#today was kinda painful to play through ngl
rubys-domain · 11 months
i cannot even begin to express my disappointment at how chongyun's likeness is used as cover art for the combat event. i know it makes sense, but i don't like it.
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#genshin spoilers#and at least for this first day of the event#the only reason he showed up was because xingqiu dragged him there#and obviously he's not gonna be a bitch about it#but he still didn't seem the least bit happy to be there the whole time#okay he's not outright sad or anything. but he's definitely not at his best either#i hope he gets to enjoy himself in the next day. because my god#today was kinda painful to play through ngl#obviously i want to see my main boy happy and having a good time#after he told us about his encounter with the weird maybe-a-spirit thing,i just wanted to give him a chair in the shade and maybe a popsicle#some mint jelly might even perk him up#since i'm talking about the event anyway,i'm just gonna say this here too#none of the event minigames are interesting to me#i haven't played the combat one. but quite frankly i don't need to#at this point i know that no matter what little variations they add,i'm still not gonna like it#the photo minigame is okay. other than walking around being kind of annoying#but they can only make a photo minigame so interesting so i'm still meh on it#i had the highest hopes for the dart one. but idk it just fell kinda flat for me#the dodoco minigame that lisa made is honestly way more fun to me than all three of these#i was really expecting some kind of riddle game. i know it's already part of the story,but#i expected smth like that guessing game in parade of providence. which i feel would've been more thematically fitting than the current ones#like... what does throwing darts have to do with poetry.......#i saw the previews in the livestream. i should've known it was going to be like this#rn i just hope that name-dropping chongyun in the livestream actually means that something interesting will happen with him as the focus#otherwise if he's just gonna stay like this the whole time,then i don't understand why hoyo would put him back in the banner for this event#who's gonna want to pull for him if he's not at the very least vibing in the story?#im still gonna pull for him regardless obviously. i need all his damn cons. but yk. i dont think this is doing much to endear him to anyone#maybe to other chongyun mains this is all copacetic and i should just be grateful that he gets to play a prominent role in an event at all#i just... hope the writers let him have a good time
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loveswrites · 1 year
Rainy Road Part 3 Poly! Cullens X reader
Rainy Road Part 3 (Final part) Poly! Cullens X reader
Word Count: 2644
Time it Took me: A long time ngl
To My Love's: Here you guys go! I know you've waited so long for the last part of Rainy road. Some of y'all are gonna be real mad at me but the last part (paragraph) of this is kinda what went on with this part of rainy road. I was trying to make it something it's not. I hope you guys like it! Tell me how you felt! Y'all know I don't do these but TW!!
Love <3
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Whatever trash that was on the radio played in the background as you drove away from Seth’s house. You’d like to say that you had a good time but the longer that you sat there and tried to pretend that you were having a good time the more it hurt. You couldn’t take it anymore. So you weren’t going to. Focusing your eyes through the rain on the windshield you finally saw the sign “Leaving Forks”.
 Letting out a breath of air you felt relaxed. Free. For the first time in months you felt some peace. Laughing to yourself you rolled down all the windows not caring that the rain was pouring into the car. This made you happy. This brung joy to you. For the first time in a long time you didn’t see the rain as some tragic reminder of the Cullens leaving you to fend for yourself. You saw it as a way for you to cleanse yourself of this pain. For good. It felt a sign from the universe as your favorite song started playing on the radio. 
“This couldn’t get any better!” You laughed to yourself as you started to sing along to the song. Letting the music take you away you felt the rhythm in your body flow freely. Feeling your phone buzz you looked down ‘Unknown’ It read. Rolling your eyes you let it go to voicemail. This was the fifth time they’ve called. Turning your phone off you did your best to not let this ruin your wonderful mood you were in. 
Thirty minutes passed and you had made it. The waterfall. You loved it here but you would never get too close to the edge because you thought that somehow you’d fall off. I guess you always knew you would fall off in a way. No matter the tight grip on your- one of the Cullens would have on you you always feared the outcome. But not today. 
Shivering as water sprayed on you from the waterfall and the rain you couldn’t help but feel cold. It made it all feel surreal. Walking closer to the edge you felt a surge of adrenaline run through your veins. Jasper had shown you this place. Out of all the waterfalls the Cullens had shown you, This one was your favorite. Maybe because of the way you found it or the memories that you made here. Either way you were happiest here. Reaching the edge you looked down all you saw were rocks and water and.. A small rainbow at the end. Letting out a final sigh you closed your eyes. ‘Finally some peace.’ You thought.  You wouldn't have to feel the void the Cullens had created in you. You wouldn’t have to wallow in your pain anymore. You wouldn't have to do anything. But let go.  
Leaning forward you let yourself fall. The wind that swept across your face made you smile. No longer will you be the girl who loved you dearly. 
Feeling yourself jerk back you snapped your eyes open, stumbling you fell. “What the hell?!” You yelled out with so much anger. Looking up to see who or what the cause of this was you froze.
“Jasper?” You breathed out.
“Why are you trying to kill yourself?” Jasper questioned as venom filled his eyes. He looked like shit. His clothes didn’t match at all. It was like he just threw on whatever was laying on his floor and put it on and called it a day. His eyes were gloomy like a big gray cloud was covering them. His hair was all over the place, it looked like he hadn’t brushed his curls in weeks.
“WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF!” Jasper yelled, making you jump. Jasper had never yelled at you. Looking at him.. He didn’t look human. 
“Why do you care?” You rolled your eyes picking yourself up from the wet hard rocks.
“I care because I love you!” He yelled.
“No you don’t you don’t love me none of you do because if you did you wouldn’t have left me! You wouldn’t have left me to rot in my own hell that you created for me! The hell that you left me in! The pain you caused!” You screamed at him.
“You're going home.” Jasper said sternly.
“I’m not going anywhere besides hell, Oh wait I’m already there!” You yelled walking back to the edge of the cliff. 
“Do you really wanna kill yourself?” Jasper whispered, making you pause in  your tracks. 
“I want to not feel the way I do now ever again.” You whispered looking down at the water hitting the rocks at the bottom. Letting out a sigh you felt the best you have in a while. Your eyes grew heavy. So heavy you couldn’t keep them open any longer. So you didn’t.
Hearing whispers you tried focusing on them. 
“She hates me.” You heard from far away but at the same time very close.
“No she doesn't, she is just going through a hard time. We all are.” Who is that?
“You don’t know the way she looked at me Alice, She hates me” Alice? She's here?
“We broke her heart. What did you expect? Her to accept us with open arms?” A different voice sounded.
“Yes. That's exactly what I expected.” Another responded. 
What's going on? I can't open my eyes? It hurts. This hurts. Everything hurts. Wait. Where am I? Why am I not dead? That question hurt more than anything else. Why can't they let me go?
Let me go, I try to say.
 Nothing comes out.
Let me go! Please! Let Me go! I scream and I claw at my throat until sounds come out of my mouth. Tears roll down my cheek. Tears of sadness or confusion? Another emotion I can't seem to explain but what's new?
"Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!" I scream repeatedly once I find my voice. Once I found it I didn't let it go until I was hoarse. My eyes snapped open hurting them as they were dry but wet with tears? How can that be? The burning in my eyes only proved to me how real the scene in front of me was. 
There stood the very ones who brung this pain upon me in the first place. The Cullens. Every single one of them. They looked terrified. Like they didn't know what was the cause of this. Even Carlisle even though he  looked like he hadn't rested in a thousand years. He looked at me like I was something he didn't know how to fix. Pity. "I'm not yours to fix!" I scream and scream in anger. Eyes strictly on Carlisle. You could see him break a little bit more each time. I felt a small Crack. 
Rosalie held onto Emmetts arm and she looked.. Scared. That's a first. She said she loved her human life. I didn't. She ruined that for me. "Sad pathetic human life!" I yell and yell, staring her down as tears continue to roll down my face. She slowly let go of Emmett's arm. She looked back at me like I was a monster. How can I be a monster?! Rosalie shook her head in disbelief as she stormed out of the room. Another crack? 
A monster wasn't born. They were made.
Looking towards Emmett the wanna be big bad wolf. "You're weak. You're useless. You're powerless. You're nothing!" I scream and scream. I reach for anything to throw. That anything just happened to be a lamp. A very expensive one. My favorite one. It hit Emmett's chest and Shattered. Just like my love for him. Them. He didn’t try to dodge it. I knew he could've. They could've stopped it from happening but they didn't. They didn't do anything. They didn't do anything. Another Crack? What is this?
Turning to Jasper he looked like he was concentrating. Like he was trying so hard to fix something that shouldn't be broken in the first place.
Muffled to my ears I hear Edward's voice say "That won't work Jasper, She's breaking it.." Breaking it? Breaking them like they broke me? If that's how you word it, yes. 
With those words it looked like Jasper was finally coming to realize what was happening. "Please stop. Don't do this, you can't fix it if you keep going. Please, I love you." Jasper pleaded with a panicked look on his face. He took a step closer but Alive stopped him. "Please let me go." He begged Alice to which she looked at Edward who just slowly shook his head. 
"Let me go.. Let me go sound familiar doesn't it. Doesn't it!? You Jasper, You're nothing but an addict that will never recover. Itching and  Aching for just one drop of blood. Your miserable existence is an abomination." I repeat over and over so much that I find it funny. Laughing I couldn't help myself but to add another thing. "Blood.. There's no AA meetings for that one Jasper." He looked like he could die right then and there. He looked sadly at Alice as if to say I told you so. Crack. I gasp softly grabbing my chest but as soon as I acknowledge it goes away just as quickly as it came. 
Turning my attention to Esme I couldn't help but frown my face up in disgust. She was kneeling in front of Carlisle who was now sitting on the floor tapping at his chest. What, it hurts? So sad. You hurt me first. Esme took her eyes away from Carlisle and turned them to me. "I understand that you're upset but you can't break our bond, That will practically kill us. Please sto-" I cut her off. Who wants to listen to begging when you've been begging for them to come back for months now? I'm sick of it. 
"Toy. I was a Toy right? That's what you said. You know if a toy is  Delivered to a child in perfect condition and the child breaks it, the child has no one to blame but themselves. Because that toy did nothing to deserve the abuse the child yield upon it. But who cared right? It's just a toy! It's just a toy! Toys are made to be used and thrown away like trash because who cares it's not me- Oh wait it was me! I was the toy!" 
"Please stop, you can't undo it." Esme pleaded as her voice broke mid sentence.
"I trusted you. We made promises to each other! 'I'll hold your heart in my hand and I won't crush yours if you don't crush mine.' I won't crush yours.. I always keep my promises. So Consider your heart crushed." Esme visibly flinched with my last sentence. Crack.. 
Tearing my eyes away from Esme's shaking figure I locked eyes with Edward. The one who drove me to this heartache. It's only right if he was the last one to break. Getting out of the bed I was in with shaky legs I walked towards my final destination.
"You know what you're doing, I've told you about it. And I've told you what will happen if you break us all.. Please rethink your decision.." Edward begged as his eyes followed  me as I walked up to him. 
"We can still fix it but we won't be able to if you keep going. No matter if we want to fix it later in the future we can't. It won't be the same.. I know you still love us. Don't do this. I love you, I always have and always will. We left to prot-" You cut off Edward's attempts to save himself with one word. What was he afraid of most? Why was he afraid to show his true colors? It's all simply because he is a-
Edward's face dropped. You dug into your memories but not too deep as it always lingered on the surface. He was always scared you'd see him for who he truly is. A monster. 
"A soulless monster. You see Edward you were always so worried about your 'soul' you shouldn't worry about something you just don't have. Humans have souls. You're nothing but a cold hollow shell of something that used to be. Just embrace it. You'll never make it out of this hell you've made. It didn't have to be like this. You could've turned the car around that night. You were in full control. So you Edward have no one to blame but yourself. Why don't you go add yourself to your collection of victims you think you've saved." You sneered with venom. Crack.
With those last words a sharp pain felt like it came through your heart six times, And left the same way it came in. You didn't even flinch. It's like you were numb. The best way you could describe it was you were stabbed in your heart front and back six times. A few last tears ran down your check but you weren't crying anymore. You had stopped crying a long time ago. It was like your tears acted as the blood that would've spilled if you had actually been stabbed. 
Edward's faces twisted in pain and soon after behind you you heard the gasp of the rest of the Cullen's. They were feeling all the pain you felt and then some. You couldn't help but feel proud of yourself. It felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders and you could breathe again. 
"How could you go through with this?! It will feel like we've died!" Rosalie stormed into the room the best she could, hunched over in pain. The throbbing in her heart was something she never thought she'd  experience. You couldn't help but roll your eyes. They thought they were the only ones who could break hearts and not blink an eye?
"Well die then."
Rosalie's eyes widened at your words. She tried to look into your eyes to see if you were just putting up a front but no. This was all you. Your head was clearer than ever. 
As you looked around the room you searched for your keys but then thought 'I don't want it anymore.' Anything from the Cullen's gets left tonight. Cars.. Feelings.. it's all the same to you.
"Enjoy my gift. It's the closest thing you will ever get to feeling human." 
You spoke dryly.
Walking away from Edward you stepped over Emmett who was curled into a ball on the floor clawing at his chest. "It hurts." He whimpered. Get over it.
With your back turned you felt the eyes of every Cullen on your back. "Please stay." Carlisle whispered. You paused and hope flooded the heart broken vampires. You continue your journey to the front door. On your way you spoke knowing they could all still hear you very clearly.
"Don't call me. Don't come by my house. Don't make it seem like you've died. Just die." I said before I slammed the door shut. And it was never opened again.
Walking down the long driveway of the Cullens house you felt light as a feather. You felt like you were on top of the world and nothing could bring you down. As you walked you came to a realization. You were trying to make a happy ending, you were begging for one. And that's what took so long that's why they never came back. Because there was no happy ending. A love that breaks you like that will never have a happy ending if it's with the same one that took your heart and stomped it out. The only way out is to make a trade. Eye for an eye. Soul for a soul. Heart for a Heart.
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mcverse · 1 year
Hi can i ask a scenario wherein how would the sakamaki brothers react to a guy asking yui for a date and she says yes *bcs a sakamaki × yui were having an arguement*.
Oh look, there’s one of my vitals organs on the floor… I guess I laughed too much???
Yui! Reader dead.
The person she dared to even accept is dead.
It’s not meant to be funny but I can’t help it !!! You know what they are and what they can do. 🙃🙃
Okay but maybe I’m being to quick to assume, it could be plausible it’s anything but death… for some! Let’s see how this plays out cuz idon even know yet
Reminder: The boys (+ Mukami bros) are cute ngl and have moments of genuine affection and adoration toward reader (not really Yui! Reader — same difference tho) but they are very deadly, and that’s what I based this post off. Actually, it’s what I base all my dialovers posts off.
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Pairing: Yui! Reader x a Sakamaki Brother
Type: Scenario
Word count: 3.2K
Warning: Death, Jealousy, Possessive, Insecurities, Yandere-ish??, Yui! Reader being self sabotage maybe, torture, not spell checked
Side bar: If you can’t tell, I love dark humor. You’ve been warned. Also this is definitely a x reader blog only, so I made the post to represent that. I didn’t want to not do the post cause the ask was really good! Some are longer than others, I got way ahead of myself. Subaru is kinda shorter cuz it’s hard to write him :/
Like always, characters are aged up appropriately!
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Yui! Reader dating anyone but a Sakamki brother
Shu Sakamaki
You were a nuisance. A tiny, insignificant spec inside his world all because of that man couldn’t stop scheming. The existence of you has caused so much trouble—so many anomalies—he lost count after a while.
A human girl who couldn’t leave well enough alone. One that couldn’t obey, know right from wrong despite knowing all the facts and yet still being clueless. You made his life very difficult. He proved it to you time and time again.
Yet here he was, very out of character as he stood over your broken body. The feeling from earlier upon hearing the rumor of you leaving for someone else only now left his body. He felt like he wasn’t in control of his body during what he was doing to you.
He felt every emotion under the sun screaming at him loudly, blocking the noise of his music through his headphone. It was infuriating; he just wanted to relax. Do nothing and relax… Not break your fucking legs.
But what’s done is done.
He no longer felt this unwelcome discomfort in his chest when he saw you standing near another. It wasn’t him then. He was someone else, someone mad, someone crazy infatuated.
Shu has never been one to like someone.
So where did he fuck up?
Why did he fuck up?
He was always calm, calculated. The man he was today was driven by pure rage. Your screams in agony were music to his ears, better than any of the songs he enjoyed. Your pain, your scrunched up face and screaming, it was because of him. All because of his touch.
That thought alone satisfied him as he came down from his high, expression back to its blank slate, unreadable. He scuffs as your sound turns to whimpers and at your weak attempts to crawl away. It was almost cute… almost.
Bending down, he grips one of you legs causing a whale to leave you. Your hand instantly goes to his arm to stop him. He shakes it off him effortlessly, starring intensely at your face as he yanks you to him, you are now face to face.
With a tilt of his head, he smirks, “This is your mistake. For meddling in my life… take responsibility as I drain you of everything.” He grabs your hair, yanking back your head, “The only thought in your head should be giving yourself to me.” he finishes with the sinking of his teeth in your throat.
Reiji Sakamaki
Honestly, he thought he kneeded you into the perfect pet. At this point you should know better. His teachings should have gotten you into shape, but here you are once again being disobedient. Oh, how he detested that part of you. This hurts you more than him.. perhaps you like it?
Without missing a beat, when you arrive home he calls you to his office. This insolence has to be put to rest. You have soiled his family name, much less his pride though he would never tell.
This rumor, even though it was just that, was disgraceful. And it spread, reaching his ears. As if you would be with the trash that litter these halls. Who did they think they were compared to him. They were nothing, that’s what. You knew this. So why would you think it was okay?
Yes, it brings him great satisfaction when he saw you close in on yourself under his gaze, body trembling in fear. At least your body knows his touch, your mind still seemed to show some resistance. No worries, Reiji considers himself a excellent teacher. He was never one to give up, no matter the challenge.
“I don’t wanna hear your excuses…” he starts, getting up from his seat. On his way over to you, he grabs a cup filled with liquid and stands in front of you, pushing it towards you, “Drink this.”
Scared, you shake your head already knowing it’s something bad. You remember the last time he gave you something, the nightmares are everlasting.
Reiji inhales deeply, frowning down at you, “Drink it or I’ll shove it down your throat. I’ll be anything but gentle.” Again he pushes it to you, this time settling it in your hands after his threat weighed heavy in the air.
Cautiously you take a sip, tasting a honey dew hibiscus blend before swallowing the rest. You hand him the empty cup after, noticing no effect. It confused you, was that simply tea?
You’re question was answered shortly after when your eyes felt heavy and your body light as air. You stumbled into Reiji’s arms loosely, looking at him through blurry vision. The last thing you see is him smiling.
When you came to, you found you were strapped to a chair, in what looked to be the dungeon. How could you forget? You had the worst happen to you here, a shiver travels down your spine when you think about it.
“You’re up.” Reiji, a voice you’ll never forget, spoke behind you. You tried to turn to see him, but it was difficult. He chuckles are you attempt, walking around you to face you. Your eyes immediately notice a cloth bag in his gloved hands, the bottom cut open.
“What’s that for?” You squeeze out, heartbeat picking up.
“A lesson.” was all he said when he forces it over your head till it hang around your neck. He pulls away to walk around you again, making noise behind you. Then you heard a squeak. Your breath stills.
Please tell me that’s not a—
Reiji comes back into view, holding a rat in front of your face. It was mid size, black and ugly. You were going to cry, already feel the tears pool at your eyes.
“Reiji, please!” You shake your head, thrashing around in the chair.
He clicks his tongue, “Bad girls get punished.” He holds the bag in one hand and the rat in the holder. Inch by inch the rat gets closer to your face, thrashing in Reiji hand not liking the harsh treatment just like you.
A scream rips from your throat when he drops it on your head and quickly ties the bag.
You had to learn your place one way or another.
Ayato Sakamaki
Ayato had to have heard wrong because there was no fucking way that you chose someone other then him. Especially knowing that you were his and his alone. This rumor had to be just that, false information spreading around the school.
He knew he didn’t have anything to worry about, it was him for crying out loud. No one can compete… but he still needed to hear how wrong everyone was from the source.
He found you easily in the girls bathroom, locking the door to avoid any interruptions. It was a miracle he was thinking clearly, usually it was so unlike him. And that’s why it was scary.
His stare was intense and focused, it made you squirm under the heat of it. He taunts you with slow forward steps, making you take steps back until your back was flush against one of the walls. He caged you in between his arms immediately, decreasing your chances to escape. As if you had any to begin with..
“Ore-sama’s been hearing some things he shouldn’t, Chichinashi.” He begin, his left hand sliding down to grip one of your shoulder, “It’s not true right? You wouldn’t dare go against Ore-sama?”
“A-Ayato.” Your mouth felt dry all of a sudden. You knew what he was talking about. After having a disagreement once again between you both, you foolishly accepted a date with another. You thought it would come to nothing, little did you know that the person would spread the news like a wild fire.
His grip tightens, nails digging through your uniform into your skin, drawing blood from you. The smell was intoxicating as always to Ayato, but he was to busy seething inside to notice completely.
“It was a mistake! I didn’t mean it, I was upset. Forgive me.” You plea body trembling in both pain and fear.
A scowl stretches onto his face, his hand long left your shoulder the minute those words left your lips. Instead, they wrap around your throat, tightening as he processes your words. It came to the point, you were clawing at his hand, letting out choked gasps.
Ayato couldn’t think straight. All he can think about is you being with someone that’s not him. How dare you? Ayato should be your whole world, your first thought when you wake up and your last thought when you sleep. You should feel suffocated by his presence, otherwise he wasn’t doing his job.
Slowly he loosens his hold on you, leaving you chugging down air desperately. A few minutes pass before you glance at him, body going still when you see the huge sinister grin on his face.
“Ore-sama’s just gonna have to remind you who you belong to,” he suddenly grabs your hair and throws you on top of the faucets counter, “No matter how long it takes, everyone will know you belong to Ore-sama.” He finishes before sinking his sharp teeth into your neck with purpose.
Kanato Sakamaki
If it was any normal person, they would be heart broken and move on. But Kanato was anything but normal.
First he lets you get away with talking back to him in your argument yesterday, chosen to forgive you after you reluctantly make him snacks and now.. you had the audacity to cheat on him.
You filthy, untrustworthy mortal.
He was aware all woman were the same. Hell, he constantly reminded him despite the kind attention you gave him. He always assumed your kindness had ulterior motives. Why else would someone be kind to him? He knew he was a handful. He just didn’t care.
Now it was clear how you felt about him, there was no hiding it. There was no hiding from him. This time, you actions are unforgivable. You thought you can toy with his feelings… You’ll pay in the worst way.
When he invited you to his room, you didn’t think much of it. Somehow you were completely oblivious to the news spread throughout the school. In fact, the situation with the date was so far in the back of your head, you have forgotten it had happened. You were just upset in the moment. It was never more than just a sway of words.
That’s why after entering his room to see the person who asked lying lifeless in a pool of blood a few feet away from Kanato, were you shocked. Just a few hours ago, he was alive. Guilt quickly creeped up on you but it was shortly lived when Kanato called for your attention.
“So glad you’re here. Good to know you’re still a little obedient,” he smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He points to the dead on his floor, “Remember them?” he laughs, “Of course they do! Right teddy?” he turns to the bear in his hand.
You remain still, time ticking like a bomb about to go off. Which in all honestly it could, Kanato was unpredictable and if he found out about that and this was the outcome, imagine what he would do to you.
How do you get out of this situation?
“Look at her, teddy. She’s planning something… whatever it is won’t work. No. I don’t like it.” he shakes his head, “I’d much rather your expression be twisted in pain than whatever this is…” he walks towards you, face twisting from one emotion to another before settling into a deep frown. He stops a feet away from you, your back against the door before she even realizes it.
“I do enjoy your terrified expression too, it’s adorable.” he mumbles. It felt like time froze with how long you both been staring at each other. Kanato hold on his bear tights as he stares numbly at you. It was too much, you had to say something.
“Kanato—“ your voice trails off because in a split second, a knife was lunged into your abdomen. It hurt so much, it pulsed with heat. Your mind couldn’t wrap around what was happening. Gripping the arm it was attached to, you looked the culprit in his crazed eyes, “Kan-ato..”
He sneered twisting it harshly, “Did you think you can get away with using me?! I told you I’d break you. Down to your last breath.” he yanks it out, watching your body drop to the floor, struggling to inhale.
“You’re lucky you’re pretty enough to be added to my collection,” he bends down to stab you again in your shoulder. He smiles when you haller out in pain, “To stay with me forever… you should be grateful.” he stabs your leg.
“That’s right.. look at me like that.” he repeatedly stabs you over and over until the life drifts from your eyes to nothing, “You’ll never leave me. Will you?”
Laito Sakamaki
What was this? Is his hearing finally going, has he finally reached that age? No, that can’t be it. So whst exactly was happening?
His little bitch going on a date with some that’s not him? How outrageous. Not possible. He’s the only one who can take you out on sexy rendezvous and risky trips. You liked it better when it was him. He knew that.
So why is it that hearing the rumor stirs something unsettling in him. It tugs at his undead heart and gnaws at his brilliant brain. Before he could do anything, it seeped through the cracks, drowning him.
Every memory with his mother, with every woman he encountered, every person who he thought he loved—who he thought showed him love and every betrayal he assumed or saw came full surface.
It hurt so much. He swore to never feel like this again. And it ate at his mind. If he had a breath to give, it would be ripped right out of him. He didn’t like this. He wasn’t the one in control, he wasn’t the one getting your love. He wasn’t the one playing the game. He felt like the game played… him.
When Laito found you, he all but dragged you to the roof top. A place where terrifying, haunting memories were held. The same ones that kept you on your toes, but failed you every time.
Laito was uncharacteristically quiet, his back turned to you as he stared out into the open planes. It could have been a pleasant sight if you didn’t know what kind of monster he really was.
“Y’know, little bitch.” he starts, taking his hat off to run his free hand through his hair, “There was only one other time I truly loved someone to the point of hate. All the others… they weren’t real.”
Hearing where this conversation was heading, you reach back to grip the handle when a gasp leaves you. No longer were you standing in front of the door, instead Laito has you dangling off the rails of the school on your toes. His right hand was twisted into your uniform shirt, the only thing keeping you from falling.
Quickly, you grab his arm, tears swelling in your eyes as you see the sad expression on his face. It squeezed at you heart, but maybe that was actually the fear of falling.
“Lait-o please!” You lean forward into his touch.
He clicks his tongue, shaking his head at your attempt to sway him. He knew this scene all too well. The first was hard on him, he drowned himself in body after body. No doubt this would be the same. It didn’t bring him the same joy as his usual actions did. This time he truly felt torn.
“Little bitch,” he draws in your attention and you lock eyes, “It doesn’t bring me joy from this. I would have rather spent the rest of our lives together… exploring each other but I can’t tolerate the betrayal.”
It only dawned on you what he was talking about. From the start of this interaction you thought he was being moody but you should have known; play your cards just a little better but it was too late. With a easy unraveling, he lets you go with a gentle push and watches as you descends to the floor.
So many emotions raved through him as he did. He wanted to grab you back and tell you it was a joke. But he stays in place when he hears a loud splat and a pierced scream.
He couldn’t even bring himself to peek before he left. You brought up to many bad memories, how could he forgive you?
Subaru Sakamaki
Subaru really couldn’t stand you. From the moment you entered their home and disrupted his peace. It was always something with you. Always needing saving from someone or something, always needing to be reminded that you were beneath him and everyone in this house.
Yet you seem to not understand it or that you do but you completely throw it to the wind, whatever the reason it pissed him off. All your stupid attempts to get close to him, to try and understand him… to get him to open up.
Then, despite his constant attacks on you, he actually grew some form of attachment. The thought of you sicken him, but the thought of you gone made him mad more. You disgusting, weak human did something to him.
So when he heard the rumor of you agreeing to date someone else. It was like… something broke in him. All his thoughts consumed him, he was a monster. Less than trash. His mother didn’t want him nor his father. Why would you?
He didn’t even like himself sometimes. It’s no surprise the time you have another argument, you agree to date someone else. If he was in your position, he’d run to. Run so far, the chances of anyone catching him was slim to none. But you weren’t that good at running… actually, you couldn’t really run after he caught you.
There was a permanent snarl on his face as he stares down at you. A chained collar secured tightly around your neck, identical to the ones around your wrist. If Subaru wasn’t so aggravated, he could have enjoyed seeing you ruined.
He grips the knife in his left hand, which drips of your blood, “Shut up!” he shouts, listening to your whimpers, “You brought this on yourself. Stupid.. You just don’t learn.”
He moves to crouch in front of you, lifting your head up by the chin, “I told you you’ll die if you stay here.” His left hand raises as he speaks and makes another slash across your skin.
You groan loudly with shut eyes, shaking as he does it again… and again, and again till more and the same wounds bleed profoundly. It was agonizing, with how many hours he’s been at it. It felt like he was never going to lighten up his assaults.
But a miracle shines on you when he pulls away and drops the knife. He stands over you for minutes, chest heaving up and down. You never understood why they pretended to breathe, but you weren’t in the position to question.
There you laid out like a doll. So broken, bruised and bloody. Almost beyond repair. Subaru smiles at that acknowledgment. As much as he was tempted to tear your throat out, the smell of your blood begging him to drain you dry till you were foaming at the mouth; this would have to do.
”I told you… you’ll die.” was the last thing he said before leaving the dungeon, locking it on the way out.
Fuck he hated you.
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DL Masterlist
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alwaysdreamin28 · 8 months
this episode was so pretty and christmassy im kinda happy they let it out right now and not at actual christmas time ssjsj i feel like it feels right :') and it was snowing like crazy today anyways so it was the perfect mood
suuuch warm vibes and the night and day forgiveness ark?? it happened so soon and in such a simple way my heartstrings were pulled quite a lot also this is the first show where i've watched mark play a bigger role and he is a very very talanted young actor i now understand why everyone was praising him ever since he showed up😭 ngl might have shed some tears in his scenes on the train
and also is the Day possibly getting his eyesight back even worth getting hopes up? I feel like since its episode 11 (cough cursed one) it might not go as planned but honestly even if it doesnt i think day still can and will have his happy ending with mhok by his side he already felt content with his condition as of episode 9 end and this just adds a bit of painful glimpses of hope that will hurt if its not successful even if the chances were small in the first place :( i just really dont wanna see day being so sad again he's been through so much already but we'll see how it goes
And porjainight shippers this has truly been a win for yall 😌👏🏻
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chans-bad-girl · 3 years
Hey I was wondering if you could do a fic with channie about if you have a vagina with hair? cause, you know, it’s such a pain to shave/wax down there and it makes me insecure sometimes thinking boys won’t like it. thank you!
ahh I feel you on the part where it's a pain lol shaving is so annoying (in east asian culture I've actually picked up that they don't shave down there anyway so I think the real Chan or just most Korean celebrities wouldn't really bat an eyelash at it (?) lol)
PS: this kinda made me understand I'm not that good at hurt/comfort 😬 but enjoy
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pairing: soft long distance bf! chris x afab yn
warnings: actually pretty soft ngl, creampie, penetrative sex, clitoral stimulation, a bunch of random touching, nipple play when you really hone in on the details, maybe one pet/nickname and also dirty talk but what is a smut fic without dirty talk?
chris' close friend hyunjin got married eight hours ago. he'd never met you, but as his best friend's plus one, you were treated like family: grand buffet packed with traditional korean dishes, unlimited champagne and wine, and the family-lounge away from all the third-cousins his parents invited for formality's sake.
hyunjin's 7-year-old niece caught the bridal bouquet, all stomaches were filled, and everybody sang their hearts out on the poor karaoke machine. in short: you had fun.
but after 4am, you arrive at the hotel, high-heeled shoes the first thing to come off, and you remove all the layers: hair pins, make up, dress, spanx.
chris takes off your necklace, fingers cold against your neck, and whispers, "haven't really had any one-on-one moments today, hm?"
you know where this is going but there’s a minor problem: you had to rush getting ready for the wedding because your flight was late, so you only shaved what the dress exposes.
you two haven’t seen each other in a month and during that time, between lectures and finals, you couldn’t have bothered less about your pubic hair. one less thing to do in the shower.
but now you regret it. because his leg presses between your hips from behind you, and his kisses have gotten wet.
“sorry, channie, but I haven’t shaved in…a bit. I can help you, and tomorrow I'll shave properly.”
“but I don’t care about that stuff, just want you close.”
"tomorrow, yea?" you sit on the bed and put your necklace on the nightstand.
he follows you like a lost puppy, keeping enough distance.
"I wouldn't judge you. especially not for something as small as that. hair is normal and I'm also not always shaved."
"I know...just wanna look good for you."
"alright selena gomez, can I love my girlfriend now?"
"what if I like it like that? a bit unruly?"
"yea?" you tilt your head and stare at his lips. maybe it really doesn't matter.
"yea. I like you in every single way." he trails a wet path of kisses down your neck, down to your collarbone. "and I also want to take you in every single way so if you won't let me love you I might have to kiss you until you're soaking and begging for me." now he comes closer, gaining confidence from the inquiry of your stare. maybe he should fuck that insecurity out of you.
"what if I want you to?"
"oh?" the smirk on his face only grows bigger when you shift to sit on his lap.
because he's right. you can trust him. you want and love each other and that's the only thing that matters right now.
"let me make you feel good, baby, huh?"
his forehead finds yours, and he swallows your little gasps and sighs that you respond to his touch with.
his hands trail up your thighs, then squeeze your waist. and when you tug at his shirt, he flips you onto your back.
"gosh, all night I couldn't wait. it's been way too long." he whispers in your ear, kisses your neck, tickles your cheeks with his curls.
slowly, he takes your shirt off. it tickles when cold air hits hair around your nipples, but chris is quick to replace that feeling with pleasure by twirling his tongue. and you wrap your legs around him.
it doesn't take long for the both of you to lie bare in front of each other, uncomfort long forgotten as the pulse between your legs allows no other thoughts than those of chris inside of you.
"please." your back archs as you close your eyes.
"please what, baby?" his lips brush against yours as he mumbles.
"please fuck me. now." you grab his girth and pump him a few times before aligning.
"so wet and demanding."
"already losing your mind, chan?"
"sight's too pretty." he winks with a smirk that turns into a drawn out hum when he enters your walls.
he's right. it's really been too long.
the second he starts thrusting, your hands are all over him: pressing on his back, sliding down his chest, massaging between his thighs.
he moves at a slow pace and fills you with only his tip, then with his whole shaft over and over.
and when he speeds up, he starts kissing you.
"you're gorgeous," he hushes against your lips. "don't shave just for me. if you want to, do it for yourself. but I shouldn't be the reason, yea?" his lips leave yours so he can look you in the eye at which a wave of warm tingles travels through your body.
the raised eyebrows and soft smile, his deep brown stare and the slow thrusts that have your bodies sticking in sweat: the man in your arms loves you and it's the best thing you've ever learned.
you don't give him an answer to his little question, but connect your lips instead, circling your hip in his rhythm. because you love him too with the same amount of care.
"besides, I think it's cute." chris trails a finger down your body - between your breasts down to your core - to circle it around your clit.
a moan escapes your lips and he drinks it right up.
but you don't last long with the double stimulation and the realization that you've built up way too much of this desire for the past months.
truth is, only he can make you feel this way.
"chan, I'm gonna cum." and even though he could already tell from your strong grip on his back and the loud moans, he finds it hard to control his own orgasm when you whimper out like that.
"then don't hold back. cum with me, y/n." his low whispers push you over the edge and the violent clenching of your core has you squeezing your eyes in bliss.
as a response to your spasms and whimpers, chris fills you with his cum as his whole shaft pushes into you.
but it isn't enough for him.
he hasn't seen you real fucked out since that one night out in that abandoned beach parking lot where he gave you seven orgasms four months ago, and right now he doesn't care who hears. he just wants to make you feel good. make up for the lost time.
"wanna find out just how good it can get?"
"yes, please."
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GeOrGeWeAsLeYpUnIsHmEnT. Don't ask, I'm going through a phase lmao-
Forgive me if his personality isn’t portrayed correctly, I shamefully admit that I don’t know a lot about our tall ginger 
Ngl I really love this one it just hits different
Enjoy :) <3
Warning: 18+, SMUTTY GIF BE CAREFUL!!!! 
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George has always been proud of the fact that he can make you laugh so hard your stomach hurts and you plead him to shut up. It was just something about the way your eyes lit up and you’d flush an adorable shade of red and god you just look so giggly and fuckable. You don’t even notice how everyone swoons and puts even more effort in making you laugh. It was so intimate to him, that whenever someone else besides his brothers made you laugh, he would sulk. 
“The joke wasn’t even funny, she probably laughed because she didn’t want to be rude!”, he’d complain to Fred. His brother would just clap him on the back sympathetically and tell him that the joke had been pretty decent. And George would slap him. And Fred’s middle name is petty, so he told you about it.
“He said what?”
Fred nodded, a smirk on his face. “He gets so bloody jealous, it’s kinda sweet.”
You blinked, still surprised. “I never noticed. Is that why he always gets so silent? Because he’s jealous that I laughed?”
“No, not because you laughed. It’s the way everyone stares at you, like they want a  piece of your a-”
“Enough”, you laughed, “I get it. And why are you telling me this now?”
Fred wiggled his brows suggestively. “I want to prank him. Please just laugh really loud when someone makes a joke. Exaggerate, put your hand on their arm, whatever. Just make him jealous, please?” Fred pleaded. 
You bit your lip, mulling it over. George is pretty hot when he’s angry.
“Fine, I’ll do it. But if he breaks up with me, I’ll expose you!”, you warned. 
Fred grinned “Deal.”
George was fuming as he watched you tutor the boys from your class. You were letting out adorable squeaking noises everytime they made a joke and shyly play with your necklace, drawing the attention to your chest. Glancing over your shoulder you saw him, his jaw clenched as he stared at the boys. Fred was next to him, giving you a thumbs up. You winked, turning back around and resumed your lesson.
George tried to concentrate on his book, but a partucularly loud giggle from your side brought his attention on you. Your boyfriend lost his cool the moment he saw you put your hand on one of the boys’ biceps. George slammed his book shut and sprang up from his seat, marching over. You weren’t quick enough to turn around and he splayed his huge palm across the front of your throat, slamming your head against his stomach. He smashed your lips together in a hard kiss. 
“Get your shit and go to my room.” He growled out, not caring about the audience. He likes showing you off. 
“But-” You tried to reason, gesturing to the boys.
“Now.” His tone was final and you nodded, excusing yourself from the lesson to grab your bag. You’ll just have to stay longer tomorrow.
He was already walking away with big strides, knowing you’d be a good girl and follow him.
“Move it” he said gruffly. You quickly went inside his dorm and he shut the door, turning around to give you an irritated look. 
“What’s wrong Georgie?” Your kept your voice soft, feigning innocence. 
He let out an angry huff. “Oh, nothing, besides having to witness you flirting with a group of boys-”, he spit out the word boys like an insult, “-right infront of my nose. Oh no everything is fucking fine, why don’t you go touch their arms again? Bet they‘re really fit!”
“I wasn’t flirting with anyone!” You argued, loving where this is going. 
“Now you’re lying as well? Fine.”
He grabbed your arm with one hand, the other pushing down your skirt and panties. Tugging you over his lap he put one of his legs over yours to keep you steady.
“Guess I have to remind you who is in control here.”
With that he started to spank you, hitting each cheek with practiced smacks. 
He cut you off with a harsh slap on the bottom part of your ass, making you hiss in pain.
You shut your mouth, but couldn‘t hold in the little whimpers of pain. You felt yourself getting wet, the way he was holding you down and doing whatever he wanted made you crave his touch on your cunt.
„Look at you“, he cooed „getting wet from your punishment.“
Still holding you down tightly, he spread your pussy, his middle finger tracing your slit, before pushing in slightly.
„What a pretty cunt, opening right up to me. So you do know who you belong to“, he mused.
Letting you go he made you sit up on his lap, face level with his and slipped two fingers in, his thumb on your clit. You jumped from the sudden pleasure, hands squeezing his shoulders and rocked your hips to meet his fingers.
„Ah George, please..“ you breathed, kissing him and pleaded some more.
„Please what? Wanna cum?“, he mocked you.
„Yes“, you whined with a high pitched voice, „Yes, please!“
He started to go faster, bringing you to the brink, only to pull out over and over again. His fingers curled and fucked you with ease, knowing exactly what got you off.
Yes were begging him, trying to find a way to appease his rage.
„Please“, you cried out, „Please, make me cum! I swear I didn‘t mean to! Ah it was supposed to be a prank. Fuck, George!“
His eyes widened in surprise and he immediately took his fingers out before you came and you sobbed, wanting his fingers back. You had been so close.
His hand came up to squeeze your jaw and you felt your own slick wetting your face.
„What the fuck did you just say?“ His jaw was set, eyes darkening with fury. His fingers squeezed harder and you winced.
„It was supposed to be a joke. You were so cute when you were jealous and I-“
Your face turned to your right and your cheek stung from the force behind his hand. He grabbed your hair, pulling your head back until you had to look down to be able to see his face.
„Cute huh? Lets see how cute I am when I fuck your face..“
Still holding your hair in his fist he pushed you on your knees, taking his hard cock out of his pants.
„Open your mouth, bitch.“
You open, sticking your tongue out as he leans over you, spitting on it.
„Keep your mouth open.“
You obey, hands behind your back.
George takes his cock, bringing it to your tongue and slowly rubs the head of his cock against it. He holds it there for a few seconds, pumping leisurely and the precum slowly slides down your tongue. You moan, wanting to taste him and he smirks menacingly. Letting go he takes your head in both hands, pulling you back and forth and you move your tonge along the underside.
Pulling your lips around him you suck gently, tongue playing with his tip. You moan when you taste him, taking him out to suckle on the tip. Slapping him on your tongue, your hands move down to touch his balls.
He forces your head down, making you gag as you try to take all of him. George clearly doesn‘t care and grunts, moving your head like you‘re his toy.
„Mmm fuck just like that. You know what‘s cute? Me deciding when you get to breathe.“ He moans out, hips bucking when your throat constricts around him. Your nails dig into his thighs, but George keeps fucking your face without a care in the world.
„Fuck yes“, he groans, „look at your pretty mouth stuffed full of cock.“
You gasp when he lets you breathe again. George takes his cock and rubs it along your lips and cheeks.
He gives you a pout, smiling. „Why are you crying baby, was it hard to breathe?“
„Please George“, you plead, voice meek, „Please fuck me, please please!“
He gives you a smirk, bending down to pick you up. You wrap yourself around his tall frame, ankles locking behind his back. He presses you against the door, kissing you harshly and slips inside with a hard thrust.
You cry out, holding on as he fucks you in a merciless pace, his kiss painful. His right forearm presses your head back against the door and your hands fly up to anchor yourself. The lack of oxygen makes you dizzy and you choke as you mewl.
„Gonna cum please!“
He pulls out with a growl, putting you down to turn your back to him. He fucks back inside, the side of your face pressed against the wood.
„You better keep your mouth shut if you don‘t want the whole tower to hear.“
You bite his palm to keep yourself from screaming when his cock hits that spongey spot inside of your cunt, making you see stars. George twitches inside of you, his own moans loud against the door.
„Want everyone to know how good you make me feel“, he moans into your ear, hissing when your teeth sink into his palm. He takes that as a warning that you‘re about to cum and pulls out, throwing you on the floor. Not giving you time to adjust he fucks your face again.
You gag around him and he leans he head against the door, groans turning into whimpers. Your nose is smushed against his pubic hair, drool leaking from your mouth.
„Fuck gonna cum ah-“
He cums in hot spurts down your throat, voice breaking when he calls out your name. He keeps fucking your face, slowly now and pulls out, crouching down infront of you.
„Please George“, you blabber, so fucking needy. You were delirious with want, just wanting to cum.
„This is your punishment“, he sneers against your parted lips. „You don‘t get to cum today.“
You‘re in the library again, sitting on George‘s lap when you tutor the boys. They don‘t dare to make a single comment, diligently taking notes and not once looking behind you. Your were leaning forward on your elbows, your face resting in your hands, when you felt George‘s hands glide up your legs. You ignored him and continued to teach, balling your fists when he slipped your skirt up. You felt him harden underneath you when he saw the bruises on your ass from yesterday.
You told the boys to mull over a question you asked them and leaned back.
„What are you-“
You didn‘t get far with your question when you felt his cock against your pussy. He slipped in slowly and you felt him stretch you, his hands holding you still.
You gasped in surprise, shading your face with your hand and bit your lip from making any noise.
George just sat there, hands rubbing your thighs and let you teach. You tried to hurry up, your cunt squeezing him accidentally when his fingers would graze your swollen clit. He fucked up into you whenever that happend, clearly not afraid to make you cum in front of everyone.
He gripped your waist pulling you back and his cock grazed your sweet spot, making you whine softly and press back. You were still frustrated from the day before, he hadn‘t let you cum at all.
„Be quiet or I‘ll stop“, he said, biting your earlobe.
„Yes, George.“
„There‘s my good girl.“ He kissed behind your ear and you made sure that the boys were busy with the essay, before you parted your legs to let your boyfriend play with your clit.
His fingers rubbed your clit slowly, before he gradually went faster, circling his hips so his cock would fuck your sweet spot.
„Um, whats the answer to question four?“
Your felt George go faster when he realized that it was ghe boy you touched and tried to answer.
„Um it‘s“, you choked on your words, hand gripping George’s wrist under the table, but he shook it off.
„Goblin revolution“, George responded, voice hard. „Now concentrate.“
The boy immediately looked down, not daring to ask another question. You had your face burried in your hands, tembling slightly.
George thrust up hard, acting like he was adjusting in his seat and you came on his fingers, biting your thumb to keep any noise in. You felt him cum inside of you, a warm feeling spreading in your cunt.
He went back to kissing your neck in attempt to cover his own moans, biting hard when he felt you squeeze him tight.
Slowly he pulled his hand away to bring it up to his lips and you heard him hum around the wet fingers.
Blushing you crossed your legs with him still inside of you and continued the lesson.
„I have my good girl back, yes?“
You flushed at the question, his voice a little too loud. George didn‘t care, he wanted them to hear.
„Yes George.“
And Fred was laughing his ass off behind you. Now everyone would know what a kinky fucking couple you are.
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! boys’ reactions to you speaking 💗 uwu💗
characters: tsukishima, ushijima, yaku, kenma & iwazumi
thank you anon for this cute request 💕 idk what i just wrote but i had fun 👍
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tw// fluff, swearing, uwu language, cwinge
kenma’s hcs tw// sexual themes, implied switch!reader, phone sex(?), mentions of a blowjob, mentions of punishment
iwaizumi’s hcs tw// breeding kink, fem!reader, orgasm denial
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Kei Tsukishima
you realised he didn’t like it so you did it just to annoy him LMFAO
he was scrolling through tiktok and a girl popped up on his fyp talking like that, so he snarled and immediately flicked it away, muttering something along the lines of ‘why do people speak like that? do they think it’s cute? ‘cause it’s really not; it’s just embarrassing.’
so you wasted no time in responding, ‘sowwy? what was that?’
his blood literally ran cold, he was aware that you liked taking the piss but he didn’t expect you to do it to this extent
 ‘what did you just say?’ he murmured, silently praying that he had just misheard you
you rolled your eyes before scoffing ‘nothing.’ you deepened your voice, just playing around at this point tbh
tsukishima hummed in agreement, deciding not to inquire further as he figured that he must’ve heard the echo of the girl’s voice in his head rather than yours
so he was just about go back to scrolling until he heard you coo in a high-pitched from behind him, ‘tsukishima is a lil’ bitch.’
‘(Y/N), FUCKING STOP!’ he let a throaty scream at you
‘you’re so boring, tsukki-’ you spoke, quickly cutting yourself off so you could switch to your uwu voice, ‘or should I say; bowing.’
you said, hopeful that your voice would make it clearing that you meant ‘boring’ rather than the act of playing an instrument with a bow
‘go to hell.’ he grumbled, trying his best to tune you out by pulling his headphones over his ears 
‘babe~’ you purred, shuffling over to him and peppering kisses along the nape of his neck as you were feeling extra evil today, ‘wuv you~’
‘jail.’  tsukishima simply stated as he switched over to Spotify so he could blare some Mother Mother to drown out the sound of your voice
the worst part was that he couldn’t even tell if he liked it or not PFFT
like it was cute but the fact you weaponised it against him annoyed him
but you were also giving him kithes so he couldn’t exactly complain 💞
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Morisuke Yaku 
ok don’t even lie yaku does a variant of the uwu voice whenever he’s trying to insult kuroo IUGBEIGVA
it’s something like ‘aww, kuwoo, does your lil’ undewdeveloped bwain not undewstand algebwa?’ but in a mocking way yk?
so when a he watches a lil’ tabby cat approach you on the street, then you busted out the uwu voice that he had never heard before- he was taken aback
at first he was like ‘woah why are you making fun of that cat?’ bc he always associated that voice with ridicule LMFAO
but when he processed all the nice things you were saying he realised that you were being nice lol
so then he was like ‘awwww 🥺 (y/n) + cat = SO FKN CUTE!! 💕💗💖’ *click click* and he just starts taking photos
he probably puts them on his private story with the caption ‘their an angel 😍’
(then kuroo probably replies with ‘they’re*’) (don’t ask why yaku put him on his private story ✋)
anyway, he’s probably so fond of the voice too like ofc he thinks it’s cute
bc it’s a lil’ kitten and you’re talking to it in a high-pitched voice as if it can understand you SO FKN CUTE
he’s not too effected by it tho- it’s mostly how well you get on with the cat that he really admires
then he couched down beside you to talk to the cat too and y’all had a whole conversation with it in uwu
‘aww, look! are you hungwy, baby?’ you asked the cat as it licked the back of it’s paw
‘i think, it is!’ yaku continued, aware that if anybody from school caught him doing this, he’d pass away on the spot but what can he say? he’s soft for you (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
 ‘i have some blueberries in my bag, you can have some if you say please.’ he told the cat
you were both met by the cat’s blank - but adorable - stare, accompanied by silence until the kitten let out a faint, ‘mew’
‘AWWWWWW!!! 💞💕💖🥺👏 ’ you both squealed in unison, impressed by the kitten’s response 
‘it understands us!’ you gasped while applauding the cat for it’s excellent communication skills
‘the voice must work!’ yaku concluded as he scrambled to throw his bag off his back and rummage through it in search of the tub of blueberries
you nodded, watching in awe as yaku pulled out the tub to carefully pick out the plumpest berries and feed them to the cat
yaku noticed your expression out of the corner of his eye and chuckled, ‘what?’
‘you’re so cute.’ you snickered, lighting bopping his nose with your index finger as he continued to allow the cat to feed out of the palm of his hand
a furious blush immediately covered his cheeks as he hastily turned his head away to hide it - in a typical anime fashion, ‘be quiet.’
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Kenma Kuzome
it’s a sex thing-- it’s 100% a sex thing
a kink perhaps?
ngl he loves it when you do the voice in bed 
like don’t ask why it turns him on so much
he’s weak for you whenever you do the voice tbh
BUT it’s only hot when you do it 
when any other person does it - especially if it’s over text - he literally gags 🤢🤢🤢
when a streamer he watches does the voice, he’s just thinks ‘ew ✋ that isn’t cute. pls stop.’
but when you do it- boner alert pfft
especially when you moan in that voice yES HE LOVES THAT
you just execute it in a way these other bitches just can’t, okay? 💅 IUERBGFERIBG
he doesn’t mind putting the voice on sometimes if you like it when he does it but he’s really embarrassed by it 🙈
he’ll try to say something in the voice while you’re rearranging his guts for a change and you’re praising him like 👏👏👏 ‘awh, precious kenma bb.i love that voice on you, i might just let you cum early--’
and he’s fucking groaning from pain, pleasure and humiliation 
‘never again.’ was the single coherent thought he could form
you’re only giving like 20% of the time but if you happen to giving on a day that you’re feeling especially evil, you might make him do the voice in exchange for orgasm privileges
but he gets you back for it though 
you’d call him, whining and pleading for him to help you with the throbbing between your legs or at the very least, give you permission to touch yourself
but considering that the day prior, you had tortured his ass to the point were he was now struggling to sit down, ofc he was just like ‘no ❤’ when you ask for his assistance 
even after your continuous begging, he didn’t budge 
‘don’t you dare put your hands on yourself until i get home. i’m leaving right now so i should be back in half an hour but if you keep pestering me like a little bitch, then i’ll be sure to go extra slow on the highway.’
although, for kenma ‘extra slow’ is probably the speed limit lmao
(istg he drives like he’s in mario kart)
however, half an hour was just too long 😩 i mean, you had probably been on call with him for 5 minutes already and it took you 20 minutes to get him to pick up the phone so by now, you were clearly on the brink of madness
‘kitten~’ you whined, desperately trying to think of a way to convince kenma to aid you 
then you remembered; his weak spot
‘pwease, baby?’ you softened and raised the pitch of your voice
kenma perked up as he realised what you were trying to do, the tips of his ears burning, ‘don’t bother to try that with me, (y/--’
‘i’ll suck you off when you come back.’ you promised, keeping the voice on, the aching getting worse and worse by the second
kenma was now partially able to relate to your circumstance as he began to feel a straining of his own, between his legs at your cutesy tone along with the image of the last time you blew him tormenting his mind
‘whatever. but only use your hands. i can tell when you use a toy so don’t even try; or else i’ll dick you down ‘til the sun rises- okay bye.’
atm the moment, that hardly sounded like a punishment but then you reflected back on how you’d be crying for a mercy after the fourth round with kenma so- yeah
anyway, moral of the story, if you perform the voice well enough, it’s basically kenma’s weakness so use it wisely 
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Hajime Iwaizumi
you first did the voice in front of him while you had a friend’s baby in your arms and you were trying to communicate with it 
it kinda looked like 
you: hewwo babyy~ who’s the most precious thing? you are! 
the baby: 🤠
the parent: 🙂
iwa: 😶
iwa ON THE INSIDE: breeding kink go brrrr 😩 i want to put a baby in her so bad- she’ll scream my name in that fucking voice tonight
and he was right
cut to him pounding you while demanding that you say his name in ✨the voice✨ or else you won’t be allowed to cum
ofc you had too much pride for that so you just let him dick you down and cum whether he likes it or not but he could tell that was the plan you had in mind so he suddenly pulled out just as you were about to reach your high
he looked at you with a mean scowl, ‘fucking say it or i’ll stop right now.’
if he were to stop, it would kinda be a punishment for him too but he didn’t care- anything to see his lovely gf suffer tbh 😇
also he could get off to you fingering yourself, struggling to orgasm- he’s done it before and he’ll gladly do it again if you don’t say his damn name 
‘iwa..’ you groaned, gripping at the sheets as you anticipated him sliding his cock back into you 
‘in the voice.’ iwaizumi reiterated, delivering a hard smack to the side of your thigh out of annoyance
you hissed at the sharp impact , gulping to lubricate your dry throat before choking out in your best imitation of the voice he desired, ‘iwa~’
he was only half-satisfied with what you uttered but i mean, it got the job done
his dick was throbbing, practically begging for the comfort of your warm cunt once again so he hastily slipped back in, letting out a low groan as he did so
so he’d continue hammer you from behind, probably muttering incoherent things about your babies and your voice while doing so but you chose to pay little attention to it as you couldn’t help but focus on your own intense pleasure
once he finally climaxed, he did it inside you which you wasn’t surprising as y’all had already established that you love being being filled up and he loves filling you up 💕
but then he insisted that y’all go for another few rounds to increase the chance of pregnancy 
like- sir-
you didn’t have the heart to tell him that you were on birth control 
bc surely......he would’ve known
but he didn’t
you eventually told him that you had no interest in coming off birth control and he wasn’t mad LMAO he didn’t even want a baby tbh he was just caught up in the moment 
yeah no but if you do the voice again, the cycle will continue
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
you were both hanging out in your bedroom, doing your own things, and you were sending your friend a (video) snap so you ironically used the uwu voice
ofc this caught his attention so he shifted his gaze off of his revision sheets and onto you, shooting you a weird look
you couldn’t help but snicker, turning to him and continuing with your little impression, ‘can i hewp you?’ you tried to ask in all seriousness but you couldn’t suppress the smile that was tugging on the corners of your lip
were you a little high? yes
ushijima just blinked rapidly, wondering why you sound like a cuter version of mickey mouse all of a sudden
was it a trend?
or maybe it was for one of those ‘tiktoks’?
either way, ushijima couldn’t help what he said next
‘no. i’m fiwne.’
HE SAID IT LIKE ‘fi - whine’ THO
you passed away 💀⚰
‘TOSHI!!!’ you screamed, feeling your soul leave your body
ushijima gasped, thinking that you had just been possessed or sumn, ‘hm?’
once he realised that you were in fact sane, he figured that your reaction must have something to do with his response 
‘did i say something wrong?’ his lips curling into the tiniest of smiles, simply because you looked so joyous so ofc he was he was happy seeing you happy
‘nope! please say it again, toshi! i’m beggin’ ya’
although he loved hearing you laugh more than anything, the man had his limits
ngl he doesn’t mind when you do it - it just doesn’t especially effect him, that’s all
you could just randomly start talking like that during a conversation and he’ll just go from 😐 to 😐
but he gets butterflies when you call him ‘baby’ which is something you usually pickup whenever you put on the voice lol <3
pls call him ‘baby’ or ‘babe’ more he just wants to feel cared for and loved for a change instead of always having to constantly put on a front of ‘big, stoic man with no feeling that you can push around to your hearts content’  around literally everyone. sometimes he just wants to come home and feel like he can actually express himself and be soft without getting ridiculed  
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niksfics · 3 years
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↬ PAIRINGS: kenma x f!reader (side aka rebound mention) miya atsumu x f!reader
↬ WARNINGS: a whole lotta angst, breakup, it’s an online relationship, kenma is cold and hurts ur feelings
↬ SUMMARY: your relationship with kenma really had felt like the last one. He was it, turns out he didn’t have similar feelings.
↬ A/N: alright loves!! This isn’t proofread at all it’s 2 in the morning I’ll edit when I wake up, butttt Thanks to my lovely ex girlfriend you are now being graced with this steaming pile of trash. (Lovely was not meant sarcastically at all she is in fact very lovely.) Ngl almost, if not all of this story is about my relationship with my ex gf. This is how I cope people. → It’s taken me awhile to actually be able to right something that’s why things kinda stopped. Tbh after she broke up with me it’s been very hard for me to write so hopefully this helps! And I hope you enjoy!! I would also just like to say if it feels a lil weird it’s cause these are things I’ve actually written in my notes I tweaked it a little to fit the story but it’s straight from the source 😩
WC | 2.5K
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You sighed as you opened your notes app. Your eyes scanning over all of the little facts and quirks he had told you about himself. All the stuff you’d wanted to remember. The stuff that had seemed so important to you before. Now it was meaningless, almost like facts about a stranger. Almost as if you hadn’t spent four months learning about and growing with eachother.
You scrolled down a little bit right under, how his favorite marvel character is Spider-Man and you chewed on your lip. Your fingers hovering above the keyboard on your phone. You looked over the facts again. The things he dislikes and the stuff he adores, the things he likes to collect to the way he feels passionately about a certain topic. You begin to type.
Friday June 25th 2022 12:22 Am
I cried again tonight, because I still love you. It’s been a month and six days since we broke up. It feels like there’s a hole in my chest. You seem to be doing fine though, so I’m happy for you! This is the second time since we’ve broken up that I’ve felt actual physical emotional pain in my chest. Remember when I told you how bad it hurt after we broke up? Remember how you didn’t even ask if I was ok? Didn’t even bother to answer. Do you remember that? I remember. I’ve thought about it every day since. I remember it being so bad I genuinely thought I was having a heart attack. Wasn’t until I’d called tetsu crying that he’d told me it was just emotional and I should probably try to relax.
I read through our old messages. I’ve never wanted something back so bad. Never wanted to beg anyone to stay till now. I wish you loved me like I love you. I wish I hadn’t grown so attached, wish I hadn’t fallen so deeply into love with you. I wish it wasn’t my fault that we broke up. I wish I wasn’t so fucking scared. I wish I was fearless. Wish I could rise into love bravely. I wish I was brave when it came to you. I keep telling myself it was me. It was me not you. You didn’t love me anymore. You don’t love me anymore and you’re just too nice to say that. So you told me in the only way I could handle. Except you hadn’t used the words you should have. You got bored. We both know it’s true. You were bored of it, and I don’t blame you. I know we’ll never talk again, and part of me is so glad. Another part of me forces myself to read through all our messages though. I wish I could just tell you one last time. I love you.
You sighed saving it before closing out of it. Tears you hadn’t known were falling finally became known to you as they streamed down your cheeks. Your eyes puffy as you wet your lips, the salt of them coating your tongue. You were bitter and so were your tears. I briefly wondered what he was doing right now. Probably playing a video game. You knew his schedule all to well by now. Probably testing out a new game for his stream.
A new set of fresh tears fell as you remembered how you used to call him right before he went on. Being lulled to sleep by his occasionally curses and the clicking oh his controller or his keyboard.
You never expected things to end this way. You really thought he was the last one. Yes it had only been four months, but the way he made you feel. The way that it had felt. It had felt final, and you’d been friends before you even started dating.
You sniffle moving yourself to the kitchen to poor yourself a glass of water as you remembered how nervous you were when you first texted him. You had acumulated quite the crush on him back in high school. As Inarazaki’s manager you were required to go to the games, and even after your team lost you had stuck around. Watched him play and cheered him on. Two weeks later you had begun to text, as friends of course. It wasn’t until four months ago that you’d gotten together.
Your anniversary was only two days prior to your break up. You both had never been one to even care about that stuff. You had agreed early on in the relationship that we wouldn’t do anything due to the distance, and the business of our schedules. You were never one for remembering things like anniversaries anyways.
He really did feel like the one. Sometimes you just know. Sometimes you can just feel it. Like, you know that feeling you get when you know something is off or you know for sure something is about to happen even without being told it’s going to. That’s what it felt like to be with kozume kenma.
You thought you knew, you thought this time, this time its for real. You thought it was finally safe to say, that he was the one. You both had even admitted to looking for each others initials in those stupid soulmate tik tok videos.
You were finally in a mature relationship with someone you could talk about anything to. You had gotten so caught up in it, that you didn’t even see the end creeping up on you.
You’d finally gained the courage to text him again. Unfortunately it was in a drunken daze. Your hands shaking as you fumbled with your phone typing things you’d come to regret in the morning. You’d sent him a series of texts telling him how much you missed him, how you didn’t understand how he was so okay. You had been a wreck that night. One of your friends puking in her toilet as you cried. You were happy of course that he was doing so well, but you’d been a wreck for so long and he hadn’t even changed. You told him you wished you could be okay.
When you’d awoken the next morning hair knotted in a complete mess and wiping drool from your chin your heart had sunk even lower. His response was cold. You knew that kenma could be cold. You knew that it was just who he was, but this particular text had felt so unfeeling and unfamiliar, it was as if he hadn’t even sent it himself. He had only ever talked like this to you once and that was when you first became friends all those years ago.
Kozume ❤️
Hey, it’s okay. And yeah you see what I choose to put up. I could be better. But I choose to stay optimistic and busy. Sorry that things are this way.
You had never seen so many periods in a text before. He only used grammar like that when he was peeved, and maybe you were wrong, maybe he’d done that on purpose, but it had hurt so bad. It had caused an ache so deep in your chest that you weren’t sure if you’d ever even dated him at all.
It was the only thing you could bring yourself to respond back with. How were you supposed to respond to that? You’d stared at it for so long and after you’d sent it you wished you had said more. Wished you would’ve said something more insightful than a simple, heartbroken, “yeah.”
Not too long later there was another ping and you held your breath. His name briefly appearing across your screen.
Yeah. I could be better. But I hope you do well soon. I’m sorry that I can’t really do much to help out
And of course you did the only thing you could do. Deflect. Pretend like you hadn’t said what you’d said not even fourteen hours ago.
No it’s fine. I’m fine. You don’t have to apologize. I’m sorry that you could be doing better.
He left you on seen. You knew you sounded like an asshole. At least to you, you felt like an asshole. Why couldn’t you have come up with something else. Why couldn’t you tell him the truth. Tell him how you felt. Tell him that you didn’t think you should be broken up anymore. That the month long cruel joke was over and you were ready to spend your nights falling asleep to him playing video games again. You didn’t though, and you never would. You’re not brave enough, too prideful to even try.
You swallowed down the bile rising in your throat as you realized even if you did beg him. Begged him to take you back. Tell him that you still love him. You were too late, and you just couldn’t be selfish when it comes to him. He is over you and it was so plainly obvious. You know that deep down. Know that he’s moved on, and it kills you inside. So you did the only thing you could do. Try and put it into words.
So as you lay in bed the warm body you let occupy your space sound asleep beside you, his toned blonde hair tousled slightly and you sighed. Finally away from the shenanigans of your friends you took a deep breath before you closed your eyes.
You opened up your notes app again and scrolled past the last entry. You swallowed again as you blinked the tears out of your eyes. Your thumbs beginning to move before you even gave them permission.
Wednesday June 30th 2022 1:39 Am
Here I am again. Stuck. Stuck in the same place I’ve been for so long. You know, I write so beautifully when I’m broken. I’m most of my best work is written when I’m being torn apart. But I just, I can’t seem to find the words. I can’t seem to put it into a document and turn out little story into a different story to cope. Can’t seem to write it out. Can’t seem to move on.
I hovered over the unfollow button on your page today, to keep myself from scrolling through your things again. To keep myself from getting hurt. So I don’t have to be reminded. I want to delete it. Delete where we officially met. On a chat through my screen. I wanna wipe the messages clean. And I’ve tried. Oh how I’ve tried. But I can’t.
I want to delete our conversations. The hours long talks we had, but then, what happens afterwards? What keeps the memories alive. I’d never been so in love with someone before. I’ve never actually…. Been in love before. I thought I’d been in love, but it didn’t feel like that, and losing them never hurt like this. Losing someone has never hurt this bad before.
I’ve never felt the emptiness you left so deep in my very being with anyone I’ve ever met before. I can’t seem to pull myself together. And it’s pathetic I know. It’s pathetic that I’m still here. In the same place I was a month ago. It’s about to be two months we’ve haven’t been together. I’m hurting. Hurting so bad. It’s painful to look at you.
I haven’t deleted the photos even though I probably should. They’re still tucked away in an album in my camera roll labeled “us <3” the one one I made specially just for you. The way I’d been so excited when I was finally ready to tell my friends. I even have this stupid notes folder from when we were dating where I wrote all the little things about you that I never wanted to forget. I find you so endearing. Everything you do. I just couldn’t help but right it down to keep it safe so it never leaves my mind. So that I never forget. But now, forgetting is all I want to do.
I never thought there’d be a time in my life where I was more emotionally stunted that I normally. So stunted I can’t even put this, our split up, into words. Make it something entertaining for somebody else to read. Write a book about it. My publicist keeps asking when the sequel for my book will be done. I don’t know if it’ll ever be finished. I can’t do the one thing I’ve always been good at. I’m crying as I write this.
And I wish it would just end here in this little notes app. Wish the love would die in here. I always think I’m over you and then I see you again, and nowadays your everywhere. A very big hit and I’m happy for you and your success, but seeing you makes my heart squeeze in my chest.
I think I’m over you until I play that stupid fucking game that causes me to scream at my phone, or my laptop in frustration, but I just can’t seem to delete it because I know it’s something that you love. That show we used to talk about. I know you know which one, I can’t seem to watch it without thinking of what was. You’ve ruined it forever cause now it only reminds me of you. I know you’ll never see this, but I like to imagine you can. That my time for closure has somehow come.
When you told me you were sorry that things were this way, it was a real slap in the face. It stopped my false hope. My wishing. It all came to a halt. I’m glad. Glad that you’re happier. That you’re better without me. But god, now I’m so fucked up and I can’t even talk to you.
You were the only person I had left. The only one who understood me. And now you’re gone. You took a part of me with you that night. A part that I’ll never get back. I should’ve known that you would leave. I’ve never been able to get someone to stay for longer than three to four months.
I thought I could let my guard down though. I thought we were in the clear. I’d thought finally. Finally someone is gonna stay. I thought you were my person. I still think that to this day. I thought we were gonna make it. And now I’m with this guy I don’t even like. He’s not you, he doesn’t act like you. He doesn’t like video games like you do.
He doesn’t talk to me like you do. Like you did. But you know how it ended I don’t need to put it here. Unfortunately I’ll always love you even if you don’t love me. This is so scattered, I’m sorry I couldn’t make you happy.
With that you closed the app and put down your phone. Plugging in it and as it dinged miya atsumu rolled over in his sleep. He reached for you his hands wrapping around your waist to tug you against his strong body.
His gravely voice whispering through sleep, “mmm finally decided to come to bed?” You hum moving an arm under on of his to wrap around his thin waist. “Mhm, thought you might need the company.” You began to draw little shapes and letters against his back as he chuckled, “oh yea? How thoughtful of you princess.”
Suddenly it was quiet and your closed eyes opened to his wide brown ones, his eyebrows furrowing .
“Did you just spell kozume on my back?”
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saintobio · 3 years
I couldn't control it when y/n saw Gojo and Sera together that I literally crushed the bread in my hand cuz I was having breakfast while reading the new update. It's sad that y/n feels like she has to go all through this torture for being with Satoru. I had fun reading the part where Naoya was pissing Gojo off but Naoya is still Naoya(that misogynistic bij). I literally cried when Toji said Gojo's lucky to still have his wife. Pain. It was all too much but I think Sera should expect these kind of things. Satoru is married to y/n and even if it's not out of love, there are parts to be played. I can't wait for y/n to let it all out. Ms.ghorl deserves all the good things in the world and I wish Gojo will go down miserably.
This was kinda long I am so sorry. Thank youuuu for today's update 💗 Take care,aiii❤️
Anonymous said
hope mc takes gojo’s words to heart and acts like she doesn’t care anymore. it’s like all the fboys channeled their energy into making gojo 😭 y/n also had chest pains again, which makes me wonder if she’s sick. also toji’s comment on how some wish their wife was still around :(( i hope y/n and him get together because he seems so supportive of her dream. it was so nice to see her have someone to talk to. maybe she can become a designer and build an empire with toji and leave gojo’s toxicity
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Anonymous said
Aaaaaa the chapter was so goooooooood!! Toji my man let's run away and merge our companies and live a happy life! T^T Also, YO I was heavily sweating when y/n mentioned that Gojo can't make her pregnant hdkfbskxnskx Y/N YOU IDIOT 👀💦 And I'm really angy that Gojo blames y/n for his stupid ass falling asleep as well hskfbakjlebdw--- ANYWAY thank you for this chapter, heartache 10/10 would cry again. -🐳 (I hope this Emoji is still free)
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Anonymous said
yeah no😀😀 lets date toji yeah? sounds like a great idea yeah?
im burning with anger if you cant tell— my stomach churns just from reading this—
everytime gojo gets soft with us he always throws his attitude back at us when it comes to sera😭😭
nothing can explain how mad i am right now. can we just date toji already? like... I CANT HOLD IN MY ANGER I FEEL DANGEROUS RIGHT NOW.
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Anonymous said
I honestly have no words for this chapter. my heart is HURTING. I just wanna give sweet baby Y/N her happily ever after bc she deserves. i really hope her fashion career takes off and she gets to do what makes her happy. and Toji😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏hey bae. he was so sweet to her and it was so nice to read how she felt appreciated by him.
but here comes Gojo to ruin it like always😐. cmon gojo, let’s step outside rq😐. he’s such an ass and at this point idk if i wanna see him redeemed. cause does he deserve it? no, not at all.
but Ai, my sweetie honey bun boo bear, we have all been fed well😩😩❤️. plz keep up the good work and take care of yourself love <33333
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Anonymous said
IM SOBBING FROM THE LATEST CHAPTER OF SN GOOOODDDDD I'm tired of gojos bs why cant reader just run away and start her own business <//////3 uve really hurt us w this one T___T also im looking forward to the next chapter!!! this one was amazingly written as always !!!
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Anonymous said
Gojo that son of a bitch!!!! he was kinda getting better ngl but he ruined it at the end.. But damnnnnn how can you write this good?!?! Literally can’t wait for the next part!!! I’m always checking your ac every hour LMFAO thanks for your hard work!! I don’t really like angst but your writing Is damn good honey!! <3
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Anonymous said
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Anonymous said
after this chapter, i really hope that the mc has the courage to snap at gojo. like what he said was so hurtful i gasped 😹😭 i can’t wait for the mc to have her moment and be like “ i’m the reason why you’re getting so much attention w/o me, you ain’t shit” or “i’ll finally be the villian you portray me as”
i want the mc to have her #girlboss moment so bad 😭 and runaway with toji and be a great step mom to megumi living her with a company of designing clothes! honestly, sera and gojo deserve each other at this point bc they will both be their own downfall :/
anyway, you’re writing is absolutely so beautiful and amazing. i hope you stay well and happy! until next time ‼️💞
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MY LOVEEESSS!! aaah thank u so so much for all these messages they were very fun to read i’m sorry i can’t respond to each of u individually but i’m doing my best to compile bc i don’t wanna seem like i’m ignoring you guys 😭
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aquarii-writes · 4 years
History on repeat(Dream x f!reader)
Ngl this was inspired by a dnf piece on tik tok. While I don't ship it the art was beautiful and the song attached inspired me to write this. This also includes my headcanons for Dream/his parents and I'll elaborate on it in a different post if enough people ask lmao
Notes: I should mention to look at my 'DSMP headcanons' especially Dream's part because that's where I kinda explain that I don't believe that Dream himself is a dreamon but that his mask contains one. I also used Dream's real name as his fathers name. I don't really like using the dsmp members real names if it's not in their user but I had to think of a name
WARNINGS: none I can think of aside from death and stuff of similar manners
Genre: Angstyy
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Two people sat together along the shoreline of a river. The colors of the sunset danced on the water. Turning the already beautiful area ethereal. Warm summer air tickled the woman; her blonde hair jumped with the wind.
"You're so beautiful [REDACTED]" the man spoke. His amber eyes held a love for the woman beside him; his lovely wife. Her green cloak acted as a pillow for her.
"You're too kind my darling" a smile played on the woman's lips. Her mask discarded beside her. The painted smile similar to the one she held.
"I love you with all my heart" a smile danced on the mans face. His lovely wife sat up and hugged him. Falling back into the grass the happy couple basked in one another. Masks long forgotten beside them. "Stay with me forever [REDACTED]?"
"Of course my darling dream" the twos faces were close as the wife spoke. It felt as though time sat there frozen to preserve the lasting moment.
Smiling towards you Dream held out his arms to get you to come towards him. As you got near Dream pulled you on top of him. His arms circling around your waist.
"Dream~" your voice was loving. Dreams mask was off as he watched you jump in the stream water. The sun was setting over the horizon and the light gave an other worldly glow to you and the water.
Playing with the locks of hair that fell into your grasp, Dream watched you. A deep seeded longing in his eyes. Out here away from everything was when Dream was the most caring. His affections unrestricted when he wasn't in the eyes of his friends. When he could easily sneak away.
Though the future had many plans for the two of you, but here in this moment the future could wait.
"I would do anything for you (y/n)" Dream's amber eyes looked like the sun. Specks of gold shined like they were directly in the sun. Nodding to his statement you kissed the man before you. An adoring hum escaped him.
Pulling away you mumbled out a response. "I love you with all my heart~"
"Will you stay with me forever?" with a teasing smile Dream rubbed your sides: tickling you along the way.
"Of course my darling Dream" an unknown feeling of deja vu came over the two. Seems as though something similar happened in the past.
"My dream!!' [REDACTED] screamed for her husband. "Don't take him away! Please!," the woman covered her small sons ears. The child didn't know what was happening. huddling into his mother arms the woman kept screaming for her husband.
Huddled under her cloak the small boy held a hand over his mother stomach and whispered to it. The boys father struggled against the men who held him away from his family. "CLAY! LET HIM GO! He didn't mean it.." [REDACTED] dropped to the ground crying. Her son hugging his mother. "Oh my baby Dream"
Dream's mother held onto him for dear life. Tears fell from his eyes as he watched his father get taken to the gallows. As a final goodbye his father threw towards them.
Crawling away from his mother, Dream grabbed the mask; his fathers mask. The plastic was cracked in a few placed, and some of the paint was chipped, but it was probably the last thing he would ever have of his fathers.
"Please just let my husband go" [REDACTED]'s mask was similarly painted though the tears the spilt from under it spoke another story. "It was the Dreamons who did it.. not my Clay.. not my lovely dreamer.." her whimpers drew her son back over to her.
"Mommy what's happening to daddy?" Dream wouldn't get an answer from her. Just wails and whimpers about how cruel the world was.
"Dream what did you do..," Tommy and Tubbo huddled behind you. A fearful look settled in your eyes. Dream's mask was just that, a mask. Behind it he held no remorse for what he had done and what he said.
He did plan on killing Tubbo, but the look in your eyes made his thoughts stutter. Should he not kill Tubbo? When Dream said he doesn't care about anyone it planted a seed in your heart. Did he really not love you anymore?
Dream didn't answer you. All he did was stare at you through the mask. "Take off your damn mask and answer me Dream" when your voice jumped at him all Dream could do was stare. He didn't talk and he didn't react. "Why aren't you answering me?! Dream WHY did you do it?!"
"I didn't mean to-"
"Like hell you didn't mean to!" your tone was sharp. It made the boys behind you move back as you came forward to hold Dream's face. This felt too familiar. Why does it feel so familiar?
Knitted brows went unnoticed behind the mask. His annoyed expression hidden to the world; to you. His everything. Before he lost it he wanted to marry you. He even joked about you being his wife. His darling wife.
"Do you not care about me anymore? After everything that's happened between us?" a certain sadness pushed your pain to him. It was the same sorrow his mother screamed from the top of her lungs. That's why it felt so familiar.
A desolate look decorated your (e/c) eyes. The same eyes he would've fought wars so see happy. The very eyes he believed he would love forever.
"It's not my fault- sweetheart it's not my fault" his words became more rushed as Sam pulled Dream away. Dragging him to Pandora's Vault. All the way to his box.
The misery and heartache Dream saw on your face reminded him of his mother. The heartbreak he never wanted to see again.
{REDACTED] held a baby in her arms as she watched her son play on the hill with her friends son. The baby girl in her arms slept peacefully as she spoke to her friend beside her.
Puffy had been a good friend of [REDACTED] for a long time now. "Puffy you have to promise me something"
"Anything [REDACTED]" Puffy watched the baby in her friends arms. The poor thing had been born months after her fathers hanging. The family had to go into hiding.
"Please after tonight take my babies with you.... I don't think I can carry on much longer with out my Clay.." despair was the only way Puffy could describe her once vibrant friend.
The woman's once vibrant green eyes now only held melancholy. The satchel that sat beside her only contained a few things; one thing being Clay's mask.
"Dream my beloved!" [REDACTED] called out for her boy. The mask that once adorned her face constantly had been vacant since her husband died.
Running up to his momma Dream reached out to hold his baby sister. Passing baby Drista [REDACTED] kissed her sons head before pulling something from her satchel.
"Dream listen to me. The world is a cruel and it will hurt you-" holding out Clay's mask to her son said everything to the small boy. Giving baby Drista to Puffy, Dream took his fathers mask away from his mother. "Wear this.. it was your fathers..," a sadistic smile rested on his mothers face.
It scared him, but it was the first smile he saw from her since his father died.
"Okay mommy" Dream slipped on the mask his father once wore and winced. It felt like strings were licking his face. It felt wrong. This wasn't his mask to be keeping was it?
The prison vault was deafening. Nothing was a really annoying sound when all that surrounded you was lava and crying obsidian. Though he had one thing to look forward to.
You promised to see him today. His lovely wife. Well you weren't married. He fucked up that chance when he lost himself to the mask. The dreamons that whispered to him constantly.
Ever since he came in here the whispers stopped. Except for when they speak about you.
The pistoning sound of the bridge coming brought Dream from his head. A sadistic smile grew on him. Throwing off the mask the threads retreated back into the plastic.
"(y/n) my beloved!" a crazed look adorned Dream's face as he looked at you. His beloved wife. "I love you so much~"
"Dream.." with a heavy heart you held Dream's face. His eyes held a look of longing love.
"Dream love.. listen to me. The world is cruel.. and it's going to hurt," your voice cracked as you held Dream's hands. Worry filled him as Dream dragged you towards him.
Pushing back Dream dug around in the chest of his room. A ring sat gently between his fingers.
"Wear this... it'll protect you.." a hopeful look held on to Dream's face. All his love and adoration for you.
"I'm sorry Dream.. I love you so much but maybe it's better if we split ways.... I.. why do I trust you so much? Your hands are scarred with murder, but I trust them completely.." crumpling to the ground you sobbed. Conflictions and pain battering against you for weeks.
Dream held you. He had seen this all before. History was repeating. He witnessed this happen between his parents. The very thing he never wanted to happen to him did. He's losing the love of his life.
Why does history have to repeat?
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trippybigcat · 2 years
Ngl, I've been fighting sadness lately.
It just seems like everything I'm trying to do is happening at max friction, if you know that feeling.
I thought I'd write out a journal of sorts, real quick. I'm trying really hard to keep track of things.
I got up today and wanted to play my six string in the chair swing, but I've had a broken G for months. I cannibalized a string from this fixer-upper 12 string I came into possession of, but not without putting that string through my thumb at least an inch :( pulling it back out was pretty gruesome... but I got my six strung and tuned (EADBBE for some reason)
Which sounded really pretty. I spent half an hour with my coffee and guitar and vape in the chair swing and it felt really therapeutic and refreshing.
My thumb hurts a little, but it was probably more gross than painful.
I have some trees and berry bushes to plant today so I dug four holes and took a break for breakfast. I had mushrooms and fried eggs, and now about half a gallon of water sounds pretty good.
I've been doing my mushroom grows without any grain for a while now, but I just started prepping some grain yesterday, and I'm trying a new fruiting block recipe... I'm giving it a go the way the professionals do it.
At some point I want to find a free and wild alternative to grain, here on my land, but I now know that I can do without and still reach the finish line.
I've noticed inky-caps popping up in my lasagna beds and compost, and today I realized they would be a great fit for a time lapse, since they seem to fruit and then melt, so quickly, so I'm trying to get a culture of those. They seem to be thriving in wet dirty straw, so I'm thinking/hoping they'll be easy to grow.
I put some stem butts into a container of damp straw and I plan on collecting some of their *ink* for the petri dish.
I'm watching my radishes and kale and beans and zucchini as they get closer to harvest. Seems like the beans are flowering prematurely, so thats probably not good.
The state's dept of conservation raises native plants and trees and lets people order them really cheap, so I went in on an order with the neighbors and I've planted a lot of berries, and cherry, plum, persimmon, and now cottonwood trees, plus apples I've started from seed.
I made a slurry of leftover material from the chicken of the woods that didn't go into the freezer, and used that to inocculate a couple dead trees I pushed over in early spring. I drilled holes into the wood, filled them up and capped them with wet clay that I collected while digging all these holes. I also have good healthy cultures going in petri dishes and containers.
We have cottontail rabbits here, and every evening when I go to close the chickens up, this rabbit and I startle eachother.. I get within like 6 foot of it and it takes off, and its kinda funny.
I guess thats all for now.
I'm gonna keep putting effort and positive energy in, even though I'm feeling discouraged.
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tuanhood · 4 years
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pairing: frat!bambam x reader
genre: smut
warnings: 18+, language, cringey frat stuff, fingering
word count: 4,400+ 
summary: you haven’t been doing so well in stats, so your tutor - the last person you thought would be teaching you something - recommends giving you an incentive. 
a/n: hi guys! i’m a little late... but it’s kinda technically still the weekend? ngl this definitely isn’t my best work and I’m sorry for that because I feel like I’ve been lacking a little bit lately! but i promise that i have a few things in the works that will hopefully be better! but nonetheless enjoY! 
lambda | alpha | delta | gamma | kappa | sigma
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“Okay so in a college class, the average IQ is 115. Assuming that the distribution is normal and that the standard deviation is 15. What percentage of the class has an IQ between 105 and 130?” 
You felt like you were going to die. 
When you were a little girl, you’d fantasize about all the fun and cool things you’d be able to do in college. Stay up late, hang out with your friends all the time, eat whatever you wanted, and take the classes that would help you become the best-selling author you aspired to be. 
In all of those daydreams and fantasies, you never pictured yourself in practical agony studying for a statistics class that you never wanted to take in the first place. You were more of an English and critical analysis girl, definitely not a science and math girl. Especially not stats. 
You told yourself probably a hundred times throughout the quarter that you could make it through. That you could maybe actually do this, but sometime between weeks three and four you got completely lost and when you received your midterm grade back, you knew you had to ask for help. 
“I don’t fucking know,” you exhaled in frustration as you practically slammed your head down onto the table in front of you. 
There’s a pause before Bambam lets out a sigh of his own, “let’s come back to that one later then.” 
This was how most of your sessions with Bambam went. He’d read the questions out loud to you as if was going to help, hope that you’d be able to solve it – which you typically wouldn’t – and then you’d give up in frustration. Then you’d call it a day. 
That was another thing. Another thing that made this whole tutoring thing even worse – you were being tutored by Bambam. As in Bambam of Theta Chi.
As dumb as you felt saying it, but you felt even more pathetic for having to be so terrible at stats that you have to be tutored by a frat boy. Sure he came highly recommended by the people at your school that put together and pair people off for the tutoring sessions, but it didn’t get rid of the pain you felt when you had to tell your friends who exactly was helping you pass stats. Or… at least trying to help. 
“Okay, so what is the probability of rolling snake eyes using two fair dice?”
Maybe you were being shallow, but even his voice screamed frat guy and not the master of statistics who is now teaching his peers. You don’t know why but it aggravated you. Traditionally he wasn’t supposed to be good at these kinds of things, someone like you was. It didn’t make sense. 
You groaned, your head still on the table, muffled by the surface, “I don’t know? 1/36?” 
At your answer, you could feel Bambam straighten up beside you. You had to admit the boy was a trooper for being willing to meet you at your apartment today instead of your usual spot in the library or at Starbucks. You just couldn’t be bothered to make the trek to campus, if you were going to have another agonizing day of probability, deviation, and whatever – it was going to be from the comfort of your living room floor. 
“Correct! See Y/N you’re not a lost cause.”
Bringing your head up from the coffee table, you grimace at him, “I never said I was a lost cause.” 
His cheeks turned a shade of light pink, clearly embarrassed by his statement, but being the cool and easygoing frat guy, he is – he covers it up, “I know. Dude, I’m just saying, chill.” Leave it to Bambam to cover up any real emotions. 
Even though it was frustrating that you were being tutored by a guy in Theta Chi and you felt lame whenever you admitted to anyone, it didn’t necessarily mean that you had anything against Bambam. Before he had started tutoring you, the encounters you had with Bambam were fine – certainly not an “oh my god you are so freaking annoying” situation. They were minimal of course, just a hello or a how are you at various school events or parties. You didn’t hate him, which was why at the beginning between the studying you had tried to talk to him and get to know him. But he never said anything real or authentic – it always felt like he was putting on some kind of ultra-frat boy act for you. Whenever you asked questions about him, things he liked to do, what he was studying or his family he would simply shy away from it and talk about Theta Chi. You didn’t get it. 
“Bambam is so freaking deep. I had a two-hour drunk conversation with him at Theta Chi’s party last weekend and my mind has been opened.” Your friend had told you when you told her about him tutoring you. 
So what? Did he have to be drunk to want to talk to you about something other than probability? Or was it just that he didn’t want to talk to you? You couldn’t put your finger on it, but it bothered you a little too much for some unexplainable reason.
“I am chill,” you confirmed with him – a bit too bitterly. You couldn’t tell if your annoyance came from the ongoing frustration of not understanding stats regardless of how many times you’ve met with Bambam or the fact that he was constantly shying away from you two actually getting to know each other. 
“Well…” he began suddenly, swallowing almost nervously, “what if we work on a rewards-based system?” 
You scoffed at him, “what am I? A child?” 
“Do you want me to answer that? Listen… all I’m saying is that rewards or a prize can be a good motivator sometimes. It definitely can’t hurt the studying process.” 
There was a part of you that felt annoyed at Bambam for thinking that the only way that you were going to understand any of this was through some kind of incentive. An incentive that had nothing to do with your overall goal which was to not fail the class. However, you had to admit you were curious as to what Bambam could bring to the table when it came to “rewards,” so you decided to play along – for now.
“What kind of motivators are we talking about?” 
For a second you swear you see Bambam fidget nervously in his seat, but it happens so quickly, you’re sure it must be your brain playing a trick on you, “I don’t know… I’m literally the co-social chair of Theta Chi so I pretty much can get you whatever you want. Booze, drugs… sex.” 
At his last “category” for rewards, your interest is peeked, but not in a weird or perverted way – you swear, “what the social chair orchestrates and plans sexual encounters now?” 
He laughed and shakes his head, “definitely not. I’m just saying… If there was anyone you were interested in at Theta Chi… I could probably set it up for you. I mean you’re definitely not bad looking so I don’t think it would be difficult.” 
You were half pleased by Bambam’s compliment and intrigued that by the fact that it seemed like perhaps his “non-tutoring” personality was emerging from the surface. It caused you to push more regarding his “reward” if it meant that you could see more of it, “So what? I solve the next equation and I get to fuck Im Jaebeom? Is that how this works?” 
He clicked his tongue, “Jaebeom, huh? Wouldn’t have thought he would be your type.”
For some reason, you suddenly felt a wave of nervousness rush through your body and you feel defensive as though you have to explain yourself for some reason, “No- I mean it was just an example.” 
Bambam nodded his slowly and looked away from you for the first time since he brought up the incentive thing. His focus goes back to the textbook in front of both of you, “It’s okay if he is. Jaebeom’s a chill guy.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, for a moment there you almost got a hint of something from him. You weren’t quite sure as to what, but it almost felt like he was… jealous? But then he has to cower away and go back to stats… That was technically why he was sitting in your living room, but right now this seemed like the least important thing going on.
“What is it with you and chill? Does everything need to be chill? Why can’t you just be… normal?” 
He laughed at your query, “What if being chill is normal for some people?”  
You grabbed the pencil in front of you and tapped it on the table rhythmically in thought, “Chill people aren’t masters at stats. That’s just a fact.” 
Bambam’s face goes into fake shock, “really? Damn well, I guess that’s why you haven’t learned anything the last month that we’ve been doing this.”
It’s obvious that it was meant as a playful dig, to tease you, but Bambam feels his heart race when you simply frown in response instead of laugh. It was clear that he had gone too far. This was the thing he had been most worried about this entire time he had been tutoring you. 
He had heard from one of his brothers in Theta who knew a friend of yours that you felt embarrassed by being tutored by a frat guy – by him. Hearing that certainly didn’t make him feel good, but he tried his best to help you the last month or so. He didn’t want to do or say anything that could allude to “frat guy” behavior – so most of the time he tried to keep conversations statistics related. Part of him felt like it was because he was offended by your embarrassment, but another part of him felt like it was maybe because he wanted to impress you. He wanted to prove that he wasn’t the typical frat guy because you probably didn’t like that. 
But he had to admit… in certain ways, he was the typical frat guy and restricting that part of himself meant restricting segments of his personality. The teasing – that was apart of it. 
“Shit – y/n I’m sorry I didn’t actually mean it. I meant it more like-”
At his quick and panicked response, you burst out into a fit of giggles, “dude I can be chill too. I was just fucking with you. Now come on… let’s keep working, I want my prize.” 
Bambam lets out a sigh in relief. Maybe he had misjudged you, “so you do want a reward?” 
“Of course, I want a reward.”
He licked his lips in thought and you have to admit it’s hard not to stare, “okay what should we start with?” 
You began to tap the pencil on your chin instead of the table, thinking about what exactly it was you wanted. When you finally have your grand prize in mind, you figure it’s better to start small. 
“I don’t want to be charged cover at any future Theta Chi parties.” 
He looked at you with surprise written on his face, “you go to our parties?” 
You rolled your eyes at him as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, he can’t help but admire how cute you look when you do it, “of course. They’re the biggest parties on campus… why wouldn’t I go?” 
Bambam shrugged, “I just didn’t think you liked frat stuff…” drifting off he looks to see the confusion written on your face and he doesn’t know why, but for some reason, he feels the need to keep talking, “Unless it’s for Jaebeom.” Immediately he wants to punch himself in the face for his continual teasing.
You thought it was funny how he was stuck on the Jaebeom thing. You had just said his name as an example – something you already explained to Bambam – but for some reason, it seemed to bother him. Bambam was more your type than Jaebeom, but it would have been weird if you had brought him up as an example.
“What was that?” 
His voice causes your body to jolt up in surprise. Had he heard you? No way.
“Y/N what did you just say?” Bambam asked once again.
The second question regarding what you had just said sends you into a frenzy, considering he was the last person who had just said something based on your recollection. Therefore… he fucking heard you. 
“Did I say that out loud?” You asked embarrassed and judging on the look on Bambam’s face – you have your answer. 
You felt your mouth go dry, “I- shit… Bam I didn’t mean- Well I mean I did, but- Fuck I-” you cut off your stuttering with nervous laughter and you feel more awkward than you’ve probably ever felt in your adult life. 
Rather than saying anything, Bambam looks at you curiously. A hint of a smile appears on his face but soon disappears as if he’s thought of an idea or just something. Hopefully, an idea to get me out of this, you think to yourself. Instead, he scoots closer next to you on the floor and for a moment you have to remind yourself to exhale. 
“Instead of the cover as your reward… What about…” he begins, placing his right hand onto your thigh, “this? Is this okay?” If you had to keep your breathing in check just when he moved closer to you, then you felt like you were going to need to be resuscitated now. 
Rather than verbally answering, you nodded your head, afraid to open your mouth in case the wrong thing came out.
Keeping his hand placed firmly on your thigh, he asked you the next question, “Suppose X and Y are independent random variables. The variance of X is equal to 16; and the variance of Y is equal to 9. Let Z = X – Y. What is the standard deviation of Z?” 
It’s becoming harder to concentrate. All you can focus on is the placement of his hand on your thigh and when you don’t answer right away, he begins to move it up and down your leg. 
“Come on, I know you can do this one,” he said softly. 
You couldn’t believe that your tutoring session was now taking a sharp turn – a turn that you had to admit you were now craving – but Bambam was still expecting you to be focused enough to answer questions. You weren’t able to typically do it even when you didn’t have his hand on you. 
It’s almost as though you’re on autopilot as you put your pencil to paper and work out the problem. The only thing on your mind is the curiosity of what his next move will be if you answer him correctly. 
He gives you your answer by drifting his hand up your thigh until it sits at the top of your thigh, dangerously close to your core. You wonder if he can tell how damp you’ve become, even with the sweatpants you’re wearing. It was probably evident just by looking at your face. 
“A coin is tossed three times. What’s the probability that it lands on heads exactly one time?” 
This was becoming frustrating. How the fuck were you getting turned on by him asking you stats questions? You felt like your brain was about to explode with how completely mixed up it felt. The cause of your stress for the entire quarter was now the cause of you being turned on? Your mind was currently rewiring itself.
For this question, it takes you some time to focus enough to work it out and calculate. Bambam who is usually patient with you when you struggle, has instead been replaced with a much more impatient version of himself as he slips his hand up to the waistband of your sweatpants, delicately playing with the top to tease you, you suddenly wished you would have worn better underwear for what’s about to happen. If you could answer the question that is. 
Just as you feel as though you’ve come to the end of the problem, you feel him dip a single finger underneath the top of the band, rubbing it softly against your stomach. It causes your hand to slip up on the paper, drawing a line right through your problem. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked innocently, completely aware of what he was doing to you, “do you need help?” 
You shook your head in response, unable to say anything. It was becoming more and more difficult to even get your hand to move fluidly on the paper. It was instead starting to get more jagged. Your fives were beginning to look more like threes. When you’ve finally solved the problem, you find yourself pointing at the paper for Bambam to look at your answer. He laughed. 
“Correct again. You’re doing so well,” he murmured as he finally dips his hand beneath the band of your sweatpants and down to your panties. You sucked a deep breath in, waiting in anticipation for his next actions, feeling him so much closer to where you need him the most, but instead, his hand just rests there, over the material. 
Letting a very out of character whine escape your lips causes him to chuckle. “Do you think you can have your reward that fast? No, no,” he tutted, “you have to finish answering all the questions like a good girl.” 
You try so hard to remember the next question he asks, but he soon begins gently rubbing you through your panties and it makes you want to kill him for playing so dirty. How were you able to solve any problems when it felt like an actual ocean was forming in your underwear? You knew Bambam could feel it too with the way his gaze on you got even darker, one of his fingers wandering to the side of your panties, playing with the hem but not daring to slip underneath. 
What the fuck was the question? 
“Having trouble angel?” 
He doesn’t give you time to answer – even if he did you weren’t sure you’d be able to provide him with one – instead, he slips his hand underneath your panties until his fingers find your entrance, slowly stroking up and down. You let out a moan when he’s left his index finger on your clit, rubbing small circles around the bundle of nerves. 
“It can’t be that hard to remember a simple question. Is something distracting you?”
Another sigh of pleasure is released from you when he presses down a bit to place more pressure on your clit, “I’ll ask you one more time. You have to remember this time or you lose your reward, okay? Are you listening?” 
Nodding your head, he smiled, “The standard normal curve is symmetric about 0 and the total area under it is 1. True or False?” 
Bambam himself was losing his patience, he so badly wanted to bring you to your release and see how tight you get around his fingers, how much you ask him for it. He had to admit that wasn’t the original question he had asked you, but at this rate, he just wanted to ask you the easier questions so both of you could get what you wanted. 
“T-True?” You managed to stutter out.
“Doing so well for me,” he whispered into your ear at your response. The teasing had been so achingly painful that when he finally fully inserts his pointer finger you feel like a kid on Christmas. You feel as though you can finally let out the breath you had been holding in since he started the taunting. 
The pace he starts with is clearly another method to get you worked up – which you certainly are – but you also felt thankful that at least it was something compared to the nothing you were getting from him previously. When he curls his finger, hitting you in the spot that drives you crazy, you felt your body instinctively jerk forward in surprise. He had found it so fast and with such ease, you wondered if the two of you had down this before in another life.  
“Bam, I-” you begin, but as his thumb draws circles over your clit, you ultimately lose your train of thought and fall even closer into him, until your head is resting on his shoulder.
“There’s one more question left… Do you think you can handle it?” 
The whimper you let out sounds borderline inhumane and in any other situation you would be frustrated with yourself for giving in so quickly, but right now you didn’t care. All you needed was him to keep going – to really give you your reward. The noise is enough for him to dive into the last question and you feel like you’re gonna pass out at the way he begins to rhythmically tap your clit, his finger now going stagnant.
His eyes drift down to the textbook on the table, gazing through which questions on the page are still viable to be asked. After a moment he locks eyes with you, the tapping still consistent. 
For a moment he looks shy and despite his previous teasing, you feel your heart leap out of your chest in deep want and longing. It’s a weird feeling you have to admit, but somehow it feels just right. 
“What’s the probability of you going out on a date with me after this?” Bambam blushed when he asked you his query and for some reason, he feels so small being in front of you – asking this – despite his current position with his hand in between your legs. 
You, on the other hand, have no trouble answering this final question. The question that’ll get you your reward and perhaps something else entirely. 
“Without a doubt, 100% chance.” 
The smile that emerged on his face is so big, you take a picture of it in your mind, wanting to keep it safe and bottle it up to view later, a hundred times over. 
He slipped in another finger, watching your face as it contorts into even more pleasure, “there we go.” 
You felt a groan arise in your throat as soon as he began to pick up the original pace of his sole finger. With both of them curling and pumping in and out of you, you felt even more overwhelmed than before. Bambam smirked, taking in your tightly shut eyes, “Good?” Opening your eyes, you felt your climax right around the corner, only able to moan his name in response to his question. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he murmured, leaning in to place his lips on your own.
Somehow, the pace of his fingers only increased, practically fucking into you over and over, hitting your g-spot each time. Even though you were sat on the floor, already mostly leaning onto Bambam for support, you still felt as though you could melt into the floor. With a final few pumps that hit your sweet spot and his thumb still massaging your clit, you feel your walls tighten around his fingers. “That’s it, good girl,” he said against your lips.  
Soon you fall apart, feeling as though there’s no breath left in your body, your body falling practically limp at your release around Bambam’s fingers. He takes a moment to slip his hand out from between your legs and you don’t ignore the feeling you get in your core again when he slowly places his fingers in his mouth. 
You groaned, feeling like you were practically in a sedative state at how relaxed your release made you feel, “do you have to do that?” 
Bambam narrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “what do you mean?” 
“Be so damn seductive.” 
The two of you look at each other before bursting into laughter at your very serious confession. After a moment when it’s silent you look down at your lap to realize that somewhere during your encounter with Bambam, your sweatpants managed to slip down to the bottom of your thighs. 
“I should probably go get cleaned up…” 
Bambam coughed awkwardly and turned to his things on the coffee table, “yeah… I guess I should probably just get my stuff together too and get out of your hair.” 
Get out of your hair? Who the fuck says that Bam? He asked himself. 
You looked at him with confusion, “I thought you were taking me out? Remember? 100% chance? I mean… unless you didn’t mean it…” 
His eyes went big, “No!” he exclaimed, “I definitely meant it! I just didn’t know if maybe you said it in the moment and- Or I don’t maybe you did mean it- but also if you didn’t that’s cool. Just so you know I would have still given you your- uh reward if you had said no- Sorry I’m rambling. I ramble when I get nervous.” 
When he stops talking, he instantly avoids your gaze. This was the Bambam you wanted to see. This display of authenticity made you feel as though the curtain had finally been drawn. 
“I said it because it was true. The likeliness was 100%. Give me like 15 minutes and I’ll be ready to go,” just as you’re about to head to the stairs, you stop yourself and remember why the two of you were even here in the first place, “shit stats…” 
Instantly, Bambam shakes his head, “if you think we’re going to go back to probability, standard deviation, and bullshit right now after what just happened you are very mistaken. We’ve done enough… work for today.” 
Smiling, you nodded your head in confirmation and begin to go up the stairs to your room. Considering something, you find yourself stopping on the third stop, turning towards the living room where Bambam looks up at you with his head cocked to the side. 
“You picked easier questions towards the end on purpose, didn’t you?” 
He let out a laugh and grinned – another smile that you decided to file away in your memories, something that you figured might soon become a regular part of your life. 
“Let’s just say that I wanted to give you your reward as much as you wanted to have it.”
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
January 20, 2021 - DSMP
Here is my review of what happened on today’s stream! Keep in mind that I was only watching Tommy’s POV, but will be analyzing any other viewpoints that I come across (Mainly Tubbo’s)
I’m going to be honest with everyone, I was unsure as to whether not any of our boys would make it out alive. I went into the stream preparing the worst.
Tommy and Tubbo talking each other up, preparing to leave made me feel all kinds of thing. Like I stated earlier, I was prepared for the two to end their adventure today. I vibed with them when they walked down the prime path, and froze up when I saw the first person in line. I’m not ashamed to say that I nearly sobbed when I saw everyone line up to say their goodbyes to the boys (I’m sensitive, shut up). 
The way Sam kept giving them stuff??? Loved that
The way Tommy and Quackity’s voices quivered when they spoke to each other? Punch to the heart?
Tommy telling Eret that she was always the true king??? YES!!! POP OFF!!!
The entire trip to where Dream was both made me happy and broke my heart. Here, we saw these boys, children forced to grow up quickly to be used by those they trusted, do their best to be kids for a moment. They were kids for, what they believed, could be the last time. They had their serious moments where Tommy kept reminding Tubbo that it was okay to not feel okay about the situation. Where Tommy didn’t want Tubbo to hide his inner thoughts from him just to try and make him feel better. The moment that they watched the sun together made me all sentimental and shit. Tommy preparing to die and have Tubbo leave and tell his story broke me. 
“Why did you tell me to bring Tubbo?”
“Because, it’s always been you and Tubbo against me, remember? Ever since the beginning, Tommy and Tubbo against Dream” (paraphrasing)
I actually got hyped up when Tommy got the disc. It reminded me of Tommy’s clutch the time he dropped the disc down to Tubbo and knocked Dream off the tower using only planks. I had let my hope for them grow. And then I had my heart broken.
Dream using Tubbo against Tommy was something that I expected would happen, but I still wasn’t prepared for it to actually happen. I don’t think I’ll easily forget about how Tommy gave up the disc to Dream, even when Tubbo begged for Tommy to keep the disc and go. My heart nearly dropped to my stomach when I saw Dream break that first dirt block. It dropped when he told the boys to put their armor in the hole. 
I have to admit, I was kinda confused that the homeless man had an evil lair and not a home, but pop off I guess??? The elevator was pretty cool, ngl
When I saw the two discs on the floor, I thought, “Bitch, you better be polishing this fucking floor every 30 minutes. Disrespect Nicki Minaj? What?” My second thought was, “why tf did you make two giant ass shrines for these discs??? Didn’t even center them, wtf dude.”
When Dream was monologuing and showing off the stolen goods and pets (and Skeppy) he stole from everyone, I knew he was on something. Him calling Tommy the key confirmed that Dream was overthinking everything and seeing things in places they didn’t belong. Did Tommy initially bring these bonds? Bring all the things Dream said he did? Yeah, I’ll admit it, he did. But it was the people in the server that kept that going, kept it alive. If not Tommy, someone else would have started that chain. The way Tommy look horrified and uttered with a horrific tone, “how do you not hurt?” when Dream mentioned how he cut off all his attachments was hnnnnnnnn
Tubbo actively trying to protect Tommy from going to prison while Tommy was actively trying to protect Tubbo from permanently dying was-
Man, that broke my heart.
“You wanna be the hero of this server? Every hero has an origin story. Batman had his parents, Spider-Man had Uncle Ben. You have Tubbo.”
The look of complete horror/terror that came across Tommy’s face the instant those words were spoken. He genuinely looked scared. He kept trying to defend Tubbo, despite Dream repeating how defenseless Tommy was against him. Dream telling the boys to say their good byes hurt me in more ways that I can describe. Tommy was panicking, actively trying to come up with ways to get Tubbo out of there, no matter the cost or price that he had to pay. Tubbo telling him that it was okay, everything would be okay, he would be okay. The way Tommy was desperate to hold onto his best friend, his Tubbo, whilst saying, “You can’t be okay with this! Why are you okay with this?”
My heart nearly stopped for a second the moment Tubbo said “goodbye, Tommy”
My mind flashed back to Tubbo saying those exact words whilst exiling Tommy, his best friend, for the sake of everyone being safe. Now, here he was again, saying those exact words to the exact same person. The only difference? He wasn’t sacrificing his best friend for the sake of everyone and Dream. No, he was sacrificing himself for the sake of his best friend, his only true friend, Tommy. 
“Get away from them”
“I’m sorry Dream, but you should have paid me more.”
Literal chills. I cannot. It’s the “On your left” of the DSMP. The way everyone came through the portal to line up against this tyrant that manipulated them all. The way I imagined everyone coming through to see this decked out dude with a god complex about to murder a bloody and bruised child, said child’s best friend (also bloody and bruised) was watching, begging to have his friend spared. Imagining how they saw the tear streaks down the boys’ messed up faces as they accepted their fates. As they saw their fear turn to hope as Tommy got Tubbo behind them for safety. How Tommy entrusted them to keep Tubbo safe. How they all came, decked out, to defend these two children. 
How Quackity came in nothing but his yeezys because he just fucking knew that Dream wouldn’t put up a fight. The way Dream was so confident that he had power over everyone because he rid himself of his bonds towards objects and friends, only for that to be his downfall. The way Sapnap, Dream’s old friend, his buddy, was the one to give Tommy the pickaxe. The way Puffy was there to protect the two boys she renounced his duckling title for (and the nation).
The way Tommy dug a hole, without any protection or weapons, and had Dream throw his stuff in. The way he didn’t blow any of Dreams shit up, like he had happen to himself, and, instead, used Dream’s things to protect Tubbo and everyone else. The way Tommy took away Dream’s first two lives, paralleling the times Dream took Tommy’s two lives. The way Tommy boxed him in, like Tubbo was at the festival, and the way Tubbo held a bow to Dream. The way Tommy screamed at Dream to tell everyone what he had done. How Dream was the one to blow up the community house. How Dream tormented the poor boy in exile. The way Tommy didn’t spare him because he liked him, or wanted to play mind games with him. No, Tommy spared him because he had a chance to get his brother back, his family. 
“Let’s make Wilbur proud. SUCK IT GREEN BOY!!!!”
The way the boys sincerely thanked everyone for showing up, fully knowing that they didn’t have to do shit. The way that Tommy said to go to Tubbo’s vc, obviously warming Tubbo’s heart. The way they made it to bench, and finally had a chance to breathe. How they could sit their, listen to their discs, and be kids again. No wars, no going against Dream, nothing. They could just be Tommy and Tubbo, like it’s always been since the beginning. 
Then Wilbur fishfucking Soot had to crash the moment like the older brother he was, lmaooooo. 
“You didn’t die”
“I’m not Ghostbur.”
I sucked in a breath, not knowing how the interaction was going to go. Was Wilbur still in the mindset he was whilst blowing up the nation he and his younger brother created? Was he in a mindset before that? Was he sane? 
I must admit, their bickering match, along with Tubbo’s dancing, made me realize how much I missed their dynamic. I realized how much I missed Wilbur being in the picture. (Tommy whispering to Tubbo how he liked Ghostbur was hilarious)
Wilbur complaining about being stuck with Schlatt in the afterlife was hilarious. Wilbur admitting that he was preparing, waiting, for Tommy, his younger brother, to join him in the afterlife had me gripping my plushies. Wilbur telling Tommy that he’s proud of him put a sledgehammer into my fragile dam. 
“I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah, I’ll see you soon.”
It was just so refreshing to see these two get the happy ending they deserved in this arc. The pain and suffering these two children went through at the expense of others, how they were forced to grow up quickly because of their situations, all of that was finally pushed towards the path of recovery. And although they’ve been through hell and back, it’s still them. Although the future will be hard for them, throwing more trials and difficult choices, they know that they’ll make it out, because that how it’s always been. And if their strengthen bond after today can tell them anything, it’s that it’ll always be like that.
It’s always been Tommy and Tubbo.
What I want/what I predict
Everyone complimenting Niki on her new fit better fucking happen, I will manifest it
Dream will use his favor from Techno to break out of prison
Connor playing a bigger role in the SMP
Foolish revealing that they don’t need Dream alive (hopefully)
Ghostbur to say a proper goodbye before Wilbur is revived
SBI reunion with every alive for more than five fucking minutes
Wilbur ignoring his dad Phil and zooming over to little brother Tommy so that he can hug him and tell him that he’s safe now and that he’s so proud of him
The egg will start to negatively affect people, causing those not affected to fear for their home and friends
Tubbo nuking L’manhole to get rid of the spreading red
Techno/Phil to come to an understanding with Tommy; vice versa
Those unaffected teaming up to safe those affected
Someone (preferably Ranboo) unintentionally activating the End Portal lmao
The rest of the SBI + Tubbo saving Tommy from being murdered by Jack and Niki
Jack and Niki learning that killing the child is not the fucking answer to their problems (If it didn’t work for William Afton, it won't work for y’all. Stop trying to be the man behind the slaughter)
Techno and Tommy rebuilding their trust and friendship with each other
Tommy giving Techno the Axe of Peace
Sam being influenced by the egg and becomes corrupted
Ranboo being free??? Pog???? Pog
Puffy and Niki having a one-to-one conversation about their personal opinions and goals
Puffy visiting Dream whilst he sits in his cell
Skeppy and Bad to be okay again :(
Everyone infected to be okay again :(
Tommy bonding with Eret
Big Q continuing to hold Clingy Duo close to him
Schlatt coming back but instead of trying to run for president and mess with everyone, he’s just everyone’s drunk uncle that somehow gives wise advice to every situation
Wilbur coming back but he’s that angry older cousin that only allows the favorite family members(Tommy)/friends to stay in his room 
Lani and Drista to make a comeback at the same time
Tommy meeting more family members
The kids being able to be kids
Lani selling yeezy
Drista w/ bedrock
Drista laughing at Dream’s imprisonment
Everyone finding peace within each other’s chaos and living in harmony
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milk-carton-whump · 4 years
Ngl feeling kinda sad today so here's this to make me feel better.
Tagging: @sideblogformindtrash @unicornscotty @tears-and-lilies @getyourwhumphere @cupcakes-and-pain @alliecat5594 @twistedcaretaker @heathenwhump @skunkandgrenade @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
CW: dehumaniziation, conditioning, pet whumpee, comfort, fluff, pet behavior
Sunny Day
Niner hesitated as he looked outside, Hayes had the door open and was waiting for the boy to follow his order to go outside. He took one more moment before he quickly ducked outside into the backyard. He tumbled into the grass and flopped down onto his back. 
He stretched his whole body out and heard a few pops from his joints that made him sigh contently. He rolled onto his stomach and just happily rubbed his face in the soft spring grass. 
The sun peeked through the trees and shone on his back, a warm safe feeling spread throughout him as he lay there. He pressed his cheek against the grass and smelled the dirt and the grass. It was comforting and familiar to him, it made him roll over on his back again and rub his back against the ground. 
He squinted as he looked up into the deep blue sky, wispy clouds way up high that looked like flowing hair or long grass in the breeze. The sound of palm tree leaves rustling brought a smile to Niner's face, he loved the scratchy and almost heavy sound. 
Niner got up after a while and ended up laying on his stomach on concrete next to Hayes's prized garden. The flowers in it mixed with herbs of all kinds. Big beautiful petals of native flowers danced in the breeze as Niner lay there watching. He loved how the smell of the flowers mixed with the aroma of the herbs that dotted the garden as well.
The boy rested his head on his arms as he watched a lizard sun itself on a large leaf. Niner intently admired the lizard as it licked its eye before going back to sunbathing. He reached forward carefully and plucked some leaves of mint and popped them in his mouth as he studied the brown coloring of the lizard. 
He heard the backdoor open and Hayes stepped out of the house with a dog bowl and a glass of lemonade. The man gave a short whistle and Niner got up immediately to go over to his owner. He sat down on his knees as he watched Master set out a picnic blanket in the grass. The man sat down on it and placed the dog bowl on it to invite the pet over.
Niner hesitated but crawled onto the blanket, he took a moment before tasting what was in the bowl. To his surprise it was lemonade and he eagerly drank while Master sipped his own lemonade. After a few minutes, Hayes set down his glass and laid on his back to look at the sky. 
Niner hesitated a few moments and eventually he curled up against his owner. A hand gently rested itself in his hair and played with it while the two lay there. The sun was warm, his Master's touch was kind and comforting, and he couldn't imagine being anywhere else. 
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scary-lasagna · 4 years
Could you write the proxies + Kate with a slenderbeing s/o? Like how do you think it would go over with them being proxies and all? Btw way I love your writing!
He is very intimidated to say the least.
He knows what Slender is capable of, and what he has already done to various lives.
Why would you be different?
It takes some getting used to, but Tim will eventually become more comfortable around you.
He has to remind himself that no two slenderbeings are alike, even if they do hold immense power.
Usually, two younger slenderbeings are related, and Slender will most likely nose his way into your relationship, which is terrifying to Tim.
What terrible death would he meet in Slender caught you two making out or smth?
He'd be fired on the spot, possibly, and then thrown out the nearest window.
You assure him that the chances of that happening are low.
But never zero..
Masky however, is always trying to wrestle with you (and fails, obviously). Play wrestling usually turns into a make-out session, which he isn't complaining about.
Sometimes you let him win just to boost his ego.
Like Tim, he's a little wary of you at first.
Slender can destroy minds, warp realities, and possess personalities, all of which Brian is a victim of, along with a scoopful of people that he's close to.
He's genuinely surprised when you're literally the sweetest person he's ever known.
You're always asking him if he's feeling alright when he hasn't said much that day, or sharing a fruit cup with him, or dragging him out on a date to a niche cafe (his favorite).
There's times you catch him staring with the largest heart eyes you've ever seen on a human being.
"You're staring again."
"...mmmmmm i luf you <3 <3 <3"
"Darling, are you forgetting to wash the fruit before you eat it?"
Cuddles. Now.
Yes, all six tendrils.
When cuddling, Toby will play with your tendrils like snakes.
It's kinda cute ngl.
But this leads to complications when trying to get up.
Toby can't feel pain, and he surely won't be able to tell you're squeezing his arm too hard until it grows a purple tint.
There's also times where he gets tangled up, trips and scrapes his chin, or accidentally steps on one of your many appendages.
All is forgiven with some kisses, though.
He was never really scared of Slender, but he does hold high respect for the eldritch being.
And it's the same for you! He puts you on a pedestal whenever he boasts about you to his co-workers (who are very tired of hearing him ramble).
Toby is very curious as well, and always asks questions when he gets bored.
"Have you thrown anyone out of a window today?"
"Do you clean them with your hands or your other tendrils?"
"Have you ever dressed up as an octopus for halloween?"
Y'know, all of the questions he's not allowed to ask Slender.
The scared kind of horny.
You frighten her, but she's also very intrigued.
Constantly testing you for your strength and boundaries.
And she found it quite amusing you can be brought down through tickles.
It's so adorable to watch this semi-terrifying, faceless, 8 armed creature rolling around on the floor because of Kate wiggling her fingers towards you.
Kate is only 5'6", compared to your whopping towering height of 6 1/2- 8 feet.
This means she has every right, as your girlfriend, to steal all of your clothes.
Kate hates tight-fitting clothes, anyways. Your tall clothes are the perfect size to trip over and wrap around her feet whenever she ventures for a midnight snack.
And comfy pajamas!
For a terrifying, hissing, gremlin gorl who can run up to 15 MPH, she's kinda cute snuggled up in your oversized clothing.
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gold-onthe-inside · 3 years
Hey there
Favourite criminal minds episodes from any season?
oh god this is hard to choose. i did just go on a whole rant about doubt (because it really is a good episode) but i have favourites for different reasons. only doing seasons 1-7 because there are so many ugh
season 1: the ones that stood out for me the most was 'derailed' and 'the fisher king' (somebody's watching was just a painful episode, i'm sorry lila/reid shippers)
season 2: ngl, s2 was pretty good. my absolute favourite this season was 'lessons learned' is an AMAZING episode mostly because it highlights the brutality that happens in Guantanomo Bay and the way the system treats threats to national security. i'm sorry but no-one should be treated that way, not even a terrorist (which could totally be another post).
highlights include:
'the boogeyman' is actually one of my favorite episodes purely because the first time i watched it, i predicted the ending and it made me feel so big brain.
'north mammon' is also a really good episode purely because it tried to add some backstory to JJ. (if only they had kept up that momentum 😔)
obviously 'profiler, profiled' makes an appearance because OMG SHEMAR'S ACTING please i wanted to cry.
also mentioning 'the big game' + 'revelations' - i know it's a horrible representation of DID but i can't help it. it's an amazing episode.
'jones' was pretty good too, purely because willifer and also the concept of the abused becoming the abuser and how that doesn't invalidate the trauma they went through
season 3: obviously as explained in my previous post, 'doubt'. that episode almost made me forget this show is copaganda. in close second comes 'scared to death' even if it does kinda villainise a therapist. but still.
notable mentions:
'about face' gets a mention because it was rossi's first appearance and also imo emphasises how criminal profiling is not a science how had rossi been wrong, a woman could have died.
'in heat' is a beautiful episode because it shows how much pain LGBT+ people feel (speaking as a closeted bisexual) when they come out of the closet and then get beaten back inside. also gives us willifer and derek being pancoded
'the crossing' fucking devastated me. the whole battered wife plotline, why wasn't the whole plot based on that? i wasn't even paying attention to the other plot. the whole scene at the end, her killing her husband and then cleaning it up. when i tell you i screamed!!
THE FINALE!! OMG!! 'lo-fi' and 'mayhem' EXCUSE ME? MY GOD GIVEN SOLACE?!
season 4: the whole damn season, are you KIDDING me? who told them to go so hard? 'minimal loss' is by far my favourite (platonic spemily!!), even more than 'amplification' (moreid!!). overall their best season FIGHT ME!
i should add that i HATED the pigs finale. i refuse to name it. that tragedy, jesus! i don't even know what message they were trying to send us there, what, be afraid of intellectually disabled people? i'm sorry but what the FUCK? by far the most ableist episode i've ever watched (second most is coda but we'll get there)
season 5: '100' made me bawl. like a baby. i hate that episode. 'mosley lane' was incredible, thank you MGG my lord and saviour. 'the uncanny valley' also made me cry, potentially harder than 100. just the sheer 180 spencer reid gave from treating that poor girl's father to the way he treated her, i'm sorry it just, hits me so hard. and what morcia stan could forget 'exit wounds'?
season 6: ooh this was a great season. starting off strong with the premiere, 'the longest night', brilliantly written, loved shemar's acting, a wonderful episode, i have never felt less sympathy for an unsub. '25 to life', another wonderful derek-centric episode. derek is, hands down, one of the best profilers on the team and i have and always will trust his judgement. 'today i do' was another one that i didn't completely hate. the psychology behind that episode made sense, it was something i could definitely understand. and obviously, the whole ian doyle arc was amazing. i loved that.
okay, i've talked about 'coda' before. it was a great episode with one, one tiny flaw. i never understood the anti-seavers before today. y'all are fighting for the wrong reason. she is the epitome of ignorant ableism. she accused a child, A TEN YEAR OLD CHILD with autism of homicide. she accused a child of killing his parents. because he had autism. and the defense. the only defense. they could think of was that statistically, that sort of crime had a financial motive. are you kidding me? he was a child. that was raised with love and kindness. are you kidding me? i'm sorry, spencer playing piano with said child barely won me over.
season 7: off the top of my head, 'it takes a village' because reid's outfit and omg it was so brilliantly written. 'dorado falls' was pretty good, the PTSD was fairly accurately written. 'there's no place like home' purely for reid's frankenstein reference and willifer again. 'hope' was wonderfully written, my favourite penelope-centric episode ever. 'true genius' because it resonated with me so hard. the burnt-out gifted kid thing. i get it spence. 'snake eyes' because it was reid-centric and i loved him in that episode. also portrays gambling pretty well. it's often not seen as a serious addiction on tv, probably because it benefits big corporations. 'foundation' because it's a derek-centric episode and literally every derek-centric ep is amazing. and finally, 'hit' + 'run' are amazing episodes because willifer, emily completing her arc and spencer in a doctor who stume. let's just say this season did wonders for spencer's attractiveness.
kay, i'm gonna stop here or i'm never gonna stop. but those are my favourite episodes and why for every season.
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