#tony x little fem reader
ace-of-gay · 2 years
Hi again, could you do a tony x little!reader one where reader slips to a year old or newborn headspace and isn’t really verbal. So tony has to do the best he can to take care of her.
So tiny, so small
Tony stark x little reader
1,230 words
Edited to the best of my ability
I loved this prompt even though im not too happy with how this turned out my friend said it seems perfectly fine, im just overthinking it.
Warnings: age regression, regression age is about 1 year olds mindset, little names like bumblebee, little star, baby, cg name daddy
Pronouns: she/they
No weight mentioned (all little can be picked up, especially by avengers😤 you can fight me on this (joking on the fighting thing))
No skin color or hair type mentioned
You are responsible for your own media consumption especially when theres warnings, dont like it? Dont read it
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You had been beyond busy, and with busy comes stress, with stress comes self rejection of important things that exist in your schedule put there to help you including coping mechanisms *cough* age regression *cough*, tony did similar to himself but has always been so in tune with you and your headspace, it came second nature to him.
All of that being said he knew for you going three weeks without letting yourself slip was not good, infact it meant one of two things, one being if you dropped it’d be because of painful emotions pulling you apart piece by piece, or two, you’re going to drop extra little and you’re gonna need extra help that day.
He didn't see any problem in either of those because its natural, whatever happens, happens he loves taking care of you when you’re regressed, so much so that it calms him down almost immediately when you bring him a stuffy, he finds you cuddling under your blankie, coloring or when you are absolutely enamored with a movie while soothing on a paci plus so many other things you do.
Out of worry for the day you drop he had everything prepared and set up in a preparation bucket, with that being said when he had gotten up for the day and checked on you before meeting Bruce in the lab you lay there deep asleep, undisturbed cooing and trilling in your sleep he knew what was to come.
You had woken up with a bit of cold to your side you were confused, trying your best you basically shriek out a coo, little did you know Friday had gone through with a protocol you had no idea existed.
"Sir, operation bumble-baybee is active" hearing that chime brought him out of his head "thank you Friday he responds with a giant smile upon his face, Bruce smiling as well, he knew exactly what everything meant, "ill stop by later to visit y’all and see the tiny, you have a good day"
"You too, ill see ya" tony walks out of the lab and heads up to your shared room.
He walks in to see you in a happy little trance of the pretty colors and pretty music, shapes spinning, shifting, changing growing all with music that is infections, leaking into the mind and soothing itself a home in your sweet little head.
"Well good morning little star you’re just having a blast now aren’t you?" He sets his stuff down coming over to your side of the bed where you managed to roll over and turn around, onto your tummy while staying wrapped up in your blankie, you coo and babble in response trying to scoot closer.
He reaches out to take your hands in his, kissing both, before noticing the small fading tracks on your cheeks from scratching, in response to finding them he kisses them as well to make sure they didn't bother you no more and his love was going to make everything perfect.
Helping you up and out of bed holding your hands he heads you to the bathroom so he can get you all dressed and ready for whatever adventure you embark on today even if its just inside the tower, taking the preparation bucket and getting what he currently needs he helps get you changed into a onesie and a pair of cozy fluffy pants to keep you warm and keep a bit of padding under your knees when crawling or sitting.
And than with everything else he adds socks and matching mits to keep you from scratching.
"We hungry bumblebee?" He quizzes, you go to respond but you get interrupted by your tummy talking for you, the growl rumbling telling him you are infact definitely hungry.
Knowing you wouldn't really want a lot of solid food but instead mostly milk or juice.
Picking you up he takes you to the front room putting toys on the floor for you and going into the small kitchen that looks directly into the front room.
He warms up a bottle of milk in a warm bowl of water letting it warm up for fifteen minutes, plenty of time to make a quick and small breakfast he can share with you if you want.
Just a few minutes he walks back into the room to find you squeal at the blocks toppling onto the floor.
"Hey bumblebee, look what daddy’s got" he shakes the bright green bottle a little catching your attention causing you to abandon your blocks and crawl to him with urgency in your little movements, seating yourself perched on your knees in front of him, wrapping your mitten clad hand around the bottle and suckling away with an urgency of hunger only a warm yummy bottle of your favorite type of milk could fix.
He pulls the bottle away for a moment making you breathe so you don’t upset your tummy or choke, "you wanna try a bite of my breakfast? " he asks before giving you the rest of your bottle.
Babbling in response and opening your mouth for food, he gives you a small bite of his breakfast watching you chew and swallow once again making sure you don’t choke at all. "You want another bite bumblebee?" A happy wiggle and opening your mouth for him to feed you another bite than reaching for your bottle taking it in both mitted hands going back to work on your bottle so focused you don’t even realize that there’s no more milk and that you’re just suckling on air.
Pouting when he pulls it away and put it to the side, "its all gone, there’s no more bumble" he chuckles, "aah" you hit your hands against his knee, "no there’s no more, c’mere baby were all done for now" he helps you up into his lap, patting your back, you curl into his chest feeling his chest rise and fall soothing you calm, this is exactly what you needed but its what he needed as well.
Forty five min and plenty of cuddles later you start to get antsy, twisting and scooting, he lets you down, taking the plate and bottle to the kitchen, "in that time the penthouse front room was filled with babbling and squealing and the occasional gurgle that sounded like dada.
He comes back in to find you sitting near the elevator patting the doors, "oh sneaky girl, sweet baby what're you doing?" Pouting and patting the doors again babbling about what? He not sure.
"You wanna go somewhere?", "Aaah" you shout hitting the door one more time.
"Ooooh do we want to visit everyone?" Bouncing on your knees and giving grabby hands squealing telling him yes.
"Alright bumblebee, c’mere lets go see the others"
He picks you up, deciding on giving you a piggyback ride instead of how he normally does, with piggyback rides being your favorite because you can see everything he sees and point to things easier.
Once down on the communal floor finding some of the other littles in the tower he lets you down to play with then, watch shows and visit the others around.
Having the absolute time of your day crawling around trilling, cooing, babbling giggling and tons of little talk all that stress of three weeks is finally released and just letting your mind free
I also want to thank @my-river-lilly for helping me as well as an unmentioned friend who doesn't have tumblr
I hope this fulfills your request im sorry if its not up to your request
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katethewriter · 2 years
Kinda Like You
from the New Kid series
Summary: Natasha and New Kid find they have much more in common than they originally believed.
Words: 3.5k~
Pairing: Natasha x little!Reader - Wanda x little!Reader - Wandanat x little!Reader(platonic) - Steve Rogers x Reader(platonic) - WandaNat - Wanda x Natasha
Warnings: mentions of child abuse, neglect, abandonment, tough love from Steve, misguided frustrations
A/N: Who wants to learn more about New Kid's past? Well, that's what we're doing today! This chapter is very dialogue heavy, but they are information sharing so enjoy!
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“Pick your battles New Kid,” Steve calls from the side of the mat.
Y/n and Peter have been sparring for the past twenty minutes under the watchful eyes of Captain America while a few others filtered in and out. Currently, Natasha and Tony stand nearby, observing quietly as the 12 and 15 year old fight.
Y/n struggles to break out of the hold that Peter has caught her in.
“Tap out, Y/n. If you had followed through with your swing, he wouldn’t have caught you in the first place,” Steve chastises, “yield and reset.”
 With a huff, Y/n taps Peter’s arm, and he releases her. The pair turn to face each other and go again.
The girl lunges for Peter. He is able to quickly dodge the attack and circle her. Before she can react, he has her in another hold. She does her best, but knows she is unable to break free. With a glance to the side, she spots Natasha and Tony whispering to each other. Skepticism clear in their faces.  
Y/n sighs and taps out again.
“You always have to be thinking about the next move,” Steve walks onto the mat, “expect he will dodge, be prepared and plan for it.” He looks at Peter and nods his head to the side of the mat. The teen walks off, leaving the super soldier and New Kid in the center of the mat. “Reset.”
The girl prepares to fight her instructor, taking a deep breath to focus before the fight.
Steve attacks first, swinging for Y/n’s shoulder. The girl ducks below his arm. As he steps through the swing, she circles him and lands a kick to his back. She reaches for his arm to twist it behind his back, but he turns. With a swipe of his leg, New Kid’s back hits the mat roughly. She grimaces at the pain coursing through her.
“Always watch your feet.”
Suddenly, a scoff can be heard from the other side of the room.
Y/n turns to see Natasha’s stern look and pursed lips. They lock eyes for only a moment before the red head shakes her head and turns to the door. Steve helps the girl to her feet, and she continues to watch the widow leave the gym.
Natasha hates her. She has to. Y/n’s sure of it. Every time the widow watches her train ends this way, with a look of disapproval and a fast exit.
 Actually, that is how many of their interactions end.
Natasha walks in while 12-year-old Y/n is learning mission tactics, she exits quickly.
The widow is dismantling a sniper when New Kid is given a tour of the weaponry. She can’t be more than 10. Natasha doesn’t even spare her a glance as she finishes her task.
She passes her in the gun range, she clenches her jaw and leaves silently with a full magazine.
It seems the only time Natasha can stand to be in the same room as New Kid is at mealtimes.
Y/n watches as the gym doors slide closed behind the retreating red head. She wonders what she did to make the woman hate her so and if there was anything she could do to fix it.
Suddenly an arm is entering her vision rapidly. She ducks just in time to miss Steve’s swing.
“Never take your eyes off your opponent.”
Wanda trails kisses from Natasha’s shoulder to her neck.
“Hey,” the widow chuckles and pulls away slightly, “I am trying to watch the movie.”
The two have been curled up in Wanda’s bed watching movies all day. They’ve been together for over a year, and they’ve learned to savor the little moments they are able to hide from the rest of the world.
Wanda pauses her kisses briefly, “oh come on, you’ve seen this movie a hundred times.”
“Then why did you pick it?” she asks incredulously.
“Because you’ve seen it a hundred times,” the cheeky Sokovian responds leaning up to press her lips to the Russian’s. This time, Natasha doesn’t pull away. She deepens the kiss as the movie goes forgotten.
They lay there, kissing gently, just happy to be in each other’s arms.
…..then there’s a knock on the door.
“Ignore it,” Natasha says quickly before continuing the kiss.
Wanda shakes her head and pulls away, “I can’t. It’s Y/n; she needs something.”
The widow furrows her brows, “how do you know?”
“Her little thoughts are very loud,” the witch smiles, “I can hear them whether I’m trying to or not.”
Wanda rolls out of the bed, and Natasha groans. She pauses the movie, while the younger woman opens the door to greet little Y/n.
From the hallway, Y/n looks up to Wanda with a small smile.
The witch crinkles her nose with a grin and lowers herself to be closer to eyelevel with the girl. “Why hello, sweet girl! To what do I owe this pleasure?” She ends the question with a gentle boop on the girl’s nose.
“Can you help me put this on?” Y/n asks quietly, holding a dress out to display, “I can’t reach the buttons.” She looks down sadly, trying to hide her gaze from the witch.
Wanda quickly lifts the girl’s chin, so she is looking at her again, “hey, it’s always ok to ask for help, mala(little one). I’d love to help you.”
She stands and opens the door further for Y/n to enter. They only make it three steps into the room before the girl spots Natasha sitting on the bed.
Y/n stands still under Natasha’s gaze. Obviously, she has interrupted something. She shouldn’t be here. She can’t ask for help in front of Natasha. Not when it is very clear that the assassin already doesn’t like her. She is overcome with a large wave of nervousness.
From the bed, Natasha watches Wanda welcome New Kid into the room. The sight of her hits the widow like a truck. It’s the youngest Natasha has ever seen Y/n drop.
Natasha smiles to the girl, “Hey New Kid.”
“Hi,” Y/n shifts on her feet uncomfortably, then looks up to Wanda.
The Sokovian smiles and ushers her to her connected bathroom. “Here,” she takes the child’s hand, “lets go in here to get you changed.”
The two of them slip into the bathroom leaving Natasha alone in the bedroom while Wanda helps Y/n change out of her current clothes and into the dress.
All alone, Natasha tries to think of why seeing Y/n had such an impact on her.
The girl looked to be about 6, definitely the youngest Natasha has ever seen her drop. After a minute of thinking it suddenly makes sense.
She reminds her of Yelena.
The bathroom door opens. The pair reenter the room and sure enough, Y/n looks about (if not exactly) the same age as her sister was right before they left Ohio.
The nostalgia brings a lump to Natasha’s throat. She’s able to fight it back, but that proved difficult. When she looks at the girl in front of her, all she can see is her sister. The sister she never saw again.
“Wow! I love your dress!” the redhead beams, “where’d you get a dress that pretty?”
Y/n stands shyly with her folded clothes in her arms, “Clint gave it to me.” Quickly, the little girl thanks Wanda and makes an escape from the room and the gaze of Natasha.
She’s gone before either of them can say anything.
“What happened?” Natasha asks.
Wanda can only shrug.
“You should go ask Y/n if she wants to watch with us,” Wanda says from her spot on the couch.
Team movie night would be starting in about 30 minutes. Wanda always liked to be the first one there, so she could claim the “cuddliest couch” before anyone else. It also heightens her chances of being first to pick the movie.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Natasha looks at her girlfriend skeptically, “the movies we typically watch aren’t exactly age appropriate. We don’t want to give the kid nightmares.”
Wanda swipes the remote off the coffee table and smirks, “that’s why I will be picking the first movie. Besides, she’s not that little right now. Her thoughts aren’t loud enough.”
The widow sighs, “Why don’t you go get her? I’ll save your seat. She’ll most likely say yes to you. She’s scared of me.”
“She’s not scared of you-“
“We both saw how she was yesterday,” Natasha states, “she froze when I said hello. She’s terrified of me.”
Wanda reaches for her girlfriend’s hand, “she’s just timid and unsure. Once she warms up to you, you’ll see. She’s the sweetest kid. You just got to coax her out of her shell.” She kisses Natasha’s hand before pointing to the door.
“Go, it’ll be good for both of you.”
Natasha makes her way down the hallway until she reaches Y/n’s door. She knocks, but never gets a reply. After a minute, she knocks again, but still hears nothing.
She presses her ear to the door. A sniffle and a whimper float through the air. The widow pushes open the door and taps lightly, “Y/n?” She calls softly not to scare the girl. “You alright?” She pauses to wait for a response. “I’m coming in, ok?”
Natasha takes a cautious step into the room, and she has to pause for a second.
 Aside from the array of clothing Clint had given the girl, there is no sign that a child lives in this room. Maybe Y/n prefers it, but it just reminds Natasha of how she grew up in a place where she was punished for being a kid. Every child should have at least some toys, even one who turns back into an adult.
Natasha follows the sniffles that lead her to the bathroom door. “I can hear you crying. Is there something wrong?”
“Something I could help you with?” Natasha taps on the closed door, and it gives under the pressure.
The door slowly swings open and reveals Y/n standing in front of the mirror with red eyes and a brush in her hand. Her hair is tangled into a large mat near the back of her head. The look on Y/n’s face is all Natasha needs to know the poor thing has been trying to brush it out for who knows how long.
The girl sniffles, “I took a nap, and it was like this when I woke up.” Her lip quivers, “it won’t come out.”
The older woman smiles lightly, “may I?” She holds out her hand for the brush. The girl sighs defeatedly and relinquishes the brush. Natasha places her hands on the girl’s shoulders and squeezes comfortingly. She smiles to Y/n through the mirror and begins to silently brush her hair.
Its quiet again. The only sound passing between them is the brush gently dragging through Y/n’s hair.
Y/n looks into the mirror, watching the older woman intently. She feels small, smaller than she is now. Maybe it’s the widow’s intent focus on her hair or her gentle touch or the complete contrast to the woman’s previous demeanor around her, but whatever it is makes Y/n have to fight the urge to drop younger.
She was 7 when she took her nap, and 13 when she woke up in this dilemma. With how she’s feeling right now, there is no way she would be able to pick how small she dropped. So she just fights it until it fades.
Natasha’s soft touch is comforting her more and more with every pass of the brush. It soothes Y/n enough that she can break the silence.
“Why are you helping me?”
The older woman briefly connects eyes with Y/n through the mirror. She smiles and looks back to her work, “because we’re teammates. Teammates help each other.”
The girl chews on her lip, “but you don’t like me.”
Natasha comes to a complete halt, and she looks to Y/n again. Her face is mixed with confusion and concern, “that’s not true, myshka(little mouse). Why do you think that?” She places her hands on the girl’s shoulders in a way she hopes in comforting.
It does comfort Y/n some, but she still feels nervous to answer her. She knows she will have to eventually, so she might as well get it over with. “You don’t want me to be here. You’re always mad to see me.”
Natasha’s face floods with more confusion.
“You always leave whenever I’m around, like when I’m training, and I lose or when you see me in my lessons, especially weapons you get mad….” Y/n pauses looking up to Natasha with big doe eyes, “did I do something wrong?”
“No,” the widow quickly answers, “no myshka(little mouse), you haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Then why do you hate being around me?”
Natasha sighs and continues brushing out the tangles in Y/n’s hair. She understands why the little girl thinks what she thinks, and she knows why she is wrong. The misunderstanding is entirely her fault. She’s just not sure how to explain it to the girl.
She takes a deep breath to center her thoughts, “I don’t hate being around you. Sometimes I just get upset because you just remind me of my past.” She smiles sadly to the girl through the mirror. “I don’t know how much they’ve told you about me, but I grew up in a place that was not very good.”
“The Red Room,” Y/n states.
Natasha nods, “yes, that’s right. The Red Room was a very bad place. They took little girls from their families and trained them to be killers. They made us learn how to fight, how to follow someone, how to shoot, how to do all of it without being seen…. They even… they made us…they made us fight and kill each other.”
Once the widow is sure there are no more tangles in the girl’s hair, she parts it down the middle and begins braiding to keep her hands busy as she continues.
“I left that place because it turned little girls into weapons. I wanted to join a team that was actually trying to do good. Then I see cute little you training just like we did in the Red Room. The reason I get upset is because it makes me think that we’re no better than them.”
Natasha smiles into the mirror catching little eyes with her own, “that’s why I acted that way. It’s not your fault, myshka(little mouse). I’m so sorry I made you feel like it was or that I didn’t want you here.” She continues her braiding, “I think you’re gonna be good member of this team, once we get you ready.”
Y/n watches Natasha intently while she thinks of what to say, “you and me are kinda the same.”
Though she doesn’t look up from her braiding, the older woman is intrigued by the girl’s comment, “what do you mean?”
“I came from a bad place too,” Y/n explains, “now I’m here, so I can help people.”
“Where are you from?”
“Upstate,” the girl answers matter of factly. She’s not sure how much of her story she should tell. She trusts Natasha, especially after she just spoke of her own childhood. On the other hand, no one knows about how the girl grew up, not even Fury.
 Natasha hums, asking Y/n to continue.
“I was engineered,” the girl says as if she is saying ‘the sky is blue’.
The widow freezes, looking up to the girl in shock, “what?”
Y/n suddenly feels small again, but still she continues, “I was engineered in a test tube. Then I was transferred to an artificial womb until I was developed enough to live on my own.”
She twiddles her thumbs, unable to look up at the widow, “They were trying to make a shape shifter like you all thought I was. They tried to alter my DNA, but whatever they did, I think they did it too late. I already had too many cells with my normal DNA. I think that’s why I can only go back. All of me can shift except the cells that came from the ones from my conception.”
Hearing Y/n speak so maturely when she appears barely 13 throws Natasha for a bit. She has to remind herself that Y/n still has an adult brain in there.
“They kept me in their lab,” Y/n continues, “they would do these experiments on me. They would hurt sometimes, a lot of times. They kept trying to figure out where they went wrong. They were trying to fix me.”
Natasha clenches her jaw. She feels a rage she hasn’t felt in a very long time, and she makes a promise to herself that she will never let anyone harm this girl again.
The girl can sense the anger in the older woman, and it has her shrinking in on herself. “Are you mad?”
A breath catches in Y/n’s throat, and Natasha’s thoughts are pulled out of her anger to take in the girl in front of her. The fearful look has returned to Y/n’s face again. The widow kicks herself mentally.
“but not at you,” she reaches a hand out to pick up the girl’s chin, “myshka(little mouse), look at me please. I’m not mad at you. I promise.” She waits quietly until Y/n nods. Natasha smiles warmly, “Good girl. Now, I need you to tell me who had you? What agency?”
Y/n shakes her head, “there wasn’t an agency. It was just my parents… well, the scientists that called themselves my parents.”
“They lived somewhere else, away from the lab. They would go home at night and leave me in the lab.” The girl sighs heavily, “I never left the lab, until I escaped when I was 14. One night after they went home, I broke out of my room. I grabbed as many files about me I could find, and then I left.”
“…and you’ve been on your own since then?”
Y/n nods, “but now I’m here, and you’re gonna teach me how to help people right?” This time Natasha is the one to nod. The girl smiles, “then this much better than the Red Room, and you all are much better than my parents.”
Her words bloom a sense of calmness in Natasha’s chest. She’s just about done with the second braid.
“You know you’re lucky,” the older woman plays with the baby hairs at the base of the girl’s head. She tickles her there until she gets a giggle, “we may not have had good childhoods, but you get a second chance to be a kid.”
Y/n looks up, entirely enraptured by Natasha’s words.
“Not many of us have that chance.” In this moment, the widow can feel a soft spot in her heart that wasn’t there before. A spot that now belongs to Y/n, “its ok to be little around us. I know you’re an adult, but its ok to be a kid. We want you here either way. Definitely me, Wanda and Clint, the rest of them team hasn’t quite caught up yet, but they’re on their way, trust me. You don’t have to hide in your room anymore. Ok?”
Y/n nods with a large grin. She has a new understanding of Natasha. She especially can feel the start of a new friendship. Its hard to believe that just a month or so ago she had no one, no friends. Now, she has three and hopefully more to come.
Being caught stealing by the Avengers might just be the best thing that has ever happened before.
“All done,” Natasha says while she wraps a hair tie to the end of the second braid. She lays the braid down the girl’s shoulder, “what do you think?”
Y/n takes in the sight of her two French braid pigtails and smiles widely. She looks up to the widow who sports her signature one French braid, and she smiles even wider. “Hey, I look kinda like you!”
Natasha chuckles, “yeah, you do New Kid.” She rests her hands on the girl’s shoulders, “there’s about to be a movie night in about 5 minutes, would you like to join us?” She steps into the doorway, outstretching a hand for Y/n to take.
The girl happily takes her hand and follows her lead. As they walk through the halls, their hands swing lightly in between them.
"If you'd like," Natasha proposes, "I could train with you sometime. I'm a much better fighter than Steve anyway." She playfully nudges the girl's side. "I could teach you how to kick his butt."
Y/n smirks, "I think I'd like that."
"Me too."
When the two of them enter the common area hand in hand, they receive more than a few confused glances from the team, except for Wanda who just looks ecstatic. They take their seats. Natasha sits on the couch with Wanda, and New Kid claims the chair nearby.
As the widow settles into her girlfriend’s side, she whispers in Wanda’s ear, “you were right.”
The witch gives her a quizzical look.
“She really is the sweetest kid.”
A few days later, and New Kid is already doing better. She’s coming out of her room more. She almost always gravitates towards Wanda or Natasha, which is fine by them. Each little interaction with a team member outside of training is making her feel a tiny bit more comfortable around the compound.
It’s not all that much, but a little progress is still progress.
One morning, Y/n opens her door to go to breakfast and nearly steps on a teddy bear sitting in the hallway. The sight of the toy has her itching to drop, but she’s dropped enough recently to control it. She remains her true age as she picks up the bear. Attached to the toy is a note with her name on it.
She fondly holds the bear tight to her chest as she reads the message.
Y/n, Just a reminder that its ok to be a kid. Its ok to want to do kid things. When I was in the Red Room, I wished I had a teddy bear even though toys were strictly forbidden. I thought you might like one too. Since, I’m kinda like you. -Natasha
I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think down in the comments below. Also, if you have any ideas for what you would want to read, let me know!
As always, thank you so much for reading and for all your support. Much love!
Taglist: @battleg03 @thelittlewolfofaretuza @emiivey @dylanobriens-love @madelineleong @sluttyforfemaleavengers @santana1437 @thatonementallyillsimp @oliveoilpenguiny @you-are-beautifully-gorgeous @charcharslide-3 @anon1412 @universallypoetrycheesecake @mary-jinx @princess-kennys-rats @marvel-fan-2021 @ameeelia07 @kneelforloki @ornorr @prettysbliss @nattyolw @yukonasf @thursdayygrrrl @rach2602@ace-of-gay @casualbisexualfroggo @nyctophiliacatcher @ripofflizzie @chrisevansangel @randomnessbecausewhynot @lizlil @uselessastheginlasagnaa @m-h-r-h
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adi06lena · 2 years
Tony: everyone send me smells you like so I can get everyone candles
Yn: vanilla, uh strawberry
Nat: what are you doing?
Yn: listing off smells I like
Nats: that smells weird- wait-
*everyone bursts out laughing*
Yn: baby omg
Nat: no no I didn’t mean to say thaatttt
Nat: I meant that sounds weird-
Yn: nope nope we’re sticking with the original baby
Nat: *crosses her arms pouting*
Yn, cuddling nat: hehe
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inkedbybarnes · 6 months
his baby
bucky barnes x fem!reader
summary: bucky won't call you by your name.
word count: 400+
warnings: 18+ minors dni. established relationship. tooth rotting fluff, or worse... allusions to smut. a whole lot of usage of petnames mainly being baby, bucky being obsessed with the reader (that's a warning, i say), lowercase writing.
i have no idea what this is (okay, maybe i do) but it happened. really cheesy, but i guess i'm into that sometimes. hope you like this one!
dividers by @cafekitsune!
comments, reblogs, and likes are highly appreciated. thank you! ♡
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“where's my baby?”
those three words kept echoing all throughout the compound this morning. most of the team were up and awake to welcome bucky, steve, and sam who just arrived home from their week long mission.
but his baby was missing.
“oh, god. here he goes again.” sam shook his head, fatigue written all over his face, but a bit of amusement from bucky's behaviour still shining through. he couldn't deny how admirable bucky's adoration for you was.
“calm down, punk." steve pat his shoulder reassuringly. “i'm sure she's here somewhere.”
“yeah, but where?” bucky asks again. “i haven't seen her for a week. i miss her.”
“you think he remembers her name?" clint jokingly asked.
“she has multiple names, remember?” tony answered. “baby, sweetheart, love, sweets, and.. what's the other one? i swear, there's another, or maybe two?”
before one of them could find the answer, bucky popped right in front of them to ask another question.
“is my baby okay?” his brows were all scrunched up, genuinely worried about you. “did you tell her i was coming home? i told her before we took off. why isn't she here? she's always—”
“okay, lover boy. your baby is alright, she's still sleeping in your room, i think.” tony answered him, finally calming him down. “and can you call her by her name when it's just us around? we're starting to think that you forgot what her actual name is."
“what? she's my only baby, it's not that hard to figure it out." bucky shrugged, causing at least three of the avengers to run their hands through their face at his answer. “and why is she still asleep? is she sick?"
natasha raised her hand, a guilty smile on her face. “i'm the reason for that. i made her stay up late with me last night to watch five seasons of a show we discovered accidentally,” she explained, a proud smile now replacing her guilty one. “she might be a little cranky from the lack of sleep, so you better have something for her when she wakes up.”
“oh, i do.” bucky grinned like he already knew what to give her and was prepared for it. “all of you might want to leave the tower for the entire day if you don't want to hear me giving it to her.”
what used to be the shouts of bucky looking for you were now replaced with the grunts and complaints of the team because of bucky's answer.
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if you have any requests for bucky, send them my way! 💌
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ 𝐬𝐡𝐡... 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞
pairing . Natasha Romanoff x virgin! fem! reader
summary . when she decides to make the move and discovers you had never experienced anything like that ever before, she plans the perfect way to put your fears away and get to see that side of yours for the first time.
warnings . smut! i am not responsible for your content consumption! — implied sexual abuse (from Dreykov), virginity loss, foreplay, nipple play, strap on usage, fingering, multiple orgasms, lots of praises, Natasha's incredibly hot russian.
notes . english is not my first language (🇧🇷) so i apologize for any spelling errors. feedback is highly appreciated! <3
divider credits: @anitalenia
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you had been waiting for Nat to come home from the avengers compound all day. she had told you Tony was making some updates on FRIDAY and needed the team's opinion on everything, so she stayed there a little longer than the usual.
you had to admit — it was never the same without her in the house. wearing her clothes didn't help as much as you thought, neither did Liho meowing all day as if telling you she missed her.
so your eyes perked up to the door as you heard the doorknob turning, eyes sparkling at the sight of Natasha. she was smiling.
most of the times she came back from the compound she had bruises and cuts from missions, and looked down and tired. so knowing she had fun with her team made your day a hundred times better. even if it was already midnight.
"hey, kitten," she chuckles and crouches down to pick the cat up as she runs to her, immediately nuzzling against her and meowing. "i missed you too,"
"i missed you too." you say quietly, Natasha's eyes immediately following the voice. she drops her bag on the floor and runs towards you, sitting on the edge of the couch where you laid.
"hi, dorogaya!" she places her hand on your cheek and pecks your lips, coaxing a little sigh out of you. her mouth then travels to your forehead to plant a kiss there. "i'm sorry for making you wait. but it was so fun. all i could think about was coming home and telling you!"
you giggle, seeing her so enthusiastic. you shift to make room for her on the couch and she adjusts herself so you're leaning on her chest now — Liho laying comfortably on both of you. "okay. tell me!"
"so," she begins, taking a deep breath as she became selfconscious about how happy she was. "Ant Man was there, and he was struggling with his pym-particle blasters and he became very very tiny. more than he should. and then, when Tony opened FRIDAY's device, he decided to tease all of us and entered there, tickling the artificial intelligence! she pretended to laugh, and Tony couldn't understand why everything he was trying to do wasn't working."
her laugh was so sweet, so genuine, that a sense of calm washed over you, everything was okay now, you were both okay. and knowing Natasha, having her happy was the best gift you could ever have. your arms wrapped around her neck, and you kisses the tip of her nose. "i'm glad you had a great day with them,"
Natasha's lips parted as she felt the kiss, her gaze locking with yours. she realized she had finally gotten rid of that feeling that something bad could happen anytime. she wasn't alert 24/7 anymore. now, she was home. with you. "i did.. and i have you now."
she carefully picks the sleeping cat and place her on the little bed next to the couch, then returns her attention to you. her hands travel down to your waist, fingertips sliding under the thin shirt you wore. you gulp, fingers tangling in her red locks and pulling her closer.
"i have you, now." you repeat quietly, before crashing your lips on hers.
the russian immediately melts against you, a faint groan echoing from the back of her throat, the vibrations going straight to your core. she carefully lifts you up and pulls you onto her thigh, allowing your weight to rest on her. you usually didn't have make out sessions, since she was with the others most of the time, doing missions. but you wouldn't let that opportunity slide.
the tip of your tongue darts out and licks her bottom lip, a silent plea for something more. she was surprised. she didn't usually see you making the moves. her lips part fully, welcoming your tongue in her mouth, as she returns the action. her tongue mingles with yours, slowly, wanting to make the moment last, but it wasn't enough.
her hand slid up your back, pulling your chest flush against her own. you whimper as the kiss deepens, body shifting and molding perfectly with her. this was getting further than you thought it would.
Natasha broke the kiss with a small gasp, shifting your positions and carefully laying you down on the couch. her body hovered yours, and her lips trailed kisses down your face, your neck. your eyes widened — in surprise, but also in panic.
"Nat," you breathlessly whisper, weakly grabbing her shoulders to hold onto her. her lips didn't stop, only seeming to be hungrier and hungrier for you. "wait,"
"no, krasivaya, (beautiful,)" she mumbles against your skin, pulling your body even closer to her. she didn't want to stop. "just let me, please,"
you take a deep shaky breath to try and calm yourself down. you knew Natasha, and that she'd never hurt you, so this helped. you carefully took her face in your hands, and pulled her head which was tucked on your neck back. she took a great look into your eyes, and frowned. "what's up, baby?"
"nothing, it's just.." you sigh. her eyes narrow for a brief second, then, a small chuckle comes out of her mouth. damn it, she saw the soft pink creeping up your cheeks.
"are you shy?" she inquires, raising her eyebrow. you got relieved as she suddenly got off you and sat on the couch properly, pulling you onto her lap again and wrapping her arms around your waist.
"it's not that." you shake your head and look down, begining to pick on your nails.
it wasn't shyness. you just had a feeling that would lead towards sex. and not that you weren't ready, you just never had it before — other than pleasuring yourself — and Natasha didn't know that fact, until now.
"oh..." she suddenly realizes what's going on. instead of getting angry, a smile tugs on the corner of her lips again. she looks at your face for some good seconds, before wrapping her arms completely around your frame and pulling you to her chest.
that reminded her of all the times she was forced to do something she had no idea of what it was, all the times she felt scared, felt dirty, doing something she didn't want to. god, she didn't want you to feel like that. she never wanted anyone to feel like that, ever.
"are you a virgin, lyubovmoya? (my love,)" her voice sounds extremely calm and tender that it makes you a little surprised. "tell me,"
"yes, yes i am." you exhale and lean your head on her shoulder, eyes fluttering close.
"okay. do you wanna keep it like that?"
that. the question you've been most fearing. usually, if it were anybody else, you'd say no. but Natasha just made you feel so safe, so loved. you wanted to take that step further with her.
"no, i don't."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
"just keep 'em closed,"
your soft giggle melts Natasha. her hand covers your eyes as her hand maneuvers you by your hip, inside the bedroom. she had decided to keep everything natural for you this day. no rushed things. but she couldn't be happier. you were trusting her with that.
"did you feed Liho?" you whisper as Natasha carefully places you on a specific spot on the room.
"i'm about to fuck you and you're worried about the cat?" she laughs, making you gasp. you playfully smack her shoulder.
"you!" you smile. her hand gets removed from your eyes. they immediately get dreamy at the sight in front of you.
Natasha was only in a set of lingerie. for the first time ever, you saw her. it was something she thought — in order for you to feel safe, she'd have to show you she felt safe with you herself. because deep inside, she was just another broken, insecure person.
your eyes scanned her body, trying carefully not to stare too hard, seeing the scars and marks that engraved her skin. your fingertips shyly reached for her, and she didn't stop you. in fact, her hands hovered yours as she slid them up her skin.
a quiet 'wow' leaves you, followed by a genuine smile of yours. you pull her closer, looking all doe eyed at her. "you're beautiful,"
"i wanna see you too," she looks down at you. "can i?"
"you can," you hum, raising your arms, a silent invitation for her to undress you.
Natasha's fingertips gently tug at the hem of your blouse, before pulling it over your head. you were the complete opposite of her. smooth skin, no battle scars like hers. she was quick to kneel down and tease the buttons of your jeans, wanting to see if you would stop her or not.
"please, Natasha."
she does as you ask and undo the jeans, letting them pool around you on the floor. she helps you step out of them, and hum as you're both now half naked. everything felt otherworldly romantic and.. safe. even if Natasha was trying her best not to ruin you right there, just by seeing you so soft, so.. vulnerable for her like that. she liked being in control for once.
so your eyes squeezed shut as she suddenly pressed her body against yours and pinned you back against the wall. "shh."
your breath hitches in anticipation, her fingertips slowly tracing up your spine and allowing her palm to rest above the clasps of your bra. Natasha's free hand moves up your stomach, her knee sneakingly trapping you against the wall between your legs. she tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. "let me, malyshka. (baby). i know what i'm doing, just relax."
"mhm," a little whine comes out of your throat, which makes her smile. she nods in encouragement and moves her mouth close to your ear, pressing a kiss on the spot under it.
"ya ne khochu, chtoby ty zhalel obo mne, detka, (i don't want you to regret me, baby,)" she whispers in your ear, and you have no idea of what it means. but something was right — the thin fabric of your panties felt extremely soaked right now. "so, i'll make you feel so, so good."
"please," you wrap your arms around her neck, pressing yourself closer. her skin felt better than you could have ever imagined against your own.
"i'm here." she reassures you, then carefully spins you around and lay you down on the bed. her hand that ghosted over your back undid the clasps of your bra, and tossed it somewhere else on the floor.
you're absolutely sure that it was not the cold air that made you shiver and that got your nipples hard. you gulp, breathing coming out in soft pants as Natasha's hands gently handled you, cupping your breasts as her lips pressed a trail of kisses on the valley between them. "you're gorgeous, my girl."
"you feel so good," you breathe, subconsciously leaning towards her hands. her thumb pinches your nipple as she suddenly latches on you, slowly sucking on your other breast, giving both of them the same attention. "Natasha."
the way you moaned her name, breathlessly like that coaxed a sound of her own. your fingers tangled on her hair to makeshift a ponytail, so her hair wouldn't get in the way. she released your skin with a pop and claimed your lips, kissing you like she never did before — as if trying to pour all the love she had for you in the kiss. you slowly got a handle of the whole thing. you reached up to take off her bra, and yet she didn't break the kiss. only when you got impatient, whimpering as the ache between your legs became unbearable.
"i need you," you murmur, clearing your throat, lips tingling due the intense kissing. "please, Nat. make me yours."
god, yes. she was never letting you go. not before, and certainly not now.
"i will." she says huskily. she moves, so she's straddling one of your thighs, but not putting her weight on you. "tell me to stop whenever you want to,"
her pointer finger put your panties aside and jeez, that was torturous. you didn't want that fabric there anymore. but she was teasing. but that all flew away from your thoughts when you gasped, her middle and ring finger suddenly entering your hole — thumb lazily rubbing your clitoris, all of that with one hand, her other arm resting next to your head to support her weight on the bed. you instinctively reached out to hold her arm, eyes embarrassingly rolling to the back of your head. being masturbated by someone else was so perfectly good, nothing compared to doing it alone.
"oh, my.." you coo, head falling back against the pillow as your breathing quickly got laboured.
"you like that, detka?" she asks, eyeing you down almost possessively, silently promising herself she would never allow anyone to see you like that, touch you like that ever again. she curls her fingers against your g-spot, making you nod desperately.
"yes, yes yes." you gasp once more, biting on your lip and bucking your hips up towards her hand. she could tell you were getting close, you made it obvious. "don't stop,"
"my, my princess. already gonna cum for me?" she gently teases and increases the pace, doing her best to get through your clenching walls — getting another pleasured moan from you. "that quick?"
"i can't.. can't hold it, Nat," your body suddenly shudders forward, shuddering gasps coming out of your mouth as your juices coat her fingers, as they fuck you through your orgasm. it was nothing new, yet sharing it with her was definitely something else. "fuck, fuck.."
"good job, baby." she carefully pulls your panties down and throw them aside, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "that's it. i'm so proud,"
you just laid there, feeling the whole adrenaline from the new experience, letting yourself be pampered by her kisses and praises.
"hold on," your eyes snap open as she suddenly leaves you on the bed and grab something on the closet. you could've never had imagined she had it before, nor that she'd use it with you, in you, someday. a strap on. "i'm not done with you yet."
what was supposed to make you scared, the size, just got you more excited. watching her put it on was the hottest thing you ever saw, made your heartbeat go to the moon and back. and it was already hammering since the start.
"do you want to back off from this?" she whispers, now sounding genuinely concerned. you shook your head, grabbing onto her shoulders and pulling her closer.
"no, no. i trust you." you weakly confirms and she smiles. she takes one of your legs and presses it against your stomach, knee to your chest, revealing your totally drenched cunt to her. she grabbed your hip with the other hand and positioned herself.
the first inches were just fine, but you could saw it did hurt as much as she pushed inside you. you did your best to suppress your groans, but she saw it hurt. she knew it did. "shhh.. just a little bit more."
her stomach and breasts pressed against yours and she leaned her head down close to your own, pressing her cheek against your cheek, nuzzling gently, giving you all the time you needed to adjust to the size.
you felt so.. complete. filled up, by the woman you trusted the most. your arms wrapped around her shoulders when you got ready. you were so lubricated that it didn't bleed, it was just a discomfort that was soon over. "move."
with the green light, all of Natasha's self-restraint disappeared as her hands held your hips, then she began giving you slow, tiny thrusts. to introduce you to the whole thing — which you quickly became addicted.
moans surely echoed on the room when the feeling registered. it was good. it felt amazing.
"go faster," you plea, holding her body tighter to yours as your hips tried and matched her movements.
"so eager," she hisses and quickens the pace, to a point the headboard was already hitting the wall. her strong arms hold you in place as she fucks the little remains of purity out of you. "all mine now."
the tip of the fake cock brushes deeper each time she pounds into you, as you both discover the depths of your body together, as just as this new way of coming you never experienced before.
the familiar pit in your stomach slowly built tighter and got ready to snap, and she recognized that. her hand slid between your sweaty bodies to stimulate your clit a little bit more, and you were sure you moaned a little too loudly.
"Natasha!" your nails dig into her skin, as a toe curling wave of pleasure washes over you, once again.
"that's it, dorogaya," she nods, slowing down and allowing you to savour the feeling, watching you fall apart. your cum soaked the silicone material of the strap on, and honestly, the wet sounds it made got you a little embarrassed.
you weren't aware of your surroundings anymore, only that Natasha leaned her weight on you and held you close, still inside you. she rolled over to pull you on top of her, and stroked your hair, hearing the little moans you made.
"you're so perfect for me.." she coos, carefully pulling out of you, making you hiss as the material dragged across your extra sensitive walls. "you took me so well, my girl."
"thank you..." you mumble, shifting just to bury your face in the crook of her neck.
Natasha didn't want to talk right now. and she wouldn't. she just pulled the blankets over the two of you, giving you time — to feel, to think, to recompose. she sighed, and a wide smile showed on her face. she was glad you couldn't see it, she looked so giddy, so happy and so proud. she did something right. once.
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d4yl1ghts · 5 months
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anthony bridgerton x pregnant, wife, fem!reader
summary: your son gets stung by a bee and anthony is reminded of his father
warnings: mentions of death, panic attack, pregnancy
It was the perfect afternoon: sunny and peaceful. You were sat outside with your husband, Anthony, watching over your son and daughter. Your daughter was making daisy chains and your son was wandering around your large gardens and messing around. Turning slightly, you stared at Anthony, he looked so pleased that you couldn’t help but let your lips curl upwards.
Anthony could feel your eyes on him and so he turned towards you and hungrily kissed your lips. As you pulled away, you said: “Tony, it is such a wonderful day.”
He tilted his head to look at your children who were laughing to themselves. He then glanced down at your growing stomach with a proud smirk in his face. You rolled your eyes at his antics. He looked at you with lust and you couldn’t help but feel slightly weak at the knees. You sighed contentedly as his lips moulded into yours perfectly.
He slipped his tongue into your mouth hastily and you moaned into his mouth.
You instantly pulled away as you heard your son crying. “Arthur!”, you yelled as you ran over to examine him. “What happened, sweetheart?”, you asked softly as you grazed over his little body. He pointed towards a bee and then to his arm. You moved to look at Anthony and you saw fear cross his features. “Let me see.”, he dragged Arthur towards him. “Ow!”, Arthur yelled as he was dragged. Anthony’s breathing was slightly uneven as he analysed the sting.
“Okay, it’s fine.”, he stated, mostly to himself. You knew of how Edmund had passed and you understood Anthony’s approach to the situation. “Arthur, let’s take you inside, shall we? You can have some chocolate.”, you said as you gently took your son’s hand. “Watch over Bianca whilst I’m inside, I’ll come back in a minute, my love.”, you eased your husband.
You left Arthur with one of your maids and quickly made your way outside again where you saw Anthony pacing and muttering to himself. You walked over rapidly and grabbed his wrist. “You’re okay, our son’s fine.”, you muttered to him as you raked your hands through his groomed hair. He melted into your touch as he grabbed your waist and held you tightly. Tears fell down his cheeks and you made sure to wipe them. “It’s okay, my love. Breathe with me, Tony.”, you guided him and he did as instructed.
He eventually calmed down in your arms and you called your daughter over. “Let’s head in.”, you smiled down at her. Anthony took your hand and Bianca’s and lead you both in where you checked on Arthur. He was fine but he gladly accepted the gifts you offered him. Anthony sat beside him and kissed his head fatherly.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
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boo! surprise bitches! i'm doing kinktober this year! finally doing it! bet you didn't see that one coming, did you hehe 🕸
there is a good mix of both short and long stories coming your way throughout this (and i will also still occasionally post other fics this month that aren't related to this). also, a handful of these fics are darker in nature, thought it was fitting for halloween, so remember to read the warnings, if there's something that's not for you then please, as always, be kind to yourself and don't read the story.
masterlist | join my taglist
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day one | sore
stepbro!sirius black x cheerleader!reader + dubcon massage
day two | don't smile
steve rogers + throat fucking + size kink
day three | stuffed
devil!eddie munson & angel!steve harrington + tentecles + double penetration in one hole
day four | a little fashion show
best friend!stiles stilinski + lingerie
day five | stay still
peter parker + bondage
day six | hold up, let me record this
jj maybank + tittyfucking + sextape
day seven | the palace guards
guards!poly!marauders x princess!reader + secrets relationship
day eight | it’s practically like we’re down there with them
mob boss!bucky barnes + exhibitionism
day nine | keep that pretty mouth shut
tommy shelby + keep quiet quickie
day ten | I couldn’t find it in me to wake you
poe dameron + somno thigh fucking
day eleven | I just want you a little longer all to myself
matt murdock + secret office sex
day twelve | nothing more than a toy
rafe cameron + using you like a toy to masturbate with
day thirteen | I still got a few rounds left in me
boxer!steve rogers + bathtub sex
day fourteen | open your fucking mouth
dark!wild west cowboy!joel miller + gun kink
day fifteen | tiny
miguel o'hara x fairy!reader + extreme size difference
day sixteen | the wall between us
cult member!steve harrington + fem glory hole + breeding
day seventeen | be a rebel, be bad, stay here and cuddle with me
spencer reid + aftercare
day eighteen | pleasant pile of pillows
brother's best friend!james potter + pillow humping
day nineteen | ring ring
sam winchester x reader x bf!dean winchester + phone sex + cheating
day twenty | window
perv!neighbour!billy russo + voyeurism
day twenty-one | say yes
fiancé!bruce wayne + possessiveness
day twenty-two | i can think of something better than that
bucky barnes + anal
day twenty-three | double check
dark!professor!ben solo + power imbalance + manipulation
day twenty-four | maroon
vampire!remus lupin + biting + blood kink
day twenty-five | i want you
pirate captain!miguel o'hara + sex as payment
day twenty-six | teamwork
pro football team!avengers (bf!steve rogers, bucky barnes, pietro maximoff, clint barton, sam wilson, tony stark, thor odinson) + gangbang
day twenty-seven | my little flower
din djarin + fantasy au + cockwarming
day twenty-eight | hysteria
doctor!aleksander morozova x hysteria patient!reader + historical au + fuck machine
day twenty-nine | can't fight the moonlight
werewolf!bucky barnes x gf!reader + predator/prey + monsterfucking
day thirty | magical mimic
eddie munson x witch!reader + magical mutual masturbation
day thirty-one | you can’t put it in
stepbro!peter parker + halloween pussyjob
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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sytoran · 1 year
𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 | barbie!wanda
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Having been a Barbie her whole life, Wanda hasn’t got a clue about how her newly-human body works. Thankfully, you happen to be the best gynecologist in town.
pairing: innocent!barbie!wanda x fem!gynecologist!reader
word count: 2054
warnings: smut (18+), not exactly a dark fic - surprisingly consensual given the circumstances, just barbie!wanda exploring her identity and being corruptibly cute
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Wanda didn’t quite know what to expect when she stepped foot into the gynecology centre. It’s to learn more about your body, Natasha had said, urging her to go. The doctors there will help you. 
She hopes her doctor is nice.
“Wanda Barbara Maximoff.”
“Your queue number is 476. Please proceed to Room B when your number is shown on the screen.”
The metal handle of the door is cold.
That’s the first thing Wanda registers when her right hand meets the shiny surface. It’s a contrast to the warm blood that flows within her body, thrumming in her veins and sliding under the surface of her supple skin.
Temperature. Texture. Telltale emotions.
It’s a whole new world, really, with a human body. Wanda certainly isn’t used to existing within one that isn’t Barbie-like. 
She can’t jump out a window and fly two floors down without breaking any bones. (You don’t want to know the story behind that.) 
She can’t walk out of the house in full-body neon pink, either. (That one can be achieved with a severe lack of others’ opinion, but Wanda gets this human thing they call ‘anxiety’.)
That’s what it’s called, experiencing new things, and that’s what this is about.
Wanda pushes down the door handle. She can do this.
“First time?”
“Uhm, yes.”
The doctor’s back is facing Wanda, going clickety-clackety on the computer that actually works and is not made of plastic. It’s a female gynecologist, just like she requested. (Wanda loves women! She’s all for strong and independent women.) 
Wanda probably staring at the back of the doctor’s head a little too hard, but then the doctor swivels in her chair, finally turning to face Wanda, and turns out Wanda actually can’t do this anymore.
“Hi, I’m Doctor Y/N, and I’m your gynecologist.”
(This Barbie is going through gay panic, except she doesn’t know it.)
Of all the things that could possibly happen to her, of course Wanda's gynecologist is the most attractive person she’s ever laid her eyes on.
This was not how this was supposed to go. Wanda’s brain is short-circuiting, and she has this new feeling coursing through her body that causes her heart rate to speed up exponentially. It’s new. And different. And oddly nice.
“Wanda? You alright, sweetheart?”
The blonde snaps out of it with a flushed face, snapping her jaw shut. Sweetheart? Vision – a Ken – had tried calling her that once. She didn’t like it.
Wanda decides that she likes the way you say it.
“Yep. I’m right here. Sorry.”
You get this side smile on your face for a moment, something flickering in your eyes as you stare at Wanda, and it causes the biggest shiver to run down her spine. 
Wanda’s heart is palpitating uncontrollably. If anyone heard it right now she’d probably die of embarrassment.
You pull out a stethoscope.
F***. (She learnt that word from Tony.)
Wanda’s skin burns under your touch, as you place the medical instrument over her chest, listening keenly to her heartbeat. 
The blonde thinks she’s going to pass out, with the way you move your rolling chair over so close your legs could touch hers.
“It’s quite fast,” you murmur, your voice taking on a lower tone, and Wanda has to physically swallow before her heart breaks through the constraints of her ribcage.
“O-oh,” Wanda responds breathily, a lot higher-pitch than she had anticipated, and she swears your eyes darken just a tad bit. (She doesn’t know what that implies. But it’s kind of hot.)
“Turn around,” you continue, moving back slightly to give your patient space. Wanda releases the breath she was holding and steals all the air she can, but when your hands slide up and under the back of her shirt, all that air is lost again.
It takes every cell of Wanda’s existence not to let out a whimper when you apply pressure on the stethoscope, right above the clasp of her bra. 
That new feeling has been amplified by a thousandfold, travelling from your touch to her skin to her heart and right between her legs.
(This Barbie is experiencing lust.)
“Alright, I’ve been informed that you’re a rather special case, Wanda,” you comment, not unkindly. “You don’t have any past medical records. So today I just want to check that everything is in good condition. We’ll do a quick pelvic exam to test your sexual and reproductive health, is that alright with you?”
Wanda doesn’t know what a pelvic test is. But she’d do anything you told her to, honestly, so she just nods.
“Okay, so you need to strip and lay down on the bed for me.”
(This Barbie is thinking dirty thoughts.)
Wanda is clothed in a blue surgical gown. She doesn’t know whether to be thankful or disappointed for that.
All she knows is that the material is scratchy against her chest (or more specifically, her nipples are all tingly — she’s not quite sure what that means yet, but it feels strangely good), and that your gloved hands are spreading her thighs open on the operating bed.
Her feet meet the stirrup supports at the end of the bed, knees falling open, and the way you move your rolling chair between her legs in a swift motion has Wanda questioning how she ever entertained the idea of liking Kens.
Your hands run down the expanse of her thighs — probably a little longer than you should have, not that Wanda’s complaining — and your gaze locks on the pinkish bareness of Wanda’s pussy.
The reaction is instinctive, non-commital, subconscious. “Uhm,” Wanda whines, trying to close her thighs. She squirms under your inspective gaze, biting into her lip and trying to shift away from the grip of your gloved hands.
She’s so bare, so open, so vulnerable. But that’s not what scares her. It’s the fact that she doesn’t mind, not around you.
You seem to catch wind of this, and don’t release your grip on her thighs. 
Wanda stares at you with her heart hammering in her chest. Wide-eyed and flushed. The pulse grows from her chest to between her legs and that’s never happened before.
“Sweetheart,” you murmur, very softly, and Wanda melts like putty in your arms.
Her knees fall open again.
The rest of the examination goes somewhat smoothly.
Save for the embarrassing little squeaks Wanda makes when you peer a little too closely at her cunt, it’s not too bad. 
She knows you’re discerning possible signs of swelling and soreness or something along those medical lines Wanda is hardly an expert in, but what’s more concerning is the warm liquid pooling in her lower belly.
Wanda’s never felt like this before, especially not as a Barbie, especially not this vividly.
When that warmth spreads to the tip of her folds, threatening to emerge on its surface, Wanda’s breath catches in her throat. She doesn’t know what it means that she’s going to be wet.
“All done,” you comment, leaning back, and Wanda’s legs snap shut just as her pussy grows damp, for the first time.
Crisis averted.
“Oh, sweetheart,” you say, almost sadistically, watching her reaction with an amused look. “That’s just the external visual exam. The second part of the pelvic exam is where I get down to the real stuff, yeah? I’m going to have to put my fingers inside you.”
(This Barbie is dangerously close to passing out from skyrocketing levels of libido.)
“I normally use lubricant on my gloved fingers for my patients, but I have a feeling you won’t need it,” you comment dryly, casually tugging off your surgical gloves and tossing them into the trashcan.
Wanda is too embarrassed to respond. Her face is flushed, her nipples are extra tingly, and her pussy is thoroughly soaked at this point. 
And you’re just there, sitting between her legs with your hands on her thighs, a very badly hidden smirk on your face.
She kind of wants to slap your dirty mouth. Or maybe kiss it.
“This is a speculum,” you announce, pulling out a metal-hinged tool. “And I’m going to use it to keep your pretty pussy open. Make sure you don’t close up on me again.”
Wanda squeals at your choice of words, slapping your arm in embarrassment. At this point, there’s hardly a need for professionalism, but she’s still not used to the whole thing.
You let a laugh slip from your lips, thoroughly enjoying yourself as you put the medical instrument in place. Wanda’s so pretty, so innocent. 
A more sensual look takes over your features when you’re greeted with the sight of her glistening cunt again. Precious.
“You ready, sweetheart?”
“Oh!” The high-pitched noise Wanda makes when two of your fingers push inside her pussy is downright filthy. 
The sensations of your warm fingers bounce all around Wanda’s body and the room. It’s only your fingertips, and you’ve barely moved at all, but Wanda’s slick is dripping and she’s already stimulated like she’s never been before.
“More,” Wanda whines, bringing her hips up, urging you to continue. You press her down by the lower belly, your warm spreading out over her skin.
“This is an examination,” you state, no room for question. Your eyes narrow, and Wanda gulps. “We’re doing it how I like it.”
The blonde looks up at you with those doe-green eyes, pouting adorably, before nodding obediently. She’s been so busy ruling Barbieland that relinquishing all that power for once might certainly be pleasant.
You continue to slowly slide your two fingers in her cunt, and Wanda lets out a whimper. Her body moves with your touch like you’re her puppeteer, but maybe she needs it because this feeling is so, so new.
“Feels s’good,” she gasps, and you want to chastise her because it technically isn’t supposed to feel good, but you see the dizzied look on Wanda’s pretty little face and you relent.
It definitely isn’t the first time you’ve had your fingers in a woman, so your practiced fingers curl with expert ease to find her sweet spot. “Oh!” Wanda moans, louder, lithe body arching on the operation bed.
“Shit,” you swear, fingers curling again so you can see that exact reaction. You start to move, faster, harbouring this carnal desire to make Wanda scream and beg.
She’s so innocent, so corruptible, so easy. 
Sooner than later, you’re bent over Wanda’s body on the bed, wrist hammering in and out of her sweet pussy, finding all the spots that make her weak.
“Pretty girl,” you pant, biting hickeys into collarbone and her breasts. Her blonde locks are splayed out on the pillow, body shaking with each thrust, eyes screwed shut in pleasure, and it’s the most breathtaking sight you’ve ever chanced upon.
You memorise every stroke that makes her arch, every spot that makes her whine — perks of being a gynecologist, you supposed — you find your way around her body like it’s child’s play, and all too soon Wanda’s nearing a hypothetical edge.
“I think- I think I’mna pee,” Wanda cries, clawing at your wrist because the feeling is too much. She can hardly think, at the sheer pace and ferocity of which you were taking her cunt.
“Ever heard of a clitoris?” you question breathlessly, still pummeling your wrist into her soaked pussy. Wanda’s dripping, actually dripping. If she thought she was wet before, she was now soaking the sheets.
“Wh-what?” she responds, equally as breathless. Her mind was all fuzzy, barely registering your question.
“It’s this,” you add, bringing your thumb to harshly press against her swollen and puffy clit.
Wanda screams.
(This Barbie reaches another plane of existence with fantastical pleasure.)
It turns out Wanda is a ‘squirter’. She doesn’t know what the implications of that are. 
“Do I need to come back next week?” Wanda asks innocently, knowing full well gynecologist visits only needed to be scheduled once a year. She’s perched on the edge of the bed, back in her clothes.
“Definitely,” you respond, scanning over the test results calmly, like you hadn’t just made Wanda squirt twice in less than thirty minutes. 
“Doctor’s orders?” Wanda asks playfully, purposefully batting her lashes when you look up from your computer.
You don’t bother hiding the chuckle that leaves your lips at her antics. “Yeah, doctor’s orders.”
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a/n: you do not want to know how many health sites i visited to learn about pelvic exams and gynecology. | main m.list
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wandagcre · 6 months
i got what you need | wanda maximoff 🔞
(College!Perv!Bestfriend Wanda Maximoff x Innocent!Fem Reader)
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You're walking on eggshells with Wanda. She's unaffected and you're confused. It doesn't help that your encounter with your best friend unraveled new sensations for you, that it made your small break a huge challenge as you spend it with her.
WARNING: jealous!wanda, corruption kink, defiling childhood bed (r), dirty talk, degradation, almost fingering while in front of other people, perverted actions: using inanimate objects as plushie and hairbrush for sex, unconsented pictures, guilt-tripping, steve and tony as your parents bc why not | +18 men & minors dni. Words: 5.1k Notes: i'm back, kinda! i hope everyone enjoys this :3
[perv!wanda series] | [masterlist]
Your best friend, who lent a helping hand – pun intended – is coming home with you during your break. 
While you were beyond appreciative, you were nervous more than anything on how to act normal while being on the receiving end of Wanda’s affection without the flashes of the sensual touches and little adventures she took you on. It played like a crazy loop in your mind. Not only that, but it definitely shed a light on your feelings for the woman. You’re certain now that you like her more than a crush, more than as a friend.
Wanda revolved tenfold inside of your mind. Your little thoughts grew into a garden of filth, her consummate touch and moans playing like a broken loop – distinct and even agonizing.
You can’t help but worry still. Sure, Wanda has been increasingly affectionate – you didn’t even know that was possible. She barely let you go and her stares that lingered weren’t that slick even to your own observation – yet, you weren’t sure how Wanda feels about it. She never spoke about it, even after blowing the fuck out of your mind…
Little did you know, Wanda had a lovestruck fool of a grin on her way to her room, after accompanying you back to your own. You were a blushing mess, both hearts pounding as you walked through the carpeted halls, your best friend truly lived up to her words – expanding your horizon of taste when it comes to bed activities. 
It was a torture to still feel Wanda’s fingers exploring your depths, her coaxing tone clear as a day, all while she brought you to a high you’ve never had before.
Shortly after, you went back to your normal routine. Your smile was wide as ever, Wanda mirroring yours with her head against the doorframe, checking you out from top to bottom. The thump on your chest didn’t ebb when she met you for a study session.
There was enough space between the two of you, and it’s safe to say how it was unnerving and Wanda didn’t like it one bit. Why were you holding back?
The chair creaked as she moved it closer to you. 
“I can’t do this,” Wanda whispered vulnerably, slamming her book close which startled you. One moment she was busy flipping through the pages as you, who tried so hard to contain the thoughts, and suddenly you feel Wanda’s breathing by your side.
“What?” Was all you could say until you saw her head tilted and unmistakably leaned closer to you – feeling her soft lips pressed against your chapped ones, her scent washing over your senses. 
The action was so chaste that it made Wanda feel her stomach flutter. You held her waist tenderly and gave her an eskimo kiss. She smiled at the contact and the woman was wrapped up into a softness she loved about you. It slightly made Wanda feel ashamed of her dirty thoughts. 
All it took was for her to recuperate her mind and look down to your v-neck shirt that emphasized your breasts and made Wanda’s mouth water. You met her in a liplock, hers filled with an edge of roughness and wanting that churned up your resolve. She’s fast and devouring your pretty lips, that it wasn’t long before you caved in to Wanda’s frantic touches and she adored how you tried to keep up with her. Your best friend made sure you remember the traces she left you, reigniting the rush from the other night.
It honestly brought you to a point of being overwhelmed. The questions rattled you and Wanda can feel the gears turning in your head. Nothing else happened but her words struck you. 
“Don’t you dare leave in the morning.” She muttered while caressing your nape, her arm snaked around your mid waist as if you were to disappear in thin air. And so you didn’t. 
You woke up embarrassingly wet again. Was it the flashbacks? Had Wanda spilled her drink in the bed again? Or perhaps it was the so-called discharge you’ve learnt from her? You immediately fled from the scene, timidly asking Wanda for set of new clothes you could borrow.
Each day progressed badly. You remained baffled at the events even more that it led you to slowly slip away from your closeness and routine. It aggravated the woman, you can see her neat eyebrows crease every time you made up a poor excuse. Though, you were thinking that it’s Wanda; beautiful and you didn’t have an inch of worth to her standards. Whatever that relapse was, it bothered you. 
Meanwhile, Wanda was motivated to get you both out of this funk.
Though, you rushed out of your dorm that made Wanda’s beautiful emeralds become puzzled as soon as you saw her in front of your doorstep, holding a paper bag full of love – her words, not yours. You can’t help but internally coo at her effort, which made you act before you even think of it. All you did was leave a kiss on her soft cheek and left her with nothing but a cryptic reply of meeting a friend.
It was a whiplash to the two of you. You weren’t this impulsive and intimate; while a part of Wanda is appreciative, reddened with your initiative, she was unaware what was the pushing force. Especially when you have been practising unspoken boundaries for the past few days – now she has to overthink who was this friend you speak of.
Were you hanging out with someone new? The girl from the library whom you shared a table with and constantly smiled at you, maybe the one who was too touchy and friendly with you at your student org? Her mind ran for miles. Was that what you craved? A new thing that could offer much more? Wanda huffed in disagreement. She doubts that someone else can be better than her.
There Wanda was, struck, a little humiliated and crestfallen. It felt like you were teasing her. The frustration builds up her chest as the woman couldn’t do her usual moves to you as workload took both of your time. 
As much as Wanda possessed and adored her collection of erotic polaroids that contained you, nothing could beat the real thing now. Not when she successfully coaxed you to open Pandora's box – the memory of you riding her pillow to the brink of wetness and first orgasm, how she luckily had another time with you, still anew to her perverted mind.
She’ll make sure to make you pay back for this.
Around noon, you met up with your best friend. You guys were still following through your original plans for the break – your filthy rendezvous be damned. Zipped up in her black sweater, her denim jeans and chunky shoes. To your surprise, the emerald eyes were already looking at you. Your lips were caught in a twist, looking away in embarrassment.
“You’re barely covered up.” She nods over you, her tone amused.
It caught your attention. “Why? Doesn’t it look good?” You’re clueless, doing a small twirl for your best friend and self-consciousness has begun to eat you. 
“Great. Wonderful, actually.” Wanda’s rasp stoked something in you, making your eyes quickly flit in her direction only to be met with dilated pupils that raked over your figure – one you were acquainted with. “But look at the skies, it could rain.” 
You looked up at the gray clouds and shrugged. “We have your car. We’ll be fine, Wands.” 
She concedes and it falls silent. Being in her car was the closest you two have been besides the previous incident. Though it was awkward for you, Wanda looked just fine. You stole glances of her side profile every now and then as she inspected her stuff in the visor and glove compartment. A small smile escapes your lips as you see the little trinkets you gifted her proudly displayed on her dashboard and still thoughtful as ever, Wanda adjusts the car’s AC towards you. She smelled wonderful, the awareness of your Wanda-deprivation kicking in.
“Where were you?” Wanda finally asks. Your eyes narrowed in confusion. “When you, uh, kissed me on the cheek. You seemed to be in a rush.” She clarifies with an adorable blush on her face. That was new.
Your eyes fluttered rapidly, not meeting the woman’s inquisitive green eyes – a telltale sign of you hiding something.
“Um, just ran some errands.” You sheepishly reply.
Wanda merely hummed in disbelief. She leaned to your side, fastening the seatbelt for you. 
“Uh-huh. And I’m not buying that, you know?” Her honeyed voice washed over your neck so lightly, making you suck your breath in. It doesn’t help that you feel Wanda’s hand clasped and brushing over your front. “You suck at lying. What’s bothering you?”
“Let’s… let’s not talk about it right now, Wands.” How odd, Wanda thought. Still, her mission of riling you up was on the move and this motivated her even better.
Wanda bit the inside of her cheek in disappointment. You’re lucky that she loves challenges and she’s nothing but persuasive. 
She sighed, letting go of the topic for now. “Okay.” Wanda will crack it out of you.
The pitter patter of your heart only grew with Wanda's feather-like touch, the woman softly hummed along the songs in your playlist. You're graced with her perfect side profile that your eyes cannot help but flicker back and forth, from her eyelashes up to her plump red lips and the slight movement of her wetting them with her tongue. It didn't take long for your mind to get sucked in flashbacks; how they felt against yours and the expanse of your skin...
“Are you alright? You look a little flushed, dorogaya.” Wanda murmured. 
Your breath hitched and both your hands were gripping onto the seatbelt across your chest, the need to lessen your lightheadedness constantly increasing. 
“We’re visiting your home to relax, (y/n/n). Maybe I can help you to de-stress again.” The woman feigned innocence in her words. You didn’t pick it up but she knew your mind was running a mile, recalling how good her definition of ‘de-stressing’ was.
How your best friend took you carnally on her bed… twice. At least the ones you remembered.
“Like a massage?” Your voice cracked, looking unsure over Wanda.
A devious smile is painted on her face. 
“Sure, something like that.” 
After a few hours, the two of you pull up into your hometown’s driveway. There’s a newfound feeling that stirred between you two after that life changing event – albeit Wanda coming over wasn’t exactly foreign, it felt as though your relationship progressed further.
Like she wasn’t here as your best friend, but something more. That had you nervous like a hopeless teenager again, barely normal around the woman you’re crushing into.
She was greeted with shoes being left on the doorstep and saw the picture frame that she cannot help but coo at each time she sees it. You look away which only tugged at Wanda's heartstrings. She pulled you close for a side hug. You were so fucking adorable. Both of you arrived at your hometown near dinner time and the more Wanda sees the parts of your house, her excitement grows more to finally see the room you grew up in.
Amongst other things…
Your best friend naturally takes the seat beside you. It was getting harder for her to restrain herself as she saw your outfit that went along with the breeze of the night. You changed into comfortable shorts and an oversized shirt, a contrast with your mostly covered self at the dorms.
Wanda’s eyes kept fleeting over the bits of your exposed skin and the whiff of your scent and lotion that got into her senses.
She absolutely cannot control herself.
“How's university life treating you, honey?” Steve asked, turning the rotating table on your way. It brought Wanda back to reality as seeing you shift uncomfortably in your seat, for a split second you halted on taking a spoonful of the meal. You were not willing to unpack the stress that you momentarily left miles away.
Wanda senses it and bites onto the opportunity of lending a supportive touch on your arm – a comfort to you and for herself. She orbits around you at this point and one thing Wanda knows well is the feeling of handling it on your own. 
“She’s wonderful. This one is always trying her best at all times, sometimes I find her sleeping at her study table. I have to find ways for her to relax on multiple occasions.” Wanda smoothly took over with a charming smile.
Suggestiveness may not have been your strongest suit, but you learned enough from your best friend by this time enough to be nervous to the next words she was about to drop. You remember the ungodly activities that only your dorm can ever know. How uninhibited you were under Wanda’s voice and touch… the floating and inexplicable sense of relief that it gave you.
You feel your palms sweat. “No need to tell them all that, Wands,” You quickly chewed on your food, feeling slightly bothered.
“All I’m saying is I make sure (y/n) over here is in good hands. She keeps me grounded and I intend to return that gesture as well.” The grin on Wanda’s face was seeping through her tone. “She’s… quite a hard worker. Always deep once she’s locked in the learning zone.” 
While you knew what she meant – you’re thankful that your fathers only took her words with a sweet smile as they listened intently with hands clasped at the table, taking Wanda's words as a reassuring reminder that you weren’t alone.
Conversations occurred again and it somehow led to a fit of chuckling and sounds of agreement at the dining table with more stories of your other dad, Tony's raging party days – refined into an appropriate storytelling, of course with your Pa Steve around – telling you the do’s and don'ts, and Wanda’s caresses had progressed into tiptoeing across your arm, then placing her hand atop of yours. She takes it as a win when she sees your slumped shoulders become less tense.
Among all things, you haven’t noticed Wanda's eyes that raked over your legs right now. She tunes out a little. As much as she loved being in this opportunity with you, your bestfriend still craved you and you were there, unknowing. Hers for the taking. She couldn’t help but ogle at your thighs through your short jeans, exposed before her own eyes, and clearly recalling how addictive they were to caress and mark.
Hands slithered on your left thigh, a ghosting touch that was beginning to rile you up. Wanda was on a mission to grip you softly by your thigh. It made you visibly hitch your breath, making Wanda chuckle. It made you flustered, hands tense around the utensil and so was the muscle of your thighs. Your best friend notches it up, feeling her fingertips stroke on your plush inner thigh. She feels so warm over your cold skin. Dangerously near your core. You’re familiar with it now – sensing the overflowing need and desire in Wanda’s grasp over you.
You gave her a pointed look. What was the point of this? You didn’t want your parents to catch you. It was beyond exhilarating. “Wanda, what’re you up to?” You utter close, only audible for her to catch.
“Nothing.” She shrugged as though her actions weren't anything scandalous.
By gods, Wanda cannot wait to have her hands and lips all over you again.
After the weird encounter you had at the dining table with Wanda, you both changed into indoor clothes. Nothing is ever that too normal with Wanda, you suppose. God, the teasing! It was torture. You were close to combusting into a mortifying pool of distress and lust – perhaps it was Wanda’s plotting all along because of the unwipeable grin etched on her gorgeous face.
She playfully (or so you hoped) suggested taking a shower together but you became a mess at the thought alone, you were stammering and barely making eye contact in front of your best friend. Wanda seemed to take mercy and left you to gather yourself, but not without a kiss on your cheek and a light slap on your ass.
Almost like she was mocking you for the same thing you did a few days ago.
She was cuddled up to your side, mindlessly tracing your arm and the soft skin of your slightly exposed stomach. The bed was better than the one from your dorms, offering a decent space for the two of you. Even enough for some of your plushies to lay in. It was driving her to the wall, looking at your fitted shirt that emphasized the swell of your breasts nicely, and the sweatpants combo that you wore for tonight. To Wanda’s mind, it was like you paraded yourself like fresh meat for her, ready to be taken once again. Your free hand stroked her brunette hair as the movie played on the television in front of you, occasionally pulling back when your phone rang. 
You hear Wanda huff ever so lightly beside you at the divided attention she was getting. 
“Just some project stuff,” You lean your phone to Wanda’s eyesight for affirmation. The group chat came into her view.
Her eyebrows creased once again. “At this hour?” 
“Yep. Probably overthinking. More than me, which is surprising.” You humorously said to ease her protective nature and thankfully, Wanda snorted at. 
“Hmm. Don’t respond now,” Wanda whispered as she burrowed her face on the crook of your neck. “You smell so good.”
You smiled nervously. Her breath tickled against your skin. “You smell just the same. Well, you used the same products as I did…”
You were talking nonsense out of nervousness, she could tell. Thankfully, Wanda didn’t call you out. You typed away, itching to wrap the conversation and enjoy your time with your best friend. Wanda can see it from the way you responded, she was so proud that it filled her with delight. She’s happy to know that a time with her was a bigger priority.
Underneath the light interaction, there was the desire that continues to brew in the pit of Wanda’s gut. She couldn’t do anything for now. As much as she wanted to stay up, the driving tired her out. So Wanda rested her eyes for a couple of minutes, hugging your bunny plushie.
Until there was a sigh of content that stirred Wanda to wake into consciousness.
Her brain didn’t register it for a few seconds. It continued, so pitiful and mewl-like. That can’t be right. She paled in realization. When Wanda woke up, she caught your hand in the cookie jar – the arched neck and eyes screwed shut, biting your bottom lip to suppress the moans. God, Wanda raked over your exposed legs and halfway pulled down underwear, as though you were so desperate — in a rush to touch yourself.
“And you were going to invite me, when?” You turn your head too quickly at the sound, you pull your fingers back like you were burned, eyes flutter just as rapidly.
“I didn’t think–”
“Clearly you weren’t. Touching yourself like a whore that wasn’t treated properly,” She snarked back. “You could’ve asked me this – days ago – and I would gladly give it to you, dorogaya. Now tell me, what were you thinking about?”
She scooted closer to you, on her knees and Wanda’s brunette hair still messy yet beautifully cascading. Her green eyes were filled with nothing but mirth. 
“I didn’t know what to think about… it was better when you, um, led me a few weeks ago. I mindlessly just went for it,” Your center was wet, Wanda notices, but not as it was when she was deep in you a few nights ago when you were fast asleep.
“See how much you need me? That’s why you should’ve told me. Instead of roping me into a limbo with you.” Wanda settled between your legs. You audibly groaned when she took off your underwear, your legs feeling less restricted. “Maybe you need to be taught another lesson.”
She sees you visibly gulp. Your throat felt dry all of the sudden. “W-whatever you think is best for me, Wands.”
“Best for you, huh.”
She called you a whore but it didn’t phase you that much. You suppose it was the truth, no decent woman would touch themselves with their best friend innocently laying beside them. Wanda loved seeing your doe eyes. So compliant, the fear of being punished and talked down while simmering in careless yet a raunchy act reeled her in the most filthy thoughts once again. 
“Did you get your fingers nice and wet?” 
“You sucked them good enough for me?” The thirst was unmistakable in Wanda’s saccharine tone that made you drip every second in your underwear.
She saw your inner thigh muscles become tense, as though you were grounding your mind, preparing for what was about to come. You hesitantly nod – embarrassed that even in suppression of your feelings, Wanda remained as the star of your lust and pent up desires. Maybe honesty will serve you well.
She pinned your wrists above your head. It embarrassingly made your back arch at the slight recoil due to the firmness of her grip and action. You were cruel for igniting a spark of hope, the icing of it all she got was a random kiss on the cheek. Wanda had enough of playing nice. 
“We’ll start with the game of truths before you get rewarded. Is that fair enough for a whore like you?” The term rattled you – oddly in a good way. It sent you on a submissive headspace, being degraded by a different version of Wanda was satisfying. It made your stomach do flips and your cunt pounding. “Tell me who was the friend you met up with.”
It caught you off-guard. You feel bad at the realization that Wanda was racking her mind over it.
The friend in question was no other than her own brother. You wanted clarity on Wanda’s headspace, how to woo her, how the woman was like when it comes to… relationships. Naturally, her twin Pietro came to your mind. You spoke of your conundrum but nothing more than that – you can never share whatever happened in the dorms, of course.
“It was Pietro,” Your voice cracked at the confession. “I had some questions to ask about you.”
Wanda's fingertips skimmed over your ribs, trailing lower. Your breasts were practically begging to be groped – the way it flopped perfectly as you laid down. Did you say it was about her? She muses what it could've been about. She doesn't like being excluded from it.
"You're already with the better Maximoff twin. You should have asked me instead, whatever it was. I thought I was your favorite," Your bestfriend said, hurt. She caressed your knee and the action sent tingles right up your southern part. You shivered in pleasure. “My brother always gets everything. He can’t have your attention as well.”
You didn’t Wanda to misconstrue things from here on. "I know and you are, Wands! But it was about relationships, I wanted to know if uh, you were in one from the past and what you think of them,”
It seemed to do the trick, her aura calming down at your words.
“Let me get this straight, you wanted to know if I fucked someone before and if I’m a girlfriend material, so to say?” It was shameful when she said it out loud. Like you were frenzied to know Wanda outside of her comfort, making you avoid eye contact. "Oh dorogaya. If you wanted me, you already had me from the beginning. I'm definitely your girlfriend now." 
Wanda has a devious smirk. It warmed her heart you consulted her twin and she basically had your mind hostaged. The smell of your arousal though was affecting her slowly.
She continued, “You left me high and dry. Do you think that’s fair for me, dorogaya?” Wanda raised an eyebrow, her tone condescending.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
“It’s always like that. You know I would never do you wrong, yet still…”
“I-I’m sorry,” You repeat hopelessly. “How can I make it better, Wands?”
She gave your mound a slap. Hard enough to startle you, yet your hips chased and bucked for more of Wanda’s touch.
“We can start with a few things. I wanna know if you used something else other than your fingers when you first explored masturbation.” Wanda wanted you to sit uncomfortably in your hole of shame it seems. 
Her dexterous fingers bristled with intent, sensual and motivated to turn your gears. Wanda’s finger pads skimmed on your folds, just above the surface. Albeit each stroke did not come with force, it didn't stop you from slowly spreading your legs apart further and further.
"You just can't help it, hm?" Wanda’s eyes darkened when a sheer wetness covered her fingers. “Maybe it was mister bunny over here. Have you thought about grinding your pretty cunt against this soft plushie?” You breathed rapidly at the implication, heat spreading at the tips of your ears.
Wanda held the toy by its neck, the face of the innocent bunny being rubbed at your bare skin. It descended from your mound to your cunt. When you attempted to shut your legs at the teasing, she clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth, unamused as your erotic mewls of desperation bounced off the four walls. 
You felt the fur of the material, getting tainted by the sinful act. Wanda stretched your folds as she dug the toy deep as it could get, rubbing it back and forth. You closed your eyes as you reel at the foreign sensation, it tickled you – almost near as grinding over Wanda’s pillow – remembering her words; gyrating your hips, letting your weight fall completely. To simply feel. So near your clit. But it was futile with its barely cuddle size.
“No, I’ve never,” You breathlessly reply, on edge. 
A smirk fell onto her lips. “But you enjoyed that, didn’t you? I don’t think you used it either. It’s too small for someone as needy as you. You’re a big girl who wants a big reward,”
The striking difference of Wanda was moving you in ways you never thought it could. She was unnerving and demeaning, yet it was palpable with pleasure. You look over your side – the nightstand. Wanda follows your line of sight and it clicks to her what the object was.
“You used this?” Wanda humorously says, her green eyes dilating further. She held your hair brush, right at its bulbous tip and it made you feel so ashamed. “So adorable. I can definitely see you fucking yourself with this. Some good old penetration. Now, open your legs wide for me.”
You hesitantly spread them. Wanda clamped her teeth over her bottom lip, looking at the hot mess that you were. She went in slow with your pretty, wet hole intruding with the bulbous tip that you haven’t felt for a while. You felt the impatience in Wanda’s motions, pushing and pulling until all of its length was inside of you. Granted, it wasn’t much, but it stimulated you nonetheless.
Oh, it drove Wanda crazy.
“Maybe next time I’ll fuck you with a better toy,” She pushed the tip and you feel her tongue flattened, licking across your neck. A better toy? You wondered for a brief second. “A double-ended strap. A slut like you would enjoy a pleasurable length and girth, I can tell. Now say it how bad you want it,”
“I’m–I need you so bad, Wands!” You whined with bucked hips. "O-oh! Please, please. Wands..." You grasped on her nape and peered over the unrecognizable emerald eyes. 
Her pupils blown, cheeks visibly flushed, and holding you tighter by your love handles. You bucked your pelvis by instinct and it made Wanda sport a knowing smirk before latching her lips onto yours; a kiss fueled with rough need. Her thrusts with the hair brush’s tip didn’t falter. She thrived on this sight of yours.
Wanda shushed you. She roughly pulls you by the cheek, only to give you the softest kiss to the expanse of your tense jaw – slowly easing to her ministrations. Yet again, you have fallen under her spell. Was it the dark or lightness you see; that, you can’t quite figure it out. But you know that you craved Wanda just as much.
She pulled the bulbous tip away, rubbing the length across your slit. It progressed harder right on your throbbing clit.
"Please, please.” She mocks you. You squirm and feel the soft sheets rustle against you. “Be patient, dorogaya. This isn't meant to be fun for you. Can you imagine how torturous it has been for me for a month? I'm simply walking you through it, baby."
Your spine arched until your front chest met Wanda's clothed own and it naturally gravitated in return, making your bodies pressed in heat. She feels the tip of your nipples, all pebbled that she can’t resist but suck on them, giving them ample attention.
Even when Wanda slowed down her ministrations, it didn’t help with the pressure she applied over your clit. You feel her in circles and all determined, your legs spasming and arms slung around her, wanting to hold something to gravitate you through this fucking.
Wanda’s grip over you was strongly reminiscent of a leash; you’re whining like a hopeless puppy. Cheeks heating up as you squirm.
What else is there to detest? Wanda is here touching you in all the right ways. You beam at her all eager, like the woman has shown you colors you never thought ever existed. You felt the familiar release that sent your body and mind into cloud nine with Wanda slumped over your body. She kissed your forehead and during the moment of you temporarily passing out, you saw a flash of something flicker for a second.
She took pictures of your fucked out face.
You felt something that was poking your lips apart. You opened them mindlessly, soon it registered that Wanda had inserted the hair brush’s tip – she wanted you to clean it off. And so you did, putting up a best attempt to suck them off dry. You tasted sweet and salty. It felt raunchy and dirty… how her mind worked when it came to lust, you were certain that Wanda was a succubus sent to devour you and your well of innocence.
Wanda ravished you thoroughly. She took off her own clothing, deciding that she’ll have her time of pleasure later on. Who knows, maybe she’ll introduce you to tribbing. Imagining your determination of wanting to please her, grinding harder against her cunt – Oh how it excited Wanda now that you were hers.
“Next time you want something, just tell me.”
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do not repost/translate on other sites. © wandagcre
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natasharswifey · 15 days
Happy birthday, by the way 🎂
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Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: After a few months of dating, you realise you don't know when Nat's birthday is. She isn't interested in celebrating, and when you ask, she refuses to tell you. But you are very determined.
A/N: This is just a little fluff, also my first x reader fic. Love reading em so I thought I'd give it a go :3. Also I find it hard to read Y/N as my name so I'm using [...] instead!
Tags: Just fluff <3
"Oh, come on, why won't you just admit it?"
"Because I can't deal with you inviting half of the United States to the tower for a party."
Natasha raises a brow at you. "Oh really? And what about he time you put flyers around about Wanda's party?"
"She was turning 21!"
She gives you a 'really?' look and you know you aren't getting anything out of her. It just didn't make any sense, birthdays were the one day a year where it was all about you. Well that's everyday if you're Tony Stark, but for well functioning members of society it should count as the best day of the year.
"I will not be disclosing that information until I can trust you not to make a huge deal."
"What if I pinky promise?"
"You always overdo it, detka, it's just how you are." She plants a small kiss on your forehead and leaves you on the couch to begin plotting.
"And then she said 'you always overdo it', give me a break!"
Wanda looks up from the pot she's stirring and chuckles, "I didn't know half the people the showed up at the tower on my 21st, [.....]"
"I knew I should've gone to Tony, he would get this."
"I don't think asking the most flamboyant Avenger would be very helpful in this situation."
"I think you should just leave it, she'll probably tell you eventually." She gently taps a bit of salt into the pot.
"You didn't even hear me out!"
"I can read minds. It's a terrible idea."
"Firstly, reading Nat's mind to figure out her birthday is literally a flawless plan, and secondly, you're good reading my mind and not hers?"
"Natasha already set her boundaries with me, and plus I don't feel like getting my ass kicked for aiding and abetting."
"Thanks a lot Wands."
"Any time."
If Wanda wasn't going to cooperate then you were simply going to have to enlist the help of a certain blonde assassin.
You hear Lucky and Fanny barking hysterically after you ring the doorbell, followed by fast paced footsteps and a small "One minute" from the other side of the door.
Usually a simple question would only warrant a text or phone call, but for some reason Yelena NEVER answers her phone. Unless it's from Kate of course, you're half convinced that she has a special ringtone and notification for her.
It's none other than the archer that answers the door, "Hey, [.....]! I didn't know you were coming over."
"I've actually dropped in unannounced, but I won't stay too long." You reassure her. Kate has a habit of forgetting things, including scheduled hang outs and honestly everything else that isn't attached to her body.
"Come on in!" She steps out of the way and shuts the door behind both of you.
You're immediately greeted by the two large dogs, fighting over your attention in a confusion of wagging tails and paws. Kate tries to get them under control and ultimately fails until they're distracted by Yelena calling them.
"That's totally not fair, they only listen to you." Kate complains and Yelena laughs.
"Because they love me more."
"Lies and deception!" Kate is soon distracted by the golden retriever pulling at her sleeve and gives Yelena a smug look before pouring all of her attention to him.
"Hey, Yelena."
"Hello, [......]. To what do we owe the pleasure?"
"Uh, I actually had a quick question. When's Natasha’s birthday?"
"Ah. I do not know."
"What?? But you're sisters!"
She shrugs, "She does not want me to know. Birthdays are not really Natasha’s thing, surely you must know that."
"Yeah, I know, it just doesn't make any sense."
"That's Natasha for you."
You sigh in defeat and sit down on one of the armchairs, your lap immediately occupied by Fanny who still wholeheartedly believes she's the size of a puppy.
"Well, there is someone else you could ask."
Your ears perk up, "Who?"
Ah. Melina. It wouldn't be fair to say that she hated you, but it also would be lying to say that she was fond of you. Perhaps you could ask Alexei instead.
"Hello? Can you hear me?" You ask over the phone to your future father in law.
"HELLO? ARE YOU THERE, [......]?"
"Yeah, I'm-"
"No, no, Alexei there's really no need."
You hear the sound of footsteps and Melina scolding Alexei for always forgetting to turn up the volume before she picks up the phone.
"Ah, hello Melina."
"[........]. Do you need something?"
"When's Natasha’s birthday?"
"December third. Is that all?"
"But- that's today."
"I'm aware."
"Well, thank yo-" The phone cuts off before you finish your sentence and you're left with about two hours to plan a surprise party for a spy.
"I did it, Wanda!"
"Only took you half the day."
"Okay, hater, I need you to help me surprise her."
"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"One hundered percent." You reply confidently. For most of the day you'd been discouraged, but now it was time for you to trust your gut.
Soon enough you've formed a team of Kate, Yelena and Wanda gathered in one of the common rooms of the tower.
"Alright, Wanda you can be in charge of snacks, Kate you can do decorations, and Yelena you can find us the cake."
"No it may not have profanities on it."
The blonde sighs but jumps into action with the other two. Now all you have to do is buy them some time.
You greet Natasha at the tower's entrance with a huge smile plastered on your face.
"Hi, Nat!"
"Hey, [.......]. How was your day?"
"A little hectic. Wanna go for a walk?"
"I would love to but I need to sleep for at least ten hours straight."
You step in front of Natasha as she starts to head inside, "Wait- Uh, did you know walking actually improves energy levels?"
Natasha raises an eyebrow, "What's up with you?"
"For some strange reason I do not believe that." She holds you in place by your shoulders and steps around you, but you take her arm and try to steer her to the kitchen, your plans are foiled by Lucky and Fanny who bound up to Natasha happily.
"What are Yelena and Kate's kids doing here? Seriously, what is going on?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
She stares you down for a few seconds before suddenly moving towards your shared quarters and only speeds up once she realises you're trying to stop her.
The red head clears the stairs in a few seconds and opens the door, only to be met with pitch black. When she steps through and flicks on the light Wanda, Yelena and Kate jump out from behind the couch and yell "Surprise!".
The look on her face is priceless when she turns to you, "How- when did you-"
"I have my ways."
Natasha pulls you into a tight hug and you hug her back even tighter when you feel a small damp patch forming on your shoulder.
"Okay, now make a wish!" Yelena says excitedly, the three of you are crowded around the table where the birthday girl sits in front of her cake.
"Alright, alright." She closes her eyes and blows out the candles, which prompts a cheer from everyone in the room.
The five of you all squish onto the couch to watch a movie and eat snacks and cake, with Natasha curled into your side.
"So, did I 'overdo' it?" You ask playfully.
You hear her chuckle, "It was perfect."
Tysm for readinggg, If you liked it I have more stuff in my masterlist :)). Reqs are open!!
Also, if you saw the unfinished version of this when I posted it by accident, no you did not.
@l0nelyish 👁👁
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
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Pairing: Bucky x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Bucky have bee having a LOT of sex. It's annoyed some people.
Warnings: Language, adult themes, mentions of sex.
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Just a stupid cute little drabble I came up with. Enjoy!
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A cool vibranium fingertip traced the outline of your lips, along the meridian of your chin and neck, between the valley of your breasts, down to your navel and back again, leaving a trail of tingles along your skin. 
“Never gonna get tired of this view,” Bucky hummed. He was propped up on his flesh elbow, looking down on you with warm, sultry eyes.
He had just finished fucking you so well and so thoroughly on the living room rug that all you could do was sigh contentedly and smile up at him. Using what little strength you had left in you, you reached up to cup his stubbled jaw. Bucky leaned into your touch, pressing his lips to the pad of your thumb as you ran it over his plush lips.
His hair was a mess, locks going in every direction from where you had fisted your hands in it, pulling it as he had thrusted you into oblivion. In your eyes, he could never look better than he did right after he had cum inside of you.
And lately, that had been pretty much constantly. After China, he made good on his request to Tony for some time off, and the two of you had been doing your absolute damnedest to make up for all your lost time.
“You’re so pretty after you fuck,” you told him, your mouth letting out words long before your brain could determine if it was a good idea to say them. 
Bucky dropped his chin to his chest and let out a low laugh. “Thanks, sweets,” he said, leaning down to kiss you softly. “So are you. Always thought you were the prettiest thing I’d ever seen, from the moment I first saw you.”
“The very first moment you saw me?” you asked him with a smile. “Cause I’m pretty sure I had a gun pointed at you the very first time.”
Bucky chuckled as he lowered himself down to lay next to you, his forehead pressed against your temple. “Honestly, I wondered if you even remembered that. We never talked about it.”
“Well, if it helps, had I known you gave such good dick, I never would have pulled the trigger.” 
Bucky laughed and wrapped his forearm across your breasts, pulling you closer to him. “You should have seen yourself, doll. Up on the ramp of that jet, standing up to two super soldiers all by your lonesome? You were a vision; it was hot as fuck.”
You rolled your eyes and swatted at his arm. “Sure it was, Buck.”
He squeezed you lightly. “I’m serious, Pocket. You were out-muscled and out-numbered, but you held your ground, and you were sassy as fuck to Steve in the process.”
“Yeah, and got rendered unconscious for my efforts,” you said with a sad smile, remembering how Steve had knocked you out so he and Bucky could steal the Quinjet. “It all worked out, though, in the end,” you added as you snuggled up against him. “It brought us to right now, so I’m thankful for it.”
You felt the firm press of Bucky’s lips to your temple. “So thankful,” he agreed. “Though, if I could go back and change things…”
“I wouldn’t,” you interjected. You turned onto your side to look him in the eye. “If there was even the slightest chance that we wouldn’t end up here, right now, just like this, I wouldn’t change a thing.”
He smiled a lopsided, boyish grin at you that managed to light a fire in your core, and you reflexively rolled your hips against him. “Again, doll?” he asked with a laugh. “We’ve already been going at it for hours, but if you insist. We’ve got time before we have to go to dinner.”
“Shit!” You bolted upright and checked the time. You were scheduled to have dinner with Tony and Pepper in a little over an hour; there was no time to get caught up in another round of ‘What the ‘F’ Was It?’ with Bucky. “We need showers,” you told him as you rose to stand. Turning, you reached down a hand to help him up. “We probably stink of sex.” 
“I love it when we stink of sex,” Bucky said with a laugh as he followed you up the stairs to your master bedroom. “I like to think of it as a souvenir of time well spent.”
“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, Buck,” you said with a playful roll of your eyes, “other people don’t want to smell it on us.” You moved to your closet and began pulling out clothes to wear to dinner.
Bucky came up behind you, wrapping his hands around your waist. “We could shower together, you know,” he said, kissing your shoulder. “Save time and water. Very economical of us.”
Ugh, the man was a menace! “You know very well,” you began as you slid out of his grasp and put some safe distance between the two of you, “that if we do that, we are just going to fuck in there, and we’ll be late for dinner.” It wasn’t a theoretical concern of yours; you’d learned the hard way long ago, and after getting reamed out by Tony and Steve Rogers in front of the entire team for missing an important mission briefing, the rule ‘no shared showers if we have somewhere to be' had to be established.
You went first, seeing as it would take you longer to get ready than it would Bucky, but you were in and out in almost no time, putting on your silk robe as Bucky moved to get in. 
“Last chance to join me,” he said with a teasing wink. 
“Go clean yourself off, you filthy beast,” you laughed, playfully shoving him into the bathroom. 
He’d just started the water when you heard the unfamiliar sound of your doorbell ringing.
You padded down the steps, curiosity getting the better of you. Most of the people who visited you had the code for the private elevator and would bypass the door all together. Standing on your toes, you looked through the peephole. On the other side, rocking back and forth on the heels of their feet, stood an attractive, but anxious looking, young woman with thick, light brown hair. You’d probably put her at a handful of years younger than you, if you had to guess. 
She didn’t look like a potential threat, but you could never be too careful. “Who is it?” you called through the door.
“Um…” the woman said uncertainly, “my name’s Caity Wallace? I live in the apartment below you?”
Like a puzzle piece slotting into place, you were hit with a jolt of recognition; you’d briefly met her in the lobby around the time you’d first moved in. Opening the door, you smiled warmly. “Caity, hi. What can I do for you?”
She eyed your robe and quirked an eyebrow. “Listen,” she said anxiously, “I really didn’t want to do this, but I kinda feel like you’re not leaving me a choice anymore.”
You stared back at her, puzzlement written all over your face. “A choice in what?” you asked hesitantly.
“Could you… fuck, this is so embarrassing, but could you, I dunno, maybe… not have such… loud… sex… so often?” At the astonished look on your face, she hurried to add, “I mean, I think it’s great that you’re so… liberated, with all your guys, I’m definitely not trying to slut shame you or anything, it’s just… well, I can hear the furniture banging across the floor, and you scream a lot, and–”
“Wait,” you said, caught by something she’d said. “What do you mean ‘all my guys’? There’s just one it guy.”
Caity’s eyes got comically wide. “WHA–I mean… how?! I mean, no offense, but you’re always going at it. There’s no way one guy’s got that much stamina. To be honest, at first I thought you were filming porn up here or something.”
You ducked your head to hide your laugh. “It’s just the two of us,” you assured her. “My boyfriend and I were apart for a long time, so I guess we’re kind of in a honeymoon phase?”
Caity nodded, her eyes wide.
A floorboard squeaked somewhere behind you, and you turned to see Bucky, making his way across the living room, fresh from his shower, in only a towel. “Forgot my phone, sweets,” he said with that gorgeous lopsided grin. He noticed Caity in the doorway and froze like a deer caught in headlights.
“Oh, shit!’ he muttered, ducking himself behind a pillar and out of Caity’s line of sight. He popped his head out from around the corner. “Everything alright?”
It was cute how modest he became in the presence of another person. “Yeah, baby,” you told him. “Just a visit from our downstairs neighbor, Caity. You wanna come say hello?” You smirked as he shifted uncomfortably and scowled at you.
“Maybe another time,” he said, giving you a glare at your mischievousness and an apologetic wave to Caity. “When I’m actually wearing pants. You gonna be long?”
You smiled at him. “Nah, baby. I’ll be up in a minute.” He nodded and winked at you before turning away.
Turning back to Caity, you were amused to see her eyes following Bucky as he retreated back up the stairs, her mouth slightly agape.
“I’ll make sure we tone it down from now on,” you assured her. Caity shook her head, as if you’d just snapped her out of a trance. “What?” she said, her attention now back to you. “Oh my god, girl, no. I’ll invest in some noise cancelling headphones. Get it. Get it as much as you want. As much as you can. That man’s a fucking god.”
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katethewriter · 2 years
Welcome to the Team!
from the series New Kid
Summary: After a chance encounter, the Avengers recruit a new kid to join the team.
Words: 3.2k~
Warnings: stealing, Tony is kinda mean, they're all kinda standoffish, they just don't know how to feel about it yet, as always let me know if I need to add
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“HEY!” a storekeeper rushes out the front door of his shop, “thief!” He looks both ways down the street before pointing to a child, no older than 12, walking alone down the street, “STOP HER!”
Instantly, the child begins to run, making sure none of the snacks hidden in her jacket pockets slip out. She bobs and weaves through the crowded sidewalk, trying to get to the end of the block as soon as possible. Of course, she had to pick a shop on the longest block in the city today.
Footsteps pick up behind her, and she chances a quick glance over shoulder. A police officer is now quickly following after her. She picks her pace up to a sprint.
 Turning back around, she nearly runs into a pedestrian. The near collision makes her stop for a moment, looking up at the tall man with an eye patch.
The footsteps behind her get louder, so she quickly resumes her course. Running as fast as she can to the block end with the officer close behind.
The officer loses sight of the girl as she quickly rounds the corner of the building. He pushes to follow suit. He turns down the new street but stops almost immediately.
This street is far less crowded than the other. Yet amongst the handful of people walking down the block,
…the girl is nowhere to be seen.
Everyone in the room sits up in their seats, focusing harder on the screen in front of them. They had been called to the conference room for a briefing. A briefing for what, none of them knew… until now.
“Wait, where did the kid go?” Steve asks.
“Are you sure these two camera feeds are synced?” Tony lifts a questioning eye in the director’s direction.
Unimpressed, Fury looks to Maria Hill standing behind with a tablet in her hands. She begins typing on the pad as he speaks, “if you’re done questioning my competence, perhaps you would like to see both angles at the same time.”
The large screen at the front of the room now displays two videos, security camera footage of both blocks on the corner. The two videos play at the same time, and the team watches again.
The footage on the left shows the child wearing a baggy black jacket running from the officer. The exact moment she rounds the corner of the building, the footage on the right shows a woman turning onto the new street. She quickly unzips and removes a black jacket exactly like the child was wearing.
By the time the office has disappeared from one view to appear on the other, the young woman has tied the jacket around her waist leaving her in a bright red t-shirt. She continues down the street at a leisurely stroll and pays no attention to the confused officer behind her.
“That woman is the child,” Natasha concludes for them. Fury nods in response.
Clint sits back in his seat again, “so what is she? An enhanced?”
“A shapeshifter,” Bruce states.
Fury shakes his head, “no, I’ve had some experience with her kind. They’re called Skrulls. Shapeshifting extraterrestrials who at one point attempted to seek refuge on our planet when they were being hunted.” He pulls out a chair and sits casually looking to the team, “Captain Marvel and I helped defeat their enemies. She took them to find a new home planet, seems like one or two may have been left behind or are seeking refuge again.”
“Ok, why haven’t you just brought her in?”
The director sighs, “she’s too slippery.”
“She knows where to shift and the perfect time to do it,” Maria says, “down to the millisecond.” She nods to the screen as evidence of this. “We’ve been following her for a few weeks, and this is the first time we’ve been able to definitively get her on video.”
“She does this often?” Clint asks nodding his head towards the screen. In the video, the girl was being chased for stealing a bag of food from a food truck. “Stealing?”
Fury chuckles, “first time I saw her, she was running after swiping a few snacks from a convenient store.”
“Forgive me,” Tony speaks up, “but isn’t petty theft a little below our pay grade?”
Fury is quick to respond, “She’s only ever stolen food up until now, so-“
“So, she steals to survive.” Wanda interrupts. All eyes turn to her.
Sam tilts his head, “not to mention she is a literal alien. Didn’t you guys fight like a million of them a few years back?”
 A silence falls over the room as they all ponder what to do with this otherworldly individual.
Steve is the one to finally speak up, “so we bring her in. If she’s alone or needs help, who better than us?”
After a moment of silence, the rest of the team one by one nodded their heads in agreement.
“Good,” Fury claps his hands together sarcastically, “now that we are all on the same page, let’s get started.”
The team all stands in wait, each in their position. They’ve followed this girl around for hours, just waiting for her to finally enter a store. It’s taken a while, but she finally enters a little burger joint equal distance from both ends of the block.
They sit outside for about 10 minutes, before the door of the shop opens and the girl walks out calmly, but quickly.
“She’s on the move,” Sam reports from the rooftop.
Steve stands from the table he was positioned at and follows the girl down the street, “in pursuit.”
“In position,” Natasha says from where she waits just around the corner.
They’re halfway to the end of the block when the shop doors open again. This time with a worker bursting onto the street. “You have to pay for that!” he yells at the retreating girl. He runs after her, “Stop!”
The child picks up her pace, quickly approaching her turn. She’s completely unaware of the super soldier that is hot on her heels.
She rounds the corner shifting into a woman in her early 20’s. Before she has a chance to remove her jacket as usual, someone quickly links arms with her. She turns to find a red head woman walking casually beside her.
The girl turns behind her to see the worker that was following her has caught up. He turns on the street corner and is looking around for the child. Whatever this red headed stranger wants, she has to play along for now.
The two walk arm and arm down the street. The red head talks, but the girl is not paying attention. She is more worried about the worker that is now asking others on the street if they’ve seen a child matching her previous description.
The girl glances back to see the store worker has given up and walked back to the shop. She sighs and can now turn her attention to the stranger that has just grabbed her arm.
“So, I was thinking you should come out with me tomorrow night,” Natasha smiles and playfully bumps shoulders with the Skrull, “then I can finally introduce you to my friend Steve.”
“Who are you?” She pulls her arm from the redhead’s grasp and steps away, “… and who is Steve?”
“That’d be me,” a blonde man speaks from behind her, “neat trick.”
 The girl instantly recognizes him as Captain America, even dressed in street clothes. She turns back to the woman who grabbed her arm and mentally slaps herself. How could she not recognize the Black Widow?
“What do you want with me?” she asks wearily.
“Right now, we just wanna talk,” Natasha reassured her.
Iron Man touches down on the sidewalk beside the group, “uh oh, looks like someone is grounded.”
“Why don’t we start with your name?” Steve asks after an awkward silence.
They had brought the Skrull with them back to the compound promising they only wanted to talk. They all settled down in the common area. The team is scattered across the room, sitting at the table or on the couch, while the stranger stands unsurely in the middle of the room.
“Y/n,” she says, “Y/n Y/L/n.” A few of them nod, and she waits for their next question.
“So, you’re an alien,” Tony spits out, ever the one for subtlety.
Y/n furrows her brow, “what?”
“What he means is,” a voice comes from the doorway. Nick Fury enters the room. He looks familiar to Y/n, but she can’t seem to place it. “You’re a skrull.”
Confused, Y/n looks between everyone in the room. Most she recognizes. Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, she thinks that’s the guy who shoots the bow and arrows, Wanda Maximoff, and a few others she can’t place.
“What’s a skrull?”
“An alien,” Sam speaks up, “a shapeshifting alien-”
Y/n shakes her head, “I’m not an alien.”
“See that’s funny to me,” Fury tilts his head, “I’ve never met a person who can change shapes like you did on that street, excluding Loki and big guy over there.” He subtly points at Bruce who cringes slightly. “You know who I have met though? Skrulls. And plenty of them. They had a neat little trick like you-“
“I’m not a skrull. I’m just a….” her words trail off as her mind wanders off without her.
 Is there even a word to describe what she is? She’s definitely not an alien. Shapeshifting isn’t exactly the correct term either. There’s not a name for what she can do. She’s never talked about it, so she’s never thought of something to call it.
While she pauses, the team glance at each other curiously. “You’re a….?” Tony prompts.
Y/n looks up suddenly, startled out of deep thought.
“A person…” she answers timidly and shrugs, “I’m just a person.”
They all sport unimpressed looks, and it spikes anxiety within her. She has no idea what to do if they don’t believe her. “I’m not Loki. I’m not an alien. I’ve never been to space. I used to live upstate. I’ve never even left New York. I’m not-“
“Ok,” Wanda stops her before her anxious ramble before she can work herself into a panic. The witch can feel the discomfort rolling off the woman not much younger than her, even when she is trying so hard not to. “You’re not an alien.”
“But we’ve seen you as a kid and an adult so…” Natasha crosses her arms, “you’re not just a person. You’re enhanced? A shapeshifter of some kind?”
“Sort of,” Y/n nervously looks around the room, “it’s hard to explain.” In truth, she’s never explained it before, never told anyone about what she can do.
The widow sits up in her chair with a raised eyebrow. She motions her hand towards Steve and Bucky, “those two were born in 1918-“
“I was born in 17,” Bucky corrects, “he was born in 18.”
“Still both older than dirt,” Natasha then tilts her head in Wanda’s direction, “she can read minds because she touched a blue box, that one turns green if someone pisses him off, we have a space-god on speed dial, and even with all of that in our favor, we still keep bow and arrows over here on the team for some reason.” She jokingly smirks at Clint. The widow looks back at Y/n, “try us.”
The young woman shifts on her feet, “I’m not a shapeshifter in the way that you are probably thinking. I can’t turn into whatever I want. I can only shift into myself at younger ages. That’s why you saw me as a kid; it’s all I can do.”
“How old are you really?” Fury asks.
“22,” Y/n responds.
“and back on the street?”
“Still 22,” she fights the urge to roll her eyes. “I looked about 13, but I’m still 22,” she insists. Rapidly, she has to field questions from all directions of the room.
“You can only turn into a kid?” Sam asks, and Y/n nods.
“At any age?” Bruce asks next.
Y/n turns to face his direction, “yes, any age younger than this.”
Steve nods in understanding, “and you can control it? What age you become?”
“It depends-“
“On?” Fury counters.
“A few things,” she elaborates, “its heavily tied to my emotions, so if I’m tired or upset I have less control. It takes practice… kind of. I have to drop regularly to all ages. Its like recharging a battery or recalibrating a device. As long as I’ve dropped like I needed to, I can choose the age.”
“Drop?” Wanda asks softly.
Y/n shrugs, “its just the word I use for when I turn small. How long I spend little affects my chances to grow up back to 22 on command.”
“Do you have a job?” Fury asks.
The abrupt subject change takes her back a moment. Then a blush fills her cheeks at the prospect of having this kind of conversation in front of strangers, “no.”
“It’s hard to keep a job when you spend most of your time as a child.”
The director nods, “do you want one?”
All attention turns to Fury immediately.
“Wait you want her on the team?”
“She’s a kid,” Wanda insists.
Y/n sighs and mumbles, “I’m not a kid.”
No one hears her as they continue their discussion of her and abilities.
“Kids are small,” Bruce reasons, “she could fit in places we can’t.”
“Plus she can disappear in a crowd almost as well as me,” Nat reasons, “she’s already proved that.”
“Does she even know how to fight?” Bucky asks.
They continue on in this way until Y/n has had enough.
“Could you stop talking about me like I’m not right here?!”
The room is silent enough to hear a pin drop. The team of heroes all glance at her apologetically.
Y/n takes a deep breath and decides to break the silence herself this time. “There’s a catch…” her voice is clearly nervous, “…to my powers. Whatever age I drop to, so does my mind.”
“So earlier today,” Clint asks, “you forgot everything that’s happened between now and when you were 13?”
“No,” she sighs and tries to think of a better way to word this. “I still remember everything I know now. I just see it through a child’s lense…….. I told you its hard to explain.”
While the rest of the team is in their heads trying to wrap their minds around this oddly specific and a little bizarre power, Tony has reached his limit.
“So you’re a literal child?” he asks, but he’s not looking for an answer. “Come on guys, we can’t have a child on the team. We shouldn’t even have her in this building-“
Fury interrupts his rant, “that’s not your decision, Stark.”
The billionaire sits up in his seat, “it’s a safety hazard! Besides, this is my building. It was Stark Tower before it was the Avenger Compound.”
“It may be your building, but this is my team,” the director tries to shut him down in a way that Tony knows there is no use in arguing his point further.
But when has Tony ever given up easy?
“We can not have her here,” he insists, “us, every single one of us are way to busy to be babysitting-“
“I can take care of myself.” Once again, everyone’s attention snaps to her, “I’ve been taking care of myself for years. So trust me, I won’t be needing any babysitting.”
“That settles that,” Fury then returns his full attention to the newcomer, “so Y/n, what do you say?”
All eyes turn to her awaiting her response.
 She ponders for a moment. It doesn’t take her very long to decide seeing as she doesn’t have that much to go back to. She doesn’t trust her voice, and she definitely doesn’t want to sound unsteady right now. The moment she agrees to join the Avengers. So, she just nods once.
The corner of Fury’s lip tick up into a smirk, “alright then. You’re training starts tomorrow. Someone show her around the compound and to her room. I’ll be in my office if you need me, so don’t need me.”
With that the director stands and exits the common area. Y/n turns her attention back to her new teammates. Yet another awkward silence falls over the group.
“Question,” Sam says eventually, “so you can control the age you drop to right?”
Y/n really doesn’t feel like explaining the whole thing again, so she just nods.
“If I just gave you an age at random, you could drop to it?”
She hasn’t dropped as much as she should have this past week, but it was enough for her to control her drop on the street today. It should still be enough now.
Y/n nods again.
“10,” he challenges.
She looks around and finds the team looking at her expectantly. They want to see exactly what you can do. Their eyes go wide as the woman shrinks and de-ages in front of their eyes. They see her shift from age to age in backwards succession until she settles into a child. It’s like someone hit rewind on her body.
Y/n stands before them as a young version of herself. She’s a little small for 10, but she’s always been smaller than average. Her face is smaller, and her hair is a bit longer. They can easily tell that it is still her, but she’s still looks so different. The only thing that remained exactly the same are her eyes and her clothes. The t-shirt meant for adults hangs loose on her body. Her sweatpants are barely staying on her hips thanks to some good elastic in the waistband, yet they are much much baggier than before.
“Its not exact, if I’m off its usually within a year’s range of the target at most.”
“17,” Tony asks this time.
They watch impressed as she grows, gradually going through each age until she stops at a late teenager. She doesn’t look all that much different than she does at her true age, but she’s clearly younger.
Natasha tilts her head, “what about 13?”
Again, Y/n drops in age, shrinking into a preteen. Its almost a perfect middle between the younger and older ages they just asked her to shift to.
 She wonders how many of these they are gonna make her do today, but before anyone can give her another age, there are footsteps approaching from outside the room.
They all look to the door in time to see Peter walk in with his backpack over his shoulder and headphones in his ears. He looks up from his phone and takes in the room. Rare is it that everyone is gathered in one location when he gets back from school. Usually someone is in the gym or the lab or on a mission. Something must be up.
As he scans the room, Peter’s eyes land on the girl wearing clothes way too big for her standing in the middle of the room. His mouth curls into a smile.
“Hey, who’s the new kid?” he asks happily.
Y/n clenches her small jaw. “I’m not a kid,” she says, but no one seems to hear it.
“This is Y/n,” Wanda says, “she’s joining the team. Y/n this is Peter… Spiderman.”
“Oh hey,” the 16 year old’s smile grows impossibly wider, “this is awesome! I’m finally not the youngest person on the team-“
“I’m older than you,” the girl quips.
Peter furrows his brow, “you’re like 12.”
Quickly, Y/n grows up, returning to her true age, “I’m 22.”
The boy’s eyes go wide as he watches the transition, “woah……. That was so cool.”
The team chuckles, throwing amused smirks to each other.
Clint stands and begins to exit the room. He stops by Y/n and pats her shoulder. There’s a playful glint in his eyes.
“Welcome to the team, New Kid.”
A/N: Now for the fun part! One by one she’s gonna win them all over until she has a new family full of people who would do anything for her. I hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think! I love to hear from y’all ❤️ -k
taglist: @battleg03
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Second Hand (2)
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Summary: He only wants you.
Pairing: Alpha!Steve Rogers x Omega (fem) Reader
Warnings: mentions of rejection/former abusive relationship, scenting, a/b/o, cuddling & snuggling, hurt & comfort, fluff
Catch up here: Second-Hand
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Steve never left you out of sight since that fateful day.
He cradled you in his arms for a few more hours, letting his alpha calm down. He scented you and nuzzled your neck. His teeth nipped at your marred mating gland.
The alpha wanted to mark your neck and call you his omega. But Steve is a gentleman, and old-fashioned alpha wanting to court for you instead of claiming you in a hurry.
Unlike everyone expected, you walked out of the room, unharmed. Steve held your hand and growled at Tony and Bruce. He guided you out of the room, and toward his apartment, where you would spend the rest of the night, cuddling and scenting each other.
Steve made you feel safe and warm. Even more important, you felt content for the first time since your mate broke your bond.
While you slowly got used to having an alpha watching your every move, Steve tried to find a way to show you that there are alphas who treat their omegas with respect.
One night he sneaked into your home to surprise you with flowers and take-out, only to find you curled up in your wardrobe. You were close to your heat and tried to not nest on your bed.
Steve asked you about it, and you broke down in his arms, crying. You told him everything that your mate did to you, from the abandonment for weeks to partying with his friends to leave you alone during your heat for a business trip.
You even admitted that your former mate didn’t like it when you nested on your bed and that he yelled and screamed when you did it either way.
Steve growled low in his throat hearing that your mate hit the wall next to your head when you nested on the bed. You broke down, whimpering and crying.
Since that day, you nested in your wardrobe, or the corner of your small office at your apartment. You didn’t want to anger him even further. It didn’t stop him from breaking the bond. He blamed you for not being the submissive and sweet omega he always wanted.
“You stared at the wall again,” Steve softly said. He stroked your cheek, making you feel warm. “What is on your mind, Y/N?” He sat next to you in silence. Steve knew that his presence always calms you. “If you want to talk about it, I’m here.”
Taking a deep breath, you looked at Steve. You grabbed his hand and held it tenderly.
“Today I was at the grocery store. I wanted to make dinner for us,” you sniffed and dropped your gaze. “He was there. Out of the blue my former—” You bit your tongue and shook your head. “That man stood in front of my shopping cart.”
Steve swallowed thickly. He didn’t say a thing but moved a little closer to offer his warmth.
“He wasn’t alone,” you wiped your eyes before leaning your head against Steve’s shoulder. “All those years he told me that he doesn’t want a baby. Every time I was in heat, he refused to breed me.”
A snarl escaped his lips. Steve doesn’t want to hear that you wanted someone else than him to breed you. “It’s okay, you can tell me everything. I’m here, as always. You’ve been there for me too.”
“His new mate, the woman he left me for, she’s pregnant,” you huffed. “Can you believe that he led me on only to give that woman what I always wanted? A loving mate, and a baby.”
“Hey, come here,” Steve murmured your name. He carefully helped you sit in his lap and wrapped his arms around you. You immediately buried your face in his neck to scent him. “Fate has a funny way to bring people together. You believed he was the one, and I believed Peggy was the one for me. Now we both know better.”
You nodded against him and sniffled.
“You’re my mate now, and you will never be alone again. I want you to nest on our bed, and to feel safe to do whatever you want at our home.”
He held you tightly and whispered your name in your ear. “I was frozen to the spot. All these times I imagined seeing him again, and the speech I held in my mind was just gone. My mind was blank.”
“It’s okay. Sometimes we can’t bring the words we want to say out.”
“I wanted to scream at him, and kick his balls,” you muttered under your breath. “His new mate grinned at me and rubbed her belly. She wanted to say something, and that was when Thor walked in. They blanched when he happily added things to my shopping cart.”
“You went shopping with Thor again?” Steve chuckled. He wasn’t jealous of Thor, knowing you helped Thor adapt to his new life on Earth.
“He was in his armor because he saved a cat from getting run over. They just stared at him, asking if he’s my mate,” you laughed against Steve. “Thor said no, and that he wouldn’t dare touch Captain America’s mate.”
Steve’s chest swelled with pride hearing your former mate got jealous. “I wouldn’t let him touch my mate,” Steve purred against you. “I’m already planning on giving her all the babies she wants.”
He pressed his lips against the mark he left while thinking about visiting your former mate. Steve decided against it, but he later asked Tony to keep tabs on your former mate. Just to be sure he stays away from you…
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nicoline1998enilocin · 9 months
His innocent assistant
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Pairing | Tony Stark x Lab Assistant!Fem!Reader
Word count | ~ 600 words
Summary | Tony's feeling a little needy, and he can't resist asking his sweet, innocent lab assistant for help. You don't like seeing your boss in any discomfort, so you're more than happy to help out.
Rating | Explicit (E)
Warning(s) | Use of nickname: Sweet Girl, innocent Reader
Smut | Reference to a blowjob, cockwarming, Daddy kink, slight size kink
A/n | I found this deep down in my drafts, and I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for sparking this idea at the time. This is my little present from me to you this Christmas! 🩵
A/n 2.0 | This isn’t proofread, any and all mistakes are my own.
Events Masterlist | Free Space | @marvel-smash-bingo
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | Read on AO3
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"C'mere, Sweet Girl, Daddy's having a problem, and he needs your help to fix it," Tony says in a sweet voice, knowing exactly what to say to get you to listen to him and do exactly as he says.
"Is everything okay, Daddy?" You ask, still a little unsure of calling him Daddy, but he assures you that it's normal for lab assistants to call their bosses Daddy.
"M perfect, Sweet Girl," he tells you as he's eyeing you in your dress that hugs every curve to perfection. It's one of your favorites, and you put it on because Tony told you he liked it the last time you were at one of Tony's parties.
"It's okay; you can get closer. I won't bite." Stretching out his hand, you put yours in his, and he guides you over to him, and that's when you see he's incredibly hard. Seeing you doing as he asks has him hard beyond belief, and he can't believe he has such an obedient, innocent, sweet thing as his lab assistant.
"D-Daddy, are you in pain again? I can help it go away again! Last time, it worked, too!" You tell him excitedly, referring to when you helped "cure" his pain by sucking him off.
"I am Sweet Girl, but I don't think that medicine will work today. I think the one that might help me feel better is in your Princess parts," he says, meaning your - now soaked - pussy.
"But Daddy, it's so big I don't think it will fit!" You tell him with a frown and slight pout, making Tony only hornier. He's never been more glad with someone as innocent as you.
"Don't worry, Sweet Girl; Daddy will make sure it's going to fit, and when it does, you can sit on my lap and keep me warm; how does that sound?"
After thinking about it for a few seconds, you happily nod, wanting to do anything you can to help your boss get rid of his pain. He takes a seat on one of the rolling chairs in his lab before unbuckling his belt and opening his pants, finally able to free his thick, long, veiny cock.
Your eyes are immediately drawn to it, and you start to salivate at the sight, biting your lip while subconsciously squeezing your thighs together for a little relief.
"I'm ready for you, Sweet Girl," he tells you before pulling you closer, and one of his hands glides under your dress to your soaked pussy.
"Did you not wear panties today, Sweet Girl? Hmm, and I can already feel the medicine, but it needs to be in before it can work," Tony says as he guides you to straddle his lap.
You've never been with someone as big as Tony before, and it is quite a stretch since he's long and thick, but your pussy it's tight and small, making it a bit of a stretch. With a deep groan, he slides you onto his cock, and loud moans escape your lips, unable to hold them in. It's not that Tony would want you to do that, anyway.
"Oh, Daddy! Feels so good," you tell him as you experimentally roll your hips a few times, but his large hands quickly stop you on your hips.
"You just need to keep me warm, Sweet Girl; that's the best way for the medicine to work,'' he tells you. Once you're finally comfortable, you lean into Tony and place your head on his shoulder, earning yourself the praise you've been dying to hear from him daily.
"Good fuckin' girl,'' he tells you with a deep groan before getting comfortable and letting you melt into his hold as he returns to what he was doing.
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beanthesprout · 9 months
Just Like That
Soft Bucky x fem reader
Bucky can't handle seeing you in his shirt.
Warnings: soft dom bucky, praise kink, body worshipping, fingering, vaginal penetration
Requested by @bucky-barnes-lover
I hope you like it! I'm a bit rusty with writing so I'm sorry if it's weird or if he's out of character.
Requests are still open!
Bucky was anxiously waiting on the couch of the common room in the Avenger's Tower. You were supposed to be returning from a pretty dangerous mission. He was well aware you could absolutely handle anything thrown your way, but he still couldn't help but worry. He adored you.
His head snapped up as he heard the elevator ding and footsteps coming down the hall. You were waving off Tony, trying to just go and shower and relax after the mission you'd just had, but he was insistent on discussing your next mission.
Bucky stood as you walked in the room and felt his heart melt as he watched your face of annoyance over Tony change to one of warmth and adoration when you saw him. You happily waved off Tony and walked up to Bucky and gave him a loving kiss.
"Hey sweetheart." You murmured.
"Hey doll." His voice was low and warm, "How'd it go?"
"Good as usual. I'm sore and exhausted though."
His hand came up to stroke your cheek and you leaned into his touch.
"Can we go lay in bed after my shower?" You asked.
"Of course we can."
You grinned and kissed his cheek before making your way to shower. You grabbed a some fresh underwear and one of Bucky's old t-shirts.
The shower felt like heaven. Hot water relaxed your muscles and washed away the grime. You took your time, eventually stepping out and slathering on that lavender scented lotion you and Bucky loved and pulling on the underwear and shirt you'd grabbed.
You loved wearing his shirts, they were so soft and fit comfortably. You preferred his clothes to yours any day.
You wandered into Bucky's room, hair still dripping, he was sitting on the edge of the bed and looked up when you walked in. A blush colored his cheeks when he saw you.
"That's my shirt." He sounded indifferent but you could hear the tiniest bit of amusement in his voice.
"Mine now."
He stared at you for a moment before patting his thigh, "C'mere."
Obediently you moved to straddle his lap, your thighs resting on either side of him. His hands came to rest on your waist.
"You're beautiful." He murmured.
"Thank you." You said softly.
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your jaw, trailing up before nibbling on your earlobe. You sighed softly, which caused him to grin.
His hands trailed to the edge of your shirt, fingers playing with the hem.
"You're drivin me crazy doll." His voice was husky with lust.
"I'm not even doing anything Buck." You chuckled.
"You're doing everything." He whispered as he pressed kisses to your neck, gently sucking and teasing at the skin with his teeth.
Soft moans fell from your lips as he left marks from your neck down to your chest.
"Keep making those pretty noises for me doll." He groaned against your neck as his hands slid under your shirt.
The coolness of his metal fingers gave tou goosebumps and pulled another moan from you. Your hands grabbed at his shirt and he gently bit your neck. Every little thing he did was driving you crazy.
His hands slid further up your shirt to grope at your breasts, teasing your nipples, grinning at the way you squirmed and whined.
In the blink of an eye his arms wrapped around you and he flipped the two of you over so you were laying on the bed and he was leaning over you.
"You look so good like that." He was staring down at your flushed face, you were slightly panting. You looked like a mess, but to him you'd never been more beautiful.
He leaned down to press his lips to yours, grunting softly when you eagerly kissed him back. You reached your arms up to wrap around his neck but he grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head. His metal hand trailed from your jaw, down your neck and over your chest to the hem of your underwear.
He slid his tongue into your mouth, drawing out a moan from both of you. He pulled back to look at you.
"Let me take care of you." His voice was a murmur, his breath tickled your lips.
"Good girl."
His metal fingers swiftly tugged your panties down below your knees and he gently pushed a finger into you. Your back arched with a moan.
"That's right. Just like that baby." He whispered in your ear.
His finger pumped in and out of you, curling deliciously to hit that sweet spot. He added a second finger and you felt like you were going to lose your mind.
You moaned his name over and over as he pushed you closer and closer to your high. His pace was steady and strong, he knew exactly how to please you.
"Good girl. You're doing so well for me doll. Look at the way you take me." He groaned into your ear.
He reveled in the way you moaned his name and ground yourself against his hand. He was enamored with the way you clenched around him, the way your back arched, the way your lips moved as you gasped out his name. All of it drew him in.
He dragged his fingers in and out of you, curling them at every push in. It didn't take long before you were crying out his name, overwhelmed by the pleasure. He kept going until you'd completely finished, kissing you softly when you fell limp. He released your pinned wrists and gently pulled his fingers from you and held them to your lips.
"Clean the mess you made." He purred.
Obediently you opened your mouth to suck his fingers clean, your tongue swirling around the smooth metal. His breathing grew a little heavier at the sight.
"That's a good girl." He murmured, his eyes fully focused on your lips wrapped around his fingers.
When you finally released them he leaned down to kiss you again, it was soft and sweet.
One arm settled above your head to prop himself up while the other tugged off his clothes. Your hands raised to help him tug his clothes off, then drifted over his skin. He chuckled at that, you were just as dumbstruck as he was when clothes came off.
He rummaged through his bedside table and pulled out a condom, ripping the wrapper open with his teeth and quickly rolling it out.
"You want lube doll?" He asked as he kissed your jaw.
You nodded and he slathered some lube on his cock before gently guiding it into you. You let out a moan as he did, feeling every inch fill you.
"God you take me so well." He groaned.
You whimpered in response, clawing at his back as he started thrusting into you. He gradually picked up his pace, and his hand dipped between your legs to rub your clit.
The sounds of both your moans filled the room. He muttered sweet praises over and over as he fucked you, and all you could do was moan in response.
"Good girl. Thats right. Say my name just like that." He groaned.
You cried out his name as he thrust into you expertly, repeatedly thrusting at that same angle and quickly driving you to another orgasm.
A few more thrusts and you'd snapped, you clenched around him as he fucked you through your orgasm arching into his chest and grabbing at his broad shoulders. After you'd finished he kept going, the overstimulation bringing tears to your eyes.
"I'm almost there baby. Hold on." He kissed your cheek as he kept thrusting into you, bringing himself to his own orgasm.
It didn't take long before his hips started stuttering and he thrust deep into you one last time before releasing into the condom. The two of you lay there panting heavily before he eased himself out of you. He swiftly disposed of the condom and brought you a wet rag to clean yourself up before sliding your underwear on and tugging your shirt down and sliding his own boxers on.
"Ready for that nap doll?" He nuzzled your neck and you nodded.
He gently helped you maneuver under the blankets and pulled you close. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep as he gently grazed his fingers over your back.
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—𝐰𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐫, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐞—
pairing. ex! Natasha Romanoff x fem! reader
summary. in a day you simply wanted peace, two unexpected visitors showed up. for one of them, you were glad.
warnings. smut! I am NOT responsible for your content consumption! — making out, thigh riding, strap on usage, cursing, angst (w happy ending), soft dom Nat.
notes. my first language is portuguese, so I apologize for any grammar errors. feel free to give me advice, though!
divider credits: @cafekitsune ★
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Natasha Romanoff was known as a cold, ruthless woman, who never cared for anyone besides herself. Most of the people didn't know this was due her past — the Red Room was always in complete secrecy, so they feared her. She was already used to it. Whenever she started something with someone, in the next day, she had an empty bed as a gift. To be completely honest, she always felt used. Men and women touched her, to leave her in the morning.
That changed when she met you.
You could say you'd changed her completely, for the best, of course. She became more open with you, learned to express herself better and was not known as the most selfish Avenger in the team anymore.
But just like people say, not everything is a bed of roses.
Instead of using that achievement to improve your relationship, she began to care a little too much about her team of superheroes. At some point, she was no longer paying attention to you.
Reports this, reports that. Missions and more missions. "I have to go somewhere with Cap." "I have to train with Tony to a mission." "I can't, I'll have to go with Clint."
When you confronted her about this, begging for her to understand and willing to help her change, she decided that it was a better option to part ways. You were devasted, and she saw it. That made her heart ache — someone actually lov— liked her enough to want to stay.
This was the one and only reason Natasha didn't forget about you. The only reason she thought about you everyday. The only reason she teared up whenever entering her car and seeing the polaroid with the heart pendant you gave her hanging on her rearview mirror, that she didn't dare to take down.
Today, you were leaving work, heavy tired steps echoing on the pavement's wooden floor as the moonlight illuminated the room. The building was already empty, the streets, darker than your thoughts.
As you started walking to the nearest bus stop, you heard quick footsteps behind you — it was already late and usually there was no people on the streets like this. You turned your head, "you gotta be kidding me".
"Hey, Y/n!" Peter exclaimed, running to catch up with you. "I didn't know you were going to be here at 11:30pm."
You rolled your eyes and took a sharp inhale, but like always, tried to be polite. This so called coworker of yours was always looking at you, following you everywhere, and asking you things, not always work-related. You always made it clear that you weren't interested in men, and he insisted on saying he could 'change your mind'.
"Hey, Peter." you replied, faking a smile and nodding. "You need me to review your documents again?"
"Oh, no. I was just wondering if you wanna go on a date with me. Did you see the restaurant that just opened over there? I could treat you to—"
"No, I don't." you cut him off, more harshly than you intended to. "Look, Peter, I'm sorry. But I don't want anything to do with you, alright? So if you want, go ahead and find somebody else."
You shook your head, not even waiting for his reply and picking up the pace again, quickly rushing to the bus stop. That's when the guy showed you a side that you just suspected, but preferred to believe he didn't have
"C'mon, Y/n." he grabbed your arm, nails digging into your skin. "You won't broke my heart, will you? You're such a gentle, beautiful, kind woman. You will give me a chance."
You cleared your throat, feeling him get closer, and thinking about a certain Red Head — how she would gently, delicately graze your skin with her fingers, so softly whispering into your ear and bringing you to her embrace—
"Back off."
"Oh, no." he laughed. Such a creep. "I won't back off. And if you don't cooperate, I'll make you give me a chance."
Your hands trembled now, silently praying to whoever was seeing this just call the cops or do something. You didn't know the guy anyway. He didn't talk to anyone at work beside you, and you never got to know him, you would never. That's when it would be a good use to have a spy girlfriend. Just the last thing you expected to happen was to hear the sound of a gun cocking behind you, and a very familiar female voice.
"She said back off."
Relief unconsciously washed upon you as your arm was released, only because of the gun, though. You knew that if if wasn't for her, who knows what could've happened there. Peter left, annoyed, but the Russian swore to herself that she'd make his life a living hell.
"... Natasha?" you whisper, turning around with a confused and even scared frown.
"Yes," she worriedly rubbed your arm, shooting you, slowly making the feeling of the disgusting hand fade away. "Are you okay?"
"I am..." you nodded subtly, leaning into her touch. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, I saw a woman being harassed. What was I supposed to do? Mind my business?" she said, obviously avoiding your question.
"You know this is not what I mean." you frowned, carefully letting go of her caress and wrapping your arms around yourself.
Natasha sighed, trying to think of a way to explain herself. 'Oh, I'm here because I miss you so much I can't even sleep anymore.'? No, it wouldn't do.
"I... followed you."
"Oh, great, so I'm being stalked twice today." you hissed, making Natasha look down with your harshness.
"No, Y/n.. I'm here for.. personal reasons. I saw you leaving work, and I noticed that guy following you. I decided to follow too, until he grabbed you and I knew I had to intervine." she explained quietly.
The fact she had said 'personal reasons' deeply hurt you, but you couldn't do anything, you had broken up after all. You nodded, and prepared yourself to walk tp the bus stop again.
"Wait," Natasha quickly stopped you, her eyebrows furrowed. "I won't let you go home like this."
This was something about the old Natasha you knew, the protective one. It was okay, you were tired, and a ride would be no harm. "Where's your getaway car?"
She smiled softly at your joke, and tilted her head. "Around the corner."
You two walked silently towards the vehicle, as she unlocked the doors with the keys and you entered the passenger seat. You threw your bag on the backseat before you could focus on the environment around you, and see the polaroid of you and Nat with the heart pendant you gave her hanging on the rearview mirror.
Natasha noticed your gaze as soon as she entered the driver seat, clearing her throat and starting the car's engine. "Couldn't bring myself to take those down."
You stayed silent, but your eyes could tell everything. I'm glad. Oh, I'm so glad.
Natasha remembered your address as if you hadn't broken up nine months ago, and when you reached your place, you too much disappointed for your own good.
"Thank you for the lift," you whispered, turning your body to be able to grab your bag from the backseat — in the exact same moment Natasha turned to unbuckle her seatbelt — your fronts touching, which made you two a little startled.
The problem was that you didn't pull away, neither of you. You slowly turned your head to meet Natasha's gaze, your face so close to hers you could feel her breath. Familiar. It was pure instinct, almost muscle memory, of the times she always kissed you goodbye when dropping you somewhere.
You didn't even notice your hand going up to hold the back of her neck, much less when she placed her hand on your thigh, and leaned in so your noses brushed. Natasha closed her eyes for a brief moment, almost savouring your closeness, your aura enveloping her once more. Then your lips barely, barely grazed, breath hitching, as she couldn't take it anymore.
The redhead pressed her lips against yours, giving them a long peck. It was surprising how much time you lasted without air. You didn't break the kiss, just darted the tip of your tongue out to lick her bottom lip, begging for entrance. She gave in, trying to pull you closer but being stopped by the goddamn control panel. As soon as you felt her tongue touching yours you realized that this was going too far. You pulled back harshly, leaving you two panting for air and a disappointed Nat.
"Do you..." you shakily breathed. "... wanna come in?"
"Mhm." Natasha hummed, turning off the engine. "Can I?"
You didn't answer, just opened the door and slipped out the car. As you entered, you could practically feel Natasha's eyes burning the place. How you didn't take down any picture of yours. How her stuff was spreading across the pavement. It gave her a sense of... hope? Of course, since she was in the same situation.
"So.. are you seeing anyone?" you asked her while kicking off your heels and leaving them by the door.
"I think you know the answer for that." the redhead practically hissed, making your head snap towards her.
"But I want you to say it." you retreated. "I want you to look at me in the eyes and tell me you didn't forget me. I want you to look at me in the eyes and tell me the reason of why you came to my town again and followed me when I left work. I want you to tell me the reason of why you kissed me just like we always did before."
"I didn't! I didn't forget you, Y/n!" Natasha snapped, looking away and tucking the loosen strands of hair of her braids behind her ears. "I didn't forget you and I never did. Alright? Happy now?"
"Is that so?" you laughed humorlessly, crossing your arms. "I thought you cared more about your superheroes buddies. Where are they now!?"
"I left them." Natasha replied, looking at you again with a mixture of anger and pain. "I left them and came back, to you, Y/n."
You froze at her words, swallowing your saliva. "... okay?"
"I came back here, because I wanted to at least a chance to explain myself. I wouldn't be able to live knowing that I hurt you, and that you think that I did it on purpose. So please, just give me a chance."
"...go on."
Natasha sighed in relief, exhaling the air she was holding. "I'm sure you know my story. You were the first one to know everything about it, about me. And I'm also sure you know you're the first one to ever love me. No one else ever loved me like you did."
You leaned against the kitchen counter, listening carefully to her words, ready to give her time and patience, like you usually did.
"... I didn't know what I was doing, Y/n. Every other relationship I had, ended in less than a week. Love is a weapon and it's letal for me, for people like me. I was, I am startled by all of this, by this fuzzy warm feeling that you always gave me, that you still do, in my thoughts.. the Avengers were my first family, and when I panicked, I tried to hang on to them. In order not to hurt you, and myself." she didn't even realize the tear rolling down her cheek, and shook her head. "That's it. I'm sorry for everything, but Y/n, you will always have a piece— you'll always have my whole heart in your hands. I'll get off your hair n—"
You couldn't. Not anymore. You rushed towards her and grabbed her face, cutting her off with a deep kiss. She was taking aback, but her hands traveled to your waist, pulling you flush against her, your fronts pressing. Nothing changed. Natasha pushed you backwards against your room's door, her tongue entering your mouth and dancing with yours. You could feel yourself getting lost in her, damn it, once more. It was like she had this spell on you — you were trapped, and didn't complain.
"Y/n," the russian uttered, hands slipping inside your shirt and giving your waist a squeeze. "I've got to have you again, at least for one last time. Please, just this once—"
Tired of her rambling, you smirked and grabbed her by the jacket, pulling her into a kiss again and dragging her into the room, slamming the door shut. Natasha took this as a 'yes', and her hands, under you shirt, went to unclasp your bra, making it fall to the ground and a groan of relief escape your throat. Before she could remove the rest of the fabric of your body, you stopped her, pushing her down to the bed.
"I always wanted to do that," you started to slowly, so slow that it almost tortured her take off your clothes, stripteasing for her.
"Shit, Y/n." she quickly started to get rid off her jacket, snd everything else she was wearing. You were careful not to trip on the pile of clothes on the floor, and walked over to her again, straddling her leg on the edge of the bed.
Natasha's hand grabbed your hips roughly, keeping you in place and it didn't take two seconds before you started to grind on her. "Nat," you breathed, arms going to circle her neck.
"Who else touched you like this while I was away?" she growled in your ear, pressing your body against hers. "Answer me,"
"No one," you whined, giving her a subtle shake of your head. "No one, Natty. J-just myself,"
"My poor girl," Nat began to roam her hands up your sides, her lips pressing kisses on your jawline, "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help,"
"You're here now..!" you gasped, your movements faster, as she began to move her thigh to stimulate you more.
"And I don't plan on going away," Natasha murmured, tilting your head to look at her in the eyes. Even in your high, you could make sense of her words, and the weight they beared.
"Nat!" you moaned, closing your eyes shut. "I need... please.. I—I need you, inside me."
Natasha almost lost her mind with that, grabbing your hips and pinning you down to the bed. She reached her arm out for the drawer that she hoped your strap still was, and luckily, she was right. "I'm gonna fuck you like never before, Y/n." she attached the silicone cock to her hips with urgency, holding your hips in place as she ran the tip of it across your folds, making you whine in need.
"Don't tease me," you gently gripped her arms on your hips and looked at her with dreamy eyes. She couldn't resist — but your walls were so tight she had to put a little effort to enter you.
"Holy fuck, baby." she moved her hand to brush your hair behind your ear, giving you a little time to get used to the length. "So fucking tight for me,"
"I—" you breathed, interrupted when Nat started to slowly move in and out you, her red hair falling into your face. You moaned, putting her hair up in a makeshift ponytail and with your free hand, holding her neck. "God, I missed you,"
Natasha pounded faster in you with those words, your moans only getting louder by the second. She grabbed one of your legs and placed it over her shoulder, allowing her to hit your g-spot repeatedly. You thumb went to your mouth, wetting it and starting to rub her clit — she couldn't say she expected that, her soft moans saying everything.
"Cum with me," you breathlessly requested, eyes fluttering close. Natasha didn't have to be asked twice. Her hips slammed into yours, the wet sounds of her thrusting echoing the room. "Natty!"
You back arched, head thrown backwards as your orgasm hit you. Natasha's legs shook, her weight falling onto you and your arms immediately wrapping around her, keeping her close.
"Don't make me go away,"
"I could never."
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