#reminder he’s friends with laura and zendaya
bluejeanbaby · 2 months
Bastian Muñoz - 48 - He/Him - Pedro Pascal FC
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CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED p*rnstar, Bastian Muñoz. Aged 48 now, he certainly didn't think he'd still be doing this shit for money, but honestly it was too good to turn down. Absolute goofball who is secretly a sage. He's been through enough to have an answer for nearly any question as long as history or english aren't involved. Sweet southern boy with a tendancy towards being called daddy (even though he really longs to be a pillow princess).
Auggie Bell - 26 - He/Him - Joe Keery FC
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FAMILY DISAPPOINTMENT, Auggie Bell was born to two scientist moms who have travelled the world to continue their studies. August hardly graduated high school in New Jersey. Try as he might, he could never meet his parents potential. Shitty hipster barista. Famous bassist wanna be. 80s final girl type PTSD. Honestly, Auggie is just happy to be alive, and be able to flirt. As long as his face card doesn't decline, he's good.
Joanne Sheridan - 24 - She/Her - Zendaya FC
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CAREER CRIMINAL but with the thickest cajun accent you've ever heard. Jo's been making a life for herself all on her own since she ran away from home as a teen. She's gotten herself pretty far just by thieving and killing. She has a knack for aligning herself with likeminded folk, and can follow instructions real well if there's a pay out.
Peter Caldwell - 64 - He/Him - Kyle MacLachlan FC
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METALHEAD. Peter's been around the metal scene since its dawn. He spent years travelling and headbanging, learning all that he could not only about rock, but all genres. When he finally decided to settle down he headed back to the states and opened up a record shop. No one really knew where he got the money from or how it stays open, but he's happy to provide a safe space for the community.
Samar Arya - 2,000+ - He/Him - Dev Patel FC
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THE ANCIENT ONE. Samar Arya has been around since the beginning of time. Or at least it is beginning to feel that way. One of the very first of his kind. He has seen mofre than any intelligent life form should ever suffer through. Frequently described as a grumpy old man, the vampire does his best to hide his hopelessly romantic true self.
Benedict Osbourne - 25 - He/Him (Transman)- Joe Quinn FC
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THE DUNGEON MASTER. Your usual nerdy DnD youtuber. Though he started out small with a few friends and a camera, he is now constantly asked to conventions, and has even crossed over into the world of gaming streams. A household name for weirdos.
Kali Gonzalez - 25 - She/Her - Alexa Demie FC
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TATTOO ARTIST. Witchy and crystal loving, Kali usually smells like incense. She's quite laid back but she absolutely loves with her entire heart. However that doesn't mean she hasn't gotten into a fight or two. She knows she's hot and doesn't need anyone to remind her, her ego is big enough. Does require men to do a tarot reading before she sleeps with them, but it's okay because she sorta prefers ladies anyway.
Daisy Davis - 27 - She/Her - Laura Harrier FC
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THE OPTIMIST. People usually believed Daisy was stupid. She was bubbly, sweet, and would help anyone who needed help. Yet what she may have lacked in so called 'street smarts' she surely made up for in her knowledge of language. She's a bit to comfortable living off of her wealthy parents money, but if she ever wanted a job, he ability to speak 10 different languages would surely get her one. In her free time she enjoys translating various poetry.
Lilla Jean Grace - 27 - She/Her - Suki Waterhouse FC
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STRIPPER WITH A HEART OF GOLD. Lilla always had big dreams of making it out of Minnesota. Unfortunately those dreams haven't proven to be realistic just yet. She grew up constantly being told she was an idiot, and felt she had proven that by failing out of high school. Yet she's grown to learn that she's plenty emotionally smart. She can take care of herself, so what else matters?
Jude Ofori - 36 - He/Him - Yahya Abdul-Mateen II FC
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PEDIATRICIAN, TOTAL ASSHOLE. Jude works too much and too hard to worry about other people's feelings. Cold. Unfeeling. Words plenty of his ex husbands and wives had thrown around, but he never took offense. Deeply insecure, and constantly looking for validation. The man is surely going to crumble at some point. Just not today.
Frankie Slater - 35 - She/They - Ritu Arya FC
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THE EXHAUSTED ROCKSTAR. The whole touring thing was fun for the first ten years Then it became tedious. She'd spent her entire twenties in and out of rehabs, and on the cover of magazines scantaly clad or puking on herself. With three divorces under her belt by thirty Frankie has finally gotten her shit together. Maybe. At least she's been clean for a year, that's worth something right?
Hayden Altman - 39 - He/Him - Andrew Garfield FC
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PARANOID. Writing about true crime isn't for the weak-hearted, so Hayden isn't sure why he got into it in the first place. Probably some point when he was getting a dual degree in pyschology and writing, or maybe the minor in criminology. He had always been deeply obsessed with research and finding as much information as possible. Any time he questions why he ruins his sanity for it, the checks come in, or detectives reach out for help and he realizes it is worth it.
Nina Otieno - 39 - She/Her - Lupita Nyong'o FC
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THE FALLEN BALLERINA. Raised in France, Nina was raised within her mother's ballet studio, wearing point shoes practically as soon as she could stand up. She loved dance, she viewed it as the most sacred out of all of the arts, and dedicated her life to it. There was no other option but for her to be a performer, and she did not disappoint. By the time she was a teenager she travelled with a touring group across Europe. In her mid twenties, she'd finally made a name and living for herself when it all fell apart. A tale as old as time. One bad fall, and she would never be able to dance the same again. She's found purpose in being a teacher. She figures the least she can do is bring proper Parisian Ballet to Americans.
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tomshufflepuff · 6 years
you literally said that someone calling someone else conservative is an insult. and you get so riled up when I call your beliefs a mental problem. most liberals tend to be hypocritical snowflakes. Trump has done more in his short time as president than Obama did in his 2 terms.
okay and? Lmao I didn’t say it was a mental disorder. It can be an insult in my opinion if it’s by match the actual 100% conservative that don’t believe in equal rights for everyone (don’t fight me on this lmao most conservatives don’t like the LGBTQ community and are very traditional and don’t support women’s rights). I got all “riled” up because what you said is bullshit and disgusting. And nah you’re not right about Trump doing more. If you mean saying more offensive things then yes you are correct. Sorry I don’t know how you can support someone who calls Africa a “shithole country” and insults the CONTINENT’s people, but welcomed white immigrants from Norway? (His wife is an immigrant and doesn’t have US citizenship just an fyi) and someone who categorizes Mexicans as rapists and blaming them for the drug and job problems in this country.Let’s look at what good things Obama did:1) He rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% in 6 years2) He signed the Affordable Care Act which provides health insurance to over 20 million uninsured Americans3) Ordered for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden4) Passed the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act to spur economic growth during the Great Recession5) Supported the LGBT community’s fight for marriage equality7) Commuted the sentences of nearly 1200 drug offenders to reverse “unjust and outdated prison sentences”8) Saved the U.S. auto industry9) Helped put the U.S. ontrack for energy independence by 202010) Began the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan 11) Signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals allowing as many as 5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits12) Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to re-regulate the financial sector13) Dropped the veteran homeless rate by 50 percent14) Reversed Bush-era torture policies15) Began the process of normalizing relations with Cuba16) Increased Department of Veteran Affairs funding17) Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act18) Boosted fuel efficiency standards for cars19) Improved school nutrition with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act20) Repealed the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy (which is honestly one of my favorite things he’s done)21) Signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, making it a federal crime to assault anyone based on sexual or gender identification (something our country desperately needed)22) Helped negotiate the landmark Iran Nuclear Deal23) He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to combat pay discrimination against women (he a feminist lmao don’t fight me. Another thing he did that’s one of my favorites)24) Nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic ever to serve as a justice25) Supported veterans through a $78 billion tuition assistance GI bill26) Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”27) Launched My Brother’s Keeper, a White House initiative designed to help young minorities achieve their full potential (again, he believes in equality FOR ALL)28) Expanded embryonic stem cell research leading to groundbreaking work in areas including spinal injury treatment and cancersooooo should I go on orrrrr 🤷‍♀️🤔And the things Trump has done for this country can be debated on if it’s actually good.He wants to be allies with Russian and North Korea. North Korea has gone back on MANY promises in the past to not attack using military weapons. Russia, well Putin was a spy and now he’s president and he’s involved with multiple dangerous people.He pulled out on the Paris Climate convention which says the US will not be participating with other major countries in trying to stop global warming. Oh and he said global warming isn’t real.He said his inauguration crowd was larger than Obama’s (lmao it wasn’t.)He accused Obama of wiretapping him, which Obama never did.He kinda confessed on Twitter that that Trump tower meeting with DJ jr. was to get “dirt” on Hilary. Keep in mind that he lied about it many times. He supports Roseanne Barr who is a known anti Jewish and a racist.He called Mexicans, “rapists” and said they were bringing drugs and crime into this country. Not knowing that there’s more white American citizens who have been prosecuted for rape. He blames immigrants on everything, including “stealing jobs”. No okay lmao first of all, no one is “stealing” any jobs. The employer is often going to hire the employee who is a better worker. So stop complaining like a little bitch saying a Mexican stoke your job and start working on becoming a harder and better worker. Plus another reason why more immigrants are being hired is because a lot of them don’t have much money after coming here from Mexico. And they are willing to work for anything to be able to have enough money to provide for their families. The American employer sees that and doesn’t give them a fare pay because they know the immigrant will work for anything. So they take advantage and lower the pay for that employee so they can keep the money for themselves.He also body shames women and treats them as if they were objects. He hates NATO because okay lesson time, NATO was put together because of the Soviet Union’s (Russia) rose to power during the Cold War and were taking over many nearby cities and torturing people. So some countries in Europe and and the Americas established NATO as an alliance to fight against the Soviet if they ever rise to power like that again. And you know why Trump pulled out of it? Because he’s friends with Putin and doesn’t want to be in an alliance against him.He also wants DACA gone because it protects immigrants. Not knowing that you can’t get a DACA if you have a criminal record of any kind.Says he loves all of the dreamers yet he’s very racist and unfair to the majority of the dreamers in this country (Latinos and Latinas).Promotes a “Space Force” lmao what even is that the next Star Wars movie.He wants abortion and birth control gone and his excuses is because of his religion (along with Mike Pence) and they wanna get rid of Planned Parenthood just because they give abortions. Planned Parenthood does get government funding, but that funding does not go to abortions, just basic medical help to new moms. My mom went to planned parenthood, she obviously didn’t get an abortion 😂And recently, Trump locks children in actual cages in support of Jeff Session’s “no tolerance policy” saying that if you come into this country illegally, they’re gonna rip your children away from you. Not only that, but they didn’t even bother to keep track of children in any way and many children are still separated from their parents. And Sessions quotes a bible verse while speaking about the policy. Yet Trump supporters who call themselves Christians ignore this one bible verse, “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself for you were foreigners in Egypt. For I am the LORD your GOD.” Hmmmm 🤔Also, there’s this thing called Separation of Church and State that was mentioned by one of the founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, going into detail about the First Amendment in the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise of the First Amendment. So he really shouldn’t use a bible verse to back up his shit. Along with Pence and Trump using their religious beliefs to cancel abortions.
But I do not agree with everything Obama did. He did do some, well not so good, well bad things too. So I do acknowledge that Obama isn’t all perfect. And I’m pointing out a lot of bad things Trump has done because those are the major key points. He hasn’t really done anything good for this country, or our allies. And he’s not a good leader by being racist and sexist.
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
Love Is The Biggest Spell : Chapter Four
A/N : Chapter four is here. I know I'm late with the updates blame it on my lazy ass. A near death experience and a heartbreak triggers the witchy side of yours as the day of you getting back your powers approaches near. Hope you like this chapter. Feedbacks and suggestions are always welcome. Happy Halloween!
Pairing : Warlock Tom Holland x half mortal reader
Summary : Witches are forbidden to fall in love with mortals. But what if your long lost love returns to you as a mortal, can you defy your heart? Any spell any magic seems useless in front of the magic of love. Let's join our lovers in their magical conquest beyond life and death as they fight for their love unravelling dark mysteries of the past along their way.
Warnings : just witchy stuff.
Mini Playlist : Secret love by Little Mix
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The song ended and you were brought back to reality. You slipped away from Tom's embrace averting your gaze.
“I think I'm drunk enough for today.” You smiled awkwardly face flushed red. 
"Yeah, you should go home now it's already quite late. I can drop you if you want." He offered. 
"No it's fine I can go with Jane."
"Okay then goodbye."
"Yeah goodbye and be safe." he cautioned. 
"Yeah I will." Giving him a tight lipped smile you went to the counter where Jane was sitting and watching you both the whole time. 
"That didn't look like your boyfriend." Jane quipped. 
"Shut up" you scoffed. 
"Where is he by the way?" 
"Probably drunk somewhere. Can we go now?" you paid for your drinks and headed back to your home. You both walked down the street giggling while gossiping about your life problems.
“You know you can’t string along to both of them, you have to let one of them go.” Jane said out of nowhere.
“I'm not stringing along anybody.” 
“Yes you're Cole has always been your backup plan if things didn't turn out well with your other flings. Think about it carefully Y/N. Stop wasting your time in a relationship that has no love in it” You listened to her quietly because it was true you were confused and had no idea what to do. You reached the crossroad from where one path leads to Jane’s house and the other to yours it was time for you both to say goodbye.
"See you tomorrow at the shop. Give me a call when you reach home" Jane said
"Yeah bye." You waved her a goodbye and continued walking. The road to your home brushed past a short stretch of the mystic forest. It was quite late so the road was pretty isolated. It may appear a little scary for the weak of heart but the dark never scares you. You enjoyed it's mysterious anonymity. But tonight it was different because tonight someone was waiting for you, hiding behind the veil of darkness lurking around those huge trees with your death sentence. 
"There she is. She does look like Amber." Laura remarks. 
"She is Amber, Laura." Angourie rolls her eyes. 
"Let’s finish the job we came for shall we?" Zendaya said with a menacing look in her eyes. Three of them held on to each other’s hands and chanted the incantation closing their eyes. 
"Vos omnes ministri odey et destructiones et seratore discorde. Et qui libiter opera facitis et tractibus, quod eat noce. Vos conjurae idec nos conjuo et odit fiat mier alve, Y/N." 
"Coming back in a mortal's body, poor choice Amber." Zendaya tsked sighing. 
"Let's see how many days this weak body of yours can sustain." She gave a devilish grin. The spell started doing it's job as you suddenly started to feel a little dizzy, stumbling a little while walking but you somehow managed to reach your home. Next day you weren’t still feeling any better but went to the cafe anyway. 
"You look like shit, everything ok?" Jane quipped pointing at your tired appearance. 
"Yeah I’m fine just a mild headache, still a little hungover I guess." You said busy wiping the counter. 
"So what’s the plan for Halloween?" 
"What are we five that we will go trick or treating?" 
"No but you are turning 25." Jane reminded you. 
"I don’t know, I just don’t feel like celebrating, birthdays have become really boring for me." You shrugged. 
"Hey girls." Your two new regular customers walked in with a jovial smile on their faces. 
"Hey," you said weakly. 
Jane and Harrison went for a kiss which soon turned into a passionate one. 
"Ugh! Guys get a room." You scrunch your face disgusted. They pull away laughing. 
“This is exactly how I felt when I used to be stuck between you and Cole.” Jane giggled. You scoffed rolling your eyes.
"So what’s up?" Harrison chirped 
"Nothing just that our girl is turning 25 this Halloween and she’s been a buzzkill because she doesn’t want to celebrate it." 
"Your birthday is on Halloween?" Tom's eyes lit up. 
"Fascinating isn't it? The spookiest birthday one could imagine."
"It's indeed special and this year there is going to be a blood moon on the night of Halloween which occurs every 25 years." 
"There’s still time for my birthday guys and before that we have our decade dance at the college. And the theme is the good old 90's" you sighed with content. 
"Yeah the minimalist era, quite liberating." Harrison agreed. Meanwhile Jane noticed something as she looked at you with a worried face. 
"Y/N your nose, it's bleeding." Tom and Harrison's attention shifted to you. 
"What?" You raised your finger and swiped it near your nose to find blood on it. 
"Are you okay?" Jane placed her hand on your shoulder with concern.
"Yeah I guess so."
"Wait let me see." Tom cradled your face with his large calloused palms surprising you with his sudden move. 
"Did something like this happen to you before?"
"Not that I remember." You looked at him totally weirded out. He let go of you, realizing that he was making you uncomfortable. 
"How are you feeling?"
"Tired and sleepy." You closed your eyes, holding your head sighing.
"I think you should go home and take some rest. We can drive you home." 
"No it's fine I'll be ok." 
"Y/N don't be stubborn Tom is right, I'm here I can handle it for today."
"Okay let me go and change then." You went back to the store Jane accompanied you. Tom turned to Harrison. 
"It's a blood curse." 
"But who did this?" 
"There's only one who I know is capable of doing this actually three." Tom ticked his jaw frowning. 
"We need to break the curse or she will grow weaker."
"A regimen of salt water baths and reversing candles over the course of a couple weeks would do the trick. But the problem is she doesn't believe in these things and will think we are crazy."
"Then we have to find someone whom she will listen to without saying a word.''
"It has to be her mother. Haz once we take her home whenever you get the chance use compulsion on Mrs. Warren and compel her to  persuade Y/N to follow the ritual. I know it's wrong but we don't have any other option."
You walked out changed from your uniform to your normal clothes Jane was holding you. 
"C'mon love I got you." Tom wrapped his arm around your shoulder and took you to his car. He made you sit in the back seat then he sat beside you. You leaned your head on his shoulder closing your eyes as Harrison drove the car. The whole drive Tom had his hand wrapped around you in a comforting manner as he frowned deeply with concern in his eyes. Reaching your house he helped you get out of the car and carried you inside. 
"Oh my God! What happened?'' your mother panicked. 
"She wasn't feeling well." Tom informed. 
"Take her to her room." she ordered. 
"Sure Mrs. Warren." Tom carried you to your room. 
"Sorry but who are you guys?" Martha directed her question to Harrison. Before he could think of an answer Erica answered for him.
"They are Y/N's new classmates, aunt I have already met the other one you weren’t here that time."
"Oh I see thank you for bringing her safely back home."
"Oh no need to thank us she is our friend it's our duty to look after her."
Tom made you lay down on your bed tucking you inside your blanket and gently stroked your forehead as you fell asleep. After making sure that you were sleeping soundly Tom got up and went to your bathroom and dipped his hand in the water of the bathtub swirling it in a circular motion and chanted. 
"If truly she is cursed today, let water wash the hex away. If truly she is cursed today, let water wash the hex away.'' 
He stepped out of your bathroom  and saw Harrison standing beside your bed. 
"Job done." Harrison reported to Tom. 
"Yeah I also enchanted the water now only she needs to take a bath as soon as she wakes up." 
"I think we should go for now."
"Yeah I also have some unfinished business to attend." Tom looked at you for one last time placing a soft kiss on your forehead. 
"You will be as bright as the sunshine tomorrow, my love. I'll never let any harm come your way in future." Saying that he left with Harrison. 
"I’m not leaving them so easily Haz. They are going to pay for what they did to Y/N." Tom grumbled while he searched for a perfect spot in the forest to execute his plan. 
It was around evening Laura was strolling in the forest. An eerie silence prevailed; only the distant calls of coyotes could be heard in short intervals. Tom and Harrison were hiding behind the trees waiting for Laura to approach the exact spot where they wanted her to be and the moment she was at the spot. 
"Abi in malem cursem." Tom muttered.
"Aaaahh!!!" Laura screamed in pain as she felt something pierce her foot holding her to the ground the more she struggled to set free the more it hurted and blood came gushing out her foot. Tom and Harrison appeared from behind the trees.
"Tom what the heaven!! Why are you doing this to me?" Laura cried out in pain.
"You know very well why!" He barked.
"We did what was needed to be done, that half breed doesn't deserve to be alive. She's a disgrace to our community."
"If she doesn't deserve to live then so do you!" Tom focused on the trap which doubled up the pain making Laura scream on the top of her lungs. 
"Tom let go of my sister!" Zendaya yelled panting as she came running to her rescue.
"Give me one good reason for not doing the same to you." he spat. 
"Tom have you gone out of your mind! You will go against your own kind for a mortal?" 
"You know very well what I'm capable of Z which includes draining every ounce of blood from Laura's body."
"The coven will not spare you."
"So will you for trying to kill an innocent girl and you know the punishment Z."
"You're not gonna do that, are you? She asked in disbelief because in spite of the sour relationship with the mortals the coven had set rules against hurting innocent humans. 
"Oh I might take this matter to father but I have a better offer. Let's make a deal I leave her and you have to do what I say." 
"What do you want me to do?" 
"You are in position to question Z. Just say yes or no."
"Okay fine, I'll do whatever you want me to do. Now let her go." 
Tom mumbled a reversing spell which set Laura free from the trap. She collapsed on the ground holding her foot Zendaya ran to her aid. 
"And stay away from Y/N because next time I will not be this generous." he warned and turned to leave. 
"You are making a grave mistake Tom trying to protect that weakling.'' 
"That’s none of your business Z.'' 
After you woke up your mother under Harrison’s compulsion made you complete the curse removal ritual, you were now sitting in your bathtub body dipped in salt water surrounded by numerous scented candles with an utterly bored expression on your face.
"I'm never going to get drunk again." You muttered to yourself picking up an extinguished candle in your hand from beside you. You zoned out eyes trained on the wick of the candle and suddenly the candle caught fire, you snapped out of your daze as the flame flared in its intensity. 
"Holy shit!!" you shrieked dropping the candle in the water panicking. You blinked a few times holding on to your head. You tried to convince yourself that you were just tired and seeing things as you got out of the water hurriedly. 
The next day you were fresh as a daisy, full of energy. You went to visit your dad at the registrar in the morning. 
"Hey dad what's up?" 
"Nothing peanut just editing and stuff with the articles." 
"Can I help?" 
"Yeah sure why not this is all gonna be yours after a few years anyways." You sat on a chair and started arranging the articles in order. 
"This case is really blowing my mind though!" Fred blew out his cheeks in agony pacing back and forth in the room. . 
"What case?" you frowned. 
"These." He placed some police investigation reports on the table in front of you. You examined each of the reports. 
"People going missing in mystic woods, what's so tricky in this?" 
"Observe the pattern of the incidents it's always once in a month and the place of disappearance all near the Runeshire winery which are jointly owned by the Holland's and Osterfield's. I suspect they have something to do with these missing people."
"Holland as in Tom Holland?" you questioned him. 
"Yeah how do you know him?" 
"He is in my class." 
"Yeah he and his best friend Harrison joined our college a few weeks back. But they seem to be really good guys."
"Appearances can sometimes be deceiving, always remember that Y/N."
"If only I could get access inside their estate and try to find some evidence." He mumbled. 
"I can do it for you. I have books to return to him anyways." You offered. 
"Honey they are kind of shady. I can't allow you to go there all by yourself."
"I'll be fine dad. Tom is a good friend of mine and I trust him. And I also believe they have nothing to do with these cases. But for your satisfaction let me go and check they will not suspect anything if I go so just tell me what I need to do." and as per your father's instruction you were now standing in front of the Holland's residence. 
Ivy and ferns grew through the crevices of the old winding stone path, which led directly to the colossal structure. The mansion loomed proudly behind creaky iron gates, flanked by rows of skeletal trees crowned in crimson, swaying gently to the chilly autumn wind. You walked inside admiring the surroundings at its threshold stood the delicate marble fountain, the soft gurgling of the clear water melodic as it resonated in the surrounding silence. It was a big mansion more like a palace from Victorian times quite old which gave out some eerie vibes. You took a deep breath gathering some courage and rang the doorbell. The door opened and a young boy appeared from behind. He was most probably in his teens and shared the same facial resemblance to Tom. Must be one of his brothers you assumed as you introduced yourself.
"Umm Hi I'm Y/N Y/L/N. A friend of Tom. We are in the same class. I came to return these to him." You showed him the books.
"Who's it Paddy?" You heard a male voice enquire from inside.
"Umm one of Tom's friends."
"Which friend?" Harry walked to the front door and a wave of shock coursed through his face seeing you as if he saw a ghost. His eyes were slightly widened still trying to process what he was seeing.
"Hello." You greeted the curly haired brunette timidly.
"Oh hey! Y/N!" Harrison chirped from behind breaking Harry from his daze.
"Hey Haz." You finally felt relieved seeing someone familiar.
"Come in!" 
"I thought you would never ask." You quipped giving a quick glance to Harry and Paddy. Harrison led you inside the house and you were stunned at the grandeur of the interiors. The house was stashed with exquisite and expensive articles each item worth hundreds of thousands of dollars you thought. 
"Is this a living room?" you questioned in disbelief looking at the size of the room.
"Living room, parlour whatever you want to say." Harrison half shrugged. 
"Dude two of my houses could fit in here." You chuckled.
"Tom's in the shower you can wait here or I can take you to his room if you want." he gave a sly smirk. You understood the reference a sly smirk forming on your face as well. 
"No thanks I'm fine waiting here Harrison anyway I had some work on this side of the town so thought to stop by and return his books that's all." 
"As you wish." he shrugged. 
"I heard we have a very pretty guest in our house." You turned to look at a red haired middle aged woman, a warm welcoming smile adorned her face. 
"She is Tom's mother." Harrison whispered in your ear. You straightened yourself. 
"Hello Mrs Holland nice to meet you. Sorry for dropping in without prior notice didn't mean any trouble."
"It's totally fine dear. It's good to meet you."
"And I really want to thank you too for lending these books. They came really handy with completing our assignment." 
"I'm glad they came into good use." Her eyes twinkled as her gaze shifted behind you. 
"Oh Tom! look who is here." You turned to find Tom coming down the stairs. 
''Hey Y/N" he said breathily. His eyes sparkled seeing you all bubbly and cheerful after last day’s incident.
"Hi Tom." your heart fluttered as you soaked in his freshly showered appearance. He looked so radiant in trousers and a black shirt sleeves rolled up giving quite a view of his strong veiny arms, his hair slightly wet beads of water dripping from them. He smelled good which intoxicated your senses. You shook off your thoughts and spoke up. 
"Just came to return these sorry for not calling you beforehand." Before Tom could say something you were interrupted by another male voice. 
"That's fine dear you are always welcome at this house." You turned to find a middle aged man. It wasn't hard for you to deduce that he was Tom's father. Tom was having a hard time at your sudden visit to his house because nobody knew about you as well as of him venturing out to the mortal world in search of you. He gulped nervously seeing his father. 
"Let me introduce myself Dominic Holland, owner of Runeshire winery and Tom's father."
"Nice to meet you Mr. Holland." You gave a wide smile. 
"Tom why don't you go and give a tour of our winery to your lovely friend."
"Sure-sure father." Tom stuttered. 
"Come with me Y/N you'll love it.”
Tom gave you a tour around the whole estate. You walked past some picturesque vineyards chit chatting about his family history and how they started this business. Then he took you to the warehouse where their intoxicating delicacy is being produced and stored. Lines of barrels of wine stacked together a fruity aroma looming in the room which itself gave away about its best quality.
"And this is what we make our living out of." Tom announced proudly as you looked around intrigued.
''Come with me, I'll show you something" He showed you a wooden door which led to a secret cellar downstairs. 
"You sure you aren't going to kill me for dropping by your house unannounced?" you joked looking at him skeptically. He rolled his eyes and shook his head smiling. You followed him downstairs. The cellar was filled with more barrels of wine. 
"These are the finest wines of our winery aged to perfection and only reserved for the family and inner circle." 
"Wanna taste?"
"Am I allowed?" 
"You are kind of an inner circle now, so yes." He shrugged. He went to grab two wine glasses and ran the tap from the wine barrel to fill the glasses. He handed you one. You clink your glasses and take a sip from it.  You never had anything like this before in your life, the rich taste just touched your soul,
"Mmm this. is. so good!" you praised.
"Here." He handed you a bottle of wine.
"What's this for?" you knitted your brows. 
"I went to your house that day empty handed, not a nice impression in front of your parents I guess." 
"You are not my boyfriend Thomas." You narrowed your eyes smirking.
“But son of the owner of the Runeshire winery kind of against our reputation.” he grinned.
“Okay I’m taking it.” It was time for you to leave your job of sneaking around them was done and you were more than relieved that you didn't find anything suspicious.
"It was nice having you here wish you would have stayed for lunch."
"I would love to but not today I promised my mom to return early. Maybe next time. Bye then see you later." 
"Bye love." He walked you back to the front gates and bid you goodbye.
Tom entered his house blushing smiling to himself you just made his day  but the happiness was short lived because he was met with questioning stares from his family wanting explanation of what just happened. 
"So when did you plan on telling us?”
"Father, I just thought it wasn't the right time."
"How can you be so irresponsible, Tom , going into the mortal world? and you took Harrison with you too." 
"Father it's Amber I had to go."
"I know you have a soft spot for her but she is a mortal."
"Half mortal father, she is a half witch too."
"That doesn't change the fact that she is not one of us, mortal blood runs in her body she will age and die eventually one day. What will you do then?" 
"Dark baptism." Agatha interrupted in between. 
"What do you mean Lady Layman?" 
"Get her baptised in the name of our Dark Lord, I’m sure he will grant her powers and she will be just one of us."
"She would never agree to this." Tom said dismissively. 
"Then you have to make her agree to this Thomas or else you have to forget her forever." Tom's father gave him an ultimatum. 
Tom and Harrison were sitting in his room thinking about what to do now as Zendaya appeared.
"Well well all this hush hush to keep her a secret gone to waste. Guess what Amber just blew her cover herself oh sorry Y/N was it?" Zendaya jabbed. 
"Z for once in your life can you stop being a mean bitch you are?" Harrison scoffed. 
"Aww can't my ex would be fiance's lady love do this much for him? oh sorry my mistake she already has someone else in her life."
"Are you done?" Tom asked irritatedly. 
"Because I think it's time for you to do what I said." 
"What do you mean?" Zendaya frowned.
"Did you forget about the deal we had? It’s time.'' 
"What do you want me to do?"
"Nothing you don’t like. Just need to see how good your seduction skills are." 
"You are not serious are you?" Tom just stared coldly and she got her answer.
"Okay fine." 
It was the day of the decade dance at your college. Everybody dressed themselves taking inspiration from the 90′s era neon colours, halter neck crop tops, slip dresses, skater dresses, button down shirts, drainpipe jeans etc. You were sitting alone at the bleachers because your boyfriend was nowhere to be seen after he left you to get some drinks. You watched Jane dancing having fun with Harrison. You felt happy that finally she found her the love of her life.
Secret love playing......
“What’s with that long face?” Tom quipped.
“None of your business.” you snickered.
“To that I would like to remind you that I'm always ready to be your boyfriend’s replacement.” He offered. You arched a sly brow at him.
“Shall we?” “Okay fine.” you sighed holding onto his hand.
When you're with him, do you call his name Like you do when you're with me? Does it feel the same? Would you leave if I was ready to settle down Or would you play it safe and stay?
You weaved your fingers into his long slender ones another hand holding on to his shoulder. His other hand went to hold you around your waist swaying sideways to the music.
Girl, you know this We got a love that is hopeless
Jane's words kept replaying in your mind. “You can't string along with both of them you have to choose.” but you can't be unfaithful to Cole. He doesn't deserve this. It is a passing affair you will get over it, you have to you thought. You witnessed the lifestyle Tom is used to and you are no match to him. So thinking of a thinnest possibility that you can be together is futile. 
Why can't you hold me in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor? I wish that it could be like that Why can't we be like that? 'Cause I'm yours
Tom was happy for a reason. After tonight one of the bonds that's keeping you tied up to this world will soon be torn apart. The only remorse he feels is that you will get hurt in the process. He is being selfish he knows, he was always selfish when it came to you. But he knows whatever is going to happen is for your own good. You promised him you would come back and that is what he is doing bringing you back to your real self, to him. The music stopped and you stepped away from him.
"I think I should go and find Cole its being quite long he didn't return." 
"Yeah sure." You went to look for Cole but he was nowhere to be found. The only place left for you to check was terrace on the West Wing. You went their and saw Tom walking back from that direction
"Hey!" you called out .Tom was startled at first then he questioned you back. 
"Hey where are you going?" 
"To see if Cole is there or not. I couldn't find him anywhere.'' 
"I think you should not go there." 
"Uh nothing just some couple making out quite passionately, really weirded me out.” He chuckled.
“let's go inside Y/N, Cole isn't there." He ushered you back to the hall.
"It's okay I don't feel awkward with  people making out. I'll quickly just go and check." 
"But Y/N! Wait!" Before Tom could stop you the damage was already done. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. It was Cole with some girl, their lips practically glued to each other, tongues slipping into each other's mouth moaning and panting. You felt disgusted at the view. Never in your life you thought that Cole will do such a thing to you. Jane was right you were wasting your time on him. All this time you were questioning your moral compass for having feelings for another man and he turned out to be the unfaithful one. 
"You bloody cheater!!" You spat. Cole was startled as he broke the kiss bug eyed to find Zendaya smirking devilishly at him wiping the corner of her lips with her thumb. 
"Who the hell are you?!" He pushed her away. He looked between you and Zendaya in confusion. 
"But- but how can this happen? It was you then where the hell she came from?." 
"You fucking Liar! Just stop with your good act already" you snarled
"Y/N I swear I don't know where she came from." Cole grabbed onto both of your hands desperately trying to make you understand but you were overcome with anger as you pushed him hard. 
"Go to hell!" You stomped off from there with Tom following you. 
You were fuming with rage. And getting drunk you thought was the last resort to get over this heartbreak. You walked up to the drinks counter and started gulping down shots one after the other. You felt that wasn't enough for you as you took a whole bottle of vodka and started drinking from it. 
"Y/N wait no!" Tom snatched the bottle from your hand. You glowered at him angrily. Which made him step back from you in fear, your eyes scared him. They weren't your usual eye color instead they were replaced with burning red hot fiery orbs. He remembered Helena's warning about not to instigate you and the dangerous consequences it can lead to. He quickly hugged you, caressing the back your head soothingly and pecking your forehead. 
"Ssh, Ssh It's alright love.”
“I don't know what's happening to me.” you mumbled face buried into his chest.
“There's nothing to get upset about, calm down, everything will be fine. He doesn't deserve you. I'm here don’t worry" He whispered sweet nothing in your ears trying to cool your temper. You eventually were back to your usual self making Tom heave a sigh of relief. But you were still drunk as you were blabbering random shit. 
"That's enough for today we should go home now." He dragged you out to the corridors. 
"No!" You snatched your hand from his grip. 
"C'mon love, don't be so stubborn let's get you home. You are not in your ownself." He frowned. You walked up to him stumbling a little looking at him with doe eyes. Tom hold on to you trying to steady you down.
"Has anyone ever told you how ridiculously cute and handsome you are?" Tom found the drunk you cute and funny as he played along.
"Yes, you Y/N 25 years ago." he chuckled. 
"Really?.. Then did I kiss you after saying that?" 
"No, Y/N."
"Then I definitely owe you a kiss, my cutie honey bear." You grabbed his face with your hands pouting your lips to kiss him. 
"Y/N you are drunk we should not do this." he pulled his face away.
"Why not? If that moron can kiss someone else, why can't I?" you whined.
"And I know you want this too, what do you think I don't get why you're always there around me? We girls know way before when a guy is interested in us." Tom gulped nervously and suddenly you felt nauseous as you threw up near the bushes outside the corridor. After you were done your body was totally drained out Tom picked you up in princess style and carried you back to his car and took you home.
Tom carried you his hands across your body as you leaned onto him. He rang the doorbell and Erica opened the door. She tsked rolling her eyes seeing you in such a disoriented condition. Without a word she motioned Tom to take you inside. He carried you to your room and laid you on your bed and then stood outside the room so that Erica could change your clothes. Erica came out after a while. 
''You have kind of become a body bearer." Erica chuckled making Tom smile. 
"This is what I was warning you, she is a little impulsive when she gets upset. Thankfully uncle and aunt are not here to see her like this" she sighed. 
"She's just angry. Cole shouldn't have done that." 
"Thanks for looking out for my sister." 
"She's a good friend of mine" 
"Oh C'mon stop with the good friend act already, I know you like her."
"Uh no, no it's - it's nothing like that." he stammered. 
"You really think I'm gonna buy that." Erica arched her brow. "That longing stares, that mutual pining I have gone through it all at one point of my life honey, I know." 
"Gonna say your goodbyes?" She asked. Tom scratches the back of his neck unsure of what to say.
"Go ahead." Erica said assuring him. He walked inside your room and sat beside your sleeping figure. 
"Hey darling." he cooed softly placing his hand on your cheek gently brushing your hair away from your face. You looked so innocent and pure which melts his heart. 
"Sleep well and I'm sorry for tonight." he turned to leave but felt a pull in his hand as you sat up grabbing on to his wrist. 
"Stay. Pleaase…" you made a sad face. And how can he leave you like this. Without a second thought Tom got in the bed lying down beside you. You snuggled close to him resting yourself on his broad chest holding on to his hand. He cradled you in his arm gently threading his fingers through your hair. He stared at you intently. His face dropped as he sighed deeply, a sense of guilt growing in him. Because he was the one behind your bitter fallout with Cole. As per their deal Zendaya with the help of glamour spell turned herself to look like you and lure Cole out. Poor Cole never got the slightest hint that it was Zendaya who was dancing with him the whole time not you. 
"You're being extra clingy tonight Y/N." Cole chuckled. 
"Not my fault if my man looks extra delicious tonight." You said with lust blown eyes. 
"Just wanna savor onto these tender lips" you kissed him fervently. And then dragged him out of the hall to the terrace and grabbed onto his shirt slamming your lips to his devouring him. But alas if he would have known that he is being tricked so that his image gets maligned in your eyes. So that you start hating him and break up with him.
He knew whatever he did today was wrong he hurt you but your bonds with the mortal world had to be broken because as soon as they will come to know about your true identity they will try to kill you and he won’t let that happen this time. And after what he witnessed tonight, the slightest hint that he got of that your powers are soon going to come back was enough for him to know that he can't risk it anymore. The door was open as Erica came in to check up on you and found you two all cuddled up. She tapped on the door gently with a smirk. Tom was snapped out of his thoughts as he hastily tried to sit up. But Erica stopped him waving her hand and mouthed to him. 
"It's ok.. Take care of her." he nodded smiling. Erica went away closing the door. Tom sighed, turning his attention to you, still gently stroking your hair and closed his eyes dozing off to sleep. After so many years he is finally going to have a good night's sleep in your warm embrace . 
You squinted as the sun rays hit your face, fluttering your eyes open. The sheets were cold as you got up to an empty bed. You went downstairs and heard some noise coming from the kitchen. You made your way to the kitchen to find Tom cooking breakfast.
"Am I still drunk or my sister turned into you." You joked. 
"Good morning." 
“Morning” you yawned. “Didn’t know you were a chef too. I'm a horrible cook by the way.” you chuckled.
“Yeah Tom offered to help and I couldn't refuse the offer of getting one day off from cooking duties.” Erica chuckled from behind. You went up to her and whispered in her ears.
"Why is he here?" 
"Because your clingy ass didn't let him go. Thank God your parents are nit here."
“You let us sleep together on the same bed?” you seethed.
"You know he seems to be a nice guy." 
"Seriously I just broke up with my long time boyfriend last night and you are trying to set me up with another guy the next day?"
"And I’m glad you finally broke up with that dumbass. And I also know you secretly like Tom. C’mon I’m just being a supportive sister."
“You're unbelievable” you scoffed and went back to the kitchen 
"Hey I don't remember much of it from last night but if I did or said anything wrong I'm sorry."
"Hmm apart from trying to kiss me and almost puking on me it's ok I don't mind." your face turned red in embarrassment.
“It's okay darling, glad to know that you find me cute.” he handed you your breakfast giving you a subtle wink mischievously.
“That cheeky bastard” you thought.
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starryparker · 5 years
you’re cute when you’re jealous // tom holland x reader
requested by anon
summary: tom get’s a lil jealous and maybe tries a little too hard.
pairing: tom holland x shy!reader
a/n: I’m so sorry this is kinda long (1.6k) and I don’t even think it’s that good yikes. enjoy anyway homies. requests are open!
Tom didn’t know what he was expecting when Zendaya had mentioned she was bringing along another one of her friends that he hasn’t met, but he definitely wasn’t expecting them to be a guy. An attractive guy.
Y/n and Tom were the first to arrive, sitting down at their reserved table. The couple talked softly over a glass of wine, waiting for the rest of the gang to show up. However, it was nice to talk to Y/n in the dim candlelight as it illuminated her almost flawless features. Tom took this time to marvel at how she looked tonight, her hair was pulled back in a low ponytail with a few strands framing her face, wearing a gorgeous loose-fitting black dress paired with black wedges. How the hell did he get so lucky?
Harrison was the next to arrive at the scene, taking a seat next to Tom. The conversation had grown louder now, the trio burst into laughter every few seconds. It was nice to see that Y/n had gotten so comfortable about Haz, as she usually was a very shy, quiet and reserved person. Though, when Zendaya and her friend arrived, she had stopped talking completely.
Zendaya took a seat across from Tom and her friend took the free spot next to Y/n. The girl mentally sighed at the fact a complete stranger had chosen to sit next to her. She leaned across the table and finished off her wine glass, setting it back in its original spot before slouching in her seat. The guy next to her noticed this, and he raised his thick eyebrows with a small, questioning grin.
He was attractive, Y/n wasn’t going to deny that. His hair was thick, dark and slicked back. The guy had a neatly trimmed beard and pearly white teeth. Biceps poked out from under his button-up shirt. Yep. He was definitely attractive.
“Rough night?” He asked with a laugh.
“Oh, you don’t know the half of it,” Y/n responded, trying to be polite and friendly.
This made him laugh, maybe a bit too loud because Tom whipped his head around to see what was so funny. Y/n turned to face him, putting a soft hand on his shoulder, letting him know that everything was okay. Tom didn’t even acknowledge her hand and just stared straight past her, eyeing the guy who was now engrossed in a conversation with Zendaya.
Zendaya’s friend was quickly forgotten when Laura arrived. Tom jumped from his spot and reached out to greet her in a welcoming hug. Y/n smiled at her sweetly from her chair, not wanting to greet another semi-stranger. As Laura pulled away from Tom, they shared a laugh at something Tom had said. Y/n leaned forward and traced the rim of her glass with her fingertip, hoping that some alcoholic beverage would magically fill up the glass and save her from this tragic night.
“You’re Tom’s girlfriend, aren’t you?” Zendaya’s friend spoke up, shifting in his chair so he was facing her.
“Yeah, I am,” Y/n said in a soft voice, hoping for this painful small talk to end.
“He’s a very lucky guy. I hope he treats you right. Pretty girls like you deserve to be treated right.” He ran his tongue along his lower lip.
Y/n felt herself blush and she brushed her hair from her eyes. What she didn’t know was that Tom had watched this whole exchange from where he was standing. Pressing his lips into a thin line, he excused himself from the conversation he was having with Laura and Jacob.
As he reached Y/n, he leaned over the back of her chair, tilting her chin up with his hand and pressed a kiss to her soft lips. It lasted a few seconds and that was long enough to make Y/n feel a little flustered. Tom took a seat next to her and wrapped his arm around the back of her chair, leaning in closer to her.
“Hey man, I’m Tom. I don’t think we’ve met,” Tom chirped, reaching his free hand over Y/n’s lap and out to the guy.
“I’m Noah,” he took Tom’s hand and shook it firmly.
Y/n mentally sighed again, knowing where this was going. Quickly, Y/n grabbed Tom’s hand and let it rest in her lap, running her thumb over his knuckles. Tom seemed to smile proudly at this as he watched Noah turn away with a scowl on his face.
“Thomas, don’t,” Y/n said in a low voice, her eyes finding his.
“Wasn’t doing anything, darling,” he said innocently, leaning in to capture her lips momentarily.
A round of protests caused them to break apart and Y/n felt her cheeks heat up. The girl let go of Tom’s hand to rub at her face as if it could wither away the rest of her embarrassment. The group broke out into a laugh before finally settling down in their seats and taking a look at the menus.
Y/n stayed quiet as the rest of the group chatted around her. Tom had his hand on her thigh, his thumb rubbing circles into her flesh. This seemed to calm her nerves a little bit as she appreciated the feeling of his skin on hers. Every few minutes, Tom would glance over at Noah and if he was even remotely looking in his direction, Tom would lean over and whisper something into Y/n’s ear, making her blush.
“So, what do you do?” Noah asked when Tom had turned to talk to Harrison, resting his head in his palm.
“I’m studying English literature at college,” Y/n answered, not quite meeting his eyes.
“Of course, you’re intelligent. God, you’re such a dream girl,” Noah gushed, taking a sip of his drink. “My mama would love for me to bring home a girl like you.”
Y/n smiled instantly at the comment, feeling her insides go mushy. A soft giggle passed through her mouth as her face grew red again. Of course, Tom complimented her all the time but when somebody she barely knew did it, it made her feel happy. Yet, it made Tom the exact opposite. One could even say, he was jealous.
What right did this random guy have to flirt with his girlfriend of all the people here? Anger bubbled in his chest as he aggressively grabbed his beer from the table and downed the rest of it. Y/n didn’t notice this as she had started to slightly enjoy this Noah’s company, asking questions about what he did for a living.
“Darling?” Tom spoke, interrupting a joke Noah was cracking. Y/n turned in his direction and hummed. “Did I tell you how gorgeous you look tonight.”
He trailed a long finger against her jawline, causing goose bumps to surface along her skin. He brushed his lips gently against hers, reminding Noah that he took her home to his mama. Zendaya watched the exchange with a scrunched-up nose, cringing at how hard Tom was trying to get his point across.
The night continued with laughs, smiles, and Tom touching Y/n every five minutes. Whether it was her thigh, hand, shoulder, or back, he’d be there to make sure it was touched. Noah sill tried his best at flirting with Y/n, but every time Tom heard his deep voice under everybody else’s conversations, he’d whip his head around and press a kiss somewhere onto Y/n’s face.
Soon, midnight was rolling in and everybody was starting to leave. Jacob was the first to go, hugging Tom and waving goodbye to Y/n. Jacob shared a smirk with Zendaya and Harrison, indicating that they were never going to let Tom live down tonight. Next was Laura and then it was time for both Zendaya and Noah to leave.
“Hey, it was really nice talking with you tonight,” Noah flashed his pearly whites, “I was wondering if I could get your number?”
Tom was quick to step in between this one, “No, but you can get mine if you really wanted, mate.”
Noah rolled his eyes and walked over to where Zendaya was standing, her face in another contortion. Zendaya said her goodbyes and hastily pushed Noah out of the restaurant before he could say anything else.
“Jesus Tom,” Harrison groaned, his head falling into his palm.
“What?!” Tom asked, clearly confused.
“Babe, you were trying so hard tonight,” Y/n touched his bicep lightly.
“Trying so hard to do what?” He asked, his voice slightly raising.
“To show that guy you were dating Y/n,” Harrison informed.
“But I am dating her,” Tom reminded, patting her thigh.
“You’re a lost cause,” Harrison shook his head, jumping up from his spot on the chair. “Good luck, Y/n!” Harrison waved as he left the couple at the dining table.
Y/n reached over to kiss Tom on the lips, “You’re so cute when you’re jealous.”
“I wasn’t jealous!” Tom defended, putting his hands up in protest.
“Mhm. You keep telling yourself that,” Y/n said as she stood up from her seat.
She held out her hand to Tom and pulled him from his spot, keeping their fingers intertwined. They both thanked the waiter and apologised for staying so late. Y/n rubbed her thumb along his knuckles, the way she knew he liked.
“Tom,” Y/n said softly as the pair waited for their uber to arrive.
Tom hummed in response, pulling Y/n by the waist so her back was pressed up against his chest, wrapped his arms around her middle and placed a sleepy kiss in her hair. He was slightly intoxicated, which Y/n found extremely adorable.
“You’re mine, okay? I’m not going to leave you for some random I met at a dinner,” She leaned her head back in the crook of his neck.
“I know but he-“
“No buts. Okay? I love you and only you.”
Tom smiled at her comment, turning her around and pressing a few drunk, ginger kisses to her lips.
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honeyparker · 6 years
nederlander — t.h.
summary: it’s a lively and lovely night at the nederlander theatre
a/n: this is from the first request ever sent into my inbox a loooooong time ago. whoop im so sorry. i used the tour cast instead of the way cast. ben is ben cook and josh is josh burrage. also i START HIGHSCHOOL TOMORROW so fics will be coming out more slowly, so sorry
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“I’m going to be on Broadway.”
The words tumble out of your mouth faster than you prefer, faster than you wish they had.
You’re not sure what to expect from your friends. Yes, they all knew your time on Spider-Man would be short. A small part of Homecoming, that was set in stone from the beginning. They knew that all along. However, they did believe they’d have a little more time then a month or two.
And they also knew that, while you love screen acting, Broadway was and is your dream. It’s everything you love — dancing, singing, acting, live audiences — and they knew they should be happy for you. Most of them are.
“Oh my god,” squeals Zendaya as she wraps her arms around you. “What show? What part? When did you even audition? Answer me!”
“Well uh, I went when I told you guys I was seeing my parents,” you admit, twiddling with your fingers shyly.
“What?” Laura replies, shocked. “Why?”
Your voice comes out gentle and timid. “Well I, I just didn’t want to get my hopes up by letting other people know, so I kept it to myself.”
“Okay, so,” Jacob says excitedly. “What role? Show? When do you leave?”
“Well,” your cheeks turn red with excitement and happiness. “Katherine Plumber in Newsies!” You scream, unable to hold your excitement and eagerness in for much longer.
“Oh my god!” Zendaya puts her hands on your shoulders. “Isn’t that like, your favorite musical?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” You jump up and down, a hyper feeling filling your body.
“I’m so proud of you!” Laura giggles as she pulls you into a tight hug, rocking you back and forth.
Jacob pipes up from next to her. “Seriously, me too.”
“Tom?” You ask as you pull away nervously, pulling your sweater over your hands and onto your palms. “What do you think?”
You know you should be happy with your accomplishments, with what you’ve done. And the reactions of your other friends, the support they’ve shown you and are currently showing you. But you can’t help but wonder what Tom thinks, what’s going on in that beautiful and complex head of his, why he isn’t happy for you, or so it seems.
“It’s great,” he mutters dejectedly before standing up, turning away, and walking out the door.
You don’t say goodbye to Tom before you leave for New York. You try to, you really do, but he avoids you. When you walk into a room, he walks out. When you say hello, he mutters a quiet and short response before leaving.
You text him the day you leave. Standing in the Atlanta Airport, waiting for your flight.
To: Tom Holland
hey. am boarding soon. just wanted to say goodbye.
You sit send with a quiet sigh caught in your throat, by the lump that’s taken it’s place.
It’s a lively and lovely night at the Nederlander Theatre. Three months into your run of the show, three months of fulfilled dreams and happiness. Three months of little to no Tom.
You miss him. That much you can admit to yourself. Because as much as you don’t want to, as big of a dick he was before you left, your heart hurts and is heavy for the boy who’d become your best friend. You’re not sure what the two of you are anymore.
“Y/N,” Ben knocks on your dressing room door. “Five minutes,” he reminds you before shutting the door.
“Okay, thanks, Ben!” You call after him.
There are benefits to not being in the first couple of scenes of the show. You can listen to the audience and how they’re doing, what they’re reacting you. You can take your time getting ready. You can do extensive warm ups. You can long for a text from your best friend. The last one might be exclusive to you.
“Katherine, those boys are counting on you,” you recite, pushing yourself into your fake set chair. You can barely see the crowd, too blinded by the bright lights of the stage and the fourth wall, but you can feel them. You can feel their heat and their energy as you belt out your last notes before stomping off stage.
The rest of the show goes perfectly. Often, there are problems, like the splitting of the boys’ pants, or dropping of the newspaper. But it goes perfectly tonight, a rarity. You feel pride swell in your chest.
“Knock knock,” Ben says happily, opening the door to your dressing room. “Did you already go to the stage door?”
“Yeah,” you pull an earring from your ear. “Really nice audience tonight. Met a real cute little girl at the stage door, dressed as Katherine.”
He takes a seat on the little couch in the corner. “Think I saw her too. Simply adorable. Anyway, there are people waiting for you in the hallway. Also, stage manager got flowers for you. Someone dropped them off. Spider-Man?” He says, voice layed in confusion
“Really?” You stand up excitedly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Calm down,” Ben laughs. “They’re not going anywhere.”
You bolt out the door, quickly pushing yourself through waves of cast members and friends. “Oof, sorry Josh, yeah, okay, sorry!” You scream in apology over your shoulder.
Laura is the first one you see. She’s got a bright smile spread over her face, her arms crossed as she checks her phone. Zendaya, Jacob, and Angourie stand next to her, basically doing the same.
Their heads snap up. “Y/N?”
You squeeze Jacob, holding him tightly. “I didn’t know you guys were coming!”
“Well,” Laura starts. “We were in New York for a few scenes and couldn’t pass up surprising our favorite Broadway star! You were great!”
“Yeah, really amazing,” agreed Zendaya. “Now I see why Newsies is your favorite.”
“It really is the best, huh?” You joke, hands on your hips.
And then you hear it. A soft voice, laced underneath a British accent and a layer of light. Tom.
“Guys, the bathroom is— Y/N, hi.”
“Hi?” You reply awkwardly.
“We’re gonna give you guys some space. Meet some of your friends,” Jacob says as he pulls the girls away.
“So,” you rock back and forth on the heels on your feet. “Hi.”
Tom stuffs his hands into his pocket. “Hey.”
“What are— what are you doing here?” You motion to the room around you.
“I missed you,” admits Tom. “So much.”
The lump in your throat gets bigger. “We would’ve stayed in touch, if not for you.”
He looks down at his shoes, voice caught in his throat.
“Why do you do it, huh?” You press, pushing his chest with your finger. “Do you know how much it hurt? I thought you hated me! I still do. You were my best friend and you broke me. Didn’t even say goodbye.”
His voice cracks. “Were?”
“That’s all you got of that whole spiel, really? Selective hearing.”
You’re angry. Red hot, white hot. It’s clouding your vision and and your senses and your judgement. You can’t listen to a word that’s coming out of his mouth, too upset and too hurt. Sadness and anger were always something that went hand in hand with you.
“I—,” Tom moves his feet awkwardly. “Was scared. Am scared. Because, well I was losing you.”
“So you chose to lose me even more?”
“I’m stupid, I know,” he runs his hands through his hair. “But I’m just so goddamn in love with you, the thought of you leaving hurt me so bad. Because I thought if I pushed you away, it would hurt less, but God, Y/N, it still hurt so bad. Even more, I guess.”
“You’re so fucking stupid, Tom,” you cross your arms. “So fucking stupid.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“But I fucking love you, you fucking dumbass.”
“Yeah,” you mutter as you pull his lips closer to yours. “So much.”
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A Single Tear
Prompt: 44. “You always cared more about her than you ever did about me”
Requested?: No
Words: 1,737
Warnings: Angst
Pairing: Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
A/N: Heyyy, sorry if it’s bad. It’s my first time writing a fanfic 😅
If you do like it, just ask if you want a part 2. Feel free to request anything too! I need some ideas❤😂
I also used one of the story starters because I had no idea how to start the imagine.
I just want to say that this fic is highly inspired by the imagine "Her" by @ashisbaeee because they're an amazing writer 😍 also, sorry if it's a bit similar. I wanted to write something but I had no inspiration until I read that fic😅
Sorry if it's kind of rushed. I'm not used to writing just yet. I hope I get better at it though😅😆
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It was a normal day. As long as you ignore the fact that it wasn’t. Waking up to a cold empty bed space beside you was normal, but why was it still empty when Tom came home a few hours ago?
Just then, you saw note beside the bed on the nightstand.
“Good morning love! Sorry I’m not home. Have plans with Z and Haz. Be back later, love ya!”
Always Zendaya. Even if you knew there was nothing to be jealous about, and even if Harrison was with them, there’s still a gut wrenching feeling in your stomach that tells you there’s something wrong, but you couldn’t do anything about it. You just had to trust Tom.
Pushing the thought aside, you get up and try to cook breakfast. You thought Tom would be home after a few minutes or a couple of hours, but he was home later than you originally thought. He wasn’t even home ‘til dinner.
You were a bit upset because you wanted to spend the day with him after he was away for 6 months because of filming, but you also understood why he wanted to hang out with his friends.
When he did come home though, he immediately went to hug you. “I’m really sorry, I thought I’d be home early, but Z suggested we go walk around a bit.” You heard the sincerity in his voice, and decided it was ok. You told him it was fine, and suggested to watch something on Netflix.
“Y/N, I wanted to ask you, do you want to go to Haz's house tomorrow for a sleepover? He to invited me earlier and said I could bring you.” You were a bit shocked because you never really got invited to those even after 3 years of dating Tom.
You've been dating Tom for a while, and yes, you've become close with his friends, but not as close as he was to them. Even though you and Zendaya were close friends you were still insecure due to the rumors about her and Tom, but it's really not their fault, and you knew better than to let it get to your head.
“Sure, why not?” you were happy because you finally got invited.
~~Time skip to the sleep over~~
You were currently sitting in a circle with Tom, Harrison, Jacob. She says was with Laura outside the house doing whatever. You excused yourself from the group telling them you wanted to go to sleep early.
You were sitting on the bed scrolling through Instagram when you see it. A picture of Tom holding hands with Zendaya. At first, you tried to tell yourself that it's just platonic hand holding, but you couldn't get the jealous feeling out. So you decided to go downstairs to excuse Tom from the group and talk to him about it. You knew it wasn't really the time to do this, but you just couldn't take it anymore.
You make your way downstairs just in time to hear Tom saying something about Zendaya.
“I mean, Zendaya is amazing. She's talented, she’s beautiful, and she's also very nice. I mean, how can you not like her?”. He spoke like a love-struck teenager talking about their crush. Harrison was quick to answer though “Hey, think about what you're saying dude. Remember Y/N? Your girlfriend?”. You smirked because you were quite happy that Harrison came to your defense.
“Of course I haven't forgotten about her—just, Zendaya— I mean, I love Y/N, and she’s amazing in her own way, but Z's different. She just got me confused I guess.” And what that, your heart broke. You didn’t, want to hear more so you just slowly walked back to the stairs to your shared room with Tom. You had tears in your eyes, but you just held them back.
When you got to your room, you just decided to sleep. Trying not to think about what Tom had just said.
After a few hours, you were still awake, you felt the bed dip behind you and an am wrap around your waist. You felt some sort of warmth, but still, you had the words replaying in your head.
“I love Y/N, and she’s amazing in her own way, but Z's different. She just got me confused I guess.”
Tom had expected you to turn around and hug back, but when you didn't, he wondered of you heard what he said— but that’s impossible….right? He just tried not to think about it.
In the morning, you had no energy to be as enthusiastic as you were yesterday, feeling emotionally by the words that you’d heard. You went to pack some of your bags and prepared to go home with Tom since you only planned on staying at Harrison’s for one night. As you and Tom waved goodbye to them, you couldn't help but notice the way he looks at Zendaya. It reminded you of how he used to look at you.
You haven't really talked to Tom as much, and you were sure you started to be distant, but you really don't know what to do. You know what you heard, but you might have just misinterpreted it. I mean, he still loves you the same, right? You might just be over thinking things.
Time seems to go by fast. First, you're waking up next to him. Next, you're waving goodbye to him at the airport because of his next movie. You have to admit, you have been quite distant, but you can't help it. Not after what he said. You try to forget it, but every time you see Zendaya with him, you just keep getting reminded of what Tom said.
After a few weeks of being alone at the apartment with Tessa, you just seem to get more paranoid. Specially now that you found out that Zendaya was going to be in the movie with Tom. Again.
As much as you can, you just try to calm yourself down. Your mind running with thoughts, you seem to get interrupted by your phone ringing. When you see Tom's picture appear on your phone. You instantly pick up. Even though you were a bit hurt, you still missed him.
“Y/N?” after he spoke, your mind was filled with worry because of his tone.
“Hi Tommy! Why'd you call? Thought you were busy?” you tried to keep your voice sweet no matter how worried you are.
“Him, yeah. We’re currently on our break. Just wanted to talk to you about something.” His tone still remaining the same.
“Sure…what is it?”
“I think we need to break up.”
You felt like crying, sobbing, but you couldn't. You felt numb.
“It's her isn't it? Zendaya?”
You knew the answer, but it wouldn't hurt to ask would it?
“I'm sorry” was all he could say. Although you wanted an explanation, you couldn't talk to him anymore. Knowing you'd cry.
“It's ok. You always cared more about her than you ever did about me anyway”. You were disappointed, but you didn't care about hiding it anymore.
“It's not like that baby—” you cut him off. “Yes it is and you know it!” you took a breath. You never meant to shout.
“I’m sorry for shouting, but if you want to break up, I can't do anything about it.” Tears were now falling from your eyes. The numb feeling, gone.
“I’m really sorry Y/N” and with that, you hung up. A part of you wanted to fight him, but you also knew that it was pointless. Forcing a relationship is never good. No matter how painful, you just needed to let it go. There's no point in trying to bring back what was.
You stood up from your bed grabbing the suit case from under the bed and stuffing your clothes in it. You were sobbing at this point, but you knew you had to do this. You had called your best friend, telling her about the break up, and that you needed a place to stay until you found a new apartment. She insisted you stay with her though. She was looking for a new roommate anyway.
After you were done packing, you take Tessa with you to drop her off to Tom’s house where most of his family stayed. You'll just take her there and return to the apartment to get the bags and leave. They were near the apartment, so you just decided to walk there.
Knocking at the door, Nikki answered. She had a smile on, but it quickly fell when she noticed your tear stained face. She asked you what happened, and you explained.
“I-It's ok Mrs. Holland. I understand him. I know I can't compare to Z. It's just— I just came here to drop Tessa off.”. You were still crying. Nikki went to hug you. “You know you can stay here anytime you want, right?” She was always so nice. You treated her like she's your own mom.
“No thanks, I already have a place to stay. I guess I should say goodbye?” Nikki pulled back from the hug, both hands on your shoulder. She takes a deep breath before she speaks, due to her tearing up as well.
“Ok. I wish you the best Y/N, but please, no matter what
happens, you're welcome here anytime you want.”
You decided not to say bye to the others, you didn't want to get anymore emotional. After you said goodbye to Nikki, you went back to your once shared apartment with Tom to finish packing. It was heartbreaking, to say the least. You never wanted this to happen.
You walk towards the door, bags in hand. You turn around, you wanted to get one last look at the apartment before leaving. It’s like you were taking a picture in your head. Like you were trying say goodbye to the memories that was still lingering in there, but at the same time, trying to hold on to it.
You close your eyes, accepting the fact that you're not his anymore. You weren't. Not when you thought about how long he probably liked Zendaya.
A single tear fell from your eye as you turn around and walk away.
A single tear fell as you tried your best to leave the place you spent years in with Tom. The person who loved you. The person you will always love.
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Four Years ~Tom Holland Imagine~
Summary: You were four years younger than Tom. When he finally turned twenty, you start to rethink your relationship.When you distance yourself from him, Tom is determine to find out what was wrong.
Warning: Mentions of depression and regaining depression
A/N: I just love age difference imagines because they could be realistic. Also, the fluff is just so adorable. Also, I am four years younger than Tom. 
Update: Wow. Was that really what I wrote like two years ago? 
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Being four years younger than Tom wasn’t that bad as you thought. Even though it took your parents a month to approve your relationship after telling them. After that, you and Tom were like a Tumblr couple. You both met on the set of Civil War since you played Wanda’s little sister. Now, he was turning twenty and all his friends and family were there.
“Happy birthday Tom!” Everyone shouted at him.
“Thanks guys. Really,” He said.
You were next to him and he had his arm wrapped around your waist. You saw his friend Lacey (I don’t know if he has any friends who are girls and it’d be awkward if I used his ex) and you gave Tom a kiss on the cheek before walking towards her.
“Hey Lacey,” You smiled.
“Hey Y/N. Having fun?” She asked.
“Yeah. How about you?” You asked.
“Yup. How are you and Tom?” She asked.
“You guys are so cute together,” She said in awe.
“Thanks Lacey.”
You saw Tom talk to his friends his age and it got you thinking.
“Y/N. Hello?” Lacey said waving her hand in front of your face.
“Huh?” You said looking back at her.
“I know that face. What’s wrong?” She asks you.
“Am I good enough for Tom?” You asked her.
“What?” She looked around and she pulled you upstairs. She pushed you into a room and closed the door.
“What are you talking about?” She asked you.
“I’m four years younger than Tom and I don’t turn sixteen till next month,” You tell her.
“Y/N. This is Tom. Your boyfriend. He loves you and you love him. What’s wrong with that?” She asked you.
“Lacey, Tom will be filming his movie in Atlanta and he’s going to be surrounded by other beautiful girls and they most likely will be his age,” You said.
“Y/N. We are going downstairs and you will love Tom. You will see how much Tom loves you back,” She told you. You laugh a little and she smiled.
“Come on.”
You both went downstairs and you saw Tom there looking around. When he saw you, he smiled.
“Hey Y/N. Where were you? I was looking everywhere for you,” He said.
“Sorry. I was just talking to Lacey.”
“Did something happen?” Tom asked.
“No. Everything is fine,” You said.
“You sure?” He asked.
“Yeah,” Tom smiled at gave you a quick kiss.
You were saying bye to Tom at the airport and your arms were wrapped around his waist.
“I don’t want to go,” You said.
“But you know I’m coming back to America soon for my new movie,” He laughed as he hugged you back.
“Yeah, but I’m gonna miss you,” You said.
“I’ll Skype you whenever I can,” He says.
“Alright,” You said rolling your eyes.You placed your head on his chest and he lifted your chin up.
“I love you,” Tom said.
“I love you too,” You smiled. He smiled back and gave you a quick kiss.
“Flight to California, USA is now boarding,” You hear. You looked at Tom and he smiled at you.
“I’ll see you in a few weeks,” He said.
“Bye,” You told him. He gave you one more kiss before you left.
You sat in your room thinking about your relationship with Tom and you found out who else was going to be in his new movie. Zendaya. There was nothing wrong with her, you two were best friends, but you were scared. What if he left you for her? You got a call from someone and you snapped out of your thoughts. You look at your phone and saw Tom calling.
“Hey,” You answered.
“Hey babe. How was your flight?”
“Good. Cause you still being underage and all, I still want to check up on you,” He said.
“Aren’t you the sweetest,” You said. The fact that he reminded that you were younger than him kinda hurt.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Tom.”
You were on set of your show, Teen Wolf, and you were staring off into space.
“Y/N!” You looked over and saw Holland waving her hand in your face.
“What?” You said.
“Are you okay?” She asks you.
“Yeah,” You said.
“You’re not fine. Dylan, come over here,” She yelled over. Dylan O’Brien was like your older brother. He jogged over and he looked at us.
“What’s up?”
“Y/N is sad,” Holland said.
“How do you even know I’m sad?” You asked her.
“Well one, you have a sad look and secondly, you weren’t paying attention to anything today,” Holland said.
“Is it about Tom?” Dylan asked.
“What happened?” He asked.
“I feel like I’m too young for him,” You tell him.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m four years younger than him and I feel like something’s wrong,” You tell them.
“Oh Y/N. Tom loves you. I remember when you told us that when you were filming Civil War, you said that you and Tom were getting so close and he didn’t care about your guys’ age gap,” Holland said.
“Then why does it feel like he doesn’t love me?” You ask.
“Maybe you’re scared or insecure now,” Dylan said.
“Y/N. Don’t focus too much on that alright. Tom loves you and your birthday is coming up soon. Maybe that’ll help you with your problem,” Holland said.
“Now, come on. You and Sprayberry have that make out scene remember,” Dylan said.
“Ignore him,” Holland said making you laugh.
As the two months flew by, it was finally your sixteenth birthday. You were with the cast and they were celebrating with you. Your parents were with you as well and all of a sudden, someone covered your eyes.
“What’s going on?” You asked.
“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Y/N. Happy birthday to you,” Everyone sung. The person uncovered your eyes and you saw Tom sitting next to you.
“Tom!” You smiled.
“Hey Y/N,” You got up and gave him a huge hug. He hugged you back and gave you a kiss on your head.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Can’t I just see my beautiful girlfriend?” He asked.
“I miss you,” You said.
“I miss you too,” Tom said before giving you a kiss. You kissed back a bit until your father coughed a bit. You pulled back and everyone laughed a little.
“Hello Mr. and Mrs. L/N. It’s great to see you again,” Tom said.
“Hello Tom,” Your mother smiled.
“Tom,” Your dad acknowledge.
You all went out and Tom barely left your side. Right now, your parents threw you a party on a roof that showed the L.A. view. Everyone you knew was here and dancing and having fun. The cast of Civil War along with some other celebrities that you were close with came.
“How does it feel to be sixteen?” Tom asks you.
“I feel older,” You tell him.
You turned to him and he gave you another kiss.
“I love you,” Tom said.
“You always say that,” You giggled.
“Cause I do. There’s something else I need to tell you,” Tom said. Your heart started to beat fast and he moved a piece of hair away from your face.
“I have to go tomorrow because of filming,” Tom tells you.
“Oh. Okay. I thought it was something worse,” You told him.
“Like what? Breaking up with you? Not happening,” Tom said before kissing you.
You decided to visit Tom in Atlanta since you were done filming your scenes for Teen Wolf. You went to his trailer and walked in. They said that Tom was still filming and that he should be done soon. You sat down on his couch and you waited. Once you heard laughter, you smiled and sat up a bit more. Tom walked in with a couple of his costars and he looked at you. You stand up with a large smile on your face and he smiled back.
“Y/N!” He said. He ran over to you and engulfed you into a hug.
“Tom!” You smiled. He gave you a quick kiss and he looked at you.
“So Tom, is this Y/N?” You looked and saw his costars there. Zendaya and Laura included.
“Yeah. Y/N meet my crew,” Tom said.
“Your crew?” Zendaya asked confused.
“Shh. Let me impress my girlfriend,” Tom said. You giggle a bit and he kisses your head.
“Hey Zendaya,” You smile.
“Hey Y/N. How are you?” She asked as you gave her a hug.
“Since you’re here. Why don’t we watch a couple of movies?” Tom asked.
You sat on Tom’s lap and his arms were wrapped around your waist.
“How long are you going to be here for?” He asked.
“Well, I am allowed to visit you for another day or two before going back to California and do some interviews,” You tell him.
“Perfect,” Tom smiled before giving you a quick kiss.
“So cute,” Laura smiled as she took a picture. She quickly uploaded it and the movie started to play.
As the movie played on, you checked your phone for a moment to look at the Instagram post. A lot of people started to throw hate to you, making your eyes glassy.
“I’ll be right back. I need to get a bit of air,” You tell Tom.
You get up and walked outside. The tears fell from your face and you quickly wiped them away. You looked at all the hate and you frowned even more.
@random-fan-account: I still can’t believe her parents allow this relationship.
@random-fan-account: She’s such a slut.
@random-fan-account: She’s way too young
You felt more tears fall from your eyes and you heard the door open. You quickly wiped the tears away and you looked up to see Zendaya.
“Oh. Hey Z,” You say.
“Hey, I came to check up on you. You okay?”She ask you.
“Then why are you crying?” Zendaya asks.
“I’m starting to rethink my relationship with Tom,” You tell her.
“What? Why?” She asks.
“I’m way too young for Tom, the hate, and the fact that he could leave me for someone closer to his age,” You tell her.
“Y/N. Tom loves you.Don’t listen to the haters,” Zendaya said.
“How? It’s so hard not to,” You tell her.
“Y/N. Do you love Tom?” Zendaya asks.
“Of course.”
“And Tom loves you. Y/N, you need to ignore all the hate and focus on your love. There are a lot of people who love your relationship,” Zendaya says.
The door opened and you both look. You both see Tom and he looks at the both of you.
“Hey, the movie’s inside,” He says. Zendaya looks at you and you knew what that meant.
“Talk to him,” She told me. You nodded and she walked back. You look at Tom and he walks up to you.
“Is everything alright?” He asks.
“Not exactly,” You tell him.
“What’s wrong?” He asks.
“It’s about us,” You tell him.
“What? I thought we’re happy. Y/N, I love you,” He tells you.
“I love you too, Tom. But lately,ever since you’re twentieth birthday, I’ve been feeling kinda down. I feel too young for you, I’ve been getting so much hate, and I don’t think I can take it anymore,” You tell him.
“Y/N. I love you so much. Ignore them. I would never leave you. I remember when we first met. You were in a cute little dress with a cute flower pattern on it and you had headphones on. You were smiling and singing along to some random songs. When I got to know you, I started to fall for you even more,” Tom said. Tears were now falling from your eyes.
“And then when you told me how old you were, I didn’t care. You made me happy just like how I make you happy. Y/N, I wouldn’t replace you in my entire lifetime. I even fought for a month just so I can get your parent’s permission to date you,” Tom said.
“I love you Tom,” You say as tears continue to fall. He placed his hands on your cheeks and wiped away the tears with his thumbs.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
He gives you a long and passionate kiss and you kiss back. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you start to wrap both of your arms around his neck.
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samwrights · 6 years
The Game // [4]
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Summary: Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield, and Jacob Batalon started a game back when they first began filming Spider-Man: Homecoming—to sleep with as many different extras as possible before the movie premiered. Their current targets are the ladies of the band Navy Skies, a ragtag group of young adults that were blessed with the opportunity to play in the homecoming dance scene. Fed up with the boys’ sick game, Laura and Zendaya are taking bets on who gets their heart broken first.
Pairing: fuckboy!Tom x OC, fuckboy!Harrison x OC, fuckboy!Jacob x OC, hints of TomDaya
Words: 3094
Inspo:  Mr. Brightside // The Killers High Regard // The Story So Far Dancing On Glass // St. Lucia Placeholder // The Story So Far Closure // The Story So Far
Disclaimer: Lyric graphics were created by me, y’all. I’m not saying don’t steal it cause they’re not that impressive tbh but like don’t steal them.
Warnings: Mild sexual themes.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Weeks later, it turned out the girls had kept their word on never seeing Tom or Harrison again. Their world kept turning, just as it always did when minor setbacks presented themselves. Minor setbacks for them also always turned into new songs. Navy Skies had a whole new arsenal of songs to put on an EP they had been working on, as well as a new set list for their next few shows coming up. Cam had really outdone herself on writing this time around—she didn’t get stuck once and her band was easily able to make her imagination come to life.
They had a show tonight at the very same bar that Cam shot pool at three nights a week. Thanks to being good friends with the current manager of the bar, Navy Skies had a secured performance at the pool hall at least once a month. At the moment, the band was getting ready per their usual pre-show ritual. Mac was in the shower while the ladies did their hair and make up, warming up their vocals by singing along to modern karaoke favorites. Cam started off the bridge to Mr. Brightside. They each took turns doing a line, going a half step higher every time it was their turn including Mac who would chime in from the open bathroom door, despite hating this particular song.
The girls were dressed to kill, sporting leather pants and dramatic winged liner. Tonight, they were hoping for a big break with the launch of their self produced EP, maybe finally sign to a label. They needed to dress to impress tonight. Cameron finished lacing up her signature white Doc Martens as her band was heading out the door.
Being the local supporters they were, Navy Skies watched the other performers while shooting a couple rounds of pool before unloading their van. “Need a hand?” Cameron turned her head to see Tom, Harrison, and Jacob all walking up. She raised her eyebrow, an unintentional look of disgust on her face.
“What are you guys doing here?” She asked, not stopping from helping unloading their utility van.
“We saw you had a show, so we wanted to come watch!” Jacob said cheerfully, almost innocently. He knew he still had a chance to land his target, and he was going to seize the opportunity. Immediately, he started helping them unload a few heavy amps from their utility van. The tiny drummer thanked him profusely.
“Thanks a lot, social media.” Ruby grumbled, figuring that was how the boys found out about their show. She was helping bring their drum kit and a couple more amps forward until Harrison stopped her.
“Hey, can we talk?” He asked timidly, lending a helping hand by taking the amplifiers off the van and placing them onto the sidewalk.
“And then some? Ruby mocked icily. “There’s not much to talk about. You made it pretty clear that you and Tom were just trying to get into our pants, and Cam and I aren’t like that.”
“I know. And I’m sorry that I even said that because that wasn’t what I meant at all.” She looked at him expectantly, her tattooed arms folding over her chest. “We just wanted to impress you two so that we could keep seeing you.”
“I’ll give you a tip, then. Money doesn’t impress anyone, and neither does being a douche. I don’t care if you pay for my meals or my bar tab, or what kind of car you have, or how you dress. I care about what you have to offer that isn’t tangible and what you offer as a human being.” Harrison nodded his head slowly, taking in her words.
“Okay.” He responds finally as he mulled over her statement. “I’m sorry about what went down.  I meant what I said though—I want to keep seeing you, and I hope you forgive me enough to allow me the pleasure of taking you out.”
“I’ll think about it.” Ruby muses playfully, though it was clear that she held no grudge against him. They laughed together as they griped about moving the heavy equipment, the tension in the air dissipating after she forgave him. While this meant that Harrison still had a chance to snag his prey, it was the furthest thing from his mind. The only thing he could even think about was where he wanted to take Ruby out for their unofficial date.
Cameron was inside attaching all the cords to their respective inputs and outputs as Tom and Harrison wheeled more equipment in on a dolly. “Thanks.” She said shortly. Though Cameron didn’t necessarily have a reason to be angry—since Harrison was mostly speaking for himself and Tom the last time they had all seen each other—Tom never disputed his best mate’s words. In her mind, his silence meant agreement; it meant he was still doing whatever it took to sleep with her.
“Need anything else, love?” He asked, looking at her as she put together the rest of the cords in exasperation. She wouldn’t look at him.
“No, I’m good.” The boys looked at each other. Without physically saying anything, Harrison walked away to give his mate the privacy he wished for. Maybe Cameron would forgive him the way Ruby forgave Haz.
“Cameron.” Tom called out. She didn’t stop moving. “Hey, look at me.” She aggressively set down the microphone stand she had just assembled before turning to him
“I know I said sorry a thousand times the last time I saw you, but I am. Haz spoke for me, and I just want a chance to speak for myself.” Cameron looked at her watch before flashing her own brown orbs to his.
“You’ve got two minutes.”
“It was never about just taking you home,” He lied. “I don’t know why he even said that. If that’s all it was about, I wouldn’t have even bothered hanging out, I would have just moved on.” His silver tongue was working magic. Fib after fib, and she believed every bit of it. But she wouldn’t give in so easily. “But I want to get to know you.”
“One minute.”
“Please, don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry.” He begged, gripping her delicate shoulders to make her look at him. She groaned with a roll of her eyes.
“Okay, fine. I wasn’t really mad at you per se—mostly just at Harrison. And that’s not fair to you.”
“Friends?” He asked, hopeful.
“I’ll take it.” She had finished setting up all the wires after Harrison and Jacob brought in the rest of the equipment from their van. While her band was tuning their instruments, Cam was downing two drinks at the bar as fast as she could to help her overcome her innate stage fright. Tom was observing her from a safe distance, immediately noticing the restless tapping of her fingers on the bar and bouncing leg. “You’re anxious, love?” It wasn’t really a question despite the way it came out, but more so an observation.
“Yeah, I always get the jitters.” She replied as she downed another drink. “But I need to go do mic check.” She scurried away, waving to Tom as his friends flanked his sides.
“You guys good?” Harrison asked as they watched the band.
“Yeah, you guys?” Both of them nodded. “Perfect. Game on.”
The show began, flocks of young and older adults gathered around the small makeshift stage as loud power chords filled the bar. “Thanks for coming to the show tonight everybody! Let’s give a hand to the other bands that played!” Cam said into her microphone, causing her audience to erupt in applause. “We are Navy Skies and we were hoping you’d all like to kick it with us.” The pun she used signified the start of the first song of their set list—the very same song they played on the set of Spider-Man.
Their choreographed routine brought the most miniscule amount of nostalgia back to the cast as they watched from the very front. The way the lights were hitting the features of their targets and their incredibly overt, plucky personalities that shone on stage, the boys remembered their goal. Take out your prey, move onto the next. They were running out of time with just a couple weeks left of filming to complete, and Harrison was still in the lead.
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Being the punk band that they were, most the lyrics that fell from Cameron’s pierced lip often came out as garbled noise. But for some reason, every word always came out crystal clear to the ladies that had taken bets against their friends. “I almost feel a little sorry for them.” Laura chimed to Z, watching the band play from a distance.
“For who?” Her friend asks, sipping on her rum and coke.”
“The boys. They don’t even realize these girls aren’t going to put up with their shit.” Zendaya shrugs with a playful twist of her features.
“That’s their own fault. They wanted to play this game, but games usually have a winner and a loser. They just don’t know which ones they are yet.”
“Neither do we.” Laura reminded her, though they both were firm believers on their stances of the bet. The girls watched as the boys were jumping around enthusiastically with the band, awaiting patiently for future events to unfurl.
Meanwhile, the band was rolling through their set list; just having fun with their interactive crowd. They had just finished their fifth song and, while Ruby was switching out her guitars, Cameron took over the awkward silence. “So I know we play here kind of often, mostly ‘cause I basically live here and Wayne hasn’t kicked me out yet. Hi Wayne!” She waved to the manager who was standing behind the bar, who gave her a silly wave back. “But we’ve been writing quite a few new songs and we wanted to try something a little different. So I hope you guys like it.” She lead her microphone back to its stand that was resting in front of a keyboard.
A delicate upbeat rhythm came from the keys she played on as she lead her band through their newest song. It was so remarkably different from their typical angst and anger filled lyrics and chords that the audience was unsure of how to react. Typically, they’d be jumping around and bopping their aids, but the airy and nearly careless beat left them confused. Cameron hoped the drama leading up to the chorus got them moving like it did to her band, but she also knew their presence would play a factor in that.
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Cameron pulled away from the keyboard, taking a moment to pull her microphone back with her and jump along with her band as she sang the chorus in harmony with them. Much to her surprise, the younger folks in the audience were bouncing along, including Tom, Jacob, and Harrison. It was so different for them, but the positive responses were fueling confidence in the band as they transitioned into a ballad, Mac and Ruby each switching to an acoustic guitar. “We’re gonna slow it down, just a bit.” She announced as her guitarists started another semi-peppy beat.
Cam was bopping her head along to the strums of her mates guitars as the introduction started.
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From the very back row of the crowd, Z was smirking as Tom and Cameron made eye contact as she melodically sand such brutal words. The uncanny foreshadowing had to be obvious to more than just Laura and herself. Surely Tom knew that these lines had to have come from previous experience. Hearing such spiteful lyrics to whomever the subject was, was not attractive despite being ironically fitting. There was no chance of Tom falling for this bitter, heartbroken teenager in a young adult’s overly tattooed body.
Navy Skies closed out with another fast paced, angsty song. Cameron stepped off stage and surrounded herself with fans that were singing along with Tom standing at a safe distance. She stood in the center of a pit as she bobbed up and down with the beat of the drum.
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From the way the crowd was moving in sync with Cam, Tom gather that this particular song must have been a fan favorite. It was truly nothing short of magnificent to watch the energy that she was bringing to her people. Even her own band mates were coming alive on the stage, holding down the fort and keeping the reset of the crown entertained. “Ready?” Mac yelled into his microphone, the ever growing audience cheering loudly. “Get it!”
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Cameron ran back up to the stage, taking a bow as the reverberation from the guitars ringing on. Clapping and yells were sporadically filling the bar as Navy Skies took a collective bow. “Thanks so much everybody, have a wonderful night and get some safe!” The flurry of people slowly dissipated as the band began breaking down their equipment. Well, really it was just Malachi as the girls rushed off stage for their routine post show cigarette together.
“Thanks for abandoning me!” Mac yelled as he brought out both of his guitar cases. Jacob and Harrison were behind him, wheeling one amplifier at a time on a dolly and began helping load up their van. The girls simply waved their hands in dismissal. After they finished their smoke, they went back I to help clean up. Tom was sitting at the bar once again, this time with Zendaya and Laura flanking his sides with a total of nine shot glasses lining along the bar top. He turned to face the singer as she approached.
“Hey, love. Great show!” Tom stood up to hug the young woman, giving her the slightest amount of discomfort as he did so.
“Thanks. And thank you ladies for coming out as well.” She said sincerely, looking at Laura and Z.
“Yeah, it was pretty cool.” Laura added. The rest of the band as well as Haz and Jacob finally came to join after they hauled away the rest of the equipment.
“Ooh, did you buy us a round? Dani asked, glancing at the shot glasses all lined up. Tom started handing each of them out with Z’s assistance.
“Yep, one for everybody.” He raised his shot glass, everyone else following suit. “Cheers to a great show!” Everyone took their shot, followed by a string of whooping, but the celebration never ended there. Countless shots and drink later, and the band had completely lost track of how many drinks they had consumed. Dani was a dancing fool, grinding up on Jacob as the DJ played old school throwbacks. Laura, Z, and Mac were right along side them, giving off a girl’s night out vibe. Cameron and Tom were playing pool together, and Harrison and Ruby were god knows where. “How are you still beating me while you’re drunk?!” Tom jeered to a swaying Cam. She only laughed as she broke the rack once again.
“You just suck.” He scoffed playfully in response to her, taking his shot.
“Yeah? Why don’t we raise the stakes then, love? How about if I win this, you have to go on a date with me?” From the way things were going, it seemed like Tom had the chance to win.
“And if I win?” Cam tried her best to get her hazy mind together, formulating a plan for her victory.
“I’ll take you to the Spider-Man premier and lose the chance to take Haz as my plus one?”
“Deal.” She says as she finishes up a four ball run against him. They both had three balls left on the table before getting to the eight. Tom was fully confident he would win, though he wouldn’t mind it either way. Not that he intended to keep his word on bringing her to the premier. He had hoped the promise of taking her would give him brownie points and he could finally cross his target of his list. He had taken his shot, getting his solid ball towards the pocket, but it ended up rattling. Cameron sucked in air before clicking her tongue. “That’s a shame, Tommy boy. Looks like you’re taking me to the premier.”
“You haven’t even taken your shot yet!” Cameron laughed before finishing off her beer. She lined up for her shot, using delicate speed to get her to the eight ball.
“Back left corner.” She declared, pointing with her cue before she meticulously bent down and sank the eight ball. She turned to Tom, a smirk on her face as she threw a wink at him. A boisterous laughter bubbled from her chest as she saw the genuine disappointment on his face. “Let me know when the premier is.”
“Dammit, I was really hoping I could take you on a date.” He feigned disappointment. But so far, things were going according to his plan.
“I mean you still can.” She pointed out with slurred words as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Tom perked up at this.
“Yeah? When are you free this week, love?” He started to hone in on her, his hands touching her slightly exposed lower back. His fingers began to dance along her exposed tattoos as he looked down at her. Maybe it was the alcohol speaking, but the smolder burning in his brown eyes was affecting Cameron. He was making her weak. Her arms wrapped around his neck, bringing him close enough so that their noses were touching.
“I’m off Sunday night.” Her lips were just barely ghosting over, the metal bar in her lip grazing over him.
“Sunday night, then.” Was all he said before his lips crashed into hers, an act that didn’t go unnoticed by his co-stars as each of them turned to see the kiss.
@xxoerinnoxx @araeni @tom-hollands-eyelash
Apologies for any grammatical errors, I didn’t get a chance to proofread it before work. Let me know if you find anything and if you enjoyed this chapter or series, please make sure to like or reblog it!
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holland-ish · 7 years
Now You Know  [ T. Holland ]
Request: what if reader and tom are at dinner with like the Marvel cast and reader is sitting in front of tom and tom zooms out of the conversation and is lost in his thoughts admiring her and how good she looks and dirty thoughts are going through his head (Idk if this was necessarily a request or not, I just wanted to write it).
Warnings: Um, badly written smut??? NSFW content
Word count: 1338
A/N: This is my first time writing anything near smut so feedback would be greatly appreciated! Big fat thanks to @linaofthemyscira and @hikiiholland for the help!
The dim lighting of the restaurant made things all the more harder for Tom. His mind was anywhere but the conversation at hand as he absentmindedly nodded his head at something Jacob had said. Noticing that everyone was laughing at a joke he had told, Tom made sure to at least force out a chuckle.
Laura, who was sitting beside him, tapped him gently on the shoulder. “You alright, Tom?”
“Yeah,” he mumbled, thankful that she kept the volume of her voice at a minimum. “M’fine.”
Laura simply nodded, obliviously watching as Tom’s gazed rested itself back on you. It was a shame, he thought, that you were seated across from him rather than directly beside him. He would have liked to have you close enough to touch. Unfortunately, not everything could work out in his favour.
From the way he was looking at you, it was as if someone had lit a fire in his eyes. You did not fail to notice the intensity of his gaze, smirking gently at the fact that he was thankfully unable to touch you and send your own mind into the same frenzy as his. For once, you were glad he couldn’t have his hands all over you. For once, you were glad he could finally get a taste of the teasing he would almost always mercilessly put you through himself.
Tom’s eyes wandered to the decently low cut of the cobalt blue dress you wore (knowing it would drive him crazy) and he admired how the colour looked against your skin. But, he couldn’t help himself from imagining how much better your skin would look without it. His face grew hot.
Tom had an underlying suspicion that you had purposely worn such a rich colour just to wind him up. Of course, he knew, that the blue fabric would be just as beautiful in a crumpled pile on the pale carpet of his floor as it was on you. He swallowed thickly as your bare knee tapped against his.
Clearing his throat, Tom finally decided to pay attention to the conversation happening around him. Jacob and Harrison were both busy retelling a story that everyone had heard at least five different times up until now. Tom laughed when Harrison fell into a dance of hand gestures to accentuate his words.
The brunette was successfully distracted until he caught sight of your lips wrapping around a straw, all while you were still smiling. Tom tried to ignore the pursing of your lips paired with the glint in your eyes but it was beyond him.
Your lips were stained with a dark red lipstick and it made Tom’s mind run amuck with sinful thoughts. The ruby lipstick made your lips stand out just a little bit more and he was so tempted to reach over and swipe a finger over it, smudging the colour onto his fingertips. He sucked in a breath, instantly wishing he could slip his cock between your lips and watch the sensual red leave a smear on the sensitive skin.  
His knee bounced as his eyes stayed trained on you. Tom shifted uncomfortably when you took your bottom lip between your teeth. The plates on the table were emptied and everybody had finished their food but were sticking around to mingle. It was nearly torturous for him to simply look at you with the growing tightness in his pants.
He swore under his breath as the strap of your dress fell from your shoulder, allowing him a clearer view of your cleavage. The cut of your dress’ neckline didn’t give him so much otherwise. You knowingly took your time to pull it back into place, sending him a subtle yet teasing smile.
Harrison directed his speech at his best friend. Tom listened with his eyes, smiling a mirthless smile and nodding his head. He took a sip of his drink, ignoring the look he got from Robert and almost choked when he felt you spread your legs underneath the table just enough for one of his knees to slip between them.
Instantly, he remembered the time he had you pressed against his wall, his leg between yours and his thigh teasingly brushing against your core. Tom’s face flushed at the memory of his hands running along your naked skin, his lips at your neck and his hardened length pressed firmly against the spot just below your stomach.
Tom swiped a hand over his face, blaming it on fatigue when Zendaya had asked about his tense actions. He inhaled and exhaled deeply through his nose, coughing a little in an attempt to somehow rid himself of at least a little bit of sexual frustration. You shot him a wink, noticing as he squirmed not-so-subtly.
He wasn’t one to choose to stay home over a nice dinner with his castmates and friends but this time, he really wished that the two of you hadn’t come. That way, he’d not only be able to indulge you, but he’d also have you and your attention to himself. Although, it didn’t seem to bother you as much as it bothered Tom that you had been ushered into a seat opposite your boyfriend.
You tried not to laugh as Tom ran a hand through his hair and glared at you. Of course, Tom’s odd behaviour didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the table and they all shared amused glances, unknowing of the real cause of his uneasiness. They were all convinced Tom was just tipsy (even though he hadn’t had a single sip of alcohol the whole night). He was the one driving back and made the hasty decision not to drink.
Catching sight of the subtle look of lust and mischief in your eyes, Tom was reminded that you knew exactly what it was that you were doing. He didn’t expect anything less but it still seemed to surprise him just a smidge. But it also sent blood rushing down south and he winced at the pull of his tight pants at his bulge.
He desperately needed a release and almost let out a relieved groan when you quickly excused yourself to use the restroom. Tom’s eyes needily trailed after you as you walked away, adding a swing to your hips that you were certain only Tom would notice. And he did, his jaw clenching as he sunk back into his seat.
Waiting a few minutes to decrease suspicion, Tom followed your actions and excused himself. He made his way in the same direction as you, careful to keep his prominent hard on as hidden as he could. The sound of chatter mixed with the soft piano that played in the background made him slightly dizzy. Tom had caught you on your way out of the ladies room, his right arm quickly wrapping around your waist and pulling you into one of the disabled restrooms instead.
Tom pressed your back against the wall, his hands trailing down your sides as his lips found your neck. Resisting the urge to let out any noise of approval, you chuckled, grabbing his wrists and holding them still. Tom grumbled, pushing his hips into yours.
“Do you feel what you do to me, Y/N?” he growled, rolling his hips against yours to give you a little more insight on what he was speaking of. “S’not fair at all, darling.”
You giggled, sighing at the feeling of having him pressed against you with his arousal so prominent. There was little to no self-control left in you but you channelled the last drop and placed your hands on his chest, pushing him off of you with one gentle shove. Tom spluttered, whining as you unlocked the door with a mischievous grin.
“Now you know how it feels.” You smiled as innocently as you could, fixing your hair and pulling the strap of your dress back into place. The door squeaked gently as you opened it and stepped out, biting your lip at the flabbergasted look on your boyfriend’s face. “Sort yourself out, babe. I’m heading back.”
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courageous-she · 6 years
Change- Part Three (Tom Holland Fic)
Part One    Part Two
Word Count: 1454
Warnings: None
A/N: I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated this fic! I’ve been a bit busy and I’m currently on vacation. If you are reading and keeping up with these I would love to hear your thoughts! 
It’s been a couple day since you started ‘testing’ to see if Tom had the same growing feelings for you that you had for him. Considering how your first plan of going step by step (based on what the website said) would take too long, you began using a different method.
Now, in order to ‘test’ Tom’s feelings for you, you would simply live life normally, or as normally as you could with your growing feelings, and just take note if Tom did any of the actions mentioned on the list.
Currently, you were lying on your bed, computer facing you, trying to get some homework done. It was about mid-day Saturday but you had devoted the following day to staying in bed and doing absolutely nothing. If you wanted that to happen, you of course had to get your homework out of the way first.
“Hey, Y/N”. You looked up and noticed Tom standing in your doorway.
“Hey, Tommy. What’s up?” you ask, closing your computer and sitting up on your bed.
“A couple of people from ‘Homecoming’ were planning on grabbing a bite tonight and I wondered if you maybe wanted to join us?”
You thought for a second. Of course, you had met the cast on multiple occasions and were fairly close to some of them. Basically done with all of your assignments, you smiled “Yeah! That sounds like fun!”
Tom smiled and nodded his head, “Sweet, I’ll let them know for the reservation. It’s not a fancy restaurant or anything, so….” He said trailing off. You chuckled and nodded before Tom left the room.
One of the items on that website said that if a guy likes you he’ll “always invite you to things”. Now obviously Tom didn’t invite you to every little thing he was doing, but thinking about it now, if he was doing something in a large group, Tom would always ask if you wanted to join.
Noted, Tom.
You smiled to yourself and noted how Tom did another thing the website mentioned. -- Getting ready for the night, you decided to dress up a little more than usual, but nothing ‘fancy’ as Tom had mentioned earlier. After showering and doing your makeup, you settled on a pair of black skinny jeans and an off-the-shoulder white blouse. Figuring this was a more ‘in-between’ outfit, appropriate for any non-fancy restaurant you made your way into the living room to meet Tom.
Tom looked up from his phone, eyes landing on you, “You look beautiful, love” while blushing only slightly. You giggled and thanked him, though this was a normal occurrence for the two of you before you went pretty much anywhere. You didn’t think much of it at the time.
On your way to the restaurant, the cab ride continued as it normally would. Both you and Tom talking about anything new and interesting in each other’s lives, which (on your end at least) wasn’t much. Tom stepped out and opened your door as soon as the cab pulled up to the entrance. Paying the driver, both you and Tom made your way inside, his hand hovering over the small of your back. -- “Y/N!” Zendaya called as you spotted her and some of the others at a long table. You made your way over, hugging her and greeting the others as well. You sat down at the end with Tom at your side. You looked around at everyone and smiled. Everyone super close to Tom was there: Zendaya, Robert Downey Jr., Laura Harrier, and Jacob Batalon.
You sat at the end, with Tom at your side and RDJ next to him. Across from you was Zendaya, Laura next to her, and Jacob sitting at the other end. Everyone was settling in and asking questions trying to catch up with one another. You noticed how Tom would continually direct questions toward you, ask you questions, or just make side conversations with you.
Another point the website mentioned. If a guy likes you he’ll “Talk to you more than anyone else”
You took this into deep consideration considering how you lived with Tom and talked to him all the time. Why would he direct everything to you, or start side conversations with you, when he was with a group of people he hasn’t seen in a while. You took this as a small ‘win’, hoping that this was one step closer to proving Tom had feelings for you.
As the night continued, so did the little side conversations with Tom. However, at this point, nobody was asking many questions anymore but they were instead telling funny or embarrassing stories. Jacob was currently telling a funny story about one of his old acting coaches which reminded you of something your professor did the other day in class.
As Jacob finished his story, you took the opportunity to begin to tell yours. “That actually reminds me of something my professor did the other day in our lecture! He was pulling something up onto the projector when he-”
You were interrupted by RDJ telling a different story and everyone turned their attention. Feeling slightly defeated, you smiled and sat back in your chair.
“Go on, Y/N. I wanna know what happened next” you heard Tom say from next to you.
“It’s okay Tom, it wasn’t really that funny anyway.”
“You can’t just leave me hanging like that Y/N! I need to know what happened!” He mock pouted. You noticed how his entire body was facing you, urging you to continue your story.
“Okay, fine!” You laughed and sat back up to continue telling Tom what happened, “So as he was pulling up the notes onto the projector he accidentally….”
Upon finishing your story, Tom sat back in his chair, holding his stomach from laughing. Everyone was still talking about something else, but Tom’s attention was still focused on you.
“I can’t believe he didn’t even notice! Poor guy must have been so embarrassed!”
“Yeah, he couldn’t really focus much throughout the lecture and let us go early. He was definitely embarrassed. I’m sure he hopes we’ll forget it ever happened by next week!” you laughed back.
“Tough luck with that! I’m sure it’s posted on the internet somewhere by now!” You and Tom continued to laugh about what happened before turning your attention back to everyone else. You noted how Tom had done yet another thing the website mentioned.
The website said that if a guy is into you, he’ll “give you his full attention”
Instead of getting distracted like everyone else and listening to RDJ’s story, Tom continued to listen to yours. He listened to you tell a stupid little story over the laughter of everyone at the table around you. You smiled to yourself but quickly snapped out of it as you noticed everyone starting to stand.
“Alright guys, I think I’m going to call it a night!” Zendaya said, slipping her coat on and grabbing her clutch.
“Yeah, it’s getting late, but we need to do this again soon!” Jacob replied.
“Y/N, it was so great to see you again! You, Z, and I definitely need to do something together soon; just girls!” Laura giggled as she hugged you goodbye. You said your goodbyes to everyone else as well and you and Tom grabbed a cab home.
Slipping your jacket off at the door, you turned to face Tom. He was placing his wallet down on the table and taking his jacket off as well.
“Thanks for inviting me tonight, Tom. I had a really nice time. It was nice to see everyone again” You said, breaking the silence.
“I’m glad you had fun! I just thought that you would enjoy seeing everyone. They really like having you around, and so do I” he blushed slightly saying that last bit. You smiled and gave him a hug before you made your way over to your room.
As you got ready for bed, you recounted the night’s events where Tom had ticked off things the website had mentioned.
First, he invited me (and always invites me) to spend time with his group of friends. Second, he continually talked to me throughout the night and asked me questions. And lastly, he gave me more attention than he gave any of his co-stars tonight. That has to count for something, right?
Lying down in your bed, a smile crept its way onto your face. It felt like you were onto something with figuring out Tom’s feelings. It only caused you to question how long he may have felt this way about you? What if you two could have been together sooner?
Oh, Tommy. What am I going to do with you?
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dead-end-street · 6 years
92 + TZ because I seek death?
#92: “I want you to be happy.”
She spotted Tom at an event she didn’t even want to attend but was dragged to by Laura. Zendaya threw the other girl a dirty glance who looked back at her innocently and said, “Jacob told me he wouldn’t be here! I guess he was able to make it after all…”
“Hmm, yeah remind me to never speak to you or Jacob ever again,” she said with a scowl but Laura knew she was just mad they were able to fool her so easily. It was too late to hide from him since they’d already made eye contact and he was walking towards them but she still had the urge to run away before she had to say anything to him.
“Hey,” Tom said when they finally get close enough to hear each other over the loud music. “You look…. great.”
She swallowed hard around a lump that had suddenly formed in her throat. “Thanks,” she replied and looked away, unable to meet his eyes.
They’d gone their separate ways almost 7 months ago after an innocent comment turned into a small disagreement, which turned into a full blown fight. He’d packed his things and left while she sat at the bottom of the stairs shaking with tears. Looking back now, it was such a stupid fight that probably could’ve gone another way but she was stubborn and even when he’d reached out to her days later she shut him out completely. She threw herself into her work and he into his but their friends could tell they were miserable.
The way he looked at her now was almost unbearable. It was a mixture of sadness and longing and she hated that she still could read him so well. He could probably read her too - guilt, regret, misery. She excused herself and walked as quickly as she could to the ladies room. The event was about to start so thankfully the spacious room was empty.  She took a seat at the vanity table and stared blankly at the bottles of hairspray, lotion, and mouthwash in front of her. Behind her, the door opened and when she looked up, it was Tom staring back at her in the mirror reflection.
“What are you doing in here? The men’s washroom is across the hall!” she whispered as if someone could hear them.
He came in and locked the door behind him and took a seat on the plush chair across from her. After a beat he asked, “what are we doing, Z?”
“I literally just asked you that. Why are you in here?” she continued to play dumb as a last ditch effort to make him go away but to her surprise, he took one of her hands and held it gently between hers. She could pull her hand away if she really wanted, but the feel of his fingers between hers, stroking her wrist and knuckles was comforting.
“I’ve never seen you look so unhappy.”
“I’m fine,” she lied. It was easier than acknowledging the truth.
“I don’t believe you.”
He gave her fingers a final squeeze then pulled his hands away and sat back. She looked up and couldn’t believe there were tears in his eyes. She thought for sure she’d be the first one to cry.
“Our lives just went in different directions,” she said by way of explanation and even as the words left her mouth she wanted to gag at her pathetic excuse.
“What’s stopping us from getting our lives back on the same course?”
“It’s too late!” she said, suddenly exasperated by this conversation she’d already had in her mind a thousand times. It always ended the same way, this time would be no different.
“That’s nonsense and you know it. We can do whatever we want, we just have to chose it.”
“I can’t do this again. I can’t have you back, only for it to end the same way. I can’t do it.”
“I can’t either,” he agreed, “so why don’t we just promise not to fuck it up this time?”
“It’s not that simple!”
“Not everything has to be complicated.”
Tears were running down his face and she leaned forward to brush them away, not realizing that she was also crying. He reached up to cup her face and swiped his thumbs under her eyes to wipe away her tears.
“I just… I want you to be happy,” he murmured. 
“I was happy with you,” she admitted and closed her eyes as more tears fell.
“I was happy with you too.” He leaned forward to kiss her forehead and then rested his against hers. “Can we please just set everything else aside and talk this out?”
They sat in silence, foreheads pressed together, breathing each other in for the first time in over half a year. Slowly she turned her head and left a kiss in the centre of his palm.
At first he wasn’t sure if he’d heard her properly with his hand covering her mouth but then she turned her face back to him and though there were tears in her eyes, she looked a little less sad.
Just then a low, but loud grumble filled the room and she pulled away to cover her mouth and stifle a laugh. “Oh my god, I can’t believe how loud my stomach is!”
“That was your stomach? I thought there was some beast trapped in one of the stalls!” he joked. “When was the last time you ate?”
“It’s almost 7! No wonder you’re starving.”
“Do you wanna go somewhere we can talk, preferably somewhere food comes quick?”
Fifteen minutes later, she was scarfing down her second taco and seriously debating a third. Tom had never been to this taco stand but she was raving about it in the car ride here. They had vegetarian and vegan options as well as the juiciest meat tacos he’d ever had. He bit into his second taco and a little sauce dribbled on his expensive navy suit trousers.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.”
She snorted loudly, which caused a chain reaction of him laughing at her and then her laughing at him. They were a sight to behold - Zendaya dressed in a gold and glittery dress and Tom in a well tailored suit, standing in a dusty parking lot on the side of the road, eating cheap tacos and laughing at each other. To any passerby they looked ridiculous and yet it was the first time in a long time either of them had genuinely laughed this hard.
When they finally regained composure, she handed him a napkin and said, “y’know, Law is gonna beat your ass for ruining those pants.”
Thanks for the prompt! This one got a little away from me and I wasn’t planning on angst but there had to be a tiny bit since this is how my brain works. If anyone wants to send more prompts, here’s the list.
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jamiemac26 · 6 years
Movin’ On - Chapter Ten: Year Three
Movin’ On - By JamieMac
Description: A relationship is made up of moments. Moments that span days and years, spaces of time. Y/N had been with Harrison Osterfield for 10 years, but after a horrific argument they break up and she finds herself reminiscing, about all the good times they had together and all of the bad times that they went though. She starts to see the pieces that fell - what she once thought was the perfect puzzle, every piece in its place, turned out to be a facade, one big jumbled up mess with nothing but patches in place of the missing pieces.
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She exited the airport, the hot, sweltering heat hitting her full force. She sucked in a breath, the air heavy. She looked around, scanning for a familiar mop of blonde curls. Standing on the curb, bag in hand, she turned her head to the left, to the right, scanning for anything or anyone that she knew. She waited, tapping her foot impatiently, the heat seeping through her clothes. She sighed, a slight smiling gracing her lips. Just like Harrison to be late. She zoned out, fanning her shirt to try to cool herself down. She sunshine beat down, sweat beading up on her forehead. She watched people move about her. Hugging loved ones that hadn’t been seen for extended periods. Kisses being exchanged between lovers. Kids being smothered by grandparents. She was lost in a happy reunion between a young couple and their parents, a tiny baby being held carefully, passing between each proud adult. A soft tap of a horn pulled her from the moment and she turned to see a black SUV pull up to the curb beside her. A huge smile broke out and she dropped her bag, arms held open as she was wrapped up in a warm, strong hug.
“I missed you Haz,” She covered his face in soft kisses.
He giggled, his arms giving her an extra squeeze, lifting her feet off the ground. “I missed you too babe, I’m so glad that you’re here.”
With feet planted back on solid ground, she moved her hands to his cheeks, her eyes locking onto his. A smile danced on her face and she leaned forward, her lips pressing against his. It had been weeks since they’d been able to have physical contact, and she craved his touch, his kiss, his body pressed flush to hers.
She pulled back, her tongue darting out to lick her lips, savoring the taste of him. Her eyelids fluttered open, his baby blues capturing every detail of her face.
“Hi,” She breathed, her hand sliding down his arm, her fingers slipping between his, locking them together.
He picked her bag up and moved them to the back of the car. Tossing the luggage in, he released her hand, opening the passenger door. The ride to Tom’s house was comfortably quiet.  His fingers were warm as they tickled her wrist, tangling their hands together. His lips were soft as he pressed them against her knuckles. Her eyes were glued to his face. She was so happy to be in his presence. To be able to wrap her arms around him in a comforting hug. To have him near her. To just be together. She leaned into the console, her shoulder brushing his. He kissed the top of her head, his eyes staying focused on the road. She watched as they pulled onto a long driveway, a house loomed before them.
“This is where you’re staying,” She ogled the massive structure.
“It isn’t that large,” Harrison chuckled, “But yes, Sony got this place for Tom while he’s shooting.”
“Just for Tom?”
He nodded, “Well, I’m here and someone from the cast is always crashing in one of the spare rooms.”
She rolled her eyes, “That sounds about right.”
Harrison parked the car, “Come on, I can’t wait for you to meet everyone.”
She opened up the door, music greeted her, wafting to her ears from a distance. “Sounds like the party has already started.”
Haz paused for a moment, “I’ll bet that they’re all in the pool.”
“Oh, good thing I brought a suit,” She laughed reaching for her bag.
Harrison threw it over his shoulder, “I got this and I’ve got you.” His arm fit perfectly around her waist and he ushered her through the front door.
Voices grew louder and she could see a group of kids splashing around a large pool. She grinned as she watched Tom flip into the clear blue water. God, she missed him...missed both of them.
“You’ll totally love Jacob, he’s like a big teddy bear and Laura and Zendaya will just fall all over you. They’re all so excited to meet you. I’ve been talking about you nonstop for days,” His grin grew as his cobalt eyes locked onto her.
“They better all be good things,” She tickled his side, laughing as he squirmed way from her.
The giant glass doors slid open and she was caught up in a pair of strong arms. Her feet were pulled from the ground as she was spun into a circle. Tom’s bright smiling face was a mere inches from her and she pressed her forehead into his, her arms held onto his neck. He stopped moving, her feet hitting the ground but his arms stayed tight around her waist. “I’m so glad that you’re here, it just isn’t the same without you. Come on, come on...I want you to meet everyone.”
He barely gave her time to regain her balance before he yanked her out onto the patio. Faces beamed up at her, a variety of eyes stared at her face. She grinned sheepishly and waved at her perspective new friends. Tom introduced her to each one and she tried desperately to make sure that she matched the face to the proper name. She was ticking them off one by one in her head, assigning little reminders when she felt a bony elbow dig into her ribs. She turned her head, gawking at the tall blonde pressed against her side.
“Go put your suit on,” He encouraged.
She blinked at him, her mind foggy from the time difference and a day spent in airplanes. She nodded, but did not move from her spot.
Harrison chortled, his hand pressed to hers, their palms melded together. She followed him back into the expansive home and up a set of stairs. She glanced around, doors seemed to be coming at her from everywhere, her sleepy mind confusing her even more. She pulled back, stopping their forward progress. He turned back to glance at her, worry furrowing his handsome brow.
“Are you okay,” He inquired.
She blinked her eyes, allowing them to flutter shut. “Yes, just really exhausted suddenly,” She mumbled. “I think I just need to lie down for a bit,” She leaned against his strong shoulder, his arm coming around her, steadying her swaying body.
He guided them gently but quickly to a closed door at the end of the hall. He pushed it open, a large queen bed coming into full view. “Umm,” He stammered, “Are you okay with staying with me?”
She nodded, a tired smile gracing her lips, “Of course.”
He ushered her past him, and she fell onto the soft mattress, the days travels wearing her thin. Harrison removed her shoes and helped slide her into bed. He bent down, his lips ghosting across her forehead. His lips were the last thing on her mind as she drifted off, his face a commanding presence in her dreams.
She woke the next morning, sunlight streaming through the light curtains. She stayed still, listening to the sounds around her. Nothing was familiar. Nothing until she rolled over, Harrison’s all-too-familiar face filling up her vision. She brushed her nose against his, giggling at the slight tickle. She scooted closer, ducking underneath his arm. His body was warm and inviting and he tightened his hold on her.
“Morning,” The huskiness in his voice caused her stomach to flip.
“I’m so sorry that I missed everything yesterday,” She started to apologize, “I wanted so badly to…”
He silenced her with his lips. Soft and supple and my, how she had missed them. He pulled away, his eyes dancing across her face, “It’s okay. You’ll just have to make it up to me.”
She squirmed as he tried to tickle her, the two rolling around in the large bed. She ended up on top of him, her legs straddling his hips.
“Somehow, I think you did this on purpose,” She leaned down, capturing his lips once more. The pressure intensified, but a resounding knock tore them apart.
“What,” Harrison gruffed.
“Breakfast,” Came the muffled voice of Tom.
“Seriously dude,” Harrison whined.
Laughter echoed in their ears as he turned towards her, “I guess we’re being beckoned.”
She laughed, rolling off of him and allowing her feet to the sink into the plush carpet, “We’ll have plenty of alone time together.” She disappeared into the bathroom, giving Harrison ample time to calm his raging body.
Her time in Atlanta flew by far too quickly, the end drawing nearer by the day. She sat with her feet dangling in the cool water of the pool, Zendaya next to her as they watched the boys splash around. “I can’t believe that it’s almost over.”
Zendaya turned a sideways glance her direction, “Yeah, but you still have the Civil War premiere, so your trip isn’t completely over.”
“One more weekend and then I have to fly back home...alone,” She sighed, her sight locked onto the blue-eyed blonde.
Zendaya followed her gaze, “Why don’t you stay?”
Y/N shook her head, “I can’t. I’m trying to get Uni finished as quickly as possible, so summer classes here I come.”
“Ugh, seriously,” The other girl feigned disgust, “That is no way to enjoy a summer vacation.”
They both laughed, her words holding far too much truth. Y/N shrugged, “I wish my reality was different, but not all of us can live such glamorous lifestyles.”
A spray of water engulfed both girls. Sputtering while wiping away the drops from their eyes, male giggles surrounded them.
“Oh, that’s it,” They both shouted, jumping into the pool.
The boys squealed, mock horror flashing across their faces. Harrison grabbed Y/N, his strong arms pinning her to his body. She squirmed, but stood no chance. Instead, he wrinkled his nose, ducking his head and dancing his lips against hers.
“That is not fair,” She objected. “You can’t cheat with kisses.”
“Who says,” Harrison’s grip increased, her body flush with his. “Kisses are the only way to win.”
The newly formed group of friends splashed around in the water, relishing in one another’s company. The evening fell all to quickly and they soon found themselves parting, the three remaining best friends alone.
“Tom,” Y/N yelled down the hall.
“What,” Was the short reply.
“Do I need a fancy dress for this thing?”
Silence greeted her and she stuck her head out the door, nearly colliding with a strong body.
“Oof, be careful love,” Tom steadied her. “No, you shouldn’t need a fancy dress, just a nice simple one will do.”
She felt a soft pulse, as if an electric shock sparked where he touched her. Her cheeks instantly flushed and he loosened his grip. She shook her head, turning towards her mess of a suitcase. “Like this,” She held up a simple black dress, one she had brought for a nice dinner out.
He nodded his head, “Yeah, just like that.”
She thanked him, her eyes straying to the spot where his hands had gripped her. Never before had she felt anything when he’d touched her, so why now? She pawned it off as too much sun and the looming conclusion of her time with them. She resumed her task of packing, or at least taming the unruly beast that was strewn across the bed.  
She pulled at her fingers, popping each knuckle unconsciously. She shuffled her feet awkwardly, adjusting her weight. The nerves had taken control and she couldn’t keep her heart rate at a normal pace. All of the people. All of the cameras. It was all so much.  She stood between Tom’s mother Nikki and Harrison. She felt his shoulder brush hers, and she turned, taking solace in his ocean blues. She closed her eyes, concentrating on her breathing. She let her head hang, opening her eyes she stared down at her feet. The blue carpet stretched out before them, a river surrounded by flashing bright lights. A hand on her back pushed her forward and she stumbled slightly, grasping for Harrison’s hand. She locked their fingers together, her eyes shifted, his strong hands coming into focus. Her head popped up, Tom’s smile greeting her.
“Tom. Tom,” Shouts enveloped them. “Tom, turn this way. Tom.”
She tried to release his hand. She tried to step away from him. She tried to duck out of the spotlight but his grip tightened as the shouting continued.
“Tom. Tom...Tom.. You and your girlfriend turn this way please. Tom.”
She froze at the words. Had she heard them correctly. No. She shook her head, there was no way that they had just suggested that she was here with Tom. She turned, looking for Harrison, finding him next to her. He wouldn’t glance over at her, though she nudged him several times. Her brow furrowed and she wondered if he had heard the shouts. She was pulled further down the carpet, more shouts filled her ears. Her heart beat widely in her chest, her mind zoomed in completely on the tall blonde beside her.
“Tom.. Tom and girlfriend, right here. Tom, Tom, turn this way.”
The shouting wouldn’t stop. Her hand was still locked in the vice of Tom’s hand. She turned, her sight blinded by the flashes that cascaded around her. She blinked, trying desperately to shake the black spots that clouded her vision. As the shapes came back, Harrison’s fist was the first thing she noticed. It was clenched by his side, knuckles white from the pressure.
“Tom...Tom can you and your girlfriend look this way.”
Harrison stood stock still. His pulse pounding in his ears. He could hear nothing, nothing but the shouts that were being directed at Tom and Y/N. Tom and Y/N who were being seen as together. Tom and Y/N who were being seen as one. Harrison closed his eyes, trying to block it out of his mind. A twinge surged through him, starting off weak but growing in an intensity that scared him. Jealousy coursed through his veins. He tried to push it down, managing to extinguish the flames. All but one, one small flame flickered, waiting to become a raging inferno.
Movin’ On Masterlist
Tag List: @5-seconds-of-sarcasmm @marvelmakeuplover @baileythepenguin
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ritebeforeyoureyes · 7 years
Do I like this chapter? No, not really. But I wanted to upload today, so here it is!
Masterlist – Plot: Tom is back in LA.
Confessions (Chapter Eighteen)
Zendaya was sick, and not in the literal sense.
She was sick of feeling helpless, beating herself up over the fact that she didn’t have Tom by her side and that her stalker still wouldn’t leave her alone. Darnell had been wrong about her stalker taking step back and leaving her alone. In fact, her stalker just grew more and more persistent with Tom out the picture. She’d wake up to an abundance of messages, good morning wishes and little kisses. Candid pictures of her smiling were sent to her phone as she went to bed, him reminding her to smile like this when she saw him in her dreams.
It was nauseating.
He was slowly becoming the stereotypical overbearing parent that wouldn’t let their child fly the nest. It was like everything Zendaya did needed to be approved or known by him. She went to the bathroom for a few minutes longer than usual and creepily enough, her stalker knew about it. It was driving her up the wall and consequently, Zendaya’s security too. It was like her stalker was some IT God. It was taking them weeks to decipher the encryption codes the guy was using to hack into her phone and laptop software. Not even buying her new technology had helped because hours later, he was back in.
But the ultimate turning point had been the moment Zendaya came home from work to find flowers on her kitchen island. It was a bouquet of a few dozen red roses; intended to be romantic in gesture. At first, Zendaya had admired the beautiful assortment from afar before the dread settled in her. There was a note, one with barely distinguishable handwriting that read: Beautiful flowers for my beautiful honeybee.
Zendaya’s immediate reaction was to drop the note – she knew who they were from, the adoring term ‘honeybee’ ringing even louder bells than they had before. The limp piece of paper fluttered to her feet and she simply gaped, her eyes swivelling left and right at the probability of her stalker still being in her house. With Darnell doing some PR work and her parents’ absence from L.A., Zendaya was in the house by herself. She thought the premise was safe; alarms, locked doors and windows, security cameras and yet he’d still managed to invade her privacy (yet again) Other than her parents and Darnell, nobody had a key to Zendaya’s place and instantly, she was on edge.
Instinctively, Zendaya grabbed at a knife, just in case, before calling the authorities and her security team. The wait for them to arrive had felt like some of the longest moments of her life, mirroring the emotions that she had felt when being held captive just a few weeks ago. Zendaya knew being that stereotypical stupid protagonist of a horror movie was not going to end well. So, she kept her mouth shut and slid down behind her kitchen counters in an attempt to hide. With her back pressed firmly against the cupboards behind her, she pulled her knees to her chest and prepared herself for an attack if the intruder was to show himself.
Nevertheless, regardless of how prepared she looked on the outside, Zendaya felt her panic surface. Her body was perspired, and she felt her breathing grow more difficult. Every time she attempted to inhale, her throat grew constricted and a wheezing sound resonated from her chest. She was experiencing the tell-tale signs of a minor panic attack. But, it was safe to say, her stalker was no longer there because within hours, Zendaya was speaking to police officers about what had happened, having her house scoped excessively and skilfully, checking herself into a hotel room for the rest of the week.
After that moment, she wasn’t left alone. There was always someone by her side and soon it was becoming increasingly unbearable. She was being treated like a child and she hated it. Even the press had caught wind of Zendaya’s break-in situation, her face plastered over major media outlets. Every time she stepped out the door, Zendaya was being hounded by paparazzi and fans and deep down, she knew most of them came from a good place. She knew there were people who genuinely cared yet … she couldn’t help but feel massively alone, even when she was reunited with her Spider-Man co-stars.
It was the first time Zendaya was having a home cooked meal in a while and Laura, Tom, Harrison, Jacob, Zendaya and Darnell were sat around a table. Zendaya smiled when she was meant to but most of the time, her eyes stayed trained on her plate. She could feel Tom’s oppressive glare occasionally, but she ignored it. If Zendaya looked at Tom, that was going to be it for her … she would breakdown.
“Could you pass the salt, Jacob?” Zendaya asked her friend across from her. He silently nodded, in the middle of chewing, and slid the salt shaker across the table. “Thanks.”
“We all know how Zendaya loves to receive things.” Tom made the snide remark about receiving under his breathe, and the whole table went eerily quiet.
Before flying back to L.A., Tom had tortured himself by looking up Odell Beckham Jr. He was an American football wide receiver and Tom couldn’t help it as the unprecedented quip left his lips.
“What did you just say?” Zendaya dropped her fork into her plate, her mouth widening with a tinge of anger. She wasn’t stupid, she had heard Tom loud and clear and she knew exactly what he was implying. It was ironic actually, how mad he seemed to be at the possibility of her moving on with Odell (despite it being false) Yet, he made no acknowledgement of the fact that she was as shit scared as ever of her stalker or that he had been the first to move on. Zendaya couldn’t get the image of Tom and Ella out of her head and she was angry that first, he was plaguing her mind so furiously and second, that he had the audacity to make jabs at her for coincidentally running into a friend at a basketball game.
Odell and Zendaya were just friends and the tabloids claiming that they had gone on a date together were being ridiculous. Zendaya had been sat, courtside, with her mom, that should have been a big enough indicator that it wasn’t a date. She thought it was absurd how people were more fascinated by her love life then they were about her safety.
In Tom’s defence, however, petty jabs were the best he could come up with when he saw Zendaya again. He ignored the swarming of his heart and the clamminess of his hands, the word diarrhoea leaving his lips freely. His eyes glazed over the fact that she looked ever so beautiful and sad, his heart forcing him to shut her out. It was easier that way. He knew there was no going back to the normality of their relationship and that thought killed him. He knew he needed to get used to a life without Zendaya, no matter how hard that was, and jeopardising both their romantic and friendly relationship meant pushing her away – it gave Zendaya an excuse not be around him and Tom an outlet for his anger.
And frankly, with how asshole-like Tom was being, Zendaya didn’t want to be in the same room as him. With her stalker picking and choosing his moments to intervene with her life and Tom being so unlike his usual supportive self, Zendaya was overwhelmed and suddenly, the large room that they were in felt oppressive. She felt claustrophobia like she had never felt it before and she politely excused herself from the dinner table, her stomach still grumbling profoundly.
Once again, she was alone.
The room was left silent as she departed, everybody scared to make a sound after what they had witnessed. But Jacob, being the devoted Tom-Zendaya stan that he was, knew he needed to intervene, “That was a low blow, bro.”
“This whole situation is-“ Tom sighed heavily, running a frustrated hand through his curls. Jacob was one of the most real people that he knew and the fact that he was calling him out on his shit meant that he had really screwed up. “Everything’s fucked up and I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Look man, do you really believe she’s seeing that guy?” Jacob added, his eyes narrowing as he forced Tom to wholly think about his response. It took him a while to think about it but truthfully, he’d known the answer since the moment he’d seen the pictures that were currently all over the internet. Odell clearly made her happy, but Tom knew Zendaya, like really knew her, and he knew she wouldn’t have gone so public with a relationship so quick. It didn’t add up.
“No, I don’t.”
“So, talk to her!” Laura chimed in. She didn’t understand why both Zendaya and Tom were being so stubborn and refusing to discuss the elephant in the room. Personally, Laura saw strength in numbers and she believed that Tom and Zendaya should be tackling their problems together instead of fighting one another in return. “Tom, I’m not going to beat around the bush, this stalker business is screwing her up and, I really think she needs you right now so grow a pair and start pulling your weight before somebody else does it for you.”
The reality behind Laura’s words settled within Tom, her melodic voice ringing through his head over and over again – she needs you right now, she needs you right now, she needs you right now.
“Fine, I’ll talk to her.”
If you enjoyed this piece and would like to help further me and my work, please support me whilst I get through university. The money you donate will go towards assisting me in my student fees. It is one hundred per cent a voluntary pursuit and greatly appreciated, however, your lovely comments and votes are always welcomed too. Thank you for being the greatest: https://ko-fi.com/D1D072V0
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tonydadisbestdad · 7 years
Watch out for those quiet ones - Part 2
Tom HollandxReader
Word Count: 1,951
Request by Anon: To do a second part of Watch out for those quiet ones
Summary: The gang sit’s the reader down to find out more about her and just how far they can go when it comes to getting her to do things.
A/N: Reader kind of turned too OC because I didn’t know how to continue and ask things without having answers for them lol. SO, please feel free to think of things differently but this is how I wrote it. Also, Jacob is a precious bean to me and I just couldn’t (you’ll see what I’m talking about).
Part 1
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It was a few weeks later when Tom and Harrison entered the apartment with Jacob, Zendaya, and Laura in tow.
Tom looked mildly irritated as the lot approached you and your place on the couch.
“Hey guys,” You greeted, receiving some hello’s as they all sat down around you.
Tom flopped down beside you and put his arm behind you.
They were all looking at you.
“What’s going on?” You asked, not liking what was going on.
“They want to play truth or dare,” Tom said, rubbing his forehead.
You raised an eyebrow. “Okay?” You questioned.
“With us just asking you,” Zendaya told you.
You frowned now. “That doesn’t seem fair, now does it?”
“Well,” Jacob started. “If you think about it, we’ve been going really easy on you the past few times we’ve played, because we didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“But now we know that you’re totally fine with it,” Laura continued. “We think we deserve to know some things about you and see how far we can push you.”
You looked over at Tom who was shaking his head.
“I told them you wouldn’t go for it.” He admitted.
You shrugged. “I don’t mind,” You told him. “I knew the whole time that’s what was happening, I like you guys and I’m comfortable enough with myself to tell you what you want to know.”
“Told you she’d go for it,” Haz threw at Tom.
Tom rolled his eyes and threw a couch pillow at his friend.
“Well, let’s get going guys,” You said, eager to see what they wanted to know.
“So,” Zendaya started off. “Truth or Dare?”
“Dare,” you said. “Since all the dares you guys have previously had me do were silly little things, let’s see what you’ve got.”
Zendaya smirked. “I dare you to go put on Tom’s favorite lingerie you have for the rest of the game.”
Tom put his hand to his heart. “Daya you’d ruin that for me?”
“She’s gotta agree to it first,” She told him.
You shrugged. “Sorry, baby. We can find a new one this weekend.” You left the room and went to put on what she was requesting.
When you returned they were all surprised and now blushing. All but you. You sat back down and pat Tom’s leg. “Alright, who’s next?”
“I’m not asking truth or dare since we all already have what we want to ask and tell you to do. So,” Haz started, being the first to gather himself up. “Have many different people have you fooled around with?”
You had to pause to think about it. “5 including Tom, for future reference if you guys want to know 2 of those were at the same time.”
“Damn,” Jacob started. “Who would have thought.”
“Tom, your girls got game,” Daya told him.
He rubbed at his forehead, “I’m aware of that, thank you.”
“Y/N, what’s your sexual orientation?” Laura asked next.
“I’m bi,” you told them.
“Really?” Haz asked.
You nodded.
“So…,” Jacob started. “Do you like dick or vagina more?”
You chuckled. “Well, here’s the thing. There’s nothing like a dick being inside you, but also vagina’s are just so good.”
“I think we can all agree on the respective statements there,” Zendaya chuckled.
And they all did agree.
The turn was now back to Zendaya so you looked to her patiently. “Since everyone’s trying to get their real questions out of the way, I’m asking another dare. Dare you to spell your entire name with your tongue out on Laura’s neck.”
“If Laura’s okay with that,” you said, looking to her.
She blushed lightly but nodded. “Fine by me.”
You went over and straddled her lap. You went to work on spelling your name out in the softest spot of her neck.
Her hands settled on your hips basically bare hips. She had to hold her breath for fear of making any type of noise.
They watched as you went to work.
Tom really found he couldn’t stop himself from looking at your ass as you were in Laura’s lap. “Jee, never thought my real girlfriend would be teasing my movie girlfriend.”
You chuckled as you removed yourself from her lap.
“How’d she do?” Zendaya asked Laura.
Laura nodded as she blushed. “She’s too good with her tongue, I don’t understand.”
“Damn,” Zendaya said, she kind of didn’t think you’d make it this far, but you were proving her wrong.
“Okay,” Haz said. “Dare you to remove a piece of clothing off of someone with just your teeth and it can’t be Tom.”
“Hm,” You said, looking around at them then settled on Jacob. “Say bye to that button up Jacob.”
He blushed but nodded and stood to make things easier for you.
You started from the bottom and worked your way down. You undid every button with your tongue and teeth. As soon as they were undone you the rest of the shirt off of him with your mouth, managing to not touch it with anything else at all.
“I’m actually impressed, I thought that might take longer,” Harrison said.
You shrugged. “Practice.” You and Jacob both sat down.
“Are you a screamer?” Laura asked next, one you were settled back down.
You chuckled. “I can be, depends on the kind of sex.”
“Wait, serious question,” Zendaya cut in. “Is Tom a screamer?”
“Don’t answer that,” Tom said, quickly covering your about to answer mouth.
The group laughed.
“Z, it’s not even your turn and this is about her, not me,” He warned.
She shrugged. “I’ll get you next time we play.”
“Jacob, your turn,” Laura reminded,
“Um,” he started. “If you have any sex toys you have to show us all of them.”
“Really? They’re just sex toys,” you said, but got up and went to get them.
“Wait,” Tom started. “You have those?”
“What else am I supposed to do when you have to go to a different location for shooting for a couple weeks and I have to stay here?” You called from the end of the hall. You returned with a box and put it on the table. You pulled the top off and let them all peer inside.
They were all honestly to see you had any let alone more than one.
“Since it’s my turn, dare you to have one of these in for the rest of the game.” Zendaya said.
You looked at her to make sure she was serious and shrugged. “Sure, your choice.”
She picked out the one that you were hoping she’d pick, it was a small insert that was controlled with a remote. You offered her the remote and went to the bathroom to put it in. When you returned she didn’t hesitate to turn it on. You sat back down next to Tom and Harrison continued the fun.
“Dare you to leave a hickey on everyone in the room in different spots.” He told you.
“Can’t be anywhere visible with us filming thought,” Laura stated.
“Really Haz?” Tom asked.
He shrugged. “I couldn’t think of anything else.”
“I’d like to opt out of this one,” Jacob said. “I don’t think my girl would be too happy to find that on me. Since she is coming to visit this week.”
You started with Laura, leaving a mark on her boob, low enough that it wouldn’t be seen with a regular shirt collar. Next you moved to Harrison. “Remember you asked for this, and you’re not filming, so.” You straddled his lap and kissed his neck once slowly before leaving your mark.
He flinched slightly at first, not expecting you to leave a kiss before starting. You made sure it would last the week.
Next you moved to Zendaya. You kneeled down in front of her, earning curious looks from all. “Want to hike that skirt up some?”
She watched you carefully as she pulled the bottom of her skirt up. She spread her legs for you.
You worked two marks into her inner thigh.
She turned the vibrator up as you marked her.
You let out a soft hum against her skin before releasing it. “That’s fro the vibrator.”
She chuckled. “You’re pretty good at that.”
“I know,” You admitted, going to sit back down next to Tom. You tugged his shirt up.
“Hey,” He started, trying to push it down. “I’m not part of this.”
“Haz said everyone.” You told him before leaning down and marking a spot along his pant line.
He sighed and let you go.
“Y/N, what other kinks are you into?” Laura asked once you were finished.
You thought for a moment before answering. “Well, since you can probably tell by the fact that Zendaya’s really trying to throw me over the edge with the vibrator and I thankfully have gotten off, I’m into edging. If you couldn’t tell before I have an oral fixation. I’m really into hickies but Tom won’t get really into that because of the press. Mild to moderate BDSM. I think those are it.”
“Wow,” Haz and Jacob said in unison.
Laura nodded in appreciation.
And by the look on Daya’s face she was already planning her next dare.
“Next?” You asked.
“Dare you to oragsm in front of us.” She stated.
“Enough!” Tom cut in quickly. He reached across the coffee table and grabbed the remote she was holding from her. “You guys are done. Time to go.”
“Aw, Tom come on,” Daya said. “She said we could push her.”
“I’m drawing a line,” He said. “The only two people that are going to make Y/N orgasm are me and her.”
“Tom, relax, I would have drawn the line there.” You told him, reaching for the remote. It was time to turn it off.
He gave it over with a huff. “Please guys, time to call it a night.”
His friends agreed and finally gathered themselves up to leave.
“Night guys,” Haz said, moving to go back to his room.
“You don’t want to join us,” You asked, teasing.
He blushed lightly. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m going to bed.”
“Night,” Tom called, giving his friend the signal that he needed to go.
Tom flopped back down on the couch and ran a hand over his face.
You settled right next to him. “You okay?”
“No,” He said, but quickly corrected himself. “I mean, yes I’m okay, that was just… I wish I could have found all that out myself instead of my friends coming here and doing all of this. And I’m surprised you went as far as you did. I didn’t think-”
“That I’d go for it?” You asked. “You have plenty more you can still learn about me Tom. A lot more interesting things than what I like in bed. Hell, I still have things I need to learn about myself. Don’t be too upset.” You kissed his forehead.
He sighed and took your hand. “I suppose you’re right. Come on, let’s go to bed, it’s been a long day.”
You smiled, grabbed your box of toys off the table and pulled him towards your room.
“Are we ever going to use any of these?” He asked, looking at the box in your arm.
You glanced up at him before handing him back the remote for the one you still had in. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be into them, they’re for when you aren’t here, but I’ll gladly use them with you.” You set the box down on your side of the bed.
Tom closed the door and looked at the remote, then to you. He flicked it on and caught the shudder that left you. “Oh yeah, I’m into it.”
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justauthoring · 7 years
Request: Hey! I loved your last Tom Holland imagine! And I was wondering if you could make another one where he and the reader are friends (or better friends) and the reader has feelings for Tom, but he is with Zendaya (or other person) so she spends more time with The rest of the cast, then after a long day of shooting, Tom goes to see her and they have an argument then make-out follows! Please? Thanks! Sorry, English is not my language! :)
Requested by: anonymous.
A/N: Thank you, love! I altered your imagine a bit where he isn’t with Zendaya, and because of speculation of them dating, I want to respect both Tom’s and Zendaya’s privacy. Even though I doubt either will see this, I don’t want to speculate, so rather I just made it where the reader is jealous because he spends so much time with Zendaya. Hope you don’t mind!
Pairing: Tom x Reader
Warnings: making out?
“Y/N!” At the sound of Tom’s voice, you picked up the speed in your step, desperate to get away before he could catch you. You knew what he wanted, and you knew it wasn’t good, especially since you’d been avoided his company for well over a few weeks. The only time you actually allowed yourself to be near Tom was when filming, and your two characters had a scene together. Otherwise, you spent most of your time with the other members of the cast, namely Laura.
“Y/N, slow down! Just wait a minute-”
But it seemed finally Tom had been able to catch up to you. You cursed yourself, because it was mainly your fault why he’d been able to reach you after filming. Today had been a particular exhausting day of filming and instead of rushing off home or to hang out with friends, you’d toddled, hung around set for a bit because you were tired. And now, after days of trying to catch you before leaving or running off, Tom had managed to reach you.
For a second, when you reached the doors to your car, you’d thought you had managed to get away. You’d even sighed a breath of relief, checking off that you’d been able to avoid awkward confrontation another day. But then a hand fell on your wrist, snatching it from the car door handle and twisting you so you were facing him. You gasped, shocked but then you found Tom’s face and you froze. He was the same height as you, maybe a tad bit shorter, so there was no way to get away from his gaze on you.
“Jesus Y/N,” Tom sighed, panting heavily. He’d been running to catch up with your rather fast and lengthy steps. You avoided his eyes, looking down to your right as you leaned against your car door. What Tom lacked in height he gained in… well everything. And it was hard to hide the fact that the reason you’d been avoiding him was because you were jealous his attention had been on another girl when you were faced with his rather attractive… everything. “Look at me.”
You bit your lip, relenting; “no.”
“No.” You raised your voice slightly. And despite your previous one worded response, you turned your gaze to him anyway, tears in your eyes as everything that had been cooped up the past weeks came to resurface. Tom’s rather annoyed face dropped and was immediately replaced with worry when he saw your expression, pausing in his efforts. You, though, continued. “No. I won’t look at you. Why should I? It’s not like you even gaze my way.”
“What do you mean?” Tom’s breathless voice echoed, and you had to restrain yourself from melting at the sound. Tom had that effect on you. “All you’ve been doing for the past weeks is ignore me!” His voice raised considerably, his cheeks flushing in anger. You found yourself stunned, the realization that your decision to ignore Tom had not only hurt you, and may have hurt him more than yourself. “When I show up at an interview, you leave. Show up at work? You leave, saying some excuse. Show up at Jacob’s, or Laura’s, or Zendaya’s house? You leave. So how am I in the wrong?”
You bit your lip, shaking your head as you felt yourself get all riled up. Zendaya. “Have you taken the time to consider why I might have done this?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
Tom sighed, shaking his head. “Yeah.” He mumbled, “a hundred times. Wanna tell me?” You said nothing, shaking your head stubbornly. After a minute of complete tense silence, you heard Tom sigh once again, more frustration behind his breath. Then he let go of your wrist, looking to the side. Though he didn’t step back, he was still as close as he had been before, trapping you against the side of your car. “You know what? Why do I even care? You’re the one acting like a crybaby because you need attention.”
Your mouth fell open in indignation, shocked that he would say such hurtful words. You paused, turning to look at him and you could see his face fall when he realized just what he had said. But before he could say anything, you interrupted him; “you’re right. I do need attention-”
“That’s not what I meant. Y/N-”
“No,” your voice was sickly sweet. The tears coming back full force, as you stared at Tom in hurt. “You’re right. I do. Just not the kind of attention you think. I want attention from you.” You watched Tom’s face fall in bewilderment but you were too riled up to care. “But you’re too busy with Zendaya to care.”
“What do you mean?” Tom asked hesitantly.
You dropped your hands in a fit, shaking your head; “I mean I love you! I have for so long and every attempt i’ve ever had in trying to get you to know or even look at me, you’re too busy laughing or chatting with Zendaya. So yeah, I did avoid you, but only because it was clear you didn’t need me in the beginning.” You finish with a huff, calming down the second you spoke your last word. Realizing that you had just up and confessed everything, your eyes fell on Tom, gauging his reaction. He said nothing.
You then, tired of the whole day in general, shook your head. “Forget I said any-” Before you could finish your words there were warm, soft lips on your own. Hands fell on your face, cradling it with such care but Tom kissed you with such force. At first you were too shocked to do anything, the sheer reality that Tom was kissing you keeping you still, and then you found yourself in the moment. Pressed up against your car, Tom’s body covering your own, you kissed him back with such force.
The kiss lasted a few moments before you both separated, panting breathlessly. You said nothing, rocking with his movements as you held the back of his head. He leaned forward, pressing another kiss against your lips before whispering; “I love you.”
All anguish had vanished, and you found yourself smirking against his lips. “Oh, you do, do you?”
“Have everyday.” Tom grinned, “and will everyday.”
“I think that’s a sufficient enough apology.” You considered teasingly, nodding to yourself. Tom leaned back from your embrace, opening his mouth in mocked shock towards you. “Apology? And why should I be the one to apologize? You’re the one who ignored me.” He reminded, poking at your stomach. You giggled, grabbing ahold of his stomach and sighed.
“Because, you kept me waiting.”
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Can I remind y'all who r freaking out over this whole model thing and r mad at tom for following models.... 2 OF HIS BEST FEMALE FRIENDS, ZENDAYA AND LAURA, ARE MODELS! This drama just triggers me sorry. Okay, thank you for tuning in to this weeks episode of newsflash
- Care💛
Edit: Tom liked a model's photo and his fans threatened the model forcing tom to unfollow her and all the other models he followed and he's a grown man and can do whatever he wants
Edit: This ACTUALLY happened yes it did @ink-less-infatuation
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