#top surgery šŸ‘Œ
oleanderblume Ā· 2 years
Hey I'm healing from top surgery so I'm gonna masterwork the stages of healing I've been experiencing cause people are always leaving shit out :D
ā€¢ You will sleep. Often.
So, basically after I got my surgery done, I had a whole concoction of medication and all of it knocks you the *fuck* out. If you fight it, you're simultaneously fighting God. That being said, take it. It's made to make your existence more bearable. Because if you're Top Surgery came with liposuction, like mine did, wherever you had liposuction will hurt. So just count on doing just about fuck all during that first week.
ā€¢ You will need help, accept it.
And I mean with things you don't think you should need help with. Yes, getting tall things, but also in that first week and ESPECIALLY the first couple of days post op, you might even need help getting out of bed, opening doors.
The general rule here is you can't life anything over 15lbs, but *really* it's "you can't do anything where you can feel your stitches pulling" which is basically everything sans going to the bathroom. For me, the hardest thing was being so in need of assistance, that I legitimately couldn't lift my torso up enough to get out of bed, I figured it out after day 3 though.
ā€¢ You will probably have to have drains, get over it. And yes. They suck, but for a specific reason.
Everyone talks about how shitty drains are, but I've never heard them say *why* drains suck because they hurt after a period of time. Usually around end of week 1, and for me, all of week 2. By week 2, I legitimately wanted to Rio these Fulkerson out.
But I wanted to rip them out because of a bunch of reasons.
1. They werr placed in a way where i couldn't see them and had limited access to the insertion site, closer to my back than my side. This made it very hard to deal with near the end for reason 2.
2. They fucking itch, and if they don't itch, they legitimately hurt. (This is why that pain medication is helpful imo.) The insertion site has loose stitches keeping the drains in your body, and your skin eventually wants to heal around it, now imagine constantly itching and/or aching, in a place you can't touch or even fucking seeā€” constantly.
3. It's kind of gross. This wasn't a big issue for me. I have a morbid curiosity (I wanted to take a video of my sister pulling out my drains bit they didn't) but for folks who don't like the idea of having to pour out your body juices to measure and record, that can be squicky.
4. Fucking dogs. Dogs and quick movements, especially of other people is the MOST terrifying, because I was constantly afraid of pur dog jumping up and tearing those fuckers out of my body.
Now I'm gonna talk about the actual healing process and how that feels.
Week Oneā€” The least painful, but most disabling.
The first couple of days, I was essentially entirely reliant on my sister. I couldn't go to the bathroom without her help to get out of bed. At this time, you still have the anesthesia in your system so you can't feel a whole lot, other than gravity, and you're still pretty sleepy. It's advised to get up Avery few hours to shuffle around, but honestly, taking a nap is all you'll want to do.
Of course, the sitting up rule still holds, you can't really lay flat on your back, and you won't want to, because it's hard to fucking get up without help.
As far as pain goes, you don't feel much in the actual surgery site. Some surgeons include additional liposuction (this method is used to reduce the liklihood of dog ears or excess skin from the procedure itself)
^^^this will be the most painful thing during the first week^^^
It's because you get a lot of bruising, both external and internally when you have liposuction and it causes a lot of aching. The ache will gradually fade around the week 1 end, especially if you heal well from bruising you might have some numbness left over, but likely not from the liposuction. Those bits will be tender. You'll be given (or have bought) a compression garment that will come in very handy. It's not the same as a binder in that it's much easier to remove. The tightness won't be as restrictive, and it will help with liposuction healing and keeping your gauze in place. This is made to be worn basically 24/7 with exception of showers and washing. It *will* chafe, and you *will not* feel it. Prepare for that.
You can't physically do much of anything during this week, I couldn't open or close heavy doors, grab anything heavier than maybe 5 lbs, and most definitely not reach for anything. As mentioned, I couldn't lift my own ass out of bed, so I definitely couldn't drive. They *say* you can drive after the first 2 days. Don't. 1, you're probably on pain medication which knocks you put in about an hour of taking and 2, you're probably underestimating the strength and movement involved in using a steering wheel.
Over all, this is actually the easiest part of healing, pain wise. It's definitely the hardest if you don't have someone to care for you and help you during this time because you most definitely can't do it on your own.
Week Twoā€” This one fucking SUCKS.
This is the week that the anesthesia has definitely worn off and you're running in pain medication. I was given a concoction of Gabapentin, Oxycodone, Diazepam, and over the counter Extra Strength Tylenol. Use them. Probably more than you think you should, honestly.
I had/have a very bad habit of not taking my pain medication as much as I should be because I'm low-key afraid of overdosing, but honestly. You won't overdose unless you take waaay too much of all your meds at once.
You'll still have to be sleeping sat up a bit, but you'll have significantly more mobility and strengthā€” that doesn't mean you can over extend yourself. The 15lb rule still exists, and you don't want to extend your arms fully.
At this point, you'll be regaining feeling, it won't be a whole lot, but it comes in stages. (I'll go in depth near the end of the post)
This is when the drains become an aggravation. If you haven't had them taken out by end of week 1, week 2 you more than likely will, and up until then, they will get worse and worse to deal with.
For me, because of where they were placed, they were directly where I couldn't see them and couldn't fuck with them, but I laid on them every night, and of course, my skin was beginning to heal over the sutures, causing aching and unbearable itchiness. THIS is why you want to take your meds. In addition, remember how I mentioned the compression garment and the chafing? You're still wearing that. And if you haven't been closely watching your chafing, by week 2, you're made fully aware of it, because your under arms and sides will have gained feeling by then, and it will fucking hurt. Get band-aids. I have a stack of them up and down my sides where my drains were, and where I've chafed the most.
By your first week post op appointment, the surgeon has probably removed your gauze and any sutures covers for nipple grafts. They'll tell you how to do nipple and scar care. This varies from surgeon to surgeon, but I'll tell you about mine.
I had nipple grafts, so for week 1, I had little gauze squares on top of my nipples and sutures into my skin to protect them. At my post op those were removed and my nipples were covered in Vaseline and telfa paper. (It's basically a medical gauze covered in a plastic that easily sticks to moisturizing gels)
As for my actual top surgery scars, instead of having open sutures, I have my stitches, along side these sticky "brackets" they are plastic and run along my front and sides, except for directly under my nipples because of proximity. The plastic little brackets act as a tension that essentially pulls my skin together and keeps the stitches from stretching and forming wide scars. They fall off on their own once the skin has healed to the point that the tension isn't sufficient for them to keep sticking to my skin (they legit look like little plastic bridges and they are very satisfying swimming tools if you like running your fingers along the bumps they make under your binder) they also move over time, my two center ones have formed a triangle lol.
These brackets prevent me from having to do regimented scar care that some other folks have to post op, so I'd ask about them in your consultations :) you still have daily nipple moisturizing, and draining if you still have drains, but that takes a load off of the laundry list of shit you have to keep track of every day.
You will be in pain. First it will be itching. The most annoying, persistent itching you have ever felt in your life, and you have to be incredibly care where it's coming from. This itching is actually normal. Itching is the lowest registry of pain your body has, and as you heal and your nerves regenerate, you will feel a variety of very weird things, but most definitely it will involve pain and itching.
Next will be what I'm gonna term "zingers" these are like spikes of tingly pain that you get in your chest, probably in your nipples the most. They don't really hurt, so much as just feel particularly strange and they are annoying too. Not everyone will experience this, and not necessarily both nipples or at this stage, it's highly dependent on how you heal and if you regain feeling in your nipples at all.
I was expecting myself to never regain feeling in my nipples again because of the type of surgery I had (double incision) so it took me by pleasant (and also awful) surprise.
Other weird sensations as your nerves begin regenerating are "hot/cold" and "inexplicable tightness" and of course, "let's ache".
ā€¢hot/cold is basically if you took IcyHot or Vicks Vapor Rub or any kind of menthol topical ointment and rubbed it all over your chest. It doesn't hurt, but it is very interesting. It only lasted about 2 days for me, but it was notable.
ā€¢inexplicable tightness is exactly as it says. It *feels* like your skin is being pinched, this also doesn't exactly *hurt* but it's not a particularly pleasant feeling. It's just your nerves waking up and going "Oh hey, I'm closer than I was to my neighbor than the last time I checked" it's more noticeable when standing and you feel compelled to hunch over a bit because it's sort of tricking you into thinking your skin will somehow rip open if you don't. At least, it does that for me lol.
ā€¢ let's ache is also exactly what it's called. It's specifically (for me, mind you) a persistent and constant ache directly along my stitches, specifically the part that wasn't given brackets because of how close it is to my nipples. This is probably the only part of me that hurts not *just* because of nerve regeneration, but also because of increased movement and higher tension because j can't put brackets there. However, I do put scar tape there, which helps, if possibly only through placebo.
By far though, the most distracting pain will be from your drains, if you still have them in.
Medication does weird stuff to your sleep pattern and dreamsā€” additional notes.
So, because I've only just ended my Week Two of post Top Surgery, I'm gonna talk about the weird shit that the medication does and it's major affects.
So, my prescription is 2 antibiotics, 2 pain pills, 1 anxiety med, 1 antinausea. I also have over the counter pain medication, but it's functionally useless right now.
My personal routine is wake up, take antibiotics, and take at least 1 of the prescribed pain meds. My oxy lasts 6 hrs, the gabas last 12. Both will make you sleepy and dizzy, and also give you weird fucking dreams and royally fuck up your sleep schedule.
So, if you've not noticed, you'll be sleeping a lot. You're in the process of healing, and your body literally won't let you stay awake for much longer than 3 or 4 hours in that first week. Later on, it gets much easier, and if your me and don't *want* to be unconscious 90% of the time, it becomes a toss up between "Do I want to take ineffective Tylenols and be awake but in pain the whole time? Or do I want to take effective prescribed pain meds and have to lie down for a nap in roughly an hour because I'm too loopy/mentally foggy to carry on a conversation?"
The prescription wins most every time lol. Soon, as a result, I sleep a vast majority of the time. I can technically stay up in spite of the medication, but it is *very* hard, and even harder if you're trying to be active. Gabapentin is longer lasting and stronger than my oxycodone, and it makes your head feel like it's full of cotton balls. It works fantastic for pain relief, but at the cost of precision motor function and focus.
It gets harder to walk and carry on a conversation because it's a sedative and you're actively fighting your body saying "go the fuck to sleep"
Other weird side effects from the drugs and the healing have are psychological and emotional!!
It's commonly said that post top surgery you can have depression, and I would say yesā€” but also no.
It's more of being at the mercy of wildly fluctuating emotions and how they manifest. Typically in the form of crying, I've noticed. But not necessarily depression as I'm familiar with it.
Now, this can be for more reasons than *just* medication, and it has no bearing, in my opinion on how one might truly feel about their operation. Some factors include whether or not you take testosterone.
Low testosterone is known to be a cause of depression in cis men, and it works exactly the same for trans men and people who take testosterone. Previous to your surgery, you'll be required to stop taking a lot of your medications, including T if you're on it. This massive dip in T can *definitely* contribute to feeling depressed post op, but for a lot of guys familiar with T, this is a kind of depression you can largely tell is artificialā€” because it goes away the next time you take your dose XD
Other things that affect your mood is of course, your own hormones. The human body runs on hormones, and our body having gone through invasive surgery like top surgery will of course put your body in overdrive to repair broken connections, and to do that, it releases hormones. Which, in addition to reaction chemically inside you for healing purposes, also are the things that literally control your emotions.
This, in combination with the medication you've been prescribed, and the medication you've had to delay taking, can have a major impact on your mood and mental health. It doesn't necessarily mean you regret getting top surgery (you would know if you did)
But it can manifest in fluctuating mood, how you respond to emotional or psychological stimuli, dreams, nightmares, and how subconscious fears may manifest in them and the occasional intrusive thought. Also you will probably cry. And probably a lot. Over stupid shit too.
Things I've cried over in the past 2 weeks.
Typing "things I've cried over in the past 2 weeks"
A 5 second clip of futurama
A 15 minute excerpt from a 3 hr video essay of a gay furry dating Sim I have literally never heard of or played.
Talking about crying or what I've cried about so far, even when no emotions are attached.
Thanking a person for talking to me.
A good hug
The fact I can't watch Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius.
A video essay about Wizards of Waverly Place.
A donut
That my brother helped me get cheerios down from the pantry because I can't reach that high right now.
My sister getting me curry
Curry in general (tearing up typing it right now)
Getting top surgery
As you can see, a lot of those are just weird shit to sob over for a solid 5-45 minutes.
I've also had a bunch of super weird dreams, and the biggest cause of that (aside from drugs and healing) is sleeping position and pre-existing conditions.
I have sleep paralysis, it's a chronic condition triggered by sleeping on my back, and unfortunately, when healing from top surgery, you have no choice but to sleep on your back for at least two weeks :D
So that's a thing to be wary of, if you deal with that.
Okay, that's all I got in terms of stuff that I haven't ever seen people talk about or even mention in regards to top surgery. So yeah.
Oh also, I have 2 (lightly used) GC2B tank binders to give away. One is trans pride colors, the other is a olive green. Size XL (ideal for folks with at least 38 C cup size) so if anyone is interested dm me :)
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satans-knitwear Ā· 1 year
what if i told you.... me and the bestie are making plans for two weeks time....to get our nipples pierced together šŸ«£šŸ˜³šŸ„ŗ
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cleaverqueer Ā· 1 year
on Friday my new worker lady is coming over and we're going to make some phone calls to take the first steps towards my hysterectomy and I'm so so so happy and gender euphoric just at the thought šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
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ace-bard Ā· 2 years
Why I work out:
Become twunk
Become twunk
Become twunk
Punch transphobes and make it hurt
Become twunk
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kaths-art Ā· 2 years
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Headshots cause thatā€™s all I can do right now lol
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sister-lucifer Ā· 1 year
Hiya, hope you're having a pog day <3
I wanted to make a request if possible (also if you're comfortable with it, if not, feel free to ignore this ask!! no worries)
nsfw headcanons for Hoodie and Masky with a trans masc s/o (with top surgery scars)
Masky + Hoodie w/ a trans masc partner who has top surgery scarsĀ 
Masky + Hoodie x Reader (separately)Ā 
Genre: Fluff + NSFW, headcanonsĀ 
Content/warnings: Thereā€™s a lot of talk of readerā€™s body but itā€™s all positive, Tim is insecure about his scars, chest + tummy kisses, tooth rotting fluff AND some soft romantic NSFWĀ šŸ˜ŒĀ 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! itā€™s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me outĀ 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
A/N: Sorry if you wanted likeā€¦hardcore nasty NSFW, this is really sweetĀ šŸ˜”Ā 
Tim Wright/MaskyĀ 
Although I donā€™t personally headcanon Tim as trans (though i definitely enjoy trans tim contentĀ šŸ‘ŒšŸ˜‹), he certainly has his fair share of scarsĀ 
Theyā€™re mostly on his arms and hands
Some are from fights, others are from miscellaneous accidents, some have been there as long as he can remember and heā€™s not even sure where they came from
But theres one thing he knows for sure:
He HATES when people point them outĀ 
He canā€™t really explain it, he just hates having attention drawn to themĀ 
You may not feel the same way, but even if you say you donā€™t mind heā€™ll be careful not to point them outĀ 
Thatā€™s not to say you wonā€™t catch him staring when he thinks youā€™re not looking, thoughĀ 
The scars just look soā€¦natural, on youĀ 
Like theyā€™ve always been thereĀ 
He forgets that theyā€™re scars, reallyĀ 
Heā€™s not sure why he feels so different about scars on you than he does on himĀ 
The longer heā€™s with you the less he notices your scars anymoreĀ 
And the less he notices his own tooĀ 
Over time he becomes less insecure about them as he watches you not only live with but accept and maybe even embrace your scarsĀ 
And thereā€™s something he loves about being able to run his hand down your bare chest, the marks on his hand matching with your scarsĀ 
Especially when he finds you in bed with him, climbing on top of him and straddling his lapĀ 
He cant stop himself from reaching out and pulling your shirt off, his large hands splaying out over your torso as he admires you,Ā feeling your heartbeat thump behind your ribsĀ 
If your position allows him to see your chest, donā€™t be surprised if he canā€™t pull his eyes awayĀ 
Heā€™s not very talkative during sex, but heā€™s always sure to remind you how handsome you areĀ 
He knows sex can sometimes trigger dysphoria, and he doesnā€™t want you to forget that youā€™re his sweet boy, forever and always
You can thank him for the praise by taking one of his scarred hands and pressing a soft kiss to it, a silent reassurance that his feelings about you are not unrequitedĀ 
Brian Thomas/HoodieĀ 
Brian, on the other hand, is very vocal about how attractive he finds your scarsĀ 
Although heā€™s got a few of his own, theyā€™re generally not very noticeableĀ 
And even if someone did point them out, heā€™d simply laugh them offĀ 
So he feels comfortable telling you how much he loves your scarsĀ 
Theyā€™re a reminder of how strong you are, he saysĀ 
Itā€™s not easy embracing your true trans self in this world, and you should wear your scars with prideĀ 
Heā€™s got an artistic streak, so donā€™t be surprised if he asks to draw on themĀ 
He may even suggest getting a cool tattoo to emphasize them!Ā 
Like barbed wire or a flower chain or somethingĀ 
But if you donā€™t want that, heā€™s perfectly content simply being allowed to run his fingers over your scarsĀ 
Heā€™ll often absentmindedly begin tracing them whenever youā€™re laying together, sometimes not even realizing heā€™s doing itĀ 
He loves to kiss your chest tooĀ 
Heā€™s a romantic type, what can I sayĀ šŸ¤·Ā 
He just loves to give your scars all the gentle attention they deserve, he canā€™t help itĀ 
Donā€™t be surprised if his hands find your scars as if they have a mind of their own, always wandering to your chest whenever youā€™re standing at the counter or sitting on the couch with himĀ 
And donā€™t be surprised if those wandering hands lead to more than just gentle touchesĀ 
If you allow him his way during sex, heā€™ll always insist on having you on your backĀ 
Heā€™ll pay extra attention to your chest, and i donā€™t just mean your scars (although they certainly arenā€™t ignored)Ā 
Heā€™s much more vocal than Tim, a constant stream of praises and reassurances spilling from his mouth and he drones on and on about how handsome you are and how lucky he is to have such a beautiful boy like you to take care ofĀ 
Youā€™re an absolute beauty to him, and heā€™s going to make sure he tells you every chance he getsĀ Ā 
Brian Thomas: The Dysphoria Miracle CureĀ 
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joker-junior Ā· 2 months
Name: JJ (JoKer JUNior) Age: 19 Powers: heLLa smarT (I made MY OWN elEctrIC gunS and AnTi-graVity shoes!) Bio: MoM and Dad Found ME and turnEd me Into thEir pErfeCT kid. I Help them WIth heiSts and stuFF but I like HangiNg out at LibRarIEs in my freE Time! I wanNA make FriendS.
OOC: Tim was captured around 13 years old as Robin by the Joker and electrocuted/tortured for information on Batman's identity and his own. Tim refused to give up the information. Joker kept Tim hidden underground for months before he broke and JJ appeared. Joker still didn't get the info he wanted, thankfully. Technically the way I'll be RPing JJ is that he's an alter who took front to protect Tim from the torture, so he doesn't remember who he used to be, or the identities of his former fellow heroes. He knows that Tim is there in his mind as well (though not by name), but if Tim is asked about or if he's assumed to be Tim, JJ will probably panic and say something along the lines of 'Secret is sleeping'. A few years have passed since that point and he's in his late teens now, and he tends to prefer ambling around Gotham just having some mild chaotic fun over helping Joker with his schemes. He adores Harley, and is scared but respectful of Joker. JJ is really looking to make some friends- I hope you all like him! Additional note: they are transmasc and have gotten top surgery šŸ‘Œ
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nananarc Ā· 1 year
So i just went through the ordeal of putting on my first binder ever and i cried, but not in a good body euphoria way, it's the opposite šŸ‘Œ
It kinda hurts. It's hot and it's uncomfortable, especially because I'm extra sweaty and sensitive.
The binding effect is only 20% better than my usual sports bra, but it's so much more uncomfortable. I slightly prefer how I look with it but idk if it's worth it.
Honestly I have wanted a binder as soon as my chest started developing, and I have imagined all scenarios with it, expected the worst and the best. But, when it turns out kinda bad, it still hits me pretty hard haha šŸ‘Œ
I'll still try out other binders though, but honestly I don't expect much, since I there aren't a lot of options here, and also my usual choice of clothing doesn't go with a binder.
Guess I'll just have to keep looking forward to a very far, almost impossible future where top surgery is an available option.
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oleanderblume Ā· 2 years
No booby
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1amchrliee Ā· 6 months
this close to performing DIY top surgery šŸ‘Œ
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whumping-valentine Ā· 2 months
@augusnippets Day 3: Thunderstorm ā›ˆ
Content: Reference to abusive relationship, murder (slit throat), broken bones, storm at sea, pirate whump šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø
Characters used: Estelle (vampire) āš“
I really like this one šŸŒŠ
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Estelle couldnā€™t be here anymore, not after what had happened. She cradled her mangled, broken hand in the other, the pain not yet hitting from the shock. She sat on the floorboards of the ship overnight, unmoving as she braced the cold, a plan forming in her head.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā The drunk bastard who broke her hand had finally blacked out with the half-empty bottle still clutched in his own. Estelle had waited many agonizing hours for it to happen, and the adrenaline wearing off. Pain shot throughout her whole right arm, absolutely agonizing. Though this was her shot to leave, she finally did what she should've done ages ago.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā She breathed heavily, heaving through her mouth as she braced the pain and anxiety of what she was about to do. She was out at sea, only him, her, and the ocean for miles around. A dark sky loomed overhead, thunder going off for at least an hour now as day approached, though one couldn't tell through the thick storm clouds. She clutched a knife from the kitchen in her shaking left hand.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā She painstakingly used her left hand and right arm to haul the body up over the side of the ship, letting his dead weight fall into the sea. She stared overboard down at the waves beneath as the rain drops slowly began to fall. It was over.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā She pushed the knob to his sleeping quarters down with her elbow, the room illuminated by a single nautical lantern. She approached the sleeping, snoring man, laying on his back. The alcohol he held was now poured onto the floor as it slipped from his hands. Estelle nervously brought the knife to his throat, closing her eyes and wincing as she forced herself slice it.
She immediately dropped the knife to the creaking floor with a clank. Her eyes were still squeezed shut, her heart racing, nearly hyperventilating. She finally opened her eyes and stared at the blood that poured from his throat, in shock over her own actions. Once she overcame it, she dragged the lifeless body by the collar of his shirt, slowly and hard as she pulled with one arm.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā She caught her breath as her hair blew in the wind, the scarce raindrops falling down upon her. It slowly got more and more heavy until, before she knew it, it was a complete downpour. The ship was rocked upward, forcing her to stumble away from the edge.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā The ship's wheel spinned out of control as the waves rocked the boat to the side. Estelle tripped over her feet, landing roughly on her broken hand. It was the worst pain she had ever felt, making a sound that was purely animalistic. She lay petrified from the pain, silent tears leaking down her face. As the ship continued to rock, she forced herself to work against her suffering. She did not just kill a man only to give up.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Gritting her teeth she pushed herself to her feet, stumbling against the fast movements of the ship. She quickly balanced her way to the wheel, falling towards it. She gripped it tightly with her left hand, her right arm thrown over top of it. She took as much control of the ship as she could, bracing the storm to safety.
When the seas finally calmed, she could land up ahead.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā She docked the ship, stuffed some coins into her pocket, and quickly ran into the dark, grey city, praying the local hospital would be niceā€¦
For the record, the hospital was not nice. She was a wet, dirty vampire pirate and the doctors didn't want to deal with the surgeries it would take to repair her hand. They told her it needed to be amputated (when it didn't) so they just had to do one surgery and send her away. It's okay though because now she has a sweet hook hand!
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I also wrote this while sitting out in a thunderstorm so the vibes were šŸ‘Œ
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creaturefeaster Ā· 7 months
corbin free top surgery but he gets to play Operation with you a little bit
yeah he'll slice them for you out no problem. šŸ‘Œ dont worry about whatever else he's taking out though okayšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ
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userkatekane Ā· 4 days
so for work we have this app for our wages where you can get paid a small sum of your monthly pay a little earlier and there's an option to put some in a pot for savings and ive decided to use mine to save up for some kinda top surgery ( havent decided how far i wanna go yet ) and the actual relief in that decision is šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ
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toyourliking Ā· 25 days
yā€™know. after i had top surgery i was a little sad purely because i wouldnā€™t get to experience that incredible feeling of relief when taking a bra off again
but damn. T made my feet wider so now when i take off my shoes and sockiesā€¦ šŸ˜©šŸ‘Œ
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mygamingknight Ā· 1 year
Update on top surgery!
It went great!! I've been home for about 2 days and I've been doing good!
I have drain tubes in that are gonna stay there for about a weekish
I've also got a compression binder to keep everything in place šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ
I've got some good pain meds for it all as well lol
Every so often I just kinda rub the bandages and go "hehehe am flat owo"
Also I can't wait to crack my back properly lmfao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
Shout out to albany med plastic surgery department and their recovery teams šŸ‘ŒšŸ’œšŸ’œ they were very nice and made sure I was as comfy as I could be
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faffreux Ā· 2 years
Hey!! I just wanted to know Jolligigs pronouns ! I know he/him but i thought i saw him referred to as they at some point too, is it They/He or just He?
Also Fawful actually being able to perform whole surgeries in this au (top surgery for jolli ex) is so interesting, it makes perfect sense and thats honestly quite terrifying knowing what he can do with that knowledge and i am HERE for it
He/They!! You can use either for him, he's a nonbinary dude! I just tend to go for 'he' more often but either works!!
ALSO OKAY SO LIKE - Fawful is referred to as a mad scientist and that can mean SO MANY THINGS in addition to the fact that we see he's already made horrifying physical alterations to some of the Fawfulized minions in Bowser's Inside Story so there's this implication that he can work both with robotic AND organic beings so I was partly rolling with that!! It just made sense to me!
I'M GLAD YOU LIKE THE IDEA BC I'M HONESTLY SUPER FOND OF IT and the fact that I think it offers a nice balance of wholesome and unsettling šŸ‘Œ(even if my brain is primarily focused on how gd romantic it is that Fawful did that for Jolli, hehe)
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