#tom holland supports the LGBTQ community
Name: Laya Pronouns: she/her
Personality type: INFJ (I took the test so many times but it still says I'm INFJ but guys I really don't judge anyone, like, NEVER)
What is this blog about: basically shitposting, ranting, fangirling and you'll find some random bursts of motivation. nothing productive, to be honest.
My hobbies:
singing in the bathroom
listening to music (english and hindi)
reading novels
sketching portraits (pencil and color pencils)
traumatizing my cousins
Books I've read:
riordanverse (haven't read kane chronicles, though)
harry potter
the hunger games
the maze runner
little women
the song of achilles
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo
they both die at the end
children of blood and bone
shatter me
colleen hoover (i like her books, don't judge me)
shadowhunter chronicles
the folk of air
the fault in our stars
turtles all the way down
13 reasons why
all the bright places
every last word
we were liars
looking for Alaska
the boy in the striped pajamas
the book of tomorrow
the silent patient
my heart and other blackholes
a good girl's guide to murder series
the love hypothesis
love on the brain
loathe to love you
two can keep a secret
diary of a young girl
how to be a bawse
List of things/people I love:
fictional characters>>>>
oscar wilde
disney movies
tom felton
tom holland
shawn mendes
nature (trees, moon, sun, water, etc.)
Also, um, I'm kinda writing a fic.... idk how long it'll go but for what it's worth, here you go
Part 1 Part 2 a glimpse pf Aria Das
my blog is open for everyone who wishes to rant or vent out their feelings. i'm a supporter of the lgbtq+ community. blank blogs and porn bots will be blocked.
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tomshufflepuff · 6 years
you literally said that someone calling someone else conservative is an insult. and you get so riled up when I call your beliefs a mental problem. most liberals tend to be hypocritical snowflakes. Trump has done more in his short time as president than Obama did in his 2 terms.
okay and? Lmao I didn’t say it was a mental disorder. It can be an insult in my opinion if it’s by match the actual 100% conservative that don’t believe in equal rights for everyone (don’t fight me on this lmao most conservatives don’t like the LGBTQ community and are very traditional and don’t support women’s rights). I got all “riled” up because what you said is bullshit and disgusting. And nah you’re not right about Trump doing more. If you mean saying more offensive things then yes you are correct. Sorry I don’t know how you can support someone who calls Africa a “shithole country” and insults the CONTINENT’s people, but welcomed white immigrants from Norway? (His wife is an immigrant and doesn’t have US citizenship just an fyi) and someone who categorizes Mexicans as rapists and blaming them for the drug and job problems in this country.Let’s look at what good things Obama did:1) He rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% in 6 years2) He signed the Affordable Care Act which provides health insurance to over 20 million uninsured Americans3) Ordered for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden4) Passed the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act to spur economic growth during the Great Recession5) Supported the LGBT community’s fight for marriage equality7) Commuted the sentences of nearly 1200 drug offenders to reverse “unjust and outdated prison sentences”8) Saved the U.S. auto industry9) Helped put the U.S. ontrack for energy independence by 202010) Began the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan 11) Signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals allowing as many as 5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits12) Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to re-regulate the financial sector13) Dropped the veteran homeless rate by 50 percent14) Reversed Bush-era torture policies15) Began the process of normalizing relations with Cuba16) Increased Department of Veteran Affairs funding17) Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act18) Boosted fuel efficiency standards for cars19) Improved school nutrition with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act20) Repealed the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy (which is honestly one of my favorite things he’s done)21) Signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, making it a federal crime to assault anyone based on sexual or gender identification (something our country desperately needed)22) Helped negotiate the landmark Iran Nuclear Deal23) He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to combat pay discrimination against women (he a feminist lmao don’t fight me. Another thing he did that’s one of my favorites)24) Nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic ever to serve as a justice25) Supported veterans through a $78 billion tuition assistance GI bill26) Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”27) Launched My Brother’s Keeper, a White House initiative designed to help young minorities achieve their full potential (again, he believes in equality FOR ALL)28) Expanded embryonic stem cell research leading to groundbreaking work in areas including spinal injury treatment and cancersooooo should I go on orrrrr 🤷‍♀️🤔And the things Trump has done for this country can be debated on if it’s actually good.He wants to be allies with Russian and North Korea. North Korea has gone back on MANY promises in the past to not attack using military weapons. Russia, well Putin was a spy and now he’s president and he’s involved with multiple dangerous people.He pulled out on the Paris Climate convention which says the US will not be participating with other major countries in trying to stop global warming. Oh and he said global warming isn’t real.He said his inauguration crowd was larger than Obama’s (lmao it wasn’t.)He accused Obama of wiretapping him, which Obama never did.He kinda confessed on Twitter that that Trump tower meeting with DJ jr. was to get “dirt” on Hilary. Keep in mind that he lied about it many times. He supports Roseanne Barr who is a known anti Jewish and a racist.He called Mexicans, “rapists” and said they were bringing drugs and crime into this country. Not knowing that there’s more white American citizens who have been prosecuted for rape. He blames immigrants on everything, including “stealing jobs”. No okay lmao first of all, no one is “stealing” any jobs. The employer is often going to hire the employee who is a better worker. So stop complaining like a little bitch saying a Mexican stoke your job and start working on becoming a harder and better worker. Plus another reason why more immigrants are being hired is because a lot of them don’t have much money after coming here from Mexico. And they are willing to work for anything to be able to have enough money to provide for their families. The American employer sees that and doesn’t give them a fare pay because they know the immigrant will work for anything. So they take advantage and lower the pay for that employee so they can keep the money for themselves.He also body shames women and treats them as if they were objects. He hates NATO because okay lesson time, NATO was put together because of the Soviet Union’s (Russia) rose to power during the Cold War and were taking over many nearby cities and torturing people. So some countries in Europe and and the Americas established NATO as an alliance to fight against the Soviet if they ever rise to power like that again. And you know why Trump pulled out of it? Because he’s friends with Putin and doesn’t want to be in an alliance against him.He also wants DACA gone because it protects immigrants. Not knowing that you can’t get a DACA if you have a criminal record of any kind.Says he loves all of the dreamers yet he’s very racist and unfair to the majority of the dreamers in this country (Latinos and Latinas).Promotes a “Space Force” lmao what even is that the next Star Wars movie.He wants abortion and birth control gone and his excuses is because of his religion (along with Mike Pence) and they wanna get rid of Planned Parenthood just because they give abortions. Planned Parenthood does get government funding, but that funding does not go to abortions, just basic medical help to new moms. My mom went to planned parenthood, she obviously didn’t get an abortion 😂And recently, Trump locks children in actual cages in support of Jeff Session’s “no tolerance policy” saying that if you come into this country illegally, they’re gonna rip your children away from you. Not only that, but they didn’t even bother to keep track of children in any way and many children are still separated from their parents. And Sessions quotes a bible verse while speaking about the policy. Yet Trump supporters who call themselves Christians ignore this one bible verse, “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself for you were foreigners in Egypt. For I am the LORD your GOD.” Hmmmm 🤔Also, there’s this thing called Separation of Church and State that was mentioned by one of the founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, going into detail about the First Amendment in the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise of the First Amendment. So he really shouldn’t use a bible verse to back up his shit. Along with Pence and Trump using their religious beliefs to cancel abortions.
But I do not agree with everything Obama did. He did do some, well not so good, well bad things too. So I do acknowledge that Obama isn’t all perfect. And I’m pointing out a lot of bad things Trump has done because those are the major key points. He hasn’t really done anything good for this country, or our allies. And he’s not a good leader by being racist and sexist.
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mercuryz · 3 years
hii, im new to this lmao, im mar or cami, i like kpop (blackpink, skz, itzy, twice and txt), tom holland, ariana grande. They\them, if u need a little more abt me, https://mercuryluvs.carrd.co/ . I'm biracial and I'm bisexual, anyone and everyone is welcome unless ur homophobic, racist or any phobia against POC and lgbtq community, and if u support trump. Okie bye 👋
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
I just know y'all not on this blog claiming TOM HOLLAND is "woke". Not the same Tom who absolutely refuses to publicly speak up about any social or political issues because he's "just a kid" at TWENTY FOUR years old (his words not mine). Not the same Tom Holland who literally had to be forced to speak up about George Floyd's death by his fanbase who are mostly younger than him. I love Tom but he's far from woke, at least not publicly so let's not even try to make this a narrative
I never said Tom was “woke”.  I said he is “aware”.  Big difference.   Just for the record, I don’t even really like the term “woke”. 🙄  It’s way over-used imo, and many people don’t seem to even know what it really means (especially on Twitter).  Some people also sometimes take their “woke-ness” to almost ridiculous lengths. It’s almost to the point where it’s become a joke these days. 🥴 JMHO. I actually despise the word tbh lol.   I’d rather you just simply be aware, sensitive, and OPEN to learning.  This other stuff that people do just seems fake as idk what.   I’ve already talked at length on my blog (back when that whole stuff was going on last year) about the things that Tom already does to  help various different charities and organizations and yes...BLACK people behind the scenes.  I bet half of the fans who were bashing him had probably never done any charity work or even stepped foot in Africa a day in their lives. 🙄    Is Tom going to be vocal about every single issue? NO.  That’s just not how he usually uses his social media.  He rarely uses his IG or twitter to speak out on social justice issues.  I’ve never seen him speak out about LGBTQ+ issues either, even though I know he has tons of friends in that community.  Never heard him talking about women's’ rights, or abortion, or political matters either.  That’s not his MO.  The funny thing is, I actually feel like Tom def has his thoughts on certain matters, but I also feel like there are some things he just talks about amongst his close friends.  No way Zendaya was dating a guy THAT long if he wasn’t at least aware and sensitive to certain things. This is Zendaya we’re talking about here.  I also don’t think Tuwaine would be such a ride-or-die friend of Tom’s if he felt like Tom was an unaware individual who’s insensitive to racial issues and the things that Tuwaine might go through and experience being a BIG, tall, dark-skinned black man in a predom. white country. Let’s get real.             Could Tom be more vocal about certain issues? YES!  Of course he can. And I hope one day he will be.  He’s going to be 25 soon, so it would be nice to see him being more vocal about certain things like some of his other fellow white male actors in the industry (ie. Matt McGorry, Chris Evans, Nick Robinson, Dylan O’Brien, etc, just to name a few).  
I know Tom’s cautious father has always encouraged him to “lay low” in a lot of things when it comes to Hollywood however. Dom didn’t even want Tom doing Lip Sync Battle lol.  😂  He’s very cautious. He probably doesn’t want Tom alienating his fanbase, or making a fool of himself in the public eye.  I get it.   I mean, on one hand his dad has a point. Some people in the gp don’t like when actors talk about political issues/social justice issues/controversial topics for some reason, even though they  are living on the very same EARTH we’re living on lol.  🙄 Some just want their actors to ACT, and their singers to SING....and leave it at that.  
But I was glad that Tom broke out of his comfort zone and showed his support, even if he was nervous to do so.  Eventually he’s gonna have to stop listening to dad on everything, and make his own choices and decisions lol.  Maybe that was a first step.  Maybe one day Tom will feel more comfortable speaking out on certain issues. But I don’t need celebrities to post a black square on IG to let me know that they are supportive. I watch what they DO.  I also watch what they do AFTER the protests are over.   
And just for the record, I’d actually rather someone remain silent if they feel like they don’t know enough about a topic to speak on it, rather than speak up and say something totally insensitive or (worse) offensive, and then have to back-track their words. 🥴   
I just felt like fans were unnecessarily attacking him for not posting something (even though he posted like 3 days after May 25 IIRC), and were actually taking AWAY from the movement itself.  They were actually showing where their real focus and attention was imo.  Instead of focusing on what happened to this poor man, they were more focused on which celebrities have said something, and which have not. 🙄    I said before, that Tom is one of the last few celebrities people should be calling out.  He at least does some work.  Those fans should have focused on celebrities who are “vocal” on sooo many other topics and causes on social media, but who were eerily SILENT when it came to BLM last summer (*cough* RDJ  *cough*). 😒  
Anyway,  you’re perfectly welcome to believe whatever you want Anon, but  I just felt the attacks were a bit unfair.  I think people were mainly going on emotion.  
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blarhiv · 5 years
Pre-Debut Fan on Shipping and KM
Guys,one wonderful Anonnie decided to bless us with so well written article.So,please,read it <3
Anonnie,thank you for sharing with us your thoughts!
First of all, I just want to clarify that I’m a KM supporter. By my current understanding and my own personal definition, this is to say that that while I believe in the possibility of these two individuals being in a real-life relationship, I am at peace with the reality that it is also conceivable that they are merely very close, wonderful friends. I will get to KM a bit later, but I first want to go through some general commentary on the statement of the fandom in regards to shipping first. I’ve tried to be as respectful as I could and so, things have gotten quite lengthy indeed. 
PART 1: Shipping and Fandoms
Shipping Wars
My first point of major contention lies in shipping wars—in quick and easy summation, I truly really fail to understand shipping wars.
It doesn’t quite make sense to me that there are individuals warring over which ship is real when, no one in the band has ever confirmed a heterosexual relationship, never mind an in-band relationship. So, why fight about it when we can enjoy the lovely bonds between human beings and celebrate good, ostensibly healthy relationships?
If shippers were really into their “ship” (for lack of better terminology) for the bond between those two people, I feel that it is imperative to acknowledge what complete injustice one is doing by participating in something so meaningless and hateful as shipping wars.(Now, despite my refusal to get involved in shipping wars, I do empathize and understand those combating the wretched comments and criticisms these toxic individuals in the fandom say about undeserving band members. But I still do implore people not to argue over with some of these hyper-volatile, toxic individuals about why their perspective is inherently flawed because these people are highly unlikely to entertain a healthy, open discourse about a difference in opinions.) 
And at the point where shippers are determined to evince the realness of their ship, I think their intentions are automatically highly suspect.
If one is truly trying to celebrate the connection, the supposed love, and the affection of said ship, there absolutely shouldn’t be a pressing need or compulsion to prove others wrong for not sharing the same perspective as yours. 
At that point, it becomes less about a celebration of love and more about selfish gratification—whatever it is that may be incentivizing said shipper (And there are, unfortunately, a plethora of self-serving reasons people ship which are not limited to the fetishization of gays/Asians, the determination not to have their dreams of being with a band member to be shattered by their significant other being a female, the egotistical compulsion of needing to be “right”, etc.). And if one is shipping with the genuine intentions of supporting a potentially LGBTQ band member or generally supporting two humans demonstrating great love (whether it presents itself in a platonic or romantic expression), it needn’t matter what the label or status of that relationship is. 
So, if one is supporting with selfless intentions and a sincere desire to see members happy, there’s no point of arguing about the “realness” of a ship because at the end of the day, all the ships in the band are real—because they all have honest, genuine relationships with one another as friends. Shipping Real People 
This is also a highly controversial subject and I believe it is mainly due to the lack of boundaries people have set in place when they participate in shipping real people.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with real people ships—but only under great constraints and self-monitoring. Most people who ship real people do so because human beings are naturally drawn to and attracted to love—that is to say, people love love. That’s why people enjoy romantic movies and relationships between characters on television shows. That’s why writers like to write about love and photographers take pictures of things and people they love.
However, the problem lies in people who take liberties with how seriously they can invest into a real person ship or how entitled they begin to feel towards someone else’s life.
This is where para-social relationships come into place—through the use of social media, fans are given ultra personal ways to interact with celebrities causing them to believe that they’re connected to their idols despite the reality that it is a one-way relationship. These celebrities do not know you—and therefore, they owe you absolutely nothing in regard to their personal life. And so, I absolutely do not condone writing or tagging or demanding things from any real-life ship (ie. VLives, Twitters, fan meets, InstaLives, etc.) where one could be causing the human being distress or pressure. They are, at the end of the day, real people with real feelings and real lives—and we, as fans or spectators at best, are simply entitled to no components of their life.
I think there are instances that you can comment on a celebrity’s life and have it be a perfectly innocuous encounter. For example, it’s quite alright to appreciate and feel second-hand joy at seeing two people whom one respects and follows as a fan looking happy with their potential partners (as in the case of KM) or commenting supportively on a confirmed real-life couple’s Instagram photos (Justin and Hailey Bieber, Michelle and Barak Obama, Hyuna and E’Dawn, Cara Delevine and Ashley Benson, etc.). Feeling joy at seeing someone else happy or commenting something cute and chill on a real-life couple’s picture doesn’t cost anything nor does it harm anyone. But if you, as a fan, begin to demand things from said people if the real life couple breaks up (Justin Bieber-Selena Gomez, Cole Sprouse-Lili Reinhart, etc.) or you hate the real significant other after one half of a popular ship is revealed to be dating someone else (Zendaya-Tom Holland-anonymous girlfriend), that’s when you’ve got a real problem and you need to reassess what you’re doing. If you are going to ship a real-life ship, do it sensitively—don’t personally bother these people with your unsolicited advice and woes, they don’t care about your ships, they just want to live their lives.
Fetishization and Homophobia
Another deeply problematic that comes with the shipping territory is the fetishization.
There are, unfortunately, many fans that like the idea of a real ship right up until the point there’s a possibility where the members might actually be part of the LGBTQ community. It’s sexy and sensual, a “guilty pleasure”, to imagine the idea of gays, but the actual concept of homosexuality as a real part of someone’s identity is somehow unacceptable to many fans.  This is definitely a problem in the Asian music industry. 
While girls fawn over the boy-boy interactions on stage, these same young women are equally likely to be disgusted by the existence of actual homosexual men trying to celebrate their love on the streets—and the KPop industry feeds into this by via methods like encouraging fan service between members or the Pepero game.
This is deeply disheartening as there are, without doubt, LGBTQ members in this industry—we may not know them by name or face (aside from Holland), but they certainly do exist. And how sad is it to imagine that the closest to acceptance these human beings will ever attain for their sexual preferences is on stage for the gratification of fans who won’t even support them if they actually come out? If you only enjoy same-sex interactions on stage, feeling repulsion or deterrence in supporting a gay or lesbian idol based on their sexual preferences, you probably have some soul searching to do. 
Another thing I’ve noticed is the tendency of same-sex shippers to modify a harmless interaction between members as they make jokes or innuendos that splatter a hue of raw sexual essence onto the moment—this is, in part, some fetishization. We should try to avoid this as gay men are trying to escape the sexualized view a large majority of people have about them. 
And KMers are guilty of this—after all, sometimes when a boy says he wants to do his laundry, he really just wants to do his laundry.
So, this is something else to keep in mind. 
General Homophobia
How many times have bloggers received comments about how X members can’t be gay or how if X is gay that the anon can’t be a fan of that person anymore? I’ve definitely read several too many in my time and these are all exemplifying comments of people who house internal homophobia.
Unfortunately, the need to explicitly state and prove homosexuality will always be a symptom of the heteronormativity of most societies—and I do understand why it happens and it’s not always a malicious assumption.
What I peacefully and regretfully do not understand are aggressive fans who flagrantly deny the possibility of any other sexuality aside from being straight—these instances really make me suspect these are mainly female fans that can’t stomach the possibility of their idols not being into their gender or are straight up homophobic without any other reason. (That being said, I also don’t encourage any same-sex shippers/supporters to make assumptions about sexualities either. It’s fine to support and to suspect the possibility of a same-sex relationship, but there should always be that margin for error since none of these idols are definitively out.)
Conclusion to General Shipping 
TLDR; my basic point in the first part of this ridiculous essay is that, we should really all respect one another as members of a single fandom. And beyond that, we should all respect the people whom we are shipping, taking great care and using our sensibilities to ensure we aren’t making real people uncomfortable.
History as a Fan of BTS
So, I just want to clarify that I am a pre-debut BTS fan. I literally read about JM and JK a couple days before they were due to debut and as a huge hip-hop fan, I was immediately interested in their concept. I instantly fell in love with JM’s voice and JK’s multi-faceted talents (and live vocal skills)—that is to say, I was most interested in these two members from the very beginning. As of recent days, I have detached myself from the fandom, preferring to keep a great distance away due to the toxicity and negativity I’ve unfortunately been privy to as the fan base grows bigger and bigger—and it really does make me incredibly sad. I’ve always been into BTS for the music—they were what I listened to bussing up to school as I admired the Cyphers by the rap-line, the gorgeous fluidity of JM’s melodic voice, the deep resonance of TH’s voice, and JK’s talents as a quality, consistent singer despite his age.
And now, sometimes the ship wars and solo stans are louder than the positive members in this community. Luckily, I’ve found a small niche of BTS blogs and KM blogs that have made this experience a lot easier (for KM blogs, many thanks to people like blarhiv, slowlybutobvious-jikook, gaja-aegiya-gaja, chaotic-jikook, singwriteluv, jiminkoo, etc.)
Shipping as a Whole
Now, as for the shipping component. I want to clarify I’m a very selective real-person shipper—I don’t look for mere skin ship or overt proclamations of love or popularity of ship.
Of course, these are initially the easiest features to discern a shippable “ship”, but I’m well practiced in the KPop industry and know these factors between members are virtually useless in discerning romantic interest. 
On top of being a selective shipper, I also think it’s safe to say I’m pretty respectful about shipping as I always try to maintain reasonable skepticism and I’ve never commented anything about shipping on any forum that could make the involved individual uncomfortable. With all that being said, the beginning of BTS, I did not see ANY SHIPS that I could’ve deemed suspicious enough to be considered real.  They were all just young kids that were trying to pave their path to success and just boys messing around on their early television appearances whilst trying to promote their albums.
And even when YM and TK began to gain traction as the fandom’s decidedly largest ships with some believing them to be “real”, I still didn’t see it—and this is said with utmost respect to their closeness and respect for one another as teammates, colleagues, and close friends. 
Undoubtedly, their interactions were playful and adorable, but there was nothing in how they interacted to rouse any suspicions whatsoever. I would view their interactions as commonplace as any other men in regular friendships—with their culture and their age and their jobs in consideration.   Again, I never understood people who truly believed in the validity of these ships.
Now, to be fair, I have, of course, also participated in casually shipping a few members for fun too. For example, I thought Sope was cute and I was drawn to VM’s friendship as well—JM and TH were so ridiculously cute and close, it was nearly impossible not to casually ship them. In the earlier years, since I believed there to be no "real" ships, I was on board with other casual shippers but was greatly confused by those who believed the big three ships (YM, NJ, and TK) were actually real.
My View on Early KM
I first started tuning into KM when I saw a particular Bomb clip of JM and JK messing around with a phone app where their voices were autotuned. Whilst JM was laughing, JK just had his face crinkled up with the softest look on his face. I was like, “huh”—but it definitely wasn’t enough for me to begin thinking it could be real.
Since it was one isolated incident, caught directly on camera, it wasn’t nearly enough evidence to make any logical inferences. At that point, I’d just be jumping onto the train of delusion. While on the subject of early KM, I also want to take this opportunity to quickly give my take on this malicious narrative that JK doesn’t like JM—as a pre-debut fan, I’ve never bought into this.
Between JK’s self-proclaimed shyness towards JM’s unadulterated fondness for him, JK’s proclivities to drop honorifics on camera even from the beginning, JK telling JM he teases his hyung because he likes him—I was almost flabbergasted when I first caught inklings of it.  
This is such an outrageous vilification and outright character assassination of a young kid in his teens who didn’t know how to deal with his hyung’s affections, despite having always confirmed and reassured JM that he does, in fact, like him. 
The fact that so-called fans to this day still try to drive this narrative despite the fact that JK has set fire and gasoline to this toxic roller coaster ride of lies and delusions is actually unfathomable to me. Never mind the exact type of relationship KM have, it’s just so distinguishably clear that JK really, really likes JM judging by the amount of time they spend together and how beautiful JK’s smile is when he’s around JM. 
The Shift
Essentially, I casually shipped Sope, VM, and KM at some point—they were my favourites to see interact and I was always cooing over how adorable their bonds were with one another. And if I’m being frank, I was especially partial to the latter two ships because of how attentive and caring JM is to his younger members.
JM’s kindness has always touched my heart.
I find JM’s interactions with people the most fascinating based off the fact that he is just an enthralling, ethereal human being with this gorgeous voice and enormous heart—and for that, he was my very favourite member always.
But, of course, I am a KM supporter.How did this happen?
Well, my eyes nearly bugged out of my head at the infamous back hug at 2015 KBS Music Festival—especially since it was JK being so unusually expressive and forward with his affection. But perhaps this was a cultural thing? I definitely felt some cognitive dissonance as I tried to explain the strange, almost romantic aura of the moment using logic despite sensing that this string of reasoning didn’t sit quite right with me. But again, one isolated incident is a whole lot of nothing in the world of skin ship and KPop. 
But as we all know, at this point, we got see KM get closer and see their relationship develop and I was really all for it as I was incredibly pleased by that personal growth in JK as a maturing adult and the joy it conversely seemed to bring JM with this newly matured JK.
JK’s Development
A large part of my transition over from casual to serious “shipper” is actually because of JK. I’ve always viewed him as a talented individual, as aforementioned, but other than that there was certainly other larger personalities that caught my eye quicker—between JM’s big heart, JH’s enormous personality, and TH’s quirks, he was definitely quietly existing in the background when he wasn’t performing. But he really just grew into himself and I think any fan can see that.
There’s all the general ways he grew up, his physique and his facial structure and his height, but more than anything my heart softened immensely when I began to see what a beautiful soul this boy had always had. I’m not saying that he’s not without flaws—because another a huge problem in the industry is the fans’ tendency to idealize their idols past the mortal realm of making mistakes or having character flaws—but anyone can see he’s clearly matured.
The way he treats JM only gets better and better with each year.
And I genuinely don’t feel that it’s delusional to say the way that he treats JM is vastly different from any other member. He is kind-hearted with a dreamy view on the world and he’s good to his hyungs after everything they’ve done for him when he’d been a child, but he’s that in tenfold around JM. To say he doesn’t play favourites when JM’s involved is being willfully ignorant because there’re so many recent examples alone (the way he splashes water on SJ vs. JM, the way he roughhouses other members vs. JM, the way he gives JM a big pancake because of an impending punishment vs. SJ in same predicament, the attentive way he watches JM in interviews over other members, the way he monitors JM's health via food and drink, etc.).
I also want to mention as a disclaimer that these comparisons aren’t made in any type of malicious way or with the intent of discrediting relationships between JK and other members. It’s simply instrumental in understanding why such a large population of non-shippers have been drawn to KM as a potential real pairing versus any other pairing. If everyone stopped inserting their own captions and interpretations of JK’s actions and only had the source material in front of them, no misleading historical content to waylay new fans with a tired and counterfeit narrative, it’s pretty clear that JK displays incredible fondness and tenderness towards JM in a conspicuous manner.
It doesn’t make his relationships with the others any less, it just makes his relationship with JM just that little bit more. It’s not about putting down or undermining the other relationships, it’s just about acknowledging the reality of JK’s obvious magnetism towards JM. If a fan really cares for JK, it’s almost cruel to disregard the fact that his face lights up when he’s with JM (WeVerse picture, JM punching him on the shoulder, FaceTime picture, VLive, etc.) and his voice softens when he speaks to JM (Run episode with JK slating, Run episode playing palm game, Run episode asking JM if he’s ready, etc.).
These examples aren’t delusions, it’s reality—the evidence are quite literally in photographs or videos. As a longtime fan, I honestly and sincerely mean this—JK has become a handsome man in my eyes not because of his appearance (though he’s undeniably good-looking) but because of the way he treats JM and others he cares for. As the years pass by, his heart and soul has become more and more beautiful in my eyes. I can’t attribute it fully to JM, but I can certainly say that my heart melts when I see his interactions with JM—not because I am a shipper/supporter but because as an empathetic human, I am viscerally drawn to humans with kindness in their hearts. The man treats JM so, so well. I know I keep repeating this but it’s just a grave injustice to ignore how much JK cares for JM. Never mind your projected desires and your biases, just look at what’s in front of you and just appreciate that enviable, lovely bond. Even if people will choose to disregard romantic overtones in GCFt or the meaningful lyrics during the times JM shows up in GCFsai or the fact he has the most screen time overall (which is fine), it'd be prudent to at least acknowledge the fact that JM is incredibly treasured by this young man.
JMs Shift
Another thing that made me suspicious was the transition of JM’s behavior as well.
I find it harder to read JM than JK in many ways—perhaps it’s just an introvert relating with follow introvert—but there are differences in his behavior that also made me question things as well.
It’s obvious that JM used to be a little much for shy, introverted JK in front of the camera and that that behavior tapered off as the years went by. I do think a large part of it is due to JM growing up (although I do suspect some part might be due to vicious fans who might’ve hurt his feelings about his personality) and reigning himself in. But even then, he was still visibly touchy and affectionate with JK—just as he is with all his other members—whether he was petting his head, openly calling him cute, or what have you.
In my view, the most telling thing about JM is how careful he seems around JK—something in his behavior feels tailored in a way that’s still affectionate towards JK but in a way not to rouse suspicion even if the body and eyes don’t lie.
I’m not sure if it even makes sense, but I do sense a certain sense of caution about how JM treats JK in the public eye in comparison to JK who reliably wears his heart on his sleeve. He seems to be more aware of cameras and the public eye than JK does. It’s really hard to verbalize, but I’ve sensed a discernible change in how JM treats JK—it’s not bad or worrisome, it’s just different.(Although, they’ve gradually become a lot more carefree this year.)
Time Skip
I don’t want to bore everyone anymore than I already have, but the point of how I became a more serious supporter compared to my origins as a casual shipper is based off suspicious trends and continuous patterns in the boys’ behaviours over multiple years.
Even now, I continuously try to translate the boys’ body language, vocal tone (when speaking to each other vs. another member), facial expressions, and constant mentions of one another as a platonic demonstration of affection. And some interactions are pretty harmlessly adorable, just a little something to wet the lips of any casual shipper, but with the surmounting amount of moments it becomes really hard for even the most logical person not question the nature of their relationship.
KM and Ship Wars
Clearly, the progression of their relationship has been the target of incredible hatred and frustration on the parts of hostile members of other ships and it’s gotten to a point where they’ve resorted to subterfuge to try pilot a plane missing a wing—that is to say, they’re trying to keep an aircraft based on intentional mistranslations, vicious lies, and carefully crafted stories of events that have been disproven afloat.
The incredible discrepancy between what sorts of behavior can be categorically classified as fan service seems to conveniently shift based on whatever is keeping the fragile balance of their dreams alive despite evidence to the contrary.
The moment we try to discount or negate the relationships a member has with another one in the name of a ship, there’s absolutely a problem that needs reassessment—this goes for all fans including KMers. 
KM and Coming Out
I want to clarify very firmly that if you are a true supporter of KM, one who selflessly wants their happiness above everything (which includes everything from the potential of KM having other significant others, KM being single, KM being involved in a fling, etc.), you absolutely do not want or need them to come out. 
If they do come out, of their own choice and volition, you can happily support them, but you do not need or seek this from them.
And may I carefully remind people that if you want them to come out for the sole purpose of feeling vindicated against other shippers, you’re not a true supporter and you’re in this for selfish reasons. So, if you imagine your first instinct will be an outcry of “I told you so, I’m right” with the express purpose of throwing it in another ship’s face, please evaluate your role and incentive in being a KMer. It doesn’t matter if you’re right or if you’re wrong—all that matters are these incredible boys who inspire people on the daily are happy, healthy, and well. I honestly want their happiness and safety over a confirmation of a relationship any day and I really encourage all supporters to feel this way as well. In a conservative Asian society, it wouldn’t be easy to maneuver as an openly homosexual man. I implore you to consider the occurrences of hate crimes in more liberal countries. It’s not going to be an improvement, only likely to be a far more isolating experience, in a more traditional country with homophobic tendencies as the majority sentiment. So, while I know most reasonable supporters feel this way, this is a reminder to toxic shippers to stay in your lane and stop demanding things from other human beings that owe you nothing—they don’t owe you pictures of WeVerse, they don’t owe you selfies with one another on Twitter, and they don’t owe you a coming-out story to prove your ship right.
To sum up, I’m not saying that KM  is real for sure.
No one can know that except their personnel, their friends, and their family—or sadly, in a conservative country, perhaps even just themselves. The point is, we as fans, absolutely cannot know for certain.
And this is mainly why I'm not too concerned or bothered about timelines or specific dates. We don't know and there's no point (for me) to delve this far into the realm of speculation. But to each their own as long as you're not being invasive to KM! 
However, I’m not unconfident in saying that if they are not real, the likelihood of any other same-sex relationship in the band is highly unlikely—though not impossible.
I also want to reassure everyone that I love the bonds between all the members and encourage everyone to understand that even if you favour or don’t favour one member over another to realize that your opinion really doesn’t matter in comparison to how BTS feels about one another—they love one another. 
And at the end of the day, shipping isn’t so important that we need to fight over it.
After all, if all we’re trying to do is support love, then shouldn’t we be doling it out to?
And with that, I’m out!
Thank you to anyone for reading and keep well and healthy everyone!
PS Thank you very much to Blarhiv to allowing me to use her blog as a platform! This very, very special individual we should all treasure in the KM community!!!❤️❤️❤️    
(omg anonnie this is too cute тттт Thank YOU).
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ao3feed-stucky · 4 years
by SuperfamilyFan
“Right, so I was thinking, since we are all LGBTQ or allies, I thought it would be nice if we went to pride as the Avengers, to you know, show support for the community,” Peter looked at Harley for reassurance who just wrapped his arms around Peter’s waist.
“That’s a great idea Pete,” Pepper said.
“Well if Pepper agrees, that’s that,” Tony joked.
~ ~ ~
OR: peter comes out as bi to the avengers and they all go to pride together. much fluff ensues
Words: 1239, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of the gayvengers
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Loki (Marvel), Laura Barton
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner/Thor, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Avengers Team
Additional Tags: Bisexual Peter Parker, Bisexual Tony Stark, Gay Harley Keener, Everyone Is Gay, Bisexual Pepper Potts, Gay Steve Rogers, Gay Bucky Barnes, Pride, Gay Pride, Coming Out, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Asexual Natasha Romanov, Pansexual Bruce Banner, Pansexual Thor, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, peter parker is a bi disaster, Fluff, Domestic Avengers, Parley
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, June 29
Cover: Heather Locklear Just Married 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Grey’s Anatomy alum Melissa George loaded up her bike before making her way around the city of Paris 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 4: Katy Perry ready for baby -- mom-to-be Katy is counting down the days until she meets her little girl 
Page 6: Jimmy Kimmel’s life as a dad 
Page 7: As filming for Avatar 2 resumes in New Zealand star Kate Winslet is considering living there full-time, Jessica Alba was already stressed out trying to manage her billion-dollar business The Honest Company while parenting her three kids but now that her acting career has been revived she’s finally hit her breaking point, it’s been almost two years since Justin and Hailey Bieber tied the knot and Justin’s mom Pattie Mallette couldn’t be more grateful that Hailey came into her son’s life 
Page 8: In a recent interview Prince Harry’s ex-girlfriend Cressida Bonas spilled the tea on how their romance affected her life and it’s got the royal family sweating bullets that she’ll spill even more, Brad Pitt takes his sober life seriously and he’s found a real kindred spirit in Lena Dunham who’s on roughly the same timetable of recovery as he is and the pair have become so close that Brad intends to reunite with Lena on screen sometime in the near future, though Lea Michele’s first pregnancy should be one of the most exciting experiences of her life she’s more stressed than ever as her colleagues continue to air her dirty laundry -- she’s so upset and has been crying a lot and she thought some of her respected pals like Jonathan Groff or Ryan Murphy would have come to her defense by now but that hasn’t been the case 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- bright yellow -- Catt Sadler, KiKi Layne, Sandra Bullock 
Page 11: Zoey Deutch, Mindy Kaling 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Demi Moore ✅ vs. Holland Roden, Joan Smalls vs. Candice Swanepoel ✅
Page 13: Nicky Hilton Rothschild vs. Scarlett Johansson ✅
Page 14: News in Photos -- Hannah Ann Sluss (full page) 
Page 16: Dorit Kemsley took out the trash, Wells Adams goes for a jog, Melissa and Joe Gorga working out at home 
Page 17: John Legend resting his eyes while daughter Luna watched Harry Potter, Dakota Fanning gets out of her car, Isla Fisher on a bike ride 
Page 18: Winnie Harlow in Big Bear Lake, Elsa Hosk on the beach, Heather Graham and pal Odessa Rae at the beach 
Page 20: Adam Sandler relaxed at the beach with family and friends, Kim Zolciak-Biermann and husband Kroy Biermann 
Page 21: Ariel Winter in her pajamas running errands, Brigitte Nielsen and daughter Frida at the park in L.A. 
Page 22: David Beckham with his kids Harper and Cruz and Brooklyn and Romeo, Kevin Hart with son Kenzo, Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez threw a costume party for twins Mateo and Eva with siblings Alana and Cristiano Jr. 
Page 23: Scout Willis back in L.A. with her rescue dog Grandma, Lucy Hale cuddles her dog Elvis, Colin Farrell on a walk with his dog and his sister Claudine 
Page 24: Inside My Home -- Patrick Schwarzenegger is selling his home in West Hollywood for $3.35 million 
Page 26: Ellen Pompeo and Chris Ivery calling it quits because they grew apart and have been living separate lives for a while 
Page 27: Denise Richards and Aaron Phypers’ relationship is beginning to crack as her RHOBH costar Brandi Glanville continues to claim she and Denise hooked up, Single Parents costars and real-life couple Leighton Meester and Adam Brody have found a silver lining since their comedy got the ax: they’d both been working so much they didn’t have a lot of downtime but now they’re finally able to enjoy family life, though Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick haven’t officially rekindled their romance the parents of three are discussing the possibility of having another child together 
Page 28: Kendall Jenner and Devin Booker are more than just a summer fling: she’s crazy about him and sees a real future with him, Kelly Clarkson filed for divorce from Brandon Blackstock, Love Bites -- Jordana Brewster and husband Andrew Form split, Bachelor in Paradise’s Derek Peth and model Saffron Vadher dating, Ryan Murphy and husband David Miller are expecting their third child 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Heather Locklear’s incredible journey -- a year after hitting rock bottom she has made a total turnaround: beating her demons and finding true love
Page 34: Suri Cruise speaks out -- Suri may be ready to lift the lid on her mysterious world and how she really feels about her famous dad Tom Cruise 
Page 36: Carrie Underwood’s big plans -- she’s telling friends she’s ready to try for baby no. 3 
Page 38: Reality TV’s strangest shows -- I Wanna Marry “Harry,” Farmer Wants a Wife
Page 39: Splash, Who’s Your Daddy, Scream Queens, Joe Millionaire 
Page 40: Interview -- Elle Fanning keeping it real -- the actress dishes on growing up in the spotlight, working with her famous sister and starring in her new series The Great 
Page 42: They’ve Still Got It -- the hottest singers from the turn of the millennium spill their secrets for staying in age-defying shape -- Jennifer Lopez, Brandy 
Page 43: Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, Mandy Moore 
Page 46: Style Week -- Alexa Chung has just been named the first-ever global ambassador for the U.K. beauty brand Code8
Page 48: Share the love during PRIDE month with brands that support the LGBTQ+ community -- the cast of Pose celebrates last year’s Pride Parade in NYC 
Page 49: Mini Magic -- these tiny purse-perfect beauty saviors keep you glam on the go -- Reese Witherspoon 
Page 50: Stylish Summer Essentials -- Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner 
Page 52: Road Trip Traveling -- Nina Dobrev 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A Tamra Judge 
Page 58: The Class of 2020 -- Ludacris and daughter Karma Bridges, Pierce Brosnan and son Dylan Brosnan, Jerry O’Connell’s daughters Charlie and Dolly O’Connell, Laura Dern’s son Ellery Harper, Julianne Moore’s son Caleb Freundlich, Maci Bookout’s son Bentley Edwards 
Page 60: Hollywood Heat Meter -- after racially insensitive remarks resurfaced Max Boyens and Brett Caprioni and Kristen Doute and Stassi Schroeder were fired from Vanderpump Rules, Lady Gaga’s Chromatica became her sixth consecutive No. 1 album, Ben Affleck’s secret Instagram account has been discovered, Ryan Seacrest may move back to L.A., Secret Bundles of Joy -- these parents managed to keep the births of their kids hush-hush -- Drake and Sophie Brussaux, Iggy Azalea, Rashida Jones and Ezra Koenig, Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden, Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova 
Page 61: Sound Bites -- Kelly Ripa on working with Josh Duhamel on All My Children, Keanu Reeves on why he signed on for The Matrix 4, Beyonce giving a speech to the class of 2020, Kristen Bell on homeschooling her younger daughter Delta 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Cancer Mindy Kaling 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Sophia Bush 
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motherofcats83 · 4 years
Open for fanfic requests...
Fandoms: Marvel IronDad/SpiderSon Spiderman Peter Parker (Tom Holland) Supernatural Harry Potter (Rowling I won’t let you ruin this.  Thank you Dan/Harry for your support for the LGBTQ+ community) Star Wars
Fanfic categories: Whump/Hurt/Sick/Comfort
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thatdamjoke · 5 years
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I’m sorry I love Tom Holland more than anyone, but what has he done to support the LGBTQ community other than say there should be a gay Spider-Man.
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ao3feed-harleypeter · 4 years
by SuperfamilyFan
“Right, so I was thinking, since we are all LGBTQ or allies, I thought it would be nice if we went to pride as the Avengers, to you know, show support for the community,” Peter looked at Harley for reassurance who just wrapped his arms around Peter’s waist.
“That’s a great idea Pete,” Pepper said.
“Well if Pepper agrees, that’s that,” Tony joked.
~ ~ ~
OR: peter comes out as bi to the avengers and they all go to pride together. much fluff ensues
Words: 1239, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of the gayvengers
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Loki (Marvel), Laura Barton
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner/Thor, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Avengers Team
Additional Tags: Bisexual Peter Parker, Bisexual Tony Stark, Gay Harley Keener, Everyone Is Gay, Bisexual Pepper Potts, Gay Steve Rogers, Gay Bucky Barnes, Pride, Gay Pride, Coming Out, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Asexual Natasha Romanov, Pansexual Bruce Banner, Pansexual Thor, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, peter parker is a bi disaster, Fluff, Domestic Avengers, Parley
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 4 years
the avengers take on pride!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zypYpJ
by SuperfamilyFan
“Right, so I was thinking, since we are all LGBTQ or allies, I thought it would be nice if we went to pride as the Avengers, to you know, show support for the community,” Peter looked at Harley for reassurance who just wrapped his arms around Peter’s waist.
“That’s a great idea Pete,” Pepper said.
“Well if Pepper agrees, that’s that,” Tony joked.
~ ~ ~
OR: peter comes out as bi to the avengers and they all go to pride together. much fluff ensues
Words: 1239, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of the gayvengers
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Loki (Marvel), Laura Barton
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner/Thor, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Avengers Team
Additional Tags: Bisexual Peter Parker, Bisexual Tony Stark, Gay Harley Keener, Everyone Is Gay, Bisexual Pepper Potts, Gay Steve Rogers, Gay Bucky Barnes, Pride, Gay Pride, Coming Out, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Asexual Natasha Romanov, Pansexual Bruce Banner, Pansexual Thor, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, peter parker is a bi disaster, Fluff, Domestic Avengers, Parley
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zypYpJ
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tomshufflepuff · 6 years
when someone insults your favorite human by calling him a conservative and yOU GO OFF.
don’t ask why I was even on this website lmao my summer is boring fuck off.
also if ya get offended by this then o whale because I don’t agree with conservative beliefs and I’m allowed to voice my opinion. But I am also aware that not every conservative is the same and is 100% the definition
but it’s just a known fact Tom isn’t a conservative or a Trump supporter so don’t fight me lmao
update: y’all need to stop taking this to heart jesus christ dont attack me for my opinions lmao calm your tits. Honestly when I see stuff like this that I don’t agree with, I don’t fight back. Everyone has their own opinions and beliefs and I’m not gonna try to change anyone’s mind. Soooo cool it
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“I just saw Disney’s Onward” or “The Problem with Disney’s Gay ‘Representation’”
So I just saw Disney’s newest animated feature, Onward (please be aware that this mini-essay contains spoilers) and I wanted to break down the controversy and why Disney’s approach to gay “representation” is ineffective and flawed.
The Film: Onward is a film set in a reality where the typical DnD fantasy is a part of their world’s history.  Fantastical creatures such as centaurs, mermaids, elves, and pixies exist, but they have lost the use of magic in their daily life and live relatively similar lives to ours.  Two brothers (henceforth referred to as Tom Holland and Chris Pratt) discover their late father was a wizard who left them a spell to bring him back for one day.  The film is your typical hero’s journey-style adventure with the brothers being two very different people who grow closer together throughout the course of the film.  It’s pretty much your standard Disney plot but performed relatively low for their usual standard.  Their opening weekend made about 40 million dollars, as opposed to other hits such as inside out, 98 million dollars.  
The controversy: You may have seen some posts and articles floating around Tumblr about this.  Some promo images dropped of a character called Officer Specter, who sources claimed was Disney’s first “openly gay character”.  Specter is played by openly gay black actor Lena Waithe.  Now, keep in mind Disney has introduced several first “openly gay characters” in movies at this point where they are shown for a few moments at most with most of them not even having lines. (Side note: I am not going to talk about the implications of a black queer character being a police officer in this post.  As a white person, I don’t feel I am qualified to speak on this aspect of the controversy.  If you are interested in the implications of this writing choice, I advise you to check out this news article, or this article, or if you are a black queer person feel free to tack on your thoughts!  Just know as you read this I am coming from a limited white queer perspective.)
Now, when I saw the first promo art of Specter, I knew this was going to be bullshit.  You know how I know?  Because this character wasn’t even in the trailer.  The only art of this character was the promo picture.  So going in I knew she wasn’t going to have a big role.  And guess what?  Specter was in the movie for about three minutes (aside from being in the background of the final climactic scene).  Her squad car pulls over Chris Pratt and Tom Hollands van for erratic driving.  Tom Holland, the wizard character, pulls some magic to impersonate his mom’s police officer boyfriend.  Specter and her police partner confront him, Holland talks about how raising kids is rough, Specter laments with him that her girlfriend’s kid is a real handful.  That’s it.  She has a brief scene.  She drops that she has a girlfriend.  She leaves.  She is never seen again.
The Problem: Why is this happening?  Why is Disney struggling so much with representation that satisfies the LGBTQ+ community? The answer: in attempting to appeal to everyone, Disney appeals to no one.  Disney is the most famous company for children’s content in the world.  They know that children with parents from all kinds of backgrounds purchase and consume their content.  This includes children whose parents are homophobic.  No matter what Disney says about pride or support, they still want to appeal to those audiences. But they also want to appeal to progressive parents too, so they give you “representation” in the slightest sense of the word.  They drop that this character is gay, then pat themselves on the back for ticking that box.  This has completely backfired for Disney because it leaves BOTH of their groups unhappy and unsatisfied.  If they worked with the queer community to create a well-rounded queer character who supports the values of the queer community and is allowed to express their queerness, we would see that movie in droves.  But because they, and I cannot stress this enough, do not care about you, they give a watered-down version that shows no forethought and consider themselves champions for equality.  However, what’s hilarious is that they don’t even appeal to the homophobic parents, because that tiny, 2 second, drop of the world girlfriend is still enough to set them off.  To them, because the character is now clearly very outwardly gay, the movie is no longer a “family” film.  Queer audiences don’t want to see it.  Conservative audiences don’t want to see it.  The truth that Disney doesn’t want to admit is that if they want to see real support from the LGBTQ+ community they need to put their money where their mouth is and release movies with diverse members of the community in starring roles, not just supporting ones.  Instead, they just keep trying to pander to the middle, throwing things at the wall to see what sticks, and not reaching either side.
**Also they’re a billion-dollar corporation who doesn’t care about you anyway so there’s that :) **
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 4 years
the avengers take on pride!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zypYpJ
by SuperfamilyFan
“Right, so I was thinking, since we are all LGBTQ or allies, I thought it would be nice if we went to pride as the Avengers, to you know, show support for the community,” Peter looked at Harley for reassurance who just wrapped his arms around Peter’s waist.
“That’s a great idea Pete,” Pepper said.
“Well if Pepper agrees, that’s that,” Tony joked.
~ ~ ~
OR: peter comes out as bi to the avengers and they all go to pride together. much fluff ensues
Words: 1239, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of the gayvengers
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Loki (Marvel), Laura Barton
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner/Thor, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Avengers Team
Additional Tags: Bisexual Peter Parker, Bisexual Tony Stark, Gay Harley Keener, Everyone Is Gay, Bisexual Pepper Potts, Gay Steve Rogers, Gay Bucky Barnes, Pride, Gay Pride, Coming Out, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Asexual Natasha Romanov, Pansexual Bruce Banner, Pansexual Thor, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, peter parker is a bi disaster, Fluff, Domestic Avengers, Parley
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zypYpJ
0 notes
ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years
the avengers take on pride!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zypYpJ
by SuperfamilyFan
“Right, so I was thinking, since we are all LGBTQ or allies, I thought it would be nice if we went to pride as the Avengers, to you know, show support for the community,” Peter looked at Harley for reassurance who just wrapped his arms around Peter’s waist.
“That’s a great idea Pete,” Pepper said.
“Well if Pepper agrees, that’s that,” Tony joked.
~ ~ ~
OR: peter comes out as bi to the avengers and they all go to pride together. much fluff ensues
Words: 1239, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of the gayvengers
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Loki (Marvel), Laura Barton
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner/Thor, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Avengers Team
Additional Tags: Bisexual Peter Parker, Bisexual Tony Stark, Gay Harley Keener, Everyone Is Gay, Bisexual Pepper Potts, Gay Steve Rogers, Gay Bucky Barnes, Pride, Gay Pride, Coming Out, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Asexual Natasha Romanov, Pansexual Bruce Banner, Pansexual Thor, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, peter parker is a bi disaster, Fluff, Domestic Avengers, Parley
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by SuperfamilyFan
“Right, so I was thinking, since we are all LGBTQ or allies, I thought it would be nice if we went to pride as the Avengers, to you know, show support for the community,” Peter looked at Harley for reassurance who just wrapped his arms around Peter’s waist.
“That’s a great idea Pete,” Pepper said.
“Well if Pepper agrees, that’s that,” Tony joked.
~ ~ ~
OR: peter comes out as bi to the avengers and they all go to pride together. much fluff ensues
Words: 1239, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of the gayvengers
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Loki (Marvel), Laura Barton
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner/Thor, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Avengers Team
Additional Tags: Bisexual Peter Parker, Bisexual Tony Stark, Gay Harley Keener, Everyone Is Gay, Bisexual Pepper Potts, Gay Steve Rogers, Gay Bucky Barnes, Pride, Gay Pride, Coming Out, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Asexual Natasha Romanov, Pansexual Bruce Banner, Pansexual Thor, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, peter parker is a bi disaster, Fluff, Domestic Avengers, Parley
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