#irondad tickle prompt
mystey-here · 7 months
if anyone would like to write an irondad tickle cheer up fic where peter (somehow) managed to fail his math class because of everything that he has going on and he’s feeling really terrible able himself for it and tony cheers him up (obviously including tickles) and just very wholesome fluffy sweet that’d be nice because it is i how had failed their math class and i am very distraught about it
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hello! this is an IronDad prompt if ur interested. Peter and Tony are having their annual movie night except when it gets late Peter doesn't want to sleep. Peter is crawling on the ceiling and doing parkour across the furniture, being super hyper and won't stop moving. so Tony eventually chases Peter around and ends up tickling him to tire him out. could end with Tony carrying the kid to bed.
Bedtime Tricks
Summary: See prompt above ❤️
(Ahh! I love this! ❤️ This made me feel so soft and fluffy! Thank you so much Anoooon! ❤️ Enjoy!)
"Peter, get down!" Tony glared up at the teen crawling across his ceiling. "I don't want to explain to your Aunt May that you got a broken arm by parkouring upside down like a maniac."
The energetic teen whined. "No! You'll make me go to bed!"
"Pete, it's literally one o'clock in the morning."
"It's early!"
"Half the tower is asleep already. Even Bruce, and he's the worst night owl."
Peter turned. "You're one to talk."
There was a brief pause where Tony debated if it would be illegal to strangle the kid with his Iron Man suit. Or atleast yank him down so he wouldn't have to go up there.
Instead, the older mentor stared down his young mentee. "Pete, get down now."
"Please Mr. Stark? Just one more movie before bed?"
Tony shook his head. "We don't negotiate with terrorists."
"Just ex-assassians and super soldiers."
"Atleast they're adult enough to go to bed at a reasonable hour."
"But that's what makes me so awesome. I keep you young by keeping you up late."
While he didn't hate the kid, Tony did want to grab him by the shoulders and give him a couple of good shakes to clear the cobwebs. "Peter, you get one more chance to come down."
With a smirk, the young teen actually jumped down to the floor. "Okay."
Tony let out a breath. "Thank you. Now we can---."
A moment later, Peter was back up on the ceiling.
"Peter Parker!" Tony scolded. "I told you to get down."
"Ihi did!" Peter dropped from the ceiling onto the floor again. "Sehee?"
"Then why did you---?"
The young teen jumped back onto the ceiling once again.
Meanwhile, Tony rubbed his temples. "Get down and stay down."
"Ohh! That's whahat yohou meant," Peter dropped once again down to the floor.
"Yes, that's what I---Forget it, are you going to bed willingly or do I have to---."
Tony swore he blinked and the kid was now back up on the ceiling.
"Peter Benjamin Parker!"
Peter giggled down at the man. "Yohou look eheven shorteher from uhup hehere."
Tony took a deep breath. "Come down from the ceiling and go to bed or you're going to get it."
"Gehet what? Aha grohounding?"
"Peter, get down."
The young teen grinned. "Noho."
Tony felt something inside of him snap. "That's it!"
With the flex of his hand, Tony summoned the gloves of his supersuit into the room and up to the ceiling.
Peter squeaked and tried to scurry away, but he was too slow. One of the gloves snagged the collar of his shirt before he was pulled away from the ceiling. "Nononono!"
The gloves dangled the teen in front of a glaring mentor. "Bed time."
"But I'm not even tired!"
"Okay, what do I need to do to get you to sleep?"
A smile beamed across Peter's face. "Hide and Seek?"
Tony was surprised. He thought the kid would try another movie bargain again or maybe ice cream before bed. Instead, he just wanted a game. Granted, the amount of candy wrappers did indicate a sugar high . . . maybe a few good laps would wear him out enough to actually go to sleep.
In fact, Tony had an even better idea.
He lowered his young mentee to the floor with a smirk. "Alright, here's the deal. We'll play Hide and Seek, but I have a couple rules."
The young teen whined.
Tony held up a hand. "Before you judge, just listen. Rule number one, you have to stay on this floor. There's plenty of places to hide already and I don't want to go all over this place to find you."
Peter nodded.
"Rule number two, I'm the permanent seeker."
"You're younger and smaller so you can fit in more places. Plus this was your suggestion so you should do most of the leg work."
"Rule number three, and this one's most important, when I find you---."
"If you find me."
"Ah ah ah, shush. When I find you, I get to tickle you."
The young teen's eyes widened. "Huh?"
"You heard me."
"Why tickling!"
"Cause you love it."
Peter blushed. "No!"
Tony smirked. "Can't lie to me Pete."
"W-well . . . You still have to find me first!"
"Oh I plan to." The older mentor covered his eyes. "You've got ten seconds. One, two . . ."
Peter squealed and scurried away to find a hiding spot. He was going to pick the best spot to win this.
Meanwhile, Tony rolled his eyes as he continued counting. The things this kid put him through, but he was glad to do them. When he reached ten, he uncovered his eyes. "Ready or not, here I come."
As Tony searched, he had to admit the kid chose a good hiding spot. He couldn't find him in the living room, the kitchen, or the guest room. He was tempted to check his room when a stray giggle caught his attention.
The older man stopped to look at a nearby coat closet. Sure enough, a few more giggles slipped out.
Tony smirked as he made his way over to the closet. He heard the giggles inside try to quiet down, but it was too late. The older mentor threw open the door and his mentee tried to scurry between his legs.
"Gotcha!" Tony exclaimed as he grabbed the teen's foot and yanked him back.
"Eek! Wahait!"
Tony pinned his mentee's legs. "Too late."
Before Peter could respond, Tony dug into his sides.
"Ah! Tohonyhy!"
"At leheast yohou've gotten past your Mr. Stark eheraha." The older man's hands crawled up to the teen's ribs. "I should tickle you more often."
Peter blushed bright red at the idea. He was still adjusting to the idea that Mr. Stark knew he liked tickling and that he was willing to tickle him whenever. May did it and occasionally Ned, but he hadn't had a father figure willing to do tickle him since Uncle Ben had passed so it was still a bit of an adjustment.
But he had to admit, it was also kind of fun. Atleast until Mr. Stark reached his ribs.
"Aww, is someone's ribs ticklish? Are this ribbies just too tickly?"
Tony finally let him go. "Ahalright, you gotta get more creative with thohose spots if you want toho trick me."
"On it."
The determined look on the young teen's face told Tony he was in for a challenge. "Go for it."
The older mentor returned to the living room and recounted as his mentee scurried off to a new place. When he went to search this time, Tony did struggle to pin point the kid's hiding spot at first. It took a bit of squinting to find one singular set of toes peeking out from under the guest room curtains.
A chuckle escaped Tony's mouth as he moved toward the curtain. To his credit, Peter stayed fairly quiet during this round. He only let out a few quiet giggles as his mentor stepped toward him.
With a quick yank of the curtain, Tony revealed the giggling teen. "Ah-ha!"
Once again, Peter squealed and bolted.
Tony tried to grab him, but the giggling teen slipped past him. "Hey! You're breaking rule number three!"
"Yohou nehever made aha ruhule fohor runnihing!"
Tony ran after him. "You and your loopholes!"
"Juhust dohont mahake thehem!"
Tony growled. "Get back here!"
With his mentor hot on his heels, Peter kept up the chase throughout the different rooms on the floor. He felt victorious out smarting the great Tony Stark! Atleast, he did until he tripped turning the corner.
This allowed Tony the chance he needed to pin the kid to the ground. "Got ya!"
"Wahait! No! Ihi trihipphed!"
"You never made a rule for tripping," Tony replied as he pinned the teen face first on the ground so he could tickle his back.
Peter squeaked. "Yohou made thehe ruhules!"
"Aww, does someone have a ticklish back too?" Tony spidered around his shoulder blades. "Poor kiddo."
"Ihi dohon't wahant yohour sympahathyhy ohold mahahan!"
A smirk crept across the older man's face. "Oh you don't? That's fine with me."
A moment later, Tony leaned forward to blow a raspberry into the nape of Peter's neck.
"NAAAAH!" Peter snorted. "TONY!"
"Wow, thahat was a new sound."
The teen turned to pout at his mentor. "Yohou're mehean."
"Aww. What's wrong kiddo?" Tony ruffled his hair. "Did I put the berries in the wrong spot?"
The teen's eyes bugged out. He immediately squirmed until he was able to wriggle out of Tony's hold. "Catch mehe fihirst!"
Tony grinned as he hurried to his feet. "You're on!"
Peter was a mess of giggles as he ran through the different rooms. This brought back memories of when he was a kid. He could remember the countless times his Aunt and Uncle had chased him around their apartment or Ned had tackled him to the living room floor when he slept over. Now he got to have the experience with Tony.
He just wished the pounding footsteps didn't make him so nervous and excited.
To give him some distance, Peter hurried back into the living room.
And Tony came stomping in. "Fe! Fi! Fo! Fum! I'm going to tickle you little one!"
Peter held out his hand. "Stahay ohover there!"
Tony hurried forward. "But you're over there!"
The young teen moved to the other side of the couch. "Cause Ihim stahaying away frohom yohou!"
Tony shrugged. "Could have accomplished the same thing by going to bed. Yet here we are."
Then before the teen could retort, Tony jumped on to the couch to pull him over. Once he had his mentee on the couch, Tony repinned him. "Now to give you some proper berries."
Peter wrapped his arms around his stomach as nervous giggles bubbled out. "Y-you don't h-hahave tohoo!"
Tony pushed his arms and shirt up. "But I will."
Peter became a cackling mess as Tony blew raspberries into his tummy. He couldn't grab onto his mentor's hair either because Tony had wrapped a hand around his arms so he could hold them in place.
"EEEEEK!" Peter snorted again. "Yohour beHEEEEARD!"
The older man stroked his gotee. "Ticklish?"
"Noho fahahair! You hahave aha weapohon!"
"Don't be jealous kiddo." Tony pinched the teen's cheek. "You'll get your own when you grow up."
Peter playfully bit at Tony's hands.
"Ah! Now I have to use my weapon."
The older man's head returned to blowing the raspberries on Peter's stomach.
Tony chuckled which sent goosebumps flaring across the teen's tummy. To add to the ticklishness, Tony intentionally rubbed his beard across the teen's tummy just to make it extra tickly.
"Ihi know, thank you."
With his stomach free from the raspberries, Peter took the opportunity to stick his tongue out at Mr. Stark.
"Carefuhul, wouldn't want it to get stuck like that."
The young teen whined.
"Look, let's do one more round." Tony unpinned the kid. "If I find you in under two minutes, I get to pick the next tickle spot. If you manage to stay hidden for longer than two minutes, you get to pick the next tickle a pot. Sound good?"
Peter nodded. "You're ohon!"
Tony let the teen go before he covered his eyes again. When he opened them, he caught sight of a foot disappearing behind the couch. The older man smirked, but decided to play along. "JARVIS, set a timer for two minutes."
"Timer is set."
Tony stood and started toward the hallway. "Where are you kiddo?"
The older mentor could still hear the stifled giggles from behind the couch as he moved around. He slowly checked behind a nearby chair, under the coffee table, and deliberately passed by the couch to check the other side of the living room.
When he knew the timer was nearing the end, he made his way to the couch. "Come out, come out wherever you are."
The stifled giggles grew even more as he leaned against the couch. Then he popped his head over. "Hello."
"Ahh!" Peter jumped back.
"Timer has ended."
The young teen groaned. "No fair! I was so close!"
"Welp, rules are rules."
Peter squealed as he was pulled over the back of the couch. "Wahait!"
"No can do." Tony wrapped him in a hug. "Too busy getting your neck."
The older man nuzzled his face into his mentee's neck.
"Ihi get toho choose kiddo." Tony rubbed his beard across his neck. "And I'm going to use my secret weapon."
As Tony continued his attack, Peter dissolved into snorts, cackles, and squeals. He looked so much younger and even more precious. When the young teen seemed adequately out of breath, Tony stopped the tickles and just held him close. "Dihid yohou have fun kiddo?"
"Yeheah Dahad."
Both parties tensed as the word settled over them.
"I---I'm so T-Mr. Stark . . . I didn't---I mean I didn't---."
As Peter floundered for his words, Tony felt his heart melt. He pulled the young teen as close as he could before squeezing him tight. "You're welcome son."
Peter buried his face into Tony's chest as he wrapped his arms around him. It was one of the best hugs he had had in a while. "Thank you."
"Anytime kiddo." Tony ran his fingers through the teen's curls. "Anytime."
As Tony kept up the gentle touch, Peter slowly relaxed into his hold. The once hyper teen was now replaced with a snuggly kid who was slowly drifting off to sleep.
Tony chuckled as his kid. "Guess it dihid help you goho to sleep."
Peter didn't respond. His eyes were shut and his breathing slowly evened out.
Ever so carefully, Tony stood with the sleeping teen in his arms. He walked down the hall to the guest room where he carefully tucked his kid in for the night. "Night kid. Don't let the bed bugs bite."
Peter snuffed in response as he curled under the covers. "Love you."
Tony grinned. "Love you too son. See ya in the morning."
The older mentor quietly headed out of the room and clicked off the lights.
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
TickleTober 2022 Fic List!
Here's my TickleTober2022 Prompt List
This list will be updated as I finish fics :D
Day 1. Stuck (Moon knight) - Marc's caught between a rock and a hard place, and Leyla is less than helpful.
Day 2. Scary Stories (Avengers + Peter - prompt) - Peter's a little scared by ghost stories. Sam knows exactly what to do.
Day 3. Experiment (HeartStopper - prompt) - Nick discovers Charlie's ticklish hips and has to experiment.
Day 4. Corn maze (Stucky) - Steve realises just how scary a corn maze is when Bucky's chasing him through it.
Day 5. Sweet (HeartStopper - prompt) - Charlie's attempts to steal Nick's baking ingredients goes adorably wrong.
Day 6. Costumes (Tony and Peter / IronDad) - Peter finds an old photo album, Tony is determined to see it.
Day 7. Footsteps (Thor and Loki / Brodinsons - reader) - You've messed with the wrong Gods.
Day 8. Haunted House (Peter and Steve and Bucky) - Peter gets spooked at a haunted house, but not exactly as planned.
Day 9. Torture (Klaus and Elijah (The Originals) - reader) - Elijah swore he wouldn’t hurt you, but he needs a way to extract what you know. 
Day 10. Drive-in scary movie (Moonknight) - Steven's in a mood, and Marc helps him get what he wants from Leyla.
Day 11. Revenge (Heartstopper - prompt) - Nick always loses at Mario Kart, Charlie's getting a bit too big for his boots.
Day 12. Monster (Stucky) - Steve is feeling insecure since transforming into Captain America. Bucky cheers him up.
Day 13. Scream (Moon Knight) - Marc never screams. At least until Layla tells Steven his biggest weakness.
Day 14. Zombie (Torchwood) - The boys play 'Zombie', and Ianto wants to make the game a little more fun.
Day 15. Angel (Dean and Cas (Supernatural) - prompt) - Dean finds out Cas's wings are HYPER ticklish
Day 16. Devil/Demon (Lucifer - reader) - Lucifer gives you a massage, and discovers what you've been hiding.
Day 17. Nightmare (Moon Knight) - Marc has a nightmare, and Steven is there to help cheer him up.
Day 18. Spiders (Heartstopper - prompt) - Charlie finds the first spider he can't handle.
Day 19. Killer Clown (Supernatural) - Sam hates clowns, so Dean steps in.
Day 20. Ghost (Umbrella Academy) - Dave visits Klaus just to see him smile
Day 21. Sneak Attack (Spider Bros (Peters 1-3)) - Peter 1 loves jump scaring his brothers, even more when they get him back.
Day 22. Pumpkin Carving (Heartstopper - prompt) - A food fight turns tickly.
Day 23. Games (Avengers) - Spooky games devolve into chaos
Day 24. Chains (Science Bros (Tony Stark and Bruce Banner)) - After hulking out, Bruce needs Tony's assurance
Day 25. Magic (Avengers - reader) - The Avengers help with your imposter syndrome
Day 26. Claws (Avengers - reader) - Charades opens up a teasy opportunity.
Day 27. Trap (HeartStopper - prompt) - The gang shows Nick how ticklish Charlie is.
Day 28. Bats (Superman + Batman / SuperBat - prompt) - Clark finds out his new favourite noise that Bruce makes
Day 29. Midnight (HeartStopper - prompt) - The gang pose a challenge to stay awake past midnight
Day 30. Murder (HeartStopper - prompt) - Charlie kills Nick with tickles.
Day 31. Vampire Bites (HeartStopper) - A cute moment on Nick and Charlie's first halloween
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stefciastark · 3 years
Sickness ~ Webpril Day 27
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A/N: Here's my fill for Day 27's sick!Peter prompt :) Peter starts coming down with something at school, and Aunt May isn't picking up the phone, and the school isn't letting him go home until somebody picks him up. I haven't read through this one before posting, so I hope it's alright and that you enjoy the bit of IronDad at the end x
~Read it on AO3
~Read it on FFN
Peter hadn’t gotten sick since he was bitten and became Spiderman. That left many questions unanswered for him, many of which were still left unresolved. One of which was whether or not he could even get sick anymore. Well much to Peter’s displeasure, he could in fact still get sick. And it sucked.
It had started off as a tickle in his throat that had started that morning when Peter woke up but didn’t notice until the end of second period. That’s when the incessant throat clearing started to try and get it to just go away but around lunchtime is when the first proper cough reared its ugly head. Ned decided it would be hilarious to crack a Raid joke, and all that ended up accomplishing was making Peter wonder whether or not bug repellent might be his undoing. Maybe he should start writing his will and ask Ned to get started on his eulogy.
The fun and games really ended when a particularly harsh bout of coughing made it impossible for Peter to catch his breath, and when he opened his eyes - he didn’t even remember shutting them - Ned had slid in beside him at the cafeteria table, eyes bleeding with concern.
“You sure you’re okay, man?”
“Yeah, I’m fi-” The soundness of Peter’s point rapidly diminished as he failed at fending off another round.
Before Peter could backpedal and tackle the monumental task of getting a few words out once more, the back of Ned’s hand met Peter’s forehead.
“Holy shit, dude, you’re really hot!”
“Thanks, but you know I’m after MJ, right?” Peter smirked. If insisting that he was fine wasn’t working, then deflecting with humour seemed to be a solid Plan B.
“Ha ha, very funny.” Ned haphazardly stacked their now empty lunch trays on top of one another and slid them to the end of the table, not bothering to check whether or not they’d fall off the other side. Swinging Peter’s backpack over his shoulder, Ned’s knees buckled in surprise a little bit at the weight. With some choice words that Peter would have laughed at had he been feeling less like a poorly preserved corpse, Ned gave him The Look. Nobody ever argued with The Look.
Peter allowed himself to be herded to the nurse’s office with minimal complaining, knowing that one single cough would botch his argument, especially now. What had started as an annoying tickle that felt like somebody was lightly touching a feather to the back of his throat had turned into what would happen if a deranged person had made a poison ivy salad with croutons made of sand and forced Peter to swallow it.
As soon as they arrived, Peter had a feeling he would be sent home within a matter of minutes. Call it a hunch.
After the thermometer beeped, the display read 102.1 F, and he heard the nurse tsk.
“Told you.”
Peter sent a half-hearted glare at Ned. On any other day, Peter would have been glad to go home early and take a few hours of the afternoon off for himself, but his next class was the one that had the partner project with MJ, and he’d been looking forward to it all week. Plus, it was Friday, so that meant he wouldn’t get to see her again until Monday. Just his luck.
“Do you have a second emergency contact, dear?” The nurse asked from her desk, scrolling through his file on the database. “I’ve tried calling your aunt, but she hasn’t been picking up.”
Peter was initially hit with a pang of anxiety that combined beautifully with his aching head and bones; that was a new development. Before he could catastrophise too much, he reminded himself that May was at F.E.A.S.T all afternoon setting up for the weekend’s big fundraiser. Either her phone was off, or she was incredibly busy, neither of which Peter blamed her for.
“Um, no, not really.”
The nurse frowned in response. “I can only keep you here until 3:10, and I don’t want to send you home alone.” She tapped her pen on the notepad to her right, attempting to brainstorm plans B through to Z.
“Wait, what about Tony Stark?” Ned blurted out. Upon seeing Peter’s indignant expression and the nurse’s blush and look of surprise, Ned quickly added, “From the...the Stark internship. I’m sure he’d love to help.”
“I’m sure we have other options than to call Mr Stark.”
“Calling Mr Stark.”
Oh God. Peter’s whole body tensed. Scrambling for his backpack that was sitting across from where he sat on the medical bed, just beside the chair adjacent to the door, he felt waves of panic crash over him, turning his skin to fire and ice. Or maybe that was just the fever. Damn his phone, damn the fact that he felt like he got run over by a truck, and he prayed to whatever force in the universe that Tony would not pick it up.
It was just Peter’s luck that the moment he had his phone grasped in his hands, that the ringing cut out and Tony’s voice filtered through.
“Hey kid, this better be good, I’m in the middle of a - thing.” Tony paused for a moment, and Peter jumped slightly and pulled the phone away from his ear as a loud clang rang over the speakers. Peter heard a mumbled “shit” over the line moments later.
“It’s nothing, I was just talking about the internship and then my phone picked up your name in the sentence and then it called y-”
“Peter’s sick!”
Ned cut in, yelling over Peter’s shoulder at the phone at the same time that Peter broke into another coughing fit.
The silence picked up where it left off, and only the faint clinks and the sound of shifting tools filled Peter’s ear. “Do you need to go home or something?”
Peter sighed and winced, backed into a metaphysical corner. He couldn’t really lie his way out of this. “Y-yeah, that’s the thing Mr Stark,” he swallowed as another few leaves of poison ivy dancing in his throat. “Aunt May isn’t picking up and they won’t let me go home unless I’m picked up…”
“So, I’m your second emergency contact.” It wasn’t a question, but Tony didn’t seem...anything. His tone sounded indifferent, but Peter couldn’t read him.
Another awkward silence. Peter hated the nurse’s and Ned’s eyes on him, waiting expectantly. Peter cleared his throat.
“It just so happens that I want pizza this afternoon. Happy’s just getting the car ready. Be ready outside, don’t really want to have to deal with staring kids and the,” Tony slammed a drawer shut, “fawning middle-aged teachers.”
“Thank you so much Mr Stark, I -”
“It’s fine, kid. Just don’t get me sick or I’ll put your suit up for auction.”
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Jay’s Masterlist
Don’t Leave Me Alone With Me 6k - IronDad, Peter gets trapped under a building during a battle; Tony finds out more about Homecoming night
Hold Onto Me (I’m a Little Unsteady) 4.7k - IronDad, Post-Endgame Angst with a splash of whump; Peter is not having a Good Time; Tony lives; Happy Ending
(After)life of the Party 5.8k {Only on Ao3) - IronDad with a splash of Parkner; Peter gets poisoned
“you have to leave right now”/”I’m not going anywhere” - Parker + implied IronDad, Peter gives himself up to Ross to protect Harley and fam
“what happens if I do this?” - IronDad fluff, tickling with an accidental punch thrown
Day 1: First Impressions 6k  [Waking up Restrained, Shackled] - Irondad, Parkner if you kind of squint? (Potential start of Parkner)
Day 2: In Bad Hands 6k [Kidnapped, Collars] - IronDad, Peter & May
Day 3: Keep it Undercover 5.7k [Manhandled, Forced to their Knees, Held at Gunpoint] - IronDad
Updated: October 7th, 2020
Will continue to add to this as my works grow.
NOTE: Oneshots are posted to AO3; Drabbles will remain on my Tumblr only for now
NOTE #2: I will never ever write St*rker. Everything between Tony and Peter is and will always be platonic and if you ship that, do not interact with my fics.
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fluffy-lee · 4 years
Fluffy-Lee Tickle Fic Masterlist
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Keeping Her ~A Series
Part 1: Keeping Her
Part 2: The Discovery
Part 3: "You Know I'm Gonna Get You"
Part 4: Best Friend
Part 5: Coming Home
Part 6: Good Morning Tickles
Part 7: Hide and Seek ~Tickle Edition
Part 8: Anesthesia
Part 9: Breakfast with Bucky
Vacation ~A Series
Part 1: Road Trip
Part 2: Don't Push Captain America in the Pool
Part 3: Lake Day
Part 4: Summer's All in Bloom
Part 5: The Last Day of June
Part 6: A Trip to Asgard
Part 7: Lesson Learned
Part 8: Magic!
Part 9: Peace and Love
Part 10: A Message
Part 11: Happy Birthday, Steve.
The Assistant
Chapter One: Lies
Chapter Two: Breaking the Ice
4th of July Raspberries
"You Never Stopped Being My Kid"
Costar! Reader ~Chronological Order~
Q and A
Let's Golf
Not Alone in London
Christmas in Boston
Tom Holland
Not Alone in London
Let's Golf
Q and A
The Essay
Chris Evans
Christmas in Boston
Bucky x Steve x Reader: Wrestling
Steve x Reader: Bad Day
Steve x Reader: "You're Adorable"
Steve # 1
Peter #1
Natasha #1
When Bucky Starts Counting...
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For emotional prompts, anger 16 or terror 15. Thanks, I love your works!💛✨
“Whatever you do don’t open your eyes.”
So...this turned into the fluffiest thing ever and I’m not really sorry about it. (unedited)
Read on ao3
Morgan and Peter lay back against the blankets, looking up at the sky. 
“You know,” Peter begins, “in the city, you can’t see the stars.”
Morgan gasps and looks at her big brother, “Really?” 
Peter nods, “The lights from all the buildings and cars block it out. I’d never seen stars until I went to space.” 
“That’s so sad,” Morgan says. “They should make lights illegal so everyone in the cities can see them.” 
Peter laughs, “Don’t give your dad any ideas.” 
“What about me?” Tony asks, walking across the grass, arm in arm with Pepper. They sit down on the blankets beside their kids. 
“Nothing,” Peter says quickly, laughing. 
Tony lays down between Peter and Morgan while Pepper does the same beside Morgan. Peter easily snuggles closer, lifting his head to rest it on Tony’s shoulder. 
“Whatever you do don’t open your eyes, dad!” Morgan squeals. 
“Why?” Tony opens, his tone light and teasing. He knows they’re all safe here. 
“There’s a spider on you!” Morgan says loudly. 
“Well get it off,” Tony responds, playing along. 
Peter, who had until then been tuned out, just relaxing against Tony, suddenly finds himself being smacked in the head by his little sister. Peter sits up and tackles Morgan, leaning across Tony, who in retaliation tickles his side. 
Peter lets out a shriek, collapsing against Tony in laughter. “You...guys,” Peter manages between deep breathes, “are so mean to me.” 
“It’s because we love you, spider-baby,” Tony says, planting a kiss on Peter’s cheek, who bats him away with a soft glare. Morgan crawls her way across Tony and gives Peter another kiss on his other cheek. 
“Love you, Petey!”
Tag list: @gasplaughgasp @canonismybitch @shadedrose01 @baloobird @whatisawilltolive @a-liddell-alice @you-know-i-larb-you-3000 @irondad-is-cannon-bitch @lyssismagical @spideygirl2003 @make-the-stars-stay @justrepostandlove
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it is my 8th Stony anniversary!
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5th August 2012 I posted my first Stony fanfic
and became a Stony shipper and I honestly think this is the longest I have been commited to anything 
so we are going to celebrate like we did last year!
send me a Stony or Superfamily (Tony and Steve adopting Peter) or IronDad (Tony mentoring Peter like in MCU, but no family relations) prompt and I will write a 500 words (more or less) drabble to go with it! any prompt, any idea, can be an AU, chubby Tony, mpreg!Tony, tickle fic, some fluff, drama, nsfw, the idea is to get some simple and sweet stuff to transform into short fics! (drama is allowed, just don’t make it too dramatic)
I am gonna accept 8 prompts on first comes, first served basis so send your ideas over, and I am gonna try and get them done for next week or maybe sooner, depending on my horrible time management
(come on, guys! inspire me, because I am in a kind of a slump and I always believed that the best cure for writers block was to write yourself out of it)
thank you for shipping Stony with me and I am waiting for your ideas!
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spideythot · 5 years
Do you have a master list of all your fics? I want to read ALLLL of your wonderful fics and a master list would make that easier, though I’m willing do the work to receive greatness. I love you and your writing and everything I’ve read/seen!❣️Keep up the great work!!
Hey sweetheart, didn’t have one before but you convinced me to make one - This is all the writing I could find so far. Most of them have more in depth warnings in the links. 
Let me know if anything doesn’t work properly, this was long and confusing to make cuz I’m a technological caveman
Enjoy what you find ❤:
Original Works:
SIM Alpha/Omega: Alpha Tony Stark steals himself an Omega (NFF)
Alpha!Peter x Omega!Tony: Tony gets some help from Peter during heat (NFF)
WinterIronSpider: Alpha Bucky and Alpha Tony fill Omega Peter up (NFF)
Early Alpha/Omega: Multi-part series that was one of the first posts on my blog ever (eventual NFF) part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, epilogue
Control (WIP): SIM Tony hypnotizes/brainwashes Peter (NFF) part 2, part 3 (features Steve)
Criminal AU (WIP): Thief Peter Parker gets more than he bargained for when he steals from SIM Tony by accident (eventually NFF) part 2, part 3
Companion: AU where Peter is Tony’s pet (NFF)
Distraction: Daddy kink between Tony and Peter to max (NFF)
WinterSpiderShield: Shower time for Peter with Steve and Bucky (NFF)
Vampire!Tony: Tony’s a vampire, he has vampire powers (NFF)
D&D AU: An au about my Dungeons and dragons character, Peter Parker (NFF, extreme underage)
Demon AU: Peter is the incubus who gives his heart (part of it anyway) to fallen Angel Bucky (NFF)
Doctor Stark: written for a prompt on a whim (NFF)
Prompt Requests:
Alpha/Omega Prompts
Protective Tony: Alpha Tony protects his pregnant mate from Deadpool
Possessive Tony: Alpha Tony take Peter for himself, before anyone else can have him (NFF)
Babies: Alpha Tony has Baby Fever (NFF)
Breeding: Newlywed, Omega Peter asks his alpha to breed him (NFF)
Baby Oliver: Peter and Tony’s little baby is born premature. Part 2, part 1.5
Happy Ending: A bullied Peter is saved by Tony, who mates and breeds him
Nursing: Peter proves to Tony that he’s a good Omega (NFF)
True Mates: Peter and Tony realize they are true mates 
Insecure Peter: After their mating announcement, Peter feels inadequate when society judges him
Heat at School: Peter goes into heat at school; its Tony to the rescue
SIM Alpha!Tony: Tony totally doesn’t kidnap Omega Peter from a school trip (NFF)
AU Prompts
Irondad Cop AU: Tony rescues Peter during a raid on gang hideout
Werewolf Tony: Peter finds out that Tony is a werewolf (NFF)
Prom: Teenaged Tony and Peter go to prom 
Vampire!Tony: Hypnokink; vampire Tony takes Peter as his own (NFF)
 Female Peter: Penny Parker gets together with Tony, Endgame Spoilers (NFF)
Demon AU: Incubus Peter likes his Master’s graying hair 
Little Boy/Daddy Dom: #1) Tony is a bad Daddy for a while (NFF); #2) Peter’s a brat who gets teased 
Peter with Tourette’s: Peter has Tourette’s Syndrome and Tony comforts him 
Masseuse AU: Tony is a masseuse that takes very good care of Peter (NFF)
Mommy/Daddy Kink: Vampires Tony and Pepper tease their human pet (NFF)
Trans!Peter: Peter thinks Tony won’t like him if he finds out the truth 
SIM Tony/trans!Peter: Tony figures out why Peter won’t go all the way, and does something about it (NFF)
Crossdressing Peter: Peter wears women’s clothing to hide his relationship with Tony (NFF)
Panic Attacks for Tony: Android Peter tries to help Tony (Major Character Death)
All Other Prompts
Mysterio X Peter: Hypnokink; Mysterio brainwashes Peter, part 2 Tony comes to the rescue (NFF)
Tickling: Tony finds out that Peter is ticklish
Puppy Adoption: Tony and Peter adopt a dog 
Safewording: Peter safe words when trying something new in the bedroom (NFF)
Aftercare: Tony takes care of Peter after a session
Bedwetting: Peter tries to hide that he has a bedwetting problem
Drunk Peter: Peter arrives home drunk and demands love (NFF)
IronSpiderShield: Tony gets jealous when Peter does something special for Steve 
Bullied/Hurt Peter: #1) Tony takes protecting Peter to an extreme; #2) Peter is bullied by so-called friends and Tony plot revenge; #3) Tony comforts Peter in the hospital
Insecure Peter: Peter worries he won’t measure up to the other Avengers
Disapproving Avengers: The Avengers find out about Tony and Peter’s relationship. They don’t like it; part 2 
Peter’s Tumblr: Tony discovers Peter’s thirst tumblr
Tony Doesn’t Fit: Tony’s too big for Peter’s first time (NFF)
Pool Hustle: Tony and Peter are undercover and decide to play pool
Sugar Baby Peter: #1) Peter is reluctant to be Tony’s sugar baby; #2) Peter embraces being Tony’s sugar baby 
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snarkythewoecrow · 4 years
Peter gets the chickenpox
Rating: G
Wordcount: 2.5k
Summary:  Peter and Morgan both catch the chickenpox. Morgan's case is mild, but Peter's is severe. Tony takes care of them both.
AN: Written for my friend Jade, who wanted to see the kids get chickenpox. I’m open to Irondad prompts, too. So feel free to leave me one.
Read on AO3
The spider bite came with some great perks, but it also came with some serious downsides that no one predicted. For example, his overactive immune system that instead of calmly taking care of viruses, amped up like the Hulk after someone stole Bruce’s last pint of ice cream.
Which was how it came to be that he was in his Hello Kitty pajama pants and long sleeve shirt trying not to scratch at the blisters littering his skin with Morgan beside him. They had chickenpox. Despite having been vaccinated herself, she’d managed to pick it somewhere and spread it to Peter. She wasn’t as nearly affected as him. Her case was mild, only a few spots dotted her neck and arms that didn’t bother her much. The pink splotches of calamine lotion covered each one, unlike Peter, who was practically painted in it. Much to his dismay, it did little for the itching. He was starting to think it was making things worse.
Overall, she was handling it like a champ. Peter, on the other hand, was not. He itched and wanted nothing more than to sandpaper his arms for some relief, and thanks to his haywire immune system, the virus was causing blisters in his throat and ears, too. To put it simply, he was miserable. The parts of him that didn’t itch, hurt or ache, and he felt generally lethargic and tired. A low-grade fever lingered just enough to make him chilled one minute and hot the next.
Whenever his fingers even twitched toward his skin to itch, Morgan would snap her gaze to him, giving him a disapproving stare. It was the perfect mix of Tony and Pepper.
Tony was making lunch, something Peter wasn’t looking forward to, and Morgan was observing him from the corner of her eye as she played tea party with her stuffed alpaca and raccoon. The raccoon was something that Rocket had gotten for Tony after the Thanos thing. Something about a build-a-bear. Peter didn’t ask.
A spot on his neck burned and tingled, and it was driving him crazy. He needed to scratch it. Checking that Morgan was distracted, he quickly reached up and itched the spot. It was both painful and soothing.
“Daddy!” Morgan’s voice cut through the air, and Peter blinked at her, caught red-handed. He lowered his hand from his neck, but it was too late. “Daddy! Peter’s itchin’ again.”
“Hey, Mo, not cool. I was barely touching it, see?” He turned his head to show her that it was fine.
She shook her head, forehead wrinkled as she scowled. “Mommy says that itchin’ ‘em will cause an ‘fection.”
Peter sighed as he heard Tony’s footsteps approaching. “Thanks, Mo.”
She shrugged and went back to her tea party.
Tony appeared beside the couch, a dishtowel draped over his shoulder. He put his hands on his hips, gaze raking over Peter. “Pete, you know you can’t itch. Do you need more calamine lotion?”
Peter laid his head back against the couch, trying to ignore all the tingling and prickling spots on his body that he wanted nothing more than to claw at. He let a breath out his nose and then rolled his head to the side to look at Tony. The action made his throat ache. “If you put any more on me, I’ll look like a bottle of Pepto. Isn’t there something you can do?”
Tony’s expression softened. “I wish there was, kiddo. It seems your weird immune system isn’t doing what we thought. It’s struggling with this one, so you’re just gonna have to suffer like the rest of us lowly humans.”
“It’s not fair. I was vaccinated.”
“And like Bruce said, maybe something about the bite reset your system. Either way, you’re sick, and you need to rest—no itching. I know it’s not fair.”
A small hand touched Peter’s knee and glanced down to see Morgan holding out a teacup. “I made you my special tea. It’ll make you feel better.”
Peter couldn’t help but smile as he took the cup from her. “Thanks, Mo Mo.” He took a pretend sip. “It’s good. Feel better already.” His voice was rough, though, from the blisters in his throat.
“Okay, well, lunch is ready, grilled cheese for Morguna and soup for Petey Pie,” Tony said, pausing to step closer to Peter, placing a hand on his forehead. He frowned. “And some more super-powered fever reducer for the spider-baby.”
Peter didn’t even argue, which said a lot about how crappy he was feeling. Following Morgan, he shuffled his way toward the kitchen, plopping down in a chair at the table. Morgan climbed into one across from him, kneeling in the seat. She was still too small to sit without a booster, but she refused to use one because Peter didn’t, and despite Tony offering to make him his very own booster seat, Peter declined, throwing his support behind Morgan.
Tony set a plate of grilled cheese in front of Morgan, cut diagonally, no crust, and a bowl of what looked like canned chicken noodle in front of him. Steam tickled Peter’s nose and made his stomach rumble. He hadn’t eaten since breakfast, and that was only applesauce and some scrambled eggs, foods soft enough not to scratch his sore throat.
His back began to itch again, not that it had really stopped, and he rubbed his back against the chair, much like a bear would a tree. His eyes slipped closed at the sensation, and he breathed out his mouth. A hand gripped his shoulder, though, making him stop. It was Tony, looking at him with one eyebrow raised.
“As good as it feels, it’s not gonna feel better if you tear them open, especially if you get an infection.”
Peter’s shoulders sagged, but he nodded, picking up his spoon and taking a sip of broth. Morgan was peeling her sandwich apart, picking the cheese out, and then eating the bread. Peter huffed a laugh, regretting it when it stung his throat. He went back to his soup, eating carefully. The warm broth soothed his stomach, but he was starting to feel worse. He hated to say it, but he needed a nap. Being up all morning had drained him.
Tony took a seat next to Peter, sliding two white pills across the table to Peter. “Few more bites of soup, and then I want you to take those. They’ll hopefully help you feel better, maybe you’ll be able to get some rest.”
“Doubt it, can’t sleep when it feels like ants are crawling all over me and biting my skin.”
Tony sighed. “If I could trade places you—with either of you—I would in a heartbeat.”
Peter nodded, swallowing some noodles with a wince. He took the pills and washed them down with the glass of juice Tony had brought him. He really hoped they started working soon. He knew they wouldn’t do anything for the itching, but maybe they would take the edge off the general achiness he was feeling. There weren’t many options for him, most things didn’t work for him since the bite, but Bruce had developed a few things for him, like the super-powered ibuprofen and the anesthetic he’d needed a few months back after being shot.
Soup mostly gone, Peter pushed the bowl away and leaned his elbows on the table, resting his aching head in his hands. Morgan was humming something beside him as she finished her lunch. He loved her, but the sound was making his head hurt even more. His senses seemed so much sharper since he got sick.
“Hey,” Tony said, carding his fingers through Peter’s hair, making Peter groan. “Why don’t we get you to the couch, or up to bed?”
Peter hummed in agreement and lifted his head, blinking tiredly at Tony. “This really sucks.”
“I know. Let’s get you tucked in. Maybe you’ll feel better when you wake up.”
“Doubt it.”
Tony rolled his eyes. “Not with that attitude.”
With Peter tucked into bed in his room, Tony pulled the door shut, leaving it just cracked, so he could hear him. He hated when either of his kids were sick but was thankful that at least Morgan was fairing pretty well. She hadn’t had her booster shot yet, so maybe that was how she contracted the illness, though her case was very mild. It didn’t seem like she’d be down long at all. Peter, though. Peter was a mess. Blisters covered him from head to toe and even inside his mouth and throat. Tony hadn’t seen him look this miserable before, and that was saying something, especially since he’d been there when Peter puked on his shoes after getting carsick on the way to the robotics conference in New Hampshire.
When Tony got back downstairs, Morgan was stretched out on the couch under her Iron Man blanket, watching Paw Patrol. With one last glance at the TV, he went to the kitchen to make a coffee and refuel. It was draining, taking care of two sick kids. He didn’t know how Pepper managed to take care of him for so many years.
Sipping his coffee, he pulled up his emails and started reading. There were a few things from Pepper that needed his attention, but nothing that couldn’t wait a day. As he finished his coffee, a muffled whine caught his attention, and he straightened, tilting his head to the side. He crossed back to the living room to check on Morgan, but she was sleeping, the TV still playing in the background.
A loud thump from upstairs had Tony bolting for the staircase, taking the steps two at a time despite how his knees protested. He went straight to Peter’s room, pushing the door open to see the kid sprawled out on the floor beside the bed in a tangle of blankets.
He went straight to his side, and as he got closer, he could hear Peter murmuring, but he couldn’t make out the words. Tony brushed a hand over his forehead, seeing the splotches of red that were highlighting his cheeks. He jerked in surprise when he felt how hot his skin was. His fever had gotten much worse. Cursing, Tony started trying to rouse him, but Peter just kept mumbling, fighting him as he tried to untangle him from the blankets.
“Easy, Pete, I’m just trying to help.”
“Ben?” Peter’s voice sounded small and broken, making Tony’s heart clench.
“No, kiddo, it’s Tony. We’re gonna get you back into bed, okay? Then I’m taking your temperature and calling Doctor Smashy.”
A tear rolled down Peter’s cheek as he nodded, seeming to understand. Tony wrapped an arm under Peter and helped him back onto the bed, pushing him to lay back. Peter complied, glassy eyes looking unfocused as he blinked. With him back in the bed, Tony darted to the bathroom and dug through the cabinet until he found the thermometer. He rushed back to Peter, seeing the kid as he left him, and held the thermometer to his ear for a second before it beeped.
Tony held it up, reading the digital display—102.4. His fever had gone up nearly three degrees from when he took it last, which was hours ago. He should have checked it sooner. The kid had felt warmer in the living room with Morgan. He shouldn’t have waited to give him his medicine.
A whimper drew Tony’s attention, and he looked down to see Peter’s face twisted in what looked like pain. Instinctively, he reached out and ran his thumb over his brow, smoothing the wrinkles.
“You’re safe. You’re okay. Everything’s gonna be alright, kiddo. I’ve got you. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
Peter’s mouth twitched, and then he relaxed again. Tony took that as his chance to check in with Bruce. He went out into the hall to make the call. After a short discussion, Bruce reassured him that Peter wasn’t in danger and that he might need another dose of the fever reducer sooner rather than later. They still hadn’t worked out all the kinks yet, and treating Peter was always a bit of a guessing game as to what would work. Peter’s healing factor could be a bit of a wild card at times, and so was how he metabolized meds.
When Tony slipped back into the room, he found Peter sleeping, so he tucked him in and went back downstairs to check on Morgan.
When Peter awoke, his eyes were sticky, and he had to rub them open. Looking around, he could see it was dark outside. He still felt crappy, but nowhere near as bad as before. His skin didn’t feel like fire ants were gnawing on him anymore, so there was that. He pushed himself up in bed, leaning back against the headboard, pillow lumped under his back. He yawned for the first time in two days without wincing in pain. The door opened, letting light in from the hall, and Tony stepped into the room, wearing a pair of sweats and his Metallica shirt. He looked exhausted, though he brightened at seeing Peter up.
“How’re you feeling?” Tony asked, crossing the room and turning on the light.
“Better, I guess.”
Tony pressed his palm to Peter’s forehead and then the back of his hand to his cheek. “I think the fever’s gone, and looking at you, I think your spots are fading, too.”
“How’s Mo?”
“She’s still a little itchy, but she’s a trooper.”
“What time is it?” Peter asked.
“A little after four. Sun should be up in a few hours. You’ve been sleeping a while.”
Peter glanced at the window and then back to Tony. His dreams had been strange, a mixture of Spider-Man and school, and of course, Ben. He’d dreamt about his uncle, and the ache from his loss lingered in the room. Frowning, he looked down at his hands that were twisting the sheet between them.
“You okay?” Tony asked, sitting on the bed. He placed a hand over Peter’s, stopping him from tearing the sheet.
Peter shrugged. “I guess. I mean, I’m fine. It’s no big deal.”
“I thought we were past pretending. I can tell something’s bothering you. What’s wrong?”
“It’s dumb because it’s been so long. It’s stupid that I haven’t let it go.”
“What is?”
“I dreamt about him—about Ben—and it felt so real. He was taking care of me like he used to when I was little.”
Tony squeezed Peter’s hands. “I can promise you, kid, Ben has never stopped looking out for you.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Peter sniffed, tears threatening to make an appearance. “It’s stupid, though.”
“It’s not. Ben, your parents, they will always be part of you. It’s not stupid to dream, Peter.”
Peter nodded, feeling his grip on his emotion slipping. Tony seemed to sense it and nudged him to move over, sliding in next to him. Tony put an arm around him and pulled him close, so his head was on Tony’s chest. Peter could hear his heart beating, and the sound grounded him. He drifted off to sleep with Tony beside him, carding his fingers through his hair.  
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hello this is an irondad prompt if ur interested! Peter is having a sleepover with Tony. its like 9am and Tony is getting bored without the kid but Peter wants to sleep in and lounge about in bed for the morning. Tony sees Peters lil foot poking out an he gets an evil idea.. kinda inspired by that one fic where peter1 is sleeping and peter3 gently tickles his feet.. but eventually Tony wakes Peter up. <3
Rise and Shine
Summary: See prompt above 😁
(This prompt was adorable Anon 😁 gotta love this pairing, they're so cute together as father and son ❤️ Hope you guys enjoy ❤️)
Tony poked his head into the guest room. Peter was still asleep in bed.
The older mentor rolled his eyes and stepped into the room. He was glad to have the teen here for the weekend, but he forgot how late teenagers liked to sleep. Granted the two of them had been up late last night for a movie marathon, but with noon fast approaching, it was time for the kid to get up.
Once next to his bed, Tony scanned the sleeping teen as he took a sip of coffee. He debated how to wake up the slumbering human when one singular foot slipped out from under the covers.
The older mentor's eyes was drawn to the moment then a slow grin spread across his face.
He set his coffee on the bed side table before moving to the end of the bed. He sat down, gently pulled the foot into his lap, and spidered into Peter's foot. "Rise and shine underoos!"
The teen jumped before dissolving into a fit of laughter. "W-wahait? Whahat---!"
"Morning." Tony spidered up to Peter's toes. "Thought you were going to sleep all day."
"Eep! Whyhy ahare yohou ticklihing mehe!"
"Thought it would be the most effective wake up call." The older mentor dodged Peter's other foot. "Worked really well last night."
Peter squealed as Tony's fingers scratched in between his toes. "NAAA! THAT WAHAS TO SLEHEEP!"
"And now it's to wake up."
The young mentee scrunched his toes. "BREHEAK! BREAAAK!"
Tony pulled his hand away. "Are you awake now?"
After a few more residual giggles, Peter nodded. "Yehes."
"Great." The older mentor pulled his hand away. "Are you going to get out of bed?"
The young teen was quiet for a moment, then he yanked his feet under the blanket. "No!"
Tony raised an eyebrow. "No?"
Meanwhile, Peter pulled his head under the blanket like a little child. "Not leaving!"
Tony poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue and chuckled. He moved back up to the side of the bed. "Is that soho?"
The young teen couldn't respond through his giggles. Instead, he curled himself into a little ball under his blanket.
The older mentor shook his head at his mentee, but couldn't keep the smile off his face. The level of silliness the kid felt comfortable sharing with him had grown and he was loving it. He got to see a side of Peter not very many people got to see.
So he reached forward with a playful growl to get an even bigger reaction. "The tickle monster is going to get you!"
Peter let out a squeak and started squirming in place.
However, he didn't let himself get out of Tony's grasp so he got pulled into the older man's lap. "Got yaha!"
Peter squirmed and his head popped into view. A pink tint spread across his face accompanied by the biggest grin. He tried to cover it with his hands, but he couldn't keep it away from Tony.
"What are you doing hm?" The older mentor asked as he pushed the hands away from the teen's face.
"Mh-hm." Tony tickled under Peter's chin. "Sure."
"Aw come on. You can take more tickles than that."
Peter squealed as Tony's fingers spidered along his neck.
Peter absolutely melted into the older man's hold. His neck was a sure fire melting spot and Tony found it adorable. He paused the tickles long enough to hug the kid close. "C'mere you."
Peter squawked as his mentor ruffled his hair. "Not the hahair!"
"You've already got bed head kid. A little ruffle ain't gonna do much."
Peter playfully pushed his mentor's arm away from his head.
"You ready to get uhup nohow?"
"Do Ihi have toho?"
"Yes." Tony stood the kid upright. "You can't sleep all day. Now come on, those inventions aren't going to make themselves."
The young teen grinned and bounded out of the room, suddenly full of energy. Before following him out, Tony grabbed his cup of coffee from the bedside table.
If the kid was up, he was going to need all the energy he could get.
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lazy-bird-fanfics · 5 years
Prompt: Sorry, were you sleeping?
My first class got canceled today so instead of being productive I wrote this. 
**Tony went missing after the events of Endgame in my world** 
Tumblr media
“Peter! Peter! Peterpeterpeter! PARKER!” Morgan yelled as she ran down the stairs towards Peter’s room. 
“Morgan, it is so early why are you yelling?” 
“I have a science test today!” She announced as she burst through his door and dove onto his bed. 
Tony and Carol had gone missing after the battle for the infinity stones. That was a few years ago. After a year, officials had decided they were most likely dead and had put the investigations to the side. Pepper never really gave up hope but decided Morgan needed someone else in their home to look up to, so she built an extension and added an apartment for May and Peter. Peter’s room could be accessed from the main house and May’s apartment. Morgan took full advantage of that, barging into her brother’s room whenever she wanted to. 
“That’s exciting,” Peter said as he lifted her onto his bed, “did you study?” 
“Uh-huh,” She replied nodding vigorously. 
“What sort of science are they teaching in first grade anyway? Quantum physics?” 
“You helped me study! You know already!” 
“....That was stuff that will be on the test?” Peter’s heart filled with sadness, “stuff about Uncle Scott, Uncle Bruce, and… dad?” 
“Yeah! Isn’t it cool? I know them!” Morgan jumped up on the bed and landed on her back with a bounce. 
“Yeah, that is really cool, Mo. Why don’t you go get breakfast, and I’ll be out in the kitchen in a little to walk you to the bus, yeah?” 
“Okie!” Morgan jumped up and off Peter’s bed and ran out into the house. 
Peter rolled out of bed and into the bathroom. Morgan was really learning about her dad in school. He wasn’t here to tell her about all the things he did himself. 
After brushing his teeth and combing his hair a little, he went into the apartment to wish May a good morning and get her out for breakfast. Every Friday the four of them ate breakfast together before Morgan went to school. 
“Good morning, May.” Pepper offered her a mug of coffee, which she gladly accepted. 
“Auntie May!” Morgan ran out from behind the table and jumped into May’s arms. Peter helped get out the glasses of juice and set the table with Pepper while Morgan and May talked about dreams they had. 
“On the news last night, there was a uuh, a sort of shooting star looking thing, do you think…” Peter began to speak. 
“Peter…” Pepper interrupted. 
“But Aunt Carol… Mr.St-” 
“I Have Pancakes Ready!” Pepper interrupted once again. 
Breakfast was a little quieter today. And when it was over, Peter took Morgan out to the bus stop while May and Pepper cleaned up. 
“Did you watch the news?” Pepper asked without looking up from the dish she was holding. 
“Yes.” May turned away to grab the cups. 
“Do you think…?” 
“I never saw her, but it didn’t look normal. It could’ve been for all I know.” 
“It’s been three years.” 
“I know, I’m sorry.” May patted Pepper on the shoulder and pulled her into a hug. 
The day carried on as usual. Around noon, Peter left to pick up MJ for lunch, May went into work, and Pepper had a few calls. 
That night was also silent. Something about the news had everyone feeling very uneasy. 
Peter stayed up late watching the news again. If Carol was seen there’s a chance Tony is with her and okay too. They are the only two that haven’t been seen since that battle. Peter fell asleep on the couch that night with the tv on. 
There was movement. Something was being wrapped around him. It was soft. Then his head was being touched. It had to be a dream. Peter turned his head. It tickled. Then his eyes snapped open and he jumped. He would’ve screamed if he could but he was too in shock. He just sat there. Starring. It was a dream. It had to be. 
“Sorry, were you sleeping?” His voice sent shivers down Peter’s spine. It was so real. Peter reached out and touched his face. It was solid. It was real. 
“I’m here, kid. It’s me.” He pulled Peter into a hug. 
“I missed you so much, Pete.” Peter finally let out a sob and hugged Tony back as hard as he could. 
“Pepper... have you...?” 
“No, I just got here and saw you, why aren’t you in bed?” 
“Aunt Carol, the news… You.” 
“She saved me.” 
“Peter, are you okay, why are you-” Pepper stopped mid-sentence, her knees gave out and she fell to the floor crying. 
“Pepper.” Tony got up and pulled her off the floor and kissed her. 
‘Where… what… How…” She rambled on and on as she held Tony’s face in her hands and just stared at him. Peter quietly made his way to Morgan’s room. 
“Morgan, Mo.” 
“What?” Her voice was heavy with sleep. 
“C’mere I have a surprise for you.” Peter held his arms out and Morgan climbed into them. He carried her out into the living room. When Tony saw her, he began to cry again.
“DADDY!” Morgan wiggled out of Peter’s arm and sprinted into Tony’s. 
After having a moment with Morgan, Tony pulled the other two into the hug. 
“I’m back. I’m not going anywhere. Ever again.” 
I really wanted to write Irondad and Spiderson.   
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hello this is my first time sending in a prompt so I hope u don't mind that it is IronDad! so the duo are working in the lab, maybe on one of tonys cars and somehow Peter gets stuck under there by his arms. he can free his entire torso but his face and his arms are trapped under the car. Tony finds it funny and with all the wriggling Peters shirt rides up and Tony gets an idea.. lots of fluff and tickles please
Caught in a Web
Summary: See the prompt above :)
(I've seen another fic similar to this prompt idea :) I didn't want to accidentally copy their work so I changed the prompt just a little to make it less copycatish :) I hope you still enjoy Anon ❤️)
Tony made a couple tweaks to his device. "Hmm, what is wrong with this thing?"
The billionaire adjusted the firing mechanism to see if that changed anything. However, whenever he pulled the trigger, nothing happened.
"Hi Mr. Stark."
Tony looked up from his work. "Hey underoos. How was school?"
"Boring as always." Peter webbed his backpack to the wall. "How are things at the lab?"
"Boring as always."
"Come on, you can't say that. You get to work on inventions all day!"
A small corner quirked the corner of Tony's lips. "It can still be boring kid."
Peter curiously peeked over his mentor's shoulder. "What are you working on?"
"Just something to add to my suit."
"What does it do?"
"Well, you know how you catch bad guys with your web?"
"And they can't get out until you let them or until the web disingrates?"
"This is kind of like that."
Peter's eyes widened. "You made yourself web shooters!"
"Not web shooters kid. They're net shooters." The older mentor pointed to a nearby table. "For those."
Peter eagerly examined the net on the table. If was made with a tightly woven silvery material that felt cool to the touch.
"Made out of a vibranium-metal alloy."
The young teen whirled around. "Like Cap's shield?"
"Yep." Tony set down his screwdriver. "The idea is to create a blaster attachment for the suit that shoots those guys at the bad guys."
"They're lightweight enough to add very little bulk to the suit yet still powerful enough to trap the baddies. The vibranium has also been infused with some mixture of magnets to make them stick to any surface." The older scientist tapped the blaster on his suit. "And the nets can only be deactivated by a special mechanism in the arm of my suit."
"That's awesome!"
"It should be." Tony poked around the blaster, but this stupid thing won't fire."
Peter immediately joined his mentor. "Is it clogged?"
"I already checked that. It has to be something with the wiring." Tony reattached one of the wires.
Peter pointed. "I think this one might be your problem. I can reattach it if you want."
"Wait before you reattach, you don't want to---."
Tony never finished his statement. Peter had slid the wire up into the spot and accidentally set off the blaster. The blaster practically exploded, sending all three nets currently loaded flying across the room!
Tony managed to duck out of the way, but Peter wasn't so lucky. The older scientist heard an oof followed by what sounded like a body colliding with a nearby surface. Once the nets were dispensed, Tony managed to power off the device.
The older mentor scrambled to his feet. "Peter!"
"Mister Stark?"
Tony found the kid pinned near the upper corner of the far wall. His upper torso, from the top of his ribs to the top of his head in addition to his arms were pinned by the net. All Tony could see of him was the lower portion of his torso down to his feet and his hands peeking out at the top of the net.
The older scientist raced over to him. "You okay kid?"
One of the hands gave a thumbs up followed by a muffled, "I'm good!"
"Are you stuck?"
Peter squirmed a little. "I can kind of move up and down, but that's about ihit."
Tony breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, we can work with that. Try to see if you can wiggle your way out and I'm going to reset the machine so we can disengage the net."
"Okay!" Peter began to squirm even more.
Meanwhile, Tony reset the blaster machine on his suit. He breathed a sigh of relief when it immediately began to power up. Atleast it wasn't busted and they could get Peter out as quickly as possible.
However, when he turned back to tell his mentee, Tony paused.
Due to Peter's squirming, his shirt had ridden up to show his stomach and Tony could hear him giggling about the situation on the other side of the net.
It put a smile on the older scientist's face, then a thought crossed his mind. Peter didn't have to know the machine was fixed right away, and it was technically the consequences of his own actions that landed him in this spot.
After a brief hesitation, Tony stepped back over to the trapped teen.
When Tony reached the wall, Peter had stopped his struggling. "No use Mr. Stark. I'm too stuck."
Tony leaned against the wall. "You gave it your best shot underoos, but this is why you wait for me to give directions."
"I know, I should have waited. I just wanted to help."
"And I appreciate that." The older mentor pushed off the wall. "But now you've gotta wait atleast 15 minutes for the blaster to reset."
"Are you kidding me?" The young teen whined.
"These are the consequences of your actions." Tony poked Peter's stomach. "Now you have to face them."
"Eep!" Peter's legs instinctively curled. "Misteher Stahark!"
The older man grinned. "I always forget how ticklish your stomach is."
Peter weakly kicked a leg in his direction. "D-dont gehet ahany ideas!"
"Too late. After all, I should give you a reminder not to touch until I tell you too."
"Wait, wait, waAIIT!"
Tony's hand continued spidering across his exposed tummy. "Tohoo late kihid. Consequences wait fohor noho one."
Peter's giggling picked as Tony continued his attack. With no way to see where Tony would attack next and no real way to get away, he would just have to wait for the blaster to reboot.
Of course, if he had to admit it, this wasn't the worst situation to be in. He just wished he could see.
Especially when Tony's hands attacked his sides. "Ahh! Tonyhy!"
"Hey, maybe if you squirm hard enough, you'll drop out."
"Thahat alreheady dihidnt wohork!"
"Maybe your body needs a bit more 'persuasion'."
"Wahait, whahat?"
"Come on underoos, you can do it." The older scientist's hands spidered up to Peter's ribs. "I believe in you."
"Come on, you can squirm more than that."
"What was that?" Tony spidered toward Peter's upper ribs. "Ihi couldn't quite hear you."
The older scientist stilled his fingers. "You called."
A foot pushed him away.
Tony raised one eyebrow and chuckled. "Oho, now you're going to gehet ihit."
Peter squeaked and tried to turn his body away. "Wahait! Ihim sorryhy!"
Tony playfully tugged Peter's legs down. "Where do you think you're going?"
"You're soho mehean!"
"You can still tell me toho stohop."
The teen stayed quiet.
"Do you wahant mehe to stop?"
"Do you know what I'm going to do nehext?"
Peter squeaked. "Yehes!"
Tony stroked his chin. "Ahare yohou ready for the special weapohon?"
"Dohon't mahake me sahay ihit!"
"Come on, you love the secret weapon."
"No Ihi dohon't!"
"I know your blushing under thehere."
Peter whined. "Juhust doho ihit!"
Tony shrugged. "Don't have to tell me twice."
Then the older mentor nuzzled his face into the young teen's tummy.
"Please, you can tahake mohore nuzzles than thahat."
The young teen squeaked again. "Yohou wohouldn't dahare!"
Tony stroked his gotee. "Don't put money on thahat behet."
"Yohoure suhuch a meheanihie pahants!"
"But yohou love ihit."
Peter was quiet for a minute. Then he excalimed in a high pitched voice, "Yohou dohon't have toho point ihit ohout!"
"Ah, yes I do. It's adorable!"
The teen went quiet.
"You okay Pete?"
"Could---Could you do---A r-raspberry nuzzle?"
The grin on Tony's face could light up a room. It took a lot of confidence for Peter to ask for tickles. So when he did, Tony did he best to give the tickles he asked for. "You think you can handle a raspberry nuzzle?"
The older scientist leaned closer. "How many do you can handle."
"Ihi dohon't know. Like fohour."
Tony scoffed. "You could handle five."
Tony chuckled as he knelt down. "Best get started."
Each nuzzle raspberry produced a loud squeal from the young teen, followed by a series of snorts. And it was absolutely adorable. By the end, Peter just hung there as residual giggles poured out of him.
With a chuckle, Tony walked back over to his suit. "Pepare for impact underoos."
A moment later, Peter was released from the net as it was pulled back toward the suit . . . and promptly wrapped itself around the suit.
"Hmm, maybe those magnets don't work as well as I thought."
Peter pulled himself up to a sitting position. "Ihis fifteen minuhutes ohover alreheady?"
"Did I say fifteen minutes? Whoops."
Tony gave Peter a wink. "Might have overexaggerated the time."
The young teen's eyes widened. "You mean ihit wasn't stuck!"
"Nah, I just wanted to mess with you."
Peter growled. "Are you kidding me?"
"Sorry kihid. You got yourself into the perfect position for tickling ahand Ihi had to take advantage."
The teen was silent for a solid minute. Then Tony went flying. The older scientist was pinned to the far wall in a similar position that Peter had been.
"Ack! Peter!"
The young teen grinned. "You're in thehe perfehect position for ticklehels, I gotta take advantahage."
"Don't you dare!"
"I wouldn't behet money ohon thahat."
Needless to say, Peter wasn't the only reduced to laughter that day.
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Hi! Thank you for the ask! Thought I'd shoot one back:) Maybe 46. With tickles and irondad? Maybe a lil bit of Parkner or whatever you wanna sprinkle in?
Dialogue Prompts
46. "What happens if I do this?" 
Peter sets his phone down with a sigh that walks the line between airy and completely smitten, grinning madly and hoping that his face isn't as red as it is hot. Somehow, Harley manages to do that to him. Even through a phone call. The Tennesean has always had that effect on Peter --- that take-your-breath-away, sweep-you-off-your-feet effect.
I guess we both have superpowers, Peter thinks.
"Are you done ignoring me?"
Peter looks up with a start that wipes all evidence of love sickness of his face. He raises an eyebrow at Tony, who's leaning against the wide doorway connecting the living room and the kitchen. With his arms crossed petulantly and his face downturned into a mock pout, Peter can't take him seriously.
"Really, Tony?" A conspiratory grin plays on Peter's lips. "Hold up… are you jealous?"
Tony shrugs noncommittally, though he's unable to conceal a grin. "With Pep and Morgan gone for the weekend who am I supposed to hang out with when you walk out on me?"
Peter squints at him in disbelief. "I took one phone call, Mr. Stark."
"One phone call for too long," jokes Tony, and Peter is instantly suspicious of the gleam in Tony's eye as the mechanic trots closer.
"Tony, what are you---" Peter cuts off when Tony all but leaps over the couch and onto him, knocking both of them and Peter's phone to the ground. 
Peter groans when Tony clocks him in the face with a nearby throw pillow. "Really? A pillow? And jumping on me? I thought you had a bad back."
"And I thought I had a loyal intern--"
"Hey, you introduced--- wait. What are you doing?"
Peter resists the urge to drop-kick Tony across the room when he feels fingertips brushing against his (very ticklish) side.
"What happens if I do this?" Tony taunts, and Peter's eyes widen.
"You wouldn't," Peter breathes, reaching for the throw pillow and holding between them like a shield. "Also, I can quite literally throw you across the room."
Tony stops, an eyebrow raised. "But would you?"
Peter pauses. "Probably not."
"That's what I thought."
Peter lets out an inhuman burst of laughter when Tony digs his fingers into Peter's side. 
"Wait--- stop---" he breathes through bouts of laughter that he can't contain.
Tony's face is etched with determination too serious for the action of tickling (read: torturing) his intern. "Sorry, Pete. You asked for it."
Peter half-heartedly shoves Tony, but the man remains unfazed, resuming the torture with only a hint of a grin. "Please, Mr. Stark, don't---"
Looking back, he swears up and down that what happened next was completely accidental.
One second, Peter is humoring Tony and resigning himself to (faux) jealousy-induced tickling, and in the next, his fist pops up ("A reflex; it was just a reflex Mr. Stark I swear!") and Mr. Stark goes down with a surprised shout.
Peter jacknifes upright in horror as Tony lands on his back. Already, a million apologies are bubbling in his throat but the tidal wave of guilt is halted by the sound of Tony laughing dryly.
"You know, I probably deserved that," Tony half-groans, propping himself up on one elbow and rubbing at his tender (soon to be black) eye.
Peter opens and closes his mouth a few times, like a fish out of water. Finally, the apologies come rushing out.
"Oh my God, Mr. Stark, I am so, so sorry I totally did not mean to---"
Tony holds up a hand and Peter's mouth snaps closed, but he's on his feet the instant he sees Tony start to get up.
"Let me---"
"Nope," Tony insists, and Peter is relieved to see that he doesn't seem mad. Only very amused and a little pained. "I'm an Avenger, kid, remember? I can get up on my own."
Peter nods complacently, and probably too much, before following Tony into the kitchen.
Five minutes later, they're sitting at the marble-topped island. Peter is fidgeting restlessly in his stool. Tony is pressing a bag of frozen peas to his eye. Peter wants to ask why there aren't any real ice packs in the freezer considering that they both spend a substantial amount of time fighting crime and getting busted up, but he doesn't.
"Can't say I didn't tell you so," Peter says meekly instead, after an awkward silence, and Tony looks up with narrowed eyes. Peter backtracks. "You know because I'm not a kid and who tickles, like, grown adults anyways---"
Tony shakes his head with a laugh, and Peter decides he better stop there. "First of all, you brought that on yourself.
"And second, you're still sixteen, which means you are still a kid and even if you were a 'grown adult,' you would still be my kid, which gives me the right to tickle you whenever I want."
Peter's brain gets kind of tripped up on the whole "my kid" thing, but he mostly manages to stop his face from turning crimson. Or his heart from exploding.
Tony doesn't seem to realize what he said, or at least, doesn't realize how much it meant to Peter. And it meant, like, a lot.
So when Tony says, "Just for hitting me though, you owe me another weekend in the workshop," Peter says with a grin, "You know, I think I'm okay with that."
Thanks for the ask! I'm still kind of new to Tumblr so I know next to nothing about formatting but we'll just ignore that haha. Also I'm on my phone until my laptop comes in but 🤷‍♀️ Hope you liked it. :)
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Whumptober Prompt 12 - “Don’t Move”
Read on ao3
Summary: Peter and Ned are the victims of a home invasion
TW: home invasion, guns
Peter and Ned were trying to have a nice evening. They were sitting in Peter’s room, each basking in the other’s company, but not talking. Peter sits on his bed working on an essay for his English class and Ned sits near his feet reading a book.
Peter is about to close his laptop and ask Ned what they should order for dinner when he hears glass breaking. Both of their heads fly up, making alarmed eye contact with each other, what’s happening? Peter’s spider-sense starts to throb and when he focuses on it, his enhanced hearing picks up whispering from two deep male voices.
“Ned,” Peter whispers. “Someone broke in.” Ned’s eyes widen even further. He immediately is on his feet, Peter following suit. The voices are getting closer as they move through the apartment. and Peter’s heart won’t slow.
“We need to fight,” Ned says, determination alight in his eyes.
Peter shakes his head, already dragging Ned towards his small closet, “No. You’re going to get hurt. We need to hide.” Ned tries to fight him, but Peter’s too strong for Ned to break away. Peter shoves Ned into the closet first before squeezing into the small room himself. They cram themselves into the space under Peter’s hanging clothes, shutting the door in front of them. Sending them into darkness.
The only way they fit in the closet is kneeling facing each other. Peter can hear Ned’s heart pounding and his breathing coming quickly. The stuffy dust of Peter’s closet tickles his nose slightly. Ned lets out a slight gasp and pinches Peter’s nose closed before he can sneeze. Both boys let out a soft sigh in relief. Ned looks like he's about to whisper something to Peter, but at the same time Ned opens his mouth, Peter’s bedroom door creaks open. They freeze in petrified silence.
Peter can hear the steady thump of the intruder’s heartbeat as well as the floorboard that creak under their weight. Ned grabs Peter’s hand tightly and squeezes, whether it’s comforting or terrified, Peter doesn’t know. He appreciates the contact none the less.
A crash from inside Peter’s room makes both of them jump. Ned’s eyes blow wide as he makes intense eye contact with Peter. Both of them are breathing heavily now, squeezing each other’s hands so hard it must hurt.
“What are you doing?!” The intruder whispers. “I told you not to touch anything we’re not taking, dumbass.”
“It was an accident!” The other one hisses. “We almost ready to go?”
“No! We haven't found any of Stark’s tech yet. So get your ass moving!”
Peter’s breath catches in his throat. Stark tech. Like the Stark tech that is currently on the shelf above them in the form of Peter’s Spiderman suit. What are we going to do? He can still hear two people in his bedroom. They’re rummaging through his drawers and shelves looking for something that sits a few feet above their heads.
“Peter...” Ned whispers under his breath.
“I know,” Peter hisses. “Don’t move.”
Just as he says that someone walks towards the closet. A dark shadow comes disrupts the light coming in at the crack under the door. And Peter stops breathing. They’re out of time. He has no time to make a plan. He stands up in the closet, his back brushing up against his clothes.
Just as the handle starts to turn, Peter rams his body into the door, smashing it back at the person opening it. The two intruders scream the one who was opening the door tumbles to the ground, unconscious. When Peter looks up the other one is already pointing a gun at Peter’s head.
“Hello,” the man taunts as he flips the safety off. “You must be Spiderman.”
“What’s it to you?” Peter asks, trying to play off his fear as cockiness. It’s not working very well.
The man gives him a sly smirk, “It’s nice to meet you Spiderman. Now, give me your tech and you don’t have to die.”
Peter rolls his eyes, “Villians. You’re all the same. Blah blah, ultimatum, blah. Come up with something new man. Like, threaten my stuffed bear or something. Why does it always have to be me.” Peter wishes he was wearing his mask, it helps him feel like a different person like he doesn’t have to be shy nerdy Peter Parker. But now he has to fight as himself.
The intruder walks towards Peter quickly. Peter doesn’t flinch. The gun is now flush against Peter’s forehead. Peter can see sweat beading on the intruder’s forehead and how his jaw is clenched tight. Peter can help that his heart starts to beat faster with the cold metal of the gun flush against his skin.
“You talk too much for my taste,” the man glares. “I should just kill you and search for the tech on my own.” His finger tenses on the trigger.
Before the intruder can shoot Peter, something yanks it out of his hands. Peter follows the path of the gun as it lands in Ned’s hand, web-shooters clad on his wrists. Internally, Peter wants to applaud Ned, but they’re not out of the woods yet. Peter spins around and kicks the intruder in the stomach, sending him flying back against the wall beside Peter’s bed. Peter expects he’ll have to hit him so more to knock him out, but when he hits the wall, the man’s head snaps back and smashes into the wall.
Peter and Ned look at each other for a split second before running at each other and meeting in a tight hug.
“Are you okay?” They both ask each other at the same time. Both boys chuckle with relieved smiles.
“I’m okay,” Ned says first. “You’re a badass.”
Peter grins, “Did you see what you did with that gun?! That was awesome!” Peter and Ned perform their handshake with elated smiles.
“So,” Ned huffs, “what do we do about them?” He looks at the two intruders unconscious on the floor. “911 or Mr. Stark ?”
“Tony will freak out more if they’re still here,” Peter says logically. “911 first.”
I guess hmu if you want to be tagged as well
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I am going on my solitary vacation soon, and writing fanfics (together with sleeping and catching up on all movies I missed) is always a big part of it, so I am looking for some more Stony ideas! things I will write include
- Stony or Superfamily (maybe IronDad too if I feel inspired) should be the main focus,
- canon universe based prompts (MCU, Avengers Academy) or ideas based on my existing AUs (Double Trouble Reunion, The Pitted Olive, BF vs BF, Figaro fics, check the AU masterpost here, Figaro masterpost here)
- mpreg!Tony and chubby!Tony are ok too,
- tickling is always welcomed, but doesn’t have to be included (so specify if you want it in a fic, but I am gonna generally assume you don’t mind it, though)
- accepting NSFW and all my levels of hotness ( ** / *** ), (as long as it is consensual and not forced),
- no team tickling fics (others Avengers can be present but not involved), no cheer up tickling (unless very specific prompt and something I didn’t write before),
- prompts are accepted only by asks, 
so I think this is all, you can check the already accepted prompts here. I am not promising I will write everything I get, but I usually try to, if I will decide that some prompts already fit in an idea of a fic I wrote before, I will provide a link to it and not repeat the idea. please remember that if I ask you additional questions about your prompt I am expecting an answer, if I won’t get any, I will probably end up not using the prompt, I am asking questions to make the fic how you like it!
I will be accepting prompts for two days, starting... now!
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