#tom holland likes Obama
midheavenastrology · 2 years
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𓆏𓆏𓆏Your outer appearance + astrology ✪︎︎✌︎
****Celebrities examples are all sun sign placements, but description would be more for rising+sun.
👀Sagittarius placements always have cat eyes and really luscious lips 👄 they’re like the siren 🚨 personified xxx I personally think they’re some of the most beautiful people that have graced the earth- so sensual, so sessy. ex: Zoe Kravitz, Scarlett Johansson, Alexa Demie, Lucy Liu, Jane Birkin, Brad Pitt, Gemma Chan,
👀Cancer placements …y’all are SO ethereally beautiful, like what ? You all look like fallen angels: full, round face, soft eyes and perfectly pouty lips. So angelic, so divine 👼not stereotyping but y’all do look a little moony lol 🌝 ex: Margot Robbie, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, Kali Uchis, Hoyeon Jung, Lana Del Rey, Hope Sandoval,
👀Taurus placements..your bone structure is insane. This one’s obvious because Taurus is ruled by the planet of beauty, Venus, but there’s this grace and goddess/god like energy of Taurus placements. Earth mama/daddy energy. 🌎🍃Nurturing, grounding peaceful. 🕊ex: Gigi Hadid, Robert Pattinson, George Clooney, Cate Blanchett, Travis Scott, Megan Fox, Machine Gun Kelly, Penelope Cruz
👀Gemini placements: there’s this untouchable kinda beauty to y’all. Almost like you’re not from this planet. Eternal youthfulness (Mercury ruled y’all) feminine yet masculine at the same time or vice versa. 🧔‍♀️Very gender fluid. Mischievous look in ur eyes. Deep set eyes that have perma Smokey eye filter. Smaller frame ex: Angelina Jolie, Natalie Portman, Lily Rose Depp and Johnny Depp, Tom Holland, Princess Nokia, Emma Chamberlain, Emily Ratajkowski, Stevie Nicks, Naomi Campbell
👀Capricorn placements..this one’s personal because I have many caprisun placements, but everyone always says I have great bone structure. I see that in a lot of Capricorn celebrities. Great smiles (Capricorn rules the teeth), oddly goat 🐐 like but in the best way possible. Beautiful skin and usually blessed with great hair as well. Actually really ageless, no joke, we ages backwards I swear…a little elf like 🪄🧝‍♀️ ex: my boy Timothee Chalamet, Suki Waterhouse, FKA Twigs, Kate Moss, Hunter Schafer, Jared Leto, Francois Hardy, Florence Pugh
👀Scorpio placements: for real, y’all are so frickin sexy. Like damn.. you got those bedroom eyes and killer smile. Even if they’re not traditionally handsome (like Libras lol) there’s always something about Scorpio placements that draws you to them magnetically. Hypnotizing. Also there’s a kinda vampire 🧛‍♀️ vibe to them ngl. ex: Ryan Gosling, Leo DiCaprio, Travis Barker, Adam Driver, Winona Ryder, WILLOW, Joaquin Phoenix, Drake
👀Pisces placements: otherworldly beauty, like so so dreamy. They have that “dream girl” “dream guy” aura to them. Enchanting, intoxicating. 🔮Neptune rules Pisces and there is a undeniable fantastical quality to y’all. The kinda peeps that you can’t really take your eyes off of. Old soul energy with deep kindness in their eyes. Mermaid/merman energy 🧜‍♀️🧜 ex: Rihanna, Bad Bunny, Ansel Elgort, Olivia Wilde, Liz Taylor, Lupita Nyung’O, Drew Barrymore, Erykah Badu, Kurt Russell
👀Libra placements : I always tell people that Libras are gods favorite. They got the charm+ the looks+the artistic talent. 🙏Sheesh 🙄 There’s a kinda sweetness to their looks, yet you know they’re hiding something from you. It’s the same trickster energy as Gemini. If you were to create the perfectly balanced ⚖️human face, it would be on a Libra for sure. ex: Kim K, A$AP Rocky, Doja Cat, Brigitte Bardot, Gwen Stefani, Snoop Dogg, Dakota Johnson
👀Leo placements: there’s def a cat like energy to y’all- cat eyes, cat nose- just the way you carry yourself is regal 👸 you’re royalty and you know it. Big messy beautiful hair and even bigger luminous smiles. Your aura is like a big ball of light. Super star 🌟 quality. ex: Madonna, J Lo, Austin Butler, Jason Momoa, Chris Hemsworth, Mila Kunis, Cara Delevingne, Obama, Charlize Theron
👀Aquarius placements: Def something really striking about y’all, it’s like a beauty you can’t describe in words. 👀Tend to be quite slender in frame. Badass energy. 🏍Intimidating, yet warm. Contradicting to a T and that’s Uranian energy for you. ex: Harry Styles, Emma Roberts, Christian Bale, The Weeknd, Kid Cudi, Alicia Keys, Megan Thee Stallion, Shakira, Paris Hilton
👀Aries placements: there’s a childlike 👶🏻👶🏻innocence to your look, yet because of the Martian influence there is a fiery 🔥quality to ur looks and aura. Super sexy, yet looks like you wouldn’t hurt a fly. Smaller frame usually ex: Emma Watson, Paul Rudd, Kristen Stewart, Saoirse Ronan, Lady Gaga, Kiera Knightly, Pharrell
👀Virgo placements: Virgo is the virgin🧘‍♀️ maiden, and earthy energy of Mercury. There is a youthful quality to Virgo placements, just like Gemini, but it’s more feminine and soft in nature because Virgo is a feminine sign. Y’all have this wisdom in your eyes, like you see all the worlds hurts. Kind, gentle, yet a hidden sexiness to y’all. The kinda peeps who look innocent on the outside but u know there’s something quite tempting about them. 😉Smaller frame usually ex: Keanu Reeves, Salma Hayek, Zendaya, Beyoncé, Blake Lively, Tom Hardy, Idris Elba, Sydney Sweeny
That’s all y’all 💜 thanks for reading 🙏
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tomshufflepuff · 6 years
you literally said that someone calling someone else conservative is an insult. and you get so riled up when I call your beliefs a mental problem. most liberals tend to be hypocritical snowflakes. Trump has done more in his short time as president than Obama did in his 2 terms.
okay and? Lmao I didn’t say it was a mental disorder. It can be an insult in my opinion if it’s by match the actual 100% conservative that don’t believe in equal rights for everyone (don’t fight me on this lmao most conservatives don’t like the LGBTQ community and are very traditional and don’t support women’s rights). I got all “riled” up because what you said is bullshit and disgusting. And nah you’re not right about Trump doing more. If you mean saying more offensive things then yes you are correct. Sorry I don’t know how you can support someone who calls Africa a “shithole country” and insults the CONTINENT’s people, but welcomed white immigrants from Norway? (His wife is an immigrant and doesn’t have US citizenship just an fyi) and someone who categorizes Mexicans as rapists and blaming them for the drug and job problems in this country.Let’s look at what good things Obama did:1) He rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% in 6 years2) He signed the Affordable Care Act which provides health insurance to over 20 million uninsured Americans3) Ordered for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden4) Passed the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act to spur economic growth during the Great Recession5) Supported the LGBT community’s fight for marriage equality7) Commuted the sentences of nearly 1200 drug offenders to reverse “unjust and outdated prison sentences”8) Saved the U.S. auto industry9) Helped put the U.S. ontrack for energy independence by 202010) Began the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan 11) Signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals allowing as many as 5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits12) Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to re-regulate the financial sector13) Dropped the veteran homeless rate by 50 percent14) Reversed Bush-era torture policies15) Began the process of normalizing relations with Cuba16) Increased Department of Veteran Affairs funding17) Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act18) Boosted fuel efficiency standards for cars19) Improved school nutrition with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act20) Repealed the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy (which is honestly one of my favorite things he’s done)21) Signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, making it a federal crime to assault anyone based on sexual or gender identification (something our country desperately needed)22) Helped negotiate the landmark Iran Nuclear Deal23) He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to combat pay discrimination against women (he a feminist lmao don’t fight me. Another thing he did that’s one of my favorites)24) Nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic ever to serve as a justice25) Supported veterans through a $78 billion tuition assistance GI bill26) Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”27) Launched My Brother’s Keeper, a White House initiative designed to help young minorities achieve their full potential (again, he believes in equality FOR ALL)28) Expanded embryonic stem cell research leading to groundbreaking work in areas including spinal injury treatment and cancersooooo should I go on orrrrr 🤷‍♀️🤔And the things Trump has done for this country can be debated on if it’s actually good.He wants to be allies with Russian and North Korea. North Korea has gone back on MANY promises in the past to not attack using military weapons. Russia, well Putin was a spy and now he’s president and he’s involved with multiple dangerous people.He pulled out on the Paris Climate convention which says the US will not be participating with other major countries in trying to stop global warming. Oh and he said global warming isn’t real.He said his inauguration crowd was larger than Obama’s (lmao it wasn’t.)He accused Obama of wiretapping him, which Obama never did.He kinda confessed on Twitter that that Trump tower meeting with DJ jr. was to get “dirt” on Hilary. Keep in mind that he lied about it many times. He supports Roseanne Barr who is a known anti Jewish and a racist.He called Mexicans, “rapists” and said they were bringing drugs and crime into this country. Not knowing that there’s more white American citizens who have been prosecuted for rape. He blames immigrants on everything, including “stealing jobs”. No okay lmao first of all, no one is “stealing” any jobs. The employer is often going to hire the employee who is a better worker. So stop complaining like a little bitch saying a Mexican stoke your job and start working on becoming a harder and better worker. Plus another reason why more immigrants are being hired is because a lot of them don’t have much money after coming here from Mexico. And they are willing to work for anything to be able to have enough money to provide for their families. The American employer sees that and doesn’t give them a fare pay because they know the immigrant will work for anything. So they take advantage and lower the pay for that employee so they can keep the money for themselves.He also body shames women and treats them as if they were objects. He hates NATO because okay lesson time, NATO was put together because of the Soviet Union’s (Russia) rose to power during the Cold War and were taking over many nearby cities and torturing people. So some countries in Europe and and the Americas established NATO as an alliance to fight against the Soviet if they ever rise to power like that again. And you know why Trump pulled out of it? Because he’s friends with Putin and doesn’t want to be in an alliance against him.He also wants DACA gone because it protects immigrants. Not knowing that you can’t get a DACA if you have a criminal record of any kind.Says he loves all of the dreamers yet he’s very racist and unfair to the majority of the dreamers in this country (Latinos and Latinas).Promotes a “Space Force” lmao what even is that the next Star Wars movie.He wants abortion and birth control gone and his excuses is because of his religion (along with Mike Pence) and they wanna get rid of Planned Parenthood just because they give abortions. Planned Parenthood does get government funding, but that funding does not go to abortions, just basic medical help to new moms. My mom went to planned parenthood, she obviously didn’t get an abortion 😂And recently, Trump locks children in actual cages in support of Jeff Session’s “no tolerance policy” saying that if you come into this country illegally, they’re gonna rip your children away from you. Not only that, but they didn’t even bother to keep track of children in any way and many children are still separated from their parents. And Sessions quotes a bible verse while speaking about the policy. Yet Trump supporters who call themselves Christians ignore this one bible verse, “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself for you were foreigners in Egypt. For I am the LORD your GOD.” Hmmmm 🤔Also, there’s this thing called Separation of Church and State that was mentioned by one of the founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, going into detail about the First Amendment in the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise of the First Amendment. So he really shouldn’t use a bible verse to back up his shit. Along with Pence and Trump using their religious beliefs to cancel abortions.
But I do not agree with everything Obama did. He did do some, well not so good, well bad things too. So I do acknowledge that Obama isn’t all perfect. And I’m pointing out a lot of bad things Trump has done because those are the major key points. He hasn’t really done anything good for this country, or our allies. And he’s not a good leader by being racist and sexist.
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tierneysodegaard · 2 years
Hollywood - Max Verstappen x Reader
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Max Verstappen x female!reader
Requested? Yes/No
Anon: Hi! I love Dog Days sooo much! I'm blown away by your writing and this is story is such a comfort to me. I'm not sure if you're taking any request but I'm hoping you can write another Max x OC. The reader is Max's biggest celebrity crush and they meet for the first time at Monaco/Miami GP. He's all shy & flustered but he manages to take the reader around the track during the hot laps. They get ask about each other in interviews/talk shows. A lot of shipping & happy ending? Thank you in advance❤️
Word Count: 3.7K
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, sexual innuendos, Christian Horner, far from home spoilers
Becoming Spiderwoman was a dream come true. It was finally the big break you had worked hard for. Being Spiderwoman had its perks, many A-listers would happily slide their way into your DMS hoping they’d get a reply and you’d go on a date with them, sure a few of them were hot and definitely grabbed your attention but looks would only go so far. So many of them would have similar lifestyles to you and things like that could get boring besides, if you force something it never turns out well. 
Your love life seemed bleak well… that was until a Formula one driver announced that he had a crush on you. 
Max Verstappen had been doing some press work with his teammate Sergio Perez when one of the questions asked the pair of you who their celebrity crushes were and Max said that you were. Since that the internet took off a little. You couldn’t scroll through your Instagram timeline without seeing someone make an edit of you and Max or talking about the pair of you despite the two of you never actually meeting. 
All these events led you to now. You and your co-star, Tom Holland, were currently in Miami doing some press for the next upcoming Spiderman film. The pair of you were shooting a Q&A for GQ. Thankfully you and Tom got on like a house on fire. As you were new to the industry Tom would always look out for you, sort of acting like an older brother.
“Hello, I’m Tom Holland!”
“And I’m y/n y/l/n!”
“And we are answering fan questions for GQ.” Tom smiled as he took out a piece of crumpled paper from the pot on the table which contained the questions. “Okay so… if you could take three people to dinner, dead or alive, who would you pick?” He smiled to you as you pondered at the thought. 
“Hmm, I’d have to say, Freddie Mercury,  Carrie Fisher and… I’m gonna say Maggie Smith.”
“Those are good choices.” Tom smiled. 
“Who would you take?”
“It’s hard to pick just three, I’ve met a lot of people I’d want to take to dinner, probably Obama, Lewis Hamilton and Heung Min Son.” He smiled proudly at his answers as you moved on to the next question. 
“Favourite scene you’ve ever filmed in any film or television show?” 
“These are good questions.” Tom smiled, leaning back in his chair. “Probably the scene where all three Peters met one another.”
“Arguably one of the best scenes in cinematic history.” 
“You think so?” Tom smirked. 
“Everyone in the cinema was clapping when it happened.” You smiled at the Brit. 
“What about you?”
“First first scene where I ever wore my suit, finally felt like I made it then.” Tom’s smirk grew to a smile at your words. 
“How sweet.” You could tell Tom was mocking you slightly, never in an ill-intent way more in a childish way. “Next one.” He dived his hand in before laughing. “Oh you’ll love this one, who is your celebrity crush?” 
“Well we all know yours.” 
“And I know yours.” Tom acted like a child on Christmas morning, swinging back and forth on his chair. 
“Well I don’t have just one -”
“But I know who fancies you.” His smile got wider. “Max Verstappen! And you fancy him back!”
“Wouldn’t say I fancy the bloke I’ve never met him although, there is something about how he looks post-race, helmet hair Max is something I could look at for hours.” Tom burst into laughter. 
“Has he ever slid into yout Dm’s?”
“He has not but he does follow me.”
“Come on Max,” Tom looked straight at the camera. “If you can drive around a car that fast then you should have the guts to dm her.” 
Well ever since that interview the internet went wild. The edits started becoming more and more frequent, more fans were talking about the pair of you and at that time you honestly thought it was just a bit of fun, Max would like a few of your Instagram posts and maybe comment on a few and you’d do a same. Nothing went further, that was until Red Bull invited you and Tom to the race in Miami. 
When Max found out he’d never been so nervous in his life, not even when he drove the final lap to win his championship. You were set to turn up any minute now alongside Tom Holland and he knew he had to drive the race of his life today after all, he wanted to impress you right? 
“I’ll be your wingman.” Tom opened the door of the car for you, allowing you to climb out. 
“If you’re my wingman I won’t ever get to kiss Max Verstappen.” The pair of you walked over to a Red Bull employee who was taking you around the paddocks and track for the rest of the day.
“Is that your plan?” Tom smirked. “To kiss him?”
“If you get to have your celebrity crush then I think I deserve mine.” You winked as you collected your passes, scanning them past security. 
“That’s why I need to be your wingman, I got mine and I can help you get yours.”
“Believe it or not Tom I can flirt my way through situations without you by my side.” 
“Is that why you’re single and needed me to mention Max in that interview to get here or?” His smirk grew, making you push him lightly as the pair of you laughed at his words. 
Miami was full of celebrities, even Michelle Obama had turned up. You had been watching this sport for years now and never in your life had you seen anything quite like Miami. It was hard to navigate through the paddock let alone the actual garages. Tom extend his arm back so you could hold onto his forearm as you reached the garages, last thing Tom wanted was you to get lost when Max was nearby. 
“And this is Christian Horner, I’m sure the two of you know who he is.” The woman who was taking you on a tour smiled at the man who extended his hand for Tom to take. Tom shook his hand, smiling as the pair said hello to one another. 
Christian turned to you, his arms open as you shared a quick hug. “There’s the woman we don’t stop hearing about.” You laughed at his words. “Not only do my daughters talk about you all the time but so does Max.” Christian turned his head, making eye contact with Max and calling him over. 
Max didn’t know why Christian was suddenly calling over. He was yet to see that you were standing alongside his racing Principle. When he got closer his face dropped at the sight of the woman he’d had a crush on the moment he’d seen her in the Spiderman trailer. 
“Ah Max, finally, I’m sure I don’t need to introduce you to y/n y/l/n, considering you don’t shut up about her.” 
Max went bright red at Christian's words. He kept his gaze firmly on you, trying his best not to stare but he couldn’t help it. The woman he’d spent hours thinking about was standing before him and she was wearing his merchandise. Max could have sworn he’d just died and gone to heaven. Sensing how awkward this could get your wingman decided to step in.
“Christian do you happen to have a bathroom around here?” Tom glanced over at you, a smirk on his lips as he spoke. 
“Ah yes, I’ll show you it.” He smiled, leading Tom off which just left you and Max alone. 
“Hey.” You smiled up at the man, hoping to break the ice between the two of you.
God even your voice was perfect. 
“Hi… H-how are you?” 
“I’m good thank you.” Your smile was bright, the sight made Max’s heart flutter. It was supposed to be a stupid crush yet here he was, already stuttering. “How are you? Nervous for the race?”
He let out a deep breath, letting a small smile escape his lips before he spoke. “I’m okay, you do tend to get used to a few things when you’ve been racing for a while.”
“Oh yeah?” You smirked. “Never nervous about driving cars that could kill you but you stutter over a woman?” 
Being an actress meant it was easy to hide your emotions, including ones like you had for Max. He might have been able to mask his nervousness but you could. Seeing how confident Max was in interviews and online it was amusing to see him crumble under you after just a few words. 
“I - Umm -” He stuttered yet again. You let out a small smile which turned into laughter, your laughter made Max relax slightly. “H- have you been around the track yet?”
“I have not.” You looked him up and down. “Care to show me? If you have time -”
“Yes!” Max may have said a little too loudly. “Yes, I have time.” He flashed a smile. 
“I’ve got an idea.” Christian suddenly came into view. “What about if the pair of you do a hot lap? We’ll set up some cameras and get the pair of you to answer questions. I’m sure if we just tweeted something out now we could get a handful of questions for the pair of you to answer.” Normally questions wouldn’t be asked but Christian had a plan, he knew everyone wanted to know about you and Max so the questions would be interesting. 
“Are you happy to do that, with me?” You turned to Max, silently hoping he’d say yes. 
“Well, I’m not going to let one of the other guys take you away am I?” He gained some confidence before mouthing a ‘thank you’ to Christian as the pair of you left to get ready. 
The Red Bull social media team set up some cameras in the car they planned on using and screenshotted some questions you’d read out to Max as he drove. Christian and Tom made sure the questions had some interesting takes. 
Max handed you a helmet as he opened the sports car door for you. Flashing a smile you thanked him before he joined you. “Nervous?” He asked. 
“Yeah a little.” He laughed at your reply, starting the car up, and allowing the engine to roar. He looked at you as the engine grew louder. “Is that you’re way of trying to make me nervous?”
“Depends how you are with fast cars.” 
“Depends who’s driving it.” You smirked at the man as he held his gaze with yours. Max smirked as he set off the car, catching you entirely off guard. “Max!” You screamed as the car picked up its pace without warning. The Dutch only laughed as you gripped onto the side of the door for support. 
“Come on it’s not that fast -”
“Not that fast?” You yelled as he picked up the pace before drastically slowly down to turn the corner, making you scream at the sudden change. Max couldn’t contain his laughter as he drove. 
“You need to ask the questions.” Max turned his attention back to the road. 
“Fuck the questions!” 
Max kept laughing, he couldn’t believe this confident woman he’d met only minutes ago who was so confident around him was now screaming and holding onto the car like she was going to die. “Just start with the first one.”
You pulled up the phone reluctantly. “What is the one thing you like the most about me?”
“You have really pretty eyes.” He turned the corner, making you jerk to the side. You held your arm out for support but the only support you had that wasn’t the door was his arm. You grabbed his arm, the action made Max look down at your hand before his eyes trailed up your body, scanning every inch of you with a sly smile. 
The fans were going to have a field day with that shot. 
“Thank you!” You screamed again as he sped up. “Jesus Max, umm what I like the most about you? You look pretty hot when you’ve finished racing.” It was bold of you to say that to him but you’d already said that on GQ. 
“Next question?”
“If you had to take y/n on a date, where would you take her?” You laughed at the question. 
“On what?” 
“Well would you want a more expensive date or a relaxed one? We could order in and follow Bob Ross painting tutorials or we could go to the Ritz.”
“Very creative Verstappen.” You looked back at the phone as you read out another question. “Who would win in a staring competition between the two of you.”
“Definitely me.” Max turned his head to look at you, not leaving your gaze as the pair of you stared at one another for a couple of seconds. 
“Max look at the road!” You broke away from his hold, pointing to the road but Max only flickered his gaze forward for a split second before looking back at you. 
“We’re fine.” He smirked, putting his foot down just that inch more making the car speed up. 
“Yeah you are -”
“Do you do your own stunts?” He suddenly asked. 
“Some of them why?”
“What about at the end of the film, you swung across that building and fell but landed on your feet, was that all you?”
“Yeah, I had a harness on so I didn’t die as we were rather high up -”
“Were you scared?” 
“So you’re not scared of jumping and swinging around a set that’s high off the ground but you’re scared of me driving fast?”
“I’m not scared you just took me off guard with it -” Max suddenly turned another corner making you grab onto his arm again. “Fucking hell Max.” 
The pair of you had completed the lap but Max wasn’t done there. “How good are you with spinning?” Your eyes widened at his words, knowing exactly what he was going to do. 
“Max no -” Max had already set off, creating doughnuts with the car, he didn’t stop at just one either, he kept going. Maybe it was because he loved the way you held onto his arm to feel safe or because he was able to just have you alone and when he was in a car he felt confident with you. 
Eventually, Max had to stop. His cheeks hurt from the constant laughing. He quickly opened his door, running around the car to open your door. He leaned over you to undo your seatbelt before helping you out of the car. “You okay?” He smiled, reaching up to take your helmet off whilst the two of you were blissfully unaware that your interactions were still being filmed. 
“A little dizzy but hey that was fun.” You smiled back as he removed his own helmet, earning him an interesting gaze from you as you were taken back by his state. 
“Fun? You screamed the whole time.” 
“I scream in the bedroom, doesn’t mean I’m not having fun, maybe if you’re good enough you might hear it too.” You sent him a smirk and just like that, you had made Max Verstappen weak at the knees. Reaching up you placed a kiss on his cheek before walking away from him, leaving a stunned Max Verstappen to blush at your actions.
Max had won in Miami and needless to say the after-party was an experience. You woke up the next morning to a flood of ship edits and posts of you and Max. The hot laps video came out just after Max had won and fans didn’t need to wait long for more content of the two of you. 
Photos started to circulate of the pair of you at the party. Max had his arms around you as the pair of you danced to the music. You spent your morning scrolling through multiple video edits and photo edits of the two of you. You even liked a few, knowing that would also more than likely set the fans off even more. 
You wished you could have stayed in Miami for longer but you had to fly to London with Tom, the pair of you were set to appear on The Graham Norton show for more interviews. 
“Morning Mrs Verstappen.” Tom smirked as you met him outside your hotel room. “Is Max in there with you?”
“No, he isn’t.” 
“So did the pair of you -”
“No, we didn’t do anything like that.” You huffed, pulling your hoodie closer as the pair of you left to catch your flight. Your phone vibrated in your hand, you looked down to see that Max had Dm’d you. A smile crept across your face at the sight. “Not yet anyway.”
On the plane you were finally able to answer his message. 
Max: Christian told me you were leaving today, have you left yet? X
You: We have, we’re going back to London for press, I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye x
Max: Don’t apologise, are you free on the 25th? X
You: I believe so, how come? X
Max: Will you still be in London then? X
You: Yes x
Max: I wanted to ask you in person but seeing as you’re no longer in Miami I’ll ask you now, would you like to go on a date? As you’re in London we could go to the Ritz? I’ll book everything and if you’re free that weekend would you like to come to Monaco with me for the race? X
You: I’d love to Verstappen x
Max: Thank fuck x
“What’s got you smiling like that?” Tom’s voice grabbed your attention, snapping your head up your smile faded when you realised what he was alluding to. 
“Nothing -”
“He’s messaged you hasn’t he?”
“He -”
“What’s he said?” Tom smirked. “Oh come on y/n you’ve got to tell me -”
“He asked me out on a date, he wanted to ask in person but considering we’re up in the sky that might be rather hard.”
“What did you say?”
“Take a guess.” It was now your time to smirk. 
“Where are the two of you going?”
“The Ritz -”
“Bloody hell he must fancy you, that place is expensive.” 
You arched your brows at his comment. “As if your bank account would be damaged if you went there.” 
“You know if things work out well between the two of you we could all go on a double date.”
“Well I hope they do because I’m going to Monaco with him after.”
“Please use protection I don’t want mini y/n’s running around, one’s bad enough.” Tom smiled as you flipped him off, sinking back into your chair to text Max. 
“y/n I have to ask.” You sat alongside Tom and a few other celebrities as Graham Norton started to interview everyone. He was yet to ask about Max which was surprising considering it was all anyone was talking about currently. “You and Max Verstappen…” The crowd cheered as you broke out into a smile. “Is there anything between the two of you?”
“Well…” Your smile didn’t falter. “I hope so.” The crowd screamed again. “We have a date set up and well… who knows what will happen.”
It wasn’t just you who had been questioned about the two of you. Max had to deal with interviews all year round, thankfully for you, it was only when you had an upcoming project coming out or if you were invited on a talk show out of the blue. He’d said the same, that the two of you were going on a date in the near future. You knew it would be hard to keep your relationship hidden from the public eye as everyone was still very much obsessed with the two of you but the reaction was very positive so maybe the two of you could be the next parents of Hollywood, despite his profession.
You’d managed to survive the endless questions and the constant teasing from Tom who was determined to have your upcoming relationship talked back so maybe the press would back down from his. 
Opening the door to one of the dressing rooms which held your belongings you were met with bright ocean eyes and a mess of brown hair. Standing in the middle of your dressing room was a very tired Max Verstappen who evidently took the first flight he could to London after you’d left. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” You looked down at his hands which had a large bouquet of flowers tightly grasped between them. 
“I - I’ve just realised how weird this must be -” His confidence fell. You warmed to his words, he really did like you. 
“It’s not weird, if anything I’m actually rather impressed you managed to get a flight out here, make yourself look presentable after that hangover you must have gotten last night and pick up flowers.”
“I am very tired.” He let out a breath of relief. 
“Well…” You stepped closer to him, your hands resting above his. “Why don’t you come home with me and this time I’ll drive.” 
“Sounds perfect.” He planted a kiss on your forehead. “I hope you like the flowers too, I wasn’t sure which ones to get so Daniel helped.”
“They’re beautiful Max.” You took them into your hands, admiring how stunning they were before moving one hand to lace into his. “Come on, I’m fucking shattered.” 
Needless to say, the photos of the two of you holding hands as you left the set went down a treat on social media. 
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strawberrymolklover · 2 years
Things to do when bored because seriously
Hi guys, this is my first ever post and I’ve been hella bored since school has officially ended for me (like what? a month now but whatevs I’m still bored) and I’ve looked everywhere for things to actually do when I’m bored but nothing really *piques* my interests. I guess this is up to you guys if you want to do it or not, I am simply here to give my ideas on what I do to pass time and some generic things, but I’ll try to spice things up. Enjoy : D
1. Go to pinterest and make a vision board of your dream life (You could add the house/job/type of love/pets/car/places to travel/frienship groups that you would want).
2. If you’re desperate like me and want to move out, you can also create a vision board of your dream home in pinterest (add the furniture you like and what you would  want to include in your future home such as cool rooms like a secret library or a movie theatre).
3. Go on roblox - like seriously, it’s so fun. Even better with friends, huddle up on skype or discord and game all night, or day. Or play by yourself. Some good recs are Project Lazarus (A zombie shooting game), Hide and Seek (Deadass what the name says), Speed draw! (A drawing competition game) and Speed run 4 (Basically what the name says).
4. Download wattpad and read some weird fanfic, I haven’t touched Wattpad in a long time but I know it has some weird fanfics there, and I bet you’ll laugh so hard. I haven’t done this but go ahead and write “weird fanfics” and it’ll come up an example of funny fics might be with the weirdest people like “Tom holland and Jeffree Starr” (that’s acc terrifying). I remember one being “Trump and Obama fanfic”.
5. Go on Virtual Piano and play some tunes -  Even if you’re not a pro at playing the piano just try to find the right note of the song and play the melody, or press a bunch of notes lol. It’s fun and honeslty you feel like a musician lmao.
6. Write a letter to your future self. Do it rn. It’s honestly such a good thing to do, not only do you waste time but it’s literally a time capsule where you open it in like 5 years or longer. You’ll look back and think of how much times have changed, plus it’s really meaningful. You can write about certain topics like about how much have you think you’ve changed in 5 years time and guess about how you look like in the letter, or If you got your dream job in 5 years. Or did you meet the love of your life by then? It’s up to you.
7. Take time to actually watch something fun. Please do. Either it be a documentary or a movie or a gameplay on youtube - do it. Idk if it’s just me but I don’t like watching videos, especially movies for some reason. I just like to skip parts because I want to get straight into the action and watch the plot but if you actually find the right video to watch then automatically you’re hooked. Go buy tickets to that movie you wanted to watch in theaters or watch the show you wanted too all along on Netflix. Or binge watch some old childhood shows. Some recs I can give is Heartstopper (LGTBQ+ show), The walking dead game (Zombies duhh), Brooklyn 99 (Detectives + comedy in a nutshell) and Wild babies (Wild life docuseries) and Totally spies (Childhood cartoons).
8. Make a face mask - I don’t really like putting on face masks (I don’t like the wet and cold texture on my face) but there are a lot of pros of making one and lathering it up on your face. You can get rid of your acne and pimples, it rejuvinates your skin and makes your face look shinier. Go on google and search for a real face mask that you can DIY.
9. Make a list of countries you wanna visit and make an itinerary of it. Wanna travel soon? Good time to do this when you’re bored, am I right? Look into countries like Spain, South Africa, Vietnam or Colombia and go into detail about the things you want to do there and even plan out the hotels and activities you’ll do and go to. Put in gorgeous pictures of the place or some video links to remind you of countries you need to go to ASAP hehe. 
10.  Make a survival plan for fictional events, like a zombie apocolypse or an alien invasion. I am obsessed with zombie apocolypses (Mainly because of TWDG lol) so it’s fun to think of ways to escape and the gear you might wear, how you’d escape with your group of friends and what you might bring along with you. E.g if I was in a zombie apocalypse i’d wear leather jackets, bring a pocket knife, my transport would be a bicycle etc. If you want to, make up a mini story about the fictional event and how you would survive!
Alright, that’s all that I have because that’s all that I’ve done during my holiday, no fr LMAO. Hopefully that’s a bit different than your usual ‘things to do when you’re bored’ list, well not quite, I do have some already known things on the list but i’d recommend you to do it. Ik you guys might think that some things on the list are boring but for me I had lots of fun doing it, so hopefully they are to you lot. Have fun not being bored, toodles :P 
- Strawberrymolklover <3
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the-empress-7 · 3 years
re John Travolta
I did some googling on this and you know what I realized? That when he danced with Diana at the White House in 1985, his career was on a downswing. He had only just a couple of successful hits then (arguably Welcome Back Kotter, Saturday Night Fever, and Grease), but most of the work that he's well known for didn't happen till the mid-90s, so about 10 years after the dance with Diana.
So I think if we're discussing who Kate's version of John Travolta it wouldn't be anyone who's currently extremely popular (sorry, Tom Holland and Taron Egerton) or who's had a long career (sorry, Hugh Jackman). And he would most definitely be American (sorry, everyone).
If we're going for a literal "who is the new John Travolta" in terms of his status as a former heartthrob who hadn't made the big leap into cinematic film, then it could probably be someone like Taylor Lautner or Zac Efron or Ryan Gosling, who were both huge in the 2010s (which was like John in the 1970s) but kinda fell off the radar since.
If we're going for more of a metaphorical "who's the new John Travolta" in terms of which celebrity would most likely get an invite to the White House, it's probably someone like Leo DiCaprio (who shares conservation/sustainment interests with William) or Bradley Cooper (who's been to the White House a few times when Obama was there) or Jeff Bezos (who supports Earthshot).
If we're going for a more eye candy approach, as John Travolta was to Diana's age group in 1985, then it's probably one of the Superhero Chrises (Pine, Pratt, or Evans) if looking for modern-day eye candy or someone who was huge in the late 90s/early 00s like Freddie Prinze Jr. or one of the Joshes. (re Freddie - talk about someone aging like fine wine!)
If we're talking about someone with a huge influence on current American popular, again it's probably going to be someone linked to Marvel or whatever the "it" thing is at the time.
But for someone to have that same sort of flirty rapport with Kate that John had with Diana, I think it would probably have to be someone sporty like maybe Andy Roddick or whoever the current "it" guy of American sports is at the time she comes over.
(I am not sorry I spent a lot of time researching this because there were lots of gorgeous pictures to consider.)
My personal opinion if KP is listening: Mahershala Ali, John David Washington, Freddie Prinze Jr., Zac Efron, Henry Golding, and Milo Ventimiglia.
I love how much thought you put into this. You know who else I just thought of? Bradley Cooper.
Also Henry Golding is my bae 😍
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
All the comments that Jared stans are making about Jensen and Misha are very telling. They're insecure about their fave and his "success" so they have to put down the other two, when they all clearly chose slightly different career paths and none of them is doing terribly. Yes, we can call Jared successful in a sense. He does have his own show and is an EP. He does get photoshoots and interview. And that's fine. But just because Jensen didn't want to be tied down to a one show/networks (yet) 1/?
2/? when let's be clear, he'd totally get a similar deal from Pedowitz who is super eager to keep both Js in his stable, and decided to breach into more mainstream stuff with The Boys or even Rust, which yes, was an Indie movie, but he'd star alongside a highly popular and we'll known A-list actor, with other successful people, like Travis Fimmel, doesn't mean he's doing badly. Yes, The Boys is an ensembl, but a good regular role - which is what Jensen has in The Boys - in a highly mainstream 3/? and critically acclaimed show, along other popular and successful people, can do wonders for an actor and open so many doors for him. I mean, just look at who watches The Boys. Obama, Taika Waititi, Tom Holland - and those are just the ones we know off. The show didn't get 5 Emmys nominations for nothing. So yes, that "small role" (which is not small at all as Soldier Boy is a main focus of the entire season) can a be huge for him. Because you never know who is gonna see him there and take 4/? notice. That's how many now super popular actors are discovered. By being part od other successful projects and right people seeing them and being impressed. So yes, Jensen is doing just fine. Not to mention, he is an EP now. Regardless how The Winchesters will do, dude has a whole ass production company and a deal with The WB and at least 5 projects in the development stages (based on what he himself said last March during Virtual con). His voice over gigs are doing amazing, and that's 5/5 always something he do on the side, to keep his name out there. As for Misha, he's most of all seem happy wuth what he is doing. Just because he's not a lead or EP doesn't mean he's not successful in his own right. Jared stans need to shut up and focus on their fave and his success. Sorry this got so long.
No apologies needed for long asks, love! 
Reading this message made me think of Jon Bernthal and The Walking Dead. He played Shane on TWD and was a pretty big character and then was killed off. Andrew Lincoln who played Rick stayed on for more seasons until he left too. If you compare their run on TWD, you’d say that Andy was more successful because he was on the show longer and had a chance to build a bigger fanbase, right? Well if you look at them now, Andy has done a few projects but he’s staying pretty lowkey and spending time with family, doing charity things, doing his own thing. Jon on the other hand is all over the place, doing project after project, so if you look at it from that point of view, you’d assume Jon was more successful. It depends on how you look at it but it boils down to Andy and Jon both having success in different ways. 
Just because Jensen and Misha are going down their own paths doesn’t make them less successful than Jared. It’s telling that the only people that are pushing and pushing so hard on the “Jared is the biggest success!!!!” idea are Jared’s stans. No one else cares. If you wanna look at how “successful” they are outside of their work projects, Jared is probably the least successful. 
Just because Jensen isn’t starring on some terribly written CW show doesn’t mean he’s not successful. He’s doing a lot in front of and behind the camera and being on an ensemble show doesn’t make you less of a star. Just like Jon Bernthal, he was on TWD as one of many characters and he’s doing just fine. Plenty of people watch The Boys and plenty of people are interested in the cast of the show. 
As for Misha, he isn’t doing a lot of acting at the moment, but the guy seems more than happy to be doing his own thing. He seemed really stoked about his poetry book, he seems excited for his Road Food show, and he seems to enjoy laying low, that doesn’t mean he’s not successful. 
I’ve said it before that if Jared stans put their time and energy into supporting Jared, maybe he’d be more successful in the numbers department and Walker would be doing better, but they want to take their time and try and tear down others and attack people who speak up against Jared. Maybe they’re secretly fans of Jensen and Misha and that’s why they spend so much time following them and stalking their projects.
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kamixae · 4 years
The signs appearence
These are observations i made based on people i’ve met :) Check your sun,moon,rising and planets that are aspecting your ascendant (especially conjunct and opposite) !
Aries (Mars) : They usually have veryy dark hair, dark eyebrows, dark beard etc. Their eyebrows are really prominant and they also might have acne. Their eyes are intense but it’s different from scorpio’s intensity, they have more of a “fiery” intensity.
Exp : Lady gaga / Robert Downey jr / Mariah Carey / Emma Watson
Taurus (Venus) : They have large features, especially the mouth. Their eyes are almond and when they smile they have kind of puppy eyes ^o^ (example Jeno from nct’s eyes). They have strong jaws and that are a bit squarrish. Women are curvy and men have strong bodies with an earthy vibe ~
Exp : Adele / John Cena / Gigi Hadid / Dwayne Jhonson
Gemini (Mercury) : THEIR EYES !!! Geminis eyes are soo pretty, they’re so sparkly and bright, you feel like they hold all mysteries of the world. Also their eyes are usually upturned. They are very attractive, their body is slim and they’re also very stylish.
Exp : Natalie Portman / Kanye West / Jhonny Depp / Tom Holland
Cancer (Moon) : They have a round face (just like the moon) and are very pale. Lot of cancers i know have AMAZIING skin ! Their lips are pretty and pinkish. They have full apple cheeks. Cancer women usually have big breasts. They have a very dreamy vibe
Exp : Selena Gomez / Post Malone / Lana Del Rey / Ariana Grande
Leo (Sun) : They also have round face. But the MOST noticeable thing about them is their hair ! They don’t always have nice hair, but there’s always something special about leos hair (color, thickness, haircut..) Their height is average and they kinda look like cats lmao
Exp : Joey King / Shawn Mendes / Kylie Jenner / Barack Obama
Virgo (Mercury) : There’s a very calm and pure vibe to them. They have a slim and oval face. Their eyes are usually sharp and you can feel like they’re analyzing you in some way. Their jaws are usually V shaped, and they can have slim bodies
Exp :  Beyoncé / Keanu Reeves / Zendaya / Dylan O’brien
Libra (Venus) : Libras are really feminine, even males. They have the best lips, very full and also nice teeth. They can have dimples too and their smile is so attractive, they also have a puppy eyes when they smile just like Taurus. Also their features are so symmetric. Women have nice hourglass body.
Exp : Bella Hadid / Zac Effron / Kim Kardashian / Will Smith
Scorpio (Pluto/Mars) : Scorpios are really popular for their eyes, they have a very intense gaze and it’s so penetrating. Some people find it intimidating but others find it extremely attractive. Just like Aries they have very dark facial hair, their eyes are really dark too ! They usually have dark circles and they have a really sexy smirk ;)
Exp : Anne Hathaway / Leonardo DiCaprio / Winona Ryder / Ryan Reynolds
Sagittarius (Jupiter) : The most noticeable thing for sagittarius is their body ! They are either really tall or have a very sportif and even muscular body. They have really nice thighs and butt also their shoulders are broad. The face tend to be oval and they have bright and warm eye and hair colors. They also have a large smile and tend to smile a looot
Exp : Nicki Minaj / Brad Pitt / Miley Cirus / Taylor Swift
Capricorn (Saturn) : They have strong jawline, sometimes an oblong face shape. They also have really cute ears that stick out. They have round eyes and a serious look on their face, they usually have a resting bitch face x’). Their body tend to be big and heavy
Exp : Michelle Obama / Liam Hemsworth / Dolly Parton /Eugene Lee Yang
Aquarius (Uranus/Saturn) : I noticed that aquarius people kinda look like aliens lmao (in a good way). They have the same eyes as the alien emoji 👽(Example : I.N fom stray kids eyes). Their face is really lift up and they have nice eyebrows. They are a bit tall and have slim bodies
Exp : Jennifer Anniston / Harry Styles / Shakira / Cristiano Ronaldo
Pisces (Neptune/Jupiter) : They have an etheral beauty and a really dreamy vibe. They look sleepy all the time but their eyes are really gorgeous. They can have problems with their teeth. They have a diamond face shape and their height tend to be short
Exp : Rihanna / Justin Bieber / Millie Bobby Brown / Madison Beer / Camilla Cabello
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emma-what-son · 3 years
The infamous Sony email leaks and Thandie Newton’s story have exposed the ingrained misogyny and hint of racism of Pascal. She doesn’t even want Tom Holland and Zendaya to date to “protect” their careers but that’s another conversation entirely. She even joked about Obama’s film preference with Scott Rudin who is a very, very awful person. How come Emma Watson is friends with her I don’t know. Seems like Watson’s carefully crafted PR image backfired on her, hence the dormant career.
If fans ever find that out then they will just claim that the rumors are wrong and that she isn't friends with Pascal.
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100 questions and answers
Who is your hero? Probably future me, i want to be able to grow up and be the better person that i hope they are, and the only way of knowing that is by making it happen.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? New Zealand, Canada or USA. I lived in TX for 3 months and loved it there and I have family in NZ and Canada.
What is your biggest fear? Wasps, 100%. Not being stung but the way they look scares me.
What is your favorite family vacation? When we went to Krakow in Poland.
What would you change about yourself if you could? My skin color. I hate it so much.
What really makes you angry? People hating others or stopping others from being themselves.
What motivates you to work hard? To make future me happier than I am now.
What is your favorite thing about your career? I want to be in cabin crew, so probably the traveling.
What is your biggest complaint about your job? Being away from family.
What is your proudest accomplishment? Getting through the shit 2020 brought me without killing myself.
What is your child's proudest accomplishment? No kids rn.
What is your favorite book to read? Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman
What makes you laugh the most? My boyfriend.
What was the last movie you went to? What did you think? Freaks. I was a bad movie, a little like the scary movies franchise. My friend was scared at parts which was super funny to watch
What did you want to be when you were small? An actor. Typical Leo ;)
What does your child want to be when he/she grows up? They can be anything they want to be.
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? Visit Edinburgh alone.
What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? To watch, American Football. To play, archery.
Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car? Drive a car, it's peaceful and warm. I would blast music.
What would you sing at Karaoke night? no idea.
What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most? Heart and Capital
Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house? Dishes or vacuum.
If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work? Yard work!!!
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Tandoori Prawn curry.
Who is your favorite author? Jacqueline Wilson or JK Rowling (only her books, not her)
Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? Just Em. But id like to be called Millie.
Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not? Depends on the surprise tbh, I like to plan a lot.
In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read? Watch a movie.
Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why? Hawaii. I was meant to go this year but covid and leaving the US fucked it up.
Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why? Work the perfect job, id get bored sitting around all day.
Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? my boyfriend.
If money was no object, what would you do all day? Travel and see the world.
If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? 2012. To see my Nana again.
How would your friends describe you? Stupid.
What are your hobbies? Traveling, photography, music and shopping.
What is the best gift you have been given? Forgiveness from myself.
What is the worst gift you have received? Sixe XXL jacket when im an XS
Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? My macbook.
List two pet peeves. - Breaking trust - Bad table manners
Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully working my dream job, maybe moved to a different country and traveling the world.
How many pairs of shoes do you own? too many, roughly 16
If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? Invisibility or teleportation.
What would you do if you won the lottery? build my own house
What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.) Train, its so relaxing. Then planes.
What's your favorite zoo animal? Lions or tigers.
If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be? My time in America.
If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? - My nana - my bf - Princess Diana - Obama
How many pillows do you sleep with? 4, two on each side.
What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)? 26 hours, traveling to Texarkana from Edinburgh.
What's the tallest building you've been to the top in? Idk tbh
Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence? looks for intelligence because then you can earn enough for plastic surgery.
How often do you buy clothes? 1/2 a month
Have you ever had a secret admirer? Idk I guess so.
What's your favorite holiday? Summer vacation Christmas for an actual holiday
What's the most daring thing you've ever done? Moved half way across the world and lived with strangers.
What was the last thing you recorded on TV? Nothing
What was the last book you read? 1984
What's your favorite type of foreign food? Indian
Are you a clean or messy person? Both, but relatively clean
Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Millie Bobbie Brown probably
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 1 hour
What kitchen appliance do you use every day? Kettle
What's your favorite fast food chain? Chick fil A (i know, i cant buy it now tho)
What's your favorite family recipe? Nana's bacon and egg pie
Do you love or hate rollercoasters? LOVE
What's your favorite family tradition? Opening gifts on Christmas Eve
What is your favorite childhood memory? I dunno really, Ive forgotten a lot of my childhood.
What's your favorite movie? Ferris Bueller's Day Off or Beautiful Boy
How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real? How did you find out? Probably 7/8 but I dont remember.
Is your glass half full or half empty? Half empty.
What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love? Said i'd come back one day.
What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? A boat and food. Yes i am that person.
What was your favorite subject in school? Scottish school, geography. US school, government.
What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Haggis
Do you collect anything? Foreign coins
Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion? Skinny jeans, my ass looks gooood in them
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert that likes being sociable
Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest? hearing
Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an actual surprise) nope
Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous? my dad is well know in the whisky business. Has his own prime tv show
What do you do to keep fit? Walk a lot and swim.
Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken? nope
If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce? everyone is equal.
Who was your favorite teacher in school and why? Scottish School, my geo teacher. US school, my english teacher.
What three things do you think of the most each day? My bf, my mum and America
If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Sad, angry and anxious
What song would you say best sums you up? 17 again
What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee? Timothee Chalamet or Tom Holland
Who was your first crush? a boy called Finlay who i rode the bus with
What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window? sheep or cows very often
On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are? 5
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? kids, married, settled down and happy. moved countries 100%
What was your first job? never had one
If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join? 5sos
How many languages do you speak? 1 - english
What is your favorite family holiday tradition? opening gifts on Christmas Eve
Who is the most intelligent person you know? my mum
If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be? a cat probably or a tiger
What is one thing you will never do again? trust people fully
Who knows you the best? my bf.
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Tearing down the Tomdaya timeline, created by "Spidermaninlove" - Part 3 (2018)
I am not using evidence or "proof", which is OUT THERE, to show that this timeline is only based on the emotions/opinions of its creator and is therefore falsely claimed as a fact.
(Warning: Editing is off in this one.)
January 9, 2018
Dom, Tom’s dad, blogs he is flying with Tom to LA today. -> IRRELEVANT.
January 10, 2018
Tom photographed by a fan in LA wearing what appears to be Z’s leather jacket. -> IRRELEVANT.
January 11, 2018
Dom blogs Tom is in LA for voice recordings. -> IRRELEVANT.
January 12, 2018
Dom blogs Tom is in LA for Spies in Disguise.  Tom departs LAX for AZ for the ACE Comic Con. -> IRRELEVANT.
January 13, 2018
Tom at ACE Comic Con.  When asked if he would do a musical with Z, he replied, 110%.  She’s great.  She can sing way better than I can, but I’d give it a try. -> IRRELEVANT.
Z followed and then immediately unfollowed a Tom Holland Instagram fan account. -> IRRELEVANT. Everyone goes down a rabbit hole on social media sometime and accidentally follows someone.
January 14, 2018
Tom arrived in LA. -> IRRELEVANT.
January 18, 2018
Tom returns to London. -> IRRELEVANT.
January 19, 2018
Tom retweets Z’s tweet:  "First of all", “bottom line” and “end of story” are all phrases you should avoid when arguing with me cause that means war. -> IRRELEVANT.
January 25, 2018
On January 25, 2018,  Z’s interior designer posts a photo of Z’s coffee table with a copy of the November 9, 2016 edition of The Hollywood Reporter (THR) magazine on it.  This is the edition in which Tom and Z appear together.  THR’s annual Next Gen assessment of Hollywood’s best and brightest, 35 and under.-> IRRELEVANT.
February 15, 2018
Z spotted at Heathrow airport.
It appears Tom foregoes the BAFTA pre-dinner party that Haz attended to, dare I say, spend that time with his very very good “freind”, Z? -> ASSUMPTION.
February 16, 2018 – Tom and Z photographed together at Harrods and the Tower of London. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
February 17, 2018
Z and Tom attend Burberry fashion event together in London. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
February 18, 2018
Tom and Z photographed together with a fan in Kingston (Tom and his parents live in Kingston). -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
Z filled in for Sam (”Samdaya”) on Tom’s IG live story for the Brothers Trust drawing.  Z attempts a British accent, and Tom and Z exchanged smiles, laughter, and heart eyes during the live. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together. ”heart eyes” is an INTERPRETATION.
Z appears in first known photograph with the Hollands, including Nikki, Tom, Dom, Paddy, Harry, and Tessa. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together. Also, isn’t it the only picture out there?
Z and Tom attend the Vogue and Tiffany & Co BAFTA after party in London.  Both Tom and Z were styled by Law.  Tom was photographed with Z and Darnell while at the party. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
February 19, 2018
Both Tom and Z depart London and arrive in LA on what appears to be separate flights. -> ASSUMPTION/IRRELEVANT.
February 21, 2018
Tom spotted at a gym in Northridge, CA – the area in which Z lives. -> Tom is staying at Zendaya‘s place when in LA. If your friend stayed in town, would you host them as well or let them stay at a hotel?
February 22, 2018
Tom and Z spotted at In-N-Out Burger.  They were also photographed and filmed by the paparazzi while out for lunch and denied they’re a couple. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together. So much for “never denied” dating.
Damage control:  Tom in Z’s Snapchat story about the paps.  Z tweeted:  “When you realize you ain’t really got the juice cause paparazzi only find you when @TomHolland1996 is in town…” -> Knowing what “damage control” means for Zendaya is an ASSUMPTION.
Z and Tom reportedly spotted by a fan at The Grove. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
February 25, 2018
In Z’s stylist, Law’s IG story, he says “tuxedos for Tom.” -> IRRELEVANT.
February 26, 2018
Tom and Z spotted together at a fan’s workplace. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
March 1, 2018
Tom spotted at the gym in Northridge again.
Analysis:  Is Tom driving all the way from a hotel to Northridge to use a gym there?  Hotels have gyms.  Z lives in Northridge.  Conclusion:  He’s not staying in a hotel! -> It is known he was staying with Zendaya in LA which is what friends do. Doesn’t confirm they are dating.
March 3, 2018
Tom and Z photographed with a fan in Beverly Hills.  Another fan tweeted he spotted them on Rodeo Drive today.  Z, Tom, Darnell, and Law photographed by the paparazzi while shopping in Beverly Hills.  Tom and Z were also spotted having lunch together at a restaurant. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
March 4, 2018
Z and Tom sat next to one another at the Oscars and they left the venue together.  Both attended the Vanity Fair after party, left the Vanity Fair party together, and arrived together at the Governor’s Ball.  Law Roach styled both “him” and “her”. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
March 6, 2018
Tom and Z spotted together and photographed at Target. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
March 8, 2018
Z and Tom spotted together by fan in Beverly Hills. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
March 10, 2018
Tom departs LA for London. -> IRRELEVANT.
March 17, 2018
When asked on Twitter, “When is @Zendaya going to date someone publicly I’m ready for it,” Z replied, “Never”.  -> IRRELEVANT.
March 19, 2018
Law Roach, Z’s stylist, stated on an IG live story that he is Tom’s stylist as well. -> IRRELEVANT. Merely explains why they hang out so much.
March 25, 2018
Per Dom, Tom is on his way to LA. -> IRRELEVANT.
March 28, 2018
Tom sighting at a Chipotle in Northridge (Z’s neighborhood). -> It is known he was staying with Zendaya in LA.
March 29, 2018
Tom and Z spotted by several fans at Crossroads Kitchen, a vegan restaurant.  According to a fan, Tom photographed Z with the fan at the restaurant. 
Note:  Tom met Jake Gyllenhaal at Crossroads Kitchen. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
They were also spotted shopping together (shoes, comic books, etc.).  They were photographed posing together with a Spider-man statue outside the Golden Apple comic book store. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together. Also looks like a pap walk. Two actors from the Spiderman movies going out to buy comics and posing with a Spiderman statue. 🤡
It appears Tom was wearing Z’s t-shirt, and they were wearing matching shoes. -> ASSUMPTION.
March 30 - 31, 2018
Tom photographed by paparazzi leaving Z’s house with his luggage on March 30. -> Tom is staying with Zendaya while in LA.
Tom departs LA and arrives in London. -> IRRELEVANT.
April 19, 2018
Tom departs China for LA. Z spotted at a gym in her area.  We all know Z rarely, if ever, goes to the gym, and Tom has been spotted in the past at a gym near where Z lives. -> IRRELEVANT.
April 27-30, 2018
Tom and Z spotted together by fans at a theater in Northridge seeing Infinity War (IW) on April 27. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
Tom and Z attend City Year LA Spring Break: Destination Education at Sony Studios on April 28. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
Z and Tom spotted by employees at the In N Out Burger drive-thru in Northridge on April 28. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
Tom and Z spotted at a theater seeing IW again on April 29. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
Tom and Z photographed by a fan at Home Depot.  Note: Tom went to carpentry school. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
May 1, 2018
Tom photographed by the paparazzi leaving Zendaya’s house with his luggage, and was spotted by a fan at LAX. -> Instead of staying at a hotel, Tom stayed at Zendaya’s place again.
May 2, 2018
Tom in London.  Z attends College Signing Day event in Philadelphia. -> IRRELEVANT.
May 8, 2018
Tom posts a photo of Z at the Met Gala on his Instagram account. -> Co-workers/friends supporting one another.
June 1, 2018
Z wishes Tom a happy birthday on Instagram. -> Co-workers/friends supporting one another.
June 23, 2018
Jack, @tomdejaa, Instagram, asked Tom at the Seattle Comic Con if he was okay with Tomdaya shippers, and Tom said, it’s fine. -> What was he going to say? “Fuck off”?
Zendaya in London for Spider-man Far From Home
-> I could sum the entire weeks up as “co-workers-friends hanging out together because at the time, they were filming together. 🤡
June 24, 2018
Zendaya arrives in London. -> IRRELEVANT.
June 25, 2018
Tom returns to London from Comic Con in Seattle. -> IRRELEVANT.
July 11, 2018
The content drought is finally over.  Tom and Z were together today watching the soccer game.  It appears they may have had lunch together too. -> The drought” is over because they are literally working together. They have no choice but to spend time together.
July 14, 2018
Tom, Z, Jacob Batalon and Tony Revolori attend Lovebox 2018 in Gunnersbury Park, London. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
July 21, 2018
Tom and Zendaya were spotted together by fans.  According to one fan, they saw Incredibles 2 with cast members. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
July 29, 2018
Tom and Z sighting on the Tube in London along with Jacob and Tuwaine. They visited the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home in London.  Tom’s Mum and Dad visited as well.  Afterward, they dined at a nearby restaurant with Tom’s family. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
Tom is wearing a Daulton jersey.  Darren Daulton, nicknamed Dutch, was an American professional baseball player who played for the Philadelphia Phillies…
Note:  Tom’s nickname is Dutch.  He stated this in an interview with Z. 
@currentlyinterested asked me if I think Z got Tom the Phillies jersey when she went to Philadelphia for the College Signing Day event with Michelle Obama.  Yes! Yes, I do. -> All 3 are ASSUMPTIONS/INTERPRETATIONS.
August 3, 2018
Tom and Z along with Jacob, Tony, Remy, Darnell, and Zach bowled and played arcade games tonight at the Hollywood Bowl in Watford.  Z and Tom played air hockey together and sat next to one another. -> They sat next to one another :O - On a ”serious” note: co-workers/friends hanging out together.
Someone commented on an Instagram post of a fan photo with Tom that Tom and Z are at the cinema in Kingston all the time. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
August 4, 2018
Tom was with friends and family at the Shoreditch House tonight and Z tweeted:  When people don’t directly ask you to go somewhere you didn’t wanna go and they also know you didn’t wanna go, but you still feel a way.
Shoreditch House is a mostly private members’ club with a rooftop pool, restaurant, bar, and hotel. -> IRRELEVANT.
August 11, 2018
Tom and Z were spotted at the Secret Cinema in London along with FFH cast and Haz. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
August 13, 2018
Z and Tom were spotted with Tuwaine, Harry, and Haz at the cinema in Watford this evening. -> Co-worker/friends hanging out together.
August 19, 2018
Tom, Z, and Spidey cast spotted by fan in Hertfordshire. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
August 22, 2018
Tom was at Z’s hotel. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together. How do people know Zendaya’s hotel though? 👀
August 27, 2018
Z & Tom had dinner in St Albans with Z’s mom and Kamil.
Z & Tom sat together.  Z left the restaurant as the fan who saw them took a photo with Tom.
Tom was wearing an AllSaints t-shirt that looks exactly like the one Z was wearing last week.-> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
September 1, 2018
Z’s birthday
Tom posted this on Instagram:  “Me, myself and the birthday girl. Happy birthday mate - keep killing it and paving the way for the rest of us ♥️”  -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
Tom, Z’s fam, friends, and some Spidey cast and crew had a dinner party in the Silver Room at Annabel’s, a private Members’ Club, in London.  Tom has a membership to this club.-> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
Z posted a story showing the paparazzi following her vehicle after she left Annabel’s. -> They wanted to catch Zendaya leaving with Tom, which would make the “relationship“ more believable. They didn’t leave together.
September 2, 2018
Skai Jackson’s mom, @kiyacole, who follows and is followed by Law, responded to an anti on a post about Z’s “real-life boyfriend Tom Holland” on the justjared Instagram account:
@kiyacole:  “Yes.  It’s true.  They been on the low for a while.”
Law responded but later deleted:  “@kiyacole  Really?  And how would you know.”
And how would you know.”
-> THIS IS A BIGGGG ONE FOR TOMDAYA STANS. They believe it’s evidence and outs them as a couple. What it actually is? A person, who absolutely knows nothing but pretends she does for attention.
September 3, 2018
Claire, Z’s mom, posted on Instagram, “A Wise Woman Once Said Nothing!” and “#truth #butiwanttobepetty”.  Was this in reference to @kiyacole’s comment? -> ASSUMPTION. TO ME, it’s meant in a “Don’t talk when you don’t know anything.” way, not a ”You just outed my daughter’s relationship” way. But this can be interpreted anyway you want.
September 4, 2018
@kiyacole, Instagram, posted on her account that she had been hacked.  Commentators on the post called her out on it stating she had posted stories of herself around the time of the alleged hacking. -> She wasn’t hacked, she just stuck her nose into other people’s business. She said later on: ”I don’t know who is dating who nor do I care.” She didn‘t know though she cared enough to comment. She did it for attention.
Czech Republic
September 10, 2018
Tom & Z spotted on a flight to Prague.  Z photographed Tom with fans at the airport in Prague.  Z and Tom left the airport together. -> Co-workers/friends catching a flight together to the next filming location.
September 11, 2018
Tom and Z photographed separately with fans in Prague. -> Two actors spotted at a new filming location.
September 12, 2018
Tom & Z spotted together in Prague today getting into a taxi together. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together, traveling due to work together.
September 16, 2018
Z’s cousin, Whitney, liked several Tomdaya posts on Instagram. -> IRRELEVANT.
September 17 - 19, 2018
Z and Tom filmed night shoots on the Charles Bridge in Prague.  They shared a sweet moment hugging during a break. -> Co-workers/friends working together.
September 24 - 25, 2018
Tom and Z were photographed in a hotel in Prague.  Z was wearing the same dress she wore while filming with Tom on the Charles Bridge last week.
A fan spotted both Tom and Z alone at 1:00 a.m. on the 25th near the Prague castle where FFH was filming that night.  They were wearing their coats so they were not filming at the time the fan stopped them to get Tom’s autograph. -> Co-worker/friends working/hanging out together.
According to a longtime Italian fan who delivered gifts to their hotel, Tom and Z shared a room at Hotel Danieli where they were staying in Venice. -> A fan wouldn’t have that knowledge. Sharing a room, while working, is highly unprofessional. Hanging out in one room together/sharing a room - there is a difference.
September 26, 2018
Tom and Zendaya arrived together in Venice with Darnell in tow.  The rest of the cast took a separate flight and boat to this destination. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
September 27, 2018
Tom and Zendaya were spotted and photographed by the paparazzi and fans in Venice along with Martin Starr, Darnell, Jacob, and Tony.  Tom was wearing the Tomdaya flannel shirt today. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together. There is no such as a “Tomdaya” flannel shirt, it’s a shirt that both Tom and Zendaya were wearing. Does sharing clothes proof that you are dating? No.
September 29, 2018
Tom’s grandparents arrived at his hotel around 4 pm.
Several videos were posted by fans of Z sitting with Tom and his grandparents at a restaurant/bar at the hotel where they’re staying.
According to a fan, “So as far as I can tell from the two hours they spent in the hotel, they sat next to each other for a really short time. They even had two different tables. Z was at the table with Jacob and two other guys, while Tom was w/ his grandparents, Harry and another guy. While they were together, they didn’t do anything that could make you think they’re dating.“ -> Maybe, because they are not dating?
Z, Tom, and Jacob were photographed with a fan while at this restaurant/bar.
Z and Jacob departed the hotel via boat to an unknown destination.
Tom changed clothes and returned to the restaurant with his grandparents and Harry.
Tom and Harry departed from the hotel on another boat to an unknown destination.
Z posted two stories of herself sitting with Jacob at what appears to be a lounge.  One story was muted.  The other story included Remy.  Darnell posted a story at the same location one hour later which showed Tony and his family there.  Crew member, Danni, posted a story at the same location three hours later.  Harry was in Danni’s story.  Analysis:  Tom was also there. -> All of the above: Co-worker/friends hanging out together.
September 30, 2018
Tomdaya Fam Day
Tom and Z toured Murano, an island near Venice, with Tom’s grandparents and Harry. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together. Zendaya was tagging along as a friend.
Tom and Z were photographed with a fan at their hotel.  Both Z and Tom had obviously just showered. -> They are spotted together because they are staying in the same hotel. Implying that they showered together is clownery at this point.
That night, Tom, Z, Tom’s grandparents, and Harry depart the hotel via a boat. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
October 1, 2018
Tom and Z were spotted having dinner together by a fan’s mom. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
October 2, 2018
Tom and Z were photographed at a restaurant in Venice.  Martin Starr and Jacob were also there. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
October 3, 2018
Spider-man Far From Home wrapped filming in Venice.
Tom and Z were spotted at the Skyline Hilton (rooftop) Bar in Venice.
In a video taken of Tom and Z at the Dandolo Bar at the Danieli Hotel in Venice, it appears they are sitting next to one another in a settee. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
October 4, 2018
Zendaya spotted at Newark Liberty International Airport.  She later posted a story from her home in LA. -> IRRELEVANT.
October 5, 2018
Z confirmed she is in LA for a couple days and will soon be in NY. -> IRRELEVANT.
Tom was spotted by several fans en route from Atlanta to La Guardia. -> IRRELEVANT.
New York
Z and Tom at a restaurant in Brooklyn, NY (exact date unknown). -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
October 6, 2018
Z and Noon departed for NY, and were spotted at JFK. -> IRRELEVANT.
October 9-10, 2018
Tom was spotted on another flight from Atlanta to New York. -> IRRELEVANT.
October 12, 2018
Tom and Z filmed Spideychelle scenes in NYC.  Their chemistry was insane even with Tom in full Spider-man costume.
Z and Tom were filmed sparring together and were also spotted hugging in between scenes on set.  This was in preparation for a scene. -> Them having „insane“ chemistry is an INTERPRETATION.
After they wrapped for the day, Tom waited in his vehicle while Z greeted fans and then departed the set after Z had left in her vehicle. -> This is what a fan said and making it look like Tom waited for Zendaya is an INTERPRETATION.
An accounting of one fan, @parkerxdaya, Twitter, who was on set that day:
There are a lot of pictures of Zendaya smiling while filming the scene with Tom as Spider-man. I hope you all know that if she is smiling in the picture, that is ZENDAYA not MJ. MJ is frightened during the scene, then a little uncomfortable, then concerned. Her expressions during the scene were serious. But in between takes, her and Tom laughed, joked around, danced, made fun of us, waved to other fans, talked to Jon, Harry etc. It was very windy, so yes Tom helped fix her hair at points. It became a problem during the scene because her hair would cover her face. They would cut, laugh about it, and would go again. However, that video of them play fighting and running in place, then hugging, was just them tiring themselves out and picking up where they left off from the other scene. That does not take away from the fact that it was super cute. Zendaya looked so genuinely happy, and it made ME happy to see her so happy. I couldn’t see Tom’s face with the mask on, but I just know he had a dorky smile on his face the whole time. They both were so comfortable with each other. -> INTERPRETATION.
October 13 and 14, 2018
Tom and Z filmed on a closed set.  Leaked videos from the set on the 14th revealed an additional Spidey and MJ scene that was filmed outdoors in front of a blue screen. -> IRRELEVANT.
October 15, 2018
Z and Tom were photographed with young fans during a break while filming at the Newark NJ airport. -> Co-workers working together. 🤡
October 16, 2018
Remy, Jacob, Zach, and Tony have all wrapped.  It’s Tom’s last day filming.  Z is still in NY.
Tom posted a pic of himself with Z as Spider-man and MJ on Instagram when he wrapped filming Spider-man Far From Home in NY.  -> WORK RELATED.
October 18, 2018
Tom appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel Brooklyn show. -> IRRELEVANT.
October 19, 2018
Tom and Z were spotted together at the play American Son on Broadway. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
October 20, 2018
Tom and Z photographed sitting together at Peaches Restaurant in Brooklyn.  Z and Tom spotted and photographed shopping in SoHo.  They were also photographed outdoors in SoHo with Noon and company. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
October 22, 2018
Z was spotted by fans in NY. -> IRRELEVANT.
October 23, 2018
Z’s Instagram story:  “Always working…”  She appears to be doing a photoshoot.  No sign of Tom. -> IRRELEVANT.
October 26, 2018
Tom posted on Instagram:  “Went to do some work on chaos walking with @dougliman.” -> IRRELEVANT.
October 28, 2018
Z spotted at JFK and LAX. -> IRRELEVANT.
October 29, 2018
Tom spotted in London. -> IRRELEVANT.
November 12 - 19, 2018
On November 12 and 13, Tom participated in the Cooking with the Avengers event at the Russo brothers’ restaurant and bar.
Tom and Z were spotted having dinner. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
Tom was on the set of Euphoria visiting Z. -> Co-workers/friends supporting one another.
On November 17, Tom and Z were spotted at the Arclight theater at the Sherman Oaks Galleria mall near Northridge. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together if truly happened.
On November 19, Tom was spotted in Beverly Hills. -> IRRELEVANT.
November 24, 2018
Tom at Z’s after Thanksgiving party. -> Co-workers/friends hanging out together.
November 25, 2018
Tom returned to London.
Tom and Zendaya obviously spend a lot of time together but there is not even a little bit of „evidence“ that they are dating. People who see chemistry between them, who get couple vibes from them or are convinced they are dating? It’s their perception, their interpretation of events but absolutely nothing in this timeline “exposes“ them as a couple. They are spending time together because Spiderman 2 is in pre-production and then the filming process has started. Would they spend AS much time together if it wasn’t for work? I personally doubt it.
TO ME, they are definitely friends. They do PLAY IT UP for promotional purposes though. This is how Hollywood works.
What doesn‘t confirm a relationship:
- spending time together
- sharing clothes
- staying over at someone‘s house
(And that’s basically all we get from Tom and Zendaya. Plus, them denying dating rumors.)
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emeraldbabygirl · 4 years
Hey y’all I’m a mf liar yeet! I say this idol is my daddy and I love this idol so much and this idol is my man and this idol owns my ass or heart or coochie but bitch! The numbers don’t lie and my camera roll is proof that I am in love with Song Mini Mingo Mango Mongo Mingis. He is the loml. He owns my heart. (I’m sorry Jeup) he is my fake bof (I’m sorry Jeup and Rowoon). He is my husband (I’m sorry Wonhyuk, Onejunn, Jacob and Jihoo). He is my man (I’m sorry Dojin and Gun) I love Song Mingi so much bitch Mingi is love Mingi is life Song Mingi is the absolute ray of motherfucking goddamn sunshine in this cursed world (Shownu and Geumhyuk I’m so sorry) he is my wife (Wendy, Aisha, Somin, Jiwoo, Hwasa, Dami, Siyeon, Onda, Ahin, Jessi, Dua, Camilla, Cardi B, Lizzo I’m sorry). He is my celeb crush (Booboo, Timothee, Tom Holland, Shawn Mendes, Richard Hammond, David Daddy Muir, Shamar Moore, MGG, Thomas Gibson, Daniel Henny, all those sexy Korean actors and modals, all those sexy Japanese actors and modals, Lee Sang, the hot one in Arashi Band, the hot one in Exile Tribe, Jason Mamoa, that hot bitch that played Thor, and Godfrey Gao I’m sorry) I’m sorry to all of my boat waifus (I’m not listing them there’s too many) all my hot anime bfs (including Chisaki Kai) to Daddy Arbiter and fucking Moe from the Doodlebops and Christian Slater in his better days and the hot brother from The Partridge Family and Tom Selleck back in 1984 and David Bowie but only as the Goblin King and George Wishwash, Lincoln , Obama, Kaya’s father and Swan Circling and Kaya’s sister Brown Deer in the American Girl books, that hot member of CNCO, the hot one in IM5, maybe Trace Adkins and Allen Jackson, maybe Brad Paisley, Luke Bryan, Kacey Musgraves, The whole of the Jonas Brothers but maybe only Joe when he was younger, that hot chef from You Gotta Eat Here, like the cast of Criminal Minds, SVU and Swat, maybe Cortana but only Halo 2 Cortana and not the anniversary version, the one hot member in DJ Doc with the sexy voice, Danny from 1TYM, Keanu Reeves, all my cartoon crushes, all the stupid crushes I had in school and finally to Jesus and Big Bird Sunbaenim, I am so sorry but Song Mingi owns my heart and soul and mind. I love only Song Mingi.
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a chaotic list of ellis wakefield headannons
- he is obsessed with sweatshirts. i mean obsessed. hoodies, crewnecks, it doesn’t matter, ellis just loves sweatshirts. 
- also, he is a simp for harry potter. he will just bring it up in conversations. and, he is a proud griffindor. 
- he uses a sword, unlike his siblings who mostly use spears. he wanted to be like neville with the sword of griffindor his swords name is michelle (after michelle obama) 
- ellis likes to journal. he likes to write his thoughts down in journals, he’s been doing it ever since he was a kid. 
- ellis has some attachment issues. he just likes to be close to the people he loves. i headcanon that his mom was away a lot, she was in the military (died when he was like, twelve), and he is just terrified that he will lose the people he loves.
- he is pretty athletic, he plays soccer and field hockey. ellis also runs a lot to clear his head. 
- he’s actually pretty smart, he is bilingual (see @novemberwasgreys post about him being armenian) and honestly, I think he would be the voice of reasoning in the cabin. 
- ellis was born in Armenia, but immigrated when he was very young, like 3. He lived in Ann Arbor, for 5 years before moving to Bend, Oregon. He stayed with his grandmother while his mother was deployed. Ellis came to camp when he was 13 (before the Battle of the Labyrith). 
- sherman was the one to show ellis around camp, when he arrived. they became good friends. people were pretty confused when they saw ellis hanging out with sherman, ellis was very calm and collected, while sherman was short tempered and got into fights easily. 
- ellis got claimed a couple days after he came to camp, duing capture the flag. 
- he had the biggest crush on Beckondorf, he made ellis’s sword and ellis just developed a crush on him. he knew that ellis would never get together wth him, but he was still really sad when he died.
- his celebrity crush is tom holland. that’s how clarisse found out ellis was gay. his face was so red when they were watching the movie. 
- he only offically came out to sherman, clarisse just knew, and he just kind of told the cabin that he had a boyfriend and he didn’t have any attraction to women. 
- he probably says, fuck the police and kill all men, on a daily basis. 
- even though ellis is the smart one in the family, i feel like he just radiates dumb energy, like he would do backflips out of trees, and jump into the lake with his clothes on. 
- he wears vans a lot. like a lot a lot. 
- he is the only on in the ares cabin who doesn’t have an insulated waterbottle, he was a nalgene. his siblings have told him a million times that if he gets a hydroflask or some shit, it will stay cold, but he refuses to get an insulated waterbottle.
- he has a splash of freckles across his nose and cheeks. cecil loves them
- ellis is really soft around cecil, he just loves his boyfriend. 
- he loves to cook. it’s an adhd thing, and it’s a thing he and his mom used to do together a lot.  ellis dreams of opening his own restaurant. 
- he likes to snowboard and skateboard a lot. ellis tried to teach cecil how to skate but they both ended up in the infirmary. 
- ellis is allergic to strawberries. there is no reason behind this, i just feel in my soul that he would be.
- sometimes he reads his horoscope, sherman teases him about it, but ellis thinks its cool. 
feel free to add more!
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octopusinaskinsuit · 4 years
Ok this is gonna sound so strange but I gotta tell someone.
So since I was about 12 every time with out fail when I feel shit about my dyslexia I find out that someone I admire is dyslexic or a cool fact about it it’s the weirdest thing. I never ever look for it it just shows up from a day to a week after it but usually sooner.
The first time this happened I was feeling really bad about it I don’t remember why something at school but I remember I felt like absolute shit and I was on a Thomas Brodie Sangster instergram because I was obsessed with him at the time and I was literally like 6 months down this page and there was this image
Tumblr media
And like now I don’t care about him but at the time it was the day it happened I had cried and then of all the accounts I was going thorght it happens to be this one and this person posted it so long ago before I found it, it honestly had a huge impact on my self image.
And it just never stoped since then I’m really not exaggerating with out fail every time I would find out some one or some thing. Some examples I came across without looking it up when I was sad:
Issac Newton
Vincent Van Gogh
Agatha Christie
Tom Holland
Daniel Radcliffe
Ed shearen
that’s just some. Honestly I don’t even know if it’s true or not but I thorght it was at the time
This hasn’t happened for a while because I have been fine about it for about a year or 2 but last week I had to go through my papers for disability help and it made me feel so bad reading them all agin like really bad and for the first time in ages it happened and I found out the next day that Alexander j newall the ceo of Rusty quill is dyslexic. Magnus is my special interest atm like the likely hood that this would happen and the day after I was feeling really bad so slim.
I’m honestly so confused but I love it I don’t know if it will go on forever or not but I have at least enjoyed it for 7 years so hopefully.
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blarhiv · 5 years
Pre-Debut Fan on Shipping and KM
Guys,one wonderful Anonnie decided to bless us with so well written article.So,please,read it <3
Anonnie,thank you for sharing with us your thoughts!
First of all, I just want to clarify that I’m a KM supporter. By my current understanding and my own personal definition, this is to say that that while I believe in the possibility of these two individuals being in a real-life relationship, I am at peace with the reality that it is also conceivable that they are merely very close, wonderful friends. I will get to KM a bit later, but I first want to go through some general commentary on the statement of the fandom in regards to shipping first. I’ve tried to be as respectful as I could and so, things have gotten quite lengthy indeed. 
PART 1: Shipping and Fandoms
Shipping Wars
My first point of major contention lies in shipping wars—in quick and easy summation, I truly really fail to understand shipping wars.
It doesn’t quite make sense to me that there are individuals warring over which ship is real when, no one in the band has ever confirmed a heterosexual relationship, never mind an in-band relationship. So, why fight about it when we can enjoy the lovely bonds between human beings and celebrate good, ostensibly healthy relationships?
If shippers were really into their “ship” (for lack of better terminology) for the bond between those two people, I feel that it is imperative to acknowledge what complete injustice one is doing by participating in something so meaningless and hateful as shipping wars.(Now, despite my refusal to get involved in shipping wars, I do empathize and understand those combating the wretched comments and criticisms these toxic individuals in the fandom say about undeserving band members. But I still do implore people not to argue over with some of these hyper-volatile, toxic individuals about why their perspective is inherently flawed because these people are highly unlikely to entertain a healthy, open discourse about a difference in opinions.) 
And at the point where shippers are determined to evince the realness of their ship, I think their intentions are automatically highly suspect.
If one is truly trying to celebrate the connection, the supposed love, and the affection of said ship, there absolutely shouldn’t be a pressing need or compulsion to prove others wrong for not sharing the same perspective as yours. 
At that point, it becomes less about a celebration of love and more about selfish gratification—whatever it is that may be incentivizing said shipper (And there are, unfortunately, a plethora of self-serving reasons people ship which are not limited to the fetishization of gays/Asians, the determination not to have their dreams of being with a band member to be shattered by their significant other being a female, the egotistical compulsion of needing to be “right”, etc.). And if one is shipping with the genuine intentions of supporting a potentially LGBTQ band member or generally supporting two humans demonstrating great love (whether it presents itself in a platonic or romantic expression), it needn’t matter what the label or status of that relationship is. 
So, if one is supporting with selfless intentions and a sincere desire to see members happy, there’s no point of arguing about the “realness” of a ship because at the end of the day, all the ships in the band are real—because they all have honest, genuine relationships with one another as friends. Shipping Real People 
This is also a highly controversial subject and I believe it is mainly due to the lack of boundaries people have set in place when they participate in shipping real people.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with real people ships—but only under great constraints and self-monitoring. Most people who ship real people do so because human beings are naturally drawn to and attracted to love—that is to say, people love love. That’s why people enjoy romantic movies and relationships between characters on television shows. That’s why writers like to write about love and photographers take pictures of things and people they love.
However, the problem lies in people who take liberties with how seriously they can invest into a real person ship or how entitled they begin to feel towards someone else’s life.
This is where para-social relationships come into place—through the use of social media, fans are given ultra personal ways to interact with celebrities causing them to believe that they’re connected to their idols despite the reality that it is a one-way relationship. These celebrities do not know you—and therefore, they owe you absolutely nothing in regard to their personal life. And so, I absolutely do not condone writing or tagging or demanding things from any real-life ship (ie. VLives, Twitters, fan meets, InstaLives, etc.) where one could be causing the human being distress or pressure. They are, at the end of the day, real people with real feelings and real lives—and we, as fans or spectators at best, are simply entitled to no components of their life.
I think there are instances that you can comment on a celebrity’s life and have it be a perfectly innocuous encounter. For example, it’s quite alright to appreciate and feel second-hand joy at seeing two people whom one respects and follows as a fan looking happy with their potential partners (as in the case of KM) or commenting supportively on a confirmed real-life couple’s Instagram photos (Justin and Hailey Bieber, Michelle and Barak Obama, Hyuna and E’Dawn, Cara Delevine and Ashley Benson, etc.). Feeling joy at seeing someone else happy or commenting something cute and chill on a real-life couple’s picture doesn’t cost anything nor does it harm anyone. But if you, as a fan, begin to demand things from said people if the real life couple breaks up (Justin Bieber-Selena Gomez, Cole Sprouse-Lili Reinhart, etc.) or you hate the real significant other after one half of a popular ship is revealed to be dating someone else (Zendaya-Tom Holland-anonymous girlfriend), that’s when you’ve got a real problem and you need to reassess what you’re doing. If you are going to ship a real-life ship, do it sensitively—don’t personally bother these people with your unsolicited advice and woes, they don’t care about your ships, they just want to live their lives.
Fetishization and Homophobia
Another deeply problematic that comes with the shipping territory is the fetishization.
There are, unfortunately, many fans that like the idea of a real ship right up until the point there’s a possibility where the members might actually be part of the LGBTQ community. It’s sexy and sensual, a “guilty pleasure”, to imagine the idea of gays, but the actual concept of homosexuality as a real part of someone’s identity is somehow unacceptable to many fans.  This is definitely a problem in the Asian music industry. 
While girls fawn over the boy-boy interactions on stage, these same young women are equally likely to be disgusted by the existence of actual homosexual men trying to celebrate their love on the streets—and the KPop industry feeds into this by via methods like encouraging fan service between members or the Pepero game.
This is deeply disheartening as there are, without doubt, LGBTQ members in this industry—we may not know them by name or face (aside from Holland), but they certainly do exist. And how sad is it to imagine that the closest to acceptance these human beings will ever attain for their sexual preferences is on stage for the gratification of fans who won’t even support them if they actually come out? If you only enjoy same-sex interactions on stage, feeling repulsion or deterrence in supporting a gay or lesbian idol based on their sexual preferences, you probably have some soul searching to do. 
Another thing I’ve noticed is the tendency of same-sex shippers to modify a harmless interaction between members as they make jokes or innuendos that splatter a hue of raw sexual essence onto the moment—this is, in part, some fetishization. We should try to avoid this as gay men are trying to escape the sexualized view a large majority of people have about them. 
And KMers are guilty of this—after all, sometimes when a boy says he wants to do his laundry, he really just wants to do his laundry.
So, this is something else to keep in mind. 
General Homophobia
How many times have bloggers received comments about how X members can’t be gay or how if X is gay that the anon can’t be a fan of that person anymore? I’ve definitely read several too many in my time and these are all exemplifying comments of people who house internal homophobia.
Unfortunately, the need to explicitly state and prove homosexuality will always be a symptom of the heteronormativity of most societies—and I do understand why it happens and it’s not always a malicious assumption.
What I peacefully and regretfully do not understand are aggressive fans who flagrantly deny the possibility of any other sexuality aside from being straight—these instances really make me suspect these are mainly female fans that can’t stomach the possibility of their idols not being into their gender or are straight up homophobic without any other reason. (That being said, I also don’t encourage any same-sex shippers/supporters to make assumptions about sexualities either. It’s fine to support and to suspect the possibility of a same-sex relationship, but there should always be that margin for error since none of these idols are definitively out.)
Conclusion to General Shipping 
TLDR; my basic point in the first part of this ridiculous essay is that, we should really all respect one another as members of a single fandom. And beyond that, we should all respect the people whom we are shipping, taking great care and using our sensibilities to ensure we aren’t making real people uncomfortable.
History as a Fan of BTS
So, I just want to clarify that I am a pre-debut BTS fan. I literally read about JM and JK a couple days before they were due to debut and as a huge hip-hop fan, I was immediately interested in their concept. I instantly fell in love with JM’s voice and JK’s multi-faceted talents (and live vocal skills)—that is to say, I was most interested in these two members from the very beginning. As of recent days, I have detached myself from the fandom, preferring to keep a great distance away due to the toxicity and negativity I’ve unfortunately been privy to as the fan base grows bigger and bigger—and it really does make me incredibly sad. I’ve always been into BTS for the music—they were what I listened to bussing up to school as I admired the Cyphers by the rap-line, the gorgeous fluidity of JM’s melodic voice, the deep resonance of TH’s voice, and JK’s talents as a quality, consistent singer despite his age.
And now, sometimes the ship wars and solo stans are louder than the positive members in this community. Luckily, I’ve found a small niche of BTS blogs and KM blogs that have made this experience a lot easier (for KM blogs, many thanks to people like blarhiv, slowlybutobvious-jikook, gaja-aegiya-gaja, chaotic-jikook, singwriteluv, jiminkoo, etc.)
Shipping as a Whole
Now, as for the shipping component. I want to clarify I’m a very selective real-person shipper—I don’t look for mere skin ship or overt proclamations of love or popularity of ship.
Of course, these are initially the easiest features to discern a shippable “ship”, but I’m well practiced in the KPop industry and know these factors between members are virtually useless in discerning romantic interest. 
On top of being a selective shipper, I also think it’s safe to say I’m pretty respectful about shipping as I always try to maintain reasonable skepticism and I’ve never commented anything about shipping on any forum that could make the involved individual uncomfortable. With all that being said, the beginning of BTS, I did not see ANY SHIPS that I could’ve deemed suspicious enough to be considered real.  They were all just young kids that were trying to pave their path to success and just boys messing around on their early television appearances whilst trying to promote their albums.
And even when YM and TK began to gain traction as the fandom’s decidedly largest ships with some believing them to be “real”, I still didn’t see it—and this is said with utmost respect to their closeness and respect for one another as teammates, colleagues, and close friends. 
Undoubtedly, their interactions were playful and adorable, but there was nothing in how they interacted to rouse any suspicions whatsoever. I would view their interactions as commonplace as any other men in regular friendships—with their culture and their age and their jobs in consideration.   Again, I never understood people who truly believed in the validity of these ships.
Now, to be fair, I have, of course, also participated in casually shipping a few members for fun too. For example, I thought Sope was cute and I was drawn to VM’s friendship as well—JM and TH were so ridiculously cute and close, it was nearly impossible not to casually ship them. In the earlier years, since I believed there to be no "real" ships, I was on board with other casual shippers but was greatly confused by those who believed the big three ships (YM, NJ, and TK) were actually real.
My View on Early KM
I first started tuning into KM when I saw a particular Bomb clip of JM and JK messing around with a phone app where their voices were autotuned. Whilst JM was laughing, JK just had his face crinkled up with the softest look on his face. I was like, “huh”—but it definitely wasn’t enough for me to begin thinking it could be real.
Since it was one isolated incident, caught directly on camera, it wasn’t nearly enough evidence to make any logical inferences. At that point, I’d just be jumping onto the train of delusion. While on the subject of early KM, I also want to take this opportunity to quickly give my take on this malicious narrative that JK doesn’t like JM—as a pre-debut fan, I’ve never bought into this.
Between JK’s self-proclaimed shyness towards JM’s unadulterated fondness for him, JK’s proclivities to drop honorifics on camera even from the beginning, JK telling JM he teases his hyung because he likes him—I was almost flabbergasted when I first caught inklings of it.  
This is such an outrageous vilification and outright character assassination of a young kid in his teens who didn’t know how to deal with his hyung’s affections, despite having always confirmed and reassured JM that he does, in fact, like him. 
The fact that so-called fans to this day still try to drive this narrative despite the fact that JK has set fire and gasoline to this toxic roller coaster ride of lies and delusions is actually unfathomable to me. Never mind the exact type of relationship KM have, it’s just so distinguishably clear that JK really, really likes JM judging by the amount of time they spend together and how beautiful JK’s smile is when he’s around JM. 
The Shift
Essentially, I casually shipped Sope, VM, and KM at some point—they were my favourites to see interact and I was always cooing over how adorable their bonds were with one another. And if I’m being frank, I was especially partial to the latter two ships because of how attentive and caring JM is to his younger members.
JM’s kindness has always touched my heart.
I find JM’s interactions with people the most fascinating based off the fact that he is just an enthralling, ethereal human being with this gorgeous voice and enormous heart—and for that, he was my very favourite member always.
But, of course, I am a KM supporter.How did this happen?
Well, my eyes nearly bugged out of my head at the infamous back hug at 2015 KBS Music Festival—especially since it was JK being so unusually expressive and forward with his affection. But perhaps this was a cultural thing? I definitely felt some cognitive dissonance as I tried to explain the strange, almost romantic aura of the moment using logic despite sensing that this string of reasoning didn’t sit quite right with me. But again, one isolated incident is a whole lot of nothing in the world of skin ship and KPop. 
But as we all know, at this point, we got see KM get closer and see their relationship develop and I was really all for it as I was incredibly pleased by that personal growth in JK as a maturing adult and the joy it conversely seemed to bring JM with this newly matured JK.
JK’s Development
A large part of my transition over from casual to serious “shipper” is actually because of JK. I’ve always viewed him as a talented individual, as aforementioned, but other than that there was certainly other larger personalities that caught my eye quicker—between JM’s big heart, JH’s enormous personality, and TH’s quirks, he was definitely quietly existing in the background when he wasn’t performing. But he really just grew into himself and I think any fan can see that.
There’s all the general ways he grew up, his physique and his facial structure and his height, but more than anything my heart softened immensely when I began to see what a beautiful soul this boy had always had. I’m not saying that he’s not without flaws—because another a huge problem in the industry is the fans’ tendency to idealize their idols past the mortal realm of making mistakes or having character flaws—but anyone can see he’s clearly matured.
The way he treats JM only gets better and better with each year.
And I genuinely don’t feel that it’s delusional to say the way that he treats JM is vastly different from any other member. He is kind-hearted with a dreamy view on the world and he’s good to his hyungs after everything they’ve done for him when he’d been a child, but he’s that in tenfold around JM. To say he doesn’t play favourites when JM’s involved is being willfully ignorant because there’re so many recent examples alone (the way he splashes water on SJ vs. JM, the way he roughhouses other members vs. JM, the way he gives JM a big pancake because of an impending punishment vs. SJ in same predicament, the attentive way he watches JM in interviews over other members, the way he monitors JM's health via food and drink, etc.).
I also want to mention as a disclaimer that these comparisons aren’t made in any type of malicious way or with the intent of discrediting relationships between JK and other members. It’s simply instrumental in understanding why such a large population of non-shippers have been drawn to KM as a potential real pairing versus any other pairing. If everyone stopped inserting their own captions and interpretations of JK’s actions and only had the source material in front of them, no misleading historical content to waylay new fans with a tired and counterfeit narrative, it’s pretty clear that JK displays incredible fondness and tenderness towards JM in a conspicuous manner.
It doesn’t make his relationships with the others any less, it just makes his relationship with JM just that little bit more. It’s not about putting down or undermining the other relationships, it’s just about acknowledging the reality of JK’s obvious magnetism towards JM. If a fan really cares for JK, it’s almost cruel to disregard the fact that his face lights up when he’s with JM (WeVerse picture, JM punching him on the shoulder, FaceTime picture, VLive, etc.) and his voice softens when he speaks to JM (Run episode with JK slating, Run episode playing palm game, Run episode asking JM if he’s ready, etc.).
These examples aren’t delusions, it’s reality—the evidence are quite literally in photographs or videos. As a longtime fan, I honestly and sincerely mean this—JK has become a handsome man in my eyes not because of his appearance (though he’s undeniably good-looking) but because of the way he treats JM and others he cares for. As the years pass by, his heart and soul has become more and more beautiful in my eyes. I can’t attribute it fully to JM, but I can certainly say that my heart melts when I see his interactions with JM—not because I am a shipper/supporter but because as an empathetic human, I am viscerally drawn to humans with kindness in their hearts. The man treats JM so, so well. I know I keep repeating this but it’s just a grave injustice to ignore how much JK cares for JM. Never mind your projected desires and your biases, just look at what’s in front of you and just appreciate that enviable, lovely bond. Even if people will choose to disregard romantic overtones in GCFt or the meaningful lyrics during the times JM shows up in GCFsai or the fact he has the most screen time overall (which is fine), it'd be prudent to at least acknowledge the fact that JM is incredibly treasured by this young man.
JMs Shift
Another thing that made me suspicious was the transition of JM’s behavior as well.
I find it harder to read JM than JK in many ways—perhaps it’s just an introvert relating with follow introvert—but there are differences in his behavior that also made me question things as well.
It’s obvious that JM used to be a little much for shy, introverted JK in front of the camera and that that behavior tapered off as the years went by. I do think a large part of it is due to JM growing up (although I do suspect some part might be due to vicious fans who might’ve hurt his feelings about his personality) and reigning himself in. But even then, he was still visibly touchy and affectionate with JK—just as he is with all his other members—whether he was petting his head, openly calling him cute, or what have you.
In my view, the most telling thing about JM is how careful he seems around JK—something in his behavior feels tailored in a way that’s still affectionate towards JK but in a way not to rouse suspicion even if the body and eyes don’t lie.
I’m not sure if it even makes sense, but I do sense a certain sense of caution about how JM treats JK in the public eye in comparison to JK who reliably wears his heart on his sleeve. He seems to be more aware of cameras and the public eye than JK does. It’s really hard to verbalize, but I’ve sensed a discernible change in how JM treats JK—it’s not bad or worrisome, it’s just different.(Although, they’ve gradually become a lot more carefree this year.)
Time Skip
I don’t want to bore everyone anymore than I already have, but the point of how I became a more serious supporter compared to my origins as a casual shipper is based off suspicious trends and continuous patterns in the boys’ behaviours over multiple years.
Even now, I continuously try to translate the boys’ body language, vocal tone (when speaking to each other vs. another member), facial expressions, and constant mentions of one another as a platonic demonstration of affection. And some interactions are pretty harmlessly adorable, just a little something to wet the lips of any casual shipper, but with the surmounting amount of moments it becomes really hard for even the most logical person not question the nature of their relationship.
KM and Ship Wars
Clearly, the progression of their relationship has been the target of incredible hatred and frustration on the parts of hostile members of other ships and it’s gotten to a point where they’ve resorted to subterfuge to try pilot a plane missing a wing—that is to say, they’re trying to keep an aircraft based on intentional mistranslations, vicious lies, and carefully crafted stories of events that have been disproven afloat.
The incredible discrepancy between what sorts of behavior can be categorically classified as fan service seems to conveniently shift based on whatever is keeping the fragile balance of their dreams alive despite evidence to the contrary.
The moment we try to discount or negate the relationships a member has with another one in the name of a ship, there’s absolutely a problem that needs reassessment—this goes for all fans including KMers. 
KM and Coming Out
I want to clarify very firmly that if you are a true supporter of KM, one who selflessly wants their happiness above everything (which includes everything from the potential of KM having other significant others, KM being single, KM being involved in a fling, etc.), you absolutely do not want or need them to come out. 
If they do come out, of their own choice and volition, you can happily support them, but you do not need or seek this from them.
And may I carefully remind people that if you want them to come out for the sole purpose of feeling vindicated against other shippers, you’re not a true supporter and you’re in this for selfish reasons. So, if you imagine your first instinct will be an outcry of “I told you so, I’m right” with the express purpose of throwing it in another ship’s face, please evaluate your role and incentive in being a KMer. It doesn’t matter if you’re right or if you’re wrong—all that matters are these incredible boys who inspire people on the daily are happy, healthy, and well. I honestly want their happiness and safety over a confirmation of a relationship any day and I really encourage all supporters to feel this way as well. In a conservative Asian society, it wouldn’t be easy to maneuver as an openly homosexual man. I implore you to consider the occurrences of hate crimes in more liberal countries. It’s not going to be an improvement, only likely to be a far more isolating experience, in a more traditional country with homophobic tendencies as the majority sentiment. So, while I know most reasonable supporters feel this way, this is a reminder to toxic shippers to stay in your lane and stop demanding things from other human beings that owe you nothing—they don’t owe you pictures of WeVerse, they don’t owe you selfies with one another on Twitter, and they don’t owe you a coming-out story to prove your ship right.
To sum up, I’m not saying that KM  is real for sure.
No one can know that except their personnel, their friends, and their family—or sadly, in a conservative country, perhaps even just themselves. The point is, we as fans, absolutely cannot know for certain.
And this is mainly why I'm not too concerned or bothered about timelines or specific dates. We don't know and there's no point (for me) to delve this far into the realm of speculation. But to each their own as long as you're not being invasive to KM! 
However, I’m not unconfident in saying that if they are not real, the likelihood of any other same-sex relationship in the band is highly unlikely—though not impossible.
I also want to reassure everyone that I love the bonds between all the members and encourage everyone to understand that even if you favour or don’t favour one member over another to realize that your opinion really doesn’t matter in comparison to how BTS feels about one another—they love one another. 
And at the end of the day, shipping isn’t so important that we need to fight over it.
After all, if all we’re trying to do is support love, then shouldn’t we be doling it out to?
And with that, I’m out!
Thank you to anyone for reading and keep well and healthy everyone!
PS Thank you very much to Blarhiv to allowing me to use her blog as a platform! This very, very special individual we should all treasure in the KM community!!!❤️❤️❤️    
(omg anonnie this is too cute тттт Thank YOU).
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sinfulxlusts · 4 years
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
I’m literally not going to fill out every single one of them. I’ll just do as many as I can.
🔥 - Aaron Taylor Johnson. Not a fan.
 🔥 - Emmy Rossum. do not like. 
 🔥 - Kaya Scoledario. Nooope.
 🔥 Sara Sampaio. Never happening. 
 🔥 - ezra miller. Never liked them. 
 🔥 Tom Holland. I associate him way too much with either predatory gay muses, or overly feminine submissive boys that does nothing but fucking giggling. 
 🔥 - Margot Robbie. A certain character has ruined her so bad for me. 
 🔥 - Sydney Sweeney switches between “oh fuck off” and “Hmm i can like you.”
 🔥 - Alexa Demie
 🔥 - Nicola Peltz
 🔥 - Alicia Vikander
 🔥 - Barbara Palvin
 🔥 Dacre Montgomery
 🔥 Gotta include it here. Barac Obama is a great man, but he should not be a faceclaim. 
 🔥  Neels Visser
 🔥 Dichen Lachman
I can’t think of any more
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thewordofward · 5 years
Tumblr media
Deepfake of Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr in Back to the Future – In case you are some kind of ghastly Luddite, a deepfake is essentially when you add someone's face to someone else and make them say fake stuff. Think digital 'Face/Off'. It can also be when you make someone like Obama says some stuff he never said (see video below). Predictably, as with so much other technology, one of the prime drivers of a good deepfake is the porn industry. Interactive DVDs, internet video streaming...
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