#tolkien rolling in his grave
lacunases · 18 days
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lord of the rings but frodo carries the one ring like this
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marsconer · 2 years
writing lord of the rings fanfic is like. *has three versions of how an event goes* *goes into research tangent on folklore and anthropology* * cries about it* it’s what tolkien would have wanted.
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Celeborn has such a nice hourglass figure, I would
But I'm worried he'd faint out if you mess up one hair, he seems so fragile and like he can't handle anything.
Meanwhile Thranduil and Elrond seem like they'd get nasty sometimes. Gil-Galad idk maybe if his hair's braided he lets loose?
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gwaedhannen · 8 months
!!! celebrian in valinor fic!!! 👀👀👀
It probably won't be out for a while yet, since I still need to figure out what the heck I'm actually doing with it. Right now I just have pure angst. Which is fun! But I'd like to get to some healing eventually.
She cannot bear Gil-Galad, so altered by the release of his long burdens that she hardly recognizes his serenity. She cannot bear Celebrimbor, once her dearest friend, now forever overlaid by his dangling corpse and his accursed shackles binding her husband and her mother to his doom. She cannot bear noble grandmother Eärwen, who has never walked the far shore and known its inundating grief. She cannot bear kind grandfather Arafinwë, always with the correct words and actions to just for a moment, make her forget how marred she is. She cannot bear radiant uncle Finrod, for what are her scars against his? She cannot bear uncle Angaráto, nor aunt Eldalótë, nor cousin Orodreth, nor the absence where uncle Aegnor should be, for her story is of little note next to the tragedies and triumphs of their age. She cannot bear the dozens and hundreds of family, old friends, old acquaintances, well-wishers she has never known. “What a pity. What a pity. What a pity!” She doesn’t want to heal. She can’t heal. The scar tissue is all she is now, layer upon layer, down into the marrow. She should have stayed and persisted in that half-life among her true family. She should have faded into a memory of rain on silver glass. She should have laid herself down in Elladan’s gardens and let grief wash her to the Halls of Awaiting. She had to leave. She couldn’t let them bury her. Couldn’t let them see what she is. Queen of Ruination! Spoilt and turned, not even worth twisting into an orc. A footnote in a story nobody will ever read.
So it goes. Moping and wallowing in her deserved misery as the scars heal and start to fade. Until one day she looks up from the embroidery she is mangling and sees another footnote has seated herself across from her. “Hello, cousin,” says the once-Princess of Minas Tirith, of Nargothrond, of a sunken grave. “Gwindor and I have a third ticket to the Flinnrysc concert tonight. You’re coming along.”
Yes I know Celeborn has family too but shh, I'll think of how to integrate them later (and I'd need to come up with names for Galadhon and Galathil's wives).
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mxliv-oftheendless · 6 months
I’ve decided after only five minutes of Internet research and making flimsy connections to Tolkien’s inspirations and influences for Middle Earth that knitting is a thing and that Elves have the knowledge and resources to know how to knit. Also it’s a thing because I want it to be.
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kuromamesblog · 1 year
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Gandolf big naturals mood board 🥰
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maeofthenoldor · 2 years
Ok so ive been thinking of fem!Aragorn and now it lives in my head rent free, soo..
Her childhood crush had always been luthien, she would always want the elves to read the lay of lethian over and over again, and imagine the beautiul lady that enchanted Morgoth. 
Then one night she sees Arwen in the woods singing, she mistakes her as luthien and calls to her “Tinúviel!”
Arwen just laughs and invites Aragorn to sit with her in the night gales, and she sings her the lay of lethian, and she feels like she is in a dream. She falls asleep, and wakes up the next day in Rivendell.
She then tells Elrond that she saw luthien, but he laughs and explains to her that was actually his daughter. She feels really embarrassed and seeks out to apologize to her but when she apologizes, Arwen tells her it was sweet of her to do that. 
When Arwen leaves, Aragorn calls her Undómiel and they smile at each other, with a longing gaze. That was when Aragorn realized she was in love
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legoflas · 1 year
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Love these notes published in the nature of middle earth that essentially boil down to 'the first elves were just big horny'
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postnuclearwar · 11 months
Just realized not only have I never seen any of the lotr movies or read the hobbit, but that the only media I have consumed in its entirety from said IP is the fucking gollum game.
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thelunastusco · 2 years
We saw a take that was “if people become fans of an adaptation, then they aren’t REAL fans of the creator’s work” and “they probably won’t like the source material”...
That’s kinda crap, lol.
1. It’s like saying if someone like a cover of a song, they’re not going to like the original song, or the artist’s other works.
2. So what if they don’t? Sometimes the original isn’t all that great. Sometimes the original works are racist, or otherwise bigoted. Sometimes the creator was an asshole. Sometimes the original just wasn’t all that good.
3. People are perfectly capable of liking the original for what it was, and liking the adaptation for what it is, as two separate and unique things.
People are allowed to like adaptations-- just as much, or even more than the originals. People are allowed to be fans of an adaptation, and not the original. It doesn’t mean they’re not real fans. Someone enjoying an adaptation doesn’t mean anything besides someone likes the adaptation. People are allowed to like both. People are allowed to not even get into the original series. Let people like things! Even if you think the adaptation is shittier!
No, we don’t need to gatekeep fandoms from adaptations. The only gatekeeping we need to do, in fandoms, is against racists, queerphobes, alt right shitfucks, and others such people.
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Ready to do illegal things after seeing “lord of the rings” tarot cards being sold at Barnes and noble
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warriorfrommarz · 1 year
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Me all the time because of Legolas 👀
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themoonking · 2 years
why are there language options on ao3 for fictional languages. like is it drabbles and short poetry or are people translating their large multi-chapter fics into sindarin.
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hippocampus-studies · 2 years
now I'm no fancyman literary critic but I do find it a little sickening that a guy who survived the horrors of wwi went on to write several book whose main theme idea was "obsession with money and status is very bad" only for the movie rights to be bought by the company whose ceo is literally the richest man in the world and has the personality of a bond villain who then went on to pump 500 million dollars into his game of thrones rival vanity project
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bumblewarden · 2 years
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[from the ttrpg book]
arlathvhen is listed as an elven word still in use by city elves, but the only known usage for it only make sense for the dalish
conclusion? among city elves, arlathvhen is a swear of exasperation in the same vein as the english "for the love of god"
makes for interesting cross-cultural communications if nothing else
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cunked · 2 years
how is cywen supposed to be pronounced because if it's a welsh pronunciation then 'cy' makes no sense as a nickname. john gwynne, you have a lot to answer for
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