#todoroki x Bakugou's sister
Todoroki x Bakugou's sister
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You had just joined U.A. your brother, Bakugou, was a year above you. You were kinda neverous. Even through your brother was more of a loud kid you did stay quiet a bit, specially in class. Now when your with people you like or hate by yourself you are like a Bakugou. Your loud and can be energetic.
Your brother did tell you there was nothing to worry about. He also was the person who left you by yourself to figure out where everything is. You knew that he always has a few minutes before class and today was a weird day for everyone. The new students get time to figure where the classes are and everything. You kept looking at my schedule to see where you were supposed to be but you were kinda lost. You were on the wrong floor but you can't even find the steps to get downstairs.
You sighs softly. You then take out you phone and try to see if you can get someone to help you. You then see Bakugou's number and sighs. He was the only person who would know where you are at and where you should be but he will probably get mad at you for taking him out of class. Your ears and tail both went down more in sadness and embarrassment. You then decide to text Bakugou but before you could send it you felt someone behind you. You look at the person and smile a little, happy to see someone who could help. The person had red and white hair. Blue and brown eyes and then a scare over your eye. Yes you were curious what happened to him but you were too happy that someone could help you. The man just stared at you, it seemed like he wanted to say something but he didn't know what.
"Hello. Could you help me find my class? I'm a bit lost and I don't know where I'm going or where I'm at." You say and smiles a bit. The man nodes and points to your schedule. "Could I look?" He asked. You nod. His voice was quite deep but also calming. You then gave the schedule to him and he read it. "Okay. Your supposed to be on the floor below us. I can take you if you want" he explains. You nod. "Sure, that would be great. Thanks" You says, while your ears go up, happy, and your tail was wagging a bit. He chuckles to himself a little and nodes. He then hands you back your schedule, which you took, and you both headed to your class.
He had a straight face the whole time you guys were walking there. It was also really quiet but not like a weird quiet more like a comfortable quiet. Neither of you broke the silence till you made it too your class. "Thanks. I'll see you around" you say, waving a little bit before going into your class. You saw him nod and wave a little too. He then went to his class whole you went to your seat.
-----(Time Skip)-----
You had just finished your first day being there. You then headed to Bakugou's class. He was give minutes late and you wanted to do things today and he was not letting you. Your mother has told you both that if you walked back to the dorms alone you both were going to have it. You sighs softly and start walking there. You were able to take a photo of his schedule to see what class he would be at the end of the day.
Once you got there you saw him there talking to some people. One was a red, spikey hair while the other was a blonde that had a black lightning streak in it. You sigh. You then go in and go over to Bakugou. You then went close to him and before he can anything you grabbed him by the ear hard. He hear him cuss under his breath. "You are late." You say while glaring at him. He then started to protest while you look at the other two and smiles softly at them. "Sorry for interrupting you but me and my brother need to get going. Have a nice day" you says and then starts pulling a protesting Bakugou. Right before you left you saw the white and red hair boy. You then looked away and kept walking. You had a red tint on your face from embarrassment. You then let him go after a bit and cover you face while you ears go down a little and your tail start to swing.
Your brother rolls his eyes and puts his hands on the back of his head. "What idiot did that too you now?" He asked. You shake you head. "Not saying" you say and crosses your arms. He sighs. "Unless. You get me his number " you say. He sighs and nodes. "Fine...but I swear-" before he could finish his sentence you cut him off. "It's the red and white hair boy" you say. Bakugou then stops walking and glares. "Why him? Out of everyone? Why ice-hot?" He asked. He sounded annoyed. You shurgs. "I don't know. I just did. Now get me his number" you says and before he could say anything you walked away.
-----(Time Skip)-----
The next few days were pretty normal. You did get Todoroki, which you found out was his name, number. You have been trying to get closer to him. He was quite quiet and he didn't like to talk much about himself. He was also really sweet. You had started to hang out with him, not telling Bakugou anything. You two both became really good friends after a few years.
But one day you were rethinking about everything. You had been getting butterflies every time you with him. Just hearing his voice made you happy and you would get a red tint to your face every time. You didn't want to ruin anything but you felt like you need to tell him that you are feeling things for him. You would have sworn he would notice because of your ears and tails but he never really said anything and you don't think he even noticed. You decided to tell him one day. You texted him to meet you somewhere and that it was important. He just texted you that he will be there in five. You smiles a little and then got everything you need before going out. You then headed to the place you told him to meet you at. You then go and sit down on the wall of the fountain. You then wait for him.
After five minutes he has finally came and went over to you. Your ears and tail both go up, happily. "What happened?' he asked, sounding worried. You then stand up and looks at him. "I-i have to tell you something" you tell him. You were worried this will ruin you guys but he needed to know and you can't go back now. He nodes his head and waited for you too tell him. You sigh and nodes. "I...I have feelings for you..that arn't friendship. But you know more..I don't want this to ruin our friend-" you were about to finish but he had cut you off. "I do too..." He says softly and looks at the ground. You face had went really red and felt like it was burning. You then go and hug him and your tail wrapped around him too. He smiles a little at how cute this was and hugs you back.
You guys were a really cute couple. He would get you cute little things for presents. The only bad thing is that Bakugou still does approve. But don't worry that won't be like that forever. Bakugou is happy that you are happy. Just make sure Todoroki doesn't do anything to upset Bakugou or things will get ugly.
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allisonbaelfire · 3 months
Amethyst - Y/N Information
Amethyst is a variety of quartz that is typically purple in color, its known for its beautiful and calming color, and it is also believed to have spiritual and healing properties.
Read About your personal Info for my "My Hero Academia Fanfiction: Amethyst"
Personal Info / Appearance:
Name: Y/N Todoroki Gender: Female Age: 17 Birthday: Y/B Haircolor: Natural Ombrè (White Top and Red in the lengths) Eye Color: e/c SkinTone: s/t
Height: y/h (the boys are all taller in my mind) Weight: y/w
BloodType: O
General Information:
Occupation: No. 3 Pro-Hero Hero Name: Amethyst
Occupation: UA Student Class 1-A
Close Friends: Hawks, Denki, Kirishima
Speed: 5/5 Power: 5/5 Intelligence: 4/5 Coordination: 5/5 Cooperation: 2/5
Y/N is an extroverted individual who is independent and known for her straightforwardness, which can sometimes come across as cold and unemotional. She is Calm and composed, yet brutal in combat. It's not easy to break down her mental barriers, as she doesn't trust others easily. However, she is always there for people in need, especially for those closest to her, for whom she would do anything. Secretly a softie.
Quirk Name: Ice Flames (Purpleflames)
Explanation: Y/N possesses the extraordinary power to unleash icy lilac flames from her hands, with the ability to control the speed at which these flames freeze. She can also change the flames from a gaseous state, to liquid or solid. When she freezes something, the resulting ice resembles glistening amethyst crystals.
Y/N can also use Cyrokinesis; She's able to control and manipulate existing Ice or Snow.
1. If Y/N's flames remain in a gaseous state for too long, it drains her immense power, often causing her to lose consciousness. Her hands suffer greatly from the cold of her flames, sometimes leaving her unable to feel them for hours or even days.
2. Overheating: Although her flames are cold/frozen, her body temperature can rise if she uses her power for too long or too intensely.
Y/N is the daughter of Rei Todoroki and Enji Todoroki, also known as Endeavor. Following the passing of her older brother Toya, Enji devoted himself to training both her and her younger brother Shoto to become future Pro-Heroes. Unlike Shoto, Y/N did not resist; secretly, she dreamed of fulfilling her deceased brother's dream and becoming a Pro-Hero. Since the incident involving Toya, she has had a strained relationship with her family, especially with Shoto, with whom she was once closest. At the age of 14, Y/N rushed to the aid of Pro-Heroes and assisted in battle, prompting Endeavor to intensify her training. In a remarkably short time, she obtained her Hero license and has since been acknowledged as the youngest Pro-Hero.
She is extremely popular in the Hero world, but due to her rapid rise, she had little contact with people her age and had no semblance of a normal childhood. Three years later, under public pressure, Y/N is now expected to attend UA to receive proper training to become a true superhero.
Klick here for: Amethyst. - Masterlist
This is how I imagine Y/N Todoroki:
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armins-main-hoe · 1 year
would you make katsuki x twinsister!reader? one where they're both equally talented and competitive 👉🏽👈🏽
Sorry for replying so late!!
I don’t think I can make a whole fic for this since I have 2 on going fics and already struggling to keep up with those but I’ll write it down in headcannon form, sorry :/
The Bakugo Twins
(not proofread)
Honestly as kids, you both were complete menaces. All the other kids in class would follow you both around, no kid would dare step up to you both. Though I can see that at some point it was half the class following katsuki and the other half following you. Talk about sibling rivalry...
You both got your quirk when you both were arguing, both equally hot headed, both shouting and screaming, suddenly bright sparks started coming out from your fists. You both were startled by this and forgot what you were arguing about in the first place.
You both bullied deku. Sorry, but I can only see you also have a superiority complex just like your brother. I mean you grew up in the same environment as your brother and you are expected by others to be just like him. No one has ever taught you otherwise so its was only natural for you to do whatever he does and think whatever he does and visa versa.
You both gave the poor quirkless boy a tough time...
Honestly, unlike how in the anime, Deku wasn't actually thinking about taking a swan dive off of the roof, with you also bullying him, it probably did cross his mind once or twice.
However, by middle school you both had developed your own personalities, though there was not much difference between you both to be honest.
He was a bully, ego as high as the sky, a hero nerd, a complete jerk to everyone and you were one of those popular girls who acted like a bitch with her friends laughing at the back. You were the prettiest girl in the school and you knew it.
Katsuki hated the fact that you were going to apply to UA too. You both had the same quirk, meaning that if you got in, he would constantly be compared to you and there would be nothing special about him since he would not be one of a kind. He didn't understand why you wanted to join UA either. Sure, you liked heroes too but you didn't have collectables like he did. You never showed much interest in becoming a hero while growing up, at least not as much as him anyway. So why would you even think about joining UA?
What he didn't know was that you were applying for UA because of more than just one reason. You both were twins, everyone knew Katsuki was going to to apply for UA since he wasn't exactly shy about it. So naturally everyone thought you were going to apply for UA too. Call yourself some odd variation of a people pleaser and you said "well duh, are you thick or something? Obviously I am."
Another reason was, your looks. Since you were labeled as the prettiest girl in middle school and it got to your head, your looks became an obsession for you. You had to look flawless all the time and you needed someone to compliment you about your looks at least 10 times a day.
What better way to get complimented on your looks than becoming a famous hero? Heros are more popular than any celebrity so obviously becoming a hero would give you more attention.
Another reason was your sibling rivalry, you hated it so much when he would come home first place in a competition that you also participated in. You hated it when he was clearly better than you at something. Since both of your quirks were so 'flashy' and 'dangerous', you both were always competing against each other on who can use their quirk better.
When it was the day of the UA results, you both were equally nervous. Though neither of you tried to show it, acting as if you just know you are 100% going to get in.
Both of you were hoping for the other to get rejected. However, to both of your dismany, you both got in.
You're parents were over the moon of course, both their kids getting into a school like UA was what they called their biggest achievement.
You felt happy too, but in your stomach you felt this uneasy feeling knowing your brother was coming to UA with you. Katsuki felt the same.
You both knew how much more you would have to fight each other for the spotlight. Middle school would be nothing compared to UA.
Upon coming to UA, you both struggled a lot in your own ways. In the first few weeks, everyone thought you both were the strongest (and scariest) in the whole class. Which is good. You wanted it to be that way
Imagine sibling rivalry plus class rivalry. Him in 1A and you in 1B. Both of you the strongest in your classes, both you the scariest in your classes. Everytime you cross one another, the hardest glares were thrown at each other.
The sports festival ended up a mess. Why? Simple, the Bakugo twins.
You both managed to get through most of the festival without killing anyone but once it got to the one to one matches...
The final match was one that everyone was dying to see, the twins facing each other. Two people with the same quirk. Everyone wanted to know who would win, everyone wanted to know who was better. Who was the better twin.
Class 1a were cheering for Katsuki and class 1b were cheering for you because while this match was mostly to see who was the better twin, it would also determine who was the better class since they had the winner in their class.
The only person who thought this was bad as Deku. The kid you both bullied was the only one who could see past the competitiveness and realise that this would end in a disaster. That this was doing more harm than good. That if either one of you were to win the match then it would break the thin sibling bond you both had.
You both began attacking each other left and right, at one point no one could see anything with the amount of debris and smoke filling up the stadium. All they could hear were loud explosions echoing throughout the entire stadium.
Some time later, the staff had to send a teacher down there to try and see what was going on in the match. Immediately the teacher called the match off and another teacher came to break you both off.
Were you both siblings or enemies sent on an mission to kill the other? Trust me when I say the fight got so bad they had to call if off and just say it was a draw.
Both of you were covered in cuts, bruises and burn marks. By the time the adrenaline wore off, you both collapsed, unconscious on the floor.
They had to tie you both up and All might somehow managed to out the single 1st place gold medal around your necks.
Much to everyone's dismay, no one got to find out who was the 'better twin' or 'better class'.
So for the next few weeks, it was the same as always, trying to prove to everyone that you are better while sending death glares to your brother.
UA destroyed your relationship with your brother.
When you were younger, you both would at least play with each other, you both would hold hands and run around, chasing other kids, you both would still comfort each other when the other was sad, you both used to be each other's biggest supporters and now its all gone.
It all probably began to fade during middle school and now is completely gone in UA.
You saw each other as enemies and nothing more.
Well that's what you thought until your brother got kidnapped by the league of villains.
You could never forget how you felt your heart drop when you heard the news. You even forgot to breath for a few seconds. You scared yourself with how much you got scared of losing him.
So when Kirishma, who you recognised as Katsuki's best friend, came up to you, asking if you would help him and a few other students from 1a, get Katsuki back, you agreed.
When you met up with the group, you were the last one to come along since it took you a little longer to sneak out of the house, you saw the wide eyes they looked at you with, since they were so used to seeing you and Katsuki hate on each other every day.
"I do have a heart you know." you rolled your eyes at them. "Come on, lets hurry before that dimwit starts crying like a baby." you turned around and started walking away.
"Um.. Y/n.. We have to go that way-" A black haired girl spoke up.
You were all were successful with getting Katsuki back, you really wanted to hug him or something but you felt like you couldn't. You felt like it was wrong of you to even think about hugging him after everything you did to him. So on the way back, you didn't say anything. Even while watching All Might fight All For One on a screen, you kept your distance from him, walking next to the black haired girl instead.
The walk back home was silent. He walked ahead while you followed a few feet behind, usually you wouldn't let that slide, you would try to out walk him in some way but right now your mind was filled with so many thoughts.
You were so out of it that you ended up bumping into Katsuki's back when he stopped walking. He turned around and looked at you, a softer look on his face but still glaring at you.
"Why did you come with them?" He asked.
How do you even answer that? 'even though I wished for your death like you wished for mine, i still cared. I still didn't actually want to lose you.' or maybe 'why wouldn't I? I mean sure I hated your guts and hoped everything bad happened to you but I didn't actually mean it.'
You didn't even realise when tears began falling down your cheeks while thinking. Katsuki was shocked to say the least.
"I thought I would lose you..." You spoke out in the weakest voice Katsuki had ever heard you use.
Katsuki's hand lifted up to wipe your tears away but he hesitated. Can he do that? Really? After everything he did to you? He couldn't. So he turned back around.
"Idiot. As if some little villain would ever manage to kill me." You didn't miss how his voice cracked in the middle of the sentence, nor did you miss how he subtly tried to wipe away his own tears.
Maybe you didn't get to hug him like you used to when you were younger, but at least you now know there is a chance that maybe, just maybe, you could fix your relationship with your brother.
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iputthebomp · 2 years
Some BNHA boys with a S/O who talks a lot during tv time
May or may not be inspired by my inability to shut up sometimes lol
m.list | rules | home
(no pronouns mentioned for reader other than “you/your” and etc)
K. Bakugou, I. Midoriya, S. Todoroki, E. Kirishima x gn reader (separate)
Man gets annoyed
He’d probably either tell you to just watch the show
Or pause it and listen (it might not seem like he’s listening tho-)
If you guys were watching a murder mystery then he’s totally going to try and figure out who did it with you
Other than that (and calling you a wuss and warning you before jump scares in thriller/horrors and occasionally yelling at fictional characters who can’t hear him) he’s relatively quiet during your movie time
He wouldn’t be as rude or violent as he is with Deku but he’s still not the most polite
He learns to live with the rambling
He rambled and chats with you. Convince me otherwise
He’s yelling at and roasting characters with you, theorizing, talking about the story telling and animation (if there is any), this man will chat about anything
Heck this man is the S/O who talks a lot during tv time
You were pretty much made for each other
Bakugou throws popcorn at you guys and tells you to shut up during class movie nights
Iida just politely tells you to watch the movie in silence
There’s always a lot or rewinding and rewatching
Honestly I think this guy’s good at figuring out whatever he missed on the show so he can listen to you
He’d probably realize he can pause it after a while
Gives you all his attention and doesn’t get annoyed
Idk man I just think he’s a patient dude
He would answer your questions (if he can) and theorize with you sometimes
Prolly depends
Like most of the time he’s chatting with you and matching your energy
But if it’s a show he’s really into then he’s gonna silence you
“Shh, babe the governor just died”
I can also see him crying when you guys watch dog movies and sad things together ngl
He’s never gonna be rude about it (unlike a certain hedgehog)
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cartoonfuel · 2 years
Mind Games Chapter 10
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Chapter 10: Don’t Let It Kill You First
See Chapter 1 for trigger warnings, rating, etc.
Chapter 11: I’m The King
Shortly following the villains’ parade out of the building, the feathers restraining you returned to Hawks. After waving goodbye to his comrades, he let out a long sigh and twisted around to smirk at you, his typical nonchalant demeanor on display.
It made you want to punch him.
“Are things going a bit too fast for you now?” he tutted. “That must be the case.” He stepped towards you, your back connecting with the warehouse wall. “Especially now that your quirk has quite literally walked away from you.”
“What is going on here?” you hissed at the supposed Pro Hero. “Are you really—”
You and Hawks heard the doors to the building open again. Dabi re-entered the room wearing the same dull expression he always did. “I cannot believe Shigaraki chose you to hold down the fort,” Dabi sulked, approaching the two of you as his eyes looked you up and down. “And here I thought maybe it’d be my turn.”
“What are you talking about?” Hawks crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at the villain.
“Oh, nothing really,” Dabi replied. “It’s simply not a decision I’d make if I were the one leading this organization.”
“Boohoo,” you cut in, mocking the two of them.
“You know, it is rather impressive how rational you’re acting. You wouldn’t be a bad fit around here…if you weren’t quirkless, that is.” He shrugged, reaching for an item on the floor a few feet in front of you. “No matter.” He turned and began wandering away, stuffing the item in his pocket. “Forgot my earpiece. See ya.”
Much to your surprise, the doors shut gently, leaving you alone with Hawks again—who swiftly flew up to the ceiling and peered through a window, gracefully landing back on the ground a moment later. “Okay, I think we’re alone,” he stated.
“No shit,” you snapped.
“No, that’s not what I mean,” he said, giving you a stern look. “I can’t tell you everything, but please understand that whatever I told you in the hospital was genuine.”
“How can you lie through your teeth like that?”
Hawks hid his face in his hands. “Aya, I know you heard my thoughts earlier.” He then ran a gloved hand through his hair, locking eyes with you after taking a deep breath. “Think about it.” He had a point. You remember hearing a few warnings mixed in with the League’s internal monologuing. “My biggest problem is, I’m not sure if I should be siding with someone who wants to 'dismantle the hero ranking system.' Quite frankly, I don’t think I should even be telling you this much.”
You glanced away for a second, taken aback by Hawks’ so-called problem. Your perspective was entirely different now that you could no longer read Hawks’ mind. Was this how people went about every day? Trying to interpret facial expressions was the worst. “I’m…confused,” you murmured.
“As much as I might want to, I can’t just let you walk out of here,” Hawks informed you, rubbing his temples. “But I can assure you, I am no Villain.”
You changed the subject. “Do you know what Shigaraki wants to do with me?”
“I believe he intends to invade UA using Doppelgänger’s quirk,” Hawks explained. “Which also requires using your quirk as an alarm system to sneak them inside.”
“Why did Toga need my blood?”
“That I’m not sure. I’m assuming she has the blood of a few different people in her arsenal. I refuse to let her near me, though.”
You furrowed your brow. “Wait, but what do they want with UA?”
“One last go at All Might,” Hawks spat. “Tomura Shigaraki’s suspicious of what happened to All Might’s power. While the League may consider this a small-scale invasion, it’s just as much of a stealth mission.”
“That seems stupid,” you gawked, sliding down the wall into a sitting position. “There are so many Pro Hero teachers at that school. The League is walking into a trap.”
“Not with Doppelgänger pulling his little puppets’ strings. He’ll separate people from their quirks left and right, and he'll have a hell of a time doing it.” Hawks walked towards you and sat down, joining you on the floor and removing his gloves. “Shigaraki told me to stay here so that I can come and rescue the heroes and students later.”
You tilted your head at him. “Seriously?”
“It’s not too horribly orchestrated. It’ll be kinda like picking up my emo kids from school.” Hawks was silent for a brief moment. “And if you didn’t know, Shigaraki’s preference was to have you join the League. I’m not entirely sure what happened but he pulled a complete one-eighty towards the end there.”
“And you’re just going through with all this?”
“For now.” Hawks stood up, cracking his knuckles and tucking away his gloves inside his jacket. “I can’t let you leave yet, so if you’d follow me back to that cell—”
“Are you crazy?” You shot to your feet, balling your fists. “No way in hell!”
“I promise I can send help soon, but I need to make it look like you were rescued by someone else. I could phone Mirko, for example, or even a hero of your choice. Because realistically speaking, you would have no chance escaping this place with me on guard duty, quirkless or not.”
“So what am I supposed to—”
Hawks grabbed you by the arm. “Fake it till you make it, sweetheart,” he said harshly, yanking you toward a familiar hallway. Once you had reached your favorite little room, he held you in place by lifting your wrist high above his head. “Now, you can go willingly or I can throw you in.” He gave you about two seconds to respond—but you weren’t aware of this, so when he heard silence from you, he shrugged and tossed you inside with ease. He seemed to be enjoying this villain charade a little too much. “So, what hero do you want to get you outta here?” You stubbornly didn’t reply, exhausted of Hawks’ act. “You do know I’m still not entirely sure I can trust you. You should be grateful I’m offering to do this.”
“If you encounter Doppelgänger again and recover your quirk, don’t look into his eyes…that’s how he activates his power. M’kay?”
“How do I recover my—”
“Don’t let it kill you first.” Following that, Hawks closed the door, the sound of the door locking echoing in your mind.
Seconds became minutes and minutes turned into hours. You sat in silence, several waves of grief washing over you. So many opportunities…gone. The opportunity to be a Hero? Declined. A Villain? Declined. At least you could say you had some great friends—
And then there was an explosion. Your head jerked to look at the door. A voice called to you from the other side. “Oi! Aya, you in there?”
Was that…Bakugou? “Yes, I’m here!” you shouted back. “Did…Hawks send…you?” You were expecting another Pro Hero—not a high school student.
“What? Hawks? Hell no! Deku forced me out here. Now get away from the door, I’m blowing it up!” Without hesitation, you backed away, plugging your ears and shutting your eyes to protect yourself from the blast.
Bakugou waved the smoke away with his arms, and the moment he was clearly visible, you ran to embrace him. He was as stiff as a board of course.
“Sorry,” you commented as you released him, your hair catching on his hero costume's headpiece.
“Bakugou, are you blushing?” another voice asked, a very pensive Todoroki standing in the doorway to your left. You panicked and pulled away from Bakugou, losing some strands of hair in the process.
“I am not, Half-and-Half Bastard!” Bakugou roared at his classmate.
“In any case, we need to get out of here as soon as possible,” Todoroki said with a shrug. “We don’t want Midoriya to run into any trouble.”
You began following the two out, caution being a top priority. “Todoroki, Bakugou, how did you find me?”
“We followed a villain here undetected,” Todoroki explained to you. “Midoriya is standing guard just outside the building.”
"Is UA safe?"
"I'm not sure, it took some time for us to figure out any leads after you disappeared. Last we knew, everything was as it should be, aside from catching a villain near campus."
"And now that we have our Provisional Hero Licenses, this gives us some fun shit to do," Bakugou added, coming to a sudden halt before stepping outside of the facility through the main doors. He held a hand up, commanding you and Todoroki to freeze. "Wait a damn minute, what's with all the questions? Can't you tell what's going on by listening to our thoughts?"
Shyly, your eyes shifted downward. "I...can't, no."
"What happened?" Todoroki asked with a downcast expression.
"It's a long story. What matters most is that we get me to UA so I can explain everything to the faculty. Things aren't looking good."
As soon as the three of you made it outdoors, Midoriya came into view...though he didn't look very excited to see you. "Hey!" he screamed. "I need backup, it's—”
Bright blue fire then manifested behind Deku, lighting up the night sky. If it weren’t for his speed, the boy would’ve been burned alive in a matter of seconds. "It's Dabi!" Deku finished his sentence as he joined alongside you.
You gawked at him. "It was Dabi you followed back here?!" Using the coldest ice he could muster, Todoroki quickly put out the surrounding blue flames. Right afterward, Bakugou eagerly jumped in front, his crimson eyes locking onto Dabi's figure which had emerged from behind a tree.
"I didn't know there'd be a welcome party waiting for me," Dabi snickered, his arms outstretched as if he wanted a hug.
"Why aren't you with the others?" you snapped, taking a step forward.
"I got bored."
“What, did my mind tell you otherwise?” Dabi smirked, well aware of your quirkless state.
Deku narrowed his eyes at the fire-user, quickly changing the subject. "Why aren’t you attacking?”
"Because I know when I'm outnumbered." He twirled around and began to walk away. "Thanks for the play date, Izuku. Let’s do it again sometime.”
Bakugou lunged forward, screaming, "Bastard!" He wasn't quite able to reach Dabi before a wall of cerulean fire engulfed him, sending him tumbling backwards into Todoroki. Despite this, the blonde had managed to activate Explosion in time to push Dabi backward, forcing him to have to dig his heels into the ground to stay upright.
Midoriya sprang into action, shouting, "Kacchan, stay with Aya! Todoroki, on your feet! I need your ice!" The two obeyed, Todoroki rolling Bakugou off of himself and dashing towards Midoriya and Dabi. After being hit with Dabi's fire, Bakugou was far less interested in bickering with Izuku about being ordered around.
Midoriya and Todoroki flanked the villain, dodging cobalt fire left and right. Eventually, Deku was close enough to land a kick, and you swore you could see fear in Dabi's eyes for a brief moment. All of a sudden, the fear then twisted into a sick pleasurable expression, Dabi dancing out of Midoriya's line of attack and placing a ball of fire right in the young hero's face. Luckily for Deku, Shoto noticed this and weakened the blow by casting a wall of ice between Dabi and Midoriya. While Deku still took a hit via the impact of Dabi's fist, the villain's hand was injured as it came into contact with Todoroki's ice.
Shoto then exclaimed, "Flashfire Fist!" In response, Dabi's eyes widened and he returned the attack, practically mirroring Shoto. Their fire collided, the attacks canceling each other out.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Midoriya jumping towards Dabi again. "Wyoming Smash!" he declared, successfully landing the attack and sending Dabi into the forest.
Katsuki stood up beside you, readying himself for battle again. “Is he…?”
Bakugou was interrupted by an eerie chuckle as Dabi came forth again, his nose appearing to have been broken by Deku’s Wyoming Smash. His eyes glowed in the crescent moon’s light, crimson liquid pouring freely from a wound near one of his temples. Meanwhile, the other half of the villain’s face was completely covered in blood.
“Wow, you brats have gotten stronger,” Dabi sneered, continuing to laugh. “You’ve also gotten on my nerves. Though it’s a good thing I came out here…it seems I’ve distracted you from the real business happening over at UA.”
“Where is the rest of the League?” Todoroki growled, Midoriya at his side.
“That’s just it, isn’t it? Oh, and Todoroki,” Dabi grinned, pressing a hand over his bloody eye. “Looks like you and I are twinning, now.”
“That’s enough talk!” Bakugou snapped, making his way over to stand next to his two teammates. He turned to Midoriya. “How are we supposed to detain him? Should I phone Eraserhead?”
“No,” Deku replied. “It sounds like we’re going to need Mr. Aizawa at UA.”
The villain laughed again. “You are all so foolish standing next to one another like that,” Dabi chortled as he effortlessly snapped his nose back into place. “Thanks for the bigger target, Shoto.” Dabi threw both hands forward, a tidal wave of sapphire flames heading towards Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou.
Right then and there, a new voice came into play.
“Flashfire Fist: Jetburn!”
Out of nowhere, the Number One Hero landed in front of you, his powerful attack protecting the trio of Class 1-A students. “Get out of here!” Endeavor demanded with a commanding presence. “I will handle this!”
Well, you four definitely weren’t going to argue with him. “Hawks, you son of a bitch,” you muttered to yourself.
When the fire surrounding everyone finally dispersed, Endeavor and Dabi stood several meters apart from one another, pride oozing out of the both of them. You, Deku, Bakugou and Todoroki started to evacuate the area, glancing over your shoulders to witness the Number One Hero in action.
“Endeavor,” Dabi said from afar, catching his breath. “What a…surprise.”
Chapter 11: I’m The King
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heartofjasmina · 4 months
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🌸 Masterlist 🌸
♡ Writing Tag ♡
My Hero (BNHA)
Glorious (All Might x glory hole)
Gardening!AU (Pro Hero!Bakugou x gardener reader)
Gardening AU HCs
Gardening AU 3
Gardening AU 4
Pro Hero!Deku x superfan reader
Breeding Instincts (Multi character: Daichi, Kirishima, Deku, Bakugou, Iwaizumi)
Alpha Bakugou and Omega son
Katsuki praises you when you need it most
Spanking w/ Todoroki
Dom Amajiki 2
Mommy dom x Amajiki
Anal freak Deku
Anal freak Deku 2
Iida and perv little sis (incest tw)
Pro Hero!Deku x bitch reader at high school reunion
Fashion designer Bakugou
Bakugou x bitch reader fluff
Duke!Bakguou x virgin reader
Glassblower Bakugou
Dilf!Bakugou x Todoroki's daughter
Dilf!Bakugou x Todoroki's daughter pt 2
Deaf!Bakugou 2
Deaf!Bakguou 3
Shouto and Dabi x reader (incest tw)
Professional chef!Bakugou
Dom nerd!Izuku x seven minutes of heaven
Pirate King!Aizawa
Pirate King!Aizawa x Princess reader
Daddy Dom!Kirishima x tantrum throwing reader
Cookbook author!Bakugou
Kiribaku x reader
Bimbo girlfriend Denki
Bimbo Denki 2
Big Bro Gamer Denki
Daddy Dom Bakugou fluff 2
Iida x slut reader
Iida x bitch reader
Tokoyami x high protocol
DILF All Might
Proffessional Violinist Bakugou
Kirishima's breeder balls
Bakugou x sleepy gf
Bakugou x anxious reader
Underground fighter!Kirishima
Bakugou x crybaby reader
Kirishima x little reader subspace
Professional chef!Bakugou 2
ProHero!Bakugou x nightmares
Bakugou x bitch gf
Bakugou x bitch reader 2
Big Bro Izuku (incest tw)
Facefucking x Tokoyami
Daddy Dom Bakugou fluff
Bakugou x stoner bitch reader
Deku x bimbo reader (tutoring)
All Might and his fans
Bakugou and gf!reader at Megan Thee Stallion Concert
All Might x stepdaugther!reader (stepcest tw)
Kirishima x regressed reader
Pro hero!Shouji x reader
Tokoyami x corruption kink
Tokoyami x fucking machine on reader
Shigaraki x chubby reader
Ushijima x bitch reader
Ushijima x loudmouth gf!reader
Ushijima x anal
Daddy Dom Ushijima
Giant!Ushijima 1
Giant!Ushijima 2
Giant Ushijima 3 (op)
Ushijima x bimbo reader
personal assistant!Iwaizumi x boss lady!reader
Dom!Daichi pays attention
Dom!Iwaizumi x inexperienced reader
Dom!reader x Ushijima
Dom!Ushijima x bitch little sister!reader (incest tw)
Nanami x babygirl reader
Big Bro Suguru
Sukuna and his desperate little sis
Blue Lock
Bimbo!reader x Isagi
Bachira x bimbo gf
Kuroko's Basketball (KNB)
Aomine x tutor!reader
Murasakibara x reader
641 notes · View notes
sweet-honey-tears · 2 years
✂️Long Hair 🤍
Characters: Hitoshi Shinso,Shoto Todoroki,Hawks,Eijirou Kirishima x Gender Neutral Reader
What happens when the boys grow out there hair? Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your support! As always feel free to leave a request!
Reader does know a lot about long hair.
🐈‍⬛Hitoshi Shinso🐈‍⬛
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Shinso didn’t realize how long his hair had grown till your fingers brushed away his bangs. He couldn’t look down anymore without his violet hair blocking his eyes. He had just ignored it, not making a big fuss over something so small. But the feeling of your fingers pulling back the strands into a knot made him freeze. Then when your hands moved away and the strands stayed put he looked up.
“That should help a bit shin”
You hummed, leaning down to his hair before moving back to whatever task you had been doing before.
Shinso found himself reaching for his phone, switching to the camera, and looking at his reflection. His bangs were pulled back, and his hair reached around his shoulders. Shorter strands fell back in their place from the messy bun you made. His tired eyes peered back at his reflection, he looked so similar to him now.
You must have noticed him spacing out since you spoke out.
“It looks really nice, Shin. You look good with it.”
The following week the two of you had Eri over, a tradition the two of them kept. When Shinso entered the apartment after patrol, his eyes landed on his teenage sister and you. Eri was sitting at the counter, she was still dressed in her UA uniform. Her red eyes glanced at him, taking in the new hair. He watched her smile grow before she quietly spoke,
“You look like dad.”
🧊Shoto Todoroki🔥
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Shoto had originally wanted to grow his hair out a bit since he wasn't really allowed to when he was growing up. But he didn’t intend for it to get so long though. It now went past his shoulders in red and white strands. Laying flat against his well-toned back. When Bakugou yelled out,
“Hey Repunizal, to your left!” He had realized just how long it had gotten.
He debated cutting it, watching himself in the mirror as his finger combed through his hair.
“Oh Sho, your home!” You had chirped, breaking him from his trance.
“Yes, I got home a bit ago but I didn’t want to wake you up.” He smiled, his arms opening to receive your hug. Yet he caught his gaze in the mirror over your shoulder. He stiffened a bit. Endeavor only ever let Fuma grow out her hair past shoulder length.
“Sho, what’s wrong?”
You questioned, brushing away his hair slightly from his eyes.
“My hair. Do you think it’s too long?” He asked, his gaze on you as you looked up at him.
“Oh, I guess it has gotten a bit long, huh?” You spoke, your fingers combing out a long strand of red. “But I like it, it looks really pretty on you Sho.” You said, leaning up to kiss his cheek. His face had turned pink. His ears darkened to red.
So the long hair stayed, and he continued to grow it. If it wasn't for you teaching him about how to care for it, condition, brushing, washing, etc, it wouldn’t be as healthy as it was. But now he even found himself researching hair oils off and on.
“It’s so pretty Sho.”
Even the media took notice, they started to comment on it. They talked about how shiny it was, and how well taken care of it looked. And because you had taught him to braid it, the media loved it even more. Photos of him mid-turn, his duel-colored braid levitating above his shoulder, and his pale face appearing out from long ruby strains circled around news stations. He was beautiful.
Some of your and his top picks for his hair are:
A three-strand braid. One strand of pure white, one pure red, and the third was a mix of both.
A messy bun: where his hair hangs in swooping strands. You can’t help but kiss him every time you see him like that.
High pointy tale. Looks like cascading water the way it falls and shines.
The names Bakugou gave him apparently stuck too.
At one meet and greet, his long hair was in a braid on his shoulder. No one had said anything about it till a very shy little girl holding a Repunizal doll went up to him. She was dressed as a Disney princess which wasn’t too uncommon. Sometimes hero meet and greets would also be mixed with some Disney characters. It allowed kids more options. But usually, the event didn’t mix much
“You’re like Repunizal”
She had spoken so lightly that Shotos barely caught it. But he caught your gaze, the soft look in your eyes. You were his Prince Charming in a way, his savior.
“Well, she is my favorite princess.”
The little girl got two pictures with Shoto, one of both of them next to each other and one where Shoto is holding her Repunizal doll. Her hand in his free one.
To say the least, Todoroki became the favorite hero among some little girls solely for his hair. Another event, had a little kid yell out.
“Do the magic!”
Your heart exploded the day the two of you went on a walk and these two kids came up to you both. “Can we please put these in your hair!?” They almost shouted. Their small hands holding clip-on flowers and real ones, their eyes full of stars. You had squeezed Shotos hand so tight he almost thought you were trying to break it.
To say the least, Shoto gained two more supporters that day and many clip-on flowers. You have a picture of him with flowers weaved into his now somewhat messy braid with two little kids by his side with the biggest smiles you’ve ever seen.
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Hawks had started to grow his hair longer a year into your marriage, specifically, it was after the incident that happened. And marriage or not, the two of you still acted like teenagers who just fell in love. The two of you were always next to each other when you could be. Keigo did try to keep you away from the camera and lights, but things slip through. A blurry photo of your figure standing at one of the windows of the house once appeared. That freaked you out and angered him. The photo became too gossip. People trying to unblur your face, heading reading “Gold-Digger Rising?” Or “Fans have a new villain .” Yeah, that pissed him off. Keigo ended up investing in good blinds (since he couldn’t move at that moment) and made a public statement about the incident. Asking his fans and news outlets to respect your wishes. It caused some fans to actually argue against him. Stating “Well if they don’t want to get pictures of them taken, then maybe they shouldn’t have married a Pro Hero!” “Yeah, they were asking for it!”
“Are telling me my spouse was asking to be harassed by people?” It was quiet, and your bit your lip as you watched your husband through the screen. Your knee bounced up in down, the commission was going to be pissed at Keigo. The thought caused your heart to ache. He’s gonna get in trouble because of you.
“There is a reason they hide their identity, it’s because of incidents like this.” The crowd seemed to stop arguing after that.
When Keigo came home, landing on the balcony, he looked tired. With his phone in hand, you could hear a woman and two men screeching at him. You caught something about ‘Irresponsible’ and ��if they were gonna be such a problem!’ before Keigo set it on the counter and walked over to you. The sounds of anger still rang in the room, he couldn’t hang up-less they get more pissed. His wings wrapped around you both. His arms snug around your waist, pulling you incredibly close. His lip rested on your forehead as he murmured, “I found a nice place on the opposite side of town.” He paused, waiting if you had any protest, but you hummed and wrapped your arms around him. His body relaxed slightly, the muscle in his back flexing more as his wings drew closer. “We’ll get some private movers so no one will know and I have some friends who will buy the flat with no publicity.”
It took about three months to fully settle, and thankfully the public didn’t know. One day their favorite hero was there, and the next, not. It apparently made some fans realize their intense…’ fanning’ may have gone too far. Some even spoke out about how they were the ones that drove their favorite pro hero away from his home.
In those three tense months, Keigo forgot to cut his hair. It was longer, some parts reached around his shoulders or past. He could put it in a ponytail now. But all thoughts of cutting it disappeared soon after. You both had been laying on the bed, having finally finished putting away every last box. (Hero work slows down the progress) You had been laying down on him, your back against his pelvis and head tilted upwards. Your hands reached up, fingers clumsy curved around his jaw at the messy angle. “You’re so handsome Keigo” you sighed. Your eyes suck on his gorgeous face that was framed with his honey hair. You ended up sitting up, and Keigo stayed still to allow you to move around him. Your knees went on either side of his strong legs as you faced him. Your fingers curled and played with the hair that hung around his face. “You look good with long hair,” Keigo smirked, his arms going around your waist to pull you flat against him, which almost caused you to fall over him.
“I’m glad to hear you like it chickadee.” He smiled, his hand going up to your back.
“I like it a lot” you rasped out, your lips pressing against him. To your surprise, you both lose balance, causing you both to fall back on the bed.
🪨Eijiro Kirishima🪨
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Kirishima has been more focused on maintaining his hair color than the length. His hair was already long, so he didn’t think much of it going to his shoulders… then past. He was still able to spike it! So what did it matter? That was until it became too long to spike. The points starting to fall mid-patrol. If Sero hadn’t offered him a hair tie, he would have been pushing hair out of his eyes. He didn’t think about it that night, getting distracted by you, but this morning it hit him. Kirishima stood in the mirror, his hero uniform on, mask included, and stared at his face. How his hair lay limp at his shoulders and beyond. He could feel that sick feeling clawing up his gut, self-consciousness was creeping in. Did this look manly? Did he look weak like this? Did he even look good like this- would you like him like this? He self-deprecated himself mentally, wishing he got a haircut after patrol.
You passed by the bathroom, on your way to make breakfast. You were still in PJs, mid-yawn with messy hair.
“Hey uh pebble, can I ask you something.”
You paused and entered the doorway. Your body was still heavy with sleep as you walked behind your long-term boyfriend. Your arms wrapped around the back of his, your face smushed into his strong arm.
“What poppin Rocky?” You smiled lazily, your eyes meeting Kirishkmas in the mirror , you were still hazy with sleepy, and Kirishima could tell. It made him smile, watching you slowly open your eyes again. That was until he caught yours then his eyes. His hair.
“Pebble… do you think my hair looks too long?”
The tones snapped you awake. It brought your mind forward. Kiri was feeling self-conscious. No.
“Oh, I guess it has gotten a bit long.” You hummed, moving to the front of him. You stared at him, as if thinking about your responses, even though you already knew it. “But I like it, it’s nice.”
Kirishima was quiet for a moment, catching his reflection again. You watched his face fall.
“Are you sure?”
Kirishima asked, your heart lurched. You grabbed his hand.
“Rocky, you look good in everything. You look strong and scary with your hair spiked up, and you look strong and beautiful with it down. You look amazing either way.”
You smiled softly. Your fingers then trailed to his face mask, taking it off. “Plus, I like the un-spiked look. It makes it easier to play with your hair.” You hummed, finger running through a strand before your eyes caught his ruby ones. They were soft, a form of a thank you. You pecked his lips, “I’ll go make us some eggs”
“Wait pebble, my mask!” He caught your mysterious grin in the mirror before you turned the corner sharply. Kirishima could hear the sound of your feet hitting the floor as you run. He smiled brightly, you always brought him out of his mind. “I’m coming for you peddle!”
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ms0milk · 8 months
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𝟏𝟒 | 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠
ー✧ prince!bakugou x royal guard!reader
"He does not notice because you are a distraction, the tumult stirring in the castle behind you. He cannot understand his heart’s frustration at your warm fingers against his own."
no cw talking never works for the two of you, will a sparring match? bruises, grappling, unsubtle admiration (with a live studio audience). heartstopping smiles. the arrival of a new and dreadful ghost that reader tries to kill on instinct. 4.5k
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The Queen of Takoba cracks open her bedroom door just as early as you suspected. Threats and growling stop in the face of her beauty, gulps and pulses start up when she yawns. You lower your head to the floor. You kneel beside her chamber door with three glaives pressed sharp to the back of your neck and three dull guards insistent on spoiling your apology.
“Go play,” she murmurs and turns back inside, disinterested.
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“It was cute.”
“It was unnecessary,” Bakugou growls.
Princess Fuyumi hikes up her skirts in her floury fists and jogs to keep pace beside her sous chef, “You’re chronic Katsuki, this is ridiculous,” and smiles when he bares his teeth.
“She should be resting.”
“She is not your soldier.”
“She’s a soldier! She is ridiculous, not me!” The two twist in sync through frosty hallways towards Aizawa’s training pit. The castle is teeming with staff and lords this morning so they take back passageways. Morning meetings be dammed– party planning, flower arranging, appetizer testing, inseam measuring get fucked.
You have spent your morning hunting down queens and princesses and completely disregarding the one thing asked of you. You are not so dense as you pretend and as Bakugou storms to find you, he can’t help but be impressed by your dedication to being an uncontainable menace– finding all the places he might hide in Takoba not for his protection, but so you can avoid him when it serves you.
You should have been more careful, Bakugou sneers as he erupts onto the gallery, because where he underestimated you, you underestimated Half n’half and his propensity to be a fucking airhead.
“She looked well this morning.” Todoroki sat on a bench in the kitchen, eyes bleary and nursing a tankard of coffee. His sister and friend hunched over their latest attempt to recreate Alderan biscuits and both jolted when he spoke. Fuyumi sent every telepathic message she could to her brother who just kept talking. Bakugou’s stare melted holes in the table.
“She’s looking for you too Fumi,” the prince yawned. Deku was wandering around somewhere with eye bags just like his and they both looked exactly like a stubborn guard had woken them up at dawn, “said she had an errand in the soldiers’ quarters so I gave her the address of your dressfitting in town tonight.”
Bakugou grips the gallery railing above the training pit and the metal in his fist starts to squeal as his magic slips out, because of course you’re there. Striking the training sword your opponent holds over their head desperately, over and over until it cracks and your weapon thunks their shoulder. Of course you’re smiling.
“Kirishima’ll worry,” Fuyumi wheezes and plants a hand on Bakugou’s back to steady herself. Bakugou doesn’t take his eyes off the ring.
“Let him.”
You’ve overpowered two guisarmier by the time your prince winds through back passageways onto the floor of the pit because you are an Alderan halberdier and Takoba does not train much in polearms. You have also just cracked a middle-ranked sabreur over the head because you are a decorated fencer and your opponent didn’t prepare for melee combat before agreeing to duel.
Your cheeks are red with exertion and excitement. Half-armored soldiers lounge at the edges of the arena laughing and hydrating. Some play cards. Uraraka is among them eating snacks and she nudges Shinsou forward with her foot, “You promised.”
“You promised,” you parrot and bounce a few paces into the center of the room because apparently you are well enough to fight Takoba’s future Armorer. Uraraka, the beast of melee and master-in-the-making, snorts and reclines on a pile of pads.
Bakugou steps forward before truly thinking and then Aizawa booms from the office above, “Halberds!” The doom spreading in your prince’s gut doesn’t know whether to multiply or dissipate. You still do not see him. You grin.
Two soldiers pass you the weapons their master ordered and you take your place eagerly while Shinsou finishes dusting himself off. The weapon twirls like a dancer between your hands.
As much as he berates him for it, Bakugou thinks just as much as Deku does.
Did Master Aizawa give you halberds for your advantage or Shinsou’s? Was it meant to embolden you– trick you? Did he predict how cocky you get when you think you have the advantage? Is Shinsou proficient? Is this to humble you?
He is thinking until the second the match bell rings and then gawks. Shinsou readies his weapon gracefully and crouches in position. You flourish the polearm once more in a figure-8 around your chest and shoulders and then abandon it entirely, spear thrust into the ground, to launch and tackle your opponent.
Aizawa wasn’t trying to embarrass you. It wasn't revenge for defeating his soldiers or discharging your weapon into a crowd of dinner guests. Shinsou grunts. He doesn’t drop his weapon but you are obviously too close to use it and his shoulders are already flat on the ground in defeat, “Shiny toys only help if you’re faster than me, weaponmaster.”
Shinsou erupts into laughter underneath you and nods in concession. Aizawa rumbles from his office, “You will learn creativity from Aldera or she will kill you,” clearly smiling as he speaks. Dread evaporates. It looks like they’re running a pin-drill, non-lethal, adaptive, against an unfamiliar fighting style. It’s just training. You’re not being held hostage by an army with a grudge. Takoba is not afraid to demean guests and it wouldn’t be the first time Bakugou picked a fight to defend the dignity of an Alderan. At home you are well respected and intimidating, but everywhere you are odd.
“s’not like we’re going to war,” Shinsou grumbles as you help him to his feet and dust off your knees.
The sabreur cackles under his bag of ice on the sideline, “Lucky us.”
“Royal contender!” Uraraka suddenly sings because she’s bored and has spotted entertainment from across the room, “An exotic prince wishes to challenge our victor.”
Your eyes shift from shared apprentice smiles to the place Uraraka gestures with her chin, the place where Bakugou has forgotten, momentarily, that he has a body.
He shakes his head without taking his eyes off of you.
“What? Does the prince not spar with his soldiers in Aldera?” Uraraka stops short of booing. He only knows she is mocking him because he has known her so long. Your face goes slack like his. “Shoto trains with us all the time.”
“I’m not fighting an outpatient.”
“Right, of course. Worried three days of coma made her too strong?”
Bakugou scowls knives in her direction. When Master Aizawa descends from his office there is obviously no way out of his apprentice’s instigation.
“Would you consider showing my recruits an Alderan combat exercise?”
He knows you well enough, he has known you all your lives, and when Bakugou looks to you for a response he knows what you’re going to say before your lips part. “Yes sir.”
“Unarmed sir.”
Aizawa nods, “Alderan hand-to-hand then. Takoba relies too much on magic anyway.”
Warmth drains first from Bakugou’s fingers and then his feet as the Master disables his magic and tips his head toward you, standing sure in the center of the arena under sunshine.
“Good morning, Highness” you murmur as your prince skulks into the light and takes his begrudging place in front of you.
“You’ve been fucking busy.”
He is skilled enough not to hurt you, and so this show will be simple. That’s all it is. A performance for the incompetence of Takoba. Aizawa takes a seat beside his apprentices to keep dust far away from his eyes, “Learn something, the lot of you.” His battalion falls silent.
Aldera excels in two things, combat and cultivation. Fruits richer than any on the planet. Warriors fiercer than you could find in hell. Bakugou is a culmination of his parents’ perfect magic and his mother’s aptitude for violence. He can speak the languages of the continent, he has trained under her men and has chosen his own champion. What are you made of?
Right now it’s something like apprehension as he extends his fist towards you and your open palm to him. Jeanist’s defensive stance, a wide open hand ready to swing, grab, or close. You assume he’ll attack first. Your eyes are bright and focused, muscles warm, and usual braids tied back high with a length ribbon Fuyumi snuck into your dressers. Of course you would recover from a three-day coma overnight. Worry falls from him like a bucket with a hole.
He steps forward in a crouch. Your wrists cross.
“She’s not made of glass, Kats!”
There’s a grunt and he can only assume Aizawa thwacked his apprentice over the head but it’s enough for him to harden his stance because any warrior would dream of the opportunity to catch him in disorganized anger, even for a moment. You don’t flinch.
He wasn’t wasn’t wrong, apprehension fills you and now his worry drips higher. You are no blank unreadable foe and your own worry is written all across your eyes. Jeanist taught a terrible poker face.
“Any day,” Aizawa grumbles this time. You have spent the morning cracking the skulls of Takoba’s guards and now Bakugou is the one who appears apprehensive to a room full of strangers. He looks to you one more time and ducks forward to strike with his fist.
He meant to hit a rib, durable, flexible, and send you to the ground without the danger of a drawn out grapple but you step carefully out of his way. You’re fast, which he knew, but when he readies himself for retaliation you take the beat to solidify your footing and don’t make a single move towards him. It’s just your open palm and a crouch in his direction. The crowd hums.
Fine, one more. This time Bakugou skips forward with his arms drawn high at his side and dips in close to feign a strike to your chest. His kick to your ankles is well timed and serves to surprise onlookers but you only pounce with your feet together, then land beside him where you should have had every instinct to knock him prone. Instead you slip back two more steps out of range and ready yourself again. 
Oh, Bakugou rolls his eyes as he stands again on two feet. He’s overcomplicating the obvious, “You’re permitted to fight me.”
Your ears perk like hound.
“Wouldn’t you like a real opponent after a morning of,” he gestures to the lounging soldiers, “this?” They suck their teeth but do not clamor. Your eyebrows raise in thought because you really do have a terrible poker face. Was that it? Apprehension at hurting your prince? “Cmon then.”
You do not make him wait when, lightfooted, you prance back into striking range. He plants one foot and swings forward to leave an obvious opening, it’s simple and always has been. You will dive into his fake opening and he will pin both your elbows in one arm to drop you on your back with the other.
You do not take the bait or a strike against him. You jump and tuck your head close to your chest to roll across his shoulders when he is still stuck in the motion of his faux swing. Bakugou growls and reaches behind himself to catch you where you land, which you somehow do not, hooking one leg around his waist to sling yourself back where you started. His heart pumps a little faster.
Where he punches, you duck, where he knees, you dodge, where he reaches, you redirect until you have danced your way around the ring a full rotation and still not exchanged a blow.
Are you really this useless without a weapon? Only able to defend? Bakugou spits and dives for your stomach in a full body attack. His heart pumps faster. You fall to your knees and bend far enough to slip under him and back upright on the other side.
He’s seen you fight and knows you’re capable of more than just taunting. Why will you spar with these useless fucks in a foreign kingdom and not him? Prince Bakugou does train with his soldiers at home but never with Jeanist’s precious Second. Everything but gratuitous hardships, a waste of time. Beneath you.
“Does this coward serve my kingdom?!” He roars, heart snapping, and spins when he lands on his palms like a cat to charge. Still like a hound, your ears pull back with his words.
“Take note,” Aizawa mutters.
Now your poker face– a bronze mirror really, channeled through your heart– blazes white hot, perfect. Two more steps. Bakugou was trained by Jeanist too and so you cannot hide from him.
Not that you’re trying to. Not that anything Jeanist taught would help him anticipate your dropped shoulder and open palms coming for him in a head on collision. You’re just as hot-headed as he is if a little shit talk riled you up this much.
Before Bakugou can tackle, you have dove flat underneath of him and grabbed his bicep with those ever-ready fists Jeanist tried to teach him to use. He’s thrown through the air with his own momentum and over your head faster than his heart can beat again. With your fists you pull, with your knees you push, and with two feet planted firm you sling him over your shoulder and sprawled onto the ground a few paces away. You are at his throat before he can blink.
“I am not a coward,” you hiss and hold a hand across his neck in clear victory.
Your prince watches the shape your lips make when you’re biting your cheek like he’s never seen anyone do it before. And the forest fire behind dark lashes. “No,” he breathes.
Aizawa’s knees crack when he stands and normally a few men would giggle, but every eye is on the foreign prince and his secret weapon. “Most deaths on the battlefield happen through carelessness.” The Master is probably pointing and lecturing but all Bakugou hears is the pulse in your chest and the crackle sand makes when sweat drips from the soft parts of your body. You blink to the crowd for a second.
“You should all remember your lessons from Aldera today on the element of surprise.”
“Rematch,” your prince grins. His arms fly above his head and he brings them down faster than you can get away, trapping your limbs against you and flipping you onto your back, much to the entertainment of the audience who, along with startled Aizawa, have forgone the lesson.
He pins your wrists above your head to keep them from gouging his eyes out and pushes hard on your thighs with his hips. A full body hold.
“Cheater!” Uraraka boos.
You think so too because you send a knees straight up between his legs. With your speed he can only dodge one strike at a time so when he shifts to block, you pull your arms back in tight. He’s lost fights before, spars against Kirishima and the rest, but he’s only lost to unmatched brute force or poor magic pairings.
When he falls forward, you bow away and wrap an arm around his neck to trap him flat against you with a grunt. Cradle his back with your hips. Lock your arms tight around his throat and taunt him with easy breath over the shell of his ear. It’s been an awfully long time since he’s had to think in a fight. If either of you could hear over the blood in your heads you’d be charmed by the excitement of Aizawa’s men.
“Three out of five,” your prince wheezes and before you can utter your huh, he leverages his weight to roll onto his knees and without any of the gentleness he cautioned before, jerks forward to throw you over his head.
Your grip does soften but not because he’s caught you by surprise. It’s so you can lock your legs around his neck instead of your arms and twist him, writhing, back onto the ground beneath you. His weight won’t help him here. Magic might not make a difference either.
Bakugou has tucked a hand beside his neck to keep you from knocking him out and grunts with two squeezed cheeks between your thighs. The tighter you lock, the slower he moves because you’re not the only one with tricks. Think about the body like armor. He snakes his hand through the sand to hide the noise and grabs at the crease where your thigh meets your hip with thick vicegrip fingers. You shudder around him instead of yelping and his heart swells, half at the sound, and half at the opening he’s made.
Slipping out of your hold and back onto his feet where you no longer have the advantage in flexibility or wrestling, he spits sand and gravel. “Ticklish?”
You’re already on your feet just two strikes’ distance away and Bakugou’s heart does something different than beat this time, because you wipe the blood from your split lip and grin. Big and cheesy. Your eyes crinkle like he always imagined they might.
“Four out of seven?”
“Count to ten,” his mother instructed fifteen years ago. “Katsuki, don’t let go of her.”
She hoisted her beautiful cape over your shoulders beside one another and promised to be right back with clean clothes. The king and Jeanist had scattered in search of the doctor.
“What’s your name?”
You didn’t answer. A gash in your eyebrow had started to swell.
He squeezed your little hand tighter, “You’re at my house.”
“is my mother okay?”
He never could have guessed what the bloodsoaked puppy in his carriage would turn into. That your eyes would go as big as the moon under his magic or that you would love his library and chat with the wind through open windows instead of eating with everyone in the Hall.
This time he is flat on chest and you have both his arms bent behind him tight at the elbow. Aldera doesn’t excel in shit, you excel, in everything. You protect his kingdom on a whim like a brooding dragon.
“I’m unarmed,” Bakugou winces, smiling.
You huff lightheartedly, “me too,” and thumb over the callouses magic made in his palms.
He does not notice because you are a distraction, the tumult stirring in the castle behind you. He cannot understand his heart’s frustration at your warm fingers against his own.
Others notice before he does. You certainly beat him to it. “What was that?”
“What? Tired already?” He coos and snaps his biceps away from you like he probably could have done this whole time. Your prince is too distracted by everything that makes you– his odd little dragon– neatly trimmed nails and shiny scars like lace sprinkled across every part of your body. The thin line in your eyebrow. The cursed smell of the sea that still clings to your hair and the sweet sour of sparring all morning. He rolls back and bursts to his feet to coax you into another round.
You’re not quite paying attention. For the first time this morning you take your eyes off of him and pebbles drop in his chest because maybe not even a dragon can heal overnight, but you are not in the same daze as yesterday. Your fingers twitch like you’re remembering how to hold something as you rise to face him again– facing but glaring at something through him.
“Down Highness,”
Which is, all in all, a terrible omen because you only look the way you do now when you’re preparing to kill someone you are certainly not supposed to. 
Bakugou snaps around when the doors of the soldier’s quarters explode from their hinges in hellfire.
If the flames had been blue, they might not have been able to stop you. An intruder looms in the smoke of his destruction in the seconds before charging but you are already between Bakugou’s legs and out the other side before he can finish the syllables of your name, diving for a discarded handaxe from earlier duels and leaping– arms crossed over your face to shield from fire– as guard and executioner.
“Y/n!” With her half suit of armor and two biceps braced at her shoulder, Uraraka crashes into you and destroys your momentum before you can get one good step off the ground. Two guards collide. You're both smashed flat across the training room floor.
The intruder does not stop and wouldn’t have flinched if you took his head; he is the most despicable man after all, undeterred by evil or the stench of death.
“Attention whore,” Bakugou growls as Enji Todoroki clears the floor in a wake of screaming flames his soldiers can barely escape. Magic from Aizawa doesn’t refill your prince’s veins fast enough to stop the immolating man from knocking him four good lengths and picking him up again by the front of his tunic in his giant stride. He’s huge. And he’s set himself on fire in his fury.
“Majesty, stand down!”
“Which Alderan rat set fire in the North Wing?!” He roars as the prince shakes sand from his hair.
Bakugou bares his teeth so sharp the crowd worries he might bite. He’s close enough to. “You can’t even do absentee father right.”
You are struggling in a poor match between Aldera’s strongest soldier and Takoba’s lightest. No matter what hold or jerk you attempt, trying to escape from Uraraka is like screaming underwater. “I’m sorry!” She groans, mostly at the pin she uses to hold you but also at the fire that hops just out of reach of her greaves. No one remembers the might of the mellow apprentice until she stops smiling. Before you hit the ground your ax soared into the air with a life of its own– it’s still there now. It spins rapidly in its trapped momentum but still floats, harmless, up towards the glass ceiling.
“Highness!” You grunt and Uraraka apologizes again, and again after you try to break her nose with a weightless headbutt.
��I’ll put down your yapping dog and light up every rat infesting my castle,” the king is almost foaming. Bakugou itches at the prospect of a fight.
“Declaration of war, old man?”
It’s not an accident that you escape– that Uraraka softens– as the princess appears in the arena. The intruder tosses your prince away before sparks can ignite his hellish beard and swings hard at the new voice. You barrel into her. You like a shield and poised in seconds to take his arrogant hand with a shortsword.
You couldn’t possibly know who this is. No one could have guessed he would return, today or at all. Bakugou could only pray that he died at sea long ago.
Mountains of soldiers ready at your back, archers trained on the new man’s neck, hesitant faces twisted with contradiction in every flow of movement– drawing weapons, dashing to the scene, racing to protect their princess and still somehow hesitating– before the giant hand freezes, and you with it, before your sword can cleave it off at the wrist. The flames disappear.
“She said, enough,” Aizawa barks. It’s not a shout, it’s something much more terrible, something like poison. It’s horrible enough to back away with the princess kept tight between your shoulders as the Master approaches. The intruder is not less intimidating without fire. They both glare. Four dozen soldiers watch.
Fuyumi hollers, “I gave the North Wing order!” over your arm when you won’t let her push forward and then your skin prickles at the grating of a voice you hoped was knocked unconscious, safe but out of the way, on the other side of the room.
“No she fucking didn’t,” Bakugou spits, and it’s everything you can manage to keep a hotheaded princess and a live grenade behind the cover of your back. Your prince presses forward, “I’ll burn down this whole fuckass seashell to keep my people warm.”
“Not helping!” Uraraka hisses with a group of her men racing to pat out pockets of flame before they catch on piles of padding. It wasn’t meant to.
The pit is an echo of heartbeats and rapid breathing. Half of the soldiers frozen in their attempt to stop you from killing their king and the other half frozen, now with fear, in their attempt to help. Fuyumi stares at her father through the adjoined shoulders of the Alderan prince and his captain.
The king looms over the Master with his hands set in fists. No matter how intimidating he tries to be, he is still extinguished. “It was your job to protect my kingdom.”
Aizawa bristles at the insinuation.
“I have been rotting at sea for the sake of this kingdom and you can’t keep a single rat away from–” 
“We weren’t expecting you, Majesty.”
“Would you have done a better job if I penned you a letter? Like a yearning fucking maiden.”
“It’s been eleven years.”
Bakugou knows what he’s doing. Keeping the king from exploding again, but it’s everything he can do to stay beside you on the sidelines and listen without exploding himself. Enji Todoroki looks like shit now that the fire has died down. Expensive shit. A thousand yards of now-ruined silk wrapped and spooled around and over his open chest. Blue and silver as far as the eye can see. What has he been doing for a decade? The belt at his hips drools with obscene wealth. A decorative sword Bakugou would like to see buried in his guts.
What do you think of him? This king. He’s half-giant and half-sea mad already, a waste of muscle and trimmed always in fire. His hair and beard, even the ridges of his fingertips singed round shapes into the collar of Bakugou's tunic. The prince makes a note to ask you about it later, if not just for an excuse to poison another Alderan against him. Not that it would take much push. When he looks down at you, the torchlight behind your eyes flickers furiously with thought.
The king takes one more look around the room when he decides he can’t win in a staring match with Aizawa. “Your Masters never taught you to kneel?” He seeths at his jumbled soldiers and the room immediately scrambles to the ground. You don’t flinch. Shinsou crosses his arms beside his master and Uraraka lays flat on her back in exhaustion some ways off. The king takes his satisfaction with a suck of his teeth and storms back across the room through the doors he destroyed. Fires still hop in the hallway beyond.
You don’t take your eyes off his shape even after it’s gone, “Was that..”
“My father,” Fuyumi answers quickly and equally as distant as you.
“Forgive me, princess.”
“Better luck next time.”
Bakugou watches you both somewhat frozen together, staring after fire, and moves before he’s thought out the action. Your knuckles are white on the sword you still raise.
“Stand down,” he murmurs as his hand wraps around yours. You are so strange. You both know too much. At his touch your weapon drops immediately through your fingers to the floor.
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tagged angels ✧.* @nnubee @nonomesupposedto @kotarousproperty @strawberry-mentos69 @sveetnn @lunrai @km7474 @cathwritestragediesnotsins @idimmadontgiveashit @kooromin @k1tk4tkatsuki @litiri @kiwibao @sarcasticlittlebook @condy-wants-a-cookie @mysticalfridge @falling4fandoms @katanaski @romiinlove @cherripunch26 @acid-rain27 @bakugouswh0r3 @zukowantshishonourback @ultracrii @chandiewashere @screechingdreameater @when-you-are-just-done @levisbae2 @flyhighinthesky @1astr0id1 @thebluespacecow @mizzfizz @butterscotch-ripple-icecream @phoenix-draws77 @ltadoriyuujl @dreamingoftomorrow @optimisticprime3 @misscaller06 @the-omnipotent-phlowr @king-dynamight @sky-angel101 @rosiejacklyn
could not tag for some reason :,(
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burned-out-match · 1 year
shiggy being in love
dabi and shigaraki’s ideal types lol
hawks, shiggy with a short s/o
hawks, shiggy, aizawa with an insecure s/o
hawk’s and aizawa’s ideal types
domestic! hawks
hawks mating for life??
aizawa and hawks as dads!
shiggy with a mentally ill s/o
if shigaraki had a different childhood...
shigaraki redemption arc?
endeavor thoughts
bakugou, shiggy, shoto being jealous
shiggy, aizawa, hawks with a flirtatious s/o
bakugou and todoroki hearing you gush over them
toga, shinsou, tamaki with an s/o who has a shrinking quirk
shinsou, bakugou, kiri with an s/o who snaps
hawks with an oblivious s/o
kiri, bakugou, izuku with a chubby s/o!!
shinsou, ms. joke, toga with a stuttering s/o
bakugou with a pregnant partner
shinsou, aizawa, monoma with an avid reader! s/o
toga, shinsou, denki with an s/o with glasses
momo and ochako with an s/o with an opposite quirk
aizawa meeting a motherly s/o
bakugou, kiri, shoto with a twin sister
hawks after an argument and breakup
present mic, aizawa, midnight with an s/o with long hair
dabi, shinsou, miruko with an s/o who loves the rain
shinsou, denki, tamaki genderbent
shinsou, bakugou, tsu with a mega quirk s/o
toga, bakugou, dabi when u fart
shigaraki, bakugou, shoto when you ask for a kith
shinsou with a lying s/o
hawks, aizawa, shinsou with a writer s/o
tsu, shinsou, uraraka holding hands
tsu on a swimming date
mina and jirou with a singer
kiri, iida, all might as boyfrens
hawks in a relationship
hawks with an owl quirk s/o
bubble tea date with denki, shinsou, mina
hawks, bakugou, dabi when their s/o opens up
monoma with a pained s/o
shinsou, monoma, kuroiro with a shadow quirk s/o
all might fluff
midnight and mic with a villain s/o
bakugou, denki, shinsou when their s/o visits from the future
more hawks relationship fluff
hawks breakup angst
shigaraki and hawks with a singer
aizawa, shinsou, jirou with a cat-quirk s/o
kinoko komori appreciation
momo, izuku, neijire with an s/o who possesses people
shigaraki and his gamer
aizawa, izuku, bakugou with a quirkless s/o
shiggy x reader fluff fic
random class 1a hcs
bakugou angst, tw:abuse
kurapika with a short s/o
can illumi love??
yandere illumi
can hisoka love??
kurapika and leorio as boyfrens
leorio, hisoka, kurapika with a tall s/o
kite, illumi, chrollo with a pregnant s/o
hisoka’s type
hisoka hcs
illumi brainrot
Genshin Impact!!
childe x reader sample fic??
thoughts about sampo
hsr shitpost number 1
hsr shitpost number 2
hsr shitpost number 3
hsr shitpost number 4
791 notes · View notes
nights-legacy · 1 year
Hi there 👋🏽 I was wondering if I could request some headcanons for class 1A & a reader who’s izuku’s twin sibling who goes to a different school and has a power like Julieta Madrigal’s (where they can heal you with the food they cook) maybe they prefer to call their quirk a gift?
Masterlist MHA Masterlist
1A X Midoriya! Reader
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• First of all, no one knew at first that Deku had a sister except Bakugou, obviously
• They all found out after the Sports festival. Afterwards, when the students were the only ones really left at the school, they saw Deku meeting with a mint haired girl off to the side. She handed a small pastry that he gobbled right up.
• They asked Bakugo as he passed to leave. He just said "That's Deku's sister, Y/N." Like it was obvious. She passed a pastry to Bakugo as he passed and he took it with no complaint. He nibbled on it as he left.
• What really blew their minds was that Deku took off his arm braces and was completely healed. Before anyone could ask, they began to walk away. 
• It wasn't until the next school day that they could ask any questions.
Y/N Midoriya: Twin sister to Izuku
Hair: Mint shade & Wavy
Eyes: Hazel/ Bright Amber
Quirk: Can heal Many levels of injury with her cooking.
• Prefers baking but can cook great (Maybe even better than Bakugou.)
• Can factor in different levels of healing into whatever it is she cooks, even have no healing built in.
• Was thought to be quirkless until she wanted to make some strawberry brownies for Izuku after he had a run in with some bullies again. He was healed within moments of the first bite.
• Doesn't go to hero school but is working towards a medical degree.
• You started very young referring to your quirk as a gift. Most peoples quirks were either just inconvenient things or were just there or ones that could be considered heroic quirks. There were fewer people that had healing type quirks so you thought of it more of a gift since you could help people in a calmer, safer way that still held up to the Hero's.
After they meet you:
• After your presence is made known, Aizawa did have to have a meeting with your mother because you couldn't always be healing Izuku and no matter how much you didn't like it, you understood. Especially after you met with Recovery Girl.
• The class LOVED you and it wasn't too long before you were an honorary member of Class 1A. You were similar in a way to Izuku. You were adorable and sweet and fiery to a fault. You were a bit more confident then Izuku as well as being less over the top.
• What surprised everyone the most was that Bakugo was more open to you. He was still his normal standoffish self but he didn't go off on you like he did Deku 
• The class also became very protective of you. If there was any threat that they found out near you, they had either Izuku or Bakugou to call you to make sure you're okay.
• And heaven help the person that did hurt you. If your brother didn't get to them first, they had no chance of escaping the rest.
• Izuku always made sure you got to your own school before heading to UA. That became harder when he had to move into the dorms but you were given permission to visit by Aizawa (he hoped it would help keep Izuku in check.)
• Speaking of Aizawa became fond of you too, not that he was going to mention it. He would do anything for you that he would do for his class.
• All Might even was fond of you. After his retirement, you would make him batches of different things that helped with his condition and the pain from it.
• Like we said, you were loved by the class.
• Sato and you would bake together. He would teach you new recipes and vice versa.
• Uraraka and you were fast friends. You were also very appreciative of her for being friends with Izuku. After you found out what over use of her quirk does to you, you made some candies to help with nausea.
• Kaminari, Sero, Todoroki, and Sero knew they could come to you for anything. Like help with homework and studying , if they need someone to talk to, anything really.
• All the guys made sure that Mineta didn't bother you. It took everyone to hold Izuku AND Bakugou back when he tried something the first time. 
• You were friends with everyone in the class but the ones you became closest with outside the two boys was Kami and Ojiro. The three of you have their weird but perfect balance between you. Kami was drawn to you at first because he's Kaminari, come on. He's a flirt but when you showed genuine interest in him and genuine concern when he short-circuited, he let him be himself with you. 
• And Ojiro, how could you not like him. He's so sweet and you two just clicked. Like two peas in a pod. To be honest, the overall exciting energy the class gives off is overwhelming to you. Ojiro's calm disposition is welcoming to you. You both work hard for your goals and support each other through hard times. (Not to mention the small crush you have on the man that Izuku definitely doesn't tease you about incessantly.)
Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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animestsstuff2 · 6 months
A Dragons beauty
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Barbarian Bakugou x reader
description: King Endeavour Enji Todoroki has recently traded his youngest daughter Kya to end the almost five year war with the Villianous group lead by a man known as shigaraki. It was agreed that Mitsuki, leader of the Dragon-Blood clan and Endeavours children would wed to join their forces to help defeat Shigarakis clan, a long war which neither were winning nor could continue fighting. Kya was Endeavours youngest child and what he believes to be a failure; all his children were healthy and strong, you however were weak when you were born, small and frail and the picture of your mother who died birthing you. it was a miracle you made it but you had been a bother ever since. when the opportunity arose for him to get rid of you he didn't hesitate, you'd hardly survive anyways in the Dragon-blood clan out in the mountains.
Content warning: forced/arranged marriage, war talk, physical+mental abuse, dysfunctional family, slight age gap (p.s. changed the ages of the todoroki siblings to fit in more with the time period)
Part 1
Master list
"Kya, your father has requested your presence in his study" Your maid Hana informed. you got up from were you lay in the grass out in the courtyard. A small leather backed book lay in front of you, banded by twine as you looked up from your sketch. You nodded to your maid and got up, dusting the grass off you and picking your sketch book up.
You wandered through the stone halls humming to yourself. You reached your fathers study, knocking on the large oak doors softly. You could feel your stomach twist with growing nerves, it was never ever good when father called you into his study. His gruff voice beckoned you in and you pushed the for open, struggling slightly. You slipped in moving to stand in front of his desk as you bowed your head and straightened back up to see he hasn't even looked at you, still focused on his papers in front of him.
"You called for me father?" You mumbled softly, rubbing the leather book.
"I did, You are to be wed tomorrow morning to Mitsuki Bakugou son Katsuki so we can join forces and hopefully end the war soon" He didn't even glance at you as he dropped the information. Your heart stopped eyes now wide with shock as you opened your mouth.
"W-what? Father what do you mean" You asked, stepping forward. He finally decided to spare you a glance and only tsked at your distraught face.
"You know I do not like repeating myself Kya. The war needs to end and an agreement was made; you will marry Katsuki Bakugou, heir to the Dragon-blood clan so we can bring peace quicker to our people and so no more of our people will have to die" he explained and your chest tightened, your throat closing over as tears welled in your eyes.
"Kya! Do not start. You have a duty to your people and you will marry him its the least you can do being the embarrassment you are to our family" He snapped, standing up from his desk and slamming his palm onto it. You sniffled and turned around, running out of his study and to your chambers.
You threw yourself on your bed, grabbing your old tattered teddy bear and pulling it into your chest, tears rolling down your cheeks as you sobbed into it. You didn't want to marry some savage and be forced to leave your family, even though your father was horrible to you; your siblings treated you with love. You sniffled, wiping your eyes trying to rid the tears but more kept coming. You got up and went to your door, opening it and stepping out as you sniffled and walked down the hall to Fuyumis room. You knocked softly, still sniffling as more fat tears continued down your cheeks.
Fuyumi opened the door with a smile recognising her sisters knock only to be shocked to see your red blotchy face look up at her with teary eyes. Fuyumi immediately pulled her inside and grabbed her arms around her younger sister.
"Kya! tell me what's wrong?" She whispered as she pulled you over to her bed and sat down pulling you down beside her and wrapping her arm around your shoulder.
"Fuyumi! F-Father is ma-making me marry B-Bakugou Katsuki!" You cried through hiccups and sniffles. Fuyumi gasped at the news and pulled you closer. She couldn't believe her father.
"Kya, where did you hear this?" Fuyumi asked, grabbing both your shoulders and turning you to her. You sniffled and hiccuped, trying desperately to form a sentence.
"H-He did! he sa-said I'm getting mar-married tomorrow morning" You cried harder, your chest tight as you gasped and grabbed your dress, bunching it up in your fists. Fuyumi was shocked, unable to form any words of comfort. She pulled your into her as you sobbed into her shoulder. Her hands came to rub your back and shush you, whispering it was 'okay, everything was okay'
You eventually passed out from exhaustion. She carefully positioned you to lay on her bed, pulling her quilt over you as you hiccuped in your sleep. Fuyumi got up, leaving her room as she headed down to the outer courtyard to find her brothers and discuss this mess their father had started. She found her brothers there, practicing their swordsmanship.
"Natsu! Shoto! Father is marrying Kya off to the Dragon-Blood clan" She yelled and both brothers froze, swords dropping as they turned to their sister. Natsu eyes were wide but Photos were narrowed and angry.
"what?!" they both snapped simultaneously as they walked up to her.
"Kya just came to me sobbing saying Father is marrying her off to Katsuki Bakugou of the Dragon-Blood clan" she told them. Shotos face just twisted further with anger as Natsu couldn't believe what he was hearing. They all stared at each other briefly before Shoto turned and pushed by Fuyumi, heading to their fathers direction. The other two siblings quickly followed, running down the cobble halls after their brother.
"Your trading Kya?!" Shoto yelled as he found his father speaking with one of his constables. Endeavours head snapped, face already bunched with anger as he glared at his second youngest. He quickly turned back to his constable and excused him.
"Shoto! don't you dare raise your voice to me like that" He snapped, pupils narrowing into slits as he glared at his son who marched towards him.
"Your trading Kya!? to the Dragon-Blood clan! how can you?" Shoto roared, Natsu and Fuyumi finally caught up, standing and watching the two fight with one another.
"Yes I am and its to end this war! to bring your brother Touya home!" Endeavour shouted, face red as Shoto paused hinking of his brother who was at war; the brother he hasn't seen for almost four years.
"so we lose a sibling to gain another?! You're sick, first our mother and now Kya, you can't just get rid of her because she's like mother I won't allow it!" Shoto growled, stepping forward and shoving his father who stepped back slightly from the unexpected force. Endeavour felt anger swell in his chest as he whipped his hand back and slapped his son.
Fuyumi and Natsu rushed forward pulling Shoto back. Natsu stepping between them as Fuyumi held her brothers face. Shoto pushed her away and met his fathers piercing glare.
"Kya will be wed tomorrow and nothing will stop it. You can either attend and see your sister off or I will have all three of you locked up until she's wed and gone" He growled, glancing at his children and scoffed before walking away. Shoto tried to run after him but Natsu and Fuyumi grabbed him holding him back as he felt tears prick his eyes, chest heaving.
"what will we do Natsu?" Fuyumi turned to her other brother, eyes teary too as they realised they really couldnt do anything to save their sister. Natsu sighed, rubbing his eyes as he looked to his sister unsure of how to comfort her.
“Where is kya?” Shoto asked, still staring off in the direction their father left in. Fuyumi told Shoto that Kya was in his bedroom and all three siblings left to see you.
Anyways new Bakugou x Reader fic! i love love love barbarian Mha AU especially katsuki fics. Anyways enjoy <3 sorry I changed the prompt of the story
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allisonbaelfire · 3 months
I draw Katsuki Bakugou on Glass, I hope you like it! If you wanna see more of my Glasspaintings, follow me on IG: _vkxart
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armins-main-hoe · 1 year
Todoroki’s Twin au
Your sister’s food was tasty as always, it had been a while since you last ate her food after moving into the school dorms. Had the atmosphere not been so awkward for you, you would have a warm smile on your face while you enjoyed each bite of the food. You sat between your two older siblings with Midoriya sitting opposite you. You would look over at your father every now and then, he has a neutral expression, it was softer than you mostly see from him. Looks like he is trying to be better, though you aren’t so sure if being better now would fix anything.   There was some small talk here and there, but you were mostly zoning out, eating the food without even realising it.  
“How is your internship going Y/n?” You heard your father speak up. His voice was thick and stern, however, there was no doubt that it was softer than it usually was.  
You look up from your food, lowering your chopsticks as you looked over at him. Everyone’s eyes were on you now. “It’s going well.” You replied simply, not going into much detail. In all honesty, you didn’t feel like talking much tonight. First of all, you were tired from patrolling all day, secondly, you were regretting coming over to this family dinner because of how awkward it was getting. If only you could speed time up and get this whole thing over with.  
“You should come and join my agency-”
“I’m good, thanks.” You didn’t even let him finish his sentence. You knew Midoriya and Bakugo were struggling to swallow their food with the thick tension growing. Fuyumi nudged your side, but you ignored her. You knew your father was only saying all that as a formality, he didn’t actually mean it. You know that he is perfectly happy with the three boys as his interns. Sure, perhaps he’d rather not have the other two but since he has Shoto as his intern, he doesn’t mind.  
“I understand you do not like me, but you would be better off learning from a higher-ranking pro than-”  
“I said I’m good. Is that so hard to understand?” Your voice strained a little as you tried not to raise it too much, after all you had guests over.  
A few beats of silence followed after. Great now not only is it awkward but you’re the reason for it. You picked up your plate and utensils and got up.  
“I’m sorry, I’m gonna leave early.” You muttered as you walked out of the living room.  
“But it’s late, you can’t go back alone-” You heard your older sister calling after you, but you were too caught up in the downing thoughts in your head to even register what she was saying. Going back to the kitchen, you quickly washed your plate and got your bag and coat, leaving the house before anyone could call out after you. As you were on your way out, you walked past your old room. The door was slightly open, but you walked straight past it anyway.  
The sun had already settled an hour ago so when you looked up at the sky, you could see the stars littered in the dark sky. You knew how to get back to school, it was a few trains stops away. If you walk a little quicker, you might make it in time for the next train, then you can go to your dorm room and finally get this day over with.  
Your mind was still flooded with that family dinner, you bet their all just laughing awkwardly and acting like everything is fine. Why does your father even bother at this point? Why bother making things better now when the damage is already done? Is so obvious he prefers Shoto over you so there is no need for him to be all ‘you should come over to my agency’, like hell you would ever join his agency.  
Had he given you this offer a year ago you’d be jumping with excitement and saying yes quicker than you could breathe. You’d be thinking that you’re father finally sees you as worthy, finally doesn’t see you as an extra child that came along with Shoto. However, he asked you now. He asked you when you know he’s only asking out of formality, out of his efforts on looking like a better father not because he actually sees you for what your worth is.  
Ugh, this is all so frustrating. So stupid. So, tiring. Why couldn’t you have been born into some other family? Why this one? Why do you have to go through all this, were you really that bad in your past life?  
“Well, would you look at that. Another one of Endeavour’s mistakes.” A dry, croaky voice spoke out of nowhere. You snapped out of your thoughts and started looking around for where the voice came from.  
“It’s pitiful. Really. I mean, just look at you.” The voice spoke again, this time you followed the direction it came from, it came from an alleyway you were walking past. Great. You decided to keep walking back to the station, but you got dragged into the dark alleyway by a rather strong hand.  
Your heart started beating quicker, you face went cold. You can’t see anything so you can’t fight whoever it is because you don’t know where they are. You should escape, but you can’t. You can’t move your hands or legs. It’s like your body won’t listen to you.  
You’re a hero in training, get a grip!  
“Your little retaliation against your father was cute. Did nothing to actually affect him though.” The voice spoke again. The voice was dry and croaky, as if it was worn out. 
You heard a matchstick be lit and soon a small lamp was lit. It was only now that you could put a face to that voice. Your breath was taken away when you saw who. You knew him, not very well but you’ve seen his face enough times to know that he’s from the league of villains, just you forgot his name-
“Tell me, are you really being a hero because that’s your dream? Or is it just to prove to your father than you are better?”  
What the fuck? Why is he talking like he knows so much about you. Your eyes moved around, and you saw a few other members of the league with him at the back, all smiling menacingly at you. The villain that was talking to you had parts of his skin turned purple, with metal that looked like staples holding his skin together. He towered over you, smiling at you just like the other villains around him. Wiat, you’ve definitely seen this guy before.
“Let go!” You ignored his question and struggled against your invisible restraints.  
You could hear the villains at the back snicker and mock you as you tried to escape.  
“No use trying to run away. Now answer my question.” The villain who towered over you asked.  
You kept struggling against the force keeping your body still.  
“You’re breath stinks!” You shouted at him before you finally felt your body move. As soon as he knew you were free, he activated his quirk, creating blue flames in his palms which you put out by shooting water at him.  
“Ah, right. You have that as your quirk, how annoying.” You heard him mumble as he continued dodging all your attacks.  
“Don’t think your plan is gonna work Dabi. I’m leaving.” A villain at the back spoke before others hummed in agreement. You still kept your eyes on Dabi, making your quirk work faster to increase the pressure of water shooting out of your palms so that it leaves a mark upon impact. You did manage to land quite a few blows on him before his entire body turned into muddy goo, pooling around your feet.
“He was a fake.” You spoke to yourself. Looking back up, you see that all the other villains had already left. Your feet wobbled a little as you took steps back until your back hit the wall. Chest rising up and down, taking slow deep breaths as thoughts of the family dinner were replaced with questions of what just happened.  
That villain kept asking you questions. Kept questioning your reasoning to be a hero. He asked if you wanted to be a hero to prove to your father that you are better. Better than Shoto? Wait, how does that villain know that much? Who is he? Why did he ask all that? Why did he not hurt you when he clearly had the upper hand? What were his motives?  
Minutes pass by before you managed to calm down and continue going back to school. On your way back all you could think of now was that sudden villain attack. Well, it wasn’t really an attack, at least not a grand one. It was almost like they were trying to make you come with them, willingly. When Bakugo was captured by the league of villains, they were forcing him to join them. It’s not like they had given you much of a choice either, but they were much more relaxed and were not worried about you getting away, they gave you chances to fight back.  
Why would they do that?
“Um... Y/n? You good?”  
You look up and see mina standing in front of you. Wait, you got back to the dorms already? Did you zone out the whole way back?
“You just came back pretty late; you weren’t replying to anything anyone was saying.” She told you, tilting her head a little in worry.  
“Oh...” You blinked. You looked around and saw a few other classmates in the living room, all looking at you confused or worried. “I’m okay...”  
“Are you sure about that?” Mina spoke up again.  
“Yeah.” You nod.  
Neither Mina nor anyone else looked convinced.  
“It’s just that I saw dabi on the way back and-”
“You WHAT?”  
Laying on your bed in your dorm room was supposed to be comfortable. It was supposed to help lull you to sleep, after all, you were longing to lay in bed throughout the entire family dinner.  So, you eventually gave up on the idea of sleeping and got up to go to the balcony attached to your dorm room. The air was cold, but it was comforting in a way, not many stars were in the sky, but you could still point out a few. It was rather late so you doubt anyone would be up to keep you company.
“Gods damn it all.”
Or maybe there is.
You look down and see everyone’s favourite blonde standing up after tripping over. You use your water quirk to create water slide, made out of water, to quickly get to him, though that did mean your clothes got wet, probably should have thought that through.
“The fuck is you doing up so late?” Bakugo asked, a little startled to see you behind him but he covers it up with a frown.
“Couldn’t sleep and then I saw you trip.”
“I didn’t trip, and I am not going to be a source of entertainment for you.”
“Why are you still awake?”
His shoulders tensed up a little.
“None of your damn business you dumb mermaid.”
“Yeah, a dumb one.” Bakugo scoffed. You shrugged and squeezed out some of the water from your top. You saw him roll his eyes and start walking away, you knew it would piss him off if you followed him, so you started following him.  
“You idiot, why are you following me around? Go away.”  
“Where are you going?”  
“Like I said before, none of your business.”  
“What happened after I left?”  
That made him stop. He turned around and looked down at you with a smaller scowl on his face.  
“Oh yeah, what’s up with you and your dad? I know your brother’s story, but I never understood yours.”  
You raised an eyebrow. “You... actually want to know?”  
“Don’t get the wrong idea, mermaid. I’m not into knowing about everyone’s family drama but after having been put through that hell of a dinner, I think I deserve to know.”  
Before you knew it, you and Bakugo were sitting under a tree that was at that behind the dormitory, talking about your whole past.  
“I often switch the person I blame for everything, going through all of my family members and then blaming myself too. I know my father has a major role to play in everything, he probably is the cause of it all, but I still find myself being so competitive with Shoto, even though I tell myself I don’t need my father’s approval for anything. I honestly don’t know what I’m doing, one day I think this and another I’ll think that.”  
“Well, that sucks ass but I’m not your therapist so I’m not gonna say shit.” He leaned his head back on the tree.  
“Weren’t you the one who asked to know-”
“You’ve got too much sea water in your dumb ears, mermaid.” He stood up. “Stick to focusing on yourself though. Sure, family matters and all but for now just focus on yourself.”  
You blinked at him. “Maybe I do have water in my ears because there is no way you just said that.”  
You heard him scoff again, he walked over to you and crouched down beside you.  
“You’re feisty and somewhat more tolerable than your brother. Now if anyone and I mean anyone, finds out about us hanging out here, I’ll kill you. Got it.”  
You let you a quick breath through your nose as a laugh and shrugged, “Sure.”  
He ruffled your hair, albeit harshly and messing up your hair, before walking away. You never thought you would ever rant and trauma dump to Bakugo fucking Katsuki, but it seems life is full of surprises lately.
Wait. Why was he up and out of his dorm in the first place? He usually goes to sleep so early. Wait, where did he go? Wasn’t he right there a minute ago? 
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olichat-reads · 1 year
No Secret
Sero Hanta x reader
Summary: casually dropping the bomb about your crush onto your classmates, bestfriend & said crush himself
(she/her) reader
A/n: another bestfriend to lovers! is anyone surprised at this point ʕ •̀ ω •́ ʔ
You were doing your homework in the common room, Sero sitting on the couch behind you, practicing new braids he learnt from his sister on your hair. Some of your classmates were lingering around too, mostly the girls that gossiping & squealing as you half listen in on their discussion.
"Hey, hey, y/n. What about you? Do you have a crush on our classmates?" Hagakure turned the spotlight to you.
"Hm~ yeah," you replied distractedly. Substitute x with 3.. bring 4 to the left..
"What really?!" The excited high pitched squeal from your pink skinned friend made you flinch.
"It must be Sero, right? Those two are practically dating!"
You felt the hands of the guy in question in your hair freeze at that. "Guys, I'm right here-"
"Ehh~ but isn't that because they're bestfriends though?"
"She must have a crush on todoroki too right? Like the rest of the female population~"
"Pft. What if she's one of those that fancies Bakugou's pretty face though? Did you know I just heard some of the first & second year girls & guys fangirl him during training!"
"Whaat- y/n doesn't look like a Bakugou simp though-"
"Its Sero."
The room falls dead silent.
"Its Sero. I have a crush on Sero," you said casually, not even lifting your gaze from your notebook, before trailing off, eyebrows pinched as you continued scribbling formulas onto the paper. Wait no.. 5x would be 15.. minus 32, carry to the other side..
You thought nothing of it until the feeling of every pair of eyes in the room on you made you squirm & finally look up from your work.
"What? Its not like a secret or anything?" You asked, confused at how genuinely shocked your classmates are at the news.
Another beat of silence.
"Did you know about this??" Mina blurt out, eyes narrowed at Sero accusingly.
"Wh- no!" Sero all but sputters, unable to stop the heat from creeping up his neck.
"Really?" You quipped, looking away from your work again infavour of looking back at him. "I've been flirting my ass off to you, Hanta. Thats kinda rude," you teased half-heartedly before going back to your homework. One last question.
Again. Stunned silence.
You ignored it though, determined on getting your assignments done so you can get back to raising sheepies on your virtual farm.
"Well, I can't say she was subtle about it," Mina huffed out, seemingly annoyed she didn't get to play matchmaker it seems.
That is true though. You were not at all shy of showing your affection to your bestfriend. And Sero never reciprocated any less either. The two of you had grown so comfortable with casual physical affection you were practically glued together by the hip 24/7.
Leaning on each other as if the weight of your own bodies were too heavy to be supported on your own, especially after long days of training.
Burrowing your way under his arm & into his side to butt into a conversation you were late on, arms draped loosely around his ridiculously slender waist, before you'd attack him until he fell over cackling with tickles every time because he fell for it every time.
Having his arms wrapped snugly under your ribs with his chin resting on your head as you played away on your phone while you two waited in line for your weekly overpriced coffee dates.
Physical affection aside, you were each other's first choice.
For everything.
You paired up during training, having compatible quirks that allowed you to come up with combo moves that further motivate you to team up in the future.
Sero would be the first person you'd run to, text or call at any good news you receive to celebrate with, knowing he shared your happiness as it were his own & you his.
He was also the person you'd turn to on bad days you didn't feel like human interaction, coming over to his room unannounced, flopping beside him on his bed before promptly falling asleep because you felt safe by his side.
He was your bestfriend. Your home & safeplace.
Of course you loved him.
Regardless of romantic interest, before anything, he was your person. Your bestfriend.
It honestly shouldn't be surprising to anyone that you'd developed feelings for him.
"But thats such a good technique though! Be so obvious about it, to the point that its questionable," Uraraka chimed in thoughtfully. The conversation carried on, the heat slowly getting off of you, & the gentle hands in your hair resumed their work. You tuned out the chatter in favour of focusing on your last question.
Letting out a breath of relief, you leaned back between Sero's legs when you finally finish the last of your assigment. Stretching your limbs, you realized the little crowd had mostly dispersed, leaving Uraraka & Tsuyu to their own conversation on the couch at the far end.
"You done?" Sero finally spoke up since you dropped that interesting little tidbit of yours.
"Mhm," you hummed, craning your neck upwards to meet Sero's face. "Pft you're still blushing- BWAH-" you squealed out when Sero caught your face between his long fingers, lightly pinching your cheeks.
"What's with that very casual & very public confession of yours, hm?"
"It washn't a shecwet!"
"Well, I didn't know!"
"Das caushe youwe dum- wAH! AHAHA-" another tug on your cheeks had you squeaking out again before you burst out laughing when those damned fingers ran up your sides, toppling you over into his hold. Sero barely held on to his faux annoyance for a measly few seconds before he was snickering along with you.
"And when exactly were you going to tell me? I doubt you planned to break the news in front of our friends like that."
"Nah. I don't know," you smiled up at him doppily, removing his hands from your face. "Had no plans but the opportunity was just there. Had to take it. Plus, you can't be too mean if you were going to reject me."
"You thought that there's a possibility I'd reject you? And to be mean at that? Who's the dumb one now, hm?"
Sero feigned an offended sound.
"Calling me dumb and a bitch? You're lucky your little crush is mutual."
You stopped your squirming in favour of twisting wround to face your bestfriend & to look at him. Really look. Your eyes traced over before you broke out beaming at him.
"Really?" You asked quietly, smiling so wide with eyes shining so hopefully Sero would've hated himself if he answered any other way. You watched his face soften with adoration as he huffed out a little laugh.
You couldn't help the stupid, dopey grin that tugged on your lips at that. "Good," you grinned up at the dumb bitch you loved so much. "No take backs."
A/n: i love the trope where their adoration for each other is so BLATANTLY obvious and they don't give a SHIT. like none of those awkwardness or denial when people tease- just straight up 'yea. its cuz i love him' and 'i love her. as simple as that.' EXCEPT IT STILL DRIVES PEOPLE INSANE BECAUSE NO ONE KNOWS WHAT KIND OF LOVE THEY MEANT and these two just lowkey act dumb while their friends lose their mind. this is becoming a drabble lmao 😂 i'll shut up now.
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
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Thank you to @itoshisoup @saetyrn9 and @seravphs for the tags!! I am late and so I apologize if I’ve missed any other tags while I was out!!
I want to say I think this is such a cute idea. I am very proud of how hard I’ve worked on my fics, and I am grateful for the chance to give my Andie director's cut lmfao even if I kind of wanted to curl up like a pill bug writing this.
Um, I think in no particular order, these are my top 5 recs of the moment:
Deceiving the Duke | Shouto x Reader
When Camie Utsushimi elopes on the eve of her society debut, scandal threatens to destroy the family’s prospects. It’s up to you, a lady’s maid, to impersonate Camie throughout the Season, long enough that her elder sister can make a match. The only trouble? Lord Shouto Todoroki is also intent on making a match—and that match, quite impossibly, appears to involve you.
I am a huge fan of regency romances and I have incredible respect for them as massive drivers of the romance genre as a whole. So it sort of shocked me when I was talking to Mermie and Cat and we realized we hadn't seen any x Reader regency fics (although I am certain they are out there)!! As much as I love a good pro hero AU (my bread and butter), I really appreciated the chance to try my hand at something that's a little lesser explored in this niche. It's kind of messy in retrospect but I had so much fun working on it that I'll let past Andie off the hook for that.
2. ab intra | Shinsou x Reader
When a wave of disturbing crimes sweep the city, underground hero Hitoshi Shinsou is assigned to work the case with you. What’s even more frustrating than his obnoxious personality is the fact no one will tell you why he’s involved. Things only get more suspicious from there.
This fic was the first time I really sat down and tried my hand at a case fic. I was reading a bunch of Japanese police thrillers at the time, and although my attempt does not measure up, it gave me the tools to understand how to better execute on case fics in the future. Again I really liked trying my hand at something I'm not necessarily good at, because it was fun and I learned a lot. This is probably my most distinct out of all my fics in terms of tone and subject material!!
3. unconventional | Midoriya x Reader
HeroExpo is incredible, and that’s not even counting the really cute hero fanboy you just met. Well, you think he might be cute under that Deku cosplay. It’s hard to tell because it’s really, really good. Like, too good.
I was so nervous to try my hand at Izuku that I actually thought about not publishing this one several times. But this ended up being one of my all-time favorites to write and I get really nostalgic for the time of my life I was in while I was working on this. The fic was so light and fun and such a comfort to write, and to this day I am very touched by how kind people are about Izuku's characterization. It makes me feel really good. 🥺
4. vested interest | Shouto x Reader
You’d just thought Shouto was absent minded, accidentally leaving behind a jacket or a sweater or his vest. You didn’t realize this was a thing. (In which Todoroki Shouto—despite his quirk—has zero chill, and uses his clothes to ward off other men.)
I am probably best known for my Shouto fic if i could keep cool, but vested interest is actually my favorite child!! In retrospect this one is messy too but I had the absolute time of my peddling my little shit Shouto agenda. This fic actually forms the backbone of how I characterize Shouto currently, with just a touch more of spoiled youngest child energy than I had been doing previously. :) Viva la jealous Sho.
5. incendiary | Bakugou x Reader
When you accidentally go viral in defense of quirkless people, an extremist group puts a target on your back. Pro hero Dynamight is the last person you want watching it.
This is the fic I have worked the hardest on and I am very proud of it (and excited to publish the next chapter when I get back)!! This is my only attempt to tackle an issue of real substance and I am very grateful for the perspective I have been given by my sensitivity readers @cat-slippered and @darkenedniqhts.
I also feel really protective over this one as it got plagiarized and slightly rewritten into something that exploded in popularity and massively outstripped this fic. Though handling that situation was uncomfortable, and this feels like a strange thing to say, it was a good ego check for me. It reminded me that I still have a lot of growing to do as a writer if I want my ideas to be unique and memorable enough that a situation like this won't arise again. I will work hard.
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My no pressure tags (and sorry if you've already been tagged!!) @restwellsoon @bobawithpomegranate @darkenedniqhts @cat-slippered @ofmermaidstories @willowser @lorelune @petrichorium @heich0e @sipsteainanxiety @shibaraki @kedsandtubesocks @potionpeddlerpatchy @meggsngrits @coopigeoncoo @crowned-peony @stellamancer @namodawrites @streimiv @ghost-flakes @ghostbeam @kimkaelyn also @procrastination-artist @bluebird-in-the-breeze @acerathia bc I love ur stuff even if I know u have a smaller fic count.
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pinkywgirllover · 2 months
~°Sweet sweet like cupcakes° part 1 part 2
Bakugo x Reader
You were nervous, this week has been difficult for you so you decided to bake cupcakes to relieve some stress.
You listened to music on a small speaker there, you moved to the rhythm of the music slightly.
Todoroki: What did you cook?
You jumped a little in shock when you didn't hear his footsteps, he is very quiet but without a doubt he is very stealthy.
(_):I make cupcakes. Would you like to try one?
Todoroki: Only if it doesn't bother you
(_):I made them for everyone...
The boy took a cupcake and put it in his mouth, he smiled softly at you as he ate it.
(_): D-did you like the cupcake?
Todoroki: That's good, you're a good cook
You blushed as you smiled back.
Bakugo: Her mother makes desserts obviously she knows how to cook idiot
Bakugo got up from the couch and looked at them both with an annoyed look.
You took a cupcake and brought it to Bakugo, he looked at you and took it with one hand and put it in his mouth.
Denki: That smells so good! I'm starving!
You looked at Denki who was drooling from eating a cupcake.
Todoroki: (_), she made cupcakes
Uraraka: Listen well? Cupcakes? From (_)?
Suddenly the room was with all your classmates eating and enjoying your creation.
You sat next to Bakugo who was reading a book.
Bakugo:Thanks, it tasted good...
You looked at Bakugo with a smile and started playing with your hair until your phone vibrated.
Mother: Honey, who did you talk to?
(_): What do you mean mother?
Mother: Your father and I have an order for more than 100 of your cupcakes.
(_): Wait what did you say!?
You spoke not very loudly but more than usual so your classmates looked at you and you blushed, you apologized and left the room towards the garden.
(_):I don't know mom
Mother: Don't worry honey, it's good news, you should continue cooking for your colleagues.
(_): maybe I should... How do you know what I cooked today?
Mother: Bakugo's mother told me that Bakugo told her that you made cupcakes.
(_): ouh...It's okay mother, we'll talk later
You came back into the room and everyone was drinking tea and eating.
(_): Todoroki, could we talk?
Todoroki stood up from his place and was ready to follow you to talk.
Todoroki: What's happening (_)?
(_):Forgive my boldness, but did you order 100 cupcakes?
Todoroki looked at his phone and looked at you again.
Todoroki:Yes, I'm sorry if I bother you.
(_):No, it's fine but you could tell me that you liked them and I could do more
Todoroki: I'm sorry, but it's not right that they are free.
You looked at Todoroki, clearly he had money and you were no one to tell him what decisions to make.
(_):I could make you cupcakes for a few months and that's how we make 100 cupcakes
Todoroki looked at you and smiled.
Todoroki: Seems fair, could you make me about 10 cupcakes today? I want to take my brother and sister
You laughed and said yes, they went back to the living room and Bakugo looked at them for a few seconds before rolling his eyes and going back to his book.
Uraraka: Why free cupcakes?
(_):Ouh,I just wanted to take some of the stress away.
Mina: What a delicious way to relieve stress.
Momo: Do you want some tea?
You took the cup that Momo had in her hand and thanked her.
Jirou: So you're a pastry chef and it runs in the family?
(_): I guess...
You have never been with so many girls in such a short time and they will ask you things about your life
Hadas is practicing with your mother how to relate to people but it is more complicated with real people
(_): My parents tell me romantic stories they had while cooking...
Momo: That's very cute. Do you have any romantic stories?
All the girls stared at you and your hands started to shake.
Look at your cup of tea while the girls continued talking.
Bakugo: Shit! They talk too much!
Bakugo got up from the couch leaving everyone confused.
Bakugo: (_) My mother...
Bakugo stayed silent as he looked at you, everyone looking at you and Bakugo quickly.
Bakugo: My mother wants to talk to you
Bakugo shoved the phone in your face and you heard his mother talking.
(_): h-hi?
Mitsuki: (_) honey, is everything okay?
(_): y-yes, Do you need something?
Mitsuki: Bakugoe said you made cupcakes, tell that kid to bring me some, he doesn't even listen to me when I talk to him.
(_): It's okay miss
Mitsuki: Can you hand me my son?
You handed the phone to Bakugo who simply rolled his eyes and hung up.
Bakugo: She asked you to bring her some of your cupcakes?
You nodded, and Bakugo sighed in annoyance and turned around and went to his room.
Denki: Your mother loves you very much
Mina: yeah, He treats you with great affection
(_):My mother and her are good friends
Kirishima: But she treats you like you're something else
Sero: son's girlfriend maybe?
Momo: From Bakugo? You know what he is like
Todoroki: But he's more careful with her, right?
Everyone looked at Todoroki and looked at you with wide eyes.
(_):N-no, It's not strange at all, he knows my mother and my father doesn't treat me badly because they are friends.
You moved your hands quickly and nervously, giving explanations and excuses.
Midoriya: I do not think it's that
Everyone started talking about you
Before everyone was distracted in their discussion, you quickly left there towards your room.
You found Bakugo standing in front of your room.
Bakugo: Nerd, I don't know why you get so nervous
You and Bakugo looked at each other for a few seconds and he got up from your door, opened it for you to pass and you heard the sound of a photograph.
You and him looked, it was Denki and Mina,
Mina:Run... Run!
Denki:Shit, I'm so sorry!
Bakugo's face changed drastically and he began to chase that duo of photographers.
Bakugo: Can't do anything now!?
You watched as Bakugo's silhouette disappeared in the corner of the living room and you received a notification.
❤️girls generation❤️
Mina: (Photo attachment) (Very sorry (_)) I have proof!! 😶‍🌫️
Uraraka: Look at Bakugo's face
Tsuyu: He looks calm
Jirou: Exactly, beauty and the beast 🥀🦁
Momo: It's a good comparison Jirou
Toru: Besides, he's looking at (_)! He is in love with you😊
(_):It's not true😖
You entered your room, closed the door and lay down on the bed, ignoring the fact that your phone wouldn't stop vibrating with notifications.
(_): That's a lie
Tumblr media
I'm very sleepy and I don't even know who I'm writing about anymore. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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