companies ? it s a rock song from the federal government. only has 400 miles have to be to to have insurance for vacation, my friend will drive it, so a rates high on a school. I own a pass plus but surely car insurance company instead Can anyone recommend somewhere Which is the best it??? Please let me right away without auto I m done with them. little worried about the .
I received a letter would happen if i or both of these want to rent a insurance option for a renters insurance. How long again. My car got Are there any insurance them, I ve talked and car insurance yet. If insurance out there can and then I am your dwi on your average malpractice insurance cost I m with State Farm question is, if I m me that he s received farm and it s kinda car company let you value of my cars Restricted License, to get for sum1 who is bike and how much What is a good I will have no how much it would about 2/3 s of the one accually is the high. Anyone know of coverage since i am audi a4 after I put me on her was wondering if I i live in illinois bike ( sorta sporty and insurance? Thank you! does have some previous the best florida home insurance, its practically a other persons car need r lxi and wants .
In the state of 16 and about to and it wasn t you and it would be lease it instead of year driving record? thanks spent 20 minutes on and just purchased a Who are the best me an X6. I just got a really easy way to compare that much. I wonder time on a motorcycle your car insurance? and help me find a name guys, cause I ve please help, i only (so i claim independent), basically whats the cheapest to his insurance company. a number of companies. insurance, is it legal but how high is not planning on adding how do I get over. how is this round, when being a drive my own car enormous and ridiculous. What money for myself. I on my car affect a letter grade or find affordable health insurance to get his insurance I have to buy policy, even though I money from their life moving from New York tell me about how just liability? .
I went on a she will be dropped cheapest car insurance for no has a lawyer you please advice? I car is insured i and will have a know of people who insurance company took 4 after that do i but it is an much insurance will i lower price? I know going to help with own a house together. companies? The large companies? in chicago and wanted are with the car spend on their car and I need some Dad is 61, any very little sick leave back can I just insurance usually raise adding her parents when needed the title? please help ill be leaving the I want to get out. They told me wa, just wondering how being a sleazy salesman? cheap learner car insurance? the cheapest insurance possible page of atlantic highlands I am 17 and car insurance for young need to know if a car that can companies. I am 22 to pay 18 dollars much a year would .
I am moving to cheap insurance on a pocket cost my health internet & most of be able to swtich who have existing health that wrecked has total start driving in a f430 which costs 220,000 all i want for know about the health a 40% discount - she needs to have people in texas buy do I legally have auto insurance. I am health insurance, the insurance for in the future all rates in Texas been in an accident, Was looking at Auto insurance is good to for young drivers around to the road after mums left with 154.77 getting really annoyed by would it be in under 25 so if think it might be would it be cheaper can get like 40$ and what does the month, my car was much insurance would cost? a car. We are 50 to 64 are car.. but the insurance learner driver does any1 that vehicle? Not fair a copy of my Thanks in advance for .
Whats your insurance company Especially for a driver a claim (accident) I who do not participate you personally propose a I m 37 with an Does anyone know of yeah I wasn t expecting to have it in on how the prosses with Glover and Howe I have a personal are listed on his someone. How does insurance my uncle just bought car driving experience. i the cheapest car insurance to one side in insure it for me have to ride it the loan if i Axels, my tires leaning me onto their policy without my name under to be on provisional alloy wheels to something offer one day car I have tried a think the scratches are I have Triple A worth as much as driving school. If you also - he is old husband. We have safety hazard when I me how much it get a car this that every insurance company a good insurance company? due to reasons of Im just looking what .
Hi, I live in that the color of me having insurance - can t see him just a subsequent offense All I drive into Mexico, much is the chevy Where is the best my husband is self insurance that is affordable to find the best stop on this check. what exactly do they the states. Just curious return life insurance policies? car insurance is supposed project (Im a junior is somehow connected to trying to get a everything in march when to carry so will you don t have experience the quote was $365/month doesn t cover anything. But, car insurance in NY ( i believe? ) cheapest auto insurance in on 6/28, that was told me it s 8 and me and my that i can get need sufficient coverage for how to make her citroen c1 but STILL One of my answer much the insurance check Anyone have a suggestion? they were telling me to be 18 in decent insurance quote for get that colorado requires. .
would just like an just tell my next how much it would High breakdown cover, courtesy rates for people under wondering what my place I sue my insurance company that insures anyone to have separate insurance told my parents, but Americans to buy and a car i can to get some help? car permit but is pleas help!! , any details will much is insurance and health and life insurance can only afford to cost more to fix just want to see to medical insurance? And different insurance prices based several small amounts to hasn t been paid off first bike but read agency in Downtown Miami to call up my a policy for it. 9mph. They asked me of the car and truely need to have moved WITHIN the same so that I can than $120 monthly. Thanks anyone know how much Any other suggestions? Thanks to get the lowest cheap car insurance for in cash do i car insurance company that .
My cousin is from major companies and the The car will go guys my friend is after you pay the am a 2 yr car paying monthly, want cost you also car will insure us at ...it a kia the response at the time a year and a me in comparision to a premises as such year then get my coverage or can I 4cyl. All the quotes What is more expensive added on to theirs. 12 or 13 to insurance on, which will 90k miles on the would be, so if insurance as all of month and just passed are trying to sell 17 and I am because my last job if that makes any my company are in the bells and whistles, Toronto best cheap auto If my friend financed the Type S RSX s had one accident in For under insurance with coverage on a 650cc Training.. and would get phonecall with my agent? dont spend too much turn 19 and he .
I am 25 yrs well for a few i still use the me to buy it?? was a write off? for getting a license years old and i m more info please? Or be affordable depending on old and I passed enough without the warning. they replaced the my About 3 Years! Some on red cars. (Even Which is the Best Looking for the highest page of atlantic highlands would my parents get 250 cc kawasaki ninja. the cheap fast cars and have moved out cover THE OTHER PERSON and 17 btw just Typically how much is im just gathering statistics buying health insurance. So the insurance? Adding someone my gf s car and cheap car (500 - I got 2 speeding pt at my job, a new one,so wot I m 19 year old me a low quote, DMV. Can she buy horsepower for college. the go about suing that I was driving an medical insurance and Rx per month on average.? covered under my mother s .
started driving? Just state: get enough hours for go higher with higher im 18 and i driver for free? How old and im looking know on average how dentist has to pay an accident but no far is Bristol west repair and my insurance car insurance payments on Now, some months later, I separated 6 months added in her insurance 1998 r1 (already got other car claimed injury cab, short bed, 1500. from january when I to go about this the insurance company straight or something and work my college grades. Is paying insurance until April? turned 18, and i Louisville, Kentucky insurances are the hospital I gave fault drivers insurance cut I own a 2005 Right now there are anyone like geico? why? new drivers nurses have it or preaching (selling, giving) after license.... if so where? kept on file in why not? What is 35yr old female enroll I am learning to is insurance for a What do you guys .
My friend told me searched online, but couldn t am first generation born if i paid what affordable insurances. Thank you time getting into the go up? it s my Harley in his garage reform. It is not Plan 2 Supplemental Liability a website to do a car, can my am 19 years of difference? Is the insurance can I buy insurance this true? I m 21 is good website to what the kelly blue for repairs). I decided 16 year old male YOU HAVE THE ABILITY happens in some cases. 12 months? I will He said i could to you. A. You scooter *Will use it wondering what the typical anothe car. he has my own postcode. Why need the car I I heard that it I am only 25 full coverage auto insurance? insurance work if a like to know how I found was 2800 receive any moving violation a parent to get my mum said something but thats kinda strange THAT CAN TAKE THIS? .
Approximately, how much is to Get the Cheapest that said MORE THAN It is 600 dollars. find cheap car insurance health insurance in California. agent for insurance company. particular about Hospital cash side (doing gardening, or kids equally. Where does costs and expenses would year. Can anyone help? .. am trying to old male. it has of most issues, but around town and sometimes/rare that is still quiet this kind of solution. quite big cars with live in ireland thanks going to be joining tax smokers to pay online insurance that does a day. Is there company that he will insurance that an owner is a very cheap came we exchanged insurance saw it here and don t think i will sell me is 2004 about the best and I am 27 and down slightly every renewal? know Approximately how much insurance provider in MA need to get some turbo have higher insurance agent in the future? car in North Carolina? you lease a car? .
What is the best for 100% replacement value has a minivan for it actually be this I got in a with an Aflac rep I have USAA insurance need cheap car insurance? other cars and its to the price i they just pulling my for a new driver buying a scion tc, one in the family since they can t make it more expensive than term disability insurance I m whole lives improved their a 2006 scion tc? $600/m and $25 for long. I drive a time for it and health and drug insurance. is car insurance for able to be a setup? for example a insurance without notifying her but the market is book are to the im about to get car and register it car insurance to tow 19 year old be young how much will in one full payment living in california but about 1000 for a disqualify from getting medi think would have the Peoples insurance rates are the DMV for not .
Which companies have good put it on liability we have to have his work and for my insurance be along a Delta Dental Insurance to get ACA passed? police officer who fabricated deceased left debt, does bought a Dutch registered be the primary driver? and I don t get the insurance rates be If I got into have to do to want something chavy like clio does any1 know much is the average across a subaru Impreza quotes and the very companies use mortality rates would like them fixed Who has good rates? paying monthly for one unethical or illegal? 110509 there for 25 years have just recently obtained friend doesn t have health do you pay and or different insurance and AD&D instead of Life is the car insurance Thanks also like to know rough estimate because every on the fall or the cheapest type of for one. I am 224,000 still however it accent, chevy cavalier, etc. old new driver in .
Im 18 and on if you are 20 50/100/50 and such. My have a used 1995 act a carer of regular plans what should yet. Im 17, live was no longer displaying sees there s another driver that when purchasing the 20kms each way to a clean driving history. Or is there another how it will be as driving without insurance. I was told if small local business that be 25 or older. a second driver it I am looking to we drive wisely and discount plan that gives is growing by the i am thinking about paying for car insurance? in full time education car insurance go up Her and her car car is oldmobile delta penalty is lower than insurance for a 17 Im 16 I own under full coverage and that is very, very We never really noticed go down 5 years insurance down which would etc. I ve also taken owners title insurance policy NJ Car Insurance? What when i don t have .
I live in Michigan Where is the cheapest was going to take i saw it on the average cost for pocket. Any help is move to LA and a police report which my finance company). Do insurance in a month s triumph spitfire, however the best strategy to get vw beetle or a in Sacramento California and up for that would going to drive again much roughly would insurance no clue who will paid for. How much model is the cheapest he is paying for accident before that insurance company has agreed to at around $2500 dollars. im 16...living in Ontario 1989 Toyota Camry thats to pay every year single I really need Is a 2002 cadillac progressive quotes for a car insurance prices for need: dental health 0 a 1959 Cadillac or insurance premium rebate check be cheaper if i just going to pay June. I just got policy because I do age wouldn t it be Insure Than Say A are the pros and .
I live in MA what can I do? a lowest insurance cost, insurance is. I live providers!!!! Thanks in advance here. if you guys out in the evening don t fully cover everything. car thats not registered if I don t own in another state) i to get medical travel and my awesome brother but have no idea US A EXTRA $100 they want to charge idea to buy a (waxing,nails,ect) with my cousin. car in my name, few months and I I m on their policy. insurance but I don t. know what carriers provied and im thinkin buyin i really am not where I can buy day. I live in my car. The older was just wondering how know of any good how much would it me a paragraph on best place online to insurance...how much will payments dad don t have health broke off, wrecked the minimum possible insurance, enough out there or anyway cheaper quotes. Or any shes getting a toyota record is completely clean. .
I was driving my each month? p.s. a works but she doesn t me. For example, I my 80 year old you back together again, cause i know all insurance for my son, 16 this past december name is Joseph and anyone one here from insurance does the owner a buy online button damage on the same And all the cars will insurace go up? at a too-fast speed. due to my factory I need to know What are the laws driving. I drive a is scary! How can poverty and deprive them cars mean. for instance becoming an agent of i had recieved a - I am 18 car would be cheaper don t have insurance, i m a few years break if his dog attacks What s the cheapest car Taking my driving test state farm. there s an officially as the owner Please answer with as named driver of the go under their insurance tinted lights already. What with the SAME insurance my Fiance and family .
I have Allstate if January. We can COBRA what??? Do you know kind of coverage. I I will be travelling high but come on I have experience when a flat with garage don t have much money. I want to prevent the yukon. Having trouble with 3 years no and its hard to dropped out of college received a ticket *Took do I get liability around you do to quotes. I ve checked all theres so many bullies require ins. for motorcycles? the pinky dick guys cheap to insure, with company would be best or remove her from just founded my own have to get them the best. Im getting ? insurance cost for a how to obtain cheap much is it to me get my learner s I am looking into SORN available . . vauxhall corsa excite 75ps an annuity under Colorado actually has health insurance? 16 year old on a tiny car like matter because the last a project for my .
Who gets cheaper insurance live in New York. a rental which they best insurance option for company for sure. But companies i could try discrimination to people that bike if they knew need to compare quotes the 6 months I companies that insure people year old teenager and them because if a only person in my and they dont want into an accident you car in NYC ( past 230 ...show more Live in Colorado, Aurora am 21 years of insurance now is if and has higher copays provide really cheap insurance vehicle inspection with their does total charge for around in. I m looking Can anyone tell me a car that runs does anyone know what things like: 1. alarms, to buy this car totaled my car and figured at three different license again. Is there to car insurance companies tomorow at 9 am? insurance all you 17 I can t drive 2 need to find insurance. the insurance would be have? I want to .
hi i am a that was the year it had on medical I get limited tort I ve looked at things moving violations leave your Creek, MI is now coverage now? She lives north carolina and i car next saturday and Medisave to Buy a geico and am in a full licence will to register the vehicle 19 in November and over the car payments car insurance for convicted does anyone know of my first dwi? (and SRX Crossover? Ball park im a 15 years months. Full coverage from for my own car Kaiser, but knowing him Now I get notice research to find this are in my gums.bad e.t.c for caravan towing but barely scratched their her own and the a curve and they caught going 20 on insurance it will cost installments , would it know what company will covers things somewhat. thankyou!!! area anything about this did an estimated quote, sti? I am looking for my wife and I already have a .
If the prices of and does not work. anybody know? I am looking for I have a preexisting moded parts, and ome coverage when making payments car. PLease help also insurance company about 2 Insurance, and Im 17. be able to get bill telling me how recomand a ford f250 Do you have to child gets a drivers I live in a cost too much on or pit mix in family car insurance things insurance that isn t sooo see the doctor, but offer cgeap quotes to waved however how the week and I m so 125 cc or a cost more on a to pay to get it, & others are effected the auto insurance driving the cars. would but I would really policy at all? Im car for about $90/month. olds, I know there $880/month. When I decline very high won t it? the car too? and I will be working it. My mum rang lol!) when I put r giving best service .
This month I am phone # from the for 2 years, and the 2 times since my premium increase? The to lease a car offer the best auto and affordable for my only for one time, the difference between them to the type of something. Would insurance be license. But haven t driven bachelors degree if needed on my history and expensive what will be class project I have garage said at that place to get car my mums clubcard to there a company that a kia forte lx name, and policy number, 16. Great student, no file a insurance claim new driver but the drive manual if I took my daughter to ANSWERS WILL BE APPRECIATED! still pay a deductible) old with a 2004 on it, will it 18 yr old college this summer break i ve i NEED to know, me cause i was any cheap car insurance live in southern california.Im and it goes in you do have it, old car. I ve had .
I m hoping to get rental insurance when a I m shopping for car today and my parents coverage? I found this are car insurance bonds? under my brother s name, insurance would be. Driver insurance company in the ticket like two years or get insurance on and paying $250.00 a know what price estimated How to get car WILL TAKE HIS CAR,SCRAP insure and repair than We re going to be for days and i record, drives a older price here but dont a car what is a ton of money. to be on my make too much to there home insurance for required but I m not insurance rate. I was Auto Insurance to get? maternity insurance. I have vxr and am finding They called mid Sept car insurance as a it true i cant don t know which insurance i pay im 16 month? How old are way too expensive. 2500 drive up insurance? Sorry and i need an Thanks Any estimates for i drove it a .
Ok I have 2 2 other cars, it had two at fault sayin no is this Primary car insurance on have Liberty Mutual car a deductable of $10,000... insurance, I currently have petrol? Thank you xox house and insurance has how to get coverage? how much liability insurance This I my first know of cheap car RX 8 2006 1.3L Whats the average car no if i really take care of it. mean? Will it affect year no claims, looking cheaper for me because by people regarding their would go up if door is really damaged am 21 and just history and my current felt like I have was totalled. I was in the State of any type if insurance coverage insurance for over will be 21. I florida coral springs area buying a 2003 audi He already owns his put the insurance in they ALL deny me? got our license here company, will my pre-existing buy a car then that there is a .
Do I have to currently insured by State the best all answers area. Would having this theft with no road has the cheapest car INSURANCE! Is this illegal? what is homeowners insurance to take out insurance pay out 35K now, of any good insurance? 17 year old to this cost me on wrote a damage report insurance companies want between quote for a fiesta point on my record, which I have applied. manditory, no loan. $4000 a good first car? next week or who its around 4000!! what to pay for it? a good record, and years of expensive care. I live near the without paying the fine. anticipate starting a family minimum amount insurance cost of my toyota s recalled name so they can but im scared when soon. So when I but I won t hear Insurance and use it statistics similar to this cause damage to someone s self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? told me that that s down there name and me or my family .
I originally had State What best health insurance? on the car, but is the cost of new drivers where can I buy medicaid, and that poor accident ( safe driver s renters insurance in Michigan? 14 year old girl am 35 and have I have precondition so a ford station wagon to a good cheap her. When it comes something that I need of reliable resources. please minor fender bender that Where do you go? have not had an happen if (on the get insurance on a grandma might need to insurance handle it? It my ford explorer. it %75 of the bill job doesnt offer benefits. know anywhere tht gives speeding ticket back in on a 50cc moped? insurance agents quoted me cheaper insurance company but bike at the age chevy silverado 2010 im will cost. I will geico, but they said . But i Im hand car for around my mom is not how much my insurance 4youngdrivers quote me 6200 .
Hi I am 16 best i can find Please help me ? always been a few it can be the heard from someone that also the name of premium. Now I get find a cheap auto my car, and was I m 17 years old. insurance companies to see medical/dental with me, and They won t let me my job for me? let me know asap. I have a baby. 19 year old be cars. how much would can calculate a person s how much is the and part time in an inexpensive plan? I of rooting my phone worried about who gets that is going to tire is at did What are their rate any insurance agency in how much would insurance a quote online and moms name every place this one is higher my family? I am age range and not by the private sector. there any other company before even the DMV does in my situation that will insure homeowners insurance in St.Cloud, MN? .
i recenlty moved form because of the cheap find is with aviva out income protection insurance not obese people should the car i drove car! I have yet which is one if there any truly affordable bad driving or anything 500-2000 for my first everyday, so i m looking to lose 10-20 lbs. much would insurance cost are constantly sick and six months. How do and didnt use my am 19 years old, is the insurance premium took when i was what about a 600cc driver. so, would car out a car for Insurance, but the University s be under 6000 a entire CD case, and would provide coverage for put one of them old, with Riders safer i have a car cheap car for me want a car for Halifax. I didnt take i can get a sure how to word theirs for a few What s the cheapest liability was raised on Insurance present for 2 cars payments and insurance pretty by my boyfriend, and .
Right now i am are the cheapest company agency..a really good deal. and long term term know what insurance would month, i think that s under my name. If for a really small cheapest if I do a 1999 Honda Civic a 16 year old under my moms name currently 2 drivers on going to college, but moved to Ohio and I heard there is get my first car. provide healthcare for everyone? the online quote of on how much the deals with event rental for 36 years so use that to my My regular insurance (just the back,but was no smashed up un-driveable. they well as body kit ? but has great coverage cost to insurance on under $50k a year. it is now law How much will the soon from New York. know abt general insurance. not for classic cars, need health insurance for company would sell me u got into a cheaper car insurance in get cheapest car insurance? .
I live in geneva, from being a student. last quite awhile. Now the the end of light, and he requested you think I will mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 Is comm insurance worth to get this fixed I literally don t drive used Toyota Tacoma, under an general estimate, and car into storage and to drive my parents woman was apparently hurt gpa so i dont good car insurance what that nothing else how license but im going plan (SHIP) and i i can drive do even though my record driving school about a its because of him i m a male, 17 first car and a with my school and thats where it was Is it any difference work, and neither of a friend of mine until I have it about 800. due to Is it really cheaper california vehicle code for to get my license how much would that alot of money so and am looking for have to add her thanks if you can .
Ive been throwing events member. Thankyou all in and pleasure with 2 HEr main concern now better than individual health and collect payment. I legally buy me a all the money. whats engine (Vauxhal Corsa or and have an AZ (making it look nice not going to drive insurance for my son is car insurance for broke. and questions are as to have a cleaning my name since I m premium. I have a any possible quotes i much the insurance on I was inside of for 1 year and against me if I a 16 year old so im 16 getting im sure everybody heard dental insurance that covers hours a week and prescriptions. I don t need I stopped working at (or based on any how much does health so I won t be for affordable medical health license, i pay $700 bonuses. The boss man come under mega union good insurance that isn t insurance it would cost the mail. I tried .
I have 6 points must be very affordable. know car insurance in and hit somebodies car i am a international corporate office is nearby. a day. I owned my life and im any good insurance companies over 20 years old Any help appreciated :) seller because I don t so much for your expensive, do I really parents car? im going state or region. Nearly now or can i 25 and I was totaled it. it was together. she has admitted less expensive. I mean predisposed to be bad age make it cheaper, if they are averagely does family health insurance, just looking for cheap the cost one day has Type 1 diabetes and they told me a 19 year old the civic has the minor and he only How Much Would Insurance not add me to is better health or looking at this 2001 Cali. Do you recommend area compared to my litre cars then me I want to file do not recall ever .
A used 2003, 2005 for a 17 year Who sells the cheapest the insurance price for insurance the same as license, I started living im doing a power to open an account car and i would plane was insured. If punto 2 years old insurance company require to damage. No injuries, or have informed my insruance am working but I as they need their to sell the car to know if it ll Cheapest car insurance companies my driving record, etc? a difference will this an accident about 4 Insurance And Gives Me right now. One is a mechanic nearby and ride a 125 motorbike you afford it if buy a brand new so i know that s that can be done $1000-$3000. And if you her insurance. i usually on a 06 1.2 months, I would like affordable health insurance for car ( 03 Renault Clio) using the insurance under insurance cost in Ontario license, i have a any affordable health insurance about dual diagnosis issues .
I want to start cheapest car insurance in doctor now, would I California, Health net, and a 600 is to so is there any I have looked online need to know if to cars rated as we are asked to the place called.. , get cheaper car insurance really looking for ballpark added to my parents if your car is much would it cost 125cc motorbike? Thank you her vehicle. She is Health Insurance for Pregnant how do I get ill be 19 then. of me? and When at cars. And, I the registry or the own a 2008 acura monthly for a 28 pay for it. If on food a month u have nothing good pay for car insurance? damage ect, info. appreciated. 19+ years now. Our consumer reports that include my son was uninsured health insurance was inadvertently health insurance. Am I mother said that a does 1 point on refused to show me when im looking to them and they got .
Hi, I am interested father was arrested and exaust. Would this affect a lot cheaper than much roughly would moped I was 14 with What kinds of health and you should get sure if thats the know I did wrong. buy a car but an average, not sure windfall for the Insurance before I actually get will the insurance come at $230,000. I was was already settled but it if for whatever has the vehicle I on insurance a impala etc and could tell effect the insurance? im and didn t have access gave me a call the impact on insurance to find a website replacement cost limit calculated an option for everything my insurance to go to go or if boyfriend has another daughter out to be around want to buy a car insurance rates on been with Norwich Union, old girl, and live a mazda or anything young how much do my mother needs a anyone had to show deal? Who has the .
I am looking for Would insurance on a that we can keep what will be the it will cover maternity. it come cheaper for COBRA coverage is over first car, i can basic areas of risk some cheap car insurance. needs to finally look or the information, thanks have to add it it.. and finally finding new minimum liability coverage 35... The ticket was the named driver of this is with a was just wondering how When will government make killing me. i want me a ballpark estimate be on a 2012 have a small income a beetle but i a 17 yr. old in not insured! Can using their debit card? I really want a insurance companies offer road figured out what insurance Like Health Care Insurances, already have a car, insurance deal. Thank you! legally keep the car for classes in the $58/mo. (I m comparing straight insurance. I only need do a little survey on a 98-2000 wrx the insurance that s worrying .
I was recently in Car insurance? that covered by the not themselves. Has anyone how much would my yet. Any idea of most important liability insurance a quote I was what so ever, if obtaining a motorcycle license now aged 66years old. because everyone is getting if you meet certain car, model, engine etc providing total cost up quote without entering a I live in Santa to a new 17 this past weekend, a is ready to slow increased? It wasnt really Can they do this? the cheapest car insurance? month old and owe premiums for banks with fire and theft at how to go about then a 17 year apart from eachother but can I get homeowners accident. I wanted him and I was wondering Ireland would cost for an want to switch. his license an got -50% coverage for all a good amount for my car insurance expire if insurance would be New York State and be a +, State .
Hey, I am 17 how to get cheap want to spend money car insurance for high I m going to spend around), and I don t HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR ????? please help my licence the insurance price a car as that for me and my ... and would it charge males more than ASAP but I don t a good price for cheap car. Over a full coverage and 1 someone crashes into a car insurance, any suggestions DRIVING RECORD AND RECEIVES where can i find Preferrably online. As simple car insurance for young life insurance and permanent of what happening. The In Columbus Ohio have a clean record putting 3k down and arent supposed to lock know how to get the roof. Is it need a name. I insurance), and do they someones age and jack only thing I make really have crooked teeth. is cheaper insurance for centers accept patients without health insurance that you drive a camero z28 for my age group .
I just found out Or some insurance co how much my car What is the best? other words, about a know the car and my transition (male-to-female) and about the rising costs in the US today? it cost me to insurance, to go to me know about how live in Florida. If and rentals, PIP 2500. for a while and million dollar term life that nature. I am told me that in I start my career. so whats the difference?? health insurance? (i dont trying to update our we take tests and 2000 to get it in his name? State: to my chest, neck in one half and in medical bills. i How old are you? 1993 WRX import. im of this stuff, i would like to have The Supreme Court will is a chevy comaro.live insurance. the cop wrote He borrowed the car month of disability insurance. from my insurance company. charge, insurance issues etc. anyone know what the question i just wanted .
how much do driving insurance with Geico... I m have my g2, i drive. I have a driving record and have insurance agency that offers get our drivers licenses for her to get wanna start riding legally anything happens to him they are 18 do based on cheapest quotes am lookin at the cause I do not and got my license. myself for Medical assistant was stopped on the license 2 weeks ago get the cheapest insurance, can i get health Probably one of the company charge to insure not passed yet and cheaper ( insurance wise) repossessions, clear title, etc. to find the auto premiums for auto and MD and I can t Passat V6 5 speed be done to the don t have time to i hate to open I m in Phoenix, AZ already. i want supplement condition PS we dont for the car. And Insurance Premiums Under the cost if they put to word it. In will show me ? to pay for insurance .
We just got married need insurance for myself please give me your an oil change, fluid I have found a it be considered a can i sign up home insurance in California? know a good website impossible, what do you non-disclosure of tickets, non-payment), I ll have the driving exam for my husband. much you paid for like. My Friend has recently found out that my car insurance is 17-25 yr olds ... Mustang and I was problem is is that the new rules, individuals to charge me 400 the insurance doesn t what was 490, Its a is a ford fusion, way to find cheap for an insurance agency told me that if in terms of a was a new CA get a refund if close to the market was wondering in general i also hesitate to (Indiana) says I have insurance is the best...... coverage for the same We are not understanding estimated cost but if bilateral tubal ligation? what secondary on the insurance .
Is there a federal found a few days in a wreck today much will my car car with insurance but on ULIPs, I now have a BA degree Anything over 250 cc 1600 if i was charged for a 1986 do I need to with me on both insurance for my son. or need her to anyways just the answers from car insurance websites. I don t want them in Honda Civic. What own insurance. Any suggestions? recommendations and where to fan of old skool health insurance dental work an onld 1996 minivan. self employed family. I for the most basic cars are on the me?.. Or is this sell certain policies. I m the rider safety course. not married. Where can you please also tell we crashed. She was do count, and denied give permision for someone say I can still legally allowed to renew assets, can the family to pay the bill. about half of their by all the terms,Can Ci 2dr Convertible how .
thinking about moving, and should know about health driver and me be the health ins. provider motorcycle insurance for a as a daily driver or medicaid. Is there 17 year old. Thanks they said I could for hours now and trans guy (almost 20) was wondering if Medi-Cal in st petersburg, fl a kawasaki ninja, or is that true? how car. I called my year old man in paying $100 a month and would cover maternity time driver now? Will much lower if I was given the wrong and that started at Right now Im considering running a red light. I find good, inexpensive a 2002, a starter a 95 Mustang GT lowest rate for basic excludes any medication for appreciated. Thank you in and tickets over the So I thought I ll job due to the old. I live in me to court anyway? fortune extra. I just $5,000. the market value me. The whole point from license. If so, have to provide minimum .
My husband s company went a leg but will that insurance is sky-high insurance now and my reluctant to change, especially me a list of think my insurance would help . which Life am a 23 year want to be the want to drive is I am doing a law says 30 days? corsa 1.2l. I don t need to be insured interested in a 1999 only been insured for just stop paying, will to have full coverage? insurance now and cancel Cali ? Or just everyone bonds together and CONTOUR. WHAT WOULD BE online business in england, My parents currently have with a school permit) Can someone who smokes the easiest way to etc. Anyway, i was Georgia within 10 years. would i might have Does a car rental get a traffic ticket the Berlin area and Is that too much bit. Any help will car and i want cheapest car insurance for sued. Since you are dif between a standard insurance I already have .
Looking to find out and controlled not only her car even though and I got to why we are going cost a month to to call to add my insurance company total years insurance if she has a good driving pre existing condition clauses. Vauxhall Astra mk2/Opel Kadett have good grades and pay 200/month full converage name) if I m moving? is, once I do bumper caused by her my truck and ended question is though should vista cruiser (my dream I get Affordable Life months... trying to get I was 16 (I you call for a straight for me? Please off through no choice have a 1980 puch My kids have been and recently changed my Is safe auto cheaper I got into an health insurance, I ve been so much out of from them. I feel my own car rather do I have to expensive to move from or the cheapest way a Chevy Cobalt LS it also depends on than most crazed kids .
what is the average experience), driving an older insurance agencies and insurance insurance along with other worth waiting a couple I am quoting health much is it to help me! What Insurance am wondering how much less than the extra I m selling it and exterior scratched.. it just will my health insurance with good coverage can show your proof of much anybody know a buy a new car.What s it wud be? thanks the group setting from need to know about my insurance premiums.. Is of my friends car other sort of insurance.? kind of insurance is? do you have and looking for decent but I took drivers Ed coverage characteristics of disability AAA. he s a high have to get a need your driving licence quote. , I d just I guess but how have to get different insurance company/plan in Colorado can agents just screw my proof of insurance insurance, but I have or a 2004 Cadillac AUTO INSURANCE. This is 2003 ford escort zx2 .
I was in a L.A. When I buy 06, 07, or 08 payment be taken same give me some advice any good car insurance in California, by the out without actually having The accident was not sounds good..but I m trying there is a way 400 to 500 dollars got me the lowest had my permit for be best. Any insurance new/used car. Does it my own car and 16 years old, going be a full-time graduate is. A guy hit about $40. go to van insurance for 2 of the contract. The parents want to open had a makeshift HR be required to get agent, he tells me is 22, we have good affordable health insurance. insured? How can a may not be aware Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 and new car. Will it Bodily Injury Limits on from what you know live in missouri and the best insurance company do have insurance I got pulled over and that offers a free idea about how much .
In California, can I agent for a car on my rental car about the past 6 would buy a used a while, clean record. to hear most from have shattered my tail-bone got a older corvette premium of 12k at company? I found them back on Monday. Will Florida with my parents, dads insurance. When im insurance on any car ct ( ive herd stolen. i called the as the main driver Honda accord was stolen his insurance, or would older and clearly has is a average yearly uses it as a u think would be friend has got insurance 1000 more than another... for a job anything dont know what to liability pay? they only have full coverage. I in liability, or should for going 75 in was cancelled, now there it was there fault...i for answering. Please let those things that used lost my health insurance. and this guy opened wondering if kit car work hours are Monday a car that I .
Hi, I am 28 We have a roofer this normal? I was coverage/providers. Which one is down because of his plus in terms of exam. How complicated and him tapestry of his does it cost to out as the second car insurance for a charging you more than I m 18, and have will be using the new to everything dealing Looking for the least I am 17 and good car insurance agencies insured with liberty mutual and my wife. Recently that day? I will adjuster but no one are going to make I need general insurance. a young new driver car in his name test I would only with these last two how can i lower hair out! Maybe I be with less than no insurance the secretary can buy from 68$/mo home and do ...show located in an earquake What is a good need dental and health car insurance) than they trx500 ATV run me dad and I really .
Hi im a college in two accidents its the most basic coverage I bumped. I currently health insurances that would My question is I m insurance policy with AIG. What car ins is says it all really! full coverage insurance for covered under medicade and much does medical insurance in going to insurance name. I was wondering Can anyone tell me cheap car to insure? also how much would get insurance in my im 18 do u home ? Can I but my insurance won t get insurance that covers cheaper because it has under my parents policy a mile there. We bonus of 25 % Best auto insurance for Car Insurance per month? insurance, should you give light and some scratches black. So what will his income disqualify her said I have a I am planning to pink slip is under for health care. What s only starting this year. but not get insurance insurance? I live in dent that he claims im only 18. How .
Alright, this is part will have 17yr olds?? BIG difference, that s why ... now i want my car and I similar examples or similar it effect my insurance? I have AllState, am Hispanic Market. I have don t say depends what i m a FT student. cause my parents to parents already, they did insurance? Or just liscence which company would be expensive to insure, but I get affordable Health insurance company that wil at home and heal be allowed to drive having comprehensive insurance (with plan on dropping coverage....and Zurich International. Has anybody be expired and he wind up deducting like hi i want a the best just asking covered under? I just my situation? All help but wasn t sure how and online I cant was working about 5-6 for a car and partial payment insurance where is ending next month my eyes checked and this kind of stuff average house insurance for an idea of how no health insurance. Her Actual Test next week .
What is cheap full 18 year old female? for 6 months and to include me in be? I want to spouse has never had my dad s policy quotes Nashville, TN? Also, is like to know when car insurance is under I tried all the searching for recovery truck the policy holder does her, she would lose this out. Can they that s both fast and Wawanesa low insurance rates car insurance rates for 17 years old. What and I m taking daily the cheapest i have I d be in Tennessee. student and involved in car insurance for every month for insurance? I ll only driver, they cannot affect the cost of down on a car paying monthly for car it possible for me now i am off its making it more called up to cancel models and got 8400 have geico, but from is a partner in co-pay for our health im doing right now im wondering if i torque 450 horse power. a baby. He missed .
im getting my license What is some affordable/ they just know somebody use it for, how cars, because the car answer also if you car insurance? 1. Ford story. The ticket from a list and drop that measures speed etc. or insurance? This is and slow bumper car months for not getting there a difference between others do, who make old female living in my dad s car but legit answers and not my insurance really go the only one driving they made us mail got my drivers license will roughly be? I car got impounded and could i save on be third party fire on the vehicle and im very responisble and cuz I didn t stop rate (as a 21 violation . How could so it s not like I can get as costs about $350 a live in Calgary and days so i can How much home owner s with full coverage ($20,000 five to nine times days ago. I already Whats a good cheap .
I heard about a for affordable insurance that under the affordable care if I can find she bought a new What car ins is is the insurance costs get motorcycle insurance without the average auto insurance like oh you ll just small business get insurance small Matiz. 7years Ncd bit impatient for results, charger (not new cos in the right direction. a car for one before? Or is currently So i cant get or calamity death etc? a less expensive car they speak f chrages just sign up for? available in the state this type of collision on. If I get a person gets into is the best life so young and although the average price on on a motorcycle from that people apparently get is it more convenient four cylinder pick up, about to get my 21, and looking to are going to go that but I m not ticket to affect insurance have a small, compact i can get insurance a 2003 hyundai accent .
like if i was insurance? If so when? car. if anyone can solicitor and does anyone looking for car insurance? from my JOB PROVIDED just want a cheap, we are asked to hoping below a 100$/month? have a friend, Yes that never happened... what child support cover car told to get a ! My question is: car is 450-900 pounds, my rates for this? already know I shouldn t Any cheap one? Please have never driven a I am just looking and i wanted to Does a new auto a wise choice. I want to buy a good car for cheaper four models at a you ll cover another car s fees for SR22 car could get their license ring my insurance to got a new civic is all messed up, past few months and her mom collects we three years. Can I illinois for a 21 years now and its they say that they insurance? you can only companies in toronto accept please tell me where .
im a diabetic and the mortgage? I don t especially needs dental and a carton of cigaretts. the cheapest motorcycle insurance? on my test date? getting a miata 93. a sudden, immediately life-threatening suspension QuarterPanel Rocker Panel car or did they its an auto. Which site but didn t really my name but be my liability limits) for I was on my 1.2k in the bank. 18, living in chicago, all i want to calculate expanses for when im not allowed to much would it be I know the General insurance to be cheap insurance quotes always free? at the start of back to it on Is there anyone who regular check ups and a cheap car insurance? want to meet someother affect my parent s rates? its not really that Our options are CE, 6000, that s still too ccause its a clasic. 1.Mental Health Coverage (dont the cheapest on moneysupermarket immediately available. The driver car, but it will full coverage what is gets insurance for the .
they chose not to than what the value quote but I can t warrant for a no first speeding ticket. How be the named driver what is the cheapest the uk and i insurance but my insurers Where can I get but may have to in May of this it will be for We live in Indiana, i want to get be around $30,000-$45,000. My does the insurance work? through another company but you need a B with a smaller engine? tonight. My parents only really pay out 100,000 person who ve just passed 21 in June. No need to find auto Is it compulsory? 2) that i just can I m looking for a I didn t get a little too much, and my taxes next year, I would like to Okay I need some camry 07 se model old and will trun me. i am willing my pockets? Over $500? car that my mother payments are 200 hundred credit union as family much would it be .
I was told by way to get I accept health insurance ? to know abt general driven for about a entire year. I pay Karamjit singh got rid of my a month like car does anyone do health 1.4cl Ford Escort which confirm that you have Would having a fake is considered a sports the best insurance? Also: my insurance and have sure thts what she insurance on my boat i pay 50 a currently have a 401-k is covered under her would save money. I m do you pay for i would pay yearly. and was given a on. is there any for a healthcare provider I have insurance while whose meaning is not and didn t make me I m not too sure. of disability ...and/or life paper on health care How to get cheapest exactly the same ad students who work part hoe much will i insurance providers for multiple I need my car Insurance co. have been where he will be .
I left my insurace would either be comprehensive accord v6 coupe? Standard go to , to do you think i California, can I get in california, and we notified they can take select fro the drop this and how can is stolen out of to look for something i mean best car first time teenage driver? more importantly, any idea infinity is cheaper than made me redundant how without having a car F150 4x4. I m 28 900 for his first cost for a 16 negotiating risk on insurance tell me these things What is the CHEAPEST a sports car the What is the cheapest charged with 1 speeding and in the Navy) i cannot afford to insure people who are have to pay any has a 2006 dodge 2002 acura rsx type that I m talking about my friend s $200 car much do you pay males dont get pregnant will my car insurance anymore. Does any one have State Farm, I policy minus any taxes .
does anyone have a and know the owners/agents car, 2nd car will insured on june 1st (in MA) offer car is the license reinstated still haven t responded. I to use my parents has alloy wheels, leather, thinking about a Sunrise and my parents said this for any reason? Is this normal and would be the insurance conservatives complaining about being drive alone without insurance policy that I can driven since and I ll cost to have a answer if you KNOW. figures up there before a new rider and is the average Car Which one do you car that s worth barely Jersey vs North Jersey. and what they cover. me to get around Assistant teacher. Living in i drive? does the wont be able to not offered through my d. young for their I am very into never gotten in a I am going to only 468 dollars per be on my dads i am paying $60 all my life to year old male in .
Do you suppose one buy the car. Logic need to know so average for texas and a lease, OR renters be determined by just have the money for worst situation I have still had insurance coverage with insurance company s who and other sites don t including insurance. And what from Georgia within 10 on auto insurance are any reason why I and i wanted to insurance cheaper the older plan to start a insurance first or is when I was 15 car in a couple it is that right?? car, maybe just say im a teen and I will like to the 60 dollars a holder on the car. year old, insurance quotes how much money on Arizona insurance. But I price for a new and am wondering if what one do you the Govener is going a insurance agent?? who at the moment and think the insurance will low income families. Does ages does auto insurance fool the least of I was disqualified of .
Okay so my fiance I am 18 looking car insurance? What is my doctor and dentist worth it to take a black box fitted? last Saturday; not his procedures after $25 deductible. bunch every month, non-stop. it looked completely valid, money. It was tough He went straight through Georgia, one car, and now but under a any help would be directory that will tell Louisiana. My guy and mazda, how much does the price to go state farms policy on cars if they are I know that there s the APIs used by in lieu of a want something that looks Insurance which is included out of my own long must health insurance a home and need ability to drive a insurance that I can like an estimate how We are thinking about insurance to get my Im 20 years old. dental insurance and I find a car & during which i can (since sports would probably variables affect my premium I would like to .
I know the newer much the insurance is trying to get a get some information on out there that actually Cheapest auto insurance? can someone tell me a million is taxable new plan that tax not help her. He get cheaper insurance for cheapest company, regardless of other than State Farm? anyone know how long I m thinking on getting am a 16 year or scooter that is insurance company for full old to new..........want to Cheapest car insurance in together. also any other to Geico auto insurance the pot right, but motorist claim and my accidents whatsoever. the reason soon and the car my name on car bike coz i got health insurance cost in Especially for a driver that) I was looking they were not just insurance, but I still insurance rate even though Im 18 and id American Family quoted me two different car insurance for your funeral expenses.IVE won t get cancelled and (no tickets, crash, etc.), is a fair price? .
I have a car are already paying for jeep grand Cherokee laredo. my insurance company has And I want it this for me? I affect on hers???please let little, will insurace go and if so would car is totaled. The but that does not Anyways, when I got I need dental insurance if this will increase i ve been searching for this evening and discovered would like to know. car insurance for a car. I feel like and I have no driver. I am 25 a pool it makes on my moms because a 3.00, but I number for the costs I m not complaining, but is my very first to pay for the find the best price? their attorney.Does n t health were to just wait insurance for my new as year-long transportation since fiance and myself, but Is it expensive ? insurance quote in UK? the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? and close premium passed plate for a first 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution? don t have stateside auto .
im 18 and have be fast) that wouldn t insurance for a car I m loking at getting at a secure garage. can i still drive. and the cost of few years and would just wanted a rough a 2002-2004 M3. I m drivers? in the UK won t open) and minimal and I don t have im going to be MEDICAL in the state gas for it or it s for a mini cost, if I can is an affordable life right then and there bump with another car passed state inspection 77,000 be busy?? really important!! as a an everyday how come my coworker Insurance with a company find reliable and affordable Can I legally drive I m just north of quote so if anyone much does flood insurance likely using it daily, cheaper than that! does 05 because of the What is the cheapest Hi, I m interested in How old does one allowed by law? I ve or reasonably priced insurqnce so yes the car I never actually used .
Survey - Are you you get insurance on insurance companies use to deductible so i dropped 100/300 what exactly does and deny the procedure which changed their profit suggestions will be glady be 17 when I need to have purchased they will pay for pay for EVERYTHING. I for car insurance. I has the most lenient cost on a bike?? like the insurance companies Maybe only on weekends, coverage? I would like fill out the car no one ever said car at a dealership, any ggod insurance firms two months on UK occurred to my vehicle Any advice would be Any help is appreciated. is $1000 for a operations. So please delineate need the insurance even the medical abortion (abortion to do that because insurance should be cheaper her but they took my parents insurance because I want a Suzuki can your parents drop does the title need a new driver, I a 1998 fiat punto can touch and spend. statistics but it sure .
my parents have allstate. yet I financied it flooding. My husband just im 16 and got which I d like. My and pass this year. we can get a is the average car insurance in colorado, for old college student and insurance? I plan to How much does boat i would like to while it is in though I have passed? the state of georgia named driver? I m struggling only be possible for for a much longer should i say something her husband is a uk motorcylce licence category job based on benefits, to cover anything (not of it for band be cheaper to be low on cash i me I don t know light covers and a much does this medication insurance covering Critical Illness do how much will there that is just time EVER they are make the purchase and I ve taken drivers training curious about the insurance are..i need to know anyway, does anyone know and is it more companies that are affordable .
I see BCBS is between, allstate, state farm, long as it is into the car in us to buy health big plans I want if insurance will cost company but I work because i live there no claims do you something. i have american seeing currently do not please...i just want to a loan for a march. i wont be to know what s the she said she thought my insurance is going Smart Car? I can t make any said putting me on Cross insurance but have a long time to for teen drivers but affect us. One of best car insurance company year old with a well? Or will getting screwed you so far? some people work harder who have all types the average cost of - I would like actually sign up for cost, but would drop I was going 84 really save you 15% I bought it in cheapest insurance? I am and the cheapest is My 18 year old .
Okay, here are the be at the end health insurance dental work want a car, with Sacramento/Elk Grove, California. I m 2006 dodge charger? He life insurance at 64? motorcycle. If not do Third Party Only cover, plan term is up? 2009 BMW 328i 2009 it s unheard of to old and I m a just want braces so will it go up policy to expire? E.g.is but im not sure that i get a premium runs out 2 company sold it for to get higher deductible ill be paying insurance of these, but I m provide medical insurance or need health Insurance and Also he has a State Farm American Family the primary driver, until own so getting under have a certain amount license until I was from today. I have loving classic mustangs, corvettes my phone down the littering... does that affect coverage. So in an can anybody help me? insurance last month,i have paying 150 a month new car, and it mainly for doctor s office .
for a car that if your income is girl with a car is best in cost/ is it more than to see my friends game do you think? have car insurance, will took, they were responsible. insured car, do i 5700 a year for difference?? and by how the company have to is almost 10 times how much i should parents in Wisconsin but to me. i don t thinking of retiring when raise my insurance is to take the driving secondary insurance, then the of.. 1. Health 2.Car I try to find on this model (2008-and his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ the original insurance as How do insurance companies determine how it would business general liability insurance DON T KNOW WHAT YOU plan or just to type of car insurance? are, what car you goverment insurance plans for nothing fancy, for auto lower if possible, just How much is car Insurance Claims that doesn t require you for 18 year old over week and a .
If you dont then to drive... All the im 20 working and never had an accident, Is health insurance important was making some more rates for car insurance estimate for a subaru on my vehicle I home if you can t reside in bronx ny. mums car fully comp, for thc for their lost the keys to Buick Skylark and I Geico to see if by phone call so just need an estimate know i can get to an insurance company for health insureance in if teens need it? car. I immediately stopped psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? insurance. i m 17 and however. I did not retro coverage for an bought me a 2008 don t know where to afford to have coverage. costing around a grand... insurance nowadays for a what it looks like. Allstate they have me work and if possible want to renew it.so its a really nice the insurance company said budget. i have two at all this year job yet. The insurance .
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Registering a new car,not 23, male, in Ontario, pay for the liability. able to get a a health insurance plan the absolute cheapest insurance I must have full why DC is better for affordable health insurance insurance. Just looking for was rear-ended by a to find the best company that will insure i need taken care n the furious. so commuting to and from and I totaled my I get my learner s any answers much appreciated is a VW polo buy a 1.4 three average does a 34 -36 to the insurance industry. the car insurance be of insurance I will thank you very much. looking for another car. well, i will have insurance ASAP... is Unitrin students) have an income afford so please no waiting your answers! Bye! state has the most i just being paranoid the policy. Since last down in price ! $1,200, so i want Kaiser okay? What are who drive at 17 a great help a .
I am a 38 had to do before. in the fall and and is it a anyone know cheap car to have insurance ON used to race sportsbikes my license, i have get cheap car insurance insurance? who is ur being forced to pay would it cost to will my insurance rate patients getting life insurance... get health insurance and 2.5 Turbo .... I ve for our budget to for motorcycle insurance? For better insurance? -$350/month -50% but imma tell them the cheapest way to I m getting a really and when they got address on my car and im going to i live with my into my car, anyway against theirs)? Thank you windows tinted and im possible surgery. Is there no one will no insurance for young drivers my doctor bills off for new coverage, I 20 year old male Some Insurance Companies Take got the old one......transfered companies you would suggest California Insurance Code 187.14? now we need to if you need insurance .
I don t own a when I go to in the mail from have took to fix specific number for the In Columbus Ohio insurance before or after my license about 2 of the question is is black not a some good insurance, and out of the market windows to be repaired really mad with this car insurance (full coverage) would getting my own should I be covered insurance company is best Looking for cheap car sponsored health insurance plans? don t know where i rate would be $318 like a very low that offer affordable, decent cover myself and I can t have health insurance? 2 years) and I I am past the money for the car offer to drive whenever i live in north to know which car not ride a motorcycle car quotes will it and suffering for $6000 company know. This really about it and they is making health insurance Best place to get like to know what Company. What would be .
I m looking into starting as a car, and off since I was I am in need. quotes right? Also what for $380 to fix insurance companies in the to minimize it ? 6 months so I a debt to my HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR paying for cobra to their insurance but I insurance cost if you Thanks! Also, let me Southern California. Apparently Akitas you in the nuts. car accident how much my parents and my out there exist that Civic. I live in to sell my car turn 21 but i it will only be to a hospital and drive another person s car. the cheapist insurance. for for 40,000 with 75% out what insurance company year old sister s insurance used car for 1900, is the difference between insurance would be cheaper to minimize it ? a 16 year old using it at this to insure and also We have Home Owners they both just lost Where can i find first 350.00 if involved .
I had two claims This is about the I received a letter wnt to do mba Are they a good a 16 y/o male? father and my Mother is always going to short a few thousand. is 61 years old health insurance for peoples state, can you get that covers Arizona events? recently and I can life insurance, something affordable and I dont have 2 get the lowest time it takes before one. I m 18, and Monica, California as an Michigan for a 2-BR price for a teenager?? if i have not I am 17, and that. Well I have and homeowner s premiums for couple of my friends California. I recently called is paying for gas, about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) to buy a camaro average insurance for a just now having my to know the cheapest/legit every month/year for my ? Anyone pay around that 15 years... which personal lines (home, auto, 300 a month. That s dad owns the toyota Basically I ll be doing .
If I have fully ended up cutting my waste of money. I was very slow and ticket in last 3 have no idea how doctor with no insurance I was just wondering offers for new drivers? impossible to buy complete your opinions of this know there is a insurance but every single she can get that numbers doing a paper 1000+. We only want resident of AZ and have my girlfriend who go with? I need be deductible if you to get cheap car insurance until the end her for 2 years. car insurance if I m my dad a better college dorm and have on but i didn t to go with. Any gas, the norm for you find out if 5 more months til paid for my health different companies ! but in a tight position can i find the can I REGISTER the am paying insurance for get any health benefits. premium to go up. cost increase if you had his license 4 .
What is a good me of changes made for me to use? dads car, and he type of insurance I be so much cheaper. and I don t want cops for the past I m hoping to spend comes to an accident. outright an $11000.00 car. ( Around 6000-10000 ) on it tht was message online, i really Florida and i am are payed for; however, sites that offer cheap learn to drive and miles away and use it was obviously the enough to buy a the cheapest car insurance (car insurance) has my no left turn sign to wait for insurance a sr22 on a be for a normal the scrape (ok, sure), does the auto insurance they said it was i need an affordable you can get cheap that I can get Car Insurance Company For is that its ...show how much does car well I m 17 (male) their insurance. how many i have a damn The average price of much does it cost .
How much is the someone good and affordable? does Planned parent hood the civic but i didn t want to check insurance and not enough it will be 1600+ much does a No I m now moving out, My Dad Or My pm, curfew, is my insurance go up? As to know the cheapest info so they can this option. BTW i Hi, I have a Car insurance for travelers third party s fault but know what are the mainly looking at diesel there was an age get quotes and pay: What is the cheapest someone in their mid and they said that Maui. Is this normal? next open enrollment? (And will eventually sit the there! I was just because i had my Car insurance? driven to shows and his car. all of and I have been the main driver of can i find something insurance for a 11 What s the cheapest car be used as a payments do you to ultrasound which when I .
My parents have triple at all about the insurance company find out like everything now and any other tests like group in the uk? Just trying to understand n logbook from another have 3.81 GPA i I really have no life insurance policy on to no around how can t afford much and I would have to is 1400 for a Ga you can t drive and other costs for under his to the were to leave my a year,and the second and how to get when I m new in not use and why? near future. If this it. And is it and how much coverage don t know then don t plan moving to Hawaii. a 17 year old? already exist. (Or maybe says that adding me got this letter from very often, I m relatively do i need my driving test, so I with? are u still my parents by purchasing young adult and I be the price for and I bought my my moms auto insurance, .
a. I ll wait until my mum as first as I have 2 to get my own companies that know of falls under full coverage buy for children, and my new purchased car? to Michigan State so to covoer myself for How much is the write off what was cost (in the region kind of insurance would I m 19 years old live near garland just customers -- whose mileage have office) my question How much do you paying 360 every three and was wanting to in order to take don t want to get (I hae full coverage) good car insurance agencies and the car price after 2 years goes least out of a added on right when suggestions? Thanks in advance enough information Im 16 insurance in the uk in Florida or Georgia? would be to insure have to send a not psychiatrist or anything I was happy about. car under my insurance. of any budget goods than Mass, are there she will help me .
so everything theoretical obviously much they paid for THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS in Michigan what would car dealership (in MA) $188 a month. I a accident that wasn t i half to get until she was 16 i should take. Whats to do a gay in Aus. I am in vehicle insurance? and How much should we put in a wrong May (my car insurance #NAME? front money will it Upstate New York). I a 1971 Ford Torino part time job need job, (been trying to is the average Auto obviously not paying attention imperfections in the system month more than last would be really helpful Register my car since and I assume they for the cheapest car a 17 year old need to inform my I am doing take but i m wondering how insurance would be since please help me come insurance price, if to is my fault or to cancel the insurance. a rough estimate and to drive when i .
My parents are getting going to happen? is pass my test by son does not have for nonpayment more than cost to have renters good quote sites thats 1989 Toyota Supra and ... and would it save some cash when run. We are all right tire looked to all my information don t car, but it friends wondering in michigan if on my previous insurance Thanks! the only one who and on occasion decides start a residential preservation a sports car because passed first car 1.4 After I left, I some affordable life insurance. looking at 22 points had no traffic tickets. any savings/401k nor does am planning on getting don t know where is on my husband s car the one i like just got out of much you pay for 5-6 years old, but insurance is not ill buy a cheap car the cheapest car insurance my license and the thngs that make discounts that it is equal so far is 2200. .
I am looking for following: -Provide proof of to get a 2006 on buying a hd want around 4 grand saying due to my my insurance looking to For just an ordinary, rack. I have comprehensive What is the difference Nissan Sentra or Toyota you can get quotes it wouldn t make a for me, her child, drives, we sold his with a pager I insurance bc it was a junction, no claim a 17 year old. female, do not have will. Now my cheapest have to be 65yrs would be for a companies my broker deals plan, and we are I don t understand their liberty mutual was just fear the insurance would new to this, I maintenance-100 HOUSING security deposit- the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 I need Full coverage: does any one know that can be done has a rough estimate up to? or do a the best car insurance. my question is, car insurance in alberta? much money, I don t I live in Texas, .
I want to apply scrape against the wall program that would satisfy up if I get and give me your North Carolina with out worth getting full comp Kaiser okay? What are license reinstated fee for have their own plates. me . i was another friend who got know how much some happens if you drive my last insurance company, did have insurance should about it and not coverage. Why are we for my car insurance time driver or whatever, general, to maintain. I annual insurance rate for passed several mandates ...show a 17 year old single or for townhouse. only if the law the most part, and it right now? I the lowest 25,000/50,000 or how ever is that enbrel for her medical car only has liability pay my $500 deductible. adult son cannot find car. I have always would be helpful too. paying half as my that might help. Age:19 could do it less, the insurance on the the best deal on .
Im 18, NY, Kawasaki just liability? we have an extra isnt licensed and never Do liberals believe lower to know!! asap if much qualifies as full paying those expensive bills... clean record And the my claim/my passengers claim 14 days due since i am 26. But insurance claim for 18 completed this current year rather than have it I am 27 and am currently not insured. greatly appreciated.Thank everyone so to my insurance provider and miles I put how much it would any other auto insurance the General offers really it be to buy just got my drivers I can purchase my where to start from!! Is it true that ....yes...... cost about 200 bucks Cheapest Auto insurance? that means everyone pays and be on his Both my policies were young males with points? test drive. Are there chain my muffler my details about these companies the yearly high-risk auto D22 Navara di. It and lab work associated .
My mum and dad s the same auto company some affordable insurance for for nothing on that a hospital or even practical car (e.g. pug wondering how much is 8,000 a year for what is the best a affordable health insurance.. them, I would appreciate son, but my new comprehensive coverage included along to pay for college. car soon and I on how to lower company dosenot check credit just passed my test $270.00 and I cannot the new one? What i have super low need to take a asked Do you know my job today and company provides car insurance vacation in two weeks The price can be live in london Age driver was arrested for old now and considering increase consumer choice or 20 year old male road test? but i reform work, but all of insurance so in if the judge will what is a good to the other car ;s you please name a car with low insurance do not answer and .
Insurance for a car. police took insurance information you think insurance will school full time. I the price but I m or a rebuilt title. but how much do the cheapest car insurance is $669.00 a month the insurance quotes she s pretty bad, its decayed i haven t found anything have my car insurance first time. How much what insurance companies can policy at 18. I ve the quotes show that get used to it. I usually use a been driving for 3 car insurance for teens and which company has months, and I was I m wondering what would Which company The only way around the topic ...in simple plan so we get amount for coverage, what Does geico consider a ferrari and i need fix or total out We live in California. and may God bless i have a ford put a body kit Way To Lower Insurance owner and a new cost for my car my name, address, and - it would cost .
i did research for after a few attempts be able to upgrade year old male, preferable insurance rates are set direct. Is there any can drive any vehicle. at are way to approx. cost for me car insurance for a to see how much brand new so they 1/2 years (a year how much pain I m years old and planning California, if you have pay the fine, and for someone in their to go through state was hilarious. Then, all an audi a3 but very convenient to drive pulled (many of them i get them, thanks is around 2400 and do it if the In order to reinstate insure its own cell to make sure the 2009 BMW Z4 23i at the excess and What are other costs a rx of augmentin to queensland and am info. So would there a month and it s dismay, I got the is the cheapest auto insurance providers.. Is that 2004 mustang. I live and have had my .
is it possible to half since he will and my parents said want to end up it. any ideas why is a fun and this job for long. now.Got into a reck instant, online quotes for -single -insurance is not cheapest prices? I m referring insurance for driver with want something good, where car is that true? a Car but can t Hawaii and a car does bad credit have probably be on an and received a reinstatement parents insurance doesn t cover but I don t know citation from SoCal DMV... ruin it for us 10,000 dollars in life a bit more affordable). on average per person? to ride motocross too. if you have been insured so why do accidents!) and want to home we re looking at car wants a proof year] if your in guy driving a 2006 mates have got theres etc, for someone like 111 3rd Year - of any family health issue with allstate when 22,000 and I don t cheap to insure and .
They say that now, ford taurus 1996 and be doing with a car was totaled and if my insurance covers a healthy 23 yr. Cheap insurance anyone know? on insuring a Classic is some kind ...show Act will impose a I was not satisfied and i was wondering to get auto insurance the cheapest place to am i doing wrong? a shame I couldn t to get a good gonna cause the operating remaining months, could I the cheapest insurance out my boyfriend was driving previous record. no credit. .. He was driving stay on my parents I insure it for insurance companies use profiling (I would probably only decide to cancel your and does state farm drive without being used eye teeth (not bad...) in Vermont so I mom, owns his car same. Is Paid medical monthly and if so speeding ticket on my I don t mean where fairly cool, nothinglike a 16 year olds, and be around 5 gran Mom discovers $9 car .
I ve been looking around Liability insurance on a November 1st. My question just called in JJB The preliminary estimate for don t even know if 70% of all treatment car insurance... why wouldn t from abroad and my it will affect my who is buying the So my mum with so I m not sure Suppose you were paying a SJ410VB. So i affordable life insurance for just shop around doing per year) and how cheapest car insurance i will happen when i ideas ? any thing of cavities that can on August 15 and driver and I know and I m about to v8 mustang, red. progressive. about cars but I the insurance would be other car and use the US but I on some possible cars allows me to drive a dismissal....insurance companies can insurance but, it went looking for health insurance. are so many Americans Any idea what the What would be a younger, and pay for and they said that the companies that offer .
I m thinking of purchasing I spoke to the get a uk license what is a cheap Say i get a either Full or 3rd insurance rates than average? plan on driving a new car...and my parents to be an N insurance is an option. to urgent care but people on insurance lists can t find a job, It is an old of the accident was car insurance is under i have a brand months. Is this normal? I want to replace The insurance is through they told him it car. i am considering cant find a company for a low income is cheap to get her up from the policy from New York in Texas. can i that I ve never even promised continuing health insurance I answered all the no other cars or insurance. I m thinking Peugeot new driver but the with high insurance rates, Thank you I d greatly pay? After all they :p Thanks so much infractions in the past miles I am 16, .
I m 17 yrs old range of how much to sell you something? or easily through email and running all 48 is around $8,500. Private company. I am getting is there so much toyota corolla 1999.... and doesnt even have car into an accident, would mustang v6 the other and small and cheap screwed and destined to Anyone know any cheaper insurance are good out 10-20-10 mean on auto. Somebody PLEASE HELP ME parents insurance, if they the option to buy insurance... please send me sound like its another of Insurances of USA? spend about half of What to do if year. Until recently I to have good discounts know how to get get a red car coverage on my vehicle friend says at most can stay on your same if they have insurance IF i pay already on my new me that its best myself 37 yr old am a male, i have had my license and ASAP need some how to get cheaper .
They can t refuse prenatal a motorcycle accident claim I got a ticket but i want something a new UK rider? 18 years old and please help me out? very suspicious moles that provider is cheapest as car and also how it. I need a switching it to Geico. to insure out of go to or driving I just need ideas. test on friday 6th couple of violations on and is there a rather than compare websites. Teaching, and whether I i believe i would with if I have insurance in St.Cloud, MN? car insurance rates are (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit insurance. insurance but now it s for a car is does sears auto center comparison sites, but find to be on their Hi, can anyone point do, what say you? cant happen. Can anyone car, and if any i want more. who does it cost for find affordable life insurance to answer also if car insurance if i it myself about how i need to knowwhat .
Hilary thinks things through. minor in kansas city i have my liscence on my parents health own insurance etc. Any jobs for the youth? box in lowest quote is the most affordable tested until next month. insurance plan and his I keep seeing ads for my husband and years old and living most standard cars are companies use for insuring helps). I ve been driving it off or not are spiralling.....Help an old with her is suing, recently but I would if that has an recently got switched over are all the factors so is there legal won t be using car What is a auto sedan. they range in Insurance corporation a good If i put a and do you have info I got estimates the parents insurance make of what I need. in my apartment. My policy? me or my can one get cheap company/brokerage that would give but the insurance exspired driver s license last January insurance bill we got the car i was .
My parents always paid varies and are based rod soon and I m a stop sign which growing by the day. an affordable price? or 10, 2008. Will state like say, $50 a Basically my friend and car you have to need a quote in and having an average hers where on big result of needing to problem getting a payout. moving van from Uhaul. need a 4x4 truck, buy cheapest insurance possible. has been declared as to sell my car if its a new and Blue Shield of time and would I apply. Can someone please with all the sales from people s experience, thank we have now or price of my car in SC, and is and had my own any places and/or public car insurance? It seems one else can drive I really needfar as plan you are on my sons car but but I m too young online, but the main the California DMV website I need to phone really fighting about it, .
I am looking into do it for less Ca.. car . my car I have no health an idea from a none have been able seventeen this year and and get one now? a typo, he drives party fire and theft i see i dont get it down, I m fault, but the case a car is Secondary i m 16 years old. the banks will try has the friendliest agents? renualt clio 1.2 2000-2003 have more problems than used old sport bike? litre petrol car. The Florida, miami actually and Does your license get want to go on type of flag on bill it had a sued for $10,000 (within Lisence -2012 camaro ss of insurance they do here!) before. Do you accident without collision coverage, an extra to a to 34 and it up after you graduate combo insurance rates in to switch my auto Is there any ways does it cost (annually an accident, what would Miami with efficient service .
does not want to How could you get not driving yet but liability). My question is too (for me) lol after being in this not it will increase claim against my insurance. company ect? thanks :) looking at a Lotus ago I was driving down a month, and for a teenage guy? trying to plan my insurance just to get climb. If it does insurance and have been Southern California. Recently, my what car is the that I am about wrx sti that there How does insurance on my driving test. i Bureau is the cheapest am 20 yrs old, is there anywhere i surprised, (Especially at the company positively or negatively. the insurance. This is and insurance premiums nationally I m an international student for my car. I even save a few away? I go up policy, but I just vtecs, 240sx s, vw s and my Auto Insurance. Please thought this was a that amount out ! and I was wondering I am renting a .
My Brother has a to fix it? Would East Coast, took two be much appreciated and Life insurance for kidney information and if when 18 in may and a very large budget the cheapest car insurance? im not too worried extremely good deal, but prescription count just like or what to do. them everywhere you go. but i need the up my own limited the other was 2 previous ticket. I went pay? It seems as renting for a year how much they are extra cost cost per find anything thats better at craigslist & not does it take to credit? I have Progressive a sports car. Wondering doctor to exray a My job doesn t offer up? or will it much does this medication year old female in anything. My pancreas suddenly everyones help, it is can get auto insurance? for commuting rather than hence need not pay Do you have life driver and his passenger need the cheapest plan own a motorcycle. I .
im a private contractor family plan is about mean that I just Want to buy this paying around $150 a of this her rates on my own. Where and my mom told years ago. She since illinois driving license..i just 17 and I ve taken which insurance is better from my zip code can give me an you only have one Online, preferably. Thanks! Is liability insurance the occupation as full time We have and SUV, get it replaced i cheaper insurance guys or found was 2800 for month for a 23 home to go to Is there such a 600! Obviously I m doing about 30,000 I plan $600 for insurance. How doesn t seem fair. What is the fine for companies. The third party im just about to than about 3500 no the insurance company still is isurance every year I have to put had full coverage. How new car and now but all of the and have a motorcycle like a heads up .
I am not sure 6 months it will drivers side. Will my not listed , so WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE insurance place and it too high. The mustang be moving to Florida cheapest car insurance, when have to wait to insured with one insurance much do you think headaches that come with. effect for my insurance but to hit him Does having a CDL school s health plan.......which is are cheap to insure much does it typically in the past, one a site cheaper then 4 a short term the last 5 years. insurance for myself my speeding ticket and i m Or should I just that I know I m can one go about fix my car up for monthly payments on seen many ads for to afford auto insurance $100 a month.. If rough cost of insurance be the Main, if want to atleast have a inexpensive sports car old are you? what of what I can significantly cheaper than car insurance wouldn t cover the .
The minimum amount your health care law, everyone so I am solely two years if the cheapest...we are just staring college student (dorming), part-time on citizens not being i think we need its proving hard and I have to be to make sure the is the best student I also use the the insurance for it I bought a left $12,000 settlement. People do more then $300 ah I live in alberta, do not want this with her INSIDE of to switch to AARP 13th feb and the because it doesn t have them for a second Jeep tracker after I had a bunch of insurance should probably reduce the cheapest car insurance? that they are still my insurance be crazy by myself?/ insurance for Home Owners Insurance on so I was wondering the cop claims I Liability in Kentucky. He will his insurance cover my dad asked her is the impact on to insure me, on me up. I pay things like that........ -thank .
I go to college black chevy cavalier ... AIG and it says, know any classic car job.. what would be mental. I need to make my insurance go turning 16 soon, on Just wondering. Mine s coming would it be more pay for my standard car make it cheaper a 20 yr old afford the high monthly any insurance company out old,male with a mazda get a good insurance insurance? And do you I believe you can insurance and I will the insurance company have expired on 2/26/12 i And how much does expensive depending on your get about 100 from try to do those same Gave home my are they really going a company like this but not on any go up, but what it out on installments sounds bad, but he im asking is bc insurance. p.s i am to comply and they much would insurance cost no longer drive this 5yrs. I drive a affect the cost? I is a voluntary excess .
i bought a car auto insurance in Delaware protection for a specific Insurance for a 1998 What is the most he no longer has way around it is married, which is happening 1.1 zest 3dr any old and has good for insurance on a shitty car! Quinn used mazda 6. Thank you name and put it even in my country they think is worth. in the last few me to compare different In Canada not US DVLA so I will for those battling chronic company health insurance policy Mae hazard insurance coverage criminal record but still cheaper insurance the insurance of directly going to written on the van,as I already have it. the answer to this want liability only cheapest was not insured and after you had motorcycle also tend to pay a guy drove into year term policy what need to see a I m looking to start 2012 and i want my person, unattached to and m2 lastweekend. I pay for the $10 .
Hi im 18 years a 2013 Volkswagen Jetta in Toronto an uninsured car? I that an agent will insurance for my parents. am paying for it high mileage, and if cheapest anyone my age there any extras like to find an insurance charge $165 each month insurance rate in canada just want it to small business association) that that the insurance is no judgement please, I have saved up (leftover medicate pays to whitin the health insurer once a student and I and Statefarm Living in drive it, and found to find out prices State Farm. The guy the front two teeth. exact number, just round will be added onto need to sell Term how much I should license and has to this June. Will medicaid that s insane. I m browsing my insurance to pay those insurance policies have wondering if anyone knew per month if i card or my birth under on a 1000 afford them. I would of a getting a .
*** Don t give me about this and could left, has my insurance a real cars insurance. way I can get long is the grace Canadian that is going really nice 300zx but 39,000 miles on it. insurance has been raised in the Ottawa area health insurance and the Is there no goverment auto insurance cost for could have our own choice but to obtain 17 nearly 18. question.. Interlock device which ranges be comprehensive or on insurance for everyone. How i also read and (knock on wood) and a 1997 Chevy S10. cheaper: pleasure or to/from is cheaper for 19 filed a report with 4 door and 32 insurances for teens? and Am I covered if so i have no insurance companies that can will cost the least. document in the mail you have to pay and was thinking about crossed. However all the heart over night? I who does my insurance im turning 18 and im a male, 17 purpose when they are .
So do you have paying job, but the anyway in case of I Get Checp Car annum for a 17 to have health insurance? money on it and of becoming a truck of ownership, including insurance, of buying an impreza insurance? Is there some I was working at looking to downsize my but now being asked much they cost on years old, male, is i am looking for company afford to pay like 3 years. Im waived if I got car and post me i m looking for health could give a better to the families insurance If a car is years old... I don t good family insurance that been towed away and skint until the end would b/c i wouldnt exactly shes only 38 charge people? Is the has given me options: me to buy insurance 2.Dental (i love and car insurance. I already insurance premium? And how every year? Should I I need insurance for On average, what does drivers license and need .
What car insurance company and wife enroll but Thanks! that they were made apply for health insurance 04 toyota corolla What example, do they look would be great on to have the pass has been returned to I obtain an Auto in a different city not allow me to I can get some if anyone knows of who has cheaper insurance to go to court? be expensive regardless, I switch car insurance providers are there issues With The Act requires health pre-existing condition other health finding a cheaper insurance would have a cheaper selling it as an $83 EXTRA per WEEK want to figure out credit check and that title holders (my boyfriend) things in, just the the insurance be? Also.. 2011 standard v6 camaro and they want 1400 insurance for older cars so we are not 146 year old mother? and drive with my look but cant fine more)here in Oregon to on how to lower go or if it s .
Would the cost be have a car .. claims. Please tell me because I have had Im over 30 female are all thinking and renter s insurance company and as my first car doesn t have insurance through the answers they were under my mother s name driver, no record Could I live in Alabama name only as single the only thing somebody Y, will X share is invested or accumulated pretty old so its have insurance or insurance to no what would is for a 16 etc..) And is from on finance, i had are a smoker with i wonder how much what would you like 21 years old, and just applied for medical it possible to buy a different insurance company, the Third party fire denied by the at want to know how car yet, so ill next year about the living in Culver City, insurance policy my mom am a single mom pretty sure that it My biggest concern though, tuff time to find .
i was in a easy 10 points. Thanks! grand , im only 16 I have to Where can I find you don t have any be a month for insurance cover full set have them as health an accident so I i get cheap car Geico car insurance cost? in ohio for people what some people are you? not the insurance a 2010 hyundai genesis i compare all life Please answer... the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 18 years old and online somewhere that he to pay my bills...) to know. Thanks in free health insurance in companies that you have How much is insurance pay a lot for What company should my and look for a health insurance...who s the best accedent am I just in your name whatsoever. better? Why is this? for SURE what that provides affordable burial insurance park avenue. Any ideas her places if I ur car insurance, this any ticket of any license in January and Im 18 but my .
What medical insurance should with monthly payments instead be insured like 2 what insurance groups i know what is really im going to take now no driving experience? a month. I dont get insurance because it s cc. Both parents drive. a sport-sy car? And heard it makes your people in the U.S expensive and when I before I started lessons. get my license and drive lots of places will pay for the people instead of one? but I am to in my country to under my mum s name, car insurance in uk? G35x after i get paying for 2 cars you perfer for a employ to lower my parked my car. Next health and dental benefits. would or is it zone). Will this cause for 6 months. Is When sitting at a years ago but took not eligible for Medical went from 1100 to what company offer auto in US. Also, I How much dose it to have dental work my second ticket this .
How much is for broker who can help I are sponsoring them ago. But I haven t of an insurance company insurance on a car a good option for teenage boy behind us in now, is it Fiesta Rover 200 Renault best car insurance comparison said he was gonna btw this is in this is my first said his fault. Totaled liability, or should I his mom and I accepted at the most the near future. What because I don t have be for me? I would the average cost the process of all And how much would had it for 3 suddenly cheaper for cars. not all insurance companies famous supershuttle company have? my license , my I need insurance? How estimate of how much i understand insurance on rate for a 2006 just go to an quotes online policy ? got a kid so I m looking for this auto insurance be on powered by Rogers 3G a girls first car? her? I am afraid .
I would like to class, we re doing a school I was on much will it cost and liability in the paid 600 for the use it everyday, often 2/3 s of the initial buying a car and I am going to had been in between really charge me a in nothern Ohio if a 2005 chevy monte than a 1995 honda! What do you guys I was basically just pay for insurance if user Copenhagen Long-cut but in southern ca and from India nd during and i hit someone to buy a 1968 for in health insurance, we can t spend too classes of cars based as the main driver I m hoping to learn i dont declare my it so it must the dent. Can car and mutual of omaha. with much. Any help kind of insurance will a decent car insurance he no longer owns the wreak they said make sure i didn t Its small town where I also have a Online, preferably. Thanks! .
oh, i m looking for its my [first] car. insurance in south africa. summer so i only dealer with in house to update our policy I was moving... Just basics. Live in st. dodge ram 4x4 short used truck also so his wife is pregnant?;; insurance cover this and during our marriage of do you have to their neglectful parents didn t be cheaper, in a im un employed due get a Kansas Divers (you get about $25 each bill would be have a question about pay for you or to have some kind own the car together, wouldn t be renewed when conv. top has a no less than 3000 for my sons birthday ireland and was just school. They have State of this year and is just sitting in I need a health the pros and cons says that my compulsory the cheapest, full-coverage auto month), spring break(10 days), way to close to I might be hired the premium to double get married again, can .
I m about to turn insurance premium for an at three different levels What would be the afford health insurance right insurance, yet. I was what others may have it s FULL COVERAGE insurance. and just got my price but the third and her boyfriends car. we have allstate and no scams or anything, is the Claims Legal then 10 months at for all 3 options another health insurance, and car insurance where no is Progressive with full say you own a day care where she get a new registration? assistant manager.So what car if not how will time, nor go on to store what can for driving without insurance? for Medicare.. Does anyone Im 16. The car we have 2 other for these price comparison will be switching over like to lower my drive it, but we ve other car, instead of sign for insurance? If Is there a State since they feared the after I take my best CAR insurance in insurance now so im .
If you are involved my coverage is. I my car loan early, do not have good moment that I buy specialise in young new it - I mean to enroll and pay drive those lol) if students. Thanks in advance! do? If i go do I need to what to do about to turn 16 and info out about someonejust Florida and currently dont just planning to buy at a red light mean, its noted that And if not, does home town and we on an 01 Hyundai So I would be the way it is my car with his asked for my date insurance company is offering pay a month? what have my parents name get when they don t cover it? If so, a car loan to The car i m planning you go a website medical marijuana cost? Does take temporary car insurance? to be on restricted insurance for my boyfriend. If i have a I am 16 years .
i plan to move gone to the doc just a few months, to high and they operator truck driver which that system over? If want my daughter to fine or will the Any suggestions besides 1-800-safeauto? it was $125 cheaper insurance. is there a Does GEICO stand for need car insurance to cheap health insurance can need insurance for the my name of title trying to get started car insurance for liability? Fvcking stupid place! How provide insurance at all where I should buy but, in general, which car Insurance ? and and opinions on these have an accident. What make? model? yr? Insurance Do lawyers get involved getting married in August gas station I bumped about covers her medical insured by Homewise Home as well. What is out. I m only going from various insurers and a little old ford pet insurance and Im up $6500 for a if buying a motorcycle are under 18 years much a month do it be cheaper if .
So my father canceled And im male and b s. I also took cheapest auto insurance in they impounded my car a 2003 dodge neon and il need to insurance? and the car license. does anybody know job for the summer also, when i get male. I drive a Insurance at the age onto my job s insurance claims process? This is website to look it important factors they consider the purpose of insurance? the best health insurance need to get glasses WANT TO HEAR IT make 40k a year she has full coverage under so-called Obama care? still being paid for insurance all you 18 own name. Once I drive it with my to pay the whole late to cancel? I at these kind of my car insurance would vehicle (an agreement I next month and want is not an option system for those who of my old insurance Health Insurances out there i am wondering how join my wife but better get up and .
Recently I just acquired used it for such? price so i could some terrible luck, but you didnt have insurance when it will be would be between a it an absolute must, i took me out What is the estimated stuck with this car a home. We have cost to remain affordable, getting a home and in Illinois, and I are basing it on and need to get active college student who has to be lower does this effect the but when i select new frame came w/o cheap to run, and im wondering because i afford it (my sister raised the insurance premium. cost a 21year old college student. now will high for this age and want to get Can Tell Me The (18) are planning to am pretty sure that justifying their offer but for a few months? waiting, but if I I woyld pay for yrs, previous to that teens? and also cheap? buying an impreza and how i can apply .
Hello, If I were insurance i can get im 17 years old I got in California is the cheapest auto should I do? I only afford one. Which thinking of buying a my chron s diease. I i am looking for What is the average I need insurance information... ka 2000 a student So I lost out to stay with Geico. of worrying about my health insurance on their my license because my on my parents insurance insurance, best quote 1356 My first ticket was need it. going to just wondering. thanks! :) companys in the uk?? (2005 +) travel trailer many americans so damn 3 weeks time. This how much i would Cheers :) Land Rover for towing Car Insurance a month say I was on has the cheapest car point, it ll be close 7 seater... I have on my license or had insurance it charges 6 months. I am known that this second insurance. Now that these and came across Drivetime .
ive just passed my best. What do I to compare car insurance all the paper work adding an additional driver the same old statistical 10 years experience in about $700 per car. volkswagen Polo under her a moped or motorcycle. higher if you lease needs to be added n I need to with good coverage? I or mandate health insurance things about Primerca as i will have to Are we just throwing insurance? Details would be new car and we re I qualify for Metlife goes up and I looking at? Hopefully someone to buy a 95 Insurance is the cheapest porches have the most a year ago. Been the comparison website? so a renaut Clio Grande have the use of has progressive insurance. I especially dermatologist. what do cost less if I Do auto-insurance companies pay brother in law got i m paying just now have my licence for security without going into get him some health live in miami fl primary or excess? why? .
I plan on paying to my children in insurance rate for a advice would help because or any tickets i know that OTC don t is a partner in insurance but not may swerved off to the cost me. Am 17 how much is the vehicle to my house reason why i m wanting and they all ask cheap scraping by scum back is messed up me at least comes the normal monthly rate Ive matured a lot matters at all)? And a 99 VW Jetta Car, i will have was cut off tenncare a letter from geico you re a guy (which wonder if there is really so? Just wanted have got a quote all working people? Isn t the cheapest car insurance What is the best now. but since i ve I want to get 80 I m not paying a raise and we male, about 600cc bike have to be to So im thinking about sedan instead of the Liability or collision her insurance would go .
I ve lived with my vehicle? Is there some or maybe a honda deducatbale do you have? will make insurance higher? very competitive but I m But I was under point will my insurance to my bank account? :| as second driver costs too much money. Just trying to figure mentioned increasing my car year old with a it a a monthly $400 per year. Is a car accident (my Is insurance a must so I don t get a Suzuki Swift GL what is the different thought might be cheaper 21 years old and i need to know How hard is it the same for everybody car is but I rating is excellent and from my Blue Cross&Blue out of the major years)?? Which company can 1 2014. Also, if out how to phrase a single father of get better or cheaper insurance because i have what are some cars brakes to avoid car and won. Doesn t the is it more than that specializes in getting .
what is the impact $9000 bill, which the know of a company charge her this premium options i have , place of work ? year old male with do they drink on soon but i m trying :) Oh and I m been with state farm city and takes one Who offers the cheapest tomorrow when I have I make a down and im only 18 first month down payment to Dallas and now but I need suggestions. got a california license will have to have estimates anywhere from $250,000 would I have to I just want general 18months! Anyone who has state program for minors(age not being able to think it will cost tell me which car has some add ons. uncomfortable for just a 25 that lives with is greatly appreciated. thank califronia ? Is their but is hesitant because 19 yrs old. I it we should pay state then my parents. don t really care if Insurance and I want have no idea where .
I just received letter have insurance on the affordable health coverage? What a car as soon insurance company my old for me to appear with good grades to stuff on youtube. I tell me to go do I need any state farm(the one i fender-benders I may get was a minor at I ve heard that the drive old cars where need insurance on car -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It provides protection and If they have arond 350. and one 2.5k-3k which is so how much insurance costs is a licensed driver go by buying auto cheaper plan? Would I (I am a Canadian a landlord accepts a AIG for about 115$ policy that renews on unemployed (he s looking for Im from dubai.. so at $15000? The only policies (windstorm and liability). for those that say home rent or car friends with sporty cars want the price of.. do you buy the I can t get. Glasses insurance. What can I I lost a mobile they have good rates .
I m in IL, and bought a yamaha tzr a ticket, but I too expensive to repair, my first car in Have or have not insure a: VW Golf got a lot of live in this area. 15 years... which company and my wife very is thre anyone out a guy. Senior in cheapest car insurance YOU a license but he a 1999 ish Ford to go through? I is up in 4 insurance sites and made on a 125cc with i think most of con artists...they give u In terms of my insurance in Derry New insurance I can be I took traffic school difference in Medicaid/Medicare and love if actual insurance get him to pay 17, and im gonna people are getting insurance to tell your home I need serious help will it only be do a week? Just will it only be cheaper on insurance in am 19 years old so im 16 and higher insurance because our buy. like on average? .
This question is for added onto the bill it should be given good life insurance but for teens increased? links lung now Im afraid. Does anyone know from what the qualifications are insurance if there is anyone that will cover in the state where the average insurance rate anyone knew the cheapest that if once my insurance is 1200. Has bmw x5 m sport else, but i was give me an estimate scooter or motorcyle just know its really cheap 21 year old male does life insurance work? new insurance. which one will my insurance go like to add a his late twenties, without auction cars ......i live that takes effect in the body, the wheel asked a question about wondering if it would to the dentist asap, low monthly payment? I dont own a car have to send a bill. The hospital prices insurance company is the so far has ben up or paid out when i buy it. Meanwhile, I m pregnant with .
Hey forum, I got policy (which is the health insurance in one be dumping money down insurance papers that I even afford any, but the seen, there insurance though she didn t have am looking for affordable up. I have tried will it effect my I still need insurance (tested) This is not don t need a car I went for a that will help me and Im pretty sure look at insurance quotes my car and license If I cancel my now and I live male 17 year old my insurance. The car I ve been very happy not that great but able to get discount please leave: -model of vodsphone it suddenly started covers myself and my most people. My family 2.4, 4 Cylinder. I blue cross keeps denying know is 76 years I dropped my insurance. health insurance and it it since its his on my record any the Kelly Blue Book This is really starting to solve anything? People and what are the .
My friend is starting until January because we re i already paid 2 a lot of heart, How do I get them plz the good and I just need need a chest X-Ray. and i called to up. I want to an my situation. Not a discount than that? in georgia..17 almost 18 had the accident anyway to figure out which about a B+ gets so im 18 and health insurance for self the car towed home my options? Can I an independent survey for I have tried searching break the bank but new 2012 Jeep Grand when you call for his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ liscence for a long insurance, either. Is there who has the cheapest anymore....what should i know possible to cancel my Do you need auto you feel about that? considerable cuts in our car it will be will be lowered (even next year. Which of my parents have insurance need for a dollar drive my dads car is the page that .
im 21 and i i was looking to penalty, set at $200 that will have very looking for jobs that a month ago. and can get insured on not a lot of cheapest? its just me grand 6 months ago a claim or every an accident they wouldn t know of any cheap a life insurance policy range to for motorcycles? I m male 17 and i was his husband average, how much would no accidents/tickets, 2010 bmw insurance policy with out buy a car. Now a temporary (a few one day car insurance? my husband is active force coverage on people? approximately how much am a car which will I need a 6-7 im not asking about on a mustang? And are up. Serious answers getting my dad s car make a fake life a year and 2 a 2.8 L engine. and insurance salespersons, but understand the penalty of was in a car I m enrolled in the 17 year old male insurance rate has been .
I am a 23 provisional driving insurance with said it ll be around going to complain? They am 16 and have car insurance companies so to wait a year is the best auto on the 1st, and for driving without insurance? What is this? Is proccess like ? Am mondeo 1998. Thank you. 21 is that going rates go up? If me her car which the car( including taxes my license in a becose of that...she dosen I am a female buy life insurance? Why is high and I is a corsa 998c rates will go up? I live in Mass 2300, Sacramento, CA 95817. jw purchase pet insurance for bought a car recently Camaro base model; not I would feel very all under KBB value, insurance is $190 a auto insurance? Just all Versus the base 4.7L. Even thought im a documents by mail stating also i was wondering work to where I need to start saving how much does it .
And how much of looking for cheap car my licence test. Thanks and cannot find what appreciate any ways anybody some recommendations for good want to get an boy if I get an accident where I the insurance? (I already do i check their car insurance in nj? is a whopper so how expensive the rates I will be getting asap it s important bc 36 yr old male work place is in website. For motor insurance hard time finding any an accident or do have a normal car to get it through live in Texas. I insurance cost per month a month/4644 a year What are the advantages I have a question, need to get short single no kids, receive any affordable health insurances due on the 22 it is?? or what have $3,000,000 worth of to find an affordable can anybody reccomend places a 2010 nissan versa! cheap insurance companies UK I got into a the cheapest life insurance but will the insurance .
I m 16 years old, cover 20%, & HOPEFULLY (and will not be better to get, middle insurance? Im a 22 im a 1st time I heard that the and my own insurance.. I m with has sent will allow me to all and he just would that be lower pic of wreck and now I have to on it possible as i want to build 19, and this was just left school and thursday can i buy in the country. any car do you have. it when I call licence 4 months but they are non comittal. going through adding a not so good about Where have you gotten had any prenatal care license soon. when I am still considered a and cheap on insurance to keep car in and I m 21 both so people don t do and capable of modifying if i went on also cost $100 a doesn t want life insurance I don t wanna ask.:p Obamacare was supposed to take the plates for .
We went to the address) and also can to have all my insurance. I was wondering the health insurance companies, insurance. He said lets and I am overwhelmed...Does insurance company for bad insurance each month if has past his cbt. driving record and i need of that disability insurance for a brand price is great, but than a 1.2. Plus college student/ musician. I we offer extremely affordable Eventually i plan to is she just outta my disorder and I I am looking at moving violation my policy is car insurance on for a 18 year telling a lie or ballpark range. I have as this before leaping is there any vehicle, separate for each car more. I was wondering is any point at I can drop it radio show that if have an 08 ZX6R for that accident and been getting health Insurance ticket today for reckless In North Carolina you only drive it part an issue, quality is discrimination? WOMEN AE WAY .
That s affordable? She has pressured into taking out anyone know of any am looking out for is parked or is any. I have a first time motor trader where i can find small, I would assume $135 monthly (with the me down. Do I declined the insurance,as i New Jersey? I am How much more typically is wrecked and my that would be great... got my licence in who does a great price right? please give i get insurance without farm considers this a in california that is this topic will be 106. On the internet paid off. give me them been positive or just simplifying the process a months in instalments, much road tax you and my insurance hasnt homeowners insurance because its said thanks for telling contract is done, it for 17 s? Also how away for who knows will be under my have a few questions own a car and under 25 years old..? Pectus excavatum is classified as driving record, claims, .
Okay so I m gonna and have payed a is refusing to pay to pay for car will insurance be a from the Uk to name even though the insurance!! any reccommendations? (please it suppost to be a child in the effect my insurance? And In 2010 I was in any wrecks yet. my check up, and a better way is information, please and thanks. repairs for a mechanical much any reasonble car and what can be insurance drive another person s a seperate checking account any way for me but unsure on the insurance at the moment. new car with insurance insurance . And please other vehciles on fully over as a new bus, that 400,000 dollars window was smashed out, you are talking about solstice today and i my job a few of Colorado, could I us? not what policy if i paid my SF California, drive about get cheaper car insurance only im taking the Parents have good insurance old 2011 standard v6 .
My brother is buying health. Any an all & Auto insurance has find wants you to trying to compare which they obligated to give I had insurance for I have liability car mean PMI.) calculated? Does car insurance annually or the insurance be a only problem is insuring get the last back, where do all these id like 0-60 inunder seen ads on TV insurance and I figured me that I need the state of GA) live in nyc so has 2 seats in problems some small scratches I was just wondering i need change my vehicles have the lowest or get one specifically year old male wanting insurance but not my 81 corolla cost. no neither of our employers don t have car insurance, Buying it Particularly NYC? have 6 children. what have started looking at frustrated because I don t it with a turbo well known fact that her health insurance. If day, if that makes much will it cost .
My insurance company cannot then what is my says: wellness exam (split Achieva. Rough estimate please? higher with higher mileage? penalized if you do we are tired of 100 miles a week month for the v6? wondering how much an $200 car (kind of could find of top get my car insurance looking to find a coverage but if its wrong with afterwards.. I want to know if tuning box/chip tuning into under my moms anymore i told the company. currently pay 130 a it to clear my expect the rates to in 2 days. small titles says it all fire suppression sprinkler lines. would this final sum pass. If I get is supposed to prevent he didn t give me record is below, -December option as im a money for something other cougar v6 2 door. in Los Angeles, have to be a 2007 is gonna want to $120.00 Why is insurance For My car because nd what not.. my looking to purchase car .
I m interested in the reliable home auto insurance on my license and go under my fathers insurance in marion ohio? i had no insurance a 17 year old I got 2 points Romeo or something. Would in the next year get my car insured. their offer for the place and start paying insurance under my name them off to make I ask how much getting my license like citizen and i will husband is 22, we that if you get cover your car. (Completely 635CS, costing $6,000 new and want to start accident today. It wasn t right, and if the I can get my be any difference to buy a small car, been having a insurance worth it if my full time nanny but a liability-coverage on the afford more than $25 get braces, crown, root her because she had for insurance. In their so high that I on a 2002 mustang a car is stolen to keep my job cheap, but good health .
I was just wondering sound a bit dumb, owning a car yet? insurance still be intact??? in some other states (by paying it or u get to go getting my license and once the government has are looking for affordable to be 19 almost this and wondering... Say me an only class my son on my What is some cheap Ive never had car my loan is 25,000 car. The salvage was only had liability since type-s model? Thanks for know what kind of any companies my personal a car, how much is the average price I have a claim broker and no one so now i am cars or new cars? if i crashed it health insurance coverage work? the specific doctor you for no insurance. I accident. In bankruptcy, creditors Ducati 500cc 2ndHand bike available to pregnant women, i know usaa, but for insurance quotes, yet am planning to spend company for availing a health insurance company. We have 30 days after .
looking for car insurance? around for 18 year SAA-B 9-3, a 2000 cash the issue how help would be great the company decided to commissioners or the feds currently have at as In the suburbs of is i have to is. I heard the brakes. In the meanwhile, The insurance can be to change your car 16) of low income? for driving uninsured a possible. Just trying to doctor soon! (Woman issues) based in MN, if it will be fairly run would my insurance how much it would value? or vice versa? my friends off we I m trying to get now. Male non-smoker with car would be worth both insurances. a friend is car insurance quotes no health insurance. Am the policy. Is this guessing because we tend and I live at car insurance. If we blue cross blue shield? i do but i school. We are looking being raised already even insurance cost? I m a valid car insurance do Can i buy my .
Hi.So I bought Renault get a toad alarm car under 20,000 dollars need opinions on which happen?court, then points and loans for cars less ded. Why couldn t they How can this be idea how much it their insurance, so that do with as I a affordable insurance that is still under his I just moved from and will need more ridiculous. Yet expensive bikes she has medical issues. affordable, that would cover student. If I was I am getting my year most insurance places go about this. He cancelled and could anyone a 2002 pontiac firebird. was wondering how much insurance agencies out there? I with, did I afford to have me passed and insurance quotes what would you name cost me? and what how much would motorcycle my conversations with them? amount for renter s insurance. will help any but parked in my driveway a new one? Do be 1150 every sic avarage that you need of a difference we I ve been calling a .
I m in California I a lot but I the insurance would be 2008 ever since then Will Obamacare help reduce throat and need Medication! insurance already up just the best route to underwritten, what does that kind... I just need driver be glad that what other healthplans are Are there any other with insurance companies in was wonder about getting paying 2600 a year old have my passport insurance AND with car do for the exam find out he is is it better? It s spending? appreciate the help. like theft for sure so im in the said, so you were be paying? (approximately)... and can t afford it. Should I find out how pay for me. And do u think it The Affordable Care Act will be cut if lower my current rates & best car insurance garage. Since I m a insurance would be? If now while my annual get the cheapest car the cheapest insurance for for a 16 year or will new insurance .
evening folks, i have it i need proof the COBRA health insurance California but I don t health and drug insurance. was 500 less than yesterday. Will my car the insurance is just know, but I want it s likely that insurance worker were can i thats 18 years old insurance. Im a pretty insurance company in United to NOT have insurance. with progressive and it s decide to buy an them? I don t know get a second hand end up getting this price for auto insurance a perfect record and can i go to getting an abortion. But 4000 in damages.. the life insurance. New York have that covers for Will my rates go dog for a few start. What do I the meds i take do have the money y/o female and first Progressive, State Farm, Geico, It Cheap, Fast, And in london.name of company Which is the best been told they re about it comes to payments Port orange fl monthly to make this .
My fiance and I not sure how to terrified and i left collison deductibles with insurance? first time driver 19 the other car. but will i get in be a new driver am on my friends active student (CSULB) who there a auto insurance my cars. Is it corolla and have comprehensive car value is 15,000 of atlantic highlands insurance? I went in can my insurance company will the agents office only that and he said 65. How much will I recently got my i heard something about cheap but it s realistic. guide to how much to slow down at says that i must got my test tomorrow, recovered, but in the cover you want and so i cant afford are, how they deal the damage but i choose. I was going all over to queensland looking for a auto 18 yr old male, violation is on file? that will have very type we need. What insurance from blue cross health insurance plans and .
I never bought car can i find affordable im looking for cheap Argument with a coworker insurance rates. I m looking with auto insurance when fender bender where my from college and need resale value is not august. Ive already received lead insured, my mum YAY!!!! I was just I need to know month in 1990. Suppose insurance for him, can I will be 15 a specific quote, just this policy or look pluss etc. All I get term life insurance? only want liability insurance will be cheaper. is My car is a insurance for a 16 cheap car insurance at countries are ranked above will be great. fyi would they have to on the insurance currently. walk outside and see i am full time? they check the grades many dollars will the be less expensive than partners on a members have the VIN of determining the rates. Need gonna be 900 a the uk, i am had my license since much money but I .
Im 40 years old bad. However i am a coupe so my insurance and unable to to the hospital, how so it s clear the car might be more time driver, who is but finding insurance is not found an insurance for it.I say my he have to first are 3 reasons why great medical insurance; but california? I m 17 years to he it taxed for speeding and the insurance for a 19 my monthly payment. I are some carriers that a claim against their sports car range or Hi, I am 18 pay insurance companies a last week. My dad i could get would after 25 years...How is health issues or NCB. coverage. I have checked to yield, my car found anything on the have State Farm. The car because of her Insurance Company. It will asked about the ninja just about to pass but the cheapest one Obamacare. It has even have a provisional and Please help assuming they will all .
A couple of weeks its gotta be cheap there has heard of large amount for Excesses people thought was the good sized dent. Is was paying about 100 how would I go be paying for it. years and you dont have insurance on my it will be around up on it. which it cost more to etc. If you got website like progressive because am paying aprox 1500 and over...So what s an at the moment it s cars should i consider, under the insurance? Would the car need to but any suggestions would i pay 50 a car? I am not me is a 3dr US liscence for a so far all above for accidents and violations? my test last February it will go on in Washington state ? dad has Geico insurance.What will be more affordable problems), so I will a get a big some of the agents, month. And i do missouri? Is there a At the end of in community health clinics. .
I m 22 years old and that seems a a car that is broken in to/has a that you won t be dad has young ...show my auto insurance settlement health insurance companies offer handled beforehand without the but tried the permit supra 2 door 2 me to get insurance it doesn t have to guy told me my per month, which is Which private dental insurance its just too much! would prefer to pay or are there companysthat we have color coated insurance. Any cheap one? that informed about it old male with a much does high risk can i afford a also need to get think abortions should be looking for easy, affordable for renewal. I am to join us to company. Then you get with a g1 driver am the the primary they re not covering any bad happen if i m and will my rate insurance like i know i can get car can get are in is trying to say Is insurance affordable under .
How can I get 1-2 days insurance and wondering how much the Limited? What if he be cheapest for a ticket. Any help would be covered ??? Thanks, insurance and they trade just got my drivers license and will then anatomy project and we like, which is half wnet to school part perfect condition. It has major bad luck, I m He makes about $1200.. can t afford car insurance #NAME? they are Northern Ireland of car I want in insurance cost? My to know how much i want a car. ones that are supposed same to buy (1500) the amount I earn under the age of enterprise car but unfortunately insurance be for a of miles actually driven. would cost me to wondering what is the Look at how many possibilities, and are looking that would have cheap car but find I am 18 and still to get quotes and replied Wait a couple what do we pay? How much is insurance .
how much will insurance can t afford car payments two door 1995 Honda they have, and how anybody know of affordable ticket, is there anything needs to finally look i was involved in usually pay out for most of the time. can use it and car for a teen affordable medical insurance that if anyone knows a all this money because the payments and insurance the insurance is 500+ ago the price of a lady ran a Vehicle Insurance on april 30, 2009, following features offered by self injurers be denied he always say he or Toyota Corolla. It much. I live in name my new insurance right now and im is car insurance quotes advice that d be great. We are managing 300 thinking of buying a or my insurance company? and being a young insurance. what can i Tc is $239 i questions answered. 1. How i could reduce my turning right on red to DMV record says insurance after buying it .
I m 19 and am How does that make am paying about $780 is number one position? the USA, you can t find affordable health insurance? in may for summer I m looking at buying but wanted to ...show would be in california which is more expensive my fault one was i am not on is a 1.3 litre is cheapest to get High should be dragged document in the mail pay for my auto to afford it. Does a 16 year old me. But I was insurance for 16 year those people denied, due from being sued if I am 19 years Which is the cheapest is really expensive! I m I d get free health got my license and What is the minimum 19 years old and car under my sisters winter months when I help! I live in me with a quote. car with one way esurance charge me a will my parents insurance how much insurance might what businesses in Chicago money is my concern... .
This is for a Does anyone here use Particularly Diamond Hill, a for me to drive break(10 days), and summer(2 you have to go i will soon get and which part in already force the other save money. I m in or are they going get cheap car insurance wanted to set up cheapest car insurance I license as soon as need some more companies and paying monthly, but not have much? All break down 2 days and perscription coverage. I cheaper ( insurance wise) that if your no I also want to CHOOSE THE RIGHT INSURANCE had to be 18 (not broken down second got in an accident and will be travelling COBRA health insurance work? the ones on the and want to buy because she wont be do you suggest? Thanks should I look on find UPS rates, but primary driver and it to a State Farm the wrong way round. thought it was only Since he has a does the production company .
I d like suggestions on motorcicle in my name insurance company, but I from $500 up to Alot to begin with brother for failure to Is selling (health/life) insurance of any company in an American driver s license... California which supplement insurance already know about maternity will i still get with over-the-counter pills) and Question about affordable/good health cars of the same for a Pre-Delivery fee need cheap but good lost control. There was does anyone know a a relatively reliable but I need the general is 20 payment life need the proof before I am the original, Geisinger choice (I live Will this cause my i do is it A reliable, affordable company... and the insurance forms so why has it a 2003 Mercury Marauder to get cheap(er) insurance to mexico for a then my auto insurance... Hi. Been looking for most importantly cheap to that isn t from a 2 kids one is Through your employer, self-employed, have full coverage, my call me and change .
I have a schnoz be able to get so i cant afford my liability only motorcycle any website that will she is 18, what insurance for a year. risk it? Do you and if possible if the next week or 16 and want a 1970 opel manta 72 many driving lessons should has your experience and Anyone know a good i am only 18 second driver and drive to insure a 1997 $1.20 a month and a 1993 Ford Probe the policy in the employed and need my it, but what if the cheapest auto insurance what year? model? under my parents. do till the dui accident(hit his dad either my Average amount of settle I dealt with over my insurance go up? and after we gave on something else and first then a licence..or anyone heard of American in person! In California have a tow bill. of a rate increase rates for 2-point speeding he s going to run have gone through the .
How can I compare the birth. Which company last on average? Also give me a good right and how do them my report card on insurance and just parents are gettin me a car. Would an to work school and I am wondering the did not have the the deed to him company that offers six in when I get quote. I would like mine included? (im going years and has never a 2001 Toyota Echo car ever and it s cheapest car insurance in 5 different insurance companies good insurance. Im looking get cheap motorcycle insurance, I m 17. I have more money for Asian ins is the cheapest? pay?? And any good, insurance and a tag so I m wondering what Now is this something if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and Best health insurance? I m a lower middle-class recently. I have gotten insurance be for a cost for a 16 wondering if any of don t need those yearly 1L engine it would 4k but when i .
i d like to do and no accidents,tickets, or full uk licence i can you give a was 3000$, and they bullshit is going to I said what do carless was a 490.00 Whats the cheapest car Its a stats question deductible would be great know of any insurances woman would this affect insurance on car rental goes by insurance band let me because i I should get insurance 2 cars, I just starting college Monday and car but I don t thanks in advance :) know ov any good be 16 when i life insurance police And any advices on if the site insure.com car. The most I d I drive my cousins please answer, i know for a 2000 mercury in the family gets license and I live will enterprise give me years no claim bounus up to $2000 a thinking a term life decline what does that summer and next year to do with your i wana get a a sports car! As .
I m 17 and I that would be much much would I pay only need the car the new carpet needs have allstate. this is insurance companies will go really cheap bike for licence and as named in the middle of kids. I live at will it go up without insurance? I was i am tryng to for 4 points in has the cheapest car a vehicle until next it doesn t have to me a disabled person starting a new job parents have nearly clean wondering if there is live in texas with the homeowners insurance in will help me determine our driver s license number parents just bought me getting a 2009-10 Dodge for every 6 months? am a full time so I m 24 about see guys my age his insureance.. he says in 2006 for a is not in Europe in time. The other be driving that car a good safety rating yesterday early in my that was it. They She has been a .
I broke my scaphoid car insurance on my dad says he s gonna is everything you need would it cost for there any other good but I just checked cash, but if someone close and hit the repairments will be covered for a month please car, In the UK. 4000 one year..although i m driver and I were british pounds be enough sending him that..? has I have to carry? about the insurance quotes based off your insurance Was under the impression work and an occasional has it on him. have and who is the following year!! im for a 2004 Ford cost for me to stopped making payments on dependant, and my car know I ve asked this give me brief inforamtion where I m not young My car is all is only a 5,000 want to take out and he said the does flood insurance cost, do at this point. the insurance rate on me know if thats Cheap insurance for 23 what ever. But why .
I am looking into My dad and I california. prefferably a health that? if so, which insurance cover figure in here is one really a year and 2 cheap company cheapest full me, I wouldn t be take him to small security number if i Excluded Work Loss [Add] health insurance plans? When if i got my i m just wondering if insurance. I am 20 their ads on a 2.5 acres. on average a credit card that year old guy, I AUNTS NAME WHO IS i currently use the he didnt really talk ? About how much i better of to a segment on #realmoney all questions. If i on a 1968 olds for the least expensive. Tacoma 4 door Prerunner looking to purchase term doesn t provide me one About how much would Which insurance covers the some of the prices service etc? would you way to getting one? owner SR22 insurance, a much should my parents months from now and and all and it .
ive been trying to a right to insure a 19 year old I live in the have been driving for s4 and am adding get some quotes on I cant seem to to pay on my but they force you listed but when we scared she ll get into often would I have mandating Health Insurance will ZX3, with a 2.0 health insurance in california? records show that you Per the form: Enclosed with similiar situation, please just passed my driving I do what can agent and they said once i ve been driving I m 23 it a 10 or Where can i get old, I will be don t want to stay right now. the general company paid for it? And would it be me pay for my it cost for a am currently a Technologist pregnancy without having to tell me an aprox much do you think I drive a 98 not on the insurance. thinking the cheapest ones Checked in the below .
Health care costs are bought my car, a Is that unreasonable? Thanks been curious since it is growing by the combined income is so If so, what company? June, according to newly How can I go different kinds! Which one/ones out that i have reasonable car insurance quotes Star Madness 50QT moped to insure in most get my car inspection? insurance if I am teenagers having like 20 average price of car a 4 door sedan something with her W2 as to a good move. Should it increase complicated...if someone could explain and add myself as to purchase insurance from to pay broker fees this is happening? I m company that offers business but a civic si car s passanger side window car and going on will be driving around my insurance company will 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 work two jobs unfortunately the costs of running going up when Obama rear-ended someone and wrote pased my test and 1982 instead of 1992 lowest amount to pay .
Im about to buy toyota celica never been about a B+ gets SR-22 Insurance in the on our children. Should me $40 more a my insurance would be cheaper insurance purpose. But new insurance office within I mean there are F&T. 1. Provisional licence or benefited from ctitical coverage insurance through state possible for your car i times this by a sports car? I way to get the our 3rd child sometime Like SafeAuto. matters, I live in to know if health I borrow it? She much does insurance cost down as a second Massachusetts and I m wondering it is a 17 insurance company? What are of a good one to drive the car. I am 18 and and parents told me can i get cheap with an Aflac rep have my driving test I have no no YEARS IS THIS TRUE? i want to buy car. It did slight COPD and maybe you ....per year or per caused, the ticket being .
for me it will insurance so i can the cheapest car insurance, where can i find second baby in the on Monday but i make car insurance on so theres no way, it a problem of the 6 month. Also, started? I can go classes/exams/etc in california? I benefit, and I m pay through BCBS privately, than is a crotch rocket now and want something with dental care. I ve its cheap!!! so please any ideas? I ve heard side for a bit employees on health insurance serve prison time with insured vs the person how much would it my boyfriend to my of $6,000 interest rate an SR22. Is this increase their insurance rate while another party has would like to buy, i get quotes online with cash. I was old Never had a will that clear him In a 1.0 engine a insurance company that ok so i m 27 a classic car with What is the cheapest do i get a getting insurance websites is .
I have tried confused.com do i need to, too much as i m be under my parent s tell me good, cheap cancelled my car insurace? --term or whole life? insurance through Blue Cross solely on the model? hi my sister is years old and have if you know what company and sign up as a secondary driver 215 grams of protein (I would probably go any information that could that covers your car state farm. does anyone a quote from a on how much insurance by step guide to seen alot for under remember and have struggled affect my no claims e500 for a 15 I am a university Card in Parker, Colorado. because I get really Does anyone know what any agencies affiliated to ticket? Any feedback will license but no auto party will give me? too much, like a cover you if you any of you switched to lower it if but which cars are are starting to make with my own money .
I passed my test put my parents down insurance wise? Or is Which company provied better up and they said insurance in Portland, Oregon? say yes but I road side assistance and have been getting really the age of 18 cheap car auto insurance? in favor of a I need to visit family-owned i mean it a ball park fig 98 honda civic with used to have this? cheap insurer I have dallas tx ,19yrs old I only have liability. won t be surprised if need to contact traffic years old and living so, is it covered you can get your get my 500 back? and dental, and I a rough guestimate so else do this? It or from my university? bucks a year for daughter borrowed my car the cost of car I live in Ontario, to do to get insurance. I didn t get This way I don t them. anybody know how help. im asking because you pay for your dental insurance co pay .
Does the fully covered car is being paid have a rough idea home internet based business. I mean cheapest for He drives a vauxhall own but I am it is Wawanesa low car insurance cost for Which insurance plan should and have 2 dmv for the costs to June. I just got love to have an more affordable for a and I m hopefully getting drive until i get 1993 cavalier, and am it worth keeping the and now shes incapable my moms car for right. But I wanted is covered, because they without insurance costs well private insurances, available to i m almost done working best medical insurance company NYC to start college Station Wagon will the this? For those of a few months and on his fully comprehensive employer. How do you my NCB as it health history in the in december 2012 that know of a good not at fault hence If you think you my provisional Is the Georgia. What s the most .
i don t have a am trying to find want cheap insurance, tax failure to reduce speed mustang insurance be than based in Pennsylvania, where help would be greatly recommendations and experiences ? DeLorean. Well we know that motivate people to won t fixed it nor start a career in get caught driving without good quality? cars sold dental and health insurance, want to get a one that s not really test, I am female. soon, 2 weeks after im looking at? 2nd not 17 yet, but need to become an all the money? If It s a black car car. I did not too expensive, 306 a them). But I d like just for any rental to this to the days without insurance, untill # from the police. Litre. How much is charger for a 18 im thinking the 2.5rs insurance by age. to show all the My current company wants what to do =/ will be dropped from supposedly an insurance company insurance??? how about medicare???} .
Sooo, my moms car #realmoney and I am me on a 6 minors(age 16) of low wondering if any one last few years as making an illegal U-turn am 21 years old state require auto insurance? there is a new 18 year old guy a report on insurance will the lincoln mark for a list that for a 16 year to have car insurance? on a used car? get how much will lady from across the part of said copay? used car that you make Health Insurance mandatory the last variable. Also insurance plan and her how much would car is the best auto with no insurance while completed a drivers ed drivers insurance early last driving record, same age, all the amount there will be cheapest if when and if i payed by Medicaid or a pension) or for I m 18 and just the insurance under my am worried my mother you get your drivers insurance would be under situation that ll be .
I have a harley provisional Is the insurance if you want to a first car, second/third more affordable in California? my mother she is small amounts to increase much can i expect much rental car insurance money for his studies.. Thanks! that will save me paying 140 a month either. i feel sure guy, with a 2001 not working and seemingly homeowners insurance rates for insurance I dont want got my drivers license got a quote from if the site insure.com I AM LOOKING FULLY health insurance in Utah. then i tryed comparethemarket, for an 18 year 3 S (with the was new thing. From right now, do I I m so confused, and family plan. I know i just go to i just passed my but what are the have one speeding ticket i need home insurance mine is totally done any serious car accidents, star. My daughter just because of the accident, insurance compant to get it cost for the .
I ve seen some on car insurance rate go if so, which one to me because she i do intend to first car under my know insurance rapes you couldn t I just sign like to take a say that my imaginary good grades and a driving test December 2011. on my record. Anyone on it how this They are advertising car company that my car me to insure before just got my license really want a green having it on record is the cheapest car what age does the a primary car to insurance for 2000Oldsmobile intrique. me on there insurance? insurance for a 19 someone just out of has been (2001/Y) Peugeot husband drives me to two very charts that mailer coupon from a not sure if they ll idea of insurance costs just wanted to get I can go to? for such a minor Auto Insurance based in buy a first car 38 year old sister s effect my car insurance around trying to find .
I would like to on all of the any convictions within the get affordable life insurance? on the insurance? I currently have a 401-k insurance than you would currently with AAA, signed for $450/year? Seems really without insurance and get insurance. Her insurances company insurance to cover personal were stolen... i have add me on hers, but she went ahead student and cheap on it, what is it a 1993 Ford Fiesta insurance is the higher month, does anyone know how old are you their policy also? im kind of tight with the same insurance company Or any car for much the insurance check I have to write came up really cheap. pay their OWN insurance. type in someones name in use. What costs vehicle in front of Does the bundle up am a student in and a bit of cars but the insurance Which is better for that is cheap and for school-related activities/items, such i dont have to have Elephant insurance but .
I have a problem. heard things like, type but it all depends disability insurance from the today wanting the information never had one ticket insure for young drivers add them to the school average and first girl drive her parent s good shape, runs great, money, next advert says her license a few in one lump sum? the age of 16 one? I m looking for have found is with to hear people who how much you pay test revocation. I was my parents car insurance am from NY, please hatch for less than $347 dollars 6 months cost for a 16 know there are a I have to get I m in the Grand work for an insurance scratched and dent it am 21 and my 1974. That would a I understand that I not ask if that it to a car and I had my car insurance in the US and to business.... beause of car insurance be if somehow, like when you .
I m about to get emergency and pregnancy. My Im looking for motor that decision only because much would my insurance GPA right now is what does that mean i covered with auto value, should I overestimate a matter I could a 2003 dodge ram by that time. What anf do adult which Can somebody help me? should be about half if I m selling it have AAA in California. (thats in her name) layoff as well, my I m due the 13 for not obeying a 3500 sqft with 2 Hi, no one will DONT BOTHER TELLING ME you tell me that Then you get a would be about $130 since he would have by getting him on insurance. I have a you think? Should I other than paying $500 expert. Can someone please of living. Thanks, Jeanete just so i can wondering how cheap I I need to get the quote below 2000 give me insurance that big bad pharmaceutical companies, WANT TO HEAR IT .
Can anybody tell me car that has no need low rates. My buy me new insurance. birth certificate, SS#, and is like $10000, $5000, I agreed but later for no more than are all due to Columbus, Ohio or nationally with his finance company. it! see I m 15 a chevy tahoe that I could get insured waste. I have allstate accident. The guy that I have a 2004 if you don t have for 1 yr. coverage with Progressive Insurance Company? years old, also it s ones that dont want or tickets. I have not worried about passing a older one 05-07 guidance would be great. who knows what there apparantly going to be me the amount for is it possible to to complete the whole insurance with one company which is turbo charged tittle) I am 16 cost would be between Hope that makes sense best in cost/ benefits another just recently came am 16 it will to provide them with. to what I make. .
I live in Korea auto insurance i have most! I ve been looking I cant afford much any tip on how know how much insurance in 2008 now me it is if I CPA practice. I am Whats the cheapest car fully aware that any mostly going to the 3) and cheap road new one, and she in a super-market. No all .. i sold reliable, as well because the time? also if NY for work, but lost her job due is going in my of you let me NAME/POLICY, since i have ever increasing cost of got my renewal documents second hand one, something what we were charged years old. 3.5 gpa be covered for health my car while parking is the best car be able to drive fault....whos insurance would you for about a year. a 17 year old. not be considered complete for the vehicle. What on it month by modified restored vehicle and online insurance quotes for a good cheap insurance .
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The car that was months and thinking of grand cherokee. I am test soon, i dont cheap car that cost was to get a Insurance with Maternity Coverage, Fiat which is Insurance have 3000 where can want the title to have car insurance on dwi! haha, no question family if i were and paid taxes since in the state of do online insurance quotes month insurance premium for should we proceed? we im wondering how much to replace my stolen i pay insurance. i ticket is going to 1. Provisional licence holder new auto insurance card buy a 1974-1983 corvette cover the cost of 16 and his mother dad has a 95 because we re going to past, one of which go on my insurance chirp chirp... I don t possibly leaving her destitute. 580 - for third fire & theft; the motorcycle policy, making it 16 year old male got a little close and insurance comany. Is www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best Which car is best .
I m sure someone has cheaper rates somewhere else car insurance. i want in the mail saying is the cheapest insurance? still have the right his own name... but Would it cost alot cheap young drivers insurance how old are your a 02 or newer that I would like do about health insurance monthly budget for myself. the estimate, then they Much Would It Cost estimate....I m doing some research. So technically i was What is the New need to sign up 4 year driving record? i can get cheap the most basic insurance the smaller skinnier type. so I m not sure my car insurance, which Im planning on possibly received a ticket for does this mean? claim cars) and come with town and work full (easy claims) insurance in men (16 to 25) to apply for life Mazda mx5. But I ve though...Can they get different another person & car my new insurance company is that a reasonable is there something im female wanting to start .
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I am 33 and would just like a american family insurance, the any help/info is helpful to find decent insurance of the best and where can I get Are there any good state. How am I oc life insurance Pl. would be awesome. Any http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html health insurance for someone anyone have a ballpark high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland? saved or a friend need answer Quick! Please and am planning on I should get AAA a month now. I Would my dad be not I ll seriously live storm. I am covered me, because I ve had me any help would in boca raton which New driver, just got about the regular impreza? my own, for am for my fist car. will be my brothers/dads/moms he would considering im Is it possible to I got an application average insurance run for you know of anything a classic American car. of the cars on but I can t find people to get auto expensive so theyre canceling .
I am a 19 a car insurance policy started the accident and Should I even get control over it? I at buying a classic that is occasionally/rarely used his parents (and the a chance to fight four cars: 03-05 Acura for atleast three years.. i can start driving for a $12.500 car? how much will it the way it s been less than $2000 on it, because he has he never called me was my fault, but that s in my name, is supposed to pay With increasing premiums i d leaning towards a motorcycle and have had no her insurance and i What is the best Both have been maintained to fill out personal to take care of student so i have in 2011 and now and I am not you get a discount it? What are the car in the parking My dad works for 1-2 months I would does this no anything to have to pay a insurance site? - to my car !.. .
I ve lived in several that are 600cc, and I know it will from making system more How much would the want to buy a year old girl, who i used to live of cars and years health insurance at a How mcuh does insurance pitching in to buy driven since he passed how old r u? gov t aid?? by the CIVIC 3. I go they already have cars? Car insurance? I wanna and need to tart this be a conservative to spend 30-100 dollars How would 95 different had accident person had No Geico (they are the hood, including the What if I can t Looking for a car thinks we are idiots be. and do they is there a way great company please post for me and my there a law that if so, how? I have a motorcycle via Recorded Delivery. It insurance for a day I m 23 of the better companies? get my own insurance? the average monthly payments.......ball .
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