#tomino's hell
hate-letmetellyou · 4 months
Elder sister vomits blood,
younger sister’s breathing fire
while sweet little Tomino
just spits up the jewels.2
All alone does Tomino
go falling into that hell,
a hell of utter darkness,
without even flowers.
Is Tomino’s big sister
the one who whips him?
The purpose of the scourging
hangs dark in his mind.3
Lashing and thrashing him, ah!
But never quite shattering.
One sure path to Avici,4
the eternal hell.
Into that blackest of hells
guide him now, I pray—
to the golden sheep,
to the nightingale.
How much did he put
in that leather pouch
to prepare for his trek to
the eternal hell?
Spring is coming
to the valley, to the wood,
to the spiraling chasms
of the blackest hell.
The nightingale in her cage,
the sheep aboard the wagon,
and tears well up in the eyes
of sweet little Tomino.5
Sing, o nightingale,
in the vast, misty forest—
he screams he only misses
his little sister.
His wailing desperation
echoes throughout hell—
a fox peony
opens its golden petals.
Down past the seven mountains
and seven rivers of hell—
the solitary journey
of sweet little Tomino.
If in this hell they be found,
may they then come to me, please,
those sharp spikes of punishment
from Needle Mountain.6
Not just on some empty whim
Is flesh pierced with blood-red pins:
they serve as hellish signposts
for sweet little Tomino.7
Ah yes, a classic. Don't worry; I will ensure the curse doesn't kill you. My toys are much more valuable alive.
((Always loved that poem.))
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roseidiot · 2 months
"Behind kindness, there's evil..."
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beelzeballing · 4 months
可愛いチャールズ3世は 宝玉(たま)を吐く。
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owlholik · 2 years
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More school doods
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booksellergothic · 2 years
Halloween Day Three
I am not the biggest Creepypasta fan, probably because I am old, but there are a few of them that I find irresistibly disturbing and peculiar.  Tomino’s Hell, amongst the more famous, is one of them.  
Tomino’s Hell is a poem by Saizo Yaso, published in 1919 about a little boy traveling through Buddhist hell.  In the early 70s a movie inspired by it was made, and the director/writer died sometime after, leading to rumor that the poem would curse anyone who read it aloud.  
Around 2018 it became a Creepypasta and there were scads of videos of people reading the poem aloud on line.  Mostly in Japanese, which seems to be a requirement for the curse to be activated.  As to what happened to the readers?  Who can say?
There is something about this poem.  Maybe the clearly fake legend around it, maybe that it is about a child going through hell, maybe the simple, slightly singsong rhythm that is clear even in translation.  Something about it unsettles me, which is almost better than fear.
Here, for the brave amongst you, is Tomino’s Hell - translated to English - which even if it isn’t cursed, isn’t exactly pleasant.  If you do decide to read it outloud please let me know if anything interesting happens.
Tomino’s Hell
Elder sister vomits blood, younger sister’s breathing fire while sweet little Tomino just spits up the jewels.
All alone does Tomino go falling into that hell, a hell of utter darkness, without even flowers.
Is Tomino’s big sister the one who whips him? The purpose of the scourging hangs dark in his mind.
Lashing and thrashing him, ah! But never quite shattering. One sure path to Avici, the eternal hell.
Into that blackest of hells guide him now, I pray— to the golden sheep, to the nightingale.
How much did he put in that leather pouch to prepare for his trek to the eternal hell?
Spring is coming to the valley, to the wood, to the spiraling chasms of the blackest hell.
The nightingale in her cage, the sheep aboard the wagon, and tears well up in the eyes of sweet little Tomino.
Sing, o nightingale, in the vast, misty forest— he screams he only misses his little sister.
His wailing desperation echoes throughout hell— a fox peony opens its golden petals.
Down past the seven mountains and seven rivers of hell— the solitary journey of sweet little Tomino.
If in this hell they be found, may they then come to me, please, those sharp spikes of punishment from Needle Mountain.
Not just on some empty whim Is flesh pierced with blood-red pins: they serve as hellish signposts for sweet little Tomino.
—translated by David Bowles June 29, 2014
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@joyfullymassivewhispers @caffiend-queen @myoxisbroken @dangertoozmanykids101 @toozmanykids @punemy-spotted @stupendouslovegardener @sylviefromneptune
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a-n-d-r-e-e-e-a · 2 years
Tomino no Jigoku.
Su hermana mayor vomitó sangre, su hermana menor vomitó fuego.
Y el lindo tómino vomitó cuentas de vidrio.
Tomino cayó al infierno solo.
El infierno está envuelto en oscuridad, e incluso las flores no crecen.
¿Es la persona con el látigo la hermana mayor de Tomino?
Me pregundo de quién será ese látigo.
Golpea, golpea, sin golpear.
Un solo camino del infierno familiar.
Lo guiarias al oscuro infierno?
Hacía la oveja de oro? hacia el ruiseñor?
Me pregunto cuánto habrá puesto en el bolsillo de cuero.
Para la preparación del viaje por el infierno familiar.
La primavera llega incluso en el bosque y vapor.
Incluso en el vapor del oscuro infierno.
El ruiseñor en la jaula, la oveja en el carro.
Lagrimas en los ojos del lindo Tomino.
Llora, ruiseñor, por el bosque lluvioso.
Sus gritos de que ha perdido a su pequeña hermana.
El llanto reberveró por todo el infierno.
Los pimpollos de peonias.
Haciendo círculos en torno a las siete montañas y a las siete corrientes del infierno.
El viaje solitario del lindo Tomino.
Si están en el infierno, traemelos.
La aguja de las tumbas.
No voy a perforarlos con la aguja roja.
En el hito del pequeño Tomino.
Yomota Inuhiko 1919?
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xspookyxspaghettix · 5 months
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yourbelovedissy · 1 year
While I have public domain wrinkles in my brain, and in honor of the best holiday of the season, a casual reminder that the infamous Japanese poem, Tomino's Hell, was written in 1919 (along w/ all the other poems it was published with)
So the supposedly cursed poem is free to use for all your creepy needs :)
HOWEVER, I should note that the painting that is most often associated with it (even tho in actuality it has nothing to do w/ the poem) is not public domain, as it was made in 1999
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letsgethaunted · 2 years
Let's Get Haunted! Episode 89: Japanese Folklore feat. Reina Scully
Welcome to Episode 89! For our third episode of Spooky Szn 2021, we decided to have on our good friend Reina Scully to school us in the spookiest of Japanese Folklore! This week, we discuss "Kokkuri San", "Hitobashira", "Teke Teke", "Tomino's Hell", and "Kuchisake Onna" in a very special episode of Japanese-themed hauntings. Kokkuri: Kokkuri, or Kokkuri-san, refers to a paranormal game of divination, similar to the American Ouiji Board. The word kokkuri refers to the game, the actual physical apparatus, and kokkuri-san refers to the being that is summoned that is considered by the Japanese to be some sort of animal spirit that is a mix between a fox, dog, and raccoon. The game is played by writing characters on a piece of paper (much like a Ouija Board) and moving a coin around the board instead of a planchette. Hitobashira: Hitobashira refers to a cultural practice of human sacrifice used formerly in Japan, in addition to many other eastern and southeastern countries found in Asia, wherein humans were buried alive near large-scale construction projects (such as castles, bridges, and dams) as an offering to the gods to keep the structure safe from harm. Teke Teke: Teke Teke is a Japanese urban legend about the ghost of a schoolgirl whose body was cut in half when she was run over by a train in a mysterious accident. Due to the unfortunate circumstances of her demise, her ghost is doomed to roam urban areas using only her hands and elbows since her lower half no longer exists. The dragging of her torso across the ground makes a “teke teke” noise similar to a skittering or scratching noise. She carries around a large scythe that she uses to chop unsuspecting passers-by in half. Tomino’s Hell: Written by Japanese poet Saijo Yaso at the end of WWI, “Tomino's Hell” is a dark and unsettling poem believed to curse or even kill anyone who reads it out loud. Kuchisake Onna: Kuchisake-onna, meaning “Slit-Mouthed Woman”, is a popular urban legend about a malicious spirit who wears a mask to cover her mouth. She stops strangers in the night and asks “Do you think I’m beautiful?” Regardless of the answer (except in rare circumstances), she will tear off her mask, revealing her mutilated mouth, before killing the stranger.
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its-the-ratdawg · 8 months
Fuckkk oh noo better not leave my doors unlocked..
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its already too late for you, ween ;)
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fostersffff · 1 year
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roseidiot · 4 months
His name is Van Pooch the Fox!
But Rambley, Lloyd, Mollie, Salem and Finley call him Van for short, and he's a clown that entertains kids and adults in his own circus inside the park, he doesn't usually open his eyes because they're ◼◼◼◼. He has a crush on Salem but he would never tell her since he thinks that it would be embarrassing to..
Warning: A disturbing imagery at the corner of the art
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slashernut · 2 years
Do you have the guts to read this poem out loud?
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posting (what might be) my proudest moment because it’s on the mind (dated december 5th 2021)
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context i saw a picture that looked kinda like the tominos hell picture but i forgot what it was called
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shhhut-the-fuck-up · 4 months
Sorry but king charles portrait looks like the drawing for tominos hell to me
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fruskyterceol · 6 months
Implied sa, please skip if you can’t handle this post
You know that painting ‘I cannot be a bride anymore’
The full painting? Yeah, it makes me sad seeing the details and the name since it has a ‘hidden’ meaning but it’s powerful yet unnerving but it disturbs the comfortable but comforts the disturbed
It breaks me more that it was used as the known picture for Tomino’s hell and its rumours
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