#toronto business
genesissupplies · 1 year
Why do we have the urge to clean everything?
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In our chaotic and unpredictable world, one thing seems to unite us all: the urge to clean. Whether it's tidying up our physical surroundings or organizing our digital files, the desire to maintain order and cleanliness is deeply ingrained in our psyche. But why exactly do we feel this compulsion to clean everything?
The psychology behind the urge to clean
One of the primary psychological reasons behind our urge to clean is the sense of control it gives us. In a world filled with uncertainties, cleaning allows us to take charge of our immediate environment and create a sense of order. When we clean, we are able to see tangible results, which provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. This feeling of control can be particularly comforting during times of stress or chaos, as it gives us a small measure of predictability and stability.
Additionally, cleaning can also have a positive impact on our mental well-being. Research has shown that a cluttered and disorganized environment can contribute to increased levels of stress and anxiety. On the other hand, a clean and organized space can promote feelings of calmness and relaxation. By tidying up our surroundings, we are able to create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere that supports our mental health.
Another psychological aspect of the urge to clean is the desire for cleanliness to reflect our internal state. Many people believe that a clean and orderly environment is a reflection of a disciplined and well-organized mind. By keeping our physical spaces clean, we hope to project an image of competence and control to ourselves and others. This desire for external orderliness to mirror our internal state drives us to constantly clean and maintain our surroundings.
Evolutionary reasons for cleanliness
From an evolutionary perspective, the urge to clean can be traced back to our ancestors' need to ensure their survival. In early human history, cleanliness played a crucial role in preventing the spread of diseases and infections. Those who were more diligent in maintaining cleanliness were more likely to survive and pass on their genes. As a result, the compulsion for cleanliness became ingrained in our DNA over time.
Furthermore, the act of cleaning can also be seen as a form of self-preservation. By eliminating dirt, germs, and potential threats from our environment, we are reducing the risk of illness and harm to ourselves and our loved ones. This instinctive drive to protect ourselves and our kin from harm is another reason why we feel the need to clean everything around us.
Additionally, cleanliness can also be associated with attractiveness and reproductive success. In many animal species, including humans, cleanliness is seen as a desirable trait and can signal good health and fitness. By maintaining cleanliness, we are subconsciously signaling our reproductive potential to potential mates, making us more attractive in the eyes of others.
The impact of cleanliness on mental health
The cleanliness of our physical surroundings can have a significant impact on our mental health. Studies have shown that a clean and organized environment can improve focus, productivity, and overall mental well-being. When our physical space is clutter-free, our minds can also feel decluttered, allowing for clearer thinking and enhanced creativity.
Moreover, the act of cleaning itself can be therapeutic and stress-relieving. Engaging in physical activity, such as scrubbing or organizing, releases endorphins in our brain, which are known as "feel-good" chemicals. These endorphins can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, leading to an improved mood and a sense of well-being.
Additionally, a clean environment can promote better sleep quality. Research has shown that individuals who sleep in clean and organized bedrooms tend to experience more restful sleep compared to those in cluttered spaces. A cleaner sleeping environment can create a calm and peaceful atmosphere that is conducive to relaxation and rejuvenation.
The science of cleaning and organization
Cleaning and organization have a basis in science, particularly in the field of neurobiology. When we engage in cleaning activities, our brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with reward and motivation. This dopamine release reinforces the behavior of cleaning, making it more likely for us to continue tidying up our surroundings.
Moreover, the act of organizing has been found to have cognitive benefits. When we arrange and categorize items, our brain is able to process information more efficiently. This mental organization can result in improved memory, increased productivity, and enhanced problem-solving skills.
Furthermore, the concept of "visual noise" plays a role in our urge to clean and organize. Visual noise refers to the presence of distracting and unnecessary stimuli in our environment that can overload our senses and impair our cognitive functioning. By eliminating visual noise through cleaning and organization, we can create a more visually appealing and mentally stimulating space.
Cultural influences on cleanliness
Our urge to clean and maintain cleanliness is also shaped by cultural influences and societal norms. Different cultures have varying standards of cleanliness, with some placing a greater emphasis on tidiness and hygiene than others. These cultural differences can be attributed to a variety of factors, including climate, religion, and historical traditions.
For example, in some Asian cultures, cleanliness is deeply ingrained in daily life and is considered a virtue. Maintaining a clean and orderly home is seen as a reflection of one's character and respect for others. On the other hand, some cultures may prioritize cleanliness in specific areas, such as personal hygiene, while being more relaxed about the cleanliness of their physical surroundings.
Additionally, societal norms and the media play a role in shaping our cleaning habits. Advertisements and social media often portray clean and organized spaces as aspirational and desirable. This constant exposure to images of pristine homes and immaculate environments can influence our perception of cleanliness and fuel our urge to clean.
How cleaning can reduce stress and anxiety
Cleaning can act as a form of stress relief and provide a sense of control during times of anxiety. Engaging in physical activity, such as cleaning, releases endorphins in our brain, which are natural mood boosters. By focusing our attention on cleaning tasks, we can temporarily shift our focus away from stressors and experience a sense of calm and accomplishment.
Additionally, the act of cleaning can be meditative and mindful. When we clean, we are often fully present in the moment, paying attention to the task at hand. This mindfulness can help reduce anxiety and promote a state of relaxation and mental clarity.
Furthermore, a clean and organized environment can reduce stress by eliminating potential triggers for anxiety. Clutter and disorganization can create a sense of overwhelm and make it difficult to find and focus on what truly matters. By tidying up and creating order, we can create a more peaceful and stress-free environment.
The connection between cleanliness and productivity
A clean and organized workspace has been found to have a positive impact on productivity. When our physical environment is free from distractions and clutter, we can better focus on the task at hand and maintain a higher level of concentration. This increased focus and reduced mental clutter can lead to improved efficiency and productivity.
Moreover, an organized workspace can save time and energy. When everything has a designated place and is easily accessible, we can avoid wasting precious time searching for misplaced items. This time-saving aspect of cleanliness allows us to allocate more energy towards important tasks and goals.
Additionally, a clean and clutter-free environment can enhance our cognitive abilities. Research has shown that individuals in clean and organized spaces perform better on cognitive tasks, such as problem-solving and information processing. This cognitive advantage can lead to better decision-making and improved overall performance.
The role of cleanliness in maintaining physical health
Cleanliness is closely linked to physical health and hygiene. Regular cleaning and sanitizing of our surroundings, especially high-touch surfaces, can help prevent the spread of germs and reduce the risk of infections. This is particularly important in healthcare settings, where cleanliness plays a critical role in patient safety and disease control.
Personal hygiene, such as regular handwashing, is another aspect of cleanliness that is essential for maintaining physical health. Good personal hygiene practices can help prevent the transmission of diseases and protect both ourselves and those around us.
Furthermore, a clean and well-maintained living environment can contribute to better indoor air quality. Regular dusting, vacuuming, and proper ventilation can reduce the presence of allergens and pollutants, improving respiratory health and reducing the risk of respiratory illnesses.
Overcoming the urge to clean excessively
While cleanliness is important for our well-being, it is also crucial to maintain a healthy balance. Some individuals may find themselves obsessively cleaning and organizing, to the point where it interferes with their daily lives and relationships. Overcoming the urge to clean excessively requires self-awareness and a focus on self-care.
Setting boundaries and realistic expectations is key to overcoming excessive cleaning habits. It is important to recognize that perfection is unattainable and that a certain level of mess and imperfection is normal and acceptable. By reevaluating our standards of cleanliness and giving ourselves permission to let go of excessive cleaning, we can find a healthier and more balanced approach.
Seeking support from loved ones or professional help, such as therapy or counseling, can also be beneficial for individuals struggling with excessive cleaning tendencies. Addressing underlying emotional or psychological factors can help uncover the root causes of the compulsion to clean and develop healthier coping mechanisms.
Embracing a balanced approach to cleanliness
To sum up, the urge to clean everything is a complex interplay of psychological, evolutionary, and cultural factors. From the sense of control and satisfaction it provides to the impact on mental health and productivity, cleanliness plays a significant role in our lives. However, it is important to strike a balance and avoid excessive cleaning that can negatively impact our well-being. By understanding the reasons behind our urge to clean and embracing a healthy approach to cleanliness, we can create a harmonious and balanced living environment. So, the next time you feel the need to scrub, organize, and sanitize, remember to do so in moderation and with self-care in mind.
If you're in need of high-quality cleaning supplies that are not only eco-friendly but also biodegradable,  visit Genesis Supplies Inc, a supplier of high quality residential  and commercial cleaning products in Toronto
We are a renowned distributor in North America, known for our partnerships with various companies that specialize in environmentally conscious cleaning products. Our range of top-notch eco-friendly cleaning supplies is the ideal solution for individuals and businesses who prioritize sustainability. With our commitment to promoting a cleaner and greener planet, you can trust that our products will meet your needs while also reducing your environmental impact. Whether you're located in the United States or Canada, we have you covered with our extensive network and reliable distribution channels. Choose Genesis Supplies for all your eco-friendly cleaning supply needs and join us in making a positive difference for our planet.
Source: https://www.genesissuppliesinc.ca/blog/1900-why-do-we-have-the-urge-to-clean-everything.html
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liones-s · 8 months
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3416 · 8 months
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handsomelyerin · 16 days
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Pigeon logo - creative process ♡
Need a logo for your business? PM us!
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yasmeensh · 4 months
Zoo sketching
I went to the zoo yesterday. Can't go without a sketchbook :)
I think the one I brought was too small though... anyways, still served its' purpose. I decided to pack lightly and draw with a pen only (added pencil shadows during down-time). Since it's been a while from the last time I drew seriously, this has pumped me up to keep drawing more.
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This bear was napping, woke up and walked in front of us, pooped, and went to it's private room where the zookeeper was waiting. It was spectacular.
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*dierks bentley voice* i’m getting drunk on a train.
Heavy pours of white wine, here i come 😬😬😬
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empyrean11 · 3 months
the goofiest roomie
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aspec-illustration · 2 months
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Space and Blood join our line up of original prints alongside Light and Dark!
We'll be debuting the two new prints at Pretty Heroes convention in Toronto, and we'll have them at Toronto and Edmonton Fanexpos as well! We hope to see you there!
I'm really very happy to have original designs at our table, and hope we can continue to expand the series.
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genesissupplies · 1 year
Why are garbage bags black in colour?
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Have you ever wondered why garbage bags are almost always black in colour? It turns out there's more to it than just aesthetics. In fact, there are several practical reasons behind this choice.
History of garbage bags
Garbage bags have been around for decades but didn't always come in black. In the early days, garbage bags were often made of thin, flimsy materials that were prone to tearing and leaking. They were also typically transparent or white, meaning the unsightly contents were fully displayed. As a result, the need for a more durable and discreet solution arose.
The science behind black garbage bags
The colour black has several advantages when it comes to garbage bags. Firstly, black is a dark colour that effectively conceals the bag's contents. Nobody wants to see the piles of trash sitting around, so the black colour hides the mess and maintains a cleaner appearance. This is especially important in public spaces like parks or city streets, where the sight of overflowing garbage can be unsightly and unhygienic.
Secondly, black garbage bags are typically made of thicker and more durable materials. The extra strength helps prevent tears and leaks, ensuring your trash stays contained. This is particularly important when dealing with sharp objects or heavy items that can easily puncture or damage a bag. The last thing you want is a bag breaking open and leaving a trail of garbage behind you.
Thirdly, black bags are more resistant to UV light. Exposure to sunlight can break down the plastic, causing it to become brittle and prone to tearing. By choosing black bags, you can prolong their lifespan and reduce the chances of accidents or spills. This is especially important if you live in a sunny area or if your garbage bags are exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods of time.
Advantages of using black garbage bags
There are several advantages to using black garbage bags beyond their concealment and durability. One of the main benefits is that black bags are often made from recycled materials. This means that by using black bags, you are helping to reduce waste and promote sustainability. Additionally, black bags are usually larger in size, allowing you to fit more trash in each bag and reducing the number of bags used overall.
Black garbage bags are also more versatile and can be used for various purposes beyond trash disposal. They are often used for storage, moving, or even as makeshift rain covers. Their durability and strength make them a reliable choice for any task that requires a sturdy bag.
Environmental impact of black garbage bags
While black garbage bags have advantages, it's important to consider their environmental impact. Most black garbage bags are made from non-biodegradable plastic, meaning they can take hundreds of years to decompose in landfills. This contributes to the growing plastic pollution problem and threatens wildlife and ecosystems.
However, there are eco-friendly alternatives available. Some companies now produce biodegradable black garbage bags made from recycled materials. These options help reduce the environmental impact of using garbage bags while providing the same functionality and convenience.
Alternatives to black garbage bags
If you're looking for alternatives to black garbage bags, there are a few options to consider. One popular choice is clear or transparent bags. These bags offer the same durability and strength as black bags but allow you to see the contents inside. This can be useful for recycling or sorting purposes and ensuring you're disposing of the correct items.
Another alternative is coloured garbage bags. While black is the most common colour, garbage bags are also available in various other colours. This can help differentiate between types of waste or for organizing trash in a multi-bin system. For example, you can use coloured bags for recyclables, organic waste, or general trash.
Different types of garbage bags and their colours
Garbage bags come in various types and colours to suit different needs. In addition to black bags, you can find white, green, blue, and even pink bags. Each colour may have a specific purpose or be used in different settings. For example, white bags are often used in healthcare or laboratory settings to detect contamination or spills easily.
The colour of the bag can also indicate the material it is made from. For instance, green bags are often associated with compostable or biodegradable materials, while blue bags may be used for recycling. It's important to check the labelling or packaging to ensure you use the correct bag type for your intended use.
Common misconceptions about black garbage bags
A few common misconceptions about black garbage bags are worth addressing. One misconception is that black bags are more expensive than other colours. While this may be true in some cases, it's important to consider the quality and durability of the bag. Investing in a higher quality bag can save you money in the long run by preventing leaks and tears.
Another misconception is that black bags are more likely to attract pests or insects. While it's true that certain pests may be attracted to garbage, the colour of the bag is unlikely to be the main factor. Proper waste disposal and hygiene practices are much more effective in preventing pests than the colour of the bag.
Tips for choosing the right garbage bags
When choosing garbage bags, there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, determine the bag size you need based on the amount of trash you typically generate. It's better to choose a slightly larger bag than you think you'll need to avoid overfilling and potential spills.
Next, consider the strength and durability of the bag. Look for bags that are made from thicker materials and have reinforced seams. This will help to prevent leaks and tears, especially when dealing with heavier or sharp objects.
Lastly, consider the environmental impact of the bag. Look for bags that are labelled as biodegradable or made from recycled materials. These options help to reduce waste and minimize the environmental impact of using garbage bags.
Recycling and disposing of black garbage bags
When recycling or disposing of black garbage bags, it's important to check local regulations and guidelines. In some areas, black bags can be recycled along with other plastics, while in others they may need to be disposed of in the regular trash. It's also worth noting that recycling facilities may have specific requirements for bag preparation, such as emptying and rinsing the bag before recycling.
If recycling is not an option, it's important to dispose of the bags properly to minimize their environmental impact. This means ensuring that they are securely tied and placed in the appropriate waste receptacles. Avoid littering or leaving bags out in the open, where they can be blown away by the wind or attract wildlife.
In conclusion, choosing black as the colour for garbage bags is not simply about aesthetics. Black bags offer practical advantages such as concealing the contents, durability, and resistance to UV light. However, it's important to consider the environmental impact of using non-biodegradable plastic bags and explore eco-friendly and biodegradable alternatives. Making informed choices and properly disposing of garbage bags can minimize waste and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable environment. So, next time you take out the trash, remember the practical reasons behind the black garbage bag – it's not just about appearances but also functionality.
Does Genesis Supplies provide both Black Trash Bags and environmentally friendly, biodegradable options?
Absolutely! In addition, they have collaborated with multiple companies that specialize in eco-friendly commercial cleaning products throughout Canada and the United States. No matter what your cleaning needs are - from top to bottom - Genesis Supplies has got you covered.
Feel free to visit Genesis Supplies Inc any time to replenish your stock of high-quality, sufficient, environmentally friendly, biodegradable supplies for restaurants, hotels, and offices. Our wide range of inventory is guaranteed to leave you completely satisfied!
Source: https://www.genesissuppliesinc.ca/blog/1898-why-are-garbage-bags-black-in-colour.html
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domifucker · 7 months
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7th-inningstretch · 6 months
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fought for my life to take a screenshot of a 1 second clip of bo looking vaguely afraid on the blue jays instagram. anything for the bo girls 🫡
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3416 · 8 months
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garblegarden · 18 days
Is anyone in Toronto this weekend? I'm going to be selling my wares at Lulu Art Market, come visit me if you get the chance!
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🗓️ I'll be there Sept 7th! 💒 Cecil Community Center (58 Cecil street, Toronto, ON) 🚪 Entry is free!
More info and more vendors are available on their insta.
I'll be bringing the majority of my merch, plus some cool new exclusive stuff I haven't dropped yet!
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Creative unicorn logo 🦄
PM us if you need a premium logo! 💌
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mitchmarner · 2 years
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Maple Leafs Tims Run
→ Michael Bunting, world’s biggest timbit fan
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