#tony stark tickling
mystey-here · 10 months
if anyone would like to write an irondad tickle cheer up fic where peter (somehow) managed to fail his math class because of everything that he has going on and he’s feeling really terrible able himself for it and tony cheers him up (obviously including tickles) and just very wholesome fluffy sweet that’d be nice because it is i how had failed their math class and i am very distraught about it
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valiantphantomangel · 2 months
Hello there! ^^ I have a small request if you’ve got the time and opportunity, but I’ve been thinking about Lee!reader being really giddy with legs kicking, giggles and a bit of whining bc of the teasing, with maybe ler!loki? Maybe he found smth out or reader is just easily flustered the second one breaks through to her and he finds it amusing?
Just if ya got time and want to ✌️
Have a great weekend! :)
A/n: hiya!! I hope you enjoy!!
"Now now darling, no need to be so aggressive" Loki tutted as he wrestled you down onto the couch and took a seat on your legs.
He grinned down at you before slowly spidering his finger tips over your tummy which was exposed since you wore a tank top.
"Lokes don't you dare" you giggled as you peeled his hands from your tummy which only resulted in having your hands pinned down above your head by one of his hands while the other ghosted over your waist and tummy.
Now you might be wondering how you ended up in this situation. Well the stupidly easy answer is, the God of Mischief happened to walk by when you were being tickled to tears by Steve and Tony for insulting their age and hadn't let you live it down since.
"Loki Laufeyson, don't you god Damm darEHAHHAHHAH" you couldn't even finish your sentence before 5 fingers squeezed around your ribs.
Eventually he decided that 5 fingers weren't enough to torture you so he let go of your arms to full on attack your hips and sides while blowing raspberries in your neck.
Your feet kicked out widely as you squirmed around underneath him, head tossed back as you screamed in laughter.
"By the nines! You're one sensitive little love" Lokes chuckled as he clawed at your bottom ribs.
"STOPHIHIHI ITHIHIHIHI"!! you screamed as your cheeks turned red from being teased.
"No can do darling, your laugh is simply just too adorable to ignore" He said with a smirk before turning himself around so he was sitting on your thighs with his back to you and squeezed your knees.
"AGHAHAHAHHAHA" you absolutely lost it tossing and turning around to escape his ticklish fingers which followed you everywhere.
"My my, your ticklish everywhere aren't you little Dove? I understand why the man of iron and the captain like to do this" Loki laughed before deciding to let up so you can breath. Lifting himself off of your legs to sit next to you.
You gasped for air in between the remaining giggles as you curled up in a ball "You. Jerk" you managed to get out but the giant smile on your face betrays you.
He just chuckled before running his fingers through your hair "There, does make it up?" He said knowing much you loved it when he played with your hair.
You just hummed in response, relaxing now that you weren't being tortured anymore.
And no matter how much you tried to deny it, you had loved every single second of his merciless tickling.
And Loki knew that all too well.
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inneedofsupervision · 6 months
Hey Mister Villain
Finally, I can present you the long-awaited Sequel to No Spilling Secrets. I recommend reading No Spilling Secrets first, as that is relevant for understanding the context of this story.
Summary: After getting out of the claws of Clint, Bucky, and Sam, Peter can finally take a rest. Or can he? A single glance at Mr. Stark is enough to let the teen know his mentor waits for an explanation, and it better be a good one. He really should have thought about how to get out of this one, didn't he?
Read on Ao3
"Care to explain why you hacked Friday, Peter."
Oh fuck.
"Not the words I would use, but that sums it up well enough."
The words had tumbled out before Peter could stop himself. At least May and Steve weren't here to catch that slip-up. Mr. Stark merely raises an eyebrow, leveling the teen with a glance. The man is still waiting for an explanation that Peter is more than dreading to give to his mentor. Heck, Peter endured the dishing out of the bird bros and Bucky. He couldn't fold now just because Mr. Stark came off as a little intimidating. Speaking of Mr. Stark, said man stands stern-faced in front of him, arms crossed over his chest as he stares down at Peter in a voiceless dare to keep silent. 
Okay, cross that. Mr. Stark is more than a little intimidating. 
But still, Peter has come too far to spill. His mentor wouldn't let him live that down, not after creating a whole archive of Peter's embarrassing moments. It is pouring fuel straight into the fire.
Mr. Stark steps closer.
With one hand casually placed in the pocket of his three-piece suit while the other pulls down his glasses, the man glances over the rim. Peter gulps. He has to lean his head back to meet his eyes. Mr. Stark studies him for a moment, and Peter wonders what exactly the man is searching for when the sound of the man sniffing catches his attention.
Mr. Stark straightens, pushing his glasses back up.
"These three didn't manage to, but I know how to make you talk, Parker. Don't let it come to that." Peter lets out a huff in protest when his mentor suddenly pushes him, causing him to lie flat on the bench. The teen stares up at the older man in surprise before Peter's face contorts into a grimace as he finally registers Mr. Stark's words.
"You saw all of that?" Peter asks, hoping Mr. Stark would break out into that smug trademark grin, laughing as he pats him on the shoulder and tells him he was only messing with him. Mr. Stark, of course, didn't give Peter that. Instead, he is met with a slight tilt of the head as Mr. Stark gives him an unimpressed look. 
"This is my tower kid. What did you expect?"
The vigilante lets his shoulder sag in defeat. Of course, Mr. Stark watched the whole spectacle. Where is that hole in the ground to bury yourself? It's never there when you need it.
A finger flicks against his forehead.
"Don't go all kicked-puppy on me, kid. You wouldn't be in this predicament if you hadn't cracked the tower's system and left a security breach as wide as the Brooklyn Bridge. You bought this on yourself."
"Maybe that wouldn't happen if there was a better security system," mutters the teen under his breath. 
"Excuse me, what was that?" Peter's mouth shut instantly at the look Mr. Stark was giving him. How many times did he manage to piss his mentor off today? According to Mr. Starks expression, it was at least one time too many. Sensing that this wasn't going in a favorable direction, Peter made a drastic decision. 
He needs to escape. 
The man standing in front of the bench raises an eyebrow as the teen suddenly angles his legs up, bringing them close to his chest and bending his back, body forming an alarmingly accurate globular form. Without his trademark suit, the kid always seemed so inconspicuous it was easy to forget his powers and traits, counting in that inhuman flexibility. The kid tilts sideways, beginning to roll down the bench with an easiness that left the man wondering if Peter had done this before, the thought of that being a possibility alone giving him a mild headache.
"What- kid, you are not some overgrown roly-poly. What are you doing?"
Skillfully ignoring the bewildered tone of his mentor, Peter tenses his muscles while bracing for the fall, tilting his arms to avoid landing on his still-bound wrists. Mr. Stark takes off his sunglasses to pinch the bridge of his nose, tired of Peter's antics, before pocketing them in his breast pocket.
"Kid, you're not getting away without talking about this."
The older man rolls his eyes as Peter ignores him, the latter robbing his way forward on the floor, apparently on a mission to put the two super-soldiers in their team to shame. But it still wasn't quick enough. Peter wriggles forward as if his life depended on it, blatantly ignoring the pair of shoes moving at the same pace next to his head as Mr. Stark walks reversely next to him, hands folded behind his back as he looks down at the teen with mild amusement.
"Having fun, kid? How's the air down there?"
The engineer shakes his head when he doesn't get an answer, not even a sarcastic or snappy remark from his mentee. The latter keeps wriggling with a determined look towards the door still ten meters away. "And Rhodey calls me stubborn. Peter, kid, come on. Stop being silly." 
A tiny yelp escaped Peter's lips when he fell forward, courtesy of the polished dress shoe that pulled on the leg he had put on the ground in an attempt to stand up, only to fall flat on his stomach. 
"Come one, Peter. This starts to get boring, doesn't it."
The teen doesn't need to see the man know that Mr. Stark is most likely rolling his eyes at him as he continues ignoring him, only to further shuffle forward on the floor. 
"Friday, be a dear and give me and Mr. Parker some privacy."
Peter couldn't decide what let his heart beat faster, Mr. Starks words or the faint click of the door locking shut. 
"Mr. Stark!"
The boy's eyes widen as the dress shoe from before pushes under his stomach. He gets flipped onto his back, gazing up at Mr. Stark standing above him with a raised eyebrow and a corner of his lip turned up in unsuppressed smugness. 
Peter sucks in a breath at the sight.
"Mr. Stark, you look like a supervillain right now."
The man's lips qurik up as he strokes his clean-cut goaty. 
"If it takes a supervillain to end this nonsense, I might as well adapt to that role."
"Mr. Stark, no!"
It doesn't take a lot for the man to kneel and grab the squirming boy's wrists, pinning them over his head with one hand.
"Are you ready to talk, Spiderman?"
Peter feels the adrenaline kicking in as his lips twitch upwards in anticipation, his eyes focused more on Mr. Starks free hand than the man's face. Mr. Stark notices the glance at his hand. 
"You see this, webslinger?" asks Mr. Stark with a cold-toned voice that Peter hasn't heard the man using with anyone other than the press on a few occasions when reporters ask some too-invasive questions. He had even pulled the purple-tinted glasses back out and put them on, jumping at the chance to act like an actual villain, and Peter could only stare up at the man, feeling flabbergasted. 
Sure, Mr. Stark could act playful. 
But those mods were usually portrayed through a headlock with an easy way out, hair ruffling, and tons of jokes and banter. Occasionally, Mr. Stark tickles him during movie nights when Peter gets a little too sassy for the man's liking, ending with the teen nearly rolling down the couch giggling. Those moments usually last only a few seconds before Peter crawls back on the couch with Mr. Starks arm thrown over his shoulder, leaning against the man's side. Therefore, it was hardly surprising that Peter was a tad perplexed at the threat of getting tickled by his mentor. The latter seemed overly confident in getting Peter to talk, which results in the teen being curious and absolutely terrified at once. At least Mr. Stark didn't have super hearing, or he might have known just how effectively nervous his words alone were making Peter, going by how his heart was racing behind his ribcage. 
Unaware of the conflicting emotions Tony has caused to tumble around his mentee's head, he continues playing his villain act with a worryingly amount of perfection. The man holds his free hand up for the teen to see, moving his fingers down one after another in a quick motion like some cheap magician before pulling a bunny out of his top hat.
"This is the only tool needed to get you chirping, Spidey," continues the man, looking at his hand as if it were some weapon he had built and was particularly proud of. It leaves Peter gulping heavily.
"You might ask yourself why this," Mr. Stark waves with his hand, "is the way to break you. Well, let me elaborate, my wall-crawling little friend."
Peter opens his mouth to interrupt the cliche of the villain explaining his evil master plan in front of the bound hero. He gets silenced by a raised eyebrow and quickly clamps his lips shut, letting Mr. Stark have his moment.
"I happen to stumble over some interesting information about you, Spiderling. Some would even say it is a bit of a weakness."
Oh gosh, Peter didn't like the way Mr. Stark was grinning down at him at all. The hairs on his neck begin to rise at the sight. Although his subconsciousness was aware of the lack of a threat, Peter's brain couldn't stop the funny feeling of anticipation from accumulating inside him, leaving his muscles tense as he could do nothing but wait for something to happen. It feels like just before his spidey sense kicks in, but without the wave of anxiety rolling over him. At this point, Peter wishes Mr. Stark would get over it, but the thought of asking the man to do something leaves the tips of his ears red in embarrassment. He feels like a child all over again, becoming flustered over something silly, like the prospect of getting tickled.
"From what I gathered, there are parts of your body which, despite your genetic altering, are rather-" Mr. Stark leaves a short pause between the following words as his lip twitches upward into a smug grin, "delicate."
Mr. Starks free hand shots downward. 
Peter presses out a squeaky "noho!" while bringing his legs up to his chest to block the attack, eyes squeezing shut on instinct. 
But nothing happens. 
Peter lingers in that curled-up position, opening his eyes slightly to squint over his knees. The teen meets the highly amused grin of Mr. Stark, who wears the same expression as he does when he gets the affirmation of one of his more advanced calculations being correct, an expression of pure smugness. 
"A bit skittish, are we?"
Before Peter could even think of an answer, Mr. Stark's hand found a way between his pulled-up legs and his middle, fingers digging without hesitance into his stomach. The sudden attack caught Peter off guard, the laughter pouring out instantly.
"Mr. Stahahark! Thahahahat's plahaying dihirty!"
The man tilts his head at his mentees' words, the latter trying to press his knees closer to his middle, but that did little to hinder the man from tweaking his sides, grinning at the little shriek it earns him. 
"Oh, I didn't know this counts as playing to you. Might as well as much as you are enjoying yourself."
"I'm nohoht enjohohyinh anythIHIHng!" 
Mr. Stark rolls his eyes and switches spots, his fingers working quickly on the teen's stretched-out underarms. Peter kicks his legs out at the ticklish jolt when blunt nails softly scratch over the fabric of his shirt that does little to protect his sensitive armpits. His laughter changes into cackling, and he tugs on his bound arms, actually managing to bring them down. 
He only hears the click of a tongue, having shut his eyes when his armpits got attacked. He rolls on his side as soon as the tickling stops, trying to escape the attack, but gets stopped by a hand on his shoulder, effortlessly pulling him onto his back again. Not a second later, two hands are shoved up into his underarms, and begun to explore the spot, meticulously working on searching for weak spots. As soon as he found them, Mr. Stark kneads with his thumbs into the muscles, letting Peter jump with a squeak before bursting into another wave of loud laughter.
"NOHOO PLEAHAHASE! MR. STAHAHAHARK. Nohohot thehehere! I- I canahahan't ahahaha. I cahahahn't staAHAND ihiht, pleahashe nohohho!"
"That's unfortunate, as I don't show mercy to any of my enemies. And you, Spiderman, earned the privilege to stand on the top of my hit list."
He grins down at the teen who has his arms pressed to his side as much as his tied wrists allow it, body wriggling from side to side to avoid his hands, but Tony's fingers are following, never leaving up to pinch and flutter over all the places that bring out the sound of panic-laced giggles. 
"Hm? What's this? Spiderman has a ticklish belly?"
Peter manages to sends a glare at his mentor. "I doho nohoht! J-just l leahaheve ihit alohohohne. Mr. Stahark, I sweaAHAHR, I- ohmygohohod dohohohnt!"
Peter lets out a high-pitched squeal as a finger dips into his belly button. His laugh goes silent for a few seconds, during which he arches his back as the ticklish feeling overwhelms him before he deflates into a heap of hiccupy giggles, begging Mr. Stark to do anything but please let his belly button alone. The man smirks down at the blushing teen. Tony would lie if he said he did not find Peter's reaction absolutely endearing. 
"Now, that's just adorable. I almost feel bad having to end you."
"Youhuhu ahahre eheh- evil!"
"I beg to differ, Spidey. This -" Tony worms his finger into Peter's navel, wriggling it around teasingly and earning himself a snort followed by feet drumming against the floor behind him as the kid trashes around madly 
"isn't evil. I'll show you what's really evil."
Out of breath and lying on his side, Peter, at first, didn't register what was happening, too busy to get back to pumping air into his lungs. When he finally glances up at what Mr. Stark is doing, the man is already gathering his feet in a headlock and pulling his tie around his ankles. Peter's eyes widened. He was about to yank his legs out of the hold, and he certainly would have managed to, but at that moment, Mr. Stark had already tightened the piece of clothing, successfully binding his legs. After giving it a closer thought, Peter's panic begins to subdue. A tie was no match for his strength. He could easily snap it if he wanted to. 
"Before I forget it, that tie is a Christmas present from Pepper's parents."
Mr. Stark broke out in loud laughter at the sheer look of betrayal Peter sent his way.
"You are a monster, Mr. Stark."
Peter regrets the words as soon as his mentor grins at him before pushing him over, forcing the teen to lay on his stomach and pull his feet facing upward onto his lap.
"Finally, you are aware of the gravity of the situation, Spidey."
While talking, he let a single finger run down the arch of Peter's foot, grinning at the teen's toes curling up and the whole-body jolt the action brought. He repeats the action on Peter's other foot, getting the same reaction, which only encourages the man to let all his fingers, at once, drag over the wiggling soles. The feet in his lap squirm just as the rest of the teen trashes on the floor like an angry caterpillar, laughing his head off, occasionally shrieking when Tony pulls his toes back to scribble under them. 
"NO! Nohohot the toes! Pleahase, anythihing buhut thahat."
Mr. Stark let up, giving the teen a short break.
"Not the toes, you say? Do you mean these toes? These ticklish little toes right here?" He takes one of them between his fingers, shaking them a little while speaking, but that is apparently enough to throw Peter into a giggle fit and try kicking him. 
"Well, then I have to let these toes be. And tickle these instead."
True to his word, Mr. Stark left Peter's right foot in peace, only to jump onto the left one, resuming his relentless attack.
"ACK! I sahahaid NOT the toehes!"
"And since when do I listen to what my enemy tells me? Huh, Spidey, since when do we do that?" he teases the kid, letting up from his feet to pinch above his kneecaps. Peter shrieks and kicks his legs out as he laughs loudly, managing to roll onto his back. He quickly sets his legs up to press his soles against the gym floor, preventing Tony from getting a hold of them.
"You're trying to be smart about this? Well, what do you do about this then?"
Without pausing, Mr. Stark takes hold of the teen's wrist and softly but firmly presses them against the teen's chest to get them out of the way before pulling his shirt up, revealing his tummy. 
Peter's eyes widen. He couldn't move much with his feet sticking to prevent whatever Mr. Stark was planning. He had an idea, but surely Mr. Stark wouldn't do something as childish as that.
Peter screams before hysterical giggles take over after the first raspberry is placed on his stomach.
"Nahaha, stahahahap. Nohot fahair, ihihihi thihihs isn't fahahahahair Mr. Stark!"
"Anything is fair in a fight with your enemy. Even this."
Mr. Stark places another long-lasting raspberry, making sure to shake his face into Peter's stomach as that elicits just the most adorable squeal he had ever witnessed from the teen.
"Now, what do you say, Spidey? Are you ready to fess up?"
Mr. Stark takes in the sight of his red-faced mentee with something akin to fondness. Peter's hair is messy from shaking his head from side to side, his chest heaving from laughing, and a wide grin spreads over his features. The teen surprises him as he squints at him from a position on the ground, a determined look on his face.
"Is that all you've got?"
Mr. Stark raises an eyebrow.
"Well, you brought this on yourself."
His head rushes down again, sending the teen into another ticklish frenzy. By the end of it, tears of mirth are gathering in the corner of Peter's eyes, which were Tony's clue to give up. Apparently, Peter didn't think his mentor would give up just yet, as he couldn't believe it when his hands and feet were free to move again.
"You're letting this go?" Peter stares wide-eyed at his free hands before directing his puzzled look at Mr. Stark, who flattens the wrinkles in his suit. 
"As you are so determined to not let a word lose about it, I will let it slide." He sighs at the bewildered expression Peter sends him.
"I trust you, Peter. Whatever you have done must have been important, and I trust you would tell me if it wasn't, alright?"
Oh wow, now Peter feels like an idiot. 
"Ehm, Mr Stark?"
The man in question glances at the teen, the latter rubbing the back of his neck with his eyes cast on the ground. Peter pulls his legs to his chest, biting on his lips as he wraps his arms around his knees, wanting nothing more than to be swallowed by the ground. He made such a big deal out of nothing, and now he has to admit to that and no other than Mr. Stark too. 
His fingers tighten into the fabric of his pants before he finally finds the courage to confess to the man.
"I did it because I was embarrassed."
The words came out mumbled as Peter pressed his face into his knees.
"I didn't quite catch that, Peter."
Using his name and not some nickname meant Mr. Stark had caught onto the mood. The man slowly steps closer, making only a bit of a show of sitting beside Peter and muttering about his joints.
Peter licks his lips, glancing at Mr. Stark before directing his eyes onto a stain on his jeans before repeating himself.
"I was embarrassed. Do you remember that folder, emh, the- the one where you let Friday save all that dumb stuff that I did? In the lab? Well, I know you like to tease me about that, and I usually don't mind, and I don't want to come off as whiny. I know everyone teases everyone on the team, and that's cool, yeah. But, you know, sometimes, I-" Peter stops to take a deep breath. Mr. Stark keeps sitting next to him, listening in silence, and while Peter is thankful for it, he still can't look at the man.
"Sometimes I get this fear that you'll show that stuff to the others, and they'll make fun of me. I know that shouldn't bother me. I'm not a little kid or anything. But this stuff that happens in the lab, I don't mind you seeing me do dumb stuff because, well, that's you Mr. Stark, and I trust you, like sure you'll think I'm silly, but when it's you, I kinda don't mind that? But if the others know I blow up the lap three times a week, that makes me kinda uncomfortable because everyone always calls you, Dr. Banner, and me the smart ones, but what will they think of me when they see all the messes I produce daily? I'm supposed to be smart and not blow stuff up and- and stumble over stuff when I'm literally Spiderman and yeah, I guess I'm insecure about that. I'm really sorry I hacked into Friday to prevent more footage from being taken, Mr. Stark. That was dumb, and I should have known that it was a bad idea, really."
Peter lifts his head, finally meeting Mr. Starks eyes, who had been patiently waiting for him, witnessing him stumble over his words. 
"I'm really sorry, Mr. Stark." Peter's voice grew quiet, close to a whisper. 
He watches Mr. Stark running a hand over his face, a sigh escaping the man, and it causes Peter to tighten to hold on to his knees. He is taken by surprise at the weight of an arm thrown over his shoulder before he gets pressed into a warm body, melting into Mr. Starks side as the older man pulls him closer.
"Peter, I want to apologize for making you feel that way."
Peter opens his mouth to protest but gets cut off by a hand squeezing his shoulder.
"Uh uh, broadcast break for the Spiderling." The teen huffs in light amusement, and Tony takes it as his sign to go on. 
"I want to apologize for taking it as far as it causes you to feel like you had to do something on your own rather than talk to me about it. I would have never shown it to anyone, but I should have considered that it could make you uncomfortable. I'll delete everything and stop Friday from saving further videos, alright?"
"You would do that for me, Mr. Stark?"
"Of course. I might be an asshole most of the time,"
Tony raises an eyebrow at the rude interjection. His hand slips down to poke the teen in the side as a warning, which earns him a giggle.
"but I want you to feel comfortable and know you can trust me. That you can trust anybody on the team, okay?"
Peter nods with a small smile playing on his lips.
"Hey, Mr. Stark?"
Peter grins up at the man.
"I'm really glad you're not a villain."
Mr. Stark squints at him before a sly smirk appears on his face.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Peter. We still haven't talked about the consequences of you creating a giant security breach."
Before Peter could crawl away, Mr. Stark had already slung an arm around the teen's middle, and for a third time that day, Peter's laughter echoed throughout the gym, this time a little brighter than before.
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mushyblushyredhead · 1 year
Cure For a Bad Day—MCU
No thots. Just a silly fluffy Irondad thought I had to turn into a story. :3 If you don’t like, don’t read. But if you’re here for Irondad fluff or just fluffy Marvel tickles, then come on in! OvO
Word Count: 5,000
Summary: After a rough week of school mishaps, Peter starts to doubt his future at being a good student and even being Spider-Man. It’s up to Tony Stark to remind Peter he’s still worth it, and bring back his mentor’s favorite smile. (This is a tickle fic duh, purely platonic)
Lee! Peter
Ler! Tony
If there was one thing Peter Parker was good at, was multitasking. How many other teens could juggle the responsibilities of high school while fighting crime almost every night in the not-so-friendly-neighborhood, and still manage to finish their homework on time for the next day?
Somehow he was able to do both.
But like any other student, he had his challenges. Like today, for example. Peter was in the middle of trying to finish a lab report essay for chemistry class. He was pretty stressed out, as he hadn’t had so much time to work on it for the past three weeks stopping midnight crimes and shenanigans almost four nights a week.
Now, here he was, hunched over at his desk, typing away at his laptop attempting to finish his lab report that was due tomorrow. He was mid-paragraph, stuck on page three out of the required five.
Normally, Peter would rack his science loving brain and throw something together quick, but tonight was different. He was having trouble figuring out more words and what to say in the report.
His eyes were starting to hurt from staring at his computer screen so long. His spine ached from being hunched over like a shrimp in his chair for hours. And his stomach growled; he had skipped dinner and was insistent with himself that he could have time to eat after he got his report done.
He looked at his bedside clock. 10:37pm. Oh come on! I’ll have to go to bed soon and I’m not even close to being done.
Peter sighed. Sometimes, his full time job being Spider-Man could really put a dent into his student life.
There was a knock at his door. “Peter? You alright?” the soft voice of his Aunt asked.
“I’m okay, Aunt May,” Peter stifled a yawn. “Just finishing up homework.”
“You said you were finishing up two hours ago.”
“Well this time, I mean it. I am almost done.”
“Alright if I come in?”
“Yeah. Go ahead.”
The sight of her tired, stressed, hunched over nephew saddened May. “Oh, Peter, you’ve been at that science report of yours all afternoon. Why not call it a night and get some rest?”
“I can’t,” Peter’s eyes stayed glued to his screen. The blinking curser that sat there unmoving for hours seemed to mock him. “I have to finish this tonight. This thing is worth a lot of my grade this semester.”
“Hmm, okay how about this?” May offered. “I’ll let you knock off school tomorrow, and send a note to your teachers that you’re out sick. It’ll give you an extra day to finish your report.” Her lips ruled into a soft grin. “Maybe after that, you and I can head off to the mall and buy you some more of those Squishables things you secretly like.”
Normally, Peter would laugh and jokingly say what a bad influence she was letting him cut school like that. But tonight, he didn’t even crack a smile. “No thanks. I’ll get this done before I go to sleep. Shouldn’t be much longer.”
Aunt May saw that tonight would be one of those nights where Peter wouldn’t budge out of his zombie induced state. So she decided to let him be. “Alright then,” she sighed. “Just please don’t stay up past midnight. I don’t want to get another phone call saying you slept through class and other kids decided to draw on your face.”
“Yeah, will do.”
And with that, she shut the door.
Peter rubbed his eyes with a sigh. “C’mon…c’mon…gotta finish. Ugh! Why can’t I finish?” The teen was just about to give up and call it quits when the hairs on the back of his neck and arms stood out on end. His Spidey tingle was going off!
Despite feeling achy and sluggish, he quickly stood up and tore off his clothes, slipping into his Spider-Man costume. He pulled his mask over his face and was about to jump out the window when he stopped himself.
Aunt May might come back to check if I really did go to sleep. Dang it! Ok uhh…oh wait! That’ll work!
Peter grabbed some day old clothes off the floor and shoved them under his blanket, pushing them into a sort of Peter-shaped lump. Hopefully, if his aunt came to check on him she wouldn’t look too closely.
Grabbing his phone, he hopped off the windowsill and swung out into the night.
By the time Peter managed to sneak back into his room through the window, he was exhausted. He felt like he was about to pass out as soon as he stepped into his bedroom.
He flopped onto his bed, lifting his Spidey mask off his sweaty face. He didn’t have the energy to take off his costume just yet. He was so tired.
He had stopped a home break-in coordinated by three criminals. Normally, a crime like a break-in was child’s play to Peter. But after spending the whole week fighting off crime and running on four hours of sleep, and topped with the stress of his recent assignment, Spider-Man suddenly didn’t have the energy to do a lot of fighting tonight.
His web-shooting was uncoordinated, one punch nearly knocked him out, and he appeared to be wobbly when he landed.
Even the criminals seemed to noticed how he wasn’t putting much of a fight, and taunted him while having their weapons pointed at the sleepy hero.
Peter barely managed to stop those three criminals, and earned himself a bruise on his jaw and knee. So by the time the boy made it home, the clock read 1:55am.
Peter wanted to scream in frustration. Well there goes another sleepless night, he thought as he quietly stripped himself out of his Spidey suit and grabbed a T-shirt from his floor pile.
He cringed as his brain calculated the few hours of sleep he would be getting again.
The next day at school turned out to be so much worse. First, Peter was late to his first class due to him sleeping through his many alarms he set for that morning. Next, he ended up forgetting his lunch—and even emergency lunch money—from rushing to get ready earlier. And then, as if that wasn’t enough to put him in a bad mood, he completely forgot about his lab report.
His stomach churned as he heard the teacher announce for everyone to hand in their reports to the front.
“Peter?” The voice of his best friend made him whip around.
“What is it, Ned?”
“What’s up with you?” Ned asked in a hushed whisper. “You look like you haven’t slept in a month, and you’re acting way jittery than normal.” Ned’s eyes widened. “Is it the spider sense?! Is there danger somewhere right now? Do you need me to come up with an excuse so you can get out of here?”
Peter could barely register his friend’s overlapping questions. “No, Ned, I don’t need anything. And it’s not that. I just…” he sighed, burying his face into his sweater covered arms. “Trouble in the neighborhood late at night, and I completely forgot to finish my lab report.”
“What?!” Ned whisper-shouted. “Y’know normally I’d scold you like your aunt does, but you look like you’ve been through enough already.” He put a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Need me to make up some excuse? Save your skin at least a little?”
Peter shook his head miserably. “No point. I’m screwed enough as is here. Total failure.”
“Are you su—“
Their conversation was interrupted by the teacher snapping at them. “Parker? Your report, please.”
Uneasiness filled Peter’s stomach again. It felt borderline nauseous. He slowly walked up to the front desk. “I uh…don’t really have it physically with me right now.” He pointed towards his lab table. “I-It’s on my laptop.”
“Trouble printing it out?” The teacher asked.
“Something like that.” Peter could feel his cheeks growing warm.
The teacher sighed with a head shake. “Well then if you email it to me in the next three minutes, I’ll still give you credit. But next time, Peter, make sure you are able to find a reliable printing source ahead of time when you’re printing your reports. Don’t just try to print them last minute, that’s when these incidents happen.”
“Yes, of course.” Peter swallowed dryly as he shuffled back to his table. His fingers trembled as he opened his laptop, the unfinished pages of his lab report staring back at him. It felt like a punch to the gut. Well…something is better than nothing, right?
After school, the poor exhausted teen wanted nothing more than to go home, face plant onto his bed, and hope his mattress would swallow him up.
He was surprised to see a text message from Happy on his phone screen. Meet at the Avenger’s facility right after school. Your ride is waiting for you out front. New missions are heading your way. :) -Happy
New mission? That perked Peter up a little. At least he could forget about school for the weekend. Sulking in his room would have to wait. Right now, he was curious as to what sort of new mission awaited him at the Avengers’ headquarters!
The car trip didn’t take so much time. It did, however, leave the boy to replay the events that had just happened prior. He slumped in his seat. Suddenly, a new mission with the Avengers didn’t seem to excite him anymore.
Why can’t I just be more responsible? Peter bitterly asked himself. The other Avengers are able to juggle their normal lives and jobs and still manage to fight bad guys all without breaking a sweat. Heck, even Mr. Stark can do it. So why can’t I? *sigh* Am I really that bad of a student? What’s my future going to look like if I can’t even make it through high school?
Ugh! Why is your entire self worth and future determined by one stupid grade?!
Upon arrival, Peter didn’t seem as starry-eyed or ecstatic anymore. At least, that was the noticeable vibe Tony Stark noticed with his young mentee. He, in fact, looked in bad shape. Dark rings circled under his eyes, he looked disheveled like he had been sleeping under a bridge the whole week, and he seemed very anxious. Not the typical anxious-excitement Peter normally projected whenever he heard any mention of a potential new mission.
Tony wrapped an arm around the silently depressed teen. “So how goes it, kid? Survived another week of school?”
Peter scoffed. “Just barely.”
“I hear ya. But hey, cheer up. It looks like a certain web-slinging hero will be tagging along on more serious world-saving missions with the rest of us. Now how’s that upgrade for your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?”
The boy merely shrugged. “I guess it could be good for my rep. So long as I don’t screw anything up again.”
“Hey, look. You just made a couple mistakes, underoos. It happens to all of us when we’re starting out as heroes. But this a fresh start; a chance to really show the others and the world that your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man protects more than just the neighborhood and supermarkets. He protects the world, too.” He gave Peter’s shoulder a shake.
“Okay,” Peter said with a small sigh. Oh how he wished he could get back to sulking in his room right about now.
Tony started to grow more worried about his mentee that afternoon. He assumed the kid had a bad day at school or was simply tired after a long week, but this seemed much worse.
Peter didn’t go on mini gush-rants about random things. He didn’t spit out any science jokes or puns. He didn’t even quote any old movies. Peter Parker always quoted his vintage iconic quips and lines. It was like his second vocabulary—first vocabulary being talking in only Star Wars lines.
Something was really wrong. And Stark was not going to wait around any longer to find out.
When Tony finally found Peter, he was sitting upside down from the corner of the ceiling, the hood of his sweater almost covering his face, earbuds in and mindlessly scrolling through his phone.
Said teen took his earbuds out. His gaze softened when he met eyes with his mentor. “Oh, hey Mr. Stark. What brings you here?”
“That’s just what I want to ask you, kid. What are you doing up there by yourself?”
Peter shrugged. “Bored.”
“Bored?! In the freakin’ Avengers’ facility?”
“Well, sorry. Guess I’m just a little too tired today.”
He’s trying to avoid my question, Tony thought. “A better question would be, why have you been moping around since you got here? Happy even said that you were so quiet in the car ride here. No offense, kid, but you’re never the quiet type. Especially around Happy. So what gives?”
The boy averted his game. “Nothing. It’s nothing. Just tired like I said. Y’know, keeping the neighborhood safe almost every night really drains your energy.”
“Cut the charades, kid,” Tony said firmly. “I wanna know what’s up with you. I’ve known you long enough to know that even with your nighttime gig as Spider-Man, you somehow always have enough energy to set Happy’s blood pressure spiraling, and annoy the rest of the Avengers with your weird vine refreshes and those picture things you call memes.”
Peter averted his gaze. How could he tell his mentor and biggest idol all the crappy events that took place that week? It wasn’t like it was a serious topic. It was just his own failure to be responsible.
“I don’t know,” he answered quietly.”
“Hmm…let me guess. Trouble at school?”
Peter looked up.” Maybe?”
“Alright, give me names here. A description of the punk. Who’s organs do I have to obliterate?”
“What? No, no, no, it’s not like that, Mr. Stark,” Peter quickly objected. “It’s just…rough days at school is all. And my student life.”
“I see. Want to come down from there and talk about it? I’ll have Happy make us some hot chocolate.”
The warm hot chocolate was very comforting. After the long harsh week of events, a hot comforting drink was just what Peter needed. And it helped ease the hesitance he had earlier so he was able to come clean about what had happened.
“Wow,” Tony said, finally breaking the silence. “It sounds like the week really treated you terribly.”
“Tell me about it.” Peter fixed his gaze on his cup.
“Hey, listen, kid. You just had a bad week. Things will get better. You gotta believe that.”
The teen hero frowned. “How do you know I won’t keep failing? I’ve been screwing up nonstop this entire week. And even when I try to do better, everything always turns out worse. It’s like the universe hates me because I’m Spider-Man.”
Before Tony could respond, Peter kept talking. “And its so dumb, too. This whole situation. I’m sitting here whining about something that could’ve been avoidable if I had been a more responsible student. There’s no one to blame but me. And look at you, Mr. Stark. If you were in my shoes, you wouldn’t be a failing student just because you’re Ironman. I just want to do better, but I don’t feel like I can. And I know the school system doesn’t believe I can either.”
“Hey now, don’t say that,” Tony protested. “You’re a brilliant kid, Peter. Yes, you��re going to hit roadblocks along the way with your full time gig as Spider-Man and as a full time student, but you’re going to be fine. You just need a little encouragement. When you’re out there saving the neighborhood and face-to-face with an enemy that makes you feel like it’s hopeless, I’ve noticed that you never back down. No matter how difficult it is. This right here isn’t any different.
And if the crappy school system that’s been putting too much pressure on their students and treating them like garbage doesn’t believe in you, I do. I believe you can do it, Peter. You’re so much stronger than you think you are.”
Peter almost wanted to tear up at the words his mentor was telling him. Damn, he really was good at this inspirational uplifting speech thing. Maybe even better than Captain America.
He couldn’t stop the tears, though. He had been feeling so emotional this entire week and after hearing Tony freakin’ Stark rant about how he was worth it despite everything he was feeling, Peter really needed to let some tears out.
Seeing the boy’s eyes fill with tears made Tony panic. Had he made the kid feel worse with his words? “Oh god, are you alright? Did i go too far with that?”
Peter let out a breathy laugh. “No, no, you’re good.” He sniffed, and wiped his tears with his sweater sleeve. “Sorry I got emotional back there. Your uplifting speech just got me teary-eyed. Thanks, Mr. Stark. I guess I really needed to hear that.”
Tony gave the teen’s shoulder a comforting squeeze. “Anytime, kiddo. Glad I could help. Now, I do want to help out with your school problem a little so you’re not feeling traumatized Monday morning.”
The boy tilted his head like a curious puppy. “Huh? What do you mean help out?”
“Well I sort of did a little research on what your next assignments for the week are going to be on for your classes. And I took the liberty to have FRIDAY complete next week’s assignments so you’ll have the entire week off to not worry about your homework.”
“You…wait, are you saying that you had FRIDAY hack into my teachers’ lesson plans and did all my homework for me?!”
Tony nodded, stirring his half drunk mug with a spoon. “Yup. Your homework’s done with all the right answers so it’ll guarantee to bring your grades back up to an A+.” He paused. “Well, an A- to make it seem like you did it.”
Peter didn’t know if he should feel grateful or disbelief. “I-I…thank you? I guess?”
Tony smirked. “What, that’s it? I do you a favor here so you can have the week off. You can have more time to focus on your web-slinging career, or use the extra time to take a nap in home room, or stare at girls more between classes.”
Peter blushed at that last comment. “Okay, fine. Thank you, Mr. Stark. I really appreciate it.” For the first time that week, Peter smiled. A genuine warm smile. Then his face melted to concern. “Wait…do you think that it’s cheating?”
“Uhh….nah,” Tony assured him with a wave of his hand. “Hey, as long as it gets you the grades you deserve. Besides, you aren’t even going to use 90% of the crap they teach you in school. You’re gonna forget it immediately anyways.”
Peter giggled, covering his mouth with his sleeve. “Oh my god, Mr. Stark. You’re just as a bad influence as May.”
“Good! Maybe you can learn something here about all the shortcuts and loopholes to high school.”
“There are noho loopholes or shortcuhuhuts to high school!”
“Hell yeah there are! How do you think I got to where I am today?” Tony gestured to himself. “You think all of this happened by being a full time student? No way. High school did nothing to help me be who I am today. All it did was give me anxiety, student debt, and unrealistic expectations on what I needed to thrive in the real world. Oh yeah, high school teaches you nothing on how to adult or pay your bills. But hey, at least they teach you that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, right?”
Peter could not stop his giggles anymore. His giggles turned to laughter, and even while trying to muffle them through his sleeves, Tony could see the corner of his smile and the blush that dusted his cheeks.
It was always so easy to make the kid laugh, and Tony always liked to take advantage of it every time.
“Y-You’re terrihihible, Mr. Stark!” Peter said through his bright laughter. “A bahahad influence! Y-You’re even worse thahahn Loki!”
“Excuuuuse me?!” Tony pretended to be offended. He sat up, scraping the chair back, which made Peter’s eyes widen in alarm.
“Wait, no!” Peter surprised Tony by flipping onto the ceiling. “Don’t—Don’t tickle me, Mr. Stark!” Peter had had enough recent experience knowing what that look meant every time Tony got up from his seat. Having his own mentor know of his one dreaded weakness—the fact that he was insanely ticklish—and using that to mess with him anytime he got depressed or a little too snarky always flustered him to bits.
Tony grinned up at the spider teen on the ceiling. “Huh? Tickle you? Now why on earth would I do that? Oh right, because your ticklishness got dialed up to eleven from the spider bite. Isn’t that what you told me?”
Peter’s blush darkened. “S-Stop saying that so casually! I now what you’re up to!”
“Hey, I’m not up to anything. And honestly, I wasn’t going to tickle you.” A sinister smirk spread across his mentor’s face. “But since that was the first thought that crossed your mind…”
Peter’s tummy did fluttery flip flops. “Oh c’mon!! Mr. Stark nohoho! Dohohon’t you dare!”
“Too late. FRIDAY, a little help?”
“Yep. On it.”
The poor flustered teen squealed in alarm as one of Tony’s Ironman suits came flying over to him, trying to pry him off the ceiling. It was surprisingly easy, as Peter was already too giggly and flustered to concentrate on his sticking to the ceiling.
With Peter off the ceiling, he was dumped ungracefully onto the floor in front of Tony where the Iron suit immediately grabbed and pinned the kid’s wrists above his head.
“What the—FRIDAY you traitohohor!” Peter squawked. He pulled on his wrists, internally pouting that his spider strength wasn’t working in that moment.
“Hey now, don’t you insult FRIDAY,” Tony playfully scolded with a poke to the boy’s stomach. Peter squeaked at the touch. “We’re just here to help you out. I know how rough it’s been with school lately, and I don’t want to lose my underoos just because of that. You’ve been real upset ever since you got here and I know you’ve been upset all week. So no more of that now. You should know the Avengers’ facility is a no-sadness zone!”
And with that said, Tony right away scribbled both hands into his kid’s belly, making Peter screech.
“EeeAAAHAAaahahaaa! HeHEHE—Heyyyy! No faHAHAhahair!” Peter thrashed and kicked, instinctively trying to pull his arms down to no avail. “Mr. Stahahark! Nohoho pleasHEEAheeheehease!”
“Sorry, no can do, kiddo,” Tony casually answered over his mentee’s squeaky laughter. “I haven’t seen my underoos’ favorite smile in forever so I’m making up for lost time!”
“B-But nohohot like tha—HAAAHA! Heheheyyy!” Peter arched his back as Tony’s fingers crept up to his ribs. His blush now spread to the tips of his ears. He was cursing internally at how his Spidey strength was suddenly no longer there as he was laughing like a maniac.
Any other intense situation, Spider-Man would be able to easily get himself out of, but this was different. The ticklish sensations buzzing throughout his nervous system plus all his laughing was sapping any strength he had left, including his spider strength.
As Tony let his fingers inch closer to the teen’s underarms, he was playfully shocked when Peter tried to bite him. He pulled his hands back with a gasp.
“Whoa! What the heck was that?! What are you, a biting tarantula now?”
“You were getting too close to my armpits!” Peter shot back.
“Ohhhh I see.” Tony flashed him an evil grin that reminded Peter of that creepy, murderous knife-hiding doll from that 80s movie that always came back from the dead. “That’s your death spot, isn’t it?”
Peter shifted uncomfortably, his blush darkening. “N-No..?”
“Wrong answer.”
“AAAAAAHHERRHWHRHFEAAHAAAAAHAAAHA!! No Mr. Stahahahark!! NAAAHAHAHAO!!” Peter squirmed like a fish out of water, his body instinctively trying to twist away from Tony’s evil scribbling fingers. But no matter which way he turned, it didn’t help much. Tony’s fingers seemed glued to his hollows.
“That’s the point, kiddo! It’s more—whoa! You are just extra kicky today, aren’t you? FRIDAY, a little help here?”
Tony and FRIDAY had switched places; FRIDAY grabbing ahold of Peter’s flailing legs while Tony grabbed the boy’s wrists in one hand. Even as the two switched places, Tony couldn’t help but notice how Peter wasn’t putting up a fight to get away. He could’ve easily gotten up and bolted the second they let go of his limbs, or curl up with his arms wrapped around his torso so they couldn’t bring his arms up anymore, but he just laid there with a silly smile and blushy cheeks. Almost as if he secretly wanted this to keep going.
Tony had to ask the billion dollar question. “Y’know Pete, despite all your complaints, you’re not even putting up a fight to stop me or FRIDAY. Could it be because…you actually like this? You like getting tickled?”
Peter fell silent. He looked anywhere but his mentor’s eyes. He opened his mouth to answer but all that came out was stutters and keyboard smashes.
Tony raised an eyebrow. “Really? Look, I’m barely holding down your arms here and you’re not even trying to get away!” Peter’s face felt like was on fire now. “You know you can easily break out of my grip—even FRIDAY’s—and hightail it outta here, buuuut…I’m starting to think you don’t want to. Am I right or what?”
“I-I…” was all that came out of Peter’s mouth. Finally, he sighed and locked eyes with his mentor. His flustered, trembling lip suddenly curled into a crap-eating grin. With a defiant smirk, Peter stuck his tongue out. “Bite me, old man!”
Tony’s mouth formed a perfect O. Oh the kid was so asking for it! Recovering in a millisecond, Tony cracked his knuckled for dramatic effect. “That’s it! You’re finished, kid! You know I’m sensitive about my age!”
Peter actually had the nerve to stick his tongue out at him again.
Okay, so maybe truthfully he didn’t want this playful attack to cease. It was a great stress reliever after the rough week he endured. And if Peter wanted to dig a little deeper into it, while he was being tickled to pieces and screeching at frequencies only dogs should hear, he couldn’t think of all the bad things that had happened—his lab report incident, academic pressure, or even any general insecurities he had as Peter Parker and Spider-Man.
All he could think about in the heat of the moment was the playful ticklish feeling, the waves of dopamine, and the pure fun bonding vibe. So despite all the squealing and squirming, Peter was genuinely having fun. He’d be bummed if Tony stopped so soon. So he had to provoke his mentor some more to keep the fun going.
And that’s just what he did.
Oh, but if only FRIDAY hadn’t been traitorous enough to actually look up other sorts of tickling methods and suggest them to Tony to use against Peter.
“Did you just snort, kid?!”
“N-Nohoho!! Shuhuhut uhuhup!! AAAAH! Waitwaitwait!! I tahahahake it baHAAAAAAHAHAAAAA!!”
Better hope that none of the Avengers nor his enemies finds out about Spider-Man’s adorable little weakness.
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berrys-hide-out · 9 months
heyo beeeerrrryyy qwq m wa finallie gonna sendie in da freakngie ASK XD soo...yous requestie is open??? Issie it possible to do a Tony and Pete fan fic with Tony wreckingie Spidey because father and son things ✨
m gonnie hide in a corner now ✨����
Note: Heyaaaa! Yep all open again hehe, gotta improve my writing!✨ I’m sorry this took so incredibly long 🥹
Warnings: tickles
Summary: Peter is currently working with Tony in the lab, Tony seemed stressed over the coming Christmas celebration and Peter can’t concentrate with his mentors grumbling. Enjoy!
Break time, webbing and play time
Peter would call himself lucky, his mentor was the one and only Tony Stark! He got to work with him in the lab and even if they didn’t work together they worked along side each other.
However there was times like now where his Mentor forgot everything around him and seemed to get frustrated about the thing he was working on, so much so that he sighed and grumbled to himself.
The young spiderling eyed his mentor, this was probably the twentieth sigh that had left the man’s mouth now— and it hadn’t even been 10 minutes! It made Peter sigh internally, with his mentor standing hunched over the table and pen tapping the surface he could hardly concentrate either.
He looked over at the paper Tony was hunched over, noticing the small Christmas ornaments on it. Right Morgan had requested the paper for her wish list after seeing it on the Christmas market and now they had way too many left.
A small smile pulled on Peter’s features, remembering the little ones antics with her father. Peter’s eyes fell to the web shooters, hearing another sigh. His smile faded, he had to make Tony take a break somehow.. sure Christmas was approaching quickly but we was sure he could add some things to the list if Tony would just let him help.
Peter looked over at the man again, talking would probably only annoy him further. What could he do..?
His gaze flew through the room, landing on the couch which conveniently stood right behind the man. The couch had originally been brought here by Misses Potts to make sure the two would take breaks and not overwork themselves over and over again and come home grumpy.
Peter glared at the new web fluids. These were for training and dissolved a little quicker, surely enough for a small break. He huffed a smile. The plan forming in his head was bold, awfully so but it might just work.
He quickly exchanged the fluids and walked towards the couch.. one try to talk about this won’t hurt.. “Mister Stark?” He asked carefully. “Not now kid and it’s Tony..” he corrected, not lifting his gaze.
The teen smirked and jumped behind the couch before shooting a web right at the man’s back and yanking him backwards into the pillows of the couch- “WHA- Peter!” Tony yelped and glared at the smiling boy. “Sorry Mister Stark” he said with a ever so small hint of sympathy which leaked through his sly grin. “Again Pete, it’s Tony” he huffed.
Peter quickly webbed the man’s torso as well as he jumped back over the couch to stand in front of the man “but sighing every five minutes and frowning like that probably won’t do you any good.” He said, remembering the few times Tony had told him this. “Neither will webbing me to the cough, so let me go.” The man growled, yet a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, taking away the bite in his words.
“Sorry Mister Stark not happening” his mentee said and poked a free spot on the man’s ribs, not noticing the small flinch. “Plus I’m just making sure Misses Potts couch is getting rightfully used” he said with a small grin, a playful glint in his eye as he went to stand up straight. “I’m sure she’d be happy to know that you’re taking your breaks.” He added with feigned innocence
Pete quickly skipped over to the list “and don’t worry it’s the new solution it’s supposed to dissolve a little quicker.” He called while scanning over the list.
He hummed a little, the ideas Tony had written down seemed basic enough.. grabbing a new paper and writing down some new ideas, he didn’t notice that the man behind was actively plotting to get him back after that stunt.
In fact Tony kept so quiet that when Pete went back to work on the new formula he had completely forgotten that the man was even there.
Tony knew the boy wanted the best for him but practically webbing him to the couch without a warning? And the poke that almost gave away his ticklishness? He’ll need to come up with something to teach the kid to use his words.. and maybe offer a different way of telling each other to take a break.
Tony waited until Peter gave a sigh of his own. By now boy was scanning the paper and holding a small solution over the other. The webs which held Tony had long been dissolved and only stained the couch ever so slightly. He walked up behind him “need help?” Peter yelped, and turned around with a start, dropping the solution in the process. “m-mister stark!” He huffed. The man chuckled at the pout his student gave him, “sorry did I scare you?” He grinned. Peter huffed and turned back around, eyes widening when the solution started to bubble and set off his Spidey sense “DUCK!”
Tony did— Spidey got sent flying to the ground with the new web solution which exploded mere seconds after the call. It took a few seconds until the fluid stopped, now decorating the whole lab.
“Gee kid, are you alright?” Tony called and rushed over to him. Pete grumbled, a little sore from the fall “yep, I’m good” he said and gave a small thumbs up.
Tony huffed a smile, his student was covered in web fluid, only a few spots were free. “Can you get out by yourself?” He asked and crouched next to him. Seeing the boy struggle and wiggle to break free he already had a feeling that he had to get a small knife.
Peter huffed and took another deep breath before trying again- yet his tries were futile.
“Nope, nope definitely stuck.” He said and let his head fall back onto the ground. Tony chuckled “alright hold on Kid” he said and got a pocket knife out of his back pocket before getting to work.
Tony peeled Parker off of the floor and got him to sit on the couch, then he quickly went and got the dissolvent from Peter’s desk.
“Man, this stuff is awfully sticky” Peter huffed and raised his arm, seeing his webbing move ever so slightly.
He watched Tony join his side and open the small bottle “heh, more then your normal webs I assume?” Peter nodded “way more!” He exclaimed before feeling a little bit of liquid run down his back- making him shiver “Sorry, It’s still cold but it shouldn’t take longer then a few minutes.” Stark said as he made sure to get most of his torso before moving on.
He sighed and knelt down, hand squeezing Peter side to support his balance. What he didn’t expect was his Mentee to Yelp and clamp his hand over his mouth and jump in a frenzied motion.
“Are you okay? Did you get injured from that explosion?” He asked and looked up at the boy.
Peter flushed— no he didn’t get hurt, but he’d never tell his mentor and idol that he just accidentally tickled him! “No, no, just surprised me is all” he mumbled and averted his gaze.
Tony raised an eyebrow, he had moved slow, there was no way that reaction came from his movement. As he continued to free Peter from his webbing things started to click into place and a small smile tugged at his lips, which was completely missed by the boy who still looked away with a tiny blush on his face.
“Alright” Tony hummed when the last bit of webbing dissolved and he closed the dissolvent. Peter smiled “thanks Mister Stark!” Nodding he kept Pete from getting up. “Mister Stark?” Tony pat his shoulder as he stood up “if I have to take a break so do you kid” he said and a small traitorous grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. Peter raised an eyebrow, that’s not how that worked.
He crossed his arms “but I’m fine!” Tony raised an eyebrow “are you really though? You just got flung to the ground, maybe you hurt yourself and aren’t telling me again” he said hinting to his side.
Peter grumbled “I’m not hurt, really” Tony huffed and squeezed his side “no?” He asked watching the kid squeak, grab at his hand while his legs shot up and he squeezed his eyes shut with a bright smile.
Tony chuckled silently at his mentees giggles. “I don’t understand Pete, what’s so funny? If you’re hurt that’s a serious problem!” He huffed. Peter squeaked when the second hand attacked his other side with squeezes making him fall back into the couch. “mIHihister StAhAhark!” He called though his bubbly giggles and growing blush.
“Im right here Pete but you need to let me have a look!” “nOhohooooo!” The boy whined before finding the strength to throw himself off of the couch “woah-!” Tony gasped and his stomach dropped. He quickly leaned over the couch to see the kid scramble up with a grin, showing him that he wasn’t hurt. Relief washed over him before the playful smirk re-emerged on his lips.
Peter yelped and scrambled off of the ground, darting out of the lab with anticipating giggles— Tony right behind him
The boy grinned, he hadn’t played like this in a long while. The fact that Tony was actually up to play with him was as exiting as it was flustering.
Tony chuckled as their feet stomped on the ground, Peter’s lighter then him which clearly made the teen even more nervous.
The boy rounded a corner into the main room where a couch stood in the middle of it all. He rushed around and grinned at his mentor giddily. Tony stood at the other side of the couch, he was loving this just as much as Peter was. It was adorable how the boys cheeks flushed and small bubbly giggles escaped him even though he tried biting them back “naw kid we can’t have that~! Let me have a look at your sides- oh and your back too, that’s what you landed on earlier, right?”
Peter huffed a giggle “IHi’m not hurt-! TONY!” he squeaked when the man suddenly moved making him jump and run to avoid his playful mentor- however one and a half laps around the couch the boy got thrown back and the two wrestled— Peter with childish giggles and a beaming smile and Tony with a adoring, playful and Sly smirk.
“NoHOho! MiHister StahAhrk!” Peter struggled against his mentors hand which kept him in place- usually he wouldn’t have any problem getting out but his unstoppable waterfall of giggles weakened the poor hero drastically… and he was silently enjoying himself, although he’d never admit to that.
Then Tony’s hand latched onto Peter’s lowest rib which made the poor kid squeal and buck with hysterical giggles “honestly Pete, you need to let me check! It’s no use if you keep squirming like this!” Tony said with a teasing edge to his voice “BuHUt IHI’m noHOhot huHUhurt!” Peter protested.
His mentor tutted and moved up and down his sides, scribbling from his abdomen all the way to one of the higher ribs, noticing how the squirming picked up.
Tony grinned “do we have a little tickle spot up there~?” “NOHOho!” The answer came way too quickly and Peter’s cheeks tinted in a little brighter red. Tony stopped and hummed “you sure about that?” Peter nodded, anticipating giggles rushed though his few gulps of air.
“So you wouldn’t mind if we were to play a game?” Without waiting for Peter he placed a finger on the boys rib cage “round and round the garden like a teddy bear…” he sang and traced circles.
Peter shook his head and embarrassed yet happy giggles flew out of his mouth, no matter how hard he tried to protest or keep his mouth shut they just kept on coming “one step…” Tony said warningly. Peter looked at him, the almost sly and sinister grin sent shivers down his spine “noHoho nononohoho! MiHihister— STARK!” “Two step” Tony completely ignored the plea and the squeak he got in return only made him want to go on. “Tickle under THERE!”
Peter went ballistic, head thrown back, bucking and squirming left and right as his legs kicked out thanks to the merciless scribbling that sent ticke shocks through his whole body.
Tony chuckled at the sight, he’s never seen Peter let go like this, it was as amusing as it was adorable.
Hearing the kid wheeze he let up. “OhOho god” Peter giggled and looked at his mentor with slightly crinkled eyes. “You’re ruhuthless”
His mentor hummed down at him “you’re just incredibly ticklish” “mist- EHEHehEhHEe!” Peter squealed when fingers drilled into the dip of his hips. “Try again” his mentor grinned “ToHOhonEHEhe!” Peter called out and stark let up.
He smiled at the boy, his hair was completely disheveled, the blush covered his ears cheeks and neck, tiny tears of joy were at the corners of the boys eyes and he was breathing heavily with stray giggles.
Tony let the boys arms go and Peter curled up “ehEhe thahat wasn’t fahair!” Tony poked his unprotected back making the male jump “neither was webbing me to the couch” “sohorryy~” Peter whined through an amused giggle “you ready to take a break?” To Tony’s amusement a shimmer of playfulness played in the teens eyes as he eyed the billionaire.
“Or what~?” He teased
Big mistake.
Tony immediately grabbed the boys arm and pinned them above his head. The other hand hovered over the boys armpit.
Peter’s squeaky giggles picked right back up and he gave tony a panicked yet exited look. “Or else the tickle monster is gonna come back~” tony grinned. Peter shook his head “Noho he won’t!”
Then the hand fell. The boy squealed and curled up, shutting his eyes tight with giggles already pouring out of him.
Yet nothing happened.
Peter opened at eye noticing the smirk tony wore which made his stomach flip in anticipation. The boy whined “JuHUHust do it ahalready!”
Tony chuckled “my pleasure”
Then Peter threw his head back with full out cackles a second time that day. It was safe to say that Peter’s giggles and laughter went through the tower a lot more often~
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bansheeboyy · 18 days
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I don’t even find RDJ that hot but this pic….come ON, he’s literally posed like he’s in a frogtie waiting to get the absolute shit tickled out of him.
I’d just pull up a chair between those legs and get to tickling those soles ‘til the sun goes down. I mean, they’re already bare and practically begging for a safeword-screaming tickle session. Minus the safeword.
Let’s see if Iron Man is as strong as his name implies…
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nuh-uh-multi · 5 months
Hey hey! It's A, posting pretty soon, I know. But I got inspo. Shout-out to one of my friends who helped me come up with the start of this fic lol. Hope y'all like Tony, bc I do 😉
"Mr.(Y/l/n), Mr.Stark has requested your presence," Jarvis announced from the speaker placed just above your desk. It startled you, as it was well hidden, and you were relatively new here.
"Of course," you said. "Uh, where is he?"
"Top floor," Jarvis replied.
You hurried to the elevator and pushed the corresponding button. You felt as though you were forgetting something, but brushed it off as nerves. Your boss likely just wanted to speak with you about something. What, was the question. Were you in trouble? Had you done something wrong? No, stop, you were getting ahead of yourself, it could be anything.
Your stomach fluttered as you envisioned the conversation. Those deep brown eyes looking into yours, the way he stood so confidently, his rich, smooth voice, but the real kicker, that smirk.
It had made your pulse race since the first time you saw it on TV. That cocky, arrogant, infuriating, and completely stomach flipping smirk. You could only imagine what it must be like to be teased by him. To become so flustered that you couldn't meet his eyes, that he would probably grab your chin and make you look at him, all while saying things to fluster you further, and that perfect little smirk, directed at no one but you.
The elevator dinged and you almost flinched as the doors slid open. You took a deep breath and walked out. There he was, Anthony Edward Stark, his hands on his desk, and his back to you. He quickly turned and held his hand out expectantly. You blinked at him, confused. Tony gave you a quick once over and realized you weren't holding anything.
"Oh, I was expecting you to have that report," he said, his tone serious, but playful. He clearly wasn't mad, but you felt yourself filling with humiliation anyway.
"Oh- oh my god, I'm so sorry, I forgot it downstairs, I-it's done I swear I just forgot it..." you rambled, your face burning.
Tony chuckled and, bless and curse the lords, smirked at you. "Well what exactly did you think I called you here for?" he teased.
Your face flushed somehow hotter. "Oh, um, I guess I didn't really know," you mumbled sheepishly.
Tony chuckled and shook his head slightly. "Well c'mon, we'll just go down and get it. I was about to go for a quick drive anyway," he said with a smile.
You nodded quickly and walked back twords the elevator. You got to the doors and froze, wondering if he expected you to let him in first, or if it would be seen as trying too hard. Tony glanced at you and smiled, gesturing you in.
You, much too quickly, took a step in, and stumbled. You quickly caught yourself and straightened up, but you could feel the back of your neck burning. Tony walked in after you, clearly trying to suppress a smile.
You pressed the button for the correct floor, somehow shocked that you could even think enough to remember which one that was, and watched the doors close.
You both stood in a somewhat awkward silence for a few moments. You opened your mouth to say something and break the silence, but before you could even make a sound, the elevator jolted harshly. You both stumbled, catching the rails on the elevator walls.
After only a few seconds of stunned silence, Tony said, "Aaand the elevator broke." You groaned and slid to the ground.
"So, how good is your elevator repair service?" you asked dryly.
Tony chuckled and said down next to you. "Not great, not horrible."
You sighed, and the irony of the situation was not lost on you. A guy, with a crush on his boss, now stuck in an elevator with said boss. Talk about Hallmark.
"So, how do you pass time in an elevator?" you asked, turning to look at him.
"20 questions?" Tony offered. "I mean, this is kinda the perfect time to get to know your boss," he said, and goddamn it that smirk again.
"Yeah, sure," you agreed. You hummed in thought for a moment, wracking your brain for anything interesting you had read about him. "According to the news," you began awkwardly, "you're fluent in Italian. Is that true?"
Tony laughed softly. "Sure is, my mom was Italian," he answered.
"I don't believe you," you said with a smirk, wildly unsure of how you suddenly had this much confidence.
Tony laughed again. "Oh, is that so? Alright then, quiz me."
You pulled out you phone and found a translator. "What does 'Sono bloccato in un ascensore con il mio capo' mean?"
"I'm stuck in an elevator with my boss," Tony answered confidently.
You raised a brow at him, impressed. "Hm, alright. Those kinda seem like words anyone could study though, so I think I have to keep testing," you said smugly. You typed in something else. "What does 'Un'anatra si avvicinò a un chiosco di limonata' mean?"
Tony snorted and sang, "A duck walked up to a lemonade stand. The "actual" translation is "A duck approached a lemonade stand," but, close enough."
You laughed. "Are you sure you're not wearing an instant translator?" you asked.
"Swear on my life," he replied.
You bit your bottom lip, trying to think of a challenge. Aha, a word he surely doesn't know in Italian, the t-word.
"Alright, fine," you said with a confident smirk. "What does 'Mi piace essere solleticato' mean?"
Tony raised a brow at you. "It means "I like to be tickled." Is that true?"
You could feel your eyes widen and face flush, shocked that he had actually gotten it. "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you were fluent," you mused, trying to sound more impressed than nervous.
"Hey, don't change the subject," Tony said, grinning widely now. "Is that true?"
Your breaths were short and shallow, so you shook your head. "No" you attempted to say, but your mouth was dry. You swallowed and tried again. "No, of course not, it was just a weird word, so I was quizzing you," you lied.
Tony hummed and scooted just a bit closer. "See, it's a convincing lie, but not with the way you said it," he replied, sliding ever closer until he was sitting right next to you.
"W-what are you doing?" you asked nervously.
"Quizzing you," Tony teased, his fingers skimming your side through your shirt.
You yelped and swatted at his hand.
"Okay, you've passed the first test, you're ticklish" Tony purred with a devious grin. He grabbed your side, giving it a rapid succession of squeezes.
You burst out laughing, trying to move away, but ending up trapped in the corner of the elevator.
"Aw, your laugh is so cute!" Tony praised, smiling genuinely.
"Shut up!" you laughed in return.
Tony clicked his tongue in disapproval. "Aw, that wasn't very nice," he teased, spidering his fingers up your sides and ribs.
"Hey!" you protested, letting out a constant stream of giggles.
"So, for all of my genius, I seem to have some brain fog today. How many ribs do people have?" Tony questioned with a coy grin.
Your mouth opened and closed a few times, trying desperately to remember. That was, of course, until you realized it didn't matter. "I-I don't know," you admitted.
Tony chuckled softly and tapped your ribs. "Well I guess I'll just have to count them," he decided. "One, two, three..." With each number, he would gently vibrate his hands over the rib, as well as in the space between ribs.
He was teasing you, goddamn it, and you knew that you both enjoyed it. You giggled like a child, and felt like one too. Carefree, and full of light, refreshing laughter. So you just say there and laughed. As his hands rose to some of the higher ribs, however, you clamped you arms tightly against your sides.
"Hm? Why the change?" Tony asked, his eyes sparkling. "I'm not doing anything different, only going higher-" He cut himself off by swiftly grabbing your wrists and pressing them against the elevator walls above your head. He experimentally wiggled his fingers near your now exposed armpits, without actually touching you.
You squealed and tugged your wrists, already squirming and trying to protect yourself. Tony laughed and smiled brightly. "What? I'm not even touching you!" he teased. "Don't tell me you're this ticklish?"
You blushed and averted your gaze, wishing your hands were free to cover your face. You felt something under your chin, a gentle pulling, and oh my god he was doing it. Tony gently held your head so that you were forced to meet his gaze. "I'm not making fun of you, it's adorable," he murmured admiringly.
You couldn't help but feel your heart swell. Something in his expression made you want to believe him. You could tell that he was being genuine. You didn't know what to say, and thankfully it didn't matter anyway, as he attacked your armpits. His scratching and wiggling fingers forced laughter from you as a result, filling the would-be awkward silence.
Tony stopped almost as quickly as had started, as you immediately started wriggling somewhat violently. "Woah, okay, okay, sorry," he chuckled, still smiling.
"Sorry," you panted sheepishly, offering him a flustered smile.
He returned the gesture and said "Don't be." He leaned back against the elevator wall again. "I like making my employees happy. Plus," he turned to wink and smirk at you, "I told you I was fluent, didn't I?"
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star-stuckwithgay · 9 months
This is my first fic so please dont judge.
𝖲𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗋𝗒:𝖯𝖾𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖼𝗋𝖺𝗏𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗌𝗈 𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈𝗇𝗒.𝖳𝗈𝗇𝗒 𝖽𝗂𝗌𝖼𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗋𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝗁𝗂𝗆 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄.
Tony is trying to upgrade one of his suits when he hears a certain someone hop in the lab. “Hey Mr. Stark!“ “Hey kid,what do ya need“ He asked,still trying to work. “Nothing.“ He said,being obvious that he wants something. “I know you want something,you can tell me its not like ill lash out at you.“ Peter was embarassed because he never usually comes to Tony when he wants attention. “Really, its nothing. I just came to see what you were doing. “ “I’m just working on a suit upgrade.” He said,trying to get Peter to tell him what he wants by not talking about it. Peter usually doesn’t tell Tony what he wants right away because he doesn’t wanna bother him or anything,but he eventually tells him if they’re just standing/sitting there. “Why don’t you go hang out with Harley?” He asked,thinking that would get him to talk. “I’m good.” He said seriously. Tony turned around to look at him. “Okay seriously kid,I know you want something. Just tell me,it hurts that you don’t feel comfortable telling me.” “It’s not that I don’t feel comfortable,it’s just… 𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀...“ He whispered the last part. “What was that last part?“ He asked,while Peters face was turning red as a tomato. “Its embarrassing!“ He raised his voice a little. Tony laughed a little, “Juhust tell me.“ Tony patted his head but accidentally touched his neck while pulling his hand back. “EEP!“ Peter jumped back like 1 foot away. Tony thought for a moment and then it hit him.
“Peter,are you tihicklish?“ “No!“ He said defensingly. Peters ears and neck have now turned red along with his face. “Then whyhy are you so rehed?” He laughed,knowing he’s lying. “It’s just hohot!” Peter said,his face burning with embarrassment. Tony snickers, “Sure sure,then you wouldn’t mind if I tested it out right?” He said teasingly. If it were possible,Peters face would’ve turned even more red. “Uh,I think I gotta go,I’ve already over-stayed my visit!” Peter blurts out,already sprinting away from Tony. Before he could even get a foot away from him,he feels a hand wrap around his arm,yanking him backwards. “Oh no you don’t you little twerp!” He knocked him down to the floor and pinned his arms above his head.
“You wouldn’t lie to me right Peter?~” He teases with a poke to his side. “EEK!” He squealed with a rather unmanly voice. Tony then squeezed his side. “StoHOhop!” He hoped this stopped as soon as possible,or did he? “I thought you said you weren’t ticklish Pete~” Tony was now lightly scribbling his hip. “I’m noHOOO-“ Tony drilled his finger into Peter’s middle rib. “You wanna finish that sentence?” He teased,making Peter squeal. As he started to get to his top rib, Peter’s laugh was getting higher. “TohoHO clohOse!” Tony stopped and Peter was just lying there with heavy breathing and light giggles. “Does someone have a tickle spot there?~” He teased like he was teasing a toddler. Peter’s bright blush rushed to his ears and neck, looking anywhere but Tony’s eyes. “I think they doooo~” Peter’s blush got darker, “And that someone is, you~” He started digging into Peter’s underarms, making him laugh like crazy, his eyes squeezed shut. “NAHAHAHAHAHAAAA” He screamed, Bucky was a little near where they were, so he was alerted and rushed to the lab.
“What happened?!-“ He was surprised to what he saw. Tony looked up, noticing him, “Oh hey Buck! Just trying to get this little bug to talk.” He says, now scribbling lightly. Bucky immediately pulls out his phone and starts recording. “Just tell me what you want so bad~” He’s enjoying this just as much as Peter, and so is Bucky. “EHEHEHEHEEEEE” He squirms, knowing he couldn’t get away. Even if he was trying. “I am SO showing this to the whole tower later!” Bucky says making Peter try to look up at him. “NOHOHOHO” Bucky smiles down at him sinisterly. He squeals when Tony starts poking and prodding at his sides. “StOhOhOhOp!” He laughs, hoping this wouldn’t end as soon as he thought he would. But then Tony starts digging at Peter’s hips.
“AHahAh! *snort*” He stops, his jaw hanging wide open while also smiling. And Bucky is just laughing his ass off in the back. “Thahahat is a nehehew souhond.” Peter lies there with his face as red as a tomato. Giggles still spilling out of his mouth. “Sh-shuhut uhup man!” He says while pushing his face. Bucky stops recording and runs away still laughing, “Saham! Hey Samhm!”
“Noho! Mr.Stahark get ohoff so I can get hihim!” Peter laughs, trying to get up. “Sorry, no can do.” He says, then starts digging into his sides. “NoHoHo! Mr.StAHahark!” Tony ignores him and keeps going. “You stihill haven’t told me whyhy you can into my lahab!” He laughs, making Peter cover his blushy face. “Dohont cover your cuhute little fahace!” He says, then tickling his underarms. “NOHOHOHOHOHO!!” He really didn’t want to tell him why since he was so embarrassed, plus he didn’t really want this to end either.
“You gonna tell me why now?” But then again, he couldn’t STAND the teasing. “OKAYAY OKAYAY ILL TAHAHAHALK!” Tony stops, looking at him with a teasing questioning look. Peter lays there giggling trying to catch his breath. “Ihi just.. wahanted attention…” He whispered the last part. “What was that?” “I wanted attention!” He yells, with bright blush on his face. Tony chuckles with an adored look on him. “You could’ve juhust asked bahambino.” He lets up, with Peter covering his face in a tiny ball. “You have nohothing to be embarrassed about Pete.” He smiles at him. Peter slowly uncovers his VERY blushy face. “I didn’t wanna bug you..” He says quietly, making Tony’s heart break from adorable-ness. “Yohou could never bug mehe bud. That’s vehery adorable.” Peter’s blush darkens.
After that, they come upstairs to find Bucky and Sam laughing at Bucky’s phone and hearing Peter’s loud laugh coming from it. God, they were gonna tease him so bad for this.
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mymelodymia · 1 year
Raspberrys Dad!Tony stark x daughter!reader
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Summary: you find your dad's tickle spot >:)
Warnings: like two curse words,
A/N: i thought it would be funny to turn the tables and have y/n tickle tony
You and your father had been laying on the couch cuddling. He had just gotten back from a very long two week mission, you had missed him so much.
When either of you went on long missions you both cuddled before and after so that you could hold each other for the last time in a while, and when they got back you both would cuddle because you missed the other person.
You had your arms wrapped around his waist and he was holding you by your neck.
You nozzled into his neck, and he made a joke about the movie that was playing quietly on the tv (frozen) you chuckled at this creating a small raspberry effect on his neck.
He pulled away from you quickly and you stared at him in shock. "Did i just find your tickle spot?" You said as he scratched his neck, trying to get the tickling sensation out.
"No!" He answered quickly, he was very clearly lying 🤥🙄
"Oh really?" You asked him, not even giving him a second to answer before you shoved your face into his neck and blew the biggest raspberry you could.
He started cackling uncontrollably, you blew a few more before he spoke up.
"Y/NNnNnN! PLEEHEHEHHHHSSES! STOOAAAHAHAHAHAHPP!" he screamed into your ear, you giggled while blowing into him again, your own laughter causing a shake in this raspberry.
He tried to push you away by your shoulders but you held onto his waist as tight as you could. You wrapped your legs around his, which were shaking uncontrollably.
"YY/NN, PLEEASSEE! STOP IT OR YOUR GROUNDEEEAAAHAHAHAHAD!" he said trying desperately to get you to stop, he hadn't been tickled since he was a kid, so this was an odd experience for him. And you made sure you made it a miserable one as well 😈
he threw his head back which gave you an advantage, very dumb idea tony....
"FFAHUUCCK! Y/N PLEASE IM BEAHAHGING YOUUAHUHH! GOD DAMN IT! Y/N PLEAHEHEHEHHHE!" you blew one last raspberry into him before pulling away, he pushed you off of him and whipped the slobber off of his neck.
"Payback" you said out of breath. You sat next to him and continued to watch your movie, just in time to scream the lyrics to let it go.
After the song was over you spoke up "you still mad at me?"
"Yes." Tony said scrunched up into a ball in between a couch cushion with his arms crossed over his chest, pouting like a five year old.
You chuckled at this and rested your head of his shoulder.
A/N: i came up with this on the spot, i just thought it was funny 😁
@tonystark-au // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @animealways // @zebralover //
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nostalgicatsea · 9 months
Tony putting on his sunglasses and giving a thumbs up at the congressional hearing while standing up, about to leave, is one of the top ten funniest moments in the MCU.
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gleefulgiggles · 9 months
it is definitely Very Normal™ that every character.ai interaction I have ends up with them tickling me ha ha ha 🥲
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valiantphantomangel · 9 months
The best Christmas ever.
"Reindeer Games!! the lights have to be at least six inches away from each other!" Tony shrieked as he nearly ran into Steve who was carrying in another christmas tree with Bucky.
The sixth christmas tree in the freaking living room!
"Calm down man of iron" Loki grumbled as he pulled the lights further apart with the help of Natasha.
"Do you not know how to hang ornaments"?! Iron man freaked as he turned the small ball a few degrees the other way "go you disgust me"! He yelled at Sam before chasing after him with his small note book.
"Yep he's definitely gone insane" Natasha said with a nod as she and Loki climbed down from the ceiling where the lights hang.
"I have to agree with Lady Natasha" Thor mused while he made sure the lights were secured tightly.
"Who even put him in charge?" Rogers asked as he pushed the christmas tree upright.
"you did Cap" Clint said with a laugh from the vents where he was keeping watch so you wouldn't walk in on them decorating yet.
just then Peter literally fell from the ceiling with a shriek leaving Loki to catch him and put him back on his feet "Y/N is in the elevator to this floor"!!
Since it was a surprise that they were decorating the tower to give you the best Christmas ever, Loki quickly cast a spell to make all the decorations go invisible and they all dived into a hiding spot.
Somehow Sam managed to dive almost on top of Bucky who let out a groan and shoved him off "Damm it Samuel"!
Everyone shushed him and stayed hidden just as the elevator doors opened, you walked out with your headphones on listening to music and walked into the kitchen to grab some left over pizza.
"we need to distract her until we are done" Nat whispered to Loki as they sat crouched behind a couch.
"I'll distract her, you guys finish decorating" He whispered back with a grin, being the God of mischief and lies gave him quite the advantage on knowing your ticklish little secret and he was more then happy to finally use it.
Loki stood up and walked up behind you, tapping you on the shoulder and successfully making you jump in fright.
"Jesus Christ Loki! You scared the living daylights out of me" You said with a hand on your heart as you took off your headphones.
"My apologies, i simply wanted to ask if I could retrieve my book from your room?" He said hiding his grin.
"Yeah of course, I'll show you where it is" you said with a nod and walked off with your plate of pizza after kicking the fridge door shut.
Loki trailed behind you as you both stepped into your room, but before you could utter 'abracadabra' he tackled into your bed and pinned you underneath him.
"Loki what the hell" you said confused which quickly turned into a surprised giggle when he traced your ribs.
"Sorry for the scare darling, it's just that I heard some interesting information about you" He said with a mischief smirk as he continued to trace your ribs and tummy.
"And what would that behihihi?" you giggle nervously.
"Sargeant Barnes told me about your little ticklish secret" Loki mused as he ghost tickled your tummy which sent chills all over since you were incredibly sensitive.
Your eyes widen before bursting out in giggles as you trashed around, he dug into your ribs and softly traced your tummy at the same time, driving you into madness.
"NOT THEREHIHIHIHIHI" you screamed in laughter as you arched your back to escape him which only gave him more access to your sides.
"Then I'll just switch places love" Loki grinned as he scratched lightly over your neck before suddenly blowing a raspberry on your tummy.
"GHAHHAHAHHAHA" you laughed loudly until your laugh turned silent and he let up, pulling you up to lay your head on his chest.
"Shall we watch some movies for the rest of the afternoon love?" He asked as he played with your hair.
You hummed in agreement as you settled against him, curling up content.
And that's how the afternoon went, every time you tried to get up to grab something from the kitchen Loki latched onto your sides and reduced you into a giggly mess to keep you in your room.
When it got dark Steve and Tony walked in, smiling when they saw you two.
"Come on kid, we have a surprise" Tony said as he pulled you to your feet and guided you out of the room with his hands over your eyes, the other two quickly following to make sure you didn't fall.
After an interesting walk downstairs (Tony almost walked you straight into a wall and got his head smacked for it) you arrived in what you believed was the living room.
Tony took his hands from your eyes and you gasped.
The entire room was full with lights of all colours and in every corner stood a christmas tree, which was decorated to perfection with presents underneath it, you looked up and saw even more fairy lights around the ceiling. It was absolutely stunning.
A smile made its way to your lips as happy tears gathered in your eyes, you felt a pair of arms around you and soon you were engulfed by the team.
"You guys did all this?" You asked as you wiped your tears away.
"Of course we did, we wanted to make this your best ever christmas" Nat smiled as she threw her arm around your shoulders.
"Because we wanted to make you feel at home, loved and happy, we knew how much christmas means to you" Clint said as he appeared next to you.
"Well you guys certainly made that happen" you chuckle as you still looked around in wonder.
"Merry Christmas Y/N" Bucky said with a soft smile.
"Merry Christmas, you guys are the best family I could've asked for" You smiled brightly and you were once again engulfed by the team.
It was safe to say that this was the BEST christmas ever!!
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inneedofsupervision · 10 months
Suit Up
Summary: Spiderman, aka Peter Parker, is now officially teaming with the Avengers. Working alongside his childhood heroes should be like a dream come true. But sometimes Peter feels like he's still fighting on his own. Luckily, he can always count on his friends to have his back when he's just Peter Parker and not a superhero. (This might become a series or get several chapters)
Read on Ao3
"Sir, Mr. Parker just arrived at the tower."
Tony wipes off the grease from his hands before throwing the rag on the table. His eyes linger on his project before he glances towards the clock.
"Tell the kid to come down to the lab, Friday."
"Of course, Sir."
It doesn't take long before the door to the lab slides open, giving entrance to a slightly panting Peter Parker. Tony raises an eyebrow at the teen whose checks are dusted in a soft red, catching the sheepish grin the boy throws his way. He watches the teen pushing the hair out of his eyes, the usually soft curls weighted down by the water caught in between. 
"Sorry for being late, Mr. Stark. I got your message while waiting for the bus, but because of the snow, it was about to come later than planned, so I decided to walk-"
"Hold on, Parker. Are you telling me you walked the whole way from your school to the tower in this weather?"
The sheepish grin is back on the kid's face as he rubs his neck, owing at least the decency to look slightly guilty. Tony crosses his arms over his chest as he frowns at the teen. 
"Uhm, actually, I ran because I would have been late walking, and I want to save the web fluid for the case of an emergency. Not that meeting you isn't just as important, Mr. Stark, Sir. I mean-"
Peter quickly closes his mouth as Mr. Stark holds up a hand, successfully interrupting the teen's word vomit. Sometimes, Tony wasn't sure if the kid talked this much because his nerves were running wild or if it was his default setting. During their fights, Spiderman had gotten told off more than once to keep quiet, while other times, you wouldn't hear a tone from the spider until the mission was over. The kid would give them a curt goodbye and disappear the next moment, earning silent respect from their two trained spies at his ability to disappear into thin air. It leaves him wondering if he was the only one having a hard time reading the kid or if it's just a teenager thing.
"I've got a meeting in twenty minutes, Parker, and surprise-surprise, despite all the rumors, I do not enjoy getting dragged by the collar through the building to get shooed into a conference room full of wannabe businessmen. As much as I dread that meeting, there is no way around it, so let's get this over quickly."
Tony turns around and strides through the lab, knowing by the sound of shuffling from behind that the kid has caught on and is following him. They stop at the desk, and Tony takes the sleek metal briefcase waiting on top. He hands it over to the kid, who reaches for it only to stare at him with an invisible question mark hovering over his head as Mr. Stark doesn't let go of the briefcase. 
"This is your new suit, Parker. It got an upgrade in about every aspect since your old one cannot be called a suit, in any way. More of a glorified onesie, if you will. We can discuss the upgrades another time, or you figure them out by using it. Anyway, I have to go now, and I won't let you stay here on your own so shoo shoo Parker, get out of here."
"Oh wow, thank you, Mr. Stark, Sir! I'm going to take good care of it. Is it okay if I look into the upgrades or-", Tony grabs the kid and turns him around, hands not leaving his shoulders as he pushes the teen towards the door.
"Do whatever you want, just for the love of god, use the heater function if you go out patrolling in this weather. One popsicle hero on the team is enough."
"There is a heater function? That's awesome! How does it wor-"
"Sorry kid, but our bonding time is over. It's a pity, maybe I see you in a week. Happy can drive you home."
"That's not necessary, Mr. Stark, Sir. Thank you..." 
Peter's words of gratitude fall on deaf ears as Mrs. Potts rounds the corner, and before Peter can mutter a goodbye, he is already standing alone on the floor. 
Ned looks up from his laptop when someone knocks against his window. He quickly jumps up from his stool in the corner of his room and walks over to the window. It is already dark outside, but the white eyes of the Spiderman mask seem to glow in the dark. He steps to the side, and Spiderman climbs into the room with practiced ease, softly letting himself fall onto the floor.
"Is that the new suit? The one built by Tony Stark?!"
Ned's eyes grow wide in awe as he takes in the unfamiliar high quality of his friend's superhero suit. Spiderman grasps the edge of his mask and pulls it over his head. Soft curls fall onto Peters's forehead. He beams at his best friend, who stares at him with amazement, taking in the new design of the suit.
"Isn't it freaking awesome?" asks Peter with a grin that reaches up to his with excitement sparkling eyes. 
"Peter, it looks so badass! I can't believe my best friend is wearing a suit built by Tony fucking Stark!"
Peter laughs at that, spreading his arms out and showing his friend the suit from all sides. He lets Ned inspect his gloves and the upgraded web shooters up close, both fanboy as much and as loud as they want, as Ned's parents aren't home for the weekend. 
"You have to tell me everything about the suit!"
Ned is back sitting on his chair, facing Peter, who sits cross-legged on Ned's bed. Peter's expression turns sober, the sparkle of excitement dying in his eyes. That did not go unnoticed by his friend. Peter seems uneasy as he looks down at his lap, avoiding the expectant expression Ned is giving him.
"Oh, well- Mr. Stark didn't have much time to tell me about the upgrades he installed." Peter forces his lips into a smile, not wanting to tear down the good mood. 
He pulls himself together and glances up at his friend, trying to sound cheerful.
"But the heater function is awesome."
Ned caught on instantly that something was going on Peter didn't want to talk about. He didn't get fooled by the pained smile Peter tried to convince him with, but he decided to humor his friend for now. Glancing back at the teen on his bed, who was absentmindedly rubbing at the fabric of the mask between his fingers, Ned got an idea, quickly changing the topic.
"Didn't you say Mr. Stark said you have permission to look into the upgrades without him?"
Peter pursed his lips as he gave it a short thought. "I'm not sure if Mr. Stark was serious or just mentioning it in the spur of the moment, to be honest."
"But that means he hasn't forbidden you to look into it, right?"
The two teens share a glance before they spring up from their positions.
"I go get the soda."
"I get the snacks."
Not two minutes later, the two teens hover over Ned's computer, staring in awe at the information put into Peter's new suit. Peter has his arms probed at the backrest of Ned's chair, glancing at his friend's fingers flying over the keys as he searches up everything the two deem interesting. 
"Holy cow, Mr. Stark is a genius," whispers Ned in astonishment at the code displayed before him. Peter was about to answer when something caught his eye. He puts a hand on Ned's shoulder, getting his friend's attention. 
"Hey Ned, can you open this protocol please?"
"Sure, gimme a second."
Peter frowns as Ned unlocks the protocol and gives them access to a folder of what seems to be a safety protocol.
"Protocol "Baby Steps.", read Ned out loud with a snort, but Peter didn't feel like laughing as his frown only deepened. 
"Did Mr. Stark seriously put a tracker into the suit?"
Ned tilts his head, wondering what his friend is on about before his eyes fall onto the part of the protocol that causes his best friend to pull an unamused face. Peter was right. The information tells them there has to be a tracking device installed into the suit that would go off in case of an emergency or if Mr. Stark requests it. 
"Can you turn the tracker off?"
Ned turns in his chair, raising an eyebrow at the request. He was about to ask if Peter was sure, but when he caught the expression on his face, Ned nodded. He turns back around, fingers already moving, before he opens his mouth. 
"I'll override the code. No one bats an eye if it seems Mr. Stark changed the protocol, right?" He doesn't try to sound smug, but he felt kind of badass, overriding a code by Tony Stark. He wasn't sure how long the change would go unnoticed, but he could understand his friend feeling weird for wearing a tracker and no one telling him about it. Maybe it didn't justify his actions, but for Ned's conscience, the reasoning was good enough. 
"Ned, you are the best guy in a chair one can ask for. Thank you, seriously."
"Anything to help Peter Parker and Spiderman," Ned turns slightly to give a mock salute and hits enter, setting the changed protocol into place.
"Now we have to see where Spiderman is lurking around," he jokes.
Peter huffed a laugh and shoved Ned lightly on the shoulder as he watched his friend check if the code worked. 
"Spiderman doesn't lurk. He waits to step in when someone needs help." Peter doesn't sound mad, more amused than anything, as he corrects his friend.
"Waiting, lurking, isn't that all kinda the same thing?" asks Ned with a grin as they watch a map of Queens pulling up. 
"Would you look at that? According to the coordinates, Spiderman is lurking around at home."
"Stop with the lurking already," says Peter with a laugh before walking back to the bed, letting himself fall face-first into the mattress. Ned closes the protocol, checking extra if there are any traces left that someone had put their hands on Tony Stark's work before closing the file. His computer display turns into standby as he turns around, facing his friend, watching him burying his face into his pillow. Silence falls over the room. It got broken by a sigh, source the body plastered on the bed, but Ned caught the sound nonetheless. Something troubled Peter, and Ned was sure it had to do with the tracker in his Spiderman suit. 
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"There is nothing to talk about, Ned," comes a muffled answer. Ned rolls his eyes at the response, deciding to drop the topic. Knowing Peter's stubbornness, the other wouldn't talk about it even if Ned started bugging him. His friend would only get irritated, and Ned didn't want to make Peter feel worse.
Pursing his lips while watching Peter lying on his bed, Ned tried coming up with a plan to get his friend's mood up again. Maybe he was acting selfish, but Ned wasn't keen on holding a sleepover with a moping Peter, sulking on his bed the whole afternoon. This entire thing was supposed to be fun, dammit.
"Hey, do you mind if I take a closer look at the suit? You can stay lying down there."
"Sure. Do whatever you want."
Peter doesn't bother moving as the bed dips where his friends sit on the edge. 
"The colors and the fabric look expensive, dude. Not gonna lie, Captain America's outfit seems kinda tacky next to this thing."
A huffed laugh comes from where Peter had smushed his face into the pillow. Ned hears Peter muttering "tacky" under his breath, shoulders shaking in silent laughter before relaxing back into the bed. Ned breaks out into a grin, patting himself on the shoulder for getting Peter to laugh
"For real, the suit is incredible. How do you think the heater works, though?" 
Ned counts it as a win when Peter pulls up the effort to lift his head to answer.
"Not sure. I mean,- I have an idea, but I couldn't confirm it. I planned to ask Mr. Stark, but there was no time. Giving it a second thought, I bet he wouldn't bother explaining even if he had some minutes."
The last words come out dulled as Peter buries his face back into the pillow, even deeper than before
Ned sat there with eyebrows shot up in surprise. Peter had sounded so cheerful earlier, telling about his meeting with Mr. Stark. He wouldn't have guessed from his behavior that there was something else, something that had to do with Mr. Stark personally, that was bothering his friend.
"Well, if you know how it works, you have to tell me, got it?" Peter takes one of his arms and lifts it, showing Ned a thumbs up before going back to hugging the pillow. Taking Peter's willingness to respond, Ned continues thinking of topics that could pull his friend out of his bad mood. Getting him to talk was probably his best option.
"The fabric is quite thin. Does the heater work with that?" Ned was pretty sure that with a suit built by Tony Stark, there would be no issues, but he had to talk about something, and he was kind of running out of ideas. But Peter didn't seem to mind talking about the suit, so Ned goes with it.
"I had been patrolling for two hours before coming here. It had worked just fine."
"I wonder how the isolation operates. Do you think I could feel if you use the heater function if I touched the suit?"
"Maybe? I haven't thought about that. Wait a moment."
Peter lifts his head, glancing around before spotting his mask at the other end of the bed. "It should work like this too," he says, putting on the mask before taking it back off, having successfully activated the feature. 
"It starts heating up now," he informs Ned before flopping down again.
"Awesome. Do you mind-,"
"You've got permission to touch the suit, Ned." interrupts Peter the other with a chuckle. Ned grins, not needing to be told twice. At first, he only traced along the pattern, giving the suit time to warm up. He notices that Peter is lying completely relaxed next to him, reminding Ned of the cats at his aunt's place that grows sleepy whenever they lay down on the heater during the colder seasons. The comparison let his lip quirk up slightly.
He lightly presses his palm onto the middle of Peter's back, waiting to see if he can feel anything. To his surprise, he couldn't feel any warmth at all. With Peter's old suit, you could feel the body heat radiating through the fabric. Stark's suit, on the other hand, was substantially better isolated. Ned tried different places, laying his palm on Peter's calf, his lower back, and near his neck, but the suit felt the same. Not giving it a thought, Ned puts his hands against Peter's sides, but still the same result. The only difference is Peter's reaction. Ned feels muscles tensing under his fingertips, causing him to glance down. Peter's whole body had tensed up at the hands placed against his sides, just under his ribs. A knowing smile creeps onto Ned's face, and suddenly, he has the perfect plan to get Peter to stop moping like a four-year-old. Ned pulls his hands away, observing how Peter melts into the mattress again, before placing his hands onto Peter's ribs, which were unprotected since the latter was still clinging onto the pillow like a koala. Peter's body grows stiff as if frozen in place, only to twitch as Ned squeezes once, digging his fingers between his ribs. 
Ned grins at the tale-telling redness that crawls over his friend's neck up to the tips of his ears, matching the redness of his new suit. From the small part of Peter's face that is not pressing into his pillow in an attempt to hide, Ned can tell that Peter's face got colored in a bright blush, one whose origin didn't come from the digging of his fingers into Peter's ribs but from sheer embarrassment.
"Do you think it helps if I press down onto the suit?"
Peter nearly jumps out of his skin when Ned's hands suddenly are on his shoulders, staying near his neck. His eyes widen in surprise at the unexpected touch, wondering what was going on, when a pair of thumbs press down next to his shoulder blades. This time, Peter feels like jumping out of his skin. The movement of Ned's thumbs sent a shock through his whole body. He had never thought his back could be ticklish, but Ned's thumbs dug right into a spot that caused his body to tense up. 
"What got you so twitchy, Peter?" Ned presses down again, grinning as Peter continues to squirm.
"Nehed, stohohp it. It fehehels weird." Peter scrunches his shoulders up, trying to get rid of the finger that stays persistent on the mission to poke into his back. 
"It feels weird? Is the heater malfunction?" asks Ned, tilting his head in mock surprise even though Peter couldn't see him. "I can't feel anything, is it working?"
He presses down again, laughing lightly when Peters's whole body bucked at the ministration against his back. A surprised gasp escaped the teen, who was still trying to get away from the touch, but that turned out to be rather difficult, as Peter refused to let go of the pillow in his arms but also not willing to roll onto his back, knowing he would regret it.
"I dohohn't know. It juhuhust feels weihihird. AHh!" Ned grins and shakes his head at how stubborn Peter could be but plays along anyway. It was too much fun messing with Peter when he got determined like this. 
"Hmm. Maybe something is wrong with your back? You should get that checked out, man."
Peter catches his breath as Ned stops tormenting him, only to let out a rather loud squeak when a finger pokes right under his left shoulder blade. "That felt weird too? How about this?"
Ned begins to poke various places on Peter's back, lips curling upwards, whenever Peter jumps out of his skin he comes along another "weird feeling" spot. 
"I hate to say that, Peter, but you seem to have gotten a serious problem with your back. According to what you said, it feels weird all over." while speaking, Ned softly grabs Peter's sides just above his hips and begins digging his thumbs into Peter's lower back. The reaction came instantly. Peters's arms tense around the pillow as he presses his face even deeper into the fabric, giggles pouring out of him like water running out of a bucket with a hole. 
"Nehehehed, stohop, oh my goohohohd plehehehase."
"Oh, sorry, Peter. Did that feel weird, too?"
"It tihhihihickles!"
"What, it tickles? Does that mean it had tickled before, too? When I did this?" Ned poked the place between Peter's shoulder blades again, causing the latter to shriek and do a whole body twitch before breaking into another desperate giggle fit. 
"Why didn't you mention that at the beginning? I was genuinely worried about you here. But it turns out you are just ticklish," teased Ned before running his fingers lightly down Peters's back, causing the latter to try to avoid the touch by pressing himself deeper into the mattress, a maneuver that turns out to be completely useless. 
"You suhuhuhuhuck!"
"Is that your way of saying thank you for being concerned for your well-being? Maybe you should work on your way of showing gratitude. You know what? Let's work on that right now while we are at it. What do you think, Peter?"
Ned stood and climbed down from the bed as he was talking. He notices Peter lying on the bed, busy taking deep breaths with his ears still colored pink and facing the wall to hide from his friend. Ned rolls his eyes, amusement causing his lips to form a grin. Peter made it too easy for him. It takes not more than a squeeze of his side, and the teen rolls onto his back to avoid the tickling, playing right into Ned's hands. Quite literally. Ned's amusement only rises when Peter takes the pillow with him, holding it tightly over his face and avoiding looking at Ned at all costs, too embarrassed to show his face. If he had put the pillow down, he might have done something to hinder Ned from jumping onto him, causing Peter to groan at the sudden weight on him before he found himself pinned, but now with his back pressed into the bed. Ned glances down at his friend, who does not attempt to move, desperately holding onto the pillow like a lifeline.
"What?" comes the muffled question from under the pillow.
"It's kinda unpolite to not look at someone while talking to them."
"Well, sucks to be you, I guess."
Ned raises an eyebrow at that.
"I have been nice until now, you know. But now you are just asking for it."
He watches the arms tightening around the pillow, fingers burying into the fabric in silent anticipation. Ned shakes his head with a grin on his face. 
"Where should I start?" muses Ned as he voices his thoughts. His hand hovers over Peter's stomach, which lies entirely unprotected in front of him. He let out a hum, acting like he had to think fiercely, while lowering his hand, noticing how Peter's body started to stiffen, shaking under his fingers before they could even make contact with the suit. He looks up to see Peter's fingers digging even deeper into the pillow when he finally understands why Peter is reacting so strongly without needing to see what he is doing. Ned retracts his hand and lowers it next to Peter's sides, not touching but barely hovering over them. A twitch runs through the body under him as Ned's hands shoot back to his tummy but still not touching. A whimper mixed with panicked giggles broke from Peter's lips, and Ned couldn't help but laugh at the sound.
"I'm not even touching you, what's wrong? Don't tell me you can feel this with your spidey sense." Ned let his hand shoot forward again, halting his movement just before his fingers could dig in between the spaces of Peter's ribs. His action follows a muffled shriek and a whole body shudder, confirming his suspicion without needing a verbal answer.
"Oh my god, please just get over with it. This is so bahahad," comes the weak protest from under the pillow. Ned's grin grew even wider at that. 
"Now you are begging me to tickle you? That's unexpected but kinda adorable."
Without warning, Ned's hands go down, fingers digging into Peter's stomach. Peter's arms tighten the hold of the pillow, his grip tensing in an instant as he feels his friend's fingers moving all over his midriff, causing him to squeak, unable to hold it in and instantly breaking out into laughter. Ned didn't give him a chance to get familiar with any of the touches, switching places and testing his reactions, although years of knowing each other gave him all the knowledge of how to turn Peter into a laughing mess. The feeling of fingernails gliding over the suit that clings to his skin leaves a maddening tingly sensation in their trace, and Peter finds himself unable to stop the high-pitched giggles escaping him. He squirms under the ministrations on his middle, but Ned merely follows his movement, never letting up to knead, scribble, and squeeze away as he pleases. 
When the fingers wander downwards, staying right under his belly button, and the touch changes into teasingly light strokes that cause goosebumps running over his arms, Peter tries curling in on himself on instinct, legs hitting against Ned's back.
"Hey, no kicking allowed," with these words, Ned reaches out and tickles the back of Peter's knee, causing the latter to throw his legs back down with a squeal. 
"Ready to let go of the pillow, Peter?"
Ned lets out an overly dramatic sigh.
"Peter, you are making this not easier. I tried to refrain from taking such drastic matters against my best friend. But you leave me no other choice."
He shoves his hands under Peter's underarms, resulting in the teen's body buckling under the touch. Peter's arms shoot down to block Ned's fingers from moving, revealing his face. Ned glances down at the sight of his furiously blushing friend, hair a mess from all the moving around and laughter pouring out of him. 
"There he is. Now let go of my pillow. I'm afraid you are about to rip a hole in it."
Ned doesn't know how Peter manages to, but the laughing and squirming teen wore a guilty expression and let go of the pillow almost ruefully, causing it to fall onto the floor. 
"Thank you, Peter. Now it's gotten dirty."
Ned shakes his head, giving Peter a playfully stern look as he digs deeper into his underarms, wriggling his fingers in a way he knew Peter couldn't stand.
"Ahahahah, I'm sohohohorry!"
"Yeah yeah, of course you are. By the way, you should ask Mr. Stark if he can give the suit another run-over. Either you are very ticklish, or the suit doesn't offer as much protection as it should." Despite laughing his head off, Peter was quick to protest.
"The suhuhiht is just fihiHIHNE!"
To make a point, Ned went back to Peter's stomach, attacking it with kneading fingers. Peter gives a surprised shout at the sudden attack before pressing his head back into the bed, legs kicking out behind Ned as he loses himself into another high-pitched giggle fit. 
"So you're admitting that you are insanely ticklish?"
"Youhuhu are suhuhuhch an ahahass."
Ned shrugs his shoulders and grabs behind him, starting to squeeze the place just above Peter's right knee, sending ticklish shocks through Peter's leg, leaving him twitching under him. Deciding that he is done tormenting Peter's knee, Ned went back to paying attention to his upper body, poking at every place that Peter couldn't cover quickly enough. 
"I've been wondering, for someone skilled enough to singlehandedly beat up the Winter Solider and Falcon, you are not putting up much of a fight, man."
"I dohohohon't wahant to huhuhrt you!"
Peter regrets his words as soon as he catches a glimpse of the smug grin Ned is wearing while hovering over him.
"You don't want to hurt me?" Ned repeats, hands stilling their movement. He watches the teen under him calm down a little. A bit red around the face, Peter glances up at him while still about to catch his breath.
"You're kinda squishy, and I'm afraid I'm going to break your fingers, or something."
Peter realizes by the display of pure smugness taking over his best friend's face that he just dug his own grave and yeeted himself into it. Willingly.
"Are you telling me I can tickle you however I want, and you won't fight back because I'm, I quote, squishy? Cause that just now sounded like an open invitation to wreck you with tickles, and you not planning to do anything to stop it."
Before Peter can take back his words, Ned pins his arm above his head with one hand while the other hovers over Peter's stomach. Nervous anticipation takes over his whole body as his eyes pinned on the hand, ready to strike at any moment. The smirk Ned is wearing sends a shiver down his spine, and a nervous giggle slips out as Peter knows what is about to happen.
"Any last words, Parker?"
Peter swallows, his lips twitching into a nervous smile.
"Let me live?"
"Sir, according to the newly installed safety protocol, I must inform you of a significant rise in Mr. Parker's vital signs. The suits measured a fastly increasing heart rate."
Tony pinches the bridge of his nose, trying not to get irritated by what he just heard. 
"I told Parker to call if there is an emergency. Did he ask anyone for backup?"
"None of the Avengers have gotten a request for backup, Sir."
The man takes a sip of his stale coffee, rolling his eyes.
"Call the kid, Friday. And show me a display of his current vitals."
As Friday has stated, the kid's vitals are going wild in front of his eyes. Hate rate and oxygen level showed clear signs of Parker's body being highly stressed.
"Mr. Parker cannot answer your call, Sir."
Tony squints at the numbers shown in front of him. The kid couldn't be unconscious with those vitals. He should be very much awake by the amount of adrenaline pumping through his body, enhanced metabolism or not.
"Mr. Parker doesn't seem to be wearing his mask, Sir."
"Now that's surprising," Tony mutters under his breath as a frown takes over his face.
The kid has always been sensitive to his secret identity. Looking at Parker's stress level with the knowledge of him wearing the suit without his mask leaves Tony with more than one question about what kind of situation the spider-kid got into.
"Friday, track down his location."
"Tracking failed, Sir."
"Is the suit damaged?"
"No damage detected, Sir. Tracking is not possible through an override of the safety protocol."
"Why haven't I been informed about this?"
"The system states the code got overridden about four hours and thirty-six minutes ago by you, Sir."
Tony clicks his tongue, knowing full well that he hasn't been overriding anything as he had been in that annoying meeting. Maybe he underestimated the intelligence of the kid. 
"That little smartass. Friday, connect me with Spiderman's suit and activate the microphone. I want to be sure at least I won't have to scrape the kid's dead body off from a random alley."
"Understood, Sir. Presenting live audio of Mr. Parker's suit."
Tony didn't know what exactly he had been expecting. Gunshots? An explosion? Someone threatening to gut Spiderman and Parker snarking back while sounding like he was about to keel over? Maybe something like that. What Stark had not expected were the childlike and a tad panicked-sounding giggles filling up the lab. Knowing that Friday doesn't make mistakes and that this had to be the audio from Spiderman's suit, Tony couldn't help but stand in his lab, feeling a little flabbergasted.
"What am I listening to, Friday?"
"It appears Mr. Parker is laughing, Sir."
He rolls his eyes at the obvious answer, letting a hand run over his face, feeling too tired for whatever the heck this was.
"This is not an emergency, Friday."
"According to the protocol, you are to be informed about any medical anomalies or potential emergencies, Sir." Despite being slightly annoyed over the false alarm, an amused smile dances on his lips. Glancing at the vitals again, Friday had a point. The kid is currently under extreme stress. But not the kind he would have expected. 
"I swear I'm dying, Ned. Don't do it, seriously. Nehehed, pleahahase dohohon't. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna dihie- AHH NOHOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHOHOT THAHAHAT! STAHAP!"
Tony chuckles at the audio. Giving it a second thought, this does sound like a special kind of emergency the kid was dealing with. He catches himself smirking at the sound of a shriek followed by more pleading and hysterical laughter filling the lab, the owner of the voice none over than Peter Parker. He wasn't sure if he ever heard the kid laugh before. Maybe a sarcastic chuckle from Spiderman as he webs some gangsters upside down against a lamppost. But this now was a completely different story. It was the sound of the kid laughing carefree, entirely unguarded, and Tony caught himself slightly adored at the giggling, wondering how the kid must look while laughing his head off like that. 
"Maybe I should tell Mr. Stark about this?" teases Ned as he is about to go for Peter's ribs when he gets pushed back rather strongly.
"No! Ned, you cannot do that!"
He is taken aback by the panic in Peter's voice, glancing down at his wrists caught between his friend's hands. He realizes quickly that the hold made him immobile, the opposite display of strength Peter had shown just moments ago when he had been weakly batting his hands away.
"What? Do you think the Avengers will use it against you? Scared of getting tickled by your idols?" Ned jokes in a purposely light manner. He furrows his brows as he watches his friend worrying his bottom lip, avoiding eye contact with him, and it strikes Ned that there seems to be a more complex issue they need to discuss. He leans forward, head tilted slightly to the side as he tries to get a look at his best friend's face.
"Peter, what's wrong?"
"It's stupid."
Peter still avoids looking at him. His words are a murmur, barely audible.
"Come on, Peter. Not everyone has superhearing."
Ned patiently waits until Peter heaves out a small, shaky sigh.
"I said it's stupid, Ned."
"What about it is stupid? You being ticklish? There is nothing wrong-"
"They are going to think it's childish."
Peter answers a little louder than deemed necessary before he looks surprised by his outburst, eyes blown wide and instantly flooded with regret. He quickly mutters a breathy sorry, hands releasing the grip around Ned's wrists. Ned furrows his brows as he takes in the kicked-puppy look his friend is wearing.
"Did they ever tell you you are childish?"
Peter's eyes finally meet his, clearly taken back by the question. He stumbles over his words in an attempt to answer, the rambling giving away his nervousness.
"N-No, they didn't. But maybe they think I am." Peter runs a hand through his already messed-up curly locks, chocolate-colored eyes meeting Ned's before he continues.
"I'm not sure, Ned. Mr. Stark calls me kid sometimes, but it doesn't feel like he means it to sound condescending. But at the next moment, someone asks if I have done my homework yet or if I need help with school, and I don't know if they are serious or are just making fun of me for being a high schooler. What do I even answer? "Sure, Mr. Hawkeye, Sir, I could use some help with my history report. Do you think I should ask Captain America if he can explain how the times were before he got turned into a popsicle?"
Despite the seriousness of the situation, Ned couldn't help but snort at Peters's words. His reaction causes Peter's lip to twitch upwards just a teeny bit. At least the sass was still there.
"I would pay money to see you asking him that, just saying." Ned grins when Peter gives a little chuckle. His fingers play with the hem of the mask, running over the newly produced fabric before he glances up at his friend, back to carrying a sober expression.
"I'm afraid they won't take me seriously. A sixteen-year-old high schooler playing superhero, trying to act mature between all those adults. But then it turns out he can't stay serious when someone pokes him. How can I expect them to think of me as one of their partners when everyone knows Spiderman can't stand getting tickled? It just sounds dumb, and I feel dumb-"
"Wow, hold your horses, Mr. Parker."
Peter's eyebrows rise when Ned puts a hand over his mouth, successfully shutting him up. Ned feels conflicted. He had been aware that Peter doesn't tell if he's not feeling all too well right away. He knew about his friend habitually swallowing down whatever plagues his mind and bringing it up when he felt like he was just about to break and that this situation right now was one of those moments where he had to be here for him. 
"For someone so smart, you just said a lot of dumb stuff, man."
Ned's lips break into a little grin when Peter rolls his eyes at him and crosses his arms over his chest without attempting to push his hand away. He is willing to listen. 
"First of all, you aren't playing a superhero, Peter. You are one. Spiderman is a hero. No matter if he helps someone get home safely at four a.m. or if he fights alongside the Avengers to save the world from weird aliens who try to eat our brains." Ned can feel Peter's lips curling into an amused smile under his palm, feeling encouraged to continue. 
"Just between us, as much as I'm a fanboy of the Avengers, we both know Spiderman is the coolest hero." He is met with another round of eye-rolling and laughs it off. 
"Don't get silently sarcastic with me, dude. How can you not be a fan of Spiderman? Super-strength, enhanced senses, stick to walls, and has the best punchlines. It's hard to top that, even if you are called Iron Man. I think you are not giving yourself enough credit, to be honest. As you said, you are sixteen and a high schooler. Someone who has to go to school and do his homework. Someone who takes time for his aunt and friends and is always willing to help. Never mind if he's being Peter Parker or Spiderman. You are probably handling just as much, if not more, than the Avengers. You should be proud of yourself."
Sensing Peter wants to say something, Ned takes his hand away. Peter takes a deep breath, giving him a playful look.
"Thank you. I thought I was about to pass out." He chuckles as Ned shoves him against the shoulder with a grin. 
"It's not long since we worked together as a team, and I guess I'm just anxious about them thinking of Spiderman as weak." He is back to glancing at the mask in his hold, clenching it slightly in his fingers. Ned waits patiently for his friend to continue. Peter takes a deep breath. "I haven't told you this before, but I'm not hanging out with them after missions. We go debriefing, and I usually go patrolling or home. They invite me to go out or do something together, but that means I have to take off the suit, and I just-"
"You are afraid they won't take Spiderman seriously after getting to know Peter Parker," finishes Ned, his friend's sentence, who struggled after stumbling over his words. Peter shoots him a grateful look for having caught on, visibly having a hard time. 
"I trust them to have my back when we fight together, but them knowing about this," Peter stops to gesture vaguely at his own body, but Ned understood what his friend was trying to tell him, "I think I'm not comfortable with them knowing about it. Oh god, all of this is so silly. I'm overreacting, aren't I?"
Peter bends forward, elbows leaning on his knees as he buries his head in his hands with a groan, the tips of his ears dusted in a light red.
Ned gives him a thoughtful look.
"I doubt anyone in their right mind would call someone who catches driving vehicles with his bare hands and getting away without a scratch weak. But it might help if you look at it from a different perspective. It's not Spiderman who is ticklish. It's Peter Parker who is too intelligent and sassy for his own good. Spiderman won't mess up a mission because of this. If the Avengers think a sixteen-year-old beanpole like you is stupid or childish because he breaks into a giggle fit if someone squeezes his side, then they can straight up start calling themselves the world's mighties douchebags."
"Do you want me to relay that message to them the next time we meet?" asks Peter as he glances up at his friend, a grateful smile playing on his lips.
"Only if you want me dead."
"Nah, Spiderman needs his Guy in a chair too much to let him get kicked in the ass by the Avengers."
"Wow, I feel so loved," Ned rolls his eyes but wears a gin on his face, undermining the sarcasm.
Peter laughs at Ned's expression before he puts a hand on Ned's knee, catching his attention. He gives him a bright smile.
"Thank you, Ned."
Peter doesn't have to elaborate further for Ned to understand what he is getting at as a similar smile to Peter's appears on his face. 
"Don't sweat it, dude. That's what friends are for."
"Friday, turn the audio off."
"Of course, Sir."
Tony glances at the ceiling before downing the rest of his coffee. 
"Friday put together a list of bonding activities that won't bore the heck out of me but are interesting to a sixteen-year-old, that is too smart for his good. I want this done in twenty minutes."
"Certainly, Sir."
"We also need a "No Masks During Briefings- Protocol" .Wait, scratch that. I want a "No Masks-l In The Tower-Protocol". Show it to me before sending it to the rest of the team."
"Of course, Sir. Will this be all?"
Tony purses his lips.
"This is all, Friday. For now."
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fanficsandfluff · 2 years
Tickletober 2022 - Day 5: Punishment
A/N: Thank you to @softaneasy who requested this one. Truthfully, I do not ship Stony, nor do I like writing the character of Steve Rogers. And I was initially gonna turn this prompt down. But the writing angel/demon living inside me told me to go outside my comfort zone for this Tickletober. So here we are!
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark
Tony had been acting a bit too snarky at the team meetings nowadays. At first, the crew chalked it up to a bad hair day or waking up on the wrong side of the bed. But after it persisted for three or four meetings, it was clear there was something larger looming over the billionaire philanthropist.
Steve approached Tony after the fifth team meeting where he sent everyone off scoffing, particular Natasha this time. Normally unphased by Tony's words, this meeting's aim had been directed mostly at her.
"Hey," Steve stopped Tony from exiting and they were the only two left in the room, "Do I have to ask?"
"Maybe you do, cap. Be a little more specific."
"Why are you a raving asshole lately?"
The language took Tony by surprise and actually got a grin out of him, "Productivity has been well below average, trying to boost morale by tearing everyone down first, so they can eventually rise together to fight against the stigma. Isn't that was leadership is all about?"
"No, not at all, actually."
"Well, to each their own," Tony then attempted to walk out past Steve, but Captain America gripped onto Tony's shoulder after he passed him and got close enough to the door.
"Tony," Steve sighed, "I know there's more going on here. I'm willing to forgive it all if you just act a little nicer from here on out, hm?"
"We'll see, Rogers," Tony left the room this time, whistling to himself. Steve narrowed his eyes and watched him walk down the hallway, "I'll give you one more chance, Stark."
"And I'll be eagerly awaiting the consequences post said chance," Tony had spun around to deliver his parting remarks and walked backwards for a few paces before turning down a corner.
And another meeting came and went, no changes from Iron Man. This time his target was poor Bruce Banner. Steve bided his time as everyone left the room and even waited for Tony to leave, knowing he was headed for his lab. Tony tended to work on a routine nowadays, so it was easy to track him.
The sliding doors to the lab whooshed open for Steve after he made it downstairs.
"Office hours aren't until tomorrow, sport," Tony chided, readying a pair of goggles and gloves for the work he was about to set out on.
"Oh, I'll be quick. Here to follow up on a threat," Steve was approaching Tony by his work station.
"Threat?" Tony turned around and eyed Steve, "My Captain America doesn't threaten, he moreso saves and leads and throws his little dinner plate around. Oh! You mean about the--"
"Yeah, your punishment, let's call it," Steve was now sporting a grin. The silence between the two hung in the air a few beats too long, and it was long enough for Tony's own smug look to be wiped from his face.
"Wait--" was the only thing he could get out before Steve pinned him against his own work table, high enough for the edge of the table to be caught in the small of Tony's back.
"Jesus, cap, at least take me out to dinner fi-hirst," an unwanted giggle slipped its way out of Tony's lips when he felt thick fingers prodding into his ribs.
"Do you ever stop talking?" Steve asked Tony, wanting to sound exasperated but it mostly came out teasing, with a small smile still on his face. His fingers dug right in, not playing games. This was a punishment, after all, for Tony's constant being a dick to everyone.
Tony yelped and he wanted to shrink down to the floor but Steve's strength and superior girth kept Tony upright. He laughed against his will and it was loud laughter because god dammit Steve knew how to tickle.
"Fuhucking stop!" Tony begged, his hands tightening onto Steve's wrists but was unable to stop their path. Steve worked his hands down until the thumbs dug into the crevices of Tony's hips, mostly exposed due to his low-rise pants. Tony screamed and he did manage to collapse halfway, so Steve's hands had to stop tickling him there, thank god. But now Steve pulled one of Tony's arms up, easy enough since the billionaire hadn't let go of his wrist yet, and pinned that hand to the table.
"N-nno," Tony protested, "No, Rogers, don't. Don't do it."
"Don't do what? Get under here?" he fluttered the fingers of his free hand under Tony's arm, which was now wide open.
"SHIHIhiiiit! You bastard!" Tony growled, stomping his foot on the floor, "Lemme go! Let me go right now!"
"You're in no position to be making threats now, Stark," Steve smirked and he used all the force of his fingertips to dig in and around Tony's armpit, partially exposed to the elements because of the very short sleeve shirt Tony was wearing. Not quite a tank top, but tight enough to leave a space for skin-to-skin touches.
Tony laughed, throwing his head back as his other hand came up to try and ward off Steve's fingers. But he was laughing so hard his coordination was off.
"I'm gonna get you to apologize to everyone," Steve spoke about serious matters as if he wasn't literally tickling his friend and coworker to near death, "And you're not gonna take out whatever shit you got going on on the team."
"OkAY! OKAY!" Tony agreed immediately.
Steve rose a brow and he smirked, "I didn't think you'd cave that quickly. When am I supposed to deliver my big speech?" he pulled Tony until he was standing again and he now rested both his hands on either side of Tony's stomach.
"Plehehease no," Tony giggled and it was almost cute. Hands were at Steve's wrists once more, waiting for the inevitable.
"I have to. This isn't a real punishment if I don't get the worst spot on you," Steve smiled once more, a bigger, brighter one this time. And both hands wreaked havoc on Tony's belly. One hand vibrated its claw shape right in the middle and the other slipped under said tight shirt that had already risen up and was scratching at the tender skin across Tony's waistband.
Now Tony really did scream. His laughter rung out loud and clear and his arms couldn't do a thing. He tried hunching forward, falling to the floor, considered head-butting Steve for a hot second there, but nothing came to fruition. Tony laughed so hard he snorted as Steve's fingers finally lifted off his very ticklish torso.
"Gohohod," Tony snorted again and he hated it, "You're even more of an asshole than me, old man," he was breathing heavily, wiping sweat from his brow. He watched as Steve was walking out of his lab.
"Maybe you just needed a little lightening of your spirits," Steve said in return and before he got in the elevator to go back upstairs, he added, "I hope you've learned your lesson."
Tony gave Steve a thumbs up followed by a very pronounced middle finger. Steve laughed as the elevator doors closed and Tony huffed out a chuckle. Maybe he did need that. Hm, tickle punishment works. Who knew?
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omg I loved the IronFam fic thank u <3 could u maybe write some hcs for the 4 of them? just Tony, harley, Peter and Morgan. ofc Tony is the ultimate ler but I also feel like as the oldest child harley takes on ler role as well ..
IronFam Tickle Headcannons
Oo! Okay 😁 I technically have done Peter 1 already in my Spideyboys headcannons , but I'll do the other 3 in the IronFam :) ❤️ (Look here for IronFam tickles Y/N :))
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This man is the ultimate dad Ler :)
He wasn't too physically affectionate before he met Harley and he became even more so after he met Peter.
The two boys and Morgan bring out the more affectionate side of him.
Sometimes, just to mess with them, he'll deliberately poke or squeeze one of their sides as he passes by.
But when a tickle chase occurs . . . you better hope you can get far!
Tony is persistent.
And he is notorious for using his facial hair as a weapon!
"I have it, might as well use it."
He his also notorious for teasing challenges to fluster whomever he is tickling.
"Come on, you can hold your arms up longer than that."
"Think you could stay a little more still? All your wiggling is making it hard to tickle you."
"Come on, you can give me more giggles than that?" *digs in and gets a squeal* "See? I told you."
He's gentle with all his tickles, but more so with Morgan because she's the littlest.
And he's alllll about hugs and cups of water during after care.
Out of all the members of the IronFam, he's the Lee the least amount of times.
He's a revenge tickler so he'll get people back if they try.
But sometimes, he'll let his kiddos defeat him with tickles :) ❤️
Sometimes he'll let Morgan tickle him while they're playing.
And sometimes Harely and Peter will be able to sneak up on him.
His sides are easy targets since he's usually working on something.
Just like he gives side squeezes, he gets side squeezes.
When he gets attacked, he bends in half or to the side rather than squirms.
And he wheezes when his worst spots get tickled.
When he gets attacked, he has a tendency to curse . . .
But he tries not to in front of Morgan cause she'll repeat them 😁
Favorite spot(s): Sides (surprise!)
Worst spot(s): Hips, belly button, thighs
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Just like Tony, Harley is the Ler the most out of the three kids.
He has a tendency to give more aggressive tickles like squeezes, raspberries, etc.
But when he reaaaally wants to get the Lee (like if Peter pranks him) he is systematically slow with dragging fingers and the singular finger poking into random spots.
He loves tickling Morgan because she's adorable . . .
But he loves getting Peter because he thinks it's hilarious.
"You're supposed to protect New York but you can't even protect your self from tickles."
And he'll never admit it, but after hearing all of the crap the kid has been through . . . He's glad to see him smile.
He's the type of Ler to hide around the corners to spook the Lee when he attacks them.
He's also an aggressive affectionate type person.
So like hair ruffles, noogies, playful shoving, aggressively shoving a blanket into his siblings arms.
If you need to wear out a Lee, he's the best person to do so.
But when no one's looking (like if they're asleep), he'll make sure the blanket is tucked over their shoulders "just so they don't freeze" :) ❤️
He attacks Peter quite a bit, but surprisingly, the younger boy is horrible at getting him back.
Peter didn't even realize he was ticklish until Tony tickled him.
Now he tickles him back all the time.
Harely does like getting tickled but he's getting used to admitting he likes it ❤️
So Peter makes it his mission to make him admit he likes it when he tickles him . . .
And Harley both despises and loves him for it :)
Be warned when Harley gets tickled, cause he's a kicker 😁
Unless his legs are pinned, you run the risk of being nailed by a foot.
Favorite spot(s): Sides and feet
Worst spot(s): Feet around the heels, calves, and knees
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Out of all of the kids, she gets to be the Ler the least amount of times ❤️
However, she's very sensitive to others and can tell when they're having a bad day.
When she knows they're having a bad day, she'll go cuddle next to them and ask them if she can tickle them.
And when she tries to tease, it's the most adorable thing ever! ❤️
"Ah gootchie gootchie goo! I got you Petey/Harley!"
She's also the queen of rubbing her nose into someone's cheek to make them smile even more :)
However, since she's the littlest, she often teams up with someone.
They'll hold the Lee while she tickles them.
And when she's done, she'll tackle the Lee in a hug and tell them she loves them.
As the baby of the IronFam, she gets tickled quite a bit ❤️
Little side scribbles when she's cuddling with her older brothers.
Ticklish kisses with fun tosses when she gets picked up from school.
Tickle chases around the living room before bed.
But she really doesn't mind at all :)
It makes her happy to share those memories with her family ❤️
She's also a big squirmer when tickled :)
Little does she realize, squirming just reveals more tickle spots 😁
Favorite spot(s): tummy and neck
Worst spot(s): hips, ribs, feet under her toes
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fickle-tiction · 2 years
another random tickletober fic, and a serious throw back.
"Anthony Edward Stark!" The words rang out through all the speakers in the tower. "You are dead." Years of experience was the only thing that stopped the soldering iron from slipping through Tony's suddenly limp grip.
"What did you do?" It spoke volumes about the team's dynamic that Bruce looked amused by Natasha's death threat, seemingly unconcerned for his best friend's well-being.
"I don't know." Tony carefully sat the soldering iron on it's stand so he could lean back in his chair and ponder why Natasha wanted to kill him this time. 
If it were anyone else threatening him he would have Jarvis put the lab in lockdown mode, but he knew from past experience that that would just piss Natasha off and she’d bust in through the vents anyway. It was best to just wait for her to come looking for him and ask what why she was out for his blood. For once he felt his chances were high that he would make it out of this encounter alive, since he had no idea why she had it out for him. 
“He’s lucky I noticed before I got dressed.” Natasha was seething as she filled a laundry basket with the content of her underwear drawer. She was wearing gloves and taking care not to let any of the itching powder spill on the floor.
“Are you sure it was Tony?” Contrary to popular belief, Steve Rogers was no blushing virgin and could stand to be in the same room as one of his best friends while she ranted and disposed of her underwear.
“Who else would be stupid enough to do this?” 
“Clint?” It was the obvious answer in Steve’s opinion. 
Natasha mulled it over on the short walk to the washing machine. “Fine.” She decided, dumping her basket of tainted clothes into the washer. “You deal with your idiot, I’ll deal with mine.”
Steve didn’t even bother protesting that Tony was not his to deal with, knowing it would just fall on deaf ears.
“And Steve...make him regret it, or I’ll kill you both.”
Steve was pleasantly surprised when the doors to the lab opened for him on the first try; he thought he would have to sweet-talk Tony and/or Jarvis into granting him entry. Tony and Bruce were both working at their respective stations, seemingly unconcerned for the death threats a literal assassin was making over the intercoms. 
“Capsicle, what brings you down to our humble abode?” Tony was just finishing up on the section of gauntlet he was soldering. With one final hiss of melting metal he set the soldering iron down on it’s stand and pulled the protective glasses off his face. 
“He’s probably here to protect you from Nat.” Bruce snickered, eyes never leaving his computer--that is, until Tony goosed his sides and made him jump about a foot in the air. He whirled around, hands in front of himself to fend off any future attacks. “I hope she puts bleach in your shampoo.” 
“Actually,” Steve loudly interrupted before the two so-called Science Bros could get into it. “I’m here on Nat’s behalf.” The wiped the smile off Tony’s face, and put a real smug smile onto Bruce’s. “Bruce, if you’ll excuse us.”
“Oh, it would be my pleasure.”
“Bruce, no! What happened to Science Bros before hoes.”
“I’ll be sure to tell Tasha you said that.” Bruce smirked as he tidied up the papers scattered on his desk before making his way to the exit.
“Are you actually trying to get me killed?!” Tony made to follow Bruce out, hoping he could casually slip out before Steve realized what he was doing. He forgets sometimes that Steve is a tactician and was stopped by a large hand clamping down on his shoulder before he even made it two steps. “For the record, Steve is the hoe in that sentence.”
“Tony, quit while you’re ahead.” Bruce advised. “Try not to do any permanent damage. I have grown rather fond of him.”
“Gee, thanks.” Tony muttered as the doors slid shut. “So, what exactly are you going to do to me?” He knew Steve wouldn’t actually hurt him, but if Natasha sent him then he knew he wasn’t going to like whatever was about to happen. “Wait, better question. What does Tasha think I did to her?”
“She thinks you put itching powder in her pan---er--underwear drawer.”
Normally Tony would be delighted that Captain America nearly said the word panties, but he was too busy being horrified by that information. “I did not!” God, the retaliation for that would be brutal, and rightfully so. 
“Really?” Steve’s face gave nothing away.
“Yes, really. Are you crazy!? I don’t actually have a death wish Cap.” Not anymore, anyway. “Barton’s the only one crazy enough to pull something like that.” Seriously, why wasn’t he Natasha’s first suspect. Although, maybe he was and that’s why she sent Steve here.  “You have to tell her that wasn’t me, before she actually kills me.”
“Alright, I believe you.” Steve waited a beat, letting the relief sink in before dropping another bomb on Tony. “But I’m still under strict instructions to make you regret it.” Anyone that truly knew Steve knew that smile never meant anything good. He could be a terror when he was in the right mood.
“But I didn’t do anything!” Tony squawked while stepping out of Steve’s immediate reach. “Wait, what did you plan on doing?” He asked warily, eyes going to Steve’s thankfully empty hands. He wouldn’t put it past Natasha to retaliate in kind if she thought he put itching powder into her underwear, but he didn’t think Steve could be that cruel.
“Funny you ask that.” Tony didn’t find it funny at all as Steve slowly advanced on him with an impish smile. “If you really did do it, I was going to bring you to Tasha and let her have her way with you, which would serve you right.” Tony agreed that it’d be a fair punishment, and he was thanking all the Gods he could think of that he didn’t do it. “But I wasn’t sure what I was going to do to you if you didn’t do it--”
“How about nothing, since I’m innocent.”
“And face Tasha’s wrath when she found out?” Steve asked, eyebrows raised. “But then you actually gave me a great idea for your punishment.”
“Well, I do have the best ideas.” Tony couldn’t keep his mouth shut even when he was nervous and actively backing away from his doom.
“Let me ask you something Tony.” Tony’s knees bumped into the back of the couch and he cursed himself for not looking where he was going. “Are you ticklish?”
Tony froze, eyes going wide and mouth going dry. That was all the conformation Steve needed before he was tackling Tony onto the couch.
“Steve, wait!” Tony yelped, struggling against the Supersoldier straddling his waist that was hellbent on pinning his arms down. “Let’s talk about this!” He pleaded, cursing when Steve gathered both of wrists in one hand and pinned them above his head.
“Oh, I’d love to.” Steve’s smile was all dimples and sunshine as he brought his free hand down to hover over Tony’s stomach. “Let’s talk about where you’re most ticklish. Is it here?” He asked, wiggling his fingers over Tony’s ribcage. His reaction was immediate, head thrown back as laughter started pouring out of him. Steve had been expecting him to put up a front, act like it didn’t bother him, but he broke immediately. “Or maybe here?” He walked his fingers up to Tony’s exposed armpit and squirmed them into the concave. 
Tony shook his head back and forth, frenzied laughter pouring out his mouth as Steve switched between his underarms at random. “nonononono” He laughed, feet drumming on the arm of the couch as he tried in vein to yank his arms down.
“No?” Steve asked, teasing the muscle just below the armpit and causing Tony’s laughter to kick up a notch. “That’s not where you’re most ticklish? Then where?”
“Fu-huhuhuhuhu-uck you Rogers.”
“Buy me dinner first.” Tony was probably furious that he couldn’t stop laughing long enough to comment on Steve making sexual jokes, which was part of the reason why he did it. “You know, if you’re not going to tell me then I’m just going to have to try everywhere.”
Tony didn’t answer, and Steve took that as permission to try some more spots. ”Here?” He asked, dancing his fingers over Tony’s stomach. Tony’s body jerked forward, and if Steve wasn’t straddling him he probably would have curled into a ball to protect himself. “Ladies and Gentleman, I think we have a winner.”
“Oh my God.” Tony cackled, trying to twitch away from the wandering fingers. “Shut ahaha up!”
“Language!” Steve mock-gasped. “I think that deserves two hands.”
“No!” Tony yelped, his now free hands coming down to latch onto Steve’s wrists as he attacked his stomach with vigor.  “Steheheheheve!” He giggled, trying in vein to push the Super soldier away. 
“Are you sorry for putting itching powder in Tasha’s underwear drawer?”
“I di-hihihihihihi-dn’t!” Tony insisted, squealing when Steve attacked his neck with gently fluttering fingers. “I di-hihihihihihihihi-dn’t do anyth-hihihihihi-ng!” 
“I know that,” Steve was now tickling spots at random, causing Tony to jump each time a new area was targeted. “And you know that, but Tasha wants revenge so she’s getting revenge.”
“How is--steheheheheheve--ohmygod--hahaha” Steve eased up to let Tony speak. “She’s not even getting revenge!” He pointed out, white knuckled grip useless as Steve poked and prodded his torso at random.
“You really are a genius, aren’t you.” Steve was having way too much fun with this. “Jarvis, send Natasha down here please.”
“Steve!” Tony shrieked, trying to scramble out from under him with renewed effort, but to the same affect.
“I’m already here, you doofus.” 
Steve stopped tickling Tony to look over at the redhead that neither of them noticed enter the lab. Tony groaned and dropped his head back onto the couch cushions, his face blushing a bright red color. Natasha was never going to let him live this down. Oh God, Natasha was here. She was going to kill him.
“I didn’t do it!” Tony insisted, hands hovering as though to protect himself. “I swear!”
“I know.” Natasha was smiling, and that was even scarier than if she looked mad. “I had Jarvis show me the footage. Clint’s been dealt with.” Tony and Steve both winced at the implications of that. “I just wanted to see what Steve would do when I told him to deal with you. Interesting take, Captain.”
“I..” Steve realized he was still straddling Tony and now it was his turn to blush as he scrambled to get off. “I didn’t want to actually hurt him.”
“No, you just bruised my ego.” Tony’s dramatic sigh turn into a startled laugh when Steve reach down and tickled his stomach quickly.
“Your lucky it wasn’t Tony, or I’d be forced to punish you for flirting with the enemy.”
“I wasn’t flirting.” Steve replied much too quickly, ears and neck bright red. He missed the momentary disappointed look on Tony’s face.
“Right. And Tony just lets anyone tickle the crap out of him without asking for them to stop.” Tony sat up at that, face impossible to read as he studiously avoided Steve’s gaze. “Tony, he’s really ticklish on his knees and neck.” Steve looked indignant, but Tony looked like Christmas had come early. “Steve, I’ve tried tickling Tony before and he had no reaction at all.” And now he was back to blushing furiously. “Do with that information what you will.” With those last parting words, Natasha turned and left the lab.
“So,” Tony sidled up next to Steve. “Your neck, huh?” 
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