moonyswife · 5 months
I have so many unfinished drafts and I have just started working two jobs, and I’m waiting to know if I got into my dream university, life’s been rough. But I’m hoping to finish some drafts by the end of the weekend, thanks for the requests! I’m working on them I promise!
Love, Toni.
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mandowh0re · 11 months
*Series (4 or more parts)
**2-3 parts
!NSFW (18+ only)
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Ficlets/Twitter Threadfics
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Baby, I love You !
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⚠️🧵A lot of men are suicidal & don’t realise it because they sit with something known as “passive suicidal ideation' so, let’s talk about it, and some of its relatives. Please look after yourself whilst reading this thread & don't leave judgemental comments...
It’s important to say that suicidal thoughts in themselves are not normal for every man but they *can* be a normal reaction to severe life stressors/trauma, especially with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or other traumatic experiences in adolescence.
Suicidal thoughts can be similar to a 'sense of foreshortened future' (born from trauma) This is where you don’t plan much in advance (a few weeks etc) because, subconsciously, you don’t believe/trust in making future plans or think you'll be alive.
There's also “l’appel due vide” (‘call of the void’) & “high place phenomenon” where you get that sudden urge to jump off a high place or crash your car. This isn’t a suicidal thought & scientists believe it’s a safety “miscommunication” from our brains.
Passive suicidal ideation is the wish of ‘not waking up’, a terminal illness to ‘make the decision for you’ or decreased risk aversion; the acknowledgement that you don’t want to ‘be here’ (alive) without having a plan or intent to carry out your thoughts.
Passive (not the same as intentional) suicidal ideation can (potentially) offer some comfort during times of distress because it offers you (psychologically) a ‘way out’ when you feel you have no good options or choices left to a several life stressor or trauma.
"The thought of suicide is a great consolation: by means of it one gets through many a dark night." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
The problem with passive ideation is that many men will minimise & dismiss their experience because they wrongly believe that either no one else has these thoughts or that they’re ‘not bad enough’ to get help , something I call “comparative suffering”:
A lot of men will spend years coping with passive ideation but an unexpected life stressor can suddenly turn these thoughts to acute intent & action i.e a man can feel passive for years, have a relationship breakdown & within hours he's acutely suicidal & goes missing/dies.
It's important, therefore, that we first help our men to recognise their thoughts are not 'normal' to general population & that they're potentially feeling suicidal &, through non-judgemental conversation, encourage them to seek support from peers & professionals.
If we can help men acknowledge & understand their passive suicidality, especially their stressors & triggers, we can help them cope with & manage them better, whether that's through talking, medication and/or a change in life circumstances.
If we do the above when men are passively suicidal, we have a better chance of intervening & preventing their deaths if & when their ideation becomes acute, because they're comfortable talking about it & bcos their cognition might win over the acute suicidality when needed.
It's worth speaking to a med professional (GP/therapist etc) if you're passively suicidal, so that you can explore why you feel this way to try & stop or manage the thoughts but remember, there's nothing to feel ashamed about in experiencing passive SI & you can get better.
There are a great many organisations, charities & support available for the whole spectrum of your suicidal thoughts: @samaritans @theCALMzone (for men only) @GiveUsAShout @PAPYRUS_Charity @JamesPlaceUK (men only) @ChasingStigma & many more. You're not alone 🙏🏼 End
[ Archive: https://archive.md/chkKQ ]
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childabusesurvivor · 4 years
- From @toniwriter
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carbonandbadtimin · 10 years
Love after death
"My heart is beating as fast as a steam train
Trailing red smoke
Smoke rings of danger
Barrelling towards the town of love
Nestled deep in your soul
The way you look at me with those
In fifty shades of my favourite colour
Like I am your curved silver key to unlocking the most fantastical dreams that you could never have reached alone
I am the missing piece in your puzzle labelled ménage et toi
That being French for fun time
Fun time being my language for
The train to Eros is departing as soon as you stroke my face with those…
It’s like the Goo Goo Dolls
‘and id give up forever to touch you…’
Well I’m prepared to walk on fiery coals
dripping in acid
coated with mercury
forever and back
to love you.
Love courses through my veins as if that same acid is being fed into my bloodstream
The pain numbed by LSD hallucinations of my self-image is 20% as good as yours
Pffft, as if.
When I gaze at you,
I cannot comprehend why the fuck you love me so much
That you can find someone so burned to the bone by self-consciousness
so attractive
because trust me
if I die of something
itll be my demons that’ll have the blood on their hands
scraping at me like wolves savaged by hunger
with claws like look suspiciously like razor blades
but shushhh… mummy mustn’t  know
they are cat scratches
from a cat dark, blood red in colour, sixty foot tall
apparating inside the darkest corners of my mind
and dancing the salsa across the floor of emotions
trampling, kicking, shoving everything else aside
until it is tonight’s entertainment
in todays freak show
paraded around my head
winner of the ‘lets see how fucked my brain is’ award
as I stare at the blank wall
cocooned against the evil world
but not
my demons.
because they are bitches.
Harsh words of self-hate and anxiety
Whispered in the labyrinths.
But you
You in all your glory
Race through the maze
Desperate to find the scared girl
Getting chased by the scary voices
You’ve found her
In my laugh
In my smile
In my eyes when I look at you."
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