#tokyo drift imagines
Meeting and Dating Han Lue
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(Not my gif)(Requested by @youngcroissantturkeyworribler )
- A part of you feels very lucky that you weren't a member of the underground world that Han typically thrived in when the two of you first met: an insecure, overthinking little part of you which would've ruined a perfectly good thing before it could even begin.
- You'd like to think that you could have been cool about his usual lifestyle. That you could have seen the models who kissed up to him and the boatloads of money that surrounded him and been confident enough to brush off the feelings of envy and inadequacy. But you know, deep down, you probably wouldn't have been able to, and you would have twisted the facts of your relationship until you could; in great detail, reason why you couldn't be with "a guy like Han".
- Being forced to see him as nothing but a charming occasional customer was all for the best. Meeting him as a broke college student working a menial night shift job at a convenience store was all for the best. And allowing yourself to fall for him was all for the best as well.
- For a while, interactions with your future boyfriend was nothing to write home about. You hardly spoke a word to each other besides the usual pleasantries and the exchanging of change, and though you recognized that he was a bit of a regular; and fairly attractive, you didn't feel anything for him besides a mild appreciation; one that came from being able to regard someone with familiarity and the momentary reprieve that it typically provided.
- It wasn't until you suddenly switched shifts with your coworker for a week that your relationship actually began to take off.
- Han hadn't realized how much he looked forward to seeing you until it was taken away from him. He never thought of himself as someone who craved a form of monotony or the guarantee of someone/something being exactly where he left it, so the dejection that he feels upon seeing your coworker at the counter instead of you genuinely takes him by surprise. He'd almost been compelled to stop going to the store the longer your absence dragged on.
- Being there without you just felt …wrong? There's something about the way you usually interact with him that he just sort of craves. The passive yet warm nonchalance that you regard him with is apparently far more addictive than he realized and he finds himself missing the one girl who was just plain nice to him. Not kissing up or flirting; and definitely not judging, just …nice.
- So when he sees you standing behind the counter at the end of the week, he can't help but relax a little; it's like his worries just melt away. He can't help but comment on the fact that you were gone for a while; wanting to know if it's something he should expect in the future and praying that it isn't.
- You don't think much of it when he asks: the two of you are cordial so you blame it on regular customer curiosity. Besides, you're far too distracted with ringing him up to notice the subtle untensing of his shoulders and the way his eyes drag over your features a little too slowly to be deemed as impartial.
- When you hand him his bag, he asks if you'll be there "tomorrow" and you smile a little, assuring him that you will. He teasingly tells you that he's glad, “because your coworker makes the coffee like shit”, and he decides that he likes the little smile you crack at his joke a little too much.
- The two of you gradually grow more friendly after that, conversing about things other than how much he owes you and occasionally sharing some of the snacks he purchases. At some point, he comes in just as you're ending your shift so you ring him up quickly and he walks you out into the parking lot.
“Let me guess,” you’d said and teasingly nodded towards the crappiest car in the lot, purposely ignoring the extremely out of place expensive car sitting in one of the spaces a couple feet away. “That ones yours?”
- He'd grinned and led you over to the Mazda in question, watching you look it over with vague interest before offering to show you how fast it can go. You feel like you know him well enough to take him up on his offer; and you also don't want to miss out on the opportunity to ride in a sports car as someone with about four dollars in their bank account, so you agree and let him blaze down the highway so fast that it leaves you breathless.
- He comes to terms with the fact that he loves you while listening to your tiny noises of excitement, abruptly speeding up or drifting or turning just to hear the small surprised squeaks and laughs that you let out in response. And you come to terms with the fact that it's not just the speed of his car that leaves you feeling weightless when you're gearing up to say goodbye for the night.
"Why don't you give me your number? Driving fast's just the tip of the iceberg. There's a lot more you can see." He offers as you stand outside his car.
"Maybe the fast life isn't for me?" You joke in response.
"Oh I think it is," He teases back, gently reaching out for the phone in your hands, letting you pass it to him; or potentially deny him if it's what you prefer. There's a certain level of self assuredness in the way that he says it, like he just knows that you'll be back in a matter of time. "There, that's my number. Think about it. Decisions yours to make.”
- You do think about it, and you do call him: though admittedly, the first time you contact him, it's with a question about cars because yours is smoking and making weird noises and you’re about 65% sure that it might just blow up on the highway if you're not careful.
- He laughs when you tell him you're "scared" to pop the hood, asking where you are and giving you directions to his shop when he finds out that you're close, telling you that he'll take a look for you. He can't help but smile when he sees you pull in, car smoking just like you said and a sheepish look on your face. Adorable, he thinks to himself, and knows right then and there that he’s really in trouble.
- The car gets fixed and you offer to buy him dinner as a 'thank you', a gesture that earns you a teasing "I fix your car and now you're trying to get in my pants" but an agreement nonetheless. It isn't long after that that your situationship; for lack of a better term, begins.
- The two of you begin hanging out outside of the convenience store: he takes you out to all the places he usually goes and indulges you whenever you offhandedly mention that you'd always "wanted to do that". He buys you all the things you say that you want your future boyfriend/partner to buy you; not a coincidence, and when you're at parties you dance on each other far too intimately for anyone who claims to be "just friends".
- Not to mention the fact that you kiss each other: a trend that's started one night when you're both in his garage, sat on a couch and stealing glances at each other before you both begin to lean in and share a casual makeout session.
- After a while of this, he sort of just says "you know you're my girlfriend, right" while he's in the middle of driving you to a party, sparing you a quick yet casual glance before his eyes focus back on the road. If you had any doubts before you don't anymore and the butterflies in your stomach can attest to that. You tell him that you would "hope so" and mirror the smile that spreads across his face in response.  
- Life's simple, you make choices and you don't look back. He chose you and now he's decided to never look back.
- Being in a relationship with Han means taking it day by day. Somedays, he’ll want to stay by your side without touching you, other days, he’ll want to grind up against you on the dance floor and touch tongues with you in the booths by the wall: there’s really no method to his madness and that’s just something you’ll have to get used to. 
- That being said, he typically prefers simple gestures of affection whenever you’re out in public together: lingering kisses pressed to your lips or temple, a hug from behind while you’re leaned up against one of his cars, an arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist; things like like. He’s not particularly concerned with being polite, he just doesn’t usually feel the need to slobber all over you or overdramatically show you off; unless he’s getting something out of it. 
- Even so, he loves any and all affection that you give him in return. A nice thing about dating Han is that he simply doesn’t give a shit: sure, there’s times where you both need to be serious or he’ll want to put up a more intimidating front, but overall, he honestly couldn’t care less about people thinking that he’s “whipped”; or whatever else they’d like to call him. At the end of the day, you’re his ride or die and they’re insecure little boys who wish they were him. 
- Innocent little kisses are his kryptonite. He loves when you give him a peck for no reason; especially when the two of you are alone and the moment is terribly domestic: like when he’s lounging with his head on the back of the couch and you kiss his forehead from behind it in passing. He gets really used to them: so much so that he’ll occasionally lean towards you in anticipation of one; regardless of whether or not you showed any signs of giving him one in the first place. 
- Slow, passionate kisses. 
- He honestly has a bit of an oral fixation and I think he’d jokingly tell you that it’s “less calories” or that he’s “cutting carbs” whenever he chooses to kiss/makeout with you instead of snacking on something. But nevertheless, he always shares his snacks with you and alternates between putting food to your mouth like a pet and holding out the bag to you normally; depending on how well you take care of yourself and allow him to share. Sometimes he forcibly has to make you join him because he knows you haven’t eaten or drank any water for hours and he’d prefer it if you didn’t kill his girlfriend, thank you very much.
- Speaking of snacking: you keep some on you whenever you go anywhere with him because you know that he’ll be digging around for something in a matter of minutes, eyes still half focused on the road and hands gearing up to stop at a convenience store before you offer him a bag of something that you kept in your purse. Or he’ll be fiddling with something a little too hard and overall getting antsy and you’ll hand something over and watch as he relaxes, giving you a smile and a kiss in return.
- Sitting in his lap. He loves driving around with you lounged across him and will do everything in his power to convince you to try it with him at least once; safety regulations and laws be damned. 
- He’s not big on cuddling but he’s also an indecisive hypocrite. One minute he’ll jokingly sigh and act annoyed with you for being so clingy, and the next minute he’ll ask why you’re “so goddamn far away” and refuse to resume his activities until you’re tucked into his side. I think he just sort of forgets how much he likes it until you’re either in his arms or out of them; depending on the day.
- Honestly, it probably hits harder and makes you more flustered when he chooses to say your real name instead of a pet name since he’s kind of a recovering whore who used to have a bitch on each arm; both of which he would call baby or something of the sort. Either way, his go-to pet names are honey, baby, and angel; or a little nickname if that’s what you prefer. 
- He always has to hide his pleased little smile whenever you call him a pet name. And that’s how you know you’re special to him: because no other person in the world gets that reaction out of him; regardless of how pretty or perfect she may be.
- You’re definitely a weakness of his. From far away, he’ll seem like the coolest person in the world but the minute people look too closely, they’ll see him call you on the phone and apologize for being late, assuring you that he’ll make it up to you when you whine in response. It’s like he’s a cool criminal one minute and your doting boyfriend the next, and the change in demeanor is enough to give Sean whiplash.
- Feeling like you’re living a double life whenever he comes to pick you up in a sleek, expensive sports car: asking how your day was or what you want to get for lunch while the people around you just stop and stare.
- Sometimes, he’ll just randomly toss you his keys and tell you to drive, and the first few times he did it, it nearly gave you a heart attack. You were hypervigilant and on edge; scared to ruin his far too expensive car, and he watched you the entire time with a smile on his face, laughing and calling you cute whenever you whined out a distracted “what?”.
- Teasing praise. He might say it in an unserious way but the sentiment remains the same: the grin on his face tells you that he’s proud, even when he’s saying things like “that’s my girl” and “Look at you. When did you get so smart?”; instead of a normal “good job”. He also makes sure to notice whenever you change something about your appearance and uses it as an excuse to touch and get close to you”: complimenting you a little more seriously so you know that he really means it.
- Eye contact. Han has a tendency to pay really close attention to you; even if you’re not looking at or acknowledging him, and it gives you butterflies every time. It’s sort of like a love language of his.
- Late night talks chocked full of wisdom and enlightenment. The two of you have a lot of deep conversations about what you think of the world and the lessons you’ve learned from life. Oftentimes, he’ll tell you not to let fear control your decisions and you’ll say that's great and all but I’m still not gonna give you head while you drive down the highway.
- Getting to hear all of his crazy stories. He’s a twenty something year old man with dad lore™.
- Sitting with him while he works on his cars. It’s a good idea to learn what different mechanics tools look like because he’s bound to ask you to grab things for him.
- He’s wanted you posed naked on the hood of his car since yesterday. You worriedly say that you’d probably leave an ass imprint and he’d reply with “even better” and refuse to take no for an answer; if that was your only reservation. Either way, he keeps a photo of you with each of his cars in his wallet and insists on taking you out somewhere whenever he gets a new car; “to break it in” he says.
- Driving is basically foreplay for the two of you. He’ll do something he knows you find sexy and smirk to himself, denying it unconvincingly when you accuse him of doing exactly what he was very purposefully doing; as though you couldn't see the expectant way he glanced at you while carrying it out. He tells you he’s “in love” when you drift in front of him, and probably told you that he “creamed his pants” when you did it for the first time; after days of having him try to teach you. Overall …you should probably tease him about having a car kink.
- Taking trips to convenience stores or some random takeout place that he’s in the mood for. You guys have been to just about every restaurant in town at one point or another.
- The two of you play a lot of little games; things like chess and jenga, and a majority of the time he simply lets you win/makes it easy for you to win because he likes seeing you smile and definitely doesn’t need the money he places down for the prize. But if you were to bet a kiss or something of the sort, he would immediately flame you and you’d sit there in shock as you come to realize that he’s been lying to you about his skills the entire time.
- He does a lot of things just to see you smile. It’s his favorite sight and he loves how he can receive it just from a simple gesture or gift. A lot of your experiences are vastly different because you’ll be focused on the moment and he’ll be focused on you: shaking his head fondly and gazing at you with heart eyes as you jump around at a concert or excitedly tug him around a theme park.
- Nothing is lame to him if it has something to do with you. You can show him a picture of a cat you saw on the way home or explain your hyperfixations and he'll just sit there and let you; probably making other people wait to tell him things in the process. He especially loves whenever you tell him gossip: he finds how serious you get over it extremely entertaining.
- You’re the parents of your friend group: he gives rides, gives advice, gives money, etc. He’s very invested in your friends lives to be honest: he likes hearing the drama and putting in his two cents and he’s funded multiple dinner outings with you and your girlfriends just so he can hear the tea.
- He really doesn’t care about spending money so long as it goes to a good place, and he thinks that you’re the best place for it to go, so rest assured that you’ll be spoiled: and the more you hold back or refuse, the more he’ll want to give it to you. Much like his drivers, you’re also representing him now, so he’s not gonna let you run around in a crappy car, wearing cheap clothes and eating cheap food. Just be prepared to kiss him as payment whenever you want his card.  
- He always tells you that you should “just quit your job” whenever you call off plans with him because of work: and even though his tone is fairly teasing, he’s never completely joking.
- He jokes about you “calling your other boyfriends” whenever you don’t pick up your phone or text him back immediately. He likes casually keeping tabs on you and teasing you is just one way that he can do that without sounding all controlling or demanding. He definitely says “hot” and/or asks if you “were kissing her” when you tell him that you were “actually” with a female friend; and you threaten to hang up the phone whenever he does.
- He likes the fast life but he also likes taking things slow and lounging around with you. He enjoys the little things in life; particularly the little things that have to do with you: like arguing about what movie you’re gonna watch because he wants an action movie and you wanna watch sailor moon. You usually get your way, mainly because you make a deal with him or pull a flirty move that shocks him into letting you successfully steal the remote; though he’ll never admit to how much it flustered him.
- Han sort of treats the entire world like his living room: he just sits back and relaxes like he owns the place so regardless of where the two of you are, it’s usually a pretty chill experience. He also just likes watching you have fun so even if he isn’t interested in doing something himself, he’ll hang back and watch you entertain yourself with a smile on his face.
- Sitting out and gazing at the sea or the skyline with him in all of his favorite places and hideouts.
- Mini golfing, ax throwing, bowling, etc. He likes dates that have random activities for the two of you to do.
- Clubbing, partying, etc. A lot of your dates involve going out late at night and as a result, he’s gotten pretty used to taking care of you at the end of them: casually yet clumsily helping you take off your makeup and do your skincare routine and get you to bed, joking around with you and stealing kisses the entire time. You both annoy and amuse him when you’re drunk.
- You always have a warm bed and open arms to come back to whenever you’re with him; regardless of what issues you may or may not be having. He’s always ready to take care of you when it really matters and he enjoys babying you every now and again; guiding you around like a doting parent whenever you’re tired. He definitely purposefully keeps you with him until it’s late enough to insist that you crash with him instead of going home.
- He’s got a pretty fucked up sleeping schedule so don’t be surprised if most of your dates take place at three am or he texts you random shit late at night, telling you that you “better be asleep right now but look at this thing I saw in the morning”. The two of you finds yourselves knocked out together in random places pretty often and he likes to tease you that he keeps you around because you make a better pillow than his cars leather seats.
- You’re the only person who really has a grasp on how he thinks so the two of you usually hang back and shoot each other looks that tell you everything and your company nothing. He loves that little connection that he has with you: it makes him feel less lonely; especially since he’s someone who can sometimes feel alone in a room full of people.
- When the two of you first started dating, he’d hand you some money and urge you to go and have fun whenever he needed to handle something business related, but nowadays, he likes to involve you in everything he does: keeping you seated next to him and occasionally asking for your input. It gave you whiplash the first time he did it, putting a hand on your thigh when you moved to get up and give them privacy; it also probably shocked his business partner as well, but the symbolic trust made you melt and it’s been that way ever since.
- He’s the type of person who sees nothing wrong with committing crimes, so he wouldn’t think twice about inviting you or the people close to you to join him in his illegal endeavors. Just keep that in mind if you have younger siblings; it’s a matter you’ll probably disagree with him on.
- He lowkey just loves women who hate men: he likes the attitude, he likes the exclusivity, he likes knowing that you’re naturally loyal because you simply dislike everyone else. It makes him laugh when you get all argumentative and headstrong with the boys around you, and he’ll defend your decisions till the day he dies, a smitten smile on his face the entire time. He just loves you and your bitchiness so so much.  
- As nonchalant as Han may seem, he’s always paying attention and he has a tendency to know when shits about to hit the fan: whether that be in relation to what's going on in the “outside world” or your own emotions. He picks up on when you’re feeling anxious or angry or so on and he’ll intervene when he thinks it’s necessary in order to keep the peace and keep you happy.
- He had a lot of experiences with other women before the two of you met and though a majority of them weren’t that close to him; and he’d have no problem cutting them off for you when you start to get serious, I don’t think it would be crazy to assume that they’d reappear in his life every now and again. And every time they approach him, he’d just do his best to shrug them off and give you a sort of “what can you do?” glance, hoping that you’re not mad at him for his previous hoe phase. He’s usually extra touchy those nights: wanting to silently reassure you that he’ll always choose you; regardless of who comes near him or who came before you. 
- Han simply isn’t the jealous type and that’s evident in the way he reacts to people showing interest in you. He’s perfectly fine with you throwing your tits around if it benefits either of you and has, on multiple occasions, drank the free drinks that people have sent your way. He likes showing you off and doesn’t think of the people around him as competition; a fact that makes him extremely attractive in your eyes. He’s always confident in himself and even when he has his moments, all it takes is a “you like me most, right?” while you’re stood in his arms and that’ll be that. 
- He always has your back in dangerous situations and is prepared to do just about everything he can to keep you safe. I said before that you’re his partner in crime but rest assured that he’d pull you out of his business the minute he felt you couldn’t handle what was going on. 
- The two of you don’t have a lot of arguments; a result of being able to read each other like a book, but when you do manage to fight about something, he has a tendency to just be quiet and refuse to discuss things. He’s stubborn as all hell when he’s set his mind on something so there’s really no changing his decision/opinion; you’ll just have to accept that and/or wait until he can reevaluate things himself. 
- He doesn’t usually apologize verbally, he’ll just sort of move on from whatever it was that you were bickering about. If he was wrong than he’d take back what he said with a sheepish “I know” when you tell him that that’s exactly what you said when you were fighting: and if you’re lucky, you’ll get a small sorry alongside it. 
- He’s very monotone and simple with his “love you’s”; and they’re usually in response to you saying it first, but he kind of loves when you sing song at him and sweetly ambush him with a ton of them at a time; it makes him smile and always gets him a little shy. 
- He skips town a lot but he’d settle down with you if you asked. There just came a point in your relationship where he knew that you were the end of his line and decided right then and there that he would do whatever it took to stay by your side. You were bigger and better than anything else in his life, and he would have left everything behind with no regrets the minute you asked him to. 
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
the day you kissed a writer in the dark // han lue (tokyo drift)
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summary: she's stood by his side for years. his loyal mechanic, the brains behind his brawn. but she'd be lying if she said that it didn't hurt to watch him flirt with those other women in his club, when he came home to her every night in secret.
bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark, now she's gonna play and sing and lock you in her heart. i am my mother's child, i'll love you 'till my breathing stops.
pairing: han lue x mechanic! reader
warnings: smut, inappropriate use of a drifting car, insecurity and self-doubt, secret relationships, unplanned pregnancy.
author's note: here's something a little different today, lovelies! it's a departure from the usual realm of f1 content i usually bless you all with, but i felt like i needed to do something different to avoid burning myself out, and rewatching tokyo drift gave me the inspiration that i needed :)
she hated the club.
in the back end of her mind, she always resented the mere existence of that secret room leading to han's garage. the fact that he chose to surround himself with women in tight dresses with long legs and perky boobs like he was some kind of yakuza punk.
well, this wasn't crows fucking zero. this was real life.
she couldn't help but draw comparisons between these beautiful girls and herself. as she curled in on herself to duck through the crowd, she frowned at her reflection in the window: her torn up jeans, the grease stain on the cuff of her army-green sweater, the zip barely done up enough to cover up her double-d's, a small nut from her very first car hanging limply from a chain around her neck.
some days, she wondered why han had chosen her of all people.
"sean?" she asked quietly, poking the young american boy in the arm, practically shouting to be heard. "have you seen han?"
sean shook his head. "no, sorry. have you checked the garage?"
"i'm heading back there now. thanks, sean." she sighed, backing out the way that she came, trying not to think about all of the places that her boyfriend could be right now.
the anxiety ate away at her. was he with one of the other girls? one of the prettier, taller, thinner ones? was that why he wanted to keep the relationship under wraps?
was han ashamed of her?
she hurried down the rickety metal staircase, dropping her purse on the workbench as she went, subconsciously placing a hand over her stomach as she thought about the white plastic stick inside the fake leather bag.
they'd been sneaking around for a year, but they'd known each other far longer. she had come to tokyo when she was twenty-one, with a pocketful of cash and a monkey wrench. she had a high school diploma, but that didn't mean much to the rally teams she had applied to work on the pit crews for.
and that's when han swooped her up. when she became the bonnie to his clyde, the mechanic for his little street racing gambit.
that was three years ago. now she was almost twenty-five, he was twenty-seven, and he was in far too deep for them to keep going like this.
she knew why he had to keep it a secret. telling the world that she was his lover would put a target on her back. because that's what happens when you get in deep with someone like dk.
she pulled her hair back with the green rubber band on her wrist, pushing up her sleeves as she reached for a ratchet and approached han's car, the hood already open and ready for her.
working on the cars had always been her safe haven. her distraction from the outside world. fixing something that was broken gave her a satisfaction like no other.
"babe?" han's voice echoed through the garage, and she hated herself for the way that she froze up, fingers tightening around the ratchet. "sean said you were asking around for me? is everything okay?"
she withdrew from the car, slamming the hood down. "you're pushing the car too far. the engine is wearing down, you have to get something stronger. the serpentine belt is at it's brink."
"and that's why you're the brains of this operation and i'm just the pretty boy who drifts." han said playfully, wrapping his arms around her midsection as resting his chin on her shoulder.
"be more careful out there, seoul-oh." she said softly, placing a cold hand on top of his warm one before turning her head and kissing him softly. "i don't know what i'd do if anything ever happened to you."
han spun her body around gently, his hands on her waist as she jumped to perch her body on the edge of the hood, her fingers tangling in his dark, silky hair.
"you don't need to worry about me, sweetheart. i'm going to be okay."
she sighed, lacing her fingers together behind his neck. "where were you, han? wandering around your club with a girl on each arm? a girl that's three times prettier than i am, maybe one who's clothes are a little more revealing-"
"y/n, stop." han said firmly. "baby, you're the only one. my only one." he kissed her on the forehead softly. "i love you. i love you so much that it hurts. i wish i could shout it from the rooftops, but i can't put you in danger like that. i don't want dk to know, because that's a target on your back that i don't want there."
he pulled her as close as he could, arms wrapped securely around her as he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. "i couldn't live with myself if anything ever happened to you."
the sincerity in the older man's voice was reassuring. but some days, it wasn't enough. she loved him more than words could say, but she was getting tired of being his little secret.
but at the end of the day, it was her bed that he always came home to. his arms she woke up in. his terrible singing in the kitchen while he made coffee with breakfast.
han lue was hers.
she kissed him again, still sitting on the edge of the toyota's hood. this kiss was stronger, harder. with more feeling as she bunched han's sweater up in her fingers, trying to wrestle it off his broad shoulders, his hands gripping her thighs tight enough to make her moan against his lips.
"seoul-oh." she mumbled as han broke away from her, pulling his sweater off the rest of the way before tugging his everlast t-shirt over his head.
they fit together like well-worn puzzle pieces, his lips finding that place on her neck that made her crumble, turned her legs to jelly as he slipped a hand up the front of her sweater, thumb tracing comforting shapes against her stomach as he nipped at her neck, biting down gently. there would be a hickey there in a mere matter of hours.
trailing kisses back up her neck, he gently bit her earlobe before placing one hand on the side of her face to guide her lips back to his, the other hand braced against the hood of the car to hold himself up. she bit down on his bottom lip, wrenching a growl from the back of han's throat.
he pulled away, dropping to his knees in front of the car as his large hands dipped under the waistband of her jeans. after reaching down to untie and kick off her beat up vans, she reached above her to grab the exposed beam in the garage ceiling, pulling her body up and allowing han to pull her jeans and panties down her legs in one fell swoop.
"oh, not on the car, baby. you'll stain the bodywork."
"don't care." han hummed, kissing the soft skin of her thigh. "i can't think of anything prettier than you. on the hood of my car, legs spread wide for me." he mumbled in between kisses, inching ever closer to where y/n needed him most, her arousal dripping onto the cool metal hood of the drift car.
and when his lips touched her throbbing clit, she could have sworn she turned electric, using one hand to brace herself against the car and burying the other in han's hair as she threw her head back in a throaty moan.
"han." she panted, grinding against his face as his tongue licked and sucked at her core. "oh, baby, yes."
han smiled to himself, kissing her clit gently as he held her thighs open with his hands. "still think that i don't find you attractive any more?"
"shut up, please. i need you so bad." she'd barely finished speaking when another low, seductive moan left her mouth. the arm that was holding her body up threatened to buckle underneath her as she tugged on han's hair, urging him to keep going.
han chuckled, the vibrations sending shockwaves through her body as her arm buckled, and she found herself lying against the hood, her head on the windscreen as she bucked her hips, searching for more as her lover tongue-fucked her, her legs thrown over his shoulders with reckless abandon.
"seoul-oh." she whined, clenching her thighs around han's head
"i know, baby." he mumbled softly, kissing her thigh. "you're doing so well darling. come for me."
and that's exactly what she did. with a moan so loud that she was shocked that the patrons of the club couldn't hear it echoing through the garage, she let go, her juices coating the lower half of han's face as he licked her clean before wiping off the bottom half of his face with the back of his hand.
"fuck." he mumbled, standing between her legs and leaning over the car to kiss her. "i can't get enough of you, baby. i think i'm gonna need more."
"oh yeah?" she smiled sitting up slightly, resting her weight on her elbows and raising an eyebrow when she saw the obvious hard-on struggling to break free from the confines of han lue's jeans. "and what do you think we should do about it?"
"back. room. now." he said, softly but firmly, kissing her in between each word as she wrapped her bare legs around his body, allowing han to pick her up and carry her over to the back room, where a double bed was piled high with blankets for the nights where they worked late, or drift races lasted until the mere hours of the morning.
or, nights where neither of them wanted to go home. han was sure that they had fucked on almost every available surface of the garage.
she undid her sweater slowly, revealing the lacy white bra underneath, the makeshift pendant on her necklace hanging delicately just above the hollow of her breasts as she cast the fabric aside, reaching up to snap the elastic band in her hair, letting it cascade in waves down her shoulders.
"you're beautiful, you know that?" he said softly, kneeling on the mattress as he rested one hand gently against her cheek.
she leaned into his touch, reaching up to wrap her slender fingers around his wrist, pressing a soft kiss to the heel of his hand.
she knew she should tell him. han needed to know.
but now was definitely not the time.
not that she could find the words while he kissed her neck, her chest, her stomach, his fingers dancing across her back as he fumbled with the clasp of her bra, erection straining against his jeans.
"han, babe." she mumbled, reaching behind her. "it's been a year now, you should know how to undo a bra, mr. womanizer." she joked, pushing his hands away as she pulled the bra off by herself.
"why would i need to know how to do it when you just take it off by yourself most of the time?" he grinned, standing up to unbuckle his belt.
he started to undo his jeans, pausing halfway as if he had forgotten something before he darted over to the rolling toolbox in the back of the room, pulling a small foil packet out of the top drawer.
fat lot of good a condom would do them now.
not when she was already carrying his baby inside of her.
her body trembled with anticipation as she watched han rid himself of his jeans, the echo of his belt buckle hitting the floor echoing around the room before he rolled the latex sheath onto his thick, hard cock.
god, she was a fool in love. han seoul-oh made her feel every range of emotions all at once.
"seoul-oh." she mumbled, lips against his as he clambered onto the bed, covering her body with his broad one.
"hm?" han mumbled, pressing kisses all over her face.
"i love you, han lue." she said firmly, gently pushing his face away so she could look him in the eyes. "i mean it, babe. you've ruined me for anybody else. you're it for me."
"good, because i don't think i could love anybody else if i tried." han breathed out, kissing her again, the tip of his cock teasing her entrance.
she squirmed under him, a small gasp escaping her lips before she bit down on her bottom lip.
she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of hearing her beg. that wasn't what tonight was for.
han knew this as well, gently pushing himself inside her. tonight was about more than just chasing a high. for both of them. it was about love, and reassurance, and intimacy.
she threaded her fingers through his hair, whining as han moved ever so slightly, the sensations they both felt sending shockwaves through their bodies.
"seoul-oh." she moaned softly. "please. god, you feel incredible."
"yeah?" han crooned, thrusting softly and barely holding back a moan of his own. "you look so pretty with my cock inside you, my sweet sweet girl."
"just like that." she whined as he thrusted again, bucking her hips into him, trying to take his length deeper. "keep doing that, fuck."
when han's nimble fingers came up grip and massage her right breast, she knew she was a goner, arching her back to drive her body into him with a moan as he kissed her chest.
"you like that, baby? yeah, you love having my hands all over you. and i love touching your beautiful body." han murmured, sucking a hickey onto her collarbone. he could feel himself unravelling, knew that the end was nigh as he moaned against her skin, blindly reaching for her hand.
there were no more slow thrusts as the driver began to pick up the pace, his lover's legs wrapped tightly around him as she moaned his name.
"oh god, han, baby. fuck, keep going." she panted, one hand trailing down her body to play with her clit. anything to get her closer to that release she craved as she whined and squirmed under han's touch.
she'd seen this film before, and she already knew the ending. and the start if the sequel.
"come for me, baby. i know you can take it, just give me one more, okay?"
"han, han, holy shit." she moaned, feeling the coil in her stomach finally snap, her high crashing over her like a wave.
her lover groaned above her, a guttural sound ripped straight from his throat before han gently pulled out of her sensitive body, the evidence of his own peak contained within the clear latex that he slid off his member, tying the condom off in a knot before punting it into the trash can next to his desk.
she pulled the blankets up as han settled in the bed next to her, his warm fingers dancing in gentle circles against her sweaty skin as they laid together in the afterglow, a content look on his face as he kissed her on the forehead.
"seoul-oh." she said quietly, twirling his long, dark locks of hair around her fingertip. "i have to tell you something."
"what's on your mind, pretty girl?" worry creased han seoul-oh's face, a pit forming in his stomach.
he hated seeing her like this.
"i'm pregnant."
han's eyes widened. "what? babe, why didn't you tell me?"
"i've been trying all day. but you've had your hands full with dk and sean and drifting." she said sadly. "but i can't raise this baby with dk breathing down our necks. you need to get out of this life, seoul-oh."
han frowned thoughtfully, one hand resting against the side of her face. "i'm going to be a father. fucking hell, babe this is incredible. i promise you, i'm going to make a plan, and i'm going to get us out of tokyo."
"you know we can't keep this a secret any longer, right? i'm already eight weeks along, once the first trimester ends, i won't be able to hide it."
"you're right, you're right. we'll test the waters. i'll tell sean and twinkie in the morning, see how the news of our relationship goes over with them. i want to keep it from dk until i can find a way to get us out of here."
y/n nodded, lacing her fingers with han's and placing his hand on her stomach. "okay. let's do this thing." she broke out into a smile. "we're going to be parents, han. can't you picture it? sitting behind the wheel of your toyota, with our little gremlin on your lap, teaching them how to drive before they can even walk."
han laughed. "they'll be born with a monkey wrench in one hand and a bag of lays in the other."
"i love you, seoul-oh." she said softly, kissing him gently. "i'm so glad i found you three years ago.
"i love you more, y/n. and i can't wait to raise this kid with you."
Tags (though im not sure if any of you are interested loll):
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @sidcrosbyspuck @scuderiamh
2K notes · View notes
aishnico · 3 months
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han lue had everything he wanted in the world. money, friends, reputation, women…
he could care less if he would lose all of these, but there was only one thing he wanted to never-ever lose.
he was in his thoughts while people were cheering for the drift queen.
“don’t tell me you actually think that punk can beat [name], i bet your car has already turned into a heap.” takashi, aka drift king joked to his friend. han gave him a small smile in return.
“how could i? she’s the drift queen. nobody has a chance against her except you.”
dk grinned. “maybe you have, why won’t you give it a try?”
han didn’t answer as he looked at the last bend which leads to the finish. the drifting voices of your acura nsx were audible now. after seconds, you approached to finish and made your last drift in the middle of the crowd.
everybody was cheering and making ooo sounds before you got out of the car. the moment you stepped out of the car, a couple of guys lifted you and you let out a small gasp.
“[name]! [name]! [name]!”
there wasn’t your usual victory smile on your face right now. you didn’t feel like it was a real race. the tall, foreign guy you raced with didn’t know anything about drifting. but he has a potential, you sensed it.
you saw your so-called lover with his korean friend. you winked at han in a teasing way, awakening something inside him again like every time you look at him like that. the crowd was leading you to them. as they put you down, you stood proudly in front of takashi.
he smiled at you proudly while intertwining your hands together. he lifted your intertwined hands into the air.
“this, is your queen! a queen who’s equal to me, the king!” he shouted as the crowd cheered once again.
“you still think you have a chance against me?” dk asked to sean with a sardonic tone. you turned your face to sean but dk held your face harshly and turned your face to him again and kissed you hard. he always kisses you like this but you don’t see it coming every time.
dk was looking at sean with piercing eyes, basically telling him to fuck off and that he could never steal his place and girl.
but oh… there was one thing he was wrong about.
sean only wanted his place as drift king. he could care less about you.
the one who wanted you was nobody but his fellow partner, han.
maybe dk is right. maybe he has a chance against you after all.
but not in the race way.
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might be series on the future idk
214 notes · View notes
nicksolemnlyswears · 11 months
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pairing: han lue x waitress! reader
word count: 6.3k words
warnings: some smut
notes: after simping for this man for years i’ve finally caved and wrote some headcannons for him.
PT. 2 PT.3
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-meeting him...the first time you ever saw han was at work, an american themed diner where you were a waitress. at the time you didn't think much of him, he was just another customer who came in and out. that was until he became a regular.
-once a week became three times a week. next thing you know he was there every night ordering a cup of coffee along with a plain old burger and fries. no pickles.
-han became a familiar face, something to look forward to on your late night shifts. you knew to expect him to come around at 2 or 3 am, never earlier.
-han always scoped the small diner to see which part you were working at and sat there. his excuse was that you already learned his order. "it makes everything so much easier, don’t you agree?" he'd say with a smirk on his handsome face.
-you accepted it. it’s a harmless gesture and you'd rather serve him than the drunk american tourists that swung by the diner. that’s the thing with han, he chose you to serve him but he never acted weird towards you, no inappropriate comments or handsy actions. he made you feel comfortable in his presence, calm even.
-whenever you see him walking by the front of the diner you'd prepare him a fresh pot of coffee. as soon as he sat down on his chosen booth you'd place the steaming cup right in front of him.
-you've made it your mission to tell han how bad consuming one pot of coffee in such a short amount of time is. especially at 3 am but he always shrugs it off, taking a sip of his coffee and locking his eyes with yours, challenging your statement. you’d roll your eyes and mutter a ‘whatever,’ rushing to serve another customer.
-best believe han would watch you walk away to admire your ass, your tacky diner uniform framing it perfectly.
-han tended to order one of two things. either a bacon burger with fries. no pickles. or pancakes drenched in syrup with lots of bacon on the side. with time you get so comfortable with him that when you serve him his food you steal a fry or strip of bacon. its your service fee for being his chosen waitress.
-han is the only one that leaves a tip when he leaves the diner. in tokyo nobody tips, but he insists for the sake of the whole american diner experience. in reality, you're his favorite and he likes you so he doesn't mind dropping a few extra bucks.
-you use that tip money strictly for your manicure. every week a new color covers your nails without fault. han being so observant notices this and looks forward to every thursday to see what color you've chosen. he doesn't make his observation known but he can't help but compliment them when you get your nails done in the same exact orange as his car. pure coincidence because you've never seen his car.
-it takes months of seeing his face for him to make a move of any sort because at first he had no intention of pursuing anything. he went to the diner cause it reminds of home, california. seeing your pretty face was an extra.
-when han gets wrapped up in takashis business and skips a few days he finds himself missing you, wondering what you were up to. if it was a busy night at the diner, were there any rowdy tourists you had to straighten out, and most importantly, what color did you change your nails to?
-one slow night its just the two of you. the cooks are on the back, the other waitress is taking her break. its 4:30 am most drunks are home and the early birds are on their way to the diner
-for once han is sitting on the bar, you across from him, drying mugs and cups. it's now or never. taking one last drink from his coffee han says “you know i have a theory about you.”
“and what’s that?” you ask him, looking up at him through your lashes. your hands busy drying a mug that's already dry.
“you’re a vampire,” he says simply. no smile or sarcastic remark.
laugh bubbles out of you, “han, what the hell?”
only when you laugh does he allow himself to smile. “it’s the only explanation as to why i only see you at nighttime. you’re gone before sunrise too,” he says nonchalantly.
“where is this coming from?” you ask raising an eyebrow, a grin still plastered across your face. the damp towel thrown across your shoulder. you lean forward casually on the counter, coming face to face with the mysterious han.
“just that i’d like to see you during the day time to prove my theory.”
you stare at him, eyes slightly narrowed and he meets straight on. there's no fear in his eyes but there is a hint of expectancy. despite looking at you his hand twirls the remnants of cold coffee in his cup, emanating coolness and nonchalance.
“is this your way of finally asking me out?”
"is it working?" han asks, eyes briefly looking away, before landing on yours again.
"it is," you smile, grabbing a napkin and a pen from your apron to scribble down your number. "text me."
-the date takes place a few days later. han offers to pick you up from your apartment. when you walk out your building han falls harder for you. he always believed you were beautiful even when you barely tried when working at the diner but seeing you out of your uniform all dolled up for him with makeup and hair done. you were more than beautiful, you were stunning.
-you approach him as he leans on his car, trying to act cool. it doesn't make a difference, you already think he's the coolest ever. this is the first time you see his car and it's expensive. you don't know shit about cars but you do have expensive taste and the orange car was ringing alarms in your head.
-one thing is for sure...you have lots to learn about han lue. if all goes well he will not hesitate to tell you all about himself.
-“there you have it i'm not a vampire,” you say as you near him. he chuckles and opens up the door for you. "although i can't promise i don't bite."
“good to know,” he responds in his usual calm tone. your comment does nothing to deter him instead it eggs him on.
-han goes all out for the date. he impresses you with his driving skills, he pays for EVERYTHING, and acts like an outright gentleman. there isn't a red flag on sight. you're not one to put out on the first date but he's treated you so well you heavily consider it.
-something you had never experienced in the past is finding driving sexy. han dominates the car as if its an extension of himself. throughout the entirety of the car ride he's speeding 100 miles and you barely feel it. he swerves between cars to get past them without a beat of hesitation.
-you can look at the streets of tokyo another time. right now your focus is on him. how he grips the steering wheel with one hand, the other on the gear stick. he glances your way and smiles. he knows exactly what he's doing.
-by the end of the date you are more than turned on. the tension between the two of you is intoxicating. you tell yourself you just want to get rid of your dry spell but it’s all a lie. han turns you on in every way possible.
-at the end of the night you shyly invite him into your apartment, hoping he'll say yes and he does. you entertain yourselves with fake pleasantries, asking him if he wants anything, handing him a beer, making small talk.
-the space on your small couch turns smaller and smaller as you both inch towards each other. with one shy glance towards his lips, he takes it as an invitation and smashes his lips against yours. it’s game over. clothes are thrown around, beer is left to warm on the coffee table, and clumsily you make it to your bedroom
-although the moment starts rushed, he slows it down. enjoying your body and everything you had to offer. it's so good you're glad you broke your 'no sex on the first date' rule. because han takes you to highs you haven't experienced in a long, long time
-it’s laying in bed that night that han pops the question, "do you want to be my girlfriend?" he could've waited a few more dates down the road but you two had already skipped a few steps and you've known each other for so long as well. he couldn't wait any longer.
-dating han is unlike anything you expected. first of all you didn't expect him to have so much damn money. it's his treat everytime you go out no matter how much you argue, he already has his card out and manages to pay without you even noticing.
-if you manage to sneak around him and pay, he finds a way to make up for it by buying you stuff you don't need. teddy bears, flowers, jewelry, shoes, clothes, lingerie. okay that last one you really like because it's worth his reaction. he might've picked it thinking it would look good on you but the real thing is so much better.
-now that you're dating, han has even more reason to go see you at the diner. he has his late dinner and gets to chat with you in between serving customers. although your uniform is the definition of an american stereotype he adores it, especially when you pair it with a pair of beat up, high-top red converse that are reserved strictly for work.
-he takes you to the back of the diner to fuck you on your break, it's a given. since he loves your uniform and you are on borrowed time han only lifts the skirt up your hips to have his way with you in it. you brace yourself with your hands on the hard wall, panties pulled to the side, hans hard cock pushing into you from behind. his hands dig onto your hip as he pulls you back to meet his thrusts. the rest of your shift you spend it with sticky panties, a reminder of your activity with han.
-everyone and i repeat everyone knows what you're up. how can they not? you leave looking somewhat put together and comeback with a wrinkled uniform and messed up hair.
-han is such a good boyfriend that he picks up you after your shifts at the diner. either way most of the things he does in his life are at nighttime, waiting for you to finish work at 5 am is nothing. if he so happens to have business he leaves and comes back to pick you up without question. that way he can fall asleep with you in his arms.
-eventually you start wondering where han gets his money, he's never told you he has a job. when you ask him he responds that it's from a job he had in brazil. you don't question it because you refuse to get too in your head about it and ruin something great.
-inevitably you learn about the drifting underground in tokyo and hans participation in it. you're also not interested in that so whenever han invites you to the races, you politely decline. again, cars are not your forte. you'll get bored and wish to go early and you don't want to ruin anything for him.
-it all changes when han brings along an american kid named sean. when the kid finds out you’re his girlfriend the first thing that pops out of his mouth is, “no wonder you never go home with the chicks falling on your lap in the races.”
-your demeanor changes so quick, your smile gone, eyebrow arched, tongue in cheek, glaring intently at han while he avoids your deadly stare. it never crossed your mind that there would be groupies lusting over your man. you're many things and jealous is one of them.
-han begs silently for sean to shut the hell up. bringing him here was a mistake, next time the boy's homesick he’s on his own. until now you've never had a problem with han, if anything there have been stupid fights about him always paying for everything.
-the rest of the time they’re in the diner you act very passive aggressively, smiling at sean but glaring at han. almost slamming his plate on the table, barely any fries on there, while seans has double the amount. for once han has to flag you down to get more coffee to which you pour him a cold cup.
-after dropping off sean at his house he returns to pick you up, finding you walking to the train station when you know he’s gonna pick you up like always does.
“Need a ride?” he asks, sliding the cars window down.
you continue walking, arms hugged to your chest to shield off the cold. the crease on your forehead an indication you are still angry at him. “no.”
“come on, baby. why are you mad?” han parks the car and follows you, grabbing your arm to force you to stop walking.
“because,” you scoff, refusing to meet his eyes.
han holds your shoulder and with two fingers lifts your chin up to look into your eyes, “because?”
“you didn’t tell me that there are girls throwing themselves at you!” you exclaim with a pout, ripping your chin away from his grasp.
“you heard sean. i don’t pay attention to them. i didn’t think it mattered!"
“it does to me!” you yell, punching his chest lightly. “i hate to think that while i’m at home or working you’re out there wooing these girls making them think you’re single and shit.”
“the only girl i’m wooing is you,” han reassures you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into a hug.
“but they don’t know that,” you say but it comes out muffled as you hug him back and burry your face on his chest. he always smells so nice.
“then come with me to the next race,” he says, rocking you both from side to side.
“fine,” you pout, tilting your head up asking for a kiss. han gladly gives you what you want, slotting his lips between yours and going as far as slipping his tongue in when you part your sweet lips for him. yeah you're standing in the middle of the sidewalk but who cares.
“can i take you home now?”
“please, my feet hurt.”
-as promised han takes you to the next race, to say everyone was in shock to see han arriving with a new pretty girl is an understatement. the girls you call groupies all glared at you from the moment you stepped out, because no matter how hard they tried, you had hans full attention.
-han has always been the mysterious guy in the underground who appeared out of nowhere and became partner with takashi. no one truly knew where he came from. he was seen with tons of girls at the races and was known to have slept with a few of them but none got as far as to be exclusive with him. the girl who achieved this has the underground intrigued.
-you’re intimidated by the whole situation, the girls glaring, the loud roaring of engines, the fast cars whizzing by you. the only comfort is hans arm wrapped around your waist.
-that uncomfortable feeling vanished when a random girl approached han. she fully ignored his arm wrapped around your shoulder and approached him hands all over his chest and free arm. your inner bitch came out. you said things you cannot repeat and sent her the nastiest look. she had no other choice but to run away with her tail between her legs. han enjoyed every moment of it, kissing you in front of everybody to see. your his girl and most importantly he's your boy.
-you didn't return after that day. you had asserted your dominance once and that was enough. to remind people he was still taken you would just leave hickeys all over his neck. that would do it.
-han still leaves you tips, it’s his way to give you your nail money without you refusing profusely. he’d pull you by your apron kiss you, and stick the money down your apron's pocket with two fingers. he wants to keep you pampered and happy. you're repping him now.
-further down your relationship han learns you’re a college dropout. your family forced you into a degree you hated and was not good at and when you tried to switch they cut you off. now you’re a waitress with no money for school. han assures you that you can be so much more than a waitress even without a degree. it’s a matter of my finding your thing. he would know.
-your passion is cooking. your family is wealthy and when you were young they'd take you to the greatest restaurants in japan and asia. your tastebuds have been trained your whole life.
-when han learns of this he asks you to cook for him and offered to be your sous chef. if this was your passion he wanted you to share it with him.
"what do you think?" you ask him, offering him a taste of the sauce you were making.
"it almost tastes as god as you," he replies, kissing your cheek when you blush. he'd been assigned to peel potatoes. that's as far as his ability went either way. he was more than happy to see you waltz around your kitchen chopping vegetables and sprinkling herbs into the pans.
"han, i'm serious," you whine, taking a taste of your creation yourself.
"so am i," he laughs softly, "it tastes really good."
-you want to impress han with your cooking skills. for some reason you feel the need to prove that you're good at something. you prepare your small table with a white tablecloth and skinny candles. you even decorate the dishes with extra herbs and sauces.
-han has been with you the whole time, refilling both of your wine glasses but when you place the plate in front of him, he's at a loss for words. you turned the chaos in the kitchen into this beautiful dish.
-you're cooking is incredible. his palate is not as developed as yours but he can see you owning a restaurant and earning a michelin star for your cooking. there's no hiding how much he enjoyed the mix of flavors you put together. you're a smiley mess for the rest of the night. seeing han enjoy your creation brings you lots of joy.
-from that day on han and you make it a habit to cook dinner once a week at the least. he takes it as an opportunity to learn as well. the more you cook together the more responsibility you let him have. one day you deem him ready to use the fancy knife chef you spent months saving for.
-something else he learned about you is that you are a freak for skin care. you do it in the morning, at night, and if you need some sort of boost during the day you’ll do it again. many times you’ve fallen asleep in his arms only to wake up in the middle of the night to do your routine. han does not understand it but let’s you be.
-because of this he spends a lot of time watching you apply toners and lotions to your face. face masks are a must in your house and to not make han feel excluded you apply one on him too, including the fuzzy headband so his hair doesn’t get in the way. you sit on his lap afterwards and massage it onto his face. he secretly adores it. especially when you peck his lips to signal your done. now at his place he keeps a stash of face masks. japanese, korean, chinese, american, all sorts of face masks.
-hans habit of snacking on chips and crackers doesn’t go past you. when you ask him he replies truthfully he was a heavy smoker and this is his way of coping and getting the edge off.
-you're relieved by his words. you used to suffer from asthma growing up and your mom did nothing to help as she herself was a 2 pack a day kind of woman.
-now your house is stocked with snacks. you have a stash just for han and whenever he’s in your apartment or you guys are going out he takes his pick and stuff them in your small purse. it's led you to have accumulated points in your rewards card from the convenience store. a win win.
-han is the first to say i love you. he had offered to do your skincare routine for you wanting to challenge himself. he believed he had it down to a tee. fully trusting him you closed your eyes and let him do his thing. he pulled through and only made one mistake throughout the whole thing. nothing catastrophic. when he’s done he kisses your pouty lips layered with some sort of berry lip masque and whispers it “i love you.”
you open your eyes and look at him with a smile. it was only a matter of time till either of you confessed. both of your feelings bubbling under the surface. "i love you too.”
-if there is one thing that shook han to the core was learning that you didn’t know how to drive…at all. you're lucky he loves you or it would've been the end of the relationship.
“here. you can drive today,” han says, throwing you his keys as you leave the diner.
you catch them and throw them back, “no, that’s okay. you can drive.” there's more than one reason as to why you don't give a shit about cars and that's that you never learned to drive.
“please baby. i barely slept last night,” han pleads, kissing your cheek and placing the silly tokyo keychain in your palm.
“i don’t want to ruin your car,” you lie through your teeth, shooting him a sickly sweet smile.
“nothing will happen to it,” han insists.
defeated you sigh and reveal one of your most embarrassing secrets you've kept from han, “you don’t understand…i don't know how to drive.”
han goes slack, staring at you in disbelief but nothing about you said you were lying. it would explain why you've never asked to drive or why you always take the train or bus.
he can't live knowing his girlfriend can't drive. his life depends on his ability to drive and out of all the girls in tokyo he picked one that never found it important to learn.
nodding he takes the keys away from you and opens the passenger door for you to get in. “as soon as i get some sleep i’m teaching you to drive.”
-first thing the next day han has you behind the wheel in an empty parking lot. you’re sweating buckets, nervous. You’re not even in hans expensive car, he brought out a beat up car for you to practice on.
-"driving is as easy as riding a bike," those are hans words as he starts his driving lesson. he doesn't need to know you don't know how to ride a bike either.
"the pedal on the right is gas the one on the left is the brake. you need to press the gas lightly…baby you need to change the shift to drive first,” han says when you press on the gas and the engine revs.
“i can’t do this han. we're going to crash and we'll get hurt or worse...die," you ramble on, trying to unbuckle the seatbelt.
han rolls his eyes and grabs your hands to place them back on the steering wheel, “yes, you can. it’s important for emergencies.”
with a shaky hand you change the gear to drive and step on the gas lurching the car forward. instantly regretting it you slam on the brakes, jostling the both of you violently.
han breathes out loudly, his hands pressed against the dash to steady himself, “slowly, gently.”
out of all the crazy, stupid shit he’s done in the past this is the most scared he's felt about losing his life. you're not a quick learner by any means. just after a short hour he decides it's been enough. you barely managed to get the car running without going 40 miles instantly. don't get him started on how you brake. you don't seem to understand the meaning of gentle.
-han is as much of a taker as he is a giver. he can be the most doting boyfriend ever and suddenly have you on your knees using your mouth as he sees fit, leaving you a mess of saliva and cum.
-you seriously don't mind. that man gives you so much not only material things but love and orgasms. you're more than happy to get bruised knees if it means he's enjoying himself.
-nobody would expect it from him but he's very adventurous in bed, han is always up to trying new things he's read on the internet or hear people talking about. most times it's a success and you incorporate it into your sex lives.
-one thing he had to convince you to do was to give him blowjobs while he drove at ridiculous speeds. you agreed to try it once and it went so well it's become a not uncommon occurrence. most times it’s when you're driving aimlessly with nowhere to go.
-he'd start at a normal speed, let's say 60 miles an hour. you'd lean over the center console and unzip his pants. han would already be sporting a semi knowing what's coming. you'd pump his cock on your hand, letting your spit dribble down as lubrication.
-once he's fully hard you'd lick him base to tip. he'd be going up 90 by then. he can only afford quick glances down to where you're squeezing his cock. when you take him into your mouth he steps harder on the pedal, 100 on the dash.
-the deeper you go the faster the car goes. han leans his head back on the seat to try and control himself. a hand leaving the steering wheel to press against your head.
-the speed of the car and the pleasure of your mouth bring han to highs he's never explored before. when he slows to an acceptable speed you lift yourself to settle back on your seat, buckling your seatbelt. the taste of cum on your tongue.
-han's the type of boyfriend who isn’t so much into hand holding in public. he’s more of a hand around the waist or arm around shoulders guy.
-when you’re fucking though? oh, he’d lace his hands through yours. he's thrusting into you? both or one of his hands is intertwined with yours. he's eating you out? one hand extended to grab one of your boobs and the other in yours. maybe that's why he can't do it in public...it reminds him of more intimate moments.
-when you go awol your friends know there must be a new man on your life and they beg to meet him. they're all pleasantly surprised at the looks of him, especially when the two of you arrive in an expensive sports car and he offers to pay for everyones lunch.
-they are happy for you. it's been a long time since you've dated anyone, your last break up leaving you terribly heart broken. they can all see han loves you and that you love him. it's clear in their eyes this is not about money or lust.
-sean lets it slip that han has a girlfriend and twinkie begs to see who she is. sean agrees to take him to the diner where they sit at one of the booths being served by the other waitress. he points you out as you take someone else's order. twinkie and sean naively believe you haven't spotted them.
-twinkie doesn't fully believe sean just yet. he's having a hard time processing that han has a secret girlfriend, then again when was the last time he saw han hook up with a girl? a long time.
-like most nights you work, han makes an appearance. you have his cup of coffee on the counter and greet him with a peck on the lips as you stretch over it to meet him in the middle.
"your friends are over there," you whisper, softly signaling with your head in their direction.
han looks over at them. sean and twinkie pretend they are engaging in a very interesting conversation and they weren’t staring at han and you. "i'm sorry. have they caused you any trouble?"
"nah, they think i haven't noticed them gawking," you laugh, still leaning over the counter. "should we give them a show?"
"later," han says, tucking a rogue stand of hair behind your ear.
you lean into his touch, a graceful smile blooming from your lips, "as soon as mina gets here we can go." you softly tell him, eager to get out of the diner and go home where you can cuddle with han. there's barely a night you spend apart.
-han easily strikes a conversation with you to pass the time. he tells you about his friends all over the world and the places he's been. in your eyes han is the most interesting man in the world so you hang onto every word he says.
-when the other waitress relieves you of your shift you grab your jacket and meet han by the door. twinkie and sean are still in their little booth, sneaking glances at the two of you. han finally acknowledges them by nodding in their direction and grabbing you by the back of your neck, kissing you deeply. you lean into it, wrapping your arms around his sides. he pulls apart with his teeth biting your lower lip, hands trailing down to your ass to give it a squeeze. making sure your skirt is on place with a little tug, he opens the door for you. as you walk out he sends the boys a little shrug and a smirk, following you outside.
-sean and twinkie sit in their booth, mouth agape at the spectacle han put on. in their head you're way out of his league. you're too hot. their waitress glares at them as she slams the check on their table. they've been there too long.
-the next day at han's garage twinkie tells everyone. “yo han why didn’t you tell us about your girl?”
han doesn't look up from his magazine as he responds, “i didn’t realize i answered to you."
earl and reiko look up from the car they are working on to stare at han. they didn't realize han had a girlfriend, he's always been a...free spirit. not one to settle for just one girl. then again they've only known about his life in tokyo not brasil, or the dominican republic, or california.
“out of courtesy, man! what if i had hit on her?” twinkie says jokingly. not going to lie had he seen you around he probably would've tried to get with you.
“i doubt you would’ve gotten far,” han mutters, taking a swig of his beer bottle. he likes keeping his private life, private. he likes having you all to himself. that way no one can use you against him if something were to happen.
“bring her around, han!” reiko tells han. "i'd love to have another girl around."
“eh, maybe one of these days,” han dismisses them, standing up and heading out to look for sean. they've got business to tend to.
-han is both an ass guy and a boob guy. it all depends on the situation. in public he’s more of an ass guy. he loves watching you walk away, the sway of your hips capturing his attention.
-when he kisses you on public he’ll trail a hand down your body to squeeze your ass lovingly. he's the type to walk with a hand in your back pocket. letting everyone know you're his.
-in private though he’s a massive boob guy. han likes laying in your chest, finding your boobs comfortable. if you're cuddling he'll bring a hand under your shirt (which is probably his anyway) and just caress your tits. he’ll play with your nipple, brushing it with his thumb. it’s not very sexual but it can turn sexual if you wanted.
-han would definitely bring up the idea of you getting nipple piercings. he finds them so hot and he knows they’d look great on you. is the pain worth it? probably. he promised he’d be there with you to hold your hand, he even offered to pay for them. it’s still an idea you’re heavily debating.
-the day you meet hans friends comes too quickly to his liking. you had left your phone in his car by accident and you were going out with your friends. before heading to a new club downtown you stopped by his garage. everyone stopped what they were doing to see who was in the SUV. out the passengers sear came out a high heeled foot and a long leg first quickly followed by the other.
-you walked out looking like a three course meal. hair and makeup done and hair flowing down your back like silk. a short black dress hugged your body, a slit on the side that came up high but not high enough to reveal anything important.
-you slam the car door behind you, entering the garage filled with cars and strangers. you're nervous yet your beautiful looks hid it well. spotting a familiar face you strut towards him. "sean...have you seen han?"
"up-upstairs," sean manages to choke out. pointing to the second level of the garage.
"thanks," you smile at him. you walk past twinkie, winking at him for shits and giggles.
the rest see you walk up the stairs gracefully, surprised that nothing could be seen despite the dress being so short. han's sits in a desk, handling money from his and takashis business.
"hey handsome," you purr, nearing him.
han hadn't heard you come in so when he looks up and sees you looking like that he does a double take. he pushes off the desk, the rolling chair making enough space for you to sit on his lap.
"you look beautiful," he says, caressing your exposed thigh with his fingers. "what're you doing here?"
"i forgot my phone in your car and i'm going out with mindy and the girls," you tell him, grabbing his face on your hands to kiss his lips. it slow and contained as you're careful not to ruin your lipstick.
"you sure you have to go?" han whispers, his palm grabbing a handful of your ass.
"i do, the girls are not happy i've missed several girls night," you tell him. running a hand through his hair.
he looks up at you and says, "alright." han carefully stands up, placing you back on your high heeled feet. he makes his way down the stairs to where his car is parked.
you follow after him until a girl intercepts you, "hi! i'm reiko one of han's friends, it's so nice to finally meet you!"
"nice to meet you too," you say reciprocating her enthusiastic smile.
"here you go," han pops up besides you once again, handing you your phone.
"thanks," you smile at him.
"i should get going before mindy starts honking her horn," you scrunch up your nose.
"you should come around again soon," reiko says, excited that there's finally another girl in the garage that isn't one of the models twinkie and han are used to bring around.
"sure!" you agree with the girl, finding her nice and genuine.
"let me walk you out." han grabs your waist as you walk back towards your friends car. he opens up the door for you as you slip in.
before driving away you lower the window and he leans against the the car, popping his head in. "you girls be safe, call me if you're too drunk to drive."
mindy rolls her eyes at han, "don't worry lover boy. we'll have her back in her apartment before sunrise."
your friend allows you to give han one last peck before she starts closing the window and driving away, "bye!"
-that night han waits for you in your apartment. he hears you before he sees you. the door slamming open startles him and in you stumble with a tipsy mindy holding you up. "i brought her back safe and sound. she's your problem now."
"baby!" you yell, letting go of mindy and falling into his embrace. you kiss him all over his face and hug him close.
"you had a good time?" he asks, looking down at you. your eye makeup is smudged and your lipstick is long gone. you can barely keep your eyes open as you stumble over your words.
"lets go get you ready for bed."
-i repeat, han is a great boyfriend. he takes you to the bathroom and sits you on the counter. he follows your skin care routine, taking off the layer of makeup left on your face. you giggle through it all even as he helps you brush your teeth and apply you lip balm.
-he guides you back to the bedroom, taking off your dress so you sleep comfortably. he takes off your bra as well, the metal decorating your nipples glinting under the artificial light. grabbing one of his tshirts you've adopted he slides it over your head and arms.
-han tucks you into bed and he promptly follows to pull you close to his chest. you've stopped giggling by now, snuggling up to him. "i love you," you whisper, wrapping an arm around his waist.
-"i love you more, baby."
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part 2. part 3.
i’ll also accept requests for han if anyone is interested!
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this is kinda funny until you remember that Tech flies exactly the same
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Then it becomes really funny
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valoale · 5 months
Merry Christmas to me I’m at the tyre shop watching my car get a new set of winter tyres and to be honest this is the best sight I’ve seen in a while
I might make it alive through this winter
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frankiesmusicbox · 4 months
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06: car classics
Inspired by the UK car scene, the soundtrack to drives at night with friends
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ffmaschine · 8 months
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Smoke him 😭🤑
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For those wondering how Kuroo, y/n and additional characters were dressed, this was how they looked. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Kuroo's Fit (Fanart by OMG7474_9)
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Y/n's Fit & Phone
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Hinata's Fit & Tattoos (Fanart by littleskrib)
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Naoki's Fit & Nails
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If you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to follow me for more. If you'd also like to be added to the tag list, comment below.
Taglist: @blissfullyrhea @nanastie @peachjaem00 @melbugs1 @jfoxxarts
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bubblellop · 2 years
6, 7, and 9 for the music asks <333
6. your current “on repeat” song
its this, 100% cuz i think about my blorbos when i hear it sorry
7. a song your friend introduced you to that you ended up loving
u just asked this cuz u give me music alll the time n u wanted to know what id pick didnt you gay boy
9. a song that captures your aesthetic
look i thought about this a lot n this wwas like one of the easier n safe options so <333
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gamermattsgf · 3 months
Tokyo drifters // drag racer Chris
Warnings: car sex / tit fuck / cum kink / fingering / cunnalingus / size kink / spit kink / enemies to lovers trope / dangerous driving ig (?) / mentions of smoking and brief mentions of alcohol / praise kink
Summary: what do you get when you cross a competitive drag racer with an equally as competitive opponent? Smoke, engine oil and a whole lot of sexual tension, that’s what.
Author’s notes: and so let the obsession with racer fics begin, but with a Chris flavoured twist. Chris strikes me as the illegal, reckless driver type, hence my modern twist on something very fast and furious-esque. Chris x drag racing actually makes me wet u guys I fucking love it, like- imagine him drifting around in a red Nissan Skyline gtr with his black and white leather jacket on, UGH it really just gets me going…
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“We could do whatever you want, you could fuck me in the back of your car” - HER, Chase Atlantic
The black asphalt glimmers with a coat of wetness and a pattern of oil spillage slicked over the top of it, the technicolour rainbow greased and worming in the fluorescent lights of the street as the heavy hum of revved engines purr in your ears and echo across the emptied roads.
Beer bottles and cans splash here and there on the dripping concrete with discarded cigarette cases and lighters balanced on top of littered leather jackets.
Illegal drag racing. Bets. Stacks of money shoved into the pockets of the driver that is triumphant at the end of the night.
You’re here because this place is rife with the best of the best. The ones who really soak their hands in the leather of their steering wheels, who breathe the musk of their seats, and who burn the rubber marks of their legacies into the very streets that they rocket through each early A.M.
At present you stand to the side of the pavement, smelling the stench of broiling petrol mingled with the scent of flavoured cigarette smoke.
Your eyes survey the various Suzukis, Mustangs and Toyota drifters, all in different colours and all with different painted decals to signify each of the driver’s unique personality, wrinkling your nose at the lack of female drivers leaning against their own cars.
There are plenty of people here.
The rules are simple, you bet on the driver you wager is going to win and then whatever number of votes the driver receives determines their starting position at the beginning of the race.
As your eyes pass over the mingling people chatting in heaped groups with different drivers, you dismally notice the one person who you most definitely did not want to run into tonight. The only other person who can match your speed.
Great. Well that’s just fucking fantastic.
He is on his own. His lanky figure leaning against his electric red Nissan drifter with sleek black wheels and windows, his raven brown hair dusting his face in waving curls as his hands tuck themselves into his black and white leather racer jacket.
A long white cigarette lies perched in between his lips, smoke lazily oozing out from the lit cherry before dispersing into the cool night air in front of him.
He makes no effort to smoke it properly, simply lets it rest in between the purse of his lips whilst he too, observes his competition.
That is, until his eyes trail their way over to you. Now you’re both looking at each other, and he finds it within himself to cockily smirk, your silent rivalry unnoticed by the rest of the bustling audience here to simply bet and watch the race.
You scoff quietly, pushing your feet into a walk, you’ve got to go and talk to him now.
You gradually make your way across the sopping wet tarmac road, heading straight in the direction of the one man who always knows how to rub you the wrong way.
As you go, you fish one of your own cigarettes out of your cigarette case, and then light it. It sparks, and he raises his eyebrows expectantly whilst waiting for you to reach him.
When you do, you stop and nod at him in greeting, mumbling a curt ‘Chris’ after whipping your cigarette from out of your mouth and resting it within your pointer and middle finger.
To contrast your cold behaviour, your arch nemesis tilts his head playfully, his smugness practically oozing from his figure as he retorts with a ‘hey sugar… ready to lose tonight?’. Your nostrils flare.
The only reason you came tonight to race is because you didn’t think Chris would be here.
You fucking hate racing him, in fact, you hate even being within a close proximity to him. He drives you up the wall, irritates you to no end and most importantly- absolutely chokes you with conflicted feelings.
Because how can someone that you hate this much also be someone you feel so irresistibly attracted to?
Chris always finds the most painful of ways to dig under your skin and clamp his claws around you until you’re gasping for air and practically begging to be let free.
Free from the inescapable prison that coaxes you into constantly thinking about him, even when he’s not around.
‘You’re crazy if you think I’m letting you win tonight, that money is mine’ you spit a laugh, before feeding your cigarette into your mouth and inhaling it to calm your nerves. He makes your fingers twitch, and sometimes you’re not sure if it’s because you want to wrap them around his throat or use them to pull his neck down into a kiss.
He raises his eyebrows and starts to once again use the mocking lilt to his tone that you know oh-so-well. ‘Oh really? Because last time I checked I’m pretty sure that money had my name on it’. He readjusts his lean on his red Nissan to make himself seem taller, and you grit your teeth at his teasing antics.
You don’t answer, and instead open you mouth. Chris watches the smoke that you had been holding in your lungs come seductively curling out, and he swallows nervously. It mingles between you two like a barrier of attraction before melting away into the damp air above you as you resume your usual grilling.
‘How’d you even find out about this race anyway? Thought you stayed on the South side?’
Chris shrugs and basks in the obvious annoyance your voice contains. He knows he’s in dangerous territory, this is your side of town, and you know the roads way better than him over here. But then again, when has Chris ever backed down from a challenge?
Plus, he fucking loves teasing you. He gets such a rise out of it every single time, in which case it’s worth hauling his ass all the way over to the other side town just for a race.
Just to see you.
He can’t help it, he just can’t keep himself away.
‘Friend of a friend’ he responds vaguely, before deciding to pluck the almost burnt out cigarette from his lips so that he can thrust it to the floor and crush it underneath his sneaker.
You roll your eyes, shaking your head in disbelief. You can’t believe that Chris managed to weasel his way into this race, because it’s definitely going to ruin your chances of going home with that prize money. To say Chris is a reckless driver is an understatement, he’s fucking good, but he also takes risks, risks that bargain with his life and the lives of others, so naturally, when people see his notorious red car pull up to races they panic and stay far behind him.
Not you though.
‘You best count your fucking days Chris because there’s no way in hell I’m letting you win this time…’.
Chris chuckles, his eyes narrowing in a siren-like way before reaching up to your mouth and slowly pulling your cigarette from out of your lips. ‘Yeah…? Well we’ll see about that, won’t we baby cakes?’ he chides, before fully stealing your cigarette and putting it into his own mouth without hesitation.
Your blood boils at his persistence and you spin around in a rage, wishing you could just run him over with your car. At least that would stop the heartbeat from pulsing in between your legs at his weirdly sexual action.
After watching you whisk away, Chris quickly gets into his car and slams his red door closed, satisfied with how flustered you had looked. Revving his engine with a humongous effort to get the race going, he knuckles his leather steering wheel before pulling away from the crowd to let them know that the race will shortly commence.
He is definitely eager to prove you wrong as he observes the way the heavy crowd of people disperse from the middle of the road and let the competitors and their cars through to their designated spots for the countdown.
Engines throttle and rev, starting up and growling like hungry beasts whilst you get into your own car. You then drive to your own assigned spot which had been conveniently placed somewhere in the middle for tonight’s race.
Suddenly, you spot a flash of red roaring up from behind you in your rear view mirror and you resist the roll of your eyes at Chris’ boy racer behaviour.
Chris’ car comes creeping up to level with yours. Slowly, the driver’s window is rolled down and you are faced with his attractive side profile, his nose delicately curving and his jawline popped. Except, now his hair is pulled back by a red bandana, leaving his earrings to glint in the fluorescent artificial light.
He faces forward, but then turns with another smirk plastered to his lips.
You roll your own window down, your engine also screaming to go, but instead of a red colour, your car exudes a violet purple hue, your front and rear lights tinted indigo with plastic filters that make the car in front of you glow a hazy pink.
‘May the best driver win, sugar’
The devil’s smile is concocted between his own teeth, the cheeky glint in his eye echoing the way he mockingly puts his pointer and middle finger up to his forehead to salute you before putting his foot on the gas pedal and roaring ahead to take his privileged place at the front of the line.
Engines growl, their exhaust pipes spitting out puffs of gasoline scented smoke whilst each of the multicoloured cars creep into their places.
An orange car motors past you on your right, and a grey and blue one slides past your left, leaving you in the wet spray that their scuffed tyres kick up, but you’re not paying attention to them.
Craning your neck, your eyes narrow and your jaw grits at the back bumper tail of Chris’ neon red vehicle, the red brake lights glowing like the eyes of a demon as he simply sits stationary.
The city lights glow from the skyscrapers and illuminate the starting route of your racetrack, the wet asphalt making the reflections of the luminescent lampposts shine and bounce about the technicolour array of cars on display.
Chris thinks he’s better than you? Well, you’re just going to have to put that theory to the test then.
You hope that his heart beats just as competitively as yours, his eyes constantly checking for your pink headlights in his rearview mirror.
Finally, reaching into your glove compartment to slide on your black tinted sunglasses, you shut it back up again to listen to the heavily increased revs of car engines. The muffled cheers from the audience provide white background noise whilst the drivers’ exhausts rattle and their pipes growl.
A woman in sky-high stilettos then comes walking into view with a white flag raised above her head.
The crowd suddenly silences, all on the edges of their seats with anticipation.
Without another moment to lose, she quickly swipes down the flag, the white fabric fluttering as she goes before engines shriek and cars jerk forward, each driver putting the pedal to the floor. This forceful way of starting roars the inner workings of their cars whilst they frantically try to switch gears.
Coloured machines weave in and out of each other as the gods of drag racing look down upon the fast-paced urgency of the race, drivers testing one another and pushing their bodies to the limits as they zip and swerve about the road.
You keep your eyes locked upon Chris’ monster of a car though, because it easily pulls out in front and his drive forward quickly clears of any other cars. They just can’t keep up with his intricate drift work and very readily fall behind him.
You’ll admit, his turn of the wheel is masterful and his eye for the surroundings is impeccable as he nearly just shaves around corners and obstacles whilst keeping a steady track of the pathway ahead. However, this only increases your desire to win more.
You find your foot gently feathering upon the accelerator, your car rattling within your ears as the wind from your open window beats against your face and whips your hair around your neck.
You have already overtaken a handful of cars by now, with tyres screeching and smoke exuding from the rubber.
The eyes of every racer competing constantly zip about, just to check for lurking police cruises whilst traveling down the racer’s route through the nearly abandoned city road.
Your beasts for machines rocket past alleyways, giving homeless people a show as your paint jobs flash by their eyes in a juvenile blur.
Gears click as both yourself and Chris constantly press down on the clutch to drift around tight corners, your teeth gritting as you realise that you are now only a few competitive cars behind him.
Chris, meanwhile, frantically looks through his wing mirror to count how many cars lie between yourself and him.
But, then he widens his eyes and has to adjust it in confusion at the infuriating sight of your purple car hightailing it up the road to try and catch him. Already?
This always fucking happens whenever he gets a head start.
He rolls his eyes, stepping on his gas pedal even more to makes his car groan and jerk away on in front once again.
His bandana stays secured onto his head whilst he chews irritably against a fresh toothpick selected from out of his own glove compartment that also contains random junk such as cherry cigarette packets and condoms.
‘Fuckin’ woman’ He spits underneath his breath before aggressively jerking his wheel to the side and rounding another corner perfectly. His car skids and his wheels screech over the asphalt, centimetres away from hitting the curb before he’s straightening his steering wheel up again.
This time though, he can see the finish line in the distance, the small crowd of spectators gathering like little observant ants, watching as his car comes racing towards them from the mist of the city horizon.
However, you come in straight behind him with your engine roaring and your gasoline bubbles popping. Soon, your window reaches his, and you look to your left to see his side profile.
His jaw is clenched with his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows sitting in a glared furrow. His pupils then quickly flit to your car, and you pass each other a challenging look, hate spiralling within your gazes.
And everything is passive between the two of you, that is, until Chris decides to fight dirty.
His lips purse and he yanks his neck to face forward once again, before turning his wheel aggressively. His drifter then swerves near your wheels, nearly knocking you off to the side and sending you skidding into the curb. You frantically have to straighten back up again after only narrowly avoiding the crunch of his front bonnet.
That fucker.
You yell to him with your window down, but he puts his own one up in response, his lips twitching up into a mischievous smile as he tries to tango with you upon the stretch of your own battlefield containing engine oil and concrete road strips.
He goes in for another direct hit, your tyres dangerously close to each other’s as his machinery tries to ram into yours.
Worryingly, you realise that Chris probably isn’t going to stop this dangerous teasing because of his determination to win. So, through your better judgement, you slow yourself and defeatedly allow his cocky red bumper to cut in front of your bonnet.
Chris beats you by a second, his wheels screeching over the pathetic make-shift line drawn in squiggly black graffiti.
You’re practically seething at this point.
After you angrily jerk your steering wheel, your car drifts to the side and it expels hot smoke from the grind it has against your back tyres before coming to a sideways halt.
You put your car in park, take off your seatbelt and speedily open your car door.
As you step out, you see that Chris has also stopped and gotten out himself, his sneakers crunching against the wet tarmac and his leather jacket squeaking whilst he slams his own car door shut behind him.
You clock eyes with each other and immediately find yourself storming up to his victorious figure that yet again leans against his car door suavely.
Whilst making your way over, someone sidles up to him and hands him a thick wad of cash that he stuffs right into his conniving little pockets with a mean smile of his face, aimed directly at you.
As you reach him, you just can’t help yourself, and before you know it you’re knuckling your fists into his leather jacket and yanking him right down to your face. His breath hitches in shock as he sees your lips close enough to claim that you are practically kissing.
Instead of actually kissing him however, you spit out a ‘what the fuck are you playing at?’ with your eyes narrowed and glinting frostily in the city lights.
They travel over his face, scanning him with scepticism whilst little strands of his raven brown hair curl out from the hold of his red bandana, no longer combing the shorter ones back and just letting them freely swish about his eyes in the wind.
‘Listen honey if you want me to pay for any scratches I gave to your paint job no can do, told you that money was mine…-‘ he cheekily retorts, using one of his ridiculously irritating nicknames for you to further worsen your drumming heart beat.
You didn’t realise you had pulled him this close until now.
This makes your nostrils flare with anger and you quickly release him, seemingly in denial of your own feelings as you listening to the way the zips of his leather jacket jingle at the force of your strength.
You scoff, sticking your nose up and further voicing your discontent at him.
‘Chris- you fucking cheated?!’ You shout with a small laugh in disbelief, your arms crossed over your chest as you refer to his illegal drag collision.
‘No proof? Didn’t happen, sweetheart’ he sassily bites back at you, which makes you falter, but your glare only harshens after he immaturely pokes the centre of your chest.
Does this man just make it his mission to piss you off as much as humanly possible?
Both of you maintain tense eye contact, your chest heaving whilst Chris’ eyes subtly flick downwards to soak in the look of your body.
As more coloured drifters cruise past the finish line, the silence gets awkward, awkward enough for you to spontaneously shouts a shaky ‘I want a fucking rematch!’, not really sure what provoked you to voice this random request. Usually, you couldn’t bear to be around Chris for more than 5 seconds at a time.
So why did you all of a sudden have the urge to be alone with him?
The way you look at him prompts Chris to suspect that this request probably isn’t just about having a rematch, that in fact it’s something much deeper… what that is, he doesn’t know yet, but he’s prepared to find out.
Clearing his throat, he slips a box of cherry scented cigarettes from out of his leather jacket whilst looking around wearily. You swallow, and watch him in silence as he puts one into his mouth and flicks on his lighter. Holding it up to the cherry, it sparks, and a small wisp of smoke puffs out from his pursed mouth.
He opens the door of his Nissan once again before sliding inside.
The scent of maraschino cherries diffuses across his ride and melts into the white leather seats as he shuts his door before using his hand to turn on the ignition. Then, he rolls down his window to thankfully still see you standing there expectantly and waiting for an answer.
Chris simply sits back in his seat, watching the wind comb through your hair as sickly sweet cherry flavoured smoke finds its way up into your nose.
‘Well?’ You raise your eyebrows and snap at him, your hip cocking sassily. But even though your exterior front looks confident, your insides panic and your mouth becomes dry at the very much tangible sexual tension within the air.
Chris looks forward for a second, leaving the both of you in silence once again so that you can take in the far away laughs and clinks of beer bottles from the left over straggling gamblers that are now only talking about Chris.
He squints his eyes with his cigarette still in his mouth, deep in thought, before crinkling his nose and sniffing, reaching his hand out to twist the keys of his car in the ignition properly. His car rumbles to life as he takes out his cigarette, resting it in between his two fingertips.
That arm decides to leans itself on the car door as his wrist and hand dangle out of the window.
‘Meet me at Carolina Point at 3am’
He mumbles to you, as if not wanting anyone else to know about this secret little rendezvous before he’s pushing down the handbrake of his car and it’s lunging forward.
He motors away with a singular hand gripping the steering wheel, turning it smoothly and leaving you with the remnants of his car exhaust fumes, his cherry cigarette butts and the smell of his black and white leather jacket.
It’s 3am.
And music quietly hums from your radio as you pull up next to Chris’ parked car, the glittering red paint job a flashy eyesore when matched with the dark background of the skyline.
Carolina point overlooks a section of the city that is well known by racers like him and yourself and so it provides a nice backdrop for the strange meeting that you two are about to have. Chris sits on the bonnet of his car, looking down to the veins of his city before twisting his neck to observe the way you get out of your own car.
A small smile ticks at the side of his lips before he quickly wipes it away and stands up from his bonnet, the machinery creaking and the suspension bouncing upwards after being released from his weight.
‘Surprised you came’ he muses, before spitting the old toothpick from in between his lips into the long grass.
You roll your eyes and meet him halfway, already nervous about being alone with him in such a close proximity, especially after what had already unfolded between you two beforehand.
‘Course I did, you cheated’ you muse spitefully, and stop right in front of his taller frame. But Chris edges a little bit closer after you had come to a halt, which makes your palms sweat.
You try to keep your composure, fully intent on getting on with the business of the rematch you had wanted, until you fail when you physically watch the way Chris’ eyes dilated at the sight of you.
It makes you nervous to see his body react to you in such a way, and that nervousness only gets worse after he intentionally lowers his voice to purr a quiet ‘oh yeah? An’ how are we gonna fix that hm?’. His head tilts and his tone is as smooth as caramel, the tease almost belittling in manner.
Your chest expands with a stuttering deep breath, the smell of cherries tart on his tongue and overwhelming as the scent stains his jacket too.
Your heart quickens in pace the closer Chris’ head gets to yours, but you don’t move back, even though every siren in your body imaginable screams that this is so terribly fucking wrong.
You blink up at him, almost forgetting why you’re supposed to be here before dumbly stuttering ‘b-by having a rematch…’.
Chris looks at you so hungrily… so primally, and you hardly even get the time to finish your sentence before your mouth is being engulfed by his. He doesn’t know what he’s doing, and neither do you.
His lips are soft and buttery as they rub against yours, your whole entire body stiff and your eyes wide, before you ever so slowly melt into his embrace.
Chris utters a quiet whimper of content and the noise almost makes you squeeze your thighs together. You didn’t even realise Chris was capable of making a noise like that.
Your lips smack together after Chris pulls away, saliva wetting the moist pink skin.
You’re trapped within a daze, utterly stunned and drunk on the taste of his mouth. Chris’ eyelashes feather, and he bites his lip in nervousness, testing the waters of what he’s just done to you. But you look as though you’re absolutely enamoured by it and so he grins in satisfaction.
He goes back again, this time more aggressively, to suck and pull on your lips, and you freely let him, not a single thought behind your eyes apart from the way his teeth pull on your flesh.
‘I- I want a rematch’
Chris pulls away just once for you to voice this timid defiance, however his only thought is concerned with how deliciously red and juicy your lips look. He acknowledges you only by dipping back in and pressing another soft kiss to your peachy pillows, humming a little ‘mhm’ in agreement but also not really listening to you as his face twists and his nose brushes against yours.
The wet sound of his lips sucking your plumper ones into his mouth makes your panties dampen.
‘What if I wanna make it up to you in some other way?’ He daringly mumbles against your lips which wets the skin even around them with his saliva. The arch of your back is subtle, but it’s still fully there as you weight up the pros and cons of this situation. But really… are there any cons aside from the afterthought of knowing that you let your sworn enemy touch your body in the most intimate of places?
At the present, it seems like such a small price to pay within the delusion of your lust. And Chris’ hands already feel just so magical when their big impressions carve their way down your waistline, sliding over the bumps of your hips.
Fuck they’re huge in comparison to yours. And that thought alone makes you wet, your folds becoming even slicker at the motion of Chris using his hands to force you up against the hard side of his car.
The metal and glass behind your back makes you shiver and the machinery is freezing cold in the already frosted mountainous air of Carolina point.
This cold suddenly brings you clarity, and for a second you have to fully stop and pull away from his intoxicating tongue, just so you can voice a stupid ‘wait- what are we doing…?’.
Your mind goes reeling and your eyes look like saucers when remembering just who you are kissing… and who is pushing you up against his car.
Your chest heaves and your voice sounds fully strangled, the vision of making out with Chris plaguing your mind and turning it rotten.
But Chris only gazes at you, understanding how weird this must feel, because it feels weird to him too. However he can’t help it, one taste was enough for him and now he’s hooked.
He pushes back into you with haste, his thick hips greedily pinning you to the side of his car as he groans an ‘ugh- fuck it, who even cares anymore?’.
It’s almost like he’s jointly voicing this to his own self control, because he then allows himself to messily paw at the side of his vehicle, frantically looking for the door handle to his back seat whilst fully enthralling himself within your kissing lips.
Your tongues twist, and it’s messy, but you love it just the same. Especially after feeling Chris beneath his baggy black jeans, thick and throbbing for you when he moans in approval at the touch of the door handle.
He curls his fingers into it and yanks it open, the suctioning sound of the door making your heart gallop tenfold because of the connotations that come with Chris forcefully pushing you into the backseat of his car.
Are you two really about to do this? What even happened to get you to this stage?
It all seems like such a blur now, the spontaneity of your actions helping to numb the idea of regret. An idea that you know you’re defintely going to feel in the morning.
But not tonight… tonight is about wandering hands and careless affections, between two people who just so happen to supposedly ‘hate’ each other.
He grabs you with a growled laugh of ‘c’mere’, his large palms splaying underneath your thighs as he hoists you into his arms and walks you around the sharp edges of his red door.
Practically throwing you inside, he’s eager to clamber in himself and restart his torturous decent of your luscious neck skin.
So he does, and he slams the door behind him whilst doing so.
Meanwhile, you spread your legs to let him into you, your ass sinking into the plush white leather of his seats as your back comes to rest against the opposite side door.
Now you’re seeing a completely different Chris, that hovers over you and gives you that toe curling gaze he’s perfected over the many months of first competing with you.
The gaze is reminiscent of the first time you two ever raced together, with a hint of attraction and chemistry there, until you started to hate each other as soon as it became more of a competition to see which one was better.
This Chris is so astronomically different in comparison to the one you had grown to absolutely despise, the two of you stuck in this viciously competitive cycle of building up tension after tension until all of it just burst and ended up with Chris’ head right in between your legs.
He yanks off every single article of clothing wrapped around your lower half, trying to resist the urge of snapping open your underwear and making a mess of the delicate red lace as soon as he sees it.
Fuck. You’re even wearing his racing colours.
‘These for me?’ He teases and raises his eyebrows whilst simultaneously slipping off your panties and lifting them to the side of his face.
Without knowing any better, you smirk and nod, guessing that it’ll drive his narcissism absolutely crazy. And you’re right. Because soon after, he scrunches up the soaked panties into his fist and throws them up to the front of the car. They messily then land on the dashboard.
He smirks down at your shining red cunt, wet stickiness practically drooling from out of your hole already.
‘Imma drive with your panties on the dashboard all the way home so that anyone who seems them will know how good I fucked this pretty little pussy…’
You swallow a pant at his crude language, not being able to help the shake of your hands or the blink of your eyes. ‘Do it… for me?’ You coquettishly breathe back, and it only drives Chris up the wall further. With this being said, he obeys and darts his head down to your centre, wasting no time in peppering small suctioned kisses against your inner thighs.
They quiver as soon as his face gets closer to your centre, and you know he’s just about to put his tongue on you because he smirks, gearing up to say another filthy thing.
‘M’sorry I cheated baby’ he pouts boyishly, before giving your clit an open-mouthed kiss.
You whine and buck your hips up into the firm hold of his rough hands, that have slid around to force you down and keep you from squirming away at his stimulation. ‘Forgive me?’ He speaks with his head tilted. Then a thick globule of spit comes tumbling from his mouth to plink onto your throbbing heat.
It greedily rolls down your pinkness and Chris goes in for another heavy kiss, this time closing his eyes to eat you like his life depended on it, licking around you clit and even dipping himself into your hole. He’s not sure when he’ll next get the chance to fuck you like this and so savours it with as much fever as he possibly can.
All the while, you lie with your back propped up against the opposite door, looking down at him with your calves smoothly slung around his shoulders.
You hypnotically watch how your thighs twitch at every opportunity Chris gives you, his tongue rolling over several pleasure points in an effort to get you to come.
‘Mmm-okay’ you moan before bitting your hand and mumbling through your teeth ‘I forgive you, please- please just let me cum’.
He had been savouring this for a while now, leisurely dipping his tongue in and out of you whenever he felt like it as he pressed his other palm over the thick bulge in his jeans, trying to suppress its ache by kneading it downwards and squeezing himself.
He struggles not to openly thrust his hips into his hand at the tiny whimpers you make, because you sound so pretty trying to reach your high.
He sighs before giving you one last rolling kiss. ‘I guess that’s only fair, alright I’ll let you cum sweetheart’.
Straight after he says this you let out a heaved ‘Jesus Christ!’, your cry brandishing tears within your eyes as one of Chris’ long fingers unexpectedly slide right up into your throbbing cunt, your precome already acting as natural lubricant to coat his skin.
It’s almost mouthwatering how good it feels, for both you and Chris. His finger seems to fit in there perfectly, and so he adds another, stroking your walls and curling them upwards delicately.
‘Can you fit three in there baby…? Please let me put three in… you look pretty when you’re drooling for my fingers’ he whines, his voice high pitched and begging for you to allow him the pleasure of three.
‘Fuck- yes, please, please put three in. I can handle it!’ You moan in desperation, not really knowing what to do with your hands, so one feeds itself into his luscious brown locks whilst the other one curls around the white leather headrest of the back seat you’re sitting on.
You white knuckle it when Chris effortlessly coos ‘there’s a good girl… gonna make you feel so good’ whilst inserting his third finger, its length making your back arch and the windows of the car fog up.
‘Look at you… fucking up the back of my car, needy girl’ Chris muses whilst observing the way some of your wetness leaks out and blobs onto his nice white leather seats, the condensation of your horny breath staining the windows and your hand practically clawing at his headrest whilst his fingers work inside of you.
‘S-shut up. You wreck the outside of my car, I’ll wreck the inside of yours’ you bite back sassily, your whole entire chin tipping back in ecstasy as you feel your orgasm clawing beneath the lining of your gut.
Chris’ fingers speed their pace at this, and the squelch of them working past your screaming orgasm nearly makes him cum all over himself within his pants, especially after hearing your continuous moan at the motion his harsh fingertip thrusts.
After you calm, you careen forward to grip onto the wrist of his hand, tapping out immediately in overstimulation. He pulls his sopping wet fingers from out of your core and then lollipops them into his mouth.
As you sit there and regain your breath, your cheeks redden impossibly further at Chris’ quipped demand of ‘take off your top’, still with his fingers bitten in between his teeth.
You do as he says, watching him pull his hand back out of his mouth with hooded eyes as you peel off the tight fabric.
He doesn’t even have to tell you to take off your bra either, you just do it, giving him the gorgeous sight of your tits resting on your chest.
‘This good enough for you?’ you tease, letting one of the straps from your bra slide down your pointer finger before tossing it next to your already discarded panties that sit upon his dashboard.
Chris blinks at your devilish action in shock, before putting a smirk back onto his handsome face.
‘Oh I am going to fuckin’ destroy you’ he cackles playfully, before curling his hands around the backs of your thighs and pulling your body to lay down horizontally.
You gulp as you tilt your chin upwards, watching the way he pulls his jeans and his underwear down with his gleaming cock springing up to hit his lower abdomen.
Licking your lips, you have to squeeze your thighs together at the sight of it as he then turns towards you and advances forward, with his lower half bare and his racer jacket and black t-shirt still in tact over his top half.
His pulsing cock stands on end, and he bites his bottom lip whilst clambering over your thighs to get to your stomach, much to your utter confusion.
That is, until you realise why he asked you to take your top off in the first place.
Planting his knees on either side of your underarms, they sink into his plush leather as he towers over you, grinning at your heaving chest. From his height advantage, he gathers a jewel of spit into his mouth and tips his head forward, allowing it to ooze outwards and splash against the valley in between your tits.
You swallow at this, watching as he then shuffles downwards and leans the head of his dripping prick onto the puddle of saliva he had created.
‘Push your pretty tits together sugar’.
Now when using this nickname, it sounds sickly sweet instead of full of malice, coated with a thin layer of cherry sauce as his cheeky grin perfectly mirrors the cheeky action of him using his hands to help you squeeze the sides of your tits together.
Your skin feels sticky with Chris’ spit and Chris lets out the ungodliest of groans when pushing his tip forcefully into the crack between them.
You hiss in pain at the feeling of Chris’ cock wedged against your tits, but bite your lip and ignore it in favour of watching the way he fucks his hips into them.
His pink head disappears in and out of the top opening and he has to fall forward and grip his hands onto the door to keep himself steady. He ruts himself faster with the added security and his car begins to shake at the aggressive motion.
He had done the majority of building up his orgasm whilst eating you out, so now all he had to do was finish it off, and what better way to do that than with his cock buried in between your tits?
‘Fuck Chris-’ you mumble with your mouth dropped open and your eyes glued to the way small drips of precum already leak out from his cock onto the flushed skin of your chest.
‘Ugh- I’m… I’m cumming- fuck- open your m-mouth’ Chris moans into the air, squeezing his eyes shut as the elastic band of his orgasm snaps and forces cum to come squirting out of his head, some of the sticky white liquid coating your chest, but the other half of it finding its way into your open mouth.
You wait for Chris to milk himself dry, your tongue still out expectantly, until he sees that you’re wanting permission to swallow it.
To help you, he reaches out one of his tremouring fingertips to gather up the cum smeared over your chin, then he slides them into your mouth.
You suck on them, swallowing all of what he has to give you with a tired but appreciative hum as he looks down at you with glassy eyes of complacency.
What the fuck just happened between you two… and why did he feel like he wanted to do it all over again?
‘You still really not gonna pay for any of the scrapes you gave my car huh?’ You speak up into the awkward silence as Chris shuts the back door of his Nissan, leaving the smell of sex to permeate within his car.
He lights one of his cigarettes and snorts, trudging his way around to the front of his car before yanking the door open, your bra and panties still resting on the dashboard and yourself still very much naked underneath your regular clothes.
‘In your dreams sugar’.
There’s another silence as the two of you just look at each other, not knowing if whether or not you’ll ever see each other in that kind of vulnerable light again.
One thing is for sure though, no one can ever know about what happened here tonight.
Chris looks almost hesitant to go with his face softening and smoke tumbling from out of the red cherry of his cigarette. He blinks to snap himself out of it though.
‘Cya at the next race baby…’
He tips his head and then slides down into his car as you look at him wantonly.
‘Yeah… cya’.
Author’s notes p.2: hot. RIVAL RACERS AND ENEMIES TO LOVERS TROPE OH YEAHHH. This is defintely the longest fucking thing I’ve done so I apologise for that lol. And I’m also equally sorry for the ridiculously long wait omg, I’ve been hyping this up too much so I’m sorry if it’s not that great bc most of it was written on major sleep deprivation haha. Also guysss exciting stuff is happening as I’m almost at 2,000 followers and me and @luv4kozume have got something really fun planned for us both hitting 2k!!
Taglist: @luverboychris @lovingmattysposts @luvmila444 @luv4kozume @stursweet @strniohoeee @strawberrysturniolo @thesturniolos @sturniolosreads @vecnasnose0 @meanttomeet @ellie-luvsfics @matthemunch @mattsleftnipple03 @robins-scoop @asturniolos @imwetforyourmom @nicksmainbitch @sturnioloenthusiast @breeloveschris @kvtie444 @rootbeerworshiper @chr1sgirl4life @hrt-attack @gigisworldsstuff @stargirlsturniololover @imlidewwallyhittingdagwiddy @sturniololoverr @jahlisa22 @bernardsgf @luvasr @meg-sturniolo @blahbel668 @liz-stxrn @sturnreblog @ratatioulle @isabellehoran @1800chokedathoe @sturnsmadl @sturniolossmut @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattswifey00 @sturniolowhore @skadltmf @sturniolosstar @luvsturns @mattestrella @hearts4chriss @orangeypepsi
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thisismeracing · 14 days
Literally you’re going to have to follow me with this one. You’re Lewis’s longtime girlfriend and you drive fast asf on the road. [insert video streaming service here] asks you and Lewis to do a hot lap. You guys do the hot lap and you are driving and having a blast and Lewis is both terrified and enjoying it
I'm ready to follow! 🫡🫡
omggg but this is something that I can totally picture especially bc Lewis said he doesn't like to drive outside f1 that much bc he always wants to go fast but then there's traffic. so let's imagine reader always manages to swivel around traffic and go impressively fast and lewis is baffled by that info the first time. then one day they're on a road trip and she's the one driving and he's like "are you sure we're allowed to go THAT fast?" and she's grinning getting back at him with "are you sure you think THIS is fast? aren't you an f1 driver?"
when they invite the both of them for a hot lap reader is ecstatic, and sure enough will enjoy the safety of the whole thing with the dangerous aspect of driving like a mad woman. fans will def pick at each one of lewis' expressions in the video, especially when he reaches to grab her in shock.
"BABE, BABE, THE CURVE, YOU HAVE TO SLOW DOWN" he's practically screaming and reader laughs, I tell you she LAUGHS and drifts (even mumbles that fast and furious tokyo drift song) and of course, fans are even more in love with her - same with lewis, even though he swears he wasn't that scared. they ended up having lots of fun with it and the fact that they got to watch everything after.
send me thots!
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lovelytsunoda · 5 months
misc. masterlist
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instagram au masterlist
violent delights have violent ends (mick schumacher, daniel ricciardo, pierre gasly, nico hulkenberg) 🌹
mick, danny and pierre knew they would need to fight for seats in 2023. they just didn't know that otmar szafnauer was going to take it literally.
the motorsports fiction recommendation list (part two)
the cedric diggory f1 driver au that nobody asked for but i wrote anyways
f1 drivers as characters from the magic mike franchise
tokyo drift
the day you kissed a writer in the dark ,, han lue 🌹🍑🌩
she's stood by his side for years. his loyal mechanic, the brains behind his brawn. but she'd be lying if she said that it didn't hurt to watch him flirt with those other women in his club, when he came home to her every night in secret.
see also: proud mary ( han lue ) from tina!: the series
the night agent
take one down ,, francisco jenkins 🌩
the fix-it fic we all deserve, and the ending that cisco should have had.
top gun (1986)
tell me something girl (are you happy in this modern world) ,, tom kazansky 🌹🌩
after thirty years of marriage, heather kazansky reflects on the time she spent and the love she shared with tom as she prepares to write her eulogy and say goodbye to her husband.
take my breath away ,, tom kazansky 🌹
temporarily stationed in nevada, tom and heather decide to take a weekend in las vegas to see their favourite new wave band. all the while, all tom can think about when to ask heather to be his wife.
top gun (2022)
sunday in heaven ,, jake seresin 🌹
jake’s favourite afternoons were spent with his fiancée and his dog, with hot drinks and a good book. nice and calm, different from his every day. but tell anybody that and he’d have to kill you.
uptown girl ,, mickey garcia🌹
she would do anything for her nerd boy. except maybe meet his friends in a crowded bar with a pool table where she can make a fool of herself in front of all of her boyfriend's friends. it's a good thing that mickey is a good teacher.
22 notes · View notes
aishnico · 3 months
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warnings: cheating, oral sex (fem! receiving), grammar issues
word count: 1.6k
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it was one of the nights when you, your boyfriend, takashi, and your mutual friends would go to his (uncle’s) night club, to celebrate your usual victory.
everybody is having fun there. your boyfriend’s friend, morimoto, was trying to hit on your mechanic friend, reiko. and her turning him down for the nth time will never not stop being amusing.
somehow sean and twinkie managed to get there. twinkie was introducing his new solid goods and trying to sell to some girls and boys.
meanwhile, sean was dancing and flirting with neela. you hoped takashi wasn’t looking at them. or else, he would throw hands on him. she’s like his sister to him.
but then you realized there was no reason to get worried. takashi was wasted by alcohol enough to doze off on some leather couch.
once again, everybody was having fun. but where were you?
in your boyfriend’s business partner’s tight grip.
sometimes you think that you’re a terrible person for cheating. but honestly, he deserves every bad thing happening to him.
you had no idea that you would start dating him just because you beat him in a race. only you managed to beat the infamous drift king by so far (spoiler: some country boy was going to beat him too)…
to your luck, that day he was kind enough to ask you what you wanted from him. his car, money, place…
you should have said his place. you could rule this place all alone. but instead, you said you two could rule here together. what were you thinking?
from that day, you slowly started to lose amusement in things that were making you happy. partying, racing, hanging out with your friends… made you feel dull that time.
and only god knows what he would do if you told him that you wanted to break up with him. burning the whole shibuya down is probably the slightest thing he would do.
it was until a tall, mysterious, long dark-haired korean man named han came into your lives. he races once in a blue moon. but he is as good as you and takashi. he managed to win his heart with his skills and personality. soon, he became one of his close friends.
you observed him for a while. he wasn’t a very talkative guy. he preferred to listen and observe. that was what he did between you and takashi.
he knew you had no feelings for him and that almost nothing amuses you anymore. so he tried to get some adrenaline into your life by starting to secretly flirting with you.
you would laugh at his attempts but also would turn him down nonchalantly. you would think that he’s a nasty bastard who thought he could get everything he ever wanted.
but he had no desire to stop until he made your whole face red and your heart beat faster than ever. him not giving up on you even after months made you fall for his charm eventually.
also, getting in between your legs wasn’t in his plans but he’s not complaining. you’re his best fuck, after all, and he’s yours.
he really did bring some adrenaline into your life.
today, once again, you were in his tight grip secretly.
he pushed you further to the wall as he smashed his lips on yours. you closed your eyes and immediately started to kiss him with full of lust. he took your lower lip between his teeth and bit it.
you moaned into his mouth as you stopped sucking on his upper lip and opened your mouth. he pushed his tongue inside and your tongues started to twirl in perfect sync.
his hands moved to your back from your waist. caressing with his calloused hands as you wrapped your arms around his neck. trying to get him closer and closer.
when you started to feel breathless you pulled away. panting while looking at him with full of lust.
dk keeping you as close as possible made things difficult for both of you. so you both felt like you hadn’t seen each other since forever.
once again, he smashed his lips against yours, making you lose your senses again. but you weren’t gonna lie, you loved the sensation that only he could give you.
your hands went to the bottom of his shirt as you tried to take it off of him but he put his hands on top of yours and stopped you.
“i want you to come on my whole face and your juices drip down on my shirt.”
you sighed and slithered your black, lace panties aside. he kneeled and grinned. you were already dripping.
“what a pretty sigh, is this all for me?” he looked up at you with a sly smile. you blushed and turned your face away from him.
“such a needy girl. but i appreciate it so much.” his face was now close to your clit.
you leaned back and pushed your legs aside and wide for a better sigh for him.
“so beautiful…” he whispered before his hot mouth kissed your clit. after giving some light kisses, he started to suck on it slowly. taking his time with you. you whimpered and threw your head backward. your reaction made him grin as he shoved his face further.
you moaned erotically and ached your back as he moved out and shoved his tongue inside your needy, dripping hole. your velvety walls clenching around his skillful tongue as he tastes your sweet juices. his nose is already covered in your wetness.
he groaned at the taste. vibrations he just caused sent more pleasure inside you.
you wrapped your thighs around his head and pushed him closer. basically smothering him with your slit.
he doesn’t complain, though. in fact, he loves this more than everything. the first time he had eaten you out and you trapped him there, he said that he could happily die like this, he’s in the highest step of heaven. and just like that, he made you come for the first time.
as he pushed his tongue deeper and deeper, you held on to his hair and pulled it. he groaned again, his hands caressing your plush thighs.
his tongue continued to hit spots inside your walls. eventually, he found your sweet spot and started to hit there over and over.
you let out a cry as you began to ride his face basically. you both knew you were getting close. his movements got faster and faster. his tongue hitting that spot over and over and circumlating inside your walls. your slit covering his nose and chin area.
“seoul-oh, gonna cum, gonna cum~!” you warned him. you looked down on him with fucked-up expression.
“go on,” he mumbled and made eye contact with you. “let out all for me, sweet girl.” he held your hands which were gripping his hair, and placed them lower, still holding them.
you noticed the tightened wet spot inside his jeans. precum already leaked out of him. god, he was so big and hard… you wished to go down on him or get fucked by him but he chose to pleasure you. your pleasure always came first to him.
eventually, you felt your core tighten, your bundle of nerves building up as your jaw hung open, panting heavily. tears rolling down your flushed cheeks as you clenched around his tongue for the last time. then came undone all over his face.
your fluids were dripping down on his chin and shirt as he wanted. he was smiling like an idiot now.
he pushed his head backward and gasped. you both breathed in and out heavily, trying to calm down yourselves.
“that, was, amazing.” he emphasized every word while standing up. he kissed you once again. you could taste yourself on his lips and feel his bulge pressing against your stomach. you looked down.
“don’t mind me, i can handle myself. leave the room first, i’m gonna join you a few minutes later.”
you went to the door hurriedly. but stopped to look at him. then walked to him again and kissed him hard for the last time for the day.
before leaving the room he called you by your name. you turned your head to look at him.
“can i um…” he threw his hand to the back of his neck. “ask you out on a real date after sean beats dk’s ass and he gets the fuck out of city?”
you giggled. “i’d love to.”
you were glad that takashi was still sleeping, but you wished you had known this couple of minutes ago so you could help han out there.
as you were sitting next to him you looked around the people. and saw han with two chicks on both sides. that sigh made your blood boil but you had to endure.
his phone rang and you woke him. he grimaced but took the phone out of your hands. “moshi moshi (hello)?” he answered and froze there immediately. you watched him gulp and get sweaty. it must be his uncle…
he got up and you started to follow him behind. “takashi, what’s going on?” you asked worriedly. “uncle called, told me he has to speak about business now.” he answered nonchalantly.
before leaving the building, han stood in front of him with the same girls. “has something happened?” he asked, trying to sound worried.
“business calls.” he answered shortly. before starting to walk again he stopped. he looked at han’s face and you noticed it looked glossy. your eyes got widened, haven’t he wiped out your cum from his face..?
“what’s with your face?” takashi asked furrowing his eyebrows. han wiped his forehead with his hand and looked at it. “oh, it’s sweat.” he smiled at him while licking the same hand. he didn’t miss to shoot a wink at you.
as all of you watched takashi leave, han slipped away from the girls and stood behind you. he got close to your ear and whispered.
“round 2?”
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nicksolemnlyswears · 11 months
We need a preview from that Han request otherwise we don’t know what your talking about😎
Anon, don't play with me 😏. I'll give it to you though, I've kept you guys in the dark. I'll be good and give you a lil' sneak peak, just cause I'm feeling nice!
The request is between the swoon-worthy, Han (obviously) and a racer!reader. I'm about 3.5k words in might reach the 6k mark by the end of it. It's a lil' flirty, a lil' cute, a lil' spicy. Also, it's not edited yet so no judging my typos!
Here you go!
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Han walks over to you and leans on the counter, there was barely anyone on the store now, perfect timing. He assesses you and your overly pink clothes, your bedazzled name tag, and the glossy pink of your lips. It's unlike you to be so pink, he recalls you telling him you hate the retched color.
"So this is where you work, Angel," he hums, toying with the trinkets on the check out counter.
"Not everyone can survive with racing and sketchy side deals," You mutter. One hand on your tilted hip as you shoot him an annoyed look.
If racing made you enough money you certainly would not be working in a store that makes you wear pink on every single shift. You could get more involved in the sketchy part of racing but things aren't so bad yet.
"True," Han stifles a laugh. He grabs a lollipop from the big jar filled with sweets for the paying customers and pops it into his mouth.
You extend a hand to throw away the colorful wrapping and he places it gently on your hand, fingertips grazing your palm. You're not a teenager to be reacting over such minuscule actions, yet you do.
"What are you doing here, Han?" He adores when he you say his name that way, pretending to be annoyed by his presence when in reality you love having him around.
"Wanted to visit my favorite girl," he responds aloofly, carefully gauging your reaction. Just like he expected your cheeks redden and you try to hide it.
"Did you know lying makes your nose grow long," you scoff, rolling your eyes.
"Could be useful," Han says cheekily, causing your blush to deepen.
To be continued...
I did say it was a lil' sneak peak. Keep an eye out for the full thing, it's coming soon...possibly by the weekend!
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mbruben-stein · 2 months
Tokyo Revengers Toman boys reacting to s/o crying over a breakup because your ex cheated on you.
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Mikey's blood boiled as he watched you cry over your ex-boyfriend's betrayal. He wanted to unleash his famous kick right on the cheater's face, but he restrained himself, knowing that you needed comfort more than revenge. Instead, he pulled you into a tight hug, letting you cry into his shoulder as he whispered soothing words in your ear.
After a while, Mikey gently wiped away your tears and suggested getting your favorite comfort food. He drove you to the nearest convenience store and bought you all the snacks you loved, making sure to get extra just in case. Back at his place, he sat beside you on the couch, wrapping his arms around you protectively as you ate and cried.
As the night wore on, Mikey noticed how exhausted you were from all the crying. He gently laid you down on his lap, stroking your hair as you drifted asleep. For once, it was him comforting you instead of the other way around. And he vowed to always be there for you, no matter what.
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Draken's heart aches as he watches you break down in tears over your ex's betrayal. His usual tough exterior crumbles as he sees you in pain, and he can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of protectiveness towards you.
He wraps his arms around you tightly, pulling you close as he whispers soothing words in your ear. "I'm here for you, s/o. I'll always be here for you," he murmurs, his voice filled with sincerity. He strokes your hair gently, trying to offer you some comfort in your time of need.
But underneath his gentle demeanor, Draken is seething with anger towards your ex. He clenches his fists, his jaw tightening as he imagines what he would do to the scumbag who hurt you.
"Shh, it's okay to cry, s/o. Let it all out," he says softly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "But just remember, that asshole doesn't deserve you. You're worth so much more than that." And in that moment, you realize just how lucky you are to have Draken by your side.
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Baji is furious when he sees you crying over your breakup because your ex cheated on you. His protective instincts kick in, and he immediately wants to take revenge on the guy who hurt you. He can't stand to see you in pain and will do anything to make you feel better. Baji tries to comfort you in his own unique way, by finding stray cats for you to cuddle, bringing you your favorite desserts and treats, and even suggesting some unconventional methods of venting your anger.
"I'm always here for you, s/o," Baji says, his voice filled with sincerity. "That jerk doesn't deserve you at all. Let's light a car on fire and throw rocks at it together. It'll help you let out all your rage and sadness."
Despite his violent tendencies, Baji's actions come from a place of love and protection. He may be a bit extreme in his methods, but his heart is always in the right place when it comes to you. He will always be there to support you and make sure you know how much you are loved and valued.
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Takashi was fuming with anger at the thought of your ex cheating on you. But as he saw your tears streaming down your face, his anger quickly turned to sadness. He hated seeing you cry, especially over someone who didn't deserve you. He pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly as you sobbed uncontrollably.
He gently rocked you back and forth, whispering soothing words in your ear, trying to comfort you in any way he could. He wanted nothing more than to see you smile again, to wipe away the tears and make everything better.
Takashi's heart ached seeing you in pain, and he vowed to never let anyone hurt you like that again. He would do anything to protect you and keep you safe, even if it meant confronting your ex himself. But for now, all he wanted was to hold you close and let you know that you were loved and cherished, no matter what.
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