#tom holland is not a conservative
cornyonmains · 24 days
Deadpool & Wolverine is proof that box office culture isn't dead, but rather audiences are just tired of bland family friendly content written by the next Ivy League grad they pull out of the pipeline. Adults want to go see movies that tackle themes that resonate with them like being stuck in a rut and looking for purpose. They want to see two grown men in spandex fight in the least heterosexual way imaginable in a Honda Odyssey.
I'm pushing middle age, Tom Holland is a charming little shit, but there's only so many PG-13 life lessons I learned 25 years ago I got the constitution to watch a kid relearn for the 700th time. I want to see something besides the Honda Odyssey fuck hard. I want movies that make a billion dollars because they're GOOD, not because they're following some focus tested program polluted by puriteens who are shit-scared of dick. They don't have the money. The adults do.
Deadpool & Wolverine, surprisingly, spoke to my lived experiences more than any Marvel movie ever has. Feeling adrift, looking for purpose, feeling pushed aside as the world moves on. Yeah, those themes aren't going to speak to a kid with no life experience, not in any meaningful, but they damn sure hit me hard as I creep closer to 40. That's the kind of movie I'll come out for. But with as expensive as movies have gotten, I've got a big screen. I'm not spending over $100 on three movie tickets, popcorn, and soda to take my nieces to a movie. I'll spend $20, get us all a pizza, and put that shit on the big screen. I hope Disney is starting to recognize this as they buy up every studio under the sun. Deadpool and Wolverine gives me hope, but I'm cautious. Disney has always been horny for conservative audiences. They don't have to work as hard to please an audience with no media analysis skills.
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It’s probably meaningful that you rarely find an example of, say, a woke electrician or plumber or truck driver. This is not an ideology that infects people at random. It’s clearly a class phenomenon.
- Malcom Kyeyune
One of the more disconcerting things in life for a Burkean conservative is finding oneself agreeing with a true and original Marxist thinker like the Swedish Malcom Kyeyune who has persistently called out white bourgeois educated classes for their faux liberalism and skin deep concern for the vast majority of the working class. According to Kyeyune, Wokeism has nothing to do with social justice or changing the world other than to entrench existing class privilege for the so-called ‘email caste’.
When I look around what I see going on it’s hard not to fault such a social observation, especially in the corporate world where I work. I know from my own experience that woke is used to distract attention away from what companies really get up to - they make profit at any cost which is the bottom line for any share holder - which is for society to not look too closely at the social price for that profit. Get a glowing rubber stamped rating from Stonewall’s own diversity champion scheme (a grift in itself) and colour in a rainbow flag in your corporate logo and you’ll be fine.
But I still tend to lean on the view of historians Tom Holland and David Starkey as well as British satirist Andrew Doyle that Woke has its origins in a perversion of Christian puritanism and has morphed into a deadly neo-religion.
If you fancy a Christmas gift to a family member or someone you know is woke, you can do him/her/they a service by gifting them a copy of Doyle’s fantastic new book:  The New Puritans: How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World (2022). Doyle is a gay left winger and did his PhD in English at Oxford before he went into comedy (the writer behind Jonathan Pie).
Because he studied English he was exposed to the theories that underpin the woke and realised how intoxicating they were within the academic seminar rooms but made no sense when in first contact with reality outside the ivory towers. He became increasingly alarmed how woke ideas captured the traditional left.
The one minor criticism I would have is that Doyle’s book is so articulate, so on point, that perhaps it’s slightly bit too intellectual to reach any decent sized mass audience.
I think what we may sometimes forget is that the so-called intellectual elites - who went to a top tier university and were at the top of the food chain in their so-called ‘education’ - uncritically accepted the largely incomprehensible, self ejaculating intellectual French theorists whose work has essentially betrayed the intellect and strayed into the realm of the irrational. The effect of which has been, unfortunately, that people have taken it - and themselves - far too seriously.
But where else was there to go but to take the intellectual arena of the abstracted, nihilist western mind, except into the surreal, absurd and historically illiterate? The intellectual mind itself doesn’t go anywhere inherently meaningful, and these ‘secular’ New puritans clearly have the buttoned up arrogance and pseudo-morality of the old style religionists. But worse. They actually give the original Puritans a bad name. The original Puritans often get a bad press but they were terribly aware of their own human flaws and had no illusions how fallen we all were. This is why they emphasised grace and forgiveness at every turn. Good luck trying that with the New Puritans of woke.
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jechristine · 1 year
““American” is British tabloid speak for “tacky commoner for whom wealth will never buy class.” “
this is literally it. my mum is an avid reader of the daily mail, she hates meghan markle with all her being and the few times i’ve read a tom holland article over her shoulder she’s made derogatory comments about Zendaya for no reason. she hates americans, and she’s a white british conservative. i can’t believe a grown adult in her late 50’s can be so influenced by an obviously bias, discriminatory and racist tabloid
My parents are similarly persuaded by the dumbest, most obvious conservative media. I’ve had countless arguments with them over the years. It’s maddening.
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githvyrik · 9 months
we are entering the age of endless middle grade video game movies and people are co-signing it. first they made the mario movie no one asked for and everyone memed about how bad it would probably be and then it came out and people went to see it as a joke and then started saying it was surprisingly good and it made a fuckton of money. and like here’s the thing it was kind of just a decent kid movie like it was alright I wouldn’t call it surprisingly good sorry if that’s pretentious. but like fine okay whatever as a one-off that’s fine. anyways then there was the fnaf movie and everyone was like ohmygod why and memed about it then went to see it as a meme and and people said it was surprisingly good and it made a fuckton of money. which like I highly doubt it was actually good and also it’s a game made by a conservative freak who gets money from it. anyways so there’s a fallout movie getting released soon and luckily I haven’t fucking seen anyone talking about it so I really hope it bombs but tbh I’m cynical so I think people are probably going to say it’s “surprisingly good”. oh and also they’re doing a live action zelda now and my bet is on tom holland or possibly timothee chalamet or some version of those guys for link because how could it possibly be anyone else. and here’s the thing they know that no matter what the people will go see it and they’ll make money. like yeah they got rid of mario’s distinct voice and hired an evangelical. doesn’t matter. made a fairly middling movie. doesn’t matter. anyways so the guy directing the zelda movie did um *checks notes* maze runner. which is. um. a choice. but maybe he deserves another chance? and wasn’t working with great material but tbh he kinda just made the material worse? well anyways. it doesn’t matter. it’s gonna make money. and then they’re gonna make a fucking elder scrolls movie. and then they’re gonna make a third doom movie. yes they made another doom movie after the one with the rock. and yeah I watched it like years after it came out and it was bad there’s a reason you’ve never heard of it. the main character’s name was joan dark. do you get it. do you g. do you get it. it’s just like. it’s like a reference. do you get it
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mcuparkergirlfics · 3 months
Tom Holland Summer Head Canons
Here are some new Summer-themed head canons I came up with for you guys! Feel free to take any and tag me in your posts! @mcuparkergirlfics
1. Tom and you are competing against each other in the annual Surf's Up challenge at beach coast. The battle of the sexes is on! Maybe a little more than they bargained for.
2. You’re a party girl who always settled for flings on your Summer vacation in Hawaii. That was until Tour Guide Tom Holland kept glancing your way, even after the first night.
3. Six Flags Magic Mountain. You and Tom. And go!
4. Singer/songwriter Tom wanted to get away from the limelight and just relax for the rest of the season. He hopped a plane to a random ghost town in the south and found the small group of people around him was all he needed. You’re a waitress, unsure of your path in life just managed to have the worst day at the diner, until a handsome stranger, Tom, left a larger than life tip to brighten your spirits.
5. You and Tom are beach bums finding yourselves enjoying the rest of the night at their favorite spot from the loudness you were so used to.
6. You wanted once for this to be the summer your would catch her big break in music. You had a big opportunity lined up at an outdoor concert near a tourist attraction. Tom, a marketing genius happened to be there enjoying the festivities with his family. He just wanted to relax and forget work, until he heard you singing and couldn't stop himself from breaking his own rule.
7. Music and Lyrics themes. You and Tom were rivals in music hired by their record companies to pin a song that will be entered at the Songwriter's contest during the Summer.
8. Newly divorced Tom couldn't be happier that he was finally starting to move on from all the drama his ex put him through. One drunken night with a barmaid (you) were going to help him deal with his demons. You just happened to be his boss' daughter, you and her conservative father found out about it. Can he convince his boss this is the "real deal" through a fake relationship or pretend he didn't care about using someone like his ex used him?
9. You once loved Tom, but it was too late, he married your worst enemy. After learning they were having marital problems you began to see a green light finally between them. But he never saw you that way, you were just his personal assistant, cleaning up his mess after every one of his screw ups. You stayed mostly to be close to him but it was taking a toll on you personally. Suddenly, Tom's best friend came into town, looking for a place to crash for the rest of the Summer as he worked on his new start up company. He takes a liking to you and Tom found that odd. You were his assistant, not his friend’s. But it wasn't Tom’s business, was it? You were just his assistant, nothing more, or were you?
10. Tom's eyes lit up every time he spoke of back home. When he took a much needed break in the Summer to return to his hometown, he realized what he left behind. His best friend growing up, you, were trying to get out of the place even if it your last attempt. Tom made it his mission to convince you to stay.
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Tom Holland's parents are conservative and Zendaya doesn't seem to care // you cant control who is in your family. you can control who you choose to associate with and who you align yourself with.
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hexjulia · 1 year
hm maybe regret recommending a few episodes of The rest is history podcast. They passed my really low bar of not being a historical topics by Just Some Guy (imo you should at least have studied something related to history so you know how to handle sources + their interpretations) + with good recording quality (i can only listen to so many lectures recorded at some conference on what sounds like a $2 microphone with a sock on it when i just want to be distracted from a gross task for fun). And they do introduce you to a few less well known episodes in history like the welsh colonisation of argentinia etc. BUT
a good % episodes lack depth despite a lot of talking. this was initially not an issue because not all episodes are like this, and also because it was basically my toilet cleaning soundtrack. Sometimes the one i use when painting walls. So i just needed light distraction (without too much inaccurate information), not a lecture. But i'm starting to reach episodes that are hmm less good. I still think the ones about the history of package holidays was actually very fun! But it's a bit of a hit and miss.
I have since found out one of the hosts (tom holland) is a vocal JKR supporter. I'm honestly not that surprised though it is disappointing. The opinions voiced on the show are often too conservative for me (in a very british way). What made it listenable anyway was that it was both that I actively seek out opinions other than my own + it is usually quite clear when they were just opinions, that they usually cited at least some source, including ones they didn't agree with. This made it an acceptable way to be introduced to new topics which i could then later actually read up about and form further impressions of my own of.
I don't know if the JKR defense it would have stopped me from listening (i just dl these for free, it's whatever) but i would either not have recommended even the fun episodes or at the very least definitely not without a warning. I will say haven't heard any transphobic comments in actual episodes so far (but that could just be luck. there are a lot of them!), and there's a difference between misguidedly defending a politically active millionaire against online aggression and actually being transphobic out of some deeply held convictions about gender.... i think? i'm not british and i'm not willing to spend more time digging through twitter to find out.
I skimmed through one of tom holland's history books (rubicon) and did Not like it. At all. This is very much one of those writing history for a General Audience writers and he seems to be writing about things he has not actually studied as deeply as you'd expect someone to have when they're writing a book about it. hm.
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
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Daniel Eansworth
Pronouns: He/him
Role: Gardener
Age: 24
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Gay
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Ly’Lor’Ke
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Tom Holland
True Appearance:  Like all Far'Ly'Dae, Daniel’s skin isn’t quite like a human’s or erkuss - it’s beige with olive green undertones, and somewhere between skin and a very soft wood in texture. He has ‘hair’ of bronze-green leaves (colour ref) that he keeps styled in a similar fashion to how they appear sformed (style ref). His leaves are a deep green in colour when he’s well-sunned, but take on more autumnal hues under light-reduced conditions as his body reduces chlorophyll production to conserve energy. His eyes are green, though flecks of pink and white can be found upon close inspection.
Backstory: Daniel was born and raised in a small town on Ly’Lor’Ke, the home planet of Ly’Daesun. It was a quiet place to grow up, best known for its crop exports to cities and planets with non Ly’Daesun populations. There was nothing wrong with it, and aside from the general anxiety that came with being alive, it was mostly comfortable - except for the quiet, persistent voice in the back of his mind telling him he was meant for something else. Not a lot of Earth media made it to the quiet little town, but out of what he was able to get his hands on, anything adjacent to musical theatre left him totally captivated. Becoming a dancer - that was the life he wanted, no matter how many times his family or anyone else tried to convince him how much happier he would be staying in the safety and security of his hometown.
When Daniel was twenty years old, he left his hometown in pursuit of his dreams - and quickly discovered that ‘making it’ in his chosen field was even more of a challenge than he’d anticipated. Between lessons, tracking down auditions, and holding down a day job to keep himself afloat until he hit his big break, it didn’t take long for him to run low on time and funds. Still, he wasn’t yet out of optimism when he met a fellow student who had big dreams like him, but was confident and charismatic in a way Daniel could certainly never hope to achieve for himself. The two had a whirlwind romance - or that was how Daniel saw it at the time, anyway. Looking back, things were already rocky when they first moved in together, but there was a lot he’d been willing to overlook in exchange for feeling wanted - and, though he didn’t want to admit it to himself, in exchange for splitting the rent and bringing costs down enough that he could actually afford to keep pursuing his dreams.
The two stayed together for a while, and both of their careers benefited from it - for his part, Daniel had managed to secure a small role in a local production. The pay was less than stellar, but it was enough to get by on in shared living conditions. Unfortunately, it got pretty difficult to keep pretending everything was fine in their relationship as the signs became more frequent and apparent that his boyfriend wasn’t as interested or loyal as he’d hoped. Unable to keep it to himself any longer even despite his aversion to confrontation, Daniel plucked up the courage to raise his concerns. The ensuing fight left him single, and by extension roommate-less. Paying the rent grew challenging after that, but he managed to stay afloat by taking on additional work outside of his theatre gig - and when the show he was in closed, that side job became his main job while he sought a new role. Working enough hours to pay the bills made it extremely challenging to find the time to keep his skills sharp, much less find, attend, and excel at auditions. Then the rent went up, and he knew something had to give. He could stay in the city and dedicate the bulk of his time to a dead-end job that would keep the bills paid but wouldn’t get him any closer to his dreams, or leave.
The trouble was, there weren’t many places he could afford to go. Home, sure - but he certainly wasn’t going to run into his big break there. Worse still, he worried that if he did return home, he would get too comfortable there and resign himself to the simpler life he’d tried to leave behind. No, what he needed was a job someplace uncomfortable enough that he wouldn’t possibly be tempted to stay, one that allowed him to actually save up, and see a mix of places to get some idea of where to go when he got back on his feet. The only problem? With his lack of qualifications, working as a mate on a smuggler’s ship was just about the only position he could actually land that fit the bill. The notion was entirely terrifying, not to mention that the ethics would be dubious at best - really, the only kind of smuggling ship he could even consider was one that dealt in the smuggling of Earth goods. That was still terrifying to consider, of course, but surely the sort of smuggling responsible for furnishing the galaxy with Swing Time, Singin’ in the Rain, Grease, and other such classics couldn’t be all bad - right? 
Daniel gets by well enough with singing and acting to be considered a triple threat, and he does very much like getting to do those when he performs, but dancing is his true passion.
He’s polite to a fault, and very much a rule-follower - so it’s probably not amazing for his anxiety that he’s found employment on a smugglers’ ship.
While Daniel does tend to take in nutrients via supplements or through his feet, where his roots are strongest, he does have the ability to grow thin, fine roots from anywhere on his body. He does tend to keep his roots retracted, save for when he uses them to check on the soil where plants are growing. If it’s a plant he’s familiar with, he is adept at determining which nutrients need to be added to the soil in order to ensure healthy plant growth.
As the above suggests, Daniel is skilled at keeping plants alive and flourishing.
Played by Caitlin; 30 ; she/her/??; eastern time
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@whumptober #25: Duct Tape
Fandom: Marvel (MCU Spider-Man)
Characters: Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
Peter’s would-be captors had done more work for him than against him, so generously providing him with their duct tape. Obviously it hadn’t kept him contained and quiet as they had hoped but it was something he could work with. It was all he had to work with as he sank wearily into the underbrush. Hopefully he had zigzagged and left enough false trails to buy himself time for a break.
His nostrils burned and seeped with the harshness of his breaths; the first item on the agenda was peeling away the tape that smothered his mouth so he could take a full, proper inhale and exhale. Sweat coated his upper lip underneath, weakening the adhesive, but it still stung when first exposed to the free air.
Focus up. Take stock.
Stranded in the woods with the sun going down, armed with nothing but the clothes on his back and the tape that had bound his mouth, wrists and ankles. Not great.
One by one he pried silver shreds from raw, rashy skin, wincing gingerly as patches of hair were uprooted. Flash would probably make some mocking remark about waxing his legs right now. Conservative strips could cover the oozing gashes littered across his shins and ankles, courtesy of the barbed wire fence over which he had clambered to escape and the weeds and brambles that lashed at him as he ran.
By the time he had every gouge masked, his fingertips were tingling with the bitter chill. He couldn’t suppress a weary shudder. Spider physiology wasn’t made for winter dusk. Although now that he thought about it, duct tape was flammable…
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ramrodd · 5 months
Interview with Tom Holland - Ekklesia Conference 2024
The cultural shift Tom Holland has rightly identified is a direct result of the success of the Students for a Democratic Society to impose the cognitive structures of the Post Modern Historic Deconstruction on the global academe, there by ensuring the constant Marxist/Fascist metrics as the moral anchor of civilization, The premise behind Post Modern analysis is the desire of the American draft dodgers from the 60s to deny any over-arching Truth to the battle in Vietnam, such as Clausewitz, in order for them to elevate their collective condition of being scared shitless of going to Vietnam into the apogee of civic virtue. Eliminating Hegel, the libertarian logic of Ayn  Rand's Virute of Selfishness provides the perfect shifting tableau of advancing any convenient ethical construct as revealed wisdom. The classic case study of this effect is William F. Buckley's rebuttal to James Baldwin at the Cambridge Union in 1965, which, in the final analysis, is a full throated vindication and endorsement of "Bull' Conner's claim to preserving social order in Birmingham, Alabama with attack dogs and fires hoses against the Childrens March in 1963, The imposition of the Post Modern analysis after the SDS takeover of Columbia in 1968 played directly to the advantage of Buckley's rebuttal, which remains the pillar of the MAGA Conservatives and Christian Nationalist behind Trump. N.T. Wright is a chiild of the 60s cultural wars, he is absolutely correct regarding Pauline Theology, but it would serve him and the Anglican Church for him to abandon his aversion to Hegel as an artifact of the distortions originating with Post Modern Historic Deconstruction, which includes the abandonment of all things Calvin, The diffidence of his position resulting from Post Modern analysis is a force multiplier for the Pro-Life Calvinism of the Total Depravity Gospel of radical Evangelicals and the white supremacist Christian Nationalism, Hegel  rejected Calvin because Luther wasn't a Calvinist and the TULIP doctrine violates Free Will and the "love your neighbor" clause of Jesus's perfection of the Shema in Mark 13:29 - 31, In addition, Hegel gave up the Total Depravity Gospel of the Vatican and Inquistion when he nailed in 95 Thesis to the church door. N.T. Wright needs to understand that, when he refers to Christian liberals, he is refering to the Jesus Seminar, When American Evangelicals refer to liberals,  they mean "nigger lovers". The original sin of the Presbyterian Church, USA, is the Jim Crow bigotry of Woodrow Wilson and Buckley's rebuttal is a pillar of that moral rot. And Post Modern Historic Deconstruction is the sustaining ideological conceit of that social disorder,   That fact is that James Baldwin's proposition at the Cambridge Union is exactly why MAGA Conservatives and other white supremacists behind Trump hate Critical Race Theory, In the 59 years since Buckley v  Baldwin, social  research has established that Baldwin was exactly correct. ' ' Which is why Hegel would come in handy to N.T. Wright's pastoral ambitions.
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oldsalempost-blog · 9 months
The Old Salem Post
                   Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays                                          Contact: [email protected]                              Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library.                            Volume 7 Issue 4                                                                                                  Week of December 18, 2023                https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                         Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR:  God awakens each of us as we journey along through many experiences:  the loss of health, a painful divorce, betrayal of a friend, the joyful birth of a child, sorrow through the death of a loved one, and the list goes on.  Joy, laughter, tears, and heartbreak are usually part of everyone’s journey.  God did not promise us an easy life. He promised to never leave us.  As we celebrate the coming of Baby Jesus born to humble parents in a humble shed, let us reflect on life, as imperfect as it is.  Mary and Joseph faced hardships: birth in a stable, away from home and the help of family, then running from King Herod and hiding for years to keep Jesus safe.  God was always with them, and He is with us now, no matter what we are experiencing.  Jesus said in John 10:10 “I come that they might have life abundantly.”  What comfort and joy the Christmas experience brings!  LMartin
TOWN of SALEM:  * Visit the Downtown Market every Sat 8am-12pm. *   Town Hall will be closed Dec 21st and will reopen on Dec 28th.    Jan. 16th 5pm swearing in Leigh Roach, new member on Town Council.
JOCASSEE VALLEY BREWING COMPANY,(JVBC) & COFFEE SHOP* 13412 N Hwy 11 Open  Wed–Sat 9am-9pm and Sunday 2pm-7pm.  Events this week:  Wed:  Blue Grass Jam 6:30pm   Thurs:  Conservation Theory Christmas and Friends at 6:30pm.  Fri: Food: LOBSTER DOGS   Music: BJ Callahan at 6:30pm  Sat– Open 9am-3pm and will close for Christmas Holidays.  Will Reopen for regular hours on Wednesday after Christmas.  More information 864-873-0048.                                            
ASHTON RECALLS:  by Ashton Hester  Here is the conclusion of the 1953 story about the county library COUNTY LIBRARY EXPERIENCED PHENOMENAL GROWTH FIRST FIVE YEARS - (The following is the conclusion of a story from the November 18, 1953 Keowee Courier. The first segment was in last week's Old Salem Post). . .There are also summer reading clubs at the main library and all three branches and a weekly story hour at the main library. . .The library was originally overseen by a commission consisting of Mrs. W.L. Norton of Walhalla, Mrs. Tom McLees of Oakway, and W.L. Jones, then superintendent of education. Mrs. Norton and Mrs. McLees are still members of the commission, and the chairman now is the present superintendent of education, T.V. Derrick. . .Mrs. Ray Green of Salem became librarian in July of 1949 and remains in that position today. Mrs. Lecil Smith of Walhalla is assistant librarian at the main library, and the third member of the staff is Miss Nettie Harvey of Walhalla. . .The first of the three branch libraries was established in Westminster in June of 1950 with some 900 books on the shelves. It now contains 1,562 books with Mrs. Frances Witherspoon as branch librarian. . .The second branch library opened in Salem in June of 1952 with Mrs. Christine Wigington as librarian and 899 books available. There are now 1,200 books. . .The most recent branch opened in Seneca in April of 1953 with Miss Margaret Holland as librarian and 1,385 books available..
Jottings from Miz Jeannie  by Jeannie Barnwell                                                                  Decorating Veterans' Graves for Christmas:  The teacher always learns the most!  And this certainly is true for a volunteer with Wreaths Across America.  My challenge began last January when I placed the order for the 30 wreaths to be placed  at Salem Methodist Church.  Then, several weeks ago, the fragrant fir branches were fashioned into wreaths and loaded in trucks to finally be delivered in Salem Methodist Church.  The congregation had planned to hold a service outside.  However, it seems that a mini- hurricane with the possibility of tornadoes is wending its way up from Florida.  I  can count on the congregation to get this job of honoring Americans done.  "If these soldiers risked their lives in battle for our country,  then we will wait for a break in the weather.   AND MEN AND WOMEN AND BOYS AND GIRLS will slosh out to the cemetery to remember and to honor veterans' sacrifices."  During the holidays, everyone is invited to stroll through the cemetery,  the resting place of veterans from the War Between the States;  World Wars I and II; Korea and Vietnam.                                                   Miz Jeannie wishes you a safe and joyful Christmas!                                                                                                           Christmas Gift:  DISCOVER Freeze Drying:  The perfect solution for outdoor living.  Easy to rehydrate.  Delicious & Nutritious.  Lasts up to 25 years!   ADCM  174 East Main Street Salem ( beside Talk of the Town Beauty Salon)  is now is carrying the HARVESTRIGHT Unit.  Stop by and check these out as well the firearms, ammo, fishing supplies,  treasures, antiques and more. 
Quote by Linus Van Pelt: "For behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.’ ”   From “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”  
Eagles Nest Art Center 2024 UPCOMING EVENTS  
January, 20th, 7pm Oconee Mountain Opry.  Hometown variety of local and regional artists $10   Feb 3rd, 1pm-4pm   Women Encouraging Women. 2nd annual Afternoon Retreat for women to refresh and encourage your faith.                                           
Feb.  10, 7pm  Trial by Fire,  A Journey Tribute,  GIFT IDEA:  Purchase $20 advance tickets  $25 day of  show                         
March 2nd, 2pm-5pm Second Annual Alumni Gathering 2pm-5pm 
March 16th, 7pm   Oconee Mountain Opry. $10
Raeford Farms Chicken Sale: Order Fresh on line, House of Raeford for pick up at Eagles Nest Art Center  March 4th 9am-12pm
*Visit our website at Eaglesnestartcenter.org for more 2024 events and ticket information.                                                               
GIFT IDEA:   Name a seat at ENAC!  $200 Single Name.  $250 for couples or families.  Please call Darlene at  864 710-8758.
The Eagles Nest Treasure Store will not be open Saturday morning Dec 23rd.       More Information: 864-280-1258                                                                             
CHURCH NEWS                                                                   Bethel Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 580 Bethel Church Rd Walhalla, 29691, worships at 10:30 a.m. Advent Schedule , 12/24 7:00 pm, Candlelight Service and Carols. Bethel Presbyterian Church,  580 Bethel Church Rd, Walhalla,29691. text for more info: 864-723-4936 or 757-288-3893. Like us on Facebook:  Bethelpresbyterianchurchwalhalla  Love to sing?  Join us! Love to be in charge? Come lead! All worshipers are welcome.  
Boones Creek Baptist Church, 264 Boones Creek Road, Salem invites you to join us for regular worship service on Sunday morning with Sunday School at 10am and followed by worship at 11am. 
Salem Methodist Church: 520 Church Street, Salem meets at 9am for breakfast, 9:30am for Sunday School, and 10:30am for Worship. Join us for worship, especially during the Advent Season.  On Sunday Dec 17th we lit the  third Advent Candle representing Joy that comes only from our Heavenly Father.  You may tune in to our live service on Facebook or view it later on our website.
CHRISTMAS MIRACLE for TS-Elementary:   On Monday, December 11 at 6pm at the District Office, 414 SOUTH PINE STREET,  Walhalla, SC, The School Board of Oconee County voted to SAVE TAMASSEE-SALEM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!  Send each board member a “Thank-you” for open minds and hearts to put their time and energy for research and to make a different plan.  Amanda Holder, our District 1 Council Representative made a motion to amend the Plan A , item 3 to read “build Keowee Elementary a new school,” leaving off the closing and consolidation of TS-E with Keowee.  Sandra Sloan made the second and all were in favor of accepting the amending of Plan A. Plan A was then voted on and accepted.   One mother told me, “I am so happy.  I went to Tamassee-Salem Elementary, now I know my children will get to go.”  
I pray you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The Old Salem Post will take holiday time to enjoy friends and family for the next two weeks.   Will resume print Jan 8th.                       May God Bless us one and all! 
Lynne R Martin                                                             
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I reproduce here a text on Herodotus and on Tom Holland’s translation of The Histories, authored by the conservative Australian writer Stephanie Forrest. Obviously I don’t agree with Forrest’s more general views, but this article of hers on Herodotus is good. I add that usually hardliner conservatives and more particularly neoconservatives with interest in ancient history prefer Thucydides to Herodotus, because of the more “pragmatic” approach of the former to politics (sometimes dangerously close to the “might is right” philosophy) and of the more pessimistic picture of the human nature and condition presented by Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War. 
Anyway, here is Stephanie Forrest’s article:
“ The Father of History
Written by Stephanie Forrest
1 February 2015
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‘Herodotus’, Tom Holland writes, ‘is the most entertaining of historians. Indeed, he is as entertaining as anyone who has ever written—historian or not.’
A bold claim though this may be, it cannot be denied that Herodotus’ work has influenced myriad writers that have come since. His legacy has been both profound and long-lived, and continues to be felt today.
As with many Classical authors, very little is known of Herodotus’ life. We know that Herodotus was born in the Carian city of Halicarnassus in south-western Anatolia (now Bodrum, Turkey) at some point in the early fifth century BC, and we definitely know that he wrote a ἱστορία (historia, or ‘enquiry’) in nine books. Everything else is highly speculative.
Nevertheless, his great legacy— the carefully-compiled historia— gained a life of its own, and ultimately gave its name to a literary genre and academic discipline. In the fifth century BC, he produced what was essentially the first prose nonfiction work in Greek—apparently the product of tireless research and the cataloguing of many different accounts. Its stated purpose was to ensure ‘that human achievement may be spared the ravages of time, and that everything great and astounding … be kept alive.’
In his treatise De Legibus in the first century BC, the Roman orator and statesman Cicero referred to Herodotus in passing as pater historiae (‘the father of history’). Herodotus has likewise been dubbed ‘the father of history’ by hosts of academics since.
If he was the ‘father of history’, however, Herodotus was not the father of the political, scientific form of history; that title more properly belongs to Thucydides, the Athenian historian who flourished in the generation after Herodotus. Thucydides’ history had a specific, clear focus: his purpose was to recount the Peloponnesian War—the brutal conflict between Athens and Sparta towards the end of the fifth century BC—and to report only facts that related directly to his main topic. Naturally, as an Athenian he was selective of the facts which were included.
Herodotus’ work stands in bewildering contrast to that of Thucydides. True: the main topic of Herodotus’ writing is essentially political, as it concerns the origins of the war between the Greeks and the Persians and the defeat of the Persian invasion of Greece in the early fifth century BC.
But his account entails a great deal more. He begins with the story of Gyges, who was compelled to kill the king of the Lydians after being forced to see the queen naked. This then leads to the story of Gyges’ great-great-grandson Croesus, who foolishly declared war on the Persians and destroyed his kingdom in doing so.
Elsewhere, Herodotus’ narrative digresses to discuss the explorations of the Phoenicians, the customs of the Egyptians, the source of the Nile, the geography of Scythia, and various dynastic struggles in Persia. In fact, it is only half-way through his work—in book five—that Herodotus finally approaches the outbreak of the Persian wars with the Greeks, and only in book seven that Xerxes arrives on the Greek mainland.
Given the extremely broad interests of his work, it is perhaps unsurprising that Herodotus laid the foundations for many disciplines in addition to history.
As Holland argues in his new translation of the historia, Herodotus produced the earliest example of a work on geography, political discourse, and academic research in general. ‘The process of researching and recording facts on a would-be encyclopaedic scale begins with his history’, so Holland writes. ‘Anyone who has ever used the internet to check up on a fact stands in a line of descent from him.’
Holland is a London-based historian and prolific writer, whose main interests are ancient and early medieval history. In addition to writing four historical novels, radio adaptations of important Classical works, plays and documentaries, he is the author of a series of nonfiction bestsellers which collectively explore some of history’s most dramatic turning-points. First, in 2004, was Rubicon, which charts the collapse of the Roman Republic in the first century BC. This was followed in 2006 by Persian Fire, on the Persian invasion of mainland Greece in the fifth century BC.
His 2009 book, Millennium, explores the rise of medieval Western Christendom in the two centuries surrounding AD 1000, and his 2012 book, In the Shadow of the Sword, concerns the rise of Islam in the sixth and seventh centuries. In his latest book, Holland has tried his hand at something different. He provides a bold new translation of Herodotus.
For the most part, he succeeds, although he hardly provides a literal translation from the Greek language. In the first book, for example, he has the reluctant regicide Gyges say to the Lydian queen,
‘…now that you have twisted my arm, and made me swear to kill my master—something I really do not wish to do, I can assure you—answer me this: how do we actually lay our hands on him?’
While this captures the sense of the original, the idiom ‘twisting the arm’ would have been alien to Herodotus. A more literal translation from the Greek would look something more like this:
‘…since you compel me, not willing, to kill my master, please: I will hear what manner we will lay our hands on him.’
The pages of Holland’s book are littered with other such modern English idioms that certainly were not in Herodotus’ original— including ‘to cut a long story short’, ‘I haven’t the foggiest idea’, ‘nipping Persian greatness in the bud’, and ‘crack open the wine and start partying’. Holland also has a tendency to turn statements into questions, and generally rephrases sections for dramatic effect.
While it isn’t an accurate rendition of the Greek, Holland’s version makes better English than a more literal translation would, and is a compelling read for anyone wanting a highly readable introduction to Herodotus’ work.
Holland’s translation is supplemented with useful notes by the Cambridge Classical historian Paul Cartledge.
In addition to providing much helpful background information on Herodotus’ life and style, Cartledge makes some unusual observations on Herodotus’ legacy in the contemporary era.
Traditionally, Cartledge notes, Thucydides was regarded as the model historian, not Herodotus. Although both were essential school texts at various times, Thucydides was preferred both because of his Attic Greek and because of the extremely focused, political, and secular nature of his account. Herodotus received some criticism because of his tendency to digress on irrelevant matters and the extremely broad interests of his work.
Even in antiquity, writers like Cicero could not help but be irked by Herodotus’ tendency to incorporate mythology and local legends into his supposedly factual account; indeed, in one very hostile essay from the first or second century AD, the historian Plutarch dubbed Herodotus the ‘father of lies’.
In the twenty-first century, this perception of Herodotus has changed. ‘The balance has tilted’, Cartledge argues, ‘quite sharply away from Thucydides and towards Herodotus’. To this, Cartledge offers two explanations. The first, he suggests, is the end of the ‘old East- West, Communist v. Free World, Cold War’ dichotomy and a decline in interest in political history.
The second explanation that he gives relates to the way the historical discipline has reacted to the challenge of ‘postmodernism’— namely, traditional historians have given more weight to the reliability of their sources.
According to Cartledge, this has made Herodotus, who took great care in citing his sources and weighing different accounts, preferable to Thucydides, who purports to state only the facts, and so rarely does either.
It should be seriously debated whether all of these changes to the history discipline have ultimately been good, and whether the wandering Herodotus is always a better model than the firm and focused Thucydides.
Nevertheless, it is indisputable that both produced works that were, in their own unique ways, earth-shattering. Holland’s most recent book provides a compelling introduction to one.”
Source: https://ipa.org.au/ipa-review-articles/the-father-of-history
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tomshufflepuff · 6 years
when someone insults your favorite human by calling him a conservative and yOU GO OFF.
don’t ask why I was even on this website lmao my summer is boring fuck off.
also if ya get offended by this then o whale because I don’t agree with conservative beliefs and I’m allowed to voice my opinion. But I am also aware that not every conservative is the same and is 100% the definition
but it’s just a known fact Tom isn’t a conservative or a Trump supporter so don’t fight me lmao
update: y’all need to stop taking this to heart jesus christ dont attack me for my opinions lmao calm your tits. Honestly when I see stuff like this that I don’t agree with, I don’t fight back. Everyone has their own opinions and beliefs and I’m not gonna try to change anyone’s mind. Soooo cool it
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jechristine · 2 years
Idk why that anon was so aggressive towards you like they aren't here doing the same.
I feel like nikki might not have wanted Tom to move given that LA is known to corrupt young actors (Mark Wahlberg's advice probably didn't help either)
But either way, I found it a bit strange. I do side-eye Tom's parents a bit in general because it feels like they're quite conservative.
And Tom wasn't a baby. He was in his 20s. So you are right in a lot of ways.
Some people are just really angry. Maybe that person is having a bad day or month or life?
Who knows what Nikki wanted or even what went down. Most parents want their kids close, i guess. My own emphasis was more the on the schtick-ness of the schtick—like, Tom emphasizing his attachment to his mom, doing little performances of it here and there? He’s allowed to feel whatever he feels obviously, but that bit is not for me lol
I think that the Hollands’ politics are a separate issue. One of the reasons I’m not super close to my parents (close enough, and we would help and support each other for sure, but not super close) is because they are conservative and we argue about politics and cultural issues all the time. It’s not fun, and I don’t love that energy around my kid too much. Maybe Tom and his parents sweep it under the rug? Couldn’t be me…
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thelastharbinger · 3 years
Did it hurt? To compliment an mcu film?
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*holds your hand* in case no one ever told you, ur allowed to enjoy a marvel film w/o feeling the need to compensate for it
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ad1thi · 5 years
SO, one of the photos from Tom Holland's GQ shoot is my wallpaper, and my grandma just asked me who the guy in my wallpaper was just "he's really good looking" (im paraphrasing what she said in my mother tongue to english but oh well) and anyway the point of this is: MY KANNADA BRAHMIN GRANDMOTHER APPROVES OF MY FUTURE MARRIAGE TO TOM HOLLAND its over for you bitches
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