#tokyo drift headcanons
Meeting and Dating Han Lue
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(Not my gif)(Requested by @youngcroissantturkeyworribler )
- A part of you feels very lucky that you weren't a member of the underground world that Han typically thrived in when the two of you first met: an insecure, overthinking little part of you which would've ruined a perfectly good thing before it could even begin.
- You'd like to think that you could have been cool about his usual lifestyle. That you could have seen the models who kissed up to him and the boatloads of money that surrounded him and been confident enough to brush off the feelings of envy and inadequacy. But you know, deep down, you probably wouldn't have been able to, and you would have twisted the facts of your relationship until you could; in great detail, reason why you couldn't be with "a guy like Han".
- Being forced to see him as nothing but a charming occasional customer was all for the best. Meeting him as a broke college student working a menial night shift job at a convenience store was all for the best. And allowing yourself to fall for him was all for the best as well.
- For a while, interactions with your future boyfriend was nothing to write home about. You hardly spoke a word to each other besides the usual pleasantries and the exchanging of change, and though you recognized that he was a bit of a regular; and fairly attractive, you didn't feel anything for him besides a mild appreciation; one that came from being able to regard someone with familiarity and the momentary reprieve that it typically provided.
- It wasn't until you suddenly switched shifts with your coworker for a week that your relationship actually began to take off.
- Han hadn't realized how much he looked forward to seeing you until it was taken away from him. He never thought of himself as someone who craved a form of monotony or the guarantee of someone/something being exactly where he left it, so the dejection that he feels upon seeing your coworker at the counter instead of you genuinely takes him by surprise. He'd almost been compelled to stop going to the store the longer your absence dragged on.
- Being there without you just felt …wrong? There's something about the way you usually interact with him that he just sort of craves. The passive yet warm nonchalance that you regard him with is apparently far more addictive than he realized and he finds himself missing the one girl who was just plain nice to him. Not kissing up or flirting; and definitely not judging, just …nice.
- So when he sees you standing behind the counter at the end of the week, he can't help but relax a little; it's like his worries just melt away. He can't help but comment on the fact that you were gone for a while; wanting to know if it's something he should expect in the future and praying that it isn't.
- You don't think much of it when he asks: the two of you are cordial so you blame it on regular customer curiosity. Besides, you're far too distracted with ringing him up to notice the subtle untensing of his shoulders and the way his eyes drag over your features a little too slowly to be deemed as impartial.
- When you hand him his bag, he asks if you'll be there "tomorrow" and you smile a little, assuring him that you will. He teasingly tells you that he's glad, “because your coworker makes the coffee like shit”, and he decides that he likes the little smile you crack at his joke a little too much.
- The two of you gradually grow more friendly after that, conversing about things other than how much he owes you and occasionally sharing some of the snacks he purchases. At some point, he comes in just as you're ending your shift so you ring him up quickly and he walks you out into the parking lot.
“Let me guess,” you’d said and teasingly nodded towards the crappiest car in the lot, purposely ignoring the extremely out of place expensive car sitting in one of the spaces a couple feet away. “That ones yours?”
- He'd grinned and led you over to the Mazda in question, watching you look it over with vague interest before offering to show you how fast it can go. You feel like you know him well enough to take him up on his offer; and you also don't want to miss out on the opportunity to ride in a sports car as someone with about four dollars in their bank account, so you agree and let him blaze down the highway so fast that it leaves you breathless.
- He comes to terms with the fact that he loves you while listening to your tiny noises of excitement, abruptly speeding up or drifting or turning just to hear the small surprised squeaks and laughs that you let out in response. And you come to terms with the fact that it's not just the speed of his car that leaves you feeling weightless when you're gearing up to say goodbye for the night.
"Why don't you give me your number? Driving fast's just the tip of the iceberg. There's a lot more you can see." He offers as you stand outside his car.
"Maybe the fast life isn't for me?" You joke in response.
"Oh I think it is," He teases back, gently reaching out for the phone in your hands, letting you pass it to him; or potentially deny him if it's what you prefer. There's a certain level of self assuredness in the way that he says it, like he just knows that you'll be back in a matter of time. "There, that's my number. Think about it. Decisions yours to make.”
- You do think about it, and you do call him: though admittedly, the first time you contact him, it's with a question about cars because yours is smoking and making weird noises and you’re about 65% sure that it might just blow up on the highway if you're not careful.
- He laughs when you tell him you're "scared" to pop the hood, asking where you are and giving you directions to his shop when he finds out that you're close, telling you that he'll take a look for you. He can't help but smile when he sees you pull in, car smoking just like you said and a sheepish look on your face. Adorable, he thinks to himself, and knows right then and there that he’s really in trouble.
- The car gets fixed and you offer to buy him dinner as a 'thank you', a gesture that earns you a teasing "I fix your car and now you're trying to get in my pants" but an agreement nonetheless. It isn't long after that that your situationship; for lack of a better term, begins.
- The two of you begin hanging out outside of the convenience store: he takes you out to all the places he usually goes and indulges you whenever you offhandedly mention that you'd always "wanted to do that". He buys you all the things you say that you want your future boyfriend/partner to buy you; not a coincidence, and when you're at parties you dance on each other far too intimately for anyone who claims to be "just friends".
- Not to mention the fact that you kiss each other: a trend that's started one night when you're both in his garage, sat on a couch and stealing glances at each other before you both begin to lean in and share a casual makeout session.
- After a while of this, he sort of just says "you know you're my girlfriend, right" while he's in the middle of driving you to a party, sparing you a quick yet casual glance before his eyes focus back on the road. If you had any doubts before you don't anymore and the butterflies in your stomach can attest to that. You tell him that you would "hope so" and mirror the smile that spreads across his face in response.  
- Life's simple, you make choices and you don't look back. He chose you and now he's decided to never look back.
- Being in a relationship with Han means taking it day by day. Somedays, he’ll want to stay by your side without touching you, other days, he’ll want to grind up against you on the dance floor and touch tongues with you in the booths by the wall: there’s really no method to his madness and that’s just something you’ll have to get used to. 
- That being said, he typically prefers simple gestures of affection whenever you’re out in public together: lingering kisses pressed to your lips or temple, a hug from behind while you’re leaned up against one of his cars, an arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist; things like like. He’s not particularly concerned with being polite, he just doesn’t usually feel the need to slobber all over you or overdramatically show you off; unless he’s getting something out of it. 
- Even so, he loves any and all affection that you give him in return. A nice thing about dating Han is that he simply doesn’t give a shit: sure, there’s times where you both need to be serious or he’ll want to put up a more intimidating front, but overall, he honestly couldn’t care less about people thinking that he’s “whipped”; or whatever else they’d like to call him. At the end of the day, you’re his ride or die and they’re insecure little boys who wish they were him. 
- Innocent little kisses are his kryptonite. He loves when you give him a peck for no reason; especially when the two of you are alone and the moment is terribly domestic: like when he’s lounging with his head on the back of the couch and you kiss his forehead from behind it in passing. He gets really used to them: so much so that he’ll occasionally lean towards you in anticipation of one; regardless of whether or not you showed any signs of giving him one in the first place. 
- Slow, passionate kisses. 
- He honestly has a bit of an oral fixation and I think he’d jokingly tell you that it’s “less calories” or that he’s “cutting carbs” whenever he chooses to kiss/makeout with you instead of snacking on something. But nevertheless, he always shares his snacks with you and alternates between putting food to your mouth like a pet and holding out the bag to you normally; depending on how well you take care of yourself and allow him to share. Sometimes he forcibly has to make you join him because he knows you haven’t eaten or drank any water for hours and he’d prefer it if you didn’t kill his girlfriend, thank you very much.
- Speaking of snacking: you keep some on you whenever you go anywhere with him because you know that he’ll be digging around for something in a matter of minutes, eyes still half focused on the road and hands gearing up to stop at a convenience store before you offer him a bag of something that you kept in your purse. Or he’ll be fiddling with something a little too hard and overall getting antsy and you’ll hand something over and watch as he relaxes, giving you a smile and a kiss in return.
- Sitting in his lap. He loves driving around with you lounged across him and will do everything in his power to convince you to try it with him at least once; safety regulations and laws be damned. 
- He’s not big on cuddling but he’s also an indecisive hypocrite. One minute he’ll jokingly sigh and act annoyed with you for being so clingy, and the next minute he’ll ask why you’re “so goddamn far away” and refuse to resume his activities until you’re tucked into his side. I think he just sort of forgets how much he likes it until you’re either in his arms or out of them; depending on the day.
- Honestly, it probably hits harder and makes you more flustered when he chooses to say your real name instead of a pet name since he’s kind of a recovering whore who used to have a bitch on each arm; both of which he would call baby or something of the sort. Either way, his go-to pet names are honey, baby, and angel; or a little nickname if that’s what you prefer. 
- He always has to hide his pleased little smile whenever you call him a pet name. And that’s how you know you’re special to him: because no other person in the world gets that reaction out of him; regardless of how pretty or perfect she may be.
- You’re definitely a weakness of his. From far away, he’ll seem like the coolest person in the world but the minute people look too closely, they’ll see him call you on the phone and apologize for being late, assuring you that he’ll make it up to you when you whine in response. It’s like he’s a cool criminal one minute and your doting boyfriend the next, and the change in demeanor is enough to give Sean whiplash.
- Feeling like you’re living a double life whenever he comes to pick you up in a sleek, expensive sports car: asking how your day was or what you want to get for lunch while the people around you just stop and stare.
- Sometimes, he’ll just randomly toss you his keys and tell you to drive, and the first few times he did it, it nearly gave you a heart attack. You were hypervigilant and on edge; scared to ruin his far too expensive car, and he watched you the entire time with a smile on his face, laughing and calling you cute whenever you whined out a distracted “what?”.
- Teasing praise. He might say it in an unserious way but the sentiment remains the same: the grin on his face tells you that he’s proud, even when he’s saying things like “that’s my girl” and “Look at you. When did you get so smart?”; instead of a normal “good job”. He also makes sure to notice whenever you change something about your appearance and uses it as an excuse to touch and get close to you”: complimenting you a little more seriously so you know that he really means it.
- Eye contact. Han has a tendency to pay really close attention to you; even if you’re not looking at or acknowledging him, and it gives you butterflies every time. It’s sort of like a love language of his.
- Late night talks chocked full of wisdom and enlightenment. The two of you have a lot of deep conversations about what you think of the world and the lessons you’ve learned from life. Oftentimes, he’ll tell you not to let fear control your decisions and you’ll say that's great and all but I’m still not gonna give you head while you drive down the highway.
- Getting to hear all of his crazy stories. He’s a twenty something year old man with dad lore™.
- Sitting with him while he works on his cars. It’s a good idea to learn what different mechanics tools look like because he’s bound to ask you to grab things for him.
- He’s wanted you posed naked on the hood of his car since yesterday. You worriedly say that you’d probably leave an ass imprint and he’d reply with “even better” and refuse to take no for an answer; if that was your only reservation. Either way, he keeps a photo of you with each of his cars in his wallet and insists on taking you out somewhere whenever he gets a new car; “to break it in” he says.
- Driving is basically foreplay for the two of you. He’ll do something he knows you find sexy and smirk to himself, denying it unconvincingly when you accuse him of doing exactly what he was very purposefully doing; as though you couldn't see the expectant way he glanced at you while carrying it out. He tells you he’s “in love” when you drift in front of him, and probably told you that he “creamed his pants” when you did it for the first time; after days of having him try to teach you. Overall …you should probably tease him about having a car kink.
- Taking trips to convenience stores or some random takeout place that he’s in the mood for. You guys have been to just about every restaurant in town at one point or another.
- The two of you play a lot of little games; things like chess and jenga, and a majority of the time he simply lets you win/makes it easy for you to win because he likes seeing you smile and definitely doesn’t need the money he places down for the prize. But if you were to bet a kiss or something of the sort, he would immediately flame you and you’d sit there in shock as you come to realize that he’s been lying to you about his skills the entire time.
- He does a lot of things just to see you smile. It’s his favorite sight and he loves how he can receive it just from a simple gesture or gift. A lot of your experiences are vastly different because you’ll be focused on the moment and he’ll be focused on you: shaking his head fondly and gazing at you with heart eyes as you jump around at a concert or excitedly tug him around a theme park.
- Nothing is lame to him if it has something to do with you. You can show him a picture of a cat you saw on the way home or explain your hyperfixations and he'll just sit there and let you; probably making other people wait to tell him things in the process. He especially loves whenever you tell him gossip: he finds how serious you get over it extremely entertaining.
- You’re the parents of your friend group: he gives rides, gives advice, gives money, etc. He’s very invested in your friends lives to be honest: he likes hearing the drama and putting in his two cents and he’s funded multiple dinner outings with you and your girlfriends just so he can hear the tea.
- He really doesn’t care about spending money so long as it goes to a good place, and he thinks that you’re the best place for it to go, so rest assured that you’ll be spoiled: and the more you hold back or refuse, the more he’ll want to give it to you. Much like his drivers, you’re also representing him now, so he’s not gonna let you run around in a crappy car, wearing cheap clothes and eating cheap food. Just be prepared to kiss him as payment whenever you want his card.  
- He always tells you that you should “just quit your job” whenever you call off plans with him because of work: and even though his tone is fairly teasing, he’s never completely joking.
- He jokes about you “calling your other boyfriends” whenever you don’t pick up your phone or text him back immediately. He likes casually keeping tabs on you and teasing you is just one way that he can do that without sounding all controlling or demanding. He definitely says “hot” and/or asks if you “were kissing her” when you tell him that you were “actually” with a female friend; and you threaten to hang up the phone whenever he does.
- He likes the fast life but he also likes taking things slow and lounging around with you. He enjoys the little things in life; particularly the little things that have to do with you: like arguing about what movie you’re gonna watch because he wants an action movie and you wanna watch sailor moon. You usually get your way, mainly because you make a deal with him or pull a flirty move that shocks him into letting you successfully steal the remote; though he’ll never admit to how much it flustered him.
- Han sort of treats the entire world like his living room: he just sits back and relaxes like he owns the place so regardless of where the two of you are, it’s usually a pretty chill experience. He also just likes watching you have fun so even if he isn’t interested in doing something himself, he’ll hang back and watch you entertain yourself with a smile on his face.
- Sitting out and gazing at the sea or the skyline with him in all of his favorite places and hideouts.
- Mini golfing, ax throwing, bowling, etc. He likes dates that have random activities for the two of you to do.
- Clubbing, partying, etc. A lot of your dates involve going out late at night and as a result, he’s gotten pretty used to taking care of you at the end of them: casually yet clumsily helping you take off your makeup and do your skincare routine and get you to bed, joking around with you and stealing kisses the entire time. You both annoy and amuse him when you’re drunk.
- You always have a warm bed and open arms to come back to whenever you’re with him; regardless of what issues you may or may not be having. He’s always ready to take care of you when it really matters and he enjoys babying you every now and again; guiding you around like a doting parent whenever you’re tired. He definitely purposefully keeps you with him until it’s late enough to insist that you crash with him instead of going home.
- He’s got a pretty fucked up sleeping schedule so don’t be surprised if most of your dates take place at three am or he texts you random shit late at night, telling you that you “better be asleep right now but look at this thing I saw in the morning”. The two of you finds yourselves knocked out together in random places pretty often and he likes to tease you that he keeps you around because you make a better pillow than his cars leather seats.
- You’re the only person who really has a grasp on how he thinks so the two of you usually hang back and shoot each other looks that tell you everything and your company nothing. He loves that little connection that he has with you: it makes him feel less lonely; especially since he’s someone who can sometimes feel alone in a room full of people.
- When the two of you first started dating, he’d hand you some money and urge you to go and have fun whenever he needed to handle something business related, but nowadays, he likes to involve you in everything he does: keeping you seated next to him and occasionally asking for your input. It gave you whiplash the first time he did it, putting a hand on your thigh when you moved to get up and give them privacy; it also probably shocked his business partner as well, but the symbolic trust made you melt and it’s been that way ever since.
- He’s the type of person who sees nothing wrong with committing crimes, so he wouldn’t think twice about inviting you or the people close to you to join him in his illegal endeavors. Just keep that in mind if you have younger siblings; it’s a matter you’ll probably disagree with him on.
- He lowkey just loves women who hate men: he likes the attitude, he likes the exclusivity, he likes knowing that you’re naturally loyal because you simply dislike everyone else. It makes him laugh when you get all argumentative and headstrong with the boys around you, and he’ll defend your decisions till the day he dies, a smitten smile on his face the entire time. He just loves you and your bitchiness so so much.  
- As nonchalant as Han may seem, he’s always paying attention and he has a tendency to know when shits about to hit the fan: whether that be in relation to what's going on in the “outside world” or your own emotions. He picks up on when you’re feeling anxious or angry or so on and he’ll intervene when he thinks it’s necessary in order to keep the peace and keep you happy.
- He had a lot of experiences with other women before the two of you met and though a majority of them weren’t that close to him; and he’d have no problem cutting them off for you when you start to get serious, I don’t think it would be crazy to assume that they’d reappear in his life every now and again. And every time they approach him, he’d just do his best to shrug them off and give you a sort of “what can you do?” glance, hoping that you’re not mad at him for his previous hoe phase. He’s usually extra touchy those nights: wanting to silently reassure you that he’ll always choose you; regardless of who comes near him or who came before you. 
- Han simply isn’t the jealous type and that’s evident in the way he reacts to people showing interest in you. He’s perfectly fine with you throwing your tits around if it benefits either of you and has, on multiple occasions, drank the free drinks that people have sent your way. He likes showing you off and doesn’t think of the people around him as competition; a fact that makes him extremely attractive in your eyes. He’s always confident in himself and even when he has his moments, all it takes is a “you like me most, right?” while you’re stood in his arms and that’ll be that. 
- He always has your back in dangerous situations and is prepared to do just about everything he can to keep you safe. I said before that you’re his partner in crime but rest assured that he’d pull you out of his business the minute he felt you couldn’t handle what was going on. 
- The two of you don’t have a lot of arguments; a result of being able to read each other like a book, but when you do manage to fight about something, he has a tendency to just be quiet and refuse to discuss things. He’s stubborn as all hell when he’s set his mind on something so there’s really no changing his decision/opinion; you’ll just have to accept that and/or wait until he can reevaluate things himself. 
- He doesn’t usually apologize verbally, he’ll just sort of move on from whatever it was that you were bickering about. If he was wrong than he’d take back what he said with a sheepish “I know” when you tell him that that’s exactly what you said when you were fighting: and if you’re lucky, you’ll get a small sorry alongside it. 
- He’s very monotone and simple with his “love you’s”; and they’re usually in response to you saying it first, but he kind of loves when you sing song at him and sweetly ambush him with a ton of them at a time; it makes him smile and always gets him a little shy. 
- He skips town a lot but he’d settle down with you if you asked. There just came a point in your relationship where he knew that you were the end of his line and decided right then and there that he would do whatever it took to stay by your side. You were bigger and better than anything else in his life, and he would have left everything behind with no regrets the minute you asked him to. 
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nicksolemnlyswears · 11 months
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pairing: han lue x waitress! reader
word count: 6.3k words
warnings: some smut
notes: after simping for this man for years i’ve finally caved and wrote some headcannons for him.
PT. 2 PT.3
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-meeting him...the first time you ever saw han was at work, an american themed diner where you were a waitress. at the time you didn't think much of him, he was just another customer who came in and out. that was until he became a regular.
-once a week became three times a week. next thing you know he was there every night ordering a cup of coffee along with a plain old burger and fries. no pickles.
-han became a familiar face, something to look forward to on your late night shifts. you knew to expect him to come around at 2 or 3 am, never earlier.
-han always scoped the small diner to see which part you were working at and sat there. his excuse was that you already learned his order. "it makes everything so much easier, don’t you agree?" he'd say with a smirk on his handsome face.
-you accepted it. it’s a harmless gesture and you'd rather serve him than the drunk american tourists that swung by the diner. that’s the thing with han, he chose you to serve him but he never acted weird towards you, no inappropriate comments or handsy actions. he made you feel comfortable in his presence, calm even.
-whenever you see him walking by the front of the diner you'd prepare him a fresh pot of coffee. as soon as he sat down on his chosen booth you'd place the steaming cup right in front of him.
-you've made it your mission to tell han how bad consuming one pot of coffee in such a short amount of time is. especially at 3 am but he always shrugs it off, taking a sip of his coffee and locking his eyes with yours, challenging your statement. you’d roll your eyes and mutter a ‘whatever,’ rushing to serve another customer.
-best believe han would watch you walk away to admire your ass, your tacky diner uniform framing it perfectly.
-han tended to order one of two things. either a bacon burger with fries. no pickles. or pancakes drenched in syrup with lots of bacon on the side. with time you get so comfortable with him that when you serve him his food you steal a fry or strip of bacon. its your service fee for being his chosen waitress.
-han is the only one that leaves a tip when he leaves the diner. in tokyo nobody tips, but he insists for the sake of the whole american diner experience. in reality, you're his favorite and he likes you so he doesn't mind dropping a few extra bucks.
-you use that tip money strictly for your manicure. every week a new color covers your nails without fault. han being so observant notices this and looks forward to every thursday to see what color you've chosen. he doesn't make his observation known but he can't help but compliment them when you get your nails done in the same exact orange as his car. pure coincidence because you've never seen his car.
-it takes months of seeing his face for him to make a move of any sort because at first he had no intention of pursuing anything. he went to the diner cause it reminds of home, california. seeing your pretty face was an extra.
-when han gets wrapped up in takashis business and skips a few days he finds himself missing you, wondering what you were up to. if it was a busy night at the diner, were there any rowdy tourists you had to straighten out, and most importantly, what color did you change your nails to?
-one slow night its just the two of you. the cooks are on the back, the other waitress is taking her break. its 4:30 am most drunks are home and the early birds are on their way to the diner
-for once han is sitting on the bar, you across from him, drying mugs and cups. it's now or never. taking one last drink from his coffee han says “you know i have a theory about you.”
“and what’s that?” you ask him, looking up at him through your lashes. your hands busy drying a mug that's already dry.
“you’re a vampire,” he says simply. no smile or sarcastic remark.
laugh bubbles out of you, “han, what the hell?”
only when you laugh does he allow himself to smile. “it’s the only explanation as to why i only see you at nighttime. you’re gone before sunrise too,” he says nonchalantly.
“where is this coming from?” you ask raising an eyebrow, a grin still plastered across your face. the damp towel thrown across your shoulder. you lean forward casually on the counter, coming face to face with the mysterious han.
“just that i’d like to see you during the day time to prove my theory.”
you stare at him, eyes slightly narrowed and he meets straight on. there's no fear in his eyes but there is a hint of expectancy. despite looking at you his hand twirls the remnants of cold coffee in his cup, emanating coolness and nonchalance.
“is this your way of finally asking me out?”
"is it working?" han asks, eyes briefly looking away, before landing on yours again.
"it is," you smile, grabbing a napkin and a pen from your apron to scribble down your number. "text me."
-the date takes place a few days later. han offers to pick you up from your apartment. when you walk out your building han falls harder for you. he always believed you were beautiful even when you barely tried when working at the diner but seeing you out of your uniform all dolled up for him with makeup and hair done. you were more than beautiful, you were stunning.
-you approach him as he leans on his car, trying to act cool. it doesn't make a difference, you already think he's the coolest ever. this is the first time you see his car and it's expensive. you don't know shit about cars but you do have expensive taste and the orange car was ringing alarms in your head.
-one thing is for sure...you have lots to learn about han lue. if all goes well he will not hesitate to tell you all about himself.
-“there you have it i'm not a vampire,” you say as you near him. he chuckles and opens up the door for you. "although i can't promise i don't bite."
“good to know,” he responds in his usual calm tone. your comment does nothing to deter him instead it eggs him on.
-han goes all out for the date. he impresses you with his driving skills, he pays for EVERYTHING, and acts like an outright gentleman. there isn't a red flag on sight. you're not one to put out on the first date but he's treated you so well you heavily consider it.
-something you had never experienced in the past is finding driving sexy. han dominates the car as if its an extension of himself. throughout the entirety of the car ride he's speeding 100 miles and you barely feel it. he swerves between cars to get past them without a beat of hesitation.
-you can look at the streets of tokyo another time. right now your focus is on him. how he grips the steering wheel with one hand, the other on the gear stick. he glances your way and smiles. he knows exactly what he's doing.
-by the end of the date you are more than turned on. the tension between the two of you is intoxicating. you tell yourself you just want to get rid of your dry spell but it’s all a lie. han turns you on in every way possible.
-at the end of the night you shyly invite him into your apartment, hoping he'll say yes and he does. you entertain yourselves with fake pleasantries, asking him if he wants anything, handing him a beer, making small talk.
-the space on your small couch turns smaller and smaller as you both inch towards each other. with one shy glance towards his lips, he takes it as an invitation and smashes his lips against yours. it’s game over. clothes are thrown around, beer is left to warm on the coffee table, and clumsily you make it to your bedroom
-although the moment starts rushed, he slows it down. enjoying your body and everything you had to offer. it's so good you're glad you broke your 'no sex on the first date' rule. because han takes you to highs you haven't experienced in a long, long time
-it’s laying in bed that night that han pops the question, "do you want to be my girlfriend?" he could've waited a few more dates down the road but you two had already skipped a few steps and you've known each other for so long as well. he couldn't wait any longer.
-dating han is unlike anything you expected. first of all you didn't expect him to have so much damn money. it's his treat everytime you go out no matter how much you argue, he already has his card out and manages to pay without you even noticing.
-if you manage to sneak around him and pay, he finds a way to make up for it by buying you stuff you don't need. teddy bears, flowers, jewelry, shoes, clothes, lingerie. okay that last one you really like because it's worth his reaction. he might've picked it thinking it would look good on you but the real thing is so much better.
-now that you're dating, han has even more reason to go see you at the diner. he has his late dinner and gets to chat with you in between serving customers. although your uniform is the definition of an american stereotype he adores it, especially when you pair it with a pair of beat up, high-top red converse that are reserved strictly for work.
-he takes you to the back of the diner to fuck you on your break, it's a given. since he loves your uniform and you are on borrowed time han only lifts the skirt up your hips to have his way with you in it. you brace yourself with your hands on the hard wall, panties pulled to the side, hans hard cock pushing into you from behind. his hands dig onto your hip as he pulls you back to meet his thrusts. the rest of your shift you spend it with sticky panties, a reminder of your activity with han.
-everyone and i repeat everyone knows what you're up. how can they not? you leave looking somewhat put together and comeback with a wrinkled uniform and messed up hair.
-han is such a good boyfriend that he picks up you after your shifts at the diner. either way most of the things he does in his life are at nighttime, waiting for you to finish work at 5 am is nothing. if he so happens to have business he leaves and comes back to pick you up without question. that way he can fall asleep with you in his arms.
-eventually you start wondering where han gets his money, he's never told you he has a job. when you ask him he responds that it's from a job he had in brazil. you don't question it because you refuse to get too in your head about it and ruin something great.
-inevitably you learn about the drifting underground in tokyo and hans participation in it. you're also not interested in that so whenever han invites you to the races, you politely decline. again, cars are not your forte. you'll get bored and wish to go early and you don't want to ruin anything for him.
-it all changes when han brings along an american kid named sean. when the kid finds out you’re his girlfriend the first thing that pops out of his mouth is, “no wonder you never go home with the chicks falling on your lap in the races.”
-your demeanor changes so quick, your smile gone, eyebrow arched, tongue in cheek, glaring intently at han while he avoids your deadly stare. it never crossed your mind that there would be groupies lusting over your man. you're many things and jealous is one of them.
-han begs silently for sean to shut the hell up. bringing him here was a mistake, next time the boy's homesick he’s on his own. until now you've never had a problem with han, if anything there have been stupid fights about him always paying for everything.
-the rest of the time they’re in the diner you act very passive aggressively, smiling at sean but glaring at han. almost slamming his plate on the table, barely any fries on there, while seans has double the amount. for once han has to flag you down to get more coffee to which you pour him a cold cup.
-after dropping off sean at his house he returns to pick you up, finding you walking to the train station when you know he’s gonna pick you up like always does.
“Need a ride?” he asks, sliding the cars window down.
you continue walking, arms hugged to your chest to shield off the cold. the crease on your forehead an indication you are still angry at him. “no.”
“come on, baby. why are you mad?” han parks the car and follows you, grabbing your arm to force you to stop walking.
“because,” you scoff, refusing to meet his eyes.
han holds your shoulder and with two fingers lifts your chin up to look into your eyes, “because?”
“you didn’t tell me that there are girls throwing themselves at you!” you exclaim with a pout, ripping your chin away from his grasp.
“you heard sean. i don’t pay attention to them. i didn’t think it mattered!"
“it does to me!” you yell, punching his chest lightly. “i hate to think that while i’m at home or working you’re out there wooing these girls making them think you’re single and shit.”
“the only girl i’m wooing is you,” han reassures you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into a hug.
“but they don’t know that,” you say but it comes out muffled as you hug him back and burry your face on his chest. he always smells so nice.
“then come with me to the next race,” he says, rocking you both from side to side.
“fine,” you pout, tilting your head up asking for a kiss. han gladly gives you what you want, slotting his lips between yours and going as far as slipping his tongue in when you part your sweet lips for him. yeah you're standing in the middle of the sidewalk but who cares.
“can i take you home now?”
“please, my feet hurt.”
-as promised han takes you to the next race, to say everyone was in shock to see han arriving with a new pretty girl is an understatement. the girls you call groupies all glared at you from the moment you stepped out, because no matter how hard they tried, you had hans full attention.
-han has always been the mysterious guy in the underground who appeared out of nowhere and became partner with takashi. no one truly knew where he came from. he was seen with tons of girls at the races and was known to have slept with a few of them but none got as far as to be exclusive with him. the girl who achieved this has the underground intrigued.
-you’re intimidated by the whole situation, the girls glaring, the loud roaring of engines, the fast cars whizzing by you. the only comfort is hans arm wrapped around your waist.
-that uncomfortable feeling vanished when a random girl approached han. she fully ignored his arm wrapped around your shoulder and approached him hands all over his chest and free arm. your inner bitch came out. you said things you cannot repeat and sent her the nastiest look. she had no other choice but to run away with her tail between her legs. han enjoyed every moment of it, kissing you in front of everybody to see. your his girl and most importantly he's your boy.
-you didn't return after that day. you had asserted your dominance once and that was enough. to remind people he was still taken you would just leave hickeys all over his neck. that would do it.
-han still leaves you tips, it’s his way to give you your nail money without you refusing profusely. he’d pull you by your apron kiss you, and stick the money down your apron's pocket with two fingers. he wants to keep you pampered and happy. you're repping him now.
-further down your relationship han learns you’re a college dropout. your family forced you into a degree you hated and was not good at and when you tried to switch they cut you off. now you’re a waitress with no money for school. han assures you that you can be so much more than a waitress even without a degree. it’s a matter of my finding your thing. he would know.
-your passion is cooking. your family is wealthy and when you were young they'd take you to the greatest restaurants in japan and asia. your tastebuds have been trained your whole life.
-when han learns of this he asks you to cook for him and offered to be your sous chef. if this was your passion he wanted you to share it with him.
"what do you think?" you ask him, offering him a taste of the sauce you were making.
"it almost tastes as god as you," he replies, kissing your cheek when you blush. he'd been assigned to peel potatoes. that's as far as his ability went either way. he was more than happy to see you waltz around your kitchen chopping vegetables and sprinkling herbs into the pans.
"han, i'm serious," you whine, taking a taste of your creation yourself.
"so am i," he laughs softly, "it tastes really good."
-you want to impress han with your cooking skills. for some reason you feel the need to prove that you're good at something. you prepare your small table with a white tablecloth and skinny candles. you even decorate the dishes with extra herbs and sauces.
-han has been with you the whole time, refilling both of your wine glasses but when you place the plate in front of him, he's at a loss for words. you turned the chaos in the kitchen into this beautiful dish.
-you're cooking is incredible. his palate is not as developed as yours but he can see you owning a restaurant and earning a michelin star for your cooking. there's no hiding how much he enjoyed the mix of flavors you put together. you're a smiley mess for the rest of the night. seeing han enjoy your creation brings you lots of joy.
-from that day on han and you make it a habit to cook dinner once a week at the least. he takes it as an opportunity to learn as well. the more you cook together the more responsibility you let him have. one day you deem him ready to use the fancy knife chef you spent months saving for.
-something else he learned about you is that you are a freak for skin care. you do it in the morning, at night, and if you need some sort of boost during the day you’ll do it again. many times you’ve fallen asleep in his arms only to wake up in the middle of the night to do your routine. han does not understand it but let’s you be.
-because of this he spends a lot of time watching you apply toners and lotions to your face. face masks are a must in your house and to not make han feel excluded you apply one on him too, including the fuzzy headband so his hair doesn’t get in the way. you sit on his lap afterwards and massage it onto his face. he secretly adores it. especially when you peck his lips to signal your done. now at his place he keeps a stash of face masks. japanese, korean, chinese, american, all sorts of face masks.
-hans habit of snacking on chips and crackers doesn’t go past you. when you ask him he replies truthfully he was a heavy smoker and this is his way of coping and getting the edge off.
-you're relieved by his words. you used to suffer from asthma growing up and your mom did nothing to help as she herself was a 2 pack a day kind of woman.
-now your house is stocked with snacks. you have a stash just for han and whenever he’s in your apartment or you guys are going out he takes his pick and stuff them in your small purse. it's led you to have accumulated points in your rewards card from the convenience store. a win win.
-han is the first to say i love you. he had offered to do your skincare routine for you wanting to challenge himself. he believed he had it down to a tee. fully trusting him you closed your eyes and let him do his thing. he pulled through and only made one mistake throughout the whole thing. nothing catastrophic. when he’s done he kisses your pouty lips layered with some sort of berry lip masque and whispers it “i love you.”
you open your eyes and look at him with a smile. it was only a matter of time till either of you confessed. both of your feelings bubbling under the surface. "i love you too.”
-if there is one thing that shook han to the core was learning that you didn’t know how to drive…at all. you're lucky he loves you or it would've been the end of the relationship.
“here. you can drive today,” han says, throwing you his keys as you leave the diner.
you catch them and throw them back, “no, that’s okay. you can drive.” there's more than one reason as to why you don't give a shit about cars and that's that you never learned to drive.
“please baby. i barely slept last night,” han pleads, kissing your cheek and placing the silly tokyo keychain in your palm.
“i don’t want to ruin your car,” you lie through your teeth, shooting him a sickly sweet smile.
“nothing will happen to it,” han insists.
defeated you sigh and reveal one of your most embarrassing secrets you've kept from han, “you don’t understand…i don't know how to drive.”
han goes slack, staring at you in disbelief but nothing about you said you were lying. it would explain why you've never asked to drive or why you always take the train or bus.
he can't live knowing his girlfriend can't drive. his life depends on his ability to drive and out of all the girls in tokyo he picked one that never found it important to learn.
nodding he takes the keys away from you and opens the passenger door for you to get in. “as soon as i get some sleep i’m teaching you to drive.”
-first thing the next day han has you behind the wheel in an empty parking lot. you’re sweating buckets, nervous. You’re not even in hans expensive car, he brought out a beat up car for you to practice on.
-"driving is as easy as riding a bike," those are hans words as he starts his driving lesson. he doesn't need to know you don't know how to ride a bike either.
"the pedal on the right is gas the one on the left is the brake. you need to press the gas lightly…baby you need to change the shift to drive first,” han says when you press on the gas and the engine revs.
“i can’t do this han. we're going to crash and we'll get hurt or worse...die," you ramble on, trying to unbuckle the seatbelt.
han rolls his eyes and grabs your hands to place them back on the steering wheel, “yes, you can. it’s important for emergencies.”
with a shaky hand you change the gear to drive and step on the gas lurching the car forward. instantly regretting it you slam on the brakes, jostling the both of you violently.
han breathes out loudly, his hands pressed against the dash to steady himself, “slowly, gently.”
out of all the crazy, stupid shit he’s done in the past this is the most scared he's felt about losing his life. you're not a quick learner by any means. just after a short hour he decides it's been enough. you barely managed to get the car running without going 40 miles instantly. don't get him started on how you brake. you don't seem to understand the meaning of gentle.
-han is as much of a taker as he is a giver. he can be the most doting boyfriend ever and suddenly have you on your knees using your mouth as he sees fit, leaving you a mess of saliva and cum.
-you seriously don't mind. that man gives you so much not only material things but love and orgasms. you're more than happy to get bruised knees if it means he's enjoying himself.
-nobody would expect it from him but he's very adventurous in bed, han is always up to trying new things he's read on the internet or hear people talking about. most times it's a success and you incorporate it into your sex lives.
-one thing he had to convince you to do was to give him blowjobs while he drove at ridiculous speeds. you agreed to try it once and it went so well it's become a not uncommon occurrence. most times it’s when you're driving aimlessly with nowhere to go.
-he'd start at a normal speed, let's say 60 miles an hour. you'd lean over the center console and unzip his pants. han would already be sporting a semi knowing what's coming. you'd pump his cock on your hand, letting your spit dribble down as lubrication.
-once he's fully hard you'd lick him base to tip. he'd be going up 90 by then. he can only afford quick glances down to where you're squeezing his cock. when you take him into your mouth he steps harder on the pedal, 100 on the dash.
-the deeper you go the faster the car goes. han leans his head back on the seat to try and control himself. a hand leaving the steering wheel to press against your head.
-the speed of the car and the pleasure of your mouth bring han to highs he's never explored before. when he slows to an acceptable speed you lift yourself to settle back on your seat, buckling your seatbelt. the taste of cum on your tongue.
-han's the type of boyfriend who isn’t so much into hand holding in public. he’s more of a hand around the waist or arm around shoulders guy.
-when you’re fucking though? oh, he’d lace his hands through yours. he's thrusting into you? both or one of his hands is intertwined with yours. he's eating you out? one hand extended to grab one of your boobs and the other in yours. maybe that's why he can't do it in public...it reminds him of more intimate moments.
-when you go awol your friends know there must be a new man on your life and they beg to meet him. they're all pleasantly surprised at the looks of him, especially when the two of you arrive in an expensive sports car and he offers to pay for everyones lunch.
-they are happy for you. it's been a long time since you've dated anyone, your last break up leaving you terribly heart broken. they can all see han loves you and that you love him. it's clear in their eyes this is not about money or lust.
-sean lets it slip that han has a girlfriend and twinkie begs to see who she is. sean agrees to take him to the diner where they sit at one of the booths being served by the other waitress. he points you out as you take someone else's order. twinkie and sean naively believe you haven't spotted them.
-twinkie doesn't fully believe sean just yet. he's having a hard time processing that han has a secret girlfriend, then again when was the last time he saw han hook up with a girl? a long time.
-like most nights you work, han makes an appearance. you have his cup of coffee on the counter and greet him with a peck on the lips as you stretch over it to meet him in the middle.
"your friends are over there," you whisper, softly signaling with your head in their direction.
han looks over at them. sean and twinkie pretend they are engaging in a very interesting conversation and they weren’t staring at han and you. "i'm sorry. have they caused you any trouble?"
"nah, they think i haven't noticed them gawking," you laugh, still leaning over the counter. "should we give them a show?"
"later," han says, tucking a rogue stand of hair behind your ear.
you lean into his touch, a graceful smile blooming from your lips, "as soon as mina gets here we can go." you softly tell him, eager to get out of the diner and go home where you can cuddle with han. there's barely a night you spend apart.
-han easily strikes a conversation with you to pass the time. he tells you about his friends all over the world and the places he's been. in your eyes han is the most interesting man in the world so you hang onto every word he says.
-when the other waitress relieves you of your shift you grab your jacket and meet han by the door. twinkie and sean are still in their little booth, sneaking glances at the two of you. han finally acknowledges them by nodding in their direction and grabbing you by the back of your neck, kissing you deeply. you lean into it, wrapping your arms around his sides. he pulls apart with his teeth biting your lower lip, hands trailing down to your ass to give it a squeeze. making sure your skirt is on place with a little tug, he opens the door for you. as you walk out he sends the boys a little shrug and a smirk, following you outside.
-sean and twinkie sit in their booth, mouth agape at the spectacle han put on. in their head you're way out of his league. you're too hot. their waitress glares at them as she slams the check on their table. they've been there too long.
-the next day at han's garage twinkie tells everyone. “yo han why didn’t you tell us about your girl?”
han doesn't look up from his magazine as he responds, “i didn’t realize i answered to you."
earl and reiko look up from the car they are working on to stare at han. they didn't realize han had a girlfriend, he's always been a...free spirit. not one to settle for just one girl. then again they've only known about his life in tokyo not brasil, or the dominican republic, or california.
“out of courtesy, man! what if i had hit on her?” twinkie says jokingly. not going to lie had he seen you around he probably would've tried to get with you.
“i doubt you would’ve gotten far,” han mutters, taking a swig of his beer bottle. he likes keeping his private life, private. he likes having you all to himself. that way no one can use you against him if something were to happen.
“bring her around, han!” reiko tells han. "i'd love to have another girl around."
“eh, maybe one of these days,” han dismisses them, standing up and heading out to look for sean. they've got business to tend to.
-han is both an ass guy and a boob guy. it all depends on the situation. in public he’s more of an ass guy. he loves watching you walk away, the sway of your hips capturing his attention.
-when he kisses you on public he’ll trail a hand down your body to squeeze your ass lovingly. he's the type to walk with a hand in your back pocket. letting everyone know you're his.
-in private though he’s a massive boob guy. han likes laying in your chest, finding your boobs comfortable. if you're cuddling he'll bring a hand under your shirt (which is probably his anyway) and just caress your tits. he’ll play with your nipple, brushing it with his thumb. it’s not very sexual but it can turn sexual if you wanted.
-han would definitely bring up the idea of you getting nipple piercings. he finds them so hot and he knows they’d look great on you. is the pain worth it? probably. he promised he’d be there with you to hold your hand, he even offered to pay for them. it’s still an idea you’re heavily debating.
-the day you meet hans friends comes too quickly to his liking. you had left your phone in his car by accident and you were going out with your friends. before heading to a new club downtown you stopped by his garage. everyone stopped what they were doing to see who was in the SUV. out the passengers sear came out a high heeled foot and a long leg first quickly followed by the other.
-you walked out looking like a three course meal. hair and makeup done and hair flowing down your back like silk. a short black dress hugged your body, a slit on the side that came up high but not high enough to reveal anything important.
-you slam the car door behind you, entering the garage filled with cars and strangers. you're nervous yet your beautiful looks hid it well. spotting a familiar face you strut towards him. "sean...have you seen han?"
"up-upstairs," sean manages to choke out. pointing to the second level of the garage.
"thanks," you smile at him. you walk past twinkie, winking at him for shits and giggles.
the rest see you walk up the stairs gracefully, surprised that nothing could be seen despite the dress being so short. han's sits in a desk, handling money from his and takashis business.
"hey handsome," you purr, nearing him.
han hadn't heard you come in so when he looks up and sees you looking like that he does a double take. he pushes off the desk, the rolling chair making enough space for you to sit on his lap.
"you look beautiful," he says, caressing your exposed thigh with his fingers. "what're you doing here?"
"i forgot my phone in your car and i'm going out with mindy and the girls," you tell him, grabbing his face on your hands to kiss his lips. it slow and contained as you're careful not to ruin your lipstick.
"you sure you have to go?" han whispers, his palm grabbing a handful of your ass.
"i do, the girls are not happy i've missed several girls night," you tell him. running a hand through his hair.
he looks up at you and says, "alright." han carefully stands up, placing you back on your high heeled feet. he makes his way down the stairs to where his car is parked.
you follow after him until a girl intercepts you, "hi! i'm reiko one of han's friends, it's so nice to finally meet you!"
"nice to meet you too," you say reciprocating her enthusiastic smile.
"here you go," han pops up besides you once again, handing you your phone.
"thanks," you smile at him.
"i should get going before mindy starts honking her horn," you scrunch up your nose.
"you should come around again soon," reiko says, excited that there's finally another girl in the garage that isn't one of the models twinkie and han are used to bring around.
"sure!" you agree with the girl, finding her nice and genuine.
"let me walk you out." han grabs your waist as you walk back towards your friends car. he opens up the door for you as you slip in.
before driving away you lower the window and he leans against the the car, popping his head in. "you girls be safe, call me if you're too drunk to drive."
mindy rolls her eyes at han, "don't worry lover boy. we'll have her back in her apartment before sunrise."
your friend allows you to give han one last peck before she starts closing the window and driving away, "bye!"
-that night han waits for you in your apartment. he hears you before he sees you. the door slamming open startles him and in you stumble with a tipsy mindy holding you up. "i brought her back safe and sound. she's your problem now."
"baby!" you yell, letting go of mindy and falling into his embrace. you kiss him all over his face and hug him close.
"you had a good time?" he asks, looking down at you. your eye makeup is smudged and your lipstick is long gone. you can barely keep your eyes open as you stumble over your words.
"lets go get you ready for bed."
-i repeat, han is a great boyfriend. he takes you to the bathroom and sits you on the counter. he follows your skin care routine, taking off the layer of makeup left on your face. you giggle through it all even as he helps you brush your teeth and apply you lip balm.
-he guides you back to the bedroom, taking off your dress so you sleep comfortably. he takes off your bra as well, the metal decorating your nipples glinting under the artificial light. grabbing one of his tshirts you've adopted he slides it over your head and arms.
-han tucks you into bed and he promptly follows to pull you close to his chest. you've stopped giggling by now, snuggling up to him. "i love you," you whisper, wrapping an arm around his waist.
-"i love you more, baby."
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part 2. part 3.
i’ll also accept requests for han if anyone is interested!
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star--anon · 22 days
do you think HotGuy races around in a wheelchair built for battle and speed. Cruising at Mach 500 and Tokyo drifting. Using grappling hook arrows and movie-magic gravity wheels to race up the side of buildings. The wheels can turn into jet turbines shaped like vex wings and he flies around shooting bad guys with a bow that's a million pounds heavy because of all the technology he and Cub installed onto it. Sometimes the villains shoot out his wheels and he goes flying and spinning on its side, and he whips out a toolbox and fixes the wheel while upside down in the air.
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mindsafe · 6 months
name two or more things that oikawa can't leave the house with! regarding illumi's terrible driving, what bumperstickers would he have lmao?
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flamboyance && perceived frivolity aside, oikawa is ( to the surprise of many && knowledge of few ) PRAGMATIC, when it suits him. he prefers to travel light when he can. phone: ✓ keys: ✓ wallet: ✓ but every genius has their quirks. oikawa is not a genius oikawa is no exception to this rule; however, oikawa is fortunate in that his quirks fit nicely in his pocket: - a travel-sized tube of sunscreen that spreads smoothly && evenly across supple skin, leaving a lightweight barrier that resists the unforgiving elements; he'll apply a layer to his face every morning before stepping outside but insists on having it on his person regardless - a small tin of styling gel, nothing extravagant - the brand he likes costs just under 3000 yen altogether. natural beauty ( whatever the hell that means ) be damned. nothing worthwhile in life is EFFORTLESS - not skill, not appearance, && definitely not his hair.
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illumi does not remember ever getting his driver's licence; illumi only remembers the cold sensation (?) when tsubone, towering over him, had handed him the keys to the white sedan && relayed his father's will. ❛ — you are a man now, illumi. you no longer need a chauffeur. now go. ❜ a couple weeks later that white sedan had been totalled. a pity. he liked that white sedan. it almost felt like a gift. years later, && illumi has his pick of all available cars on the estate. lately, whenever he goes on a mission, he finds himself drawn to the black bmw. maybe it's habit; maybe it's the leather upholstery && ample leg room. however, he has yet to notice that someone has taken it upon themselves to embellish the back of the vehicle.
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mathcs · 1 year
jude drifting in a car verse in the year 20XX or something fun notes
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current residence: tokyo, japan (actually from a small town somewhere)
occupation: undergraduate student at tokyo university
fluent in: english, japanese
age: 18 (he is now allowed to drive here without being arrested!)
height: 171cm / ~5'7" (has grown since high school years)
dresses neat and plain, yet fashionable for tokyo standards
single, only books, coffee, phone, and a subtle but poetic loneliness
predictably, he lives alone in a pretty small apartment
the most unassuming young man and yet
why does he speed so much on mountain passes: the stress of university, advanced medical classes, part-time work at his local lawson's, helping out his classmates with coursework (especially english classes)
wishes he could just feed deer and hang out at shrines all day
slightly broke becoming more and more broke every week
the current car of choice: a black mitsubishi lancer evolution iii GSR (CE9A)
the drifting playlist: he has good taste in music
has a great singing voice especially for soft songs
he thinks bullet trains are cool, what a marvel of technology, they go so fast
shocked at how vending machines here sell piping hot curry
has to stop eating 'healthy' convenience store food so much even when he's a good cook. the lack of time and cheapness are dangerous factors...
doesn't understand anime or games very well. places like maid cafes scare him
he can't let his family or friends know that he drifts, it would be badass and girls might actually like him embarrassing
should he get a haircut and make it spiky. would that help. or just use hair gel...
is often that token foreigner at first glance but feels like a local
one of the kindest people you will meet, every grandma loves him
free of angst (for now)
might occasionally drift into a completely different dimension
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egrets-not-regrets · 22 days
My silly thoughts on Guesthouse of the (Lost) Astartes Series
Tagging: @kit-williams, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @sleepyfan-blog,
@bispecsual, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts
Here are some of my own thoughts/headcanons/comments while writing this story:
Erriox loves Lenora very very much, and Lenora feels the same. Though it took them longer before their bond truly became a mate bond. Whereas Alcyon and Malaran has an intense bond with Amelia and Ben respectively, resulting in Malaran considering Ben, his child, and Alcyon considers Amelia his mate/wife within a very short period of time. It wasn't exactly difficult for Alcyon to take the role that Amelia's ex left behind, to be honest.
Potential number of Ben’s dads = - 1 + 2. Problem here would be that Malaran and Alcyon might start butting heads if Ben starts calling either of them 'dad'. Especially if Ben starts calling Alcyon 'dad'. As chaos space marines are rather possessive of their bonded humans.
The deeply religious consider chaos space marines as demons and of the devil. Any one who is bonded to one are either ousted or must be 'saved'. Since Ben is the firstborn (only) son, they were trying to 'save' him from Malaran's 'influence'. His mother (Amelia) already 'fell' (bonded with a chaos Iron Warrior), but since she's the wife and not truly family, ousting her was not a big issue. They can raise Ben themselves to make sure he walks the right path in life.
Erriox just wants to mack on Lenora. Malaran's a prick for calling him out.
Alcyon, despite being a chaos space marine, has some degree of propriety. Put it this way: say he has it in his head of wanting to bend Amelia over the admin desk of the medical wing and take her right there, he'll think it, but he ain't gonna say it out loud or at least not until when they're in private. Malaran doesn't have as much of a filter.
Lenora prefers that Amelia remember her as a responsible adult, and not take children for high-speed joyrides chases on winter roads. She is a decent driver, but even that was pushing her skills to the limit and she heavily relied on luck to get them through okay.
Erriox has seen Lenora drive, but never like the Tokyo Drift stunt she pulled. Poor man darn near had a heart attack. That was the first time he had to confront the fact that Lenora could've gotten seriously hurt or killed before his eyes and there was very little he could do to stop it as he was also dealing with the Black Templar at the time.
When Erriox and Malaran took a long time to get back to the base, that was the first time Lenora got scared that Erriox was going to die or was dead. To say the least, both of them had some reservations of this whole plan at some point, despite only outright saying so at the end.
Don’t leave a mess in Apothecary Osteron’s medbay. Medics are scary when angry. I picture him as a mix of Ratchet from Transformers and Unohana from Bleach. He has health and safety standards and it is important to keep his medbay clean. His poor staff JUST cleaned it, he's not about to make them do it again. Might as well get the three knuckleheads to do it since they were the ones who made the mess.
Alcyon once made children cry when he went to the medical ward to pick up Amelia, because he was so intimidating.
Also, Alcyon can’t purr like Malaran or Erriox. Man’s still learning. Amelia finds his attempts to purr cute and endearing despite sounding like something between a broken engine, snarl, and the lowing of needy tiger (or a lowing cow).
Warmaster be like “This bunch of chucklefucks just haaaaad to start shit with the goddamn Black Templar.” Now he has to do PR and negotiations to avoid too much bad blood with the Imperial Fists in the city. All he wanted was just one week without drama. His dang fault though. This wouldn't have happened if Amelia wasn't banned from contacting her son.
Amelia knows some Gothic. She knows enough, but not a lot. That's why she was blushing when Malaran made that comment.
Does she know that Alcyon pretty much considers her his mate/ wife? Yes, from his actions, but Alcyon had never outright told her. Sometimes he would call her by those names in Gothic as a term of endearment, but never told her what they mean. However, like she mentioned in the chapter, the wounds left by previous relationship is still pretty fresh. While she loves Alcyon deeply and returns his affections, at that point, Amelia's still pretty hesitant about calling Alcyon her lover.
Malaran can and will start shit, especially if it has anything to do with Ben. Also, he can be a little shit sometimes.
Meaning in floriography of the little bouquet of yarrow (Achillea millefolium) and dandelion on Alcyon’s desk. Dandelions symbolize hope, strength, resilience, and renewal. Yarrow has the double meaning of love and healing, and can also mean “I love you in spite of everything” or everlasting love. Like dandelions, it is also considered a tough hardy weed, which is representative of Alcyon’s physical character and th resilience of the bond itself.
Alcyon gifted the flowers to her as part of his apology for the fallout from his fight with the Black Templar at Ben's school. That was a massive fuck up on his part and he knew it. At first Alcyon didn't think much of it and thought that was in his right to challenge the Black Templar, with the intention of winning back Ben for Amelia, only to realize that it cost her the last chance to see her son. With Amelia not wanting to be near him nor see him for an extended period of time, and the bond backlashing onto him, it was causing Alcyon to start to lose his mind. Luckily, Osteron intervened and managed to convince Amelia to at least meet with him again. From there, Alcyon slowly made amends for his mistake. He fell hard for this woman and formed such an intense bond, so it was something he couldn't easily give up. His brothers advised him that human women loved flowers, so he ended up picking a bunch that was available at the time and gifting it to Amelia. It wasn't much and the way he presented them to her was kind of awkward and intimidating, but it was a start and his apology was genuine, and Amelia was touched by the gesture. To say the least, they spent that night making up for lost time in his room. She decided to the flowers left behind on his desk, to add "a pop of colour" to the grey utilitarian style of the room. Alcyon couldn't help but indulge her request. He later learned about the symbolic meanings of the flowers that he gave Amelia, and found it amusing and ironically fitting for what he was trying to say when he gifted them to her.
I think that bonds can be negatively affected and broken not just by death and distance, but also by major emotional trauma. Intense bonds, like between Alcyon and Amelia, are affected by the consequences of emotional trauma more harshly than normal bonds. How it could be saved just depends on how resilient the relationship is between the two parties and/or if they are lucky enough to have someone to intervene before that bond is broken. On the other hand, it is entirely possible that the affected space marine will hunt down his bonded human in an attempt to either save the bond from being broken or quell the psychic backlash. (Possibly becoming yandere in the process)
Love to know your thoughts as well!
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real-life-senshi · 3 months
May I ask for your headcanons of Reinako’s relationship after canon? Could be for manga or PGSM!
Hello friend! Thank you for dropping by and giving me a prompt to gush on Reinako even more! XD
First off, here are two sets of PGSM Reinako headcanons for those who haven't seen them before. They are all connected. XD
Reinako Headcanon 1
Reinako Headcanon 2
And thanks to this ask, here is a brain dump of more headcanon:
PGSM Reinako Headcanon Part 3:
Timeline/stages of life of the Reinako development:
Following directly after the Final Act, during the girls' 3rd year in middle school, Minako was a bit awkward about how to act casually around the Senshi team. Rei helped her out the most before the group dynamic fully settled - e.g. never stopped inviting Minako even if Minako often needed to miss out on group plans due to work without making Minako feel bad (not that the others intentionally make Minako feel guilty, but they just try too hard, versus Rei doesn't make a big deal about it); calling Minako out when Minako holds back on sharing her candid thoughts or feelings with the team for some silly reason or due to occupational hazard of being an idol; calling Makoto and Usagi out when they fangirl too hard and was making Minako feel awkward, making it a struggling for Minako to balance building a genuine friendship or treat them as fangirls. (Ami was also a bit shy with Minako at the start, so Rei had to run some interference there, but Usagi and Makoto were the troublemakers.)
I struggle to make up my mind on which is the better high school scenario: if Minako went to Juuban with Ami, Makoto and Usagi just like manga canon, or because of her fame and celebrity status she ended up going to T*A academy for high school with Rei (better security because of all the politician’s and big businessmen’s daughters in the school, etc), Regardless, high school period is when Rei and Minako really settled as best friends, getting to the point they practically know everything about each other and would be in contact almost everyday.
By the 3rd year of high school approaching graduation, Minako starts to realize she has romantic feelings for Rei. She suspects Rei might actually reciprocate her feelings, except Rei is too dense to realize or too scarred by his dad's abandonment of Rei and Rei's mom to consider exploring a romantic relationship. Knowing both Rei's and her own career trajectory would take them away from Tokyo with limited contact after graduation, Minako decided to not broach the topic.
Rei and Minako drifted apart a bit after high school graduation until the Special Act. After the kiss at the hospital (see Headcanon Part 1), and then UsaMamo's wedding, they both matured enough to face their feelings and started seriously considering starting a relationship. They had to do a lot of soul-searching and shared really candid conversations to get through all the emotional baggage, personal barriers and doubts they both carried, but they eventually got there.
And then they live happily ever after following what I described in Headcanon Part 2. haha (My actual headcanon of post-Special Act Reinako is drastically different from my fanfic, coz apparently I thrive most in writing angst and battle. LOL)
High school era PGSM Reinako:
While Rei took the lead in helping Minako find her place in the Senshi team dynamic and getting comfortable with just being a normal teenager during their middle-school period, Minako was the one that instigated most if not all the shenanigans that led to their deepened friendship in the 3 years of high school, elevating their relationship from just-friends to best friend status.
I always imagined Minako pranked Rei by surprising her on a school visit at T*A to "check out options for a new high school". Minako and her manager Saitou Sugao are being led on a school tour by a nun, and when they spot Rei, Sugao (who is of course in on the prank with Minako) makes a whole scene of barging into the classroom trying to scout Rei into stardom in front of all of Rei's peers as if it's his first time meeting Rei and exclaiming he has found the next shining star of Japan, after Minako of course! Rei was absolutely mortified, though the Senshi team had a great laugh when Minako shared the story in their next hangout. Rei was not pleased.
Following the above headcanon, I headcanon that Rei achieves the same intra-school celebrity status by the time she enters her high school division, similar to how Rei is a school celebrity in T*A in the manga. The drastic change from live-action canon was first prompted by the whole stardom scouting fiasco Minako and Sugao caused. Secondly, Minako learned by chance that Rei was bullied at school throughout middle school through Usagi describing how she met Rei. When Minako confronted Rei about it, Rei just shrugged and brushed it off coz she was used to it and the bullies are practically harmless with more bark than bite, but Minako was still so upset about it that she went to post on her public blog (equivalent to celebrity Twitter/Insta nowadays) about how Rei's her best friend and the coolest, kindest person who helped her get through her illness and recovery, etc. She wrote a whole sob story narrative about how thankful she is for having Rei in her life and how Rei was a source of inspiration and a role model to her, etc. etc. and posted some photos she had taken with Rei. Suddenly all of Rei's peers see Rei in a new light and think she's the coolest and want to befriend her for a chance to also meet Minako. The teachers started actually addressing and punishing the bullies and the school atmosphere was changed anew. The whole deal freaked Rei out, while Minako felt very pleased with herself.
Once Rei joined the archery club in T*A's high school division, she gained even more fame from winning archery competitions at the district and then national level. Her achievement adds to the furor Minako caused, and the lowerclassmen in T*A practically fawn over Rei and founded a fan club with merch. Minako loves teasing Rei about it and secretly becomes a fan club member with platinum status from buying all the merch.
^ The fan club is how Minako knows Rei's archery competition schedule, coz Rei is too humble to ever mention it, and also because every time she gets way too embarrassed by how loud the Senshi team is when they cheer for her, because Minako makes sure the whole Senshi team is decked out with inflated thunder sticks and signs whenever they go cheer for Rei at competitions.
Other misc PGSM Reinako headcanon:
Rei's the one who always remembers and is mindful of Minako's distaste for whipped cream, and stops Usagi's rampage on getting strawberry shortcake for every Christmas because Usagi always reminisces on the cake she and Minako had on the Ferris wheel and forgets Minako’s actual food preference. Rei knew coz she actually paid attention to the lyrics in Sayonara ~Sweet Days.
It's very often Usagi and Makoto would drag the girls around town to try out a new cafe or shop that's selling some new sweet drink, pastry or snack (shaved ice, ice cream, crepe, cake, etc. the stuff you'd see people post on foodie social media). If Minako ever bows out of getting something for herself, Rei will make sure to buy something she knows Minako will likely enjoy so Minako can share some of hers (usually strawberry-flavoured coz that's Minako's favourite), and without fail Minako would take some of Rei’s 'just for a taste because she’s curious', and then inevitably eating half of Rei’s. lol And if Rei is buying something for Minako or knows Minako will inevitably take some from her, Rei would always also buy a bottle of water to accompany whatever crazy sweet things Usagi makes them eat/drink - and it has to be room temperature only, for Minako because Minako needs to be very careful with maintaining her vocal cords for singing.
Whenever Minako and Rei get into a serious fight but both struggle to reconcile, they both would separately go to Artemis and poor Artemis can usually help them sort it out after. But if things get really bad and they notice Artemis is feeling caught in the crossfire, Minako would then go to Makoto, and Rei would go to Ami to process their thoughts... or vent. Makoto and Ami's involvement becomes a yardstick of whether "shit's-hitting-the-fan" or not.
Manga Reinako Headcanon...?
I've not thought as much about the manga Reinako headcanon because I perpetually live in PGSM brainrot. But I do think manga Reinako eventually established a partners-for-life relationship in the manga universe as well.
Different from how I think PGSM Reinako eventually enters an openly romantic, crazy-in-love-for-each-other relationship (once they get over their personal crap), I see manga Reinako has a more subtle and delicate soulmate relationship that is built on deep partnership and mutual understanding in life and duty, especially considering their near immortality and role in Crystal Tokyo. Their relationship dances back and forth on the line of being romantic involved in their personal life, and being a kind of kindred spirit in their view and attitude towards their duty. They've dated, and fallen in love with each other, but across the years also realize sometimes they need space from each other to maintain healthy boundaries between private life and their duty. When they enter a break from each other, it's nothing bad and always with mutual understanding, done amicably - stepping away so they don't get "sick of each other" since eternity is a damn long time! But if one of them is ever feeling down or struggling with something, they are each other's default go-to person, their safe place, and they can discard their masks and break when they need it, especially when they start outliving their non-Senshi family and friends while the world they know of slowly changing and morphing into Crystal Tokyo.
Once they stopped aging, Minako would still try to find opportunities to enjoy life as a human when it's possible, while Rei was more comfortable just accepting fate and being Sailor Mars for life. When there's no crisis to deal with, Minako makes Rei de-transform and drags Rei out of the palace for a girls' night with her in the city.
I see manga MakoAmi to have a similar partnership as well. Though their way of showing affection for their partner is a bit more overt and less complicated than Reinako's. Rei and Minako are so interesting to me because I feel they are more polar opposites in some ways, yet both are so similar in how deeply layered their personality and backstories are that it complicates their relationship but also strengthens them.
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softstraykidshours · 1 year
~skz when they're stuck in traffic ~
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pairing: none, just ot8 stray kids
genre: fluff, headcanon
length: 375
warnings: none (other than traffic and low key road rage lol)
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he is so prepared for this situation, like this man has basically all the emergency supplies you could possibly need (this includes a water bottle to pee in just in case)
already has spare snacks for basically any type of craving
he’s a big “listening to podcasts to kill time” guy
he will usually save the newest episode of one of his favorite podcasts for when he's stuck in traffic as a way to make waiting forever more enjoyable for himself
the silence is so loud
he doesn't really talk when he's stuck in traffic, but he’s the kind to use aggressive hand motions
will white knuckle the steering wheel out of unadulterated rage
once traffic clears enough, call him vin diesel with the way he just tokyo drifts through lanes to escape
he becomes a total dad when stuck in traffic
he's checking google maps to see how much farther ahead traffic will last
he’s also the one that will report accidents or traffic to google so other people know about it
making dad comments like “gen z doesnt know how to drive,” “i remember when there wasn't this much traffic” literally the entire time
sooooo dramatic
this is quite literally the worst moment of his life and no one can convince him otherwise
how dare traffic be bad while he’s on the road??? disrespectful
will not stop complaining and whining about it the entire time he's stuck and for at least an hour after the traffic clears up
he is so loud out of straight fear
he doesn't like stopping on the freeway so the second he sees brake lights, he's yelling as if the world is about to implode
“please don't hit me please don't hit me please don't hit me”
he turns off any music and makes anyone in the car with him stay silent for the entirety of traffic because it "helps him focus"
the nicest person you will ever be stuck in traffic with
he is sooo nice, like he is letting 4 people in ahead of him to merge
everyone behind him hates him (i can't blame them)
will be apologizing to the other car if someone almost hits him
likes being stuck in traffic because it gives him more time to talk with whoever is traveling with him
his road rage just gets worse as the time goes on
he absolutely hates traffic and blames everyone else but himself
will keep the same even tone of voice with his comments, but will get so much meaner
“this wouldn't happen if everyone knew how to zipper”
“you stupid idiot what the hell are you thinking?!”
he's not driving
he’s the passenger princess so he’s having a pretty good time while stuck in traffic because he doesn't have to navigate any of it
but he is 100% side seat driving
everything you do is wrong and he could have gotten you out to traffic ages ago if he was the one driving
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authorluvgxbby · 2 years
Hello hello! May I request for some angsty headcanons for the tokyo rev boys with estranged friend reader who they cut ties with cause they lived two opposite lives (and is secretly jealous of each other) BUT the prob is they always see each other in school busy being a delinquent and the other being an overachieving goody two shoes. Thanks you in advance ❤️❤️❤️
Genre: Angst
TW/CW: Jealousy, hurtful comments, mentions of/reader suffering from burn out, mentions of the stage of grief: denial, cursing, reader kinda gaslights herself in Baji's part
Characters Included: Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, and Baji
A/N: heyy Anon! I am so, so, so sorry for the wait, thank you so much for being patient! This one's for you, enjoy!
Part 1 Part 2
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You and Mikey were childhood friends and from anyone’s point of view, it was obvious the two of you were close. However, things became different when Toman was formed. Slowly, you and Mikey began to drift apart. You tried to make the little friendship you both had last, but it was all futile. The last thing Mikey said before he severed the few strings between the two of you was, “You’re useless to me. You’ll only hold me and Toman back, so it's best if we go separate ways.”
After that day, you had been in complete denial that Mikey ended the bond between the two of you.
You tried calling him and looking for him at school, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Overtime, you would try to get over him, seeing how maybe he was right and that things just wouldn’t work out between the two of you since both of you were striving for completely different things in life.
That’s what you try to tell yourself at least.
As a way to distract yourself, you’d put in 100% of your effort into your academics to the point where you would constantly suffer from extreme burn out.
You began to distance yourself away from all your other friends, and eventually be hated or envied by most of your peers.
Meanwhile, you hadn’t noticed that Mikey had been watching you from a distance, making sure no one dared lay a finger on you.
“Once a good-girl, and always will be a good girl,” he whispers to himself, a smug smirk growing on Mikey’s face as he watches from afar as you become engrossed in your new assignments while walking back home.
“W-what?” you asked, stumbling back a bit as you try to process what Draken had said. Sighing, the tall male takes a big step toward you, shadow swallowing your own as he bores his cold eyes down on you. “I don’t want you around anymore,” his words once again sting you like you’ve just been slapped across the face, “all you do is focus on school, whatever happened to the fun, pretty girl I used to know? You’re no fun anymore”. Tears began to well in your eyes, but you force them back, not wanting to show any weakness to your new-found enemy. “You know what,” you grit out, holding his stare, “I wouldn’t want to be around a thug like you anyway! You’ll just get me in trouble and ruin my life!” You spat, swinging your backpack onto your shoulder as you shove past him.
Oh, you would definitely show him that you would be just fine without him around.
The moment you got home you lost his number and wiped away any traces of him. From burning pictures of the two of you together, to dumping all of his belongings in the trash.
Time passes and your in high school, currently class president and ranking #1 when it comes to test scores.
Meanwhile, Draken was rarely seen in school, too focused with Brahman and bikes, and sometimes secretly keeping watch of you.
Most of your female classmates didn’t have much respect for you, too envious of you after seeing how you had both beauty and brains. However, most of the boys in your class would constantly drool for you, and even go so far as to do everything you asked them to when needed. 
This fact had Draken livid.
Every day he was forced to watch some random guy (usually from quite a good background in comparison to himself) try to impress you or find a reason to talk to you, and it’d have his blood boiling as he watches from the sidelines. And to top it off, you’d entertain them and go along with the little game they were playing, including flirting with them.
However, what Draken didn’t know was that his “secret spying” wasn’t much of a secret at all, since you’ve known he’s been watching you for quite a long time.
Ever since that day, you promised you’d do everything in your power to hurt him like he hurt you. You wanted him to suffer. And what better way to do that when you have the power to make him see how much of a treasure you are after throwing you away like garbage? Maybe he’ll learn a lesson after your done tearing down his pride.
“You know… it must be hard having to balance a life as a part time babysitter, being a delinquent, AND running the school’s sewing club,” you say with fauxed concern as you eye Mitsuya from the doorway of where he worked in the classroom. “What do you want,” he scowls, refusing to meet your gaze as he continues with his work on the sewing machine. Humming you slowly walk over to him, eyes scanning over his focused orbs and his terrible posture. “It’s useless,” you state, using the heel of your foot to turn off the extension plug of where the sewing machine was powered by, “you’ll never beat me Mitsuya, so just stick to being a scummy thug and leave the sewing club to me.” “Get. Out.” he growls, finally lifting his head up to face you. "Oh come on, taka-chan~," you coo, leaning slightly over the table, "that's no way to treat a former friend."
The two of you were close when you both were kids, and when you both had discovered a similar passion for sewing, it was no surprise that you two had clicked immediately.
As you two grow older, you and Mitsuya began to grow apart due to his sudden interest in delinquency, while you strived to become a successful fashion designer in the future.
But what really broke the two of you apart was when you both had competed in a small fashion competition, which resulted in Mitsuya winning first place.
From then on, you had despised Mitsuya, seeing how not only he wanted to be a delinquent but also become a successful designer as well.
When Mitsuya became the sewing club president at your school, it only added more fuel to the fire, and it was safe to say that the whole school knew about the little rivalry between the two of you.
When you would happen to pass each other in the hallways or if you would just happen to stumble around the corner where the sewing club is, you’d peek through the glass to see him helping the club members that admired him as they worked on different projects.
You would often curse yourself as your mind wonders as to what things would have been like if you and Mitsuya had still been friends. 
On the other hand, when Mitsuya would work on projects of his own, he would always have the thought of you and him working side by side and would think that if he had time machine to see what went wrong, he’d fix the pasts mistakes in order for you and him to still be together.
“Just what the hell were you thinking Baji?!” you shout, a mixture of anger and concern settled in your tone as you look at your bruised faced friend that was completely relaxed as he settles into your couch. Baji rolls his eyes scoffing,“It’s not that big a deal, I only got punched once.” “Not a big deal?” you repeated, folding your arms, “Baji we were just walking home and the next thing I know you're suddenly getting into a brawl with a fucking gangster twice your age, that is more than a big deal!” you shoot back, pacing back and forth in your living room as you rub your temples to try to soothe the headache coursing through your brain. “Yeah? Well it doesn’t mean much to me, because unlike your goody-two-shoes-self, I know how to take a fucking hit,” he defends, standing up to close the distance between the two of you which causes you to halt in your action, “your overreacting, it’s not like you were the one fighting,” he spits, glaring down at you. “You know what,” you growl, your piercing gaze challenging his own, “if you think I’m overreacting so much because I'm worried about you, then go ahead and find someone else to leave you to get killed!”
After the argument you two had, you stopped seeing each other from then on and decided to live the different lives you both wanted.
Baji had gotten into more fights since then on, and every time he tried to clean himself up (and end up having to call chifuyu or his mom) he’d think of the times you used to dress his wounds.
Baji would pass by the nurse’s office with Chifuyu tailing behind him and he’d watch from a distance as you would help nurse a fellow classmate while scolding them about being careful and taking care of themselves.
Seeing you happy with others and scolding your friends once in a blue moon struck a nerve with Baji, seeing how you're doing fine without him, meanwhile he could barely wrap a bandage around his finger. 
Meanwhile, you would wonder as to how Baji was doing without you.
When you would study by yourself or help out a friend, you’d think of all the good times you’d have when you would have to constantly help Baji with his homework.
But, when you’d feel yourself missing him or thinking about him, you would remind yourself about the argument you had with him and would tell yourself that it was for the best since he clearly didn’t value how much you had cared for him
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itsscromp · 7 months
Since you beaten Spider Man 2, and I just recently finished the game. How about us getting k!lled or wounded by Kraven somewhere in the world, and him calling Peter or Mary Jane or Miles that he's coming, very similar how Han Lue from Tokyo Drift d!£d. How would they react, can be platonic, but feel free to ignore this.
Kraven the hunter headcanon
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TBH it took me a little bit to figure out what you said lol, But nevertheless, it shall be achieved, my first angst headcanon if it's slightly okay with you anon, I'm gonna stick to New York as I know nothing about Symkaria.
You were on a mission when Peter told you to scope out a building in Chinatown.
It looked abandoned for such a long time, and only recently it was bought, almost the whole block too.
Sneaking in, you then took pictures of what you managed to see.
Technology and weapons everywhere.
But as you were investigating, you began to hear voices, you were quick to retreat, hiding behind nearby weapon crates.
"Please don't see me. Please don't see me" You whispered to yourself.
Until the voices were gone you then looked at the photos and were satisfied by the evidence you got, you decided to make a run for it.
But as you tried to run, you felt a giant hand grasp your neck.
Tightly, the man began to strangle you.
"H...he...help..." You managed to say.
"Such weak prey... you could've been a good hunt" This man said softly and menacingly at the same time.
He tightened his grip as your face was now turning pale.
SNAP !!!!!
He dropped you like a ragdoll as he had broken your neck, Instantly killing you.
Before this man walked away, he saw your phone ring.
On the screen was Peter.
He then answered it, smirking.
"Y/n, did you get the evidence of the building ??"
"I'm afraid y/n is dead" He said.
Peter felt his stomach drop as he heard the mystery man.
To put salt on the wound, he then sent him a photo of your corpse as well.
"Whoever you think you are Peter Parker... Know this"
"The hunt has begun, you are my next target"
Then crushing your phone, He ordered his hunters to light the fires as the hunt for this Peter Parker, has now begun.
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shini--chan · 1 year
Hello, I was wondering if I could request headcanons for the axis’ (separate) darlings were friends? Would they keep them separated or allow them to meet?
Yandere Axis - Cammeraderie
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The three main Axis members - Germany, Italy and Japan would definitely allow their "lovers" to meet. Of course, matters wouldn't be totally smooth between the personifications or you and your comrades, yet everybody would see it as more beneficial than not.
Kiku contently watched his friends and their partners. It was one of those times when they had all found time to meet and chat, something that was possible less and less, with how hectic the world had become. Though maybe it was exactly because of that. Officially, Germany and Italy had come to Tokyo to view the Formula 1 race taking place this weekend and for a flurry of conferences where a lot of talk happened but nothing got done.
Japan seized the knee of his darling giving it a warning squeeze. The conversation next to him had become to quiet, the two voices falling down to a whisper. Germany had seated his partner next to y/n in order to avoid Italy taking the chance to hit on the beauty. Though, both knew that if Italy really wanted to flirt, he would flirt regardless of Germany's concerns.
Either way, the point was that while friendship was encouraged between the three recent additions, they weren't allowed to become to close. Dissent was still a problem, especially since Ludwig had only recently acquired his beloved, and said beloved wasn't inclined to be a door mat.
A familiar, pretty face turned his way, carefully schooled to be placid and polite, even if the tense set of your shoulders betrayed fear. You raised your eyebrow in askance: ‚What are you concerned about?‘
He simply eyed the person you were seated next to, who was also peering at him. You didn’t have to turn around to know what he was looking at. Jutting his chin forward, he conveyed: ‘Don’t get to close.’
Despite not being aware of the exact non-verbal messages being passed, said companion seemed to catch the drift. Keen eyes narrowed and glared at Kiku with their owner shuffling closer to you in the attempt to whisper in your ear. Not that he was having any of that. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he pulled you closer, possessively pressing you against him, and allowed his gaze to drift to Ludwig and then back to the offending party.
‘Want me to tell him? I will if you continue’ he indicated, emphasizing his point by allowing a small smirk to play in the corner of his lips. Ludwig was lost in conversation with Feliciano and his partner, the talk lively and attention-grabbing, as it ever was when Italy became opinionated. Yet that could all change, because Kiku’s word carried weight and Germany would listen to him.
Japan would be seen by both Italy and Germany as the most trustworthy and the least inclined to steal their partners. The story would be different between Italy and Germany – Ludwig would be constantly be plagued by the thought that his unwilling lover would find Feliciano more charming and suave and then leave him for the Italian. Not to mention that if Italy would be angry with Germany for whatever reason, he would be inclined to play on these fears.
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Austria would prefer to avoid the other axis members, especially Italy. Germany would be tolerable company in his eyes, but only because he knows the boy is as awkward to love as it comes. This would stem on part from his own insecurities, on part from thinking himself above them.
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Romano wouldn’t dare let you near his younger brother, but everybody else is welcome to visit, one the condition that they don’t stay long and that there is constant surveillance – that would be one of the only ways to sooth the Italian’s feelings.
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Kaito's Past (My Headcanon)
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Kaito's life from the beginning was completely calm, he used to be very attached to his two parents from a very young age, whom he never separated from at all times and loved them unconditionally. But when he was old enough to go to school, he was afraid to be there because he would know that be with other children that the blue little boy didn't know and he still hadn't gotten used to being away from his family, in the early days it's not that has been mistreated by his classmates, what he did was sit on a bench or chair in the classroom while he watched the other children playing together, Kaito was sad because he thought that his problems making friends would affect the idea that no one would approach him.
When Kaito's parents found out about this from his teacher when he told them, they each came up with some ideas about teaching their son things so that he can solve his problems. While his mother; June Shion showed sign language for Kaito to use when talking to deaf-mute people, his father; Naoto Fuuga decided to tell Kaito about his musical career, to see if that way he could interest the young man to enter a future life around music. It wasn't exactly teachings related to solving social problems that Kaito had to make friends at school, but he ended up fascinated by learning new things, mainly being inspired by his father's singing life.
After grasping that passion and other teachings that he was given as an upbringing at home, Kaito felt more confident to the point of beginning to be more outgoing with his peers and thanks to the fact that Naoto had told him about his job before he was born, the young blue-haired really wanted to learn more about music and his father gladly helped him in everything related to that career. Years later, when Kaito entered high school, he felt more self-confident and more independent of what he wanted to do, on his first day his attitude became the center of attention of his classmates...and by this I mean that because he was such a happy, innocent and nice boy, the Troublemakers saw him as an easy prey to annoy and humiliate.
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Fortunately, before that happened, his savior arrived: Meiko, she knew that those boys would not leave Kaito alone, so she took advantage of it and defended him from them, making it clear not to bother him again, since the brunette already had the reputation of being half a fight how to have respect for her. Kaito was so grateful to have her by his side that he decided to want to be a friend instead of Meiko acting as his defender. After several attempts to accept trust, both began to be closer to each other to the point of meeting and doing various things that any duo of friends would do, which would later become a trio, since some time later one of the friends joined smartest boys in their school: Kiyoteru, from there the three formed a great bond of friendship.
After graduating from middle school and high school, Kaito, Kiyoteru, and Meiko drifted apart for a while to look for jobs before the latter two go off to college, but they still managed to keep in touch. Kaito for his part decided to help his mother in her work, part of his family owns an ice cream factory well known throughout Tokyo, so he was in charge of selling them in a store that distributed them, from which they worked. some close friends of June. A few years later, together with Kiyoteru, he found out that Meiko separated from her parents and the two offered to help her in her situation so as not to leave her alone. Some time later, they both received the news that their friend was auditioning to enter the newest music company in the country: Vocaloid.
Kaito was very fascinated by that news that he also wanted to join there and was more glad when his father planned to enroll him, knowing that his son wanted to have a singing life like the one Naoto had long before he was born. They spent more than three months preparing for the auditions that he would have and in the end he ended up entering, he was completely happy to know what the future would hold for him being part of Vocaloid. In addition to the fact that he liked being there because he was a fan of music, he also wanted to join for two other things: One, to keep his two friends company so that they were not alone, and Two, to make his father proud because in the end she decided to follow the same path as him.
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lipglossanon · 6 months
this is such like a random headcanon of mine, but i feel like leon loves corny ass horror and action movies😭 (which like, same). like i genuinely feel like he loves the fast and furious movies, but like, only the older ones with paul walker in them. even movies like joy ride (also with paul walker. god, i miss that man..), also loves the transformers movies, but specifically the ones with megan fox. he’s in love with megan fox and jennifer tilly, he just looks like the kinda guy who would LOVE them (specifically him in DI and vendetta). god, but like the thought of you saying you haven’t seen movies like kill bill, or joy ride, and just forces you to sit down and watch them with him. the thought just makes me go🥰. oh, also he weirdly loves the jeepers creepers movies😭 he knows they’re not great, but he still loves them to death. also i hope you’re having a great day, and remember to drink water and eat something if you haven’t!
🩵 anon, hi!!! 👋
and yes!!! He for sure does!! The more B rate the better 🤭
And I love all of your movie choices. I literally watched the Fast and the Furious series for the first time last year (up to 9 at least). Oh my god the first ones are so corny!! 🤣
(fun fact! I’ve seen Lucas Black at a high school football game before and didn’t know who he was 🤣 Tokyo Drift hadn’t come out yet and I didn’t recognize him as the kid from Sling Blade lmao).
And Joy Ride!!! 😩 my friends used to do that ‘candy cane’ voice for forever lmao
Have you seen Valentine with David Boreanz? I feel like if you like Joy Ride (or Urban Legends or Final Destination or I Know What You Did Last Summer lol), you’ll like that movie. Plus David Boreanz is always hot 🥵 🤭 (and totally who I would want to play Chris Redfield 😩).
Jeepers Creepers scared me to death as a kid! The first one was so different at the time (height of the Scream era then) and then they gradually got worse. For the love of film, please do NOT watch Reborn. It’s trash like not even redeemable B rate horror trash 🤣
Anywho, I love talking movies so hit me up with any headcanons you have 🤭 Or just movie talk in general 😝
And thank you so much 🩵 anon!! 🥰 I’m doing very well! I hope you are too!! 💜 💜
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No promises as to what will actually end up being posted in the future but I’m currently working on some Meeting and Dating Kawashima headcanons (from ”Pulse/Kairo” 2001): which will probably end up being the first post on my foreign content blog. As well as Meeting and Dating Han, DK, and Morimoto from the Tokyo Drift movie (separate headcanons of course), and most likely Meeting and Dating Chewie from the Friday the 13th remake: all of which will be posted on my early 2000s blog. 
I’ll be posting those saved up headcanons I mentioned on this blog in the meantime and will also most likely be working on the Silas headcanons from the ask I answered probably a week ago(?). 
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joseimukeaddict · 1 month
Finals be beating me hard rn and my period cramps kicked in. Spending the rest of this short break from finals work typing up random headcanons bc my electric belly warmer needs to charge 🤡. There’s more stuff and yeah, this is not my week.
CW: Izumi cousins, workaholic and Tsuzuru fainting, most of it is how Izumi spends her time off (farmer’s market, reading, etc)
Izumi Headcanons (pt 2)
It’s pretty much implied that Izumi is an only child but cousins are free game
Yukio is definitely an only child
Her mother would have 1 or two siblings that have children much older or younger than Izumi
She’s either their caring big sister figure or the younger sister they tease
There is definitely a cousins group chat or something where they all keep each other up to date
Only a few of them have met MANKAI by traveling all the way to Tokyo to see a play; they all live far away
Other than the mother-daughter semi-monthly trips (see previous post), it’s very hard to convince Izumi to take a break because she’s such a workaholic
If someone takes up her MANKAI work for her, she’s just go help out a different troupe
Will work until near exhaustion but she knows her limit
She learned her lesson after collapsing once in college right before a theater performance where she took on like 5 different backstage jobs
The play went off without a hitch but she was so upset that she missed it, and all her friends were so worried about her they made her promise to never overwork herself like that again
Because of this, she’s actually really worried about Tsuzuru’s fainting after he finishes a script
She brews some calming teas for Tsuzuru whenever he’s on a script writing spree
Her poorly hidden worry is initially the reason why Masumi starts taking up the task of making sure Tsuzuru eats and doesn’t collapse when he’s writing, but soon he takes the job seriously as he grows to really care for his roommate (almost never shows it though like a tsun younger brother)
Izumi’s full-day breaks are scheduled monthly and she has to be half-threatened by Sakyo and the rest of the dorm to take a proper rest and not run off to a different troupe to help out
Sometimes it works, but sometimes she comes back with groceries or whatever supplies she noticed the dorm was running out of(and lots of curry supplies)
She has a few favorite spots to get curry ingredients such as a local farmer’s market
She’s usually driven by one of the boys who can drive (bc they can’t trust her with the car alone, my girl only knows how to drift), but if they can’t, she’s fine with public transportation
She chats with some of the vendors there and they hook her up with some tips to better prepare her ingredients and some new recipes
The market is also frequented by MANKAI for their grocery runs, so the vendors also give Izumi compliments about any plays they’ve watched from them since the company is always on a tight schedule whenever they come by
Citron frequents the farmer’s market too, so he tags along with Izumi if she made plans to go, but he can usually be found chatting with the aunties there on the weekends
The aunties don’t know too much about the housing situation with MANKAI and Izumi doesn’t talk about it, so they’re making bets on which one of the boys Izumi is secretly in a relationship with
Citron has one of the biggest pools because he’s just the aunties’ favorite, but Omi is also up there
Citron knows about the betting pools but pretends he doesn’t know because it would be awkward to bring it up, and he knows the aunties are only doing it for fun
If not the farmer’s market, Izumi will curl up with a good book or plan an outing with a non-theatre friend she hasn’t hung out with in a while
She can’t help but to read some theatre magazines to keep up to date with the industry, and she’ll indulge in a good historical romance novel once in a while
She’s the type to get really immersed in a novel, so it’s hard for her to notice distractions when she gets into it
She likes reading on a lounge chair on the balcony facing outside since she requires some quiet before she starts reading
Sometimes the tea club comes out to have a party and they bring out an extra chair for her so she can join
And that’s it for now. Got off-topic for a few of them 😭 and my break is way over now. Time to get back to stats…
Unrelated but Anzu (Ensemble Stars) and Izumi (A3!) would be friends and go to cafes together
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lesbianralzarek · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about ral zarek?
oh boy, do i!
im 100% sure that he built the thaumatic compass, but i think it would be funny if he had been approached by tez about it, assumed that tez would be the one to use it, and then made it kinda finicky and awkward on purpose so that tez would try to fix it and end up breaking it and being stuck on ixalan (and out of ral's hair) forever. he would probably be a lil sorry if he learned that vraska was the one who had to use it, but only a lil
he naturally has a more olive skin tone but he never goes outside so hes just sickly pale all the time
he goes to see hekara whenever shes performing a big role but he doesnt really care about anyone else so he does paperwork until one of his assistants points out when shes on stage so he can pay attention for a minute
didnt know that blue raspberries arent real because he consumes a lot more energy drinks than fresh produce
for a long time he only hired women so that he could put his bed and shit in the men's restroom that came with his lab. this meant that he only ever saw men at, like, gay bars and kinda became a bit of a misandrist sdfghhgfds. diversity win
in our world he would say that his favorite movie is the martian, which he does like, but its really fast and furious tokyo drift
"would you fuck your clone?" is not at all a hypothetical. the izzet league has cloning. ral has absolutely already fucked his clone
understands the threat that phyrexia poses. still really wants to know what he would look like as a phyrexian
the other planeswalkers who hadnt met him before wots think that hes really nice but hes actually just nice to them because hes a planeswalker supremacist
edited this one out because it directly contradicted canon (tho that canon makes no sense but w/e)
cannibal. not in the passive "well, im not gonna ask whats in this mystery food vendor meat" way that basically every ravnican is, but in the "actively seeks out human meat when available" way
cut off his own foot during an argument about how great izzet prosthetics are. he has built-in heelies now
hates pets but tomik has a lil thrull made from the skin of his dead parents, so ral cant convince him to get rid of him. his name is mosce and he wears a lil suit and sleeps at the foot of their bed during thunderstorms. he can understand speech but cant speak, just make weird whale noises. pets arent allowed in their apartment so tomik has him registered as his accountant
that is a kamigawa tattoo but because their magic tied to the land, it doesnt really do anything on ravnica besides look cool. while he was talking to the wanderer about planeswalking he excitedly explained all about kamigawa and the whole time she was just... staring at the tattoo that clearly telegraphs how he was part of the criminal underground there
likes theros in small doses, but doesnt like having to shit outside. the entire time he was there he batted his eyelashes real pretty at the abundance of queer men there so that he didnt have to buy anything. at one point everyone started calling him a son of keranos, so given how gods on theros only work on the basis of people believing in them, he was momentarily a demigod. his inflated ego still wasnt enough to make him stay
went full crazy ex on a guy by starting a fight because he was bored, driving his car-equivalent off a cliff, planeswalking away at the last minute leaving only an item of his clothing behind so that it becomes a "wheres the rest of the body?" cold case, and then planeswalking back a decade later wearing all white so that its unclear if hes a ghost or not and the guy never knows closure
"how does someone as kind and well-behaved as tomik end up with someone like ral?" tomik is the stand-in boss for the catholic mafia. he is also a lil fucked up
ral is, like, genuinely actually nice to the people he likes. this one is canon but i just felt like reiterating. theres no weird scheme going on with him and all of his high-ranking friends (+ husband) in other guilds. sometimes bitches just have besties
he knows that vraska is dating jace. he knows that vraska fucks. for some reason he is unable to conceive of the idea that jace fucks
one time he bit off emmara's index finger and spit it back out at her. emmara says that shes willing to overlook it (lying) but ral doesnt feel like he was in the wrong there (he was) so he just gets mad every time she suggests burying the hatchet. "oh, how noble of you to demand that i forgive you for all youve done to me!" etc etc. homophobia doesnt exist on ravnica except for emmara, who invents new slurs every time she sees that man
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