emeraldoodles · 6 months
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Saturday, March 30th - Comfort/Bravery
Serizawa: Reigen, please eat a little more.
Reigen: No, I feel so sick.
Serizawa: But you've not eaten since Thursday. Here, let me get you just some broth.
Reigen: Kastuya...
Serizawa: Y-Yes?
Reigen: I.... I... Bucket. I need the bucket.
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shoku-and-awe · 2 years
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Real glad I still had leftovers of this hearty vegetarian tonjiru style soup because the curry rice I bought for dinner was uhhhh only curry sauce and rice! No ingredients at all. Which is totally valid for Japanese curry but always an unpleasant surprise (that I should have seen coming).
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satocam · 2 years
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今日は朝から雨で寒い☔️こんな日は豚汁🐽饂飩にしました🤗 #豚汁 #豚汁うどん #豚汁饂飩 #いちにちあめ #一日中雨 #おうちランチ #おうちごはん #homemade #homecooking #tonjiru https://www.instagram.com/p/CqM3ouAys8a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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knifecakes · 1 year
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hey everyone. i’m still cooking!
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summary-cooking · 9 months
料理トリビアのまとめ #0013
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cooking256 · 9 months
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とんじる 関東の郷土料理
「とんじる」は、日本の郷土料理の一つで、豚肉の角煮を甘辛いタレで煮込んだ料理です。主に神奈川県の横浜市周辺で親しまれています。 とんじるの特徴は、豚肉(通常は角煮)を醤油、砂糖、みりん、酒などで作った特製の甘辛いタレにじっくりと煮込むことです。このタレは豚肉の旨味を引き出し、柔らかくなった肉に絡みついて深い味わいを生み出します。 一般的には、豚肉を煮る前に下茹でをし、その後、特製のタレに漬け込んでから煮込まれます。じっくりと煮込むことで、豚肉は柔らかくなり、タレの風味がしっかりと染み込んだ美味しい料理に仕上がります。 とんじるは、ご飯のおかずとして食べられるほか、酒のつまみやお祝いの席などで振る舞われることもあります。豚肉の旨味と甘辛いタレのバランスが絶妙で、神奈川県周辺で地元の方々に親しまれています。
Tonjiru Kanto local cuisine
``Tonjiru'' is one of Japan's local dishes, and is a dish of braised pork simmered in a sweet and spicy sauce. It is popular mainly around Yokohama City in Kanagawa Prefecture. Tonjiru is characterized by slowly simmering pork (usually braised pork) in a special sweet-salty sauce made from soy sauce, sugar, mirin, and sake. This sauce brings out the flavor of the pork and creates a deep flavor that clings to the tender meat. Generally, pork is parboiled before being boiled, then marinated in a special sauce before being stewed. By slowly simmering the pork, the pork becomes tender and the flavor of the sauce is well absorbed, resulting in a delicious dish. In addition to being eaten as a side dish with rice, tonjiru is sometimes served as a snack with sake or at celebratory occasions. The balance between the flavor of the pork and the sweet and spicy sauce is exquisite, and it is loved by locals around Kanagawa Prefecture.
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yanarchy072 · 2 years
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・ ・ ごちとん🐷久しぶり😋👍 ・ #ごろごろ野菜のごちそう豚汁定食 #アジフライセット #ごちとん代々木本店 ・ #豚汁 #tonjiru #アジフライ #ajifry #定食 #setmeal #お昼ごはん #lunch ・ #代々木 #yoyogi #東京 #tokyo #日本 #nippon ・ #instalunch #lunchstagram #instafood #foodstagram #foodporn #yummy #instagood #instapic (ごちとん(野菜を食べる ごちそうとん汁)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpuFrKmLdKr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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afyrian · 3 months
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no. 6 - breakfast convos masterlist
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    the mess hall is filled with tired and cranky campers. the first night wasn't how you expected it to go. many of them weren't prepared for the terrible mattresses that every camp seems to have and the amount of bugs that made their way through the door cracks. and now, standing in the mess hall, you sigh, letting your cabin go ahead of you. 
  the breakfast looks absolutely delicious, however, most of the cabins had already gone through the food. even atsumu's cabin seemed to have made their way through before your's. with how often he slept in.. you lightly shake your head, trying to remind yourself that this camp isn't about him. it's about camaraderie and having fun. 
  although, no breakfast but seaweed and steamed rice isn't the most fun. and while you could make something out of it, there isn't much rice to work with. you look around the room, biting your lip, watching as your friends try to wave you over. 
  "sorry about the lack of food, some people seemed to grab more than the usual amount," osamu catches you standing in front of the food without anything on your plate, "here, why don't you come to the back and we can figure something out. someone's bringing fresh food soon, but your first activity will have started."
  you take in a slow breath, nodding your head, "what would i do without you osamu?"
  "probably go hungry," he shrugs, a smile rising on his face. 
  the two of you make your way to the kitchen, scouring the freezers and fridges for something to hold you over. luckily there seemed to be a couple eggs left and some pickled vegetables. of course it isn't a full meal, and you'd probably need an emergency snack, but it's something. "i know this isn't exactly the best first breakfast under my control, but i'll make it up to you."
  "thanks osamu, i do remember your cooking being fantastic back when you'd sneak stuff in the middle of the night," you lean against a nearby counter, crossing your arms over your chest as he cracks the eggs into a pan.
  he looks back at you, eyebrows raised, "really? i thought it sucked, i mean half the time it was just fish and some rice with like no seasoning."
  "it was better than what's-his-face's-name's cooking.. i mean that guy really didn't know cuisine like you do," you give him a small smile, remembering that you two would have some fun together when atsumu wasn't there acting like a prick half of the time, "so, you own a restaurant now, right?"
  "yeah, it's being manned by my second in command, i'm pretty proud of it. it's called onigiri miya, if you're ever nearby you should come and check it out," osamu finishes the eggs rather quickly, setting them into a plate and grabbing some of the pickled vegetables out of the jar.
  before you can agree to the slight invitation, atsumu barges into the kitchen, holding his tray in front of him. it still has some food on it and his hair is a little frizzled from having woken up recently. your gaze flickers between him and his twin, hoping that you could possibly sneak out without having to intervene. 
  "'samu!" he looks over at you, instantly repositioning himself some so he doesn't look so awkward, "y/n... right? sorry about the food, my fifteen year olds were really hungry after the terrible sleep. i saw you guys come back here and i had some rice left if you want it."
  you swallow the saliva in your mouth, pursing your lips. not that it doesn't seem like a kind gesture, it's just that you can tell he ate it with a mix of ingredients. "thanks.. but if you ate it with tonjiru, i can't have it," you grab the tray that osamu had put your food on, looking away from atsumu as soon as the tense grows too thick for your liking.
  "oh okay- uh yeah understandable.. okay, hope you enjoy that then," atsumu closes his eyes for a moment, seemingly pondering his life choices and the very awkward situation he has put you all in. 
  "thanks, atsumu," you walk out of the room quicker than you would've ever attempted with food in your hand.
  the tension had grown so thick you could cut it with a knife, and truthfully you didn't want anymore part in whatever conversation the two were going to have. however, osamu wasn’t so lucky in escaping the conversation that atsumu soon subjects him to. 
  "dude, you got to tell me what you guys talked about! did she remember me? it seemed like she didn't, but you guys looked cozy back here," atsumu sets down his tray, immediately bombarding osamu with his questions.
  "first of all, it was a private conversation between two people who used to be friendly at camp. secondly, it was mostly about my cooking and my restaurant. no cozying up or anything, it was a conversation and cooking. why do you care anyways?"
  truth be told, atsumu didn't quite know why he cared, besides the want to apologize. he did always think you were quite nice despite all of his antics. however, he knew that without a doubt, that that’s the only thing he wanted to know. most definitely… for sure.. the only thing.
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taglist (open): @lemurzsquad, @froyaoya, @localgaytrainwreck a/n: this chapter feels so incoherent to me so i hope it comes across alright!!
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littlefaefeather · 6 months
Black Butler manga foods/drinks
I'm sure I missed some things, but it was all things that weren't really named or specified, or I couldn't tell with certainty what they were. @sebastian-ciel-mutual-bullying this is for you! feel free to take and use as you need o7 Book 1 breakfast: poached salmon and mint salad with toast, scones, and pain de campagne on the sides, ceylon tea horribly salty lemonade dinner: Japanese green tea, gyuutatakidon, Italian red wine, apricot and green tea mille-feuille dessert: orchard fruit cake with pears, plums, and blackberries dessert: deep-dish apple raisin pie milk
Book 2 assam tea afternoon tea: keemun and summer pudding of currants and other berries lunch: stuffed cabbage and minted potato salad chocolate earl grey afternoon tea: cornmeal cake of pears and blackberries salty rosehip herbal tea
Book 3 hot milk with honey or brandy peeled apple assam tea with milk oranges with shalimar tea steak and kidney pie and salmon sandwiches messy birthday cake and donburi strawberry-decorated birthday cake
Book 4 fish chai with ginger breakfast: shrimp curry and French toast with ginger mackerel with gooseberry sauce and cottage pie
Book 5 British-style Bengali chicken curry chicken curry afternoon snack: gateau au chocolat beef curry blue lobster with seven curries curry bun assam tea white darjeeling tea champagne sushi
Book 6 Christmas pudding cookies shaped like bones fish and chips, meat pies, bread
Book 7 rice porridge dinner: milk risotto with a three-mushroom medley, a pot-au-feu of pork and wine, and a warm apple compote with yogurt sauce
Book 8 oranges afternoon tea: chocolate macarons with fruits and three-berry shortcake
Book 9 custard cream puffs red wine white wine brunch: herring pie and spinach quiche dinner: curry, and chopped vegetables for an appetizer
Book 10 dinner: soybean hamburg steaks
Book 11 elevenses: darjeeling tea and petits fours tonkatsu, shougayaki, tonjiru, tonshabu, yakiton
Book 12 cake with strawberries on top
Book 13 spiny lobster saute, roast turkey, sticky toffee pudding, fairy cakes (cupcakes) warm milk with honey
Book 14 watered-down darjeeling tea darjeeling tea dinner: roast duck and gateau chocolat
Book 15 golden syrup sponge pudding tea cakes lemon myrtle souffle glace with milk tea
Book 16 lunch: beef mince pie
Book 17 dessert: strawberries, cream, and meringue (Eton mess) with a side of iced summer pudding
Book 18 chicken pie coffee and walnut cake
Book 19 ravioli (maultaschen) and wurst soup, stewed pork with herbs and spices (eisbein), and rote grutze (sour berries boiled and chilled to jelly, served with cream) evening snack: caramel macarons, coffee cream eclairs, dark chocolate florentines. black tea ceylon tea
Book 22 earl grey tea with orange almond cake and berry tarts
Book 23 smoked salmon sandesh (milk sweets)
Book 24 soft licorice candy apples
Book 25 berry-filled pudding fish and chips and steak and ale pie gulab jamun (fried balls of dough drenched in syrup)
Book 29 kidney pie, fish and chips, and ale wild-hare pie tapioca steak
Book 30 nilgiri tea breakfast: pea soup, meatballs, croissants, boiled egg, orange jelly chicken and steamed vegetable salad, oxtail stew, pain de campagne with butter oolong tea
Book 31 candy cigarettes
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littlesofts · 4 months
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Order up! Sugar Cookie with a side of tonjiru! 😋
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emeraldoodles · 6 months
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The Master Post from Serizawa Week 2024
I had lots of fun participating! Mine are little snapshots from the week, linking one day to the next.
If you would like more story read below.
Thanks @ygodmyy20 & @acermp100 for letting me bound ideas off you the whole week. Also, @yu-artist for sharing the Seriweek prompts!
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Monday, March 25th - Friends
Serizawa made going back to school look so fun Minegishi decided to join. Sometimes Dimple/Yoshioka likes to stop by and say hello. Today he was a distraction to Serizawa, so he had trouble paying attention and listening to the homework assignment.
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Tuesday, March 26th - School
Poor Serizawa, having to stay up late to finish an assignment. At least he's not alone. The cat's name is Gizmo! Thanks @acermp100 for the cat name suggestion. @secretagent9 I really love the idea of a Gundam name, but not being a fan I didn't know what to choose.
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Wednesday, March 27th - Outfit
Reigen and Serizawa were hired to exorcise mischievous spirits that kept harassing the maids at a cafe. Serizawa was very tired from yesterday's school assignment and not on his A-game today.
Reigen volunteered to lure out the ghost by wearing a maid's outfit, but maybe he just wanted to wear it. Serizawa is wearing his cute butler outfit! The maids were very excited to dress him up, not so much Reigen
Reigen: Those brats! Wont even help me tie my apron. Grumble. *struggles to reach behind*
Serizawa: Here, let me. *zips up and hooks Reigen's dress and ties the apron*
Reigen: *many hand gestures* Competition, that's what is is Serizawa! I'm competition because of how good I look.
Serizawa: *chuckles* You do look good sir. Very pretty, very cute.
Reigen: R-really? *blush* I-I er, I mean of course! Now! Let's get to work!
Poor Reigen, he got ice water dumped on him several times that day. He wasn't feel great before the exorcism, but was wiped out by the end the assignment.
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Thursday, March 28th - Food
Mrs. Serizawa is teaching Kastuya how to cook, so he can stop living off instant noodles. Today is a hearty beef & leak stew!
Mrs. Serizawa: Remember, the leaks need to be thoroughly washed.
Kastuya: Nods, Nods!
Mrs. Serizawa: Also, the more passion and enjoyment you put into your cooking will reflect in the final dish. So, relax and take it slow and your love will shine through.
Serizawa is learning how to make tonjiru soup. He wants to make it for someone "special" this week.
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Friday, March 29th - Spring
Dimple: I don't get it. If you're worried about Reigen go check up on him.
Serizawa: I don't want to intrude on his privacy.
Dimple: Ugh, you two are impossible.
It was an unusual day. Reigen didn't show up for work and Serizawa just got a message from him saying "I n68 sick".
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Saturday, March 30th - Comfort/Bravery
Serizawa: Reigen, please eat a little more.
Reigen: No, I feel so sick.
Serizawa: But you've not eaten since Thursday. Here, let me get you just some broth.
Reigen: Kastuya...
Serizawa: Y-Yes?
Reigen: I.... I... Bucket. I need the bucket.
Reigen proceeded to dry heave into the bucket while saliva and tears fell in. Serizawa rubbed his back while he continued to convulse for several minutes.
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Sunday, March 31st - Birthday
Serizawa went over to check on Reigen, who surprised him by throwing a little birthday celebration. It was just the two of them, but Reigen originally had planned something bigger. Luckily, the present, a multiplayer game, arrived on time, so they could play together.
Reigen was still sick, and drugged up, and making bad decisions. But Serizawa didn't mind. A love confession from Reigen made this the best birthday.
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shoku-and-awe · 2 years
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Miso soup with root vegetables and pork & mushroom stir-fry! I don't know why I don't make this soup constantly; it's so damn delicious and very warming. And easy; just heat water and kombu dashi powder, add thinly sliced leeks, daikon, and carrot, then simmer until cooked through. Then turn off the heat to stir in miso to taste. (You can scoop miso into a ladle, submerge it slightly, and poke at the miso with chopsticks to dissolve it until it tastes good to you. This way, you can adjust the flavor gradually and avoid burning the miso.)
For the stir-fry, I used this beef and broccoli sauce and it was super tasty but needs some adjustment—pork and mushrooms are milder and can get overwhelmed by the salty. (Or that was my feeling, but then every time I over-salt something, my husband raves about it, so YMMV, I guess!) Anyway, adapted recipe behind the cut.
PORK & MUSHROOMS (IN BEEF & BROCCOLI SAUCE) ~175 g sliced pork belly 1 pack shimeji mushrooms  2 large cloves garlic Onion to taste* 1 tbsp fermented black beans** [Marinade] 1 ½ tsp corn or potato starch 2 tsp soy sauce 2 tsp rice wine 1 tsp sesame oil [Sauce]*** 3 tbsp chicken broth 3 tbsp oyster sauce 1.5 tbsp soy sauce Water
*Not in the original recipe and we didn't have any onions that day, but this dish definitely wants them.
**Optional, I think. I've never had this on hand at the right time but the beef & broccoli is still always a hit.
***For beef & broccoli, I usually double the sauce, but I would not recommend it for pork! Too salty.
1. Slice onions, mince garlic, and clean mushrooms and break into segments.
2. Make marinade and pour over pork. Let marinate very briefly as you make the sauce. Massage it a little if you want.
4. Heat wok and add oil. Stir-fry onions to your preference, then add garlic and cook until fragrant. If using beans, add beans as well and smash together with spatula.
5. Add mushrooms and brown. Add pork and toss until cooked.
6. Add sauce. Stir fry until cooked. Taste and add more oyster sauce if needed. Garnish with toasted sesame and serve hot with cooked rice.
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berylcups · 1 month
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Dolce in casual/alt clothing. 🎃 she has a cute pumpkin hair tie, ready for spooky season! Because I’m bored here’s some more dolce-y info down below 🤡
Notable quotes:
“shěn mè lái dě? shěn mè lái dě?“ (what is this? What is this?)
You guys really forget that where I come from—Singapore is like the melting pot of the East…. Well… more like a hot pot. We mixed a little but stayed separate enough to know the difference between each other’s cultures. And that includes English. I speak it. It’s just not my favorite language to speak in.”
“Is this country full of careless fools?! I put MY HANDKERCHIEF RIGHT HERE! So we can have THIS SPOT! Does Italy not respect the unspoken rule of chope-ing?! These ass-dicks moved it to the other table IN THE SUN!!! What do you mean you don’t know what Chope-ing is?! It’s putting your belongings down to reserve a seat or table! This is what we do at Hawker Centers in Singapore! I know we’re not there captain obvious! But I thought EUROPEANS were civilized!”
“I’m not dumb. I know the sign of the cross. The Father…Son…and Holy Spirit. My caretaker taught me prayers before bedtime. And… I DID go to a Boarding School in Napoli you know. I just don’t really believe. Too many rules and forgiveness. 2 things I just cannot do.”
Favorite Band/Artist: Jun Togawa
Favorite Color: mint green
Favorite Animal: fennec fox
Favorite Movie: grave of the fireflies (she likes to cry)
Favorite school subject: geometry
Favorite Meal:
Appetizer/Side dish: Tonjiru , miso soup with fried tofu
Entree: Chili Crab and Seafood Linguine( Filipino spaghetti is her guilty pleasure and comfort food)
Dessert: Melon sago, Halo Halo
Drink: Boss Canned coffee and Limoncello cream
Snack: Melon sorbet, seafood cup ramen
Food/Drink Dislikes:
Appetizer/Side dish:
Entree: anything that has strong smelling cheeses (Gorgonzola) she won’t let ANYONE eat it in her vicinity and beef tendon
Dessert: there’s literally no dessert that dolce doesn’t love… unless it’s Durian flavored.
Drink: umeshu
Snack: olives, cheese platter
Additional notes (any other details you wanna add about your OC?):
She picked up a habit from her caretaker that never seemed to fade. Dolce points with her lips. A Filipino trait called “pagmumurá”. Her grandparents thought it was endearing since it showed they had a close bond so they never discouraged it.
As a child she wanted to be a Star. But she learned about the tragedy of Pepsi Paloma from her caretaker so she decided she wanted to be famous from the “background” by being a fashion designer. She thinks about past child stars a lot and hopes they weren’t taken advantage of. This was a core memory for her that many adults cannot be trusted.
She has a soft spot and high respect for foreign domestic workers in Singapore. They work very hard to make higher currency to take back to their home countries. She misses her family’s caretaker Tala who she saw as an older sister/ mother figure.
Love is a powerful thing that Dolce obsesses over. She only got any love and attention from her maternal grandparents and their Filipino caretaker until her grandparents passed away from cancer and old age. Her grandparents and Dolce adored the Caretaker. When she had to go back to the Philippines Dolce felt like she was losing the closest thing she had to a real mother.
Cannot swim for her life. Her biggest fear is thalassophobia and she drowns to death in the canal after passing out from hypoglycemia.
Refers to Risotto as l��ng xiù (leader) and the boss as guai lan (irritating,loathsome, strange dick)
She reacted the most violently to Sorbets death by getting ill out of disgust and shock. She hasn’t been able to eat solid food for 2 months after that.
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
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⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
The Flower Pillar crouched slightly to meet his gaze, she was rather tall for a female and stood over most younger Slayers. Not meaning to disturb his training too much, she came holding a tray. Six onigiri, tonjiru, and some freshly sliced fruit.
"You've come so far in such a short time, your strength of character, your spirit.. they're all precious. With them, you'll achieve anything your heart dreams of."
Carefully, a gentle hand offered a loving pat upon the boar-slayers head... Kanae had a soft spot for this one. Something about his firey spirit, perhaps it shared a similarity to her dear little sisters... and that was what kept her gaze upon him.
"I'm proud of you, but please remember to take a break once in a while. The training grounds will still be there after you rest.. come, let's have a snack together."
Veins had popped along the boar's bare arms, crawling all the way to his back. He had added another boulder to the tally, the ropes digging into his palms and shoulders as he heaved the boulders behind his back. Even the tree protested against the strain, the rope threatening to cut into the large branch.
His muscles were about to rupture. Even his supple joints couldn't take the strain anymore. The boulders came crashing with great ruckus, tearing a distant cry of indignation from inside the mansion. Probably the blue nurse again.
Inosuke collapsed against the boulders, gasping for air. He could hardly feel his arms anymore. Focused as he was on breathing, he failed to notice the lady approaching him until, her eyes met his through the boar mask.
"Wh-when did you get here, flower woman?!" He gasped. He didn't have the strength to swat her hand away, his shoulders slumping as she patted his head.
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"... I don't wanna take a break. I've gotta train hard! Harder than anyone else! Or I'll never be a Hashira!"
That being said... the treats in her plate were rather tempting. Inosuke's arm trembled by his side, as he tried to reach for one of the onigiri. His legs were shaking just as badly, struggling to hold his weight.
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limbushusbandry · 1 year
Hello again... It's @sinclair-soups again. Got some update on the Meur that left the two little Sinclairs with me.
(Tw: Limbini death)
I found it dead with two dead metamorphosized Kromers near it while taking my Sinclairs to the vets for a checkup. (someone at the vet office who knows how to handle stuff like this helped retrieve the Meur and the Kromer bodies to look them over).
I'm still a bit shaken even though this was a few hours ago.
Though on the happy, my Sinclairs (who I've named Sukitaki and Tonjiru) are healthy and are showing signs that they'll be opening their eyes soon.
oh golly- thats horrible :(
im glad you and the sinclairs are okay at least! it's probably for the better that those two kromers have been taken out, aince they can be a big threat in human living places. its very impressive that the meur (presumably) took them both out on its own.
goving you the greatest wishes in the future!
-mod dante
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blirpus · 1 year
me and my boyfriend made tonjiru for the first time and it turned out really nice ☺️
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