#toffee killed comet
lil-oreo-crumbles · 8 months
I’m pretty sure this is a hot take/unpopular opinion in the Toffee fandom, but I’ve never been the fan of the theory/assumption that Toffee was framed for Comet’s death
I fully admit that the plot point was most likely thrown in there to completely demonize him in the eyes of the audience and make us sympathize with Moon (making his death more “deserved” (HEAVY airquotes) for general audiences), and it does feel random and out of character, but when you think about it, it does make sense why he’d be the culprit. You have to dig but he has at least two canon supported reasons for why he’d kill Comet Butterfly.
Now this isn’t commentary about if Toffee is taking orders from Seth, that’s a whole other conversation, but this is simply about the theory that Toffee didn’t have any part in her death (someone else did it) and he’s innocent of all charges.
I completely empathize with the theory, especially because the show demonizes him so much already and it’s just another scoop to add to the pile of “evil” he’s been boiled down to by the show, but Toffee was no doubt in my mind the one who made that blow on Comet.
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And he’s SO fucking proud of himself too
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sagesilentfire · 2 years
another toffee analysis by sage h silentfire
I've been sitting on this analysis for a while, and I was going to touch on it briefly in a project I'm working on, but a talk with my therapist allowed me to put it into words and in greater detail than before. So here it is:
Why exactly do I like Toffee so much? It's a genuine question. He's the target of many different questionable writing choices, barely focused on, and forgotten within seconds of his death. We know so little about him he's basically a generic doomsday villain. The fandom is worse to him: popular interpretations paint him as cruel, arrogant, spiteful, and even, surprisingly enough, stupid. The word "sociopath" gets thrown around a lot, which, ableist. He's emotionless. He has no empathy. He's unable to connect with people. While liking villains is somewhat acceptable nowadays, it's always with the expectation that you like them because they're evil, not for any deeper reason. And with Toffee, because he's so poorly written, that should be the reason you like him. Because he's evil, and that's awesome.
But that's not why I like Toffee.
See, I am autistic, and that's never going away. I get more stereotypically autistic by the year, as I grow and become more independent, and my newfound independence clashes with my family and the society I live in. I'm weird, I'm moderately smart, I'm quirky. But more critically, I have no close friends because I literally don't know how to make and maintain friendships. I feel painfully aware of the potential emotions of everyone around me, but I don't know how to act on that awareness and communicate effectively with people, leading me to assume the worst. I have had meltdowns in crowded spaces that went completely unnoticed because I was "too subtle". I even worry that I'll die without any of the stories I want to tell – without my story – being told, because no one wanted to learn it.
Sound familiar?
So yes, I like Toffee. Even think he's a halfway decent person morality-wise, not just a villain. He expresses emotions weirdly, but he does express emotions. He is staunchly not willing to sacrifice his plans for others, but he still takes time to be nice to other people regardless. He didn't kill Moon and Marco when he could have, even though they were trying to kill him. He is empathetic enough to manipulate people and smart enough to take control of any situation, and he does it while not expressing emotions in ways others would expect. He's so much like my dream self fr.
And he dies the unquestioned villain, never getting the chance to tell his side of the story. The only perspective that we do get is filtered through the lens of his murderers. 
"But Sage!" you might be saying. "What about Comet?!"
Well. I do count Comet's death as one of the questionable choices the writers made (it makes very little sense with Toffee's character, wouldn't he manipulate her into a better deal? It feels a little like the writers were like "Oh shoot, we haven't made Toffee evil enough to 'deserve' his graphic death, let's... uh, let's make him kill Moon's mother for no reason!"), but I can understand why Toffee did it, again through an autistic lens.
See, autistic people like me aren't taken seriously. Not about our areas of knowledge, not about our views and beliefs, and especially not about matters of our physical and mental health. We're treated like weird baby dolls that are expected not to have meltdowns or criticize their "superiors". Or we're embarrassments, time bombs just waiting to go off and mortify whoever we're with. Growing up, I was never able to be right, or even have a point. Oh, there were minor disagreements my guardians let me "win" and then would weaponize during the more serious arguments, but whenever we got into screaming matches, I was always the one in the wrong. We didn't even apologize or talk it out after arguments; it was always expected that I would realize I was wrong eventually and it was swept under the rug with all the other skeletons of long-dead arguments and left to simmer into resentment. 
But there was one surefire way to make a dent, one I discovered recently and that has actually saved my life.
In the summer of 2022, I was put on a new medication. Long story short, I did not sleep for two weeks. I was in shambles, and I needed my mother to raise hell from me, because she would not let me do it myself – my psychiatry goes through my guardians, and I didn't even have the psychiatrist's number at the time. But she wouldn't do anything. The psychiatrist thought things would level out eventually, and my mother thought what the psychiatrist thought, nevermind that I was actively getting worse and my sleeping pills were getting less effective by the day. I begged her to raise hell like I knew she could, and she sent a mild phone call gently suggesting that things still weren't ideal. I could feel myself slipping away as everyone who was ostensibly taking care of me sat and twiddled their thumbs.
So I got personal. I deliberately started a big blowout. I convinced her that things weren't going well, and this little game of chicken with my health wouldn't result in the perfect, uncritical, angelic autistic daughter she so desperately wanted. I got into a screaming match, I listed everything she had ever done wrong, and I told her to shut up and stop spewing weak justifications on how my pain wasn't her fault, actually. I hit her where it hurts. I hurt her back. I hurt her.
And it worked. Hurting her made her take me seriously and I was back on my old meds before sunset. I slept well that night. And I will never regret it. 
So maybe Toffee's plan to overthrow his colonizers with the death of Comet didn't end in monster victory. But if it weren't for the eleventh-hour dark magic, it would have. And Toffee's people were oppressed and the victims of genocide for ages. They were the small band of rebels fighting an evil colonizing empire. They were ideologically in the right. They kicked and clawed and bit until they found something to hurt, and then they didn't hesitate. Because no one took them seriously, and they still wouldn't have taken them seriously unless they did something damaging. Comet sure didn't; her chapter is a continually escalating series of microaggressions. Moon didn't; she doesn't seem to care about the conflict at all before Comet's death. Who else would take him seriously? Mina? The High Commission? Glossaryck?
So while I don't think he was totally in character in killing Comet, I do understand more than others why he might have done it. 
Because Toffee is like me, for better or for worse. And he could have been great for me and people like me. But he wasn't. He was assumed to be evil and left to die immediately. Because people like me are always the bad guys.
In short,
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Toffee's emotions, courtesy @butterflyeffectiveless:
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Comet's continually escalating microaggressions:
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Additional source for Toffee being autistic:
because i'm autistic and i like him
the end.
#when i reread comet's chapter for this i only expected to get the line about monsters being uncivilized for not 'savoring' food or whatever#turns out i got waaay more than that#(and it's so funny because omg the people that you've historically denied food and only give the most disgusting pieces to don't eat slowly#the horror)#but yeah. autistic toffee for the win#i hope you get to kill all the queens again in the afterlife ily <3#may your revenge be sweet and your conscience clean#*bangs pots and pans* TELL US THE EXACT TERMS OF THE PEACE TREATY BEFORE YOU EXPECT US TO RENDER MORAL JUDGEMENT#FOR ALL WE KNOW IT COULD'VE BEEN UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER WE GET ALL YOUR FOOD AND YOU HAVE TO SACRIFICE YOUR FIRSTBORN CHILD TO GLOSSARYCK#AND ARCHDUKE BATFACE WAS DESCRIBED BY COMET HERSELF AS SOFT SO HE PROBABLY WOULD'VE SIGNED IT#I COULD KILL QUEEN COMET ON SIGHT AND BE 100% UNQUESTIONABLY MORALLY JUSTIFIED DEPENDING ON THE TERMS#(boosting glossaryck's ego in any way is always morally wrong and the only thing worthy of being sent to hell)#svtfoe#svtfoe negativity#svtfoe critical#svtfoe salt#svtfoe analysis#star vs the forces of evil#actuallyautistic#autistic gaze#actually suprisingly has nothing to do with samatfoe#just canon analysis#analysis#queue queue#(though now that i think of it i'm kind of disappointed my Comet is so different than canon Comet because this could be a great lesson in#fake allyship and racism without racists)#(but dw star fills that quota just fine)#toffee of septarsis
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Stages of Fanon Toffee:
Stuff he actually did: Actions such as leaving Star in the realm of magic and killing Comet, yeah he did that, and it was shitty.
Stuff he did, but which isn't as shitty as people think: Actions such as betraying Ludo, he absolutely did that, but Ludo also sucks. I don't think stabbing him in the back constitutes "betraying his people".
Stuff he might've done: Counts for everything Ludo did in s2, as it's ambiguous how much of that was actually Toffee's idea, and him getting Ludo's men killed with the exploding wand, as there is evidence he wasn't expecting it to explode then and there.
Who the actual fuck are you talking about: Any mention of him wanting to commit genocide against mewmens, using excessive violence, killing wantonly. Basically beliefs and behaviors that are either not demonstrated in the canon material or actively contradicted by his behavior.
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frmacnac · 11 months
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I just noticed. Sorry for saying this but, Toffee looks upseted at the meat's "sorry" letter, then looked a bit sad?
Some monsters worship Toffee, but some monsters are bitter towards him. I wonder if that might depend on what he wants to do about Butterfly Family.
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He might be reluctant to kill Comet/Moon. If so, he'd couldn't stop the monsters, who had grudges against Butterfly Family. Probably he wasn't one of the young Septarians affected by Seth, but it seemed Rasticore most trusted him.
btw I think I was wrong, everyone would know the letters of meat. As Moon served meat, more monsters had stand front of her.
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Although it's strange, Toffee may had watching monsters to let them not do terrible to Moon/Star. He also looks to be making a threat rather than proactive attack, except for most of S2 screen times. but he might a bit aggressive with Marco.
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Toffee might have hatred of Glossaryck more than Butterfly Family. He was a historian and magic researcher, apparently. dunno how much he knows about Mewni's history and magic, but Glossaryck created Mewman and Butterfly Family then let them steal the monster's land. Although that doesn't seem to be what Glossaryck wanted.
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He tried to do something to Moon, but what if that was for stop Moon from being eroded by dark magic? (That magic seems to make angst grow)
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So, Why doesn't he make any excuses?
I wonder if his crazyness when manipulating Ludo in S2 is caused by being in Realm of Magic, where filled with dark magic. His facial expression was very different between when he was inside and after he left. Still he was able to move things rationally. You know, does he was be like "OK I'm a bad guy If you guys want to make me bad I could be"? Hmm.
He doesn't usually seem to mind about his finger. so, I wonder he had lost something important because of magic (sorry). Probably the reason he was so obsessed with get his finger back was because it reminded him things.
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Moon made a deal with Eclipsa to beat Toffee by dark magic, because Glossaryck showed her that page of magic spell book. Eclipsa's dark magic had the effect of giving the monsters the fear that they would never win against Butterfly Family. Toffee's death leads to Eclipsa's awakening. Dark magic was ingrained in Moon for over 14 years, I think that would made grown her vengefulness. That may have made her life to hard, and may lead to her anger for Eclipsa.
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Toffee revealed that he had something planned for unknown future vision before his death, but never said his plan wasn't wrong. I feel like some invisible force was at work for their choices. I think Glossaryck was talking about an invisible goat that can help something.
Besides, Being the only one who knows everything also means that no one can understand him. Then, I wonder if he had an unknown reason to for being sympathetic to Butterfly Family but also angly with them. I got feeling he was in dilemma between the two sides, may had gave up on being understood, then hostile to magic for the unknown reason, I wonder. So maybe it was best for him that Star said "Toffee was right".
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However, this all may be too delusional.
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frmamnac · 4 months
Theory about considering that Marco and Toffee were connected
Do you remember the theory that Marco and Toffee are connected? It is a theory with a lot of negative opinions, but I tried my best to think about it.
Marco and Toffee both have a planned and meticulous personality. I think... their gestures are sometimes similar, I was making comparisons (1-5).
Besides, The following are the ones that appear in Toffee's first appearance episode.
Star's penstand with holes. I think it's similar to the symptoms of victims of Solaria's magic.
Dead End signs, Star and monsters.
A fortune cookie message that Toffee sent to Star says "Love is always the answer".
Toffee sees Star helping Marco.
Toffee say that "You're not the only one who is the victim of magic" to Ludo's gang.
What if these are things that foreshadowing something? When Marco is involved in magic, he often combines with purple things. The monster arm emits purple liquid, Marco's corpse in the closet (with Mewberty Star's hearts) has purple skin, his hands turn purple when he touches Mewberty Star, Princess Turdina wears a purple dress, and the purple cloth he wears has nothing to do with magic, but look at the shape. Doesn't the drape look like a Septarian's tail?
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Purple-ish black unicorn stabbed Marco. What if Toffee and unicorn's dark magic (I guess) were related to Marco's monster arm?
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Toffee said he knows the future. What if Star, her friends, and monsters are killed by Mina's forces' magic, when Star won't destroy magic? (In fact, most of her friends and monsters were almost killed) Then, What if Mewni was destroyed in the battle between Mina and Eclipsa?
Daron Nefcy said Toffee as Magneto-type villain. Magneto was Professor X's best friend, Marco was Star's best friend. So, if Star fails to destroy the magic, maybe Marco'll shapeshifted to Septarian by unicorn's dark magic and time-traveled to the ancient Mewni. (It may sound silly) Glossaryck may have created a weird time loop. (He had access to the River of Time) so, Toffee could have been Other Marco who come from such bad future timeline.
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Toffee may knew that he would be killed as Star's first enemy, so he probably decided to give Star the idea of destroy the magic for change the wrong future, but in the process, probably he entered Realm of Magic and went crazy, and died as like "Toffee" who was in his original timeline. Glossaryck may has seen Marco as Toffee's 14 year old version. When they first met, Glossaryck said he wouldn't let Marco read magic spells book. I feel like he disliked Marco until day that Star rode the bike.
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Even if Marco was influenced by evil monster arm, he is not necessarily evil. In this case, Toffee wouldn't kill Comet, but his subordinates would do it at their discretion. Glossaryck's been acting like a pet for a while after Toffee's death, Maybe that was because he felt guilty about making Star killed "Marco".
Well, Marco is just a boy from Earth, but he tried to become a knight because he wanted to get close to Star, the princess of Mewni. Marco's exploits with Toffee's death gave Marco the idea of ​​becoming a knight. I wrote that about Toffee was acting like a knight. And what if Marco's Blood Moon's nightmare warns his fate that he will be killed by Star when he falls in love with her? Toffee lives in Star's past, and Marco lives in Star's future. Star and Marco, who are tied by Curse of Blood Moon, will be bound in weird time loop forever, untill Cleaved canceled bad future.
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I don't know why Toffee stole Ludo's castle and his gang. He manipulated Ludo a lot but it also made Buff Frog a Star's friend, it triggered that Star wants Mewni to stop the monster abuse and protect monsters.
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I think Toffee's apparent age is 30s. Marco at Neverzone is still child with an adult body. too childish. Star and Toffee's mental age is too far apart, he maybe saw Star as his old best friend. Throughout the show, Star and Toffee barely had a chance to speak. Marco is the type who is into the role he plays, and he is good at hiding his emotions. If he felt responsible for Star's grandma's death, he wouldn't be able to tell the truth. He may have been acting like a crazy, cruel man to Star and her friends on purpose, in order not to kill his childhood. "Surprise" is a word when the Diaz family celebrates Star every day, so it may be a symbol of friendship.
Toffee has existed since he was a teenager. The reason why he was shocked when Marco said, "You're boring" would because he had the time he was able to live as his true self was too short, and he forgot what he was like living as himself. On the other hand, he may have despised his past self who had no power or knowledge to protect the important things. Toffee's last words were probably a warning or mocking to his past self, and were probably the answer to "boring".
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"Code name is Sailor V", a spinoff of Sailor Moon came to my mind. The villain in this story was just a common soldier who wanted to become a knight to get closer to the princess of Venus, Minako's previous life. However, after everyone died in the war and the queen of the moon let reborn everyone with magical powers. Even though he was Minako's enemy, he tried to help her grow, but he died when doing fortune-telling that Minako was destined to kill the person she loved. Minako will ended up killing her boyfriend who became an enemy. Daron loves Sailor Moon, and Mina's name is taken from Minako, but Minako looks like Star a bit.
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But how can Marco be so dark and conspiratorial?
I think Marco knew very little about monster abuse in Mewni. He would be angry if he knows that, and he will try to protect the monsters from Mewmans as one of the earthlings because he knows Mewmans were earthlings, and would be thoroughly research magic and Mewni's history. And Marco's charisma will be gather the support of Septarians. In order to protect the existence of Star, he may had to keep Butterfly family alive while dealing with the monster's hatred for Butterfly family, and he would have been afraid of losing the support of the monsters.
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Marco was once unable to oppose princesses in St. Olga for fear of losing the support of them. Perhaps his harsh environment has made him ruthless. He may have been bound by his past as Septarian and had limited things to do. I think he has reason for hating Glossaryck. Glossaryck made Star's ancestors, the colonists of Earth, into Butterfly family and Mewman.
The reason he wore a suit instead of a general's uniform in front of Star and Marco was because that's the style of Earth politicians, and he wanted things to be resolved by negotiation, not fighting. And he didn't stand in the way of Marco (his past self) going to Blood Moon Ball and getting cursed with Star by curse of Blood Moon.
Unfortunately, Dark magic that Toffee was melting in Realm of Magic will strengthen the desire for revenge. He may have wanted to inactive MHC and Moon because them empower Mina's rebellion. What if the magic and Star's family destroyed his life? What if magic doesn't exist? What if the colonists from Earth, the ancestors of Star, didn't go to Mewni? What if Star was born as an earthling? What if Marco chose Jackie instead of Star? Almost everything he has experienced could give him reason to hate magic.
His purpose in S1 would to protect Star, but in S2 may have changed to save Marco's life from Star. The reason he was so obsessed with his lost finger was probably because it was the only point of contact between his past self and his present self. The motivation in that case will be self-love. Realm of Magic will not kill Star, but there will make her suffer. He may have locked Star there to teach her his suffering, instead of telling her who he is. In my native language Toffee said "bye-bye" to Star. it is the farewell word between Star and Marco. (in English that's "bye")
(I think this has a "you're fired" kind of nuance, but Marco does something like this when comforting his friends. What's interesting to me personally is that Buff Frog will soon be a father to babies.)
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Edit:2024/07/17, Fix
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bawfulio · 11 months
Hello and welcome back to another episode of "I think too much on how both Steven Universe and Star vs were influenced by their creator's backgrounds and how it respectively helped and hindered their messages"
Rebecca Sugar, the creator of Steven Universe, is a Jewish nonbinary woman. Steven Universe not only contains themes of queer love and acceptance but it's two most well known themes (change and forgiveness) are heavily rooted in the Jewish concepts of there being no point where change is impossible and in teshuvah
Teshuvah, meaning "repent"/"return", involves performing self-examination, engaging with the person they've wronged, confessing to them and expressing regret for their action, doing everything they can to right the wrong they did and actively abstaining from doing that wrong again when presented with the opportunity
This is best shown with the Diamonds arc in Change your Mind. They each are confronted by how their actions hurt both Pink/her son Steven/the Gems: Blue on how she and the other Diamonds were treating Steven the exact same way that they treated Pink, eventually driving her away. Yellow on how she and the other Gems on Homeworld are chafing under the pressure of conforming to White Diamond's laws. White herself on how she is just as flawed and infallible as everyone else and that the rules she set up based on her past view of herself are wrong
They each work to fix the damage they caused: healing the corrupted gems, restoring the shattered/gem clusters back to their original states, disbanding their armies, liberating their colonies, using their powers to help Gems instead of punishing them, up to outright dismantling their own empire and allowing a democracy to take it's place. And they each refuse to go back to their old ways, even when it's clear that Steven won't live with them or go full contact because he is still uncomfortable with them. Even when he and many of their former subjects will likely and understandably never forgive them
Star vs the Forces of Evil was created by Daron Nefcy, a white woman from Los Angeles. Star vs starts out as an episodic comedy about a rebel princess, her best friend and their wacky inter-dimensional adventures fighting monsters. As the show goes on, Star realizes that the monsters are actually victims of the systemic racism that her family had been implementing and benefiting from for years. The show then transitions to focus on the themes of fighting against racism, implementing systemic change and fixing the damage done by those in power in the past
These themes in Star vs are shown by Star, the princess from another dimension that looks exactly like a white girl, being one of the only advocates for ending the oppression against the monsters. They are not shown to have their own culture or history to give credence to them as a species instead of a vague monolith. None of them even get a chance to speak out for themselves on how poorly they are treated. They are just by the show as passive victims for Star to "save".
There are only a handful of prominent monster characters. Buff Frog is the first monster that Star befriends and is shown to have to only be able to afford food for his family by getting jobs that are considered evil because of the oppression he lives under but he never once brings up this issue to Star. He is appointed as the Royal Monster Expert but never gets an episode focusing on his new role before he is written out of Season 3. Even after he returns in Season 4, he only appears as a minor character with no role in the anti-racism plot
Toffee is a major villain starting from Season 1 who's plans and motivations are never fully revealed even after the show ended. He is hinted to have a connection to Moon and an agenda against magic, likely because of how the Butterfly's use it to oppress monsters. All this amounts to is him apparently killing Moon's mother Comet before the signing of a peace treaty (the exact terms of the treat are never revealed, Comet has referred to monsters as "beasts of the forest" over them not savoring food, referred to then-monster king Batwin as a soft and made multiple other condescending remarks regarding monsters in her chapter) and him being graphically killed off as a villain for trying to drain magic only for Star to decide at the end of the series to destroy magic with it being as her doing "the right thing"
Glogbor is Eclipsa's infamous monster husband who is confirmed to have eaten people in the past only to stop because Eclipsa "redeemed" him. After he is released from his crystal, he is a major character in one episode before being shifted to the background as Eclipsa's loving wife and nothing more. His daughter Meteora, who half mewman but her monster traits were never hinted at or shown until after the reveal, gets a tragic backstory and a chance to start over as an infant with a happier life despite her having abused children and worked to uphold the racist-status quo as Miss Heinous.
Solaria, the Butterfly who is responsible for the racist status-quo, who actively wants to kill out all monsters and created an army of unstable super soldiers to do so, who genuinely thinks that they would be happier DEAD, gets a quick moment in the series finale to look disapprovingly at Mina (one of said unstable super soldiers and is only still around due to Solaria's spells) and smile approvingly at her half-monster-but-mostly-looks-mewman grandaughter. Hekapoo, the most mewman looking of the Magic High Commission, gets a moment to "redeem" herself despite not only having no regret for her actions up to that very moment but also being actively complicit in Solaria's plans as shown in The Magic Book of Spells
Steven Universe works because Sugar's background allowed them to tell their story to it's fullest even with CN executives sabotaging it
Star vs failed because Nefcy's background influenced her tell her story at it's weakest even with Disney executives giving it every opportunity to succeed
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holdingontodust · 2 years
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Moon vs the Forces of Mayhem - After dinner
Several years into the Mewni Civil War, Moon Dragonfly quickly becomes a force to be feared as her cruelties begin piling up. She famously feeds her prisoners to her monster allies, including her lover, Grand General Toffee.
Most monsters will happily devour a Mewman whole and raw, sometimes even still alive- but not Toffee. Toffee’s a little more like Hannibal Lector, and takes the time to prepare an actual meal, the likes of which may even make the Mad Queen’s mouth water despite knowing what it is. Toffee doesn’t exclusively eat Mewmans, though, and does on occasion prepare a meal they can share, he assures her that he’s never tried to feed her Mewman meat and that “she’d know” if he did.
Due to their vocal dislike of magic, the Septarians are the only people Moon truly trusts after all of Mewni turned on her. Toffee in particular grew to be a close friend of hers after her mother was crystalized, to the point where he freely admitted to her that he had been under orders to assassinate Queen Comet the day she was betrayed. The reveal, while startling, only furthered Moon’s trust in Toffee since he came clean to her about it rather early in their friendship, instead of trying to hide it from her.
Rumor circulated that Toffee killed Archduke Batwin in order to take control of the Monster Army, but in actuality, it was Moon after she decided he was unfit to lead. Moon promoted Toffee to “Grand General” when she was nineteen and took him as her lover when she was twenty.
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sansblues2 · 2 years
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Hello, I'm back! with a new drawing this one I actually based on a song that I heard on the Toffee's playlist made by @sageoftheuniverse, the song is "The queen and the soldier" by Suzanne Vega. It is a good song if not a little confusing( until now I didn't get the idea behind it). But you must be asking " what this song has to do with Toffee and Comet?" and the answer is: I have no idea. I don't know why but the first I heard this song it really felt like she was talking about them like it is some old story being told by someone he knows to somebody else. In my idea, Comet is the queen(of course) and Toffee is the soldier, and going by the fanfic this would be the moment Comet goes to encounter them on the fateful day she died. I have a theory that they started just talking normally, but then Comet said something Toffee didn't like and they end up killing her. I say that because there was one chapter where Marcie is talking to Eclipsa and she tells her about what Toffee did to Moon's mom and Eclipsa replies by saying that that didn't seem like something they would do. Either way, it's just a theory. And if you still remember the wings I drew some time ago, it was for this drawing. I'm not sure if we know what Comet's wings look like, we didn't see it in the series but we do have a book that could contain this information, I say "it could" because I don't have the book, and I don't have any way to get it either. I searched for them but I only found some fanarts of them, so I made my own. I like their design, but I can't tell if they look like something we would see in the show, but at least I can say I nailed it when it comes to how difficult it is to draw them. To finish it, I just want to say how much I love the idea of Comet having a dark side or at least some well-hidden secret. From all the butterflies she was always the one who intrigued me most, not just because of the more obvious stuff, like the fact she was one of the only queens to want to make peace with the monsters, or just the fact that she is Moon's mom, or that she was linked to Toffee, but I always found strange that her cheek marks were in the format of a butterfly. I know it doesn't seem that strange, after all, we have a butterfly with pink bunnies as cheek marks, but I always found it weird that from all the formats they could come up with they choose a butterfly. It is told that she likes to bake, why don't her cheek marks represents something related to it, like a cupcake? But I digress, overall the reason why I like this idea is that from all the butterflies, she seems to be the most innocent, kind, and loveable of them all, and discovering that she may not be what she seems, is very engaging. Besides the knowledge that it will probably have an instant in the future where Moon will be confronted by this idea makes me want to continue reading the story just to look out for this moment( not that I'm not already going to continue reading this story anyway, but it is a plus). That's it, hope you have liked the drawing, see you in the next one. Bye s2.
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bookishnewt · 2 years
Cause I have moontoffee on the brain (a/n: accursed plot bunnies) I am so surprised that no one has made a comic or animatic or something of them with “Last Lullaby” from Centaurworld.
Although I understand that the ship probably died out with the reveal of Toffee killing Queen Comet.
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swynlake-rp · 1 year
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"Sometimes your biggest threat is right under your nose."
FULL NAME: Tófi Sethson "Torvald “Tove" Sæther" BASED ON: Toffee of Septarsis (Star vs The Forces Of Evil) FACE CLAIM: Mads Mikkelsen PRONOUNS: He/him, they/them BIRTHDAY:  22 november 1965 CURRENT STATUS: Taken
Character Information 
Monster (mon-ster /  ˈmän(t)-stər)
1. : a being of abnormal form or structure
“In Norse mythology, Jörmungandr also known as the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent (Old Norse: Miðgarðsormr), is an unfathomably large sea serpent or worm who dwells in the world sea, encircling the Earth (Midgard) and biting his own tail (...)”
The first member of the Septarians, Seth, was said to have come into being sometime around the VII century -there’s only so many beings that could prove or disprove this, or any of Seth’s claims about his origins or nature.
It took around one century before Seth found more (albeit younger) beings like himself: a group that he would name ‘Septarians’ and which would eventually settle on what today is Mjaunie, Denmark.
Once upon a time, Magicks were revered as Gods
Once upon a time, Mundus were meant to serve the Gods.
Once upon a time, those who were neither Gods or humans were called ‘monsters’
Septarians thus became known as monsters.
2: one who deviates from normal or acceptable behavior or character
Adjective-  exempt from death, able or tending to divide indefinitely
Time continued its natural circle, but the Septarians found themselves completely unable to die, thus becoming trapped into the cyclical nature of conflict and conquest, of humanity overcoming those who had been previously revered as Gods and slowly, but surely, taking their place.
Septarians saw Earls come and go. Kings rise and fall from power, Nations be born and die.
Until one day, the Magick Perhonen lineage came to Mjaunie.
The Perhonen would establish themselves in what used to be ‘monster’ lands, promptly turning them into ‘something more useful’: a human-magick settlement amongst whom they would reign as Countesses.
Slowly, but surely, the ‘monsters’ were either kicked out of their lands or assimilated into the newly founded County of Maujnie as third-class citizens: things to be feared, to be wary of, an ugly reminder of uncivilized times.
Septarians were divided into two classes: those who resisted the occupation and those who went along with it.
Tófi, “son” of Seth, would eventually join the latter group: going so far as offering his services as an historian and advisor for the Perhonen dynasty -his function for the reigning family being that of a ever-suffering teacher to their youngest, parroting Mjaunie’s new history for their amusement.
3: a threatening force 
Regicide is the killing of a monarch or sovereign of a polity.
Things did not get better for ‘monsters’.
Generations came and went, the Perhonen solidifying their power generation after generation -generation after generation pushing ‘the unwanted’ away from their old lands, transforming them into their own.
Seth’s distrust of the dynasty finally seemed justified: everything he’d predicted had come to pass and his push back, his resistance, towards the colonists eventually became more solid: a rebellion.
A rebellion Tófi would eventually join, going as far as being the one to deliver the killing blow to then Grevinde Comitessa “Comet” Perhonen during a what had been meant to be Peace Banquet.
This act would force his most cherished friend and past student, Menodora “Moon”, to strike him down in turn, using an unknown kind of magic that somehow managed to partially nullify Tófi’s regeneration abilities, which then allowed her to vanquish him from the County. 
4: one that is highly successful 
Noun -  a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
The now-exiled man then wandered across Denmark, playing along the farce others had created a long time ago, he’d pretend to be one of them, a man that tried to be better, more civilized, than any Magick or Mundus; Kinder, smarter, all around superior.
Thus Torvald Sæther was born: Lawyer, Philanthropist, unexplainably rich and knowledgeable of Denmark’s history, the youngest of a line of men oddly similar to one another and who’d never been seen in the same room at the same time.
Torvald Sæther: Silent Magick hater. Torvald Sæther: Silent Mundus hater.
Torvald Sæther: the one who had come to the realization that Magic had been the problem all along, that that had been the tool with which his whole, the life of his people, had been ruined with -and who made, in turn, his life mission to destroy back.
✓  intelligent, courteous, methodical
✖  brutally honest, scheming, resentful
Character Suggestions
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Magical Abilities
Septarian – has “imperfect immortality” and regeneration
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undauntedimmortal · 2 years
I’m curious what the dark moontoffee au is about
uuuuuhhhhhhh I'm still like. trying to figure out most of this AU outside of vibes but basically: everything is the same but Toffee killing Comet affects Moon like way worse than in canon and she's a little fucked up now
kinda turns into a dictator? think Princess Bubblegum from AT. she is also obsessed with Toffee and wants to capture him to have him for herself or something. very fun shenanigans ensue
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sagesilentfire · 4 months
Hot take I know but in my opinion, I don't think even canon Toffee needs a redemption arc, or at least not as much of one as people think. I'd say he needs a "its okay to let people in on your plans and reasoning for things" arc, or maybe a "its okay to not be in War Mode 100% of the time you can chill sometimes" arc. At most a "sometimes you go to far by traumatizing children" arc.
At least the Toffee in the show and even in the Magic Book of Spells, not the Toffee in the creator qnas. Sure he killed Comet, but as I'll profess to the high heavens until every single person on Earth knows, we don't know the *terms of the peace treaty*. Everything he does is either justified in-show or easily justifiable when thinking about his actions on context.
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One issue that's seldom talked about is the distain that Star Vs. seems to hold for monster leadership, even though the Butterfly family has been oppressing monsters for countless centuries, the morality of monster leaders depicted throughout both the series proper and the Magic Book of Spells seems to mainly depend on how close their ties are to the Butterfly family and how well they treat them. Cooperation and love for the Butterflies equates to a morally good leader, and open defiance equates to an evil one. And this isn't just during the reign of the likes of Comet, it even applies, disturbingly, to leaders who were active during the reign of the explicitly genocidal Solaria.
Batwin- Batwin exists exclusively to be the person Comet is negotiating a treaty with, but the book reveals that he inherited his position from an Avarius. Who were put in power by Cresenta Butterfly. Batwin, the only monster leader that's never been evil or cruel, is also a pathetic Butterfly stooge, outright described as "soft" by Comet herself. While he certainly seems to be meant as a good person, he also isn't afforded much respect as a leader.
Globgor- In his past, Globgor was a cannibal warlord that needed to be redeemed by the love of Eclipsa Butterfly, not only a mewmen, not only a member of the Butterfly family, but the damn daughter of the most evil character in the Star Vs. universe, we are very much supposed to consider him as having been a bad guy before he was redeemed by Eclipsa, aka, the period in his life where he was a monster leader that wasn't aligned with the Butterfly family.
Ludo- Ludo, during the time when he was a leader, was a cruel and petty one that mistreated his underlings, his redemption is tied to giving up both his position as a leader, and his pursuit of the wand and, by extension, his defiance towards the Butterfly family.
Toffee- Toffee is the first on this list with that never shows sympathy too nor receives it from the Butterfly family. His goals are vague, but seem to primarily be revenge, and the possibility that he is anything other than a cruel and vindictive man is never explored, although looking at his actions in the show, nothing implied about him is any worse than what is said outright about Globgor*, and in all scenes where he's leading as himself, and not through Ludo, he seems to be a far kinder and more respectful leader than the Avarius.
Seth- oh, poor neglected Seth, unlike all the leaders mentioned previously, we never even get to see Seth in the flesh to judge him for ourselves, everything we hear about him is second hand, and none of it is good. We can safely assume that he fought against Solaria, and, given that no other monster faction is referenced, there's a solid chance it was his septarians that killed her, and yet all we know of him is that he supposedly believed that mewmens were inferior to monsters and wished to subjugate them. As we hear this from Globgor, it is clear we are supposed to believe it.
*Hell, if you consider cannibalism as particularly evil, Globgor might even be worse
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Not really any theme for the characters now, but since I just watch a video on Queen Moon, I decided to go with her next. As always, if you want a specific character (from any franchise/show/movie I’ve blogged about) feel free to send an ask about them.
First impression: “Well, she seems kind of strict, but at least it does seem like she genuinely loves her daughter. And what the heck, did her hair just fall off?! And why is she talking about the Wand being cleaved like it’s something she knows she should be concerned about? Has this happened before?”
Impression now: “Well, she wasn’t derailed as much as some other characters, but I still don’t understand why they made her so stupid as to trust Mina to not try and kill the Monsters, or that she didn’t realize that giving her an army of like a hundred basically unstoppable soldiers would potentially backfire. And why was she so quick to agree to destroying magic? It really just feels like they made Moon a “bad guy” for the sake of the twist, but didn’t want her to be hated forever, so had her “redeem” herself but helping destroy magic. But neither works and her betrayal is still just as annoying now as it was then.”
Favorite moment: The flashback scene of the event that gave her the title of “Moon the Undaunted”. Just seeing how well she handled her emotions, showing no fear when surrounded by apparently immortal and effectively invincible Monsters who she knows had a role in her mother’s death not that long ago, has always impressed me. And it helped me see that Moon could actually be a good strategist, since this whole scene was her effectively coming up with a third option solution to a problem that initially seemed to only have two issues that would cause major issues either way; and she was smart enough to come up with a loophole for her contract with Eclipsa, figuring out how to defeat Toffee and disband his army without killing him or anyone else. 
Idea for a story: Seeing her during the early days of motherhood, when Star is a baby. I feel like Moon would have had so many mixed feelings about becoming a mother, due to how close she’d been to her own mother before Comet’s death, and I feel like it could be interesting to explore that.
Unpopular opinion: While she should have gone about it in a different and more thought out way, I can understand her wanting Eclipsa and her Monster family - or at least, Eclipsa and Meteora, though I doubt Globgor would choose to leave them behind - to leave Mewni. Particularly Meteora because neither Moon nor anyone else can say for sure that she’s not going to end up being just as much of a threat when she grows up in her current life as she was when she grew up as Heinous. Again, her method of trying to accomplish this was really stupid, but I can understand her perspective for why she wanted them to leave Mewni for good.
Favorite relationship: I was torn for a while, but I actually think her and Eclipsa. It’s yet another example of a fictional relationship where I wish we got to see more of it, because I swear I adored basically every time they interacted. Especially in the third season, where basically every interaction between Moon and Eclipsa was a highlight of every episode it happened in. It also really makes me wonder how things might have been between them if Moon hadn’t presumably been raised to assume the worst of Eclipsa, considering how she seemed to be questioning what she knew about the “Queen of Darkness” after actually meeting her. 
Favorite headcanon: I’ve honestly recently fallen in love with the idea of aro-aspec Moon, and really think it fits her character so well, especially in regards to her relationship with her husband, where she does seem to care about him, but doesn’t often seem to show a lot of “passion” or even really a lot of romantic affection towards him. 
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proship-moodboards · 2 years
may i request an comet/toffee (from svtfoe) moodboard? with themes of honesty and understanding, but with an dark edge to it? (their only stated interaction was him apparently killing her, but the show didn't really do either justice n the characterization of one of them in an official book has made me go down a rabbit hole). sorry if it's vague, don't want to be overwhelming! hope all of the mods are having good days/nights. <3
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fuck-yeah-writing · 3 months
Pronouns list!
(Cause there aren't enough online already /sar /lh /nbm)
[Tws: bugs, blood, remains, death, violence, gore, witchcraft, the paranormal, monsters]
Cloud/Clouds/Cloudself (or Cloudyself)
Co/Code/Codes/Codeself (Or Coderself)
Creep/Creeps/Creepyself (or Creepself)
Esc/Escs/Escself (Or Escapeself, Escapekeyself)
Rot/Rots/Rotself (or Rottingself)
Sun/Suns/Sunself (Or Sunnyself)
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